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PlayStation 4 General #388 - /ps4g/ /ps4gen/ /momgen/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 751
Thread images: 189

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Old Thread: >>161901116
Professional MKX player Edition


>Akiba’s Beat PS4 demo now available in Japan

>Final Fantasy XV update roadmap detailed

>Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 PS4 and Xbox One GameStop-exclusive physical edition launches in March

>Ghost Recon: Wildlands beta registration opened, ‘Mission Briefing’ trailer

>Persona 5 Futaba English introduction trailer, voice actress interview video

>Accel World VS Sword Art Online uses the world of Sword Art Online: Lost Song as its base

>Ace Combat 7 set 10 years after Ace Combat 5

>Danganronpa V3 details Korekiyo, Tenko, Kirumi, Maki, and Monofunny; third character trailer



>PS+ Current Offerings
(US) http://blog.us.playstation.com/tag/playstation-plus/
(EU) http://blog.eu.playstation.com/tag/playstation-plus/

>PS Store Updates
(US) http://blog.us.playstation.com/tag/playstation-store/
(EU) http://blog.eu.playstation.com/tag/playstation-store/
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Currently all """""""""""rhythm"""""""""" games on PS4 suck

You should untuk July when the first real rhythm game on PS4 launches

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>YNA on suicide watch
>40% raping women in the streets with fellow muslims
>addy still lusting after nyonman
>nyonman still a dumb bimbo lusting for attention

Attention whores need to be exterminated.
I respect the person who made this
>attention whores
>makes entire post giving them attention
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Under no circumstances visit this profile and give its whorish owner attention.

So can anyone tell me if Divinity: Original Sin comes with an instruction manual?
It's really cheap on PSN right now and I'm trying to decide if I want it physical or digital.
>37 plats
Heh, you're probably a fat no life female living in her parents bedroom
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Since people hate lewdposting and animeposting. Should it be banned from ps4g?

you aren't allowed to make the rules for /vg/
How do you know he isn't a janny that wants to go on a rampage?
>being this much of a fag

I just post strawpolls for the fun of it. I've been only doing it for the past few months and since you're complaining about this, then you're a newfag who should lurk more.
You can download Project Diva Future Tone Prelude from the japanese PSN. It's like a demo of the upcoming future tone game and has 2 songs in it. You could also wait until it comes to the west in january, it will get the prelude version over here aswell. The japanese one has no english menues but it's failry easy to navigate.
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Pro or slim, boys?
>If you don't know something that I do then you're a newfag
janitors can't make rules so it wouldn't matter. If it is a janitor I hope they get fired
Do you own a PS4? Neither. Do you not own a PS4? Pro.
You can't get fired when you're unemployed
At this point, how can you tell the difference between people just shit posting and people who do want to change?
I've been in this thread long enough to know that every single person who tried to make us more of a community just got shitposted into oblivion.
>no arguments
Wasn't trying to make an arguement but since you didn't know that then you're a newfag
He's been doing this shit for weeks. You should've noticed by now. Someone else was complaining about him but for a different reason.
You can't.

>get so triggered that you use 1st grader insults
pretty dumb desu
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No fighting you guys, we're all friends here.
>pretty dumb desu
Nice try newfag
no anime pls. we big boys now
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>tfw Dreams is literally never coming out
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>her parents bedroom
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Don't give up hope. I know that it'll come out next year.
But she's from a PS4 game.
no anime! we normies are the majority of this gen now and we hate anime
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Still giving away a copy of Dishonored: Definitive Edition. Just add me
PSN: Citrus-Orbs
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>brodudes can't handle the weebsmack
People that hate lewdposting and animeposting should stay on /r/gaming and Facebook.
Umm.. can you stop?
Shut the fuck up. I hate that you faggots post anime off topic pictures but don't pretend to be me.
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>janny actually deleted it
absolute madman. we normies now
Is she autistic?
So, is Last Guardian actually connected to Ico or SotC in any way?
Same universe dumbshit
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Yes, very much so.
Does miku dab?
Uncharted 4 or the Uncharted collection? Does 4 have online trophies?
There's a shit ton of PVs so you'll probably find one where she's dabbing somewhere.
>listening to a podcast
>someone mentions MvC Infinity is aimed to be a "platform" like Smash Bros 3DS/WiiU
They didn't mention it, but do you think Disney might try a new iteration of Disney Infinity with MvC figures that you can fight and train in-game?
Considering they had about a million DI Hulks in storage on top of a bunch of GotG figures just sitting around, I would guess no.
Maybe they could do the whole under-shipping trick shitendo uses for amiibo
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What's the difference between a Ps4 pro and normal one?

Also does Ps4 pro work with any tv or does it need to be 4k?
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>What's the difference between a Ps4 pro and normal one?

Still haven't answered my question
Can you fuck off? a Pro is obviously a PS4 with an extra half of a ps4 attached to it, just look at it
I'm well aware I haven't.
Asking a general for information can be okay, but you're asking shit that's so easy to google and has already been asked so many times it's getting tiring.
Considering there's like 500 comparison videos on youtube and 2000 articles on how they're different I'd say you certainly haven't done any research yourself.
>What's the difference between a Ps4 pro and normal one?
Pro has better hardware thus better graphics and performance
>Also does Ps4 pro work with any tv or does it need to be 4k?
Yes, a pro will work on a non-4k TV
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Just answer these questions and Il and Il fuck off

1. Does ps4 pro have any noticeable performance differences

2. Does it work with any tv or does it have to be 4k

Simple as that
sorry for offending you
>eight minutes before your post
Please realize that shit like this is why you were a burden today.
Here's your answer;
YNA is fucking poor
Tried to Google it no straight answers all I found was how good it looks with a 4k tv

Still doesn't answer if it works with normal tv's

Thanks for that
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>1. Does ps4 pro have any noticeable performance differences

The OS has gotten a 1gb ram upgrade, which makes the navigation of it faster. It also allows you to record gameplay in 1080p/60 fps instead of the original PS4s 720p/30 fps and allows you to take high resolution screenshots in games that allow it. If you're talking games you'll have to look up each individual game since developers are free to utilize the additional power of the pro how they see fit. For example a game can run in 4k upscaled or have a 1080p / 60 fps mode while the regular PS4 might be locked at 1080/30fps. It also means games can have more than one specific pro mode or none at all.

>2. Does it work with any tv or does it have to be 4k
It works with any TV that has a HDMI port. I bet with the right converter you can actually hook it up to anything. Although there have been reports that some TVs have problems with the pro, that might have been fixed through firmware updates though. Best would be to search for the name of your TV and PS4Pro on google to see if there are any people who reported problems yet. Obviously you'll get the most out of a Pro when you have a 4k TV with HDR but it's by no means necessary.

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At least I have more plats than most of you.
I've been playing ffxv for 15hrs and realized I have 400 ap left untouched, what skill should I spend it on? Any tips?
There are skills that require 999 AP, I'd generall go for more itemslots so you can equip more shit. The first ones cost 99 and allow you to wear 2 items and then there's one for 333 that allows you to wear 3. You'll have to buy them on each character seperately.
Are you also a fat virgin and live with your parents?
>It also allows you to record gameplay in 1080p/60 fps instead of the original PS4s 720p/30 fps
Not true, I can only record at 1080p 30fps and the only option you have is to shorten the constant recording time which just adds about 1000 bitrate to the constant recording for every 5 minutes you remove. Manual recording is also 1080p 30fps.
Oh, and 1080p/60fps is broadcasting only from what I'm Googling, because the footage I get from the normal Share button video capture sure as hell isn't 60.
My bad, I only use the feature for webms anyways so I barely use it to it's fullest capacity. Apparently you're able to stream your gameplay at 60 fps though.
I only use it for webms as well which is why it bugged me, I thought it was 60fps so when I went to make some TLoU webms on the uncapped framerate mode it was definitely not what I was playing it at. Sucks that you have to buy a proper capture card for this kind of thing if you want decent video capture.

