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/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

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Thread replies: 811
Thread images: 191

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Previous Thread: >>159126579

[Fate/Extella Launch Campaign]

-EMIYA and Altera Animation updates

-Event CEs
Crit damage up 15% + 3 Stars per turn
>Extella Ticket CE
Master Exp +50

-Event Rewards
-12 mil QP
-1 Summoning Ticket
-4 Golden Apples
-12 Quartz

-Fate/Extella Gatcha
Everyone from Extra + Jeanne and Altera
-5* Piece from 2030
-5* Victor from the Moon
-5* Another Ending
-5* Ideal Holy King
-4* Code Cast
-4* Knights Pride
-4* Record Holder

-New Fate/Extra Mystic Code
-New Bond CEs for Onigashima/Camelot Servants

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes: http://fate-go.cirnopedia.org/news.php
- New vers - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones&androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game
- Mashu's voice actress has been replaced with Rie Takahashi as Risa Taneda remains on hiatus to recover from illness. Her other roles remain unchanged
>New bond CEs:
-Rare Prisms have been added to Da Vinci's Shop (Gained from using 4* or 5* servants as Reinforcement materials or burning, Welfare servants excluded)
-Rare Prisms are used to purchase previous event items
-Next stream 12/6
-Babylon coming in December
-Christmas Rerun and part 2 coming in December
-FGO Anime announced



>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>FL Spreadsheet
Add yourself https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA


>Alternate servant/CE DB

>Used a single ticket after the update
Should I be sad or happy?
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xth for Altera is still shit and you guys are delusional.
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King of Kings.
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Reminder to not reply and let Melvin rot. He never has anything if value to put into a discussion.
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>Master Exp +50
I still don't understand
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Time to finally give him a break.
Depend on you other Servants, Tamamo is shit by herself, god-tier when paired with the right team.
Why is he so stylish while Gil dresses like a gopnik?
Happy if you like her, sad if you don't.
Thread theme(s)

xth for best Saberface, best Saber, Lancer, Rider, best waifu!
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who /Altera/ here

Quick, get the Hakuno mystic code so she'll love you.
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What was the point of giving EMIYA such an extensive rework if Kuro made him completely obsolete?
Kill yourself.

Do you have the Da Vinci QP CE?
I love you Liz anon
When's the Nero Bride animation update, her animations are worse than Red's now
Surprise Kiyohime!
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Is Extella Japan only or is it also coming out in the west?
Because not everyone is a gameplay autists like you.
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I want to hold pinkies with my waifu!
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>Eagle Eye
>100% crit up
>three turns
>Archer star absorption
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Always my guy.

This reminds me of monster girl quest, for some reason.
I love you, Lizfriend.
Man, just a few months ago I never would have imagined the red man would be this good
What a time to be alive
They gave red better animations to balance out being worse in every other way.
It's the original fashion stored within the Gate of Babylon.
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tfw when you are in FATE BIG PICTURE MODE
Sorry I'm not Hakuno's cuck
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I'm not him though
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Nobu a CUTE.
>Gudao has a name
>立香 藤丸 (Ritsuka Fujimaru)

Couldn't have come up with something worse if I tried.
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>giving me a welfare Gil CE
>100 Kerry

I'm so sorry
Reminder pic related is behind this post. Talk about "value".
Anyone needs some bones?
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Rider Gawain with his fairy horse Gringolet when?
Do you even seigi? he is actually pretty good tho
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>kuro better than Emiya
I love this meme
My 5* are Shuten, Tesla, Raiko and Scathach
My 4* Saberlot, Lancelot, all the 4* casters and the welfares

can you suggest me some decent team composition?
Cutest Saber
I'd go with Tamamo but I hate how her eyes look here, why can't Wada be fucking consistent.
Is there any other reason to get these?
I'll give you a bone
*unzips dick*
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Damn, this one is great.
>sorry, fans and all! we typed it wrong! It is actually meant to be 50 "%". Intern-kun messed up. Here's 12 more quartz to arrive with the fix!
You wouldn't have come up with anything, you would just have parroted "Gudao."
It's only joke anon
Fu Ji maru = FGO
where do I get the ticket to get one of these?
So we can't get these yet, right?
You lost me.
Casko Saberlot and Shuten if you want to use Tamamo.
>50 "%"

>Personal Trainingfags BTFO

Do it, DW.
Thanks this is enough to level maybe two skills from vlad I'll take them.
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Did they manage to Make Altera Great Again?
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fuck this
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When are they taking Huke shitty art out of the game and substituting it with this superior one?
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Wait, his Extra attack got more hits?
I have fucked your waifu.
Fuck you, I want her.
She was never great to begin with.
EMIYA is better than Kuro since he got Eagle Eye
Is this new gacha good if I want Twice? I have Tamamo and I don't want Altera
>this triggered over being btfo every single day
You could have avoided the humilliation by actually reading the novels and not pushing headcanon, or avoid discussion altogether if you knew nothing about Nasuverse
>no NP spam
Actually he can. Stop parroting shit you don't know.
I have used more than that for my servants yet Altera and company are continuously asking for more, those aren't nearly enough, I'll have to extract more from your corpse.
Alter animation update when?
>implying an NP is worth shit if you got a 100% crit damage buff

Nobody uses Jeanne Alter for the NP either.
>Shit NP damage
>No NP5 unless you whale

No, he's still shit. If I wanted a crit archer Evil Cat is 100x better and has a stronger AoE NP
Huke art is vastly superior to the moefied shit Wada art though. If you want moeshit there are many other Servants to pick.
Thanks, but no use for Helena and NR?
>implying you can't NP spam with crits and three Arts cards
How does maru=O????
But that's what you're doing.

Yeah, that's good for one fucking turn.
>I haven't used EMIYA
NP gets you more than 40 stars, next turn with some luck you will have a brave chain with crits.
It lasts for three turns you idiot.
>siegfried will never get as good as emiya or get animation updates
I really hope for a second strengthening quest and an Apo event where he might get new stuff but I know I'm delusional

Its 3 turn
>tfw rolled 2 tickets for gawain
>get a second EMIYA

Maru means circle, like the letter O.
>In the Middle English poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Gawain sets out atop Gringolet in search of the Green Chapel.[5] Lines 600-604 of the poem describe Gringolet's ornate appearance in being readied for the journey:

>The bridle was embossed and bound with bright gold;
>So were the furnishings of the fore-harness and the fine skirts.
>The crupper and the caparison accorded with the saddle-bows,
>And all was arrayed on red with nails of richest gold,
>Which glittered and glanced like gleams of the sun.
Sounds like a really pretty horse.
Talking about the stars he shits out with his NP, otherwise good luck getting stars with 3 arts cards shitting up your deck.
Fuck off with your crit meme.
Here's a kiyohime got me to respond
Is it an american manlet?
>NP damage is the only thing that matters

Confirmed idiot.
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>Huke art is vastly superior
A unique style is not necessarily good
>Altera totally won't be on Hakuno's dick just because she has a blushing sprite guys even though every girl in Extra is on Hakuno's dick
Alteracucks fucking BTFO beyond all reason

go ahead and consult your comrades in arms the Tamamocucks and Nerocucks about how to run damage control on your cuckbait shit
Bring Okita or Jack. Or somebody with 2030, Hans or God knows whom. Getting crit stars isn't difficult you imbecile.
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According to http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm29961328

