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/owg/ Overwatch General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 757
Thread images: 238

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Clearing the Area Edition

>Official Website

>The Oversheet


>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>OP Pastebin
http://pastebin.com/0HaMLiu7 (embed)

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info

>Overwatch DPS Sheet

>shitty countdown for sombra who cares

Previous thread: >>153038685
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Rape implies one of the two doesn't want to take part on it.
Are you saying you don't want Ana to ride you like mad?
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Cutest and best pairing
What is the most counterable ult and why is it Tactical Visor?
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dead ringer.jpg
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>yfw Sombra is a Dead Ringer Spy class
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Hana Song
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Jamison Fawkes, cutest and best shitposter!
Ana has no time for pregnancy, she probably uses some kind of Mercy-tech for mpreg.

He reverses the polarity

It's like you don't know anything about science. Haven't you even watched star trek or Dr. Who?
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Fareeha Amari's slim body.
>your team's Blackwatch Reyes Reaper with golden guns standing on the rooftop next to the payload's route

Sometimes you know it's gon b gud
Is there a worse feeling than getting 4 golds? it just mean your team is worthless.
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My mouth is watering for a taste of Hana Song's tummy
Perfect picture if you remove the Mei
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I can't wait until the next season when Blizzard gets rid of babby's first fps players matched with 4x prestige players like this. Fuck.
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What are the odds of Reyes missing an eye under his mask?
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world first bastion golden gun
She's my favorite hero. How do I become less shit?
Getting 5 golds, obviously
Depends on what you got it for.

Getting it for 3420 damage, 6 eliminations, 2 obj kills, 00:14 obj time means it was only you who tried doing anything against the inevitable defeat.

Getting it for 16700 damage, 36 eliminations, 24 obj kills and 3:20 obj time is kinda good. (good players easily overdo these numbers)
>Playing Bastion on defense
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>when someone doesn't want to embrace tranquility
use a sensitivity between 20-45cm for a 360
enjoy killing shit

Aiming and recalling better are the most important changes there.
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I laughed.
>16700 damage

yeah maybe if theyve played nothing but one damage dealer ignoring the team like a cuck all game
>rdo these numbers)
> Anonymous 08/27/16(Sat)08:44:01 No.153057784 ▶
>>Playing Bastion on defense
ur cute
"rape" is just a word I used for "I didn't have a say on it"

I would be willing 24/7 to get rode by young Ana and fertilize her eggs
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Just me or has the progress stopped on 6.9026?
>Sat Aug 27 15:50:00 CEST 2016 6.8799%
>Sat Aug 27 15:55:01 CEST 2016 6.8874%
>Sat Aug 27 16:00:01 CEST 2016 6.8912%
>Sat Aug 27 16:05:01 CEST 2016 6.8988%
>Sat Aug 27 16:07:01 CEST 2016 6.9026%
Whose intro is that?
>>rdo these numbers)
>> Anonymous 08/27/16(Sat)08:44:01 No.153057784 ▶
>rdo these numbers)
> Anonymous 08/27/16(Sat)08:44:01 No.153057784 ▶
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Experience mobility.webm
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If you're lucio or mercy, yeah, but it's much easier to get those medals with an offense hero.
>Mercy wants to shrink your cock until it's a little sissy bitch clitty
>She promises a lifetime of amazing anal orgasms if you accept it
>What do
Can't believe it took so long for someone to fall for the bait.
Hey /owg/ what's happening in this image?
Pegging is probably gayer than gay
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Being a useless onion-faced slag.
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Tell her to stop her weird experiments and to open her mouth, it's her healslut discipline time.
Scrawny piece of shit
vaginas are disgusting, delete this
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I main d.va.
If it's between two members of the opposite sex it can't be gay by definition, anon.
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Stupid gooks and their Dva x Tracer ships

This is the only acceptable ship
Don't see many Pharahs these days, let alone getting POTGs. They have been cucked out of the meta even in casual play. Playing Pharah is incredibly frustrating.
The truth is rude. She got no ass too just like Ana.
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Mercy's vagina is a healthy meal.
imagine being constantly brought near orgasm but denied it constantly while mercy stomps on your balls with her heels
Genji's reflect needs SOMETHING done to it, doesn't have to be as drastic as making flashbang ignore it, duration time, cooldown etc, but for fuck's sake at least make it more recognizable in the clusterfuck, a louder callout, more noticeable visuals, something. This way it's just boring guessing whether his MLG pro skill is on CD or not, if he can turn everything I throw at him against me I should at least be notified of it.
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incest is wrong
if you wanna get fucked in the ass date a man

Don't stay in the closet
It's a clue
26 september
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rip gengu.webm
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Is there anything more satisfying?
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She has a qt, fit and toned butt.
She's perfect tbqh.
Mercy can't be five years older than Pharah, either Pharah needs to be younger or Mercy needs to be older. Also, how is Tracer 6 years younger than Pharah, but still a member of Overwatch and Pharah did not get the chance?
The thing is in casual play, even the really good Pharah's don't make big plays they're just a constant annoyance
there's nothing gay about having sex with a member of the opposite sex

are you retarded?
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The best feelings are booping mobility characters to death, killing Tracers and killing an ulting Genji.
Is it just me or is the new map fucking shit?
>killing an ulting Genji
Which is what happens in the webm, yes

Killing a roadhog that missed his hook.
Tracer can't age due to her chest thing.
>there's nothing gay about taking it in the ass and choking on it

yeah ok bud
>"is there anything more satisfying?"
I was agreeing with it you sausage, because there isn't anything more satisfying
confirmed for braindead
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Overwatch Canon.png
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>playing hanzo
>arrow ready just waiting for the right moment
>hear ryujin no ken wo kurae!
>get spooked
>finger slips off mouse
>hear genji death groan

Get shittered son
Now I know this may be a unpopular opinion but I really think Junkrat may be an amputee.

I mean look at this ball joint, no actual knee could have a joint like that on top of it.

What do you guys think?
Oh. Then put me in a bun with mustard and onion 'cause I guess I'm a sausage.
lol whatever fag
>autistic MUH HATESEX ships like WidowTracer and JunkMei

Don't post this ever again.
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>small and cute
>always lovely whenever you look at her
>so precious that you want to make her cry and tell her daddy on you

D.Va is for bully. Old geezers leave.
>widowmaker and mccree
>widowmaker and genji
>widowmaker and hanzo

puking tbqhwyf
Killing an ulting Gengu with naked Dva, with a pistol whip as the finishing blow

I don't see it anon

ÎŁ(6+9+0+2+6) does equal 23 though...
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someone explain to me how pharah's suit joints work
Just hide behind a tank and 76's ult may as well be gone
Had a good kek, thanks anon.

