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/dbg/ - Dragonball General

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Thread replies: 814
Thread images: 250

Freezie Master Race Edition


Xenoverse 2 changes

DON'T FORGET, take the XV2 survey and leave your feedback!

disable steamcloud on both xenoverse 1 and 2
steam > userdata > [your steam id] > 323470 > remote > DBXV2
delete DBXV2

Previously on /dbg/: >>158946915
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best girl when
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I'm going to try, key word, try, to organize a /dbg/ tournament this weekend on pc. Following rules
>No Items
>Levels allowed
>Best two out of three

Reply to this post and leave a steam or something to add you with if you want in on it
Just to make sure you see,

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NPCs can't escape the softlock void either
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best girl.webm
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I ask myself that every day.
Yeah, I saw it. Thanks a bunch.

>Cell outfit doesn't have the wings
>Can't color it
>The head piece WON'T FUCKING DROP
You had ONE JOB Dimpz
is the multi lobby down on PS4?
>Like the idea of Majins
>Don't want to be fat
>Don't want to be female
So I just have to z-rank the advancement tests with mentors? Nothing else? I don't have to do Elder Kai's bullshit advanced combo thing that doesn't actually work?
You don't have to do anything else as far as I'm aware.
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>Cell outfit doesn't have the wings
Is the prize your butthole
Asking again because new thread is new.


Anyone on the PS4 wanna go do a shit tonne of Expert Quests?
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Make a trap
Oh thank christ, someone told me that doing the advanced tests unlocks fights with Buu and 18, and THEN you have to get z-ranks on the advancement tests, then you fight Beerus.
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I am thinking about buying this Xenoverse was fun as fuck, but before I need to know can I make this smug glorious bastard? How is striking?
The head piece and the wings are the same item.
Is now
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Well, you were right about not being able to colour it.
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Post them CaCs.

It was giving me shit earlier, but its fine for me now
Do Buu's have any transformations outside of the kid one? I want to play one but i hate the Kid Buu thing if i want a transform.
I haven't found any full colorable tights yet. Sorry the Fun pants aren't your thing but the spats and knee tights have grown on me.
Thats fucking weird. Still upset that they can't be colored
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shit wrong one
Someone told me I had to Z-rank all the training quests.

I was halfway through it when I had the bright idea to do the advancements.

I'd be down. Can't say for how well I'll do though haha.
unlock potential is better desu
Only the universal stuff like kaioken
If I have 100% completion with guru, is there any point in continuing getting the dragon balls for nail? Shits annoying as hell and repetitive.
I'm all for it. Please add me, if no-one else joins then that's alright. Hopefully the November 1st patch fixes the game.
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I don't know if I'm gonna play this but I tried making a r63 Gilgamesh
I like the fun pants it's just that I want some tights like the Great Saiyaman's or Ginyu White's, except that I can color, god damn it.
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Does it drop from the same pq that has the outfit?
how many stat points do you get in XV2 compared to the 300 you got in XV1 with the dlc?
Yeah that's what I was looking for too. I'll probably post about it if I find something but I'm not gonna hold my breath.
Drawfag from last thread, pls
time to make the donuts
I got XV1 close to launch but I didn't beat the game before my old computer crapped out.
It still seems weird to me that, even after beating the story and all the PQs, I didn't hit the cap, but this time I didn't even beat all the 3 star PQs after the story and I hit the ceiling.
What about the Hero Suit stuff? The colourable versions of the Great Saiyaman outfit. Can't you use those?
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Pls respond
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I'm too lazy to get a good shot.
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I don't think I've seen the hero suit bottoms, but the closest to colorable tights I've found had some disgusting diaper shape underneath that blocks delicious butt.
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The only one i play constantly other than my CaC is Final Form Cooler. Such a cool dude, i wish you could make big meaty freezy pop CaCs.
As a Golden fridger who doesn't use Strike Supers, how should I spec my points?
I'm not seeing the problem then
You absorbed her, you monster.

Nice boy (female)
>tfw we'll never get an armor set like cooler's for our freezies
>tfw tge closest thing is edgy spiked ultimate f trash
>Having to buy 3 DLC to get the full stat distribution
>Not a problem

I remember when taking dev cock up the ass wasn't the norm.
I've never seen them without the full set on personally, but if they're just the Great Saiyaman trousers but colourable, that should be a good set of tights.
how stat and damage works in this game is this way
damage = move base damage + multiplier
the multiplier is calculated this way
damage multiplier = racial base stat + weight mod + skill points*0.01

racial base stat is dependent on level in this example
weight class seems to be level dependent from testing and is calculated this way
weight mod = weight class * X
X is level dependent, being 0.25 at level 80 and 0.22 at level 50

assume I play a level 80 fridge, the base stat for fridge on level 80 is 7.05 for ki blasts
I go for a slim build, which means I add 2 stages, making it 7.55
now I put 125 points into my ki super stat, making my multiplier for ki supers 8.8
now I take a ki blast skill like Giant Storm, which has a base damage of 791 (from testing) and multiply it with my multiplier and get 6960,8 (not accurate value) for the damage I will do with my slim level 80, 125 ki blast fridge
for comparison, without any skillpoints the fridge will do 5972,05
with 100x Big Bang Kamehame-Ha, which has a base damage of 1464, I will do 12883,2, without skillpoints you will do 10980

that's without transformations and clothing stats

each race and gender has its own strike and ki base stat
you have 4 multipliers in total, basic melee, basic ki blast, strike supers and ki blast supers
basic melee multiplier = strike base stat + basic statpoints
basic ki blast multiplier = ki blast base stat + basic statpoints
strike supers = strike base stat + strike super statpoints
ki blast supers = ki blast base stat + ki blast statpoints

also 8.8/7.55 equals a rough 16% boost, which is accurate withe the observation

source, dredrick twitch as I helped him on some calculations
Anyway to change your appearance without collecting the dragon balls? I imagine the PC version will get a save editor at some point.
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Remember that any time you get defeated in story or PQ, an alternate timeline is formed where Appule never sees his best friend again.
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>How is striking

>Anyway to change your appearance without collecting the dragon balls?

Cheat engine has a setting for always having the dragon balls.
Is unlock potential all of the advanced tests, or just Z-Ranking the upgraded ranks for trainers?
>full stat distribution
It was less than 300 in XV1.
Now it's 334.
Seems like a better distribution without needing 99 levels.
Look, anon, I get you're trying hard to get people mad over pointless shit, but just stop. It's sad.
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I have 3 wishes for Xenoverse 3.

Big Fridges
Android race

Someone get Shenlong on the fucking phone.
not gonna participate, but double or single elimination
I assume you are gonna use challonge for brackets or something similar
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>Regular fusion dance
>Combining outfits

We should just start putting this shit in the OP.

Advancement Tests.
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camera please

tryhard shit pls go
I haven't watched this part of GT. Why are the dragons in XV generic as fuck when this chick exists?
So do we know the perfect min/max build for each race yet?
because she is a trap
a shapeshifting trap
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Such a wonderful move

Z rank all the advancement tests, then a final one will pop up. The reward for the final one is PU.
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>Blue Beetle

Now all we need is A namekian Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern and we would have a set.
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Why is this move so cool?
Reinstalling XV1 and playing through cause all my old data was lost in a fire, Would playing something other than saiyan be recommended? If so, what should I play?
some in stamina
125 basic
125 ki super
rest health or ki
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Greetings fellow Saiyapeople! Tomato here, your best buddy who is also 100 percent a Saiyan elite! There's nothing quite like a zenkai after a long day of battle, but you know what else is totally radical! Lord Freeza-sama! He sure is the best! You wouldn't turn your back on Freeza-sama either, would you? Don't forget his infinite power! Boy is he strong! And we Saiyans always respect a strong leader!

Just thought I'd check up on you, my friends! And keep in mind that any rumors of Planet Vegeta's impending destruction should be reported to your nearest Freeza Force counterintelligence official immediately!!!

The gold one(i think) is the 4 star Dragon, so in GT he was probably the second most important dragon, and if i remember right(i haven't watched GT in a million years) he was kind of a cool guy.

The blue one was like his evil twin or some shit, so the probably made the gold one and then since they could just make a recolor for the twin they made that one too.

So in other words, they made Omega Shenron and the gold dragon, and then they made the blue because why not? Probably.
Dlc confirmed for 2 weeks from now?
3 characters, 2 confirmed and a Goku with a unique transformation

>looks almost exactly like buufuu
>not using fusion dance clothes

Well, you tried
Why isn't Roshi a mentor in this yet?
What are you talking about, Green Lantern's right there on the left >>158975486
what about height

also what are the differences between various genders/races

Because it's so bad. It takes too long to land even after a heavy sta break.

