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/pso2g/ - Phantasy Star Online 2 General #1202

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Thread replies: 775
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■ Current Update (12/21):「幻創の母なる月光」 Part 3
└ http://bumped.org/psublog/pso2-jp-esca-falz-mother-bursts-into-action-on-december-21st/

■ Weekly Boost & Events Schedule
├ http://pso2.jp/players/news/?charid=i_boostevent
├ Google: https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=pso2emgquest%40gmail.com
├ Random EQ Hourly Advance Notice (JP): https://twitter.com/pso2_emg_hour
└ Regular Maintenance: Wednesday @ 11:00 ~ 17:00 JST

■ Scratches: http://pso2.jp/players/catalog/scratch/
├ Sacred Star Keeper (until 1/11)
├ 2017 Year of the Rooster Accessory Collection / Lucky Bag G (from 1/1 0:00 until 1/11)
├ Phantom School Life (Persona 5) (until 1/25)
└ [SG] Bright Dark Heroine (until 6/14)

├ General Information: http://bumped.org/psublog/
├ http://pastebin.com/CxBP1mEA
├ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ml9MGiN2Ich09mDtR82N1zn62oa1Mp6x6yzRjHrEf8c/ (Last Updated: 7/25/2015)
├ Basic English Patch: http://psumods.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=206
├ Buy ARKS Cash using PSO2es: http://pastebin.com/raDBtSpa
└ /pso2g/ Discord - https://discord.gg/0sog9XJpU6zGLpEV

□ Database/Wiki
├ http://pso2.swiki.jp/index.php (JP)
├ http://pso2wiki.net/ (JP)
└ http://pso2.arks-visiphone.com (EN)

□ Simulators
├ Skill Tree: http://arks-layer.com/skillsim/skillcalc.php
├ Affix: http://pso2affix.seilent.net/
└ Damage: http://4rt.info/psod/

Previous thread: >>163295615
sanctum best map
get a trip you cancerous whore.
Right now I am extremely proud. My damage is even bigger than this, but I am a tank. My HP is over 1.6k unbuffed.
Make me
I know absolutely nothing about this game but after hearing some music on Youtube I want to try it out.
Is there anything I should know beforehand?
Astra potential: 12% damage increase, 40% bigger PP gain on attack.
Don't trust -anything- this general says
should take your own advice
Don't screw up your skill trees and mag.
>Is there anything I should know beforehand?
That the last good Phantasy Star was released in 1993.
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>says this while posting in the general therefore signifying that you're a part of this general
>People too retarded to just report and ignore
>Peppy still too pathetic to end his miserable existance
>people still reply to lilith's post

why are you fuckers so retarded?
If this includes you then I'm already experiencing a dilemma.

I've read that an English version came out but that version is horribly managed or something?
dont mess up your skill tree or mag, join ship 2 if you cant speak japanese and avoid talking to the attention whores
yes and its SEA only.

its 1000x worse than any nightmare you've ever had.
work on your phrasing retard
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>Try to get a good umbrella cover character from the gacha machine
>Get worse girl
sucks to be you
>I've read that an English version came out but that version is horribly managed or something?
If you mean unofficial patch, yes it is managed so badly that it fucks up your installation even if you dont install the patch. Fucking tweaker can't update for shit.
That looks like a tong.
We know this, we've known this for a couple of weeks.

He at least posts with a trip, so if he's full of shit you can call him out on it rather than him being anon.
why wont lilith use a fucking trip already?
I have a hunch on who's behind this post, but I'm probably wrong.
Elaborate, though
>That music

No thanks
>ship 2

Do you really want to direct him to the cancer ship?
>tfw bear tells people not to trust you
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take a guess


>caring about what some about tripfag says about you

>Cucked multiple people
>Caused a major shitstorm
>Made Meido have yet another mental breakdown
>Trusting anything someone who did all of that says
Your cancer is showing, shit2.
Remember that the Double hand always picks paper
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a-am i cute uguuuuuu and shit
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that's pushing it.
LMAO, shit 2 steals another newcomer and then great 4 acts all surprised they only have one """active""" team.
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that where your wromg
Not from what I've heard from several people.
I'm not sure what you all are fighting about but I need to download the game first.
It takes a long time so I'll come back then.
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come on someone tell me i'm cute
Don't concern yourself with it, it's just autism which is more or less a regular day at the office figuratively speaking

traps are degenerate tbqh f@m
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Bearyn literally killed OH and ran to ship 2 with his buttbuddies. GM did nothing wrong. Half of the """managers""" don't even play the game, let alone manage anything, and most of the active ones are literally whos who never talk. Wake up sheeple.
I have been rused.
rinapprentits a cute
>Bearyn literally killed OH

His name is Seryn and he was shit at the game, had an ego in several other games to the point of if you don't play his way or use a build to his "standard" you are kicked.
you're cute
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guys I'm gonna cum I'm gonna drop a fucking load HOT fucking loads

Is there a single /pso2g/ Team left that can fill a whole MPA?

Or if different teams are still playing together, that's fine too.
I make MPAs frequently, mostly with pso2g.
>first mother
>21 online
>MPA 0/12
guess the ship
Ship2 has two or three.
Which? I take it Sees is one?

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Rod or talis for what elemements
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SEES is full of Reddit, that one doesn't count.
talis for light so you can spam ragrants from miles away
especially good for mother because getting up in her grill is a bitch as FO
light rod for compound
light talis for long range ragrants
fire rod for td and compound
ice talis for bosses
lightning talis for ult amu
dark talis for content nobody does anymore
wind galwind with ult buster for optimal zanverse
Is there a way to set custom resolutions for PSO2 by editting some ini or something?
I can't find anything
So then, what?
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I don't know, I play on glorious Ship 4.
But that's bullshit. OH MP was 5/12
>this is the most populated english speaking team on ship 4
kek, no wonder you're so desperate for fresh blood.
So what actually ARE the teams on Ship 2?
People always say it's more populated nowadays but they never talk about who plays on it other than leddit and psow
/vg/ teams are terrible, just join a normal team.
Ship 2 has literally 0 strictly /vg/ teams.
ship2 has literally 1 strictly /vg/ team but I'm the only member of it.
EDF and 711 are both almost entirely /vg/ only.
When's the next challenge quest?
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I wont be able to buy AC with a google card will I?
Dunno, try it and find out.

Google play balance is not supported out of Japan
>mfw using it from south america
cm when
Don't lie
I wish I was, I'd spend a lot less in this game.
I literally buy balance from the bookstore every week to charge ac.
What rings should I use as FO/TE?
Right now I have Mate Lover and P Keeper Techs equipped but I'm working towards Short Mirage, dunno what exactly it does but if it speeds the Mirage animation up at least a tiny bit I'll be happy
tech parry
short mirage is worthless because you can achieve the same thing without a ring by hopping before miraging
Mate lover on FOTE?
literally just hotkey resta
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tfw we could have had this as an actual mag for this collab, but Sega was too lazy.
It was a random ring I had the materials for that seemed moderately useful.

