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/tesg/ - The Elder Scrolls General

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>Thread was created with incorrect OP or a lot earlier than post?
Ignore and report; Wait for a correct thread to be made.

>Skyrim Special Edition has been released, and the original SKSE will not work with it. We are currently investigating the application to create a SKSE64 build for the Special Edition. This will not be a fast process. The update to 64-bits means a lot of investigation and changes. Much like the work that has gone into F4SE this will take a tremendous amount of effort. We appreciate your patience while this work continues. We have no timeline for a release. - the SKSE team 29 October 2016

Elder Thread: >>160772813
Altmer master race
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Found the Yamcha
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Playing oblivion for the first time anything i should know?
use a levelling overhaul mod
vanilla levelling is awful
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What are the best Undead-themed mods out for Skyrim? Both in terms of NPC's and players
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Can someone help me understand wtf is going wrong with my body?
a mod that modifies the skeleton isn't compatible with one of your others. Start disabling to find which one.
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Should I get UUNP or CBBE?

The two things I'm most interested in are customization and armors.
these are the only things I have installed related to a skeleton and they're all required. I'm completely lost.
Install/put xp32me last, then run FNIS, see if that works.
What would you recomment?
reminder that knees are better than watermelons
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no luck only a fleek ass
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I'm sorry yeah. I worked for months trying to make a Riften quest line where you help Mjoll take out the Thieves Guild but it's turned into a disaster.
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What a time to be ded.
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Goodnight /tesg/
Is there a mod that does a good job of changing the shit vanilla grass without it being too tall?
How does one make a good looking face?
Even if i get it right, when i look at it from the side its all fucked with flat lips
imo Verdant is pretty decent. Not sure how short you want your grass to be though.
get out of my bed
I'm actually using Verdant right now, it looks really nice but I find the grass a little too tall.
It wouldn't be called the Abandoned Temple if it was previously occupied.
The walking dead
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Well hate to break it to you but most grass mods are usually about that height. Unless you were to get rid of grass completely and just use a texture that looks like flat grass for the ground or some shit.
I'm playing Requiem and I have to say it's pretty good, why does /tesg/ hate it?
It's a matter of personal taste; cant really help you there. I dont even remember what one I used anyway.
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32nd for adventure
That's what I feared. I can deal with some clipping with Silverstead house mod if it means not dealing with vanilla grass. Thanks!
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"The Pig Children", by Tyson Bane:
>[The Daedra] could scarcely have created a more constant threat to the well-being of the civilized races of Tamriel than the obnoxious Orc.
>...their brutal pig-like features, and their stench. They are consistently belligerent, morally grotesque, intellectually moronic, and unclean.
>[The Orcs] tribal loyalty have made them inevitable as leeches in a stagnant pool.

Tyston Bane is right. Make Skyrim great again.
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Is Todd secretly a nazi sympathizer?
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>Tyston Bane
You are a person of above average stature.
For thee.
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Here, the newest version of cloneskin

I changed and updated the _msn a little and i improved the speculars a lot, makes the lips look better imo


has mipmaps

practice and sculpt

incompatible with everything in existence
bullshit scaling
terrible perks, very boring

it basically goes against the the idea of modding. You are not modding your game, its more of an total conversion of some sorts, and testing out new mods is just not possible without having to disable 80% of your loadorder thanks to requiem.

Skytweak and a few combat mods get the job done much better.
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Do you think this is a fucking game?
Post what you're listening to, then make a Stand of it using http://www.pages.drexel.edu/~dft29/Stand_Generator/Stand-Generation-Overdrive.html

Eminem - Relapse

>Stand Name: Crack a Bottle

Stand Ability: [Water Wall Generation](http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Wall_Generation)

Power - E

Speed - C

Range - D

Durability - A

Precision - D

Potential - A

Description: The ability to create, summon, or generate walls by using water. Sub-power of Hydrokinetic Constructs. Variation of Elemental Wall Generation. User can create walls of water from nothing or by shaping the existing water, they can shape the wall to any shape they want, but afterwards the walls are unchanging and immobile.
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Stand Name: Hurt

Stand Ability: [Meta Teleportation](http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Meta_Teleportation)

Power - E

Speed - A

Range - D

Durability - A

Precision - C

Potential - A

Description: The ability to teleport anything to any location and time. Sub-power of Omnipresence and Boundary Manipulation. Absolute form of Teleportation. User can teleport anything to anywhere: any place and time they desire, including physical locations such as: in a locked room, in space, in heaven, or in hell, as well as metaphysical places such as: inside a dream, inside a heart, inside thoughts, or even inside people.

Pretty good desu.
>no time for waifu
It's not fair.
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Can't find it anywhere on yootoob but

Stand Name:「BLUE DRIFT」

Stand Ability: [Photokinetic Combat](http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Photokinetic_Combat)

Power - A

Speed - A

Range - C

Durability - A

Precision - B

Potential - C

Description: The power to fuse light and physical combat. Technique of Light Manipulation. Variation of Elemental Combat. Opposite to Umbrakinetic Combat. The user can use light in their physical combat, making their attacks extremely fast, mixing precision strikes with broader effects and unpredictability.
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Stand Name: I Want the World to Stop

Stand Ability: [Eldritch Magic](http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Eldritch_Magic)

Power - D

Speed - D

Range - B

Durability - A

Precision - A

Potential - B

Description: The power to use Eldritch Magic, a form of magic that is derived from Eldritch Abominations. Alien variation of the Dark Arts and Divine Magic. User can utilize Eldritch Magic, a variation of magic that is derived from some sort of Eldritch being. What this means ultimately depends on the universe it's used in, but more often than not it's not a good thing. Eldritch Magic practitioners are capable of doing things that can exceed many limitations of Magic usually at the cost of their physical...
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>tfw never been to that dwemer ruin before.

I need to explore Solstheim some more soon.
>There's a really popular mod that makes the cities open, so you can just walk in. We didn't do that, originally, for technical reasons on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.



Move aside UNP and CBBE, Seraphim is coming to take over as the new body mod of choice.
So what mod does that rifle on the back come from?
Maybe for SSE, but there's so much legacy content in Oldrim that relies on the existing body mods, and will likely never be updated, that they'll always have a prominent place.
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Stand Name: Father of Death

Stand Ability: [War Embodiment](http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/War_Embodiment)

Power - B

Speed - D

Range - D

Durability - B

Precision - B

Potential - E

Description: The ability to become the embodiment of war. Variation of War Manipulation and Power Manifestation. The user of this power can become the embodiment of war. The user can cause war, utterly obliterate the enemy with destruction and devastating means. The user controls rage, inflicts pain, and can make others' lives miserable by rendering them homeless or taking away their loved ones.


Stand Name: World Princess, Pt. II

Stand Ability: [Temporal Entity Physiology](http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Temporal_Entity_Physiology)

Power - B

Speed - E

Range - D

Durability - E

Precision - B

Potential - B

Description: The power to use the abilities of Temporal Entity. Variation of Cosmic Entity Physiology. User with this ability either is or can transform into a Temporal Entity by ascending into a higher level of existence, and are able to influence/manipulate Time in a supreme or nearly supreme manner.

Grimes is transcendence

goddamn the music video for this is cringe though, watching that and the kill v maim video kinda spoil her persona for me
Oh whoops, here's the song

why are we making stands
post something else
Post lewd goats. Or goats in bikini.
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Jojofags are everywhere.
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He reminds me of a politician of my country. Weird.
That's a sheep you dumbass. I bet that you can't tell the difference between a dromedary and a camel, and the difference between a whale and your mom.
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gonna post some generic landscape shots I took that I think look purdy. Only started modding about 2 weeks ago on and off so I don't really have that many mods atm. Took me a while to get it to look nice enough to play so now I can focus on gameplay and lewd mods.
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>can never use more than support magics
>closest I had to full on wizard turned into a battlemage
How to into MAGICK?
I always get bored everytime I attempt to go full mage in every game.
Do I need mods or is the mystical world just not for me?
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Does this look better than Skyrim SE? I haven't seen much of it
except a dromedary is a camel and my mom is a whale
sheep are goats dumas
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SE has Verdant, SFO, rough ENB, Vivid Weathers and some other texture mods (and some which are compatible from oldrims). It can look nice enough.
alright who the fuck did this
Did you steal the dragon's claw in Riverwood?
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damn Bethesda are jews
Then did you do the Faendel/Sven letter quest?

Did you defeat someone in a barbrawl?

Did you ever bump in a random passerby while running?
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The Dwemer ruins in Solstheim are p cool
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>Did you defeat someone in a barbrawl?
Only Uthgerd, but she's dead

>Did you ever bump in a random passerby while running?
Is that even a thing? Anyone could send asssasins after you just because you bumped into them?
That's probably Ada then
Time to bully
bully him with your dick
I dunno if that is a thing, but I also had assassins sent after me and I didn't do a thing deserving something that extreme.

Could be anything. Praise Todd.
Shit show to be quite honest in my honest opinion.

Should have made a documentary about zombies instead.
>I also had assassins sent after me and I didn't do a thing deserving something that extreme.
This is a game where guards will try to murder you if you hurt a chicken. And some anon had thugs sent after him by his own adopted daughter.
>Do I need mods

Almalexia and Sotha Sil: Tamriel's original feminists?
>And some anon had thugs sent after him by his own adopted daughter
Top kek. Do you have more details?
Doesn't look anywhere close to as good as my Oldrim setup.

Though at least it doesn't take 1-2 minutes for every loading screen.
Oblivion had extreme super ultra eioteioten tier magic casting, unlike Skyrim.

And Skyrim doesn't have spell making, because of casual bullshit.

Fuck you Bethesda, fuck you right in the fucking urethral tract with a fucking corncob holder.
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this is as close as you're going to get my mane
Nobody did. It's a random event that isn't tied to any crimes or anything. It just happens and it's random.

It's not like the hired thugs event.
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Are you fucking kidding me, there's another one
I am going to kick Ada's teeth in when I see him
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Umm... What is she doing?
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Yeah, sure.


your dick
It's gonna be easier to bully him with his dick when his teeth are gone
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Talking Heads - Girlfriend is Better
Stand Name: Stop Making Sense

Stand Ability: [List of Elemental Abilities](http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Elemental_Abilities)

Power - C

Speed - B

Range - E

Durability - D

Precision - C

Potential - A

Description: List of elemental powers and abilities. Air/Wind/gas Aerokinesis -manipulate the air, wind, and gas., Aeroportation - teleport using air/wind currents., Air Mimicry - transform into a cloud of gas, fog, or mist., Atmokinesis - manipulate the weather by mixing water, fire, earth, air, and lightning/electricity., Deoxygenation - suck up all the oxygen from a place., Lung Adaptation - breath anywhere, Wind Generation - create blasts of air., Divine Winds Manipulation - create and control...

I have to assume from stats my stand starts with relatively little ability; but this grows as I fall deeper into despair/insanity
and naturally it wears an oversized suit
No, your Stand is literally a list. It's somehow even less useful than Wikipedia.
If it had D rank potential and a shit name sure
[Stop Making Sense] with A rank Potential tho.
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Stand Name: The Beast of Pirate's Bay

Stand Ability: [Umbrakinetic Creature Creation](http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Umbrakinetic_Creature_Creation)

Power - A

Speed - D

Range - C

Durability - E

Precision - A

Potential - A

Description: The power to create beings of darkness or shape them to certain shapes. Sub-power of Darkness Attacks and Umbrakinetic Constructs. Variation of Elemental Entity Creation. User is able to create beings of darkness/shadow or shape existing darkness/shadow into wanted shapes and purposes. They can grant the beings varying levels of independence (controlled, automatons/programmed, semi-independent) and existence (momentary to permanent) and delete the creature once they are done with them.

Is, is this good? I dont watch Jojo.
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What would that old fart want with me anyway

Well your stand ability literally stopped making sense, amirite
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It's like Raven's power and Green Lantern's power combined.
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how bout the stand gives people an autistic drive to seek esoteric knowledge about random obsessions and generally become more and more obsessive about it as time goes on

It fits with David Byrne famously being a sperg, [Stop Making Sense], the whole Index bit and the high Potential
When is jojo going to be over so the fans can finally shut the fuck up about it for 5 minutes
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Literally the strongest Stand ever. Not even GER and MiH can stop it if the user simply wishes to instantly teleport inside the body of the enemy Stand user.

Very fitting for a Mary Sue.
is this really any worse than waifufaggotry?
Yeah, at least waifufaggotry is somewhat on topic. This is complete off-topic shitposting.
"Shitposting" is a little strong.
Is there a mod that makes it so I can hand in both Faendel and Sven's letters to the chick in Riverwood.
Amorous Adventures has an option where you can tell Camilla that both of those fuckers are not worth her time.
So I got a pretty stable load order, in that after a few hours I haven't crashed yet. Still early though.

