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Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

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Thread replies: 754
Thread images: 148

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if you watch """pro"" hots you have shit taste and bad options

>What's new?

Samuro, an abundance of new skins, and Heroes Brawl:



>Latest patch notes

>Where do I find you degenerate pandafags?
/join /vg/

>What hero should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation and see who you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked. It's not worth it.

>Links nobody visits anyway
Official Site: http://us.battle.net/heroes/en
General News: http://www.heroesnexus.com
Tips & Tricks: http://heroesofthestorm.github.io/tips
Hero Rankings and Statistics: https://www.hotslogs.com/Default
Talent Calculator: http://www.heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator

last thread >>157489537
BHC soon
First for Ragnaros announced at BlizzCon
What is that OP image

you should've let the Grubby general get made

This is pretty bad, I made a new one. Please move there:

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I would be so hype if that were true. Probably day 1 purchase.
what the fuck is wrong with you, delet that
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Seven hours until Samuro?
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Reminder of reddit karma-whoring sell-out rats: https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/4mh256/theres_a_guy_on_4chan_who_has_accurately_leaked/


They are in this thread RIGHT NOW!
>he made a grubby thread but forgot to include the [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
Nerf clone, base stats are high enough that clone does not need that extra damage shit. Increase health on clone to compensate, just a bit though.

Give Monstrosity the multi-symbiote talent baseline level 10, and the dig ability baseline, but only near allies. Thus turning it into a more team-oriented ultimate that can double as constant pushing power.
that's actually a pretty solid way to make monstro useful

so if you were going full hat build on an illidan or something yo could have a monstrosity with a hat on it in the teamfight while still helping out illi himelf instead of taking the hat entirely off to use ultimate evolution
All the buffing in the world won't teach this shit community how to play WITH an Abathur or Murky or Cho'gall or something. Kudos to Blizz on the oddballs but people are retarded and don't know how to adjust to accommodate such things.
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Samuro was a good start but i think HotS should have some more lewd skins for the guys. Don't leave them alone Blizzard
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I agree
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Guldan HotS title.jpg
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The Darkness incarnates once more!
sadly the game is designed to pander to 12 year olds, so there won't be any lewds ever.
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Gul'dan has nice legs. Really nice legs.

But we got Prisoner Tychus skin and thats a good start and also pic related
you're cancer
go fucking die
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Daily reminder that Brightwing is the superior healer, and ;purest waifu. Yes, even more pure than Zagara.

>u r cancer XD

why anon? What is triggering you?
daily reminder that kyssing yourself is the easiest way out
>play this game
>it's just DOTA, but for brain damaged children

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>a good OP

patch notes when?
More importantly: SAMURO WHEN?
Buffs when?
Does he need them?
He's atrocious in competitive.

Really all he needs is Adaptation to not be the worst ult in the game and maybe give him resistant on his lvl 16 e talent.
>tfw letting teammates die on purpose as auriel so i can use my ress heroic because it's fun to use
i have mixed feels
>tfw letting myself die as Uther to be the heroic super immortal healer
I thought he was a niche pick solely due to requiring skill, but was getting good results.

I guess things change quickly with patches.

Hey, speaking of warriors that need buffs, why did they change Stitches trait so much? It seems infinitely worse now.
Any good Alaraks with some tips on getting good?

So far I've learnt to not chase the combo so desperately since both skills can be used fine on their own.
Don't forget to AA like I constantly do.
uthers healing in brawl is stupid strong
it's more worth it to go die and save your dying team than to run back for heals
This game is eating up too much of my time. I love it, but fuck, I am frustrated all the time trying to get a few decent games in.
pick cooldown reset on 20 and learn to play with it
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The light abandons no man.
We samuro yet?
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>(Allies) Illidan: let the bodies hit the flooor
feels dead man
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the calm before the storm
Nope, he's only coming out tomorrow evening.
Everyone's playing Samuro.
did ya win?
He's a niché pick because he only works on some maps and he isn't even very good on them.

Pros strictly play him as splitpusher with the waveclear talent on 1. That makes him even worse in teamfights though. Falstad and especially Brightwing, Zagara and E.T.C. offer either better splitpush or better teamfight or both.

If he's talented for it he becomes great at hunting down squishies problem is too that he's very vulnerable himself and especially an organized team fucks him up.

Ideally you splitpush with him and then when a teamfight happens you burrow in or behind the enemy team and go for something juicy in their backline like a Kael. Due to your movementspeed and relentless you should be unpeelable and either get the kill or isolate their backline from their frontline. If they collapse on you you have your essence and E to sustain so your team can follows up.

Problem is that only works well in hectic team fights. If the enemy knows what to do you're fucked. Pro Dehakas frontline for their team but the issue is that he's shit at that. He soaks up dmg to no end, doesn't have an engage and his Q has shit range.
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How do you not feel useless playing Zarya?
She was supposedly nerfed but all I see are buffs in the patch notes...
I can't play but the game doesn't want to update
What's happening?
Samuro is shit. I have just read this on reddit
Good thing reddit is always wrong. Samuro will be above 60 percent, cap this.
maybe a battle.net launcher bug. Had this too. It is updating without telling you.

It was telling me X MB to download at 0 KB/s
after some time I pause it and start it again and it shows me Y MB to download at 0 KB/s
Y being lower than X
I never understood why
I tried forcing the update multiple times and it seems to be working now.

Although, I still don't believe the
>Now playable
Anybody know any good youtube channels where I can watch some ranked matches WITHOUT COMMENTARY?
just mute the video famalam
Where can I get Gul'dan code, /hotsg/? Did they throw it with new Warcraft movie or something?
you can exchange 10k gold for a gul'dan code at the in-game store
They did. WC movie game with free first 30 days of WoW free, Medivh for Mage class in Hearthstone, and Gul'dan for HotS.
Is the update live? I can't check bnet from here
But I want to hear the in-game sounds. It doesn't help the majority of these videos have the ugly fuckers facecam showing the entire time.

I'm glad that for every popular retard making bank on his bad online gaming there's a million others trying hard and getting nothing.
>Hawkray puts in 9000 hours of effort in Windows Movie Maker to make quality ass montages barely anyone watches
>Pallytime gets literal thousands to watch him be fat and suck at QM
Fuck anyone that talks or includes their fat stupid face in any video they make.
>Hover the cursor over the VS icon found in the top-center of the screen to display the amount of XP earned by each team from various sources, including: Takedowns, Mercenaries, Structures, and more.
>tfw Samuro only tomorrow for EU
>tfw have to go to bed early and be at uni in the morning, but still have the rest of the day for testing brades
and you're right

>now playable
>click on play
>take more time than usual to load the game
>select a game mode
>have to wait few minutes that it download stuff
>there are now downloads and longer loads everywhere
>The following Heroes have received custom Hearthstone animations:
Finally they are giving heroes unique hearthstone animations, most of the heroes use their mounting animation for channeling and hearthing as well.
>Diablo's head STILL inflates when going from "battle stance" to idle

>Deputy Valla – Available starting October 25

SAMURO PATCHNOTES for live server


>Eye Pad – Available exclusively with purchase of either Hallow’s End 2016 bundle. This mount may return to the game as an individual item at a later date.
fucking jews man
i beat you to it
sorry anon, didn't want to steal your upvotes
Where the balances/character changes at?
>greymane and rexxar down in price
Was considering getting Greymane.
But I probably shouldn't because I'm a newfag.
but the game is perfectly not balanced anon!

Brawl! Brawl! Brawl! Brawl!

>40 minutes until the maintenance downtime is up
>i leave in an hour
Weird that Rexxar is dropping to 4K. They've said they want to keep more complex heroes expensive, and he's one a lot of people just can't pick up.
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>no mention of new map rotation
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Source on that image?
Is that anal?
looks like anal
What's the story with Gul'dan's visual changes, big difference or hardly noticable? I already feel like Fel Flame is way cooler looking than it feels to cast.

Seeing Marudan go up in price a while back was super weird but it's really cool that 10k heroes are gradually deflating. Unlike a certain company who justified releasing their characters at an even higher price point and then never going back to make them cheaper.
Greyman is pretty fun and if you're interested you should get him. He's actually not very hard to play unless you start getting too invested in hitting flasks or keeping your combo meter, which often gets you into a lot of trouble. Otherwise you're basically Raynor who can become the butcher if people get too close.
>there's gonna be a shitload of idiot rexxars in Unranked
>some of them even on the other team and not on mine

the flames look much more like flames now, and some added particles and other minor effects have been added to corruption
it looks really cool
>cocky Greymane poking me all match because Butcher can't into ranged battle
>let him and focus on my meat
>he gets even cockier and jumps into melee
>let him and retreat
>acquire meat
>show him what a real melee assassin does

lmao he's pve baby mode
I think that's just a meme that popped up since no one played him for a long time
>implying babbu can do the Rexxar two way flank in his first game
come on, PVE Rexxar isn't even the fun part of playing him
his strategy is to solo merc camps and boss and if he gets fucked sacrifice his pet so he can run away
okay, so you can't play Rexxar.
according to the arrangement of the acts in the image set it isn't, I'm sorry anon.
I think that award goes to Zagara or Murky. Murky is extremely easy to clear camps with, he just can't do boss.

Arguably, you shouldn't really be soloing boss most of the time anyway. Generally you should wait until completely safe, in which case, who gives a shit if Rexxar has an easier time doing boss than everyone else?
t. bronzie

Rexxar is extremely easy to play though
His strategy is to also be picked on braxis holdout and put his bear on the node
>take bear
>throw bear into backline
>let bear do bear things with squishy backliners while you do JoJo poses behind your assassins
>use bear to block every skillshot
>use bear to stun everyone
>sacrifice his pet so he can run away
strategically easy, but definitely not easy to control unless you're playing at low MMR where you don't have to micro Misha. it's easy to know WHAT to do, but DOING it isn't easy.

