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/cfog/ - Classic Fallout (& New Vegas) General

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Thread replies: 762
Thread images: 170

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NCR edition

>Fallout 1 and 2
>Mods and Patches
>Fallout 1.5: Resurrection

>Fallout: New Vegas
>General Information, Recommendations, Run Ideas, etc:
(Updates in progress)

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository (Mods, Rips, etc):
>VGU (Rips):

Pre-War Thread: >>153503158
I wish there was more to do in Quarry Junction
I like quarries
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Why is Joshua so great
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Would you like to see more intelligent deathclaws? If yes in which part of the US? (Dont post goris or scally stuff pls)
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>Would you like to see more intelligent deathclaws? If yes in which part of the US?
Yes, considering I loved the intelligent deathclaws in FO2. I know most, Avellone included, hates them. I thought they were a really neat idea, and it made sense too. I wouldn't mind them reappearing, although I'd rather it be west coast since that's where the tests were being held and east coast sucks.
Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
Dead Money for me, but OWB is so fucking close. I love them both a lot.
I'd like to see them make a return. As for where, probably somewhere near the west coast or midwest since we don't really know where Goris went, but I believe it's hinted that Xarn escaped eastward after the assault on Navarro.
>based goris riding the car
I would have loved to see a 3D model of him
No, because they went canonically extinct for a reason.
>they went canonically extinct for a reason.
And what would that reason be, Mr. Avellone?
Since Nuka Break is pseudo canon, and Goris showed up, at least one is alive.
>Dead Money
I love it for the atmosphere, setting and characters
>Honest Hearts
I love it for the scenery and Joshua Graham
I love it for the gear, loot, and most of the characters. Pretty interesting testing facilities, but I do think the landscape is a tad boring.
>Lonesome Road
I've never rightly finished it, so I can't comment.

Tough call.
>he actually watched Nuka Break
Dead Money best.
Glad to see general good taste like ghost people
Eh, it's pretty enjoyable. And Red Star was even better.
>not getting by on basically the only worthwhile non-game Fallout content because Bethesda are horrible jews who won't let anyone make a comic or movie
YOU are the cancer
Out of all the Fallout fan films I've seen, Nuka Break is the Uwe Boll of them
What ones would you recommend then?
I'm not your personal movie buff, find your own.
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>be mercenary
>contracted to guard pic related
>mfw she hasn't studied at an accredited institution
>mfw she hasn't paid me yet
So none?
If you can't show there's anything better, then you can fuck off with your shit opinions.
>muh secret totally good fallout movies of such high quality that i call myself a movie buff
>Jericho was born in 2212. He was once a dangerous raider out in the Capital Wasteland, who killed and stole for measly amounts of caps and loot. After fighting with the raiders for many years, and becoming a crack shot with a rifle, Jericho settled down in Megaton to enjoy his twilight years. But he didn't lose his raider ways. The smarmy, rude Jericho helps protect the town, but still gets drunk and curses at passersby. He's thought about getting back out into the wastes to fight again, but not without some caps for "equipment." Jericho occasionally does some odd jobs for Colin Moriarty.

This is an actual background entry in Nukapedia. Jesus Christ, it sounds like one of those madeup characters for RP purposes you see on /fog/.
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One day I got the itch to write a New Vegas movie screenplay. I'm against movies being "faithful" adaptions of their original sources, generally they are a bore fest.

Would you be interested in reading whatever I happened to post here? In PDF format, of course.
>I'm against movies being "faithful" adaptions of their original sources, generally they are a bore fest.
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Apparently it's part of the official game guide. Todd hired illiterate niggers to write it, it seems.

It's true, though.

By "faithful" I mean "literal translation from book to film".

Look at Pokémon: The Origins. I was hyped for that movie the other day. Turned out to be a bore fest, because it was literally Pokémon Red & Blue, but in movie format.

Even the characters repeated the exact same fucking lines from the videogame. Sure there was some new content here and there, but it was too predictable.

If I saw a NV movie and an NCR trooper said "patrolling the Mojave makes you wish for a nuclear winter", I would go apeshit.


It's not about literacy, but how fucking dumb it sounds. And it sounds that way because FO3's companions were totally devoid of character.

>hurr durr I was a raider
>hurr durr I kill and steal if you pay me
Man I know actual illiterate retards who could write better than that.
>pseudo canon
Isn't it fanfic? I only watched about a minute because the comedy wasn't landing but it seemed pretty apparent to me that it was fanmade
It was fan-made, but signed off on by I believe Avellone and Sawyer.
Avellone and Cain showed up in the final episodes of Season 2.
sup ricky
Fallout: Red Star
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Howdy NCR, my name is Ken Smith.

I'm a 25 year old Shi 美国 爱慕者 (Cowboy fan for you Communists), and I spend my days drinking Sunset Sarsaparilla and Nuka-Cola and listening to superior American Music (Big Iron, Lonestar, Johnny Guitar, In The Shadow of The Valley)

I train with my .357 Revolver every day, this superior weapon can shoot straight through steel because it kicks ass, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my gun license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak English fluently, both the NCR and the New Vegas accents, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about NCR history and their Constitution, which I follow 100%

When I get my NCR citizenship, I am moving to New Vegas to attend a prestigious King's School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a lynch-pin for a faction vying for the Mojave Wasteland.

I own several cowboy outfits, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to New Vegas, so I can fit in easier. I tip my cowboy hat to the Veteran Rangers and Troopers and speak English as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in the Mojave Wasteland
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>listening to superior American Music
>Johnny Guitar
this. it should be BIG IRON
I always go to her for my rads and addict removal
>Fite me irl kid
>tfw "ghouls don't need to eat or drink water"
Kind of wishing there was a mod to be a Mojave doctor, go from town to town solving problems with guns, doctor's bags and whiskey.
Just found out about this thread, I didn't know we were back
Welcome home anon.
No waifus. Not even purple haired ghoul waifus. Remember that?
Just like the good ol' days before 9/11
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>you'll never be a ncr soldier with your bros
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>reading Randall Clark's entries
>a platoon
>5 people
wew lad
Complain to the author on Deviantart
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>February 14th
>They ate them.
>Didn't go through with it
>maybe two bottles next year
but how do you get comfy with your bros with women around?
you don't
Damn, thougt nobody would like to listen to my ideas well:
>It would take place in Minneapolis and itd sorroudings
>The Firestarter (aka you) goes there to enable another trading route to Alaska
>Since Minneapolis was nuked thrice people from the vaults (63 a vault for engineers, 45 a vault for workers and businessmen and 58 a normal vault) used their GECKs to make Minnea (just Minnea because of Indianapolis) a metropolis
>Midwestern BoS comes in and wants to take the city, its technology and the knowledge of V63
>The Yukonians also appear (or not they should appear first on Seattle, but that's another DLC) an empire based on Victorian era England with kings and stuff, they would also want Minnea for obvious reasons
And that's it for now, would you like if I continue?

I know it is shit, it was even shittier before. But I did it in 20 minutes, so don't bully. pls

Nice, 10/10 for effort and content.
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Sounds fucking ace, get on it anon.
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Those last two panels are gold
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>November 11th
>They raped the series.



lmao our general gets moar posts fuck fog :)
veronica's panties.......i bet they smell
falliut 2 was such an emotional rollercast of a game!

i laughed and cried but mostly cried because it was just so sad ;-;
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For what purpose?
Shit, this is great. Don't know how I've never seen this before.
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>Whoa This isn't what I signed up for
>trying to protect a fucking savage
Did the courier have a seizure here?
Shitposting. Just ignore it.
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>green HUD
Sure. I was actually planing to have the midwestern BoS in a side quest like how they were in New Vegas.
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Because there's a criminal lack of Fallout fanart and content and the frequency of it being posted is also significantly lacking.
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Fanart in general? Dude, after F4 the internet is fucking swimming in it.

Unless you mean exclusively NV/1-2...
Can you stop posting this?
It's trash, despite how much you want to fuck the ape.
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Oh. Holy shit. Good work then, anon. I like it a lot.
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>Unless you mean exclusively NV/1-2...
I should have specified that, but assuming the nature of this general, once could have assumed much.

There's a lot of Dead Money fanart, probably has the largest amount out of anything NV related.
Top notch work, anon.
Anything else you've done?
I'm sure we'd enjoy it.
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I want to molest that redhead.

Why is it drawn as a figure?
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Stop that, every time someone says that I imagine some greased up fag shaking a buttered up ass at me saying that. And it's disgusting.
Probably because DM is the most liked DLC. I mean, it's my favorite too.
We do need more fanart, though. Especially more 1&2 stuff.
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Don't know.
It's weird to see him without the colla- sorry, "necktie"
Oh shit, I remember seeing this early in /cfog/. Didn't know it was new OC. Keep up the good work, anon.

This is good too, keep being you.
I mean. There's a ton of NV Fanart too in the right places, even Pixiv. But I don't discriminate because I don't believe in the >le true fallout meme, but I still know which games are the better RPGs.
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>art of my favorite fallout 1 character
thank you
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Yeah that picture is fucked up. There shouldn't be enough room on that little dais fro the girl in the back to stand based on the shape of it, but it's lopsidedly expanded behind them to fit her in.

You can see that by looking at the ground under the redhead's right arm compared to the oval looping behind her.
>But I don't discriminate because I don't believe in the >le true fallout meme, but I still know which games are the better RPGs.
That's not what I was talking about, but keep feeling superior about playing shit games.

