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Fighting Games General /fgg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 754
Thread images: 143

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better pastebin
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My ______ agrees with this.
What are you looking forward to playing?
kof14 if it comes to pc
Playing fighting games and playing on pc are contradictory fampai

Man up and buy a ps4
I can't play with a pad and I'm not buying and learning to play with a stick
I'm also not paying for online
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Is this "Mai was a man" thing real?

It wouldn't surprise me, I always thought whoever wrote BB's overall story takes too many drugs.
nigga you play on keyboard??
Anything not fighting games.
On the Wiki:
>Gender: Female (originally male)
fuck off idiot, stop making threads early
nope, wrong pastebin
>make early thread
>still use wrong pastebin
it's not much different from a hitbox really
You really need to invest in a ps4 son. Its the only way to go
fuck off kaz
>Playing fighting games and playing on pc are contradictory fampai
How old are you?

Thread was made before.

Who reads or has ever read this pastebin?
People can read it now that it's been updated.
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You are literally cancer.
>decided to play through BB's story and read the manga so I'm ready for BBCF
>actually end up liking the Remix Heart stuff the best

Man, fuck you guys. All the sniffposts must have turned me into a degenerate.
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Hey why was soku removed from the bin? It's more alive than melty and many other games covered in it.
A lot of people spent good time updating it to current gen. Quit being a bitch, you can make another sniff OP whenever. Mai is the superior sniff regardless.

few seconds of Mai footage
Feel free to add it back in.
Not like anyone would notice since nobody ever gave two fucks about that pastebin.
>literally beak driver but now it's a projectile

Mai is old news.
it was made before cause your autistic ass couldn't wait until the old one was at 750
Playing against the CPU alone in your room does not count.
play blazblue
Nobody gives a fuck man.
holy shit... our boy dsp just completely btfo kof's "patched" netcode
Kill yourself
rofl @ the butthurt capcucks who are trying to discredit kof's netcode by pretending they didn't fix the issues

>b-b-but it's almost just as bad as sfv's netcode
>pls believe mee ;___;

dude it's literally because it has mai as the op, no other reason.
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the discord is already a ghost town because the """"""""""""""""patched"""""""""""""" netcode is so garbage
Looks pretty good.
>he literally dwells in discords of games he doesn't play just so he can take a screenshot of people saying something bad about the game
no patch will make yuros with 500 ping playable
>people are still actually playing this party game
2hu autists are nuts
Why do people even lie so hard about the quality of the netcode? CLaiming you can play usa-japan with no lag is just the biggest bullshit ever and I have yet to see an objective comparisson of the netcode like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYCW0Dfixv4
Not an argument.

>guys from the pic are from Illinois and Texas
>still a laggy pos
It's fun and IRC ghettos breed good communities.
shut up loser
>CLaiming you can play usa-japan with no lag is just the biggest bullshit ever
GGPO can actually do that though
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I wrote this pastebin to substitute the melty blood stuff in the FGG pastebin since it's outdated


Please put this new one in the next fgg OP
>mfw me and my friend have been using the old download without the caster for months now

boy do i feel like a big dumb idiot
alexkdash is a known yurop
You can get the caster separately and it will work, it's just that the old DL link has been reported as dead or not working by many people and this DL already has everything anyway

Also the old pastebin still didn't link the discord and had stuff like seemeinmelty which has been dead for a long time
Playable on rare occassions? Yes
No lag? Hahaha a serious of tubes
you're up early
I just played a bunch of sets against europeans in KoF XIV and the connection on all of them was flawless, in one 11-game set I had a hiccup of about 2 seconds at the very beginning of a match.

Where is this "kof netcode is bad" meme coming from?
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>/r/ Kappa wins tournaments with their players who play Rashid
>/fgg/ gets btfo by random Nigerians
>against europeans
I like to meme that uk >eu too but come on man.
maybe it has something to do with the fact that the fgg players are just guys that browse this thread and /r/kappa is paying pro jappos to fly out while they wear /r/kappa t-shirts
really makes you think...
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lmao? sf5cucks c/d
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These are the people shit talking games
Who should I start out with if I want to learn KOF?
I wish Akiha was my sister...
Older or younger?
>always put 4r as default
Nigga what the fuck are you doing
Rather have 3r 1d as default and then add more delay as needed, it irons out hiccups much better.
Those are just guidelines for people who never used rollback before and don't know what the numbers mean, personally I always play 4r 0d up to 4 initial delay and... Well, actually I don't play at all if initial delay is above 4. But as I said you can adjust it, 1d 4r works too, everyone has their preferences.
>Still using the same old as fuck sprites
Uhh, amane is from last game
they realize that more than 60fps will.. you know what im not biting

Mai on /blaz/

Mai on /fgg/

it's over

Mori won, he successfully indoctrinated weebs with trans acceptance
What are the clickiest buttons I can get? I'm not a fan of the super sensitive, mushy feeling of whatever is on my rap4.
>I'm not biting, he says with his mouth full
I wonder what happens if you try to play the game with unlocked framerate online
Weebs love trans, traps and genderbend since years.
Bridget, Amane and Poison aren't an accident.
>Poison is a guy
when will this meme end
Poison was literally designed as a NEWHALF
>want to get good at 3s
>also want get good at sfv

oh jeez, i think i should stick to one

gimme 20 dollars for wifin in the club
>google+ profile pic is r. mika in a suggestive pose

"take my opinion seriously" this pic says to me
How can I be /pol/ when im the poisonfag
Reminder https://youtu.be/3Lj-9npanOI
Happy Labor Day bros
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I'm putting my waifu on my stick once I find a scalpel to cut it down.
Everyone understands why and how capcom shuffled the SF2 bosses names around in the west but why are half of Darkstalkers characters name different ?
our boy ISDD is streaming
They are?
>watching shitdadady when our boy jiyuna is streaming
Is your life really so empty that you organize it around watching a chav sucking at an ea scam?
should you turn off Vsync in SFV by editing config files? anyone here done that?
Rikuo is Aulbath in japan, BB Hood is Bulleta, Talbain is Gallon, Hsien-ko is Lei Lei, Lord Raptor is Zabel.
what game do you play
don't reply to isdd posters or rashid players
The nontroversy is literally the only remarkable thing about this bland character, so probably never.
see >>153923163 and back to >>>/v/
>see video by random youtube guy rather instead of words from the creators mouth
Yeah nah
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The video is literally a bunch of sources much more credible tha some random twits though
What do I do against a pressure heavy Millia as Bedman?
wow zhi is a real creeper
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But what he said is they were made into newhalves.

