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/wowg/ - World of Warcraft general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 791
Thread images: 198

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Old thread: >>152996935
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xth for thank god I ditched League
Male Pandaren Mistweaver Alliance > everything else
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>mfw watching fragnance stream

How is he always so excited about this game? I wish I had such energy
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>people don't have a problem with this image
>an obviously primitive race being bombarded by a technologically superior race with literal spaceships
Fuckin' Final Fantasy in here now.

Try going on other boards, you panda faggot.

Even /k/ is gay as shit. Wait until late night when all the fur and guys in panty threads start popping up.
his just angry
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Nelfs are CUTE!!
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Death Knight
- Heartstop Aura now decreases cooldown recovery rate by 20% (was 30%).
- Heartstop Aura radius is now 8 yards (was 10 yards).
- Necrotic Aura radius is now 12 yards (was 10 yards).
- Apocalypse (Unholy) now bursts 4 Festering Wounds (was 8).
- Chill Streak (Frost) now deals 7% of the target's health in damage per jump.

his JUST?
I'm noticing a lot more Warforged gear when I tag Lieutenants and Commanders without dying from my chests.

Is this how "participation" is rewarded in Legion?
what he means is that you responded to one of the literal oldest pastas from this general cunt
what's wrong with final fantasy
>wowg literally cannot kill archi
>On heroic
>responding to old pasta

Hi leddit
>/v/ calling someone a "panda faggot"


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Hey /wowg/, rate my mog.
everythin desu
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Why is this the only mmo general without a bunch of pastebins and guild contact info in the OP?
wash yer back
>it's a new expansion attracts /v/ posters episode
We're special.
just hit level 80/10

unholy will be fine. it looks like they made frost EVEN worse then it already was. I actually feel bad for people who want to play frost dk. Not that it even matters since people who care about their dps probably wouldn't be playing that spec in the first place.
What post in here reeks of /v/?
anti-autism/circle jerk measures, if you want autism go check out FFXIV general
what are the best professions for making sheckels?
whats the matter? you flustered that we talk about the actual game instead of trannyposting? your general is a joke and we'd rather use viral marketing threads on /v/ then this place

Post doggos.
Cuddle doggos.
cool opinion
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Alright /wowg/ you're my only hope. Who should I main in legion?

1-3: Vanilla char undead mage
4-7: Orc DK, most fun I've had in years tanking
8-0: Male Belfadin, solid 8 years as main

Fuck why aren't achievements all account wide yet?
The "oy vey buy token goyim" proession.
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What would you ask of death?
>Plays WoW
>Isn't autistic

How's LFR going?
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What are these people doing at 2am slow mounting around in a line typing shit into yell
>wow 2nd most watched on Twitch

Is WoW saved?
it's sodapoppin pulling 30k viewers and the next highest pulling 2k
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Runeheal can you squeeze me in for CMs in Legion?
post your UI :)
Invasion leveling is really fast but goddamn if it isnt boring af
Can someone give me a brief rundown of the current state of specs for Legion?
Why do people have complicated UIs with 20+ addons?

You can't use addons in arena tournaments.

t. rank 1 warlock.
probably having fun to be honest
How come you can kill mythic Archimonde and still get no item drop?
fuck off
In PvE you need even fewer addons. Not even joking.

the whole "DBM" is required meme is only said by shitters.
>DK's already in a shitty place with meh dps and ZERO FUCKING MOBILITY
>Keep nerfing them

To be fair, Invasions are pretty fun/exciting the first few dozen times. The fact it's the ONLY thing you're doing for hours on end would make any form of leveling boring.
>- Apocalypse (Unholy) now bursts 4 Festering Wounds (was 8).

I just use bartender to put my shit in the center of the screen.
>Needing mobility when you have DEATH GRIP
Most threads on /vg/ are like this. Each general has become its own little community. There aren't enough janitors to keep each one on topic, so most of them have devolved into off-topic shitpost and circlejerk hovels. The way the janitors handle this is come around every so often and just ban anyone who breaks the rules, which due to the nature of /vg/, is pretty much everyone. Then all of these people just evade and shitpost harder. Janitors on /vg/ are pointless. 99.9% of posts on /vg/ break the rules, so you have some janitors who just go through and submit ban requests with extreme bias.

TL;DR - /vg/ is a failed concept, they need to just make it have the same rule set as /b/ and be done with it.


they need to hire WAY more janitors who aren't gigantic faggots. Ideally every thread should have a competent janny monitoring it at all times. No bans or ban requests, just someone here all the time to delete shitposts the moment they are made. Problem solved.
I don't know
The worst part are the faggots who can't play on patch day because "muh addons"

>random faggot or attentionwhore logs in, ok guild this is literally unplayable! I'll come back when they fucking fix my addons!

like jesus they have improved the game so much I don't bother with anything besides mandatory shit for raids and maybe something to sort my bags.
>Apocalypse (Unholy) now bursts 4 Festering Wounds (was 8).
Fuck, seriously? That was the main thing that made me want to play DK, I wanted to be master necromancer.
game is dead

>you arent allowed to have fun or you get banned
>you cannot play it as mmo
>people get butthurt easy
>people complain about people who arent social while ready to ignore you if they get even little bit butthurt
>Die just when two lieutenants die

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>ganked by level 100 rogue
makes it perfect

cooldown knights are boring though
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Does Blizzard hate Dual Spec or something?
>you arent allowed to have fun or you get banned

What are you talking about?
literal who can't kill h archimonde after 8 TRIES

why am i not suprised
I get seriously triggered every time I see people post their UI.

People have zero sense of design.
t. someone who broke the rules of harassing other players

You can do other specs at the same time?
yes, and alts too

the more time spend on each char, the more time you are subbed
Why does that matter? You still receive your chest, idiot.
post yours then?????
yes but no exp
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tricked rofl
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Draenei are pretty tall
Odd that they chose to finally give everyone free tri-spec in the same expansion they add a giant grind
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>tfw no playable goat elves
Wow, you got me good, Anon. Bravo!
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>tfw you were almost falling for the unholy meme, but dodged it at the last moment
fuck OFF
>can't skin doomguards

Give me 1 good reason
Everything other than blood is a meme
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Humans are for enslavement!
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FemBelfs are goddesses
Because it's countermeasures for rampant avatar fagging
So will all garrison shit be useless in Legion?

Returning player wondering if I should lvl up my followers
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Rogue or WW Monk
Draenei are humans greatest ally

Gonna play my arms warrior now desu
cuck knights utterly btfo

so much for being a """hero class""" LOL

take your necropolis and fly it into a mountain you faggots
why do sites like wowhead always have comments saying "JUST MY OPINION INB4 DOWNBOAT"
Because sites with upvote/downvotes encourage that.

That's why I hate them.
Probably the ones responding to pasta
Yeah, don't bother with garrison shit.
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>tfw no dark ranger class
>Tauren build a gate to keep people out of Mulgore
>No guards, no NPCs, and it's referenced maybe once, if at all
The Tauren really did get the shortest possible end of the stick in Cataclysm. Blizzard pretty much forgot about them entirely.
which class/spec are you going to race to 110 on legion and why?
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>Leader of SI;7

I know what must be done
>int based mail hero class with healing spec
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>guy with huehue name/guild name
>plays a tank, DH, DK or hunter
>seems so retarded you can't tell if they're doing it on purpose or not
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>tfw no WC3 writers
because internet meme points are more vaulable than gold and silver

edit: why is this getting downboated?

edit2: thanks for the upboats guys
I finally decided I want to main a healslut in Legion, with some decent-ish melee OS to level with and farm daily content.

I managed to narrow it down to Paladin vs Druid but I can't seem to make the final choice.


I love the class fantasy and their order hall, artifacts look decent and I personally prefer to spam direct heals rather than keeping HoTs up on everyone.

I've heard nothing but complaints about ret, and even though I don't plan on raiding with that spec it still might affect the gameplay in general. Also, I'm not sure how good is pally healing when compared to druids, who I hear are OP in resto.


If I ever get bored of healing I can always swap to semi-viable rdps spec, and from what I've heard their healing is way above every other class

The general class fantasy and order hall are uninteresting and HoT-focused gameplay doesn't really look that fun to me

Help me out senpaitachi, I just can't force myself to make a decision.
Are Warlocks officially dead in Legion?