Buster :
>long range : bow > broken phantasm
>close range : K&B 1 hit slash

>long range : double arrow hit
>close range : TELEPORTS BEHIND YOU 2 hit slash

>3 hit K&B slash (new verison, 2 variations)
>3rd Arts : multi hit arrow

>Triple-Linked Crane Wings

Fucking based DW.
Will Sigurd be a Grand Saber?
Stop complaining and accept her, I wish one copy more to take her to NP5.
It's you who's trying to talk about a servant that you don't even use or know how to work.
This will probably be the only time that Twice has a CE rate up, but you cant beat the desier sensor anyway
When the HF movie comes out hopefully.
Medusa too.
I wish, but no
No, sorry.
A pretty and shiny horse for a pretty and shiny knight.
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Because I don't have Kuro.
Makes her sound like a boat.
Time to finally grail ascend my EMIYA it seems.
It is good though. Altera was never supposed to be "human", she thinks she is an ayy lmao Terminator for fucks sake. Huke art gives her that took she looks fragile like a doll but she also seems creepy as hell.
>animation update for a 3*

>Raiko's katana actually have a name

How about you learn the meaning of the buzzwords you keep spamming before looking like a bigger retard then you already are?
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>he hasn't already

Who here /grailedRedman/
Is it a pretty, cute and girly name?
Don't reply to him.
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>NP animation is better
>UBW itself looks worse
>pretty and shiny knight.
>his horse called him Gorilla in the CE

>/fgog/ thinks someone can get cucked by the self-insert character
DW don't want to receive all the complaints about exploding phones.
>Meaning of buzzwords
I love how you've already moved the goal posts from
>Altera won't love Hakuno stop over reacting you stupid cuck memer
>Altera loves Hakuno but you were misusing words to begin with
while ignoring that your own initial stance was that Altera wouldn't like Hakuno just because she had a blush face when it's obvious that she would

fucking Cuckstella
Dojigiri Yasutsuna
There are no self-insert characters in Fate.
>a select individual has ruined you being able to talk about a character you like

what's her/his name /fgog/?
This desu
Damn well I am. She's my first servant ever and she got shiny new stuff.
I don't talk about any characters I like simply because I don't want them to be targeted.
wait for 4am.
Should I burn the Roman Halloween CE? It's not like I'll use it ever again.
I didn't he actually had mount to be summoned as rider. Rider Gawain may not be only a meme after all.
What about next year?
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Don't care about Altera. But this sprite still the best desu
Hakuno and Guda(k)o. You could argue Gudao/Fujimaru isn't a self-insert after the OVAs, but Hakuno is just a nameless NPC dictated by the Extra player, down to his name in-game.
cuckposters are the worst cancer. I can't believe there are individuals so pathetic and stupid they get upset because a fictional character loves the MC of a game instead of another. And this is all because they self insert as said character
Does anyone remember how many mana prisms Honnoji gave out?
When did they add a strengthening quest for Nitocris?
I was just wondering since you gotta fight Cleopatra at the end, so it must have been recent, right?
>superior one
They're both shit.
Holy shit Altera's noodle sword
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Stance better.
I wish that instead of Kawasumi struggling to press X for half an hour we would've gotten sprite artists so we could see the real heroes of this shit.
They are supposed to be close and care for each other a lot. I guess the horse is just a bit tsundere, or maybe he likes to act smug while talking shit.
The veil doesn't look like hair anymore. Nice.
yes, 2 weeks ago
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You should make your own decisions.
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But the new hair?
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>new bond CEs for Camelot servants
>none for Bedivere
What happens if I use EMIYA's NP on my Note 7?
it's not hair?
What is Redmans quick supposed to be? Just a notin personell teleport?
Thats a real big fix
>mfw can't bring myself to use Emiya's support because of how retarded he look
Melvin and his clones
dem shoes.
The nerofag with brain problems.
>how retarded he lookED

Reported for terrorism
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>can't connect
Go away nips!
instant transmission
No, she has short hair.
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>the fading details

That's just love.
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Now he fits better

>Marik is literally the shortest
>Bones, chains & dust

Why do you mock me so?

Are you ignoring your skills?
Kerry is almost Hassan-tier dark.
He gets the love he deserves
sorry for ruining altera for you anon but blame nasu for shilling his fetish
the gilfags have ruined Gilgamesh since 2004
>Had a nip on my friend list who max grailed Emiya even before the updates and buffs
He must be sooooo happy right now
>Two CS used
On what? we haven't had any hard content at all in a while.
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>Redman is 12cm taller than Kerry
>they look about the same height
>Kerry is 6cm taller than Amakusa
>Amakusa looks a full head shorter than Kerry
God damn it, sprite man. Your relative heights are all fucked up.
Post 'em
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Reddit and people crying reddit
Powerlevelfags in general. They shit everything up with several hour long arguments that completely disregard character personality.
>Samsung Broken Phantasm : Rank 7
>Just used one against Cake right now

She literally critted my support to death. Used an NP seal for a backrow servant to guarantee the win.
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Nerofag ruined Nero, reddit ruined Okita. And the ones crying reddit.
At least he let EMIYA stand up and not have him same height as other people WHEN LEANING FORWARD.
>reddit ruined Okita. And the ones crying reddit.
>6 tickets
>want Tamamo badly
>would be fine with LITERALLY any golden Servant, including dupes
>get 3* trash
Up until recently posting Okita got you a "hurr durr fuck off reddit" reply.
As dark as his soul
>roll 3 quartz
>could've gotten Twice
>could've gotten Tamamo
>could've gotten Jannu
>get Lu Bu
Why is Nobu posting still safe though, it's almost unreal.
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And said recently is just Okita is lewd as fuck, senpai.
Falseflaggers seem to attack Medusa and Semi pretty often.
>use UBW against 76k Camelot Saber Knights
>all three still have 20k hp left
Yeah sure new animations are cool but he's still complete garbage.
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Reddit doesn't give a shit about Nobu, I guess.
Reddit fucking worships Jeanne Alter and Scat for no reason.

Mama mia, here we go again. She's pure. Pure!
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>Tfw called into work 6 (SIX) hours early and they expect me to work until the end of my original shift.
Fuck it, I'm slacking and no one can stop me

Are Altera's new animations good? Does Emiya use his bow now?
Wait, are you my man, Mystery?
Can you read the thread?
Can you back the fuck off?
He's been here longer than you have, show some respect.
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Wake me up.
read the thread nigger
Hi alternate timeline me.
>no dust left
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>tsundere horse
I want it.
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That's even better, I require evidence, lewd evidence
Somebody remind me, was Christmas 15 good for farming anything in particular like prisms or QP?
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When will be his time to shine?
Amakusa is 17, he'd have grown taller
You fucker carried me through so much shit, and your love for mama is admirable
That should give you leverage if you ask for a raise or a promotion in the future.