>implying Misha dies on my watch
>Character/VoiceRef/Tyrande=Elisa Gabrielli
What did they mean by this?
"do her voice like EG plx"?
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we live
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>tfw still a long while until Samuro
>No Easter egg again
One step forward and 2 back
>being a yurop
Rexxar isn't even that good at soloing bosses. Unless he takes the 7 he's slow as fuck. Sonya does them faster with merclord while not losing as much in teamfights.
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Samuro is bugged and you can use all the color schemes in lvl1
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no bully.gif
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Elisa gabrielli voices Tyrande, you can hear it when she does Maven Black-Briar

>americucks getting bugged early releases again

gonna be fixed by tomorrow
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https://a.desu.sh/dvvdyj.ogg MX_Heroes_Samuro_Full.ogg
https://a.desu.sh/jcofii.ogg MX_Heroes_Samuro_Alt.ogg
>Illidan scene
Would that be possible with 3 or more Illidans?
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>Warsong Blademaster
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>tfw can't play
was that in the patch files?
15k I don't even care.
already fixd and you still can't play :)
He'd be the first hero I buy with real money
>Preparing game data
>It downloads a few kb and only when it fucking feels like
Please tell me i`m not the only one
the display is bugged but it actually downloads everything without showing it, at least on my pc
ok that's a great screen! Has a strong WC3 vibe.
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Post your dream hero addition.
so does the music
how big are those weapons on the hill. he fighting titans?
Arthas the scum replaced him
Just had a nice brawl match but I have a question
How many points do TLV or murky give?

A regular kill gives 4
did you even see how small people are on the SC maps? We titans bro!
0.25 of a regular hero's death
Samuro confirmed for solo'ing an entire enemy team.
evens = i get samuro 15k
odds = i wait two weeks for it
rollan as well
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Metzen corrupted file.png
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Gib money plz
>metzen quit blizzard a month ago
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already repaired and even reinstalled
what the fuck
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i hear the call of the wild
launch the 32 bit
it's been a problem since they re-opened PTR
Damn, thanks.
Source? Besides you and everyone's reaction image folder.

Neat. Not gonna buy him yet though. 5k extra for longer queue times isn't worth it to me.
Some shit weeb show.
Just do the image search with the triangle it's the first thing when you look at google
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I've only played two matches so far today and I already HATE this motherfucker

>does insane amounts of damage
>know way of telling clones apart, unlike Nova he switches places with one of the clones
>ghosts every time about to go /down/

WTF blizz? way to make a flavor of the month champ again. Guaranteed he gets nerf'd next patch after all the richfags have bought him with IRL good boi point monies
Thanks. God damn that looks dumb.

Oh well. Anyway, who here finally buying Rexxar today?
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Happening to me, too
It's just like WC3, the most annoying an op hero. It was worse in WC3 plus they never do balancing in that.
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>Just blind him
Spent like 5 minutes so far in the brawl queue, what's up with that.
dead game
>unlike Nova he switches places with one of the clones
For the longest time I thought Nova was able to do this with a talent.
I think the most annoying thing is that in HotS invisibility is invincibility. Only 2 heroes have any kind of anti-stealth move and any character without a skill shot is 100% helpless to stop him. Even if you do have target spells he's undetectable for 2 seconds so if you can't 100 to 0 him the instant he pops up he gets away every single time.
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>Only 2 heroes have any kind of anti-stealth move
Tassa and?
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Your mom hears the call of the wild BBC
maybe they mean brightwings teleport talent? Tyrande use to have reveal all for 8 seconds
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Ragnaros was already posted.
Not 2 seconds, 1. Well, 2,5 but only if he takes the talent that halves his crit output and finishes quest.
And there are literally 3 heroes that cannot reveal stealth with any AoE: LiLi (who counters him with blinds anyway), Kharazim (who is most fucked, but still, he can take the reveal on Q talent) and other Samuro.
Abathur - Toxic Nest (4s Reveal)
Brightwing - Peekaboo! (6s Reveal)
Chromie - Peer into the Future (4s Reveal, 2s Duration)
Gall - Eye of Kilrogg (45s Duration)
Greymane - Scented Tincture (10s Reveal)
Kharazim - Foresight (3s Duration), Clairvoyance (4s Reveal, 10s Duration)
Lt. Morales - Scouting Drone (45s Duration)
Lunara - Natural Perspective (3/9s Reveal), Skybound Wisp (upon death; 4s Duration)
Malfurion - Moonfire (2s Reveal), Scouting Drone (45s Duration)
Medivh - Dust of Appearance (10s Reveal)
Murky - Clairvoyance (4s Reveal, 10s Duration)
Raynor - Scouting Drone (45s Duration)
Rehgar - Farsight (4s Reveal, 10s Duration)
Rexxar - Unleash the Boars (5s Reveal), Flare (5s Duration)
Tassadar - Oracle (5s Duration/8s Duration talented)
Tracer - Tracer Rounds (4s Reveal)
Tyrande - Sentinel (5s Reveal), Hunter's Mark (4s Reveal)
Zeratul - Vorpal Blade (intriguing interaction; causes Basic Attacks to reveal if they are an Illusion. 3s Reveal)

(posted on reddit by some guy who did some tests)
I'm going to try Valla against him, her AOE w might do the trick
He actually moves faster than mounted speed, he blows up Valla extreme fast and there is nothing she can do to get away from essentially a much faster lunara.
scouting drone doesn't show stealth.
mirror images =\= stealth
Windwalk is the stealth move
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>Azmodan went lazer build, got bullied hard by Zagara
>he dies after trying to 1v2 and says "wtf thrall we had a double kill"
>he was near death, both were high health and had level 10 over us.
>Our lili suddenly starts crying "thrall sux, look at his talent choices." when I pick Sundering instead of EQ
>Somehow we manage to come back, our team get like 30 coins in a teamfight
>we get two turn ins in a row, manage to get another 10 coins from a teamfight
>Next teamfight goes bad, only Li Li and I make it out
>he has 11 coins, I have 8
>Our Ming and Azmo ping hard retreat
>running by Blackheart, enemy Diablo right around the corner
>Lili goes retard
>She's handing in her coins
>On Zagara's creep
>Dibs rushes around the corner and tackles Lili out of the channel
>Rush back, Sunder dibs and chase him away a bit, but I know Kael and rest of enemy team are coming any second
>Lili goes full blown retard
>tries to hand in AGAIN
>Ming and Azmo's v keys are breaking from how hard they're being pressed
>Feral spirit diablo one last time before running to give lili some room to retreat
>Watch lili get anal raped by a five man gang bang as I escape
>Lili somehow gets away and catches up to me
>throw out another feral spirit, root diablo again as I turn back into our base
>Lili doesn't go the same direction as me
>Goes fucking up the lane of all things
>She explodes into 11 coins immediately
>Ming asks what the fuck they were doing
>Lili responds with "omg shit thrall bad talents"

The only fucking constant I deal with is the fact that I'm constantly matched with cum drooling retards who don't understand the basic concept of the fucking retreat ping.

Platinum is basically fucking Bronze.
is there actually no way to scroll up chat in this game?
Did the maps finally fucking change?
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This is a very bad time to play, don't even bother right now
>Bladestorming 5 assassins in hero brawl
I don't have a reaction image to show how erect I am right now
>any character without a skill shot is 100% helpless to stop him
If you're playing Li Li just blind him and he's 100% helpless too
What talents does Li Li take?
But I still have a stimpack and my friend is available and I can still get my first win 50% exp bonus and it's my birthday
just finished a game using Valla with an AOE build. She seemed to be quite effective against him

>range advantage
>W fucks up his clones hard
>movement speed increase and vault make it still feasible to get away if need be
>W makes it harder for him to stealth gank
>popping Strafe ult in team fight practically guarantees he won't be able to ghost /out/ when low
Happy birthday. Try to relax and have fun.
did the update change how her feet taste?
can confirm that they taste a little sweeter
AoE crit with Illusion master was pretty chill on Samuro.
what's the best Samuro build?
attack damage quest, crushing blows, illu master, harsh winds
rest is to taste

blow nerds up instantly with 3 orcs critting 3 times each
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>It's a Brazilian 4 queue
>Lose both chests
>They start going mid one by getting picked off
>They then group up and try to fight level 8 vs 11
>Teammate manages to get some coins tries to turn them in alone at 20% health gets ganked
>My last 5 Blackhearts have gone like this
Why does this map still exist?
nova exploit was fixed?
full rotation again?
thank the gods
>Tomb and BHB
>Not even Garden
Might aswell kill myself.
Could also do WW quest with AoE crit, Illu master. Sneak to the middle of enemy team and massive crit storm from three orcs.
is samuro op

will he be nerfed
some things are pretty shitty without any talents in brawl mode

gazlowe can take grav-o-bomb but doesn't get the double tnt, zeratul can take shadow assault but gets no MWB or searing attacks...
>Solo Queue in QP
>Expect to lose

>Solo Queue in Brawl
>Expect to lose, but for it to be lighthearted fun
>People calling out picks like it's fucking draft mode, and people don't do that shit in bronze level draft mode where I likely will be if I bother getting a number attached to my forehead
>Super tryhards who get mad when losing in a fucking brawl where playing 3 times gets you LITERALLY FREE GOLD win or lose.

I hope this game finally bites the dust soon. This player-base is fucking nonredeemable. That said, got a lot of reports on people sperging out.
when does EU get updated
I want OP samurai orc
yes and yes
>NA servers in charge of not being full of raging cunts

at least on EU 90% of all players are too bad at English to use the chat
Samuro's baaaaaad.

If the enemy has any semblance of brain-power, they won't let you do anything. 25% movespeed on hit is still too slow when spam of CC is going to come your way.

You don't make a binary hero like Samuro without giving him some real power. He's too weak for a melee assassin without sustain. Fuck, Butcher's a better Samuro, and can survive and deal out more threat without "HURR INTELLIGENT GIMMICKS LIKE STEALTH (Easily countered by fucking moving a little closer to your monitor) AND DECEPTIVE ILLUSIONS (which can't take burst and will easily give way to which is the real Samuro).
>I hope this game finally bites the dust soon
pretty sure it's biting the dust now, patch day and like no one is playing

General chat's never been this full of angry 12 year olds.

