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/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 751
Thread images: 153

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>Join the Dinosaur Jam

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> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
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Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

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> Engines
Unity: unity3d.com
UE4: unrealengine.com
Godot: godotengine.org
Haxe: haxeflixel.com
LÖVE: love2d.org
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio
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How do I low poly
my progress isnt good enough

This is the babby pit bro. There's a reason why it's called amature.
be good at modelling
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I made my first game for Space Jam a few months ago, and after a lot of dicking around I want to make another game. Its gonna be a short platformer, since that seems like the next logical step in terms of complexity.

What should it be about?
>at modelling
at texturing. Low poly is all about texturing.
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so, what do you guys do besides game deving?

college? NEETs?
web deving for college final

>tfw had to drop my gamedev for a 3 weeks now
Square jumps on other squares.
Is coding hard to learn?
NEET. The freedom feels good, man.
thenewboston on youtube
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I work retail for minimum wage.
Don't listen to >>161670498, whatever you do.
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getting some tiling set up. im aware it looks horrid right now and the assets are mis matched and just overall bad, but i really wanted to stop seeing F F F F everywhere.
PHP web dev. though I just quit my job and have money in the bank so might just dev full time for a while
fuck off. thenewboston is fine for absolute beginners but make sure to read a book afterward.
No, he's garbage. Go straight to a book.
Nice stolen assets, thief.
You are right, but sprites/tiles alone are looking climatic. Nice.
i also feel strong kinship with dope pushing songs
its pretty much gamedev
yeah, im using castlevania 1 sprites and castlevania 2 tiles as placeholders until i get my own made. thats what i meant by mis matched.

thank you
your """"games"""" = dirt weed
whicha working on googs?
yeah sorry im not into making LSD games. they're just not interesting, whiteboi.
He's in his friend simulator chatroom looking to be coddled. He doesn't actually gamedev.
engineering degree at college
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new government simulator.
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literally all he wants to do is play, guys
gamedev 10-12 hours a day for money

Started sleeping more to compensate and now I'm on an irregular 28 hour rotating schedule rather than 24 hour.
>LSD games

>Watch every single movie with May

God I'm so lonely.
Having finally experienced the ultimate game of catch, skeleton returns to the earth at peace.
find rips of models from games on low-end systems, either old or handhelds, and take notes on how they have approached various things
is there a decompiler for gm8
amadeus amadeus
amadeus amadeus
oh oh oh oh amadeus
amadeus amadeus
amadeus amadeus
another tryhard comeback that made no sense
he's good at that
This post is making fun of us because Mozart made so much at such a young age.
I'm a low-poly artist working right now and I usually explain it to be like this:
Imagine you have paper, scissors, tape, and paint or something.

Imagine cutting out shapes making a little doll figure in 3d and then painting on the details.

It's up to you how far you want to go, and how far you have to go with the shape. You could make 5 boxes (one for head, one for torso, 4 for limbs.) You could make the limbs each actually have 2 boxes (so for joints), you could make another box for hands... etc etc. And then you just attach them all.

So if you want an elbow to be pointy or an inner-elbow to have a flat - if you want fingers to exist, or the implication of a nose, or a curve toward the hips or whatever. You do what you want.

But it'll look super vague and then you paint it to look good! Look at old videogames and try to ignore the textures if you can - notice how cheap the shapes are and how most of the environment is pretty cuboidal most of the time.

Then, turn on the textures (hopefully with nearest texture render modes enabled) and then realize how they accent edges and do their brights and darks. Is it a cartoon like Megaman Legends? Or is it something super detailed like Metroid:Hunters (Metroid hunters looks fantastic by the way if you ever see it up close - the rendering style is pretty perfect for a semi-realistic lowpoly game)
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>You could make 5 boxes (one for head, one for torso, 4 for limbs.)
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guys help. I'm making a game concept with a friend right now and we're discussing ideas and concepts but there's a huge problem.
He thinks the story is the most important part of the game
how do i tell him hes wrong without sounding like a dick?
You can't tell him he's wrong because he's not wrong. It's called an opinion anon. Some people want to make "games" that are all about story. Some people want to make actually good games. You each want different things.
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Am I the only non white gamedev in this general
Okay you /could/. The point is its up to them how they define their own models features - and you start to understand more why certain low poly models ended up the way they did back in the day using this kind of logic. What do you need? What don't you need? You probably need knees and elbows.

You probably don't need lips ever.
be open minded, hear him out all the way.
once he's done ask him where's the fucking game you piece of shit? and then make a game on your own.
How could you tell? Was it the fact that everyone's posting anonymously?
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>>You could make 5 boxes (one for head, one for torso, 4 for limbs.)

>5 boxes
>1 (head) + 1 (torso) + 4 (limbs)
>1 + 1 + 4 = 5
>6 = 5
focusing on the crucial details. you'll go far
i was just making fun of your post as i was skimming past it. you didn't understand my post so i explained.

relax, anon.
Got mouse support mostly working for the pause menu. On a side note, I think I finally know what I want to do with the accessories, but I'll save that for later. Back to fun things.
Nice, keep it if you weren't planning to do so, it's cool.
How do I make a dedicated server webpage that my game can retrieve/update a list from?
feel free to leave
Thanks! Yeah, I'm gonna keep it. I love little easter eggs so doing this kind of stuff is my jam.
what's up with that stage?

Keep it up.
the ui retrieves the stage number which is a global variable that is set at the first section of every stage. since i jumped right to this section and bypassed it, the ui bug a little.

thank you!

Depends entirely on the game. Story can be pretty important for making your first game stand out if you don't plan on implementing truly unique mechanics.
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Don't forget to vote!

I learnt C++ from the new boston. It was shit. But it was what I needed to get started programming and I've now been doing it for years.

Just make sure he isn't your only source of learning. Look at good practices for your language, read books, keep up to date with some kind of community (e.g. cplusplus forums) where you can ask newbie questions and more importantly read other newbie questions.

>>161670393 You'll be fine. It's just going to take a while.
Not him, but thanks for the advice!
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Is there a way to get a variable from an Unreal 4 blueprint by using a string?

See, I gotta set 12 text objects with the name of the items in the player's inventory. I did this before, but to do it I needed to make a branch node for every fucking text object and it got really huge and obnoxious and I'm going to need to expand to 36 once I get stuff to work properly. I was hoping that I could use the text object's basic name with an appended string that uses the index of the inventory items to come out with the name of the right text object

So: "TextObject_0" is formed by appending "TextObject_" with the first index and I want to use that to get the TextObject_0 variable in the blueprint

If there's an even better way to do this that doesn't involve a shitload of branches or a possibly costly search for the variable using nothing but a string, please tell me
I love everything about this.
>just seen the imgur about rotatedev

And to think at start he was just posting that simplistic game about rotating guy and actually made some progress.
Cannot find his Youtube channel nor blog and I think he deleted those, otherwise a guy doing the falseflag would be even more insane.

Is his pic at the top real?
he could be a nice trap
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Software engineering in college. Currently also kinda sorta looking for a job, don't need one too badly but I want experience so I'm responding only to postings that would actually give me experience in what I'm interested in doing even though they are kinda sparse.
Couldn't you just add them to an array and get them like that?
>Android studios is heavy as fuck
>Eclipse no longer supported for Android development
Wtf am I supposed to do? Android studios lags my entire computer, it's a 4 years old laptop but still...
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Some anon said I should add trails. So I added trails.
So far NEET, I help out father at work sometimes.
I used to be mechatronics student, but mechanics wrecked my ass at second semester
thank you
Oh yeahhhhhhhhh

I shouldn't have looked at my old blueprint before doing this. I should have started fresh

I write erotica novels and sell them.

I'm learning deving so I can make a porn game but art is hard.
whats sales like in erolit?
>somebody actually buys erotic novels where there is lotsa free porn around
You're writing about niche fetishes, aren't you?
Started a new background track, feeling it for a boss maybe. Would love thoughts on it

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Well I would buy some if it had cute sneks that didn't have snake heads or end with someone getting eaten alive. Oh and were actually written well

Can you believe that last one is the hardest part?
Sounds good, man.
Used to be on Amazon but when they changed the payment system my stuff became almost worthless so I pulled them, do mostly commision work with the weirder clients now. No site but here is a paste bin of a chapter of greek themed novel: http://pastebin.com/35dyXaSc

Shit, used to be better but amazon killed most of the market. I make money mostly from being willing to do whatever works offered.

Very niche, wrote a story for a guy last week about a dude being turned into a balloon and then sat on and popped while the witch masturbated on top of him/it.

But they pay and I don't care so what the hell. I just wish I could do art, furrys have the big disposable bucks but they don't care about written stuff.
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I'm having a gay old time getting this grapple hook to work
Probably because most people with skill for writing aren't writing erotic fiction about snake ladies.
The well written part?
I believe so.

>Very niche, wrote a story for a guy last week about a dude being turned into a balloon and then sat on and popped while the witch masturbated on top of him/it.

Weeelll... I have seen a Deviantart drawing of mexican being turned into diaper, so I'm not much surprised.

