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Ace Combat General #274 - /aceg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 489
Thread images: 143

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Ace Combat General #274

Sky Eye Edition

Thread Theme:

Previous Thread

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<< AC4/5/0 Emulation Guide >>

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PSX trailer:

Returning to Strangereal.
Composer is Keiki Kobayashi.
Directed/written by Sunao Takabuchi and Kosuke Itomi.

This is everything we currently know (or think we know) about AC7:



<< AC:I website (JP) >>

<< AC:I Plane Builder >>

<< Update 13 trailer: https://youtu.be/y0Kyw7xXFvg >>
Gold Box? Probably 30 tickets, dammit

<< Aircraft and Damage Calculator >>
http://asm.aceinf.glasscore.net/ (use Text to export the build into a text format)

<< /aceg/ pilots spreadsheet >>

<< /aceg/’s guide to AC:I >>

<< Old OP >>

In other news:
A truly based anon is making an AC inspired PC game: http://rb-d2.tumblr.com/
Someone else is making an open-source thingy based on AH assets: http://zxstudio.org/blog/author/razgriz/
Good ol' Razgriz Patch Guy: http://strangerealpatches.storenvy.com/
RPG Logs database: http://pastebin.com/m7WgAifw

Because it bears repeating:
>Ports never (ever).
>HD Collection Never (ever).
>letting it die

C'mon, fellas.
Oh shush, we need rest too
Kek, good point.
>no guys stop laughing AC7 news will revive the general
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*stonehenge firing in the distance
>brady on the ball to make a new thread as soon as the old one dies

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>mfw AC3's time in the sun has finally come
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F-16 is a good looking plane
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Is the Grunder logo a stylized "G"?
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Isn't it great that AC7 will be PS4-exclusive?
Careful guys, don't (You) the weebposter.
>try to patch AC3 (have a CUE/BIN combo)

> Original file "Ace Combat 3 - Electrosphere (J) (v1.0) (Disc 1) [SLPS-02020].bin" selected.
> Patch file "AC3E_IE_Disc_1_SLPS-02020.xdelta" selected.
> Applying patch, please wait... (don't panic!)
> An error has occurred: xdelta3: target window checksum mismatch: XD3_INVALID_INPUT

Can I just tell it to fuck off with checksums, or am I going to have to hunt a pre-patched ROM?
Didn't Brady put Supergauntlet's pre patched version in the OP?
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Guess again, console-warring puchifag.
Also, here's a (You). Now get out.
See >>163352372
Sorry, I couldn't help it. I wish there's better way to banish the weebposter along with his stupid rotten creatures away from this general.
Just do like the rest of us and say OK quizno
"OK quizno"
Is that a mantra?
Don't see any G in there.
It already should've been. Quizno is a fucking tumor.
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So what do you guys think of the J-10?
F-16 with canards/10
"Literally the Lavi"
>get a PS4 for AC7
>end up buying a cheap SW Battlefront and Overwatch

Despite feeling embarrassed and ashamed, what else would you recommend? Found a cheap Fallout 4 and Hawken looks damn fun. How about War Thunder? Any other plane games?
EDF 4.1
Bloodborne, Furi, Dank Bowls 3
Get Wild Guns Reloaded and Crash Bandicoot.
CSI: Toussaint session resuming today in less than two hours
War Thunder tanks is unbearably shit. Planes is pretty alright if grindy as hell.

Hawken is basically dead. For a faster paced mech game I'd honestly recommend Titanfall 2 over it.
>tfw i found brady shitposting on /v/

Re: last thread's AC0 black menus, GSdx Settings > Renderer > OpenGL (Hardware) seems to fix it
I'm the anon who shows up every now and then asking about the possibility of AC7 coming to PC

should I put the final nail in the coffin of my hopes and dreams or is there still at least a minimal chance
At the very least it will be a timed exclusive.
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Get in lads
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Connection shat itself in the middle, I'm restoring now
Friendly reminder to always be bullying warcrimes
I'm a worthless shitposter desu, please punish me~

kill yourself

In other news, daddy Trump is getting prices dropped on the F-35.

>so this is the power of a businessman president... not bad...

What have your politicians done for your aerospace industry lately, /aceg/?
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hello my dudes ASEfriend here long time no see I had to go away for many interviews and shit but now I am back

The programmer must go away for Christmas so development is delayed unfortunately. But we can do other things like put 400+ AI and 250 SAMs in the map and try to break the game but the programming handled it pretty well (7% load on the server and 28% core usage on a high-end gaming rig with further optimisations capable)

Here's the list of things we need to finish before we can push out the demo:


>Mission update & objectives UI
>User "lock", used for end of missions, all controls get inactivated. (AP engaged?)
>Mission end screen (scoreboard and countdown to next mission)
>Scoreboard customization

Core (server-side heavy):

>Teleport users
>Pause game state (for cutscenes)
>Save/Resume saved game states (checkpoints/restarts etc)
>Mission triggers for user death, AI death
>Mission-side control of spawn time and spawn location
>Spawn and remove AI in realtime
But is it possible for Bamco to decide it to be permanent exclusive?
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In the year of our Lord, two-thousand and sixteen, I hereby bequeath unto you the title of 'Ultimate Badass', with all the rights and privileges thereto.
The Namco Bandai trailer has a little snippet after the title card the PSX one didn't have if you feel like viewing.
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So /aceg/, how does one thing gets transported to the Electrosphere?
USB 1.0
We seem pretty ded.