It was more that there's only an abundance of Fallout 4 fanart because it was the first one to be advertised like fucking crazy, making it "so nerdy xD"
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yeah I know this thread is made purely out of spite for /fog/ but, what defines an "RPG"? Because I hear people argue all the time about how 4 isn't one, and that an RPG is STRICTLY defined by having tons of dialogue, backstory to choose, and choices with consequence, multiple endings, etc. But, I see a lot of games without the bulk of those things, still celebrated as RPGs.
Excellent work, anon.
Shit, you are right.
Also, the blonde girl has no legs, near the ranger's legs.
Pretty good, anon. Pretty good.
Actually reminds me of an anon who was drawing Set back in the original "pre-/cfog/" /vg/ thread. But that was colored, so I doubt that was you.

Uh, I don't feel superior playing games. Why would anyone feel superior about playing certain video games. If you enjoy something, then that's that.
RPGs = Role Playing Game
Any game you can create and roleplay as a character can be called a RPG, Fallout 4 doesn't have that sense since it gives you big backstory and already some way to how your character thinks and act.
>yeah I know this thread is made purely out of spite for /fog/
Expect that's wrong, you fucking retard.
It was because of large number of NV threads that continuously hit bump limit on /v/ and they wound up being moved here.
They continue to be made because of the genuine, continued interest in the series as a whole.

>and that an RPG is STRICTLY defined by having tons of dialogue, backstory to choose, and choices with consequence, multiple endings, etc
Whoever said that is fucking stupid.
An RPG has Role Playing options.
Fallout 4 is NOT as RPG at all because you're ALWAYS a concerned parent with little to no options in deviance.
>yeah I know this thread is made purely out of spite for /fog/

It's pretty easy to tell you do, compounded by the fact that you felt it necessary to defend your apparent lack of feelings of superiority.

why do you care what an anonymous person feels about video games, unless you're attacking me for not hating beth- yeah you probably are. whatever, you win, i'm done
Hey, it's that "im totally an adult bcuz im 18" guy again.
How you doing, kiddo?

Fuck off back to /fog/ retard

uh, yeah those new vegas threads were made purely out of spite for /fog/ so therefore, /cfog/ is too

>one of the names considered was 'REAL fallout general'

fucking kek, plus you guys are like liberals. even if someone didn't like 4 when you run out of arguments against them when they call you out on your autism, you just call them a Bethesda fanboy, like how when libcucks just start spouting "RACIST!", and you refuse to even admit that this is true.
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Post gunfus
names considered != name used
Stop it, that's unnecessary.
It's worse than stuttering.

>yeah those new vegas threads were made purely out of spite for /fog/
Except they weren't, they were made because conversation about anything NOT Fallout 4 was impossible in your shitty general.

>>one of the names considered was 'REAL fallout general'
And it was rejected because it doesn't accurately represent the general.
Are you retarded?
Why Bethshills can't let us have fun and have the need to shit up our generals everytime?
>uh, yeah those new vegas threads were made purely out of spite for /fog/ so therefore, /cfog/ is too
People just wanted to talk about New Vegas, so believe it or not, they went to a board for V I D E O G A M E S, they didn't predict the /v/ mods would the thread to /vg/. And since that's what the mods decided, here we are.

>one of the names considered was 'REAL fallout general'
Yeah, and pretty much nobody voted for it, since it was a stupid fucking name. What's your point? We did a poll for a reason.
Well, I also thought about another DLC in Ronto, here it is:
>Ronto, as said by Ismael in The Pitt, is a big military city. The Firestarter goes there to keep getting trading routes for Anchorage back in Alaska
>The Midwest BoS returns and they want the tech of the Rontonians, the elder of the chapter would appear and meet with you and see what you did in Minnea, also taking you to Vault 0.
>The Enclave is back! (Since Ronto is near some Enclave Outposts) they also want the city, but they have a civil war going on, since some of them have enough of losing their losing streaks (see FO 2 and 3) they want to stop with the pure human doctrine the Enclave has going on, and want Ronto as the start of a new Enclave, and the other side of the Enclave are the more conservative ones, much like their FO 2/3 counterparts. You must choose which side first to join before take over Ronto
>The Yukonians arent there, since they havent expanded there, but they have some camps there
And that's it for Ronto I havent think of the development of the story, but you obviously you take Ronto over the faction you chose.
Man, you type like either a literal child or someone from one of the more feeling-centred websites.
Maybe you should fuck off, faggot.

Because their game sucks, but they can't admit it because they bought into the hype and don't understand how people can enjoy a game for more than just "good" shooting and a shitty minecraft-lite aspect.
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Simple is good.
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Wich one /cfog/
Unlisted nations on the right
I've never seen this before, what exactly am I looking at right now?
I'm interested.
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Say hello to my laser friend!
not interested in talking how realistic things are in a post apocalyptic game with talking mutants
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>fast shot
>crit build

More accurate version of this machine that crits all day
The fuck is this?
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The best
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I never found that in my playthrough. Don't make fun.

Former USA, because why not.

Much like the other guys, I've no fucking clue what I'm looking at. What is this?
It's a mod for a grand strategy game called Darkest Hour (the game not the mod)
That lets you play as various factions that are named throught the games and the bible, it also includes some include some new original ones to fill in the gaps that are not covered in the games or the bible
It's in a sniper spot in the top of a hill near Cottonwood Cove, it's quite hidden.
Also, it's inside a hard or very hard safe or container.
Fuck. I remember that container, too. I didn't fuck with lockpick when I played recently. Oh well, there's always next time.
Thanks for telling me where it is, anon. I'll remember that.

Plenty of role-playing games thrust you into the role of a predefined character. Planescape: Torment, for example, thrusts you into the role of the Nameless One, an immortal with amnesia. He has an extensive backstory, as well as predetermined goals. I don't think anyone would argue that Planescape: Torment isn't an RPG. Same with Baldur's Gate - you're the spawn of the god of murder with an extensive, predetermined backstory. Still an RPG.

So face it, Fallout 4 is an RPG. You take on the role of a character, you have some agency (you can choose between dialogue options, make moral decisions, align with a couple different factions) and the game has mechanics familiar to the genre. It's just extremely shallow and uninteresting, and that should be the real criticism.
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the diplomacy screen
very hard.
Rather frustrating that it requires that hefty a lock with no work around like a key or hack-able terminal when the Gobi Rifle is really only a tier 3 weapon
Mutant army!
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industrial research screen
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Come on guise, read my short screenplay. If you like it I will continue writing.
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and finaly the economy and production screen
Alright, i'll read it.
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>The Logo for Poseidon Energy has the Enclave capital E
Holy shit I never realized
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Why the fuck did the Enclave put faces on their Oil Rig?
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A bit of Backstory and a choice.
What kind of a leader will lead the Former USA into becoming THE USA once again?
>you can choose between dialogue options
Ha, three or four ways to say "yes, I'll help" is not roleplaying.
>make moral decisions
Who should I slaughter out of three retarded factions or the idiot-proof choice?
>align with a couple different factions
Align with ONE faction, the rest are forced to die, except the faction that only exists as the Fallout 4 version of Yes Man, so they can't die.

It's shit in literally every aspect.
People will say the gunplay is good, but it's not.
It feels slightly better than 3 and NV, but being slightly better than shit does not make it good.
a lot of pre-war buildings have creepy heads on them in the first two games
last i heard, the oil rig was pre-war, though I guess they could have put the faces on it.
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Even Japan likes F4 more.

Step up your game, Obsidiots.
Shit, that's true now that I think about it.
I like it. And I miss it.
I read it and it's shit.
I didn't really read it, but was planning on it until you started clamouring for attention. Please don't.
>implying japan opinions matter
Nips have shit taste, news at 11.
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>implying anyone gives a shit
>rice monkeys
>having good taste
Good joke, faggot.

They still produce more NV content, including a constant stream of porn of Vulpes.

Yeah, they have such an un-influential culture - which is why we're posting on a japanese inspired imageboard.

Not an argument.
Alright, i'm this anon: >>153707120
And i think it's a little too dramatized and kind of cringy with Benny saying about christianity and repeating his ring-a-ding-ding phrases.
But i liked the idea of the Courier trying to run away and getting buried alive, him getting shot in head and surviving was always hard to swallow.
Why would I care what an entire country of weebs think?
1. You provide too many instructions. Let the director decide how to convey the action, and let the actors decide how to convey their character's emotions. Ease back.

2. Why didn't Benny execute the courier? Seems pointless to knock him out multiple times only to bury him alive.
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>You were right. You were right. You were right. You were right.
Let's be honest.

/cfog/ was created for an express purpose, and that wasn't for just honest-to-goodness talking about 1-2/NV.
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could you care to explain?
Fuck off, weeb.
For expressing hatred and disdain towards 3+4?
It was created out of a mod moving the thread, which spurred out of NV threads that often had Fallout 1/2 talk.
So while you're technically right, you're wrong and you should fuck off back to /fog/ and make a new waifu.
Fuck off, Todd
>/cfog/ was created for an express purpose, and that wasn't for just honest-to-goodness talking about 1-2/NV.
Don't know what you're talking about, man. I'm here and helped this general start out because I like FO1/FO2/FNV and enjoy discussing them with other people.
If somebody loves and enjoys 3 and 4, why the hell would I care? Let people enjoy things.
I do hate 4, though.
Yeah it was made to discuss fallout pre 4 in general
from Bible, to games, to rumors and to other fallout related media such as
this game

Yeah, I didn't like the christianity thing either. I shoehorned Maria too hard into the script.

And about getting shot in the head, that's exactly why I changed that. Seems more realistic to have him survive a shot to the chest (that could miss a vital organ) and so Mitchell could patch him up more easily.


1. I thought so too.
2. Mostly to avoid the "shot in the head" thing, but also because I like to think my Benny's intention was to bury him alive all along (his gun never had any ammo). The Courier just happened to wake up in the middle of the affairs.

