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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 760
Thread images: 32

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no one even plays coop
at least its not a fartooner op
i play coop for 1v1 downtime
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coop is fun
also so much easier than 1v1
i like to take it easy
if you get canker sores often, it may be a gluten intolerence.....
i just woke up from a dream where i had a cute gf and we loved each other and we were riding the bus in the back seat and she was getting all touchy feely feeling up my abs and stuff with her smooth cold hands but a fat balding gross guy that looked just like sheth was sitting next to us and he was getting really angry and jealous but we were still all lovey dovey

and then my teeth starting falling out and i woke up

i didn't want to wake up ,__,
based oatsy
bad post
ur just jealous
he bullied me once...
why did you read it
i didnt lol
i wanna die
*kills you*
do me too please
*kills you*

that anime looks hecka dumb sickzii
titty one?
im a nerd/gamer/geek/tech lover/foodie
she's HOT
*slits your throat*
tell my youtube... i love them...
did you like it...
drinking liquor? bet you've never been sicker!
i have cancer
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one of my drones ran off and i found it in your trash

care to explain?
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what if there was an scv rv
me on the left
it would stink
me sleeping :3 gn
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fgg used this in their OP...
omo how is this allowed on a worksafe board @.@
fgg makes fun of us...
me on the right
she's just a little sweaty
Is it just one person doing the shitposting or are there multiple autismos
tinny, i...
it's all me
gook lol
hate you
*ragdolls a tinny post*
*prints this out*
*walks to the bathroom*
my dad is ashamed of me!
i have reese's snacks
well thats stupid

and your stupid too

told mom to order za but she said no more za this week and i should consider a "dietary change"
thats bullshit
call her a b*tch
word im 25 ill eat whatever the heck i want
a 14 y/o boy in australia went blind from eating nothing but kfc and coke for 5 years
i dont believe that story
shut up tomo news never lies to me
oh my god suck my diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick i dont CARE
tomo news is japanese propaganda
*cums in your hair*
*you don't care*
*you walk around with cum in your hair all day*

uncaring idiot
*sucks it*
facial expressions are propaganda so wtf do you want??
>Next Media Animation (Chinese: 蘋果動新聞; pinyin: Píngguǒ Dòng Xīnwén) is a Taiwan-based subsidiary of Hong Kong-based Next Media that creates humorous and simple CGI-animated coverage of recent news stories and sporting events and releases them through Tomo News
i still stand by what i said
it's definitely taiwan independant state propaganda but we like taiwan here
you got outdeb8ed
sry son
hoqw do i buy weed if i dont KNOW anyone

you expect me to just sit here and admit i was wrong? are you retarded?
my mom buys me weed
yeah... especially if u live somewhere semi-isolated
i can try wow for free
should i do it? never played wow before.
ummm YEAH
nah u only get to like lvl20 which is useless
um well he'll prolly know by tehn if he wants to continue playing so yes he should do it fucko!
deep webb
well i only want to see if it's good

by lvl 20 ull be thinking
"wow that was it?"
for sure

dont bother
wow is valuable
so i either buy it or not?
mmos are poison
the tinfoiler...
no man
of course not

the game is dead as shit by now

gee, man
*randalls tinny*

hope you do so too
but im bored and dont kno what to play
actually mmos are the only games where people of our age can still compete
u dont want to bother with wow now

just stare @ a wall like we do here

so Mvp, Rain, soO and MMA are the greatest players...
legalize murder
wow isnt dead one of the best xpacks ever just came out and it is very much alive u niggers
it's legal if u don't get caught

don't get caught
what about life?
based elliot
we dont talk about life
the greatest matchfixer (who stole a gsl win from mvp by abusing bl infestor)
stuchiu is a FAT FUCK!!!!!!
any u guyz use a standing desk................. thingken about gettin one instead of sittin all day

This has been a rollercoaster of a week for SC2 fans.