Problem though is that the load times are unreasonably long. I know that's got to be a load order issue, but how would I go about fixing that? Like how do I find out what the load order issue is without just like tossing things around constantly to check? because trial and error is going to be a real nightmare with the over 200 mods I've got installed.
Get the fuck out and take your offtopic bullshit with you.
At that point, I'd say it's likely your harddrive. They can only sort through information so fast, and with that many mods it isnt unreasonable to say that it's likely going through 10-30gb of mods during your loadscreens.
is she cooking tuna or buns
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I haven't been here in a while. What have I missed over the past week?
I'm on an SSD, and yeah it's gotta be closer to 30gb of mods.
Diana's great meltdown of 2016 after getting BTFO by the entire thread's population.

Too bad you, the only person that likes him, weren't there to defend him.
>jap voices + RDO + Amorous Adventures
This is pretty weird.
Shit, I guess that mod is essential then.
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Also, liking his characters =/= liking him/her.
Just typical Diana arguing with anons.
Hardly call it a meltdown, but guess they can shitpost harder about it if they call it that.
Anyone know a mod that has working vampire eyes for elves? Elven sclera aren't white, but the best mod I know that mods vampire eyes is DVA, and it doesn't differentiate. It feels really fucked up that my Dunmer guy looked more like a vampire before he turned into a vampire and is now a guy with red irises.
>try that mod on SE by seducing Camilla
>take her upstairs to plow her on the bed
>scene fades to black for a moment because no sex mod
>see her brother now standing in the room, staring at me silently
>run through the balcony
I don't get that issue on my elves, I get the glowing Harkon eyes.
Are you sure that you're not using vampire eyes for your character?
Well, it used to be worse.
Sword Singing and Shehai for Redguards when?
Yeah I know it's one of my mods doing it, but it's not something I can easily pin down from my lack of know how. I don't even know which files to look for in the mod organizer folder.

What do you mean? I am using vampire eyes, it's just not the default one and more importantly it looks silly because it's probably meant for human races stage 1 vampirism. I think DVA had something similar, but I already disabled that and I'm pretty sure MO doesn't have the same issues as NMM and shit.
No more CTDs, but the place is a little FPS heavy. Aswell tons of the NPCs have grey face bug.
Let me rephrase that. "Are you using vampire eyes for your non-vampire character?"

Because if you do, then I don't know why you're so surprised. There are other eye styles with white sclera and non-red irises, you know. Even if you disabled the ESP, as long as the mod is activated (check if the box is ticked), then it will replace the vanilla/Dawnguard vampire eyes.
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Gives a nice kinda ghetto or slums feel to it. Alot of small shop stands, seems NPCs get stuck though. And I swear I saw a dawnguard patrol leave the inn and go back on patrol.
Nope, I'm using the vanilla dark red eyes, the one where it's just a very generic full murky red or whatever. I didn't think I'd need eye mods when I planned to stay as a vampire for this character, so it was kinda surprising.

And I still don't get your point. I didn't disable the plugin on the right column, but on the left which automatically removes the esp from the plugin list to begin with. Nor do I understand how you came to the conclusion that assuming I use vampire eyes for a non vampire character, it will suddenly somehow make the vampire eyes different. I just don't see the connection.

I already know it's a mod I have, but I don't know how to trouble shoot it, and it's probably easier to just find a way to overwrite it. The question I have now is are there mods that support elven vampires instead of just humans that's all. This is what I get for trying a fucking elf for once.
>Diana talks about steam chat saying he is tired of people talking about him
>CT says he is tired of Diana's shitty attitude and confronts him.
>Diana starts talking about CT to some guy named Billy
>CT posts chat log

tl;dr: Diana is a gossip.
How many altmer have achieved CHIM faggot?
Look into my eyes and tell me that I didn't.
You can't.
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Fuck off with that garbage character, it's so generic, non unique and shit that if it came close to achiving CHIM by gaining some kind of realization (An impossible task for your ditzy blonde mer whore) her soul would be sent straight back into the dreamsleeve because she has no way to secure herself as existing, because she's just a stupid generic elven whore, with thousands more like her
fuck anon I needed that laff
thank you
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>ESO is on sale
Someone please stop me!
what mod

I havent check the interiors of the houses/inns/shops yet. Ill do that when I come back home later. This thing used to be a big buggy/CTD mess.
The game is still a scam and you've gotta pay a sub fee to get access to their overpriced DLC that is necessary for a halfway good experience, and in order to get around the ridiculous jewy bag space limit.

If you want a pvp mmo tho it's one of the better ones for that.

Otherwise it's not good enough to be a good single player elder scrolls game, and it's not good enough to be a good mmo.

It's subpar in both aspects, and is a pretty single player mmo all around.
Any screencaps? I've been away
You can probably find some screencaps of it from the archives when diana did literally the same exact thing a few years ago.
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Stand Name: Me and Your Mama

Stand Ability: [Remote Time Travel](http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Remote_Time_Travel)

Power - A

Speed - E

Range - C

Durability - B

Precision - B

Potential - D

Description: The power to send others through time without traveling with them. Sub-power of Time Manipulation and Space-Time Manipulation. Variation of Time Travel. The user can move others through time without going with them, staying in the present time that they are in. The user can also bring others to the present as well.
vanilla, just pickpocket the letter and turn in both
>going against the "please give me responses posts"
Next thing you'll probably do is go against the circlejerker posts like a madman. I wish you luck, anon.
If you hand in another letter it overwrites the previous hand in. So the former person now hates your guts while the latter now likes you after originally hating you.
Clones is overrated.
Looks impressive. Also it seems someone is going to try and port it to SE.

Thanks anon I put my heart and soul into that autistic reply
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'sup /tesg/

How are you all today? I'm pretty much just freezing over here, hugging a radiator to survive.
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Installing a new SSD for Skyrim today C:
Damn, you people who actually have money make me so jealous...
Do you guys mostly play in first or third person?
2h knight is almost all 3rd person, 1 handed spellsword is mostly 1st person
is there a way to get both of them as a follower?

Be reluctant rivals that both end up falling in love with me and I cuck them
Learning how to make new animations.
What I like about it is it fits with JK/Dawn, Whiterun Exterior from ETAC and People of Skyrim

Makes Whiterun look massive
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Small bedroom. The power of Nvidia™ keeps us warm.
I don't know how to make zappers in Outfit Studio, but I found out that you can click on a part and then remove it or some shit? I assumed this would work, because I end up seeing said modded version that I saved in the Bodyslide studio dropdown. But even when I save it, nothing happens and in game I get the same shitty non changed item. What did I do wrong?
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Im a bit confused here regarding skyrims memory limit (3.1gb).

I can use ENB to get around this, and i see in task manager the ENB process taking up multiple gb's or RAM on behalf of skyrim which never exceeds 3.1

But this mod


Claims that it can do that with a SKSE dll removing the need for ENB to expand memory. But whenever I use this mod skyrim still has the 3.1gb cap

can anyone explain this shit to me? Im beyond confused. Also I don't use ENB, only the "boost" part of it.
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So what's this strange machine supposed to do? I interact with it, it says "You feel the world shift around you" Numinar teleports to me, then he talks to me with only his normal default dialog with nothing new.

I guess it's a bug?
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I made a webbum
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I don't know how I ended up posting that image instead of this one but whatever.
The Dragonborn understands that he is only the puppet of an alien creature that view his struggles as a game. He can do nothing about it.
awful awful cancer vs funposting
They're entirely different things. MALLOC is used to make memory blocks (and by proxy, SKSE's memory tweaks) redundant. Only ENB lets you circumvent the 3.1 GB memory cap. They can (and should) be used together.
>Gold adjustment lowers gold you get by 75%, including quests
>Skytweak to lower buying and selling prices to 10% of original
>iNeed acts as a cash sink, gotta stay fed
>Living Takes Time for crafting, so you can only craft a few potions a day
>Alternate Start and pick "I was attacked and left for dead". You've got nothing but the clothes on your back.
>Levelling/difficulty mod of your choice, I do Skyrim Scaling Stopper and a SkyTweak 300% damage multiplier.

If you like to roleplay or struggle starting off, this is all you need. I had to steal food and gold just to sleep in a warm bed with a full belly. I spent the next in-game day crafting some armor and potions to sell, but after paying for a room and more food I only ended up making a few gold pieces. Merchants won't even pay for junk, if it isn't worth ~20gp they won't give you anything for it. It took me some time just to buy a dagger an leave town.

I seriously recommend this. Give it a try. Come on faggot, you don't even really play Skyrim anymore, do you?
try awful cancer vs weeb cancer
I fucking hate this general
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>>I was attacked and left for dead
Did this with combat mods, that god damn 1 hit kill argonian shitter at the start
Though with a few of those things on, I still got rich as fuck easy, even after paying for that fucking mushroom tower
>he doesn't just punch few deer to death for food and sleep in one of the dozen abandoned camps around Skyrim.

What Skyrim really needs is a knapping system so I can make forsworn weapons out of quaried rock and firewood/sticks.
>in Spain
You what

It's chill but not freezing
mostly first but third when I'm using Spellbreaker against a wizard because it's easier to orient the shield towards spells
Argonian? One time I did it there were some wolves nearby, the other time it was jut a friendly giant. Still had to hide from the wolf because I really ramp up the damage.

I think you really need the full package to get the struggle. Crafting still makes you money, but when it takes ~5 hours to make a cuirass that's only worth a few gold and you've got to pay for a room and food, that's when you really feel like a broke motherfucker who's desperate enough to go out adventuring.

Deer pelts sell for like 1 gold under those settings. I considered living in the woods, but running into a bear with nothing to defend yourself with is a losing bet. Even a small pack of wolves is dangerous if your equipment is shit. Plus there are more ways to make money in a town.
individual fun vs collective fun
waifu posting is wanking more or less; not even a circlejerk
jojo posting is slightly better than a circlejerk; but not by much
Ah, I figured the angry bandit was there for everyone on that start
Well I got my ass up and went down the road towards riften, and there was an argonian on a horse, I assumed it was supposed to be the guy that slit my throat
Well turns out with combat mods this guy has got a hell of a right hook, enough to cave my head in and instakill me with 1 hit anyway
>selling deer pelts instead of making clothes out of them
>being afraid of wolves, saber cats, or bears

Seriously nigga there's free gear to be found fucking every 30ft in Skyrim. Even if you start with nothing, there's still a long/hunting bow, some iron arrows, a woodcutters axe, and maybe an iron war axe or mace if you're lucky. And by the divines so much fucking hide/leather/iron gear. You don't even need to steel, just sneak around and avoid the roads, you'll find a handful of abandoned camps/huts in no time. And each will have a shit ton of food.
jojo posting is literally brony posting or steven universe posting but with a marginally more socially acceptable show
>social acceptable

Except normies like steven universe more than jojo, and they define what's social acceptable, not retards like us.
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Also i've been tempted to do full on survival games, just start out and see how long I can last if I make Skyrim an actual hostile world, permadeath to actually add some fear of death
That would involve temporarily abandoning my 2 kniggas though, and I'm not really keen on that at the moment
>not liking polyamorous lesbian spacerocks
Why would you just steal food and gold? Steal mats so you can make shit to sell, and that's assuming you don't have better stealing which makes more sense (you can just RP and don't fucking sell the generic gold rings and whatever to the next town's merchants) since there's no fucking way people can spread word of their house being robbed and have god damn ID on their generic shit.

Until there's a way to vastly enhance the way thieving works in all fronts, it's either gonna be too retarded and fake for the sake of difficulty, or can easily be circumvented and exploited.

But while we're at it, you forgot to mention weight changes for actors and items, but I don't know of any mod that that's comprehensive, maybe a few here and there for specific things but not all-in-one kinda deal. Like how the fuck can a sword weigh 20lbs?
>Like how the fuck can a sword weigh 20lbs
I think it's for balance, but it's fucking beyond retarded

pick one.
>Anything not in direct sunlight is pitch black

Why are all ENB's so shit?
I'm doing fine. I'm actually wearing clothes now. Feels comfy, I missed it.

Shame it's only going to last for a couple months.
Bethesda is retarded, but item weight is obviously that way because they wanted to try and put in some form of balance, not that it works in the slightest, nor does it make any sense, but it's clearly what they were thinking
>Like how the fuck can a sword weigh 20lbs?
metals are heavy. it's not that unreasonable, depending on how big the sword is
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Hit shift-tab while in game. Find the relevant "ambient light" values to change. Increase them until you are satisfied. You will want to check the values for night, day, interiors etc. Some ENBs have these values per weather type, so watch out for that.
I'm pretty much always in third person outside of combat.

First person I pretty much only ever use in tight spaces, sneak maneuvering, and combat. Sometimes I can get along without it in combat, but more often than not it's much better to go first person for it,
The only thing it does is limit how much loot you can drag back to town to sell/disenchant until you get a horse, which you can easily do within an hour or so in vanilla.
Come to think of it an thief did attack days later when I came back for the locked chest.

Well, to make clothes you've got to go to a city, and they won't do a hell of a lot. I'm sure it is cheaper to live off the land, and I've played hunters. It is definitely fun, too. Oddly, I guess surviving in a city is actually more of a struggle. But the struggle is fun.