Also, I agree I could just remove the last knockout and have them bury him awake.
Where did you find that version? Is it on 1.04?
... Is it worth watching?
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>from Bible
The Fallout Bible is so interesting.
>tfw it's all non-canon now
To add on to that, there's comics 'All Roads' and hopefully more fan-films, speculation of the future, political discussion, etc.

Man, I love these threads when /fog/ doesn't get pissy
Not really. It gives off too much of a "whacky" aura about it.

Doug Jones has a cameo which is the only worth while thing.
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u wot

They like things that go boom.
>Seems more realistic to have him survive a shot to the chest (that could miss a vital organ) and so Mitchell could patch him up more easily.
There have been plenty of people who've survived a shot to the head and the scar tissue is why he wasn't rendered fucking retarded when lobotomised and considering the level of medical technology available, it's even more likely that the Courier would have survived the 9mm lmao

Taking out part of the starting plot is fucking retarded and you should feel bad.
Your fanfic is shit.
It depends.
I know many don't seem to like it, but I, along with many others do enjoy the series as a whole.
Red Star is still the best part of it, though.
Yeah it is on 1.04
here's the mega
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>They like things that go boom.
Is that why they like themselves so much?
Fuck off, Eggman
They had Fallout 3 censored in a few ways to remove similarities between the Fat Man and the one that fucked them up, along with Mr. Burke completely being absent so that Megaton is unable to be detonated.
Cheers, bruv

Realistic, maybe, believable, no.

>implying I want him to have a scar on his forehead
>implying I would even include DLC material
>implying it won't end with the Courier gaining Independence of New Vegas and the Securitrons murdering innocent people on the Strip
It's incredibly believable, unless you had never heard of people surviving bullets to the head before.
Taking that out is just ridiculous and makes the Courier less someone that people are immediately interested in because they survived something unlikely to happen and turns them into some generic guy who wants revenge on some cunt who roughed him up a bit.

>>implying I want him to have a scar on his forehead
Yeah, take away something that would make him a more iconic character
>>implying I would even include DLC material
Understandable, but limits sequels which could be very well done, making it a successful series of movies
>>implying it won't end with the Courier gaining Independence of New Vegas and the Securitrons murdering innocent people on the Strip
Shit fuckin taste.
Using the idiot proof method of game completion as the movie's canon events is just lazy.

I sincerely hope you never get the option to have this made
Should send it in to Bethesda
Forcing people to look fugly as hell is pretty wrong.
Didn't the nips hate the fact that Beth censored shit for them? I might be remembering that wrong.
They probably did, but Bethesda are shitters who feel the need to try and appeal to everyone for maximum shekels.
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>Forcing people to look fugly as hell is pretty wrong.
>Japan likes shitty boring "RPGs" that hold their hand
So shocked.
>feel the need to appeal to everyone
Tell that to India and the Brahmin fiasco.
Nobody cares about pooinloos.

>It's incredibly believable

No, it isn't. Hence a lot of people having trouble believing it. Some outlandish things have happened in real life, so outlandish people wouldn't believe it if I told them.

>Yeah, take away something that would make him a more iconic character

>muh scarred character

No, thanks. Mad Max didn't need any scars to be memorable, neither does the Courier.

>Using the idiot proof method of game completion as the movie's canon events is just lazy.

It happens to be the most interesting outcome of the game: leave the Mojave to its fate, and how shit would things actually be if one man decided to rule over the Mojave without previous experience.
I revised the Benny scene, made a lot of tweaks. I think it's much better now. Hope you guys read it.

Exactly, perfect setting etc. Items sucked though. All you get is the holorifle from what I remember and honestly the gauss rifle is just cooler.
It's perfect to me, sure it could have done with a bit more open quest lines but that you can just grab the items you want and fucking leave is great. The setting/characters/theme are equal to DM to me.
The story arc and ending "surprise" is pretty good, but the characters of the think tank absolutely ruin it. It goes against the rest of the NV theme with over the top randomness where I think putting them into a similar situation as Mr. House would have worked better.
Fantastic items though.
The build up was great.
Ulysses is fucking pathetic and his reasons for acting are moronic.
The linearity of the DLC itself is annoying even if it's supposed to be a "road".
ED-E and the items are the only saving grace.
Plus nuking areas and exploring the destruction is cool.
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Not that guy you're arguing to for whatever reason, but here's the lick from reading your revisions as well as how the shit stands in this conversation:

>Hence a lot of people having trouble believing it.

Which is a hallmark of the entire game towards the character surviving the double tap that Benny figured killed the Courier, which in itself is played at for various situations regarding his character in many interactions to go in with the tone of the Fallout series having dark humor be its major kicker. You could argue that much of what you're going for does the same, what with burying the Courier alive and all, but it's honestly too dramatized especially given the setting and the circumstances of the entire thing, which I'm gonna drive your way afterwards.

>Securitrons killing every innocent bystander is the "best ending"

The independence ending is nothing of that sort, and I doubt that your Courier would be retarded enough to unupgrade the Securitrons given this situation, which is the only way that that sort of anarchy can even reign, which is questionable given the whole "killing innocents" text.

If you want to go dramatic, have some tense moments for the NCR. Give some call shots to how they're spread thin, tell us about how the Hub is calling the economical shots if you're really governing all of New Vegas in it's entirety. The best part is that you don't have to go hand-in-hand with the way the game goes with this. Knowing the subtext is the best way to make interesting shit, which leads me to how this shit goes down:

Victor's scoping out the situation as told in-game. The Courier, in the intro, wakes up with his hands tied up in front of him, which is a whole lot more useful to push some city-slicker's face in if they come down to kneeling and flaunting some shit. Work on Benny's "lingo" too, man. Get a feel for the 50's and how they flowed their sentences together.

Otherwise, though, just keep it up. It's pretty neat.
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>you will never hang a NCR dickweed from a cross.
Fuck life
Just noticed this thread on the catalouge, do you guys actually outlaw 3/4 disscussion?
You can talk 3 for the most part, 4 pretty much has it's own general. If you want to mention it, fine, don't expect any responses other than >/fog/
No reason for 4 to be discussed here, it has almost a full general dedicated to it.
3 is the bastard child nobody wants, so I see it talked about from time to time here.
Those are literally the two best things about 3.

/fog/ is essentially /f4g/ at this point but 3 gets a little discussion between both of the generals, there because it's Bethesda and it being more closely related to 4 and here because of Tale of Two Wastelands.
>thinking I care about 'pedophile' the country
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There was a guy here a few weeks ago who was making an mp5 for New Vegas
anyone know what's going on with that?
He posted a pretty complete looking model the other day, I'd imagine he's close to being done with it

No he was making a classic mp5 (like >>153714648)
All of those are way to modern
Kickass I'm really existed for this!
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Good thing there's like 5 million MP5's on the Nexus then
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also thers only like 3 and none of them are classic mp5s
I wanna set the world on fire.
I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle

You fought valiantly, but to no avail. Your twisted and ruined body goes down in a hail of bullets... and thus ends your life in the wasteland...
Not canon
No shit.
I'll fire you out of a cannon mate.
Forgive my ignorance but what is this?
Is there a mod that adds GNR without requiring Fallout 3?
I'm pretty sure you can just place the Music files of GNR into the Radio New Vegas folder and it'll work.
>him getting shot in head and surviving was always hard to swallow
Yeah, what the hell was up with that?
Did anyone ever explain why surviving a headshot was decided upon?
I don't get why people don't just automatically assume there's futuristic medical bullshit going on while you were out.
Because futuristic medical bullshit existing in the middle of bumfuck nowhere that is Goodspring is even weirder.
Yeah that's what I thought. The fat, inept courier, tough wasteland chick and snarly ghoul right off the bat set off so many red flags I didn't see past them leaving the front of Chet's general store
Mitchell is from a Vault, it's completely reasonable to assume he's got some better training.
Regardless, there's fucking stimpaks around and nobody questions those.
But, I don't have Fallout 3
Then get it, or download the music from youtube and make the mod yourself, because as far as I know the mod you're looking for doesn't exist.
Does it have to be completely from Fallout 3 or just the music files because i probably have it
Gee, I wonder why Japan likes a game where the United States got nuked and never recovered instead of another part of the series where the United States is rebuilding and having interesting conflicts?
I just want the music of Fallout 3 thanks

Someone in Obsidian seems to like heroes that survive extreme injuries. Listen to some of the stories from anyone who escaped Legion capture.
It would have been better to say he got shot in the chest, at least you could say it missed vital organs, but the Courier literally got shot in the absolute least survivable area. It makes me believe the possibility that the Courier is just dreaming everything in the Mojave in some kinda post death experience or something.
Wasn't the headshot an important plot point in Old World Blues?
"he was just in coma lmao"
I hate cunts like you.
The scar tissue from the bullet wound was the only reason the medical device automatically lobotomising people people corrected its programming due to the anomaly that is getting shot in the head and surviving.
Getting shot in the head is the only reason why the Courier isn't the same as the other lobotomites.
I'm extremely annoyed at the girl yet am attracted to her her at the same time. Fucking hate my dick sometimes.
Thanks, I haven't played Old World Blues in a while.
reddit please go
They do have an un-influential culture. Most things are inspired by religion, European architecture and history. Nobody is influence by people who still sit and sleep on the floor in the 21st century
I stopped listening to the radio after playing Fallout 1 and 2 and hearing the glorious soundtrack.

Now I can't play a Fallout game without listening to those.
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Yeah, I had the same situation. Once I realized those god-tier FO1/FO2 tracks are scattered through FNV, I barely touched the radio again.
Also, hearing some nice music non-ambient music when going into The Strip is nice. Makes it feel more meaningful.
I don't think Boone would be any happier in that situation
>when she's got the slave collar on wearing her slave clothes showing off those tittes

I hate her character because she reminds me so much of my sister and other chicks I've met like her who are such cunts, but man, muh dick.
Kill yourselves monkeys.
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That cass is very accurate
Not that anon, but I'm the same.
Being sort of close to Freeside, but technically out in the wastes, maybe on the way to Nellis Air Force Base, and there's the occasional gunfire or breaking bottle.
Really makes the world feel alive.