>So we came up with the idea that they're newhalves

That is as direct as you can be on the matter
>evidence of Poison being female

Capcom deciding to leave it up to a fan poll that decided she's female. let it go
>this denial
dying here
>some autist made this image

lmao who even cares about the gender of a fictional character
need to call a doctor?
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>ken's air tatsu hitbox

Why is this okay?
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>100% of the blazblue posts are waifufaggotry
>constant mai spam even though she's the least interesting waifu
why would I bother
it also has random frame advantage after landing lmao
I did once. The gay squirrel was fun to play. Might pick up CF.
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>w-who cares...
Looks neat, people usually clutter their stick art with random shit instead of keeping it minimalistic.
Everyone here has a penis, what's one more going to hurt?
>creating anything
His Air tatsu isn't even SF4 tier, who cares if its a bit harder to antiair
How can I find nudes of this smug sexy?
it's an edit, she's not even smug
Donte was always so fucking edgy.
I for one welcome our titty men overlords
cause sf5 has worse anti airs than 4 unless you're lucky to have a good aa jab in which case you still shouldn't even try to aa it

are you retarded
Who are you playing that has that shitty of an antiair?
Vega sucks at anti-airing when people jump at him from up-close.
plenty of characters have bad anti airs but even the best aas in the game shouldn't even be trying according to daigo

Is a grappler a zoner since they constantly try to put you into a space that'd benefit them?
Vega i can understand if you are close, i would still try to antiair throw just to see if it works

>not making up your own opinion
You should still try no matter what
why would I try when the risk is getting 400 damage in your face

I guess /fgg/ silver superstars know better than daigo
>400 from air tatsu
Ken can barely confirm on the ground from an air tatsu and in the air he has to be pretty fast to confirm into DP, you are giving online people too much credit i think
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first for give Josie Bruce b2!

reminder to play ttt2 to get ready for t7!
yeah, who are the people who actually care about this?
she's not real nigger, the difference between poison having a dick or not or being whatever gender is a matter of somebody making this shit up
again, who cares
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Will Tekken 7 be cross platform? Or am I cucked into buying a ps4 for it?
You know what? I love Tekken!
you don't backpedal by saying who cares after getting btfo
and if that wasn't you then why say anything in the first place you fat sperg
Tekken + Smash is all we need, right bros?
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t. chris t
No rashid no buy
its going to suck with akuma desu
you confuse me with that other guy, asking who cares was my first post in this 'discussion', because i dont fucking understand what people occupie themselves with this shit
t. guy posting on an anime image board i guess
Bewteen xb1 and pc yeah. Sony is acting pissy and their cancer kid fans want to stay alone.
h-hey can I join the kusoge tournament if I'm from northern europe, or will you guys hate me ?
are you that microsoft employee triggered by sfv? ki is shit btw
>everyone whho doesn't worship capcom is a shill
Consult your doctor.
No offense but I already hate you, north euros, spaniards/italians, turks/greeks are always laggy pieces of shit. I wonder if you get executed for not using wifi in those countries.
But scandis have great internet
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Fucking shoutout to whoever told me about that Tekken 6 psp mod. I've never played Tekken in my life and I'm already learning some cool shit before Tekken 7's release.

Just need to get good at Korean Backdashing with backsway, hard as fuck
put amane in sfv
>not worshiping capcom means shitposting about games you dont play everyday
so its you, what goes around comes around dood
>an 18 year old just won a major with a """"shit tier"""" character
what's your excuse /fgg/?
That's not my experience and I saw other people complaining about it, ask broski or people who fight phenom online
whats yours
someone play me in games. fuck
Anyone trying to help me learn Mika
East Coast. And yes I want to learn a annoying char
that's sf5's netcode though
sounds about right
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N-no... Delete this! They were lagging not me!!
The double fight money weekend was pointless.
>mattering for online play
it was almost like a metaphor for SFV itself
really makes you think
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Every little bit counts. Gotta get those colours.
playing sfv is pointless
When I mean help I mean play some sets
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i-it's not sf5! i-it's your shit internet that's c-causing the rollback!

Yeah, no. How about adressing the real issues, capcom? Like how some people literally can't play the game without having constant one sided rollback?
download and upload speed don't matter for fighting games the important thing is how much jitter is occurring.
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Virtually no jitter whatsoever
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someone games for sfv, 3s, melty or kof14~
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i-it's not sf5 g-guys i swear
It was laggy in USF4 too with north euros.
playing your favorite fighting game is pointless
>pingtest for p2p online
How do I get into KOF? How do I even pick 3 characters?
WAY more relevant than a fucking speedtest.
Are you retarded
lmaoooo you can have good pingtest to a dedicated server next to you and shit routing/ping to some dude in another country it's absolutely irrelevant because of the nature of p2p
Pick 3 characters that look cool/interesting?
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No shit Sherlock, you test your ping with a server to see if it's stable or if your connection is shit

Of course you can't play with Pakistan even if your connection is good, but if it's not even stable by itself you wont play well with anyone
they all look like shit lmaooooooooooo
i'm not even talking about a dude in pakistan if you have good ping to a dedicated server next to you it doesn't mean you'll get a good connection to some guy with wifi or a shit routing even in your country hahah you guys are clueless
Why is it always the derpest posters of the day that think they're smarter than everyone else...
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SFV made me hate Ryu and Chun like never before.

Also parries in SFV feel so anti-hype. I guess it's because they are very easy to pull out and they don't feel like those high execution for high reward tools like you would expect.
why u runnin brick? we still have a ft100000 with +100ms pending
I'm not home and I won't be for at least 2 or 3 hours
but you're the one who is wrong anon, good connection on pingtest doesn't mean much for p2p, you can have shit routing to x isp/country or packet loss at prime time that is not visible in a random pingtest

this is partly why shit like wtfast exist, those guys have good pingtest but not to certain servers or countries
I like Mian, Kula, and Shun'Ei. How fucked am I?
I barely run into chuns online which is weird considering her tier.
thats because you're not plat. all chuns are stuck in plat forever
Kula is fine, Mian is a dimb meme divekick character though and probably a bad choice for a beginner since you can just divekick other new players to death without learning KoF
How is it hard

If you have a million ping to servers near you there's something wrong

If you have lots of jitter there's something wrong

If you have low jitter and acceptable ping to servers near you then your connection is fine

This does not mean you can play well with people on the other side of the world and bad routing may still fuck you over a bit but it's a pretty good test to know if your connection is fucked up or not

Never played main or shun'ei cause I don't have xiv, Kula should be fine. Main seems a bit of a meme character, or at least she will support that if you're just starting but if you use your brain anything can be fine.

