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/bfg/ - Battlefield General

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Bayonet Edition

Last thread: >>161882770

>Weapon and stats:
Symthic's already started their metacrafting autism

>Emblem stealing website for uncreative babbies: http://emblemsbf.com/

Q: Is BF4 dead?
A: Yes, BF1 now.

Q: Where are the BF1 Platoons?
A: platoon is kill

Q: Which VOIP Do I join?
A: Yuropoors will be more likely to find people on the Discord. Mumble seems to attract NA players. Use whichever you like.

Mumble server (VOIP and Text)
port: 64738

Mumble download (Snapshot version is more stable and has more features)

Inb4 anime.
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Inb4 no. 3 not the best pistol

Auto revolver is better, but is medic-only.
This x100000000
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>last thread archived at 500K
rip /bfg/
Hey, shut up!
>Buy BF1 on a whim
>expect a garbage game
>pleasantly surprised
Game seems fairly well balanced for a BF game. It sucks not being able to easily take out any vehicle by yourself anymore like you could with rockets and C4 in the previous games but in a way I kind of like that too.

BF1 makes me really want another WW2 Battlefield game though... It would be glorious.
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imo this game has fairly decent maps
worst map though if you ask me
>It sucks not being able to easily take out any vehicle by yourself anymore like you could with rockets and C4 in the previous games

Assault kit, anti tank grenades and rocket launcher.

You melt a tank by yourself really fast, especially if a support keeps resupplying you.
I really like Sinai tbqh. Suez is the worst if you ask me.
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not even surprised. Battlefield 1 isnt bad, but its been the shittiest bf experience Ive ever had outside of hardline. Only played the beta and that was enough

I blame the playerbase. Theres no way that everyone fucking up and forgot how to play battlefield, so it has to be a shit ton of first timers to the series. no one plays their class, no one plays the objective, and hardcore is literally unplayable because people cant tell the difference between two distinctly different colors.

My only complaint with the game itself is that simple features that should have been in at launch were tacked on in a patch. Even after that they dont fucking work properly 90% of the time. Also, micro transactions in a bf game? FUCKS SAKE
What kind of map do you want next ?
I'd like a map with snow or with of a lot of trenches.
id love to like the no3 but it lets me down more often than not if not within 5 meters
>shoot tank with two AT rounds
>he quick repairs completely negating the damage
>relocate not to get fucking molested
>hit him with a couple more shells and relocate to use AT grenades
>only two AT grenades, not nearly enough to finish him
>never get a resupply because no one plays their class
>run away gadgetless and getting pelted by cannister shot or outright gibbed
>if I can manage to get a supports attention to refill me he drops a fucking box
>enemy tank has rolled halfway across the map and has completely repaired
>get killed by a hill nigger 400m away by the time I catch up to the tank


The map that's going to come out this month is likely going to be snow.
>Also, micro transactions in a bf game? FUCKS SAKE

You could buy battlepacks and class gear/rank ups for BF4 and Hardline as well.. Who cares, if people want to spend €2,- on shit you can just get by playing the game, fine by me. Maybe next time around the DLC will be free if enough shitters buy skins..
russian map with residential blocks, edge of forest, trenches and snow
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>they'll never fix the super aggressive pistol damage fall off
>difference between a 2 or 3 shot kill is literally one pace

Still worth it for the cowboy as fuck moments

>Not using 2x AT grenade+1x light AT grenade
>Actually expecting the AT-rifle to kill shit, rather than do a little bit of damage

Found your problem.
>you could buy...for bf4

Fucking when did they add that? I either never noticed or ignored it and forgot about it. Also, I didnt play hardline

>+-1800 pistol kills already
Knicca wat?
>found the balance problem

at rifle's never done it for me, not feeling it. the long reload and awakward handling at times...i rather run c4 or most of the times i use AT mines actually.

it's satysfying to shoot but i might give the auto revolver a shot
>Fucking when did they add that?

Pretty sure it was in it when I bought it, like Christmas 2014? They also had 'shortcuts', possibly for BF3 as well, which basically meant 'unlock everything for X class for 15 dollars' or some stupid shit like that. Especially since in BF4 you could unlock all guns for a class in 1 game of 64p high ticket metro with some XP boosts.

€40,- for all unlocks for all classes, today, still. For a game that costs €5,-


>5 gold battlepacks for €12,-

If people want to spend their money on retarded shit like this, fine. I just hope their money goes on to improve my playing pleasure.
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Pistols are incredibly strong close quarters. I rely on them a lot because they are significantly more effective point blank than most of my favorite primaries

Auto revolver is THE BEST revolver in the game hands down. I'm glad it's medic only or it would be the only sidearm worth using imo
A snow map would make me happy.
>white backdrops and sunglare making it ngih impossible to see scope glint

I wish it wasnt this way, but it is
>I'm glad it's medic only or it would be the only sidearm worth using imo

C96 is also kind of nice I find. I tend to spam sidearms rather than carefully take shots, so the 10 round mag with barely any muzzle climb fits my style better
Oh yeah, that is a fair point. I'm willing to make that sacrifice if the weather system makes it actually snow though.
i like snow but i hated the bf4 snow maps, just fucking blinding as fuck
>its a "Can't connect not enough bandwidth" episode
hmm never seen that one. What country did it air in?
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>just reached rank 8 assault
>stuck with the Autistico until I get hell smg
the ride never ends
Never played with the autistico. Why the hate ? Because it's good ?
Its honestly pretty good. i happily rode that horse all the way to rank 10
What exactly is the point in taking a plane if you can't stay up in air for more than 30 seconds before some 14 year old faggot shoots you down with his AA?

Every fucking flag has an AA and all of them can easily shoot across the entire map
How can you complain when you can repair your fucking plane by just holding down a button while you fly?
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Speaking of airchav's, today was a good day.

Also, daily reminder.
thats funny because normally the automatico literally the only weapon i dont bother shooting at planes with unless theyre super super low
Figure out where they are and play around them
Since the patch you actually got a shot at escaping if you're not flying straight at it
Why isn't this game WW2 again? It's entire premise, balance scheme and mechanics all pander to WW2 more than to WW1. Was it all just to push the whole "we're not CoD durr" thing even further?
Try repairing your plane while being gangbanged by 3 different kids doing nothing else than camping the AA for the entire game

1. Remove some AA locations
2. Nerf the AA range, it's fucking ridiculous that a noob camping the spawn AA can down a plane from 400m out
3. Nerf the AA damage on infantry to discourage faggots from camping in them for the entire game
>tfw you accidently pick the AA truck in an operation where there is no air for a while
The automemeco is everything
Even with the Hellriegel unlock, I constantly use the Automatico and the MP18 SCHÜTZENGRABEN. Hell is great, but those two offer unique little things it doesn't, and quite often they fit certain situations much better.
I would be so fucking mad if that happened to me...
This game made me want a new WW2 BF game so badly.
>that Stuka sound with DICE's excellent sound design
>all those based WW2 guns
>that glorious WW2 armor
>all those classic WW2 maps
They haven't made a WW2 BF game since 1943 and that was hardly a full game.
Aww gee whiz, its like you can't kill a tank alone but have to work together with other players to take it down.
The MP 18 experimental is the best smg though
memetico faggots deserve to burn in the brighest flames of hell
this seems powerful

makes cav sword twice as useful
So how do you do the cross class gadget thing?
I might get a chance to use the rifle grenade for the first time.
those shortcuts didnt really mean shit though because in BF3 you had all the best weapons available right at start except if you were on the russian side
So exact same method as in previous games. I remember doing this in BF4, running Support with an RPG, was fucking hilarious
i thought this was his alpha exploits video but its dec7 ehm okay
so do i use crates now because they still absord blast damage like in bf4 ?hmmmm
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>Model 10-A
It's really not that bad anymore. I've been having more success with the M97 Sweeper variant.
but nothing changed

You start with the rifle? I open with all three of my anti vehicle grenades then use the rifle to secure the kill. Works most of the time on anything less than a land ship.
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>notice new battlepack edition comes out
>meh looks shit
>why is "the köning" even a legendary
>notice Zulu
>work hard to get battlepacks like a good boy
>get the stupid the könig twice
>oh well I can use them to get scrap
>buy enhanced battlepack with my hard earned scrap
>open it
Will this game be dead by christmas?
Thanks for the info, also got mine out of one of my 4 rev 7 packs
Not as dead as this thread
>still playing this shit

It really feels like a marketing decision above all. If they weren't willing to commit to the setting (which they clearly weren't) then they should have gone ww2. However the entire package seems to have been marketed pitch perfectly, so I guess I can't fault them from an advertising standpoint.

The whole game feels like its adding up to a proper ww2 revival next year, though I'd prefer if they gave the poor Swedes a year off to polish their shit up.

Would it be such a crime for a modern Battlefield game to last long enough that it accrues a proper community, instead of the transient bullshit their practices promote.
>tfw 30 normals battlepacks and 10 enhanced ans still no zulu
itll be 2 years before the next battlefield
it had its hipfire widened.
no it'll be longer, it'll be 2 years till they start working on a new battlefield, so probably 4-5 years until BF5 release
DICE has two years to unpack a bit before work starts on a new BF. It was also very likely an excellently planned marketing ploy to make it WW1. It plays and feels like WW2 more, but the fact that it was marketed as a WW1 game means it avoids the "oh god not another WW2 shooter" mentality that is _still_ in the minds of people.
>4-5 years

you dont seriously believe that. theyre working on a new title before the current one even releases, just not with full ressources
they said they're taking a battlefield break, they're probably putting everything into battlefront/ea 2 right now
Heavy tanks are such fucking bullshit.

Assaults AT gun does shit all before you get shot by the faggot with 23 service star.

Good luck getting close with shitty dynamite that has a slow toss and doesn't even fucking stick so all he has to do is reverse and shoot you.

Inb4 git gud. The class meant to kill tanks can't do shit to even just 2 people working together in a heavy tank.
git gud.
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>he isn't rank 10 in all primary classes
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they are also sitting ducks

yes it takes more than one person to kill one but they are ez even at range
Tank whores who sit on hills or areas easy to escape out of reach with a support bitch and emergency repair kit aren't sitting ducks.

Good luck getting anyone to help you take out a tank with how many transplant retards that migrated over. My little shitty AT rifle hitting for 14-17 damage with only 4 shells isn't doing shit with autorepair and a repair support.
You shouldn't be using an AT rifle to kill heavy tanks. You immobilize yourself, you have a chance of ricocheting and you don't do much damage. Run AT nades, Dynamite and/or Land Mines.

You can take care of a tank single-handedly but it requires all of your ordnance to do so.
That's fair, didn't realize they were taking a decent amount of time off. As someone coming back to the series after a while are there different teams making Battlefront 2 and the next Battlefield? Or is it simply Dice switching up from one to the next?

I'm glad to hear they're taking some time regardless and you're right, there's still a ridiculous amount of 'we were DROWNED in ww2 games' people considering WaW came out in fucking 2008.
git gud
So I should use things that require you to get close to tank whores who use third person in addition to whoever else is in the tank while they sit in an open field or maneuver so that no one can sneak up on them without running through open ground.

Such solid advice. Surely with this information the days of people going 59-1 will be over.

