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/aog/ - Attorney Online General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 749
Thread images: 250

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another ded thred edition

>What is Attorney Online?
It's an virtual chatroom/courtroom mix we use to perform improv AA-like trials, Civil Cases, Logic Battles and more!
Come join us on our server, Attorney Online Vidya!

>The Main Reference Doc (contains downloads, rules, faqs and more):

>Gameplay footage?
Streams typically run in the evening, US time. You can also check out recordings of previous cases via guardlytheguard and lawfuldickish on twitch.

>Role Guides

>Quickstart Guide

Previous ded Case: >>153204995
I have an idea.

We let this thread die and go to /v/ for the weekend.

Really, we've been having like 200 posts per day, and every thread is dying, this game already became /v/ tier, we need to stay there just for one weekend so activity goes up a little.
i don't think generals are allowed on /v/. hence the existence of /vg/.
Why the hell are we dead? We just released a huge ass update that lets us have a great new format!

What the fuck happened to the DR general people??
Game threads are allowed on /v/ if they can't survive on /vg/ because of lack of interest.

See how there is always a driftin.io thread there or a 100% orange juice thread, among others.

Mods will only kick us from /v/ once we have a thread up 24/7 for several days, and I doubt we can reach that with ~200 posts per day.

Even if you are right we should at least TRY like goddamnit you won't spend any money doing this and you don't need to help us just don't get on our way, we are trying to get more people to play this.
You must be from the /v/ times, right? Once you go to /vg/ you can never go back thanks to fags like >>153655785 who can't tolerate /v/ and will always find excuses to stay away from it.
I'd say most people here are from /v/ times.
That's what the server poll said too.

>game is a game that requires a lot of concentration, focus, and time.
>wonders why people are unable to post in the thread
well im from DR and i'm the one who OP'ed the thread senpai

>huge ass update that lets us have a great new format!

this is news to me, what are you talking about?

investigations, which isn't new though.
>page 10
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Not my fault /v/ is pure shit
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I need pictures.
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Can we do this?
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>implying I'll go back to /v/
I don't care about what you do. I only need a few dozen people.
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>reaching into her snackoo bag
damn that's lewd
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superior version located
Investigation being built in A1
Pre-written being bulit in A2

Let's play!
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So is AO lately. Guess we'd be right at home.
>no DR

No, thanks. I came to this general just to play DR class trials, not autism overload court """"cases""""
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Case in point about AO being shit. Ronpashit ruined this fucking game.

Me on the right
do not falseflag nor baitpost, enjoy best girl.
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Ema Skye should've been Edgeworth's subordinate in AAI. Instead she was replaced by some thief bitch.
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>that anatomy
bleh what the fuck anon
post art that isn't garbage
>yfw grown hat Ema comes in with delicious boyshorts and kneesocks

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d e l e t e t h i s
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There's investigations now? What did I miss?
DR prewrit CT tomorrow be there before 7pm est!
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/v/ is shit there really is no argument to that, but i still think >>153655268 is a good idea. a lot of the people who are here now are themselves from /v/ as someanon said earlier.
having a one weekend visit might migrate some of the sensible anons lost in the shitcrowd that is /v/.

we ditch this thread and remake in /v/ at around evening time US, friday night is a pretty good primetime. we bring with us every shill we've got this weekend and try to be as welcoming as possible to the visiting newfriends.
Agreed, I want to do this.

Let's also avoid complaining too much in that new thread and mostly discuss cases. Like, do a little effort to play the game while having the /v/ thread open to comment on what is happening for the sake of bumping.
I don't mind, really.
Seeing as the next update is in two weeks from now there isn't much we will have to compromise.
For ripping and polling purposes we can still use the docs as a feedback platform.
Why haven't these been included?
>Apollo4Justice prosecutor in area 2
Holy shit avoid that case, he doesn't know how to play a prosecutor and is a guiltyfag who who's also an attentionfag
AOV has been independent of any thread for a long time (and thank God for that, as the general is usually a cesspool of bait and falseflags) since we have the /need and area status commands made, the only thing I'd worry about in terms of the thread is having a place for announcements and update news.
We are not ending the thread, just migrating to /v/ temporarily to gather more people.
>migrating to /v/ temporarily to gather more people.
That's called a /v/eekend you retard, both this and that will exist at the same time.
That never works, /v/eekend threads die quickly and many people from /v/ don't usually cehck /v/eekends since they think it is an internal thing, and they are right on thinking that.

You don't need to like the idea, it is happening one way or another. Once the weekend is over we'll probably be back on /vg/.

That'd make more sense then. Although we still have a solid 45 people on during non ded-hours, right? Not that I'd be against more people, obviously.
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>/v/eekend threads die quickly and many people from /v/ don't usually cehck /v/eekends since they think it is an internal thing

And why exactly do you think your idea will go differently?
The problem is, making constant threads for 3 days will make the /v/ mods have an autism attack.
It's why we moved to /vg/
It won't, and mods used to have an attack because we'd make like 3 threads per day back then, we had way too many people

Because there will be no /vg/ thread up at the same time
>Because there will be no /vg/ thread up at the same time
You have no control over this. Anyone can make a /vg/ thread.
>Because there will be no /vg/ thread up at the same time

that does not change my point at all

if people from /v/ weren't interested in the /v/eekends why would they suddenly be intersted in your idea, /aog/ or not?
Okay let me rephrase, most people will be posting in the /v/ thread instead of the /vg/ one. If you want to be a "fight the power" hipster and keep the /vg/ thread up by yourself, have fun
>most people will be posting in the /v/ thread instead of the /vg/ one

says who?
>being interseted in any /v/eekend ever
They are usually circlejerks, most people never pay them attention or even have them filtered.
>Fight the power
Oh you're an attentionfag who thinks he's the best because he thought up this idea everyone else has thought of that doesn't work.
My apologies
I'll stop feeding you two, and you are not being forced to cooperate, just don't post on the /v/ thread and keep the /vg/ thread bumped by yourselves if you want.
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Ok and why would your threads be any different, why would they have no circlejerk? You have no power over that after all

Face it anon, your idea lacks logic

Looks like someone doesn't know how to reply
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>By yourselves
Sure, along with everyone besides you who will continue to shitpost here. See you in 3 hours when the /v/ thread dies.
>/v/eekend threads die quickly
we're just moving this thread mostly as it is to /v/. hence it will last as long as an ao thread in /vg/, and they last here about a day or two (before dying). the mods aren't gonna have a heart attack

>and many people from /v/ don't usually cehck /v/eekends since they think it is an internal thing
OP ssshhhhooouulldddd include that the thread isn't an everyday thread and that we're hosting a special visit for /v/ over the weekend or something

Let >>153667185 and >>153667358 rot here if they want.
selfreplying i just realized we already have a thread open on /v/ why hasn't anyone linked yet

>OP ssshhhhooouulldddd include that the thread isn't an everyday thread and that we're hosting a special visit for /v/ over the weekend or something
I'm continuing to believe you're a newfag of a few days. /v/eekends always say this.

>we're just moving this thread mostly as it is to /v/.
Again, simply impossible when most choose to post here.

>Replying to yourself.
o i am laffin
You still have not addressed the core point, aka what would make your threads any different from /v/eekends

Come on anon, I'm sure you have an argument, don't you?
Polls solve everything, you should know this by now.
Here-- http://www.strawpoll.me/11137761
They are new to the server, the format was only made last week.
>replying to yourself
Did you even read this post: >>153667690
He said he was self replying and his post was jsut after mine. You are pitiful.
And the timing was more then 1 minute, so is this post.
Even if you aren't the same person, you still got your fellow newfags going in a circlejerk in area 2.
I assume what is Apollo4Justice (Miles) and the other is Gumshoe (Ember). Both of which are cancerous newfags.
>muh 1 minute timer
/vg/ uses 90 seconds for no image and 120 for image though you newfag.