What does Tech Parry do? Also thanks for the short hop tip, I didn't know about that
It's not even moderately useful
it's literally useless, because you dont ever use mates to heal as FOTE
I disagree. I'd rather use a mate than charge a spell and expend PP if I'm the only one that needs healing.
tech parry makes it so you can block attacks when you start charging techs for a while defined by ring level
and using mates is worthless on fo because you can craft your resta such that you can full heal yourself with 2 ticks on an uncharged tech
Is this some ghetto two monitor setup
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Only one TD to go, but at the same time I don't want to +35 it because a single point down in cost benefits literally every character I have who uses TDs.
How do you get these anyway
20 material zero each, or as a drop. The katana was a drop from the previous eq.
What are those?
Autism gauges.
>guruguru LA
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>3% off file completion
For Mother herself? I get about 25% per run.
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>talis drop
wonder if astra only drops for main class like ray did
I just started playing again and was neglecting the daily boost
It's like 29% with 250 and tri and 22% or something with just 250. If you want to clear in 5 eqs you need to run with a tri on 2 EQs atleast.
>like ray did
Man the Falz Arm part is way too long for Mother isn't it?
Meanwhile I get gunslash drop as FO, gibs me tails
>People spamming launcher PAs and gifoie on mother cubes
Fucking why? Is it that hard to tell that you're only hitting one of those things at a time?
Launcher PAs make sense because of weakhit ring. Gi Foie wouldn't make sense even if you could hit multiple cubes.
PD drops ray weapons for your main class only.
By launcher PAs I mean stuff like divine launcher and cluster bullet, not the actual dps moves it can have like sphere eraser
There is 3 arm phases and then Mother herself. It keeps repeating each arm phase until you inflict enough damage to the main body, so if the last arm is killed far away from Mother and the whole MPA has to run over to her before they can start dealing damage it can repeat them pretty often. If your MPA has very good damage and you get lucky with the arm kill locations you only have to do each of them once, so 3 arm phases total.
PD only drops Rays that your main class can use. i.e. If you ran as Fi and got a 13* drop, barring Invades/Austere, only Rays you can expect are knux, TDs, DS and gunslash. Candy too.
>PD drops ray weapons
>PD only drops Rays
I think they are dropped by Doubles. The only time I got one as a drop it had Double Soul.
Literally get good
I meant PD as in the eq. I'm not exactly sure what drops what.
They are dropped by both. You can get ray weapons with both darkness soul and double soul. However, when referring to that EQ, most people just call it PD.
I'm pretty sure I heard some people justt skip double phase in campship and do PD and get rays as well
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>1 a week
So I guess 5 a day is more accurate? That's much less soul crushing although it'll probably still never drop for me.
>some people justt skip double phase in campship
Ship 4, everyone.
Drop rates are like Psycho Wand back in Episode 1. I estimate they will be given for free in Episode 7.
>Drop rates are like Psycho Wand back in Episode 1
Lol nope, this is way better than that. That was actual 1 a week shit, not this multiple drops in a single day stuff.
Nah, you'll need to complete Zieg Jr.'s COs by collecting Extra Large Pyroxenes from Stone Collection Files in Rapist Hard AQs
Sounds more like Night Arks, it's what you do for the cutscene skip.
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Lolis are the worst
Loli is already plural. Singular form is lolum.
But that's wrong
Sphere eraser is a terrible choice given all of mothers cubes are counted as one enemy, and thus you can only hit one at a time completely negating the "fuck yea melting a line of golds like butter" advantage.
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I don't
I don't think that's Latin
Overly pointless because boosters count down regardless. Reminds me of falz arms and boosters back in the day, where people would stay on the campship until the arms were almost dead to super maximise their exp gains/ticket.
Boosters pausing in lobby and campship always seemed like a nice thing for them to do but the whole "gotta hoard my time" side effect was unforeseen

It might have been better if they just ran down constantly from the start, doesn't seem like they can go back on it now though
It's not a terrible choice, just not as good as it could be
How much hp does a cube have?
An excessive amount. A shot from a ss'd end attract wont destroy one.
That doesn't really tell me anything
>Sphere eraser is a terrible choice given all of mothers cubes are counted as one enemy
Eh, if you're absolutely going to use a launcher PA to take advantage of nonweak bonus on the cubes, it's one of your better choices still.
wouldn't cracker bullet be better in the case then
Eh, I'd still disagree and say that even something like flame bullet may be better, if hitting another cube counts it as a different 'part' of the same enemy as far as ticks go. Sphere eraser has a really low tick rate and I doubt I could break 2 cubes with a full pp bar that lasts 7 seconds of firing.
Apparently they have around 60k, that's two ticks of sphere eraser so it's not a terrible choice
>Sphere eraser has a really low tick rate
Not really since the buff
Flame bullet is significantly worse damage than sphere eraser, and sphere eraser can last pretty long when fired with a full pp bar.

Not really?
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>wake up with a minute left
>scramble to find a MPA
>2/12 when it ends
>fight it anyway because why not
>boss bugs out and GU nip can attack it
>says he doesn't want to kill it anymore and politely leaves

I actually was under the impression that cracker was one of the best single target DPS PAs launcher had
have I been deceived
>But that's wrong
Are you seriously arguing you could kill cubes more effectively with a rifle or GS without weakhit than with a launcher with a 1.8225 damage multiplier from non-weak ring?
I haven't really ever used cracker bullet ever so I can't be 100% sure, but if I'm to trust the numbers on swiki, it is much worse than sphere eraser.

Does it move you when you us it? If not I could see why it actually was the best dps launcher option before sphere eraser
just slightly a la divine launcher, but it's a lot more spammable and more pp efficient
guess I should try using eraser on bosses
Are there pa's that bypass that whole 1 target rule mother cube/pd bits have?
Other than multi-hit PAs like end attract, no.
>Overly pointless because boosters count down regardless
That's not why people waited in campship during Double
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this is true, and ship4 / OH was very active before this. really wish we would get some people in charge that actually communicate or do something.

ever since then shit2 tries really hard to poach people to the fucking cancer reddit/psow ship.
>ever since then shit2 tries really hard to poach people to the fucking cancer reddit/psow ship.
Exactly this pointless elitist attitude is why noone wants to play with you.
They don't have to try very hard
Ship 4 is a lost cause
c u c k e d
Does anyone know what you have to do to unlock Yerkes' COs? The ones in Franka's Cafe that give you 100k each.
They aren't showing up for me for some reason
Wait, 711 Mafia? Haven't heard much at all about them from here, didn't think they were related at all. Never see them in redrum or anything.
They are pretty much 50:50 people from here and 8ch
>pointless elitist attitude
you have not been here very long, have you?
OH was really active until Boats hit then the MPAs dried up a few weeks later. Only people left in there are tree huggers and the odd people that do want to play together.

Literally the exact same people. Pretty much everyone that visists 8ch visits these boards as well.
>can recolour eternal psycho drive (1948 attack at +35)
>can recolour spread needle (1749 attack at +35)
>can't recolour kazami no tachi (1674 attack at +35)
fucking sega.
No they aren't the only person who used both boards was shitlith
>Literally the exact same people.

People who go to that site are a bunch of faggots. More so than the ones here.
>muh cuckchan loyalty
you can really tell who the fuck actually is an older user here and who comes from offsite based on recent posts

tell me, why pick ship 2, most english players? then why post here? and not psow? most english posters there too?, sure pso-w and reddit friends yay, and 8ch too! hugs and emotes ^_^

its like you dont even know that when games were decided to play here, we went to someplace that WASNT where reddit usually picked, and for good fucking reason. this general shifting opposite of that should tell you who is trying to inhabit and shit it up.
That was fine back when the game first came out and you had hundreds of people from 4chan playing, it was still kind of okay when there were two dozen active, nowadays though you will have literally nobody to play with if you start on Ship 4. There is not enough newcomers and everyone who stuck around already has their cliques and won't welcome you.
>older user
I don't think being a veteran /vg/agger is anything to be proud of, considering it was made as cancer containment. I've been on 4chan itself for ages and I can't recall any other game where people would completely fuck themselves over like this just to not be on the same server as reddit, nevermind that there are a bunch of redditors on ship4 anyway. You'd have a point if this was about redditors joining a 4chan team but that's not what's happening. What's happening is that people aren't joining the team because you're playing on a meme ship.
>tell me, why pick ship 2, most english players?
Because I'm actually new as fuck and only started posting on 4chan alongside the wave of hype and cancer KLK brought to /a/ in late 2013.

Anyway, in 2012, I was still in a /vg/ guild in another game, and I still hold them in high regard as the best guild I've been a part of, so I absolutely wanted to follow them to Ship2, and I like having people to talk to. I wasn't aware of Reddit or PSO-W or anything, I went over there to play with some people I knew. Though I already knew a decent amount about 4chan through certain people and links being sent in chats, 4chan wasn't what came to mind when I thought of that old guild, so my mindset wasn't "I'm gonna play PSO2 with 4chan" or something. It wasn't till I think mid-2014 that I sought out /pso2g/ and found it, so I didn't know there was some plan like that. And I'm still skeptical there even was, seeing as how there's been plenty of Ship2 players from here for a long time now.

>>163437708 What this guy said, /pso2g/ is a unique case in a lot of ways and this is one of them, most generals just agree on a certain main server, or more if location is a factor.
Disgusting 8ch fuck, you ran away to your shitty simulacrum of this site at the drop of a hat. Just a bunch of normalfags of the worst kind.
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>MFW this
I scratched last weeks featured chip to use it for this EQ.
The only good news about this is that I have the fire equivalent of Strike Brute.

On another note, discuss: Is episode 4 being extended so we have one more Earth EQ since this isn't our real final boss fight, or are we getting another episode of Earth where we dick around on earth more fighting against a different organization?

