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/hbg/ - Homebrew & Hacking General

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Thread replies: 853
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Nostalgia edition

Previous thread >>153034673

/hbg/ Wiki: http://homebrew-general.wikia.com

3DS: 9.2 (Downgrade: 10.7 - Homebrew: Browser/Menuhax up to 11.0)
Wii U: 5.5.1
Vita: 3.60 (Userland)
PS4: 1.76 (Kernel)

3DS: http://pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
Downgrade + a9lh: https://github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki
Wii U: http://pastebin.com/8u0WAyJC
Vita: http://pastebin.com/v3caHHnp

-arm9loaderhax guide completely revised with fewer steps and less time involved.
-11.0 Browserhax & Menuhax are out now! https://smealum.github.io/3ds/
-Install Menuhax ASAP if you're not already on CFW, because Nintendo can block Browserhax remotely without a workaround. https://twitter.com/smealum/status/758450605568372736
-You STILL can't downgrade, use CFW or install .cia files from 11.0 without a hardmod or hacked system transfer. https://github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki/DSiWare-Downgrade

>Wii U
-IOSU allegedly happening, update to 5.5.1 recommended. https://twitter.com/Mathew_Wi/status/766504663826870272
-Enter under DNS Settings to block updates. https://twitter.com/NWPlayer123/status/766486134356529152

-Team FreeK posts proof of concept video for game dumping, release date is SOON. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCEjA9ZnLN8

-VITA PIRACY CONFIRMED http://wololo.net/2016/08/25/not-release-hackers-now-confirmed-ps-vita-piracy/
-Update 3.61 patches HENkaku.
-Homebrew available on firmware 3.60. https://henkaku.xyz

-HENkaku ported to PS4 firmware 3.55 https://github.com/Fire30/PS4-3.55-Code-Execution-PoC
post /gwg/ era guides
Is team freek confirmed to plan to release, or just assumed to
Assumed to.
Video said "stay tuned for release info soon"
or something similar. I think he plans to release.
Check near the end of the video, they're announcing the release date SOON.
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tfw I'll finally be able to give FFX a shot.
What happens if you install a game and then update to 3.61. So you just lose the games?
Are you new? They don't happen too terribly often.
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Finally made my old as fuck DSTT work on my N3DS

Time to replay Pokemon BW2, 999 and TWEWY

.vpk games work just like homebrews, so you need to run HENkaku on each boot
They will turn into a dead weight with no way to get rid of other than formatting the memcard, basically the same as PSP ISOs do when eCFW is patched.
I don't think you can run the games without HENkaku installed, so yes you would lose them.
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Pokemon getting leaked early is going to be the greatest moment. Can't wait for the tears while I'm playing on my hacked 3DS.
I should have bought a 64gb card back in the day for the Vita.

Now I'm sitting with my 32gb, a few digital games and only 15gb of free space. Fuck this that's like 5 good games.
Is there a way to not get b&d with vitashell? Or should I just switch accounts on my Vita?
I hate my ISP so fucking much. It's taken forever for me to upload Danganronpa.
After extracting odin.vpk I drop it in my app folder right? With the patch CPKs and all?
They will still get you banned with their achievements though.

>Fuck this that's like 5 good games.
Stop hoarding your shit on the memcard, it's not meant for the storage.
I haven't been following the scene very closely but how the fuck do I actually get files onto my vitaTV? FTP?
>memory cards are not meant for storage.
But they literally are?
HDDs are meant for the storage, memcards are meant for playing games.
>hack Vita
>want to buy a new Vita game
>can't because it'll update my FW
>community is all "the good stuff is coming soon I promise!"
>it never comes
>just update my fucking firmware and get the one game I want for Vita because the only thing I'd use homebrew for is playing roms I've already beaten.

>new exploit comes out
>cycle starts over

>Third worlder
>Have better ISP's and policies than literally all of murrica.

Enjoy you're data caps, faggots
U a fuckin tool or something?
The fuck you think the memory card is for? filling the slot?
You store your fuckin games on it you dip.
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/hbg/ EXCLUSIVE Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc FULL gro0: DUMP/EBOOT NOT DECRYPTED

Password: EarthBound

Yeah yeah, literally anywhere else is better than America, etc

what vita game requires 3.61?
I think he meant off the store.
Instead of worrying about American's datacaps, worry about whatever gross diseases you definitely have you dirty third world bastard.

Have you ever tasted clean water? It's refreshing.
So uhh

Pokemon SuMo leak when?!?!?!?!?!
probably a really stupid question, but if i buy another vita memory card, do i have to redownload my account again and would that mean i have to update my vita firmware?

Use a PS3.
The memcard is where you store games you're playing. Games you are not playing belong on the HDD. Feel free to get a 64GB though, but with this mindset you'll soon need another one.
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Reddit pls
inb4 not having a CFW PS3 Slim already
well i mean SM could be interpreted as sadomasochism so i dont want to trigger anyone.

Have a nice day!
>actively putting yourself through the torture of vita's shit read and write speeds

How mentally handicapped are you anon?
>So uh
Not sure if shitposting or just shit
No, the account will remain if you swap the memcard. You will want to back up your games to PC via QCMA before you do that so that you restore them on a new memcard after the swap.

Way less than >32GB is too small one.
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nth for moth love
Guys, did I fucked up?
LumaUpdater wanted to update so i did it. Next, I've downloaded newest hourly version, rebooted and it's fucking black screen now. Any ideas what went wrong? Never had any problems with updating luma.
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Alright, i guess its time to look for a cheap 16 gig memory card. Thanks
S&M is sadomasochism you virgin
the & is implied (pokemon sun AND moon versions)
They are still there senpai
Also what theme next ?
Don't mess with my feelings, senpai...
literally why anon, dont blow your load so soon
Odin's Patch anon here. I've managed to patch out all Japanese language, including cutscenes and menus.

I'm considering an undub, but I really don't like the English dub of Odin Sphere, so the motivation isn't really there.

There's only one problem with my current English patch, and that is the characters are moving and double, maybe triple their usual speed. I must've broken something.
Update manually.
All the updaters are fucked
Black friday is coming up soon. I got a 16gb vita memory card for 20 bucks back in 2013.
Asking for help on this error Result code: 0xC960454B,Level: Status(25) Summary: Internal(11) Module: FS(17) Desc: Bus error/ TWL partition invalid(331). Tried every possible way to install a game and it doesn't work, it gives me that error then ejects my sd. Luma with 9.2.
i read somewhere on either reddit or irc that deleting the japanese patch files makes the game speed up and bug out
>I'm considering an undub
Why, nobody here likes English voices, and is the moving text distracting as fuck?
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The ps4 version had dual audio.
Vita doesn't have it?
PS3 version does as well.
Oh right. That's probably why then.

I like certain dubs more than subs. I'm sure somebody likes Odin Sphere's dub more than sub. The undub would be for that guy, cause I think he's an alright dude.

Yeah, but we're using the Japanese copy as a base. Which means there's no option to switch between tracks.

That was added in the western release.
Kinda crazy how much has changed in the 3DS scene after only a year.

Also, >not being Sky3DS Master Race.
Do you have a list with all your uploads?
Not a complete list. Only for some of them.
>The undub would be for that guy
I hope you realize that your work will have way less downloads this way.

Yeah because you can't just have two version of the patch, right.
Don't get me wrong senpai, this is what I was thinking:

Finish english patch w/ Japanese audio. Release it.

Use files from this release to patch in English audio
Release that too.

That way everybody's happy.
I did it, anon. When I boot up Decrypt9WIP it says the free space on SD and no EmuNAND. Fuck, I don't know what to do. Just wanted to update fucking luma.
Just reposting this for those that missed it.

I don't know whether he's telling some pasta or it is genuine

hey /hbg/ some word of warning, there's gonna be some resistance against a certain something. Although 4chan is not one of the highest priorities I still feel you guys need to be warned.

