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/owg/ - Overwatch General

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Previous Thread: >>157357353

>Latest Patch Notes (Live)

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Anyone wanna play?

Bnet name: Halefire94
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Got 3 of the 4 Halloween skins. And finally got a skin I like with Widow. Only problem being I can't aim.
How does one git gud as blueberry?
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Whore Mercy's whore outfit!
Why does ESPORTS META ruin every single multiplayer game now?
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who /postingunrelatedmemes/ here?
So Hanzo is secretly an offensive dps hero right?
I have been getting gold damage medals nearly every game as him for a week
I want Mercy to put on her witch outfit and encourage me to fap.
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best girl
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Mercy's thick delicious thighs
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Channel your inner hon hon
best mommy
Widow and Hanzo should be on attack honestly. Like pro teams never pick them on defense. Well they never pick widow at all but that is besides the point.

Hanzo was on attack originally I don't why they changed it.
I don't play Mercy but I still used my last good goy shekels on her.
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How did a skin manage to convince so many people to play the most boring fucking character in the game when Ana exists and is the most fun support and is better in every way?
>snipers are slowly reintegrating into the game
The golden age of hog is threatened by widowmaker players, thank god the stigma is still alive with idiots
Grandma you're making me feel funny...
fuck snipers

worst class ever in ANY fps

walk around corner and get one shotted, how fun
I never played the beta so i didnt know that but neato

They should rearrange some heros catagory wise, some of them make no sense where they are now.
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let us delve deep into the psyche of one
Shaddai "hello, I am friend Shadman" Prejean

>swiss edgelord
>applied for art college with his "art"
>accepted but was later kicked out
>because the school found out about his site and the kind of art he posted
>questioned by swiss authorities about his mental stability
>joined the red cross boy scouts, or whatever the swiss call their army
>managed to get through it kicked out
>back to civilian life
>moved to burgerland so he can enjoy the free speech and in turn pump out more loli and guro art

shad is quite literally reaper and mercy's love child
>Hanzo was on attack originally
Holy shit I remember this
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>last chest for the night
>both golds!
>more halloween reaper skins
I swear to god, I've had enough of these damn reaper skins. Four fucking times I get the damn halloween one, and are they not supposed to give 600 gold for dupes? 200 each time ffs

End my suffering, just give me the mercy instead ;_;
Next worse are any type of stealth characters.
Mercy is popular with girls
>extremely easy
Ana has just became popular and only because streamers told their legion of bumbling idiots that she is good.
>Tfw overwatch is league of legends all over with people only playing what their e-celebs tell them to play
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>Try to channel my inner hon hon
>Turns out like this instead
I'm fine with snipers its just that widow and hanzo can do a shit ton of damage to hog and up until now I haven't had to learn to deal with that.
she's 37 she's old as fuck
here is another pic of the suspect right before the gruesome murder of the beloved Sleepycast crew
Team deathmatch, ctf, fort wars, and 5cp maps when?
Ana is literally the only female character who looks her age. At 37 a girl is either a cougar or ugly as fuck
I wonder if girls generally think it's weird to be attracted to fictional cg characters.
Sounds like you should play TF :^)
Playing Ana is so much more fun after the halloween update. Every single enemy team has a Mercy slowly hovering around in wide open spaces
I think after her rework symmetra will be moved to defence and maybe hanzo or widow (I think hanzo is the more offensive one) can go to offence. This also allows we blizzard to add another healer support since I doubt Sombra will be one. The reason why I believe sombra will be in support is because blizzard said they are trying to push as many support and tanks first as possible.
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>like 10 lootboxes in and still aint got barely anything
I cant believe how many 3grey 1 blue boxes ive gotten since the event started
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Cutest and best pairing
damn right
for guys to be attracted, I mean.
>I wonder if girls generally think it's weird to be attracted to fictional cg characters.
Based on personal experience, not really. Plenty of husbandofags are actually grills.
This game is vicariously replacing tf2 for me
I wont be satisfied until theirs at least 5cp and deathmatch
>how to deal with widow
>how to deal with hanzo
hide behind rein shield
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>I already found both the Junkrat and the Roadhog skins

This event has been nice to me.
Did Reinhardt get forcefully retired before or after ana was shot in the face?
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>It's a junkenstein episode where the Ana never uses nano boost for boss sections and/or never boosts the McCree to ult combo
>It's a junkenstein episode where you play as Ana but the McCree (or soldier if McCree is dead) doesn't pop their ult following a nano boost
Too brown
Ah, good.
See I want a gf who is or at least understands husbandofags so that she'd be accepting of my having a waifu.
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What is the least lewd Mercy skin and why is it Witch?
Symmetra is getting a rework? Source?
>Win five games in a row
>sixth game get a guy at the start who is like "Okay I'm going to make sure we lose."

that shit dont work like that yo, you die a virgin :(
>"avoid player" was totally a mistake you guys
Would be hard to throw out my waifu folder.
They removed avoid player months ago
I believe you.
Played so many games that use forced 50 that I cant get it out my mind even in overwatch
Watch the latest dev update on youtube
>have to wait for 45 min queues cause people are too salty you completely demolished them as WM
it was indeed
Removed because people couldn't keep themselves from abusing it.
Work on your appearance, ive been with alot of girls who will tolerate my hobbies just because they think im hot. Also its a get out of jail free card for most situations and people will deny that it exists because it will hurt their self esteem if they acknowledge it.
>tfw avoided being fired for slacking so many times because my boss licks my abs
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id rework her butthole with my dick

if you know what i mean
You get a 3d waifu tho, so maybe you dont need the pictures? I've heard pussies feel better than your hand, idk
woops i meant likes
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Practice flickshots constantly. Learn positioning. Hope like hell the other team doesn't dive on you. If not, smug your way to victory and enjoy dead flies.
Buying them has better odds.
It's funny how fat dudes are in denial about this. Also, a good haircut which accommodates the face helps a lot.
What DO you mean, anon? I dont get it... how will you rew~
I've been solo queueing competitive and it's just so aggravating. Is it common to only have a 36.7% win percentage in that bullshit as a zarya/pharah or do I need to get fucking good? If so, what the fuck do I do to get good? My stats are all very high (some top 1%) and I gold all over the place. I feel like I just need to Reaper and focus on just solo carry.
Yeah, my arms and torso are thin. Gotta fix that.
Yeah but I'm attached and the 2D waifu is my go-to fap for special occasions.
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Witch club best club. Which skin should I farm for next?
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Hey, Planetside 2 combined those, as well as favor the shooter and 500ms ping russians. It was ultra cancer.
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Because you totally have to pander to braindead sluts just to fuck them rite?
If you have that low winrate as zarya I'm assuming that you're playing her wrong.
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i want to pound her root chakra with my snek
Like >>157373031 said, you're going to have an easier time of getting girls to like you if you at least look like you take good care of yourself. I wouldn't necessarily worry too much about drastic appearance changes right out of the gate, though. Some girls like thin guys, after all.
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post sombra best girl
I hate it when I solo and my team is overall doing poorly and just one guy acts like it's all my fault at the very end (instead of communicating at all earlier). I guess that's the reality of things.
git gud

Doctor Jamison Junkenstein, of course.
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Brown is best.
>symmetra rework
I want to see her E get turned into a healing turret that runs off her turret charges, then double her turret max and half the cd

So now you can either super microwave or super chemotherapy people or half and half
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Thinking about buying the blizzcon virtual ticket. I only play Overwatch though and the bastion skin is nice and all but is there anything more?
Will there be more rewards and shit for people who bough the ticket? What has happened in the previous blizzcons?
I'm not looking to become a meathead but I want to get fit not just for the 3Ds but for overall health, and healthy thin > too thin
Looks like Gearbox character.
2 Modes of comp and qp
>solo Q - EVERYFUCKINGBODY solo queues
>stack - You cant queue unless you have 6 people either all of them with mics or none of them with mics

Like yeah....
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This has always been the obvious solution.