Proleague, KeSPA, health of the Korean scene; Design feedback, huge patch, Shoutcraft et al.

I have to say, in spite of the mixed news, my excitement and passion for SC2 is at an all-time high. Last night I bought the Alarak voice pack and some shiny skins, excited to support one of my favorite games. I played my placement matches as Protoss and took breaks playing badly as Zerg, guilt-free. I saw on the forums that the design patch is being handled carefully and is getting closer!

I'm having a blast. I want to thank Blizzard for transforming SC2 into perhaps my favorite game of all time. It's been a long time coming, but now I'm very happy and impressed with the current state and direction of the game.

I also want to thank the countless members of the community who participate in improving the game, manage and support events, and produce useful and entertaining content. I love all of it, and I'm excited to help support in what ways I can as well.

SC2 has finally crossed some threshold for me, where I don't really care if anyone claims it is dedgaem or whatever bullshit. I am just having fun. I am having more fun with the game than I ever have before, and I feel really good about being part of this great community.

Thank you, Blizzard. Thank you, Starcraft community.
I feel like a kid in a candy shop.
oh my fuck
these people need to be shot
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is this a shill
i was supposed to fart but i think i... yep...
>finally get a sicc pc
>sc2 is dead
>wow is dead
>quake is dead
>csgo is dying
thank you, blizzard
play ow
we buy our weed from the dark web here
isnt that dead too?
no i just drink lots and lots of liquor
more than this guy?
our guy
not me but that poster has the right idea

who is this...
oatsy is a big dumb loser

terran was the broken race all along...
why is he really affected?
his brother kys'd or someshit idk
dont give me that look BITCH!!!!

*smacks your face*
lol imagine letting twitch chat affect your mental well being
dumb hateful idiots
im not hateful im just having a laugh
we dont mock peoples death and suffering here
*goes full screen*
your post really bothered me :(
i didnt mock a death in your family idiot
btw im not dumb
>gets bullied

LMAO what a fucking PATHETIC baby boy little manchild
stop youre making things worse
>bullying a bully
baka heartless
trump is a bully
but hes our bully
not true
we are NOT with her
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yeah we are
im with her
nathanias' brother is obese
so am i it doesnt matter
im a gay guy
word we're fat
after 1 hour: epic
guys i took an epic shit and the smell is epic what would you guys do if you didn't have any air freshener and your whole house stinks??
we like the smell of our poop here
you open a a freakin window you prick

ever even HEAR of a courtesy flush???
what's the point of not being able to get to sleep
like why is your brain not letting you sleep
is this your """evolution"""
nah its god trying to harass you
astronaut waifu...
haha i couldn't sleep last night i must be more evolved than you =)
oh my fuck i have no idea what units to build on zerg
there's so many
i miss marines T_T
i hope my butt stops hurting tomorrow
what happen x_O
do you have to do something tomorrow thats when i would get insomnia
because real life is too much smetimes even though you try to overcome those thoughts
its like there are embedded into your skull haha do you get that
haha just like you want it all to end and to float in some abyss in a heightened state of consciousness
stick 4 fingers in it instead of usual 3...
is that why she sits like that
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hello, i am back and ready to be posting with my friends, the scvees!
nathanias has jewish ancestry
bit by bit the pieces fall into place
we don't like jews
WE like whatever is trendy here!
watching jp...
... ok no longer watching
the cracks have begun to show. i repeat: the cracks have begun to show. this is not a drill. the cracks are showing right now.
*pulls up my shorts*
how embarrassing...
>work 8 hours a day and go to school
How the fuck do you people do it
it's easy
*takes a shot of amphetamines*
>game 16 hour days
it's not that hard
i don't. i'm a neet.
should i watch old vods of soe or watch the presidential debate?
suicide sounds like the best option you worthless piece of dog shit bitch gook nigger kike sissy slut
whens the debate 8 est? when when? 9? tell me please
15 minutes from now senpai
9 est
praying for trump <3

muh true blacks
gonna juliafap now
but julia is the ugliest girl in jav history???
my gay
we know
so now ur gay if u want ur girls to be pretty???? haha wat?
i should really get a job

but how...
just be yourself
just show up at a store and start asking people if u can help them

boom, ur now a job and the best part? they cant fire u cuz u was never hired
u lied the debate doesnt start for another 1 hour
there's like a billion job openings around where i live
wood break:


