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/svg/ - Shadowverse General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 771
Thread images: 188

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Loli and friends edition.

Shadowverse is a class-based collectible card game akin to Hearthstone. The first expansion pack, Darkness Evolved, launched on September 30th. The Steam version launched on October 28th.

Reminder to participate in this poll so we can get a gauge of our community skill: http://www.strawpoll.me/11431912

Platforms: iOS, Android, Steam (http://store.steampowered.com/app/453480/)

To play on PC, simply use Steam and enjoy 60fps.

Official Website:

Card Database / Deck Editor:

Intro Guide/FAQ:
http://pastebin.com/xNmQuDzR (read this if you're new)

Take 2 Card Rankings:

Friend list:


Some anon made an all-in-one Steam undub and uncensor for the lazy or mentally handicapped. Open wide and enjoy responsibly.


Decryption key: !tsu910nR6lT_xTQAx9QUNI_96DLJ0mvgIwwThp5lPS4

Come here if you want to search for card artworks:
Search by artists:

Previous Thread: >>159016494
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rin gon

Get this pedophilia shit out of here
Took me three fucking hours to get a win for my havencraft daily

And I only won then because I have one Seraph and some poor sod was playing control against me
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Hosting a tournament
First prize is a $20 Amazon giftcard.
Send your steam account to [email protected] to enter, deadline is Friday, November 4th.

Also vote for how the format should be:

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This some kinda of new age scam?
Same pic and everything
how THE FUCK can I win the story match as luna vs. Erina? She just shits out more and more amulets, I cant even remove her minions in the rate she summons them
refine your deck. she will be hard to beat in other stories too.
I beat every story so far, only Luna and Erina herself is missing, so this will be my last fight against her
No I'm just posting it once per thread so everyone has a chance to see it.
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I'm tired of rerolling.
I'm keeping all these shit cards and start building the collection already. Fuck this.
>opponent is playing a vamp deck built around damaging both leaders
>I have lethal with forte at turn six thanks to him

I love aggro faceoffs
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I just rolled this, anon
So I've been thinking how the game could incentivise sandbagging faggots to rank up.
How about implementing some monthly rewards based on what rank you sit in starting from A. Kinda like monthly salary.
Like for example
A - 2 Packs
AA - 4 Packs and 2 Take Two Tickets
Master - 6 Packs, 4 Take Two Tickets and 200 Rupies

Good idea or trash?
>giving out free packs
pretty bad for legos but you have some good golds
>elana,garuda,alwida,phantom and temptress vampire
are good golds

you should re roll tbb
Like that's unusual
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Is it better to craft the cheap cards of your desired deck first or save up for the expensive legendaries?
>Meant to play elf child may
>I wasnt paying attention and altered fate instead
remove elf
My game plan is to just wait.

Do not craft or liquefy anything, not even your extras, just make due with what you have and hold out for patch updates when you can liquefy cards their entire crafting cost.
>Lose to Seraph Haven

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And Erika goes 5-0 once again. I swear, I don't even remember when was the last time I went less than 4 with her (probably even befor DE hit). Must be power of LOVE
go away kripp
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>be aggro bat
>matched against garuda fag
>finally going to break the never ending cycle of losing to it
>both on 4 hp
>he hits you for 2 and puts out a heavenly hound
>only have an imp lancer in play with two blood wolves in hand
I didn't know that was coming in a future patch. I'll just hoard for now then.
I only got to play sword twice out of 12 tickets
It's not.
That's just anon's wishful thinking.
Not a guarantee, but it can happen.

If you have any Homecomings, you can liquefy them right now for a whopping 800 vials a piece. If I could fucking pull a single one from a pack, I'd liquefy that in an instant.
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>queue up for t2
Sex! Sex with Luna!
I have at least one I think. Is it a worthless card?
It's not really used now, but even if it's not worthless you can vial it for full value, and then if sometime later you decide you need it you can craft it at no loss.
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It's a strong card, not necessarily a must-have in a Forestcraft deck, but just being able to turn that into ANY gold-rarity card of your choice is more appealing to me.
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This is also bad, right?
Yes. Reroll again
There is literally no reason not to liquefy that card.
No, anon. That's an animated. Don't liquefy that. It's too rare and worth way more than 800vials.
how much can you liquify animated gold for? apparently it's my only animated gold rofl
I don't understand what exactly people are rerolling for, all of those legendaries are good except for Flute and Mythril Golem. The golds are pretty unimpressive aside from Garuda.
>It's too rare and worth way more than 800 vials
>animated cards don't have a crafting cost therefore not worth anything


Which one is better?
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Did i just get fucked?
He has two Vamp Fortresses for aggro bats too.
Normally its 600 vials. If you are into collectibles you should keep it, like that other guy said, i didnt notice it was animated.
I need a concede. As always if you stick around i assume you need the quest too and ill concede as well
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Man I love beating haven shitters.
wtf happened to the tripfags COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what important golds/legendaries are there from DE other than fortress, vampy, and garuda?
Don't ever pick Forest in T2. It's worse than Blood and Rune combined. Actually, these three go like this: Blood > Rune >>>> Forest.
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Fucking baby
The enemy of my enemy is my friend
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thank you
post results after the run
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>Opponent leaves 4 snowmen on board
>Use conjuring force and otk next turn
He is right tho. Went Forest in T2 and got rekt.

You are welcome.
forest > blood according to last month's top player
Crystalline Tia, Enstatued Seraph, Alexander, Olivia, Odin, Elf Knight Cynthia, Elf Girl Liza, Timeworn Mage Levi, Elana's Prayer...probably more, the rest of the legendaries are probably OK aside from maybe Dragonsong Flute, some other golds are good too like Leonidas
Okay I was going to talk shit to you but they gave me two cards in draft that generate fairies so whatever. Its like a super top heavy deck and easily the worst one ive drafted in T2 for this class
Yeah that's the problem with drafting Forest. I've had some really fun 4-1 runs with Forest where you get to play off some cool combo cards. And I've had some abysmal runs because I had all those "use 2" cards but never any fairy generators.
Is shadow good in T2?

I always end up with either 5 loses or 2 wins.
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>Erasmus in Earth Rite
Why isnt he used more often? I think he fits the theme of the deck pretty well
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Buggy ass game .
Shit tier.
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how do I convince my gf to dress up like pic related

or as op
Any anon willing to concede a private match for me? Id is 48898.
Yes, Shadow's up there near Sword.
Never happens in HS. What a joke.
I'm following this. Sword > Forest > Blood > Haven > rest
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stop doing this you salty fucks it's not my fault sword banner is so cheap and strong it stomps on your expensive-ass memedecks
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Is this any good? Gandalf and Aurelia are both animated cards
*Rune, not Haven
Thanks to the anon that helped out
Forest>Haven>Sword>Shadow the rest


Nice meme
What makes agro bat so good? I've never lost to one as face dragon
>download game
>play a few matches
>remember it's a card game and takes no skill what so ever

that was fun

And you came here to post about it too. What a thrilling life you live, friend.
>card games
>Not taking skill
Please anon
>have experience
>discuss it on 4chan

unheard of
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>Have to download the game first
>Have to play a few games first
>Then you realize is a card game
Might have to see a doctor mate. Heard they gave people like you special treatment.
why the hell you didnt evolve on turn4?
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i thought it was a VN
freest (you)s of your life: the post

what are you gonna do with all these (you)s?
what was I supposed to evolve? my aria?
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Post rare 'aces'.
>Still responding
How about you just tell us you are a little slut. Have a (you) tramp.
Seeing Havenshitters like you getting ruined by pure elf is nothing but joy.
>cancer is better than cancer
baldy i guess, dunno what you spent 3 PP on that turn
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>tfw you draw cerberus for exact lethal every time
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reading is a nice skill to have my friend.
pop aria and evolve, you need to take advantage bruh you have 3 points
Didn´t take screen, but yesterday, snowmen and Wind goddess killed a GarudaHaven.
>this mad someone doesnt like to roll dice as much as you do

reminder that niggers favourite pass time is also playing dice

but it also says strategy but that's not true?
what did he mean by this?
It also says it's an anime
>Skills = cancer
Seen noobs trying to play Forest. Fails miserably every time. Seen noobs playing GarudaHaven with good winrate, just drop last, aria, hollow, aria, hollow, priest and Garuda. Pretty much the reason why people have to play aggro now.
Does anyone know if a true translation patch is possible for story mode?

