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/owg/ - Overwatch General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 845
Thread images: 244

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>Official Stuff

>Competitive Info

>The Oversheet (Damage values and other numbers)


>Autistic Meaningless Stats and Leaderboards for shitters and people on the spectrum (Unofficial)

>Official Comics

Previous thread: >>152389126
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Cutest and best pairing
>playing QP
>Facing level 100s and Two star Level 78
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Angela Ziegler
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Hana Song
I hate D.va's voice. It ruins her whole character.
dumbest pairing
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I need smugberry!

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Widow is a trash hero

Buff when
God she's so fucking ugly. Good job they didn't make her any more "gooklike" or it'd be a total abomination.
Winky face ;)
I love Dva's voice. It improves her whole character.
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Daily reminder that Mercy is gonna be CYBERED
Cuteness is degeneracy.

>Don't want healers to be necessary? Don't put them in your game. That's it.
Good, lets remove those unbalanced pieces of shit..
How long ago did genji nerfs happen
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>genji hops behind us and casts ult
>I can't do anything to save her

I'm sorry
2 weeks ago, where have you been normie?

These people need to be killed. I am not joking.
Does anyone here even play together or do you all come here to suck dicks?
She needs love and cuddling.
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She's so fucking cute there. Listening to that laugh every time before sleep.
Is this easy mode?
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hey anon~
one of the few edgy post I agree with.

anyone who tests positive for hiv needs to be instantly quarantined and then plastered all over the news and internet similar to sex offenders
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is for marriage
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"If at first you don't succeed, blow it up again!"
>implying she isn't already fully DWARFED
I prefer Mei an __me__
>tfw you'll never wake up next to her
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How do I git gud at overwatch senpai? I really like the game but I'm probably bottom 1% skill wise and I want to not be ; ;

I hate you D.va fucking shits.
How broken those would be all depends on the max overheal amount and how fast it decays. Tracer definitely shouldn't be able to recall it of course.
>Says he rarely agrees with edgy posts
>Makes an edgier one
PC/NA Lucio main looking for people that know how to group up and counter comps Anyone add me Mikeyeyez#1912
Lots of people going yolo instead of waiting... If you wanna have fun or practice that's cool.
People wanna see strong group play add me.
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Which girls in this game would be most likely to do something like this?
Slipstream Tracer!
You get good by riding my dick while watching me play.

Are you even trying?
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Literally the worst fucking artist when it comes to men's anatomy.

Why would you even save this?
>making them identify their condition is edgier than killing them
my aim is so fucking badi dont know what to do... today i tried playing mccree in quick match and i couldnt hit torbjorns turret fucking static object in more than ten shots
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What is he thinking?
pls no
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The Dragon Blade.jpg
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Per request of my Boyfriend I present to you the best Genji meme
l o l
Your mother, the decaying carcass of a female blue whale that washed ashore onto a beach and had a stillborn
since we can only pick 2
and a homeless woman on Krokodil

Tracer and D.Va.
Genji and another Genji
Does D.Va have a nice ass?
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soldier 76 and reaper
hideous, go back to facebook.
Pharah meta > Mccree/Zen meta > Mccree tank buster meta > Hanzo meta
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Never. Casuals are sodium sensitive.
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anyone else want custom servers?
sometimes i just want to fuck around and play 12v12 or something
everyone tries so hard even in quick play.. is this cuz ranked is gone?
No it's covered in cellulite and acne from sitting on it all day unwashed.
She has less ass than tracer.
Give me those ez crates already
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>tfw no lewds of MEKA
This blows
*hear genji ult*
*turn around to my mercy*
hehehe... bad move kiddo...
*unsheathe a sleep dart*
*activate my EnvyUS(tm) Blizzard(R) approved aimlockPRO(tm)*
*put genji to sleep while me and my mercy tbag him for the whole sleep*
now... you suffer...
*shoot him in the head while all he can do is watch*
nothin personnel...
Torbjorn is a pretty cool guy. he's buff, masculine, hates all of the omnics and builds weapons and doesn't afraid of anything Mercy and Torb don't even have in-game banter together so I don't know why people keep trying to push this
>Improving Mei's M2 while nerfing her M1 might make her better - I was thinking that maybe making M1 slow without fully freezing might balance out an M2 buff
Damn, you have no right to an opinion on balance

>Torb is really a character who's straddling a fine line between shit and broken
He's not even close to being broken.

>Zarya's just really good, but it's noteworthy that she's not entirely a stock pick in pro play either, and she's relatively high skillcap and worthless without team coordination
Complete and utter bullshit.
>I T S T W E L V E O C L O C K
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Talon Tracer
She's a korean young girl. She's probably more flat than a sheet.
give me a location and Ill make it happen
You risk endangering innocent people, it's a double edged sword. I don't think bugchasers are a huge percentage of the people with HIV.
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What a good sport.
Mei and Widowmaker.
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>liking D.Va
>liking Korea
post every day until she's in game
Is that Reyes with a monocle?
>hurr a image of Soldier 76 fixing a coolant leak on D.Va's mech is NSFW
Get your mind out of the gutter you autistic retard fuck you kys
Hey /owg/, what music do you listen to when you want to pump yourself up for the match?

There is nothing edgy about it. Bug faggots go around infecting and killing people because its their fetish. They are literally murderers and need to be executed on the spot.
Come to think of it, wtf is North Korea doing? South is always getting hit by that giant Omnic Kaiju but what about North?

Yes it is
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fukken saved
Too bad they don't have much interaction in the game. But in my headcanon they have a sort of sibling rivalry thing going on. Lena sees Hana as a "little sister", which irritates Dva. Every time Tracer affectionately teases her, she gets very serious (but still ultimately loses).
Reminder that Koreans never shave their pussies or ass.

They're hairy as fuck.
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What's wrong?
Not man enough to handle a machine?
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eh, not a deal breaker

This is a nice idea for a series of skins. OW reaper, T. Soldier etc.
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You only make my boner stronger.
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Older gentlemen
It's hilarious that Koreans sometimes say Westerners look the same to them.
why is Soldier 76 so sexualized? what makes him so popular and sexual among women? >implying that only gays like him
Wait, What? Isn't that him? >>152403306
South Korea has the highest cosmetic surgery rate of any country.
see >>152403941
If bug chasers all died I wouldn't have a problem though.
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>blog post
>dumb meme (as if genji doesnt need to work out)
1/10 try reddit
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Dva butt dance.gif
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Leader version
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Zarya and slut.jpg
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> D.Va
> Korean
> nice ass
Not a chance.
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Would you an Amelie?
Probably got fucked by Omnics while wondering why no one helped.
See people with the same skin, eye, and hair color look the same. This only proves the Koreans look more the same than Westerners. Because we have more varied hair, eye, and skin color.
>would you a best girl

That's not "white people". That's the stereotypical hollywood fashion bullshit.
It is but he just wants to ERP in chat that's what he meant by "group play". He's a fag that wants to healslut for 5 people at a time and ERP during it.

I made the mistake of adding him and trying to play with him before I saw that screencap and he just kept asking me how big my dick was, what i wanted to do to his "fem body" etc.

It was fucking disgusting, he even got on mic and slurped on a dildo "just for me" even though I asked him to stop.
Not a problem. Hairy legs, pits, and feet are the only deal breaker.
So you are telling me we have to wait till the next Olympics to get 3 new skins? I wanted the Reinhardt one so badly man.
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>just gave bliz 10 of my hard earned shekels
>No event skins
>two legendary skins dropped
>both were lucio skins I had already

Okay. I've learned my lesson

Fuck skinwatch I just wanted the tracer skin ;_;
Reminder that this is only a subjective con.
And is that not what's going on in the "Korean" gif?
Mainstream beauty standards are fucked either way you look at it
Alright, let's hear some ideas for new heroes!

I'll start.

A scientist wearing a backpack with robotic spider limbs, allowing them to climb and cling to walls, shooting enemies from strange angles.
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She's Gone.png
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But Amelie is dead.
Anyone else got crippling rubber banding issues since last week?

I've been hoping the shit goes away, but it hasn't and the game is damn near unplayable for me.
then stay away from Widowmaker
Sure. I'm used to french women.
Are you?
I want to kiss her cute little nose
Are you in the closet or nah?
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What's the best music to listen to while playing Zenyatta?
so like a sith?
she's like a sith from star wars

like a sith

she's like kylo ren

widowmaker is kylo ren!
why is no one dying to the roadhog combo anymore

i cant even kill soldier 78 half the time now, what the fuck did they do
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Woops, I meant lewd
Constant coolant leaks must be a drag
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it's really hard to focus when there's a meka active
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I want to warm up the smugberry to get to the sweet Amelie inside.
No, these are the SUMMER GAMES. They come every Summer. Completely unrelated to the Olympics. You think Blizzard wouldn't jump at every opportunity to make exclusive skins?
Double the smug


Alan Watts lectures.
Not me, I prefer a clean, shaved pussy. Just pointing out that there are some people who prefer a hairy pussy
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>winning almost every game
>getting almost all golds
>patch is not here yet

Boy am I ready for the log arrows, it will make it even easier to meme
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Only 15 more easy boxes, if I don't get my Tracer skin that will be 100 summer boxes and I'll be sad as fuck.
I got you friendo
Is Easy vs AI games the fastest way to drop the leaver penalty?
I don't know.