Why abandon them? If you use Mod Organizer it's easy to have different profiles for characters.
The average claymore ran about 140 cm (55 in) in overall length, with a 33 cm (13 in) grip, 107 cm (42 in) blade, and a weight of approximately 5.5 lb (2.5 kg).

I'm not even gonna touch upon actual one handers.
you probably don't live on the north
Sounds like a lot of fuckin work.
>Like how the fuck can a sword weigh 20lbs?
Weight is a combination of actual weight and size of the item.
So it's for balance.

Why have a system for experience points and leveling if you can progress quickly by going from one place to another killing things or just crafting hide bracers?
>you have to go to the city to make clothes

wrong, just go raid a bandit camp with a forge and a rack. There's several dozen all over skyrim.
>weight is a combination of weight and volume

fucking retarded.
I'd love a mod to reweigh things. No sword use for combat IRL was ever 20 pounds, not even the biggest greatsword.

In my opinion, it doesn't really feel artificial. Skyrim really throws money at you by default. 200 gold to walk a sword across town to the steward? And it makes sense that merchants won't buy junk, especially when there is a war going on. Thieving is still fucked up, but if you have a mod to recycle items to mats that can help. But since crafting takes time with these mods, you might spend your whole day crafting and make very little money. Stealing food is necessary when you are starting off, and a money saver later.
The weight value, you fucking sperg.
I just mean in the sense that i'll have to leave them be for a bit, enjoying my kniggas
One is (still) currently trapped in act 4 of Vigilant and the other is just progressing into a crazy mage, worried if I start galivanting off a ranger i'll just forget about them, before I abandon skyrim again randomly like I usually do

And the better gear is slightly heavier, meaning you have slightly less on your limit, it's not good balancing, but there's definite correlation between weight and quality for armor and weapons
It's shit balance though. I mean you're allowed infinite gold, arrows, etc cause they don't weigh shit. Quest items? No problem weighs nothing even if it says it weighs 25lb for a dragon stone.

>No sword use for combat IRL was ever 20 pounds, not even the biggest greatsword.

Closest thing I know are those weapons that are intentionally made heavy like the guandaos that Guan Yu is famous for, but in actuality they were merely used for outdated training regimens (cause ya know they didn't have gyms and stuff) and in real battle a much lighter (and better quality) equivalent would be used.
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Shift-enter, sorry. Not shift-tab.

It's pretty easy, actually. Is changing the resolution in other games a "lot of work"??
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>young version
The funniest thing is if you use Vigor then all that weight comes back to bite you in the ass cause it affects your stamina use per attack.

I wish Wildcat had that, but apparently Enai says it's quite heavy, which is contrary to what Vigor claims as lightweight. Anyone know which is true? I kinda wanna give it a go but I'm not too confident about mixing up combat mods.
If adjusting two or three values until it looks fine to you is a lot of work go play another game.
Raiding a bandit camp when you are too poor to afford real equipment is fucking hard. It took me a couple days in-game to afford a steel dagger. Sure, you can probably get ahold of some hide and iron weapons laying around somewhere before you attack, maybe even some steel. But taking on more than one person at a time when they aren't level scaled and damage is at 300% is a bit of a challenge. Archers can really fuck you up. Especially if you don't savescum. If you can sneak and slit a few throats that will help for sure, but that isn't exactly easy at low level either. Give it a try.

Ah, I see what you mean. Well, keep it in mind for when you need a change.
Changing the resolution doesn't require finding several different various sliders that are buried amidst dozens of other not very descriptive sliders.
I use wildcat, I know most people here seem to prefer alternatives but I don't mind it and put a modicum of trust in Enai since he made my other essential mods
Though apparently vigor is better
As long as no one can stand still tanking and healing, it's fine by me though, funny as hell on my 2h knight, the most glass cannon mother fucker i've ever played, if I miss my 2h running attack I usually almost always die, though I can kill most anything in one hit
Not pelinal whitestrake though, which is coincidentally the best fight i've ever had on Skyrim
>Uses MATURE skin textures
>"Hurr why doesn't she look young??"
U're an idiot.
Spain isn't that big m8
You'd think a variable named 'weight' would correlate to the 'weight' of an item and not a poorly defined 'encumbrance' value.

Really they should have put in both a weight and a volume value and factor both into your carry limit. Then I wouldn't be able to walk around with 100 2 cubic foot wicker baskets in my pockets.

Aye, but it's a moot point because by the time you're getting ebony/dragon/daedric gear your carry weight should be at least twice your starting weight. Unless you don't put anything into Stamina for some reason.

>tfw your first character can now sprint while carrying 1000lbs of junk.

Pray tell what mod do you have that fixes the retarded AI of enemies in Skyrim?

Because as it stands I can just hit and run a bandit camp and clear it out within a few minutes. Which lands me steel weapons and banded iron armor.

They never chase me beyond a few hundred feet even if they know exactly where I am.
Yeah I like the whole stagger/paralyze/disarm/etc shit. It's the one thing that keeps me from using vigor, but I really really like vigor's weapon weight stamina variance. Cause I play with daggers and unarmed, and well you should understand how fucked up it is. You just can't balance that shit since onehanded/unarmed is shared across equally for stamina cost, and stamina for unarmed is huge with Ordinator. 10 stamina cost per punch basically makes even a cat useless.

But at the same time I use a toaster, so I can't be picky. I mean hell part of the reason I really like playing unarmed is so I don't need a ton of kill animations/mods without feeling left out. Gotta be stingy when I can.
Oh yeah it's stupid as fuck, it makes almost no sense, but I get why they tried to do it, just that their attempt at balance is fucking retarded beyond belief

Yeah i'll no doubt start a ranger at some point, see how long I can last, might even try to completely avoid cities and survive
>10 stamina per punch

what are you playing, an asthmatic paraplegic altmer NEET?

They actually thought that was a balanced cost?
A nice grandma to bake more cookies.
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The Vigilants' screening process has really gone downhill
Do you not see the body?
Using ranged in Skyrim whether it's bows or spells is for easy mode.

But on the subject of making the game harder/realistic, why do you not mention Loot and Degradation? That alone makes far more of a difference than even iNeed which is basically just a tedious upkeep mod which will rarely affect you in combat unless you get surprised. With the Mixed or Progressive option power attacks can easily break a certain piece of equipment rendering you either weaponless or unable to be eligible for the armor perks so it greatly changes gameplay and also encourages picking up enemy weapons unlike without it where you just grab your nifty tempered and enchanted dragonbone weapon and slaughter everyone forever until you enchant a better dragonbone weapon. You can actually look different as you progress through Skyrim without just throwing away or selling your shit. And it makes magic/unarmed viable as side arms cause ya know.

10 stamina is the default for 1H, which applies to sword/mace/axe/punch. It's adjustable but while 1-2 stamina per punch makes sense, having to swing a mace or war axe for the same cost is a bit silly but necessary compromise.
Mature skin can look young. Requires some work though.

t. mature skin user
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10 a punch? Jesus fuck man im sorry
And only animation i'be gone for is 2h on shoulder and removing killcams, cause fuck that shit when everything dies so fast
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Is there a mod to give arrows flight animations?
>not adjusting stamina cost based on weapon weight.
When I do use swords and shit, I use violens and pick out all the fast finishing moves and disable the slow ones. Helps quite a bit, though I wish there was an option to make it so that the slow ones are possible only for last enemy.

That's Vigor, which I am contemplating but don't wanna give up Wildcat on. Tons of people asked Enai for it, but the reason given is that it's 'quite heavy', probably relative to the rest of Wildcat.
Don't exploit their shitty AI.

I suppose that I can concede that the mod list I posted isn't bulletproof as far as providing a challenge. It can be "beaten", mostly by resorting to exploitable mechanics. So, like, just don't do that. It isn't like vanilla where you have to go out of your way to try to find some kind of struggle.

Anyway, it isn't as if the struggle ends once you clear out a camp. Horses are fucking expensive, and you are talking ~10 gold for that banded iron armor. It is very easy to blow the money you make on equipment upgrades, or healing potions (Vigor makes those much more valuable).

I definitely recommend Hunterborn for that.
Only spinning arrows
Go try it, anon. It's seriously not as bad as you are thinking.
Yeah bows are too easy, but i'll go ranger as in strider tier ranger though, 2h and bow most likely, not stealth archer shittery, because with damage multipliers stealth archery would be even more broken than vanilla

I just had to get rid of them, being locked into instant death when I've just dodged 3 other insta kill attacks is just a bitch

already on my mod list, but probably years out of date, how complete is it cause I could do with updating it
>Horses are fucking expensive

If you don't use mods for horses, there is literally no reason to use a horse in Skyrim. I mean how the fuck can you even fight on that thing? Has anyone made a mod where you can just trample over people to kill them yet?
>Don't exploit their shitty AI.
So stand there and let them hit you because "challenge"

Yeah nope. That's never been a sound a reasonable tactic when fighting large groups from beyond their fortified position.

And who cares how much the iron armor is worth? by the time it matters, you can find replacements for free in dungeons. At that point it's something else to sell.

Does the mod also balance how much health alchemical ingredients restore? because if not, I can just walk around with a hundred blue flowers and wheat and be fine for several days. No need to even make a potion, just eat them raw.
The way horses are hard coded to be the worst thing imaginable, it's impossible to mod them into something decent.
>I just had to get rid of them, being locked into instant death when I've just dodged 3 other insta kill attacks is just a bitch

Yeah it's up to preference. I enjoy that kinda shit though but only when my character is meant to be an underdog and not toddborn. Then again my characters that use Wildcat also isn't very heroic and usually gangs up on his enemies.
What's wrong with vanilla Oblivion levelling?
Aye, there are a few that do that. the one I'm using lets me call horses with horns/whistles, have them follow me, and even lets me manage multiple horses.

Still not good. But better.

Best part is if I steal a horse and ride outside of the hold it becomes mine and looses it's stolen mark.
You have to level backwards if you want to level properly, so you have to do it if you want to play on higher difficulty, and it's just silly that you need to focus on skills that you didn't pick as ones your character wants to focus on
I like it more than Skyrim though, because you have to at least put thought into it, even if it's a backwards mess
Convenient Horses right? But which one allows you to trample enemies? I want to go with my bandit gang, steal a bunch of horses, then run over a bunch of farmers before signing up as a brigand for war and then trample some more poor blokes.

It's kinda bullshit how Dynasty Warriors manages to somehow get mounted combat a thousand times superior even ignoring the super powers.
So I just finished The Forgotten City... and I absolutely recommend it.

It's hard to say what was good about it without spoiling things, but point is it's not really a mod you play for the combat. You play it for the story, and it's really very good on that. It involves a lot of character interaction, digging around, discovering who has what grievance, trial and error with the combat and story.

I know some people have been talking in this thread, and it definitely deserves the high spot it has on the top downloads. I was expecting an over-hyped cringe attack, but this was definitely worth a try.

Don't let the woman go. You came for riches, focus on the riches, and don't be afraid to break the law.
Level backwards?
>Grind out some acrobatics and athletics while sneaking around
>Suddenly daedroths and minotaurs patrolling the roads, all the ruins are liches, Xilvilai are the only inhabitants of Oblivion
>Bandits harassing me, wanting my gold, while wearing enough glass to straight up buy a town
>Haven't even reached Anvil yet
Immersive Horses actually. Buggy mess, but it lets you trample if you're galloping.
In Oblivion, you are actually penalized for leveling up. It's better to level your skills and never level up, because the leveled enemies will all have shitty skills. So you just avoid sleeping and you'll be OP forever.

I've played a character like that for a bit and it was sad seeing just how broken things are.
>Decide to finally try dual wield since it's the only style I've never played
>Find the dual sheathe redux and block parry
>Get everything set up
>Realize dual wield for all it's popularity back in it's day doesn't have a single custom animation set unlike the dozens of weeb katana ones or magic casting or even jackie chan punching

Someone tell me I'm wrong and where to look.
Horses are fucking shit, I don't think it's very possible to mod them to be good
I will never stop charging into giant camps on horseback like a real knigga though

To get the most out of a level and gain as many attributes as possible, you have to make sure that instead of leveling your major skills, the ones you wanted to focus on, you instead have to level your minor str and end based skills up before you level your major skills
The best way to go about it is to stick shit you dont actually want to do as a major skill, and focus more on leveling the minors that you do want, only focusing on majors and leveling when you've got enough points in the attributes to make the level worth it
I was so close to starting a new character and abandoning my current one, but the moment I read Buggy I had to give it up for now.
I broke Ada.

I think it is complete. It may be worth mentioning that I had occasional crashes with the mod list I was using, which have stopped since removing Hunterborn and a few other mods. It could have been responsible, or maybe it wasn't. Just watch for that.

I do use mods. On an earlier playthrough with similar mods and settings to what I posted I saved for a horse, only for it to draw two bandits away from me by standing somewhat nearby. They killed it in seconds, while it stood there doing nothing. And all it really ever did for me was make travel a little quicker. Not at all worth what it took to accrue that 1000 gold. Mods where they can carry weight are pretty much essential.

