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League of Legends General /lolg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 765
Thread images: 185

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OT: >>157346068

Ahri plays videogames but she wished the character customization was better so she could have a knot Edition

>clown9 got 3-0'd

lmao NA
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Patch notes:

Surrender at 20 for PBE stuff:

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that's one long neck
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holy shit the new client uses so much less RAM

What is this? I can't access it.
>Ahri plays videogames but she wished the character customization was better so she could have a knot
When's the next contest so I can play Ahri and get a pic with a foxdick so this meme can end

Oh boy, is it done already? When are you sending it to watsu/putting it on eyoson?
cancer waifus that have only dogshit posters


if you like any of these characters you're assuredly a shit poster and cancer upon these threads

Miss Fortune

if you waifu any of these females youre likely okay and can stay

this list is fact and if you disagree you're a troll
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help me lolg
i just bought based man of no laning phase for you
how do i build him
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does team comp matter?

last picks a janna. what a nice skin :)
Yeah it was finished today, I"ll email watsu later.
>enemy first picks shyvana
>it's syour turn to pick
>pick literally any champion with a slow or who can buff an ally's movespeed
>win the game and shyvana ends the game with 0 damage dealt to champions

>if you waifu any of these females youre likely okay and can stay
>empty list
Noice. Vayne porn that isn't generic "here's the girl and she's naked and taking a dick" is so rare, thanks for your contribution
Should I just dodge every time my ADC locks Ezreal in silver? They never help. They're always trying to land ults across the map and kite with their Q's while other people are peeling for them.

I ulted a zyra on WW and Ez took my krugs.
I didn't realize this is a lolg commissioned thing but I mean 5ish has been streaming drawing it and it's already posted on her twitter

Big sorry for spoilers

Looks good tho
i hate a lot of these people XD
>playing Trundle jungle
>our ziggs dies before I get from krugs to red
>"sums mid"
>gank a minute later
>ori flashes out
>vel koz lands one regular ability on you
>can now delete you with ult
>this is ok because he landed a skill shot

I don't mind, it's not supposed to be a secret or anything. I posted the sketch the other day.
>for porn
You are a very considerate poster. Having the raw version is good, though, twitter compresses pics
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What are your Top 5 Favorite Champions of all time /lolg/?
Mine in no particular order.
>I lost to a fed champion and will now complain about it
at least attack good champs, like Kled or Jhin or Syndra
Ah okay

She had posted WIPs in Discord a few times

Normally some of the stuff she is commissioned to do are pretty bad ideas, so I'm glad lolg had good enough taste to get something like this

Well I saw this get posted repeatedly in here, I thought it was just someone posting the WIPs from stream or something, didn't realize it was something lolg had commissioned
Usually go CDR boots or tabi/mercs if you got fucked in lane
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Best girl.
Best eyes.
Best wife.
Did we get any closure on why we did knot get the full Ahri pic?

>playing xin
>bot says their bot has no summs
>go for a dive
>their Jhin heals and kills me
Rush Ghostblade vs squishies and BC vs hard tanks. Serrated dirks are your friend. Maw into AP matchups. Get a Cleaver later if you're vs a squishy. Last Whisper item.

Usually you will opt for Ninja Tabi or Merc Treads as your boot option.

If you get to where you want a sustain item, Death's Dance and BT are both okay

Ignore this, Jayce is literally only good because you can now go a Tear-less build on him
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I want to go swimming in Lulu.
need more comics like these
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>Build Sunfire+Thornmail Or Frozen Gaunt
>can now 1v1 any Marksman as literally any champ

defend this lolbab
>tfw too hungry to play league but too lazy to get up and eat something
Kha Zix
Aurelion Sol
It's a pretty good idea, shame it didn't win the contest, though I'm glad that anon decided to take the matter into his own hands

>artist says he won't draw animal dicks
>contest guy hires him anyway
>probably thinks the artist will open an exception
>he doesn't
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If you dont know how to play Jayce then tear is the best thing so you dont run out of mana.
Just because the pros dont go tear, doesnt mean you shouldnt.
>score is 17-2
>go sit in a fountain because what's the point
>you have been placed in a lower priority queue

what the fuck? would they rather I run it down mid in that kind of situation or what
>champ gets massively rewarded for hitting a skillshot
>the skillshot cannot be missed on a melee champion that tries to fight said champion

complete the list of these fuckers:
Vel Koz
Aurelion Sol

I'd main the fuck out of Azir and Kindred if I could play them well.
>class designed and balanced around fighting on his own
>can fight on his own against a
>class designed to fight with team assistance
>in a 1v1

gee boss
Contest Guy hired an artist that doesn't draw nonhuman penises to draw a pic which main feature is a girl with a nonhuman penis
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Yeah and Tear is suboptimal and was one of the things that kept Jayce from being relevant in games

There is a reason NO ONE builds Tear outside of lower elos right now
That's the full thing if you wanted it now
I just like posting crops of my commissions here sometimes
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Were you blown away by

a new era


>Plat V
>even remotely good

Oh, lolgen...
i build it :^)
What is smurfing?
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Working partner:
Sex Machine:
That's a pretty big oversight, the fuck?

Building tear first on Jayce means your first back is weak as fuck when it should be really strong cause you would be coming back with hexdrinker or a dirk to fuck their toplaner up

Jayce isn't a mid/late game poke only anymore, he's played more as the Lane dominator he used to be on his release
Git up and go find something to eat u lazy shit
>Working partner:
>Sex Machine:
>i build it :^)
Just run a few points in meditation and/or or grab a couple mana regen blues

Then you don't get fucked by having a garbage first back and you buy a Dirk instead
oh right I forgot the biggest contender


Fuck that noise, this 7 will confirm.

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>this 7 will confirm
>>157384727 <--7

What does this mean?
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Oh fuck
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That feel when I accidentally drop the lantern but its almost guaranteed to be an OUTPLAY
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>Working partner
>Sex Machine
Working partner:fiddle
Sex Machine:irelia
>roomy 1
>roomy 2
>work partner
>sex machine
Elise, because she'd probably try to kill me
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>mfw I reach level 6 with vel'koz

THIS 7 will confirm that futa is NOT gay.
Weird, not loading for me. Maybe because I'm on my phone, but I'll check it out later, thanks

Eh, live and let live. The pic is decent even though it's not really the winning pic
>tfw enemy is up about 8k gold
>start thinking about next game
>enemy team fucks up every fight for the last 15 minutes of the game

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Probably singed because he is so autistic and has a lot of spare time since hes so shit that no one fucking plays him.
Foxdick Ahri pinup apology when
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i got a skarner shard and a aurelion sol shard
which one do i get lolgen
Nah something went wrong with the upload. I don't think imgur likes really big images.
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no way bro.jpg
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At this point it's better for contestguy to save his money
An apology pic would still leave people salty, or at least I would be salty. I played for Ahri knotting a thicc Sona and only a completely new pic would sate my thirst
We all know what the best Vayne porn is :^)

And even if he got a whole new pic, if the overall quality was inferior to the one we got (which is quite the possibility), people would just bitch about it
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good night
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Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
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good night
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>Lux getting the ultimate

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Anyone wants to boost my plat 2 ass to dia 5?
Is the secret to lee sin consistently landing your q on to people?
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I quit League during the summer after the whole cancer mage update happened. Is League even worth back going?
assassin update soon
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* ᴮᵘᵗ ᶰᵒᵇᵒᵈʸ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ
>get back to league on a fresh account 2 months ago
>start reaching a point where I need more than 2 rune pages
Season 7s removal of runes can't come soon enough.
Working partner:irelia
Sex Machine:katarina
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who's better senpaitachis
Singed, Heimerdinger, Shaco, Teemo, Nunu
hextech annie
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Of motherfucking COURSE Satan would ruin my fun.


hextech singed x-ddddddd
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assassin update incoming, so i hope you enjoy be raped by talon,fizz,rengar etc.
Does having 1+ LP in a division means that you can't derank since you will always be -1 on a defeat?
>walk up to enemy AD and stun him because players in this elo somehow manage to just let a leona walk up to her and Q them
>your adc doesn't react
>back off
>"I can't trade if you're not using E"

haha right I forgot only the E applied leona's passive and it also deals 500 magic damage so we can't trade if I don't use it to gap close

diamond 5 adcs
Who's the artist for this splash?
Really wish Fiddle was a good pick in this meta. Such a fun champ.
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wat do /lolg/?
only with surprise party
gift me ofc
Runes will literally NEVER be removed.

too make up for the lack of meaningful items in comparison to DoTard Runes and masteries fufill the customization gap.

Runes and Masterie system is what sets LoL apart from other games so at worst the rune system is going to get its numbers re-tuned or will become free with only FUN(tm) runes costing IP (see:Crit damage,Time Spent dead,Crit%,Energy regen ,ect)

>energy regen
>not the most powerful runes in the game
only for a few select champs though
Runes are an archaic game mechanic that Riot has repeatedly said they are going to change and recently started to hint that they are going to remove them.
How do I even play wind samurai in the early game I just get trashed by everyone, or do I have to be a pussy till PD
>Riven on sale
Should I get her?
>tfw no adc gf
We had no business winning this one. This team was an italian chef convention of spilled spaghetti.

I did fine against Jax in the laning phase, meanwhile my team was busy feeding their asses off to Annie and Lee Sin.

I forgot to swap summoners spells. This was okay because I was super tilted off my team's play, so it helped me CS and secure objectives while our Vi died to the Annie in new and unique ways.

We couldn't actually finish a 5v4 until we took both Elder dragon and Baron.

Oh Zyra excused herself because she did top damage to champions. So apparently supports don't have to build sightstone. Hope this taught you all something.
You know what I really wish for?
I really wish people would stop saying dumb shit like this.

people who REALLY love a champ will not stop playing them simply because they're "not meta"

Do you think Kayle mains all suddenly stopped playing Kayle for a fucking single second when she's "not Meta". Do you think Annie Bot ever stopped playing Annie or did those autistic Riven mains ever stop playing Riven ?

Anivia mains?
Singed mains?
Udyr mains?
Nasus mains?


literally none of these people have problems climbing even when the "meta" isn't suited for them. If you truly love a champion you will FIND a way to make them work in ANY meta because your fucking devoted.

This is the most retarded shit I hear so much.
If you cant be bothered to pick your fave champ when they're "not meta" then you're clearly not a fan of said champ or you're outright a stupid piece of shit that thinks they absolutely MUST play whatever the pro's are playing due to some sort of latent insecurity in your own skill or some shit.

Please shut the fuck up and never make another brain dead post again until your grow at least a single iota of a brain cell you stupid fucking poser.
>Enemy Nocturne


I thought russians had their own server.
People seem to complain about her a lot. Is she really that strong and getting gutted in near future?
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anyone here have this shiz? is it worth grinding 10 gemstones for if i already have dragonslayer
when the fuck are they nerfing jayces poke orb shit
>such a fun champ
I've played like 5 games with fiddle, calm the fuck down.
invalid code
That and Hextech Annie are literally the best 1350 skins in the game
Dragonslayer sucks unless you have the red croma
She's stupid on 6.20, her Q comes out way faster than normally. I got bodied in a teamfight because the enemy riven came towards at ludicrous speed.
I'm in silver, but is he really this oppressive off his poke?

I find Jayce more of a problem because of his dives. His accelerated orbs miss me a lot. Maybe I'm just saddled with less good Jayces though.
she's strong if ur good at her and riot won't nerf her because she's a high skillcap champ
Don't you feel bad for the chinks tho?