JP voices and English text are telling entirely different stories.

We need actual subs for the JP version.
Don´t feed the whore any more cum.
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>its just another day of you go first against haven
>its just another day of no aoe against blood and sword
>its just another day of cerberus bingo at t3 4 5
>its just another day of t5 tias
>fall from aa1 to aa0
>120 more wins for otohime guard cardback
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>Caring about the story
whatever your turn 4 play was, it probably wasn't better than Cudgel evolve remove 8 damage from board
turn 5 you should have played Lancer and evolved her, or maybe whatever your 3 drop was+Unica/Dogma
From what I can tell, you for some reason played an Angelic Barrage against a 3/4 Elven Princess and Ancient Elf.

You would've saved yourself from 4 face damage if you just used dogma on the Aria and evolved your tiger to kill the Ancient Elf which would've kept you 1 away from lethal which admittedly is still pretty awful. Also if they had a single 1 or 2 drop in hand, they still would've had lethal.

You should've used dogma turn 3 rather than divine falcon. Your opponent probably would've used Ancient Elf to kill your Falcon from the aria. Which would've set you up for a punish with Cudgel.
>go 5-0 all the time arena
>wow im a fucking god
>cant get past 3 wins anymore

Way to clip my wings RNG faggot cunt cuck suck luck truck
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Which one?
>Vania having sex with a bat is a 4/13/1
>beating heal haven as shadow

Eat dirt, you hag.
he had AE with 3/4 down, that's why I barraged to cudgel next turn
I wasn't expecting such ridiculous draw luck from him I guess
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What the fuck is wrong with you bitch. She's prime
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>Forest of dreams
>At the end of your turn, select a random enemy follower.
>Select a random
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>tfw watched so much chinese cartoons you can understand it without subs
Olive and Charlie
Where's a good place to check out decks aside from the gamepress site?
There aren't many on there and I'd like to see different ways that one deck could be built to get different ideas.
Where do you see the rewards? Like the snowman and otohime sleeves
is it easier to de rank on C rank? on D it takes forever, I lose like 10-30 score per game lost, so that's like minimum 4-5 games surrender per game won
Just played the tutorial and it looks like a really shitty hearthstone clone.
also yes that dogma for the 2/1 falcon which he would have probably attacked would have been a much better idea
Missions -> Score Rewards
use your head maybe?
damn lazy netdeckers
>5 matches as sword in arena
>5 shadows that all have multiple cards that do 1 damage to all my units when they die

well that was fucking stupid
>Go first in arena
>In all 5 games

Still managed to etch out a 4-1 but fuck damn. Seraph won me the last game against a master taker of two.
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Should I bother with this if I only play singleplayer? I'm too shy and afraid for multi
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>girl over 16
>not a hag
Cool, thanks
I need my 20 rupee fix senpaitachi
No one's stopping you but you won't be able to get some of that cool snowman sleeves and emblem.
Multiplayer doesn't even have a chat. Just set some random jap moonrune name and give it a shot.
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Fuck my life. This deck is so bad LOL
Not everyone likes deck building from scratch, anon.

Are you stupid? I want to see what works and what doesn't instead of wasting my time and vials crafting cards that may end up being worthless.
From there it's about tweaking them to my liking.
Your MMR probably went up a lot after that Take Two. You're not facing newbies anymore.
Is it hard or even possible to reroll on steam?
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>his mind plagued by his own hands
I blame your parents
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What's worth dusting?
is it easier to de rank on C rank? on D it takes forever, I lose like 10-30 score per game lost, so that's like minimum 4-5 games surrender per game won
dat roll
Lord Atomy for sure
Crystal Tia, Lord of the flies, Odin and Arch summoner
gandalf, atomeme, rose meme and johanna
Havencraft decks are such fuckin bs
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how do you feel about snip snip?
>You don't have to make friends with anyone to complete quests
>You can disable emotes
>No chat client
>Unranked mode
>Practice against the Elite AI
>Story mode

Try it out. I think you can enjoy it.
Are you? how can people not see how thing play out just from reading card text?
i cant really understand people who dont enjoy building from the scratch tho so lets agree to disagree
Post atomy animation.
gimme a concede lads pls
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Is this good? Keep or nah?
>5 losses in a row at take two


That's not a reroll you liar
thank ye kindly lad
They are base cards
just reroll
What are the best cards to roll for?

Tia, fairy Princess, and Ancient elf with golds?
Fairy princess is dogshit.
How fucked am i if i got shit cards from the free packs on steam? I wasn't expecting much from it being first time playing these sorta games. Didn't read about rerolling until after.
not princess
yes to the others though if you're looking to play forest
>Elite AI

I've done only very few story quests, but how does the AI perform in later quests? Is it challenging?
You're never "fucked," it just means it might take you longer to make a more expensive deck than someone who knew what they wanted to play beforehand and rerolled for certain cards.

Decent enough to give you a challenge. Makes you think about what cards to play etc.

Practice Elite AI cheats though.

Post the roll
what's a good shadow deck?
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>Garuda seraph
Non-animated Atomeme and Jeanne D'Arc. You're free to dust the animated Atomeme if you really don't care about shiny cards
Really want to fuck all girls in this game
Is it the same way for chapter 7 AI?

It feels like they get perfect draws 100% of the time. Shits brutal.
What's the funnest elf deck? I just want something good for completing quests with I don't really wanna spend a lot on a tier 1 deck
Sounds like fun way to practice before starting multiplayer. I feared AI would be retarded
I'm gonna do it.
A non-Rune F&G deck for D/C ranks.
What crafts should I try? I was thinking of maybe Haven, for Shrine Maiden, deck thinning, and +Def cards, or Forest, for Liza and early game safety.
the one with endless removals and stronk tokens that stick on board forever
Sword for Shadowed Assassin
Is it worth starting a new steam account if I already play on my cellphone?
you can still reroll from an android phone/emulator and just link that acc to steam if you're that fucked
Oh right I also was thinking of Ambush.

Has a lot of draws I guess, but how does it help getting them off?

Already posted em here, seems a bit lackluster when i looked am them and don't think i did any better with the other rarities.

Am i correct in assuming the mission for the Card Pack is daily?
you can link the accounts you dumdum
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Just started, on steam.