And I thought about learning drawing, too. Furries seem to have crazy amount of free cash.
>dude being turned into a balloon and then sat on and popped while the witch masturbated on top of him/it

>amazon killing honest hardworking erotica small businesses
monsters. how exactly are they killing it?
in japan they are. cant get enough of Lamias.
>simplistic game about rotating guy
He should have finished that before moving onto rotatevania. His constant shitposting and attention whoring could be possibly excused if he had actually made a game. And maybe he would develop the gumption to stick with a project, then rotatevania wouldn't have been dropped. Instead he did everything wrong and blammed danny.
Most of the good writers for snek porn are ERPing. And even then a lot of them still suck.
Through no fault of their own really, most erotica sold there was <10k pieces and some people were gaming the old system they had to get a larger chunk of the amazon prime money for 'views of works' rather than buying them.

When you have amazon prime you can look at a book for free basically and then the author gets paid a bit if you read over x amount, with a 10k novel that's easy as shit to get to and people were gaming the system.

It had to be done but the new system pays you by page your book has when it's been read and erotica is never long so it has hurt the long form erotica people a bit.

My income went from £3k a month to £700 a month, was better for me to pull and go commission since the exclusivity to the reader ups the price.
>His constant shitposting and attention whoring could be possibly excused if he had actually made a game.
didn't work for googum who has at least 2 games behind his belt now
if I posted my progress, iid just get mocked because it's not up to standard
It's an odd but not tottally uncommon fetish:

There are a bunch on youtube since it's not exactly that adult looking.
>not putting 15 quotes around "games"
if you're going to shitpost at least do it right
It might seem that way but in reality there are plenty of anons here who make excuses for gogem mainly because he has actually made games before.

Nobody has ever bothered trying to defend rotate as there's nothing to defend.
there isn't a single word in this post that is not true gugom and you know it
whats stopping you from just selling at a better price?
As someone in the industry you'd be a terribly niche find, most people into human sized snake people are exclusively vore people.
the only people that mock progress are nodev shitposters

cmon and post bro
[increasingly paranoid reaction]
Deep breaths gogem.
Whys Daniel the mothman hate googum so much
It's coming along nicely, anon.
that's hilariously sad considering how low the bar is here
Well they're faggots

Why can't we just hugfug?
The fact that no one really actually BUYS erotica. My novels were £1.99 which is the minimum they can be and still get the 70% cut.

People just pay £30 a month for prime and get as much free erotica as they want instead of paying £30 and only getting 15 erotica.

I can't beat free.
don't act like "the bar" here doesn't vary wildly depending on the mood of the thread and the people who happen to be looking at any given moment
>reee danny
And we're back
The onl person who he hates more than googum is himself it seems, as he always gets so angry when anonymous posts his name...
>placeholder title actually has some sprites now

i'm ready
man that's pretty aggressive
>which is the minimum they can be and still get the 70% cut.
what does this mean? they'll charge even more than a ridiculous 30% if you go lower?
btw anyone know what these shit digital stores obsession with 30% is?
you could go off-amazon to somewhere more reasonable or like patreon... try to foster a community that actually cares about you as an author. amazon/apple/steam all have the same race to the bottom mentality which is great for them but no one but media factories will be able to live on in the longrun.
>this person is considered a dev
how about a circumcision jam
dannyposters are not human
No he's not
Just lime danny he quit and moved on to shitposting full time :(
ok dannyposter
If you sell for more than £1.99 you get 70% of the money, if it's below you get 40% of the money. They say it's because of the cost to host the files and stuff, if you're cheap you ain't worth hosting.

I have been looking into patreon lately, but also into improving my art skills and maybe getting into some game dev things since I'm already an ok-ish programmer.

Basically I just want to avoid my current group of commissions becoming my patreon people because I don't want to be writing the same ten or so fetishes for the rest of my life.

I'd also really like to make an atelier type game that doesn't have a little girl as the protag, so that's always good motivation.
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>If you sell for more than £1.99 you get 70% of the money, if it's below you get 40% of the money.
without a trip this is guaranteed to happen
Why is it so difficult for you to make sense? Is it something in the water down there?
would just like to point out that even your £700 a month you complained about is probably more than most middling eroge devs get. probably because theres no big userbase stores that will take em. gaming is still the most puritanical medium.
Standard is pretty low here, no worries.
Practically anything will pass.

Unless you made Rage Pig, then people will wonder how the fuck you managed to push that game onto Steam and make money
What's the point of interfaces in Unreal 4?

Can't I just create the function in a blueprint and call it rather than trying to use an interface to link them together?
True but that £700 would not have sustained, it had been steadily dropping and that was just where it evened out for two months. Friends still attempting to make a living in that market had their income just keep going down since then.

Right now I make enough from commissions and they take little enough of my time that it's the perfect time to diversify my talent pool so I don't get royally fucked in the ass should my clients go somewhere else or just stop buying from me.

Games and art are something I'd like to do anyway and if my games never make much money the art hole is a deep and terrible place full of furry bucks.
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Hi m8s, yesterday I downloaded the UE4 and done some of the tutorials at that day, today I started Blender and I never ever had anything to do with modelling before, but with a couple of tutorials I managed to do this prop, and shiet bros it feels so good, I feel like I can create any kind of scenario I want, I can create whatever object, person, or situation I want, I feel like some kind of God or Lain, and the best of all, this is just the begining bois. i know it's pretty shit, but it's just my second day devving with artsy things (I programed a lot more before, but mostly C#, so the biggest difficult will be the jump from this to C++, but hey it's not Assembly).
ride that dev high as long as you can
C++ from C# shouldn't be too bad at all
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Recently I've been working on ways to prevent certain variables from being edited by CheatEngine. This isn't meant to be a end all solution to cheating, just a way to prevent the vast majority of attacks on certain key variables.

Some /agdg/folk think that it's an impossible and stupid thing to even attempt because it'll be cracked in 30 seconds,

So I made this Challenge.
Using CheatEngine, try to edit the displayed text values in the game.
If you are successful, post a picture of your changes and your CheatEngine.
We'll know you're successful if you change the Int or Float to a value that isn't a multiple of 100, or if you change the string from one of the 3 displayed values.
If you aren't successful, say so, I'm interested to see that as well.

Here is the game
>Unity game build: https://mega.nz/#!qJpSEASa!2SW4N6zYxoaB_5ULPfRL3EcZeSdmZu5ulP9A94gp3Ew
And here is the code/implementation of the protected fields (pretty simple)
>Implementations for the Protected variables: http://pastebin.com/zBf5FG54
>Implementation of how the values are set/updated : http://pastebin.com/g55q5z5v
Every update, the text is updated to the stored value (which is stored in those 'ProtectedInt/Float/String' classes).
The functions on the "Control" class are fired via Unity's UI buttons.

Good luck, happy hacking
The simple answer is yes, interfaces don't really allow any extra functionality, but they make things cleaner.

For example I have an 'enemy' interface which all of my different enemy classes implement. It has functions for becoming aggro'd by the player, taking damage etc
This means I can call these indiscriminately without having to check which type of enemy it is first
Knightdev, do you use draw_self(); anywhere in your code? If so how do you get it to play nicely with using surfaces?
Ok, I think I get it now. So if I have three objects: one explodes, one shatters, and one falls over when shot, it lets the player just call the one function while the actors themselves take that and fire off their own reactions without needing to look at what function it's supposed to be doing

Alright thanks. I was just worried there was extra functionality I wasn't aware of
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Thx random anon, I'll dev as much as I can, I have lots of ideas and two cool guys to start working with
One is like the genius programmer who teached me C# before and the other is a cool dude who draws like pretty fking well, so luckily I'm not a 1MA, but right now they are studying rather than deving and I should study too, but I just want to dev, so on breaks I do a little bit

also the image is the same model rendered on blender Cycles, and the missing textures (that I added after this render) are not good at all, but the fact of working with UV was already a good experience.
An interface is a way to make something between different things 'common'

For instance, a List and Array are both Enumerable
This means that you can walk through their elements
While both of them serve different purposes and are built differently, they both have the shared functionality of being Enumerable (the ability to walk through their elements)

If you have a "DoDamage(Character enemy)", you could implement it in different ways for an Ogre than you could a Sand Wurm. Maybe Ogres do 1 hit while Sand Wurms wrap around their target and do hits over time
Well there's a 'Get all actors with interface' node which I guess technically adds functionality.
For the first second I thought that was going to be a hang yourself simulator

calm down there buddo, I'm just giving examples
I'm going to add some block colour mountains to my game like in pic related.

Can anyone post examples or guides to help me with the paralax

Thank you
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Did a changelog video based on the feedback people gave me for Demo Day 11.

Mostly addressing combat related things but other fixes/changes will come eventually.

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Little progress:
- main character has now casting animation (and he can cast fireballs)
- player can make single shots with bow or keep on shooting continuously (as some anon suggested me yesteday)
- also did minor upgrades in some sprites and resolved some bugs.
I'm going to miss you when you're a millionaire anon.

don't worry he won't be lol
time will tell
Fuck off blake.
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Is exec() the dumbest method of making a game engine possible?