Literally anything can get you one of those if shitposters really want to do it. It's not about what you post, it's what shit they want to say

A-At least I have some QP for him.
Don't think I've ever seen another grailed Cursed Arm but mine.
Still working on skills though.
Just as good as the recent Nero lottery.
>Gawain's bond CE literally narrated by his horse
>still no Rider Gawain
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>Extella map constantly crashing my tablet
The hell?
Reading the thread is hard.
I'm planning on maxing her out eventually, but having no QP sucks, looking forward to getting her Bond CE too
>NPBB (not brave chain)
>self buff third skill
>Anniversary blonde level 9 buff
>EMIYA last crit Buster hits 117k on Camelot knight

I know it's not constant and all that, but it's pretty satisfying seeing it hit that with a broken phantasm animation. ThanksDW
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Atleast one of our Seigi's got buffed to where he rightfully belongs, we can only hope Siegfried gets a little bit of service for the possible apoc event.
This is gonna be great. We also have a maxed Holy Night Sign for extra drops right from the start.
/fgog/ I'm back at home, what did I miss?
>raffle has bones
Holy shit I forgot, glad I didn't use too many in the Nero event.
nothing, this general is boring as always
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Sorry for negleting you for so long Vlad.
>>Tfw called into work 6 (SIX) hours early and they expect me to work until the end of my original shift.


>Gilcuck is a wageslave
W £ W
When Sieg come out and DW realise the big gap powercreep like Emiya/Kuro
his next SQ
>Extella Ticket CE

where to get this?
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>He's been waiting this whole time for him to post so he could bring this out

Fuck you are a sad human being
4am jst like always you cuck
In 2hs along with your daily login bonus.
so this extella event is just a couple little things right?
Calm your tittays, reddit.
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>Week of nothing is back
>Not even half ap
Fuck it
I'm blowing apples grinding 30AP to get limit broken mashu CE
OVA announcement, EMIYA has the best animation in the game, America on December, November of nothing, Christmas rerun followed by new Christmas event in December, Attila has new animation, 12 quartz and free CEs.
And also, Gawain seems to have a fairy horse.
5 minutes
>all those skill cookies
Glorious. This is the event worth apple spamming.
You're dedicated, I'll give you that melvin.
>still not pharoah level
Oh man, I missed his gorilla arms
what's the matter you cuck, feeling down now that shillary is losing? fuck off cuck
>they also completely copied the legs from the illustration

Fuck, can't unsee.
Better get to work Gilgatard, you don't want me to call your boss and tell him you are wasting time on 4chan do you? :^(
I want to know what it says. Translation when?
The Christmas rerun will shit prisms, though.

I only need to get like 1200 prisms anyways.
I'm not American though
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kys lmao
>cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck
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I'll just save the prisms from the event for future uses
but reddit is shillary shit
because the guy he was quoting was the real reddit, duh
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tfw skipped the 15 christmas event and will get to expirience it for the 1st time
Do you need more than 3000 to limit break the CE?
How many apples do you have for farming the Christmas event /fgog/? 250 gold apples here, probably gonna dump more then half of it on that store.
Because even here Okitafags are the cancerous ones.
Nah like 1800
Same here. Hope this year I won't be stuck in the mountains without internet access during the event.
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>you got jetfags
>jeanne alterfags
>"okitafags are the cancerous ones"

Oh fuck off, now you're just par rotting shit.
So /fgog/, one of these 4* will make it on my friend list, the others will lose and remain in the dark, trips ending with 4 will decide

>Tamamo cat
>Lancelot berserk
>Nursery Rhyme
What's the skill leveling order for Karna?
Depends on your priority of damage or crit?NP charge. It's either of the two first.
>trips ending with 4
Fuck off
Fuck off facebook
All of the is shit so no
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>Cuckfag trying to shit on Altera
Hahahaha, fool, Servants are for their power, not romance. I don't give a shit if she fucks Hakuno as long as I win the war.

>mfw I can force both have a mental breakdown by using CS and fucking Altera in front of him then ordering Altera to commit sudoku and shoot Hakuno in the face after I'm done
Keep the Nitocris.
you won
>typical lolishitter
Burn all of them
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Sorry anon, but I'm contrasting Nobufags and Okitafags, not every kind of subhuman in these threads.
Idiot, but choose NR anyway since she is the cutest.
>all this projection
>"I-I am not shit guis trust me"

Whatever you say
>ignores the old hag
Hello Carmillashitter.
I'm on ultra power saving mode. I can't follow links or look at images
Oh fuck off, just because there's other cancerous x-fags doesn't mean your shit don't stink either. Okitafags are just as bad with their "omg shes da cutest and purest!! XD"
U-NR.IVA-LED, of course.
>caring about one out of many
>not using cleo
she's shit anyway
>phone broke right during summer event
>couldn't get ass scat
How do I cope with this, /fgog/? I wanted her more than any other welfare. It's killing me.
Kill yourself retard.
>mug digits on /vg/
Kiyofags are just as bad
So are Archerfags with their Seigi no Mikata XD
And Saberfags
And Herkfags
And Cufags with their best bro XDD

We should all just stop talking about any characters in this game, that way nobody will get annoyed!
What books/tv/movies/whatever does /fgog/ recommend if I want to learn about the real world counterparts of the variois fate servants?
Ruuuude, I know I confused dubs with trips, but I just have a spot for one of them and I wanted to know which one you guys like the most
He used to have a tiny torso. Cu has the same issue.
Seigi no Mikata: The Animation
baka desu senpai
Fuck off retard
Fuck off
Read recent history books by true historians if you want to learn about real world.
So close yet so far.
>tfw I can finally replace Shitanne Alter the reddit Servant
Thanks Altera for those new animations and that crit absorb skill.
sounds like you don't know what dubs are either
you need another year before you're ready to post
There was a chart some time ago with the source material for every servant but well, depends which ones in particular you want to know about
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>announced Christmas rerun but no Honnouji

They wouldn't do this, would they? The fucking assholes wouldn't give us a chance to get FUCKING LIZ again but not Nobu.
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Where do you farm dust? I need a ton of it.
Nobu a shit
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Honnoji is not a seasonal important event. Get over yourself Gudashitter.
I actually like it. Makes me feel happy about having Okita and Nobu. Also lets me save more Quartz for an eventual Majin Saber rateup.
They didn't do a Dango rerun either.
you're a shit
Liz is more popular than Nobu. Even Nobu acknowledges her fleeting popularity in the KnK event.
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Not him but I would actually prefer Nobu to another shitty arturia clone. Or even better they could rerun the KnK event
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More grails when
The chart already posted for fictional servants, internet is honestly your best bet for the real ones.
Neet master race
Should list the recommended translations for some of the books.
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>memetards skipping over the fact that this man has David Bond CE
Hopefully soon.
Ko-Gil is stuck at 75.
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I'm back in QP, dust and bone hell so thank god for the Christmas event re-run, planning to spend a lot of apples on it since it was pretty much the perfect event for all of that.
>all those supports at 10/10/10
Fuck, how do you guys get so much QP?
Playing since a while
Post new bond CE!
Not being a newfag.
Would /fgog/ even use me as support?
>he doesn't already have Ko-Gil at 90+
>grailed jeanneshit
No because I'm sick of seeing you basic taste fuckers.
>Jeanne Alter
Triggered, deleted off friends list.
Your Servants aren't the classic ones apart from Jeanne and maybe Jack, so I would.
Who do I grail. Shuten or Cleo?
>no Lunch CE
Go on /lit/'s archive and search for the title of the book, they seem to have a good grasp on what is good wrt translations.
I would use that cute void once in a while
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nip spreadsheet has Charlotte/シャーロット on the murrica map as most efficient at about 65% chance of a drop per run
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Everyone, I have an announcement to make. I have been deceiving you all.

I'm afraid I am not merely the Taigafag. I am also, in fact, the flustered saber fanficfag. I know this may come as a shock to you.

But I am not just the Taigafag and the fanficfag. It is with a heavy heart I must tell you that I am also the Gilfag, and have been for some time.