Is this worth keeping?
You get 6 packs for linking it to Steam
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Glass draws Blood which makes Flame
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Luna is cute!
Thank you Luna, you are my greatest ally
is this legit tier 1 or am i getting memed on by the japs

can someone join for "win private match daily" ?
match id 95628
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Which one?
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Pls respond
sword easy 5-0
>Take two with Mordecai, Odin, Pluto and Olivia

dis gon b gud
Thank you!
hello anyone?
Why is Rune so shit?
>copy the game-ai list
>change 3 cards
>sell it as your own deck
It's shit in take 2 because it's hard as fuck to build a consistent deck with synergy from random cards
i don't care if the chink 1000 miles from here did that or is a 170 IQ genius, i just wanna know if it's good because i'd have to spend some dust on it, but i want to because i like bloodcraft
>snowman and otohime bodyguard sleeves

Now what
Just made an account on steam, 40 packs, only 1 legendary which is Enstatued Seraph. How fucked am i?
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finally somebody more miserable than me with 3 legos (3 breast dominators)
Anyone here plays a lord of darkness dragon deck?
What a good cheap deck I can use to start to grind out rewards and build my collection with? Some sort of tempo/aggro forest seems decent but I'm not sure.
Left easy
It's VERY good. Here's the original list
easiest left of this draft
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Somebody watched a bit too much Alfred Hitchcock.
how rng reliant is it? seems like quite a bunch from seeing a few matches with it
How does the take two work? You have to select a premade deck then fight against other people?
No, you draft a deck. You're given a pair of two random cards and you pick one of them. You keep doing that until you have 30 cards. See >>159039725
its like Hearthstone arena, but you select a pair of cards. Either left or right.
Ah right, Thanks.
Is it just me or is Havencraft the most disgusting arena class.

>1 mana 5-3
>2 mana 4/4 + 2/1 haste
>4 mana monk who shuts down any aggressive opener.

I never got less than 4 wins since I started a week ago.
I've been playing it quite a bit and I don't really understand what you mean by rng reliant
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Been playing nothing but Royal Banner for the past couple of days since I rolled, I think it would be nice to try something new.
What would you guys do with this?
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>english dub
Just make rank reset at the end of the month like hearthstone.

You are not alone.
Haven and Forest both are quite disgusting.
Don't forget that fucking doggo with 2/4 ward with an evolved follower in play

That little fuck has cost me wins very often
She cute.

I wish she could help me with my garden.
How old is Luna supposed to be anyway?
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charon is 2good
Forest is good in arena? I guess since I am still shit at the game I can only play the class giving me free wins through superior tempo.
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>ching chong ding dong va

I really love to understand what people are saying.
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who /3 wins/ here
Old enough
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I'm already having fun.
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>japanese is not understandable
what's there to understand from an out of place "creative" english translation that doesn't make any sense
instead of saying "mother, father" she says "papa, mama"

shit's cray
haven is super draft reliant, you could get a whole bunch of shit very easily since a lot of the cards are bad
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>twin-headed dragon doesnt become a 9/6 when you play and evolve it when overflow is active
Please stop Playing game
USA is inferior to Japan
CotV is decent, people just swapped in death brand instead after the new expac

the one that's actually wtf is impous ressurection.
>dod in midrange/control
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i swear its like ive been playing with bots ever since the steam release happened. i shit you its been banner sword and aggro haven non stop. exact same fucking decks every single game.

do you fuckers have no originality? damn. whats the point of playing a card game if you are just going to copy paste a deck.

Is this currently the best aggro blood deck?
deathbrand, not dance of death

you know, the 3 cost destroy any follower with 3 health or less, but if you spend 4 shadows you can hit 4 or higher
maybe if we didnt have fucking netdecking site and ranking in the op
and stopped suggesting which decks new player should make
maybe then
impous ress is good for my deck since i have alot of skeletons. use it on hells unleasher and get 2 liches. ez pz. use it on widow and get a lich + draw, ez pz. use it on bone chimera and get a lich and 2 skeletons, ez pz.

BUT, the most importan thing is that it gives shadows to fuel the necro cards i have.
Yeah. Im just retarded, my bad.
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I see. I guess I might be getting lucky in the drafts then.

Or maybe I keep facing beginners since my account is new.
it's just like every game then, everyone gravitates towards top tier
not everyone is gonna blow $100 on this game to play any deck they want in the first week.

until people have a bigger collection they are going to play the cheapest decks to make
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robotic ass people that just like to win?
get over yourself with your
Third worlder, gtfo.
Because I want to win for money/vials and banner sword is hella cheap
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>that feel when you get 5 wins for your waifu

Second time today
welcome to card games

enjoy your stay
Who has the best butt in Shadowverse and why is it Luna?
>draft odin
>never ever draw him
nice meme
Should I just spend all my arena tickets for the extra packs even though I'm bad and haven't ever gone above 3-2?
>if you dont spend hundreds on a free game you are a third worlder

you do realize you can get to AA with ANY shit tier 100% bronze card deck you can come up with as long as you are not a complete retard when playing right? i got to A with a fucking 100% ward stall deck and prince of darkness as the only win condition. it was a complete troll deck and i still got to A with it.

get good you retards.
this, no matter the game, people will always gravitate towards the best deck possible, aka what they find online. its inevitable
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Who is the cutest girl, and why is it Arisa?
Yep. And now fuck off fucking nigger.
I'm completely new and I'm trying to beat Nexus on Arisa's story. What do I do against all these cards the A.I. keeps shitting out and buffing? I just can't keep up.
As long as your mom is ok with you using her credit card then blow all the cash you want on weeb waifu baiting card games
edit your deck
upgrade your deck with the cards you unlocked while doing her story, you'll be fine. Might take 2-3 tries
Just make them bust all their cards.

I have see them draw the card they needed every fucking turn. Destroying my say 10-10 monster.
Why is there so many swordshitters in D#? Fuck I just want to play slow meme decks but those fuckers are ruining it.
enjoy it anon, in A* its all havencraft. the occasional sword is a breath of fresh air
Please tell me it's just coincidence that i'm versus players with my ranking in unranked.

no company is so retarded to let you meet the same decks in unranked as in ranked right? that would defeat the entire purpose
I love Shadowcraft but i think i got a shitty deck for it and I want to reroll what cards and legendaries should i go for?

i remember the only good card i had for shadowcraft was that 9 mana drop with Storm if you had 4 shadow, i think it was Andres? really liked him
Does your Rank matter for Unranked game matchmaking?
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Just started playing this game when it came out on steam how I am supposed to make money? I noticed winning games doesn't give any gold.

and what is the point of the levels for the leaders?I thought I would get cards the more I leveled but i got just a reward for getting to level 10 but nothing else
Because there's a dirt cheap Sword deck and everyone in D is new or sandbagging.
Please tell me it's just coincidence that i'm versus players with high ranking in unranked.

no company is so retarded to let you meet the same decks in unranked as in ranked right? that would defeat the entire purpose

why cant i stomp noobs with my netdeck and only go versus opponents with other netdecks

It does. So if you are in A0, you're going to be pitted against netdeckers even for dailies.
That body is built for rape.
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So I've been playing this and it's fun but now I've been told I need a lot of legendaries. Now I'm in reroll hell and suicidal. Someone tell me if I should continue to reroll.
I didn't play any Ranked at all, but it still seems unfair, rip me

You do dailies.

You get 1400 rupies from clearing all elite AIs.

Then there is the score reward thing.
From what I heard. Try to roll for big cards to get more vials out of them and get carried you want for the deck you want.

Hope that helps.
Can you do Dailies by a friend letting you win?
no i want to play against other players with my no gold/legendary havencraft deck for the daily quest

no wonder everyone is sandbagging in this game
>but i think i got a shitty deck for it
No. Its just shitty craft :^)
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In shadowverse, elf rapes you
You earn rupees and packs through points gained from ranked play, Main Story, beating the hard AI challenges, or achievements (look in Missions).