Are Demon Hunters the new hotness?
I way prefer her acting like a bitch rather than Metzen pretending that she's Thrall 2.0
the fuck's a "dark elf"

only if you like tanking


This is more fun than the actual game

missions to assassinate other faction npcs when
>open stream
>see this
not even sellout just stupid
Give it a rest, mate, you've been avatarring for hours now.
She's a good girl who did nothing wrong.
By the way, vote for Hillary.
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>he replies to himself
And she had a decent voice actress back then.
druid in pve is maybe the most boring anything

balance is active and kind of fun but boomkin players tend to be the most annoying pieces of shit in the whole entire world and you'll want to kill yourself for being associated with them
She is still a bitch though to you when you are turning in your quest to her.
haha le bitch xd xd xd

Alright I'll stop
Could someone tell me what are the abilities that uncloak rogues?

I thought that only DHs had such a skill but I've noticed my stealth being randomly cancelled without damage being taken near groups with no demon hunters too.
She is still a bitch but Metzen pretends like she isn't because he has this retarded idea that the forsaken are as equally "good" as the humans.
>frost nerfed
for what purpose
dk and rouges on suicide watch!
Any AoE
Any physical DoT unless it's a Dwarf
Cowering in fear
Being a fucking bitch
DKs aren't allowed a spec that's active, fun and good
what about pvp?
which healer is the most capable of escaping and surviving in pvp?
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Serious talk though... Have they nerfedi nvasion exp?

Takes fucking ages to lvl at 70 now
Hey i need THAT Picture of pizzacat, you know the one
Please read my post again.
And there was no flare.
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>still not a SINGLE change to ele shaman
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>tfw you will never be a sexy demon elf
>tfw no cute draenei slave girls to breed with your futa fel cock
Also talking heads in invasion zones.
A week ago I did about 15 mins a level from 90 to 100 in Dun Morogh.
Now I'm doing about 20 mins a level from 90 to 100 in the Barrens.
I chalk it up to how big the Barrens is.
new sylvanas voice sucks so bad

old one genuinely sounded tormented and passionate, new one sounds like she's genuinely asking the question like it's not rhetorical


No, but resetting nets you a 10 day ban.

Please respond, has anyone AFK'd an entire invasion and still received Warforged gear from their chest?
New Sylv is great you prancing la la la homo man.

She's supposed to be fap material.
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It seems like its taking way longer yeah.... i hope they didn't
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Did they just apply a stone wall texture to a gate
survival hunter cause it's what i've always mained
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>This is the most Cairne gets as a funeral
That's really fucking depressing.
she sounds like a teenager trying to voice act for the first time with her fancy new atlantic-british accent
Warcraft 3 voices were more amateurish but had more emotion for sure. Especially Elves and Orcs
>he faps to literally the shittiest girl in the whole entire history of the entire warcraft franchise

Good luck on monday, I hear middle school is pretty rough these days
comfy cairne :--DDDDD
nice man feet
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mfw reading the 4chans.gif
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>You will never have a healer so dependent on your fat futa dick that they basically have to fuck just to get through a normal dungeon's worth of healing, much less anything more difficult.

Why live?
So this...

Is the end...

of Literal Who...
>Apocalypse (Unholy) now bursts 4 Festering Wounds (was 8).
This shit better be PvP only.
Sargeras is a good guy too in wow
Sounds like you're better off playing Paladin. Not only do you enjoy their aesthetics more, but also their game style. Sure, on the druid you have a higher chance of having an off spec deeps that performs to your liking, but at the cost of a healer you like playing, artifact, class halls, lore, etc.

If you don't plan on raiding with Ret, then it's a non-issue. How would Ret influence Holy, anyway?
kek, where is that?
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>leveling is boring
>wowg tells me it gets good at endgame
>endgame is even more boring
>already bought legion

Kill me

Sleep tight little pupper
There's nothing wrong with wanting to remove void scum.
Hell in WoW is real.

I don't think it's explained much but when Sylvanas tries killing herself at the end of ICC, she wakes up in hell until she's resurrected by a Valkyr.
Just PvP you fucking shitter.
Ask for a refund and get an actual good MMO, like Final Fantasy.
my condolences
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Wtf is blizzard thinking....
>tfw Disc is too hard for me

I hope I never have to switch from Holy.
no its all rng you just got the better end of the straw
I'm afraid this will happen to me. After falling for the overwatch hype, I've been wary of what games I buy.
idk why people are shitting on survival, I'm having fun with it
She shoulda fucking died then. No reason to drag this shit anymore.
youll see
sry lad
wait for the bannerlord mods, or camelot unchained, or star citizen never
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>New warchief literally killed herself and was resurected and is now terrified of dying

Great choice Vol'Jin
I wish wow had good humor like the disc world series instead of this shit memery the Americans call "comedy"
It won't influence Holy itself, rather the gameplay in general. Legion is already melee-unfriendly as it is, so I doubt I could find a raid spot as a ret, which kinds forces me to play only one role.
It's not necessarily a bad thing, I'm just thinking out loud. Thanks for the answer famalam.
The fact that futas aren't real and I will never have one as a girlfriend makes me want to kill myself
Real talk.

Why do people PvP when PvE is clearly superior?
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>there are "people" that actually like Sylvanas
Vol'Jin is probably laughing his ass off on da other side.
They don't have raiding guilds.
or prefer lack of scheduling


If it has a dick its a bloke
rofl tricked xddd
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>TFW i know this feel all to well
Life sucks bro
genetics would disagree with you

also fantasy

>autistic cancerfags stop someone from innocently posting content that entertained himself and sparked comfy conversations

What harm does 1-2 posts an hour actually do?
the appeal of futa is that they're not MtF shemales
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>Tfw getting reward for a dungeon well healed with a thick, sweaty, musk slab of cock-meat barely ten yards away from where the final boss fell
yea i felt a little bad afterwards
looks comfy desu.
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>waited for stage 3/4 to be done so I could quest in Tanaris
>finally finishes
>wait for the horde to hearthstone away
>they clear out so I start picking up quests
>some undead rogue fag seven levels above me comes out of stealth and tries his little stun-to-death shit
>goblin guard sprints forward and clubs his ass once, killing him
Thank you based goblin bro.
what's up with all the underaged /b/ fags here today?
>MM hunter
>Holy paladin
Fuck, I won't be able to level them both to 100 before Legion. Which one do I pick as my main? P-please help
wew Mind Sear is the best spell for invasions
>/v/ will respond to this
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People don't know what the real threat is
>blizzard plans to rollback the accounts of people who abused the log out method for invasions
>not being attracted sexually to men

Odd mutation.

Thankfully, moronic "asexual" retards like yourself will never produce offspring and we won't have to put up with your pretentious excuses for not being a normal sociable human being in coming generations.

Honestly, I think anyone who says they are asexual is doing it for the attention. So unless you're an eunuch you can shut the fuck up
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nice try but no
thoughts on the new reddit UI? is elvui finished?
No they dont, retard.

>>Not interested in men(or women for that matter)
what are you into then? dogs?
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futa draenei
too much flashy shit, i want to watch the game not the ui
I boosted my first character after I hit 60 to play legion with my friends, so now I'm just playing the game normally and enjoying the comfy.
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>Do AQ40 for the battle pets
>Red battle tank drops, neat
>Clean raid
>No pets drop
>Teleport out
>Try to use my new mount
>"You cant use that here"

Is this a bug? I've seen plenty of people use these outside
That's why I'm here!
You have good tastes, anon.
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NA or EU, my man?
>it took Literal Who 26 tries to kill Heroic Archi after 14 months
OFFICIAL FILTER LISTS that you can use to make WoW General Great Again.

Image MD5s:




As always, add to and prune these lists as necessary so we can keep this general on topic instead of letting avatarfags and shitposters ruin this general.
this is your average woddler
How is shadow priest nowadays?
NA, Emerald Dream
same mindflay/mindblast shit
>he replied to it
Its the exact same posts
with the exact same comments
and the exact same replies
from the exact same IPs
in the exact same general


do you retards not ever get bored of your own fucking repetition?
Fun and good, enjoy it while it lasts
In PvE it's very fun, in PvP it's trash.