Cooler of the move, shittier it ends up being sadly.
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this place is just cancerous avatarfaggots

kill yourselves
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cool animation and you can vanish from your opponents view.

it's pretty solid actually.
Oceanus(Girl) is the 3rd most popular dragon.
Omega/Syn Shenron(White) and Nuova Shenron(Orange) are the most popular dragons, Eis Shenron(Light Blue) is even in GT just a color swap of Nuova so he is easy to make.
I'm the anon you quoted from the other thread, thanks for helping to clear it up with the info you're doing Kami's work.
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Seems legit.
What move?
Probably single bracket format. I don't think it'll have that many people

>Try hard
Its just for fun. I'm not even good at pvp it but might as well give it a try
The orange one is Nuova Shenron. It's somewhat implied that he's the reincarnated soul of Grandpa Gohan, or at least was influenced by him because of his close contact with him, and Goku's family over the years. He was still one of the villains but he was also honorable and mostly just wanted to fight Goku. He got pissed and tried to help out when his twin, Eis Shenron, tried to be a cowardly shit and play dirty.
>same image twice
this always pisses meoff
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I can't believe I missed him. He's not a guy that stands out.
what would he even teach that isnt available already
The ability to get up skirts and grope butts in conton
Me too, fortunately that does not apply to this image
>not tryhard
just have a fight night if you don't want tryhard
that way people will actually try having fun instead of just caring about winning
Hoping for a video or something with all the clothing and accessories or a list at some point, just beat the game and I swear there's plenty of gear I cannot buy and ain't from PQ's and I want to know what they look like before I grind them.
Finally beat the story.
>Hueg mode
>The Mafuba
>Bansho fan super attack
>Super move that makes you look at a dirty magazine and get a nosebleed so hard you rocket towards your opponent and headbutt them
Electric Shocking Surprise
Buff Mode Transformation
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I am just your everyday, average human. Nothing suspicious about me, no sir. I just want to be a good human and get a job, have a house, and steal the drag...I mean, go see a Mr Satan fight live.

>all of Frieza Force members are either arrogant, pretentious or the Ginyus
>Appule keeps complementing you on rising through the ranks, even lends his dogged support
>he waits for you at the entrance to the ship so a friendly face is the first thing you see
>he even gets scared that you'll get so strong you can't be friends anymore

Never thought I'd get such a bro-tier character from Frieza's gang. I always figured you have to be a genocidal maniac to even qualify
The Original Kamehameha
Thats not a half bad idea. We'll do both then
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An npc on the upper floor of the dome thingy gave me this

Might be useful to get Z scores
not yet, but with stats not making a huge effect in this game, I personally think that mixed sets are viable in this game

level 80 stats for male majin and fridges without weight bonus
male majin 80 base:
strike: 6.89
ki blast: 6.68

strike: 6.89
ki blast: 7.05

if you have a level 80 chara, which isn't male majin or fridge, you might help out by testing damage values with justice combo and giant storm in practice mode
also dont forget to either equip a 0 QQ bang or do it naked
also I need your weight class and skillpoint stat on ki blast super and strikke super
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>just hanging out with Beerus on the school roof
>polishing your forehead
Isn't that simply for experience?
>implying they'd ever consider going through the effort of making a buff transformation when their effort was pushed to its limit just giving freezies and saiyans recolors of their normal forms and turning majins into kid buu
True/Original Kamehameha
Buff Mode
Mini Gamera
Elegant Blaster. Zarbon's ultimate.
You turn invisible (enemies lose their target lock too), get to move around at high speed for a second or two, then reappear and blast them.
The Bankokku Bikkuri Shou is in the game as the Turtle Style Last Resort, and sadly it's kinda garbage. It's also in the same boat as Burning Slash and Burst Rush in that it's a Super when it really should be an ult.
I want to rub my dick on your forehead.
>stealing Towa's outfit
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Equipment health.png
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Discuss how useful this is.
she wont be needing it anymore
towa is cute
Is Explosion of Namek still the best Dragon Ball grinder or is there a different one
>tfw want to help out but fridge

Do you have a comparison picture without a QQ bang equipped?
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Fuck this guy in particular>>158977256
>implying there's anything wrong with the Ginyus
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.Who nerfing their ki damage by 15% to not have to go Lakers Mode here?
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I chose this skin color to SPECIFICALLY wear her outfit. Give me the underboobage
Anyone? No opinions?
Raditz hair mod when?
Didn't take a picture but it's pretty much the halfway point between the two.
For some reason, the QQ bangs don't add/subtract all that much from everything except for ki and stamina.
If you want to replay XV1 just to have a character to transfer over it's not worth the time.
Who's stronger, Mr. Satan or Monoka?

what kind of question is this? play whatever the fuck you want. are you really that much of a minmaxing faggot that you'd rather play whatever lets you win easier than your own custom character?
tfw u will never impregnate towa and be forced to take responsibility
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That's for academics tho
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>you finished all my challenged
>by the way here's another challenge

atleast I have 100% in all the time rift shit now
Male Saiyan, Medium weight
0 Strike Supers, 109 Ki Supers
Giant Storm damage: 6394
Justice Combination damage: 5554

Hope that's what you're looking for.
Mr. Satan survived attacks from Cell and Buu
Monaka tanked a hit from Base Goku (Super)

Mr. Satan survived in GT an attack from Omega Shenron
min/max autism is the worst shit

i blame dragons dogma, no even console kiddies want to be min/max
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And the final one will probably be 350 or 400 or whatever. It's honestly a pretty disgusting strategy. While this doesn't mean you shouldn't buy the game if it's not a dealbreaker for you, at least don't stoop so low as to defend them for it.
107 Ki supers.
>Medium weight
aren't there four weigths?
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Fucking stomach line drives me insane
Can't afford XV2 currently and fucking shit broke for a while, so needing to scratch the itch.
>i blame dragons dogma
Why? Minmaxing has been a thing since forever.
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It's no Supernova, but it'll do.

I really want that 1st form Cell ult though...

Small-Medium-Heavy, just like height is Short-Medium-Tall
To unlock the Nimbus vehicle, do you have to complete the story mode?
oh, thank you
time for calculations
someone is providing me female human stats

I assume you're level 80
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>Can't color majin tongues green
Still mad.
Its 107 in Ki supers, if you didn't see, sorry. Yes I am level 80.
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Reporting in.
Sure thing, anon.
Keep trying, though.

Just using some crude eyeballing ruler measurements, it looks like +5 health QQ bangs increase HP by not quite 1/9s of a full HP bar. So that's about 11% extra health, give or take a few %.

Probably doesn't hurt to have or not have it. But if you're in a mission where you tend to run out of HP capsules or can't use them, it might be useful to have some extra insurance.
Fastest way to get TP medals? I want Final Shine Attack
Bumping this
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HaHAHa Fuck You!.gif
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>Meet Time-breaker Yamcha for the first time

>Kicks my ass all day every day
... Fuck.
Don't get pissy if you're out of arguments, man up and admit it's a greedy as fuck DLC plan.
grind expert missions
do Krillin's and Yamcha's minigames when they show up
He just loops over and over. Which is a nice source of zenny but still.

>You'll never keep me in your prisons, I'll escape, I'll-
>Give me your clothes
Import a high level XV1 character.
where does he start looping? I hope at the very least 10K
Each mentor gives you 3 marks, right?
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Did someone order fluffy Majin Pancakes?
Assuming those multipliers for going Super Saiyans are right, how body demanding would be someone to equal in multiplier on the Kaioken? As in, 50x Kaioken.
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>Turles comes to save my ass
>gets taken down as well
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>right after that pq you do this one
>he gets back up
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It's not about an argument, it's you being an idiot.
The "full stat distribution" you're bitching about means nothing when the base max stats for XV2 are already higher than the max stats XV1 had even with the DLC.
You're whining about nothing.
I want to add some cream to Buuttermilk
I think it was around 20k or 30k. The problem is his money loops too, still haven't found out if he gives you instant cash for the combos though.
Any good expert missions for doing offline? Finding lobbies is pretty hit or miss for me rn.
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>respond to my opinion with an argument or you lost and you know it, and should just give me the validation i crave
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Ayy finally found him

Where's the janemba trainer?
You don't need more stats to play the base game content, and there's a PvP mode with equalized level 50 stats
No. They're getting stale.
doesnt exist
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Online is non-existent; quick search has a 1 in 10 chance of working and searching for a specific mission will yield zero results.

Super Saiyan Bargain Sale
Xbox One

Impossible to do alone and attain a Z Rank.
If I have 100% completion with guru, is there any point in continuing getting the dragon balls for nail? Shits annoying as hell and repetitive.
Just do whichever ones you're comfortable with and don't give you too much trouble.
Well, Namek Saga Goku had a PL of about 3M and a healthy max of 10x Kaioken, and had to push his body hard for a 20x.
Saiyan Saga had a PL of about 8000, a healthy Max 2x Kaioken and could push it to 4x Kaioken if he was really desperate.

I guess you can try to do the fantasy math.
no. after you get the egg you can ignore it
No, once you have 100% you can tell them to fuck off.
You don't want Nail's neighborhood to end up like Iguana street do you?
Best stats for ki blast focused user?
threadly reminder that expert mission 15 isn't hard
>you just suck
Is there a Strike Ult similar to Mystic Flash (instant turn around attsck) to punish vanish?

Also where dos /dbg/ hang out?
Yeah, nah, you're a cunt. Maybe with ki users who can spam like a fucking madman.

Max Ki damage
Max Sta (any user wants this)
Rest into Basic's.

QQ Bang that increases Ki damage, Sta at the bare minimum.
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That's pretty moronic logic, you apologist. Max stat distribution in XV1 was 300, and you had to buy DLC to get it. Max stat distribution in XV2 will clearly be more than what we have now at lvl 80, and you WILL have to buy DLC to get it.