But I have another confession to make. I am not just the Taigafag, the fanficfag, and the Gilfag. I'm sorry to admit that I am also the anti-Gilfag. And the jetfag. And the anti-jetfag. And the Cufag. And the Achillesfag.

In addition, to my unending shame, I am also Melvin, the summaryfag, the Tamamo whale, a wageslave, the discord shill, a redditor, the Lynx, the brain-treatment Nerofag, the anon that hates the brain-treatment Nerofag, the anon that runs cirnopedia, the Iskander bara dumper, the Spider-Man can defeat servants poster, the evil cat poster, an objective film major student, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the /tmg/fag, the Lizfag, Nobunaga Shimazaki, the Medea conspiracy poster, a lesbian, the Nip that made the meme list, the Crooked Clown fag, the RotK poster, an /m/ poster, the head of Google's customer support, Kinoko Nasu, the write-up anon, the Gawainposter, Sherlock Holmes, the chuunifag, a secondary, the Heaven's Feel canonposter, the filter shill, Intern-kun, a tertiary, a whale that pretends to be F2P, the head of the Yakuza, a hero of justice, the Holy Grail and (You)

I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me.
The one you like the most!
>put Jeanne Ruler up
>nobody use
>put Jeanne Alter up
>swim in FP

You fucks aren't even the ones who give people like him the FP anyway.
I'll take Jeanne Alter off my all slot when people stop feeding me shittons of FP every day.
Cringe. Go back to plebbit.
>grailed the reddit Servant Alter
Fuck off
Melvin was right all along, dark days ahead for the general now.
Actually, I like you, Anon.
>Fate Extra anime confirmed for december

wew lad
Problem is I like both.

I've been trying to decide what servants to grail for months now sand I cant decide. I like all my servants.
>Go back to plebbit.
>a whale that pretends to be F2P

>am I cool yet in being a contrarian hipster
Falseflagging today is out of control. Thanks Fate/Extella.
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Anyone else having problems loading Altera's new interlude? I can't even get to the blue screen after choosing my support. All other quests work fine.
>shitposting is out of control. Thanks, /vg/
>burn 120 quartz on this gacha
>Liz dupe, Shuwen, Emiya, and Extra Vlad
>still have Helena and Rhyme to level up from Prisma gacha
>still have Stheno to level up from the Jeanne Alter gacha (already maxed Alter)
>still have Brave Liz to level up

Holy fuck did they boost the gacha rates when I wasn't looking or something?
Today is alot worse then the last week.
I keep getting sync/lag with EMIYA's new UBW. Sometimes audio quicker, sometimes slower, sometimes the white screen lasts too long.

Gonna try download all data and see if it improves.
I doubt people around here have read different translations of the same works to give an opinion about them.
You know, I'd say you've been lucky these days, but I've gotten a lot of gold Servants too these weeks. Who knows.
There's a lot of antagonistic cunts posting and the australians aren't up anymore so you can't even blame them.
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I really really want to roll it for EMIYA NP upgrade but I don't want any other servants CE. Hakuno CEs are powercrept, and luck will NOT give me a second 2030 for sure.
Oh and just to know, has anybody else have a problem with Tamamo Lancer's NP? It's not really a problem, but it lags a bit at first.
>implying it's the the muricans that are the worst
>implying /pol/ / election posting won't fucking start again in a min

We can't have nice things. We get animation updates and thread still resorts to shitflinging.

This is weird. My Edgy Jannu doesn't generate any FP, my Golden Berserker Bro on the other hand seems to be very coveted.
Is there a Trailer for the Liz Alter stuff from Extella?
I don't know. Personally, I got Karna in four tickets and I wasn't even trying for him.
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I rolled a ticket. Say hi to my 3rd Jannu.
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Please don't bully
Melvin IS the dark days so he would know
Don't get too ahead of yourself
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Worry not, brother. Soon she will get the skill/NP upgrade she deserves. And your NP3 will be worth it.

Gib one to me
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>log on after 30 minutes
Is everyone just suddenly farming bond now?
Look buddy, I have 10 of you Lv 100 10/10/10 fucks on my list. Instead of adding yet another fucking Jeanne Alter support, I could be using someone that has unique taste, like a Serenityfag, or the few Dantesfags that still play this shitty game. There is almost always a Jeanne Alter with maxed Recital on my list, so yes I'm going to bitch when someone acts needy for friends but can't even be assed to put any effort into their support list. No one cares about your shitty, generic taste. All your buddies over on reddit fucking adore your edgy slut, you aren't unique or interesting.
So don't go posting this shit unless you put on a trip so I can filter your vapid ass.
I even doubt every one have read them in the same language to begin with.
Literally nothing else to do right now.
>Can't reliably clear camelot last node for BP farming with a team of only bond 6+ servants

This sucks, fucking knights crit so god damn much.
Someone is fucking triggered.
That fucker puts on a shitty Lion King of all Lancer, grailed redman and herc and level 10 skills for those. Just because a Jeanne Alter triggers you doesn't make your arguments or taste "right".
>no lord
sry bro.
I want to fuck anti-jeannealterfag!
Gudao/Fujimaru look even worse than in game. How did they achieve that ?
If I had QP I'd bring Redman up to 100, but I don't.
>tristanfag hasn't logged in 2 days
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I like Jeanne Alter. I've liked her conceptually since she was just generic dumbdumb drawings of Jeanne as an Alter because of course people would do that.

Fuck off if you think I won't put her somewhere when I finally rolled her.
Through the judicial application of chin.
Let it go, and move on
>hair down portait
>adult waver
I like your taste in men.
What If I have Jeanne Alter 10/10/10'd and grailed, while also having my waifu 10/10/10'd and grailed? Am I still a disgusting subhuman?
Your argument is still
>so many people like a certain design so I hate it
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One day I'll skill up my servants
How the fuck are you supposed to clear these Extella quests?
>attentionwhore is dead
Good riddance. Now if we could get rid of you.
>maxed Dangerous Beast

Fuck you,I can't get a single one
I finally have gold for all slots.
Who's YoYo meant to be and why is everyone scared to remove him off friendslist?
With servants above level 2 ?
Enter the quest and defeat all enemies, or is that too hard for you, you stupid monkey?
Would they rework Siegfried as they reworked EMIYA?
>being this mad
Being "unique" or using grailed meme servants doesn't get you FP in this game. If I'm not rewarded, then I'm not gonna take her out from there. If you want to throw a tantrum at anything, it's the developers fault for not giving us an avenger slot, and then a favorite servant slot.
>covered up Jack

Good mom.
Hi Cu, I use your supports often.
Trick as well.

>probably going to put Jeanne alter back into the all slot as there is a noticeable decrease in FP
>No QP left to level skills or Grail
It's a pretty good day regardless.
Also sometimes it's Shuten in the Assassin slot, Ozzy in the Rider slot, or Lancelot in the Saber slot depending on what I see in events.
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Try it, bitchboy.
How's the Hans CE coming
So LAlter is already taken, so should Liz be LiAlter?
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>gave away acc and rerolled for redman a month ago
>get redman, Carmilla and Kaleido in first roll
>get Vlad in Halloween
>now this

Follow your heart guys
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>using grails
I can't get fucking assassin cookies to drop.
She's not an Alter.
I like having her Jeanne, Cu and now Vlad on the field.
Team cape is best.
It Void Liz
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Sorry for the skills.
>Team cape
A man after my own heart. Post friend code and let people add you.
>Losing best assassin Shiki
Enjoy your Redman
QP is hell
EVoid or LVoid?
How about Avoid posting from now on, faggot.