One more question how is it with loading the psn store have they fixed it with the pro or does it still get stuck at loading sometimes like the normal ones
My biggest problem is the watermark some games add. It's fucking annoying as hell.

I haven't had any problems when using the store through the PS4 itself. I usually buy my stuff either physically or through the webbrowser though, so I'm not the most reliable source on that one.
Sega, Marvelous, and KT are usually the only ones who make it intrusive, but Sega has been getting better about it with their logo being the only thing you can see on the bottom-right, and it's usually transparent.
What exactly is the game like?
Jesus Christ, how many times does this kid need to ask.
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Stealth action game with a lot of lore and neat ideas. You can go lethal or non lethal and your main targets have specific non lethal eliminations (selling a rich noble woman as a sexslave)
Also has really good DLC
how does witcher 3 handle the events of the last 2 games if you can't import saves?
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It will ask you what your choices were
Deathsmiles port when.
I'd even take it ripped straight from the xbox 360 version with ABXY button prompts in tact if it means it'll come faster
I am willing to try it out, if I may.
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Just send me an invite
What will you give me if I already have it physically?
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Where were you when forty was BTFO?
I'm trying to rea dthis but not having backlinks and the formatting of the images side by side is hurting my eyes and head.
Can you give me the tl;dr?
>See it on display in a shop before release date
>Buy it
>Don't really have time to play it before after release date anyway
Oh well.
>Forty talks to himself by taking off his trip
>People call him out for this and other bullshit
>He actually responds to the guy who called him out for samefagging without his trip
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>tfw trade in deal for pro ends in a couple of weeks
>still have three games I really wanted to finish before getting a pro
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>trade in deal for pro
why do you need to rush to finish games before getting a pro?
just transfer your shit and continue on...
Can I use avatars/themes/demos I downloaded from japanese store on my american account?
Themes / demos yes, avatars no. Make sure to set your PS4 as primary system on your japanese account.
>PS4 as primary system
Is this needed to get access to the themes/demos?
trade in you old ps4 for money off the new one have you not seen these deals everywhere. first one was your ps4+ any 1 game. that finished now it's just a ps4+controller and you can get a pro for like $340 when you do. Plus I have 8 games I can trade in too so I'll get like another $30 off lel. better than nothing I suppose I'm never playing them, again.

which reminds me, strawpoll on what you all do with your games.

Yes. It's literally just one button press in the option menu. And don't worry, your PS4 can be the primary system of multiple accounts, it's the other way around that an account can only have 1 primary system.
>trade in a current gen system
>get $60
What the fuck are you talking about
it's nearly $200 what drugs are you on.
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Awesome thanks guys
Aren't Pros only $400?
Im just as confused as you are
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Gravity Rush 2.webm
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This is a Russian indie PS4 exclusive.
I hate it when devs choose to waste resources making shitty features like this. it's ok if a game has an absurd budget, like batman or uncharted. but small games like GR need 100% to be devoted to making them game good.
>they had so much spare time after completing the game for vita, and then porting it to PS4, that they had time to add this useless shit
Didn't YNA say she was getting a pro along with TLG day 1?
he lied

the game is one of the first games that proves devs don't care about performance on the base model anymore
Is YNA too poor to afford a hard drive that can hold more than 5 reaction images?
Who the fuck is Jared?
Can we set up a gofundme for YNA?
>can't replay parts of TLG, you can only start the whole game over again
>can't play Agent at all
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>more money than yna
Pretty good for an indie
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>That loungewear
A lolicon
Why do people think im poor? I blow old crusty men for money
Why are people pushing this? on the article with the rumor, it says the FROM is considering it after it sees the initial swatch sales

Switch is going to sell wii u tier, so FROM wont end up doing it

1. No way Namco will do three relatively new games for the price of one.
2. Miyazaki said Souls won't go handheld because its an online experience.
I dont know why someone on here would buy a switch for dark souls when it would have the same if not better quality on PS4. Better to spend that 300 on pc parts or ps4 games
The problem with that rumor is From has zero say on what they port Namco games to.
>1. No way Namco will do three relatively new games for the price of one.

The tranny said the collection is only in consideration while III is coming and it's been right on every switch related rumor so far.

>2. Miyazaki said Souls won't go handheld because its an online experience.

He said that in response to whether or not they were planning a Souls game for Vita. That was obviously just a cop out answer since they couldn't come out and say Vita was on its deathbed in fear of burning bridges with Sony, who they have a close partnership with,
I sure am glad PS4 added a headphone jack to play game audio through now I can play weeb games without the sounds of weeb playing through my paper thin walls
>implying sony won't remove the jack next gen in a courageous act of courage following apple and samsungs noble sacrifice
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It's okay. With the current porting trend going on and shuhei being shuhei there's no reason to get a PS5
What people don't get is a person reporting on rumors normally say numerous things, and it only takes 1 coincidentally coming true to make them look like a leaker.

That sure was a fast answer to come up with on the spot.
that makes zero sense, the reasoning would be to not get a ps4 and just wait for the ps5

fucking retard
It makes perfect sense, dont get a PS5 because all the games will be multiplat, dont be frustrated because you dont understand retard
you are an absolute retard

holy fuck, im pretty sure you dont even have a ps4. fuck off faggot
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>I know you are but what am I
Come on bro, maybe you should've invested in hooked on phonics instead of a ps4
already making excuses for 2020 because he can't afford a console.
absolutely pathetic
Quick question, Is streaming through twitch and then saving the vod the best way to get 1080p footage of a game without using a capture card?
Will someone be my friend?
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But my GPU outprices a pro.
shut the fuck up and get a job yna
but im nyonmyan
I'm sorry, pls be my gf
I hope they patch the game to improve the performance.
I only date old men sorrry
stop shitposting and get a job yna
but im nyonmyan
Why did people here suddenly decide to pick on nyonmyon, someone who I never heard of until suddenly was labeled "a girl who posted her tits" one day.
Because she posted her tits one day, and now people post her profile alongside lewd anime pictures pretending to be here.
Do you have the pic of her tits?
PS4Pro worth it?
No people started doing the nyonyon worship posts before the tits. And it was literally just someone who posted tits, then deleted it, then everyone shitposted it was nyonnyon. If you check the archive though, nyonnyon was completely unknown until the sudden worship posts.
No, don't fall for the meme
When's Shenmue 3?
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Trailer more than likely at E3 next year, but there's likely little chance of the game coming out in 2017 in general.
This shit was spooky
PS4 or PS4 Pro?
VR or no VR?
Good graphics or good music?
Day 1 or wait for reception?
Baby Metal or Maximum the Hormone?
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I think these fights where you have to protect a specific party member in Star Ocean are where I draw the line.
Every enemy immediately aims for and attacks that party member. I've had the one where you're supposed to protect Anne in Tei'kur end in literally five seconds, twice now. That's not hyperbole, it's seriously five seconds.
The same thing happened with the fight in the research center with Relia, and after trying three times with the same results I'm getting here I ended up just cheesing it with one of those ultimate party attacks, but I'm really not interested in grinding trash mobs in the area just to build one.

