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World of Warcraft General - /wowg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 779
Thread images: 220

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General resources / news:

WoWg guilds:
Literal Who @ Illidan (Horde)
RIP in Peace @ Sargeras (Alliance)
Wrench @ Shattered Halls (Horde)
Neighbourhood @ Argent Dawn (Alliance)

/wowg/ battletag friends list:
pastebin.com/tkyh3F4C (embed)
(Rarely used or updated, use at your own risk)

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Last thread: >>157343282
It feels good to be a free thinking undead so I can differentiate myself from those Sylvanas apologists
I hope every one is having a good evening <3
What is wrong with MM hunter rng? It's either I'm doing billions of damage then next boss I'm doing mediocre
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Cute Blood Elves!
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>tfw too intelligent to raid
jus fug my dip up senpai
Is there any reason to do the withered army training if I'm exalted and have unlocked everything inside of it?
might get a legiondairy item or something maybe
Okay so just how fucking tall are orcs exactly
Why don't warriors have a daily quest in their class hall
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legendary or the fox mount
About 8 feet.
Rexxar is half ogre though, so he's tall even by orc standards.
Any chance we'll see 7.1 before the end of October? Maybe on the 25th?
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>know girl who plays WoW
>she uploads a modest profile picture to memebook
>she's fucking gorgeous
>around 20 beta orbiters flocking around and commenting
>she will never notice me
>I'll never tank for her
>Being a beta
>Accepting your beta status
Man the fuck up faggot.
Do you guys think Blizzard should keep the Artifacts-style gear scheme for the next expansion or do you think they should remain a Legion-only thing and future expansions should have the classic loot style (i.e. blue/purple/possibly orange weapons from drops and quest rewards)?

Personally while I think Artifacts are a neat idea I've always loved the excitement that comes with downing a boss and maybe getting that weapon drop that you really need. Sure most of the time he dropped something else or someone ninjas it but when you do finally get it, my GOD is it worth the wait.
Literally just get good. Once you have the Windburst applies Deadeye trait in your artifact you should literally never have a problem with your single target again. Sometimes the Marking Targets procs come a little slow, but that shouldn't affect your Aimed Shot damage at all.
i like artifacts, i want to keep them
Expand relics, I think, so that they make up the entire weapon

Like hunters get scopes, bowstrings, whatever the body of a bow is called etc

Melee get grips, crossguards, inner shield lining, outer shield shell etc
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Literally nothing wrong with the forsaken plague. It's basically just an acid bomb and even the Cenarion Circle uses it and admits it's very potent and useful. Also Sylvanas sets off to do her own thing and it's just her. Yet Genn just spends 99% of the zone trying to fight the rest of the forsaken which are helping the players find the aegis and fight the burning legion.

Your logic pretty much boils down to

And before you try and say Genn somehow had meta knowledge of what Sylvanas was doing, I'll stop you right now and tell you you're wrong because he doesn't.
>>157374018 #
>aimed shot
>marked shot
>arcane shot
>cobra shot
>chimera shot
All these skills basically do the same!
Fucking lazy designers.
It's like, come on people, there's more to firing a ranged weapon.
>tfw no skill named "skill shot" which lets your character do a backflip while letting loose an arrow
That's the real problem here
Artifacts are a shit mechanic and I hope they're gone next xpac. The problem is, will people actually be satisfied with random weapon drops again after this expansion?
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can you guys rate my mog

>tfw no skill named "skill shot" which lets your character do a backflip while letting loose an arrow
>That's the real problem here

Agreed. I wouldn't care about a spec being boring if I at least looked cool doing this shit.
looks pretty good for an arcane mage
>Literally nothing wrong with the forsaken plague.
>Doesn't remember the wraith gate
>Doesn't remember that the horde doesn't even trust their shitty race.
Confirmed dindus. Not even reading the rest of your textual diarrhea
The problem with artifacts is where do you go from their.

Legion just launched and I'm already wondering what the fuck the next expansion is going to involve.

The artifacts give us an ability and are core to spec design right now so they would have to redo all the classes yet again for next expansion.

What's next?
>prefab set
>muh good mog
3/10 apply yourself.
>tfw Rexxar's dick is probably bigger than you and could kill you.
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Do it anon, ride the fucking tiger.

Well, we're the new 'heroes' in lore. A new generation of sorts carrying on the legacy of those before us, or starting anew.

We'll likely keep the artifacts, gain more cosmetics, and a bigger tree.

Or we'll lose them somehow.


Yeah I'm not drawing that
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>do LFR for muh satchel
>oh cool, it's the last boss
>*rubs hands*
>look at how much hp people have to determine gear
>1,5mil hp shitters are using defiled augment runes they probably got from the previous bosses
tfw mage is the most braindead class in the game and you wish you never rolled one
>The problem is, will people actually be satisfied with random weapon drops again after this expansion?
>The artifacts give us an ability and are core to spec design right now so they would have to redo all the classes yet again for next expansion. What's next?

These are the questions I too have been wondering about. I really think Blizzard has trapped themselves in a corner here.

People are already calling for blood over Legiondary drops, I can only imagine how casuals will react once their most important item slot, the weapon, goes back to having to rely on RNG.

And in the event that they do get rid of them, what will become of the ability trees that Artifacts provide? Do they just get baked into pre-existing skills or tacked on as standalone skills, or are they gone forever?
is seed of corruption the most underwhelming ability in the game?

you would think it'd hit for 3 times what it does
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But how do you become an alpha? What's the secret
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Did I fucking stutter? The problem was the rogue splinter group that used the plague, not the plague itself. Do you blame the gun instead of the killer when he decides to shoot up some place? Kys

there better be some cool atiesh dialogue in Kara or I'm going to be pissed since they didn't make any for khadgar
When are we getting Nightborne as a unaligned race???
>Rambling and getting irate like a BML because everyone is justifiably sick of and disturstful of your "race"
Just digging the hole deeper dindu.
>i have an atiesh

nobody believes this shit niga
The only unreliable thing is your AoE, rest is fine at max level.
Will eRP for gold.

Horde, Runetotem.
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>do lfr for legendary chance
>at 864

i love doing double the dmg of the person 2nd on the charts

The next race is gonna be Nagas senpai.
>No argument
Typical furfag with negative IQ.
you don't have to be alpha, just hold your spaghetti as long as you can, invite her to queue some dungeons with you or something
Where is the vendor for the Timewarped Badges? I did a couple of the dungeons today on my alt and was hoping I'd get 1-2 passable pieces of gear, but I can't seem to find the vendor.
>que lfr
>watch people do all the damage
>toss a scorch and finish watching family guy
Reminder that Naga, Murlocks, and orgers have been teased as playable races since Vanilla and BC.
Don't hold your breath.
>He honestly thinks rolling around with a war crime isn't "probable cause" to any intelligent peoples.
Don't worry Russian, we germans won't attack you, we promise!

All the evidence in the game supports Genn's actions. Sorry, but its true. Deal with it dindu.
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is it worth it to drop ench/tail for herb/insc and make darkmoon cards?
What war crimes?
What's your favorite cereal.

Mine's /cheerios
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>On Il
>Mfw watching half the raid die to staying inside on Heart
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What's a truck?
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>tfw frost dk on nythendra mythic

I know I've always been shit since Mop, but I've never felt the need to reroll until now. If there's one spec/class Blizzard needs to fix, sorry but I really have to call dibs on this one.
cinnamon toast crunch my man
Newfag here, can u mog my priest to wear Mage or Warlock tier sets?
>this is what mentally ill furfags actually believe
>what war crimes
And he calls anyone else out for having a "low iq"

You're as dumb as your warchief, and have fun when its revealed she was only made warchief because either the legion or old gods knew she'd fuck everything up like she is so they "whispered" it to vol'jin.
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>tfw its been an entire week since last legendary
>run a timewalking and get the mount

I can't do shit

The power is yours
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Holy shit I did a class trial for priest/rogue and the rogue animations are absolutely fucking god tier.
>le family guy is bad meme
We believe in facts and evidence. Yes. Play the game some time instead of just playing barbie dolls with your belf.
Show it in the character tab because you know everyones just gunna say

Nice tmorph xddd
Typo of course, can I do it though or do I have to be warlock or Mage?

But it kinda is
It's fucking awful dude.
Seriously senpai. Please point out to me what war crimes have been committed. You do have your Azeroth Convention handbook right?
>my old roommate tried to get atiesh before naxx was removed
>He was 1 shard short.
Still makes me laugh.
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>how do I get pretty girl???? :(
You have to initiate interaction. You can't do that pathetic nice guy routine and expect girls to come to you.

Regardless of how "modest" you think she is, if she's posting constant profile pic updates and openly flaunts playing WoW, then its clear she likes attention

The only problem with this situation is standing out from the mountain of bet orbiters she probably has.

Best honest advice is to get slightly fit, to the point where you have some visible muscles/abs then initiate somehow. Even "shy" girls can be extremely vein. You can't be a spaghetti dropping retard and unattractive
>have prot warrior and DH tank
>when doing the daily heroic dungeon with the warrior, healers complain that there's nothing to heal
>sometimes they aggro every mob in sight to get some action going
>when doing it with the DH, there's healers going oom in trash fights even tho I'm using demon spikes on cooldown and whatnot
>even manage to outheal the healer and still the health bar is bouncing up and down like crazy
>tfw DH is more fun to play, but the warrior can tank everything with ease
They should give DHs something to take less spiky damage. DKs as well while we're on it.
If you can't figure out what I meant you're beyond help.
>I only watch enlightened shows like Rick and Morty and Bob's Burgers. Family Guys Sux! XD
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who's the meme spec now huh death knights?
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Rate my mog bros
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mine's cocks
>family guy appeals to the literal lowest denominator

>just brings up different cartoons to cover up the fact his tastes are shit
12/10, really brings out ur eyeballs and accentuates the atmosphere
>Genuinely defending family guy this hard

Anyone wanna gimme some resto shaman tips? Ilvl 850 doing mythic pluses. Single target healing is a pain. What are good talents? What mastery, haste, crit % should I aim for.
I hope you get HIV from being such a tranny faggot and that you die when it develops into AIDS
It's not a good strategy to claim evidence and then deny showing it to prove your point. It just makes you look like a liar or an idiot.
Is this a mog for ants?
>nelf from earlier still btfo someone else is getting attention
I have a cock for you right here sweetie.
No he's just trying to get replies because belf niggers are attention whores
Is there anything worse than having to take a shit right in the middle of a Mythic+?