Now again, I'm hardly advocating a boycott here, if this isn't a dealbreaker for you then that's fine. But PLEASE, do explain how this is a business strategy you're not only okay with, but feel the need to defend in anonymous Contonese Milk Delivery Boards.

Being unable to defend your position and resorting to namecalling is generally considered conceding the argument, anon.
I'll give you a hand if you want, GT is A Red Meddler
One handed kamehameha jumps behind the vanisher and blasts them.
>6 enemies
>enemies have an ult they can spam that insta break stamina, can teleport anywhere in the map without warning, have an attack that WILL hit you no matter where you are and has less than a second warning before you need to block it or risk losing an entire bar of health
>and basic attacks can never touch any of them
It's a shitty mission, tedious as fuck, and the auto-dodge they gave the enemies was an awful choice.

Just back attack.
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>Grinding PQs for an outfit idea
>Some time patroller shows up in the outfit I'm after
Curse you Frieza! Now I'm mad.mp4
Is your right arm okay you seem to be stabbing it with your left hand spike.
After some more playing around with it, I've learned that it's not the most reliable thing after all. In the end it depends on how good the AI is and what they feel like letting you do.

It might still work well in PVP, since I can imagine it confusing some people long enough for you to hit. (or you happen to catch them as they were about to do a stamina break)
The DLC will likely raise the level cap, and with it, the stat cap. Big deal. There's no need to to get this upset and shitpost this hard.
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>tfw finally got the Supreme Kai outfit

I hope you all fucking starve like Guru you little yellow shits
Is it a strike? Doesn't sound like it
Didn't answer my question

Mystic flash erases healthbars and is the easiest ult to pull off and ensures you're hitting an opponent with at least 2 stam bars missing

Too bad there seems to be only a ki blast ult that does this
fun fact, you can do the one handed kamehame-ha ult as an escape move, I think it uses stamina though
Uh... It's part of my training?
It's a pretty big deal for anyone who doesn't want to buy the DLC actually, because you'll be fairly gimped compared to everyone else, like you were in XV1 unless you pay for all the DLC or the season pass. I don't see how pointing this out is shitposting, but what I find much stranger is how you take offense in Bamco's money-grubbing behalf.
Super Saiyan bargain sale is perfectly doable alone

Get fuckin gud

I could sympathize if it was eternal rivals because that mission is bullshit with AI
It uses 300 stamina (and the standard 300 ki) if you use it as an Escape Move, yeah.
>keep getting S rank on final advancement test
holy shit how much more do i need to do to get a Z
Bargain sale was easy for me in XV1 because I had a majin tank immune to stagger.

It's not gonna be so easy this time I take it.
What is a charged ki blast? like a charged kamehameha?
Do you PCfags use controllers or keyboards?
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they have easy to read patterns, keep your ki up, don't let them run, z vanish when the screen turns black and they unless stamina breakers; rinse & repeat and nah bro i'm a striker
3 grabs, some perfect blocks, 20 ki blasts, ultimate finishers on 3, super finishers on the rest, and preferably untouchable but that's unreasonable.

Just do the same thing you're doing now but add in some grabs and perfect blocks.
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360 controller
Only retards and poorfags use keyboards for fighting games.
So assuming I can actually get the money to spare, should I get this and the season pass or some fucking gunpla
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Anyone know why my buttons are fucked?
3 extra stats per level will add up to 57 points to spend.
Those points will not add anything significant.
You're shitposting. Stop being a bitch about it.

I'm guessing that there's no blue hurricane spam to make farming PQs really really easy?

There's still that Z-soul that makes you immune to Kamehameha moves. Did they tone down the kamehameha spam in that?
>Too bad there seems to be only a ki blast ult that does this
which one?

pls respond
>people "afk" in the pq area trying to show off their outfits
please fuck off if you're one of these people
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Where do you get it?
fuck you guru
i don't want to save your shitty house
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You. I like you. We should hang out, punch Gohan together.
Fuck anyone got any tips on getting a +ki, stam, basic QQ bang?

I've been trying bardock and beerus but no luck so far.
I legitimately think it's a bug and not people actually afk'ing

I have seen people in the dialogue option for more than two hours in the same spot
Those points give an unfair advantage to paying players, and in general just fuck you over if you don't want to pay for all DLC. This is a simple fact, and I'm surprised you can even reply to my posts with Namco's dick so deep down your throat.
Mystic Flash. You can only fire it bakcwards which sounds retarded at first but you can reliably punish a vanish with a fucking ultimate. Comes out instantly.
It's now more a problem with eternal stamina breaks and *teleports behind (you)*s
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>Talk to Broly
>Get put underground
so how many points are you supposed to get per level? i was getting 7 points per level but now i noticed it dropped down to 4. what level is it supposed to change?
if its anything like XV1
everyone will get the new level cap
>he doesn't know how to pull off the Final Perfect Full Power Purification Kamehameha Volley
Look at this scrub.
From the TP shop next Friday. I got it now by changing the date in my PS4's settings.

Other fun stuff include >>158975260, Fasha's armor, Trunks' sleeveless jacket, Android 13's trucker hat+hair and Dimension Ray.

pls respond
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The fact you're still going is actually kinda cute.
Have fun.
Can anyone answer this please?

Where the heck can I find the One-Handed Kamehameha? Is it an Expert mission drop?
Post moves you never knew you'd like. I'll start
>Dodoria uppercut
>Zarbon evasive move
>Rakshahasa claw
>Deadly dance
These moves are so fucking good to end combos on its crazy
theres a fucker flying around
obe i think
h'es hard to find and doesnt stay in one spot, but if you find him, he gives it
talk to some npc called oba who is flying around very high
you don't have to beat the story for it
just unlock flight
dodoria launcher
it seems retarded but up until the point where every enemy stamina breaks you during ultimates it's great
I can't find the fucker though, beginning to get paranoid now if I had to have beat the story.
who's that
Does the quality of food you give the Majin Kids affect what they bring back, or is it purely random?
The fact that you're offended enough at anyone criticizing Namco's greedy DLC plans that you'd continue replying in their defense for the better part of an hour, and then try to play it off is what's really cute.
yeah he's hard to find
just fly very high
i found him around the patroller academy
meteor crash, not even a strike user but it really looks like a fucking beatdown
Is the TP Medal wish worth it?
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Point me where I said it wasn't greedy.
All I was doing was calling you out for whining about a few stat points that will not add anything significant to anyone's CaC.
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It's Note from DB Heroes, the cutest monkey.
He buried you. Should have brought him KAKAROT
Where the ffuck do I get Vegito's clothes?

I already beat him in Parallel quest 91 and got Z rank

pls respond

Fuck. How much does it give? 50?
Get XV2. It's unpolished as fuck, but I had a ton of fun with it, and the bits that are better than XV1 are so much better, it's amazing.
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Happy Halloween, everybody. I hope this ghost is spooky enough.
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Where the FUCK is riot javelin?
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>mfw I'm level 43 and JUST started the Cell saga

It feels like I'm cheating
>No Note hair
>No Note clothes
>No Loli / Shota for Humans/Saiyans
Man, how terrible.
Gotta buy that Bardock mentor DLC :^)
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I expected to at least get her hair, especially since we got the loli Majins' "hair"

Oh well, maybe in XV3 along with playable Note.
Sauzer blade is a really nice combo starter/extender if you're on the ceiling of the map, or your opponent's stam is broken.
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>You'll never get to bring him supper and company when he pulls night shift duty
>You'll never get to be a pal and forget any debts to you, despite winning his shirt off at cards.
>You'll never fall into an inappropriate position while furiously training your sweaty bodies.
>You'll never get to tell him that you're a time traveler and that you know what's going to happen to Frieza and all of his men
>You will never save him from getting blasted and smuggle him out into the Time Patrol because he's not important enough(to others) to be missed in time

Goddamn it, if Trunks can eb allowed to change history to save people predestined to die horribly why can't I?
>It's a gigantic ki blast bugs out and I have to restart the battle episode
>still in frieza saga @ lvl 40

been grinding for Goku's clothes and I can't seem to nab his fucking Kamehameha

plus I'm running around doing all of the tutors' quests, they give you so many moves.
So that's why you couldn't transfer Bardock's moves.
can you do all the expert missions solo or do you have to play online with others?
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>and there it goes
This just happened to me, hadn't seen it before.
Thing just sailed out of the map and when it did, Nappa came back
You can do them solo, but the AI teammates are absolutely retarded.
Is there a release date for any of the dlcs
Is it possible to do both ki-supers and striker supers in a build?

I've got like 45 in Ki storage, 40 in health, 20 in basic, 30 stam, 55 in striker and 0 in ki blast so far.

Well Saiyan Spirit is in there, but that's it.
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They specifically designed the friendly AI to work against you.

You can probably do a bunch of them solo, but not all.
Happens nearly everytime I try to do it with the AI.
When it's me and my friends this has yet to happen.
Fucking tutorial, had to do it 12 times.
How do I make the game not look like shit? AMDfag here (R9 290)
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This took fucking forever fuck.

Bardock + Z fighting suit with an ultimate mixing capsule.

I kept trying bardock and beerus and it wouldn't work. Bardock and z-fighting suit took me two tries.
>Gold form charged ki blasts remove over 60% of a giant ape's stamina bar

Thats why i will always stop Trunks.

