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/vn/ - Spirit of Justice Edition

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Thread replies: 755
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Visual Novel General #1190

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Read the wiki below
4. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

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This general is for the discussion of Japanese visual novels.

Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.
I want to maya this maya
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Top looks better
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so censored nipples are no longer ok?
Bottom is better, but not by much, why not just:
"such a rude awakening is bad to one's mental health"
"can hardly be beneficial" makes a simple sentence too long.
Tone mainly
Fata Morgana looks like it could have porn or nudity in several parts, and I'm only like halfway through the game.
What a waste.
There's a scene where people fuck but they just don't show it. Too bad desu. Although the art isn't that cute.
Michel has bad taste. Morgana was the better option for him
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There is probably only like two or three instances where it could've had nudity, but only one of them is erotic and then you have basically the rest of the game without anything particularly erotic. I think it would've been a pretty awkward implementation of H scenes.

I suppose they could've implemented them for non-fapping purposes and had them strictly at the service of the story (there's one scene which could've been particularly hard to watch), but then again it's a doujin title with fuck-all budget and they probably had to make every CG they made count.
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What do I pick?
Can someone that has read Subahibi explain why it has been so hyped up by people?

What's the hook?
Extremely good, profound writing with an interesting setting and cast of characters to boot.
Extend your hand.
>Not extending your hand
Enjoy your bad ending.
What are some VNs similar to DS adventure games like Ace Attorney, 999, Ghost Trick and the such? And don't say ever17 just because the Zero's Escape guy made it, I hate moe.
thanks, I'll avert my gaze because I wanna see the bad end anyway
Thank you for fixing the OP.
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Awkward pretentiousness wrapped up in a fairly decent mystery (with a disappointing conclusion) and an engaging tone despite poor pacing.

Also long porn scenes that features stuff like an adult daughter raping her father because her student told her to then biking while naked and peeing, a teenager being drugged and raped by several thugs, a child being forced to have sex with a dog, a high schooler raped and then crucified while being naked, etc.
Try umineko
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/hgg/ has been deleted numerous times for censored boobs in the OP as well. Mods don't let it fly.

I dunno, I preferred the chemistry between Michel and Giselle, just like how Morgana and Jacopo have good chemistry. The relationship between Michel and Morgana felt more like an older-brother/little sister relationship, there's quite a bit of parental undertones there.

I think it's because Michel and Morgana are really quite similar at the core. Giselle was the bubbly and optimistic girl to contrast Michel's overbearing cynicism and self-isolation in a time when he needed it the most. The reason Michel hated Morgana so much in the beginning is because she was basically a reflection of how far he had gone.

Either one. This choice doesn't matter, but you do get an optional scene which helps explains things for a future chapter.

I'm fairly certain that choice doesn't trigger a bad ending, though?
That's not how it works. If you don't extend your hand it forces you into a bad end like five hours later that you can get anyway just by picking the bad choice.
You don't need to avert your gaze to get the bad ending. Extending your hand unlocks the later scenes. There is literally no reason to avert your gaze other than getting locked out of the later endings and having to replay through shit again.
so its bad in for the OP but ok to be posted in the thread? Seems weird but w.e
Yeah. I don't know how mods work.
>felt more like an older-brother/little sister relationship

So? What are you, some kind of Nellie hater?
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Sounds like you're looking for Danganronpa.

The first game is fairly decent, characters are a mixed bag but the atmosphere is good. The second game is pretty damn fantastic. Don't listen to that retard who said Umineko.
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Maybe I am
There is nothing wrong with a princess falling in love with her prince. Even if that prince is her brother.
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What the fuck, conjueror? I've supported him up now to the point of being an apologist but I simply can't understand someone being such a big fan of literature and yet then playing MGS4 and calling the story "fantastically complex" or the characters "great"
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He thinks the FF13 characters are good too. He has terrible taste.
Some of his favorite games are Umineko and FSN, his taste is bad.
Subahibi confirmed as shit.
>Game-play segments felt too long
Nigga what? There's like 6 hours of actual gameplay in MGS4 and the rest is cutscenes.
I already fucking answered you you fucking cunt god damn.

Fucking play remember11, root double, and I/O if you're feeling spiffy.

Jesus god fuck you don't even listen.
>gameplay segments too long
isn't it a fucking movie
Basically, yeah. It's one of the biggest complaints about the game because there's so little gameplay.
Azuki can be cute as fuck, but what the hell is up with those "claw hands" pose. Ruins so many cute screenshots.
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Conjueror is a fucking moron. Keep in mind this is the same guy that unironically liked and translated Tokyo Babel.
Translators should keep their own shitty tastes to themselves, Conjueror's taste is so bad it makes me very wary of buying anything he translated or says it's good.
>fantastic visuals
Really? I got a headache looking at all the flashing lights.
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Enjoying Kyonyuu in spite of the crops and disliking cowtits.

The protagonist is pretty fun.
Anyone else feel this way about a game?
Yeah, it's a fun little title.
Lute's luck stat is out of this world.
Luck stat so high there isn't a die big enough to roll it.
>Lute's luck stat is out of this world.
There's a very good reason for that.
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God dammit, they just had to put this in didn't they.
Why are you playing a bestiality game?
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because its the cutest thing ever
When will we make enslaving catgirls illegal?
Any VNs where the majority of girls are wearing glasses and have more than one blowjob scene?
How can you have taste this shit.
Truly best girl.
She's shit.
i know what Dangan Ronpa is, I guess I left it out of the OP because I was talking about DS games. Still, I guess I should check it out. I should never have watched the anime for DR, that was awful. I vaguely know a bit of 2's plot.
The anime is pretty bad, yeah.
What are some VNs that have a mature plot and have good prose? What are the most /lit/ VNs?
Enjoy your eternal suffering, sinner.
The House in Fata Morgana.
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Literally Hanachirasu/Muramasa
First things I read, I think, that made me think "that was literature".
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Excellent taste.
Princess Evangile
awww shit. Is ALcot jumping on the catgirl train too?
>taking 30 paragraphs to describe a simple action
Yeah, no.
>catgirl loli
English when?
ALcot is now ALcat
Better 30 paragraphs for one complex, meaningful action than 1 paragraph for 30 simple, meaningless actions.
What are some ideas for giving VNs more gameplay than just reading and giving the occasional branching choice? Think DS VNs.
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>catgirls gaining popularity

The future looks wonderful
yiff in hell, furfag
>better over-exaggerated hyperbolic fluff than providing a meaningful use of the reader's time
Yeah, no.
Well, just look at the beginning. They were like ADVs, giving you the option to look, think, talk, move, etc. I don't consider it particularly superior, though, because you've got to read it all before moving on or you'll miss stuff forever (if you're even allowed to move on before reading everything - tedious!)
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So have Tumblr ever talked about how Katawa Shoujo is "cultural appropriation" because it wasn't made by the Japanese but feature Japanese culture? I feel like that's the type of shit they would talk a bit about.