It was fun for the 15 hours I played, I guess.
No VR. Save for Vive's success or until VR is just generally not just tech demos.
Depends on game but as a general rule wait for reviews
Good music
I don't have a steadfast position, but in general it's wait for reception. I'm not above pre-ordering though, and have Digimon, Yakuza 0, and Persona 5 all pre-ordered.
Maximum the Hormone are legitimately cool.
You can use certain specialty to not get Ann killed/targeted
Reg suffices
Want VR
Reception unless I really want to support it
That dumb russian faces
>sub 720p
>20 fps

This sounds like headache. I've been doing every sidequest as it comes with plenty of additional battling and experience all along the way, making the normal content enjoyable if easy, and then you have these moments where that shit doesn't matter and you need to grind even more for two minutes of content.
I think I'm just done for now. Maybe I'll come back to the game some other time, but this put a bad taste in my mouth.
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>you fell for the slim meme
Yeah, I was in that thread on /a/ too.
explain right now
>new PS3 Slims cost almost as much as PS4s
My phat is having issues spitting out discs.
Neetengie's surgery was a success.
It looks like she has tumors on her chest
>Hey you fat lonely weebs, look at me, I have tits
>please give me attention
what's your point
yes but where is the thread
>go to play Ni no Kuni
>PS3 won't spit out the game that's in there, forgot it has issues with that since about last year
>new Slims are almost as much as PS4s
>get Ni no Kuni going, realizing my controller is fucked and the analog is really, really sensitive to the left
>look up controller online, they seem harder to get now
>grab the boxed one I have, thinking it's my oldest controller in the box for the one I'm currently holding
>it's actually brand new, unopened
Hey, something good happened. I don't even remember when I would have bought this, no idea how long I've had it.
Watching some nips play fifa mp is fun
Ni no kuni is on ps4
Starbound when?
Tooth and Tail when?
Gang Beasts when?
>Starbound when?
I thought that game failed on steam? Haven't heard a thing about it in a long time
>Starbound when?
Isn't Terraria out already? Then you don't need something worse.
>DQ: Builders
>Start Terra Incognita
>spend an hour getting equipped
>two hours making a train network to reach the portals
>mine 300 stone
>dont even finish the foundation of my first project
Fuck this
Starbound has infinitely better exploration, building, lore, and atmosphere. You know, the things people play these games for.

Terraria is a shitty MMO-lite loot treadmill about autistically grinding enemies for a 0.01% drop so you can beat the raid boss to unlock the next tier of armor so you can farm the next 0.01% drop so you can beat the next raid boss to unlock the next tier of armor...
NieR: Automata PS4 demo launches December 22 in Japan
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>in Japan
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>PS Now
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Now I can ask Media Molecule what is taking so long with Dreams!
So, my Mom wants to know what I want for Christmas. Is Exist Archive worth it?
Get dragon quest builders
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Tell her (You)
I'm going to bed now but I'll make webms in the morning
>ywn live in Ding Dong Dell
Why live, bros
It's a shame none of the other towns I got to in Ni no Kuni had near as much character. Hopefully they fix that in 2.
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GOTY 2017
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>finally got lysander Z

all is right in the world
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>New Wave cards at the end

Are they just collectibles or will the whole mobage thing be in the game?
> 720p
> 20 fps
> Underclocked Tegra
> 2.5 hours battery life
> Either hot as fuck that it throttles or lousy fan
> Tiny controllers with chocking hazard warning
> Awkward size
No way will the whole mobage be there. It's probably a bunch of collectables judging by the interface. Surprised they didn't do this sooner, seems like a damn good idea.
>trailer ps3 game like 8 years ago for ps3
>released as a 30fps late-in-life ps3 game on ps4 in 2016

looks like they lost that sweet sony money somewhere in there. that or half of icoteam quit along the way
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How many people here are getting Yakuza 6? My copy is on the way.
The patch is already out and costs $400
What the hell are his eyes
Man, what is he even doing to himself anymore?
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Rollan for a new game to get

1-3 Steins;Gate 0
4-6 Project Diva X
7-9 Odin's Sphere
0 Uncharted Collection
nintendo is dead, hopefully monster hunter switches back to sony so i can stop buying nintendo's garbage consoles that allowed capcom to produce 5 games in slightly better than psp quality for the last 5 games
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He has been looking pretty good recently. Still very orange though.
Holy shit didn't even recognize him.
Who are the worst ones here? I say the = poster and the strawpoll cuck.
Aight boys my PS4 comes in the mail Friday. I got $150 for games. I plan on getting blood borne and SFV. Any recommendations for the rest? Thinking about getting marvel 3 digitally. Also what's the best FPS to get?
Just don't
Guilty Gear Revelator
KoF 14
Revelator is coming to PC in a week. The PS4 one is dead anyways.
Stop being westerner
What? Season 2 is coming out soon along with akuma
Don't forget Best Buy is doing a buy 2 get 1 free till the 10th
So, since it was under 20 bucks I decided to get TLOU Remastered. Is this a good or bad thing?
post nudes (lower body only) and I'll tell you
Alright, there's already been some switch shitpost, and I'd rather get an unbiased opinion, so I'll ask here.

It almost sounds like the switch is going to have less power than the wii u. Is that true? If so, what the fuck are they doing? The wii u has plenty of games that run at 1080p 60. Who is going to buy this console that reduces the resolution from the previous one?
>The wii u has plenty of games that run at 1080p 60
Name literally 2. You can't - there's only one, Smash Bros.
At most they run at 720p 60.
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I don't want to sound like an asshole but you're better off asking there >>161703008
>and I'd rather get an unbiased opinion
Yeah and you think you're getting that from a pro sony thread?
Why does she look like she just shit her pants?
I never said he would here. You linking him to the Nintendo general is just retarded though.

You're right, I thought there were a few more.

Settle down my dudes, I probably shouldn't be shitting this thread up with Nintendo stuff, but I wanted an answer from someone who wasn't gonna try and defend it.
Got myself a Slim PS4. What can I do with it while I wait for games to come out? Like, I mean, what non-gaming features of interest does it have? PS3 has a bunch, but I'm not seeing much here on the main system menu?
>Alright, there's already been some switch shitpost, and I'd rather get an unbiased opinion, so I'll ask here.
This thread has a lot of pro-Sony fanboys though. I know some people on /vitagen/ that owns both Sony's and Nintendo's systems, but I don't see them frequenting this thread often.

>It almost sounds like the switch is going to have less power than the wii u. Is that true?
The Wii U has a desktop class CPU and GPU, although a mid-low end one by today's standards. It was weak and under-clocked initially, because Nintendo wanted a cool and quiet living room machine, but a firmware update overclocked the processors.

Switch's specs and actual powers are purely speculation so far. But seeing how they try to fit everything in a slim 6" tablet form with no active cooling, has battery power, and running on a mobile SoC (although a modern one), it's only logical for people to speculate that it's going to be weaker. The processor will probably be underclocked as well, otherwise it won't be long until the device thermal throttles, and the battery dies.

> The wii u has plenty of games that run at 1080p 60.

> Who is going to buy this console that reduces the resolution from the previous one?
For the consumers, it's all about the game. By your logic, nobody wants to buy a 3DS, because it's weaker than the Vita. Tell me how much Pokemon Sun and Moon sold compared to Ys 8.

For the developers though, easily tapped processing power matters, as it makes development easier. Along with content guidelines, support, and SDK licensing fees.
Thanks man, cheats it up well.

As far as the last part goes, I guess thinking about my own situation and that of a few people I know. I do have a wii u, although it's quite underused. I only have it for a few system sellers, and that's the same with most people I know that have one. For now, the biggest game on the switch, Zelda, may very well run better on the wii u. It was more of a why upgrade from wii u to switch instead of why choose a switch over ps4.
Wow that's a fuckin booty if I ever saw one

And a fuckin booty too ha ha ha
>It was more of a why upgrade from wii u to switch instead of why choose a switch over ps4.

Exclusives. Portability.

Wait for the release and see. Then wait some more if they fix many of the issues during the lifetime.

The concept itself sounds good to me. Attach controllers to modern tablets, then put handheld/console games on it, instead of shallow touch-screen controlled micro-transaction mobile games.
epic lol, my friend!
Should I play Gravity Rush next?
Sure why not. It's like a 15 hour long game if you go for the plat.
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what do I plat next my dudes?
Disgaea 5 is like a 80-90 hour plat. Do that you lazy cunt. And post tits.
get ffxv, pretty easy plat
So I got a PS4 and decided to open my copy of Xtreme 3 that I was planning to scalp

These girls all suffer from samebodyitus. There is like zero difference between all but one girl's bodies which is hilarious considering what the appeal of this game is supposed to be.

Their measurements are all within 5 inches of one another, the only difference between them is the hair color and style.
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here you go my man
anyone have experience with the remaster of UMvC3? I'm wondering if it's worthwhile, but nervous about online
Online is still the same laggy mess it was on PS3/Xbox 360.
yeah I'll give it a pass then, not much appeal
They should've made it a free bonus for preordering mvc4 or some shit.
I agree! Would've at least been a nice bonus to tide you over til the release. Ah well, I'll just buy the new Final Fantasy or something instead
Next FT DLC pack.

