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League of legends general /lolg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 743
Thread images: 251

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Best ship


best ship is me x u bby.
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Camille when?
are you a cute metal guy?
xth for impregnating diana during a super moon and having twins
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/lolg/! Wish me luck pls. Any skin shard is fine!

He isn't but I am.
so how long's it take before this fucking game becomes fun

you spend 15 minutes last hitting and all the champions feel like they just have different ways of doing damage
shoe on head
Is pantheon good to buy for new player?
>STILL no elementalist lux

when you find the champion that you find fun doing all that with, chump.
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best posting
next wednesday

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>tfw I'm a cute metal boy and I'm already taken

better luck next time. no shoe for you.
So if she herself has the means, she may consider someone tolerable to fuck.
Hell, even if she doesn't want anyone,
she can switch her steel body parts out for silicone/synthetic muscle-fibre ones,
complete with pleasure receptors.
Take it a step further and she made her body so that she can switch back and forth between steel and synthetics.

All this can lead up to a shrewd cyborg woman who may miss the pleasures of mortal flesh;
and will use whatever she can engineer in her secret lab to bring back those pleasures.
Even take them further than any woman ever could.
Do you lvl 3 gank as Jax?
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Sure you can easily win your lane and get fed as fuck but it amounts to nothing if you dont know how to close the game. You must roam and win hard without stopping because if you stop you risk falling off in late game.

But yeah hes fun
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>load into game
>see this

what do?
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Tfw elementalist Lux will be live in 23 minutes
He literally just joined within the past month, you mong. AFAIK, he hasn't actually done anything yet, thank god.
No one here knows how to play Jax friend, every time anyone asks about him no one responds.
You can always have me as a backup plan in case your current relationship goes sour :^)

Whip my dick out.
ignore them the entire game, comment on how well the support is doing in a 1v2
[We all know what I'd say here]

I concur
>literally turned your last boyfriend trans
>back up anything
You're a fucking idiot
When I've found them all...I'll fade away.

>being unfaithful

baka, poser detected.
only if you think you can get summoners/a kill. Otherwise its not worth it.

That also applies to ganking in general, unless you want to relieve pressure in a hard matchup.
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Camille is 90 years old virgin
at least I don't fetishize blueberry midgets with anime hair anon.
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Medea was just misunderstood and plagued by injustice
He'd been crossdressing and anally masturbating since way before meeting me, it was only a matter of time till he got in touch with his inner butterfly.

I find crossdressing funny but not attractive for the record.
>at least I'm gay
What did he mean by this?
>relieving pressure
only gay for your lard infused butthole bb <3
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>tfw a lot of metalheads i know crossdress
>70% of the dudes I know enjoy it
>at least 10% of them wanna be the girl

I don't get it.
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5 mains.jpg
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You know the drill, post em, hate em, rate em.
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2 for 1 soft lewd http://orig03.deviantart.net/3732/f/2016/316/2/0/jinxie_small_by_ebluberry-dao7zci.gif
>not self inserting as the girl all the time
Anon, please.
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I dunno man. The sway of those hips doesn't look all that prudish to me.

We can argue that she doesn't get a lot of sex as a cyborg, but who knows how many relationships she's been in.

She may give off that Victorian vibe, but one thing we need to remember about Victorians is that they were huge slutty hypocrites.

>it wasn't implyed
>but i enjoy it too

That's the only reason I know how many other dudes enjoy it.
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Crazy murder doctor champion with medics puns when?
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/vg vs /vg when?
Mundo? Singed?
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RIP in peace
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thats amazing
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I'm a Katarina main, and she basically loses every single matchup, unless the opponent's retarded. This means the playstyle I'm comfortable with is barely csing, averaging an abysmal 5cs/min on a regular game, and just getting fed off of roaming.

I want to try out a champ that can sit in lane, and just bully every other traditional mid laner. Who should I play?
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Guess he drowned in Lulu
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10 more minutes
a couple of guys have gone missing over the last few days
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Which one of you mutts made this abomination?
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>openly admitting you're subhuman

I mean

I guess?

more power too you anon.
If you want to AFK farm play Morg. She's pretty much unmovable from lane unless you do something retarded.
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1 more for now, take care.
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I like em.

When the fuck is Classic Darius getting a texture update. He looks so out of place.
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>Looking for league-related games on Steam
Whos the real abomination here?
it's not being unfaithful if you just show yourself
or do they make you wear the burka where you live in

I think you guys are misread the chart. It's not that Eve is bad in bed, far from it. It's that she's less likely to pull some kinky (ie freezing your dick in ice, turning into a cat, etc) shit on you

Either way it's whatever I didn't make that chart (I made the other 3) so I don't claim any ownership over it.
Aside his name mundo is not a doctor, singed is more like scientist
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bye anon take care
i came across it when browsing deep within store
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>leeching off a well-established brand
>early access
>free to play
>mostly negative reviews
erry time

>the uk

Inshallah, brother.
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My champ pool is insanely big this preseason but I didnt want to make a wallpaper for ants so here you go. 4/5 btw Cursed Revenant Nocturne makes me hard as fuck I wish I had that skin, and thats saying something since I own Eternum and Spooky Scary Nocturne.
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me too

Mundo is literally a doctor.
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Ahri vs Eve.jpg
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I feel like something should be cleared up from the last thread. Evelynn isn't a literal semen demon. That would be Ahri. Ahri has spent the better part of her life learning how to tempt, seduce, and feed off of men. Evelynn, on the other hand, is a hedonist. Yes, she likes sex and she loves getting intimate with both her lovers and her prey, but she revels in the whole breadth of sensations. In other words she loves agony just as much as she loves ecstasy.
>ally veigar is vs zed
>gank and get zed to 40% hp
>now veigar doesnt have to worry about being all inned under tower
much appreciated anon you make my folder grow bigger
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>Tfw will never find a woman who likes having her feet licked/toes sucked in this lifetime, especially not one who plays league
>Tfw a fair chunk of women arent even a fan of foot massages

End my life pls

i have a VERY large folder
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hey guys should i buy wukong
if not what other champs should i play that are like wukong


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h-how big
Aside from the fetish, this is some high quality drawing.
>. It's that she's less likely to pull some kinky (ie freezing your dick in ice, turning into a cat, etc) shit on you
fuck off retard
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1 TB long
>implying Lissandra wouldn't try to ice cube your dick for later
>implying Nidalee wouldn't shapeshift just for yuks
>implying Illaoi wouldn't try to claim ownership of your butthole
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lulu is the cutest!
>loses every single matchup when she has riven tier kill potential at level 2

aaaare you shure youre not in the wrong league?
how much of it is jinx
this is the worst general on this fucking board
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>10:01 PST
>No update, no lux login screen, no skin
I shouldn't have bought my RP in advance, have I been scammerino'd by Rito?
but he don't act like crazy doctor, more like hulk.
I want teleport behind adc back and say
>the doctor... is in
>Elementalist Lux STILL isn't released

holy fucking shit how long are they going to keep teasing this? I just want the skin. They are only losing customers at this point.
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about 75%
>Go into normal draft to train Ivern
>Get assigned to Support
>THIS gets MY fucking jungle