While we're on the topic of Tumblr, I don't really follow these YouTubers at all but do they get riled up about Filthy Frank, H3H3, Leafy and the likes?
The Witcher 3
Steins;Gate spoilers.
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Catgirls are not furry based retard-kun
There should be a limit to your ignorance.
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I could say the same to you.
>Once the masterpiece has emerged, the lesser works surrounding it fall into place; and it then gives the impression of having been led up to and foreseeable, though actually it is inconceivable — or, rather, it can only be conceived of once it is there for us to see it.
-Conjueror, on Fate/Stay Night
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now this is newfag
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It's true. I thought Princess Evangile would be just another shallow moege, but after the Rise and Ayaka routes I realized it could very well be the Shahnameh of VNs.
sounds hot
What's the game witht the worst sex scenes you've played?
and the hottest?
>babysitting my niece
>minding my own business reading VNs while shes running around
>browsing on my computer
>suddenly she says "look!"
>she's bent over and she's mooning me
>see her amazing little butt and everything else down there
>can't stop looking
>get an erection
>she starts giggling and runs away
>have that image burned into my memory
>sister comes pick her up
Am I a bad person?
The worst? Probably DC2, The H in that game is straight up garbage.
Kill yourself.
The absolute worst is where the sex is at funny angles, the genitals are drawn poorly, and the faces look retarded.
When is Monobeno getting translated?
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Fan translations are dead and no publisher is stupid enough to pick it up.
Just you wait. Based Sekai Project will translate it after finishing Maitetsu.
Nope. You can cut the porn from Maitetsu. You can't cut the porn from Monobeno, since the entire story is about your little sister getting her first period and needing the dick or she'll die.
you should cut your dick before it's too late
I believe in Sekai Project.
Monobeno is on the Vita.
>tryin to go to academy to get my dick wet
>this badass walks by and takes all the chicks
Feels bad man
Nitro+ 3D is embarassing. The Shanghai Cybernetics raid in Kikokugai is hilarious once the CG action starts.
He can have them. Where the lolis at?!??!
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He spends half the game getting his ass kicked and earning the contempt of everyone. He is practically a joke character until the end of certain routes.
He actually gets a really good character arc in the series
I guess in a spoiled hotshot academy student to humbled knight/friend type deal.
Sekai Project will do it. How is this compared to the non all ages?
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Don't support SP, we're not their target audience.
In the time that it takes Shitkai project to get to it, it will probably be released in 5 years. In that time you could be Japanese fluent and never have to deal with censored garbage ever again.
>censored garbage
Not to mention it will be horribly translated given Sekai's terrible translation standards.
>Maitetsu still at 30%
Fuck off MG shills.
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Go to bed, Dovac.
hi dovac
Hi dovac
Something similar to that but spoilers, he becomes one of the better characters in the series along with Felzen
Hello, Ray.
t. Shill
t. Angry shill
Only if you pay me 5.99 for every time I don't respond to you so I can say how great not responding to you is
Reminder that it's been revealed that MangaGamer employs tons of shills. Meanwhile Sekai Project has no shills, all the praise for them is genuine.
>all the praise for them is genuine.
Yeah because there's none of it haha
Since when was honest praise shilling?
I still won't buy your releases Ray, I'm not your target audience, remember?
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Will we get a game as good as Sakura no Uta in this year?
>all the lolige coming out in english won't have H
Why does god hate us?
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It can't be helped. You should develop an appreciation for cowtits. I used to be indifferent to them but their appeal started to develop for me over time. Now I love big massive lactating titties.

Holy shit I'm shaking over how cool this OP is. Nasu does it again... my life will once again be changed.
im allergic to cowtits
bad musou-clone with ps2 graphics
Looks like shit.
Looks pretty bad, honestly. The gameplay I've seen in the videos that have been shown off look pretty bad too.

This isn't a visual novel though, so take this out of here.
>Generic anime OP #50493 with bad music
Uh, am I supposed to be impressed? I knew TM have been going full sell-out with Fate recently, but this just looks bad.
>full sell-out with Fate recently
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>this jaded
Lmao enjoy being bitter while I enjoy the shit out of that mega kamige soon
>while I enjoy the shit
have fun enjoying the shit
Sorry friend, I was just giving you my opinion. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
Extella's honestly one of the few non VN games I'm looking foward to
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
For your shit taste.
Same, I don't care for most games anymore but am genuinely excited for it.
I'm sorry.
No one cares. This isn't your blog.
I do.
You're a nobody.
I am the most important person in this thread.
So why do you all use terms like kamige or kusoge? What's wrong with bad game or great game?
I don't care that you don't care either
>all these retards buttblasted because of different opinions
I'm sorry that you honeslty think your opinions are absolute objective truths. Must be hard living in the world with your mental condition
Now, seriously. What other games should I be excited for?
>I'm sorry that you honeslty think your opinions are absolute objective truths. Must be hard living in the world with your mental condition
Whoa dude, calm down. No reason to be so butt-hurt.
How about getting excited for a good game instead?
A great game is just a great game. There's lots of great games, but kamige transcends that and there's only a handful of those.

Ys8 looks pretty cool too.
your ass hurt status is maximum lmao

go to bed jr
I forgot to mention that the latest stuff I have is a PS3, PS Vita and 3DS. I don't have any plans to get myself a PS4 for now
I honestly need to get into the Ys series. Do I need to play previous games or can I get the story without playing past entries
/vn/ - Everything but Visual Novels
You can start at 8 but it will be impossible to go back because of how much of an improvement it is. So start with Felghana which is still a really good game
This place discusses translation status, not visual novels
I just arrived at Japan

aside from going to popular tourist spots like Mt. Fuji I'll be going to Ahikabara

what shit should I buy

I'm planning to pick up a couple physical copies of eroge, namely the Irotoridori series
Give me one heroine than could generate more butthurt to the players than this girl.
That's the 音楽寝盗られ one right? I'm not really aware how people reacted to that but does it compare to たまきん事件? Probably not by much since the companies are of such different scale.
it wasn't as bad as the elf scandal, but it was pretty bad.

lots of returned copies. huge shitfits on twitter. they even got booted off of the moe awards or smth iirc.

the game aside from that ending though is pretty ok. and the CG is fucking delicious.
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Easy, Tamaki generated a decade of butthurt
She pretty much bankrupted Elf too
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Phoenix/Maya FOREVER!!!
I like how Athena ships them, Pearls still ships them too probably.
They should marry already.
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Both in the financial and moral sense, since they just made NTR forever after until they died. Though it was thanks to that that we got absolute kamige in the form of ボクの彼女はガテン系.
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Maya was way cuter when she was younger. She aged badly.
psycho piss vn when?
She could never match Mia.
Is there anything more self-destructive than putting NTR and other nonsense in a game where there is no expectation of it?
Why do you wait for DI if there's shit like this here? Only JOPs can understand this. It's untranslatable. Enjoy your cropge.
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failed with the pic wwww
Which one do i keep?
just like how you failed at life
JAST has awful font and kerning, so I'd stick with JAST>
>JAST has awful font and kerning
Been up too long
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I can't read that shit, is it at least a voiced line?
I doubt even the average Japanese can read it.
Reminder that F/SN has a better story than DI.

Conjueror says MGS4 has too much gameplay, he's pant on head dumb
I'm recording some h-scenes, but i'm torn on what i should do with those that have options in them (cum insite/outside or other stuff for example)

Should i stop the recording at the choice and then make separate ones or make just one
>stop the recording at the choice and then make separate ones
Depends on how autistic you are, I'd do this.
I thought i was autistic enough, but now i'm not sure since the difference would be just a few lines of dialogue
its a chant which is voiced most likely but it probably uses lesser common readings so you just need to know the meanings of the individual kanji probably while you listen to it play.
>I doubt even the average Japanese can read it.
They can't since it's ancient Japanese, which is basically Chinese.
My body is made of unlimited memes

Does Maya finally get her hymen torn and her cunny filled with Phoenix semen in this game?
I am the bone of my sword
>insert some le gasp meme

>implying Maya was a virgin
Why is it all complex runes? Where are the roundish looking runes?
That was probably when I first fell in love with that art-style. Michel reflected against the stained glass window. It looks very ethereal.
The only thing that self destructs at surprise netorare is my dick. Whew that's some good stuff.
Regardless it's not the lack of expectation itself that would make it bad, it's just that if its foreshadowing or buildup is handled poorly enough that it's too out-of-character/out-of-theme/out-of-nowhere with the story that it would just kinda make me raise my eyebrows because it would be like you said nonsense. I guess there has to be some certain sort of tense atmosphere in the story in order to properly prep the reader to go with the flow when the floodgates burst. And that's not necessarily directly instilling the idea 'you are going watch this girl you like cum on a dick that especially is not yours and you are gonna like it', it's just letting them subtly feel the pull of some ominous gravity.
But yeah that doesn't mean the writer shouldn't have to play within bounds or anything. A lot of it also simply comes down to the preference of the individual reader, which is harder to nail down outside of mentioning universal stuff such as preferring some level of consistency etc in what they read. Though a lot of people do easily get explosively hot headed at the mere thought that they won't have a monopoly on their anime girl harem over anything else so in the end the answer's probably no, there isn't anything more effective.
When 下级生 2 in English?
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NTR in VNs / Anime / Manga is the most degenerate thing ever
NTR in h-manga is alright though
>Rocket Monkey
>That Morrowind review
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Oh god that OP pic reminds me of how I played the first Ace Attorney on my DS back in 2005. I don't know why, but when I saw Maya Fey smiling for the first time I got a boner. But even besides that, she's the most innocent and cutest girl I ever saw in any game and by far best girl.
>tfw you will never live a peaceful life with her in her huge mansion in Kurain Village
Feels bad, man.
What went wrong?
>Your first ace attorney game was Apollo Justice
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Ace Attorney has been objectively shit ever since the end of the original trilogy. It's just how it is.
Well, I have only played the original trilogy, where she's 17-18 years old and in her prime and I'll always will remember her as such. In AA6 she' supposed to be in her late twenties. I don't know what's up with that, my man, maybe another artist or something?