4.07 is live, improving "quality of system performance"
Too bad it doesn't improve quality of life. ;-;
Unfortunately in Lastation, that is largely up to third party developers.
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>16gb patch for Doom 4

hottest new esports title coming through.
lets start a pro team together!
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How fragmented across hardware is this series now? first 3ds then vita now ps4.
It's on 3DS/Vita/PC/PS4.
To be fair, the PC ones are just ports, 3DS, Vita and PS4 have now each had their own games.
260€ for the uncharted4 + ps4 slim 500gb is a good deal, or should I wait for the christmas offers?
You should get a Pro to avoid the inevitable regret.
I've never had a console before, is the ps4 a good place to start?
start with NES
start with Neo Geo
>invade some military base in FFXV
>fight for like 5 fucking minutes until an enemy drops under the map
>warpstrike to him
>stuck under the map and can't do shit, even when I warp to warp points
>suddenly game starts loading
??? Loading screen won't go away either. Did I just lose all my fucking progress?
it should have autosaved somewhere
> Play-Asia is selling new bundles of DoAX3
> Most of it is just them stripping the extras from the PSVita version and slapping it onto the PS4 version
Sad when you think about it
Even sadder when I think about the fact that I both want the game and need a new mousepad
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What are some of the best themes with the most comfy music?

Thought of paying for a theme revolts me but I sort of feel like I should now since you see it every time you log in. Had this Journey one for a while but got a bit bored of it
should've gotten the free ryuji theme when it was there
download the free ones, some of them are pretty good

but the best paid one is the transistor one i think
Rez infinite theme is free and p good
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The only thing that keeps me playing in FFXV is taking pictures of girl party members.
Any specifics? I'll check out the Transistor one, not looking to spend too much on a theme desu but just want a decent one

Ta senpai, grabbed that for now.
Witcher 3
Fell free to play this, but don't buy it

I'll do what I want.
oops I accidentally preordered it
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These games don't translate to modern visuals well at all. The fixed camera shit is insanely dated.
Main issue is the art style I think. It carries a somewhat generic cartoony look

As for the dated comments, load of poppycock really. Crash still plays well and it's a remaster, not a remake
>Crash still plays well and it's a remaster, not a remake
Ffs, meant it's a remake, not a reboot

>it's another mobile port
>Agent will be mobile
Why not buy it?
Because taro is a steam whore
Just bought my first PS4 around 2 weeks ago and I'm a little bit worried about the storage as I'm already running low on free space. I'm at 290gb ~ of free space atm from 1tb, and planning to buy the following games when they come out:

Gravity Rush 2, KH 2.8, Fate/Extella, Horizon, Nier, Ni no Kuni 2, GT Sport, Tekken 7, Crash remastered

Am I in for an upgrade? Or is there any chances it'll fit in taking into account the patches, which I guess will also all at least be few more gbs each?
So, how's FFXV on PSVR? I thought it was the first PSVR seller. Can you even play it fully on VR?
that's like 36gb each, might work..
But NNK2 and GTS will probably be late in the year (or even early 2018)
Sure you won't be tired of one of the others by then?
Isn't just a small piece of side content?
Like fight one battle and ride the car with Cidney?
I thought it was just for some playstation event and isn't even in the actual game?
Not out yet apparently.
Though it does seem to be "an experience" and not the actual game playable in VR.
Okay, so my launch ps4 controller is finally dying on me. It keeps turning to the left and a bunch of other shit, I tried resetting the neutral but it's something with the controller itself because it only happens when I move the other stick in a certain way.

But, on top of that, it's starting to peel. Is the new ds4 any better? Actually, is the ds4 still usable if I just peel off the rubber? I mean obviously it'll be usable but is it comfortable?

I really don't get this mentality I see all over /v/. I'm probably getting it on PS4 anyway if it runs in 60fps
There is no reason to get it on PS$ if there will be a cheaper pc version that probably looks better as well.
>cheaper pc version
You mean free pc version?
>playing on PC
how reddit are you?

If you're right I should indeed be able to get enough free space, worst case scenario is I'll have to delete one or two games, but it's indeed quite possible that I'll have gotten tired of some of them by then, thanks.

Also I have to admit I did not expect NNK2/GTS to come out so late, but going by the past track record for these games I guess you're right, so this will help too.
It's literally bait and purposeful overdramatizing for the sake of shitposting. Stop responding to it.
>more money

that literal 30k sales is a fucking joke number, only worth it for whore who taro really is
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>and I'd rather get an unbiased opinion, so I'll ask here.
If anyone here is a reddit fag then its most likely you.
I can't believe these might actually be good.
Best timeline.
cartoony can work, ratchet and clank looks great.

the fixed camera and dogshit gameplay isn't something you can fix in a remaster though. I fucking hated crash games games when I was younger.
Funny how easily triggered you guys are
the fact that you gotta reply to everyone shows triggered you actually are

lmao checkm8, dont even bother responding. you got pwned
>Got myself a Slim PS4. What can I do with it while I wait for games to come out? Like, I mean, what non-gaming features of interest does it have? PS3 has a bunch, but I'm not seeing much here on the main system menu?
Nothing anyone? Guess it'll largely be collecting dust until games come out.
just sell it and kys
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It's okay. Miku loves you all.
Streaming apps
Pop a DVD in there
I don't know what you were expecting.
Anyone? I can't find any comprehensive reviews on the new controller anywhere talking about anything but the fact it has a front facing light bar.
why dont you just buy some of those thumb grip things to put over the stick?
Yes, the new one is better. I just got mine a couple of days ago and I love it. The battery life is definitely longer, and the thumbgrips feel better. It also just looks nicer.
Not interested in streaming stuff on this or any other device. DVD/BD is nice but I could just continue using my PS3 for those. No clue what Spotify is. I was expecting it to have some of the media features PS3 has. Photo galleries, cd playback/ripping. Music/Video playback directly from the hdd. I didn't expecting folding@home or PS Home to return, though either or would've been nice. PS4 just feels really stripped down froms its predecessor. Its basically like my Wii U right now. It can play games... and that's that (though at least the U has BC so...).
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Tales of Berseria english demo on Jan 10th

>mfw this and Nier and GR2 in the next few months
>complain when a console does more than play video games
>complain when a console just plays video games
What reason would anyone use a photo gallery or cd playback these days? especially on a video game console?
>tales of
shit sux
Pssshhhh, I've already won pal. Give it up. I even gave you 25 minutes to contemplate how stupid that reply was. It's over
Because my controller has other problems, deadzone is starting to get huge, so i'm looking into buying a nother one, and i'll splurge the extra $10 if the new one is worth it and has sticks that aren't garbage.
Fuck off you attention whore.
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>tfw just enrolled in college
>he fell for the college meme
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Good luck, baby girl. We believe in you!
>mericans will fall for this meme

physical and 4-players co op

Jesus fuck. Is this how things are going to be for PSVR? Pieces of games? 450€ for pieces of games?
>early adopters
I learned my lesson from Move, luckily that was only like $50.
Whats the cheapest place in the US to get a Pro? Amazon itself is out of stock.
>Akiba's Beat demo

Why does Akiba feel so dead compared to the last game?
>ride the car with Cidney
paying hundreds of us dollars to stare down her top with motion tracking will just make me yearn for vr porn that isn't garbage

>the actual game playable in VR
as neat as that would be, i think i'd vomit if i had to actually experience noctis' teleporting thing
as someone working on a psvr game where you teleport, it's not as nausea inducing as you might think.

Noctis always has to warp to a weapon, so you could easily gently focus the camera on the weapon so people can focus on it and just do some distortion/blue flareups around the corners of the fov.

obviously they're not doing the full game but yeah, I don't think it'd be too bad. The controls would be the worst part.
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Friendly reminder to not buy
Nier (press X to auto-play)
Tales of Berseria (game is heavily censored and false advertised)
Atelier Firis (bugged shit)

Pirate it on PC if you have to.
Does only PSN require credit card information? Would rather not use my debit info, and there are some games in the story I might get with gift cards or something.
Use Paypal.
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>Shit of Censoria
Cartoony can work yeah, I'm actually playing through R&C now and it does look rather good, but I don't think Crash is a very good cartoony.

