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/fog/ - Fallout General

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>fog/ Mod Archive


>Fallout 4 General Information (Read Before Asking Questions)

>Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Links

>The Art of Fallout 4

>Fallout 4 Item IDs

>Fallout 4 Legendary Effects & IDs Guide

>Fallout 4 Settlement Mods & Information

>Nuka World Collectibles Guides
>SCAV! Mags
>Nuka Recipes


>Fallout 3/NV

1st for kerbal
How long until we get an FO4 Ultimate Edition because I am itching to get stuck right in to another Fallout game that isn't NV for once
>inb4 a single mention of this word in any thread on /vg/ means instant autosage
s mh t bh senpai
Last time was fun, let's do it again

If you were making Fallout 5, how would you improve Power Armor?

Previous suggestions:
>Make the Pain Train perk a built-in feature
>Immunity to standard small arms fire
>Properly establish T-60's lore
>Rare as balls and expensive to maintain
>Allow mounting of guns to free up hands
>Disallow use of certain small arms due to size of gauntlets
>Implement overheating mechanics that affect MFCs
I'd put vibrating dildo's in mine that I can activate from the helmet UI thing.
You pretty much nailed it. Maybe special unarmed attacks and kill moves for PA
The eject core button is not tied to grenades and bashing.

Power armor unique weapons that can only be wielded in it, either as direct Automatron esque mounts or in the almost hoped for bit with the minigun strength check in Concord.
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Replace the feet with Sentry bot bidirectional wheels, along with a related perk.
Each perk level gives you better control over the wheels.
If it was really my decision, I'd start by making a spin-off game centered around the wartime use of PA. This would give me more freedom to explore what I actually want out of PA, and how to make it fun.

sage because of two threads
So I need some suggestions on which of the two major weather mods to get because I've never used Vivid Weathers and I'm not sure if It's worth getting over True Storms.

What do you personally use? Why?
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Reposting more uniques cause I still need testers


All weapons are in a chest in sanctuary.
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>Allow mounting of guns to free up hands

Smart gun mod when?
>encounter a group of Gunners near an old tank
>light them up because easy loot
>one of them jumps into the tank through the commander's cupola
>the turret turns towards you

wasted potential t b h
Is this meant to be this heavy?
>was just playing Mad Max

Man I wish I could smash these games together.
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Look at the damage. It's a trade off.
Yeah, I'd rather be able to walk at a good pace than be restricted to slow plodding for the whole game, thanks
Then don't use it, duh.
How much do you think a giant anchor should weigh?
75% is a pretty big trade off... even 50% is pretty huge but at least that's tolerable with sprint. I would expect like 700 damage for a tradeoff like that.
Well it should at least be usable. Make it 120 weight so you have the new trade off of not being able to have much loot rather than the bad trade off of The entire game is unplayable
Why would I use this meme weapon over Atom's Judgement which can easily do the same amount of damage and then some
What are some intelligence boosting gear and items?

Grape mentats for 5+ intelligence but anything better?
That's the base damage. Right now the base damage is at 175. For comparison, a baseball bat deals around 12 damage.

With full melee perks and strength, you can easily hit over 10k.

See, that's the thing. There's a trick to using it you aren't getting. You're slow, sure, but there are forward attacks on this weapon that actually move you forward significantly. Meaning that your movement will be based on sprinting forward with those moves rather than walking.

I will probably reduce the weight though. Probably down to 350, since with full strength the highest weight you can carry is around 400 or so.

Because you can't. This is a fully un-upgraded weapon with 0 perks. With all the relevant perks and a good deal of strength, it'll hit exponentially harder.
Oh, and you get a fog crawler pet. That's also a big plus.
Instead of hampering movement how about you reduce dramatically swing speed instead? Or how about putting a str requirement?
>See, that's the thing. There's a trick to using it you aren't getting. You're slow, sure, but there are forward attacks on this weapon that actually move you forward significantly. Meaning that your movement will be based on sprinting forward with those moves rather than walking.
Thats fucking stupid
You are making a weapon that no one is going to use.

Also its going to be completely broken once you hop into power armor and your strength shoots up to 11
So ive been debating whether or not i should get fallout 4. Is it dumbed down garbage? And if it is, can mods fix it?
Have you tried the forward attacks?

>Also its going to be completely broken once you hop into power armor and your strength shoots up to 11
That's why it's so slow. It shouldn't over-encumber you, but you shouldn't be able to carry a giant anchor AND a shitton of junk too.

The slow effect is intentional, it forces you to use the forward attacks to move and attack strategically. 75% might be a bit much, 50% to 60% might be better.
>2 threads
I want a unique marine themed power armor, rusty and covered in barnacles with an immersion helmet, oxygen tanks that nullifies the movement malus
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It's dumbed down but you can use mods to create a nice character and atmosphere. This may be enough to have fun going around killing things.
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help your companion you monster
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Reminder that there were tons of idiots here who believed this
It does get a lot of it accurate, in hindsight.
A lot of it is and the rest probably changed in the last few months before release. Considering games go into Beta(content complete) only 3-4 months before release it's not that far fetched that a lot changed since that retard left the company.
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I think something broke

maybe allow modification of the frame, rather than just the armor pieces. As far as I am aware the duration of power cores can only be enhanced with perks, while it would make more sense to modify the frame to be more efficient.
best/mandatory mods for fallout 4?
Unofficial FO4 patch
Spring Cleaning
Place Everywhere

That's about it, FO4 still doesn't have a solid and stable UI mod
There is this mod called Play it next year it's really fucking good but hard to get.
Better sorting and DEF_UI too

Absolutely nothing from this list >>154497984
The only things "she" got right were either from the real leak (http://kotaku.com/leaked-documents-reveal-that-fallout-4-is-real-set-in-1481322956) or were very popular rumors at the time.
And that "leak" was from June of last year, only 5 months prior to release. That's an awful lot of shit to change in 5 months. Keep in mind they basically had to stop working on the game a couple months before release so they could press discs and everything.
Big waifus!
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>Unofficial FO4 patch
Skip "Home Sweet Home"
>"Western pistol"
>looks like something manufactured in the 1970s

Piece of shit. Why not implement the SAA like in New Vegas again?
>Keep in mind they basically had to stop working on the game a couple months before release so they could press discs and everything.

No, the game goes into beta(content locked) the very second they have a master for first party certification, as in no big roadblocks that prevent the player from finishing the critical path, once they get the green light from sony/ms they start the presses. The whole process(beta to release) takes about somewhere between 6-9 weeks and i'm sure AAA publisher get preferential treatment for certification. That leaves plenty of time to iterate on some details that, at most, only require a couple more VA lines and scripting work.
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Literally unplayable Tbh
Okay so
BOS-Mostly true effectively true in game
Institute-slightly true yet to see a downtown synth, just northern
Talon company - false, unless gunners which are just reskinned raiders count

Supermutants - true
raiders - true
ghouls - true
spore plants-false

Wiks-false near true if Maccready and gunners

platform - sort of true

Developer-false, game is developed by DDproductions

Gameplay- very true, sits in box and is never able to be loaded without crashing
I saw that you have pics on the nexus. How do you even play the game with such a HUGE character? Surely the joke gets old for you at some point and you just want to be normal..
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Look at this piece of shit.
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Honestly just go to nexus and look for mods yourself picking out all the mods and getting them to work is more entertaining and time consuming then the game itself.
I'm pretty sure it's just a slightly edited .44 revolver.
Should've been a fucking Colt Dragoon or something
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I really like the willow of the wisp laser effect

Saturnite kills me in a few seconds, seems completely awful
In other words, bringing in a female VA to record all of her lines for a female player character is unreasonable.
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TFW New Vegas ruins your mood for the day
>reload animation takes five minutes
No thanks. Cartridge-fed or bust.
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>one of the mods I was most looking forward to is going to be shit because the fool making it doesn't know balance or game design
I love looking at my waifu's beefy body!
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>being normal
>not accepting that some people actually find things you potentially find odious attractive
You're about the most naive 4chan poster I've ever seen.
That's why i said a lot of it is true, not everything. Maybe that retard tried to make his story more interesting, put a couple baits in there, maybe his info was just outdated on other aspects. Courtnay said she was recording lines for 2 years so yes, there are some holes to the whole story.
Wish I knew how to do conversions like you do. Tried my hand at it and always fuck things up.
What I want to know is how does he deal with shit like Mama Murphy or various female ghouls being incredibly swole
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I downloaded Janebod, modified the proportions in Bodyslide to get really nice muscle definition, exported it, took the .nif and modified it further in Outfit Studio to get the proportions right (shoulder width, hip width, thick thickness & shape, etc.), then bada bing.

Then I just use that body shape as a reference every time I want to appropriate a new outfit to her body shape. Easy peasy!
> rad rabbit and chicken
>might be expected to be seen in farmland in the commonwealth or farmland in nuka world
> lol nope can be only found in thick fog on the island
I like the look of Rodd Howard, but does it actually do anything?
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Still want someone to mod power armor like this
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Chinese High Quality really is pretty high quality, very fun and much more powerful than a regular missile in my limited experimentation with it

Willow is so cool but I don't think it actually tracks anything
>got no time lately because college
>just played the contravemptions workshop DLC
>vault stuff, pretty great
>it's not that bad, even
>get delicious vault suit butt as well

Well nice to see the general is as shitty as it always was.
Would you please just trip already so people can filter your useless shitposts?
You building a cave village instead of a normal vault too?
Well, first i'm figuring out how to connect all the shit in it too; so far mr. Todd didn't put adequate corners, but i've managed to make a fairly good dorm room and an adequate vault entrance as well, along with everyone wearing vault suits.I'll have a autism at that next weekend, need to play Nuka World now.
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You know he could, but then you'd get some retard that shits up the thread with "NICE BLOG POST" or some dumb shit every time he posts even though they could just filter him instead. The level of idiocy is astonishing because the moment Buff started posting here he said the only reason he kept a trip was so that people could filter him if they wanted.

The only people that DON'T filter Buff and in turn shit up everything are themselves the ones stirring up a bunch of needless bullshit drama and likely sinking this thread.

Irony so thick you could cut it.
Yeah but supermutant waifu fag has been here for months and I've yet to see him do anything that wasn't a waifu shitpost.
Ah. I honestly gave up on trying to do it 'properly' because of how finicky attaching stuff is and just use the vault bits to build houses in a more traditional style settlement
>what is fallout 4
You're still gonna play it, cuck.
It works like the missile targeting computer. Use scope over the enemy target to mark them, then the projectiles track them.
Also need melee to improve greatly while in PA. Light weapons will skid off you and your swings can't be interrupted or blocked outside of the most devastating attacks hitting you.
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I post all the time! You just don't know it because I'm not posting my lovely waifu at that specific time.
I said before, but if it had a glass canopy instead of that red... thing it'd be almost exactly what I wanted.
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This doesn't seem to actually do 30 extra electric damage. Also the stock seems like a weird placement for it.