>Having sex with a woman is gay

I think you're confused.
it's armor
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>Its a 'matchmaking throws me into impossible to win games' Day
How the fuck do people struggle on Vodka defence? How?
Why don't legendary duplicates give you 500 gold? It's like getting punished for already having the skin.
>skull tattoo on shoulder

Could Junkrat secretly be Sombra?????
>Pharah is autistic
I knew it.
it doesn't explain why her elbows and knees work like an action figure
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did jeff give you the skins you wanted?
Speak for yourself. I'd rather take some Mercybutt. Yes I'm Genji
Attacking is easier than defending, anon.
I can rep the EDL, so yeah I'm happy
Blizzard said she ages
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>they thought the countdown was going too fast so it stopped

fucking lmao
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>Losing Hanamura attack because people are afraid or Torb turrets
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buy low sell high at the game's side
buy high sell low at your side.
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dumb legend.png
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What did he mean by this?
I swear Defnece is literally impossible unless the attacking team is actually, literally retarded.
That's cool. Genji and her can be sluts together.
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I fapped hard to this scene, she has a fine ass
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He has no problems with Pharah giving herself some love.
>enemy team goes 5 genjis because haha no hero limit
>pick symmetra
>get 4 golds due to impeccable turret placement
>end game card shows 17 sentry turret kills instead of golds

they explained it in a post that it's just her armor
she has all limbs and it just looks like joints
Artistic decision
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>spamming "I need healing" to Mercy while I'm on the payload, which is 1m away from the checkpoint
>instead of healing me, she flies halfway across the revive two people
>I get killed and McCree swaps to Widowmaker for some reason
more like an artistic fuck up
She skipped leg day.
It's a cartoon game for babies, idiot
quickplay is so fucking bad

i wish i had bought the game earlier, holy shit i can't stand playing with mouthbreathers
>I will never throatfuck Pharah

why live?
Post some QTmaker.
Just like Reinhardt's head not being able to fit inside his helmet
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Why would you want her to perform such uncomfortable activities?
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Why is Winston the most hated character in Overwatch?
> Least played Tank hero because he requires no aiming
> Constantly shamed as the 'Noob Hero' because of this
> Tumblr shits on him for being friends with Tracer because 'muh lesbians'
> Isn't even called by his real name, just 'Monkey' or 'Harambe'
because her lips and mouth are extremely sexual

plus she's cute too and cute girls are good for wrapping their lips around cocks
O I'm laughin

Spamming "I need heals" doesn't make people want to heal you, a support player has more to do than heal you fyi. In a situation like that they probably needed to get the revive off and figured you could handle yourself. If you were defending then the revive was probably a highly necessary act, if you were attacking then the payload heals you.

Mercy is a single target healer so she always has to decide who needs healing first, if you aren't getting healed it's because you aren't a high priority target or you're in a bad position that she doesn't want to go to.
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>go on a suicide mission to make Rein drop his shield
>nobody kill him
t. illiterate and retarded Mercy main
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Nope, cute girls are for pure loving.
Leave her mouth alone pls.
>playing at 3 AM because I have a week off
>doing some quick play for fun
>people actually picking Bastion at 3 AM

That's some sad shit
it's spreading
I've seen this image multiple times but this is the first time I'm noticing the fucking cat holy kek
every time i see someone pick either bastion, widowmaker, hanzo, or symmetra on my team i silently judge that person as a human being
le dicks out 4 harambe xDD
Being called Harambe would be an honour tbqhfam

I'm sorry you don't know how to play supports and instead blame them for your own mistakes.
His fingers look really weird here, like black twinkies
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>Suicide charge Bastion to break the choke point
>Everyone takes a break to search for health pickups near spawn.
t. never got succ'd
I feel bad for your meta memers for not being able to enjoy the game anymore as you make your picks based on the latest """"""""professional"""""""""""" stream you watched not on what you actually want to play.

You are unworthy of the new reality.
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>Backdoor the point as genji and kill bastion and symmetra+turrets
>Whole team is busy dealing with tracer
Calm down Symettra
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guess my favourite hero
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All I wanted was Americree

Didn't get it
>paper shield
>tickle beam
>ult isn't potent enough
>only swinging a pitiful 1.5 in of gorilla dong

Being Winston is suffering.
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I hope the introduce something else you can spend the competitive points on, golden guns look like shit

I need Pharah's mouth around my penis

I need to cum in Pharah's mouth
>giving some healing to 1 person is more important than rezing 1/3 of the team
>implying it'll be any harder for mercy and the two she rez'd to push the payload 1 entire meter than it would for one person

Shit, if it's only one meter that takes like a second at most to push even with only one person.
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widow cosplay.jpg
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On it.
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Comp when
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>Going Reinhardt/D.Va solo pushing payload
>Enemy Zarya with a pocket healer sitting on top of the cart
>"________ has switched to Widowmaker (was Soldier 76)."
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Does anyone else not really laugh but just feel sort of happy inside when you're in quickplay and fighting another player who is on the same hero as you and during your duel you both go "Hello!" and use your voicelines? It happens from time to time when I'm fighting a D.Va as D.Va, we wave to eachother from behind our matrices and "Winky Face" spam lul
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>1000 healing

No. Still missing Champion Zarya and Swedish Torb. The game will probably be dead before the next opportunity to get them.
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blizzard hook balance when
Ana thought she was Widowmaker
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>backfilled in KOTH, first fucking round, 42% to red team
>pick Winston
>managed to get us to 99%, they barely won 99-100
>second round
>100-0 to us
>third round
>enemy team switches to a reaper and a winston

it's a great feeling knowing that you are recognized as a threat. We still won 100-30 or so. Got 3 golds.
Probably mercy or some dumb shit.
Why do people keep saying this game is gonna be dead within a year?
It will be Pharah who is cumming in YOUR mouth.
>not playing battle LĂșcio

Do you hate fun? There's nothing more satisfying that soloing offense heroes and having a 10-1 k/d
I have no problems with munching her.
I want to hear her qt moans.

You can curl the hook over objects, it's not hard if you've played roadhog for any period of time.
Why do I get so fucking mad at this game

it's not an issue in any other vidya
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>play Ana
>random on my team picks Pharah
>develop a maternal relationship in the spawn room

Anybody else felt this feel?
Any game where you really have to rely on a small group to win is rage inducing, it lets you see and focus on how retarded people can be
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>playing lucio
>roadhog hooks me but dies as im being pulled
>launches me a million miles past his dead body
>to land right in front of the ulting mccree
Glad you're having fun, kiddo
>he doesn't know that most women are turned on by oral
>>enemy team goes 5 genjis because haha no hero limit
>>pick symmetra
>>get 4 golds due to impeccable turret placement
>>end game card shows 17 sentry turret kills instead of golds
Its in the fucking image
Because Blizzard can't balance the game but market it as esports. Also the gap between seasons has probably alienated both comp and QP players alike.

And btw summer olympics are every 4 years
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Would /owg/ want a normal coloured Widowmaker skin?
>that pic
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>speedboosting towards a low health rein, running through his shield and punching him to death
>speedboosting towards a fleeing enemy and pushing them off a ledge
>landing headshots and killing hanzo shitters
>5 golds
We saw it the first time
>Be Pharah
>There is Ana in the team
>Doesn't heal

What a shitty mom
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>purified Amelie
Why not.
first result in google image search, you uneducated piece of shit. Also, no source begging outside of /r/, fuck off.
Not unless she turns out to be a beurette
if you were to reverse her brainwashing, would she still be a good sniper, or would that get purged?
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I can't honestly believe how an innocent french maiden could have such a lewd indecent body.

There are already two.
Ascendant Zenyatta is the best skin because
he's got the black balls.
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Shed still be good at it, even real amnesiacs retain skills
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>kill Roadhog
>Hear "Crikey m8 looks like I got nobody to look after me anymore :("
>turn the corner
>see this

Wat do?
Online team games are really frustrating. I used to get fucking kissed playing Splatoon and this game but have no problem losing in a fighting game.
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That's the joke you double nigger
so 4chan is now replacing the word C U C K with kek?