They manage to get 2 teams into the playoffs and they're both facing gooks in the first round.
Each team had 75% chance to get gooks, so how is that surprising?
Should've been chink vs chink, gook vs gook, whitey vs whitey and one last whitey to be sacrificed against gooks

this way they'd give all regions a chance
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Fuck I love this meme.

My favourite archetype out of them all is an autistic Singed player, hunched over his desktop scheming obscure strategies to piss people off, and never moving position because he's too autistically dedicated to lose rank, but his champion is too shit and he's too stubborn to change to gain rank.
>that everything
holy fuck silver is magical
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Hello? Did you cucks miss this or what?
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Watch guides and practice in normies.

although the jist of it is basically

-use Q on them whenever you can
-dash through atleast 2 minions then them land a Q+auto then dash out
-only try to fight when shield is up
-If trading with melee champ use windwall to block mage minion attacks and go for a slug fest if you can
-land ez Tornadoes for poke

Since you're new to Yas Id Recommend going 12/0/18 taking undying grasp and doing the tank Yas build every game for atleast 50 games.

She is a ridiculously strong snowballer but only if you worship her and practice your ebin mechanics 24/7 every fucking day. Riven a champ that requires complete devotion on to be effective because she has a bunch of frame-precise cancels and shit that lets you literally cheat the system and glitch your damage out faster.

thankfully ping and human error prevents anyone from being too wild on her .She needs to be re-coded from ground up and revamped with some actual weaknesses(seriously bring back the fucking Edge rework).

>Iceborn Vi

Its been 4 seasons and this will NEVER be a good item on her. Fuck those omegas who play her wrong.
I wish I was new with Yasuo I have like 60k points but almost every game I feed with him.
This has been leaked for literally like two weeks now
>Laning against an enemy Lux as Lux
>It's a slow lane because we're both the same champ, we're poking each other with E
>Enter Garen.
>Level 5 Garen
>With Dorans and a health pot
>We're both level 9

He's... Died 8 times, and 3 of those times were against the Lux I've been laning against.. Plus their Jinx is going 10 and 0. Which is nice.
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is battlecast skarner worth it?
I actually feel like Riven needs buffs.

I think an additional 30 health and 2 armor at level 1 would make her PERFECTLY balanced.
Lol no, fuck off Riven main.
>Fucking team can't figure out to peel for me and let me carry their asses.
>I did over 40000 more damage to champs than everyone.
>Still lose.
Fuck this stupid fucking game. One time two of them literally waiting in a bush to "ambush" and didn't do shit until AFTER I died.

No, seriously, fuck this playerbase.
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6am to 11 am is legit the worse time to play this game, right?

there's literally only children cry babies
I became so addicted to this game. I have over 10000 matches now. I have achieved highest of my rank possible. But I still crave to be of higher rank, to get the top, like top 100.

I had been neglecting my needs, food, hygiene, and study. My dog ran out of food so I had to buy it from cheap local store rather than pet store, where they have his favorite brand.

I skipped schools. I skipped my homework. I skipped my resume. I am eating bad. I am not exercising either. I am getting to the point where I needed help.

So I had to uninstall this game.

I had over 10k RP saved. So I bought all the possible Halloween items before I uninstall.
Now I must leave. I hope others be aware of game addiction and don't come to a point(point in which I am) where you cannot control yourself unless you take it away from yourself.
>Riots not happy with the current state of Artillery mages
>Each of them all seem to do the same thing so it becomes a arbitrary factor of "who clears waves the best?"
>Artillery Mage update coming next season
and they need help Narrowing down niche's

With that said how do we fix
It's the wild goddamn west man. There's some new fucked up thing happening in every game that you never considered would happen. Jax loses a lane to Illaoi? Check. I accidentally take smite but it works out because my support doesn't think warding is important? Check. Akali has 50 cs at 18 minutes while Annie roams the entire map, leaving the midlane cs uncontested? Checkarooni.

Honestly, that guy's heart was in the right place even if his screen was in black and white. My favorite part is the Jhin that didn't finish his build with 20k at 50 minutes into the game.
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>Cameback after one month
>check champion.gg to see what changed
>see this shit

What the fuck?

Morgana? Mundo? Sion support?
>your janna tornadoes rengar mid leap

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>find profile of bronze 5 player
>check his shit
i don't know what to say, hes building cleaver and mallet on thresh and braum and is running dft on thresh.. what a mystery
meme picks with low pick rates
make her W useful for starters

literally just revert the demolition charge buff, he can solo nexus towers without minions because of it.

doesn't need fixing, maybe make his stun projectile faster
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Champion.gg is always inflated with shit numbers from garbage Plat games and really low pickrates as people OTP their smurfs to Dia before the season ends

That said I've been preaching the gospel of Morgana mid for like a year now

The goyim know though so my freelo will probably get shut down
>Jax loses a lane to Illaoi?
If the illaoi is good that's what should happen. Bully him like fuck early, try to bait out his ult and e, then ult and just kill him.
>The goyim know though
Literally nobody plays her
is trundle still broken?
(coming from a person who hasn't played since 2015 and probably doesn't know what he's talking about)
Support mage. Make her passive do something vision-related, so she's a better support. it would fit her theme too, the whole light dealio
AOE mage. Less damage at range, more focus on interesting mobility and AoE damage.
Self-immobilizing cannon mage. Make him more similar to old xerath to please old xerath mains perhaps?
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I want to die.png
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This is the kind of shit I have to put up with.
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>Read Irelia's league judgment
>Look at her kit again
I get how you feel"waah waah Vi is for full balls to the wall snowballing only! screw all these noobs trying to play her as an initiating tank! XJ9 said.." but Iceborn Vi is perfectly fine in some situations.

If the enemy team is crawling with strong AD and assassins and you need to iniate/peel for your backline a Deadmans+IceBorn combo is usually more than enough to still do them in with a good combo and to top it off they wont be able to fight back. Vi's effectiveness still scales incredibly hard with CDR IceBorn is still worth its salt in most situations.

Against there will always be games where you already have plenty of damage and just need a sturdy frontline/initiator.

there is no static build and every game is so different and you should adapt as such. Thats just plain league 101.
>so mad I post on the wrong general
ARAM only accounts need to be removed
just because I'm actually good at the game I have to face retards with the most abusive champs in a game mode I play to relax
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>autofill chooses you to babysit bot
>eh, whatever
>win lane without problems
>get the carry 5 kills, do dragons together
>be forced to watch as the chucklefuck who got your main role does jack shit all game aside from trying to 1v2 in the enemy jungle and giving the enemy Nid 12 kills
>be powerless to change this since your carry has been struck by megalomania and needs constant peeling and that's all you're good for
>game spirals out of control

No wonder all supports are insane.
I thought the helicopter eggplant should have an edge so long as he's not playing poorly and understands his hitbox. I won lane against this guy because he kept getting chipped by Q's I'd thrown that looked like waveclear.

Baiting out skills and summoners is my favorite part of toplane. 'Missing' abilities to see how they dodge, baiting hard engages, and taking them to tentacle town is the most fun I have in the game.

That said I think I help more as a jungler most the time. I don't yet have the ability to force a commanding lead in top so that I can be a problem for the entire enemy team. I usually just walk out farmed and with decent KDA. I was 3-1 in that lane before I left to clean up the team's mess.
Normals MMR should be removed desu

I want to be able to shit stomp low elo players in the non-ranked gamemode I enjoy instead of having a Challenger in 3 of 4 games I play

Just fuckin with you, ARAM only accounts are cancer

I really do have Master/Challenger players in my normals pretty regularly and it's pretty aids. One Chally even sold all his items and inted because he fucked up a gank and was mad. Literal manchildren
>back to back 4 man premades


holy fuck how can you cuck ass lolbabs actually defend this shit? why the FUCK are 3-4 man premades in the same queue as solo queuers? how does this possibly make sense to you
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>With that said how do we fix Xerath
>Realize that I'm living through another day where riot didn't announce that they are going to revert his rework
I only have level 2 mastery on Riven.
They're not if you're not in a shit elo, aka Dia+

Also they will not be in any ranked games outside of Clown Queue next season, when Solo/Duo comes back as the primary

If you're below Diamond you didn't experience 4 man premades actually making a real difference in games anyways, back at the height of dynq bullshit
Can Kled jungle?
>"Can you please use your spells while they're blowing everything on me"
>"/all x9 braum toxic"

is there any community more soft-skinned than this one
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Technically anyone can jungle.
but as far as gaming goes no
what really annoys me the most is that Lyte single-handedly made the word "toxic" commonplace and used in every gaming community
Can Kled jungle with some success and efficiency?
I think his biggest problem is how safe and fucking bland they made his kit

I mean just look at his VFX for fucks sake. They took this whole WILD AND UNCONTROLLABLE ARCANE ENERGY identity and just fucking threw it away. now we have the most basic fucking shapes and an laughably unsatisfying ult (arguably the most in the entire game)

If they ever rework him I want the remove his E completely and replace it again then make his Ult more like ascension mode Xerath where he pushes everyone away then enters god mode for like 6 seconds or something.
The issue is that the problems we had weren't solved by IBG. The slow didn't stop jax, Lee, or Annie from doing their thing. Their entire team had some kind of stupid dash to ignore the IBG, and we lacked a dedicated 'assassin'.

Also I bitched out Zyra in chat while we were playing. I feel bad, but she was entirely unrepentant so I don't feel like I was a bully per se.
Guess the champion

hint, it's one of the best late game champions in the game
It's the worst I've seen, probably something to do with the large amount of women and early teens/preteens who play the game and aren't mature enough to understand friendly banter or tolerate their opinions being challenged

like the other guy said though, Lyte is to blame for giving them a knee-jerk buzzword to spew when they encounter something they don't like
create a custom game

record your clear time and see if you get executed
Not late game enough, good try though
I've had 5 beers. NB I can't see straight. 1-5 I keep terrorising aram queue. 6-0 I go to sleep
Good night, friends m friends.
sleep tight
bye. sweet dreams
I died to red buff after clearing krugs without a pull.
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Thank-you anomsg. This is my favorite image. Thus if just ab crop.
try again with different runes and triple red pot

if you still can't do a clear then you probably can't jungle with him
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Best Boy Urgot
I managed to jungle both ahri and annie without a leash but had to fiddle a lot with runes

I don't know what rank you are so this might be obvious but kiting is also vital
Where are all these cryostasis Anons coming from, and why have they been frozen during the spring?
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Good afternoon lolgen! Hope you have a nice day!
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>Lyte fired
>New client soon
>Replays in preseason
>Solo/Duo queue coming back to all elos
>Was able to buy the chromas I wanted with IP
>Hextech crafting for ~FREE(tm)~ shit
>Riot jewing esports orgs less than before

Ok I literally spent all season roasting the shit out of Riot and I actually quit for a few months because I was fed up with dynamic queue in Diamond

I gotta say they at least have unfucked some of the shit they fucked up badly this season, and have done some good stuff all around

Is it too soon for me to say season 7 might be one of the better seasons? I started in season 3

>Season 3 - Pretty good but I was bad
>Season 4 - Games lasted for fucking ever but I liked the meta personally
>Season 5 - Pretty shitty but it had some high points
>Season 6 - Absolutely awful and actually made me quit playing
>Season 7 - ???

also what am I gonna bitch at Riot about now?
The cunt that caused the great gutting with his autismo splitpush build literally started playing other champs after that, so fuck off.
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>be low diamond trynd
>be 10/2 our Zilean 8/1
>bot is feeding and jungle isn't the best either
>I ping and engage tank 5 people with ult and drop theier mid to 10%
>nobody is following the engage even I tanked everything and catched to CC's and QSS them
Seriously some people are so fucking pussy and don't know when to simply force things...
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>also what am I gonna bitch at Riot about now?
New jungle updates,like seriously I am so tired as a jungle main that jungle gets reworked every fucking season....
>>Lyte fired
when did this happen? i haven't played this shitty game for a couple months
>Adc dealt less damage to champions than me as Nunu
>I didn't get Loss Prevented

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wasn't possible, i was oom after every camp and had to back constantly. couldn't even gank, but i guess you had ad/as runes? used normal cdr/ap ones
ah yeah I barely play jungle but the jungle changes look pretty fucking band-aid and stupid

Lyte was fired like 6 months ago and then Riot immediately went on a warpath to unfuck everything. Dynamic queue won't be the primary ranked queue next season, they're implementing features they previously called unnecessary or "toxic", they're actually part-crowdfunding the Worlds prize pool, orgs get a cut of any Worlds skins they earn, etc

Lots of stuff that's actually good for the game have been happening since he was fired
She has no fucking weaknesses that most other melee champs have, no resources, highest scalings with AD in the game, a retardedly strong shield, 4 dashes, two short AoE hard CC skills and a ranged Garen ult.