The balrog punch or whatever needs more. The caps it generates are pretty low. I'd recommend instead giving it a bottle cap mine effect when you crit.

Mad Wallace has some weird things going on during its attack animation
Well. Not like the game is going to complain if you do it the other way. I'm actually planning to do it Rivet City style. Use whatever's built and create more rustic/'easier' stuff. Even because I think the stuff required to do a proper vault is missing such as more corners, etc.
>This doesn't seem to actually do 30 extra electric damage. Also the stock seems like a weird placement for it.

It does, but like a bleed effect it's over time.

>The balrog punch or whatever needs more. The caps it generates are pretty low. I'd recommend instead giving it a bottle cap mine effect when you crit.
It's a lottery system. Usually it only gives you a few but there's a small chance to get like 1k or so.
Ask yourself, would you rather get more per hit, or a crit chance to get rich fast?

>Mad Wallace has some weird things going on during its attack animation
How so?
How would you be able to tell

I'd rather use another weapon. Especially since it's a worthless boxing glove to begin with.

Mad Wallace has a weird swing recovery that takes it all the way to the other side of the body or something... Don't know how to describe it but basically when you swing it you see it bouncing around several times before you can attack again
CHQ is a shotgun blast, and has vastly reduced range to balance out the power, and in addition it can't be modded with any missile launcher mods. I did reduce the number of shrapnel from 30 to 25 though

>Mad Wallace has a weird swing recovery that takes it all the way to the other side of the body or something... Don't know how to describe it but basically when you swing it you see it bouncing around several times before you can attack again
Probably a consequence of the way weapon speed works. I'll take a look.

>I'd rather use another weapon. Especially since it's a worthless boxing glove to begin with.
It's not supposed to be terribly viable, more of a tool to help you make some caps when you're running low. Not every one of these is purely combat oriented.

I will slightly boost the damage though
>melee build
>gaining strength by going into PA
PA is utter dogshit for a melee build.
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Do you know if Scav prevents You're Special?


Add a cheering or bottle cap sound too if you can. Just the bell noise isn't enough. Doesn't make the weapon any better, but it would probably make the crits FEEL cooler.
what is this helmet called?
le dragonborn memehat xD
>Do you know if Scav prevents You're Special?
No clue. It's easy to disable it anyways and it takes a while to be able to get scav as well so you shouldn't run into too many issues.
What's sad is that if a helmet like this was in Skyrimjob I'd use it.
Those horn are pretty ebin ecks dee.
i need to know what the actual item is called, idgaf about memes.
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Not really.

PA carried me throw that goddamn Nukalurk infested bottling plant in Nuka World (didn't really need it for Kiddie Zone, was just using a rad suit at the time).

Anyway, took like, one rank in the shoulder charge so I could actually stun the bastards, not that I'm sure I needed it. I immediately noticed that every attack I'd do, power attack or not, went straight through their attempts to block me. They took a little less damage when they'd block it still fucked them up. Oh, and the tesla effect helped too.

I rate running melee in PA 8/10, -1 point because honestly it may make it too easy and because there's a severe shortage of sync kill animations.
>find someone wearing it
>kill them and loot it
i don't want to buy the dlc.
could somebody please just tell me?
pretty please?
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> There's still no mod to add a Sentrybot Style shoulder mounted launcher to make this perk useful

why live /fog/?
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Why would you want to know how it's called when you don't even own the DLC?

Anyway, it has to be one of those. Most likely the Pack Buffalo Helmet.
The Herd Bison Mask
It's a unique called Bull Radley's Bull Hat. It actually gives you a +10 to all damage on any sprinting attack made.
So, I want some other opinions. I've got myself Overseer's Guardian and a Two-Shot Laser Rifle. The laser rifle does a touch more damage, but when I fired it, the second shot always flew wildly off target. Wouldn't really be a problem if I made it a splittler rifle, but I'm not sure I want one.

I just don't really like laser rifles in FO4. Am I missing out? They seem really weak to me, regardless of what the damage says. Am I missing something?
i feel that the laser rifle can never achieve enough recoil stability to be properly useful with the two shot mod
>what is the highest tier recoil stock
I made a fully automatic with it and the cursor never moved
i know very well about the mods that affect recoil.

did you have the two shot mod?

Now that I know is bullshit. I wanted to take an automatic laser rifle into Nuka World, but the damn thing just recoiled too much to be useful.
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Lasers are pretty fun

I recommend Research Projects though
Lazer weapons are honestly pretty bad, with the exception of the lazer gat, but that falls under heavy weapons, so at the end of the day you ain't missing shit Two Bee Quiet Awnest Phamilia.
if you want a truly powerful weapon, the you should get something with a high fire rate and the explosive mod

then invest in the demolition expert perk
two-shot is only a good tier legendary affix.
the "defiant" legendary mod will double the damage of any weapon when it only has one shot left, even if that weapon only has one shot by default. such as fat man and the harpoon gun
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Not really looking for something powerful, I was just wondering if I was misjudging lasers. I used a lot of laser weapons in NV, so it makes me a bit sad that they're not part of my usual loadouts in FO4.

As for the Explosive prefix...


Oh? What are the top two tiers as far as weapon prefixes go?
I picked up a double barrel shotgun with that effect and modded the barrel for "Fires both barrels at once"

I think it's a modded barrel for F4's incarnation of WMX.

Doesn't seem to work properly for me tho. Kinda sad.
This is why ghoul must die.
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Lasers would be cool if they didn't have so much shit just shoved onto their frames
Depends on the weapon type. Explosive and wounding are the best for ballistic and laser weapons respectively, especially on automatics. Though NW has given two rifles that have the Furious affix which are comparable to the guaranteed explosive radium rifle you can get in FH which deals 3 types of damage and benefits from 3 damage perks.
Explosive for ballistic full auto, obv, and Shotguns as well.
Neverending for heavy weaps beside the Minigun
Furious for Melee
Idk for energy weaps
I guess maybe instigating for Snipers?
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Institute weapons are brety gud but their size should've been 50-75% of what it is
What's the best prefix for a Fat Man /fog/?
Besides two shot, I'd like to keep it as one projectile.

Would it be instigating or can a Fat Man spawn as defiant?
thank you.
i got comissioned to make a costume piece based on it.

Instigating is shit

It only works vs full health, and if you've got Endless Warfare or War of the Commonwealth that's pretty much never

I'm also pretty sure it only applies to the projectile part of a missile weapon, not the explosion
I'd say Lucky probably, because seriously why are you ever firing a fatman without using a crit?
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I've heard that Bethesda doesn't have a motion capture studio. Is this still true?
What do you mean, like, they dont have ANY motion capture tech at all, or they dont have a company dedicated to doing it?

Because they have used motion capture in their games since Oblivion

Pretty sure critical hits apply only to a Fatman's projectile damage
why the fuck does this keep happening every time i enter the bar in far harbor?

it just randomly tries to load something, but its not actually loading anything.
I feel like giving FO3 a second chance after abandoning it and playing NV first and loving it. Lightweight mods that keep the game vanilla but fixed and maybe prettier? FWE seems a bit too extensive for now.
I'm just wondering why things are so bad in the animation department. Especially with the laser rifle/institute rifle fiasco.
There are games with very short development cycles that have really lots of really good animations, meanwhile Bethesda does the bare minimum.
>Safari Zone
>expect lots of Rad-animals
>no its overrun by a Deathclaw reskin, except slightly weaker and less intimidating

They could have had added an elaborate submerged/underwater labyrinth to throw in more suspense.

Even a homage to Godzilla as a one last giant Gatorclaw as the final boss of that theme park is better.
>I'm just wondering why things are so bad in the animation department
Because they know 99% of people don't care.

>Especially with the laser rifle/institute rifle fiasco.
Thats not even a fiasco, most game devs so similar things as its a basic cost cutting measure only the stupid wouldn't use.
>Because they have used motion capture in their games since Oblivion
No they haven't. This is very obviously untrue from the amateurish level of animation on display in all their games.
>No they haven't
Yes they have. Hell, even Dogmeat is motion captured for Fallout 4, and it looks no better or worse then animations in any of their games.

Motion capture isn't a 1:1 process, where you just record something and slap it in the game, you record something, then edit it to fit whatever you need for the game.
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They said that DogMeat in 4 was modeled after and they got the animations by looking at how the dog behaved in the studio. Not that it was motion captured.
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Only took ~300 hours of playing
and its the one thats a guarantee every time
Anyone got a mirror of that minutemen castle reborn mod by ddsomething?
>using a DDproductions mod
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My dreams - shattered

Ha, yeah, I got a pie once. Took me a good half hour to get it.


There's one that's auto get?
BEcuase his mods suck, and hes a fucking laughing stock
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>mod reviewers when the eli-vestite makes some shit "steampunk western" outfit.
It's more like when she does anything, I find all of her mods to be way too over-designed, and the self-inserts of her crappy fanart in her house mods are so bad.
At least her Skyrim stuff was good, her FO4 stuff is terrible
Ok, what are better mods for fixing the castle then?
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has anyone else collected all of the well-maintained cakes from the port-a-diner's without mods
I feel you, it was pretty apparent during the nvidia modding contest.
Why does everyone suck Eli's literal dick? Is there a reason besides
>muh girl modder
i cant do anything inside the bar pls help
People don't like to detail their own house mods
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>10 int 10 cha meme build
>tfw getting out of power armor to craft
Crooked Hillary running out of energy before the elections are over, Sad!
>inb4 heatstroke meme
Did he died?
Pack buffalo something
we don't know the gender of the lizardman
Touché, anon

what the fuck is your problem
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i have no idea what this is adding up to but i like it
Bumping this, or is there a better way to fix the castle yourself?
fuck ddproductions for being such a fucking sperg
There are none. It's the best mod. People are just embittered faggots over the fact that DDpro is an angry autist.
Want to pack that buffalo
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I like her steampunk outfit mod.
>tfw I had to explain my ps4cuck of a friend IRL that Darren's "MUH MOD WILL HAXOR AND BRIKKK UR XBOX LULZ" video was complete bullshit.
He was strangely okay with mods not coming to the PS4. Too many Sony Redpills methinks
Still testing the weapons abit more, but I'm liking what you got so far. Really wish there was a way to make the Road Warrior fire both barrels at once. The rocket launcher is fucking hilarious and fun to use.
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So what are the requirements for Nuka World? Just made a new character and going full raider for my fist play through and am wondering what i should go for.
There are none, you can start it at level 1 if you walk to the monorail, but you will get your ass handed to you.

Its recommended you go at level 30+, when the radio beacon starts up
Also, the Wallace Claymore might be my new favorite weapon. Just saying.
There some nasty shit inside the park.
Game say lvl 30.
Level 30+ and you'd still get rekt by the Gunners and enemies even though you have the strongest guns in the game
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>Modding new vegas
>Finally have a shit ton of mods
>text clips on itself when talking to characters or taking loot from a monster

Oh, I don't have to wait until level 30? Good, that was really messing up my planning for my next run.
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why is that M4 so small
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I did the gauntlet at level 1 but got fucked by the Overboss.

