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/dg/ - Destiny General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 762
Thread images: 124

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Not fucking up edition


Latest Patch: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/45354/

This Week at Bungie:


Nightfall: The Abomination Heist - Epic, Arc Burn, Specialist, Juggler, Airborne
Heroic Strikes: Heroic, Specialist, Juggler, Airborne
Crucible Weeklies: Inferno Rumble/Zone Control
CoE: Beserk, Specialist, Precision Kill Bonus


Strike Specific Loot: pastebin.com/ALkpcq2j
Check Anyone's Status: destinystatus.com
Stats: destinytracker.com/
ToO Opponents Stats: destinytrialsreport.com
LFG Sites: destinylfg.net | destinylfg.com
RoI Grimoire Cards: ishtar-collective.net/releases/rise-of-iron
Dead Ghost Locations: destinyghosthunter.net
SIVA Engine Puzzle: 2g.be/tools/siva/
im gay
femdox stop
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Iron Banner is showing up as active in the vendors list?
fuck off jiro
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>out of the blue IB

fucking please
>installing destiny
>verifying content

Anyone else?
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First for whorelocks a shit
If anybody needs an extra body for the raid lmk. Willing to run all 3.
1/3 for Nightfall, at the boss.
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>Get revived
>Move 2 feet
>Sniped down by Knights in rafters immediately
>18 coins
Is anyone running a fresh raid? I want off this LFG hell.
two spots for raid
whoops forgot my name
alpha team's shining star, pandoxr8
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2 more for Hard Mode WoTM
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>Dunemarchers only boost speed like 6%
If you lemme eat my breakfast i'd be down for it.
The true usefulness is in the turn radius.

What's important is the turn speed.
This shit.
It basically lets you swing your juggernaut to where its needed almost instantly and lets you aim your shotgun quickly.
I'm about to finish one. I'll come for my second right after
Pandox, AKA myself, said "suck a dick slow biatch"
But i've eaten like 2/3rds of my breakfast already. What else am i going to do with my morning?!
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its a raaaaaacccceeeee
ok daddy c:
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I guess whoever joins first we're 5/6
Invite me now i'll just unhinge my jaw.
>tfw no big daddy zippy to plug up my good little girl hole
>tfw no big daddy zippy to plug up my good little girl hole

idktf c:
>tfw no big daddy zippy to plug up my good little girl hole

idkmybff jill c:
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Alright your in sorry Cramp
Kill yourselves
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Fresh HM 1/6
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>ads have disappeared but now a big chunk of space remains between the last post and the update button

Someone please buy 4chan
They're still here, my man. We IGN now.
NF anyone?
>arc burn
>boomer knights
no thanks
>no spaceship city
Yes, yet another fuckup from bungie
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>telling anyone to kill themselves
>btfoing cramp like that
how could you?
Raid teams are too cramped to take shitters in you know
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Pandox's LEAKED photo
Is that really him? He posted on the /dg/ snapchat a while back and had a big destiny poster in one of the photos.
This game is back to being dead faster than TTK
Friends want me to buy destiny, the collection the best thing to go with or is my googlefu shit?

don't buy it at all
Raid or nightfall anyone?
shit, I'm going to bed now. I'll be down in like 5 hours
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Cramp was in the same raid because djdirr kept dying or something and we wanted to start as soon as possible. We couldn't wait forever
No it's not I don't even have a snapchat even if I did I wouldn't join the /dg/ one
I'll raid
Wont be on at that time, unfortunately
2/6 for raid. thread is looking pretty slow atm so it may not happen
Yeah it's pretty dead. Hopefully we can get one together.
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how do I get a qt trap gf, /dg/?
>captchas are now two full words or even sentences instead of house numbers
Fucking jew forcing his 4cuck passes and google bot
What is up with all this PS4 shitposting
me raid
Also, not Destiny related. What's your favorite Grimoire card?
Where's my level 40 boost for my alt account?!?!?!!?!?!?!
game's dead, time to shitpost
Anyone for Nightfall?
I was wondering the same thing

I guess you have to actually buy the expansion to get it? Or its a one time thing? I don't know
"Ghost being me back.

Ghost bring me back now!"
Deep Stone Crypt is cool too.

Sorry, full.
Anybody raiding?
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I'll go
Me too
Join up. Too lazy to use mic.
Heard a rumor that we're getting another chance to do the quest for a Treasure of the Lost today.
True or nah?
if that were true it would have happened at reset.
>Heard a rumor
I'll go.
Did Eva's masks for sell at least change?
Of course not
>The Hero Formula
Outlaw,Last resort
PB, Explosive rounds

keep or nah?
MD reflex?
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fuck you
4/6 Raid after these nightfalls
>No more timegates
gee i wonder why
Find better friends
this meme is too stale already
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no raid, got to plan lessons for tomorrow
At Nightfall boss, 1/3
it me tho
nice lies
Youre not zippy or noobish, no one cares
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No one gives a shit about you stains, let it go
Everyone and their mother is using blind perdition+matador combo

good job bungo
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1/6 for a fresh HM
no memes
Needed a helmet. Better than fucking coins I guess.
>stains and joff shitting up the thread
Anyone willing to take a first timer through WotM NM?
So literally the same as last year hawksaw wellfare conspiracy combo?
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>tfw suicide farming elimination and you see
>all enemies down on screen
Max impact max range shotgun and fast firing high stability Pulse have been the meta since forever.
all right so I need to do HM. Don't care if it's from
the beginning even though I have a final phase

I didn't sleep, but I'm not fucking my sleep
schedule up my going to bed in the morning.

no shitters please I beg you
And that makes it okay?
Still better than snipening: the meta the game the experience
How in the hell are you still not done its been like 2 hours.
Someone whom shall not be named kept fucking dying
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I will help with that CP. Can't do the full raid today
4 hours and I'm yours
you can help with my second raid
3ish hours*
I SUPPOSE if you don't mind the fact i'm on like my 3rd morning beer i am willing to help.
Xboners please contain your furfag, he is on b showing his butthole and fat gut
Oh god he actually is. That's actually kind of sad.
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If you're running that second raid i'll come, gotta download the game first and it's been telling me 45 minutes for 10 minutes now.
Also, wifi connection inbound.
>Going to /b/
Just me and some friends I know kind of irl. They're all 390+.
Im in
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>Someone whom shall not be named
Says the one with the second highest amount of deaths
Well he isn't doing it here so I'll consider that a win.
take into account: self-res and wipes
>going to /b/
Why do people still do this past the age of 14?
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>it's real
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>implying that matters in HM
It's like you don't understand the concept of wipes.
And i know that was a switched out char, but a 0.5 K/D in PvE is pretty spicy.

