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/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

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Thread replies: 752
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Shit Oc etc. edition

>Deck lists, news etc:

>Arena Help

>Open Tournaments:

>Deck Tracker:

Previous thread: >>153003903
post her tits
I want N'zoth to rotate out
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>It's another "priest has double entomb for turn 6 and 7 highmane and SWD+Nova+Blademaster for turn 8 CotW clear" episode
>but I win anyways because lol hunter
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Dragon Paladin will be a Tier 2 deck after experimentation is finished and a refined list is out
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>no matter how many years pass, Knife Juggler will NEVER rotate out of standard
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nzoth paladin who beat me added me
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Will it be good?
Tell her about your deck
probably will make a deck that is a bit better than renounce decks.
Are you legitimately stuck at rank 16?
>SWD+Nova+Blademaster for turn 8
post deck list
Blademaster was already in play and killed the leokk, c'mon man really?
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okay but you arent going to be happy with it
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Hopefully it'll be the more late orientated midrange deck like Dragon Priest and Midrange Paladin was. I liked to play those decks a lot
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which game is worse... Hearthstone or Skyrim?
Yeah really because you didn't write that down dumbass bitch
If you aren't at least rank 8 with that deck you shouldn't be playing at all
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It looks alright if a bit suboptimal, you shouldn't be stuck at rank 16 even with this deck.

Get rid of Arcane Shots, add Toads. Loot Hoarders replaced with King's Elekks too

Apples to oranges, anon.

Stop playing concede hunter you hipster fuck.
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>Climb up, doing fine
>Expect to go next rank
>Its a warrior episode

>What's the worse transportation method, a jet-ski or a hang-glider?
A shittier, less memetastic Renounce deck?

These cards are a fucking waste.
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>tfw you will never spill your frothing load all over zeriyahs smug malformed FAS face
I don't have adventures at all so i cant really sub for toads/quickshots
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Blademaster doesn't have charge how the fuck would that otherwise clear CotW, even if had enough mana to play it? Are you literally retarded?

Holy fucking shit dude, stop posting anytime.
why do retards under rank 5 come here and cry about not being good when the answer is right in front of their eyes
If you can't get at least rank 5 you really shouldn't be here for gods sakes.
The average for active players sits between rank 6-7 yet you can't get off your ass to hit at least 5 (above average)

You either don't know how to play card games right or you are just stupid
Just play regular Midrange Hunter, the secret version takes a little bit more nuance to play and is probably above your level to play optimally. Replace Toads with Flame Jugglers (which is fine since Dragon Warriors seem to have disappeared on ladder), Quickshot can be replaced with another 2 drop of your choice, but they're important and only in the first wing of BRM, 700 gold
i stopped climbing above rank 15

ladder is fucking horrible and the game is getting worse

its not worth it anymore, i just play as little as possible
>why do retards under legend
>why do retards not in top 1k
>why do retards not in top 100
>why do retards not in top 10
>why do retards who haven't qualified for blizzcon
Daily reminder that Nightbane Templar would have been a 2 drop if it was for any other class (other than Priest). Even then they wouldn't play it, because of how good their existing 2 drops already are.
Force of nature doesn't even cost 6 you noob.
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>watch trump playing zoo zoo with menagerie memes
>it looks super fun
>it will never be viable because of all the insanely overpowered tier 1 decks
You stop posting retard. Why didn't you kill that shit? Since when do hunter complain about Nova and not auch+circle. I literally thought you were a retard and said the wrong cards. Holy shit dude. You are so fucking retarded I thought you were left with a 2/2 Leokk and since usually hunter has a full board you chalked it up as a full clear. Seriously just fucking leave you stupid cunt. You can't even play your own deck, the deck alone is what tries to carry you. You are lucky hunter is incredibly because you would still be bearing shields you gay nigger.
I have a 65% winrate with this meme secret midrange deck and was rank 15 but got matched up against resurrect priests and got my ass handed to them because I couldn't clear their board

I'll sub in your choices though, thank you
what if i can't be bothered to grind it out
>take tempostorm midrange hunter netdeck
>swap one deadly shot for 2x houndmaster

maybe tech in an acidic ooze too
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What's wrong with them asking for advice here?
Nightbane Templar would have been fucking nuts as a 2 drop senpai

oddly enough what's wrong about asking for advice here is that the people answering are the same rank 16 retards
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>zoo is control
>ct'hun is combo
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You are using a false equivalency to belittle my point

I play about 2 games a day and I am top 200 legend in EU and it's definitely not hard to be good, you just need to not be totally fucking brain dead

Legend is easy, top 1k is easy, but why the fuck are you trying to compare it to qualifying for blizzcon? I'm simply telling these shitty players to either get better or fuck off because they aren't giving it a proper try.
Why are people going full in on the secrets and not just subbing a few cards from midrange, literally no reason
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Its pre-standard, turn 9, you're at 14 hp and this fucker just emoted "Hmm, well played".

What the fuck do you do?
Should i dust southsea captain to craft a savage combatant for beast druid?
Zoo is control tho. You control the board with efficient trades, then you kill your opponent.
If you are rank 16, quit. For the love of fuck, quit.
>build menagerie pally deck that works ok and is pretty fun
>cant survive long enough to get going against all this fucking hunter and shaman cancer
any dank menagerie builds besides that druid one or what?
Wait to see if Beast Druid is a top tier deck or just a meme.

I haven't been particularly impressed by the deck both playing with and against it
So? It's for the worst fucking class in the game that's incapable of abusing it in aggro shit. A 1/1 fucking token isn't enough to justify it being a conditional effect, at the very fucking least they could have made it a Razorfen if you're not holding a dragon.

Paladin doesn't have a single fucking minion that's not understated aside from the 8 mana legendaries.
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>priest can't have both nova and auch+circle
>clear implies everything was removed, hence the word "clear", blademaster doesn't have charge and 8 mana only accounts for SWD and Nova, this retard can't even figure that out
>being this triggered

Now you're just pathetically acting out your impotent rage, it's sad at this point.

You're literally the one person here who couldn't figured that out and now you're throwing a temper tantrum. Great job, man. Your parents must be real proud.
Nefarian seems meh?
try to concede b4 the fucker starts to attack with treants, thank god concede was buffed since then
F2P here,
If I buy 60packs, how much dust and legendary cards should I expect to get?
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>I play about 2 games a day and I am top 200 legend in EU
why would he do this... just come into the thread and start lying like that?
Do you ever want to meme around with pirates?

>2 games a day
>27 days into the season
>54 games so far

I guess you might be top 200 legend going 54-0
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>It's for the worst fucking class in the game that's incapable of abusing it in aggro shit
>Paladin doesn't have a single fucking minion that's not understated aside from the 8 mana legendaries.
Poor Uther, how the mighty have fallen
Menagerie cards are all memes aside from Warden. If a fucking deck is going to make it work, it's not the second worst proactive class in the fucking game. Paladin has nothing to enable fucking aggro play style, why the fuck are retards using menagerie shit in it? Just wait for the next wing to get the more control oriented dragon cards to play a control dragon Paladin. If you want tempo dragons, even Priest is better than Paladin.
Yes, but i already did with pirate warrior. And it didn't even ran southsea captain.
>worst class in the game
kill yourself shieldbearer retard
3 legos is average, at least 1 is guaranteed
how much dust depends on how big a collection you have but probably at least 1000-2000
if you have every single card then the average pack is about 100 dust so 60 packs would be around 6000 dust

I'm not lying but I did play more in the early season but in quick work I got a solid spot in the top legends and have been able to maintain it with a few games a day.

Sure I bent the truth a little, but it's mostly true but I could easily screencap it if I wasn't at work
yeah desu thats almost impossible. legend is an unbelievable boring grind. but theres really no excuse for you being not rank 5-7
74th for Princess Huhuran's cute feet :3
>Play Warlock
>Renounce into Rogue
>4 mana 5/6, battlecry: get two Tarzan ticks

Pretty good.
Absolute minimum of 1 legendary. Average of 3 legendaries. I can't remember the dust amount.

Holding a dragon is really easy to do though. Dragon Paladin isn't even a bad deck and the 4th wing still isn't out yet
Pitty timer is 40 packs for legendaries. So with 60 packs you're guaranteed 1 legendary.
what is the math for number of dragons to have one reliably for turn 3

>i bent the truth a little

More like "i'm completely full of shit please don't listen to anything i say"

Okay I won't
Then dust it. We're not your mother. There is no other pirate deck that comes even close to viable.
You can eat my fucking dick, you are really fucking steering away from the point...

My point was that the active average according to Hearthpwn is the Rank 5 is slightly above the top 50% of active players and if you can't even get to rank 15 you are probably too dumb to even play.
Paladin was the worst class in the game from beta to GvG. It was tier 2 in GvG and BRM.