Unfortunately as lovely as she is Jeanne Alter drained all my QP so it's going to be a very long time before skills are improved. Jack's 2/1/1 is shameful.
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Still a long way to go, at 6. I'm focusing the effort to get Cu's bond CE while gathering the exp needed to level hans to 80 and possibly 90.
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Where you farming bonds senpai?
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>still an entire month until Enkidu and Caster Gil
Put me into a coma.
I have vlad and nightingale but I put retard cat with kaleido for people who just want a support to clear shit quick, no one uses nightingale anyway, I put her maybe during events only
not bad.
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Altera interlude

Fuck, thanks for remainding me. I shan't spend any more quartz on this gatcha!
i need the 10/10/10 one to be up for VLAD
Hayai !
Damn that was fast.
Altera is giant? Can i go in boobs?
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>not doing nofap november so you can unload on enkidu's boipucci art flooding twitter on his release
Nice hassans

Also rip cleopatra, you will join shuten on the "team I only have one assassin slot and all is for Dantes"
So she is Attila, huh.
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I'm really not yet used to EMIYA not slouching again after using a skill.
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Good civilization.
I'd rather save it for his boyfriend.
Actually I'm curious now; what would you tend to prefer as far as the Saber, Rider and Assassin slots go? Saber Alter/Lancelot, Mordred/Ozzymandias, and Jack/Shuten.
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I don't know whether to put NP5 Nursery Rhyme or NP3 Helena w/Maxed skills up there. Rad Vlad is replacing Liz as soon as I level him up.
So she isn't an alien?
Camelot, with maxed lunch CEs and bond CE for maximum bond points
>All that shit just to say she wants to be a normal woman too

Dumb autistic killing machine
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Should I put drake instead of kintoki and gilgamesh instead of arturia?
A-anon, I have a bad news. No matter how giant Altera will be...there is no boobs.
I want to protect her smile.
Saber Alter myself, since I rarely get to use her.
Mordred if skill levels high. Ozzy if I am playing on silent in bed since he's a loud motherfucker.
Shuten since I have Jack

My turn to ask, Lancer slot : Lion King or Karna

Which would people prefer?
Holy shit emiya animations.
Also with the rate up I can finally get my np4 to np5
Why would she be an alien?
Yes to both, everyone has a Kintoki and Arturia is shitty
Me personally Arturia, but that's because I have a lot of Karnas in list.
Personally I'm really fond of Lion King, Karna is a great as a character but her skills seem better for what I usually go to an AOE Lancer for; blowing a group up.
>Should I put Drake instead of Kintoki
Why shouldn't you? Drake is a 5* while Kintoki is a recent 4* welfare servant that almost everone has
Is he mab\n?
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>burn 150 quartz in this gacha
>no gold servants
What ?
Forgot to mention when I get more QP I'm putting Alter to 90 so hopefully you'll be able to enjoy her then as well.
Animation update coming when HF event happens.
Found Gilgamesh
>150 quartz
You can't be serious. What the fuck were you even after?
There's a reason why this is the bait gacha retard
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Cu Alter
Should I hoard my quartz for Babylon or roll for Gawain?
You're lying desu.
may as well save for Babylon since that'll be story gacha too
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Archer slot: what would you guys use

>Eyes wide shut
roll tickets
>rolling for one specific servant when this many different servants are in the rate up at once
You're not too bright, are you?
I like how her interludes end in a way that outright says there will be more of them and it makes me wonder how many will she get.
Artoria of course.
So what's the Bond CEs do?
swimsuit seiba
>of course
Why? NP spam?
>Eyes wide shut
If that's Tristan, use him
I like variety
I got Tamamo with my first ticke todayt. Too bad that probably now I won't get another 5* for months and I'm not really fond of fluffy tail
I dunno why people ask this when I doubt people seriously search for servants, they take waver or whatever has the bond CE in ALL, or the event CE in the stage is relevant and call it a day
Tristan because I only use supports that are unique since I don't really need them.
Everyone needs to stop calling this a bait gacha

There is no November Event, so it will be an entire month of nothing.

There is literally no reason to save your Quartz or Tickets unless you're still hoarding for an unreleased waifu - because nothing is coming in November.
I want my Redman

I wish I was
EMIYA if you have lvl up his skills otherwise Tristan or Seibah
Lower level/starting players do choose though, to be fair. And it's not always event time.
A grailed EMIYA.
Is that not a good enough reason?
She's not only more popular than any of those Servants but also better. It's a support list, support your fellow players.
>no reason to save because nothing is coming this month
>when we know something is coming next month
The fuck?
>Not saving for December/January/February events

It's a bait gacha because anyone with a brain is saving their shit for those.
Not everyone is an autistic gameplayfag like you.
>She's not only more popular than any of those Servants but also better.
Subjective and subjective.
I rolled 4 tickets and got four 3* servants (Robin*3 and Medusa)
>an entire month of nothing
You cannot think it for real.
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Tristan always
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>That Astolfo and Rama
Why do we think nothing is coming this month> GuduGuda 2 is possible.
Even if I hate her he's right, arturia is the most popular TM character and gameplay wise she's the only 5* in that list, she's also a strong 5*.
Not sure. Maybe not alien but she still could be from Atlantis. Nothing in the interlude really refutes that theory. She still was found in that cave and had those marks in her body, but we now know the hun elders are the ones that made her into a killing machine since they put her on that path from a very young age. Although it seems she already was good at killing stuff naturally.
This is just a tease for Extella. They're not supposed to actually tell you anything substantial.
Sorry, I was busy looking at Bryn and Jeanne.
>saving for Christmas re-run
Everyone should have a Jack by now. She even has secret rate-ups. If you don't have her by now, accept that she will never love you.
>saving for Christmas event
Literally nothing good can come from the Christmas Event. Halloween Event gave us Cleo, and that was scraping the bottom of the barrel. They're almost out of good unreleased Servants
Sita really makes me think that my favorite Indian hero is mad cute.
Hi, it's you.

I have him at level 14 and I seriously can't be bothered with him. I have David and skills leveled and I can't do it with Tristan and level it all over again just becasue >4 star. Will you take him from me and take care of him? Only reason I haven't burnt him is Uchiyama
No but I'd bet most people earn for efficiency, which means the CE will be the reason a servant will be picked the most.
The bond grind is so ridiculous that unless you do this or spam apples and quartz I doubt you have any bond CEs you want.
>Forthcoming events

There's plenty of reasons to save
Gudao is so much better looking than Hakuno
Last 5* I got was during the Nero event and it wasn't even Bride.
is that from Ikemeru's twitter or something?
style looks familiar
the main point is
>Gudako in tights

My fucking dick is activated.
If nothing good comes from Christmas then the quartz goes to Babylon.
If you don't want whatever comes out in either Christmas or Babylon then you continue saving until something comes out that you do want or a rate-up arrives that is more specific to some already implemented servant that you'd like to roll rather than a bait gacha containing so many different servants that you may as well just roll the story gacha.
This is not complicated.
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And if there's another Guaranteed 5* in the New Years Gacha, you'll have to buy the Quartz anyway.