She's an absolute nightmare to play against if you aren't a direct hard counter and only Yasuo has a more bullshit kit with his two ults.

She has an insanely vocal community who uses her "high skillcap" of glitch abuse as an excuse to throw bitchfits whenever someone say she needs root changes to her kit.
How do you play Jayce in lane? I just got clapped by a fucking Mundo at lv 2.
nice, what about a sandbox mode?
They haven't touched on it, but they recently announced (and actually apologized) for things they assured were here to stay like Dynamic Queue and openly reverted their stance on replays and have those coming soon

So based on that, I wouldn't be wholly surprised if we did see a sandbox mode come

I don't usually dickride Riot but I mean I would agree with them that solo queue, replays, new client, are all features that should be prioritized over sandbox mode
>point and click disengage
>clapped by a melee champion at lvl 2
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Nami, Bard, Kindred, Nidalee and Ahri
Pre mitigation, with AD runes she deals around 700 damage with Broken Wings and 3 AA's. She doesn't need anything even remotely like a buff unless it makes her damage less braindead.
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How goes the climb?
What the fuck does "clapped" mean?
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I swear to god why does Riot hate the jungle so fucking much?!
>Junglers have to be the same the second support of the team
>Junglers need to be carries now
>Junglers need to be tanks now
>Junglers must jew for objectives now
>jungle needs to buy item X
>jungle camps are easy as fuck so everybody can do it
>jungle camps hit like mike tyson on crack
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You're my favorite silver in this general

>tfw no fun eu posters
Nononono, Lux isn't a poke mage. She's just a normal mage that happens to operate at fucking 800 range.
Best part is her playerbase asking for buffs.
>land my Q and W him
>switch to melee form
>press Q and W on him
>he still clapps my ass

I'm gonna make some coffee right now, but would you like to play a normals on NA in a bit or are you busy
paste tense of clap
what about present tense of league of legends
>There's no static build in League
You what? The entire community operates off playing the most cookie cutter FOTM shit and RIOT endorses this, if a champ has a flexible build, he's usually garbage.
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how is your end season climb anon?
Alternatively they are like Ekko and only have flexible build because they can literally build anything and still clap their opponents
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>No Mana
>2 passives
>five million dashes per second
>fucking windwall
>you dont even have to hit your knockup, let malph do it for you

Is this the first 100% aids champion?
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Are we still laughing at NA?
Because jungle breaks their autism.

If done correctly, a Jungle can carry the team purely on technical knowledge. Riot want the game to be entirely about your raw stats and the only people who can carry are Mid and Bot.

It's why they hate Melee Champions outside of "Tank who runs into the enemy to absorb hits and CC"
>100% crit with 2 items
>The only downside is that they hit -10% damage
Literally why
Riven without a doubt

>One Dash
>3 mini dashes that make Slows useless on you
>Quadratic scaling
>Ult with two parts, one Offensive Nasus ult, one AoE execute
>Animation canceling that has yet to be fixed because they think it adds skill
>Passive promotes flailing like a moron
>Literally feast or famine because she only has ONE build stat, Damage.
Play Jungle a bit, see how RIOT keeps fucking with you at every turn, literally murdering half the playable champs in it as soon as they show potential to shift games (Warwick is one of the top 10 jungler on Champ.gg, this should tell you how fucking bad the state of the jungle is), cutting jungle gold whole buffing lane gold, now removing Smite Buffs (red and blue still remain) in favor of "plants" in the jungle which give no lasting buffs and can be taken by anyone with zero effort.
Two of my accounts are already Diamond so that's pretty done

I might get this other one I had in low elo to Gold before the end of the season
yeah, I used ad/as/armor

start incinerate charge it up at fountain, molten shield 2nd

I tried both talisman and machete but I can't recall which one was better

in any case it's hard and you're fucked if you get invaded

someone kill me
They both have in common that you can just hit your face on the keyboard, because you cant run out of mana. Why was this ever considered a good idea? Rumble has no mana, but they gave him a great new ressource that you have to juggle around. Even Energy is fine to me, but having absolutely zero cost on all of your skills? That goes against everything that DOTA established.
Yeah, one thing I noticed was the "Plants" are not to help Junglers at all.

They are there purely to help laners against junglers.

It's like when they changed Wards to "Help" supports but in reality it made Supports "Wardbitch" even more.
How are you still silver with 72% winrate?
Also the fact that half the items resource-less champs build has CDR is retarded. With energy, having too much CDR can hinder you. With resources less it's only going to help.
See, Even Garen and Katarina make the Lack of mana work better.

Garen has Long as fuck cooldowns on his defensives and he can be kited easily.

Kat lives or dies on her cooldowns.

Riven and Yasuo do great Auto attack damage and their cooldowns are short as fuck.

I always thought Riven's E should "Block" the next 1 auto attack or Spell that lands on her instead of being a Shield that gets pretty strong when all she does it build Damage and Cooldown reduction.
2nd worst after Riven. Both are tributes to the absolute worst game design can get.
>Wehn Riven was announced "We want our next champion to be like a fighting game character with a lot of comboes and complexity!"
QQQ, AA, W, AA, kill you if you are low enough with the remaining AAs or dash away with her E for won trade. There are few champs so aids to play against, including Tank Ekko at the height of his power.
i could play some normals sure
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just hit gold IV but am confident i can climb to plat trash before season end
what are some skins that give you a competitive advantage over the vanilla skin?
Whats the Rivens glitch and why is it so bad?
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>people queue up for a game
>they don't give their 110% effort to win
I don't get it, why would you ever play a game if your biggest goal isn't to win? I don't care if you memepick hard, but when you get two picks at 35 minutes and you go off farming jungle camps because you don't feel like doing baron, like why did you even queue up if you don't care if you win or not? You're playing a game, read a book if you don't want to be competitive.
I play to fuck with late-season salty climbers
Underworld TF and white Blitz make their missiles harder to make out, so you think you avoided them but they have the same hitbox as usual. Snow Annie's stun indicator is hard to see on her model.
Her Q and E can cancel the Windup Animations of W and R and I think others.
This 2bh. Why climb so late into the season? Scurred?
Now they only have to get rid of Ghostcrawler. I swear, putting him in charge of balance as the goddamn head of the balance team was the most retarded move they could have done.
>anonymous internet board where rules barely apply
>here are the rules as decided by myself and other real life rejects who claim this anonymous board as our personal little highschool yard

Yeah, okay buddy.
Any difference in rewards for placing in different tiers of a division? Like d4 vs d5? I´m so fucking sick of normals but I´m not willing to play ranked if rewards are different.
One of syndras skins made her balls really hard to see. Project Ekko and Ashe have very fast/slim projectiles.
Tiny markers at the bottom of your border
Right clicking while using Q makes it come out a lot quicker meaning you have literally no time to react before she gets to you. Which would be fine if she didn't land with a fkockup, damage, 3 AA's stacked that deal 50% more damage, he AoE stun and her shield dash so you can't deal damage back.
The Problem is the "Juggernaught" Rework was pointless.

At the end of the day when they give out Split % damage, high Mobility and CC like candy, Champions like Darius simply don't work.

Hell, I don't think top champions on a competitive level with no % base damage even exist now do they?
Steel Legion Lux has invisible spells.
Th-thanks anon, y-you too.
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This was a normal, I got gold, I'm done with ranked for now. I just don't get why even queue up if you don't give a shit? They didn't even memepick, they just picked standard shit and did nothing the whole game. The game was going fine, and then it was this weird sequence where people literally just sort stood around halfed farm while nasus slowly split top, and we just let them take objectives. It was bizarre and confusing. I'm pretty sure they were a 4 man, cuz when they took baron they insta surrendered even though we absolutely could've won. I just don't get why you'd waste like 45 minutes of your time like that. If you're gonna queue up, at least give a shit or do something creative.
>Renekton is used at all

Colour me surprised, he hasn't been used competitively for years has he?

And even so, Renekton is hardly a Juggernaught with Two dashes is he?
No idea. Also most Juggerniggers were actually pretty good reworks, Skarner was just overtuned, and Morde was/is a fucking abomination that is never going to be not-broken, but everyone other than him became a lot better IMO (basically all of the reworks apart from Morde skpiked in WR and stayed there).

Also, as far as I know Olaf has no % damage, same as Rumble, Cass and Kennen, and they see play often these days. There are probably more champs.
Anyone using the lcu client?
Can you use it in full screen?
>be in queue
>takes forever
>browse lolg in the meantime
>6 minutes pass
>got horny from all the lewd (also looked at the contest)
>quit queue and get ready to fap
I swear you guys have shit taste, how the fuck is yet ANOTHER arcade garbage ranked first while Blood Moon Elise (one of the sexiest skins in the game) and Pool Party Fiora are so fucking low? Normies get out of my /vg/
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>C9 botlane combined for 1/27/22

Leddit can be fun too sometimes.
How competitive?

Garen and GP are both tops with no base % in their kits. Garen has the execute, but he's always had that. Tryndamere and Pantheon too.

Unless you mean like absolute competitive play, where it's poppy trundle and olaf everywhere. I don't think those guys are used for % damage so much as what they accomplish on teamcomps.

Olaf has True Damage though, and is played much more in the Jungler. Also Cass and Kennen ain't Juggernaughts are they?

Rumble is a good case. I think we see a pattern though.

Either do AP and have a massive CC Ult or go home.
>lv 26
What turbocancer should I use to get into gold lads after I grind those 4 levels
>Expecting anything good from /lolg/
The very way 4chan works means autists with shit taste have the upper hand when something like a contest is a thing.
I don't think I have ever seen a high level game that has Garen top, or Tryndamere or Pantheon. So I guess you're counting Solo queue?

Also, I am not saying % based damage makes or breaks the champ, but it's insanely more useful than base damage.
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how do I play udyr? I just can't get the right combo of splitting, ganking and teamfighting. If I gank too much I don't get farm, if I farm, my team dies, if I split my team loses a teamfight, and sometimes I just get so worried about whether or not I'm doing all of those things in the right amount that I do none of them well. I just can't figure this guy out. Even when I do run on a streak where I play well, I end up losing a fuck ton of games in a row afterward where I forget all that I've learned. How do I win with this guy? What's the secret?
I'm curious why Kench isn't used more in top competitive. He has % health, engage, and the ability to rotate hard as shit.

Also since he scales entirely off health, his builds will be cheap as fuck.
We just need something to shake up the game out of this frozen meta. Its stagnation since the fall of western pros.
-Huh! And the player salaries? Wasting thousands is going to help the lower ranked players?
In theory Darius should be easily kited but in practice everyone feeds him and he ends up doing 5k true damage in a team fight.
Well i am not just counting top lane. it isn't like Juggernauts are top lane exclusive.
In fact Skarner is pretty much jungle bound.

