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/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

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Thread replies: 765
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buffed warcrimes edition

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>Official News & Known Issues
New Mid-Season Reinforcements patch on the 15th.
Livestream link description now says 15th instead of 13th.
Year 2 has been confirmed. New CTU's will be Spain, Hong Kong, Poland, and South Korea.
Season 4 - Operation Red Crow is out. Patch 5.1 Live.

friendly mission sucessful: >>162493185
RIP Shitbeard
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Even when sitting on a couch, the eternal slav must still do the slav squat.
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Even when sitting the Slav must attempt to squat
i'm seeing a lot of people that want castle buffed, they'll probably just give him a shield aswell in the next mid-season don't worry
First for Ubisoft Montreal is full of retards who browse Reddit.
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Chankas Voice Actor is an actual fucking giant holy shit
>BB turned to shit after first nerf
>they made him more shit

someone get reddit to start making BB memes
How fucking cringe is it to have a VOICE ACTOR to come up and talk about his opinion on a game. Like seriously.
He's a big guy
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Shit update!

>No hitreg fix
>no blitz fix
>barely a glaz fix
>no castle buff

Also tachankas VA is a big guy who now broke his microphone shouting LMG MOUNTED AND READY
Memes aside, he's a really big guy.

For you
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reposting, this is all the new stuff

>Fuze +1 Cluster charge, each charge has higher radius
>Bandit +1 battery
>BB shield down from 150hp to 60hp, ADS slower
>Tachanka gets shield on turret
>Smoke can throw his BEAUTIES faster + further
>Glaz rifle has higher RoF and less recoil
>UMP45's recoil down
>Cavieras SMG recoil down
>Frost SMG recoil down
>Smoke SMG recoil down
>Shield users getting resistance to explosives
>Being a frogposter
So warcrimes buffed, shitbeard essentially a recruit, the mountain cannot be felled, and more dead hostages, is that an accurate summary?
Shields are still useless because of limb damage.
Eh pretty much.
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>spetsnaz is still a fucking joke
>shields are still a fucking joke
>"but hey, at least now da lord is buff xdddd"
shitbeard is still good, you're immune to 2-4 shots per shield
I wish they'd rework him entirely
Great, fucking nailed it ubisoft.
> "we always shared tachanka memes" - its_epi

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>Typing like trump
>Making fun of pepe

fucking conservatard
they also said in 5.2 more lightning ''fixes''
it's like they didn't even think about what would have been a fun change to tachanka they just opened up reddit for a minute and decided to just give him a shield
memes were a mistake
>Fuze is now a hard counter to Chanka
For you :^)
>Tachanka has kids
also tachankas shield has 500 HP
Now that I think about it I don't mind much, people were never able to break my shield and I could always break enemy bb shields even at 150 HP, so this probably won't change much, I'll still use him because SR-25 is Raifu.
We need more voice actors that don't normally do video games.
I main mount. Shields were fine. Now they're "op". Just wait kiddo.

Smoke is going to hard counter shields though.
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>Warcrimes got buffed
>Gonna spend the next week obliterating Chanka shitters with my cluster charges
don't start this shit faggot, there are enough emotional reactions to petty shit going on in here as it is.
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When I asked for this patch to add a few changes to the meta I did not mean this.

fucking homophobe
the qt in the background tho
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Why the fuck do people take Chanka memes so seriously? You'd think people would have learned reddit comes up with garbage humour by now. If anything Chanka won't be AS shit now even if the shield doesn't make him 100% viable.
How does this even work?
does that mean 3.3 times the hp of old bb's shield
is that as dumb an amount of hp as it sounds?
> I main mount.

t. permanent copper player
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this is the best one tbqh
> tachanka has baseball cap down covering his face in shame

he knows
Still 300 less than original BB shield, but yea, you'll essentially never break it.
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>The year is 2016
>Competitive videogames are no longer changed around balance, but instead by fucking autistic maymays.
Plat 3 nigger.
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>mfw listening to these dumbass americans pronounce tachanka wrong
not täächäänka
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>Tfw I'll be destroying chanka shields as a defender
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Smokes get tossed like grenades.
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>Rainbow Six Siege
This game is going to hell and we're just starting to get memed on/spoiler]
>the year is 2022
>we no longer play videogames
>we only have meme contests

Close enough. Everyone not in pro league is garbage anyways.
Can we all agree to just do this at the start of every round? Would be kinda funny.
I meant holding toast with a gas mask
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what is happening right now.
is this real life?
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>not putting him in a gas chamber as Smoke
Very few people take Rainbow Six seriously as a competitive game. It doesn't have enough players for there to be a real competitive scene.
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So when is the patch coming out?
Yeah, better leave the useless characters where they are just because you don't like them.
>They unironically wrote "lord" on memelord's shield

Please tell me it's just some special skin or some shit like that. It's so cringe inducing I can't take it
Dec 15th.
December 15th

why the fuck cant they release it now, or tomorrow like intended? surely theyve done all the stuff for the patch by now
Great idea. I'm going to do this every round.
did i miss the preview? its all e sports crap now
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>Kapkan is still 3 armor 1 speed
Happenings will be posted. Watch the news.
>Not reading the OP
>break down a hatch as sledge
>thanks to a combination of no hammer range and netcode, I get rubber banded back above the hatch and fall into a frost trap
>fellow S.A.S. operator come to me
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>tfw I actually like Tachanka and have a lot of fun playing him, but the meme shit makes me cringe
yes. read the thread
Would IRA count as a CTU or what?
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at least we get to shoot up a school now and we have a lighting """""fixes"""""
Common gang
>spetsnaz is a joke
>three of them are getting buffs
I'm Russian and lord chanka xdd memes make me cringe. Why are they even call him chanka? We don't have such word in Russian.
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>It means Lord in Russian!!

I'm gonna need to update this to "Reddit Shill: Meme" now for the 2 phoneposters that use this
terrorist group / gang
>would a terrorist organization count as a counter terrorist unit
Gee I wonder.
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>people actually giving a shit about "lord" being written on the shield
>thinking it was reddit that caused Chanka to get changed

Chanka's pickrate was fucking garbage and he was counted by literally everything in the game. Reddit just made him more noticeable with their garbage memes, forcing Ubisoft to do something about it. If anything I'm angry they've done fuck all to Blitz who is still a useless fuck with his massive head hit-box, but I can't be mad about Chanka actually getting attention.
>would a terrorist group count as a counter terrorist group?

that is literally Blackbeard post 5.2
>muh annoying memes
Tachanka needed a buff, memes aside. He only BECAME a meme because of how useless he was.
Minor buffs that barely make them any more viable than they already are.
I should have been doing this to Blackbeard players... Never too late to start I guess.
And he still didn't get a buff.
>literally a meme
Not seeing how they aren't a joke
>Fuze gets better at killing the hostage
Still don't see it.
just destroy Tachanka's shield if someone picks him on your team

i wanna see Reddit get fucking mad
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I wish they patched yokai's hitreg and the inability to stick to ceiling 75% of the time
Upboated :^)
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Man Chankas VA looks so uncomfortable.

I feel sorry for you Russian Giant.
Did they actually mention a lighting change for this patch? I didn't see every part of the stream
Well at least he's a little less easy to nitro. God bless the montagne buff though.
>spetsnaz defenders are still shit

Where's Kapkan's speed increase, where's the ACOGs? Where's a worthwhile Tachanka buff?
I got 40k renown and I'm pretty close to buying the S1 ops bundle. Should I just keep farming?
Men, Anatoly seems so uncomfortable with everything.
At least they are making some shield buffs, maybe this means Blitz is next in line.
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> playing hostage
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>"i will purposefully ruin my team's performance for no fucking reason"

hahah epic dude, upboated xDDD
They did, but this is like the 5th lighting fix they said they would do
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i swear to god ubisoft must have spent all the server money on cocaine again based on all the wild fucking shit they're doing
Use a deployable shield+face shield, he'll at least survive until a frag grenade or capitao bolt reaches him.
>Playing "The hostage is now ungrabble because of a bug" mode in the first place
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>not playing hostage

If anything hostage and secure area are top tier gamemodes. Bombs has things spread too thin, the game is clearly designed for play with an individual objective.
Sup reddit
>for no fucking reason

But there is a reason and it's a damn good one.
The R6 Siege dev team are just parroting reddit suggestions at this point.


