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/rpgmg/ - RPG Maker General #169

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 736
Thread images: 126

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Trial Download: http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/download/free-trials/trial-rpg-maker-mv
Trial Mirror: https://mega.nz/#!HNRDmQKS!6YhUUEA3YpRYEaruDgfUmFD2kZcOB7pv3rSssUOM2bs

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The /rpgmg/ podcast (Updated every other Wednesday):

/rpgmg/ Chain/Collaboration Game!
Status: Pt. 14 (The Real Finale) is in development.
Currently working:
Bubbles !u696zUYxpM
Version 13B: http://www.mediafire.com/download/89tsrb5ka31g36h/rpgmgcollab_v13B.zip

Alright fellows, what is your game plan for Sunday?

Database, Scripting, Eventing, Mapping, Spriting or something else?
Art. I've got mostly RTP stuff right now except for a few enemy sprites. I halfway want to redo all the art for the whole game in my own style, but I know it would take forever.
Working on my story for a demo I'm planning.
~30 % to go or so.
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I'm going to be working on everything. Gotta get a strong start.

In the same way that Steampunk is about steam and cogs and Cyberpunk is about computers and the internet, Starpunk is basically about astrology and the celestial bodies. The magic of space!

Here's the mostly finalized character designs. I still have some things to tweak, but it's good enough for me and my co-creator to start.
Thanks doc.
I like their designs, who are they and what do they do?
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The two sitting down are the Female and Male versions of the player character.
The green one on the far left is Aria Saturni, a Lunar Moth healer.
Next to her is Hoshishiro Whitestar, a Raptor princess from an eastern tribe who's on a journey to relight the stars in the night sky, as it's part of her family's duty.
Next to her is Duffie O'Houlihan, a Hellhound who owns a company in the big city where the Player Character works and takes on a job as personal bodyguard for Lady Raptor.
Beside her is Maya Flamsteed, a Minotaur who used to work for Duffie before she resigned from her job years ago. Now she takes care of Aria.

Across from them are the most major antagonists, the Baphomet Umbra, Voidcaller and Mr.S.Killer.
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How do you handle numbers, anons?
I'm more familiar with tabletop games than JRPGs, so I like 'em small and dice-like. If that means a little rocket tag early on, then so be it.
I write down a bunch of numbers on paper then throw them away, Repeatedly.
I like mathmagicians, so I like them small, but not that small. Between 50 and 250 for HP/MP and between 10 and 50 for regular stats is what I am shooting for. At least with playable characters. Bosses could probably go higher, but 4 digits would be reserved for secret bosses and the final boss.
Why do they all have the same/similar color palette? Makes them blend together.
The game has a whole has a purple and green theme. It's not just them, it's most of the world too.

The story is about a world that's always at night and under starlight, so it's part of the story.
So the characters blend together along with the background? That sounds...bland. I mean the designs themselves look nice! I like cloak guy with his space face, but the fact that they all just sort of congeal into purple black and green takes away from their otherwise distinct looks.
It won't be quite that bad! Not literally all of the tiles and such are going to be green and purple, it's just a thematic thing. There are only three elements in the game which are colored Green, Purple and Black. (Star Light, Astral Fire, Umbral Void) The characters colors all have a heavy focus towards their own element. Backgrounds and things will of course have more neutral shades.

I was around back in the Fog days of VX, so I'm pretty self aware about stuff looking bland. Hopefully I can get enough work done to have actual screen shots soon rather than just talk though.
Do you prefer large cities with many houses and unimportant NPCs or do you prefer small "city hubs" with only the important stuff in there like 2 shops and an inn?
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Tell me, if this was your first free moment in the game, where would you head to first?
probably the left. npcs to talk to. "always go left in a maze". and it looks busier overall
It does sound busier, yes, I'll try and place some more things to the right, although it's better this way since I want people to go left first to complete some quests.
I prefer large cities with unimportant and important NPCs, but mostly important NPCs, even if it's a small important role, I want to feel as the NPCs are somehow significant for me/the story.
The first thing that caught my eye was the green-haired NPC on the right, but realistically, I'd probably check whatever was closest.
Something about the art makes the buildings pop out way more than the people to me. I'd probably go to that inn first.
So, what exactly is a Mary Sue and how can I avoid writing my characters as one?
I was thinking exact the same, but I would go for her and then go for the other npcs to the left, after that, the inn. But I think maybe if the thing above her head is bigger it would look better, she's too isolated.

It's the stroke, I think. The npcs don't have it. The big sign from the Inn kinda makes it pop out more, too. It's interesting to know that the use of stroke can influence the gameplay, tho.
Exploring large cities in RPGs gets tiring for me, so I'd lean towards the latter. Maybe it's just me, but when I run into yet another city where I feel obligated to talk to everyone and check everything (multiple times, if it's one of those games where everyone says something different after every major event), it often saps my will to continue. I wouldn't do away with them entirely, though; I'd rather have smaller towns or a hub that's relatively small but has a lot of things going on throughout the game.

The term is used so much these days that you'll probably get a million different answers, but I'd say it all comes down to writing. A well-written character kind of isn't a Mary Sue by default. But writing a good character is easier said than done, so that's not a helpful answer.

I'd define a Mary Sue as a wish fulfillment self-insert for the writer, someone that the story just plain treats better than the others. They get the coolest powers and all the praise, and any hardship they experience is superficial at best. If you design a character thinking they're the one you'd want to be if you were in the game, they might be a Mary Sue.

But I'd say not to worry about it too much. I think writing Mary Sues is something everyone does at some point (I sure did), and like everything else, you'll get better at writing with practice. Even wish fulfillment can be a good thing; it just has to appeal to the players, not the writer.
Could you give examples of "big cities" and "small cities" you disliked or enjoyed? I think my game has a large city, and I'm a little worried about it, since I do a large amount of interactions throughout the game and don't want the gameplay to be intorelable...
Any Ruby coders here? Or know of a place with publicly accessible classifieds? I'm looking to hire someone to convert some scripts so that I can drop VX and finally use Ace but I don't want to have to go through the whole "accumulate 30 posts and get warnings on half of them" just to offer someone money.
Good night bump
Talk to pumpkin face
talk to old pink dog
talk to Brown pointy ear
read sign
inspect well
pull blue carrot
inspect swing
talk to green hair
inspect crystal
talk to ghost on bench
check out inn
After asking around about how to remove the slide between tiles from movement (pic related) someone suggested that I make the player movement function change the x,y val and the real x,y val at the same time, then the movement would get that jumpy look I am going for.
>$gamePlayer._x = xval;
>$gamePlayer._realX = xval;
>$gamePlayer._y = yval;
>$gamePlayer._realY = yval;

Anyone good with plugins that could help me out with that? I'm not quite sure where the player movement function is to change it in a plug in.
I would also need to set the $gameMap.event movement to do the same so the NPCs move like the player.
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I gave the cogs a little spin. They go faster when the player takes damage and out of control when special attack is ready. Looks smoother in-game. Gif is potatoes.
That's a nice UI element, sounds like it adds a lot of character to the game.

I think it has to do with this area not sure how it needs to be modified though:

Game_CharacterBase.prototype.moveStraight = function(d) {
this.setMovementSuccess(this.canPass(this._x, this._y, d));
if (this.isMovementSucceeded()) {
this._x = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(this._x, d);
this._y = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(this._y, d);
this._realX = $gameMap.xWithDirection(this._x, this.reverseDir(d));
this._realY = $gameMap.yWithDirection(this._y, this.reverseDir(d));
} else {
avoid making the character perfect. make them fail at least once at something non trivial.

also what >>156319012
Would just rescaling the faceset to be the charset good for the alpha stage of the game development?

I don't know if I should make all the art first or use placeholder Googled art and work on gameplay first.
How well do you have all your gameplay planned out? Do you know exactly what assets you'll need?

Personally, I find that there's nothing wrong with making the art first as long as you've planned everything properly. You don't want to waste time making a bunch of assets that you're going to throw out later because you've realized some part of your game or other doesn't work. If you think that may happen, just use placeholders for now.
Both extremes are bad, imo. NPCs are a great way to deliver information about the world and providing you clues for your quest without having to infodump on the player at every scene. And that benefits both, the players who just want to go on with their game and those who want to learn more about the lore. The number of npcs should thus be limited by the things you want or can say in the game.

However, if you are providing lore in some other way (party chat) and you want to make Towns into Inns and stores, just make it so a menu is displayed when you enter the Town from the map.
imo its fine to have simplified hubs for unimportant places, but for someplace that's suppose to be a big deal, like a capital, should be fleshed out more.

That isn't to say you can just have a bunch of empty houses and one line npcs. The place is important, so it needs more effort put into it.
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Working with 48x48 is ridiculous, but I'm applying similar artstyles as seen with Square snes games to my game.
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Is there a way to make an actors sprite sheet change with class change, I'm using default assets and plug-ins? Just so you know it's my first go at the engine. Just want to know if it's doable with default everything.
Even when you sign post things so the player can know who is important and what objects can be investedgated - they still walk around every inch of the screen pressing the action button like a retard because other games conditioned them to do so.
Again, if there really is a place that is so unimportant you have nothing to say about it, you might as well just save yourself from mapping it and just display a "Go To Inn", "Go to Item Store", "Go to Smith" when you visit it from the map.
Post progress
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Here. This is why I'm asking...
Can't you do it with "Change Actor Images..." in Common Events?
Thanks, and now I feel stupid for deving while tired/clocking too many hours to notice the obvious
What is the first monster your party encounters?
I don't play RPGs as often as I used to, so my memory might be off, but:

Grandia 1 and 3 were particularly bad. The first because I found the city layout confusing and the map utterly useless, so I kept getting lost. Maybe I would have gotten used to it, but I didn't get far. The third because every single NPC seemed to have between 1-5 things to say after almost every event; I felt obligated to try to see it all, which meant talking to everyone all the time until they started repeating things. The writing was entertaining (at least in the earlier parts of the game, which were better), but it got tedious.

On the other hand, the first two Paper Mario games were pretty good. The cities in that game were just fun to explore. It wasn't the size, but rather that the writing was good and there always seemed to be a lot to find and certain things you couldn't reach yet. I never minded finding a new city, or revisiting an old one.

Trails in the Sky... I loved that game, but the cities were often a chore. They were huge, showed up near the beginning of each chapter, and ground the game to a halt every time. Each was at the center of a chapter's story and there were a lot of easily missable sidequests and secrets in that game, so going through them thoroughly and regularly felt kind of required. But it was a slow game I played at a time I wasn't in the mood for that, I admit.

So, I guess I'd say it's less about size than what you do with it, which is probably less helpful than "don't go above X NPCs". It's a very subjective thing, and I imagine difficult to get right because of that. I don't have a lot of experience designing cities myself, but I'd say to keep in mind that a normal RPG city is a complete stop to the normal flow of the game, and plan it accordingly. If it's just one, it shouldn't be much of a worry, especially if it comes at a time when the player needs a break.

Thinking about this is making me want to start making something again.
>Trails in the Sky... I loved that game, but the cities were often a chore
I played TiTS for two hours and barely got past the tutorial (sewer) dungeon. The cities are so big, they're distracting
Do it Anon
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if you have "one" large city than that's probably fine. the main town should always be a little bigger than the normal towns or villages. Let your party stay there for a long time and only allow them to explore it partly (spend night at inn at first, visit castle tomorrow).