L M F A O. Martin had Destiny figured out after literally 5 minutes of talking to him. There is no other single sentence that describes Destiny so perfectly.
destiny has an opinion and he isnt afraid to voice it what about you, memer? i bet you woulda clammed up and sucked martins dick destiny is a god
calm down shitstiny and keep browsing that wikipedia lmao
if destinys so wrong then go on skype and confute him but you wont cuz ur a BITCH rofl keep talking shit!
*gets nervous*
sounds like someone is gonna get vanquished
reminder that martin is our guy & is the new true smug
did someone watch this shit
i want to know where she tries to speak japanese

she only said 1 sentence
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i wonder how that battery(?) on her glove aids her. i dont see the use imo
ghost secret :3
my unmentionables...
If a ghost is cloaked and sharts her jumpsuit will the stain be visible?
found it lol
this has to have been an elaborate troll
that video does not represent /pol/
just wanna put that out there
only thermal image
>/pol/ doesnt represent /pol/
pol is one person?
get debated on, kid
*confutes the entire thread*
do you have to be smart to win a debate?
this guy
holy shit :O
JP McDaniel@itmeJP
dude, this crowd behind the CNN panel is fucking crazy

James Lampkin@Kennigit
@itmeJP what are they chanting? Cant watch in yurop

JP McDaniel@itmeJP
@Kennigit Lock Her Up? not sure

James Lampkin@Kennigit
@itmeJP sounds right
wikipedia is all you need
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b- b- but i thought trump was losing and hillary was popular?!
i dont know how to use wikipedia
there's a lot of info there guess you do need to be smart...
maybe debate isnt for you...

based elon musk
im gonna take a shit befor ethe great debates
more like elon musky because his ideas stink, right?
fucking idiot which one of his ideas stinks at all?
i'm not getting into this debate
elon musk confirmed legendary king of cartooners

humanity will take to the stars hand-in-hand with cartoons
well played
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thanks #imwithher
i bet she's going to have a stroke on stage lol
we're with her
im voting for perot
oh god it's the bias moderator again
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where's bisu?
guys can we drop the memes and be serious for one minute

which one would you actually vote if you cared enough to haul your ass to the voting booths?
as a european id vote hillary so i could laugh at you
as a burger id vote for based god trump
if hillary wins we won't get campaign finance reform for at least 20+ years
im too fucking stupid to make decisions like that
stupider people than you will vote
yeah because there will be global thermonuclear war with russia
in an election year there is a rule where the current president isn't supposed to pick new supreme court members
but that stupid monkeynigger elected one anyways
liberals dont care about rules, they care about winning
that's why they're winning
she's going to say "common sense gun laws"
i don't even understand regulating gun ownership

anyone with a mill and a few hunks of metal can make as many of any gun they want, really any idiot with a hunks of metal and a file
lol think i'm getting rsi
>common sense regulation
so close
she literally said it seconds after i posted this
a god
>thinking the popular vote matters
i'd write in your mom and that vote would count as much as choosing trump or hillary
since when is murder a constitutional right?
wtf are you saying my mom is donald trump

is this thing friggin rigged??
please just go vote for him anyways on the off chance that it does matter
wtf trump
in china they just fined you if you had a second child they didn't force you to abort, lol
between trump and hillary? trump. stein otherwise.
will trump deport tkopa?
dumpster babies
a woman's right to choose starts and stops when she spreads her legs