Basic animated cards given at level 20-75, every 5 lvls. Class flair given at max level 100.
Then just do arena for those missions.
How the fuck do I replace missions? I dont see the option anywhere
Say, if you managed to kill yourself and your opponent with say...Demonic Storm, both of you lose right?

I decided to do that to a Storm Haven out of pure spite since I didnt like seeing too many storm havens in ladder
pls help
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never rerolled, these are my leggos.
Fafnir and Skullfane are animated : ^)
I the that stupid card so fucking much
>herr durr derp I just do fairies and nothing
>hurrrr lets discard my hand

>storm haven
I thought this was supposed to be a FUN game for once?
No you lose.
>Bought 100 packs
>Still no animated leggo

Im pissed
>mfw i ju lost an arena battle because the priestess bitch played the card that automatically wins
You can't use cards you already used in other decks? So you would need 6 for two decks?

Quick refund it. :^)
i won't spend 150 gold to have a chance at getting the class i have my dailies on
Eh? So theres no actual "Draw" results?
Honestly, the worst part about ptp forest is just that they can actually fight for board

it's like fighting against dshift except they actually kill you before turn 8
Didn't know about getting all that money if you beat the elite A.I.

Thanks for the info anons!
I'm never playing Forest in TT again.

You put in twice the effort as your opponent for 8 turns to win board control before he drops a big fattie and auto wins anyway before you can play your win con.

Either that or you draw shit and lose earlier.
Why would you even think that?
If you run out of hp on your turn it's a loss for you. I know because I tried to meme on someone with a burn deck and it backfired
>tripfag acts retarded for attention
>gets it
welcome to 4chan
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concede please
I have the same set of missions for days and no option to replace either
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What? I'm launching it from steam.
Just opened all my packs and got 3x olivia, 2x seraph and one each of skullfane, pluto and cerberus.
Olivia and cerberus are good right but what about the rest?
Any worth liquefying?
Why Andras and Atomy such a good cards to play

No. Only in either ranked/unranked or arena, depending on the dailies' criteria.
Have no idea how to trip.

I don't know. I almost 100% I owned Odin from lvl 1. He didn't show up while I was making my deck.
liquefy skullfane and maybe pluto

she's not good right now and very niche but she may be used again if satan ever becomes a thing again

but by then you might have the vials to craft another one anyway since that doesn't seem to be any time soon
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Any other opinions?
thank you
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Wew, it feels so good when you get a nice curve going.
Kepp olivia, cerberus and seraph. Dust skullfane and pluto.

>50 salt

Damn, I hate getting that. It could have been another pack.
the only shit ones there are erasmus and dragonflute

depends on what you wanna play though, your leggos and golds are everywhere
Post 'Dub voice > Original voice' cards.
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I've been playing since the start, and this is the first time I've ever been completely stumped on what to pick here.
I already have an Olivia from earlier in the draft, which makes me wanna go left, but Scholar + another Olivia would give me extreme consistency in playing her.
pls don't post such frightened dogs as i get uneasy
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Sword is aight, haven of either variety I can tolerate, but fuck treehuggers.
>lmao turn 3 4/5 with ward
>lmao random roach kills
>tfw you can play 3 centaurs in one turn with banner out
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>started to play this yesterday
>think Shadowcraft is neat and Luna is a cutie
>realized I'm lost as shit when it comes to the deck's playstyle
Fuck I even had trouble fighting the story mode when it came to Havencraft

Also is Lucifer one of those legendary cards?
I actually won once by doing this.
I haven't played a card game in my life.
Is Shadowverse worth giving a try?
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I-I guess I'm rerolling then?
>reached AA0 a minute ago
How cancerous will the next decks I face be compared to B3 ?
Don't think I pulled a single deaths breath in like 8 games.
I have 2 of them in my deck.
Don't worry, havencraft is a terrible matchup for shadow
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>Opponent gets turn 4 premium evolve bonus follower
>I don't
>It costs too much to deal with normally and I lose

nice game shadowstone
There is a deck builder in the OP. You can check for future answers there.

He is a legendary neutral monster.

I had trouble with the story mode too but it only took 2-4 tries and you eventually win.
what game is that
And yeah, probably. Your only leggo used in a t1 deck is Odin, and he's a tech-in.
But that start is fine

You mean A0? Almost 100% netdecking from here on, no win streaks so climbing will be slower but still possible and you still find shit players
not really, I started with way less and did fine

just depends on how autistic you are about getting the perfect start
It's more strategy than Hearthstone. Way more predictable effects.
looks like nier automata
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>Snowman rewards
Shit I didn't even notice. We GOLLY now
Hello, I am new to this game and just finished the story mode with all the chars, so, what now? I want to build a deck of cute fairies but I am not sure on how or what cards are good.
Is there some fucking issue that anyone is aware about the unstable connection shit on steam version? I have a pretty good internet but it's wireless. I've never lagged in any games in a year, usually 25 ping on use servers, it's 30 mbps down/10 up. I just lost 2 games in a row to unstable connection I couldn't play for a full turn... all while streaming twitch at source setting with a lot of room for a fucking card game to work(I even stopped streaming, obviously didn't change shit).

What the fuck is going on? It never ever did that on my cellphone. Shit's FUCKING obnoxious.
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Hey guys I'm gonna leave my daughter here for a minute take care of her until I get back.
Definitely left. Genesis Dragon is just a game-winner, and you don't need two olivias.
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>Make a Swordcraft Smorc deck
>Free wins everywhere

It's like combining what made Face Hunter and Face Paladin so cancerous and putting them both into one beautiful abomination of nature! It's so cute to see them try to stabilize and then, just when they think they're in the clear I drop a turn 4 Evolved Floral Fencer on them.

Hearthbabbies would have a heart attack over this
Haven't had any problem with the Steam version. It must be on your end somewhere
Feel the pain of my shitty dragon deck
Nier Automata.

No way I'm dropping money for this game, so I'll continue rerolling.
No shit it's on my end, I just googled and couldn't find anything like that. God damnit.
Can someone help me with this private match?
Aggro Sword decks aren't even that good, they're probably the weakest of all the tier 2+ aggro decks. Just wait till you get to the high ranks friend
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How does one set the voices to Japanese on Steam?
>bullying new babs
Come to master little smug bitch
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They read the OP

Why is it so hard to read the OP for some people?
Isn't aggro shadow weaker
Oh true.
I forgot all about poor Luna in this Haven world we live in.
the game punishes you for winning in the long run so dont go too far in ranked
How the fuck do I beat that sword bitch in the story as Urias?
All I fucking do with his retarded cards is help her kill me quicker.
I guess it didn't work? Can you do it again
Sounds like you need to learn how to properly play blood. Are you using the default deck?
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First success!
I wish F&G had a more interesting fusion animation.
Keeps saying there's an issue with the opponent's connection after I hit ready.
What is the best current aggro deck then out of curiosity?
Storm Haven, ladder cancer supreme
No. I've put in some cards I've got from packs. Default cards would probably be better though. By the time vengeance is active I'm already dead next turn. All the other story modes were a breeze compared to that.
Why she look so worried?
>my first match in a new arena run is go first vs. literal master-tier JP player with 3 legendaries, including Olivia
>I'm B0
Take two got me the worst possible haven deck
No removal
No amulets but mountain of reduction
Tons of heal but only low hp minions
Thanks game
I want to play Runecraft solely for the fact that Philosophers Stone is the best looking flair
Why are the default decks such fucking garbage? Especially Runecraft.
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did you win
>matchmaking in arena
No, I didn't.
Don't build your deck to use Vengeance.
It's a really bad mechanic right now, because it's too easy to be killed off by the time it's active and very few cards have a good effect from it. Not to mention they're pretty much all Fanfare based, making it even harder to use.
Sounds like someone needs to acquire proficiency. 3 legendaries in your deck isn't even that uncommon, I had 4 yesterday.
> D Shift now costs base 20
> Aria now costs 3
> Elana now only activates once per turn
> A elf no longer has ward
> PtP now only activates at the start of your turn
> Banner is no longer treated as a commander