>for a week
Rigged, the real deal is only a weekend.
>real deal is only a weekend

Fuck me, I didn't read correctly.
Here-- http://www.strawpoll.me/11137821
He's an outstanding judge, at least.
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>1 minute
>not even 60 seconds when vg has a 90 second timer
i think your best strategy is to just stop posting and pretend you didn't fuck up this badly, anon. i'll be in the /v/ thread like everyone else now. so even if you make a pathetic attempt at damage control i won't even see it. seeya.
i will now stop ripping for people IC seems to think the thread is shit

My poor Apollo.
/drg/ ruined AOV

>shitposting just to bump the thread

Just post screenshots senpai
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Screenshots ruined AOV
Trump ruined AOV
I ruined AOV
You ruined AOV
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People screenshot baiting is the third worst thing in AO.

Second worst flows into the first, which is excessively talking about oneself and their previous cases, as if we actually cared. Bonus points if it's during building.
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Fuck you capcom.
>vee thread died




Then you should've bumped fucknuggets.

Also, where'd all the updates on the download doc go? For y'know. Archiving reasons, I'd suggest you readd them and keep them this time.

It's almost like the people who actually play the game never post in the threads

oh wait

I'm not defending either side of the argument, both are pretty useless.

wew and I still got no answer on how that is any different from /v/eekends
a thread doesn't die because it wasn't "bumped", it dies because there was no discussion happening

basically /v/ didn't care and hardly anyone even clicked on the thread. boom. we suck.
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In reality, this shit simply already attracted the small minority of people who would be very interested - those people are still playing right now.

Seriously, I'm pretty sure a solid 30-50% or so of our userbase is from December. This shit doesn't have the broadest appeal in the world so simply throwing out nets in /v/ won't work because it's not a /v/-kend game -- something you can just hop into and hop off of forty five minutes later. /v/ is fast and this game doesn't have the broad appeal necessary to keep up with that.

It's better for people who are very interested, interested enough to sit through learning the ropes and sit through six hour trials, to discover the general on a slower board and play the game for themselves.
>opens her mouth in shock
>covers her wide open mouth with her hand to be polite
>spreads her fingers so you can see it anyway

stupid girl
worst waifu
disgusting slut
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I need these ripped in the near future.
everything you said is absolutely true. it just makes me sad that there might be people out there that don't have the time or don't want to put in the time to enjoy AO.
Pretty much this.

The original /v/ threads from December almost a year old fucking wew lad were interesting because it was new and simple.
Threads now frontload the OP with guides and shit which just seems like way too much to deal with for someone looking for a /v/eekend game.

The best thing would be to dedicate an area in-game specifically for a /v/eekend or something and just take everything back to the bare bone basics.
Then rename Base download to /v/eekend download, so they don't have to wonder what to click on, and write a step by step on what they have to do to get access to the area and the helping commands.. Simple enough.
Can anyone explain the rule change? Wasn't the whole point of pre-written cases to have specific characters?
>Wasn't the whole point of pre-written cases to have specific characters?
Some could be more open but yes pre-writtens usually had specified characters to be used, so this rule is kinda pointless but I guess it'll stop people complaining.
Is there such a thing as a semi pre-written case? For example if the witness occupations were specified but everything else was open?
So if people are using danganronpa characters and doing class trials in regular courtrooms, what's the point in Crossover Court (which seems to be always dead anyway)?

Might as well just change it into /v/eekend court >>153684047
I'm sure some have specific witnesses but allow any for prosecution / defense.
Not every character needs to be specified if they aren't necessary for the plot.

there is only a small number of DR's that can be used in normal courtrooms, and crossover court isn't always used because of the same reason area 1 isn't used much, it takes a long time to make prewrittens.
What's the command to make a doc
To set a doc as the get doc command or to "make a doc"?
Generate a doc. As in I'm starting to make a case and I want to generate a doc

How do I also change area status and advertise?
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>you will never know how to animate like this
>Generate a doc. As in I'm starting to make a case and I want to generate a doc
You use Google Docs.

>How do I also change area status and advertise?
I know I'm supposed to use Google Docs, but how do I set the link so when people type in /getdoc they get the doc?
>but how do I set the link so when people type in /getdoc they get the doc?
/setdoc (url)
Check the link >>153688606 for all commands
case doc templates are here:
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>Check area setting up a case
>Maybe this will be good
>Check roles
Been away for a while, is there any summary on new areas / new case types?
I'm seeing stuff like class trials and logic battles and don't have a clue.
Anyone still do improv cases?
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which kind of improv? straight improv or prewritten evidence/testis?
Er, people build the case and evidence but no scripts.
I don't know how much is pre-written now.

class trials are prewritten cases where everyone has their own personal doc with evidence and actions they did, you work with the other people there and their accounts/evidence to find out who is the killer/blackened.

read the logic battle template on the template doc
Mate, we're practically all improv, all the time nowadays
Regarding the idea of transferring the thread to /v/ for a short time, sure, I can assure that announcements will be done in the transferred thread if this is done
class trial in pretty much 24 hours from now

DO WE have any streamers available to stream the trial tomorrow

starts around 7pm est, expected runtime 2-4 hours

I've only attempted to stream with one program since OBS doesn't work on integrated cards, and if I minimize the window the stream wouldn't see it, which would be hard if I have to look at the docs since I intend on playing.

I will keep trying though.
>DO WE have any streamers available to stream the trial tomorrow
For what purpose would any streamer still around want to record this? And asking for a steamer is pretty low. They usually stream what they want. Not what others demand.
But everyone's has to remember our epic meme case bro!
simply because i want to use the class trial steam to shill /drg/ for us.
>Area 3 case
>An OOC is the detective

And into the trash
I'll use L and Delia Kartmann in every case for the next week just to trigger you famalam.
Area 2 needs people!
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>Doctor Hotti was the second dictator of Germany
Area 3 case has been fucking amazing so far.

The detective has an amazing rp, the rivals are great at acting like... well, rivals. , the klavier and his lore of germany.
>Capcom thinks anything will be better than Phoenix x Edgeworth
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>Area 1
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Who IS Moses any way?
Moses (/ˈmoʊzJz, -zJs/;[2] Hebrew: מֹשֶׁה, Modern Moshe Tiberian Mōšéh ISO 259-3 Moše; Syriac: ܡܘܫܐ Moushe; Arabic: موسى Mūsā; Greek: Mωϋσῆς Mōÿsēs in both the Septuagint and the New Testament) is a prophet in Abrahamic religions. According to the Hebrew Bible, he was a former Egyptian prince who later in life became a religious leader and lawgiver, to whom the authorship of the Torah is traditionally attributed. Also called Moshe Rabbenu in Hebrew (מֹשֶׁה רַבֵּנוּ, lit. "Moses our Teacher"), he is the most important prophet in Judaism.[3][4] He is also an important prophet in Christianity, Islam, Bahá'ísm as well as a number of other faiths.
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My catheter!
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Sherlock Holmes.
>areas 1 and 3 casing
>areas 2 and 4 building, 2 about tos tart
And they say we are dead.
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Hi I come from out of another general and was inquiring if there was a spot to play as an attorney on this game, ace attorney online. I find myself being a rather skilled lawyer posessing many good qualities, such as good book knowledge and law. Let me defend you today because with the aidence of my ace lawyer skills I will get you that not guilty verdict or your money back! And prosecution I'd like you to know I am not a sour sport. I too will let you celebrate with me when I beat you so don't think you'll be left moping. So what do you say? May I lawyer?
Of course.
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[Sherlock Holmes's Internally]
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download the client

then read the faq why your client is a buggy piece of shit and not working

then find a courtroom case currently building

sign up for a defense position. go with support def or co-def for your first case to learn the ropes

welcome to AO.
Area 4 needs a third wit
I need videos of cases
Here's a highlight
And another
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bump with old rip
Well, how was everyone's Friday night?
It was a good day for casing that's for sure. We had trials running and 2 AAI cases at the same time.
>AO is dead
Not on the weekend, that's for sure.
wait did i miss a class trial today?
No a normal trial. There was one running and one currently going.
Turnabout ProPain parts 1 and 2 are now already up on Youtube in an effort to reduce the wait between case streams and their availability to watch
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>Area 3
The memes never die
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Post memecaps
The final part of Turnabout Pro-pain has been highlighted and will be up on youtube shortly