The Tachanka buff is meaningful for players that know good map angles and can also get a Deployable Shield in front to protect against foot shots. Granted, they missed a big opportunity by not making Tachanka use his DP28 on the move, but it's a buff nonetheless.

The BB buff was warranted, fuck that shit.

Smoke and Bandit definitely got some quality of life improvements, so that's good.

They fucked up on Glaz so hard right now, but I wouldn't count out the players with good aim. I still think the damage fall off would've been more of an impact than this, but eh...

Yeah, at least my expectations were low so there's that.
What kind of answer do you honestly expect to this question?
>I have X amount of renown and I'm close to having the Y required amount for Z. Should I keep farming?

Like, if someone says no, what are you gonna do, stop farming and just not spend that renown of yours on the OPs?
Picking Tachanka is ruining your teams performance.
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>Thatcher killed the stream
it's just common to nickname people by removing syllables from their name, like how blackbeard gets shortened to beard or bb, or kapkan to kap
japanese animes do it too, [last 2 syllables]-[honorific] is extremely common, I bet echo calls him chanka-chan to annoy him
This is a worthwhile buff. The only thing to make him better than that is if the turret became mobile. But that would be stupid overpowered.
is it actually possible to willingly rejoin a match when you disconnect from a casual match?
>my feet hurt
>i don't care about these video games
>why does autistic man keep calling me by imaginary character name
>I wish i was at home lifting and squatting
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> not playing one of the easiest game modes to win
>Stream is dead
Nah nigga it's Tac-chan.
Disabling electronics.
>Cousin Anatoliy got too embarassed so they cut the stream
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Who is the best operator for lone wolf terrorist hunt?
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> suffering through shit game modes just to win when I'm already 1600 points above Diamond
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Did they do anything for Kapkan? What the fuck?
The "massive overhaul" for lighting wasn't even worth showing on the stream.

Fuckin ubisoft. Just when you think you can trust 'em, they pull shit like that.
>remove mount from turret
>make it so tachanka can hip fire with it
>low accuracy
>tachanka is immobile when firing it
>maybe a small wind up with him having to plant his feet

His biggest problem is the inability to react to situations, it's hard as fuck to pack the gun up in time to move to a more viable spot, by that point the whole round has usually ended or positions/environment has changed. If he could deploy and packup his gun faster it'd make him way more enticing.

Interconnected computer networks
Did they mention lighting fixes?
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>muh reddit ruined my game

What would you prefer? Have Tachanka be ignored and turn him into a literal wasted slot in the Spetsnaz? it's easy to complain about the shield but nobody is suggesting anything else. No, giving him an ACOG won't fucking fix him. The issue lies in him being too easy to kill while on his MG. It was either this or changing it so that he can use his MG on the go and that would've been even more fucking stupid.
If you're trying to stick to uneven ceilings you won't stick. Just be aware of the ceiling, there's nothing broken about it.
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everyone on the ts is a memeing fucking cuck

woops, I fucked up :-3D


Buck. With a rifle/shotgun and grenades he's pretty much the best lone wolf operator in the game in general.
Just give him his old invisible glitch back
And fuck showing it, they didn't even fuckin MENTION it until somebody asked in the chat.

Yeah I'm mad.
Never play with people from generals. You should know this.
>people from now on will pick Tachanka as a legit tactic


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Next patch comrade.

Next patch.

oh wait
Blitz if you don't have Buck.
>nobody is suggesting anything else.
Motherfucker we have been suggesting other shit for months, JUST MAKE HIM FUCKING MOBILE, THERE, DONE.
Within the current meta. We don't know how much this will change things, so going in with that mentality helps no one. If you're still going to TK though, I'll just take the loss to get your typed banned.
whoa there, that seems fun, we don't like that in our games
>people will pick different ops now
this better be bait
How many times does it have to be said that as long as he's stationary he's an open target for grenades, Capitao and wallbangs.
LMG Fuze

3 Armor cuz speed doesnt matter in THunt

High Capacity and DMG LMG

Useful Gadget for nuking barbwire rooms
>was thinking about getting BlackBears or Buck
>see the stream

Thanks Ubisoft.
mute or doc are best t-hunt defense
go buck yourself is best offense

Tachanka is still the shittest operator on defense
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I spent 3 or 4 years playing with WoTG and it was alright most of the time, im not touching this memefest ts even with a stick though
Buck is objectively best at this point.
Don't ever use that word around Siege players. It triggers the shit out of them.

After any round just say "that was fun" and watch the unironic salt burn.
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>making him mobile
at the expense of what, shit accuracy? he would still be a pointless fucking pick. a slow fucker with an MG that has shit accuracy vs literally any attacker that knows how to peek WILL result in Tachanka dying without hitting shit.
> banned

Ubisoft doesn't give a fuck. I have been team killing people regularly since the game came out.
Ok, real question. What spots can you propose to Chanka placements boyz? But you need really protect some important point/hallway/stairs and also don't be easy target from above/bellow.
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why the fuck does this nigger keep saying "there was this cool thing we saw on reddit"? We get it, you like to pander.
Doesn't matter if Ubi gives a fuck or not, you get automatically banned by the system after X amount of TK's.
Post screenshots of Chanka shield
I spent 200 hours doing comp dirty bomb with players from /dbg/ that weren't memelords.
The problem is that this kind of player is pretty much gone from the general/stem group after a year, so if you weren't there at the beginning then good luck finding them.
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I can't wait to increase my spicy bolt kills by tenfold.
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>Blackbeard nerfed again
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His whole niche is point-defense. Making him mobile goes against that, though being able to setup up/break down faster would help, as well as being able to get on/off faster.
Do we have one from the front or the reddit meme logo?
I practically team kill some faggot every game. Exactly how much team killing do I need to do?
>Blackbeard gets nerfed
>Reddit an Twitch bitch about it nonstop
>His pickrate barely goes down again

Can't wait
Watching garage hallway in the clubhouse basement is the first spot that comes to mind.
Poor Anatoliy. This is very clearly not what he signed up for. Look how embarrassed he is.
>it's literally a humvee turret screen
>reddit bitching about BB
Well at least that'll get fixed then, can we get them to start making on Blitz so he can get fixed next.

Implying a bullet hose that can wallbang holes as big as your asshole wouldn't be useful.
Finally the french qt
>Keep tchankas shield
>Can turn 360
>Reduce pick up/deploy speed
There you fucking go
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>His biggest problem is the inability to react to situations
>maybe a small wind up with him having to plant his feet

Yeah let's make it so that he takes a split second to start firing while 4 attackers peek him from different directions without him getting a single shot off.
Who's the girl?
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Canadian literally just said the Glaz change will make no difference bahahahaha.
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Ok so how are you supposed to win a 1v1 against this? I can see his pickrate going from 0% to 100% overnight. They nerfed Blackbeard and turned Tachanka into a more powerful version of him.
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Dunno but she's cute.
A girl that broke a libtard's heart. She's pretty cool and I want to fuck her desu
Shoot his feet
The game is clearly designed as a team based game and bomb is clearly designed as the most team based objective
Capitao is now a hard counter, even more so than he was before.
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make it so his LMG is portable but slow and has bad recoil, and it can be attached/unattached quickly to his and other players shields
I dunno bud probably shoot the other 75% of his body that's uncovered
Flank him
Shoot him through the floor/ceiling
Throw a grenade at him
Shoot a crossbow bolt at him
I really dunno
>capitaos spicy arrow

>how do you win a 1v1

Shoot through walls since you know he's immobile
Are we going to get a year 2 sneak peek?
Shoot him in the legs.
Flank him.
Twitch drone.
Capitao Spicy Bolts.

thats all i can think of desu
Granades, capitao bolts, flank, shoot from below/upstairs
just flank or use nades
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>reddit whining about bb change
great can't wait for that to get reverted next patch
even the dev team shits on the BRs
>What is balance
Having strengths and no weaknesses does not a good experience make.