I don't get it. I just stay alive, get hella overcharged, protect my teammates, wreck assholes, and stay objectively minded. I've only played 20 Comp matches this season and have that % at the moment. Went all the way from 2790 to 24xx because of this stupid shit. How am I supposed to play her? Just run in and act like a mongoloid like quick play Zaryas?
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>buying the blizzcon virtual ticket
Being fat is not healthy or aesthetically pleasing. It's not good for the body or the mind. It's not a good alternative lifestyle despite what tumblr tells you, it will hurt you.
Being attractive honestly comes down to looking like a healthy adult. If you look like you dont sleep, you eat more than you need (fat), or you're painfully skinny you are going to have to work harder to get with a girl and even harder to maintain the relationship. Now can a shit personality or just a boring lifestyle ruin the relationship as well? Hell yeah but people go for things based on appearance first, content second, and if they dont like either they abandon for another product
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Sombra's theme
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reminder to report mei players on sight

That's a huge problem I've seen in those 20 games. There will be two teams of two usually and they will only work together with eachother and not with the other team or solo queuers. The worst is when it's a Mercy and xx and the Mercy just follows her boyfriend around and lets everyone else die.

You get to watch blizzcon in high quality without having to rely on random streamers that might get taken down.

Other than that, no. If you only play one blizzard game I'd say its not worth it.
Well, in that case, there's no problem. It's better that you're doing it for your own reasons, in my opinion. I hope you get good results!
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Mei buying clothes!
>implying im fat

wrong again

Engage your damage control if you want

being a healthy adult and changing yourself in a way to be more attractive than you already are are two differant things. Think women who look ugly without makeup.
>I'm not looking to become a meathead
This is something you will never have to worry about because you would have to train for the majority of your life to become one while learning and progressing. If you want to train for health its going to be the same as if you trained for anything because thats a side effect of activity you become healthy but if you dont grow any muscle or endurance you will stagnate and your health will as well.
thanks anon

It's not just about girls bro. As nice as it is to try and be a special snowflake, people judge you for not fitting in with the norm, including physical appearance. Life is easier when you try and go with societal flow.
>its easier being a faggot
i bet

They've already said they have no intention of turning her into a healer and would rather move her out of support than give her healing
Aight, thanks man.
she looks like them squirrely girls I went to highschool with
blizzard should have given us a hot mejicano
Nice reading comprehension
I report Junkrat players for spamming.

Exactly what I thought when I first saw it
>torb is defense
>has 75 armor pachs and turrets

>symm is support (?)
>has 25 shields
>has turrets

Why is she in the support roster again?

I just realized i dun goof'd, sorry
the following dank meme dump is sponsored by funnyjunk and candid
>being a healthy adult and changing yourself in a way to be more attractive than you already are are two differant things.
They really are not all that different, someone who is physically healthy is going to be athletic and have a body that resembles that, someone who is mentally healthy wont have a face that reflects that, and your example of women with make up is poor because girls who look like shit without makeup still look like shit with makeup they just visit a place with guys who are drunk/horny enough to not care.
It's not about appearance. Fatness and not eating properly is bad for the health. If you treat your own body like trash then how can you except other body people to treat it with respect?

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I just got out of a match with a literal autist
>guy playing lucio, but constantly screaming into the mic for a second healer
>No one changes because he is being a bitch about it, and we are actually winning.
>he doesnt give up
>One guy asks us if he should go reaper, which we really needed.
>he starts typing HEALER HEALER HEALER into the chat over and over.
>still no one goes second healer because we didnt need one.
>We win the game anyway.
>he still going on about a second healer
>he calls me a fuckboy

This fucking community meng. I would have swapped he wasnt sperging out. I wanted to see how far he went.
>mfw he sang.
Witch mercy cosplayers when?

my dick needs this
Witch Mercy cosplay JOI!
>They really are not all that differant
Keep telling yourself that mate
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It's about both. They wouldn't know you're unhealthy if you didn't look unhealthy and there would be no problem. Being a lardass demonstrates that you are unhealthy / don't care and as a result you aren't treated with the same level of respect as most people.

Anyway we are getting off topic. Why is Coldhardt the best Reinhardt skin?
Soldier will always be a joke, and less than <1% pick in pro games. Even Torbjörn, Bastion and Symmerta have higher pick rates. For 1 month he had the same pick rate as the other offense heroes, and Blizzard couldn't tolerate that.

Blizzard's pet classes:

Does she like it when boys jerk to it?
>that screen tear
fresh memes comin at chu famerinos
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But it is not about just other people. You are physically hurting yourself. Your body is not a garbage bin that you can throw any garbage down your mouth. Treat your own body with respect for YOU
What a pasty fuck he is.
i wanna fuck her stomach
Hey man if you want to spend your life being mentally and physically grotesque, go for it! You are a free man. I'm just saying that your mental and physical health reflect each other and also determine your relationships if you even have any.
see >>157374108
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No you don't.
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"It's in the refrigerator, lmao"


see >>157374419
I want Sombra to be released and still be drawn as a child.
Did he blow up the Swiss army HQ? Or even do a death blossom in the middle of a art school classroom?
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meant for
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Thick witch
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And I want to rape Sombra's anus
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So much cuter masked and mysterious.
Trump would main Soldier or McCree, definitely not Reaper though
All of my Halloween loot boxes are full of duplicate blues and I am full of duplicate anger!
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which overwatch girls or guys have tramp stamps?
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>Ana just stood at the gate doing god knows what while I'm fucking dancing my ass off at zombadiers and watching the gate get double anal from Zomnics
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his main is gonna be s76 mei and mcree, hes not gonna be great but im okay with it since he would be that bumbling friend who earnestly wants to git gud but cant

hillary would just play with 6-stacks only and have them all focus their play style around keeping her alive
He mains Zarya but doesn't try to carry the team to victory. He then calls Mercy a PMSing slut for not healing him from the other end of the map.
are you well anon? did mommy forget to pic you up from the public library?
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Amélie Lacroix's perfect smile
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does she want guys to look at them?
I don't know how to feel about this.
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need dat
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nah senpai
>Now entering the TEMPLE OF ANUBIS
>Now entering the TEMPLE OF ANUBIS
>Now entering the TEMPLE OF ANUBIS
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>can only play diva
Im ok with that too desu
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I made an spooky vers. because I like whitewashing browns.
shadman is legitimately an incredibly bad artist and I don't understand how anyone can like his shit
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You saying that >>157375236 doesn't look like a PMSing slut?
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how seriously does dad76 play gold?

just do it ever few months with the old buddies kinda casual?

or he subscribes to golfing channels and newsletter tier kind of obsessed?
That's not whitewashing she's a corpse
Are you saying all brown people are white when they're dead
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>50 year old gypsy womans face on a loli

fucking gross
Nive videogames you have here anon

Also, don't be boring, don't be the norm. Or you will be bored trough your whole life, and after each year you will crawe to die because the pointlessness of your life.
I'll take this face over the other one
>he doesn't know that tumblr went batshit over Vampire Symmetra
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What did Junkrat ever do to you to warrant this treatment
Why did they, anyway? Do they think dead people are all white or something?
Sorry anon, I don't go out of my way to find out what other people are upset over.
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Golf is exactly what I can imagine a grumpy, gray haired ex-officer play.
>that 1 beta boy who says "Thanks!" after you heal them like a dog barking to its master
I stop healing them the entire match after that, it's pathetic and sad how lonely some of you autistic neckbeards are.
>50 year old gypsy woman's face

are you retarded?
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Here's that (You) you wanted.
girls, girls, stop bickering

its obvious they gave symmetra the "vampire" theme because they didnt want to risk backlash from the uppity hindu society if they use a traditional hindu mythical beast/monter because muh appropriation
>mfw im close to surpassing shadman art wise

Dude fell hard some how
leavers should be executed
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Zarya doesn't skip leg day
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Looking to healslut for somebody.
PC US BigC#11884
>implying shadshits art was good in the first place

>not gathering some valuable data on this mission
I seriously hope you heroes don't do this
Yeah, in all fairness they already tried that and got backlash anyway.
It's not that hard. He stagnated hard because people keep lapping at his shit. He's basically Andrew Dobson, at this point - just listening to his echo chamber.

I thought India was okay with them. They put out Goddess and Diva.
>thanking healers
What the fuck kidding of backwards mentality do you need to thank these useless whores for doing their damned jobs. They should be the ones thanking me for allowing the slut to touch my healthbar
>I think maybe if I just keep sharing this I will find acceptance of others for my fetishes and depravity

you are a disgusting worm
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theres a specific lobby group of hindus, their lead guy is buttflustered about symmetra
Shall I tug to Mercy tonight?
>I thought India was okay with them. They put out Goddess and Diva.

Apparently some tumbrlites wanted Blizz to remove them and Blizzard said "lol no fuck off".