Still time for them to shove in that Japanese high school free field that I'm sure they're just DYING to shove in.
>meme ship

The main issue with ship wars shit is that most (from mine and other's experience) that people didn't really care to notice the reddit/pso-w shit that gets flung in here constantly and just wanted to play the game and dick around. Also the only time there would be problems with reddit/pso-w would if you were already embedding in that subsection of the community or were actively seeking it out; essentially it's akin to fucking around with a hornet's nest. you are right in the fact that /pso2g/ is a unique case in which there was never really a de facto server/whatever. Though i remember several threads back the entirety of this general played on ship 4 unless this was some meme "perpetrated" by the OH and the Ship 4 avatarfags because of muh l33t teams. The same thing is happening in the discucks in which new people would ask what ship to join for hanging out and playing the game was to go to 4 despite the fact that 4 has very small amount of english players and is mostly nips
To be fair, it pretty much always happens that off week chips have absolutely no use in followup week eqs. I've been getting bodied pretty heavily by anything that isn't lightning, since my wind is weak shit, my dark is weak shit because I'm not using dark arion tds and thus can't use a certain chip due to overcost/no lower tier PA, and my wind is complete garbage on all but one char who it could be said to be garbage on by virtue of tmg.
What's the best 12* arm unit to use as set filler right now?
Still Gix?
lilith fucking kill yourself already
>ran away
I use it for boards that don't exist here, and it pol which is far less pozzed than 4chan pol
>shitty simulacrum
Except its functionally superior to 4chan in every way ,still no sound webms here.
Most of the userbase is made up of disgruntled 4chan oldfags of which are the antithesis of normalfag. 4chan has far more reddit crossies and normalfags thanks to moots idiotic attempt at censorship to appeal to feminists by hiring janitors that don't even know the board culture and just blanket delete/ban posts that are reported enough. 4chan is a shadow of its former self no amount of domain loyalty will make you any faggot trying too hard to fit in nor will it prevent the influx normalfags.
we get it lilith now go fuck off
not even lilith cry more kid.
I love this lilith meme.
why dont you kill yourself lilith no one here likes you not even the other avatar fags
what is the lilith meme?
>lilith boogyman
I like lilith, I will never stop laughing at how that autist has managed to turn you all into paranoid wrecks. I can shitpost all day and he will get all the blame now.
I don't even think he minds getting the blame as much as he does I think he actually likes it
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>That everything

You sound so far up your ass, it isn't even funny.
Its the truth though, sounds like you are just in denial desu.
Anyone that left for there is far from an oldfag and just some weak willed pussy.
whoa nice
really? thnx
Festering here with the cancer doesn't make you a big guy.
If only we had meme making people to make funny comics or pictures about them to make them go away like some avatarfags.

Hint hint
that happened to skengs and he didnt go away, people attempted to do the same to lilith and he didn't go away either
I don't want them to go away though, people like him rayles and skengs created so much fun its half the reason I even come here now.
Nor does replacing this rock for a shitty copy and saying it is better.
Skengs was a better target due to being an ugly tranny clown that calls everyone an ugly idiot and speaks in Lumpy Space Princess's voice from Adventure Time.

Lilith is a slutty "demon lord" which is roughly what a large portion of this games population chooses to be.

One of these is far more memeworthy and fun to shit on than the other.
thing is. lilith wasn't actually a slutty demon lord he used that as a way to begin his shitposting since being an edgy shitlord guarantees replies from fucking everyone. don't you remember what his character looked like before he became a regular in these threads?
By that logic 4chan is a shitty copy of 2chan. Again with the pointless domain loyalty. I'm not even the one trying to be le elite anonymous leginoer here, I'm just giving you the facts that 8ch has replaced 4chan for anyone who cared about keeping the spirit of what made 4chan great alive, but enjoy your deprecated image board with le reddit bros.
Shitposting and memes only work on the weak willed, people like lilith and skengs feed off attention of any kind because that is what they crave.
>8ch has replaced 4chan

You reek of self righteous bullshit which is probably why that copy is a beacon for "redpilled" people.
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as expected of discucks
>shitposting and memes only work on the weak willed
This is some textbook projection
So you are a shitlib, ok makes sense now. Stay cu cked on this shit word filtered cop out domain in denial.
>I'm a libtard if I don't agree with you

If I didn't already know you're from 8ch, I would say you're from /pol/. Maybe the two sites aren't that much different after all.
i'll give you another facet of this is that they are memeworthy in different ways

Skengs with being and ugly tranny calling people idiots and Lilith who is just good at triggering people over long periods of time
I outright said I go to 8ch pol here >>163439907 because 4chan pol is compromised, the j janitors outright delete certain threads and topics they don't want us to talk about.
>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.

cant even use merchant echo quotes here more proof of cuckery.
Is there a way to really zoom in to your character while you are shopping stuff?
its a bit hard when checking eye patterns for example
/pol/ is a shitty part of the site, I'm glad those filters are in to point out how much of a faggot you really are.
/pol/ and 4chan as a whole was a right wing site and only after moots sell out cuckery has this changed, clearly you are the faggot here if you think otherwise. Back to your discuck circlejerk.
>amerifats talking about politics in a game about dressing characters up in as little clothing as possible
I don't even know my left from right
why do avatar fags in the discord mention lilith so much? every time enju or luna mentions that faggots name
>/pol/ and 4chan as a whole was a right wing site

That's where you are incorrect and it tells me you're not truly an oldfag.
Na you are just too new to remember what it was actually like.
you what
I don't even talk about him
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Maybe because people keep mentioning him so eventually they get curious/bored/triggered and start mentioning him It just spreads out from there because people refuse to just drop it.
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>i don't even talk about him

I fail to see myself in there
>no enju or luna in speaking of him
There's a trick to it apparently. Move the preview window all the way to the bottom of your screen, then drag the window vertically to the top.
ooga booga lilith boogeymen
>Eternal psycho drive has a 15% damage increase
0luck fags on suicide watch
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unrequited love
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Think carefully now if you keep trying to explain to this person why 8 is better. I'm telling you right now as clearly as possible. Don't The best that happens is you win the fight; THAT'S IT! but then these type of posters show up and become part of 8.
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not even part of this conversation but man you're deluded
I'm here to talk about a malaysian game about beating up old ladies
who actually gives a fuck about whatever politics you americans seem to love so much
unrequited on who's side?
Oh so it wasn't the merchant quotes that triggered the error.
I'm getting easy loosh at least.
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yo what the fuck shinguru sounds cute as fuck

fucking faggot making me confused
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if only psow would do the same...
>these people are on ship2

I feel sorry for them
can I shitpost too?
>these people are on ship2
Nah, this thing's in PSO only it seems.
Shit, it is?
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>tfw have not seen a force so far during mother and it months till one popped in maggy
do those people never pug or something?
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I couldn't tell.
I wasn't talking about politics at all because all that arises is increased retardation at those whose lack similarity in opinion.

>I'm here to talk about a malaysian game about beating up old ladies.
You'd probably be the first one to talk about it.
What a fucking pussy. Only a pussy would use a filter.
heres the real weak filled faggot.
>No "Cant make this shit up" filter
But mother eq ended hours ago

Oh hi grandma you're back
That creature specifically has only 1 post in the PSO2 area, which leads me to believe that.

If they'd had tried it they'd probably have had an aneurysm seeing all the naked female characters judging by all the "PROBLEMATIC" verbose.

When someone uses those kinds of words constantly you can pretty much instantly tell that they're an immense faggot.
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for now
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Thank you everyone else for the (you)s I'll put them with the others!

Come back when its a real meme.
You filter people but are probably more of a faggot than them.
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What does people use on their mag action triggers for tech users anyway? I've been using these for the past years and never looked back.
Also, does having more lines on action triggers makes a significant difference?
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no thread to read soon
HURF DURF, You're a faggot for not wanting to listen to all the riveting conversation about attention whoring faggots. Name drop here.
I've seen like 2 te and 2 fo in total, it's mostly melee. melee is dicks vs mother
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>melee is dicks vs mother
not arguing but should not bo,br have good uptime in general?
or the whole brave/wise shenanigans deters melee?
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>little bois with small weenies who are fals
It is personal... Personell are like staff or hired people.
>the whole brave/wise shenanigans deters melee?
How does that work on mother actually? It's a platform fight, so is it always wise like elder, or is it completely fucked up like PD? Or is it how it should be, based on the arms?
Not sure if post-irony or just new.
I think it's always brave, I tried switching to wise and got less damage, so I think it's relative to mother's position.
>want to do emergency mission
>can only find one other person to do it with
>its some shitty ganbatte jap who doesn't know how to play
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What's the actual lore for her anyway? The design of the boss is sick but I haven't really felt compelled to do the story.
Read up on how the Trigger Actions work, since you clearly don't know. Slots 3 and higher on your MAG are basically never going to trigger with that set up for example, they might as well be empty.