Compare that to Druid, Warlock, Mage, Hunter, and Warrior that at worst had tier 2 decks, and constantly had tier 1 decks, or Rogue, the eternal cancer that breaks to tier 1 with the slightest nudge and needs to be constantly overnerfed.
7 or 8 i think, forgot the exact number but smth around that
>losing a game, 3 cards left in my deck
>play yogg
>first thing it does is give my hero 4 attack
>hero isn't green
>5 minutes of minions buffs/debuffs
>suddenly swipes, evicerates
>all on enemy hero
wew lads that was a scary one
>Absolute minimum of 1 legendary. Average of 3 legendaries. I can't remember the dust amount.

Gotta love blizzard. You know what 50 dollars gets you in a game like faeria?

The entire card collection. In HS you probably wont even get 10% of it.
Most decks run 7-9. If I recall, the odds of having a dragon in hand by turn 5 (for corruptor) is like 90% with 8 dragons in your deck.
Its a shit card, but it might come back again.
Besides, Beast druid is meh as it is and combatant ir rotating out.
this is not what FAS looks like at all
HS is higher value game than those then
But bro, Blizzard wants you to feel like you're playing a physical card game, with needing to sink hundreds into each expansion to complete them, but without the fuss or bullshit that comes with trading or a secondary market, as that would be overwhelming for players.
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Why the fuck is the 2 mana 4/2 beast with stealth not an auto-include in every single hunter deck?
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>tfw your TGT waifu will get rotated out soon
>tfw almost all of them are unplayable
And that's why they're unsuccessful card merchants

Selling a card game like a video game completely strips the huge money earning potential
mate what?>>153053878
>opened 2 malygos
>opened 2 ragnaros
>opened only 1 azure drake
at this point I just refuse to craft it, I use Harrison Jones instead that I also opened
Are there any "pro" players that can reliably win tournaments yet or is it still always completely random?
Because most decks drop minions on curve for the majority of the game
yes, exactly.
is there any good reason for rotating card sets rather than just balancing them? having more to play with is never bad
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Who thought Enchanted Raven was a good idea for an already OP early-mid battle class? A 1 cost 2/2 with no drawbacks? Seriously? Next up 4 7/7 will have no overload I'm guessing.
actual good players like thijs or lifecoach are usually in the top spots, but theres no one that reliable wins. how, in hearthstone: the rngering


ah yes, but 1/3 with upside is fine
Because you'll have a best-in-slot card for every mana slot. It'll be fucking Piloted Shredder all over again.
how do i beat the priest of never ending cakes?
>1/3 upside is fine

No that's cancer too but it's been around longer and was at least contained to one class. Now it's spreading. The goal should be to make memelock outdated, not to make all classes memelock clones.
>was at least contained to one class
>mana wyrm
>void walker
>northshire cleric
>tunnel trogg
>bilefin tidehunter
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>it's literally facehunter all over again
are you actually retarded?
a lot of these came later

yeah they annoy the fuck out of me too
Not him but first off bilefin isnt a 1/3 and second I think he was referring to tunnel trogg when he meant spreading.

Probably because it's 3 mana and not 2.
3 out of 5 are in the classic set idiot
and last time I checked 3 is a bigger number than 1

meant murloc inquisitor
Why don't you just pick patrician mage class?

Mana wyrm, void walker, cleric, trogg? Enjoy your frostbolt cucks. Haha Paladin wanna flood the board with your meme 1/1s or zoolock trying to get too cute? All I have to say is CAN I LIGHT YOUR FIRE, boom most satisfying card drop is Twilight Flamecaller. Bilefin tidehinter? Get pinged bitch.
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>tfw stuck at rank 3 forever
fuck this gay game
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>shaman dominance
>nothing but aggro shaman mirrors

How do aggro shitters actually enjoy this garbage?
Guys, I am trying to meme a N'zoth Secret Hunter with Lock and Load but I am drawing card seems to be a problem. is tha natural?
because frostbolt is worse than win axe and flamecaller is worse than ghoul
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>be legend
>run into rank 1 players every once in a while
>depending on the class they play i may concede when i have clear lethal because i dont care about the legend rank

I aint gonna let any druid, shaman or warrior niggers in. Gonna keep that gate good.
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>tfw actually decent chance of losing to priests now as hunter because of priest of the feast being played and resurrected multiple times and hunter having no way to refill their hand
Someone needs a smoke break
>voluntarily getting cucked in hearthstone
lmaoing@ur life tbqhwyf
anyone else trying dragon aggro paladin?
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I AM the man who cucks
Enjoy your Acidic Swamp Ooze, and even if I don't have one in hand enjoy your face damage to my deck filled with fireballs, pyroblast, leeroy, frostbolts, and forgotten torches. Not to mention Archmage Antonidas. Can't afford to take that damage against me.

Enjoy getting frosbolted before you have a chance to even buff a single time. Frostcaller activates on play so can't be countered and takes care of any meme shenanigans nicely.

Just come join the master mage race.
Goddamn lmao this shit is fun
Whats the best class if I only have basic cards and kara?
Honestly this wing really sucked, it doesn't feel like any card was super impactful from it.
>Silvermoon Portal
how's that peforming for you senpai?
I tried in my buff paladin deck, but I'm a rank 10 shitter
that was the first game with the deck so not sure
in that game both gave me millhouse so it was insane but more testing is needed for the general case
Too bad Snakesman is wild only now, hes been waiting long enough
The new card is 2 mana though
Probably Beast Druid at this point
Hex his funnel cake
>a chance to even buff a single time
shieldbearer confirmed, do you really think he's talking about flesheating ghoul?

>tfw 20g short of wing
all hunter secrets are 2 mana. that guy clearly mistook it for mage secret cost
>he missed amazon promo
lmao @ ur life
How much of Kara?

I'd think Hunter if you can afford some commons with your dust. Face is usually cheap. You get a decent deck skeleton from Kara alone with Barnes, Grandma, Huntress, Avian, and Cat Trick alone. Fill it with decent basic shit like hunter's mark and animal companion until you've got 30 cards. There's lot of good commons too, like most of the secrets.
has a new one come out yet?
>I let people fuck to gain satisfaction from watching
>b-but I'm not a cuck because I CHOOSE to let it happen!
no bro that's exactly what cucking is
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>tfw only got 3 heroes and 21 wog packs
at least I got Xaril from the packs
loot horder seems to be doing something in my N'zoth hunter Idk what i will do for you though.
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Will the next expansion finally add death knight?
But the most important question

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literally wtf is this amazon promo everyone keeps meme-ing about??!??!
nope. I decide who gets to enter the club or not. That's called bouncing.
you basically get 10 dollerinos of free amazon money which you can use in hs to buy packs/adventure/heroes.
It was abuseable which why it was taken down sooner then expected.
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i'll have you know I always get to 16 before being bounced back every single time. so close to new chest. what other ghoul?
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>want to play Garrosh because he's my favorite character of all time
>don't want to be a degenerate fedora tipper

true suffering tbqh lads

Alright, shitty F2P here who owns all of Karazhan and League. Finally amassed 700 gold again. What should I do?
>Wing 4 of Naxx to get those delicious double legendaries I can dust to start playing barnes legendary resurrect memes
>Wing 2 of Blackrock because I need to get to Wing 4 if I ever want to play Mage
>That gif
imagine getting a rimjob from him, holy shit
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the best thing to ever happen to people that come to this general
It was literally free money
except you have to be a contratian android owner to use the promo, ios users ( the vast majority of phone owners and therefore the playerbase) got completely excluded from the offer and fucked over. Fucking Blizz faggots alienate more customers once again. Literally ZERO reason not to extend offer to ios unless they accepted jew money from samsung.
you could have used an emulator you dumb fuck
I'm pretty sure you could've just run bluestacks if you weren't retarded.
You could just use an emulator.
>being this fucking retarded to not use emulators
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t. ios user
He's an apple user, what did you expect?
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>Fucking Blizz faggots alienate more customers
it wasn't even blizzard you dip
it was an amazon appstore developer that gave away amazon appstore credit

pic related
I asked for fucking help in the threads because I had no clue how to use emulators (never have before) and all I got was literally memespouting

>using ios

>he uses ios
>*insert goldface*

and other shit. and now a bunch of people help when it's too late. Just fuck my shit up famala.
Yeah like a cuck decides to let a black man enter the "club"

You're nothing but a cuck. You get enjoyment from watching a certain group of people fuck your rating. You're literally a cuck. Cuck
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1. You can just use an emulator
2. Blizz didn't even run the promotion you retarded fuckwit
3. don't you have school already? why are you still here?
>now a bunch of people help
No, we're still greentexting you and inserting goldfaces.
Not really, no.
Fucking retard, I have an Android phone, but I still used Bluestacks for the promo.
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>Never used an emulator before
>Fuck up all your own minions just for an extra 1/1.

No thanks bro. I guess it's good for a class without Twilight Flamecaller though. Only way I could see that being superior is if a Warrior pulled off some meme combos with Frothing Berserker and Whirlwind
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>3 mana 3/3, synergy with own minions/spells

>3 mana 2/2, zero synergy with own minions/spells

What the fuck was blizzard thinking? Their stats should've been swapped.
100% cuck, sorry anon but that's what you are
Flamecaller does not damage your side of the board. Also take into account that classes have different cards and hero powers available to them. Flamecaller is just fine at what he does. Which is not to say that ghoul isn't outstanding, but flamecaller does not need to be changed.
now that I'm done climbing for the month and don't want to do the 40g quests I have, I'm trying to get the past heroics done. What are the hardest ones?