Supposedly someone else did the same and used drugs and grenades and an exploit to kill him.

But whatever, I came back at level 20 and it was fine. I keep getting killed in one hit by grasshoppers though.
Just save a lot. And bring preston for maximum lulz.
>that screenshot

how can a person have such shit taste

Eh...maybe I'll bring Preston in a much, much more future run. Other than the gauntlet, I don't think anything in Nuka World was difficult. And the gauntlet is a joke if you have high enough sneak.
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P-pls no bully
>not bringing your wife piper
Really anon? Why would you not bring her?
Preston does not say anything until you plant a raider flag in one of the captured settlements.

There are very few comments of vanilla NPCs in Nuka World that its best to just bring Gage and get his affinity.
>finished Far Harbor in survivor
>saved the locals
>nuked the nihilists retards
>spared the synths but got DiMa shot
>walking now in flashy green power armor because marine armor is god damn heavy

It's the ONLY way to go. I you didn't do EXACTLY this you're an asshole
most ennoying cunt in the Commonwealth
>not sending her to a desert settlement hoping she'll starve to death
Oh really? Who is your favorite then?
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i decided to show the different types of raider armour

sorry for the atomfu
>that facepaint
Which mod is the best Non-VATS Criticals mod?
Nick, obviously.
fuckin fag.
>He doesn't embrace the glow
lel what a loser
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praise atom, brother
>likes other men
>calls me a fag
OK anon, also
>litterally unfuckable
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>using more than one UI mod
or let me guess you're using DarnUI without the INI File Edits
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good choice
At least pick one of the good facepaints anon
> Not wanting nicks 14 inch Robo-Horsecock to Jackhammer your butthole before dumping a gallon of synthetic jizz designed to alter your anatomy so your abdomen grows a uterus to carry his synth spawn inside you.

What a fucking homo.
Gen 2s have no dick anon
Might as well bump again since thread is kill
wasn't me but yeah, Nick. Only one who doesn't bothers you with pointless problems.
>siding with balding neo-christians
>stupid enough to "accept Atom's will" AKA me nuking their ass

NOPE NOPE NOPE, they had to die. Even if only thing that saved Harbor is Little Bertha, smart girl deserved a chance.
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Wanted to say thanks to the anon who made/posted the John Carpenter radio thread. Together with survival mode and war of the commonwealth, fuck, it's felt bretty gud playing the game again from the start.

Now I just need a cool looking ENB that doesn't affect performance, since I barely make 30 fps as it is. Any suggestions?
what the fuck
Can you take me to Lou?
Are you making The Master from The Strain?
Keep tweaking her face.
/tesg/ has superior waifus

fallout 4 extended character creation when?
>/tesg/ has superior waifus
The old guard, sure. New waifus are predominantly shit.
>no time for fallout
>no time for new screenshots
>no time to finish these textures
fuck real life.
Your waifu a cute
what is with your obsession in running around with greased uo characters
/fog/ do you know of any mods that add clothes or stuff that Ada Wong may use?
When will Bethesda revive the Master?

We know they will, but when?
I think she's a cute
it's interesting what people tend to create when they have such freedom to alter their faces and proportions

the different things people find beautiful and the skill to give their imagination form

faces without reference or basis in reality. creating something oftentimes uncanny but unique
Fallout 5
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>tfw innawoods
Nah, the classics like Juno, Meara etc are just objectively better than the THICC memeshit that pollutes the thread now.
Todd is the Master.
Pete is Harry.
The Master was just some relatively smart dude who stewed in a vat of liquid FEV for a month.

Nearly all of the super mutants in America will be dead within the next 50-100 years, so they'll have to reintroduce FEV again at some point.
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That would be a great gas mask with a new texture and no horns. I think I'm gonna do that now.
lel give good examples at least.
Along with your ideas.

>power armor has different hard points
>internal frame can be customized
>different types of cores can be crafted such as one that is lore friendly (unlimited energy) but you're limited to the base walking and running, while the fusion cores of F4 do standard.
>furthermore fusion cores can be made out of energy cells, MF cells, ECP cells, Fusion batteries, etc.
>overheating in all weapons, no firing 100,000 rounds like it was nuttin'
>servos can be upgraded with lubricants, new parts increase performance
>Gatling lasers can be directly equipped with a fusion core, instead of being connected to the armor
>X-01 power armor features but with more.
>improved melee
>gene-mods can interact with power armor
Yes anon, women have jaws. Not everything can be like your anime.
i feel that "flaws" are a necessary to give "character"
>gene-mods can interact with power armor

We're spess murheens now?
>I am a shitposting Mai apologist

Not according to the old circlejerk :^)
Would totally bang that.
people should feel free to create characters with unconventional, non-aryan facial features
I agree
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she is beautiful by default
but it's her eyes that give her character
she would probably not have a modeling career if it wasn't for her flaw
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All she needs is some shades and I'm good to go
it is of course always met with heavy resistance, but characters such as Goaty managed to gain a bit of popularity despite having almost nonhuman facial characteristics
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>Go into Galactic Zone in my power armor
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I should make another laser commando
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PLEASE respond
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don't ruin Moffy
Ghost, is that you?
>What the hell was an Enclave soldier doing near Megaton before I even find Project Purity? Ah well, he was no match for the proportionate strength of an ant. That power armor might as well have been cardboard!
>But the AntAgonizers fists are little stronger than a normal girls.
>Oh Atom my hands, I think they're broken...!

This super hero gig is taking some getting used to.
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So what IS Project Greenheart?
I'm my own hero.

I'm... FAT MAN.
you can find them all over well before PP

they're out patrolling the area near megaton and there's mote neat dukovs place and their encampment near the deathclaw sanctuary
PLEASE respond with helpful information
Well did Skyrim leave off any loose ends?
You don't need to drink 5 liters of water every day, just drink when you're thirsty!
boston = fallout
greenheart = tes
come on dude ;_;
i think no one here is familiar with any such mod
When you feel like you're getting a cold, eat some ginger root and it'll keep the cold at bay.
> Never hear of PGH till now
> Hit up google
> Kocktaku in first results
> Meet the Man Who Keeps Making Up Fallout 4 Rumors
> MFW Bethsoft paying Kocktaku whores to Damage Control.
Also Greenheart is the name of a city in Bosmer Wood Elf homeland. Seems like a lock to me.
Oh, I see. I didn't know Greenheart was an actual place in TES universe. So VI is going to be in Valenwood?Or maybe only a DLC location?
Right?I decided to look up on the old rumours and turns out this one guy was spilling everything, and Bethesda covered it up.
Seems like you don't understand the concept of code words to me.
This is a fake leak anyway, Fallout 4 was Project Institute, not Project Boston or anything
>MFW Bethsoft paying Kocktaku whores

Didn't Bethesda blacklist them?
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then how did he know about Nuka World?

Oh, cool. We are off to Valenwood. Thought it would be the Sumerset Isles to deal with the Thalmor or perhaps Elsweyr to explore the whole moons thing, But I suppose it makes sense to explore the Thalmor from next door, without having to get rid of them the same game.
>paying the people who leaked the 100% legit casting documents
He didn't, he just attached "nuka" to something else, like the previous games have done.
Nuka World wasn't even started until 4 was almost done.
You idiots take a coincidence to mean things are true.
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It feels like I've already met this guy long ago
Not even Project Institute, just Institute.
i can see right through you

the jig is up, Todd
I haven't played Nuka World enough to know for certain but most people who have spent a good deal of time there say that pretty much everything about it was made in response to major criticisms about the base game. If that's the case, and it's also the case that the memo is fake, it wouldn't be unlikely that Bethsoft took the idea and just ran with it.

That being said, it would be an astronomical coincidence that he pulled this fake idea out of his ass and it worked well enough for them to jam out an entire DLC on it in less than a year.

> Implying leaks do not drive hype which in turn drives sales and sweet sweet preorder money.
It's like you think Todd and Zenimax hate money.
It should remind you of our resident she-hulk shitposter if he was more feminine.
He's the real Shawn.

But that's just a theory. A GAME THEORY!!1!!

Now give me money.
He looks like Kal Drogo.
why cant he be a permanent companion?;_;
Hey, whats the best paint job mod for the X-01? I know Buffscale uses a nice looking one...
because he has a family to tend to
Bethesda really did blacklist kotaku though, I remember them crying about it.


This is the one I use
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Nuka could have been attached to literally any other word. Why not Nuka Park or NukaLand?
Either this guy was legit or like this anon >>154524209 said, Bethesda took the idea.
It actually is a nice paintjob though, despite the lore fuckery.
Commonwealth Rascal and Wartags are pretty dope.

Kocktaku also cried about a ton of Wet Patellas in MUH VIDJA.

They'll do anything for clicks. They're whores. Nothing they say can be trusted.
Oh I love that paintjob. Just doesn't fit every situation.
Thanks! Exactly what I was looking for. Never let the shitters get you down, you're a cool guy Buff.
The bad thing about the default male face model being Nate's is that every male NPC resembles nate in some way
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Is the latest script extender broken for anyone else?
It launches to a black screen and closes after a few seconds. I went through disabling all my mods and even with none on it still crashes. The vanilla launcher seems to work so I don't know whats up.
What armor
Works for me bruh.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Kos' switchblade is really saving my ass here.
i don't think it can block attacks with the saws

i think only the stealth blades can be used for blocking. it can even block behemoth attacks and kill any enemy i can think of in melee combat
why would you insult she-hulk like that
did someone port xcom 2 models?
can anyone confirm is this is true?
Not that I know of. These are from BF4.
Nuka-World seems to really be lacking in beds


Nice tacticool Longfellow
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u wot
How do I say the percent probability an item should be spawned from a given list?
Or is it constant at 1/total?
>game used to run just fine at launch
>Stopped playing after that
>decide I want to try it again with the DLC and some mods
>game won't go past 20fps even without any mods
fugg pls halb :DDDD

I already did the tweaks and all that shit
Radiant kill quests. The ones that are 'kill/collar this nobody' are much easier and faster.
How do I add a gun to a random container drop? I'm getting tired of all the pipe pistols and want to add basically everything as a possibility.
Adjust LVLD - Chance None
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Alright, this shit is almost ready.
Last call for testing, then it'll go live on bethesda.
And Nexus tomorrow.

Nuka World, making you fast travel so much that you can't play on survival without wanting to kill yourself.
Working on a lil' Gas mask thing.
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I could make it fire both barrels at once, but I'm not sure how to mod ammo consumption.
You should make the snout taper a bit more and the filter a little smaller
Is he supposed to be biracial

And this will also be a part of it. Since its all vanilla assets I can even put this on Nexus!