The only range weapon that can damage a tank shouldn't be so fucking weak. This game just feels like an unbalanced mess from vehicles to classes and their weapons.
you're so fucking full of yourself
I'm not too sure how the teams are split, if at all, for Battlefront. I'm mostly hoping for the game to be handed off to DICE LA soon for balancing since I really like their balancing (mostly) for BF4.

I don't have much issue getting close to tanks, I don't know what to tell you. Two AT nades disable the weapons on the affected part, meaning you also now have an angle of approach to plop down dynamite.

Heavy Tanks are very frustrating and need some tweaks, like adjustments to LOS available when driving from 3PP but they aren't impossible to deal with. They also absolutely buckle under the focus of even two assaults.

I have more gripes with Light Tanks, as they have the anti-infantry ability of heavy tanks while also having a 360 degree cone of fire without relying on other people and are extremely fast, allowing them to duck out of danger the second they sense it. I hardly play LT and every time I do I need only play cat and mouse with everything I encounter and I'll go 40-1.
>The only range weapon that can damage a tank shouldn't be so fucking weak
Get in a field gun then. If a tank driver doesn't react to it IMMEDIATELY you will kill him before he kills you.
>light tanks

they need to fix the turrent not accurately displaying what direction theyre looking at
>Heavy Tanks are very frustrating and need some tweaks, like adjustments to LOS available when driving from 3PP but they aren't impossible to deal with. They also absolutely buckle under the focus of even two assaults.

I've never really had a problem with heavy tanks. They're honestly easier to take down than landships. It may take a couple of lives to do it, but it's better than the 60-70 players getting slaughtered not even giving a shit about it.

>I have more gripes with Light Tanks, as they have the anti-infantry ability of heavy tanks while also having a 360 degree cone of fire without relying on other people and are extremely fast, allowing them to duck out of danger the second they sense it. I hardly play LT and every time I do I need only play cat and mouse with everything I encounter and I'll go 40-1.

^Same. I wonder if they capped the turret turning speed a little slower. That would make it 10x more playable for infantry. There is really no reason a tank turret should be snapping like that.

Aside from that, I hope they fix AA, soon. Flying planes are completely unplayable at this rate and they weren't this bad in Battlefield 4. Kind of ironic when you consider that it should be the opposite for mobile AA with a range of miles instead of meters. It's ridiculous that one AA has 80% map control on some maps.
The fact that they take a few lives is a bit annoying but yeah.

I absolutely disagree with your thoughts on AA. I don't care if it's heavy handed, when planes are good it's completely unfun for the ground game, which is the majority of the game.
I'm just describing the exact situation that pissed me off in the first place.

Some heavy tank faggot with 26 service stars camping a hill with his buddy running repair support. I tried to damage him from far off with the AT rifle but I'd either get shot or land all my shots and push up while they retreated to repair only for him to be back up by the time I got close.

No one helping me. No getting close to him. I spent a whole game trying to end his streak.

So suck my fucking cock.
As a newcomer to bf1 after having ignored the game since 1942 (and having gotten 3 and 4 for free and fucking hating them on launch) this game seems like kind of a ridiculous piece of shit so far. I like it better than the others but goddamn could it use some work
oh my god so you're saying you literally can't end a dedicated tankcrews streak even tho you shot your AT rocket at them and try to take them down solo literally ALL game dude ? fucking hell man this balance
oh, and the fucking mobile artillery. That is the cheesiest shit I've seen in this game.

>I absolutely disagree with your thoughts on AA. I don't care if it's heavy handed, when planes are good it's completely unfun for the ground game, which is the majority of the game.

Most of the good pilots are taking down enemy planes though? The most damage I've seen planes do to ground when no one was manning AA was firebombing with the bomber. I rarely see attack planes actively searching to destroy ground units and vehicles aside from the grenades on points, but those are hella easy to dodge unless you aren't really expecting it (which is kinda tactful imo).

Overall, the planes are too paper thin or the AA really needs the range shortened. May as well just scrap the planes if they're going to keep the AA the way it is, because it's not even fun to jump in a plane every once in a while when you're getting AA'd from E on Monte Grappa when you're not even past the first flag from your spawn.
Also, I just wanna say, the crux to this is operations. The current range on the AA is important for killing the zepplins, but it's ridiculous that the TTK for planes is really low.
In my experience planes spend about 50% of the time dogfighting and 50% of their time bombing objectives. In games where the pilots know what they're doing both sides immediately take to the air, bomb the AAs into nonexistence and then proceed to mulch infantry between sorties.

I hate airchavs because of past experiences, but I don't think they should be completely sidelined. The issue is I have to pick between sidelining them or watching infantry suffer the wrath of good air, and I'm biased towards infantry. I'm sure a balance could be struck between the two but DICE hasn't quite managed it for some time now.
>May as well just scrap the planes

Exactly, and they may as well scrap the ground vehicles while they're at it. This was their chance to work on their ground game and they fucked it for the same old shit.
With auto repair, repair jockeys, smoke and rockets being weak as fuck BF1 tanks are pretty much BF2-tier powerful, except they have even less to worry about since air vehicles are so hard-countered by AA.
>In games where the pilots know what they're doing both sides immediately take to the air, bomb the AAs into nonexistence and then proceed to mulch infantry between sorties.

This I agree with. The fact they don't respawn fast enough is kind of annoying. They REALLY need it, because it's not like previous Battlefield games where you had Stingers as an infantry counter to aircraft. It's one thing to take the AA out for a limited amount of time, but another to remove it (almost) permanently from the game with no defense against it unless you pulled an AA truck. If they shortened the range (kept the damage) but gave it a shorter respawn time after destruction, I'd be happy.
You know I'd be okay with that too, though I'd like if LMGs did a bit more damage to air so they have an extra application and help give infantry the feeling that they can make at least an attempt at fighting back. Nothing massive, the damage could even stay the same, but I think that bullets should just properly penetrate and damage the pilot if his hitbox is on the vector the bullet is taking.
AT nades + light AT nades = definite kill
Oh shut the fuck up you faggot.

Do you hear tank whores crying in BF3 and BF4 about how OP engineers are? You could deal with a tank if you played smart and never stayed in one position too long after you shot, but it wasn't easy to solo one with a good 2 man crew running tank.

You were more likely to get rammed by a jeep covered in C4 or picked off by a helicopter running tv missiles if you were doing well in a tank.

Now you have a stationary AT gun that requires you to prone or bipod onto a window and wait for the animation to finish before firing.

The only real threat to heavy tanks are other heavy tanks which are too busy killing infantry on another hill on the other side of the map.

Light tanks can be killed in 2 shots and are SLOWER than a heavy tank.

Some of the major threats to tanks have been completely removed giving tank shitters free roam as long as they can sit pretty on a hill in third person with a 360° view shooting every medic, scout, or assault foolhardy enough to try and get close.
free repair was a mistake

third person aim was a mistake, in the old games you didn't have a crosshair and the camera only pointed forward in third
I think I played with this guy on a game, he was pretty toxic.
MarbleDuck's an ass. He's informative and usually right, but he's an ass.It's his "appeal", or so he's stated.
He was raging at his whole team even though he was doing poorly himself.
Felt good to whoop his ass
sometimes you do poorly because your team does poorly

can't cover every flank personally, can't be anti-tank, engineer, AA, countersniper etc. all at once, and you just get fucked no matter which one you try by one of the others
>constantly in the top 5, top 7 if I have a bad game
>always involved in at least 80% of the flag caps
>haven't won a single game all day

it's just so statistically impossible, jesus christ
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To be fair, why is it wrong to yell at a team for doing shit when everyone is doing shit? You can't expect one person to just git gud and carry a game to victory by themselves. This game is about teamwork and telling your team they're fucking retarded for stacking one point while the rest of the enemy is ghostcapping isn't bad. This is often a retarded argument against people expressing their discontent with the team strategy.
>You can't expect one person to just git gud and carry a game to victory by themselves

I do that regularly.

git gud honestly
no, you THINK you do that
There's a difference between telling your team what to do in team chat, and insulting them. Also different from what he was doing, distancing yourself from the team (ex: My team so bad) in all chat to signal to the other team -you- are not a baddie.
And carrying by what? Points? K/D? It's not hard to be #1 by cheesing K/D in a fucking tank.
Or fly up as high as possible, find where they're shooting from and divebomb the ever-living fuck out of them. Also, constantly pitch up and down while you're descending to avoid giving them a clear shot. I do this to aafags all the time now and it's satisfying
You'll never get #1 unless you cap flags, or if your team is doing so poorly nobody cap points yourself included
That's the problem. Criticism or asking to do something only rewards you with shitters wanting to start arguments about you being just as bad as they are. Which is exactly how this started.

>Player: Hey guys, can we stop stacking A and move to C?
>Shitter: SHUT THE FUCK UP YOUR X - 26

Like that was supposed to fix the shittiness of the game.
Dude, you can get a shit ton of XP from getting the last shot on a behemoth. Most people who have the highest K/D on the team don't even set foot on a point. For example, Suez canal cheesing in a light tank behind a sand dune. I saw plenty of people make top of the scoreboard and did absolutely NOTHING that contributed to capping flags the entire game, killed the last remaining health on a behemoth and went 60~ - 1 the entire game. It's not hard to get to the top of the scoreboard.
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Once again with a daily reminder that if you cap fort in Fao's Fortress you are actively contributing to your team losing
Is the /vg/ community dead for this game or what? Mumble looked sort of deserted.
Instant repair is fine, but god help you if you play against even 2 people. You cannot outdamage a support repairing a tank even if you're in a tank yourself
good thing most drivers are too retarded to know they're being repaired and leave their supports for dead
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Last night I finally found a heavy tank that waited for me, and even positioned himself to shield me from damage
hey /bfg/ i'm considering getting BF1 for PS4 and was wondering if its possible to play with bolt action rifles without relying on sniping or is there a noticable power-gap between scout and the other classes at close to mid range?
IMO they're really not worth it unless you're doing close/medium range for aggressive marksman.
Martini Henry is good even at close range
I always play with the bolt actions iron sights, my k/d is 2

you'll get like 70ish damage at close range, just make it a habit to switch to pistol soon as you shoot and you'll be fine
It's useable, and if you're good you can probably beat medics and supports up close depending on their weapon choice.
You'll get facerolled by any assault without a serious physical deformity though.
medics and support lose to a strong headwind up close. This game could use some serious fucking work.
Medics with one of the full auto weapons can manage up close, same with BAR supports.
I'm sure the bar is fine later but jesus its iron sights are a literal abortion. And the faggot telescopic sights are so laughably ahistorical i just want to kill myself.

Does this fucking game ever get fun?
>bar is fine later
What would change later, progression stops at level 3.
If you want to BAR up close you just take the trench variant and hipfire forever.
>people actually use the iron sights

All of my kills with any gun were always done with hipfire. The iron sights on any weapon are useless. I don't even use trench variants.
yeah, 3 is later. some of us got fooled into buying this thing last origin sale and havent hit 3 in every class yet. it'd be nice if any of the other guns were worth a shit though, like worth even a tenth of what i paid for the game.
shotguns are way way more accurate with sights than hip
Show me your stats
>m1903 experimental
>unload shots into some guy for what seems like an eternity
>+52 Enemy Damaged

I keep switching between this and the m95 with lens.

