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/owg/ - Overwatch General

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Thread replies: 821
Thread images: 207

Creatures of the night edition

>Overwatch Dev Tracker

>Official Website and Community

>Latest Patch Notes (Live)

>Latest Patch Notes (PTR)

>Overwatch Wiki

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info

>Overwatch World Cup @ Blizzcon 2016
.tv/blizzard (finals start November 4)

old >>159032657
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experience tranquility.jpg
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Brown is best
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>Liang Tower
>Everyone goes in the bridge direction

she's in character
Post sombra emotes
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>literal lesbian as the OP

wow, no
Why do the Amari's have such godlike genes
>aardvark pays off

Did aardvark have a mortgage?
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Why did blizzard betray us again
/r/ing sketchanon to do pharmercy
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It's getting to be about that time boys

What was your final haul?
How long until it's clear whether or not the PTR is updating with Sombra?
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Yes it is!
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Which SEA country is good for new hero?
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Because they're doing a bad job at managing PR and burning a lot of goodwill
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template for anyone who doesn't have it
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Friendly reminder that this gorgeous statue is going to be at Blizzcon and nobody here has enough money to buy it and worship our goddess every day by cumming hard as fuck just for her.
pharah is such a boring fucking character
>had 8880 credits last night
>have 1800 left

h e l p

I never buy anything but I had to get Junkenstein Monster, Reaper Highlight, a few RIPs, and Ana's candy emote.
do it
>skin tone isn't consistent
pretty please?
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Singapore is the only non-shit SEA country. We need this technocrat dude from Singapore and with Vulpes Inculta voice, would be badass.
a third japanese character obviously

Silly anon, you still have hope they'll release her before blizzcon.

You still have hope the ARG meant something.

How adorable.
Sadly this.

how much do you think it's worth.
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>Not a balkan
>Not a Vlad the Impaler wannabe hero
>What is blood vessels?
>What is the trailers of widow with different skin colors depending on the place?

I'm pretty sure you have some serious brain damage.
>magician hero
>ulti: switch off all the lights in the map
>turn light back on
>everyone dies/objective captured
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Cutest and best pairing
I would push my payload into her checkpoint, if you can decifer what I encrypted.
3 hours
Who is better at handling younger guys? Widowmaker or Witch Mercy?
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>tfw haven't gotten a single legendary Halloween skin
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Amélie Lacroix

>tfw don't have enough money to afford this statue of the Smug Queen
This pain burns.
Some nerd will be desperate enough to buy it even though it's not even a realdoll with a functional vagina.
>tfw enemy team blows four ults when you have Tranquility Up
Is that Keanu Reeves from the future?

With what?
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I don't have a pc and I wanna join the mustard race just because of this game,is the steam machine worth it or is it cheaper for a cyo pc?
Kerrigan statue was sold years ago, not only one because they made some more but afaik was like 3k.
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>backfill into qp game
>pick mei
>literally have ult the moment I step out of spawn
Can you do Zarya dressed up for a date?With McCree of course
Need a Reaper edit of this.
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I don't have a pc
>Singaporean hero
They better have that heavy singlish accent because it's hilarious to listen
He's Viet
Would you call her mommy too, anon?
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Reminder that none of your waifus have an ass like Reaper
>"rocket jump? that sounds dangerous"
how dARE SHE
build one.
its not hard at all just look up some retarded tutorials like skinnycanadiannerd and use logicalincrements
I haven't played PTR, are the 76 enough to bring him back to glory?

I can't really play Overwatch without my boy Jack
Why is Reaper wearing a diaper?
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So was there actually a ptr update or was that people shouting over nothing
it's Cambodia senpai

>blood vessels make your face color several shades darker than your body color
Ah, the wonders of modern biology.
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Dumb hero ideas

>Doomfist can punch through walls
>Doomfist can pick up other heroes and throw them
you can't compete with a fit latino ass
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>those legs

I think they gave him a fat ass so his coat will billow out more.

but in the blackwatch skin it just looks like he has a Nicki Minaj ass
People being shitlords.
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Phillipines for Doomfist
>more melee heroes in general
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Get outta here shitbird
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>halloween is kill
>sombra still unreleased
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Well, it would be pretty hot, huh?
Skullyata or Ghoul
>Kill Reinhardt as Reaper
>"Never liked you much anyways"

Damn, that's cold

I got team kills as pharah and Lucio this way.
Zarya quick questions

- position up front or mid?
- use E gratuitously to build charge or sparingly to save teammates from hooks / ice / etc?
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>Launching molten core Torb into the middle of the enemy team
>He looks Doomfist in the eye and says don't tell Reinhardt.
Says the same for Torb too
I posted this in the last thread right after it died since I'm a retard, but this could work for a Doomfist theory set:

>M1: A nice hard punch. Cancels into Melee. Probably around 50 damage?
>M2: An even harder punch, maybe induces a short stun or knocks down. Has cooldown. Probably around 70 damage?
>Shift: Cool hand-swipey shit that blocks projectiles and hitscan for a few frames. Low cooldown, but requires good timing and can only block stuff coming from the front. Does not reflect attacks like Genji's ability.
>E: Uppercut that launches straight up a decent height on hit. Has decent cooldown. 100 damage seems about right?
>Ult: Big windup followed by a super fast forward dash into a punch. 1K damage to a single target hit, launches them straight back in a comical fashion. Every opponent in a moderate AOE is launched back (like from a Phara boop) and dealt 100~120 damage
>hero with singlish
"lanjiao ah, none of you capping point isit?"
"my ultimate charging la"
"eh where this cibai medic at ah? I NEED HEALS"
For him and Torb.
That's why seeing him smiling with the rest of the crew in the Halloween comic pulled on my heartstrings.
And Reinhardt's "Traitor" kill line has a slight pang of pain in it.
Rein's VA is fucking great. All his lines on Eichenwalde give me chills, too.
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I know,but I got 2 jobs and 2 kids,my question is is it worth the money in comparison to a custom pc?
Doomfist actually put the gauntlet on his foot and kicks everything to death
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Now do cutest and best pairing
When is it safe to leave the game?

I dc inbetween them if i don't
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I'm happy with my result
One you hear Victory/Defeat.
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>tbag someone
>they leave the game
SymmetraXJunkrat is way better and you know it.
building yourself is cheaper, more reliable, but takes time.

buying a prebuilt one is lazy and you will probably have to expand/swap parts(more money) or get cucked by integrated shit at worst
Wait, did the event end now or something?
mid unless you're charging into fire with a shield on, once you're powered up to 50% or over you can sort of dip in and out of the frontlines, just keep an eye on your hp

once im at that level i try to use my shields to save teammates more and save my personal shield for when im low on hp, but im a shitter so there might be a better way

the worst is when your teammates are all over the place and you have no one to shield so your power dies. so hit that motherfuckin group up button
Amputee fetish go away
Xbone or PS?
Never buy a pre-built PC. Build your own.
stop please you are bad at this
victory >ok lets do it again > victory > repeat >defeat >run away and don't play for two days
So how will actual overwatch esports work after this exhibition shit?
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it's dying anyways who cares
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Building a PC from scratch will always yield a superior product for cheaper than you can get one prebuilt in-store. There are services online that can build a PC to your specifications for you if you don't have the time, though.
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>tbag mercy
>next round ask where's sombra
>up your ass, teabag more until she comes out
needless to say, its all circumstantial.
but for the most part, if my shield is off cd im in front. if its on cd im in mid.
i use my shield just whenever, but i count the seconds between enemy cooldowns.
6 seconds for roadhog, 10 for rein, mccree 10, ana 10. also ults. just gotta take advantage of all the noise.
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shhh sombra is sleeping
wake her up in 2-7 hours
So Sombra ran with Los Muretos before joining Talon or something?
Opposites attract nigga.

Also, they're both long.
i luv you
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>hook a bong around a wall and up stairs on last point dorado
>3 times
>she leaves

not this time anglo
If you really don't have the time, look into those smaller shops that will basically build it for you as if you were doing it yourself and avoid anything branded
>>Doomfist can pick up other heroes and throw them
>winston bowling
i would never stop playing this character
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>can pick up other heroes and throw them

I want this a lot but at the same time I don't.
Okay, post a better Doomfist set then. I'll wait.
>Who is better at handling younger guys? Widowmaker or Witch Mercy?
Witch Mercy, without a doubt
We would've had a pre-patch by now.
But can you draw pharah abusing mercy

>tfw picking up characters and dunking them off the edges of stages

Yes please.
Dude!!!!,I decided to"main"him in qp during the whole halloween thing and godfuck he's so much fun,to bad he's underpowered
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Down with blue
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I have enough credits for one Epic rarity Halloween skin, which one should I get?

