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/srg/ - Speedrunning & Medievil General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 750
Thread images: 90

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Dang... Glenn one ice cold nigga Edition

>Upcoming Marathons

It's finally dead
srg will never die
what compelled you to make this thread
Our wife's son werster is live right now pretending to speedrun on an emulator
stop posting and move on from this thread, its pathetic
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what did shim mean by this?
just letting her loyal donators know that that patreon money is going to a great cause
Wew lads
stfu fucktard
who is we
who is we?
>wake up
>srg dead for more than 12 hours

just let it go
>drumpf thread deleted
>old stale memedievil prevails

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Holy shit.lmao this shithole still exists, just why?
as long as I exist serg will
I think you mean werster's wife's son's stepdad
hey nice memes buddy keep it up man you're gonna make it big one day :)
How are the runs going? I've already choked at least two PB paces today.
I'm real close to wr now but I don't know if I can stand another run because I'm running a game I hate
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stream or it doesn't count
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What's with the Medievil image?
who else is excited for another thursday night of smoking weed and shitposting on serg
>all of cosmo's patrons are knowingly paying for him to buy extravagant shit like this and basically go 'im a le tranny and u cant stop me 4cham xD'
>cant control his autistic soy fits and has already made it obvious that he only cares about himself
why would somebody support this person? i still cant wrap my head around it.
thanks for the late response!
he gives nudes in the patreon feed
croni is dating some guy named vlad
The God Gamer Stigma
no way >we would have seen that shit by now
is it true that the stigma killed a spyro runner
who is we?
it also killed sig, cosmo and cyfgher
*is injured*
*suddenly shrinks back*
I've been found out!
i thought cyghfer got busted for his pyramid schemes.......
especially trannykeys
brb meditating on my dogecoin gains
>serg wants trannies to die
>serg dies instead

what inspired you to post this?
-28 after best ever one cycle
I PBd twice today
When is the archive going to work again? I'm missing out on all these epic shitposts.
i'll get a daily world record today as long as no one else runs my game
nice! did you get the daily wr?
serg more like sperg
Unfortunately no. I run Super Metroid and finally got sub-one hour though, and I crushed the previous PB. I'm at 57:35, but two other people submitted runs today at 56 and 55 minutes.
get in diddehs stream
>tfw all your beloved speedrunners either sold out, became trannies, or actual cuckolds
>tfw even Spongebob finally getting into AGDQ won't even get you excited for the event

speedrunning really was a mistake. Why did it go so wrong?
shut the fuck up and get out if you have no interest in it

say that to my face!
>de hippie spacing
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>tfw agdq is coming up but it doesnt matter because memes are banned and the only people playing are going to be faggot '''''career''''' streamers
even the oldbois have abandoned gdq, haven't they? it's literally just career streamers and trannies that run games for the event at this point.
hope the doom run is good
diddeh is -44 get in here
even the oldbois have abandoned gdq, haven't they? it's literally just career streamers and trannies that run games for the event at this point.
by the way i have 0 (ZERO) world records, rarely ever speedrun and i've never been relevant!
nice projection
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Whatcha speedrunnin?
Fuck off tranny freak
>diddeh is now over a minute better than 2nd place
yeah but bounceyboy had the first 1:16 so who's laughing?
Yeah 1:16 was never a good time even then
>Cosmo is now a woman

holy fuck am I out of the loop
1 : 1 4
>Ian Edward Arkin is now a woman

holy fuck am I out of the loop
what gender is your doggo
dogs dont have genders, they have sexes lol...
>/srg/ died
>/cbg/ brought to life again
>12 hours later
>/cbg/ died
>/srg/ brought to life again
And here I thought it was a sign of things to come. If something is too good to be true, it probably is.
Skater with the 17:15 OOT any% world record PogChamp
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AndrewG's hand healed
male his name is Starfox
Wish I was as dead as srg rn tbqh family
Polite sage
>oot and sms WRs within like an hour of each other
>srg still dead as usual
rip srg
His name is Yeezy.
>"krystal doesnt like speedrun.com, so neither do i"

why are alttp runners such faggots?
wq is a swell guy and predicted trump's victory, not at all in the same vein as transsstal
>krystal: i dont like speedrun.com because a run that was cheated took some time to discover it was cheated and fuck xelna
>wq: i don't like speedrun.com because... um... well i cant change my password, and krystal doesnt like it and something something cheating

who are you quoting?
none of these people speedrun
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>wq doesn't speedrun
>xelna doesn't speedrun
You don't speedrun either, grav.
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not grav, i just like cartoon frogs as well
are you retarded? wq and xelna not speedrunners?
the grind amoeba
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>mfw /srg/
>mfw cut myself shaving my unibrow
Now now look it at look at it now look at it (stiiiiiiiing)
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a BULLET in the HEAD of EVERY disgusting tranny FREAK
why didn't you sage?
especially trannykeys
word word WORD
the cure for tranny freaks is 22ccs of lead injected directly into the brain
I keep seeing "jiano was right" in the speedrunning communities elsewhere and I was wondering if anyone can enlighten me as to what he was right about?
that it's shit
Speedrunning 'communities' are cancer. Speedrun your games, share strats with your fellow runners, but cliquing up in a discord talking about irrelevant shit is cancer.
happy holidays! here's some drama down the chimney for every one of your dumb fuck communities x)
havent worded anyone today, WORD
would you believe the words of a manlet???
lmfao oh my fucking god
based serg
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the birth of squid.jpg
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imagine going to a gdq for the gdq
you revived serg for THIS? o___O
srg is eternal
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what went wrong?
WR attempts