Doing it in order and currently razuvious is giving me trouble.
>damaging all your own minions is good because of muh synergy

As mentioned in
Flamecaller is superior in almost all situations, barring the complicated and rare warrior combo in which case, once again mage is superior because enjoy your polymorph.
But anon, pinging his own side of the board is what pretty much every warrior deck ever wants, making ghoul's effect ALWAYS an upside outside of the mirror matchup. Meanwhile, flamecaller is essentially a shittier arcane explosion because it does not benefit from spelldamage, instead dropping an almost irrelevant 2/2 body on the board while costing 1 more.

Ghoul is amazing, aye, but flamecaller is outright shit. Even if it cost 2 people would probably still play arcane explosion over it, and nobody plays arcane explosion.

It's such a shame because I like the art and idea behind the card, it's just so shittily implemented.
i seem to remember the naga lady being pretty tough on heroic
>Some day I'll be cuck like you!
>You die now!
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>I had no clue how to use emulators (never have before)
I refuse to believe that someone can be this retarded.
Getting the amazon shit through bluestacks was easy as shit.
And even if you we're that dumb, this was posted pretty much every thread:

Amazon $10 guide for retards. Offer expires August 31st.

Android device or emulator (bluestacks works)

1. Download Amazon app store. Enable app installs from unknown sources.
2. Download Hay Day from the app store. If it doesn't show up when you search for it, try to look for it on the apps page. You don't need to play the game.
3. After 24-48h, you will get an email about receiving your $10. You can also check your credit here
If you haven't received your money after 48h, contact amazon support.
4. Within the amazon app, set a random US address. Example: 16205 Alton Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92618. You may also want to enable Mobile 1-Click via 1-Click settings. Do NOT add a credit card.
5. If you're not from the US, set your country to US within the app by navigating to Your account->Manage Your Content and Devices->Settings from the menu button on the top right.
6. To buy your hearthstone shit, download hearthstone from the amazon app store (if you had it installed, uninstall it), and buy stuff from HS's shop.
7. You can make multiple amazon accounts for more money. This is against Amazon's ToS though.

Make sure you actually did 4 and 5 above
Relaunch HS and try again.
If you added a credit card for some reason, remove it and do above.
Try later
still no.
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Should I replace Firelord with a big dragon like Ysera? Lightlord and Tirion are way too good to lose
>school on a saturday
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>And even if you we're that dumb
>even if you we're that dumb
>if you we're that
>you we're

Stopped reading there.
It expired on 14th ffs
>barring the complicated and rare warrior combo
I didn't realize summoning a single armorsmith, acolyte of pain, frothing berserker, or anything with enrage was so complicated or rare
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>play babbling book turn 1
>get spell that wins the game

nevermind, got the most ridiculous thoughtsteal and he's done

From LoE? I'll keep that in mind, but it'll take me a while to get there, just going through Naxx now.
From what I remember anons saying, there's a lot of bullshit in BRM.

They should add a spell like 'deal 15 damage to your hero'.

It would sure make all these fucking yogg faggots thing twice.
How do I improve at arena /hsg/?

Can you link me some videos to watch or something? I'm struggling with drafting (even with the Heartharena companion I feel like my drafts are pretty bad). What should I be looking at?
That's a weird deck. It's like it tries to be dragon control but instead of control tools like equality and forbidden healing it replaces them with dragons and dragon minions.
Pally got a lot of synergy this expansion,mainly from murloc and dragon both which can be mixed with a nzoth type deck. Anyfin nzoth is fun as hell, im trying to get a dragon pally deck just right
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You lose Ragnabros meme potential, but yes.

Now you need to decide between Ysera or Nefarian
I know, I'm just reposting what was in every thread a few weeks ago.

It was a typo, man
english isn't my 1st language, I know "were" and "we're" are different but they sound the same so I messed that up
Just use arena helper with deck tracker. I literally only draft the highest points and of course watch my curve and synergies a bit, and then just play. Usually 6+ wins
anyone on EU got any 80g quests and need someone to do them with (I don't have it)

I'm 200g away from the Opera wing and I want barnes
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>Rogue is weak but it's okay because she can beat Paladin it's rock paper scissors to have one class lose against all but one :^)
This game makes me want to vomit.

Rogue barely gets one good card per expansion if any.

Got fucked over in TGT, got fucked over in Kara, only got Tomb Pillager in LoE and Shadow Strike in WoG.

Don't even try to talk to me about Shadowcaster or Thistle Tea or those stupid fucking "steal from the other class" cards fuck you the first two are too inefficient and the rest are fucking memes they're just fucking memes.

Everyone was complaining about Priest but the whole time I keep saying "No but Rogue got screwed over more" and now look Priest got their shitty Resurrect deck and Rogue is shit.
they dont sound the same at all thijs
I mentioned that it does not ping your side of the board because you threw out the comparison like their effects are identical. I understand the ghoul's effect is beneficial.

Some lists have already ran Flamecaller, and reno mage which is basically goodstuff.dek can been seen running one.The 2/2 body is very relevant against the decks that you would want to play flamecaller against, it's just that no such low cost card decks are played aside from zoo. Point is the card is good. If face hunter was still around you would see it played.
yeah drakkisath and chromaggus are kinda horseshit and I only won against drakkisath because his AI is garbage
What happens if you play Druid of the Flame with Fandral out?
I wanted to play a deck similar to Midrange Paladin rather than a control deck like Nzoth or Anyfin Paladin.

I'll swap him with a dragon then, either Ysera or Nefarian
Garithos skin for Paladin, make it happen Blizzard
Ysera > Nefarian
Pretty sure it becomes a 5/5
Nzoth rogue is pretty good isnt it?
wont happen, Paladin would become top tier with 100% winrate, since garithos cant do anything wrong.
You should try to fit in Justicar if you want to play Midrange Paladin

thx bros
I disagree. With stuff like quartermaster gone, Justicar in pally is more for heavy value (aka control) than midrange in my opinion. It's too slow.
I thought about it but came to the same conclusion >>153059235 did. Its not worth it without Quartermaster.

I use Ivory Knight instead for the 6 mana slot which is pretty awesome as a one-of. The heal is definitely appreciated in this deck and the discover is great too.
Agreed family
When will Hearthstone have actual decisions?

This every class trying to god curve meme needs to fucking stop. And more importantly, a way to deal with god curves.
No, it's not. Rogue doesn't have any deck above tier 3.
People still do this phone war bullshit? 8 years ago sure but now?
Meanwhile Ghoul is used in every single warrior deck and flamecaller is just used in Reno Mage as a filler.
That's the reason why you're rank 16.
I'd call you whatever card name rank 16 has, but I start all my seasons at rank 17-16 and istantly breeze to 5, so I don't even know what it is.
>making ghoul's effect ALWAYS an upside outside of the mirror matchup
Yeah, no.

The scenarios when you want your board damaged are:
1. You have an acolyte on the board
2. You have patrons on board
3. You need damaged minions for battle rage
4. You want more damage for your frothing

Standard C'thun warrior only runs one of those cards, acolyte, and often not even two copies. When you have only 1 card in your deck that synergizes with being damaged, and some 10 minions that don't synergize with it, it becomes pretty obvious that the effect is generally a downside.

What about dragon warrior? The only card they run on that list is frothing. However, they run a lot more minions than C'thun warrior does, so they have minions up they don't want damaged more often.

The only decks where ghoul's effect is an upside more often than it is not is cycle c'thun and patron/otk decks, and even in those, it's not ALWAYS an upside.
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>there are retards itt RIGHT NOW that don't think ravaging ghoul is borderline overpowered
Having +1/+1 compared to a flamecaller is a pretty huge upside.
Ghoul basically has almost vanilla stats with a strong effect and it's also a potential sinergies activator. Flamecaller is just a 2/2 with a comparable effect.
I played Tempo Warrior to rank 5 and Dragon Warrior to legend, Ghoul's effect was very rarely a downside, I can tell you that.
You do know that just about all of these cucks are Shieldbearers right?
>Having +1/+1 compared to a flamecaller is a pretty huge upside
That's a completely different thing. The guy I was responding strictly talked about damaging your own board always being beneficial.

And then you'll execute your own sylvanas?
Is hunter still the most fun class?
i must be retarded then because i'd like to take out "borderline" from your post
no. Dropping a 3/3 while killing anything you want for 4 mana completely outclasses the 1 damage to your minions.
I'm reading some of these posts with amazement at either baiting skills, or genuine retardation.
Hunter was never the most fun class. Hell, it was never a fun class to begin with. It's always been either aggro or play-on-curve midrange.

N'zoth hunter and the weird Reno/Yogg brews some people sometimes come up with are the only remotely fun hunter decks.
How do we balance Yogg? Should it only cast crap spells, or 1 mana spells, or random spells but it's based on mana cost so if you played 10 spells you get 1 DOOM! and that's your 10?
tbf I meant "at least" borderline op
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It's that time of the year again
11 mana combo.