Just play them and see for yourself.
Would it be safe to replace Mian with King, then?
what is the team that vicio wants to play? Leona, Mature, Angel? that sounds good but does Leona have any weird charge partition stuff?

guy who won absolute battle
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>playing Wolfkrone in ranked
>bodies me 2-0
>game automatches with him again
>I win the first game
>he immediately doesn't rematch me
I can see why this guy is ranked #7 if he spends all his time dodging lmfao
>implying i want to play someone who has nothing to lose and just randomned me out of a game
how many points did he win when playing against you and how many did he lose when he lost?
Just as a note you can play any three characters you want, team synergy doesn't exist in the traditional sense of team-based games in KoF beyond placing characters based off of meter usage
He won 10 pts each game and I can't remember how much he exactly lost, but I gained 195.
did you ignore my point? you can have good pingtest and a get a shit connection to another person who also has a good pingtest to his local server, on top of that connection stability at x time doesn't mean it's always stable lmfao
>sfv is so dead that even anonidoges get matched up with the top esports personalities every day
point system encourages dodging if that's the case
so you cant figure out why he doesnt want to play you again?
He was also a legitimate ragequitter until they implemented the new anti RQ stuff.
You think that's a good connection?

I get 300/20 in France and it's not even the best offer on the market. When I play with East Coast people, I have no connection issues granted they're not poorfags and with West people I get roughly 100ping which is annoying I'll give you that, but that's solved with lv 4/5 connection setting.

I don't know what Americans are complaining about, they have shit tier internet, they're third world in that regard and it will never change due to the policies surrounding access to internet.
is juicebox on the spectrum? the way he gets pissed at losing and the way he acts in general seems like it. just seems like something's off
is this trillhouse???
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is that bb's own shen woo
Le juicebox dance face
Reminder that if you're Spanish, Portuguese, or Italian dont ever play fighting games online

Just dont do it, its miserable for everyone who isnt
>playing SFV online for points and not to git gud
This is why Wolfkrone is a shitter.
what about argentinian
This might be the first time I've seen BB gameplay here.Too much sniffposters I guess.
>lose some points
>have to play platinum mouthbreathers again fuck off
There's a guy that posts Jourdal videos everyday
I ain't Italian but i live in Italy, surely i can get a good connection?
played one yesterday on FC. was quite laggy.
I don't think I've ever had a good match with italians, spics or portugeese and french connections are dodgy as fuck half the time as well
just try pingtest if it's under 70ms you good LMAO
Ill keep that in mind.
I will play online and there isnt anything you can do to stop me
that was a joke
Which is worse /fgg/?
>combo breakers that do damage and can kill
>guard cancels that do damage and can kill
joke less. I don't net shit well.
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How do I play Necalli? Are all his bnb's pretty much tied to his one charge move? I'm a silver shitter that has been catered by shotos all my life. Pls send help.
>Momochi calls choco "choco-san" in the house
Set ups
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>You will never get a girlfriend like Nadeshko
Why live?
SF5 eu anyone?
>le offtopic shit and post vidya in spoilers
Kill yourself or stay in /v/.
And 3dpd too, as expected of SFV players
nice meme
Combo breakers
>/vg/ user tells the off topic waifuposter to stay on /v/
why are you here if you dislike this place so much
He was turned into a girl by some black magic
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to talk about fighting games
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I don't get this meme. How are Kermit and Guilty Gear related?
Why is Mian such a cute meme?
it's some forced discord meme
Is the ocean wet?
Guilty Gear is shit lmaoooo
somebody just tell me who to play in sfv
otherwise ill get frustrated and quit within the week
>Stuck on shit laptop
>Want to learn fighting games
>Brought FightCade and PS3 controller but not enjoying 3rd Strike much
>See Guilty Gear X2 #Reload is on sale on GOG and gets high reviews

Worth buying?
You are going to quit regardless
shy girls are best
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>Guilty Gear has a beautiful and clear art direction so you can always tell what's happening.

Ayy lmao. Why are anime fighter cucks so desperate to shill their bullshit?

If it wasn't for the health bars in this pic you wouldn't even know who was on the field.
What specifically are you struggling with and we can recommend a character who can help?

"just pick for me" with no info on what you like then I'd recommend Chun or Ryu since they are the best characters in the game
Pretty sure you can still play reload for free, though I'm not sure anyone plays it anymore

You can try other fightcade games if you don't like 3S

There's also melty which is free and toaster friendly
Get Guilty Gear Accent Core +R if you can. That's the epitome of Guilty Gear games.
I would
That's a bandit bringer and I-no's super
3S NA anyone?
But if I'm playing I already know
whats your point
Do people really say this? The game only really makes sense or looks good in screen shots to me.
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Mai is a biological woman.
My point is don't shill your half-assed excuse to the game to the public and then wonder why no one buys it anyway when shit like that screenshot even exist.
west coast?
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so will that kusoge tournament be a thing or not?

play vsav
>learned modesty
fc e-bleezy
Sol doing a Bandit Bringer to go over I-No's projectile super wow so confusing
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Seeing the character learn to cover up her chest is nice.
kof14 is getting pretty popular!
good, I hope its more popular than sfV
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A month passed. Is now a Juni thread.
>You can try other fightcade games if you don't like 3S
It's tough because I'm not even sure what exactly is making 3S an unpleasant experience. Like I was playing Skullgirls and had to stop because it kept randomly crashing my laptop but even when I was just practicing that was a lot of fun because it was so satisfying to struggle with a combo and then finally pull it off and string it into something longer. With 3S I picked up Yun because I wanted someone fast but I just keep going back to LP > LK > MP + the lunging punch or his antiair kick or whatever and it just feels like I'm barely doing anything. I dunno. Maybe it's just that I don't know shit about the game or maybe I'm just playing him wrong or something.
we dont like may here

we like jam!!!!
im xX_Coffee_Xx
Im not that good tho
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me neither, p sure i played you before and you rekt me
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Is this right?
It sounds like you would enjoy gg but as I said I don't know if anyone plays reload anymore. Melty too and that has players. If you want to keep it on fightcade, try kof 2002. Maybe vsav but I don't know much about that game.

There's efz too but that's not exactly the most alive game.

I tried getting into Blazblue but I honestly can't. I don't like any of the character personally and none of their play styles seem to be as fun as May or Ky.
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>Most characters are based around pressure on wake up
>More fundamentals based
And by the way, sf is not really a combo game but yum has genei jin and he can spam it in 3s, so he seems like a character you'd enjoy

Or you can try urien and learn all his setups and shit.
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xrd May is so fucking weak
They kicked silentone out of the discord? He was one of the few cool people he never even talked shit what the hell guys?
I'll check out GG for sure, then. If not the one on GOG then some of the newer ones. What exactly makes it different from other fighting games? I've heard long combos and being really hard but nothing specific.

vsav sounds fun based on what I'm reading after >>153934837 recced it but I dunno how active it is. Will check out either way. Same with KOF.