I want to punch Mei so hard she turns into a door and stops existing
I meant Devi. Sorry.
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I honestly don't know why they went that grey. It does seem a little weird, and I'm disappointed they didn't go all out with the skin, but I'm not buttblasted about it.
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It wasn't tumblr, it was Rajin Zed, who also berated Shin Megami Tensei for the way it handled Hindu deities
wonder what vampire a butthole would smell like
Not just tumblrites, but actual Hindus in India.
The gray was just to show that they were lifeless. Unlike Widowmaker, with her weird-ass purple skin, they are undead abominations. I don't think it's that big a deal.

The only thing that IS a problem is that there aren't any Dracula-style vampires.
>projecting this hard
That's odd.

Good thing I was on the defending team or that might have made things difficult.
I suppose. It just seems weird to go that extreme with the color. I guess they couldn't figure out how to make her look pale and lifeless while keeping her skin tone and have her not look weird.
>Implying Widowmaker isn't an undead abomination
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That skin is pretty high quality considering its only an epic skin.

The headset is different, she has bats on her nametag and stockings and the turrets are eyeballs. I think the 750 skins are really amazing considering they aren't legendary skins. I mean the 76 skin doesn't have his mask, and that alone is worth a ton of coin.
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Widowmaker is not an abomination.
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She's already lifeless on the inside, anon. And playing her is basically playing a dead person, since you're going to die all the time.

ay fuk u man shes a pirncess
Doesn't 76 have many unmasked skins already?


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His Commando Legendary, his Stunt Rider and Origin skin are unmasked.

This is the first non Legendary skin for him that removes the mask.

Same shit happened to me yesterday. Hollywoods new spook lighting is bugged.
do you not know how melanin works?
>he's above 3000 SR
>he's not <1000 ranked on a character
What's odd? That you had a Symmetra on your team?
The body stops producing melanin after its dead
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>tfw good with all the healers and best with ana
>tfw complete dogshit at every other roll so on the rare occasions healers get instapicked I'm fucking worthless to the team
>leveling up from a loss
>losing a match because at least one of your teammates was fucking stupid
Also when blood loses all its oxygen, it becomes blueish. And that's almost the same as not having blood at all. Plus there is already a vampire Widow skin that makes her pale.

But this new epic costs almost as much as leggos.
it was mostly one guy
hindu professor or something
just go double healer m8
I could post pictures of the corpses of Indian people, but I'm not sure if that would be SFW. But they stay brown even when they're dead and bloodless. For the most part. They become paler, but they don't turn grey.
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>enemy hanzo kills me really quickly
>i'm impressed so i watch the replay
>he was aiming for one of my teammates and accidentally shot me in the head
>blizz decides to add a blind hero

suggest how the UI and player vision would work/look like
The whitewashing criticism was relatively valid desu. Black skin doesn't loose their melanin on death, the blood flow stopping doesn't give that albino look that sym has.

Not that I'm complaining, but dismissing the critic entirely just confirms the naturalised xenophobia.
there'll be a pallor (which will result in pale people looking almost white, yeah) but it's much less noticeable on darker-skinned corpses

not true; when you cut yourself, that deep red is about as dark as blood gets. arterial spray is significantly brighter.
750 is worth it.
I know this is weird but I've ran into multiple instances of two healers getting instalocked
just black nigga
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>playing comp
>map is Nepal
>guy on my team instapicks Widowmaker and never switches the entire game
>call him out for never switching
>"lol I had the most damage you guys suck"
Nice game, Blizzard.
10/10, would protect
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>no DMC reference skins for genji
Do medals even mean anything? Every time I have some whiner on a mic, it's someone who keeps talking about how they have all the gold medals.
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He basically had the most damage, and you complained about it, what?
it means for whatever counter, theyre the ones highest on a specific stat than the rest of the team

so technically they are doing better than you
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I-I wanna do science with Dr. Junkenstein!
The problem with medals is that you can't where everyone else stands. So you might have gold in everything, but you might barely have gold in everything or be tied with a number of other people.
>Dante is badass
>Genji is bitchass
What refrence do you mean?
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>people arguing over how accurate the portrayal of vampirism is in a video game

Vampire Symettra can be as pale as they want her to be because vampires aren't fucking real you little shits
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>Enemy Hanzo kills me out of nowhere
>I'm confused so I watch the replay
>He was just aiming at a random spot spamming arrows
How the actual fuck do I play reaper?
I just constantly get focused down and die within two seconds

Just don't laugh at him
thats why live scoreboards for the whole team needs to be put in place

that way, theres no complaining on who is talking shit but cant back it up
>how do i flank as a flanker?
You flank, faggot
>sneaking behind bastion as bastion
>next melt lucio
>ult is ready
>drop down and blow my load on tracer
>that MOAN
>team finally sees what is happening and joins me
>splash on zarya
>shred mccree
>we cap payload
>enemy zarya gets potg for pressing Q
Play frontline with the tanks
Will NRG beat the Koreans?
No, then the one guy on the top of the board who has the most kills but never set foot on the objective can bitch endlessly about everybody else
Know the map.
Coordinate with teammates.
Be inside the enemy's character model for maximum pain.
Know when to get the fuck out.
Since playing a shitton of Torb and WM in comp, for once i agree with scoreboards
Guess I'm going to have to party up again to get the no damage achievement. Randoms don't give a fuck, they intentionally ignore zomnics once they get their ulti.
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Wait, but, Reyes is hispanic
Is it okay to laugh WITH him?
>no DMC reference skins for genji
He looks like Raiden. That's tangentially close enough to cuhrayzy.
Personally I wanted an Ash/any Evil Dead reference as a seasonal voice line.
Go after the guys not in a group.

If you go after anyone in a group, you can bet that they're in voicechat or discord and will be on top of you before you can kill any of them.

Unless its my group because apparently a tracer/genji/reaper can get behind us and not a single person besides myself will call them out or even notice them before they slaughter the shitters I call friends.

You can either hug the rest of your team or *teleports behind you* the enemy team to disrupt the fuck out of them
if you're constantly getting focused down, it's probably because you're charging in alone. stop fucking doing that.

also as reaper, don't go into a fight without wraith form ready
If hes behind enemy lines or sniping he doesn't fucking need to be on the god damn objecting you autistic fuck
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>when you hear the enemies frantically spamming ultimates to wipe your team while you're just sitting behind a nearby wall waiting to fuck up their whole day with a single button press

>Reaper getting a Boomstick line

Shit now you made me sad this didn't happen
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>hit someone directly in the chest with pharahs knockback
>it sends them towards me
You better hope so.
Questionable. You wouldn't want him to take it the wrong way and end up REGRETTING THE DAY YOU LARFED AT DOCTAH JAYMISON JUNKENSTEIN
I get wet just thinking about it
My favorite is

>see ana sleep dart pass by you
>get slept anyway
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>reinhardt STILL doesn't have a deus vult voiceline
In addition to this, learn to leave fights a bit earlier if you think you're losing, wraith form gives you that power and you should absolutely use it
Yeah, either that or Groovy for Reaper or Lucio.
The voice lines we got are disappointingly generic for Halloween.
I love that voice line so fucking much.
You dimwitted imbecile couldn't shop out the tramp stamp, could you?
I had an enemy Hanzo do this to me all game.

I would see the Arrow Trail whiff right past me then a half a second later I would be dead because LOL FAVOR THE SHOOTER KICKED IN YO.

He did this 3 times yet I still got POTG of me shooting a crowd and stepping on a Junkrat trap.
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>76 STILL doesn't have an It Ain't Me voiceline
>the following dank meme dump is sponsored by funnyjunk and candid
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stop obsessing over being sneaky and getting ebin potg ults

you're a combination anti-flanker (a la mccree, you fuck up gengus, meis and tracers that want your healers), disruptor (like winston or dva, you're a presence that can't be ignored) and tank shredder (when you do get the odd chance to sneak up behind a rein, you can take it and fuck his ass, provided he doesn't have a team standing behind him)

playing him like tracer or genji is a mistake; tracer and genji are both meant to spend prolonged periods of time in the enemy team, but reaper can really only blow his load once, and then he has to wraith out and hope nobody's chasing him. he's not a flanker.
I got another one:
>Reaper: I'll swallow your soul.
>Enemy Reaper: Swallow this.
>mercy will never impregnate you
why live
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Freindly reminder that Reaper/Sombra banter and relationship will be a disappointment and will never live up to the fanart, just like her shitty design was a massive flop worthy of stillborn
Noted. Would it help if I cuddled with him and told him what an angel and an absolute treasure he is after?
>cums in his throat

I'm gonna be upset if they don't add some of these voicelines to the main game. Some of the Hanzo and McCree voice lines are pretty good.
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>Reapers voiceline isn't "ki ki ki ha ha ha chu"
She doesn't look whitewashed though. Just dead
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>Look at this team, we're going to do great.
How do you respond?
>hard mode

The hardest part is getting a good team
>Genji still not nerfed.
Why don't they just remove him from the game?
i dont associate with nigggers
What is he so happy about /owg/?
>attack torbjorn
>three snipers
Thanks for the sarcasm, Lucio.