so says destiny, so say i
dont like destiny but word and +1
fuck you carla and fuck your parents. you should all get deported. fuck you spics.
can't they just both be president so we can stop fighting?
>b-but carla
>does everything they can
>except become a citizen
hyuk hyuk look at me i am from america!! the whole world is talking about USA polotics!!! or is it politics... dang it nancey!
fucking russians!!!!!!
removing illegal immigrants means ur a nazi i guess
why don't people just immigrate legally anymore
because they dont have to, so why bother going through the long and arduous process when simply walking across the border and stepping on magical american soil suddenly makes you entitled to the full benefits of the welfare state?
you cant bring in your heroine and rape people legally tho...
the russian government is working against the american people... by educating the american people on the facts... really makes you think...
>government won't disclose a whole bunch of dirty shit because of "muh national security"
>someone lets the public know about that dirty shit
>somehow the person pulling the curtain back is bad



>we've never had a foreign government influence our elections

but it's totally okay when the us influences or flat out rigs dozens of other countries' elections
hillary smiling scares me
finally someone says it
even though i like trumps memes and i hope he wins
hes shit at deb8ting
just increase the minimum wage! that'll solve the problem!
she's not debating she's giving speeches
are we hype? nintendo nx news....red dead redemption....blizzcon...new macbook pro...what a crazy week
i know but he could punish her more if he was better
repeating himself too much
actually following her on the russia meme after btfoing her at first
trump... asshole wants to cut taxes
income taxes are immoral

as a capitalist nation we should be taxing people based on how much of their income they spend vs earn

the people who spend the most money pay the least, the people who spend the most pay the least

gotta keep that money moving
it doesnt matter what trump says or wikileaks leaks

the joos wont let hillary lose
>the people who spend the most money pay the least, the people who spend the least pay the most
oops but you get it
the people who spend the most money pay the least, the people who spend the most pay the least
really makes u think
saving money should be illegal

that's not even your money its the governments
i just realized ive heard these exact talking points before....
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*try to think*
*get a migraine*
>bringing up locker room talk
? boys will be boys
shes visibly rustled
not even a sociopathic grin
im going to rape you in the locker room ;)
boys nna be boya
what if women couldnt vote
*celebrates our diversity*
>it's russian spies!
ah yes makes sense
>she made up these lies that benefit her campaign
what? unbelievable!
we would have more locker rooms
hillary killed a guy!
reminder that we love the khan family
hillary killed a lot of guys!
the khan of khans...
>you know it, I know it, and the american people know it
fuckin classic
i don't understand. people are going to vote for whoever they were going to always vote for

is anyone really stupid enough to be swayed by these things?
yes, lol. it's pretty crazy to think about
oh look a new speech
an election isnt about getting people to vote for you

its about them not voting for your competition and being forced to vote for you
im watching steel play csgo whos winning the db8
lol i have his stream muted while watching the debate small world
why is this fuck asking trump to accept a loss as if its rigged? why doesn't he ask her if shell accept the result the fuck?
*risks entire career by fixing a match for 2000$*
>gish gallop
for $2k i could feed myself for years
>jews turning down money
reminder that you should accept the outcome of a fixed election or democracy will die
WE are an oligarchy!
a syrian no fly zone would require war with russia
reminder that you should accept the outcome of a fixed match or skins betting will die
Do i want a filthy clinton to win or a crazy person
if only 'zii could run...
>le trump is crazy meme
you don't make millions of dollars in new york real estate by being stupid/crazy give me a fucking break
it dont matta
wheres that guy from yesterday who called me a nigger!!! show yourself bitch!
sickzii lacks everything you need to be president:

none a this mattas..
*shows my butt*
what are you gonna do to me...
he has heart!
youre so hard on yourself sickzii...
omg wat the heck was that whisper
>we have to use our great people
someones been playing civ6
civ5+ sucks ass
you wouldnt say that in real life
it do...
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>spreading christianity across the entire world in civ 4
feels fucking great
rape culture gets a bad rap...
would you lick her boobs
so does lad culture
cheeky rapes...
where was the third party candidates
americans can only count to 2
they've been de facto barred ever since ross perot got in the debates and brought up a bunch of shit neither the democrats or republicans wanted to talk about.
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whos skin did this skeleton steal