Also no streams this weekend since I will be away from a stable internet source for Labor Day weekend
also, work on the edited version of CNBT will hopefully begin next wednesday

>Cock 'n Ball Torture
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>page 10
Reminder to eat, eat at least once a day /aog/!
don't die
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>This episode
>Made everything more dramatic in a good way
>better animation
>replaced Lotta with Larry (YEEEES)
>stays true to the game

So hyped for the next episodes.
>stays true to the game by replacing characters
No, fuck off. The anime is trash.
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>replaced Lotta with Larry
>niggas still think capcom panders to hetfags after watching the anime

k e k
Hello, tumblr!
Because Larry is a more important character in their opinion, and I agree with them.
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>five days left to SoJ
animu AA will never look this good
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>All discussion

You mean people bumping the thread?
Yes, we let this thread die and go to the /v/ one for the weekend. After that we go back to /vg/.

no thanks, fag.
Or it can just be a normal /v/eekend which is just as effective as your "idea"
I love how we have people dedicated into killing the game, that's some free time.
Just give it up, your idea is dumb and nobody is gonna follow through it

You still haven't addressed this: >>153667185

In fact you've been ignoring any counter-arguments to your stupid idea
The idea decent, but you are doing it wrong for reasons I explained before. This board is full of people with childhood traumas who think /v/ is the reason for their failures, they will do anything within their reach to sabotage this. Luckily those people are also dead weight in the community and never play the game, so circumventing this is very simple. Just make the /v/ thread without telling anyone here, tell people in-game to bump it. This thread will die just the same and the /v/ will be bumped as planned.
>not wanting to go through with a poorly argued idea that lacks logic means killing the game

>all these strawmen
>implying people ''in-game'' are even gonna give a shit
>people in game bumping the thread
If anyone wants area 4 is having a case about a flamethrower murder at a water park. Can't join myself but it looks fun.
Threadly reminder to eat, /aog/.
Eat at least once a day.
Remember to archive your cases on the Wiki archive.
Last but not least, remember to check the polls document every now and then.
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>She will never be the bitch to end all bitches to you and belittle you like you were nothing to her.
Barnham rerip y/n?
Also never ripped before.
Reminder to bump >>>/v/350615540
Manfred here from the Greek Statue case from Area 4 yesterday, is anyone here?
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nagito players.webm
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>crapcom shafting Gumshoe, Franziska, Kay and even Edgeworth away from the main series, NOT INTRODUCING DEBESTE INTO THE MAIN SERIES AS A MATURED PROSECUTOR
>while introducing new shitty characters
Cerebus, I'm sorry but I can't get back in JUST yet.
Real Life business to handle in the hour.
I'd still continue the case once finished of course. I hope we actually can.
Those old characters sucked though.
>/v/ thread up for 2 hours
>14 unique IPs
Look at what we became. A closed community that actively refuses to open itself to new people.
>new people
You mean 'bad players' right?

Why would we want those?

The best AO players are the old guard.

I tried explaining that this game doesn't have the broad appeal to survive on /v/ but people are free to create whatever threads they want, I guess.


But AOV has a pretty welcoming community that encourages newfriends to participate, this game is just not really conducive to attracting newfriends.
Or you know, one that realizes anyone from /v/ who wanted to join would have with the multiple /v/eekends we did that have ended in failure due to disinterest.
>The best AO players are the old guard
Who are from /v/ you know?

>strawman and hyperbole

you're not convincing anyone


>Who are from /v/ you know?
No, I don't know. Who are from /v/?
>Emass is at the /v/ thread instigating drama
What the fuck.
>encourages newfriends to participate

>Emass drama

Oh man that brings me back
>Gina Steno (Names) in the /v/ thread starting shit.


Are you implying we don't? For one, nobody knows who's new and who's not if no one says anything. Two, anytime anyone even hints that they are new they are encouraged to participate. Can you present any evidence to the contrary?
>Are you implying we don't?


>encourages newfriends to participate
Yeah it surely doe-

>you should watch before participating
>after you spectate at least 3 cases you may be able to apply
>no, first read all the guides
>you want to join? pick a support position, you can't lead or witness until you play 50 ranked matches :^)

It's so fucking disgusting what people tell to newfriends.

This desu, case in area 3 has a few newfriends but the feen was all condescending about them.
>you shouldn't play as x style because it ruins the show
yeah that's something to be told not experienced and totally does not make anyone look like an elitist
And the newfriends always end up being much better and more enjoyable than the people who say those things. It's like pottery.
Whatever happened to Hat Ema and Junes?

>>you should watch before participating
>>you want to join? pick a support position,

These are the only ones that are ever said, and they are usually mutually exclusive (watch or play a support role for your first case) and that's just because very rarely is someone going to pull off lead defense well without even watching a case first.

And this is all just advice, no one ever actually blocks determined newfriends from leading Prosecution, Defense or whatever.

Some even argue they should take lead roles and get supported by more experienced members a la Feenie in his first case with Mia.

>newfriend jumps into witness position
>creates a really long detailed testimony
>they get blasted for it
>they wind up leaving

actual scenario that happened, there is a reason why people are told to do those things.
>Hat Ema

Got banned because Rhoda baited them into posting AA spoilers.
If you mean the player Hatema, banned.
Didn't Rhoda leave due to a stalker?
Rhoda became a mod, shitted up the community, removed footage that rippers used to make new characters in a form of protest against polls, baited people into getting banned, among others.

>one shithead = the entire server population

We've set up literal newfriend cases. You are deluding yourself if you think this place actively dislikes new players.
They left 4(?) times
Once because of a stalker,
Once because >suicide threat
Once because ???
and finally they left because they deleted the rippers archive or something

>this, at one point in time, was a mod.

good riddance though
Was that when Lupadim wanted a mod in the dead hours but then forgot that and got another American?

Is Rhoda still a mod?

No, I don't think he even plays anymore.

No the mod that was made from that was a very salty man.

Rhoda was made a mod after crying 24/7
Does that guy who plays the blind little girl who got someone to drink like a poisonous non-drinkable alcohol still play?

He was funny.

Fuck off Machi
>a very salty man
Did he at least moderate the dead hours or did he just end up in the circlejerk room?

I'll take that as a yes?
What's up with the new rule change for prewrittens? Are they being done now? Last I checked, prewrittens died several months ago.
Who was that guy who kept pushing pre-writtens and kept trying to be like 3 characters at a time?
>>a very salty man

He moderates Yuropoor hours
>Yuropoor hours
Ah, so Dead Hours are still moderated?
I meant unmoderated
>Judge denying evidence in Area 3 because of "muh relevancy"

w e w
>he doesn't like Franny and Gummy
Eat shit DD newfag
Judge here: It's really fucking obvious what you have to do, stop being fucking retarded.
Playing more than one character in prewrittens happened often before they died, but only because cases couldn't get enough participants. Not sure who you're talking about though, I haven't been around for a while.
Yea, you're right! Who cares if the evidence can't be connected to murder?! That nickel found at the crime scene? That's also evidence! Those fleas? Evidence! It was at the crime scene! That makes it relevant to the murder!
Oh well, does the guy who pushed Civil Cases still play? Is that meme still alive?
>just because it was at the scene of a crime doesn't make it evidence
>just because it was at the scene of the crime doesn't make it relevant to proving their innocence or guilt in a murder trial
You didn't fix anything.

You didn't fix anything at all.
He quit because shitposters.
And no, the last civil case that was done got fucked by sabotage. To the point where Lupa came into the area to tell people in red not to sabotage the case.
if i remember right, the last civil case that was done was a custody battle Greg v. Chiaki.
they agreed on joint custody because their second son was a manwhore
So let me get this straight.
>Civil Cases guy is gone
>Rhoda is gone
>Emass is gone
>Hatema and Junes is gone
Who's left? Is the spic mod who plays the nurse still in the circlejerk room? What about the Clown who just streams Dark Souls?
>spic mod who plays nurse
He's still around, yes.