Never forgive, never forget.

>本製品を構成する「柴門たまき」の脳髄及び処女膜 が破損しているため。

All the hymen craze starts because of her.


The same could be said to normal games that promised much in the promotion that doesn't deliver any of it in the actual product. False advertising kills.

But you could argue that it's extremely effective at transferring the jealousy that the MC feel to the players, because they don't expect the girl to be love other dudes, just like typical NTR protagonist that doesn't have the self-arranged NTR plot. Except, unlike the NTR protagonist, players actually retaliate out of rage of being betrayed.


Elf's using a specialized engine that's makes it hard to replace texts in the game. Unless the translator can get the tools that chinks used to translate it, probably never.
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Just more proof, that men age like wine and women like milk. My transformation is surely to come any day now, and I will laugh at the people who laughed at me the past 27 years. So grab 'em, while they're still fresh n' tasty, because it's only downhill after they are 20.
I never know who to relate to in those NTR comics. It's clear everyone else, but not in NTR. Do I get cheated on or do I do the cheating with another dudes wife?
You decide it yourself

Care to explain?
I got into VNs only recently, please don't bully
People that are into ntr relate to the cucked
If that's the only possibility that exists in your mind then you're pretty pathetic yourself.
Theres a game called Kakyuusei 2 made by Elf in 1996, it was marketed to be what now is called a moege, just like the first game.
The MC, Ryouma, finds out that his childood friend has a boyfriend after starting the game, there are events where you see them kissing them, she gets fingered in the park at night, you find her leaving a love hotel a couple times...
To make things worse, you need pretty much need to steal her away, you invite her to dates knowing she has a boyfriend a couple times, until her boyfriend forbids her from going out with other men. Then she starts inviting you on dates, despite you asking "what about you boyfriend" she doesn't care, she's pretty much two timing at this point. Then the boyfriend finds out about the dates and breaks up with her, and she wishes her the best and that she should be honest with her feelings. he's actually a cool guy.
In the first scene she apologizes for not being a virgin, and confesses she actually loved her boyfriend.
Then she brings out some childhood promise of marriage when she clearly didn't give a fuck before.
There was massive butthurt about the game, people sent letters and broken discs to Elf and boycotted them, they stopped buying their games, this lasted years and almost made them go bankrupt.
Since then a lot of people left Elf and they only made Netorare/Netori games.
Oh wow, thanks a lot anon
That's fucking sad. The premise of the story sounds a lot more interesting than your run of the mill moege #373849, and I say that as a moefag.
If Please Bang My Wife does well, MG should bring more NTR stuff.
But the MC and therefore the player got the girl in the end, why were they so mad, because you stole the wife of another dude? Every rape Vn is "worse" than that.
>Kakyuusei 2 made by Elf in 1996
you what
Also it's not like elf hadn't included ntr in their games before, even in the same line of games. If just that this time it was handled very poorly and the fact that Tamaki is a slutbitch of the lowest quality made everything seem like a big middle finger.
>If Please Bang My Wife does well, MG should bring more NTR stuff.
Hopefully we get the Marina series.
Why do you care so much about Subabibi dude? There are probably a lot more better stories out there. A couple of days ago I finished reading The Brothers Karaazov. Really nice book, I really recommend it.
Why are you judging something you haven't read? SubaHibi blows the heck out of anything Dostoyevsky.
Like halfway through route double's final route.

Communicators (and the scientists dicking around with them) just seem like monsters who don't give any fucks about manipulating people's memories. Natsuhiko's a piece of shit and his boring everyday life garbage dragged on, jesus christ.
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A history: A company named élf made a sequel to their famous dating sim series called Kakyuusei 2 (the precursor to dating sims even before Tokimeki Memorial. Series's pretty huge in Japan. The company themselves used to be a behemoth in the eroge industry, with YU-NO, -saku series, Dragon Knight series, and Doukyuusei/Kakyuusei series under their belt, along with numerous other old VNs.) They spend much on promotional materials to advertise this new dating sim game, with an anime series that was being made before the game comes out, so it could be out not long after the game's released. They are so confident that the game will success, that they dare to put the release date of the game the same as Rance VI to rival Alice Soft (Look to the VNDB release date on both games if you don't believe me). But when the game comes out, it revealed to the players that:

1. The face of the game, the childhood friend main heroine Saimon Tamaki, told the MC when asked that she already in relationship with a rich medical student, and still in relationship with said boyfriend when the player enters her route. This is in contrast to all previous main heroines in their previous games of the series that doesn't have any boyfriend or even any knowledge of sex beforehand.

2. The scenes. The player can spot said childhood friend main heroine kissed, an groped on the crotch by said boyfriend while she clearly looks enjoying it. In front of the peeping MC. WITH EXCLUSIVE CG DEDICATED TO THE SCENE. You also can sometime catch her just walks out of a love hotel when exploring the city. In previous games, the heroine can flies off to another guy, but that's failure event if the player doesn't chase said heroine or fail spectacularly trying to get her. Here, it's a normal CG that you can get when trying to get her, and one will only unlock if you have sufficient affection rating to her. So the player basically already 'lost' her before the game starts.

>3 out 4 are untranslated
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>SubaHibi blows the heck out of anything Dostoyevsky.
I feel so bad for EOPs.
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3. The heroine's personality and route. During her route, it's necessary that you take her to dates if you want to get despite knowing that she already has a boyfriend. Later on, after her affection rating is high enough, her boyfriend starts taking her home after you date her. The day after that, when you meet her again, the MC asks if it's okay to keep dating her, she assures him it's fine. After being fetched 1 or 2 more times by said boyfriend after you date her, after at the last date, you find her having a quarrel with said boyfriend in front of a love hotel because she keeps dating her childhood friend, before he finally breaks up with her, wishing her happiness with the MC afterwards, and leaves with his car. After that she depressed and you have to cheer her up by being her rebound guy.

Later in her first sex scene the MC asks if she has done sex with the boyfriend, she confirms it and asks him to understand because she loved her very much.

Nevertheless, all these pissed people very much, especially the old fans. Shitstorms everywhere, they proceed to boycott élf, the anime sold like shit, they tried to backpedal by making the first hentai OVA Tamaki already breaks up with her when the episode starts, and dropping the mention of her boyfriend altogether in the second hentai OVA. It doesn't work, both of them sold like shit, key members of élf left afterwards too, leaving the company forced to made NTR games until their demise in October 2015, several days after their latest NTR game come out.
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>ut I've always been impressed with age eliminated the need for narration explaining what's happening onscreen with the immersive "POV" style of presentation throughout.

I told my literature professor that I was going to write a visual novel without words. He just looked at me like I blew his mind. I'm gonna be an author!
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>leaving the company forced to made NTR games until their demise
Audible kek
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Eh it probably wasn't as bad as you make it out to be if they were able to continue making games for 11 years.

By the way, anyone read these? They look bretty good
>they were able to continue making games for 11 years.
Yeah but they went from the kings of visual novels in the 90s to never producing another noteworthy title again.
Elf was a giant, they made fucking YU-NO, after their key members left they only released low profile fap games.
i read the one with the blonde

fuck, the animation was good. got the boob jiggle more right than in any other nukige i have read.

too bad most of the positions were boring.
Why? Don't feel bad for me! There are great kamige being translated and my backlog is huge. I also have a lot of other hobbies that I keep myself busy with. Between my programming career and all the other stuff I have to keep up with, I maybe finish one VN every few months. It's actually nice. Feels like it has more time to sink in and have impact.

Maybe I'll run out of English titles to read in a few years... but by then who knows how much will be translated?
Are their any other 3ds vns?? As far as i can tell theres basically none
Why did the western visual novel scene crash in almost no time at all?
I don't think you know what crash means.
Sekai Project abusing kickstarter and releasing non-stop shovelware onto steam for a quick buck.
That's very clearly written by a dude
Forgot yuri ghosts also did well.
Most Mangagamer titles profit. Even Gahkthun profited, as evidenced by the licensing of Sola-Nyl.
Is this the greatest nukige of all time?
No because no loli.
definitely don't like how huge most of the tits are in it. I've got nothing wrong with big boobs, but to me anything over E is just disgusting with how inhuman it is. at that point there's more tit than person.