Fuck you, Trunks. If i dont get to save my friend (Which wouldnt even affect the timeline unlike your bullshit), neither do you.
Perfected Super Saiyan Bargain Sale and still can only attain an A rank. Mission's bugged.
I can't decide between Meteor Crash, Super Mad Dance and Super God fist.
Meteor Crash is fucking Meteor Crash, Dance is really strong in SSJ, and Super God Fist is just satisfying.
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>TFW finally beat Supreme Kai 13
I'm pretty shitty at fighting games so it's nice to finally start getting the muscle memory for the stamina breaks
Finally beat the game. Excited to get started on my Freezypop and human. Any tips for either? Striker Human, Blaster Frieza is my aim
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>glancing through last thread
>see this
>made me feel really happy
>and really jealous

This never happens with me. Closest is doing a stamina breaker on someone while they're doing a Victory Rush.
>regular human
>perfect shot
>it's fucking gone
So does body type actually factor in anything? Will a tall muscular saiyan be easier to grab than a smaller one?
What about fat tall vs fat small buu
I would let Trunks save Gohan
Not just cause you are saving literally the best version of him but also because then I would have someone who could help me and mine
base stats without weight bonus, level 80
male saiyan
strike: 6.89
ki: 6.76

female human:
strike: 6.76
ki blast: 7.00

keep in mind, that male Saiyans might compensate their bad base stats with the good damage out of their basic combo strings though, making a 125 investment into basic attack a boost of 17%
So, if Saiyan Spirit's obtainable, what's the new ult that Bardock's going to give out with his training?
So? Whoo, an extra 10%
My not so giant ape's charge ki blast does 50% in base form.
Die Pointlessly

it removes all your hp and ki but it looks really cool
Why is Zarbon the worst frieza subordinate
Why is Ginyu the best
Why is Kakarot the worst saiyan
Why is Vegeta the best
Why is Piccolo the worst Namek
Why is Dende the best
Why is Cooler the worst frieza
Why is Freeza the best
Why is Chichi and Bulma the worst earthlings
Why is Roshi the best
Why is majin buu better than pure
>Not Raditz
So did anyone see Sergio's data mine?

Cooler, f.gohan and whis are planned mentors and there's a character with the ID name HIK. I hope it's hatchiyak
>Why is Piccolo the worst Namek

A move where you charge into the enemy's ultimate move and die in one hit
but you look pretty cool doing it
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Oh hey if you're offline the statue in the center of town is of yourself.

That's neat.
Anyone use change the future yet? wondering if it would be a good way to counter basic attack.
Anyone knows?
Throw in Xeno Bardock's armour as an outfit and you've got yourself a deal.
How the fuck do you beat Expert Mission 15? Am I retarded? I keep running out of time?


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>Mfw Dodoria Launcher

Fucking hell, how did such a good attack get on such a shitter?
Kinda want Bardock as a mentor
Or Roshi so he can teach you the ways of a pervert
I thought it only changed after you beat story mode?
Is Great Ape Festival the best place to farm for Dragon Balls? Played it twice and got four balls.
Oh wait yeah bardock too, I forgot

>all these people having glitches and problems
>all PC

I guess thats why you don't buy console games that get ported to PC.
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What ki Supers/Ultimates do you use on expert missions against normal sized enemies?

>playing some PQ's with a mate
>I knockback an enemy straight into his kamehameha
feels good
I almost asked where you got that sick mask.
Just made a -5, +5, +5, -2, +1, -3 QQ by using 2 of the final Frieza armors and a high mix capsule. I'm curious to see if I can make something even better when I get my hands on an ultimate mix capsule.

My health barely decreased, while my stamina and ki shot through the roof.
don't start with that shit

You just need to get Z-Rank on advancement tests. The ones where you fight a bunch of characters. Nothing else.
PS4 is having the same shit you dumb faggot
Is it weird that I've never seen Krillin available for milk duty? Do I need to finish his training first or something?
He's a weakling
A pathetic excuse for a saiyan. While Vegeta is a proud saiyan prince, a prideful passionate man

I wonder if they'll allow you to have Bardock's mask as well. I hope so
Deep down, Dodoria is a hard worker, and a decent comrade and friend.
That's why his moves are better that shithead Zarbon's.
Who is a shallow, petty fuckhead who couldn't fight his way out of a paper vegeta.
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>mfw Super Ki Explosion in training mode with Unlimited Ki
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I've had my save randomly deleted twice not from trying to make a wish, literally random on PS4.

So there.
height only affects speed and health
I just chuck Destructo Discs and hope they hit. They just get knocked back if I do anything else.
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You're doing gods work anon.

How about male humans?
did you write this while watching DBZ Abridged or something

you know that it's a parody right
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Well, that just happened.
Also, anyone else getting frequent disconnects during online missions?
I disconnect about half the time for no apparent reason.

Regular DBZ bro
Bulma is literally a whore who gobbles multiple cocks and Chichi is just a rude bitch
no range increase?
Death Beam, God of Destruction's Anger, Spirit Bomb, Max Charge. Ultimates are Maiden Blast/Death Ball and Energy Zone. I play a Fridge, so I tend to just spam my awoken form's free Death Beam, as it will work wonders against those auto dodge fuckwits.
no idea, I dont have the game and I'm only doing the calculations, once I've finished my calculations I plan to compare it with dredrick's result

I'm poor at the moment and hope that I will get my money this weekend to buy this game

it affects range, too
and hitboxes I guess
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>getting the chance to obtain SSJ
>getting my ass kicked by both Goku and Vegeta
>mfw it unlocks mid battle
>both are marvelled at your power
This game, man
>not playing an online centric game online
>have the nerve to complain about a game they pirated
>when they got it for free

kill yourselves, pirates. Youre what's wrong with the industry. WE CAN TELL YOU DIDNT BUY THE GAME.
As a freezy pop should I go for Ki or Strike attacks?
What I notice is my team seems to randomly disband itself sometimes after a PQ.

Not an overly big deal, but still kind of annoying.

Also why the fuck do I have to disband the room to change the PQ mission?
Fuck, so much wasted time.
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This is lewd.
My big wish are female Frieza Clans, and Customizable Transformations, what with Frieza stating his Ultimate evolution was actually a custom job [which lines up with whats implied with Cooler's fifth form]
>fight frieza and cooler with goku
So bad ass
So I know height affects speed vs health

What does body type affect?
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>trying to grind PQs but Trick or Treaters interrupt every 2 minutes
>when I am playing all these hot monkey girls are making me want to fap but I can't because of the risk of being caught with my pants literally down
>don't want to be that asshole who doesn't give out candy or just leaves it in a bowl for teenagers to steal
>pizza coming in 45 minutes anyway
>Kaioken won't drop
>two 5* items with a 4* hercule badge
>+1 hp only
are you fucking kidding me
>Bulma is literally a whore who gobbles multiple cocks

>latest Super episode
>she tries to distract Zamasu
>literally the first thing she jumps straight into is trying to fuck him
Poor Vegeta.
>bobbing for appules
>God of Destruction's Anger
you clever cunt you, why did I not think of this

>free Death Beam, as it will work wonders against those auto dodge fuckwits.
I have trouble hitting NPCs that just hover around without even dash speed with that trash

ki, due to goldylock transformation giving a 30% increase in ki attacks
>Goku just shows up out of fucking nowhere while you're having a final fight with Mira

but why
Mine is
Spiked up hair while in ss
Or if you wear goku wig when you go ss it spikes up and goes gold
Add more things to do in Conton, like races, or daily/weekly events
Hit clothes
Raditz wig
I can't wait for them to do something about having to start over with every new character, it's the one thing keeping me from making a new one
>not your guy from XV1
oh come on
strike vs ki
if it's anything like XV1 thinner is better for ki blasters and thicc is better for brawlers
What are some of the best melee supers to look out for in this? I played through XV1 doing everything BEAM, and now I want to shake things up.
Is that true? It makes me so mad since he's my favorite character
I took goku up as my mentor and I haven't been able to find him sense, but he has no damn problem constantly showing up in my missions to berate me then do nothing.
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Just let it go, anon.
At least he doesn't steal your kill
which is a step in the right direction
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Does your imported patroller actually do any fighting with you, at any point?
>Not even Trunks

I've been waiting for Trunks to do something cool and go super saiyan for 2 fucking games now and all he does is comedy relief with the Kai of time
I literally spam the fuck out of it and usually end up doing 90% of the total damage during a fight. It's perfect for when they are busy trying to melee someone else or when you know they are going to charge right at you.
No but you fight against him
If Gohan and Videl are your instructors do they both come in to save you?
Keep playing the story, he'll eventually appear around the TP Medals Shop, first for that mission and later as a instructor.
it's probably just Gohan because Videl got kitchen'd after the Buu saga

You'll be waiting until X3 probably. I doubt they're gonna change that.
Well, that's cool.

Now I'm upset that I gave him all strike moves to import, when his stats were Ki focused.
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why does this cutscene ruin the ginyu armor
Bandai Namco is literally tweeting about patching it.
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He gets generic villain moveset anyway, don't be too discouraged.
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Yes, Bulma distracts him so Trunks has time to watch Piccolo's how-to videos on her phone.
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Where were you when TokiToki's egg made Dragon Ball AF canon?
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>you don't actually get to fight your old cac in a one on one battle

If it helps any, the attempt fails as Zamasu is utterly repulsed because of his deep-seated hatred of ningens.