I'm going to implement it so that scene files look something like this:

He could be one right now and we wouldn't know
pls gibe money
what's not to make sense?
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I came
>was going to start on a new platformer
>start looking at escorts on backpage instead
>text a couple and my heart starts racing
>3 hours later the thrill is over and im just sitting here watching tv.

Just because your name was mentioned doesn't mean the post was about you, hard for you to understand I know.
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damn I didn't realise it was that bad.

I couldn't edit the other strings but this one was fine. Are you sure it's protected? Couldn't figure out ints and didn't try floats. That said someone with more experience with memory editors would be able to do that easily with the assembly code.
>>was going to start on a new pla
stopped reading right there
someone has ptsd from earlier on
I like it.
Make a WW2 game, with tanks and plane battles, with an 80's futuristic art style.
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A professional artist at electronic arts designed these dinner trays. A professional lead designer approved these dinner trays.
Thanks anon.

i wish
What's wrong with them?

And before you complain about them not being space efficient, you should remember that this is a futuristic society that we will never fully understand. Their tech is so advanced it might seem silly or unlikely to us.

how does a one hundred thousandaire sound? I'm sure if you release a polished combat flight game it will reach that level of popularity.
>damn I didn't realise it was that bad.
he became an apocalyptic shitter of a nodev
obsessing about mothdan and being an attentionwhore. he still does
I wish I was a little more surprised.
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holy shit
More realistically, a professional artist at electronic arts was given 50 models to make that day. A professional lead designer assumed they were good enough.
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if the guy with the UI dino game is around your zipped folder doesn't come with pygame
>having a seven sided main portion that is elongated

And yeah they aren't space efficient. The technology isn't that advanced though in regards to that type of stuff. They look like solid objects that don't fold or anything. Another problem I saw on the ship is that the Bunks weren't being slept in by any of the crew. Any military vessel I can think of has a rotating crew in order to save space. It doesn't make any sense not to even with an AI. Also on the Normandy II the AI doesn't have any control of the navigation or direct ship control because Cerberus doesn't trust AI.
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Dark times to be a potato. Can't believe this is the same person who was working on this
I'm sure they are putting the little brain power they do have into cramming as much virtue signaling into the game as possible
>Can't believe this is the same person who was working on this
much easier to believe when you consider 99% of what's there was made by theonian
Writing this just hurts me on a deep level.

scene1 = "print('Hello World') \nNEXT = scene2"
scene2 = "print('Goodbye World') \nNEXT = scene1"

NEXT = scene1
while True:
The hell am I looking at?
what a waste of beautiful art
You need first class functions and lambdas.
>99% by theonian
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you guys realize you can ban tripcodes right?
Was a demo ever released, or was the art ever released? The rest can be recreated quite easily and I bet there are plenty of devs who would love to finish that game.
>i have a boyfriend
>i wish i had a boyfriend :(
>danny danny mothdan danny
>i like drugs
Why would we get rid of such quality bants and gamedev?
i can
if you take a closer look (that is one that lasts longer than 2 nanoseconds), you'll notice that the only thing about this webm that is impressive in any remote way is the spritework
the programming and juice are either botched or in very unfinished state - bars are not animated and just kind of blink when the mana is reduced, the effect of the attack is not lined up properly with the character's shooting animation (the only startup there is is in it - the attacks appear right away as it starts, instead of when they should), skeletons' animations are shakily positioned and shift visibly when sprites change, protagonist suffers the same issue to lesser degree (shifting is exclusively horizontal and one pixel wide) skeleton's falling apart animation is barely stitched together and particles' starting position don't really match the sprites, smoke disappear in a fully linear fashion, skeleton's thrown projectile appears way after the projectile disappears from the animation, doors animate nonstop for no reason, the game utilizes what is iirc default allegro library font (though this particular point is justifiable by the early development state)
i don't think much more can be said about this

tl;dr the coding part is a hackjob
Actually, no lambdas needed.

def scene1():
..print("Hello World")
..return scene2

def scene2():
..print("Goodbye World")
..return scene1

current = scene1
while current != null:
..current = current()
>beautiful art
ironic shitposting is still shitposting

I've heard stories about the special layer of hell that is python lambda.

In case you are wondering what i'm doing, my plan is to load external user-created scene files. See this post

Does this actually require lambda? I mean, the prototype here runs.
>ironic shitposting is still shitposting
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
I thought it was someone impersonating him for a long time
Then again I thought the whole tranny thing with him was just a meme too
Unless there's a way to sandbox Python, this is a poor idea. I'm assuming this is for mods and such, yeah? Like, people making scenes and sharing them? Well, simply interpreting arbitrary Python code if you can't sandbox it is incredibly unsafe.
First you shitpost Arikado now Theonian? Where is your game sir?
Friendly reminder that you'll never make progress if you waste time giving attention to attention whores
I am already well aware of the security issues of mods that run arbitrary code.

It's not for modding though. It's a mini game engine. If the game programmer fucks over their own PC with their own code, that's not my problem. If the game programmer puts malicious code in their own game, that's not my problem either.
Then you should just make it a library.
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Excuse me but I don't think you realize how awesome he was for copy pasting those sprites into his game.

Look how amazed we all were with him and what a hero he was.

Post #125105149

He was still "king of the enginedevs" back then, that's what we called him. Because he really was the king. Not yet the queen.
I did consider this but I have my reasons for not doing so.

1. Can libraries call functions that have only been defined in the main.py ?

2. Is there a reason to use libraries if I don't need "Scene" files to ever implement their own functions
are you making an rpg

blind rage
-90% hit chance
7x damage per hit

the player thinks that this is garbage but then

(item of) firsthit
your first attack is guaranteed to hit

no need to thank me, you're welcome
>1. Can libraries call functions that have only been defined in the main.py ?
Yes. If it's just like your example (well, my reimplementation), you only need to pass in the first scene function to the engine and the rest will follow.

>2. Is there a reason to use libraries if I don't need "Scene" files to ever implement their own functions
They are functions, though.
>"king of the enginedevs"
He was the one being the loudest about his clunky engine. This door animation will always gets me.

I can think of at least 5 enginedevs that were far better than him by a miles, like the ant dev or even the strategyInJava dev.
Why is dan so angry at rotate :/
>talking bad about me?
All day everyday.

Yeah he was a phony.

>I can think of at least 5 enginedevs that were far better than him by a miles, like the ant dev or even the strategyInJava dev.

Slipstream too, only because he got far enough to be kickstarted.
i can't really make any accurate judgments from this since while i usually approve of upbeat responses to progress, it looks like these archived posts happened when the whole masquerade was already ongoing and this guy already put on his whole superstar persona even though he's done nothing to earn it
Sorry for say your name I just wanna know :(
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Not really sure what flight model to use. I like the simplicity of Fractured Space and Dreadnought, but I think I need full Newtonian style ala Nexus:TJI or EVE since engagements are relatively small in size.
Ok. I'll experiment with test cases with libraries too. Presumably it looks something like


print('Hello World')
NEXT = scene2


print('Goodbye World')
NEXT = scene1


import scene1 scene2

NEXT = scene1
while True:

Can I see your re-implementation? Not entirely sure about best methods for running the module when the module names are variable.


Also since my code isn't bad enough already, have this real special kind of stupid.

scene1 = "print('Hello World') \nplayscene(scene2)"
scene2 = "print('Goodbye World') \nplayscene(scene1)"

def playscene(scene):



Produces an error message about 1,500 lines long that ends with "RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded" so I definitely won't be running the new scene function inside scenes.
I don't know why he replys to himself on agdg :o
pastebin motherfucker
Man this is so true, anyone trying to get into lowpoly REALLY should work on texturing, that was the hardest part for me, and I'm still trying to better myself
It looks something like this.
The bottom bit would be in the engine (along with other stuff, of course) and when invoking the engine you would tell it to start with a particular scene by somehow passing in a particular function.

You could use generators to good effect here, same way Unity does (though it calls them coroutines).
for a second I thought she was gigantic
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Gogem, your art has and will always be disgusting to look at and a disgrace to the word "art".

In other words, please don't act like a critic for art, because you have no standards by design.
hey can we talk about danny, rotate, and googem some more? because that's why I come to an anonymous board, to discuss people who are known by name
Only one of those people dev... (googum)
How is your game going to advance the medium?

In my game there are no enemies, only friends. And there are no big meany bosses waiting at the end of each level, only Life Coaches, who congratulate you on your success while also advising you on how to proceed with the following level.
>hey can we talk about danny, rotate, and googem some more?
We can just wait for another source.jpeg shitposting spree though.
>spam spam spam
>wow danny sure is mad today right everyone? :)

It's never going to stop. False flags forever.
I'm taking non-linear plots to the next level.
Danny thinks you can false flag someone who is anonymoius?!
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It's not. I'm a hack fraud that only copies things that he likes.
if you specifically aim at advancing the medium you will fail at advancing the medium
Holy shit that's impressive!
I want to go in the opposite direction of that.
This has slowly turned into my favorite agdg game.
What's wrong with you?
for sprites in ue4, is it better to add more vertices to the render geometry to reduce overdrawing transparent areas, or are those extra vertices more costly than drawing those blank pixels?
You're more important than you think you are. Only you can make your game.
That's nothing. What about the people that where stranded for a decade having weapons with thermal clips when the that technology is only a few years old.
With deferred rendering the transparency will always be more expensive. Check out Epic's grass meshes or particle cutouts for example.
My guess would be that it's cheaper to have the same simple geometry for all sprites.
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its comments like these that make it all worth it
After testing I have determined that your first deduction is incorrect.


def scene1():
story("Hello World")


def story(string):

from scene1 import scene1
GameMaker : LÖVE :: Unity : ?