Even in normal games I get unbelievable shit luck with matchmaking
>Clearly good winrate
>Massively fed every game
>Wants to stop playing this champion

Take and enjoy your wins
Dodge when you're trying to practice and you don't get what you want. Especially in normals.
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teach me senpai i am only at 648 MB
>The year is 2025
>Ele Lux is still on the PBE and yet still not released on Live
>League of Legends social media pages still have her face as their profile pictures
>There has been no other content released for the game since season 6
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>awful videogame whose only purpose is to fuel ego through elo
>it's somehow surprising that the worst game makes the worst thread

color me surprised
they've been releasing stuff at 11 for ever you dumb fucks
your jungle pool is based
else is pretty mediocre to bad though
Death to every single Janna main, beheading, gassing, electrocuting, the method doesn't matter.
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Putting up with the crappy music taste that females have by default is inevitable, sadly.
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google discords and 4chan
This is fact
you fucked up your build order and arent building correctly
how do i enter the yi zone
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I want to be Orianna's ballerina partner!
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Because their design isn't just, "it's a midget!"
You become a dunkmaster
welp back to World of Warcraft after another disappointing day by Riot Games, the Small Indie Company.

At least Blizz is transparent about when shit is coming out.
Gonna get a little unruly
Get it fired up in a hurry
Want to get dirrty
It's about time that I came to start the party
Ooh sweat dripping over my body
Dancing gettin' just a little naughty
Want to get dirrty
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>anything wrong with djent

fuck off djent is cool
Can diana be played mid or top? most laners feed like morons by the time i hit 6

what kind of rune page should i use?
She can go mid, just play safe until 6 unless the enemy really fucks up
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>guild broke apart
>stuck pugging as an ele shaman because who the fuck wants an ele shaman
7.1.5 cant come soon enough
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>Ryze waveclear lategame
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Is Ryze playable? I like battle mages and he seems like he might be a better pick against mobile cancer than Cass or Ryze.

His winrate is so fucking low, I don't know if it's worth actually learning how to play him.
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Ehhh. I don't play Trynd, but then it's too cheap to sell. Plus it's a legacy skin.
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Lulu is cute and adorable and i wanna carry her on my shoulders and show her the world!
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>ryze is a better pick against mobile cancer than ryze
my taste is beyond patrician and it includes djent
deal with it

>not wanting tosi abasi to play on your strings

what is wrong with you

hes the polar opposite of my type but damn im a fan

Not as satisfying as Absolute Zeroing a huge wave.
>ryze is less cancer than ryze
How high can you even pug? Heroic Trial of Valor and Mythic Nightmare is way too hard for a pug group.
You could just make one you big dummy.
No, not by any means.
when do i use shaco's ultimate?
>This akali fanart

Holy fuck. This is so good.
>7.1.5 cant come soon enough
I just want them to fix shadow priest jesus FUCK what are they doing
>Senator Tiltstrong geting tilted at normals
Just when you think he can't get more meme than he already is...
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>tfw your jinx folder is only 108 MB
I accidentally overwrote my external and had to start over
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i know I do enough dps to do H ToV but finding apes that can actually do it is nigh impossible so I just settle on Normal ToV since EN has literally no upgrades for me anymore
I just do a couple of M+ and KZ every week at this point and hope that NH comes out soon and I can find a guild that will at least finish heroic since I don't want to poopsock for mythic
at least the class does damage in raids
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>Tfw forgot to post it like the fucking troglodyte i am.
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>or Ryze
I meant Cass or Karthus
>tfw you don't have a waifu folder
feels too good
>mobile cancer
I mean you could argue Cassio because she has movement speed on her Q, but she isn't mobile at all, and Karthus even less.

>forget to post it
>it's still got tiny rez

you'll get it back soon anon :)
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In teamfights you should try to use it during the clusterfuck since people will most likely not know which one is the real one, when you're dueling you use it to dodge on important abilities that the enemy throws at you.
woops nevermind me I'm retarded, misread it.
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deleting mind sear to make aoe even worse
reducing the insanity gen from StM
deleting lingering insanity because fuck i dunno
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Just end me.

>hating on djent

post cool league wallpapeur puhleace
thats why you gotta pick the shit DPS class because they always get buffed to being fucking retarded
>they are tripling the damage on my legendary
>making lava burst spam a build
>making us even more of m+ monsters
>making mastery not a completly garbage stat
god bless blizzard, i suffered 3 months so I can shit on retards in DPS even more
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Caitlyn main here and i'm out of images of her, give me your best, guys.

woah woah woah, Enhance shammies are gonna be busted next patch? I gotta get my ass on leveling mine up.
elemental my dude
FFFFFFFUCK enhance they are already broken
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I did used to play her, but her W dots doesn't keep up with other champ's being able to delete waves, and I still got outshoved by some champs.

First week, Katarina had a <40% winrate and "kat mains" were crying about how terrible she was.

While the respect-worthy diamonds were all saying to rush rylais, I was part of the minute minority that said longsword+pots > gunblade was really strong, and got shitted on by reddit.

I wonder why people have come around to talking about kat's early game and longsword+pot > gunblade rush? Oh, because the respect-worthy diamonds finally got around to saying it, too.

As I get closer to my real rank, if I don't shit on my opponent, my teammates completely tilt themselves into losing because of the "useless katarina 'onetrick'". It's already happening way too often.
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got em mixed up

but god blss
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>fight vs ryze
>hit you with targeted ew then q
>run away with 600ms

>akalis shroud now teleports her a short distance, including over certain walls and terrain
>also slows and gives her a massive MS steroid

But why
Just control ward the W
where is this image from?
Because she's literally shit, that's why
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Let me fill you in on the FORBIDDEN TECHNIQUE: Lethality. Lethality out the fucking ass.

8/9 Lethality Marks (8 if you want to include 1 Crit Chance mark because lel rng), flat armor Seals, Scaling MR glyphs, and 2 AS quints with 1 Lethality quint. This will give you +10% Attack Speed and 16 Lethality Starting.

Masteries should be 18/0/12 with Fervor of Battle as your keystone; in the Resolve tree, take Unyielding, Explorer, Runic Armor, and Fearless. Fearless is KEY here - late game, it massively helps your survival rate when cleaning up teamfights.

Take Smite and Ghost, starting at red buff, then going to krugs (make sure to kill the smaller one FIRST); then, gank mid or bot/top (whichever lane is adjacent to krugs).

Build wise, you want to rush a Bloodrazor Red Smite (getting Skirmisher's and boots on your first back), then get Youmuu's if you're ahead, or BotRK if you're behind; after you get one, get the other. Once you have the first of the two, either get Berzerker's and then sell them later on to get Tabi or Mercs instead (you won't need the AS Berzerker's gives end-game), or if you feel confident, just get one of the two right away. Finally, if you're balling out of control, get a Guinsoo's. Last item is up to you, but I prefer GA.
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>62%, plat
Seems decent to me. Why would you not give it to him?