I held it in to the point where I ran into the bathroom as the last boss in Nelth's lair was at 50% and actually got shit on my bathroom floor and toilet seat before I could make it
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Who else /fell for the healer meme/ here

If I switched to brewmaster would I at least be able to tank regular mythics?
Do you wash it down with cum, qt?
Looking for Gold Loan on Runetotem, Horde, to be paid back with interest in two weeks.
>Claim evidence and then deny it
Its been discussed already. If you're too stupid to understand that's on you. I'm not going to further waster my time debate with people who have such low IQs they can't understand a simple metaphor.
gotta keep a trash bag and a 5 gallon bucket by the computer
Fuck off elf nigger faggot scum, garithos should have killed all elves for being degenerate tranny magnets

Is that a Kellog's cereal or some weird protein-rich offbrand
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>nocturnal neet Americans wake up
>tranny attention whoring begins
of course~
>EU never takes responsibility for the shittiness of their timezones

This is why England left
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here u go bb

that's borderline not funny its so sad

God damn son thats cool af
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i just dress this way because its comfortable
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>EU in full denial mode.
>You'll never be as pathetic as these belf avatarfags
Damn it feels good to win at life.
Make it even more comfy and show dat ass bb
>830 warrior
>pull less damage than my shaman at 790
kill me please
>You will never play a belf
Feels really fucking good man
I'd even say it's an EPIC WIN my friend, WINNING like my hero Charlie Sheen has said!
I made a Tauren paladin today, how is protection at end game content right now? That's what I'm thinking about specializing in.

Also should I use my boost or level to 110 the old fashioned way? I'm already 20 because either way I'm at least getting to 60.
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maybe i could be your gf tonight
You do know you are the best 2 target dps class in the game, right?
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You look stupid af
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>Bodymodders say Blizz won't do anything to them and spam the thread with their shit
>afriad to post their name when and realm when people are interested because they actually fear that Blizz will get them
Yeah you act all brave when nobody knows who you are. More pathetic than ralph and bearheart' quarrel.
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>forgot I had 100 Warrior
tank or arms? Did arms get destroyed?
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>that guy in your guild who nobody talks to and interacts with but always shows up for raids and does solid dps

Even if we wipe, he'll just release and walk back and never say anything

I run into these people in every guild, I wonder why they do that
>You shine on one boss!

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Hunters literally one of the weakest classes for PVP.

BM not even among the top 15 most used classes above 2k

Blizzard still nerfing them to the fucking groun.
-20% Agility
posthaste nerf.
Sting nerfs

Fuck Blizzard.
>telling anyone they look stupid
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Which should I drop for the supplementary gathering prof?
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>that guy in your guild who nobody talks to and interacts with but always shows up for raids and does solid dps
Still, you are long ways away from the absolute shitfest that is being a death knight, and I'm a guy who usually never whines about class balance.
Why would you do that with the blood vendor coming?
This. Feels good knowing I'm not a an adult male trying to role play as a female elf on an internet forum for kids
Post that btag then or some way to contact you....
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I'm not supporting them or anything, but they were exchanging names and realms a few threads ago.

People have been using mods since vanilla and I don't think anyone's been banned for it, as long as it is all client side stuff that doesn't actually affect the game.
Just because your class is ultra shit doesn't justify warlocks being a shade lighter of shit.

Both need help like a motherfucker across the board sans demo, which is fucking gay to play as it always has been.
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>that guy who doesn't commit to raiding
>still comes along when he's online
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>Worgen are bad meme
>Being this insecure
Help me cum for you qt.
i think you look cool
I'm just saying, in comparison to us you really have it super ez mode.
>rpers in this thread all talk the same way using lots of ~, emoticons, and shit and always typing like faggots
>someone i know does the same thing and talks exactly the same way, i was sort of starting to like them

Well fuck, now I know they are either an unfaithful slut or an attention whore(which is usually an unfaithful slut). This sucks, what do now?
Haven't really fucked with PvP, always been a fairly casual player. How does marks do in minigames? Feel like it'd be a good turret in group fights
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>it takes two blood elves to trigger the entirety of /wowg/

Good to know after two weeks nothing at all has changed.
Proof? I don't see it in the previous thread and I was posting in the threads before that and saw nothing.

You just another bodymod faggot lying?
>think /wowg/ is triggered
>not just that assblasted nelf cuz everyone hated on their slutposting
yep, you look stupid.
post more so I can shoot this load qt
So any of you guys found how to trigger the arms warrior secret artifact skin?

I saw I guy in our class hall today showing off the arcanite reaper skin but he doesn't want to tell anybody how he got it
>it's just one guy!
I don't know what the fuck nelf you're talking about (Huns?) but that doesn't change the fact you're shitting up this general with your attention whoring, avatarfagging, and roleplay bullshit.
could be gated behind a nolife autistic AK level
My warrior is too depressing to play

What class should I try?

I'm triggered that these people don't just get a trip so my filter will work properly. hiding posts takes too much energy
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Thanks, cloth looks pretty damn good on worgen.

Jelly as fuck.
Love the way that set looks.
>"""dps main"""
>doesnt main a hunter/mage
ha ha ha
But every class and spec has a guide in wowhead except the warrior, how is it possible?

Are warriors the biggests douchebags or something?
>I'm too lazy to find proof so I'm going to call you a faggot

No, I'm not going to find proof for you, you are the dude trying to get with them under the facade that you are insulting them, you go find it yourself. It was some panda.
>does solid dps

Don't kid yourself.
How do I send you a PM if you haven't posted anything to PM, you stupid fucking slut?

Marks breaks CC, has no survivability, no burst and no mobility.

Its horrible.

its got good sustained damage once it gets going and you get good RNG, but thats it.

Blizzard literally doesnt play Hunters and write shit like
"We couldnt figure out how BM hunters were dealing so much damage so we just nerfed them by 10% overall"

When its not even a highly represented spec on a horribly under-represented class.
I wouldn't share it if I knew it.

It's hidden for a reason, just look at paladins, now every faggot prances about with the green corrupted ashbringer - a skin that is damn hard to get if everyone was to figure it out by themselves.

Now only the skins that are simple drop are actually rare since it's a random (low) droprate.

Anyway, give it a couple of days and you will have a nice structured guide on plebbit so that every shitter could get it.
>Civ V
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>Bestial Wrath's description says Dire Beast reduces its cooldown by 30 seconds
>it's actually only 15
you need to fix whats wrong in your life
Now taking bets on how long this will take
I'm trying to decide between leveling my bear Druid or my protection paladin as my tank for Legion.

Which is a little more comfortable and easy to play?
Here come the posts about that being a high elf and no a blood elf.
what if i dont have any cum to dump into you but still wanna have fun? :3
I'm my guilds joint top DPS, actually.
It alternates between me and 1 other person on every single fight.
>Fjarnskaggl is supposedly ahrd to farm
>Over 50k available on my AH
>he doesn't filter known bot names
>after filter
>approx 1500~
Gift her swift spectral tiger

Give me your region and faction so I can tank for you
I came thanks
You first
i havent leveled my warrior yet so I can't check, but have you fucked around at fray island perhaps?

that would be the first place id look
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>getting declined from 840+ mythic runs as a 865 frost dk
do you have any requests? i have an album

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what's more OP right now, druids priests or shamans?
>859 ilvl warlock getting declined for regular mythics
So my reagants tab is full of a bunch of alch shit from last xpac, is there anything really noteworthy to do with them or should I just auction them at kind of above vendor price?
Funny and original
yummy yummy, thanks :3c

Your mog isn't good, sorry to disappoint you
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>870 ilvl mage getting declined for heroics
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>announcing you're filtering or hiding someone's posts

You're just as much of an attention whore as they are, then.
what are some servers to permanently blacklist?

right now i just have ragnaros and azralon because theyre both filled with beaners
because they cant get tier 3 anymore without shelling out gold cap

You look like a fucking Ninja Turtles mook. Not a villain; just one of the no-name fuckheads they kick the shit out of for 5 minutes with ease before getting to the real guy.
I know this feel. I've tried to develop a relationship with someone who used to erp. It always ends up bad. They stay faithful for the first week or two, then they get the urge to suck some dick or get their dick sucked, you aren't around, "its not cheating if it's character right? teehee" next thing you know they are back to fucking every single living thing they can in game and flirting with other people, talking to other people ooc, its just a terrible relationship filled with bad feels and paranoia.

NEVER TRY TO HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMEONE WHO HAS ERPED OR CURRENTLY ERPS. They will get bored of you, because they are porn addicts and your dick/vagina wont be enough. They want EVERY dick or vagina.
Holy fuck thank you

that was a big load!!
holy fuck, muh dick
you should all just die
do you suspect you have a mental illness?

do you know you are mentally ill?