Player base hasn't decreased despite those people leaving, we had four cases going at the same time yesterday and 50+ people.
Yes, you should read all the guides before playing.
No you shouldn't stop this meme

My first time playing I wasn't a support
I didn't read any games
I didn't watch anyone playing

I just jumped in and didn't ruin anything
I doubt that.
That was the most recent civil.
It's possible he could jump in and not fuck things entirely.
As long as he was cooperative with his fellow players.
You have no arguments, your threads are in no way different from /v/eekends

if /v/ didn't care then, /v/ won't care now

Stop being delusional
>/v/ doesn't give a shit about our game because the vast majority of its userbase prefers to shitpost over non-vidya stuff
>it's our community's fault somehow

confused black man.jpg
Hello Egyptian slave!
>all this namefaggotry and circlejerking

If you want to see your long lost circlecliquers-- https://discord.gg/ezdGV
>the /v/ thread got archived

>/v/ doesn't give a shit because all it does is shitpost over dramas
>but it's out fault for being a ''closed community''
woah page 10 no
>you want to join? pick a support position
Support position for first time players just makes sense though.
I mean, it's not mandatory and they're free to take any other slot if it's open but still, it's a good piece of advice for their first case.

>circleclique went from being used ironically to actually being an insult
my position in my first case was wit 2 and i had a 10 line testy. i mean it was OK but for my first time ever i didnt like utterly fuck it up. people were generally nice and i stayed.
Okay, who is responsible for this?
you did
It was made two months ago.
I just stumbled upon it now looking for some themes.

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>He quit because shitposters.
Wrong. He became a depressing drunk who shouts "muh golden days" the one time a week he's on.
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I agree.

I took lead positions when starting out just after new years. Yes, I had to whisper for technical help
>can I do this?
>can I do that?
But this process of eliminating things we can't do in lead roles by actually playing them is so much better for learning than being support cuck and sitting back and watching.
Which game had the best 3rd case?
Anyone want to build a case?
Or would it be better to wait for one of the 3 active areas to finish first.
Nothing wrong with new players diving in to lead, it's probably the best way to learn anyway.
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>invite my friend to play the game some time
>he picks lead def first case
>has a horrible experience
>now he doesn't want to play
Horrible how?
Without knowing full context I'd put it down to the prosecution being a cunt.

It was a case with 14 pieces of evidence, layton defendant, and I think simon prosecution.

I think he tried to pin the crime on simon's monkey but failed.
>Names, Gato, Emass, Lupadim, Almaz, TrinaSue, Kanten, Gregki, Greg, and Gato all join area 8 while me and my friends are building a case.
>Emass immediately changes the doc link to his pre-written.
>I try to explain to them we already got a finished case and just need people.
>Names tells me to fuck myself
>But then Gato tells her to wait, maybe I can play.
>However when I do join Lupadim changes the character I was (Phoenix) to Ibuki and tells me to be his support.
>I say no because it's unfair
>Almaz says "Whatever, kid." and bans me
This is the 32nd time this has happened in the past hour, what has happened to AOV? I get back from a 2 month vacation, and this... It was so much better in 2014.

reminder you can report shitposts and the mods might delete them
I actually genuinely find these posts enjoyable
>It was a case with 14 pieces of evidence, layton defendant, and I think simon prosecution.
Well no shit, I doubt anyone would enjoy that.
ok well i was thinking about playing this but jesus fucking christ your mods sound horrible. I'll post on /v/ if there's another server or something.
>Early on everyone agreed not to be namefags because it would fuck shit up
>People become namefags anyway
Thanks /vg/

>Adam kicks the lead DA so Guardly can lead as Q
>meanwhile Namu is ERPing with Disgruntled on the judge's stand
>Lewdton joins, Adachi - The Egocentric Police Dick begins playing
>"Civ when?"
Except that's wrong, people used OOC names day 1

That's not even the worst of it.

>See area 1 is building and decide to join
>Ask what roles are free
>Namu replies that they are playing as every role
>Say that's pretty over the top
>They call in the other mods and Adam and Lewdton start forcibly ERPing with me
>Say I want to complain
>"You have been banned. Reason: Admin Disrespect"

Never again.
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Why am I laughing so hard at this shit
Because you don't realize how harmful it is to our integrity

We pretend to be fools once and it's funny

We pretend to be fools twice and it's ok

We pretend to be fools 5393 times? Well

In that case we should ask ourselves

What if we are not pretending...?

>We pretend to be fools 5393 times? Well

But 5393 is my AO MMR.
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I fully realize how harmful it is. Yet I still laugh. It's not like I can stop it.
If you think you can, then go ahead and try, or keep pretending you're being above the ones finding it amusing whether it be because it's stupid or comedic or both.
The best way to make it stop is by not feeding them by saying "You are very funny :DDD"
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Trust me when I say they likely werent gonna stop without that comment.
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This was a biiitch.

And I gotta do the exact same thing for the other box.

Why isn't there some way to use my rotoscope outline from one project on another?

Anyhow give feedback and tell me if I fucked something up.
Is nice.
Anyone wants to case?
This is great anon thank you so much!
Area 2 then?
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Lemme just....
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I will take a potato chip...
And bump it
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Can we do one of these pic related for AO?
Those jaggy outlines fucking suck and is the main thing that ruined aura for me. Jinxie has them too. Yet I look at the recent DGS rips and don't see that.

Really makes you think...
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Go ahead.
How the fuck was Phoenix able to upgrade his suit?
he unbuttoned it
that's all he did
He put on a waistcoat, too.
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Only debeste of testimonies
It's a completely new suit. Explain how else the suit changed from ill-fitting to Hugo Boss.
>Explain how else the suit changed from ill-fitting to Hugo Boss.
Improvements in gaming technology, the artists got better.
There's a contradiction in your statement mate
hail france

THIS is why people don't advise you lead the first time. There's the off chance you have a terrible time and quit forever. I'm not saying it's right but it's the reasoning behind it.

Atmey changed music to Lag Remover.mp3
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amazing closing argument.png
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top notch closing argument guys
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we wasted too much time
requesting the classic justice is imcompetent screenshots
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>AAI oldbag
>no AAI larry

What the fuck?
Folder is called 'Larry'
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>class trial end
>its a tie
>one of them is the blackened
>blackened wins

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Hardcore lore in the investigations case
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>a tie

Yet more evidence that the CT "creator" doesn't actually know the source material.
>Trial with an even number of people
He should have seen this possibility coming from the start.
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Well have you.png
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Class trial uploaded. Watch us fail at basic logic for a few hours if you want.

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>Names is giving a meme testimony in area 4.
i gave out waaay too many hints, particularly the one with the medical textbook taking it too far. in the tie i gave it over to hifumi because i had made it a bit unfair for him at the end.

shoot, the guy felt bad. he kept pm'ing me in ooc to throw you guys a bone because nobody was suspecting him and you were all way off track for the first few hours before nagito admitted to muh hope'ing the scene up senpai (he was kinda mad at me when i dropped the textbook hint tho. sorry Anon)
Have you not played in months?
He's been gone for a good while.
Fuck me, I am halfway through the second case of game 3 and the new game comes out in a few days.
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Some of you guys are alright.
Don't go to Fey & Co. Law Offices tomorrow.
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Uh... ok?
I love you guys.
Hurry the fuck up.
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>Solidus Wright
And we will become...THE SONS OF THEORY!
Apollo looks pretty cool.
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>black fucking psychelocks in AA6
I don't need to do 4 because I have completed that one before, it was the first Ace Attorney game I played, but yeah 1.75 games in four days doesn't seem likely especially since I have to work too.
This game is so fucking dead it's unreal, and you won't be getting more people because of the autists who scare everyone off because they like their closed community.
The userbase is pure cancer so at this point, you may as well just put the plug on the server and start again.
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Indirect (You)
no he died

Fuck off Machi
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>after case someone suggests a coinflip
>heads for ibuki and tails for hifumi
>"hey nagito, why don't you flip it?"
>proceeds to get tails 5 times in a row
I put theatrics over winning the case so im sorry about that. I felt i needed to get called out on my bullshit before I could admit to my hoping up the crime scene. I admit it wastes a lot of time and for that I'm truly sorry to anyone who might be upset over it. In my eyes it just didn't feel right to flat out say "I messed with the crimescene" for no reason. I did what he did in the first case in DR2 as inspiration.
>ripped Apollo
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>that hot tag though
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Salutations, Denizens of the lower class,
The title of my patronage is the venerable Redd White, or Bianco Nino to my friends, and I have nought but disdain for each of the individuals adressed in this notice. The entirety of your plebian entourage are notoriously rotund, uncouth simpletons who see fit to peruse nought but the most inane of tapestry. You are the blight of the globe on which I grace with my tread.