What else should I break?
Run some healing in your deck. Vampiric Kiss is pretty good for dealing with early game aggro and Healing Angel is just a good 3-drop.
Dunno how it is in sv, but in hearthstone you get matched by the amount of w/l in your current run, you rank doesn't and shouldn't matter.
how about your neck so you dont come up with retarded ideas
Haven? And here I thought Haven was meant to be the trademark control deck of the game. Oh boy, Haven's just too fucking stronk right now, lol.
worried the chill will get her nipples hard
Buff Flame and Glass while you're at it.
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Thanks for your input, Ben. Just leave your resume with oscar here, where it belongs.
Turn 3 4/4 and 2/1 with haste
Is balanced :^)
Yeah they fucked up big time with Garuda and Aria. Now the premier control class of the game has the best aggro deck too. Good job with that one, Cygames.
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Boy I love losing cause the game literally bugs out and the cards don't work right.
Second time this happened.
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Are there any working Bloodcraft control decks?
But using the spell gives you 1 shadow, so you probably had 5
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>people actually unironically shilled this ""GOOD""" game for free

polished shit is still shit
It didn't bug out, here's what happened:
You had 5 Shadows. The zombies were summoned, and the spell resolved. The spell then became discarded and gave you a shadow, so you now have 6.
congrats, aggro blood now has 80% winrate
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Well I'm mature enough to admit when I'm wrong.
Yeah mate, let's make a system where you're awarded based on how well you do, and then make it so someone who literally started yesterday can be matched up against the top 1% in the game with a million+ players
Surely this is completely fair. Surely this won't make people mad. Surely this is the absolute best option available.
>Still rerolling
>Been having real horrible luck so it can't get much worse
>10 normal, 20 exp packs
>Literally zero legendary or gold

Holy fucking shit, if this is a thing that can actually happen, I fear for the common person who could get this and not know better to trash it.

And what seems to be the problem here?
shouldn't you be having 35 packs to work with and not 30?
Easy way to tell if it will work is if the border of the card is yellow not blue.
>4 matches in a row people leave first turn
What's going on
calm down
>I'm shit
All you had to say, anon.

People tanking their rank because idiots don't want to put effort into their dailies and point rewards.
Not bad. You can play Forest or whatever with those neutrals. Sucks that Odin´s art is shit, but is shiny at least.
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>enemy haven goes second
>plays cudgel on turn 4 + evolve
>wins because of it
you see a shiny odin but all i can see its a almost free legendary of his choice
I find it funny that if you removed either the damage or the amulet reduction, Garuda would still see play.
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>mfw everyone is playing luna
>mfw i hate my main gets too popular

well it was fun
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I get stressed playing against other people. Even if I've got a good deck built, I can still lose by drawing a bad starting hand or by my opponent drawing everything they need.

I know it's unavoidable, but it still stresses me out.

>playing shadowcraft

That's a nice meme you got there, friend.
All I'm seeing is Haven and Rune shit everywhere.
Here is an ultimate Flame and Glass deck, confirmed works in A0.

Banner shouldn't count as a commander
Nigga, the ding dong sleeve was more important than any legendaries and you missed it.
What rank are you, D?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with banner sword, it's not even close to being overpowered.
Should i play this game?

I have never played a card game besides digimon digital card battle for the psx.
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Okay how the fuck do you beat Erika elite? Bitch just blitzes like no tomorrow, I nuked her twice and she would still came back and swarmed the shit out of me.
>play this game
>break two phones in 1 month because of it
>come back to it
>literally next day I break my chair
Alright, I'm done for real this time. Fuck this game. This is the only game I've ever played in my 13 years of videogaming that's made me mad enough to physically break things.
Hopefully you guys can have more fun playing this piece of shit than I did.
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>That feel when winning a mirror match
No, fuck off tripfag.
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>Cloud Chorus
What am I looking at here
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>Priest of the Cudgel
>Dragon Warrior
>Floral Fencer
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KILL. ME. Holy fucking shit I am depressed to no end.
Why are you responding to yourself?
>decide to try take2 for the first time
>Forest, Shadow, and Blood
>figure blood is best option but I haven't really played any of these past story
>get a deck I feel is alright, not a single legendary in the draft though, but a few nice golds
>proceed to get dumpstered by a sword who just facerolled a few 2/2s for 2 and an admiral
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lmfao get owned
Post deck
Ok, ill give it a try.
Sorry anon, better luck next time.
How hard is the Elite AI?
ChickenCraft when?

That sounds like a fun experience.
At cards that are commonly assumed to be bad, which actually become good with right synergy.
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So, uhh, is Erika supposed to be a lesbian?

Because it sure seems that way to me.

>muh princess
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>Erika with big ass tiddies
Holy FUC. Urias lucky man to be able to bone that loyal cunt anytime he so chooses
Tell it to me straight, is Well of Destiny good on Forestcraft or am I just a shitter?
Depends on which one and the deck used.
They cheat like fuck though.

Well of Destiny is just shit.
Fair temposwing, anon :^)
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I'm not really familiar with card games but was thinking of giving this a try.
Is deck building reasonably creative or do i have to follow a strict meta to get anywhere?
Shes in love with the vampire dude but doesnt consciously know it yet.
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No, of course she's not.

>don't play that class it's shit
>shut up you babies see how I play

Ever heard of the fable of the monkey and Tabasco?
I didn't screencap it, but all you need to know
>Never pulled my draw cards once
>Only got Rose once in a game when I didn't get ANY of my fairy makers
>In one game I was stuck in 5, 5, 6 and didn't pull shit all till turn 4, an by that time I was already dead.

The RNG cursed me to hell and back.
If you want to get into the really high tier ranks, you'll def have to play the better cards in a combo worthy manner. I think there's way more leeway than other competitors.
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>everyone is playing luna
Are you still in august 2016?
Not him but I didn't, go on.
What a good roll
There's no way any of those cards are actually good.
What are you gonna do, Phoenix Roost Flame and Glass? Your opponent will slaughter you. What's cloud chorus gonna do, give them some extra health? They're still gonna die horribly, and then you're down on cards. And what's Athena gonna do, make them not die on your turn? They'll still die on your opponent's turn. They're still trash cards and they don't even help the combo that much.
Just play DShift or something if you really wanna Flame and Glass people.
>control sword mirror
>twelve straight turns of fair play and creature trading
>make a big board but he topdecks alexander and clears
>mount a comeback by evolving leonidas into aurelia and eventually win through resolve
wew, almost felt like i was playing hearthstone for a bit

All roads lead to meta decks eventually, but you can definitely have fun with cheese decks if you're into that. Cygames has been good about supporting off-meta stuff so far.
>Haven restores 14 points in one turn

I hate

Someone told the monkey not to eat the Tabasco, but he's stubborn enough to eat it because it looks pretty.
You have to play a meta deck to be in the high tiers. The only real difference is what you tech in to counter other meta decks.
What happened next?
Who voices Erika?
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wich ledr wud u fug

