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/dg/ - Destiny General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 759
Thread images: 162

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Edgy OC Guardian Edition

Latest Patch: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/45354/
shit about new light levels and more ghost and artifact sources including Forge


Nightfall: Shield Brothers - Epic, Solar Burn, Juggler, Catapult, Grounded
Heroic Strikes: Void Burn, Small Arms, Fresh Troops
Crucible Weeklies: Mayhem Clash, Rumble
CoE: Brawler, Iron clad, Grenade Kill Bonus

Trials of Osiris Map:


Strike Specific Loot: pastebin.com/ALkpcq2j
Check Anyone's Status: destinystatus.com
Stats: destinytracker.com/
ToO Opponents Stats: destinytrialsreport.com
LFG Sites: destinylfg.net | destinylfg.com
RoI Grimoire Cards: ishtar-collective.net/releases/rise-of-iron
Dead Ghost Locations: destinyghosthunter.net
SIVA Engine Puzzle: 2g.be/tools/siva/
First for unironicaly blacklist SirLetsDance
First for no animal abuse plox
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first for report animal cruelty posts
Third for melee only Warlock.
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5th for I really don't see the appeal of chaos dogma
also fuck you lets dance
6th for blowing up the united states postal service
Bullying fat kids is ok tho
>protesting against animal abuse
have you used it yet? also kill yourself
8th for cant farm exotic engrams and i want to die
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>elimination farm gone
>gonna have to Draksis n chill
>i, too, hate getting an exotic every ten minutes in the tomb
Fuck you, you actual fucking faggot.
both are fucking faggots, stop posting this shit

i was referring to PSN being down, we all know about iron tomb u nignog
>github is getting ddos'd
>can't download 4chanwebmmaker
Shit yo.
I just want to make a shitty ass webm of the howling.
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Here you go Matista
this isn't sirletsdance
I remember Zippy talking about in his stream how he would pretend to be different people and pretend that he was an animal abuser just to make people blacklist them
Fuck off ya small dick, fatass.
add me on fb and I'll send it to you

And people in /dg/ unironically worship that faggot

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>He thinks zippy posted it
You do know that most of the posts about him are him?
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Back to 1/3 trials because stray would rather play with the furfag
>That filename
So its joff, you really are a piece of shit aren't you?
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>in party for raid
>guy keeps making creepy slurping sounds
i want that ghost ghost
well shit sign me back up.
I hate you guys.
what do you have against timby
>forced to go back to D3
Thanks Sony.
At least the new season started so it's not dead as fuck.
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Stray Cat is cute.
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>It's actually called Ghost Ghost
The madmen
>damage control

fuck off faggot
I'm not zippy and I posted about zippy yesterday
Atheists btfo
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I could go for a run in a bit
>run into enemy bubble
>Bubble gone, all 3 enemies inside the bubble unharmed

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there's some nigga using my filenames
this one too
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2/3 trials
I have been scarred by certain images. It's like I'm the victim in an episode of SVU.
How long is in a bit?
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You know what you must do
Dont go out tonight, play trials with me
I know you feel it too

Fuck im posting it anyway
>You've lost connection to the Destiny servers
>PS Shitwork down
>Only got back in from work and what to visit that hatchet faced prick know as Xûr

What's going on this time anons?
damn straight
you hype for BITES ZA DUSTO?
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While I'm sure everyone knows you're just bringing up ancient memes, Dance was the type of person who would probably undergo extreme physical pain before hurting an animal. I don't think he's even played Destiny in months.
wide-scale ddos on various web services
>I-its not us its you lot! It's zippy!
So easy to blame zippy as he's an easy target with his shitposting record but it doesn't add up as he has cats himself
like 5?
I never posted images. Wouldn't do that. Sorry it was brought up though.
Fuck sake.

Well, guess I'll just lift then make myself something to eat. Here's to hoping the little script kiddies go to bed soon.
Finally a post I can get behind!
Whatever you say, zippy.
I never said it was him
I just said that this is most likely the same thing
fuck off mustang
Does anybody whos decent want to do a flawless run?
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I'm sorry you have a tumblr.
Evens I play with mr "autism" charn
odds I wait until tonight for ikra
>Zippy did this
>Hurr I didn't say it was zippy
Damage control
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Me you cunt
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alright /dg/ got my oil changed and ready to do fuck all in destiny

anything happening
Except for him openly admitting to it in amother board with the same filename. Fuck off fag.
>he never cherished and respected all forms of life no matter how small

Fagets, the lot of you
i swear to christ im about to have a dragonheart-tier stroke
Ok then playa get in theparty
is psn back up?
like reliably back up? is so then yea

We was Trials n' shieet
I certainly am an odd one, oh ho ho ho
Yeah. Some "anon" posted the images while you were "sleeping"
At least own up to the fact you posted them you pathetic faggot.
I can get to the Character Login but that's all, just get booted back to splash screen
Any of you cucks wanna run Trials when I get out of work in three hours?
I canny even join it desu, psn still down or a bit dodgy?

I'm ready to play dammit
Are you me
Mr autism? In what way?
Its just dodgy. Wait for 10-15 minutes and it will stabilize, worked for me last card
Is 385 good for the new raid?

I don't have the Outbreak Prime.
>this fucking Xur inventory

I mean, I was going to just buy synths and coins anyway, but jesus.
God dammit this better be the current thread. Anyways, how do I into Defender and who /godofwar/?
If you have Genesis-chan or Chaos-Doggo you're fine. 385 is fine.
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Ah well, you can replace me if you don't wanna wait 10-15 mins or however long it takes my man

You and Timby broke up?
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>PSN down
>go out to my porch to take some fresh air
>my front neighbor's great grandpa also on his porch going on a deranged rant about germans, calling people who pass by "motherfuckers" and speaking in tongues

Dude what.
[Spoiler] G I T [/spoiler]
[Spoiler] U [/spoiler]
[Spoiler] D [/spoiler]
I've never got to Aksis phase 2

>mfw maybe next week i'll be 385 and defeat that Waternoose fuck
>more ddos attacks
Just fuck my shit up
Do you have a good scout at all?