Will think about this too. I dunno if it was even really the combos that were getting me about Skullgirls because I'm coming off of SSBM so I certainly haven't been big on longer combos in the past. Maybe I'm just playing him wrong and not aggressively enough.
link to discord?
I hope Cummy Viper cums back in SFV

Don't talk shit about My Daugh
the circlejerk is turning inwards and attacking their own
Let's try that again without my internet lagging.

Don't talk shit about My Daughterfu fagboi.
She is not only viable but FUN
What did silentone do?
no one cares about your waifu but you, fuck off please

No u.
>every single May gets quickly wiped in every tournament

she actually is
when's skullgirls
Well GG doesn't have super long combos usually, it kind of depends on the character though. Moving around and knowledge and when / how to convert into damage is the "hard part" also some characters have hard inputs or weird gimmicks that make them require some thought to play (zato is arguably one of the hardest fighting game characters in any game)

I think you'll enjoy 3S yun or urien though like someone already mentioned
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Just between you and me anon.
I agree that she needs some sort of buff or rebalance. But
We have a different? Give info
Awww, ran out of pictures already.

I'll be back again one day.
go and stay go
blazblue is better but may is a miracle
I don't use May, but I think she's got one of the best character designs ever
I'll be back for you bae.
>ran out
thank fuck
>chick with a giant anchor
>best character design
>american in cowboy hat, dustr and BIG KATANA
>Rock chick with guitar
>emo with pool cue
>Classy gentleman with monoclue and cigar
>literally demon
like 90% of gg characters are shit
ebil reductios
Us ea ufc allowed to be discussed here?
>Loli Chun-Li
Post the May webm, you know that one.
It's that time of the day

Is Izayoi low damage? She's doing a lot of hits for very little damage.
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anyone sfv/kofxiv eu?
Welcome to anime, combos are long so damage has to be low.
>Activates OD at the beginning of the match to build GA meter instantly
I never considered that would be a viable strategy but is it worth losing your burst?
>50 characters
>everyone has K' and/or Geese somewhere on their team
Welp, that sucks.
Nobody here plays bb

geese isnt even that good, he's just a popular character
She's a high mobility mix up character.
i cant wait to hear kunziteo forever and ever
BB is all about (re)set ups. You might as well not bother learning full combos.
why would you even post if you have nothing to contribute lmao

b-b-b-but this picture of one frame means gg's art style is confusing!!
She can open opponents up alot easier, so her damage has to be lower to compensate.

He's referring to how Izayoi doesn't do as much damage as the rest of the cast in her combos, which is true even when optimized.
gg is nothing like that unless you play millia or chipp
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Newfag here. Just learned this combo. Will this work on everybody?
end of the month, like every other fucking dlc character before
stupid sfvdiapers
Maybe if they can't block.
That's one of his bnbs so it should work on everyone except pot
casual anime 50%+ combos
you dont know about xrd's dumbass HP bars
i do
that's not really 50%, xrd has a bad case of guts so that's more like 35%
I've always used K', I don't give a fuck
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>Love Heart player is completely lost as soon as you show that you know that hp slash second hit is an overhead and block properly

This is hot
>fw you beat a braindead 50/50 millia shitter with pure fundamentals

Best feeling, fuck retards who use that character. Can't even play unless they get a knockdown.
I mean the millia is playing gg.. that's like complaining about wake up jab in sfv
Lol ibuki and rog came out the first week of July lol
july 1st, probably cause they didn't release them in time cause they're incompetent fucks
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Those were the "May" characters.

why u keep dodgin my requests
>there are people that think anime has no footsies
>Cute pirate girl
>big anchor for a weapon

Yeah. Sticks with a theme while being pretty creative and unique with that theme. That's good character design.
Sorry she doesn't have enough belts for you.
Yeah, had to change the end of the combo to GF->6P->6HS->Vviper on PO, jd wont connect.
if people are teleporting around and i can't see where they're going, is it because of the game? or because the other guy has shit internet?

im wired, so i don't think i should be the problem
Theyre move too fast for you, grandpa.
learn sfv fundamentals bro
When shit like this is considered a simple combo its no surprise no one plays it
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What game?
also keep in mind that how combos work depends on how many hits were before that as well, if the starter of the combo was something else then you might have to change it up a bit or end it early (because of proration, which basically means the enemy can tech out of your combo earlier the longer the combo continues)

whenever i go online to try to play, seems like the internet is complete shit. i got a better connection with some guy from switzerland than someone from the US
holy shit.. our boy dsp just btfo kof xiv's """"""""patched"""""" netcode
SFV Vega is so braindead.
truly our boy
>the KoF discord is already dead
what requests
Try doing a ping, and then a traceroute to
dont do that this deletes system32

been asking for kofxiv matches every day since launch, usually multiple times per thread

why you aint playin me
telnet 31337

real talk google dns is a godsend for troubleshooting
It's a dustloop which isn't that simple and it's also in the corner off a not particuarly fast starter (j.Dust). Also Xrd health bars are wonky since at half health damage gets reduced based on the character, so the damage on that combo isn't as high as it seems.
oh right I thought you meant you had been asking me specifically

its because the times you're around on weekdays are also the time the TVs being used at mine
really all I can do is hope I get my phd place so I can be moved back out on my own by next month
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i just want to play kofxiv
take antidepressants
can you teach me how to program
also I would say see me in a long set this weekend but on friday I go on holiday for a week so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I just want to play melty, kof 2002/2002UM, XRD PC or USF4, but we can't all have what we want
i wish blazblue was good

someone tell mori to stop changing mechanics and character moves and instead just tweak the balance every year
We could always just go back and stick to the best version (CT)
what have you done with our boy silent
there hasnt been any news of fggvo picking back up so there's this instead
BlazBlue improves practically every iteration. The new mechanics fit well into the game. Would rather have it actually continue like this than just stay the same for no actual reason when improvements to the system can be made.
Haha sucks to be you CF will be my first BlazBabby
Guilty Gear went through the same phases in its initial development.its very different today from what it initially was. I dont think BB has found its XX though although CP is probably pretty close as CF really isn't that different from it.
>/fgg/ - technology and job advice
Fuck off to discord and /r9k/.
look at this angry virgin
What character can I mash with and win in 2k2?
Choi, Billy
>sperging this hard over maybe 5 posts of offtopic discussion

Any pica of Mai having confusing thoughts about men.
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>most characters get more boring every iteration
Adding random universal mechanics =/= improving

Played every BB at my locals since CT but the scene completely died during CP and half the players aren't excited about CF at all
literally among the least braindead characters in the game
you're talking SFV, the most braindead fighting game to exist
>t. Vega player
Go sit at a distance and gorilla some more
more boring how everyone still seems pretty interesting
Characters are gaining options though.
is ryu's st mk good? thanks
mm yes slides that are punishable at max distance, so gorilla
It's amazing how they made him even more braindead in 5 like they needed to step up retard factor from 4.
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What "random" mechanics are you talking about? Changing Gold Burst into something actually useful and less shit? Removing the shitty mechanics from CT? Speeding up the game so it doesn't feel as clunky? Making the combo timer less lengthy? Making OD into a defensive tool through ODR to keep pressure from being mindless? EA to make ODR into something that they have to respect more? Adding AF to compliment said option to keep it from carrying as much risk?