PP Restore J is okay but relatively useless most times, it could be neat if you were able to get more than 1 but as is, not really.
PP Restore B is complete garbage and straight up never useful, and Invincibility A is pretty eh too.

Generally speaking most people stack either Stat Boost K or HP Recovery A, B, o K in all slots.
ppb was area change, iirc, which is useful on TA.
>which is useful on TA.
Not very, it recovers like 5 PP and only 1 triggers at a time whenever you zone. I doubt there are any situations where it saves you time.
Probably better to get Stat Boost Ks and feed your MAG to force it to refresh your Shifta when your pre-countdown buffs run out
It triggers one at a time, but you're forgetting that mag actions have a cooldown, and with the speed at which area transitions occur in TA, it's quite likely that one or more will be on cooldown.
Dumb flipflapper
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Does this look good? are there any less feminine eyelashes to buy?
I'm not forgetting that triggers have a cooldown, there simply aren't enough area transitions to make it worth anything. The most you get are 3 in Amduscia, the vast majority has 1-2. This is a retarded argument anyways, watch any of the record times and you will see they never lack PP, especially with the better gear nowadays.
Your chin looks like a traffic cone.
No wonder people aren't hitting on me.
Your head is too large or your torso too thin. Fix the chin and the nose looks like it could be too long but it's hard to tell from that angle.

I didnt do anything to the body yet, what's wrong with the chin though and how do I fix it.
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Is there any way to increase the max zoom distance?
The default limit is too fucking close to the character and makes a lot of things way more annoying than they have any right to be.
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There is, but it's only available via a third party tool that needs to be manually updated by the guy who makes it nearly every week.
As far as I'm aware the only camera options we have are close and less close. you can also move it up and down with the / and * keys on the number pad, the - and + switch between the two camera zooms
adding to that, that tool also offers an advantage that is something that could easily get you banned, like the parser, use at your own risk
At this point I don't even give a shit if I get banned anymore. I wonder if Sega even play their own game, with the effect overload that all the new battles are it's impossible to tell what is what with the camera up your character's ass.
You over saturate your presence.
Eh, it's an "advantage" that should be there by default, not something that should need a third party tool to enable. Extended draw distance is damn near mandatory.

There's a 99.5% chance you wont get banned for using the mod tool, unless you were posting blatantly obvious usings of it that wouldn't be possible without it, with your name attached, and you did so in a place where jp's would report you for it because they didn't think of it first. I've been using it ever since it was created. The "third party" factor I mention is simply that it needs to be manually updated every time sega release a new pso2.exe because of variable changes.
You are hardly a pure lily...
But i never implied i was one...
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>see 200 SG in campaign rewards
>scratch twice
>black matoi base + ou
Thanks sega I'll buy more AC™ just for you.
why does lilith still look uglier comapred to enju and kayleth attention whoring aside? kayleth clone memeon edition was better
char file where
Is there a female cast head that actually looks like a robot? Most of the ones I've seen are either human heads or oversized helmets.
Download Io file
Change hair to purple
Select youthful face
Enlarge breasts

lamia face
Lamia face.
broheim I'm gonna forking clump in my underwear. it's coming...
it's trickling down my leg! aw shucks ya'll, puddle on the ground, but I don't have a frown. the freaking coom!
What`s the best class in this game?
>tfw suddenly realize my character is hideous

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Summoner :^)
Seconding this >>163456064
Fuck me didn't know this existed, thanks anons.
14* Pots when?
Does combat escape allow you to live through Mother's cube attack?
Well you can't say that and not post it, show em out. Might not be too bad.
Yes, bravers are cheaters
Rod: Boosts the effects of Elemental Conversion by 75% and decreases PP Consumption by 15%.
Rifle: Increase damage by ?% and a ?% chance to stun enemies on attack. Gives additional damage as you go closer to the enemy (MAX ?%)
Katana: Boosts the effects of Katana Gear by ?%. Gear fills up when the weapon is unsheathed by ?% rate.
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What's up pee ess oh too gee?
Expect the worst of them to not even attempt breaking cubes.

I joined another run when it was almost half bravers.
>6 bravers use katana combat and just watch the cubes
>two fighters start holding their PBs
>mfw now i ditch mpas if half of it or more is melee
I had a pub run where we cleared the first cubes, then failed the second ones because some people now managed to charge their PBs and decided to do that instead of clearing cubes again.
She ate a little boy and it gave her terrible indigestion
the dragon pet is fucking sick bro
was doing like billions of damage and I hadn't even jammed any candy in it
What does the personalities do?
How do I get ReShade 3.xxx working with PSO2? Game's lovely but need to make it prettier.
1% damage up on every enemy killed up to a maximum of 50%

damage up based on the number of nearby enemies
Ok so what exact order do I put them?
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Dude this hair looks NICE

also >not hiding mag
Also how much is a "normal" recover or "small"? is it % based? I only have 850hp
That's some gross paki face you got there
This should answer all your questions.
still shit settings, still ugly.
Does the Nemesis potential work on Esca darkers and mother?
Thanks anon
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i am SORRY please instruct me on how to make the IDEAL pso2g waifu that's gonna be based on each one's personal tastes therefore not pleasing anyone.
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fuck off lilith
get a trip ya gross cunt
>165+ atk units
>able to play any and all class combos
>austere or superior of all weapons
Would waifu in a heartbeat, don`t even care about your character appearance.
Wear a rappy suit.
Pls help there isnt much time to EQ
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what for? so you can shitpost them harder?
That is so mean! Is it bad that I laughed?
Well shit

Better change characters while i can
autismstere and 165+ atk is overkill and not needed desu, costs are exponentially higher to get to that point on units (well, used to be?) still a bit silly.

someone with pretty ok gear and understanding of class is waifu.
So I can hide their ugly mug from my webspace.
You should always aim to surround yourself with people better than you.
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how does an autist have this much fucking sway?
Because you don't ignore it.
why cant the discucks ignore it?
I think because they are jealous of all the attenion that Lilith gets. I mean it works. You ignored me and I went away. I am a little frustrated that more people pay attention to Lilith than they did to me too.
is your character a boy or a girl?
Your fault for not having the shitty tenacity of a major attention whore.
they had tenacity, you however did not
Same as irl, so both
Lilith is cute
I guess so but I didn't want to annoy anyone or make them hate me either.
no they aren't. enju is cuter than lilith
15tatk unit is the only person that doesn't get on my nerves in there
Enju is just a bad clone of Kirsch and a horrible person too.
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>Half the MPA just stops attacking the cubes to charge their PBs for 10 seconds
This has to stop
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Why is there so much stuff flying around in this fight

I dont even know what was hitting me most of the time
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Fun times
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The phase where Mother is flailing about is kinda annoying. She is really large and hard to see her telegraphs sometimes.
if you stay too far behind you'll get invisible hits until you die, overboost when that happens

>day 2
>still running the same stale content over and over again instead of going back to Overwatch

This is really sad...
This is my first time doing the EQ though...

>Playing overwatch in the first place
>back to overwatch
haven't even played it once doesn't seem worth the money
Listen to her. She broadcasts everything
>i'm poor
I just did the Esca Mother EQ for the first time, and the rideroid portion of the quest is really confusing. How do you speed up to catch up to Mother? If you manage to hit something and fall behind, it seems like you take damage, but then as you take that damage, you fall further behind. Is there some sort of new function that's different than from the Las Vegas quests?
>Going back to overwatch
I dropped that shit short after release but enjoy your (You).
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This was my first time.

Sit isn't good for this rip sit.
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>boosters expire partway through
>"ok that's fine, I'll just wait until npc-chan gives her warning it's almost dead and use it then"
>npc-chan doesn't give a warning
>mother dies before it even gets to cube a second time
rip file progress.
Your overboost skill. Right next to the homing missiles.
But Overwatch epitomizes "stale content"

Wait was that the joke here
All I hear is a big blue monster shouting in nip. All the ching chong sounds the same to me.
i told you guys you can't trust casts with important roles
Yeah I started doing mine right after her first cube.
>got on late and had to join a pug
>we cleared phase 1 with no issues
>got S rank

Nice. Though i wish people would attack the cubes than just stand there
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>thought this was in 4 hours
good thing i was on anyway because i thought christmas one was now

didn't realise mother has a 75/75 req though, whats the fastest way to level since my friends gonna need it and i need to level other classes anyway
I didn't even know there were homing missiles. All I saw was the barrel roll.
then eat floor all the same scrub
Should be 1 and 2 by default
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AQ probably

Urban is best with a full group because of PSE bursts
But isnt lilith a bad clone of kayleth? Also why is enju a bad person?