He got the worst burn ever.
make two more ptp and rhinoroach
do you think the leader of havencraft is called luna?
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Erika is a bian!
This is actually a big misconception everyone has.
You also have the option of making your own deck that's good against the current meta, but that's difficult unless you really understand it.
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Somehow I always have a sixth sense for picking the worst deck/build/character in any game as the one I want to play without looking things up prior. But Midrange Shadow is just so fun. Let's do this right.
>figure blood is best option
I haven't seen many Lunas actually. It's all Forest, heaven and dragon for me.
>play Luna
>set picture as a Skeleton
>set banner as PLZ HELP
>encounter some Jap Luna player who's done the exact same thing
>spend the entire match spamming "Do you want to go on an adventure?" at each other
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>tfw broke my tablet, locker in a rented apartment and scared my bf
So now that they took away 5 packs from rerolling on android, how many leggos is a good roll with 10 standard and 20 DE packs? Like 5-6?
Shadow is indeed probably the absolute worst craft in the game now, alongside Dragon. Cerberus is a decent card, though.
You Phoenix Roost when opponent already has no cards in hand and it doesn't matter for him. Then you drop the wards for half the price.
Cloud Chorus still helps evade a lot of removal out there, together with evolving. And you can slap it on wards.
Athena, yeah I kinda forgot it's only on your turn. Could be used to attack stuff with your F&G, but better drop it then.

And F&G in Rune is a shit meme, there is literally no reason not to run Destroyers instead. It has no right be called F&G Rune, it's the DShift that's your win con.
Getting bored of Shadow and Sword, what should I play next?
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>get a free pack
>nothing but shit
I wish I could dust everything at the unpack screen
>the screams female leaders make when they take a large amount of damage in one hit
My dick is growing stronger.
Seraphcraft and Dshift
This game barely even made me salty, what about it upsets you?
>Breaking things over a card game
I could understand a shooter or something because of the whole team thing, but a card game?
easiest (you) 's of my life
>Cerberus is a decent card, though.
She's one of the best cards in the game. It's just that she's in a class that's weak right now.
I don't get it
What could you get that angry at?
Or are you just too susceptible to PVP
Can I have two accounts on two different steam accounts? How would that work?
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I thought rapists were extinct or belonged to 3rd world and asian countries specifically japanese
Don't know if you realize this, but...
If you drop phoenix roost and your opponent has no cards in hand, you already won! Plain and simple. But if you drop it any other times you fucking lose. It's absolute trash.
Cloud Chorus does nothing and is a huge waste of a card. You slap it on a ward, then guess what? Dance of Death! Congrats, you just lost two cards. It really doesn't actually dodge that much removal except for very early game removal, which doesn't matter that much because you're taking 2pp off to do essentially nothing.
What's the PLZ HELP banner referencing?
Alright fuck this shit, I'm done being raped by aggro bats, fuck those shitters. Midrange Swordcraft counters them right? Time to blow my vials on 3x Aurelias and 3x Otohimes.
Is there a way to reroll on steam?

Also how important is rerolling if you don't plan on spending money in this game?
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What kind of deck, fampais?
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Arisa says "Why are you by yourself, where are your mum and dad?", but then the text says something completly different. Is this how is supposed to be? I notcied the text throughout the whole story doesn't match what the characters are saying

>pretending to be retarded

Here's another, (retard).
Make new steam account.
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Is Erika secretly a hardcore submissive masochist?
Because she sure seems that way to me
Why is she blushing?
>control swordcraft
>win 2 ranked matches
They're forcing me to rank up and get fucked by the whales. I'm onto them.
The fact you lost to that in arena is impressive.
Are you a professional translator? I don't think so, so shut up.
Are you playing with the Japanese dub patch?

Because the translations don't match up. At all.
Enjoy that "localization"
She always like that
They butchered luna
Is there any good art of Erika's princess?
Storm haven?
Blood aggro?
There is a lot of options
Pretty sure they butchered everyone else 's lines too
Erika is in love with me and my dick
Do crystals not update from device link? Everything else seems to have, just not crystals.
>Azazel won me 2/2 of my games in Take 2 with a blood deck

Why is this guy so based hes literally fucking alexstraza.

The enemy always gets so full of themselves when they see like my Devil of Vengeace who's evolved get locked out of attacking cuz I'm at 12 hp and they have 20. Then I drop azazel and remove them from the game because finding 4 more damage is so fucking easy.
They fcuked up the translation anon.

This is Yu-Gi-Oh levels of fucking up, fitting because it's a card game i guess
>Copy deck code
>Get a different deck
31 packs if you count the 100 rupie draw. What am I doing wrong?
It used to be, but 5 normal packs got lost somewhere, I've only been getting 10 normals now.
Why did they do that, changing the Englsih text so it doesn't match to their japanese dubs?
I started 2 days ago an I got 23 normals and 20 darkness. I didn't get the ones for linking because I don't understand how to "link" anything.
Incompetence? Even a novice like myself can tell that someone's parents are being talked about in that voice line.
The translation is a mess. The translator pretty much making up his own story.
Haven Blood Shadow?
Can't afford the Alexanders/tsubakis yet. I guess Aurelias and Otohimes are more important right now to banish the Bat Plague.
Forest Dragon Sword.
Why would you not play Luna?
Erika> Luna > shit > Arisa > literally who's
Alexander is way, way, way, way more important than Otohime in Control Sword. She's not even necessary to make the deck work, she's just a fun little extra.
Even I with close to 0 moon knowledge can notice it.
Alisa asks:" What's your name?" while in the translations she just randomly addresses her and says something different.
I mean how and most importantly why would you fuck up something so basic?
Because I'm not a pedo.
>tfw only losing to Olivia in t2
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>tfw can't buy Losaria and set her as your Forestcraft leader

Arisa is so fucking annoying.
So midrange sword doesn't trash bat blood?
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>2 zirnitra pulled
>2 dragonewt scholar
>1 animated genesis dragon
>0 Forte

What am I supposed to do with these cards
66153 concede pls
>go 3/2 with Blood in take2
First two games I got shit on by a swordcraft who had banner admiral and like 3 courageous knights, shit was impossible to stop. Other one was a 2 cerberus Shadow.

Next three games I won were Haven, Sword, and Shadow.

I got so lucky on them not expecting me to have Dance of Death and Alucard. Imp Lancer and Furiae were clutch too.
Bellringer/Unica > all
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>not liking Arisa
No it does.
But Control Sword trashes aggro not through Otohime's board splurging, but through cards like Aurelia, White Paladin, Veteran lancer, and Frontguard General making an unbreakable wall. White Paladin is especially important in the board flood matches, you can still for days.
You're not straight either, but that's not stopping you from playing Haven is it?
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>open beast dominator and mythril golem in the same pack
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Need some ways to interact with Forte. What cards should I replace with Deathbrands? (I know it's a bit of a weird hodge podge. I'm not ready yet to commit to crafting anything.)
Arisa is shit! SHIIIIIIT!!!!!!
>playing as a little girl makes you a pedophile
Buy Mordecai then you stupid fuck.
>waaah why did I only get 2000 vials from this one pack >:(
whats the best emote to use when you misplay hard? I use sorry personally
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Turn 4 Rousing Step dream
I don't like Shadow enough to buy him for occasional Take2.
"I dunno what to do..."
I downloaded and played for 6 hours yesterday and I'll probably have played even more than that today. I missed clowning on people in 1v1 strategy games. Is this just my life now?