Blew it, shitter detected.
>no shitters
The irony
Link the thread
when the fuck is IB coming?
would you guys let me raid with you again? I really enjoy it ;_;

tomoyo genocide when
5/6 for Fresh WoTM HM
who's with you
Did you shit up a raid or something? Otherwise, only literal memelords will refuse to play with you.
gimme like 5?
4.5 genuine human beings.
Sure thing.
Sorry man. Just filled up.
You wanted 5 minutes but sadly time and space is relative so it was actually 5 seconds.
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god roll party crasher or god roll matador?
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>Right side LFG can't get to their bombs on Vosikk in time ever
well that explains the lisp from his giant ass teeth. zippy would be dissapoitned.
Will Bad Juju's ornaments be available after FOTL via Radiant Treasures?
to this day i will not understand how people have trouble with that shit.
Kill adds, grab your bomb, wait for the countdown, throw. If you can't get your bomb without dying, leave it and have 5 people throw it for once, if you need 4 runs instead of 3 you have 5 bombs for boss damage that turn which is totally worth it.
However, if you die the entire team is fucked.
ALWAYS make sure you don't die.

I have more understanding for people getting wrecked by turrets on Aksis phase 1 because there you have to focus on adds, captain and bombs simultaneously while the turret is kind of a wildcard since it reappears depending on when you shot it, not some fixed time.
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What is your favorite Exotic weapon, /dg/?

Mine is Hawkmoon
>it reappears depending on when you shot it
And it also has some weird ass proximity trigger because i had multiple cases of turrets not respawning until you get close
Awww so cute :3
It's the fact that both left and mid will get their bombs and be ready, while right will be on the opposite side of their bombs.
Well I have Thorn, Last Word and Bad Juju and I like Thorn because fuck shields.

Speaking of exotics any good Year 3 Sniper Exotics?
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How'd I do? Arrows are smallbore.
Anyone want to invite me to do a quick Court of Oryx on my alt so I can get my free Treasure of the Lost box?
Haven't done TTK story missions on it yet and I'm lazy.
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Probably Hard Light. It's such a cool looking gun.
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Hey those are p good
garbage shotgun with garbage perks
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Edgy Clan Name of the Day:

Gods of Damnation
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>November 2016
>november 2016
>greentexting in a thread about dead as fuck MMOFPS
Anyone else shocked that there are people who think the holiday events will tide people over until Destiny 2?

Look at how awful this years Festival of the Lost is compared to last years
>instead of having a chance to get all the masks, you are only able to get the three Eva sells
>all rewards are locked behind microtransaction loot boxes
>the drop rates for the stuff people actually care about, like the ghosts or sparrow has been worked out to be around a 1% chance
SRL is going to be exactly the same, if not worse.
>thinking destiny is a mmo
How's this? Perk is smallbore.
>Nov 16
>switching sides to shoot your cannon
All the Rasputin code cards are awesome. I don't know why, but just deciphering it is neat for me.

My favorite is Rasputin talking to the Exo Stranger though.
>that impact
Nigga das gay
>still pretending destiny is not technically mmo
>pretending your mums not a whore
>pretending you weren't a mistake
>pretending you weren't the reason their marriage is dead
usable/10 perkset on a shit archetype

shame it's such a good looking gun
>ad hominem arguments and shitty greentext when you have nothing to say
Yep. Anyone who thinks other wise is a fool.
>being this self centered and egotistical that you assume everything said is about you
/dg, why is it that even after going into detail. People never understand that the empowered should not pick up cannon on second phase. I had to explain this like everytime we wiped.
>People never understand that the empowered should not pick up cannon on second phase

it's not though?
>raiding with joff AND tomo
correct me if I'm wrong lads but the hive and Oryx almost exterminate the Vex but a human made SIVA is good enough to fuck the Hive and be the bitches of the fallen?
this game have fucked up powerlevels tbqh
because cannon wielders need to run around the arena, and you need an empowered on each section ready to go when he teleports. having empowered players toss charges and non-empowered run cannons is optimal since it keeps people with empowerment moving from where they need to be

this is also why if empowerment gets doubled up you reshuffle and evenly distribute as soon as possible
There's nothing wrong with that as long as the empowered aren't retarded.
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>willing stepping into a raid with joff
you brought this upon yourself
it doesn't matter who picks up the cannon. what matters is that if the game empowers both people on your side, the guy with the cannon is the one who moves to compensate.
>Implying I even played that poorly

I got screwed like twice man, everybody died or fucked up at least once, so get off your meme horse
t. shitter
There is enough time to masturbate, go to the store and make a yourself some food before Aksis starts his SIVA swarm attack. There is literally no reason for cannon carries to be that slow
shard that shit my man

unless you need a void sniper, then shard it once you find something else because literally anything is better
Because charge lock out boy. I stay left and do my callouts and then it takes an eternity for the non empowered to waddle up to grab cannon. Everyone forgets to call out empowered and then we have two people with there dick in their hand not get the charge in time.
gee i sure hope it was not you walking infront of the tank and getting your head ripped off because you are too stupid to not move the damn part while the tank is active
i know that's doable but isn't it preferable to fix any problems in the distribution as quickly as possible?