fuck you! we don't like destiny
im watching styxes post debate recap tho...
he's not talking about the debate
i delete it then. i hate it when he plays dead game 2
im watching this guy
who's styxes
nice link lol
wow he's looks like john lennon
john lennon had an agf before it was cool...
he looks like a mouse skeleton
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and we'll get a vgf before the demand is high
i showered abnd my balls still stink

duno what to do really
God willing... and we'll all sail away in our yellowfever submarines
why doesn't destiny deb8 this guy
oh shit he's an intelligent trump supporter that would be good. lets tweet him
you need to soak them longer (like pruny feet) so you can slough off the stinky dead skin on the backside of your balls.
give urself a man douche
so did hillary say anything about instigating the violent protest stuff
the clinton foundation saves aids babies
i'm on a diet >_<
i don't get it
is he from tucson?
would you like some?
kaitlyn @kaitly_n 11h11 hours ago
Seriously, thank you if you were in my chat last night talking to me about anxiety. Being in pain every day starts to build up.
0 replies 2 retweets 82 likes

kaitlyn @kaitly_n 11h11 hours ago
Seriously, thank you if you were in my chat last night talking to me about anxiety. Being in pain every day starts to build up.
0 replies 2 retweets 82 likes

kaitlyn @kaitly_n 11h11 hours ago
Seriously, thank you if you were in my chat last night talking to me about anxiety. Being in pain every day starts to build up.
0 replies 2 retweets 82 likes
I made this video to remember Proleague. Remember with me, and share. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJ4bLFMtVxA
i was there
i wanna sniff legendarylea's asshole
nice link IDIOT
thats how youre supposed to link it
can someone please share one of her workout vlogs with us?
theres no way kaitlyn makes the equivilent of minimum wage from streaming
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h.o. studley tool chest break:
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how do we save /scv/
suck my fucking dick you fucking retard
cheer super hard at blizzcon!
but we're not in the locker room
we reply to shitpost
hey, keep it in the locker room fellas
crap... i forgot to lock my pc earlier....
*locks it for you*
heh nothing personnel kid
i have already begun channeling for life
life might surprise the korean authorities
we'll just have to wait and see ;)
mvp is a bonjwa
life is not
i don't like surprises :/
life in prison...
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surprises you
a life of crime...
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he betrayed us all...
how do you even get back at parents for being such shitty parents?
dont take care of them when they grow old
you cant do that without angering God take your licks and just be a better dad to your kids its all part of growing up
im gonna schedule a dentist appointment for some time in the future wish me luck
fighting !!
no, most wgirls are filthy whores

but there are a few i know that are super nice and cute...
i watched a movie
a cup
78 pounds
how was it
is this a locker room? there's something i have to say..
yeah whats up bro
*bends you over and smacks your ass*
just messin around haha what'd you want to say
i think im trumpsexual i jacked off to his northcarolina rally...
what the heck that's gay as hell
*kicks you out of the locker room*
she's looking qt today :3
i thought only coach could do that???
*rapes a boy in locker room*
i cant forgive hillary after those emails
what emails
found some cum in my jockstrap
guh ooooooooooooo kuh
we call that there locker room juice
i can lick it clean for you
im going to the dentist tomorrow!
theres too much friggin anime

how u decide which 1to watch
the average destiny fan...
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based i hope you've been remembering to floss!
i've only brushed my teeth twice this year
every day

that's rough
omooo stellar
good for a kfap and that's literally it
their songs are decent too
lol@above comment
any good boy kpop?
they force you to abort the child...