And going face with grom and then activating him on the next turn with ghoul is a pretty rare scenario.
Ghoul is completely on par with the bullshit 3 drops of other classes. I'd like to meet the shieldbearer that thinks ghoul is more of a problem than gangboss or tuskar. Fucking tuskar's bullshit summons are so consistent the card is ridiculously broken, more so than the 4 mana 7/7.

Murloc Knight was nowhere near as consistent and broken, and they completely shit on it by diluting its pool with pure garbage and removing the best result from it.
Evil Hogger
still a possible use desu
should I just spend all my gold on basic packs until I get almost everything since everything else will become useless eventually?
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hit with patron this season, yogg druid last season, c'thun warrior in june

what to use in september?
Anon, there being other overpowered 3-drops does not excuse Ghoul from being an overpowered 3-drop.
We wait until it rotates out.
Tbh yogg is a fun card to clown around on ladder, everytime I lose a game because of yogg bullshit, I rmemeber all the times it fucked the opponent over or I won because of my own yogg.

But it's retarded to see it decide some money reward esports shit.
>Ghoul is on par with bullshit 3 drops from other classes like IBG and Tuskarr.

So it's overpowered?
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Is she the cutest girl in Whispers of the Old Gods?

>You will never protect her from mice
shitter zerus
Beast druid
spend your gold on arena, it's easy to go at least even with and gets you free packs
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>Sweet, new cards! Can't wait to experiment, have fun, make meme decks, try out new things.
>Oh, right, TGT Shaman still shits on everything that isn't tier 1 and there's just no room for experimentation.

Literally this whole year. Aggro is cancer. I want a mode with hero immunity until turn 10.
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>tfw she will never order you to go back to your home like the filthy aggro shitter you are
Yogg-Saron Should be removed from the game, technically. Any card game immediately bans cards that win you the game when you are losing occasionally if you just throw them in there, with trivial need for accommodation. Look at any TCG. These cards are banned for obvious reasons. You should not be able to have a free coin flip in your deck.
Although really i dont care much, it can stay and will stay so whatever.
Nice, that's the best one in this expansion after Yogg.
>Doing the bullshit grind to legend more than once in your life

Literally why.
Also midrange Hunter.
I fucking love her in N'zoth pally. It's an early drop that can contest the board, but can still give value due to her deathrattle AND she gets summoned by N'zoth.

If I were a waifu-fag, she'd come close to being mai waifu.
and now I have two
disenchant all my retired cards yes or no?
i dont think there is any card that gets me saltier than FOLLOW THE RULES
Unless you want to do heroics in future, yes.
If you can see yourself getting tired of the game by next year, sure. But honestly disenchanting the commons and rares gives so little dust it barely even matters
Keep the really good shit like sludge belcher. You can use it in adventures.
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>it's a "priest has the perfect answer to everything on curve" episode
>Let's nerf one of the few remotely decent early game control minions
>Abusive? Peddler?Gangboss?Trogg?Flamewaker?Mana Wyrm?Totem Golem? Tuskar Totemic? Those can wait, gotta nerf the overpowered control early game drop that just got introduced that won't stop the bitching of aggro faggots anyway.

Ghoul is a great minion, we need more good board impacting low mana minions that aren't sticky cancer that goes face.
Really? A card played by a class that is at most tier 2 makes you saltier than TROGGS RULE XD or LE 4 MANA 7 7 or WUD U LIEK SUM FISH :^)))) into totem golem?
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>tfw she will never find the truth in you
*curator tutored kodo noises*
t. Rexxar
should I spend $10 on a picture?
worst gif desu
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>Play only control decks and long-range decks.
>Warriors are probably my easiest match-up.

You aggro shitter power gaming horsefuckers are actively ruining this game and it's potential for fun, and still you have the audacity to bitch and moan about the healthiest class in the game? McFucking Kill Yourself, aggro shitter.

>waaah but I tried a tier 1 power gaming Warrior deck and I still wasn't winning
Because mirror matches are a complete toss up, you tosser. Learn to play the game as intended. Stop playing aggro horse shit.

>Spread cancer via aggro/board vomit/hyper tempo
>complain about chemo class

You only get to pick one, shit brains.
only if your love for her is pure
Are Sylvanas and Boom still overpowered as fuck?
Only true hero is Rexxar.
just did
can't say i regret it
Boom is rotated out but Sylvanas has recently become double overpowered because you can make a 1/1 version of her thanks to the latest sick memes.
It will be a fun meme deck
just owl her
Everyone with 2 brain cells to rub together knows Warrior is one of the weakest control vs control class. Warrior's strength is surviving aggro and combo better than any other control deck. But, it 's literally helpless vs control Paladin/Priest, handlock, N'Zoth Rogue, or mill.

Control warrior doesn't even run Grom anymore, I literally coin out Jaraxxus in my Renolock and they're completely fucking helpless. By the time their C'thun hits the field, it can barely do damage to my face because of how many infernals it has to go through.
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>play barnes
>get sylvanas
>sylvanas dies
>next turn play onyx bishop
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This just happened in my fucking game

>Play 2 Shifting Shades vs Paladin
>I'm playing a weird as fuck N'zoth/Herald Volazj deck
>he kills both shades
>get TWO Tirion Fordrings
>Play both one after another
>Paladin is visibly agitated, but keeps playing since I'm low HP
>he kills both Tirions
>Play N'zoth
>Get both Tirions back
>Paladin about to shit himself
>Play Herald Volazj for even MORE Tirions

what the fuck did I just even play
Are you watching sylvanas farting fetish vids or what
Alright but then you have a board of 5/5 and 3/4 on turn 4 against a goddamned owl.

And then they probably resurrect her later because they're playing meme priest or with Nzoth.
it's obviously sylv unloading with an SMG
The only thing that counters Paladin harder than Priest is Rogue, what exactly are you feeling so accomplished for? Paladin is literally the worst class right now you know.

What you just posted is the equivalent of control Warrior vs freeze Mage, it's an unwinnable match up for the Paladin 90%of the time.
>3 mana 2/1 Battlecry: Give an opponent's minion +4/+4

Yeah well it's not every day you get to summon 5 Tirions in a game as Priest you party pooper
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>tfw Priest steals my Anyfin and kills me the turn before I get to play it
>approximately 500 spells that bypass the board and directly deal damage to face, one of the worst of which being 6 damage for 4 mana.
>2/1 body and a buff for +2, for only 2 mana
>hard removals at only 3 and 4 mana
>hyper removal at 6 mana
>board vomit efficiency in the early game, while board clear is relegated to late game plays
>disgusting amount of control and denial available to aggro and board vomit decks
>it takes a 4-mana 7/7 to be printed before anyone even notices something might be wrong

I fucking hate this game. I am desperate for a better game to be released on android. I want to stop playing this shit forever, but there's nothing else to do while commuting or killing time outside.

Seriously, I want to stop. I want to never have to think about all the wasted potential in this game that's thrown away in favor of the casual wanting to climb ladder fast. Please, somebody. I want off Mr. Brode's wild ride.
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How would you rate my finished meme creation, Reno Curator Mage
Is hunter still just ignore all cards and hit the hero until the match is over?
Beast druid is too boring, priest is promising but I'll get super tilted if it's all aggro shaman/hunter next season.

this is basically cheating--because it's fun and not super difficult to do for me, becomes like a monthly challenge/achievement
>menagerie warden
>savage combatant
>mukla's champion
>pantry spider
>enchanted raven
>core hound

I fucking love beast druid!
They actually want to get to turn 8 now so they do trade
Try it out and report back to us, senpai.
Join the fucking club. Spend all fucking game setting up the fucking Anyfin, and he kills me with it before I even draw any copies.

It's exactly why Paladin needs a viable proactive deck. These long control games will always get fucked by hahaha stories bullshit. Whether it's a desperate Yogg, priest, combo, Elise, or just a Rag. Aggro decks are consistent, because they finish the game before they allow too much RNG to fuck them over.
so is beast druid the most OP cancer like plebbit and /hsg/ said it would
Something with zoobot
I think hunter is worse right now.
No, it's play like a typical midrange deck and if you're not behind by turn 6, then just start going face and win two turns later.
Maybe once a more refined list surfaces, but right now it's only really got one 'unfair' thing going for them (tigger into warden) but that's not enough yet to be tier 1.
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Pretty funny how this faggot last year wasn't in jack fucking shit, but in today's meta he's in every fucking deck including face hunter.
babbling book is pretty good
not sure what that snipe is in there for. Aside from that it seems fine. Maybe get rid of the deadly shot too.
He's been in fucking Paladin and Priest for ages you shitter. Paladin only dropped it for a while once it got some actual cards to play on turns 1, 2, 3, and 4.
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standard token druid sure shits on that silly beast druid everyone seems to be playing
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>decide to have some "fun" in arena
>8 mages in a row
snipe and deadly shot are good
I've been trying to make homebrew mage decks all fucking month, and basically, 1 Blizzard and 1 Flamestrike isn't even halfway enough to combat aggro.