If he's sitting behind shields, with jammers and ADSs on master bed on house for example, there'd be no way for attackers to get in without getting perforated by the machine gun.
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>leaf calling out huehue
And he will still get outpeeked by the 3 speed jew
> Shoot his feet
99% of games feet will be behind deployable shield.
>people literally think Tachanka is broken because of this
fucking hit him with any throwable explosive or just flank him. hell, shoot at him from the ceiling, he's still stationary. Fuze of all people got buffed and one charge would be enough to kill him,
On master bed he'll get shot from below.

Spicy meme is back
>if you stack all your gadgets on one dude he's hard to kill


At which point you just thatcher/twitch drone the gadgets and frag/bolt him.
Did they at least remove tachanka's deployable shield? I mean they do that to other operators as well, like when they removed thermite's nades or didn't give IQ smoke nades when she was able to look through smoke with her thingy
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but you can shoot through the ground on master bedroom with buck
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>The venue will hold 500 people
this game is a joke jfc
Gonna have to change that filename.

Same thing applied to original BB and he got nerfed to never picked again
>We'll see you guys on Reddit

Why this.
BB is mobile whereas Tachanka isn't. Tachanka's job is area denial so of course he's going to be tougher to kill than a mobile shieldman with a proper primary.

They'll probably nerf his shield's HP anyways.

>Jager MAGPIE defending corners
>Mute & Bandit covering barricades
>2 Deployable Shields on either side to protect feet

The only hard counter to Tachanka right now is Capitao and that's it. Besides, there so much pressure on Thatcher now, more than anything.

I'd say it's aight and people should shut the fuck up, wait for the patch release, play and test for a month or so, then see what was good (or not) about all of these changes.
This entire patch was reddit
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>thinking Ubisoft, sensitive French-Canadians, would get their feedback from /r6g/ of all places
well i guess i got my reason to move on to For Honor and stay on that until reddit ruins that too
>Ok so how are you supposed to win a 1v1 against this?
>[huehuehuehue in the distance]
Master bed on house, tower watching dorms on oregon, pink stairs watching 3F Packaging on Favela. Bar freezer on Kafe, armory on Hereford, etc.
i thought it looked really boring at first but recently it seems cool as heck, can't wait
> He gets droned and dies 5 seconds later.

This is how it will continue to go for "Lord Tachanka."
A perfect example of someone with such little game knowledge giving their opinions on balance changes.
caveira's shotgun is bae
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One day Kapkan, one day.
The fact that she publicly shot down JP McBeta makes her way hotter to me.
His deploy speed is already super slow.
They wouldn't want trash feedback from /r6g/
>muh ACOGs
Wat was his reaction to the Tachanka shield? I imagine he was happy over the BB nerf.
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remember when this game was obscure
I don't think people are realizing just how much Tachanka's shield will be sticking out from the side. You're able to stay out of his sight while plinking away at the shield until it breaks.
He had like no reaction to the shield.

Canadian looked awkward and nervous, so he didn't really give any real reaction.

He avoided eye contact a lot.
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That whole room was fucking awkward as hell, you could cut the tension with a 6 inch blade. I can guarantee you right now they're thinking to themselves "let's never do that again"

The fact that she tried to keep all of this private shit under wraps, even though thirsty betas were tweeting at her about this whole deal, then she also publicly proceeded to BTFO each and every one of them by telling them to mind their own fucking business was classy and that's what makes Geneviève Forget a hot girl.
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He's the strong silent type.
>implying Rainbow 6, let alone any Tom Clancy game was big in the first place.
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People are literally having knee-jerk reactions. After the patch rolls out people will realise how easy it is to kill him shield or not. He's still stationary which means he can be killed by any explosive or Capitao's bolts. He's just an upgrade over the old Tachanka which means some of the old strats still apply. You just can't peek-headshot him anymore.
Shocking that someone that plays Rainbow Six for 15 hours a day is extremely autistic and awkward.

If you're going to go full autist and devote your life to a video game it might as well be something like CS:GO, DotA 2, LoL or even Overwatch where there's actually money to be made.
He was being very evasive with his feedback. He knew that the Tachanka buff won't do much for the pros and the BB nerf he said was substantial. And he really wanted to say that the Glaz buff did shit all to help but was being kind about his wording.
This, it was clear he didn't want to just shit all over the new changes. Apart from the Blackbeard nerf it's unlikely that the other buffed operators will see any more use (or use at all) in the pro league.
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I just wanna know why Bandit was altered instead of Mute. Mute is more or less the store brand version of Bandit, so why make Bandit even better?
Because that's what E-sports people use, if ubi recieved complain from e-sports about blitz being shit they would have gave him better hitbox and double range on his flash
Mute already got buffed months ago
7/10 I smiled
I do like the extra Bandit battery, though.

Vegas was fairly big, all things considered.
I think mute's primary concern should be stopping drones or key breach spots, besides he already got a buff a while ago and he has 4 jammers.
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What happened to blackbeard? I heard he got nerfed into the ground, but how badly are we talking? Like, 250 --> 100 HP estimates or what
150 per shield ---> 60 per shield. Oh, and slower ADS. So now he's truly pointless.
Shield HP got reduced to 60
Try 40 lower.
Pretty sure it's 60 now
holy shit what a fucking joke
>mute gets 4 routers
>bandit gets 4 PSU's
Sounds fair to me.
Get fucked memebeard.
>So now he's truly pointless.
Not really. ubisoft doesn't seem to understand why pro players say he's OP, it's not the health of the shield, it's the fact that it blocks headshots. Even if it had 1 hp and blocked 1 bullet he would still be OP, in pro league at least.
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/r6g/ pro league team when
This. He's still going to be picked constantly on PC at high level.
I don't get it, people are upset that you can't nullify 9 headshots per shield anymore, but instead 5? He's still going to be the strongest operator in the game.
Fucking never because there's no money to be made.
Almost everyone in the TS is garbage.
$75k is a decent amount. Nothing like the millions that Dotards get but it's not "no money"
1-2, maybe 3, but yeah.
>unranked team
>get matched with plats and golds
>in ranked
okay ubisoft
>Mic spamming me-mes
>banned for toxic behavior
It went from 5 to 2, and it was easy as fuck to break before. Only shitters had trouble with it.
>monty's only weapons are still a peashooter and a meme gun
Ash and Jager need to be nerfed to 2 speed because as it is, I see them get hit in the head and they just ignore it and kill everyone.
>making it even easier for bandit to bandit trick
As a Thatcher main this greatly annoys me. They should have given Thatcher another EMP.
>he's still going to be the strongest operator in the game
>laughing canadians.jpg
No, turn them into 1 speed
it would probably be easier to do a /r6g/ 5v5 tourny if there is enough people in the general willing to do it
I wouldn't mind.
Didn't the pro league winning team only get $200,000? That's pretty awful when you consider that it has to be split between 5 people that had to pay their own travel and hotel expenses. cTm players also play this game 10+ hours a day almost every day. They could have made way more money just by working at McDonalds.
Any way to use console commands in custom to test stuff?
>no new skins
kinda disappointed

Wait and see
>how to spot a stupid NEET
Bandit tricks don't get countered by Thatcher anymore, they get countered by Hibana