I used to ERP a shitload (since I was like 14 and first discovered there were perverts on WoW), but after almost a decade it left me feeling hollow and wanting more. I think that the sort of person who sleeps around and can't commit does so because they're young and haven't tired of sleeping around yet, rather than being permanently broken.
Cool gun
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Come hang out in the Smugscord,
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>treating ERP as the same as an actual fucking relationship

See, this shit right here is why I don't ERP anymore. You people take this shit seriously
>Want to play a worgen
>tfw druid since I only play tanks and I already have a warrior
What is a good mogs lads?
Something with a skirt
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t6 and t8 were my favorites for drood back in the day, not super familiar with newer sets
The spider, or the nelf? I would prefer the nelf, but I guess a spider is fine too.
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female humans
I think, with that angle, it was supposed to look like one of those half-spider half humanoid monster girls.
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>The neck legendary now comes with 1500 main stat

is it fixed?
Alright senpai
>join old guild and ask what they want for Legion
>be told ele shaman
>level Ele shaman to 110, they are absolute dogshit
>guild doesn't take me to Mythic EN because Ele is dogshit
>haven't seen a single Mythic fight yet
>have no energy or will to actually do my dailies or mythic dungeons because I'll never see Mythic fights

What now lads?
swap to enhance you turbo shitter
Play what you want and dont let others determine how you play


quit playing

ERPing is not the same as a relationship, but ERPing with someone is cheating if you're in a committed relationship with someone. If you're typefucking someone, you're cheating on the person you're supposed to be committed to. It's obviously not as bad as if you actually sucked someone's dick in a truckstop bathroom, but it's still infidelity. I dare you to find someone in the world who would be okay with you having a committed, serious relationship with while typefucking other people regularly. And not one of those stupid gateway-to-cucking "open" relationships.
Except for the fact my guild has an enh and is full to the brim on melee?

It's literally just writing erotic fiction. It's nothing intimate and it's no different from reading a romance novel or some smut.

If things wound up becoming romantic and shit then yeah, I could see it, but honestly it's not a big deal. It's literally just masturbation fuel
Im not saying i erped with some slut then got jealous they erped with someone else. But that we agreed to be in a closed relationship bf/gf type shit and then a month later they were getting off to other dudes in game and flirting and cybering ooc. Im not saying all erpers are untrustworthy, but a lot of them are porn addicts and a lot of themcwont see erp as "cheating" even though im sure if you walked in on your wife/husband masturbating to someone talking to them on the internet youd be pretty peeved.
well then go resto you fucking autist
or play Fire Mage
or play SPriest
or play Balance

how could this possibly be something worth posting about
>make a bunch of potions
>people undercutting so hard they sell for less than herb cost
>sell herbs
>they fly off the AH
I don't think you understand how Mythic guilds work.
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>a relationship through your characters in an online game
>a relationship strictly online
well either does OP if he got to 110 any mythic level gearing as fucking ele shaman
great mog
The guy who keeps posting "dps main hunter or mage" is actually quite right. You should at least alt one of those classes
Did they buff emissary cache rewards?

I'm getting 835s now which is still hot garbage but at least better than the 810s I used to get
id like to know what mog that is, hot
female human on a dock
it's fucking trap play tank and no guild will want you for raids. and brew master sucks ass until you invest into the artifact. the system is shit right now.

Again, you're entitled to your opinions on the matter, but I challenge you to find a committed relationship with a partner who would be okay with you typefucking people online.

You can say "lol ur dum it's fine" all you want, but I don't believe you could find someone who'd be okay with it in a normal, healthy relationship. Most women (or men, in my experience) don't entirely appreciate their partners looking at porn; adding another person to the mix is another thing entirely.

Show me an example and I'll shut up about it, though.
>If I switched to brewmaster would I at least be able to tank regular mythics?
Brewmasters are fine up until +10 or so

I'd rather heal a brew who takes steady damage than a DH who spikes all over the place
Looks like shit. Fuck off
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>friend convinced me to come back to wow
>tells me that his guild is looking for ele shaman
>level up as ele/resto until 90
>fuck this shit
>going full enha now
>having a blast

You can only blame yourself anon.
This is what my Worgen Druid looked like before I faction changed him back to a Tauren.
>guardian is the easiest and most fucking boring tank spec to play.

This is literally cancer.

They told him to go Elemental for the guild. Please read things before you open your mouth and look stupid.
It's Cataclysmic Gladiator's Leather with Tibop's Armour Mod.
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>port to peak of serenity
>there's a male belf monk in a guild called <Peak of Serenity>

made me think for a second...
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We just got 3 legendaries from two dungeon runs
Priest or Druid for healing?
I've never healed before but it seems like the only way I'll get to raid is if I roll a healer.

You don't like feeling like a big fat brick being wailed on by a bunch of people with wifflebats?
t. moron
>Reading a book is the same as having an interactiob with another human being, who is likely getting off to / jacking it to what you're typing

Yeah, nah.

It's infidelity. Also, your relationship is shitty if you need 'masturbation fuel'
go disc
What am I meant to do with these runes they give me?
Neat. Were they the first ones you had?

I've never ERP'd thinking about the other person. I'm just picturing the characters mashing privates.

I don't give a fuck about who's on the opposite side of the screen
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>Decide to do AV
>Mfw I literally die to a fucking totem going 100 to 0 in less than 3 seconds

Why the fuck is this a thing?
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Flattered you think I'm good enough to be in the 1% of players who can play it well.
I'm not anon sorry to break it to you.
No thanks
cuz ur supposed to be aware enough to kill totem in one swing
Characters mashing privates, not your partner?

Sounds pretty shitty if you ask me.
Since rShams are getting nerfed, which healer is actually fun to play?
blood elf female holy priest or paladin
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>do rated arena
>tunnel vision bash the absolute fuck out of the enemy healer
>afterwards our healer says "you almost killed me with counterstrike totem"
woops lol
nerfed how?

MWs are fun
Resto shaman is getting nerfed?
Where did you read that?
Anyone else have framerate problems recently? Last night I went below 50 fps on Cenarius. This concerns me since I have both a 970 and an i7 CPU, and I feel like this shouldn't happen.
yea, looks like the luck finally kicked in

does no one read ptr patch notes on mmo-champion?

gz on petname sillykike
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I get some much joy from declining every warlock that tries to get in my mythic+ runs

>devs already jumping ship

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One more go
>people told me ret pala is only mid-tier
>WoWlogs says the same
>encounter two ret palas in a random heroic doing 300-350k dps on single target and much more on multitarget with not a single legendary and an ilvl of ~850



Found your problem
Explain please, I haven't played WoW in about 6 years.
I read it on Blizz watch and the only shaman changes they list there are earthquake totem being earthquake and elementals and feral spirits having timers
>asmonbald starts streaming again
>gets 700 dollars in donations on the first day
I'll never understand these people watching twitch
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Who /tank/ master race here?

>Never wait for que
>Instant mythic invites
>Immune to world PvP
>Look better then every class in gear
>Alpha in every game

Must really suck being a healslut or cuckDPS
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Chronakai kristor you ugly sons of bitches.
It says
> Fire Elemental, Earth Elemental, and Feral Spirits now all have totem timers.
>Earthquake Totem has been renamed to Earthquake and no longer summons a totem.

So where are the nerfs making resto so bad people are paying for new characters?
You get a 15% buff in random heroic, plus you can just stand in literally everything and ignore most mechanics, plus bosses and mobs have way less health = die faster = quikcer burst better dps for all classes.
But that goes for every class, the ret palas still outdamaged everyone I've seen so far.
>Never get invited to guilds
>Even dps get into them now
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I have written a guide on building the best PC for WoW. Can anyone please take a look and give me feedback?



>Still needed a guild for "anything"

You're literally better off forming your own guild for the extra bank. Everything is PuG friendly. Mythic EN will be farmed once gear becomes more accessible through Mythic+ dungeons. Absolute shitters are already doing +6
Fire mage does 400k+ plus, easily, on single target heroic bosses. WW monk does over a million in aoe even outside of 2 minute cooldowns.
Can we loot legendary in the timewalker dungeon?
Official Legion dungeon tier 7.0

>God tier
Halls of Valor
>High tier
Neltharion's lair, Vault of Wardens
>Mid tier
Maw of souls, Court of Stars, Black Rook hold
>Low tier
Violet hold, Darkheart Thicket
>Shit tier
Eye of Azshara
>Puke on dick tier
what about 'foot shot' where your toon does a handstand and shoots the bow with their feet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihnnRZhculg
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>buying a fucking 3500$ NASA computer so you can run that awfully optimized piece of shit WoW at 120 FPS which you don't need while still looking like complete ass for the most part
why would you even take the time to make a guide for that
I'm at ilvl 828 right now and pulling ~200k, am I doing something wrong or does it scale way better later on?
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>tfw you wake up and Game Director Celestalon
I'll give you a creamy "foot shot" if you know what I mean.
and it has a chance to fail and accidentally give someone a footjob if they're female char
Spriest or Mage?
>Hiding my cool name
>le EoA is bad meme

Love it
Millions of people play the game, hundreds of them come to check out the guide every day.
How did the gnome/gobbo one go?
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>Maw of Souls tier
Maw of Souls
>Why even run this tier
everything else
why do people do their herb gather in a sky golem?

just curious
Can't into HW, but appreciate the spoonfeeding of what all the options do.

I'm trying to finish it now. Got backed up because I kept falling asleep earlier in the week
why do mythics get locked per run weekly but mythics+ do not?

what is the point on doing all normal mythics when you are ilvl 865?

is m+ give better loot why didnt they lock it?
>being a WoD babby
Cute doggo
>3 chest +4-6 arcway runs even with one or two shit dps

just have to reset the instance to get the ideal path, 50/50. easy runs.
It allows you to gather without dismounting.

There's also a blacksmithing consumable that does the same thing for other mounts, but it's a bit pricey. Demonsteel stirrups.

Also everyone abandoned blacksmithing after the first week or two.
Thank you.