>ask first ban "can you ban Zed so they don't get it"
>he bans Zed
>I ban Yasuo right afterwards

>mfw Yi sprints down lane at 6 items and throws himself facefirst into the enemy team and insta-gibs literally every single one of them, out healing and doing fuck tons of true damage and ignoring their defenses through lethality, bloodrazor, and BoRK


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>there are people in this general who think master yi is good
>Jinxfags trying their hardest to be more autistic than lulufags
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>there are fuccbois who think he's bad
He's not, really. But he is fun.
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>Implying I think he's good.

Bruh, it's a joke. Even outside of a joke, 6 item Yi is terrifying as fuck.
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how does the korean solo q meta differ from NA? what are the best champs there?
They use Support Sion

We don't.
>tfw so mediocre you can't even be the best at being the worst
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Cry more you homo

Go back to tumblr
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I'm sure these pre-30 normal games are a good representation of real league of legends.

It feels like Mordekaiser won't be hurt too hard from the loss of Rylais.
is there some kind of website i can use to check regional metagames?
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> Enemy jungle Hecarim DC at start like for 5 min
> Gank shit out of every lane
> We still lose becouse our retards trow and feed Heca to 15/2
GG. some time i feel like i have 0 impact on this game. Ye forgot we had 3 inferno drakes and Victor mid with like 800AP who dealt same damage as support.
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xth for busty jinx
Sion support pick rate is 0.7 in KR and 1.4 in NA
That disagrees with what you said.
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What runes do you guys run on Janna?
My current page, works pretty well. I do autoattack a lot, thus the ad, I don't think mpen is worth it
Well I don't mind training other supports as well. Dodging becomes time-consuming fairly quickly.
All but one in movespeed, one crit
Who is edgier: vlad or aatrox?
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I think you've got that a bit wrong.
>Attempt to "fight" vs ryze
>Attempt to flee
>Runs you down with 600ms
>Blood mage or a "God" of War
post Camille
Aatrox by a mile.
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These are cheap runes that you can use on other champs

If I mained Janna currently (I played a lot of her in s4 s5 but much less than Braum) I'd do

Either flat armor or ad reds (In some matchups it'll be just too dangerous to AA for minimal gain, I'd go for the flat armor desu)
Flat or Scaling HP (Supports get the least xp of the game but scaling hp still break even pretty quickly at 6), Flat armor if you don't have the HP runes
flat AP or mres blues (I'd rather go for the AP)
MS or AP or pretty much anything Quints

It kinda depends how do you play your Janna

If you're not afraid to get in the thick of the fight to land Q/W on priority targets and R as many people as possible, get more tank stats

If you're going to be >that janna with mejais standing at max range behind her adc, get ap
armor, armor / health, AP / AP/lvl, AP
> Ewq
This is one shitty ryze
But anyways, try to cc, use your 300 dash, in close range he doesn't have the advantage, fight him with his w in cooldown, it's the only spell he needs to win the trade and run away
>Go 19-3 mid
>Still can't carry the 0-15 support and 3-8 ADC
It's legitimately insane how people think this was by intended design.
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>feeding supportcuck on the enemy team bitching all game
>literally everyone reports him when the game ends
kek x9

Is this the worst champion ever released?

It feels like a dota chamapion that got tried to be imported to LoL. They should've just made deadwood from HoN if they wanted a tree hero, he was cool as fuck. Shame there's no trees in LoL for him to pick up tho
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Crash course on the clown's ult
Use when:
>Doing dragon
>During a teamfight
>Dropping tower aggro
>Dodging skillshots
>During a gank if you think you have enough time to get it off and still chase
>You're at a tower and you know you can wail on it for a bit without being interrupted
And if you're feeling spicy
>Run a low health clone out from fog of war toward a low health target and hope he pops it
They didn't want a tree, they wanted a jungler who bypasses the jungle stat check.
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Truly this is how she was meant to look, it just feels more "right"
You realize x9 does nothing like? being reported is a per-game 1 or 0.
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>tfw want to master Poppy
>tfw can't play her for shit
kill me senpai
>want to abuse this busted sack of shit
>she's far better toplane than jungle
>playing toplane in 2016
its not about effectiveness
its about being put in place
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How can you not play poppy?
It's one of the easiest champs in the game
what are you ? a nigger ?
>all those good skin shards
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i like both

But my dick leans to the petite

I also love lux for that reason
mfw I get carried by wildturtle and (arcsecond I think)
What are you fucking up? Play safe in lane and sit your tight little yordle shithole on the carries and protect them come teamfights.
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>Queue for normal draft by myself to train champions
>Get matched against a 5man premade

This is like s7 dynamic queue all over again
Hellraiser II
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Holy fuck how do I beat shyvana on this patch, I'm a d5 jg wukong main and I just get shit on every game by her.

She farms her jg twice as fast as me at every stage in the game and then she comes and invades my shit and because she has way more gold then me, I can never fight her. I keep trying to get my teamates to help me out but like 5% of the time they'll care at all, she just gets half of my jg for free. Even if I get a good score from ganks, shyvana always has a higher score because of how fucking fast she is and she can gank and farm twice as fast as I can at all stages and has a 3k gold lead no matter how fed I get. I feel like a silver shitter because I just lose everytime to this braindead shit and I don't know what to do because my team rarely helps me stop her.
normal draft has always been a unplayable mess, your just noticing it because you've gotten better at the game.
>no escape
>W is a joke
>easily gets bullied when going for last hit
>passive is annoying to play by
>Can't trade if enemy isn't an idiot
>mid annie
>Loses to a fucking ziggs
Why can't shitters stay out of my fucking ranked?
im asking myself if there is more busty jinx art

god i love it so much
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>big boobs are nice eye candy but penis demands small chest
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i like you

Just a little looking and time sitting around jinx anons
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>It's a bot lane feeds Vayne and she crits you 4 times in a row for 3k damage episode
>being into traps
>implying its okay to be gay.
Literally can't wait until pence gasses you all like the jews.
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>curvy girls
>flat girls
thats the way i like it
thanks anon
Jinx is one of my favorite champion to play



>he doesn't like his girls with dicks
what are you, some kind of faggot?
Toppest of keks
>match found
>"Can i play mid anon?"
>check his clan tag, it's OSU!
>"Well you play osu, so no"
>i proceed to select lux
>he bans lux
>"Ha, now you won't play lux!"
>"it's fine i play lots of champs, unlike you"
He then left the champ select.
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Well.. ok then.
You're playing too aggressively or staying in lane too long it sounds like, Poppy's passive is a free last hit every time it comes up and she doesn't really need an escape when she's as tanky as she is with a low cd slow. Poppy isn't going to take control of a lane like a Riven or Darius but she will come out of lane better than most other tops if she farms equally. What you should be doing is trying to come out of lane alive with decent farm. Build resistances and health and don't pretend you can get up in somebody's face unless you have a clear advantage or you're fighting another low damage tank.
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>have a fucking server made for the sole purpose of testing things
>this happens

KateyKhaos said he's wrong. It IS coming this patch
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>Physical damage
>% hp damage
>True damage
>Gap closer
>All in the same kit
When will they learn?
yes they do :)
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you enjoy arguing not talking about others taste

eat shit son
>the opinion of the support staff responsible for testing it
>the opinion for some pr (((community manager))) slut
>They make champs people actually want to play
>Stop it riot, I want more champs that are simple and boring like annie
holy shit imagine sucking on them

she could make 10 babies
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my shit.jpg
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Finally got my shit.
jinxfags are taking up the image limit pretty fast so i might as well post my image.