Honestly the mode isn't that great but I'm so charmed by what they've done with the characters I can't stop playing it
Hey, it's just like Competitive.
Remove mei
>Snipers literally lock 70% of the map
>torb spams L1 for hanzo tier kills
>lucio is lucio
So whats the problem, m8
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>when you solo queue in comp and join with a team of five friends and you feel them judging your skills as a group
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What the fuck is wrong with Shadman?
Maybe we're getting different teammates, because the snipers I play with couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Most of the WMs I've seen just hide behind a wall the whole match and ult whenever they feel like pretending that they're contributing something. An argument could be made for Torb, but only if the person playing him knows what they're doing.
whats with all these normies man holy shit its like facebook/reddit replaced everybody on vg
What a bunch of misfits and freaks we got here. I love it!
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I hate it when fucking cunts like this leave Competitive early. I was up 2-0 until the fucking gay retard leaves early and we lose 3-2.
We need a new thread right now this one is getting stale.
pick 4th widow
Where are the lewd pic posters?
New thread where?
>We need a new thread right now this one is getting stale.

Maybe if you leave the thread might revitalize.
Everyone here has done Junkenstein's Revenge on hard without damage to the door, right? You're not bad at PvE, right..?
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All there facial expressions we can't even see with the default skin.

They even made them for Reaper whose only skin that shows his face is the Origins one.
I want the Junkenstein's Revenge lines to be added in with the skins for all the characters if only to have Junkrat tell people to not laugh at him.
And for Mercy to refer to her teammates as "minions".
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That's the best I can do right now
What the hell is this ?! Everyone game a join, I get sleep dart then given free candies by Ana hiding in a corner.
To be fair the skins all share the same facial expressions regardless of the skin, just like the animations are always the same for each skin.

Its just nice to see them without a mask in the way.
3 days in the future
i cannot begin to imagine.

have you seen the porn that he drew of his own mother for mother's day?
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>it's a "shitter instalocks Widowmaker " episode
I hate reruns
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Why do these boxes think I want skins for this stupid bitch. I got so damn excited when I saw a legendary because this was my last case of the night and I really fucking want witch mercy but it just had to give me the other color of the shitty legendary I already have for a character ive never played.
What I really want is them to add Mercy's revive line to her Witch skin.

It's really stupid that her best Legendary skin has no unique revive line in game, but has one in the special game mode.
does she have her voice lines for that skin now
But they could have taken the lazy route and have no unmasked skins.
not him but I wouldn't mind fapping to Mercy on mother's day and thinking certain things.
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>only solo queue in a 5 stack vs 6 stack match
>hanzo gets angry at me for not having a mic
I swear the gold and purp drop more frequently during the events cause I've gotten more legendary skins than I've gotten in a long while.

Many were duplicates mind you, but still a gold drop is a gold drop.
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What did the Witch have planned for the future?
Was it just some vague Mafia-esk favor system she was working off of?
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Everyone dies
IIRC, someone ran the numbers

They do drop more, actually
Lmao not having a mic, you deserve it
she wanted his soul to turn him into another immortal servant just like The Reaper
Does anyone have that MS pain picture of 76? My girlfriend keeps asking why I keep saying "YOU"RE IN MY EYE" whenever he ults.
Just tested it, she still uses her default "HEROES NEVER DIE" voice line. Stop spouting misinformation.
Immortal Dr. Jamison Junkenstein.
I want this in the worst way.
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>teammate picks offense hero
>doesn't flank
>cannot aim
>no game sense
>'i'm gold elims though'
it's not being a normie, shadman is just shit
Well shit, I've mostly gotten blues and whites with one purple in all of my boxes (it was a Reinhardt emote for Halloween)
>tracer's feet

He's an inbred european. That's why he's so fucking retarded.
The only good legendary I have gotten from normal boxes is Daredevil 76. For like 100 levels I didn't get anything but Young Hanzo, and I hate that skin even more than I hate Hanzo in general.
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>"misinformation" when interrogative and not declarative
>>doesn't flank
playing as they should then
Not all offense heroes are flankers or have to flank 100% of the time
Who did he pick specifically
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>stupid fucks thinking we need 2 Widowmakers for Lijiang Tower instead of a healer
Nigga, you still got the new highlight, and little slav zarya spray.
>5 win 5 loss 55 rating
>5 win 5 loss 2534 rating
just wondering if anyone out there still denies that forced 50 is a thing
Did see the Mei post, thought it was referring to the Witch mercy post.

I haven't heard the Mei voice lines in game with the Rescue Mei skins either.
>Spooky Hollywood
>Two movies
>One is just called "The tragedy of Junkenstein" or something like that
>Picture is a really noble shot of the monste
>With the classic Junkrat laughter

The real villain si the Witch. Junkenstein was a chill dude who just wanted to defeat death. He made a deal with the Witch of the Woods to help him, but after the Tragedy of Junkenstein, she raised him and forced him to do evil
I find it weird that you basically cannot be complained at if you pick a 'meta' tank. I mean, I'm sure I'm not the only one who had bad tanks on their team right ? What about y'all ?
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>it's a "guy instaloks the character I got 3 golds with last round and refuses to acknowledge me" episode
Reruns more often then you would think.
how do you actually get more score on the brawl? we did a flawless run but have 1k less score than the best scores on the leaderboard
>join match
>koth ilios
>there's a three-man with 2 symettras and a hanzo
>already lost first
>enemy at 50%
Fuck it, still getting backfill xp.
Jamison Junkenstein was too pure for this world.
Forced 50 is a thing but not forced 2500 rating. You're just bad.
I am from experience a bad tank, and I'm only maginally decent with Zarya. No one ever gives me shit when I fuck up tanking
>Streetswine is a fucking defense character disguised as a tank so I'm not counting him
>Forced 50 is a thing
when will anons realize that the average winrate needs to be 50%
This picture made me realize that the only problem with her model is her hair length. if she had long, curly hair down one side then I wouldn't have a problem with it at all. All she has now is a little uninspired swoop with a purple tip.
So are Genji and Mercy a thing?
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>mad scientist who tried to create life strictly to get people to respect him

Not arguing that the Witch wasn't the real villain all along, though. That's true.
Yeah, I feel that breaking the enemy ranks is too highlighted, bad tanking and cohesion should also be pointed at.
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>master ranked solo queue
>our team has someone who plays exclusively junkrat no matter what the situation is
>their team has a grandmaster pharah main

Would you like them to be?
I'm okay with Zarya but some asshat still blamed me for the overall poor team.
As much as any other ship. So no
you do know that 2500 is halfway between 0 and 5000 right?
did OW really attract people who failed elementary school?
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>Play game
>nobody goes healer
>play ana for three hours of game
>darting teammates like mad, chucking grenades as fast as my cool down will allow, putting ults into nap mode all the time
>feel myself becoming one with the game
>someone else finally goes healer, and then another person

W-what do I do now guys? I don't even remember how to play other heroes at this point...
being average in a game which is played mostly by one-hour-per-week normies is really, really pathetic and embarrassing
Even better is when you kill one enemy team member a bunch of times and then you see them switch to the character you're playing. Happened to me so many times, it's hilarious when they think that's going to help them not be shit.
>play mccree on junkenstein's revenge hard
>play anyone else
this achievement will be the death of me
for farming xp for crates which mode gives the most xp per hour currently, in?
You don't have to beat hard mode to get the achievement for playing all four heroes.
>Sitting alone on the payload because everybody thinks QP is TDM

Explain this https://clyp.it/mqlufntl

and then the fact he cries if she dies.
can you tell me how it feels? I'd love to know the perspective of someone who can't do basic math.

oh right, you already told me how it feels: pathetic and embarrassing. thanks for the insight
I want to beat it on hard because I don't want to play on easier difficulties

I want to work for this achievement
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Zenyatta main blog, part n
>get to 2900 soloq with zarya and tracer
>drop to 2600 soloq with zarya and tracer because suddenly my team loses 3v5 fights when I flank and pick people as tracer
>or because nobody can capitalize on my 4-5 men gravitons as zarya
>get to 2900 soloq with tracer and zarya
>go stack with my diamond buddies for 3200+ games where I can finally play my main zenyatta and wreck shit with him
>win 1 game, 3 draws
>"alright that's it for me guys"
>"me too"
>"me too"
>"me too"
>last online 3 days ago
>drop to 2600 soloq with zarya and tracer

I guess I'll keep trying and I'll get there r-right?

subscribe to my blog, like and favorite if you want more
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I agree with this anon. If you want to brag about skill you should play a real hero shooter, like Paladins.