Cuter than lilith
Christmas in less than four hours
Another Mother in less than six hours

Advance Quests
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i'm already close to Master, senpai

No, i won't bother with Grandmaster
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oops, i meant i'm already Master
Can anyone confirm if Blue Launcher does actually drop in SHAQ Urban?

Swiki seems to say so but i havent seen any in 10+ runs on 250%
It's fucking Ray collection sheet all over again.
Actually im just finally finishing the ray sheet i started 6 months ago
Who /fun build/ here? I'm a mage who only uses ice (and resta/grant) magic. That means no shifta either.

>You're not viable!
Yeah I am, I'm just not optimal. And who really cares besides the people who are too serious anyway?
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Is this basically just a special affix that appears when you add abilities when its +35?

Whats the success rate like for these?
why is enju a horrible person?
Fucking ice mages

Go back to WoW#

You're not good in PSO2 and you're even worse in XIV
you mean the nier automata demo on Very Hard right? Let's shill good games here at least
>tfw you have a large chunk of people blacklisted due to either spamming @s or being retards
Are they still spamming lilith's name? I had to leave it because of that shit
Technically Fo/Gu with a focus on ice techniques is one of the top speedrunning combinations.
shame i dont have a full group though
Whats the go to budget affix now?

Is Apprentice/Mod/Stat4/x still a thing or is there something more cost efficient
No it's not, because everything where that could be good has ice resists.
Resist isn't going to save you against what would otherwise be capped out damage every few seconds.
>capped out damage
It barely reaches the display cap, which is nothing special for a /Gu build.
I don't think you understand the amount of damage they do. Maybe you should look up a boss rush before you pretend you know what you're talking about when you say that the ice resist will save most bosses from getting steamrolled.
>Boss rush
Are you talking about field bosses or something? If you are you don't need to sub Gu on an ice Fo to oneshot those. When I said ice resists I was obviously talking about eq bosses, where Il Barta Fo/Gu is completely outclassed by Barantsion and pretty much every other valid /Gu build.
Who the fuck cares? The guy literally said he didn't care about being optimal because he was enjoying himself. You're both autismos.
I care because someone is being wrong on the internet and I can't let that stand.
>When you log onto discord just to blacklist people and go back to sleep
Why isn't Afin in Franka's Cafe for the seasonal quest? It says to talk to Afin in the cafe.
you're actually supposed to talk to Aida, the english patch fucked up the translations.
I don't have to talk to Afin? Thank god, fuck that guy.
no, fuck YOU
Go away Afin you're the worst partner in the entire game and I kick people from my party just for inviting you.
Afin has a smoking hot sister who he more than likely bangs all the time. He is the best aibo.
That's just another reason why he's the worst, it could be ME banging his hot sister all the time.
Who you
Fuck you, Afin went through hell to get his sister back. He deserves every hot sweaty night he gets to have with her.
Because he brags to his friends about horrible things he has done to people and tells personal things about them he promised to keep between them. You should not trust him at all with anything.
>I have no idea what I'm saying, let me just twist words around and make shit up like the toxic person I am
I am not toxic. I try to like everybody but you hurt my friends and that makes me angry.
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ok I'm just a cute mage now
>tells personal things about them he promised to keep between them.

That's awful.
QFT, you don't even interact with her because post pseudo apprentice she's just an extension of Afin, THANKS WRITERS.
has lilith done anything to you too or is he just an aggressive shitposter? I've actually ran into him in game and he's surprisingly chill compared to his antics in these threads
Right now, you lazy thing.
I'm lonely
I am on ship4 if you want company
Not really. He just used to be really annoying about erp and lies about how much he used to do it. I think he just likes to troll pso2g.
who are you
I am not going to say it here
>lied about erp
i respect a good troll but did he ever state why never really did it? i think he said something about playing the game more than that text fucking in one of the threads though
What's a good cheap affix these days?

What's the cheapest way to grind a 13*? Both resource and meseta wise?
Is it still grinding up a 12* Using 10*s then feeding it in?

temped to avatarfag with posts But I'll refrain
You're going to need a bigger collar to hide your fetal alcohol syndrome.
Post character
Maybe he is embarassed about it? It is probably true that he plays more but he did erp a lot before.
stop talking about yourself. no one knows any of this stuff, but yourself. fuck mang.
Alter X, X the Soul, Mod, Stat 4

I've only erp'd 2 or 3 times
I need to get 9 mod and 9 alters for that right? Isn't that expensive
That is a lie because you have erped with more people I know than that.
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astra bow is really pretty
Not really just get some 3s fodder (which is usually cheap) with alter and mod and upslot them to 4s

Do something with the fodder like this:

For the soul and stat fodder the same method as above here: http://pso2affix.seilent.net/#!/s=RB22.ZA01.ZB01&1=XA01.AA03.ZB01&2=AA03.ZA01.ZB01&3=AA03.ZA01.ZB01&4=OA02.ZA01.ZB01&5=&r=AA04.RB22.ZA01.ZB01&o=A05

Lastly the finalized set of fodder should look like this: http://pso2affix.seilent.net/#!/s=SH01.AA04.ZA01.ZB01&1=RB22.AA04.ZA01.ZB01&2=UB01.ZA01.ZB01.TC01&3=UB01.TC01.ZA01.ZB01&4=UB01.TC01.ZA01.ZB01&5=&r=SH10.TC01.UB01.AA04&o=A05

I haven't erp with that many tbqh and i when i would do i would just get bored and leave
Well it is your own business anyways. I just think you should be honest if you are going to talk about it at all. It is really nobody's business what you do and you should just say that.
Erp is boring, I don't see why people like it.
I'd rather just fap to someone character doing lewd LAs and maybe tell him how I enjoy masturbating to his character ass.
>that affix process
I see you hate money.
fair enough

though i've done it a few times i'm more or less indifferent to it. if i wanted to do it non stop i would just go to /trash/ or f-list since its more or less a better outlet for it imo the character limit is fucking garbage in this game

I can just make that money back and then some just mod farming and selling nox fodders along with usual stack of 40 DOs on my alts
Not an excuse. You'd have a lot more money saved if you actually gave two shits about affixing.
>if you actually gave two shits about affixing.

I actually do care. any other time i would have just left the default affixes instead doing pic related. Besides i usually don't care what methods are being employed a as long as the objective is done
How should it be done?
how are you so autistic yet still so bad
What's the optimal strategy then?
because i've yet to find the "spark" to give me the drive necessary to go full force
Figure it out yourself. Here's a few tips.
First of all, Extreceptors exist, and they're cheap as fuck, since Soma eq churns them out like there's no tomorrow. Soul Receptors go into the same bargain bin. 3s Mod weapons cost literally nothing.
Fuck alter, it's a waste with extreceptor. Go flict, since you only need 1 input in the final affix with ext.
In most cases X the Soul at 4s is a waste, go ult soul.
Apprentice soul boosts modulator, helps if you're upslotting, which you should be doing for 4 slots either way because rates aren't trash.
>lilith's affixes

I can't even call them dumb at this point they're just a lazy sack of shit
You know you can take screenshots without the UI
too late, was out, time to nap before es eq.
Also forgot to mention you only need 2 pow4 inputs with extreceptor
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During mother, is it possible to destroy the 20 cubes alone?
if you have a 15* weapon, sure
There's just not enough time. You can't hit more than one at a time.
If you're not going to erp then at least share nudes.
>wanting nudes from a kayleth clone

shit taste
Anybody want the succ?
Kill yourself Sign you cancerous filth.
How do you know who is who?
What's a good sub to pair with summoner?
>People STILL just chain PB instead of attacking the cubes
Why are pubs such dumbshits?
LOL maybe on your awful ship.

we killed ALL the cubes both times, and second time if you do she goes belly up with weak spot for a while
They have no confidence in their fellow ARKS
I attack the cubes as much as possible then PB at the last moment
I actually managed to mirage dash 3x through the 1hko though. mad timing
What's wrong with that affix process?
See >>163483236 However, i didn't even use Ext. receptors
>just when you think the pubbies are improving
>a run that takes so damned long you can't multiship
>on the heels of one where you had ten minutes worth of leeway