Pros just like mobility and C o help them play out their boring safe lane phases, you are seldom going to see a wild pick during LCS, no matter how much the casters scream about that blown flash at top 5 minutes in.
Blood Moon Elise is default "i've been told by media what is sexy" sexy, and that doesn't mean you're wrong, but she's far from anything but "oh look a tight dress with tits hanging out with lots of nice skin showing, and tight hair cut".

In terms of personal taste, it says nothing.

So outside of that, people like to define themselves through... well.. personal taste.
I think purely because he's a great support and Riot probably tell people not to show how broken Kench is.

Also he gets his ass eaten by Fizz and Timenigga, who I don't think have been nerfed since forever.
He gets a built in phage passive.

BC is core.

He builds DMP.

I get that he still doesn't have things in his kit to do more than melee, but he's sanic fast the second he gets rolling.
Back to lebbit with you
Is that a meme?
Well the issue there is LoL never actually compensates against Mobility.

Mobile champions are inherently better than immobile ones when it comes to melee.

Ranged have the advantage of just adding longer range or CC to be able to kite.

Melee can't do that.
a lot of things are sanic fast in this game but get kited anyway because even if you're getting +75% movespeed from a righteous glory you're gonna walk like a grandpa when braum Qs you
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Not even him but pirate quinn is top tier sexy, normies get out.
Literally been to Reddit twice ever. Dunno if it's a 2000> generation kids who keep talking about reddit or what, but yeah, stop projecting.
Maybe not toplane, but I don't think he's even used as a support. Not even when the pro scene revolved around drafting rotation-based ADC/Supp comps.

While his ult is just TF/Ryze stuff. I think it has the potential to be a huge playmaker in that sort of environment, but I could be wrong.
Are you actually this retarded or are you just baiting? The first thing you did in your bait was projecting.
reminder they also have given riven nothing but buffs for a while now

>random ult buff

yeah because her ult was so weak am i right hehe xd
I fiddle jungle all day
T. Silver surfer

For real tho I do.
Beccause every single aspect of his kit has been nerfed?
He no longer has MS on his W when running away from the enemies (meaning it's hard to save allies); the way his passive works after the "buffs" means his poke is garbage, and also makes him weaker post 6 at pretty much all points in the game unless he has at least two stacks on a target; His AA range got changed from 175 to 100, his E's duration got halved and Gray Health is far FAR worse, his Q had width changed from 90 to 70 (meaning it's as thin as Ez Q).

There is no fucking reason to play him over anyone else, in ANY role unless you are like me and just flat out like how his kit feels and his aesthetic.

>TK's WR drops from 45% to 44% after his "buffs"
"Literally been to reddit twice" is projecting?
The amount of stupidity in your posts is astounding. You better stop before you embarass yourself further.
I'll bite. Explain to me in detail why IBG is shit on Vi

I've never built it but now that I think about it I think I've overlooked it massively. The slow seems incredibly good for teams with 2+ melee and in general seems like it'd be impossible for people to run from you, sheen is obviously very nice since she's always going to be q'ing in and autoing after and CDR is very, very useful on Vi
First time Riven player here. I'm summoner level 5.

Which buttons do I need to press in which order to win, what items do I need to build in order to kill fast, and which champions do I need to worry about? Enemy team is Alistair, Braum, Kha'zix, Ashe and Corki.
>you better stop, o-or else, you s-sound stupid
This pretty much sums up my problem with the Juggernaughts and Mobility in general.

Slows are thrown out like candy because they don't effect range or mobile champions that much.

But they can absolutely cripple a Brusier who can't either shrug off CC and beeline for the enemy like Olaf or who has Mobility.

I think that's why Darius is hardly ever played. He could have 1000 movespeed but getting hit by a stray slow zone for 50% puts that down to 500 and he'll never catch the ADC.
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You forgot Lux. I don't see how Viktor fits that much and I play him. pls no bully, I'm actually curious and I want people's opinion
One day someone is going to explain to me how post all the guttings TK is gut. because he's one of the slowest characters in the game, his damage is bound to his AAs (and he isn't allowed to build any AS anyone now that his damage is solely HP based), his poke is garbage, he's weak to ANY ranged attack, and he demands commiting to deal his damage, while also not being able to discourage the enemy from just murdering him while he walks up to them.

There's a reason why the "great champion" that Tahm Kench is has a garbage winrate in all his roles.

So literally "she isn't special snowflake enough?". What a garbage reason.
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I'm gonna give you the benefit of doubt and assume you're trolling and not a sperg.
>a rioter said that preseason would 'remove unnecessary complexity' from the jungle a month or so back

>1 month later

Illoai is the most unfun thing in the game.
>bait out her Q
>make it look like you are going for her
>dodge the obligatory E
>all in her
>win the engagement
Problem is, you might have figured her out but your team sure as hell hasn't and they WILL walk one by one in her ult and die.
>special snowflake

No my point is that she is a sort of default, she's not designed that way, that's just how she is. They basically just took some stock images of sexy women in revealing red dresses and stuck Elise's core characteristics in it.

But in the same way people might say a car is the most efficient and easy way to travel from city to city, it's the obvious choice if that's all you care about.
Some people however are happy to ride a bike to work, motored or not.
But they are removing jungle buffs apart from Red and Blue. Isn't that awesome? I bet it's going to be fun maining an AS champ without the Krugs buff!
wit's end my dude. also people haven't yet discovered how good fervor is on turbotanks like kench and mundo
What do you do as a short ranged AD against Aurelion Sol?
Yeah that's gonna hurt Quinn jg a fair bit especially, since she kinda relied on the stuns to not lose her entire health pool to red.
>pick the loaf
>1v1 her in her ult

happens everytime
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>reckful's donation per month + subs

Jesus fucking christ. Qt and them gets way more than that too. Really makes you think
Not to mention dying during W negates the damage it deals so you can't 1 for 1 in ganks unless you're already ahead enough to survive
I know, I used to make Devourer on him before it got removed.
But now that he has no damage off his passive without HP (ult used to give 20 dmg base so you didn't have to have all HP items) it's a garbage investment.
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>tfw just found out about the Plants thing
What the fuck Riot
Are they trying to kill their own game?
>Get done with games
>Really like some of these posts about the jungle, season balance, and especially theRiven/Yasuo/resource-less champs in general and their design - well thought out posts with real critiques
>deadbeat tired, need to go to sleep, too exhausted to become part of the discussion
>tomorrow it'll just be waifu spam, porn of waifus spam, ESPURTS bullshit, and other cancer


these threads can be pretty alright late late night. shame during the day/night theyre such cancer and retardation
loaf bros WW@
>tfw you cant just have a successful life streaming and saving that money for the years to come.
I just got into LoL again because of worlds, haven't played the game once in the last 6 months.
This is the typical EU cancer man. See how the thread goes to shit when there aren't many Amerilards to bantz it up :^)

G'night anon.
Forsen once flashed his donations on streams, that shit is absurd.
It wouldnt even take long to retire early and live comfortably. Crazy.
>Frozen mallet
>Each basic attack adds 2% Bonus to MR and Armor, Stacking up to 5 times while slowing the target by 30%, Lasts 5 seconds

Did I fix Frozen mallet? is it worth picking on people besides Gnar?
Ahri because of waifufagging and Ricegnat
Singed because playing like a retard is fun
Graves because I like snipping with ult and shooting scrubs
Viktor because of waveclear and DAMAGE
Jax because he's the champ
In loading screen with Graves jungle, I went thunderlords, did I fuck up? Also I'm guessing deaths dance after jungle item?
>this makes the Shyvana terminal again
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I want to put together a comp that's as annoying, frustrating, and all-around insufferable to deal with as fucking possible. Suggestions?

Top: Teemo
Jungle: Nunu
Mid: ? (Leblanc?)
Support: Soraka
ADC: ? (Cait?)
any advice on memeing with Leona Top?
I've been trying it out a bunch and having fun, but any especially good items?
I try to get cold mitts, titty hydra, and triforce.
Thats the OP. the lifesteal one is shit
>More Junglers is a bad thing.
No. The item is either niche as fuck or its overpowered, meaning bought on everyone. What they need to do is make a toggle that drains mana to slow the enemies.
Which is much worse then being garbage like she is now?
Even at her most oppressive she wasn't Kindred tier or anything.
And what if said champ doesnt use mana like say Gnar or Shyv?
>drains mana
>gnar / any manaless champ
but the big users are manaless
In rough order: Poppy, Sion, Olaf, Brand, and Kled. I like tanks, I think. And Brand.
the problem isn't that it's 'not worth picking on people besides gnar' it's that it's absolute cancer on anybody that it is worth picking on. you do not want to see the meta where frozen mallet is a good item on most adcs in the game, trust me.
See, this is a thing about Item Design.

Why not just have a ton of OP items that forces the 6 slot dilemma?

Especially for tanks/brusiers.

Buffing for example, Frozen heart and Randuin's

Giving actual Alternative builds instead of just the most Optimal.
They dont get to use it. Fuck manaless champs, they're cancer by design.
>iceborn and Triforce
Pick one or the other, anon. Get mallet if you really want FREE slows and get sunfire+mogs to maximize hydra damage if you don't need more MR than mercs+W
Someone should make the account name FeelsMarksman
>this is not wrong
The item is fine really IMO. What they need to do is creatie items hat make more sense on bruisers and make it so that ADCs and AD assassins won't flock to them like maggots to a corpse (which is why Bruisers have never had a good item stay good for more than a month).

Basically any "bruiser" item should have their offesnive stats related to your defensive ones (what I am saying is BRING FUCKING ATMAS BACK RIOT)
>Frozen Mallet
>first auto slows for 15%, second for 30%, third doesn't slow but deals like 10% extra damage
Since it's bough on shit like Gnar that has a 3 hit passive.
that's fun and all, but you know what's REALLY fun? GEMS top
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no fuck you
Syndra because honestly she is the only reason why I keep playing this game.
Then maybe Gangplank, Orianna, Jinx and Viktor.
>at her most oppressive
You mean when she deleted anything in 2 seconds with devourer/flare? Last I checked kindred could never do that

>too hungry to play league
>get up and get food
>now I'm too lethargic and full to play league

I've just been sticking to cups of coffee when I'm grinding.
>Scaling Bonus Armor and MR on an ADC is cancer.

See, maybe it'll force some "Defensive ADC" builds or ADC can build one or two defensive items.

I think the best example of this Duality is Triforce and Iceborn.

Both offer Similar outcomes but with different ideas, Defensive and offensive, utility and Damage.

Frozen Mallet is like the counterpart to Black Cleaver. Instead of speeding up, it slows, instead of lowering enemies defenses, it raises yours.

> (which is why Bruisers have never had a good item stay good for more than a month).

but titty hydra is great dude
>Team has at least one slow or movespeed haste
>Enemy team has a Shyvana

>See a helpless Yordle drowning
>Begrudgingly jump on water
>Fucking wet tails flopping around make it hard to swim
>Get tangled in endless wet hair
>The Yordle is lifted and saved by Garen who was close by

Shit lifeguard
>not deleting anything in 2 seconds

You're right, the difference is that kindred does it from range whiile being invulnerable
Titty Hydra should convert your HP% to AD, not just give a bonus on damage, that way it'll scale on abilties too.
Then you haven't been watching enough of Kindred play higher up, what can I say?
The ranged jungler carry of unduelability from lvl 3 was basically shitting on the game harder than Shyv's no-gapcloser melee self ever did.
>most damage on team, 41k
>riven has 17k

baka desu senpai

crushed her pucci top too
Nice work Destruction Man.