Any and all feedback is appreciated.
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>The transition between expansions was smooth
>From Cata, to Mists
>Then WoD comes out of nowhere
>Majorly fucks up any sense of continuation
>Could have literally just been a patch
>But they felt the need to go to Draenor, kill Garrosh (Which could have easily been rewritten to be a good guy)
>Main reason WoD exists was to bring Gul'dan back
How much are sky golems by trade?

like directly approx how much are people selling them for

auction house prices are ridiculous
no one should pay 100k for one
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>Non-warlocks who kill Isle of Thunder rares
WHY? They drop literally nothing for you.
i bought one for 100k and it paid for itself in two days of autistically grinding fjarnskaggl

>was gonna buy my friend the sealed tome since I found mine for 5k
>on the server he and I play on (pic related is on MG), it's going for 300k

>Not having gotten green fire when it was relevant
>There are Warlocks without the Black Harvest title
check ptr patch notes
>No brewmaster buffs
did they just stop caring?
>There are Warlocks without the Black Harvest title
Well yeah, I stopped playing my lock at 85 just before Firelands came out

nah I remember people in MoP obsessing over them and I know you dont dismount

just seems autistic people got the mount just to herb gather in them

guess I'm gonna get one for the same reason though
>donates 700 to himself
>little 16yo shitter McShittercson watching the stream
>he wants his name in big flashing letters on the stream as well
>saves up his lunch money for two weeks and donates 10 bucks
>"hey, thanks lil' shitter , you're a bro"
>meanwhile, Fatty McLonelycson, a 29yo ex-mcdonalds cashier sees that
> "by the power of my neetbux, I shall be recognized too!
>"150 dollarydoos have been deposited in your account"
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tfw under .500 in arena

I thought minigames were easy
>dh scrub outdpses everyone absurdly, mobs die in 3 seconds
>only beat him during battle cry
Fucking hate this scaling, unfair horseshit
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>doing 3 chest Eye run
>kill last boss
>get a good feeling
>say "inc legendary" in chat
>lock starts freaking out
>loots the best legendary for his class
>feel good because he actually deserved it
>bad that it wasn't me

a bittersweet feeling
No dk buffs either
My hunter is already 106
Ancestral Healing is getting toned down because of scaling

Torrent nerf too, but who cares, undulation is better anyways
6 expansions so far. Does this mean time gnomes was right? Will the 7th expansion of the world of warcraft be the hello kitty island adventure expansion that huns has been yearning for? When are we getting journey to Tel'Abim?
I want everyone's honest opinion.
Did I fuck up going frost over unholy?
are you doing cutting edge mythic content?

if so, yes

if not, no
>someone literally undercut all my saber eye gems by 30% with enough stock to last a day or two
why do people do this?
Nigga I could smash my face on my keyboard and probably win any game up to 1000
That rank is beyond bad, just get 1 healer and lolstomp everyone, it's hilariously easy

Yes. Hardcore. Unless you only do m+ then you fucked up going dk.
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>That one guy was a tank
>He literally never said a word ever
>Not even a whisper to other tank to decide who tanks what on multi boss fights
>Once we got second main tank for wod to play with him he almost quit the guild on each progress raid because he couldn't take the pressure of tanking with a guy that hasn't even typed a single word in weeks even if he played everything perfectly
What the fuck man

why did you get so upset over this? I'd much rather talk about it if you disagree
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>withered jim at 5%
>the kicks start
>find another group
>whole group kicked again when he gets low
Wow some humans exist that don't care for social interaction???? WOW HUMANS ARE DIFFERENT? MIND = BLOWN
The epic meme-tier answer of "Lol dud it doesn't mater if ur hardcore!1" is fake AS FUCK.
why does it matter if you are kicked cant you just tag the world boss?
Tank here:
This kind of people never do the fight proper and always fuck up, no exception.
People allowed to talk in ts/mumble/whatever
tank(s) and RL.
you phase out so it doesn't count towards quest progress, nor can you loot
How so? The threshold for acceptable dps and number performance only goes down the farther you get away from mythic. If he's doing heroic and normal raids, and mythic+ dungeons frost is perfectly fine if that's what he's comfortable with. How is it not?

You can say he'd do more DPS as unholy, but you can say that about essentially any DPS class that isn't using the optimal spec.
meant for >>157383065
phase out? of fucking what?
You and you're experience of interaction with every single person in this entire game has proven that. I
'm impressed, I could ever meet that many people. Good thing you don't have a sample size of less then 100 people, that wouldn't prove anything.
>Absolutely fucking retarded druid that can't even pull over 100k dps at 850+ but plays okay enough resto
>Holy priest tat is actually good but has to play with unleveled shadow srtifact because he still can pull 250k at same ilvl forcing the druid to heal because prot paladin learne dhow to survive with him as a healer
>860 enh that can pull numbers lower than the feral because "he's bored and doesn't feel like pressing the buttons"
Wew ladies what a fucking group of friends to do m+ with
Not him but people giving advice in form of "oh if you don't play seriously it doesn't matter!" are the absolute worst. It gives no clear information and has no value whatsoever.
Mythic+ is fine for DK in general, except when you have to move you fucking twat.

>Inviting massively underperforming specs to group activity so you can carry them
Lol, then you cry "I CUNT GET INDO RAID MOOOOOOOM!11"
the fight? everyone in the group, and the boss disappear as soon as you get kicked.
Good to know you have anon, you're an epic perfect anime-loving tank!
You've never fucked up a fight!
You don't have to use voice coms or ANY coms!
Because you're the perfect epic dark past anime-watching epic tank, like sasuke you're dark and special.
>Mythic+ is fine for DK in general, except when you have to move you fucking twat.

Wait why did you call me a twat? I think we mostly agree outside of mythic raiding.

OP asking the question didn't even really say what content he was aiming for, but since most people have no desire to do mythic raiding I thought it'd be safe to assume he didn't either.

>>Inviting massively underperforming specs to group activity so you can carry them

I've done upper mythic+ keystones with frost DK's just fine. They pull their weight on aoe but suffer on single target. The only time I won't take one is when the other DPS doesn't balance it out like if we already have a BM hunter or something.
Both of you shut up desu
The tank was probably only talking to the raid leader, why bother talking to the plebs
I always wondered how triggered people are when they are leveling a monk and get daily to train their paralysis against fembelf
>tank here

Stopped reading there. Come back when you actually play something that has to pay at least some attention to boss mechanics

Also what >>157383213 said
>implying premades are all on one realm

Did you just time travel here from 2007?
>Not him but people giving advice in form of "oh if you don't play seriously it doesn't matter!" are the absolute worst. It gives no clear information and has no value whatsoever.

I didn't say that though. You can play seriously but stay out of mythic raiding. Some people focus entirely on 5man content. If that's the case then it's perfectly viable advice.

What information was he looking for anyways? From his post he already knows it's the worse of two specs. What information would you have given him?
Here let me explain
DK does OK since DK has OK AoE and M+ is 99% AoE, plus grip is a huge cheese with a side of more cheese, that's why UH>F (and the DPS)
DK does crap damage, brings mediocre utility.
Saying people always fuck up without voice in any group setting is retarded so you can stfu about that
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>Be chilling in Moonglade
>Staring into some dope ass rift
>Hear someone behind me, it's probably just the peaceful critters
>Something slams into me
>It's defilers
>And Malfurion is with them
>What the fuck
>Oh well, I'll just summon some forces of the dream
>Malfurion fucking corrupts the emerald drake
>What wickedness this is
>The defilers attack the wisps
>Cover them in thorns
>Some fire mage is burning up from his own spells
>His death fortifies the dream
>Call upon my sacred vines
>Make them follow someone trying to attack an ancient
>He leads them into three other defilers
>Call uppn more forces
>The bitch Malfurion corrupts anancient this time
>A demon hunter aggroes a perfectly straight and even sister
>She kills him
>Their healers are panicking due to losing health
>They haven't cleansed creeping good dream since we started fighting
>Sister heals me
>Their leader is yelling profanities at their group
>tank gets caught in vines
>healer finally succumbs to the dream
>their group falls apart
>and so the dream is preservef
>God tier
>Halls of Valor
Literally or unionically?
>I invite frost knights

Good for you, because no one else does since they're terrible at the moment.

Just because you'll play with one doesn't mean everyone will. Have a look at the warlock forums before the recent soul shard hotfix (and even still, if you're affliction) if you think otherwise. Half the first 5 pages will be about group decline QQ.
Yeah I didn't really say anything that contradicts that anon. What are you getting upset about exactly?
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>dumb frog poster is shit at the game
who would have thought
Can't remember if these guys are normal Tauren height, but man I feel so tiny. Not to mention Mayla herself is tall as fuck.
.>hehe maybe if I call him a dumb frog poster and then post an anime pic I might get a reply
Can you really call it QQ, blizzard have made artifacts lock you into specs and then made some specs so bellow others that people wont invite you so you can't progress. It's a huge oversight on blizzards behalf to make matters worst, the specs that do progress will probably get better gear creating the illusion that they're better overall. People love to write yeah but x spec catches up when you hit ilv 8xx but no ones going to hit ilv 8xx if no one wants to play with you.

Fuck her
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>Housewives of Highmountain
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>mfw I just found out about the whole "ilvl upgrade =/= actual upgrade thing"

Please tell me I'm not the only one who completely fucked himself and is now wearing a set of high ilvl gear that's basically useless.
Don't respond to weebs. They and belf trannies and " post you are character" fags are just like Ralph in that responding or giving any attention to said ban evading shitposters will cause them to post much more, in an attempt to derail the thread and make it about themselves.
Point is kinda going over your head but it doesn't surprise me considering the people I'm talking to here. I'm sure people will read this and somehow think I'm arguing that frost can compete at the top end with other DPS classes. Go figure. Not entirely sure what you were thinking when you typed this out but I'm sure you'll fervently attempt to explain.
>Don't know what arenas are
>Just play with enh shaman friend there as prot paladin because I didn't ever feel like doing other artifacts
>After one day it shows that I'm 1400
This really only applies to jewelry. If you're playing as a healer or something it's generally better to use the higher ilevel.
Why is Arms' damage capability locked behind so many fucking debuffs?