Then once I'm done exploring, fighting scumbags, settling scores and I get back into Freeside/the Strip and the radio is playing makes it more enjoyable.

Fuck off, puritan.
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At least I'll always be closer to human than you, monkey.
That Veronica isn't ugly enough, Boone looks too much like a gaylord and Cass isn't a gorgeous ~40 either.
>ignoring human sexuality makes you more human
>Then once I'm done exploring, fighting scumbags, settling scores and I get back into Freeside/the Strip and the radio is playing makes it more enjoyable.
This was so good for me. I love a lot of the songs on the radio in FNV, but hearing them for the 100th time makes me want to die. Hearing it just every now and then is so much better.
That's not what I meant.
My wife and I embrace our sexual desires but we don't let them control us, unlike you freaks of nature.

Kill yourselves.
Big iron on his diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick
Big iron on his diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick
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How do you live with yourself?
>Bethesda denies stealing Autumn Leaves for Far Harbor even though the mod creator is absolutely fine with it

But I live with my wife.
I wonder how would a Guy Fieri build be like
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>he said. "I checked, and any similarities between the two are a complete coincidence."

>"yo did you guys copy this?"
Max out Survival immediately so you cook everything possible and take the Mojave to Flavortown.
max charisma and endurance
speech, survival and barter
>Do anything other than praise Bethesda mindlessly
Jesus Christ what happened to that general.
Big Ironnnnnn
Big Ironnnnnn
When he tried to match the Ranger with a big iron on his dick
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i'm still here, i did nothing for half a week. i'm doing the high poly for the third modification, then i'll do the low polys and textures and shit.
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>second post didn't even last long enough to get archived

Todd's on a rampage.
I'm actually pretty sure there were people being paid to hype those DLC's in those threads.
They really weren't even trying to be discreet with Automaton.
>My wife and I
Fuck off, normal.

I know why the Master wanted to get rid of people like you.
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Nice on, anon!
Now, put your hands up. And prove to me that you purchased Fallout 4. RIGHT. FUCKING. NOW.
I bet Todd never actually won a single game in the chess club.
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>tfw I actually did buy it

>and the season pass
I'll do you one worse, anon. I am fully fucking retarded.
I may not have bought the season pass. But I PRE-ORDERED THE PIP-BOY EDITION
A friend of mine pre-ordered both the PIP-BOY edition on PC, as well as on PS4.
What's the point of the searchlight airport? I found 2 trunks with heaps of caps but otherwise it seems like wasted space
It was probably going to be Legion territory, but you know how that goes.
they're also in fo3 and 4
>they're also in fo3 and 4
Really? I beat 3 (although it's been years) and played part of 4 and I don't remember that at all.
It's probably inspired by H.R. Geiger.
yeah, big ol steel paneled heads. Some of em are kinda creepy, and some of them are technically not just heads, but sorta busts that merge into the building facade. They're rarer in 4, but they're there.

>Old World had it coming
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What if Lionhead bought Fallout instead of Bethesda?
Then the Fallout series would be owned by Lionhead.
Then things would be different than they are now.
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What if /fog/ never got overpopulated with Waifu nonsense?
/cfog/ probably wouldn't exist. Probably. It depends, if they were still extremely focused on FO4, we might still be here either way.
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What if the Roger Maxon never founded the Brotherhood of Steel?
What if you stopped being a faggot?
For all their faults I think the BoS have had a positive effect on the world, were it not for them muscling their way around a good deal of the dangerous tech they've acquired would've fallen into the hands of much nastier bastards.
Sexy art deco.
This models looks like absolute fucking shit. Please, refrain from making points about there being "gorillion %weapon_name% models" when all of them looks like absolute fucking shit.
How come when a creative type posts something in the thread, no matter what it is, it get it's dick sucked?

How come you guys become such pussies when someone with even an ounce of creativity is around you? I get the envy, but damn at least have some dignity.
I dare you, I fucking dare you to point out that part in my post where I praise the work done by some random anon, and suck his dick.
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>He still gets drunk and curses at passersby
why every time there is a discussion some faggot must start calling the others "liberal cucks"? Go back to /pol/ faggot, who even cares about politics and their current sorry state
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That was eight hours ago, anon.
I know he's fucking retarded, but there's no reason to start it up again.
I'm playing 4 and fuck, these quests are awful.
>find a chinese dude in a sub
>need a special power coil or something to fix some system and some nuclear something for his reactor
>won't tell me what the second thing he needs is specifically, no dialogue option to convince him to
>can't just pass repair or science checks (lol skills) to fix the things with stuff i already have
>explore the ship
>kill all the ghouls and the the first mate
>return to cap
>says nothing about it
Jesus fucking Christ.
I still can't believe that, like why take a system that works like skills, and strip it down and fuck it up by not even replacing it with anything?

Theres so many times where I'm like, wow, wish I could just use my medicine skill here, or my science skill here.

Like what were they thinking?
wrong thread m8
There's one (1) "repair" check on some boat somewhere, I believe.
Shitting on Fallout 4 is okay here.
If they at least changed it so instead of a [Medicine 40] skill check the game had a [Medic 2] I wouldn't even care that skills were rolled into perks, but of course that would require effort. It also annoys me that speech is useless again now that they've went back to doing a roll at speech checks so you can just savescum them.
Okay, I recently built a capable PC and was wondering on recommended graphical enhancements for NV. If my time playing Morrowind rings true, most of the popular graphical mods actually look like garbage and I'm not really into downloading each and every one figuring out what I like and don't like.

Whatcha use, fellas?
Just roll with vanilla, Graphics enhancement mods are so superficial.
Like people make 8k 4k textures and shit and it's like whats even the point?
I use FCO for people and Nevada Skies for weather/aesthetic, but I've never needed much.
Don't use something that I have no problem using because it looks better than the base game?
Pray tell, what is wrong with it?
Major sameface problems, females look horrible + the sameface makes them all look bad.

It's just not that great, but if you like it, go ahead.

People do the same for Morrowind. Like what the fuck do I need a 4k model of dwemer doors for? I'm thinking of just using an ENB preset and Nevada Skies. Mods like opening the strip sound nifty, not sure about how much it'll hit performance.
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Because there are better mods out here.

You like using sameface with shitty modeled faces? I'd advise you to use NVR, but if you like shit then be my guest.
>sameface with shitty modeled faces
So the base game?
I don't need waifus, I just want to look at something a little different for the next thousand hours.

But hey man, if you like anime girls in skimpy dresses in your Fallout game, don't let me stop you.
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>if you like anime girls in skimpy dresses in your Fallout game
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Don't start a shitfit because I want spoonfed decent graphical mods, dinguses.
It's kind of a shame that there's actually people out there that turn Fallout into their personal sex fantasy. So disgusting.
When I supposedly have shit taste for NOT wanting waifu garbage.
Sure thing m8

FCO is decent if you want non-vanilla faces.
A lot of people here seem to not like it, but absurdly varying faces on the thousand raiders you see isn't a priority.

I wouldn't say disgusting, just something that's not for everyone.
Still, Skyrim has much more in the way of sex mods so it would be a far superior choice.
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>there are only 3 options
>stone faced corpses
>animu girls
Your point?

If you think there's more, feel free to provide examples rather than just posting reaction images in a vain effort to seem like you've got the greatest knowledge of modding.
>I wouldn't say disgusting
Well, no shit, a person who is disgusting would never wanna admit that they're disgusting.
Literally nowhere I ever said "waifu" or anything of the sort. Now you're using strawmans to cover up the fact that you have utterly shit taste.
NVR 2 Lore Edition my man.
I love what NVR3 does with the Legion camp.

It reminded me of the slaver camp in Fallout 2, you can get a real sense of hopelessness from the slaves.
follow one of the first reply chains for that
Has anyone played King of the Ring (part of the Someguy series)? I'm sceptical of its claims:
>- The main quest provides roughly 200+ hours of gameplay
>- Over 1,000,000 lines of dialogue
Sorry but I don't know who to ask but is anyone getting permanent white face with NVR 3?
Like all the characters that used to be tanned or black look like Nordics now
i can't tell if you're joking but the entire description is a joke
Easy fix, first reply
I don't really play quest mods since there's a guy that does it for everyone (alchestbreach). And thank god because mostly all of them are awful, but that one is actually kinda good. Give it a try.
thanks ladio
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Welp, this is getting fucking played.

Time to finally take over the entire west with my glorious Legion, as it should be.
Looks cool, is this the game?

that's the one
Thanks dude
Well, he did get shot in the head
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pls don't die
That "savage" is gonna be Caesars next big man.

So hold your tongue, profligate, lest I cross you.
Open strip does fuck all to performance, don't get freeside open, it is a performance killer
Here's another bulletpoint for freeside open
The mod, other than its reknown shitty performance, also fucks with the game's cells.
You see the Freeside the mod adds it doesn't just remove barriers between the parts of freeside but rather completely replaces the old freeside as a new cell while the old freeside parts still exist somewhere not seen by the player and thus any mod that involves freeside will be inherently fucked
God fucking bless you anon, I've been trying to use NVR for 3 fucking years with no luck.
You went 3 years without googling "fallout black people with white faces"?
Believe what you want to believe.
Deeper in that thread had the actual solution I needed.
and when you uninstall it, your saves are fucked, because everyone in freeside is moved to this cell and arent put back
Shit I would have liked to have known before downloading it
You know how to fix the purple hands thing that happens after?
Purple hands are missing textures, or archive invalidation isn't enabled

You might also experience purple faces from keeping FCO plugins enabled with NVR3, so remember to turn FCO plugins off.
Just use save from before you started using it.
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How do you restore missing textures?
He was then brutally brutally killed by a baby mole rat just outside the cave
>yfw you started a new game with that shit on
Is it fine if I haven't entered Freeside yet?
>predicted the ambush ahead of time
>intended on staying with the caravan anyway

What a hero
Anybody here played Fallout 1.5?
How is the writing?
And the gameplay? New items?
It's actually pretty great, I loved the story. There's a bunch of new things, like music, weapons, locations, factions.