Now that's something worth bragging about to your friends.
Play vs AI while grouped with a friend for +20% XP

Also good is doing quickplay in a 6-stack of very good players who can finish the match super fast. You get a 500xp win bonus for each one
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yknow you can do that chevo on easy right?
This has happened to me too many times to count.
see >>157379604
But those people aren't at average level, what's your point? Or do you like to wave your dick around to strangers on the internet? Maybe you should post your rank as well.
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I don't mind TurnpikeSwine on my team as long as they fucking do their jobs.

If I see another Roadhog just stand there vaping while a Genji/Reaper/Soldier/McCree is standing near us ulting, I'm gonna fucking lose it. Roadhog is a huge sponge with one of the strongest fucking LShifts in the game, and they only use it to drag the enemy's tank towards their team, instead of canceling ults with it.

That same shit can be said about McCree's who never use their flashbangs to cancel ults like Reaper's in their tracks.
He just calls out her name, doesn't he? She saved his life, it makes sense that they'd be close regardless of whether or not they're romantically interested in each other.
>final battle
>door hasn't been touched yet
>looking good
>team is focused on killing the bosses while i have to finish off the barrage of omnics coming to door by myself as hanzo
>one gets by and damages door last minute
>no achievement
>all that work for nothing
I didn't know Lucio's skates were illuminating. Most games avoid shit like that for performance reasons.
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a game which is played mostly by no-life neckbeards, actually.
my worthless statement has just as much weight as your worthless statement.
Just like the Pumpkin Reaper skin, it glows and illuminates but its only for you the player. Enemies and Allies can't see the illumination the same way as you do.
It should be that good players win more, and turboshitters lose. Not gamble who gets more leavers or sniper mains on their team.
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Death rests.
Good luck pulling some good skins, everybody.
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>WOW I didn't even get an epic card guys, I did 12k dmg fuck you all
>Genji main
How many variations of this are there
sleep tight reap tight
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sleep tight reap tight
>Maybe you should post your rank as well.

*posts my rank*
*smirks & turns my back knowing that I have won*

*says to myself* 'just another victory to add to my catalog...'
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>have opened 13 boxes since the event started
>only one fucking legendary
>it's a Genji skin
You can turn it off to save resources, i think it goes along with the dynamic lightning.
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>"I'm going to get into a good position, just hold the payload, I won't make a move until it's time"
>Reinhardt and Winston and Junkrat charge off
>Ana yells at them to stay with the Payload
>Ana going full REEEEE on them
>Feel bad because Ana is right
>Stand on the payload with Ana and Lucio as we round the corner into Hanzo and Torbjorn land

I don't even want to win these games
This. Average in Quake Live would probably be a master in OW.
Why isn't the amount of xp needed on the career profile page any more?
What even is the context of this image?
I'm grandmaster in ow and 1800 elo in quake live
albeit I only have like 10 hours in quake live

I think top 100 in quake live is like 2000 elo
post moar
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Tomorrow will there be a webm of you making this post?
I'd rather play with a reaper like you than any number of German Crusaders that feel the need to Pearl Harbor the enemy team every chance they get.

t. Ana Main
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impressive bait you got a lot of replies. i wish i could shitpost that well

but i'm sure those of us with at least a 4 digit rank already know, especially by the time season 2 came around, that the normies were playing against easy bots and quick play
Escape from plat is a fucking nightmare. I'd rather have 15 minute waits than play with another fuck face that doesn't know their role when they pick a character
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>I think top 100 in quake live is like 2000 elo
And that's how many active players the game has.
I've opened fifteen and I haven't gotten jack shit

Only sprays, voice lines, icons, a couple of victory poses, and Mei's highlight intro
>Go reaper
>tell team in voice chat to go in as I flank
>they've already decided to go in before I even get into position
>they're all dead
>"this fucking reaper"

I swear I don't know why I even bother trying to work with my team when they just wants to keep bashing their heads into the wall until it either crashes down or kills them.,\
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Sleep tight, reap tight

>one wave before final
>tense as fuck
>rocket on cd
>double tires
>call it out, but everyone's focused on mobs
>it hits the door
>prestiged right after the event started, all according to keikaku
>got the junkenstein skin on my second box and the reaper skin on my tenth

F R E E mercy skin incoming

Also got the pharah skin
sleep tight reap tight
I love this game but holy fuck I hate this safe space no scoreboard bullshit.

I want to SEE that hanzo has 2 kills and 14 deaths. I fucking know he does.
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Is there a sr rank where the game becomes only META picks? Like Beyblade+McCree or something.

Because I'm really exhausted from "Pharah isn't working. It's okay I'm good with Widow" and the inevitable "we need a Mercy" "Seriously we need a Mercy"
I opened 50(25 levels 25 bought) and got every event legendary but 1 (Roadhog) and enough coin to buy it if I wanted to.

Now I'm just getting duplicates like Pumpkin Reaper over and over again, which only give 200 coins, which is a fucking travesty considering they cost 3k to buy.
If the game informs little jimmy that he's not good at it, he'll be discouraged from playing more and spending lots of his mother's money on gambling crates

This is the same reason they did that shit in ranked where you can't drop out of the shitter leagues
is getting 2800 pts out of placements decent or just average?

I didn't feel like they were hard but i only went 7-3 which felt shitty
No. People won't pick absolute shit like torb and symmetra but thats it
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He's actually probably 14 and 14.

It's just that he got those 14 kills at times it didn't matter, like after the other 5 members of his team is dead and he scatter shot a Tracer just before he dies to the other 4 members of the enemy team.

I still have games where the only way I can get Ulted by an Ana as a Reaper is if I jump in front of a Reinhardt or Genji as she ults them.
I calibrated at 2800 and am now top 500

Placements are random as fuck. You should have no problem climbing if you really are better than 2800 though.
>>"this fucking reaper"

Nothing gets me more heated than seeing shit like this in chat.
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sleep tight reap tight
>we need a mercy
How's gold treating you?
so, why are people suddenly hating on Lucio?
Where can I find a good "soldier" autoshoot macro?
but it is? theres a yellow bar next to your name
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>weeks of the game being dominated by ana and the meta revolving 100% around her
>nerf ana
>she's even more widespread now
>it will be at least another month of this
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Until Blizzard realizes tanks are a seriously overstatted problem Reaper is going to be a mandatory hero I think. There just isn't any other DPS hero in the game that can shake it up close with a Reinhardt, Zarya, and Roadhog.

At least as long as Zenyatta feels choked out of a spot on most games and maps force every fight to be <15m until Gibraltar shows up.
I have no problem with this. Ana is fun to play and is best grill
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>team goes full retard DVA comp
>fuck that, i hate fun
>go Pumpkin Spice Reyes
>start to actually have fun
>teleport to enemy spawn, DVAs cap A
>Enemy decides to go Zarya to counter
>Shotgun them all in the face before they have a chance to point their lasers at us for too long
>they have a futile last defense at the end by switching to Rein, Tracer, and Reaper
>1 shot the weak rein after the DVAs get scared off
>headshot the Tracer in 1v1
>push the cart for the last few meters
>laugh at Zarya in the distance
>finish with 4 golds
>potg goes to a DVA for a 2 person assist
Don't worry, Sombra is coming and will bring a whole new dose of power creep with her. Soon the entire hero cast will just be life support/cannonfodder for the Sombra-Ana combo.
I think he's referring to the numerical XP amount that they used to have. I guess people really want to know TO THE ONES PLACE how much XP they have/need.
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Terrible, obviously. (I'm low plat, but it's pretty much the same as gold)
extra XP
She wasn't entirely nerfed though.
They made something already crazy strong stronger, and nerfed her ult only a little.
xth for authentic dva titty monster
They didn't nerf shit, her ult still charges at the speed of light.