Emails are being sent out, a few shills here and there but it shouldn't be too much to handle. This place isn't too easy to manipulate in comparison to neofag and an even bigger, more prominent example; reddit. Stay classy.
I'm thinking about dumping some games and just want to make sure that there aren't any repeats.
they will cuck the fuck out of us and then stomp on our blueballs
It might be a possible damage control that's going to happen soon.
Taiko no Tatsujin V Version

Gundam Breaker 3 English Asian Version

Odin Sphere Leithrasir US

Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc US

Senran Kagura Estival Versus US

Disgaea 3 Absence of Detention

Tearaway US


Adventures of Mana

Password: EarthBound

This is everything I've uploaded, anon.
>inb4 chinkman updates henkaku and "accidentally" breaks current piracy
aw man I just woke up and the vita still isn't hacked?! What the hell, those chinks need to get cracking
Thank you. Then I'm going for Disgaea 4, if you don't mind.
go right ahead. I may snag that one myself from you.
Lumaupdate is fine.
Star updater or w/e the other one is fucked up.
The newest nightly for luma3ds 6.1v is fucked too.
Wanna know how you can bypass the eboot.bin check?

Edit the app.db entry, and where the path for the game's eboot is, put * after eboot.bin.

This trick as been known by us for a while, but we were waiting for actual progress to be made in piracy side of Vita before we said anything.

>teamfreek88 wasted 4 weeks working on Vitamin
>randos over the net have wasted a similar amount of time trying to "haxx0r" their way into eboots.
When are you gonna release the patch?
elaborate, please?
That's it?

sure whatever
I don't get the picture
Cool it worked

That's nice, but the problem is bypassing the encryption.
When it works. Without the JP patch files it's fully English, but is buggy.

With the JP patch file, some Japanese is shown, but the game runs fine.

I'm looking through the JP patches now, and I'm gonna try messing with some stuff here and see if I can get everything in a sweet spot.

If I had to give an estimate:

If I'm on the right track, maybe in a a few hours.
If not, it could be anywhere from one day to one week. Never if Vitamin is released before I can figure it out.

What would an asterisk have to do with bypassing anything? Especially AFTER the filename.
Thanks m8.
There's no way.

Someone download a game from >>153059208 and check.
Hey, you can only dump cartridge games?
So eboot.bin* in the app.db?
Alright, no problem. I'll wait for you news, Mr "Someone".
Go go anon, test it!
you can dump both, anon. A good example is my Estival Versus upload is digital/psn.
There's NO fucking way I could use a DualShock 4 controller with my 360, is there? I'm getting the craving to play a 360 game but my 360 Wireless controller is fucking dead and I assume there's no way a Microsoft console would accept a Sony controller.
Yes. In the the URI table.
Find your desired game, look for the path to the eboot, change the value to eboot.bin*, write changes and replace app.db
Game will run.

If your game has no entry in app.db, make sure you have opened the game at least once so it is written to app.db
Oh cool.
How do you do it? Maybe I dump some of my games as well.
Yes you can
Nice. Good luck
Not uri sorry, appinfo.

We are working on another trick using the uri table. so I've got that on the brain at the moment.
Prove it. Shakey phone cam video will be fine.
tried it vita started leaking mustard gas.
I swear to god, heads will roll if it works
What's chinkybitch saying about the happenings? Is he crying into his noodles?
>being this gullible

Proof or GTFO.
he says that running vita games as homebrew is not "real" piracy
I wish I was kidding
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>tfw still no iosu exploit
follow this tutorial http://s15.zetaboards.com/Amicitia/topic/8533588/

I personally would add both gro0: and ux0: so you can dump both physical and digital titles.
Anybody try that eboot.bin* trick?

Did it work?
>i-if you didn't shoot him in the face, it wasn't "real" murder!
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I don't even understand what it's meant to do.
they didn't elaborate, so no.
So, I want to make room on my vita memory card, but I dont want to lose my vita saves, is there a way I can back them up with Vitashell?
wtf mustard gas is pouring out of my vita fuck you dude
the anon is implying that if you add the * at the end of the uri call, it should give you access to the game's eboot.bin.
you would need to decrypt the save to back it up. use the patch method and dump your save via ftp.
He's sort of right though. But that's not what's happening, so he's wrong.

sorry, literal retard here, what does the patch method entail?

fully decrypted?
It'll probably brick your machine if you add * to the call
sorry to sound like a fucking shill here, but again, follow this tutorial here http://s15.zetaboards.com/Amicitia/topic/8533588/ and when you get to the point where you need to go to gro0:/ux0:, instead go to savedata0:

what are you asking?

I don't understand. You can use a URI call to do... what exactly? Dump eboot.bin without PFS/NPDRM?
at thhis point it is speculation but putting * after the file name "calls" the vita to give it sort of "elevated rights", and so the vita will not check the file legitimacy.

it was first used during the early firmwares of the vita to add stability during stuff such as rebuilding databases and system updates.

Is it impossible to brick by editing the app.db since it can be easily rebuilt by using safe mode. when it is built using safe mode the whole app.db is rewritten, which is why games initialize every time and your home screen is reset. please understand.
I doubt it, but since the reason why we can't grab the eboot.bin is because we substituted it with the molecularshell's eboot.bin in the patch folder, it wouldn't really work if I'm understanding it correctly.
>-Team FreeK posts proof of concept video for game dumping, release date is SOON.
So should I buy a Vita? Or is this not related to piracy?
thanks friend
Watch the fucking video and make that call you absolute, mouth breathing, shit eating retard.
I guess I'll try this out with Adventures of Mana. Not sure how to prove this would work though.
Method to decrypt game dumps hasn't been released yet. Wait until then to get your Vita if you're still on the fence. It's not like Vita's are going to disappear.
uh, where do you think you are? Vitamin is for KICKASS homebrew only.
my post was confusing. i mean we know WHAT it does, but we don't know WHY it works, what part of the system lets the file become unchecked.

I really do apologize because my English isn't so great and it is hard for me to explain exactly.

please use a game that has been dumped before which includes the game eboot.bin.
>Vitamin is for KICKASS homebrew only.
Already have enough consoles that can do that

>Method to decrypt game dumps hasn't been released yet.
Alright, thanks anon
That has been uploaded before? You mean like Odin Sphere or something that I've uploaded before?
11.0 downgrade when
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What's the deal with this?
I assume it's used for the dumping process, but then why is it written into the VPK? Is this another Jewish tactic to steal my information?
Since vitamin supposedly supports plugins, it's for kickass as well
Right now?
*runs in the field*
I'm also assuming that if I dump the game it would go into ux0:app/titleid ?
what happens if I use Loadiine without the safe DNS adresses? I want to use custom music on For Glory.
How can I FTP screenshots out?
I've got some things I'd like you guys to see.
Have you tried using FTP?
The safe DNS addresses are only there to prevent your wii u from auto updating. They have nothing to do with loadiine
they're in randomly named folders in the picture folder on ux0
No, I just asked about FTP because I like the sound of acronyms.

Yes I have.
Thanks buddy
you can transfer it through QCMA
Sorry, it isn't working. It's erroring out whenever I try to access Odin Sphere's title ID in the web browser.
Probably doesn't explicitly exclude it and just dumps everything in the game folder
you've been rused
Just to make sure. The app0: content is the decrypted game, minus the eboot.bin, while both gro0: and ux0: are encrypted, right?
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Do you like this?
it didn't make my vita blow up and I have backups so.. no? He asked me to test it out and I did. Don't be so quick to judge a troll from general speculation.

in terms of the decryption patch method? gro0: is your encrypted vita physical game card slot, ux0:app/ is where digital titles go, and are also encrypted until you launch near and boot with molecularshell.
looks awful, is that a PS1 game?
Thanks, that's what I wanted to make sure of.
Seems nice. Do we have skills translated and items and such?
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This is Classic Mode. Which is fully English.

Not without bugs. I'm still trying to get that working.
Is there a point to downloading these? I mean, when the decryption methods gets released, we're going to have to download the entire thing all over again no?
Where is the cheapest place I can buy a vita memory card? I'm going to get a PSTV now that piracy is about to be available.
What game is this?
Not if I upload the eboot.bin files. Think of it as preloading.
That Anon can just upload the decrypted eboot.bin when it happens.
Odin Sphere my brother. For the PS Vita.
So how's Yiffy Lube taking all of this? Did he realize no one gives a singular fuck about "home brew" or his shitty KOTH and just wants piracy?
Oh, well then neat.

yiffan who
So how likely is an OLED vita from ebay to be on <= 3.60? Do that many sellers update them?
Wait... the JP version with that patch from Nyaa is in english but only in classic mode?
>I've updated it before shipping just to save you the trouble. :^)
Anyone know what the containing folder for Adventure Time is?
you mean the titleid?