primitive accumulation of capital happened
based FUCKING ˢᵏᵉᶫᵉᵗᵒᶰᵇᶦᶫᶫ
The God Gamer Stigma
The God Gamer Stigma
The God Gamer Stigma
The God Gamer Stigma
The The God God Gamer Gamer Stigma Stigma
The God Gamer Stigma
What do you call refusal to indulge the urge to participate in the hive mind behavior because you feel it doesn't suit you?
The God Gamer Stigma
The God Gamer Stigma
The Grind Monkey Stigma
The God Gamer Stigma
The God Gamer Stigma
The God Gamer Stigma

/vg/ is pretty quiet at this time of day. You don't actually need to do anything to prevent your dead hobby's dead thread from being bumped for like four more hours.
>de hippie spacing
Why does she make a ahegao face every 5 seconds in the video
why did you delete?
why did you not?
why didn't you sage?
why did you spoiler?
I hope you asked santa for an ssd, so you guys can stop posting shitty anime dreaming about it.
what do you mean by "you guys"?
I asked for a ram disk
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i transitioned last summer and i'm sure a few other srg posters have transitioned as well, so that kind of post should be more inclusive with the girls here
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whys your general so dead srg??
Not enough speedrunners to sustain on-topic discussion.
marxistxmonkey killed it with his cultural marxism, shemale obsession, banshee screeching, and incessant grinding
Fuck off freak
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Wanda is sleeping on stream again. Rev up those report buttons
adamak and that other one who likes anime as much as he does
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Why is cosmo looking for another ban with these sleeping streams

i just wan't Him to get better ;_;
i think it's more depressing that 257 people are watching him sleep. tho maybe everyone thinks he's suiciding?
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why did you post?
when the soylent hit!!!
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She's awake in bed though :^)
^ lol? what are u doing son?
word! we only read the breitbart comments section here.
>(((Nathan Grayson)))
who is we?
I have starbucks and thigh highs
why drink starbucks when you could have coffiest for those speedgains
>tfw EA had to shut down dawngate because it was creating degenerate tranny nutters

they ruin everything i swear to god
hey guys i'm a girl now
*buys red and black striped thigh highs*
why the fuck is this general still up
you've always been a girl
making a thread on /qa/ right now desu
pwease do!
>squid is feeling this exposed
what a sensitive child
as expected of a marxist neet chav grind monkey
The Fear
The Grind
The End of Mankind
not even squid LOL
i cant even understand how stupid and obsessed you have to be do post this

and to same fag. just get this thread deleted now
>less than 90 seconds
>not a new IP
must be a samefag, there's no way more than one person thinks lowly of me!
no one is as pathetic as you
Why doesn't this thread discuss previous speedruns, speedrunning techniques, new games for speedrunning, etc.? Seems like there should be plenty of shit for pondering, so why the fuck is this place dead?
have you seen people here try to "discuss" "speedrunning"
Nah, just came over from >>>/qa/906410 to see how bad things are.
The gist of the situation: most of the people interested in the topics you mentioned are speedrunners, which means they do speedruns more than they discuss them. And when they do discuss them, they discuss them with other speedrunners in chat rooms or forums that are specific to the game or series that they run. But there is a demographic that greatly outnumbers these speedrunners. These are the stream monsters. They are only interested in drama and memes, and places like /srg/ and r/speedrun were made by and for them.
These, are the stream monsters.

This is their story. This is their life.
You discuss me.
why did you delete?
>Why doesn't this thread discuss previous speedruns, speedrunning techniques, new games for speedrunning, etc.?

It kinda used to be like that. The shitposting was always here but it wasn't this bad before. Hell I remember thinking it couldn't get any worse in 2014, and it actually fucking did.
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speedrunning as a community in general is disorganized. there are tens of thousands of speedrunners who are all spread out among tens of thousands of games. there is no focus right now.

don't worry though. it will all change in 2017.
lol overwatch is gay
thanks for the late response!
thanks for the quick 'thanks for the late response' response!
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>mfw yiffyiff says pol shit in his giga gay voice
why did you delete?
>tfw mods ban /srg/ one day and i'll never chat with you guys ever again
what do you mean by "you guys"?
I feel like I have a special connection with /srg/.
This isn't the same /srg/ I knew nearly three years ago so I'd rather see it dead than like this.

Shut it down after AGDQ17
And I'm Going To Fuck Her At agdq Bitch
Good Luck She Won't Be There Bitch
based Yashi
>$22,329 total raised so far for Doctors Without Borders! 5 more days to show support by Cheering with #charity. Learn More at link.twitch tv/charity-cheers.

>all of Twitch can only raise $22,329 in all of December
>we are supposed to believe that SGDQ can raise over $1,000,000 in only a few days

This basically confirms the fake donation conspiracy.
I saw it as kind of a "one last time" thing but what really matters is that it happens.