She's too fucking good at everything.
I like not having to stare at how many segments are left trying to figure out what's needed
I don't know why they took it away when it was so useful
too tall
also she could get a better suit
>She's too fucking good at everything.

She has best HPS(poor mercy)
Her grenade utility is unmatchable.
Defends herself best out of all support healers, even Zenyatta
Sleep Dart is just, jesus wow utilty
Hitscan no damage dropoff powerful damage
She's 149 cm, but agreed on the suit. Those proportions though.
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Is Taimou our guy?

At about diamond about 75% of the people are at least aware of the meta.
Why is Mercy unpopular in comp?
>too tall
Is it just me or does Tracer look too tall for 5'4"?
Is that not the guy that's been caught cheating several times?
I like how they compressed the career page so they could fit a giant blank purple bar
Is she supposed to be fucking 5'4"? She seems way too short
Saw this "Enumbre" playing ranked with ster last night. just sayin'

Her body damage per second is like 10% lower than mccree's and she has zero damage falloff. Also a colossal magazine. 300 health, effectively, with the best hitbox in the game by a landslide.
>just a cheap print body suit
It's shit. A dime a dozen. None of the dva cosplayers even try


Ana does everything Mercy does better. The only thing Mercy brings really is damage boost (not as useful as being able to do damage on your own) and revive which is inconsistent and best used just to save your tank having to walk back
Fucking eichenwald is such a garbage map holy shit

Like awful terrain bugs with roadhog hooks everywhere
Any XBros on?

Got 45 min to kill, play whatever, will help w Zomnic Horde, got all the achievements already.

No mic as its sleepytime for others.
Would preventing her clothing from clipping into the chair really been too much work? It's just so awkward and blatant.
Can someone carry me while I feed as Mei

I'm a grill btw.
I wish they could at least show in the scoreboard who has golds so people don't feel the need to brag about it
That's what the wiki says.
Her legs look rather long is the thing.
You're too fat to carry
>3 games of competitive on eichenweld yesterday.
>Won all of them

The map is pretty shit,idk why its there.
How do you feel about Witch Mercy?
She hot to you?
When and how do I play dva?
put an add on craigslist. I'm sure somebody will agree to carry you for a blowjob
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Ever had one of those days where you lose 80%+ of your matches
Be an annoyance to the other team and your own
Better than every 2CP map

Nobody checking CL is going to hit master
when your team is getting buttfucked and you really need to stall/get on the point fast. That's it
It must have been the one where he was my personal healslut and I backpacked him to a full hold on first point


I-is that Mercedes Marten?
Jokes on you, I get harder enemies in QP than in platinum.
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>get in the zone
>as soon as i do one of my cats jumps up on my desk and sits in the center of the screen/puts his ass in my face
no, he is literally a cheater
Why Mei? Can't you just be Mercy like every other grill?
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>medium game with randos
>76 hops over a fucking tire to leave me to deal with it
>>console aiming
>wall takes damage
>reaper shows up
>it's 12 midnight
>reaper gets slept by ana
>hanzo ults on him
>it's ok, it's ok
>ghosts as he's fully locked on
>>then ana nanoboosts me
Sometimes, I think i'm still alive just so God can laugh at my pitiful existence
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>owning an indifferent burden that makes your house smell like shit

your own damn fault
Better plan then - go to one of the tournaments and blow some pro-player in exchange for him carrying you to gm. Europeans and Kereans are best for this, but if you yourself is an ugly ho, then you'll have to make do with american pros
You on Xbox? Party up?
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>get in the zone

The console version was created as a joke
>I concussion blasted the enemies into my team and they killed them, I totally carried guys!
>Nano boost Mercy every time

Supports stick together
Sure, man. it's 1 am here, so, i'm good for about another hour.

Saintu Pepsii
Agreed. Doggos and birbs are better pets
>Is another game where my mech gets 1 shotted by le balanced chinese lumber-bowman and his buddy buhist mech monk.
Most Anas boost whoever they grouped with
Shadman based shaman
Multiple Halloween Epic skins or one Leg.Halloween Skin?
4/6 of my team are ranked top 500 on PC and we're all Xbox controller users
Hahaha, no they aren't.
I'm sure you are champ
I hate Widowmaker to be honest. I don't get the appeal. She looks like she's trying to look pouty, and keeping that as a neutral face is boring. I never liked the outfit. It just feels like she only exists proper in fanart. I feel kinda the same with Pharah, she's more recognizable without the helmet, her walk cycle is weird as fuck for how slow she is, etc.

You're about even with plat/low diamond on PC
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>fly directly at hanzo and zenyatta
>get focused down by projectile classes with your mammoth sized hitboxes
>surprised when you die instantly
I wish her hard light stuff would change according to her skin. Not just red beam but some vampire throne
>Zomnic Horde, got all the achievements already.
Is it nerfed on console? I was wondering- a bunch of aim-related characters shouldn't be as effective on a controller
Why the fuck does the Highlights keep making the game DC?
Uh you can't change the color of light or it'd be invisible?
Hell no.

It's even worse, dealing with randos
Semiprofessional console FPS player vs average joe PC player

This shit happens to me all the time at the third point at Eichenwalde.
It's like no one ever gets there so they haven't bothered fixing it yet.
Light is colorless, faggot
I would probably have said something something much worse. I'm surprised that someone actually cares about a comment as mild as that.
U wot m8
The console guy can't even strafe properly because you can't ADAD on analog sticks. This video is precious.
The reason I never changed S76s skin from the Origins one is because I prefer to see my characters eyes (same reason I'd rather use a Tracer recolor than Slipstream). Got this yesterday and I love it.
You don't really need to aim, Soldier and Hanzo clear trash, mccree ults, ana throws grenades
>KB+M better than controller
Well no shit

>lol find a regular server and let me adjust sens
This is nothing more than a regular bitch.
I got her in a loot box but she's boring to play.
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reminder __ana__ is a wasted slot and you should uninstall
Ive seen 1 good one EVER
I was even friends with a main before, I unfriended them because they brought the premade down
The satisfaction of getting a kill with a railgun, the sound it makes. So perfect. Nothing comes close to that
t. platposter
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We do play on PC, we're all pro/semi in Halo/Gears/R6V2/Shadowrun.

Old school MLG players that mastered controllers, teamwork, spawn camping, etc... are better in all categories over 99% of the casual filled PC playerbase.
>on attack
*beeps and boops*

>on defense
*oh la la*
>spawn camping
Good taste, pham. I liked her. Kind of makes me want to go back to Dragon's Dogma once the event is over.
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>pro/semi in Halo/Gears/R6V2/Shadowrun
guys how do I git gud?
man I like this so much
got a link to the pixiv?
by gitting gud
More seriously I love it when I play support and me and the other support buddy up and gangrape the flankers, shut down the critical targets and herd the rest of the team to safety.

There's that knowing moment you share which is just priceless.
anyone remember that time microsoft was testing matching xbox and windows players together, but they stopped because the lowest ranked pc players were shitting on the console pros?
you should know nobody in this general is actually as good as they say they are

you can use this "2-below rule": if someone is posturing, trying to claim e-peen dominance from being in a certain rank or claiming to be better than a certain rank, they're at least 2 below it
Whoever says Ana isn't good needs to kill themselves because they're clearly Bronze and mentally retarded.
Shadowrun I think was the flagship of the cross-play games.
lower your sensitivity
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Why are shitters so against on having a symmetra on defense?
what does that have to do with spawn camping?
it's a legit thing that's been done forever
>console pros
??? ???
??? ???

?? ??
Why are shitters so set on picking symmetra on defense?
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The majority of /owg/ posters have knowledge, less awareness than they realize, and no aim.
Finally I can fap to my waifu without feeling bad.
>solo q
>play tanks / healers through the entire season 1 and half of season 2 because nobody wants to
>suddenly a match where a 4 man premade instalocks two healer and two tanks
>fifth (low level) guy picks genji
>entire DPS is on my shoulders and didn't play them for 150+ hours
>attack commences in 15 seconds
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This happened to me twice during a game.