It's English in both modes, but Classic is the only one that's 100% completely English.
Thank you for purging ribbit.
What patch from Nyaa?

Is there already an English patch out?
What I posted was the my progress on patching the game.

Which is menus, classic mode and some story mode.

Am I wasting my time?
What's the difference between classic and whatever other mode there is?
just ask the seller
>no one gives a shit
>you're like the fifth person in an hour to ask about him
practice what you preach
if it's nameless kingdom, then it's PCSE00582
I remember a link on previous OPs that says something about DS games running natively soon. Could someone link me to that please? All I'm seeing from Google are old posts.

Classic plays exactly like the PS2 game. The new mode plays a lot cleaner and is far more like Muramasa.
Figured that'd be the case when I bought it, just wondered if anyone had some kind of proportion that did.

Too late now, and I can deal with it if it is, I'll just use it for psn related stuff, or maybe scalp it if I end up never using it.
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Thanks. Will report back shortly.
just call him chinkman
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Adventure Time is shite.

It's just a proof oc concept bro
>One Vita for online multiplayer games
>Another for pirated single player games
>Only have a 64gb and an 8gb
>All my online games already take up more than 8gb
>All the single player games I'll get take up more than 8gb

Currently working. If anyone can give me the title id of Taiko no Tatsujin V, I'll try with the non-decrypted eboot.

Can't you just save the games you're not playing on PC and swap as needed?
Please tell me how the Nyaa patch works.

I need to know if my method is any different. I swear to god if I've spent hours on this for no reason I'm gonna do nothing
That'd be nice if the Vita actually had decent read and write speeds.
Yes but it's hacky af. Only cutscenes and dialogue is translated, menus and shit has NO translation whatsoever.
>proof of concept
>using an already decrypted eboot
can you explain to me if you're using this on a digital copy or just that adventure time rip? I tried it both with a cart and with a digital title and they wouldn't let me boot molecule.

Taiko's titleID is PCSG00551
Oh thank fuck at least my menus are translated.

I'll carry on then. I'm doing pretty well atm I reckon.
I believe it literally just switches english text in cutscenes and whatnot for the japenese ones. It looks really bad, as the text doesn't fit in the boxes properly.
are you saying you can boot encrypted games?

Release it once you're done, anon. I require more English games.
No, he used the decrypted Adventure Time copy.
Persona 4 golden download where?

I need my weeb fix ;_;
Yes, after they're decrypted

welp, it's fucking nothing
I used the Adventure Time rip so I don't know if it actually bypassed any encryption, but I do know that the * at the end of the eboot.bin doesn't stop it from booting the eboot.

Any idea how to pack this into a VPK?
It was already decrypted? So what was the point then? We can already run decrypted games.
You won't be able to play it.
yeah no, try it on a retail copy or a psn game.
Alright, sure. Give me the Freedom Wars (PSN) title id and P4D (retail) title id and I'll try that instead.
I just want it downloaded so it's all ready for when I can and then hopefully the placebo of having it will carry me until then
remember, this person posts here
followed all the steps for browserhacks and i only get a red screen when i scan the qr code


If you upload the eboot.bin once we can decrypt them (and for all the other games uploaded), you'll forever be my hero.
Freedom Wars PCSA00147
Persona 4 Golden PCSE00120
Disgaea 4 is done and I'm currently uploading it.

Ar nosurge Plus is next.
How much of this is translated?
An anon after my own heart, you're a wonderful man.
WTF I hate yiffing poop now
Make a zip file with whatever you need to out in then change the .zip to .vpk
P4D PCSE00764
I'm sure we would notice that grammar
My vita auto-downloaded a FW update but I haven't installed it. I should be fine, right?
the posted here about getting blocked by yifan with their id in the screenshot
Changes written. Copying it over now.
did you copy the contents of the starter folder onto your sd card and not the starter folder itself?
Yeah, you can actually delete the update iirc
Have you put boot.3dsx on the root of your SD card?
If I use the system transfer to downgrade my 11.0 N3ds, can I factory reset the other 3ds to get another NNID?
boot.3dsx and 3ds/ are in the root folder of my SD card
How does that even happens?
Both of them boot perfectly fine. Gonna try once more with Taiko since I don't own that.
such a wonderful day to be alive. I love you guys.
I don't know. I was playing something, put it in sleep and came back from the store and got a notification that a new update was ready to be installed.
What are you doing exactly?
Why wouldn't you try with a game you don't own first?
This is what I don't understand. You're starting up the game, but you're not dumping it. Dump the game (physical is preferred), then try installing it as digital (throw it into ux0:app/) in a folder with the title id.
>actually pirating vita games

lol fags, enjoy your no online and no trophies.
just decline the update and it'll delete the files, fyi
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Trying out the * after the path to eboot.bin in app.db

I did try with the Adventure Time rip and it worked perfectly. But, of course, it already has a decrypted eboot.bin.

Why would I do that when I already have Taiko downloaded from that kind anon, and it's currently compressing?
>no online
>no trophies
This is a joke, right? Do people even care about this?
Oh nice.
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Fishing for (You)'s I see.
If I wanted to play online I would just do so on my computer.

>caring about muh achievements
literally autism
>Do people even care about this?
Is there even a reason to play videogames if you can't show off your cheevos to friends/family? I showed my family my cheevos and my mom was totally blown away.
>garbage game
any chance of scans of the big box too? don't think I've seen decent res images of it
>kusoge game
get better taste
why would you do that? To prove that the eboot is decrypted using your method, anon.
>Wake up
>Vita piracy gone public literally SOON

How great is this day going to be? Time to buy a Vita soon.
The jealousy is real.
Sorry, don't have a scanner.
>call game shit
>hurdur u jealous

I swear that i cant even understand this logic. The game is more story of what is action nd the battles is shit
Anyone up for dumping SH: Book of Memories? It's a shitty Silent Hill game, but a fun dungeon crawler.
Anon. First lets get actual good games first then we go for scraps
>I'm so poor that I can't afford games, so I'll call them shit.
FBI and freeshop continuously fail to install .cias, anyone know what the problem is?
could someone not retarded try this? we're all interested in playing encrypted games, not ones that are decrypted, dev leaks or owned by us
How do you extract the text from a vita game so I can make an english patch for ciel nosurge?
Yeah I just finished downloading that disagea 4 dump, guess I'll try it out. Will report back later.
I tried putting the asterisk on my gro0:app/PCSE00899 and that didn't work either. I'm not sure what magic you're running, but I'm unable to replicate what you're doing.
I'll spare some memory card space for it soon :^)
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>being this autistic

This will be your biggest (You) that you will get.
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Don't spend it all at once.
>batman sticker on shield

Fuck off, Bruce.
>Disgaea 4 dump

But where
good taste anon
You have to do it directly to when it tries to access eboot.bin , not just the folder. The value should originally be gro0:app/PCSE00899/eboot.bin

Having issues right no with HENkaku, will be a little bit
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Someone who bought Ragnarok Odyssey calling other people out on having shit taste?
I did that, it didn't work. You're doing it under tbl_appinfo, right?
meant 3, my bad.
By the way I made up that bullshit about the asterisk.

How the fuck would that change anything you dense bastards.
t. Anonymous
Bro where's Ys?
Nice blog post.
subscribed liked and commented :^)
I already uploaded 3 earlier, anon. Check here:

Disgaea 3 Absence of Detention

Password is EarthBound
>No one will ever dump date a live
>No one will ever dump Nise koi
>No one will ever dump the IS games
>No one will ever dump Photo Kano/Amagami
>No one will ever dump Uta2
>No one will ever dump Ro Kyu Bu

Whats the point?
>he doesn't play Ragnarok

better than that story book shit game with cliche animu girls
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how do i inject emulator .sav files into virtual console gba games, im trying to follow this guide


but it doesnt specify what filetype or name or whatever the save file should be. decrypt9 keeps telling me there's no valid saves
It's a poor man's Monster Hunter.
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so what am I doing wrong here that is making it not work for me?
>People on about a Sun and Moon leak

What have I missed?
You've missed the op, it seems
Don't murder me but i got it digitally. All of them. Might dump them if vitamin ever kicks out. Might get the new one soon
I showed your mom my cute cock and she was totally sucking away.
You gullible retard
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>we will never get psp and psx games
life is hell my man
Please dump all the good Vita games, not the boring weebshit ones.
I-is it a feminine penis?
Literally trying.
I made it up. I straight up just pulled this shit out of my ass, and you've spent ages trying to do it.