Maybe someday the state of the speedrunning community will improve and either the GDQs will lose steam or stop being retarded with its rules. Neither of those are happening anytime soon though so might as well call it quits for now.

Political correctness fucked up a lot of shit in the world and I hope there will be a serious wake-up call after Trump takes office in a month, that is if there hasn't been one already. I do find him ludicrous but honestly I think the fact that people were so sick of PC bullshit that they managed to get him elected speaks a lot.
why did you delete?
Except it's specifically cheering, not straight donations. DWB gets 1/5 of all bit donations, so roughly 11 million bits ($110,000) were spent to get that money for DWB.
Additionally, it's not even every bit donation, it's only bit donations with #cheer attached. SGDQ is different because all of the money passes straight to DWB, theoretically.
The Stigma
it was going to "change" this year and nothing happened. Nothing will happen in 2017.
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what's the haps?
/srg/ is on death row
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only 2 1/2 more weeks till AGQD

cant wait for all the normies to come to this hellhole even though /v/ always has better GDQ threads
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why is this allowed?
more like marxissa
do you feel cute watching narcissa feel cute in Her new outfit
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rare sig
I'm trying to speedrun Metaknightmare Returns, any tips?
>becomes a whore
>"am I a girl yet???"
The Good Gamer Stigma
The Goo Gamer Stigma
The God Gamer, Sigma
The Goliath Gamer Stigma
The Good Game Stigma
The Goat Gamer Stigma
Beneziaa's pink soles
The Gross Gamer Stigma
The God Gardener Stigma
The Gay Gamer Stigma
shut the fuck up
I like how other posts here gets deleted and people get banner but these posts are always left alone. Hey Glenn you might want to do your job you selective fuck
>falling for The God Janitor Stigma
glenn banned me for being """"""on topic""""""
ask wally, metaknight is his kirbsona
the fear 2: project origin
The Fear 3: Gratitude for The Late Response
I used to speedranned a game does anybody know how to get back into it
Put Derust in your stream title and you'll instantly be good again.
What's a good Christmas Speedrun?
srg put to rest
a BULLET in the HEAD
delete this pathetic thread and stop making it cronikeys you fucked up freak
hopefully I can cheer with bits during AGDQ and give Mike Uyama a get well soon donation.
back to the 18 hour a day grind lol
never mind. they don't even have bits enabled.
shift_hd is on wr pace get in here boys and girls
AGDQ in 2 weeks! who's ready?

>former speedrunner rants about how he is too lazy to get a job and how tough his life is as a "competitive" Overwatch lets player

Never fucking change Tharixer
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Holy shit this general is just a fucking parody of itself at this point
>its been a year since slayer started running turok

Where does time go, also could you stream some monhun or fc3 or some other game after too much eggnog tonight slayer?
Bene, Spyro.
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is she, dare is say it, /our girl/?
off yourself
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stay salty faggots. narcissa is literally a woman
t. narcismo
off yourself
How many bots do we have in /srg/ by now?
>Thanks for the late response!
>de hippie spacing
Any others?
who is we?
why did you spoiler and who is we
why did you spoiler?
why did you delete?
why did you delete?
Hi Narci-chan. :)
I am wondering that if you wear skirt do you wear panties or normal underwear?
I also think you should wear sock on penis te hide it from mean transphobic people, try it out.it keeps both the cold and meanies away. x)
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thanks for the late response!

>get exposed by Clint "God Gamer" Stevens
>start complaining about "shoulder pain"
LOL, every time!
surely we should get like a specialist or something to look into this? getting #exposed seems to be a leading cause of joint pain. that could be a major medical breakthrough!
who is we?
Could somebody explain gamej06 to me?

How'd he become such great friends with so many big streamers on Twitch to the point where they all praise him as being such a great guy and are all so willing to host his stream and send their followers over to watch him? It's such a weird phenomenon. Twitch streamers don't normally do that.
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The Grommr Stigma.
he distends his gut as much as possible
what the fuck? why is this a thing? why would anybody want a gut like that? that's so unhealthy and disgusting.
wow, however made those accounts just to tarnish jon's reputation sounds like an obsessed troll. what if it's the very same monkeyposter in these threads???
What's the deal with this man's hands? He has to be doing it on purpose at this point.

Not as unhealthy as chopping your dick off due to writings of some jew.
SRS won't give you a heart attack.
That's because trannies don't live long enough to suffer from heart attack.
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guys im going to have to stop shitposting for a couple weeks my fingers hurt real bad

wow, he got effing EXPO5ED
plum's sister sounds hecking rad
tell him 2 bring it 2 agdq LOL
gamej06's stream wouldn't be so bad if he didn't have chat on screen that showed people's twitch profile pictures.