I'm still reading it for the story though, I like the main character and enjoy the plot it has, I just skip through most of the h-scenes.
>EOP so desperate he's playing a nukige for the plot and skips through the h scenes
Holy shit... my sides... I literally... can't...breathe.....
I also read MGQ for the plot.
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>Prefering breasts to butts
The fuck is wrong with you?
This game has a beautiful world and cast of characters you nerds.
Can't be helped so few games focus on butts. Not to mention, preferring one doesn't mean you can't enjoy the other.
It's honestly the most fun nukige I've read so far.
I take it you never read Euphoria?
Euphoria ain't fun
Ultimate Boob Wars and MGQ are both pretty fun nukiges,
Koihime Musou is also pretty fucking great(if a bit old), surprised more people don't talk about it.
Euphoria was good but I wouldn't call it very fun except when you're bullying that shitty loli
>Can't be helped so few games focus on butts. Not to mention, preferring one doesn't mean you can't enjoy the other.
He's referencing the butts > boobs scene from prison school.

I have to agree though. Tits are plebeian-tier.
Well, naturally he's referencing that, the image makes that clear.
It's ok, although i just skimmed through it until i got to fuck Isis.
I'll get back to it for the princess another time.

Reference or not (not to mention MC there lied about his preferrence of tits just to pass the chairman's test), that's some nigger taste right there, only legs can compare against tits, certainly not asses
We legend of galactic heroes now
Koihime Musou had an extremely ugly front girl with a forehead you could land aeroplanes on.
You know what's "killing" VNs in the west?
The oversaturation of shitty titles on Steam.
The flood of shitty OELVNs are killing the interest of the normies.
For the rest of us, things will stay as normal. But there won't be big sales like at the start.
Fata Morgana.
Does Morgana keep fucking around in the backlog after the fourth door? I'm wondering if it happens on the fifth door, as well.
Koihime is just too old, but i'd talk any day about Shin Koihime and Eiyuutan
Never again
Good to know, I don't need to check the damn thing every minute.
>the greatest nukige of all time
that title goes to http://vndb.org/v6357
If i wanted my Cao Cao withouth sex i'd just rewatch the tv series
>sweats profusely
No, but it's a really good series
>greatest nukige
>no loli
This is the greatest nukige of all time, it takes like 6 months to finish, because it will make you fap non-stop every ero-scene.
Greatness comes with a few sacrifices
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Conjueror gave it a 2/5 though, and I trust his dick more than yours.
Oh shit, the depth of these political games right off the bat are blowing me away. I feel like Rand al' Thor visting Cairhien for the first time and getting wrapped up in the Daes Dae'mar. Truly masterful writing.
Happoubi Jin is just a fucking god. All the game CG on panda I see from him has so many CG per game and they're all amazing. I wish more of the girls weren't cowtits though, I think only the white haired girl looked loli ish and this black haired girl wasn't cowtits.
The Wheel of Time is genre fiction trash thoug.
Are you seriously forgetting Mafuyu
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Just you wait. It only escalates. GRRM can't even compare.
I was only referring to the Bishoujo Mangekyou series there, forgot to mention. Might have still forgotten some.
Good man then
Shame about all the cowtits.
Don't you mean, "praise be"?
Her tit is fucking twice the size of her head. That's disgusting.
That's beautiful, actually.
>tfw no Happoubi Jin in english
>genre fiction trash
Fuck off /lit/
Go be a pretentious autist somewhere else.
All literary fiction is shit.
Where the FUCK is Martin Luther in this world? The second half of this game better be devoted to reforming the church (and not in a Henry VIII way).
So with dovac having gone dark and SP keeping to themselves what are the chances of them turning things around slowly? Surely they realize that they can't going down this road.
go read that finnish > english TL lol
Please stop posting images from this gross cow game. I might vomit at this rate.
I hope they do, I'd be the first to support them if they improve.
When is the english lolige nukige releasing?
The church plays a large part in the 1st and 3rd sequel

>not in a Henry VIII
England is fucked over in that world due to bad trade relations with France and Spain's emperor being a dick, it's prior to anybody else by Spain visiting America for the first time.
but Spain visiting*
Yo guys haven't been here in a while, any vns that are coming out soon.
Please bang my wife.
If you're into cowtits, funbag fantasy just came out
I love milfs, so yeah but I meant really story vns.
last time I was here was for root double.
I will, you faggot. The translation will be fine and I will enjoy it.
Fat Morgan
The only one with plot i can think of is the steam release of steins, but everyone and their grandma already played that
How does a game get translated to finnish before english anyway? Is the english scene this bad?
>the english lolige nukige
Never? What are you talking about?
Fata Morgana isn't really recent, but there's that.
>Is the english scene this bad?
It's probably just a machine TL. Mahoyo has a French machine TL.
Number of games in Japanese: A fuckton
Number of people who know Japanese and English well enough to translate and also have a passion for VNs great enough to spend hours a day for weeks/months to TL them: Not fuckin many
Poor girl. I bet her back hurts.
Why does she stand like that?
With boobs that big, it's difficult to keep your balance.
Rather her shoulders would hurt, the muscles in your back grow strong enough to carry the weight of the breasts naturally especially in a world where bras are still a luxury of the very rich
Highly doubt it's any more than a mild pain on the shoulder considering stuff like muscles developing properly thanks to a lack of a bra and the whole being a half breed.
Corona Blossom vol. 2 will have no mosaic censorship, how does this make you feel?
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Indifferent. I've been fapping to shit with mosaics for so many years it doesn't even matter to me anymore.
This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
How dare you spoil me the fun of discovering that during a titfuck
that's nice and all, but unless the scenes are an integrated part of the story, I don't really care if they're censored or not since they're literally just tacked on dlc that doesn't even bother developing the relationship betweens characters of the universe.

I'd much rather see nekopara uncensored but that'll never happen because Sayori is apparently catholic crusade levels of religious about censoring her work and vehemently refuses to have her work released uncensored
I feel the same way unless the art beneath that mosaic is good enough to warrant it being uncensored.
>During a titfuck
Nah, you'll hear about it from the Prime minister long before you hear it from her.

Interesting how Shamsiel is the smallest in the series at that point.
I never thought I'd see Clawshrimpy memes here
I feel that not having a mosaic distracts me way more from the scene, if the uncensored genitals are especially bad then it's even worse
My roommate sometimes comes into my room and is like "what the fuck is with those mosiacs? I couldn't deal with those, they look so weird". Them's the words of a pleb. Anyone who's spent years reading VNs and Japanese porn are so used to mosaics they don't even matter. Removing mosaics will only please normies and degenerates with secret cock fetishes.
Depends on how well the artist drew it in the first place
this is what stockholm syndrome looks like, boys.
Who has the biggest size? I remember seeing a chart with characters from the other games. Felt pretty bad that the massively titted angel wasn't in this one
t. degenerates with secret cock fetish
who said anything about cocks?
Well withouth a mosaic you'd see the cock clearly, so that i guess
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In the first game? Luceria, she's in the top 5 of the series size wise.

Faluneria: 120+
Serebria: 120
Nadine: 111
Luceria: 110
Aphrodia: 107
Roxanne: 105
Yuria: 105
Constancia: 105
Estoria: 104
Shaharu: 104
Zoe: 103
Shizume: 102
Sobrin: 101
Ajura: 101
Cecile: 92 -> 102
Shamsiel: 90 -> 100
Messelia: 100
Isis: 99
Lorelia: 99
Toyoe: 99
Nellis: 98
Eskelda: 98
Rosalyn: 97
Emeralia: 96
Zebia: 96
Gladys: 95
Destra: 95
Elicia: 93
Paia: 90
Sure, but you'd also be able to see the girl's vagina and anus clearly too.
That + is really a touch of class
Truly a kamige
Is the game worth playing if I've already seen the first episode of the anime?
>first game, 10~15 hours long, of a huge series
Yes, if you like nukige anyway.
Anyone else having that annoying problem with the screen turning black for no reason? It seems to have stopped for me now, but it was frustrating
Yeah, I got that too. Restarting the game/changing the resolution/re-loading the save is all I can do to fix it.
>Voiced by Mizusawa Kei
Now i'm angry they didn't TL the 3rd first
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Post hard hitting lines from VNs
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>reading if my heart had wings
>Agehas route
What the fuck was that?
Really gets those brain juices flowing
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where do i download swan smong?
Make your little gray cells work some more, Anon!
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>Steins;Gate has now officially outsold JAST's entire steam library by a large margin
Sorry, reading /vn/ made too many of my neurons fire. I'm out of ammo now.
Isn't that the unedited MTL one?
Those eyes get me boiling hot. Yaritai
Hey! /V/ regular here. Could you help a fellow gamer find this game (which i heared is awesome by the way :3)?. This is my first time in the Virtual Novel board and it's mighty confusing :S.
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>main girl isn't the worst girl for once

its so rare to come by
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>finish a VN
>write down my thoughts and analysis in my VN journal
Anyone else do this? Sometimes I end up writing a lot if I really enjoyed the VN
I dislike VNs.
That's it! Tell me how to get the Virtual Novel right now or your going down, sonny!
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>Persona 5 spoilers already