I wholly recommend it, in fact, I might give it another go myself soon.
I spent the last hour trying to play the GOG version of this game and the shit crashes everytime at the load screen, not even modded, just the normal game.

I've tried all the fixes I googled, from the 16 bit thing, to running the .exe as an administrator, to updating the game to 1.4 and even previous versions, the shit still crashes at the load screen.

I use Win10, so maybe that's it, but I'm just hoping someone has a fix that I missed or something.
I heard Robobrains needed to be manually mind-wiped every so often before the war, or they'd start to develop personalities.

Is this true? Does that mean the Robobrains roaming around now have personalities? I know there's that one Robobrain in OWB that seems like it can think for itself.
I looked it up, it seems that Win10 does have issue with it, seeing as it is a quite old engine
I don't have any advice to give you lad
besides pirating it with the 1.04 and trying to see if work vanilla
I mean they are literaly organic, developed brains so they must have some sense of self awareness and eventualy like babies will develop their own way of doing things
Yeah, you can splice a lobotomite and a robobrain, the offspring of that is a robobrain that seems to really be adventurous and curious, but he's perpetually doomed because some electronic failure happens everytime.
Doubt it
I decided to do the tutorial quest, and then I found a white leg. I really wonder what mod done this? I also found another one down near the Powder gang camp near primm
Wew, finally fucking fixed it. I had to do some registry shit though, wtf seriously...
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Sup /fog/ quick question, how do you mod which icons show up on the HUD? I'm using jsawyers and although I've changed the values back to default (radiation poisoning kicks in at 200) the icons don't show up on the HUD
How to have non shit AA with an ENB? grass was shimmering like crazy
Get an SMAA plugin.
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wew, forgot the picture
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Ricky is truly too good for us. I'm so glad we got the chance to save him.

Writing's all right. It tries to be more in the spirit of Fallout 1 than Fallout 2, so don't expect much of 2's zany humour. The beginning's a bit slow - one of the quests in the first town is supposedly a murder investigation but more or less ends up leading you around by the nose - but it really opens up the further you get into the game.

Gameplay's pretty good, though combat can be punishing. If you want my advice, try to get at least a couple of companions, because I find they contribute more than they did in Fallout 2. Items are pretty much the same as they were, but guns seem to be more powerful overall.
Are you sure radiation poisoning is actually kicking in at 200? If you check the pipboy does it say anything?

If you can check which plugins have Honest Hearts as a master, you can probably narrow it down.
Yeah the effects are kicking in and I get the little message in the corner, it does show up when it hits jsawyer values, so at 400 the little icon will pop up on the HUD. I can still play the game it's just that one small annoying detail that's triggering my autism
Was he gay, /cfog/?
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Greetings. It's a fine day for learning. Can I help you?
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>forced to play as some tribal fuckwit
>forced to play as some vault dweller
>forced to play as some courier who got shot in the head

Nice """"""""roleplaying"""""""" games you've got there. Might as well call Hitman an RPG.
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>Real life
>forced to play as Add to dictionary
>forced to go to homosapien school
>forced to do homosapien work

Nice """"""""""Free Will"""""""""" you've got there. Might as well call hell real life
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what a desperate move
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Are you Canadian or Australian by any chance?
No, otherwise you confirmed bachelor would've had him hit on you.

You're not even trying.
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nice job, voorhees

That would imply that almost all NPCs are asexual, since most of them are unaffected by any of the four "flirt" perks. He may well have been gay, but just not receptive to the PC's approaches.
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Oh, I didn't really mean as "kills innocents" as in "robots go full terminator", just that the chaos causes the Securitrons to accidentally kill innocent people.

I wanted to explore the different relationships between the factions too, most likely portray the Legion in a less evil light.

I'll keep those tips about the intro in mind, thanks!
Anyone else encountered NPCs being able to shoot directly behind themselves and at other fucky angles? As in the bullet/laser/etc. literally coming out at 90 degree angle, not simply turning around instantly. Any known fixes?
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Fuck off I'm Ricky
You wanna know what happened there, anon? Well, I'll tell you.

Script anon again.

What do you guys think of this?

Scene: Benny executing Courier.
Scene: Victor spying on everyone and going to dig out the Courier.
Scene: Doc Mitchell overseeing the already operated on Courier, who wakes up and is put to sleep by Mitchell.
Scene: Courier wakes up for real, many days after the execution. He used to be right handed, now he's left handed through the magic of bullets ("well, I fixed most of it anyways, stuff that mattered").
I was talking about that deathclaw which scarest the living shit out of you when it jumps on the roof
The blood wasn't a warning sign?
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thank you anon yesterday for the comic
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Which do you like better?
That one had many people in California shitting bricks
neither of those look all that great tbqh amicus
>don't talk to me or my power armor ever again
The one of the left is way too fucking dark.
The one on the right is Bethesda's dumb fucking T-60 PA.
The winning move here is not to play.
Truly an essential mod
Does anyone else have issues with Zeta and TTW? Last quest completes but the last objective is never ticked off, causing issues if a mod relies on that last objective being met.
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>no toaster functionality


At least it isn't a buggy piece of shit. Left literally removes your neck if you wear the helmet without wearing the rest of the armor. Plus it looks like crap in-game, whereas T-60 is top notch quality-wise.

finally I can roleplay a fucking woman this is what the future is all about what a time to be alive.
I'm gonna use FCO and you can't stop me
Enjoy eye tumors
I was gonna get NVR3 as well, but I just can't be fucking bothered to figure out compatibility between FCO, NVR3, Type3, and Roberts
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I like the 3rd one
same could be said for boxcars
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It's not like Arcade enjoyed watching it
If anyone hasn't seen this, it makes ADAM easier to install and fixes some stuff
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Does anybody have the Fallout "just blew up Mariposa" version of this image?
Wasn't sure whether to ask in this or /fog/ but I guess since it relates to FO1 I'll ask here.
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Forgot image.
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>tfw playing New Vegas for the first time
>everything going great so far
>playing on hardcore with jsawyer as recommended
>32 hours in, level 17
>having lots of fun
>inadvertently put myself into a seemingly unwinnable situation
>don't use auto-saves

What the fuck do I do now? I'm too weak to survive this shit, and I don't want to cheat.
ENB or Dynavision 3?
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Thanks man, couldn't find this for the life of me.
Fuck, I love this picture.
>this would unironically be perfect for my next character

Thanks, Anon.
What kind of trouble are you in? When was your last save?
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I was looking in Vault 11 for some kind of dealie to fix the Brotherhood's air filtration, and I got stuck in the sacrificial murder room

I only have two saves and they're both in the murder room with the door locked behind me, one with Veronica inside and one with her outside
Jesus m8 you never thought to save before entering that dodgy fucker of a room? All I can recommend in such a situation is taking every drug you have, hugging one of the walls and blasting the robots on the other side, then moving onto the guys on your side.
Holy shit, anon. You don't fuck around.
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Fallout memes are generally GOAT
Its been 6 years since new vegas came out and I still haven't finished the fucking the star bottlecap quest
Well I mean shit, I didn't know what was going to happen

I knew it was a murder room but I didn't expect fucking robots and turrets to spill out of the wall and tear me to pieces
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what the fuck are you doing anon

get on it in your next/current playthrough asap
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im looking for them on my Rando playthrough
>fucking the star bottlecap quest
that sounds painful
and unsanitary who knows where those bottlecaps have been
anybody remembers if there's a way to highlight items that are on the ground in Fallout 1-2?
Which wiki do you guys prefer, the wikia one or The Vault?
just tgm
I can navigate the wikia better, but the vault is a better website
Hold left shift/alt/ctrl i forgot, but it was one of those+ >>153769647
The Vault. Anything that bears Wikia's name is to be discarded.
I just finished modding new vegas but im getting white dots along some texture seams such as indoor wallpaper. Is there any fix?
Try turning off and on Archive Invalidation.

I use all four, and compatibility is pretty much good.

Using those mods you get 90% compatibility. And your character has 100% compatibility.
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I wanna replay a classic fallout that has the biggest amount of NPC-player interaction to play with a high-charisma female.

Should I replay 1 or 2?

Explanatino pls.
Play Fallout 1
Assuming you've already played both like a good person, replay 2 since it has more content overall.
What's there to explain ?
its fairly straight forward
You DID play Fallout 1, right, anon? Right?
Playing FO1, is there any reason not to grind the Deathclaws in the Boneyard?

I have BoS armor and they're barely doing anything to me except for crits.
Why is that? Why are Fallout memes so good?
>needing to grind in Fallout 1
But yeah, not any reason not to if you wanna.
If you can do it safely, and you want to, no reason not to.
I enjoy grinding sometimes, but I know most don't.
I remember always ending up with the same enclave pa + laser rifle.

Is there any build that lets you play the entire game as some sort of leather armor + small arm drifter? Maybe abuse luck and crits?

I need it for roleplaying
But the levels, the levelsss.