>multishitting in 2017
do collection file items drop when it reaches 100% now or do you still have to do the quest one more time after that?
I'm glad the weapon potential isn't that good for Astra because I don't think I could actually stomach running mother enough to +35 a weapon.
One more kill.
>I attack the cubes as much as possible then PB at the last moment
This, those that don't even try are less than trash.
I'm not Sign my man, I just wanted to know if anyone wanted the succ.
I do
Does Astral potential work with Rod Shoot?
>Spending tens of millions on 12* unit affixes that he can't resell when an upgrade comes out
120/6 for life
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Pop score popped


I did it.
Who is this, who wants the succ
Why do you think I want them?
Any scheduled Mommy EQs today?
I still need 2 more for my first batch of Astras, having a life sucks
You wouldn't be playing pso2 if you had a life
Having a girlfriend doesn't mean I can't also fap to catsluts
>not saving all your semen for your slut
>not pumping your personal fuck hole full of it night after night
why even bother
I dont have the nude mod. if you wanna fap to someone just wank it kayleth or enju's character or something
like who?
Any Ship 2 teams recruiting? Just made a FO and am unlocking areas right now
I also bought Premium and inventory slots already if that matters
as far as i know EDF is the only alive team on 2, they normally hang out on b47 cafe area
My nigga
allthough 150/9 still seems like a nice goal to get
>28 blocked messages outside of the retard containment channel
Post a parse of you doing mother with your braver.
How long until we get a difficulty beyond Extra Hard?
I want it to actually be a challenge.
Probably together with the level cap increase, so Spring 2017.
my only question is what it'll be called.
You're playing the wrong video game if you want challenge.
They'd have announced it with level 80, so don't expect anything. They'd also lock it to level 75 instead of level 80, defeating the point.
is there an arks road guide somewhere?
i have no idea what to do for these crafting ones
Friends of mine.
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Why aren't there any titles for obtaining multiple class stickers or maxing out multiple effort symbols? I want the whole world to know that I'm the ultimate being.
Because Sega doesn't want to make all the Gyx Babies feel like they aren't at the top of the world.
The more you have the more you should glow

I want to walk through the lobby shining like the sun
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>Files left to download 6747
>page 9
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>mfw autism wont let me evolve redran to 13* rarity till i get that super personality i want first
Trying to install the english tweaker and the install is in arabic/some language like it.

I loved pso episode 1/2 on the gamecube, is this going to feed my nostalgia?
>is this going to feed my nostalgia?
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Ok cool
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Any FO(/TE) here that can give me some input on what techs to craft and how?
I found an old post that said to do Efficient Recipes for all my attack spells, Multi Resta, and Fierce Zondeel. Is that still accurate?
That's basically the opposite of what you should do.
get some random to lvl. 3 craft concentrated ragrants asap
So Concentrated is better than Efficient for general purpose DPS spells. What about Ilbarta, I assume I want Ice Fang 2 for that?
Fierce Zondeel sounds right for the extra range, power doesn't really matter there. How about Resta though? Brilliant or Multi?
What is the blurred part?
>How about Resta though? Brilliant or Multi?
multi more or less divides the actual healing you do over time
go with brilliant since it can be used as a clutch heal if uncharged and 1 tick while charged easily recovers most people health
A lot of customs are personal preference. The most important ones that aren't are concentrated Ra Grants, status effect zondeel (because it increases the range) and brilliant resta (because it makes uncharged resta heal you to full). For Il barta most people pick power over charge speed because you normally spam uncharged anyway and ony charge the last few hits.
Oh, also, should I farm lv17 discs before crafting the spells or does that not matter?
Not quite sure how that works.
Doesn't matter.
I forgot multi ra zan and probably others but you can ask about specific tecs if you think there are some important ones I didn't mention.
Striped pantsu.
I want to see them.
What's the best personality for redran?

What candies should I get

Redran looks like he is always at your side like Sally. Maybe the parfait that increase damage if the pet is by your side.
>No Shadow costume
This is the main reason I don't even bother with it.
>OH can't even get a mpa for mother
OH is full of mini groups instead of just being all bros.
Same, don't give a shit about the ARKS insignias, they slap that on most of their weapons and default emblems anyways.
>tfw you see one of your oldest friends near the campship entrance
>They're offline
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Any any of the EQ's using this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vX2ZKdF9BQY again for Christmas shit? If so I'm reinstalling right now.

You'll never be more comfy than hitting monsters while listening to this.
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implying it isn't same on ship2
what the fuck are star gems
A jew currency that SEGA put in to squeeze more money out of you. It's fucking terrible. You will need 1400 to extend your collection, goy.
RaHu or RaBr? how big is the damage difference
extend what collection
is it even worth coming back right now?
I don't think I could play RA without massive hunter.
あばれんぼう seems to work similar to yamato so unless you 24/7 redran and mobbing only it seems mediocre so get the other one

>What candies should I get
like with all pets go with panckaes/cookies since those are safe to use
and like popple,redran likes to stick next to user so bolster seems like a great parfait for it
roll wise if you have those "less pp cost during alter ego" then shove them
>You will need 1400 to extend your collection
Is it permanent?
There was a bug that occured sometimes that resulted in people not being able to see each other online despite them being so. If he's not on your npc list and he was in the past, he removed you.

It's permanent at 1400SG for 2 lines per ship
>spent all my SG on this shit scratch
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sega pls fix faster I don't want a heart attack everytime I pub
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tfw forgot to refresh boosts at campship

At least RDB+50% day will be up for the next 4 runs needed.
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It always feels like only a few people are actually doing shit during part one
Can I see another pictures of this character
I wonder how much HP phase 1 Mother has. Does damaging the orbs count towards depleting her health pool?
Who want to farm trains on ship4?
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They arent on my FP list..
>6 or 7 arm phases
>43 sec left on eq clock when we finally finish
I have fell victim to a negative damage mpa
I can't parse on PS4
can you already do it? if so how?
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I don't need them but I don't mind helping you if you wait like 30 minutes.
Alright I'll wait in b25
Another "special" ES scratch, another salvo of useless fucking garbage.
It‘s funny because the other scratch is better than this.
Better get saving anon. I'm back up to 370 and I can still extract 420 from bingo cards, and another 240 from story board.
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Welcome to Ultros .jpg
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why does lilith still look so fucking ugly nad unhot compared to kayleth
Are the pet evolutions of wanda/sally/torim from Ult Amduscia drop only?

What rarity are they
>Anime fuck chips are good
>Actual character chips and the seasonal ES scratch are bad
Sega sure is good at ruining christmas.
>trying to play while your eyes are full of tears because the song rubs it in your face that you're foreveralone
you fucking what, faggot. this year they wised up and found some actual xmas music from NiGHTs.
>playing es in 2017
yes, 10-13 only.
Why Lilith isn't in /pso2g/ discord?
he left. Why would you want that faggot back?
>tfw you blacklisted everyone who thought they were funny changing their name to lilith last night

Not even once would I use that reddit piece of shit.
why the fuck were they doing that shit?
But it was me who changed names
They dundunuffing
i TOLD you fucks about leddit man. ship 2, discord, the >8 team.

but they just shitposted me, drawing more to their side.
Enju, Zatch and Zext at the very least all thought they were "funny". Just two more to the blacklist.
i think i've seen the discucks namedrop lilith more than the people in this thread. Thats really fucking sad
>Not having enju blacklisted from day one
>a chat program is reddit now
wew anon I don't even go to the one for this thread but you need to not be so triggered
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>Play on reddit ship
>In a reddit team
>cry about discord being reddit chat
Really make you think
>Two more added to the blacklist
I've had him blacklisted since he showed up.
People like you really piss me off. You make people that actually dislike reddit look like fucking retards by calling everything reddit. I bet you don't even know why people dislike reddit and are just trying to fit in.
Except discord is reddit.
>That retarded guy that keeps @ing Kayleth begging for a name change and color
>times like this i wish lilith was in that discord annoying the fuck out of them

lilith is and always be a lazy piece of shit but its funny as hell to see him trigger people
Anyone here from lolizei?
Anyone here from The Benchers?
Anyone here from Luminary?
How do I get ReShade working with PSO2 Tweaker???
why are the discucks doing this lilith name change bullshit
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Someone have any tips/guides/sets/jp pages talking about what to do with all these new 12* units? I currently have a extend pp saiki set and was thinking about making one with the 12*'s I got.
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>13* tmg from pso2es quck search
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>EPD eliminates the necessity for rainbow rods
>ele conversion effectiveness buffed by 75%
>off element damage is doubled to about 45%
>pp regen out the ass
>its literally a FO supremacy season premier episode

Jesus fuck
u wot
Eternal Psycho Drive is essentially a full power gyx with ele conversion boosts (massive boost to on and off element) and pp regen. this also means you dont have to rainbow
Oh, the new 14*. Was wonder what EPD was an acronym for.
Do we know the Katana and Rifle potentials yet?
Alas it's worthless now in the age of arion daggers.
What is arion
Check your facet folia privilege.
It's clique shit just like every other general's discord?
Anyone new has to act "a certain way" to fit in.
Lillith might have been a little annoying but wasn't condescending or passive aggressive to my knowledge. Don't get why everyone is bent out of shape when he's around.
How does one get ReShade to work with PSO2 Tweaker?