We cant get ahold of anyone else :^)
you should get those weapons, they're good
I'm online PSN. Thank fuck.
Something wrong wit you're spoilers m8
Try a different J
Why can't month pass sooner
Fuck actually waiting 4 weeks
I only have a good rolled Grasp, the vendor Palindrome, Ace of Spades, a Mapador and Gjally-chan.

I really need a scout desu.

I know, is just that i get paired with fucking kids or shitters
Kill me lmao. I'm phoneposting at the moment so idk
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>tfw as soon as I get home I have to go to sleep because wew lad gotta get up pretty early
Fucking China. I want to play video games.
>be me
>go on lfg for hard mode
>have shield of the city emblem
>join fireteam
>"you have emblem bro?"
>me: "wearing it"
>"thats not the hm emblem"
>me: "its the book completion emblem, beating hm is part of the requirement"
>get kicked

I cannot even believe this is reality anymore
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>playing with lfg
>especially with idiots who want a fucking emblem
>unironically wearing shit of the city
>go on lfg for hard mode

Found your problem
Does hitting level 22 in the book let you get multiple days of iron ornaments from it, or only just the one as the reward?
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There will be an exotic quest unlocked for beating KF with the Ascendant Raisins in your inventory.

Screencap this.
only one
y3 necrochasm here we come
oh man fuck that
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For every 5 minutes I can't get in the party I'm doing shots then, fucking psn my man.
Those ornaments are fucking ugly anyway so you lose nothing
I can't even get past the character select screen...
Warlock bond is nice
Worth keeping?

Md reflex/ranged lens/oeg riflescope

Armor piercing/quickdraw

Smallbore/triple tap

Hidden hand

Mainly need a shank killer for aksis, wondering if this one is decent
Hope those are the shots from your gun into your head
yeah that'll do
Sounds better than Destiny m8
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Help me Goku!



I just wanted a full burning armor set for my Sunbreaker Titan
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If only my man, if only
>psn is down

Lmao sony fishnigger servers strike again
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yes, nearly there
Whats the better artifact for trials, Gheleon or Silimar?

Should I be using armor rounds over quickdraw?

Have ophidians if that makes a difference
Try again it seems better?
No, ap rounds now is only somewhat useful for add control
HCR if you get it is worth though
They have to go back
Nah dinnae look like it lad
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So, what was Felwinters lie?
frig off China
How do i get above 391LL?

All legendary drops i get from Crucru and strikes drop at 391
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Post yfw you're an Xboner and XBL L I T E R A L L Y never goes down.
this is felwinters lie https://www.bungie.net/en/armory/Detail?type=item&item=160095218&itemname=Felwinter%27s%20Lie
So the Psn is on again, but i cant pass the character select screen. Nice day...

I wanted to try the Hawkmoon.
exotics, trials rewards, iron banner rewards, crucible legendary drops, wrath of the machine HM

you can get class items/ghosts from archon's
Hawkmoon used to be great but it was gutted when they made it available to Xbox users.

Strike chests.
felwinter's lie was when bungie nerfed the range on shotguns then released the best shotgun in the game next IB
ching chomp nip nong no destiny for you dirty foreigner, time to ddos the servers with all my 1000 relatives
considering buying Destiny on my xbone after this, desu
Post yfw you're Virusloth and you will never suck have a qt 3.15 trap gf
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>Ashes Of Ariandel Early
>Network up and running

Hell yeah
>Hawkmoon used to be great but it was gutted when they made it available to Xbox users.

This is sad, in any case, it is one of the weapons that was missing in my collection. Back home I wanted to buy it and try some rounds in pve and pvp. Trolling would be end up losing XUR and not be able to buy it.
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>Touching real people
>Looking at real people
>Speaking to real people
>Putting your penis in real people

how the hell you still didn't get like a dozen hawkmemes from all those primary engrams
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>tfw we beat the 32 best trials player with no round loses
>its friday
>Nobody from /dg/ is streaming

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>working as intended
>he doesn't have his own real life trap gf to use and abuse
My man you don't know what you're missing out on
Because I have a dozen of other weapons and I started to play only with Taken Dlc
I'll stream my no connection menu for you.

With free banter
how about you play the game yourself you fucking cuck
But i need my weekly dose if cringe
but don't you have a tumblr too?
But we lost one Stray.
They told me not to stream
>at the end of this weekend i wont be able to get online until thanksgiving
>destiny wont let me log into my titan
feels bad man

do you think in destiny 2 we'll spend some more time with the exo waifu stranger?

>3 hour Call of Souls DLC while we play Bloodborne
ill stream a raid tonight
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>Turns 25
>Stops being cute

2D girls and boys that look like girls don't age my dude.

buy a mirror then
I have a fear of mirrors, i cant
>3 free months of xsplit

neat. I'll never use it.
Dude we literally destroyed Smokes and Dysclosure. Last time I played him they destroyed me and my team. God that felt good.
>encourage them to start taking hormones to keep themselves cute forever
>win life
>not obs
literally whos
Last time I played him he when by "Smoke 420x" he was #1 in trials on xbox one for a time.

>Wanting a disgusting unnatural monstrosity by your side

I didn't feel like vomitting today.
like I said "I'll never use it"
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...about the boxes.
>do strike playlist at 320
>half of the gear I get is 240, the rest is a 3 light level upgrade
>start a strike
>some spoopy purple fog appears during the loading screen
Right anyone who can access PSN want to trials? We are going flawless

Comedy gold
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I cri everytim

Post screens/clips?
I've had the animation of being tethered apply to my ship flying in before.

No idea how it happened.
Can artifacts drop from any level offering?

>Took me three watches to realize what happened

>did not shoot the fucking box before coming close to the ammo
xbots: not even once
I really need a break from this place

When i decided to go and farm myself a nice Eyasluna, the first thought that came to my mind was /dg/ making fun of my K/D going down Because honestly, who the fuck is going to try and get anything done in classic playlists
>kd going down in CLASSIC playlist
how terrible are you
Anyone up for some HM WotM?

PS4 btw
Its more the fact that i dont give a shit what happens. Im mostly just running around in a small circle

No one is up, not even the servers lmao
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it's almost impossible to get a stable fireteam
I still have my raisins, I fucking hope they'll useful.