t. slowpoke

it's called optimization, and i'd rather not put my trust in randos to go where they need to when they're running around like headless chickens half the fight
Well you have to think about the disarray in the hive hierarchy at the moment. We killed their godleader. As far as SIVA being the fallens' bitch, the fallen never had full control of SIVA. They are however very tech-oriented so they have some modicum of control over the stuff. With the hive infrastructure collapsing the fallen just used their new found power to fuck with them. Wolves will always single out an easy target, and Devils? They'll advance themselves by any means necessary.
>Playing with randoms

you fucking shitter
Tomo ain't half bad especially when other options are LFG.
You however have no right to bitch staying in a raid with joff. If he won't leave you should just to save yourself the pain. You might just turn around and see he's been AFKing while you throw all the charges and add control your lane.
>the performance of my teammates is my fault
>i know that's doable but isn't it preferable to fix any problems in the distribution as quickly as possible?
Shanks are first priority, then the captain, then once the cannon guy has his cannon you redistribute because that's when the cannons are in play. If your side is double-empowered and you have a cannon, there's a 50/50 chance there will be a servitor of your flavor on the side you're moving to.
Swapping ASAP before getting cannons and clearing adds can make things messy. Getting empowered people in place is the last thing that needs to be done and it can be handled while servitors are getting nuked. Bomb throwers should just be anchored to where their servitors are dying.
Well that's my problem I guess. I need better players, but saying that makes me feel like a Dick. In the end though, me and my left side partner followed the callouts really well.
this was an aksis cp
>tomo whale noises intensfiy
if you willingly choose LFG for a raid then you're giving up your right to complain about wipes or player performance
t.white knight
if your tomo or whatever, stop responding to anon you retard
That's not me tho
fair enough. i'm still going off the normal mode strat where with only 3 charges to throw there was a lot less downtime before aksis would start teleporting
>implying dg is any bettter
>t. shitter
>t. white knight
i've also seen
>t. barneyfag

put on a name so i can filter you
if you die at any point during either phase of Aksis, you're a shitter. plain and simple.
aye just letting you know
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>people dying to shanks in aksis phase 2
i mean really?
>canon people not able to shoot across the area

Maybe having people that can aim helps.
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>Nightfall and its modifiers
>Nightfall rewards after beating it
If i was a white knight i'd defend joff and jiro from the internet bully's too. Joff is just plain terrible and jiro just plain weird.
Dg is better in every aspect.
Ziggy or Geanu just post here when we're ready to raid again, I'll be afk till then.
if you die anywhere other than at Vosik phase 1 you're a shitter
T.Minus 50 minutes
>dying in the raid
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>People dying in the voltage phase
This is a strat that I've seen just about everyone follow, and it's been in use since NM. Get cannons, post up, shoot servitors, get ready to stun when all the bombs are out. Relocating ASAP leaves two people to clear adds by themselves, which can be dangerous. It also means the captain on one (maybe two) sides will die later and that can fuck up the flow since they may have to chase servitors down.
niggers steal your voltage innit
You'd be surprised m80
they shred underleveled characters and sometimes pop up behind you like in the array section of omnigul for whatever reason
>fenix still in the party
They relocate from AoE damage. Its to stop people from blocking off the spawn doors.
Any boners down to raid?
most people can aim, it's the minority that can properly lead their shots

assuming everyone is competent, add clearing is manageable solo and the time to swap places takes seven seconds tops
Maybe later family
Not for the next few hours
that's almost as bullshit as the captains at vosik unsheathing their katanas behind you if they decide to take a dive off the platform
pls kys
Don't really need to lead your shots, when they spawn they kinda just sit there for a bit.
>the wounded
>zen moment
>full auto
>no extended mag
it'll do for now but the search for VoC continues.
>only person running
>vandals focus the fuck out of me

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Thought we were doing another raid. Is that not happening?
no you fuck not after the last one
but the sisters of Oryx are coming that will help the hive to survive and get their shit together but tbqh the vex are the ones who got more fucked
>add clearing is manageable solo and the time to swap places takes seven seconds tops
Yes, but the fuckups happen when people fly solo and when captains are being killed, throwing more chaos on top of that is dangerous. It's just better to finish business on your side and then go run around. That 7-second relocation can happen while servitors are spawning with no consequence.
I have an hour to raid let's go
1/6 HM
I'm up.
>shitter_ryst thinks he can do a raid in under an hour
I can go in about 10 minutes if it'd suit you, Fulcan Fuck
Eh I might just wait until after my appt
Should I raid or should I skyrim?
Anyone on ps4 want to do the nightfall? What is it by the way??
fuck off joff, I'm surprised you cleared that sentence in under an hour
Its Pain is what is it.
Notice the fucking capitalization.
Read the OP you faggot
You better be on xbox playing that.
i'm not joff because he's afking the thread right now
Pc, why would I play that on xbox?
post your futa mods
>posting in a console thread
I just assumed you would play it on console since you play destiny. Stupid assumption.
>not having the full fetish mod entirely comprehensive library app that lets you instantly swap in and out whatever you want whenever you want without having to make a new save
This is why console skyrim will ALWAYS be pleb.
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Break times up solidus
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>when joff says he afk's something
same roll family

truesight and sureshot too, it's a damn shame
More likely than not, yes, Xivu and whatserface are coming. But as it stands they've hidden themselves in some dark corner of the universe for quite awhile. The current hive we're facing haven't been in contact with them for god knows how long. They'll probably show up in D2, i'd love to see it play out as the Vanguard laying into the remaining hive on Earth. Scattered groups you know, the last holdouts, then bam, Cabal levels of military discipline and fallen level tricky tactics out of nowhere. Then Xivu and the witchy hive woman reveal themselves and two new breeds of, what the fuck would they be, proto-proto-hive at this point? D2 has the set-up to be very enjoyable story and lorewise.
>more Hive shit
pls no

>one of them flew into a black hole

And that should honestly have been the end of that sister. But I would not be surprised if bungie shoehorned her into d2.
So who currently leads the Hive? I thought Oryx was like the main leader of the Hive, because of the King title
>because of the King title
>"The Taken King"
Answer the question faggot
>end of Regicide
>he takes himself
>"i'm mine now"
Great writing Bungie
2spots for NF at boss
No yah dunts.