Cool, thanks.
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What did he write, /cfog/?
exactly this, unless you are playing low int or have literally skipped most of the game there should be 0 need to grind in FO1. Maybe if you want sniper before the military base/cathedral
I don't know what sniper is but I assume it's a perk and I'm using a sniper rifle so more reason to grind. I was just doing it for fun and the levelsss
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I've only played through FO2 once, and I just went for Best Weapon/Best Armor all the time, so I wouldn't know.
But I would guess that you could abuse luck, crits, and speech to work your way through the game.
My wife pre-ordered the pip-boy edition because "Even though Bethesda will screw up the game, at least this looks cool."
When you get at a high enough level and good enough weapons (you must be willing to use gauss guns) you should be able to kill anybody who is an immediate danger to you before they can touch you. this will involve a lot of grinding and will be a general pain in the ass though. Oh and during combat you should kill anybody with a burst weapon first
Nah I mean I want to use small arms, not energy weapons.
the most devastating perk (if your luck is high enough). Ironically this is more useful for guys with fast shot/burst weapons than for actual snipers.
Maybe he's descended from a tribal and a certain Vault Dweller.
gauss is a small gun in FO2 (makes sense, it actually fires a projectile), and uses the normal rifle/pistol animations, so it shouldn't break immersion
the wiki has audio clips
The courier isn't connected to the Vault Dweller in any way.

I played FO1, but I don't get the original image. I mean, what's so funny about it?
Nice shading. I also really dig the thick lines and how you drew his metal bits. Was there a lore explanation for that?
>level 18
I'm only 12 and not THAT autistic.

That's like a hundred Deathclaws.
Underrated post
Well, unless you count his/her potential possession of the armored Vault 13 jumpsuit, weathered 10mm pistol, and Vault 13 canteen as a connection (even if that connection is "stole the Chosen One's stuff").
then why aren't you playing FO4 instead of 1 if you aren't autitic
Pre-order bonuses aren't canon. They're homage to the series,
You misunderstood, my autism levels only go so far, once my ass starts smoking from all the grinding then the autism just gives up.
Would you mind going through the patches/versions/install order/process you used?
>AK-105 removed from the nexus
probably legal reasons. guns have copyrights, too.
More likely they stole the model
I want my brain put into biogel before I die.
the guy who made the mod?
Millenia uses loads of copyrighted guns, but he makes everything himself/with collaborators
Try this
Website seems a bit... suspect
Honest Hearts is the least popular DLC, right? Why is that?

I love it for how beautiful it looks and there's a lot of White Legs to gun down, which is always a plus. I like Follows-Chalk, he's so nice and his naivete is adorable. You also get to meet Joshua Graham, probably my favorite DLC character, and Randall Clarke's story is undoubtedly really cool, as is his gear. Speaking of gear, Graham's Outfit is pretty good too, and most of the gear that's not one of the tribal outfits looks pretty nice to me.
Lonesome Road is the least popular.
I've literally never played Lonesome Road and I have 400 hours in the game
but y
I don't know
I usually get tired of my character by the time I get to the point in the game where you should do LR
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I guess it's a 50/50 with LR.

Honest Hearts' biggest issue was that it was boring. Of course, the setting is nice and the characters are well written, but the course of the DLC felt like a forced chore. You're forced to go pick up shit for Graham, kill enemies have specific locations and then you have 2 choices and ending, or just kill somebody and ending.

Don't get me wrong, I loved exploring the area and discovering Clarke's logs but that's it. Whenever I played that DLC I wanted to be done with it ASAP, because it was fucking boring.

Well, first you need the complete Type 3 package.

- A base body, nude or not, with its textures.
- The armor replacers, with all the correspondent optional files that usually fix bugs.

After that, using Mod Organizer, here's what I did:

- Installed FCO 2.3.1 (I believe. That's the old version found in FCO's download page)
- New Vegas Redesigned 3.7 + the update
- Robert's Bodies
- Type 3 complete package

Then what I did was hide the body textures from Type 3, as NVR already included those (and looked better and more inline with NVR, actually).

Finally, load Robert's Bodies after all NVR plugins. And disable FCO's master files.
What about stuff like FCO's optional textures and meshes and NVR's Robert's patch? Sorry if I'm being annoyingly detailed

I used only the improved hair textures from FCO, and from NVR I don't recall installing the Robert's patch for the raider textures.
I'm in the same position. I'm about done with OWB, just need to grab the rest of the sink modules.

I love this character, though, so I'll probably actually do it this time. After I get back to the Mohave after a DLC, I always like to roam around a bit and enjoy being back before heading off to another DLC.

"I can do what I want."
What pre-existing faction would make a good villain in a fallout game, and one that's not been used already as antagonist (muties, enclave, NCR, House, Legion, etc)?
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Thanks anon!
Followers of the apocalypse.
The Hubologists I guess? They're sort of villains in F2, but they aren't in New Vegas at all

It might actually be a cool questline to have you establishing a cult in the Mojave
Didn't their rocket explode killing all of them?
I don't know if that's canon or anything. A lot of the San Francisco stuff is hazy for me

Besides, they still have an outpost in NCR if everyone in San Fran dies

Also there are Hubologists in Nuka World apparently

Looking good. Look out for a conflict between Roberts Male Body and the Type 3 Honest Heart Tribal Armors. Remove the conflicting armors from the Type 3 HH mod, as for some reason they are included in the mod when they shouldn't.
Thanks a ton. I'm going to save all this to a text document in case anyone else can't figure it out later
The Bright Brotherhood.
I vaguely played new vegas in the pasts but I want to spend more time on it now, and I'm looking for must have mods to improve the experience.
I'm not looking to add a shit-ton of content, just to polish out the game, fix bugs and add essential stuff that are really missing
what would you recommend?
I read the sticky but there's a lot of stuff for everything, I'd like someone's opinion on must-haves
How would this even work.
Me neither, it's so stupid that I just don't wanna do it.

Like, I'll have no problem collecting bobbleheads in Fallout 3 and 4, but Bottlecaps? I dunno, they're just too small and insignificant since you're not supposed to sell them.

I've actually never even seen festus.
luddite protagonist?
anarchists and anti-establishment terrorists, I guess.

Some of the quest in NV do touch upon this aspect of them.
Just console yourself the caps.
If the game doesn't let you, console a thousand Sunset Sarsaparillas and drink them all.
I don't wanna cheat either.

This is just one of those things that I was just never meant to complete.
Silly Ol' Advisory.
All it nets you is a pretty good laser pistol that no one will ever use.
I know. But I RP my character as a descendant. Plus I think it adds to the fact that New Vegas is the true Fallout 3.
Anyone who uses Rudy ENB explain how to inject SMAA or some good AA into it? it causes major graphical glitches when i do. and the default ENB AA is terrible for distant objects.
Pew Pew is great. The super shotgun of laser weapons
>places in presidents pocket
>he lives
>still standing around like nothing happened.
I wish the Laser Pistol and Pew Pew didn't look like the ugliest weapons in the game.
Take that back you fucking ballistic fuck!
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>planting it on a Bishop guard
>setting the timer
>initiating combat
>exploding the Bishop guards in a nice meaty blast and gunning down his family with juicy criticals to the eyes

The satisfaction at inciting complete mayhem is something the newer Fallouts really lack. I feel way more intensity and engagement during a five minute battle in a casino than shooting the same amount of people who are all made of jello.
Playing FO1 and Dogmeat keeps running like a little bitch in every fight, what do?
kill him

Heal him.
>I'm this bunker's Head Scribe in everything but name. I supervise the research teams. I collate the reports. I attend the meetings.
>But for reasons beyond me, that buffoon Taggart still gets the title. And don't get me started on that little pet of his.
>Everyone around here knows what's going on there but her.

>She's cute, isn't she? Like a puppy, almost. Unfortunately, our Head Scribe's intentions toward her aren't quite so innocent.

>I don't appreciate how much harder I have to work to cover for his tendency to focus on his personal projects.
>I try not to think too much about his personal proclivities.

What exactly was she trying to communicate?
Put him down Old Yeller style.
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How I imagined fallout 2 if you fucked bishop's daughter
She was on her period, that's why you teach profligate scum like that about loyalty by blowing up their bunker.
Tried healing him with scooby snacks and stimpacks and in the next area he pulls the same shit.

Looks like there's only one option...
I kind of hope Mr. Bishop will show up at some point, seems like a waste to not extrapolate more on the son of the chosen one
Not really though, I ain't killing my dog you sick bastards.

Is there really no way to stop him from running in every encounter?
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Never really got what these creepy faces were supposed to be, but I like them
What is that, Obscurum?

The Fallout 3 version of that mod was so much better.
It's old world blues
No wonder I don't recognize it.
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I wish Méliès had died and never made this stupid film.
Speaking of OWB, the Sink is pretty comfy with all the personality modules.
She's probably Taggart's ex and is fucking mad as fuck because he left her for young pussy
Great news! A ghoul entered our camp today who has experience fixing machines! He seems to really like it here, so I hope he can stay long enough to fix Rhonda.

Weird, Rhonda just asked me why she would need fixing. She has a point. What was I thinking?
suddenly have the biggest turn on and wanna play that game to imagine the smell. Thanks.
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oh im monkey alright
>Wanting to smell rotting fish and eggs
But why.
>Decide to get the legion ending for the achievement
>Decide to get it over with as fast as possible while seeing how much just the legion has to offer
>They have nothing to offer
>There are only about three legion npcs with missions for you
>Two of them last about 10 minutes at best

Jesus Christ if it wasn't for the achievement and the fact that everyone and their houseplant hates you i would've blown Caesars head off and fucked off to get the Yes Man ending. I never realized how bare the legion was until i tried working for them.
Well, the Legion does suck in this game. Just about everything about them is bad. And Caesar is also not cool at all.