PS: Erika a best
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>tfw playing Sword in T2
Min. 3 wins all day nigga
You probably get fucked up against Dshift/PtP Forest as control sword though.
Drop all ap necros and 1 conversion. Add 2 deathbrands and 1 more necroelementist.
Apprentice Necromancer
Anyone know if it's possible to link crystals or do I have to use my phone anytime I want to spend them?
I require aid!
They are suppose to link, you should contact cygames
When are they gonna let us buy Shade Leaders?
When will they add shadecraft with the leader as the final shade boss in the story, and the cards based upon copying your oppoents deck, spells, and followers?
Yup, those are the killers. Surprisingly PtP more than DShift; if you do have the luxury to run Otohimes, she shits all over DShift if they don't have a fire chain ready. Also Aurelia completely blanks them if they ever play 3 followers, and your millions of wards can block a DShift combo.
That said what REALLY fucks up Control Sword's day is Seraph Haven
They didn't link for me, but i just spent them all on my phone eventually though I'm just playing on Steam.

help me pick
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hopefully never. Blue is shit. SHIIIIT
Can someone post the picture of Rowen with a beard?
they have almost the same core cards just play both and stick to the one that works better nigga
The gamewith one works better since your bats are more likely to die nowadays.
I should probably update the gamepress list...
Is the Elite AI cheating? How do I outcheat it?
How do I avoid getting fucked by banner memes?

Yeah, I'll just use my phone anytime I want to spend them. Thanks though.

Leaders are just cosmetic changes for the classes right?
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Need a daily done
Elana Haven.
Forest decks.
Other Swordcraft decks.
>tfw you think you're winning against Elana Haven with a shitty draw then get BTFO when they drop Seraph
Dailies and Collect monthly rank points.
How do I play dragons
Tfw some nip let me win with seraph in arena
>seraph 1 turn away from win
>she flashes her removal
>'destroy follower or amulet'
>destroys the follower next to seraph

Idk if missclick or what. We both saw the light there
Do you need 5 wins to get guaranteed value for money in arena?
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Do I make 2 more fortes to finish my dragon face deck, or 2 merlins for my d shift runecraft deck?
>Swordcraft is made up of knights, ninjas, maids, and sailors
>Erika is a ninja maid knight
Mind blown. Where's the sailor part of her design though?
ramp like a motherfucker and play satan
The seraph effect is last words so if it destroyed the amulet it still would have worked. Unless it was Odin and banished the amulet
he probably didn't let you win if he played execution. destroying instead of banishing only speeds up seraph
>he doesnt know how haven hamulets works
i hope ill meet you in arena soon
Sailor Seifuku.
Those tags.. could I uh.. get a link?
Oh shit nevermind im retarded. It was a spell. Fuck that gook then
I did end up baiting out an Odin turn 8 though.
Was a good feel
around mermaid
prepare grenade
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you dont want this fag boy. duelings my game
You should try executing a Haven amulet sometime.
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Don't make false assumptions. They probably just bought the whole character pack. Don't be silly.
Half the fun of runecraft is playing as Tits McGee
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I swear i would've been shafted if you did an on curve necromancer evolve on me

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>Bannermemes player has lethal with an evo
>trades for my board instead because he refused to spend an evo point on going face with two evo points left
>ends up losing next turn anyway
I'd too, but i'm sure we will get a good new leader for rune at one point.
game why you hate me so much
going 1st as sword in arena 5 times in a row
like what the fuck and every single haven player having constructed deck while i get shit and never draw my otohime
What's the fastes way to reroll right now?
I'm really glad I learned this against the AI.
I'd much prefer him to the dumb tittymonster to be honest.
How the fuck do you win against Eris on Luna's story? She keeps spamming Blackened Scripture over and over.
>buying anyone except Vania
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CSword is stupidly fair, shame you can still get bled and seraph'd to death. Also brickhands.
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What about forte?
Anyone else got a really high level in swordcraft just from arena?

use emulator to reroll then link to steam
She is for anal, just like Cerberus.
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>Wanted to make some sort of Snowman rush
>Runecraft doesn't have any way to give storm to summoned allies
I want to wreck faces with snowmen.
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idk man they can do some crazy stuff
there's a variation of Dimension Shift that uses Snowmen and Conjuring Force
There's a card that lets your followers have Storm, and attack multiple times! it's called Dshift
There is a snowman deck

It's like a budget spellcraft IIRC
Got a decklist? I'm actually already running DShift most of the time. I'd like to try it with snowmen.
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So, I opened my packs and that's what I got.

Reroll or keep? I just want to play with bats.
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Yes, this will summon 0 bats and do 0 damage to your face if there are no enemies on the field and not 1 at the minimum. I did something stupid so you don't have to
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HAHAHA, get fucked bandwagoner
i dont get it
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>mfw two matches in a row where I literally got the opponent down to 1 HP before they flipped the game on me and stomped my shit
Likely a reroll. Bats are really cheap to make anyway
>inb4 two imp lancer and razor claw
I am allowed the fight the bots once per day to get some gold right?

Can I beat it on elite and then try to beat it one hard for more gold?
>turn 6 evolved imp lancer
>turn 7 razory claw or demonic strike/storm
Cerberus is for stepping on your dick, and making you cum from it, tbqh familio
new player here
any advice/tips before I start?
playing on steam and don't feel like rerolling or whatever
story mode gives important basic cards
defeating the elite ai gives 200 rupies each
Why Imp Lancer when Dark General is better?
Dont even play shadow.
Build a Royal Banner swordcraft deck, it will carry you.
Just try to build decks on your own starting out. Don't become dependent on meta deck lists like most of the anons here, or else you won't have fun with the game.

do you mean the game or is that a faction?

yeah I don't like net decking
every fucking thread
Vengeance is trash
Read the OP.

Other then that just pray to Alah that you get good "legos" legendaries so that you can deconstruct them for vials to get other cards you may want. Pretty grindy.

Try to play the Main to story to get a feel of each deck and trust me its going to suck ass.
Because Dark General isn't better
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>going 1st in arena 12th time in a row
can someone count the % of this bullshit?
[bouncing roach noises]
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Nah, he had the Razory Claw but not the lancer.
dark general isn't better by any metric, its storm is conditional, you have better shit to play on turn 4, its hp is exactly in cudgel range, and for all these weaknesses it only has a single point more dmg
Muh dick. Shadow has so many good picks in T2 like holy shit.
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Hello please assistance.
That's wrong.
Even if Vengeance wasn't dog shit it'd still be wrong.
>make a fucking horrific misplay early game
>lose tempo because of it
>I still win
Three evolves is a pretty strong safety net desu, especially in arena where you face more decks who might not have enough 1 mana cards
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>tfw your opponent has no play for 4 turns
What packs should I focus on buying? The standard or the purple ones?
can't cudgel me now
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So many salty faggots
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I made it to A0 with face dragon svg! I did it!
>get exactly 11000 score
? ? ?
Because assuming that some decks/cards are broken no matter what will tear apart the creative aspect of deck building. Just because one type of deck is good doesn't mean that any other deck isn't just as good, given the right tech choices. We're not far enough in SV's life cycle to be able to claim that anything is OP, so why not try out any deck or card?

Net decking isn't wrong; I just wouldn't recommend it for new players.
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are you serious
A lot of new steam players forget that about evolve. 9 times out of 10 you use evolve to gain board not go for lethal, unless you have some storm card that can evolve and hit face for surprise 6-10 damage.