It will probably be good once legion drops and the honor talents are made available though, in PvP that is.
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Thanks to everyone that showed up to the Moose run, we will be doing the run again sametime tomrrow.
If you didn't get in or want in for the moose carry (might be a bit iffy because were carrying a lot) then add me for tomorrow.
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>2 people above 50k
who is literal who's most tsundere healer?
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cute troll

You think Yrel would even feel my Gnomish dong?
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>went searching for that pic
>its futa
Of fucking course.
>wipes 20+ times in a "carry" raid
>literal poo in charge of organizing a "carry" raid

Gonna wipe to the last boss of emerald nightmare normal for like 3 months and then break up lmao
welcome to the single worst non-esportfag general on all of 4chan

enjoy your stay
Has anyone else noticed that every WoW General always ends up being the same? I mean, we have the usual stuff about transmogging, upcoming patches and other ontopic stuff but then we also have the following nonsense:

1. Constant, rampant avatarfagging and shitposting from tripfags
2. Discussions over whether Pizzacat is a tranny or not
3. The blaming of shitposting on people from Austrailia/Europe/USA/RIPIP
4. The overuse of childish things such as emoticons, "your mom" jokes, self-censoring of posts,
5. Claiming that proper discussion of WoW is "blog shit"
5. Faggotry like that "BLOWN THE FUCK OUT", "top lel" "b8"
5. Circlejerking between the shitposters
7. Reddit shit, /sp/ shit

My question, is, what exactly, can, we do to stop this, for in, the future?
lol lmao what losers
thats what happens when you bring in shitters from RC
Futa is gay

The light told me so
>That's why I'm here!
I wish you were, i need my ass stuffed while my stupid tiny cock stays caged
>Look at me guys, I'm important and popular in /wowg/!

Kill yourself already you fat spic piece of shit.
/vg/ should just be fucking deleted. You faggots are some of the most cancerous little cunts this forum has ever had to deal with.
nice, I just looked it up
non-horse dong plus flaccid
very good
Futa is gay.

The fact that the penis is the focal point should tell you so.
Thanks bud.
>picture responding to a post about futas.
>Tfw post responding to post about futas.

What did you expect?
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lel who wrote this
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>Literal Shit wiping on a Heroic raid boss in a prepatch that nerfed the damaged 40% and was so easy that even shitters like women got mooses

Is that the worst guild on Illidan to ever exist, the only good player is Gisco
Musei did when he was banned. And then he spammed gay porn.
there isn't a server where wowg gathers to have fun and be friendly together? no homo shit
this is literally the only general where its literally the same posts every single thread.

The picture of Jay "you still play this game" post
The elf tits post
The tranny posts
The IcyShits posts
The Ralph posts
The panda posts

Thats all that ever happens, and theres no other discussion
>last boss
>implying they'll get that far on a non-nefed raid
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I need a quick transmog for my level 100 ww\bw dorf monk.
Any ideas?
fuck off, just because one general is one way doesn't mean the rest are
should have learned this lesson when you were fucking 8 years old
Gisco is going to run literal who into the ground
worst attitude in the guild
>just because one general is one way doesn't mean the rest are
But the rest ARE nearly as bad you fucking newfag

we've established that this thread is the worst thing on 4chan

now we must ask ourselves, why?

I would say that there's a janitor responsible for it given the recent happenings around here.
Thanks for showing up everyone! It feels so great that I finally got my moose after 14 months >_<

If anyone else wants to join the official LGBT friendly guild of wowg just add me at Icy#1568 (anime girls preferred)
Daily reminder 44% of 10 MILLION paying subscribers left the game in 6 months

>reskinning illidan for the 3rd time to cater to tbc faggots
>being a tbc babby
>he didn't start in vanilla
Im new but Gisco seemed like one of the nicest guys in the guild
>You have good tastes, anon.
It does taste pretty nice!
You know what can be even more fun?
>play a rogue or feral
>sneak into enemy capital
>avoid guards
>start stalking flagged lowbies
>wait for perfect moment
>kill them then run the fuck away and restealth then fly up, land, and do it again
>repeat until there is a city-wide manhunt engaged solely for the purpose of killing you
>avoid them and continue to butcher lowbies

If you don't suck and your burst is good you can do it to other level capped players, just try to 100>0 them before other players can join in. Even if you fuck it up, the prospect of having your auctioneering ruined by a rogue tends to put enough people on edge that you can get a good chase going.

>bind at least 2 target markers to easily accessible keys so that you can mark the guards that see through stealth
>know the patrol routes and blindspots for both the scouts/thief catchers and the regular guards - just spend a few hours wandering the city trying to never break stealth and you'll learn them pretty quickly

I earned my guild that achievement for killing enemy players in their capital almost singlehandedly by doing this dumb shit, but hot damn if it isn't fun.
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The Light grant me on final blessing! Hnnnng!
New player here, just got to 100 but missed a lot of dungeons along the way.
Is it worth it to do them at least once? Or should I just do old raids instead?

I am having pains trying to make a choice on what to start with in Legion.

Can you guys help me?

If there is a particular reason for your choice (class balance, good race/class combo, fun, etc)

Let me know. I really appreciate specific feedback.
Reminder that the shitposting will go away almost completely once Shiteral Poo's raid team has their first big drama ordeal. They'll stop the coordinated pro Shiteral Poo shitposting that they are doing currently.
almost every general has stuff that is posted every thread
>want to play alliance futa character on an rp server for the fun of it
>Friends have always been horde and always be horde
>battle.net has no offline function.

Why blizz.
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I'm pretty sure the reason is because the Janitors/Mods refuse to range ban the faggots that keep posting this shit.

I'm sure nobody in the world would care if Ralph got his country rangebanned, or if the trannyposting retards got permanently removed.
But they just keep returning and posting their shit on a blueboard.
Thanks everyone for the moose <3
Yeah honestly it does feel a LITTLE desperate bringing Illidan out once again, but I feel like Blizzard is really pouring their heart and soul out into legion.
>this is classified as shitposting
wew lad, I can't even notice it after the shit that went down in /bdog/ on release
Gaysco is not the nicest at all. Is this just some newfag concoction that he went out of his way to pull off? Kysco trying to start a new persona for himself in the game and didn't think his past would come back to haunt him? Well here I am, motherfucker, come back to give you your just desserts.
You see, it all started back in MoP. We were having a great time running the weekly /wowg/ flex when out of the blue this monster whispers me for the first time, "Wanna have a little fun?" Now this didn't weird me out too much, "Yeah. What'd ya have in mind?" That's when his mischievous little (((tricks))) began, "I'm gonna do the portal bug to restart the next boss, only instead of dying so everyone gets ported there, I want you to pull the trash. It'll be hilarious and I'll tell everyone it was my idea, so you won't get in trouble. Promise wink" I should have known. It should have been SO fucking obvious. No, I was too concerned with trying to make a friend. One stupid pull of trash got me a permanent ban from all future flex events. Marvelous, the bastard. Over months he tried whispering me and getting me to do things, warning people about me like -I- was the two-faced one. I became an outcast.
Don't let it happen to you. One minute it's just "fun with Jisco," and the next you're wondering how it all seemingly hit at once. Gone. Everything. Your trust has been altered for the rest of your life. I've warned you.
>earned not given
>on a moose mount they got carried too

really makes you think doesnt it?
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>Guildies treat me differently the minute they find out I'm a girl
that's not the attitude I'm talking about
he's fine as a friend but he can't take anything seriously and will literally shitpost the guild to death
She was 2nd in healing, just goes to show how bad <Literally Whos> are
Make a trial account
I'll join you
Is this supposed to be radical or something?

Most people don't exactly sit down and play the same game straight for 6 months. That really isn't a normal thing for your average person to do. They try it out for a few weeks or maybe a month or two tops until they beat it.

Once I finish all the LFR's what's the point in playing more? I beat the boss. I suppose some people like to beat the game on all the difficulties but me and my friends just do the default difficulty which is LFR and once we finish that there's no real reason for us to keep playing and we go back to Call of Duty. Not all of us are that nerdy.
I have faith in Belfboy DH for hunting dicks and demons while tanking 5-mans.
>Guildies treat me differently the minute they find out I'm a weeb.
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it's just some guild I joined, you're overthinking it
Greece should be banned, trannyposters should be banned, "wowg" guild shitposters should be banned, avatarfags should be banned, and so should general shitposters.