Rank 7 scout, only 3 more to martini Henry
Medical crates or pouches?
Pedersen device needs to be a secondary option in place of the pistol when using the Springfield
Pouches always for self-survival and mobile healing. Crates only if you're bogged down at a choke 80% of the time
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Depends how good a shot you are, and if you can learn to play with unconventional tactics. It's very frustrating in the beginning, but a lot of fun once you master it.
nobody dogfights unless they're new

get on an attack plane's tail and he'll simply seatswap and melt you with his tailgun
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For those of you with SteelSeries mouses, macro that makes the hybrid class glitch trivial.
Works 90% of the time and with a single button click.
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Gangsta Mode.webm
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>tfw gangsta mode didnt work
M.95 Gewehr Infantry + Mars Auto / Frommer stop (make a habit to always switch to pistol). You really need it for the M.95.

And Martini Henry.
anyone got an ahk script that works reliably?
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lmao it's not hard yo.webm
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>unconventional tactics
Tell us please, I want to be a good scout.
And it's not like there's a lot of people in the thread now anyways, just tell us the sekrit
just saw a tank driver go 102-1
what the fuck is going on in this game
>match starts
>plane gets shot down
>"Nice flying"
>"Nice tailgunning"
>Proceed to trade insults and argue for the ENTIRE 25+ minute match

whew lad
It should be trivial to convert that macro to AHK

SendInput, {Space}
Sleep, 2
MouseClick, Left

ez pz
Bind that to mouse 5, select the donor class, hover over the receiving class, run macro
that was me
nice flying fuckhead
they ruin cunts in hardcore
except I was a third party to that autism
Weird, the mouseclick happens immediately on every keypress but the space takes 2-5 seconds of holding the hotkey to activate, and sometimes just doesn't happen.
Try adding a long sleep statement afterwards, maybe it's firing multiple times and play with the delay between click and keypress
Yeh that's what I've been fucking around with, I'm sure I'll muddle through it eventually.
Should just play Horizon 3 desu
this, planes in this game are some of the most boring shit i've ever seen
>killed by sniper with 87 stars
>call him a fat virgin
>he leaves
i don't know why but i feel these people need to be bullied into suicide
seems like sleep just doesn't have the precision needed to pull this off reliably or something


>Due to the granularity of the OS's time-keeping system, Delay is typically rounded up to the nearest multiple of 10 or 15.6 milliseconds (depending on the type of hardware and drivers installed). For example, a delay between 1 and 10 (inclusive) is equivalent to 10 or 15.6 on most Windows 2000/XP systems. To achieve a shorter delay, see Examples.

>The actual delay time might wind up being longer than what was requested if the CPU is under load. This is because the OS gives each needy process a slice of CPU time (typically 20 milliseconds) before giving another timeslice to the script.

>A delay of 0 yields the remainder of the script's current timeslice to any other processes that need it (as long as they are not significantly lower in priority than the script). Thus, a delay of 0 produces an actual delay between 0 and 20ms (or more), depending on the number of needy processes (if there are no needy processes, there will be no delay at all). However, a Delay of 0 should always wind up being shorter than any longer Delay would have been.
I've got it working most of the time, maybe 8/10?
Try changing it so it does keyboard down, mouse down, keyboard up, mouse up
Maybe that'll make it more reliable?
>destroy 3 vehicles with k bullets
jesus fucking christ this is going to be annoying
empty emplaced guns count i think
So like the field guns and hmgs? or just the field guns?
i'm not sure about hmgs, i was thinking more of aa guns
Just tried, doesnt work.
He meant empty emplaced guns/vehicles count for vehicle destructions as long as they were recently vacated by an enemy

That's how I got 1 of my K bullet vehicle kills, the other two were lucky opportunities to blow up tanks
what's the best infantry anti-air weapon? i'm using the mg15 supressive atm, but if there's a better option i'm all ears
im trying to play dedicated foot soldier AA without using flak
I wonder if it will put some more skill into AAs if you had to set the det range/altitude, much like setting the range on a sniper rifle. That way it's not just point and shoot and get free points.
I don't care if I hardly get kills, I always have a blast using it.
Horses count I think
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>top 5% in game time
>only 2 puzzle pieces
>being a shitter
As soon as he swaps you turn away, you twirl around a bit, and you return after a few seconds
He'll have to switch back not to crash, you unload your hot lead again, he's kill
Alternatively damage the wing early so he can't switch
Alternatively dart his ass
Alternatively pling him so he switches, then dart his ass because he's now super slow and flying straight
I got killed by seatswitchers literally two times as a fighter in more than 34 hours in the air
they only come in the 900 scrap rapebox
the chance is so low with the other packs it might as well be 0%
when you do the seatswitch properly, you are at nearly 0 risk of crashing since the plane will be level and not moving forward as fast as when it's piloted

the tailgun has insane range and with proper leading can still damage other planes effectively even out to the distance between monte grappa e and a flag

darting a plane requires him to be oblivious to you. good job killing someone with no situational awareness, brainlessly doing strafing runs without constantly using freelook to check for enemy planes
def a support machine gun, take your pick.

either that or sniper rifles do solid dmg
Support is the best, Scout rifles can do a bunch too, as well as Medic Selb if you can consistently chain shots

>tfw DICE nerfed SLR damage against planes because it was too good
mg15 low weight best gunfu
mg15 supp is the best

I had a clip of me shooting a attack down by myself on one pass but shadowplay corrupted so :^)
that awful hrecoil though
I have 90 hours ingame, and 3 puzzle pieces for both weapons.
same as has been going on since bf2

vehicle whores cried until their crutch got buffed
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Am the only person to enjoy conquest on White Pass?
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>it's 3 flags in a straight line
>Join a game through the server browser
>pick a map I like
>wait 5 minutes to join
>My team is being stomped
>lose within 2 minutes of joining
>next map is something shit like Suez

Such is life
Yes but it's not like Suez or anything
There's alot of terrain in the way of things
>defending broken game design

no john, you are the shitter
Suez is still better than every BC2 map.
I disagree, the only BC2 map I didn't like was Atacama desert
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>Q: Is BF4 dead?
>A: Yes, BF1 now.
They're all boring console tunnels. It's not conquest. It's not battlefield.
Played a game of BF4 last night for the first time since BF1 came out. Still very much alive and a lot more fun.
Verdun > BF1
>not fun
Whatever you say anon
Show me a BC2 map that's even half as interesting as St. Quentin's Scar, Caspian Border, Siege of Shanghai or Wake Island
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>get sniped crossing the street
>spawn on teammate
>take a bayonet charge meant for that squaddie
>spawn on teammate again
>eat a bombers entire payload
>spawn on point
>automatico'd when I poof in front of someone
>objectives lost and have to walk from deployment
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>spawning on teammates

you asked for it bro
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>Siege of Shanghai
yeah you know, strategy, when to bring down the tower, when to go backcapping, when to push over the bridges

consoletards wouldn't understand
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>assaults use smgs and shotguns exclusively
>they still have rifle ammo pouches
Wow such attention to detail
maybe I shouldn't spawn at all bro
i got all 5 sawtooth knife pieces from normal battlepacks tho
My favorite is Laguna Presa
Port Valdez was good, so was Panama Canal and Nelson Bay. Valparaiso was very liked
i got so fucking many pieces from battlepacks i received while playing deluxe edition, which i think had earlier access to the game ?
nowadays they drop jackshit in terms of pieces, they definetly tweaked the odds
>port chokepoint was good
>valparaiso corridor was good

panama canal was basically the only map in the entire game that wasn't completely shit, and even then it was extremely small and boring compared to even 3 flag maps in 1942
>could git gud and not face the issue he's crying about
>continues to cry instead
The true sign of an eternal shitter
>when you do the seatswitch properly, you are at nearly 0 risk of crashing since the plane will be level and not moving forward as fast as when it's piloted
Yes, but it will still lose velocity over time and turn downwards, which means that he can't just stay in the backseat at all times
Hence why you bait and switch
>darting a plane requires him to be oblivious to you
Or it requires me to predict what's going to use and be a sneaky faggot who comes from odd angles
Or use the pling bait and switch method I mentioned, generally works only once against a guy but that's all a guy
Seatswitchers are a complete nonissue against fighters, what destroys you are good dedcated tailgunners, those will just render you useless, especially on an open map like Sinai
i got 4 sawtooth & 2 bartek on the first two weeks, took me over a month to get the last sawtooth piece
I'm sorry you can't as much fun as me
What did you think of Isla Inocentes?
yeah about the same for me, i just scrapped em all because i thought they were so common
Harvest Day best BC2 map
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>rush only
if you like open fields with no way for infantry to push up sure
The only thing that's hard to get to is C, and that one also gives the tactical advantage of behind high ground so it's a vital resource
For everything else there's plenty of room around the mountain, and there's the riverbed providing cover all through the map
I said I loved Laguna Presa and you even commented on me saying Panama Canal was good?
BC2 was the only game I enjoyed rush in
Iron Walls is the only operation I enjoy.
That's what I play when I want to go 120-4 as a plane
Rush was always a shit mode for console niggers.

Having the entire team focus down a single point at once is soooo much fun. I bet you play metro 64 too.

Fucking cancer.
>entire team single point
>there's only 64
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No I hated Metro, along with Locker
Man I tried being decent about everything with you but you're really just like an angry little kid spouting cuss words to seem like you're winning some fight
I pity you and I'm sorry
that has nothing to do with what you play on, but if that's how you justify having shit taste, I'm not gonna stop you
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and the entirety of BC2 was no different from those two maps

ironically, rush in metro in the first part was actually tolerable with lower player counts due to the map being more interestingly laid out than any other, then they had to go and add the stairs
consoles have very gimped versions of the maps to accommodate 24 player max

BC2 being a console port had no PC maps whatsoever, even heavy metal was just another dull straight line but scaled up so snipers could camp more effectively
Why do tankfags always have animu profiles?
because theyre sad little men
Going on PS4 now, add me chivz92
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just to drive the point home
This isn't /wotg/
Trailer for Giant's Shadow out

>no snow
>crashed behemoth
>grenade crossbow for support class
>free on dec 20th
brb going to kill myself
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>grenade crossbow for support class
link nigger
trailer looks decent, its the city party for the tank warstory campaign towards the end.