They should just make the slow be 1.2% for every 10 max health, .6% for ranged. It would be much weaker early on, and slightly stronger lategame on tanks. On carries like Yasuo Kindred Teemo it'd be much less effective
i just cant destruct hard enough

it hurts man

i cant carry myself out of wood league
It's an OK item, but look at what happened to Maw, Sterak's Gage, Randuin's Omen (Atma's Impaler too) and the Mallet nerfs and how outclassed it is compared to the AP counterpart (not that I have any idea what the fuck was RIOT on when they decided to make Rylais into one of the highest AP items in the game).

Oh and Rageblade as most abusers were actually bruiser builds.

I think you can see a pattern here
>have 3000 HP
>get a 360% slow
go work at riot
>me unga
>team bunga

>see enemy team
>360% slow and win the game
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This isn't fun. I can't wait to start playing with people who aren't bad, but it's hard to get to that stage when you're paired in a team with a duo of fucking turks (playing on euw because why not) and a duo playing on Mcdonalds wifi.

Have I gotten into LoL too late?
He probably meant 100 HP for 1.2 slow. It'd still be nice.
>level 5 riven main
>already complaining
>36% slow at 3000 HP

So it's basically a nerf for the early game making building Frozen mallet pointless.

The biggest issue with Frozen mallet is twofold.

>Shit stats and expensive
>Gauntlet does it's job just as good.

It's why I suggested it increasing your defenses too as a counterpart to BC.

Because Riot has basically told Tanky items to fuck off.

That was my first game as Riven, I was trying her out.

I usually play Ryze because he's the only champion I own other than Katarina.
>Oh and Rageblade as most abusers were actually bruiser builds

kog'maw alone got that item completely destroyed

Sorry, Ashe. I don't own Katarina. Katarina is fun though.
>25/4 as lux
>chogath who's 9/9 is asking me how much my CD is
>cho: you should totally build athenes bruh
>"i dont need it"
>cho: nah bruh, its for your ult
What part of having twice as much kills while half as less deaths makes you think I need your build advice? You're a fucking retard that wants to put deathcap on chogath.
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What ADC is viable?

I wanna be a big titted girl being useful in botlane so Miss Tits, Caitits or Sivir jinx is an exception
This reminds me ahve you seen Zedblade and Yoomu's changes? Anyone with high base armor is going to get shat on by healthy ADs once the season starts.
>Zed can now ignore 45% of your base armor and 45% of your bonus armor with two items
wait what
Fellas what do we think of Irelia jungle?
Lucian has the biggest tits.
Well that's just how Riot likes it don't they? They always balance for the "Epic plays" assassins and carries instead of the Brusiers or the tanks.
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/Lolg/ has such a hatred for Zed when he was shit for half of his existance.

Get a grip faggots and stop complaining about him every fucking time.
New Duskblade is better than the old at anything above 25 armor
New Duskblade will be better than old Duskblade + old Yomus at anything above 70 armor

Yomus is bit weaker but Duskblade is even stronger to compensate so you can go Duskblade into Yomus now instead of the other way around.
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The Issue is Zed is one of, if not the most safest and easiest Assassin in the game.

Even when he was shit he could still farm really easily and really safe and blow people up who were not a brusier and escape.

>Tanks are supposed to counter assassins and ADC
>Riot make items specifically designed to kill Tanks.
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Oh you motherfucker
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61 LP Gold 1

Close to hitting that platinum but my pool is small and I mostly play Gnar, which I'm pretty shit at.
Just hit dV yesterday

took me 500 games though
Vlad is an albino, so his nipples are probably as pale as the rest of him.
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>tfw you finally get mastery 7 on support
>Be me
>Be mundo
>Crushing Zed top! with a solid lead of 20 cs
>Jungle comes and suicides by solo towerdiving to the Zed
>He comes back and now can suddenly one shot my 150 armor ass trough ult
>Assassins need a "Rework"
>Buff them across the board with little options of counterplay

And When they mean "Assassin" they mean "Squishy champions we at Riot favor"

Because it's not like Nocturne is getting any major changes is he?
Zedblade ignores 45% of your base armor. Youmu only 20%
Nocturne is an anti-meta jungle global pseudocarry semi-bruiser, not an assassin.
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hahaha oh lordy

Man I remember when I was like this, being still new to the game and everything, raging at team mates and unironically spouting "muh KDA motherfucker".

I thought this was going to be an >athenes on core lux story but hell no son it's just you being a rage baby. Got any more? I'm due for some more laughs.
>rolling for champion to spam until mastery 5 or next highest mastery 000-131(2?)
Zed is also one of the worst assasins in the game because his ult is super telegraphed it gives you a whole second to think of what you're gonna do. Also Zed falls off harder than any assassin. He's trash.
/Lolg/ has such a hatred for Tahm Kench when he was shit for three quarters of his existance.

Get a grip faggots and stop complaining about him every fucking time.

And yet somehow people will still ask for FURTHER nerfs. Even tho one of these is a shitty pickrate tank and other other has consistently been the most popular mid every couple of months.
You forgot Initiator! Another slogan Riot trots out for Tanks who have Initiating skills but are shit tanks and do no damage.

Zed is probably one of the few Assassins who brings an Alternate playstyle. Zed can easily splitpush without risk of getting caught. Compare him to Talon and Zed is more useful in every way.
/Lolg/ has such a hatred for Udyr when he was shit for half of his existance.

Get a grip faggots and stop complaining about him every fucking time.
Remember, Armor and Health just get in the way of Playmaking!
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>There are people that unironically want Shyvana to get more nerfs

Show me on the doll where the dragon touched you.
I just find it funny that for once, a mostly gab closer-less champion was strong and was instantly nerfed to make sure she was useless.
Played against a Jhin yesterday and he was shitting on my team. Told him if he got 30 kills, I'll gift him High Noon. He got like 20 but I gifted him the skin anyway because why not? Feels good giving back to the league community.

I want the dragon to touch me down there
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>Okay so Zed is currently in a bad spot because he's super oppressive in lane but falls off really hard once teamfighting starts, what do we do?
>Make him able to SPLAT the tank?
>You're a genius
Why don't you people who actually care about end of season rewards and shit climb mid season?
>down there
Back of the knee maybe?
>Champs whos shit panth cant push in
Who are they?
>Why don't you people who actually care about end of season rewards and shit climb mid season?
cause shit mao skin
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>Sated was removed
>Riot gives he a worthless buff to her pathetic W AP ratio
>"It's so she can use all the stats Rageblade provvides!" - Riot :^)
>Fucking leaves all her "Nerfing this because Sated xD" nerfs
The champion called lategame
I'm the TK guy, and FUCK this makes me sad. I only picked up TK because the 'Dyr was complete garbage in Season 5's jungle unless you went for D GATES turbo autist build, and there's never any chance Tiger is going to be good.
good, leave her in the gutter
she's fucking stupid when she's good
>get permabanned for being sir salty
>make new account anyway because old one had too much bullshit going for it
>start the new matches
>forgiving of players because theyre new
>spot smurphs easy but whatever
>at level 14 now
>am disgusted by literally everyone in this climb back to 30/ranked
>have no idea how i managed to go through this cancer the first time
>this second time only gets worse and worse as i go
>literally the worst
>cant carry hard enough for how heavy these players are
>many are smurphs anyway
>but never on my team
>im always paired with the retards
jesus christ i cant wait to get fucked in promos to bronze 5
>riot still giving heroes mixed ratios

whats the deal
>nerf champion because item is too good
>remove item
>don't revert any of the nerfs

riot's balance team is truly amazing
Is this legit? If so thank fucking god. I never could wrap my mind around the fact that a simple window could be using ~50% of my CPU.
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How do i get past plat 1? Also how do i start using pinks? I've bought like 3 of them in the past 100 games.
>Not good

bruh do you even level 1 tiger top cheese into wriggles turtle

the sustain game is out of control
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Don't forget

>Titanic Hydra strong on her? Nerfed.
>Frozen Mallet strong on her? Nerfed

And how goddamn fast they dropped trying to make Rageblade good on her.
>wriggles proc triggering turtle regen
>udyr top

This is some cave painting post right here.
>always carry pink
>put one on top of yourself when you 1v1 someone
>watch them click the pink while you kill them
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>no skill garen tier of braindead right click champ nerfed

hmm I wonder why they would nerf such a champ
>Newshits literally don't know about Wriggles Lantern and how it was built on every champion


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>Fighting someone in lane
>Both of us are one auto from death
>missclick a minion
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When you don't have anyone to queue with and 2/3 lanes lose every time

But then you find a godlike mid/top Kayle OTP and win 6 straight games with them

Plat should be easy
Where is nova ?
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Did you just call Garen a right-click champion or was that just poor wording?

Say what you want about his skill level, he's an AD Caster, not an auto attack champion.
daily reminder that trist x rumble is canon now

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Tell me more about how to get freeelo with nida. What masteries/items?
Trist x my dick is cannon nigga
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don't fucking (You) me
Huh? The guy just says Wriggle references are like talking about a dfferent game at this point.
hungary nooooova?

fuck off chimes :^)
i had some weird infection on the lower part of my ballsack and after I showered I got to squeeze out a super satisfying amount of pus
who can relate
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See a doctor
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>Don't get a ban
>Nobody bans Kennen
>Enemy team picks a Kennen

Give me one reason not to ban this little shit
I already got an antibiotic for it but I still get the pleasure of experiencing something like this
haven't played lol in a while? what are good champs to carry my imouto to gold v?






these builds are giving me s2 ptsd
>Playing Nunu in the carry meta
What do you guys think about imaqtpie?
I really, really don't understand how someone can get such bad teams so regularly.
hell yeah
>You get into the loading screen and you see this on your team on lolskill

What do
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>rage baby
but anon, we won

And here's another one
>we got aced but the enemy team cant do much about it because their mid and bot are both open already
>they try to do a quick push on top but it fails because I respawned
>tell my team that we should take elder as soon as they respawn
>fucking riven teleports behind the enemy team thats already recalling back to their base
>gets destroyed 1v3
>riven: where the fuck is everyone
>"I said we're going elder"
>riven: but we could've killed them
How hard is it not to be a fucking 1v1me retard and listen to the guy who's obviously carrying all of your asses?
>he doesn't use select champions only key in such situations
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watching summoning insight prediction episode now

LS had some great points even tho he is a faggot

does that mean faggots can think too?
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i wanna cuddle with shyvana and hold hands
>bronze 1
>100 lp
now i know ill get all the afk and trolls i didnt get in the past games
It was just one game, lad
He could do better now
Made platv about a week ago. I don't think I can improve fast enough to hit diamond before the season ends so I pretty much accepted my fate. Now I'm comfy as hell playing a ranked or two games a day and spamming a lot of normals playing champions i never played before. it's fun
Why is Ryze allowed to exist

Why don't they just remove him from the game instead of trying to balance him because they clearly have no fucking idea how to make him balanced
>>many are smurphs anyway
>>but never on my team

you are the smurf on your team.
Going to do placements on my smurf in a few days when I reach 30, would any bronze/silver friendly anons want to premake?
source for this? i looked to no avail

>don't get a ban
>i'm a fan of quinn top
>always ban gnar
>i can deal with him. sometimes he's a bit annoying to deal with. just don't enjoy playing against him
>my team shits the bed around him
>ask politely for a gnar bar
>team says "gnar is shit in this meta."
>gnar picked before I've even picked
>team shits the bed around gnar
>I'm up 100cs on the little tyke and he's only bought half the components for a fucking black cleaver and shits on them while I'm off getting the inhib turret/kamikazing on their adc and support.