Truthfully, hadst thou ever felt the tight embrace of a female's nether regions? Verily, I suppose it brings you joy, identifying and ridiculing your peers with respect to their percieved inadequacies but the intensity of which you boars enact this trife exceeds that of any other kin.This is behavior, the audacity of which exceeds that of onanism orchestrated to imagery of that on social media networks

Do not feel afraid to avail yourselves to my presence. Indubitably, I am one where the term 'perfection' is not wasted on. I succeeded in coordinating the football team, and I was also a mainstay on the basketball team.

Those among you, do you have the necessary coordination to engage in leisures opposite of pleasuring oneself to artistically represented people of the orient, scarcely drawn with garb? I achieve perfect rankings across the school curriculum and have an immensely attractive partner, schintillating in beauty (The lady in question just performed oral sex upon my member; the sensation of which is comparable to an extravagant sum of currency!)

With great conviction I label you homosapiens bereft of all but base desires to copulate with one another, and I compel you to entertain the idea of terminating your own existences posthaste.I extend the most gracious of thanks for enduring my perfectly enunciated spiel. The photograph accompanying this notation depicts the grandeur of myself, and my object of lascivious hunger.
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reminder that Apollo is the real main character of SoJ

>apollo is the main character
why even play the game
deepest lore
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>replaying AJ
>case 4-2
>Klavier basically carries Apollo the whole time

is Klavier the ultimate truthfag?
Klavier is the ultimate fag, if that's what you're asking.
No he doesn't, he only pretends he does but in actuality he has no clue what is going on
Shut up Apollo
Since tomorrow is 1-2, should we try to get Names to come back and play a case?

Why? He can't even give up, since Mia is already dead by then.
He can give up the ghost
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I may have stumbled upon something interesting.
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Some of these are fine, some of these are awful.
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This one is top tier.
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Did he die?

he dead lad
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scold this person.png
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>"I told you about them stairs bro"

>"It keeps happening!"
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friendship ended with clay.png
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SoJ ends with Apollo staying in Khur'ain to open his own law firm

After the credits there's a final scene in the Wright Anything Agency with Phoenix talking to Thalassa about how it's time to tell Apollo and Trucy the truth

Maya is barely relevant to the game's main plot, she's there just to appease the fans, the main plot is about Apollo and his past.

AA7 will likely have SoJ's premise switched: Apollo in Khur'ain and Phoenix in Japanifornia. Its main plot will likely be about the Gramaryes and it'll tie up the remaining loose ends from AJ (such as how Thalassa ended up in Borginia etc..)

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>The spoilers are back.
Do yourself a favore and hide 153849984 and 153849773
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This also exists.

>That Kay face

Jesus christ what.
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>nagito asks to do the closing argument
>forgets what to say because we never agreed on a sequence of events
>hits the hot tag to peko
>peko tries
>OOC doing wrestling chants
>peko can't complete it
>hits the hot tag to ibuki
>ibuki gives the most logical sequence of events and winds up correctly indicting hifumi
>but since she was also a prime suspect half of the court didn't believe her

my sides were exiting orbit
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>Balls, only one

Names actually wasn't the Mia in that case, they were the Maya dropping the hint about the Monstars
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vonkarma is names.png
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>Online Phoenix Wright
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Oh and Apollo's adoptive father has a pretty nice theme too~

vonkarma isn't names
>I'm glad we are not in a train!
>Yes, that would be terrib-
You let us waste a lot of time on things you should have stepped in to rule out. Among other things, when we were discussing suicides, you were supposed to chip in and say
>No, one of you guys killed her! UUPUPUPUPUPUPUPPUUPUPUPPUPUPU
Monokuma plays like a judge with shades of prosecutor.

It was still fun, though.
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Well, suicide is always a possibility

See: Sakura
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I think it just needed a bit more pointing towards the actual killer. We formed a suspect list based off all the evidence presented but then had to abandon it 3 hours in out of the 4 hour limit because N A G I T O and had to rush the final 30 minutes when we got back on track.

This is why Klavier is worst prosecutor

He's not the antagonist but is still annoying as fuck so you want to school his ass, but you can't BTFO him because he's too busy carrying Apollo's dumb ass to actually oppose him.
go to bed Apollo
So does Phoenix have blue or brown eyes? On the cover of AA5 he has brown eyes and now on the cover of AA6 he has blue eyes again like in AA3

>implying Apollo would be smart enough to realize he's being carried

I just want to play Smug Feen like in the flashback case but nooooo
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>The state of area 2

Some lolis just want to watch the world burn.
also i think im going to add to the suggested topics
>How was the murder carried out?
because there was little discussion on the statue, chair, duct tape and drag marks on her clothing. when CA came around people were struggling to give us a theory on what happened at the murder scene 30 minutes before she hanged
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Burn all guides when? Let's start fresh, AO!
We don't know. There are more than one Phoenixes due to the events of 3-3 and 5-5 as well as 6-S.
>There are more than one Phoenixes due to the events of 3-3 and 5-5 as well as 6-S.
>Phoenix looks more aggressive than Edgeworth now
>used to be the opposite
What the fuck Capcom
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Edgeworth realized that he earns thousands while sleeping.
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>hifumi blatantly lies about going to his note when the note itself says he didn't go and he trashed it
>nobody noticed
What clans are they?

I think Athena is Tokugawa but what about the rest?
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Meet Justice senior
This has been confirmed already

Phoenix is in the game just to sell it
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>some days ago tell myself I'll join an investigation this week
>Sunday night

what's the file size of the full game?
Basically furio pretended to be wright in 3-3 and got away with it but the real wright found him out and he went to jail.

In 5-5 you can see Bobby pull off a Wright mask, wonder why he had that? Unless he used it at some point. And there is evidence he did, along with all the other masks shown off at the end.

After phoenix gets his badge back, furio easily escapes from jail by putting on another cardboard badge and simply walking out. However, he still fears getting caught and brought back to jail, or getting caught by Bruto Cadaverini, who is out for blood on him should he ever show his ugly face, so he forces himself to be Phoenix Wright again, and believes in the role.

If you so choose in AA6, you can be the Furio Phoenix (The Costumes).

If you look at the artwork of Phoenix with the Furio outfit on, his eye color changes.
Does anyone honestly believe in this

I don't think Shu Takumi is that subtle
I'd believe it for the soul purpose that he has Furio's ripped abs for some reason.
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Well, writer of post AJ isn't Shu Takumi.
And this is kind of one of those Schrödinger's Cat type things where it's possible, but it could be either or until it's observed (aka told to us).
He was ripped in AA1.
Anyone got any screenshots of Names?
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>looking for hifumi's account
>can't find it
>turns out it wasn't on its own, was lumped with the others.
>missed the contra
>That entire case

The two judges were literally shitposting so hard that neither the defense or the prosecution could get a word in.
Was Redd, can confirm.
But you know who got the fuck over it and actually moved on? Names.
Your theory makes no sense

First of all what happened to the real Phoenix? You didn't mention it

Second of all why bring up the Phantom at all when he seems to be completely unrelated to your stupid theory?
That's because Names always moves on.
Usually mid-case.
I don't get the joke here. Is it that they finish cases quickly because they knew the right questions to ask?
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He moved on all right, moved on right out of that case.

>When other people live shitty cases it's okay
>When Names did it it was the end of the world.
>When other people live shitty cases
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My point is the people still whining about Redd n Badger's Jungle Ruse Cruise aren't the people actually affected.
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>Being co-lead is a heavy responsibilty

What did he mean by this?