Ah fug, I didn't know.

Still on my home from work.
Does Skyburners Annex suck as bad as it seems to?
Don't know what to get from Xur.
Headpats and cuddling with bv!
It's actually great if you combo it with bolt-caster and radegast's artifact. But it's ugly.
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im on right now, silly goose
You can tell this is shopped by examining the pixels.
it's agressively mediocre
You get 3oC and glass needles
Also heavy synths, shitter.
>he needs 390 LL shit
>calling anyone a shitter
Anyone up for NM WoTM?
Depends how many of you traps will be in the fireteam m8
>he doesn't continuously roll for god tier weapons
>he still doesn't have all the godrolls possible
im not a fucking trap


i dont know

not really


i donno

Yes and yes

No and Yes

I could help you out after 8, m8

>he doesn't have at least nine of each god roll

tip kok
>Is this game good?
>Is this game dead?
>What are the server populations?
>Is this game pay2win?
>Is this game boring?
>How many hours content?
Depends on what you consider "content"
>Do you need to find groups to play with or can you solo content?
All endgame is fireteam locked, unless you can find 5 more suckers to constantly play it don't even bother
>Will this game get DLC or content patches?
>Has there been any content I would miss out on if I bought this game, i.e. seasonal content that is no longer available?
A bunch of shitty emblems and unimportant weapons
Fugg :D
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>E3 2017
>PlayStation Conference is about to end
>Out walks Jason Jones and Luke Smith
>Picks up controller
>Out on patrol when they come across another player seamlessly
>A voice comes over the auditorium, it's Joe Staten
>Out walks Staten dawning a Bungie shirt, it's confirmed he's back at Bungie
>E3 2013 Destiny reveal vibes all over again
>They do their demo thing and reveal they're playing Destiny 2 on a PS4 Pro
>Announce D2 for all platforms including PC
>Show of newly integrated system that allows account sharing between PS and PC
>XCucks btfo
>Closes conference with Destiny 2 trailer
>Collective Destiny fanbase orgasms
>XCucks on suicide watch
>Is this game good?
Depends on how much you enjoy rpg fps
>Is this game dead?
not really
>What are the server populations?
average is 9 mil daily logins
>Is this game pay2win?
>Is this game boring?
>How many hours content?
up to you
>Do you need to find groups to play with or can you solo content?
>Will this game get DLC or content patches?
It has had DLC since 2014, currently on the last one until D2. yes we get inbetween patches with content updates
>Has there been any content I would miss out on if I bought this game, i.e. seasonal content that is no longer available?
Yes but they keep updating it and bringing old content back
>account sharing between PS and PC
Literally never going to happen, Microsoft has that shit locked down tight.
>for all platforms including PC
>implying microshit would ever let that happen
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>All endgame is fireteam locked
theres no way

xbox one s is much more powerful than ps4 pro

even if they support ps4 more directly

If anything, it would be xbox and pc compatibility

not the other way around
my dick
how why does the fuck gun lol?
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>he wants matchmaking in endgame content
if xbone is so powerful why can't you send images in your pms

>Allowing that


Did you forget the Bethesda mods?
xbox one s you autistic nigger
If Juan Scorpio is that stronk, then why there's no exclusives for that console?
if xbones is so powerful why can't you send images in your pms
because sony are fucking kikes who pay off developers to have those games be exclusive to their console

just like destiny

paying off bungie to have content before xbox
yuo cen tho


Oh no


Nice theory. Do you have any proof?

You can, retard.
>bungie just gave out more content to playstation out of the good of their heart

I want deej to leave.
If PS4 is so powerful, why do you have to use a bloody USB stick or upload screenshots to twitter in order to access them.
Playstation players = manlets

Only fishniggers or tiny manlets can play on those tiny chink controllers
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you're next to get DEEJ'D
>sony has shown no actual attempt to do cross platform
>going to reveal a feature that xbox called out by forcing bungie to make the game pc/ps4 only
Are you dumb?
Sony is much too afraid of people hacking their consoles for free game to allow pc into the mix.
>PS to PC only

You mean those PCs running windows? Most likely Windows 10 the literal same OS that's on the xbox?
>xtard needs a brick so he accidentally doesn't break it while sperging out
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Just a couple of rules:
>No Canadians
>No Floridians
>No Brazilians
>No niggers
>No /k/ommandos
>No kindergarten teachers
>No mexicans
>No seals
>No flawless Trials players
>No literal whos
>No people with weird voices

So, who's down?

Enjoy playing your chinkstation with your gook rice controller
Steam had crossplay with PS3 with Portal 2
this retarded meme again
LFG is. Also, you forgot

>410 ll required
>Excluding mongoose
I'm out.
quick question: whats the best consumable to spend my excess of coins on to get factions upgraded for rewards?
Yes i do, unlike you xtards with a whopping one series worth shit over 3 consoles span
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I'll be in the tomb until I am summoned

also i'm now more proud of this than last year
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I'm none of those. Count me in.
Have they said anything about Ghost Ghost being infusable?
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Hey /dg/ first time poster
Looking for a couple of bad dudes to help me do Vault of Glass sometime after 8 PM CST
Trying to do Not Forged in Light to get that exotic pulse rifle
LL: 363 and as long as I get an explanation on what to do I won't be a dumbass
I'd really appreciate if we can do this tonight
I'm going on duty soon so shoot a message at my PSN or reply here
Thanks /dg/
No, you cannot
Xbone has this same problem
heavy ammo
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>no seals
Literally who?

Aksis Phase 2 Checkpoint if anybody is interested.

>No literal whos
>No people with weird voices

Fuck off virus you fit every one of these.
Your ignorance astounds me, and I'm literally retarded.
Sure if my internet doesn't sudoku again
i mean, its in his name
you capitalized spoiler
What about small lizards who have completed the highest level of education
auto cap strikes again
Addendum: No reptiles
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>No Brazilians
>not turning off any form of auto-capitalization or auto-correct when you first boot up your phone
you're robbing yourself of the ability to type out messages without staring at your phone.
What are you even talking about
post boipucci first bbygirl

Any xboners getting error coded?