Don't stand there and let them hit you, just don't exploit their inability to chase you or take cover. If you are willing to use exploitable mechanics then you don't really want a challenge.

As for the armor value, it matters because that's the price of one night at an inn, and 1/100th of the price of a horse. In vanilla it is extremely easy to get fabulously wealthy, but with these mods heavy armor is sometimes not worth the encumbrance.

As for alchemy, just don't fucking exploit it. Don't eat them raw. Only use potions, because those take real time to make. Spending too much time on them will cut into food stores and inn fees.

It sounds like you are too fucking retarded to realize that the game is more fun when you don't deliberately break it. That mod list isn't for you. Shit, this game isn't for you. If you can't avoid the "optimal" route then Skyrim is just tedious clicking.
It's okay, she's not real so she can be fixed.
Immersive Animations
By Sithis, I need details!
Post the list
broke how

did a futa dick go in at the butt and pop out of an eye?
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Yeah that seems fair, just got to me too much after I tried making my game dark souls lite
Like when I fought a dragon (not dragonborn and not been to helgen so dunno why it showed up) it did the eat insta kill about 3 times in a row when I was around or on full health, and it just pissed me off, even vanilla legendary I thought was bad for it, just seemed way too much with combat mods

I've been pruning my mod list recently and cut out a lot of random crashes, so if they start happening again i'll probably already know the culprit, thanks
>don't play smart, play dumb
>use expensive options when free ones exist
>don't use natural resources like they're intended to be used

Sounds to me like you don't know what an actual challenge is.

Use a mod that adds toxicity to both ingredients and potions so you can't just consume gallons worth in a few seconds. Use a mod that requires you to actually be able to take out the potion/ingredients and apply/consume them, something you can't fucking do when you're ducking a fucking battleaxe.

Use mods that punish you for sleeping outside, IE you're not well rested because you slept on the fucking ground in sub zero temps after swimming across a river like a retard. You also didn't fully recover from the fatigue of the previous day.

Give me a mod where broken bones and lacerations can and do last for weeks/months. Don't give me a mod that assumes your going to obey some artificial scarcity because 'honor system' Instead, punish me for eating raw/wild/spoiled foods.

Give me an actual challenge. Don't just give me a shit sandwich and tell me it's challenging to eat it.
double anal
The videos on that nexus page are dead, but last I remember those aren't actual attack animations, merely idle/stance animations which there's a bajillion to choose from that I never had any issues with. It's the custom attack animations that I want, so I don't do that retarded 3 hit combo spin or the utterly ridiculous looking right mouse button power attacks.
/aco/teslg/ when?
Oh, attack animations are nbd. I just thought you wanted to change the ridiculous vanilla stance.
Post the list
His stuff goes against /aco/ rules
then how about he uploads it to the booru
I changed those long ago, even if I never played dual wield I couldn't stand the other NPCs looking like that.
but he only has one entrance hole
What's nbd?
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Good morning, tesg! I hope luck and prosperity is on your side today. Ima go to my work now. Luv you :3
After installing XPMSSE, one handed swords, bows are now floating.

After uninstalling them, they're still floating.

I'm using the UNP body, what did I do wrong, and what can I do to rectify it, if anything?
post body preset before you do
no big deal.

If not that, then fix load order.
Shota is against the rules
What the fuck is wrong with you?
That's just UNP Jiggle
New ENB when? :^)
>Shota is against the rules
Huh, I post shota in the non-tumor musclegirl threads and never had a ban/warning.
Really? It's so dorky especially compared to other modded animations. Then again dual wielding is a meme.

I'd favor spellsword the most if it was actually mechanically supported instead of only allowing you to standing attack/power attack with left hand spell or worse yet, always interrupt spells if you are a weirdo and go left hand weapon right hand spell. Well that and actual animations for it, most casting animations don't play well with standing attack animations.
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What do I select here? I have XP32 / FNIS up at the top under the unofficial SSE patch
>abusing bad AI is "playing smart"
>dragging one of the game's weaknesses to the forefront of your gameplay is "playing smart"
If a game has a shitty mechanic, avoid it.

The toxicity mod is perfectly reasonable. I don't agree that eating stacks of wheat to heal is how it was "intended to be used", but such a mod would make an interesting middleground. Link, if it exists. But since I don't have that mod, I just don't abuse that shitty mechanic. Same for the sleeping mod. The broken bones mod sounds incredibly tedious, but it might be cool anyway. I just never use restoration magic to make injuries more meaningful and potions more valuable. No natural regen, all my healing is through potions.

Tell me this: what's the fucking difference between using a mod that prevents you from abusing a shitty and broken game mechanic, and simply not using that shitty and broken mechanic? Either way you are just choosing not to use it, except one is done before you boot the game and one is done while you play. Do you disable the console because you can't handle having the option to abuse it?
idk, ask him. I'm not the one who said it, I just pointed out what nbd means after you asked.
Skeleton arm, duh
Saw this mod recently, it's all the trap mods from Oldrim in one package, if that interests anyone: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3860
That's because no one perceived your post as being shota.
>Use mods that punish you for sleeping outside, IE you're not well rested because you slept on the fucking ground in sub zero temps after swimming across a river like a retard. You also didn't fully recover from the fatigue of the previous day.
That's just the daily life of a Nord. Especially one of the Skaal.
Is it ok to install Wintermyst in the middle of a save? Or do I need a new, clean save?
>That's because no one perceived your post as being shota.
Well that's odd considering http://thetenk.soup.io/tag/Boudi
What about http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52239/? looks nice but I'm wondering if it's script heavy or bloats saves.

It's still happening. Perhaps I need to use, http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/7716/?

That looks pretty cool, may give it a try.
Wait, you meant the weapons are just floating off your person? That's vanilla. Yeah, download that then.

Sheesh, really? They didn't even bother to fix that in SSE. Fuck me.

I'll try it, and see if it helps. Even though it's for Olrim.
Bethesda didn't do any bug fixes for SSE.
You talk like a true american. Climate in Europe is far more complicated and various than you think.
Damn, that's cute.
It has more to do with the altitude desu
You missed the entire point. I don't want mods that remove mechanics I can abuse. I want mods that punish me for trying to abuse them because it's the logically consistent thing to do. Eating twenty bushels of raw wheat should give you the runs, which should lead to dehydration, which means I need to find clean drinking water fast or I'm done. Getting stabbed in the leg should cause me to limp (unless I have some perk that lets me ignore minor/moderate injuries), risk infection, and death from loss of blood if I don't finish the fight fast enough and treat it properly. Same should apply to my enemies. The only thing that should take multiple blows to the head/chest/neck to kill are undead that don't have major organs, or creatures an order of size larger.

Also, when it comes to food, skyrim is full of it, any alchemical ingredient that restores health and/or stamina should be considered edible for the sake of fucking consistency.

Sure I can just roleplay it, but if that's the case I'll just stick with my hema and larp groups every weekend. I mean, why play a broken piece of crap game when real life is so much more challenging?

Oh wait, it's because I enjoy rocket launcher duels where the two guys with war hammers can one shot each other. Because I find satisfaction in a well placed arrow to the back of a bare neck.

Because mods like toxicity actually make the game fun, unlike mods that claim to make the game more challenging, but only if you play a single specific style and remember your scouts honor!

Sorry, can't open that in a christian nation. But even if it obviously was shota/loli it doesn't always get found or reported mate.

Welp. It didn't help jack. Fuck me.

Oh well, I guess. I'll just have to deal with floating weapons until a fix comes for SSE.
Is Boris working on a proper ENB for the special edition or is everything ruined forever?
Does having more system ram help at all in this game or is it all about vram?
That wouldn't help because its an ancient thing that replaces your skeleton. You can use RM and maybe ECE with a compatible skeleton with weapon placement sliders to fix it yourself.
Big and geographically diverse enough for the weather in Andalucia to be radically different than in the Basque Country
It will get better, but will likely never be as good as 32-bit Skyrim ENB. Apparently SSS is impossible.
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Do you happen to know of any porn star with a similar body to your waifus'?
Yeah, but the north is under an oceanic climate from the Atlantic Ocean, making it more like France. So it's cooler than the mediterranean climate from the south.

I'm a bit too retarded to do what you just said.
>they all look more natural than diana's plastic whores.
No, you're not. Download Racemenu. Install XPMSE32 or whatever its called now. Go in-game, ~showracemenu, and use the weapon sliders to adjust the quiver placement.

I thought racemenu didn't work with SSE? Since it relied on SKSE?
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>Real women look more natural than virtual women

Holy shit anon, you're a goddamn detective.
>Lisa has some of the nicest tits in the industry, there’s no denying that
you wot
>but although they may look real
okay that's a joke website right? Lisa Ann's tits are disgusting and look like the work of an amateur surgeon from some african backwater

ava addams and peta jensen's tits are superb tho
That Madison Ivy chick looks like Kimber James.
Then go back to the better version and do what I just said. Don't bother with Super Shit Edition for a year, at least.
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How to make bard viable?
I know Ordinator has some perks, but still not enough
Eating twenty bushels of raw wheat shouldn't heal you in the first place. Alchemy is a magical process etc etc. Eating isn't.

Injuries being deadly and significant is cool, but I don't think it meshes well with Skyrim's core gamplay. Much of what you are saying about injuries and hit locations constitute a major scripting project that may be impossible to do in a satisfying way. You are describing a pipe dream, not something people can actually play. I like deep systems more than most, but what you are describing would be a bit too heavy even for me, and probably 99% of players.

>I mean, why play a broken piece of crap game when real life is so much more challenging?

Furthermore, you are a big faggot and I'm through arguing with you. Challenge and fun often go together, but they are not equivalent. Mentally challenged people don't have more fun with math than regular people. The relationship between challenge, fun, and realism as applied to game design is completely irrelevant to how it is applied to real life. "Challenge" is a meme to you, and it actively pushes you toward "optimal" decisions of how to approach gameplay which are neither challenging nor fun. You aren't fighting the game by any means necessary, you are playing it to have fun. So use fun mechanics, not broken ones.
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So I'm gonna jump back into skyrim. With Apollo going nuclear and CWO kinda not being a great mod in the first place (caused the civil war to break in my game), I was wondering if Warzones 2015 was any good. My system isn't all that great, won't be using any floral or very script-heavy mods, but for the most part framerate is consistent and crashes aren't too common. Apparently Warzones is more script-lite than CWO and also generally a lot less buggy. That and you can customize a bunch of shit in the MCM like spawncount in case your system can't handle a trillion soldiers on the field at once. Looks pretty good content-wise too.
Any of you anons tried it? How is it? Should I get that assault attack addon as well?
Give it some time. Some of the current enb features are supposedly impossible to replicate but who knows.
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Thanks, I'm sticking with Ava Addams.
kek. I just posted that as a dig at Diana's hideous sluts but ok.
butterface though
See the issue is you're assuming that everyone enjoys your version of fun and challenging. Your fun/difficult to me is just retarded and boring. My version of fun and difficult to you is painful and boring.

For a lot of people, myself included, the fun comes from the sheer difficulty of the game. Because it forces me to think outside the boundaries presented, to be optimal in order to survive. Because it just isn't worth it otherwise.
Well he said he likes diana's waifus so...
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Holy shit, hahahaha.

Think of my next run of Skyrim Imma have my guy be a Wannabe Bard.
Like instead of trying to act as main guy I focus on healing my companion who does most the fighting and I praise them whenever we win a big battle.

Anyone try this before? If so is the novelty worth the effort or nah?
Old news.
You know with the bard idea from ordinator, I really wish someone made an alternative where you play as a dancer or some shit and mesmerize them, and better yet you can just create the effects and allow players to swap animation files for the dances themselves. Then add team dancing when you grab all the members in the bard's college and shit and recruit them.

It would finally make all those damn Skyrim dance idles actually affect gameplay. I wouldn't know what it actually does though other than maybe calm or force enemies to clap and cheer I guess.
I've never played the game like that but I imagine it must get pretty boring after about ten minutes. Or just after the first two or three fights.

This game's follower system and AI is just too shitty to make things like that fun.
Who was Apollodown again?

Not being sarcastic, I don't browse /tesg/ often.
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>old news
Ha, maybe THAT is old news, but I suppose you probably haven't heard of the new Special Edition
an autistic butthurd fag who removed his broken mods in protest of something no one cares about and isn't relevant to skyrim modding
>Snake tits
My fucking sides.
Im assuming there is some kinda Beast Taming mod for Skyrim?
Where I can become some BEAST MASTER, and quest to wife a dragon.
Guy who made popular mods like Civil War Overhaul, Dragon Combat Overhaul and other mods ending in Overhaul, all of which have great ideas but mostly terrible implementation. The guy is also a cunt and thinks he's also a comedian, and recently he hid all his mods as a sort of protest against Trump before the US election

I can only assume that he's now leaving the sene out of shame after embarrassing himself like that. Or maybe, being a retarded SJW, he's going to kill himself because he got triggered and offended. Who knows.
Become a Bard is fun, it also got ported on SE if that's what you're playing.