Oryx was 1 of the 3 kings. His 2 other siblings rule the hive as well. As far as taken he stole the darkness from the a worm and aquired the ability to "take" enemies. Hence the taken king.

Read the grimore next time you spaz.
he didn't take himself, he retreated to his throne world. Kings Fall is about breaking into the throne world and beating his bitch-ass once and for all.
I've turned around in a NF to see joff was paused so i shrugged and figured he was just popping a synth or switching weapons right? Second we get to the boss he's still sitting in the same spot in a fucking menu. I just figured he was actually fucking helping cause you can hear his breathing in the mic right? So we ask him whats up and he straight up admits to saying why should he have to fucking work for his loot.
So we kick his ass and he fucking loses it cause we wasted HIS time.
Gotta switch gear but I'll join
>Reading fanfics

no thanks
Then why even ask the god damn guestion.

What I told you is literally the story bungie has given us.
>Finally 400 on all three characters
Now I'm done until whatever shitty update we get.
Meant for
>Fumbles booted him for being afk
I wondered what the reason was, that's fucking hilarious. Why does anybody invite him to do anything?
1 slot just join on me
>lingering vestinge ornament for telesto
Neat. Finally got something decent.
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which scout rifle sounds better

both are the wounded with MD reflex

one has hi cal or full auto, hammer forged or triple tap, and firefly

the other has full auto, perfect balance or outlaw, and crowd control
Any raids right meow?
On my way
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the amount of fanfiction posted about me in every thread man
Just finished senpai, sorry
look at this dude
That might be the weakest damage control I've ever seen.
I'd keep both because I am a faggot hoarder, but

PB will help and CC will allow you to 3-shot in PvP if you even wanna use it there
We're still trying to finish ours from earlier.
No worries.
1/3 NF then
4/6 aksis phase 1
Anyone on PS4 want to do WotM NM later?
one time I dunked aksis for the stun, and before I got control of my character, him standing up threw me into the ceiling, and I died on impact
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I'll hop online.
Now 5/6 WoTM Aksis phase 1 checkpoint
>Literal Autistic Hill shill in my philosophy class won't shut the fuck up
>interrupts literally everyone including the professor but because "lol liberal"
He lets it happen
I wish I was at home playing destiny
or hate fucking her
good one cuckstang
>implying I'm him
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>wasting my money on a worthless class
I would also never fuck a liberal joff.
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>Vosik has challenged you...
>challenge mode
what is going on

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I just got high enough LL to do NM.
word is you simply have to make ALL bombs hit with full damage.
No whiffs.
Everyone knows to get off his back, shitter.
Time to lose my raid cherry!
+1 for kill yourself
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Okay fine.

1/3 NF join up for disappointments.
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>not doing the raid in the first week
I already have one.
is Sleeper Simulant a good heavy to use in the raid?
Stream it
niggas i found a north korean cab driver listening to north korean propoganda and talking to me about the great leader

what do
Is there a challenge mode out now?
I'm not at home so I don't know
Ok wait.
1/6 WotM HM
Yes, it's one of the highest DPS weapons in the game assuming you get headshots.

any groups getting going?
nah I want cabal and another vex raid or watching the vex attacking the hive like they did in the vault

I'll join that. Going to do some Plagueland stuff until we get 6/6.
Of all days it would be the one day I have an interview
I would be up for a HM CM right now. I'd rather not resort to LFG.
Is iron banner not today?
I'm going to wait until it's figured out.
Show him literally any grocery store or convenience store and explain that is more food in one store than 5 square miles of north korea.
Then show that kim has gotten FATTER.
cramp are you here? you promised a second raid 5 hours ago
I'll head there now if you want to join up. Do some quick patrols.
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Same. It'll probably be something like no missed bombs or something crazy
Wait for reddit/alpha meme to figure out the challenge
Reddit and FAQS is lighting up with its land all bombs with full damage on each.
So no 2035 damage throws. Haven't seen any other information in the same quantity. Just needs a vid or something to confirm.
As much as I'd like any of our people to be furst we all know the turbo autists of reddit of the twitch streamers will do is first
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yeah leddit is going in loops trying to solve it. does it only drop the armor ornaments though? what's the actual point?
CM let's go
what about for aksis?

Im down

Thanks for the fun.
It's up.
>what about for aksis
Did I stutter?
I'm up for that.
so who's the strongest race?
You can do the challenge on normal mode too.

I think it's either everyone has to kill at least one monitor or the same person has to kill every monitor.
Those are two totally different things.

Can someone confirm it?
It also keeps a count of how many monitors each person has killed on the score screen.
count me in
Physically? Exos most likely
Barneyfag leave
I hope it doesn't only drop armor ornaments, that would be really disappointing.
Maybe it's having a different person activating the safe room each time? Since there's a notification. Also viable in both NM and HM.
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1/3 for NF #2

Join for disappointments.
it'll probably have an extra drop of light-capped stuff just like KF
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>So no 2035 damage throws
But the first bomb hit of each phase does that much to "weaken" his shield so the others can do full damage. It's why you have to hit all bombs within a close time window rather than chucking whenever you pick it up.
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>Vosik challenge
I think you can avoid the shit damage if EVERYONE throws it at the same time, I've seen equal damage on the wipecard so there must be a way
wait what
they released challenge mode this week
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>not even the autists of the autists can figure it out
This. If its super close they all do max damage.
I'm game once it's figured out.
I mean enemy lmao
pretty much
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Starting nightfall, feel free to join

I got the Khvostov's non-warmind ornament. It's not bad, the colors are nice on it. I would love the purple Telesto one.
Still looking?
Physically? Cabal
Yea its a bug, thank Bunge and their Festival of the Lost Content
I'm in once we know what it is
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Right, so basically you either have to use the two bombs that drop at the end of the damage phase to;

Kill vosiks (at the end)
Use the two bombs for the clean room activation
Based Matt! How'd you do it???
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Yeah still looking.

1/3 for NF in the room before the boss.
Broman already did it
what do you have to do?
alright, let's get this raid going then
Im in
holy fuck what did you do?