You can escape some situations by using your e to dash away. You can use your passive to last hit easier and win trades. Poppy does lose most out right trades if you cant get her combo off. But I stick with grasp instead of CoC so I can win trades.
shes pretty easy bud. the only thing troubling about her is that pathing can screw you over sometimes.
You forgot aspd steroids, shields and autoattack resets
hey guys gimme some good jinx porn
6 slots Hecarim under Karma shield and Ghost running to your ADC Carry ass. Literaly how do you stop him?
Nah she's on the skins team, and knowing her, she probably had a very important role in developing this skin. So she's probably well informed on its status.
Cool figures
camille r him

>Decide to play after months
>Download new beta client
>Try to place in ranked
>Every game has a feeder
>Every game has 3 assassins trying to "carry"
>Every adc is either Lucian or Vayne
>Every game I have to pick fill to get a queue under 30 minutes
>Every game I'm the Support expected to be the only source of CC/Tankyness
>Every game has at least one person with a pro team attached to their summoner name
>Every person with the above plays like hot garbage on a champ like Lee Sin/Zed/Vayne
>Have 7 losses in a row and one remake

What the fuck killed this game so hard?
They're not even that big.
Fucking virgins.
it's exactly the same as it always has been
You can't.
Your team might be able to.
Olaf is even gayer though.
Luckily his jungle clear is bad early now so he's not played so much in the jungle anymore.
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>tfw not using a condom

but they're perfect anon

i think yasuo needs nerfs or some shit
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Why is Ivern considered OP now?
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>need to get a life
>can't get a life
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So I was right to just drop the game like the garbage it is, thank Christ.

>pic related
Jungle changes made everyone take longer to clear, Ivern now has super fast clears comparatively along with highly underrated utility that got buffed

>he's so garbage at this game he can't carry 4 shitters

lmaoing @ ur life
larger jangle camps
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too much utility

fastest clear

every second a shield

bush mechanics make him more trickier

i hate this crapchamp so much
at least you're not a level 7 singed.
>the new jungle finally killed Fiddle and Warwick making them 100% not viable
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>champion that makes J4,Fiora,Riven,Darius and every other jungler/toplaner irrelevant

sasuga riot
and then CertainlyT sticks his knotted dick in and ruins Warwick forever.
Press R to win champions are fucking stupid anyways.
I'm glad.
Is there a more obnoxious champion to lane against than caitlyn? legit bot lane poke comps that feature caitlyn with zyra, nami, or karma are actually fucking cancer. I would rather lane against a hundred yasuos than that
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>Anyone making Darius irrelevant

>Fiddle can't even clear blue buff anymore
>100 yasuos
>in one late
>They refuse to buff the damage on drain to help Fiddles clear faster and instead do the most bandaid ass fix ever for him

Why do they had the scarecrow so much bros
What elo are you
Only silver is this bad
>people think taric is a ""tank"""

He's 'tanky' but not a tank
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How do i gitgud with graves?

>go jungle
>fast and easy clear
>go gank
>"oh cmon nigga just walk away"
>no kills
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Pretty sure taric's a tank bub
he scales harder from tank stats than from ap

which are the two support itemisations

you can still get censer if your [insert champion that autoattacks in your team] is really good
>Is there a more obnoxious champion to lane against than caitlyn?
Not that I know of.
It's pretty annoying.
>he cant gank with the ebin cigar man of billion damages
>enemy top locks darius
>pick nunu top
>Drink his super tasty tears.
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>Implying you can carry bad players
There is no stopping a 20/0 Riven who got his kills because two retards kept running into her hoping thatthis time they get lucky. There is no way to carry inters of sufficiently bad teammates alone, no way.

Only way you manage to carry them is that enemy has same type of players which most of the time doesnt happen. You simply win your lane and they avoid you like a plague while your teammates run down bot/mid to 1v1.

No amount of skill can beat raw numbers
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Build on the left is kinda outdated. I take stormraiders now for both builds though.
>ganking on graves
yeah no, /mute all then farm nonstop and counter jungle and kill the enemy jungler. clean up lane farm when your shit team dies. Only gank if its a 100% kill and you can get an objective after
>laning phase ends
>youre playing nunu
>hes playing darius
Idk guys, i go fiddle jungle with no problems.

Yes, the clear is kinda slow, but i just never kill the bird camp, fuck that shit.
Also, W > E > Q.
>Late-game hits
>You're lane nunu
>He's Darius
>You're useless
>He isn't.
>enemy dives me lvl 2
>my adc doesn't heal or attack the enemy

tilted already desu what was he doing
They buffed drain damage early.
Also, the crow change was reverted.
Who has the best thighs in this game?
>He's not useless
>A win lane lose game champ who didn't even win lane
Nice one darius cucks.

Yeah im not a fag
is there literally a SINGLE league video on the ENTIRE fucking internet without a facecam
Is everyone fucking invulnerable while dashing now?
I play taliyah and my e doesn't do shit to vi ultying and lb using w
What the fuck?
>win lane lose game
whoah, looks like you posted from 1 and a half year ago friend!
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Wheres the lux skin
Yo mom
Jk it's poppy

Tied for Kindred and Camille


i just got back after a break and there's some fucked up shit going on
They created tali for the purpose of fucking up those who dash, and now she can't even do that, i don't even know why i play this piece of shit game when dota is 10 times better.
>Darius is win-lane lose game

Did you get a time machine to patch 5.13?

Can I come? Fuck this year.
why does leblanc hit so fucking hard holy shit
hey guys, are there any good jungle champs at 1350 or below
i see fiddle ww and yi but those guys suck peepee
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Damn thats a long break if its your first time seeing Vis ult
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Should i bay Camille or wait till price go down? Like i dont think i could play her, she be 100% permabaned in rank
Syndra, no question
holy gee the amount of cock you must fantasize about
what i meant is that vi didn't get any damage from my mines and nor did lb while dashing, is it supposed to be like that? cus it wasn't like this 3 months ago.
Taliyah doesn't stop dashes, she damages them if they do.

You're thinking of poppy. I don't actually know how the two interact but I assume vi ignores poppy
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Vi's Q is interrupted by Poppy

Her R goes straight through.
jesus fuck you autists can't even read, no wonder league is full of retards.
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Who knows let's post Lux
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Camille. I stand by it.