House ending for most good guys, Yes Man if you're an evil fuck who would kill House.
What about the NCR, anon?
Honestly killing House is better than putting him back. I like killing House because he is a retarded fuck who puts all his eggs in one basket and acts shocked and pissy when the basket starts to show some wear and tear. I'm not expecting him to lick my balls and call me the second coming of Jesus, but it would be nice if he gave me more stuff/actually thanked me.

I would've also loved it if Yes Man could've been a companion
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>it's an independent fags think they actually matter episode
>yes man's cheerful voice as hes raping legion and cazadores
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>go to house
>take him out of his vat-thingy
>leave him alive
Yes man is literally the option for when the player messes up so bad that the other options are no longer available since they got killed or whatever else.

But they think it's a legitimate route, lmao.
i always cucked bishop and fucked his wife instead.
Ironically I was scared the whole time that I'd screw something up and lock myself out of the wildcard ending.
Killing House is still evil, but I've played a couple NCR patriots who have killed him, but when I play someone like that, I usually gun down anyone who defies the NCR. Sort of like some kind of General Ripper.

Never feels good to kill House though, not even if I'm roleplaying.

Do you mean killing House is better than putting him back in his machine, leaving him alive in a coffin for a year before he dies anyway? You don't say.

And he is pretty rewarding. Gives you caps for your work, and lets you stay in the Lucky 38 with your friends. In the ending, you live a life of luxury that he gives you. My mercenary/lowlife character I'm playing now won't even kill him because he may be a little rude, but he does pay well and it was really nice of him to give you access to his casino, cocktail lounge, and your very own suite.

Who even goes to the cocktail lounge though?
That's the whole point, that's impossible. Basically it's a Bethesda route.
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>Obsideon makes a new Fallout game
>It has Yes Man in it because he is a immortal hive mind now
>He is the antagonist now
>He now has a frowny face
That sounds incredibly dumb, old world blues tier.
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its way better given the other options
>an abomination
>a corrupt government that about to fall apart and eats shit from guys in skirts
>the same guys in skirts who are lead by a bald man and are also slavers and butt fuck each other because they're gay

gee wiz what amazing choices!
I don't know if any of you have ever had a fungus before but that shit's itchy.

It must have fucking sucked to turn into a Spore Carrier.
They also had lung disease so it adds to the shitiness
Are you a man of peace or war?
I've always thought it was kind of a minor plothole that the spores in Vault 22 don't infect your character. Wouldn't they be fucked after the first couple breaths inside Vault 22?

They were in the same vault, breathing the same spores the Spore Carriers inhaled when they were still human, right? It doesn't take that long to start turning, so the Courier should definitely start showing symptoms before the end of the game, as opposed to maybe or maybe not turning into one after the events of the game.
considering that those who want peace should be prepared for war, i'll say both.
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but do those who want war have to prepare for peace?
That should've been a high intelligence choice
>It's a pseudo-intellectual think's he knows good dialogue options episode.
it could be a low int + high speech then
Considering the fact that Mr. Fantastic got a job as a top scientist there because he said he had a theoretical degree in physics, they would probably think you are a genius if you started spouting out pseudo-intellectual shit.
Someone sounds bitter they can't be the top scientist of Helios One.
>talking to a friend who says he loves the fallout series
>he sees I'm playing FO1, tell him how I'm liking it after 30+ hours
>he responds in verbatim
>"its amazing man, fallout. anything bethesda"
Well you could always make a mod that checks if you're in one of the Vault 22 cells, and if you're not wearing a gas mask or breathalizer you automatically die. Hard mode: you actually live, but slowly turn into a spore carrier.
So you aren't friends with him anymore right?
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See you on the news at 11, anon
I'm more bitter that he is probably the most suave and lucky character in the game. Legion shows up to Helios One after you use it to kill the NCR there, and he not only survives but becomes one of them as well.
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It took every fiber of my being to smile, nod and change the topic as soon as I could.
well those who want peace will wage war back, so in a way they will
If I made a mod like that, I'd try to come up with a fun perk for being infected with the spores. Something like a form of photosynthesis (which I know is ingame as a perk called Solar Powered) or some other cool plant ability.

I mean, my mod wouldn't be canon either way, so I may as well make it into something fun that can be enjoyed. I could just explain it as the spores being inside you, growing, but subdued and unable to bring about large, detrimental effects.
>he didn't kill his """"friend""""
C'mon, anon. You know what has to be done.
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He'll also kill himself in the Mariposa Base over and over and over

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Is he your stand?
Funnily enough, Mutt is the same way in Fallout Resurrection. Good fucking luck making sure he survives literally any encounter.
stand name:
randomly assists the user whenever「V.A.T.S.」is activated then disappears
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Basically this
>you where the duck hunt dog's stand this whole time

I can only assume it took prolonged exposure and even then wasn't a sure thing. There were those Vault 22 guys that got all the way to Honest Hearts without showing any effect, after all.

The Cathedral is a particularly difficult area to get Dogmeat through alive. He blows your attempts to talk your way in and you can't even tell him to wait. I had to cheese my way through with a Stealth Boy in order to avoid all combat altogether.

At least he levels with you and you can have him sit out an encounter.

I found that, since generally only one enemy will be attacking him at a time anyway, I usually didn't have to worry about him until the last couple of areas when enemies could routinely blow through his tanking skills.
I'm the guy you're responding to and Katja, Ian, Tycho and Dogmeat are all dead. Mutants are like tiny Hitlers but taller.
I dropped Ian in Necropolis when he decided to start punching a mutant with a flamethrower in a hallway full of other mutants
how valid is a sneak+pickpocket+planting dynamite and c4 on everyone type of play-through of fallout 2?
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>tfw I was able to keep Ian and Dogmeat through almost the entire game
>they both get slaughtered by nightkin in the cathedral
>there's nothing I can do to stop it
I lezed his wife for sure.
Oh shit I completely forgot that's how he was supposed to die

Glad I didn't reload
thank you doctor
You see Ed.

Ed's dead.
Edd n' Eddy
To be honest I always figured the reason you can safely travel through the vault, is because by the time you get to it the spores have become dormant or weakened. Or require long term exposure, like a year+ to get affected by them.
I have a companion that goes with me including in DLC and HOLY FUCK BALLS it's maddening as fuck to see her charge into combat like a fucking retarded and get one blasted into an ash pile or bloody corpse. Every. God. Damn. Time. Thank god for the "setrestrained" console command.
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Canon Chosen One sounds like an absolute madman.
Chosen one has fucking adamantium balls
Reminds me of me.
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If you leave your brain with Mobius, does it still wind up back at the Sink?
I just wanted to take it with me to confront the Think Tank, because it seemed like it wanted to. I was going to put it back after the DLC because it seemed like it would rather talk to Mobius but I went back to Mobius's lair and the brain tank wasn't there. It had moved to the Sink.

I'm kinda regretting that I can't put it back where it was. Did anyone who left their brain with Mobius tell me if the brain tank moves back to the Sink anyway?

I am sort of comforted by the way your brain can apparently be "flushed" to Mobius, so I find solace in the fact that my braincan probably move freely to Mbius for a chat and back to the Sink.
I guess I forgot how to type at the end there.
I always get my brain but I assume that for convenience the Brain will always will go to the sink if you don't recover it since going back to the Forbidden Zone and to the Sink to reattach your brain would have been impractical.
I was gonna argue that the other mercs the jerk science guy sent in ended up as spores too, but now I think about it Keely reports that the mantises killed them and dragged them down to the fly traps.

You might be right
Could be, sounds pretty likely. I'll just chalk it up to getting lucky.
>ghouls survive skinpeeling, brain-melting levels of radiation
>"muh fresh drinking water"

This never made sense to me desu. They have a huge radiation tolerance obviously, so why can't they just drink puddles and shit?
Probably because they still have taste buds and it's fucking disgusting?
>feast on corpses

Besides, do you seriously fucking think they wouldn't do what it takes to survive?
In fallout 3 there's homeless guys that prefer death over irradiated water.
In fallout 3 aliens are "canon".
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Aliens have been canon forever.
I remember reading that the person who crashed the vertiberd in Klammath's forest appears in New Vegas, who is it again?
You've never actually played Fallout 2 have you?
Probably the only Enclave vertibird pilot in New Vegas.
Yeah, and there's nothing that proves they mutated from anything, Biologically it makes no sense for any animal or insect to have mutated into that.
Because they weren't in the original games, right?
The most depressing thing I've ever read.

>Sky looks wrong. Didn't watch you die.
>There is nothing alive out here.
Wanamingoes aren't aliens. I'm pretty sure the army or someone made them. The Fallout Bible states that they're a dying breed, and when you wipe out the mine, they become extinct, essentially.
>fallout bible
Oh, you mean the "not canon" bible as stated by Chris Avellone himself?

And once again, biologically they couldn't have mutated from any lifeform, and they don't have any electronics inside them meaning they aren't robots, so either they came from another planet, or perhaps migrated from the bottom of the sea after all the radiation tainted the earth
and that somehow means they've come to the planet from outer space?
They're referred to as aliens in Fallout 2, so yes I will stick to that possibility since it's the closest and only explanation for their origin that makes sense.
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>Goodbye, Zion.
>Randall Dean Clark Feb 5th, 2053 - Jan 2124
>They're referred to as aliens in Fallout 2
by local hicks who don't know what they are

>mutant animals/abominations created by the FEV all over the wasteland
>Oh jeez I guess they flew to earth from space and then died out because golly gee that makes the most sense
Chosen one refers to them as aliens too at first glance, funny how everyone sorta naturally agrees they're aliens?
Also, notice how they sorta resemble Aliens from the movie alien?