Might as well do a comfy stream for a bit:
Care to elaborate?
Wi-Fi connection at 1.21 jiggawatts
Right click > Properties > Advanced > Sublimation Tools > Send to Electrosphere
So its meme magic?
You need to set port forwarding first.

It's a real pain.
So anons... i just finished all the anons of electrosphere and... what you get by doing that is the mission mode and knowing that you were a fucking AI all along?
finished all the endings* holy shit i'm still a little bit shocked
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>So its meme magic?
Also data compression takes a bit, so be mindful of that if you try to sublimate.
I guess i'll take it as meme magic instead cause nobody here seems to give a proper answer
Welcome to the obligatory Japanese Mindfuck Series Installment™
>So /aceg/, how does one thing gets transported to the Electrosphere?

What did you actually mean by this?
Maybe he wants to cuck himself by using his own self?
What im trying to say is that how things get transported. Is it like being teleported?
I mean I don't know what having your mind uploaded is like. Nobody does.

The idea was just that they uploaded how he thought to the "Electrosphere" (what tech companies in real life call the Cloud).
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Evening, aces. Hope everyone's winding down towards a merry Christmas.

I'll try to have Razgriz back in stock just after the new year.

I'd also like to get something new out. I was thinking of doing something from Infinity this time. I'll post a few ideas I was floating around.
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>based Patchy returns

Oh fug yes, welcome back mah dood
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I'm ALWAYS here. I just don't post under my trip if I have nothing to talk about.

And 3. Not quite Ace Combat related, but I'd like to do this one if there's enough interest. And if I can bullshit my way through enough of a Japanese conversation with the author to get his (her?) consent.
Id buy it the second its available
>I just don't post under my trip if I have nothing to talk about.

Not quite what I meant, but I see how it come across that way.
> And if I can bullshit my way through enough of a Japanese conversation with the author to get his (her?) consent.

Author is korean.
Oh, good to know. That would have been a pretty bad start.
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>not posting the good pic
and you make fun of warcrimes
Whatcha listening to

>tfw X2's soundtrack never in .FLAC, only rips
What's the fucking deal anyways?
Maybe a few free downloads on a Bamco site or something like that.
Don't die now!
>watch Rogue One
>Y-Wing inspiration
>burn last skilled pilot medals
>grab A-10 skins, develop vanilla one

I have no regrets. I'm like the only person here not playing Electrosphere right now, aren't I?
Guess again.
Yesterday was probably just a shit day to try anything that involved an internet connection
>Have watched Rogue One as well
Jyn Erso is hotter than Rey.
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No ded here
I dream of an alternate reality where AC7 is a multiplatform title. Oh, well. Guess i have to accept the fact that PA probably isn't too well-funded to make it so.
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F-35 is a slut.
Man, hope is NOT lost, they said it themselves that want to do one version at a time so that they turn out the best they can
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Glorious slavshit coming through
>tfw found a Buddy on /sp/

Good day people, even if a bit late
What will the next gen of planes have, to differ themselves from the "old" one ? I'm starting to ak the question to myself

Is there /fit/ people here ? I'm trying to build some muscle through crunches, push-ups and dumbbells, any tips ?
>Implying it's not Tom
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Optic Camo a la Gleipnir.
Try asking warcrimes.
Hybrid ramjets like the SR-71.

>gnats meme their way to another super bowl

Please god fucking no
Why don't you go to /fit/ instead of asking here?
Because /fit/ is 90% homoposting, 10% actual advice.
What about suborbital fighting ?
something about /fit/ prevents me from going there. I guess it would be because i never posted there yet. I just wanna talk of it a bit with people i "know"
4chan is 90% homoposting anyway. You're better off asking anywhere else.
>suborbital fighting

Oh fug yes

Generic first AC mission, where you shoot down a bomber squadron at 85,000 feet
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You mean like Freefall or like X-Wing?
Just do like any other board. Lurk a while, think up your thread, then ask. No harm in trying, you are a non e-moose after all.
Space fighters and bombers.
Google "Starting Strength"

Follow exercises

It sucks (not the fun way) when you start but rapidly becomes fun

>rogue one
It felt like there were two writers; one that was absolute shit and inserted crap for no reason, and one that repeatedly salvaged the movie.
What tom says
Right under space
And how would it happen ? Except rarer air so friction is lower, is there other different physics up there ?
I think we'd get some more planes inbetween
Thanks man
Also, get a buddy. Both of you should ideally start at the same ish place. Determine your "one rep max," and base your lifting off of that.
Don't do this, it'll release Gay Gas.
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>not having a platonic buddy to lift and compete with
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>letting it die

Just bump the fucking thread, senpai!
Okay, that's interesting. Infinity got new single player challenges.
That's not really interesting. It just means they ran out of ideas.
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And yet I'm still not motivated to play.
Eh, I think it's neat, since they usually just did reruns of multiplayer challenges.
>Filler "challenges" that don't progress the story at all

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Net problems fixed, comfy stream starting today in 3 hours from now
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More glorious slavshit coming through
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EVEN MORE glorious slavshit coming through
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bump it you lazy fucks
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Absolutely haram. Should have been the F-4 tbqhwy.