It seems like the spread on his M1 spreads right when you fire it now or the hitboxes are just smaller.

I thought I was imagining it but he's just really inconsistent with his hook + M1 now.
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How to spot newfags 101.
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Thanks for reminding me of him, no idea what he's talking about quarter of the time but it's pretty comfy.
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Nice trimmed hair in the shape of a triangle or line is the most patrician tbqh
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Can they at least make the hitboxes cylinders? Fuck.
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I haven't bought any overbucks yet, but I'm thinking about buying 50 boxes to try to get huehuehue Lucio (plus other stuff). Should I reconsider?
So since Hanzo is about to be more viable, what are some tips for playing him? I've never really touched him before
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>Playing mccrree
>getting consistent headshots now on a flick of the wrist
>staying on target with headshot, bodyshot for a kill on squishies and constant headshots on pigman
>accuracy up to over 50% now when not spamming against Reinhardt shields
>mfw I'm finally getting good with McCree, I'm finally the cowboy
Feels so good bros. This is my first fps and I only placed 53 last season with like 200 games in ranked.
>Thinking >>152405082 is a newfag
You just exposed yourself.
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holy fug
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Are you not impressed anon?
Bottom 1% is a pretty hard target to hit. Youre better than that ;_;

Getting good is a matter of practice and just being aware of your surroundings in general. If you just look around and check where the majority of your team is at even once every 30 seconds you're already far from the bottom 1%.

Even if you suck at fps games in general, you can have great success on characters like winston and reaper as those dudes are mostly about positioning and timing rather than raw fps skill
Spam arrows in the direction of your enemies
Hit shift and shoot at the enemy's feet

That's literally it
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The odds of this hivemind happening are mathematically very low, nearly impossible and that makes these posts cool. And nice.
thats not a hivemind, its a 4chan glitch
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get a load of this pleb.jpg
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>not contributing damage on reinhardt's shield
>not being a team player because you want to boost your stats
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Overwatch was a corrupt shithole that deserved to die, Reyes did nothing wrong in supplying the bullets that ended it
Wait so with the hitbox reversions doesn't that mean Genji will be getting indirect buffs?
aim anywhere
spam arrows
>when my team is so abysmal i get gold with 3k damage
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They're pictured together multiple times in the shorts which are actually canon. The voice lines aren't.

DWARFED actually has the most evidence of all the ships
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It's time for trial by fire anon.

Become a gun slinging maniac and pass the whiskey.
>they're pictured multiple times together in the shorts that are canon
they are not
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No, she's a twig in game
>last to choose hero during set-up
>be the only healer
> ourGenji is on the other side of the map trying to spawnkill
>he keeps spamming "I need healing!" even though the rest of the team is trying to push
>every time he dies he spams "Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!"
>angrily look up his stats
>200+ hours as Genji followed by 20 minutes of Widowmaker
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>The '80s
Hello, Kojima-san.
Spam arrows in the general direction an enemy might be, a chokepoint.

Spawm scatter arrow at people's feet and in corridors

Use recond arrow liberally
Practice for a few days, trust me, you'll start doing really well without really trying

Practicing will be painful though as you'll barely do anything for team
is this game fun? I saw Ster_ and Jerma put out videos about it, but I asssumed that they were just shilling to make rent. Is Fistful of Frags actually worth buying?
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HOLY SHIT! I screencapped this check out r/Overwatch for it omg omg posting in an epic thread!
Overwatch only became corrupt because the one guy that kept them on the straight-and-narrow was forcibly retired.
its free, only like 3 populated servers left though
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Evidence is right there famalam.
Someone post the widowtracer butts thing.
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It's going to be fucking cancer
they were horribly corrupt even before Reaper came and fucked shit up, Mercy, Tracer, and 76 all say this
>be bored
>start up overwatch
>incredibly casual shooter, hitboxes are fucked, 20 tickrate
>close overwatch
>stare at game library
>start up overwatch
The trick to landing shots as mccree, obvious as it sounds, is to make your shots consciously. Just because you can shoot twice per second does not mean that you should shoot twice per second. Take a brief moment to look at what you are shooting, what direction it is moving in, and what direction you are moving in.

If you are strafing heaps and trying to hit a static target like torby turret, you can keep your mouse at the correct height and just click whenever your crosshair passes over it due to your own movement. Very minimal tracking required
thank you for sharing your story
he's like 20 years older than her, old enough to be her actual father, why the fuck would she date him?

that's just surrogate father - daughter bonding
It's 60 now but otherwise you're correct on all points.

>20 tickrate

Pretty sure 95% of players using this excuse don't even know what that means considering it has been 60 tick for fucking weeks now.
>tfw possible Halloween skins
>witch mercy
I will be severely dissapointed if this doesn't happen
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>finished Season 1 three points away from gold weapon
>win three placement matches in PTR
>have a golden gun now* *but not really

Why can't the points stay? It would give people actual reason to test shit for PTR.
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Would you like more games anon?
Mercy likes to fuck older men
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>be zarya
>didn't get potg for this
>the pharah didn't get it either
>a fucking mercy got it from rezzing 2 people at some point after this

I've won like 6 matches in a row but the elo jump seems capped at 150

that's a lot of grinding
mercy actually takes skill
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By your logic everyone that's pictured with Mercy in the Ana pic can be shipped with her.
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I believe in you my child
even if that were true, that still leaves Morrison and Reinhardt.
>implying that any woman would go for the guy who's a foot and a half shorter than her instead of those two
you make me giggle
>being OP tank
>Mad you didn't get POTG
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>Be Mercy
>mfw I see enemy Mercy's with Eidgenossen
Ana is a high skill hero!
And it's still a more solid pairing than all of the popular Mercy ships as far as canon goes.
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yeah pressing a button is so hard
>Delusional support mains blaming the ranking system for not being able to climb
>#1NA player last season with rank 89 was a support main

Fuck you fuckers. Literally git gud.

"Muh individual skill reward system so bias and unbalanced towards healers" kys nerds.
Take solace in the fact that the healsut is POZZED and will die soon, attention-whore-kun
Why do so many people love that skin? I use it too but still, everybody seems to love it
who is the lady on the right with the robot arms? Sombra?

who is the guy on the left with the Zarya haircut? Doomfist?
Mercy is the only one touching Torb senpai, your projection is weak af

Our girl got DWARFED
I just unboxed it lel
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>mercy actually takes skill
Is this what healsluts actually think?
>20 tickrate
Go update your shitposts
>Mercy and Torb having a little interaction

You're not helping your case.
What is it about Hanzo and Roadhog that makes people gravitate to some of the worst heores in the game?
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So Genji is still viable, right?
two most canonically supported Mercy ships:

Mercy x Torbjorn

Mercy x Pharah
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Why the hell isn't there a damage blocked medal? This would encourage me to play rein more in pubs. It just feels kinda pointless to play a character and not get at least one gold medal.
All masculine straight red-pilled males love blueberries
You're kind of digging yourself a hole with this.

The picture clearly shows the Ana/Jack and Mercy/Torbjorn ship

And I guess Reinhardt ships with everyone
it's the one where she looks the least like a dyke
Shit advice.

Just keep shooting and keep up with the max fire rate until you can consistently hit targets. Click every shot. Don't hold down m1.

I guarantee killing a Lucio in 3 shots without missing feels like cumming for the first time. After that move towards headshots and learn when to use them.
It takes more skill than Bastion, Zarya, or Reinhardt
Genji will be fine after the nerfs, people are just overrating because their overpowered main is getting balanced
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It fixes her hair
Yes. Rates suck and it's just a dumb skin
I do contribute to damaging reinhardts shield. But when you do, it artificially inflates your accuracy on McCree.
I'm saying that my accuracy is naturally above 50% without doing that at the moment.
I think I can make it to rank 60 or its equivalent next season.
I doubt it will make him good.
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>mercy actually takes skill
Rienhardt is ira gamigori from kill la kill
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I dont get gow you guys are having trouble with genji..

Like just pick winston and zap the fucker.

When he dashes away just jump on him

When he tries to kill you just put a shield down... ??
Somebody explain to me why thats so hard?
end this blatant height discrimination, dwarves are cool, they are not freaks
Except that his motive was out of envy, and he probably caused the deaths of many people caught in the crossfire of the coup, and that he's now a mentally ill mercenary working with terrorists to carry out an extreme revenge plot.
Keep leveling healslut I believe that you'll get it

I'd trade it if this shitty game allowed trading skins
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Mercy players = cucks
Lucio and Zen players = bros
Ana players = retards

Especially when playing Rein.
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Is this that skin?

sorry just started playing lol
Now you're going to tell me he played solo all the time
but I play all of those
>being a maining faggot
>Widow drawn with normally-proportioned legs
it feels so wrong, and yet so right
>Stay behind your team
>Watch them die
>Jump in and revive
So much skill
>Waaah why won't Ana buff my mei ;_;
>reading comprehension
Ana on a team with 2 or 3 tanks is god tier. You are a pleb.
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>all level 60-80 team loses 3 times in a row
>against all level 20 team
>all of them raging calling each other faggots telling each other to go back to playing LoL

gg ez guys
Anyone looking forward to crossover skins from their other games? I kinda want Marauder Reinhardt and Pandaren RoadHog
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i was so confused why my art friends would want my anatomy books, but it really shows when people draw bodies without studying them first
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Post yfw when
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Frogposters= virgins
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d va is so fun when theres not a zarya on the enemy team
I'm still waiting for Butcher Roadhog
Anon is this bait
>Reyes' motive for going Nuclear was envy
show me where it states this in-canon
I dont see what's so good about this skin other than it's rare tb frank.