Fuck off, Names.
Daily reminder Gina steno is Names, and they are currently playing the co-defense, Iris in area 2
they are trying to trick you into thinking Apollo isn't the real main character
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Literally everything Gina steno does points to her being Names.
Oh but no, just a coincidence. And just luck that her "first time lead defending" was done easily and without any real help when she had only been on AO for "a few weeks".
>Defending well without any help

Well there's your first contradiction.
>People can't be naturally good at defending


not possible, they wouldn't have done well or would have gave up.
Their bench did leave them before the end of the case. Which is a Names meme.
For a first time, this is unheard of.
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>If someone leaves your bench, you're Names.

Holy fucking shit you're a mouth breathing retard.

>A first time doing well is unheard of
Projecting much?
thing is, so what if you're right?

what does it change?
I think you're the retard here.
Who cares?
Wait, is this all true?
yeah and I like how the mods deleted the post it was replying to when it had much more minor spoilers
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young sebbie when
Welp. So much for wanting the old cast back. Many claim AA7 to be the last game in the franchise, so if that one's also going to be AJ centered, I'll shit on Capcom.
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Mayafags tears are gonna be delicious
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>Maya accused of murder again
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>it'll tie up the remaining loose ends from AJ (such as how Thalassa ended up in Borginia etc..)
Machi is back boys

Essentially, SoJ is to Apollo what T&T was to Phoenix
What was T&T to Phoenix? The part where he realizes who he truly loves?

Fuck off Machi
Yeah, I agree. It would have made more sense for one of the suspects to have done it, given how little actually pointed to Hifumi.

>lol, these two pieces of evidence suggest I may have done it!
>disregard the dozens of accounts and pieces of evidence that make three people much more likely :^)

It is, but he outright says in earlier trials that suicide isn't a possibility. In that trial, he kept his mouth shut.
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Hifumi here, glad somebody noticed. GM offered to change the evidence but I told him not to. I figured nobody would notice anyways, and if they did I would play it off as being incompetent.
Can spoilerfags tell me who's getting married in the DLC case? Maggy and Gumshoe?
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So when can we advertise on Reddit again?
Court Record forums next perhaps?
The fact that we have them every week hurts us in general from getting people.
We've already gotten the people we could from /v/, as the reputation for AO has already been made in the Ace Attorney fanbase on /v/.
I dont mind /v/eekends, but people seem to think it'll be the "saviour" of AOV somehow and putting them out constantly is only more likely to desentise people. They will just scroll by, brain automatically dismissing it as a repetetive thread, (think the LoL /v/eekend thread for instance.)

Let's be real here. Theres no "ONE AMAZING TRICK TO BRING BACK 100 POPULATION"
Best thing to do is just keep on doing what we are, shitposting on /vg/ and occasionally crossposting with others that might be interested like /tg/ and /drg/.
It's also about multiple small efforts done effectivly. A big problem I have is the way some people treat new players, as some posts here say, we end up literally bury them under needless piles of guides, to be welcoming. We end up pushing a majority away because they don't want all that shit, hell, we keep trying to push that it isn't competetive. So if we could drop that, that'd be great.
Area 4 needs people for an investigations case. We have the thing built already, we just need people.
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Repetitive* Burying*
Pardon my French.

>doing well on Defense for your first time is unheard of

I hate to be that guy but I did fine leading defense despite playing the game for one day when I first did it. I also know multiple people who have done this.
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Fuck off Names
>>153874857 (You)

Whoops, meant to reply to >>153867157

>Court Record forums
Actually not a bad idea but would they stick to AOV?
Alright you fuckers, tomorrow at 6PM EST, there will be a >civil case.

The case summary and evidence has been written. Be there or come in, say 'Is this a Civil case? Goodbye.' Either way it'll be happening.

This is... bait, right? I mean, first of all


Second of all

>we keep trying to push that it isn't competetive

It isn't, win/loss fag. This fucking meme needs to die a quick death, because no game like AO could EVER be competitive. The entire premise is that it's stacked to fuck against Defense, how is that "competitive"? It's a big-ass roleplay with multiple people. There's insurmountable evidence pointing to this:

>witnesses purposefully have contradictions, which doesn't make sense from a competitive standpoint
>the "winner" is basically decided by neither "team" -- witnesses and detective basically decide who "wins" which is not competitive at all
>the verdict basically does not matter as long as the case was enjoyable, to the point where a judge was replaced for ending an interesting case early

So fuck off, AO isn't, will not be, and never was a competitive game. It's a roleplay meant to entertain all parties and tell an interesting story.
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>More Names jokes
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>civil case
Also adding it'll be taking place in Area 1. So join if you want to see a Civil Trial crash and burn because it isn't run by Snaikku.
My point with
>So when can we advertise on Reddit again?
>Court Record forums next perhaps?
is the irony that they call the rest of the community out to be
>A closed community that actively refuses to open itself to new people.
It is kinda funny that >>153875405 considers Court Records fine but not Reddit, but I guess that's just to do with that he doesn't know either community.

>It isn't, win/loss fag.
I'm not saying that we focus on winning or losing, rather act like you'd do with an esport, we provide too much guiding and reading for you to go through to actually 'enjoy the game like you're supposed to.'

I guess sarcasm doesn't transfer well through text lad, sorry for the misunderstanding.

>I'm not saying that we focus on winning or losing, rather act like you'd do with an esport, we provide too much guiding and reading for you to go through to actually 'enjoy the game like you're supposed to.'

After re-reading your post in turns out I actually agree with you, late night casing must be wearing me down.

The most I'd suggest new players do is watch a case. Mostly because it's gotten to the point where we have diverged enough from the actual AA games that

>Have you played an AA game? You're good to go.

Isn't necessarily true anymore.
>It is kinda funny that >>153875405 considers Court Records fine but not Reddit

They don't even mention Reddit, nice projecting
Reddit might be fine too, this is a roleplaying game, people who are into that sort of thing are usually decent, even if they browse Reddit.
Quoting one but not the other, especially when the other is first, kinda insinuates that you dismiss the first one. At least that's how I read it
>Nice projecting
Gonna have to spell that one out for me.
Sorry then, guess I read too much between the lines.

>Have you played an AA game? You're good to go.
>Isn't necessarily true anymore.
This is a tough dilemma.

I'm usually the first to make fun of clirqulejerk boogeyman posters but Reddit and the like legitimately worry me. I mean, we've seen players from outside the sekrit club be fine and we've also seen players who worry for their "reputation".

I'm not completely against it but it could end up being a hindrance to the server.
We have the advantage of having an admin that is reasonable, Reddit would probably make their own server.

Gotta consider court records. But I'm sure we would scare them with the entire "faggot" calling.

The issue I have is I don't see the necessity for advertising outside the place where the server originated because we're not that strapped for players, I mean, just a few nights back we had four areas active at once.

It seems like a pretty risky decision for not much reward.

Again, I'm not trying to sound like a paranoid sekrit club fag but there's a definite difference in culture between, say, here and Reddit and a resulting conflict between the two looks likely.
You know, it took only one person (lupadim) to advertise on 4chan and end up gathering attention of hundreds of people.

Only one person is needed to advertise on Reddit/Court Records and get another hundreds. Anyone reading this could be that person.
>Only one person is needed to advertise on Reddit

Remember when Emass did that for their HILARIOUS PRANK SERVER xD?

Let's be honest, if that happens a severe backfire would happen in terms of the server's original population. You should probably get some kind of consensus on this before you advertise in a community the original one is openly hostile towards.
I'm sorry, but I think we have to stick to 4chan unless we all decide to drop the epic 4chan memes
Most of them were upset that it didnt run on their Macs
>The issue I have is I don't see the necessity for advertising outside the place where the server originated because we're not that strapped for players, I mean, just a few nights back we had four areas active at once.
Well this might not exactly be reason enough to advertise on other platforms, but consider stopping for a bit on our originating platform as they've been shown to get kinda agitated that we keep trying to advertise it to them.
>It seems like a pretty risky decision for not much reward.
I don't get how it'd be risky.
Definitely this though.

This. The culture shock would probably be enough to drive off most people even if you did get them to actually download the game and join the server. Most people from Reddit/Court Records would be coming from "muh serious RP" backgrounds where shit like Grosspearl is inconceivable.