Big head, large row of shark teeth, they even have similar sounding screeches.
Yes, because false information can't spread at all, right?
You can deny all you want, aliens were canon before Bethesda. The psychic nullifier and Skynet exist for a reason.
What makes it false? Are you a biology scientist? Where do you think they came from?
>What makes it false?
Because one of the Lead Designers of the game said it was.
In it's current state, the Fallout Bible IS non-canon, yes. But in the context of Fallout 2, it's mostly just used to clear up questions that the game left unanswered.
>at first glance
At first glance people thought ghouls were zombies.
Guess that makes them undead then huh.
But, anon. I never said aliens weren't canon before Bethesda. I just said that wanamingoes aren't aliens.
Well, then it doesn't make sense, and it's not consistent with the Fallout universe.

Every creature in Fallout canon is either mutated from some animal, insect, crustacean, or human, and they have explicable biology, in fact, you can probably tell what they mutated from just by looking at them.

Aliens(wannamingo's) are the only ones that don't. It's actually good the bible isn't canon because it would kinda taint the credibility of the writers and designers.
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>These encounters are included purely for humor and/or easter eggs, and are random events that may or may not happen, depending on the player's Luck. They should not be considered canon.
>random encounter easter egg with a picture of elvis
well done anon yes, the fallout games are well known for their pop-culture references that appear randomly while exploring the world map
>easter eggs are now canon

so i guess somewhere out the The Doctor is wandering the wasteland then
Yes, anon. And The Chosen One traveled back in time using a Star Trek reference to put the events of the first game in action.
Even if the encounter itself isn't canon, it doesn't make it non-existent in Fallout canon, since Alien robotics among other things actually are canon in Fallout 2, so this encounter could actually be canon if it wanted to.
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Thanks for the yous, boys
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>listen to Caesar's reasons behind creaitng the legion and such
>kinda feel like joining him
Someone stop me for the love of fuck
2 of those were me, anon.
That's just how much I like you. <3
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you can't resist Caesar, anon
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What the FUCK is this thing? An alien?
>since Alien robotics among other things actually are canon in Fallout 2
bible says no
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I actually used to be an edgy loser that annihilated the Legion Camp for ironic reasons too, but that was before I sat down and listened to Caesars legend.

The fact that he was able to construct a force that rivals the NCR with just Tribals is brilliant on the verge of genius, and he's created 3 Wasteland legends with his Legion within like ten years.

The Legion is such a glorious faction I actually have trouble being able to comprehend it.
Plz continue doing what you are doing. I need DH Fallout in my life.
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Why are Brahmin Caravans the most advanced? Shouldn't they be mechanized caravans or something? I thought Brahmins were always used for caravaning.
Find better icons plox.
Can we just have a filter for "bible" exclusive to /cfog/ and change it to "fanfiction"?
>you don't get to bring fiends.jpg
>you can probably tell what they mutated from just by looking at them.
Mirelurks looked like things from the Black Lagoon in 3 and NV and Deathclaws don't look like any either.

Just eat shit, you can't argue this.
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Looks crustacean as fuck.
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Seems there's more to Ricky than I first believed....
Pillars of Eternity is probably the most boring game of all time.
Chris Avellone made the FO bible non canon to please Bethesda, your argument is invalid
People really need to stop projecting onto Avellone.
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>Chris Avellone made the FO bible non canon to please Bethesda
>L O D S E O F E M O N E for snowglobes you find in easily accessible locations isn't enough
>Chris Avellone made the FO bible non canon to please Bethesda
I don't know about that, but all it really did was just clear up unanswered shit from the first two games. It was pretty much just a glorified, documented Q&A session. There's no reason it shouldn't be considered atleast semi-canon when pertaining to the original two games.
It's not like Avellone had a choice in making the Bible non-canon, it was out of his hands when Fallout became Bethesda's anyways.
Is a throwing weapons build Viable in Fallout 1 and 2?

In my experience with other builds, throwing weapons seem kinda scarce, I know there's also grenades, and you can convert melee spears to throwing spears, but has anyone done it before?
you can throw rocks, and spikes from spore plants.
Welp, I'll give it a shot. What's the worst that can happen?
You could die!
They do mention (or are at least implied to be) enjoying irradiated food and drink in NV
I do think it's the potential for disease or taste preference

It's just occurred to me that it would be awesome if you could play as a ghoul because it would bring a potentially huge change up of mechanics in survival mode
>stimpaks don't do anything
>radiation heals you
>irradiated food and water heal and restore your hunger and thirst levels
>could have an enemy rush in highly radioactive areas where your health is regenerating constantly if you can hold your location
and if you are fighting other ghouls you have to dismember them because their health regenerates too

Fight me the series could do with more attention to combat because before FO4 it was totally rubbish§and it's still not great
Not if I do the quick power armor Navarro run
>if you are fighting other ghouls you have to dismember them because their health regenerates too
Ghouls aren't ghost people
Bible says no
How do you do that? I can't go to Navarro without dying.
I know that, but if they're healing so fast the best option is to dismember them I think that would be neat.
Welp, I'm not restarting the game for that. Guess I'll wait to get good shit so I can finally stop getting blasted in two hits by Gauss pistols.
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Your story is over just like many in the wasteland
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be more literal about visual indications
bullshit, it doesn't have to be realistic it just has to be plausible and coherent. In no way any living being can live without water (and also they formaly needed water)
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Tell that to Bethesda
Wannamingo = Ostrich, you dumb piece of shit. Also makes sense, considering how fucking fast those things are, and how many AP wannamingos have.
>there are ostriches in the US
I learn new shit everyday
>what are the zoos
Hence why there are so fucking few of them.
I didn't know legit retards browsed /fog/
Indeed. Get the fuck out of here, idiot, you are not welcome.


I don't think there's many areas in Nevada with enough puddle water to hydrate an entire community.

If you're strutting around in invincible power armour, you can probably survive throwing things at your enemies, but oh lord will it be tedious. I've heard the only way to effectively get kills with throwing is to hurl ultra-fast flares into your enemies' eye sockets, and there's only so many of those.
Holy shit, i've been reading trcf articles on new vegas, there's so much content cut not only due to time constraints but due to gamebryo being an "abortion of science"

>Bayonneted weapons
>intercoms actually have their own cloned NPC to talk with you, because dialogue can't come from an object/non-npc
the radioactive tumbleweed and wind brahmin are the saddes ones
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go back to /tesg/ or beth /fog/
When is Todd gonna fire that cunt?
Hubologists have like 5 or 6 plasma grenades on them all the time so I'm pretty set.
Pete Hines owns Todd faggot
he sodomizes him every night
that's why there's no spears in skyrim, because Pete fucked Todd's brains so hard he completely forgot to add them
Fucking Willow
There's also some incompetence on the part of the developer, don't try to let them dodge blame..
>engine literally shit itself when attempting to do normal things
>It's somehow fault of obsidian who didn't create it
In 2 can you bust down only some doors with the crowbar and is success rate dependent on your stats like strength and melee?
Lunette maybe? I think she is just a bit better than Willow, as she isn't as forced as a waifu, but still, you can romance her. At least she actually responds to what you do, like she would leave if you side with the legion or eat bodies
What exactly would be the "lore" benefit of not getting your original parts back in OWB? It seems like they made your original spine reinforced and better than the one they gave you when you got there. And you seem like you'd be more vulnerable with your original heart and brain, instead of keeping you like a remote controlled Courier, with the tesla coils in your head. Does that mean getting shot in the head would realistically have no effect on you because they can't damage your brain, and it was replaced with tech that is probably more sturdy than organs?

I'm just trying to make my Courier the least vulnerable as I can. I know keeping your brain actually gives you more DT, but in a "realistic" way, what organs would you keep/replace in order to have the least amount of physical weaknesses and vulnerability? I love the idea of turning into a god tier cyborg.
Wasn't there a female NPC that actually liked the legion? Or am I just imaging things?
You might be thinking of Siri or Jeannie May Crawford
Or the woman from the Finger of Suspicion quest.
Nah, not Siri, she want's to escape first chance she gets.

Jeannie May is probably it though.

She actually has no idea she's telling information to the Legion Since Captain Curtis is a Legion Informant.

I'm not sure if you can bust down doors, but in 2 you can open some locked containers (like lockers, but not some others) with a crowbar. Your strength doesn't have to be that high, either.
Are there any Caesar's legion companion mods?
I want to remove degenerates with a buddy
only three that I know of.

There's CNR which adds a custom voiced companion to the safehouse

Then theres the Vulpes one, but I remember it being kinda shitty so I uninstalled.

The Van Graffs make a deal to sell energy weapons to the Legion before they double-cross them in favour of the NCR, so you may be misremembering Gloria van Graff.

You might like this too, it's not a companion but adds a little more content for the Legion, by the same dude as the above Vulpes mod.


Jeannie May neither. She never hints she likes the Legion, she just hated Boone's wife.
neat, thanks
Lots of them were coughing like mad and had lung disease, it says so in The Survivors logs.
People with blue eyes are usually talking mutants. Fuck this guy, I sincerely hope he's homeless in the next 10 years for this shit alone.
Me after E3 2015:
This is going to be the best fucking game ever. After the failures of Fallout 3 and the successes of New Vegas they'll take the best of both worlds and make the best Fallout game yet.

1 year and a prepurchase of Fallout 4 and the season pass later:
How could I have been so naive. They did nothing right. This franchise is has no future.
Are You retarded?
they literally showcased nothing good.
>all the cool sounding stuff they said about their development process
Smaller dev team
More focused
New engine (Todddddd)

It was all lies or disappointment...
I wonder why this picture hasn't been edited to have Todd on the billboard advertising his season pass.
>build your own settlements
>mix and match armour
>modify weapons
That all looked good I thought, they just didn't do it right despite focusing on that and ignoring lore, good characters and going with what felt like the first draft of a story without any revision.
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