I have facet folia on 5 characters anon.
Where do uyou get that
EQ stone exclusive trade-in (drop), valid for this EQ period only. If you can't get one this week, you're not getting one for 6 months+.
yeah, sounds like they ripped off one of bison's moves from Street fighter and gave it to weapon

Katana: perma gear 24/7 when unsheathed. Not really consdered a dmg boost in the conventional but its still dmg boost by virtue of what KC is

Rifle: Dmg boost (proximity based?) and a chance to stun enemies

I'm sure there are more fine details but this is what i have so far.
What are you talking about, on ele 13* still completely shits on an off ele pwand.
So the Katana's potential is useless, cool.
Rifle could either be great or whatever, it having that stun effect doesn't exactly make me hopeful about the dmg boost.
But who or where

I checked all the usual npcs and i dont see it
Talking about the 14*, not the 12* retard
ES exclusive.
Well that explains it

Ah well
EPD also has about 500 TAtk on the current 13*s, something to keep in mind.
not even 250 anon. gix is 1705, epd is 1948.
>Katana: perma gear 24/7 when unsheathed.
lol, how did they think this was comparable to the other 14*s. br getting shafted hard
BR has guren, that's enough.
I am obviously talking about the 14* too you autist.

It has slightly more than 300 on austere. Even if it was 500 that wouldn't make up for the 5% ele convert difference and 12% from austere pot.

It also gives a (presumably) huge boost to damage during katana gear.
Why isn't there a video of spread needle in action yet
br are mostly obnoxious and ineffective and just spam one pa anyway
see >>163532391
>getting shafted
I live and die by the vergil but thats just stupid as fuck to say

as far as EPD is concerned the consensus seems to be that even with the discrepancy with it and Astra, austere, etc. pots are very minute compared to boons i mentioned here >>163530459. I can't really give my own informed opinion on it since i have yet to own nor have i seen any vids of it in action

there's one nip that has it but wont share any more info on it aside from him having a screen of acquiring it 'cause reasons
Probably because there's also an actual damage boost while katana gear is active, which is all the time thanks to the perma gear
In theory, if you were to combine it with the katana gear guard ring it'd be on demand katana gear with impunity. Still kinda shitty.
>Don't get why everyone is bent out of shape when he's around.

Aggressive shitposter, avatarfags/posts here way too much, asking for sliders help when he first joined discord and it triggered kayleth and zext's autism, apparently pissed off bearhead and other people here by just shitposting
It has a damage boost too, did nobody pay attention to the datamined potentials at all?
Katana Gear builds so quickly and lasts such a long time it's pretty much always at 100% already, there is no point to that part of the potential other than having a bit more burst at the start of the fight. If it makes Katana Gear a lot better like some other anon theorized then sure, but just that single aspect sounds very lackluster for a 14*.
if it doesn't say Dmg boost by X% right off the bat people ignore it. if its something that works in tandem with something else ala Kasami with Katana gear and implies a dmg boost people ignore it.

tl;dr: if it doesn't spell it to their handicapped faces people ignore it
yeah like some dumbasses in this thread

once someone actually tests how much of a boost it gives the katana gear, we will know if its shit or not.

speaking of katanas, I'm looking into gearing one up since I have not played it in a while. would I want gix or astra?
You actually can run out of katana gear pretty often whenever you have to dash from one spawn to another
>do I want gix or astra
>gix takes 3 hours to complete a sheet, strongest weapon type but pretty ugly for the most part
>astra takes anywhere between 1-6 eq's to get
>weaker than gix but the potential is always there, looks cooler, is recolourable, and has pp extra regen on hit essentailly meaning if you're hitting things it's a pot1 orbit
Take your pick, I'd go astra. You're going to do mother anyway, and sega will shove amduq bosses down your throat in a month with valentines.
Astra, a bit weaker than gix at max potential but you can freely use mates and switch to bow/orbit when needed.
gyx would be ideal but since Ult Am files are going in a few weeks you may as well go astral

Gyx is stronger due to the base atk and the pot increase your dmg by X percent over X seconds. however the pot resets upon switching and entering a new area. a tidbit concerning gyx pots is that they discourage certain actions in which the penalty is the pot resets

Melee (except DBs, GS and JBs for whatever fucking reason): You can heal yourself with mates. using stars, mag nad getting healed by resta is okay

ranged (JB, DBs, and GS falls into this category): You're not allowed to get hit

Tech: you can't dodge with mirage scape

Astral weps are literally stronger austeres

you can just refill it with Kazan type 0
>you can just refill it with Kazan type 0
And that wastes both PP and time
so no weapon swap, ramp up time, no mates (on a class with quick mate), but slightly stronger, or very slightly weaker always pot that can switch and heal, and has near orbit regen with attacks

is the gix power really that much stronger? it would need to hit really hard to be worth all the annoyance. but if it IS that much stronger and worth, well... then im not sure which to pick.

but it kind of seems like astra is the one to lean towards?
The main reason to get gix at this point is for the +35 factor, which is sentence <x>, which gives 20 attack of the relevant attack stat and 4pp.
Gix is about 9-10% stronger with a maximum potential. Its mostly a personal preference and playstyle kinda thing than anything else.
Except that it actually doesn't. Its potential boosts off element elemental convert by 200%, making it equal to its boosted on element elemental convert
>its literally a FO supremacy season premier episode
for like, the three people who get one per week
i guess that would be a reason to go for both, is to eventually burn it onto a different weapon?

see i do like the idea of the damage, but from what i remember with katana pp always felt like i wanted more and more. and the astra 40% on attack part sounds good, but i also know 9% stronger is a decent amount as well. hence my indecisive problem.

my main issue is mainly the pp part (and partly the no mate part), if i'd miss the 40% on attack pp (or inability to switch to orbit inbetween mob pack or something)
the once per week thing was a lie
They're still ludicrously rare even if they aren't exactly as ludicrously rare as they said they would be
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>Astra TMGs
>Cubes, ESCA symbol and shots don't change color
3 of them dropped in the first day
not him but
>inb4 all of night cucksget epd and start shilling the fuck out of force again
only shitters run out of katana gear, it builds literally instantly and you can just guren from spawn to spawn
Where are you getting this from? Swiki says it boost the effect by 75%, which would put off element at 43.75% damage bonus.
Read swiki again, they fixed it. It boosts on element by 50% (.5*1.5=.75) and off element by 300% (.25*3=.75)
never mind it just updated, it SETS element convert to be 75%, not boost it by 75%.
Sorry, 200% not 300%
That actually makes it slightly worse raw damage wise. A 16.66...% damage boost esentially if you were to compare it to a weapon with the same stats and a conditionless damage boost pot. Otherwise it would have been 25%. On the other hand this is insane for compounds, since the individual hits are affected based on wether they are off or on element, so it's effectively a 40% damage boost to the off element compound hits.
>enju in pug with on Mother
>instead of helping break cubes
>he just spams gran wave shift action in preparation to avoid the wipe

jesus fuck i wish stop trying with this shit
Did you expect something else from shit2 shitters?
kinda yeah since i was in a pug with shitlith before that and they actually HELPED BREAK THE FUCKING CUBES and no one died from the nuke
No? 200% is 3, 3*.25=75. That's a 15% boost from the normal 50 that on element is, which is the same boost that on element gives.
1.5*1.15 is 1.725, not 1.75.
there are shit players no matter where you play
you only even noticed them in particular because you know them by name
How do you use Gran Wave for that?
Basically you time the PA in sync when the nukes goes off and just before the actual explosion occurs you use LB wep action for full invul from from it
you're basically invincible for the entire backflipping shift action
>thinking it was funny to change our name to Lilith
It was some random jackass changing the names, I didn't do shit.
it was kayleth doing that shit
Where are you getting 1.15? Its multiplying with the actual element convert numbers, not with the damage boosts that it gives. When using an on element tech, element convert is a damage boost that is equal to .5x your element. This potential boosts that .5 by 50%, making it .75. .75*60=45. Normally it would be .5*60=30. That's a 15% damage boost compared to what element convert normally is. The same applies for off element. .25*3=.75, meaning even off element its taking .75 of your element and making it into a damage boost.
What block did everyone move to?