>reddit still theorycrafting
did you guys actually get world first?
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Neither of these
is there anything they cant do?
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>use the two bombs for the clean room activation
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haha oh man
>matt dies and does nothing
>gets carried through challenge mode
lets do it
nevermind i joined a 5/6 group
good luck to all
kill yourself
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I took a screenshot of the stream
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praise alpha
Xboner raid time, let's go fuccbois.
Iink smoky's reddit thread
who tf we joining? zerato's post disappeared and sidhe dropped out
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It's not true

They're finally world's first for something. Expect a bungie interview
wheres bromans emblem?
Me. I'll host it. Join up.
That's awesome! Luckily for me the Raid ornaments are ugly so I won't hunt them down.
>team of tripfags getting world's first

Ugh. Hope it's not true.
do you even know what did you do for the challenge?
it's either activate the safe rooms with the bombs that drop as you dps voskis or kill vosiks with the bombs
Well, this makes three weeks in a row I haven't gotten Days of Iron ornament from the treasure...
Alright who wants to see which it is?
>they're finally worlds first for something
lol, like they were worlds first during KF?
are you>>159052128

fucking faggot
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Woah my dude not all of us are tripfags
Challenge mode isn't nearly as much of a race as raid launch is. If they were world's first, they'll be lucky to even get a mention.

No, some of you are avatarfags
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>Spammed with messages and invitations

>Now on Xbox too

Anyone up for nm WoTM raid on Xbox?
So this is the power of reddit power user MattWGordon
>is there anything they cant do?
Stop jerking off to themselves?
How did you do it maaaan???? Help me help me
>AT gets possible world first
>"How'd you do it?"
>lol dunno
want to be my friend?
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lotsa boners

3/6 cm
Kek so fucking true.
So is challenge mode guaranteed to drop an armor piece like KF challenge modes?
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>doubting Alpha
Sorry Rak for some reason I just got stage fright, I snapped out of it near the end but stil you did pretty great probably coulda solod it huh?
What u guys doing
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>samefagging for your buttbuddies
So you basically just have to deal damage with every charge that drops.
vosik challenge
Can you please get off your knees and stop sucking cock for ten seconds?
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I'm down, but you may need to explain how the CM works.
Hey, does anyone want to do Crota for shit's and giggles? I'm at Deathsinger.
Xbone: JumpinElephant mic optional
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>alpha meme gets world first on something
>people discover they are from /dg/
>redditors flock to here

This should be interesting
>implying im not wearing a shirt with zippys face on it
>not drinking from a mug with zippys picture on it
>not flipping back to my desktop every 10 seconds to look at my tiled zippy picture background
>not kissing the framed picture of zippy every night before bed
>not laying down in bed and looking up at my zippy poster above my bed
>not turning out the lights and watching the face of zippy illuminate with glow in the dark paint that i traced every inch of his face with lovingly
>not dreaming of zippy while zippy magically watches over me like a glowing god in the night

Matista how old are you?
>wanting people to do old raids when the challenges has just been released

wtf dud
>tfw you'll never see the glory that is the Alpha Teamâ„¢ penthouse
>world first

5/6 for vosik challenge
And this is why people don't play with you.
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never forget

h-oh lord. oh lordy lordy LORD. Lord please have mercy on trapple soul lord. Lord, the mental and physical pain trapple is feeling right now can't compare to even what torres felt when he got trucked. Lord save this young confused mentally ill man from the roast, lord he does not know what he is getting himself into. Lord the damage control will be so bad there will be more 'm's in the next "hmm" that not even the complete collection for asa akira getting dicked and going "mmm" could compete. Lord, save this stupid mother fucker from. Lord I am crying for his forgiveness lord please save this stupid son of a bitch from the impending doom he faces. Please lord he about to get roasted so hard not even the niggerest man out there can compete with how black trapple will be. Lord not even tenoreos' webms will be able to compete with the crispiness this bastard is going to be roasted to.

>do it how the alpha memers said
>two phase, did not complete
>tfw you had the opportunity to play with the alpha team bros

okay drinnilol, calm down
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>2 phase Vosik
>Find out after you have to activate all rooms instead of kill him with bombs
Now this is some next generation autism.
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I want both of the kvostov ones, even though I never use it. I wish first curse had one, it's so bland for an exotic.

pic related
>Activate all rooms
as in, 4 phase him?
why post this

it's completely irrelevant to everything
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What were your rewards, meme team?
You could activate 2 rooms per phase, so you could 3 phase him instead of 5 phase.
because he's a dumb autist who think he's fitting in
you're the worst of them all
but they didn't lie? they stated it was 1 of two things and you decided to do the wrong one instead of both?
if they are world's first then where is the acknowledgement from bungie????
>Datto copying Alpha Team

Psh look at that retard now
don't bully zippy's own personal cumhole FemdoxB8
Hosting HM Aksis Phase 2, 1/6
>y3 babbies
challenge mode doesn't get mentioned other than a footnote in the weekly update
so who cares then?
everyone except you apparently
385 sniper and 398 mg, emblem and ornament

i think its one level cap piece from hard and one level cap piece from normal
How many ornaments? Just one?
just one, same as trials
>Posted the discovery on B.net
Fucking stop, that's how we get the even worse shitters in this godforsaken general.
>months to ornament a set
Fuck. Did they remove the silver cost yet?
aw hell, it's gonna take nearly two months for me to build a full set then
that change is coming with the return of SRL
December, right?
No one could possibly be as bad as shitista or joff, though. There are many who come close, but never make the jump. Besides with how dead this thread is we could use some new people.

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>intrusive ads fucked off
>ad space is still there

Anyone running challenge mode on PS4?
>It was either Kill him with the two bombs at the end or use the boms in the safe room but we did it
>use the boms
>the city of smoky
>implying it won't be a golden age
so you just have to activate the 4 rooms with the SIVA charges while in the damage round
This is the most cancerous thing I've ever seen in this thread. You're a literal 14 year old though, so it doesn't surprise me.
>arc burn phogoth

Bungie is triggering my ptsd
3/6 vosik challenge
>implying this general doesn't need to be purged
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>alpha finally gets world's first in somehting
I don't get what's the big deal, it's not like they'll know how to get to /dg/
Unless I post the link to this threa~~d
its pretty easy though.

why haven't you died of cancer yet

Can you not?
Hard Mode Wrath 1/6

Challenge Optional
5/6 for vosik challenge, at vosik but you can grab the chests
Congrats on lying about cancer you fucking faggot.