Tf is marionberry
I could use it too, I sharded my epilogue because i'm dumb.

add me and if I'm around I'll help you out.
refer to pic related
Is it a legendary? It it is it's infusable
>masks and srl armor were legendary too

>xbone has the same problem
No it doesn't

>take screenshot
>go to xboxdvr
>type in your name
>save screenshot
im down for some throwback feels
>have to go to an alternate website to save images
literally the same
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>Own DS3 on the PS4
>Ashes came out early on the Xbone for no reason

Fucking why.
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>day off work
>just wanted to trials with cherry
>psn down whole day
>cherry now in bed when psn is finally back up

Why live?
What's /dg/ listening to?
>go to a website where the images are automatically hosted for free, with zero effort required
>have to go through the process of making a disposable twitter account and linking it to your PSN in order to upload your screenshots
You pick which one is better my man.
>not just going to the official xbox site
Harsh noise and hungarian deathpop tbqh
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Dork Souls 3 it's a dissapointmen, at least it's not shit like 2.
Obviously the superior console PS4
>needing twitter or usb when playstation app exists
I can save them instantly from my phone any time and post on /dg/ faster than you wasting time to get on a computer

Of course you could too, if your interface let you send picture messages to others

I have no problem posting screenshots from my Xbone exclusively from my phone though.
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I discovered this last night and I laugh every time I listen to it
Anyone for a rousing round of broken controller shitter trials?
Ozyemdias PS4

Anyone want to play trials¥¥?
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Hype music.
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Anyone for friendly meme sweats?

>Been hunting for a Grasp for a while now
>Last 5 keys have all been bonds
I'll come after this trials run
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Anyone up for 3 healthy heaps of nightfall?
Got room still?
I saw that over the summer. It was awesome!
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Civ 6 theme led me to it, also baba yetu is bretty good too, it won an emmy didn't it?
Boners doing amything?
Captain Beefheart
Soz just filled now, will message if space opens up.
HM WotM anyone?
Fuck you wub a dub tickets to the show coming to LA next year are sold out and also they were thousands of dollars.

t. Jealousy
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So I could only send that one message, I've got you, me and anotherr so far
After 8 pm CST, we'll need 3 more unless I see more reply to here or add me when I come back
Never done VoG but if I'm told what to do we should be fine
LL 363
Still have 3 slots open so far, help me get my exotic pulse rifle!
Was there any particular reason to use NttE over any other gun? I can't even remember the exotic perk.
Kind of down for one, but it's on my barely 381 hunter with no good solar weapons...
Gladly will join
almost infinite ammo on headshots, unlike dogma which pulls from reserves NttE gives you your bullets back
Still need 2 for shitter trials, Ozy filled up
Watching Eva
Sign me up, probably
Thinking of raid. Don't know how many Boners are on.
ghosts are not vanity items
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Alright I'll be back in an hour roughly,
Thanks a lot guys, already have you added
2 more spots open
Xbun exclusives in Destiny when???
Ah that's right, the ammo goes straight back into the chamber.

It gets out DPS'd by just about everything though, doesn't it?
1/3 nightfall at boss
4 spaces for friendly sweats banter, anything goes Except heavy STOP

open your fireteam
Not sure how much help I'll be, but I'm down to be that extra body.

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really sterile.png
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>dead orbit
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Make sure you kill Don by using fusion grenades or any form of stickies
won't let me join you, shoot an invite?
Got me a mix of Iced Earth, Marilyn Manson, Alice in Chains, Alice Cooper, Nine Inch Nails, and Powerwolf for evil sounding halloween times.
>not having one in each
Should have told me, jerk
God, why are arc subclasses such cancer?

>Grenades are always super fucking obnoxious (lightning, skip, arc web plus bolt)
>Supers are universally bulls hit (sheer amount of super armour on fist of havoc, storm trance in general)
>Seem to attract the most obnoxious try hards in the game (juggernaut shotgunners, ramlocks, blink shotgunners)

I didn't kick you senpai.
NeoTokyo OST

good shit
>he has no faction loyalty
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>doing strikes with randoms
>one is a sunbreaker using a zhalo when there's void burn
>he doesn't knows how to kill the Fallen Walkers
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So, what rank is everyone in the best faction?
Highly overrated
Mate, if I have my Ram on it's not because I feel like trying hard
>400 shillver
>someone enjoys things that I consider trash, lets try to make them feel bad cause I think they should.

Thanks for the laugh anon.
>heroic strikes
>Queue into rift for Shaxxfall
>Enemy team never pulls the spark
Thanks, Banjo.
I'm not too far off, just got fi 25, working on the quest, feeling real proud of myself
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> Finally get a good group together for hard mode WOTM
> PSN decides to go down

Jesus fucking christ WHY NOW

I'm a retard
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>Playing heroic strikes
>Theres a warlock in our fireteam
>Zhalo, arc shotty and arc sword
>Also a stormlock


Rifled barrel and casket mag
>tfw still in destiny doing forge
get rekt
>super armour on stormtrance
It doesn't have high armour anon. It just deals AoE damage to keep people away. Any long range weapon can fuck up a stormcaller

3/6 xbone hm
I exit the game, get a party invite, click on it, aaaaand all of a sudden I'm not online anymore.

I'm down.
i'll go
It's got the same damage resistance that Hammer of Sol and Arcblade have


5/6 then
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I bought Destiny Collection and I'm level 40 with 280 light level. What's the quickest way to raise light? I've just been going through the quests and doing the strikes that are part of them.
>send invite
>doesn't join instantaneously

why u do dis
TURBOGERMAN. My Titan is 380 though. Up to you if you still want me in.
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dead general

dead game

Nigguh I'm chillin in the tower right now
git in here
Trials is garbage, it's not even a real show of skill except I've been flawless and I bet half of you haven't, it's not even a real game mode.

