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/hbg/ - Homebrew & Hacking General

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"Dead Scene" Edition

Previous Thread: >>151928847

/hbg/ Wiki: http://homebrew-general.wikia.com

3DS: 9.2 (Downgrade: 10.7 - Homebrew: Browser/Menuhax up to 11.0)
Wii U: 5.5.1
Vita: 3.60 (Userland)
PS4: 1.76 (Kernel)

3DS: http://pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
Downgrade + a9lh: https://github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki
Wii U: http://pastebin.com/8u0WAyJC
Vita: http://pastebin.com/4QBkYbFD

-11.0 Browserhax & Menuhax are out now! https://smealum.github.io/3ds/
-Install Menuhax ASAP if you're not already on CFW, because Nintendo can block Browserhax remotely without a workaround. https://twitter.com/smealum/status/758450605568372736
-You STILL can't downgrade, use CFW or install .cia files from 11.0 without a hardmod or hacked system transfer. https://github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki/DSiWare-Downgrade

>Wii U
-Kernel exploit for 5.5.1 leaked, allowing Loadiine to run and more.
-Development on IOSU allegedly underway https://i.imgur.com/6f4Ktlh.png
-Enter under DNS Settings to block updates.

-New Vita update released. It patches HENkaku.
-Homebrew available now on firmware 3.60. https://henkaku.xyz
-Yifan Lu denies H's work on reverse-engineering HENkaku as actual progress.

-HENkaku ported to PS4 firmware 3.55 https://github.com/Fire30/PS4-3.55-Code-Execution-PoC
>it doesn't actually format the SD to something that can be opened by windows
>have to slowly reformat


posting this since I'll come back later to finish reading
>"Dead Scene" Edition
Man I hate low quality shitposting.
far enough to where you can install gba cias
The Vita scene isn't really alive. HENkaku lived up things for 2 weeks, and it was really exciting and then Yifan Lu spat on our faces.

The realization the "exciting scene revival" was just half-baked Rejuvenate ports of half-baked emulators isn't exactly a sign of life.
I have the preinstalled MH4U on the n3ds, should I make a NNID before attempting the CFW? Am I able to redownload the game though the eshop without one? Although to use the eshop I need to update the system (currently on 9.2).
What about moonlight on vita? It's pretty much the only reason I didn't update my vita today.
It's still an alpha build, but if someone takes the source code and keeps improving on it then we have an awesome equivalent to the Wii U's "GamePad" for PC gaming.
just backup the save you can just download the game for free when you're done
Have you ever used moonlight or a WiiU's game pad. Because your statement was beyond retarded.

It's more like remote play but to your pc instead of you ps4.
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Reminder that groups of people actively seek out, report, and generally undermine any and all attempts to bring homebrew to the vita, with me being one of them
Does it also work with emulators?


How do I use luma pathchanger to keep Bootanim9 but being able to play Smash/MH4U

Do I drag the arm9loaderhax_si.bin or the ar9payload.bin from the anim folder to the program?

And how will it work, do I need to press a button when loading those games or what

Please help
Wii U's gamepad off-TV play is pretty much the same as Remote Play, you're playing a console (or PC in Moonlight's case) on a another device that's serving as a dummy unit.

It streams from your PC to your Vita. Literally everything on your PC works with it. It's inputs count as XBox 360 control inputs, too.
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>tfw I bought a 3.60 vita this weekend thinking "the scene will blow up for sure"
I can't believe I actually fucked something up at part 1 of the guide, but here we go...

I followed all of the steps, but when I get to "Use the Start button to reboot" it reboots me right back into the homebrew launcher. What did I do wrong?

The only things I can think of are that I somehow fucked up the launch input or some files are incorrect.

As has been stated last thread:

Vita isn't dead. It WILL be cracked, it will only take longer than we thought because Yifan is a cockgobbling faggot that wants attention.

Your own fault for falling for the meme
All we can do is believe people will continue to try reverse-engineer HENkaku and not being turned off by Yifan's douchebag responses/goalpost--moving from today.

... Or someone to break inside Yifan's house and steal his PC to leak the HENkaku source code.
It works with anything you can get the launcher to launch. So far I have only tried visual novels.

Yea, don't worry someone will soon. I've had moonlight on my phone for a while and it's VERY good, even good enough for remote playing, remote as in not on the same lan.

Pretty sure you can't play games remotely over the internet with the wiiu tablet.
>from today

Where is this dismissive comment? Couldn't find shit on twitter or his site.
Is this said solely out of wounded pride? Because it'd be hilarious if it remains uncracked for years after this
>over the internet
Got me there buddy. Unless playing MH3U online while on the bathroom counts somehow.
I'm trying to install HENkaku Android in case yifanlu goes full on drama and takes the website down but I can't seem to do it.

keep getting 'this app isn't compatible with your phone'. it's probably simple but I'm a retard when it comes to phones.
It's on the go-back.
> Yifan's douchebag responses/goalpost--moving from today.

What do you mean by that? I thought he was always anti piracy.
On Leddit.


>inb4 "You have to go back"
Another anon posted it in the previous thread, not his fault Yifan posts on that place.

>wounded pride

wut? I'm just stating facts based off literally every console ever released. No console hasn't been cracked if it's even remotely popular.

I mean, are you trying to say that the Vita will NEVER be cracked? You're delusional, m8.
You have to go back.
Remote play on the vita is really good if you have decent internet. I play from work a lot, it's just too bad I only have 5 ps4 games, but connecting to my pc changes the ball game.
>goalpost--moving from today.
But listing function calls without showing any explanation of what's actually going on is not reverse-engineering, he never moved the goalpost.

On reddit he simply said that the progress towards REing Henkaku is really slow and that at the current pace he expects it to take at least a year to be fully RE'd.
He promised to release the source code as people/anyone began reverse-engineer it.

As H began to go far really fast, he backpedaled today that his work doesn't count, it has to be PERFECTLY elaborated on. A hack on a console known for tight security that took years to happen, Yifan first said he expected that to take a few months, now back-pedaled to years. It's obvious he just wants fame and doesn't care about the actual Vita scene.
>On reddit he simply said that the progress towards REing Henkaku is really slow and that at the current pace he expects it to take at least a year to be fully RE'd.

The hero that vita deserves, but not the hero that it needs right now. Piracy might actually help the vita.

The douchebag responses being referred to are

>Lol it's going to take years at this rate ;)
>You realize if it takes years the scene will be dead by then, right?
>"Well then we should plan the funeral."

That's just straight up faggotry. He'll let the scene die so he can suck as much attention as possible out of the situation.
>At this point I would be very surprised if anyone 1) figures out step 2 by next month. And I mean figure out not just list function calls made. Answer why we make those calls. And 2) figures out the next step by next year.

and its not like yifan lu ever moved goal posts, dont know why peps though it would get cracked so soon. that is pretty much what was requested in the koth challenge

>The idea is as follows: we (molecule) are currently the kings of the hill. You (challenger) can claim the throne by reversing our hack (HENkaku) and explaining it.
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I did this for US game and US DLC on EU 3DS

"USA EN" in the .txt file and it failed to recognise the DLC, it worked when I had NTR months ago

Did I do it wrong?
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Not him, but it IS a fact he's doing this wild goose chase of a challenge out of wounded pride since back in 2012-ish when he asked help to make HENkaku nobody answered the call, people preffered to focus on the 3DS, Android and iOS

Those posts weren't referring to Yifan, anon.
In short, he revived the scene just to kill it again.
This is why kids shouldn't be important figures in anything.
Butt hurt pirates, just like the anti denovu fags.
theyve waited 4 years, they can wa8t another six months or a year before we see something.

in the meantime the vita is currently the most comfortable to use emulation portable and seems to be constantly improving
There's already a plenty of other portable emulation alternatives that perform leagues better.
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In the guide there's the following:
>Copy and merge the 3ds folder from the PlaiSysUpdater zip to root of your SD card

>Copy and merge the 3ds folder from the EmuNAND9 zip to root of your SD card

is it JUST the 3ds folder? Since inside the zip file there are more files outside the 3ds folder.
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wew lad
Not many of them can play vita games or remote play to a ps4.
You don't need to do that, just get the mail app exploit.
none that are more comfortable. my phone can do it all, but it is a much better experience on the vita
You have to go back.
Go back
back to the shack
But you can't keep playing unless you update.

But if you update you loose HENkaku. See the issue here?


Point taken, the D-Pad on the Vita is top-tier.
Yakkity yak.
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What did he mean by this?
>But you can't keep playing unless you update.

But I am playing vita games on my vita with henkaku? What the fuck are you talking about?
>But you can't keep playing unless you update.
What did he mean by this?
>le assblasted h.a.l.f.channer meme
he likes to tweet random philosophical so7nding shit?
He's gonna start a religion devoted to furry sex and attention whoring.
Remote Play, unless you avoid updating your PS4 as well.