Speaking of, anyone building her HP when she comes out?
I'm thinking the passive shield might be strong if I get Sunfire > Frozen Mallet > Warmogs alongside Tit Hydra and BC for good measure.
>Tali players in charge of knowing how their champ works
darius still falls off quite a bit later on in the game unless he snowballs off a good early game.

his teamfighting is too honest allowing the enemy to choose when to engage and disengage.
poppy fucking stops everyone broken fucking cunt
her shitty wall even kills ghouls when they jump her
I kicked Vi with Poppy ult but she used her and came back. wew nice bugs rito
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Camille and Azir
>Says right on Vi's ult, nothing stops her from reaching the target
>Surprised when nothing stops her from getting to her target
wew lad
>Camille's ult stops her
Thats not a bug thats intentional

NOTHING stops Vi's ult unless you somehow kill her during it or become untargettable. Just like Malphite and Nocturne.
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Dashing ults aren't interrupted by things like Poppy W or random CC because stopping an ult with a regular skill would be ridiculous.
Never mind the fact that Wind Wall and Unbreakable delete any ult arbitrarily coded as a projectile.
Whats the easiest way to cheese S- and higher rank.
Just want my chests
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I have hardly any art of Elementalist Lux post more pls
There was a point in testing where if Shaco tried to deceive over wind wall he'd be removed from the game for the rest of the duration.
Unbreakable at least is balanced around that

Yasuo's wall is bullshit however.
play yi on twisted treeline and stomp shitters
there is not more that picture was just posted to reddit
> Dashing ults aren't interrupted by things like Poppy W or random CC
Sorry what? Its stop every dash, just some dashes are "unstopable"
post server/ign
and ill be ur bf anon
I've only found that one and this, there's not a whole lot of art for it yet.

Dark lux seems popular which is nice
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God damn it I need fanart/lewds now not later
Stop being a bundle of sticks and you may get a bf.
holy fuck her face is so ugly it's unbearable
Reminder that blizzard will never implement a crippling mechanic to finally balance mobility cancer.
I have no problem with Unbreakable but it does do the same thing as Wind Wall and it sometimes feels arbitrary.

>just some dashes are "unstopable"
Yes, primarily ults, like I said.
Next time think before you reply, retard.
what champ is benis
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What's that got to do with us?
But dont forget, they will give the weakest class in the game the biggest meme.
stop playing your obsolete immobile champion
>4 man wukong ult
>get exhausted
>my ult starts healing them
balanced summoner spell
How does stealth work in a card game?

whats the theory behind Lethality on Yi ? Lemme see that LoL math
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>Giving it (You)s
you can not target it with spells or atack it with your mineon, until it atack.
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I'm ready. Where is she?
outplayed idiot
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>MFW he spams shields faster than Riven does
>Shits CC the entire time and yells about having two thumbs
Its going to come some day faggot.
So is the whole extra-free supports in the rotation even decrease the wait time in queue?
>shitty accent in name

holy fuck


the worst of the worst

PROTIP nextime try replacing L's with capital i's
you already have a general, go back to your containment thread
And it makes people dodge and lose games more.
>using kys
My 60 year old mom uses kys irl. That mean you should stop using it aswell.
>korean server
>nautilus top tier pick for top and jungle

what the fuck is this
do they play in bizarro world in korea
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I need new nickname which will reminde to stay positive and dont flame
Guys how do I Eve? Her jungle clear is abysmal, her early game burst is non existent, and she has no hard CC. Basically just pray I get some easy pickings to get rolling or I'm useless?
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As much as I think that sucks dicks, HI IM X" and "TSM something" is worse.
>being a capital i Ioser
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How did I get S here?
Does kill mean nothing when you have lots of assists?
(the other S was the 17/5)
you'll be loving it when those champs are shitting all over you and your team
Koreans dont adhere to our mortal standards of meta
Alola Means Family
isnt korea full of WEH I ROST RANE, GG GO NEXT shitters?
It's okay, Carl. Least you have Yasuo to use against her.
>ADC sucks shit in lane
>misses free kills because unskilled player
>makes mistakes with summoner spells all the time or simply doesn't use them
>stands out of position constantly to take free damage
>misses skillshots
>lategame he just stands out of position and instantly dies to free without using any of his abilities or ult, dealing 2nd lowest damage

what went wrong?
Start Red said, go Krungs after. You are lvl 3, go cheez gank.
>Koreans are better players than NA and EU
Some day you'll learn there's more to this game than picking Yasuo.
i have no idea. i know thats exactly what its like for southeast asian dota. so maybe. i know dota isnt exactly popular in korea so it doesnt have the largest sample size of players
no, surely I lost because my character is bad, there is no way I could lose because Im not as good as I think I am
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>tfw played with someone named DatVayneCarry today
>tag was RiVay
yeah because names like " Rîveñ " are so creative and interesting right?

yeah nah.

its a shit fucking name. He couldve had something like " ElementaLux " or "Lux Influx" but he chooses to go with the a unoriginal garbo name using accented words to bypass name taken.

>My 60 year old mom uses kys irl

sounds like you have a cool mom

>tfw you have come full circle and after masturbating to many degenerate shit you can only jack off to lesbian softcore porn

>mom that uses kys instead of saying killyourself
sounds like a slut to me tbqh
The problem is that Vi is able to cast that ult AFTER being hit by Poppy's ult. As in she has already starte travelling away untargetable and suddenly LOLMAKINGABEELINEFORYOURCARRY.
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To put it simply, building Lethality as Yi gives you a much smoother early game by boosting your kill potential significantly against squishies and tanks early on (before they build armor, mind you). Granted, you may not see much of a difference to begin with - but it's better than going AD since you're already getting +60 AD by building Youmuu's, and it is (in my opinion) better than full attack speed, since you get all of that you need from the itemization.

Once you hit Bloodrazor and Youmuu's, you just start shredding people, as the bonus physical damage that they give synergizes extremely well with armor penetration. As an example, assuming you're doing well and get Youmuu's at level 9, you'll have about 70% of your Lethality as flat armor pen - which at 36 Lethality works out to be 25 flat armor pen.
Boy I sure do love that Zyra support is a thing! So much fun interaction with her plants botlane!
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Should i buy Jhin or Vayne, guys?
>cat in a sock
Your cs is fucking garbage
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>playing ADC
At this point it would be more efficient to have two CotC tanks at top instead of supp and adc
vayne if you want to slap your dick on the keyboard and win
jhin if you want to slap your dick slightly harder on the keyboard and win while having fun
>thinking CotC isn't going to be nerfed into the ground soon.
Yes, so WHY did I get S?
thx for free dragons
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other girls can't compete.jpg
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I love Lissandra!
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Champ Pool.jpg
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9/10 for the fact that Shaco annoys me to no end.