He literally should be dead by now.
>challenge optional
fulcan_shitter at it again
Haven't gotten on yet
Can you please post that thread on reddit as well? This needs to get more attention. You should link /dg/ in it as well, so everyone knows exactly who Alpha Team is.
hold the fucking phone
Why the actual literal fuck would I lie about that
I'm in remission, dumbass
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Don't act like you hate attention
kys and go back to lusting over liberal qt fems
>calling people bad

Someone post the webm of mustang missing crota at point blank range with his golden gun
post pics
That's fucking hilarious holy shit, is this where the meme came from
>do all 4 safe rooms with siva cores
>still fail challenge because we did two rooms at once
Fuck this horseshit.
>Matt "Regular Redditor" Gordon
So you have to 5 phase him?
You're supposed to use 2 rooms at once.

Also you can not 2 phase Vosik, it *must* be three phased with all rooms being activated via bombs.
You still need to die.
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the power of stray.webm
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>my tfw when too intelgnet to raid
Anyone interested in raiding, or...?

So do you have to like, shoot the panel a bit then bomb it so it kills?
>not posting the one with audio
Can you do anything right?
No are you fucking retarded? The bomb is enough, you clearly missed.
>audio webm
No, the bomb does more than enough damage to trigger it.

Just make sure both rooms are activated via bombs and you're fine.

You can not kill vosiks until all 4 rooms have been used.
>zippy putting aside his differences to help fulcan shitter

truly a god among men
>Kill vosiks with bombs (at the end)
[citation needed]
1. I didn't try it. Someone on reddit or something said it was not enough damage.
2. Rude.
Anyone have a Stolen Rune they don't mind doing with me? Trying to get my free FOTL box.
Fuck off joff.
just run kings fall dude
congrats Alpha!
here from bungie.net
Who /reddit/ here?
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>the CM is how my group did vosik the first time

>"Let's make a challenge where it's rng based if you'll actually complete it or not"
You get shit luck and have both safe rooms on the same side and you're fucked. Fuck Bungie.
Why the fuck would you active the rooms with bombs?
go ahead and explain why having 2 rooms on the same side somehow stops you from completing the challenge

try not to be a retard
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cabal pilots.webm
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>that time Noobish gave Matista $20 for shitposting on reddit
Nigga what
Any boner raid groups forming? I want to try that challenge mode, family.
>see back right door is lit up and back left isn't
>assume front left is lit up
>run that way and realize front right is lit up
>fail challenge
Thinking is hard.

hey, instead of being a complete fucking non-functioning retard, why not just check to see what doors are open instead????

i agree, you seem to think thinking IS hard.
but thats your fault for not checking then entire side? only 2 doors light up so it's not difficult to pinpoint where to go.
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why not fucking jump and look?

how is this hard?
But my hunter alt is too shitty to do it by myself.
I have 200 marks and rank 3+ in everything. Are there any good snipers or pulse rifles worth buying? I'm low on options for both of those in my loadout.

Event horizon sniper from cru cru bot is damn good in pvp
event horizon
event horizon is a neutered ex machina if you need it, all vendor pulses suck dick
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i wonder if we'll get spooky trials again this week
Thanks bro
>on average sidearms get used less than 2% of the time in PvP

great balance
does achlyophage symbiote make it so that i do the same amount of damage across 4 golden gun shots or do i straight up gain another shot
was there a jump after xur sold trespasser?
its just a straight up extra shot. you get slightly less time to pop off all 4 but thats the only negative.
Give me 40/50 minutes, mein mensch. Almost out of work.
where is noobish?
he's at an Alpha Blood Drive, why?
Anyone interested in starting a raid? Last call before I give up all hope of ever raiding again
He's dead bruv.
I know you come here because you have no friends. But please leave. You're underage and no one likes you. So stop trying to put yourself somewhere you don't belong. You've shitposted enough to be banned, just fuck off.
>World's first on a challenge
>meaning anything

Tip top kek. At least 4chan tried.
So when is the iron banner happening? I thought it would today since it was the beginning of the month.
ah, that's not bad at all then

thanks anon
One more for fresh Raid. Doing Challenge.
>/tv/ makes a porn movie
>/v/ wins some create a character contest
>/dg/ gets world's first on a challenge
At least is something.
He went to dawggy's grave again ;_;
is that a yes?
we're /dg/, not 4chan
Well you thought wrong, isn't that something. So maybe next Tueday. Use context clues. Look up when the last IB was, and wait for the fucking announcement when IB will be back again. Instead of just expecting it when you expect it.
>raided 8 times already today
>did all this before challenge
>all 8 groups have been bugging me for CM runs the second i came out while i was in the middle of yet another run
>just want to drink and watch archer reruns in peace
It's a, look it up yourself you uneraged, virgin, kissless, closet homo.
Whats the matter? daddy didn't fuck you hard enough today? or maybe too hard?
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Huh, I've never seen equal damage on my wipe screen so I guess I just run with shit teams.
Only weapons that provide instant gratification (1 shot kill) will ever be popular
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>my mfw when to intellergent too raid
5/6 for HM CM WotM. Only for the challenge, not doing a full run.
>no (you) for you
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5/6 for vosik challenge. We're only doing the challenge so don't expect anything else.
I'm interested but I've never done WotM before and I can only do NM.
If 2 hit at the same time both get max damage. If you're good all 6 hit off the the next explosion so everyone gets max damage.