I appreciate your help regardless :)
Which armors are those? I think I might have the ebony one but it might just be something similar. Definitely never saw the snake one before though.
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They're pretty useful. All 3 snake heads are sentient, and can speak out loud. For example, they can help during battles. In this image they were saying things like "Watch the ice, slick!" and "This makes your nipple hard. Ichy, is her other nipple hard too?!" and such.
You're kidding right? Roleplaying?

Is there a set for men that will make fun of the wearer for being a fag?
>Shit, I'm stuck in the wilderness and badly injured
>I'll just eat a bag of flowers and head onto the next dungeon
As opposed to:
>I guess I'll have to weigh the risks of searching for a potion in a bandit camp vs. trying to hobble back to town half-dead. Guess I should have prepared better for my journey.
Or, with Vigor:
>I'll have to search for poultice ingredients so I can rest and recover
>Or just eat a bag of flowers instead lol

How about this scenario:
>How will I take this bandit camp down?
>I know, I'll shoot one, then abuse his shitty AI to escape scott free. Shoot another, rinse and repeat. Thank god I know they'll just stand around like idiots.
>I'll get to a location behind cover and start shooting at them. I'll try to take them all out before they get to me, but I'll likely have to take one or two in close combat. Maybe I'll use a scroll I found to set a trap or summon an atronach.

Your way isn't more challenging, nor is it more realistic. It is piss-easy and narratively nonsensical. You aren't thinking beyond boundaries, you are exploiting the same old unbalanced tactics so that you never get stuck in a truly difficult situation. Difficulty has nothing to do with what you are describing anyway. You are mostly describing punishing mechanics, not difficult ones. And then how you can avoid the punishing mechanics by doing stupid, nonsensical shit like eating 100 pieces of wheat.
>Ava Addams fake tits
I will always be mad.
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I know script-rich mods can be quite buggy but jesus Apollo doesn't seem to try to do shit to resolve anything. Others can fuck up or crash but they're usually workable, whereas CWO can break the whole questline.
Anyone knows what the oblivion mod is called that makes it so you actually see your feet when looking down in first person?
Are there mods that add more Altmer waifus?

My big beefy orc wants to mind break an elf but all he has is Taarie.
Not really roleplaying, just a funny mental scenario. I've always liked the idea of enchanted armor/weapons that are sentient and can speak.

I think the snek-head on the left boobie is gay.
Isn't Ada an adult though?
Alright, this "Extended Encounters" mod that's recommended on tesgeneral... it's shit. The description say that it add a "You've actually done something" feel to the game, but after defeating Alduin, helping Ulfric Make Skyrim Great Again, killing off vampires and finishing two guild's questlines I see none of that. The only thing it seems to add is a bugged out encounter with two groups of three bandits fighting each others that completely ignore the player even if you attack one of them, with one side having a Bandit Chief set to essential. WTF.
To be fair though skyrim's engine doesn't help at all

The guy has good ideas but couple his incompetence with bethesda's and you got a recipe for disaster
Except you're entirely wrong, my current way is:

If I fuck up this bandit with a warhammer is going to one shot me. Two shot me if I'm lucky.

I understand that Skyrim's health and wellness system isn't realistic, and like I mentioned two posts ago, I've turned it into a rocket launcher duel by messing with health scaling, damage values, and gimping armor. Can't eat 100 pieces of wheat when your inventory is locked during combat and you get dropped like a fly for being retarded.

Is it realistic? Nope. Skyrim will never be anything close to realistic. Is it more engaging than reviewing my inventory and identifying the obvious best decision? Yeah, to me at least.
Did you think of installing Shivering Isles first?
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This is correct
I currently have a vampire character with facial scars. Is there any way to remove them without fucking up his race via racemenu?
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So I can do "adult things" with him.
If I can get 0sex to work ;A;
How do you keep amigo number three from giving you a wedgie?
his face should remain unfucked as long as you don't change race or gender
cool, thanks
Mate how stupid are you if you can't get 0sex to work? It's very user-friendly nowadays
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Oh damn, didn't see your reply! The snake thing is all by itself, and I have it equipped on top of the 7B conversion of Hmm...What To Wear's ebony armor.
Pretty much yeah. I figure its inevitable anyway so trying to fight it would just make me look silly. Plus that sorta thing never bothered me anyways.
is playing instruments only rp thing?
I want to kill people by using music, and so far only thing I've found are Ordinator's "shattering drums"

Diana pls respond >>160845264
Get off your phone at work or your boss will throatrape you again
It's a perma-wedgie.
That doesn't identify what armor the snek armor is.
Fair enough.
So is Warzones 2015 any good or is it Crashtown, Bugsylvania, United Scripts of America like CWO was?
You mean something like 7BO?
Yuma Asami, Sora Aoi, and Tabatha Jordan.

Well you heard him

gib loods
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It's http://eiheispot1.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-87.html
So you've used damage and armor tweaks to effectively get rid of the shitty armor mechanic the game has. And you've downloaded a mod that prevents you from eating 100 flowers in combat, which is effectively no different from just not opening your inventory and eating 100 flowers. And you don't use ranged stealth attacks because they are broken and not fun, even though they are the most effective.

To recap, everything you said about not avoiding broken mechanics and using everything at your disposal has been bullshit.
That's gotta chafe.

Unless he's lubed
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>SSE comes out
>absolutely nothing of any interest featured on Dragonporn since that day
good night sweet prince
Yeah SSE still looks shit in comparison.

Way better game, way worse screenshot tool.
Bro, I still need to know how you make your Orc, no matter what I do I can't make an attractive Orctress :(
Modtype has also been pretty dead
I miss when they used to showcase my conversions ;_:
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Yeah unfortunately it looks like they're focusing only on SSE mods now, they have a new site

>no matter what I do I can't make an attractive Orctress :(

I wish I could do it as well, though I struggle making an attractive anything.

Maybe the answer is just a headpiece that covers the face.
SSE was a mistake.
Does the ebony armor have bodyslide support somewhere?
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Man the mouth on your Orc is way better than ECE provides me at the moment tho. Mind I ask which mod?
I hate how Orcs can't seem to close their mouth. Makes it very hard to not create a derp face.
That's why you stick with Oldrim honey.
How do you make melee combat interesting in this game?

Every time I play I always end up being magic centric and magic focused. I can't get myself to get into melee combat. There's never any variety to it, it's just walk up to things and left click them to death.

How do you make it more fun?
We need to add this to the general, I swear.
>Man the mouth on your Orc is way better than ECE provides me at the moment tho. Mind I ask which mod?
>I hate how Orcs can't seem to close their mouth. Makes it very hard to not create a derp face.

I'm not him I was just agreeing with you in that I wish I could make attractive Orcs too.

Something about green barbarian women is just so alluring.
triple repostan

>Combat overhaul mod, either Ultimate Combat or DUEL
>Combat Evolved
>TK Dodge + Hitstop
>attack commitment
>SPERG or Ordinator or the combined
You can also add Souls Quick Menu (super useful for switching weapons, magic, and items real quickly), and Lock-on. Then edit the disgusting HUD with Less Intrusive HUD.
How's smilodon? I use wildcat even though it's got it's share of drawbacks and just curious how SSE got it, specifically, how is it on xbox, better than wildcat still, can you still even configure stuff without MCM?
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It's bad.
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Im starting to wonder if this HDT cape mod is worth it.
Why is combat so shit in this game, and how do I improve it?
inb4 >read the op
The guide's probably outdated anyway.
>not becoming the literal shroud of death
what are you, a fag?

Literally three comments above you
Use combat mods.

Ultimate Combat
TK Dodge
Attack Commitment
Lock On
Mortal Enemies

Those should work together nicely. If not, some other anon can probably help you out.
Do those really change it to make it more fun or do they just change it, not really fit, and make it more tedious?
How come? In general or just on console? Still slightly tweakable? Does it still make combat quicker and more high lethal for everyone?
Combat will never not be shit.
Use every combat mod you can, it's still going to be a shit stew of floaty garbage.
How do we get rid of NMM forever?
Learn how to spot a shitpost my dude.

They make the game less of a piece of shit. Vigor might make it tedious with its stamina drain but you can toggle that off.
Actually come to think of it, I couldn't really imagine playing combat mods too much on console without some kind of dodge mechanic, or even on PC tbqh
Except I do use ranged stealth attacks as I said several posts ago. I've just removed stealth bonus damage completely.

All attacks just now includes bleed damage as well, so even shit that does small amounts of damage, like arrows and daggers, can be lethal if you don't finish the fight fast enough to get access to your inventory again.

You really have poor reading comprehension, don't you?

Anyways, when were you going to actually be done with this conversation, like you said an hour ago:
>and I'm through arguing with you.
Are there any player houses in Vanilla Morrowind? Can I just move into any house where I kill the tenant with no repercussions?
>Can I just move into any house where I kill the tenant with no repercussions?

Remember to use their dead body as storage.
its the future
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I did it by sculpting the mouth in Racemenu. You just have have to drag the lips together, then move the teeth back a little. I'm don't if ECE has anything similar.

Also, replace the default Orc face normal maps with either human ones, or these: http://honglorn.tumblr.com/post/151581464202/face-and-body-maps-i-use-for-my-orc-characters which still keep some Orcish features but smooth out the rest of the face.
There are and yeah you can
However, I always hold off, and wait till I join a great house, usually Redoran tbqh, where you can buy your own manor in your factions style
What is wong with nmm?
it's shit
Why? Do the inhouse containers reset every so often?
but what if i don't want humans with big teeth

that's not what an orc is
>All that engrish

Jesus christ, it's too early
It's being remade by the guy who did Mod Organizer.

Inherently? Nothing; it's a mod manager that has the bare basics. It's the fact that it's connected to the Nexus server that's the problem.

then use the default presets
I use it and it works fine
Mod organizer is the linux of mod managers. It is a more complicated program with little to no benefits that only autists use so they can feel cool
>Mod organizer is the linux of mod managers.

Impossible, I use Mod Organizer and I can barely use Windows.
>It's being remade by the guy who did Mod Organizer.

Yeah but there's no telling how much influence he has over it or whether or not he'll get it to be better or more like MO.

Then there's also how long that's going to take.

Honestly I get a bit less of a headache with NMM thanks to the lack of having an extra load order that has to be set manually.
You can use any building as a player home. Watch out for respawning containers though. I recommend opening up the cell in CS and manually making all the containers safe beforehand once you decide on a location.
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do whatever you want man, im not your mom
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>Follow the Squiggums' 69-Step Oblivion Guide.
>All functions well, play for hours without problems.
>Suddenly when starting the obse loader "obse couldn't inject dll"
>Start the obse second time, the game loads.
>game starts crashing more and more frequently.
>game is now unplayable.
Well fuck me with a pitchfork my fun ended.
How's it feel to be retarded?
epic argument /v/ go back to /v/ >>>/v/ take your MO with you
Pretty good MAGA
>Play Oblivion with basic mods, no overhauls
>leaving the Blades hilltop apartment complex
>there's the yuge gaping fissure in the ground across the road
>try to go around
Thanks Bethesda.
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>linux of mod managers

You almost had me there.
reminder that /tesg/ does NOT endorse mod organizer and you are autistic for using it
life is hard m8
>the linux of mod managers
do you seriously believe this?
MO has been and will continue to be a /tesg/ staple mate. Get over it.

I feel like the next 4 years are going to be as painful as the last 8.
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Can anyone give me some assistance? I downloaded FNIS, and FNIS PCEA, did the install as said in description, launch skyrim but no animations show up in the MCM list. The only thing shown is the refresh and pressing that does nothing. Anyone got any help or tips? Anything will be great.
>he's never been to tesgeneral

You're truly a king among retards anon.
Does anyone else have an issue where indoors they're getting 60fps but it seems like they're getting 30? I don't get what could be causing it
You guys are far too easy to bait
So I switched to MO last week
Somehow my data folder ended up cluttered and I uninstalled NMM so now I cant get rid of the files. My game crashes a lot when I go through doors
Wish I never uninstalled NMM but its too late now since I have so many mods in MO

Dont fall for it tesg
ebin finish mate.

here, have an 31337 updoot!
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Nice JoJo reference
Got a new mouse and toaster cooler since my old one shat itself.

Not sure how I feel about the bigger mouse.
Just rerun FNIS again. You don't need to tick the PCEA patch that's for PCEA 1 not PCEA 2. For me when that happened it just eventually got better having restarted Skyrim, rebuilding FNIS and LOOT/Wyre Bash.
Yeah, that usually happens when the game doesn't load the next cell for some reason.
Good thing I use manual + WB then
How do I uninstall mod organizer it fucked up my pc
Would NexusMods even exist still if it wasn't for Bethesda games?
>take PC
>soak in cold water
guys please how do I uninstall Mod Organizer it kidnapped my family and i can't afford to pay the ransom please help it already sent me my wife's hand and warned me not to go to the police I don't know what to do /tesg/
To be honest, I like Mod Organizer, but fuck I hate the cult that tesg has about it.
>I hate the cult that tesg has about it.
Its a meme dumbass. Like deleting system 32
No one here actually uses it.
Whatcha listening to, /tesg/? Does it relate at all to your character?