Getting more defensive options and actually being tame with combo length is very positive. Being too offensively geared and not giving players options to deal with said offense is retarded. While anime games are standard to have rather long combo length often, making it more tame is a good thing since it was terrible prior to it.

Don't go calling things "random" just because you didn't actually bother thinking about why it's there. The only real "random" mechanic is Crush Trigger, since it doesn't really influence the game to any major degree.
>take away options
>replace them with new shitty ones
>ch-characters are gaining options
Is BB shilling time
why did you delete
why have fireballs? i don't get why fighting games need projectiles...
>take away options
What non-shit options were removed?

What new mechanics is it that you consider "shitty"?
Thanks for proving my point
CT just means Calamity Trigger
play tekken senpai
don't listen to him, he doesn't even play BB
I think Blazblue improves itself drastically. I really hope CF will be good.
By options i'm refering to character specifics

>Crush trigger = Calamity trigger
Holy shit, the 15 /blaz/ autists are quite something
jinpachi, devil jin, akuma
Thanks for the tip, mate. Have a nice day :)
people have tastes
>I dont think BB has found its XX though although CP is probably pretty close as CF really isn't that different from it.

I'll disagree, I felt CS was the best. Most characters felt fairly evenly balanced and the mechanics were complex without being overwhelming. CP felt like the AC of BlazBlue, where they changed stuff for the sake of changing it and messed it up. It wasn't godawful, but CS was still better
I know what Crush Trigger is but in >>153945583 He used CT = Calamity Trigger
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Jinpachi is not in 7, Devil Jin laser is just a taunt, just duck or sidestep and there are many ways to avoid Akuma.
If Blazblue is so good why does it not have Elphelt
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>if the starter of the combo was something else then you might have to change it up a bit or end it early (because of proration, which basically means the enemy can tech out of your combo earlier the longer the combo continues)

Really? I never knew that. I thought proration was just damage scaling
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>blaming the game because you can't understand acronyms or memorize basic mechanics.
Overdrive has startup-invincibility and can act as an easy-execution version of RC through the temporary timestop upon activation. It also puts you in a temporary "super" state where your specials have additional effects. In terms of how it plays out in an actual match, Overdrive contributes far more interesting interactions between players and characters than Gold Burst ever did.

Ovedrive Raid is when you're in blockstun and activate Overdrive to make them be stuck in the move animation so you can punish their pressure.

Exceed Accel is just a reversal that consumes your Overdrive gauge.

Active Flow is the opposite of Negative Penalty. If you're playing offensively enough in a match, then you gain Active Flow. This buffs your damage by 10% while you're in that state. Also, it makes your Burst gauge regain quicker so that Overdrive will have a larger impact on matches since you'll have access to it more frequently. If you're in Active Flow and activate Exceed Acce

Crush Trigger is just a 25% meter guard break with relatively long startup. It doesn't guard break if the opponent Barrier's anyway though. It can also be used in certain combo routes for additional damage.

What character specific options are you referring to?
I am so fucking sick of every retard mashing dp whenever where ever just because they can. I absolutely hate this mindgame of no wrth that is going on in 2d fighting games.
Give me tekken 7 already and I destroy each of those mashing retards.
>not ramlethal master race
begone pls
Youre just bad. Good player will bait dp and punish it.
are they still progressively nerfing carl's doll in every iteration?
This guy has some fine taste
What's up with the ranking system in SFV? I just reached 1500 LP, about where I belong right now. I found a match 1000 LP above me and beat him handily.
Proration is the damage scaling.

What he meant is hitstun decay, which GG also has.
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anyone kofxiv eu?
No, Carl is the strongest character in CF.
You mean Jam?
I don't get what is so hard about waiting for them to dp and then punish. Is there something i am missing?
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It has a better Elphelt.
wtf I love ram now
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>at locals
>guy asks me why I don't have a ps4 with an incredulous look on his face
>says games like FFXV and Persona 5 make it worth it aside from kof

>mfw people are still playing games at less than 1080p60fps in TYOOL

Sonyponies just love to suck corporate dick, don't they? I'll wait until KoF 14 is out on PC and at a heavily discounted price before I buy. Since SNK is making me wait for the port then they will only get a fraction of my money
I know they would but I don't can or want to learn this whatever twisted psycho mind you need for that. There is no reason to have such shit on all moves except for nostalgia from the genre starter.
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Ramlethal is the most boring archetype

lol just lol

lmao just lmao
You mean best character in the game Carl?
Ah ok, I hear you. Thanks for the clarification
welcome to getting memed on rank 1 players
You can play Rachel with Elphelts colors?
Top tier fetish.
>Ramlethal WAS the most boring archetype

Character development is your friend
For a while there they seemed to have this idea that making the doll worse and solo Carl better was somehow a good thing to do.
you're not wrong at all since i completely dropped BB when CP came out.

That's a nice useless wot.
And funny how you think you can lecture me about how Makoto, Litchi and Tager aren't incredibly boring in CP and look even worse in CF. Your reply is going to be something like
>anime_smug + "b-but muh balance"
Isn't CP the first time Tager is actually good
>Tager boring I'm CP
That was one of the few times he was allowed to be good.
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Shut your dumb ass up if you're going to talk about shit you literally don't know.

Yes. He even won the AnimEVO and tore through japanese players.
At least try to be less predictable. Being good =/= being fun
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*chucks ex earring bombs at u*
Okay, why isn't he fun? What made him fun in previous versions?
*throws sickle at u*
she'll be able to move again next thread
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>nullifies it with mamahaha

Kebabs are delicious. What's the problem?
What are you even talking about that doesn't make Tager? He actually get to utilize his intended character mechanics to a higher degree than before, and in CF it's the same. Fuck, claiming Tager was more "fun" before would need some serious fucking backing to a statement that retarded, because his magnetism actually means something now.
this p much.

i don't know why anyone would want to buy a ps4 when you could buy a pc with a good video card and triple monitor that shit.