Try and prove me wrong, pro tip you can't

why u doin dis senpai
Collect engrams, they will keep bringing you up. Honestly Xur has shit to boost your light and I think the first ROI mission is 280 or 300 so youre close. Patrol or Strikes will gib you plenty engrams. Make sure you have your highest light gear equipped when opening engrams, and stop every couple engrams and check if you can infuse anything into your current gear before decrypting the rest. Oh also Vanguard/Faction/CruCru packages boost your shit real nice but if youre patrolling or running Strikes you will be working toward packages anyway
post stats
>go to skyshock
>people start pulling out sweat snipers
so much for casual
Ive been flawless and i think its more about communication than actual skill
Stopped being casual when people rocked in with dogma tbqh
>trials doesnt mean anything
>anon posting
stay shit
excellent shitpost friend
is this a thing?
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this might help a bit
since turbo apparently died, 5/6 for boner hm
anyone down to play some trials? preferably people who can hold their own, trying to go flawless before I go to sleep.

I'm game
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Default Shader.png
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To the Anon that brought up Vena Cava as the thing for the Harrowed shaders.

I think you were wrong.

Here is the Default Shader with the Harrowed raid boots...

Anyone else want in or am I going to LFG?
The harrowed shader is ascendant plane iirc
Can someone confirm?
Ascendant is hm, bone marrow is nm
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Vena Cava.png
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...and with Vena Cava.
Outside of the HOLY FUCK GREEN yes, ascendant plane would be the closest.
I have to work in 15 min. Why do I always miss out on these raids.
M8 it's a beast in crucru.
its really not. its good, but nowhere near "beast" level
It's incredibly forgiving and easy to use at any range. Keep in mind we were playing meme sweats.
Sony shells out way too much money to get exclusivity.
So much so that the year two exclusives are staying exclusive throughout year three.
Just a ship and a quest as the year three exclusives is a good sign though.
Possibly crossplay, or at the very least no exclusives. Or just bungie being lazy and not having any to make exclusive.
>ubisoft gives xbox and pc one month of exclusivity with the division
>literally fucking hitler
>activision gives cawadoody one month of exclusivity for ps4, and a full year and then 2 years of exclusivity for some destiny strikes and armor
>its fine
Exclusives are dumb and need to go away.
It doesn't make people buy a console. All it does is make retards feel better about themselves because they bought a certain platforn.
Rabid "pc master race" retards spring immediately to mind.
Told you this was a good shitpost
dogma is a meme
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Thanks my man :^)
>talking shit on anon posts
Love this meme.
not that guy but it is. and the fact that people got salty enough to pull out snipers really shows how bad some of you ps4 players are
Badger CCL
Zen moment
Explosive rounds/Hand laid stock, Oiled frame
Third eye

keep or nah?
I think the only match where everyone went hard snipes (From what I could see) was Skyshock, and I don't blame anyone for pulling out snipers there.

>but it is
Right, whatever you say.
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Ascendant Plane.png
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It is the reward for full set of Harrowed gear.

I meant what shader most closely resembles the Harrowed Gear.

Like Bone Marrow is identical on the legs.

Basically I want the color of the Default legs of the Harrowed Gear. Ascendant Plane is not that.

Here's Ascendant Plane for reference. Compare to >>158065865
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I'd be down if we launch immediately.
My bad Don got shanghai'd into other things. I'll catch up with ya later.
stop being a hunter and you're fine, armor is black for titans
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Default II.png
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And now the default with the normal mode raid boots...
You'll note that Bone Marrow does match these.
Why did everyone leave? :(
No worries, I'm off to sleep, but the others might still be going.

I'm sleeping, don't know about Jared.

You're a wombo combo faget
anyone know if you decrypt exotic engrams on a certain class will it have a higher chance to be that classes type?
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Bone Marrow.png
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And finally Bone Marrow.

I have a Titan and I'm perfectly happy with my Antique Land, thank you.
I love how the default response here to I' don't know' is "do other thing".
it was my first time using frostees. theyre fun.
pls no bully
Raid fucking when? I don't get home until 10 PM CST
>I don't get home until 10 PM CST
when you get home then, faget. I need to do some work anyway
Is TT/ER/FF the definitive PVE rell?
Slightly, but most would say its still 90% RNG.
>dont want to run HM till im 390
>cant get 390 drops because 385 boots are holding me back
>ran crucible and strikes for rep all day and none of the packages gave me boots
>dont want to use my one exotic boot engram till 390

Are faction packages really the only way besides doing hard mode early?
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>0 completions

Sorry but my Alpha Contract Prohibits shitters
There's always Forge, there's a chance out of all the engrams you get one blue boot engram will turn into a purple. You get so many fucking engrams from Forge shit is crazy.
have you considered that the answer is not "i don't know," but perhaps "the shader that closest resembles no shader is no shader?"

probably just do other thing, faget
ikrana I'm coming
In or out?
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guys what if

destiny on the nintendo switch?
>"the shader that closest resembles no shader is no shader?"
Yes, I just want to be sure I'm not overlooking anything.
Anyone up for HM Raid?
Made it to Aksis last night but I don't mind running fresh if it means I get folks to join up
since you're being so autistic you could just go through every shader in the kiosk until you find the one you're looking for.
Guys what if

Here's your controller bro
that would require nintendo to release a next gen console
I'm pretty sure I did.
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we get it steve, you're good at PvP
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What happens if I use a gun with single point sling and dunemarchers? couldn't find anything but im assuming dunemarchers puts you at max so nothing?
Dunemarchers affects weapon aim sped?
Never has seemed to for me.
das lewd
not speed to aim but movement while aiming which is what single point sling affects
is it just me or does anybody else want to bang eris
Oh right
>20 archon's forge in a row
>no ghost shell
Working as fucking intended ay Bungo
It stacks with MIDA's shit so i'd assume so elsewhere.
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Post more of these please
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>tfw two shells on the first perfecteds today
I'm busy with life and dinner but i'd be up for it in an hourish.
Sounds good to me
2/6 for raid in an hour
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Alright I'm back and I'm ready to start this VoG
I had a couple people already lined up and I'm about to open up a fire team, anyone else?
I've never done VoG so as long as someone explains some mechanics to me I'll be able to perform.
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>5 flawless in the last two weeks
>all of the lighthouse boxes have given me the scout rifle
Go away joff, I haven't even been playing Destiny for a few days.
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I can help out
>made us raid with jiro
Fuck you
Doing one tonight?
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It's okay my man, you can do HM with that LFG group
>choosing to willingly raid with jiro or joff
You got EXACTLY what you deserved.
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its too much.png
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tfw bad juju is still viable
Is there a point to doing strikes at all? Archon's Forge seems best to 385, and then you just farm Iron Tomb exotics?
Go away bob
skeleton key loot drops up to 400

other than that, its ez vanguard rep
Plenty of other exotics are more useful as are plenty of legendaries. It won't slow you down but its damn near a wasted slot.
Its a fun patrol gun though.
You don't want to waste exotic engrams to level before you're 394.
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We actually did it too