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I dunno, maybe.
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Yeah, but it would be far less known.
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>Does it relate at all to your character?
Not really
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It's...cheerfully sad, so maybe?
It's just safer and doesn't incorrectly uninstall mods leaving loose files behind that can fuck you up later.
I just prefer to use manual, but apparently that's not allowed and I'm a literal Hitler retard for doing so.
Like, come off it man.
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>Does it relate at all to your character?

no one cares what method you use

we just can't troubleshoot for nmm because its diagnostics suck
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Not at all.
>no one cares what method you use
Blatant dismissal of common historical events.
But I'm not surprised, have fun with your cult.
>common historical events

it's a fucking thread in 4chan, mate
It's best to leave retards to play in their own shit and ignore the smell.

Interacting with them just causes them to start there feces everywhere.
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Not really relateable
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Is there a mod for non-respawning containers for a lot of common places already? Also, do the majority of dungeons respawn? I know Flame Atronachs and other daedra respawn from a certain experience in an ebony mine, but do people respawn too?

As it stands, no.
It gives me some ideas, though, but I'm worried I'm just having unreachably lofty ideas again.
Who's some of your favorite posters /tesg/?
My favorites are Cumtears, Diana, and Trainwiz.
that guy with the waifu
Is that in-depth character generation extender in SE?
that Anonymous fella, he's pretty swell to honestly be tbqh frankly
I met anon the other day and he was a real asshole
>top shitposter is pretty swell
Why would you like that fuck?
Probably not, it started off as Morrowind Summit didn't it?
Couldn't find Dianas meltdown on the archives, can someone at least give me a summary, please?
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I'm not 100% on this but I think food sacks/barrels respawn every couple of day while chests and crates are generally safe as long as long as their not in dungeons. Same for items left on the ground. You can throw all your shit in the corner of someone's house and it'll stay forever but if you pile it up in a dungeon it'll get wiped eventually. You could always just do loot piles or manually decorate your house with your items instead of plopping them in containers.

Named npc enemies in dungeons don't respawn. Creatures in and out of dungeons respawn every few days.
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Hey guys, just picked this game up after 4 years. Haven't played any of the DLCs. Looking for an interesting/fun build to play.

I installed ordinator, so I cant just build whatever. I have to have a dedicated build.

I was thinking 1h swords with destruction,heavy armor,smithing and enchanting. I also have the Undeath mod installed, so playing a necromancer conjurer who dabbles in destruction sounds pretty cool too.

I'll get some flack for this one, but I have a craving to make a sneak build focused around archery and daggers. Haven't ever made one of those in skyrim. People say it's easy mode, but i'll just crank up the difficulty to master to compensate.
Any ideas?
just do whatever you want and have fun
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Only fitting because it's a new character.
How did your waifu know the person she OTP'd with was the one?
You would know Kevin
If a model is invisible, is it because of a bad mesh or texture? Updated rustic clothing and suddenly tavern wench boots are invisible.
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Not really, no

>starts shitposting about CT for no reason
>CT is naturally confused
>Diana starts venting to some guy on steam who he thinks is a friend
>says he hates CT and everyone who goes to the steam chat
>CT finds out, so instead of talking to him Diana shitposts about him in anonmode for a few hours
>next day he whines to his "friend" that everyone in /tesg/ and real life hates him
And then he just got picked apart by anons questioning him about his childish behavior. He still doesn't realize that his terrible attitude is the reason everyone hates him. It's like he thinks everyone else is just out to get him. And he keeps calling CT pretentious too, while he loves to remind us how "he's a productive member of society" as if having a job is a big deal here. This guy has the worst self-awareness in the world.
Not really, was before my time.

Anyone know of a mod that changes the colour of the iron armor set so it isn't rusted? Also a change in the colour of the material would be nicer.
As far as I know, models without textures are just purple. I think.
So that would be the mesh missing.

Pick one.
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Trying Inigo and I'm searching a good armor for a rogue look in SE. Does Immersive Armor have one? I usually avoid it.
Can I use Bodyslide with 7BO?
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Yes, Immersive Armors has a few fitting rogue like armors.
So basically Diana is just being Diana again.
That's not very interesting.
She doesn't, but she's rolling with it and hoping everything will be fine,
Try this

I thought I was done, but my butthurt at the stupid shit you say keeps dragging me back.

>I've removed the stealth damage bonus completely

So you removed a mechanic you didn't like. Face it, you are doing exactly what I am doing: tweaking mechanics you like, and removing the ones that are broken. The only difference is that you somehow think that removing a mechanic by simply not using it (like not abusing bad pathfinding or not eating wheat to heal) is "playing dumb" and "scout's honor bullshit". You started the argument by listing off ways you could work around the challenges in the list of mods I posted to trivialize the difficulty, and then telling me it was stupid to make a suboptimal decision in order to preserve the challenge and verisimilitude of the game. Keep your argument on track.
>Everyone is invited to a /tesg/ ball

Who dances with who? Who gets hammered and makes a fool of themselves on the dance floor? Who sneaks off to be alone together? Who stands alone near the door? Who gets into a drinking game?
Yeah I know, that's why it's fucking hilarious. Most posters have jobs or are students, and they don't lord it over everyone or act like they're surrounded by NEETs.
I stay at home.
>two hours later.

Jesus pal. You might want to cover your asshole if you get this anally wrecked over shit. Especially here.

Come back when you've got thicker skin.
Posters or characters?
You know it's forever if the OTP name sounds good.
Fuck it, let's go with both. Break the wall.
That's it; Enhanced Character Editor. When is it gonna be made for SE?
In the middle of that he also started kissing ass to regulars when he realized we all hate him, then he got ignored by most and Eiries called him cancer.
'kay, will give it a go.

Looks good but not sure if it's SE compatible (some of the comments make me think no).
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Love at first sight.
>Eiries called him cancer
Why does this matter so much that people won't shut up about it?
Aylen dances with all the guys but insists he's not gay. Amerigo dances with all the guys and reminds everyone he's gay. Snake and Yarti sneak off to fuck and get kicked out of the party. Faust stands there, being a big guy, but too obnoxious for anyone to ask him to dance. Haar spikes the punch, gets hammered, gets into a drinking contest with anyone who will take him up.
I still have her amputated body in one of my houses if I remember.
Eiries calling someone out is not something that happens often

That and people see Eiries as some kind of deity

Also Diana said Eiries is his favorite guy in /tesg/ so of course they have to remind him all the time that Eiries doesn't like him back
what are some other /tesg/ relationships?

who hates who?
anon hates everyone
Wut iz dis productive member of socaity meme?
Sorry I was so busy with work to know :^)
Eiries is apparently an oldfag poster, and for some reason this guy treats Eiries like a noble.
It's actually kind of sad to see him choking on this guy's cock, but what can you do
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Who else autistically arranges their artifacts?
Disregard that I suck cocks.
eiries and honey are married irl and expecting their first child

everybody hates diana, except followerfag
everybody hates followerfag, except diana
everybody used to hate cumtears, but now he's sorta not that bad, but people still shitpost about him
everybody loves eiries, clones and ra, except that one faggot who sometimes shows up and shitposts for five hours about clones and sometimes niko too
I do but with the CK so they don't explode everywhere because I stubbed my tow on the coffee table.
>two hours later
That's what slow generals are for, I had shit to do. Your argument is shit and 100% based around trying to be hardcore. Stop acting like it has any real basis in reason.
Well since you seem to be too butthurt to be reasonable, here's a (you) and have a nice day.

disregard that I take nigger dick up the ass
probably been answered 100 times, but immersive view or enhanced camera?
You use what now?
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Snakestone always had a hard time sleeping. He usually had vivid nightmares, so he rarely slept, and when he did it was only for a few hours. The first night he spent with Yarti was the first time in along time that he had a good nights rest without nightmares.

When he saw her again in Riften he knew she was special.

Last I checked the Rough Leather Armor doesnt work with SE. My follower uses it and loading him up with it causes his body to be invisible. This is ofcourse when SE first came out, it may have changed since then.

>Snake and Yarti sneak off to fuck and get kicked out of the party
>implying they'd get caught

Enchanced Camera
You like that big black boss cock in your ass don't you, ya' faggot? Bet you crave the taste of your own ass on nigger cock. Can't sleep without it.
Anon, I don't dance with men unless I'm completely hammered and I'm doing a merry jig on some flimsy table while spouting offensive bullshit, offending everyone in the process, before breaking said table in half because I accidentally dropped my knee on it
This is usually followed by me running out in the street bollock naked while half the tavern is chasing after me
Then I get my ass handed to me on a silver platter and I wake up in bed with a sore asshole
>>implying they'd get caught
>implying snek isn't a screamer
But I dont take bbc up my bumhole guys ;_;
What iz happening?
Diana should have used a trip, not a simple name. Now anyone can namefag as Diana and shitpost in his name, which only makes things worse.

So good job retard.
Creation Kit.
That's not Diana's fault there.
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It's okay. Trumps going to gas you faggots anyways, so you might as well come out and enjoy being a homo while you can.
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Guys, is there any way I can use Wrye Bash with a pirated version of Skyrim?
Ofc you can
I'm taking a screenshot and forwarding it to Todd. Too late to take that back anon.
r8 my vanilla SSE necromancer
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But I get this error.
pls no
Looks... really familiar...

Can't put my thumb on it though.
Is your Skyrim on the usual non-pirated directory? Sometimes torrents make their own directories
>tumblr feminists blowing up at trainwiz because he made a joke about Vivec
Fucking amazing
Is there a remotely decent combat mod released for the special edition yet?
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Is there a mirror of this outfit anywhere? It appears to be as dead as a doornail.
I am from Asturias and can confirm it gets really cold even sometimes in summer because high rain frequency.
Yes. Its directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition.
I guess I should try installing it on C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\whatever.
Thanks, anon.
>Who dances with who?
All the OTPs
>Who gets hammered and makes a fool of themselves on the dance floor?
>Who sneaks off to be alone together?
Haar and Aliinna
Heiko and Anna
>Who stands alone near the door?
>Who gets into a drinking game?
Ermalda and Meara are the ringleaders, everyone is involved
He called him chemo
Which is what you go through to try and fight off cancer

Pretty apt
Define cold.

Were I'm at it averages -15C without windchill in the winter.
>Eiries calling followerfag and Diana chemo

Followerfag pls, he said he hopes we make it through the chemo.

Question is, who is the chemo?
No, it's because I find Almalexia boring.
You NEED to work on that English and reading comprehension, followerfuck
It does tell you what to do, why don't you try that?
generic redhead waifu?

hold up

how'd you get that face?? I thought racemenu and shit wasn't out yet for SSE so you couldn't make attractive faces

fuck i forgot I put fake diana in the name box.
literally just an adjusted vanilla breton preset

I call horse shit

prove it!
That's what i thought.
Regale me with some lore
>Ermalda and Meara are the ringleaders
That seems about right!
The Elder Tome of the Great Prophecy of the First Era doth decree that you're a faggot
You're fucking welcome bitch
Mai'q is the true god.
>How could one roleplay a knight of a temple in Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim anyways? A Knight of Julianos, Mara, or any of the divines.

Since the concept of a Templar Knight harkens back to Daggerfall in a lot of ways, it could help to start with how that game views them. Note that I haven't actually ever been a knight of either Julianos or Mara in Daggerfall, so this is more general knowledge and what seems to fit with the lore. And a good amount of guessing/conjecture.

Now, the important thing here is that you're a knight in the power of being a member of a religious knightly order, and you won't necessarily be a knight in terms of the feudal title, or in terms of the class. This means that unless you decide to make it so, you don't need to be a noble or landholder, and you don't need to be standard longsword and heavy armour warrior that might come to mind.