We really need a fulltime janitor to purge the shitposts.
you better get on this dick jesus fucking christ you better appreciate that shit
Yeah, things that are actually relevant to the general.

Not some faggot posting his tranny fantasies or his furry porn or his character mods or posts that are against the thread theyre in.

Most mosts like that in other threads are just things that dont mater, like someone saying "tfw no car hero" with a picture of takumi from initial D, in d2g.
Not some faggot posting "what happened to her" with a poorly censored nude, or someone posting endless pictures/gifs/webms of traps and nothing relevant to the posts theyre replying to

even /owg/ doesnt have people RPing as though they were some kind of cum depraved mercy

They wasted him pretty badly in TBC by making him turn evil for no reason.
In WC3 he was desperate to achieve his goals, but wiping out a city of people that are fighting on the same side as him is beyond what he would justify in WC3.
7th actually
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Fem humans and draenei were meant for each other
but what attracts so many of these kinds of people

was it MoP? has the furry shit gone too far?
Problem is: Thread rules =/= board rules

Jannies have no obligation to enforce thread rules
>all these namedrops
Is gisco ever not posting?
I swear this guy is behind at least 50% of the shitposting here. If somebody got access to his computer and saw his image folders they would probably want to jump into a volcano.

Don't reply to any posts you may suspect to be a gisco post. He only exists to torment you and your friends. He doesn't care what you say to him, because he has no real opinions.
>Guildies treat me differently once they hear my voice
alright just put it into your cd drive and it will upload it to me
are you cute? post panties please
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>Get saved by illidan at black temple before the asstongues reach him
>He says I am prepared
>Go back to black temple and fight my way to illidan for some reason
>He says I am not prepared
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>Earned Not Given
>has never worked in their entire life and when they finally get a part time job you autism out for only working 20 hours

fuck I thought you degenerates only existed in mtfg
Thread rules don't even exist you faggot. If it's not on topic to the thread, then it's offtopic to the board and is against the rules.
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>Have job interview today
>Goes well
>Get offered the job
>Start talking about my schedule and when I can start
>"Can you work Sunday through Thursday and are you able to work 10 AM to 10 PM?"
>Raid days and times for my guild are Tues, Wed, and Thurs from 8 PM to 12 PM
>End up having the turn to the to turn down the job
>Walk outside to the from of the factory
>Call Mom
>She asks how it went
>Gets really %&%&ing mad when I tell her
>Says I need to get my priorities straight and that I'm 29 and it's time to grow up
>Says I have 1 month to get a hob or move out

What do? I don't want to have to find another guild again...
post more
How do I acquire gold once hitting 100 for the first time?
sent ^_~
Reposting from last thread because I didn't notice it hit autosage

So, how many classes are outright fucked when Legion hits?

>Druids, mostly
This right here is why I hate this fucking general. These two posts are things that should have been shared with the people in your group. "Thanks guys for the raid/moose" is something you say in the raid chat. But because you're both insufferable attention whores you post it in the thread like its your own personal facebook wall just so that everyone will notice you. When some no name guild clears a raid, they don't go to the official WoW forums, make a thread, and start congratulating each other in the thread.

I'm not sure how you people even live with yourselves or if you even live at all. Like how do you wake up in the morning and go on with your day knowing that you do such things?

Neck yourselves please.
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>20 hours
jesus I wish

unfortunately it's more like 9 days in a row of 8 hour shifts and they bypass paying me overtime by splitting it between 2 pay period weeks

such is life working in retail
heroic 25 man firelands and dragon soul, and the rest of cataclysm raids
Just for a taste I'll ask during EU primetime tomorrow but would anyone be interested in a guild on Alliance Argent Dawn-EU? I'm gonna make it, I've literally got no friends who play wow and no guild and I don't care about perks.

I'll throw my btag/char-name up tomorrow when it's created.

Do old raids.
Firelands 25m Heroic is worth a good deal of gold each week, but you'll need decent ilevel for that so get Invasion gear.
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>Gets really %&%&ing mad when I tell her
>%&%&ing mad
> %&%&ing
>enter thread
>autist posting his own arse every thread
>another autist samefagging for attention
>furrey autism posts
>furrey faggot spam
>autistic cuckfag fanboy constantly posting about someone else
>another retard most likely in a mental asylum somewhere in russia asking for nudes of himself

yeah amazing job moot good mods and janitors we have here i sure feel like visiting again for talking

about the game thanks a lot

i feel like vomiting after every casual visit

reddit is ten times better with less autism and fedoras
Why are Druids fucked?
Ahhhaaa, now I'm scared.
I dobut its more than a core group of like 10 people, but they never get banned.

Thread Rules arent a thing and you cant override rules such as "no posting NSFW things on a board that defaults to yotsuba B" just because you play a certain game and want to discuss that game
If you went to /v/ and posted panda furshit you'd get banned within an instant, but it just gets pruned at best here, maybe a slap on the wrist with a 1-3 day ban, that then gets circumvented because "lol i reset my router" instead of getting a range ban for doing this constantly and consistently for the past year
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>stop being social with people on the internet on an internet forum
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>tfw no Khadgar bf
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How in the fuck are you even suppose to play Brew Master?

This is terrible but I love Brew Master so much because you throw fucking kegs at people.
>still on 4chan

I think its time to stop anon.
>guy asks question
>spend like 5 mins typing out a response but it's like fuck loads of words because I type fast
>realize they're just trolling/meming and delete it
>feel bad for trying to help people who ask shit

no, they're fine
but healslut meme IS on topic for wow, that's what I'm saying. There's no rule on this board that says "all discussion must be fruitful and productive", just that it relate to the topic at hand.
Right now in pre-patch? Very easily. They are fucking nigh unkillable.
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>literally resub 4 hours ago
>already asked if i watch sodapoppin

nice nice.
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Monks perform very well now.
I genuinely wish you were aware of how out of touch with reality you are
>Alliance get a badass gold and blue tabard that's unique
>Horde get a slightly altered Orgrimmar tabard
>he doesnt watch sodapoppin
To anyone who is new to this game, or is considering picking this up I have a few friendly tips for you all

1) Do NOT play with /vg/
2) Do NOT add anyone from /vg/
3) Do NOT join /vg/ servers
4) Do NOT add anyone related to /vg/ on social/instant messaging services such as Steam or PSN
5) Avoid Illidan like the plague
6) If you are matched with well known /vg/ personalities in the game, keep your head down, don't acknowledge them and ignore them

But why do you need to do this? Excellent question

1) /vg/ do not play the game, they idle in locations while teasing eachother. You will find more gameplay and a better community away from /vg/
2) Most /vg/ personalities are lonely and desperate, and even associating with them will most likely get you involved in drama or get your back stabbed
3) The majority of /vg/ servers have nothing to offer beyond the /vg/ population, and you'll often have to deal with them spouting memes and acting like idiots in trade chat, and group finder.
4) /vg/ personalities have been known to leak logs of friends they get bored with.
5) Illidan is where the worst of every server congregates.
6) /vg/ personalities are known to complain about people they see in dungeons over the general. Don't want to get called out for everyone to see, keep your head down

Now go and find a nice non-/vg/ server and join a nice and active non-/vg/ free company and enjoy your time with the game.
the same to you my dude
Anon, at least try when you make fake things.
No, it's not on topic.
>arranging keybinds on my warrior
>24 buttons
>no idea how not to break a finger or too while pressing all of this
>bonus points for being human so 2 keybinds for pvp trinket
>switch over to dh
>fit everything into 9 buttons (at least until we get all talents)
Ebin new class.
I genuinely think you're talking about yourself
Damn hunters are lower than I expected. Well I guess that's the price they pay for their insane utility and ability to perform so many mechanics.
Play Arms.
Remember to join the wowg discord!

its not on topic
And if you think its on topic, youre part of the problem.
This is a wow discussion thread, not your depraved fantasy discussion thread
I'm ashamed to say I've been watching WoW streamers lately while grinding invasions.