I dont know, that he'll kill the HENkaku site maybe?
I'm one of the biggest piratefags and I don't even care this much that we haven't gotten piracy not even 3 weeks after Henkaku was released. The sense of entitlement out of the posts in this thread just reeks of butthurt 3ds babies.
He means he has never owned a vita and is pulling shit out of his ass because he is a butthurt pirate. Moonlight on vita is going to be god. GBA and sprite games are amazing on the oled.
Fucking kids thinking they're deep
You mean re-Vita-lize?
I meant the remote play >>152012479

Nah, 3DS babies wanted to purge out all Vita content, remember the one time 2 weeks ago when all Vita content was removed from the OP for an entire thread?

Holy shit how old is this guy? Thirteen?
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>Moonlight on vita is going to be god.
>I Have an AMD card
>Have to own an nVidia GPU to use it

Fuck everything
>this thread just reeks of butthurt 3ds babies.

You just realized that? I'm sure not even half of the people complaining even own vitas by the looks of their complaints and shit like comparing the vita to a WiiU tablet.

RIP brother
And what better way to purge it than to spread slander and infighting amongst the Vita scene? It awfully reminds me of that >3dstechsupport guy's style of shitposting.

It's alright, us Nvidiafags are left waiting for someone to BUILD THE FUCKING .vpk
>butthurt 3ds babies
We have more 'brew, why would we be butthurt?
this is what we get for wanting piracy...
but you have no games
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>I can play my Steam library from work during coffee breaks with this
We have one thing vitafags don't have:

It's surprisingly stable already. Hope they can keep improving it at this pace.
3ds fags got mad that there memes were taken away after the vita got more games.

>not being an idort already

Both consoles cost around 100 bucks. You'd have to be a literal child or a fanboy to not own both.
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Really now? Neato, I'll give it a go once I find a freaking .vpk
Why own a vita when I have no use for it? None of the games fancy me, that doesn't make me a fanboy.
Itt: butthurt, butthurt everywhere

The guy is a prick but if this was what happened to you youd probably do the same.
Fuck no, I wouldn't be a huge bitch. Progress is worth more than your own hurt feelings.

If you incessantly make "us vs them" type posts about a console you should be ambivalent about, you are a fanboy.
And all you have for the next couple of years is Mario, Pokemon, and Monster Hunter. I own both consoles and my 3ds will be gathering dust in the drawer.

>If I think that the entire world revolves around me, it'll become true!

Just let it die.
I'll remove the Vita links next thread so lets just forget about this fiasco.

Fuck off Yifan
Fuck off vitagen
The timing of the whole koth thing doesn't make any sense.

I want to get bright minds interested in the vita which is btw the mostest secure thing ever, which I know because I dicked around with a 3ds and a kindle before. I'm going to throw down my challenge right in the middle of GCC, lbsctf, defcon, and blackhat. There is no way that those things woud be more compelling to the best and brightest than my challenge.

BTW I'm also holding a track and field competition right now. There is no way that would conflict with anything important.
Unfortunately for you I already called your bluff a hundred years ago. Now fuck off.

The ENTIRE KOTH challenge doesn't make sense once you realize Yifan KNOWS this shit is going to take years. It does make sense once you realize Yifan literally could not give less of a fuck about the Vita scene, though.
The same goes for the person who called 3DS users babies.
You're overgeneralizing the issue in your defense and acting as if your word is the general consensus.

The bogeyman isn't out to get you. Calm down
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Are you the same 3DS fanboy who went on a rampage saying Vita homebrew was cancer and even made a stawpoll?

No, because the post meant "3ds babbies" as in, fuckers whose first console they hacked was a 3DS and don't realize the scene doesn't just accomplish shit within weeks magically.

This was obviously implied, you're just a dumb fanboy who took offense.
Anyone know why the FBI_inject_with_banner.app doesn't show up in decrypt9? i have double checked that i put it in the root of the SD card. Only hs.app shows up
remove hs.app from your sd
And you're just spouting ad hominem because you're angry.
but don't i need that file? after i clicked the bat file and the fbi.cia file disappeared and stuff

guess I can try

Why are all anti-Vita people suddenly 3DS fanboys?
We were mainly 3DS users here anyway. Suddenly spawning up Vita boogiemen and discussion would be stupid when the entire scene is dead in the water again.
I don't want to have to explain a hundred times "Vita can't do shit", so I'm going to either remove it or place an asterisk stating that it's dead again and to not expect anything.
why would you need it when you already used it to inject fbi into it
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But it's not dead. There's still plenty of emulators and shit like moonlight being developed.
>first console they hacked was a 3DS

I wouldn't even go that far. 3DS homebrew scene during 10.3 was my first scene as well. I was more referring to the retards who come in and ask to be spoonfeed how to hack their 3DS to pirate free gaems without googling anything and kick up a fit when no one answers them. But yeah, that guy is kind of a retard for overly assuming things.


That word doesn't mean what you think it means. My argument did not hinge on the fact that you are a retard, I just mentioned you're a retard during my argument. I'm not angry, just bored and waiting for that FUCKING MOONLIGHT .vpk TO BE BUILT

Not having online is gonna kill it for me. Likely gonna update when my God Eater arrives
I agree, I should totally not reproduce and should probably cease existence soon.

>not dead
>shit emulators that will probably die off within the month instead of being improved
>only a handful of people can even make use of it

Yup, it's dead.
I'm gonna update my Vita once the 30th hits because that's when a bunch of games I ordered come in. If anything changes since then I'll wait, but hoping for anything to come out of this would be pathetic by this point no matter how you spin it.
Where is the "luma" folder?
The zip only had a 3ds, menyhax, and patchchanger folder.
First console I modded was a ps1 the old fat one this was way before I even knew it was called hacking or homebrew, it was simply modding. I miss those days everything was much simpler then.
>Emulators on active daily development
>"lol doesnt count"


I'm not updating because there is literally no purpose for me to update. I bought the Vita to emulate shit and wait on piracy. The only game I bought for it was a physical copy of Persona 4G.
>equivalent to the Wii U's "GamePad"
You mean like Remote Play that Sony has had since the PS3 and PSP?
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>emulators won't be improved
>moonlight won't continue to be worked on or released as a .vpk
Are you just going to continue pulling shit out of your ass?
this meme again lol
>implying any of that means anything without piracy

any midrange phone can do better, anon.
>Are you just going to continue pulling shit out of your ass?

He's just trying to stir up shit. Of course he is.

Are you retarded or is your reading comprehension on an American level?
I never said it wouldn't be worked on but that only a handful of people will even utilize it due to the nature of the program.

This shit is why homebrew is already dying on the Vita.

>emulating on your phone

Literally shit-tier. Apply yourself.
some people are just that retarded
It's alright anon. Everybody makes mistakes.

Is this the most current BootNTR?
>only a handful of people will even utilize it due to the nature of the program.
Only a handful of people use emulators due to their nature too. You're a fucking retard.
ITT faggots who think their opinions are truth and people should suck their dick because they're never wrong
You mean Yifan?
latest release is not the latest one
>Only a handful of people use emulators due to their nature too.

Anon, I know you're defensive because the Vita scene got BTFO'd but you're retarded if you legitimately think this.
No, people acting like experts about how alive or dead a scene is when they themselves are fucking leeches.

Nobody cares about them.
Streaming shit from your PC appeals to a shitload of people man. Why are you so butthurt this console can do shit now?
Getting back into modded Wii;

As I recall, Wii backups can only be loaded via one of the USB ports at the back of the console, not from SD card.

Is this still the case? If so, is pic related a good option? I want something inconspicuous.
They don't own a Vita and very quickly the N3DS is getting outdone.

It's literally a matter of time.

Which is?
Yeah, only the pirt closer to the edge can read games, and GC need FAT32 so do a partition if you want GameCube games.
dumb question: i can go into homebrew from RedNAND right? i need to backup some saves

But it can't.
This entire time it's just been non-stop screaming over the potential it has and that's it.
>Oh the Vita has homebrew and it can play emus
>They suck now but it'll improve
>Oh the Vita can be cracked leading to piracy within months
>Nevermind, it'll take years but it will most definitely happen maybe!
>Oh the Vita can have PC games streamed to it through moonlight!
>Only if you have the right set-up for it though. Sorry AMD and NVIDIA fags!

It literally can't do shit yet everybody is acting like it's the second coming. It'd be another thing if you all weren't trying so hard to shill the dead thing and only talked about it when something actually popped up, but recently it's only been about the Vita and it's "potential".

Even /v/ is getting sick of your shit and misinformation. It's getting pathetic how desperate you guys are becoming now.
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who here hardmod??

whats up we made it senpai
Cry more, faggot.
latest release

But... it's been 3 weeks, the emulators have been improving, Moonlight's got full capability, (which is for Nvidia, you retard) and work is continuing. This is all within 3 weeks. 21 days.

Stay butthurt, I guess.

dw m8 I'm fixing it in the next thread anyway
Fix yourself by ending your life. <3
Vita's emulators ALREADY outperform 3ds and psp emulators.
>Sorry AMD and NVIDIA fags!
All You need is a recent Nvidia card. And you're the one bitching about misinformation.
Currently I am using USB for Wii, and SD for GC, SNES etc. Sounds like it'll be fine to keep it that way but I will want to get larger capacity sticks.