See you in February /vn/
Point and laugh at the EOP.
I don't have enough fingers for everyone in this thread
Then use your penises.
When will we get something good in english?
Buy Please Bang my Wife and maybe you'll get something ;^)
Great. Are the H scenes still going to be seperated from the main game?
I don't like cowtits but Shamsiel is just adorable
Post greatest twists in visual novels of all time
It's ok anon, no need to be embarassed
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Well it wouldn't be an Athena Cykes case without a character with gender confusion!
I recall seeing some grade A images of chocola and vanilla on the steam forums around Vol 0 launch that had some excellent looking genetalia done by some Chinese person. Shit got removed the next day but it looked perfect.
I hate how the market in the west is mostly "Buy our shitty stuff and maybe we'll license something decent"
That's what we call lack of editing
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What is happening? Is my wife sick?
As far as I can tell, often these are games fan translators finished and then brought to MG. So if you're gonna get upset, then maybe ask why fan translators do the games you don't like.
When will Sekai give us Monobeno?
Go away you filthy degenerate
Was it something I said?
Pretty sure they will be.
I pirate all my visual novels.
So do i, althought i bought the official h manga of one so i'm not pure anymore
>jast fuck my shit up
If I get the high-paying job I'm hoping for I'm gonna buy all my favourite VNs
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How does this make you feel?
I want to watch the Fate series, but do I need to read the VNs to understand it? Is it full of references I won't understand?
>paying for censored dlc

How about no.
It'll cut out a lot and be inferior but if you don't like it's better
You read the VN first because it's a million times better and the adaption is terrible and massively condensed.
Art looks garbage though.
So does your mom.
Why doesn't the west like lolis?
Because of fearmongering. They think they'll make people suddenly rape children. It's as retarded as blaming FF8 when that one guy murdered his entire family years ago with a katana here on Spain
Wrong. There was a discussion on /d/ about the legalities of lolis.
He has to be trolling at this point, or trying to be contrarian.
20$ was the price for the whole thing when it launched wasn't it?
I gotta admit, it's suspicious someone asked him for sources and he provided none.
Technically 2D and computer generated loli sex is illegal in Spain. That's what the new law says.
But in sights of future complications there was an official clarification about that. In order to follow the spirit of the law i.e. prosecute abusers of real children, and not waste time with imaginary children, the later shouldn't be prosecuted therefore it's permitted.
Also that the argument is that the image is so heavily edited it cannot be distinguished from a real photograph, which is retarded. If it's that edited then someone could just draw it, the prosecutor should have the burden of proving it's actually CP. Why the prosecutor gets the benefit of the doubt here is strange.
It is fucked up in some ways.
For example, Gen1 artist uses real CP to draw lolis, that's illegal. But then Gen2 artist uses Gen1 as references instead, then Gen3 uses Gen2 and so on.
It shouldn't be illegal then. It really needs to update the laws.
Wait, they're monetizing the 18+ patch?
I'd understand if you sold an all-ages version and a 18+ version of the VN separately, so the consumer may choose which one to buy and play.
But to make the adult content into a separate DLC is just stupid, especially when the content given is so small compared to the price they're asking.
Then again, I don't know if Nekopara is a full-blown nukige with 1/3 of the game being nohing but H-content.
Don't you ever reply to me again.
It's an hour long game. h scene last 10 minutes total.
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>play a girls route and end up saving her
>time to play another girls route
>help the new girl this time
>the first girls problems go unsolved forever
This really bothers me
That is the problem of heroines being useless cunts who can't solve their problems themselves. Where are my strong, independent women at?
>play another girl's route
>the girl whose route you just finished gets with someone else instead of you
>unsolved forever
Not quite. One year later, she meets Chad Thundercock who takes care of her plenty. Moege just don't show this to avoid NTR complaints.
Its definitely longer than an hour
>2-10 hours
Asking twenty bucks for that is a bit of a stretch, but passable.
Asking for additional ten bucks to mix in a little bit of naughty pictures in your powerpoint slideshows is just ridicilous.
>play Kanon
>save one heroine
>the other four all die a horrible off-screen death
Will she be happier with him?
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Wrong, VN girls will wait for MC forever and will keep loving him even if he's with someone else already.
Of course.
>tfw Wanko is forever fruitlessly preparing her dreams canonically
Either that or she's pursuing her dreams and doing a fine job of it outside of her route. I'm not sure which.
That's why you save best girl for last or don't bother at all witb the other ones in the first place
Why don't moege have a harem route?
Harems are for kusoge and moege are kamige
Then I support it fullhearted. The bishoujo's happiness come first
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>supporting your waifu getting fucked daily by Chad Thundercock
Emeralia may not be the biggest, but she will always be my favorite.
>people thinking anime girls will get with someone else if mc doesn't
That just doesn't happen. Stop trying to get cucked so hard, it never happens.
It's my fetish though.
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>this much denial
It's a fact of life my friend. Pick your waifu's route, hold her close to heart, and leave the rest to the chads. It's just how life works.
There's nothing worse than a cuck.
In HF True, Rin gets with some other guy
Do you think Chad gives her a good time? Do you think it's a better time than the MC is capable of?
I hope so.
>fact of life
Anime and VN don't follow your 3D facts of life, scum.
She actually doesn't, i've read it
It's actually the normal end she ends up with another guy there famalam.
The really scummy thing is to want her and her ovaries to wither away in loneliness.

We need a Chad to sweep her off her feet and give her the dick that she never thought she could have--and the kicker? It's much better than the MC's dick and Chad's genes are cream-of-the-crop. They'll make wonderful babies and the heroine you left behind will be happy and fulfilled, thanks to based Chad.

Oh god. I'm getting a boner just thinking about it.
Fucking cucks should be gassed.
Wow, rude.
I just want to watch my wife enjoy herself.
I think you're all missing the point when it comes to removing h-scenes. Here, I'll put it simply:

Unlike Japan, the West is not a giant misogynistic boys club. Here, where women are seen as equals, we must all do our part to make a whole half of the human race feel comfortable (no rape jokes, letting girls know it's okay if they don't shave... Removing misogynistic sex scenes.)

Reading VNs as a Western woman is already bad enough (my best friend who is female told me). We shouldn't make it harder by allowing racist, sexist scenes to stay in VNs.
Not very hard, it didn't take too long at all.
>Brazil wakes up
>shitposting begins
Didn't MG get off their best year yet?
MG are known shills, they'll be out of business soon enough.
Meh, as long as their products are as good as Funbag Fantasy I don't care if some of their TLers or Editors or whomever go talk about how good the games are anonymously.
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Fuck off MG shill.
This. Us true VN afficionados realize that MG is trash and that Sekai Project is the future of the industry. SP doesn't even need to hire shills to spread this obvious truth. Everyone can see it with their own eyes.
Shitposting aside, is there anything seriously wrong about MG, SP and/or JAST?
I've seen enough posts about SP kickstarting everything and the kitchen sink before even considering to make a western release to wonder if it's true or not.
In the past year
>little advertisement for their games

>cut content
>bad pr
>horrible business practices (kickstarter)

>rushed releases
>a million times better
idk senpai fate's pretty average not gonna lie
jast has all those good games they good do.
but they don't do them and don't hire good fast translators.
what the fuck.
I wonder how funbag is doing for MG. Was that supposed to be one of their bigger titles this year?
Here is a (You).