Personally i really like the star ocean 2 towns, their designs always felt unique and different. (bridges,stairs, water, weather, nature, music, different kinds of stores) Making them distinct is the most important thing in my opinion.
Like someone else said: trails of towns are waaaay too big
Evil bumpy
Do you ever go look at the RPGs on steam and wonder why you don't just churn out some trite RTP filled game to make cash like others do?
I don't want to remembered for making a super trashy RTP rpg maker game
What makes me angry is that some of them actually earn money
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I designed a new monster, based on a tardigrade. He's gonna have through-the-roof defenses, obviously.

Thoughts? I'm pretty proud of his design
Very nice, though there are a few stray pixels here and there. I love this art style!
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What do you guys think of the other engines made by enterbrain? i think 2nd Fighter maker is pretty dope.
Thanks anon! I've kind of come to embrace stray pixels; it's something I gotta work on.

Here's my whole monster collection so far, minus the bosses.
Have you been drawing on the draw threads on /v/ by any chance?
No, why?
Your style reminded me of someone from there.
What does your MC do after the end of the game? What about the rest of the party?
they can finally afford a meal, so they eat
He moves in with his love and they live happily ever after.
It's not time to die, bump.
Do you gives your characters surnames?
It depends on who died in the end!
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I tried drawing my world map with pastels. Not sure how I feel about the result.
I kinda like it. The whole game would need to look like this however.
But thou must.
I'm planning to, but din't decide which names I'm going to be using .
Not a chance. Instead I envy the designer's ability to actually finish games.
How many plugins is a healthy number to release your game with? I'm using 65 and a little scared
Fewer is better for stability. Don't go looking at plugins for feature ideas to put in your game, but use them to achieve a vision you have that the base program falls short of.
Rate my Pokemon Essentials MV offering so far.
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Might fill it the blanks with fan tiles, but thats after I get the regular FR/LG in there first.
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Everything sorted for MAXIMUM SPACE!
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And thats it for the Outside.
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Which one is your favorite?
Wait, you did the Pokemon set yourself?
If so I'm really impressed.

They all are pretty great, if I had to call a favorite I would say top middle because she is so happy.
Anon, I think she's crying...
I was just thinking of a game idea earlier (and wrote down some notes about it too). I was thinking of maybe making an NES-styled Pokemon game, under the premise that it would be like, a Pokemon game that came out before Red/Green in some parallel version of our world. It would be made with the idea of having it be more limited than Red/Green, so Red/Green would seem like they had new and exciting content compared to this one, as if they were actual sequels to it.

Some of the notes I'd come up with:
- Pokedex is 70 Pokemon, all out of the original 151.
- No starter choice. You get Rattata and you'll like it, bitch.
- Most third forms of Pokemon don't exist, such as Pidgeot, Golem and Machamp.
- Single types only. Pokemon with dual types are changed to single (for example, Pidgey is just Flying).
- Ice, Psychic, Ghost and Dragon don't exist.
- Only 4 badges to get, and there is no Elite 4, just a champion.
- No evil team and no rival.
- No TMs or HMs. This also means no Surf or Fly.
- Level cap is changed to 50. Stats and moves are adjusted to reflect this change.
- Battles would be totally front view, without seeing your own Pokemon, only the enemy Pokemon against a black background.

I think it would be neat.
Why the god damn fuck would you enjoy a more limited version of anything ever god damn
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Ever played Gang Garrison 2? A 2D platformer version of Team Fortress 2 is more fun than you'd think. At least it was, when people still played it.
Looks good to me, though I haven't tried it in the actual maker. Still, nice work.
While it certainly could work I'm not sure if I would like to play it.
I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and actually start practicing art one of these days. Most of my ideas just wouldn't work with the RTP, and my minor sprite editing skills aren't exactly enough.

Hopefully it's not quite as hard as it looks.
If it's pixel art is quite easy! For tileset you can just use simple tilesets as base (the ones that come with rpg maker are complicated, but the ones in Undertale are reallyyy simple, for example)
This was mentioned the other thread so maybe somebody will be interested. Ao Oni anime shorts are out in your favorite animu streaming sites.
It's pretty fun and feels satisfying.
Just take it slow and don't expect art of the highest quality from the very beginning.
Are they any good?
Spoilers might ruin the most enjoyable moment in the show
Well, it is a chibi comedy show with humor similar to Happy Tree Friends I only grinned once, and it was when the narrator revealed the tone of the show, but then again, grinning once in three minutes is better than most comedies do for me
Honestly, I'd probably be good at it by now if I hadn't convinced myself years ago it would be too hard to learn. That and I'm lazy. I worry it would take years of practice to reach low DeviantART level, but that's at least partly an excuse not to make the effort.

It would be nice if I could do character portraits too (at least heads, though more is preferable), but I imagine that's a lot harder, pixel art or not.
Sorry, meant to quote >>156395512
Thanks, anon! But she's actually crying! I like your perspective, tho, I'll just let her looking sappy like that (sad+happy?)
The old dogball thing in the bottom-middle, whatever it is. Looks like something you'd get tutorials from.
Always enjoyed 90's square/enix/soft games, want to make my own and sell it one day, is this a good engine for that, an whats the difference between XV, MV and Ace?
>What do you guys think of the other engines made by enterbrain? i think 2nd Fighter maker is pretty dope.
I bought that ages ago. Seemed neat, but I never had the patience to make anything other than joke characters, and the defaults were pretty dull. I never got much use out of it.

I've never tried any of their other engines.
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>She is actually crying
Now I feel like a fool.
I still like her.
Sappy is something different.
>is this a good engine for that
It should be, as long as you're thinking of SNES-era games. RPG Maker isn't designed to support 3D graphics (I'm sure it's technically possible, but you'd probably be better off using another engine for that). RPG Maker tends to be more Dragon Quest than Final Fantasy by default, too, but that can be changed.

>whats the difference between XV, MV and Ace?
MV is the newest version, and the biggest difference is that it uses Javascript instead of Ruby - you don't need to bother with programming to use it, but if you do, MV's code is more open to modification and supports a lot of things previous versions didn't, including mobile systems.

Apart from that, I think they're all relatively similar on the surface; there are various differences, particularly in mapping, but I can't remember any off the top of my head. Someone else can probably help with that.
>is this a good engine for that,
The engine comes with a lot of tools useful for that. Said tools might be more or less useful depending on how much you want to deviate from those games, though.

>an whats the difference between XV, MV and Ace?
VX is the buggy version of VX Ace, Never acquire it.

Ace exports a game in Ruby and you can't edit all of it. MV exports a game in JS and all of it can be edited.
Ace is modified with Scripts. MV wih Plug-.Ins. Plug-Ins are more useful, iimo.
Ace has image proloading. MV loads images as they becoime useful, creating an image lag in shitty computers and a sound lag eerywhere.
Ace works with 36x36 tiles.MV with 48x48.
Ace's face creator sucks. MV's is alright
Ace's RTP is less shitty than MV's.
sleep tight
But don't die during your sleep.
That goes for you too, thread.
Musicbros where are you hiding?
I want to listen to your newest works.
Is it normal for a MVgame to have 700k-800k memory usage in the task manager?
>Is it normal for a [RPG MAKER] game to use a shit ton of memory
Yes, unfortunately.
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Good night bump
I hope you all sleep well
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Bumping with an overly aggravating script call I had to beat around for the last hour to get right.

Stupid list didn't say the A needed quotation marks. Assuming then that it did, I also assumed the "false" would. Then in full test mode, I was testing verbal outputs (since quick test is faster than booting up the game each time), but I didn't realize that true would output "true" while false would always output "0" (along with everything else that wasn't false). Failing all of the above, I replaced the A with a numeric, first 1, then 0, to successive failures.

But whatever. One hour, and I figured it out eventually. Maybe someone else is interested in an event changing another event's Self Switch - if so, pic related is how it's down. Top row is explaining whats up, bottom rows are an example of it in use.
Good morning bump.
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Fighter Maker is great.

Not all of the RAM even goes to it either, since it reserves most of it for your edits/quicksave/whatever you've copied to the clipboard
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Have you played any lost rpgmaker games?
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Thanks for the Anon earlier for pointing this out, I was looking for the option under Actor not System.
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Standard MV Sprites are so ugly. Anyone got some good inspiration for alternatives in a similar size?
How many of you are planning on moving your projects over to VN Maker when it comes out? The more I work with RPG Maker, the more I feel like my game would benefit from just being a VN.
Depends on how much I can tinker with it. Can I make battle systems for it? If so, I may think of translating to it.
I never switch engines if I can help it, but I might make a project on it next. Depends, really.
Sidequests are fun
Reminder that if you don't have a new character join the party at a level based on the party/main character's current level, or you have a character leave the party for a while and then come back without them gaining any EXP, you're an asshole.

Playing a game and a character just rejoined my party after being gone a while and she's now 5 levels under the rest of the party. Fuck these asshole developers.
Speaking of cities, is it possible using events to generate random NPCs and have them walk to a random place before disappearing?
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Today is the day I take a break from my main game and make a shitty skelly game in time for Halloween.
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Finally getting to the point I'm playing through the thing to fix bugs and stuff!
Demo is almost there! Hopefully I'll get it done this month.
Congratulations, I'm really looking forward to it.
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>tfw you find out your plot twist was used at least 2 times already

Fuck this
Use it anyways.
Don't dew it
It isn't like there is an infinite amount of plot twist. Just try to pull it off better than the other guys.
you're making a RPG maker game and you're worried about this?
Do multiple plot twists at one time for one big mind-blow.
I'm bored.
So I'm planning out a small trading card game of sorts for MV since I'm familiar with RPG maker as a whole and I figure that would be the easiest engine to do it in/edit to my needs and I want a playing field to move cards around.
Thoughts? Is there anything better?
I would probably do it in Adobe Flash, but that is because it is the only program I know besides RPG Maker where I could pull it off.

That said, Game Maker might be a reasonable choice if you aren't going to use RPG Maker's mapping feature for much.
I'll just say that I love TCGs and if yours is fun, I will definitely play it. Any details about how you want it to play out?
I'm going to the dark side /rpgmg/ I'm going to stop trying and failing to make my own art and just make a game with RTP. Forgive me.
My game revolves around on mapping features/fields to play on, but I'll keep those two in mind.

My idea is that the players put out three Character Cards at the start- and have other cards to equip items, weapons, and to boost attacks / cast magic / defend.

I'm uncertain about wither the player or the Character Cards will have HP.

Two key things I want out of the game are:
1) I always want it to be possible for a smart newb to beat a terrible player with rare cards
2) I want repeat cards to still provide something for the player- even if it's just melting them for currency for booster packs.
So... kinda like Xenocard? I can get behind a Xenocard style game. I probably put more time into that minigame than I did in the main game of Xenosaga Ep1 back in the day.
Even amateurish art is better than limiting yourself with the RTP.
Not him, but getting a game done is more important than worrying about art
If you're willing to sell your game, it needs to have custom assets.
The games on steam would say otherwise.
to give my drawing wrist a break, i've been messing around with music


still a wip, of course, and the piano is basically what i "sketch" with
That's pretty good for a work in progress.
I like it.
Reminds me of touhou OST, I like it too.
What's worse, RTP, or editing sprites from other games?
if you can't twist it, spin it. something as simple as changing how its presented can make a big difference.
one is laziness, the other is laziness and theft. do the math.
But two negatives make a positive.
>Implying top down RPG/Adventure art hasn't be one big iterative wankfest since its inception.
Everything is just redraws of the games before it.
I'd say I disagree, but honestly, amateurish art can look just fine with the right style. And you'd improve with the practice, too.

I don't have a problem with people who just want to make an RPG without worrying about custom art, though. It's not ideal, especially if you want to sell it, but game design is a lot of work on its own.
Letting /rpgmg/ die is worse than either.