Now I wonder if it was on purpose
>guys lets 2-2-2 meta
>guys cmon 1 more tank and 1 healer
>srsly i wanna win please guys
>fine *switches to hanzo*
Because they're smart enough to realize a trend in that 9/10 symmetras they get in their rank or qp are next to useless (mainly due to their lack of holding the choke properly with a Reinhardt so she can constantly have 6 turrets out instead of scrambling to put up even 4 before the next push) and would rather just have someone heal them instead.
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>Lose 2
>Win 2
>Net 21 points

k Blizz, I'll take it
i have aim, no awareness, literally rein can sneak up on me, and no knoledge - didn't even know you had to be in zens view to recieve healing from him. so kys xD
Yeah. He's a bit autistic (like all Finns) though.
Why is Ana the easiest hero to solo queue with?
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>playing Rein
>ana informs me her ult is ready
>get ready to go balls to the wall
>start my charge
>nothing happens
>see a blue zenyatta zip past me throwing orbs at their mercy
best support and is easy to master
I understand she is not very good, but I still want some advice on how to play games as her in quick play.

Can anyone offer some tips like where I should position myself and how I should use her shield? Most of the time I just get insta-gibbed when I try to protect my team like a Reinhardt would so I am lost.
I like how blizzard still allows him to play in competetive....while they banned regular players for abusing bugs in the OS minigame.
What? I thought you didn't have to be in his line of sight, just in range so that the orb doesn't return to him. Please, someone confirm because I'm starting to feel retarded.
Remember "you can't rank up solo" meme?
That's bullshit.
You can't rank us with premades.
Here's a couple things that will help you rank up fast solo in low levels
1:Play Zarya. Master her, she's dps + tank. Best character to carry even with dumb healers on your team.
2:If you want to play with friends 2 - is the best option. 3 sometimes alright too. One of you will heal and the other one will carry. Switch roles from time to time.
3:Leave game after 2 loses in a row. Have a small break, drink some tea, watch some cartoons, maybe play another game, or even quickplay, but than again, change is good.
4:Teabag. It helps, really.

With premades hard to carry because other teams usually somewhat decent. And you probably not.
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Can't say that you wouldn't want this hand around your dick
reapers a pretty good solo carry too
same as discord orb basically, 3 sec after line of sight is broken it returns


>season 3 has another ranking revamp
>ranking is now character specific
I need to find some mercy mains to healslut me on pharah
I want her to stick her nails down my urethra
Only reddit thinks he's a cheater. Guy is obviously one of the best McCrees in the world.
>only got winston halloween emote so far
>finally a gold flips from my 10th
>it is a money chest
>finally a purple flips from the next one
>it is a pile of money
>low level friend opens his third box
>witch mercy
>other low level friend opens his first free box
>done forever
Nah long nails creep me out, Tracer has the nicest hands.
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>grenade sets up easy picks
>well aimed sleep darts can cuck all sorts of bullshittery
>worst case scenario you can try to snipe that mercy yourself
kek I have seen it posted here multiple times newfriend.
We're gonna build a wall and the Attackers are going to pay for it!
That will never happen and it shouldn't, as it would encourage players to main specific characters instead of being versatile and recomp midgame.
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Hope you don't mind futa
i want that ass in my dick desu
Are you getting insta gibbed by Zarya? if yes, then there is nothing you can do about it. Zarya is a hard counter to dva and with how she's just generally extremely good I imagine she gets picked often even in qp.
What do you think when you see a silver portrait?
Fucking Roadhog hook "fixed" when

I'm real tired of these stupid massive console hitboxes on shit
In a 1v1 genji does easily beat rein though
i do not want this h& around my dick =DD
If he really cheated he would have been banned already.

inb4 conspiracy theories
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and another loss because trashana
The worst part is they never switch, they stay ana the whole game not healing well or doing any damage
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You have to go through the mandatory dick inspection first. If it's deemed too small or too big then no ass for you
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>stuck in 2000 gold rank until next season

This game is only suffering
I check their comp rank. Sometimes it's 3500+ and sometimes they don't even have one
>Guy is obviously one of the best McCrees in the world.
We're not talking about IDDQD, Surefour, aKm or Soon, m8.
climb out of bronze and say it then
No it isn't nerfed. Blizzard is so funny making it much harder because the controller. Not to mention plenty of people play with the basic sensitivity wich is a travesty because you can't even follow tracers or genjis or sometimes lucios.
They nerfed Torb and Symmetra turret damage but a better Tracer or Genji is literally unkillable with an average team. Same thing with Pharah, teams even on diamond regulary just outright ignore her because it is so hard to shoot her down with.out a soldier. I don't even start on KOTH where lucios can stall some points forever.
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They changed it slightly so "heavy" characters wouldn't get pulled directly face first into the shotgun but it made the physics even goofier.

They really need to make it so it never, ever pull anyone around geometry.
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I was originally typing that up with an "or" statement that listed you exactly you, but I thought to myself that you're probably the minority.
all of whom are well known cheaters
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>someone has 5 stars
>rank 2200
cause your teams expectations of you are so low and it looks like your good if the reinhardt is
>play Reaper
>"Why the fuck are you behind the enemy, wait for us to charge at front."
never forget
>flicking left is cheating
>decided to have a look at /owg/ on my local imageboard
>everyone is 3500+
>some people in top 500
>I'm 2300 right now
>tfw shitter
I'll stay here.
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>3 top 500s queued together + 3 diamonds queued together versus our all solo queue diamond/masters (3/3)
Top quality fucking matchmaking you have there Blizzard.
At least someone left before the game started.
no such thing
i hate everyone who plays "competitive"
you heard what i said
>misses 4 shots on a immobile tracer
>"This guy's a cheater. He definitely cheats"
I mean ENUMBRE is a cheater, but god damn how does he take himself so seriously.
no, but I read what you wrote
It really baffles me that people can't get to 3000
im 2250 too my friend
it was the part at 4-5s where the bot freaks out trying to determine the closest target that makes it so obvious
>thinks /owg/ tells the truth on their ranks
Does D.va have her new B.va skin voice lines?
drop down to 2000 and solo q, you autistic fuck
i always just ask them how their depression is going along and if they're seeing a therapist for it
this dude has a great fucking artstyle
nope, it wasn't
yes, heard her say "all systems buzzing" when getting into her mech today
If you dont stop with this shit ill pair my fucking nuts with your mouth cunt
Rewarding people for playing what they like will destroy the current gay mets and ppl will git gud, m8
The second I see something like this in chat I just swap to torbjorn/bastion/symmetra. Because I know I can get the rating back, but there's no way that shitter will.
>does he take himself so seriously.
What if the does it ironically?
>If he really cheated he would have been banned already.

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>join solo queue
>get matched with 5 koreans
>they all start typing their moonstones towards each other
>try to communicate with them
>they start typing their moonstones aggressively
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pain prescription.gif
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>0 - 3
>level up
she's tsundere for him
I don't think I could drop to 2000 if I tried. Being that bad seems harder than being average (diamond) at the game
What if the does it unironically?

It is harder to drop that much but then you'll no longer be baffled
You're an absolute retard.
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i removed the thing
This. Playing below 2k is fun AF.
One day, bro, one day we will prevail.
B-b-but they posting screenshots all the time.
Too much logic for you? Did it melt your brain?
>get teamed with a guy openly sharing he's drunk and doing his meme drunk talking the entire time

Get off ranked you shits
I had a dream where i played s.76 and i droped that healing thingy in a water puddle and everyone was complaining about it and i was embarrased af
Who is Pharah's father?
why are there so many koreans on the american servers
How to stop being salty /owg/? I always knew I was a whining bitch so I solo Q for most of the time but the few people I team up for time to time called me out on it and they are right. I'm thinking never teaming up again.
Diamond is not average. You try to win a match on Eichenwalde where you're forced to play a healer and your Reinhardt doesn't use his shield not even once on the 1st choke.
this guy>>157383225
sauce on the artist?
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Slow enemies down and make them easier to kill.
As small as they are the would still count as support.
All the obvious reasons.
All she does is supporting. She's just not healing.
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Gerard or some literal who considering Pharah was born after Ana joined Overwatch

I don't know why people think the only people in the universe are named characters

Climbed out of plat just fine playing mostly support and tank
Symmetra is fun as hell to play

>getting quadruple kills by just continuously microwaving people while jumping around
>play as mercy
>get hooked by roadhog
>he is about to kill me
> survive

That was cute, sometimes I really like this game.
Do you want to test it? You can play rein and I'll play genji. Pick any map you want.