Widow should be a POC. That is the demand of the progressives.
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>>enemy team goes 5 genjis because haha no hero limit
>>pick symmetra
>>get 4 golds due to impeccable turret placement
>>end game card shows 17 sentry turret kills instead of golds
only if it's in all caps, you cuck
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She probably wasn't the kind to show it off.
ur the cuck here, cucky cuck cuck cuck a doodle doo
I could very easily see Widow as an Algerian qt.

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>Team of Gengis make a strong push
>teammates try to go full DM
>"_______ has switched to bastion (was winston, reinhardt, soldier 76, etc.)"

>On Numbani
> team has D.Va as tank
>support plays Ana instead of Lucio

>play winston
>team reloads/heals up every time I jump in to distract

Who would think that such a plain girl would hold such an ass underneath her clothes?
Being Winston is suffering. You want to put your tiny gorilla dick in Tracer, but she will never see you as anything but a non-threatening guy friend
Why is Widowmakers spine constantly bent like that? it looks very painful
>some guy on my team gets angry at a Torbjorn calling him bad
>says "bitchboy" in every sentence
>keeps talking about the Torbjorn sucking his cock
>begs people in all-chat to report him
>as the game ends, says "We'll see who gets banned first" to him
how does /owg/ feel about Genji x Mercy?
My wallet got stolen by a co-worker last night while I was working. Please post angry overwatch memes to match my incandescent and impotent rage at this act.
Why don't people play on/around the objective in a game featuring solely objective-based game modes? So many times I am standing alone on the payload as something stupid like Tracer, meanwhile not only my team, but most of the enemy team is off playing TDM somewhere else entirely. It's so fucking stupid.

The best moments are when I play Lucio and I'm moving the payload alone, meanwhile some jackass Reaper is spamming "Need healing" from somewhere around the enemy's spawn.
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Probably, but she'd probably have PTSD.
For you
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To make her ass more pronounced.
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He is like 60 and she is 19.
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where are the fucking patch notes
fuck blizzard so much
it was you, wasn't it?
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Thanks for the luv.
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Bastion is a girl!
How do I git gud at Genji?
>implying I'd ever play something that isn't Robomonk
I want to have fun before he's nerfed
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There can only be one
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soldier 76.png
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>implying that you wouldn't a Jack Morrison at the first opportunity
>ugly edgy old man
He's not even thicc like Reaper
Hanzo's ass is made for McCree only
can we stop al lthe gay shit and talk about zarya pegging me?
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Come November we learn of our first canon pairing.

How will you handle the shit storm when the origin story of these two comes out?
Gabriel pls
Yeah because age gaps are not a thing in this fandom.
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Well all that stuff they pumped into him is certainly good for something
reminder that hookpig will be on every team comp after zen nerf
Yeah, well Reaper probably looks uglier than Deadpool underneath his lame owl mask, so that's -9999 points
it will not matter
there is no story mode only multiplayer so most people will not care
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>that one friend who plays literally nothing but junkrat
>less than 2 hours played on most of the cast
>tell him to experiment with more characters since it makes the game more fun
>he tells me to go fuck myself

how do I convince him to play other characters? His junkrat is good but I just want him to mix it up a little
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Hold up now!.png
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Why is there so much gay shipping around this game? You do realize at best a single gay couple will be in the game out of all the characters we have right now, right?
>Wake up
>site not even at 7%
Mexicans, not even once.
But those thighs anon
Tell that to Tumblr.
Tell me more, please. Did you get that nice chat exchange between them that goes something like "I'll keep an eye on you from back here, Fareeha." ?
post more ___old Ana x S76
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>Zarya's stiff clit is probably more significant than Winston's puny simian wang
>Tracer would probably have to stifle a cruel cackle as it ineffectively mashes against the opening of her twat
>she'd also start gossiping to other OW members about what a crap lay he is because he's a lame virgin

The only way Winston would come out on top is if he has that weird micropenis humiliation fetish or starts seeing zoo animals.

t. Sombra

[Spoiler]seriously though that's fucked up, sorry it happened.[/spoiler]
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tumblr are a bunch of sexist sociopaths, what do you expect?
I have a similar feeling, especially if it is two D.Vas
Can we stop with the gay shit and talk about being Hana's cocksleeve instead?
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how hard is it to get into making sfm porn?
What makes


% move up?
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Was this always here?
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>3-4 minute wait times
>all to be thrown into 70+ games with premades everywhere
>tfw starting to recognise the same names popping up
This isn't comfy anymore, can I get off the ride now?
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There is only one gay couple and its assumed since there are two gay characters.

In November we find out it was these two. That's it. It'll be bland and boring too like how blizzard writes their love stories too.

But seeing Gabe actually give a shit about something might be fun.
Fapping to the characters.
It moves up every few minutes but it's bugged at the moment.
girls don't have penises dude
yes you idiot
New character coming in January
>that pic
somehow I doubt that Jack would be so affectionate towards Reyes immediately after he showed up with the squad and tried to kill him and all his friends
i've been thinking about suicide for a while now, should i go through with it or is there something to look forward to in life? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6ZnN0HWqhA
Widowtracer has to be the most retarded of them all. Literally goes against everything these characters are like in the lore right now but "Hey, they showed any semblance of physical contact in the short so this must mean they wanna fuck, right?!" Have those people never experienced physical contact in their life outside of their immediate family?

I mean - same could be said about 4chan, so I suppose these are the two places we see this shipping the most.

Doubt it, would be too comical and they will want to make the gay character respectable. Think it will either be Pharah and Mercy because of all the BS fandom or Hanzo and someone because why the fuck isnt he trying to provide the Shimada clan with a heir?
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Dva butt dance.gif
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it should be 100% by now
I think the stuff he's going to pump into her will be better
>00:04 objective time
>gold objective time
its ok i didnt even want to play today anyways
I'd wager they go with someone save. So Symmetra.
The girls are all cute, whereas the men are all old, psychopaths, or have the minds of 12 year olds.
>Pharah x Mercy
no, the writers like Genji x Mercy

it will probably be Junkrat and Roadhog
>"your daughter is a great soldier, Ana"
>"all that stuff they pumped into me has to be good for something"
>same could be said about 4chan

yeah but tumblr do it unironically and way more vocally
>become somewhat good at a few characters
>after a few games the queue time gets insanely long
>start's matching me with sweaty autism who's full time job is videogames
>entire enemy team has golden guns
>are so coordinated I'm pretty sure they'd named their moves "attack pattern alpha" etc
I miss TF2 sometimes
>im ur huckleberry
made me kek
nah famalam youre incorrect
>shit on Widowtracer
>but thinks they'll make Pharah and Mercy gay because muh shipper fandom
Tracer is no such devil
>what are you going to do when the fighting's over, Jack?
good question, what IS he going to do?
Again, why would that be the fallout incident IF ANA IS FUCKING THERE

As long as his junkrat is good he's fine

I have a friend who insist on playing only one hero in every game and always sucks dick with it
Stop looking at the walls. Your team needs healing you fucking moron.
fight something else
The writers and the official instagram reblogged some "Gency" art too
>all these retards thinking PharaxMercy will become canon when literally everything in the game points to MercyxGenji
>someone who actually worked on the game tweeted a MercyxGenji picture
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>implying this wasn't a time before all that happened
You do understand that the two of them were best of friends right?