HoTS is pretty busy today. 15 minute queue if you pick the shit-samurai
Wrong faggot, the reason your q is taking 7 hours is because everyone and their mother is trying to pick samuro in QM

pick random QM and you get a match in under 10 seconds.
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I heard I was invited to the Nexus. I am the most cancerous thing ever to grace the battlefield.

Nothing can stop our march.
this is retarded.. smauro is pretty much invincible, he can just hide one of his clones near fort or in a bush and then suicide run with rest of the two and i his health gets low he just switches
that is op as fuck
>samuro is pl
not even close m8

also >implying pl is op
he's shit this patch becasue sand king aghs
He can cleanse all cc cept stuns by creating more clones.

I think you're heavily underestimating this hero. You say he's no good if the other team has any brain power, I say the rest of your team should be able to account for this.

Really though, I do believe his strength will be in his split push potential, even if his illusions do immediately die to tower damage. A 16s cooldown on illusions that do semi-respectable creep damage, with a cd reduction talent at 13? That's fucking insane. Not to mention with his illusion ult lvl 20 improvement, he can basically send his illusions across the map and teleport to them to take camps/push lanes.


Kind of the right idea. Phantom Lancer would literally just split push and jungle all game and come out 6 slotted at 25 minutes to shit on the enemy team.

What kind of bronze shitters are you playing against to just let you do that?
But his two clones are much weaker than 1 regular hero, so if you are using this strategy it's like your team is playing with 4.5 heroes, and will most likely lose.
Zeratul is also "invincible" under the same argument, but that's irrelevant in comparison to the whole game.
yeah this shit is morphling not phantom lancer
dont know what that doturd was talking about
meant Abathur
I'm really no good at remembering alien names

One of samuro's talents is literally the old doppelganger.

Really he's a mashup of morph, cancer lancer, and weaver.
More of BH then Weaver

More referring to old PL. He's definitely shit now. Which only helps the joke that he's coming here now, where he has a chance.
>Blademaster has a OPM line
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>Braxis Holdout: Fixed an issue in which a captured Archangel could target enemy Heroes with its Bullet Storm Ability.

Thank goodness, played a game yesterday where the boss just focused a sprinting Gazlowe instead of the core
>top 50
>4000 games played
>80%+ win ratio
>still get matched with people that have less than 10 games played




Fix your garbage matchmaking blizzard
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Add Medivh to this list

Aren't all of those heroes based on aspects of the WC3 blademasters or?
100% of his damage is Auto Attack. If you can blind him or reveal him, he can't do shit
what do you expect from a 500 people playerbase ?
> If you can blind him or reveal him, he can't do shit
And then he makes his clones and removes both debuffs.
>still get matched with people that have less than 10 games played
matchmaking is skill-based not playtime based anon
blizz thinks you have the same skill as someone who's never played the game before
>matchmaking is skill-based
there is no matchmaking anon
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Sent from my iPad.
This game goes by average team MMR, not individual.
So it could potentialyl give you shitters WAY below you, or you could be a shitter that gets matched with good players, so long as your team's total average MMR is equivalent to the opposing team's.

Which makes no sense. But whatever. Can't make it individual=based, game doesn't have enough players.
>tfw low health as kerrigan and a teammate nukes the wave just before you get in range to q
>play muradin
>don't play muradin

guess that settles that
>play anything
>rest of the team is hot garbage

I know the feel. I'm that way with Brightwing, and supporting in general.
won my first game as vikings on blackheart. but it was kinda boring just soaking lanes and trying to get every merc camp. is that all you do as vikings? do you ever teamfight?
You don't pick Vikings for the teamfight potential. You do it for the map-wide soaking and mercing, which gives your team the advantage in exp soak (By a huge margin) and pushing. Eventually you do, yeah, but that's generally when the soaking begins to slow down either as a result of the map control swinging too much in your favor so your Vikings are at risk of being killed too easily, etc. Shit like that. But yeah, you do teamfight eventually.
calm down normie
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>>have to play against a lost vikings, ETC and Falstad on dragonshrines
no wonder braxis felt horrible to play on. no room to do anything. didn't help the perma present nova in QMs kept sniping Erik. do you always take abilites on the vikings or are the passives better?
Illusion Master is clearly the better ult, but Bladestorm is too fun. Especially with the lvl 20 upgrade.
do not read if twitch-related discussion triggers your autism

what did mewn do to completely alienate chu, and now grubby as well?
>Illusion Master is clearly the better ult
yeah why the hell did they hide basic capabilities like "being able to control the units you summon so they actually accomplish shit instead of getting distracted by lane minions" behind an ult? that part should have been a basic capability, with the "swap places with illusion" and damage increase being tied with the ult
That's BW and Chen for me.
If we have a tank and a healer or I'm asked to pick something else, I already know were are fucked
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Need more silly pictures in this thread
At least give the illusions Misha AI, so they TRY to attack whichever hero you're attacking.
Finally on a winning streak, thank you Samuro for being so much fun to play.
It's already season 2. There was a newer version of magazine cover, was it ever finished?
i'm /day14whenhegoesto10kbecauseimnotadegeneratewhospendsmoneyonfreegamessamuro/
>implying i spent money on him and didn't have 15k+ gold ready
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No idea but im sure its good
>come back after a few months to see if Jaina isn't still massively inferior to Kael and Li-Ming

>nothing has changed

Welp see yall in another few months.
Your waifu is a slut.
jaina is objectively better than kael at this point
jaina is subjectively better than li-ming, even though every fuccboi in the world is still picking li-ming at every opportunity
because he's already fucking broken.
No need to maker him better
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Zurvan when?
i knew this long queue shit was gonna happen with samuro but it still bothers me

Kael got some nerfs and fell out of meta. Jaina is definitely better than him right now.

Li-Ming is a tossup. They're both good and while I give Li-Ming the slight edge due to range, Jaina's CC and permaslow is incredibly helpful against all the retarded melee out there.
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>queue for brawl
>matchmaker literally just has to find 9 other players, not even people queued for a certain role
>12 minute queue and counting

i-it's really dead, isn't it?
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>teammate gets artanis in brawl
>he takes the fucking beam instead of the aoe blind
This should be bannable.
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I agree, I need hots related reaction pics as well.
Like something for this
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>Teammate gets gazlowe in brawl
>He goes robo goblin
>He feeds all game trying to kill the enemy fountain
the lol one should be a nerd creepily jerking off over the 99 identical "cute anime girl" heroes
>tfw bad at samuro
you sound butthurt
cant handle hots being a children's game?
>being bad at raynor level difficulty hero

maybe stick to being a healslut
>tfw eu doesn't have samuro nor brawl yet

Did you even read his post? Or understand the implication?
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>getting mad about the fucking brawl
sincerely kys
great, now there's 3 stealth heroes for shitters to flock to every game now. what's great is that this new one is actually overpowered compared to most of the cast. excellent
it's literally called BRAWL
fuck pve. this is the first time that this "hero brawler" has actually felt like one

if these aspie fucks start infiltrating my fun game mode with tier lists and meta strats i'm gonna lose my shit
Just blind him
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Here you go
>blind him
>he makes clones
>blind is now gone
Just shrink him
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>The Butcher with stealth instead of unstoppable
>No root
>No slow
>No heal
>Lower damage
Can't really soak three lanes with Butch unless his talent tree got some crazy rework I don't know about.
>stun butcher
>he dies
>stun sumaro
>"oops, it was the clone"

plus the butcher needs to attack a single target to survive focus fire. muh blade guy has a spammable stealth and endless clones
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Tosh when?
dude looks like one of those lion warriors from dark souls 2
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Hopefully after Stukov.
Who is hopefully after Jack Frost
>Hit a clone once
>It loses 50% of its health
>It's also not moving like a player
>Also it only deals 90 damage a hit
>Also it doesn't cast any abilities

wtf....which is the real???
>hots player
>past the mental age of 11
Samuro will be a pubstomper
Any hero can be a bronzestomper
Literally a dollar on the russian sites
We have three specter skins already. Would be too confusing.
How is he anything like Butcher?
>have to make a split second decision of which Samuro to kill before he kills you
They're both shitty melee assassins
I cant find him cheaper than 5€
Hm really makes me think I guess Nova is overpowered now too
Nova don't switch out the real Nova, Samuro's puts the real one in a different spot than he was before so he can use it to dodge and juke. They also do damage.

Call me when Nova can manually turn on stealth as a baseline ability.
>Samuro's puts the real one in a different spot than he was before so he can use it to dodge and juke. They also do damage.
Only if he doesn't take bladestorm. If he doesn't take bladestorm he will never do damage to a decent team. If he doesn't take images he will die instantly every teamfight.
>Call me when Nova can manually turn on stealth as a baseline ability.
Doesn't matter stealth literally does nothing outside of bronze league
Dude, casting Mirror Image literally moves you. Even untalented. You cast it and end up at a different spot than you were before.

> "stealth literally does nothing outside of bronze league"
>implying I can land auto attacks or targeted spells on a stealthed target
So Samuro can maybe dodge a stormbolt once

How is he going to land a kill with almost no other utility? He isn't that's how.
At this rate, I doubt I'll be able to play three brawls, jesus. I thought you guys said it was a quick queue for brawl.
everyone realized it was garbage and stopped playing it
While I'm all for not calling shit overpowered on release, I think you are underestimating his trait.
>play with cunt friend because thats what we do
>"oh btw, I'm gonna play some more vikings in the future, like actually right now cuz I wanna play them in HL"
>"I'm gonna hit Masters soon so I need to be good with them, btw I'm not gonna play HL with *you* tho, I only get weird teams and bad opponents"
>consider never playing with cunt friend again

never EVER let one of your real life friends get good at esports. alternatively, don't play with That One Friend who's automatically perfect at everything.
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He's going to break 65%.

But will he break 72?
Alright, Brawl is fun as fuck. I got to play a game as Samuro and everything and HE's fun as fuck.