Haven't collected a lot of them since I only got past the Namek saga, but here's the ones I've seen so far:

Ginyu Force combo - tipping the left directional stick in different directions before you hit the button results in different variations, one of which may be guard break. Default combo has pretty nice damage.

Orin Combo - fast, does a lot of damage, and knocks characters to the ground.

Meteor Crash - combo monster. Can become unreliable later on when NPCs tend to vanish out of long combos or use escape moves.

Critical Upper - From Dodoria. Fast, looks cool, knocks targets upward.

Arm Crash can be nice, but it's not strictly necessary in PvE anymore since there's no more super armor.
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>get two pieces of cells outfit every run
>fucking gloves just won't drop
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When will she die already
My nigga Vegeta don't deserve this ;_;
Blatant fucking netorare.
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Pics and links.
I want piccolo to teach me mafuba
and be my dad
save editor when
>HA, five v. yamcha? what are you gonna-
>four v. yamcha, s-still not a chance-
>three v. yamcha-
>beerus isnt just called "beerus" hes called "god of destruction beerus"
cocky bitch
Kinda funny how the AI always seems to perfect block when their stamina is getting low, almost as if the game is stacked against you to generate difficulty.
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>remake main CaC from XV1 as XV2 hero
>import random saiyan I made a week before
>mfw Bandai Namco doesn't get to delete my donut steel from history
Where the fuck are the other expert mission locations? I only saw the first three.
>can't use a wig and a scouter at the same time
For shame.
Where is Time Breaker Yamcha? Is it in a PQ?
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Time Breaker Yamcha is no joke yo. Is the Neo Wolf Fang Fist any good?
Goten gives the quest
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Vegeta ;_;
When you think about it though Buff Mode is a better transformation for earthlings than fucking nimbus
personally I want someone to datamine the damage formular and the stat formular already, because I seem to hit a dead end with how levels affect the stats
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how the fuck do you deal with these giant balls anyway if you don't want to rely on making them phase through the ground?
It is. The AI in this game is awful, both for and against you. Your allies will constantly get in your way and fuck up your combos. Enemies will just cheat whenever they want to. And if you start getting combod by an enemy your allies will just stand there and watch you die.
I don't mind having to do the story again.
But doing the teacher stuff again seems redundant.

But having to do those asinine tutorials again is horseshit.
Especially the glitchy expert ones.
Yeah. Goten will show up at the world tournament gates when you near the end of the story to give it to you.
I can learn that punch to the face cut-in move Goku had in XV1 this time, right?
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>and Customizable Transformations

Yes please, i hurt myself grinding dragon balls just to pretend i have this.
>implying bulma would ever cheat on Vegetables
She was about to claim rape and get vegeta into his final form
Even as he's about to sacrifice himself he cares for Bulma
And what does she do
Cheats on him
Over and over
How can people like her as a character?
Just got all my dragon balls, are any of the super moves worth wishing for or is there something else I should go for?
Behold my Donut Steel
New character, really
Hit is fun to play as.
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Well. Hello.
When has Bulma ever cheated on Vegeta?
D'awww.. the marshmallow is trying to be scary.
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>four great apes
Is it even worth attempting? It took me like 10 tried just to do the tutorial because of how buggy apes and massive ki blasts are.
Just go Ultimate Move for the sick Time Stop skill. The wishes this time around suck dick.
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Mine has collarbones
So Dodoria or Zarbon?
good wishes: characters, supers, ultimates as they're exclusive
okay wishes: change appearance/reallocate stats
I'd rather grind dragonballs than zeni/tp: zeni/tp
I honestly should have been aborted: accessory/"rare" turnip/stronger/grow
So just started playing XV2 and I imported one of my guys from XV1, the ultimate attack was the Assault Rain, but it's fuckign shit compared to what it was in XV1, only 4 to 10 attacks hit te enemy compared to the 12+ it did in the original.

Do the attacks get better when leveling up? How has shit changed?

Should I reset my save, equip my XV1 with better stuff ad import it again? How is the Emperors Beam in XV2?
>When has Bulma ever cheated on Vegeta?
She's done it with her eyes
The way she looks at Zarbon
Even Tien
Zarbon can do anything Dodoria can, but with finesse
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because neither of those things happened
them watermelon clothes
I've done it, it takes a while because its really glitchy so best practice is to try and take them down as quick as you can so they dont do massive ki blasts since it teleports them out of the map, sometimes you get lucky. took me like over 20 tries lol but you wont be able to unlock the other expert missions after it unless you do it.
>with her eyes
You remind me of my ex girlfriend, even when I tried to impregnate her she was worried I was cheating on her.
anon that's not how cheating works
>Piccolo just perfect blocked ALL of my Justice Combo hits
Yooo what the fuck
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>Not wanting Time Skip/Molotov
You know what you have to do anon.
You have to unleash ZA WARUDO
What PQ is this?
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betamales don't need logic or proof, all they need to squeak out their impotent rage is a vagina within 200 km.
Thank you, where do you get Critical Upper from? Does it show up in the shop, or do you get it from a quest?
okay muhammad

i feel bad for any woman that
I melee viable in XV2? Wanna hear melee experiences.
>hey boss what should we put as the difficulty
>just put the highest one
>but boss, we have a lot of those already and they're not nearly as hard
>I don't know, just put something
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is it working?
I remember there bein a namekian strike that pulls the enemy and gut punches him once.

How is it called?
You have to ask yourself what she does off camera
You can tell she's a sleezy whore. Has been since original dragonball
holy shit i finally got potential unleashed
this damage boost feels awesome and i dont even seem to have any drawbacks?
Zarbon is a cunt.
Dodoria is bro-tier.
>She's done it with her eyes
I want the middle east to go and stay go
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it's time to stop.webm
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Game's constantly crashing for me. Think it's trying to tell me to just drawfag instead of fucking around in vidya.
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High Rise.gif
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Too adroable to be scary.
First time I ever went Super Saiyan I went straight into SSJ3. I feel like that's something of a design flaw.

What's the statistical difference between SSJ, SSJ2, and SSJ3?
it's honestly the only way to play

maybe slug's ultimate, but I don't think that's just one punch
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>Have 6 bars of ki
>Get a QQ Bang with really good boosts, and only -2 in ki
>Equip it
>Down to less than bars

christ man
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ur mum

seriously this NPC conversation is fucking hilarious

Critical Upper is from Dodoria training. He'll show up as a trainer in the Ajisa District (Namek district) of the main hub city after a certain point in the Namek Saga storyline.

The first three apes are fairly easy. Basically it's just a race against time to take down Bardock. Completed it in offline mode.
thats not a design flaw, your ssj level is based on how many ki bars you have. you get ssj 1 at like 3 ki bars, ssj 2 at 4 ki bars and ssj3 at 5 bars.
Perfect, I'll keep an eye out for him when I get there.
What is /dbg/ handing out for Halloween?
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>You have to ask yourself what she does off camera
She doesn't exist off camera anon, shes a drawing that someone made with a pencil, a script, and a voice actress. I would like to ask you to return to reality and stop being really dumb.
I remember having it on my low lvl namekian I deleted because I wanted a new one
*4 bars

>Starts Time Breaker Yamcha quest
>He beats Tien
>Knocks me down
>Turles jumps in and saves me

Instructors are so cool

It's about as scary as the fluffiest pillow at the pillow store.

I understand the mechanic, it just feels like a flawed design given that I hadn't even started the Android saga and already I could go SSJ3.
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Dragon Balls
take every stat of the QQ and multiply it by four. You have a -8 in ki total.
So your telling me everyone who died off screen didn't actually die
I still don't think -8 is supposed to take away 2 whole bars.
>it's honestly the only way to play

So they changed it from XV 1 where just beam spam as SSJ was the only viable way to play.

God dammit.
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I got those big ass full sized candy bars in bulk with my discount. Kids have been thinking im the coolest shit for the last hour.
>tfw you are helping create obesity in children
Bumping this
I've got a horrible headache and I'm about to take a 3 hour nap
I just downed 8 200mg capsules of ibuprofen
Everything you just said indicates you are not talking about, and have never played expert 15.

Nah, Ki attacks are still usually better than Strike, what the Anon means is just that now you have actual combos and shit and they have a use.

>6 enemies

You mean to tell me there's someone after Janemba? Fuck that mission goddamn.
>Android race
They're just humans though. Just with a few metal bits in them.
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>vegeta literally 9/11s a stadium full of people
>literally all she cares about is vegeta and what could have happened to him to make him do it
>only breaks down when he ends up dead

>s-she's such a slut though because she looks at men once in a while!!!

Are you just trying to push this so hard because you're a cuckold fetishist yourself?
What race are you? Frieza lasers make this fucking trivial.
>mfw just watched a domics video where he described houses that give out full size candy bars as the candy gold mine
>shittalking combat turnip
go lick an outlet you nerd
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I agree, but I still think we need rocket punches and shit
ohhh I see.

You can still beam spam, but it's no longer the default way to play the game. You're going to have to mix it up in melee to progress.