>what are you going to do when the fighting's over, Jack?

He literally replies


He plans on fighting forever. Why so many people think so exchanges are so affectionate I'll never know.
Yes they fucking do you queer.
Instalock him a hundred games in a row
If you want to rip off a youtuber, make sure you use shadder instead of seagull, seagull is always getting pocketed by half the team
Because they are and Ana cares about him.
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She is already their autistic troubled POC, if they make her a lesbian too she'd be ticking one too many progressive boxes. If she gets anything in the future its propably going to be some sort of change of heart and involvement with lucio due to his past, also he seems way too good to be angry if he realises she's being manipulated
>yeah but tumblr do it unironically and way more vocally
I suppose it is because they get a lot of support from the fact their causes are seen as righteous and "on the right side of history", so they feel validated to keep going.

Genji Hanzo and McCree are all around Mercy/Pharah age IIRC, but as far as young men to we only have Lucio. They should get some more young boys up in that business if they want to balance it out, but to be fair this is also a result of us having more male than female characters.

I would be alright with that, but I doubt it. I expect more than one character.

They were asked if there is anything official about that and they said that they just liked the art but it has nothing to do with the story, didnt they? At least thats what I read over here.

Pharah and Mercy would make way more sense from a story perspective than Widow and tracer. Widow and tracer is literally the most unlikely pairing, on the level of Reaper x Winston. Think without using your dick for once.
Mercy x anyone is disgusting
Mercy deserves eternal loneliness
>Implying he already hasn't
I guess friends don't exist in overwatch.
I am pretty sure Lucio and D.va are the perfect couple desu.
Move this thin- CLEARING THE AREA
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>Because they are and Ana cares about him.

They're old war buddies you delusional turd. No love involved.
They would be cute together
I have 3 hours of played time on Genji

And it's all from when I choose to be the 3rd genji after 2 people already picked him
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B.Va or Junebug?
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One writer. Have yet to see any of the other post Genji x Mercy. And even he later said that it was just a random ship that he liked and had nothing to do with the story while we're at it.
I think your thinking of the comic. In game he says "I'm a soldier Ana, retirement doesn't suit me.
Neither, they're both terrible
B.Va in my personel opinion
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Kinda, but it won't stop shipper from trying to say that makes it canon.
B.va, the yellow costume on Junebug looks out of place.
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>tfw you keep getting matched with people with double/triple your playtime
>tfw they're usually autist mainers
>tfw they always main the fotm heroes with no proper counters
I miss TF2 as well lad.
you took that picture after mine

go away
>I'm claiming the objective, you're welcome to STEP RIGHT UP
>Capturing the objective, property of MUHAHA MUHAHAHA

White Rabbit
He's beyond redemption. Doesn't matter if he's good with junk or not, dude needs to learn some flexibility. Have fun when his only practiced character gets nerfed/tweaked and he's SOL on anything else.
Carbon Fiber or Gook skin
>implying that love can't bloom on the battlefield
Anyone got the Grimlin Dva Pls throw comic, no taken only throw. She had a mtdew bottle in her mouth.
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Why do I keep losing every damn game? My win rate is ridiculously bad like 33% or something. It's not like I'm a liability to my team since I'm usually getting gold and silver medals.
>>that one friend who plays literally nothing but junkrat
>>less than 2 hours played on most of the cast
Are you me
One of my friends only plays Junkrat, but occasionally goes Soldier depending on the map and if we're attacking

I don't really complain though because he's actually pretty good as Junkrat lmao
That he likes it gives a bit of a glimpse what he thinks of the characters though. It obviously has nothing to do with the story because they said there will be no romance. But if he likes Genji with Mercy then in his mind they aren't gay and this is more what it's about.
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why does everyone want zenyatta to be gay

can't a nigga find ultimate enlightenment and wish well for all sentient beings without being a fucking homo

god damn you people you don't deserve tranquility, pass into the fucking iris for all i care
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>Winston is the most fun tank
>He's the worst tank without support

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Classic is best.
I have 40 hours of time played on Genji

And it's all because I'm sexually attracted to Genji
>you will never be a cute healslut for a strong alpha carry
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genji is still too strong

he's crept back into every game at diamond on PTR

please send help.............
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>mfw people didn't datamine sombra
Being gay has nothing to do with your path in life. You can be gay and celibate.
im assured he had his first because it clearly states he is a pro with left click. Pros cheat like hell but they never lie
t. butthurt Reaper

you deserved it, pal
not even in that camp, but zenyatta's a fucking robot breh

that is an actual instance where the tumblr-y bullshit nonsense gender rules apply; zenyatta can clank whoever he(?) wants to clank
Genji is a walking corpse sustained by machinery.
McCree is a delusional cowboy wannabe obsessed with high noons.

I suppose Hanzo and Lucio are the only normal male, non-old characters.
anyone got some cool dva wallpapers?
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Who is the most fun hero to play and why is it Reinhardt?
you're missing the point. why, without any other indication whatsoever, did he immediately get shipped as a fag
I think Winston's ult is incredibly underpowered compared to every other ultimate in the game.

Unless he puts you in a corner, Winston's ult is not a threat at all.
>"Dont tell Genji, Reyes"
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>she'd keep the lid on it for as long as she could
>smirking like a cat with a cream-flavored asshole all the while
>eventually she'd recklessly blurt out something vague to Mercy
>Mercy smiles knowingly and titters
>D.Va would smell blood and start encouraging her to spill
>she spills because she's ADHD as fuck
>a day later they're all chanting "WEENIE WINSTON" at a crying gorilla

Tracer is bad news, anon.
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what the fug man.webm
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what the hell
>Genji is a walking corpse sustained by machinery.
>not liking Raiden
get out
Damn he smashed Pharah almost as hard as he smashed her mom.
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Because Tumblr, you moron. They're a bunch of retards who think that majority of the population is gay, a tranny, bisexual, or some other made up sexuality and that heterosexuals are a minority.
Nigga you hacked my browser
can we get a list of heterosexual pairings in overwatch

it seems like 99% of the ships are same gender.
because the problem was never even genji, it was that his counters are trash and the teammates he works well with (zarya, zen) are good
none of these things have changed. genji wasn't considered op before this zarya and zen dominant meta formed and when it ends he'll go back to being okay or trash tier

You can break down any character to sound insane. I think McCree is a pretty fine dude considering the setting in which characters find themselves.
fuckin delete this
When I play Reinhardt, I make it my mission in life to do battle with the enemy Reinhardt every time I see him. It doesn't matter if I have a team in need of shielding. It doesn't matter if his entire team is around him. I see a fellow Reinhardt, and I will meet him in a synchronized charge that leaves us both stunned.

For that is the Reinhardt way.


If it's just supposed to distract people and stall for time then it should charge much faster for what it is.

If Winston charged his ultimate like pre-nerf Mercy then he would be tanky as fuck without making him any more of an offensive threat.