a lot of his gimmicks on stream are leagues better than top streamers, so i'm guessing those top streamers want his programs to use for themselves so they suck up to him and try to get it.
thanks to a BULLET in the HEAD
Absolutely fucking unreal
this is the best meme
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when the soylent hits you

i hope he dies
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>he thought it would be a good idea to use a '''''''meal''''''' ''''''''replacement''''''''' and there would be no side effects
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cosmo estrogen.jpg
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Shoutouts to all the autists streaming today instead of spending time with family, friends and significant others
What if all my family are pozzed degenerates beyond saving?
so if you end up not spending the entire literal day away from your computer on christmas, you're autistic?
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i'm /srg/ as fuck
I'm /ded/ as doggy
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Medievil Christmas.jpg
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NKR, if you don't stream Medievil tomorrow, I will kidnap you, strap you to a chair, and inject Soylent into your veins.
proving I'm hip and definitely not a racist
thanks for the late response!
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kazooiegirl looks like an uglier version of soe

This general was so much better when Cyberdemon was in charge.
How do we destroy the degenerates?
Nice name drop
who is we?
This general was so much better when the Squid Clique (ion, wally, meows, plum, cyghfer, cyghfer, cyghfer, tony) was in charge.
This general was so much dedder when the Doggy Clique (dog, doggy, deogs, dlog, doghfer, doghfer, doghfer, dogy) was in charge.
>squid clique
>doesn't include squid
>doggy clique
>doesn't include doggy
>part of the squid clique
get a load of this newboi
Caracarn stream
This general was so much better when the Medi Clique (medi, wedi, medievil, wedievil, hedievil, shedievil, dedievil, rob) was in charge.
this meme sucks
Who is the worst person to ever come out of the Speed Running Community and why is it Witwix?
you suck, who the hell are you?
the shitty meme police
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I really shouldn't have luaghed that hard at this
thanks for the late response!
stfu fucktard
With Summit1G confirmed as making 200K+ per year, what do you think Weewee makes?
why did you delete?
Summit must be making more than that. Trihex himself has confirmed he made $175,000 over the last year. And surely Weewee is making more than he is.
It's just donations, he probably makes a little more with ad revenue and sponsorships.

Since shitwix doesn't have nearly the same amount of viewers, I'm guessing around 150K.
I seriously doubt that Trihex makes that much, even if he's with an e-sports team now.
merry christmas fellow white people
nice try nigger
AHAHAHAHAHA NIGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please watch your language.
Hype....Hyyype!...Hype?.... HYYYPPPE!
The Hype Gamer Stigma
The Late Responder Stigma
>The majority of speedrunners have always told people looking to become a runner themselves that they should pick a game and category that they believe would simply be fun to run, regardless of popularity. This kind of comment, even as a joke, is nothing but counterproductive to that mentality, and actively discourages potential runners of less popular games. There are a large number of diverse and interesting speedruns out there that are largely unexplored, and someone reading your comment may decide against running those games isn't worthwhile if they perceive that others think that it isn't, when in fact myself and many other runners love watching those runs and love learning about the speedruns of many games beyond just those considered "mainstream". I discourage you from making such comments in the future, because diversity in speedrunning is only beneficial to the community as a whole, bringing in more runners and viewers interested in what we do as well.
shut up
who is we?
The Just The Tip Stigma
why did you delete?
this meme sucks
why did you delete?
thanks for the late response!
who are you quoting?
thanks for the quick response!
why did you respond?
which did you react to a written text message?
a BULLET in the HEAD of BOTFAG t-b-h
why did you choose to react because of a sequence of letters with another sequence of letters?
why did your neurons fire at this specific sequence such that your biological body would function in a way to move its fingers so that they would glide above the keyboard leading to a coherent chain of inputs other humans might comprehend them
reminder that if you unironically want this shithole to stay alive you're either in denial about how shitty it's become or a newfag shitposter
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why did you make the conscious decision to, after reading my post questioning your actions, decide to use your free time by drafting up and subsequently submitting a sentence composed of naught but a few words?
Hmm I will need to think about it
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>supporting ISIS sympathizers
thanks for the late response!
thanks for the shit response!
>streaming on christmas

literally *the* WORST meme
if this post gets 1000 upvotes i'll kill myself on cam on christmas day
actually I'd say it's putting a santa hat on your avatar, it's basically the biggest "I'm a degenerate" red flag of this holiday season
Drunk Squid here, I love you all & I hope you have a good christmas
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*bird laughs*
*clinks glass*
why did you delete?
>puncayshun is getting a body pillow for christmas
is he
dare I say it
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no thanks.jpg
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>haha see guise im totally a weeb!1! xD
The Weeb Gamer Stigma
this meme sucks
shut up
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My Template.jpg
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how many attempts do you think it takes grindxmonkey to open his presents? i bet it takes at least 10,000 lmao!
why is cronikeys not on this list

is she not single???
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I have become the quiet weird guy at work.

What should I do?

i hate this shit. fuck all the fake weebs. fuck puncay fuck trihex and fuck cirno tv


i need serious answers only
enjoy work unbothered
*partridge in a pear tree laughs*
The Christmas Gamer Stigma
What is even wrong with cuckoldry in the speedrunning community? Why is it considered a bad thing?
>just went to del taco
>all the employees were talking shit about their manager and bitching about working on "the holidays"
subscribed, thanks for the blog response!
thanks for the shit and late response!
thanks for the quick response!
he's mentally ill on every holiday
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Christmas Trump.png
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Merry Christmas /srg/ :3 I hope all of your speeddreams come true
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post your most flattering narcismo pics
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Will cosmo be at agdq?
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is she, dare is say it, /our girl/?
>dist grinding out dark souls runs on christmas day

fucking tragic lmao
>posting on /srg/ about it on christmas day
reevaluate your life senpai
post any games you got for christmas that you might speedrun after you played through it. I'll start.