But I'd say edited sprite rips if you don't care about selling your game or sharing it anywhere official. They at least tend to be things RPG Maker users haven't seen a million times.
TBQH RTP isn't really that bad because 99% of the people who will come across your game have probably never even seen the RTP before and won't know any different.
What is the moral of your game?
Probably something like "Don't give up on life", "It's not too late to start living your life", or "If you can't live for yourself, live for the people you care about".
Death is inevitable
Just because someone has good intentions doesn't make them good.
Attempting to replicate another game's mechanics is a frustrating learning experience. Borderlands in RPG Maker isn't happening any time soon. Making weapons with levels and randomly pre-generated augments is an excercise in FUN. And this is just weapon generation!
In my game, because of how I do the formulas, putting your first stat point in defense will make you immune to damage from most of the early game. How do I make HP an equally viable investment while keeping defense as powerful as it is?
Wait, do you want your players to be extremely powerful or something?
Sort of, yes. The main character is the only one who gets stat increases and all of the party members are very gimmicky.
Do you guys clear out the default items in the database, start your own item count after those, or something else?
Well, the only thing you can do with HP is to increase it a lot then.
You could only let the player put points into HP, restricting defense increases to equipment or the equivalent like Paper Mario did. I don't know how your game's mechanics work, though, so maybe you wouldn't want to do that.
Give opponent's some attacks that use a different formula where defense is weaker.
Or make Def grow slower/require more Exp.

I found this on worldbuilding... Do you think it's useful knowledge to create maps for RPG Maker?
That's really interesting and it helps if you want to create a more realistic world.
However it is rather complex and I'm not sure if you really need it for a (fantasy) RPG.
Suspension of disbelief is a powerful thing and we simply accept the world and its setting in most cases.
You're right, but I did find some useful information that can be used, such as volcanoes being near rivers or ocean. It's a little detail, but helps to set the mood for me, if it's more based in reality (just based, of course, it's fantasy after all)
Well, uhhh, you're an archvillain on the rise, so there;s not much in way of morality. I guess I could add one essential moral to it, at least: don't be a fucking edgelord.
Why does my event stop stepping when I make it turn towards the player, even though I'm enabling it again?
An event on steps when it's stopped. If the turn towards player is being repeated, it may not register as stopped. Basically though, you're giving insufficient information as for what might be wrong. Just screenshot the event in question.
What is the motivation of your MC to do whatever he is doing?
Then tell me about her motivation Anon.
Good night bump
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what a buzzkill
it's actually fucking awesome anon. reminds me of old final fantasy games. i remember when i was a wee little lad and wanted to make my own rpg games because i played too much legend of dragoon and wanted to hand-draw all the backgrounds (:
Studying Geography really fucks up a lot of fantasy maps for you.
Eh, depends heavily on the setting of the fantasy world. I don't think Neverland can get fucked by any amount of geography.
You should resolve conflicts nonviolently whenever you can. But there's nothing wrong with throwing a punch every once in a while.
Originally she didn't want to return home because she'd get scolded by mom, then she learns to be responsible and wants to return home but needs to fix some disasters she caused first.
True, but neverland is basically just a drug trip. It isn't suppose to make sense. That doesn't hold for most other worlds that are presented to be an actual place.
Depression drives her to surrender her body for possession to a ghost-like being that wants to experience the world. She considers it a "Soft Suicide." This introduces her to a hidden layer of the world and she has to deal with the events and consequences of entering it.
In VX Ace, is there a sleek way to get the tile ID of a coordinate in a script call? Like

$game_map.terrain_tag(x, y)

but for the tile ID.
Oh boy, just look at the time!
It's time to post progress, /rpgmg/!
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Thanks anon! It was repeating itself, it works now.
sorry about the quality
Alright, found it out myself. For anyone interested, it's

$game_map.data[x, y, layer]

layer = 0 (lower layer), 1 (secondary lower layer auto-tiles), 2 (upper layer)
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Progress is going a bit weird today.
There seems to be a moment in the game where the framerate just suddenly starts to drop every few seconds, as in... the game freezes slightly for some reason.
I believe it has something to do with lots of pictures being deleted...? I'm not sure...
>wrist still hurting, more even
probably doesn't help that i give myself a break from work.. by playing high-apm video games
>high-apm video games
Gotta watch out for that man. RSI is no joke. I fucked my wrists playing Diablo 2 too much back in the day. Take it easy on games like that unless you want to be wearing wrist braces when you are older.
Not working on your game.
What about trying to delete them in phases? Like delete x amount of them, run another event process, delete y more of them, etc.
I guess, but there is still quite a range of fantasy worlds standing between Wonderland and Conan's Hyborian Earth. Most of the worlds standing in the middle of the scale and those leaning towards Wonderland can get away with geography that doesn't make perfect sense.
Oh. Just found out Hyperborea has a map and it is not very realistic, but you probably get the idea. Fantasy worlds can go from Surreal Zaniness to Alternate Earths.
And can wonder even more when you find out the author worked on the world to make it accurate.
IIRC, there's a script call to "delete pictures X through Y." The anon working on that rootbeer/bubblegame game was using it. Perhaps that would help as its only a single line and won't take much logic.
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First attempt at spriting. I'm trying to make a fairy companion similar to Navi from LoZ. How is it?

Looks good to me. I actually thought the eyes and mouth were arms and legs from the thumbnail, making it look like a tiny winged glowing person, but I'd say the potential confusion is fine. Or maybe that's just me.

Bump to you too.
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Still getting the hang of making sprites
If the thread keeps dying like this, I'm going to have to start a project and regularly post progress just to keep it alive.
What is the tone of your game like?
Please do Anon.
>calculate the stat growth curves for your characters
>type them level by level
>at last level 99
>*wait a minute...*
>realize you calculated for 100 level ups, not 98
I guess I'll use generate curve now.
Comfy and light-hearted at the beginning, gets darker later on
Oh neat that'd definitely help me out! If anyone has it please tell me!
This raises a good question:

How do you all handle your characters' growth rates? Do you use generate curve? Use math to come up with a curve and enter them level by level? Stick with linear growths for simplicity? Or do your characters not gain levels at all?

I'll probably be keeping stats low and using linear growth rates, since I liked how that worked in other games, but I'm curious.
Normally, very low curves. For my current game tho, I'm questioning how I want to do it. Right now the fights are looking pretty sparse, mainly due to the modern urban setting. I am debating trading battles for puzzles and leaving traditional combat out of it all together.
Don't bump me. I want to die
for my current project, im going to set characters with a pretty sizable base, and have stats from level ups be all but negligible. the main benefit from leveling up will be unlocking skills, powering up will primarily come from equipment and skills.
I like to keep the numbers low at the beginning but raise them a lot for the end game.
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I stole another game's attribute system, even down to the very cost formula to level an attribute.

>Going from Level X to X + 1 gives Floor(X ÷ 5) + 3 stat points
>Raising a stat from X to X + 1 costs Floor[(X − 1) ÷ 10] + 2 points
>those stats
Years later I still recognize this on sight.
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>Ragnarok Online
My brother
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I went hunting through the archives for it, but apparently only half of the two threads were saved. I did, however, find this tucked away somewhere in there. It... looks like it does what I think it does. I have MV though, so I can't test it myself. Maybe give it a test and see if it works.
If you promise to make custom sprites with very few colors and all that sweet 8-bit dithering like in necropolis then I' game.
Try also creating a super convoluted syste that's crucial for finishing the gae and would have been hated by most, like something they had to take off the game before releasing red/green.
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>searching random Japanese resource websites for enemy battlers
>find these mixed in with a bunch of traditional monsters
So before I start digging through a bunch of plug-ins, forum posts and script calls, I thought I should just ask.

Has anyone found an easy way to make a skill that replaces one state with another? I known there's a yanfly one for buffs, but that only works with parameters from what I've seen.

Basically I just want to make a <Target User> skill that will replace <State x> with <State y>. If nothing else I know how to handle it with a bunch of script calls and common events, but maaaaaaan, I hope there's something cleaner.
So how difficult would it be to start a project with no programming experience?
incredibly easy if you're making a turn-based rpg.
How about being art inept too?
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working on the hand my friend won't stop bitching about

and trying to shade the face
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By any chance, does anyone have those old side view battlers Mack did for RM XP ?
It seems they have completely disapeared from the internet ...
Looks nice
Can anybody explain cliff tiles to me?
I think something is wrong with your "m" key bro.
So, RPG Maker MV's been released for a year. How do you guys find it? Does it stack up to XP, VX, and Ace? I'm wondering if I should get it if it drops price on Black Friday.
It was laggy at first for me, but it works fine now.
Shit, that means I haven't made any progress in a year.
It is never too late to start making progress.
You can do a lot with RPG Maker without ever touching programming or art, especially considering all the resources made by others. You'll be more limited, of course, but the engine is pretty flexible. MV even has a decent character maker that lets you create custom sprites without drawing them yourself by choosing from various pieces.
...Don't mind the name. Came here from another general and forgot to delete it.
This is how I feel about MV compared to previous RPG Makers

Show me your combat systems
She is so cute she is giving me diabetes.
Something still looks a little off, but I couldn't tell you what it is. Maybe it's just me.

She's cute enough that it doesn't really matter. Certainly better than I can do.
It is just Yanfly's CTB.
I'm probably just going to stick with the default, maybe with a couple of Yanfly plugins, unless I can come up with something better for lewd purposes.
In RMVXA, does anyone know when enemy targeting is determined? When exactly does the game choose whom enemies will be targeting? Is it at the start of the round? Or is it on the moment?
maybe use some minigame gimmick
What sort of minigame?
You are gonna die
In VX Ace, if I have a common event consisting only of script calls and want to make that into a callable script stored in the editor, what do I have to add?
you can make that common event trigger from a switch.

then just turn on that switch, through event commands or a script call, whenever you want it to be called?
No, see, I don't want the script cut up into script calls as a common event (like I have it now), but as a script in the script editor, for better editability and overview. If I just copy in all the script calls (mostly equivalents of "show picture") into a new entry and put that below "Main", it obviously won't work, so there must be something missing, I just don't know what.
Any simple ways of having a "guard ally" type ability? Fudging with the built in substitute system, I was able to make a "Guard party" skill, but not a "guard party" one.
if i'm understanding you right, when you want to create a simpler function call,

like right now, you do three script calls of these

you can create a function with this code in the script editor:
>def do_multiple_things
> do_first_thing
> do_second_thing
> do_third_thing

now you can just call do_multiple_things to do all three things at once
That gives me a NameError for line 1411 of Game_Interpreter, with having the whole

>def do_multiple_things
> do_first_thing
> do_second_thing
> do_third_thing

thing in an editor entry below Main. Should I move it? Include it in Game_Interpreter?
Do you have an A plot and a B in your story?
Kind of. There's the main characters personal story, and a story of a grander scale that he can influence, but only if he wants to.
Two plots going on at the same time, switching between them as each plot reaches as a high point.
How do I make a battle against a reality warper feel like a battle against a reality warper in HRPG mechanics?
I've planned something like this for a project which never left the planning stage.
The MC was a young man in a kingdom which was occupied by another kingdom for 12 years or something. He wanted his homeland to be free again and joined up with underground rebels.
The plan was to recruit more and more people and amass a force to drive the occupiers away.
But you also would be able to play as a general from the occupying kingdom and try to counter the rebels while also handling politics.
This general is not fighting against the rebels by choice but he has to fight, otherwise he would meet a fate worse than death.
Maybe I should revisit this project one day.
JRPG, I mean.
Oh my god I've been looking for those too. I started to think it was just a figment of my imagination and they're real! I have been trying to look for them but haven't had any luck yet...
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>switching between them as each plot reaches as a high point
Sounds like an interesting story, if handled well. I'd play it.
I noticed it too after posting. I guess this old banged up 5 bucks keyboard is on the verge of death. It worked for quite a while too, since 2009.
Make some enemies able to ignore def, like rogues and other stealthy/quick/dextrous dudes.
Give them induce status effects. Def doesn't works as well as a lot of hp against def ignoring poison.
>Not having a fight against a reality warper in a HRPG
All these different realities, all these different sex positions simply gone just like tears in the rain.