Maybe a top three, I might already have it

Updates don't always pre-patch, do they?
Draw Reinhardt pinning Tracer down and raping her from behind
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Build your own. You're autistic enough to come here, you can slap legos together.
I just basically have to lose to get past forced 50 right?

My team is currently me as a lvl200 with all under 100s vs a team with 2 lvl400s.
Fethises are a big thing of mine,so why not?
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>missing easy shots with americree
>switch to bananacree
>70% accuracy 34-4 next game

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>unironically hype for blizzcon news

for what purpose? really, what you win if one random anon say "wow you idea is awesome" that make it real? blizzard staff will come here and say "look this anon! lets do it"
Levels mean almost nothing
>tfw one game you are a fucking Dead eye with McCree and the next you couldn't hit Roadhog standing still

The big ones do, don't they?
not until 7pm est supposedly
Level means nothing beyond how long someone has played the game. I had a match earlier where the enemy team had a 400~500 level advantage on mine, and we stomped them twice in a row.
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>2 McGrees on attack
>They ask each other what is their dpi
>Think they are pros
>Have more kills than them as Lucio
Is that about 6 hours from now?
Sombra is a disappointment and doesn't even look cool.
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She's a hot mommy.
For fun, you raging autist. I know it's probably a foreign concept to you, but other people like to enjoy themselves.
I'm your fuckleberry
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korea is going to dominate this game.

EU/NA is already playing catch-up on the latest meta from koreans. in 12ish months time it will be just like league
I wanna make her a mommy
I hope sombra has a glow in the dark tattoo like that or a cloaked skin with that skull as a mask
>No one should make fanart because it won't be official
>No one should write comics/fanfics because it won't be official
>No one should cosplay because it won't be official
>mercys face
I want her to put on the lingerie in that pic and punish me for being a pervert.
>Hero who has an ability to Zangief screw piledrive enemies
We would need a dark map to see it tho (we haven't got one)
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>want to play to get the last few skines I don't have
>too afraid I'll get duplicates
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>tfw you 12 o'clock the enemy team right through transcendence and soundbarrier
El dorado
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>there are people right now in this thread that seriously believe that today Blizzard will put sombra on PTR
>less than a week before Blizzcon
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what is is about McDick that attracts the worst elitist shitters out there?

Genji """"pros""""" are more common, but at least they are fun to laugh at and don't get too serious when called out.

Blueberries too, there's more of them but they don't say much and are much more bearable.

Mccree "mains" act like the most self entitled autists out there, and usually do worse then widows and weebs
Thanks guys,I'll look into it mid November
They should have it show up on Dorado given her connection to the map. Or maybe Blizz will just be lazy and that won't happen.
I can currently buy everything I still need for 5925 credits, and have 2200 credits left (aside from some player icons, and the hard mode and no damage sprays). Feels good man.
I would like this for reasons >>159042545
He's Cambodian.
Phnom Penh taught me that.
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>no Sombra until Blizzcon hopefully
>all those pointless months of ARG
The pain will finally be over.
fanart/comics/fanfics you have humor, ideas and draw skills
cosplay you should know how do it, buy material, make your stuff

but "I want a hero who can punch, look this, skill is one punch..."
is lazy and stupid, that guy really make crynge hero concepts
Rank 67 in Season 1, just placed 2800 in Season 2, looking for people to climb with.
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Most maps usually have a dark area or too usually indoors or a corridor. That's where most of the halloween skins like pharah, hanzo and reaper are amazing as they're glow in the dark.
what happened to you anon, you used to be cool
Add me, XT:Girseph
Shit I should be laying more attention then. Can you point some areas out?
hating pharamercy is cool, only transbians like kitty like pharamercy
Should probably add that I'm PC EU.
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>that guy really make crynge hero concepts
>really make crynge hero concepts
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>tfw buying a new mouse and keyboard with NEETbux
>tfw bought 250 boxes with NEETbux and got all the halloween skins
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>non-blue Amélie
That is fine but blue is superior.
Can someone make a shake edit of this with [waking intensifies]
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I was never cool. I'm a filthy phone and console poster
You can always just buy the parts like on Newegg and have a shop assemble it or do it yourself. The chances that you screw up something is really low.
Should I fucking get my hopes up that Sombra will drop this week or do I fucking get on my life and pretend that all these bullshittery doesn't exist?
Man, fuck blizzard. I've never been so pissed at dev before in my entire life.
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Leaked screenshot of doomfist
factually incorrect
Not a mommy but a cougar
hes overpowered
you see the ego driven flock to the most broken character in every game, its not an overwatch thing
problem being is that a character being too good wont invalidate all of their flaws as a player, just some of them
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For one the steam machine runs on that Linux based SteamOS. It can only run a select list of steam games.

For the cost of that thing you can build an actual decent PC. There's a billion resources to use and it's easy as hell. Following something like a reddit guide it's easier than assembling Ikea furniture. With those guides worst case scenario is getting a dead part on arrival when you order online which is rare and can happen with any electronic you buy.

If you're serious about building one make sure to squeeze in an i3 if you can. AMD has arguably the best budget card in the 470, but the FX series processors are garbage. I should know I own one.
Same, and I think it's why I'm stuck in diamond. Consistency is a big part of gittin gud.
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Nope it's true

If you like lesbian shipping you belong on the french team
I play on console too let's group up so I can tell you how uncool you are
Yeah, but I know what I'm gonna call her when I jerk...
The most we'll get is an announcement that AT LEAST will show up her abilities, PTR release is just a dream.
>this mad
Ps4 or xbone?
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>Mercy main called Mercy
>in group with Pharah
>they fucking suck
why are these people allowed

What? i5 is the bare minimum you should be looking at, even on a budget.
I an not gay, but I would stick it in Kitty, if offered
>mad for pointing out that trasbians are all yuri shippers


Kitty is more masculine than most other people on the team
>sombra arg discord making death threats at blizzard
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I'm ps4
That's not fair, one bad example doesn't equate to all.
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>that jaw and shoulders

jeeze i could pass better with a wig from the dollar store
oh well
This is hilarious and cute.

Don't be afraid to try, anon!
The dupes will be turned into creds so you can get closer to buying the skins you want.
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Ironically or unironically?
Thanks for the vote of confidence,but trust me,I could
>i'm not really passing but im going to dress like a 14 year old anime girl anyway
>no i wont wear my team shirt im special
>whenever doomfist hits we're gonna have a fuckload of these faggots around

I thought I escaped this when I stopped lurking /wfg/, holy shit.
>he's overpowered
This!!!!!fucker is a sniper with the hitbox of large cardboard boxes
>annoucement on reddit
>that thumbnail

>biggest shoulder span of the entire team

There's lots of places that will assemble it for you for like $50 and make sure it has good cable management and whatnot

I wouldn't ever suggest getting a premade unless you're a legit richfag and can spend 2500 on a $1200 PC just for the sake of convenience
>Anti team Mom & Dead
Cool,tnks man
So the event ends in 1 hour? Fuck, didn't get the Reaper skin, feels badman
>>no i wont wear my team shirt im special

Except he's wearing it.
Sombra was inside us all along! Thanks Blizzard
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I know I'm late as fuck but

>the lesbian sideshave Sombra design was real

just fucking kill me
You're right

Morrison is for Ana and Mercy is for Pharah
Not during the actual tournament. Kitty was wearing rainbow arm socks and covering the jersey as much as possible
Here we go !
I think she's cute.

Like locally? wish I knew that I would have paid good money for someone to do the cables for me
Im xbone,lets group up!!!!


What did she mean by this?
its not even good

none of the halowwen ones are


>haircuts announce sexuality

Drumpf voters please go.
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>People still getting hype for ARG shit and thinking there is any chance that Sombra releases today when Blizzcon is this weekend.
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>people upset about hair
y tho
Jack and Ana are team mom and dad now. Ana is a far better and more likable character than Mercy and a better character gameplay wise to boot.