the ONLY defense i could see for owning a console is if you have lots of kids and even then, it's only because i'd be too lazy to play tech support.
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>implying I'm not using both
Relative newbie to fightan here. What are some games on Fightcade worth getting into? I've played
>SFV (the only one I'm playing right now)
Do you want fighting game characters to just be regular people? You seem to have no taste.
I wanna see a pic of Naoruru being restrained in tears as she watches mamahaha turned into KFC.
Regular people can be cool.
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>It's a "you beat someone with his own main" episode
Fun is subjective. I would think for a Tager player being able to utilize all his stuff while not being gimped might be considered fun by them.
Any good fightan channels? I like watching tourneys and shit.
Depends on the game
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By definition "regular" cannot be "cool". The concept of "cool" is to be outstanding in a way that "regular" isn't. Once "regular" becomes "cool", is ceases to be regular, you can understand that concept, can't you?
Why are you asking us? Find one that looks fun and try it out.
witch game?
teamspooky if you dont know already

tekken has greenarcade and taktak channels

japanese stuff topanga. idk about anime games.
for animu games I'd recommend the animevo and ceotaku VODs
game looks gay as fuck
the funny hting is this game actually looks pretty good and it will come with ggpo which means it's already more advanced than any japanese fighting game.

it's too bad that the game is about horses.
why not just play KI then
Actually it's about quadrupeds
i didn't, janitors must be fucking retarded or something
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hey jannies don't delete shit that doesnt need to get deleted

It's that time again, /fgg/. Time to play a bunch of dead kusoges and watch as people gloat because they're the only people that still play that dead game.

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
Vampire Saviour
Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
Ultra Street Fighter 4 (PC)
Street Fighter 5
King of Fighters '02
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
King of Fighters '98

>Points System
This time we'll be assigning a point value to the top 8 finishers in each tournament. The player with the most points at the end of the series will be declared Kusoge King.

1st - 32 points
2nd - 16 points
3rd - 8 points
4th - 4 points
5th/6th - 2 points
7th/8th - 1 point

The man with the most points will be allowed to ban 1 game from the next season's lineup.

September 16th @8:00 PM EST - SF3: Third Strike - http://challonge.com/kusogeking3s
September 30th @8:00 PM EST - Vampire Saviour
October 14th @8:00 PM EST - King of Fighters '02
October 28th @8:00 PM EST - Ultra Street Fighter 4
November 11th @8:00 PM EST - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
November 25th @8:00 PM EST - King of Fighters '98
December 9th @8:00 PM EST - Street Fighter 5
December 16th @8:00 PM EST - Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (one week earlier because holidays)

-All games best of 3.
-Grand finals best of 5.
-If connection is unplayable attempt to fix it however you can. If it remains unplayable one player may forfeit or you may attempt to play it out.
-Check-in time is 1 hour prior to tournament start. Bracket will be shuffled at start time.
-In the event of a controller malfunction or any other event that disrupts the match the responsible player must forfeit the round. If no player can be determined at fault replay the set with the score before the malfunction.

If there's anything you think I missed let me know.
>anime combos
why not
does sfv have character specific combos
Will people really not play me if I main Petshop?
Only Oleander and Tianhuo could count as horses.
where is neo turf masters?
arguing semantics doesn't help when the game was originally based off of my little pony
>fighting Gief
>controls space in front of him by beating everything with cr.lp
>get anti-aired when you jump at him
How is he bad again?
i'm pretty sure i'm the best chun li here
Not arguing just stating a fact. There aren't any actual horses in the game. Oleander is unicorn, and Tianhuo is some Chinese dragon horse hybrid.
it's not like I wanted to participate or anything
It looks ok but kinda bland.
post cfn
fatfeels probably will because no one else will play that piece of shit game with him
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I need you Akiha
I'm going to be playing some guilty gear revelator with friends this week, I've literally played the game once for about 2 hours and played as Elphelt.

Anyone have some easy combos I can memorise and a general description of how you're supposed to play her well? I know how Roman cancels work but basically nothing else and really want to not get bodied.
anybody 3s im not very good east coast
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whip out that shotgun and unga bunga
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>street fighter will never be this exciting, fun, and just plain good ever again
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i'd play u if u can at least do his icicle unblockables
Try to make stray hits lead into knockdown, and then abuse YRC to try and make your approach after that ambiguous. You're not getting any further than that in Revelator with no practice.
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i miss it too friend
why do you like jojos so much
Does anyone want to play me in fighting games

I would really appreciate it if you responded

see me in bbcpe
what fighting games senpai?
fc name?
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Buy it to me and I will

melty blood
kof 2002/2002UM
Who is the Lars of SF? I mean in terms of personality?
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Nice dodge
Thankyou, I'll shotgun oonga into knockdown YRC boonga.
With each iteration of Blazblue the fighting mechanics get better/deeper while the story just gets more convoluted and shitty.

>Mori says CF will be the last chapter of Ragna's protagonist story.
What's funny to me about this statement is taht it implies CP was at any extent about Ragna at all considering he was forcefully shoved into background character levels of involvement so he could show off Celica and Kagura until eventually he had to use a Dues Ex to end the arcs he needed to end in that game.

Fuck, even Rachel sufficiently suffered character degradation and OOC moments.
this webm is fucking retarded
>don't ever dare to attack or you'll eat your own shit
scvi when?

also that nigga from the witcher series would be a perfect guest character
universal parry was an even bigger mistake than focus attack
whats the ideal outcome in a match like that? not attack at all?
Someone play games with me

anything in fightcade, melty, sfv or kof14
Try and bait the parry then throw them I presume
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Who's the Roadhog of fighting games?
Playing a better game
the os covers that
Oh right
Just cry then I guess
09er here

best way to practice the little hop in KoF?

is it worth learning all the hops and their uses?
being able to do all the different types of jump and knowing when to use them is super important in KoF

If you're having trouble doing hops, try doing them as an inverse super jump (i.e. hit down as soon as you hit up)
its kind of frustrating when you shitpost that is also sort of the best answer if you dont want to deal with
I guess that really is sf3's fatal flaw is the parry being its greatest strength but also is greatest flaw
wow the PC has no fucking games

99% of all the good games are exclusive to consoles

PCfats btfo!
>99% of all the good games are exclusive to consoles
no, but
>99% of all the pc exclusives suck
Why do fighting game developers still charge people for balance patches?

How hard is it for Arcsys to just push Revelator as a patch update?

Fucks sake, DotA does all of this and more.
Because they're poor companies making niche games for a small dedicated audience. Milking the hardcore fans is their only choice because the potential audience isn't large enough to benefit from that kind of customer support.
Revelator didn't come out on consoles until almost 2 years after Sign
say what you will about sfxt but playing a tag based game with your friend as your partner and doing tag combos online was fun as hell
Revelator isn't just a balance patch and it's two years worth of work from a tiny company.
how the fuck would they make money?
This is true. SFxT does tag mechanics well.
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i can get past the graphics but the stages in kof14 are so bland and lifeless, it sucks too because i always loved the kof stage
Whats the matter, you dont like fps and indie games, bro?
To be fair, revelator brought a graphic engine update with it and the anime episode.
It's still retarded and killing themself.
Forcing an auto launching tag mechanic was a terrible idea. TTT2 did it better by letting you decide when to tag in and out characters.
Not him but:
Exactly what did they upgrade with the engine though? The graphics themselves looks the same.
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uhh wtf? 1-2 months? thi can't be right
not really. the characters were fun to play, but the tag system was all over the place.
all sold out, based snk does it again
Chun Li kinda had to be OP and dominating to really survive in SF3 or be relegated to shit tier.