If you want the enemy to warp reality then maybe have the fight jump into parallel worlds where everything is different.
Each and every one of you is a wonderful person.
oh hey, one of our games is in a bundle
That's pretty cool, DashBored dev.
btw in case any of you are interested I now
have a trello that will track future updates to
the game.

You guys should all get trellos, they're good for keeping on schedule
What kind of physical merchandise are you going for?
Depending on what it is and how expensive it is I might buy something.
There's already a few shirts, stickers, etc available, but I was thinking of commissioning
a vinyl figure company
Except for me, who hasn't been working.

now get back to work , me.

New podcast for you guys! RPG Creator just came out for iOS, so we had our top agent play the hell out of it for some worthwhile analysis.

Try and solve the intro riddle, if you can!

Big thanks to this guy >>156660020
for continuing to be part of the casting crew and make the sweet thumbnails.
Fuck yes a new episode.
Thank you for still making episodes, I really look forward to them.
Listening at 0.5 speed.

100% better
Do you guys enjoy random encounters? If you don't, would you prefer they be replaced with an alternative like symbol encounters or removed entirely in favour of a different grinding system(Such as Riviera's practice system)?
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I need to display a variable number above the gold value in the main menu

Does anyone know how? Using MV btw
>Riviera's practice system
woah, completely forgot about that gem. Guess you just solved my "wanting to do a puzzle-solving-dungeon heavy game without making random battles annoying the crap out of the player who's already dealing with 3 floors of intertwined moving minecarts" for me.
>I need to display a variable number
Oh man, what a long, strange journey it's been since I once asked that question over a year ago.

Best of luck to you, anon.
Do you know how do I even make the game display its value in a show text function?
I'm accepting anything.
The player needs to know.
>Do you know how do I even make the game display its value in a show text function?
That's an easy one. Mouse over the textbox, it gives you a whole slew of options for what you can do. A variable there is an easy \v[n].

It's drawing a variable on screen, outside of a text box, that'll really get you.
Thank you! That'll do for now

But really, having it displayed at the menu would save my life.
I'm looking everywhere and all I find is how to display variables as bars like HP or EXP, not as only simple numbers.
not that displaying bars worked right anyway
It depends.

I don't think random encounters are inherently good or bad, it's more how they're used and balanced. If they're too frequent, battles take too long, or just aren't interesting, they get tedious. If things are balanced well, they can be fine. And if the player has any reason to revisit old areas at a point when the enemies there are no longer a threat, it's nice to have some easy (if not cost-free) way to avoid having to deal with them.

I'd say that symbol encounters are more visually interesting and let the player take a more active role in seeking out or avoiding enemies, while random encounters have the advantage of uncertainty, keeping the player on their toes and encouraging them more to conserve resources (also they're much easier to include). Which one is more appropriate probably depends on your approach to game design.

I think I'd go with symbol encounters for dungeons in puzzle-heavy or linear story-focused games, and random encounters for games where I want more of an older dungeon crawl feel to things. Backtracking because you forgot to push a switch is just annoying when you run into another slime every dozen steps, but on the other hand, safely exploring every inch of a maze because you can just clear out the rooms or dodge everything is pretty dull.

I've never played Riviera, though. How does that work?
Anyone knows a way to change party members formation via an event?

I want leaders to have specific stuff assigned to them and this doesn't seem possible through current means of formation.
>tfw playing a bunch of SaGa games hoping to untangle them into something I could use for my own

i-it counts as research
>Play Elona+ and Yakuza all day
S-surely that counts as research as well
Good night bump
The only encounters in Riviera that are necessary are the forced ones along the story. However, most of these can be difficult if you don't grind, which is why at any point, you can pull up the menu and there'll be a "Practice" option. Using it will let you have a battle with a previous non-boss encounter and you can keep the XP from beating it. If I recall correctly you can't get a game over from it either. Honestly made grinding in the game much more enjoyable since you could do it at your own pace.
Can someone tell me what I'm screwing up here? I just want a skill that will do more damage if the user has a state on them. I'm new at Damage Formula code so I probably just messed up something simple.

if (a.isStateAffected(26)) a.atk * 5); a.atk * 1
Good morning bump.
I believe you are missing a ":" before a.atk*5.
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I used the wayback machine to check the ancient servers of the internet,
all I found for now is a old gif Mack posted back then (dunno if you it could be useful to you ...)
I want to use Quasi ABS, but it's not being developed anymore, so I don't know what to do.
Like fighting Lavos Core?
But what could change between parallel worlds? In SRPGs you could have different terrains and such, but in CTB it probably wouldn't mean much, just changes in battlebacks and maybe sprites (not sure if I could change the interface for quirkyness), but what would be the differences mechanically? Random debuffs?

Maybe. I was thinking about being able to "summon" previously defeated enemies, but it feels a bit like a necromancer/chronomancer skill. It is also very much a "final boss" skill, while this guy is the midboss of the dungeon with the final boss.

Something else I was thinking was massing up your Levels and Classes before the fight and your Equipment during the fight.
bumping again.
I think I found some good formulas to make my damage less swingy, but they look kinda long and wonky.

JavaScript IS safe as long as I use parentheses, right? These things could easily misfire if operation order goes wrong.
Redirect damage to party members
change battle back
If a character is immune or adsorbs an element of damage (Fire ring or something) Give the boss a "dimensional flame" spell that looks like fire but does damage.
switch out party member spells with copies that do other things (Heal debuffs an ally, poison spell removed debuffs on boss)

basically just throw all your previously established mechanics into a blender.
I like this approach, seems like it would make things interestin but prepare for common events.
If I want to add some monologues into the Vocab module, for VX Ace, and want different text depending on different variables, would it be best to just have a lot of case types within one another?
Ded as fuck.
Alright, still no luck. This is what I have now.

if (a.isStateAffected(26): a.atk * 5); a.atk * 1

In testing the skill with and without the user having the state, both times it just does 0 damage. Anyone have an idea as to what I have wrong here?

I managed to get a ton of work done yesterday, but now this one thing has me stopped dead in my tracks.
that is some ugly syntax. you're mixing two different versions of conditional statements

>if (condition)

>condition ? do_true_stuff : do_false_stuff

not that i've ever used the formula box, but it should be
>a.isStateAffected(26) ? a.atk * 5 : a.atk
Someone actually made a speedrun of a glitchy demo of mine, lol.


Full demo this month, hopefully.
just curious, who's doing your current music? or what are you using as placeholder if it is?
This fella!
Hey, anyone pirate/own Smile Game Builder? Is it any good/competitive with RPG Maker?
oh, neat; can i get a link to the battle bgm, btw? for reasons
are you lost? you're in a ded thread
Do MV's calculations carry decimals or simply operate integers?
Does something like:
90 * ((a.atk -b.def) / b.def)

in a case where a.atk =10 and b.def = 9 mean 10 or 0?
My calculator says 10
I had a strange dream in which I kissed a female astronaut.
Now I need to implement this in my game somehow.
I was bored so I decided to fuck with some of my game's boss themes a bit and make them more intense. I'm thinking of having the more intense versions play on hard mode.



thoughts on this idea?
I this idea is interesting, a little more stimulus for people who play on hard mode.
Mirrormind hard mode is really cool, I like it a lot.
Yeah, I'm really proud of that one too. Thanks anon!
gut response is that i don't like it, for the fact that the people who care about aesthetic things are less likely to play on harder difficulties.
That's true I suppose.
It isn't like the hard-mode songs are prettier than the others. They are just different.
Keep it mind that not all players will hear the hard mode music.
They might listen to the soundtrack in youtube if they like the music, though.
This is true. His music is pretty good so I can see that happening.
I haven't seen something like that in recent memory, so I think it would be at least a neat, unique feature of your game.
At the very least, it'll be memorable for fans who listen to the ost/like aesthetics and hardmode.
Holy shit, thank you so much.
I've been cobbling all my Damage Formula code together from scraps I found on forum posts. I couldn't find any good guides for this stuff so my best option was brute forcing this stuff.
So what part of your games have you had to brute force? Either by needlessly long if/than checks or a bunch of common events, what messes are you hiding behind the scene?

Things that aren't pretty, but work.
My clock and monster alarm so far, but I'll probably have to brute force hunger mechanics and a lot of AI effects.

Oddly enough, later game design choice have made the monster alarm useless for everything except boss encounters, so I could have just used a sound effect at this point..
Comparing 8-10 variables to figure out which is higher in eventing.
Giant pyramids of conditional branches.
>try to make damage formula
>gives me positive values on excel
>gives "null" damage in-game
What the fuck.
post it
Its not even that complex


Replace ''base'' for skill strenght. I am looking for low-ish damage numbers.
For example, if I were to set all values to 30,I get 12 damage on a calculator, but null on the engine.
I never got why people use such complex damage formulas. basic a.atk-b.def stuff works just fine for me.
And how do you handle stronger skills? Add a multiplier to a.atk?
Because thats how you values get bloated, that why we bother with stuff like this.
Post progress
that actually does look complex/bloated/messy
could you explain the reasoning you had behind each piece of the formula?
Messed with it until started getting numbers I liked.
Thats basically it.
It is largelly due to the larger customizability in skillsets and team compositions of modern RPGs making balancing much harder, leading to the need of accounting for "anti-grinding"/"anti-pump" factors into the formula so shit doesn't break when the player abuses them.

a.atk-b.def works just fine in a linear Dragon Quest game where the player learns attacks by exclusively by level up, so you can always know the approximate level of the player at any given point of the game and adjust monster HP and equipment available in the store to make the battles as hard as you need them to be.

When you have things like Materia, Skill Trees, Skill-tutoring equipment, recruitable monsters, or just huge rosters of characters and classes, etc. affecting the stats and skills, you will find that a player who min-maxes appropriately can trounce the game with the simple formula while at the same time some guy who is just roleplaying with his favorites can't get past the second boss without a lot of grinding.

Which is why most modern RPGs, and particularly MMORPGs, tend to use more complex formulas.
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Shit's been fucked these last few weeks but hey, progress.