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confession time

I 'main' Yasuo but if the enemy picks it I dodge because that champion is bullshit and I know it better than anyone else
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>riven players
Playing jng lately and I have a problem with choking when lanes keep spamming for help. Like I want to help my lanes but when I look down mid at 1/4 health yasuo vs full health and mana ahri with flash/ign up I'm not really up for the gank sometimes. It seems like if I don't go in they tilt their asses off but if I do go in I know it's gonna go badly and we'll get counterganked. So I don't really commit and I choke on the gank cause my laner always thinks gank = GO ALL THE WAY IN.

What do
he only posts the bad teams.

get in to game

/mute all
/mute pings

play how you want to play and gank how and when you want to gank.
What are some differences between good and bad players? What are some specific things they do differently?
I just realized. Today i became a 25 year old virgin.
muting pings is bad usually unless you see someone abuses them. Lot of times I may not be looking at the minimap but someone pings me if someone walks over a ward. You could miss a lot of information muting them.
But yeah, fuck the chat /mute all is cool
How do you make instant point-and-click snare balanced? You cant. Just flash in and rape the enemy, thats ryze's character.
I wanna hold Jinx's hand
Tell your laner to shut the fuck up and go back when their HP is low. Ganking a losing lane rarely works out.
Congratulations anon! It takes a lot of mental fortitute to wait for marriage!
syndra for middle gnar or darius for top
5 more to go!
>not getting tenacity
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>play with plat friend
>either does really well or feeds his ass off and starts running down mid before flaming in /all and shitting on our team
>play with silver friend
>he's shit at the game but he'll at least listen to what I say and my win% with him is significantly higher

Platbabbies are the most entitled assholes in this game
>tfw still gold 1
I will never be as comfy as you, anon
>play ahri against syndra
>even in farm
>land my ball on her, go for the all in with ult while dodging her q and e
>she presses r on me

wew CLASSIC outplay
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>>rage baby
>but anon, we won

Anon you can still be a raging baby and win
>Grail oriana
anon why...
and what league are you
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Gimme the BEST shyvana build there is
believe in yourself and the power of memes

You can make the silver 3 sprint

I am plat myself (P2) so higher than both of them

My first friend is welfare plat and my silver friend is S3.
Dont question my build choices, chogath. And while we're talking about builds, you dont need fucking deathcap. Get rylais, you retard.
>pricing hextech exclusive skins for rp

also bait thread, there are so many good 1350 skins
titanic, bork, switfies, deadmans, ga, ghostblade

I've never played shyvana btw
Damage focused: Bloodrazer> Fmallet> Titty> Tank

Tankier talisman > greaves>jaurims>tiamat>fmallet> cinderhulk> titty>tank
let play a game /lolg/
Let say you have to make a ranked team of a bronze, silver, gold, plat, and diamond players What role do you choose for each player so the team does best?
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I'm actually fucking done with this game

fuck this





Did she have balls on the ground already? Did she have a significant item advantage? Did you even land charm? Did you build luden's first or some other retarded gold 4 build?

t. D3 Ahri one trick
Mallet is a meme, try Trinity Force instead.


Who are we booing today, lolg?

Diamond jungle
>most map pressure, would easily snowball vs lower ranks
Plat ADC
Gold mid
Silver top
Bronze support
>i hate this game
>i'm done
>i give up
>time to still play the game

you have a problem
God I want to pump her full of my malefic visions
top: bronze, put him on something braindead like kennen
mid: plat
ad: gold
support: silver
jungle: diamond
no it's not, but if ya want you can just go tforce on either of the builds I said. I think bloodrazer > triforce is too squishy and cinder> tri is too slow
Only 19 here, but right here with you. Only another 80 years of resisting temptation to go.
I'd nether grasp her.
I can handle playing this shitfest if it's to feed and ruin other people's games

shouldn't be long before I'm banned anyways :)
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So Pre-Season 7 Jungle will be:
>Raptors will be 5 small raptors, 1 large.
>Blue/red are indeed solo camps

Making most Champs viable in the Jungle

>adding Plants

Making the Game More RNG Based i guess?
Top silver
Jung diamond
Mid gold
ADC plat
Supp bronze
Top Gold
Jungler Silver
Mid Diamond
ADC Plat (on ezreal)
Supp bronze
that's retarded

Silver jungler will cause you to flop and lose the game

Diamond junglers will exert and incredible amount of pressure and control the game

enjoy losing
So I'm pretty tired but I'm not ready to drift off into the void just yet, so whats the most braindead tanky top laner I can spam and shit around with until beddy bye time.
I'd take a bronze jungler and a silver support if I were you
Don't forget;
>no smite buffs on smol camps
Top Silver
Jungle Plat
Mid Diamond
Adc Gold
Support Bronze

When you're jungling and all your lanes are shit, you can pressure as much as you want, it wont help.

im >>157396315 but can honestly see his point. Diamond jungler help you win, but a bronze jungler wont make you auto lose. A garbage lane could, since silver/bronzies dont know how to not get snowballed.
Mid: Diamond
Jungler: Plat
ADC: Gold
Supp: Silver
Top: Bronze
>people picking bronze supports and higher rank adc

why even

either pick a decent support to make your ad win or pick a shit ad and try to cut your losses
Watch a movie or something wtf
Top: Bronze
Mid: Gold
Jungle: Dia
ADC: Plat
Supp: Silver
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This is my list of personal Shyvana builds.

The first is my standard go-to Shyvana build I build in most games.

The second is my go-to Shyvana build when I'm doing stupid well early game.

The third is just a retarded crit build to mess around in normals with.

The fourth is a retarded burst build to mess around in normals with as midlane Shyvana

The last is just some retarded theorycrafting in work. Results may vary.
Fuck that, a movie can barely hold my interest while I'm awake.
>Letting the bronzie play anything but jungle
You're all a bunch of retards. We have a challenger-level jungler ITT that can't even break low diamond
Just get him on a low skill champion and let him powerfarm/call the shots for him
>We have a challenger-level jungler ITT that can't even break low diamond
If he cant climb out of low diamond, he is not challenger tier.
He is low diamond tier.
literally just put the bronze on top and give him an impossible to fuck up champion, tell him to farm under tower

jungler in this meta is the most important role
Armstrong is just fucking bad and deserves to be in Diamond

The people suggesting a Dia jungler are likely people in higher elo

Have you seen what Metroid does to sub-Master games in the jungle?

Jungle in this meta controls the entire game, if you retards think putting a Bronze on Yi in the jungle means your lanes are miraculously not going to get their absolute teeth kicked in you're retarded

Jesus christ there is a reason the top 6 bans in high elo are junglers, jungle runs this game right now

The reason you guys assume a bronze jungle is fine is because whatever trashbag elo you are in the junglers have zero game knowledge

Jungle is the role that scales far and above the highest with game knowledge (read: that's not necessarily mechanical skill or matchup knowledge, it's overall game and macro knowledge)
All adobe products are historically badly optimized and massive ram whores.
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>Favorite champions are all out of meta besides the supports because support meta isn't as notable.
Should I keep playing them or just play the better, less fun champions?
twitch----> idolmariya

Remilia got nose surgery

oh and shes on cam
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I've said this before but your club tag gets me every time
You can play everything until you hit high diamond.
Just finished One Punch Man and Attack On Titan, looking for more recommendations.

Enjoyed both anime so far, although I have to say that I never really watched anime before.

Got an account to level up and looking for a rather short and interesting anime to watch while I jungle TF my way to level 30.
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Where the fuck is this idea that Armstrong is Challenger-Tier coming from? He's master tier.

The reason why he's having trouble breaking out of low diamond is BECAUSE he's master tier. Climbing actually takes effort in case people forgot. There's so many high diamond players that do unranked to challenger series and it goes the same way every time.

They breeze through silver and gold in just a few games, and their progress starts to slosh at plat and come to a crawl at high plat/low diamond, but they still keep climbing.

Armstrong let himself decay to low plat, so it will take him awhile to get back to high diamond/low masters which is where he belongs.
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What do you do when you have angry issues, your cat stops loving you, you keep loosing at lol and thinking about suicide because everything seems bad?
Yeah, new client is HTML5 based instead of being made on Adobe AIR.
Why can't I gift people in the futuristic client?
Nova himself stated it multiple times
Mob Psycho 100 is only 12 eps and is based on a webcomic by the same guy that wrote OPM, so give that a shot.
I know your feel, Ivern viable when?
>he fell for the esports meme
Oh fuck off Armstrong

Armstrong did not "let himself decay"

He mad tilted out of Masters down to Diamond level, he literally posted in the thread as he lost game after game

A Master player will have NO issues getting out of D5

Armstrong got bad at the game and is hard stuck in D5

Hug support
someone leaked that and the SG skins in a reddit post already
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Yes, he tilted down to D5. Then he ragequit the game and played overwatch while his league account decayed from D5 to low plat.

Now he's back and he's climbed back up to D5 and is back to tilting.

When the man actually stops getting mad at video games and plays he is master tier, which is why he constantly fluctuated between D1-Masters before tilting to D5.
He hasn't been master tier for at least a year.

He literally has thousand games in mid diamond, you can't get a more solid mid diamond assessment than that.
can you get to low diamond only playing trynd?
Can you guys please give me your hones opinions about Ryze and Vlad? I want to main mid lane and I narrowed my champ selection to these 2.

I'm looking for the pros and cons.
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Absolutely. But only if you /muteall
terrible options for solo queue
you're better off with syndra and veigar for mages and ahri and zed for assassins, all 4 of which can function as both
syndra gutting soon though
it depends on how dedicated you are to autistically splitpushing
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thanks for you replies guys...
What are supports that can carry?
honesly, just no to both

Not useful enough in higher elo, constantly getting banned in lower elos.

Would not pick.
Then ones you can play

>terrible for soloq

well fuck me.
Yeah I was wondering if AP casters in general can.
>Letting a game get to 35 mins when the enemy has a vayne

u deserved to lose that.
I eat a lot of food to try and hope the taste is enough to mask the sadness.

Ahri is garbage, not enough damage for an assasin and not enough waveclear for control mage. If you want to kill champions pick lb and if you want to kill minions pick viktor.
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Hit Gold 5
Stopped caring about ranked
Maybe Ill up my ante next season
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Wish I could get to D V by the end of the season, but I don't think it will happen
sup bbygirl u single n' lookin'
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>There are still people that don't realize why Ahri is the perfect Soloq champion

Oh boy.
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Thanks my man
People who main _______lane are usually most friendly.
I need a support duo. Add VirtNet if NA.
I like girls too

Not NA
hey, sorry I saw your profile and I just thought you looked cute in your picture, I really wanted to tell you that)) It's really rare to see girls playing video games haha! I don't know why its a guy thing honestly im like really against misogyny and like ill be the one in the kitchen making sandwiches. We should really play l4d2 sometime its a really cool zombie game with a lot of scary moments, but don't worry ill be there to protect you ;) sorry that wasnt flirting I swear Im just trying to be friendly I really like your profile picture sorry was that too far? Really sorry i'm really shy I don't go out much haha add me on skype we should talk more you look really nice and fun xxx
I'd rather keep the shitters as far away from danger as possible.
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>work hard and grind it out to Plat 5 back in June
>stop playing until earlier this week
>have to grind it back out to Plat 5 before the season ends

I know my KDAs are shit, I'm working on dying less
I miss pre-q nerf Shyvana where full ad crit was actually good
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>win game and get to 100lp
>instantly promoted, no series shmeries crap to do
So is this a bronze thing?