I think it would make him much better but we can't nerf an obviously shit hero because he synergizes well enough with Zarya to be picked in comp.
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Have another (you)
S76 x Ana

Mercy x Genji

Reaper x Sombra

Reinhardt x Bridgette
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Dude youre telling me you didnt see it? this is the only info about sombra we are getting for a long time. you might want to find a way to look at it
>don't tell Genji
Why would she care about that nobody? And why would she have sex wit ha male? Delete this shit, Pharmercy OTP
How'd you make a webm like that? Some kind of screen recorder?
dialogue interactions/lore with genji would be my guess. i'm assuming that's the ship? they're clearly close (although it's also pretty clearly just a normal teacher-pupil relationship)
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>nerf his ult
>buff projectiles, now he does even more reliable damage from safe distances and gets more ults
>leave in his air hanger door reflect
>leave in his reset
I even use the Bundeswehr skin. This is perfect.
Why is she wearing the napkin on her head
How do I into Tracer? Started playing her during the brawl and found out she's pretty fun.
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Not sure if this is the correct download (I got mine a while ago), but the one I have is version 2.0.3 and the icon looks like pic related
let's go purely physical then

genji probably has no dick anymore, nor has sexual desires
s76 is too old
mccree is fine
reaper is a literal mist
reinhardt is too big and too old
winston is a gorilla
torb is too old
zen is too pure and also a robot
lucio is fine
How do you guys deal with full shitter team mates in comp mode?

Last season in the lower ranks (30s) I could carry and win just being good (well better than them). With the right picks from 33-41 I could trade with 3 of the of other team, win barely against 2 of them, and handily take any solo.

Once I crossed into the 40 and the upper 40s particularly individual performance doesn't cut it often enough and now I have to rely on me team.

So how the fuck do you who are >50 in solo Q get higher?
you can ship anyone you want and it will make sense as the others
>genji probably has no dick anymore, nor has sexual desires
>Mercy goes out of her way to make his new robot body have a sweet ass
>implying that she didn't also give him a dick
>implying that Genji wouldn't demand one
my little anon can't possibly be this naive!
Ana and Pharah's ass are covered all the time. You're not making any sense.
Hanzo seems fine, if a bit obsessed with honor
Junkrat is crazy, ok but he shows interest in Mei and seems to be a hit (off game) with straight women
A dork who likes to dress up as a cowboy is a lot less offensive than a guy who killed his brother

Yeah seleçao and both stupid sexy zarya skins. Plus the football emote for lucio and some other random shit idgaf about.

I would have liked the D.Va skin, just to have it, but I didn't actually like it that much.
It is the true way to play Reinhardt. Hell, if my team is in control of things I will charge the first tank I see and go full berserk.

>D.Va boosting through the chokepoint at point A on Hanamura
>charge her ass head on and send her right back where she came from
>after the charge smack around a mercy until I croak
>skipping our boi Hanzo
>Genji has no dick
I doubt hanzo chopped that part off when he "killed" him.
>skipping Hog and Rat
They seem fine to me.
Sweet, I've been looking for a good webmrecorder
And dat Runescape rune
Why is she so perfect?
>those voicelines when she kills
Hog and Rat are filthy, violent, and insane plus 0/10 appearance-wise unless you have some fetishes
i'm talking seriously here

forgot about hanzo, he's fine
junkrat is insane, probably would put a sticky bomb in a pussy rather than his dick

not to women, mate

forgot about hanzo and the rest.
I'm sure Genji's dick fell off when he was brought to life by Mercy, you can see his rotting face when he unmasks himself

Hog and Rat I suppose are fine, but are both psychopaths
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Both are career soldiers.

I would imagine that both of them have some really well sculpted asses.
>he shows interest in Mei
No he does not
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>TFW failing a push because your team can't kill a turret of all things
>Play Ana
>Genji spamming for healing yet won't stay still
>Keeps weaving between friendly fatfuck tanks every time I have a clear shot on him making it impossible to heal
I just got the legendary skin I wanted for my favorite girl, ___Mei___
I wish you didn't exist
>I'm sure Genji's dick fell off when he was brought to life by Mercy
we have technology, we have prosthetics
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yeah boi.png
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>It's not you, it's me~

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>just finished a game against five Widowmakers and a Zenyatta

I couldn't take all the personne n'Ă©chappe Ă  mon regards
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>time fetishist cowboy announces the time
>block him with an ice wall
>we have technology, we have prosthetics

>old pharah
>young ana
what is this time travel fuckery?
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>you can see his rotting face when he unmasks himself
I think he just has some scarring and isn't Reaper-tier spoopy or anything
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>tfw becoming Ana main
I know a lot of girls who love Junkrat's appearance. Twinky boys are always popular.

>Genji's dick fell off
Fuck you for reminding me of this song

Either way - I think his face looks like that because Hanzo slashed him across it so it went through a lot of procedures to be glued back together. Look at the huge slash behind the sword on Hanamura. It looks like Hanzo gutted him across from the ribs up to his face.
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nice, although that is her worst armor imo

Is it me or does her face seem different/rounder from all the other skins? probably to emphasize that she was younger
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>Like mother, like daughter
why do people think roadhog is fair?

Is "he has a big hitbox" all it took to convince every breathing person that a tank having the ability to one shot any non tank character is fair?
he's literally green underneath his mask, and those marks aren't scars, don't look like them
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Jesse McCree more like Assy McGee lmao
witness me
I think we should see other people.
He cant oneshot any non-tank character though
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dude what? He isn;t a zombie. You remember it wrong.
roadhog more like noskillhog rofl
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>Mercy gives him out of control sculpted buns
>withholds reconstructing his little rice grain
>starts fucking him with a strap-on made from what was supposed to be his prosthetic willy

Heroes never die FOR A PRICE
How do I get better at aiming?
Knock me down and I'll keep getting back up.
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ignore the clickbait title and go straight to 0:42
advanced humanity?

delete this, Mercy would never be so cruel, and that plan is self-destructive as it robs her of getting the dick
I'm not a young man anymore.
Lower your sens, 90% of idiots I see in this game have it way too high
those marks in his nose and his cheekbones look more like actual flesh decay than sword slashes
>Enemy rein is literally invincible thanks to his support from junkrat and ana
>Play rosie around the rosie with him expecting my team to charge in and maybe deal with them
>No they decided to join me in playing the buss on the wheel with rein and I get killed, they fall back
I hate people who are more obsessed with kills than winning, its like, why?
lowering your sensitivity is cheating
This old dog has learned a few tricks
What's a good sensitivity to use?
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I approve of this.

I also think she spent days designing the inside of his asshole for maximum pleasure.

Something I don't see many people mention is ensuring that your crosshair is in-fact on the target.

A lot of games, like Battlefield, allow you to get away with merely aiming near the enemy, but not directly at them, and I noticed I was frequently firing when the crosshair wasn't actually on the enemy without realising.
If his flesh decayed to the point where his dick would have fallen off, his nose would have fallen off as well if not much faster due to it decomposing quicker.

Not to mention his skin colour and eye colour do not indicate he is a corpse held together by cybernetics.

It could be burn marks if anything because of the shimada dragon bullshit. Who knows. But he sure as hell doesn't look anything lie a corpse. I expect Reaper to.
I don't even have fun with anyone else
How the fuck do your shots do that much damage!?