What is the 3D equivalent of LÖVE? What I mean is a game engine that's easy to get started with but encourages a code-driven development process by default (like LÖVE) instead of a designer UI-driven one (like GM:S, Unity).
how did you pick your company name?
I don't even have a game name

They're all kind of outdated now though. WYSIWYG editors have driven out code based engines.
I hate trying to implement networking, why is it so hard
Even in my fantasies where I am a successful, established developer, I am still afraid of netcode.
A modern Blitz3D would be fucking cool.
Unity is the only way to make a game.
because it takes all the nice reliable coding connections inside your game and suddenly shoves it into a narrow, unreliable, several of orders of magnitude slower and less responsive tube.
The best maybe. Not the only.
Networking over websockets is the worst. Are there quality frameworks that handle it yet?
I bet your custom engine is better :^)
>thread shuts down
We're busy yesdevving!
Let's see that progress from the downtime!
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I attempted to make a lowpoly tank based on: >>161669871

Also thanks >>161673207 for the info, I can see how textures are important in low poly. Next I'm going to try texturing this thing.
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I've been putting together a Youtube video of all my recent progress.
Found out my priority queue does not actually have two operating modes, which somehow slipped through testing the queue and never made an appearance until I tried creating a new example project. Feeling like a dumbass.
did weaverdev give up on moth girl?
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UE4 better watch the fuck out, Godot is coming through
Which build are you using and what's the performance?
I didn't make that picture. It was posted by one of the main Godot devs, he's been working on improving the 3D renderer. Including modern rendering stuff like PBR.

Juan is a fucking beast. I am glad he exists.
My sawmill, warehouse and farm all have the same create code where they're supposed to reduce global.lumber by 50. The warehouse is the only one coming up with an error saying it doesn't know what global.lumber is.

I'm surprised it didn't have that to begin with
Do you have a warehouse placed from the beginning perhaps? Could be it tries to spawn before that global is set.
Well Godot is pretty old. Something like 10 years old I think. Plus it was mainly focused on mobile, so for that purpose the 3D is has now is already good.
All of the buildings are already placed, I'll try getting rid of them.
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I probably should have asked earlier BEFORE I did this but whatever

Is this REALLY the only way there is to get different buttons in a widget to react only when you mouse on and off of them? It seems so... stupid to need to manually set all these events and I have to do 24 more of these at some point
Buttons have a Hovered section in their style options
Does Blueprint not have arrays?
What site should I use to stream my devving?
Twitch is exclusively gameplay so I think it's out of the question.
How would an array help all the damn events? I mean I could put the buttons in an array but what's the point?

Well shit.

Still doesn't help me when I have to do the clicking events though.
So that you can write the logic once instead of duplicating it over every button?
What do you want, the buttons to magically know what to do when they are clicked?

Welcome to UI design, where everything is fucking gay.
I have fond memories of using Dark Basic but even back then I realized that its dialect of Basic kind of sucked. Now I realize it really, really sucked. Same for the "IDE".

On the other hand, Blitz was pretty good. It had a better editor (I think it even had a debugger with breakpoints) and it compiled down to native machine code.

Does anyone here know if Monkey X (the new thing by from Blitz guy) is any good for 3D?
Twitch literally has a gamedev category
>Welcome to UI design, where everything is fucking gay.
I'm really starting to get that impression

I mean even more than I already had from my initial "How the fuck do I get a UI to update" phase and then my "Oh god why is it constantly creating more and more UI objects all the time someone stop this"

You think too much of me.
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2016-12-03 00h03_47.webm
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Updated it

>Welcome to UI design, where everything is fucking gay.
Now you know why it's gogem's favorite thing
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g1 dogposter
That gradient on the face is triggering me.
fucking lol
Question for googs: Why did you make the main title graphics for your eroge newgrounds game a man with a blushing face instead of tits or ass? Interesting uhh... "design decision".
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just gonna leave this here...
stealin yo girl
Don't bully googum, please, "D"!
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notice the goog's affinity for pink and stripes
truly a study in the color pink
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it goes on and on this pathos for the color pink
quite fascinating
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googum is probably not online!
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now some might say
>surely this is not gogem's work, those hands are drawn well
perhaps you're right
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>now some might say surely this is not gogem's work, those hands are drawn well
Stop it!
Please danny..
Googum doesn't deserve this..
As if there were people here not knowing about Goog's artstyle and controversial history. You can't drag him down, he's already at the bottom, he has embraced it. And he will forever have my respect for it, no matter how hard you try to defame him.
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VERY interesting...
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>Tfw posting on /agdg/ for over a month and still have no idea what people are talking about when it comes to tripfags
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he loves his noses
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and finally we can see the classic flash artist outlining which while not exactly a signature is yet another sign that...
About 90% of them are faggotry, with the possible exception of those that only use trips for progress updates.
...the eroge king...
Don't worry about it. Just keep up the work on your own game anon and make us proud.
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I'm going to retire off the money my first game makes!
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... is among us ...
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the end
Is it too much to expect my first game, if not a piece of shit, and being a sidescroller puzzle/platformer, to make atleast some money on steam?
>those neck shadows
>he attempted to justify the game as 'art'
Makes me laugh everytime.
>he attempted to justify the """game""" as """"""art""""""
rip english
Tripcodes can literally be banned. It happened to Zyzz. Not a huge deal since you can just make a new trip but yeah.
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It's certainly not out of the realm of possibility if it's really something special, but I wouldn't get your hopes up. Just think of it as a victory if your game reaches an audience and you get feedback. Your next project can feed off that feedback and you can improve to a point where you will start making money.
Those the actual devs for Kirby?
Yeah. Drawings are from memory.
Implemented forward/backward air dashing. You can only air dash once until you land, but if you land a successful jump kick on something or hug a wall, your air dash count resets.
Thanks, I had an idea that the text was easy.
My guess is the numbers and floats are going to be just as easy since they're stored in the same way

I'm gonna try to crack the int/float and see if I can make it harder
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Put together a video compilation of landing my silly space ship on stuff. This is an indirect recap the most interesting progress I've made over the week. I have enough footage left over to make a whole separate video that's just a recap of the actual changes that have been made, but landing on weird things makes for better video.

Video editing always takes so much longer than I expect.
But then I realized I uploaded an older version so whatever.
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a game where the enemies are lolis and shotas.
but your main character and party is just normal characters,
a game that implements ideas that aren't good
define normal shitlord
a hyper-realistic fps
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I finally figured you out marching cubes. Not only that, but I optimized the shit out of of you. Fucking finally
>last post
>30 mins ago
cya agdg...

amateur """""""""" """""""""" """"""""""game""""""""""""" """""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""development"""""""""""""""""""
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What are you using it for?
recreate zbrush in unity
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Shill time:
I uploaded a new build:
No new features on it besides having a 4x resolution option, and F12 to take screenshots, since I have been working on optimizing things and getting rid of all the game breaking bugs before adding the new content.

If you still have that bug with the vampire not appearing at all at the start of the level, wait for the timer to be between 50 and 30 seconds and press T to get an error code I need to fix it, since I could never replicate that bug.
Also, if you can check the FPS at any time by pressing F.
Very cool, I'm excited to see further work with it.
Gonna do some sort of mesh deformation shit in a VR game. Just making interesting mechanics right now before I turn it into a game

Thank you!
i am reuploading it with the pygame included, now
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My PC is currently too mediocre to efficiently create a large game in Unreal Engine 4. Would Unity be my next best bet for creating a Open World SURVIVAL ZOMBIES CRAFTING PROCEDURALLY GENERATED game? I don't plan to sell it or anything, just learn how to make one. I'll be upgrading my computer next year anyway, but for now what should I do?

The parts in spoilers aren't serious, but I do want to try open world
I want to create a blog for my gamedev. Any recommendations regarding how to start one and which site to pick as host?
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hes dead jim.gif
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in spite of already having finished my continue and game over screens, i have just now actually made it so the player can die
truly, i am making progress in a logical order
>My PC is currently too mediocre to efficiently create a large game in Unreal Engine 4. Would Unity be my next best bet for creating a Open World SURVIVAL ZOMBIES CRAFTING PROCEDURALLY GENERATED game? I don't plan to sell it or anything, just learn how to make one. I'll be upgrading my computer next year anyway, but for now what should I do?

Is this your first game? Start smaller.
No, I have done 2-D a couple times, but want to do something bigger one day and hopefully create my fantasy world I've been writing. For now I want to try open world, with a tiny map, just to get some experience in open world.
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Neat. Now I need to implement multi threading so the fps doesn't drop as much and I can have bigger chunks
But I plan on retiring from the revenue brought from my first game

I'm like... trained in 3D art and shit

And it can't be that hard to program a game
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Unity would probably be as slow as UE4. Enginedevs fear of bloat is not totally unfounded.