This is pretty bitchin, sounds hype as fuck. Like your style man!
Oh man thank you, do you also have the link? I tried doing a wayback machine too but have little luck;;;
You will live
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(((a.atk + (base/2)) - ((b.def*5 - (base/10)) * 0.1)) * (base/75))
((a.atk + (base/2)) - ((b.def*5 - (base/10)) * 0.1)) * (base/75)
((a.atk + (base/2)) - (b.def*5 - (base/10)) * 0.1) * (base/75)
((a.atk + (base/2)) - (b.def*5 - (base/10)) / 10) * (base/75)
((a.atk + base/2 ) - (b.def*5 - base/10 ) / 10) * base/75
((a.atk + base/2) - (5*b.def - base/10) / 10) * base/75
((a.atk + base/2) - (b.def/2 - base/100)) * base/75
(a.atk + base/2 + base/100 - b.def/2) * base/75
(a.atk + .51*base - b.def/2) * base/75

when your formula's not written in a completely incoherent manner, you can see that it's basically.
(base + atk - def) * multiplier

first thing you should do is drop the .01 that's doing fuck all to the overall damage, and turn it into a simple base/2.

also now that it's cleaned up, you can see that there's base * base, which results in behavior you may or may not want.
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I'm drawing unlockable art.
If your player can abuse anything in your game then there's something fundamentally wrong with the gameplay mechanics. Instead of making a counter-intuitive and overcomplicated formula to cover that up you should fix that mechanic directly so that it can't be exploited

Good algorithm and clever development of mechanics should make those kind of formulas not necessary at all
Is there a preferred atb script compatible with Ace tankentai? All the ones I've tried are either missing features or don't work and I'd sooner just change one script than have to relearn how to write all that skill coding.
The enemy used page 10 death
>If your player can abuse anything in your game then there's something fundamentally wrong with the gameplay mechanics.
Not completely true. There is a margin within which abuse can be tolerated because there is a margin within which abuse is fun. Especially in Player vs PC. There is a reason why things like Mime were just fine in FF games even though it has always been abused. What is important, IMO, is limiting the abuse so it doesn't make other strategies completely obsolete.

Moreover, trying to make different builds actually unique and not just false symmetrical choices, while managing to make them all equally balanced against different opponents is an extremely difficult task. As in, companies with teams of playtesters numbering the hundreds usually don't manage to come up with metagames that can't be cracked in a matter of a few days.

>Instead of making a counter-intuitive and overcomplicated formula to cover that up you should fix that mechanic directly so that it can't be exploited
The mechanics are visible and important to the player while the damage formulas are not. Adding complexity to the mechanics is not the way to go, IMO, because it is raising the entry bar to the game itself. As long as the player's damage is increasing every time he pumps or raises a level, he won't care about how much it is increasing by. In fact, since the player won't know the opponent's defense stats (unless your game had a bestiary with the data or recruitable monsters), he probably won't EVER realize if you were using either a.atk-b.def or constant*a.atk/b.def. The player WILL however be bothered if you have some "can't equip more than 1 stat.boosting materia of each type, sorry" rule.

Also, not the anon who made the formula up there. What I am using is just: base*(a.atk )/(3*b.def+a.atk), which is not really flavourful, but effectively slows down any "power creep" from all side, which I believe is important because the player roams rather freely in my game.
Hit 2 times!
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Okay! I made progress bro. I'll post two I found.
And the other. If you can link me the site with the GIF Aluxes, I might be able to search deeper.
>dat midriff


Use the top bar for travel through time.
I hope you can read moonrunes ...
Good night bump.
May you have a restful slumber.
This is one of my damage formulas.

>if (a.isStateAffected(19)) a.addState(20); if (a.isStateAffected(20)) a.removeState(19); if (a.isStateAffected(18)) a.addState(19); if (a.isStateAffected(19)) a.removeState(18); if (a.isStateAffected(17)) a.addState(18); if (a.isStateAffected(18)) a.removeState(17); if (a.isStateAffected(16)) a.addState(17); if (a.isStateAffected(17)) a.removeState(16); a.addState(16); if (a.isStateAffected(20)) a.removeState(16); if (a.isStateAffected(19)) a.removeState(16); if (a.isStateAffected(18)) a.removeState(16); if (a.isStateAffected(17)) a.removeState(16); b.hp * 0.2

I'm positive that there is a smart, clean and simple way to do this, but fuck if I know what it is! Honestly, this is probably an improvement. Back in the VX/A days I would have done this shit with common events.
And may this thread live to see you in the morning.
Is it possible to set luck to 0(not just at game startup, basically wanna turn it into a learning resource so it can become 0 mid-game)?

Alternatively, i would be cool with making it so luck, instead of actual luck itself, display a number assigned to a variable in the status screen.

For second method with the variable i found this snippet

def draw_parameters(x, y)
6.times {|i| draw_actor_param(@actor, x, y
+ line_height * i, i + 2) }

in Window_Status so i assume i'd have to put something there but i have no idea what and the help file, for some reason, is jap so i can't experiment with whatever i'd get there.
bump for answer
Sorry, anon. I dunno.
What would you guys think of a hero that saves the day and generally keeps things in check but also does rather evil things for fun when it doesn't threaten the greater good?
depends, how evil are we talking? stealing stuff is something most protagonists end up doing anyway, and outright murder for shits and giggles would be a big turnoff for me.
Define "rather evil". In-and-out burglary, bounty hunting, and general hedonism are SOP for off-duty adventurers in pretty much every setting.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Murder, kidnapping, and torture would be the worst of it.
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That's really stretching the limits of "hero" then. The only way to really make it believable is either A) the villains are even worse or B) the setting as a whole is really dark. Tone it down if you don't think you can handle it without going full OW THE EDGE.

The kidnapping/torture bit reminded me of a segment in Grand Theft Auto V where you kidnap a worse-than-you guy and have to waterboard him to get some info out of him. That segment did not go over well.
I am absolutely in favor for antiheroes in general, but being just as evil as the villains when you don't get paid (that is his motivation, right?) irks me in some way.
nobody *ever* tells you to put things below Main. insert a new page for yourself above Main and write your functions there.

absolutely disgusting. assuming the formula behaves as you'd like, there are four main sections to the formula.
1. increment the state once, up to a max of 20
2. apply state 16
3. remove state 16 if affected by state 17~20
4. cut the enemy's hp to 1/5

if you want multiple statements to run from a single conditional, you wrap them in {}.
>if (state x) {
> add state x+1;
> remove state x;

if you have a set of conditionals that you only want to run once, you use "else if", which is basically a nested conditional.

>if (first_check) {
> do_first_thing;
> do_other_first_thing;
>else if (second check)
> do_a_second_thing;
>else if (third_check)
> do_the_third_thing;

for the first section, the "smart"/cute solution is something like this:

>for (var counter = 16; counter < 20; counter++)
> if (a.isStateAffected(counter))
> {
> a.addState(counter + 1);
> a.removeState(counter);
> counter = 420;
> }

for the third section, you want to combine them into a single conditional, since they all perform a similar task. the condition will use the "or" logical operator, "||", to tie them together.

>if (first_check || second_check || third_check)
> do_the_similar_thing;
and the reason i call it "smart" is because while it's prettier to look at, using a for loop for such a miniscule number of cases is basically just a programmer masturbating to his own reflection.

sometimes just using a set of if statements is the best solution.
back to work
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New battler / NPC.
I like it
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Have a soundtrack!
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I did insert a new page just above Main now and used the whole def/call thing mentioned in >>156637779 (as in, "def thing" at the beginning of the editor script, "end" at the end of it and then a script call with "call thing"), now I get pic related.
This right here is incredibly helpful. I wish I had been able to find examples like yours back when I first started working on these things. I'm going to take a shot at prettying up my code now that I know how, thanks!
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Post them villains, /rpgmg/.

This is my main villain. He's based off Nostradamus and can allegedly see into people's futures, although as far as everyone is concerned it could just me a mind-game.

Here's his battle theme: https://soundcloud.com/iwilldevouryourkittens/futures
pastebin the functions you're trying to define in the script editor, and possibly screen shot what your working common event is.
I haven't drawn it yet. It is hard to come up with something that lives up to the concept of war incarnate.
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>the concept of war incarnate

Fuck, man. Are you literally me?

I'm >>156799546. The final boss for my game is supposed to be the concept of war incarnate.

If it helps, this is my design for him.
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It's supposed to be a first person script (only the direct line of sight so far for testing, and only the first 3 tiles before the player are completely taken into account). It works fine in the common event (without the def line), but due to the ever increasing complexity of the "show picture" script call, I wanted it to be a proper script.
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Moth types are the best
I can't draw, but I've got the villains' plot/characterizations relatively fleshed out.
>The Battalion of the Damned: The Pugnatian Army's 4th Penal Battalion, gone rogue. After fragging/disintegrating their warden-sergeants in the field, the Battalion wandered toward the war-torn city of Falun and quickly rose to the top of the city's warring factions. Despite their origins, they have paramilitary-grade hardware and are surprisingly skilled with it.
>Exodus 7-10: A terrorist group with a real hateboner for modern civilization, skilled in the use of biological, chemical, and nanoplague weapons. After a few semi-successful biological and chemical bombings, they're gearing up for some more destructive and exotic attacks. While they lack real firepower, their weapons of mass destruction are dangerously volatile. It's up to the player to defeat them before Exodus can destroy the country with robo-locust plagues and micrometeroid hail!
>The Pugnatian Army: The strongest enemy thus far planned, and the only one capable of taking the player head-on. Mechs, attack helicopters, and large-scale battles are all fair game.
>Aggressor Cell: The playable villain faction. Aggressor Cell was a special-forces group tasked with training other special-forces groups in counter-terrorism using unconventional weapons and tactics. After a victory over loyal "Blue Team" in a mock fight, Aggressor Cell got smug and decided to turn to "real" terrorism for shits and giggles.
Does your MC have a family?
>4 frames
How? Are you using RPGMV? If so, what plugin?
Embrace the dedness
You can use this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMIIHYkYlfE
Do you have any non humans in your party?
Yeah, blacks.
They're all robots, so yeah.
Are gods real in your game?
Do they do anything?
Oh, I forgot Yami's plugin. Thanks!
she's the final boss
Is the evil? What happened?
when your combat system takes place in the air, you just gotta have a cloud/heaven stage. so who else will be the boss of the area, but god?

as for actual plot reasons for fighting god? i haven't a clue.
"Because it's there."
No gods show themselves, but people use "Ye Gods!" as an expression
they created the world, left some interns in charge, then fucked off to do more god shit.
Hey guys I have a couple of questions about MV.

1) Does MV scale pixel perfect and with what resolutions?

2) Does MV yet offer you to encrypt your game so people can't just steal your assets?

3) Is MV viable for a game I am planning on selling?
>Does MV scale pixel perfect and with what resolutions?
It's 48x48, which means it scales with 3x3, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8, 12x12 16x16 and 24x24. It does NOT scale well with VXA's 32x32, because every pixel would be 50% larger, which doesn't work.

>Does MV yet offer you to encrypt your game so people can't just steal your assets?
Many versions offer encryption, and all are easily crackable

>Is MV viable for a game I am planning on selling?
There are XP and VXA games on Steam, so of course. What matters is if RPGM is the right tool for you
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Well, what I am looking for is;
>Can run in a couple of different aspect rations
>No pixel deformation
>Good performance without too much tileset usage
>Quick to load animations

I can't really code, and don't want to reinvent the wheel myself as all that time could be spent actually making content.

I'm shooting for a game that has the engine of Fire Red with interesting and cool cutscenes like HyperLight Drifter.

Can MV give me that?
If you want to make Pokemon, you're better off using RPGM XP and downloading a plugin called Pokemon Essentials. It gives you everything you need. Pokemon Uranium was made in that engine.
Anyone else have problems laying out believable interiors with the semi-top down perspective jrpgs use? Only seeing one wall is a hassle for things like the hallway in an apartment building.
>It does NOT scale well with VXA's 32x32
You could scale it down to 16x16, then back up to 48x48.
When I said pokemon, I was more reffering to the combat system, and world exploration.

I believe that should be in MV as it is.
A Live
Would anyone enjoy a fantasy rpg set in the Wild West? Let's just say I've been reading some weird history stuff and realized the Wild West isn't explored as much as Eastern Mysticism or European medieval times.
Interesting, I'd pirate it.
Maybe, it depends on what you would do with the setting.
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>moving the hand to the side now emphasizes the oppai more
well, this is pretty much the final version, and i'm moving onto the swordsman unless someone sees anything worth fixing.

only thing i see now from an outside glance is to add another shade to the inner shirt. color changes a bit too abruptly for my taste.