Has anyone ever got into legal trouble downloading vidya iso's and the like?

These threads will die long before I do, m8. Maybe /r/Vitahacks will be more fitting?
You need to go back, your behavior oozes reddit
Not that I know of... I mean, Emuparadise is still widely available.
You have the power to change that.
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Are you ok?
Dont use torrents
Is WiiFlow better than USB Loader GX?
I heard USB loader is better
Well they're citing /v/ too, so it's to be expected.

Streaming shit to PC without hardmod would be more interesting to me
H has been silent the whole time.... Is he gonna back out, or he'll slap Yiff and Lube with what be believes the payloads do/conjecture on how they work?

Other than that he hasn't made any comments about what Yiff said.
Not sure what you mean. Are you talking about the 3ds?
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apparently NTR can do that on the 3ds
just installed HENkaku locally in case yifanlu decides to be a bitch and take the website offline. I know about the email thing but what if I need to replace my memory card? I'm sure some people haven't installed it yet, too.

it was surprisingly easy. works offline.

Vita, 3ds already can
so I've got A9LH installed and everything's just great.

what happens if I hit Y to update my pirated games?
mustard gas
it updates the game obviously
at 2fps without sound
This. Don't do it.
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is there any way that I can not be prompted to brick my shit every time I boot up a game?
keep your 3ds offline
why would it brick though

More like 20-40 on my n3ds. I get sound over a cable
you're an asshole
and you're a retard have fun though
>googling how to run NTR on 11.0
>every fucking result is pretty much "works for me :)"
read the op
I've read it plenty of times. I'm already on a9lh if you're implying that I'm fucked or something.
Yeah but like, read the op to solve your problem
>install cia
>launch it
not much to it

Install the fork that works on 11.0.

It's both in the pastebin and linked in the thread already
Fucks sake, I've read that numerous times but I didn't see it. Sorry.
>vita suddenly hacked
>lol nevermind no piracy
>denuvo suddenly cracked
>lol nevermind it's nothing
poorfag lyfe
I don't get this
>use 3DNUS to download the stock TWL_FIRM as a CIA, then install it

I downloaded 3DNUS and when I launch 3DNUS Material Edition I get an error
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>The thread takes twenty to thirty minutes to actually hit page ten, doofus.

It's more like 2-3 hours. Hello, by the way! That's right, the old thread still hasn't 404'd.
b-b-b-b-but I want to be special and make the next thread!!!
How do I install SMT4's DLC?
Same as literally any other DLC.
It doesn't work
I think he finally had a melt down.
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>It doesn't work
That's literally one of the least helpful things you could be saying right now.

What exactly are you doing?
What's the region for the DLC?
What's the region for SMT4?
What region is your 3DS?
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Shit this is cool. Lame FPS though.
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Who cares.
Decent threads.
There's your issue. I'm pretty sure you need something like NTR's language emulation to use out-of-region DLCs.

Good enough for streaming, but I'd look at the 3ds screen to play
You can't use foreign DLC without NTR plugins
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So I have to choose between the undub or dlc now? fuck me
Nobody said that, faggot.
I don't have a n3ds. no bully
3.2 ntr.bin runs on O3DS too but you don't really need it cause Luma can emulate out of region DLC too, I think.
>download rhythm heaven megamix from freeshop
>after the 3DS logo the console freezes
>uninstall, download "cryptofixed" version from *that* iso site
>it still freezes after 3ds logo

Anyone know how to fix this? It might be because I'm using a EUR 3DS and Rhythm Heaven is USA only, but I thought that Luma was region free.
Go to the eShop and "repair" your download on the Megamix page. Only fix I can think of
You need to set up a .txt file with the game's title id as the name and with "USA EN" inside and put it in luma/locales or something like that
About to get internet on my 3DS after months of not even bothering with it, how much of a fucking pain is this going to be?
Does JKSM on old 3DS work on N3DS games? I'm too lazy to hack my N3DS right now.
>need alh9 for this
>need ntr for this but kinda works on luma too
Fuck it. I can't run all of them. ALH9 is too much work for someone that's already on rx tools. There's no reason it should take that many steps. Prove me wrong
Luma doesn't need A9LH, you dumbfuck
Also, A9LH is easier for rxTools fags since they already have emuNAND set up, which is about half of the guide already done.
never said that, stop being so rude
stop spamming this, its a multiplayer game anyway, so you wont be able to play it
i want a portable THPS machine

does the vita play THUG2 remix or should i just get a psp?

Was thinking about getting one, getting a clear housing + new LCD and shoving 32gb memory stick in there for portable thps and whatever else
>so you wont be able to play it
you need friends
the vita hacking scene is as dead as the vita
But anon, (you) are my friend.
I followed Phailects guide and i successfully downgraded to 2.1 without errors, but now at start the screen stays black.
I checked his troubleshooting and it says to boot without the sd card, then reinsert but how does that actually help? I still get a problem as soon as i boot with the card inside again.
As dead as your sex life.
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I really with the pretending to be retarded on simple steps meme would end
so just barely hanging in there?
It says to start the 3DS without SD and to then insert the sd card >>while it's still powered on<<

Read the guide more, you haven't done it enough, see >>152024360
it's not on the eu eshop that's the point
It says when the homemenu appears, insert the card, which i do and it even loads a program from it (phaisysupdater) which i cant start though.

So how exactly does that help me now? It doesnt fix the problem.
You have to emulate the US region for it for some reason. Only game that does this, iirc.
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good luck anon you're almost there
can you even play over wifi?
Are you in red/emuNAND?
i can only get into my 2.1 sysnand because for my rednand i would need the 3ds to boot with the sdcard in.
>My 2.1 sysnand

Anon what
Then just do the next fucking step, retard. jesus christ people come here that don't even know how to wipe their own ass
>tfw you brick trying to wipe
>tfw trying to wipe with a brick
Just continue without most of my shit even working?
Sure, why the fuck not
Maybe i should mention that by downgrading to 2.1.0 i mean the one-click-setup from the OTP tool in homebrew.
Know yourself out, kouhai
why can't I play Pokemon black 2 on my r4i gold
Because it's DSi enhanced, if I'm remembering right.
no, it should still work

Does your R4 use WOOD firmware?
I have wood 1.64
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How close are you from your router?
I just made a test too.
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Guys, where are the save files for .cia installed games on the 3ds saved? I tried looking on my SD card but I cannot find it.

For instance, I installed Pokemon X via the freeshop/ciaangel (forgot which one) and I am trying to find the save file.
20-30 feet
That data should be stored in your "Nintendo 3DS" folder in your SD card, encrypted with your 3DS codes, alongside with your installed games.
Remember that CIA files are nothing more than decrypted ROMs and are no longer used after you install them using FBI or whatever.
Yea I was looking in those files but all of them appear to be gibberish; they're just folders and files named with numbers.

I can't find a .sav for the game or is it a different extension and under a different name?
LF> Jerry-tent reaction image
The wiki has something about it, if what you want is to backup your saves.
Nah, just looking to pull the save and put it into a pokemon save editor
Similar thing.
I think I'm just going to use a save manager and see how that goes. Seems easier that way.
5 hours
well yeah no shit. The files are always saved encrypted

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Yea, I didn't know that, sorry senpai. I'm used to playing NDS games where they would be saved as [game name].sav

It works now with the save manager.
do you mean on an emulator?

also ds games save to the cart, not the console
Yes, I'm playing the DS games on a flash cart so they save it on the SD card there.
>want to download my GE save data from the cloud
>have to update Vita
Psvita moonlight without meme Nvidia card ????¿??
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I can't get Kirby Planet Robobot to load on my gateway card

So far I've tried both the USA and the EUR versions. When I try to load it it just gets stuck on the Nintendo:3DS logo

I'm using the 3.7.1 launcher, and my emunand is GW3D 9.0.0-20U

Do I need to update my emunand for it to work or something? Is it safe to update nand through the system update, or do I need to do something else?
How do I copy a DS emulator/flashcard SAV onto an actual cart. Using TWL doesn't work because I don't know what it should be named to apply it.
How do i inject .pk6full? Pkhex only works with .pk6 files
If only remotr could be ported.
I think he's trying to piss people off so that they prove him wrong.
Like a kid whacking a hornets nest with a stick, he's trying to beat some life out of the dormant scene.
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If you have questions, please ask them also in the thread in this link
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What if I like helping people?
Then I must tell you that you are wasting time of your life for basically nothing.

You could as well work in a call center and make a living with helping people, but you chose to do it here, which is pointless.
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>wasting my time
>doing something I enjoy

Uh huh, but if I can take the knowledge I have, and help someone at one part of the guide, see them get through successfully because they were previously confused over the wording and know I helped them had, I feel good.

Why are you so salty about this?
>Why are you so salty about this?
He's on 11.0
Seemingly. That or he's the type who will do a 'favor' for his friends and A9LH their 3DS for a tidy fee.

Knowledge is free and should be shared freely.
The thing is that you are a neet and could make money with doing what you enjoy (tech support), but instead you do it for free on 4chan. Top Cuck.
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>he's the type who will do a 'favor' for his friends and A9LH their 3DS for a tidy fee.
That's true.