I know he flys one in Mission 27 but he uses the F-4 way more, and all at first too.
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Shit happened, but connections is safe and sound.
Comfy strim time
>tfw when F-35 is btfo

Even Trump isn't going to cancel it entirely, and he's spot on when he says there's too much wasteful spending in procurement programs. Honestly, the thing wouldn't even be controversial if the Marine VTOL project was kept it's own thing. Having a single frame for all service variants was a good idea on paper but at the first sign costs were starting to get egregious they should have cut their loses and focused on the runway and carrier versions.

If boeing can do it, they're fucking magicians and deserve every penny
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Oh fug, that's not the tweet I was thinking of. I thought it was this one.

Is Lightening-chan kill?
Literally, what did he mean by this?

The Super Hornet is an already created plane with established costs, isn't it? When he says Boeing is pricing out a "comparable F-18 Super Hornet", is he talking about a new incarnation of the Hornet that can do what the F-35 can, like an Advanced Hornet or something?
The Super Hornet has superior kinematic performance.

It would not be difficult to incorporate technology developed for/during the F-35 program into a new build super hornet.

If they were planned to be procured in the same number as the F-35 is supposed to be, it would result in a plane with superior kinematic performance, equivalent sensors, and an RCS an order of magnitude larger for about 3/4 the price per plane.
Yeah that last bit with the giant ass RCS is where they'd need wizardry. VLO traits are still useful.
Tell that to the Rafale.
>the one woman who responds with 5 tweets in 30 minutes using the most condescending manner possible and calling the president elect 'sweetie' and 'honey'.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?
Just buy a bunch of flankers from Russia instead.
That's dumb.
They want to feel like they told Trump how dumb he is, when they're the only ones who look like idiots.
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>The F-35 program is taking too long to complete and costs way too much
>I know, to save taxpayers money and get us the aircraft we need I'll kickstart an entirely NEW program where I take all of the stuff the F-35 was supposed to do and tack it onto the older frame it was supposed to replace

Wow, it's hard to see how this could go wrong. Bravo Donald.

His fans will support him every step of the way too. Why he attracts such fervent supporters I will never understand.
I wonder if he just did it to bring lockmart into the public eye and also give them a kick in the ass
Could be. It would be a smart hint at them to get their budget issues in line, and would make them nice and nervous before they get to the negotiating table. And the American public and Trump fans in particular have short memories, so 3 years from now if Trump orders six gorillion F-35s no one is going to know or care except some weapons nerds on an Uzbekistan plane crashing forum.
If it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid.

That being said, the F-35 program is basically done, so this is more than likely a negotiating tactic to try and get LM to come down on price per unit.
Yup. Tbh if trump revives the US infrastructure and isn't socially regressive i'll buy a MAGA hat that matches my stockings.
Wait didn't "desu" get filtered to "desu" before?
Tbh used to be changed to desu, not sure why it isn't now
>ace combat 3 has a fleshed out story and serviceable gameplay

wtf i love ps1 games now
baka desu senpai
Just goes to show that the shitty consumer taste that's killing good games pervades internationally
I'm not really a fan of the gameplay in 3. It feels really stiff in comparison to the other games.
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Comfy strim up, get in here fellers

If facedrag is still streaming, ignore this.
He stopped already
"Caution : Stall!"
"Caution : Stall!"
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(Visible Confusion).webm
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>tfw stalling at 500 mph
>The Super Hornet has superior kinetic performance

Then why most Canadians complain about the government plans of getting a fleet of Super Hornets instead of The Lightning?
Because Hornets are the ugliest of the teens. Lightnings aren't much better though.

What are you buddies up to?

Go to sleep already.
How does it feel that you're not going to get a real plane for Christmas, buddies?
How does it feel that you're not going to get a real father for Christmas, buddy?
What happens if you don't save Rena the second time during Bug Hunt?
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I genuinely like that song
Don't all post at once.
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dat ass.webm
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STILL MORE glorious slavshit coming through
What was so important that you stopped bumping the thread until now?

Was it the football?
a combination of the RPG and AC3
What is the RPG?
played like dungeons and dragons, but AC themed
She gets hacked = mission over
What plane would Santa pilot?
>F-22-Turn-A activates Moonlight Butterfly

/aceg/, are there any good AC-ish anime, other than Area 88 and Yukikaze?

If I want to watch Area 88, do you have any particular recommendations? (OVA only, series only, or both)
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So, what's going on with the aceg /vg/ team?
Is Nemo in the process of looking for someone to take over as manager?
It would be a shame to see the /aceg/ team fade away after all that's been done.
Yeah yeah it's >reddit but read this anyway, I think you buddies might appreciate it.

Reddit or not, it's a great post.