There's a reason I suggested using the Odin Sphere dump. Because it was already decrypted and it'd work if you put a * after eboot.bin.

Nobody caught on and watching you try is sort of breaking my heart.

It's not real, I'm sorry.
That i won't argue. Everything is a poor mans MH at this point.
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What a shame, now with Henkaku your Shield is pretty much obsolete
I was playing Shadow of Mordor earlier today.
I could dump Ys if people would stop insulting other people in here.

Oh well. Not very nice, but whatever, I guess you proved your point.
There isn't anything in the op fggt
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I have actually no clue, man. I did it to P4D, not P4G and it worked.

Taiko is copying over right now.
Don't worry. I have Sorcery Saga for you.
did you forget about based chink god?
>Don't murder me but i got it digitally
Disgusting, but I like you regardless. I just don't like the fact that I would be at the mercy of Sony if anything goes wrong with the system. I will always buy physical no matter what.
I'm confused as to whoever is posting. I'm not going to try this any more. I'm just going to start dumping Ys Celceta.
You're an awful person.
Any good horror games that never got released outside Japan for the Vita?
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The menu UIs got patched:
Nigga, they all weabshit!
Why would it be? I can still stream my shit and play emulators at superior rates
Dump it faggot.
Ok but can the game be fully enjoyed in the state it's in as an English only speaker?
like, buy a used psp nigga
Wait we had a patch to begin with? Damn it anon
I'm already on it.
I'm the guy who made this shit up.
No fucking clue who the guy "helping" you is. I guess he figured out is was bullshit and decided to meme with me.

Either way, just stop trying. It isn't working, and also thanks for your dumps. I feel meh about you getting tricked, since you're such a cool memer.
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Shit, let's fucking go.
Can't you not make 1 file with everything in it? Or are we waiting for it to be 100%?
please respond
Please upload Danganronpa AE, it's the only one I haven't played.

In exchange I'll upload Muramasa Rebirth or any other vita game I have, like Akiba's Trip 2 and Freedom Wars. I also have atelier totori and oreshika
Moonlight does pretty much the same thing no?
I could make it one single patch, but I'll wait until a full patch will work. Editing the BOOT.CPK just crashes the game after you load a save.
Vita piracy is confirmed, but not out yet. Can we expect the same thing to happen with PS1 and PSP games? Also, how is mGBA right now? I haven't done anything since installing Henkaku.
Haha, y-yeah, it was all a joke!

I was seriously doing stuff. I don't know why things were working. Not gonna do anything else though.
alright, I guess.

Ys Memories of Celceta has a LOT of files..

I don't have that one, I'm sorry.
Ar nosurge Plus is done.

IA/VT is next.
Oh. Gotcha. So whats missing with all this combined?
it's also under 1GB.. 5500+ files and that small. That's a lot of loading.
Whoever is patching this is progressing much faster than I am. So I've decided to drop my translation project.

Thanks for the support these past few hours, /hbg/.
... Are you serious, anon?

It worked because you were doing it with your OWN games and games that were already decrypted. You know, games you can run EITHER FUCKING WAY.

Jesus H Christ anon.
so I heard that /hbg/ is the place to farm dank memes.
post your dankest memes/waifus
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Is there one just ONE Class based RPG or WRPG I can play on 3DS or Vita? That isn't a JRPG.

I dont care if it's first person or not.

I just need a more flexible RPG to play (with actual role playing) and I'm away from any sort of good computer at the moment.
Just the livearea and the warning messages when booting up the game.
Yep, pretty much. Only thing the vita moonlight release needs is customizable controls and maybe a little more stability, which shouldn't take too long.
DS games off the SD card when?
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>WRPG on Japanese handhelds
Not true, some dialogue is missing.

Every now and then someone will speak, a speech bubble will pop up but it'll be empty.

Doesn't happen all that often, though.
Never. Buy this http://www.nds-card.com/ProShow.asp?ProID=157 and then do this https://gbatemp.net/threads/nds-forwarder-cias-for-your-home-menu.426174/
This only happens due to a bug.
There's not much that can be done, the dialogue is still fully translated.
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Any rundown on the filesystem structure on the Vita? Where to put dumps, where are the games, etc. I want to install mGBA on it and want to make a directory just for homebrew.
B-But s-soonâ„¢?
just installed browserhax+menuhax what should I do now?
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RIP /hbg/'s chances of being productive

I'm proud of you for getting this far anon
Install A9LH, do a google search for A9LH
Fair enough.
I'd still say it's perfectly playable.
>tfw playing it is making me nostalgic
I miss my PS2 sometimes.
Question about installing Odin. In a comment of the torrent some guy said he installed the game without using the odin0.vpk.

Do i or do i not need to install odin0 before installing the big file? Or was this done for small installetion for small memeory?
Unless $7 is a big commitment to you, there really is no reason to just wait around for someone to figure it out when the solution's staring you in the face.
Just get this for a dollar more so you don't have to use a forwarder.

gro0: is your physical game cart
ux0: is where games are stored digitally
I recommend making a directory in ux0 just for installing vpks (ux0:\VPK)
Your homebrew will be installed in ux0:\app
Yes to what?
if you use odin0 and ftp to copy the stuff from the bigger one, you don't need double the space of the bigger one, because it only exists at one point rather than as the vpk, then being extracted
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>Wake Up
>Read news


So it's finally Vita's finest hour, right? Mods, Moths and Piracy.

Was sleeping.
It was done because that's how it was done with tokyo xanadu. You had to do it with tokyo because tokyo was too big to install on its own with the vitashell 0.7.

Odin is much smaller so it can be installed just fine on its own, without din0.

Now, with vitashell 0.8, you don't need to do it with anything. Even Tokyo Xanadu should install on its own now.
>people would actually rather wait on vague SOON (tm) promises then just spend 10 bucks on a fucking flashcart

You're all underage in this general, aren't you?
Your mom.
No, I'm being a jew
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>retards still actually think vitamin is legit
No, I have a vita.
Oh so i use the small one as a vessal to install the big file with ftp or use the big one straight up if i have space to spare?
We get it, you need to make profit but there is little to no reason to be impatient. Especially if you can play other free games in the meanwhile.
Shoo shoo filthy jew.
Thanks senpai. I had a lot of fun doing it.
if 30 is under age, sure.
Lmao these retards
essentially, the small one just makes the folder you'll need in ux0:app/
>He doesn't have a 4.5 3ds and a Gateway Red Card for 3ds games and Blue card for DS games

These I can understand


My point is you fags care enough to post every thread with DS READ OFF SD WHEN but not enough to spend literally ten dollars on a cart that will allow you to do what you want. I just don't get it.
Thanks anon.
This should help me alot to understand on how to install the dumps on smaller scale and transfer the rest by ftp. Thanks
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You're basically an ancient relic.
When I was your age, I would be making something useful of my life instead of spending all my time on a Mauritanian hieroglyph board.
Shit senpai I didn't expect it to get this much attention. People really are desparate for piracy.
are you seriously confused as to why people dont want to spend money in piracy general
kek, I did it to piss people like you off.
Looks like I succeeded :^)
wow, way to make a dinosaur feel really appreciated.



No, I'm confused as to why ten dollars is too much to spend to get literally hundreds of dollars worth of DS games

By this logic I hope you stole your game console because otherwise you'd be "spending money on piracy in general".
You aren't alone, Anon. I'm 31.
Look at the bright side:
You'll be extinct soon. :^)

Why pay for something when you can get it for free soonâ„¢?
Marked for deletion, right? Thanks.

God, Ys is taking forever.
wait do which odin's sphere is the complete one?

Because you all seem so hyped for it that it gets posted every thread

Why wait months when you can spend 10 bucks and get it now?
Specifically, the english one.
You must over 18 years old and under 30 years old to post here.