>1 for each role

>Full on jungle main
>Strongest Junglers and Ivern

I like you for some reason

I'm a mid and top main. Urgot or Ryze in either.
Since i am pits at the game, i just play TF when I want an easy win.
I still don't know the club name for NA
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Why is Donald Mcdonald so strong in MUGEN?
How do you make these, exactly?
Lux is going to be huge! HUGE!
I sort of miss team builder. If I pick ad as main role and support secondary, i'll always get support.
And my other positions suck some ass. .-.
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or at least spend it on a sandwich instead. getting kind of hungry
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Soon isn't now, anon.
/vg/ or vg, forget which one atm
>Don't pick X/Support
>Support is always a boosted animal incapable of rational thought or landing skillshots
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>äll these good goys crying because they cant donate their shekels to the chinese jews
oy vey!
Why do you guys want that skin so badly?

i dont understand that
is there a lolg discord server?
>doesn't cover eyes
one job
she looks cute, and there are way more effects/particles than other skins, and it has that costume changing thing.

i'm also sick of playing a melee mid
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Just a game
MLPony Tulpa e621
Dan Schnieder
dino nuggets
Sandy Hoax
EIIiot Rodger
Bull Prepper

is that malena morgan? also stop posting that garbage here. this is 2D only.

but what about just going more AS? or maybe AD per level? why bank everything on the chance that that the ADC isnt smart enough to build a single cloth armor?
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They have shit tastes
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Would Elementalist Lux have more sexual skill than default Lux?
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>35$ sandwich
>watch korean challenger game
>people walking around the map seemingly at random
>top laner helping jungler clear
>adc takes top
>5 man grouping at 2 minutes into the game
>lane swapping

hell is this
i cant even comprehend
>not wanting 10-waifu-in-1 Lux
she's literally objectivley the best girl now.
>koreans are literally autistic bronze players
How is Lucian good.
Even if I'm 6/1 there's too much long range shit in this game that 100-0's you.
I don't get it.
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>implying dragons matter when your team has three/four tanks and ap
now i'm actually interested in looking up a full star-guardian team.

>lulu top
>poppy jungle
>lux mid
>jinx/janna bot

anyone happen to know of a good vod?
I already covered why I don't go with more attack speed - if you build Bloodrazor, BotRK, and Guinsoo's, have your ult activated, have +10% AS from runes, and have Fury maxed out, you're literally (if I remember correctly) sitting at 2.4 attacks per second; when I said you didn't need any more attack speed due to itemization, I meant it.

As for AD per level, I find it doesn't scale as well - you're not building Crit with LethalitYi, and unlike Lethality, bonus AD from runes doesn't scale as you level.

Lastly, it's not countered by simply buying a cloth armor: even against dedicated tanks, you will STILL shred them, even without your true damage.
i mean it makes no sense at a glance but its a challenger game like what the fuck
>I'm bronze, but you better listen to my opinions
that team would get trashed so hard
he isnt anymore
why so mean? I'm better than the autofill support you keep getting ^_^
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>something something bronze
Nice rebuttal,sure showed me
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mastery thing jeh.png
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rate me jeh
Just play Xin if you wanna build like that. Crit Yi with many doubleswords is the patician choice.
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Because you're a Janna main and should be put to death.
Post more webms, my dude
>you will never be pounded by anon
why even extend me life
my nigga
can i join it?
fuck off

go to /gif/ if you wanna see that shit

why are you encouraging this faggot to eat up the image limit?
the link is on Eyoson
your post defending yourself has convinced me otherwise. I would prefer an autofill support.
Death to Janna mains
>some faggot posting webms or some faggot posting I WANNA ASSLIFT SHYVANA/I WANT TO BURROW INTO SONAS BOOBPUSSY
hard choice
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muh mastery new client.png
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Rate me niggers
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Played since end of S2, hit diamond this season, spent 25€ on the game so far, on random gifts and a few of those 20% - 80% sales.

First time ever I'm actually going to buy a skin, they should have made this a legendary skin
I put my dick above lolg, sorry anon
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Oh, I never said Crit Yi was bad - on the contrary, it's far, far better lategame than LethalitYi is. It just has a much worse early game, in my opinion.
rek - shit
vi - good
kindred - shit
graves - shit
amumu - good
heca - good
kha - shit
ivern - good
ekko - good
gragas - good
eve - shit
noc - good
nar - good
naut - good
seju - good
poppy - good
sion - good
skarner - good
elise - shit
zac - is my main, you should play more zac
glad to see someone else likes tanks.
Stop playing teamcomps where I'm forced to play her then.
whats kinky about having your dick freezing up on you? if anything it would ruin it in my eyes.
its not
no games are good
all games are shit
lego legends
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Thicc lady when? Not meme, realy when?
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I used to main Janna, now I'm playing Lulu and Leona more.

10/10, get that lvl 7 with Leona

I can tell if someone is an autofill supp. They are actually bad. Good luck m8
it doesnt stay on the same patch for 8 months
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She ain't thicc.
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we don't need to beg to have people play the game
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One day you were walking down the street
You looked at your arms and they were sunburnt
it hurt

the end
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look at dat.gif
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if you don't like games, don't play games, lego nigger
that's right your game is shit you should switch
that's because the game is balanced unlike your shitty game
And every patch of dota is 10 times bigger than league's weekly ones.
Braum is so fun, and isn't he a little too strong?
His passive does so much damage and puts so much pressure, and his shield is bullshit that cockblocks a lots of abilities.
His ult is kind of lame though.
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>League has cute girls
>Doto doesn't
Checkmate atheists
I'm not switching. I'm trying to just quit mobas altogether.
Lel your game has only sluts, dota doesn't need to appeal to children that's why the girls have clothes and actual character unlike any champ in league.
he's pretty weak
>that's because the game is balanced unlike your shitty game
>dota sluts
>having any cloth at all
it is, because everyone can be strong but noone will be too weak to do anything, unlike in league.
>Female Nasus
Get that shit outta here.
> Doto have only like 16 female heroes
Wew. faggot game

Do you have any problems with Susan, senpai?
>DotA doesn't need to appeal to children
>Every hero is the nth demonlord monster edgelord teen angst angry demon from the 420th plane of hell
I'm all out of fedora pics, pls someone help
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Does the "Swiftness" mastery apply to blitzcrank, xerath, and vi's self-slows?
Both games appeal to 12 year olds.
League went with sexy girls
Dota went with edgelords

League's 12 year old pandering is better
Delete it.
No one wants a dog girl.
gimme that firefox ahri skin! :3
>No one wants a dog girl.
I do
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/vg vs /vg on EUW pass:vidya
Join NOW
>Delete it
Make me
why did they make poros look so weird
>No one wants a dog girl
but we do
You have the furry, Kindred.
Tbh, I think they just inherented the edge from Warcraft lore.

Waifu pandering is almost always more successful than edgelord pandering, though.
hey how good is sion

i liked the look of him and i happened to get a skin for him in my beginner's case
i think so

more research needed
Why not both?
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>Tried diana mid for the first time today
>Its ten times easier than her jungle

why i never knew this before?
>I want a lamb
I want a dog girl
>play vlad
>have fun

>No female Nasus skin
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A T T E N T I O N.jpg
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>No one wants a dog girl.
can you only play one for all on the legacy client?
>Kindred is absolutely shit this presason so far
I need a champion to play
How fun is Fiora and how can you win games mostly singlehandedly as her?
You can add dog ears and a long tail on her.
Fiora is fine but you need some experience first. New fervor is really good on him by the way.
fiora is not a tranny
although that might explain why he hits so hard
inb4 poros are a magical race and for humans they look like humans (so braum with poros actually thinks he is surrounded by cute girls)

speaking about the looks of susan
you know, nasus was likely the very first champion i queued as into a game when i began to play the league (the first which i played was annie). i recall very dimly but i think i queued into a bot game as what i thought was a green ugly demon with red eyes (like doom from dota only green instead of red and with red eyes instead of cute yellow), and since i wanted another champion and mis-clicked i dced... i thought nasus was a green demon for a while after that because i didn't meet him in game and then people told me he is actually a walking dog. riot's splash art quality at its best :3
I want the one where he calls him an ambulance.
>green ugly demon with red
Sion before the rework?
I wish every ability had a little bit of both ap and ad scaling so you could memebuild in normals and it be sorta viable or you could build a zhonya's on an adc and it wouldn't be completely retarded
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>none of the FAQs is "Why the fuck haven't you released her yet you dumb cunts"
Who is asking these questions and why isn't it fucking out yet if there's an FAQ for it