Imagine Vega in SF3.
the only character that competes with nakoruru is nakoruru

thanks snk
Skull Girls devs have gone broke like 4 times now and their game is still dead.
>try doing them as an inverse super jump (i.e. hit down as soon as you hit up)

wow, that explanation made me doing them much more easier, thanks man
nobody wants to hear about dead kusogay
Can someone give a comparison shot?
uhhhhhh lol? look at the differences between sign and revelator its massive.
Most of her cheese doesn't work against K'


(add the dot)
You can tag out manually you know with your specials??

Here's a hint to IAD.

When you are jumping forward facing left 979
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>valve ports dota 2 from source engine to source 2 and builds a brand new client
>releases it for free
>arcsys does minor tweaks to the graphics (implying jap devs are adept enough to change ue4) and charges $60 for that and 4 characters

what does k' have against 2b, 2b, 2a, 2c xx qcf+a
did you also cry this hard about zero?
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Juicebox said Meitenkun's downcharge move might reach her if she does that invincible bird grab shit on wakeup but I haven't bothered to test

I actually haven't run in to many Nakorurus at all thank god
Yeah you need bar as opposed to doing it whenever you want. I think ill take the option that doesn't limit me.
Containment shithole
>K' st.B (wins) cr.D (wins) st.D (trades somewhat favorably)
The best uppercut in the game.
are team another world from a world where playtesting doesnt exist for nak and love heart to be released this way
all over the place how?

There is a tag that costs meter and one that doesn't. There is cross arts which is just a 3 bar super. Finally, there is Cross Assault which the most fun tag mechanic of them all.

All of these together made an interactive 4 player fighting game post patch
>all of that
You know I didn't think it was as good as some people were saying but I figured I was just shit at doing the blockstring.

the problem with this list is it assumes consistent timing between 2a and 2c

if the nak delays the 2c by a few frames (whether on purpose or by accident) then she usually wins the exchange, so the risk/reward is mostly in her favor
I've been out of the loop. I know Love is a really good noob character because of her largely braindead 1-button gameplan but what does she have that's actually OP?
>do combo that always works in training on an actual player
>it doesn't work
Having to learn the game is OP
I forgot about Pandora which is the only controversial mechanic.

IIRC normal tag scales combo damage. Meter tag also can be used to keep wakeups safe.

Everyone see this?
oh boy another real doll
this will be great for people that like SFM porn because nobody plays the games seriously anyway
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>I'm reaching my boiling point
what did she mean by this?
fits in so well with the explosions.
will she be op like akuma was?
will reynald make top8 at doa nationals?
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It's ken's v-trigger activation quote from Street Fighter V newfag.
Super Strip Fighter series
has anyone done a meme of "don't talk to me or my son ever again" with the SFV collector's edition Ryu statue and the Ryu amiibo
felicia noooo!
>The weak should fear the strong.
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this thread is more cringy than usual
yeah i'm sure a post with a picture of ramlethal attached will reduce the cringe levels
Sept 30th 11:59 Urien woooooooooo
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no but u should totes do it lmaooooo XD
You know what they say. Might makes right.
Every King of Fighters character is a rip-off!
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>when you have an intense melty session and you have to stop cause the tension is too high
i'm not a goober or a waifufag i just liked the expression in that picture but nice smugpost by gay furry tripfriend

>People think this is unfair

Would have been shitty if that Roadhog's chain DIDN'T land
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>Street fighter players
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>Anime game players
umm lol????
Man I fucking hate combos with dashing between everything
>Kid with dyed blue hair.
Considering the poor guy probably didn't give a shit what color hair he had that makes me unreasonably upset.
heh, try and keep up kid
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>cabs aren't head-to-head
>tfw your dad will never bring you to an event to let you play Sniffgeki Bunko
>teaching your wifes son how to play kusoge

i died my bangs red when i was a kid

but it was the 90s....

Where are you playing Melty?
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>wanting a kusoge with kuso anime characters
Why don't we have a sfv streamer from here who spouts the freshest fgg memes?
we have ISDD
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I just want to play muh Taiga, I don't give a shit about the rest of the cast which is admittedly subpar

Melty blood discord, this is where all the players are
i was going to say because we're all too busy playing games to set up a steam but i know thats a lie
she's a shit
Sometimes broski streams
trying to play uniel EL right now and for some reason when i enter character select, it goes right to hyde and then selects the first stage without me doing anything

and then the game starts up, all buttons push and then he just blocks, unable to do anything

tried on both stick and controller, same thing.
anyone else?
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Mai jiggle-.webm
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I main Taiga too!!
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This my first time using Discord

Is that just the FGG discord or is it that many people playing Melty? Holy shit
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wait a second, I know this guy from somewhere
Is kirino good or is she too busy sucking oni-sans dick
that's ghodere
will sjws fight bbbcccf's misogny?
kirino and taiga are the only acceptable choices in Dengeki
Mai is a proud transgender woman
Is that Beak Driver?
>It's an opponent throws you mid-combo episode.
I love you, Rollback-chan!
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Fightcade newbie here. I want to learn Street Fighter Alpha 2, but how do I know what version is played on Fightcade? Is it just the arcade version? Furthermore, is there any way to play it offline, or do I need to emulate it separately?
>Character has a move they drag you into the opposite corner.
Why is this allowed?
literally fucking google
why alpha 2 and not 3? you can play games offline with ggpoa.exe or something like that
>is there any way to play it offline
There is, once you have the rom in the folder you can just click into the game's chat. From there make sure you have the "away" box ticked off and than use the filtier to find yourself. Click on the head icon and the game will start. Fuck u
That has nothing to do with fgg or 4chan, it's just a discord made by melty blood players

A lot of people are idle and don't participate, but it's pretty decently active.
>cancel, cancel, cancel, cancel, cancel