The only thing that has seen success is Reno + 2 Ice Block + 2 Pandaren.
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>2/1 body and a buff for +2, for only 2 mana
what is this
>vs. priest
>turn 2 coin blademaster
>kill it
>turn 3 resurrect

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>play arena
>see anything other than mage, rogue and paladin
I should buy a lottery ticket
>not running deadly shot
>in a world where 4 mana 7/7 and stranglethorn tigers are everywhere

Good luck. It's even against zoo for killing imp gang boss without spawning an imp
Yeah that's why I have Corrupted Seer, Conjurer, Explosion with Spell Power and Tome
Obviously some are less reliable but that's how reno decks work
Corrupted seer is good you shitter
Oh, my bad, it's only 1 mana. How could I forget.

Nobody cares, though, because it's not a part of any tier 1's, but that is just case in point, really.
consecration on a stick
>it's not a part of any tier 1's
aoe in arena literally punishes good plays you shitter
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when will they learn?
Both aggro shaman and Zoo run abusive.
He's just overshadowed by way more problematic cards.
He's not overshadowed at all though. He's prominent in like two different Tier 1 decks
Aggro shaman is the best deck in the game right now, what are you smoking?
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>he's not using Kezan Mystic or Eater of Secrets in Ranked
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Resurrection/Barnes priest is some of the most fun I've had in this game but I'll keep playing midrange hunter until I hit rank 5
More like
>Summon all 3 animal companions. You opponent draws a brawl
Just control the board and charges won't get through ;)
Then Clear ;)
god huntard is so boring to play

You already pushed 5 to face, and you retain a minion. Holy shit you're stupid
>play mirror anyfin pally
>comes down to who went first and can draw anyfin
This is what hunter mirror are like with CoW
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Deck needs 1 more card.
>pushing 5 to face will win me the game!
>against 80 health warriors

Wow, an actual real retard
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R8 M8s
just copied that shit reynad was using in his stream
loses to pretty much more than half the decks in the game
>letting warriors get to 80 health

Wow, an actual real retard.
Guys, suggest me a hunter or druid deck that can get me to 5 wins in a hurry.
reporting in
control decks are a mistake
swapping to hunter
>warrior getting to 80 health against midrange hunter
>lowly squire
am I missing something
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>Just control the board :^)
>Opponent plays Feral Spirits
Secret Hunter for more consistent wins
Face hunter for fastest games
>play 2 animal comparions summoning huffer and 2 call of the wilds
>play this
>get 4 huffers and 2 leokks

Like pottery
priest is still shit
And that shit's going right down your throat pal

I tried it too, it's shit.

I've been doing pretty decently with this, at least pulling a 60% win rate thus far over 20 games. It's fun. God do I want burgle to work, I'm gonna play it and you can't stop me.
Its at least tier 3 now
t. priest cuck
what tier is freeze mage?
unplayable tier
whatever you want to number it
it loses to shaman, hunter and warrior which means it barely even has a good matchup
Shit tier because warrior is roughly a third of the entire Standard meta, the rest being decks with good direct damage potential and hearty minions (shaman/hunter).

If zoo ever becomes tier 1 dominating the meta like warrior currently is though it'd be great. It also suffers from being expensive af.
Tournament only tier.
>remove healbot
>don't add any good neutral healing
>add more aggro cards
Simply epic
top in wild
rock paper scissors tier, aka unplayable for ladder




You sure you weren't at 22 hp?
>remove healbot
>remove belcher
>remove deathlord
>can't BGH a 4 mana 7/7 anymore
>play Miracle Rogue
>suddenly Freeze Mage every other game
these cock suckers can kill themselves 2bh. I'll never understand people who have the audacity to play a deck that has such polarizing match ups on ladder.
Hmm, well played
Yeah miracle rogue is for literally autismos
So with the release of Arcane giant, cenarious is no longer needed in yogg druid?
I am asking this because only lego I need now is fandral and I can easily craft him.
>living roots
>living roots
>Hmm, well played
>Hmm, well played
>Hmm, well played
2015 called

They want their FoN SR back
Convince me that this game isn't horrible and the meta isn't fucking garbage that rewards vomiting cards and winning on Turn 7.
we can't
t. Andy
but that's what this meta is

no matter what deck you play it all boils down to RNG in the end, always
cenarius/arcane giant/wisps/onyxia/yogg are all pretty fucking interchangable anyway

We're basically all drug addicts and know that it's destroying our lives, but hey, we can always quit after "just one more..."
What are your favorite quotes from the game?

>"I am power made flesh" - Desuwing
>want to have fun
>get shit down 4 ranks

fucking love this game lads :))))))

"Let's show our guests a good tiem..."

- Moroes-senpai
>Maybe this deck will be controlly and fun with skill and decisions rewarding my plays
>hey yeah this time for sure it'll be fun!
>face shaman
>face shaman
>face shaman
>face hunter
>dragon warrior
>face shaman
>you didn't draw all your board swipes you lost
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
>"We will increase our wealth substantially!"
- Rayno Johnson
Anyone sees problem here?

Shit I forgot about Onyxia
Is beast druid a real good deck on pair with midrange hunter, or was it just a meme
Yogg-Saron, Yogg-Saron
-Disciple of C'thun
"GUSTS, I CHOOSE YOU" - Ash'Akir the Windlord
it's really good, but a bit inconsistent.
>play brawl
>2 grommash
>cotw from saraad
Stop taking the game so seriously and never spend a dime on it.

It's not a fucking esport no matter what blizzard might try to tell you.

Also here's some help from the rocket league community, you're welcome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wirFU80NgQo
Definitely not on par with midrange hunter.
Tiger < Highmane
Warden + Tiger < CotW
??? < Eaglehorn Bow, 3-mana summon angry pig
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>>can't BGH a 4 mana 7/7 anymore
>You believed them when they said it would help make a more diverse lategame
>It was all just a lie to push new broken shaman cards
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So this is curvestone
>tons of ones
not sure what to replace it with desu

absolutely correct friend

managed to win 9 games with it, but I probably lost 9 games as well
I'll try your list though
how do I midrange hunter without the secret chick
i need rank 5 before i can meme
druid 3mana slot is druid of the flame and mounted raptor
Play minions on curve
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Is this too greedy?
>druid 3mana slot is druid of the flame
shit card honestly
I doubt iits worth using
Your second malygos is not dust yet.
I just won a midrange hunter with turn 8 and 9 CotWs
using reno mage
ask me anything about being the best player in the world
but Paladin doesn't have the burst for an aggro deck

how can people be this inept at making decks they have to ask about the most simple decks around

boggles the mind
Who said it was aggro? >>153058232
i can't make meta decks, only memes
- Golem Totem
Is forsen the wacky le meme streamer?
>tfw this is basically the new healbot
>"yeah you can gain 8 health for 5 mana... it's just that your opponent has to have 4 minions surviving on the field first!"
>"we gave it +1/+1 stats so it's okay! hahahaha!"
Increase hero health to 40
and there, fixed
Forsen is a cool guy, his fanbase is cancer.

Amaz is the wacky le meme streamer
Shaman will be shit again next year when they lose Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem and Tuskarr Totemic
Probably. I don't hate it though
>class gets curve cards
>becomes good
>class loses curve cards
>becomes bad
No core set was a mistake
>tfw you play against a C'thun deck and just win before they get it out

why do people even bother with this deck...
>put your balls in my mouth-Tirion Slongslinger
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>deck doesnt play its win condition
>deck loses.
>I'll try your list though

I mean, if you just want to win play a tier 1 deck. If that isn't your priority though I think it's fair to play meme decks if they can at least hover in the 50-55% win rate range, which I think my list does (better for me actually, at least currently, like I said). You can't win every game anyways, even playing dragon warrior you can get shit draws or bad matchups or opponents getting lucky RNG and some weeks get even sub-50% win rates with tier 1 decks.

It's nice to have fun as long as the deck isn't completely unreasonably bad. For me though after I get to rank 5 I generally stop giving a shit about win rate and care more about fun, and 6 burgle cards can give you some really interesting games, trust me.
>Thrall is an orc
>Gul'Dan is an orc
>Rexxar is a half-orc
>they're all do i go face braindead classes or zoospam
>all the thinking classes are humans or elves

what did blizzard mean by this?
Isnt garrosh an orc too? He has both thinking and braindead decks.
>new good rogue deck emerges
>it runs squire and abusive

fucks sake i dont WANT to play curvestone
yeah I left him out because of that

but 3/4 orc classes being retard-proof is pretty funny since orcs are retards in lore as well

but why would you make your win condition a 1 in 30 chance on purpose?
also half of the time they do get it out and still lose
>Yogg and Load
>Shaman before LoE

they were fine
I'm pretty new at the game but was the game before less curve-based than now? I've heard from more than one people already that Hearthstone now is basically pooping out minions on curve and is becoming easier with each expansion. Is it true?
>garrosh what are you thinking about?
>thinkgen about amor
>you have a 1 in 30 chance of drawing a c'thun by turn 10

are you fucking fucked
>tfw she is all you think about all day

Just ignore him, it's his first time playing aggro at rank 17 and he's getting easy wins.
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You speak my language.
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Should I waste money on getting Black Rock Mountain? Will it be phased out soon?
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>you will never hold her in your hands
It'll be around for 4-5 months
Would you play a 7 mana 4/6: Draw an Azure Drake from your deck?
It actually used to be better. GvG made it a lot more curvestoney on turn 4/5/7. Secretpaladin turned it into every turn is curveturn and it still persists.