You hit like a wet noodle if Colossus Smash isn't up and THAT is based on RNG proc bullshit, then you have to stack 3 FRs (which is a mandatory talent because Blizzard doesn't know how to balance) to MAYBE get lucky and crit a Mortal Strike. It's not fun.
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I'm forever ILVL 855 because I keep getting 840-855 gear with better stats than my 865
Because it's the PvP spec.
That giant drum in Thunder Totem is best thing about ENTIRE zone
You dont stack 3 frs anymore thats the old rotation
It's the only spec. Fury is a horrible joke that punishes players for using it.
Can anyone recommend some purple glowing leather transmogs?
looking for something to go with netherbane
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>its the pvp spec
>worst melee spec for pvp
>doing some LFRs to get runes from the satchels
>do it in disc because why not
>Overloaded with light procs
>see how far i can push it
>5 million crit half of which goes into healing
God i wish this proced enough to be worthwhile

At least you're not one of those bitter faggots who whine about anyone getting anything because it wasn't them, and hold their gains against them.
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forgot reference pic
>level a paladin
>Nobody is recruiting ret or prot
>level a warrior to 830
>only managing 130k dps on a 110 dummy

>try to play ranged
>Warlocks are clunky as fuck, hunter is boring

>MDPS is overpopulated
fucking kill me already
Odyn is based of Odin :^)
Is there no way to reset my artifact points at all or I might as well suffer til a patch(yeah right) fixes us a bit?
firelands phoenix set is purple, glowy and elvish
Play healer or Ranged dps
People love ranged melee will always be over poped or cucked. On the other hand if you enjoy paladin just keep playing him and looking.
i'll take a look at it, thank you very much!
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Best zone
Best character
Maybe stop living in the thread and it won't bother you so much.
Next expansion is 100% guaranteed to be either a back to basics conflict between alliance and horde, or old gods / void lords.
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>tfw you're a litterally who mmo and rly need the money
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>enter arena
>See that enemy is a fury warrior
Can we chain timewalker and still get a chance to loot orange?
>This is what guildless/cesspool guilded animelords ACTUALLY believe
Somehow blizzard managed to fuck up crossrealm grouping and you get phased out even when in combat now instead of when it ends
That you lie to him so he plays a shit class and wants to kill himself when nobody invites him to anything.
Completely agree, QQ wasn't the right term. I mained a warlock for years and want to play him again, just got around to starting broken isles. Even swapped to Vengeance due to the Afflic situation and still ended up getting the double nerfbat and having to respec 25 points in.

You said you bring frost knights to your group. You don't represent the player base. I don't think you think frost can top meters with the best of them, I think you think that just because you don't mind having a very poorly performing class over all in your group. Which is fine, and good for frosts sticking with their spec.

It means diddly shit, though, as 9 times out of 10 a DK will get declined from premade invites unless they are vastly overgeared for that content.
Guild asshole just got premoted to raid lead. He's completely unqualified for the position and never raids sober. I genuinely hate the guy.

Have a second guild in the wings that I can easily join, but they're not as good as the one i'm in now and don't raid as much.

Do i leave the current one, who are 7/7h and raid 9 hours a week. Or do I join the other one, who raid 6 hours a week and is 6/7h?
>tfw autism won't let me finish the gobbo/gnome pic tonight because I forgot to position/draw the troll's leg properly
>pose kind of prevents it from being there

I'm probably gonna re-do this one or something. Or finish what I have tomorrow night and do a better one later.

Sorry to whomever was waiting on it.
>tfw warrior and dh
>both tank
DH just stacks whatever and warrior likes 3 out of 4 stats.
>Feels gucci
It's shit regardless
If you don't like the people you'd be playing with now, I think it's a no-brainer. It's a game you're playing to have a good time, remember.
Do you have to decide this instant? Why don't you raid with him for a week and make sure it's shit and you need to leave...

They're kinda fun to draw. What would you prefer?

No BEs
>getting knocked up by a tauren
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>14 days played
>still no legendary
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take as long as you need drawbro
I like everyone but him and one other guy. both are in leadership positions, and them alone are the ones i have an issue with. Raid lead is the tank and the other tank is his friend and they're both assholes. Neither help the guild really, both are self centered, and they won't help gear people who need gearing through M+. The guild essentially has no tanks for out of raid content and there's quite a few of us that are really frazzled that we're getting shafted. I've been relegated to tanking when not in raid because I'm geared and my class can tank.

The only out of raid content the lead tank is stacked M+ runs and carries. He will only run if I (ww monk) and a DH are with him, and will not carry anybody in the guild if they dont have a key he wants to run. If they don't have a key, they're not getting invited.

i get along pretty well with the rest of the crew and the GM is a good guy as well. It's just going to be the raid lead that's gonna be an issue.

I'm talking with the GM with the new guild and said I'd respond by friday. it's currently 2:45 am my time
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Tell me some spooky shit you've seen in-game
Nailed it
>tfw no gnome gf
>tfw no worgen knot in pubic to rape
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>Unleash life

I thought Unleash life was shit compare to the other two options
bearheart more like
im jelly
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>MoP leveling
>You were thrown into Jade Forest with your faction warring with the opposing before finally getting to meet the denizens
>The characters were memorable enough, and later you would find them once again after the events of Jade Forest
>The stuff in between was quite interesting and fun, and you really felt like a stranger in stranger lands
>You get to Valley of the Four Winds and learn about the great wall, as well as the mantid, which sets up the Dread Wastes
>Krasarang Wilds introduces you to Dezco and allows you to sympathize with him for all that he's lost, which progresses into seeing him in Kun-lai, along with the faction characters that you last saw in Jade Forest
>Kun-lai flows into Townlong quite well and has you fighting with Taran Zhu against the sha
>Dread Wastes was the end-game questline and showed you that the mantid weren't all what they seemed

>Legion leveling
>Had continuity before they decided to let you go wherever you want, the waterlogged journal in Azsuna detailing of Sylvanas is a relic of this, and arguably Runas, due to seeing the progression from Nightborne, to Nightfallen, and finally to Wretched
>Zones just begin and end
>Azsuna has some memorable characters like Runas and Farondas, but not a whole lot else going for it, aside from maybe the naga forces and Queen Azshara showing up for a moment
>Val'sharah is laughable outside of the Black Rook Hold stuff
>Main story wise, Highmountain makes you feel as if you're doing the most, unifying the broken tribes of Highmountain and launching an assault on Dargrul
>Stormheim feels like a worse version of Jade Forest, the Horde vs. Alliance stuff just kinda stops when you get the trials and suddenly beginning again, making you feel like you missed a lot
>Suramar is quite nicely done from what I've experienced so far, and the main three characters are all quite likable
Does the same healing as a riptide's initial hit with the benefit of the large CH / Surge so not really bad.
I'd rather have yours honestly, more INT and I do M+ where CH sucks :~(
bearfart simpleton drumpf normie reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
not the guy but you're a fucking moron if you think tanks don't need to pay attention to mechanics.

here's your (you)
>people showing off rare/unobtainable mounts in dalaran
>it's pretty fun
>people with mounts from the store start showing up
>they get laughed at
I have a crush on limbos
>MoP leveling
>kill things
>Legion leveling
>"how can adventurers even be real? just stun them and walk away"
>azsuna alone does this at least 4 times
>MoP viewed with rose-tinted glasses
Wow, didn't know it's hard to get a carry for votw+6
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>Has mortal strike and overpower which is lulhealer
>Literally does shit damage and takes damage
>On top of Odyn's favour being utter dogshit
I have a level 110, speced into ench but thinking of switching to resto. Any advice I've literally never played a healer before.
found the faggot who's never played a warrior in legion
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>t. sub 2k player
what is ench??!?!?!?!? do you mean ENHANCEMENT you illiterate fucking MORON
>Bad in PvP

What else of the level 15 talents do you recommend for arms in PvP then?
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ench shaman
>all these sub 2k minigamers up in here
stick to your dragon slaying, you guys have no clue
Overpower is the talent to use in pvp don't listen to him only shitters play with focused rage in pvp because they don't know its nerfed in pvp combat
have fun with ur ded minigames and low to no rating rbg wins and/or massive losses because you're up against low mmr teams
I fucking knew this place is a shithole lmaooooo
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>Debating how useful Arms is in PvP
Why is this allowed?
One time I played warlock and did less dps then everybody else

dun dun dunnnnnnnnnn
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I got the bright idea to try out a Fume Knight mog. Is it possible at all?
then you're shit, warlock dps is fine atm
Still doesn't change the fact that Arms is better than Fury, dumb animecuck poster
"still" implies you were ever cool
which is false
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>Decide to do MC to finish my Ten storms set
>Get Thunderran right half drop

I suppose it's a legendary
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good morning
Except statistics on warcraftlogs show that warlocks are performing 20-30% worse then other classes with the similar gear.

Do you really think all of these people just happen to be playing their class incorrectly?
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Here's something for reference
Considering making gold is even more of a joke than in WoD now, how much gold did you make so far?
Only 100k
0, it's faster for me to just work an extra hour and buy two tokens than it is for me to farm shit
Someone give me ideas for a SW ceowd/riot control mog
Why waste time farming at all
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Fuck this game sometimes
can you even get that helmet

>havent played since cataclysm
>just started two weeks ago
>made 230k gold since then
Give me a character concept or gimmick for normal RP based on this char's appearance alone.

Hard mode: no cockgobbling slut shit.


Is that helmet a mod or some shit
does guldans staff have any magic power or is it just a walking stick? he never seems to use it for magic stuff
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>still have a total amount of legendaries equal to 0
Do you have a general personality or perhaps a character trait for her or anything? A little something to go off of?
anything can just be dumbed down
raiding is essentially attack the right thing or stand in the right place
Going to roll an alt,
I have a warlock and a druid at 100 waiting in the wings.
Im considering either resto druid/guardin, or resto/boomy
or going demo lock
( i could get a mage going and id go arcane on that)
You lot decide, im leaning towards tanking or healing
glows green so i assume so though i always wondered this too
Haha lol!
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Kind of wanted them to be inherently goblin, but maybe with a little bit of a sense of duty/purpose (without being a hard-ass). It'd feel weird not to be taking the Legion somewhat seriously.