1. Mission Impossible (N64)
2. Contra (NES)
3. WWF Smackdown (PS1)
The XY Chromosome Stigma
The Soylent Drink Stigma
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sexy af desu
why would you wear anything that draws attention to the adams apple
*rolls up thigh highs*
*rolls up elbow highs*
>initially has actual speedbois for posters that push the times down and only occasionally shitpost
>time goes on, the same vicious cycle that turned entire boards to shit happens to the thread
>stream monsters from /v/ migrate to talk about nothing else than meme drama and trannies while claiming actual speedrunning means you're a grind monkey
>none of them ever speedrun enough to experience hand pain, they think it's just excuses
>none of them care about anyone other than sellouts
>all of them think selling out is the right way to speedrun
Tell me this couldn't have been prevented if you just hadn't pretended to be retarded, /srg/.
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
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>initially has actual speedbois
a JOCKSTRAP on the BUTT of every lovely SPEEDCHUB
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Looks like it has been a pretty productive couple of months for me. Got Marathon 2 down to a 41:50. Finally got a run of Alien Breed 3D and Chasm: The Rift in, with a time of 58:10 and 31:40, respectively. AB3DII is going to be a bitch to get a full run in, due to the second half. I only have the Tiny Toons game on hold. And for Fears, a quick youtube search should show why I dropped it.
literally no one cares, and you should kill yourself
>muh wrists fag
lmao kill yourself
Thanks for the late response!
*streams on Christmas*
*streams on christmas for less than 5 viewers and keep a donation tracker on the stream's layout*
*laughs on christmas*
Haha, yeah. So glad that I'm shitposting on /srg/ instead!
Who should I speak with about joining the autism clique?
Cran comin
yo deadass?
tu necesitas regresar
what do you mean by "u phuqq niqqas"?
who's in for an arm% race
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You too sir.
thanks for the late response!
s e c o n d a r y s h i t
thanks for the late response, touhou
>de shrew
The God, The Gamer, and The Stigma
merry christmas /srg/!!!
you guys ready for marathon-fags to return?
what do you mean by "you guys"?
never left since summer 2014.
why did you delete?
exactly when srg started to decline
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medi christmas
how did medievil score such a hot anime???
animes love a fascist
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This general isn't really still going is it?

You guys have less to discuss than the Katawa Shoujo general

let it die
>Christmas Day Karaoke (WITH ALCOHOL!!!)
what do you mean by "you guys"?
where would we go?
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what do you mean by this "you guys" shit meme?
what do you mean by "shit meme"?
what do you mean by "(You)"?
when do u think pie will do his christmas special?
I meant all the blacks, what do blacks have to discuss regarding speedrunning?

Please watch your language.
Please watch my stream
already there, cfb!
*uses ssd*
now this is speedrunning
u cant speed run on pc ne way
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why didn't you sage?
why did you reply?
where did everyone go wtf

>thread is 3 days old
>less than 500 posts

like come on
where the actual fuck did everyone go?
this place used to be jumpin with activity and memes.... where is everyone?
does cronikeys still post here?
Yes. This >>163718195 post was made by him.
dont you mean her
cronikeys do you have a boyfriend?
Cronikeys can I pay for your lunch sometime?
it was christmas you stupid nignog
a BULLET in the HEAD of EVERY disgusting tranny FREAK
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*whines and gets triggered by anime on an anonymous anime imageboard*
fma owns

friendly reminder that this autist has fucked more girls than you.

you know what to do
what do we do?
who is you?
who is we?
It doesn't matter who we are.
What matters is our plan.
did he died?
he laughed it off. luckily he got another n64 on christmas.
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Christmas with medievil.png
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it's a start
hand pain is just an ugly manifestation of the god gamer stigma.
The Hand Pain Stigma
The Grind Monkey Stigma
The Late Response Stigma
The Liquid Squidma
this meme sucks
>that runner you REALLY wish would stop running the same game as you
>the god gamer stigma
>a meme

don't you have some nuts to hug athurobulse
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thanks for the shit response!
stop being jealous that he's better than you
this meme sucks too
oh yeah? Well you suck more!
Thanks for the (You), fampai!
especialy trannykeys
thanks for the late response!
The Cod Gamer Stigma
>tfw no Tiff time with George
The XY Chromosome Stigma
No one even cares about the new OoT WR?
fuck off and die
>Torje mysteriously gets WR every second day he streams, which is almost never
It's the Krystal situation all over again. Wouldn't be surprised, if he turned trans too.
do you want one?
What I wanted was a late response, so thanks!
yea, but only if there's a chance it could be longterm
at least with krystal, there was a better than 0 chance that she was just intentionally restreaming a prerecorded run. that's maybe fishy a bit, but there is nothing implicitly wrong with it. there was never much discussion about that possibility.

with torje, he is clearly trying to make it seem like they are live runs. way worse.
lol? i thought only exposed shitters turned into trannies!
stfu fucktard
cool i won't get dumped right away will i
nice reply. way to stay on topic! you really contributed
can a grind monkey transition into a skilled runner?
nice reply. way to stay on topic! you really contributed
what happened to this place?

i feel so much

my heart hurts for the community

it's ruined
that's like asking if a God Gamer can overcome The Stigma
The Grind Monkey Stigma
The Actual Monkey Stigma
The Grind Monkey Squidma
The Zero Time Dilemma
El Miedo
El Grindo
La Stigma
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La Exposura
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what is his endgame?
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banning hc.webm
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how the h*ck does pie get these cuties to watch him???