It's not so bad, here's hoping she gets a legendary with the skull helmet or an alternate hairstyle.
Jesus, I wish I could've seen that.
If you're in a metro area you probably have multiple PC repair shops that will offer that as a service.
shut up, she is pretty!
>the cyberpunk hair by default since the 80s is a lesbian sideshave

fucking retards
They are the most vocal fans to be sure.
My nigga
tumblr invented side cuts and dyed hair using funds they stole from the kkk
mccree is in fine balance currently
The way I see it is that Blizzcon is probably the best time for Blizz to talk about what goes into designing a new hero like Sombra and managing an ARG and shit. They can't do that if Sombra isn't at the very least announced, and they can break character.
>Don't be afraid to try, anon!
I'll do it just for you anon.
You clearly have not seen the way they've handled the past several Blizzcons.
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>people trying to tell me Sombra isn't cute
I just had a match where a Junkrat (username OpethKT) was using the out of bounds exploit on Kings Row, and in addition the Widow on his team (username Dark) was using a painfully obvious aimbot.

This was made more obvious when, in their PotG, they would scope in and instantly snap to people's heads as they came into view with pixel-perfect accuracy despite moving at what must have been 30+ sensitivity, multiple times in a row.
>there's nothing in the comments

goddamn i don't understand leddit
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>taking reddit posts seriously

If I don't get the witch mercy skin today I'm going to cry.
we're all sombra now
Were Pharah and Mercy the first OW ship?
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Sombra comes out on ptr today, on blizzcon they talk about her, design, arg and reveal the thanksgiving event they had lines for
I'm just not a fan of the side cut, otherwise she's pretty much waifu material.
He looks fuckable in the leaked concept
>Blizzcon happens
>They announce her
>Ability overview video
>Video on backstory
>Added to PTR later that day or after the announcement

>Character who uses a flashbang like device to temporarily fuck the controls of any player looking directly in to the flash. Female Omnic with a Gorgon theme?

>Character with a two part ult. First use marks location. They then have a sixty second timer in which they can activate their ult again - doing this teleports them and ANYONE WITHIN 5m ON EITHER TEAM to his/her marked location. He makes an audio callout when he marks, but otherwise the enemy team has only a small visual warning. When the teleport goes off the marked spot releases a no-damage blowback effect to space whoever is there from any arriving players.

>Character who preforms an Izuna drop.

>Character who preforms a suplex.

>Character with the ability to shrink and become hard as fuck to see.

>Character who puts up a shield wall that creates the illusion that no on is behind it when the enemy team looks through.

>Clone character.
You're right, I haven't. I'm just making logical guesses: I have no idea what these Blizzard Baboons are gonna do.
Not happening.
Am I Sombra?
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Can't wait to see those lipstick lips around some dick.
If Sombra is a pet class or hacks fucking turrets people will pay for it in blood.
Fast, considering getting the 20 bucks box deal. How are your experience with buying boxes?
here's your (You)
that's not the point
its made by moderators and locked for some stupid reason

Maybe they got inside info of something coming soon
are you 3? look at a clock, moron
That, 76xMercy, and GenjixMercy iirc.
inb4 first tranny character ever
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so sombra in 3 days 40 mins?
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The blood is already in my dick
Mebee, but likely not.

I will admit, "YOU ARE SOMBRA" sounds like the cryptic shit they'd say when she released.
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>Character who preforms a suplex

I've earned ~50 and only got two legendaries.

Ana76 is just as bad.
Unless you have like 50 items on each character already it'll probably not be worth it unless you want only 1 skin
Weird Al is performing at Blizzcon this year so expect an announcement that Sombra is delayed until 2017 along with new maps and game modes but Blizzard has been working very hard on new sprays and they will be available in special thanksgiving lootboxes, followed by Weird Al singing a special "Fuck you, Blizzard customers" song.
Thanks. Guess I will wait for next Halloween.
I'm a Sombra! He's a Sombra! She's a Sombra! We're all Sombras hey!
Is there still no way to test your mic in game?
If there isn't some porn with a bunch of lipstick smears then I'll be mad
>last year at blizzcon they revealed heroes but didn't release them until next patch day
>sombra arg will have been a countdown to a months-long countdown to a week long countdown to a four day countdown to a reveal that is also a countdown to patch day
Already got at least 45/50 item for each heroes so i get a lot of credits. Worth it.
Last day of the Summer event, I bought 5 packs out of rage just to get the Zarya legendary.
I got 4 legendaries from them, none of which were the Zarya skin.

also just bought 2 and got the Junkenstein's Monster
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>reach rank 3100.
>suddenly get match after match of niggers picking heroes they have never, ever played before.
>this happens for 4 consecutive lost matches.

Yeah this matchmaking isn't fucking balanced at all. Why should I get the fucking healslut that all of a sudden wants to play Mei even though they only have 2 hours on the hero in the entire game.

Can someone explain to me why diamond is just the same as platinum?
Everybody in low diamond has 50%winrate on their mains and they don't even choose to play them in my matches.

What level do you have to reach to give you a fucking break from constantly carrying sack of shit dead weight teams? What Skill Rank to people consciously change heroes instead of being autistic in the teams text-chat?

Are there any good single-player games that use guns? Because Overwatch is really wearing thin on me.
I bought one last night after getting my last real box. Got Junkenstein and Junkenstein's Monster, as well as Mechaqueen Pharah, Possessed Pharah, Ghoul Ana, and Vampire Symmetra.

And then I grinded out another box and got Witch, and then bought Reaper's.

All in all, would recommend.
Get out of here, Ralph.
>tags: lipstick smearing
Ok sombra is good and fine but WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SYMMETRA REWORK
>Can someone explain to me why diamond is just the same as platinum?
Because the difference is minimal
What the fuck Jeff
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Such a top tier fetish that's not represented almost ever.

Easily the best feature of super deepthroat
The patch after Blizzcon
Ana and 76 are the only fanship that actually makes sense.
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>I play Mercy
>At least 3 of the enemy team members purely exist to make my life a living hell
>My team doesn't even recognize my existence until I am dead and can no longer heal them

>Enemy plays Mercy
>She is invisible to everyone but me
>Enemy team is bound by soul to their Mercy, meaning any insult to her is an insult to them
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>had a dream Reaper wanted to hold my hand
Morrison is for little girls
Reinhardt and Ana could easily make sense aswell.
>its all a theme
>sombras ability is to put enemy abilities on cooldown
>blizzard makes a big joke out of the whole thing
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>I play mercy

stopped reading there
top 500 if you can keep up with the people that """TRAIN""" everyday
They need to explain her mommy issues. Without that she's just a piece of plank.
better than time paradogs desu
someone needs to make a comic where the OW girls go full rainbow party on some well endowed male.
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I pray next season is similar to the first, where if you are above rank 65 skill actually increases.
With blizzard's cockup of having a large percentage of the playerbase in platinum its feel like the gap between platinum and master is way larger than it should be.

Just feels like it never actually gets better.

>today /owg/ wasn't a faggot

My niggas.
t.blizz shill
Got myself the 10 dollar one, 11 boxes of sprays and icons with some cheap blue skins.
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Someone talk to on why genji is such a fucking faggot
>reddit mods literally trolling
at this rate someone's going to post a death threat video
They're doing stupid shit to hype people up like those attention whores on twitter who do a big Sombra thing every time we get anything new.
Honestly, whenever we DO get Sombra expect Blizzard to go on to make a ton of stupid jokes about how long it took and how terrible the ARG was. They do that shit all the fucking time. Hell, they're still joking about content additions in WoW costing so many resources that the game loses a raid tier every time anything that isn't a raid gets added. After the last expansion was hated and bombed due to the lack of content.
>her ult shuts down all enemy ability and ultimate usage for 8 seconds
God that would be such a pain in the cock
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>12 inch tranny cock
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Why aren't you playing best girl right now?
New email though at lumerico
you'll get over sombras hair like you did zaryas.
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because i'm playing best boy instead
>Blizzard literally dedicates an entire page on their main website to a big happening on Nov 1st
>it's a single email

Due to recent security breaches, I left the terminal administrator in safe mode - You must be the only person with access to it from now and during the activation process of the plant.

Why is this allowed
It won't last.

I was playing her. Kept spamming the candy emote.

Someone better hang for this arg, by dragging it out this long Sombra will be a huge let down no matter what.
>Ana and 76 are the only fanship that actually makes sense.

No it doesn't. Give me your reasons, I bet I can debunk them.
Where's the actual hanzo genji version of this with his katana?
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Because I can't aim.