And those who find the exploits and engineer the processes we use could also charge for the privilege.

I like helping people. Money isn't everything. That's what a community does, help each other.

Go sit in your thread alone.
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Yeah, I called it.

I've been in the electronic modding scene for over 10 years, i've seen his type plenty.
That'd be okay if you weren't leeching off your parents or your state.
>Knowledge is free
the knowledge is already free, its the labour that costs money.

Having free labour leads to less incentive of doing said thing
I live alone.

I work full time.

I just happen to be a nerd.

Low quality bait.
This whole time I could have shipped my 3DS to you and you would have done it all, free?
why do you keep posting this image?
I like that my mii has gold pants
>see facebook post about somebody wanting their 3DS hacked
>offer to do it, talk with him for a bit
>hack his 3ds, gives me a PS2 and 10+ games in return

PS2 hacking scene is pretty dope right? You can load games from a HDD?
I don't believe you.
Well, proving it would compromise my personal info, so I really don't care what you believe.

loading games from a hdd is only practical with an internal IDE drive
The PS2 homebrew scene can be summarised as a std and harddrives, in that regard it gets the job done.
USB game loading is considered cruel and unusual punishment due to how slow it is.
Since Luma3DS was recently updated, some of options has changed around a bit.
Not all of the options from the guide is present:

Use the A button and the D-Pad to turn on the following:

"Autoboot SysNAND"
"SysNAND is updated" (gone)
"Force A9LH detection" (gone)
"Show current NAND in System Settings"
"Show GBA boot screen in patched AGB_FIRM"

Does the "Use SysNAND FIRM if booting with R (A9LH)" option of the new Luma function the same as the third option above?
ok and?

your mii looks terrible
I don't care what you care about and I still don't believe you. Post proof or stop.
Shit. Backup discs are OK though?
>tfw you work and help others
feels good, fun to chill playing 3DS games and help others achieve the same goal the same way others helped you

yeah, so is loading over a network
I'm guessing it's a slim?
Yeah, my mii /does/ look rather bad.

This so much.
Meanwhile, I still burn the game onto discs
I don't believe you too. Post proof that you work.
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No it's a fat one.

Can I do anything with this one?

Probably best that you install a hard drive if you can.
Buy an IDE HDD, buy the ps2 network adapter, use Free Memory Card Boot, enjoy.
For further clarification with the new option:

Use SysNAND FIRM if booting with R (A9LH):

On: uses the FIRM from SysNAND to boot EmuNAND with R (You can't boot 10.x with 9.x NATIVE_FIRM).

Off: uses the FIRM from EmuNAND to boot SysNAND with R (You can't boot 10.x with 9.x NATIVE_FIRM).

I'll look into it, thanks.
I get worried about hardware modifications. Will this one load from backup discs if I don't go for the hard drive mod?

Thanks mates.
why is it such a surprising thing that somebody works that you need proof though

It's not a mod. There's an official adaptor for connecting a hard drive.

Stick a file on your HDD and you're good to go.

You can also mod it with a memory card containing special files.

Either the HDD or Memory Card mod lets you play games from burned DVDs.
Oh right. Nice, thanks buddy.

Free MC Boot/Free HD Boot is the homebrew loader.
ESR is the way to load burned PS2 DVDs.
OPL loads games from anything else (USB, SMB, HDD)
This >>152032136 .

The PS2 Network Adaptor was released by Sony and only fat PS2 can use it. You don't actually need to change anything hardware wise. Plus if you get an HDD on it there's no reason to play games off discs, since the hard drive will get you WAY BETTER load times.

I updated it anyway and it worked

thanks for the help

I say this sarcastically
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>Spend 7 hours on installing a9lh on N3DS
>Dont even feel the urge to install any .cia games, except for the two I have original carts of

How is this called anyway?

Also, why I did this?

Oh, I remember, in case of Sega being dick as usual and Atlus failing to find anybody to release Etrian Odyssey V in Europe.
Same really, I had two carts. Now im on a9lh i got pokemon X, but i beat it ion 18 hours and stopped playing it
dump the save with TWL replace the output file with your save then inject it back in

Be careful with emulator and flashcard saves, though. They might not be raw saves, some flashcards or emulators use different formats. I know no$gba uses raw saves, but desmume doesn't (although you can export a .sav). Use this https://gbatemp.net/threads/nds-save-converter-v2-6-alpha.306224/ if you're not sure.
it's called part 6 you install a bunch of games you'll never play and then hack another 3ds
If I get a new 3DS, can I still use my old SD card or do I need a new one? What about my NNID?
You beat the elite 4?
You can use the same SD card but you need to system transfer to get your games back. For saves, use jksm.
Because this isn't a normie place.
The n3DS uses micro SDs if that's what you meant.
I was lucky since the SD i used in my o3DS was just a microsd in an adaptor, but i needed to use the system settings system transfer to get the games to show up.
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Anyone used Not64 on their Wii? Is it a waste of space or can it actually run games well?
My current 3DS has a micro SD with an adapter. I was asking about the actual content on the card. My current 3DS is using menuhax, and I just wanted to know if my emunand stuff could actually transfer over. I'm more worried about Pokebank than anything else.
Having a job doesn't make you a normie.
What game? Did you name the game and the DLC according to their right title ID each?
I dont know about going from o3DS to o3DS but going from o3DS to n3DS wont work with emunand since the nand sizes are different.
n3DS's emunand is 1240MB and o3DS is 840 or something, you'd have to reformat the card.
some games do run ok it's still pretty ass though wii64 is worse, use n64 wad injection if a game doesn't work on it
Can I use my current NNID on a different 3DS?
Not on 2 consoles at once
Is it possible to revert back to factory, fresh out the box, settings on a 3DS that has A9LH CFW?

Mate of mine wants to buy my 3DS but is looking for something with factory settings, so he can hack it himself.
Still have the original unmodified sysNAND on my computer.

Thanks in advance guys.
Yes, but the only way i know how is using the built in system transfer which requires you to update to latest firmware.
There might be a homebrew tool that can do it that wasn't around when i needed to do it though, i'm not sure.
yep just restore a backup that never had a9lh with decrypt9 and don't select keep a9lh then you can format it if you want, restore h&s if FBI is still injected
Tell your mate he's an autist and slap the A9LH 3DS on his hand
Just restore from backup with the unmodded sysnand and pull out the sd and that's an unmodded 3ds

Yes it is.
but why does he want to hack it himself?
Whenever somebody ends a post in thanks in advance, I lose all urge to help them because it's such a reddit thing to say
What if I transferred after installing CFW to the n3DS?

If so I can just pick up a second SD card.
You can. These scenarios are good, assuming both are o3DS

Updated emunand -> Emunand
Updated sysnand > Emunand

If you want to keep your NNID then you'll need to unlink it from the source console first. If you system transfer then the NNID is moved over in this process.
That would almost certainly work.
I'd hang around in case someone with more experience with specific task this shows up and contradicts me or knows of an easier way though
I'm not going to buy the new 3DS for a couple of weeks, I was just making sure beforehand.
I should mention that yeah, you can set up CFW on the N3DS and then do emunand > emunand transfer and keep your NNID etc without the extra headache.
Cheers mate.

Messing with consoles is a hobby I think, and he's never done a 3DS before. So think he just wanted to do everything from the beginning, yet he's too cheap to buy a new console.

Yeah that's fair.
Will it work if the NNID is unlinked on the o3DS?
It should, but I don't see a point of a system transfer if you aren't just moving over the NNID.
Are there other methods to moving the NNID over?
You just have it unlinked, then relink it to a new system once you're done.
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>64GB Vita memory cards are still $100+

Okay, I guess I don't want to throw homebrew on this thing.
3DS here.
I'm on 10.6.0-31U, using 3dsbrowserhax_auto.php. When I try to install, I get
>The SaveData.dat filesize is invalid. This may mean you're running menuhax_manager on an unsupported system-version.
>Install failed: 0xfffffffe
wat do?
>unsupported system-version
>hmmm, I wonder what the problem is
You have to update to use menuhax
That sounds like a bad idea. Isn't the current version 11.something, which doesn't work with this hack?
For clarity, I'm trying to set it up for the first time, no homebrew already there. I'm trying to avoid having to buy powersaves + a game as much as possible.

It takes 0 time or skill in XY
11.0 and browser+menuhax were updated to support them weeks ago
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I have CFW on my 3DS, is there a GBA and DS emulator I can run, or should I look for a GBA cart for my regular DS?

Not him, but then why it worked flawlessly on my 10.3 EU?
Disregard that, I didn't see Recent News
Still, though, will it definitely work on an unmodded 3DS?
Don't update
>if it works on 10.3, why doesn't it work on 10.6??
take a guess

yes sir
By which I mean, I don't have access to changing my primary DNS; will the 9.9.0-10.6.0 [WITH BROWSER] steps still work on 11.whatever?

I mean, when you said "update", I was confused, since this suggest that menuhax require newer version, yet it worked on older than his version in my case.