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real crab.jpg
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the ultimate fag
a BULLET in the HEADcrab
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I deliberately hide my attempt counter so people don't call me a grindmonkey.
this meme sucks
and yes, you're welcome for the late reply
why did you delete?
thanks for the late response!
thanks for the late response!
no problem xD
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I thought you only xD'd at animeposters?
Thanks for the (You), retard!
is this a dude going female.

or a female pretending to be male?
thanks for the late response!
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beatrix practices mgr.gif
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put duke laying on the ground under the table
thanks for the late response!
The Late Response Stigma

what do these three animals have in common?
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I hope everybody that posts in this thread dies a miserable death.
biannual reminder:

reminder that cincinancy and skater are officially dating now
shoot yourself then
fucking kill yourself
[distant bird laughter heard high above it all]
they're all brainless and grind
samefagging for years is funny lol
>friendly reminder that this autist has fucked more girls than you.
No he hasn't?
The God Gamer Stigma
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>mfw srg dies multiple times daily
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is she, dare i say it, /our girl/?
>chinese cheatbox
People speed run Medievil? Come again?
i wish narci would reclaim her thrown as the Queen of OoT any%...
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soul stealer.png
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People change their gender? Come again?
Bi/tri/multi-gender people change their gender

Transgender just change their appearance to their actual gender
Transgenders impersonate a gender which they wished they belonged to, but don't.
Yes they do. The only thing that determines gender in a society is perception.

Unless you're examining the genitals of the people you encounter on a daily basis, you have no real way to determine their biological sex (think Schrödinger's cat).

This makes your "gender", as you appear to others, entirely subjective. If someone identifies as a female, for all intents and purposes, they ARE female, and it is wrong for you to try and claim otherwise based on your subjective opinion of what they are.
Absolutely false. You see a man dressing up like a woman, you can instantly tell. Wide shoulders, man jaw, the wide build. Instant male dressing like a faggot. They are not female.
Think about it. Before Narcissa changed her name and started dressing in "feminine" clothing, how did you know she was male?

Was it because she called herself male and identified herself as male?

How is that any different from the current situation?
>The only thing that determines gender in a society is perception
no, perception only determines gender rolls
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>find new streamer
>has anime layout and anime ffz emotes
The XY Chromosome Stigma
Your gender "role" is synonymous with your gender. They're the same thing.

You are confusing "gender" with "biological sex." Chromosomes cannot be changed, and noone is disputing this. People are just buttmad that biological males have a female gender.
"gender" is a kike invention
Not just a kike invention, this whole meme started thanks to a failed jewish ritual.
>Unless you're examining the genitals of the people you encounter on a daily basis
I can't examine the bank account of someone driving a Ferrari either. That doesn't make a poor person who takes a loan to rent an expensive car, a rich person. It makes that poor person a deceiver - nothing more.
>(think Schrödinger's cat)
Stop appropriating science that you know NOTHING about to sound smart.
>This makes your "gender", as you appear to others, entirely subjective.
Deceiving others doesn't change reality.

>Your gender "role" is synonymous with your gender. They're the same thing.
It's a stupid concept with no basis in reality. "Gender" as a word is just as valid as "microevolution". Its usage signals to the world that you are an idiot who puts feel good beliefs before scientific facts.
>That doesn't make a poor person who takes a loan to rent an expensive car, a rich person.
The difference is that rich and poor are somewhat measurable, while male and female (outside of biological function, so therefore basically every social context) are subjective perceptions, and thus completely immeasurable.
>It's a stupid concept with no basis in reality.
I don't see a problem with using the word "gender" for this purpose. It works fine to concisely describe the concept of gender perception and role. Why are you so insecure about this particular evolution of language?
>The difference is that rich and poor are somewhat measurable, while male and female (outside of biological function, so therefore basically every social context) are subjective perceptions, and thus completely immeasurable.
Even "rich" and "poor" are extremely ambiguous terms. A poor American citizen today lives like a King would have lived 2000 years ago. Wealth is a socially based and subjective construct.
>Why are you so insecure about this particular evolution of language?
It wasn't "evolution" you stupid retard. Libcucks are just playing with definitions.
Male and female does not become subjective, just because you define it to be so. Words have meanings and male and female (or their equivalents in other languages) have for hundreds of thousands of years meant the biological reality.