I am super hype.
so tired of having feeding novas and zeratuls in my teams. why the hell are bad players attracted to solely those two. jeez
So, why does Cowboy Raynor have a special mount if he is a cowboy and looks fine on a normal horse? I don't get what it is supposed to be.
sounds like a bit of a cunt
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it really seems like that despite the nerf after the huge buff malf got, he's still great. tyrande has good fucking taste.
>"hm i feel like playing some cho'gall"
>join chogall channel
>someone asks if anyone wants to gall
>check his profile
>bronze 2
>literal bronzies actually exist
so is the even over? i havent played since sunday
yeah event is donezo
I went 14-2 on my first game as Samuro. Butcher just can't compete with this guy.
fuuuuuuuuuuuck i took those simpacks for granted

really gonna miss them
I doubt even a Bronze can fuck up playing Gall.
he wanted cho
you dont understand mom, my topless anime dolls arent toys, they're COLLECTOR'S ITEMS

oh don't touch that one it's still a bit sticky

I've barely played past few months.

What the hell did they do that Malf became best support?
malf has always been best support, bronze lords just need to be told by "pros" that a hero is good before they play it.
just buffed numbers. like how any champ "suddenly" becomes OP
beyond wrong
they made his D lower cooldowns on heroes, reduced delay on root, reduced cooldown on his heal AND buffed numbers
they buffed the heal-over-time on regrowth and reduced its mana cost significantly, but most importantly they HALVED the startup delay on entangle
it has since been nerfed to be slower-ish, although still faster than before
if youre gonna post hotslogs and not filter them to diamond/masters only you might as well just come up with your own statistics
If you get All Illidans in the Brawl, go Hunt, the stun is much more relevant than the health.
Is brawl the epitome of forced 50 or is it just people getting used to it?
>taking brawl seriously
pretty sure everyone is just dming
It feels good to play on the standard map rotation again
>"beyond wrong"
>then explain how they buffed his numbers

are you retarded?
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Updated Tier List
Back From Vacation Edition
All feedback welcome
Where to place Samuro?

Changed title to keep people from bitching

Thrall moved lower in A Tier
Zarya moved lower in A Tier
Chen moved higher in A Tier

Uther moved down to B Tier (from A)
Rehgar moved down to B Tier (from A)
Medic moved up to A Tier (from B)

Greymane moved lower in B Tier
Tyrael moved lower in B Tier
Rexxar moved higher in B Tier
Leoric moved higher in B Tier

Dehaka moved higher in C Tier
Artanis moved higher in C Tier
Nazeebo moved higher in C Tier
>There is always hope
>gazlowe bottom tier
>ming above jaina
>zeratul B tier
>rehgar B tier
>alarak B tier
>probably a bunch of other shit i can't be bothered with

into the trash it goes
The first anon said they JUST buffed numbers.
Second anon explains the multiple other large buffs they put in
Lots of things wrong with that list, but Gazlowe isn't one of them.
>Jaina higher than Liming
You can't be serious
>medic tier 1
>`ayo hol up what the fuck`
>see auriel in tier 2
are you serious
well they also added new functionaity to D and lowered cast time on roots

so not just "make numbar bigger"
never said he was top tier, but he belongs in C at the very least, if not B. at this point, gazlowe being low tier is giant meme. he's gotten so many buffs but people still think "lol gazlowe shit hero"

i'm dead serious, people are sleeping on jaina.

if you don't trust me, trust the data. jaina is one of the highest winrate heroes in the game at master/diamond mmr. last i checked she was about 4% higher.

li-ming is actually kind of mediocre at this point, it's just flashy when she does work, and her being good is a meme just like gazlowe being shit is a meme
If D is the lowest tier. Gazlowe belong there. He's probably the worst hero in the game. The only map he's even sort of viable on is Braxxis.

>he's a mash up of the clone characters from Dota who were made from his original kit from Warcraft 3

Wouldn't that just make him exactly like he used to be?
please name me any situation or matchup where Gaz is the correct hero to choose, and not some other hero over him

Samuro, in my opinion, probably falls into upper B category, possibly A. Remains to be seen. (At least in my diamond scrub league experience)
When you play in bronze and people just stand still and get hit by your turrets.
>"lol gazlowe shit hero"
play against a competent gazlowe on sky temple, infernal shrines, braxis holdout, or dragon shire

then come back and try to tell me he's garbage

there's usually a better hero to pick, but he's a good pick on the maps i mentioned, especially against heavy melee comps
>last i checked she was about 4% higher.
>sort by masters
>last 7 days

Liming: 54.3%
Jaina: 53.6
in any situation a player at that same skill level will do better with a different hero

again, name me a specific instance where gaz and only gaz would be the best pick

>auriel not S tier

>reading comprehension

even if i said that, master league on hotslogs is not a large enough sample size

>more reading comprehension
gonna refer you to my earlier post
">never said he was top tier, but he belongs in C at the very least, if not B."
Because no one picks him because he's fucking terrible. He only sees play in a low level games because people stand still and just auto attack like a fucking idiot.

wc3 blademaster's images didn't do any damage, they were just there for mindgames

dota had illusions that actually do damage, and it also had Morphling who has an ability to instantly teleport to his illusion (sort of like Samuro's R, but the illusion lasts much longer so you can do more stuff like splitpushing and then insta teleporting to your base to escape)

he's not really like PL at all except that old PL had an invis move like Samuro does
So really what are we gonna get at Blizzcon? Last year we got all shit no one even wanted. So what heroes do we not want to see? That should give us a clear indication of who they will choose.
>people still use hotslogs
>people sort by only masters
>thinks win-rate is indicative of hero balance or tier placement
>never said he was top tier, but he belongs in C at the very least, if not B

Okay lets break it down. According to that list, in C Tier there's Nazeebo, Abathur, Vikings, and Azmodan

Brings better team damage, area control, waveclear, and can do merc camps nearly as fast as Gaz

Brings better soak, global presence, a clone, and better utility over all

Global presence, better soak, better utility again, mercs as fast if not faster than Gaz

Better waveclear and lane push, late game team damage, can siege building just as fast as Gaz

Should I do the B Tier specialists, anon?
playing this game is fucking infuriating
This game caused me to develop a drinking problem and lose faith in humanity.
>relies on teammates to deal damage in order to heal

A well handled Jaina is much more effective than a Li-Ming at higher skill brackets, that is a fact.

My thoughts on why that is:

> Jaina has a more immediate presence and a shorter reaction period to DPS inittiation when a team fight begins. Li-Ming takes a little longer and lacks a certain level of instant damage capability that Jaina does.

> Jaina's Slow is much more consistent, and immediate throughout a teamfight, putting the enemy at a huge disadvantage when it comes to battlefield manipulation.

> Jaina's area denial is second to very few heroes right now, something Li-Ming can't accomplish against a competent opponent. If you want to get where Jaina doesn't want you, you're taking some beefy damage and a slow.

> Jaina's push and consistent harassment potential is, superior to Li-Ming's, I arrive at this conclusion because of frostbolt's speed of travel versus magic missiles, as well as blizzard's near immediate results versus a slow traveling giant orb people can see seconds before it even gets close to them.

> Jaina can output respectable damage up close, whereas Li-Ming has to take Calamity (a useless talent I might add, fight me) to deal anything close to what Jaina can output to defend herself baseline.

Jaina's only real downside other than mana issues, is that for her full arsenal of spells to be of use, she needs to be close to the middle of a fight. A very dangerous place when the enemy has a diving lineup.
>get in quick match with a 4 man
>they're complete garbage and we get totally stomped
>"report noob plz"
>ask what I'm doing that they're not
>"reported :DDDDD"
Why do I even play this game, it's not even fun half the time
jaina's other downside is her huge-ass cooldowns

14 seconds on blizzard!
Why are you even talking with them? I only talk to them when I insult them.
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>He thinks Auriel can match the heal output and battlefield utilities of other support heroes.
Icy veins is the only thing that help you in that aspect.
Welp I learned the hard way that you must always take Illusion Master. Bladestorm just isn't ult worthy.
I try to keep it clean so I can report retards after and hopefully get them muted
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While that's true, if you catch a full blizzard on top of a ring and northern exposure, it's all ogre.

It's the combo ult, not the good one.

You combo it with a team built for comboing, not for solo play.
Lol at brawl I just killed a Samuro who walked in the middle of our team and used bladestorm only to get anally fucked
Bladestorm is probably only good at lvl 20 when you triple its damage. Its amazing how some heroes are so super shit in the brawl because they dont get their talents.
If it is any consolation, their reports won't do anything and they are clearly wrong and on tilt.

Just water off a duck's back, anon.
The unstoppable is relevant, but despite being AOE, it doesn't really make sense to use it in the middle of the teamfight as you will explode.

Fine for shit like Punisher.
>Feel like our team is doing pretty good despite some initial arguing
>Realize later that Chen in the enemy team is afk

I felt bad for them and also took away all good feeling about winning that way
bladestorm mostly exists for the bronzies who dont want to have to think about illusion micro
>triple its damage
the illusions have 30% attack damage and 30% ability power
I'm not a bronzie, but I only wanted Samuro for the bladestorm and easy play style. If I wanted to micro a ton of illusions i'd go play phantom lancer in dota 2.
Exactly, if you don't want a global teleport on a 6 second cooldown in this game you're retarded.
>phantom lancer microing illusions
you're thinking of naga

pl is just "select all illus, rightclick on enemy man, PHANTOM RUSH GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO"
Huh. So you only increase its damage by MAYBE 66%, assuming they dont outrun your super dumb illusions. That doesnt seem very useful anymore.
you increase its damage by exactly 60%
come on this math isn't hard
Ehhhhh close enough
>Samuro's most reliable ult is Illusion Master but you're not good enough to use it
I just can't do it.
>Pick Valla in solo queue
>Retarded teammates never stop diving 1v5 and there's nothing I could've done to stop them
>Pick Tassadar
>Keep people alive with shields and prevent them from going to stupid places with wall
>no xp from brawl

We already get 1000g and a portrait for it senpai.