Also, should I start int feeding? I only borrowed this to try out the bronze pool. Was planning on ruining my promos so I can maintain bronze but these instant promotions are screwing up my plans.
post your runes/masteries
support depends on the champion
Thresh/blitz/zyra supports are raging cunts
Nami/Janna/Soraka are super chill tho
Braum/Bard/Taric are usually normal players and nothing special
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Why do I get the completely braindead teammates that feed 10 kills each while not getting a single kill themselves every single game?

No, I'm serious, is the matchmaking algorythm punishing me for something? It's been like this for the last 10 games, not a single good teammate. Every fucking time the match is lost before I even get the chance to leave lane. It's fucking destroying my motivation knowing that no matter how I play I can't count on absolutely anyone because it's gonna be me and 4 corpses against 5 fed players. I thought playing Hexakill today would help a bit, reset whatever fucked mmr I have that's doing this to me, but it's still the same story. I get a few kills, then I check the scores and realize everyone on my team died 3 times already.
what is the cutest witch skin
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He's probably going to post something standard and boring like 29as hp/l or arm and mr/l or cdr/l

but the real secret to becoming a half dragon is Take one exp quint so you can do the 4-6-1 valkrin clear and hit 6 by 5:40 and ult botlane by 5:50 with exhaust and a recurve bow and get a double
Switch Raka and Bard and it's correct.
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This is my standard page, for AP I take the standard AP Mid lane Runes/Masteries of AP/Mpen + Scaling health runes with 9/21/0 Thunderlords
Top: Gold
Jungler: Silver
Mid: Diamond
ADC: Plat
Supp: Bronze
>series won in the image
i aint falling this time
Have you tried oppressor mastery? You're going to get second item frozen mallet which will keep it always on
My only problem with that is that if you KNOW a Shyvana is doing that clear it is super fucking easy to just invade red side and take red buff and destroy her entire plan.
i want to fuck shyvana

but in full dragon form only
>stop playing league for 6 weeks
>fallen from plat 3 to gold 1 already
why the fuck
>riot suggests new Talon will utilize the terrain to get around quickly

Will it be a whole new out-of-bounds mechanic or will it just be like Talyiah's wall hug movespeed

Buffs being easier to solo means that more champs can jungle.

Plants mean that invading a weaker jungler might be dangerous, or that a weaker jungler can get a safer, more efficient clear.

Does this mean we might finally be free of Reksai Gragas Elise Graves and Nidalee, friends?
I haven't considered it, but my main gripe against it is that as a Jungler it's not THAT hard to get kills on multiple players early (even as Shyvana) and I don't know if I'm going to get fed and do the triforce build instead.
wtf i love plants now
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I want Shyvana to sit on my face!
Not really. Most people won't bother invading a shyvana with exhaust because it's very dangerous, and she clears so quickly. The 1 xp quint strat is also pretty uncommon so people don't expect it. Even if they do invade, your jungle is pretty much always empty and you take all of the camps on respawn, so if they do invade for a buff they waste a lot of time for only one camp. If you ward your top buff on the first part of the clear, and see it get stolen, you can just counter invade their other side of the jungle and develop a lead
>be me
>be jumping up and down between gold 2 and gold 4 for 250+ games
>accept my fate as garbage but ranked is fun so why not
>be last week
>randomly start winning a lot
>win gold 2 promos 2-0
>keep winning
>win gold 1 promos 2-0
>keep winning
>win plat promos 3-0
>tfw made it plat 5
>tfw made it as 16-0
>tfw I didn't even play well I just did ok and my team carried my sorry ass every time
>one game I went as bad as 2/10 but our vayne literally 1v9
I don't deserve plat lolg but I don't regret it either.
Buff is easier to solo only if you have only single target damage.
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But anon, it really did happen.

Here's my previous promotion. Check out the number of wins. Did it look like I had enough games to farm 100 lp then do the 2 wins required to get promoted in a series?
if your MMR is way higher it can autopromote you

it happens

the interesting thing is my bronze smurf didn't get autopromoted, but then did skip a division after not skipping

I guess cause I was on like a 20 game streak crushing it

I need to get that thing to Gold before the seasons end I guess
There are too many posts to quote to answer but know that my level is still Challenger no matter how shit my teams are

Averaging 5 KDA over many games on my best champions =/= Deserving the current elo

I've been in challenger for a year and a half and never struggled in my games here, I never duoqueued to reach it, and I haven't lost my level, as you don't lose mental abilities at the age of 20

The fact that I'm shitting over enemies in pretty much every match in spite of being forced into a 50% winrate shows that I'm above these fuckers

t. Just won 3 lanes at once with roams as Braum but almost lost because our duo mid/adc refused to group until minute 29
Could you please refrain from posting this image?
I too want some half-dragon facesitting action in my life but this image is just plain ugly
Thank you for understanding.
>dem pubes
This a 10/10 Shyv drawing.
It's just an over site from Riot to not have that text read something like Promotions skipped.
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>Playing support

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t. Armstrrong

consider suicide my man
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>>ayyyyyyyyyyy lmao
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Where were you when you realized you need to stop playing with people to win?
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Whats with all the Shyvana posting lately?
Where is the Veigar posting?
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haha all good If only you knew how bad things really are
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Because /lolg/ is full of closeted Shyvanafags.
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Do I look like I give any shit about your garbage taste
>play for KDA while failing to actually carry for literally thousand+ games
>I deserve challejour
duo queue will make you lose games unless you're in discord/skype and actually communicating. When you duo queue the Match making system puts you in harder games because it expecting you and your duo to carry by sheer communication advantage.
walking home from the grocery store
>>its 15 min into the game and Draven walk to mid and 2 shots me.

Fucking riot
Not him but I agree

Badzero's art is overrated and that picture isn't appealing there are way better pictures of shyvana's ass

t. Shyvanafag
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I love Lissandra!
man those chat logs are super biased without the full logs and time stamps. I mean, you probably deserved it but goddamn
I want my mom back
same I miss giraffes
Once I get him back as my number 1 I'll start posting.
>I was one hit from killing twitch until lulu ult
kek you deserved it
what rank?
looking for derankers currently gold 3
add snipeform
then show me better one's faggot
derankers ?

What do you think it means geezer
If you throw games on purpose in lower elo you can start skipping divisions because your mmr is lower than the currently intended for you.
Boosters use that strategy to fly through Bronze-Gold.
>tfw no gf to talk about whatever while we play,then she comes home or i go to her place,then we have something to eat,rest a while,fuck,then sleep

How does it work?
yeah it never works like that

they always want more attention, they'll never be as into League as you, they'll expect you to spend your free time with them doing whatever they want to do every waking moment and you lose any sense of independence

you will literally never be an equal in the relationship

I've never dated a woman that wasn't manipulative and will make everything out to be your fault

I wish I was gay, fuck women
>dodge some games
>mmr gets lowered
>start winstreak
>game thinks that you dont belong in silver 3
>skips you to silver 1 if you get your promos right.
The two worst things about C9 and TSM this worlds.

>EU is gonna get a free ride to semis, and is gonna be smug about it for the next year
>its gonna be impossible for TSM to be motivated to work as hard as they did when it leads to such a disappointment
ability mashup gamemode when
something like a champ keeps their passive but gets 4 random abilities sounds like fun
dodging doesn't lower MMR
>clown 9
>NA scene
>its gonna be impossible for TSM to be motivated to work as hard as they did when it leads to such a disappointment

This is why western teams will never win. They will never get that effort =/= instant reward. Korea will just continue to pull further ahead forever.
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my gf plays league but we never play together because we argue too much when we do
>I wish I was gay, fuck women

-Start fapping a lot to hentai porn
-Slowly move to futa
-Then move to tranny
gz you're already a faggot at this point
she's not the right one anon
Sounds like you've been dating the wrong women.

My girlfriend likes league as much as I do and isn't manipulative and doesn't blame me for everything.
give it time
Choose 3 LoL characters anon

Sex Machine:
Work Partner:
>top winrate build on wukong is 2 sunfires
is this a meme
>Sex Machine:
>Work Partner:
Roommate: Ashe
Sex Machine: Riven
Work Partner: Vayne

Ashe seems pretty chill and I would be living in a palace.
Vayne seems like the serious, low social interaction type at work which is what I prefer.
90% of the roster are murderers and inhuman killing machines
only 2-3 are canon sluts
unless im working in a government or military position I wouldnt be working with any of them
Im fine with it, but it would be better if she was _____a boy_____
>Breeding Stock
>Work Partner
>Sex Machine
>Work Partner
Its kind of a a cultural thing.

In Korea, people will respect you if you are the best at what you do, and work insanely hard at it. A lot of the current pros literally lived in closets and practiced for 16 hours every day, missing meals and losing any social life they had to make a team, which might get stomped and lose. Also, standing within the team is extremely volatile, and unless you are literally Faker, a few bad games can see you dropped for a younger player because KR is brimming with young raw talent. But because of this, they have an insanely developed esports infrastructure.

In NA its
>Well I guess I didn't practice enough, oh well, let me get my Riot payed salary.

There is literally no incentive to improve in NA because the local talent and server culture is shit.
Roommate: lee sin
Sex Machine: lee sin
Work Partner: lee sin
Morgana is a baker in Noxus though, and Olaf is apparently a big game hunter when he's not helping Sejuani wipe her own ass
knew it anyway
when you're a loser and worthless to society doing it and actually make more money just being a streamer, the decisions not hard
I'll take the american dream over 200% work for nothing any day
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I don't get it, is Sejuani okay or nah?
Roommate: Ekko
Sex Machine: Shyvana
Work Partner: Heimerdinger or Corki
Don't listen to him he's a dumb ashe worshipper
Karma (Because she's chill and probably would keep her side spotless)
>Sex Machine:
Evelynn (Assuming you mean sex partner. If not, swap #1 and 2)
>Work Partner:
Sona I guess?
Maybe Karma, as like, some mediator.
Whatever role wouldn't see combat or would at least allow me a few years of prep because combat on Runeterra is vicious and filled with fucking magic n shit
fuck off
how come janna seems like a moody bitch in the star guardians music video thing?

Now that I think about it, she's never happy unless its forecast janna.
roommate: Rammus

Sex Machine : Miss Fortune and/or Sona

Work Partner : Heimer
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>missed connection

I was NA silver ranked game.
Fiddle jungle
You were morg support

We were kicking ads with mf ekko and riven.

My power went out due to storm on the West coast.
I'm sorry
>No Jack Skellington stix
It's like you don't even nightmare before christmas.
Roommate: Teemo
Sex Machine: Jinx
Work Partner: Zed
Nope. It's still cancer.
He doesn't have a skin like that
skeletons are forbidden in this chinese game
Don't forget, no more creep buffs so many squishier AA based champs are fucked in the ass, the plants are almost always more beneficial to the laner (he's more likely to be closer to the heal flower) or invader than you.
Zedblade now gives the user 45% base armor pen, so don't think for even a second the balanced AD assassin isn't going to burst you just because you picked a tank.

Jungle income is STILL fucked.
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>See new client post
>Get hyped
>Its just the beta client still
Stop being new
Haven't even started :^)
>when we play league together on our sweet as LAN setup and we need beer he can grab it from the kitchen from our desk.
Sex machine
Work partner
>zil because he can fast forward boring days and slow mo office butts as they walk by
Roommate: Vi.
Sex Machine: Fiora.
Work Partner: Vayne.
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Are you autistic?