Having Ki Ults is probably a good idea if you want an easier time Z-ranking missions, however.
I'm as anti ntr as it gets
I find it worse than scat porn
But I just believe she cheats on my bro vegeta
To be honest I want confirmation and proof that she doesn't
Bully the Buu's.
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Darn. Maybe next Halloween then.
Someone has a chart that compares all of the awoken skills, but I don't have it. If I remember, its almost as good as SSJ3 without the reduced Ki generation.
it sounds like you're incredibly autistic and insecure
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You're a nigger. Next time spend the extra money on just more fun size, and be the guy who tells kids to take a bunch. The whole fun is the variety of candy, its way better to get as much as a full bar but in different kinds than one single full bar
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fuck you don't think to know what I'm saying
saiyans can't spam anymore, most ultimates whiff like there's no tomorrow and if you EVER



think about using an ultimate in later content or pvp, you're going to get guard broken during the animation, lose all your stamina and half your health in the next few seconds while your enemy combos the everliving shit out of you
Maybe you're right
Maybe I am
But I just need confirmation
Has it ever been said that off screen Bulma is cheating? Has it been shown? Please return to reality anon you are being dumb and im worried about your current state of mental health. If you need someone to speak to I am here for you.

That was such a great moment in DBS. One of the first times I actually felt genuine hype while I was watching the series.

It's really too bad that Goku's forgetfulness ruined everything.
Does Power Pole mode get stronger with any stats?
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Waiting for a drawfag to draw you scary.
A friendly r-reminder that t-talking about D-DBsuper in xenoverse 2 boards is not only a spoiler, but off topic.

T-thank you.
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Well this was unexpected..
>Guilty until proven innocent because she once in a while literally just glances at other men

I get the feeling you're a wizard anyway but just to be safe I feel bad for anyone who might get taken off guard by you and your insecurities
I don't need anyone to talk to. I just want to believe that she's not
I want to believe that there's such thing as a loyal girl in this time and age
But every time I'm about to get there ntr plagues my life
My anime
My games
My doujin
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Fuck, I found it.
>You're a nigger
Ya a fat one.
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>that whiff

More infuriating than missing Dragon Fist... after the first hit connects.
I confirm that you're autistic.
>a friendly reminder that t-tal

I love how some attacks just clip through enemies and then they just destroy you whilst you're stuck in the animation.
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>You grapple the enemy from behind and prepare to detonate yourself
>Your CaC makes a fiendish grin at the camera

Brachs' Mallowcreme Pumpkins and Reese's mini-peanut butter cups.

Now I only need some trick-or-treaters to come by. Unfortunately, my house is relatively isolated compared to the others in my neighborhood, so I haven't had any trick-or-treaters come by in years.
It's just Gohan
I have yet to see the bite connect after fucking around with it in training mode a lot.
Can I transfer Emperor Death Beam into XV2?
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My ultimates are just for cool screenshots, or when I already won (in PvE) and i want to try finishing it like a badass

Otherwise its just melee all day with some ki supers thrown in when i'm feeling confident (even then its a crapshoot)
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>host makes an online PQ for people to join
>goes AFK

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you know what

I can see where this is going

fuck off back to /pol/ and /r9k/
I understand why
If I make Pan my mentor will she come fight with me against Beerus and make him dance while I charge up my Kamehameha x100?
I'm no longer a robot or a /pol/tard
I'm just an insecure weeb neet who wants a loyal girl to love him
Can someone give me an invite to this?
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Just combo into your ultimates, friends! It's easy.
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What was /pol/ about his autistic posts?
You are very similar to the type of person who worries about bears attacking their home within the center of the city. You should focus on more imminent problems in your life anon or you will stop progressing. Also avoid /r9k/ threads with the center topic of living bi-curiously through another anons bad experience.
>literally free damage on earthling characters
wew lad
yeah I remember one in particular, I'm not sure which is it was but I think it was a mentor beam ultimate
enemy just stood against me and the beam's hitbox started further away than he was, so he was completely safe

too bad there's no ki justice combination you fucking whore
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There's also celldroids though.
I want a girl to show me the meaning of love and loyalty
I figured we're about 3 posts from whining about niggers stealing white women.
Combo into Hvy Sta break and then use any finisher that doesn't have a retardedly huge startup. Shit, Final Flash is just quick enough to wreck someones ass. And x4 Kaiokame literally comes out as fast as a Super.
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Potential Unleashed is so much fucking better than Kaiokenx20, it's absurd
You ain't Vegeta though.
And Vegeta souldn't care normally. As Saiyans don't traditionally form romantic partnerships.

Traditionally anyway.
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Wait,are you saying you can't combo into ki ultimates? Because that's just not true!
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>Alternate universe where Cell wins
>After a little while of planet busting, he mellows out and gets bored
>Spawns some Juniors and trains them for a while then fucks off to do whatever
>This results in an entire race of Cell descendants
>Cell himself over time becoming only a mythical figure, his true story lost to history
I wish DBZ had more what-if shit
Personally I'm into Asians
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>not using Turles's ultimate on their face for maximum damage

Shiggy diggy doo
That is a very handsome fridge you have there.
>Got Supreme Kai's Clothes and Majin Buu's Clothes from yellow Majin kids
>Also got Ox King's clothes... which my female Saiyan can't equip.
>Apparently, if I can get Ox King's duds, then logically, I can get Kid Chi-Chi's
>Still no Super Baby Vegeta 2 clothes

Fucking hell, I can't wait to get those two clothing sets so I can leave you little yellow turds to starve.
Is there a guide to QQ Bangs and how to get abilities like Potential Unleashed?
Is really? In the cannon it should be that much more powerful. But with Kaioken you get infinite z vanish, which could be hilarious.

How do you combo into a heavy STA break without knocking people to the ground?

I've tried that a few times, but they always get knocked to the ground and then move out of the way before my ult can fire.
just because you have left the /r9k/ does not mean you have cleansed yourself

you next need to make friends

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It should still stun them long enough to get a quick ult off.
>still no data on Majin, Golden freezy, Giant Namek, Nimbus mode

Everyone gets it though.
Earthling one is n i m b u s

If you can mitigate the drain somehow, then you would be meme tier

My brother of nigerian descent, there must be a timeline out there where Cell didn't go full retard and try to blow the earth for no reason.
I found Full Power Energy Blast Volley a really helpful ult, since even though it's not super powerful, you can combo into it really easy.
I have plenty of friends. Vegeta being one of them
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Turles' ultimate has been one of my favorite DBZ-related things since I saw the Ocean dub of Tree of Might

I just wish the victim's silhouette were shown in the second blast like it was in the movie
I haven't found one yet that doesn't have a four second delay

Combo into Hvy Sta break
you seem to think this does something
even if you stamina break, they still interrupt your ultimate cast and fuck you up

even if they don't, no stamina is required to dodge most ultimates
We can only hope we get such things out of this:
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Thanks, I try
>If you can mitigate the drain somehow, then you would be meme tier
Stat dump in stamina with a +5 bang? I don't think there is a way to stop the drain, but that's a way to slow it down.
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>earthlings are OP meme
Why are people still acting as if Earthlings are even above average in this still? UP isn't even Earthling exclusive and SSJ3 is much better because of the defense buff.
Jaco you useless piece of shit why the fuck do I have to defend someone so useless
Everyone wants love and nobody wants to be hurt its the same with every human need that is not abundant in someones life anon. You want a loyal and lovely girl than you are going to have to become someone who will attract that type of woman and thats going to require you to experiment, fail, and continue on. You're going to have to live your life because nobody will hand you that girl.
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I fucking love Turles's moves, except for that ring shit.

I wish he would have done more on the story though, they should've given him SSJ forms
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give me your impractical due to guardbreak-being-required damage shitting combos
Even a light stamina break is enough for most ultimates I've tried. It's so simple I can't believe people have trouble with it.
Chichi's clothes are from doing 20 elite missions, from a girl over in the mushroom part of town.
That or use draining moves, rise to action a lot
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>tfw you win your first online match with an ultimate
And then I lost every match after that.
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Going for a Striker tiny Freezypop juggle machine
I know I've got some wasted stats here, I plan to re-do them on my first wish, but How should I go about distributing once I do? I heard that It's a waste to have more or less that [amount] in either Stamina or Ki because it won't grant a full bar, what amounts were those again?
Just one? That's not a strike skill, it's just Slug's normal throw.
Multiple punches? Slug's Ultimate.
Max stam, +t stam QQ, stam regen z-soul, and Frieza (?) race for stam regen
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>that seam on their belly

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Turles is probably why I like Black so much in DBS. The XV dub for Turles is pretty fun, and I actually like him more now than I ever did before.

And yeah, agreed on that ring shit. I don't see any use for it at all, PVE or PVP.

Light hit until knock-away. Press A. Move forward.

Repeat until dead.
>you seem to think this does something

Hvy. Sta breaks should stun the enemy for long enough to push out most ult's. The longer ones like Zarbon's teleporting blast shit still will never hit though.
I agree with the SSJ thing, more what-if stuff would be great overall
>nigga just forgot to stop blocking
I found him before I beat the story and all he said was "Nice day today"
>Using SSJ4 Gogeta in online
That guy deserved it
>The longer ones like Zarbon's teleporting blast shit still will never hit though.
you're joking right?
that's one of the only ultimates you can sort of get away with using

he still has a tail and you'll never get one
I want to see cell suddenly realize "Oh god I've completely underestimated the distance from the earth to the nearest habitable planet, and I never learned instant transmission."
poo poo pee pee

when will dimps release the patch to me?
I'm not so fussed about them not being in, and I'm happy making humans with Android Super Souls as a standin for a "race".
What I am not so thrilled about is the lack of isekaijin like in Fusions, or something similar. I might attempt some sort of Vados cosplay because that is doable with skin colour alone but you can't really make a Kai or something.
All in all Fusions handled races better, Saiyans even had tails.