>AP on Garen
What's that skin between Annie in Wonderland and Crimson Elite Talon? Can't tell.
>you could build a zhonya's on an adc and it wouldn't be completely retarded
ezreal can do that
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>still no qt bf
>games are gonna be full of annoying lux all day

life keeps getting worse and worse
So Lisanndra raped Braum?
you can do it on corki
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her mid winrate on champion gg is better for a reason

pic related

i don't really understand what's going on there
Hello everyone, I am quitting League of Legends. Sadly it is finally time for me to get a life. I will miss you all and I will especially miss playing /vg/ vs /vg/ customs. glhf friends!
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you'll come back eventually
see you tomorrow
good riddance
Is there a way to get the old client back? I'm sick of how obnoxious the new one is.
1 week

at most
>play varus against zed
>crush zed in lane, have double his minions and never die
>doesn't matter because he's zed and stomps game anyway
nice game lolbabs
0-4 elementalist lux
5-9 grow a spine and dont waste my fucking money and tell riot to fuck themselves for not having a sale

you dont get to spend your shekels today friendo.
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>>doesn't matter because he's zed and stomps game anyway

>surviving past lane phase
literally the opposite of how it should play out
buy me it instead plz I dont have any of the big skins
Oh, his old artwork.
If you ever manage to get out of Bronze you'll realize Zed stops being a threat past 15 minutes or so

Nice fanfiction, senpai. I'm following you from now on.
is this opposite land?
looking for a good garen player, does one exist?
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I honestly couldn't even tell. I can't answer that question even after taking the mastery and specifically paying attention to whether my self slow felt different.
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I want to commission some lewds featuring my big nosed stone waifu. Who to ship her with?

Been thinking something out there like Gengar. Or just go with faceless men.
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Rengar i think you mean.

got cha covered
Marine Revenge but I don't know if he even plays anymore.
to watch a stream or just talk diaper man?

cause I can give ya stuff to think about as you spin if you want
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that's one fugly girl you posted
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Wait I'm level 7 mastery on Caitlyn, why isn't she showing up in my top champs?
oh fuck off lissfag.
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>tfw I have to be this cute for Vlad to let me go swimming in him
yasuos her best ship other than malphite
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>Elementalist Lux releases.
>Bugs out the ass.
>Game crashes for everybody for anyone who loads into the rift.
>Her skin gets disabled for another week and a half.
>It single handedly fucks up the shop worse than the first wave of project skins.




didnt you get like 4 niggers to write you shit yesterday?
uum, what was the point of that?


Braum was married to a qt girl who was poro in disguise
When he found her secret she ran off in shame
Now Braum is questioning Lissandra to see if she knows where his bride went (because he thinks she's half poro)
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/vg/ vs /vg/ has been summoned in your area, join quickly! pw: vidya
How do I play Trundle jungle in season 7?
Are there actually any real life girls in this thread?
who are at least gold
i got 1.
that reminds me that i have to pay him
na or eu
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prove it
>insta kms
desu i need blu essence
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Free blue essence
>those key frags

FUCKING HOW, Im a otp and all I have are chests
We are all little girls here, anon.
I'm plat
How did you switch out the icon for Shyvana?
>guy has custom champion avatars
Autism anon, autism
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>People using my crop as a icon replacer

>playing lol means you have no life
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Non-furry lightning mage champion WHEN?
I don't play new heroes very often


C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_air_client\releases\\deploy\assets\images\champions

replace Championname_Square_0
been gone for about a year, what i miss?
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Shyvana was gutted with cinderhulk nerfs then buffed ridiculously with devourer rework then nerfed then lost her items without compensation and just recently got buffed a lot
Is that xin zhao?
tfw no poro in disguise gf
xin doesnt have anal beads hair
ryze spells look like lightnings desu sempai
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Ryze is almost a furry with his purple skin

but I dont want spells that "look" like lightning I want Kennen/Voli, except human, and FUN
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dont debase the name of the lulufags you filthy degenerate
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You two have inspired me to make this.

I think it really captures the autistic fury that lies within Yi mains.
make a reddit post that you find it problematic that lvl 7 shyvana is called warlord instead of warlady
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HUMAN! you nigger

Xerath doesnt even use lightning, its blue colored goop
They have vacated their niche and I shall step up and claim it, until vladfaggotry rules lolg

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chest or not.jpg
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Does this mean that I have one chest to redeem?

Never. The answer is never.
>varus against zed
new mid meta
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>ryze is almost furry with his purple skin

have you considered that you're fucking retarded

You said non furry

And yes hes literally using lightning.
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867KB, 670x651px
People like this actually exist? He's a walking stereotype.
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>That's alot
I really do need to play other champs.
>excellent in early game laning phase
>shit at late game teamfights and skirmishes

I can 1v1 other players fine in mid and top, but in teamfights i just don't know what to do, how to positions myself, who to focus, etc.
I play almost exclusively assassins in mid and bruisers in top.
>adc main
>tired of riot fucking over his role
>plays cancer as retaliation

not bad
I made that crop.
Well he fed and afked just now.
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324KB, 653x544px
Heres mine, I tend to play norms with random people whenever I have chests up

havent gotten a single good skin btw

dont spend money on league anyway
How could either of you have made that crop when I made that crop?
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who furry you furry

did you just call the usa the land of furries?
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>I absolutely hate Yasuo to the point where I don't like talking about him if I'm not forced to. I don't think he needs a rework, he's just a frustrating character.
And this is the Riot playtesting team.
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A lot of people have made the crop. I made my own version of 120x120
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>Enemy mid laners who don't understand if they push past halfway I'm there in 7 seconds flat

Thanks for signing up to be free food, takes courage
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Sem título.jpg
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>can't bring anything new to the table so he resorts to thievery
>uses emojis on an IMAGE board
sasuga vladfag
That'll teach you, faggot.
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lmao 2 top.jpg
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>play sion support
>what they don't know is that I'm actually the 2nd top laner
Do not think that because I do not post you can use my art form, refrain from facial gestures and pay your respects like a true noble or suffer in petty vaynity
He was on the enemy team.
>He's a walking stereotype.
a wannabe cute riven?
>kayle annie
>yasuo yi
>ashe / varus