>Everyone else
>link link cancel link link
>maybe 50%

Nice game, can we go back to making shit fun instead of sterilizing everything for balance?
I suggest you kill yourself
there is an actual easier way, just open the fightcade folder and launch ggpofba exe
95% never say a single word or play, just lurk for whatever reason

seems right up your alley
fun doesn't exist
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>there are people ITT that aren't getting a plate today
>wanting your balls kicked and crushed
It's cool. Polimar used to have that in the beta of Tatsuno:CGOH in one of the trailers.
I don't care how old this post is lmaooooooo

nigga you don't even have games how are you going to talk about player bases lmaoooo
a what
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He posted futa nonstop in the non-containment channel then he got into a ft10 permaban match with slim. Slim felt bad and ended it early so it technically didn't count. So silent just got kicked
But I posted futa only in lewd.
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>people still think consoles are necessary to play fighting games
the last time pc got a fighting game was march and the next time is gonna be next year
They may not be necessary but it's a hell of a lot easier
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A plate, nigga. Barbecue, potato salad, yams, mac and cheese, some cake, sweet potato pie and a soda with crushed ice. Holiday food, nigga.
are there wired playstation 4 controller that i can use for my PC and at offline tournaments?

figure if im going to learn street fighter v i should be using the controller for the console and not my old xbox 360 controller...
has astat come back to the thread since he shit his pants at jiyuna's house?
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I don't know what you mean by easier, considering you can use an Xbone controller for PC as well as fightsticks. Could you clarify on that? I'm genuinely curious what you meant.
Capcom vs. Konami when?
i worked on labor day tho
I met my first GG/BB fan today. He smelled really bad.

Not overweight, disgusting or otherwise unkempt - just smelled terribly.
If you go into a lobby for a game it'll tell you what version of the game you need in order to play it
deodorant is a social construct
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So go home and grill.
anime games stink !!
looks like ps4 is the best place for Ultra now. Steam has nothing but foreigners and scrubs
is this sniffposting evolved?
im too tired, i rather just play fighting games
wowwie I'm getting a ps4 now
thanks combofiend
Mai looking pretty strong in these videos. If that ring of fire is unholdable it's gonna be OP. It also looks like she can get good damage off of a low critical level into launch. That's gonna be so good and her fan looks like it's gonna be hard for people to deal with.
Just go to Arby's???
With console I can just buy the game and then play it it's just easier for me than PC I also just prefer playing on console so I may be biased
you'll survive big boy
lets start our own discord bro

futa dumps allowed
You gonna duck Canada Cup this year too?
but the ps4 version is full of shitters too

this is why you don't play dead games
chun has SIX cpt victories
karin has NINE cpt victories

buff my main!!!
where do you find these stats
somebody see me in ppsspp tekken 6
whats the point of sniping ops?

Many characters in King of Fighters are cute. What makes it unique outside of goofy air movement options?
hori FC4
any stick + brook pcb
Her mask gimmick.
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The jumps
Combos are mostly the same for each character
Universal mechanics
I'm playing BBCPEX and doing Bullet's tutorial about special moves and I got to her 720 super but I can't seem to get the first one out is there a shortcut maybe or am I doing it wrong? I'm doing this on a PS3 pad using the analog stick is that why?
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The only arbys in my city is in a ghetto
Only if they have jojos i'll go
>ps3 pad analog stick

but why
How to walk like an Egyptian?
why is jojos the only game you play?

are you actually fat?
I've always played on pad
I miss Oni
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Im not wikihow u stupid bitch
Cuz its the only game i enjoy trainingboarjng for 20 mins a day before i have to get back stuggling at life
Really wished more Japs did tanned or sun touched skin.
Pale gets boring after a while
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Be happy goyim, we've removed all those troublesome 1f links at that cancerous FADC mechanic, look forward to Oni as an exclusive timed release in season 3 for only $14.99!

Of course, as a result of this streamlining process he's had to lose a couple of moves, nothing you might miss however! Just his air dashes, a couple of useless command normals and his slam! And now his demon slash special move is even better as a Vskill, it'll allow you to build v trigger and knockdown on hit!
Is there much difference between a DS2's d-pad and a DS4s?
Can you forcefully remove her mask?
ty combofiend
no anon, that would be considered rape
Is there a character with a stand like WRITHE IN PAIN or HOLY ORDERS?
Pretty sure the emphasis is on >analog stick rather than >pad
I don't play pad anymore but i preferred pre DS4 dpads. The buttons feel a bit smaller and close together and they have like a weird effect where the central part is much lower and it feels like the edges stick out a lot compared to old DS dpads. It's still ok but not as good as the older ones in my opinion.
A huge difference
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haven't been to the thread since two days ago, rashid won a major. what's the general consensus on that besides that sfv sucks
If you took it off would she die?
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Of her shyness, maybe
It would be extremely cute
Okay thanks. I have a DS2 and was wondering if I should even bother trying a DS4
Sleeper top tier but hard to play properly.
the major had like 3 good players but good shit
Is John Takeuchi's real name really John Takeuchi or is he a westaboo
I just want to hug her all the time!
PS1 > PS2 > PS3 >> PS4

Easily the worst Sony pad stay away tbqh
Rashid could really just use a slight damage buff.
anyone feel like they just dont get better?

makes me feel like shit and not play
I'm glad the Americans are finally getting some perspective.
i made the thread 30 posts early because fuck you :^)
I grind out training mode and can't apply it to real matches
>linking it early

lol? migrate when its time
The bigger buttons and the new rounded depression in the middle make special moves easier, but the smaller gap between directions until you get way out where the height is higher means I can't wedge my thumb in to angle jump or crouch block for shit.
Fuck off with this actual info in the OP shit
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Sleeper op
Then that means Rashid will have to have less hp because reasons.
yeah same actually, ive practiced a good amount of bread and butter combos but im not good enough to see when to punish the other player or not

also, has anyone run into a Rashid player named KckDown? i seem to crash in the loading screen every time i face him
First Attack was a Major in name only
all i see is hard reads and commitments
god he made chris t look like such a fucking chump, and with my main no less. i could not be happier
>sleeper op
>hard reads
fun fact: chris t uses rashid has a secondary (third?) character and has anti-rashid tech on deck so it's even more embarrassing
Is there a character in any game that either

-moves faster only when the opponent is doing any action
- or if they are being approached they move backwards faster, if the enemy is retreating they move faster forward.
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I've been playing rashid since beta and even I haven't seen that wacky ass takeuchi combo before. Then again I'm also not a pro

so yes, it's embarassing and I can't wait for people to the realize "THY EPIC TRINITY" is a bunch of shitters who claim their character isn't high tier
I find Ken more unfair to fight than Chun desu (I only play online tho so tiers are not the same).
yeah league of legends has some of those
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No problem, however aside from the small fee he'll cost (making games ain't cheap y'know!) I need you to do one small favour for me.
Kill Harada
Julio is legit
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i wouldnt care if he was just a garbage overhyped player but he is a whiny little bitch on top fuck him
Who? Takeuchi?
chris t the whiny ken main, takeuchi is a friendly memer
Try actually putting the cpu to attack you so you can react when other players try to hit you with that move
you'll just grind it until you get it right on real matches otherwise
If a fighting game came out with a loot crate system like dota with clothing options for characters I could see it working.
I meant in fighters.
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