I think that for now you should stick with UE4. Progress is slow anyways, so by the time it gets too demanding, your computer upgrading time should be just around the corner.

Besides, this computer limitation will not let you get lazy from optimization standpoint.
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wtf you're not me, don't reply to him
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>last time I posted here was in March

such is the life of a nodev

I got updating things in the field of vision working today. After reading a book and doing exercises on programming with Python and learning more by doing actual work for my job in over the last eight months, I've started think about the best way to separate the actual game and the UI, structure classes, and how to draw things with less resource consumption. Also realized I was drawing the entire thing twice whenever the map gets updated, so there's that.

Estimated release date July 2045. Get hype!
dats some freaky shit
Allright, the fact I'm using the assets from the Open World Demo Collection probably has something to do with the massive framerate drops right?
But I want to contribute too!
look how many polygons and stuff do these assets have
I bet that they have like 1,000,000 K polygon street posts.
I asked earlier of Knightdev but he isn't online it seems. I was wondering if you could tell me (if you get the chance). Do you use draw_self(); commands in your objects and if so how do you get them to play nicely with surfaces. I keep reading that I get gray surfaces because I am using draw_self and that it overrides them but I don't use image_speed commands so I assign sprite indexes and increment the frames via custom variables and thusly, require the use of draw_self() in the draw event.
I'll never understand why you engine devs waste so much time on not making a game. You could have achieved what you have there in a day using gamemaker or unity.
What IDE should I get for learning C++?

In the past, my computer has had disagreements with Code::Blocks. What else is out there?
It's about the journey, not the destination anon.
I love your sprite style
visual studio. intellisense makes it easy for beginners

Unfortunately the game is a by-product of learning how to program some for my job, not the other way around. So I initially started as an exercise to learn python a tool that can help automate simulations for mechanical systems, and once I got the basics of the language I stopped devving. I have more free time in the winter so I picked it up again.

We'll see how long I retain interest until I drop it and the pick it up again later in a few months

Is that guy that was making the witch game in Unity still updating?
>Unfortunately the game is a by-product of learning how to program some for my job, not the other way around.
Fair enough, consider my status: told.

>Is that guy that was making the witch game in Unity still updating?
If you mean the guy that was making the low poly lolis, then he dropped that (afaik) for like two other projects and counting.
I don't use draw_self() since most of my objects are drawing more than one thing, didn't know it could lead to issues with surfaces, but that's good to know. I guess you could use a state machine so you can keep using your custom variables for the frames and use draw_sprite instead of draw_self()?
either sublime or atom

tack on a linter too so you don't have to wait for compile time to see your mistakes
thanks friend
i love you

Also looking for the answer to this.

I use draw_self() on a few objects that would be fairly annoying to draw otherwise.
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>trying to determine what the width of a pixel in a shader is, but debugging shaders is impossible
>set gl_FragColor.r = gl_FragCoord.x;
>This should give me some varying tones of red depending on were I am on screen
>Pure black silhouette

I hate this. It should be so simple to determine the size of a fucking pixel in a shader, but it's so obtuse
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>unity keeps randomly reassigning references to components
>not sure exactly when its doing it but seems to be either saving/loading or playing/stopping a scene
being unable to even debug your own software because the source is closed to you is truly hell
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unity is so trash security wise

I've been able to hack any unity game to do what I want. Post your game and I will hack it.
Wish me luck on something, /v/
w-we are /vg/, anon
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it didn't work

i think because you decided to nitpick instead of be emotionally supportive
If it is any consolation nothing I do ever works. I think it just might be a curse that I passed on to you and not a lack of support. Please forgive this evil that is now a part of your life, anon.
Anyone here play I Am Setsuna? Is that kind of game achievable for a 1MA if its in 2D?
the mechanics are but the amount of content isn't
reminder that an agdg dev made sky rogue
what should I model today
a butt
nvm i fixed it
guess the curse is still with you :^)

Skinny jeans, you look great in them.
Is there any point in starting to make a game in GM right now when GM2 is around the corner?
Never make plans around non-existent software or features.
B-But they'll definitely find a cure for old age in this lifetime, r-right? Or at least true VR?

sticky penis.

i wish my penis had those abilities.

the lightning speed at which you make progress really amazes me.

I guess you've done this before
visual studio or code blocks. i've used both and had 10/10 experience
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thats super cool looking but why are you making this type of game? this is the worst kind
what the fuck is up with homeboy's nose?

are you saying your Unity has become sentient ?
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it's busted.
that is the ugliest effing art style i have ever seen
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>dogposter spent an hour shitposting about me with his half-year old conspiracy theory and got barely any responses
shitposter life doesnt seem fulfilling at all.
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most likely
Is it possible to have sprawling levels with exploration for items and secrets but also a "time limit"? Something less heavy-handed than e.g. the minotaur in Barony, of course. I want to give the player the feeling they are being hunted without rushing them through the level.
A lot of the side scrolling mario games have timers but they're really to the side and forgettable but if you take too long exploring you'll know. Try using them as a refrence
torch/light that they have to keep lit or the dark eats them

hunger? cold? battery?
I definitely don't want an actual time limit. Perhaps something based on progression, e.g. the closer you are to the goal or the more you've cleared out the level, the more likely the hunter will appear?

Maybe if I just designated particular areas of the level the hunter may be found patrolling, activated under certain circumstances.

Again, I don't want anything that punishes the player taking their time.
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>Is it possible to have sprawling levels with exploration for items and secrets but also a "time limit"
>I don't want anything that punishes the player taking their time.
Oh sorry, didn't understand the question. You could try auto scrolling sub levels. but normal overworld
That's why I used quotation marks. It needs to be more a tense feeling than a stressful one.
give the player bonus experience/items for finishing the level quickly
Amnesia had something along those lines, but a little more direct.
Enemies could be more aggressive/desperate as time goes on.
Rewards for beating the level fast will definitely be a thing. There's level replaying so I want to allow the player to choose if they want to do it fast or completely.

Something like this could work too, although I would tweak it to be based on % enemies killed.
Having recently played Mirrors Edge Catalyst, I'd suggest simply not putting any secrets in areas where, for story reasons, player is expected to quickly traverse it (Nothing kills tension like stopping to to scour every nook and cranny while not having to worry about your apparent impending crisis). Just have the secrets in hub, open, or puzzle areas. Places where player is suppose to have a breather from the action.
Ruins replayability and also depends genre
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>The parts in spoilers aren't serious
>That part is in spoilers
>Renaming all of the cards from fun whimsical things to edgy grimdark things in order to match the aesthetic
>Get to Narwhal
How do you grimdark a narwhal? Fuck. On the plus side I got to name one card Edgelord.
A narwhal is grimdark already, those things are scary.

or when in doubt add adjetives "Eldritch" or "Ancient"
Not that this isn't sound advice but applying it made me laugh
>Eldritch Porcupine
A whale like fish animal with a single tooth that's used to impale things. Let's try to make it dark.
Time to design the ui.
I really wish i could just hire some mexican to do it, UI work is the dish washer part of the game dev
Neverwinter Nights had a Dire Penguin premade enemy that you could find in the level editor
A good UI makes or breaks a game. This is one of the most important aspects of design. If you call yourself a designer do it yourself.
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Oh yes. Optimizations are delightful.
This is with a large chunk size too, chunk size will likely be 2/3rd of this, and I get about 100-120 fps average while deforming with that chunk size.

Fuck yes.
And this is why you never make it, because you have no idea what parts of the game truly matter to the player. I'm so sorry.
Is this the next minecraft!?
What are some projects I can do to get more proficient in C?
Keep it minimalist, start off with nothing, then as you play ask yourself "What does the player need to know right now"
Not games.
I meant games, because how am I gonna make any game if I don't start out with basics
You don't make games in C.
That's a nice opinion, but if you got nothing good to say, don't say anything at all
UI heavily impacts the moment-to-moment gameplay experience. It is always with you. Its importance far exceeds that of any given level or enemy or story beat. It is the most fundamental part of gamefeel.
How would you design a UI for status effects where there may be 30 different status effects in the game and a player could have as many as 10 on them at a time? There could be groups that are similar, like burning, bleeding, and poison could all be damage over time for different elements, and you could have multiples of those on at a single time.

Just list a big, long row of icons on the side of the screen? Only have a few slots and show the most powerful status for that slot (so lv3 bleeding appears over lv2 poison) with a small + after to show there's more? List the first 5 and have a rollover to expand the full list? I realize one strategy is to just have less status effects but I'm exploring what my options might be if I have a lot.
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Naw you go there yourself so you'll get humiliated for thinking that critical thinking is the way of life

I remember when I was like you, and that was the only reason I cringe when I see your posts
Someone must have the image of DSP and "weapon broken" "armour broken" "caught the plague", etc.

Why would you ever use C for a game when C++ exists? You can use as much or as little of that language as you want.
Do things like Burning, Bleeding and Poison actually function meaningfully differently or can you combine them into e.g. one abstract DoT status effect?