I'm gonna work on giving it some better textures.
the thalmor, for one
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Its inspired by Krieg. But yeah I think I'm gonna make the mask shorter.
Yes, obviously, and you can see right there the mask tapers more and the filter (which connects to a tube there) is smaller
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nvm fixed it
I like this quite a bit. Reminds me of pic related
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Yeah for the Krieg inspired one I was gonna edit it like so anyway.


I'll probably keep the other gas mask as is in its looks.
What do you need to do to the textures? I might be able to put in a few moments of my time.

Basically I want them to look less like the pack and more like leather / kevlar. No rust on the filter / no yellow / blue / red strings on the filter, etc.

I'd appreciate a proper texturer for this though, it would make it look a ton better!


Its LOOSELY based on this, I will probably make a few texture designs for it myself as well. It varies a lot, some of them have skull-like designs on their masks, some of them are just pure leather / cloth material.
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Oh yeah, I can do leather. I will probably be have a look at it in my free time I can only do this stuff a little bit during days and not very much professionally, some health stuff and the like.
Which main quest faction would an Enclave member choose?

Which Nuka-World faction would an Enclave member choose?
What era enclave?
Institute and Operators, ez pz
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What's better for an explosive build Sentry bot? The standard grenade launchers or those new nuka mist cannons?
>chimes made of tin can and bottlecaps

why isn't this in the game? would be cool as fuck desu
>Which main quest faction would an Enclave member choose?
Institute. Rest are a bunch of dindus, rednecks, or Brotherhood.

>Which Nuka-World faction would an Enclave member choose?

None of them. I don't think Enclave would like dealing with raiders much. That said, if we're talking about the best member of the Enclave, (Dorner or the video feed guy) I imagine him choosing Operators.

Godamn I like the Torso/Arms for the X-01 but the Helmet/Legs are inferior to T-60.

This paint scheme is dope as fuck.

Either a pre-War Enclaver who got mixed up and sent to a experiment vault instead of an Enclave control facility

Or if we headcanon away bits we don't like of the main quest, an Enclave remnant from Capital Wasteland
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Good thing you can mix and match parts. :^)
I really don't see a lot of custom/mismashed power armours on here for whatever reason. I should throw one together.
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I appreciate it man. In the meantime I'll be polishing up the mesh.

I'm gonna load the Captain hat in Blender and see if I can sculpt it to be a little more silly looking like Commissar hats, too.
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Niero should add X-01 armor to his cyberware mod
>I really don't see a lot of custom/mismashed power armours on here for whatever reason.

Mostly because the Power Armors are all a straight upgrade, pretty much. And anyone who doesn't use the full T-51 or APA are subhuman.
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Buff, did you get a chance to try out more uniques yet?

I'm finishing it up while working on the monster mod, and need to do some more balance testing.
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>I really don't see a lot of custom/mismashed power armours on here for whatever reason

I think that is mainly because it usually looks bad
can you post a quick mega with the texture so I don't have to unpack the dlc? It would save me about an hour if that tells you anything about my pc.
The nuka ones are pretty good.

I haven't messed with it yet, sorry.

I'll try it out now.
ability to break down weak-locked doors
So, I'm working on creating a custom skin texture using an existing texture, and I can get all the additions on there the way I want them, but when I load in game the face is extremely dark and stays that way regardless of what skin tone I choose. In fact, the skin tone doesn't change for the body, which isn't using the texture, either.
I'm assuming there's some step in saving/exporting the texture that I'm botching in GIMP. But I'd appreciate it if anyone could shed some light on the issue for me.



You can add ballistic weave to my heart anon
What if FO4 had taken place in post-Broken Steel "Enclave" ending?
Not to mention that a bunch of bonuses require you wear all of a set.
What UI mod is that?
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Vertibird I was in just crashed into a fucking bridge and blew the fuck up on me. Had power armor so I was fine, but still, what the fuck?

I thought the vertibirds that flew you around didn't have collision?
>Start Nuka World takeover
>Tfw I need 8 outposts
>Tfw most settlements are made for small farm spaces

What are the 7 best settlements to house 20 fucking assholes who don't want to pick fruit?


Its not on Nexus anymore because its updates caused CTDs. I'll upload mine after I test Kos's UU mod.

Does the Nuka World Red Rocket count towards your 8?
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>get called in by Preston
>kill some raiders, wish I could help them out
>run into the room, grab the bobblehead
>the quest doesn't continue and I never have to see them again
Some of them.
The ones that already had raiders in them.


Really, I just think Power Armor needs more limitations to make it better. I mean, we need more customization options (ie, more tiers of armor and more side grades), but it needs to be limited in what it's capable of using.

Wielding a 10mm pistol in Power armor is retarded. The frame hands are almost twice as big as Nate's. Wielding a baseball bat is dumb as fuck to, as any wood swung by hydraulically assisted arms should shatter on impact.

No, PA should be ripping bumpers off cars and using them as clubs. Unarmed attacks should be able to pull of execution moves like ripping Raiders limb from limb and doing some straight up Doom kill moves like tearing the horns off of Deathclaws.

A Super Sledge or Gatling laser should be PA only. It should be a strategic choice, forcing the player to contemplate how they'll approach a situation. Stealth should never be possible in Power Armor.
Jamaca plains, red rocket, croup manor, outpost zwhatever.

You can also plan down a normal settlement signal and make them work for your raiders, or you can build some Mr Handys and make them farm.
How can I add a garage door to my settlement, like the one in the red rocket? IO know there's the garage slidind thing, but I want that one piece. WHere can I in find it?
it's in the warehouse doors section.

Obviously the terminals shit on it, but as long as you don't dig too deep you can pretend it does. The only returning Brotherhood member we get is Maxson, who would have been evacuated before the Citadel was bombed. The Citadel would likely have been the first things rebuilt/refounded afterwards. The Outcasts and tatters of a Lyons-less Brotherhood would have reformed into what we see in FO4.

Power armor should have more 'hp' than it does now, but it should need you to get out to replace the power core. That would balance it while also making it worth using for me.

That's not a bad idea. Adds a desperation element if you don't pay attention to the meter.

I just feel like Power Armor doesn't feel properly powerful. It should make the player almost unstoppable. Raiders and regular wildlife should be trivial in it. Deathclaws and Yao Guai should be real threats. Super Mutants should be able to go toe to toe with it.

It's a balancing issue, but it should be something they could correct. Stealth should be only viable out of it. Heavy weapons should only be viable in it. Melee should be either quick and finesse based out of it or brutal and sluggish in it.

We have all of these kill animations for slitting throats or breaking necks. They need to take it to the next level. Power Armor should make you Deathclaws levels of brutal. Literally tearing enemies apart. Raiders should scream and run if you show up in T-51. Super Mutants should be grappling with you and struggling against your might.

Having 10 STR out of PA should be powerful, but it needs to be about half as effective as if you were in a set.
Is there a weapon that gives constant radiation debuff to the player?

Not that stupid assaultron head, I mean a weapon that when you have it pulled out irradiates the player, and stops when you put it away?

If not, will that be in more uniques? Cuz it'd seriously help to make some of the armor bonuses from Far Harbor a little more useful
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So Kos, these cannot be modified at all?

Anyway the Chinese one seemed to work fine, seems like it would be really good against ghouls.
How do i fix the stuttering and fps drop in interior cells and cities? I already have optimized textures, fog remover and i've even tried the ultra low ini but i still get shit fps (and sometimes even shit response and delays in dialog) in these zones while anywere else i get 40-50 fps.
>inb4 buy a better pc
I'm kinda broke right now, i have other more important stuff to throw money at
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>See people say Buff is a shitposter and that he stirs up problems
>Have seen him do nothing but add to the thread
>Ports shit
>Mods shit
>Generally not a shitter
Am I missing something?
Shitposters are trying to stir up shit
Buff is ok and mostly based
This seems a little short to me desu

I'd like the beam to be at least twice this length
He's pretty decent here. He mostly just posted his shitty argonian waifus in /tesg/ to a point people fucking hated him.

He's pretty okay here in /fog/ though.
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what's your RAM speed?

he's a bit of an attention whore, but he can be helpful at times
he used to be really really shit on /tesg/ but he's ok now
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Should I get rid of all my caps for Scav 5?
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Alligator Jigglin Fever.webm
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Are you playing on survival mode?
If not, definitely. There really isn't a downside to just using bullets as money in any other game mode. Hell, it worked in Metro.
He uses a trip ;_;
Uhm, and if I miss that means that...?

Does it work if you just keep the caps in a container at home?
Try moving capt into a container.
How could you miss it?
I'll have to check when i get home but it's a 2 yo laptop with 4 gb of ram. It's not stellar for sure.

That's not a thing in FO4? I remember doing it in NV, just assumed you could in FO4.

Tripfaggotry is only an issue on fast moving boards like a, b, or v. When you come to vg, specifically to generals about games with massive modding communities and consistent conversation, it's useful. Buff contributes content and has a lot of insight about the modding scene for laypeople.

Even if he's a faggot, he's a good tripfag. He attention whores at a minimum and actually helps keep the threads alive.
And wht if I was an actual idiot' Thanks parder

Also, post settlements? i need insipiration
>that name
You just made me remember how there's still not a single quest mod set underwater with visuals similarities to The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, immersion power armour, chinese submarines inhabited by chinese ghouls, underwater vaults and mirelurk people

>there's still not a single chinese submarines inhabited by chinese ghouls

Well say a nuclear submarine has some kind if problem and it sinks to the bottom of the ocean, then the great war happens and then some time later a leak from the reactor ghoulifies everyone inside

Nigger you best be baiting

There's a nuclear submarine with pre-war chinese ghouls in the game

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b-but the yanghtze..

And yes, it lacks the scripting.
Imagine a We Andersona Fallout game.
So I have a friend who can and is willing to make the models and textures and shit for making mods for fallout 4 if I were to learn how to actually put that shit into the game and do all the shit to actually make it work.
Though even though he actually does know how to make them and is allright at them, he is still more of your typical 'Ideaguy' and as a result originally wanted to jump right into making a huge mod that is full of custom quests and large dungeons and shit like that and that is a kinda problem since he always does this with shit, gets excited to do something then bites off way more than he can chew and burns himself out and never finishes the thing because he is a lazy ass.

Somehow I managed to talk him into just starting small though with weapon/armour mods and shit like that, which Is why I am posting here, he has thrown me a few Ideas for armour and and weapons and shit and wants me to pick a few for him to start working on.