Mercy buffs when?
I give them 2 weeks tops before they forget about this whole thing
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>tfw the activation will have a progress bar
>won't finish activating until friday
i would piss blood if that actually happened
theres no saving the game if something like that gets put in, stuns already basically dictate a characters viability
What is the best combo of Mercy skin and emote?
Diamond status: never

Why do people in plat still refuse to work as a team?
Just had a game with 6 in voice chat and it was just me talking to myself, everyone else was playing solo.
>another countdown
Somebody try using the terminal. What's the login?
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all i got is this senpai sorry
>One of her devil skins
>Heroes never die...for a price.
Need more porn of this chocolate loi
2nd new email, apparently:
S! Eno # rita <Jimenez, it appears q) ue alg¿uien is peanuts? Pul + ando our run @ po% ndencia in / b / na. Perhaps you've seen the * gun: "e`lec inmates $ tronic with car ~ acter} is aparen & te men you to <eator ios to a \ rgo of you # xto of me I cor | n | sage nor?! . in bad lmen + ^ @ g Started pens¿ábamos you qu% and this was (due to the gú: n tip * or corr upción da cough, but my equi & po evi enco`ntró; den ~ cia of> that e | hese fu-Eron alterac¿iones hec thou for = ma ~ a deli $ berad by ALG, hoever was ~ ra n.uest ra network What qui # ERE has & fallow deer.?

Val? Val!

could be fake, from discord
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>This is not a costume
What did he mean by this

Is there a ranking where Junkrat stops being picked on both sides in over 80% of my games?
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>implying im not also a homo poster
>it's fucking nothing
I like the one that she measures her own pulse.
I have no hopes left in the matchmaking and tier system after watching a stream of a guy that's in the top 500 get team mates that refuse to listen or change heroes.

I swear there's no actual skill differences between any of the rating tiers, except for grandmasters/top 500.
You're playing with fucking children. Find a goddamn group if you want to rank up
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sorry anon this is a christian image board
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in english instead of google translated leet

Miss Jimenez, it seems that someone is manipulating our internal correspondence. Perhaps you've seen some seemingly random emails to argo a normal text message characters. Initially we thought that this was due to some sort of data corruption, but my team found evidence that these alterations were made deliberately by someone outside our network. What you want to do?
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>Sombra is totally gonna be on PTR today just watch!
>I'll do X if Sombra isn't released today, which we all know she is
>T-t-they wouldn't keep doing this s-s-she'll definitely come out today

Gg ez
>"Miss Jienez, it seems someone is manipulating our internal emails. Maybe you've seen some emails with random characters along the normal text. Initially we thought there was some kind of corruption in the data, but my team found evidences that these changes were deliberately made by someone outisde our network. What do you want us to do?

Gonna be fucking nothing
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nah brah confirmed for legit

what it means thought no clue
Yeah, sorry for the translated shit
I'm just going with what the Steammachine costs. At that tier you're either getting the FX processors or an i3. The i5 jump is ~100 more.

If he's willing to do that, why not. The i3 per core is faster and despite being dual core it has 4 threads with hyperthreading. i5 lacks hyperthreading since they want to sell you i7s. Basically what you get is better single/dual core performance with the tradeoff of your threaded performance being slightly slower. Plenty of new titles show little to no gain in fps between the high end i3 and low end i5.

That $100 in that range would probably be better spent on the GPU which is exactly what logicalincrements ramps up before jumping to i5s.

TLDR don't buy AMD processors.
all my IRL friends belong into gold or lower plat I'm afraid
Yeah, I got a new/dupe in the same Loot Box as well.
reveal in 15 minutes or I main Symmetra for twenty comp games
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You should get your jollies in now, First Strike is mere days away.

Shit will hit critical levels at that point.
I'm being completely serious. The shit storm is coming.
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S! Eno # rita <Jimenez, it appears q) ue alg¿uien is peanuts? Pul + ando our run @ po% ndencia in / b / na. Perhaps you've seen the * gun: "e`lec inmates $ tronic with car ~ acter} is aparen & te men you to <eator ios to a \ rgo of you # xto of me I cor | n | sage nor?! . in bad lmen + ^ @ g Started pens¿ábamoz you qu% and this waz (due to the gú: n tip * or corr upción da cough, but my equi & po evi enco`ntró; den ~ cia of> that e | hese fu-Eron alterac¿iones hec thou for = ma ~ a deli $ berad by ALG, hoever was ~ ra n.uest ra network What qui # ERE has & fallow deer.?


>still giving a shit about this bullcrap
Just pick Mei
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Are you ready?
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Where the fuck is Sombra when you need her?
Some swine in chat claimed Sombra is on PTR right now and the news was announced on Reddit. I cannot verify this, as I am not a fucking Reddit.
biggest crime is that shes not going to be talon operative.
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>150 hours on reaper
>pretty sure I've never heard him say this line
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People are still not ready for First Strike.
Last day for the Halloween event. You´re not carving in to the man are you and buying those jewboxes?
Hola chicos soy yo sombra xD, como estan bueno les quiero contar que jeff nunca va a sacarme en el ptr pero bueno no me importa nada porque tengo muchos robots a mi disposicion dispuestos a penetrarme analmente bueno muchas gracias por su colaboracion bye bye
mas porno de junkrat porfavor
So you come here instead of verifying it yourself?
Must be hard when you can't use the internet
I caved yesterday
and then again today
Isn't Reinhardt already married?
Nobody's going to boo Kaplan. They're going to suck on his dick and praise him for the arg.
reminder that ana was mccree's first
Do you never play on Dorado? Cause he says it there quite frequently at the start of the match
>Overwatch was disbanded for pedophilic tendencies of Jack Morrison

Deepest lore
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>People getting excited for an untested hero that Blizzard is trying WAY too hard to over-hype

No one sees anything wrong with this? Stupid fucking gois.
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>the best non ultimate ability in the game is something that's standard in every other modern FPS

Nah however when you boot up the ptr there is some random numbers that pop up in the lower left corner.
W-what did you get? And how many?
ajajaj buen intento pero en realidad fue soldado setenta y seis xD

Truly the hero we need is Jack.
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>Better than Sleep Dart, Biotic Grenade, Deflect, Wraith Form, Recall, Orb of Discord, Barrier

I know you're probably very proud of yourself but you actually just look like a retard.
what fps has the hook as a standard?
The reddit page is changing lads, looks like the shit shows coming to an end.
If I could pick any 1 non ult ability and give it to my fav hero, it wouldn't be that fucking worthless sprint.
Yes the power to run away is better than any of those
consider yourself red pilled

and a bunch of other stuff I don't care to list
I'll believe it's just some shitposting unless something actually hapens.
I'm just here because hyped/dissapointed /owg/ is pretty cool
>not wanting sprint on Lucio
>Not wanting to speed boost while sprinting and then amping it up

I bet you don't even know what fast is, kid.
>Blizzard announces Sombra at Blizzcon
>Half the crowd is already cosplaying as her
I can't wait for this
How many boxes you slut?
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Happy Hallowee .jpg
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I expect an update on that crying anon.
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>ARG actually moved to Reddit
Lets not forget the subreddit is actually run by Blizzard
Alright boys, new stuff on the lumerico website. Anyone getting through? It's just giving me an error.
Do they realize what the fuck they're doing?

Are these mods fucking insane? What are they gonna do fucking nothing happens?
Shit is happening on the LumeriCo page but it'll probably end up just being more ARG shit and we won't get to play Sombra until Blizzcon.
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>Better than Lucio's passive speed buff which you can attack/reload while using
Some people just don't think before posting.
pretty hot, but whos momo?
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>all this shitposting about sombra when she isnt coming till next week

Quick post character design ideas!
>implying mods of this subreddit and famous streamers don't know about Blizz releases at least week prior

>her design is different
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I just want to see the devastation when nothing happens
>>Sombra is totally gonna be on PTR today just watch!

>sombra ends up being the boss of a PVE only game mode
>she hacks other players ULTS and skills
>you never get to play her in game

I can't wait for the rage..
Reddit got le hackermand
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>Going even faster as Lucio
>???????????????Somehow helps the team??????????????????
The fuck is wrong with you?
I couldn't be bothered to look at what timezone that would be mate, and how much of a difference that would be compared to Blizzard's standard timezone.
Why even care about reddit?
>504 error on lumerico.mx

Was it Sombra or did we DDOS the site?
>Lumerico site died due to the traffic
Gj Blizz
Setenta y seis,pendejo!!!!
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>currently on a 9 game losing streak
>9 of the worst, most one sided and unfun games I've ever played
how do you guys deal with this shit?
>D.va skin where her mecha is colored to look like a giant shark and she's a surfer being eaten by it
>Ice Queen skin for Symmetra or Widowmaker
Maybe because something's happening over there?
It's almost like 4chan would be a superior platform for game news and happenings
It's not fair, I've been getting every skin but that one. I even gout a duplicate of junkrats.
You don't need a team with the amount of fast you'll be going.
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I would love that actually
It could actually indicate that it's habbending
>Not always being terrible
You just stop caring. Go symettra and kill people with your teleporter.
You don't. You stop playing for a hour, get some rest, and try again later.