I tried to watch sodapoppin but he falls right into the streamer category of screams and make strange sounds and places crappy overly loud music category and I turned him off right away.
Trial account with no gold or transmog just feels cumbersome at this point. Just gimmie that offline mode blizz, so I can slutmog all I want.
>Garrosh Hellscream <Warchief of the Horde>, blows up Theramore
>Violates a border with the Night Elves to build Iron Stars Wood is the tech resource of Warcraft
>Here we are, two (2) Warchiefs later
>Not one apology for massacring a peaceful city and turning the Alliance's largest pro-Horde voice into a bitterly anti-Horde voice

The camps were too good for the Orcs. Also, Horde apologists are disgusting.
and after patch? not so unkillable?
Hey,I have a question. I play on a US realm but I'm going to europe next year,am I able to link the two accounts to not lose my transmogs?
>demonology isn't on the chart

that's a shame
You, nigger.
no, just continue with your US server bullshit
Where is Arcane mage? I was told this was gonna finally be our time to shine
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>arms has no buttons
Love this meme
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>Be pro orc since warcraft
>Everything goes to shit in cataclysm
>Only good orc left is saurfang

Why live?
I only play Horde because of our warchief, Sylvanas. And oh best minigamez racials in Legion

>not macroing Hamstring into Charge

Why you do it anon?
>People have fun

>sperg out since you have to project your sad life to pretend everything is fine

must suck only doing LFR xD
>Military base gets destroyed
Boo hoo
>Taurajo gets sacked by the Alliance
>Innocents killed
>Lie about letting civilians flee
>Human responsible for it acts like a dindu
>No apology ever, not even brought up again
Why is Gisco bullying trannies a meme? He carried eight )(8) /wowg/ trannies just now

>playing Focused Rage spec

>join LFR for an Apexis quest
>sign up as healer cuz why not
>this is in the bonus bag

umm, what? Is this normal? Took like 20 minutes to finish
>Innocents killed
No, they let them escape.
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>yfw you realized Legion is just one big vehicle for chris metzen to make jokes involving the word Prepared

The gold?
Yes, it is very real.
any avatar/namefag bullying anyone in /wowg/ is a meme and always will be.
BMAH soon.

>a military base

A military base next to a fucking dragon's lair. Run by a leader who didn't want to do anything to the Orcs at all.
Does blizzard ever offer free realm transfers or will i be stuck in my dead low pop one until i bend over and let myself get jewed
>tfw almost ditched my Ret for this

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>tfw already tired of all this legion and fel shit before the expansion is even out

Anyone else?

You forgot song name references.
Pretty sure the majority of artifact traits have song reference names.
It looked like there isn't actually much of that on the broken isles though. High Mountain, Val'shyar, and Azsuna (probably didnt spell these right) look really pretty and decidedly undemonic.
Is enhancement finally stronk and high end content viable?

Or it remains as the redheaded stepchild of melee combatants?
>Hurr durr stop hating fun

No fuck you. That is called blatant attention whoring. Eat a pile of shit.

Apparently the broken isles doesnt have too much burning legion shit. if you go through the dungeon journal theres actually like nothing to do with the legion save for the raids
The Invasions are pretty uninspired and just use boring wave mechanics. Nothing interesting.
nah, they aight

I think it's fun.
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you can activate offline mode by blocking the port 1119, its the one that battlenet uses

basically enter on your wow client, log and activate the output rule on your firewall

that way you can be a little slut getting fucked by futas all nights without your friends knowing
So is there really no benefit to leveling professions anymore now that scraps/nuggets aren't a thing in Legion?
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>broken isles have been exposed to the legion invasion for weeks now
>native races and factions havent been completely wiped out by the never ending onslaught of demons

they were interesting when they first came out, but they came out way too early and soon became stale XP grinds

Do I switch to Alliance on silvermoon
You misread, he wanted to be the futa
i'm the slut
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>boy gosh golly this is fun!
looks like I'll stick to my arms killing machine
I'm gonna be farming invasions the following 10 hours, what music do you guys listen to while grinding?
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>tfw you find out your "rp" partner was actually a guy
on a loop


I put any Star Trek series on repeat and just go grind; it works well as a radio serial.

Find a good podcast to listen to. I prefer ones by comedians
>i dont care if you're a girl or a dude
>im a girl tehee~
>i dont give a shit if you're not a girl
>im one r-really!
>ok whatever
>time passes
>im actually a dude sorry
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Papa roach - Last resort 10 hours version
Just get drunk or high and put a good film on in the background
not him but what kinda flicks do you plebs "watch" where you don't have to watch the actual film?

I only watch kino btw
I've been rewatch the original Star Trek series. Planning on moving on to TNG afterwards. Then MAYBE voyager.
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podcasts are better imo

been listening to Bill Burr's
no, switch to alli on sargeras
>minding my business in Taanaan waiting for that faggot bird to spawn so I can get the Arrakoa toy to pretend to be best race
>fear some DK to hinder his fishing
>some fat nerd bis dragonslayer gear Outlaw Rogue comes from Illidan out of nowhere and Roles the memes and blows my ass up
>ok cool
>respawn, instantly appears on me and blows me up
>respawn again, blows me up
>respawn again. blows me up
>etc, etc, prolly going on to ten times

Any bets until the Illitard gets bored?
Any comedy made in the last ten years, you don't have to watch it, you just listen to the jokes. I'm usually so fucked up and out of it that I don't know what's happening but it's pretty comfy.

Personally I've been watching Survivor. They have a bunch of seasons on Amazon Prime.

Just a quick note, Survivor is actually awesome. I had my doubt but it's great fun
what server should I play on I just came back
What would be appropriate, MOP?
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>tfw when making 5k per week by just running heroics as healer
Moon Guard or Wyrmrest Accord
Emerald Dream or a non-RP server for that non-RP CRZ. ED is 1:1 and pretty full, but characters disappearing as they fly up from the city is bullshit, but that might happen on each realm.

Chromie is my WoW waifu. Because she is perfect. Kimzee Pinchwhistle is in second place.
IDK, but it'd be supercalifragilisticexpialidocious if she'd add me for sweet bantaz.
WoW waifu? Azshara, no contest.
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i don't understand this post at all
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Is Argent Dawn the DnD kind of RP or the Scat Futa type of RP

I don't want to roll a belf and be randomly harassed by horny virgins
Go to bed, eurotard.
Maiev of course
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>Mo'arg named Ur'Goth
Bravo, Blizzard
>white people
lmao@white people
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I want Medivh to throw me out a window and rip my ribs out of my body
>white 'people'
It has both. You can opt out of the latter.
Nicetry, Ralph
Avast, have you landlubbers got your sea legs ready for your trip to the broken isles?
>Implying you guys wouldn't join in on that

looks fun as heck

Hi Ralph.
they're basement dwellers who never had fun in high school
they probably use the word "cringe" on a daily basis

pls help, pic unrelated.
How's Outlaw rogues? Roll the dice looks like it could be either amazing or fuck you up real bad.


Unholy DK is best for Invasions by far. Literally walk around and bind Virulent Plague to scroll wheel up and the talent Epidemic to mouse wheel down. Throw Death and Decay on a number and literally walk around tapping everything on the map solo.

What's that? Fighting a boss? Make sure you summon your zombuddy and just keep your dot up and death coil until it dies. brainless and ez pz. Also, you basically can't die either.

Downside. Sitting through Tirion's 10m RP session at the end of the starting zone.
500 gold in 20 minutes is not a lot of gold. Most farms make that in 5 minutes in mats.
What pets should a tauren hunter have? I have a bear and the beginner tallstrider. I wanna keep the bear, but I can lose the tallstrider.
Fine vs. a targ dummy, but it's sorta odd looking at the UI for most of the gameplay in PvP trying to get decent dicerolls.
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I'm objectively not ralph.
I browse other threads and actually post from a PC.
>no one to carry me through invasions at 4am

wtf i thought wow players were hardcore?
I put my faith in the light as ret and look where that got me ;_;
What farms are there pre-leggos?
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yeah nah
*mind sear that group*
*mind sear that other group*
*mind sear that boss*
*mind sear everything because there's no cooldown*
How about PVE, same thing there?
outbreak has no cooldown either fuccboi, and you dont have to stand still while using it

Anyways, you both lose to multishot
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Quick /wowg/! For anyone that played the beta or is just a general know it all, or plays the class itself, what is going to be THE hottest meme for Warlocks? What spec is gonna get me invited to all the raids and parties?