I bodyshot and punched a zan and he just killed me right on the spot.
Depends on your DPI but you shouldn't be able to 180 without moving your arm

no, chastity, the fake dick has full feeling just like the rest of his body, but it's detachable and Mercy keeps it locked away for special occasions, when she lets Genji put it on and rail her
I loved that trick
is there a similar way to do this with Pharah? Probably not...
You want a medal?
I'm at 800 dpi and 12 sensitivity. I used to be a high sensitivity shitter, something like 1400 dpi and 17 sens, but I'm starting to get used to it. It seems like simply having your sensitivity lower ends up granting you more headshots even if not trying that much to get them. And when trying, it seems like it's certainly a lot easier to get them. Problem is I still find myself in situations where a lot of turning around is required and I find myself trying to aim at something with my wrist at 45 degree angle because I can't re-adjust until I'm done aiming. Gotta get used to that.

But yeah, lower sensitivity helped.
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>no thunderbird pharah gf
Nice I will try this

Battlefield is pretty forgiving if you are trying to burst enemies down from long distances

Overwatch definitely feels less forgiving
Get bigger mouse pad
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So I asked this on reddit but all the kiddies there warned me that I'd get banned (as if they even care...)

How do i edit sound files? i want to get rid of tracers annoying pussy flap sound effect
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>Dr Ziegler
>not committing atrocious acts of carnal cruelty

Mercy is a very wicked and sinful woman, anon.
I just use my desk so there's no space limit really. Just gotta get used to resetting my hand position before moving into a fight.
What rank did you fags get last season?
I tried this but on El Dorado Ana would not leave the spawn room in Skirmish.
>So I asked this on reddit
get the fuck back where you came from you dip
>haven't played overwatch in a few days
>go on QP
>first game
>half of our team and half of their team are just sitting in rooms saying hello and emoting
Well then
I kept getting in fights with a Zenyatta because he seemed to be the only one not memeing it up
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>Played nothing but Zenyatta for the last month
>Can no longer go back to hitscan after spending so long leading people

Zenyatta is still good on the PTR right? I didn't get the gold balls for nothing.
>havent played overwatch in a month
>win game, get loot box
>get daredevil 76
yeah its good
I've seen the nastiest gore and babby porn this site has to offer and that image will always be far more disturbing
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This a fresh kind of cringe
Thanks for the cancer
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>literally every placement match in ptr so far has been a one-sided toss up
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What did Torb do to deserve getting punched?
>it's another "Mercy is secretly evil" episode
stop this meme
here's your (you)
>locked away for special occasions

She'd be introducing it as some sort of nebulous medical instrument and using it to give out prostate exams while Genji loses his mind trying to meditate someplace
>it's another everyone ignores the enemy Mercy before she pulls a five man rez episode
Touched her butt
48 I'm not good enough to carry my teammates and none of my good friend were on as much as me so I just kept getting fucked in single queue :(
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Patch goes live this Tuesday?
he's a manlet

he always deserves violence
Mercy being evil or at least very unethical despite any good intentions she may have is a lot more interesting than her being a pure angel who never did anything wrong
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>mfw playing Tracer for the first time
literally how does this hero even work?

I can't kill anyone and I die to everything
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>linking an image on an image board
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>tfw high 50s shitter
>tfw got to 60 but immediately went back down to 59 after one game and stayed there
It should be "I'm a Hanzo main".
gotta go fast
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Which Overwatch girl is the most sexually frustrated?
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>ah the old solo q meme
If you're good enough you'll climb simple as that.

Fixed cinematics
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How the fuck can you suck as Tracer? Literally the easiest hero to play.
>he didn't realize that I clearly stated that I'm not good enough to carry my team in solo
tfw no character that can swooce right in
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>havn't played Overwatch probably since comp season ended since endless meme-teams really grind my ass.
>occasionally check back to see patch notes and progress on PTR.
>tfw Overwatch is in some sort of patch purgatory where nothing is getting put through to the live game.
>probably not going to play it until a solid patch hits the main server because i'd prefer to play something consistent.
>tfw I'll probably never play again at this rate.
what's the opposite of healslut? is there such a concept of "heal-mistress," whom you obey as a slave?
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Feel free to go wild.
>be rein
>doing really good
>good reaper appears on the enemy team who starts to stuff my shit in
>suddenly my team has 4 tanks
so 48 is where you belong
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triple cancer.png
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It's canon now thanks to pre-match conversations.
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when will there be a skin for Mei where she only wears a tank-top and sweatpants?
b-but anon don't you know that pre-match conversations aren't canon??????????
That seems like an illogical outfit for her in combat
Easiest to play, don't stop moving stupid
Holy fuck he is so thicc

I can't tell if I want to cum inside him or if I want him to cum inside me.
>League of Legends, a game developed by the single most incompetent team of fuckwad baboons in the entire industry, has seamless seasonal transitions
>Overwatch, a game developed by an extremely experienced development studio that has worked on countless multiplayer games, gets stuck in patch purgatory

Why not both
right behind you
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>what's the opposite of healslut? is there such a concept of "heal-mistress," whom you obey as a slave?
I hope so.
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this sucks
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So Mercy is all about keeping your allies alive with your strong single target heals.
But then your ult encourages your allies to die.
You, as a support, have the least ways to defend yourself (more than any other support) and will be focused because of your ult (more than any other support)
In a teamfight, you HAVE to be with your team in order to heal them, so pretty much any ult they throw in will kill you and you won't be able to resurrect
So then what's the fucking point? Why don't you go Zenyatta, Lucio or Ana and prevent the deaths in the first place?
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You need to solve the ebin ARG puzzle(s), so the % can go up by 1% or 0,1%. Aren't you pumped, anon? :^)
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>Holy fuck he is so thicc
That's not reaper
How? Mei just insults him
That's what future seasons will apparently be like but who knows why they said they simply couldn't move the next season up at all.
Did the Sombra timer freeze for anyone at 6.9026%?

Fuck I hate this whole thing
Epic :)
>he thought that they wouldn't freeze the countdown again
so pure, so innocent
Why do people ship Junkrat and Mei based on their pre match lines when Junkrat and Tracer have cuter ones?

It's just banter it means that she likes him

If a woman insults you or says no it means that she wants to fuck and that you must overwhelm her (both mentally or physically). If she screams it's probably due to arousal.
Do you have a problem with both of them being thicc, anon?
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>people still think Genji is OP
I knew the nerfs wouldn't do anything to stop the people who get kills with him outside of their ult
Blizzard gutting the hero for real incoming?
Dunno, personally I ship LucioxBastion
Only shiptards can make this kind of bait
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>le fire and ice meme
>le kind of opposites - chaos and order - attract
>that pic
is that really what Sombra looks like? she's an omnic?
Well, overwatch is "Which team has the better Genji: The game"
le hatesex makes my le pussy wet XD
reaper is thicker, that's all
>chaos and order
which is which
Nah, it's not even going to be Sombra.

It's a red herring for the release of Doomfist.
>If a woman insults you or says no it means that she wants to fuck and that you must overwhelm her (both mentally or physically). If she screams it's probably due to arousal.
t. supreme gentleman
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>nothing that showcases her actual physical build to blow thiccfags the fuck out
>no outfit without her poindexter glasses or snow goggles

That's the struggle of playing Mercy. You gotta know when to stick with your team and when it's time to hide and wait for the huge rez(like when the enemy Zarya has her ult up).

Just call out your ult charge when you're hiding so hopefully your team knows to go down swinging.

The mask is probably the Spanish Overwatch version of the guy fawkes mask.

Doubt they go with 2x skelly masks.
>He thinks a character's sexual preference will ever stop a shipperfag from being a shipperfag

plsno, I want my qt female edgelord hacker
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I agree, still doesn't mean we should neglect 76
gimme a desktop background of young ana
He's wondering why Morrison chose Ana.