Sorry man I've already gone twice, I might be on morning for you tomoz though
Fuck off Pandox
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R8 the roll
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>This raid.
its not a meme roll and its an ill will so its a hearty 3 marks/10
It's not awful, but it's not that great either.
>no LitC
>no mag reduction with LitC

Christ la'
Why? Its pretty easy assuming everyone's capable. Vosik is the hardest part and its literally just a Guardian and Fireteam check to see if you guys mesh well enough to communicate and function. The rest is ezpz
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The absolute mad man
I have one with casket mag, triple tap, and the reload perk that reloads faster when the mag is empty.
It is "easy." But I'm stuck with some undesirables right now.

Want to leave and watch Eva.
Didn't alpha meme do this? There is a webm somewhere.
>yesterday wotm said recommended light is 360
>now its 370
Don't play with people it doesn't happen with. It seems designed to force you to find people you can function as a team with and short of that it just won't work.
I had to switch out half my team first go around before we got over the hump.

which EVA?
its been 370 since launch
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Currently 5/6 for VoG
If you want in just message me, we're about to start soon
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Did I get a good roll?
I just wanted fragments...

Re watching the series on Blu ray rips
They all roll the same. Only damage type changes. That being said its not void so it's not THE best "roll" but it doesn't matter THAT much.
Enjoy your free grenades forever.
hm? vhermin if so
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implying you will get mytho
forgive me senpai, I just wanted to help my shitter friends :c
When does festival of light start?
weekly reset
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Only got an aksis phase 2 checkpoint bruh
Me and noobish are around a half hour or so

I have a siege engine CP btw
I thought you despised him after he followed his bull to alpha team?
Because I don't play with /dg/ anymore.
Still looking for people for HM raid, I'm at Aksis but I don't mind going fresh if people need it
2/3 for some spicy trials action
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Should we just conglomerate our groups into Mega Raidutron
I'd be down for it if everyone else is
who do you play with
I'm up for a fresh raid if you guys are.
>Silver dust
>No results

what the shit?

>Some changes are coming to Eververse and you'll see these begin to roll out in small steps, beginning with an upcoming patch.

>We are currently working on several changes to the Silver Dust economy to improve the player experience. We want to ensure that players who are completing Rise of Iron’s pinnacle challenges feel rewarded for their success. With this patch Trials, Wrath of the Machine, and Iron Lord Armor Ornaments will no longer require Silver Dust to apply. The Silver Dust requirement for applying Exotic Weapon Ornaments will remain, as the Silver Dust required for application is provided by the Radiant Treasure box.

>Year 1 and Year 2 Iron Banner armor found in Dusty Iron Engrams and on activity completion of Iron Banner matches was incorrectly dismantling into Legendary Marks. With the patch, these items, when dismantled, will now yield 1 Silver Dust.

>These changes are being made to promote a positive player experience as well as accommodate future changes and balances to the Eververse and Silver Dust economy which we will reveal in our winter release.
Haven't run it on hard yet, but I'm down.
I've yet to find a combo more fun than Bjooj+Obsidian Mind.
Especially in a Void Burn. I ran Sepiks Perfected with two guys who were in almost full raid gear and I had 250ish kills to their high 70s.
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Destiny (76).png
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4 u Ikrana
where the fuck does it say that? not disbelieving, just surprised
Post comfy

I'm down for a HM raid

Prefer fresh but whatever is fine.
Thanks a lot guys, really helpful, appreciate it.
eh, needs more snek

I'm fuckin hype. That's the -last- thing I expected them to do, but I'm wondering what to do with my 100+ dust now.
trials instead?
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mike bush.gif
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streaming trials
ill get it a week before y3 vault drops
Can you show it with Glowhoo on the shader preview screen if it's not too much of a problem to do so?
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Big thanks to the people who helped with Vault of Glass, very much appreciated, hope to play with you guys some time soon!
speaking of WotM ornaments, where the hell do you get them, are they just really really rare?
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lots of fun
1/3 with booster
I'm trying to do the "For Dead Orbit" exotic quest but I don't see any progression eventhough I'm wearing the emblen, shader and class armor. I'm using the Endling Cloak the vendor sells, do this has anything to do with this problem?
uno momento
doing trials on Titan
what channel? I'm not a regular
4/6 for HM WotM
wear an older cloak or the chroma one
Thanks, hope you have good luck in your matches.

I'll come

390 titan
>go Relentless
>Shaxx fucking screams out of the goddamn screen
What the hell, Bungie?
I don't think I have one of the old ones do you know where I can get one?
And that makes five for HM Fresh Raid
Let me in senpai
DO Chroma Packages.

You need a Spektar one to drop.
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when are they gonna add a crip walk dance
or cutting shapes
Don't worry, they fixed the volume issue with shaxx. He's working as intended now.
What level is recommended for Raids? I'm 366
Do faction packages go all the way up to 400?
No the audio was in level, it was just the dialog was terrible.

Plus he let out a shriek that made me think I was watching CSI Miami.
no, they stop at 390
anyone got space for hm?
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>vosik without the raid chestpiece
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>people on reddit politely ask if SD already spent on ornamenting will be refunded
>they get called entitled

remind me why I ever visit this place to see what the normies think
fine for normal
I need a Vogue emote or a chuck berry guitar hop thing.
He has issues with overstimulation hence the full body armor to keep the world out.
>only done the raid twice
>only got the boots and arms
I want the fucking chest and helmet.
Its what I went into the raid to get.
Mother fuck.
I need this dance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQAKRw6mToA
its easy niqqa

I did it with my titan with garrison on because I didnt have the chest piece

ez pz desu
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2/6 for raid time with Noobish
how about a NF before we start?
NM? HM? PS4? XB1?
>sidhe is a fusion grenade shitter
I've always known
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>not doing HM
I need this one.