WHEN they come out with snow maps i just hope its not these all-white winter wonderlands like in bf4
They were all fun but propaganda was really the only "good" map
Hangar 21 reminded me of Death Valley so I loved it for that
are there any servers on pc restricting # of scouts? its ridiculous how high % of my deaths are caused by snipers..
yea i liked propaganda and the karelia map was decent as a big open endgame map to fuck around on but i disliked these heavy snow all white snow maps alot

>what is server browser
amiens 2.0, fucking great
looks more like st.quentin v2
St. Amiens Scar
St. Amien's Car

>Not gitting gud

Since the nerf the AA range isn't even that much anymore.
It doesn't matter because they're fucking everywhere, you kill one and he just respawns on a different flag

>Not using the shotgun nib & ADS

why don't they just rename support as grenadier class now

that's literally the only thing it has going for it over the other classes

I rarely go down to AA fire though.. Maybe I'm just lucky. probably helps that I do most of my air-whoring on Ballroom Blitz defender in the Conquer Hell Operation

I find that immediately breaking off and straight up when AA'd helps. Once out of range, repair, aim carefully and take him out before he realises you're back.
you know you can destroy aa guns right. they'll respawn eventually but it takes ages
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Tfw throwing 75 incendiaries per game
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>tfw people dying from gas you forgot you threw
I only play Conquest and on some maps like Monte Grappa taking the plane is just a deathwish due to all the AA whoring

Takes ages though
>implying there is anything wrong with Amiens or St. Quentin Scar
>throw gas
>get debris kill
What gives
amiens is mediocre
Absolutely not
St. Quentin is my favorite map
you can destroy an aa gun in 1 pass doing your usual attack plane gun strafe + bombs finisher
git gud
>it's a normal map where the gimmick is completely out of bounds in the background

ebin :-DDD
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>wah my crutch got nerfed
It's called Giants Shadow. The name implies that you'd be fighting in, whoa, its shadow. I imagine if you were to fight in a downed zepp they'd call it something else like Belly of the Beast or something.
it isnt implying that at all its just what the map looks like
I hope you can access the crashed behemoth
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operations dont. and they dont respawn. not even between reinforcements
im pretty sure you can repair all stationaries including AA ?!
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I actually am an airchav and I'm very pleased that AA is a legit threat now. It's boring without some resistance.
you can only repair it if it's damaged, if it's destroyed it's just gone
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>I actually am an airchav
>193 kills
>not even 150k pilot score

>30 hours playtime

I also have a life
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>I also have a life
>he calls himself an airchav
I have 140 odd hours in the game, that's not even a lot, and I work a full time job. This isn't a matter of having a lover you just don't play the game.
I jump into a plane at most opportunities I get, what is an airchav to you?
scumbags who can't infantry.
I have 16 hours in the game.

I'm fucking swimming in pussy.
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Was playing St. Quentin's on Operations last night, and got killed by a 47 star Attack Plane

I looked at his score at the end round, expecting like a 20.0 KDR and instead he was 14-11. Guess he was 0-11 as infantry the whole map until he got into his little babby safe space in the air
A real airchav doesn't infantry. they just sit at deployment until the plane is available again.
A real autist also has anywhere from 20-30+ stars on a vehicle

I only have 16 stars on my vehicle with the most kills (Artillery Truck), and I only go that if I get mad from enemy tank autists, low flying planes, and snipers killing me at every death. All that was from grinding Tanker 10 for the sweet Double Barrel
Is something wrong with battlefield tracker? I only have 2k kills and am in the 44% but in the weapons tab I have green kill % across the board, vehicles?
Is there a secret to grinding to 10?

I noticed its taken quite a few matches just to get my scout to rank 2, I want that Martini.
>there's probably a guy in the game who has +1000 kills at the syringe
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The best Battlefield to ever come out will never be dead
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giving two gaz grenades to players was a mistake
infinite grenades from support pouches were a bigger mistake
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What's for lunch bros
mcdonalds sells cookies and gogurt?

1942 is pretty dead though
lmao what a fatty
>that cap
lmao what a faggot
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No. They're from home

It's my favorite hat
They always have, where the fuck have you been?
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The gogurt come with the happy meals
Just focus on playing one class exclusively for a few days, you'll hit 10
Any of you guys with cpu bottlenecks tried out amd relive? It tanks my fps pretty heavily despite the gpu being kinda bored
What's it tied to though? score like normal levels?
just play the classes role and play the objective and it's 10 in no time
I understand being able to leave games is some alien technology that we can't handle just yet but god damn this shit should've been fixed by now.

Alternatively, just play domination and either be ON a flag capping or running to one. Points-wise it's usually not even worth it to wait and defend a cap even if it's immediately contested.
This game has the darndest glitches
>not enjoying guatemala, midway or el alamein on BF1942

fucking filth
Oh wait, BC2, nevermind.

>not being a massive tank shitter on Atacama Desert or Heavy Metal
You fucking cunt my volume was maxed out I got spooked
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>reinstall 1942
>play CQ assault on defense

>friendly bots all go sniper

is there no escape? is this some kind of purgatory or what
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>Play match
>Request order
>Become the squad leader
This happens every match. Why is it so hard for people to give or follow orders?
because no one cares about that autistic roleplay shit
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Is there a better feeling than watching a tankfag go 100+ kills and then cry when his team can't get past the first map on Operations and then make excuses when his team calls him a camper?
>farming doing anything to contribute to victory ever


telling you back in the BF3 alpha the #1 difference between winning and losing teams was whether the fucking LAV sat back and farmed or went in and tried to protect the mcom armers
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>autistic roleplay shit
>consoles have very gimped versions of the maps to accommodate 24 player max

bf4 was on next gen and had 64 player games
bf4 was only a couple of years ago
New map.
Looks like it's taken right out of Steel on Steel from the campaign.
But that new grenade crossbow for support looks awesome.
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>>>Grenade Crossbow
holy shit, I gotta master the arc on that thing
I love getting squad lead because I automatically give orders to cap any point I'm capping.

After I hit the top 3 my squadmates magically grow brains and start following me around.
best experience ever is having a puppydog squad who will zealously do anything you ask

also stressful as fuck because you are 110% responsible
I don't mind them taking campaign material and putting it into the MP. The campaign had some wonderful looking maps, and that depot is one of them. The village you stalk through at night just before is also great.
Better be like the explosive Bolt crossbow and not like the m320
I want it to explode on impact
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But I did like them.

I wonder if Bocage was supposed to have more flags at one point, there's a lot of empty space to the north.
Not like the LVG* sorry
When they hopefully make BF1944 which maps will be remade you recon? Im assuming Wake Island but what else?

>russian commieblocks

pick one
On Heavy Metal i used to sit in the bushes at B-flag next to the AA and hunted tanks with the AT-4.
two shots in the back and they were gone, most often i waited till someone els damaged the enemy tank so i could conserve my ammo and only use one shot for each tank.
We can hope. I wonder wha they'd call it? BF2 already exists.
i forget this game is ww1 and not ww2 with outdated equipment

I am a puppy dog. I follow orders whenever they're given. Am I a bad team mate?

Russian wilderness with shitty hovels might be interesting.
No, you're fine. If you follow orders you're relieving your squad leaders blood pressure because they're used to squaddies ignoring orders.

I don't believe it. Players in BF games don't magically grow brains, if they are bad they stay bad and refuse to move. People complain in chat now and then for orders but no one ever follows them and they don't understand when to spawn on a teammate, where to spawn, or when to spawn on a back capped flag.
Dunno, it happens decently often to me. The main issue is they grow primitive reptilian brains so they follow you and attack danger, but don't understand the intricacies of pressing their 4 key and fucking reviving me.
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Going for the Rush medal is pure suffering. It seems like Rush is where everyone who doesn't know how to play goes.
nothing but cowards playing this game

>waaah i can't rush that flag, I might die!
>waaah i know that heavy tank has 20 health left and is fleeing but if I leave cover I might die
>waaah I know if I attempt a risky revive and succeed we'll cap this flag for sure, but I might die!
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>rush defence on Monte Grappa
>only guy who actually gets into the bunker to protect the telegraph, bunker telegraph is always the first to go
>even the squad-mates who spawn on me inside the bunker rush off to get killed outside of it

Why. Why does this keep happening to me. Why can't I ever get to be on the team that DOESN'T collectively decide to be hillniggers at that moment?
Oh yeah remember when repair wasn't OP as shit because you could run out?
>try to join operations
>long-ass loading time
>long-ass loading time
>it's me on one team and one guy on the other team, nobody else ever joins
>long-ass loading time
>long-ass loading time
>put on the team that's so retarded that they're not even moving inside the capture points

Why the fuck don't they have a server list you can browse instead of this bullshit?
You couldn't though, that meter on the side recharges relatively quickly.
very slowly actually, enough so that you definitely can't outrepair incoming fire at all
What do you do once you've become the best?
write gg ez in chat
as far as I can tell 2 direct hits with AT nades will finish any tank except landship
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>free points for holding Q occasionally
>autistic roleplay shit
>muh points muh points

kys yourself
I fucking wish
What's considered a "direct hit"?

I've landed grenades right on top of the light tank turret before and it only does 30 damage max.
it'll detonate on impact when it's a direct hit

I remember taking down tanks with just AT nades in the beta, maybe they nerfed them
You can't kill armor with 2 AT nades; they will disable (if both hit one side) the weapons of a heavy tank, disable a landship and track it, and disable a light tank and track it.
I usually do around 25 damage per grenade, less than 20 against the landship.

The AT rockets performs much worse.
Usually 17-20 for a solid hit, less than 10 if it glances. Highest I've ever seen was 23.

This doesn't include artillery trucks, which I regularly hit for 30+.
Give me one reason why you're still playing this game
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>see light tank moving in where you can easily take it down from cover
>quickly spawn in an run over
>toss first AT grenade
>toss second AT grenade
>he's panicking
>time to finish it off with the light AT grenade
>it's an impact or gas grenade because the last map didn't have any real tank threats

It always fucks me up. On the off-chance that I have the AT-rifle selected there's almost never an angle to shoot it with before it's fucked off to repair. And there sure as fuck is never any other people around to take it down with me.
It's really fun playing my cousin(s)
He's the type of guy who makes me laugh effortlessly even though I'm a majorly depressed faggot.
He's always been support I've always been the medic
>playing with low ammo count guns like the model 8 .35 in order to get better at aiming
>It's kinda working and also got 2 ranks in medic today
You don't use the AT Rifle all the time? I find it great for sniping stationary targets from across the map and taking out horses quickly before they run you over.

What do you use instead?
I've been using it a bit more lately, but most of the time I've been running the AT mines for vehicle-heavy rounds. I only really brought it out when there was a light tank camping in the open in a way where I couldn't just sneak up on him to plant mines but where I could harass him enough with the AT rifle that it'd be worth it. Being the only guy harassing a heavy tank with an AT Rifle is just useless, and I've found myself to always being the only guy doing it.
is there any advantage of the Lewis gun over the Lewis gun suppressive, assuming that the zoom level on both is at 2x?
low weight accrues spread more slowly iirc and is more accurate from the start.
I'm having fun
I played a few matches before with the same fucking guy going 40-0 in a tank. How does he keep getting a tank at the start of the match?
he has a faster ssd than you do
>tfw dont even have an ssd

so the first person who loads in gets the tank?
first one to load in gets first dibs on vehicles

it's like the bf4 days before they implemented the start of round timer
tat's fucking stupid, but okay, ty.
Braydon, is that you?
The fuck kind of name is Braydon?
>When I use the automatico: 2 shots hit before the faggots start twitcting around and spinning in circles as all my shots miss
>When enemy use the automatico: hear a single bullet hit me before instantly dying

M-must be nice....
It's a common English/Irish name. What fucking third world monkey country are you from?
>use shotgun
>point-blank-range shot to the face does 2 damage to enemy
>face someone using shotgun
>no longer have a face left

Whenever I use a shotgun and face someone else with a shotgun we dance around while emptying our tubes at eachother, though.
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>martini henry users
>load in early, dibs on plane
>finally 10/10 both teams
>spawn as a pilot midair sans plane out of bounds for infantry, die
Thanks EA
Do you mean it accurizes quicker or slower?