After the first expansion/adventure of next year BRM, TGT and LoE all go out of standard.
it will rotate in 4 to 6 months
Yes Because It A BIG Robot Like Me Like Big Robots
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Just saved up 700 Gold. Which no.1 wing is worth unlocking for the cards? Blackrock for TheRussian?
How neccesary are cenarious and Onyxia for meme druid?
Yuno is that you
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Okay, I only wanted it for Imp Gang Boss. I'll just replace it
BRM for Emperor T, Flamefaggot and Quickshot

"I can't wait anymore!"
Grom Heckscream
flamewalker is wing 4
Who is this sperm specter?
which meme are you talking about? token druid doesn't require either and most lists don't run cenarius anymore. both are pretty good in an astral or aviana meme deck.
is the collection search bar broken for anyone else

Not that guy but honestly I'd probably watch forsen regularly if he didn't play that cancer music shit all the time. If it was like Kibler where it's just his voice and the game sounds I'd hide the chat and watch him play meme decks.
That's not Brian "MLG Plays" Kibler
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Ostkaka playing freeze mage
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boy i sure am loving the new meme deck meta, i've seen so many variations of aggro today it's insane
i'm having so much fun thanks blizzard i'll give you more money any day
>Fucking Blizz faggots alienate more customers once again.
Wow, I didn't know Blizzard is the developer and publisher of Hay Day.
Does he feel embarrassed to be dressed like that when he completely lack a bulge?
>acknowledge that I would get my shit stomped in repeatedly in ranked and decide to play my meme decks in casual
>it's literally the same netdecks card for card

Why don't these people play ranked? Are they farming up their 30 wins or what? But even then what's the difference?
is there a better feeling than getting deathwing in arena?

Ladder anxiety.

It's stupid, I know.
gayest comment on right now
i honestly don't know
i played 4 games in a row vs aggro shaman in casual so yeah same shit everywhere
No problem. I can change that easily.
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BGHing your opponents Deathwing in arena.
Please i have 675 of gold
>"You dare challenge Deathwing's wife's daughter?" -O-nyxia
i know senpai ive been playing it in my hunter for pyro into unleash board clears, shit is sick
They are scared
Just win 9 games.
when he knows that card you've been holding onto all game is polymorph but he's forced to play it anyway
>pyro into unleash
Wouldn't it it just kill all doggos?
>forbidden healing is balanced

You need to stabilize so hard before it's even worth playing

>i'm an aggro shitter who sent lava bursts to face without lethal
-Amaz dragon
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So everyone's complaining about Curvestone. What's the alternative? Control meta? - games take forever. Combo meta? - Get bursted down from 30 to 0 in one turn?

Fighting for board is fun. Having to choose to trade or be greedy and go face helps me from falling asleep.
the same could be asked about you.
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What am I doing wrong here? I'm stuck at rank 16-17 and can't climb past that.
I'm either facing really bad decks or shit like Reno Rogue that shits out legends I cannot deal with effectively.

Also shamans, fuck shamans.
Tirion is the most cancerous loliwinXD card in the entire game.

Holy fuck Blizzard can you fucking buff Silences so they're playable again and we don't have to deal with this garbage?
because going first is too much of an advantage for curvestone to be fun
>freezetard btfo
>tankup shitter btfo
Liked and subscribed.
People just don't like the fact that you can lose the game if your opponent has a 1 on 1, 2 on 2, and so on, and you happen to miss a turn.
Anyone else watching some esports?

Did Ostkaka just miss lethal?
>Tirion is the most cancerous loliwinXD card in the entire game
that's not reno jackson
>8 mana lose to a 3, 4, or 6-mana spell without doing anything
le cancerxD guys amirite
You're playing c'thun mage. That's what you're doing wrong.
what are you watching pham
I think he ran out of time and couldn't hit with his Axe for lethal. but I'm not entirely sure because I was only half watching.
Anyone with a deck list for secret hunter that is not based on L&L?
I would Cut Owl and a Beckoner for 2 Cult Sorcerors, and a twilight elder for Twin Emps.
>all new decks made by new adventure are all T3 or T4
what a shit show
by not playing tempo mage
where is your cthun sorc?
really playing owl and not spell breaker when you want silence?
where are Twins?
why play any cthun minions when you can just spam spells and finish with yoGG?
Why aren't you playing ranked? Does that number next to your id and those shiny stars really mean anything to you?
>the world continues to refuse the existence of polymorph despite it being the best removal in the game
Multiplay_HS on twitch
Truesilver champioship, no idea why there is no info anywhere, found it myself in some depths of reddit
yeah he missed it, he probably forgot that cthun gets buffed on board too

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>if you have every single card then the average pack is about 100 dust
What kind of packs are you opening? The average dust pack is 40 dust
I ran owl because I don't have a second Disciple, same reason I don't have the Twin Emperors
I was looking for a deck I could make with minimal dust investment that would actually win me some games, but from what I am seeing on the ladder, I'm going to need to find a way to ge tthose big legos fast.
why didn't he clear ysera what the fuck
I tried playing casual because I thought it would be fun playing a stupid deck against other stupid decks. The only opponent who wasn't dragon warrior, curve hunter, face shaman or zoolock was a weird evolve Reno shaman. Losing is not my issue here, it's that I wanted to see some wacky shit but in like 8 games that happened once. I lost that too but it was fun. Where are the crazy decks?
try wild
The minimum amount of dust you can get from a pack is 40 dust. Impossible for the average to be 40 dust unless every pack is 4 common 1 rare.
>these fucking OI M8 WOT IT IZ DEN casters

This is fucking unwatchable.
Pretty much any 3 is better than owl, like Acolyte of Pain.
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Maybe it was a fluke you even got to rank 6.
just a lil ol aviana turn
>leaving aviana alive

Top lul
no anon dont do that your hurt urself
i really like this druid deck
wow dude. I just got ranked 5 but kept going win 1, lose 1 for a while when i was 1 star away. I would have just stopped if I fell down to rank 7. What decks where you playing and why didn't you stop sooner?
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craft, yes or not?

or maybe yogg
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Damn dude, why didn't you stop after like 1 or 2 ranks
yeah i grinded for 3 fucking weeks slowly getting up there but that was all a fluke and the massive loss streak was the norm of course that makes sense thanks

already fucked my hand up a few times in the process

midrang hunter
didn't stop because i was determined to win one fucking game and it didnt happen until rank fucking 11
>turn 6 yshaarj

druids lmao
>golden adventure cards
itt: people confusing Expected Value with Median.

the Expected Value of a single pack, assuming you have a full collection, is a little more than 100 dust plus or minus some standard deviation.

40 dust packs are the Median, which means that most of the packs that you open will contain only 40 dust. if you only open a single pack of cards, the most likely outcome is 40 dust.
>being a poorfag
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>hunter players
>went from 0-2 to 6-2 with this fucking garbage deck

>Being an up-to-neck in shit man-ape
>tfw no dust Y'shaarj

I just want to ramp the fuck out and play the biggest guys
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>2x flame jugg

Not even looking at the rest of the list. This deck is fine you fucking moron.
just relax man. it's just a game. it's not even a good one at that.
How's it garbage, not every deck without flamestrike or fireball is garbage
Pretty decent, desu senpai.
40 dust is the minumum you fucking retarded yuro shitstain
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>priest mind vision's your barnes
>gets Ragnaros, I kill it
>Onyx Bishop into Ragnaros, I kill it
Crafting bulk cards for dust, which of these Legos are worth keeping around?

Leeroy Jenkins
Ragnaros, Firelord
you're confusing median with mode

40 dust is the mode since it is by far the most common value if you were to track your pack openings. as such the most likely outcome is certainly 40 dust

the median is likely slightly higher since if the median was 40dust it would mean 50% of all packs you open are 40 dust packs
Keep them all faggit

Even Cho'gall might be good eventually, wotog is still in for another year.
Realistically: Leeroy and rag. Why you would ever consider dusting rag is beyond me.
Cho'gall could be worth keeping around as the effect is powerful. There might be something worthwhile next expansion.
>carefully grinding with a control deck through ladder
>only deck that hilariously usually beats me is priest because it just entombs my win conditions and deaths my other dank shit
>havent seen a priest in a long time, easy grinding vs huntards and shaman players
>suddenly nonstop back to back to back to back priests
Leeroy and Rag will always be relevant.
I don't think there is a point of playing regular Hogger, Corrupted Hogger has a marginal use as an anti-C'Thun/anti-warrior tech in meme decks.
Cho'Gall is useless and nothing indicates he'll get better until the next exapnsion at the very least.
Rag is definitely worth keeping, some people (like Reynad) use Leeroy in some face decks
Others are free dust(as of this meta)
Is there a way to watch all the games from the tournament or are only a select few broadcasted?
Of Brann's on the field wouldn't this make the cards (4) less?
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What is the best deck for mage to ladder with in the current meta?
I have a bunch of dust and trying to make a deck that wins more than it loses, and mage is the class I have the most investment into at this point.
Tempo mage is okay.
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>Want to craft Y'shaarj, Dragonlord and Soggoth all at same time.
>Can't because won't even make it to Turn 9.

cancer retard RNG mage
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You can skip Soggoth, but Y'Shaarj is a turn 4 play these days.
put flame waker, mana wyrm, sorcerers apprentice, some spell damage minions, a bunch of spells, and yogg in a deck and you'll do fine.
>troggs rule
>wood noises
>coin noises, DID YOU BRING DA more wood noises

every singe fucking time christ fuck off
Ragnaros and Leeroy are keepers. Chogall will see play in Violet Illuionist-lock meme decks. Hogger is not really relevant for anything.
interesting post
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8-0 at legend
all of them
Will I ever regret crafting bad rag? I heard about cool games where my friends got him off barnes.
I shit you not, the last 8 times I've seen Tuskarr get played it always summoned that fucking golem.
>regret crafting one of the top 2 legendaries in the game
gee idk anon
Rag is never regrettable
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>1 mana more than Ivory Knight
>better stats
>consistent Heal

Why is this never played yet Ivory is?