Which since its bannermeme he shoulda known. But people always make mistakes. Muh human element.
Those happen in transition between the letter ranks. Don't be scared. You just need a 50% winrate to make it through.
When the heck did A rank go full aggro? Getting outpaced by everthying
Wait, it keeps looping?
Weebs staying true to their name kek
Salty lil brats :^)
yeah, he's invincible.
Gotta banish him.
Since Bloodbat and Bannersword decklists got passed around like a cheap whore
and I lost

Some dipshit running Earth Rite in arena though Red Hot Ritual's "deal 2 damage to a follower" would work through ambush

Hey newfriend
Don't worry, you won't be seeing very much of Shadow and Mordecai as you rank up
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I get this a lot when the opponent has the obvious win.

Like what? Are you masturbating or something?
But in honesty I think it's just the server delay showing.
Sometimes when I make a quick turn it takes like 4 seconds for it to end my turn.
Face Dragon's the way to go

You get aggro and you can beat aggro
Or the fact that those decks don't take half a kidney to make
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>Master players with constructed-tier decks in T2
Not cool.
Well, in the pics case, for me, I would really take some time to calculate whether or not the roaches have lethal or not
If i Link my device will i lose all my cards and re-roll the packs?
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Wish me luck, /svg/!

Those decks are the symptom not the problem
4-1 i never guess right
I chose bloodcraft because he looked cool but my friend is telling me it's the worst deck
did I fuck up?
How many times did you try to kill him
I'm sending you my energy senpai
Theres only one viable deck for blood, thats the problem with it.
I just started playing this game. I hate that the board size is only 5. How do these classes that spam 1/1s even work with only 5 slots to play stuff? I got into a situation where my entire hand was fairies and I couldn't play any of them.
Standard unless you're playing Haven or Forest.
what deck is that? I'm on steam so I don't think I can reroll or whatever
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holy SHIT she is lewd
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he summoned 2 of them
did you just beat another sword in a game where both used Alexander?
Aggro bat. It's cheap needing zero legendaries and only 5 golds (3 Vania, 2 Vamp Fortress)
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Dammit, I might go aggro shadow for Atomeme and Luna


Win for Erika
I sure hope you went around him. You have 9 damage on the board, two wards on field and 1 in hand.
Aggro with bats. It doesn't take any legendaries so its not hard to make.
>It's cheap
ah nice, then I didn't fuck up too badly
I like winning but I like aesthetics
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>Trying out a new Runecraft build that uses Conjuring Force
>Have three of them
>Never draw any of them
Fuck you, game. I lose so many times because the game refuses to give me the cards I need even when I cycle through my deck with a shitton of draw cards. HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?
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>Buff dood

But that's a 110% homo character
Which crafts generally want to go first and which want to go second?
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>having fun with a flame & glass / urd / dshift dick

At what rank will my enemies start to ruin my fun?
I get fucked by bat aggro especially if I don't draw glass early
where the fuck do I open packs
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stupid dragons ruining my runs
Fucking Rhinoceroach
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same :C
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elf removed.jpg
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Dingdong confirmed superior to Snowmen
im coming for u bab
I'm playing face dragon for dailies and jesus, people like playing this deck? Why?
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Next time
So this pretty much ends on a stalemate right?
Been playing this since beta and hearthstone since its launch and in all that time never had a perfect arena run. Elana clutched it out. It was paired with olivia so i snagged it and drafted wards and heals. Worked well enough. Decklist https://shadowverse-portal.com/deckbuilder/create/7?hash=2.7.60C8y.63_oi.63_po.642Fa.67pxY.67pxY.60COa.67qgu.60C8o.640I6.61KvW.61O4K.63_os.642Ey.640Xa.67v3q.61LeE.67pxs.640IG.642kC.642kC.5zWmg.642F6.642F6.67sO6.67sO6.67uq2.645Pw.63_pe.65GMo
no, you could always evolve or play a spell that has earthrite
Forest is cancer.
I did too. And promptly dropped it when I realized Bannermemes did what it does easier.
>play against 3 havenshitters in a row that just spam emotes and spend their entire fucking turns

just kill me
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Dude surrendered. But does it deal damage to yourself first?
my Dshift deck gets cucked by garuda haven every other game what do
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>2/3 dailies are 20g 1 wins
>reroll one of them
>goes from 1 win with haven to 1 win with blood
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why would you ever not trade
im going first
I dont remember there being that many fucking take two tickets in score rewards last month
What class isn't cancer?
god labyrinth devil is so hot
Nothing. Welcome to bad match-ups. Try your best to Kaleidoscopic glow amulets
He should have done it for science
razor claw kills you before the opponent so it's probably the same for that follower as well
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if you die on your turn you lose

>bullying low ranks with literally best deck in the game
kill yourself, elf
What kind of deck uses multiple Gabriels? Should a third Gabriel be turned into vials or is even just one enough already?
Humpty Dumpty
What the fuck is up with the vial rewards?
Cygames seems to be valuing them equally to rupies (20 rupies/20 vials for similar missions) but that makes no fucking sense at all.
100 rupies can buy you a single pack.
A single pack melts down into 260 vials AT THE VERY LEAST.
Post ID so I can blacklist you.
Should I run 2 or 3 elf knight cynthias in midrange forest? I should also keep tias at two, right?
It's fast and turns 5-7 remind me of the takeda blitz from sengoku rance. Most games started to feel the same after a while though so I don't spam it as much anymore
minimum value is 120
>A single pack melts down into 260 vials AT THE VERY LEAST.
Someone on reddit ran the numbers though and it's 471 on average.
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I used to think I hated Blood now that I have played the game I hate Forest.
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Could have had five but I made a retarded mistake

But then in the last game my opponent conceded when I only had 7 damage with 10 needed for lethal

And they had an amulet down that would wipe out all of my followers
Remove Elf
>vania 2 mana 2/2
>evolve 5/5 deal 1 damage to face

wut the fug
need help with private match
ID 25580
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Fucking nice for two packs
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I don't get it.
Do I at least get my ticket back like in TF2?
You get a card pack.
>Dude surrendered. But does it deal damage to yourself first?
Had a guy do it to me killing us both and I won
The spells are better than the shitecraft lego
wait how do you get that cards obtained screen?
I can't tell what's what rarity
You did as badly as possible, as well as a baby or dog would do, so you only get what's in that very modest, very spartan treasure chest.
You can press it even after you've unpacked last pack.
Press skip

I always open manually and then press skip after the last card in the last pack
my last 2 runs where disastrous
but I got 2 legendaries from the 2 pity packs
I almost feel like botching the next run on purpose
Dumb Storm players playing aggro against aggro decks and getting outraced.
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Honestly these rewarda are great. I dont know if i wanna vial the golem. I dont play runecraft (since this is my first Dshift) but its animated.
What should I check daily for patch notes and shit?
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I'd rather get the ticket back
I learned my lesson
Just playing Story mode I was able to understand why everyone fucking hates Forest. Trading one for one with their units is almost entirely pointless. Fucking token strategies.
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>bullying lowranks/newbies

Why would they reward you for playing like complete garbage?
Wow, I just got the exact same pick in arena twice in a row. Same card pairs.
You need 3 wins to get the value of a ticket IIRC

The whole point is that you don't get value for money if you suck and get more if you win
Your reward is the lesson
Any way to tutor non-countdown amulets in haven? I'm playing a healing deck and I kinda forgot the amount of times I've forced to prolong the fight in a attempt to bring Enala's prayer to the board.



Golem isn't used much even in RC

It's like the fairy princess of rune
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>tfw I fought this deck in ranked on my first match
>Blackened Scripture
shes also spamming another banish card and dont forget that fucking 2 round summon for TWO FUCKING TIGERS can you fucking say NERF
yes im raging, dont have enough goetias or any amulet destroying cards at all for luna
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First animated legend is an old guy.
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