>god: why are you people attacking heaven, of all places?!
>mc: uh, idk. farming mats
>god: *@#!$&
She looks wonderful.
I loved Wild Arms and they don't make them anymore, so sure, I'd try it!
anyone can upload the Deathsmiles Character Pack please
Theads are slow.
That means people are working really hard on their projects!
Good night bump.
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What will you be pricing your game Anons?

How much would you pay for a well made RPG Maker game?
Maybe I'll distribute it for free and accept optional donations or something, I'm not sure yet.

I think I would pay up to ~10 bucks for a well made game like Lisa (which I bought for like 6? bucks).
Possible up to 15 if the game is from here, just to support our community.
I'm planning to sell my 4 hour game for around $5.

There's not really a limit to what I'd pay, though. Content is the main factor. It might be difficult to make an RPG Maker game that looks/plays like it's worth $20, but if someone did I'd buy it.
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Is 10k sales on Steam a realistic expectation for a new dev with no connections but a good looking game?
Over what period of time? 10k seems pretty high unless you can generate some hype for it. I wouldn't count on big sales numbers for your game unless you can get a popular youtuber to play it. Like it or not they are the kingmakers now.
Depends on what you want out of the combat system. The combat system of Pokemon requires quite a few "stages" of priorities and triggers to work. You'd have to program it yourself to use MV.

Moreover, I believe the Pokemon combat system becomes broken if you don't limit movepools like Pokemon does, so you'd have to program it too, or at least common event it.
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>Over what period of time?
idk, like the 1st week or so when it's feautred on the main page of steam.
>Generate Hype
How do you do that when you're new?
A good trailer?
>Get a popular youtuber to play it
Seems impossible.
>Depends on what you want out of the combat system.
Just something simple with cool effects and characters.
The world, art and characters should be my strong point.
>1st week
10k would be an insane number to hit on your first week. Don't plan for that. You are new and unknown making an RPG maker game with I'm guessing no marketing budget. 100 sales the first week would be a success. For the numbers you are looking for you would need a big name attached to your game, either making a part of it (art, music, writing) or playing it (e-celeb cancer).
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Well fuck me, I guess I shouldn't put much effort into it then but just make decent garbage to gain some attention?
No. Its not. Getting 10k sales without ANY marketing campaign what so ever is pretty much impossible. Just cause its featured on Steam doesnt automatically make it successful.
How do you go about advertising, do you pay gaming websites like IGN, Kotaku etc?
Pay small youtubers?
desu, Im not even sure myself. Ive been working with a guy for a while now and we're about to release a demo soon. But we dont know where to start marketing wise. We dont really have a budget for marketing either. We've thought about something like Indiegogo or Kickstarter, but where do we get the money to market THAT? Cause just putting up a Kickstarter and having a decent product isnt enough to make it successful either.

But I guess small youtubers is the answer. Ask them to play the demo. They might get attention from it and we might get attention from it etc.

This is probably why they say making a good game is only half the process of making a game successful
I dunno. Try researching how much Stray Cat Crossing made. I can't imagine a RPGMaker game making more than that on Steam.

Do note that some default RTP + CGs porn games do make over 1000 per month in Patreon.
>Stray Cat Crossing
Around 20k owners.

Steam Spy has no games that sold less then 5k apparently.
Tbh I think this would be absolutely amazing if done in oils.
My eye's naturally drawn to the bottom-middle one, but the top right guy is just so cute lol
It looks neat, though I absolutely loved making characters on the MUGEN engine
Come on niggers, how do you market your game?
Use social media actively and regularly so you can get some followers.
Make a good trailer for your game.
Get YouTubers to play it after initial release.
When should I get on social media?
So far I only have 1 character designed, and literally no game.

How do you get youtubers to play it?
Is begging and a free code going to sulfice?
When you are able to post weekly updates on artwork and stuff. Say a couple battlers or a map per week.

Begging youtubers to play your game Yes.
What if I made my game first, and then pretended it's in development while I'm working on my marketing aka e-mailing jurnos.
Building a fanbase in social media takes months-years. It'd be rather pointless if you are so close to release.
Yanfly just released a new plugin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmFrDSaxnOY

And I spent the last two weeks and a half trying to make this effect. Two nights ago, managed to succeed and this gets released. FML
If this is how you feel you are making games for the wrong reason, and aren't going to last long.
I want to make games, that I would actually play, but what is the point in putting everything you have into a game that won't even make it to 5k people?

Most indie games are fuck trash let's be honest, just meme garbage waiting to go viral.
Have any of you ever created and put a game on sale?

Any success so far with RPG Maker?
I'm betting you're using Defense as a simple Subtractive element against damage. (i.e. Damage Taken = Opponent Attack Damage - Defensive value)

While I understand the appeal with this simple system, and realize that at the beginning of your game, you will take 0 damage, this system could be a hindrance later on , and carrying this mechanic throughout your entire game could be frustrating.

I think my main suggestions are rather than changing HP, you could change opponents Attack Damage, or change how Defense works.

Increasing Damage, so that you'll always do at least 1 Damage point is preferable, and will help prevent the player feeling like he can just roll his face on the keyboard and win.

Changing Defense to reducing a % of damage is also great. 1 Defense point reduces 10% damage, 2 reduces 20% etc. Obviously you can scale the percents however you want so you don't end up with something silly like 110% damage reduction.
You have to understand why the Indie game makers actually make games. It's not for success like how you desperately want so bad. In a way, indie game making is an art form, but there's much more to it.

If you merely see it as attention-seeking garbage vs. underrated masterpieces, you're looking at it completely wrong.

You say you want to program games that you actually want to play. What do you mean by that? Why would you say current games actually don't fulfill that?
>I want to make games, that I would actually play
That's good.

>but what is the point in putting everything you have into a game that won't even make it to 5k people?
This makes what you said right before it seem like bullshit.

If you want to make games that you would want to play, why would you ever consider half-assing it even if no one else ever plays it.

>Most indie games are fuck trash let's be honest
If we are being honest, your game will be trash too. You aren't willing to put in the work without a guaranteed payday, in an industry where studios can pour millions into a game's development and have it flop.

If you want a secure pay check go wear a tie and work in an office pushing paper. If you want to make games, make fucking games, and maybe, eventually, one of your games will be a hit if you are lucky. Don't count on it though.
I've made games, both /v/ and /tg/, but never put them on sale. Just stuff for my friends and I, or sometimes a game jam. I have a real problem with depression and self worth, so I always feel like asking for money for anything I do would be ripping people off.
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At this point, I think if I made a game, and just a few people say they have enjoyed it, then it's worth it for me. I think that's where the real satisfaction comes from. Other than enjoyment of creating a game/ programming /story creation.
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Just watched Stray Cat Crossing, it was pretty good.

But now I wonder, how much money do youtubers actually cost indie game devs?
Cost? If anything youtubers create a profit for indie devs over all. Free promotion/advertising. They'll criticize badly developed games, and sometimes unfairly so when the youtubers/streamers are dumb asses, but overall, there's a positive relationship.
I agree
If a youtuber plays your game that is publicity. Even if they don't like it, it still gets eyeballs on your game, and that is what indie devs need more than anything.

The only games it might hurt of the SJW shit fest walk and read games that are over in 15-20 min and can be LPed in a single video. These are the same people who were upset about steam letting you return games with under 2 hours played.
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I've lost 2 weeks of progress because I fucked up and didn't make a back up.
Now you have a chance to remake them better, anon!
That's true I guess but I first have go gather some motivation first.
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Concept for main character.
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I thought this would come out better
Are you also drawing the enemies like that?
It would be neat, huh? But I don't know if I want to bother with trying to figure out how to get them onto transparent backgrounds.
How do you make a halfway decent cave map with the RTP?
try using the circle tool to sketch out the basic layout for a more organic shape.
Give them a paper cut type of border.
Like this.
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Evolution of a character portrait.
I like the third more than the fourth.
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Bumping with a jester portrait
Is that an ayy or a robot?
Not him but you have given me an idea.
Thank you.
Most people think he's a robot though, and he uses that to his advantage.
The thumbnail kinda looks like Wojak with glasses.
What happens if I pull his zipper down?
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He'll probably crash your game
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oh baby.jpg
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Oh, my.
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Why doesn't your game included lolis?
But it does.
There are two in fact, a necromancer and an alchemist.
Just make a lewd game already and rake in the patreon bucks.
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Guys, be honest with me.

Considering all the plugins and scripts that are out for MV and VX Ace, which engine between these two feels like it's better to play on for you?

I've been wrestling with ideas but I hate when an otherwise good game just has janky feelings while playing it (unless it's intentionally janky). A few MV games I've looked at seem to always have something off about it like music lag or battle transitions being weird as heck, or stuttering while opening and closing the menu. On the other hand, VX Ace just feels like the base systems are somewhat more limited, the sprite resolution is lower, coding in general is not my forte so Ruby is probably even harder than Javascript to deal with, no innate sideview battles, plus the default screen resolution is pretty small.

I want to pick an engine people would prefer to play their rpgs at, minimize the janky inconveniences to the player, while also trying to keep myself from going insane. Best Idecide what engine to go for before I start databasing, right?

TLDR: What feels better to play without too much crazy footwork; VX Ace or MV?
Because I do not want to appeal to pedos.
Are there any fast food restaurants in your setting?
I feel like the scripts make MV worth it, even if it is sometimes a little off.
Yanfly is cranking out scripts like a madman.
No there aren't any fast food restaurants, it's like 50 years too soon for that.
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I have no intentions of making a crowdfunding, mostly because I want to develop my game strictly as a hobby.
Scripting Support for VX Ace is a dry well. Everyone is moving over to MV plugins.
It is a modern setting, so sure. Don't know if I will include them though. Not much point unless I want to tack on a hunger/stamina system. While I enjoy systems involving characters doing mundane tasks, I know a lot of people feel really annoyed by it.
That's assuming it's a "big" youtuber. If it's a standard 32 subscriber channel no commentary playthrough of an already obscure indie game, it's hard to make the "promotion" argument.
No man, even small streamers and youtubers are worth the investment. Especially because it's easier to get the small guys to try your game, and it's easier to get in contact with them and work with them. I feel like smaller guys will also often have better and more constructive feedback than big guys just churning out videos for the views.

People need to stop looking at success with videogame making as GO BIG OR GO HOME. There's varying levels of success and they're all building blocks depending on you goals. Sometimes it's too much of an investment to expand your game to a huge audience, which in turn becomes incredibly demanding and stresses all of your resources.
For sure if you're just looking for feedback as a learning experience, but as far as succeeding business-wise it's hardly valuable. People repeat "don't discount small youtubers," a lot and it's not entirely true.
>it's easier to get in contact with them
Ok, but it's for basically zero exposure. There's a good chance any views your game gets on youtube are from people who found it on Steam and searched for it. For obscure games, Steam is funneling these viewers to youtube, not vice versa.
>There's varying levels of success
If you're a hobbyist. Some losses are just losses, unless you get valuable networking out of them. Something that gets you 0 exposure isn't a significant investment, but it probably won't yield anything either.
What are you working on?

I'm toying around with making a plugin to change the actor command window for battles.
I'm play... researching Yakuza 1.
Needed to take a little break, but I will resume work in two days or so.
I am trying to come up for adult looks for the character in >>156896448

The idea is that depending on the stats you invest on, she would take different appearances as the game progresses.
I like that idea.
I take it that this is the smart/nerdy type then?
Update, I've got it listing the actor's skills directly in the command window, instead of attack/skill/guard/item

They don't actually do anything yet though
That is the default look. She loses the glasses in the physically offensive builds.