This being said, I got bored of it after 2 matches. Guess TOO casual is way too casual for me.
the gold is nice

i actually enjoy the brawl, but i have master skins to work towards
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>mfw free masters touch completion from all the Samuro clones.
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>mfw free masters touch completion from all the Samuro clones.
>Samuro can't even touch medievh
B-But Samuro is the most OP hero ever!
He is very powerful but lik every hero he has counters

And Medivh isn't one of them anon. I'm sorry, but is true.
I didn't say he was.
>A well handled Jaina is much more effective than a Li-Ming at higher skill brackets, that is a fact.
That is why li-ming is picked in competitive and jaina is not
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>Gul'dan Corruption stacks done in record time.
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Li-Ming is mainly better in competitive because she doesn't need a team built around her like Jaina does.

Jaina is objectively better in competitive with a team built around her but you're not going to get that team very often.



Good joke.
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Is auto-select boosted right now?
Jaina isn't better than li-ming in competitive because she isn't played in competitive. Jaina is just worse all around especially at high levels of play because of her long cds.

jaina is never picked because she is a free kill in competitive
Alarak is just so fun to play, first melee assasin I've felt really comfortable and effective playing. Nothing beats dashing from a screen away and chinking a squishy or even outright killing them.
>have 1-2 warriors
>they never initiate

>normal humans
>mentally ill steroid addict nerd and a whore

>64 bit client bugged
>have to run the 32 bit one
>must people wont know this
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no it's
>small children doing normal small child thigns and wearing costumes annd shit
>actual real adults (well, they're physically adult if not mentally...) who for some reason still dress up as videogames
I am so tired of new heroes always being broken OP as fuck so that richfag losers buy them. It always ruins the game for two weeks before they nerf them.
Samuor does massive damage on top of beiing immortal since he can just jump enemies with double damage as him and a clone and when hes low on health he just teleports to a his third clone safely tucked behind a fort
>who is zarya
>who is alarak
>play with a bronze in quickmeme once a century can't even remember the last time I saw one
>barely see any bronzies in chat
This doesn't seem right, or am I just not looking hard enough?
Tried one round of brawl and it was already ruined for me by retards.
3 out of 4 teammates attacked solely enemy heroes and ignored enemy punisher while the enemy team was bringing down one punisher after another often having 60 points ahead of us at the end of the round
Retards should be prohibited by law from entering multiplayer games
The only one retarded here is you

There were a lot of heroes with ~30% winrate on release like chromie, lunara, chogall and so on
Jaina is garbage in most organized settings because of how badly cleanse shits on her damage.

You'll still fucking lose the game if you drafted poorly enough to give away Samuro.

it's literally "do fucking anything" mode this week, get your tryharding outta here
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>mfw lvl 20 Lamb to the Slaughter
>catch all 3 Samuros AND the rest of the team

So what would be some reasonable nerfs for samuro?

I'd say prevent DOT/debuff removal on Mirror Image, make illusion master controls baseline, and cut illusion damage or health in half.

Illusion master would then restore illusion stats to current level + give him the teleport back.
Give him a new passive:
>Seppuku: every time Samuro received damage he has 1% chance to off himself
I think they should increase the cooldown on illusion master's teleport
>not sudoku
The people here who want baseline illusion master are delusional or what? What more do you want, a instant win button?

Keep it up anon, I've been lurking here for months and you've posted it every thread, doing gods work son.
Brawl mode is fucking retarded
i hate to break it to you but samuro is not a threat outside of silver
You're fucking retarded
obviously they would nerf something else to compensate for it

you shouldn't balance a character around having to either deal with shit ai or give up an ult
see also: gaz controlling what his turrets focus. why the fuck is this tied to mechagoblin instead of just a 1 button from the start like xul
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Mom says i am very special and smad!!!
You'll always be special for us as well anon.
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So who's next?
your momma raised a frogposter
she's a failure of a parent
>play 3 brawls
>lose 3 brawls
>get free gold
Never gonna touch this shit again. Thanks Blizzard. The quality matchmaking continues.
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better be
fuck off metzen

varian a shit and a meme
What are you talking about? BHC is the antithesis of Metzen's ceaseless love for orc dick.
Is that supposed to be the same guy?
>Metzen's ceaseless love for orc dick
Metzen singlehandedly destroyed Horde by making Thrall a fucking pussyfaggot and Garrosh getting bitchslapped by tauren and trolls.
Despite the amount of money WoW makes, rather, made, they still are unable to put aside a little money to make custom models or at least accessories for important lore characters.
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Yes, one is from vanilla WoW where he was just standing in some cave for no reason.
The other one is what he actually looks like in WoW later.
Every important lore character pretty much has a custom model at this point senpai.
It was only during vanilla until WotL that important people used the same models as player characters.
>just standing in some cave for no reason.

He was kidnapped.
That's what the Horde wants you to think.
Garona is still just a female orc, there are other halflings across the game who use default race models too. There are probably many others but I can't remember any right now.
After the update i got the message "your heroes of the storm installation is damaged and needs to be repaired", upon using the repair tool nothing changes. This happened on BOTH of my windows 7 PCs. Im reinstalling now but this seems like some shady windows 7 planned obsolescence garbage. Did anyone else get this?
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>more than one male
No more hots for you :^)
its actually a 64bit game bug :^)
it was on the PTR server and reported weeks in advance :^)

go into your settings and have the game start in 32 bit mode
It blows my mind how can such a shitty game make so much money. I played it for a month, and it's awful. I also tried Nostalrius back when it was still up, and it's even worse.

Why would anyone play this brain dead, skinner box tier, ugly looking bore fest is beyond me.
How the fuck is blizzard a billion dollar company? This is some haggard ass garbage.
There's clearly something array with you as a person if you can't understand how it's good. Perhaps you're not of age?
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>he didn't experience WoW in 2006/7
i'm playing 64 bit hots and don't have this issue
what gives?
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>"human error lol" - future robot overlords

Now you may not care about league of legends but they can currently working a big patch and this happened on their test servers
imagine if you could bind /dance to a key and it pressing it placed abathur mines

I have no idea, maybe there actually is a file or two damaged in the 64 bit version that the devs thought they removed?
The random hand of fate?
Maybe when someone brought it up they where told there is a automatic system in place that doesn't transfer fucked file but that system was itself a little fucked up.
but i'm playing the 64 bit version and don't have this issue
played it on PTR with no issues too
is this some sort of issue exclusive to windows 7 or something?
It very well could be
I played for a bit over a month. Went from level 1 to 72.
The game feels like to promises to get better as you go on, but the more you go, the more you start to realize you are literally doing the same grinds over and over, and the only changes are cosmetic.
All characters are the exact same, as long as they are of the same class, the quests are boring and ultimately useless as it's more efficient to do dungeons, which were fun for a while, but eventually got very repetitive.
The world is quite nice looking, but there's almost no incentive to actually experience it, as I said the most efficient thing you can do is queue for dungeons while you manage your auctions, or watching porn.
You described an MMO. What were you expecting, honestly?
You just don't like mmos probably, they are not for everyone

This isn't an excuse though. MMOs don't have to be bad, it's just the current formula that's bad.
The only MMO I managed to get into was Shin Megami Tensei Imagine, and while far from perfect it did a lot of things you don't see in any other MMO that were a huge leap in the right direction.

The thing is, nobody likes MMOs, people just get hooked on them due to skinner box manipulation. It's a repeating task with a sole purpose of getting people to obsess over it, without it actually having to be fun. Like free mobile games for example.
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I'm playing on Vista and I don't have any of those issues.
People play MMOs together. It is a social thing for them.
what the actual fuck why would you do that
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I don't even feel like playing
So what you're saying is that MMOs are just glorified chatrooms at best? I agree.
alright, give it to me then1
Brawl is kinda boring.

Ok for 3 games a week but I don't see me doing a fourth ever.
Hope this at least brings casuals to this game.
As far as I know. I've never really played one, but it is just something to do while you chitchat.
why would you wanna talk to people
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Still hoping for 5 v 5 TLV brawl with thirty Vikings on the map.
I want to play more, but I can't get my
Quests done using it, so.

Next week should be fun.
>did my weekly
>now have 15.xx3 gold
I believe that's possible currently, but not very likely.
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>still no Abathur buffs

Let me molest my ally and give them a temporary upgrade or just staple a fucking locust spawner to their back
Let me be an interior designer and upgrade a building or two
>tfw carrying an "I dont play support CUZ I DONT WANNA LOSE GG EZ" idiot with Auriel

my hope will never die
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I wonder if we will ever get HS only heroes like the Inkeeper or Rafaam.
wtf is with this game's community? I hardly ever get matched with a support on QM, and in unranked I'm almost always forced to play the support because nobody else wants to.
I do love playing support, but god damn give me a break
healing people or saving them with shields isn't "EPIC" or "WOW AMAZING TRIPLE ULTRA KILL", so of course daytime players (= children) think it's boring.
>those little shits will never know the pleasure of a good holy radiance
What do i do about samuro? there is not even any point in attacking him, even if i kill him i will only kill the decoy because even if it was hm he will just switch before death, so there is no reason for me to engage and not just run away .. and even if you kill hisimages he will just shit out new ones forever
Yes, the switch place has to be removed, its simply overpowered
there are plenty of talents/skills that show who is the real samuro, just learn how to counterpick n build
once you know who you have to attack the guy is smalltime
I don¨t play boring heroes like tassadar and fun heroes like nova, lili or falstad don't have any such talents
>try brawl
>its bad
>glad its over
>best of 3
>fun heroes like nova, lili
aaaw.. a 12 years old, how sweet...
here's a list of heroes with reveal skills or talents, there's even zeratul so you can still be able to be that useless little cancer nobody likes :3
>brawl is trash
>have to force myself to sit through two more to get the reward
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How do I git gud with arthas? I lose 3/4 games I play as him.
It would be neat to see an ethereal character like Saraad or Rafaam.
show me your standard build
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>heroic 1: Arch-Thief - Copy an opposing heroes skillset and talents until your death.
wow marcus-chan stronk
i thought he was shit but i tried him in the brawl and i was like walking grim reaper
guess i'll buy him
What is the most satisfying skillshot in this game?
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>Reddit is whining that no one votes in the stupid MVP screen now that it's skippable
>they want blizzard to make it so your Gold or EXP gets docked unless you vote
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>tfw you hit max charge as zarya and the melee heroes are trying to kill you while their hp bar melts
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Now that would be interesting.
What other skills could we give the Supreme Archeaologist?
Sand Blast. Literal -skill-shot. If it connects, you know you outplayed your opponent. Or he's playing hammer, works the same though.
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His trait could be the Staff of Origination. The passive aspect would be that the staff provides Rafaam with a shield. As Rafaam takes or deals damage the staff charges and lets him summon a random powerful minion onto the field.
Mirror of Doom could be another ability. Basically it would summon a mummy zombie for every hero currently on screen.
His other abilities could be Timepiece of Horror and Lantern of Power.
The timepiece would best work as his second heroic and deal something like XXX amount of damage spread among all enemies around Rafaam .The lantern gives either an ally or Rafaam a massive boost to all their stats for some time.