Is there a way to see the acurization speeds and time to overheat of each long?
LMG not long. Thx autocorrect
>time to overheat
You can just mash go until it does and count how many bullets.
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>tfw finish first 5/7 times tonight
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Is BTR a meme stat?
>thought rank 10 medic rifle was shit
>try it again
>go 47-9 for the first time in ages
it's a great gun if you can aim (and that's the reason nobody uses it cos they all use the Sweeper)
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>play with a team that's genuinely good
>get at least top five in score
>play with absolutely shit team
>get middling score

The only thing that's more confusing is when I try out a new playstyle and play like hot garbage. I always assume that I'll have a bottom five score but somehow I always end up on the top half of the board.
>play iron wall as hungarians
>hole up in the bunkers
>lay down across from door with MG15 Suppressive
>never stop throwing gas, resupplying Model-10 fags camping the doors
>mowing down any bayonette charging faglords that mask through the gas
>playing operations on Amiens
>pushed back to B point across the bridge
>grab my mg15 suppressive, gas, and ammo box and set up at the end of the hallway on the second floor
>our squads scout with smle infantry and spot flares lays down his sniper shield for me
>the rest of the squad is assault and my brother is a medic with epi needle
>our squad single handedly stops the enemy that was moving through our objectives like shit thru a goose
Fuck yea better than sex
Only deploy after the round has started, that avoids the issue
>lays down his sniper shield for me

Well fuck my goose, I never even considered that aspect of the shield.
It's fucking op. Not only can you shoot through the hole, but two supports can fit behind it while crouching and activate their bipod off the top of the shield
So what do yall think of the BAR M1918 in BF1?
The recoil pattern is killing me as of the moment, wondering if anyone has any tips for it?
Does the bar have a bipod?
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Trench does not, telescopic does.
You fire them in bursts.
You need to hold trigger with any support weapon. First shot accurate->few shots inaccurate->all other shots accurate.
DON'T try to tap or burst fire with support weapon.
That's actually something I noticed with the M1909, full auto fire and it always goes to the same spot.
You can just hold the recoil the same way every time, but from what I can tell the BAR does not work the same.
Really? My bad>>162247523
So the best way to fire a Bar is to aim slightly below the chest area?
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Friendly reminder to always assert your dominance over airchavs with the artillery truck

The 75mm cannon, not the AA one
>heavy tank guy abandons his tank on Ballroom Blitz near C
>steal it
>drive it out of the side-gate towards D, killing infantry on my way towards it
>plane comes in to bomb me
>blow him out of the sky with my hot cannon load
>harass another plane flying by
>they get the Behemoth
>have the perfect angle to pelt that with shells as well

I had the biggest hardon. If only they hadn't been completely steamrolled it would have been even more fun. As it was I kind of felt bad about stealing their tank because I'm pretty sure we'd stolen both their tanks at that point.
Is PR:BF2 off topic in this general?
>guys lets make scouts completely useless and keep tanks OP so the team with the fewer scouts win XD

I hope everyone at dice gets cancer
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>tfw reckless Americans try to take your ballroom

It probably will just bounce around, if it blew on impact you'd only find use for it on hardcore because they'd have to reduce the damage for balancing. And then you gotta compete with snipers for the title of Bullshit, though outsniping someone with a grenade does sound fun.

And even with the bounce, you can still do some good bank shots or learn how to roll the bomb.
I disliked BAR at first and try almost every other support weapon. After leveling support and assault up to 10, I tried BAR once again and loved it. It's just different from other support guns, not really lmg. It suits for rushing in with assault guys and agressive plays. Maybe it's just personal preference, I don't know. Oh, and I am using Storm variant with AA sight.

Yeah, I aim to the chest area.
>spot flares
>completely useless
Too bad only hillshitters play scouts. Frontline scouts with infantry rifles are great.
Kinda agree with the scout part, they just don't cobtribute much in the game. And it's not like we NEED flares, could be cause I main Assault most of the time so I don'y know the secret to scouts.
And I find it much easier to get to rank 10 Assault compared to scout, I'm still at rank 6 and just want the Memerini but always at the bottom half whenever I play scout.
>see video of people playing the game
>there's scouts highlighting the entire frontline with flares

I have never been more jealous. I can't even remember the last time I got use out of a spot flare that wasn't my own. Fucking nobody seems to use them.
spot flares are okay but not as useful as anything the other classes have considering how dominant armor is and k-bullets being basically useless
When your team so retarded not even the MVP squid can save them
>he doesn't like symmetrical maps

stay mad boi
More useful than support excepting ammo pouches.

Periscope is great too, everyone gets the red outline spot as if they killed you.
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>make the assault class fucking amazing in every regard
>everyone still just hillniggers while 1 tank circles around the map capping every flag with no recourse
>hide in a window some distance off
>see a flaming tank trying to repair
>4 damage
>wait a bit
>5 damage
>repeat until another tank comes to finish them
useful for that at least
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>play Amiens
>literally half the team are assaults
>not a single one tries to deal with the tank that's kicking the shit out of us
>have to switch from Medic to Assault just to deal with it

I'm so sick of playing Assault. It's my most played class simply because I'm always forced back to it because nobody else deals with tanks. Not even Light Tanks that can easily get taken out by a lone Assault.
why is operations always empty for me
don't ask me bro.

though using the dead air to mingle with the teams passes that time up
To be fair BC2's rush maps were fuckhuge so it didn't feel like a grinder as much. Even better playing a server with disabled grenades.
How is a AAA game that came out in Q4 2016 the only game in existence where leaving the post match screen takes 30 fucking seconds
>people going to map screen as medic is running toward them
>people are waiting patiently while you run to them
>they skip as soon as you're on them
I swear they must be doing this on purpose
>only 30 seconds

Oh I wish.
if you use the "quit" function in the post-match screen, it's actually quicker to ALT+F4 and restart the game than it is to wait to quit to main menu.

>30 seconds

If I use the quit button there is a 75% chance my game will hang up on a blurry loading screen and I have to force quit and restart the game. The other 25% is about 2 minutes on a black screen before the operations menu (I wasn't even in an op) loads up.
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>tfw sneaky saboteur going way behind enemy lines to dynamite out AA

thank me late airpham
it's almost like teamwork matters
no they weren't there was always some staircase tier chokepoint, even on oasis the clusterfuck around the buildings was unbearable
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thank you based dynamitebro
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Man this map layout is really interesting. I wonder why it was never reused.
because it looks like an uterus?
yeah it'll be really empowering for female players

also add customizable female soldiers, women have a right to fight in ww1 too
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Can someone explain to me snipe glint for this game? Does it show up with all scopes or just certain guns?
if it's like bf3 it shows up on anything past 4x scopes
did the servers just go down? Fuckihg poorly programmed pile of shit.
It's a fucking shit mechanic
>be medic
>don't want to suicide revive because it's a retarded thing to do
>people still wait since they see me around

>be not medic
>see medic around, but don't really see my surroundings
>curse him because he's not reviving me despite him possibly having no way of leaving cover
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Medic Fag here with all kinds of hella advice.


You can be battlfield jesus with this one simple technique.
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>playing on Sinai Desert
>squad up with some randos
>starts off well, squad is capturing most flags
>no one at C
>"Request Order"
>G is in bumfuck nowhere
>G has literally two enemies there and then our squad
>C is getting taken
>C and D are practically the most important to hold
>Switch squads
>They are actually assaulting C, putting up a fight, and drawing fire away from D as well by running house to house
>Eventually they cap D and bring reinforcements
>Check score
>The entire squad I used to be with was at the bottom, they couldn't even score out at G

Why do people seem to think G has any tactical value at all? It should only be for those in vehicles to captrue, or maybe that one sniper who is actually good.

I keep getting guys who want to capture the most retarded flags. Generally, the closest to our more recently captured flag is the best unless you can flank them or you need to defend a flag.
This is why its so hard to say if tanks are OP or not.
The game is so filled with shitters that if a tank is dominating with 75-0 k/d you don't know if the tank are to strong or if the assault players are imbeciles.
t. shitter who cant adjust his minimap
Also how little people use bayonet rush when they're at full health and there is one enemy.

So often that can be handy because it's hard to react to some dude just instantly pushing your shit in.
So should I just stick to marksmen? Or is the sniper variants really that much better?
can you fucking think for yourself or is that not a thing with kids anymore ?

>up till 4x
>no glare


take your fucking pick you mouthbreather
I understand your frustration.
People need to learn to prioritize points so you don't get flanked or attacked from behind.

Do you want to cry together with the accumulated bodies of those who skip when there is still 10 seconds left on their timer? And then they all claim online "I'm editing my class".

Don't you fucking lie to me, know you're not, you're retarded and can't wait 3 seconds.
I'll wait when you stop breaking my heart from 5 meters away
It is not Braydon m8
if i'm not sl i literally never get defend orders either, it's fucking dumb.
sick of people leaving points before even clearing them because they just wanna run around the map getting them sweet cap points
G is the retard magnet flag that airchavs want you to waste time over so they get an additional vehicle spawn. There's no tactical value for infantry to spawn, unless that point handed out armored transports and jeeps like candy. maybe even give an additional tank spawn, but fucking two tanks is already a pain in the ass to deal with

It's like the bottom center flag in Golmud, all the dumbasses gravitate towards it instead of securing the top two flags
Nigga, that's why you don't run out into "No Man's Land" where there are 4 snipers and 2 supports trained you.
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Calm down, anon.
>airplane spawn
>tankhunter kit

>no tactical value
Right? You can literally see the enemies on your map or physically in front of you and the squad leader still says "Wrap it up boys, we're going on a shlep to that hill way over there!"

Also I'm starting to really get pissed at how easy it is to get around enemies on these maps. I keep having to have my squad go to A because some James Bond type got all the way around our front line.
You're my spirit animal. Golmud was my favorite maps but shitters who wouldn't protect the town were what would ruin any game.

>Troops at G on Golmud mid-match
>Troops at G, ever
>Tank Hunter taking an entire 2 minutes running across dunes to be useful
>literally arguing planes dont give tactical advantage
>what are horses
>airplane spawn
>free horses and jeeps
>aa position
>backcap route for F and A

>no value

no you retard, C and D are a clusterfuck, G is the real gamewinner.
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When do I get to create my own icon? I see people with custom icons.

I wanna make this.
this. you blow up their planes, spawn a few for the retards on your team, then hop on a bike and go dynamite other AA
>Tank Hunter on horseback being even easier to kill than Tank Hunter on foot

The kit is just dropped in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, not anything like St. Quentin's Scar E or B where you can make full use of the double barrel or gewehr from good vantage points right away

It's like arguing the bottom center point in Golmud is tactically useful because it gives arty truck spawn. Is the arty truck in BF4 on that map useful? Absolutely, it fucking shreds stationary tanks and infantry. Is it worth contesting the point over? No, and you shouldn't be wasting your time unless you have nothing better to do
nigga there's2 2 AA guns, an elite pickup and a plane spawn. on top of that if you cap it noone ever wants to get it back because they think it isnt worth it and are too dense to ride a horse for 15secdonds
companion app or online companion
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This hard is being really difficult for me, I'm getting negative frag in almost every match.
>causally say nigger in voice chat
>send some black dude in my squad on a 10 minute tangent on how im a white cowad and a how white people are demons

many keks were had
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>get 2/3 headshots
>some faggot with a no recoil script snipes me from across the map with the automatico

every fuckin time
Almost level 10 yo scout, then I can finally focus on the fun classes like medic, assault and support.