42 per bar for ki/sta. 125 nets you 3 bars despite it not equaling 126, probably due to some internal rounding or math in the equations we don't see.
Tomorrow, but probably not.

>tfw Final Form Cooler shows up at the end with Golden Frieza
>you beat them
>Well done monkey, but what if i had attained that same form?
>Golden Final Form Cooler

things that will never happen

>burying someone with a ki blast after knocking them down

I fucking love doing this
>>still no data on Majin, Golden freezy, Giant Namek, Nimbus mode
these are probably already added, but nobody knows where the spreadsheet is from at this point

the important info from goldylocks is known though, 30% increase to ki based damage
alongside a boost to standard and charged ki blasts and more movement speed

basically it's the best ki transformation by quite a lot
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It's fucking maddening

I'm pretty sure it happened in XV1 too, i wish they'd fix shit like this. At least here it's just a seam; if i equip other pants his belly actually changes tone halfway through along with it and it looks awful. I feel lucky that the one I like the most just has the seam, with no color fuckery
>that's one of the only ultimates you can sort of get away with using

Are you just blind firing ults or some shit? It's slow as fuck because of the teleporting period and then fire animation.
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>still not tail for saiyans
>still no primal form
>no ssj4 edgy monkey mode
>no lewd fusion of player characters that ends up mixing your clothing and character features
>the feeling when your whole team times a fully charged rush ki blast spam one one unlucky bastard
Assault Rain are you even trying

>they still didn't fix this

I'm so glad
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>bring Broly to a random PQ
>he actually talks and he isn't retarded like he was in the second movie
>mfw he says i will kill the hairless child when fighting Krillin
>Krillin just says "why do these things keep happening to me?

Comedy gold.
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If i am going to be called a filthy monkey I want my filthy monkey tail
Seriously where is the location of the expert mission rifts? I can't find them.
This is horse shit and you know it.
Your abilities have much more meaning now that they aren't just free to use as much as you like. Beams are insanely powerful, just very boring to crutch on.
you're safe as can be during the teleporting period and the rest of the ultimate is pretty fast
atleast you can be pretty certain you'll actually get to FIRE the ultimate before you die a painful death
Fusions would be pretty awesome. The only thing that matters is physical appearance from the CaC screen, so if they made those and shoved you in a gogeta costume, randomly assigning one of the two players with maybe it being on a countdown to swap between, it would be pretty sweet.
Fly around nigga
It's a scar from the destructo disc that hit so hard even Frieza's descendants felt it.
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>Use dragon balls to reset stats
>didn't have a plan
>set them like this

How did I do?
>expert mission 15
This is absolute bullshit I just want blue hurricane
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Apparently putting points into either super stat is pointless.

I'm talking about comboing into ults. Zarbon's vanishing shit can't do that at all. You've got a small window after a heavy sta break where you can safely launch an ult that will hit, but that thing is not fast enough due to all of the delay.

It probably won't even hit a real player when blind fired either, like most ults.
If you want to play in limited mode with that character you should put more points into stamina.
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>Cell's English VA completely hamming it up and saying way way more than the subtitles

Fucking Perfect
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Anyone want to help out with some Expert Missions?
Only gives 10, it's probably the worst wish
wait, really?
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>you will never love your job as much as the VA for perfect celll
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>doing the distortion egg quests after getting so used to 2fast2furious frieza race

god that was painful
The nips get their hands on xv2 in a few days
Prepare for cancer
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>Disappointed Super Trunks doesn't call out Masenko, Final Flash, and Galick Gun
>Oh well guess they just reused Z Trunks's audio
>Super Trunks dies and calls out for Mai

So if they DID record new audio for Super Trunks, why doesn't he call out his new attacks?
>Beams are insanely powerful
in the early game maybe, I agree
It's insane how strong ki supers and ultimates are when enemies don't have the "guard break everything" variable set to true
but once that box is ticked

nigger you better have leveled basic attacks or you're not going to have fun

as for supers, past a certain point, enemies start moving away from supers and I haven't found many that are still able to hit past that point

one of them is Blaster Shell

Other than elite missions I haven't been using any ki supers for the past like 10 hours because they just don't work anymore
Huh, so what is making alts like now?
Still the same situation where it works on the same progress and you just have to level them?
I think some cool stuff could be done with fusion though it might not be the funnest thing. Majin characters could just turn someone into food and gain their clothing or size
This is dumb. How the fuck do I backhit?
Earlier threads were talking about how at most you will get 15% extra damage from 100 points in either stat

Their argument was that it is better to max out almost anything else over those stats

I almost believe them, with 0 points in strike I still do over 7000 damage with Dragon Fist
quit trolling
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Gee, this wind sure is brisk.
My bread and butter as a Fridge is light attack combo until the rush animation plays, then use nearly all of my heavy combo into a Death Beam or Maiden Blast. I'll sometimes use One Handed Kamehameha if the opponent vanishes out right before I use a super or an ult, as you'll flip over them and shoot them in the face.
You basically share items between characters and have to re-do everything else.
I suppose why that explains me seeing next to no difference in my damage whenever I put some points into it.

Perhaps that was an unused voice line already recorded.
Look behind you.
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don't mind me
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Why is Taino so tiny?


Some testing a guy did with Sphere of Destruction showed that 125 points in Ki Super results in a 15-17% damage increase.

5 Ki Super in QQ bangs results in a 5-6% damage increase for ki ults. Same deal for QQ-bangs with penalties, but with decreased damage. The magnitude of difference decreases as your Ki Super stat increases.

It's not strictly pointless since 15-20% damage on a 5000 damage ult is about 500-1000 more points of damage, but it's hardly mandatory since you're not going to be attacking something for 3-5 minutes straight like a WoW rotation. However, that burst damage could come in handy.

There hasn't been any testing done on Basic Attack yet, but anecdotal evidence about QQ-bangs suggests that it may also not be a very huge difference in damage. But again, there hasn't been any official testing done.

Since Ki and Stamina are more profoundly affected by investiture, it's thought that investing into those is more impactful than investing heavily into Ki/Strike supers. The same goes for QQ-bangs, in which Ki/Stam and possibly HP are the stats that are most affected by the penalties and bonuses.
It's also got a tiny boost to your normal attacks and strike supers and ults.
All this vanishing RIPs my stamina
Where is that .gif of Cell and Goku jumping behind each other into the sunset when you need it
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forbidden love.jpg
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You're just too tall.
because she is for sexual
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goku cell.gif
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>Nutz Gang
What the flying fuck? Who is the retard that tested this?
FOund up to 7, it's impossible.
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>tfw fighting is just the mini game you play when you're not playing dress up.
>Majin signal their readiness by decreasing their size to appear less threatening.
I like the idea of Trunks choosing to make some random NPC with a Ginyu obsession his partner.
>try to login to character i originally ran through game on
>disconnects me saying servers not available
>try to connect again
>game crashes
?? What the fuck?
Is this a known bug or what?

Taino Force?

More like, TINY force!
Not the one I was referring to but it's just as perfect

Now how do I backhit to stop this shit from happening. I've tried down+x/y and 'back'+x/y, but all that does is stam break
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Your character got erased from the timeline
>Trunks gets dumped by Mai
>Taino Force on the rebound so hard shes getting scouted by the WMBA
are you sure your last one is completed?

IIRC it goes vegeta vegeta vegeta namek bamboo vegetalake accesoryshop mushroom PQ

Where do you get that re-colorable Saiyan armor from?
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wheres my fuggin rocket punch
It's the saiyan starting armor
ayy I did the same, just a darker shade of red
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She's pure, you heathen.
that's the default armor for female space monkeys
Holy crap power pole pro is actually really good.
Oh god all the unborn Buu kid variants are below the floor of the buu house.
Look at the breast and you will find your answer
just point your control stick towards your opponent.
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i cant imagine being unoriginal enough to have to copy one of the example CACs for myself
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I fell for the rare item meme, I didn't know at the time how you got hit or his moves

Is it Saiyan exclusive, or can I create a Saiyan character and use it on my other characters?
It's a good look

I dunno
couls also do something based on DBZ Online's Cell-X
Saiyan only
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good grief
if only the guy with the stocking reaction image was here right now

Goodbye, you little yellow shits.
I'm having a hard time finding the original moment, did bulma want to sex future trunks
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hows she lookin'?
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That was fun.

You don't have a nickname.
How do you get BADMAN?
Exclusive to female saiyans.
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I was legitimately spooked
jesus christ i fucked that up
generic non-majin waifubait no. 9,381,455
Nevermind, I got it.
I think I was wearing something that I qq'd on another character and it was trying to load something that didn't exist.
Took my chars clothes off in single and it let me into multi.
Its super easy.. you just attack and press in whatever direction the enemy is in.. I don't see how anyone can lose. A retard could do it.
Vanishing is shit.
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vegeta's face.png
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MY potential
very blurry
Ah yes the rarely seen Majin mating dance.
Was missing the lake, thanks.
>voice sounds decent when creating the character
>in game he sounds completely retarded when using attacks

Is there any way to change your voice, short of restarting?
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i feel funny
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Hey fags,

What did the majin say on halloween?