As for your shit taste, don't think there's a cure for that anon
Why would they even do this? Were they aiming at lower rating or something?
Barring what was just posted, are we talking NoA level of censoring/changes or...?
thought it was usually jap devs giving westerners hot shit for loving violence too much, what was the rationale here? imagery too striking? excessive penetration?
How else have they censored it? Do I cancel my preorder?

I think it's cus a kid gets shanked the fuck up. It won't appeal to moms whose kids have been stabbed to death.
How retarded one must be to preorder a Tales game? Do you have Mass Effect preordered as well?
99% of the time you see changes like this, it's to get round standards without having to get a higher age rating.

The way ESRB and PEGI and all that work is that they essentially have check lists and if certain things get checked, the game will get an age rating fitting that check. Small changes in context can be considered enough for that check to not be ticked though and can mean the difference between a Teen rating and a Mature rating.

Child murder is almost certainly one of them.
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>Berseria censorship
First of all, it's probably only on youtube.

Second of all, y'all are some crazy ass people if you want to see that, stay the hell away from me.

And lastly stop making devs not even bring over games because the smallest little nothing that's not affecting the game in anyway is being removed or misplaced differently.
Is this from Gematsu or Neogaf?
>First of all, it's probably only on youtube.
>Implying they remade a fucking cutscene in the game just for youtube
You're fucking retarded. Also
>Being a censorship apologist
kill yourself
>changing a game in any way
>okay ever
fuck off.
>He thinks it's hard to move place one cutscene into a video to not fuck up sales
>Being this retarded
>Ruining games for others
Fuck me, what has happened to this place.
>Am i doing it right?
1/10 b8

You're not even trying anymore.
A...anyone play The Tomorrow Children
But you're still replying, aren't you
That's why I gave it a 1 out of 10.
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>This thread
No because I don't like mass effect.

I preordered so I could forget about it and have it arrive at my door when it releases.
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my waif
>different shoes
It's the same shoes, just only one sock
Why is her right shoe dirty and the left one clean?
Ninja thing
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>No stream in 4 months
>No updates on the game
>PSX over and no announcement
>Beta 2016
So does she love William? Seems like she's pretty fond of him in the manga.
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Only 3 weeks left until the beta.
It's more like respect, she loves only me
Put it's december
Half of those "non retail games" has retail edition you mong
Classes start in January
and you enrolled in december
Anyone got a good link for trophy hunting Journey?

Like a good walkthrough or some shit
At least I did it anon, just be proud
>playing that when Let It Die exists
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Man they really did a good job with R&C on PS4 didn't they. Feels like a proper 3D platformer of days gone by.

Enjoying it quite a bit, love the 3D Platformer genre but it's been such a dying breed for so long
Played both, had to delete Let it Die because I didn't have enough storage space

Kept Tomorrow Children
Thoroughly great game, just the story and characters were boring.
Yeah was actually thinking the same really.

On another note, with games being as big as they are these days it almost feels odd playing this because realistically, I could probably blow through the whole thing in a weekend. It's a fairly linear experience but it feels a shame because it's not one I want to end so quickly
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The autism.
Never play another one please.
>buying censored shit
latest chapter is pretty good, reveals who the winged dude in the PSX trailer is and a new guardian spirit.
>supporting censorship
Peach Beach will be my first Senran game. Can anyone give me a quick summary of the plot and backstory?
titty ninja endure generic rival schools-flavored shounen plot in timeline 1

then timeline 2 happens on sony consoles and it's just dumb bullshit and also there are more waifus. limbo is a beach and death is meaningless
>Not supporting good games
This is why we can't have nice things.
Go back and play your triple A garbage, fuckbois.
Kill yourself. No fucking way should you support this translation. Buy the Japanese version and pirate the inevitable uncensored version for PC if you want to support it. Namco Bandai US don't deserve your money for this shit.
Kind of sad William probably won't have the same personality in the game.
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>good game
>Play the game
>WIlliam is just a self-insert character
>There's barely any story like in Souls games
>If you want to understand shit you have to read item descriptions
pls no
He has such a fun personality in the manga, but I know it won't carry over into the game at all.
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That's not gonna happen.
We already got a bunch of story cutscenes from trailers and the beta.
Nioh will have a non-ambiguous story.
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>We already got a bunch of story cutscenes
Same with MGS V and FFXV and look how that turned out. I want to be optimistic, but bigger budget Jap games have been either meh or shit lately.
This has sony backing ;^)
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I didn't say it wouldn't have cut content or unsatisfying story.
But it will have a definitive story.

William goes to Japan to rescue his spirit guardian from Kerri and he gets dragged into warring states era politics while there.
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any chance FFVII goes on sale?
What's your favourite game on PS4?

Probably a toss up between MGSV, Witcher 3 and Arkham Knight for me. Heck, there's probably another one or two I've forgotten
What is your opinion on profiles new look?
What is your opinion on NPD?
What is your opinion on anime girls?
>What is your opinion on profiles new look?
What new look?
>What is your opinion on NPD?
What? The sales?
>What is your opinion on anime girls?
They're ok.
Witcher 3 by far
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Gundam Breaker 3
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Disgaea 5 and/or Gravity Rush Remastered.
No one cares about your shit taste, attention whore.
Project Diva Future Tone.
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Bloodborne is the greatest game of this gen and that's an end on it. The greatest.
>What's your favourite game on PS4?
None. It has no games. Thankfully this will change starting in January. 2017 will be the year I finally pick up a PS4.
see >>162207324
Ratchet and Clank or Odin Sphere
Pretty good graphics. Which games like this should I check out?
I miss bumming around on playstation home on the PS3

Why isn't there a successor for the PS4?
I'm surprised they updated Home for as long as they did. It was cute, but also kind of shitty and it was like a gathering place for creepy fuckers.
Bowling was pretty comfy though.
>but bigger budget Jap games have been either meh or shit lately.
And smaller budget games don't get localized and/or ps vita only.
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Just bought G Genesis and SRW Moon Dwellers, with Gundam Breaker 3 I barely touched ffxv and filled my mecha quota.

Are there any other good RPGs than ff I could play? I don't mind multiplats but I've already got Wild Hunt on the PC.

I sucked at soulsborne games, though, as my right eye isn't exactly good.
Dragon quest builders
Aint that a minecraft thing?
yeah it a minecraft x zelda thing
>psprofile got new, ugly look

Why do they do this?
It's not near as Minecraft as it would seem. Try the demo, it's pretty cool.
I don't think that looks bad at all. It really doesn't seem all that different.
Ah, yes then I would go try the demo. Thanks!
The font is ugly at the very least.
It's not awful. It looks pretty bad in all caps at the top, though, assuming that's the same font.
I don't know, it could be so worse. I compare everything to the Last.fm overhaul to make myself feel better. Nothing will disappoint me like that did.
Sony won November's NPD guys


brb I need to pay /v/ a visit :^)
You told me once PS4 hits 50 million you'd post your hand.
Limited Edition Pros when?
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No way you creep
>beach chapter
>going to beanything but complete shite
I don't think they will. It's already a niche product. Just makes potential audience even smaller.
Does anyone have a link to the Nioh manga that's been out for a bit?
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Is FFX a good game? My only experience is with FFXV
Yes. Hell X-2 has some of the best ATB gameplay as well.
Why the fuck is there still no sfm porn of cindy?
Fucking dogfucker sfm makers
This girl has no ass and it makes me angry
It's accurate cosplay.
I don't suppose anyone here is familiar with sales on Driveclub stuff, are they? If so, how often does the season pass go on sale and is it better to buy that full game + season pass deal or the one that the game gives you specifically for a disk copy? I'd assume the former since it would probably be discounted more often. Is Bikes also included in the list or just the DLC for it?
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I really want to support this on release, but I already have Digimon and Yakuza 0 pre-ordered which need support just as much and come out all within the same week or so.
Fucking delays. Fucking January.
does she sell propane?
I'm so gald she is fully a Sony-only anime grill.
>joel just died
>that's his blood on her
>she's about to kill every firefly she can find to avenge him
>he's a ghost or delusion of Ellie's fractured mental state

hey 40 how do I increase my stats fast with shards/extract, already doing the carnage asagi match and it's pretty slow I'm doing it on star 5.
>sony only anime grill
>ends up being best grill
how do they do it
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>but I already have Digimon and Yakuza 0 pre-ordered which need support just as much and come out all within the same week or so