Here is some of his ideas, you guys tell me is any in particular sound interesting and whenever I can get him off his ass to actually do them
>some sort of 'improvised' armour, from what I could gather it would be similar to raider armour, but less over-decorated, and more practical, he also mentioned something about a helmet which was just a bucket with a slit or something cut out over the eyes as some sort of visor or something
>Various superhero outfits,He claimed they wouldn't actually be like superman or spiderman or batman outfits and shit but instead made up shit pulled out his ass (His original Idea was a more large scale mod to make a whole superhero themed quests and dungeons and but I talked him into downscaleing it)
>something about 80s themed super mutant armour for Strong which involved a disco ball 'afro'
thats all I can remember at the moment he never writes this shit down and just tells me shit expecting me to remember it
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Shit i didn't even know. Well then i need more nuclear subs. And the immersiom PA, and mirelurk people, and underwater vaults
Official /kspg/ Discord Server rep here. We aren't sanctioning new threads until MAN kills himself.
fuck off
Hey Kos, I tested UU.

Had a few issues.

The Viridian Fate sword was broken for me. It kept giving me random perks even after I stopped using it.

Also the giant anchor weapon slows you down 70% in first person, even when sprinting, but in third person you can sprint with it.
tesg is what you missed

Also /cfog/ shitposts during their quiet hours
jesus fuck what is that

you're settlement is cute! cute! too bad its fucking sanctuary 2/10 apply yourself

Its fucking insane with all the melee perks though, one swing and it critically injured like 10 deathclaws all in its AOE. Heh.

Oh and if you want to put this on Nexus you will have to remove those little audio files. They're a little ban happy about using shit from other sources.

I post the rest of the webms in a second, my modem is being a shit again
You are wasting your time. He already refused to fix anything and said "You'll play it anyway, cuck"
Why do some modders have "muh vision" or "muh play it like I intend it or go fuck your self" approach to modding?
Why do some shitposters have a "muh (you)s" or "muh replies now fagets" approach to posting?

And one modem reset later...
what the fuck
>Im-fucking-plying this shit is balanced
Also the tracker laser weapon was pretty cool. One of my favorites from the mod.
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Why do some modders have "Muh slooty" or "Muh Tacticool" approach to modding?

The better question to ask is why do you care?_Or why don't you go fuck yourself?
put your name back on Kos you faggot.

Well if I wasnt level 180 and didnt have all big leagues perks I probably would've gotten my ass kicked and stunlocked. I almost got stunlocked after the first swing.

Also the Chum cannon kinda has ridiculous recoil and the model visibly breaks after each shot. This was the only issues I noticed. I couldn't accurately test the Special items since Ive got like 11+ in everything.
I think that you should make it hamner sized, tone down a lot the retarded damage, tone down a lot the retarded weight, tone down the slow effect to something manageable like 15-25%, add a str requirement, add an effect that makes you sink like you have power armor on and add kewl mods like propellers to make you swim faster or a chain to put around that gives a dmg boost or shit like that
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> implying I'm not Cassufag
Quest ideas for Fallout 5?

>A town's mayor and it's kingpin of organized crime are struggling against each other for full control. The mayor brings law, but in a brutal and overzealous fashion in a shariah or "2 eyes for an eye" fashion while the mobster will surely be corrupt, but financially benefit the town. You take a side. Like Fallout 1's quest but better.

>You pick up a distress beacon from a Vault and follow it inside the Vault. Holotapes chronicle a survivor's fight against the horrors created by the dark experiment, and track it to the Overseer's office where you hear the beacon's source which is a bloodstained chair leaning against the button

>You encounter a beaten and bloodied Vault inhabitant in the wastes whose number was ripped out of their jumpsuit. They don't remember much besides being ambushed. Their quest enlists you as their companion as they embark on their own journey to solve the mystery.
Yeah that's what i'm saying, it's an all or nothing weapon so it's not balanced.
>The better question to ask is why do you care?
Because it's a cool mod and i really like the ideas but the execution is sloppy? Also because kos/(you) asked for feedback on the weapon and almost completely ignored it because of "muh vision"?
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Playing as a melee on Survival, what's the best level to start Far Harbor/Nuka World?
I'd like to see you do better.
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When you have maxed blitz, have at least 2 points in big leagues and a good weapon
So, I was wanting to use the Oni face and body texture with CBBE, but the texture files, specular maps, and normal maps are all lacking for the hands and back of the head that CBBE uses.

How hard would it be to create matching skin textures for the Bhed_D texture and the Hands?

My only experience is with making some minor tweaks here and there (tattoos, damage, warpaint, etc.) to existing body and face textures.
>not using Ida and Valkyr
>weapon so busted it can damage liberty prime
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This thing drops you out of VATS before the attacks hit the enemy
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It's pretty weak
While i actually prefer Valkyr and Ida the idea I have in mind requires a slightly smoother body texture. That, and once again, Valkyr is lacking the Bhed_D texture that CBBE uses.
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>ameture modder can't balance for shit
>ameture modder has an over inflated ego
>"You're still gonna play it, cuck"

Why are you surprised?
Assuming the UVs line up, it could be done in photoshop without to much trouble to eliminate seams.
First one sounds like it could be good for a main plot. I like the idea of finally having a moral choice that isn't fucking obvious because the drugs in FO are fucking OP as shit and I always roll a junkie for my first playthrough.
> Stack a billion different effects all at once
> Get addicted
> loladdictol
> (in 4) Biocommesh to victory.

The second is kinda weak.
The third could be interesting.

Personally I'd really like to see those Vending Machines from the Sierra Madre brought back as a plot device for something. I mean the mute gave you a recipe to make those things in fucking bulk, and theoretically they could be programmed to make anything at all. Medical Supplies, Provisions, Ammo, everything a wastelander needs in Bulk.

> You are contacted by a man from New Vegas who overheard about the machines and located the one in the abandoned bunker
> Act 1: He wants you to help him track down the source of this technology.
> Act 2: set up a manufacturing facility
> Act 3: Set up distrubution Via making deals with various factions to secure trade contracts with trade caravans.

I mean everytime I remember SM I find myself thinking Fuck that pissant gold in the vault, give me the fucking schematics to those fucking vending machines an the chemical composition of the shit you feed into the bastards. I'll set up a fucking wasteland Wal-Mart and that old bag of piss and dust can keep his faggot shiny metal.

Wanting feedback isn't the same as changing to suit the feedback. If the weapon is designed to be overpowered, and it feels overpowered, then it achieved its goal. Thanks for the feedback.
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Buff, this is what the texture is looking like right now. It is pretty interesting how the material is really metallic and leathery, even though it's a cloth texture.
third-person in general is weird. it lets you reload while sprinting and if you're wearing power armor, you swing your melee weapons a lot faster.
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When are we going to see a Project Nevada, Wanderer's Edition, MOO, or Requiem tier overhaul mod for Fallout 4?

Or at the very least something that helps fix all the fucking plotholes and inconsistencies in the writing.

Also which is better /fog/, Far Harbor or Nuka World?
>Bethesda Fallout
>not coming out from a Vault
>not being a Vault dweller originally

They already pulled out the you grew up from a Vault and fucked off with 3

They already did the le ebil Vault-Tec freezing you and you waking up centuries later with 4

5 will have a vault similar to Vault 88 and you will go out on friendly terms to find your mum now shacking up with Raider Tyrone
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I even went and worked on the vent part a little.

This is still early in work. Just finished painting one major part and I haven't even made normal maps for this yet

Never. FO4 is never getting fixed. Dead game. Dead modding community. It's over.
Another year at the earliest.
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sounds awesome. I second this.
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i need a power armor that looks like nautilus now.
>Sometimes i feel like this anchor just weights me down..
>balance or game design
>Bullet Sponge enemies are extremely super OK
>Explosive shotgun is not a good thing

Literally die to death
>implying a weapon with a fucked up weight and an annoyingly bad debuff no one will ever use would fix it
Yeah dude it's totally op when you have to sink all your points in melee skills, must have 11 str, not carrying anything else to use it and being slowed down to tectonic plates speed :^)
It's canonical.
Nigger tf are you talking to?

"Wanting feedback isn't the same as changing to suit the feedback. If the weapon is designed to be overpowered, and it feels overpowered, then it achieved its goal. Thanks for the feedback."
So you're the guy that likes to jump in at the ass end of conversations and be autistic?

Read further than one fuckin post ya jackass. I wasn't saying the weapons overpowered, I was responding to crybabies pissing and moaning about it being overpowered.
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This place is super comfy
I thought so too, would have been great if you could build shit there
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Why is this 200 year old wooden structure the best preserved place in the game? and why didn't beth give us this tileset for settlements

Looks awesome so far, can't wait to see the final thing!

I'm gonna add some skull patterns later.
Because if it's anything like most real world theme parks, it's not actually wood?

I mean shit, you can see the rebar inside the 'tree' right there in that screenshot
Probably heard this before, but any good power armor mod recommendations? There's several overhauls out there, and I don't know whats the best.
>fog/ Mod Archive
What happend to the website... Theres only like one mod there...
>gamebanshee review of nuka world
>waaaah can't play as the good guy without missing out on most of the content
Were they also bitching about the fact that the base game forces you to be the sarcastic bitch boy or are they just hypocrites?
ps4cuck here
I'm also fine without mods because I think the base game is good enough on its own (I have ~370 hrs on a single save), but if a friend gifted it to me on Steam I wouldn't object
Have a taste at the knowledge fruit my friend
>the base game forces you to be the sarcastic bitch boy
While the game rather encourages the use of the sarcasm options by it having some of the best fucking lines, it by no means forces you to play the sarcastic dick of a sad clown.
>you cannot use the Mechanist's robots to end the game
>you cannot use the Children of Atom to end the game
>you cannot use the Raiders to end the game

Oh yeah, that's right. You actually do have 3 options. The sarcastic clown, the greedy dick and the yes-man bending over backwards. Then you get to be selfish every once in a blue moon(hurr i want to keep the cure to rid me of the -1 hp) and you actually get one slightly more misanthropic choice to sell the kid to Bullet. Damn, now that's what i call a wide range of deep and meaningful options.

this tbqh smdh btw familia
How can the Children of Atom finish off the BoS and Institute?
Nukes from the Sentinel Site, catapult that shit into the Prydwen and blow a hole in the ground into the Institute
They don't have enough manpower to storm either factions
And the minutemen or railroad do?
If they had the mary sue SS that's all they would need.
Besides their numbers are probably on par or even greater than the Railroad.

I just really, really wish there was a faction that let you do a hostile takeover of the Institute

I don't care if it's Raiders, Gunners, Triggermen, Atom Cats, Tunnel Snakes


Railroad=Dark Brotherhood
Wizard College=Institute
Thieves Guild=Minutenan?
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This is where I'm at right now buff. I'm going to clean it up a little then I'll have to crash for a bit and I'll finish up after work tomorrow. If you want I can upload the current point and gimp files and stuff so you can mess with it.

The red eyes were just a fun tweak and are not permanent, just an experiment.
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>go to join the steam group
>For some reason I've been banned.