Those would be abliestes almost directly lifted from the encounter in HS.
jesus christ what are you doing to him you fucking monster
>not taking the aura root or the lv20 anti-kite
What are YOU doing?
Don't try to play like Joh or ETC, use your presence in fights to your advantage, play so the enemy team can't ignore you because of your E and poke, but don't go ham early on so they prioritize you.
Always take Sindra over ghouls. Good enemies can easily pick off your ghouls, or they just die to AOE.
Make sure to balance health and mana, and surpise anyone who tries to trade with a D>Q>W while your E is up. Healing talent from deathcoil is better than AA healing.
Lastly, positioning is very important. Either scare away divers by putting your E up early so they see they'll jump into a slow, or if your other warrior is initiating, stagger your root and trait slow to secure the kill
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why are those people allowed to live
winning more than one quarter of my arthas games:^)
>tfw chogall with meme slug
>tfw the enemy team has lost shits and samuro
>tfw the entire match was 3vs9
How can Arthas be invincible if I can see him?
i'd still take the frostmourne quest over block (obivously it is situational, against an hammer i'd take the shield but overall I think i'll need that extra mana more)
>Waaaah I want to be able to skip the mvp screen.
>Waaaah people are skipping the mvp screen.

There is no winning with these faggots
the mvp shit is annoying, and skipping it makes it useless.
Blizzard can only lose now
Now imagine if they implement play of the game.
Fuck off. Dying to a siege Abathur is the worst kind of hell already.

Fuck off, I know we should be winning teamfights if they have a siege Abathur. That's why it sucks so much.
I honestly would not mind the Innkeeper if his trait was being able to build a deck of skills based off well known HS cards.
Greymane bottle. Especially now that is so fucking hard to use properly. I just want more range, you asswipes.
His skills should all be rng shit
Hey, not OP, but good advice. I suck with Arthas too and it might be trying to play him like other warriors.

I wonder if I would be bad at Sonya now. I feel like I completely forgot how to play bruisers. She's my only level ten.
That'd be funny. Like at lvl one you pick your hero power based on the powers from HS.
Maybe depending on what you pick you get different talent options later on i.e. class cards.
Force Wall
the panic it induces is priceless
Is Odin or Laser better in the brawl?
Look at enemy team comp
Also, never pick butcher
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Holy shit this gamemod was shit

It's always been the better baseline ult. Consider what it brings you:
+pie plate abilities for days
-can't hit D
Now we look at Laser Drill:
+extra body for the enemy to click on
~mediocre damage
~short range
-like really short
-it ain't gon kill nobody smart
~ranged bodyblock, maybe sometimes if you pray hard

Odin is better unless you REALLY need to zone out some dive-happy nigger or two like Illidan.
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Exactly. I think it could be a lot of fun, since he would be representing the game as a whole rather than a tiny subset of it. He could have bad neutral cards for his beginning skills and replace them with better "cards" as he levels up. Cutting Magma Rager for a Swipe or something.

They made critical hits predictable for Samuro. They seem pretty set on less RNG.
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what do when my duoQ friend chose to be a memer?
Is the Burning Blade talent on Samuro bugged? No change in crit numbers after taking it, but try mode gives conflicting info
Also couldn't tell if the splash is being applied
Red has lost viggins :DDD, means the ebin lose because free rotation == only morons play the hero right now
meme with him and "just play for fun :-)"
Odin has been shit since blizz removed the separate health bar
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>tfw started playing during the limited braxis-4head-cursed-towers rotation and now have no idea what the fuck to do on the other maps
Nigga Windfury Magma Rager is the most meme win you can possibly pull off. Like you can't comprehend the salt
Always bet on Ragers, you lose nothing and have all the laughs to gain.
penetrating round. only other things that even come close are owl and maw.
I forgot Dragon Shire.
>Heroic 1 - The Hope's End: Summon Yogg Saron who randomly uses an ability from the game on random opponents for each ability cast this game.
Red actually has a healer and its the best in the game right now. Plus Artanis is sick with enough heals.

TLV can easily keep their XP good while they get all merc camps and delay their team fights.

Most will come down to skill and team fights, but red should have an advantage. I say red.
TLV depends on the player.
Blue has both Nova and Zeratul so TLV is gonna get bullied hard.

The diplomatic route:

"I feel like I have more fun with you lately when were just playing for fun" only play quick match and brawl and stuff with him.

Play hero league on your own or with someone else.

The straightforward and honest route:

"You still suck on those heroes. Pick someone you're better on for competitive until you get better on Medivh and Gul."
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Lets see those Samuro builds boyos
Heres what I've been using ::
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Ragnarok Missiles
with the lvl 20 talent, of course
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>Magma Rager kills an enemy hero
>Inkeeper: "Now that's a first!"

>my team hits the punisher
>enemy team hits our team
>my team dies because they wasted everything fighting the punisher
>enemy team kills punisher
>0 to 30
>"stop taking brawls so seriously!!"

why cant people into basic strategy
>Yogg Saron proceeds to tripple tap the innkeeper
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>Thinking I cba to micromanage clones
Toplel ladpal


Fair point. Yeah you're right that it does depend on the TLV player for sure, But it also depends on the blue players. Of course skill, smarts, teamwork, and luck will matter most.

Most players will clear lanes and let their minions walk into enemy cannon fire where TLV can soak up the XP safely. So that will depend on what blue players do.

Erik can potentially stealth, so that's one lane that can generally be safely soaked.

Olaf has HP to play a little dangerously in whatever is the hard lane.

Baleog is the only one that really should be positioned in an easy lane and could have bullying problems. If he's in an easy lane because other heroes on his side are there his damage is nice.
Rager can be fun if he somehow survives the turn he was summoned in. Most the time he doesn't.
Even if you can't micro it's still a straight up 66% single target DPS increase. You get ridoncioulous all the "delete squishies in 1.5s flat" of the butcher with both an engage AND disengage.
Hilarious against rogues though. I've seen 'em Shadow Strike it just because they have no heals and CANNOT afford to eat that damage.
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It could be the best ult in the game by far and I still wouldn't take it.
It's an ult for gays.
Blue (we) won mostly because of free week TLV didn't bother to do anything beside soaking (and dying while at it) and also because red randomly decided to start boss while blue team was around the watchtower so we killed them and took boss for ourselves and destroyed their core with it. They were killing us in teamfights so if not for this mistake they would have probably won. Also got MVP as Chromie with 0 deaths. Feels good man.

>hte gayz XD

do you even know where you are?
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why is diamond such a nightmare?
half of these people should be in gold atleast

>dragon shire
>forced to tank and i feel like playing ETC
>nobody bans malf
>we have first pick and this guy first picks bw
>rest of my team was li ming tychus
>our last pick gets lunara against thrall , malf tracer , jo and falstad
>tychus player feeds 4 deaths in under 4 minutes
>lunara tried flanking the enemy team all game even tho we were 4 lvls behind
>"etc why rnt u tankin xD "
fucking kill me now

migh aswell play in bronze for fuck sake nobody counterpicks or bans properly

nobody can position
queues take a million fucking years
and every single one of these faggots thinks theyre the best player in the universe
ur da onry consdand XDD
d-dude e-e-e-epic :^)
Perhaps YOU should be in gold
Are you sure that's diamond? I have not had some garbage like that in ages

The composition was fine, you guys just played like shit. If you were the one with a loser attitude or flat decided to do things on your own, you made your team lose. YES, YOU ARE THE ONLY CONSTANT. Deal with it.

Another diamond player.

Players can learn the basics of strong meta characters and win enough to move up to a good spot in quick match.

Then they can seed into a higher tier in hero league and place in diamond or platinum with some luck.

You can end up being matched with them before they've gone through enough competitive games to know how it's really played. And before they've moved down to where they actually belong in the competitive scene.
Does unranked have any hidden mmr? I'm kinda tired of losing all the time.
what do you think? that they just put randoms against each other?
>10 qms today
>not a single one without fagguro on both sides
i cannot wait for that shit to get nerfed,
yeah you're stuck in the short term. if you start having a bad time just practice some combos in try mode or ai then forget it for the day.
Yes. That's what I think. The fact that they consider Party of 4 +1 random and Party of 2 + 2 random equal makes me think they don't give a fuck.
>salty as fuck nigger is in rage mode and just keeps running in before the team is around and then complains the team isn't on their ass 24/7
>quick memes
Are you telling me that people are using the new hero? No way!
>store temporarily unavailable
ebin, simply ebin
what are you planning to buy?
when zarya came out i save her in one game out of 8
fedora orc
Hes in the game though, logged in last night and was able to purchase him/try him out
>one day and then hours ago
How long it usually takes for Blizzard to satisfy their greed and nerf newly released OP hero?
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>that feel when you are tychus and you get to play against chogall in qm so you grab all the % damage talents and 100% minigun heal and are turn into immortal doublekill machine
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>66% winrate day after release
blizzard in charge of balancing
And that is without many people knowing how to use illusion master really well.

name a better balancing team
>add a basic attack semi stealth melee assassin with clones and uber crits
what could possibly go wrong
Well Dota is currently in its most balanced state in history and only needs a few outliers reigned in a bit.
eric you're not based
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>hero is op on release
>waaah worst devs ever
>hero isn't op on release
>wow what a trash hero, worst devs ever
back to your containment thread
yes anon

the heroes in the game are supposed to be balanced, aka neither OP or UP
If by isn't op you mean complete garbage, then yes. They don't really release heroes that land in the middle, it's either extremely op or just the lowest winrate in the game by a lot. took them like 2 months to buff lunara from a 20% winrate and fix her bugged auto attacking.
rip support pa

i only played like one game of it before the first nerf but it was fun as fuck to just hang with PL in the offlane and both spam Q at anyone who even thought about farming
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Fuck it. I'm going to ETC all night.
The animation updates really make my day.
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How is Samuro's win rate 67% if every match has two Samuros..?
What's it like?
vs AI :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)
ranked or draft
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Holy shit, this literally blew my mind
Just finally fucking Facial Animations.
Oh I thought you meant the hearthstone animation that I still have to see
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That one too. He just lifts his leg, raises his arm up in the air and slams down on his guitar strings really hard

Pretty neat.