Although, I will miss flares because they are amazing.

>Operations on Monte Grappa, defending
>get in bunker at B with 10-15 guys, tell them to throw out support kits like candy, I am the only scout in bunker.
>keep throwing flares at both doorways while getting replenished by supports
>light people on fire, get 20 flare kills
>talk shit after we win tell the wops yo go back to making pizza.

Tank is pretty fun too

>get the heavy tank at A, capture A and B.
>enemy team must have been retards.
>proceed to dominate C, D and E and destroy the behemoth too.
Uhhhh I can't make a emblem with details unless I get Premuim Pass? Am I reading that right?
Also, I don't know what it is but I can land more shots with a scoped medic weapon than I can with a scoped scout weapon, on a shot to shot basis.
BBG literraly playing right now on ps4
if you want to join add spetse
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>I play in a way that isn't fun to unlock numbers

brain problems
tunnel vision
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>find a cooperative tank bro to repair
>he has a pony icon slapped on the side of his tank
I still helped him
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What are your guys hopes for the dlc?
We know the first two:
1. French (Plesse let there be Verdun/Somme/Passchendaele)
2. Russian (You retards will most likely get your snow maps here)
I would like to see Africa so our black soldiers would actually fit in. European colonies killing each other in the jungle.
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naval battles, real ones, not patrol boats, static carriers around some small islands or any of that shit

Yeah I am mainly getting it to 10 to experience Martini Henry.

My go-to scout weapon is M1903 Experimental
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Then the Battle of Jutland and the asian/pacific theater are for you!

weapon variety
Less full-auto experimental bulls hit
More bolt action. And more Flammenwerfer
Remove pick up kits
I know, WW1 was the heyday of the battleship, it's perfect
I think pickup kits are great, actually. much better than battlepickups which were just awkward

whole kit pickup fits much better with the mechanics of the game
Can you at least be realistic with your expectations?
Is the Premuim Pass worth it?
>is paying full price for something you don't even know what is worth it
i think africa would be great yeah

ehh no
What do you mean?
t. console player - fav game: bc2
because replacing your main gun with something that isn't related to your kit is weird, playing engineer but now you're a sniper deal with it

whereas with the full kit pickup you are changing into another class entirely, which you can also do by picking fallen enemies kits
Yeah but you can drop the gun immediately after if you like, it was supposed to be something special so it doesn't fit in with whatever you are but I see where you're coming from
yes because i dont want full scale naval battle in a battlefield game im a console player who likes bc2 youre absolutely right
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I have no idea why but every time I get killed by a sniper, I get mad. It doesn't even have to be a hillnigger, just anyone using a scope with their rifle.
Funny how I don't give a shit about Automatico faggots spamming lead into my face at 900RPM or shotgun faggots oneshotting me from 40 yards out, but a single level 5 noob camping on the hill with his rifle makes me go apeshit.
Maybe it's because all of the sweet spot bullshit that rewards noobs who are too shit to aim at the head? Or maybe it's because I'm using a semi-auto rifle so I feel elitist about using a gun that takes "skill" to use
>I don't want an essential battlefield feature in a battlefield game because I grew up with consolized call of duty clones

yes you are
more skill than any of your automatic faggotry t. medic pro
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>good damage
>much further range than anything that isn't a scout weapon
>high magazine capacity
>minimal recoil
>most effective range is mid range, which makes it useful for more situations than any other gun class
>multiple viable choices for weapons if you want to fill a certain niche
>decent handling statistics, not tied down to a bi-pod
>decent reload speeds
Medic guns are the most forgiving noob weapons, they're basically the AR of BF1.
cei rigotti literally is an assault rifle, first one ever made I believe
there are no assault rifles
>The Cei-Rigotti is an early assault rifle created by Amerigo Cei-Rigotti, an officer in the Italian Army, in 1890, and extensively modified until its final form circa 1900.
semi-auto rifles take accuracy and skill if you want to fire as fast as possible without sacrificing accuracy but go ahead, keep using your hellriegel with 17% accuracy while believing in your superiority
it's an automatic rifle
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There are no absolute rules.

However, the naming convention of Assault rifles (aka, the things that we tend to call assault rifles) have characteristics like:

>Semi-automatic fire, often option of selective automatic fire.

>Long rifled barrels, accuracy out to 500 or so meters is almost universal.

>Detachable magazines often with magazines in excess of 10 rounds or far more.

>Medium-powered cartridges that fall below high power rifles but above submachineguns and most pistols.

SLRs generally do not have selective fire modes, as a rule of thumb, the Cei-Rigotti has a long rifled barrel, medium powered cartridge and some degree of selective fire (but a pretty low rate of fire compared to most guns we'd call assault rifles) but do not possess a detachable magazine for much simpler reloading motions.

You could certainly argue that a lot of the standard issue rifles used by modern armies up until relatively recently were not assault rifles, but could also be called SLRs.
The term assault rifle however is almost universally used to refer to weapons with the previously mentioned characteristics, taking precedent in WW2.

The Cei-Rigotti is, effectively, the closest thing to an assault rifle in BF1, but calling it 'assault rifle' seems pretty retroactive, I don't even recall seeing 'assault rifle' used in any contemporary context of WWI.
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based /dynamitebro/
Medic rifles take minimal skill to use, the highest skill ceiling for weapons is infantry rifles.
i just want to see a battle from the Macedonian front
infantry rifles wont get you stats like this
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>less than 1,4 kpm
>less than 1,5k spm

stay pleb
>less than 5 KDR
>losing a match
>With a no skill class

Pretty weak

>press quit
>dialog box opens

The fucking audacity
forgot the link
Is the Discord decent or just memers?
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Why do you only get like 4 k-bullets if they do like 2-4 damage

it says you're supposed to use them in groups and close range but do they really expect 30 scouts to all be close range using k-bullets?
>semi auto
>more skill than bolt action
The more rpm, the less skill generally speaking, since you can miss more shots
i agree a couple more would be nice but i regularly destroy shit with it. and even if you dont destroy something completely it stops repairing and pisses off airchavs to no end, it's a team effort
they increase chance of disables or something
My SPM is dogshit, how can I get better at scoring lots of points?
I don't know about that, with planes at least you can "sweet spot" the engine with regular rounds.

It'd be nice if they had a significant multiplier to tank tread damage or something
go on no kill servers and cap flags for 5 hours as a squad leader giving orders to yourself
Not the stat in my profile, in general in actual games
I'm doing 200SPM in Conquest which is p bad
too bad 90% of the people using bolt actions don't really have to give a shit about accuracy because the people who they are shooting are too far to shoot back
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>finally got behind a Memerini shitter
>this is it
>out of fucking nowhere a squad mate magically pops behind him
>accidently melee'd him instead
>still managed to melee the fucktard
What weapons do you want to see in the DLCs?
an experimental apache attack helicopter
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I'd like a spandau that shoots katanas while also missing 99% of shots but the 1% shoots to kill.
>Team isn't taking out enemy planes that keep bombing us
>Jump on AA back at spawn base and take down planes the entire game
>Get hate messages in chat from buttblasted piolets who can't go 50-0 this game

Today was a good day.
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>Argonne forest on conquest
>German team
>Cap A, the last point
>Sweet, if we defend this point we can suppress all re-enforcement coming from their base spawn
>Put defend order on A
>My whole squad leaves, so I have to defend the point on my own
We still won the game, but it felt like such a wasted opportunity.
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>tfw planeshitters and youtube cancer will shout at DICE until they nerf AA even more
Where is the best place to download/buy 1942 and the expansions? I used to have the full set at my parents house but I can't find it anymore and most everything I can find online is just the base game.
Also anyone ever done a LAN game? None of my friends have played any of them except bad company and the like and I'd like for them to experience what I did as a kid.
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>try to spawn in a heavy tank
>spawn as artillery truck
>but without weapons
>no mg
>no turret
>lets use this shit as a transport then
>run over 4 people before even getting to the first flag
>go on a roadkilling rampage, killing a total of 14 enemies before getting stuck in some random crater ;_;
So, bear with me here for a second.

>Battlefield 3's setting directly leads into Battlefield 4.
>Battlefield 4's setting directly leads into 2142's setting.
>Battlefield 1 is pretty much some alternate history bullshit for WWI that will probably lead into an alternate history WWII game

which will eventually lead into alternate cold war/battlefield 2/BF3 shit

my real questions is when the fuck do i get my remade 2142? why couldn't they just have done that shit instead of the pile of pointless shit that battlefront was?
>Get tired from all the shitters in Operation
>Start instead to play Conquest
Holy shit, its like night and day compared.
Even if there are still a lot of retards on Conquest, its still miles better than the players in Operation.
Also, the amount of whining and shit talking in the chat is far less frequent in Conquest than Operation.

I guess its because more of the veterans keep to Conquest. Which is a shame, because I like Operation.
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>Battlefield 4's setting directly leads into 2142's setting.

the entire world order of 2142 is the Pan-Asian coalition and the remnants of the European Union fighting over what land isn't basically fucked

there's a lot of nods to it in BF4, tech and political-wise

in retrospect, setting a game in the year 2142 with the EU still existing is probably retarded
the fucking k-bullet medal is proof the devs don't actually play the game
t. airchav
Can the sniper shield be destroyed by small arms fire? Or only explosives?
>RNG the gun

no but it shoots 900 bullets a second
>planes being easymode for the 500th game

AA shitters get the fuck outta here
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>not airchad
know your place gr*undshitter
why do people get upset that planes are bullshit?

its been like that in every single battlefield game past 1942
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they're not bullshit if players on the ground switch targets to them to remove them quickly

this is actually pretty close to reality, if even 1/10th of the players on a team make a determined effort to destroy a fighter jet for even half a minute or so that'll severely damage or destroy anyone in the air

this was also true in other BF games

many people can't dynamically switch targets though, they get tunnel vision
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>"It was almost certainly during this final stage in his pursuit of May that a single .303 bullet hit Richthofen, damaging his heart and lungs so severely that it must have caused a quick death."
>Airchav getting btfo'd by a ground troop
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fucking groundshitters, i swear i'll kill you all
desu getting shot in the heart by a relatively high caliber bullet is probably the least worst way you could have died in WW1
>Yfw he was probably killed by an Aussie, a Bong or a fucking Leaf and they're all still arguing about it
*sits in monte grapa operation bunker

what are you going to do, fly your little plane through the doorway?
and a hit to the back of the tank instantly destroyed it. Good times
no im going to kill your boyfriend b4 he joins your little love bunker
hes in my squad. ill just poop him out
>no hats for pilot/tanker class weapons

>Conquest is a shitfest where you always die to random people behind you
>no frontlines, just chaos
>Rush is fucking 12v12
>Operations is the only game mode which makes you feel like you're part of a war
>takes 1-2 hours

Increased players for Rush WHEN?

I cannot fucking stand Conquest. A majority of these maps are also shit and have 0 cover, and since everybody is a greedy self-serving cunt nobody uses smoke grenades.