It looks generic as fuck, Devil is better
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>It takes more skill than Bastion, Zarya, or Reinhardt
Lel @ healslut fuccbois thinking support takes skill.
ana is quickly becoming one of my favourite supports
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Manlet detected.

You have literally never seen a northern European girl in your life.
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literally best loadout
I feel like taking up being a healslut

I don't like playing the Offensive or Defensive characters except Junkrat. I mained tanks but I'm growing tired of it

what do?
Zenyatta's new sitting emote feels like there's a hidden meaning to it and it's tune
I don't care about any skins desu, Cosmetics don't really bother me and I don't play mercy either so it's not gonna be used
>Mercy likes to fuck older men
so mercy is a complete degenerate?
>all that gaudy shit
Nope. Playing Rein is fucking gay in pubs. I deserve a guaranteed gold medal for playing him just because the sheer amount of bullshit I have to put up with.
Butcher Roadhog
Abomination Roadhog
What starcraft character would be a good skin for Roadhog?
It might be a problem with your writing, m8. Unless you just want to reiterate your point, but I'm addressing a variable you didn't account for.
He solo'd to rank 82 and then duo'd to rank 89.

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Ayy whatup
you should have this bookmarked. It has exponentially increased my ability in videogames.

How is that a bad thing?
Hairy pussy is the best.
>what do
get pozzed and accept LucHIVo as your bottom savior

Widowmaker literally has inhuman, Bayonetta-tier proportions
>Mercy x Pharah
t. headcanon

Zero canon content of them interacting.
All they have is one voice line where Pharah disses Ana, she doesn't even talk to Mercy directly.

That's it, you pathetic yurishitters have no foot to stand on.
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What's the hotkey to switch voice channels?
She's not that far off from being a hag herself. Mercy is 37.
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Hana Song=Anal Queen
Never stop posting Talon Tracer
delete this


'P' then click. You can also change autojoin settings in options.
>old hag
japan pls
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Part of me wants to oblige you. Part of me wants to post regular tracer
so is mercy confirmed new meta judging from the PTR? I just got her gold cuck staff
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But muh weekly brawl.
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comp objective volksbe1.webm
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>solo queue
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Bishounen McCree skin when. He's my husband.

>tfw you will never have a southwestern American bishounen bf with a sexy slurred accent and wears funny American cowboy hats and ages into a super hot sexy man
Both Mercy and Zen seem to be viable right now. Discord orb is still a huge deal though.
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>make a valid suggestion to actually give players a reason to play PTR and have comp points from PTR transfer over
>first response on the forum is "troll harder please."

Nothing about that suggestion is "trolling." It's true, there's no goddamn reason to play PTR, even less reason to play PTR comp.

This community sucks ass.
that some Grade-A boobage
Pharah is Ana and Jacks child
She's a lighter skin tone than her mum
She's a great soldier like her pap
The dialogue between 76 and Ana
Prove me wrong
Protip you can't
>gold skin
>heroic emote
shit tier

>season 1 hero spray
bad spray tier

>soldier victory pose
okay tier

at least you got the voice line and highlight intro right
This game is like 99% team work and ultimate timing

I wish there were more (or any) high skill cap heroes
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>Lucio on Nepal
>Capture the point
>My team runs off to spawnkill
>Reaper comes up and soloults me
>Team yells at me for not holding the point
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Stop drinking the koolaid. She's barely taller than the female height average of 7.5 heads tall.
>Overwatch succeeded in defeating the omnics. Morrison, who had played a key role in shaping the group, was given the position of strike commander, acting as the first, official commanding officer of Overwatch. Reyes was passed over in the process, which created a rift between the two men
>Reyes was passed over in the process, which created a rift between the two men
>which created a rift between the two men
>created a rift between the two men
Yeah it's fucking dumb. Ults need to be reworked from the ground up to be way less important, or at least available much less often
reaver roadhog
>t. someone who doesn't understand
they have several lines together that imply that they team up on the regular

Mercy: Keep the skies clear for me.
Pharah: Let's keep the skies clear together

Mercy: Well, I suppose I'll be patching you up as usual.

That's twice as many lines as her and Torb have together (because they have 0)
>inb4 muh voice lines aren't canon
they represent how the characters would interact whenever they meet (regardless of whether or not they actually would)
>Pharah and Ana not in hijabs

>Be Lucio
>Back off point because it was me vs their whole team
>Team yells at me because we're only up 91-2
I came very close to changing to Symmetra and costing them rank
anyone know what time on the 22nd the summer games are going to end?
ptr rating isn't valid.
When I played I had half my matches with leavers on the enemy team and I placed in high diamond. The player pool is also way smaller too, and the changes are being ironed out on the PTR, its literally called the Public Test Realm. Why would a testing rating be carried over to live?

You know what, fuck you, trolling nigger. If you aren't trolling you're fucking braindead and will never amount to anything in your life, fucking idiot. Enjoy working your retail minimum wage job for eternity. You are not intelligent enough to do anything more than that.
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>Prove me wrong
Easy. Post proof from the devs that say that she is Ana's and Jack's daughter. Go on. I'll wait.
it's not her overall height you sperg, it's the fraction of that height that is taken up by her legs

I challenge you to find me an irl girl with proportions like that
>that fucking awkward 76 hand

what the hell blizzard?
Every other hero takes more skill than Mercy, this isn't a rag on Mercy players or a joke, simply a fact.
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is there any Talon Dva art?
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>2x0 = 2
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Someone decoded(?) the screen at gamescom and came up with this
>so possible Sombra appearance
Its the future after all muslims were killed by God Emperor Trump.
The reason to play PTR is to give feedback on upcoming features

Tracer and Widowmaker has voice interactions with eachother

doesn't mean that they must "team up on the regular"

golden skin is GOAT tho

but woopsie on that heroic emote

its the animated spray
I don't think they'd ever do this but since self-healing already sort of evens it out if you're getting hit hard it could work. Maybe remove 10-20% of your ult charge on death. Tf2 didn't have ults but the Medic would lose his uber charge if he died which was a big deal and also meant if he died in the last 30 seconds that was gg if you were on attack.
>getting ulted by a roadhog, I'm at 30hp
>roadhog at 1 bar
>dumb healslut watches as I die when she could've killed him

Earlier today

>hiding in some room as mccree
>dumb healslut flies over
>she's being chased by 3 ults
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Reminder that your rating is just a measurement of how many of your teammates coordinated ults versus how many of your opponents coordinated ults
why is Reinhardt so perfect?
Apparently there was an official list of amputee characters in Overwatch?
Anyone know where that is?
That's Reinhardt's hand.
A few ideas
1) Using the "we need a healer command" forces you to respawn as either Lucio or Mercy
2) Reaper's Wraith form can still be damaged and killed in the very first second
3) The effectiveness is all healing is reduced if you take damage, climbing back to normal effectiveness if you haven't received any damage in the last few seconds.
if blizzard actually allows trading I'd give that mercy skin some healslut wanted for a Soldier 76 one tbqh familia
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They're not going to change shit about Comp in the PTR. They didn't last time, and there's no reason to this time yet.

Also I didn't say rating, I said points, like, the points you can use to buy the weapon skins, so you clearly lack reading comprehension.

To get so furious and call someone else retarded while you demonstrate not being able to read is hilarious.

That's hardly a reason.
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>like 50 crates
>no Swiss Mercy but I sure do get all these duplicate legendaries
God is either dead or a complete asshole.
I think he means 76's left hand held in a very stupid manner
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its also not this spray
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>yfw no junkrat and roadhog short ever
I was talking about like auto switching between them not manually.
nice try, but these particular voice lines imply otherwise
>Mercy: Well, I suppose I'll be patching you up as usual
>as usual
>as usual
>40 crates later still don't have it
time to pay up i guess
See this:
>voice lines aren't canon
Correct, and they never will be.

Your pathetic ship is about as ''''''''''''''canon'''''''''''''' as Winston and Reaper working together since they have a voice line too.
Just watch ster's stream where Kaplan and some other devs joined him. At around 1h20m Kaplan asks for all the characters that have fake limbs and the list is Torb, McCree, Junkrat, Genji and Symmetra
>have all the summer skins I want
>no american flag icon
why live
>Sombra is a qt mexican girl
also, how the fuck do people actually figure out this super convoluted ARG shit? how is it ever possible to do without a hint?

This is my fetish
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>wants skin trading in this game too

Please, I don't want the skin trading fest that valve has.
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Nice pal, but what the fuck do I care about you wanting a Poverty McCree skin?
Just get some coins, cakeboy.
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Some fuckers on Reddit reconized some code in a single frame on the Ana story trailer... And all went down hill from there
no, I don't want a repeat incident of 5000 people asking me for my Max's Severed Head all over again.
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>Red theme
What is this shit, Talon's color is clearly black and more black

She's basically D.Va without the mech and a health regen gimmick.
It was a thing at SDCC and more of a panel so the answer that they gave is just posted in various places on the web.

Here's a good info dump of the SDCC lore stuff

It's too long and fuck trying to chop this up so so here's a direct link to a person who attended it.