Or you mean old starter?
install gba cias

ds needs flashcart
You only have to do that to block the update pop up for the browser, which won't happen on 11.0 because you're completely updated, you can just launch it like normal from the url

There's a gap in which browserhax doesn't work, it was revitalized for 11.0

use GBA VC injects and a DS flashcart
You wont be able to set up cfw on 11.0
Thanks, too bad I can't dump my gba collection into an emulator, but this will be just as good once it's set up.

I updated. Accessing the website is as finicky as it was before, but here's hoping the browser will eventually stop erroring.
>yifan denies H's work as progress

What? Why tho?
Open the browser, delete the cache, cut the internet, scan the qrcode with your camera and let it open in browser, it won't load because no wifi, home menu and turn the wifi back on

now every time you open browser it will proc browserhax with 100% success rate
Autism is a hell of a drug.
>I updated
Hope you didn't want free games
Same error as before. I'm starting to regret updating.
Which one is autistic? They're both pretty weird.
Post a picture of the error
are you using the most recent starter pack from smealum.github.io/3ds/ ?
The one that's just watching and commenting as people try and work out what he's done.
>tfw lurking because of Henkaku

Can you connect multiplayer gba games?

don't think so.
You think he'll do something when the scene starts to die even more?
No non-3ds camera on me right now.
Full text:
>Setting up ropbin payload...
>Requesting the actual payload URL with HTTPC...
>Downloading the actual payload with HTTPC...
>Writing the menuropbin to SD...
>Copying stage2 to SD...
>Reading stage2...
>Writing stage2...
>Installing sdiconhax...
>Lading SaveData.dat...
>The SaveData.dat filesize is invalid. This may mean you're running menuhax_manager on an unsupported system-version.
>Install failed: 0xfffffffe.
Oh, alright, assuming you're on 11.0
Home menu
options in the top left
Change theme
Change it once to something and save
Launch broswerhax
Install menuhax
That sounds like a reasonably sensible thing to do, but you never know with autism.
I get >>152040026 again. Am I using the wrong SaveData.dat somehow?
delete the /3ds/ folder on your root and replace it with the one from smealum.github.io/3ds/
Then switch your theme in the options
Then try again
If you're on 11.0 and none of that works, I have no idea what you're doing wrong
Should I try skipping ropbin-payload this time, maybe?
I don't see why not, give it a roll
Same thing happened. When you say to switch themes, I've been tapping a different color (Red, Blue, Yellow, etc). That's right, yeah?
Assuming you're actually saving the changes and your homemenu is changing, yeah, it's supposed to create the data
The only other thing I can think of is perhaps delete the extdata for the themes on your sd card, and then change it once to reinitialize, something may have been corrupted or some shit
>I guess its time to try that famous .cia games
>3dsiso.com require registration
>mega3dsroms.blogspot.mx is full of ads and when run on browser with adblocker, menu doesnt load
>links to mega with ads
>once I get pass the ads it says that file no longer exist

How you guys are doing this?

I just want that 7th Dragon on 3DS and Story of Seasons EU, thats all.
what is ropbin ppayload
There wouldn't be any things that aren't safe to delete off the SD, right? I might try just wiping it entirely and starting again.
CIA Angel or freeshop.
Well you'll lose all of your saves and everything, you could just as easily format in the system settings to start fresh
3dschaos needs reg but doesnt have a shit load of links like 3dsiso
You register a throwaway to 3DSiso. It's not some form of rocket science trickery. It doesn't even have be an email you can access, they don't actually ever send you an "activation" email and you browse the site freely.

Alternatively, freeshop. 3DSiso is good for undubs and leaks and that's about it

Doesnt that download the files directly from Nintendo servers? Because that sounds risky.
There's no way to tell who's legit or who's not. Its not risky at all.
Menuhax installed successfully! Wiping the card seemed to do the trick, thanks!
Although I'm not entirely sure where to go from here. Downgrade to 9.2.0?
How come? Why not do it on an unhacked 3ds then?
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What can I do with this thing ? the only thing I know that i can do with that thing is that i can Put Nintendo DS Games in it and that i can plugit into in my pc .

What did it come with?
It looks like a save editor

what are you trying to do?
You can't run CIA Angel or Freeshop from an unmodded 3DS. You need a ticket file in order to resume a download, and you can only get those if you started a download in the first place.
Not entirely sure. Free games would be nice, but people have been saying it's impossible now?

It's probably for dumping saves then, but I seem to remember something like that existing for writing games to an old flashcart.
Check these out as well:


what firmware?
If I would try to install .cia file of game from US region on EUR 3DS with Luma and a9lh, would it work or not?
10.7, since apparently menuhax didn't work on my 10.6.0.
>tfw was seriously worried I'd update immediately to 11
It's still probably bad, but...
Turn your 3DS off, hold Select and while doing so turn it on. Enable region emulation and the answer is yes.

It works then, you want to downgrade to 9.2. Follow plailect's guide.
forgive me father, but dont these 2, freeshop and ciaangle all do the same thing?
Tikshop/tikdevil allow you to download straight from the eshop rather than using a secondary client. Sure, the end result may be the same, but they go about it differently.
I can't find a working cia file for Kenka Bancho 6, anyone?
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I was starting to think that with consoles becoming more internet reliant that they were getting the upper hand over hackers. (Especially after seeing the process of hacking a 3DS compared to a DS flash cart.)

CIAngel restored my faith completely. Showing that we can use the internet to our advantage as well, that it opens up holes on their side too.

webkit exploits are so much easier than savegame exploits.
I have obtained a natural, brand-new 2.1 3DS.
Does it mean that I can skip right to step 5 in the a9lh guide?

There are some extra steps you can take and they're covered in the guide. Read it.
I believe you need Cubic Ninja unless you're on 2.1.0-4, if neither of those you may have to update to 9.2 and do the full guide
any news on the vita?
Do I need to extract all the wuds from a .rar file in order to get the full game on my sd card? (wii U) Because the .rar is 17 something gigs and the file that I made by running only the first wud file thru uwizard made a folder thats like 12 gigs
But if it's on -4, it's alright?

Okay, I'll read the full thing.
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Hey guys, I've had A9LH for a while, but bought a gateway forever ago. How would I go about using the blue card to play NDS games? I tried using the files GW provides but I just got an error message when I tried to boot the card. Do I really have to install the bluecardfix.cia to my system NAND? I thought it should work just like a normal flashcart.

what's the error message?
I'm getting slowdown on Genesis games, why is the Vita so pathetic?
Generic "An error has occurred. Please power off"
>Yifan Lu denies H's work on reverse-engineering HENkaku as actual progress.
yifan is just mad that his obfuscation layer was seen through so easily.
2 days before Yiff and Lube went full douchebag mode, H said he was preparing the explanation on how HENkaku works. Yiff must've panicked.
Especially considering he did this whole challenge meme as a way to boost his chink ego
Compensating for his chink micro dick I guess.
Update: I'm retarded. My Luma3DS was way out of date (so much so that it was actually still AuReiNAND). Updating it fixed it instantly.
>Update: I'm retarded.
Anon, this is years old news.
Which MH should i play between 4U and generation?

I think i will play generation first since multi-player in 4U must be dead now.

Haven't played a MH since freedom 2 and Unite.
>H said he was preparing the explanation on how HENkaku works
4U is better than Gen regardless, so go for the former.
Also, the online isn't really dead.
also its a big game when compared to gen
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He is probably referring to this. Note that that poster is also retarded and blowing things way out of proportions.
I have a fat PS2 up in the loft in bits that I killed the laser on.
You reckon it would still load games up with a internal HDD mod and Freemcboot?

Maybe I'll just get another fat PS2. Any particular model to avoid? I think I remember hearing some versions of the fatty were dodgy.

A broken laser shouldn't affect loading from a HDD at all, so long as the console still boots.
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do what it says, holy shit
but i dont have firmware.bin
>blowing things way out of proportions.
>Prepare a funeral
Wew lad
lol, you should.

Guess its soft bricked for now then
Ah thanks man.
From what I remember it still booted fine but the laser died completely because I tweaked it too much.

The only thing is now, I have absolutely no idea whatsoever where it is up in the loft.

I got a 80gb original Xbox modded too, and my WiiU can play GC and Wii backups (as well as Wii U backups).

Just feels weird I don't have a fully hacked PS2 ready. (I think I may have an old hacked memory card though. I used to use action replay and put homebrew on it. Fuck if I know where my AR Tin with the disc in is though)
I have a 2DS with RXTools.

I'm thinking about upgrading to a New 3DS next week when the price drops to $150.

How would I go about getting CFW on the new console?
i found a firmware.bin on the sd card somewhere but putting it in the luma folder does nothing
nvm its working now
So I got a Wii, what are the steps now?
Now that i copy the contents from starter.zip to root, should i Replace the files in the destination?
Fuck off and Google it you cunt

do the complete softmod guide

google it
But I heard there are 2 methods and one is outdated

there are a shitton of methods, that guide covers you fine
which one do you recommend: screeninit or noscreeninit for a9
Thanks. It's true that SDHC cards are not compatible? Does a regular 32gb Sandisk microSD -> SD card works or I have to get a new one?