Rush with 20v20 or 16v16 would be nice. Fucking piece of shit DICE
because shit balance for 12 years because of .00001% of the playerbase whining to the devs to buff their crutch isn't a good thing faggot

better than having your skin burned away, your lungs liquefied or your legs vaporized

I read once about a british-fired gas shell landing in a german barracks bunker. The bunker was filled with the sleeping and the wounded and supplies, clothing and equipment were in drastically short demand.

People started screaming 'Gas! Gas!' as people began to catch their bearings, because of shortages and losses several people lacked gas masks, several people were simply too weak to put on their gas mask. As the toxic gasses billowed slowly across the floor many people clambered onto upper bunks in the barracks, the ill and wounded were often unable to do so and held their gas masks to their faces hoping it would be enough.

Those who were on the floor or unable to get gas masks ended up writhing around on the floor desperately trying to breathe as they started coughing up the bloody lining of their lungs, often vomiting what little they could up in the process, though this was often little, as the availability of clean water and food was extremely scarce.
Those that were capable would sometimes even go as far as to tear the masks from the faces of the weak and wounded (the person retelling the events actually admitted to doing this to survive) to avoid inhaling the gases.

Some who were not of sound mind or extremely painfully wounded actually rolled themselves off their beds into the gases to decrease the amount of time they would have to suffer.

Yeah WWI was shit.
>try and use javelin
>first hit cancelled by active protection
>50 hp from one burst of mg
>second hit disabled
>shitter jumps out and repairs
>third hit disabled
>more repair
>fourth hit disabled
>gets back in
>fifth hit canceled by active protection
>die from second mg burst

nice balance, why play for even one second outside of a vehicle if that's how it is? BF4 is almost as bad as BF2 was, only difference is jets are now completely useless and helis dominate instead
why the hell is every bullet in BF1 a tracer round that glows brighter than the sun?

to make it easy to see where fire comes from as a central game mechanic
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>its a every team you join is shit episode
>gas invented by a jew
>nuke invented by a jew
>neutron bomb invented by a jew

there is something profoundly wrong with the jewish mind
>shitter switches to winning team
>non-shitters quit obvious losing games
>80-90% of open slots are on the losing side of an imbalanced game

they really need to add quit punishment and teamswitch prevention
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>tfw the /et*rnal infantryman/ wins again
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>some people who were trapped out in no-man's land horribly wounded actually purposefully tried to stay as quiet as possible to avoid their comrades trying to get them back and dying in the process
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Pilots don't have a leg to stand on. The only reason they want AA nerfs is so they can go 50-0 every game. They don't have the interests of balance in mind. They're just selfish cunts.
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>They don't have the interests of balance in mind. They're just selfish cunts.

thats everyone on this thread
>please nerf all weapons exepect the one im using
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rip in peas sweet prince ;__;7
skill should be rewarded, not punished by having every faggot in the game run into the nearest AA to spam the skies full of shit

You realise Battlefield 4 literally has:

>Drop pods
>Gauss guns
>references to experimental vehicles like titan walkers
>references to the Pan Asian Coalition
i kinda lik the sweeper but it looks so shit

dilemma is real
I use Infantry rifles as a scout. I primarily stay behind the front line, spamming flares and being sort of an "iron sights" sniper. Far from a hillnigger, but not quite an "aggressive scout".

I've been using the M.95 rifle for this purpose, but seeing as I'm not really on the front lines, is there a better rifle for this purpose? The SMLE?
martini henry
Eat shit airshitter, ground troops needs a way to counter airplanes.
SMLE, Russian Infantry, Martini Henry. Whichever you like best.
>over powered flying safe space/free kills machine with no counter

why is it when everytime some quake shitter talks about skill it's always some crutch, exploit or hidden advantage they really mean?
no literally only airniggers are saying that, everyone else is saying the A-10 is broken and needs a nerf while using it
A-10 range is retarded

It's fine that it does retarded damage but I swear it has an effective range of like 60 meters
i've seen people with the veteran dogtag that had an inscription on it. mine doesnt have one, anyone know more ?
>25 damage on attack plane with m1916
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Are you fucking retarded?
you brought this on yourself :^)
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My name is Zyklon ben, I'm the king of the gaseon den, when I play the toxic-nades they go "I can't breath I can't Breath I can't breath"

It doesn't try to be alternate history, it just plays loose with a historical reality in terms of guns and such. Though I wouldn't mind if they continued on that trajectory for a kind of strangereal experience of BFWW2 and so on.

A BF2143 would be bretty neat, though I also kinda like the idea of a BFWW2. Lots of the more obscure forgotten weapons we can fuck around with. Johnson LMG, Johnson rifle, the Italian SMG with the samurai bandolier, FG42, Czech guns, and glorious drummag SMGs like PPSH and Tommygun that aren't obscure and forgotten but fuck you drummag SMG is love.


Yeah I wish operations was on dedicated servers because I see no reason to return to conquest after I've played operations.
>Watch trailer for giant's shadow
>it's literally just a map from the single player

I hope the paid DLC won't be doing this
Convert to share link pls:
They haven't for previous battlefield games
At least not to my knowledge
Don't worry
you cant do it with the site?
don't have premium bf4 layers, seems to work through the new links though
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>hellriegal 76 stars
>level 85
How do you change your ingame portrait or whatever? That thing people see when you kill them?

On a side note, the amount of normies that use South Park pictures is surprisingly not as high as in BF4
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>it's a "team is too scared to attack the caps in operations" episode
may my teammates never taste the pussy and their shoes always be two sizes too small
You change your profile pic on the EA account site, and your emblem on the bf1 companion.
>Russian 1895 Trench
>Dat firerate
I wish the damage falloff wasn't so extreme.
It lets me get a lot more shots off in close quarters so that's alright with me
Damage wasn't that high to begin with
>Damage wasn't that high to begin with
It starts at 80, that's pretty solid.
I think you're thinking about the Gewehr 95
The 1895 trench is only ~55 at point blank, with no sweetspot
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>play 5 games today
>get battlpacks in 3 of them
>one is the legendary lewis skin that makes it look like an arab tried to pimp it out
Thank you RNGesus.
Huh, I guess Symthic's wrong then, weird,
>shit is the only thing I eat
Naval battles would be crap and just siphon 6-8 players per team from the main battle.

Boats were okay in BF4 because it was small patrol boats duking it out. Destroyers and functional ACC would be cool for the novelty but making them influence the game in any positive way would be difficult
I'm guessing it's because Braden is a another common spelling.
Nth for the only open squad available being 2 scouts in the middle of nowhere.
>And that's why i don't watch boondocks.
Hell that guy went like, "heh that tickles".
>takes 5+shots to bring to 2 health
>can vomit out 10 shots in a second to immediately kill you

M-must be nice
t. underage console shitter
>"request order"
>become squad leader
>kick those useless sacks of shit
>give orders for free point
>throw your body into objectives like a real WWI soldier
>squad magically fills with like-minded individuals
Bump with question

Anyone else ever use the mini grenades? You get two and can chuck them across maps
>5th team in a row that is scared shitless of the thought of actually ATTACKING in Operations
why the fuck are you even here if you are just going to sit in the back behind a rock in a foetal position
Are they just v40s that can't do 100dmg?
I use the impact for my scout class and I like them
I think the impact grenade is great too, when you know exactly where enemies are.
I like using the mini grenades to toss into parts of points that I think enemies might be chilling in
I'll give em a shot m8
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When your entire team loses by 8 points because they all try to headbutt the light flanker autist instead of avoiding him and capping flags
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They need to add a system where Medics get deducted by 500 points for every person they don't revive on a certain radius.
Shit's making me rage on transcended levels.

>quake shitter

don't compare him to that

in quake, everyone has access to the same shit pretty much at all times

that's nothing compared to planes in battlefield

>Though I wouldn't mind if they continued on that trajectory for a kind of strangereal experience of BFWW2 and so on.

That'd be pretty fucking cool, though I'm not sure they'd do it, a lot of people would just be left confused out of lack of imagination or something.
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I don't care if it makes no sense I want to use scout infantry weapons while playing medic.
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>lose my shit on monte grappa
>my squad is doing fuck all
>run into the church and kill 7 guys with my frommer stop before getting killed
>"WTF scout noob, stay back and flare you useless idiot"
>all of my wat

Every single one of the idiots was just outside of the capture radius taking pot shots at nothing. Leveling the scout is torture, it should have been the first one I leveled. I don't usually with this on anyone but I hope those idiots get cancer.
Use the hybrid glitch and just dump your pouches/syringe onto your scout.
Don't touch my infantry rifles you filthy medic

I want to use my bolt actions while still being an actually useful player :^)
Flare gun is 10x more useful than reviving brain dead teammates so they can run around and get killed again
How to do that? I googled & youtube gives nothing.
yeah no
In the 200s for fighter planes
1% highest kill streak
1% with rifles, also m95
2% shotguns
1% sidearms, should be top 50 for kpm but somehow don't turn up
1% in various stuff, like the club or the kpm of some weapons
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had to fix my image

is anyone in the top 5% for anything after more than a few minutes of playtime with it? most of my high stats are only because i used it once or twice
I would eat that
I'm top #100 in several weapons, some are quite niche, some are actually surprising how little people use them
You don't want to eat that.
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These percentages feel like they don't even matter.
So many pick up the game and play it for 2 hours once and they become part of the stats.
Still feels pretty good to be the best in the world at something.
Even if it is completely stupid
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>best in the world
>top 1%

I was referring to my top 76 for the Huot.
Not THE best, but best out of 100 of the entire cross platform BF1 community sounds pretty nice.
Even if it's niche weapon that has a below average performance.
We will probably see the chauchat. I recall it not being a very good gun in real life, but in the game there are no jams so it could be in the game.
>helping your team
lol who does that
Don't forget people that skip the wait when they can clearly see you running over to revive them
>asking how you fucking change your avatar
>others are normies

the irony
>idc if it makes sense

but its the only thing that makes sense
Don't worry anon i like your hat
>anime avatar
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>he doesn't know idolmaster is a video game
back to /@/ Sachi
Maybe after they uncancel idolmaster ps4 in english
i just want bolt action rifles to every class and then get rid of all the scopes and automatic shitters
Too bad, get sniped by an automatico fgt
assault faggots can burn in hell
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I prefer playing support or scout but it's hard to not pick assault because of tanks being so ridiculous
Tanks are only as ridiculous as the person driving them. And any non-light tank is only ridiculous if he has at least 1 person dedicated to repairing them.
>when someone notices your neplem after a thorough teabagging
>it's a everyone plays support for the next couple of days because of the crossbow episode
I hope they make that shit need rank 10 to unlock, ammo giving boosts my spm considerably
80% of people play mostly as assault or scout because those two classes are so dominant at their optimal ranges, an assault at close range will murder you no matter what, and a hillnigger camping on the egde of the map will easily kill you before you get close
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This was not good for my heart
it's just so sad to see a level 20 assault with 8 service stars on the hellriegel
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>sprayed down by automatico
>perfectly calm
>see he has 27 service stars
>start getting annoyed
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****Only professional Calvary riders can reply to this post****
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cav controls like shit
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I meant cavalry, sorry
>using the gun
sword is more fun to use
calvary was a great movie
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So do horses
>play as cavalry
>see an enemy assault faggot
>gallop to full speed
>he notices you
>idgaf i have full health
>BRRRRRRRRRRRRT t. automatico
>go from 100hp to 0 in less than 1,5 seconds
>killed by a level 17 with 9 service stars with the faggotmatico

why is this allowed?
Cavalry has some protection but is still much weaker to bullets than actual Sentry classes, they can still be destroyed 1v1 if you do enough damage quickly
>play support
>horse shitter charges me
>duck and jive all his attacks
>he slams the horse into a wall
>unleash german science on his back
nothing personnel
yes but getting killed by a single assault in less than 1,5 seconds just isn't right
I've been shot by Scouts point blank and then pistoled immediately

Even Supports with their slow rpm LMGs can still hose you down and flinch you to death
The only problem I have is headshots with the semi auto rifles.