>yfw the next Guaranteed 5* Gacha is all Limited Servants
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Something about a Taiwanese Reseller
>implying I would ever spend money and risk getting Bryn for it
Why isn't the Astolfo/Rama image anywhere?
Nope. Farming prisms so that I can LB Lunchtime to farm enough BP to max AUO and Arash at once.
Why when you'll have plenty more Quartz and Tickets to spend by then?

A bait gacha would be a gacha that comes out right before they release something great so you burn all your free hoarded quartz and tickets and have to pay to roll for what you really want.

Considering that there's a whole month until the next event, there will be plenty of time to hoard more quartz and tickets.
>Bryn, Shutendouji, Ilya, and Amakuso all polluting it
The bond Ce I agree. On off days between events like this one bond Ces are the way to go. But during events and new orders, people usually pick what counters the enemy they are facing if they don't have it themselves.

Personally, I don't care about what's in my support list. I have a Waver and i put Medea in the slot because she is my favorite caster. I also have Lancer alter but have a grailed Cu on support alot. FP is such a trash currency that people shouldn't care about what they have in their supports unless Manjew is one of your favorite servants and you haven't rolled him yet.
I think he's Taiwanese himself
could be putting them up for resale
Which servants do you think Gudao has fucked
When will he release that picture, my dick has been waiting for ages now
Get the fuck out, reddit.
Bet you're a Scat/Jeannefag.
Me. Don't tell the others okay.
Fuck, I have 6 5* and still no Jack

w-wat's wrong with Shuten?
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>Secret Iskandar rate-up to rival the secret Medb rate-up in the last Guaranteed 5* Gacha
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Barcelona is a lovely place.
>not broskander / bryn / amakuso

Some real shit taste you got there
Buy it and scan it
Looks like he's going to some con in Taiwan
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You should at least ascend him, his final art and animations are really nice, and it's always nice having backups for events or anything.
I just hope I accidentally roll him during the Babylon gacha.
But I would take him from you if I could.
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>don't know what to do with all the halloween swords shields and shit
>go into event shop
>can sell them
>the bitch Liz even has a nice event end line

Okay that was pretty nice. Made me smile.
dat excalibur
>dude onii-chan lmao xD haha so pedo and weird
Kill yourself Prismashitter.
>a whole month
A month. That means 9 tickets and roughly 20 quartz including maint quartz unless you hit a 50 day milestone during that month in which case that's still only 40.
So at most a month gets you a ten roll and 9 singles. That's not much of a hoard.
The secret is to want some other Servant so bad that you'd do anything to get her. Then you'll surely become a mommy.

I got my first Jack trying to get Bryn, and my second trying to get Raikou
ilya is reddit
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>Mfw I'm F2P and I have Jack at NP1 but if she gets a rate up I might blow all my quartz for a chance of getting her to NP5
Why am I a mother for this devil
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>not liking prismagarbage illya makes you reddit
You've really jumped the shark /fgog/. Thought you had better taste.
who will be the new mashu va for the ova? explosion again?
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Well, he is "male Tohsaka".
maybe you're a pedo and an ass-man and she's the only one that fills that niche for you
Maybe I'm just optimistic because I have 14 5*s on my main and 8 on my alt and all of them came from free singles.
Looks like he wants people to buy the image
Stop using For Someone's Glory to mimic Arturia, Lancelot.
I want to fuck Astolfo's cute little tight boipussy
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What do you mean Mashu VA seems right to me
How refreshing. Lucca only had Zero shitters and a Fran.
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Another Jack will come to you eventually. My daughter hit NP2 when I rolled a ticket in another servant's rate up.
I want to suck the astolfo's anus
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>grail ascend
>oops it's log in time! Back to the menu you go!
I disagree.
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>rolled 3 straight Lu Bus

There should be laws in place that protect people from things like this
They keep saying the Huns found her in the Sahara but I don't recall them ever leaving Eurasia.

Odd choice.
It protected you from a mistake.
that Shakespeare looks like he only writes sleazy porn scripts
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Who's Zero MC?
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I hope so I have rolled nothing NP2 so far, I'd love my daughter to be the first
I mean you're not wrong.
Is it just me or does Rider Mordred's np gain feel like its been nerfed?
I guess I'll never get Gawain.
Saber is obviously the best of the group though.
What's the Fate/Extella ticket we got in the mail for, again?
Jouji Nakata
Were there some decent Fate figures at Lucca this year?
Last times there were a fuckton of Tohsaka, Saber and some CCC Sakura
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>The bait gacha is literally killing F/GO
Truly Arondight's counterpart
rIder Gawain soon

My name is fairy horse Glynn Garrett.
It has put the gorilla on the back.

No different. Not a gorilla. It Gala Teen Sir.
Once you leave the man to heavy just Silver of armor
No odd density of muscle to refreshing handsome of habit
Body weight also Zushiri and heavy.
But such as sunshine drenched and its excellent talent barrel and Sansan
In Atsukurushi it is based on dashing itself, a thousand miles a day
Run Toka split and Zara.
And without stopping the hand until you annihilate the opponent if the fight,
Three days and three nights of staying up all night is of course so go just in case that.
Spartan, but it is a Sir inflexible,
Delicate of the heart, strength, and more than anyone the severity
I know in the travel distance.

I fairy horse Glynn Garrett.
Correctly in the plains as well along with the gala Teen Sir today.
No different. Garaein was Sir.
Those useless 50 Master EXP CEs.
Getting the free Nero Extella CE

All of the others are disgusting trash and belong in the garbage, so don't waste your time
>Stream only announces story related stuff like babylon and shills extella
>Everyone so sure november is a dead month
>Honnouji re-run with majin saber because it's not tied to the story

The greatest bait gacha is the one that actually is a bait gacha
>expecting people to whale again for servants they have already whaled for

New releases or bust
Trash Extella CE's that'll take up a slot and never be used.
Fuck you Wada.
Drawing Gil isn't that hard.
>trying to make Berserker sekai ichiban tsukoi nandakara
Looks like English isn't this horses first language.
>Rolling the most baiting gacha of all bait gachas
I bought myself a bootleg Jeanne because it looked nice enough. I can't bring myself to care anymore.
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>mfw the day before DW shuts down the servers forever, they give everyone 10 free Blank Saint Graphs
>those new Altera and Memiya animations and sprites

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Carmilla will replace MHX soon I think.
Incoming Wada defence force
I'll laugh really hard if they roll out something people really want as a surprise at the end of the week.
Never trust DW. Don't get baited.
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Make bets on Babylon gacha

>5* Enkidu
>5* Ishtar Rin
>5* Parvati Sakura
>5* Caster Gilgamesh (story unlock)
>5* Mother Harlot (story unlock)
>4* Jaguarman Taiga
>4* Semiramis
>4* Tiamat
>4* Medusa Devil (story unlock)
>4* Musashi Miyamoto (story unlock)
>3* Avicebron
>3* Li Shuwen Assassin
>3* Quetzelcoatl
Oh fuck, I should went to take pics of cosplayers to laught at with /fgog/
Maybe next year if we are still alive
Is there any concept art of Gil wearing the blue shirt without the armor on?
The worst is that you'll need to find 5 people putting them on their support to fill your pokedex.
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They only mentioned the Christmas events. No Honnoji re-run. No November Event. Just four weeks of nothing.