That window between launching and activating the x-kairos pellets is miniscule, so once thatcher gets an EMP off, she fires and it's gg radical man.
Why is Doc's face purple?
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Was it too much effort to just give Glaz a Vintorez?
Then radical man rushes with krautcannon, kills hibana, and blasts the pellets off the wall before they detonate.
They usually don't make a big deal out of skins and charms on their streams.
>BB turned to shit after first nerf
He's played all the time in competitive though
>Was it too much effort not to be incompetent fuckups
Yes, they were a Counter Terrorism Unit against the STATE SPONSORED terrorism of the British and Loyalist state backed terrorist murder groups
okay here we go king blackbeard eks deh
Is it possible to play MP on RS:3 from the pastebin on the "new engine"?
Playing a game with no competitive scene for 10+ hours a day is definitely a good use of your time.
what group would win the r6g league
It is if you're doing it for fun.
At this point they should just play dota or csgo or some shit.
Are you alright? Do you have brains problems?
how do I deal with the recoil on buck's C8
I think they know that they wouldn't be competitive in those games. Big fish in a small pond etc.
Use it a lot. Or use a holo sight.
Most pro players at this point don't have fun with it anymore anon
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>Blackbeard still being picked
>Blackbeard being a top pick in competitive
>still claiming he's somehow shit
>play two games of ranked
>everyone on my team is unranked
>we get curbstomped
>Enemy is revealed to be Gold 1 and a platinum
>second game is all gold
what the fuck
i suck asshole and thats why I play ranked, to get matched with people who also suck ass, why can unranked people get matched with PLATINUMS AND GOLD
on top of that, the hitreg was atrocious in both games. all 3 speed operators shit all over me, even when i see blood spewing from their heads i just get headshot and they shit talk in all chat

fuck, its all okay though ahha ubisoft got the memes with reddit!!!!!!! xd
I either use a holo sight or ACOG. Honestly the recoil isn't that bad once you get used to it. You can fire that thing really quickly as long as you adjust your aim accordingly.
Use the CAMRS instead
>why can unranked people get matched with PLATINUMS AND GOLD
Because your MMR is the same?
How do I use anything besides an ACOG at this point? I've been spoiled by it
It seems worse to me
You don't know that and why do you even care
what the fuck even is that
i refuse to believe people shooting through three walls and headshotting someone is as good as me, someone who commonly misses shots and is slow to react
there is no way in hell i am as good as anyone on either of those teams, the same goes for my team who also got raped
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Multiplayer servers for Raven Shield were shut down recently. The "new engine" link is referring to playing the original game's campaign and the rest of the Rogue Spear missions on the latest Rogue Spear: Black Thorn engine.
Kixstar was asked that, he said Dota and CS already have pros with years of experience while Siege is brand new and there's no other shooter like it, and it's easier to break into the pro scene in Siege than those other games.
Maybe you shouldn't play Buck. If you can't control recoil with an ACOG and can't use a holo I don't know what to tell you.
CAMRS is pretty incredible as long as your arim is decent. basically turns Buck into Glaz But Better.
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I can't fucking type tonight, sorry friends
Single fire on the c8 is not too different.
Does capitao even have a counter for his cross bow?
Not having the reaction time of a bowl of jello
Can't breach by himself.

But it says "all classic RS games". does it have rainbow six 3?
I find myself missing some shots when I full auto past like 20 meters

MB or flash hider?
Guys, I missed the stream, can anyone sum up all the changes they made? I already know about tachanka shield thought, anything else buffed or nerfed?
Shoot him first.
Yeah you guys are right. I really hope siege would get big though.
Always muzzle break on semi autos
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It's actually misleading. It's all Rainbow Six Classic games prior to RS3. Namely, RS1, RS2, and all its expansions and rare spin-offs, running on the latest RS2 engine.

For RS3, you're gonna have to buy that on Steam or pirate it.

The link in the pastebin for RS3 2.0 is a mod that overhauls the game in a very good way.

I'll try to edit the pastebin to be more clear about that.


Ah well.
bandit +1 batt
smoke throws babies way farther
fuze +1 hostage rescue device, +1.7meters of nonlethal blast radius
chanka +1 silly shield
shields get directional blast resistance
some smg's recoil reduced
glaz +RoF -recoil
Read the thread
> >>162565463
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Thank you very much anon!
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Stats from PS4 and started playing on PC but I have no friends playing on PC.

I'm looking for people to play with so I can stop getting smacked by all these premades and brazilian lag monkeys.

My name on Uplay is Captain_King87 and I believe my steam name is Captain King.

I'm the one whose been making all this shitty line art recently and posting it in /r6g/. If we get a good group going then I won't have to subject you all to my art abominations as much.

also, BB was removed from the game
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Look around, there might be private servers that run RS3, or even modded RS3. There's gotta be something out there.

And if you find it, please let the general know about it
Get on Teamspeak.
What the hell is this place in the screenshot supposed to be?
At work now, I'll be on later.

Should I join the steam group too i guess? I've been posting in r6g for months but never tried to group up with any of you
Nah, Steam Group is irrelevant
>glaz +RoF -recoil
But wait! Was this really a problem worth fixing? I thought the reason nobody picks him is because the maps were not meant to have long range firefighting?
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Forgot my stats.

This is from Mid Feb - Late August
So if shielders are gonna get picked more often and are immune to explosives, I guess we'll need smoke to save us from being followed by invulnerable montagnes all day.
Thats why they made tchanka fucking overpowered
autism tier kapkan here ama

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>tachanka fucking overpowered
>tachanka overpowered
>queue up in a game
>mic check
>5/5 with mics
>start talking about the stream
>RIP BB, etc
>one of them who didn't watch the stream says "what lord chanka git" in a black man's voice
>proceed to 4 people calling him lord tachanka in a conversation that lasted an entire round

fucking kill me
I'm not too worried about tachanka, he'll finally be able to do what he was made to do and deny areas. He'll need to deploy shields to be completely invulnerable. Once you've droned him you'll know he's not going anywhere without making a bunch of noise. Aside from frags, you can still work with smoke grenades on him. He'll be some shit now, but I'm only upset that they didn't just go through the entire roster bufffing/nerfing everything to be equally useful.
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yeah sure m8

just because hes gonna get a blackbeard shield doesn't make him overpowered.
How do I have more EDD kills than you before the buff?

Don't say Invisible traps either because I was a noob playing Doc when that was a thing
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Who's ready to get spawn gassed?
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>Explosive resistance for shields

How about some bullet resistance senpai??
>Get killed by someone
>Its a hipfire 1tap headshot with no sound at all from his gun, despite it not having a supressor or anything, just an acog site

what does it mean by this
On top of that being a jager, he moved at the very last second for him to shoot behind your shield
>Fuze with shield
>throw a valk cam in the wrong place but can't pick it back up because it's on the roof
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>Blackbeard can only take two hits to the shield before it breaks
>Any well aimed burst from an SMG will tear through it and take his head off
Good times ahead
It's the water park mission from the original game on the Rogue Spear engine, the one in the pastebin
Was it Echo? His submachine gun has an in-built suppressor.
>I want to balance ash and jäger

>I am butthurt and cannot into game balance
Yes, you main turbojews and spawnpeekers, we got it.
anyone wanna play on ps4
add honkotron
spoiler im not gud
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Is Echo bugged? I've had a few instances when I set up the drone on the fly just over folks like Monte, and when it fires, red indicator or not, nothing happens. Do you have to hit them directly on the head, or is it something else?
Nope, i don't even get the hate for jäger but for ash. And wishing to make them 1 speed shows your butthurt. Cause you don't want to make them reasonable but to nerf them into useless russian tier
buy a real system
no friends on pc
>the mcedgelord who has to post a gif of a cat thrown the fuck off a flight of stairs or a chute to make a question

At least spare us the edge, yeah?
make friends
Wasn't that a racoon which attacked the persons dog/cat?
buy me the game and i will
That's a raccoon.
You'll never make friends with that kind of attitude
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>tfw you were considering getting blackbeard as your first DLC op but got hibana instead
So how do we deal with Montagne now? If you miss the ninja nitro throw you need 2 ppl to kill him. One to distract and one to shoot him in the back. This is borderline broken. Also sitting on top of defuser...
The argentinians on ts are actually pretty cool
well you should have at least a couple people point defending, so set up a crossfire
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>tfw in the end you are unlocking them all
>tfw in the end it doesn't even matter
Out of self respect nobody should get blackbeard first. Good job.
get in the party
not got ps+ right now, i'll be on tomorrow sometime
>Fastest operators get the best guns and arguably some of the better gadgets on their respective teams
>Play Jager
>Plant my gadget
>It gets stuck on placing animation
>can't move, can't press escape, can only type
>beg someone to shoot me in the legs
>nvm too late faggot rushes in and hs me
I'm never playing Jager again.
I suppose now his gun is even better for opening up barricades at range and acting as a suppression weapon, and then the lower recoil and higher fire rate will make him even better when he moves inside after the first half of the round.
He still needs something more, but his potential damage output at both close and long range is going to be much more dangerous now.
Someone on reddit suggested him immeadiately spotting defenders that go outside within his line of sight, and that would be a decent buff while adding a unique utility to him, but he could still probably use something else on top of that
Making them 2/2 is taking away the speed and so the peeker advantage and taking them down so they cannot rush your ass as fast anymore. 3/1 is just hating on them cause they are too good at the current meta.
You could also make the weapons do less damage or take away the r4c from ash. But what you know what? You just hate on them.
thats what you get for trying to place them on the floor instead of a wall
They should make the hitbox an inch thicker on shields to make it less possible for bullets to magically pass through them. Most of the time it seems like the animation for the shield taking bullets causes the head or arms to clip through the shield itself just enough to take damage but I don't even know what just happened there.
How do we improve recruit?
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>a cat
Give him 2 reinforcements
Daily reminder the speed stat is trash.