When you nail a dude twice in his body and once in his head (I changed my marker color to purple so I'd know), it's so frustrating when they don't die. It always takes me out of it like "Oh like a headshot wouldn't kill him, right?"
>why am I not allowed to murk fools without dying at all on a horse
>why can't the automatico do no damage
>mfw SMLE infantry/carbine is better than any other scout rifles until Memetini.
t. automatico fag
automatico is fucking gay
i actually enjoy support, i hope the role doesn't get flooded by shitfuckers wanting to use the crossbow
>sit on flag
>put on gas mask
>spam gas grenades at both entrances
>hipfire through the gas
>rack up kills, score, assists, spm for days

infinite grenades is fun as fuck, especially because gas grenades last just long enough for you to resupply your nades so you have 100% uptime
I hate you
How is the Martini any good? It doesn't even have a 100 damage sweet spot
and what of support mains who want the crossbow?

that'll also be another reason to run pouches, if they'll instantly resupply you a grenade for the bow
You wot m8
It has the largest sweetspot
The sweetspot doesn't do 100 damage so what's the point, you still have to hit them twice
you forgot

>autistico or model 10fag rounds the corner and obliterates you
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support will only be more fun if it does. spam grenades and then use the crossbow while you wait for resupply. infinite boom, would be nutty
No you dont, memetini is a oneshot inside its sweetspot
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>i dont want the class flooded with shitfuckers
you're one of them
consolefags never turn around, what gives
madmen like you shouldn't be allowed to exist
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most of us are retarded
not really mad about the crossbow if only people will do their job and carry HE to fuck vehicles.

resupply times for grenades generally need to be adressed tho. needs to go way the fuck up
I do the same but use incendiaries cause there's gas everywhere anyway and I like the screams
I actually like the iron sights on the mg15 better than the AA irons, mg15 low weight gunfu
this was funny until you sprayed his face full of lead
i'd use incendiaries if you got 2 of them, i like that you have 2 gas grenades. 1 fire nade itself doesn't last long enough for the resupply, or barely does
it's simply not feasible at low sensitivity, and I'd wager a big part of the community doesn't go and tinker around with settings, even if you turn around the guy behind you is going to get you, so might as well run forward and get an extra kill. Playing on console is a much slower game, I prefer it desu, helps that I main support and the lmgs actually work there cause people can't aim for shit and you don't get trick shotted from across the map
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>boot up BF1 for the first time
>start doing the "tuto"
>you don't respawn you just switch characters
>somehow it's quite uncomfortable
>suddenly gas attack
>run through the gas and start shooting at germans
>see one who is walking slowly, showing his back to me, visibly at a loss
>stop shooting and look at him for a moment, dazed
>only come back to my senses when another german comes on my left and put me down

Wow I was expecting some AMERICA FUCK yeah shit, is the rest of the campaign like this ? Is it worth playing ? The game is still dowloading so I can't MP but the SP has some potential
nah the rest of the SP is you being a one man army killing all the evil krauts and saving the world all by yourself
How the hell do people even play on console, I tried playing BF4 on a controller once, it was fucking terrible.
>tfw I got bf1 premium for 35 euros instead of the 50 they were charging at first

the first DLC doesn't come out until march but I don't see premium getting much cheaper than that
really ? you played the 5minute prolouge and came back here to post if the rest of the SP is worth it ? just fucking play it you mongoloid. and no one in the whole wide world calls a tutorial a "tuto"
Oh I fucking love when I kill some nigger and his faggot buttbuddy comes out of his ass and kills me. Add to that fucking spawning on everyone in a squad. Real fucking genius idea along with Sprinting Simulator 2016. Pic not related but still relevant.
it's one of the few things support has going for it, don't take that away
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yeah, support is way more fun on console because people can't aim so you actually stand a chance at most ranges

if you played on PC first you'll never be able to play FPS games with a controller, it's just unnatural. i play both and i've always played first so I'm used to it, but if you start on PC it's not even worth the effort. mkb just feels 100x better
>using a scope with your rifle
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You can't

I'm actually surprised no FPS has implemented a quick turn button like some third person shooters use.
It just takes practice, aim assist helps a lot in the beginning but you're better of without it cause it fucks up target acquisition
>captcha asks to pick pizza images
>there's a white pizza in there
>captcha says it's not
well fuck you too captcha you dumb fuck
>dat console aim
Humorous situation though.

Might I add the mp18 optical is absolute shit? They could've lessen the recoil or made it a stom variant instead. Could've used the shit out of it and not just stuck with the automemeco
yeah it was pretty bad, i'd never played a battlefield before at the time and I wasn't used to the insane amount of aim assist in this game because I had just came from Rainbow Six Siege, which has no aim assist whatsoever. I ended up turning aim assist off because it fucks me over more often than not, like in that webm
I can play both, it's not a big deal for some games. I wouldn't ever play Rainbow Six or CS on a pad but it's fine on BF and COD and every third person shooter I can think of.

Movement is more important, you use both sticks to aim and correct with by moving rather than using small finger/wrist movements if you were using a mouse
the mp18 has some of the highest first shot recoil multipliers which is not helped by the optical sight, which has insane amounts of visual recoil

you're better off using the hellreigel if the bouncy optical sight is throwing your aim off; even if the mp18 may be more accurate on paper, it won't help in practice if you're not comfortable with it
it's like turning a tank around
I remember Left 4 Dead 1 (or was it 2? Maybe both?) had a 180 degree turn button on consoles.
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very accurate description

you either sacrifice aim for turn speed or turn speed for aim. some people try to get used to high sens but they usually end up sucking dick

siege looks awful on a controller but only because there's no aim assist and most people aren't actually good with sticks. if you're confident in your ability with sticks you can easily shit on everyone since nobody can aim. even if you just leave your crosshair at head level you're automatically plat

i know l4d1 definitely had it, because i remember always forgetting it existed after turning around at the speed of autism. even if we did have a 180 button i don't know how many people would use it since everyone's so used to just turning with the stick
Getting quick headshots is so important in Siege I couldn't imagine playing it on a controller even with heavy assist.

Even watching the proleague finals on console looked embarrassing though this was probably because most good console players just use an adapter to use M+KB anyway
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it just takes getting used to. in siege everybody moves so slowly so if you're good with a controller you can get the headshot. it's also why crosshair placement is so much more important to winning trades in that game, since you don't have a mouse to flick with you have to already be there.
i've been diamond every season, and had 4 accounts in diamond last season on console and there's only like one or two guys i'd say were actually using mkb. it's way less apparent than most bad players make it out to be.

also, the pro league players are complete trash. i play with a lot of them, they're only in PL because they went out of their way to actually set up a team. none of them practice or do dry runs or anything, they just play matches and that's it unlike the PC scene where cTm and MW are constantly looking for scrims
what sensitivity do you use in bf1?
sensitivity i left default, i just adjusted the zoom sensitivities. the more zoom, the lower my sens. for 6.00x i use 80%, 4.00x and lower is 90%.

i used to use 50% for 6.00x but I couldn't aim up close so I raised it. i'm probably going to raise my regular sensitivity a little, but for the most part i'm pretty comfortable with default
dank, I'm too much of a shitter to mess with zoom levels so I left them as is, playing on 60% sensitivity
>he unironically uses gas grenades
I bet youre a mage in RPGs as well
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eh, my thought process behind it is that at longer distance it's harder to make minute adjustments if your sens is too high, so i lower it the higher my zoom because I figure i'll be looking longer distances

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>take a break from gas and fire bombing as Support and use the default grenade
>one hit killing dudes too busy or ignorant enough to duck and cover with one throw
Good lord man, I can see why people are really into this grenade spam thing
>being a hillnigger
>a gas nigger
>a support nigger
just kys desu
>a support nigger
no bullets for you fgt
Those guys didn't even notice you 5 feet from them, even when you took 10 years to line up the shots. Holy goddamn.
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i rewatched it
>i run right past the scout in the top left of the screen
>teammate spawns on me then runs away from the 3 enemies standing there
i saw someone spawn in and i turned to see where he went after i killed the medic because i assumed it was one of them, turns out it was my squad leader kek

i play every class i use the model 10 sometimes too
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>actually push and spam go go go makes your teammates push too
Is the Gewher 98 remotely useful as an infantry rifle?
not really, no. the martini is your best bet if you want to run around with a bolt action as infantry since it has the lowest sweet spot range
I haven't unlocked the memetini yet but it doesn't seem better to me than the smle infantry, I love that weapon it's what I always use when I pick scout
the BF1 grenade fuse is extremely short compared to previous games

in BF3 it really was more of a path denial/ flushing tool than anything you'd use for actually getting kills
just use the infantry smelly for irons, 95 carbine for sighted, russian sniper for snipering
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memetini is great for iron sight infantry because the sweet spot for 1 shot kills starts very close and extends all the way to where the smelly ends. the only reason to use the smelly over the memetini is if you hate only having 1 round at a time
it's balanced somewhat by the ability to prone to reduce explosive damage

but yeah it's amazing for getting kills now
inb4 the HE crossbow does shit damage to tanks and takes a fuckload of time to resupply from pouches
still better than mortar or limpies

but worse than medpacks i guess, i'm pretty sure dice is gonna patch out that one bit of fun

>Limpet charges
>spamming GO GO GO makes the team actually push

i noticed this yesterday
What mouse sensivity do pros in BF use?
High or low?
I know that pro CS:GO players use low sensivity and huge mousepads to achieve better precision, but I'm not sure it would work as well in BF.
aiming is aiming, BF still requires precision
limpys are great man, just not at their intended role for tank busting, they are great for clearing rooms, or if the structure allows it, just blow the fucking house down and kill everyone inside

Basically you want to be able to 180 with a mouse swipe
reminder that battlefield 3 is the superior battlefield and playing any of the ones that came after is the worst thing you can do
pretty much russianfield now though

>Russian team on Russian server at Russian peak hours

never again
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I absolutely CAN'T wait to get my hands on the Memerini on Monday cause work, I'm just 20k points to rank 10 & have improved my aim somewhat.
And to top it off just got the Kekimanjaro skin as a reward makes me even harder.
its my favorite BF
clocked more than 1000 hours on it
still like BF1 though
Laddy I'm finding it hard to disagree with you and I don't like that
>those map soundtracks
>that base jump on Damavand
>that aftermath dlc
>hating based damavand jump
I listed things I loved
Fuuuuuuuuck I'm getting hyped all over again
That's the epicenter intro if I remember correctly
Please, guys. Remember Thunder Run. One of the best SP missions EVER.

you mean the only good SP mission in the game
You forget the Hornet one?
how could I forget that absolute piece of cancer trash?
It was a cool trash, at least. Better than the NY one
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