Who is the other one? Boom?
It was good when the game came out and then fell out of play for a long time until standard came around. It's possible it could fall out of the meta again.
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Got a pretty gud pack from my watch and learn quest.
By the way, is this huntard weapon any good?

One provides you with a card, the other does not.
Ivory gives you a spell and that spell may be one that's quite good in your current situation.
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Who /our boy/ here
>turn 2 wild growth
>turn 3 coin innervate innervate Soggoth
>Hmm, well played
Because Ivory Knight also gives you a spell, potentially Anyfin, at a time where Murloc Paladin is kinda a thing and probably the only good Paladin deck.
ivory knight gives you a spell
but guardian of kings is decent
Play hunter with Longbow, greenskin and brann.

Some serious control shit.
How many cards does this give you? That's right zero. Which is also the amount of value this card has.
I feel like it's just played as a buffer everytime the meta is in flux
9 out of 10 you will never even be able to play the spell. You are mostly going for the heal factor more than anything.
>doesnt grab you a third anyfin or an equality/humility/buff/consecrate/secret when you need it
shit card would not play
lol, zeriyah looks horrible here, is she the oldest one in the picture
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>9 out of 10 you will never even be able to play the spell. You are mostly going for the heal factor more than anything.

I've never seen someone post something more wrong.
>this meme again

If you decided that it's a bad card and you won't listen to anyone, why even ask? Go play your guardian then.
1 more mana is very important when games can end by turn 8
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what is that a scar?
that's a vein
There was a guy who once said Zoo is aggro. Pretty damn wrong.
Ivory Knight has like an 80% chance that it will heal you for 2 or less. Why would you ever play that garbage? Fucking shieldbearers. I will go on a lose streak just so I can farm your asses for my daily gold.
It would probably see play in a midrange style paladin
>heartharena ratings: 9, 1 and 6
Only on my fucking account.
You OCfags have to stop with this stupid shit.
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Who's this?
I'd go with the headcrack. It has some synergy with geomancer and teacher and can also provide continuous damage to put your opponent on a clock.
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>headcrack used to be 2 mana

Jesus Brode.
Just don't listen to the "Tempo is brainless" meme. watch Asmodai, he thinks about every turn and it pays off for him in spades. Some turns seem obvious but actually aren't if planning ahead. Anyway just wanted to say that.

As far as decks I think the BEST is Reno Mage with Barnes and Rhonin/Rag etc variant. Only because you have a possible answer for every problem.

Tempo is much quicker with Books.

just FYI it seems like Tony has gotten too slow and is not run in Tempo anymore because you can now use Call of Medivh to get massive value and minions to win.
Mother of god.
Pick Headcrack.
It's garbage, but it has a small chance of winning you a game.
if it cost 2 mana it would still be shit in tempostone
looks like a mixture between a 40 year old man and a 10 year old girl
what adventure should i buy if i dont have any
I took Angry Chicken for combo enabling. Saw your posts a bit too late.
karazhan Tbh
the cards are good and it won't be rotating in 2017
Looking for someone to trade Play a friend! quest with (160g each), online atm. EU: BestMageEU#2304
LoE, it has the overall best selection of useful cards.
fuk u
>Aggro shitter uses half of his burn to guarantee lethal next turn with his remaining two cards
>heal 20
i've heard blackrock is the best buy since dragons

any thoughts on that?
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What memedecks are you lads fooling around with?

"Zoo" Dragon Paladin for me, Nightbane Templar is a pretty crazy card
Dragons aren't great unless you want to play BrokeBack warrior
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why are hunter cards right facing triangles
>>>playing hunter
they're meme quotes ">"

>Fiery Bat
>Animal Companion
>Kill Command
is Arcane Giant OP?
No, the OP is Undead Priestess >>153053362
No, far from it, the only giant that ever unbalanced was Molten
freeze mage seems fun to play

is thaurissan needed?
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>favorite class is rogue
>blizzvision kills the only viable deck
>find miracle boring as fuck and it loses to 90% of the ladder anyway
>blizzvision will never allow control rogue to exist, no heal, no taunt, no board clears
>they keep printing value/meme/lategame oriented mediocre cards anyway
>blizzvision will keep forcing rogue into tempo/combo kill the opponent before they kill you in less than 8 turns playstyle
>they don't release tempo cards anyway nor any viable cycle cards compared to what other classes have
>there is always one class who is less popular so rogue will never be fixed because nobody cares
>favorite class is rogue
>hates miracle
fucking off pseudo-rogue faggot. miracle rogue is what makes the class unique. if you want to play cuktrol or curve pick a diferent class
>I am so new I never played oil
miracle is decent even if you don't like it
it's not even that different from oil so I don't understand how one can be your favorite and not like the other
play c'thun rogue you dingus
how the fuck did you derive that from my post? just looking for a chance to call yourself an oldfag? fun fact: i was the first person in the world to play oil
can someone please tell me how to specify a folder for hearthstone screenshots rather than them all being dumped on my desktop?
miracle is the real OG rogue deck
oil didn't exist until oil was introduced (obviously) in gvg
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>They nerf the only control viable giant and leave the faggot aggro giant untouched
>They'll keep pumping out aggro sticky trash and burst at twice the rate as mediocre neutral taunts and 5 mana+ low heals on severely understated bodies
Why does warrior have all these "positive buff + draw a card because why not lol" cards?

It's ok, now spell aggro decks have a giant as well :^)
Were you really? You came up with it?
no i was joking. i played it really early on though
I very much enjoyed that fact
but molten was severely undercosted
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>enemy priest ropes every turn because he's too retarded to know how to play this mirror and too butthurt to concede
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>face 6 warriors in a row
>decide to play paladin
>get an extra card AND a coin which counts as a SPELL
>still bitch about going 2nd
how about fuck off
There's not fucking skill in a priest mirror just rewarding which ever retard built the greedier deck
>Have to be severely behind and killable from hand to play them for free
>Now have to be literally 1 card away from dying to play them
Literally worthless, imagine if they made Sea Giant require 13 other minions to be played for free. You aggroshitters would bomb their offices.

Molten didn't even do what the text said it did
yeah man entombing something other than n'zoth or slyvanas is smart and you should just drop velens on whatever instead of making 4 attack minions its all rng anyway right
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Ive had about 10 priest mirrors since onyx release and I've won all of them and there is nothing more satisfying than beating a smug priest as a smug priest.
Paladin only rolls into 3 classes, Rogue, Priest, and Shaman. Warriors literally don't exist if you play Paladin.
this deck style is really fun and potentially gamebreaking
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Reddit is coming for Hay Day scammers

Why is Warrior the blatantly best class by a fucking landslide.
>all retards who were too stupid to use emulator and fake email now want smart people banned
really makes you think...
That's exactly what I said one guy is running anti aggro with entombs, the other guy is running n'zoth with entombs, so he wins, all skill
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>not a priest card
>This is a p2win game and honest players got fucked by this.

top kek
Because you're playing Shaman and Zoo exclusively. Now stop fucking crying and try one of the other classes for a change, and maybe try playing something that costs more than 2 mana for a change.
I never even bothered with amazon funbux, it's a waste of time worse than playing this game on its own.
I just hope this helped some vodka niggers to play decks other than poverty zoo and aggro shaman.
>every rogue always has a sap when you try to drop something
>you never draw any of your board clear against shamans
>every priest is a priest
being paladin is suffering
execute, firey war axe, and ghoul



nobody cares about wild games
Rogue can steal more
t. garrosh

this is actually the quintessential warrior shitter
whenever anybody points out how busted warrior is, all you have to do is call this person a shaman or warlock player and pretend warrior doesn't also shit on the other 6 classes just as hard
What are the odds I can make a Harambe deck and get to rank 5? I'm bored enough at this point by seeing the same five decks over and over I am willing to waste thousands of dust on memes
pretty good, i think it could be worthwhile

i'm assuming you'd be playing warrior with fierce monkey and just about any warrior deck can make rank 5 as long as it's not completely retarded
yeah shaman king is a much better game and it's not like standard priest still has entomb or even forcing overdraw on the enemy to think about

do it
What's a harambe deck?
t. thrall

this is actually the quintessential aggro shitter
whenever you point out facts like how warrior is completely dominated by midrange hunter, they deflected and move the goal posts the next post to save face.