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nuthin' but skill
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>that fake rasputin beard
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watermelon wolf.jpg
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Need 1 more for flawless with me and cruncher
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You would need his afro too though.
With wobble.
Just bought the Collection for the PS4 yesterday

I've been loving it so far

Any tips for new people?
Not the video I thought it was.
Thought it was this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYnVYJDxu2Q
also remember the afro being larger.
leave while you still can
3/6 for HM WotM
Test out all the classes to see which one you like best

female titans look better than male ones and are slimmer so more useful in PvP

if you're unsure about something, always google it before deleting anything or whatever

hawkmoon is bad
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anyone? last chance before we go to lfg
i mean, you can carry me if you wanna, but make no mistake, it will be a carry
what are the chances of getting the fallen exotics when doing challenge of elders?
i really want a queen breakers bow and a dregs promise
You saw me play earlier. Lfg would be a blessing.
Pretty good actually
is zippy or noobish with you
Fuck off and join shitposter
no, we dont play with shitters

also 5/6 for HM
I'll join if you do a NF with me
I'd play
nobody ever invites me to trials
>sippy descending from the fabled skype chat
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>tfw just started RoI a few days ago
>tfw no friends want to buy destiny
>tfw social retardation prevents me from using even LFG sites to run NM so I'll never get to HM
Casual trials anyone? I'll run my shit tier stormcaller
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>Never killed Aksis on normal because every team I played with choked on Phase 1 or 2.
>Now everybody just wants to do Hard mode which I am in no way prepared for
This is the worst. I just want to finish Metal and Flesh
I accepted that I'll never be able to raid a long time ago
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>in a thread dedicated to playing a game
>muh autism guys I cant ask ppl to help me play le game
What're you doing here m80
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Destiny (77).png
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What is asking in the thread?
while im missing the new trials legs the new ones are almost the same model
2/3 NF at boss
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megumin sad.png
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sorry guys, don't think we'd be able to carry
send inv
Rustin- 394 hunter
>wearing the ornaments
Looks like ass tbqmfh
No probs bro. Wasn't expecting anything.
Work in the morning anyway.
I'm not a carry, but people don't believe me because my stats are shit because I mostly do gold bounties with irl friends and randos
then nobody invites me and I never get better stats
I don't blame you though
oh i know my limits, thats why i try to be up front with them
Challenge mode chests.
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>I'm not a carry
at nightfall boss join on me
ah ha, that explains it
>there are """""people""""" in this very thread who have LESS than 10000 Silver available to spend
never been carried in my life
>he doesn't already own everything
You tell him.
Really makes you think.
Join Edgy and stream
are dunemarchers worth touching?
Fuck yeah.

>implying you can catch up with them
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Sorry, I was willing to give you a shot but one of our regular partners got online. I'll keep ya in mind for next time though
if I was looking for carries I would sure have a lot more flawless than one
my usual team sure isn't going to carry me though
No. Buy immolation fists.
>tfw got Hawkmoon 3 weeks ago
>can't use it because everyone will assume it's welfare
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>playing sunbreaker
its cool dude
I'm no crucible god, but I sure know how to push, communicate, and not choke
its more fun to go 7-0 with irl friends than flawless with randos anyway
which gauntlets should I use?
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The fact you'd ask shows how shit your taste is, but then again, look at that helmet.
>screencapping your own post.
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dammit ikrana.webm
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Remember not to respond to the delusional furfag.
Almost feels like it'd go better with the new raid shaders.
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>when the team is good but vosik so hard
>throw a grenade
>teammate jumps and the grenade bounce to me
post your name and system fuckboi
>spawn into reef wearing max level gear
>trials invitations out the ass
>tfw shitter
Good runs, that 1% was pure bs. Also sorry for background noise, she's animated
>tfw accidentally stumbled upon the depths of Destiny autism

You're browsing the depths of Destiny autism right this second.
I was just trying to look up some lore on Thalor, and this was a recommended result.
Who else here slowly grinding to 400 and biding their time waiting for challenge mode to start raiding?

I've got like six raid runs up to aksis 2, two of them were complete runs, all of them I had used a key on every chest.

For that I have a pretty low disc/str ghost shell and a dozen rocket launchers. I've seen people do a single run week one and come out with a full armor set, I have no such luck, is there even a point to running this shit without challenge mode if all you're getting are rocket launchers?

I mean fucking hell, no exaggeration, I've not gotten as many rocket launchers in all of TTK as I have in the two weeks of raiding in WOTM.
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Destiny (80).png
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you have bad taste tee bee aich pham
no shader and Vallsgarde look bretty gud
>vosik goes immune before the he finishes his team wipe
fucking bullshit
It's aytch.
>they fire marty
>all the music is buttrock now
>tfw the class shaders are now unlocked
Absolute demoralizing bastard. He waited for it too.
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>up against a sweaty double carrying two decent players
>they take us 4-0 pretty easily
>we fucking comeback and win it

oh man that was fun
>implying anyone gives a shit
They'll just make fun of you for using a hand cannon.
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Really made me think.
Kinda amazed one of my scarce kills is on the feed.

It's great that Ikrana turns around like, "oh shit, did I block that!"
>mcdonalds sponsored hunters and warlocks everywhere
>ronald mcdonald has to be put down for trying to count dooku
>barely duck under a knife throw from his twin brother
>somehow they got bill from titan accounting on their side
>tears stram down my face when i have to welcome them to the jam
I can't clap for this, not anymore....
Lion Dancer isn't a class shader you mong.
The McDonald's shader is Undercity, but the point stands
they honestly look pretty bad, its the werid coloring of the ornaments
Its definitely lion dancer. Git fukt.
It's Lion Dancer
Would you like fries with that, guardian?
Undercity is not a class shader either
>but the point stands
I still have 10 light to go to get to 370
I knew it was only a matter of time till someone dusted this off. Thank you.
No point stands
the entire basis was hunters and warlocks are running around with class shaders due to them being unlocked