Start of the year is pretty packed in general, so I'm just hoping those titles get through to a decent amount of people.
don't reply to me =poster, I wanted an answer from a decent person.
What the fuck are you talking about

I feel like throwing Gravity Rush 2 up against a bunch of other niche titles was a far worse idea than just dropping it as initially planned among more mainstream heavy hitters, but I guess that's just me.
>no Final Fantasy XV
>Godzilla still up
>Until Dawn still up
one fucking job
While I own and enjoyed Godzilla, I agree with your sentiment.
Until Dawn, however, is a legitimately good game, and you're a fag.
>the guy who has a vendetta against godzilla
Fuck off, it's a good game and many of us agree.
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I wouldn't mind. Joel was a dumb generic white guy character, I hope they spice things up a bit in part 2
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>1000 owners even further cucked on BF1 online


Feels good
Spent an hour and a half holding square to kill the adamantoise.
Should I just end it all now?
post your battlelog cuckboi. I bet your spm is like 400
I've never had a death and thought, "Yep, that was because of the framerate." TTK is so low that you're pretty much dead if someone gets the drop on you anyway, unless they are just completely incompetent.
I suck at the game, so no.
But ever since I got a Pro my KDR has improved drastically.
So you never played operations or Conquest 64...
How does it feel to be dominated by my 40fps ps4 1000?
Those are literally the only modes I play.
bf isn't a twitch shooter like that unless you are a good player and run into another good player at point blank range. I used to play over wifi with 1 bar reception on servers way outside my region and still do well. but yeah a few extra fps isn't going to make a difference.
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>almost 2017
>most games still only have 2 genders
does Galko like colored men?
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I want to make gladio watch while I ravage his sister.
>playing Cuckfield One
>calling other people cucks

The ironing is here, lads
I want to kiss nyonmyan-chan!
FFX is a good game. Whether or not you'll like it is a matter of personal taste, but it's a solid, well made game and it's the highest selling individual title in the series.

As far as comparisons to FFXV, you should know FFX is completely turn based in it's battles and very linear all the way through.
Got a slim. Liking it so far. Did any of you owned the playstation since 1 or did you switch? Recently converted from Xbox.
Since 1. Ive never owned a PSP though just everything else
I want to make Iris watch while Gladio ravages me.
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Anyone got the new blazblue? How dead is the online already?
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bow down ps4g
I don't like the games artstyle. Like the characters are okay and everything but the world and everything in it looks really unappealing to me. GR1 was even worse because of the green / brown colorscheme and vita limitations.
Well I do. Sorry anon.
That's fine man, everyone has their own preferences. I think the girl in the webm would be cuter with spats and longer socks.
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>he doesn't like the green brown colorscheme
mate no
I think the second one looks better already. It's hard to explain, but it kinda reminds me of 70s movies or something. It's just not really my thing.
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this webm >>162243264 is from the second game. as is pic related - the green/brown color scheme is still there, it's just not being advertised as much
both games are styled after french art and structures, it's just the main/starting area in GR2 has a much more colorful palette, while the main area in GR1 didn't.
From what I understand the raven DLC is a throw back into the first game, isn't it? Isn't the second game supposed to be higher up that pillar since kat is trying to get back home? It would explain why GR2 has different looking areas compared to the first one.
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The Raven DLC fills in some spots that were left empty in the first game - but you can revisit the areas from the first game in the normal story of GR2, not just the Raven DLC.
This pic isn't a location from GR1: >>162243675
It's a new area for GR2.
But yeah, the height thing is why it's brighter, probably. They said that with GR2 they were aiming to show a clear hierarchy.

I just think GR1 has some fantastic art direction, even if it doesn't use the most conventional colors.
The thing that bothers me the most about GR is how nobody seems to give a fuck that kat is actually a mass murderer and you throw hundreds of peoples down into the abyss whenever you take off.
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Why are the girls such pain in the asses in Xtreme 3? At 2 notes they refuse to partner up and they refuse to accept presents, and if you try doing either they resent you for it and after 2 attempts of giving gifts they drop to 1 note.

I'm about to stop bothering with trying to team up with certain girls and will just accept the free partner you get at the start of the vacation.

Also mfw spending 1 million owner bucks to give a girl a swimsuit and she refuses, and having to blow another 500k to wrap it back up.
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it's funny, but not something I'm fussed about. They could just handwave it away in GR2 saying there is a special system that catches people when they fall or something. whats an indie game without stupid shit the devs somehow overlooked.
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Played GR2 at PSX. I like her new animations. Sometimes she'll do a cannon ball while falling.
I like how Toyama used the fog technique he used in Silent Hill 1 to hide draw distance on the Vita.
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What is her big toe resting on? Why would they draw something like that in?
Daily reminder YNA is fucking poor
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Nice clipping.
Mikudayo has nice tits
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You think so?

truly the thinking man's waifu
thanks for the reminder kind anon, I kek'd hard
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Bloodborne: Old Hunters or FFXIV?
Not me though ay faggot.

She tries to see the good in everybody. But shotas are her favorite.
yeah prettty epic joke xD kek
I want to be sensei's favorite student.
Just so you fags remember if any of you don't buy EDF 5 on the day of release I'll know and by then it will be too late to apologise.
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>those heels
Though really, everything is fantastic.
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She's too pure and innocent for you m8
Old Hunters
>pure and innocent
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That's usually only with girl students.
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Fucking slut asking me to impregnate her.
why you stupid game playing nerd always put hot sexy image?
i come to 4chan to masturbate you always put hot sexy image and i come to your area theres no more hot sexy image.
>ex-JAV pornstar
>Doesn't even show nips anymore

RIP Anri
That's it, I'm flying to Japan just to spend the night with Anri.
Tempting, but I don't know where she's been. No wait I do know.
Anybody knows about how is Yakuza 6 on Pro?
anri tits in 4k.
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Is it stupid to worry about hard drive failure when upgrading to 2TB? Reading reviews of this Seagate one and some say it stops working, though that's likely for PC as opposed to PS4

I have Plus but not really sure what benefits that offers outside of free games
which seagate drive? the external ones where you harvest the drive from doesn't actually have a seagate hd inside them. it's a samsung drive. https://www.reddit.com/r/PS4/comments/326red/is_the_seagate_backup_plus_slim_2tb_external_hard/
>Wake up
>Still no Trails of Cold Steel 2 on ps4
Yeah shit, that's the one I meant


How are they?
is that even the right one? i don't see a size listed anywhere. It should look like this https://www.amazon.com/Seagate-Backup-Portable-External-STDR2000100/dp/B00FRHTSK4
Can't wait for this to get removed before it hits Stateside!
There's a dropdown box, you select the size there.