I'm sorry for whatever crippling mental illnesse you have that makes you miss the point of the post
>Are you autistic?
>I'm sorry for whatever crippling mental illnesse you have that makes you miss the point of the post
These words apply equally to you.
Try Gangsta. It's better than the name implies.
its the last option on the poll
its not
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>I'm a girl btw tehe :3
>This post

Fucking hell, posts like this make you realize just now much Zed and Viktor fucked up people's understanding of a good midlaner.
>rape the 3 enemy lanes
>get plenty of kills and assists
>your teammates are so dumb anyway that even with the gold lead you gave them they ruin the game
>"uh uh it's your fauly you didn't carry, you're playing for kda hu hu"

you wouldn't say that if you truly realized how shit my teams permanently are compared to the normal matchmaking I had when I was challenger

I hard carried a few games as a support recently but in most of the games my jungler is too retarded to follow my roams even if I spoonfeed him exactly what he needs to do, because d5 players think they're so good that they ignore all team communication and play their own little game, which makesany teamwork impossible
>Roommate: Rammus
>Sex Machine: Quinn
>Work Partner: Malphite
>happens once
>it happens literally thousand games in a row
you get her #?
>you will never chimp out
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Fuck Ashe.
Huh? Plants mean junglers in geenral are only weaker. And loss of jungle buffs makes clears less healthy for everyone (no stun for AA based champs, no toad poison for tanks).

These changes look like massive garbage uness they do something like Smite always healing or the like.
And even THAT means that certain junglers are now fucked (Kindred and Eve come to mind asliving or dying by the stuns)
Smite will coincidentally always heal now.
Plants are still an ultra meme
Don't mind if I do
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thank you to the anon/anons who mentioned f-list yesterday
not in a row but yes, hundreds of games (the majority) among the thousand are games where my team has lost of its own regardless of how good my performance was

refer to >>157394567
this game is not "once in a lifetime"
this game is a sample from a type of game that occurs extremely frequently

I had TWO games in a row where my adc dealt less damage to champions than Q-max Nunu

This is NOT "oh just one game out of twenty are uncarriable just carry harder haha"

Fuck no, she played like shit.
Roommate: Jax
Sex Machine: Morgana
Work Partner: Braum
>you think girls are incapable of being good so you have to try to stand out for them?
and equal number has been lost by the enemy team being equally retarded.
What's wrong with this fucking meta? You just pick something that goes in no matter what and you autowin
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Yeah I thought they were going to do something like that. Still, it feels like they are sandbagging jungle yet again, while promoting "You can play any role in the jungle, honest!".
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You're starting to remind me of Phy.

He recently uploaded a video of him playing Deathfire Touch MF in I think Plat 2 and he can't realize his problems.

He kept trying to tell his team what to do and only pissed them off. Then he had this mentality of "I have to carry my bad team" and built straight damage. Now that's not a bad thing, mind you, but he didn't build a QSS and didn't have cleanse. Meanwhile there was a Warwick on the enemy team and he's trying to convince his team that he can carry teamfights for them.

He doesn't even realize that all WW has to do is press R on him and his presence in teamfights is completely erased.
What were you expecting from them?
I've been autolosing with WuKong.
I just don't know what to do.

Anyone have any tips for building WuKong so that maybe I can at least farm enough to be effective instead of getting my ass impounded every trade?
Add me in game for a good time
Go jungle, build damage
W E Q R > win teamfight
Should have just read that Morgana fapfic.
That was a good fap.
I have good ping, but I've been getting low frames recently.

How do I remedy this?
You need to go in after someone else. You deal insane AoE damage, but realistically you ain'tgonna live untill it ticks three times if you go in 1st.
But...but I wanted to play top...

Okay, who should I play top then?
I'm looking for an alternative to Sion so I don't get my ass fucked every time I face a Yasuo top or in case Sion gets banned.
Silver 1 here, I'm having trouble picking a role. I generally do really well top and jungle but I want to focus on only one.
>tfw you got 3 mastery level 7 on support champs.
Oh right a good piece fo advice, Q isn't worth maxing before W most of the time, you don't need Armor Reduction that early, whereas lower CD stealth is always good.
No, it hasn't.

Such things used to be true when I was Challenger but I no longer get as many retards in the enemy team as in my team.

I haven't even a memory of a recent game that I would've won because the enemy team's adc didn't group while ours did. The opposite has happened plenty of times.

Indeed, and all the enemy team has to do is to blow all their cds on me to remove me from the game as I'm always the MVP.

If I play a tank I get focused like fuck even if that means I win games from it, my recent win as Braum in my Bo3 had an Olaf that right clicked me while my adc was shooting him down

If I play a damage dealer the enemy team will always have at the very least one exhaust, will always use it for me

No matter what I pick the enemy team will always use almost every single flash and ultimate for me, as my team is completely worthless

I cannot build a QSS against things like "my glasscannon midlaner dealt less damage than the two tanks in each teams" and "my adc farmed bot at minute 28 while the enemy team was 5 and took 4 turrets while our adc didn't leave botlane"

I'm not even "trying to tell my team what to do", they don't listen to me anyway. I've been roaming heavily as support and told my junglers multiple times to tag along with me during my roams and they've done so in like, 1 game out of 10.

In almost every single game I win, it's because my team trusts me and picks fights when I do.

In almost every game I lose, it's because my team leaves me to die when I initiate/make a catch, or just doesn't catch the opportunity I'm giving them during a good gank for instance.

Teamwork is impossible in D5. The wide majority of the players have ZERO trust in their teammates, not even their tanks, initiators, supports, CC providers.
I've already got imthems pics shes nothing special.
Nah fapfics dont do it for me anymore
jungles getting reworked in the preseason, use this information however you want
I'd say jungle but you're gonna have to relearn that shit in a couple months
Kennen, Irelia, Riven, Malph with damage
You want a power bot lane to just stomp the shit out of lane and make the correct picks during teamfights as well as a strong mid to keep the game under control. Top lane is an island.
Top: Bronze
Mid: Plat
ADC: Diamond
Support: Gold
Jungler: Silver (on a tank)
Who? Mine is Sona.
2nd time bronze II now

started from bronze V 0 lp about week ago

Eh its okay but during the avro shitters don't know how to support or toplane.
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>tfw you don't have to relearn your role every pre season
Okay, maybe....
I was hoping more along the lines of, like...
Jax or Hecarim or Aatrox or Tahm Kench.

Holy shit, am I memepicker?
Is it time to become a ribbon mayne?
Take your insanity pills or a statistics lesson what ever floats your boat loonie.
How hard does morde fuck riven and yasuo?
Real talk, if anyone makes this gesture after ban phase on the opposing team, you know you've fucked up.
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This so much.
Pic related is some diamond level ADC advice for everyone that wants to play on my level.
>a statistics lesson

A statistics lesson would teach you that if you flip 1600 coins, it's possible to get 1400 tails.

And it's what is happening to me.

Also thanks but I already got plenty of pills that are most likely worse than actual drugs.
they both beat him with equal items desu
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>spirit visage draven

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>This much importance on bot

What the actual fuck is bot lane going to do when a fed as fuck mid and jungle come to their lane looking for easy gold 13 minutes in?
Ye you surely belong to that 5*10^-222 portion of humanity
That's why you have a gold support who pays attention to the game instead of some bronze shitter that never picks up a sightstone.
A bad ADC hurts the team far more than a bad top or mid.
Its probably for the garen passive but shits useless if he wasnt gonna combine it with a warmogs


So I'm starting to notice that in Bronze...I'm actually doing well carrying my games from support. I have like a 75% win rate when I'm autofilled to Sup. Is it actually possible to carry as a support now because of how squishy the meta is so ADCs can have a huge impact when babysat, as well as roaming to help mid + ensuring vision/dragon.

It just seems like Support you can basically carry on game knowledge with minimal mechanics needed.
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Draven is one of the few champs that bloodthirster works best on. Because his Q buff is an auto-attack.

Spirate visage just amplifies it.

Memes son. Memes.
No. Bronze bot lanes are just completely mechanically inept on a whole different level.
I do. And I used to flip 800/800 when I was in Challenger.
>gold support
You're giving these gold players too much credit. Its VERY common that you'll see a lux "support" in that elo that has no idea what wards are or that theres a mini map in the corner of their screen.
How would you feel if people only picked you only to watch the entire team crumble in front of you and you can do nothing but watch.

People also dont respect you because you fly around in your underwear all day long
If you have a bad mid than the enemy mid will just roam all game and start to snowball, then your entire team loses moral and starts /ffing in chat.

I swear you people forget that worlds and SoloQ are two different places.

Yeah that's going to help a lot when the enemy midlaner just 100-0's you under tower in 2 seconds regardless.
Well I don't feel like blowing my plat spot on support even if I really want bot to win for sure.
To be fair with IE, PD, and BT he already hits like a truck, and extra health and healing from lifesteal never hurt anything.
Granted a QSS would do much more for him, but its far from the worst item choice.
lmao how insane can one shitposter be
Still love your shitposting
>letting a bronze support
>can't position correctly
>can't protect the adc
>feeds their ass off
>enemy advice snowballs off of the support snacks

But see that's what I'm saying. You can minimize their mistakes by good play and through game knowledge know what to do to aid mid/jungle. Plus if you play someone like Sona/Zyra/Brand you can just carry yourself because Bronze players usually don't think of situational building so at most will have 1 MR item and Merc boots OR you could play something like Nautilus and just dominate teamfights because you go in being an unkillable Big Daddy and just CC everything to oblivion.
>zyra and cass get completely styled on while he outsustains their burst with a single Q because BT gives him 25% lifesteal with it
It's not THAT wrong, especially if he was meming with warlords too
>add someone from here on League to play with so he can help me rank up
>he's plat 4 with no level 5 masteries and his last game was Sep 26th
nice ruse
>13 minutes
im used to 2v4ing bot lane from 8 mins senpai
at 13 mins the whole river is warded and the only reason im sticking around is because i can kill you and your ad before dying myself :^)
t. zyra main
Damn l went to sleep before he posted it. Can someone repost it?
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>which is why he constantly fluctuated between D1-Masters before tilting to D5.
nova defense force please go. he didn't"fluctuate" in masters, he was in master for exactly T H R E E (3) games before getting demoted, then tilted all the way down to d3 almost the next day.

the dude has 1500 games (assuming 25 min average game, that's approximately TWENTY SIX DAYS spent playing league of legends since late jan 2016) this season and can't climb to master regularly. his ship has sailed and he is now a diamond 5 tier player.

just try and wrap your head around how much time 1500 ranked games of league in 9 months takes up. this dude basically works it as a 9-5 job
Hes probably closer to D3-4 to be honest. I think that's where he spend most of his time this year.
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Why is caitlyn so comfy?
>farm hard
>poke your laner
>set up traps to keep yourself safe
>long range comfy poking in teamfights
>mainly able to just sit back and auto while your damage and attackspeed does the rest
>get to build hurricane every game and autism farm hard
>sieging with traps is 100% easy and safe as well
I love this shit
as an adc player that plays Lucian, Vayne and Jhin a lot, this range and safety is really a welcome change of pace.

Except for this guy.

This guy ruins the comfy and fun.
Soraka (easy S+)
If he ults you you can always set a trap where he will land, auto -> E+Q -> Auto and burst him down and die anyway because fuck Zed
Also don't forget
>outrange turrets with RFC
>not just instant EWQ comboing him when he ults
You're not the center of the rift
How about Jarv? He's better ane than jungle and ya know, not too good in lane.

Pros inclue being able to jump on their squishies from a screen away without playing Zac.
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I said I wouldn't play support again after getting Mastery 7 but Soraka seems like it'd be pretty fun to get on. You get like 4 assists per ult right? Assuming your team wins the fight.
Meant this for
diamond jungle

plat top

gold mid

bronze adc

silver support
You are worse than those people just know that.
Diamond Jungle
Bronze Top
Gold Mid mid
Platinum Support
Silver ADC
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