On a more serious note, outside nukige the heroines in many cases are portrayed in a great manner, often more powerful and able than the male MC or other male characters. The h scenes are usually filled with love and passion, with which there is nothing wrong with. Such things are sought after in a normal setting.
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>you lived long enough to see one incompetent company take a tumble yet again
>replying to pasta
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Oh holy shit. Was there just a blinking sign in the background that said "rekt" after that
Poor Kotori.
Is it? Been a while since I've seen it then.
I remember seeing it a day or two ago
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Kotori rejected him first.
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that's what she gets for being drawn by hinoue.
She best
You bet your arse I'll be supporting this.
It's still annoying how modern VNs have the voice volume lower or the same as the BGM. It's called BACKGROUND music for a fucking reason.
No, you see, that's not how this shit works. Shills INCREASE interest, they don't lose it.
I don't like cowtits. I'm playing Fatbags Fantasy, what am I in for?
A fun nukige with fun characters.
Their faces looks dumb or something. I don't know how to describe it, it just looks wrong.
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>tfw /moe/ is dead
Morgana 3dr door is kind of bad, 2nd door was amazing though. 1st door was okay.
It's not shaping up to be kamige, just an average good game.
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>A-Anon? Will... w-will you be my valentine?
suck my dick you whore
Any game with a trap protagonist but without gay shit?
I just want to wear panties without sucking a dick.
im gat lmao
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Let's make /vn/ a Yuritopia!
>not gay
Last Cavalier
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What's /vn/'s favorite Yuri pairing?
Yuri is trash
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Morgana and Jacopo are OTP retard.
Dubs suck. Trips and above are cool though
See same old trite bait errday
Am a gentleman and I'm quite the wise guy
In uni!
A virgin though
Just a random anon
Decided to check the place out since Aaeru used to bitch about thechan
People don't respect me because I'm learning jpn
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>not gay
I really don't understand those games. It is not a trap game if the protag is simply crossdressing so as to be able to attend a girls-only school or some similar BS
Trap game is when the protag which is a normal guy sodomonizes cute feminine traps
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How do you guys look up kanji as you read? God damn protagonist is not narrated so I don't know the pronounciation. Playing puzzle with radicals is also kind of a bitch.
I used texthookers til I recognize 99% of kanji often used on sight
I typically printscreen, print off the screen, then find a japanese person and ask
Oh shit, I'm a moron. I forgot about using these for MTL long ago. I'll give it a look.
Any particular tool you'd recommend?

Thanks to you both for the starting points.
Hey, I might translate that game if the butthurt is real ^^
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Try Zkanji, you introduce a kanji, and it gives a list of similar kanji, its radicals, and what other kanji are formed with that kanji, and you can click on those to help you find the kanji you're looking for.
It's great for finding kanji as long as you know some kanji already, because you'll need to know at least similar kanji or some radicals.
lactation is literally the worst fetish
thats a weird way to spell NTR
This looks beautiful.
EOP suffering etc
This meme needs to die.
I hate it when some hacker dude thinks he can explain how the market works.
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Lactation is divine, heathen.
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Behead those who insult burgers. Raw fish go to hell.
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Makes me HNNNNG every time
>play a girls route
>you make shit worse for her
>the same goes for every other heroine
Is this what SubaHibi does to you?
Sweat is always a plus.
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Threadly reminder that fucking your blood related imouto is an all right thing to do~
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Of course it is.
Do you know how old I am . jpg
You're weak
I had seen Kyonyuu Fantasy hyped on /jp/ before and didn't think much of it, but holy crap, it really is a kamige of nukige. I was a fool for putting it off this long. Makes me want to delete all the low-quality smut in my nukige folder to seek more refined works or pornography like this.
Its time to stop MG
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>tfw /vn/ would play any garbage since there are not many things to pick.
>yet there is some retard on twitter who claims that the market is saturated
what are some visual novels with some good foot fetish scenes/pics?
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556th for Eika is best Ikikoi.
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>caring about what some retard on twitter thinks
Funbag Fantasy's translation reads OK but the consistent lack of enthusiasm in certain lines is getting laughable. I dunno if Lute was a deadpan motherfucker in the original but he certainly is here.
It was translated by a literally who. What did you expect?
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This would more be a question of editors, since an editor went through the whole game and changed everything she(?) saw fit. The translation itself is accurate enough, it's the expression of said accuracy in English which is a little suspect with all this deadpan. I wouldn't say this is a major failing of the editor, either, since the text itself reads absolutely fine, it just... ends up being deadpan when I'm not sure it should. Like, why did they put a period after a cry? That just seems weird. They'd write long sentences that with solid grammar but then... "Eeaah. Oh no."
>Like, why did they put a period after a cry? That just seems weird.
Then said editor clearly failed.
>why did they put a period after a cry? That just seems weird.

Probably because that what it was in the original japanese.
I thought it was just a joke name here but they really called it Funbag?
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Let's make /vn/ a Yuuritopia!
I would make third generation incest babies with her.
Let's kill all yurifags!
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No, yuri is the superior form of love.
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Chuee is truly our girl.
Yuri is a false love that will lead only to madness and destruction. Those who ignore the truth of cock will be undone.
Fuck off already
Didn't you get banned?
So not only are you a pedophile, but you're a yurishit too. Kill yourself already, you sack of crap.
fuck off
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I actually like the guy that does kuttsukiboshi. I bought the recent one he released at C90 too. He started drawing nipples finally with this one, but unfortunately his stuff as of late has been decreasing in lewdness.


>funbag fantasy is friggin NTR
Don't fall for it, friends
fuck off sekai sellout
what did you get banned for?

Posting nipples?
Why is she touching her chest?
Is blode girl daijoubi?
Probably since I reported the post.
>detached H scenes
>no scenes for all the girls

god dammit frontwing
There aren't a lot of good things. There are a lot of shitty OELVN or shovelware that people not into vns see and dismiss the entire medium with.
Shitposting, of course.
She'll be getting fucked in one of the later volumes
Personally I can't wait for Lily to spread her legs on camera
People not into vns is the main target now?
Tell me who gets fucked in Vol 1 and I might consider reading it.
Lute is supposed to be stupidly calm, it's a defining character trait. He's also sarcastic as fuck.

If he sounds deadpan, well, that's because he kind of is.

I can't really speak for the accuracy of the translation otherwise, though.
The pink haired girl and R-ne
I just started this and after checking the H scene menu I'm disappoint. Otherwise it seems like a fun VN.

Its no memecats, but It'l do till next volume comes out.
Looks like they have the cast to do all the girls over 3 volumes similar to nekopara
Obviously companies want to bring new people into their market. A lot probably jumped the gun after seeing memecat early sales.
I honestly wish another title would catch on like that did. Say what you want about it, but it sparked growth in the western market.
The west needs Monobeno.
anything, it just needs to do crazy well like nekopara did. I honestly think its all in the art.
The last thing we want is the western market influencing Japanese VNs more. Chrono Clock became shit because of that and Purplesoft immediately backtracked with their next VN due to the controversy.

Want to read shit that is made for western casuals? Go for The Witcher and other stuff.
What happened to Chrono Clock?
Well, Nekopara got that popular since it kind of went viral. To do something similar, you only need a decently accessible or fun looking visual novel, but it needs to spread like wildfire somehow. People need to talk about it a lot everywhere. I think Rance is the big contender to do that right now.
you are looking at it the wrong way. Is not so much it influencing anything, more like releases getting a port.
Purple Software is renowned for their kami-artist who draws fantastic H-scenes.
Allegedly, Chrono Clock was made with (sparse) H-scenes unlockable and out of the main story in order to easily be released on steam at Sekai Project's request. Japanese fans were not happy. It seems neither was Purple snice Hapymaher went to MG.
well it was never banned from streaming on youtube or other places, so streamers picked it up for some free advertisement.

Meanwhile anything from SP or FW has a ban on such publicity.

Is there really a great number of people who watch VN playtroughs on steam and other streams that skip a purchase? I thought most just watch someone play for their reactions.
Detached H-scenes that were only unlocked after finishing routes, too few and too shitty H-scenes, it was obviously an attempt at getting Steambucks with easily removable H-scenes and the Japanese fanbase was enraged as a result. Also the writing was shit compared to Hapymaher's. It was so bad that they stuck multiple early H-scenes into Amatsutsumi to appease their audience.

Company loyalty is a serious thing when it comes to VNs, companies can't stray too far from what their fanbase generally likes them for or they could lose a significant part of their source of sales.
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Too bad Hapymaher is kusoge too.
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>Morgana 3dr door is kind of bad

Pleb taste, everyone knows 3 > 1 > 2
All are great though.

That's essentially just character introductions, though. The real meat of the story is still to come.
Didn't Maitetsu work like this too? How come I don't hear about people being enraged about that?
>2 last
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Monobeno was similar
Probably because Maitetsu was received in a lukewarm manner overall in Japan.
Door 2's twist is the best thing about those arcs though.
Maitetsu had more and better H-scenes, not all of which you had to wait to finish a route for, and even so there was an option within the game to unlock all the H-scenes from the start. Not to mention Monobeno had the same system, so precedence is important too.
is that actually confirmed or just speculation?