Apparently thats not how you do it though.
What about the last Siva Fragments?
wait what
/tv/ made porn?
still got room?
>he doesn't know
Brazzers guy went into /tv/ asking ideas for a porn movie, they helped with Meme Lover.
>he doesn't known
It's literally Meme Porn.
It features a family of Bane's who's son has brought home his girlfriend.
It uses as many meme's as possible all to the tune of various genre's of porn.
Yeah the guy from brazzers made a Bane porn
>All I see are Warlocks and Hunters

Why should I play a Titan /dg/
lore wise they're the best class

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this is great
Bubble bros are love.
>best lore class
>not warlocks
skate or die
>hunters created the maps
>titans built the city and the walls
>warlocks read books
take off you name, has-been
Skate got fucked hard, it's nowhere near as good as it used to be

Because it's actually the most fun class overall in my opinion, and I've put extensive time into all. 1000 hours played and I love my titan best. Titan at heart really.
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>This raid
You seem to be too stupid to know how to look up information when you have the internet at your greasy finger tips. You know that. If you don't, you're even dumber than I thought. Don't come here asking for information you could look up. And you shouldn't try to insult others when you're in the wrong. It looks really pathetic and unoriginal. You have homework to do.
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That's actually an interesting point, so far Titans are the only class that still hasn't been given an Ahamkara bone exotic armor thing. It seems to imply that their either incorruptible, or don't pay attention to what the bones offer and claim.
They never changed anything about the skate
As a titan I can't tell you how many hunters and locks rush at me assuming their axions, skips, and melees will do me in only to find me perfectly fine cause my jugg kept me safe and i ducked under the rest waiting with my shotgun.
Speaking of shotguns, warlocks are the damned worst cause they assume they can out melee you even with all the iframes and homing distance closing titans get.
Worst case you trade but usual case you're wiping them off the front of your barrel and juggernaut.
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Hitbox fix when
You are completely fucking wrong and stupid and don't know anything - and probably don't even play a titan.


Nerfed hard.

Don't post unless you actually know what you're fucking talking about, idiot.
Best machine guns right now?
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>he was a good friend
i can't, i fucking can't anymore
>trying vosik challenge
>wrestling silly wipes courtesy of siva charge hitboxes
>team doing fine
>suddenly after a wipe three players call it quits on top of one who knew he had to go by then well in advance
what the fuck?
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Titans too stronk to be persuaded by black magic dragons
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Boners for Hard Raid with slight inclination of trying Challenge?
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Oh my god
>Now is not the time for trifle, that comes later
I love bane posting
They were probably away until being assigned to hunt them.
PC port when
A. Magic. We ain't pussies and don't need no shit.
B. Magic. We ain't tempted by and don't need no shit.
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I can't believe I haven't seen this before, it's pure gold
legendary you tard
is this a trick question

or go home
quilliums terminus, unyielding deluge, diluvian
Which one of those is a machine gun?
suck my dick. choke on it. You asked for best mg, not best lego mg.

neck yourself and do a favor to the human gene pool
4/6 for vosik challenge
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>Quantiplasm drops 3 times in the raid
Thats pretty normal actually. Wait till it's 4 sound and fury's and none of the armor pieces you need for 3 weeks in a row.
Did 3x Challenge real quick.

Anyone need to raid and start at Siege Engine?
what's the point of doing challenge mode? what reward does it grant?
an ornament and emblem
literally pointless
That was before it was tested, that's just what we did when we beat it so we saw it as one of two possibilities.

Perfected ornament for your HM armour.

Exotic engram.
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and extra drops

Exotic Engram, Special and Heavy at Normal and Hard levels, the emblem, and the ornaments.
6/6, lets go
You need help people

What is your gamertag?
fucking let me reset my router
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if I post this image macro I will compensate for my butthurt and low iq

Ahhh I should have guessed

Tranny faggot
im gay
no one cares prince
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need new maymays
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sniff my ass, cucklord
385 is good enough for hardmode right? Or should I try boosting my level up a bit more through exotic engrams?
Your life
yeah, fuck it, i cant do anything about my connection

find someone else
385 is fine
I saw some videos of Destiny and I feel like trying it out but I'd want to go through the whole thing since I've never played it. Do people play low level content or is it just log in for weekly raid and then post awful memes in thread
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grindan grindan grinden

keep them toons a'grinden

grinden grinden grinden

You're not gonna find anyone to grind through story but running strikes and grinding PvP is all the game is.
Anybody have that webm of the titan knocking off Atheon?

It was titled "Guardian makes his own fate, more at 11" or some shit

Time to make /dg/ great again
post boipucci
did you bring others?
literally fucking who
Yes we are all back

The old number one group in /dg/ is reforming
They're gonna be second to Alpha Team so quit while you're ahead.
Alpha team? Never heard of her
reporting this to zippy. You're so fucked, kid.
fuck off ____
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>still haven't received a helmet from Aksis on NM or HM
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>A fucking arab shitskin

AHAHHA yeah goodluck
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Alpha Team? Let alone defeat them. And I’m not talking about Edo Tensei Zippy. I’m not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Noobish either. Hell, I’m not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei PandoxR8 with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano’o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with ThunderTouch's Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu.
what the fuck has happened to this fucking game?

I feel like Im half a second behind everyone, i've tried all the fucking guns that are meta, and I pretty much find it difficult to break even these days.

During TTK I would go to the light house every week, I'm not a bad player but I cant figure out why since mid TTK im just shit, literally every game I play is a sweat fest and It's just not fun, am I stuck in "ELO HELL" or something?

What the fuck gives? half the games I join only have 4 players in crucible too.
Anyone up for the weekly or any raids?
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Congrats nerds
First, in all seriousness, who actually are you.
Second, what "old group"?
you're in ELO hell, welcome to being decent at crucible in year one and then getting hit with the SBMM hammer

It's happened to quite a few of us. I basically can't have good matches since roughly mid TTK.