Don't really have problems with the other races. Just gobs
>dps who like running around the final boss in EoA instead of staying in a tight area around the healer and start crying when they die

I fucking hate these retards. If you're going to go out of range of the healer who's trying to stay in range of the tank then you better fucking dodge every avoidable damage that comes your way.
>he doesn't have the latest ready for raiding achievement and gets it every single time
step up senpai
>Doesn't take the third extra troopyou fucked up
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It is a bit difficult, considering how many goblins are one dimensional in RP and sorta just in general. It's usually easier to get an idea of what you want your character to be like from actually RPing, though finding people you actually enjoy/want to do it with is difficult.
When I make a character, I try to at least set them apart from the rest.
>Inb4 special snowflake
I try to look at a character concept and analyze it, picking it apart, deciding what's overdone and what I can change to make it a bit more flavorful and unique. It doesn't have to be by much, but wanting her to feel like she has to take on this sense of duty and not be as money-grubbing as her kin is a good start, and it's an idea that can easily be expanded upon.
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>19d played @110
>less than 50 mythic+ completed
>guild tells me to run more mythic+ for gear
>tfw afraid to join mythic+ groups that are not full guild groups

We have LITERALLY two tanks in the entire guild and the other guy is not online that much outside of raids due to a busy work schedule and the other guy gets poached by other healers in the guild for mythic+. Sort of wish I'd enjoy playing dps instead of healer and it might not be that big of an issue to join random groups.
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Just do it, they're so damn easy
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I definitely want to grub the gold, but kind of want to emphasize the importance of Broken Shore getting all Red Dawn on us.

I'll likely just wing it and develop the gobbo as I go. It's how I usually do these things. Thanks for the help
What do you mean, all the shaman CH perks seem rather shit and unnecessary.
le fat bear man with big shoulder pads.
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Bloodlust isn't shit
Ancestral gift is the the only way to get champion equipments
The turn order resources into reroll tokens is a meme since you can do the same shit in Dalaran for gold or order resources
What is better dps arms or fury?
>log on to level since I'm hopped up on coffee
>find a tauren in a dress beating the fuck out of the local, non-violent wildlife
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Perhaps after feeling that she has to take on a sense of duty, she goes a little too far and gets rather egotistical and almost self-reliant? Or she finds a way around it, where she comes off as having taken on this great sense of duty, but in reality she's essentially saving the world so business doesn't die along with everyone on Azeroth?
>If the Legion kills everyone, how will I stand to make a profit?
I've been up all night leveling and my mind's kinda fuzzy right now, so I do apologize if these ideas aren't exactly the best.
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>wants to punch Sylvanas in the throat
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>my best weapon relics don't drop in EN at all
>they only drop in black rook hold and vault of the FUCKING wardens
>mfw I have to run these day in and out at +7 or higher in pugs for a chance at drop

How can one company shit on me this bad holy fuck why couldn't they be in Maw or something god fucking dammit
lol nice reddit rage guy
>tfw when peppy gobbo girl to go on adventures with
you made my dick so hard
That was a surprisingly good guide. Thanks, anon.
my loot window has been immediately closing itself since the last patch, whats up with that

This looks like the start of some nasty ass 80s throwback porn.
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Why are you itt if you arent a tranny
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This just in- DBM tells you what to do so well that you don't have to talk to anybody you raid with.
>arms warrior in arena finals
Yeah, arms is shit uh huh.
>i was a le a le troll lolling, got you XDDD!!!
Stop wasting your life acting like a retard and do something real, you fucking retard.

You only get one life and you waste it acting like a idiot to get mock interaction which is meaningless. Learn how to live.
i run 3 to 4 mythic+ a night
i run every mythic every week
i've cleared normal emerald every week
i do emissary bullshit every day
i can equip two legendaries

I do emissaries from time to time

I only have 3 legendaries

Because blood elves a shit
>just got level 3 fjarnskaggl
creamed my pants tbqhwy
Anyone else have nearly no motivationnto do mythic + dungeons lately? The possibility of timer running out and having to redo a dungeon, possibly more tjan once is a real turnoff.
Blastoise banda
>That feel when single-handedly killed best guild I ever had
>Years have passed and I still cannot sleep at night every time I remember what I've done
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do you think im cute wowg?
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That's honestly what made me stop. I accidentally moused over him and had to do a double-take.


Yeah, I was leaning toward something like that. Need to turn a profit even if the world's going to hell
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>Play Elemental shaman
>First golden trait rarely ever procs
>Doesn't even apply to chain lightning
Should be a dude standing next to the artifact table in your class hall that will reset it.
What do people sell sky golems for approx?

Wondering if I can get one for around 50-55k

Auction house price is absurd
it costs 1 level and it DOESN'T give the artifact power as an item, it's still weapon bound
Look kinda dykey.
>These random NPCs that walk around the city have a set path, but walk around players and have collision against walls
Huh, interesting.
Do you not know how supply and demand work?
>legion herbs are retardedly amazing and basically the only market atm (even other markets, mainly revolve around using herbs in some way)
>herbs gotta be picked fast
>blacksmithing item is pretty pricey so no one wants to spend 100k per 100hours (or 2k per 2 hours) just to pick flowers
>sky golem fulfills this, and is also good for other things, thus demand is high
>we haven't been in mop for quite a while now and the things required to make sky golem still take days to create, thus supply is low

That's why Sky Golem is so expensive right now. Should have made one for yourself or bought them when they were less than 15k, scrubbo. If you don't know even the most basic of economics, who are you to complain about pricing?

I was literally just asking for a price check
Why did you sperg out so hard
Can I get Gladiator stuff from random BGs and Skirmish?
>Warlocks complain about being underpowered
>they're invincible gods in PVP

>find one of those first aid quests
>it's a forsaken
>she's contracted a severe fever
rude :(
Because you've been asking every fucking thread, like a goddamn autist. Check it yourself and stop complaining.

On average the Sky Golem's going from 80k-200k; I've checked on a few different servers.

Kind of wish I bought it when I saw it going for 20k in WoD.

I'll work on the pics when I get home from work
posting in this thread too
Got some weapons from this timewalk business that shits on my artifact weapon. how do i remedy this? i havent gotten anything to raise my ilvl in a while.
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and im gonna keep asking till someone tells me straight up a decent price theyve gotten on one recently

what are you gonna do about it kid
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>he spends most of his day checking every wowg thread
>Tauren and Night elves don't actually get along
Why not?

If there's any two races that'd get along well, it's NEs and tauren
What spear is this
I'd hold open a door for you.

Your shoe laces are untied
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Post the very first screenshot in your WoW(tm) screenshot folder
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Technically not the first since I had to reformat a while back

right on
suppose ill just buy one now and say screw it
im not that poor but yeah fuck me shoulda bought one even when they were 50-60k
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Because stupid fucking faction shit that Blizzard still forces.
>Friend is currently Alliance
>I'm Horde
>Despite the fact that b-net is a thing and I can talk cross-faction with it, I can't group up with him to do old weekly content runs
â„¢ baka
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fun times
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you could also use http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/item/140548
if you want something bigger
thats nice of you
but there are no shoe laces!
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What are some good battle pets I should collect?

I'm having a lot of fun with this.
>tfw wanted a huge explosion of flame
>tfw instead get a tiny little gecko face

I'm sad.
See if you can get a Giant Cock.
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Spacey Dance.png
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Is there an addon or something that tells me grapple hook locations in Suramar? Sick of trying to keep track of where all these things are
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Is she having a stroke?
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>need champion with Blizzard for class campaign mission
>only one I have is Milhouse but he doubles the time from 9 to 19h
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Is the "ocean man" song about cunnilingus, /wowg/?
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>Only one big RP server on EU
>Horde only makes up 30%
>Belves make up another 30%
what do you mean
Does HandyNotes? Other than that I have no idea.
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no, just a really good fart
honestly I'm kinda sad I lost all my screenshots when I uninstalled the game
>album updated
Today is a good day.
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hey thats me!
Boost my nigga, you'll get tired of leveling at wrath content and lose the will to ever play the toon again
On a scale of 0 to butt fucking mad holy shit how bad would the community rage if there was an achievement for getting legendary research completed without having a legendary.
Wait the spider has an asshole?
Fucking ruined.
Yes I know they are called spinerettes but it looks like an anus
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>scale of the earthwarder
>nefs head

Would it have been hard to just make a shield-sized cut of Deathwing's head breathe fire ffs?
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Arcane or Frost buffs in 7.1 right?

Will the fire nightmare finally end?
Arcane is already out of the cuckshed and braindead easy to outdps fire.
screenshots dont get deleted when you uninstall through battlenet though, your wow folder should still have the screenshots folder in it, go check
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I want to level a healer, which one is relatively fun to level and effective once it is higher level?
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>Tank can't keep aggro.
>Healer doesn't heal me.
>"wow ur fukin shit kys"
if I have a high Ilv are i more likely to get high Ilv drops?
Healing is never fun.
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How do I see how my gear would look on another race ?

I'm considering changing from femhum to femdraenei
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a monk in shitty mythic gear can oneshot the LK25hc with one Strike of the Windlord now
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me and my buds
Holy Priest and/or Mistweaver Monk

roll a fempanda for either then post pics
>worst expansion
>worst race
>worst players
>worst wowg posters

Why is everything MoP so fucking garbage?
kill yourself frogposter
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aww shoot.jpg
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I was so close to falling for it
Early on, in regards to the base ilvl your world quests will proc as, I think so.