Everyone needs to be 2 speed. Only affect armor and sprint.
3 armor 3 speed
>Touching gunplay by fucking with gun damage
>Gun grabbing
I hope you're not the one telling us we can't into game balance
He can take the gadget of a dead operator if they can find the body
i agree
Still only hate.
making any operator into 3 armor is nerfing them into trash tier. But nice balance you want there.
This is correct.
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I got Blackbeard as my first DLC Operator, this was pre nerf, and it was glorious
we don't, recruit should never be a better pick than an operator imo
>what is the mpx
>that pic

someone should make an image of blackbeard in a wheelchair
Considering how bad netcode still is, walking should be 1 speed.
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Again I have to say it, but Ash and Jager are just the most intense representation of the problem. If they want to fix them they need to nerf all 3 speeds, and if Ash and Jager still need remain a problem then they should nerf their guns slightly. All they'd need is ever so slightly higher recoil and then you'd be set.
And 3 armors need a buff, because even if 3 speeds are nerfed the fatties will still be trash.
>Still get access to the best guns and good gadgets despite being turned into heavy armor operators
Looks balanced to me
it's not even bad, will you shitters stop crying about it? Every shooter has peeker's advantage only it's more noticeable in this game because of one shot headshots, this will literally never be fixed unless everyone has 5 ping so stop whining
What i'm trying to say the whole time. Thanks mate.
Read >>162582426
Why didn't they just give glaz a a skorpion?
2 fucking reinforcements. Why is this even a question?
I thought BB was perfect after the last nerf. This is too much now.
p. good idea anon
Or or, he gets a choice between the OTS-03 and an AKS-74U with one magazine of armor piercing ammo and 2 magazines with regular ammo.
It'll be fine. He'll be good for higher level, but if the Blackbeard has low reaction time he'll be punished more for it. If you're able to prefire him if he's not locking down the angle you peek from you'll actually be able to counter him which sounds completely fine to me. He might actually have counterplay now, without being completely useless. We'll have to wait and see though.
got buck, then capitao, then bb

hibana's gadget makes you think too much for me
Since ubisoft is going to ask the reddit community for changes, what are the most adressed changes those fuckers wish for? Does any kind anon know?
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desu I'd rather see Glaz having an AS VAL or a VSS Vintorez as another option as 9x39 can technically penetrate NIJ III armor.
That's what i was also thinking, considering they were specifically made for sniping within 300 meters silently
VSS Vintorez would have been nice. However I see no reason for an AS VAL unless they give it to someone else like Kapkan.
The AS VAL also has a high cyclic rate of fire, so it should be on par with the FAMAS on full auto.
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I lurk there to know my enemy
They ask for shield fixes more than anything else, they want Buck to have more consistent breaching, and they always ask for Mute to have an Acog.
They also wanted all the Spetznaz to be buffed, and believe it or not, they only started asking for the shield for Tachanka after the tease picture showing the shield on his gun was released because they're too stupid to realize it wasn't their idea.
I think it was still unfair sometimes. For example i gave him at least 4 shots before reacts. That should be at least one shield less. I don't say he should be dead but his shield should be more of a tool to punish people who are peeking to hard and not sitting all day long on a window thinking about valkyrie.
Oh yeah, and they ask for IQ buffs all the fucking time.
>mute mp5k
>a short mp5 for cqc
Are they retarded?
2/2 Kapkan armed with a VAL would make my dick so hard.
it's not retarded in the context of the game, it is retarded that in this game nearly every operator uses an acog with massively reduced zoom for CQC
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One day comrade. One day.
>clear a corner
>check other corner
>shot from the corner i just checked
fun game
So what is more retarded is giving everyone ACOGs to begin with.

They should be limited to DMR's.
>what are drones
acog was a mistake. I think I'm the only person who wishes to get rid of it.
holo masterrace
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>But it's in his Operator video!!1!!
>All ops need to be given an Acog to be viable!!!
Unfortunately the second part sounds a lot like some people here.
That and the methods they recommend for any potential IQ buffs are really the only changes I hugely disagree with. They mostly know what problems need to be fixed, but have really shitty suggestions for how to fix them.
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>5700 rep
>gonna take like a week of play to afford a DLC op
>entire team is already dead cause they sprinted inside
>throw drone
>shot while droning
I kind of agree but instead of removing the ACOG make it less usable in close quarters to give people an incentive to use something else.
Why doesn't ubi host a test build of the game like battlefield.

It would actually allow them to test their shitty, clearly untested ideas before publishing.
Just buff IQ's detection range, thats the one and only change she needs.
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ouch :(
we lurk here too you know...
An ubi dev browsing /k/? what.
I agree that they should be removed or limited to DMRs, I find that they make it too easy to aim and get headshots because of the zoom. Alternatively make it fair and give every operator an ACOG, you're a gimp without one.
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and with the russian acog?

why the fuck do you lurk in this shithole?
>everyone has an acog
But why including other sights then? DMR only is the best idea.
Wouldn't the simplest most sensible thing be to increase ADS time if using ACOG?
That's as likely as me being rich one day.
then bite the bullet and take the loss, you're not always going to win nigger especially if you're the last one alive.

seriously drones are the most important thing you have on attack, more important than Thermite or grenades, I consider myself effectively out of the round when I lose my drones
One anon once said to obscure everything outside the acog, cause you get the zoom unlike a 1x holo
just play thunt normal solo classic on house
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well it's not like people run and gun in this game, increasing ADS time doesn't do anything because most of the time you'll already be ADS'd anyway watching an angle
>Reduce movement speed while aimed with acog
>Potentially add vignette or peripheral blur while aiming with acog

That's already the case. They could potentially increase that time further, but I'd rather them not feel completely unusable when you're forced to react quickly (especially as a 3 armor).

you're a cool guy

Hey buddy, if what you say is true, read the above idea, take it into consideration, and spread the word around the office.
We have firearms here in Canukistan too. Just need a license and to jump through the hoops.

nah, I just lurk, leave the community dev work (dealing with meme spouters) to the guys whos job it is. Also, I'm not leakbro, and don't intend to ever leak shit.

4chans my shithole too
>Reduce movement speed while aimed with acog
>Potentially add vignette or peripheral blur while aiming with acog

Sounds good to me.
>That's already the case.
Ah, I wasn't actually sure. I have ended up with ACOGs on every gun possible. All the small holes and slits you need to cover in this game, I wouldn't use anything else.
>nah, I just lurk, leave the community dev work (dealing with meme spouters) to the guys whos job it is. Also, I'm not leakbro, and don't intend to ever leak shit.
t. Meowers

She's fine now
Bullshit. Why do you do so much pandering to leddit? and how come most of the buffs today were miniscule? Glaz is still dogshit
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>Implying people weren't talking about a Tachanka shield since BB was revealed

It only came up ALL THE TIME how stupid it is that the stationary target has no protection but they just added a mememaster who can upside down Spiderman headshot you with 0 risk from any window.
Burn your office down for giving into memes
I never saw it, but then again I'm not on there constantly. Not saying you are either
operator videos are kinda inaccurate and just get more and more inaccurate as patches come in

>castle with pump action shotgun when he has an m1014
>tachanka doing a 360 when he has less than 180 degrees of rotation
>montagne has no side shields in op vid after getting them
>pulse's operator video still has the heart detection from the very first closed alpha
>castle with pump action shotgun when he has an m1014
It's funny because he has the m1014 in his video but fucking pumps it anyways.
The second two are just gonna happen whenever you make radical changes to the game, they're more excusable.
give me some music to get pumped boys I'm in a ranked match and I can't fucking get a kill

Already drank my 2nd red bull to get pumped
I think what you may have meant was how the community was UNIFIED behind that leaked image in the Hearthsiege photo.