>voice lines between Ana/Morrison, Morrison/Reaper, Mercy/Reaper, etc. that reference their shared history together aren't canon anymore because a stupid person like you misunderstood Blizzard's PR statements
No. In the case of characters that have not yet met each other in canon, the lines are a hypothetical to represent how they would react if they ever met. Otherwise they are
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Cryptography nerds are insane.
>hitscan hero who just has to click your head twice
>versus projectile hero who has to lead all the shots of her pistol
Checkmate, faggots.
I'm gonna buy a GPU just to play overwatch on my toaster.

I'm gonna regret it right.
What is this drawing supposed to be?
There might be some. But yeah, all the girls of Overwatch are extremely leggy, while the guys have stumps (Torb, Winston, Rein).
Can't unsee
why aren't symmetra's turrets golden if you buy the golden weapon?
Stop bitchin. You got the tracer skin it's the best one they put out.
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>someone saved my first oc
Junkrat on attack. Is it a meme or can he actually be useful?
And they're pretty casual lines. Torb has a canon shared history her with her and a lot visual interaction.

>that imply that they team up on the regular

I don't think this is the case though. For real, why would Mercy be dealing with Helix Security?
Nope, right from Blizzard themselves.

>The game itself is not canon in the Overwatch universe, allowing characters who are enemies to work on the same team.
Voice lines mean nothing.
>For real, why would Mercy be dealing with Helix Security?
they're all mercenaries for hire
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Pharah's metal thong
He can use his trap to hold his ground but there are far more useful attack heroes.
There are far more useful heroes than Junkrat overall, that's his only weakness.
Umbreons are cute.
He does a fuck million damage and when played correctly makes engaging in a chokepoint on defense bad
Nice gratz
As long as you stay mobile.

I had a match where I dished out 16400 points of damage, got a team kill, and got Play of the Game.
she's feminist that wears a chastity belt over heavy clothing to make a point. In reality she's pushing for a culture that would require her to cover her face
I liked it.
Cuteness is degeneracy.
wtf i hate hitscan heroes now
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shut up
Do you think the nerf to Discord will help D. Va see more usage? Honestly, and I say this as someone who played mostly Zarya during S1, the beam + discord combo was one of the few things holding her back. I want people to understand that she's not a bad tank at all.
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Well I'm too rich to give a shit.
So can we all agree that holding top damage while not also holding top elims shows that all you did was feed the enemy team's healers?
Junks main use is evaporating tanks and throwing out a tire every 3 seconds. He doesn't actually work the way his kit implies.

Junk should probably get a Dva esque redo to cement his actual role on teams beyond "low skill ceiling character that murders entire low skill teams".
I love synthwave so much.
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Is this for real or just some clever fan voice acting?
Not necessarily, no. In fact, not even close. Many of them are just doing their own thing and are still following their own interests. Mercy was only in Overwatch because she wanted to use its influence and resources to spread her new medical tech. Helix is guarding defunct bases and locked up technology, not really the kind of work Mercy would be up to when she could be doing crisis work in a warzone instead.
4) McCree's combat roll cooldown depends on the amount of bullets on the revolver. The more bullets, the less cooldown, but no bullets is more cooldown than the current.
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If you're so rich, give me some Battlenet gift cards.
>guys I spammed at a rein shield and tagged everyone else #oogaboogaforced50
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>play reinhardt
>pushing the payload
>my shield up
>enemy mcree ults
>my team gets behind my shield
>i drop my shild
>my entire team dies around me
it can't possibly make the scene any worse
>everyone's pissed off about everything
>blizzard scrambles to please one side making the other side even more angry
>meanwhile the summer games nonsense has everyone doubly pissed off

it's a mess. just let people dig their own graves with a trading system.
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>alternate skins

i always play junkrat on attack if i can't support or tank, i think being a demo main on tf2 for 7 years may have influenced that.
The widowmaker presents herself
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You're cute.
>tfw the only thing left that i want is mercy's swiss skin
>tfw only tonight and one more day to get it
>tfw level 213
>tfw only 9 more levels of faster experience

It's real
will they release new skins in season 2? i want to buy a golden weapon for winston but all his skins are dogshit
Talon is kinda edgy so whats the problem?
They got edge lord himself.
>tfw level 219
>tfw no Swiss Mercy
I mean I like Valkyrie more but I'd love to have the Swiss skin to change it up every so often.
>Their exchanges are what may have happened if they were in a situation where they had to work together.

Don't think that you can get away with only using half a quote to support your argument. Characters who HAVE been in situations that require them working together have canon voice lines (like all of the banter between the gen1 Overwatch members).
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I honestly would if I knew ya.
It's been a while since someone said that to me.
I appreciate it.
Reminder that Pharamercy will never happen and that Mercy's three holes are reserved for the dwarf, the commander, and the cyborg
>tfw have everything for D.va but her summer voice line
>already looped around through the early 200s, still didn't get it

I want to fucking die
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Which hero has the most fun mirror duel?
I played from level 170 to 230 and didn't get it. I got all the rest though.
iktf anon, have the same problem with getting D.vas ying-yang skin
>tfw will barely have time to play until the event ends
>not really the kind of work Mercy would be up to when she could be doing crisis work in a warzone instead.
it becomes that kind of work when the old defunct omnics they guard break out and start wreaking havoc (like exactly what happened in Pharah's comic)
Implying she would be so uncouth as to even let two of those holes be used for such a purpose.

she likes vaginal sex and nothing more.
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So in 4 years I'll be able to get another shot at Swiss Mercy, right?

Nevermind, I don't wouldn't even accept money from somebody like you.
>tfw baddest Hanzo in tha bizniss

So many 4 gold medals
>Their exchanges are what may have happened if they were in a situation where they had to work together.
Which is not canon anway, sorry :)
>implying that there is anything wrong with oral or anal
purityfags deserve death. let their shitty memes die
pharah and lucio
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>my entire team trying to kill one enemy while I'm moving the payload by myself

D.va, desu. You get to stand in front of each other, Matrix everything, and chase the first one to pussy out. Hitting Zero Suit D.va shots is amusing as well
i feel like newer players to the game are more likely to stick together and not do risky shit, whereas higher levels feel like they are better than they are and will do things solo and fail
I got one for you too, but if I'm gonna just keep on posting my doodles, I'll be attention whoring more than usual.
>Implying there isn't something wrong with a foursome.

overindulgencefags deserve death for corrupting everything that moves. Let their shitty society die.
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I think you're the fake Overwatch Agent here.
You're comparing yourself to me?
You're not even good enough to be my fake!
because Ana/Morrison/Rein/Mercy/Reaper have never been in situations in which they had to work together

Mercy: Reinhardt, I don't approve of you dragging that poor girl around on your adventures.
Reinhardt: Brigitte has made her choice. I would have her at my side.

Nope, no way this dialogue could ever be canon

Soldier: 76: Ana, we all thought you were dead...why didn't you tell me?
Ana: You of all people are going to ask me that?

or this
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>hello we are the 2 most cancerous heroes in overwatch
How do I play Zarya gud?
Chill out reaper.
>be Zen or Lucio
>capture point in Illios lighthouse
>everyone immediately runs away to go dick around on the other side of the map
>Group up with me!
>no one does
>10 seconds later
>half the enemy team rushes the point
>we lose

I'm starting to hate that map because for some reason everyone wants to run away from the point or I'm always getting these kinds of people in lighthouse.
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Buff s76.


>Revert accuracy nerf
>decrease cooldown on helix rocket
>increase damage per shot
>I'm a Reaper main!
You sound like you know me! You probably do. and if ya do. You deserve it too.
>tfw have avg > 3 mins objective time which is usually gold medal on all my chars
not sure if this is a good thing, I usually have gold elims too, so it's not like I'm letting the rest of my team do my fighting work
what's the most fun non-viable hero to play?
Dva, Hog, and Winston will all benefit from discord nerf, but Dva will always be fucking bullied by Zarya since she's in high level games like 90% of the time. Hog + Zarya is one of the worst tank combinations to deal with, if they hook and bully her every time she shows her face in the frontline Dva becomes a non-issue for the enemy team

If Hanzo becomes a more often pick, he will make life hell for her if she doesn't have matrix up to cover her huge fucking critbox. Two fully charged arrows to the face = ded MEKA, and one fully charged shot + melee up close = ded Dva. Hell, Hanzo has the tools to make tank life hell in general (125 dmg bodyshots/250 dmg headshots, sheer area denial by spamming arrows down a choke, Scatter Arrow instagib, wall-climbing passive to make him harder to reach) without any of Widow's weaknesses. I'm seriously hoping he gets toned down somehow before he makes it to live, he's pretty much like a long range Reaper if he knows what he's doing

The Dva nerf on matrix was something I haven't tried out myself yet, but it punishes people who just flick it on and off the most instead of those who hold it for a second or two to cover teammates
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>every game has 3+ genjis
i dont even want to play i just need these fucking summer skins
The first one. It doesn't evens stop macroing.
>Nvidia Optimus
>GTX 670M & Intel HD 4000
>buy Overwatch
>played tutorial
>computer is now crashing
I thought that my computer would be able to handle this
>Used to be one hero

Imagine how balance hanzos bow is with genjis ult and probably reflect and sonic arrow
>Play anyone
>Silvers and Bronze and a loss
>Play Winston
>4 gold medals and a win

Such is the life of a consolefag
All they need to do is revert the accuracy nerf and he'll be viable again. He was never OP to begin with, just bitching pharah players.
I heard a new line from 76 and Ana recently. It doesn't seem to play very often compared to the other three, maybe it's recently added. Something about watching his back. It was very sweet.
Try updating your drivers if you have not already done so

Soldier will still be inferior to Mccree even with his accuracy restored.

which heroes deserve the next proper CG short?