Otherwise no. If you want guaranteed 825 or above, you need to do heroics, 835 LFR, etc. It's all rng

It's not a frog it's my neighbor Steve
What race do you play?
Where is your hearthstone set to?
I'm curious.
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One You.jpg
1MB, 3840x2160px

You earned it, champ!
What healing should be
>saving allies from unavoidable damage
What healing is
>Saving idiots from their fucks ups
>Watching idiots complain when they blame you for why they died and not the boss mechanic or mob mechanic
>watching people take completely avoidable damage for fun

That being said.
worgen and night elf
northrend dalaran for both
If any of these races would become playable I anticipate High elves despite what some might say.
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>character retcons herself just so she can have sex with me

I was actually flattered
maletaur main, femgob alt

Ledgermain. Always Ledgermain.
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2016-10-14 01-48-40.webm
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you're welcome, have fun '^'
>tfw i have 2 legends but i literally just started the research
>have sex with me
No, anon. Nobody ever has had sex with you.
>High Elves
I guess it would split BE Horde pop in half,
>inb4 muh HE pop too small in lore
>inb4 race traitor
>inb4 GiB muh Equalizer
I wonder if this cutie plays on NA or Eu.
>he hasn't cleared mythic EN yet

I've had so much sex that real stuff doesn't do it for me anymore
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>state of my server thanks to CRZ

thanks blizzard for turning a 30/70 in favor of horde server into a 10/90 one.
TRP3 or MRP?
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>there are people who masturbate to this

I mean, I can get masturbating to an eroge if you are a horny thirsty virgin, but THIS? Not even my 12yo nephew could get a boner looking at that.
>making the mistake of thinking pet battles would help me do emmissaries faster
>have to train to 25
>Now my map is clogged up with pet level information constantly
just kill me fampai
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Thats what you get for not playing on a RP server.
You certainly know your way around your nephew's boners
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my kind of RPer
I'm sure you're well versed in what gives your nephew a boner.
>minigame server

You made your bed.
mrp, trp has way too much shit and you look like a tool
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How's the stupid ass grind going for you lads?
nobody gives a shit about your dead casual garbage realm

you dont need to be on a proper realm to play your shitty LFR once a week anyways, kys
>wanted to play a belf
>decided to go with an undead instead since /wowg/ doesn't like belfs
Did I make the right choice?
jokes on both of you, my nephew is just a rhetoric tool to make my statement stronger, just like his rhetorical boner
you get a free level 25 train rock out of draneor garrison

I sense a lot of bitterness in you my son.
Next xpac will have artifact armor instead of gear drops. Calling it now.
Thanks, gonna cum to this.
Are priest good healers right now?
want to make a femgob healer so i can feel cute

More like train reck

Get it?
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no play druid
No can you please explain?
You just lack imagination. I could literally fap to just thoughts in my head. These images just serve as a baseline for me to build fantasies off of. Porn is in the eye of the beholder.
So I'm looking to come back after not playing since ToT, what DPS spec is least reliant on burst windows and cooldowns?
I mean free shit from the train rekt
Holy priest might be the best healer in legion next patch
Holyshit i just got this, what pet do I boost?
don't you need like 3 level 25 pets because pet battles are never 1v1?
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Has the Horde dealt with their lack of RP in Moon guard yet?
I tried to setup a 9 month long m-preg storyline, but we couldn't find someone who wanted to be the baby for that long. It was planned so they were a rogue at first so they could make

>"whispers thoughts to xis parents"

Then everyone just went alliance to make a clan of horsecock draenei.
MM hunter is reliant on procs instead of burst windows or cooldowns
>There will never be a big clean RP community on Mg Horde
yea you need at least two but prob will need three, but if you have more than one person at 100 all the stones you need , you should buy the Anubisath Idol off the auction house god tier tank pet
Dont think I've ever played a game where you are prevented from progressing simply because you dont know people.

>Don't play an OP ranged class?
You're fucked! Enjoy your insta declines and not finding a raiding guild. UNLESS you have friends in a raiding guild or in a group who will bring you along anyway.

>Don't completely outgear the content you want to do?
You're fucked! Enjoy your insta declines and not finding a raiding guild. UNLESS you have friends in a raiding guild or in a group who will bring your scrub undergeared sub 200k dps retarded ass along. (I see this all the time.)

>Didn't get AOTC the first week?
You're fucked! Enjoy your insta declines and not finding a raiding guild. UNLESS you have friends in a raiding guild or in a group who will bring your inexperienced retarded ass along anyway. (See this all the time too)

Its not really Blizzard's fault either. It's just that the vast majority of the current WoW player base should be gassed.

Oh, and for those who are going to respond to this post with "Make some friends" or "Start your own group" fuck you in advance. Making friends with people in closed off circlejerks and starting your own group by yourself is not a solution.
welcome to post 3.2 WoW
Learn to guild hop
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>Manage to 2 chest a +8 mythic
>Get a ring

wow it's fucking nothing!
Holy fuck I'm an 853 protection paladin and I did normal eye of ilgnyoth or whatever yesterday in a pug. That shit was pretty fun and we got it on the second try just barely. People kept running in early and me an a healer sat outside with a horror while the retards raced to finish the boss.

How hard is that fight compared to the rest of the raid? I might pug more it was pretty fun.
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You are such a massive retards
Any spec can get into raids and get geared (except balance and arcane but who the fuck plays these). Of course if a guild is made of exclusively out of your IRL friends then yeah you dont have to give a shit about gearing or dps but 99.9% of people dont have guild like that. Maybe you just have to stop being asocial shitter?
>starting your own group by yourself is not a solution

then why the fuck should others carry your socially retarded ass
why are you playing an mmorpg if you dont want to interact with other players
try to get some mechanical pets
Blame Blizzard for making Gearscore cancer a feature in the game and being entirely unable to balance an encounter for melee DPS.
>everyone fell for the twilight vineyard 2k mana in 10 minutes meme
>cap out in 5 minutes going inside houses and rooftops around the city while 3+ people fight for spawns at the vineyard
It's piss easy when you can just nuke it down the first time you enter it's cavernous vagina
Just the AH if there are cheap 25s from this list

Personally, I think Anubisath, Servant of Demidos and Terrorclaw will do just fine
>guild expects me to have 2 alts, raid 5 days a week & go to PTR raids too, while doing m+ in the day to keep up with gear AND maintain those alts through M+ and stuff too
>All while paying a fuckton per raid, every day costs like 15k minimum so I have to grind for an hour or two every day picking up herbs to afford it
>all of this takes up LITERALLY all of my time I have humanly available

The worst part is it's fucking RNG loot anyway, so even if I grind ALL DAY I won't have the items I need where as some idiot doing normals or world bosses can get 895 BiS items.

This is so fucked it feels terrible wtf.
I just go to the vineyards after midnight on my server and there is rarely anyone else there
feels good being on a low pop xrealm server
but vanilla was so epic
Is agonizing poison really the best choice for ass?
You lose a lot of dps on kingsbanes and fan of knives, plus the 20% haste from alacrity
fuck off pizzacat i miss them every day more than u could ever know
Vanilla wasn't like that at all
Heard that but after a quick Google it's apparently on the harder side of the bosses if you can't 1 phase it.

I'll try pugging more today. I'll make my own group. What ilvl should I be looking for and why is 15 the suggest group size? Isn't raiding either 20 or 25?
Neither is current WoW.
There are literally 0 guilds, outside of cutting edge Mythic world first guilds, that require you to do anything nearly as ridiculous as what you just posted.
Your guild is missing a crucial step there. Everyone chips in for consumables, mandatory, whatever flask is needed, etc.
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>queue for heroic dungeon as a warlock
>get overgeared tank doing massive pulls
>no time to cast anything, tank is constantly moving mobs out of my aoe abilities
>right before the last boss kick the tank for "afk"
>vote passes within half a second
>get another tank 2 seconds later
How to become top tier dps?
The only difference is that alts weren't required and not only was loot dropping like shit but you had to compete with 15 other people.
>that happened
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>need to poopies really hard
>raiding in 20 minutes
>"OK guys since everyone's here we're starting 20 mins earlier"
You know, I actually kinda wish Blizzard would adopt a sorta engram system like how Destiny does it, that'd be kinda cool.
it literally did
>implying you get handed help as a trial

not anymore
it takes such a long fucking time to farm pots, nobody can afford to share
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>don't have a guild
>play whenever I feel like playing
>do whatever activity I feel like doing at the moment
>have an ilvl comparable to that of mythic raiders without having to listen to tens of whiny teenagers and manchildren and waste hours with them trying to acquire some pixels that are going to be outdated in a month until I have to redo the same thing all over again
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>tfw alch/herb/cook with artifact rod
>tfw idle farming while watching youtube or whatever
>tfw supply free flasks and food to friends and sell the rest at massive profit

I don't even raid, I just PvP with friends and bullshit around with M+ 5 or 6. I never understood why anyone would subject themselves to the cancerous hell that is hardcore raiding guilds.
It's particularly bad in WoW, yes.

This sort of thing also happens in many other MMOs, though. The one I'm playing right now has Attack Power as the ONE AND ONLY meter people use like ilvl in WoW and you always have people at, say, 602 AP making groups for "+600", while the nerds at +700 don't give a shit about carrying faggots through what are mythic+ in WoW. In the past they'd sometimes kick you for being a certain class, too.

There's also the "post your clear achievement" thing that prevents you from doing content you haven't already done UNLESS you outgear it by a vast margin and/or have friends to run it with.