Do you think it would make more sense if she had no glasses at first and gained them by focusing on white/black mage builds?
Nah, give her swirly glasses if she goes full mage
Well, glasses tend to indicate wisdom/intelligence in games and movies.
You could go this way, yes.
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the last of the portraits
I always wondered why a lot of artists choose such a dark gray as a background color.
I assume white is too bright and distorts your senses a little when coloring?
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yeah, pretty much. our eyes and brains get affected by the surrounding backdrop.

it helps you get the color you truly want, not the color you think you want.
I'm "Researching" the original season of X-Files. It still holds up as an excellent show.
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It works! All of a character's skills listed in the battle command window. I can't believe this was so easy to script.
I marathoned X-Files last summer or so.
Really a great show.
Color theory really exposes what lairs our eyes and brains are.
i hate lairs
Remember to have fun!
How do I music? I get so lost trying to make anything longer than a couple bars.
i find it a lot easier to add new sections to a song when the instrumentation is more minimal.

like if your song has a piano, bass guitar, drums, string ensemble, flute, etc.. and then the next section is completely empty, it sounds a lot more off putting than if the song only had, say, just a piano.
>want to make rpg
>"I'll just do art and sprites of characters."
>"Oh they don't match the rest of the graphics."
>tilesets take a billion years to do right
>give up

This is a miserable pain.
Make them while paying attention to your tilesets. :p
>may as well use character generator
>no one even looks at it because it looks generic as fuck
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Why are you using tilesets?
Because I know nothing else. It's really easy for me to feel like I'm making no progress if I'm stuck on just the graphics.
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Good night bump
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Is there any reason to use tilesets? Would my game run well if I used background images instead?
Tileset reduces file size.
Maybe it reduces loading times since its just a tile repeated.

And its really basic if you start making a game.
Oh alright, in that case I'll jusr ignore tiles as I want to draw everything myself.
Anyone know how to permanently raise secondary parameters(critical rate and such) via eventing? Using Ace.

Only thing i can think of is using invisible states but not sure if game will like a bunch of actors having shitload of those(small increment increases, so around 20 just to get crit alone to 100, for example).

Checked script calls but apparently it only supports normal parameters like ATK or Max.HP.
Sure, if you make full scenes, it always will look more dynamic.
But dont forget to make smaller maps to reduce lagging or reloading.
any chances of making it lewd
In my game, each weapon uses a different skill to attack, so is there any way to make dual wielding characters have two attack options rather than just using both of the skills? Using VX Ace btw.
background images are fine too. For efficiency, both tilesets and background images are very good.

However, the advantage of tilesets is that you can swap out one part without having to alter the entire background. Tilesets basically allow for a more dynamic background and easy for you to alter on the fly.
Following up on this, I've done a bit more scripting to change my equipment slots to 1 weapon and 4 skills.
a character being forced to waste a turn before they can even begin fighting irks me. consider making the attune skills instant cast so you can choose a command on the same turn.
Can anyone recommend a good clock/calendar plugin for MV? Ideally something with UI elements the player can see and the art of which can be customized to fit the game's visual look. I want to do time of day sensitive events, and end the game after a certain number of days.
Another option would be giving her a default attunement, so she can cast spells of one type right off the bat, and spend a turn to attune to a different type if the situation calls for it.
The current game plan is for it to be tied to equipment. Unaspected staves start you unattuned. Fire or ice aspected staves keep you attuned but lock you out of the opposite attunement.
I that case give her a basic "Hit them with the stick" option for weak trash mobs to spam click through? Spending a turn to pick a magic type against an enemy that dies in one or two hits would be a drag.
Am I the only one who hates the art for the title characters?
What scripts? It might be better to just find alternatives.
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Slight lewd implications here and there, but otherwise it's a pretty sfw game.
Still no S/TRPG plugin
I'm actually making progress for once and it feels good.
>That feel when you have so many ideas for different games but can't work on all of them at the same time or else you'll never finish a single one.
I can just barely manage to work on two at once. What a strange feeling.
Write everything down and concentrate on one game.
I have. I'm focusing on one game mainly and when I get tired of that but still feel like working, then I switch to the second one. It's sort of refreshing for me to keep my mind busy like this. Once the first game is done, I work on the Second one more often and start a new one and so on.
Is your MC happy at the end?
yeah, they've been having a fun time the entire game, as annoyed as he is with the party.
I'm still working on the plot, but the general idea is that she becomes a mindbroken slut and starts enjoying herself at some point. So I guess you could say so.
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What do you feel about the concept of a goddess in a game? Most of the time is that "save the goddess" kinda of plot, and I really hate that, but in my game, the goddess are like random NPCs, no one will mention them, and they'll be chilling around towns (they'll have their shrines and statues, but they can't access them because of some shit)

also, this is the concept of the spring goddess
can i marry her?
I like this idea and her.
Do the gods do anything? Do they have some powers?
4 ending
MC is happy in one of them
MC is suffering in two of them
MC Died to protect everyone else in the True ending
I'm putting some serious tought into this idea, anon.

Maybe one of these gods will enter the party, so she will have some powers. I'll have 4 of them, for each season. I think they need to have something that makes them special, but not something that is "overpower" in the plot.
I need ideas for accessories with special effects. So far I have stuff like double gold from battles, extra crit chance, and HP regen.
What about rings that raise one attribute but decrease another?
increase item drop rate
more item drops
resist fatal blows with 1hp
double actions
double/half/no encounters
double/no exp
double/half/no mp cost
ignore defense

break damage limit
overdrive ap
triple ap
evade & counter
Change weapon's element.
Elemental resist/weakness.
Chance to inflict status when attacking.
No stats, but sells well at NPCs.
Increases Guard's command effectiveness.
Easier/Harder to be targeted by enemies.
Enables the use of equipment that can't be normally used.
Grants new skills to use.
Turns you into a cute little girl
Something which lets you see hidden passages in dungeons.
Most RPGs seem to use deities as either major villains or minor plot devices, if they're not absent entirely, so I'd be all right with this idea. But if they're like random NPCs, why does nobody mention them? Are they in disguise or something?

Once I thought of making an RPG with a generic "protagonist's childhood friend is actually a goddess and the villain wants to kidnap her" plot, until the protagonist dies, everything goes off the rails, and his childhood friend has to take over saving the world. But that never got anywhere.

Also this
hell o
>Can anyone recommend a good clock/calendar plugin for MV? Ideally something with UI elements the player can see and the art of which can be customized to fit the game's visual look. I want to do time of day sensitive events, and end the game after a certain number of days.
You could try Orange Time System, but I don't know if that will meet all your needs.
Quite a few of them. I'm basically trying to convert my entire game from VX to Ace so that I can make use of its features.
The highest priorities at the moment I'd need are the skill equip system, the sideview with ATB, conditional autostates, and passive skills. If I could get those working the rest of the issues would be largely aesthetic in nature.

I've only found alternatives with partial functionality so I figured maybe I could just hire someone to convert the stuff I want to use and help me mesh it all together in a way that runs smoothly.
How about you release a lewd patch off of steam?
Your challenge is to incorporate something from tonight's presidential debate into your game.
But I'm not even from America.
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Can I get some feedback on these portraits? I'm no artist but I still want to use my own art

An anon told me this looks like porn and it worries me
They're adorable. Is the kobold supposed to be cross-eyed?

I do wonder why the lines on the panda are thicker than the others.
Thanks. I will fix the eyes and the thick lines
I like Fu Yi!
You should definitely use a border around sprites to make them more fitting with one another, though.
So basically it's Danmachi?
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the wolf's eyes appear to be using mascara/eyeliner, which is sexual.

as for the panda, half open eyes are more seductive/sexual than fully open eyes.

naomi looks devoid of sexual appeal.
It won't be a major thing in the plot, but NPCs actually do mention the deities. Because of reasons, the deities duty now is to upbeat the spirits of people, so they're among them, chilling. They aren't in their shrines because monsters (in my game I use the concept of "nightmares" since they're created by people's worst dreams) invaded the place, blocking the way and not letting the goddess in. however, praying in the shrine can vanquish the nightmares, the MC's job is to pray in the shrines in their place and all that.
How long until a new RPG Maker?
I need a new PC-dedicated RPGM. Browsers and phones ruined MV.
Browsers and phones make up a substantial and growing part of the gaming market. That's not going away any time soon.
4 to 5 years I think
browser killed mv. or whatever the fuck is the cause of this "asynchronous loading" nonsense.
So the RPG Maker series is dead, then. I'll miss it.
Casual "gamers" don't count.
Don't kid yourself. Pretty much every major company in the industry is targeting that audience now. E3 was full of companies talking about making a big push to mobile and social media gaming. It isn't pretty, but that's the way things are.
What a bumpy night
You are already dead
(Spanish Forum)
That panda def wants to fuck.
better than /indie/
So what are the MV plugins I need to ensure that weird stuttering and stuff is either gone or minimized for games I'll be developing? I tried to testplay a game on my computer and it looks like my computer is one of those with the janky lag issues if I don't use any scripts.
Question: What's the general opinion on status effects? Should they clear at the end of battle? should some of them remain? should all of them remain?
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redesigning armor
I'd say it depends on the status effect in question. To give examples of typical status effects, something like confusion should wear off after battle, while poison should probably stick around.

On the other hand, poison in many RPGs is an annoyance more than an actual challenge, so maybe that's a bad example.

In general, status effects that can end with time during battle should end automatically after battle, or else you'll encourage the player to hang around defending until it's gone. Status effects that can only be cured with items or spells... well, it would make sense if they stick around after battle, but I don't think they necessarily have to. If status healing items are easy to come by, it won't make much of a difference. If they aren't, lingering status conditions will matter a whole lot more, so you'll have to be careful to balance them so they're not too debilitating (unless you want your game to be difficult and reward preparation and caution, which is certainly fine).

But there's a whole lot you can do with status conditions beyond the usual confusion/poison/petrification stuff. If you're sticking with the standard RPG status effects, you're safe handling them the usual way. If you're doing something more unusual, there's no one hard rule on what works and what doesn't.

Overall, if you're uncertain, I'd lean towards being more lenient on the player. It's a whole lot easier to make a game unintentionally frustrating than satisfyingly challenging.
make status ailments potentially fatal.

poison should kill quickly. stat debuffs should cripple stats. blind should reduce accuracy to practically 0%. etc
I'm a little late, but I like it!

I'm surprised by the sheer quantity of songs. Did you make all these yourself?
They should clear after the battle if you tend to make a classic game.

If you make a heavy rpg, simulation one, you should make the status effect curable lasting.

I think it depends on if the games should have lasting consequenzes or its just battle like a hack/n slay.
Found the casual "gamer".
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I've had good look reducing the water lag issue by reducing the file size of the animated water tiles.

The easiest way to do that would be removing the water tiles oyu aren't using in any specific map.
I love your lineart. The characters are expressive and cute
Is there a way to set up a stagger/poise system? Like if a character is hit with enough stagger damage they produce the "stagger" ailment?
Like the tips and tricks Yanfly made a couple weeks ago?
Not that anon, but that stagger isn't the same thing he's talking about. Yanfly's stagger tutorial is about a monk skill from WoW that "staggers" damage by turning the total damage into a DoT effect instead.