It's not a bait gacha if we have plenty of time to make up whatever we use here.
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I love Liz!
I put mine on my Gil for registering.
>3* Quetzelcoatl
Nigga no
something screw something kill something fuck iri
Unless all you roll is a handful of singles, you don't have time to do that.
Cute cup.
Looks straight out of 40K or Warcraft.
>5 weeks of nothing

We've NEVER had 5 straight weeks of nothing, we will get something either a re-run of honnouji or a bryn / dantes / scat type "event" that or another bait gacha for limited servants.
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3MB, 1920x1080px
Best rounder coming through
>5* Enkidu
>5* Caster Gilgamesh
>3* Semiramis (story unlock)
>5* Mother Harlot (Event)
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How good would the sex be with her in the dress. FUCK
How long is this gacha?
Not the whole month right?
>5* Caster Gilgamesh
Please no, I only have 117 quartz after the Kotarou and Gil CE trauma
>no november event
Are you dumb? They weren't going to reveal the november event on the stream, they just talked about the stuff most people are waiting for. Next week DW will announce something.
>Halloween rerun
>Christmas rerun
>"Well we won't really do reruns because that'd be boring" - DW, July 2016

Christmas was nice but if Christmas 2016 is as shit as Halloween 2016 I'd rather have 2 weeks of Christmas 15.
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>Terrible art
>Terrible effect
>Terrible stats
Thanks for the 3 mana prisms and letting me burn tamamo
Congrats on sun knight.
Pretty sure they meant they wouldn't do just the same event over and over.
>5* Enkidu
>5* Rin
>5* Caster Gil
>5* Mother Harlot (Story Unlock)
>4* Tiamat
>4* Quetzelcoatl (Story Unlock)
>4* Semiramis
>4* Jaguarman
No new 3*
Halloween 2016 had a great story, but everything else was obnoxious. It was way too much of a grind to get all of Saber Liz's copies and ascension mats.
Good outfit design, I would say.

Shit Wada art, yes.
>one or two guys said we'd get a full blown Extella event
>knew it wasn't gonna happen
>kinda got my hopes up for whatever reason
>it was just a CE as everybody predicted

I expected nothing and was still letdown.
That's not agravain
>tfw I was there yesterday
Quetzelcoatl will have its own event with Taiga as the welfare
I got a nameless coward

Why did I roll this bait gacha knowing I'd probably wind up with the worst Gold Archer
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>Emiya needs 126 hero's proof
>Herk needs 160
Next roulette when?
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Who would even use Amakushit final "muh nippon heritage" sprite?
At least you're not nyugen
>not using it for XP
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Good bye, hope I don't see your shit IDORUUUU face next year.
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chicken dance.webm
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Will we get an event for Sun and Moon release like we did for Star Wars?
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rolled the quartz from the stream, got Drake and 2030

t. >>159149234
You might want to update your data gawainfag, EMIYA is now tippy top tier for Archers.
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I don't mind that the CE is fucking shit and only gives you +50, the whole game is a grind treadmill for all of its shit.
What does piss me off is that the fucking thing has the same cost as a 4* CE when it should be the same cost as the +50 bond XP CE we got. Who the fuck is going to waste 9 cost on this farming bond with 5* to supplement?
Why are these event CE's absolute shit? You would think they would try to put them on par with the 5m download ones.
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I guess it's time to finally level Altera
Nasu isn't into manchild games, so no.
>not using Gawain, Tristan and not-Percival together
Glad I have them all together
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I want to HUG Tamamo!
Caring about CE levels is the true autism
Like hell I'm ever getting anything past 50 most just sit on 20 because after that is a pain to level
But then why does he spend so much time playing Dark Souls and Bloodborne?
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>Nasu isn't into manchild games
>Pull Twice twice

UBW is still Balmung tier
Of course Altera gets her upgrade when I'm 2K from bond level 10.
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5* Semiramis
5* Enkidu
5* Caster Gil (Unlock)
5* Achilles
4* Chiron
4* Medusa Devil (Unlock)
4* Perseus
4* Saber Astolfo (Unlock)
4* Tiamat
3* Quetzacoil
3* Caeneus

Achilles and Chiron get an event a week before or so, like Sanzou
No. Closest you'll get is what you see. Or, non-canonically, Angelica's single sleeve with armour overlaid. For some reason he's always either fully armoured or half-naked with one glove on.
>5* Semiramis
Man fuck work, so I missed the anime announcement? Is there any chance it will be good? I've already resigned myself that granblue's anime will be fucking terrible, I at least want one to be good.
>it's just a ce

And a dozen other things, c'mon

Gems, ticket, animation update, new anime, new interlude, new master outfit, blah blah. it's not a full event, but it's something.
He still crits as hard as someone like Lancelot though, but without the shitty defense.
The bond CE also gives +500 +500 and this ce only gives +100 +100

now this is a real western duel
im sad guys...
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Deal with it
Fuck off SEA nigger
My eyes
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>rolling bait gacha of mediocre golds
>not saving for Honnouji's gacha
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>not wanting 3* easy NP5

It's like you don't even like her.
Who let the dogs out?
>roll tickets for Karna
>1st ticket
>NP2 Gawain
Wrong sunbro but off to a great start
You forgot Saber Deermud
It'll be good, but we'll definitely shitpost it regardless

Because femcfags are in full war zone about it, just like how femcfags are awful in any fanbase when they aren't catered to exclusively. As they claim riyo comics were supposed to be canon and she was canon protagonist and shit.
>facebook filename
>Not wasting all your money to get her NP5
are you even trying?
Saber Deermud is in the game since America. He is just even rarer than Angrya.
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I really want a EMIYA and Tamamo though.
Semiramis probably won't even appear in Babylon

Most likely she, Avicebron, Achilles, and Chiron are all going to be saved for some Apoc Event
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my christian team, anti-kebab.
>Semiramis probably won't even appear in Babylon
Then Semi anon will just keep shit posting! Fuck!
Why is Gil doing the pepe pose in his CE?
>Rest of the Apoc Cast is 4* permanently added
>Semi is Limited 5*

How mad would the Achilles/Chiron fags be?
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Laugh at this retard
>everyone has a waist cape

My fetish.

They didn't implement this, they tried and fucked up
Achilles fags are perpetually butthurt.
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They removed that hours after implementing it.
Gold EXP should give more than 1 prism each; this shit is gonna take forever and cost 28 apples.
I'll give you mine, they won't get any love soon.
Literally all they can be since Achilles isn't even in the top 7 Greek servants
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>another fucking NR
>burned her 3 times already and another fucking NR
>give me any other gold on rate up another fucking NR
she really seems to be having fun being burned by me
I'm incredibly envious of you, i truly wish i could trade you some of my servants for those 2.
Achillesfags kind of died out entirely after you know what
I'm going to find you and kill you.
Wait for Christmas rerun.
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No, please. Don't burn EMIYA
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When will their perpetual Achilles butthurt ever heel
Personally I'd be thrilled because my luck with 4stars is amazing so I'll definitely roll one of them.
I hope fgo-kun is an astolfo-fag like the riyo comics
You know what?
Didn't they implement it but fucked up or something?
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What? Hector being a total bro and exposing Achilles for what an absolute bastard he is?
Fuck off
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After 300 quartz of zero (0) gold servants I understood that this account is cursed and will make a new one.
Yes, and we never heard of it again. Sasuga DW.


oh you motherfucker
But then I won't get Key of the King's Law in time for Babylon. Besides, I want to save up those prisms for the next CE so that this doesn't happen again.
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Basically, Achilles is only good for powerlevel posting and even then its mostly run off memes. even lancelot has more purpose to his existance since atleast saberlot gives us those funny Mashu abuse moments.