I feel like it's gotten so bad in WoW because everything is so accessible now thanks to cross-server features AND the huge overall player number. There's so many players you can just choose to be a minmaxing little shit for no real reason and get away with it because there'll always be the horde of fotmfags playing those better DPS classes of each expansion.
so whats the purpose of emerald nightmare? Im already 865 and havent even gotten aotc for it. Like is there anything in there that was supposed to be worthwhile or is this a pretend raid with pretend content till nighthold hits?
Cool, buddy. That's how we do it. What do you do "hey fuckin trial, don't click on the cauldron or feast"

most of the people just buy herbs and officer collects, i got handed 80 pots on tuesday. i assume the rest of our dps did too.
Back then 5m loot was actually competitive well into tier 2 and could be grinded at will because there was no arbitrary lockout on 5-10 players content beyond the 5 instances in 1h thing.
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>875 5/7M BM hunter
>used to be part of a wpvp guild
>hunt down 2400+ pvpers in wpvp since they can barely run 7/7H
>single-handedly shut down whole WQ zones

>get some angry midget fire mage angry
>pops all his CDs and combustion
>mfw Roar of Sacrifice
Fluffal's a best
>things that never happened
Couldn't really hear you over the keyboard turning sounds either lmao
can you get legendary in timewalking dungeons?
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do you even know how to make gold?
lol keep being poor plebs
>a whole 5,000 gold


You must be that salty mage lamo

stay bad
if you are a furry pedophile
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>being poor
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>fluffals are the pedo deck
>when madolches and magician girls exist
>when traptrix exist
>3 hours of cuckology autism for 5k
>3 hours of starlight rose farming would yield 11x the money (depending on prices)
Our artifacts will get corrupted and become unusable in the next expansion just you wait.
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earliest wow screenshot here i think
>lol just make friends!
>Demonic skull corrupted
>Scepter of damnation corrupted
>Servant of the Old Gods corrupted
>being so autistic you can't make friends in a fucking MMO

Post your BTag, make friends. Just be yourself, anon.
you are just pointing out more pedo decks and proving that yu-gi-oh is a game played by pedophiles
I'm fucking sure that they will evolve like pokemons
>The artifacts give us an ability and are core to spec design right now so they would have to redo all the classes yet again for next expansion.
I mean, at this point it's basically implied there will be a huge class rework every xpac
t. magic the gathering cuckold xD
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clean pand
>3.35MB jpg
Shit nigga.
>Gifting assmongler the 1m gold mount
too bad they don't spend their resources on quality content instead, TBC class design was fine
cuz ur upset he doesn't come here anymore
don't tell me
I wouldnt call rounding up a bunch of retards and telling them what to do in order to get gear for yourself 'making friends'

>play massively multiplayer online game
>whine when you cant experience all the content by playing alone


I fully expect after this expansion, the way they will remove our artifacts to be: "The threat is over heroes, these are to powerful for any person to have" and then locked in a vault.
Looking back on pre-patch memeing it's kinda weird seeing all these ele shamans in m+
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nah, I grew tired of yu-gi-oh and card games in general around the release of crossed souls
or maybe on the start of the next expansion you are asked to use the power of your artifact to open a gate to argus, or some void lord shit planet
What is a good way to make money? Craftig and whatnot on my server is extremely volatile, gems seem to be okay, but i dont really keep up with current stuff. Any tips?
So did Assgoblin get his whole trap laid out with veneers Tom Cruise style or it was something minor?

>do normal arcway mythic
>kill first boss, legendary drops for rogue
>everyone including me congratulate him, first time I've seen legendary drop ingame
>get to final boss and kill him
>legendary cape drops for me

feels good man.
What are you doing in SoS?
I highly doubt that we will have another legion expac right after this one. it will get spaced out. It's their main story stuff. gotta have filler just like my animu
Better do it quick before 7.1 when the mats vendor comes out

I can make 50k/hr with alchemy pretty easily. Just get herbalism and alchemy, do the quests for flasks and you'll be good to go in about 4 hours
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I'm with >>157386935
but if you don't like that idea what about a goblin trade overseer? She looks kinda rich so maybe she's like a crime lord.
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Which class to level:

0 Priest
1-2 Warlock
3-4 Warrior
5-6 Hunter
7-8 DK
9 Shaman
>do WQ
>get chest

I almost feel sad that I don't have a good story to go with mine.
I just paid $40 to ruin this game for me.

Just did my char boost and now
>No idea what dungeons/raids/etc to do
>No idea where to get next level equip
>No idea what the fuck to do with a garrison
They'll have to make artifact traits having no effect on anyone level 111 or over, otherwise the artifact weapons - which would be well over 1000 item level by the end of legion, be still BiS at 120 because of their traits.

There raw item level alone will make them unupgradable until the next level cap alone, unless a conscious effort is put into weapon drops.

E.g everything else from the next expansions quests is like in the 900s or so, and the weapons are all 1100+
nigga, I'm pretty sure that we'll end up in Argus one way or another

>velen is fucking pissed at kil'jaeden and decides to sail to argus
>anduin comic shows an old man anduin on the exodar about to do a frontal assault against the legion

if we don't go to argus soon... I'll be mad.
Is that really it? (i dont mean that in a negative way) Seems like that would just be something everyone would be doing. Ill check out the ah. thanks for the input bruh
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>World quest ring upgrade
>Darkbrul Arena
- Get the quest for Legion from Orgrimmar/Stormwind message board if you don't have it. Hop onto boat and hit the new content.
- Quests and gear from quests until you're 110.
- Nothing. Fuck WoD and fuck Garrisonville.
What character did you boost?
What server are you on?
why would your game be ruined?
if you are level 100, then level up to 110? lol
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>rp out robbing someone in plain daylight in Orgrimmar

>Disc Priest
>No idea what the hell to do.
we will, but not next expansion. they wont put two legion expansions in a row, for sure. Blizzard Doesnt want to blow their load with argus, which is essentially the coup de grace of Warcraft lore at this point. It's what everyone wants, but we can't have it yet. Obviously i could be wrong, maybe with metzen out of the picture the lore team will go balls to the wall.
is it actually possible to level 100-110 by doing timemewalking ?
It's possible but it'll take forever and a fucking day. Bring lots of fire breath food.
>Disc Priest
Stop before you you really ruin the game for yourself
Why do you think the 4chin boogey men will come after you
>No idea what the hell to do.
just level up
just grab the quest to start legion content, disc priest is nonsense for solo content because of the self healing. You'll be fine bruh. Probably find a group of people to be friends with. What server are you on?
Yep that's it.

You underestimate the laziness and ignorance of others
Glad you asked. I'm on Dalaran.
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Absolutely dogshit, 10 exp per mob, rested and 20k for completion. Questing is faster,
Actual GOOD RP:ers
I was originally doing blacksmithing when the new expac hit, made assloads off of selling my bracers because of lazy people, but profits died off, since then i've just been trying to make monux off of my gems like i previously mentioned. Never thought to try alchemy
Gathering professions in general are crazy lucrative right now. You can still turn a small profit off of them even after the mat vendor but right now it's crazy fucking money.

Just be smart and don't flood the market. Worst thing you can do for yourself.
Why would you ever do that?

Do you want no world quests unlocked?
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>play better drunk by using brewfest toys to make character also drunk
I was so impressed. I pulled a gun and they didn't teleport away.

All my pre-Cata screenshots were on my old computer unfortunately.

Feel free to laugh at my action bars, though.
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>No art of Odyn presenting his boipucci, saying "Cum take your prize, champion"
>having a boypussy
whats the point of the mats vendor in the sewers
you literally can't ever buy them
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I tried to buy Fjarnskaggl, it was marked as having twelve (12) in stock but when I tried to buy it it said out of stock
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>titans gave the Dragonflights control over Azeroth
>implying they had any right to do so

That's like America going to another country and deciding who will be the leader.
isn't that what they do, though?
which is all irrelevant now because they sacrificed their powers to become mortals and create another dragon soul so thrall could kamehameha wave deathwing
I wanna play affl lock but their animations are shit.
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>they place a race that isn't native to Azeroth
just make fem belf and stare at their butt instead of casting animation
after all this time i find out my gf was a man!?!
i need some time to think...
I literally can't research right now because the NPC window won't open up
Literally /reload
I don't know whats up with it
every time I go there, I check every single thing the npc sells, and absolutely everything is unavailable everytime

It was a long time ago....
Trolls should've been in charge or Azeroth
I bet you think the same.
the Exodar will use artifact weapons as fuel
Well. I feel like an idiot. I was avoiding starting the legion content just yet.

Literally got two upgrades in less than 2 minutes.
>Blizz content isn't supposed to make sense.
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>there are people THIS casual calling others newbs
>raid and dungeons have too much trash
he's got a point with the fucking dazed though, what a shit mechanic
Checked his post history to see if this was a joke or not
>Still don't have one while some newbs have 2-3...
The mantra of every lazy shitter here that only does emissary cache at bare minimum and cries about people farming dozens of Mythic+ everyday having legendaries.
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>tfw only ever played tank
>didn't even know about dazing until someone linked that leathercraft binding in chat
I do actually
I agree with there being too many mobs holy fuck
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i think we r going to have to start seeing different people...
>too much farming
>raid and dungeons have way too much trash
>no flying
>150% too many mobs
so this is the power of current gen mmo retard players, no wonder majority of pugs are brain dead
Why do these sims always have nothing to do with reality?
>complaining about no flying
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>I-I don't need people to progress in an mmo

I swear to god, these guys...
Because Patchwerk bosses are a rarity.
Literally never once thought like that about any of those things
Not even about mobs and dazed because somehow I always feel like thay are too far apart and usually do nothing to me even if I don't play as a tank
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Fallaa please...
4k gold+ on my server
Hunters are objectively the worst players in the game.
Will enhance shamans get nerfed?
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Hopefully they bring out the sledgehammer.
>two rares at the same time in underbelly
>faggot furry monk shitter dismisses the guards and oneshots everyone with his aoe
fun shit
Make a fucking alt you dumb nigger.
stonehide leather is 160g ea on your server?
>holy priests dont get a shield
>shadow does
i legit stopped playing them because of this.back when i was progression raiding my guilds wouldnt even take hunters except for specific things, i.e. tranq shot mobs in ssc
leatherworkers are jews
Spoiler tags for a reason

So in legion, is the betrayal by the horde canon for both sides? If you are a horde player what happens for you in front of the portal?

Also, King Varian's line to Guldan is one of the baddest things I've seen in a movie/game in a while.
what the fuck are they camping lo

I'm so sorry m8
horde cinematic is horde leaders getting overwhelmed by trash mobs and voljin getting stabbed by a nonelite demon and them losing the flank and fleeing.
? shaman is the best melee spec right now
If you think shaman is the best anything, you are sadly mistaken.
Kill yourself.
Shaman are objectively the best at _____fun_____
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