What I meant by "risk" was basically what was outlined in this post >>153878179
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>area 2 isn't even casing
>wonder if i'm in the rec room for a minute
>discord-tier conversation
What did you expect?
>Defense is making their fast paced objection
>Steno falls behind
>Holmes thinks the best way to stall for her is to randomly pull down his pants and take a shit in the center of the room.
Just stuck here I guess. Waiting for something to happen since every active place is full.
>yfw you'll never be a part of the shit case.
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>it's a truthfag sister does nothing the entire case as lead prosecutor case
No one cares tbqh
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Link for London Update doesn't work, what do
>gives us a 33 line testy of 90% fluff
>waits until the CE to shorten it
kill me
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>memer french larry turns out to be a good judge

Who would have known shitposters were so good?
>40 people online at 1AM EST
Goddamnit we are far from dead.
well its the night before labor day no reasonable person has work/school this monday
Nvm fixed

>it's a Gato deflection case
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Average Greg
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3 more days!
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I hope that one day I will be able to use Bobby at full power in a case. So far he is a bit limited in range.
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Any decent AA fangames? I just finished the main series and need something to tide me over three days.
AO cases
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>tfw nobody at dead hours wants to mafia
I-I'm fine.
You can play other games similar to it

Zero Escape and Ghost Trick are the best recommendations

Stay away from Danganronpa
First of all you have to know, all fanmade games have shit sprites. If you can get over that then these are good:

1.) Fanmade case 5 of AJ- Turnabout Substitution. Basically Apollo's Rise from the Ashes.

2.) Ace Attorney: Trials after Justice. The game hawk is from. Actually not bad. Sprites suck, but get past that and it's great. It's not finished yet, but the final case script has been leaked a few times and is pretty fucking great and sounds like a real AA final case. Hopefully one day they finish it. Gives you some appreciation for Hawk too.

3.) Ace attorney: Contempt of Court. Brisbane's game. Play it just once.

4.) Ace Attorney: Conflict of Interest. Pretty sure this one's completely done. Involves you going up against a fucking jihadist prosecutor. And some other shit. You'll like it.
Contempt of Court has Snow too
AAI and AAI2
The problem with second testimony starts from the way it's been designed. The guy was a scholar (though he should've been called a sophist then, it would clarify a lot of things), so for some reason he supposed to speak in a metaphorical way, which was very hard to decipher, even judge and prosecution said so before shit came closer to the fan.
So, then, what is the way to work with metaphor? To interpt it, from here and there we only can do this much, and me, being honest with everyone in the court, stated that freely, that I am, indeed, interpreting his words here.

Through his first line we've successfully concluded that he was indeed talking about Aristotle and Plato being enemies on the front of ideology, everone who's been paying attention to his words can agree here. He even gave a confirmation about this himself in a clear fashion.

Guys's second line, at the first, second, and third sight, was nonsense, it was impossible to understand, thus, we asked for more analogies. Then the guy clearly started talking about moses, the tablets that were given to him by a god (and thus, containted the truth), and by how there is no need for trying to interp his words.

Flaw 1: we literally can not though. Either stick to your metaphorical way of speaking and deal with circumstances or not.

Flaw 2: If we are actually playing a make-believe game (which AO is, it is a game when the ones who are not "inside the theme" are the ones who are not playing it), we must be brave and accept the circumstances. Thus, Greeks knew nothing about the legend of Moses, literally nobody knew about christianity, more than that, it was not even established at the time, so it is a load of crap. But know what? That is okay, I actually stated that I am fine with it.

The main problem was even deeper..

For some stupid reason I read a Ghost Trick summary and know the twist. But I'll try Zero Escape I guess.


Gracias. I've played and enjoyed CoI, shit sprites be damned (and they were passable by the last two cases).
But uh, who was Moses?
Flaw 3: Thats where shit actually hit the fan. What I am going to say was listened by nobody. You see, since we accept that tablets that beared the truth = guys testimony that beared the truth, we can deduct, from the fact that bible cant be understood literally, that the only way to understand it was only via interpretation, we can finally say, that:

A: Witness clearly lied at least once during testimony and is not to be believed in right from these early stages.


B: Since witness literally tried to state that Aristotle killed Plato and he saw that, to preserve the coherence of his words and the only theory we had on our hands, we should've believed in his words and deducted that he was talking about Aristotle winning in the debate against Plato.
(I will give wit a handicap here and say that he saw all thing while wit 1 was out after the break (since it was the only way), even though it is a contradiction within itself, hense, witness 2 is lying again).

Either way, the guy was lying, that was all I've wanted to point out right off the bat. Too sad I could not do it in the entertaining socratic method, but uh, oh.


Did Contempt of Court ever finish? I'm blueballed from the first third of the fourth case.
>Call mod because a Butz was intensely music spamming in area 4 a bit ago.
>Not a single mod responded.
So first we get Argo to cover these times. Then we get Rhoda because Argo was on at the wrong times. And now Rhoda doesn't do shit.
Not to mention the only mod on at other times of the day is fucking Lewdton, occasionally Namu, and Argo.
Fuck off shitposter
Rhoda was removed or something, so there is no mod for those times.
He actually quit after, well, deleting all the footage that rippers were using.
This is getting old.
charfags are worst than namefags desu.

A charfag literally came into a1 earlier and acted all high and mighty telling us why the case went to shit. They werent' wrong but we already knew that shit.
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come say that shit to my face faggot

bet you won't

bitch ass
You literally fucked the ending worse than bobby ever could of.

Not to say the case wasn't ruined due to bobby, your involvement just fucked any chance of reviving it.
isn't today the day Mia died?
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It was probably that wacky Komaeda's fault.
But yes, yes it is.
Seems like Emass is at it again
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leave Emass and his perma dead server and his fractured ass alone

he don't bother us no more
It's for his own literal circlejerk
Nah he still does. Either him or his defense force. They were in the /v/ thread two days ago.
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Then stop fucking talking about him, jesus, you faggots.
I see you are part of his defense force.
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No, I just simply don't fucking care about the guy and I'm tired that people flip a spasm about him when you should just ignore him. I observed that thread, some baiter started namedropping left and right, starting that entire mess, that's what you need to complain about.
Emass is gone, good riddance now stop keeping his spirit here.
That's not how it happened, someone had literally announced Emass would make another server, people obviously reacted and you know what happpened next.
Okay, I retract that then, I recalled differently, but can't we just agree to just Filter Emass and move the fuck on?

[Lag Remover.mp3 playing in the background]
1 hour no bumps
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10 years no bumps
what's the ass-pull?
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I just binge played through Turnabout Substitution.

>mfw the killer slips

A shame it's buggy and the sprites are terrible and the timer is bullshit, cause the plot/script itself was really well done. I'd quite honestly pay for a remastering and cutting the timer for a different gimmick.
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Contempt of Court is the best one tbqh
What characters in AO are the best rivals?
(Be it Witness vs Defense or Prosecution vs Defense.)
Note that I'm talking the AO headcanon, not AA.
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I personally liked CoI a lot more, the later cases had great scripts and were well polished. CoC was good as well though, I wouldn't be so fucking blue-balled by the incomplete fourth case otherwise.

Whenever I see CoC I think of Corruption of Champions
Sadly CoC gets updated with a slow as fuck pace because only one person works on it and he's busy with irl stuff
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RIP Mia, the titty monster will live on forever in our hearts
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3 days left

I hear they're going to try her sister Maya in court in two days.
Grossberg's gonna take the case, I'm sure of it.
If anybody can stand up to that stinking evidence forging prosecutor it's Marvin.
What was Mia's ToD?
Too soon
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Is that so? Thanks for the splendorous information friend!
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8:57 PM is when her sister got her, pal.
Death was almost instantaneous.
Don't know if I should've told you all that.

The autopsy says death was instantaneous. If that was the case, how did the victim write the message?
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Y-You guys are awfully excited, the trial wont even start until the 7th!
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That doesn't stop me from leaking information!
Best pairing in AO and AA
Check out that *other* Attorney Online place.