still did before the 2child plan

still do on 3rd maybe? not sure
culturally enriching stinkers...
idiot you're just plain full of shit is what you are

forcing a stinker to have your babies and making her get abortions...
delete this
The whole thing was good, but I love that last line.
the fake studio laughter IRKS me why did you link this daily show tier shit vid?
pretty good but they're really bad dancers
were too good for this
i brush twice every day

i went to the dentist last week and they didn't find anything bad

makes me wonder cuz the last time to the dentist before that was like 4 years ago and i remember then they said that i had bad things "about to appear"
i think i've been scamazed...
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modern medicine is a scam especially the dentistry and psychiatric fields
all of it

a god

gaypop>>>>>slutpop here
>slutpop here
99% of the female idols are pure most have never even dated ~_~
i gotta agree to some extent
a god
makes you think...
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reminder that we lift here
no we don't

we aren't insecure enough to cover our mental deficiencies with a wall of muscle here
i should start...
getting big and bulky =/= exercising for health
*tip tip*

lifting has nothing to do with being insecure...
gonna eat another 'zah slice...

thats my workout for teh night
>lifting has nothing to do with being insecure...
wow i put that in google and guess what i found

Muscles Don't Make Him Masculine: Unmasking The Insecurities ...

do u think that is just a coincidence?
only people who are insecure bring up insecurities and moreso project them by calling others insecure
let the confuting begin
only people who are actually insecure claim otherwise

you lose the argument
that sounds really convenient...
jimmy kimmel is so dum
he dumped that toxic jew so he cant be that dumb
comedic gold
which channel does he do his show for
post more comedic gold please
>asian male going the weird awkward route with his comedy
not surprised. black niggers in the 70s all wanted to be prior now ams want to be filthy frank
why did u go the extra length of calling them "black n****s" instead of blacks or n*****rs u damn racist!!!
5 minutes?? u know we can't handle that

i want my 2seconds back!!
ill be here all week...
word. under 30 seconds or im OUT
i couldnt finish reading that guys comment but i saw word so word
heh this guy's really funny
remember that spic who was posting his skits here for a little while?
should i drink wine or beer

white wine tho...
stole it from my mum
what if she finds out
we enjoy wine here

esp. with meals

but we never have any...
she'll be mad but its ok because ive been good all week so far
grab her by the pussy
jboys are so cute
grabbing maru by the kbp...
region locked event?
good riddance!
aww he uses boku like a little boy~
his kilo base pairs...
yeah but his korean boy pussy too...
polar bears (white bears) are going extinct while black bears (nigger bears) are booming in population how do we feel about that?
global warming is a hoax
breeding polar bears with stinker panda cuties
polar bears have black skin...

puh ki
i finally got raped
holy out of africa theory bat man
you concede the point
wow they really do!

never woulda guessed
stinker word of the day

中午- noon

>opens wikipedia
no I don't, I'm just getting started. polar bears aren't niggers and their skin is white, open up any animal book you can find and confute yourself

do you concede?
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this argument has no value
thus you concede. fucking shitter
polar bears having black skin is an axiom therefore i have no reason to concede because we're not having a debate as i was just stating a fact
confute me or you lose the argument
whats an axiom
like axis forces x2
you've done nothing except ASSERT something that you claim is true without actually backing up said claim and an assertion without backing is not a fact
you confute yourself on this point as well >>157907121
>a statement or proposition that is regarded as being established, accepted
evidently not if you're the only one saying such things and further more
>or self-evidently true
calling a clearly white animal black is the opposite of self-evidently true so to what AXIOM do you refer? because none of your statements contain an AXIOM

mine, that polar bears are white, however, does

you concede the point
tb's sc2 team

my commander-in-chief is actually really smart
this reads exactly how a concession does. you lose
you simply did not /understand/ what i meant

you concede the point
you've already been vanquished, child. your pitiful semantic retort does nothing more than provide a chortle for the resident scvs due to your inability to understand that axioms don't require proof
i dont understand that sentence desu
the burden of making your arguments plain falls on you I will not furnish you with wits and the ability to articulate your own points otherwise I would argue with myself if you're pretending to have knowledge which you cannot put into words you do not have any knowledge