What anon is asking for is probably more like how Poise worked for Dark Souls 1.
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Don't die! You can't die here!
H-hi guys. I am new be nice to me :) I am making a game about puzzles. Can you recommend any good MV puzzle tutorials? Perhaps one where you enter a passphrase to open a door? Thanks! ^_^
Only way to enter words in the game is through character names. You'd basically need to create a new character, then when you enter the password you go to the character rename event, then you use a Conditional common event to check if the character and a string match.

Either that or use a plug in.
So I guess I'm just gonna try and learn how to use Battle Symphony since Tankentai isn't compatible with anything. Anyone got some tips?

I'm currently trying to recreate special damage effects for critical hits.
What does VX stand for?
What does MV stand for?

I don't know what these fucking letters mean ever since XP and it gives me rectal itching thinking about it.
vista xp
mobile version
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My first attempt at pixel art, how bad is it?
pretty good. appropriately thicc
I'm not sure what that yellowish line is supposed to be where her neck should be, some sort of necklace? Irks me in some way because the color is too similar to the hair.
New pastebin with crack 1.3.0 and resources
Good catch, actually. It's not supposed to be a necklace, it's like some sort of rope that goes around her chest to keep her cape attached
In MV, is there a way to have a piece of equipment cause a status effect on the one wearing it?
sounds like something yanfly would've done ages ago

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Update: since it only matters during battle, I wrote a script to call a common event at the start of each battle and apply the effect.

Also, I totally forgot status effect overlays animations were a thing.
Oh nice, we need to include this in the OP
Looks nice so far.
Good work anon.
First game ending(unavoidable), MC is sad.
New Game+ imperfect ending, MC is not as sad.
New Game+ perfect ending, MC is happy.
worst ending has nearly everyone close to the hero dead or abandoning him.

bittersweet ending has the hero dying but saving everyone, so he's happy even if everyone else is a bit sad.

best ending, hero saves his family, gets married, and lives happily ever after.
Does your game break the 4th wall in any way?
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Anyone have any luck with Easyrpg on the 3ds? I got it to play End Roll on the Wii, but it gives me an error on 3ds.
Yes, and that's the entire point. It's 'me' and 'my friend' and we get trapped in a game I've played 1,000 times. Despite this, things still don't go as planned.
I don't intend on it, but I have a feeling I'll subconsciously sneak something in anyway. A "diet" of Sam and Max, Metal Gear, Borderlands, and TvTropes has basically ruined any chance I have at telling a non-self-referential story. I'm more concerned about gameplay and getting the actual system down first anyway.
I figured out how to do it with a blank actor name. Thanks :)

Do you guys think this puzzle is too tough? There is no hint system.
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Anyone know how to fix this error when installing the RPGmaker 2000 RTP? Do I have to fix those broken japanese characters or what?
...? There's no way anyone could solve that without any more information than that given. There's no precedent or even vague notion of how much a bundle of firewood would cost there unless it's a purchasable item in game.

That said, it is pretty fuckin' hard
Huh? You figured it out? How?
In the input page it is restricted to 5 characters.
Haha! Yup it's "ashes". Thanks! I will leave it I.
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I'm pretty good at riddles myself
Ohhh, I get it. I feel like that's one people are gonna drop the game over unless they can google it, either add a hint system or make it less misleadingly worded.
Man you'd really hate my game. Lol
I bet I would. Nothing is more irritating than setting up in such a concrete format as a math problem and then throwing a ridiculous, totally out of the blue curveball like that.
You haven't ever played a professor Layton game, have you.
I don't think I could have solved it.
I get it after seeing the answer but this is just a little too hard for me.
Got any more?
I do. If I did add a hint system it would be via cryptogram. You gotta work for your hints. Pic related.
Okay here is a tough one.
What goes up a chimney down but won't go down a chimney up?
An umbrella, don't use riddles you can google. Still, that one's pretty bad, there's any number of things that could wind up fitting that criteria.
I'm reading your question repeatedly and I can't make sense of it at all. Have fun getting your puzzles googled.

And the last podcast was about puzzles too...
DESU riddles don't work very well in a format where they can't be rephrased and the answers have to be character-for-character precise. If a question is poorly worded in a video game, you're screwed.
Are the podcasts good?
Most podcasts are pretty good. A few aren't.
I still miss Windsor
Check the playlist in the OP and find out for yourself. In the meantime, try this:
I've been listening to it for nearly a year I think, and even if the lessons they impart aren't super great, they make for a fun listen while working. Might even make you feel like you have friends.
This riddle is fun and could work perfectly fine for an optional sidequest, like "guess correctly to get a rare Spell Scroll or equipment".

This one is seriously horrible.
>Might even make you feel like you have friends
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Guys, I just spent over an hour trying to fix this font issue on Space Funeral and nothing is working. I've tried reinstalling RPGMaker RTP for both Ace and 2003. I've tried just reinstalling the RM2000.fon directly. Compatibility mode for XP and Vista don't work either. I'm on Windows 10. Anyone know a fix for the font issue?
I don't disagree lol and I dot really have cause for an umbrella riddle.

I agree here too. It's challenging to find ines with exact answers and so more often then not my puzzles will have to me more straightforward. However, the goal of my game will be to use pen and paper and other irl stuff for a lot of the puzzles. Also I'm not worried if people can't immediately figure it out without googling. I hope some people will take the time to enjoy it and not rush. If not oh well.
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Here's a better picture of the issue. I know you guys are here to MAKE RPGmaker games and not play tech support, but I've been all over google and no one has found a solution for this. Thanks anyways and good luck on your games.
Install these.
If installing them normally doesn’t work, go to your fonts folder, delete any copies of the font that are already in there, and extract the zipped fonts into the folder manually.
That fixed it. Thanks so much man. It might have been that msgothi0 or msmincho font I needed.
No problem, this is a not so common problem with RPG Maker 2000/2003 games in general.
Alright, I give up. How the hell do I change the spacing between characters in the Sideview?

I'm using Yanfly's stuff, but it only has parameters for the X/Y of the whole group. If I mess with the anchors, it causes the shadows to float off somewhere else. I have a lot of screen space, so I'd like my dudes to back the fuck off of each other.

What the fuck do?
Post some of your monsters
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Oh right, a picture would probably help.

I put the pink spots there for reference of where I'd like them to go.. I knew how to do this back when Tankentai was a thing, but for the life of me I can't figure out how it works in Yanfly's engine.
>pink spots
Anon, I only see green spots.
My main character portraits are done!

...I just can't get anything right tonight, can I?
(you spelled physical wrong)
Taggart looks like a pretty cool guy
He's in the party for like a single room before he gets killed off (is he actually dead? i haven't decided yet)
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Don't worry mate, I fixed it for you
Reminds me of this one:

A man is camping in the woods. At night, he wants to smoke his pipe, light up his kerosene lamp and kindle the campfire he built, but he has only one single match left in his matchbox.

What's the smartest thing to ignite first?
the match
page 10 bump
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Good night bump.
Tomorrow will be a great day with lots of progress.
ye boi

I got it figured out. The script to do it was included in the MV DLC.
Okay, I've figured out how to recreate everything about this skill except the special effects and I gotta ask, why the hell are people saying Symphony and Victor's are easier to use than Tankentai? It's taken me a day to code the simplest skill sequence I want, my notebox is stuffed already, and there's no indication that the keys I need even exist or how to add them on.
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Post enemies from your game that you like.

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These are her different looks for now.

No swirly glasses because I didn't have any cartoony-enough ideas for the other forms. And also because subtler changes will help conceal some mistakes in the "middle stages".

She has very minor reality-warping powers, which is why her clothes also grow with her.

Each build specializes in two stats (att, def, mat, mdf). Can you tell what each's specialties are?
(not that it'd be important gameplay wise)
I feel awful now that you mention how long it has been since it started. I haven't made progress in my RPG longer than it has been going.
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Working away.

Oh is there a way to limit battle menu items? Like, I have no need for "escape" or "magic" or anything. Can I get rid of them?
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It didn't turn out that good, but I like it conceptually.

Basically, during the night areas will be illuminated by some floating lights somewhat akin to street lamps. But you should avoid these illuminated spots for these lights are actually carnivorous mollusk-like creatures looking for food.
Y-yeah. Lots of progress
I think I've seen your sprites in this thread before, and I love your style. Makes me think of old SNES dungeon crawlers.

How is your game coming along?

And will we be able to marry her?
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Work on your game
Can't, gotta grind Overwatch Halloween event boxes.
Live 2
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>not a bunch of rats stuck together by the tail
What the fuck are you doing?
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How do you deal with walls on building interiors? I've been dealing with this shit for years and I can't decide what looks best.

As an exercise, how would you lay out walls and/or ceilings given this floorplan?
>haven't touched my game in 2 months
it's over for me isn't it
Start your project and work.

Only if you want it to be.
Lewd how?
The trick is you may not need walls. Black can be fine like that.
Everyone's obsessing over Mercy's sexy skin lol
Made a new song


post feedback and feedback accessories
The general has lasted this long. I'm sure your game has a chance, too.
More games need songs with lyrics. I remember being blown away in FF8 when "Eyes on Me" started playing on the Ragnarok.

Would you put a song with lyrics in your game?
>Would you put a song with lyrics in your game?
One or two for maximum impact. Wind's Nocturne from Lunar still makes me cry.
I love your stuff man, the quality is really top notch.
It's great that you not only use one or two instruments but a whole variety of them.
Are you going to make a hard more version of this song too?

I think I would use a song with lyrics for the credits. Maybe even one for the last boss.
Problem is songs with lyrics are more expensive because there is much more work involved, I still would like to have one or two though.
>Are you going to make a hard mode version of this song too?

I might, but I'm not exactly sure how I'd amp it up even further. It's pretty much as loud as a song can get without major overages.
scruffy hair makes me think attack, and glass probably denotes magic attack. and the larger bag is probably some kind of defense?

my guess is, from left to right: att/def, def/mdf, neutral, att/mat, mat/mdf

how close was I?
I made a game in OHRRPGCE a while back where the main character is a sentry of a goddess, but at the end it turns out the goddess is actually a villain and you fight her as the last boss
maybe instead of making it louder, add something soft, like an ominous piano melody.
Huh, that's actually a really good idea. Yeah, I'll do that.
happy to help!
also consider woodwinds, or even a xylophone
You got 1 stat correctly for each, but not both correctly for any.

I had forgotten to mention that you can't raise both m.def and m.at or at and def. The skill tree is cross-shaped and you can only go to a starting branch and later to an adjacent branch. Sorta like:
Where x and o are doors that require x and o keys, and you only have 1 x key and 2 o keys.

God. I just realized it kinda looks like a swastika.

The changes are like this:
Physical offensive: +height, -glasses, -hair length
Physical defensive: -+glasses, +hair length, longer boots
Magical offensive: short sleeves, messy hair
Magical defensive: +height, larger bag, straight hair
Hard mode version finished!

you work fast

btw, are you one of the picture posting anons? if so which game was yours?
I'm >>156360938
File: snake.png (2KB, 160x148px) Image search: [Google]
2KB, 160x148px
Is this too simple compared to >>156794306 ,
>>157155501 ?
Note that this and the sea angel are chasers while the moth is a NPC whom you can optionally fight
The style seems to be quite different. It could work but maybe it would not be consistent enough.
Yeah. I kinda decided that creatures that were created from fear would have bodies at least partially made of shadow, but I am not sure either if they will look fine when together or if they will all look out of place.
maybe make it's body look more ripply?
I'm bored.
I think that'd make some of the other shadow creature designs a bit more confusing, but I'll keep it in mind.
Remember to back up your games
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Hand over the new thread, Dahnald
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