>Activate allies healthbars
>Time your shields well
>Spam M2 instead of holding M1 24/7
>Time your ult right, coordinate it with your team
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It's literally who has the bigger balls and rewinds last contest.
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Are the nation flag player icons going to become unavailable after the event? All I want is Switzerland.
Junkrat and roadhog destroying the factory and turning the outback into a wasteland followed by a wasteland map release
Junk and Hog
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Afraid not.Although I wouldn't mind. And thanks.
Trashmouse wasn't even alive when Immortan Joe blew up AU
Got an email?
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>playing the tutorial
I'm currently using the Union Jack but having the Swiss flag would be a big plus.
The edgiest reaper trailer possible

>takes place in a graveyard
>kills some kids
>teleportation everywhere
>shotgun shoots knives
Mercy,Mercy and Mercy.

but if they do that emotional bullshit with her short I think I may just cover myself in bleach down a fistfull of pure potassium, drink some water and hang myself.

Won't be able to handle that shit if she's got a super sad one. My waifu doesn't deserve to be sad.
>Season over
>Every fucking match I've played today was some kind of retarded hero stacking match in QP that is more annoying than fun

This is the only reason I play competitive, to get away from this stupid shit
But he was.

"The attack on the Australian omnium's fusion core forever altered the landscape of the Outback. After the detonation, the area was transformed into a harsh, irradiated wasteland, littered with debris and the twisted fragments of the ruined facility, and unlivable to most.

But there were some who survived. Calling themselves the Junkers, they scavenged the husk of the omnium and formed a lawless, cutthroat society in its shadow. Junkrat was one of them, eking out a living reclaiming metal and components from the ruins. Like many others, he was affected by the lingering radiation. This touch of madness made him ideal for handling dangerous explosives, a love which he turned into an obsession.

He came to notoriety when he discovered an extremely valuable secret in the bones of the omnium. Though few knew the nature of what he found, he was nonetheless pursued by bounty hunters, gangs, and opportunists wherever he went, until he made a deal with the Junker enforcer Roadhog, who grudgingly agreed to be his personal bodyguard in exchange for a fifty-fifty share of the spoils."
Oh well roadhog blowing it up, destroying the outback then ending it off with junkrat hiring him years later
>the edgiest reaper trailer ever
but that already exists buddy


with Drive Booster?
Roadhog. It's always fucking brutal.
All ults take some skill.

knowing when the best time to use them is itself a skill.
that wasn't edgy
it was pretty cool
sleep tight jeff
how do we make symmetra viable on attack?
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[email protected]
>shadow the hedgehog isn't edgy

Actually this is the one you want.
>tfw got mercy's swiss skin three times now

I don't even play mercy for fuck sake, give me a roadhog epic.
You mean like Pharah's?
Make her M2 actually useful first. Those slow balls fucking suck.
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make it take less time to get full charge. and make her ball bounce324
>Hanzo and Mei are about to be in every game

is this who the simple masses are gonna demand nerfs for next or will it be mcree/zen again?

>delicious hanzo shitter tears lul
>haha mei fags btfo
>look at these numbers guys, he needs less HP and she needs slower ult charge
>what was blizzard thinking putting them in the game at all
>Got the duplicate mercy Swiss skin

this is what I meant

except official and longer
>tfw just opened 50 and didn't get it

>that feeli-o when you die to a Symmetra ball on accident
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>this is quick play
>no one cares
>said by a reaper

wow yea sure dude i bet you're just fucking around right m8
Seeing how mei and hanzo fuck mccree and zen unlikely.

The hanzo changes wont make it out of the ptr so he probably wont be too viable
>Popping your bubble for no reason
hanzo seemed okay in ptr but mei was in no way any threat even with those changes.
Ana x Morrison

Ana x Reinhardt

which is better?
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>Everyone getting that skin en masse except me.

kill me now.
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only 3 more skins to go
When does the summer event end? monday morning(midnight on sunday) or tuesday morning (midnight on monday)?
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Are you high? Her primary and secondary are the best thing about her kit. The ball goes though rein shield and hits multiple enemies allowing for quick ultimate early on.

The problem with Symmetra is that she is a niche pick used on very specific maps. She's basically useless on the attack on all maps and I'd only really useful on defence on like the first points.
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diamond support main.gif
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>tfw Zen ults from across the map just to save you
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Just buy ten more fun boxes anon!

You'll get it!

For sure!

I dont know which is better, but given their ingame quotes. ana x rein is way more likely
I've spent $300 so far.

Prove it
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How does this make you feel anon?
Good goy
Don't see why I can't just buy coins...

I'm not mad about the Microtransactions, they've got to keep making some money....I'm mad about the uncertainty.

why not make the limited skins a shitload about coins....and just let me buy coins...at least I get what I want.
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>Symmetra Balls

Dva eats them like candy now
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>paying 300 dollerydoos to Blizzard

The triangle, maybe. Straight line is too porny for me.
It makes me feel upset.

Because she looks so cute with that pose...and she has her native country's colors on her outfit.
>Be tank
>Team got wiped but I'm up
>one guy pushing cart in overtime

I hate this nigger he is so effective against too many people
Pretty sure he was alive, just really young.
Jesus fucking christ some people are ridiculous with the lore in this game. I wish I took a screen shot of the chat but I didn't think of it until after the game.

>be me
>playing support
>being a good guy healing everyone
>get jumped by a gengi
>luckily Zarya is right next to me
>expect to get a shield
>Shield never comes
>she ignores the genji and lets it kill me
>ask her why she didn't shield or help me
b-but muh ingame quotes a-arent canon!
>tracer spats
Considering Ana was second in command and they both went through a similar experience I'd have to hand it over to Ana x Morrison. That's not accounting for which ship is cuter or something though.
The thing is she shares a similar line with Jack and they have a lot of shared lines including one where Ana says everyone needs someone that can support them (paraphrased). In fact, they both seem to have the most interactions for each other (Ana has the most interactions with 76 and 76 has the most interactions with Ana) And now they're working together in canon.
>Zarya literally walking from spawn with 60+ energy every single time

What the absolute fucking fuck

I'm genuinely so sick of this fucking game
Her m2 needs to work like mei or have some sort of alternative. Her nicheness is entirely due to how limited you are at any sort of range.

I want to be able to play her on attack but that just isn't possible.

Maybe the option to throw her turrets like grenades or something that can give you a reason to pick her.

she is amazing on defense maps that you can play her don't get me wrong but her nicheness is undeniable.
Rip dick
>that pose
why is Mercy so cocky?
same thing happened to me except I was zenyatta asking a torb for some armor. He refused because torb also hates omnics.
It's almost as bad as stepping out of spawn and right into a Hanzo ult.
Dva eats everything, including any projectile ult in the game.
She's old and has to spend her energy in looking like she has spunk.

Sad really.
It's better if you don't see her taking the hot Lúcio dick with her pure Swiss colors on
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Or a mei. It sucks when you boost into the enemy team only to find a mei
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I wanna play Tracer!
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Her ult is useless on the attack, that alone ruins any reason to pick her. She's a better defensive hero then all of the actual defensive heroes.
Can't wait for the brawl where we genocide as much omnic trash as possible
>whoever hook first loses

ohhh so brutal

I'll take your word for it. i play a lot more rein than 76 so i've only heard one line for him and ana.

I would still never stop laughing if it turned out rein was phara's actual father
deal with it OMNIC SCUM
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Big dick Reinhardt plays baaaby
You guys think Lucio is a zika carrier?
Someone please post that nifty chart describing when to use which hero.
>shit advice
>just keep shooting

yeah, ok.

>I thought overwatch rpers were a joke
>playing on hana with a hanzo
>"my brother is sneaking around us... I shall take care of him"
>hanzo dies
>"curses, you have bested me this time..."

I still think he was fucking with us.
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>Be Bastion
>Run in for an armor pack
>Torb shoots me for 5 seconds
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So I signed up for my college's overwatch team even though i've literally played comp twice (1:1 in case anyone cares.
I figure since it's designed for casuals it can't be that hard on a semi-competitive level. What do I absolutely need to know about competitive overwatch?
I'd love to see that just because it would funny to see Pharah freak out.

>idolize superhero growing up
>still evidently a fan many years later (she even apologizes if she kills him)
>turns out to be your dad
mother fucker it's just a game. If your support is being fucked up the ass help him. It helps yourself as well because then I can continue to heal you and you gain some power if he attacks me while your shield is on me.

Fuck the lore be a team player.
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>People literally are okay with robots after seeing millions die
>Robots claim they weren't at fault and dindu nuffin
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I wanna break Tracer.
1. don't get killed
2. shoot bad guys until they die
3. win game



It would also explain her whiffing her ult all the time
can someone post the blank version of this please?
I just don't get some people.
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I wanna trace Tracer
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please no
selecao or striker lucio?
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Wow anon, just have an open mind. We treated them like objects but they have feelings and shit. Olive are like us.
they didn't. Do you even know the lore? They were being mind controlled.

>not realising the skill is in countering ultimates

Go to sleep.