Weird, last time I used the group was to do with some New vegas stuff years ago.
I gave all settlements in Nuka World to the Pack/Operators, and all three Commonwealth settlements to the Disciples, because I wanted to be able to get rid of them and return the settlements to normal afterwards. And then I finish the third one and the fucking pack turns on me.
That is because the pack had the lowest out of 8 areas. You shouldn't have given so many i.e. any commonwealth settlements to the Disciples.
Settlements are weighed as heavily as an entire park im afraid
Would have had to give 1 settlement to the pack instead in this case.
If you really want the settlements back, consider if there is 1 settlement far out you dont care about loosing/ignoring to them [A suggestion would be Murkwater]

There's 5 in the park
3 in the commonwealth

That means you gave 2 to the pack and 3 to the operators and 3 to the disciples, what did you think would happen?
I There are dozens of settlements in the Commonwealth. I thought they only cared about Nuka World and would only weight those settlements.
Have a threesome with Mags and Nisha

Burn all the Yiffs
Ok starting a new build.

Posts end in 5 pick Special. 40 point limit.

Posts end in dubs pick weapon category.

Posts end in 0 pick faction for game end.
This stuff will kill me if I let it.
If the Disciples perk wasn't useless, I would.
Maz perception agility and endurance. Specialize heavy weaps, end railroad.
Mags Blacked or Dixie for best girl?
Perception, Intelligence, Charisma
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Focus on Intelligence, Endurance, and Strength
Energy Weapons

Operators perk is useless for melee, laser, heavy weapons, etc.


Max luck and end
Thirst zapper

I've never done the Institute ending. Huh...
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Full on pacifist 11 charisma build, weapon category fist, end with bros
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Basically did another detail pass on the park, giving it tons of more stuff
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Is there any way to make New Vegas not have fucking awful draw distance and LODs? I mean jesus christ, the mountains/buildings in the distance look like something from an N64 game, and character models render at spitting distance.
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No fucking idea why this wasn't the BoS ending desu
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And of course custom assets are implemented
Luck/Agility heavy on vats sneak crit build
Pistols (Deliverer if i have to choose one)
Side with Railroad
Looks great, teacups need smoothing though
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Also added some secret areas.
>thinking the Minutemen is bigger than the children of atom

Get the fuck to your containment thread you fucking obsidiot.
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>still no Vietnam inspired armour customisation.

what the fuck are the modders doing, jesus christ stop making shit retextures of other mods and make something NEW
Lol, look at this fucking faggot.
>ride a Vertibird
>it ain't me starts playing
Anyone tried the Fallout Online Reloaded?
What are/were your opinions about it?
How do you shoot women and children!?
You just don't lead em as much!
>max LCK, INT, CHR, and AGL
>Pipe weapons only
>None, be a raider and kill everyone you see.
Just give me this but for combat armour/marine armour.

You're welcome! I thought it fit the game's atmosphere well, particularly the Assault on Precinct 13 theme for sneaking around subways and those dense urban zones.

Eugh I wish it was less tryhardy with all those stickers. A few stars, tally marks, and some scrawled in text was all it really needed to look nice.
Pls respond
But if your shadows are already off I doubt it will help much.
Are your godrays actually off instead of """off""""?
Shadows are off, i think the ultra low ini should disable godrays but i have to check
Godrays has a habit of turning itself back on every startup. Try typing 'gr off' into console.
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I'm thinking of calling it "Little Boy" or "Micro Nuke". Which one sounds better?
Fucc Boi
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So if I'm looking for more radio stuff to listen to in FO4, is Old World Radio Boston the best one to go with, or should I maybe stick with something smaller, like Conelrad?

Has anyone use the former of those two? I just wanted to know if it was even worth the effort to install. Does it have any stations that don't fit the setting, or generally feel out of place? There's apparently craftable radios for each station, but they all kinda look like shit because they have shitty labels on them, instead of just being the vanilla radio look.

The vanilla radio stations are so boring to listen to after a while.
Fuck you I wanted one of those
Little boy sounds good, i think you could do something better with the model though, like a sawed off fat man or a smaller but longer fat man
>Implying I model
I just found it off a legendary glowing hound.
How about Nukilla Launcher
Oh shit i thought it was part of kos' mod
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>not having Vietnam radio playing 24/7 and a souped up piece of power armour
I haven't been to /vg/ in months. Why the fuck is there two generals now with one general being "ANYBODY BUT FO3 and 4 CAN COME IN"?
Shitposting wars between shills of both bethesda and obsidian happened
You know those New Vegas threads on /v/ that basically consist of whining and /v/-tier shitposting?
Yeah, they have a general now and have the nerve to drag FO1 and FO2 down with them.
Talk about the first two games in this general to piss them off.
How fuckin butthurt are you anon?
Why not just talk about all of them? Why recognize them as a legitimate general?

They're basically doing what retards did to the Starbound and Corruption of Champions generals for the longest time now. They aren't even people at this point. They're enemy combatants.

Make this general the better general so that people come here. That's the only solution.
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It's pronouced, nu-cle-ar.
The other is waifu free and discusses non-Bethesda Fallout games because Bethesda raped the lore.
>Make this general the better general so that people come here
I'd really prefer they didn't.
Why are you out of your containment thread, anon?
>make this general the better general

This general is shit and it's already miles better than that NMA hugbox.
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>because Bethesda raped the lore

how does a meme last almost ten years
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>board vertibird
>All Along The Watchtower starts playing.

Like pottery
> lelebincontainmentthreadmaymay
Seriously, take some stool softener or maybe some tranquilizers. You really shouldn't be this mad over... Not even vidya. Just a discussion thread for vidya.

It's really embarassing anon.
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Pls respond. Any radio mod suggestions would be good too, only stuff that fits the setting, though.

Owrb is good shit faggot.
Stop being lazy and download it.
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Any Decent mod that add more hairstyles for male characters?
trying to find them is hard because of the oversaturation of female shit
>jet is prewar
>le epik nuka world xddd

Everything about 3 and 4 is a meme
Why would you play as a male?
Because I don't care for Waifus, they are cancer as far as I am concerned
I don't know maybe because you aren't a complete waifufag?
I'm not even a feminist but you fucking freaks have made it so i feel serioisly fucking uncomfortable playing as a female.

I might catch some fucking autism-flavored perversion just by considering the thought, it's so fuckin potent by this point.
Proper jet-motorcycles when?

Are you autistic?
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Get fucked mutie scum.
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Thanks for responding, anon.
>ywn fight unarmed in the Combat Zone
>ywn bet on robot racing at East City Downs
>ywn interact with the Atom Cats for more than one fetch quest

thanks Todd, really good idea to shorten development cycles
>Use ranged weapons till your in melee range weapon
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The one thing this game does right is the companions
Diverse selection of types
Comment in conversations to make it feel like a three way conversation
Comment on the environment eg vault 111 about the spouse, what you're doing etc
Affinity system could use some tweaks though
Could have definitely used some more interesting ones though. I find most of them pretty boring, or really fucking annoying in some cases.
I think they really went with the wrong pick for Garvey's VA. The way he talks, I'm surprised no one accuses him of being a synth. I mean, there are moments where he -does- show emotion, but he doesn't do it enough, and there's way too many moments where it sounds like they took the first take and went with it.
Get out Costa
I always thought it would have been cool if they added sentry bot power in automation.
Maybe you should try discussing the games rather than just inflammatory shitposting then?

I do hope that image isn't an example of the quality discussion you wish to promote.
>Get fucked mutie scum.

>path to true happiness
unzips dick
Can you find lever action rifles in the wasteland normally or can they only be found far harbor?
They can drop from Legendary enemies in the Commonwealth, but no not normally.
You can find legendary lever action rifles in the Commonwealth. I'm not sure if you can find regular ones or their ammo, though.
Sanctuary is among thte biggest settlements and alos being a sort of island, makes the perfect stronghold.
Have you not seen the size of the far harbor settlements?
Spectacle island with the bridge mod is better, just saying...
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>Start raiding Commonwealth
>go back to Sanctuary
>Preston become hostile

What do? is this a bug?
>Doing the exact thing that is the antithesis of what he believes in
What the fuck did you expect?
Isn't he going to shit talk me but hostile?
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>mfw inserting 4 Fusion Cores into the "spaceship" because I thought it would break otherwise
Well played, Todd.
Early survival mode makes me weep and yet joyous at the same time. It's the best thing to come out of FO4.

>tfw you painstakingly clear the majority of the Corvega factory with only a single Stim needed... and a car behind you is taken out, instantly killing you and erasing nearly an hour of work.

It hurts so good.
>Its not on Nexus anymore because its updates caused CTDs.
>Your thoughts?
>At least it's not raining.
Every companion bitches about the rain, which wouldn't be such a big deal if it wasn't raining 24/7.
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>shovel handle as stock
bethesda stop pls

I cant belive I found someone else who thinks this
Nu-kil-la you ingorant swine
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What is wrong with it?
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Are Flamer and Cryolator decent weapons throughout the game?
Because I'm stuck for 30 minutes now tryign to decide between "elementalist wannabe" and "sneaky breeki Deliverer + Ripper" runs.

Yeah I know this is Fallout 4 we're talking about and I could theoretically pump 10 points into INT then rush my way to level 150 and pick every perk out there with each SPECIAL at 10, with every playstyle at once, but at the beginning I'd rather just pick something and stick to it.
>Arturo comments on the Handmade Rifle, saying it looks outdated
>it's the best weapon in the game

Cryolator is fucking cool and actually pretty good but the ammo is fucking ridiculously expensive.
Flamer would be better if ammo wasn't ridiculously scarce even with scrounger 3.
It's blasphemy
Probably Bethesda being ironic since all the other weapons from from WW1
If you want to level fast just use the copper dupe glitch and build a ton of statues, or if you want to level legit just take the radiant BoS mission that makes you escort a scribe and snipe him from the Prydwen while nobody is watching to fail the mission then collect xp and repeat as much as you want.
just stick to ballistics. A lot of of the special weapons (except for fusion cell weapons) require rare af ammo. You might be able to make it the with craftable ammo mod (citation needed), but without cc and/or a fuckton of caps, it's hard to obtain. Use those weapons sparingly
Nah, I don't really mind normal leveling. It was just a note to peopel who would go "it's fallout 4 your special or build doesn't matter"

Well, I'm going with the railroad anyway, so Deliverer will be my backup.

Also, I have a couple of questions which I always forgot to ask about SPECIAL:
1) Does Agility affect sneak even when I don't invest any poitns into the sneaking perk? Or is its description just saying that the sneaking perk is there?
2) Does luck affect the amount of caps/ammo gathered even without their respective perks being invested in?
From what I've seen, yes, but Sneak is still good for the huge boost to sneaking it gives.