Bonus Question: Which class besides Rogue is best for murking shitters in world pvp, or running away when this don't go according to plan???

Have a D.Va in payment.
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t. shit-skins
>Resto/Blanace druid
>Instant cast 40yd AoE DoT with no cooldown
Warlocks are unfortunately currently underperforming.

Destro is the strongest of the bunch right now.
Rolls Royce gets top DPS basically.
>guy names himself priest
>isn't a priest, but a rogue

it doesn't even make sense from a memes standpoint
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there's a few good mat farms that make 7k+ an hour on most servers
>act like an autist
>get blown the fuck out
>cry about it on a gook image board
fucking rekt
t. cum-skin
How hard was demon blades hit when it got nerfed? Is it basically unusable now or is it just like 1-2% lower DPS like blizz said they were targetting

>being a memeing faggot
>get meme'd on
>get upset

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>Using a pre-WoD title.
Finally decided to invasion level a character, I guess it couldn't hurt to have an alt on an RP server.
Snug zugs are best monks.
seed of life
just shit

we win.

>using titles
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I love this meme.
>Flight master dead
>Profession trainers dead
>Innkeeper dead
Just do what you think is cute. I personally have a polar bear and a couple wolves.
Any Horde NA players want to group up to start in Azsuna?
they didn't
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>your skin colour literally matches feces
>y-yeah well you look like the seed of life!

WoD baby detected
I know, I'm just looking for ideas
Its people showing they are having fun in a general for wow dumbass cry about it more neckbeard.
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I had the name "Monk" on reserve, and are now using it on a DH.
>quality of general severely drops near expansions and major patches
really makes u think..........
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i made your mom look a cum skin last night lmao
because i came on her face
wow-petopia.com has pretty much all the pets listed and organised by animal group
this has and always will be a shitposting general
Why the fuck can't I do heroic firelands? I did regular last week
DK vs DPS shaman for arena which will be better in legion?
neither :^)
You didn't even read the book, did you?
i didn't say otherwise, it's just a very /v/ flavored shitpost now
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I am torn between Fire Mage and Beast Mastery Hunter. I love both specs. I love being able to port anywhere with a Mage, but I also love collecting pets on my Hunter. I cannot decide.

What should I do /wowg/?
Don't play hunter man. They are so fucking boring. Trust me, I've mained hunter for a very long time and just said fuck it because of how bad they've gotten.
Fury warrior feels the same as ret paladin
they're both ranged dps so they do the exact same thing
I still enjoy it.
Just do both, you'll run out of things to do in about 2-3 weeks and left with nothing but weekly lockouts or pvp after the first character.
*sees you*
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Doesn't change the fact that innocents still died.
>artifact power
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really makes you think....
Your AP dailies wont take that much time
They stayed behind at their own volition and wished to fight for their buildings. They gave the warning and most everyone left except the ones that stayed to fight. Horde made the move first, so there you go.
you won't enjoy it eventually

there's no depth
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How long should it take to hit 100 from doing invasions?
How come random NPC's and mobs get higher quality textures and models than players?
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>Horde made the move first
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-t. Guy who reads noxxic sims and watches Preachgaming
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Is this helm in game? if so, how is it called?

sorry i'm kinda new to the game.
There's 3 colors of that set but not that exact color
Now THIS is weaponized memeing

shitposting incarnate, hear my call! Put your faith in the memes!
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Last time you have said that Legion will blow our minds, do you still stand by your previous answer?

that doesn't answer the question
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What do you think of my brewmaster transmog, /wowg/?
Should I main BM Hunter?
Thanks for replying, but what is it called?
this warlock in my 3v3 skirmish did more damage than all 5 other people combined
Will Khadgar ever love me back?
this fucking faction should have been broken apart at the end of vanilla
am i going to love demon hunter at 110?
Should I change my male Tauren Warrior into a femGnome?
Should I main Fire Mage?
Hol' up

Tyrion lanister look a like bought legion for a tranny?

yeah cum is tasty

It's real good

I'm sad it's leather cause i'd steal it
tier 10 paladin, forget the name

lightsworn i think, drops in ICC
Yea, he did

He orbits anything that even sounds feminine that enters discord

he was offering to let """""""her""""""" move in too
should I neck myself
The Legion has fucking space ships now? What?
Good lad, you chose well.

How am I meant to read this trash?

also rude. wowg and the discord is a no bullying zone
Hordefags pre-Broken Shore:


Hordefags post-Broken Shore;

"Bu-but we were only doing the smart thing and retreating to fight another day! If anyone is a coward it's Genn!"

I wonder what their excuse will be next time the Horde does something pathetic and cowardly. I can't wait to see what sort of delusions they come up with. Horde "fans" are beyond pathetic.
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no they didn't
girl here, will he give me free shit too?
There's your answer!
Tell me a good old story about cross-guild shittalk.
That SW tabard is locked till 90 though.
Blizzard needs to change that.
why is every doggo one-eyed
how is demonology lock doing in the dps meters?
Remind me again of how many important characters you lost at the broken shore, Alliance fag.
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My class fantasy is being an army of zombies.

Not commanding an army.

I am the army.
Think about it. They're ruled by a god-like being who used to travel planet to planet to kill evil things. Now Sargi has to move his legions around right? Portals cause problems, so ships are best.
we're willing to die fighting you not fighting for you

Because I'm playing an outlaw and pirate status, my priest and hunter wear no hats or normal helmets.
the naaru gifted them some space shipz to combat the evil draenei
Should i race change my rogue from undead to female orc?
no one on horde is defending anything

we all want garrosh back desperately

or at least an interesting tauren that isn't hippy peace and love stuff and ends up being garrosh-lite
pretty bad
I want to pet your doggo's feet
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>zhanrock gets kicked from the shitty discord
>leave as well because he's a nice guy who doesnt orbit me at all
>begs me to play shitty arena skirmishes with him
>he decides to make his own discord and invite all of his own friends
>since hes the best player on wowg get so excited I wet my panties
>he buys me legion
>he thanks me
>I ask my boyfriend if he'll let me erp with him as a "reward"
>my boyfriend allows it but I let him watch and laugh at zhanrock
>sends me the discord link
>join his discord with utter delight and excitement
>my eyes immediately zoom over to the voice channel
>see pic related
>utterly disgusted
>he begs me to give them a chance
>they start publically erping and masturbating noisily
>hear zhanrock start panting and yelling "IM A LANNISTER! IM A LANNISTER!"
>leave in utter contempt
>he begs me not to leave while offering me a year of wow sub

I'm a tranny degenerate, but even I'm not that fucked up.
both faction leaders are the only ones that die in the broken shore, tirion survives the broken shore and dies later in the ret artifact quest

Fucking nigger ball
this can't be real

nice meme
Monk, Shaman, or Druid?

Why are you spreading misinformation, anon?
they won't, and even if they do, its worth it. I got 12 new 100s this week. Enjoy HURRRRR xDDD.
>no one on horde is defending anything

You don't spend much time on the forums or MMO-cancer do you? Granted that's probably a good thing, but the amount of Horde fans calling Genn a coward for telling Varian they need to retreat while praising Sylvanas for doing the same thing is hilarious.
Hey guys, remember if you want to erp with anyone talk to RoyalFiddle#1513
Need help with subtetly rogue, how do i set up my keybinds? do i need any macros?
Are you a hammerhead shark?
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>Horde players will never apreciate how based Lor'themar is because of LE WHO and le Blood Elves memes
>Lor'themar will never play a major part in the Horde

It's your loss honestly he was my favourite charachter when i used to play Horde

All roles are appealing

Please kill me senpai, I cant pick
fresh 100

what addons should I use? all my old favorites are waaaay out of date
yea just talk to zhanrock he'll offer to carry you and be really nice to you
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The only other good choices for helms on femworgen are goggles or none.
Monk, but you can't play an eastern/panda one. It has to be a pugilist.
Someone accidentally muted his shit bot, so he flipped his lid and left.
>updated my addons
>castbar goes from default to fancy one
The story is a little bit different, but that's pretty much it in a nut shell.
Who's the best tranny ITT is it RoyalFiddle#1513?
That's all? Expected something better
I heard >she will ERP with anyone
What stands out more?