The titles itself came out a while back and the announcement for the western market was less than a year ago.

the twist was predictable. but the actions and meaning behind it were interesting (killing your own humanity)

honestly the second i saw that the drew a sprite for the Merchant i was like, "yeah. he's the beast."
>2 last

The Javi/Pauline shit dragged on too long, the twist was predicated on R07-levels of cheapness involving unreliable narration and there's only so many times you can read about "AHhAhAhAAAhAhHHAAaAHhAhhHAAHAHAHA I'M A BEEAAAASSSTTT" before it gets tedious.
>Monobeno also has detached H scenes
What the fuck. This was the lolige I was learning japanese for. Why does the world hates lolicons? I'm going to kill myself.
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What an annoying thing to do.
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You do realise that Monobeno is highly regarded not for it's porn but for it's atmosphere, it's comedy and it's top-tier plot, right?

There's a million lolige out there you can read for a cheap fap. Maitetsu is one of them. Monobeno is actually a good VN.
Uh, excuse me, but I read a review that said Monobeno was bad. What's your excuse?
I said "allegedly" for a reason.
wasn't there something about how japs judges the value or something of a VN by the number of CG and how the west goes by length instead? that part seems believable to me at least
I judge the value of VN by how many loli there are, or at least loli looking girls.
personally i enjoyed the Javi/Pauline scenes because they had nice chemistry. i always enjoy tsundere males, especially broken ones like Javi. i can understand feeling the length of those scenes if you aren't into the characters, but Pauline's bubbly enthusiasm and maternal nature was an easy read for me (not to mention that if you do get invested in Pauline, it makes her scene later on when she's killed by the Merchant all the harder to watch. which is why i think they spent so much time on her.)

also, i didn't think the twist was that cheap, if you take into account the metaphysical nature of the mansion, (and the fact that Morgana was deliberately fucking with the Merchant's mind via her curse), i think it's plausible that he just projected himself onto another merchant, and his killing of said merchant was an effective way to symbolically show that he was killing his own humanity and completely embracing the beast. the Merchant is really far gone in Door 2, i think it's easier to swallow when you consider all of that.

Frontwing says that the West purchases off of price/length iirc. which is why they're experimenting with episodic shit, i think.

when they say "the West" what they really mean is "the people who buy Nekopara and Sakura games"
yeah according to the FW PR guy. Speaking of CG, having just started coroblo, there is a CG every few minutes, so I guess they tried in that department.
How was it received over in Nippon?
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>tfw Corona Blossom bombed so hard that Frontwing had to ask reddit and 4chan what they did wrong
Why did you kill the Corona Blossoms?
Their fault for chasing the Nekopara dream. Live and learn I suppose.
Even if it didn't bomb, that's still a pretty effective PR tactic. Do you see how strongly it contrasts with Sekai? When a Sekai title fails, Dovac cries about it on Twitter and calls everyone entitled. Frontwing instead took to Reddit and embraced criticism.

I'm sure they probably got themselves a few new customers by acting so courteously and being open-minded, even if it's just the appearance of it.
What's great about them is that they also serve as character introductions for Michel and Morgana but you don't realize it until way later when you see the constant parallels between the cursed people and Michel and Morgana.
I didn't. I backed it. If I wasn't Australian, I would have gone for one of the several-hundred-dollar tiers instead of just the digital one, but I can't otherwise I'll be arrested, drawn and quartered for childlike anime titties.

Frontwing's PR guy is top-notch, although apparently he isn't very good at ignoring bait from /jp/.
And mad props to them for doing that. FW is a pretty cool guy.

We'll see what they do different in Vol2 which will show if they are willing to make changes regarding the mistakes people pointed out.
I highly doubt that anyone would be good at avoiding bait from 4chan if they're new
what happened?
desu I didn't buy CoroBlo because the art is just a bit too uguu for me. And not in the good way.

I don't know what it is with Frontwing but they always choose artists that I don't really like.
Pretty sure they commented on Facebook that the overall formula of Corona Blossom isn't changing. IE It's still going to be kinetic with detached H.
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Alright, so maybe someone wouldn't mind helping me out with this.
I'm trying to install the dictionaries for VNR, but for some reason, it's refusing me. When I select "Install" for EDICT, it goes into the console and tries to download (and displays "installing"), but after a short while, it closes the window and goes back to saying "Not installed". I don't know what's up.
Is the download for it broken or something?
They said some of these things are set in stone for Corona Blossom, but they should be able to make some changes that aren't too big too.
Dunno. Apparently /jp/ found his personal twitter account and started insulting him or something.
Im fine with it being episodic and kinetic. It just needs integrated H scenes and not be a steam only release in the west.

Too many normies on my list, and I dont quite want to reveal my power level to them, and subject myself to their mockery.
>Too many normies on my list
block them
You could always buy the physical release that comes a month later.
nah, been gaming with them for a decade now. But they are not the open minded type. Point is, steam only is bad mmkay.
>Frontwing is new entry to western visual novel scene
>already way better PR and PR guy than Sekai Project
What went wrong?
To be fair that's not saying much since Sekai has fuck-all PR and what little they have is garbage
It's not hard to have better PR than Sekaishit.
So how good did it do? Can't read moon.
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Femanons, is this true?
it has a score of 70
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>Sekai Project

Their PR consists of "Fuck you, we do what we want, you don't matter, fuck we are running out of money please fund us on kickstarter"
No word on sales, then? What was it, a score composed of 16 votes?
Ask /r9k/.
Only has 6 votes.
Want is not the same as acceptable. It's not so bad if done right and priced accordingly.
Why doesn't Sekai just hire some PR guys?
They're broke
They did but they fired them because they ran out of money.
They did, but then they fired them since dovac thinks he could do a better job.

Please vote, important poll.
Is it just me or is the e-mote system or whatever pretty damn jank in Corona Blossom? I don't remember Nekopara looking this stiff and awkward but I'm really noticing it here.
They don't have money.
Jesus christ, I was just saying that in jest.
Too bad Purple is known for being huge trolls.
Looking forward to /vn/ losing his shit with shitty imouto route.
If nothing's being settled once and for all then no it's not important.
in Chrono Clock? I probably won't read it. I may read Hapymaher though, I guess.
Definitely the Game of Thrones of VNs.
I really like it. I haven't played NekoPara, though, so couldn't compare the two.
Quite a lot about CoBlo was really nice, actually. The animated sex scenes, the emote system and the ability to save individual voice lines and replay them at a later date - all really neat little additions.
>6 people
I don't get this meme due to not watching game of thrones, can somebody explain?
>70 EGS
>6 votes
What a blunder
There's politics, a lot of sex, and it's in an old-fantasy setting. Which is a summation of Game of Thrones.
They had bad luck hiring PR.
Old staff was incompetent as fuck, poor Dovac.
>poor Dovac.
Yes. Poor Dovac. The mean PR people made him go on Twitter and say stupid shit.
This is actually true. Dovac never wanted to say all that weird crap about disliking the community, his dumb PR folks fucked him up and threw him for a loop. Dovac is actually a pretty good guy.
Hi Dovac
That's obvious isn't it?
No way someone would seriously trash their fans like that.
Fund a KS for that.
>No way someone would seriously trash their fans like that.

Aspie hipsters with a sense of intellectual and moral superiority do it all the time. Foolish pride causes people to shit where they eat.
>Foolish pride causes people to shit where they eat.
I'll shit in your mouth, if that's what you're asking.
>I'll shit in your mouth, if that's what you're asking.