Everyone was arguing day and night about what could make THE LORD XD XD better, but everyone has shitty ideas about how to do it. they all kind of settled on the shield once Ubisoft kind of made it known - basically just sucking the Ubi dick

God that place is a fucking shit hole.
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>Shield uses getting resistance to explosives

Music will blot out sounds and you'll die like a shitter
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How quick will I get 20k doing that?
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my nigger
between rounds you idiot
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>Blackbeard nerf
About time. Thanks, Ubi. Finally.
except yet again they didn't nerf the thing that made him OP. The shield HP is not why he's overpowered penisoft
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All the Blackbeard players (including Remorce) about to drop ranks.
meant for
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His guns are ludicrously strong too. He's overall an extremely poorly designed operator.

You are talking about the guns, right?
pickrate is now going down to 0.
How many bullets are 60 hp even worth? 5?
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"I used to be top of my class you know."
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Right on, my man. Lyrics to music posted above.

Wardruna always has the best pump-up music. Always like to listen to a few songs before ranked.
What are some operator ideas you got?
Oh, it's 60 HP? I thought it was lower.

Why are people whining about that, 5 bullets is still a bunch.
Don't question it, I got a clutch/ace to this last night

You'd have to remove him to get rid of what makes him overpowered, so this is the best you're gonna get.

2 to 3
Devs said it was like 1 to 3 bullets which a single burst could break and take his face off.
I'm talking about the fact that his Shield of Bullshit blocks headshots meaning he can one shot others but nobody can one shot him. Even if his shield was 1 HP it would still be overpowered. inb4 shieldfags, they have to drop their shields to ADS and are thus vulnerable.
about 150 a game, I do them in 2 minutes
Im no BB main. Even played him only 3 hours in total, but 1 to 3 bullets seems like a bit too muchof a nerf. 5 would be ok in my opinion.
But why do i care? Back to the pre BB meta
>THREE CAMRS rounds point blank to kill doc
so about 4 1/2 hours with the math
>he doesn't put arctic camo on all his GIGN guns and wear exclusively black ice headgear on GIGN

Come on step it up /r6g/.
Meta was so much better before cancerous BB and shotgun-thumping, window-jumping COD-style playing become the viable way of playing.
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>tfw all you're gonna have to do to win is kill the chanka memer (guaranteed to be easy af) and steal his turret/deployable shield fortress
get ready for everyone losing their shit due to one shitty chanka making site retakes near impossible
>yfw it's a trap and there's a toxic babe in there
Cap's fire bolts are gonna kill chankas left and right.
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>aim around corner
>hit tachanka meming cancer kids in the face due to the huge, convenient "SHOOT HERE" hole
>Wanting to watch a 2-3 hour stream
I get it for le epick doujins and mah pronz, but not for shit like this.

And fuck reddit, nobody wants to sift through that shit for 10 lines of text.
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>mfw trying bandit for the first time

His shield has no hole in it smart guy
>there might be private servers that run RS3
I got an old computer sitting downstairs, what does it take? What version would you guys be interested in? How often would everyone use it?
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My bad, thought the glass pane in the middle was a hole.
He has 2 shields. He'll still win trades.
You just cant be a as much of an oblivious idiot as before when using your BB crutch. Before you could just sit in the window waiting to be shot. Spill your tea, clean it up. Shoot the guy, replace shield. Now at least if you're surprised you may actually die.
Webm of tachanka buff?
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>a buff
Holy shot my sides. All those reddit memsters are going to get fucked in the first few days
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It is a buff. It's just that Takanka ecks dee is inherently a shitty operator due to him being stationary. A granade kills that retard easily unless ADS'ed. And wherever the retard is put up needs to be reinfroced so he can't be shot from every direction in the game.

There's just so much that can go wrong with Tachanka and there's just so much teamwork involved in making him work it's not fucking worth it in the scarce 40 seconds you get to set up your fortified basement of doom.
>what is a deployable shield
He'll be something to fight around now, rather than a sitting duck waiting to be shot in the head.
It's a buff, don't be overly cynical.
Eh with his deployable shield, his presence will be considered now, even if all it'll do is force the capitao on the attackers to position himself for the free kill
Just like how Montagne gets some usage in pro league for specific strats, I imagine we'll see Tachanka used in certain sites as a wild card. He's not going to be completely useless anymore, and when combined with a Jager, Castle, and barbed wire, he might actually be able to hold angles long enough to seriously stall for time.
Capitao's still gonna fuck him in the ass though.
Setting his turret on consulate, with hostage in archives, in that small blue tunnel plus deployable shield for example
No idea man. But if I had to guess I don't think it would field many people, so maybe it could be an event kind of thing from time to time, letting everyone know
Yeah or the cargo in plane. He is going to be decent at what he was supposed to originally do.
The only issue with that one would be breaching charges or Buck destroying the floor above him. Other than that yeah, that'd be a good spot.
I think holding garage tunnel in Clubhouse basement would be a good spot for him too, if someone's able to block off or hold dirt tunnel for him.
Wasn't even 2 to 3 hours and you can skip through the bullshit since it's on their twitch channel
Someone stole his name, that's why when he plays in his videos he has two dots between the 17

Or that's a l7, not 17
Any room with a wooden ceiling or floor you can shoot from below then he'll be memed on
I wish it was full auto
Screen shot this.
People will bitch about bullshit headshots on chanka because his helmet more than likely.clips over his shield, and if it doesn't people will bitch even harder about blitz (which does need it fixed)
Still no holo sights on smoke and caveira
Why do i have to suffer?
Click faster boyo, it doesn't need to be.
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> no jap patch
> no timestamp

anon plz



i hope your not fucking using his fmg
think how fast you could niggerblast tachanka if it was
This, I'm curious

Do you guys get the patches when you work on the DLC for that quarter or what?
git fucking good
why do people here not like plane?
I do
it's shit
I feel like he will have a huge gap between his cover and his shield.

Deploy-able shields don't come up that high, meaning he will only be safe behind reinforced walls that hibana blew up at head height.
Retared spawns. It's one of my favourite maps once you get inside but deliberately giving the defender team 3 spots on each side to shit the attacker team that has to traverse 20 seconds of completely open field is just poor design and that's why it will never be taken seriously
Especially since I'm going to team kill them.
Shitty movement
I love it
yeah they do

what do mean
but the spawnkilling is cancer and it's bad for the game
This right here. The worst part of the map is the way you spawn and have to enter. After that it's one of the more enjoyable maps aside from how half of it is unaccessible to defenders if there's a halfway decent Glaz on the enemy team.
desu the big red red light that keeps defenders from going outside should be there for 60 seconds after start
wish there was a fucking roof spawn
It's fucking hell to play as defenders if the enemy has a decent Glaz.
Everytime i shot someone point blank with a shotgun they have over 50 hp and insta hs me. I think i have just bad luck
This desu, dying to some cunt running outside is such a fucking chore.
Just five extra seconds would do tbqh
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>60 seconds
Hell no.
15 is the most I think is fair. Anything more and defenders would have a shit time countering some breaches and window-holds on certain maps.
Besides, the real issue is some map design. Spawn rushers wouldn't be a problem if there was more cover to hide approaches for attackers on the maps where that's not already the way it is.
It's a valid tactic in many cases, but the amount of cheese it entails varies from map to map and spawn to spawn. One defender peeking several potential dangerous angles is a good risk/reward maneuver, but some maps just don't give the attackers enough ground cover for that to be the case.
>Doc doesn't get impact nades
Was playing bank and someone came in my room for half a second right after drone phase, look back at my screen and find I'm dead not having moved in spawn at all because some faggot runs out the front door and spawnkilled me
I always wondered what that dude is doing in the right picture with his right hand
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>Doc doesn't have impact nades
>Thermite doesn't have breaching charges
>Jager doesn't have impact nades
>Ash doesn't have flashbangs
Limiting utilities that would be very fitting or powerful for certain operators acts as a way to encourage teamwork to unleash their full potential. Rook is already really important to have to make the most use of Doc's utility, so having him close to open up walls with impacts makes their relationship tighter than if Doc was to get impacts himself.
is it too soon to poke fun at BB?
Reddit is whiny about Thermite losing his breaching charges. It's quite sad, because if he gets them back he'll be even more of a must-pick once more.