The F-35 is a good design. Lockheed need a kick up the ass for going well over time and budget while developing it, but it would be astronomically stupid to ditch the program at this late stage, as it will just cost EVEN MORE for a crappier result (see: Australia's NBN).
The only one I can think of is Third Girls Aerial Squad, which only exists as an anime inside an anime, and a single episode made as an OVA for that anime.
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hi this is the /aceg/, yes? where are the sexy idols? :DDDDD
Macross Plus is pretty good if you don't mind some transforming mecha. There's not that much plane scenes but what's there is amazing hand-drawn goodness.
Macross in general has some cool plane stuff but the amount and quality really varies between series.
stop deding
Things are already difficult at work due to time constraints and also got personal reasons that make it difficult to spare so many weekends. And I suck at this crap, never beat anything but unprepared/unmanaged teams. Still got a PES17 Cup with /vr/ to see how things work in a new version but I don't really feel like going on. I'll do my best in any way to help if someone steps up, but can't commit with managing anymore

tl;dr yep, /aceg/ needs a manager
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>Cinderella Girls return soon
nah, he's just trying to do 'le ebin 4d chess' and spook em into lowering the price. It'll go something like the air force one debacle:

>Trump: the F-35 is too expensive
>Lockheed Martin: actually it's not

>they have a meeting

>Trump: the F-35 is not too expensive anymore
>Lockheed: We're pleased to have the support of Mr. Trump
I do not actually care for the F-35, but that is not the fault of the F-35, it is because of the F-22 and the limited numbers they were procured in.
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And now he wants to look into upgrading nukes.. @ a trillion funbucks.
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YET MORE glorious slavshit coming through
>People think all that money is going into the F-35 and not some secret project while using the F-35 as a facade
Manned combat planes are getting even more neglected as time goes
The day of drone fighters is getting closer, drones do not drink beer or smoke drugs.
Kinda sad for anyone who has been aspiring to actually fly a warplane
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Well yeah, they could still get a job flying drones.
Mission Failed*
Curious, what's wrong with NBN? I'm not shitpostistani.
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But flying a jet feels different than flying a drone
Just like before he has no chance of ever changing the price. You can't negotiate stuff like this. It's gonna be one of two situations:

1. Lockheed calls his bluff and tells him to fuck off
2. Trump tries to cancel the F-35 program

2 literally can't happen because it has overwhelming support in Congress, the military, and industry. So basically, 1 is gonna happen, Trump is gonna whine about how corporatist Congress is, and his supporters will suck him off like the retarded sycophants they are.

The people that think he's playing 72 dimensional aether parcheesi are shitheads too, he's not a sales person where enhancing the truth is okay, he's the fucking president. If we can't take him at least somewhat at his word then what's the fucking point of him even opening his mouth?
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Post your favorite single-engine plane. Any generation, doesn't matter.
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I like the Draken
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Nah, who am I kidding, most likely it's the Draken.

On a sidenote, comfy bitcher strim going back up in one hour and half
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good taste anon. The Draken is cool as shit
Otaking pls
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>Single engine planes
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Get in lads
I just finished my Hard and "Ace hunting" playthroughs of AC6. I can't believe that I never got around finishing hard mode.
Nosferatu's railgun feels like cheating when you use it against enemy aces. Thoughts on that?
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>his planefu doesn't have a V24 engine
>his planefu doesn't have CRP
>his planefu isn't a seaplane
>his planefu doesn't hold a world speed record
F-86 isn't my planefu, just my favorite single engined fighter.
But how is it's combat record?
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I was just too lazy to type that description out tbqh.

Don't bully non-combat planes.
Did any pilots become aces in this plane?
What did I just say about bullying?
So it has no Aces, and was never in Combat.

So it has nothing to do, as it were, with Ace Combat.
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But Anon. That wasn't in the criteria and there are too many qt SEP fighters to choose from.
Because why the fuck are we spending almost the same amount of money to get an inferior product that will need to be replaced in 20 years anyways?
this is what happens when you let uninformed laymen make decisions on defense. It's painful enough watching them talk about computer security, this shit just hurts.
>a 5 minute interview with a washed up jazz producer is enough to fuck our Air Force's shit up
el ganja dude was a mistake
what happens if nobody buys new planes?
You lose the capability to build new ones.
NEW TRAILER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjnwJINyi_M
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>every time someone makes a claim about computer security every retard that has changed their WiFi password suddenly has a strong opinion on it
Why do people insist on talking out their ass on things they clearly do not understand? Know your fucking place God damn
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>40min+ missions
>rank C

oh well
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>this entire post
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Mods, this guy is avatarposting
Mods aren't going to do shit about it, they never do.
maybe the mod missed it on his first pass, lets request a second strike
<<Let's do this!>>
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>this entire thread is based on streaming random shit, irrelevant discussions, namefagging, and shitposting
>but puchis are too far

I've never quite understood why you people are so selective in the shit you choose to care about.
Oh wow, now right here is a guy who -really- has his priorities in order. Please, anon, PLEASE enlighten us retards on how to properly execute a thread.
If we're going to throw shit at the wall in order to avoid << ded >> at any cost, go all the way with it. Idolm@ster, whether you like it or not, is more Ace Combat related than some of the other things that get posted here. It's still better than
every other post.
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>Idolm@ster is related to Ace Combat
You got that right
>Ports never(ever).
Are you sure?
It's all bullshit, incompetent OP hasn't read the interviews.
I don't even fucking mind the normal idol shit. It's these fucking weird disgusting alien looking things that keep getting posted by this fucking autist. I don't know how they managed to make something that looks worse than moe and chibi anime combined but they did

Anyway what I'm saying is that no, I really legitimately would rather have >10 posted over and over again than those fucking things.
>I really legitimately would rather have >10 posted over and over again than those fucking things.