Trials can be OK because its win based matchmaking, but it can still be fucked and people just cheat to win these days so its eh
nah I came back first fuck off
A known pvp shitter
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Only the Best Players in all of /dg/ history

3/6 for the vosiks challenge
>hunter helmet never ;_;
He was part of the autism crew like steroid and AlienSpaceGoat
The guys that tried to make a "hard mode" team for oryx and they got btfo for saying no shitters when they were the shitters
What's that glowing dildo supposed to be, Bladedance?
>399 light
>Afraid to try hard mode with randos
I've done normal mode and had no problems, how hard is it going to be

What a fucking crock of shit, I thought this might be the case as with games like Smite and shit like that,

whats the fucking point in shitty ELO systems? You just force players to not play your shitty game with stuff like this, crucible used to be my favorite part of this game, I used to only raid to get items to kill ppl with, and now its like I could literally not give a shit if they removed it for destiny 2.

Fucking retards and shitters ruining the game.
Dawgy's dead and inter dies in the upper double digits in raids now.
1v1 me in rumble you scrub.
i'd love to, but my connection is shitting out on me.

If i can get through this heroic without disconnecting, i'll message
Go stand under an icicle you gigafaggot
Ornaments in normal mode?
How about you 1v1 ME? Huh scrub??
We were the real hardcore group that wasn't a meme team or circljerk

Me the leader

Subs:Neetengie and Cruazyk

We are the only group to even come close to worlds first on Crota and Oryx raids
Literally the only challenging part is getting lucky.

The hitboxes are so fucking messed up
Just aim better my dude
you gonna share your hairy asshole with us my dude?
PM me
4?/6 vosiks
Lol at the fact alpha team got worlds first today and world 12th for hard mode
World 24th for normal mode too wasnt it? LOLOLOL
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>394 purely on exotics, crucru and forge
>Afraid to raid with anyone
I'm going to 400 alone or get bored trying. Right now feels like the latter option is winning.
1/6 HM WotM now featuring challenge mode.
topkek you really think you can take on the might of alpha team? do you have any idea of the shit you're about to get into?

we have

THE zippy100012
THE DonThyDone
THE Noobish-Hero
THE Thundertouch
THE PandoxR8
THE BuyBrokenCatProf
THE Corbinek
THE SmokyProgg_
THE Tenoreos117
THE SwoleMeatMonster
THE Jack720
THE Enji_N3rd
THE StuartRae92

How can you POSSIBLY think you can stand up to such a well-filitered team with such unadulterated power? Prepare to be wiped out, literal who.
Anyone free to help me out with the final stage of the Outbreak Prime quest on Xbone? Just need a warlock.
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>spend more than an hour playing Destiny
>have to spend another hour decoding engrams and sharding them

What the fuck is this bullshit? This game has way too much loot.
sure xxonlyiknowmypainxx117
There's no reason to be scared, you can't be worse than joff and people still raid with him for some reason.
Half of these are trannies and austists

Isn't the leader of your group also a Muslim? What the fuck.....

Our group is comprised of Americans and Cadandians ONLY. therefore we automatically win
nice damage control, can't handle the might of alpha team? I'll have you know alpha team got world's first today in Challenge Mode? What's your position? Oh wait.. LOL
Any room??? :-)

Destiny has very little loot.

Have you never played a game with drops before?
Jack hasn't played this game for over a year he's dead
And if you don't pick up greens, LOL straight to the postmaster. Why are greens coming back so hard? It was a year before I saw a green until ROI came out. It's the one negative with ROI.
bigger shitposters than aussie fags, no wonder you're a group of literal whos.
They didn't drop before because Bungo can't code worth shit and it was a bug that stopped them from dropping.
Then "very little" is still too much.
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Are you serious? So Bungie actually helped the game for once with a bug. Yet they don't fix bugs that fuck the game.

That knowledge really hurts.

>Bigger shitposters than Australians

Nah son.

We leaves are docile as fuck until someone else starts shit and then the floodgates open.

Ausfags walk in the door swinging hoping to hit someone in the nose with their elbow and then call them a cunt.
but those games have sliders that let you automatically vaporize whatever quality loot you want to
Hey joff, I'm going to be home in 15-20 minutes if you want to run the NF. If you want to, say yes, and I'll invite you when I'm on.
What's the best vendor roll for PvP?

Ur mum lel
The good ones are good
It's funny because they have the option to mark bounties, yet no way to mark loot you don't want to then destroy it all at once. Sadly The Division did loot way better.
Greens don't go to the postmaster, you fucking retard.
i deserve this
>running dawggys name into the ground
way to make noobish's hitlist. better hope he really is dead.

zippy, where the hell is he? don't you keep tabs on your players?
sure, not looking forward to it though
Yes they do...

How do you not know this?
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XBOne team "9-5" 2 done.
Only glitched ones do
Get ready to move
what did he mean by this
Not him but they only do for some people. I never have greens in my post.
We can do it, my Crimson Double <3

What the actual fuck did he mean by this.
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Your logic mind knows that the engrams are 99% insta-shard trash, but your instinct is conditioned to feel good when you see that glowy pop out of an enemy, so game devs crank the drop rate of trash to create the illusion of good things happening.
It's manipulative and despicable for sure.

But what is the point of Greens dropping for level 40+ characters? It's just garbage spam. Whites phase out very early based on your level. TTK situation was fine, bug or not.
It's to give players a steady supply of weapon/armor parts. If you remember in TTK people complained about lack of weapon parts after spending them all in HoW for re-rolling.
I'm sure it is some psychological bullshit, but the game would feel immensely more rewarding and exciting if seeing an engram pop out of an enemy was a rare sight.

It is impossible for loot to have value or be sought after by players when it drops this frequently. I'd rather have 2 or 3 legendary drops per day rather than 12 legendary drops being drowned out by 100 blues.

Thing is, they already solved the weapon part drought by making them sold by Banshee. It's not an issue any more.
He didn't start selling armor parts until RoI. You could argue buying them is easy enough but there's not really a problem with all greens.
Both weapon parts and armor materials are easy to get now. You get a bunch from blues like before and you can buy them with glimmer if you somehow run out. The issue is that having constant trash loot dropping, it fills the game with the boring, tedious gameplay of having to shard a bunch of garbage every time you go back to the Tower.
Does anyone have an info doc with the max Stat rolls for armor/ghosts/etc?
Anyone wanna DO HM WRATH
Invite pls
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