No, in fact, seeing BB in pain is always fun.

Am I the only one who finds BB's screams of pain in the game really, really satisfying?
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Good shit my nigga
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>Am I the only one who finds BB's screams of pain in the game really, really satisfying?
It wasn't just reddit, white boy. Anons here were sad his breaching charges were removed.
This webm just reminds me of how much of a cheesecake crutch BB is

fuck BB, goddamn
How many of you lurk here? Does Epi or that one chick crawl through here sometimes?
>how come most of the buffs today were miniscule?

>unironically wanting Blizzard style ""balancing""
Anyone got a link to video on this stuff?
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Thermite not having breaching charges is great design really. It forces him to have teammates close by to help him breach into areas that aren't reinforced, keeping him from being a one-man breaching meme-machine like he used to be. I know a lot of older Thermite "mains" didn't like the change, but I personally enjoy how it limits him.
Are you actually trying to defend this games garbage servers? Kill yourself.
Original thermite was fucking stupid. Normal breaching charges, reinforced wall breaching charges, and frag nades. His current design is great.
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The thing is, Thermite revolves entirely around his two charges.
He has a shit gun, shit gadgets, and boring as shit to play as. Giving him breaching charges or even stuns, at least lets him do something after he blows open the main objective wall.
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>Still no Australian Operators
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>still no Transnitrian operator
What the fuck?
>some fage named <HandlePlaysR6> calls me a hacker twice because I got a lucky headshot with the CAMRS
>next round he gets the drop on me but still die because he can't aim
>he leaves after calling me a hacker again
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>Japanese update
>No cyborg ninjas

why do I play this shitty game still?
Buff his gun's damage and give him stuns instead of smokes. I'd be happy with these changes.
Please, I once put a Brimstone down and rubber bandded back onto it as it exploded

I also put one down, fired it up, and it said it was jammed, went to pick it up to move it and it went off without any warning
>shit gun
>shit gadgets
>boring as shit to play as

Call me a connoisseur of shit but I love playing as Thermite. I thought his gun was arse the first time I saw it but when I used it I fell in love with it. Claymore is fantastic for destroying aggression, and it's never to waste since I'm usually at the back. And it's certainly never boring when you know that you're the prize target for the enemy team and that if you fuck up it may as well be over, and that if you don't fuck up, the enemy team is going to be miles more screwed
Plane is fine. the only shit maps are Border, Canal, Favela, Club, and Skyscraper.
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>Bad maps
556xi is probably the best all-around gun in the game
Are you ready anons? Smoke will finally stop mucking about and start gassing the jews. Finishing off crawling attackers with babes from cover makes commiting war crimes feel good.
>people still hating on thermites AR
I still think it's medicore and don't deserve the hate
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>not the L85
>not the famas
>not the R4C
>Thermite's spaghetti gun better than anything
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>Still no Argentinian Operators with falklands map
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There are a lot of glitchs that Im glad are gone now
L85 is also solid but it shoots slower than the 556xi and ROF is king in CQC

Famas and R4C absolutely wreck in CQC, no doubt but you can throw more bullets accurately at range with the 556xi than them with burst fire.

Damage is strong enough that he can drop foes quickly too regardless of armor

556xi is the fucking mario of siege ARs, average across the board and I think that's what makes it a great AR.
>meanwhile, in opposite land
Why are the queues for solo ranked so long holy shit

It's like the game wants me to only do ranked in stacks
Why would you not play with your friends, anon?

Because I've been doing really shit when playing with them lately and I really hate disappointing / tilting them, so I want to try to get good on my own
ok so how do i avoid frost and kapkan traps

yes they punish carelessness and rushing but sometimes you have to rush
Get in the habit of looking down and getting ready to shoot out the trap when you vault windows.
ash breach charge breaks edds when it breaks it's doors
You drone out the route you want to take beforehand

If you want to make absolutely sure, shoot down when you vault the suspect window

Look for the red laser :^)
If you see a doorway shield, there's a beartrap behind it.
The good thing about solo queuing casual is that you can leave when you see that only one guy on the enemy team isn't diamond and you're the only one on your team with a rank.
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Movement speed while aiming should be scaled per weapon, rather than Operator speed. Jager's carbine should slow him more than the p90 on the French defenders, for example. Pistols should let you be more mobile while aiming as well.
Because I have no friends
and I'm not confident enough to play with people here
Holy shit the spas and super rock my socks off.
Also Valk cams are just too good.
>hibana becomes a handgun menace
No thanks.
The people here dont really give a shit how good you are, as long as you verbally shitpost in the ts and dont fuck them over you'll be doing alright
but I will fuck them over by dying first and making every match a 4v5
the thing I'm worried most about is epic memers, I've played with people from /v/ before and it was a bad experience.
that fucking supernova goes ridiculously far before falloff wtf
Avoid 2007 and company, and you'll be pretty meme-free.
We have 2 spots open right now if you want to join.
Only trash players get spawn killed. It's incredibly easy to avoid.
Just avoid bestpone, he cannot mentally handle the fact that other teams can win
Oh, and some of the euros because they micspam
Argentines are fucking bro tier
new player here, is there a setting to make the lighting from looking outside any better? any other graphic settings that can give you an edge in seeing people clearly?
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...Did someone say

memespamming in casual isn't so bad

memespamming in ranked is cancer though
Memes are cancer by default
What do you guys think about Matimio?
>Cant do uplay challenges in custom
Fuck ubisoft
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Aww yeah baby.
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Whenever I've played ranked with the TS it's been serious business mode, no memeing at all.

And like someone said above, avoid 2007 and crew and your experience will be very meme-free and pretty brotier.
>Find friends
>Do all challenges in a few minutes
That's why
You mean Capitao
Go to bed IHE
memespamming is bad
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>Frost SMG recoil down
W-why? It was already the best SMG on defense
Compared to the MP7? Please.
Memespamming is never excusable. You can crack memes if you want, but if you start spouting stale memes back to back for no reason you're getting a mute.
>frost SMG better than the GIGN MP5 or the Druglord's bullet-hose with an ACOG on top
Yeah. Nah. Also both sights are ass.
>the Druglord's bullet-hose
nice i like it
Why do people always say to use Holosite with Bucks Assault Rifle? Does it have some hidden recoil negating effect?
I've always like the Frenchies SMG
>Druglord's bullet-hose
He was shit in Battlefield and he's shit in this.
Big sight picture so you can see a lot of area around the sight, plus the big ring makes it easier to keep on target.
>Why do people always say to use Holosite with Bucks Assault Rifle? Does it have some hidden recoil negating effect?
It's because the ACOG site is damn near impossible to use with it.
>I've always like the Frenchies SMG
MP5 is good too. Pretty much all of the SMGs are decent. Any bullet hose is feasible in a 1-headshot = kill game.
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Are you going to post this in every thread, autist?
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posting OC going from worst to best
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>after buck update
How do i play Doc correctly
heal your fucking teammates

dont wait for a revive

just fucking heal them
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>When Kapkan starts dating the new female booby trap operator
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>1080p webms
it only happens if you shove your head in the window
pls teach me how to webm
>Using the makarov to shoot a friendly down.
Gets me every time.
That thing shoots like a cannon despite being a 9mm peashoter IRL.
I am using that
I just didn't bother to change the resolution, next one will be 720
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>Valkyrie, sponsored by Oakley, Garmin, Crye Precision, Blue Force Gear, 5.11 Tactical, CamelBak, That one dude at the bazaar, Some tattoo parlor in Coronado, Franchi, SIG Sauer, Magnum Research, NSA Crane, DARPA, and the United States Navy, A Global Force For Good.
guns with a high rate of fire will usually trump guns with slow rates of fire in the hands of comparable players

therefore, top tier = R4C, Famas, AK12

>it happens
You're gonna have to be more specific than that buddy.
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Is the choice between RDS/Holo/Reflex purely personal preference?
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>queue music

Did you tk his ass?
Pulse is an attacker now?
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We do

>Massive buff to a character who is shit
>"Oh no we made them 10/10 with no downsides"
>Next patch 3 weeks later tweaks it into the sweet spot

>Releases the most retarded character ever - Meme beard.
>Took them over 4ish months to nerf his seriously OP shield, and another 3 months after that to nerf it even further
>Tachanka has been in the game since day 1
>Received one tweak which was literally useless
>Only now getting a buff 11 months in
>Shield users, lowest picked dudes in the game and 0% pick rate in proleague
>Nerfed last patch due to arm damage

Ubisoft is a fucking joke man.
is sergio the biggest faggot of the siege youtubers? the answer is yes
>mfw she is literally using a pirat gun.