Not sure on that second part.
If I put a splitter on this, would the effect apply per shot or per hit?
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he ain't seen nothing
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>Tfw you already found the spaceship while exploring and thought inserting fusion cores would power the doors so you could loot it or something
>It didn't do anything and I can't take out my cores
>Hours of play time later, decided to help the Hubotologists and their heads just exploded for what appeared to be no reason
I still don't know what would happen when you don't overload the damn thing...
They survive and you get 100 more alien blaster ammo.
I had no idea you could overload it. I just saw 4 holes and thought Bethesda fucked up the quest instruction.
Bethesda played us like damn fools, thinking they fucked up again with their quest info like always
But no, thinking we knew better killed innocent people!
Except this is the raider DLC where being a murderous scumbag is encouraged, so who really won here.
Are you retarded?
>But no, thinking we knew better killed innocent people!

If you've played Fallout 2, or googled scientology, these niggas are not innocent people.
I haven't, but it looks really fun. You should take this to /cfog/ though, since nobody here plays the originals.
The fuck kind of name is "Meav".
>why the fuck does this keep happening every time i enter the bar in far harbor?

Its because you are using a controller and god hates you for that.
>dat face
>one eye on yo dick
>the other eye on tha door
How do I take assets from two mods and combine them into one?

I have New calibers as one set of dependencies, and Project overlord as another.
Is there a way to set all the ammunition to be the same starting point, or do I have to manually edit each time an update comes out?
It's chinese engineering. It's the only one that can't be modded.

It used to be about three times as long. Then I realized how broken a linear laser that long would be. You could basically use it as a sniper rifle and instantly kill anything.

Viridian fate? Hmm, I'll take a look. That's the one that's always looked fine for me.

I already fixed the anchor, cuck.
>this much unwarranted self importance

Alright, viridian fate's cancel timer mode is associated with unequipping the weapon. Sheathing it will still keep the timer going.
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Does it matter what you wear under power armor? If I wear charisma boosting clothes and not say combat armor under the power armor does it change anything?
iirc, normal clothing effects work but layered armor effects don't
>it's a jealous faggots get mad at a poster who actually produces shit
what's next? asking about his blog.
Are there any must-have mods for a tanky melee bruiser type of character? Like, in NV, I remember there was a mod that let you bash locks instead of unlocking them, things like that.
Nah, this isn't Buff. At least Kos actually makes stuff, even if it is pretty shitty. Definitely takes more effort than playing with a babby-tier tool like OS.
Are you aware of what a grade-A butthurt cocksucker you sound like or is it the autism that prevents any degree of self-awareness
>tanky melee bruiser type of character

You will just get rape hard and fast, until you get blitz that is.
This is bullshit, I'm playing a level 60 tanky melee bruiser type of character, and I rape face. One-shotting deathclaws is especially satisfying. That's on Survival.

It's hard for like, the first 15 levels or so, but after that you really come into your own.

People need to stop making statements like this when they should be saying "I got raped hard and fast" or, more simply and to the point, "it was too hard for me".
Stop giving him (You's)

The last time this happened, the spamming posts went, and so did Buff's - it's just Buff trying to stir up sympathy.
So the only way to play the early levels in Survival Mode is to sneak all the name and chip away at enemies' health bars from a distance. Got it.
context on that image?
Looks like Spring Break or Mardi Gras.
Are you saying you've played on one single character for 750 fucking hours without ever starting over?
Not really. You simply must realize that the default Vault Jumpsuit provides 0 resistance against normal attacks, which means everything is going to hurt a lot. However, that doesn't mean there's nothing to be done about it. There are few spots where you can find pieces of armor just laying around free for taking.

For example, there is a suitcase with armor inside near Sanctuary with a scavenger that's shooting bottles nearby, but you can get to it safely. There's another suitcase with a machete on top of it west of Red Rocket in midst of the rocks. You should also be able to get to Robotics disposal ground safely and send the robot to Olivia and loot the dead raiders. Doing this is relatively safe and should give you a set of leather armor which will help a lot against pistols and such.

You should sneak as well, though.
>You should also be able to get to Robotics disposal ground safely and send the robot to Olivia

Wait, what. There's actually more to that robot past clearing the junkyard of mole rats?
>Are you saying you've played on one single character for 750 fucking hours without ever starting over?
I probably re-rolled a couple of times on the first day but yeah it was an original save file. The most recent save file in "My Documents" folder on my C:/ drive but that only has 350 hours or so for some reason. I just thought, might as well start a fresh one in proper Survival mode.

Will miss the console commands though, I remember I had to use it to get through a few bugged quests. Hopefully they're fixed by now.
You can go inside the the building and take a holotape from the terminal. When you activate it near that Sentrybot you can send it various locations to clear them for you. Of course you won't get any experience for Sentrybot's kills but you can get loot safely.
You can "command" it to patrol select, nearby Military Installations and road blocks to wreck shit with the holotape in the computer.
Fuck, I never knew that. Will have to try that next time I go there. Thanks, anon.
You're welcome. You can also command it to self-destruct, but I've never tried it so I don't know if that will happen.
How do you manage to entertain yourself on a 350 hour long save? You can expend the entire game in literally 30 hours or less.
It blows up and you can score a few fusion cores in return. Not worth it though since they're common enough anyway.
On my way now.
I never fast travel, unless it's all the way too far away, then I would use the Institute as a relay and I did up a most of the settlements.

I also just liked roaming around the wasteland.

I would actually have a few more hundred hours in there with unsaved gameplay. Sometimes I would just boot up the game to just go around and wreck shit with my explosive gatling laser but after a while, I just exit the game and go back to shitposting on 4chan.
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Do shrubs and bushes break the AI's line of sight?
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Looks really cool man :D
Only been playing for a week now.
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It's totally anecdotal, but I think they at least improve your stealth a bit. Or at least the shadows they cast do.
I'm pretty sure you can't hide behind one though.

I always wondered how they whole better stealth in the dark think works if you've got shadows disabled.
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Where in the fuck do you find paddle ball string?

I checked Nuka Cade and got 3 for 450 tickets. is that the ONLY place you can find that shit?

Its so ridiculously mundane...I should be able to craft this using rubber.

>finally make a radio mod called "vertibird channel"
>its just Fortunate Son on a loop
The treehouse in the zoo has a big roll of Nuka-cade tickets that gives you like seven hundred tickets or something.
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Seems like it, so far. A Deathclaw just waltz right by of me while I was crouching behind a few.
Console it in. You can only acquire it by getting it at Nuka-Cade. And you have to wait 7 days to get 3 of them. Whoever thought this was a good idea at Bethesda needs to be jettisoned into space.

Jesus fucking christ


Man this isnt even about the tickets, its about how stupidly rare paddle ball string is. The idea of a melee weapon using ammo is dumb enough, but making it this rare is just plain stupid.
Supposedly the bot outside of the spooky manor has 100 strings on it.
How do I make this game more like Skyrim? Skyrim's survival mods made the game so immersive and replayable.
To go anywhere, I had to buy camping gear and supplies like food, water and wood. I could skin animals and make stuff with their hide or chop down trees for fire. I also had to worry about the cold and weather, whether or not it would rain or snow ect.
So far Beth's survival mode is ok,
but going places doesn't feel like
such an event. The weather doesn't matter. There's no weather related survival mod. There's also no good camping/suvival gear mod. Conquest is fun for the settlement founding aspect but the camping is really really lame. And because chesko did it, I doubt anyone is going to try and
make anything better. How do you make this game's survival immersive and fun?
>that pic
>dindu apes all over her boobs

I just started a survival playthrough. Dogmeat truly is the best companion.
The amount of times he's saved me by taking down a charging enemy or pinning them in place for me to shoot. He makes a good change of pace and some unique combat options.

There are rolls all over the place.
But you can get that many tickets in a minute or so doing the shooting gallery if you don't miss. You can win with perfect scores at all the games by taking jet, but the shooting gallery pays the most.

The real problem is getting them to show up in the prize terminal.
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I heard another new line from Piper...and by new I mean old line I probably missed.

Deathclaw clothing and Deathclaw jewelry sounds interesting...what would you even do with their hides? Deathclaw hide belts and boots? Deathclaw bone armor?
>How do you make this game's survival immersive and fun
By being patient and waiting for someone to release a mod that does this. That is unless you're skilled enough yourself, in which case you can be that guy who makes the first proper survival mod for FO4.
Deathclaw anuses for bracelets when?
>The idea of a melee weapon using ammo is dumb enough

I dunno. It makes adding in something like the ballistic fist all that much easier.
So is the modding community dead or juste slow?
Slow. Now that we have semi-conventional AR animations we'll see some more weapons start to show up, and with the last few patches coming out, things will probably start to pick up.

should've been like this by default.
It starts off day because everyone was trying to do everything first, now it's showed down because people are actually trying to figure out the geck. Expect exponential growth shortly after they release a copy that congress with all dlc
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Alright, if there aren't any other complaints, I'll release More Uniques right now.

Last time to try out the test version before it goes live.


Thanks. I dunno if I'll waste an esp slot for that though, I'll probably just console in 1000 of it.
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>yao-gui finger necklace gives 2 strength
>deathclaw anus bracelet gives 20% more unarmed damage
>Not making it a stretchy choker type necklace
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Creation Kit question: when editing condition values in scene actions, is there a way to change the value for multiple conditions? Or do I need to go into every single individual condition and change it by hand?

I have 84 phases with 60 conditions each, which if you do your math is something like 5000 individual edits I have to make. If there's any way to speed that up and save my mouse hand some RSI, well, I'd love to hear it.
I just have a MYrecipes.esp, where I add new, missing, and fixed recipes.

How long will it take for a NMM Downloader to be up? I'm fucking lazy and don't like to manually install mods anymore. I've been following the testing phase pretty closely and I want your goddamn mod.
I dunno, as soon as I write a damned description.
Spooky as hell honestly
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You have a list somewhere that I can find all the new weapons? I'll try and get you some screencaps that don't look like garbage
Shit nevermind, I don't have dlcrobot
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Guess what I'm making /fog/

Giant deathclaw gangbang-my-asshole pit
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Is that a N or a Z?
It's obviously a tie fighter
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Well not JUST deathclaws but once I have the arena settled I'm gonna add a glass wall for my associates to sit and watch.

So far my plan is
>1 deathclaw cage (more as I progress)
>2 yao guai
>3 super mutants
>4 gunners
>5 bugs
>6 raiders
Arrayed around the pit with that new switch from the Vault Tec DLC that turns on/off when shot + a time delay thing that gives me 3 seconds.

>shoot switch, 3 seconds later assholes come out
I wish someone made a mod for more human cages though, like a minuteman cage that requires 5 tatos or a BoS cage that requires 20 fusion cells and a toaster.
Piper's orgy pit
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I don't think I can get enough Disciples together to satisfy Piper though
Can the Brotherhood and the Minuteman become allies or atleast coexist?
Yes, they don't bother each other unless you make them.
Yes easily, there's no real effort to take over the Minutemen except that one asshole who wants their food all the time.

You can do an ending that has 3/4 factions alive and well post game. You go Minutemen, don't do the BoS quest to destroy the Railroad and don't talk to the Railroad after you get ballistic fibre because they're shit anyway.
as other anons have pointed out, you can.