It seems the right one to me, the images on the UK Amazon and the eBay page seem to line up


New Gravity Rush 2 trailer
wtf that ebay link has pics for two different drives. well at least you know it will work with ps4 going off of those reviews. some dude posted a pic of it working on his ps4 so you should be good.
>tfw you will never lick nyonmyan's cunny

kill me now
yna is open for business. xe is saving for a ps4 pro.
You mean filthy dick you faggot
desu nyonmyan > yna, superior ps4g waifu is superior

nah, she's a slav lass, she even showed her boobs for the lads here
>kill me now
That would be for the best, addy. Kill yourself. Both, you and nyonman are attention whores that need to kill yourselves.
I bet this nyonmyan stopped posting here after all this trash.
>girls hate attention

lmao, what a dum dum
you can thank addy for it. we can't even talk about her because you get accused of being that autistic fuck
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mfw the fat australian fuck unironically thought he had a chance with a solid 8.7/10 slav goddess
Nope, he's homo tranny faggot

You mean homo god
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>death stranding uses guerrilla's engine
>pc petition for death stranding
So GR2 confirmed to have a shit ending? Since the GR world is all just a dream and everyone's actually going to perish
delet this. Kat can't die ;_;
Is Battlefield 1 worth it now that it is 32£ ? or should i wait for inevitable Titanfall 2 discount , or maybe just get Rocket League on steam.
I'm a jaded little fuck, but even I'm having tons of fun with the console version of BF1. I recommend it.
Here's nioh gameplay that you can watch in 4k/60 fps running on the pro.

I love how I've been banned from /v/ specifically for making a thread about this with an actual picture of the game.
Oh god her voice is triggering my ASMR
/v/ mods are retards. I got a 3 day ban for posting official art from the game in that specific games thread because it was somehow off topic.
>cinnemassacre uploaded yet another video shitting on PS4
Fucking cucks.
>tfw Dreams is literally never coming out
You should know by now that it will be pushed back 10 years to be released on the PS5 as a disappointment.
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Anon the beta is launching this month. You'll see.
james rolfe is a fucking cuck
Whay do you see in dreams anon?? It looks fucking boring a'la 'you will have make your own' style shit
have to*
Do you think Dreamsanon will finally kill himself when Dreams gets canceled?
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I got banned from /v/ as well for making a Nier thread announcing that that the PC port was delayed.

Another one yesterday because the PS4 won November's NPD.

Like what the fuck? How anti Sony can those cucks get? kek
By announcing the PC port was delayed, do you mean posting "AHAHAHA FUCKING PKEKS" or some other shit like that?

If so, please stop making it harder to discuss Nier legitimately.
he's right, KYS cuck
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It was a screenshot of the gematsu article with the UPDATE and the delayed news, and the link to the article itself plus NEVER EVER on the subject field.

The NPD one had a link to neogaf but I've had mods delete my threads even if they were pretty harmless (no shitposting) or neutral but since they were Pro Sony they still got the axe.

I've come to the conclusion that those mods on /v/ are huge nintendrones, it all made sense when they """"""forgot""""""" to sticky on of Sony's major conferences last year but they would sticky any 10 minute long Nintendo direct as if their life depended on it.
Because /v/ is a shit hole full of pcucks, the good pcfags are a minority. Steam ruined the pc fanbase forever.
Please stop making it harder to discuss Nier legitimately.
I'm so torn. I just got The Last Guardian but it runs like dogshit on my vanilla PS4. I want to get a PS4 Pro so I can play locked at 30 fps ( I don't have a 4K monitor yet... Eventually but not yet). I'm trying to justify the purchase by saying I can definitely use it as well for Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last of Us 2, and Death stranding...

But I feel like Death Stranding and TLoU2 will be out in a post PS5 era. These are really the only games I care about as a primarily PC gamer though...

Tweet Shu again asking if DS is exclusive, and keep asking until he answers.
just get it what the hell else were you gonna do with that money
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I have a seething anger because of Mass Effect 3 and how it raped the franchise. Bioware has become a shell filled with SJW devs but I am really curious about the new game.
I just wish they would hand the IP to a different studio.
While YNA is a fag, he's kinda right. /v/ was and will mostly always be a PCfag and Nintendofag central. The only Sony games that don't get shitposted to death are Yakuza and Gravity Rush threads.
Dreams kun is steadfast in his/her crusade.
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>go to /v/
>see an anti-switch thread >>>/v/360165040
>some unfunny post mocking the OP gets tons of replies
Epic. Nintendofags really are desperate.
Why Gravity Rush
They still cannot do facial animations for the life of them.
Niche. Just like Yakuza. Shitposters don't know about them, so they don't pick up on them.

There was some clickbait site that said Yakuza 0 is coming to PC last year, so shitposters invaded Yakuza threads claiming how Master Race won yet again. When most of them were asked they said they never even heard or knew about the series before.
Part of the reason a lot of games get shitposted it that it's perpetuated and shitposted by both sides or people just being ironic. Or both. The one consistent element is that they don't actually give a shit about the game itself, just the platform(s).

And assuming >>162286115 is YNA, he's one of those people.

In any case, it stops games from actually getting discussed normally. Platform arguments are pure cancer to anyone wanting to actually discuss video games.
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/v/ and "ironic" shitposting was a mistake
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Last post from me about /v/ since it's off topic.
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>Going to /v/
>Discussing things on /v/
40-nee, how come you let YNA shitpost?
They literally proved how worthless your placebo console is
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It's been like what 4 years now?

You can't fix the shithole that is /v/

Platform wars are literally the best way to collect PC and nintendo tears
You are pure cancer.
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The only way to stop this kind of shitposting is with extremely strong moderation because the people who do it legitimately believe there's nothing wrong with it. See: the pic in >>162288147 and >>162290576 for it in practice.

As moot said before he left, /a/ is probably the best large board because it actually discusses its subject matter without trying to turn literally everything into a shitpost, and that's partially because /a/ saw the way /v/ was going and told anyone who perpetuated the "<board> actually hates <subject matter of board>" or "this place is for shitposting anyway" garbage to fuck off.

Those things were once jokes, but now people think it's what defines the place on /v/.
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>goes to /v/ to shitpost about platforms
>complains people shitpost about platforms there
End your life already, you're not getting any (You)'s anymore
>The only way to stop this kind of shitposting is with extremely strong moderation
If people just had fucking self control and didn't need to respond to someone obviously fishing for replies this wouldn't even be a problem. I guess that just comes with the low average age of posters I assume /v/ has.
Are we getting Yakuza 6 in the UK?

Knowing Takeshi Kitano is in it makes me want it.
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I got 300+ replies today

kys 40
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At the very least you'll be able to import.
Of course. It's been confirmed for the western release. Both NA and EU regions will get physical releases as well.
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Whats next for him?
get a job instead then maybe you'll have 300+ bucks for the pro. poor cunt
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A McDonalds job hopefully. But if seriously, I hate him. He delayed the fucking game under the pretext that he doesn't want to release a day 1 patch, then goes out and still releases a day 1 patch and then says that the game isn't actually finished so he'll add more story to the game, rework chapter 13 because it was shit and add more playable characters (which was supposed to be a thing since Versus XIII).

>SSD didn't arrive on friday
>no point buying pro until monday, if it even arrives then
>also some other parts didn't arrive so plan to spend weekend fixing two laptops can't happen either

how's everyone liking the pro dualshock anyway?
Kingdom Hearts :^)
Well I might as well go fuck myself then, thanks pal.
Nigga you do nothing but shitpost. You are only here to get attention and shit up the board. People like you are the fucking problem.
What is Kiwami exactly?
>Created 3rd Birthday
>It ends with you killing yourself
>Created FF Type-0
>Ends with you and almost all of your classmates dying
>Created FFXV
>Ends with you dying
just a remake of 1 with the gameplay of 0
fetish, thematic obsession, or complete lack of imagination
So hopefully he kills himself, I guess.
>2 Yakuza games next year

My wallet is in pain.
I really wish they both came out in 2017. Would be amazing to start the year with one and end it with another.
We're starting with 0 and ending with Kawami then starting 2018 with 6 and possibly ending it with Shenmue 3.or at least Shenmue HD Collection.
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I'm still going to say that Shenmue 3 is even a long-shot at coming out in 2018. An HD collection of 1 and 2 would be a nice consolation in all that, but I really do wonder how willing they'd be for that right now.
PSN slow as fuck for anyone else right now? I'm hooked to ethernet and getting 59 hours for an 8GB update.
Posted by accident in final fantasy general lel