I hope you either see the hypocrisy in this or are implying that you're fine with it being posted even though you personally disagree with it.
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Calm down, pal.
Cipher and Pixy are here to save the day.
The eyes are really fucked up, arent they
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>waah waah hypocrisy
no you dumb fucking faggot. You have to draw the line somewhere. Puchis are off fucking topic, and more importantly they annoy people and are obvious bait. Streams, even when they're not ace combat related, don't annoy people. Political discussion, when kept civil, generally does not annoy people. Talking about anime does not annoy people. Puchi posting does, and it drags down the quality of the general. You know this, and you're being obtuse anyway.

Don't operate under the false assumption that anyone here believes you when you say you care about the general's quality. Your actions speak louder than your autistic little "boo hoo hoo I'm no less on topic than anyone else" diatribes.

Let me phrase another way: if you actually cared about the quality of this general you would stop posting your autistic little cartoons because you would recognize that they cause more harm than good. You don't. You're an autist that only wants to stir shit up and you know that. You're not fooling anyone by claiming otherwise. Drop the pretense.
Good pilotfu.
Rena Hirose is like the Rei Ayanami and Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury of Ace Combat
Either that or he's being skeptical about it.
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Nothing about multi platform releases had been posted until after I made the thread.
I like this mess of a cockpit. What plane?
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>the fuccin thumbnail
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>Labor party forms government
>Labor party proposes a good NBN design
>NBN starts rolling out with the good design, but at a slower rate than expected
>Liberal party forms government while NBN is still rolling out
>Liberal party says the Labor party's design is too expensive, and too slow to roll out, proposes cheaper but shitty design
>New NBN design uses outdated tech that's shittier than the equivalents in some literal who 3rd world countries
>NBN stops rolling out while the Liberal party changes the design
>New design is rolled out
>New design is now more expensive than old design, and still shittier
I'll be hosting an Infinity room in about 30min. Just random missions, maybe aiming for a raid or something.

Drop by if you're interested.
Pvp or pve?
It's kind hard to set up NTDM rooms without inviting, but could be an option. I'm around 1890 MR so it depends on the match settings and kicking people.

Co-op could be more fun though, with enough people even better
I apparently need to clarify that I'm not the puchiposter.
Liberal with other people's money.
I hope you guys are ready to do what's necessary to defend your clay.
It's not a joke over here mang
Not since the last two years
I don't get it
Something something /pol/ related
aka be european : get shot
I try to not talk about this shit but christmas is putting me on edge desu
it's ok Altman, just don't go outside ever again
It's not an option, did that way too long already
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>tfw make a belka joke
>remind people about shitty real-world politics

Heh, whoops
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My bad tho, shouldn't have jumped on it so easily
Also i would.
Which one of you buddies is rahsgriz on Xbox?
Merry Christmas to all you faggots.
Joyeux Noël to you all too
Feliz Natal à todos os buddies.
Merry Christmas you lovable knuckleheads.

may all your passes be touchdowns
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Happy hanukkah
If you kill your enemies, they win.
<< Merry Christmas. Now cut the chatter. >>
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Beep Boop
>Chopper died before christmas
>tfw your language doesn't even have an official written form
Frohi Wiehnachte.[/spoilers]
Strim "why the fuck do I keep forgetting tomorrow is christmas" edition in an hour.
>always wanted to make a title with the immersion into a warzone that AC achieves
>realized a few years ago that 3D is essentially a necessity for this, whereas even in overeager fantasy i'd never make anything beyond a 2D shooter.
So now I blog on imageboards instead. It's much more time-effective.
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>tfw you are the ideas guy
It's a feel. I'm looking at Unity/C# to try and make a game about air racing. But I also feel 3d may be more suited than top down 2d, simply because of the flight modelling. But fuck if I have the time to make good looking and accurate 3d models over a few sprites as is.

I see what you mean though, but I'm sure with some redesigning that there is a way to make a 2d shmup with all that background chatter and immersion.
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We're on, ready to finish the wild ride that the last quest was.
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Is this some kind of Ace Combat 5 joke?
>F4 Phanton
>Final Flight
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I've purchased Assault Horizon due to the 80% sales.
Is anyone planing on playing multiplayer anytime soon?
(What was /aceg/'s steam group again?)

Does anyone here recognise AH as an Ace Combat game?
it's in the old OP.
With 606 tickets in my bank, what's a good plane to buy? Someone suggested me the Rafael vebt the gatden a long time a go so I could stop being a terrible shitter
The what
Shit, the "vent the garden" Rafael. That blue one.
Vent d'whatever rafale
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Cocoons rafale is better
Not sure if its available but aim for that instead of the vebt the gatden
Sorry, on my phone and the autocorrect is not even trying to help me in my intoxicated state.
Buon Natale, gloriosi bastardi
>I've purchased Assault Horizon due to the 80% sales.

Which version?
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There is different versions?
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I am watching The Battle of Britain because, you know, it's Christmas, and the RAF's radar tracking people are saying "confirm, no IFF".

How did they confirm IFF back in WW2?

For that matter, how if IFF transmitted these days as well?
>ac5 briefing fat pig

What the fuck was his problem
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I honestly have no clue about the actual IFF procedures of the time, but I'm pretty sure there were quite a few people at Fighter/Bomber Command that were assigned to keep track of squadrons, where they were and what they were doing.

So they would know if a particular ping would or wouldn't be friendly just based on what they know is up in the air.