She definitely needs something. As it is she's not worth picking except for extremely circumstantial comps and maps, specifically, first points and such.

A small heal, maybe?
I feel like part of the problem with her is that theres not much reason to choose her over a support that can heal, or a tank. Again, except for those first points where the teleporter and turrets can have some kind of panic advantage.

I really like her. I just wish I could use her more without gimping my team.
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I wanna give Tracer the mating press.
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Thanks anon
there would be no freaking out, Pharah supposedly already knows who her dad is in-game, they just haven't gotten around to saying yet
It's absurd, the freckles make her a million times better.
is Talon.

Kings row was never the same again on attack after I watched a video explaining what you're actually doing there. The payload you're escorting? Yeah it's an EMP and you're driving it underground into an omnic hideout to blow it up and kill all omnics. I've been Zenyatta on attack before there. I helped them accomplish a terrorist attack against my own kind.
does transcendence heal through walls
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No but hes an HIV carrier


>break someone by giving them orgasms
I don't think it works like that
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Someone post a good overwatch hero cheat sheet.
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the only good omnic is an omnic fighting its own kind

you did good

but now you must die, piece of scrap metal
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>he doesn't play the game in character
Are there videos explaining what youre doing on each map?
Im pretty curious as to whats going on in Hollywood
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That's harsh man
>open lootbox number 12
>boxing bastion emote
>still no swiss mercy

I just want that skin. ;_;
i like selecao cause it stays true to lucio's colour scheme. the other one just feels like a different colour for the sake of a different colour.

I was just in the overwatch thread on /y/ and this is still the gayest thing i've seen today, jesus christ.
I don't think I can do it anymore guys. The last 15 boxes have all been silver and blues...
Lucio mains will NEVER recover from this
this is your DAILY REMINDER that Vishkar has your best interests at heart, whether you recognize this or not. We're working to build a better future for you all, and this future will not be hampered by ANYTHING. Join our vision or be run over. We promise that it'll be worth it.
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Just buy them, you fucking filthy goy.
That's true. So I guess Reinhardt's out, because she sounds like she's meeting him for the first time.
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Would you Tracer's midriff?
reee ive opened 60+ boxes and ive gotten no bastion emote its the only thing i want
I wanna hug Tracer.

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Was Ana a good mommy?
I heard that Sombra is going to be a self-hating Omnic female. Is this true?
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>Be me, with thousands of hours sunk into FPS shooters including TF2 and other objective based games
>Borrow Overwatch from a friend, very good at it naturally, first 10 or so games get play of the game
>Decide to buy it
>Reach level 25 to play ranked quite quickly
>It was here that the nightmare begin

>Play mid line damage dealers (Mccree, 76)
>Flankers do nothing
>Tanks hide behind me
>Supports kill themselves
>Get hard focused by the enemy team

>Play tanks (Reindhart,Zarya)
>Damage dealers kill themselves while I push the objective
>Supports try to heal the suicidal damage dealers
>Flankers do nothing
>With no one applying pressure, get hard focused by the enemy team

>Play support (Mercy,Lucio)
>Tanks nowhere to be found
>When I put damage boost or amp it up on a damage dealer, he either suicides immediately or hides in a corner
>Flankers do nothing
>Nobody peels for me
>Get hard focused

>Play flanker (Genji/Tracer)
>Focus on getting crucial picks, usually get a couple
>Damage dealers MIA
>Tanks pushing the wrong side
>Healers killing themselves
>Can't flank for long because no pressure anywhere else, get hard focused
>When I get a multikill or numerous crucial picks my team doesn't realize it and doesn't push

I also get 3+ solo ults from enemies every game and get 3+ gold medals every game but I just can't win as often as I should be

I can understand being incredibly good at the game, which I'm pretty close to, but the people who are don't get hard focused by the enemy team every game

There's just nothing I can do

My teams are so shitty, as are the enemy ones but they're smart enough to focus me so they win every game

The outcome of every game I'm in is as follows:

1: Enemy team focused me normally - Lose

2: Enemy team focuses me too hard - Win

The outcome of every game shouldn't be in the hands of my teammates because I get hard focused and still get PotG and gold every game

I'm so tired, so tired of getting focused every single game
>has never seen the greatest 30 min film ever
and double jump because the model would more or less be Genji.
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>spent too much time playing projectile classes and now I can't aim for shit with hitscan weapons

you are escorting a movie star

you never paid attention to him talking?

>I am not paying you to act
>Let's get a move on
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gaymen laptop owners, ladies and gents
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Never Forget.jpg
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there are

I can show you or I can explain.

The dude in the limo is just some rich asshole and you were hired to be a body guard basically and escort him. Nothing special you're just a body guard.

there was a piece of fanart floating around here earlier depicting her as such that i thought was cool, but definitely not legit, but with each new clue, i'm starting to wonder
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I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her. I wanna fuck her.

Projectiles usually have more lenient hitboxes, so you can't actually aim with them either.
I love this.
I want more Mariachi lines.
Help i got my stuck in a tracer belly button
what is it exactly you want to accomplish? I'll listen to your sales pitch.
well if this >>152408671 is legit (and it seems that it is) Sombra is probably a squishy human, not omnic master race
And there's the feeling of holding off a chokepoint on defense, finally getting killed and watching the point get captured as you run back, hoping that someone will hold them off, but won't.
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selecao has the better colors and soccer ball pattern on the gun. you're a dirty br either way tho
An omnic director actually.
>tfw no gf that has a drive to cut flesh
>can't tell her to only cut my flesh
the suffering is to hard why even live?

someone please kill me already
Nah, that's stupid "headcanon" bullshit

Amelie the personality is dead but the love she held for Gerard couldn't be wiped entirely, just warped. It's why she speaks of him fondly.
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>yell "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW" after a really stupid death
>open mic was on
>team lights up and starts bullying me
Holy shit no
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> Maybe remove 10-20% of your ult charge on death.
That is retarded for characters like dva, who already take forever, and are meant to sometimes do a suicide run into the enemy team to break their line
Is that you DSP?
Is there anything more fun than playing Zenyatta against dumb opponents?
I'm a poor boy
>Still no American McCree

I'm not gonna make it boys
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>tfw getting an orb headshot on one of the stupid new Hanzo mains
I wanna bully you

Those lines are missing in Japanese, so I didn't know about them for months.
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>open mic for public game channels
Would not recommend.
How do you find people to play with? Do you just add randoms from your matches? I want the 20% exp bonus but i have no friends.
How long left to get tracer skin?
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being able to predict and lead shots accurately is more difficult and more satisfying than flicking and headshooting
Sup, DSP?
How do you bring up the interface in game that allows you to interact with team mate portraits liek to block/mute/report them? I can't do it in the middle of a game when its in first-person since its trying to look around and I don't have my cursor.

Just had some prick that wouldn't stop screaming like a 12 year old on helium in the mic and I couldn't mute him so just had to mute all voice chat in options, but I want to know how to just mute one shitter from now on. Please send help
>Start at lvl 126 for the event
>168 now
>Haven't received duplicate event skins

Maybe it only happens to the good goys?
ign so i can bully you too
> Have a blast playing Ana.
> Solo queuing is a fucking nightmare if I pick her.

Ana is the most fun hero, but FUCK trying to support your SHIT team that picks 4 flankers and a D.Va just because they "have a support"
Why does it hurt mei bros?
All the Thicc mei art has finally died, there is no more new good thicc art

What is the point of life
Have faith, you can do it.

Got mine today to finish my collection of the ones I want. (Only missing Zarya and Torb)

I only got one of the Tracer ones but I only wanted the one I got.
I did the same thing except i was impersonating voices and then i noticed text chat...
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Then what is D. Va's niche despite last-minute defense? I use her to pressure the enemy while covering other tanks/flankers/supports with my DM, but is that it?
"From the shadows"
>Ana is the most fun hero
agreed putting some shitter reaper or genji to sleep is the best feeling in the game.
>The site of one of the most famous battles during the Omnic Crisis, it was here that the leader of the Crusaders, Balderich von Adler, and a handful of his best soldiers made a last stand against an advancing automaton army. Outnumbered and outgunned, they were ultimately slain during the resulting combat. However, thanks to their valiant efforts, the German military was able to push back the omnic offensive and win the fight.

That's pretty fucking dark.
>on a 10 game loosing streak in quickplay
Jesus fuck, I hate solo qeueing.

I need comp back
How, if at all, would you change Widow to make her not useless but also not broken?

All of these things are among the most basic necessities of civilization, yet these same things are what are most sorely lacking in our world. Men, women, and children living in the mud and squalor like animals, acting like savages in lawless wastelands of danger and chaos. The unwashed masses continue living and dying in vain, their horrid conditions killing their latent potential. It was this way before the Omnic Crisis, it is this way after the Omnic Crisis, and it will forever be this way unless someone stops it.

But nobody is willing to stop it. The UN does not want to stop it. The nations of the world do not want to stop it. Even Overwatch never cared about stopping it. The ONE and ONLY organization on this planet Earth that cares about elevating the common man is Vishkar Corporation.

Tragically, not everyone shares our vision. Governments, corporations, private citizens, even the very poor that we seek to save, oppose us. Crying out about "freedom of self-determination" or "property rights," our enemies are many, and they are determined and well-funded. However, the elevation of civilization itself is too great a prize to surrender. We need soldiers as much as we need engineers and doctors, and Vishkar respects all equally.