Because it takes a month to get here. :^(
Ohhhh fuck, watch out anons
no retard i meant this is the piracy general, it says homebrew but who gives a shit about smealum's calculators or whatever. you're wondering why piracy general wants free games
Yo I got a few choice words for you MDashK.
I didn't mock anybody's face you fucking liar.
Stop trying to get me banned. I only laughed at how gullible they were. I didn't mention anything about their physical appearance you fucking tool. Why would I do something so horrible?

What? They're both complete. One's an English dump and isn't playable, and one is a Japanese dump and is.
Why wait for decrypted eboots when you can spend 10k bucks and get all the games now?
Cool, then I can die knowing that I didn't rip all of my games for you guys and just disappear.
kek. Here's a (You)
Cool kids only. Balding grandpas need not apply.

I'm 20 guys, I'm still spry and I don't cum dust like these wrinkly bastards.
I heard you could mod an 11.0 if you already have a cfw'd 3ds. This true? Can you downgrade and get a9lh and download .cia files and all?

No I'm wondering why piracy general would rather wait months for free games then spend 10 bucks and get all the games for free now. Reading comprehension.


Even after dinosaurs die, their fossils still remain :^)
** just30yearoldthings - DO NOT STEAL **
dafuq is this:
how do I redownload things like the activity log, streetpass plaza and mii maker? I deleted them with FBI by accident
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are you a loli?
what're you implying? to fuck bones?
Gramps needs some sauce to go with that.
yes but you're gonna have to buy a DSi game, check the guide in the OP
have these to
>Haven't updates 3DS in ages
>It's still using fucking RXtools

I've got a dinosaur here.
Probably reddit or gbatemp starting a collection of people that own games to dump when vitamin comes out
>spend 10 bucks and get all the games for free
You should read that part of your post again, because to me it sounds a bit weird.
s-stop you're giving me a boner o////o
So what's left to translate with this? It looks like Story and UI have already been patched.
3DS 11.0 downgrade when???!!
I wish.
>tfw you will never be a little girl.
As long as you have "Sys" before 11.0 in the settings, then it's safe to do an update from the settings menu, it'll reinstall the official apps
I still haven't installed CFW. I bought my Gateway years ago and it still runs everything besides GBA games
according to that, they need Demon Gaze. I could dump that too.


>tfw stuck in store front and sign captcha hell
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FUCK i want to mod my classic limited edition xbox I just bought from japan, but that fucker has a 110v power supply whereas my country has 230V

Is it possible to ghetto rig a pc power supply to use the fucker? Afaik inside the xbox has 24pin atx, molex and shit. Thoughts?

You're not spending money on the games, you're spending money on the way to get those games for free you dip
Right now!
DSiWare transfer not good enough for you? Well fukken wait, latefag scum. Hopefully no dev is idiotic enough to release an exploit now if there even is one left.
>random tripfag
>2 Gateways
no surprise there
>load up vWii
>hit up Homebrew Channel
>screen goes black
>Wii Remote turns off
>nothing happens
>requires a full power outage of the Wii U to reset

I feel like this has happened to me before, but I forget how to fix it.
no you didn't
>requires a full power outage of the Wii U to reset
>i need to update to use content manager

Oh fuck how am i suppose to backup my games before deleting them?
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You are a good kid.
What I meant was that I had to unplug the Wii U to reset it.

I probably should have said that.

My bad. Sorry.

You DO know the red and blue cards come together right?

>You are good kid.
still 2 nonetheless
Time isn't being kind to me.
I am, aren't I?

Your mommy thinks so too
DS games off SD when?
Only going to dump my digital games after I can remove the drm. Just in the small chance it helps avoid a ban.
Send help!

My mom's dead

Skelly fucker
I bet she told you that after she was done slobberin' up all of Grandpa's dust, huh
Here it is folks Tales of Hearts R EUR


Rar Password: pitabread
Turn on airplane mode, turn off vita, then turn on vita, then connect via usb.
3 to 4 what?
You can't
So, I dumped BBCPE, and looked through all the sprites.

Noel DOES actually wear panties, but I wish she didn't.

Also I would actually fucking tenderly love Noel so much.
Maybe 5
Listen buddy I'm just a dancer
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>Noel DOES actually wear panties
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does the EU version have that horrible NA localization?
>13MB left
>700+ files
You're getting jerked around. The official source said the BEST CASE is 8-10 and anyone saying any less than that is shitposting.
whoa nice body
are one of those niggas who thought vita piracy is Impossibleâ„¢ as well?
Just like how you thought NTR loading from SD is Impossibleâ„¢ as well, which is being worked on at the moment?
>Listen buddy I'm just a dancer
You're not a dancer.
This doesn't work. FUCK
I actually tried that and it only reinstalled health and safety. I reinstalled them via 3ds.titlekeys.com 's QR codes.

I was trying to clear out my Mii from those apps so he could install his own. This is a friend's 3DS that was on 11.0 that I downgraded and hacked with Fieldrunner and transferring.
Oh damn, my mistake. Glad you fixed it in the end.
What is that?
Of course.
I played it in spanish and it had horrrible translation, I thought it was only the EUR version but it looks like it's a shitty western problem
All these .vag's..
IA/VT dump in progress.

Still waiting for Disgaea 4 and Ar nosurge to upload.

You'd have a better time finding it back on reddit.
Have you download the files that prevent you content manager from connecting to sony? It should be on wolo. All you have to do is copy over some files into your existing content manger on your pc. Then restart vita and do the same. You won't have to redownload your games that way.
Gimme a sec to find the ones I'm talking about.

You can see her booty butt (lol) when she's in a different pose you can see sort of a black stripe between her thighs which I assume is pantsu. Maybe a thong.
Open Content Manager Assistant, allows to use content manager without connecting to the internet.
Thanks! I appreciate the help anyway.

I'm thinking of just using tinyformat, unless there's a better way to clear out any remnants of the system transfer. Anyone have any suggestions?
>people dumping games already
For what purpose? From what I can see from that vitamin video you have to dump the entire game using that process.
wololo confirmed it to be legit. What makes you think he's wrong?
I'm really angry that I know where this is from
again, we can then provide the eboots to our dumps. Think of it as preloading the game.
>Disgaea 4
doing god's work anon
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>start process
>"whoops I can't show this part yet :^)"
>quickly swaps vitas
Uploading Ys Memories of Celceta now~
Trying to reinstall henkaku via web is suffering
So is this the Odin patch? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6GjJ03sSYROa01Mb2xEQ0VPY1U/view?pref=2&pli=1

How do I patch it? Do I need both files and then transfer then via molecular shell? Also, is it working properly? I don't mind minor bugs.
You know there's a second complete video right?
iosu exploit in 4.5 hours
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pepe popcorn.gif
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>that spoiler
Not to mention the video was conveniently cut short.

For all we know, that programs was just listing the files in the directory and putting "OK" after them without actually doing shit.
Is it too late for me to get into Blazblue?
>Not to mention the video was conveniently cut short.
Full video was posted
Follow everything here:
wtf i love blazblue now
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The new vidya ccame out, it's full.
Just looked at the one where I thought there was a black separation again, but it looks like it was just a smudge on my screen.
Oh shit it really works. Thanks
nope. there's also a new game coming out this year. CentralFiction. the story is Kingdom Hearts tier, with timetravel and shit. dont bother with it if you can't turn your brain off.
You also need the partial English patch.
Vitamin has a full video that has literally been confirmed by Wololo. If you have new proof of it being fake by all means post it, but for now the

>lel it's fake because I say so

posts are retarded.
Thanks anon, I'll try that.
Real or fake, it's not released yet so it's pointless to talk about it.
Unfortunately, I didn't get any powers that I noticed.
If it works, why aren't they releasing it?
Just ass pained 3ds console warriors or vitagen I'm not even sure anymore. Hell might be both.
Does the PS Vita piracy extend to the PS TV?
What does Wololo know that we don't?

I'm starting to think that other chink is fake too.
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Oh golly.
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I got a second Vita for homebrew shit. How'd I do?
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Alright guys, I've got a way to decrypt eboots.

Just give me until tomorrow. It's a way that is, I believe, similar to vitamin's.
Yes. They're both the same thing
Purest of cockteases.
Probably polishing it up, you don't want to release something that might brick someone's vita or crash while it's writing to the memory card and accidentally causing the memory card to get corrupted. Never run the alpha of any software on the vita.
Is there a mirror for Wii update server files anywhere?
I don't see the point but good for you I guess.