Today it's basically transponder codes IIRC. But I know even less about that.
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radar contact =/= IFF

IIRC it had something to do with the device on the plane detecting a particular waveband/signal that friendly radar would emit, then the device on the plane would repeat it/amplify it back, but I only know broad strokes, radar is complicated.
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i'll never understand why they went with the impossible 10cm tiger instead of this
is it because the thought process for making the 10cm tiger is exactly the same that the slavs did to make their tanks like the KV2?
How are tanks /aceg/?
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>tfw no qt tankette to drive to work with
/k/ seems to love the leclerq now, it seems it seems it's a good tank by accident
>create a plane with expectations, end up with crap
>create a tank with none, actually performs good
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I just beat AC04 for the first time.
>tfw had to switch to nugget control to beat the final mission

Also fucking Yellow 13 died like a fucking bitch
>playing sw battlefront flight mode
>controls floaty as hell
>roll and pitch bound together in 'turning'
>cannot custom bind properly on either keyboard or gamepad
aaaaAHHHHHHHH this is a special kind of nightmare
The KT105 at least has a non-napkin hull
They die equal good to a Maverick.
Just play the Xwing series if you want a SW flight game. Should be cheap on gog with the sale and all.

The 98 versions have stopped working for no reason on my Win10 tho. Dosbox stuff and XvT work fine.

Alternatively Wing Commander is also a blast. Or just old Battlefront 2.
End of an Era
eh I beat ac04 on pcsx2 for the first time in a single session last weekend. is it just me or the ai is absolutely useless in ac4? I played zero years ago on ps2 and it's absolutely one of my all time favorite games but I feel like enemy planes in ac4 poses no actual threat and the number of air-to-ground missions in ac4 makes me think they knew their ai sucks
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Post F-15 using the laser gunpods
>implying anything in ww2 could deal with the burger magic 90mm HVAP rounds
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Merry christmas, aces!
Merry christmas buddies

Post some tunes


Also is that one of the silent hill themes in the beginning?
>What the fuck is post-pen damage
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Merry Christmas fellas, no general on /vg/ is as close-knit as /aceg/ is, and that's why I love it.


>tfw Carr ded
>tfw Raiders now crippled
>tfw no one good enough to truly stand up to the Pats
>tfw 1st seed virtually guaranteed

Holy fuck, what a wonderful feeling
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Yayo says that AC7 should not come to PC because it will attract more customers into buying PS4 and boosting its sales. Exclusivity is good in some areas.
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>avatarfagging, samefagging, AND ban evading
nothing wrong with puchis
sleep tight friends
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Will there be another AC7 news before E3 2017?

I strongly agree with you, anon.
Merry christmas.
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Merry Christmas buddies!l
Meli Kurismasu @ces!

Was Santa good to you guys this year?
Oh man, Santa was a total bro this year.

just look at these stats from yesterday

also I got a Malcolm Butler jersey
Kek, as soon as I saw the patriots bootyblasted the jets I knew we'd hear about it in the thread
About $200 of gift cards for clothes shopping~ also another nerf gun for the arsenal!

What was your top gift this season?
>thread deader than ever before
Ghost in the Shell-manga, Vault-boy key-chain, socks and a scarf. A good christmas in my book.
My PS2 died so I've returned to playing through AHL+. Pretty good desu, the 3DS controls aren't bad and the maneuvers system is ignorable.
>maneuvers system is ignorable
Thank god. Is it worth playing on emulation?
How long until AC7 comes out?
yeah, it handles pretty well and the nintendo planes are broken but overall it's the AC2 you know
I wonder when our resident autist will stop avatarfagging.

Is it worth getting a 3ds just for that game or should I just play AC2?
It's pretty good I find, it takes some getting used to the 3DS but once you figure it out (and ignore the maneuvers), it's really good.
Also to my knowledge it's one of the only AC games to feature the F-15SE
Comfy Christmas stream momentarily, get in here.
It's ok but they nerf your mobility to make Offensive/Evasive Maneuvers a necessity. It's not a good mechanic.
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Is avatarfagging no longer a bannable offense? Why in the fuck hasn't this shitter been banned yet?
Is the ASF-X -NG- a plane worth levelling?
Got this thing and black duck from golden crates today.
Or should I just stick with my Foxhound and keep levellin her ad infinitum
Steam version.
Just finished it, by the way. Trash.
Still, I'd like to try out the MP to wash the bad taste left by all the DFM railroading. And get those sweet paintjobs.
Sorry Tom my internet kept shitting out
All good my dude. If no one else is tomorrow then I might stream again.
>have $20 steam card
What should I get?
Not ACAH. Unless you have already commited that mistake. It's about 4 bucks.
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F-22 + F-35 = J-31
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Shantae Half Genie Hero was pretty fun if a bit linear.

My Summer Car if you want to assemble a car with unity physics.

I dont have a token flight sim to throw in at the moment.

On another note, is Va-11 Hall-a worth it or was that just a meme game?
>puchitard autist chimping out again
>mods are LITERALLY defending and shielding the cancer
>nobody will EVER be banned for this
sometimes this website disappoints me.
>On another note, is Va-11 Hall-a worth it or was that just a meme game?
I mean, I'm having fun with it so far. But I also only really have about an hour in it.