>I don't see a problem with using the word "gender" for this purpose.
The problem is the pseudoscientific myth that comes with it, that biology and society are completely seperate and chromosomes never influence behaviour.
>Why are you so insecure about this particular evolution of language?
Because you are trying to subvert the masses by changing the language to bring in your ideological pseudoscience through the backdoor without the average person even recognizing the manipulation that is happening to them - just like newspeak in 1984.
>Words have meanings
The only meanings words have are the meanings people assign to them. This has always been the case.
>hundreds of thousands of years
No, language has been around for less than 100,000 years and written language has been around for quite a lot less.
>that biology and society are completely seperate
They are though. The modern human is biologically identical to the human in the stone age. Society has changed and complexified considerably since then.
stfu fucktards
>The only meanings words have are the meanings people assign to them. This has always been the case.
And who are the "people" in this case? Every society always had short words for "man" and "woman". Only in modern western society are these suddenly long and complex like "person with XY chromosomes" and should be used only when absolutely necessary and come with a regretful explanation like having to make the distinction for medical purposes. It's stupid useless academics of "X studies" pseudosciences who try to dictate to the plebs what to think by subverting the meaning of the words they've been using for centuries.

>No, language has been around for less than 100,000 years and written language has been around for quite a lot less.
I'm not even going to debate that, because it's so irrelevant, but I find it hard to believe Homo erectus couldn't express "ooga booga wanna fuck woman".

>They are though.
In your marxist fantasies maybe.
why did you delete?
>And who are the "people" in this case? Every society always had short words for "man" and "woman". Only in modern western society are these suddenly long and complex like "person with XY chromosomes" and should be used only when absolutely necessary and come with a regretful explanation like having to make the distinction for medical purposes. It's stupid useless academics of "X studies" pseudosciences who try to dictate to the plebs what to think by subverting the meaning of the words they've been using for centuries.
This whole argument amounts to "it's always been done this way, so it's necessary to keep doing it this way", which is laughably small minded.
>I'm not even going to debate that, because it's so irrelevant
If it's irrelevant, why do you keep saying that the duration of certain words being used in a certain context is important?
>In your marxist fantasies maybe.
You ignored the rest of my sentence.
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Is he dieing
>This whole argument amounts to "it's always been done this way, so it's necessary to keep doing it this way", which is laughably small minded.
"Keep doing" what? Using words the way they were meant to be used? Why don't you invent new words instead of trying to subvert the existing ones to mask your manipulation? If started calling squares with rounded edges "circles" while leaving now substitute to describe actual circles besides the full mathematical definition, everyone would rightfully call me an idiot who destroys the language and there would be no point in going "oh you're so small-minded! just because the ancient greeks had a word for circles doesn't mean we have to! we're so progressive!"
>You ignored the rest of my sentence.
The women raised the children. The women gathered plants. The men hunted. The men made weapons. The men fought in battles with other tribes. Faggots who wanted to gather herbs were slapped. Lesbians who wanted to fight in battle were slapped. Gender roles existed back then and they exist now in similiar form and they existed in every culture ever in similiar form, because it's in our genes.
>"it's always been done this way, so it's necessary to keep doing it this way"
It is necessary because nothing has changed. Man get women pregnant. Women have babies and get periods. There's nothing in-between to these simple truths.
The Gender Gamer Stigma
The Rewriting History Stigma
The Marxist Fantasy Stigma
>The women raised the children. The women gathered plants. The men hunted. The men made weapons. The men fought in battles with other tribes. Faggots who wanted to gather herbs were slapped. Lesbians who wanted to fight in battle were slapped. Gender roles existed back then and they exist now in similiar form and they existed in every culture ever in similiar form, because it's in our genes.
This whole paragraph is ironic coming from someone who claims to be anti-pseudoscience. Hunter gatherers (particularly in Africa) were largely egalitarian, with women being roughly as influential as men. There are numerous known tribes where both men and women hunted, and where both men and women gathered. Hunter gatherers didn't even have leaders. Gender roles are a near direct result of the rise of agricultural society, and have fuck all to do with biology.

Human society and behavior is vastly more complex than you're pretending it is.

>Man get women pregnant. Women have babies and get periods.
Yes, I have already stated that biological function is relevant to the distinction between male and female. This was never in question.
>There are numerous known tribes where both men and women hunted, and where both men and women gathered.
List the numerous known tribes where women hunted. The most you can ever find is some rare cases of women and men both hunting or men gathering too because hunting isn't profitable atm, but it's never men gathering and women hunting.
>Gender roles are a near direct result of the rise of agricultural society, and have fuck all to do with biology.
Who suddenly constructed these gender roles when agriculture rose? I wouldn't be surprised if agricultural societies had already evolved different behaviour than more primitive societes anyway. Looking how savage races fail to integrate into advanced civilizations everywhere around the world, I would call it a valid hypothesis at least.
>Human society and behavior is vastly more complex than you're pretending it is.
If anyone it's you, who is downplaying its complexity by calling everything you don't like an arbitrary invention and denying the effects of genetics completely.
>hey guys, rape is okay because it's part of our genetics!
how is this wrong?
>murder is totally justified, because it's genetically natural for humans to murder!

>paleolithic humans didn't sit down. chairs are just denying reality maaan.

>society shouldn't try to change natural bacterial with modern medicine like antibiotics, like cmon dude, it's genetically unfit!

>lemme get a hit off that vape!
>hey guys, I've run out of arguments, so I'll shitpost in greentext instead!