I don't think you can do much better than allowing enough space for as many status effects as a character is likely to suffer from in a typical gameplay scenario and hiding the rest behind a "More" button.
Why not
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isn't frag color a float between 0 and 1?
Thx anon
I can combine them if necessary, but I'm thinking of having a lot of effects which might have subtle differences. There would be physical statuses which check constitution and magical statuses which check willpower. I was also considering things like slow for -10% move speed but cripple for -10% move speed and -10% accuracy, etc.

I guess I'd like the freedom to have as many as I want, but if it comes down to it I can probably cut things and group them together.
10/10 - IGN
Because C++ is C with nice features? The only thing C is good for is for a platform with a C compiler but not a C++ compiler. Nothing that will be running a game.
such as

is commanding people to do something still a 4chan thing, I remember when I did that when i was like in middle school
Divide it by something.

It's getting all integer values, which mod 1 are all 0, so you get black.
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Hmm i wonder if i should rotate the labels by 90 deg so they face the player for better readability.. but it would look kind of weird probably
I understand. I'm not saying you shouldn't do this but keep in mind that attaching these effects to Slow and Cripple adds an extra layer of abstraction to the game, requiring the player to memorize more keywords. Writing out the effects directly might make abilities easier to parse.
Method syntax
Type inference
Classes (if that's your thing)
most importantly, strings

char arrays are a nightmare to work with
And yes, of course, the extensive standard library.
Yknow instead of learning all that I could be making games ya know
there seems to be a misunderstanding because it's less work to learn and use those things than it is to work without them
Anon stated they wanted to make games to learn, not learn to make games.
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1h weapon test.webm
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I'm not dead yet. Got 1h weapons in, the animations are kinda shitty and not final.

1h weapons are faster than 2h weapons, but has shorter range. They have 2hit air combo, but doesn't stagger enemies.

-The Most Obnoxious Screenshake Usage Of The Month Award-
Maybe if I'm gonna make some complex 3D games on my damn own like a dumbass instead of some simple but fun stuff

Anon stated he wanted to make games to learn to make games
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Thanks anon.
You add that shitty screenshake on top of your low res? Jesus anon how's the actual game gonna be if you make shitty choices like that
Why would you not still use C++ and learn as you go? If you pick C you're just locking yourself out. You can write C++ like C if you want to.

A lot of that stuff is easy. You can understand basic usage of templates in minutes and it saves a fuck ton of effort.
>to learn to make games
Where did he say that? All I see is
>What are some projects I can do to get more proficient in C?
And then I said not games, and then he said
>I meant games, because how am I gonna make any game if I don't start out with basics
So really he wants to make a game.
I wonder how much of those assets are from the asset store.
I bet all of them
Do you command people like this irl aswell, stop trying to give orders, you're just embarassing yourself

That's what I meant, is arguing like this a modern 4chan thing or something
That means he wanted to make games to get more proficient with C. Still doesn't mean he wanted to learn how to make games. He might already know how to make games in other languages for all we know.
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one hit from heaven.webm
3MB, 800x450px

You are like a little baby, watch this.

If you're going to program in C and not in C++, learning in C++ would only make harder because you would have to learn which features are C++ specific.
Calm your autism kiddo.

Well, that's a stupid way to get proficient at C. Which is why my initial reply was "not games".

It's not hard to keep track of which is which.
Stop projecting lmao, I'm just pointing out your typical 4chan autism
>It's not hard to keep track of which is which.
It's not hard after you learn it, but learning it along with all the other shit you have to learn is, and also more than anything it's also unnecessary since they aren't even going to use it in the first place.
probably the worst part of any vlambeer game really
well that and helping to popularize shitty amounts of screenshake as seen in arikadotracer's
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Got back to working on portals, they're massively efficient now and only render fragments that they have to. VR is still working/seamless, all that I have to do now is share the shadow buffer between the cameras to squeeze that last little bit of efficiency out of these fuckers
Here's a little non-vr demo: https://phygon.itch.io/portal-example
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Everything apart from the clouds I made myself.
>but it would look kind of weird probably
perhaps you could then raise the panel to an angle
my gut tells me that raising it to an angle would make it less weird
Gonna make pong, SDL or SFML?
Should I use my natural good looks to promote my game ?
Either is good
SFML is C++
Both are bad
SDL is C--
is this the game with the pseudo space distortions
or is this the raycaster game where the spacetime is actually distorted

both of them are cool
Either is C

Any alternatives typical negative 4chan man
It has C bindings, which is a different thing.
yeah i will probably do something like that
Neither, this is a unity asset for VR
>did some crazy maths to make something working
>it works
>now that I think about it I have no idea why it works
I don't get it. But it works.

But I still don't get it.
good luck figuring out what went wrong when it starts causing bugs
Would you be happy if you could turn it off from settings?
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he isn't exactly known for making smart choices
stop listening to memelords
gogem go sleep
t: your mom
I see where in the yesdev-bullying hours. I'll be back later to post my progress then.

Don't be afraid of these weiners. I believe in you.
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fuck anyone save that SALTY reaction image, with the steam salt emoticon? I lost it when I formatted.
how to make the most moe game ever made
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step 1: accurately define "moe"
define "MOE"
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this is moe
Step 1: Start making game that it's not moe in the slightest
Step 2: Fail really hard at doing it
blackdev here. Problem?
why is that?
b-back off
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OMG posts are getting deleted !!
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>DinoJam is almost over
>""game"" is nowhere near ready
It was me!
the trails make it look nicer, see?
I thought she was just a giant
btw, blackdev, what is your game about anyways
about a dude rummaging around some "we wuz" ruins?
>wasting time on literally dead jam where only like 2 - 3 people will even bother to look at it
>wasting time on making a game when only like 2 - 3 people will like it, and you will probably quit half way through anyway
I always get several hundred downloads during each demo day at minimum
But go ahead, waste your time on a dead jam, you won't make it in game dev whatever you do anyway
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Decided to start working on my protag since my code is so bug riddled atm I'll have to go through all of it.
what stop him submit jam game demo day?
>I always get several hundred downloads during each demo day at minimum
The true mark of a nodev. Bragging about your downloads but never posting your game.
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If you make games for recognition then that's fine by me. I make them primarily for fun, and my DinoJam submission is more about getting back into gamedev after taking a long break and learning more about the tools that I'm using.

>you won't make it in game dev whatever you do anyway
Do you feel better about yourself now?
> thinks he could debug unity if he had the source for it
>several hundred downloads
thats blammed newgrounds submission numbers, nice
still better than your flash crap
Post your games
>comparing passive views on newgrounds with active downloads
Classic Googs.
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tom fulp.png
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>smug anime smirking sideways glance.png
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Working on a new desert level where you ride a moving train solving puzzles on it as you go.

You start out on the roof of a cabin and have to get to the front, then I delete the roofs of all the cabins with code and you go through the insides.
this desu
I've decided that making a top-down co-op shooter is too difficult because networking is the most painful thing in existence and I've just wasted the last 6 days of my life where I could have been nodeving

Single-player top-down shooter sounds boring yeah? rip game idea
Hotline Miami was fun
are you moving the train or the ground?
Make it local only lol
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Progress! Tried emulating (badly) Tales of Symphonia movement system in battle.
It's far from perfect but it works. I fixed the jittery camera right after recording this.
What are you using to make this? It looks good
Normies love juice.

this guy made a pretty cool one


there isn't a lot of players though unfortunately, which i don't understand, 'cos it's actually kinda awesome.
Thanks. Using Unity, though I'm sot sure what looks good about a bunch of cubes.
Protip: screenshake isn't nearly as annoying as it appears to be in small .gifs/.webms
I hate that though. I wanted to make something I could play with friends.
it's not a very juicy screenshake
>there isn't a lot of players though unfortunately, which i don't understand, 'cos it's actually kinda awesome.
welcome to Indie game dev

yeah i guess the trick is getting people to know your game even exists, in a market that is oversaturated.
welcome to "idea guy makes a game that is ugly and niche"
>>yeah i guess the trick is getting people to know your game even exists, in a market that is oversaturated.
Exactly. 80% of any indie game success is the PR. Only very small amount of indies have enough luck to get by by solely on word of mouth.
Also don't listen what inexperienced shitters here will likely try to tell you, they haven't released a single successful game and think something like "It only matters if your game is good not. If it's good it will magically make you money." They have to convince themselves of this lie i suppose since if they fully embraced the truth, which is that even if your game is good, there is still a good chance it fails, even if you try your hardest at the PR game, it would killed their motivation.
>game that is ugly and niche
Huh nothing wrong with that.
Your games aren't very juicy either
he's not wrong though
that screenshake lasts more or less only a frame and goes in only one direction at the time
anything more per hit would probably be overdoing it though
>there isn't a lot of players though unfortunately, which i don't understand

>game that is ugly and niche

*about to post progress*
*scroll through the thread*
whoa, lotta bullying.. yeah ill pass!
pass on that posting of progress
just like you passed on making progress to begin with
great post nodev
inb4 "yeah this confirm my assumption there be bullying so i post no game okay because you are rude"
Why criticism here cant be like this? This post actually explains what's wrong with X thing (screen shake in this case) and instead of just calling it shit and even explains how to fix it.
This is namefag general nowdays. Only discussing about nodevs like gogem, danny and rotate is allowed.
>call function to clean up entity
>parent function gets called instead of child function despite the function being virtual
googum is a dev, don't bully!
>he actually thinks anybody gives a shit
hilarious and also sad
Then why he never posts progress? checkmate
>I guess you've done this before
Space and flying games are kind of my passion, plus they're games that are very easy to make due to the lack of animations, so they're prime candidates for 1MA. The focus on these games is more about the pure mechanics and physics of it all, which is the stuff that I really enjoy programming.