Oh fuck the meme posting
>Pulse, what the fuck are you doing? Get back on the other team.
>My friends are on this team though. Have someone else switch
>Pulse, your breaking the game.
Literally who
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Just steer clear of astro, multi, and bestpone and you should be good compadre
it's better you don't know
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Guy was dead for some reason.
>Ash spawn killing

It's like my nightmares come to life
>You're not my teammate. You're not my teammate. You're not my teammate.
>Jager, relax. This is just temporary ok?
>You're not my teammate. You're not my teammate. THIS IS WHAT V2 WAS FOR! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
All of the people you mentioned are very cool, actually.
2007 is who you avoid.
>Bandit is ready to party, are you ready r6g?
I swear I didn't even know that stuff was there when I picked Bandit but it all fits by serendipity.
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>not gook
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All hail lord Jaeger for he has ascended beyound this mortal realm!
merely pretending
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>ash and jäger on the same team
wtf I hate this post.
the guide says nothing about that
>break a barricade
>echo breaks cover but doesn't hose you down
Hibana is basically a better Ash but with 21 rounds instead of 31
If I join one of the rainbow team groups in the discord how do I go about actually grouping with them ingame
>You just can't peek-headshot him anymore.

To be fair this is the thing that made him a 0/10 never pick.
Post your IGN and someone adds you.
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It's harder to counter Ash's grenades short of shooting past an ADS if walls haven't been reinforced. With Hibana, if they've got a Mute or Bandit, she's not getting in
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Promising team
>they didn't buff castle
>they didn't buff IQ
>they haven't explained just how drastic the shield resistance to booms are
>shield arms still taking torso damage
>they double buffed Fuze for some reason

the fuck is wrong with this patch?
what if she has a thatcher
Yes it does, Mr.

>As you learn the maps, however, ACOGs often prove to be superior in most engagements at a distance. In the end, it's up to you when you want to run ACOGs or when you want to run 1x sights, they are all viable and subject to preference.
>implying you need to buff castle when SMG buffs are a thing
nigger detected
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Then she's getting in
>taking Castle because UMP
>forgetting there is literally another dude with the UMP that also has wallhax

you are the nigger m8 I just want my objectives secure and safe
They don't even use Smoke.
>old man has to follow the nazi and the gook around so they can make walls disappear
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this must be you
>asking for a buff so a useless character can be playable

I want reddit to leave
Why aren't the SAT ctus in SAT uniforms?
Music on oregon is so fucking cool
How would you buff him in the first place?
They're poorly designed.
>space music intensifies
Because Ubisoft likes to make memes out of people - in any "Team Rainbow" scenario where you would be deploying GSG9 anywhere, they wouldn't still be in their civis. They'd be in uniform.

And the Canadians wouldn't be wearing winter parkas 24/7.
>8hr played
>24 EDD kills

Am I the best Kapkan trapper in /r6g/?
I don't know. I'm not a game designer by trade. He clearly doesn't work as intended and his barricades are too porous to be of any use.

He is easily countered by:

and in some situations gives advantages to:
>Literally any attacker on the outside since they have complete immunity to attach a breaching charge
>The Fuze + Glaz combo like god damn

And to top it off he only has 3 of the barricades - which really only allow him to cover one "side" of the objective. Think of how many objective rooms where you could basically throw the barricades up on the windows or to cover one access route and, well, thats it. Your job is done. And then how quick the Attackers actually bypass him.

He would need a complete rework of his gadgets or such an absurd amount of them that it would effectively drain attacker resources just going through them, or wasting time bypassing them. Otherwise he's basically useless and picking anyone else is better.

I doubt he'll ever get a buff. Ubisoft "buffed" Bandit by giving him a fourth battery, not realizing what would really make Bandit spicy is also not having his shocked walls / barbed wire visibly spark. Imagine checking a wall as Thermite, you don't hear any Mute jammer going on... So you go to plant your charge and BAM - 20 points of damage. But no right now everything sparks and can be seen that it's battery-ed up from half the map away.
said specifically RDS/Holo/Reflex

those are all not the acog my dude
>or when you want to run 1x sights, they are all viable and subject to preference.
>what is reading comprehension

"all viable and subject to preference."
How do I use smoke grenades effectively?
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OP FAQ is literally out of date now faggot.
If you think so, then please feel free to share what is outdated so we can change it.

>If you have any feedback, suggestions on things to add, edit, or remove, please reply to the OP with it. I'll try to check it frequently to keep this updated. In addition, any contributions/submissions to the sections under construction written in a similar format would also be very appreciated.
I had 10 kills in 4 hours pre buff, fite me nigga.
>literally not aware Smoke's beauties are getting patched and will change how they are used
>literally not aware the patch isn't even out yet

kill yourself you fuck read the general next time before memeing the FAQ
smoke grenades aren't Smoke's toxic babes.
Please read the chain of replies and then realize the horrible mistake you've just committed.

Also, operator guides get changed appropriately when the patch releases.
My bad. I didn't think anyone would ever use the actual Smoke grenades for concealment considering they are client side. I will admit I'm now equally as stupid as people taking Smoke nades.
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>we share a general with retards like these
>not taking Smoke grenades

Hello, Silver player
fwiw I haven't actually played kapkan since before black ice when you had to be borderline retarded to die to his traps
Except Kanal and Skyshitter are terrible maps. Kanal has waaaay too many windows overlooking spawns and obj entries, and Sky has most of the combat at the edges of the building because the center is just a glorified hallway. Just imagine now playing hostage on Kanal against a Chanka in the control room.
>can't get to the windows behind him
>can't see his the lower half of his body
>has a firing angle on the opposite roof
Can't be flanked
Can't be C4'd
yeah the c1 kills people in 3 hits with extended barrel. you'll kill just spraying at the enemies general direction
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Supernova is gonna get nerfed so hard
When is the patch landing?
15th of december
Бoг actually means "God" in russian
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>cuckbeard babbys BTFO


>making sheilds even more OP

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Doesn't lord means god in english?

>OP in their current state

Shields are OP?
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> making shields even more OP
> implying that shields are currently OP
>15th of December
>The same day Modern Warfare gets those 6 maps dropped

Oops sorry I'm wrong it's the 13 they get the maps.
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requesting edit with capitao
There is already an edit, just not like that one.
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Memes aside, Chanka was overdue for a buff. Memes or not, no operator should be as useless as Chanka is.


>reading the OP is very hard
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>"Frost's 9mm had too much recoil for how little damage it did"
>implying, the 9mm is fucking great
>"So we gave it less recoil"
Anyone else ready to rip and tear with the C1?
>calling people faggots for using a short form nickname
I bet you are the type of person who also gets mad at people if they don't think the oxford comma is a mandatory component of grammar
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I'd like to see that as well
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I should think so, friend.
They don't know what they are about to unleash.
>no period at the end
Get out, peasant.
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>not tachankin
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I can barely wait.
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we need a new thread lads
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I wont hide the pain for this.jpg
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>ok, guys. Saw Frost on the drone
>watch the windows for bear traps
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patch notes come out wednsday
But we are not near the limit
>Use all of your teams assets protecting LORD CHANKA XDDDD
He still dies to any of the above mentioned tactics.
I thought you are only supposed to use the laser sight on shield user pistols?
New bread where?
New thread

And shotguns, it decreases the spread. It makes no sense realistically, but that's what they do in game.
>Ubishit thinks an MMR based system is viable
No wonder ranked is complete shit and still in 'beta'. That's just fucking pathetic.
I hate to say it but you're absolutely correct here. ACOGs make the entire game into a series of strategic peeking around corners, doorways, and windows and trying to pre-aim for that 1hk. I don't even bother using defenders that don't have ACOG because they're automatically inferior.

Kinda feel like putting them just on DMR's or removing them all together would completely change the game for the better.
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