riddles will not be tolerated in intelligent debate

do you mean meaning? if my retort based on meaning makes you laugh then we can conclude you based your arguments in non-meaning that is to say, falsehood

you confute yourself on this point
this has value to me
wtf is an axiom tho
this has no value to anyone
you concede #wastemytime
good point
prove your time has value
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your point is unfalsifiable in practice, thus invalid

you lose the argument
that no value guy really spiced up the meta
axiom was tb's esports team moron
sure did

all thanks to 'zah's inherent value

'zah has serious value to us
>you lose because you win
paradoxes like that may impress your average subhuman shitter but they are powerless on me, boy

use unfalsifiable as a synonym for "right" all you like, we know what you mean. you lose
Do you guys work? fulltime job?
u need to check wikipedia again

otherwise you concede
full time neet
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U = value

as the argument stood prior to this comment of yours you had already conceded because
no experience, can't get a job
no job will hire you without experience
cont-- you failed to make a coherent point. this latest post of yours adds nothing new, therefore the old standing of you having conceded still stands
an argument is not a straight line

you concede
so wait jews really did cause world war 1 and 2????
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i work full time
the axiom forces did
you've been given ample opportunities to say something to the purpose and you continue to not confute a single word of what's been said and instead endeavor simply to /try/ and confuse me. an interesting yet perfectly transparent tactic most often employed by the vanquished

you're out of points, you're out of your depth and you're out of chances. strike 3 no more you's for you
you concede then
i dont concede i haven't even gotten started
au contraire...
i dont like this new meta im too dumb for it i thought we were dumb here

i got "vanquished" yesterday and i dont even know what that frickin means!
lol how the fuck do you even get vanq'd?
it means you got owned lol
we have always been highly pseudo-intellectual but keep in the shadows
not me btich!! *farts and runs around*
vous vous escartez de la questione
it's smart people pretending to be retards pretending to be smart people pretending to be retards pretending to be smart
uhh shouldn't that be the other way around though?
did you just "word" me you pigskin bitch?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
*looks around anxiously*
no i promise!
hmm... kids?
anyone got something that'll really make me think...
the Infinite is properly that which has no limits, for 'finite' is obviously synonymous with 'limited'; one cannot then correctly apply this term to anything other than that which has absolutely no limits, that is to say the universal All, which includes in itself all possibilities and consequently cannot be limited by anything in any way; the Infinite, thus understood, is metaphysically and logically necessary, for not only does it not imply any contradiction, not enclosing within itself anything negative, but it is on the contrary its negation that would be contradictory.
how do i find music
what a load of shit! who cares!
asks for ladder jams
this retard is keeping us honest, i must say
hopefully it was a copy paste and he didnt actually type all that junk
What the fuck is wrong with this general

Can I mod just delete this mess?
what seems to be the problem here
would you like to debate?
youve been marked for rape
that reminds me *zooooom out of the thread* ah, here we go
quick everyone hide before janine comes and bans us all!!!
*hides under a blanket*
you lose the argument
*climbs ontop of you*
*drools on your neck*
twitch prime
hitbox tv
destiny gg
panda tv
douyu tv
youtube gaming
we don't watch any of those here
all me
there is a god!!!!!
so who is it???
icsiag :3
post your cunt
who won the debate? is she president yet?
it was a draw really.. both were pretty shit tho
can we get some 1gs up in the chat?
omo look at this qt fa girl

post ladder jams
fa is not really effay though.. just tryhard pretends..