Please don't beat yourself up over losing streaks. It's a bad mentality to have.
>meanwhile Blizzcon is in 3 days
Why do these people still hope
I guess its their first Blizzard game and they still have hope.
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What is the best nerf to Mei?
get a buddy to play quickplay with. winning there makes it feel a little better anon.
Self healing doesn't charge ult, that's about it. Or just scrap the kit and start over
Pharah a cute.
my dick
I don't know man. The most that realistically could happen today would be the release of Sombra's trailer.

more than 3 losses in a row = stop playing for at least a few hours.

do something else
The ult cost increase on the PTR is good. I can't stand how her m1 fucks with your aiming but I'm also a shitter.
Damage fall-off like McCree and cryo-freeze can be damaged to break faster. That's maybe it
The ult charge nerf is good, I'd also give her more severe damage falloff on RMB and make ice block breakable or have a 1second delay before it starts or not heal her
You gitting gud.
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>Lucio with a trumpet
>Landsknecht Genji
>Robin Hood Hanzo
>Fire Mei

wise words

I'm hoping for a cinematic but I doubt it, they always tease them before
Remove Mei, problem solved
>blizzard tries to run an arg
>ddos their arg
>blizzard can't do shit because that'd be breaking character
>being frozen no longer fucks up your aiming

She's fixed.
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>tfw kills set her off
I want to operate with the blueberry.
What's wrong with Mercy?
> play Ana
> only medal is silver healing
> feel like I did a lot, rarely dying and keeping everyone topped off and sleeping ults and tossing piss and boosting when needed

Is this normal? Not complainin since we won
Not gonna lie, I think a pvp mode with sombra would be cool.
Imagine having an upgrade system like in mvm, where you buy things like cooldown reductions or modifiers to how abilities work.
Origins: Reinhardt, Mercy, Torbjorn, Mcree and Winston?
I want to smell her stinky anus and feet.
Did you have a Lucio on your team? Because his healing is off the charts just because he's healing 6 people at once.
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Mei is a necessary evil to teach shitters to stick together.

Also increase ult cost a bit like they're doing anyway.
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It's happening!11
just five

>nearly half a year since this game was released
>people still shooting at deflecting genji
finally fucking habbening lets go
So, I want to try and practice with McCree because I'm quite frankly sick and tired of seeing Tracer and no one on my team switching. If I Flashbang should I practice headshotting her or just walk up and FtH+Melee?
Literally the only thing that I expect today is some shitty e-mail or another crappy blogpost about Los Muertos doing something that will continue in 3 days. Its fucking Blizzard, probably they have nothing of value to tease in Blizzcon when it comes to OW so they are saving Sombra for that.

I sincerely hope I am wrong and we get her reveal trailer today but I doubt that.
there's a countdown on lumerico if you can get it without error 504
Fth if you're in melee range. Otherwise single shot.
This is true in all situations.
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>Tell the entire OW subreddit to go to Lumerico
>Lumerico website goes down fucking immediately
What the fuck is wrong with Blizzard?
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tiene Sombra.png
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This is a nice touch actually
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She'll just kill you too once you're not entertaining anymore
sombra's in my butt, better reach in and get her
>Self healing is based in the amount of damage she recieves while in ice form
>freezing enemies don't fuck up their aim
>the ult nerf from ptr

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>that jailbait Mercy
Why i can't get 60hz with 1080p but i have that option with 2k res?
Sombra today
Doomfist at blizzcon
blizzard pls
So before lumerico.mx went down this email showed up with a bunch of characters inserted into it. This is the translated email with random characters taken out:
Corruption email

>Miss Jimenez, it seems that someone is manipulating our internal correspondence. Perhaps you've seen some emails with seemingly random characters to argode normal text message. Initially we thought that this was due to some sort of data corruption, but my team found evidence that these alterations were made deliberately by someone outside our network. What does it do?

>Val? Val!
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>ever needing to fth tracers

get a load of this shitter
>artists will never draw jailbait mercy with loli pharah
>Defending Mei off to the side a choke
>Attacking Reinhardt walks in shield up
>wall goes up behind him
>He gets fucking destroyed
You know at one point these people have to realize there's a pattern forming here
What we will get at Blizzcon:
Tease for other new hero
Animated short
1 new Map
Coop Scenario or announcement for bigger Pve/Coop Pack that stays
Announcement of planned tv series or movie (no trailers)

Other speculations?
>she looks exactly the same
>Does this in the cinematic
>Does it in her potg animation
>Can't actually do it in gameplay
Pretty shit design, desu.
Dude, Overwatch subreddit is run by Blizzard. Ever noticed how it has the best and most complex design of all the subreddits? Or how they change their flairs as soon as any update hits in like minutes? I'm not into conspiracy theories, but this subreddit is clearly being run or "advised" by Blizzard PR, you have to be blind to not notice

Oh boy I sure can't wait for the next ARG clue telling us to wait for Blizzcon do Jeff can get on stage and pretend to be hacked
What time does the halloween event end? If sombra is today it'll be then
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It depends on the team comp.
If there was a lucio or a mercy, silver healing is ok. If not then you should have had gold.
Other medals are not that important, you should be healing and grenading not hunting for kills.
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You just KNOW she's going to have a day of the dead dancer legendary skin.

>Entire team attacks shielded Zarya
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>Ster told people that they shouldn't 100% expect Sombra to be a playable character
>Ster also knew about Ana way before she came out because he's in Blizzard's pocket

oh god the asspain would be legendary
And here is the characters I took out:

!#<)¿?+@%//*:"`$~}&??<!\ #||¡@^+¿%(¡:*¡:&`;~>|¿-¡=$~,~.¡#&
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post yfw hook tracer
>Lumerico is supposedly getting hacked
>visit site
>504 error
I would forgive Blizzard for the 4 months of ARG bullshit but that's highly unlikely and at Blizzcon it'll be like "WOAAAHH WHAT'S HAPPENING? WE'RE BEING HAAAACKED."
nononono, this is shitter advice.

Always try to headshot stunned tracers, FtH's spread can cause you to miss her tiny body.

Likewise, don't just FtH dump stunned tanks, headshots will do more damage to them more reliably.
>expecting another hero tease/reveal that close to sombra
mate children concieved on november 4th will be born before we get to see Doomfist
I dont want to be that negative but its Blizzard, even if you expect nothing they still disapoint you somehow
Fucking retarded? Lumerico site is nothing but happenings
blizz isnt the one that did that
they don't own /r/overwatch
how much time till the halloween event ends?
Doomfist's ARG will require punching people in the face.
it's technically a countup
there's numbers on lumerico.mx and they're increasing when you refresh, presumably they hit a certain amount
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Less than an hour.
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It's the fucking best right after they've been trying to 1v1 you
you have until 4pm
>She just recalls the second I hook her
After the sombra ARG that will be easy to solve

for a good laugh these guys are gettin MEMED ahahaha
australia pls go and stay go
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that jailbait Pharah tho
>another ARG
please no
I hope after Somra every hero will be revealed like Ana, a sudden tween/trailer when noone expects it. Fuck this bullshit, if it wasn't for the Blizzardrones and ledditors who want to feel involved noone would give a shit about the Lumerico emails and shit.
keep Left mouse held down as you're reeling her in
You have about 3 more hours? Judging by when the Summer Games ended.
>sombra discord voicechat literally furious at reddit mods for linking to lumerico and crashing it
i love this arg now
>there is literally another countdown on the Lumerico site


I'm from the EU.
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Look I know your aim is shit and you prob begged Blizzard for Genji nerfs because "HES GOING TOO FAST I JUST CANT HIT HIM". But don't assume that everyone is as bad at the game as you are, mmk?
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Screenshot it. Lumerico is a 504 error for me.
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Speak for yourself, I still hate Zaryas fucking tumblr hair. I also hate her man chin. If they gave her a feminine chin but still kept her buff she would me a million times better. I would bet money on that.
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>thought the pink skull on the kid's face was their skin peeled off
I can't even load the site, seems like everyone subscribed to r/overwatch is trying to access it. Post pics pls
She could at one point
It was removed because it didn't work and it made her an easy as fuck target
jailbait is when a girl is hot but underage, which means teenagers
kids aren't hot so they can't be jailbait
100% This.
All this ARG did was kill any hype I had for Sombra
Keep M1 held down any time you hook someone, this will cause you to fire the millisecond you are able to you and will always deal damage first before the other person is allowed to react.
Would you rather it was like TF2 where the giant gaps without content had nothing?
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>That moment when you realize there are quite a few shitters in this thread

At least this guy gets it.
Why are they doing all this stupid bullshit with Sombra? Why cant it just be like Ana?
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>Tracer dodges hook with recall
>delete her with a right click when she comes back
the ONLY other better feeling
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It's actually on Discord but here it is you fags
>Genji not OP
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website screenshot
it looks like the console needs to be used to increase the numbers?
console doesn't work though because site is on fire thanks to reddit
What is taking artistic liberties you fucking autist?