Bugs, user friendliness, not working with certain games

There's a laundry list of reasons to delay a release of this thing.
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>not superior aqua blue
You may as well buy the 240p fisher price toy from nintendo while you're at it.
Seems legit.

How many hours till release?
Yang died like a faggot for thinking like that.
>it was just a smudge on my screen.
ahh fuck, anon, you tricked me

>what does this extremely well-connected scene journalist know that we don't

are 3ds saves console specific? I bricked a 3ds and was hoping I could just copy over the saves to the next system and move on

>le oled meem
any news on vitamin? or some gamedumper?

Yeah, just put the asterisk after the .bin, right?


Fuck off tripfag
Why do they call it the 2000?
because you take 2000 degrees and step the do to walking away from it.

pic related is from the official BB comics. Vol. 1 cover, she is definitely not wearing panties.

I read somewhere that she's too embarrassed about people seeing her pantsu that she just doesn't wear any.
Man. Making 3DS themes is so fiddly, even with all the good tools for it.
Especially sound and music.
In the end I had to nick someone else's version of Roundabout for a jojo theme to put in my Yes theme.
Why make a Yes theme? Why not. There's a shortage of band themes as far as I'm concerned.
Also consistency with my DSTWO running BAGplug which also has a Yes theme and plays Rhythm of Love in the background.
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Am I the only one here waiting for a Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 HK dump?
Did you figure it out anon?
Forgot image.

Do I like your custom theme? Yes.

Nope. I wish chinkerton decrypted that desu.
OLED looks objectively better
epic blog bro

I used YATA to make a few sonic and mario stage themes
then someone copied my idea, but did it better so I stopped.
Yeah. Using the OpenCMA. Worked perfectly. Had to backup my games before deleting for Odin and future stuff
O.K. good just wanted to make sure, these threads can be really unhelpful at times. Remember to dump a game at least.
When you open the eShop.
So what happened to the based chink that released two games? I need another dose of weeb games
Probably not going to release anything else. That said we now have a possibility of full piracy with vitamin and again we have to wait until someone deliver something.
he got mad and probably killed himself
Oh so that's why you are being so concern. Woooooow
Leak DQ7 already!
His company found out he was leaking dev builds an threw him in jail
How can I play R/B/Y/G/S/C/FR/LG on my 3ds? What is the injecting thing? I remember reading about some tools that do this stuff easily.. if I decide to get rid of the game after, how would I uninstall it/delete the save data?
>possibility of full piracy with vitamin
i'll believe that when they actually release it, meanwhile I'm counting on the guy that actually delivered
red and yellow are on freeshop
the rest, not without tinkering
>full video released
>wololo already confirmed it
>i wont believe it until i see it
do you still think the sun rotates around the earth?
But my dlc
>One for online games
>One for single player games

Are you really this retarded?
Right, so how would I go about the tinkering and injecting VC? Would you happen to know the name of the tools that I can use?
Wait it doesn't?
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>online games
People do this?
>not playing quake online against pc players and reking them
On a serious note I do miss when I used to play the original Soul Sacrifice online for hours.
>wake up
>still no Vitamin
I'm going to kill myself.
I still sporadically play FW and SSD with a few of my friends. We're also playing God Eater once we all get at a certain point.

Of course, babies that aren't good at games wouldn't know anything about co-op games, so I understand.
Where the fuck is the Vitamin vpk? I have games to dump.
>implying the video with "can't let you see that part, teehee" is proof
and they wont even release that vpk they created
Vita piracy WHEN?!
when vitagen stops being butthurt about it
>not superior white
So never?
yiffagot and wololo confirming it should be enough proof
le op
I thought it was something that'd give away his method of doing it. So he hid it in order to be the first person to have their release.

If it was a line of text that said "using x to patch x", people might see that and think "Oh this is how it works, let me do this and beat him to it"
in 5 hours
I played FW online once but the lag was unbearable. Probably because the only people playing it were japanese. I wish someone would mod the game or release a save editor so I don't have to wait 5 hours to craft shit, that's pretty much why I quit playing it long ago.
coop games are piss easy
come back when you aren't shit-tier in a competitive game like an RTS or a fighter or something...
>bragging over fucking coop games lol
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>come back when you aren't shit-tier in a competitive game like an RTS or a fighter or something...

Does Playstation All-
Stars count? I tended to always place high at some locals.
>ar nosurge plus

my fucking dick, I can't wait
People play co-op games because they want to have fun with their friends.

The key word here is friends.
Anybody with friends wouldn't waste their time playing competetive.
I haven't turned on my hacked 3dsxl in like 6 months, what is some shit I need to do? I hacked it with Cakes CFW
Make sure when you turn on your 3DS, your wifi is switched off and you hold L and R while booting. Erase any wifi settings and then install a9lh
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Switch to Luma. Follow the Plailect guide and get arm9loaderhax, if you care.
you do realize it would be piss easy for them to change the displayed text?
>he has never sat in teamspeak with his friends playing in CS clan leagues for hours on end
>he has never sat in ventrilo with his friends rekking pubbies in dota allstars
point and laugh at this faggot, everyone.
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>xenoblade censored
>bravely default
>final fantasy

Rather be poor than a retard with poor spending habits. Only good games in there are DT2 and Cold Steel.
? aren't we all friends here?
/hbg/ are my friends. Of course that includes you guys.
Sorry anon, I don't think of you that way.
How the fuck do I inject GBA saves with decrypt9? Couldn't find shit anywhere
Fucking Mega is taking ages to upload.

Dumping Sorcery Saga for the Anon that doesn't want weebshit.

Not that anon but they definitely seemed to be protecting their secret method over trying to fake shit

That and Wololo has been around the scene for nearly a decade senpai. He's seen his fair share of fakes - and he says he's seen enough proof that Vitamin is legit. That's good enough for me, and stronger than some Anon going "but what if fake?!?!"
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Ys Memories of Celceta Full gro0: dump/eboot not decrypted

Password: EarthBound
There's no guide that says how to inject GBA games into CIAs
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>hates weebshit
>owns a japanese handheld

I'll never understand, did these people only play GOW and GTA on the psp and got a vita and expected the same?
it's agbsave9, not decrypt9
You're in a general that was previously /3DStechsupportgen/ a month ago. What do you think?
>transferring files in ftp
>450 kbps

Fucking hell why
Normally I'd say it's idiots with too much money to spend automatically buying every new system that comes out, but if that was the case I don't know why they'd care about piracy.
I assume he means kusoge by that. God, how could the PSP successor end up this bad?
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Shit, current mGBA nightly has audio cracks with AW2.
3 d s i s o . c o m
>Hey, Sony! We have this Bioshock Tactics for Vita that's sure to attract both Bioshock fans and SRPG fans, what do you think?
>Can it!
What about gpSP?
What about that Oblivion port senpaitachi? That would've been fucking top on a Vita.
the thread for agbsave9 on gbatemp now has a PSA saying that decrypt9 dumps and injects gba saves better than agbsave9, that's why I asked
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Alright boys, lets go
I'm bored
>muh shitty triple a titles

I for one, am glad that the Vita didn't go in the direction that you retards wanted it to go. Don't you have your shitty TV consoles for that anyways?
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what's the difference between a .cia file and a .3ds file? can i just install the .3ds file normally through like fbi or whatever or is there something else i have to do?
After Sorcery Saga, I have an even better title for that guy who hates weebshit.

Neptunia: Producing Perfection
move it closer to you router
can't help you there then, I use abgsave9.
Please don't misunderstand. I really do like my Vita as a weeb machine, and I actually bought it for the anime games. but handheld oblivion would've been cool.
Ateliers when
As opposed to pantsu quest? The PSP was so much more than the japs dumpster.
Fucking sick, Ys VIII comes with 3.60 on the cart. I didn't have to fuck with QCMA to update my new Vita to the right firmware for henkaku.
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Uploaded it to 3DSThemes
O- oh, o- ok
I'm sorry, anon
Levine was actually going out of his way with Bioshock Tactics. He clearly stated that it was inspired in Final Fantasy Tactics, so it wasn't just a AAA title.