Good place to start would be cases by a user with the name of DWAM or something. They can get a bit edgy a times, so there.

One thing to note is that there can be OCs with "placeholder" sprites. Can be annoying at first, but then the alternative would be custom sprites, so it's not too bad.
>AA6 comes out in 3 days
>no money until the 10th
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It's okay, as long as you buy within the first week you get free DLC costumes.
Which of course aren't really worth it on their own unless you just want to >support capcom
>doesn't want to see Phoenix wearing Xin Eohp's costume
Are you gay or something?
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If I did I could just watch someone else do it.
Admittedly since I am getting it day 1 like a good goyim, I'm most likely gonna turn it on anyway for the hell of it.
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Mia died, WHO DUNNIT?

Her sister.
I bet it was her- all the evidence says so.
The only hope for this general are more /v/ threads.
>want to prosecute
>truthfag sisters come in and take lead and co prosecution
>oh well I'll just steno I guess
>Faris does nothing but cry about being penalized by the judge for not doing her job and leaves, insulting half the court with it
>VtheDark leaves alongside because she can't do anything by herself without someone to hold her hand through it
>forced to continue stenoing after
>support prosecution saves the case only because he's an oldfag

Why do these two people keep playing? Theyre terrible, they hog up slots for people who actually want to use them and always when things don't go their way.
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That's wrong.

You forgot SoJ and AA events happening in real life time.
>""""forced"""" to continue stenoing after
Holy shit what a cuck, and you still hide behind le anonymity on here
Don't talk to me or my co-steno ever again.
>tfw AA6 fucked up your OTPs
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Life is simply unfair, don't you think?
Alright so the Civil Case is gonna have to be delayed for a few days because I need to fix a bunch of shit. Will update when it is 100% ready,
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I made a thing, how'd I do?
I've never made sprite work before...
Alright, how would I go about fixing it?
>Gato, Gato, and Gato come into area 4 while it's building
>change the premise from dora the explorer to a generical stabbing murder
>ban lead defense and prosecutor just to play

Fucking really when are we getting rid of thist fggot?
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wrong courtroom.png
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revolver van zieks.png
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I can't tell if this is a shitpost or not
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gee what do you think?
Oh shit this thing is still alive? I used to play on Demon server or whatever but it got really cancerous and some faggot kept trying to get me to switch genders irl so I stopped.

How's the community for this server?
Good in the game, just avoid the thread.
>How's the community for this server?

I mean, these posts are pretty indicative

Pretty good, but you should avoid the thread since it is full of bait like >>153950872 who is quoting posts that greentext things that never happened.
I don't know, it's posted like a shitpost but something similar happened yesterday with the truthfag sisters and its not anything new
isnt there a civil case in two hours
>some faggot kept trying to get me to switch genders irl

I checked out Demons once and that doesnt really surprise me

look forward to it
>Expecting anything but shitposting from Gina Steno.
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>it's a "Press everything to advance" testimony.
>the prosecution and judge cuck the defense and witness because muh theatrics
>100 more replies until the thread dies

can't come soon enough
Blackquill is a weeb

Also, 2 DAYS
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Turns out Grossberg is not going to take Maya Fey's case.
What is going on here?!
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>DiU OST Volume 2 has Kira's themes in it
>Comes out late December
>Have to intentionally delay the CNBT project multiple months if I want to use the music
What are you on about?

get everything else edited and done, then add in the music when it comes out.
Grossberg refused it too?

I'm a lawyer and some "Phoenix Wright" appeared asking me to defend Maya Fey in court. Naturally, I refused, considering how it is a most hopeless case.
That's still several months of waiting. I'll see if I can tide people over by working on short clips and uploading those as teasers
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Memories of Kaz.png
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>Only area 1 is in a case
>Area 4 is just comfyposting about anime
Anyone want to actually ((case))?
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>tfw I have only cased once in like 4 months and people still shitpost about me
I appreciate the attention, but I've moved on from AO. Time to find a new boogeyman.

Not even my server, mate. I know the person who runs it, so I can give you their deets if you want to improve your shitposting.

Now if you're done stroking my ego, I'm going back to my video games.

you can change your steam name to literally anything
deleting the wiki was not a cool thing to do tbqh

but you restored it so whatever

Nobody likes you, Gato, stop deflecting.
Feel free to add me if you're skeptical. You can also find me in the Discord or on CyTube.

>deleting the wiki was not a cool thing to do tbqh
Yeah, I realized that was a dick move and contacted Wikia to restore it. It's all Gucci.

Real nigga talk: Y'all better find something/someone else to shitpost about because talking about me and giving me (Yous) will only feed my ego.
why are you even giving yous you meme go back to killling emus
Gotta say this investigation in area 1 is pretty entertaining but jesus does it feel long
Can you transfer demo data?
It's only a few days till release and I don't want to replay it then again.

Holy shit am I behind.

Also I wouldnt think so.
That's the main drawback when these things are good, they are really damn long but fun to watch.
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The demo is so short,are you serious?
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I see you are still a dick.
>hurr everyone stop complaining about me wtf i quit 4 moths ago please stop the bully...
>but I also don't care yuo wanna know what I like the bully it strokes my ego hahaha
>but please stop come on find a enw boogeyman wtf loko I am the real deal add me a steam I'll prove it...
I'll never understand you
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>Giving them (You)'s

Judging from the fact they said they hang around on both the cytube and the discord, they are far from "moved on" with AO.
Is that the best you can do?

Good point.
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post yfw you shitpost in the thread and give attention to attentionwhores rather than actually case
>implying I don't do both
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Turnabout Vigilante has been added to the wiki if anyone cares.
Who's the best played OC?

So as a test of the edited version of Crazy Noisy Bizarre Turnabout I'm going to start by editing the first DIO timestop scene
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Fucking timelines.png
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my body is ready
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post team pictures
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Pro Team.png
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And the final for the basketball team series
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Defense Team.png
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>there are people with review copies
>they're not leaking the CIA
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Wait no, there's this one too, not a team picture but it works
But are you ready for
>Added ZA WARUDO visual and audio effect
>quick cuts of everyone in frozen time
>redone scenes for higher quality viewing
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rollins melting.gif
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>dying for pie
damn that was fun
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>DD sold more copies than SoJ
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Phoenix is one hell of a drug.
I'm gonna make more emotes for misty so I can literally fuckin play her
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Well of course, people who bought DD didn't know DD would be shit in comparison to the rest of the series, then felt the series would only go downhill
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Team pic supreme
>1-2 reimagining turns into 1-5

Only further shows who the superior family is desu
The Clogged Turnabout is now highlighted and currently being exported
https://www.twitch tv/lawfuldickish/v/87864513
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The Ultimate Stand.png
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L was a mistake.
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anime case.png
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We posting some of those screencaps?
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You're full of shit May. The truth is you hated that bastard. You followed him into the office and then sent him straight to the floor. He didn't look up you smashed his head with a glass stand and then you brained him because he's an egotistical megomaniac and he treated you like shit. You Thinkered him for all the years you had to take it. You wacked him because you are such a weak fucking brother, May and you wanted to erase all memory of it.
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Who #dicksoutformia here?
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I need more of this

For research purposes
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Post good cases.


>Faris' """""""DJing""""""" actually made it less hype than the ingame music.
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>post good cases
>at bump limit
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Rank your top favorite AO chars to get to bump limit. I'll begin.

1.) Adachi
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1.) Adachi
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What happened to le coffee man anyway? Did he die? Is he still in prison?
First yes Big Guys is reddit and hates everyone, they've caused alot of trouble in the past.

As much as I'm trying to sympathize and avoid as much drama as we can as a general, we can't do anything about Fire Rises with your GM having said what he did. We can't be having every single guild be thought of as /vg/ simply because someone from vg is in it. In your GM's words, it was meant for his friends and not for here. PLEASE get him to come back to the general, trip, and say otherwise with proof so we can avoid as much drama as possible.

The OP has had our guilds in it nearly since /vg/'s inception as a board and it has proven wildly successful giving them so much exposure, it a bad idea to change that and it won't be pastebinned
Thread posts: 749
Thread images: 250

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