Lion Dancer and Undercity are not class shaders therefore the anon should have not been retarded and just said there were a lot of guardians running around with the mcdonalds shaders
I made an Xbox "club" called Band of Xbowners as an alternative way to communicate here, might be easier for making groups might be harder

if you want to be invited to see how this shit works just reply with your name

I honestly have no idea if this would be better or worse, if its the latter ill just delete it
Why not add current clan members?
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We don't really use the clan for anything and im sure we wouldn't use this either

We always lfg on thread anyway, BoX is just a nice thing we have so instead of sending friend requests to everybody we look at the clan roster when we need people
That's a good point, but there are alot of xbone players not in the /dg/ clan as well.

valid point

But it goes quite common where someone can lfg on the thread and no receive a response for ages
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Is that an anime Todd?
the fuck is a club?
>5 pulse
>1 helmet

reeeeeee give me the hc
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>open aksis heroic chest
>10 notes and nothing else
Check your mailbox, you'll always get at least one drop from a kill and the chest.
Festival of the lost is shit!

The only event that matters is Miss Holliday's SRL!
Have YOU been trying to go flawless but only HALF-CAN get there??

Wait no more, lady-boys and gentle-lady-boys, because now you FULL-CAN, with Fulcan_Rystâ„¢!

Trials 1/3, let's go
the fuck
if i had your system i would play with you for your sales pitch alone
>The lighthouse right now is literally "Find local flawless guardians in your area"
Anyone up for WoTM NM?
It's stupid that they changed it

>used to be an atmospheric as fuck place where you relax with your friends and take pictures
>now there's 6 retards there dancing and teabagging the moment you spawn in
Thanks matey.

Anyways I would love to play some trials if anyone's interested.
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2/3 for a flawless (again)
Dude, just like the furfag, nobody wants to play with you.
Play with that other guy and stream
I guess I can run one on my hunter
golly gee sure is strange that people have before
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200 (4).gif
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Yeah, play with kevgk and stream
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cant wake up.gif
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I don't think any of us are set up to stream currently.

Maybe one day.
Well play with him and see how far you get
anyone want to do some

just want to get my book done for that.
Fuck it. Lemme grab a beer.
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Anybody on XB1 trying to raid in 20 mins?
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Rate. Other +/- is reinforced barrell
listen man I'll raid with you tomorrow
what times are you on tomorrow
literally all I got from the crucible weekly bounty was a blue engram
god damnit well i work until 930 pm cst so ill be home at like 10
good job
>crucible and vanguard marks
Shit nigga.
I didn't get anything except a legendary engram I guess.
>player teabags and uses the welfare emote after finally killing me after 4 missed hammers
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you what.png
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>trials with dragonheart on burning shrine
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>lose twice in a row
>lose twice in a row
>lose twice in a row
>8-0 no mercy
>face red bar carrying people
>can't damage him and lose hard

https://clips.twitch dot tv/ironicallyintoanime/CrazyChinchillaMau5
This is embarrassing to listen to.
is there a video of this?
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I got spec ops mida :D
Fuck off and take your homosex with you.
invite me to your party
its too "tacticool" for me, arctic is better
pls gib homosex
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Surely you jest (KSAOHUB).png
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What a shitty encode or player filters. That ringing and poor up-scaling is burning my eyes. You can't seriously watch shit looking like that can you?
why do you fucks give him replies
This is the most Autistic NEET thing I have ever read on /dg/, and there are multiple people here with 400 light and max grimoire, a bunch of traps, furfags, and sweaties. This is saying something my dude, take a step back. lmao.
t. archived Hitler speech
>Skill based PvP is a special event that only comes in December each year
Huh, that's a strange choice
Must suck being blind.
>lagging is skill
>No longer require silver dust
>Still require the ornaments you get via RNG out of the Treasure

Wow, thanks.
>recognizing video artifacts makes you autistic

Go re-re-re-compress all your jpeg images nigger.
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>named the guild after himself
Recognizing it isn't the problem.
Being a fucking retard about is the problem.
And implying that his shit taste of because of artifacting and now because he is a fucking brain damages anime watching retard is also retarded.
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NF at boss.
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I like the wail
How many spots? Logging into my hunter right now.
I said "in December", not "every weekend"
>>158093982 (you)
go away
So, what's the name for the Felwinter/NPB Defender?

It needs a name.
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It's pretty comfy desu
>implying lagging in SRL is skill
Is there an actual blacklist or are you all just memeing?

be the bubble
>felwinter artifact

you have force barrier on all the time, you ARE the bubble. fucking retards

everyone here has been on 'the blacklist'
I finished it already. Sorry bud
Do you like shit guns?
Yeah, I get it, but it's really weak.
Doesn't sound catchy.
>a single player with overshield = entire team with overshield

>You aren't making a bubble for everyone
>You are your own bubble
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let your teammates do it themselves
Nah man, rumble is where it's at.
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>Be grinding for good Imago Loop roll
>Pop Vanguard rep booster, grind normal strike playlist
>Get 5 keys in 2 hours, but only 1 (O N E) Vex strike to use a key on
>Get gun on left

These are literally the only two that haven't been 100% garbage and they're still not even very good. I've actually been having some fun with the one on right in PvE but still it isn't nearly what I'm wanting.
>tfw you will never get a fatememe 2.0
Why cant I play Crucible? It won't find me a game. I'm lvl 337..
these fucking CHILDREN have the gall to call out glorious BE THE BUBBLE without erven understanding DUANE

shake my head in disgust
Should've farmed Undying Mind when you still could. Now the chance of getting a god roll weapon from chest is abysmal low.
Oh believe me I spent hours upon hours grinding nightfall Undying Mind and still got nothing worth keeping
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I like the roll it's pretty good gun. It lacks range but w/e it has snapshot, sureshot and litc. If it had hammer forged in the middle I would like it more I think

Those are both shit the wail can get outlaw & firefly too
I know they're both shit I'm just saying those are the best I've gotten so far to put in context just HOW SHITTY every single Loop I've gotten is.

The wail is ugly tho, Imago Loop is A E S T H E T I C
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terrify emote.webm
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The stuff for this year's FotL is actually fucking cool
I hope everybody else in that clan is Lynus with varying numbers
Thread posts: 759
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