Nobody cared who he was before he put on the mask.
And nothing aside from making Genji complete garbage will change that because the issue is that he happens fo fall perfectly into the current meta, not that he's some sort of god by himself

1. open game
2. go to hero gallery
3. select ana, activate the captain skin, get a good pose, press alt+z, print screen

>Junkrat = fire, criminal, crazy, anachary, madmen = chaos

>Mei = ice, cold, kind of rational, scientist = order

It kind of works, if you push the boarders a bit. (Mei isn't obviously completely ice cold)
Ass McGee was a good show.

Nude skin/Assless Chaps for McCree where he can only kill people in Deadeye behind him when
any good young ana sfm floating around?
Roadhog is so fucking stupid
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>Mei isn't obviously completely ice cold
Of course not...
Impossible, Mei would never go near Junkrat
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>tfw heard a Tracer say "hmph, wanker"
Rude desu.
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>come from shit ded game that I was good at
>used to get recognized and focused every game
>ditch shit game to play overwatch
>having a good time being low level shitters with friends
it feels like I'm having fun for the first time in a year
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"Please don't ship Junkrat with the only character who actually likes him and has positive dialogue with him"

"Sure, ship him with a character who hates everything about him, that makes my pussy so wet XD"
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>Impossible, Mei would never go near Junkrat
But no character has positive dialogue with Junkrat or actually likes him
im high as fuuck
>Cheers, mate! The cavalry's here!
>That's my line!
Can we start shipping Tracer and Junkrat now?
i have a very important decision lads

ifrit or djninatta?
i am pretty sure junk and road are gay for each other
this makes alot of sense

Widowmaker goes rounds in a leotard with her tits hanging out, and roadhog doesn't wear a shirt at all.

I don't think tactical considerations figure.
>voluntarily getting your tongue stuck
picture invalidated
>PathwayBoar's fingers are the size of PollutionLemming's head

There's...no way this is accurate, right?
Animation is hard, anon.
>Still can't direct save them
>Let's give support to a platform nobody uses anymore instead
Keep it up blizz
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It's good, man.

Just don't get too used to having fun, soon enough you'll run into the premade tryhards
there's that clip with her and Pharah
/v/ says Roadhog is overpowered. Can you guys weigh in on this opinion?
Make yourselves useful, move the payload!
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>attacking anubis
>other team has 4 reapers
I miss competitive
/owg/ in a nutshell
Do you not know anything at all about Roadhog?

>Sewagesquirrel is clearly mocking her but she doesn't notice
He's not but fuck you I was behind a corner how did that fucking hook get me

Get gold orbs for max aesthetic

Anyone good with any character is OP if they aren't hard countered. StreetwayHam is pretty shit when focused, like Zarya.

Tracer just makes him into a free ult charger
He isn't
He does a lot of damage and has tons of survivability but he's a walking ult farm for the enemy
come back at Blizzcon, they froze the countdown again. People who still wait with bated breath for her reveal are fools

yeah he's pretty bullshit
quit fooling around and get ready to move!
He's strong when people get within hook range and his m2 can be good as well but with Zen in every match and no shield he's not too bad. People just get understandably upset about the hitbox on his hook.
Why did they decide to have 2 western maps? The stretch on hollywood and Route 66

They could've done something really cool with Hollywood but they decided to do a western set
the hook is basically bullshit if I get hooked through a wall three times in 2 minutes

for the rest he's pretty bad lmao
remove genji
Just remove wall hooks. That's it.
his hook is the most inconsistent bullshit that still hasn't been fixed
about how long would you say it'd take to get comfortable with it for someone who has no experience with animating?
protect genji
be nice to genji
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>gold damage
>as winston
What the fuck was the genji/tracer/mccree doing the whole time
>decided to do a western set

It's for some sci-fi stages as well, to be fair.

I guess western are big business in the future? otherwise McCree and his nonsense makes even less sense.
Remove Hanzo.

Useless when on your team, annoying when on the enemy team.
Zen is still a tank slayer in the PTR
rape genji
break genji's mind
unless it's an uneven stomp in your favor your allies are going to die
Who's the most balanced/skill-based hero in the game?
Zen fucks him
Mei fucks him
A lot of heroes do, he's walking ult charge for the enemy

He's only good against unorganized teams, as in low levels of play where he can reliably pick people off.
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>when annoying
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Overwatch RTS when?

Overwatch= GDI
Talon= Brotherhood of Nod
Genji only got better in terms of damage with the hitbox changes and discord nerf helping him not get punked
>your ult encourages your allies to die
No, it's a counter to the bazillion other ults that cause team wipes.
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>that body

Holy fucking hell I didn't know I was this into thic bodies, I just want to wrap myself around that perfect body
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how to improve my hook accuracy? seriously, do I need a better mouse or something? I don't get how people hit the majority of their hooks even at long range or flicking.
There is no quality in that, need some SFm
hug genji
make genji smile
get good and stop picking bullshit heros
kiss genji
pat genji on the head
is there a better feeling than a roadhog pulling you and then you watching him reload?
I have my graphic on high.
>Temperature is 89
That seems a bit too high.
The next day after shutting off I lower the graphics to medium.
>I don't see any beautiful glow effects or the shells from Bastion's turret
>Temperature gets to 88
I don't think switching it to low would help.
Play hitscan heroes? Best way to improve aim
first time I've seen this
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>no pig snout drawn onto the surgical mask

baka desu senpai
post more s76
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do this to Genji

Tracer = commando
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>running into the middle of the enemy team
>boop Reinhart out from in front and get a few ghetto blaster shots and punches in on low health guys to finish them off
>boop everyone back again and SPEEDBOOST back to my team

So satisfying.
That fags voice is literally ear rape.
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nice meme video buddy
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I play with a fucking controller and get over 60% hook accuracy consistent.

Only hook that thing when you're sure. Not when you see an enemy.
post the webm, you know the one
It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside to see s76 being actually very friendly and caring, even though he looks like a guy who'd be a total opposite of that
Not hard to get gold if you tickle a lot.
never harm genji physically or emotionally
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genji ultra cute.png
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>people tell me monkey is a counter to widow
>jump to widow
>she grapples away
ok now what
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jump to her again
They fooled you.
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>76 will never be your daddy
> lost connection to game server
Nice Widowmaker impression.
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>tiny square ass

Cute as it is, this picture does no justice to Genji's glorious, perfect posterior.
Pursue with your jump pack and then continue feeding her a dose of hot monkey dick, anon.
your jump has half the cooldown of her grapple just chase her
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why do i even bother living
Can you imagine fucking Hana and then she starts screaming out daddy?
why live
I think you're onto something Anon. Mercy is indeed terrible.
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>starts calling you daddy in the middle of all it
>tells you to be more rough with her
>rape genji
>break genji's mind
need fanart of Mercy doing this to Genji as she repairs him, now
What DPI should i use while playing McCree? And how about ingame mouse sensitivity?