I did, found one link, downloaded finally one .cia 1gb file, selected another, Mega informed me that I got over quota for today.

So much for .cia games for me :)

(I know about freeshop, but I dont really want Nintendo to know, that Im downloading something from their servers, especially since I plan to use eShop normally in the future).
Is there any method at all to access homebrew launcher at 2.1 sysnand?
Browserhax is being a cunt, giving me gray screens for whatever file I try to boot.
Google it
on 11.00.33 If i hard mod i can pirate?
I didnt shell out 3 hundo to some nips just to pay 50 beans per game
Nevermind, I am retarded.
There is a nice section about it in the Plailect guide.
>can't ask homebrew questions

So just having menuhax installed at all on an old 3DS means your shit can lock up when pressing the home button in some games? Does downgrading + installing Luma etc. fix this?

They don't know though, i couldn't tell you why though

Getting a CFW means you have other ways of getting homebrew that menuhax redundant. So, in a way.


No. If you are using a decent CFW like Cakes and press the home button to close a game that requires the large ram mode (like SSB and MH4) you system will be restarted (normal behavior). You can avoid that by launching another software tho.
No. Don't believe al9h fags
On VITA, do you need to be on the latest FW to update the games themselves?
Nope, you can do this on any firmware.
>STILL no microsd adapter for 128 cards
What do I do if the game I'm trying to decrypt doesn't have an update folder? Do I make one instead?
No. You can just stay on menuhax + CFW if you want. Also, the Prailect Guide is not 100% since you have to downgrade 2 times and mess a lot with sysNAND, so just do the AL9H if you really know the risks.
I get this same exact problem now. It probably has something to do with the fact that there is no luma folder in the luma.zip.

How do i get the firmware.bin?
But can I still illegally download copyrighted software and run it without AL9H?

yeah you can use an emunand cfw for that
Is CIA Angel better than Freeshop since it doesn't need that title keys file?
al9h is so fucking convenient though
i have no idea how i got past it, but i just held select or whatever the guide says and it went into options. i could boot normally after that
so you got past without the firmware.bin file?
Yes. You just need to install a CFW
What is the go-to GBA flash cart? The one with the highest compatibility (ideally 100% at this point, no?) and best price.
How do you pronounce CFW?
3ds is the only way to get 100 percent
"custom firmware"

EZ Flash IV is the goto.
I don't think so, I never got Ultimate Muscle to run on GBA.
Which games, which emulator?
Unless your using that day 1 emulator you dont get slowdown.
How do I update games from freeshop?
I wouldn't call the awful scaling '100%'
On the 3DS' GBA VC I mean.
I got a german version of a layton game(DS), is it possible for me to play a translated version on my 3ds with CFW?
It does need a title key file, it just downloads it on boot.

CIAngel is better when you:
>Know exactly what you're looking for
>Want updates or dlc (not available on Freeshop)
>Want to queue several games for download

Freeshop is better when you:
>Want to browse through games you might want
>Want a better search engine with faster results

That's pretty much it - everyone should have both on their system.

Using these gives you access to ~95% of games. There's still games like Tales of the Abyss or Inazuma that are only available on 3dsiso though, so it's best to make use of everything as necessary.
I'm gonna pick up a PSP. How would I go about putting things onto it?
I'm considering contribution to the HENkaku KOTH thing; I'm a shitty programmer but it'll at least give me something to do in my spare time.

Is there some sort of IRC channel or forum where people actually discuss technical aspects of the exploit?

Get CFW (piss easy), get a Micro SD card + MS pro duo adaptor, put your ISOs and emulators on there
No, only the go-back place.
There's probably already gonna be CFW on it when you get it
>not 100%

This is pretty much incorrect nowadays. The guide works for everyone so long as you can read instructions and follow them - we haven't had a brick due to following instructions in months.

Really, the only thing that can fuck up is the downgrade, and that's only if you have:
>Messed with AGB_FIRM
>Messed with TWL_FIRM
>Have DSiWare transferred from a DSi
>Have the Ambassador Title License

The guide informs you that these all have a chance of causing the downgrade to fail (Ambassador License being basically an automatic failure), and either tells you how to fix it or informs you that you should format before downgrading, which completely fixes any issues these may have caused.

Really, as long as you can read and not skip steps like a retard, it has 100% success.

How to hack your PSP in two easy steps:

Step 1: Get a PSP
Step 2: Blink in the PSP's general direction

And there you have it, your PSP is now hacked.
Freeshop 2.0 adds dlc.

Also i dont get why points 1 and 3 for ciangel are exclusive to it?
Try looking at Wololo, GBAtemp or Hackinformer
You can disable that shitty filter now
CIAngel loads quicker on boot (on account of not needing to load a fancy GUI), so if you just want to get in, download one game, and get out, CIAngel is better.

Last I checked, Freeshop didn't have queuing. If it does now then that's great, I'll probably use it as my primary.
No, downgrade is not and will never be 100%. I have CFW'd more than 20 consoles but 1 one got bricked. Thankfully I explained the risks to the guy before the process and he understood.
I'm pretty sure freeShop had queuing since the first version. The current released one even let you close the app and continue downloads from where they stopped.

2.0 should be coming in a few days and adds updates, DLC and auto titlekey updates.
Yeah it does, and 2.0 will have heaps of new features
>I have CFW'd more than 20 consoles but 1 one got bricked

Possibly because you were an idiot, or the 3ds was faulty to begin with (if you got a blue screen).

You can't brick off of 2.1.0 without actively trying to, and everything else but the DSiDowngrade and Hardware mod (which are two entirely different monsters) has a way to recover from it.
>Messed with AGB_FIRM
>Messed with TWL_FIRM
>Have the Ambassador Title License

That's exactly my 3DS and I thinking about doing the process, how fucked I'm?
Dsidowngrade seems scary
Is this freeShop really safe?

I mean, what would stop Nintendo from finding out, who is using it?
>Possibly because you were an idiot

It was working fine before and it bricked when I downgraded it to 9.2. I've done this a bunch of times so I knew what I was doing, faggot.
any retroarch emulators on Vita decent yet?
Literally nothing.
>I knew what I was doing
Not well enough, you big gay piece of shit

Nintendo knows basically as soon as you start a download that someone is pirating right off their fucking servers but no one's gotten banned yet so shop till you drop

Then why people are willingly risking?
genesis and snes, gpsp is on its way
I've got Henkaku. Now how do I put these files on the Vita?

nice, I guess I'm playing Alien Soldier tonight

>Nintendo knows basically as soon as you start a download that someone is pirating right off their fucking servers but no one's gotten banned yet so shop till you drop
>but no one's gotten banned yet

Inb4 massive banhammer flood incoming.
for the free gamez
>it worked for me so you are wrong

Fuck off, really.
Because they think "an ip isn't a person. Nintendo has to prove I own a DS lol"
And think they know the law.

FTP. Press select in MolecularShell.
Nothing's happened yet but it's not like nintendo can actually do anything meaningful to hurt you now that a9lh makes you bulletproof and futureproof

I'm not even the same guy, dumdum
I have now installed the shit i need and finished part 5 of Plailect. Now how do I install 3DS games or GBA/Snes games in the best way for an Old 3DS?
Fireden searching seems to be down at the moment so I couldn't check the archives, but the Vita update blocker tool doesn't seem to be working on my end.

I want to download the Japanese voices for Ultra Despair Girls off of PSN for my PSTV, what's the best way to get this accomplished?
Moonlight alpha v2 is out for the vita, shit is pure cash. Has sound and now you can control the bit rate.
Because yes

>Bricked when downgrading to 9.2

This is always recoverable unless you tried to install the wrong 3ds firmware.
Just perform a system format first, then do the downgrade.

It solves all issues with GBA and DSi titles.
>implying banning would do anyhting

Well then, once Freeshop 2.0 comes out, I'll probably be using that as my main download point.
It got stuck into a black screen, recovery was also broken. The firmware was the right one, I always triple check everything.
It's not terribly scary - it doesn't have anymore of a chance to brick stuff than 2.1.0 does (which is only a softbrick, so it's recoverable to the newest firmware) - and since the system was already on 11.0, the most you lose is $5 per softbrock.

Pretty small price to pay I'd say.
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Which of these can I delete without fucking everything up
What about the modded agb_firm and twl_firm?

you finished plailect's guide?

>it's not like nintendo can actually do anything meaningful to hurt you now that a9lh makes you bulletproof and futureproof

Except banning your Nintendo ID. And some other things.

Does just using already created .cia file counts the same or that doesnt download anything from Nintendo servers?
The guide literally has this part in it at the end with a screenshot.
Nintendo actually DOES have the ability to ban devices, just like Sony does - and we still don't know if it's possible for us to spoof the Device ID.

It's just that, for some reason, Nintendo's NEVER done it, unlike Sony.
Nah, I hacked my 3ds back in January, I need to get rid of a bunch of shit now to free up some space
Delete every VLC archives, also delete VLC itself.
Those are GBA and DSi firmwares, respectively, and in my very first post I already said that a system format fixes any issues with those.
Because thwy cant twll pirates apart from legit people apparently
How does a format can fix a modded system file?
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I fully admit to being a retard.