I don't see why it would be, Future Trunks didn't have any connection to Mai until Super.
what was the point of these distortion egg missions, they dont explain or resolve anything besides reminding us time patrol trunks is an eternal fuckup
Apparently putting the crystal battle suit into a QQ bang makes it spit out low level crap but with more or less positive stats.
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Good... Good.
bound to drift in the void

Dragon Balls.
Dragon Ball wish to redo character creation?
Hallow from the other side!
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very sad frog.gif
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>tfw you will never be Gaiking
>tfw you will never win the one-legged girl
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>You take more damage, deal marginally more damage all while draining your most valuable resource
>try to vanish out of combo
>end up below them
>back attack still hits me
Does anybody have a level 80 fridge with 0 points in Basic Attacks. I want to compare the numbers. I went into training and punched setting 1 base vegeta in the face one time. Just give me the number.
>Fucking trunks goes back to his past future and nearly tries to save Gohan
>Gohan himself realizes he is gonna die and tells Trunks to fuck off himself
What a guy. Why is the only good Gohan the dead Future Gohan?
DLC hook confirming that

>Bardock escaped the Time Dimension and is alive
>At least one incarnation of Future Gohan survives
Enabling them to return as mentors for us later

what move is this and how do you get it?
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b-but muh infinite z-vanishes!
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>It's a "Two buufu aspies start publicly circlejerking over their shitty OCs that look the exact fucking same" episode

Add each other on steam and jerk it there
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good one
That's time stop molotov. It's the first skill you get from the I want more ultimates wish. It's kinda trash.
>Other small adjustments

for fucks sake stop being vague dips
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Don't forget to thank your master for helping you out during missions!
>Maintains eye contact with you for several minutes
Jesus, that fucking Dodoria Launcher.
Sure hope you fellow Globalfags have your stones ready for Vegito...
>Drop rates are still shit
Figures. Time to wait for a cheatengine table that drops everything.
stupid buuslut
>super early game unlock
>huge risk
>best used in bursts
>completly outclassed by the time you get your own transform
so just like the show then?
and z vanish spam is fun as fuck
Ginyu showing once again that he's the best leader.

that sucks to hear. I had a deep Fist of the North Star vibe from it.
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What is this?
>Hey Pinky, check out that ass
>You know I see it.
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Here i got some bubblegum! Its yours!
Space for expert mission portals.
>Completely outclassed by the time you get your own transformation
Unless your human. I fucking hate the power pole pro thing.
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I like them.
On melee human, is ki worth it?
I take it every wish sucks in this game too? I might as well just wish for TP Medals, right?

Considering every character was underwhelming and the Super/Ultimate attacks were almost impossible to hit anything with last game, I have no faith in any of them.
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>opponent vanishes behind me
>try to backhit
>do the backhit animation in front of me
>when it decides to work, it's too slow and they hit me first anyways
>meanwhile the enemy's backhits animations are literally damage immune

Fucking why.
Ki translates into more infinite combo melee supers, so sort of.
I dont understand why everyone shits the bed over this PQ when I did it easily enough on the first try as a strike spec
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why is this game so lewd? you got gossip, love triangles, half the female patrollers in the city use clothing combos like nappa bottom under chichi's top; I utterly love it
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>When Goku is out of town
Jaco's voice is honestly one of my favorites.
What about the Super Soul mixing items?
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nice job

>tfw you walk around the city in your casual attire, pick battle attire for PQ/story stuff, and pick training attire for pvp.
Power pole pro would be great if you could use any skills while doing it.
We also need Vegeta's Majin mark.
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you were good.png
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>tfw Fruit of the Tree of Might isn't an Awoken Skill
>strike spec
There's the rub. Strike can just spam Blue Hurricane and cheese anything.
I have had 3 Majin's ask if I want to sleep with them. The fan npc, the hero society npc, and some other girl that was flying around.

It never lets me answer yes godammit.
>that was the mission that made me start buying all-health capsules, elite galactic assclown
What about the two girls on the strip that argue over you?
I don't know what they are, but I assume they're for mixing Z Souls/Ki Blast Equip items which are pretty pointless considering the majority of them suck.
Shenron relax, I'll make my wish in a minute.
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>flying around on nimbus kicking the shit out of someone
>he knocks me off
>start comboing him
>he *teleports behind you*
>mystic flash
>hop back on nimbus and get back to swinging
>he disconnects
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W-What did he mean by this?
>Android race
this is the stupidest suggestion people still make. They're literally just humans. Hell, the human bonus already regenerates ki, what would androids even fucking do? Are you saying that dimps should make an entire race just so you can put Android 16's supers on a CaC?
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This is the coolest looking pan i have seen so far
his voice should tell you everything you need to know.
SO after the PQ (buu) expert, there's more missions?
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I like your style.
I used to wear the exact same set
Any PC people wanna get together and FUCKING POSE?
>What would androids even fucking do
Have increased stamina regeneration.
Beerus is a cat, he probably just puts him in a room with a lot of breakable furniture and shines a laser pointer around.
They made an entire race just so I could get yellow hair mid-battle, its not so hard to believe.
The outfit still looks good when I'm Super Saiyan 1 through 3. All that food hunting was worth it in the end.

I won't miss those little yellow turds, though.
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>experiment with outfits since I got a decent qq
>accidentally create filler episode where he tried to become a professional boxer
>Blue Hurricane

And no, I don't even have it yet.
What's the advantage of nimbus vs normal flying?
Could make a catch all "alien/unknown" race selection.
Where you could make a robot, or a purple spessman or whatever

And in the story you could just be "person of indeterminate origin "
how do you get baby's clothes?
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I swear to fucking God I hope I didn't fuck up this build. This is based off of the small amount of replies I got from anons when I asked for a femBuu strike build so I'm hoping this is the most optimal.
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Jesus fucking christ Nail's running animation is scary
>Blue hurricane doing more than hitting for 1000 after comboing 3 times
Try it, trust me, it's shit.
knock ki regen off of humans, give them a new toy to compensate, make the androids tanks below buu level but with increased regen across the board
also gatling gun arms, rocket punches, hell flash, etc.
>That tard helmet-looking shit is still the closest thing we have to the Freeza Force helmets

Its not fair.
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He got a new body.
It really sucks. The buff itself is total shit.
Takes way too long to actually get off, and last only for like 5 seconds.
They should add Bojack's race. They have a super form and everything.
>Nothing at 125

But why tho
Farming 7 Dragon Balls takes like an hour so, it's not that big of a deal to change stats.
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I've been using it as a sentai helmet.
Hard to hit, if you do get hit you have a little super armor, also you can attack at full speed without slowing down
So you are unaware of what they did to it
So, I have a super soul with [when using candy beam] restore ki (L) restore stamina (M). I've been trying to farm candy beam to try it, but after 30+ attempts with no drop I'm pretty much ready to give up. Do you think it's worth it?
>swiggity swooty
Is there any point in pumping Stamina or Ki past 82 since the next Bar's threshold is 126 and beyond even the improved limit?
OST in this game is lit af to be honest.
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>there are people here who don't main King Vegeta
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>that one quest that beats you down and makes you realize you suck shit

Jesus christ this is insane.
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Now send in Broly
In the trash it goes.
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Thats pretty fucking good
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Slime Girls a best
What's the stat spread on the Pure Majin form?
I forgot about that, thanks. I've got one now at least.

nicknames are hard

ask the thread not me. I asked for a build and this is what resulted.
post slime
>people tried to argue that majins couldn't into fug since their inception
>XV2 has majins going out with saiyans and humans left right and center and asking you for your heroic d constantly
I still wish there was a man buu/humanoid girl pair somewhere, it'd be cute
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Gone guru
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As long as there's a head option for appule's race, sure

They all cute
is there a certified spot where /vg/ hangs out on the multi lobby server? like maybe the roof of the school or something?
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>mfw learning the love love beam and impregnating my favorite buufu
holy shit this is one ugly majin. start grinding the dragon balls and fix that shit
>4 hours until the Vegito banner hits
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I did miss Dressup Ball Xenoverse a lot, now that I think of it
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I was afraid SS3 might make this look awful, I'm glad I was wrong.

>people tried to argue that majins couldn't into fug since their inception

It's odd how people actually thought that, considering Majins can do literally anything they want physically.
the cutest

i think your confusing fugging with producing offspring
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Revolver Ocelot.
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What an interesting idea.
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You know that hurts my feelings
Bump limit reached, image limit almost reached


>bulma brief's wet dream
Now we need someone to go to an expert mission, and everyone pick different versions of Vegeta.
And make the mission the one against ape Vegeta.

You get the extra bar at 125 anyway, so yes, go to 125 if you want a ton of Sta bars.
What PQ is Galick Beam Cannon from?
How do you get Nappa's gear?
>gonna fuck you to the shadow realm, jimbo
What moves can you use with Power Pole mode?
Thread posts: 814
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