>Samuro, Li Li and Li-Ling Harassing my Auriel healer
>Run in to save her ass
>Samuro mirror images.
>I Mosh Pit trapping the images
>Waifu runs away to safety
>Li Li and Li-Ming thing they can tickle me with their attacks
>Powerside Moshpit onto them
>Kill them both
>Guitar Solo with Rockstar Speed boost away
>Samuro wants vengence
>Chases me
>*teleports behind you* Images to try to trap me
>Powerside and Face Melt them away
>He can't get me
>Powerslide through my gate
>Towers kill him

It was a good day.
can't have mirror matches in HL

and iirc hotslogs doesn't count QM mirror matches towards winrate either. so it means he wins 67% of games that only have one samuro
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>bought samuro on day 1 with the gold i'd saved up because blademaster was my fucking nig on wc3
>even though he's a direct port, I really don't like playing as him in this game
>constant discomfort because i'm also contributing to invisible cancerfest which causes me to play like shit
> not enjoying forcing the entire enemy team to tastuh your brade one by one
Shit taste tbqh
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>invisible cancerweeb was his favorite in wc3
>feels discomfort playing invisible weebshit

>We didn't get to raise Zagara from a larva.

Why even live
wc3 blademaster and samuro have different jobs though

playing mind games and shredding through enemy units while having a quick escape for one of your most important units isn't the same as instant bukkake on a random faggot passing by and not contributing for shit to a team that depends on you by doing nothing but catching people off guard and punishing them
Two weeks to a month usually.
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Reminder that numbers mean fucking nothing. The whole game felt balanced and they died to minions because the teamfights took very long, despite the lack of support.
Is it too late to rollback the patch and forget about green weeaboo?
>numbers mean fucking nothing
but that's wrong though
strong healing in current sustain meta
grenade change can make some plays
medivac is extremely strong after the mount changes
>numbers mean nothing
>the team that died least won

This isn't even a good example of score screen stats misrepresenting things. Not to mention they had an abby so having more deaths is painful. Your team has more health so sure you can take more dmg.
>samuro dying 8 times
how shit do u have to be for that to happen
Hammer is thicc as fuck

lewds where
Jesus christ a team has to kill themselves one by one with the current AFK timer now inside the base. Fuck you Blizzard for forcing this unneccessary/actually negative participation bullshit.
Am I the only one that still hates the new Nazeebo?
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Why did you left LoL/Dota/etc for Hots?
LoL's strict, stale, forced meta eventually drove me off, and the laning phase is an obligatory borefest
Dota is fine, I just couldn't go back to those long-ass games after the 20 minute comfiness hots had to offer
got tired of Riot's bullshit
games too long
samey champs
item balance
crybaby community
I could go on
I never really left as I only played Lol for a short amount of time years ago, giving up when they nerfed support and tank types across the board to make the dps types feel better about themselves. I never reached the true meta stages.

Dota i never bothered with as I couldn't deal with all the mechanics and multitasking involved with it. I missed when DOTA barely came out as a mod for WC3 and was just something to fuck around as a hero in, not some autistic tourney srsbsnz that it is now. Alot of the mechanics are only there due to the previous hardcoded limitations of WC3, not because of some carefully decided decision for gameplay balance.
Nobody in this game can tell if it's a clone or not.

If the weeaboo katana orc does no damage to you but you chunk a 3rd of his health in one auto attack, THEN IT'S A FUCKING CLONE

If there are weeaboo katana orcs in lane attacking minions while another one is on an objective, then the ones NOT at the objective ARE FUCKING CLONES

If 2 weeaboo katana orcs are going one way and a third is going the opposite direction, then the 2 ARE FUCKING CLONES

I swear, Blizzdrones make me actually WANT to have an aneurysm.
i like dota but i don't like playing it without a party, so i play with my friends in dota but play solo in hots
also the games are like 1/3rd as long so that's nice

please stop saying clone you're triggering me
the only thing in this game that's a clone is ultimate evolution
those are just mirror images/illusions
Dota games just take too long.
it's a visual clone

I fail to grasp how this is difficult for you.
I never liked LoL
DotA lacked a lot of features I enjoyed from other Warcraft 3 AoS maps, and considers a lot of bugs "features"
Smite was too similar to LoL
HoN was too similar to DotA
Never played it. Other MOBAs seemed too difficult.
>If the weeaboo katana orc does no damage to you
damage numbers jump from you, not them, and they all attack you at the same time, in which case it's not the moment to try and scry who's who

>If there are weeaboo katana orcs in lane attacking minions while another one is on an objective, then the ones NOT at the objective ARE FUCKING CLONES
>If 2 weeaboo katana orcs are going one way and a third is going the opposite direction, then the 2 ARE FUCKING CLONES
second heroic samuros must play you like a damn fiddle
But since the clones actually do damage, you have to kill them or they will whittle away at your team unless you have amazing chase and can just kill the main one.
Zeratul looks like a total bitch compared to Samuro
because that's not what a clone is
I hate everything they did to LoL starting mid-season 2, left by the mid of season 3.
I never enjoyed DotA2 alone, always played with friends, friends moved onto other games/etc eventually forgetting about doto2.
Now, some friends play hots (casually), I like these matches usually end by minute 13, I like leoric and zagara so fucking much
i played the shit of Dota 1 in warcraft 3 so when dota 2 came along i was tired of it and i could never get past LoL's grind
>Laning to farm gold
>40 minute long matches
>warding, sitting around with your thumbs up your ass waiting for a good fight to present itself

All things I do not miss about LoL at all. HotS makes you feel like you're accomplishing more in 20 minutes than in an entire 40 minute game of LoL. The fact that merc camps in HotS go down the lane and act as bigger stronger minions as opposed to just giving a CDR or attack damage buff evert 5 minutes or whatever it was, is also much more interesting.

Basically, I just enjoy what HotS did with the genre MUCH more.
the heroes being the real deal instead of DotA's knockoffs, and what blizzard did with their kits. believe it or not, I like ~90% of HotS heroes.
>If the weeaboo katana orc does no damage to you but you chunk a 3rd of his health in one auto attack, THEN IT'S A FUCKING CLONE
And then you switch to the other. And it turns out to be an illusion, so you attack the third, and found the real one! whoops, he took illusion master, so now it's not the real one anymore, and you have to start again, and when you finally do find the real one again, he reactivates mirror image, and we start all over again. and let's be honest faggot, you die before he even needs to reactivate mirror image
>If there are weeaboo katana orcs in lane attacking minions while another one is on an objective, then the ones NOT at the objective ARE FUCKING CLONES
Or he took illusion master, and he's testing to see if people will attack the illusion before swapping to the illusion Which can pretend to channel, faggot
>If 2 weeaboo katana orcs are going one way and a third is going the opposite direction, then the 2 ARE FUCKING CLONES
Or he took illusion master and he's rusing your retarded mind
>I swear, Blizzdrones make me actually WANT to have an aneurysm.
You're the one defending blizzard's retarded ass balancing faggot.
I feel like they don't get enough credit as far as actual hero and kit design goes, honestly.

Talents leave something to be desired, but only in the sense that some heroes have great talent trees and have actual options, while others are so incredibly "Good vs. bad" in their talents, it's fucking crazy.
Shorter matches, less hurdles and general pain in the ass. I'm finding it way more fun and less stressing overall. I kept getting tired of league after playing 2 games in a row.
> right after teamfight, traded 2 for 2
> chasing enemy Alarak, he has 1 hp left
> he turns around to Q me
> as he's charging, windwalk
> took shukuchi, so I teleport behind him, dodging his Q
> crit him with Burning Blade
> mfw no allchat to tell him "pssh, nuthing personel, kid"
I agree that they aren't CLONES, but you can't be triggered over the guy using a synonym for the damn things. They could technically be called clones but not in an entirely literal sense, because they aren't 1:1 copies JUST because of the damage and health.
>mfw no face
samuro is the most annoying hero ever, nerf fucking when
I do like how accurate the "it was a hologram" portion of that meme is.
why does brawl take ages to load? its a small shitty map
I dunno, but I get framerate issues on it.
in the internal files it's got its own folder dedicated to it
it's probably loading all those assets every time you freshly load it up
Doesn't it have a couple different configurations?
It probably has all of them loaded on the same map.
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fair and balanced
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>when your team enables you and you can go full ham on a bruiser
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Didn't come here from either, I came here from Dawngate, as HotS reminded me of it somewhat. RIP best MOBA.
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Auriel is a pretty great healer.
I just wish teammates weren't retarded.
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>installation is damaged
>run scan & repair
>scan complete, no repair needed
>run it again
>installation is damaged
it's literally your fault retard

try defragging your computer once in an eon
0% fragmented you stupid nigger
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Go to ask /g/, thet will help you.
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Best husbando
>friend who lucked into Masters telling me to just git gud

yea sure im just gonna get so good the 2 tilting shitters on my team magically become competent
Knowing how to manipulate shitters is key to gitting gud
Aw, I can't do quests in Brawl? Why not?

Oh well. I still enjoyed the one game of it I played today.
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>wanted to use the bonus to finally get Kael to level 10
>literally all matches are against Samuro+Butcher
>both can almost oneshot me through mana shield
knowing not to wave your rank in the face of your friend who plays the game to Have A Good Time On Line is key to good manners.
I don't think one shot is the right word for what Samuro does.
>not killing squishies in 2 seconds with illusion master
Eh. I guess. It just seems like sustained damage and seems to take a long time unless the crits all line up.
Samuro can destroy heroes like KT or Valla in two hits consistently.