Fuck, my dick.
Need some help here.
Just ticket rolled HAAH WAAW vlad.
Is he better than lancer kiyohime or will he see no play?
Not as mad as everybody when 5* Sieg best male saber
>two easy as fuck quests

Nice event DW
he's really good at impaling evils
JAlter would be most effective in terms of value for Grailing SSRs. For stats attack is will generally be much more impactful than health and JAlter has the highest natural attack + a 1.1x multiplier. She gains roughly 1.4k effective attack from Grailing to 100 compared to say Jack who only gains about 986. She's also generally the main attacker for compositions you'd use her in so she'll naturally benefit more from a tactical perspective.

There is NOTHING wrong with Grailing JAlter. You guys are simply jealous you couldn't get her.
This is good.
No please not the squat
What if I didn't roll for her, reddit-kun?
Fuck off redditor
is she laying eggs or taking a dump?
lolis a shit
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Reminder to not reply to painfully obvious falseflagging.
I only grail/roll for cute boys.
She is neither cute nor a boy.
You're probably responding to a false flagging shitposter but if you didn't roll her the easy solution is to not care much about it. She's pretty great all around, there's plenty of people with her in the all slot and she doesn't particularly have great synergy with herself, so having two isn't as much of an advantage.
So heroic
haha oh boy, was this on a show or was this from a few threads ago when someone mentioned how fucked Achilles would be against the hound?
Or you could fuck off and stop spamming your shitty whore.
Someone post the pic for this newfag
Didn't the whole crux of that get proved wrong by someone reading how Gae Bolg works and showing that it could be blocked by a good enough shield even if Cu was using Barbed Spear instead of Soaring Spear?
this is some nice falseflagging
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>just used all my quartz trying to roll Gawain

I knew it wouldn't happen but I couldn't stop.
But falseflaggers give me such a great opportunity to shitpost.
This isn't an "event"
>telling the truth now it makes you a falseflagging shitposter
Is this the best thing you could come up with?
Inconvenient truth that can easily be ignored for the sake of pushing an argument.
It is to some.

I for one is enjoying to fuck out of my EMIYA while bond grinding. Event enough for me.
dumb teleporter poster
>2,700+ years since Homer wrote the Iliad
>Hectorfags are still butthurt
It's an """"""event""""""
I know how you feel anon, I am finally free now that Cleo gacha ended
With all those servants in rate up is literally impossible.
Fuck off Nguyen
Well yeah, if it's something like Mashu's shield or somehting like avalon where it comepletely blocks you off from the attack, but a regular shield shouldn't work. regardless of how durable.
Is all we are getting for this month
i really want to burn astolfo
What. Humanity started 2016 years ago.
There's nothing to be butthurt about though.
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The Taigafag and the person arguing that seemed to conclude that that is probably how it worked, but the interpretation in the fic was also valid albeit a stretch.

On it
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I wonder what's at the root of some of the disagreements people have.

For instance, nobody actually dislikes Jeanne Alter, but even though everyone likes her they disagree on which version of her they like the most. Some like her with the cape, some without it, some prefer the third sprite and some really wish they could get the standard old Ruler sprite from Orleans.

What drives these legitimate differences?
>All those smug redmen
this is going to be a great read.
thanks senpai.
>For instance, nobody actually dislikes Jeanne Alter, but even though everyone likes her
I don't dislike her,but I don't like her either

I've just been indifferent towards her ever since they went full waifupandering with her
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What are some niche words to filter that might get rid of some sneaky shitposting?
>baby needs filters to deal with reality
Might as well go somewhere else if your mind is so fragile.
Thanks, guess I'll just go with "Jeanne" and the many variations.
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Void Liz when?
5 minutes xD
After i finish grinding my heel on her.
Sorry for stealing him from you
Hopefully never.
What about me?
I look forward to seeing fan art of Carmilla wearing that costume.
Do you like EMIYA updates
>people praising Nero VA for getting us 12 quartz
>It's the quartz that we get for getting to 20k tweets
Fuck you guys
I do. Why?
I don't know, if Kosmos it's just a shield, as in shield-like shape like Rho Aias, with a lot of defensive power then it shouldn't work anyway as Gae Bolg should just bend around it to hit Achilles
Only greek stronger than him is Herk
I am curious.
>trusting EOP /fgog/
Yes 12 was the limit it could have been less
>7 Greek servants
>Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Assassin, Berserker, Avenger Herc
Not that hard
I don't think Herc can be summoned as an assassin.

Kosmos isn't just a shield, it possesses the concept of all the world in Achilles' eyes. Gae Bolg would have to travel past the entire distance of Achilles' world to reach him, and the stab version has a range limit of 10 meters.
That's not Lancelot though
>still on page 8
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Someday I'll have you Karna.
What a fucking jews are DW. That quartz should have been extra and not the fucking reward we knew we were going to get
Good for you.
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Late but still here for hunny bunny

Hippolyta is roughly equal in power to Heracles according to Enkidu. That alone means Achilles isn't even number two. Also, Theseus is no doubt greater than Achilles. I don't think anything even says Achilles is the second strongest Greek hero, only that he's the second most famous, and that is true.
P-Please click on your CEs.
You can think that but you'd be wrong.

my favorite shop farewell lines will always be Illya's since she does a super cute item and stuff check
>Hippolyta is roughly equal in power to Heracles according to Enkidu
Do keep in mind that she had her Goddess of War active for that.
Apoc mat.
Which Extella CE did you pick?


They both did when she decked him.


Clearly outdated now.
His doesn't work the same way and it's at a conceptual disadvantage against hers anyway

>His doesn't work the same way

Bad meme

>it's at a conceptual disadvantage against hers anyway

Irrelevant, they were both stat boosted when Enkidu sized them up.
It's not even older than SF.
>Bad meme
>Furigana revealed for Hippolyta's
>Not revealed for Herc's
>Bio explicitly says that if his ''version'' were to clash with hers it would lose
Should've just said you were a shitposter
Also Alcides isn't the same as HS Herk

>Furigana revealed for Hippolyta's
>Not revealed for Herc's

In other words, you're blindly speculating.

>Bio explicitly says that if his ''version'' were to clash with hers it would lose

Doesn't mean they work differently, genius. If they were different, there wouldn't be the question of what happens when two identical Noble Phantasms clash.

>Should've just said you were a shitposter

Anon stop being a retard.
>In other words, you're blindly speculating.
>Let's reveal everything about her NP but not about his, even though their EXACTLY THE SAME according to the shitposter
Yeah, you're completely retarded
HAlter doesn't put on his sash until the end of the fight.

Concept FSF =/= Real FSF


You're right, Alcides is way stronger than Heracles could ever be thanks to having more NPs than any Herc Servant should be able to have.

>Let's reveal everything about her NP but not about his, even though their EXACTLY THE SAME according to the shitposter

Goddess of War is just one of many NPs for Herc, there is no need to have the same profile twice. The question of whether it's the same as Herc's or not is addressed by the clause explaining what happens when identical Noble Phantasms clash.


The end of the fight is when Hippolyta interrupts by decking him.
>Not revealed for Herc's
Herc doesn't have Goddess of War.
8 tickets tickets
2 Dan's
10 roll
1 Rad Vlad
1 Shinji
1 Rin
1 Karna
I rolled 4 cus and three lubus.
Thread posts: 811
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