Right after my physical games. Don't worry.
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>tfw playing Odin Sphere in english
love you guys
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Kind of a longshot but does anyone have a .cia of dual destiny undub?
How do I dump a downloaded eshop game and turn it into a cia?
freeshop 2.0.4 is out and it fails to update kek

Also is there a way to unpack .rar archives on 3ds?
What made him stop production? Infinite?
According to them, Sony pulled a lot of legal bullshit that delayed the game's production until they went bankrupt.
Fuck me, do I need to do something special? Like erasing cakes and such? The guide doesn't say much about how to handle previously installed CFW
Do you think a Morrowind port on the Vita could be possible? Or would PS2 emulation be more realistic than that?
Sorry about the late post on this.

I think it's the plugin shown at the end.

it's a .suprx file, and the PSP and PS3 had plugins as well

PSP plugins were .prx
PS3 plugins were .sprx

The party app, which works in games, also has a .suprx on the system.

Or I'm retarded, but this is my educated guess
the undub? are you sure?
It's in the undub collection on nyaa. I wouldn't bother though, the little bit I played only had Japanese audio in the cutscenes, and it didn't have working subs.
OpenMW is a thing, right? Maybe.
/v/ actually gave me 3ds homebrew news faster than /vg/ today, sort your shit out faggots I swear
It was the luma3ds update about the boot up speed increase
>D-Wave emulation confirmed
I'm having a peculiar issue with dumping Trails of Cold Steel, in that the data.psarc file says it's 1.7GB, but filezilla is still dumping it (it's way past 100%) and it's at 2.4GB.. has anybody else had this issue before?
It could work but would need to have the graphics especially textures downscaled severely (limited GPU). Nice idea tho, would be good if someone committed got behind it and made it happen.
You would be lucky to get a daggerfall or even arena port on the Vita.
We talked about it yesterday when it came out
oh really? i guess i will just play with the eng audio then
Then some faggot should have updated the faggot op
Isn't that still pretty buggy? It'd be great to get a Morrowind port if the Vita is fast enough though.
Did you watch the fucking video holy shit they said right at the end that they woukd release SOON jesus christ I'm posting with a bunch of actual retards
Bumping this
For what, a 0.0.1 update? Why doesn't you just have an updater like the guide recommends and check it every once in awhile?
I'm sure it's GPU is better than what was available when MW launched. I don't know how easy it will be accessing it though.
Is it just me or is there just too much black people in style savvy fashion forward? I mean half the customers I get are black
Its fast enough, killzone does more on the GPU than MW would, plus we can downscale the gfx if its open source
Because Black Lives Matter!
goddamn sony really tried their best with the vita anti piracy measures, it's my first time working with this thing and I think it's ridiculous. It's not consumer friendly at all.

even the memory cards have stupid security measures.

really hope we can disable all the security measures at some point because it's still an impressive piece of hardware.
Wow Odin's Sphere is very boring. I wonder why did chinkguy decrypt such a shit game
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>Playing games in spanish.

Nunca he entendido por qué hacen eso, no solo deteriora la calidad del juego, es peor aún si esta doblado también.
>It's not consumer friendly at all.
With the exception of having to use CMA to transfer stuff, what are you talking about?
>tfw just want to dump my digital vita games
>too retarded to understand the dumping guide
that's cool
Sí, ésto puñeta. Dubs de cualquier tipo son una asquerosidad.
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>an impressive piece of hardware.

I have a $100 phone with better specs. Iove my vita but that has not been true in years. Honestly it might never have been true.

Still better than the abomination that is the 3ds in terms of specs. Sadly specs don't sell games.
>retardedly expensive memory for no reason
>classic sony 3 versions of one system
God I hate spanish so much, I sounds too much like a retarded version of portuguese which gets me curious about you spanish speakers. Does portuguese sound like a retard version of spanish to you? It's also funny that I understood everything you posted even though I never learned anything in spanish.
>classic sony 3 versions of one system
That's expected on this market. Even Mega Drive had two different versions.
Even Spanish speakers don't like Spanish, it's the pleb's romance language, with almost no good literature.
Yes, it's the same for us. We can read the other and understand what is going on, but when we hear it, our brains turn to mush.
There was a third one? I only remember the regular one and II.
How do I fix the long boot time on 3DS cfw?
>If I respond to one of the flaws, the other one will disappear!
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>pic related is vitagen
Not trying to sound rude or anything. I think romance languages are the best and most beautiful in the world, specially both portuguese and spanish. I just can't stand hearing people talking in spanish due to it sounding too much like a bad portuguese to me as a portuguese speaker.
>tfw paranoid when downloading from a page that isn't https
The Mega Drive had 2 models, the Genesis had 3
I don't know man. It's the fastest commercial portable that doesn't run Android. And it even has a built in controller.

If it ever gets unlocked homebrew it will be pretty much the undisputed king of portable emulation.
If you have A9LH, it's as fast as it's going to get.
>Vita on 3.60
>16gb with only 2 gb left
if I delete some digital games i bought, are they gone forever since I cant access the Store?
I only like the Italian variation of Spanish.

IMO the most beautiful language in the world is Japanese. Just listen to the music outside of anime weebshit, it's utterly jawdropping.
Neptunia PP is dumped. The Ateliers are next.

And Disgaea 4 is finally uploaded: https://mega.nz/#F!UIVhQRaa!0wp1yYnTHYNQ2gdEDj6CcQ
Does Morrowind have good porn mods like Skyrim? That's been the only reason the Elder series has ever caught my eye, and my Vita does need more lewd.
3 in NA and Brazil and 2 everywhere else.
>japanese language
that explains a lot of things
>separating the files

Alright. . .
>Being this edgy outside of /pol/

use qcma to back them up or a ps3 to redownload
The problem is that Android is a bloated piece of garbage, so you don't get the performance you would expect from high end devices. And there aren't any decent methods of using a controller with an Android device, everything is a clunky third party peripheral.
Use content manager to back them up to your computer.
Both the eboot and update are as useless as they are.
85% of all Japan's music comes from weeb shit.
Nips make some pretty good (non-weeb) music, but their language is fucking shit.
can I back up saves too?
which one is better Content Manager QCMA?
Use Open CMA and back them up on your pc
Dude holy Fuck. Literally me. 16 gigs only 2.2 gb of free space
Yes. You're forced to transfer over the entire game and save data, even if you just wanted to back up one or the other.
Sorcery Saga

Anyone that can answer my question please?
edgy? what are you talking about?
But that's not true with things like GPD XD or the Nvidia Shield Portable existing.
>1 hour and 45 mins later
>playing odin in eng

Fucking finally. And holy shit the text is small and thin
Switch to Luma. Follow the Plailect guide and get arm9loaderhax, if you care.
too bad it's a boring game
Yeah they do
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What 3DS game has the most DLC by filesize?
Not him, but I thought the shield portable was really disappointing. Fantastic battery life and performance, but it's too heavy/big, the buttons were chunky and didn't feel good, and the d-pad was just awful. I really wanted to like that thing but those problems were too much.
Smash dlc is small as the actual dlc content is in the update file.
Eh, I like it.
But then again, I loved the absolute shit out of Muramasa, so whatever.
Are you also going to upload Neptunia PP?
And done.

I'm uploading it but it's going to take some time.
Yeah, it's actually crazy that it's 3MB when all it is is keys. It's like 100 tickets.

Anyway, is there anything bigger than it's 300somthing MB update file then?
vitamin fucking when
I think I'm just going to ignore the vita and the scene for a week, hopefully we'll have piracy by then.
It finished right after I posted about it.

Neptunia: Producing Perfection
Where's the guide to install FBI in sysnand and install cias on it?
Theatrhythm Curtain Call is probably up there

Recommend some good non anime music
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Can I transfer an old3ds 11.0 Emunand with Rxtools to a new3ds? I've been looking to see if i need to do anything different when doing an old-to-new system transfer, but I can't find anything.
>still using emunand
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That's a good question, I used to use that back on 3.18. Should I use it from VHBL? The Retroarch core doesn't even want to start the game.
>shit line up on vita
>shit hardware on 3DS
don't lie to yourself, you'd use either of them for emulation more than pirating the available games.
I have a N3DS on 9.9.0-26U and a regular 3DS on 9.5.0-22U. Which one would be the easiest to downgrade to 9.2 and hack? Or are they pretty interchangeable?
So all of my SNES VC games on my New 3ds are suddenly lagging. This is a New 3ds and I've been able to play without issue before. Is there anything I might've done that could be causing this?