No thanks, I only eat the shit of my waifu and sufficiently cute girls.
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all visual novels are ntr because you are reading someone else having love with the girl you like.
The computer gamen is a portal to the MCs eyes, and by clicking I control every aspect of his being. He is an avatar in the virtual world for me. The MC of games are no more "other people" than my own body connected to my brain is "another person".
hey, how's the girlfriend and her two kids doing?
We're all cute girls here, though.
It's funny because the only NTR in the game is you fucking another guys wife and him wanting you to so he can catch you in the act and have his wife killed so he can marry someone else.
>MCs eyes
Nonexistent 99% of the time.
>by clicking I control every aspect of his being
No, his existence and fate have already been determined by a power higher than either him or you. You're just extraneous menial labor operating in parallel to him going down his own path and reaping his own rewards, totally disconnected from you.
Your clicks aren't even in your own control.
>Nonexistent 99% of the time.
Because in truth, they're my eyes. Understand?
>No, his existence and fate have already been determined by a power higher than either him or you.
Yeah, the deterministic qualities of the universe, but you don't say everyone is NTR'd by God, eh?
Are you all this desperate to get cucked this badly?
But that means there was never NTR. Because everyone and everything belongs to the creator, to do as he desires. NTR implies some kind of theft. But there can be no theft if everything is owned by the creator and acts according to his interests.
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Give it to me straight. I don't care how often this has already been asked, just tell me.
**Did they screw up Maya just like they did with Pearl in DD?**
I've had the same problem.
For me the reason was not the download but the file itself. I think the first line contained characters that the program using it couldn't handle. I downloaded edict using link from the python file, unpacked it and deleted the first line and changed the link in the python file (VNR\Library\Frameworks\Sakura\py\scriptsgetedict.py). The link is in the line with DIC_URL. Change it to https://comfy.moe/spcjnn and it should work.
oh, and I changed MIN_DIC_SIZE to 15 * 1024
but I don't remember if that was necessary...
your neighbours already tell stories to their kids of the smelly fat virgin across the street that loudly masturbates to cartoon girls
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I appreciate the help, but there's gotta be an easier fix, surely...
You kinda flew over my head with python and unpacking it
just open VNR\Library\Frameworks\Sakura\py\scripts\getedict.py
with notepad and edit link after DIC_URL to https://comfy.moe/spcjnn and MIN_DIC_SIZE to 15 * 1024
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Oh, that was a lot easier than I thought, guess I've just got brain problems. Though now I just get this.
just wait for a while and make sure that the title of the window doesn't have 'select'
Should I play Umineko?
>Scenario: Ryukishi "The Hack" 07
Probably not.
Yeah Beatrice (male) is a pretty good heroine.
Did I just get the true end for Funbag Fantasy?

Lute becomes King and has all the girls in his harem
bad end
Seemed like a pretty good end to me. I certainly jerked off to it enough times.
I guess the "badguy was the gas station attendant the whole time" would have been too obvious to do a second time, so they went with the late addition guy who contributes nothing to the group is the bad guy.
>expecting a Persona game to have good writing at all
Oh hey, it did work.
Thanks a million, anon. Do you also happen to have a method for the dictionaries for looking up kanji below the edict/mecab? Same issue. Although it seems like I can go get the archive and extract it to the location to fix it too.
Persona 2 was pretty good.
Well, I only played 3 and 4 personally. Dunno anything about 1 & 2.
Well I didn't have it installed before but just for you I checked it and it seems that in this case you just have to edit MIN_DIC_SIZE. You can set the value 1 * 1024 in the file getkanjidic.py in the same folder as the edict file.
Who is the best funbag?

And why is it Emeralia?
She sure likes to say "titty-fucking"
Emeralia has that something extra. That little bit of magic.

Although Living out the days in Boan with Roxanne also has an appeal of it's own
I wonder what spells she has in that spell book.
Probably something related to titty fucking.
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I'm having trouble with Chaos;Head + the translation patch. The game loads, I can hear audio and there's an audible response when I click, but the screen is completely black.

I'm using the latest version of the Kawaii Codec Pack (LAV splitters and shit, which I know sometimes interfere) but even when that was uninstalled it didn't work. I'm running with LocaleEmulator, but had the same issue when I set my full system locale to Japanese.

Any ideas?
From what I remember when I first played it several years ago, getting Chaos;head to run is a crash course in japanese game installation, elementary programming, and searching through old forum posts to figure out how to fix errors. Apparently there's a newer patch that makes it a lot easier, so I'd check for that.
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Been gone two weeks and the only thing I've noticed that's new is Funbag Fantasy.

Any news that I've missed lads?
>Improved Enslave Cock
>Emeralia's Titty Tyranny
I'm using the top result on nyaa which is prepatched and I think is the latest release, so not sure what else to do :/

Even from beyond the grave, Aaeru's curse strikes again.
aight guessing I should patch my own copy then?
fucking nevermind, decided to just start working on it's own.
You can click the red or green lines to trigger delusions. You can also ignore them. There are many people who never realize this.
>You need a guide to get the superior bad ending because you gotta pick all the right delusions
How did they get away with the Jesus witness saying Bible quotes
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Good work, anon. Have a Rise.
I dunno man, Gladys has high-level gap-moe. Shamsiel is the best, though.
On the topic of CB, I tend to get uppity when people chuck around "comfy" as a buzzword to describe things but with CB, it feels much more sincere in its "comfiness", and thats part of why I've grown fond of it.

I guess part of it has to do with the fact that the characters are technically young adults (as opposed to high-schoolers) and doesn't feel nearly as obnoxious when flinging tropes at you.
Sorry for shill post, but I really do wish more people would give CB a go despite misgivings.
Yeah same here. I mean, FW fucked up a number of times already, but can you really blame them? This is basically all new to them, and they seem pretty eager to ask for feedback and improve what they need to improve. I'm more than willing to support them and cut them some slack. I hope we'll get to bang Kumiko in vol. 2 btw.
Funbag fantasy walkthrough where?
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Isn't coroblo more or less a glorified moege with detached h-scenes while also being kinetic? That's a pretty disgusting combination if so.
The kinetic design and the detached h-scenes are two bad decisions on top of an otherwise solid concept. The writing and art is there, it's just a couple poor choices.
Here's a half assed walk though

Ejaculation Option (Both for CG)
Shamsiel's Pazuri feels good
Ejaculation Option (Both for CG)
Ejaculation Option (Both for CG)
I'll return
<Save 1>
Return to Boan castle
Roxanne END

<Load 1>
Bodyguard appointed
<Save 2>
Search for the Shrine
Isis END

<Load 2>
Return to the Capital
Shamsiel END

<Load 1>
Commander appointed
Massage chest (Both for CG)
<Save 3>
Class has ended
Luceria END

<Load 3>
Another Teacher is called
Harem END
Thanks family.

Remove visual novels, they are a stain on humanity.
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>solid concept
>The writing and art is there
I'm going to buy Corona Blossom!
I didn't even realize there was a luceria end. Who wouldn't bring Emeralia in on the action?
My condolences to your family.
Why would this concern my family?
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People aiming for 100% CG
>want to try funbag fantasy
>every time I look at the art I'm forced to look away
i just want something to read in english
Learn Japanese.
The art grows on you, i started thinking that it was old and ugly, but after the 5th fap i stopped judging it
Same here desu. I like me some oppai, but that art is just disgusting.
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>i just want something to read in english
Why don't you read a fucking book?
>Not C&C
Books don't have cute anime girls.
This one does. It's pretty much an utsuge.
Maybe I just have high standards b/c I study literature, but the prose in F/SN is really inexcusably bad.
Some parts are the result of the translation, but others (like the godawful repetitiveness) cannot be.
I think the sexual violence is actually falsely represented as the only misogynist stuff in F/SN. Even w/o it, that series is sexist.
Nasu has stated in interviews that his idea for the Fate route was Saber "discovering her femininity" through bangin' Shirou, which is, um-
-kindaaaaa a super sexist proposition. Man writing about WHAT IS FEMININITY. Turns out badass King Arthur is a sad little girl inside. ):
It's not just the sex scenes, it's bad attitudes about women & sex implicit from the game's worldview.
"No ideological bias" is really just code for "conforms with the dominant ideological bias." We live in air so it's invisible.
Review "without ideological bias" is the new "objective" review.
Does Corona Blossom deserve all the hate? I don't know anything about it.
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Demonbane spoilers.
My dick is diamonds, please tell me I get to bang her in this form.
Yeah, episodic, extremely low quality writing and no h. You pretty much can't make a worse game.
>extremely low quality writing
How about no?
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>all the vn with great story range from bad to average art
>all the vn with great art are plotless nukige or have bad story
Is there any vn that has both?
Yeah, hundreds.
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>bad writing
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Top of the morning to you, fellow NTR consumers.
Just last night I became so excited at the prospect of playing the upcoming "Please Bang My Waifu" that I went on an NTR H-manga binge and proceeded to cum with the force of a thousand wives' sons.
It felt ecstatic.
You get one h-scene of her in that form.
No. Just retards. The writing is decent, but nothing to write home about. The H is good, and the animation adds a whole extra level of eroticism, similar to memecats. It isn't plentiful, though - 3 scenes with 2 characters, both get a solo and a duo. It's also quite expensive, with the porn priced the same as the main game.

Overall, CoroBlo is a decent romp but nothing special. I'm not convinced the porn is worth $10 - you can get more on DLsite for that kind of money. However, if you're looking for something to kick back and relax reading, Corona Blossom will fill that niche nicely. It'll blow your load, but not your mind.

steins gate
Its not so bad
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