>turn up that international anthem, comrade!
how is this wrong?
>Yes, I have already stated that biological function is relevant to the distinction between male and female. This was never in question.
But it is in question because the pseudo science you build your arguments around undermines the structure of the traditional family that has proven to produce the most mentally stable children over the hundredths of years. You also circle around this fact with all the mental gymnastics and wordplay. Your kind is inherently malicious and duplicitous because of how successfully you've been brainwashed.
Here's a namedrop you weren't expecting:
>the traditional family that has proven to produce the most mentally stable children over the hundredths of years
Imagine arguing about this in a speedrunning thread.
Imagine arguing about this in a dead doggy
*chops dick off*
*wears dresses*
*lives off Soylent and gets stomach pains*
*avoids leaving my dark room unless necesarry*
*escapes into /r/futorolgy fantasies of a better life through an AI utopia*
I'm so mentally stable! How can cishets compete?
>compared to trannies
what if not even agdq is enough to keep the doggy alive in 2017??
The AGDQ Gamer Stigma
he'd be so handsome if he lost like 80 lbs
youre welcome for the late response
thanks for the late response!
thanks for the thanks response!
he'd be so handsome if he wasn't a hideous stinky turd of a being
np haha not everyone thanks me just for responding

is this a sergian custom? i see ppl thank a lot for replying here
thanks for the late response!
thanks for the late response!
those are just trannykeys' bots
what prompts people to respond to posts made in the stone age? nobody cares about their content anymore, like stop living in the past lol
haha word
*monkey screech*
>caracuck complaining that Trump is "an orange clown" on stream
le sigh
i'll word that post in 5 days
>actually believing a newboi would post in here and be clueless
says the guy UNIRONICALLY using "cuck" *sigh*
>stream monster complaining on a ded general about some irrelevant autist saying something he didn't like on stream
le sigh
that's a mouthful
heres a real mouthful! *unzips dick*
The only 3d game that is harder than 2d games is SM64.
F-Zero GX is the greatest 1D speedgame of all time.
3d games are inherently more difficult to run than 2d games, because the latter are missing one dimension and dozens of potential inputs per frame that are required to run a 3d game.
File: no.jpg (156KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
156KB, 1920x1080px
imagine being a self hating white guy
I already explained it in my post.

The only 3d game that is harder than 2d games is SM64.
what about medievil
shut up
thanks for the late response!
antonyming this post (as in the opposite of wording this post)
What about it?
thanks for the late response!
what the frick glenn i though you were finally letting this doggy rest why is this thread up???????
Glenn is hibernating
who is in for a medievil christmas race
The Christmas Racer Stigma
why is i_o_l ("i only lose") such a worthless piece of shit?
thanks for the late response!
are you talking about me you gay boy? i am new to this shit so be nice before i come cut your balls off and feed them to your mum
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What i'm doing wrong?

I'm trying to warp to World 6 in DKC.
you made a gif for starters lol
I made a gif because i'm stuck.
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good commentary.webm
226KB, 485x360px
this meme sucks
word, simian really needs to move on
gtfo you obsessed loser. now that you lost all your world records, you have somehow become more irrelevant than ever before. you're a worthless piece of shit and i cant imagine anyone even caring if you died in some horrific and painful way.
>blubbler is an "original console only!" fag even though he exclusively emucheats
what a fag
more like chimply
post darbian chimping out
He only uses emulators if they're accurate to the original console.
>I only use emulators if they're accurate to the original console.
btw emu NEVER counts lol
*plugs in new retron console*
don't even have to come up with an acronym. being i_o_l is the worst insult i can think of
delete this shit meme bot
knowing simian he'll keep grinding it for the next fives years
he won't be at it for longer than the monkeyposter tho!
ion hasn't monkeyposted in weeks
>he actually did
>my epic post is true and funny
*banshee screeches*
Remember when Squid promised he would "bop the Bin"?
>check the leaderboard
>squid is minutes ahead of everyone, including ion
kek really
What is the difference between a grind monkey and a speedrunner?
more resets
less practice
grind monkey: smashes head into wall until wall collapses after 10,000 attempts
speedrunner: assesses wall, finds structural weak point, brings down wall cleanly with a hammer in few swings
A grind monkey just keeps resetting over and over, failing the same shit over and over, making them same mistakes, until one time the stars align and he gets lucky.

A speedrunner makes sure he is well practiced instead of resetting constantly
250 attemps or less - casual video game streamer
251-5000 attemps - low skill speedrunner
5001-9999 attempts - grindmonkey
10000+ attempts - grindamoeba
so basically if you speedrun you lose
now this is autism
thanks for the late response!
so, uhhhhhh.......

so, uhhhhhh.......

so, uhhhhhh.......
shit meme?
why did you delete?
don't make a new thread
The Every Meme Is Shit Stigma
The Glenn Stigma
On New Years Eve I will force a new meme.
imagine a world without squid
every meme here is forced
and shit
Retarded. This depends on the length of the game. 250 attempts in SMB is nothing but 250 attempts in FF is a lot
>250 attempts in SMB is nothing
this is a simian post
lol squid based doe
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NIGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fatal frame is easy as h*ck...
to reset so often in such a short game is obvious proof that you are a grind monkey
why did you delete?
you discuss me
Thread posts: 750
Thread images: 90

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