Vishkar is committed to do whatever it takes to ensure a perfect future. The only question here is: are you?
I just want to know if the Balderich skin will have variants
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The best skin.png
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Based new Reinhardt skin.

This and golden morningstar are going to be great
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What games would D.Va play now that Starcraft is dead?

snipers are inherently either totally OP or totally useless.
Reduced hook cooldown
Take away the thing where she needs to stay scoped to do max damage
Make headshots only 1.5x the damage.
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> Enemy Ana ults.
> Put ulted player to sleep.
> Feel like a fucking god.
> Inbred cuntstick wakes them up
I feel the need to get good on reinhardt
Her attack is fine, I think. You can pretty much dominate squishy characters. Maybe I'd remove the anti-quickscoping thing.

I'd also make the venom thing have other qualities aside from tickling enemies. I dunno, gives movement or attack penalties. Also reduced hook cooldown.
blog post of the year
>Just read the Symmetra comic
>They don't care about collateral damage as long as it furthers their goals

Yeah, no.
It's real, I've heard it before
He was my comp main. I was going to give him a golden axe but I was only three wins away.

Now I have it in PTR but since Blizzard is going to take it away from me it feels fake.
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Not gonna lie, gave me chills.
Which Overwatch is best for bullying?
>play Ana
>Boost someone with an Ult
>they dont do anything and go eun behind something

Is it just me or does hanzo only whisper his ult sometimes? especially with the okami skin.
for bullying, or for getting bullied by?
Change her to support
Remove ability to headshot
Give better skills to make her support
Move Hanzo to support with the rest of the snipers
Remove his ability to headshot as well
Give him new supportive skills

Enjoy the game
the Vishkar Corporation takes into account all of the lives that will benefit in future generations from actions that may result in collateral damage in the present, when weighing the relative damage that such actions may incur.

It's only logical, when forging a perfect world for the rest of all time.
they're patching that line out because of that, actually
it is

Notice the blue explosion after the attackers win on the victory screen. That's the bomb going off.

>rein.minding my own business, fairly far back from the front line, hoping to get some heals.
>All of a sudden ana ults me and i have to try and go chase down some lucio to make it worthwhile

The Z key people. its right there. give me a little forewarning
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it seems like blueberries have high sodium
Buff Mine to make it more than a glorified car alarm

100 damage, slows them to 75% of their normal movement speed, and give Widow two of them (but don't have them stack damage/slow effect). Maybe give hook less cooldown as well
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Wait, so the successor, is that going to be the Doomfist we get to play as?

>boost a reinhardt with 4 enemy heroes in front of him
>know he has ult
>he just hovers around with his shield up

Just swing the fucking hammer and enjoy your free PotG you fucking moron
D.Va is both best for bullying and being bullied by, depending on your taste.
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man people are getting lazy desu
... so you like omnics? Or you hate them?
why do people always draw Reaper getting bullied?
> Nobody has ult but we have a soldier in a good place.
> Ult him, he gets maybe one kill he wouldn't have otherwise + gets the payload pushed a bit.
> "bad ult ana"

It gets me because Ana's ult charges at the speed of fucking sound.
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Bullying, friendo.

Devil Mercy is the perfect hero to be bullied by, no contests.
>100 damage, slows them to 75% of their normal movement speed, and give Widow two of them

That would fuck Genji's and Tracer's shit up, though, and they're supposed to be her counters.
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>tfw people make fun of my accent when I use voice chat
it makes me so fucking self-aware and then I get upset and my accent thickens even further
ana was the best mommy
>play ana
>notify team that my ult is ready
>reaper has his too
>teleports into the enemy team
>ult him
>team kill

I wish stuff like this would happen more often.
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cuckstar my man, what brings you here
Omnics that share Vishkar's vision are welcome in Vishkar's perfect world.

Omnics that do not, and Omnics that succumb to rouge God AI control, are not welcome. They are dealt with accordingly.
so explain this to me.

Why the fuck did they just leave a warheros dead rotting body sitting there? How long has he been dead? It probably smells and is decomposing and shit. I feel like a proper burial and ceremony would have been had.
what accent you got anon
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Where are you from?
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I'm tired, /owg/. I've been cucked into tank or support every single game, I'm tired of babysitting shitters that run around away from the point/payload expecting me to protect them.
I want to play anything else, I want to practice and get better but even if I instalock a different class, that means we're going without a healer or a tank all because I want a break and people are too stubborn to change away from their "main".
Tell me when season 2 starts so I can have fun again.
Like all blizzard games I've been here since beta

To let the omnic trash know that Alder will never leave his castle
To be fair, they flash red, and flankers all have good weapons to get rid of it from a distance. Besides, Genji can deflect a Widow near the triggered mine and Tracer can just Recall away the poison. Widow would still lose most of the engagements, but now she would actually have a slight chance
They probably think he would've wanted to die on that throne and left him there out of respect. Or something like that.
remove snipers. Snipers ruin games.
Is Mercy a viable healer yet?
How do you know if you're playing a shit tank? What numbers are bad for you? Are there any other indicators?
nope, and even after the nerf zen is still better

I'll bite. what's wrong with her?
anyone who was actually good wouldn't write down any bullshit like this
I fucking love playing tanks, I'm not sure what your problem is. Big dick class for grown ups.
win/loss matters more than anything

There are no certain numbers you need to hit if you are winning

What I have noticed though is having a lot of damage block tends to lead to wins.
Press p
I just cant imagine anything like that happened

>"mam your husband died valiantly in battle defending his troops"
>"... yeah we left the body there. Thought that would be cool with you. Sorry."
Is watching highlights just bugged for everyone or just me?
None of the expressions load properly

I thought it was just for Junkrat but it's happening for everyone now that I look
She's only good for her Ult.
Her single target auto healing is second only to Ana but she has the worst kit out of all the supports.
Press P and you you can mute him
Anon, are you retarded?
Competitive is where you're obligated to pick whatever the team is lacking.
Quick Play is literally the only place where if some other retard picked Genji you can still pick Genji yourself.
Maybe you should get checked.
which of you two is right?
German. Doesn't help that when I'm constantly reminded of it whenever there's a Rein spamming his voice lines.
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Predictions for season 2 meta?

>76 and Pharah still not picked>
>McCree every game
>Genji/Tracer/Reaper/Hanzo as 2nd damage dealer depending on comp
>Junkrat sees some rare play to counter zen

>Bastion torb mei widow continue to not get picked

>Winston + Streetpig are stronger due to discord nerf, all 5 tanks are great once again what a surprise

>Mercy still not picked
>Lucio + zen still in every game, Ana might get picked, maybe, probably not
>Symmetra continues to not get picked

So realistically, same meta, but less genji, more hanzo.

>Blizzard still hasn't made Defense heroes playable

It's been months, what the fuck, Blizz
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Just play what you want man
Having no tank and no healer is how shitters learn how important they are to the game

Dont die. Stay on the point. medals are nice bonus's but they arent really indicative of whether you're playing your role or not.
PTR Mercy is good. The ultimate is up more often and 60hps healing is awesome.
She can't do anything but heal a single target OR give a single target a damage boost, while lucio can heal everyone or speed up everyone, and Zenyatta can heal AND weaken an enemy AND attack. Ana has an aoe heal/debuff, can be used offensively, and her sleep dart has utility. The only thing Mercy really has is her ult, and even that's kinda close to Lucio's in Zenyattas, except those prevent your team from being wiped in the first place.
Mighty Deustche accent is on par with us britbongs, you're fine anon.
>more hanzo

Pls no. I'm not ready for tree-sized arrow spam.
4 tank/2 healer
Maybe 3 tank, reaper, 2 healer

Honestly Tanks are all super strong, theres literally no reason not to have at least 3.
>The ultimate is up more often
but they didnt change the charge rate on her ult

>not pairing junkrat with roadhog

clinically retarded

I guess yeah, but she's hardly useless. I'd take a good mercy over a good lucio in most circumstances.
Give her two. That way she can keep one on her flank and fire the other onto the chokes she's scoped on to help secure kills
Idk how anyone can still hate omnics after watching that Bastion video. Shit was cute as fuck.
You heal faster and get points faster, dummy.
What is she raging about?
Roadhog hates junkrat, your pairing makes no sense

If you were a true knight you'd understand
Tanks do too much damage. They need to be tanks, not "beefier Offense heroes."

Ooh ooh, ooh ooh, yeah~

Fuck I feel old
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we can play together, I'll be reinhardt, protect you, spam his voicelines and make a little fun of your accent. :3c

The Omnics came AFTER the crisis, holy fuck. They gained sentience in the shut down crisis factories.

Wont happen. McCree + Hanzo + Reaper would tear such a comp apart.
Main meta will be:

The last spot could be a tossup, I would expect either a Reaper or Tracer and a Winston on KOTH but on Payload and Capture maybe we could see a third support or a third tank?
Those being either Ana or Roadhog/D.va.

Defense heroes and Symmetra stay shit teir.
Hanzo and Genji sometimes.
S76, Pharah, and Mercy stay shit.
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i love you guys it's just so much fun giving literal retards like you a "one shot, one kill" headshot and then crying in all chat "how many luckshots can this widow have???????"
No fuck off
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>play trashmouse on defense
>enemy tracer is shit and I keep wrecking his ass
>eventually he builds up ult somehow and fails to kill me even with that
>mfw I see him switch to rubbishrodent
>mfw I still ruin his asshole
Let the salt flow.