Fundamentally, a templar knight is a member of the temple you're devoted to. Being a acolyte knight is considered equivalent to being a acolyte cleric. So, unless you decide to roleplay as a poor worshipper, this is the basis for your values. You're not a knight that happens to support the faith, you're a man of the faith that has taken up arms. Though you can absolutely be chivalrous and brave, and you're likely expected to be so, your first priority is your religious creed.
Link to fully functional Ada.
Do OTPfags hate other OTPfags?
Who's the real Diana? Please stand up!
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Then comes your purpose as a man at arms. This will somewhat depend on which order you're a part of, but generally you have two main purposes. I'd argue that it's up to you to decide which of the two is the most important. The most mundane reason for the existence of your order is simply the protection of the temple you're a part of. So if something threatens your temple, your clerics, your worshippers, or maybe even your political and economical interests, you will fight to protect them. The more abstract reason is to see the will of your Divine done in the world. This will mean living according to the commandments of your god/temple (no necromancy of a knight of Arkay), protecting and enforcing the worship of your god, protecting and enforcing the things valued by your god (like a knight of Dibella supporting art and protecting artists), and generally interacting with the world in a way that makes it more like your god would want.
who told you that
we're all buttbuddies
So who would ACTUALLY win a drinking game? Could anyone compete with Mearmalda?
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seriously though, that cannot be the default vanilla breton

you must have some mods installed
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>Julianos says: Know the truth. Observe the law. When in doubt, seek wisdom from the wise.
Junianos' Knight Mentor are scholar knights. You can be a mage, but you don't have to. Your temple, the School of Julianos, is a place of faith and devotion, but also a institution of education, and the Knights Mentor protect knowledge and those that expand it. You value things like language, history, logic, mathematics, law, and wisdom. Learning and justice (in the sense of the execution of the law) are also important to you. You want to protect old knowledge as well as research and find your own, and you're always concerned with the truth.
In Daggerfall, the skills associated with you Order is: Alteration, Daedric, Impish, Lockpicking, Mysticism, Short Blade, Thaumaturgy.
Note by the way that there are no armour skills in Daggerfall. Let your skills and equipment be inspired by your order and your god, but the most important thing is really just that you're an armed force for your god in the world, not specifically what armour and weapon you use.
There no character creation mod for sse you dummy.
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>Mara says: Live soberly and peacefully. Honor your parents, and preserve the peace and security of home and family.
The Maran Knights are the military arm of the Benevolence of Mara. You know what Mara is about. You value compassion, understanding, marriage, motherhood, love (though not in a Dibellan way) and it might be fun to take her connotations of fertility to support things like agriculture and general "growth". The symbol of your temple is literally a tied knot. Mara is close to Kynareth and Dibella in areas, so don't be afraid to get close to their values. Togetherness, peace, and joyful unextravagance are all things you champion. When you fight, you fight so that others won't have to, and so that greater peace will be the outcome. Maran Knights are not entirely uncontroversial, even in their own temple, because not all those who worship her subscribe to the Knights' idea of necessary violence.
Your Order's skills are: Archery, Critical Strike, Daedric, Etiquette, Harpy, Illusion, Medical, Nymph, Restoration, Streetwise.
Knights Mentor and the Maran Knights have unique quests. Both have some insight on the faith and the Orders.

The School of Julianos and the Knights Mentor don't just value knowledge, they truly believe that knowledge should and must be shared. Whatever insight you find, and ancient lore you uncover, you should make available for study. Withholding and hoarding knowledge to yourself is viewed in a very negative light.
In the unique quest, a member of the School steal knowledge from the temple and goes renegade, taking books/scrolls/whatever with him. You murder him and reclaim what he took.

The Maran Knights really are a representation of a religious conflict within the Benevolence itself. In the two first sentences of their unique quest, this is stated:
>"The whole philosophy of the Benevolence of Mara forbids us to harm another living creature willingly. We do, however, have a situation that unfortunately calls for direct and fatal action."
And this is for killing an undead that's desecrating one of your shrines. The Maran Knights really hold a interesting and paradoxical role in the philosophy of Mara.
haar and aylen
they're like yin and yang
Aylen seems like a lightweight tbqh family
Anon here. I want to be a namefag too! How hard do I have to shitpost to get a name around here?

Also. Argonians. How are they born? I know they come from the Hist originally, but, like.. do they breed? There ARE males and females, or is that simply aesthetic? If they do have (trigger warning) binary genders, can they interbreed? Has there even been a canon case of Argonian x Any Other Species in any ES game?
one's a big, many bro nord, the other's a cute altmer grill with a big ol' wanger?
you've gone to jail for public indecency thrice
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Stop talking about my dick, anon.

Don't judge a book by it's cover.
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Once, second time was due to mistaken identity and the third time I was framed.

Aylen is a lightweight. Can't even handle Black-Briar swill. He also likes to touch man butts. Elanor should be worried.
By fiddling with sliders you mongoloid.
Diana's gotten you banned twice. I can't believe he still tries to kiss up to you.
>Stop talking about my dick, anon.

i mean, it's about all you've got going for you. just knees with a dig bick and fabulous hair.

That's impossible! That hair isn't vanilla in game!
Haar could drink Meara and Ermalda under the table by himself.
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Stop trying to ditch practice, do you want to be a real american or not? Fight for the rights of every man? Fight for what's right? Training is important you faggot.

Well you're not wrong.
If you want to become a namefag, just use a name

Is that really useful?

well you can push everything past what bethesda does in the launcher and get better look graphics at the cost of poor performance
Would it make sense for a Breton to join the Stormcloaks if he's a Forsworn sympathizer and wants Skyrim to ultimately be in the hands of Bretons?
Or would Imperials still be a more logical choice?
Not like it will matter coz you will finish as herma's fucktoy.
You already have a name, Shitpost-kun
Imperials. The Forsworn were extremely close to being legitimized by the empire before Ulfric came along to retake Markarth. Realisitcally, a forsworn wouldn't join either of them and would just want all the Nords and foreigners out of the Reach
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I'm feeling really unsatisfied with my ENB, Lighting setup. Any recommendations?
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Anyone know what mod makes iron swords look like this? It's probably unique uniques, since I don't have too many mods, but I want to make sure. I kinda like the vanilla iron swords.
Does anyone here use Ultimate Dragons? Is it any good?

I'm looking to make the game more challenging, but not in a really shitty way that just makes things damage sponges. UD adding new animated attacks that actually seem competently done is interesting.
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Post load order. Unique Uniques only effects, well Unique items in Skyrim not every weapon.
delete the iron weapon meshes in your data folder, i had the same issue.
That's not Unique Uniques. Holy shit whatever it is looks like ass.
Damn. I wanted a cool name. Oh well.

Ps3 vanilla ftw!
Best dragon overhaul
I'll try this, but I'm afraid of fucking it up. There just shouldn't be a folder at all in the /meshes/weapons/ section named "iron" right? Deleting it won't fuck everything?
If you delete it the game will just use the assets from the BSA, you should be fine.
>Deleting it won't fuck everything?
L-let's give it a shot!
Is this shot also from that Abandoned Temple mod?
I saw that it adds back in dragons actually using shouts, do they use cut voicelines, or just use the effects?

I watched the videos they linked in the mod description, but didn't see much on that, but maybe I missed it.
all i have is a bodymod some shitty skinmod for the body (not face) and 1 hairmod for the hair
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>How did your waifu know the person she OTP'd with was the one?
She just knew! And also her waifu completely gave up her old lewd lifestyle so she could be with her, and then later risked everything to save her from Oblivion a few times, so she's pretty sure she's the one
Report him and move on.
I just realized that Snakestone and Ilx both saved the person they OTP'd with, from a slut lifestyle.
>waifu is a cannothave
>wish everyone could be able to download this waifu

its a bad feel

Which hair mod?
I got myself Skyrim Special Edition for ps4 because there is no way I can afford a gaming pc and came across two issues. Firstly, the lighting is all over the place - while open spaces seem perfectly vibrant, characters faces are so covered in shadows I cant discern any features. How do I fix this? The excessive blur hurts my eyes too, can I turn it off? Also, is it possible to use a mouse and keyboard? Is the hori tac thing working for skyrim?
Nobody would even want to download this mediocrity.
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>started SSE because I got it for free
>finished the story
>no mods

The fuck am I even supposed to do.
Guys, I was just directed here from /v/. For the purpose of witnessing the biggest meatiest ass mods you have. Can you please share an ass with a good amount of mass, and real meat cheeks?
Thanks anon, you always know what to say to help me feel less guilty.
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That's the power of true love, anon!
Whychu want to report me for nuthing, boo?;_;
7BO is what you need mang.
And, if you are feeling adventurous, try UUNP Yoga Teacher preset.

Not really. Ulfric is probably paranoid af and would definitely do some digging on any non-Nord that joins up, especially if you're talking about a guy who'll become Thane + Stormblade. Your dude's committing treason so unless he's the stealthiest motherfucker in Skyrim that's a risky path. Meanwhile the Empire probably doesn't particularly care about the political views of it's soldiers.

Plus a Stormcloak victory might actually make it much harder for the Bretons to take Skyrim since it would cut High Rock off from Cyrodiil completely. There's no way Hammerfell would let Cyrodiil move an army through their territory to High Rock at this point and an attempted invasion of Stormcloak Skyrim might draw opposition from every other nation who's now left the failed Empire. Not only is that sort of invasion a direct threat to their new sovereignty, the destruction of Skyrim would also totally fuck over everyone fighting the Dominion.
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Why there no love for hammer weapon mods?
It's always sword sword sword and bow.
Do you like Snek and Yarti?

Brave already came out and said he doesnt like them.

Maybe if more regulars come out they'll leave!
If I was given the same game I already owned for free, I'd probably avoid playing it since I already had a copy. I mean, I know full well it doesn't have anything new for me to experience, so why would I?
What's the best OTP name?
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I'm modding my game for the first time and could use some advice. I'm using morrowloot with 2 monster/enemy mods, all of which have patches but I'm not sure how to make them all play ball together correctly

right now my load order is
>Immersive Creatures
>Advanced Adversary Encounters
>ic+aae patch
>ml+ic patch
>ml+aae patch
>bashed patch

do i need to merge the patches to stop them from overwriting each other, or would that break them? also should i leave the master files out of the bashed leveled lists to stop them from fucking with the patches?

i havent made a waifu yet so have a fargoth as payment for any help.
Please, I don't want to pirate Skyrim and and learn how to mod, just to see some big butt cheeks. Wouldn't it only take all of 5-10 minutes for you to move some sliders, and take a picture? I'm really just curious to see the ass potential of these mods. I'm pretty fascinated by the fact that no game devs produce large asses. And the anon who directed me here claimed that one of the mods could do it. I really just want proof that someone out there is thinking of the giant asses.
Go stir shit somewhere else.
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I guess a pirate look is rogue enough.
Remember anon, those who stir the shit ought to lick the spoon.
I'd lick your spoon :#
Bro. When I finally get a ps4, I'm going to play SSE at least once vanilla since that's what I'm used to. Then maybe use a few mods and blow my mind.
Is deadly dragons worth using these days?
Never did Dragonborn. So for this Thirsk Mead Hall thing, what happens if I side with the nords, if that's even a thing? This chieftain just made me kill him and I feel jipped.
There is no best OTP
the only good ones I could remember are Beehan and Aylanor
Clear the hall so the Nords can take it back.
Thanks for effort anon.
I can't say I'm not disappointed at the size of that butt though. Is that really the biggest you can make it?
No, you can have infinite amounts of ass with the right mods
He's just the local shitposter, ignore him. What you're looking for is UUNP Bodyslide. You can have a near unlimited butt size with that.
Does it actually become a mead hall, though? Or does it just stay unchanged, with a few nords standing inside of it?
Buffscale and Maxeen prob have what you're looking for. Check the OP for links.
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Deepest lore.
Go to our lewd booru in the OP site, look up maxeen, anne and brynhildr.
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There's almost no limit with Bodyslide.
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I think it has to do with swords being romanticized as the "hero weapon", aka the weapon that the protagonist of the story uses.

Nothing says good day like a big hammer, though.

i dont think theres any other good / cute hairmods for SSE yet
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Why aren't there any toilets or bathrooms in Tamriel?

Where do people wash and poop?
>dunmer are racist, xenophobic slave mongers who give no shits
>tumblr gives rise to the sjw movement
>blizzard expands their staff, hiring millenials
>vvardenfel suddenly suffers an apocalypse
>beast race without man/mer privilege invade and conquer morrowind
>dunmer forced to migrate to skyrim where they're made to live as an impoverished underclass
>now dunmer are much better because they don't have privilege anymore! just like handicapped transwomen of colour
>"great job everyone! i'll see you and the rest of the bethesda staff at the trump protest tonight!"
buckets, trees, etc. Toilets have existed for a very short time in real life civilization, anon. Our ancestors didn't need them.
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You ever see those buckets in bandit camps and caves?
I'm pretty sure almost everywhere has a bucket sitting on the floor in an alcove that doesn't serve any other purpose.
There's wash basins scattered all over the place and even bandits have obvious bathrooms/bedpans.

Fuck Bethesda even went as far as putting Potions of True Shot/Health/Endurance in some of the bandit latrines and copies of Lusty Argonian Maid.
Bethesda doesn't like SJWs though, they hired trainwiz who is a known misogynistic and rapist!
>tfw tg actually tried to defend bethesda about this
One of the few times I actually just had to drop a discussion on there
Searching now. Brynhildr and Maxeen are pretty disappointing. Anne and buffscale are a start, but still very insufficient.

There's a difference between hearing it, and seeing it. I can imagine what no limit body sliders would do. But I have not seen the limits of the ass pushed. Well this one >>160866381 is more in line with what I'm imagining. But I feel like the cheeks could be rounder. Perhaps more top curvature, and more pressed in the middle.
Skyrim is not about landwhales dude.
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Seeing all the bandits get stuck on this staircase for easy pickings reminded me of someone earlier in the thread saying not to abuse retarded AI as a form of challenge.