If it wasn't for the regular posters here being some of the nicest guys ever I'd have been gone long ago.
Quizno is repeatedly banned, he just ban evades.
>Va-11 Hall-a
Absolutely worth it. AC bro would be able to say more, but the music alone could carry a game.
me a game
Careful you guys, don't (You) the puchitard, just report and ignore.
>don't (You) the puchitard
>some fag (You)'s the puchitard
Who's still alive?
>Report and ignore the puchitards
>puchiposting is a blasphemous deed against the ace combat community
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Let's see if mods are discriminative about deleting puchiposts>>163708469
that's one ugly fucking plane
post comfy games that for some reason always remind you of Christmas
Sorry, I accidentally clicked the post number >>163708469
You're welcome
/aceg/ is dying.

The ratio of shitposting is higher than ever, and less people are showing up for comfy streams.

Is this the fault of Ace Combat 7? Is what brings us to life actually killing us?
/aceg/ has been shit for like two full years now
Christmas 2014 was a hell of a lot better than it is now.
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What's the probability of something like this in Ace Combat 7?
Then why are you still here?
Given that Platinum Stars is out now for the same system? 100%.
He has never been banned because none of his posts are ever deleted.
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Just when I thought the meme was dead.
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Top memes
good night /aceg/. Tomorrow I think I'll play a little AC3 for you guys - I've been busy as of late and haven't had the time.
On that note, is there any reason we get those skins AC6 onwards?
Is someone from Project Aces involved in idolm@ster?
Because I fail to see the overlap between planes and idols, other than Macross.
>fail to see the overlap between planes and idols.
Same thing for Tekken skin which has appeared since ACAH (or AC6 as well?) I fail to see the overlap between jets and martial artists.
Honestly, as long as the corresponding franchise is produced by Bamco, I can't see why they wouldn't do it. Maybe they'll make Sword Art Online skin for AC7.
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>ywn be trapped in an AC game
>ywn just accept it and live your life as a pilot in Strangereal
I've never actually seen SAO
>I fail to see the overlap between jets and martial artists.
If you played Tekken, you would know that Mishima Zaibatsu and G Corporation both have their own military force, including fighters. One campaign stage in Tekken 6 is in a hangar where you can see CFA-44s.
They'd created an IFF system:
>The first active IFF transponder (transmitter/responder) was the 'IFF Mark I' and was put into operation in 1939. On receipt of a signal from the CH radar (20-30 MHz), an oscillator in the system began to ring with the same frequency. This signal was amplified and sent out an omnidirectional monopole antenna, where it was received by the CH station. The oscillator circuit rang only for a short time, causing the signal to quickly disappear again. Since the signal was received at the same time as the original reflection of the CH signal, the result was a distorted "blip" on the CH display which was easily identifiable. Mark I was technically complete as the war began, but a lack of sets meant it was not available in quantity and only a small number of RAF aircraft carried it by the time of the Battle of Britain. Pip-squeak was kept in operation during this period, but as the Battle ended, IFF Mark I was quickly put into operation. Pip-squeak was still used for areas over land where CH did not cover, as well as an emergency guidance system.

>In 1940, English engineer Freddie Williams began work on the Mark III system at the Telecommunications Research Establishment, which was to become the standard for the Western Allies for most of the war. Mark III transponders were designed to respond to specific 'interrogators', rather than replying directly to received radar signals. These interrogators worked on a limited selection of frequencies, no matter what radar they were paired with. The system also allowed limited communication to be made, including the ability to transmit a coded 'Mayday' response.

Pretty neat.
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Why is the Nosferatu so sexy?
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These memes are gonna save Robbie from his cancer someday.
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mfw rescuing nagase on the harder difficulties
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Odd thing I noticed replaying Ace Combat 4

The F-5E Ace "Wang" has "FREE ERUSEA" on the tail where the red square is. You can't make it out in this picture, but it's visible (though very blurry) in game when you have the paintscheme yourself.

That's an interesting oddity given Erusea wasn't occupied at the time (on the contrary, Wang appears in Mission 1) let alone defeated as with the later "Free Erusea" in the AC5 minigame.

Fanfiction-y speculation says that "Free Erusea" is a generic slogan associated with fascist groups, along the lines of "Britain First" in the UK.
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Sounds great man.

Dem angles mayne
>this post is STILL up
4chan mods need to be gassed
God damn it guys wake up
we're counting on you buddy
I'd bump more during the day but movile posting is a real bitvh

See what i mean?
Ok fine, have a Flanker then
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Something's wrong here

Why is that Flanker's front end so gigantic in comparison to the rest?
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It's a two seater.

Just read it again before posting :^)
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Why was Yukikaze ultimately boring? Why does the same hold true for Sky Crawlers?

Is Area 88 the only fun plane animu out there?
That actually sounds like a good outline for a story. "Black Ace" Kirito, who uses fighter skins from the beta, perharps?
Yukikaze had little to no character development or feel to any character
Everyone felt like pieces of cardboard
Maybe Tom Cruises yukikaze will be better
>"Black Ace" Kirito, who uses fighter skins from the beta

I'd read it if only because while the trope is silly it's oddly appealing for shits and giggles. Ace Combat 3 is probably as close as we're ever gonna get to anything like that.

>it's been so long you've forgotten about the real world
>some cunt pulls you out of your simulation finally
>back to tfw ywn fly a fighter jet and a shitty job

>Tom Cruises Yukikaze
That's classified.
More like, that's not going to happen.