HotS is turning into the same shit as WoW, Melee > everything
So, any reason to pick KT or Valla vs Samuro? It's like Jaina into Greymane - makes no sense
You realize one-shot means in one attack, right?
>Heroes like Valla
If only Valla had a set of tools which allow her to stay away from melee heroes.....

Ah well.
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>valla can magically dodge butcher charge
>valla can magically get out of being dead
Every day, I either win every game or lose every game.

It was so sad today. I just felt bad for the enemy teams.
If there's a Butcher and you don't know where he is why aren't you with your support?
because the support got killed by butcher and samuro
Generally you don't one shot someone with one ability in any moba, in mobas one shotting means blowing them up mostly before they can even react. Like in lol the renghar one shot was a few abilities executed within a little over a second, it wasn't just one attack.
>the only constant :^)
>actually defending butcher
Why didn't you peel? Body block his heal victim and slow him.
>b-but butcher is so-o stonk! b-but butcher is so o-pee
teleports / dashes in this game are physically broken

for example if someone teleports when you use a murky ult on them it just cancels the murky ult and puts it on a 10 second cooldown. other stuns (like butchers) might not even activate at all. and it's really just the 10s refund for murky - other heros have their ults entirely consumed despite them doing no damage / cc
Holy shit Illusion Master is so good.
>You can capture objectives and still be there in time for a fight; super good for Dragon Shire
>If someone figures out which Samuro is real you can roll the dice on them again
>Send one of your clones away from a fight so people think you left and ignore you, and you teleport to it if they don't
>Let AI take over the real Samuro while you control a clone, so that's the one people focus

I honestly don't see what the case is for Bladestorm other than it's mindless. It's truly not good enough to be a 110s CD ultimate, not to mention until you get the level 20 talent it has the (significant) downside of letting everyone on the team know which Samuro is the real one.
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reminder to always take ice dragon waifu as an ultimate or you're a faggot
>reminder to always take ice dragon waifu
that's a given
Arthas/KT best team
the mind games are real, sometimes i know its an illusion but i still try to burst it down so he cant escape when he finishes assraping my support

how long is the CD on MI anyway?
Has anybody done the math on Way of Illusion vs Way of the Blade? I heard the Illusion quest was overall better but I'm not sure.

How about for the level 7 talents?
>enemy team has moralez
>keeps healing real samuro
>we burst the shit outta him

he was probably mad
Yeah, had an Abathur hatting Samuro half the match so when he tried to jump my support I'd attack him regardless of mirror image.
Does the hat transfer when he switches?
Guarantee you damage taken by Images gets increased, WW grace period shortened to 0.5.
I believe so, I mean it was on just after the image was casted and if abathur disconnects from his target there's about a 4 second delay.
in retrospect, frost wyrmfu is probably a better name

You know this might actually be what Abby needs
Any functioning assassin hunts those bugs like death hunts people in old folks homes so being able to trick someone would with it would take some pressure of abathur to do other things.
16 seconds not including the level 13 talent.
Any idea if the crown does too?
Samuro literally makes 3/4 of the heroes I own obsolete, he is the fucking hard counter to anything that doesn't have much HP because he has total map presence.

He killed any little fun that was left in playing Murky.
Crown I don't know, sorry.
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>playing a meme hero
coins from pirate's bay dont update on samuro's illusions until the recasts them

a small weakness
>Worse than Zeratul
>Yet somehow he's OP
>See windwalk running at me
>Hit it a slow or stun
>either enjoy my free kill or force a 5v4 while Samuro is fleeing
its you who needs to l2p
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so who won the debate?
A shitty porno without the porn.
you don't know how to play and you're showing it
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>worse than zeratul
Ignore him he's obviously a retard
>So, any reason to pick KT or Valla vs Samuro?

KT's flamestrike quest is super easy vs samuro, its probably the same for guldan
Oh man, I just played a qm game as butcher to practice before ranked, and the enemy samuro had an abathur.

He cloned, they double mirrored, and I died in basically a second or two. Pretty dirty.
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>Ignore him he's not bronze like us!
lol this is why you kids will never improve
that's an instakill not a oneshot
As a general rule, a completed "quest to get more damage" talent will be stronger than "do more damage right now" because it has the downside of being a quest
and yes Samuro follows this rule
How did you feel afterwards?
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>Taking Illusion Master
Very glad I spend all my time in ranked.
its better and allows you to pull of stupid shit as well as mind games
go into the launcher settings and set hots to use the 32bit executable instead of 64bit

apparently this bug existed since the moment they put it on ptr and they still havent fixed it
It is even affecting their other games.

I'm not sure how you fuck up that badly.
not only did they NOT FIX a known gamebreaking bug for a week, but they PUT IT INTO THE MAIN GAME instead of leaving it on ptr until fix
Even worse, they're charging people 10 fucking bucks for the gamebreaking bug
>better dps
>illusions actually hit what you want to focus instead of wandering off to hit minions
>literally invincible if you have an illusion outside the fight to teleport to
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>Guys lets combine Zeratul and Vikings. But make sure he can do really insane damage. Also don't give him mana and give him some low cooldowns.
Bladestorm reveals the real Samuro. For a character who has no survivability options other than trickery, this is a huge deal. Also it deals less DPS than you would by basic attacking and often times isn't even good enough to get past heals.
The movement speed and invisibility are huge survivability options, he can go faster than mounted speed. Not to mention at 13 he can spec his windwalk to be a blink. That isn't even counting his illusions which is the trickery.
>implying mana matters
for most characters it literally doesn't at all
He basically means he never has to go back and is constantly on the battlefield. Which means a lot of a dps that's as hit and run as Samuro. It basically means he can just infinitely harass objectives.

Other heroes that have mana have a point where they can't.
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>still mad about the neutral talent change
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>tfw your two favorite most played heroes, rehgar and medivh, can't use mounts
what the FUCK
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>when you get MVP as Abathur
People get so embarrassed
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>play Necro Man of Many Skeletons
>Samuro thinks he can solo me
>Raynor thinks he can solo me
>Zeratul thinks he can solo me
>Valla thinks she can solo me
>none of them know about my 75% attack speed debuff
>none of them know about my bone armor evading basic attacks
>none of them know my scythe slows for 40%
>none of them know I inflict vulnerability
>none of them know I have 4 basic abilities instead of just 3 because of Bone Spear
>none of them know about my crazy DoT damage

Truly, Xul is the most versatile warrior in the game. He can be built to effectively counter any other character.
because of how heavily the algorithm weights low deaths he used to get mvp a lot

i think they added a special case for him now
"any" character
as long as that character relies on rightclicks to do damage and/or doesn't have a way to stop creepers from walking into melee range
>Beat shitters.
>Come on /vg/ and brag.

Stay mad you fucking weeaboo orcs
xul seems like quite a strong counter to sam 2bh

100% of his damage comes from rightclick so shade makes him invincible and talented cursed strikes makes him 75% invincible while also preventing sam from hitting anyone ELSE
I don't even like Samuro but Samuro can beat the fuck out of Xul. He does so much damage, and any good Samuro is going to crush you with clones and leave you running away with your shield popped like the little bitch you are.

Now go back to another lane and clear it. It's all your good for. We'll call you when we need your root, and then you can leave again.
Sounds like someone's lost against a Necromancer or two.
Yeah it's a long cooldown. You make him pop it and he's just a sitting duck. At lvl 10 you can dodge pretty much deal with anything Xul does just with clones and late game Samuro and his clones do so much damage it doesn't matter.

If Samuro just causally walks up to you and starts swinging, then yes you should win, because he's shit.
Actually I haven't, mostly because the only maps Xul were good on have been out of the rotation. I guess now that Temple and Blackheart are back Xul will start being in games again.
You have not seen Arthas/greymane with executioner then.
if samuro just leaves fights whenever xul presses a button then his team gets a free 4v5 for 4-6 seconds every time he presses w
You don't leave the fight, because if he pops it, it's usually because he's running if he's not. You just keep the clones there, vanish and sit in a bush and then proceed to fuck him when it runs out.

If it's a team fight, you probably aren't focusing Xul anyway. You should be picking off the mages. I used to love playing Xul, but they nerfed him into being a glorified wave clear which is why he's mostly picked now. He can lane two lanes by himself if they are close enough and it allows you to put everyone else in another lane.
yeah but my point is if xul is in the middle of his team he can just push w when sam starts htiting mages
Sam shouldn't be in a middle of the fight. Just like Zeratul isn't in the middle of the fight. He should be hitting from behind and going after key targets.

Xul is a front liner he shouldn't be near Samuro. Samuro is a hit and run character with massive damage. He's not Butcher, he's Zeratul.
How good is Dehaka? Should I get him?
dehaka is fun but not really worth buying right now

I think he's underrated. And at the very least a solid warhead/braxis/dragonshire pick because of the global. Really good at tricking people into focusing him because they think they can kill him when they can't.

Tough though with the delayed skillshots and you've got to make sure you've got essence going into a big fight.
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>page 10
What's the next combination of heroes? I like this Illidan+Zeratul+Vikings.
Jumps onto you
Teleports behind you
Has to walk into melee range

Just multishot him
>Has to walk into melee range
What about his blink talent?
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>3rd night in a row i have a dream of playing this game
I need to quit.
I was playing Abathur too how fucking horrifying
>*blinks behind you*
>*unsheathes orkatana*
>"you fought well, I fought better"
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imperius looks cool, he'd be a nice hero for hots
Do they outright disable MMR late at night now? I just got put into a game full of bronze players.
No anon, you are the bronze.
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>bought Samuro for 15K
>really like him
>tfw thinking of buying the fel samuro skin
Fuggg :D
wait a few weeks for him to get nerfed, then think again.
New thread:
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>Auriel doesn't know how to use her trait
>Abathur doesn't know how to use mines and takes monstrosity
>Tracer doesn't know how to switch targets
>Both Samuro's die diving forts non-stop

>I'm the bronze
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