Guess we know what's getting cut out of the game for the Western release!
Maybe if it was NISA or Bamco
Can anyone download some shit and confirm? I'm getting fuckin pissed god damn I hate PSN
I need to titfuck Anri.
It's you
They've already removed content from Yakuza games before.
Well then fuck
i have 60 mbps download and steam is downloading shit at full speed, asked another guy and his DL for COD won't even start, i dont think so
try test your connection then change mtu maybe
How's Arcania? Worth $4?
>hesitant to spend $4

You should be less concerned about videogames and more about catching the bus to the soup kitchen tonight.
lol why the fuck is that game on ps4
It was terrible when it came out I can't imagine playing it now.
YNA and nyonmyan are gays and should be a couple
So did anyone actually pick up Ark? Is it any good on ps4? Is it any good in general?
It's not bad on the pro, less so on the original. The game is just a mess in general, with the UI being absolute dog shit.
Nylonman is a girl!
pretty sure that is the christmas deal. ps4 is now 250 that's it
lol kys
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>tfw waiting for a decent pro bundle
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>tfw waiting for a decent slim bundle
>everything is $250
>can it be $250 with a year of psn and I'll buy
>can I pick the fucking game, I don't want uncharted 4000
Someone had a Pro and FFXV for 400 the other day.
You're a gay
I'd jump at that. The only bundles here are Pro + Watchdogs 2 or Skyrim.
Won't everything be cheaper from boxing day or is the Christmas period the best chance for deals?
Black Friday was the best time for deals. They are now screwed.
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>oh woops forgot your psn $60
>download ark: survival evolved
>expecting banter and people messing around
>eyes hurt just from turning
>nobody uses their mic
>I have to farm berrries for hours to even move

how do I get over the fact that I just wasted £30
Remind yourself that you will die with way more than $30 in the bank
>$1000 PC
>oh whoops forgot about that $120 OS.
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my complaint was that psn was free before you retard. I don't even need psn until tekken comes out
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What happened to this guy? Is he working on something?
He's making XVI with Dressphere/LR Combat.
Why so defensive? I was just pointing out my experience in building PCs.
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>PSN gets hacked
>hacker deactivates my console and sets his to primary
>change my pass and set up 2 step verification
>still can't active my ps4 as primary
>talk to 2 "people" using sony's online support
>they tell me I can deactivate it myself using the website if it's been 6 months since it was last deactivated or use some specialist link
>can't do the first on because that's how the hacker deactivated my account in the first place
>Get denied with the specialist because 6 months haven't passed
>Talk to a third "person" on online support
>Before I'm even finished explaining they start pasting the same links
>Ends up telling me the only thing I can do is wait the six months
>Call Sony Customer Support
>Yolanda gets everything fixed up in a day
I'm still mad thank you though Yolanda I'm sorry they make you say greatness awaits when you pick up the phone.
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what does that have to do with ps4
Girl with a dick
>Codes don't work from PSX
>Contact Sony
>It's fixed the next day.

I never got a "Greatness Awaits" from online support.
Parappa the rapper demo is like under 5 minutes long.
Wtf, I have still no idea what the game is about.
I talked to a real person for the last one online support sucks ass.
I'm not you YNA
How old are you?
It's rhythm game about rapping you idiot
yeah and I have no idea why I was getting bad score for pressing the correct buttons
because you have to spam them.
>because you have to spam them.
can you elaborate?
You're a dog who's trying to impress a flower so you go on a adventure to learn how to fight, drive, cook, and take shits then you do a stage performance at the end. Typical rhythm games story stuff but it was the first. Just think 8 mile before 8 mile was a thing. I'm having trouble getting cool mode to trigger but it's possible.
mash that button
dont tell me what to do
so is different than a regular rhythm game?
sorry, i forgot to ask kindly
Vow to do more research before buying in the future.

Gitaroo Man Remastered when?

Monkey Magic remaster when?
>First Light 1.04 patch notes
>added dynamic physics to fetch's buttocks when wearing curdun cay costume
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She's too perfect
Final fantasy 15s worst enemy, the fucking camera.
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trump dumped?.jpg
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Will you buy Knack 2?
so after an abrupt power failure I was asked to reinstall 4.07 system firmware update via portable storage device
>CE-34788-0 x 4
and it would appears previous updates will include also a bigger usually 800ishmb .PUP file for this kind of situation
>can't find it nowhere
Check Your Weekly PlayStation Store Update Email - 20% Off Unique PSN Code NA only
Eh, it's not so bad when you realize that using lock-on is fucking awful and play without touching it.
I don't get emails from sony. Only when I add funds. I didn't even get an email when I got b&
>was hyped for Nier Automata
>now it's on PC and will most likely have denuvo so I'll have to wait a couple of months before I can pirate it
>was hyped for Berseria
>same shit

It's just not the same.
Well at the very least you can play it on PS4 first, probably for a few months and nearly the same time as the japs
Yeah but that would cost me 60 bucks each so no.
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Thought you were gonna pirate it
Even if I pirate those games they won't be released for fucking free on the PS4, will they? And yes, tales of berseria and nier automata will both be fucking 60 bucks.
Jesus Christ, dude.
>Not henkakuing your ps4
That's probably you in real life, kek
seems to be not equipped with 4.07 fullpack
what do
>not paying for good games
Why would I pay for them? They obviously went the PC route to make more money and I haven't bought a PC game in the last 10 years which means they're making enough even without me.
To not be a failure as a human? I forgot that poorfags forgo being anything more than a mumbling Homunculus.
How about no. Why don't you just buy 2 copies if it really bothers you that much?
Why should I carry your worthless carcass, you shitty Brazillian.
I don't know. Maybe because it bothers you and not me? I already told you that they're apparently making enough from the PC port so I don't need to pay.
>Muh faith in humanity
I'd tell you to go fuck yourself but it seems you're already loosening that asshole from getting assfucked by shitty publishers giant smegma cocks
If I liked 12.3 will I like Genso Rondo? Or are they quite different?
Why did you pay for that shit? Should have been f2p.
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Left or RIght?
right looks hotter in this case but typically I don't like yomi and prefer homu so I'm very conflicted here
I would have sex with the left girl until she had my baby
I would be the one guy that risks both at the same time.
Right. She's confirmed the softest and I'd love to hear her soothing voice as I fuck those tits.
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She smells like a wild beast though.
>looks hotter in this case
they are literally symmetrical
all the more reason that my penis would remain erect
Aside from their face, hair, skin tone, and outfit
Tanlines are the superiorest fetish.

Not to mention that good ol' /v/ cynicism. EVERY new release regardless of quality or merit gets shat on. Granted, the topics there are a lot more on topic than before; I used to joke that /v/ was the one board that took pride in not discussing the topic of the board.
Recommend me some pandas
Should I play WatHK after I plat WD2, or finish Tomb Raider
The game is quite long, like 30-40 hours to complete and it can be really repetetive.
What actually happened to Toukiden 2?
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Don't just fucking die all of a sudden when we're this close to a new thread.
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Ram is the superior brown girl.
post more kat then
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I want Kat to grope my dick with her tits.
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Katsuragi china dress.webm
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>Set up PS4
>Whenever I turn it on screen goes black and I can't switch between HDMI and DVI anymore until it's off
>Google it
>See all about this black screen problem
>Fix doesn't work
>Think I'm fucked
>Turns out I didn't fully plug in the cable on the ps4 side.
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post more ram
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Which number did you use to call Sony Customer support?
How good is dead or alive xtreme 3? I wanna get it digitally and wonder if it is tough to set up.
(800) 345-7669
Taro is a steam whore, he deserves to be pirated
No, it's a cheesy bug filled mess, all enemies can be cheesed by walking backwards and firing, the plot routinely forgets to finish storylines (It's heavily implied you're the last member of a priestess race, then the game goes "NOPE" imprisons the only member of that race in a mountain then never explain what you are) and when it does finish those storylines it goes over about as well as a wet fart. It's a bad game, the worst part about it is that it ends, then starts up with a new expansion and I just groaned. I groaned at the idea of new content.

> TFW waiting for a white pro
Curse the Wii for showing me that I like white consoles.
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