31 is empty
>Spread needle is weaker than austere when used at sharpshooter distance
would the damage be worth having less pp regen on attack / no ability to switch to orbit in downtime for regen? thats my main question. or is the damage from gix over austere/astra (since they are basically the same) noticeable?
Yeah, I fucked up, I was calculating the effective element increase but said damage instead. The actual damage increase is equivalent to 1.45/1.3 which is something around 11%, not 15% and close to 26% for off ele compound hits.
>The actual damage increase is equivalent to 1.45/1.3 which is something around 11%, not 15%
How are you getting that? .75*60 (the element of epd) is 45. That is 15 more than the 30 you would get normally. At that point it is a straight up damage multiplier, so its a 15% damage increase.
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Do boosts work if you're dead

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People that don't destroy at least one cube should get a b-rank
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>tfw settings are still too shit to take victory screenshots
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Think about it this way. You'd always have this 1.3 damage multiplier from element conversion anyway. The Psychowand replaces it with a 1.45 multiplier. In essence it's 15% additive damage. All other pots in the game are multiplicate however, so to account for that you have to divide the new multiplier by the old one and that'll give you to equivalent multiplicative multiplier. In other words a weapon with the same stats and that number I said as unconditional multiplier would do the exact same damage for on element techs.
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>victory screenshots
I like this part better.
How do I get ReShade working?
>Doing pubs with someone you know is shit
I leave for a new MPA when people I've blacklisted show up.
>ship 4 can mpa
>ship 2 cant
cant make this shit up
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tfw half the mpa is using PB on second cubes
Everyone report this poster.
the thing is its really fucking weird how enju didn't do shit yet shitlith actually contributed
>Letting her do the cube attack a second time
Not everyone can outdmg the bitch like night cucks noko
Ah okay, I do see what you mean now.
Pretty sure it's random whether she does it a second time or not.
I've had team MPAs that killed her relatively quickly get two sets of cubes and miserable pugs that had the fight take over twenty minutes only get one.
this desu. seems pretty random.
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nice legs
Anyone can do it with mirage canceling mag or cheat escape.
You can even Just Guard all the hits if you time it correctly. It's not too difficult either if you watch the graphic
didn't know you could prarry it. Even better.

>day 3
>people are still running the same stale content over and over again instead of playing the nier automata demo on very hard over and over

dis sad...
How much meseta is enough in this game?
>Not waiting for the PC version.
>tfw no (You)
anon pls
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>there are people who think lilith abomination of a character thats also inferior clone of me is cute

you have no sense of taste
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>hard is to easy and very hard is 1 hit ko

It's like they don't know what to do with difficulty settings

Pc having a demos ever, just wait for the delayed release.
>one hit kill mode
nah no thanks

have fun waiting an extra half year
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>reposting my screens from discord
>kayleth samefagging
Hello /pso2g/ friends!

Merry Christmas from /gbfg/!

thanks buddy, merry christmas to you too

I dont like mobile games but the girls of GB are some top notch stuff
what was it?
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I usually go with blast parfait for those "i am not sure which one to use" moments but what would be a good combo for viola for example?
does luxury parfait really helps pick up the pp slack for example?
Okay ______
Depends what you want to do
Code from Famitsu. One of your guys came and dumped a code for us, and I wanted the stuff that was in it so returned the favor.

Auto translate says:
"Phantasy Star Online 2" Item Set ("Necky Challenge Trigger" × 1, "Fami Pickle" × 20, "Fami-dong Fishing Rod" × 20, "Gabas Ticket" × 20)

If you want one I bought it for just over $3 burgerbucks at:
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Well viola seems like a general heavy melee mobber pet for stuff that do not die with one pa so till now i was using ares+auto attack damage with it while trying to recover pp quickly via swapping to popple

viola/jingle/synchro are the one that give me most trouble when it comes to parfaits
I installed the game and it's like Monster Hunter (I mean Monster Hunter copied PSO). So, in order to level up and enjoy the trip where I can find a guide? Or do I just hit up the quests and that's all there is?
Money isn't much of a worry at all when it comes to summoner. Gear in general doesn't cost nearly as much as it used to.
Just do whatever until lvl 70, but don't fuck up your mag (only level up one attack stat on it, no dex or anything else)
I gave the monhun code to their general, what are you doing with the macross one?
Feels like a waste letting it expire, but i found no macross general here.
theres a macross game?
There is a macross code, I assume it`s from a game.
since theres no general could you send it my way? i really love macross

[email protected]
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Yeah it was a macross theme. thnx senpai
>le reddit boogeyman!!!1

Nothing to see here folks.
Shitty meme IRC that is predominately used by faggots. Was pushed hard by faggot streamers. I'm sure you're using it now with how easy you dismiss my claim.
What do you think?
https://puu sh/sZek3/069dc10df3.jpg
>Rankings in PSO2es are even more fucked and one sided than before
Real glad I don't play that shit.
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>When no one revives you and they kill the boss and break the crystal and leave
Post more busty elf sluts
why wont lilith erp with me? :(
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>Spamming moons on Mother cause I know she is low on health and want people to get S rank
>Get killed reviving everyone else
>no one revives you
Why doesn't Quna just Moon Hadred?
>friend die mooning me
>boss die before i can moon him back
>feel bad for the rest of the week
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crying seal.jpg
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>tfw you wanna play but you're so far behind and you don't have thousands of hours available to grind anymore

i wish they would just add an offline mode
it's easy as fuck to level now
you're just a scrub
SEGA is doing literally everything to push everyone out of early game.

Exp tickets.
Quests with 100% exp boost by default.
100% exp boost weeks happen often.
New colection file was release just few days ago you only need to do Mother EQ and kill some Earth Field bosses for 2 weeks and you have catch up with last content.
Dont trust or make friends with anyone from here.
I made friends with lilith and nhite.. they're pretty cool. everyone else i met from here only cares about erp or is an asshat
>compare it to a weapon with the same stats
>implying an equivalent weapon is available


>anon memes so hard about boots that he STILL doesn't know how their PAs work
ayyy lmao.
>implying an equivalent weapon is available
That's not what I was implying at all. But are you implying a comparable weapon will never be available? It's important to know how strong the pot itself actually is so you can compare the weapon to other weapons.
That picture is when she was told that Hadred's soul might be gone for good.
Is it a good time to use rappy medals in ES right now?
All other multipliers will be the same for all weapons, so I didn't bother including them. Basically for same ele weapons it's not that OP, what makes it strong is the off ele part for compounds aswell as the PP cost reduction. I would expect the other 14* to be similar.
well how come night cucks and psow are hyping the thing up so goddamn much as if its the second coming of jesus?
Anyone got the music for the rideroid part of the new Mother EQ? It sounds nice and I'd like to listen to it without the annoying "YOU'RE FALLING BEHIND" part.
It allows you to be lazy and get just one rod for all elements I guess.
anyone know any places I can get ragol memories? like do JPs sell cafe item codes or something somewhere? I've done the ac scratch ones
I've been for some time for couple of nights but still the game feels really strange and alien to me. I'm not really sure about the story progress because even though we have partial English translation there's still lot of stuff which is in Moon language.

Do you follow some kind of guide when playing or is it just so that everyone else here has played 1500+ hours already?

Can I respec at some point?
Probably because it is without question the best rod in the game
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Someone post Cute Dewmans
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did i do the thing right
whats amazing is this is one of the first good looking characters i have seen posted here in a long time

but my opinion and tastes are probably shit.
newearl pls
>sees stealing other teams players
>reposting old memes
>lilith kicked out of the reddit discord

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>People leaving inactive teams for more lively ones merits posting somehow
Make new thread fuck
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what seems to be the best way to hunt for Shifta/Deband discs?
Playing the game.
pray they drop from red crates
Anyone who doesn't fellate the retarded kike owner and his elitist circlejerk gets banned. They get triggered over the most banal bullshit too. A few weeks ago, the owner told people to stop talking about AIDA because his dumb ass got scammed out of 300 bucks and he's still salty about it. Lmao.
>kike owner
whats that dude's name anyways? also why did lilith even get kicked anyways? i heard it was something about sexism
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