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>20 halloween boxes opened
>0 legenderies, 2 purples, rest blues + a duplicate

Good thing I got 4.5k gold for a whatever skin I choose.
Firefighter or Rescue Mei

Nice climb.
How many games you played?
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I don't think Torbjorn is as bad as people imagine. If you've got the aim he can do a ton of hurt with his M1 and M2. His armor packs are very high value, and Molten Core is a pretty damn good ult.
>nit picking at the shitters
You need to step away from the computer for a minute, son.
In a vacuum, Rein is probably going to lose any 1v1 situation. What makes him so fucking powerful is the teamfight capability he brings and the sheer damage he can dish out when his team is pressuring.
How many of you spent money on loot boxes and if so how much?
Other Reinhardts
>Two shot anything that's not a tank
>Shield lasts for days
>Always can push
My Reinhardt
>Killed by Mei because melee is so weak and can't compete
>Shield falls in 20 seconds
>No spatial awareness to realize I don't have my team with me
How do I git gud?
If Gerard was some literally who then Blizzard wouldn't have name dropped him like that. Mark my words - we'll see more of him. And we'll probably find out why Talon targeted him specifically
bought 50 and got 3/4 halloween legendaries
>people in denial that taimou is a cheater even here
>What did Junkrat ever do to you to warrant this treatment
is that a rhetorical question?
put a rear-view mirror on your axe
I think that's about 90
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>first halloween box
>legendary Roadhog
>second halloween box
>two legendaries and one epic in one single box

I dont know what you complain about
Lucio emote is the best thing there
Wow, solo/with premades?
>playing a nigger
Problem is, if you've got the aim you'd probably be doing way more on McCree or even Hanzo
>playing with friend
>he plays Mercy every time and complains that nobody's protecting him
so stop playing with him, or babysit him
protect your slut your beta cuck
in OW support = healing, you stupid motherfucker
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When are they going to update their PotG algorithm so Lucio can get some when he styles on the enemy.
Stuff like
>Lucio contests payload 1v4 forever
>Lucio melee kills on enemy Mercy and Zenyatta
>Lucio ousting and getting solo kills on snipers
how is that not a valid complaint?
do you enjoy losing?
then they probably aren't
here's an extra (You) for you which you wanted so badly.
>OW support = healing
huh symmetra is classified as support yet she doesn't heal. weird how that works.
it's almost like in overwatch support=/=heal
Why arent you so nice to me too?
>haven't played since season 1
>only played quickplay now
>had a lot of fun
>"think i'm going to play 10 games to get the icon for season 2"
>kings row
>team has mei, torb, bastion ana and reaper on defense and you as zarya
>literally the only player defending command point because the others are building fucking turrets or walls on the outside of the map
>healer dies
>literally no one spreads for enemy trash mouse ults and he gets 3-4 kills at least 4 times and costs attack round for us in the last meters after your hero play almost won it
>have 3 golds 1 silver and made all important plays or our attack would have literally ended on the first command point
>next game ilios
>BARELY win first round with you 4 golds and silver as reaper
>enemy pharah doing what pharah does on ilios
>your team literally has no hitscan except you but reaper doesn't have range
>"muh mei and hanzo, you switch"
>every single time you die lose command point because hanzo and co are fucking useless shitheads
>2-3 teammates dead 90% of the time
>kill 4 enemies alone and die
>"go take point now theyre dead"
>3 others from your team are dead too
>still 4 golds
>35 objective kills and 3:30 objective time
>"haha salty reaper bad player :)"

i'd rather kill myself than touch this gamemode ever again it's a fucking dice toss and it's weighted against you
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Well I got almost everything I want now. I just need Frankenhog, though I could just buy it now if I really wanted.
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>get a quad kill as Soldier 76 as well as his Helix Rocket achievement
>McCree deadeye on two people gets POTG

i didn't make the cut..


neither go back to /toy/ and post your rich people toys


>joshi hero never


nigga literally moved to america to avoid getting arrested


I've literally gotten 4 reaper dupes in my level chests
Nobody will ever recognize what you do for your team, fellow Lucio player.
Maybe you should protect him? I don't see the issue.
>be genji
>roadhog jumps around the corner
>press E
>still get hooked although deflect even went on CD
i thought 60 tick was supposed to fix this garbage?
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>Get a quad kill with Reaper's ult
>It's me getting 3 normal kills
anyone else just get kicked off and can't get back on? (xbox one)
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it's slim tickins.webm
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60 ticks isn't enough

not even 128 is really
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Zarya shower.jpg
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I don't think this is a fair analysis though. Torb reloads 1/3rd as often as McCree and has no damage drop, and doesn't have a cooldown on his close range gibshot.

Also in total damage output, Torb wins, and wins even more so if you include any level of his turret. That can mean a lot in the tank meta.
never, enjoy your triple environmental kill every time
>be tracer
>come across enemy tracer
>she backs herself into a corner
>throw pulse bomb
>it sticks for sure
>i recall away
>suddenly i die from the explosion that i was nowhere near and they don't take any damage

fuck this stupid fucking game
thanks idiot
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>Sombra will never look like this.
Just end me please.

Lucio POTG's only on Console
They should really rename the "roles" imo.

Reconfigure them to:





>Ana (cause everyone knows shes not primarily a healer)

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>Also in total damage output, Torb wins (versus mccree)

"Blizzard did finally a good game"
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np, idiot
>big boops NEVER happen on pc
>Junkrat doesn't say "Get ready for a shock!" in his Junkenstein skin
>Mercy doesn't say "My servants never die!" in her Witch skin

What's the fucking point, Blizzard

Fuck these people

because then retards will complain about "muh ult lines"
The issue is that there are three healers who are more useful than Mercy and don't need protection

Also he isn't getting killed by flankers, he's lshifting into the middle of firefights and expecting not to get shot
I can kinda understand why they keeped Junkrat, but Mercy?
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someone explain to me why zarya can get out of literally any situation in this god damn game
I almost forgot the mentally retarded make up the majority of the playerbase. Apparently some people have a hard enough time with the ult lines as they are now. Fuck, man.
She does on the internet
I bet ur ass he's a better dps than you if he tried.
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is this bait
>his ulti is a massive spectral brickwall

poor internal playtesting

Though I guess she can't bubble herself while she's already hooked so you can pull her into pits which I would say is bullshit with every other character but fuck zarya
But everybody hears the same ult line when they're on the enemy team, it's only allies that hear a different voice line. Like an Mercy says Helben Sterbent Nicht or whatever regardless of what she's wearing, I think Hanzo is the only one that gets a specific callout because of his wolves.
So just a worse Mei?
where are these coming from holy fuck
Which character is the best combination of hard to play and actually useful?

My vote goes to Ana or McCree
it's permanent
Buff Pharah and Symmetra for fucks sake.
>people actually do this
what the FUCK
>where are these coming from holy fuck
look at the website in >>157374702
Nobody is hard to play

So a significantly worse Mei?
what will you do during the content drought between sombra and christmas

>Ana hard to play
wew wtf
The same thing I did between september and October, comp.
grind ranked as usual? i haven't even played the new brawl once because who cares
pretty sure that's a fake battletag
They're both in that awkward area where buffing them would make them too good in shitter ranks since people in bronze can't aim at the sky or seek out teleporters.
Easy, she's the best dps character in the game.
You have to time bubbles right, and you good.
And target her first.
You're exactly right, but you'll still get monkey brained fucks who ask "UHH IS DAT OURS???" and then whine on reddit about how it's so hard to remember something a 10 year old could figure out in less than 3 matches.
New Thread:

>placed in low plat
That feels about right to me
What's your sleep dart accuracy, overwatch general hospital
I've been averaging 10 darts a game as I've been impriving. Is that good?
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She looks familiar but I can't figure out who she is
what's the %
is it 10 for 10 or is it more like 10 for 30
About 1 in 2 darts when I'm aiming, 1 in 3/4 when I'm panic firing trying to hit somebody bullying me
fuuuu, you are probably right in my case
McCree sort of holds his own against tanks, but he pretty much has to be off cooldowns to do it, but yeah all the DPS characters are so nerfed they're barely worth considering unless it's Reaper getting some nanomachines.
getting triple normal kill is more impressive than just pressing Q into a group of enemies desu
sleep tight reap tight
Anyone else experienced a weird bug where certain maps keep looping on the loading screen and you can never join?
What are the odds of a legendary?
Reason I ask is because out of 8 legendaries 5 was the same fucking roadhog one
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