stop going there
well i used to go there a lot like 6 years ago so i just wanted to see what all teh cool teenz wear these days
gonna be banned for a few days and not gonna dodge

post some lewd stuff first
this. go out with a /wang/ kekarooo!
no i dont wanna

and i dont save any anyways
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1MB, 686x4500px
ill give u this cute fartoon comic instead
we read manga from right to left like arabic right?
not reading
u are hard to please!!
gimmie love was pretty good
good meowning :3
gook moaning~
you overslept
YEE boi
No Spaming or posting links on my Ch
Spaming or posting links on my Ch is an automatic BAN with no lift 1ns your ban u stay ban for life sorry been telling ppl for to long i'm dunn telling ppl now i'm taking action
i didn't just come here to dance
seolhyun is way prettier/ nicer/ smarter than seulgi
i think im one of those people who feel like shit after any physical exercise... i always feel disgusted and sick after
so I lose 100% of my PvZs

this is ridiculous.
wtf am I supposed to do?? seriously tell me what units to build
it dont matta
none of this mattas
i think neeb has a pvz build, try looking that up
did u try making adepts?
just build tanks lol
gooks are disgusting
when is the next event?
the girl is cute!!!!
how is it social eating when all they do is stuff their fucking face all the time
there is two of them!
if you're into martians
hey its that big fat hearthstone nigger... bet he wants to spark a cig real bad
in a week
using scissors to cut meat is... is... GENIOUS!!!!
can you imagine being so fat your body runs out of room so it has to start using your fucking fingers to store it
mom pass the meat scissors
have you dorks never heard of shears? wtf
whats a shear
could i cut bread with scissors?
hmm.. really makes me think
shears are for sheeps wool and folliage ya dingus
and for the kitchen moron
big fat kboy :3
that's a terrible nose job
*cuts a steak with shears*
look at me everyone i'm a fucking retard
>gardening shears
ive heard this
>shear the sheep
heard this too
>mom hand me the kitchen shears
never heard this in my life

go fuck yourself kid

uncultured swines, all of you
>trying to hack us with your virus links
>hacking amazon and creating fake product pages

give it up
i went to the link and nothing hapjeo0pawuinofp2u093h4u18n39481hn4329h1q4p9n3u5p( W38ap93hw54 7a,yw3p
they should eat more wtf
simply unbelievable
go fuck yoursel(f/ves)
if I reply to you will the virus spread to my computer? I'm scared but norton isnt giving me any notifications.......
kfood looks so gross :S
everything is either soaked in shit of just bizarre

usually both

yep, they're savages in every aspect of their lives.

fucking disgusting gooks
its just noodles lol
fuckin gooks lol how do you fuck up food?
some people just post stupid things as facts and im too lazy to correct them

makes me dazed
that girl is going to make so much poopies later
makes you stupid. lazy faggot will probably let this slide too hows it feel to be a dumb fuck bitch boy? hows it feel to think ur smart but in reality be a goddamn retard and we all know and you probably do too deep down, fucking dumb ass bitch
dam thtas rude
holy shit that stupid bitch chews with her mouth open??
ive noticed that asians fuckin shovel noodles into their mouth... like they have a mouthful but they never bite the noodle and leave it in the bowl they just keep fuckin going!!! why
and do u have to cough 5 times per bite?? so aggravating!!
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>mfw twitch all of a sudden causes my browser to use all of my CPU
nothing have changed on my end so I can't figur out what's causing this, does anyone else have this issue?
i'll never watch another person eat again

i'll never eat again

absolutely gross
what's the girl's name?
just watched the first 5 minutes of our guy martin shkreli v that retarded loser destiny

didn't need to watch anymore after he said he had strong opinions on things he has no idea about

destiny is literally retarded lmao
stop confusing shkreli as our guy
he is not our guy

he is more like a clown to us
we dont talk about clowns after sundown here
word huk is our guy
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the protoss five.jpg
153KB, 857x1002px

he aint a member of the protoss 5 for nothing
what are we watching now
okay well first of all shkreli is definitely our guy i just checked
stefan molyneux
the wall
optimized coding from the twitch engineers ;)
real last
fuck u!!
last for me
Thread posts: 760
Thread images: 32

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