You expect everything that happens in videogame cinematic to be 1:1 in games?
playing Zarya
No I mean my hook connects and she recalls and nothing gets pulled to me
Definitely yes. Nothing is better than garbage ARG.
that's total bs
So we have to join the Discord and help break the firewall? Or what?
There is no hope
I'm just waiting for whatever is going to tell people to wait until Blizzcon.
well tf2 is dead now so you like that
Then the Tracer is outguessing you and your hook attempts are too predictable.
I never said he wasn't OP. His ult was broken as fuck, but I could actually HIT him unlike you slow cucks.
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>Mfw this makes sense
>They've been panicking at Blizzard HQ trying to get people to loose interest
>Now they are scrambling to make her playable
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>you will never suddenly see widowmaker's big upside down ass on your window while sitting in your comfy room drinking tea
>kids aren't hot so they can't be jailbait
speak for yourself
resting isn't an option with loot boxes fading away real soon

And who else would I beat up over a losing streak? I'm the common denominator, and am probably tilting from the losses.

Whats the point of drumming up hype for a free addition anyway?
That backpedaling. You sure got rekt. Silly Genji mains. :^)
What are you even talking about? Did you even read the post chain you're replying to, or are you just a fucking retard and wanted to post a reaction image really badly?
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I love it when bad Zaryas try to fight me when I play Mei.

Get them to pop shield early by pretending to freeze --> Wait for shield to go away while jumping around to avoid her lazer show --> Freeze --> Headshot

anon the /r/overwatch posts coincided exactly with lumerico updates
is it really so hard to believe that blizzard is working with a major community?
feel free to stop posting
Post your SR
Only got time got one level:
Sprays and Ana pumpkin skin, fuck OW.
>is it really so hard to believe that blizzard is working
What is it that causes players to learn a hero wrong and how does the community correct the broad misconception?

McCree is a perfect example. A character that should be hiding behind Rein's shield and protecting healers is played as a flanker who immediately runs out on his own upon spawning.
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Might as well just end it now
I'm pretty sure all the 'ZARYA IS OP' talk was form when 2zarya was a thing, which was OP. Hilariously so, in fact.

I haven't seen anyone make a substantiated claim that Zarya is over tuned since then,
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New video but cant access it
>push my team into slaughtering the other team
>somehow the other team has all their ults and we have none

I don't even remember my team using theirs. Did they blow them all that fast that I didn't even notice?
Her shiny, latex-covered ass just starts draping down down, pressing ever-so-gently on the windowpane while she tries to get a bead on whoever her next target is.

You could just flick the latch on the window's lock and get a face-full, if you're quick enough.

You still shouldn't push yourself. You're only going to suffer more losses. While you may be the common denominator, and while it is a good sign that you're not blaming others for your shortcomings, that doesn't mean you should just push through fatigue. It doesn't work that way.

Get some rest. The boxes will be here next year.
Post your SR
oh fuck
>No one talking about/posting the leaked "official" art
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Its no fun when you just give up and throw all your bait at me like that. I have under 1 hour played as Genji. Please try again later though!
High quality post, rebbit shitter

yes, /r/overwatch mods have done stupid shit before
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Never change 4chinzz
2 pumpkins
>another fucking skulyatta
>A literal goddes in a witch suit
>Compooper bluescreened
reeee why have the eu servers been shit lately
welcome to last night
You're real late to the party man.
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LMFAO i love the mexican language
post screen
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The last few threads have been filled with it. What's important is getting those thighs wrapped around my head.
>guy joins game detectives voice chat
>screams as loud as he can non-stop
jolly cooperation
>calls me reddit shitter
>knows what reddit shitters did before
>is it really so hard to believe that blizzard is working with a major community?

Yes. They have nothing to do with the subreddit and the mods deserve whatever shit they get for this if nothing happens with Sombra today.
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shit dude, I'm out of the loop
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so some of these havent been revealed yet? specifically the lines involving a stealth character, so is sombra gonna be another cancer stealth character?
I know that the mods deleted the subreddit but that was just because I heard about it here
Sombra is cute!

and she smells nice!
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>Post your SR
The Overwatch Reddit equivalent of "Fight me IRL!"
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Ability Overview on YouTube
this arg is like blizzard minmaxing happiness and frustration
Couldn't stop laughing when he did that
This chat is kind of awkward
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>children concieved on november 4th will be born before we get to see Doomfist
tfw you will never knock up a Mercy or Smugberry cosplayer at Blizzcon

old news brah
there are also lines about killing a super powered genji
Could be a holdover from when Genji was a stealth character, think they said they wanted to avoid it/they couldn't make it work.

I really hope she isn't though, stealth, and spy checking are cancer mechanics in FPS games, and overwatch has enough annoying shit to deal with already.
Ok now seriously 90% of the heroes are amputees
overextending, lonewolfing, and tunnelvision are just products of bad practice, or no practice, in general
This is exhibited primarily in those that play DPS because 'walk forward, shoot things' is all these people know of FPS, but not exclusive.
You've probably come across those Reinhardts that spend more time charging and swinging their hammer behind ebnemy lines than actually tanking
These unused voice lines have been talked about months ago anon.
Im sorry can you predict exactly when a genji presses deflect
There's only five and what about her says amputee?
the firewall on discord is going down by 1% every 30 seconds or so
if that's the case then it should be finished at around noon
Lol its even less than I thought.
>CTRL F "reddit"
>24 results
Good thread guys
Okay which limbs is she missing this time?

I see it up in Diamond too though and multiple prestiges. I just don't know how you fix it.
>discord pronounces "grep" as "gee-rep"
holy shit no wonder they haven't solved the arg yet they're braindead
numbers I saw placed lumerico at ~3 hours
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>Sombra's a vaporfag
What gender does Sombra identify as?
>secret hacker

>rainbow outfit

gj blizz!
I unironically love her hair.
They already said the official people who are amputees, there are like 5. What are you talking about?
Did they ever confirm if Junkrat is missing his leg?
fucking volskaya, hate that shitty map
Are you a fucking idiot?
>play with russians
>winning by a landslide
>yoo we so best
>losing even a tiny bit
>they prefer fighting their own team in voice chat over fighting the enemies
>cyka you have 0 kills all day
>end up with the gold medals but losing because the russian turned useless
every time
>Only 3 colors
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low test.png
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looks like energy levels ARE AT AN ALL TIME LOW!
sure brah.
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Thanks anon. Just got one last box, I think I'll call it a day.
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>playing with slavshits in the first place

deserve it
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>It's another countdown episode
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She actually has the same colors as the trans flag. Get ready.
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this is her in male form
When Sombra comes out do you think Blizz would ban me if I played her with an Aimbot just for the joke?
the kicked from game for being bastion bug is back?
Relatively new to the game here.

Is dvas mech really invulnerable while it's charging before exploding? I'm getting sick and tired of suicide mech dvas in tight spaces on control points where you can't avoid the giant explosion.

Also, does soldier 76 need a pulse rifle damage buff, or do I just suck? How do I get gud?
>reddit fucked up so hard the countup went down
Egypt is predominantly a Muslim country, isn't it? Are Muslim women allowed to serve in the military, or are Pharah and Ana non-religious?
>Ask for pic
>Say its googled
Gee, never saw that comming!