Good tank, good dps, or good healer?
Fuck off Icy
a good meme
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not even the redditscord wants him lmao
Goodnight /wowg/ I love you all so much even if all of you are total degenerate scum
>ywn have a paladin called dayman and a dk called nightman
Don't they look cute with hoods?


King of stormwind and some demons die its a win win


cant wait to see sylvannas fuck up genn
so how are artifact going to work for classes that can dual wield? enh shammy, rogues, fury wars

can you wield two artifacts? or you'll have to farm some low tier weapons to use as an offhand?
Hoods are nice.
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you're doing god's work mr dwarf man
>tfw vanish keeps getting eaten
Cute dogger.
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>No, for the Alliance

Good night my sweet prince
What happened to stalkoal
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I just want a relevant Tauren figure in the story.
>Sunwalker Dezco
>Dude's been through some shit
>In ToT, make it so he's spouting shit about the Light, essentially turning Sunwalkers into Tauren Paladins, despite them being quite different
>Never do anything with Dezco, write a short story about how one of his kids died and the other one being raised by the Golden Lotus

>Baine shows up at the end of MoP at SoO and does nothing
>Doesn't have a unique model so the cutscene of Vol'jin being made the Warchief looks awkward as fuck with his Vanilla model
>In Legion, Baine's actually fucking there
>Kicking demon ass
>Makes probably the most mysterious face in the Sylvanas Warchief cutscene
>Isn't expanded upon
>He seems perfectly fine after
>Something about him making peace with the Highmountain tribe, which is just another fucking sub-species of Tauren that's an excuse for not writing any actual Tauren characters
>tfw never knew about this
Still, you can't do anything but look at it, correct? Still pretty cool, but imagine if it was like a soloable boss or one done in a group, and it dropped like a mount of its own.
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>mfw using my boost
Reminder that Yaks are CUTE!
>Wanting to kill Nessy
Fucking monster, what's wrong with you?
I guess it is pretty cute

Baine is only a decent character when Christie Golden writes him.

Blizzard doesn't give two shits about him and likely never will.
20 levels till 100. I hate these invasions.
I want to lift your hood up and kiss your snootle
Which Mage spec is the most powerful for PvP, and has the most utilities and abilities that cause the most frustration to deal with, and is the most fun for the player?

Deciding on what to alt in Legion once everything dies down, and I'll probably PvP on that.
This is what RP is for.
show dem titties

That's not RP that's being a pathetic faggot.
but I'm a male healer

It is RP if you set up the characters to match those parameters you fucking in-the-box retard.
Isn't there a wowg guild Horde side on Area 52?

Is it dead? Is it cancer?
>healing is such a boring role that you need to literally ERP while you do it to make it even slightly enjoyable

no thanks, think I'll just play real roles
this retarded nude mod looks bad so im not gonna do that.
in every expansion to date frost mage has been a pain in the fucking ass for every melee to deal with
Legion seems to be THE melee xpac though so idk
why does unholy dk finally feel right

that actually is pretty cute
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>Decide I want a change
>New character on Argent Dawn
>Alliance, first time
>Wanna be a Paladin, hell yeah light and shit
>Leave starting area
>Go to the humans first tavern area
>It's fucking FULL of people
>Cuddling, pretending to drink, etc.

Holy shit this is amazing, is this what I was missing out on?
Fury or Arms?
Yes anon... cuddling

what's your characters name?
If you don't like it why use it then? also idc bb, let's see them puppies

Arms for Fun
Fury for no Fun
Prot for guaranteed raid spot
So i can take suggestive screenshots. And still no.
Maybe it's because Metzen's shitty self insert says it, but I honestly think that this is the worst/cringiest line in the entire game.
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>rolled on a normal server for raiding reasons many years ago
>all that fun happening on RP servers
>knowing I could get out of a raid and then get my panda futa dick sucked in an RP server to relax
>mfw I'll never have this

I hate raiding choices
what other melee classes are fun, aside from hunter. furry, thug, and pirate?
Well you're no fun, fuck off then
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I think this one competes well.
Both, however, sound like they were written by 11 year olds.
thrall wannabe
rp servers have guilds too man

I don't understand it myself

Orcs: Incorrigible alien race that will never again know peace due to ingrained aggressive warrior culture/demonic influence/chip on their shoulders from history of enslavement and deportation.

Trolls: Inherently xenophobic race who feel little obligation the horde if Green Jesus isn't around.

Goblins: Pure mercenaries.

Blood Elves: Too vain to truly consider themselves part of the horde. Joined out of spite.

Undead: Unrepentant war criminals with their own agenda, are trusted by nobody.

Tauren: Mostly just wants to not go extinct.

Pandaren: Isolationists making an exception.
Brewmaster monk and protection warrior are my personal favorites.
I know, but this was stupid top 10 raiding shit a few years back, my guild transferred to merge so I went with them. Fun raiding but goddammit I'd kill for some after-raid RP. These servers' pornshire fucking suck (not literally sadly)
Thrall is a bit of a mary sue.

We like to see characters struggle and work towards ideals that they believe in or towards goals that they want to achieve. It's not necessarily about the goal, we just want to see the intensity of their wanting and their struggle. That's what gives a story conflict.

Thrall doesn't have a struggle. Sure he wants to defeat the Legion very badly, but he is so OP that nothing he faces is a challenge. Unless we're talking Thrall VS some higher ups in the Legion army, then we might have a real battle. But all we've seen so far is Thrall VS trash.

I want to see Thrall VS Tichondrius, 1v1.
Blood Elves and Forsaken would form a perfect alliance.
>high elf leadership and a large population of high elves
>blood elfs are probably intelligent enough to get over the whole "undead" thing
perfection of Lordaeron--built to eradicate the remaining humans and Scourge
what items in that mog
>Futa panda
>Thinking anyone would like that

Pandas aren't that liked if you want rp like that
He was making a joke about the alliance, and your description of the horde is so wrong it's laughable.
Cleave and aoe feels very satisfying, burning diseases feels satisfying, burst is powerful,
Only issue is running out of runes and waiting for them to recharge. Fucking hate this mechanic.

everyone loves ralph though, you guys are always talking about him
i know your character name. im gonna report you for using nude hacks
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>Pandas aren't that liked
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>tfw see guardian druid with barkskin active
>He was making a joke
No I wasn't.
The two factions are both laughable and are only maintained for the status quo of the MMO and its profitability.
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hey boys mage related question
i'm leve 60 and doing pvp, should i do frost or arcane? i tried fire and the results were not spectacular, i think it's more suited to pve.
which should i do and which talents should i take?
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That is some ironic shit desu
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>Says he won't fail Cairne
>Already failed him by making Garrosh Warchief instead of him, and the fact that it got Cairne killed
I honestly think that's the worst part about that line.
>Cairne never got a proper funeral
>No one ever even went to his funeral
>Only time people pay respects to Cairne is during Childrens Week
>Vol'jin did nothing but shit talk his entire life, got stabbed twice, and died, at least got a big funeral

>Thrall is a bit of a mary sue
>a bit
He's not called Green Jesus for no reason.
level the fuck up idiot
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>it's near the end of Legion
>Blizzard kept the ending secret during playtests
>Alliance and Horde are getting their shit pushed in by Gul'Dan and friends
>last stand is going down
>suddenly, a portal opens
Would this redeem Blizz?

I love both of those characters, but it's time to move on. They're gone.
Would be better if it was Arthas

What the fuck are you doing >>153029323? The invasion are here for only a few more days.
>Pandas aren't that liked
If people from wowgen dont use an anime girl as an avatar they use a pandagirl
Attention everyone Felbats will be available in legion trough the class hall, they will not be rare just a heads up
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>"hey we gave u guys a new agi polearm heirloom because survival is a thing now"
>still no int one-hand heirloom
>still no int dagger heirloom
>still no wand heirloom
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this is fine.png
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Rate my mog
>right click
>put in cage
pets will never be rare
Oy vey, don't tell the idiots buying them!
I miss you Huns :(
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Depends on your definition of "rare" can't get guardian cub anymore so it's up to 80k. But for ones like this one yeah not at all.
thanks for the interest

It's Netherstorm Eyepatch, Hidden shoulders, Inherited cape of the black baron, Leather Tunic of Eminent Domain, White swashbuckler's Shirt, Gory Gloves, Belt of Bloody Dreams, Vancleef's Legplates of conquest, and treads of the icewalker.