Is it even possible considering how bad Bethesda AI is?
here you go brah http://bbgmsvavavooommm.tumblr.com/
I assure you, you can shape it in whatever fashion you are imagining. Just trust us and try Bodyslide.
They're about skywhales though!
They wouldn't dare not include such a fantastical element, r-right?
R u retarded
>Blizzard expands their staff, hiring millenials

Is Blizzard involved in a large-scale corporate espionage operation against Bethesda?!
This is just getting ridiculous...

Skywhales never existed, they were always, even in the story they came from, a myth.
Kill it before it lays clutches of eggs.
You're playing as a stealth archer, why are you suddenly concerned with "challenge?"
>This is just getting ridiculous...
Maybe you shouldn't have talked shit about Almalexia!
No. Got something to say? Or did you just pick out a random post to call retarded?
If myths stayed myths, half of tes wouldn't exist.
>Do you like Snek and Yarti?

The characters? No.

The posters alright though. Always seen him be fairly nice and helpful.
>Toilets have existed for a very short time
Ra confirmed for hating Snek and Yarti.

Snek and Yarti BTFO.
Toilets have existed as far back as 2000 BC
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>get $1k in a minor settlement
>deciding between being smart and just banking it or buying a few PC parts

So, what should I do? I could potentially get just a new graphics card and keep the rest banked. The R9 390 is a decent budget card, but I could use a stronger one.
Toilets with actually plumbing systems existed over four thousand years ago.
Damn dude, you're a rapist? I never knew that, dunno if I'll ever be able to think about you the same baka.
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That wasn't me tho
I'm not even gonna look at that image.
Use your money properly, the fuck kind of question is that to ask
>R9 390
>budget card
Go fuck yourself.
A relatively short time in the grand scope of humanity. Who's the retard here?
I don't have a name here, but I'm alright with you thinking I'm Ra.
every AMD GPU is a budget card
No no, apparently it's making jokes about Muatra.

I don't have need for it, I already have a comfy amount in the bank. It WAS going to go towards fixing my car (which the bumper is a bit damaged, but it's only minor aesthetic) but in all honesty it doesn't seem necessary.

It's a weird question, but I've been playing with the idea of getting an upgrade for a while now, since with a good ENB on I get 45~ FPS.


It was in my "budget" build. I put $1200 into a brand new PC, rather than going for a stronger card. It's a decent card for what it cost, just not as good as what I could get if I put more money. I could have gotten the 390X or even the Fury/Fury X.
Then why did you ignore the question but you won't ignore the shit stirrers?
And humans have existed for at least 100,000 years, I don't see the point.

Hell even 80 or so years ago toilets in America were nothing like they are today. Most people had an outhouse where they basically went out and took a shit in a ditch.

Probably because he doesn't have to answer it if he doesn't want to. No reason to cause drama.
wow I've never seen a goalpost move 50K years into the past lmao
R9 390 is fine.
You can even play at 1440p with some enb.
AMD is competitive with Nvidia in the GPU market.

You want to call their cpu's bargain bin garbage, fine that's accurate. But don't pretend their GPU's are budget trash.
The fucking GAME makes jokes about Muatra, are people really giving you shit for that?
Those tits looks so fucking stupid. But I do see some pretty meaty asses somewhere in there. My curiosity is almost sated. Not fully though.

I think it's funny how it takes someone who is accepting of *that* much tit size, just to have butts those size. It just goes to show how much more tolerant people are to tit size compared to ass size.
You could do with doubling your system ram.

Other than that you're futureproof for quite a while. Not much you can upgrade the rest of that to without it just being a minor upgrade if not an outright side-grade.
Proably because it's an obvious bait question. It's probably the same guy from before who tried to stir shit about the 2k17 stuff.
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Updated the Changelog of all the mods and followers added these past couple days.

Also, Should I add Wildcat to Gameplay?
This is weird. The grass in my game just disappeared. I installed some mods before that but none of them had anything to do with the flora and reinstalling Verdant did nothing (it's near the end of my LO too). I'm also certain I didn't toggle it off in the console by accident, I verified.
How's the skyrim modding scene now that the new edition is out? I'm keen to get into quest mods and was going to do it for F4 but it seems pretty dead these days

Honestly, fair point. I'm kind of tired of being boring with my money (basically saving 90% of what doesn't go to bills) because I don't really spend it on much at all. But if the specs are fine, no reason to dump more money into it.


Yeah, when I was deciding what to buy, Nvidia's current card was actually 3.5gb of VRAM instead of the advertised 4gb, and the 390 was coming out a few weeks later. So I just bought that instead. No real complaints with it at all, the drivers work well.

That wasn't me, though. I called it a budget card because it wasn't competitive for the most powerful card on the market when I got it.


16gb of RAM wouldn't be bad, but as far as I've understood, it's more necessary for coding/modeling/rendering rather than gaming. Thanks for the advice though. I've gone for more quality RAM cards over cheaper ones with the "same" RAM value. I could get 8gb more for like $100~ and call it fair. Plus I don't have to worry about new drivers, just jam them in.
It's okay anon. You're anonymous, no need to attempt damage control. Just admit you said something retarded and move on.
Sup dudes. How do I increase the night brightness without installing mods? I'm using ReShade and an ENB.
I tried adding
to enbseries.ini but nothing happened.
And lets not even bring up India where they have public shitting areas where people just squat and take a shit like a dog practically anywhere, even on the side of the road, in full view of everyone else.
Did you toggle ignoreweather?
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>go to Winterhold for the first time
>dragon attack
It's always here and Riverwood that gets the dragon attack for me.

And honestly, I can't see why anyone would logically hate you or your posts. Both of you are friendly, you have nice characters and a sweet in-character relationship, and both of you tend to post pretty neutral screenshots, rather than some other posters that post borderline nudes or even breaking the board rules themselves.

Which... I'm guilty of doing.
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I wouldn't. Too many existing alternatives that are superior. Adding it would be needless clutter.

Hit the Weather window and adjust it through that. Your ENB is probably configured for multiple weathers.

If I'm right, invest in Notepad++ so you can batch the changes across various other weather types as you see fit. Assuming you want your changes to be permanent.
This. Areas of Afghanistan had much better plumbing and waste disposal 4000 fucking years ago than they do today. They had flush toilets and everything.

>those goalposts

"Civilization" has only been a thing for roughly 6-8 thousand years. Having working plumbing and sewage systems for 1/2-3/4 of that time is pretty well established. Buckets and the like are fine for bandit camps and the like out on the fringes, but for major settlements of a civilization that ranges from early to late middle ages is downright appalling when some barely bronze age shmucks figured it out and did it better than even current societies in the area are willing to do.
this music is hekkin beautiful m8

Holy shit, that fucking armour texture on the left.

As for Wildcat, is it really not that good? I was using Smilodon with the Realistic Damage mod and Combat Evolved on SSE, but on Oldrim Smilodon doesn't seem to have a version for it. So I was going to use Wildcat.

I guess just Combat Evolved? I really do like one or two hits killing me and most enemies.
Orcs aren't slackjawed mouthbreathers either, at least not traditionally. Even in TES.

Besides which there's a hundred other fantasy settings where Orcs don't have visible tusks either, so what you define an Orc as may not be inherently the same as someone else's interpretation of it.

Green skin and tusks wasn't even popular until Warhammer gained traction -- before then it was far more popular to represent Orcs as pig-men.

Even in ye olden Daggerfall times there were books describing Orcs and their physiology entitled "The Pig Children".
May I ask where that facemask on the right is from?
bethesda are so sjw that they're practically blizzard now so it's easy to mix them up.

>all cis white men have been fired from bethesda
>apart from todd howard who has transitioned into tiffany
>TESVI: Elsweyr is released
>khajiit are the most civilized people in tamriel
>bad reputation was solely do to the bigotry and ignorance of white cis people with man privilege
>imperials have been enslaved in order to protect the rest of society
>imperial men are kept in chastity devices 24/7 and forbidden from mating
>imperial women are impregnated by redguards while their husbands are forced to check their privilege by watching
>the game ends with the new mix race of imperials being released from slavery and ushering in a utopian society free from discrimination or gender inequality
>game wins multiple awards and is called a feminist masterpiece by buzzfeed and huffpost
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when will we get ayylien and huge orc cock plowing webm in aco/tesg/???
What are some decent mods that add "utility" spells (i.e. throw, levitation, time stop, teleportation, weapon buffs etc.)?
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But I was ignoring the shit stirrers by ignoring the question, anon
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I like odd bone structure on my alien races but otherwise I do prefer shut jaws on my orcs.
Do you mean "ignoreweathersystem" under BLOOM? Yes, it's ticked.
Sorry, I haven't fiddled with ENB's before. What's the weather window? I don't see it in the SHIFT+ENTER enb window in-game if that's what you mean.
>16gb of RAM wouldn't be bad, but as far as I've understood, it's more necessary for coding/modeling/rendering rather than gaming.

Generally that's true, but games are starting to push that 8gb, so 16gb is starting to become a better idea, and can make a pretty big impact, especially if you get faster memory.
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Does 2k17 have butts?
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Won't be difficult to recognise her in the ring
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I can't really give accurate advice on the SSE front except to say "wait for SKSE before you get invested in subpar combat mods."

iirc Black Cat mask in Colorful Magic. She retextured it to match the outfit, not sure what it was to begin with. I think a simple leather of some sort.

There's a similar thalmor-style mask in Mad Masker as well.

Don't hold your breath. Ayy's proportions makes it extremely difficult to take sex screens with; legs clipping everywhere and shit.

I believe it's under GLOBAL, you'll see a Shader window toggle there as well.

I don't recommend universally toggling weather except temporarily as it cuts out a huge portion of the preset's custom values.
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>hands don't even line up
god FUCK you had one job and couldn't even do that right
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Well that's a shame. What about just a standard sized person/cock?

Doesn't have to be 16oz bottle big. Can be like a banana big.
Nowhere near as much as I'd like.
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I'm sorry I tried

You've convinced me, anon.


Well no, I'm playing on Oldrim still. SSE is nice and crispy but I might as well play on Oldrim for now. SKSE > no SKSE.
How do you guys decide what path your character will take in the world?
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But isn't Naomi in it?
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Just pick a direction and go, silly.
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would like to terribly clip with/10
She has been deflated.
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The problem isn't Shazgob's proportions, it's Ayy's. She's not gonna match up with anyone.

The pics I did take I had to do a good bit of shooping here and there. And taking them involved a lot of extra rotating, scaling and vertical adjustments that wouldn't survive a trip out of tfc 1 anyways.

In that case, I use

Attack Commitment (good with Mortal Enemies)
TK Dodge
Lock on (with reticle retexture)
Ultimate Combat
Revenge of the Enemies
Skytweak (your most powerful tool)

is gud, enemies actually dodge, some monsters have completely new attacks, etc.
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I mean roleplaying wise, I want it to feel meaningful.
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hoooooly shit what is that armor she's wearing

please, I beg you

it is perfect
I am downloaind g a 463 MB file just to have that mask

I really hope it's in here
those ears
a strong backstory helps your RP
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That depends largely on their background. Where people come from is a crucial factor in determining where they go from there.

Take Brutus here, for example. He comes from a life of slavery and was suddenly set free. What does a man who has never truly been free do when no one is holding the leash anymore? Anything and everything, of course. They'd want to experience all the things they couldn't growing up, and that's exactly what Brutus does with his time.
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Woo, the warpaint imports are working wonderfully I see. These are looking good.

I'll check them out. I like Combat Evolved, but I'll try Ultimate Combat too.
Well I always start out near Riverwood, but by about level 10 or so I feel confident enough to strike out and start doing whatever.

As for what actual path, it just depends on what I envisioned for that character. If she's magic focused, I'll unlock the college fairly soon so I get access to more and better spells earlier.

I generally like to do the thieves guild with anything though, at least enough to finish setting up all the fences, if for no other reason than to have merchants with lots of money to sell stuff to. Helps the most for mage characters as spells can be costly.
Brutus is PURE!
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BDO Clead armor and normal plate boots with the SPOA Silver Armor textures because stupid shoes.

I really, really, really, really wish there was more armor below the waistline.
It's best to keep backstories short. Just down to a few sentences, and let the story emerge from play.

Having a great big detailed backstory can often be more of a detriment than anything.

That's true in tabletop and it's true in crpg's as well.
Oh boy I think I found it. Do you think you could post your texture for it though?
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We hit the bump limit guys.

new thread
A strong backstory isn't necesarrily a long backstory, just details to outline a character.
My current character is a hunter and though he may eventually work his way to hunt dragons, he is content with killing wolves and cats.
On another character I could have made a hunter that has heard of the dragons in Skyrim and decided to head there to see if he can get one himself.
I see a strong backstory as the foundation for any character that I will play for a while, though the details get fleshed out as I play the character.
i love you
Thanks guys. It's been a long time since I've roleplayed in a game and I jsut needed some inspiration. I'm cooking something up now should be done shortly. Would you be interested in seeing it and giving me a hot rating?
I'd read it, rating will depend on how it's written.
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