> The Omnic Crisis was a rebellion by the omnics against their human creators,[1] over thirty years before the present day.[2] It has since been referred to as "one of the greatest threats to the survival of our species since the Cold War of the 20th century."[3]

you're just wrong bud.
Jesus christ
it was a joke m8, don't be rude. ;_;
>most objective time
>1:30 seconds
>average objective time
>9 seconds

lol.. I know that's how snipers work but it still seems hilarious
Hopefully still the same, just to shut these genji shitters up and learn to git gud
If Omnics came after the crisis, then why is it called the Omnic Crisis? An Omnic is any robot made by the omniums, which includes whatever model Bastion is.
sorry for not knowing a lot about the lore. I thought omnic was another word for robot. You have taught me something. Thank you.

if that's the case then omnics literally did nothing wrong. It's like blaming humans for something chimpanzees did. They're 2 different things at this point.
>play Trashmouse
>deal 30+% of team's damage EVERY time

Cum on step it up.
What do I do with friends who are shit at this game? They spend all night trying to 1v6 the enemy team and we never get a single win.
"T'was merely a ruse!"
Hanzo will be plenty playable.

Though I'm gauging that on Seagull and despite being on the opposite spectrum of a pubstomper he's still the same thing in essence.
v-ve haff to take ze point komrades

reapa p-pls svitch to somezzing uzeful
Dont play with them.
You'll get lonely though.
It was. I don't want to play with people on here and besides.. I'm german too. :^)
the everyday thinking omnics that you see in the present day, like Zenyatta, etc. did not exist during the omnic crisis. It was just mindless, unthinking slave bots like Bastion being controlled by God AI.

The properly sentient Omnics came later, after the crisis was already done.
snipers ruin games.
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To be honest senpai, it'll be.

>Zarya/Winston/D. Va
>no lucio
>no speed boost
did you see the video? It was adorable.

Mercy still isnt good though
+10 hps on heal isnt enough to justify picking her suddenly
>Just had a game where a junkrat talked shit about me being dps and not having gold damage
>Got gold elims and obj kills

Can you trashes please fuck off if you can't convert your damages to kills? All you're doing is feeding the enemy support ult charges
Omnics are literally just robots made by a specific company. It basically means robot, much like in the real world, a lot of people call anybody who is black "African-American".
But they were still omnics, because any robot made via omnium factory is an omnic.
>a bajillion bastion units take on one castle
>barely win
>get btfo later by superior human intellect
>one bot failed to get genocided
Doubt it
>Roadhog has a gas mask
>Is not immune to Widowmaker's traps
so it's like neanderthals and homo sapiens then. Yeah that makes the whole hating omnics thing really stupid now. They're not the same thing at all if you're right.
Hahaha. You are the dumbest cunt, mate.

Yeah, let's not deal damage to not charge shitty support ults.
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Adorable how the robots slaughtered those soldiers?

It's time to stop posting, Zenyatta
Dva is a very direct counter to that fag. Nothing more satisfying than raising my APM on a reaper while he ults
i saw the the omnic menace killing humans
that's semantics. you cannot blame the Zenyatta-bots for the actions of the Bastion-bots because the Zenbots didn't even exist when the Bastions were fucking shit up, they literally did nothing wrong until they were provoked into rebellion by human race agitators
A lot of toxic shit easily goes through skin.
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Uh, Anon I think you might have some sort of issue when it comes to reading because it clearly says, above that same line you quoted

She'll be a rare pick but there probably be a small percentage of usage (around Winston's).
She's very powerful in coordinated teams.
I want OJWs to leave
*provoked into rebellion during the 2nd crisis
>There could be an omnic standing behind you RIGHT NOW and you wouldn't notice
Yeah, let's deal damage and not kill them.
come on man that bird and bastion was cute. Him discovering nature and everything. My favorite short they released so far.
what if you were an omnic and didnt even know it
nice try, but Sombra isn't even release yet and I doubt that she has a permanent cloak
you were off to the side with both shots, not his fault your eyes and reflexes are shit
Like he said though, since ultimate charge is based on how much healing/damage you're doing increasing her heal also increases her ulti charge which is pretty good.

Keep in mind, that the only reason she's not played more is because Zenyatta got buffed and her ult charge got nerfed.
How is that on Junkrat? If enemies are constantly low and can't make a step without getting in traps, whose fault is that the kills are not made?
not that part. The part with him and the bird and him walking through the forest looking around discovering the beauty of the world.
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>played a round where all I did was use Mercy's gun
>got gold eliminations on and off objective
>people still think gold elims means anything besides "I managed to land a single stray bullet in the last 3 seconds."
Did the PTR rank reset for everyone or just for me?? I had to do all placement matches again
like I said it sounds to me like Neanderthals and homo sapiens. Same ancestry but different species. I think those are the terms. Been a while since highschool biology.

>Gauging things on Seagull

lmaoing @ ur life

Hanzo might be made better. Comp viable? Probably not. And even if he is, great, that's what, 1/6th of Defense heroes?
call me when she can deal damage and debuff/speedboost simulateously, and maybe we'll talk about her being viable relative to Zen/Lucio/Ana
It reset for everyone. They acknowledged that placements were completely unbalanced so they reworked the MM algorithm and reset rating.
YES I got the fridge reaper voice line and belly button Tracer which is a skin for a hero I don't play.
What do golds actually mean?

I've only had the game a couple days.
>Enter PTR
>Realize all my placement matches are gone when I had like 6 victories and 2 matches left
>Try to play comp
>Get paired with two former rank 30 when I was 60
>Give up and close game
Holy shit, how can people be this fucking bad at the game?
There was an error that needed to be fixed and to ensure it was, they had to wipe progress and make a new snapshot
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Talking about that
The first day of PTR I won six matches, lost 4 and got the top one
Today I lost 6 and won 4 and got the bottom one

How the fuck????
Highest score in that category on your team
Shit. Why would she bend over like that?
Close-minded fuck
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I circled the reason why

Zenyatta moved in to replace her when she became shit

She's still shit, whether its 50 hps or 60 hps because she's just a walking ult with a slow charging ult

And even then, is rez that much better than trascendance?

For Rez to work properly, firstly its 5v6 because mercy doesnt contribute shit in terms of damage (as opposed to zen's massive contribution with discord and his own left clicks)

Second, your team has to die and lose the fight first, then you fly in and force them to fight again, after the enemy has had a chance to heal and reposition

Why not just win the fight outright with lucio/zenyatta ult?
That single voice line is 100% cooler and more intimidating then pretty much everything else about Reaper.

Why didn't they just write reaper as a spooky mexican terrorist and have all of his lines be like that?

Would have been cool if he had all his lines done in a spanish accent

They're probably saving that for someone like Sombra though, someone full mexican
The deal with Mercy's ult is that you need your own Mercy ult to counter it. It's the only reason why everyone had to run Mercy.
Ooh ok, thanks anon.

Mercy should not be part of the meta. She is boring. Zenyatta and Lucio are fun. Keep fun heroes in the meta and keep boring heroes out
>Every dps is a flanker
Assuming you're playing junkrat on defense, all they had to do is chill and push with trans/boost+SB. Again, if you're so proud of your gold damage but not getting any kills, don't even think about bragging about it.
>holding M1 and moving slightly to the left and to the right is more fun than zipping around and healing like a motherfucker

Shooting people is generally more fun than not shooting people.
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>sitting still in the back of everybody and waiting to press Q and then die is more fun than landing well-timed shots on people while healing and eliminating them one by one with your orb

It really is nice that they made the most fun healer comp viable
I play support primarily and mid-range DPS secondarily so my tanking winrate is low, but it's hard to tell how much of that comes from legitimate shit play and how much comes from my MMR assuming I can tank as well as I can support.
>I don't know how to play a good mercy: the post
>Calling zenyatta a healer when he's just a dps with a healing ult
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That's all Mercy players do though.

I always see their beams poking out from corners and other unviewable areas acting like they're clever, then when the time comes they fly in and ult. Mercy is only useful for her Q.

I think you're just upset that she was replaced
>Character select screen thinks Ana is a sniper

With that logic, 76 is a healer
best thing about the video was the multi reinhardts
I'm ready to enter the Hanzone.
Now this is fun stacking, when both team agree to do it
Then they're also bad Mercys. A good mercy can zip around the battlefield so much they're everywhere and nowhere at the same time, while managing the whole team's health

She's getting a buff while both Zen and Lucio are getting nerfed, so I would be more careful about who you think's replacing who
Read your own post, but detach yourself from it and pretend it was written by someone you don't know. How does it come across? As someone who's really good at the game? Or as someone who is very egocentric and unwilling to examine themselves critically or take any responsibility for losses?
Both buffs were minor. Lucio still remains the kingpin main healer and Zenyatta is still very useful, especially since his own damage was buffed and thus is not impacted by his own nerf.
Meant nerfs.
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When both teams agree to play with one hand?
mines now reveal all afected enemies, last two minutes and have a longer cooldown (around 20 secs), as such there's no hard cap on mines.

the charge up damage mechanic from her scope is now just a mechanic of her gun (charging up consumes more ammo), thus you can full auto in scope mode
Reminder that having gold medals on your team does not mean you are better than your rank. Having 7 elims in a match is bad no matter how many of your teammates did worse

Reminder that being king shitter doesnt make you better than the shitters
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