>thats super cool looking but why are you making this type of game?
Because they're fun to make.
how come all generals are riddled with inner circle retards crying about each other all the time
How Can Game Development Be Real If Our Games Aren't Real?
because you have like 10 janitors for like 30 threads, so they don't stop this shit before it starts in more obscure threads
feels pretty real
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>Not fun
AGDG thread has ~100 unique IP's.
Discord has 200 users.

That's a lot of nodevs.
steam users are trash so it's not surprising that's their goto reason for refunds is "fun".
personally i like the accident notes the best.
How often are demo days? Are they monthly?
Damn that sucks
Every 2 months.
reeeeeeee its fucking against in terms of service to show why people refunded your game to others in this manner, someone report gogem.
>its fucking against in terms of service
quick gogem what's steam tax %? 30?
>implying i read ToS
>implying i can be legally obliged to obey ToS i didnt read

yeah it's 30%.... 30 cents of every dollar.
He's not using a trip so it's impossible to prove that this is him
you're now my favourite agdg dev
no its not
Yeah it's impossible for steam to check his refund history and see if it matches the picture he posted.
Yes he magically gained the refund stats of this mysterious game he totally isn't involved with.
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Could be that someone guessed, or that his account was hacked
I think we can all agree ToS are stupid and should be ignored. Well done gogem.
baka. it's not like i even have to pretend its not me.
if it's a ToS not to show that stuff then like all other ToS it doesnt matter and if someone reports me for it the foreign outsourced staff that handles reporting for steam is just gonna be confused and move on to someones driver problems.
>makes game about mouselook without the looking
>surprised people don't like it
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Does steam handle taxes for you automatically? How does it work globally?
Why do those wheels look funky

>thinks he will ever need to worry about selling a game
yeah, they force you to hand over tax details so they can report taxes for you.... fairly certain they do this to ensure they can exploit exemptions.
PROTIP: for this kind of game you should not be using physics to move the characters around unless you like buggy pieces of shit

i would recommend to use navmesh for the overworld and for combat to the character controller for now (ideally write your own 2d controller instead though but if you dont have one ready dont bother right now)
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How can I create an "orbit" path around a target? Like if I want the unit to keep the target at a distance and circle around it?
>purchased by accident
really makes me think
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Thats because the wheels are bumping a bit on the rails!!
How many non-refunded sales did you get for that game?
I have successfully joined the shaved head club
Will it help me make a game now?
because it's impossible to render a perfect circle on a computer, made out of vertices you autist
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i made a laser
the damage is unfortunately pretty frame dependant right now
i guess i should add a buffer that can fill up fractional damage which clears out if nothing touches it for a while
now im also remembering that the bullets embarrassingly spawn the blood effects
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Why are nodevs allowed to give talks at GDC?

I am using a navmesh, though.
To be precise, I'm moving the enemies on the overworld through the navmesh, while I'm simply modifying the transform.position of the player 'manually' and using the navmesh agent for collision checks.
what's wrong with it?
>level design
>game dev
nearly 1300
looks as though that will shoot up by another 2k when it goes on sale because steam and its users are trash who think of games like corn and rice that should just continue to devalue and be mass produced by machines

>joined the shaved head club
get a swastika neck tat too?
The two worst people on AGDG are as usual trying to ruin dino jam for everyone. Let's do this.

Rotatedev posted on his tumblr that he was the one getting drunk and trashing AGDG threads for a straight week. Go check it out before he starts pulilng posts. You'll also find screenshots of his projects on his multiple tumblr accounts that tie him to the pedo projects that have been plaguing AGDG. He is the drunk nodev shitposter and a very unhappy person.

Googum highjacked AGDG for a long time, you'll find this in the archives. He took to starting every AGDG and cramming his Yesdev "tutorial" videos in the OP under the resources while ignoring everyone screaming at him to stop. His claim to fame remains making games about shooting children and it's-literally-rock-paper-scissors.jpeg. Googum also argued with AGDG members about the validity of random number generation or RNG in game design, saying RNG was "shit". He then created a rock paper scissors game entirely dependent on RNG.

Therefore, the amount of respect he has earned in the industry is exactly zero percent. ZERO PERCEEEENTTAHHH


Do not let yourself be bullied by these two individuals.

>literally barrel rolls out of his cave everytime his name is mentioned


It only gets like this when they feel threatened. Once we leave them alone for a few days they get cozy and start rolling around in their own shit flinging it at others again.
the big problem i see in the webm is the wagon wheel effect but the webm itself probably is making it a bunch worse

but if you are seeing it in game too then you probably have to slow down the wheel and maybe even add a blur texture

with those wheels having 2 spokes like that i think the speed has to be under 1/8 that of the framerate to avoid the effect, so for say a target of 30fps it can go about 3rps at most

this problem is a pretty annoying one since it can occur at any framerate - even 120fps and above
This is all very interesting but where is your game?
are you sure that you are not off your meds, since you seem to be talking by yourself
i should also add that a worse part is if you are trying to use the blur trick to make it look like its going faster than it is at 30fps then running the same animation at 120fps can look like its running slower so you have to either sample the animation at 30fps still or run it at a faster speed if the framerate is higher
It's a shitpost, ignore it.
Any time source engine is mentioned this shitposter flips out. And "level design isn't gamedev" is another popular meme shitpost.
You can't stop us YesDevs, reek.
>nearly 1300
That's not bad, thanks for sharing. It's also quite close to the steamspy statistics which is useful to know.
yeah but there's a difference. rotatedev is insane. googem I can respect.
>quite close to the steamspy statistics
probably just a coincidence, steamspy stats always have a +- in the thousands
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2016-12-03 15-57-21.webm
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Policemen now shoot at you. This game is going to be very basic, but then again there aren't many other entries in this DinoJam...
Make that dino brown, call him a niggersaurus and we got a deal.
I don't know how your AI works, but the way I would do it is calculate a perpendicular vector to the target and have the unit just constantly move in that direction. That'll end up with an orbit.

I forget exactly how to do that, it's been a while since I do that kind of thing. I think if you do a cross product between the direction to the target and up?
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Sorry but I've absolutely had it with the current video game trend of shoving race issues into everything. Bought battlefield 1 a few weeks ago and the sniper class for almost every single country is black. I mean fair enough there were a lot of colonial troops for the British (especially from the Indian subcontinent) but there's no reason for half the German team to be African.
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Progress :
* finished item core system
* implemented a shitty inventory ui (not in webm but you can already scroll down, 100 slots)
* implemented Left/Right weapon equipment

** having a "looks like shit so what's the point anyway?" moment and losing motivation
I need some more motivational speech agdg.
Only the sniper on the german side is african IIRC

though I agree, they really should limit some models to specific theaters, makes no sense for germans to have a ton of africans on the western front when it would make infinitely much more sense for the colonial front.
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Can someone post that webm of a game that was 3x3 squares and whenever you move one square it shows new squares
How does the inventory/equip system work? Great progress by th way.
>video game trend
Mostly by indexing and references. I just took my time to properly separate pure item data from inventory, the logic taking care of linking everything is one layer above.

Thanks anon. That works perfectly.
that little roguelike game?
Can someone post that square of a square that was 3x3 squares and whenever you move one square it shows new squares
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Got around to adding nosewheel steering so you can actually turn once you land. Just needs an animation now.
Can square square that square of a square that was squarexsquare squares and whenever square square square square it squares new squares

literal autism
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Alright, I've not adjusted the combat mechanic slightly so it no longer looks like a hockey puck, all that's left is to add splash effects upon collision and I can consider this module done.
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>dino jam
>immediately puts a dinosaur in his game

how uncreative can you possibly be?
>put in delta timing
>if the frame rate sputters at all all my timer variables stop being integers and will never trigger now
Fuck this shit, more trouble than its worth
>going from babby GML to GLSL

this shit makes no fucking sense to my infant mind
Swizzle that shit
Your post confuses me
It's good practice to use delta timing otherwise people running your game at different frame rates will have the game running at different speeds. Do you really want people who play your game on toasters to be playing in slow motion?
>dynamic typed languages
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>make an rpg of any kind
>don't implement player character
>leave developer environment open within the game

you have now created a god game
I don't want people with toasters to play my game at all.
use the greater than sign..?
enjoy no money
But how do I keep counters from getting fucked? If I have code that triggers when the image_index is 5,but in the middle of the animation there's a large frame and the index becomes 5.0000391 that will never recover. And I can't round it because if my image speed is less than 1 then that will get fucked
I already have money
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integer_image_index = convert_to_int(image_index)

if integer_image_index < 1:
integer_image_index = 1
Can't you have your code trigger when image_index >= 5 && image_index <= 6

< 6 not <= 6 but yeah
enjoy life and have a wonderful day
>image_index >= 5 && image_index <= 6
should be like this

>(image_index >= 5) && (image_index <= 6)

you filthy sloppy anon
Well fuck me, thanks anons
I don't get it
y-you too
>trying to shit on gogem
He's a namefag, edgy cunt, has a fucking weird artstyle and blatantly shitposts every other post. Yet I respect him more than anyone trying to rile up the thread against him, because he actually has finished multiple games.