There's been no news about it in years, and he seems more committed to getting Top Gun 2 made above anything else.
Seems to me you've got it all figured out.
By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was, is now the position that it isn't.
In the event that the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has acquired a variation, the variation being the difference between where the missile is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too may be corrected by the GEA. However, the missile must also know where it was.

The missile guidance computer scenario works as follows. Because a variation has modified some of the information the missile has obtained, it is not sure just where it is. However, it is sure where it isn't, within reason, and it knows where it was. It now subtracts where it should be from where it wasn't, or vice-versa, and by differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where it shouldn't be, and where it was, it is able to obtain the deviation and its variation, which is called error.

I wouldn't be too surprised, AC games have never been too lore-consistent. That paint scheme sure is cute though.
Did they actually try to make a live-action adaptation of that thing?
>Impying top gun 2 wont be yukikaze under a new name
Keep the dream
Its been in the works since that crap time warping movie he did
F-18 with canards, Y/N?
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I feel they should be smaller, but it also doesn't suit it all that well.
Nah the AI, apart from yellows is shit.
That's also why it probably has very limited missiles so you have to go land.
>Engineers take great trouble to reduce the RCS of the super hornet compared to legacy hornet

>Let's put canards on it!
>>tfw you are the ideas guy
Ideas guys are a dime a dozen.

Also i can 3d model, but i absolutely hate programing, currently i'm modeling a mig-25.
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You guys remember the YF-23 with canards?
I like how each aircraft's third paint scheme in AC04 uses its original Erusean markings.

Most of those markings also say "F.E.A.F", so maybe it means Free Erusea Air Force?
this desu. My college has a Facebook group for everyone in the computer science program to join and every now and again it gets a post from some business major with a genius app idea for realsies guise it's gr8 and they never actually tell us what their idea is. Ideas are a dime a dozen, actually implementing it is the hard part. They also often fail to have any real idea of what their role in the project would be. You can't be just the idea guy, at the very least you also need to be an effective project manager to keep everything on track and ideally you can code a little or playtest or model too.

Any project is much more than just the idea.
In about 15 minutes I'm going to open up my sealed copy of Xenogears and give it a whirl.

I'll be streaming if anyone is interested.
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Jesus christ Tom, not everything needs canards
>Model too

Modern modeling has become such an amazing pain, that making a quality asset, takes learning a bunch of programs, especially when it comes to characters, it's like a extremely autistic form of art.

As for project management, people wont be too keen to be following the ideas of some guy who is still just an ideas guy, if they aren't getting paid, same for play testing.
I mean that's fair but you need to show some sort of worth to the group past just ideas. It depends on the project too of course.
True, but what i see is a lot of people think themselves kojima, but even that hack knows how to program.
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>a dime a dozen
That was the feel, it's a shitty position to be in.

That said, I like to doodle and make shitty sketchup models, so there is that. I figure I can at least make a basic 2d game with my own assets, which is pretty much all I'm aiming for as is.
If you have some nice designs, i wouldn't mind making out into 3d, if i can use it in my portfolio.
After i'm done with this.
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Comfy post-Christmas stream up, get in here buddies.

I liked Yukikaze.
Very cool plane designs, the CGI has aged well, and it had terrific audio design.
I do agree that the characters were a bit flat.
We're live with Xenogears. Apparently spaceships of the future will look like stretched DC-7s

You just need to know Citan is a dick. You'll see why.
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Most of my stuff that I design is already in sketchup. Just a few planes and spaceships really.

I wouldn't know what to really use it for though, given that I'm trying to get a top down 2d game running over a 3d flight sim.

The combat and all was fine, but it's just that the rest of it was kinda lame.
The best audio
They got the JASDF to fly around and do things with their eagles and used that for all the jet noises in the anime
It's a shame that wasn't carried forward (with, iirc, limited exceptions for certain aces in AC0 if I remember right [still no Belkan markings, but other special insignia]?)
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Bumping while I can with my trip to Silent Hill. Gonna lose Wi-Fi in a bit.
Good to see the Silent Hill fog appears in other countries too. Good Luck.
Better keep that radio on at all times
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These pics don't do a good job of showing it, but the fog is literally rolling off of everything. There were points where we literally couldn't see past 5 meters in front of us. Welp, leaving now. See y'all soon, hopefully ;_;7
What's in the link? I dare not to open it for the sake of my device.
Have fun.
Don't forget these as well:
Be fair about it
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Thanks man. We'll finish ACX and do AC3 when I get back.
Meant for
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Confirmed ded

Goodbye Oz, it was a pleasure serving with you

also, probably gonna set up to stream soonish
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me. This is my weaker computer so we'll see how things go.
in the meanwhile have a screenshot from retroarch's experimental vulkan psx core
Thanks to everyone who showed up for the first session of Xenogears.

Shit's crazy.
It was nice to see that many buddies in the strim, been a while since we had that many.

Val has now passed the strim torch to Supergauntlet, who's playing AC3 (JP), so get in here fellas.

Twitch: Supergauntlet
>tfw there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who don't want to be sublimated
Based anon taking requests for game intros on /wsg/

Oh shit, Colony Wars was my jam

>stretching cutscene to 16:9
y tho
>doesn't know about widescreen mode

Oh shit, he made it
I know what widescreen mode is, retard, the cutscenes are still stretched. They're 4:3 aspect ratio video files, why would you stretch them when you're not showing any gameplay?
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