I can get pic related to run cia from box, right?

I'm guessing following this

I messed around with menu/browserhax on a different system, but I'm not sure what version 2ds is out of box. And I don't want to fully update for obvious reasons.
mpv, MPC-HC, or get the fuck out. Even if you're using VLC as is intended, i.e. as a video lan player, you have absolutely no excuse if you're running it on a desktop.
Just follow the a9lh guide
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I have mpc installed, and I use it for watching video.
I just use VLC to mark .bin files so i don't just have a bunch of blank white icons everywhere.

This isn't better really
why does riviera gba sound like shit on any handheld i try

Assign notepad or something if you must. Or why not mpv?
Again, is installing previously created .cia file the same as downloading it via freeShop?

In other words, does installing .cia inform Nintendo that you downloaded and installed such copy, just like requesting it to download via ticket on freeShop?
Because both of those give icons which are white squares with scribbles in the middle.

I need something that sticks out at a glance.
If you're worried that much, don't steal.
Mpv is purple you lying pos
>ever even setting up a nintendo id
I said mpc.

as in MPC-HC my dude
Because when you format the 3ds, it resets the system files.

An easy way to prove this is with the Ambassador License. The Ambassador License is actually just a fancy app that gets installed when Nintendo makes an AGB_FIRM modification - the mod and the App are separate. The modification is very obviously reverted when you do a format, as you won't be able to play GBA games, even if you redownload them, until you redownload the Ambassador License, which comes with but is separate from the AGB_FIRM modification.
I'm installing Browserhax to my Old3ds. How long does it take to get past the yellow screen? Or am I just getting a screen hang-up and have to reboot?
>I just use VLC to mark .bin files so i don't just have a bunch of blank white icons everywhere.

Fuck you. I spent like 2 days to recover those blank icons after unintentionally assigning a random extension to Chrome.

It should be nearly instant.
Because stop using Riveria GBA and play the PSP version?
I said mpv

As in mpv my dude
shit, read it too fast.

I don't want to install an entire new program just for file aesthetics.
no fuck you ;_;
If you get a yellow screen (or pink or white), try again.

If you get a red or orange screen, go make sure the files are actually on the SD card.

If you get a green screen, change your (defective) SD card.

If you get a blue screen, enjoy your new paper weight because it's been hard bricked.

All these colors codes apply to most homebrew and mods.

I just wanted to use .cia files of games I have cartridges of, so I dont have to carry those around.
Sound distortion or that muted effect that seems to go on with every emulator even on PC?

If it's distortion in battles, then give it a few more nightlies to work the kinks out, if it's the other, you're SOL; that's actually the quality.

In my case, I prefer the gba OST more than the psp one. Accursed battle sounds better in the gba.
What does the yellow one mean
>If you get a yellow screen (or pink or white), try again.

have you considered learning to read
Nigga, read the post.
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I'm sorry for being a complete dumbass, but what directory should I follow on my 3DS's SD card to find the root location I'm supposed to copy the starter folder's contents to?
Yellow means the executable crashed. Pink means the thread prematurely terminated. White means something similar.

They all have the same solution, which is just to try again. Browserhax is good but unfortunately not the most stable.

Root is base directory. If your drive is assigned to letter, say, H, then your root directory is H:\
>If you get a red or orange screen, go make sure the files are actually on the SD card.
So you do need to install the homebrew starter kit to the SD card?
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So just the very top folder like this?

*then H's root directory is

Im not very good at explaining the most basic terms, sorry.
All you're doing is copying files.
Yes. E:\
What games are you guys playing via Henkaku?

>tfw playing quake from start to finish for the first time in my life
can't wait for it to get multiplayer and mod support
I just used a GBA injector on Pkmn LeafGreen. But when i install and launch the CIA I just get a white screen after the gba title screen. However on the white screen i am able to make a sound effect when i press L/R. Anyone know how to make this game work?
Henkaku is dead :^)
I think distortion. If you boot the game up, that's where it seems to be easily noticeable.

All the games I want to play are fucked.


One of the advantages of a9lh I saw was that I could make digital versions of carts I have.

it does not


you can use any cfw
Also, database of 3ds titlekeys have two - encrypted and decrypted.

What are the uses for each one and which is more important for typical user?
I mean what it implies on more than a surface level you mongoloids

It would be interesting to learn the causation, crummy code or something that cant be fixed like a system fault. I notice thia using menuhax occassionally, always the yellow screen though
I don't think I can determine anything further until I get the system in hand. So I guess I'm going to the store to pick it up. I'll probably be back in 3 hours or whatever asking for more help... I have Plailect's guide open and some other stuff.

Oh, and I have a 16GB SDHC I bought for my Wii and never ended up opening. That'll be good enough, yes?
H has been quite silent...

Was he full of shit?

>you can use any cfw

I already have that Luma with a9lh installed, so...

It took me 7 hours mate!

>it does not

How do you check what version your 3DS is on?
Should be.

If it comes with <9.0, the pailect guide has a part that tells you how to update it to 9.2 and if it comes with >9.2 you are either fucked or downgrade to 9.2. Then follow the guide as usual.

Open system settings, it shows you your version on upper screen.
I'm on menuhax/CFW with Cakes, should I switch to Luma? I will not do the AL9H now, maybe some day
Only encrypted can be turned into a proper ticket to be QR-installed. I don't see any use for decrypted ones other than to be encrypted. The titlekey database only allow submitting decrypted ones though so if there's a game without encrypted titlekey yet that you want to download, you could download the file that only contain unencrypted titlekeys, encrypt it with decrypt9, generate a ticket from it with FunKeyCIA and install with FBI/upload it then make a QR.

tl;dr ignore unencrypted ones unless you're in a rush to play something that wasn't encrypted yet
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>Ver 11.0
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People need to settle down ok? Henkaku is not even a month old and people are already claiming the scene dead.
Why bother switching if you don't go all the way?
Just stay on what works for you now until you go A9LH Luma.
I just wanted to play my nippon games. I wasn't even going to pirate them
How did i know that was going to be the case?

If youre too dumb to google that, you would brick your console for sure
what emu are you using?

Regardless of Yifan's faggotry, I hope it's incentive enough for someone to knock him off his fucking high horse.

Trying different games, though mostly playing Alien Soldier and Samsho 4.
I don't think the MK7 2DS is gonna have 9.2, unless they shipped a later batch.

You can still homebrew, but yeah.
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>he fell for the stability meme
That you can.
>I wasn't even going to pirate them
stop lying

if the creator of the exploit doesn't want to release because they're assholes and they predict it'll take people a year to reverse engineer it, the scene is dead. creator is a fucking asshole, he revived it and killed it instantly.
learn how to read
How? What I've read is telling me I'd need to still downgrade to 9.2 to do the region unlock.
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I forget on the Go, but whatever comes on N3DS (mGBA?). Also wanted to play Shin Megami Tensei (1), but I didn't even try doing it on N3DS yet. Was janky on PSP.

I think they're just not popular enough. I guess I could inject the GBA, but I'm not sure how and don't want to mess with the N3DS too much.
Just use browser/menuhax. I did it last night when I was half asleep. It has an option for region free, but I only have NTSC games.
Then just follow the guide to update it to 9.2, my 2DS was 8.something and it worked just fine.
I use vlc for music.
On 3ds, it's better to inject sadly. Emulating gba is not viable there.
foobar, motherfucker. Count your blessings, it's still the best music player out there. Treasure it, it's the only thing I miss from Windows.
So it does. And that works even with 11.0?

Do you know if it works with Dragonball Fusions?

I don't even know if there's a reason it'd work with some games and not all. I'm pretty retarded, but I feel like I should ask to make sure.
http s://github.com/xyzz/vita-moonlight/releases
Because you forgot how bad the GBA sound chip is. Play the Wonderswan version or the PSP version.
I'll poke around some more, then.

SMT was the SNES version, though. I guess I'll just mess with it more.

Picross 2 sounded weird vs DSL cart, is that another injection solution? Cart is old as fuck, I dunno if I can slap it in a 3ds.

I don't have any other region games, so I didn't try - but I think I saw a compatibility list when I was going through reading stuff. Someone else can probably help you tho, sorry mate.
how are people save editing MH Gen? Every time I try to export my file my touchsreen freezes on red.
>Wonderswan version

EOP tho?

You're not really wrong, I barely used my SP, and never owned Riviera.
Mk 2ds has 7.6 too, thats what mine was on and i got it last week
For gb/gbc/gba games it's better to inject because the 3ds has native support for them.
Always inject when possible.
*7.2 mb
Why does GBA vc injections sound like shit on 3ds????
Trustable R4 sites?

Let me put it this way. I downloaded 270 games from freeshop. Twice. In the same month. And none of my 3DS systems have been banned. Nintendo literally can't give a shit. Their security systems are too retarded.
Got a list of titles?
>.bin with notepad icon
Anon please
Can someone help? I'm trying to use ram2sav to edit my Pokemon on ORAS, but I get to the "downloading to SD card" screen.. and I've been here for almost ten minutes. How long does this take? Never done it before. Scares i goofed. Help?
Jk to. Sav ftpd to pc pkhex to edit
So, any major improvements in the latest RA nightlies? Last one I tried was the gpsp from the 15th.
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>tfw the vita will never be as open as the psp
I've lurked Yifan's twitter feed for the past 10 minutes and after reading the non-Henkaku tweets...