You create your own suffering.
>This is the only ultimate in the entire game that, without any wombo combo, actually requires skill

You guys should be able to answer this correctly.
beat genji
break genji's bones
hang genji
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>Will never be D.Va's stream boyfriend for the day by being the top paypig
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she looks like she likes rough sex, also she likes to be dominated, choked, slapped, spit on. she's constantly put on a pedestal in real life, she likes to be humiliated in the bedroom.
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>They stopped the percentage again
He can't keep getting away with this
huh 3 supports
never noticed that before
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Seeing him being hurt physically somehow turns me on so badly
Doing it while he's nanoboosted.

i suck with it tqbh, never catch more than two niggers
I want D.Va x 76 shippers to leave
why is zenyatta objectively the best hero?

400 and 6
>StreetwayHam is pretty shit when focused, like Zarya
>peeking Roadhog as Zarya
>getting some energy by bubbling my team
>Roadhog uses his hook
>it's fucking go time
>throw up my bubble and hunt the fat fuck and roast him alive with my rape beam
there's no better feeling than melting a Roadhog when he can't do shit
I want all shippers to leave
Gerard probably cucked her with Mercy or Tracer.
it's up there with the sound of headshots
>torn and battered uniform
is this how you sexualize men without being barashit?
tell me nano boost is getting a hard nerf too with the patch
shits insanely broken
inb4 counter it, yeah like everyone countered widow, mcrightclick and genji :^)
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genji super cute.png
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take genji out on a romantic night on the town
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This has nothing to do with shipping, just imagining her with daddy issues.
I honest to God have a boner right now.

I'd slay his boipussy til he screams.
Which other heroes would be gamer bros with Hana?
rape genji on a dirty alley on a rainy night
cum inside genji
beat genji
leave genji crying and alone
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Here, if you insist.
are daddy issues even that common?
that's a gif dumbass
Lucio, Tracer, Genji, and maybe Junkrat.
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hola amigos, soy Sombra
What GPU?
rape genji
rupture genji's bowels
use genji like an onahole
Why is roadhog grotesquely overweight?
i usually call him winnie
but that doesn't mean i play him
Yeah its earthshatter, can be hard as fuck to use properly but absolutely devastating if you use it just right
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You know I think this who "Sombra controlling Omnics" thing is connected to Vishkar somehow. They provide the Omnics, Sombra gives them a riot.

Also I think she might be an Omnic herself, maybe leading up to something like this:

>Zen: "You have no soul!"
>Sombra: "That is why I have no fear."
kiss genji in the comfort of your shared apartment on a rainy night
let genji cum inside you
cuddle with genji
make genji feel safe and loved
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Do you know of any fanfics or art where Genji gets brutally and mercilessly raped?

I'm asking for a friend.


We'll show 'em one day.
spit on genji
rape and kill genji's loved one in front of him
prostitute genji to fat yakuza men
>Sombra is an Omnic herself
why do people think this?
Is this a serious answer? I can barely move at all with this sensitivity.
Do you think blizz has ever posted any of the somra arg shite on /owg/?
The gpu fan may be dead
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I want to pick up Tracer, any tips or even better good gameplay videos with commentary?
do we even know if Genji has his pee pee?
does he poo poo?
just asking for one of my husbands
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Kaplan and a few other devs lurk here but they only leak ARG on reddit and reddit satellite sites
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You have three joints in your arm, not just one at the end.
rip tire needs a nerf on console
You need to aim with your arm not your wrist
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cuddle with genji
watch anime with genji
play fun video games with genji
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So you want to be a Tracer main? Welcome to the club! Follow these easy steps and enjoy:
i'm not sure if you understood his "nerf"
his damage literally stays the same
hey McCree, what's the time?

>be in my room
>play with 400 dpi and 6 sensitivity as approved by /owg/ expert snipers
>playing widowmaker, scoped in
>see pharah about 5 degrees to my right about to ult
>move mouse enough to target her head
>punch my mom, who's in the backyard, in the face

wtf i hate /owg/ now
All 6 golds, Tracer highlight, Nippon, Swiss Miss, IKEA Torb, KoreVA.

>wah why can't I just pivot my wrist slightly and do a 900 degree spin
Genji Shimada is cute and would make the perfect husband! He deserves to be happy and to have the hitboxes on his deflect and ult made bigger!
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Genji has a lovingly textured anus developed by Mercy for the maximum pleasure of all the men who rape him.
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Probably not.
How much damage does Roadhogs meatshot do?
can't find it on paheal
anon, I like the way you think!
bully genji
steal genji's lunch money
push genji into his locker
fuck genji's highschool crush and show him a video of it
if genji played overwatch would he main genji?
>this is what "nice guys" actually believe
I don't think he can eat.
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Genji is a boy!
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shit posting levels are reach critical mass
I heard on /v/ that Sombra is tsundere for Reaper. Is this complete bullshit, or did something happen with the arg?
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>it's a genji gets your potg because of your ult episode
After playing Zenyatta for a while, I believe he's the best support for any circumstances

Does owg agree?
Probably, it's an old computer from like 2012-ish that I apprehended because it was replaced so that is likely the case. I am not totally sure because I hear the fan running and feel some wind.

>giving a fuck

You're just playing their game, giving them attention. Every time one of you guys posts about sombra it's free advertising.
post more qt Ana, aka best girl
The sombra and reaper connection is based solely on the skull usage between the both of them

and that's it
The dumb thing is if you get a huge rez, you were not playing properly in the first place (you weren't with your team healing them when they got wiped).
That's a funny way of saying Lucio.
take genji on a nice date
hold genji's hand
spike genji's drink
rape genji until he bleeds
leave genji ass-up behind a yakuza karaoke bar
How would anyone know when she isn't even fucking released yet.
It's all bullshit until she is released
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>Do a sick Mei ult that helps us wipe them.
>don't even get POTG or a card.
Honestly sick of the anti Mei that Blizzard keeps displaying.
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I hope so, anon, that be cute
guys why dont we try DDOSing the amomentincrime site to see if that makes it go faster?
>Mercy put his soul into a female cyborg body
I'm fine with this
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Blue tank top mei when
you have to wipe the team using your ult
other wise it's a shitty zarya ult
He is OP in the sense that he belongs in another game entirely. A more fun game mind you.

He's the only hero with real vertical mobility. Pharah's punishes the fuck out of her for using it, Genji's helps him get out of bad situations easily.

The biggest issue is that Blizzard can't balance to save their lives.
i want fags to leave

I can't play lĂșcio for shit without huehuehueing about.

Also lĂșcio can't melt tanks
same they are just as bad as the shippers
Are they threatening your manliness or something?
anyone got the problem with the game crashing because the "rendering device has been lost"?

>attacking kings row
>coming to the last straight, playing zarya
>throw in the toilet seat
>mei throws up a wall between me and the five trapped cunts
>soldier 76 activates his nautical lenses and Kild then all
>no zarya potg for me ever

I'd say I don't care anyway but nobody would believe me.
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Bump, could I get some serious answers?
which character will get a cat girl skin for Halloween? We all know it's gonna happen
lets spam the thread with bullshit that's bordering rule violation
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Here's a useful chart that let's you know what to do when you play as her that helped me. Hope this helps!
don't frogpost and fuck off
Does that eyepatch guy on the bottom right look crazy familiar to anyone else?
The straightfags do it all the time with widow/tracer/mei bullshit, what's the difference?
This sums up my experience as Pharah. There is no class she's safe from.
i guess you didnt read the revised patch notes huh
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I don't know if he's the best for every situation, but I definitely think he's the most fun support overall
you guys are hella stuck up
I have mine at 800 / 8
That's way too low for me to hang with.
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