>all human

also fucking same

“How you behave toward Yasuo here below determines your status in Heaven.”
― Robert A. Heinlein
Wait aren't you that one riven faggot
>Brand doesn't count, he's too red
>Yasuo doesn't count, he's not from Japan
>Sona doesn't count, she doesn't compose songs in game
>Ashe/Varus don't count, they don't run out of arrows
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I play riven yes
does this make me a shit player now or something?
Why did no one tell me in order to climb all you have to do is push towers, split push and play champs who can solo baron?
i want a /lit/ champion desu

jhin is rather "my power over you grows stronger yet" champion than /lit/

or at least book girl (fox) ahri skin
>fire mage
She's a paladin you dumbo.
Annie? Yi? Bard?

baron....I meant dragon

Banning Yasuo every game since 2014 registering in
she uses fire in her abilities

>the original was asking for something that league doesnt have much of
>you autist out after being given examples that fit what you asked for EXACTLY
>Yi is from Japan
And I was messing around, I think that those people who go "Vi is not enough of a punching champion" are morons.
why does he touch his nipples
Holy fire is not fire.
why dont you
nipples arent that low anon

>X Fire is not *REAL* fire

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>More people have resized it*

if you made a different crop at least the image would look different, not cropped in the exact same spot
>fire is not fire.
my last game yasuo asked to ban teemo because he was afraid to lane vs teemo (he also banned nasus) and when enemy picked teemo i had to comfort him so he could win the lane vs teemo

i was just like... wut

that's too indecent
>im a faggot that just went to /g/

kys yourself
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>I was just a dirty shyvanafag
>I loved shyvana so much, I owned all her skins and merchandise
>I pray to shyvana every night, thanking her for just existing
>"shyvana is love", I say, "shyvana is life"
>my mid leblanc overhears me and calls me a faggot
>she is obviously jealous of my devotion to shyvana
>I respond "I'm a faggot?"
>She says "Yes you're a faggot"
>I say "But I'm not gay"
>She says "I meant it as a generic insult, not to call you gay"
>I respond "It's still homophobic"
>She steals all the creeps from my lane and tells me she muted me
>I'm crying now, because I was not finished talking
> I go to my lane, it's very lonely up top
>I feel a warmness coming from river
>It's shyvana
>I'm so happy
>She whispers in my ear "Want to go gank bot?"
>"To gank bot?"
>"You came to my lane just to tell me you want to gank bot?"
>"Why else would I come top?"
>"I thought you were gonna have your way with me"
>"You're a dirty shyvanafag, anyone who would think that is a twisted freak"
>"A twisted freak?"
>She pings me 10 times and tells me to follow
>I'm ready
>I follow her into river
>She wastes several minutes farming jungle, spamming laugh and her rank 7 emote
>It hurts so much to follow her but I do it for shyvana
>I can feel my brain tearing and my eyes start to water
>I want to please shyvana
>She laughs a mighty laugh as leb gets dove on for the 5th time
> leblanc rages in chat
>shyvana looks leblanc deep in the eyes and says "It's over now"
>"Why the fuck have you not ganked my lane? I'm reporting you for being bad"
>"...you were supposed to say "It's over now"
>"Fuck you, what are you doing with top lane?
>"You're no fun"
>shyvana steals all the creeps from my lane and R's away just as I get dove
shyvana is love, shyvana is life
Holy fire does not emit heat and doesn't bahave like shitty regular fire. It only burns the unjust.
Hi /lolg/, I'm thinking of picking up Vladimir for the midlane and Garen for the toplane.
How do they fare in the current meta?
Malphite or Yasuo, nothing else.
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>trying to use logic when dealing with magic and videogames
another rioter debunked that
>elementalist releases
>lux winrate plummets
>riot nerfs her anyway
>lux winrate returns to the previous value

This is the path of our current timeline.
>this means every champion in league is unjust

>Not using logic when dealing with magic and creating an interesting system
garen sucks and vlads a free win versus low cc comps
but it's just your definition
in game her fire burns even the enemy kayle in normal blinds

two_ahris_trying_to_fuck_each_other_till_their_simultaneous_charms end.gif

logic is universal, anon
it works as long as you have some axioms

>It only burns the unjust.
kayle does quite a bit of damage to garen, taric, leona, even to other kayles
As a Kalista main, I can say it isn't that bad.
jesus christ what a clusterfuck
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>Kalista main
How does it feel?

Leblanc main here.
>how i feel about her right now
what pasta was it originally?
I don't get it.
it is supposed to crash your browser if you have a shit computer
Not the same kalista main, but honestly, it feels pretty fucking great right now.

I fear the buffs on the pbe are gonna put her in the spotlight again.
my work pc is incredibly shit and it only crashed a couple of tabs in my opera which i simply reloaded
>How does it feel?
Like shit. But I'm one of the few people that still plays her so it okay r-right? haha... ha.
I'm saving up to buy kalista.
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yeah I mean if you have like 8gb ram and nothing else open it won't do shit
>Look within yourself, what do you see
memes tbqh
Pretty fucking rad desu. Was that malphite?
i picked garen into a kayle
how do i win?
>red emo
>ultra edgy emo
no thanks, i'll pass
hope the kayle has a stroke because she absolutely annihilates garen
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Here we go boys
they can take turns to ride each other!
>Ahri says mid or feed
>Give them mid
>They feed anyway and then starts bitching in all chat.
Good to see this community haven't changed.
Fuck you I checked
Its in there lad.

I just bought it.
It's hard to be good and stay good at LoL unless you play at least 3 games a day.
Is that supposed to be malphite?
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Soraka mains are for ______?
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>tfw no rp
Bullshit, it's not in my store
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This is this year's Ultimate Skin?

Anyway, didn't play since S4, worth getting back into the game? I
Wu-tang clan.
looks like TzTok-Jad
does riot usually pump this kind of budget into advertising shitty skins
Malphite is made of rock and the size of a mountain yet ingame he's smaller than fugboi Ezreal and can be poisoned. If you don't differentiate gameplay from lore you'll end up with a retarded mess of a gam.
But you're going to anyways.
Trash, just like the skin.
cumming inside of!
Are you on eune in the new client? Its bugged af, has been since the start, featured items dont get shown.

Go check the bundles page.
Remember Project?
I just rolled back my client and now I see it. Fucking Riot
>just 28 RP short of getting elementalist lux
is it said in the lore than the only way for kayle to kill the just it's to literally hit them with a sword because the fire will not work
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Just got done jacking off to my own reflection to prime up for a game of playing Shyvana

Let's do this.
>jacking off to my own reflection
that's cute~
Fucking hell this conversation can't get any better
Top zez bois top zez
jesus christ
as someone whos coming over from dota this game is like fucking made for children i feel so aggressively marketed to it hurts
Red Buff
implying magical girls aren't aimed at men in their 40ss and older
>emo girls aren't hot

kys :)
no anon you are.
point me to the lore that says Kayle can only hurt the unjust.
>if I don't like it it's trash
wew lad that's a shame we hit image limit because I had a spicy reaction image ready for you
even with a sword?
You have a very little chance if you know how to abuse your silence, but she will punish you very hard if you make a little mistake.
let me jack to your reflection too~
>not Elementalist edition
you fucked up son
why do you try to impersonate me?
because you just left him hanging, you were gonna drop the conversation there
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