So long though, and thanks for all the (You)'s!
a company working closely with a fan site isn't anything new. Even smaller reddits have had mods on NDAs for access.
>there will never be a hero named Baby Hands McGee
>fake leak fags
>postponed release to change design fags
>sombra isn't a character fags

you should all sudoku yourselves from embarassment.
What kind of power plant is it?
If this is atomic, Trump won't have to build a wall
her mech is the same as a player, mcree can stun it, rh can hook it
>says other people are bad at the game
>wont post a screenshot showing they're not bad at the game

If you weren't trash you would have just done it
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>Reaper: Hey Sombra, would you like to see my dick?
>Sombra: Sure, do you want to see mine puta?
Yes it is. It can be manipulated by Roadhog Hooks and Reinhardt charges, however.

And speak of the devil, that's exactly what Soldier is getting in the PTR. Pulse Rifle damage is up at 20 (from 17, here it is now). Doesn't sound like much, but it translates to 75 extra damage per magazine, or 150 if you magically get only headshots.
Anyone got the spurdo McCree "whoa dere" picture
So today is just more -hints and fucking nothing- confirmed?
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Genji mains can't win an argument. Atleast you can play OP characters.
reminder that 76's damage used to be fine before they released ana and buffed mercy's heal rate by a fuckton.

the hacker collective known as sombra at work

The OW world seems to have focused on technology over religion so I doubt muslims or at least oppressive muslims are even so much of a thing in their world.

The sheer fact that they're associated with Egyptian gods means they're no Muslim either way though.
1) No, you cant destroy it, just hide
2) Soldier is actually getting a damage buff in the ptr, but if you're new, it might be partway you fault too. Dont forget to burst fire.
be patient, faggot
>Is dvas mech really invulnerable while it's charging before exploding?

Yes. The only thing you can do to it is hook it with Road Hog. You can use Rein shield, Mei ice all, Winston shield, or Zarya bubbles to block it.

>Also, does soldier 76 need a pulse rifle damage buff, or do I just suck? How do I get gud?

Yes but you should be burst firing it at long ranges for higher effective dps. You also need to land direct hits with helix rockets otherwise don't bother with soldier.
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As you can see above, people will just say that whatever people post as their rank is "googled" so why feed the bait posts?

Also, you MIGHT wana google the term "Ad hominem argument" which is what you're trying to do right now.
Burst fire with 76 and aim for the head. Ironically the guy with the literal autoaim ultimate is also the only guy who REALLY has to have good aim the rest of the time.

D.va's mech, once it starts self-destructing, is completely invincible. You CAN move it around the place with Rein's charge or Roadhog's hook, block it off with Rein's shield or Mei's ice wall, etcetera.

Also, my favourite class is the spy.
make her self heal ability have a set duration. you can't fucking come out of wraith form whenever you want, and while you can move, you don't heal
I used to haver valkyrie and cadeus dance with how barbaric, but now with witch mercy I don't know
Maybe? We don' know until today's over.

Give it a coupla hours. Remember when we solved all the ARG bullshit in like 20 minutes and got told to wait a week? We don't know if the same things going to happen again or if /THIS TIME/ it'll lead to something substantial.

It's going to be fucking nothing
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seeing as its almost 1:00, we have pretty much hit the deadline for an update if we were gonna get one today right?

Forgot to mention you can Rein charge it away or stun it with Flashbang (which will stop it from moving)
yup, are you really surprised?
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>sombra finally gets released
>she makes wacky pop culture references and say epic phrases more so than dva and she makes totally hilarious political commentary
>Time remaining on the overwatch discord: 38%

You can use any CC ability on D.Va's mech if it's flying in. Flashes and Sleep Darts will stop the mech's boost and drop it wherever it happens to be.
pls no
There's literally 0 chance we will get an update today. Why would Blizz release Sombra before Blizzcon? At most we are going to get some kind of teaser media.

Halloween event ends at 4 PST so that's when we'd get an update.
>she makes wacky pop culture references
>60 years into the future
i can't wait
just make her like that faggot from watch_dogs 2
link for discord?
who doesnt delete ICMP packets these days, come on
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oh fuck last chance to get that reaper skin without having to spend 3k shekels!
>Retard believing that discord is something reliable

I pity you so much.
mercy witch
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>Discord and Reddit are official sources
kill yourself nigger
>using halloween skins after halloween
fucking embarrassing
I have 2.5 k coins

Should I get Halloween shit or wait for Christmas? I really want whatever they will put out for Mei
Search in your heart.

Any character that is centered around using computers always ALWAYS has epic haxx0rz language

Apparently Dvas L33t speak is still relevant

Damn thanks for the quick responses bros, way more helpful than most generals. Glad to hear he's getting a buff, and I'm trying to get more accurate with burst fire. I'm decent with rocket aim tho, feels good to splat a sniper in the face from a ways away or get an annoying tracer off my back.
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you will never wake up with morningwood to be enthusiastically serviced by Amélie before going out for breakfast together
Well to get a few things straight
>I see it up in Diamond too though and multiple prestiges
Despite what you might have been told, the trench never actually ends. It'll only end up less worse because of how drastically good players are outnumbered. Low to Mid Diamond is still primarily filled with players that play with a platinum mentality, and there's a lot more of them than high diamonds.

As for multiple prestiges, I've found that they are actually a sign of a bad player more often than not.
I couldn't tell you the actual reason(s) behind this, but I will tell you that you'd be surprised how much time a person can invest into something and barely improve at it.

>I just don't know how you fix it.
There is no fixing it unless the person acknowledges it on their own and strives to improve. Many of these players are hardly aware of how bad they play, thinking themselves as average and tune out any voice that tells them otherwise

shitters gonna shit
tracer tee
>Abilities overview today
>Short feature and exlusive testplay during Blizzcon
>PTR patch after Blizzcon
>Live with Symmetra's buffs during mid november

Screencap this
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Legit question. How do I know if I'm the one fucking up or if its my team for competitive? And if it is my team, what am I supposed to take away from that game?

I want to git gud and it seems so easy to blame my team for fucking terrible picks and play, and I'm sure there's some things I can do better. But wat do if its actually your team and you do everything you can and just don't even know what you can have done better? As much as I want to convince myself that it should have been my duty to carry them I don't think its realistic.
what to get pharah or zen skin, only got shekels for one ? these are the only ones i dont have
play the character to find their weaknesses. try to play all hero's so you know every strength and every weakness.

dont try to main a hero cus if you solo que you will need to fill roles sometimes.

this is why overwatch comp is shit, people try to main hero's and cant play anything else so they refuse to play anything else
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You really think Blizzard gives a shit, D.Va is canonically a Starcraft player
A Starcraft ONE player, 60 years into the future, when Blizzard are already making it practically impossible to play Starcraft 1 NOW, because they want everyone in the Korean pro to give up resisting and switch to the much less popular SC2.
Now, anon, for all we know it could just be a design choice. We can't actually tell if he's missing his leg or if the artist just drew it that way.

>Team wipes with her ultimate
I fucking hate friendlies.
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anyone figure out the favorite movie for the override command?
>Dvas L33t speak

What l33t speak?
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>yfw the Ruse Cruise continues
if they are going to release her at blizzcon I hope that at least she is immediately playable on the 5th, instead of having her being tested on the PTR server for weeks.
How would Monsoon fair against an Overwatch team?
Tron or Predator 2
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Some like it bot.
Next answer is: nuevas sabor delicias
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My last Halloween lootbox had the same situation anon, but I got a Pharah Raindancer duplicate, literally my only non event legendary that I had to BUY with gold.

She's a good French wife with French cooking. Breakfast in bed would be how she'd help you start off every morning, with some fresh croissants drizzled with honey while she lathers your erection with her tongue and lips.

Her eyes would be half-lidded as she tries to ask you how the food tastes with half of your cock in her throat.
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i want to fug the smug
Heres to hoping Sombra is released with a masked skin for 1000G
Not to be a dick or anything but unless you love playing Soldier Mcree is pretty much a strict upgrade to both of the scenarios you listed as well as in general. Time spend on him would translate fairly well too.