I believe there's a retroarch version, you need the bios file in a specific directory
Which odin sphere english patch is better?

Strusic's from reddit or the one on nyaa?
both are easy to do as long as you don't update to 11 like a retard.
Both require same amount of steps unless the 9.9 is already browserlocked
wait is it true that you can't replace the battery on a 1000 vita?
Thank you anon
luma update
It might be. I was doing the tubehax for awhile on the 9.9 to get around the region lock and it's been broken for awhile
why not both?
nyaa is just audio
other one is text
Let me guess, nothing?
I need to update Luma or was updating my Luma what caused it?
What the fuck is protein
Thanks anons. using QCMA to back up my shit right now
>30 minutes left
so my 20th bday next month
i can play anything with a 2ds? 2ds is cheaper, what do i do to run backups
Well try launching the browser and see what happens. You might be able to bypass it by resetting the date to the date specified on the guide, but you have to be fast
Allegedly some guy on the vitapiracy discord has found a way to bypass npdrm, and is going to (soonâ„¢) create a tutorial etc, and call it protein
2ds is o3ds base, so no snes injeciton or n3ds only games, of which only like 3 exist, and read the op
I'll just update then, I'm like 5.5 anyways.
No, you can't, you have to go back to school and get an education. Only then will you be able to enjoy piracy.
Oh so just more blueballing then, got it.
>go back
what did he mean by this?
Arland trilogy best trilogy
You memeing son of a bitch.
The Blue Hearts
Fantastic Plastic Machine
Guitar Vader
Guitar Wolf
Pizzicato Five

Just a quick scan of my library

Also, check out the Eureka Seven OSTs. Lots of good electronic artists.
Fun fact: all the episodes were named after music artists/tracks. The LFOs were named after syths
Totori is next.
Does anyone know how to transfer an emunand from an old3ds to a new one? is it the same as transferring from old3ds to old3ds?
Man, as I keep searching for a used vita buying a new one is looking more appealing since a fat one is at least 3 years old making it more suceptible to hardware failure also a new one has warranty
Probably some joke about vitamin.
By transferring the emunand of an o3ds to a n3ds. So, yes.
OLED screens don't last very long either.
Hell dude, why do you own so many vita games?
Which is better, mgba or gpsp? mgba has better quality but I belive it has sound mess ups compared to gpsp.
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I did the date reset and when I reopened the browser, I got this. Did I fix it?
He needs something to fill up the holes in his life.
And it's okay if it's Rxtools?
Yeah for now
It's a pretty good weeb machine.

Don't be like that to this old man.
teach me how to dump vita games kneegers
Not complaining, more power to you, can't wait to play all of your games Soon (tm)
Not unless you show me your dick first.
You piece of shit. I dont have a dick. now tell me so I can take a massive Vita dump
You went ahead and purchased it anyway? absolute madman!
You could likely use a pc power supply for it, you can even do that for a ps3 if you wanted which is recommended because it runs the exhaust through the fucking power supply!
Tits or gtfo.
>I dont have a dick.

Why would you do that to yourself?

But also just wait for vitamin to release, don't waste your time
So I just barely finished downloading this.


I think this is probably the winner.
fuck off
Well. I could upload the vpks later when Vitamin releases but I want to delete the games I have to have more space
No u
>nyaa is just audio
But I'm pretty sure it's actually text. Nyaa's is 100% done other than the livescreen and the epilepsy warning.
What are some comfy Vita games to play by myself?
the vpks with vitamin are completely decrypted though, as shown with pictures on geometry wars, I'm not sure if the current dumping method does the same
Excuse this retarded question, but I'm doing the downgrade on my N3DS now and leaving for a long trip tomorrow. I only got a 4GB microSD card in my N3DS now. Can I do the hack with that and then just upgrade and transfer the files later?
I just downloaded DLC on freeShop for Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson and it was big. It had to have been ~1GB
So, who's ready?
What is the DLC even. More lewd costumes?
Any major problems with the odin sphere english patches from nyaa?

I want to play it, but not if it's going to be janky
Is anyone making an archive with all the vita dumps? A pestabin or something?
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>i have no fucking space on my 32gb card
its your time to shine anon
Only have 8GB. Don't expect to download a lot at once.

High res BITMAP textures of shimapan
Post screenshot of protein discussion on discord
Fuck you x10. I cant afford spending 70 chinchins for a 64 gig
God damn it
>64gb card fucking ready
>To play absolutely nothing because I'm a wagecuck working full time
>tfw 4gb
looks like I have to only play 1 game at a time
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>only have a 16gb
Meruru time!

>64 gb
Looks like you're ready for a hardware failure
I've had the 64gb since it came out desu senpai.
>tfw 16GB SD
What's the largest vita game?
Stop this meme.
Thank you!
Like 8gb?
I only know that it's larger than Killzone, and that one already hits 5GB.
I can't wait to have my system formatted.
Have you ever tried learning reversing/hacking?
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Yeah, I tried it out. It's still pretty shit.
I'd rather use the mGBA standalone. Just got to wait I guess.
How big is it?
Tfw 64gb card in my main vita
Don't want to use it on my throwaway
Only other card is 4gb
It's around 12-13 GB.
also, new thread where?

nice desu
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Yeah man I think I've just about got this hencocku woked out.
Is the full version of Metroid Prime Federation accessible via CIAangel for anyone else? The listing looks like the demo.
We still have like an hour before it dies calm the fuck down.
I'm okay with that though, realistically, I'm not going to play like 20 games at once anyway.
Release source before you fade into nothingness, furfag.

No one released the key. Just get it off 3dsiso.
Clarify, my nigga. I'm downloading just about everything on the computer despite on the same predicament. I hope flash chinks deliver, It would be the final nail on the coffin for a fantastic portable.
>game so shit key dumpers didn't bought it.
>only owner is billy who is asking for the dump to be 3dsiso private
Bit of a tangential question, but are there any must-play NES games that spring to mind that aren't covered by the eShop?
dream team or paper jam
Oh fuck, I guess i'll just get a 16gb
microsd adapter when?
That really makes me want to upload it to mega.
Dream Team.
superstar saga
for the 3ds nigga, i want to know which one to play
Is there legend of legacy qr?
The shitty chinese microsd card reader that came with my acekard decides to die right in the middle of transferring the firmware, wonderful.
There was a scene release too actually.
They're both good.
I think I prefer Paper Jam a tiny bit.
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I-i can delete my games from my Vita now r-right
Cannot wait for Dragon Quest VII to be dumped in English.
Dump them before and you won't have any worries.
Okay, okay. Thanks.
yes, to be safe use the account switcher to back up your activation/psn login info.
We're halfway down page 10 lads
Someone who's not lazy needs to make a thread.
Page 10 lads
It was good playing with you
I'd actually recommend 32 GB because going at this rate the game will go over 16 GB
see >>153084873
If there is no piracy by the end of this thread I'm going to kill myself
holy shit F
I don't know what's going on in the scene to update the OP senpai ;-;
Yeah I was just thinking that too
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It looks like a vita1k can fit in a microsd slot in the unused card slot. If it can be done though. Maybe when henkaku source is released and we can avoid encryption of mem cards and it is possible to read our partitions then we can hardmod a microsd slot and use our cheap mem cards.
Looks like you're dying
Then go with dream team since it was released before paper jam, the gap in quality between those two isn't deep, find paper jam more fun tho.
Im going to dump the vpks once Vitamin releases
will do. thanks anon
>update the OP
haha nobody does that
last time I made an OP
I left 1 (ONE) (embed) and got a lot of shit for it. never again
FUCK here use this for now till i make a proper one

That's IA/VT, not Meruru.
>Meruru Time!
you fucking retard, thats IA/VT -COLORFUL-
Just keep it for now. Damn it. I need ro make one where i can update it
new thread
So, I only have the stock 4gb card in my 3ds. If I want to upgrade, I just drag and drop my files in a bigger SD card, correct?
Yes if you're on arm9loaderhax
Awesome, I haven't touched this thing in a while. Also, one more stupid question. By default, it boots to the emunad, correct? That means I shouldn't have any problems if I update it to the latest system firmware, right?
RIP in pieces.
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