Question is why when they're all shit except for the BoS
Yeah there's not really a point unless it fits your character, Minutemen are the default faction and even if you don't want them you can just kill the settlers and take over the settlement that way anyway.
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Well, it's out, knock yourself out.

Uploading to nexus as we speak.
Unless the BoS starts rounding up suspected synths and other non-humans and execute them or put them into camps or the MM go full RR and prioritize non-human settlements over others simply because they are non-humans i don't see how they'd ever have a problem with eachother.
Just when I was about to abandon this game

Thanks based Kos
Slow. People are still trying to figure out the CK and the game is still updating and cosntantly breaking F4SE.

Assuming you're a pervert, there's at least the good news that the mofo behind Devious Devices for Skyrim is working on a similar mod for Fo4 and has already put out a proof of concept vid.
not vid, mod.

Jesus fuck i really need to proofread my shit when I've just woken up.
Are the weapons all placed around the world, or are some of them on "boss" type enemies?
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>Get a bit lost as a level 6, trying to find solvent
>Fog descends
>'You have now entered Jamaica plain'
>Eventually get out of it at level 13, out of stimpacks, molotovs, grenades, shotgun shells, fusion cells, bullets, flamer fuel
>and it's STILL foggy

I have seen hell, and it was fun
Bit of both. There are maybe half a dozen boss types, but even the bosses are in some interesting locations.

Noice, I'll probably check it out for that more than the weapons themselves. I love finding enemies out of the ordinary, probably why I liked the legendary enemy system.
Tip: if you're using a slow melee weapon in PA, go into thirdperson and you'll be able to swing it MUCH faster without dealing less damage.
I haven't confirmed it but I think every single mele weapon attacks at the same speed in thirdperson PA.
>level 6
>jamaica plain
impressed you even made it that far tbqh lad
unless you're not playing on survival

Admittedly I am cheating a bit by having used live another life to spawn as the pyromaniac (Promaniac perk, flamethrower, shishkebab), but it's taking me places I've never been, so I'm havin fun

they ALREADY explained that it will be "skyrim 2"

which means that we will pick from where skyrim ended, we will deal with the thalmor and start our own revolution against the high elven faggots

also expect valenwood to be more like ESO artworks
I thought I noticed something in Fallout 4, but I want to ask you guys about it to see if I'm just imagining things.

It seems to me that, where ever you go in Fallout 4, it's set up so that there's some weapons lying or hidden around, maybe some armor, and in general some loot that you may or may not be able to use. I'm not sure about anyone else, but the majority of the time, all of this stuff is useless, but the way it's laid out, I can't help but think that everything is set up fairly well for if you wanted to go to an area with a mostly empty inventory. And that strikes me as a bit odd, as, at the core, the game isn't supposed to be about going around empty handed. Am I crazy?
>they ALREADY explained that it will be "skyrim 2"
[citation needed]
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Now its on nexus. Get it while its hot, boys.

>literally the best general-use modding software
>will respond about things that were an issue years ago as if they're relevant now
>doing direct sequels to previous titles
Citation motherfucking needed.
If you want the weapons to take screenshots of just use my test version.

Otherwise, having a list defeats the fun of exploring.
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>the Rodd Howard weapon effect

ok, I chuckled. downloading now.
SO he was joking when he said Skyrim 2 and people that actually believe it are completely retarded?
Did you use the Saturnite texture from New Vegas for that power fist?
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The Saturnite fist? The textures are original, but the color is based on the saturnite texture.
List with locations when
Just looking out for you. Don't want you to get banned.
>Some of the speculations indicate that "The Elder Scrolls 6" will come out during the E3 2016
Jesus Christ, who the fuck writes this shit? I know E3 is already past, but that was clearly an utter fantasy in the first place.
Go find it for yourself. Most of the weapons are in logical and lore friendly locations.


or where a revolutionary war bayonet might be?
Yo, give me a hint in where to start looking for one of the new uniques? I had to re-roll characters after updating some shit so I got nothing unlocked yet.
Are there any items added in locations that can't be accessible based on your faction? IE: Blowing up the Prydwen / Institute?
Which unique are you looking for? Or what kind of character are you playing?

Nope. There's only one item in the institute iirc.
Melee character but I really don't want the anchor so I'm fine with whatever else. Altho that saturnite fist does look tasty, i ain't gettin my hopes up for somethin specific.
Fine, fine
It's almost like you want me to PLAY THE GAME or something, geez

Also did you post pics of 90% of them on Nexus?

guideanon when
not jk guideanon pls
The only real downside is that anything under 100 damage does nothing for me thanks to rocking the DT mod.
They're all useless at level 20.

And I can't leave my power armor as apparently the NPCs get a protection spell, or the guns are that fun.
Damn, I already blew it up :/

I hope it's not the Will-O-Wisp pistol, that looks really fun
Also tell me it's not in that table in the firing range
It's getting crowded there
One of the best new melee uniques is located somewhere in the woods and river around sanctuary. It's simple. It's bland. One might even call it MUNDANE


Nothing in the game has over 100 base damage.The Saturnite fist has pretty similar based damage to the regular power fist.

If you really want something strong, try the super heated version.

That one, well, it's supernatural, right? Where might you find something spooky and mystical?
Automatron should have gotten rid of this retarded 1 follower thing
Any mod that allows more companions without breaking shit?
google it you retard

/fog/ isn't your mod directory
>can't replicate the tactics edgiest edgelord ending with a legion of power armored and killbot followers

and that one follower mod makes them all follow you in single file
>Bethesda is currently porting Skyrim over to Fallout 4's updated engine and will be selling it as an upgraded version.
>The world, scripts and all that jazz would already work on the new engine, meaning Skyrim 2 would require far less work
>Add (parts of) Tamriel to in order to please the fanboys and Oblivionfags
>Casualfags will pre-order, Oblivionfags will buy it for nostalgia, Elder Scroll fags will pirate and buy the ultimate edition on Steam during a sale.
In a way it makes sense, but I doubt Bethesda will make a direct sequel.
TES6 will take place years or decades after Skyrim.
Is there only 1 weapon in the Institute? Just found it. Hoping the note is a clue :-)
>direct sequel
>skyrim 2

thats not how it works
sure we could end up dealing with the thalmor again but not as the dragonborn or anyone associated with them

theres usually a long ass time in the world between games
Then what is it?
Power armor needs to be available in a light, medium, and heavy version. Heavy would be the FO4 frame style with... honestly, we'll just go with your suggestions for limitations plus no sneak.

Medium would be more like it was in previous games (probably scaled down a bit) where it wouldn't be as excessively powerful but this would come with the benefit of either running down a fusion core much more slowly or having an alternate power source that it still easier to work. It also wouldn't be as effective due to the lowered power; more limitations on armor weight, less of a melee bonus, etc.. Essentially the economy version of heavy armor, and would similarly limit usage of weapons.

Light would sacrifice most of the defensive capability (some light plates would be fine; combat armor or similar) but still retain a powered exoskeleton, giving higher speed and a decent bit of protection without the staying power of real powered armor. This would be a bridge between recon armor and powered armor. Stealth shouldn't be impossible with this but should be limited so it wouldn't work at close range.
I thought if you owned TES Skyrim leg edition you get the new one for free on steam?
hi where are the mods
A shitposting forum
They're gone
I'm using a couple of different mods, but yeah pretty much everyone in game is corpse looting the guys who have useful guns, or running in terror as they can't do shit.
Bad but fun roll of the game, very limiting as things go.
Yep, and I guess it might be.
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mfw someone says Strong is worst companion near me
Strong is the perfect Ghoul settlement overseer as he obviously can't live in a human settlement.

loyal and keeps the ghouls in check
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>hates lockpicking
>would probably kill and eat you if you didn't have plot armor
>is mutie scum
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>people actually like Preston better than Strong
Steam users with the legendary edition or regular Skyrim and all DLC's get the remastered version for free, yes. However consolefags will have to buy it at full price and the same goes for Steam users who are missing any of the DLC's. Although I wouldn't be surprised if PC users get a discount if they are missing any of the DLC's.
Because Piper, X6 and Preston exist.
It's an excuse to buy Skyrim on PC so not a bad incentive. And if it turns out that the SE is shit, you still have the original version
I would, and probably will later. I'll send you a mega with white room screenshots and you can pick and choose which ones you like.

Just clean professional showcase style images
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So I installed a lightning ENB and it turned my game into Borderlands. Any idea where I fucked up?
Strong is retard rage 24/7. You have to be a very special person to find that appealing.
Does using VATS with a melee weapon activate Rooted?
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Shouldn't have chosen a muslim pilot.
>Any idea where I fucked up?
you installed an FO4 ENB
Link to enb.

I gotta see what did this to your game, it's sad
Only take him with you if you're about to take a quest that involves clearing an area or kicking the shit out of a bunch of people.
How is it an excuse to buy Skyrim on PC? PC gamers will most likely already own it and consolefags are just going to buy the upgraded version for their PS4/XBONE. Let's face it, the remaster is just a cash grab aimed at casual players who don't know how to mod their games.
wants to get blacked
This one http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16706/?

Also installed vivid weathers (which they recommend in the description) hoping that'd make it look like the screenshots.
All I needed
>implying modders can make skyrim more stable or make it better without losing stability

It's an engine update not just a 2k graphics mod from a website that hates adblock, non left beliefs, and people who don't make them money
Okay I'll give you that.
Well Skyrim with all the DLC comes in a bundle for $40 US on Steam. Those who don't own Skyrim on PC can be enticed to get it for the free SE.

It might be a cash grab for consolefags but PC players who don't own the game and want it get $20 off in purchasing the SE (as it comes free with the original)
8 round 10mm break action revolver when?
Apparently, it does.
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I was on windowed mode guise.

Here's another screen, this time with morning light. Everything looks so sharp it hurts to see.
Reinstall it, follow the installation notes step by step and compare it with the screenshots of said ENB. Unless the ENB was meant to look like shit you messed up somewhere. If you didn't, well you're better off using another ENB like Vogue or Grim Wolf.

Please tell me you're playing on a laptop, because if your rig can't handle 1920x1080 the last thing you should do is waste resources on ENB's.
Is it the Fear No Anvil?
I was hoping for another Fist, I guess I'll just have to "find it in the ruins of the CIT" if you know what I mean
If it had some thicker black borders around the edges i would have said this screen was from borderlands

New Thread

Well, this is awkward...
Looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an l on her forehead
>anon comes here asking for technical help
>/cfog/ probably too busy jerking off about muh NCR or which FNV DLC sucked the most
>"back to your containment board Obsidiot!"

Did you ever stop to think that people like you are the reason /fog/ faggot are seen as autists?
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>explosive gatling laser
>explosive laser

Awesome. I'm legit excited to try the mod. It'll add some freshness to my armory.
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