This isn't up for debate, statistics prove warrior dropped to the second most used class on ladder the moment hunter jumped to first.
is there a new VS report or something
Novice Engineer, Mukla, Big Game Hunter.
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Brode said they wanted dragon priest to be a thing, enjoy your purify.
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>Living roots, Coin, Living roots, Innervate, Power of the wild
i'm so good at this game
hunter is actually the highest winrate, highest usage is still warrior

there is then also the fact that the warrior basic and classic set is probably the best in the entire game, the fact they can play every single archetype with huge success and have access to some of the best spells and drops in the entire game

i also like how now you deflected the conversation to talk about hunters being OP. midrange hunter being OP does not mean warrior isn't OP as well, and unlike warrior midrange hunter is one archetype, whereas warrior has several T1 archetypes. so yes, factually speaking warrior IS the best class and it's not even close. most classes barely have one T1 archetype.
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>mfw warriors
I laugh everytime a shitter uses power of the wild on living roots
I'm playing midrange hunter and I get fucked sideways by every dragon warrior I face, even if I curve absolutely perfectly
This is hands down the best brawl, 25 wins and counting. Its so easy to beat shitters when they don't know what the hell tempo is.
I assume you put all the gorillas you can find

Silverback Patriach, Muklas, Mukla's Champions and maybe Gorillabots. Then you put in something like BGH, Hemet, Ironforge Rifleman.
Not him but what's wrong with that
It's incredibly easy to win because people don't pick simple CC options and constantly trade, which you just can't do in this kind of setup
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>hunter is actually the highest winrate, highest usage is still warrior
This is pretty good Children's Electronic Card Sport
haha well yogg'd :))))
enjoy your early game tempo when you get outvalued by my board clear and tough minions fag
there is no way they would allow yogg at blizzcon
This has been answered to death countless times, and you faggots will always resort to "t. garrosh" once you're cornered, that's why no one fucking answers your bullshit.

Warrior only has more than one viable archtype, because it's literally the only class that can survive against aggro if they're not playing aggro themselves. See, when there's a fucking incurable disease, you don't fucking kill the man born immune to it, you either cure it or try and make everyone like him.

We need Chow, Deathlord, Lightbomb, Healbot, and Belcher back. Warrior will naturally regress to its tier 2 shittiness once Paladin, Priest, and Rogue are actually fucking playable and don't auto concede turn 6 against Shaman and zoo.
Holy fuck Zeryiah looks like a grandma
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>people bitching about aggro shaman and hunter
>play nzoth paladin
>those are basically free fucking wins
>1 star from rank 5
>4 priest games in a row
well I almost had it
They did nerf Warsong just before the finals, but I still wouldn't be so sure. Yogg generates the most epic of stories after all.
>yfw Brode forces every deck to have Yogg
Hope you know this is the equivalent of family guy in japan
>Shaman at top uncontested
>Warriors rise, because they counter it

Gee I wonder who's behind all these posts? Just play Hunter, Paladin, Priest, Druid, Rogue, or Renolock. All of these classes have either a favorable or neutral match up against all the warriors. Only zoo and Shaman are unfavored against Warriors.
i wonder why no tournament organizers ever ban cards. does blizzard force them to allow shit like yogg?
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>Play dragon paladin against a brainless warrior shitter
>Uldaman all his twilight guardians and force them into favorably trades
>He runs out of cards and concedes

Not gonna lie lads, Dragon Paladin is rising with Templar
>4 points of armor have been added to your account
>razorfen hunter
>when revealed, /hsg/ shitters actually thought Priest of the Feast and Onyx Bishop were shit
explain yourselves
Blizzard has a lot of say in what goes and what doesnt go in tournaments. They're as bad as riot.
the big tournaments? yeah
>Razorfen hunter with an extra boar is a bad card for 3 mana

We still need the 2 mana drop, and maybe the kodo dragon. Tempo dragon Paladin is just shit tbqh, it's an inferior dragon Warrior. Paladin needs to play dragons more control like.
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where is she...?
the Void
New thread when?
I am afraid to post anything to this one especially at +600 replies because it'll just die and my post with it when new one comes out at the exact moment I get my post in
>2/2 after ghoul kicks your shit in

Crying in a corner, because no one is playing Uther for her to get free wins.
>Except with an extra +1/+1
And we all know how insignificant a +1/+1 is in stats right? I mean Trogg would be the same if it were a 2/4. Might as well have 4/5 totem golems too. It's just an extra boar which is also a dragon no biggie
>supposed to be stealthy
>looks like a candy bar
calm down and keep playing casual
the most buttblasted man in the world
things /hsg/ shitters say

>rogue is bad
>guardian of kings is bad
>onyx bishop will be shit
what else is there?
>Every match up is Dragon Warrior so that makes a card a bad card


Did you also know that if you run blessing of kings and 1 of the minions survives you can play Kings on curve?

God you guys are such shitters
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Yamazaki hears something stupid.gif
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>Gaki is Japanese Family Guy
Is this the new "dies to BGH"?
>ywn rng your way through a tournament
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>Guardian of Kings
>a 3 mana yeti that's stats are spread throughout 3 different minions is bad
82% of smartphones worldwide are Android
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i already own a gold xaril and i just opened a pack and got the normal one. should i DE the normal or this gold version? Is Xaril good?
holy shit a 6/6 that can be executed, Epic or you can trade and face the war axe clean up :)))))
80 gold NA first person to add me gets it battlenet is in picture.
>Guardian of kings
Would you fuck off with this already
first a +1/+1 with dragon tag doesnt matter and now a whole fucking spell doesnt matter. Ivory knight is ten times better you shitter.
That's not a yeti
Did you know Facewreath Faceless dies to BGH on curve?

What a fucking horrible card
xaril is ok in the slowest rogue decks. dust the golden one
in my bed
Being played by you if you weren't a meta hugging pussy.
Wish that was true desu senpai
>free leggo or free epic

Xaril is solid.
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>arguing a point that wasn't made to appear intelligent
Rogue is in an unfavorable meta and its struggle is exacerbated by a severe lack of neutral healing options. but in terms of mechanics, Rogue will always be a solid class particularly in tournaments where you can ban Shaman and other fast decks.
4/5 stats is a the hearthstone standard of a yeti.

So technically she is a yeti.
It would be okay if it wasn't for the retarded dragon requirement, what the fuck I'm going to run shitty dragons for unless I'm a fetishist like Kibler. Maybe in a clown menagerie deck, though.
Rallying Blade, despite being an inferior fiery war axe, is still a better turn 3 play.
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tearing up the ladder
I've tried numerous homebrews but I decided to netdeck for a number of games and it's basically draw your early game and then spiral out of control type of deck

Guardian is S H I T
rogue is fine when half of people are playing hunturd, druid and priest
He's usable in both miracle and deathrattle rogue decks. If you're a rogue player I'd keep the golden for sure.
>Decide to start actually trying to climb today
>Midrange Hunter got me to rank 10, seems like a good thing to keep going with
>vs. mirror, lose to a better draw
>vs. mirror, lose to a better draw
>vs. mirror, lose to a better draw
>vs. mirror, lose to a better draw
>Okay fuck it I guess everyone has the same idea as me
>switch to pic related
>vs. midrange hunter, win
>vs. midrange hunter, win
>vs. midrange hunter, win
>vs. midrange hunter, win

Dammit Blizzard, why you gotta force me to play Priest now?
yes, when tournaments where going to ban the original Nat Pagle, Blizzard said they couldnt
Xaril will always find use in Rogue as long as it exists and if you like Rogue and the animation why not keep it.
what dick
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>Hey guys blizzard learned from Naxx and GvG they'll never do deathrattle cancer ever again

>Meanwhile they add rezz mechanics and more deathrattle cards
it is good. decent in miracle and very good in malygos
only 2 years till nzoth is gone
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just a regular miracle
>first thing they do is make haunted creeper a hunter card
[wake me up]
>beating a shaman

what is your deck, i must know
double SC, top lad.

I went with Reno memes lately, so I sadly don't have the space for double SC
it was a meme control shaman with bog creepers and other nonsense
really hard match since he healed for 28 and I went into fatigue but won just barely

I do like the Rogue Class and have like 4 other non lvl up gold cards. I think ill keep the gold. Thanks guys
Priest can't beat hunter...
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Why is hearthstone the only fucking game in existence that goes all apeshit if you lose your connection even for a fraction of a second?

Lost my connection mid-game against a Hunter aggroshitter, the game claimed that it was reconnecting, my fucking ass
the reconnection text was there for a good 2 minutes, I realized nothing will happen so I shut down the game and hoped to reconnect fast
>third time's the charm
>"You lost your previous Ranked match"
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