Difference between the two is night and day in terms of effectiveness.
El Blanko or Mariachi?
>I wan to know what Lumerico's been up to
Wait, how long has this voiceline been in the game? Just heard Soldier say this on Dorado.
It's just a videogame.
>Heres to hoping Sombra is released
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Since release I'm pretty sure.
Been there forever.
That would be perfect for DVA
soooo nothing today?
She will be on PTR for at least 1 week, just like with Ana. First playable build will be at Blizzcon, then she will be patched into the game the following Tuesday.
what syntax does grep use in the lumerico console? I feel like I'm missing something cuz the standard unix way isn't working for me
Playing with randos, it's quite difficult. All I can suggest really is to try and familiarize yourself with team composition, fill in the missing spots on your team, and make an effort to co-operate. If your teammates won't return the effort, there isn't a whole lot you can too, unless you are skilled enough to carry them (which you shouldn't have to do.)

Playing with people you know really does help a lot. It's quite rare that a team of randoms can "click" and act as an effective team.
PUMPKIN REAPER OR JUNKENSTEIN ROADHOG??????????????????????????????
The easiest metrics:
Are you noticeably aiding in your team completing the objective in a direct way?
Are you pushing the payload/impeding the enemy team for significant chunks of time?
Are you taking points/contesting points for significant chunks of time? Are you keeping opponents off the point/payload?
Are you consistently getting solid picks that prevent enemy pushes/win your team teamfights?

If you can't solidly say yes 100% to at least one of the above, and do not have gold healing (as a healer), objective kills, or objective time, then you are a shitter.
zen obvs
Guess I'm stupid then.
Which do you play more?
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Whats this?
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i want to fug then hug the smug
>player on my team tilts so hard they sit emote and turn into a "friendly"

The mentally deficient shouldn't play video games
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to be fair, Overwatch is a shit game
Apache attack helicopter
i just want to marry her for fucks sake
I ended up missing the WC matches yesterday.

How the fuck did Spain end up on top of the group? Weren't the Swedecucks the favorites to win the whole thing?
Report them and hope Blizzard actually does something against them. How they think it's okay to waste other people's time is beyond me.
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That's 100% not true, it's just the opinion shitters like to toss around to act like they know what they're talking about.

76 is drastically better against snipers than McCree due to his smaller hitbox and better damage drop-off.

If you're consistently killing snipers as McCree, you're playing against shit snipers.
Maybe thats why 76 is getting a buff

Yeah I know, been playing reinhardt, bastion, junkrat, and 76 a lot so far.

God I hate bunny hopping Mei players and Dva.

I wish they had a man page on the console

one of the changes said "minimized documentation" ffs

the software engineers in lumerico need to an hero
Is Sombra out yet?
How do I find a group of decent players?
I fell down to gold from almsot diamond even though my opponents are weak as fuck just because my team manages to out retard them every time
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Nope, mine.
a lot of their members pulled through and they played perfectly

>wasting time playing ov with a troll

is much different than

>wasting time playing overwatch
It's isnt so much as shit as it is more of a casual shooter. Like how super smash bros is in the fighting game field.

It's fun to play but you are an autist if you try and take this game to be serious and competitive.
Pretty sure blizzard only bans if you spam nigger nigger nigger while telling people to kill themselves
By being better and smarter.
desu I'd kill for this
she's been out for several weeks, welcome back from your coma
>Pharah: You want me to morph into a ball?
samus yeah but zero suit pharah when?
>I fell down to gold from almsot diamond

Sounds like you need to play better. This is not an issue with your teammates.
Yeah man, if you hit up goggle.com they have a code for a free skin for her.
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>Decide to play Widowmaker for some reason even though I'd probably be better off playing another hero to help push the payload on the last point of Route 66.
>We actually make it somehow after I miraculously pick off a few enemies.

What the Hell just happened.
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But everyones already using Discord, which is known to be the most downloaded spyware to this day. We don't need listening devices when people are stupid enough to download "TOTALLY FREE" voip services.
It is when my intention is to play overwatch.
5 damage per round with extreme recoil is in no way shape or form better than 30 consistant hitscan at long range brother.
>b-buh helix
If a sniper is getting hit by helix you are in wood tier.
76's buff isn't going to do that much. Its nice but it won't address him being mini mcree no matter how much you want him to be better.
But games are made for the mentally deficient to keep them occupied
>Machine gun with heavy recoil is better for killing snipers than a hitscan revolver with no jump or recoil
>Just bronze things.
widow is fine on the last point since its just a straight line
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we can exchange our fav Amélie pics and be friends

or both just be her slaves
new thread
Objectively untrue
Blizzard is more inclined to ban pros than retards who pick all 6 attack Torb/Symettra teams.
It's unhealthy to want someone who isn't real, anon.

First, you say it's today. Now you say it's this Friday. If you're going to hope for something, at least be consistent.
Number of Sombra's released so far.

Those stealth lines were added just before the summer games, they can't be unused Genji lines. Halloween and Christmas voice lines were added back then too.

Its obviously Sombra shit.
The release is November. We have no idea when in November. Blizzcon is a good bet tho
>i'm comparing one bullet of a rapid-fire machinegun to one of a slower-shooting semi auto like this is relevant to anything


okay sure guys
Playing with le epic stacks is at least still playing the game.
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dont worry, its a healthy obsession.

as much as it breaks my heart i know shes not real

neither is fucking mercy
>76's buff isn't going to do that much.

I think it's pretty significant.

It ups his burst fire damage to be closer to a single round from McCree's revolver while having better drop off values

It increases his DPS against tanks since the spread nerf doesn't matter against their giant hitboxes

It also increases his ultimate DPS, allowing him to kill any 200 HP hero in 1 second instead of 1.18 seconds
Went to Switzerland for the summer. Their women are BEAUTIFUL. And they're kind, too.
Just as bad as wanting someone who doesn't know you back
nothing matters really as long as you get by
>Not even remotely addressing the reason why Soldier is horrible for dealing with long range, his god awful spread outside of 3 rounds which equates to 15 damage total at long range
>Mcree if he hits one shot he does 30, and can keep doing so 6 times.
Regardless, you aren't going to snipe with either. But Mcree would and will beat a Soldier every single time on any field. Sucks to give a shit about a strictly outclassed hero. You should pack it up.
my girlfriend has a striking resemblance which is great for me
I like soldier, I'm just not dumb enough to think hes as good as Mcree.
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>we ve in november anon and that gay will come
El Blanco is his best skin. Why is it even a question?
It was a esports match from last night.

Both of them are retarded meme skins. Use the recolors if you have any self-respect.
you can't post a picture like that without a source
Don't they use the internet? We're spouting everything we do.

Also what is this Captcha?
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Not a bad haul, and I could still buy something if I wanted to. Any recommendations on what I'm missing out on?
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Sombra is getting a guy fawkes skin
You heard it here first
>mom bought Blueberry mini muffins
>there is a blueberry directly in the middle of the muffin
>the muffin looks like a nipple
>pretend its Widowmakers nipples

Theres nothing wrong with me, right?
Yes there is; you have objectively bad taste.
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>torb on our team
>we win the first two rounds
>get rolled the next 3
>everybody calls me toxic and says I am not helping when I point out WE HAVE A FUCKING TORB ON KOTH WHO IS NOT DOING ANYTHING TO HELP US AT ALL
>they give me shit for pointing out that this fuck, who is not communicating with his team at all, and will clearly not switch to anything useful, is costing us the match
>"toxic" means pointing out the fucking obvious
>it doesn't mean "throwing a match with a shitty pick"
>it means "point out clear holes in team comp"

Fuck this community. Holy shit, "toxic" is such a fucking buzzword. This fucker picks Torb on KOTH, plays like shit, and everybody attacks me for pointing it out? He had no reason to be Torb, and he cost us the match.

Seriously, fuck these people.
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Forgot captcha.
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>tracer sticks her pulse bomb to you
>hook her after she blinks backwards
>she dies while you tank it
It is possible for you both to be in the wrong. Torb on KOTH is retarded, but if you're being a shitty player then you need to take a chill pill just as much as torb needs to switch.
Your toxic ass cost the match. Torb works fine on koth
pump reap
U """"tilted"""" brah??? xddd
u """toxic""" brah???

is this a league thing? i literally play every other online game and once the league babies switched over, this is all i see being typed.
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Sombra ARG is fucking cringe
the discord is cancer

I don't need a fucking chill pill. We were losing fight after fight, and Torb was not going to switch. Everybody was treating this dude like he was a fucking baby playing hide and seek. "Sure, he's fucking up completely, but let's pretend that he's not!"

It's ridiculous. People who throw matches by picking shit characters like Torb and Sym at inappropriate times, should be banned. All they do is waste everybody else's time.
>a company working closely with a fan site isn't anything new.
this is why i dont bother with reddit. something about that just irks the shit out of me
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