Well, is he 15?
Just use PChex++, PHbank and JK savemanager to do backups. No need to use the PC to edit pokemon and back them up
I am entirely new to this. I literally bought Sapphire earlier today. I've never hacked on a 3ds before. I'm going to try googling all those words you said. Do I need to do homebrew or anything? I don't use cfw and I don't know how to
Wew lad.
Read the pastebin in the OP.
Tiptop kek
So Moonlight Vita only works with Nvidia cards?

No way to work around that?
I have to do all that just to move my saves to an SD card? It'd be easier and faster just to buy an ActionReplay to mod my game. This thread is balls.
does the 11.0 cover 11.0.0-33u?
im trying to hack my broddas o3ds
And you have none.


Maybe... maybe the can? But dont want to, either because of small percentage of users or... because of their good hearts?
Thanks for the help

Can anyone else confirm if DB Fusions works with that region-free launcher, or find that list?
So this proves that "homebrew" and unlocking the power of the device is really just an elaborate justification for piracy right. None of that other shit matters unless you can play games for free.
Nintendo will track your IP down and send the police.
You're overgeneralizing, not everyone thinks that way.
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How else do you win internet arguments!?
Not really, I'm a disgusting plebe that just wants to be able to play Japanese games on my 3DS. I'm too much of a moralfag to pirate shit unless I already own a copy and can justify that to myself
Piracy is the lead motivator for breaking systems. Nobody gives a shit about playing some dumb retard's custom game.

I guess you could argue emulators too help drive homebrew, but considering that PCs exist, I think it's pretty clear that 90% of all people homebrew to pirate.

Just look at the Vita. No piracy? Nearly dead scene.

3DS scene? Bunch of tools for save hacking, downloading games, rom hacks, etc.

You can do that with the region-free launcher, I think
Logic and evidence?
Vita can already modify saves, romhacks/undubs are literally possible.

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Forgot pic.
Distorted thinking wins arguments?
Its a feature of the nvidea chipset and drivers so no.
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Is that the same guy who did the strawpollme?
Who's idea was it to use the Japanese button mapping for X and O instead of the western one?
RetroPad mirrors the SNES controller.

You're in no ways bound to it though.
Who's idea was it to swap the button mappings for X and O in western consoles?
>Vita can already modify saves, romhacks/undubs are literally possible.
I tried editing some files today but my game refused to accept it.
Fuck it, the only good tutorial for editing anyways is for P4G.
Different cultural connotations.
I am using SNES, GBA, Sega. Each of those emu work perfectly with HENKAKU. I just installed the applications, and all is working well.
Get good then.
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thanks guys for clearing that up, i wasn't sure

I'm pretty sure wherever you go, a circle means yes and a cross means no.
X marks the spot, though
Not exactly, depends on the context and usage.

For instance an x in a box is the equivalent of checking it off.

Some signs may combine an X and an O, now you're really fucked.
Not like A/B/X/Y is any more universal.
You may try to attach meaning to then via English words, but that's superficial similar to PlayStation's shapes.

When you have both a circle and a cross together those are always the functions.

Look at the corner of any window and the button that signifies close is an X.
I guess I'll just buy Nvidia card. Games optimized for them and everyone gets streaming fuck this shit.
I am running 3.60, with Henkaku, i am able to play all of my games normally, and every single emulator too. (except n64, it's giving me issues)
Congratulations, X accept O deny superior.
Yea, until games with 3.61 firmware needed, you can't play those
>Talking about western culture's usage of X and O

Of course! Let's not forget we're also talking about plastic pseudo-remotes for child toys.

I bet you get up in arms about asymmetric analog sticks too.
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You can find that shit on any keypad on any atm in any country. Have you never left your house?
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Speaking of neo geo on vita, I can't seem to activate the diagnostics to configure the soft dipswitches anymore. Anyone know a fix?
I repeatedly try to turn on diagnostics but nothing is happening.
Thoughts on asymmetrical analog sticks?
yup, totally agree. but try and play Soul Sacrafice. awesome game.
Are o3ds xl analog sticks smaller than the regular o3ds? I bought original o3ds xl analog stick and it's smaller and darker than my other o3ds analog stick.

depends. Most times asymmetrical sticks comes at the expense of a decent d-pad. Apparently the Xbone fixes that though so it's coo'.
That guy was just making shit up. I have not found a single game that needs 3.61
Western culture is so ass-backwards that it honestly doesn't surprise me at all that a symmetrical circle is seen as a bad thing and a cross is seen as a good thing. I should've imported a Japanese Vita. Fuck.
Guess Im stucck with only the 1351 games that require 3.60.
underrated post
What does everyone's Luma3DS config look like?
Pain and suffering
I came here to laugh at you.
Status on that Erman 3DS themes guy making room for Vita themes?
Nothing yet, but I really hope we get a Katsuragi theme for Vita sooner than later.
>Implying the Vita deserves recognition
Keep my 3DS theme website pure.
>Not owning both handhelds

This site is for people 18 years old and over.
>owning a 3DS
It is indeed.
Then you should leave since you lack reading comprehension and jump to unsubstantiated claims.
I dont understand why there is all this hate for the vita.... are people afraid of it? Dont worry, i can assure you, it doesn't bite.
Guide is inconsistent, worked fine on 2 3dses i did, but this one bricked. fucking awesome
>unsubstantiated claims.

So, him saying:
>Keep my 3DS theme website pure.
is an unsubstantiated claim?

>Not enjoying both handhelds and their libraries
>Not enjoying making custom themes for 3DS.
It raped my wife.
you can only brick through user error so don't blame it on the guide
Power went out and came back on. Now I have to henkaku my pstv that was sleeping. Fuck.
Nah, your wife was using it as a dildo. You haven't done a good job satisfying her lately.
I literally followed it to a t. It just bricked on the 9.2 downgrade with literally 0 errors.
He assumed the absence of a Vita, despite only discussing the 3DS theme site itself.

Why would a site specific to something host contrary to it?
It's just one retard trying to force /3dstechsupportgen/, anon.
and it doesn't boot with the sd card out?
then you didn't format it like it says, like i said user error you didn't read
It was correctly formatted. PlaiSysUpdater has a chance of bricking and I got fucked by it.
updated luma to 6.0 and now NTR isn't working anymore, should I downgrade to 5.5?
>inb4 it's works on my machine, you did it wrong retard

/hbg/ is stupid anon, don't care.
Well there's this thing: https://repod.github.io/vitathemes/#

Doesn't seem like much though compared to amount of 3DS themes.
there's no way it soft bricked after formatting that's literally never happened, you're sure you did a system format and had the correct 9.2 files for your system and region?
>tfw can't decide if I should use freeshop or not
T-they are getting my IP if I use it...
Do DSiWare titles get full access to the TWL filesystem?
Kids who don't have a job to be a part of the idort master race.
dsiware increases the chance of soft bricking. It's the correct files, but it can be recovered. It got a partial downgrade for whatever reason.
Are swordmasters in fe fates as overpowering as they are in sacred stones?
Do we look like nintyg?
yes i know dsiware increases it that's why you format in the first place
You look autistic, that's for sure. If you don't want to answer then don't.
Says the one asking a gameplay/mechanic-oriented question in a general about homebrew and hacking.

Google would have gotten your answer sooner with no sass. Wow.
They likely get as much access as was intended on an actual dsi and not a single bit more.
Combination of authenticity and minimal access for security.
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someone tell me their opinion, pls...
Then download and install the cias manually if it worries you that much, geez.
Ooh, that's a qt.

But yeah, supposedly Nintendo has no way of knowing if you used Freeshop or not.
Everything is on google. I ask because I want subjective opinion. Again, calm your autism and fuck off if you don't want to talk about it.

that was a stupid question i know it's true anyway
Let's see... If you have a dynamic IP? Banning through IP would be dumb as fuck.
pls respond
Using SaveDataManager, I have to take our my Flashcart from the Slot 1, it reads the game as a Cartridge game despite being installed on the system.
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Nintendo could sue you if you use it.

Fuck off.

R-really? Any source for that? :).

I don't care about being banned, I care about being sued.
>subjective opinions can't be found on google
Calm down, Pablo.
Next thread:

>I don't care about being banned, I care about being sued.

America: The land of freedom
If you need a list for freeshop, you don't know how freeshop works
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k, back from the mall
I meant more for reccomended titles than anything
Stop being fag, they're not sony. Let me put it this way. I downloaded 270 games from freeshop. Twice. In the same month. And none of my 3DS systems have been banned. Nintendo literally can't give a shit. Their security systems are too retarded.
Theyre people who torrent without vpn and get caught. It's either there ISP telling them to stop or a copyright troll stealing money. You get in deep shit if you UPLOAD or DISTRIBUTE the game. Downloading would either result in getting a small fine or your ISP telling to stop it. It also depends in your country.
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