Rapier is Dazzling mithril rapier, and the dagger is Shani's Crysknife.

Do be aware that the chest, pants, and boots are alliance exclusive.
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Can you get two 700 daggers from invasion? or only one ? gearing some random alt I made
The ships use portals to move around though
I would enjoy that, purely for Our True Lord and Savior, Garrosh.
cute pirate elph
Is this frank garret?
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What's the worst PvP spec in the entire game?

I vote Survival Hunter.

>no survivability (how ironic)
>literally zero burst damage, you cannot kill healers even with Mortal Wounds pet
>ONE (1) gap closer
>no stuns
>no escapes
>shitty healing
Enh shammy
you can get as many as you want
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>tfw arcane mage
>tfw getting bullied by fire mages
I just want to shoot magic missiles.
>that broken shore cinematic
wtf I hate the horde now
Enh is literally GoodSurvival

it has similar mobility and defenses, but it can actually kill healers with its fuckhuge burst
how difficult would it be to clear heroic raids in legion using the group finder? i think normal would become boring after a while. should i just join a guild?
If only
how the fuck do I play mistweaver
just channel shit all the time?
>use moroes' famous polish
>then use storm, meme, and fire
>look like this afterward

kind of hot
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1MB, 1566x793px
>m-muh elements, they're gone
>s-so w-weak
>Baine, help me! the demons are hitting me with their metal axes!

Watch the horde side, they didn't abandon them for no reason everyone got fukced
>/join LookingForGroup
>"haha HARAMBE!!"
>/leave LookingForGroup
wow sis very nice were all proud of your artwork
excuse me Miss, but you dont appear to be wearing any pants.
am I missing something or is it really just spamming rockbiter?
T. Zhancuck
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Poor Baine.
Any good guides for preping for Legion aswell as leveling for Legion?
>those feet
>people don't realize that Unholy was shit compared to Legion endgame Frost anyway
>buttmad about the changes when 90% of changes for frost have been frost buffs

A dreadwind chill comes...
>prepping for legion
do legion invasions
>leveling for legion
do legion invasions
T. irrelevant turk roach
Legion is going to be linear like WoD. Don't worry about it.
I meant guides for leveling during legion, like the best places to go
is this battleborn
basically clear out your fucking bank and log out in dalaran, level alts and professions if you want

leveling for legion: do class hall shit as much as possible and world quests
It has like dozen procs no joke, resetting cooldowns, throwing lava and lighting out of the ass and the typical windfury absurdity, along with some heavy cooldowns and some utility and healing on the side.

This kind of shows everything, well it misses a few things but it's easy to get the idea.


At least is fun to see things pretty much explode when things line up or you trigger doomwinds or whatever, and it has pretty decent aoe.

It's not rocket science, but which class is?
Pretty nice looking grave he got
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>Legendaries are still not account bound
>Mage still has illidan blades for no fucking reason
the zones scale to your level, you have 3 different areas to choose from initially and if you go to a then b and c will scale up and be level appropriate for when you decide to do them
If you start with b or c same deal
They should have changed Ice Barrier into Flame Barrier for fire mages, such a simple but nice change for muh class fantasy
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>It's actually him
inb4 someone hits your flame barrier with an ice attack and they're rebuffed by the Leidenfrost effect
>tfw no ysera snu-snu
Shut up you fucking autist get on wow and 1v1 me right now, we will see who the real faggot is here
So blood DK is garbage now?

I've always wanted to play some kind of dps that can still off tank in a pinch.
>less than 40 boxes
is this guy even trying ?
>is this tank class shit because I want to play as a dps that can also tank

are you fucking retarded?

its still 8 Festering Wounds in PvE tho. i can see it being only 4 in PvP since it was a shitfest to see all those pets in arenas.
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>Every Rogue in the Alliance uses T9

it is.
this is the reason why most tanks are shit

not because theyre hard to play, but because DPSbabbies go into it thinking they're a spec designed to just mash buttons and win

you're gonna runedrain yourself faster than a liberal arts major can write a thesis on why definitions are an opinion
I hate this game yet I can't stop playing

Im addicted.

Go download GeneralInvite, its an addon that auto invites people to groups who type in General chat. Makes afk leveling easy.
Tanking is by far the easiest role in the game. You would have to be bottom tier dps to be bad at tanking.
>Harambe memers fucking everywhere

This shit needs to stop.
Dicks out.

>Half the size of the actual Ashbringer
>Isn't even the true Ashbringer
>tfw no giant archive of wow futa porn on sadpanda for easy download

Im going to have to go download this shit one by one aren't I?
best profs for a pally
mining and prostitution
open up that butthole

>creating the shitty version of the sword
>no floating palm in the middle of the arc
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>100k off getting the spider mount

what are you guys doing to make gold atm
that actually looks pretty cool

you guys are jaded as fuck
I make 400K/year at Microsoft as a senior software engineer.
I don't need to waste time trading or grinding gold in-game when I can just purchase gold.
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>post last 4 achievements
>talk shit

Worst snare in the game.
prove it
I hit max level, now what?
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>those bars
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>accented letters in character name
wait 3 days and then do it again.
wow ur very good at leveling
>You would have to be bottom tier dps to be bad at tanking
This is quite literally the second most objectively wrong statement I've read on /wowg/

A lot of DPS specs right now pretty much fall into
>Keep x up
>Don't cap on x
>Pop x when it's off cooldown
And none of those things have to do with keeping yourself alive through mitigation or keeping everyone else alive through keeping yourself alive so that the shit you're holding aggro on doesn't attack everyone else.

You're not going to be playing a DPS spec asking yourself how much you should pull with your level of mitigation. you're only going to be focusing on attacking the things that are in combat. That's literally it.
thank you
>the city of frost dk
>press buttons when the scripted boss uses his damage abilities on you

wow so hard
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Yeah, I skipped cata, sue me. Three more weeks + deck defender and I'll get dragon soul raider achievement/mount. I'm kinda sad dragonsoul is two of the achievements here, because the one I got right before grandmaster cook is one I'm actually proud of, Master of All, IE get all professions to 600+.
yeah because it's not real, like half of the shit here newfriend. You'd have to be legit retarded to think someone was being serious with greentext and a shitrepost image.
new thread when
>Druids buffed again

did they? what was changed? good news for my balance elf, I hope
What buffs
step up and make one kiddo

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<sup fresh our turn baby>
You literally do the same thing as a tank. Both roles have their shitty little rotation, DPS just have "burn" button and tanks have a "oh shit" button.

I've mained tank since vanilla too. Tanking may have been a challenge in the early days, but after BC it's been a breeze.
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Rip me apart.

Doubled the splash damage on lunar strike, nice
can someone post an invite to the discord?
>Volley now deals additional damage at 100% of Attack Power (was 75%).
c-can i use it now
Elemental Shaman or Mage? Between the two, which is more raid viable? I'm trying to figure out what ranged DPS to main and these are the only two I have not tried.
Ty Jesus
If you had to have sex with any Horde race, EXCEPT Blood Elves, who would you choose?
mage, ele shaman is garbo atm
might get a buff tho but we dont know
Orc because I like domme/muscle girls
>49% win on most played

male or female doesn't really matter

lately I've been more into fem dom though
goblin or panda
undead, but only sylvanas
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Hope you don't mind your insides being destroyed
new thread
It's so fucking true. Im glad Sylv is getting her time to shine, but they really fucked over Vol'jin
I like ele more myself by if you just want a reliable ranged dps mages will always have something good going for them
troll for weird footjobs
I'm not sure why, but I get the feeling femTauren, if they weredom, would still speak in that soft voice. and it turns me on so much
thanks senpai you're paying my sub
well then he wouldn't put it inside

he could just push it in between my thighs
Fuck it, I'm maining Shammy.
Have fun playing resto!
resto is boring as shit
and the other specs such ass. Play a rogue or Mage if you want Enha/Ele
Should I main Warlock for Legion? Or should I main Mage?
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