Reposting for feedback
how to remove the splash screen of unity?

i mean , when you make a game and export it and when you open it, it always apears that unity load screen

hmmmmmmmmm I wonder

>unity pro
>no splash
cutesy but it doesn't sound like you know much about music theory
ain't really got no chordal progression, just cutesy beep boops
what i usually do, is disassemble the binary and instead of saying !made with unity" says: "made with Love"
I aint no expert, but I didn't notice anything wrong with it. It sounded nice to my ears.
>LSD game
>make creatures and people interact with each other
>you can set up any natural and unnatural phenomenon
>watch how creatures react
>take over creature just fuck with other
>take over a guy and make him stab the president
>start up a gang of man-eating cats
>create catgirls
Fun stuff, amirite?
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Ironically I made it with counterpoint in mind and intentionally made dissonance that resolve nicely. Thanks for the critique!

Thanks anon!
Do I have to get in debt for this or can I learn it online
Anon how do you calculate the vectors to circle / get behind a target for your AI? I'm struggling to make it look natural in my space game.
what's the progression supposed to be then
you can learn anything on your own if you're disciplined, anon
Wasn't saying you were wrong, just ironic that in my efforts to make it interesting I overlooked a progression. Although, I played an instrument for a while, so I feel like the chords move and change logically, even if unintentionally
the three things that differentiate any song from any other are rhythm, progression, and melody
gotta try keep all three in mind
So I'm trying to get a widget to follow the mouse in Unreal 4 Blueprint.

I can't seem to get the widget to stop interpolating between the original position it was spawned at (0,0) and the current location of the mouse. Actually it's weirder than that. It seems to attempt to stay 2/3rds of the way to the mouse, rather than sitting in the middle.

I feel like I'm missing something about widgets
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rate my crate.
would SMASH
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Made me KEK.
Have a (you).
3/10 shitty muddy colours and no texture
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Calling all monkeys. Requesting extended meltdown. Please respond.
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i'm brazilian
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I like it.
Crossdressing improves your programming skills
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>it's been 3 weeks now since you promised more character sprites
>you even missed recap day last week
>people are complaining about problems you know need to be fixed
>can't come up with more ideas to add to the game that has clear places for
more ideas
>can't figure out some bugs in the code
>sound guy just flaked on you
>"where are the other character sprites anon"
>demo day 12 is coming up
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>tfw kinda good at art but shit at writing
is that why so many trannies are programmers?
That sounds awesome but I would hate to program a world that dynamic. I.E. every NPC human reacting to VIPs like Presidents being killed. Coding interactions between animals objects and people enough that the user can discover and try new things out.
Take your /dpt/ memes back to /g/ friend. You've done enough damage here to our "devs" with that propaganda.

Poor rotate... poor poor rotate
crossdressing is crossdressing
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Hey /agdg/, if you don't answer this poll your mom will die in her sleep tonight http://www.strawpoll.me/11789460
Difference is that trannies are mentally ill while traps are just degenerates
If you had just posted it I would have voted already but since you posted it along with that stupid meme I won't even check the link to see what the poll is about.
stay away gaims goblin!
>so many
Doubt it. The gays populating 4chan are just the loudest.

Actually, gay people are the loudest even in society. They are the one who pushed their --gay protest march-- and even decided to make a flag hoping that people would notice them even though nobody cares.
enjoy your dad mum
>having to put that much thought into answers
There was clearly some effort put into this poll but yeah I'm not reading all that
I'm done programming my Breakout Roguelite, don't really want to spend my time making levels or completing this

what's a new stupid idea I can make?
That's what procedural generation is for
Yeah I am pretty loud and faggy myself actually but parades are embarrassing
Well yeah but that's what I mean, I'd have to come up with algorithms to design certain levels and types and shit so it's not all the same. Making the parameters for the generation.

It's a roguelite breakout, lol. I'd rather move on to something else, I'm mainly programming for experience anyway. Not exactly an idea worth seeing through to the end, although it's more fun than I expected desu
If that meme was true 1/4 of the world population would die tomorrow or you would get about 2 billion votes since it's not specified it doesn't apply to those who have not seen that post. I highly doubt any of this.
I voted but I'd preferably just pick the option "I enjoy good games"

I don't know if the poll holds much value since you can't know how many people voted
They're not exactly trying to win people over with the parades either. If you think homosexuals are just a bunch of sexually depraved degenerates, then looking at a pride parade isn't going to challenge that.

It's the public equivalent of rubbing your balls in someone's face because nobody's allowed to stop you except when you try to go through muslim neighborhoods because that's 'racially' insensitive
I'm not interested in how many people voted, just how much each answer gets more in relation to the others.
Doesn't seem to be working too well for rotate
You remember that the party is actually tomorrow but you have already pressed the doorbell and 999 other anxiety driven microgames
See Dark Souls for how I like it done.

Interesting characters with personality but all interactions with them are the player's choice. No forced cutscene bullshit.
/pol/sters please
That's exactly the point.

I wouldn't care that much about them but I hate them precisely because they keep on pushing their sexual preference onto people.
Nobody fucking cares and nobody fucking wants to listen so they just should just fuck off already.
Well, I bet AAAaaaa devs wouldn't be able to pull it off without making tricks.
>Nobody fucking cares
Some people care stop pushing your opinions onto people
Didn't help the rotatedev.
How do you know?
Answered and fuck you.
I wonder why I still fall for it if I have seen Immunity Cat.
Seen a quite nice trap foto on imgur, but still no game.
yeah he literally posted
>I gave up gamedev for weed
so it's safe to say his gamedev or programming hasn't improved since the operation
Do not look at the tumblr. Maximum Disturbia has been achieved.
>not r8 my cr8
i looked and now im scared
>not r8 my cr8 m8
Yeah GTA games have been able to immerse people like this enough that this will happen

Well, that last video is kind of disturbing, but her pics... Kind of hot.
So I've been reading up on how to do slope collisions, and apparently the best way is to have each tile store the y positions of the left and right side. Is there any way to do that in Tiled? I don't think there's any way to assign variables to tiles themselves.
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>I don't think there's any way to assign variables to tiles themselves.
I don't understand your question.
If you're going to store the y position then you're obviously going to need 2 additional variables in each tile.
>kind of
this is the most insane a tripfag has ever gone in my memory and ive been on 4chan for almost 9 years now
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post pic pls, i don't mind fapping to hot agdg trans devs
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right... danny
as in the person that rotate rants about while going insane
seems to be a pattern there no?
:^) clink
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Having a lot of trouble getting this to work right. The animation shows correctly in the animation preview window, so I'm pretty sure there's something going wrong with the blending possibly export process.

Animations are so finicky.
Filter !
New Thread
Well obviously you will have to either mod it or write your own tile editor you baka.
I divide it by the width of the screen, that does nothing :(
Also where does mod come into play here?

Yeah, but I divide the x by the screen width, but it still does nothing. What makes it more confusing is that even if it were setting the r value to a number higher than 1 (like the x position), then it should be pure red, not black
they can't stop ban dodgers though, he pulled this freakout about danny routine already

>>161729813 and on
he really is literally insane
or i guess you could say literally literally insane?
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>talking to himself and getting caught samefagging through post deletion
>preceeded by a source.jpeg attempt
Yep that's /ourguy/
heres another meltdown
won't janny save us from danny?
Seems to take him an average of 1-2 mins to dodge his bans and get back to freaking out about *******n
Then you already have your answer baka.



highlighting for relevance
rethink your life dannyposter
We're in the other thread

>new thread at 720 posts
You keep doing this and using the same excuse.
All you've done is kill the previous thread before it's reached post limit. Now it will stagnate and the literally insane shitposter who is just as touched in the head and sensitive as you will trash the previous thread.
I think the solution is simple. Just spam this one with inane questions vaguely related to game development.

I need help handling the multiplicative state of my shader which I cross product'ed with my players velocity. I'm not sure whether to use alpha blending or interpolation, suggestions?
>I think the solution is simple. Just spam this one with inane questions vaguely related to game development.
Or we could not encourage drama queens who make early threads because they think they are the president of agdg and know what's best.
This reminds of that video with the game dev sat in a chair literally stringing together random words about programming, graphics and shaders.
I would love to see that if you can find a link
I'm trying to find it but it's really obscure.
It sounds a lot like the sound clip off this demo day page.
you shit
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inane questions vaguely related to game development
inane questions vaguely related to game development
inane questions vaguely related to game development
like that?
hey dude nice job we're almost there now. We just need someone to explain why messaging systems are more decoupled than simply calling a function
RIP thread
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