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/sthg/ - Sonic the Hedgehog General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 755
Thread images: 181

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Welcome to Sonic the Hedgehog General. Let's talk about Sonic games, old and new, and the entire franchise including animation and comics. Share art, music, talk about new developments, discuss ROM hacks, speedrunning, etc.

/sthg/ - #359 - Fake-"Faker" Edition

>Link Compilation<

>Drawfag/Writefag Idea Walls<

A Lawsuit Against Archie & SEGA America Has Been Filed By Narrative Ark Entertainment (Scott Fulop)

Sonic Mania Interview with Christian Whitehead

Sonic Mania Announcement Trailer

Project 2017 Announcement Trailer

Classic Sonic and Green Hill Zone are in Sonic Dash

LEGO Dimensions Sonic Trailer

Sonic Boom Season 2 Sneak Peak

Sonic Boom Fire & Ice New Trailer

>Recent Releases<
Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games is out now for 3DS and Wii U.
Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice is out for the 3DS on September 27.
The Sonic X seasons 1 and 2 collection will be released September 27.

Sonic Boom's first season has ended! You can watch all of the first season's episodes in English here:
Season 2 will air later this year.

Previous Thread: >>151840025

Music of the thread: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo5kGmmn3EE
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Who /wizard/ here
i love this video
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Just another decade to go
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so if Naugus is Sorass what her sister is
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>idiots like these exist

It's not impossible guys, I mean I found one, so it's possible.

She doesn't have a hammer though.
>tfw Sonic Mania is going to flop hard
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fine if done well, no pads or claws (see: snoopy)
fine if done cartoony (see: mickey mouse)
I didn't go to either prom, they went on too late.

plz note that acknowledging the fact that it is indeed posible (as opposed to fantasy) makes people feel even more like a failure for not succeeding at achieving the task others have
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whatever you want her to be, honey
in term of what? unfair reviews by the shitheads reviewers of IGN?
3 more years.
Abt's stream? Didn't hear of that? They doing something?
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>You know the game is going to be good when there's nothing to shit about.
Not sure if I rike or not
>Abt's stream?
who is abt? link plz?
Official archie comic artist that visits this general from time to time.
How much shorter is classic Sonic to his modern counterpart?
They've been listed to technically be the same height.
>that Tikal plush
Custom made right? Remember the anon sharing a story about he got lucky with his friend making it for him. Somehow he had a friend who was a God at making plushes cause it looks amazing.
Technically Sega's a competent developer.
My mistake, I thought the Sonic Jam bio listed his height, but I just checked and it doesn't.
oh shit, my bad anon. will promptly stfu about it. Was just hoping it'd bring a glimmer of hope to some anons knowing that some of us can achieve it. I'm still surprised I'm getting away with it.

Y'know I keep seeing that 'paint the nose black' effect. I've never really seen it done well but I am tempted to try because I think it could look really good. Also props to that cosplayer for using what looks like a pink morphsuit. Looks good.

Shame the boots always look inflated or made of fabric. Surely you could get similar boots and just paint them instead of making fabric wraps.
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Don't have height chart for modern Sonic, but maybe this will help anyway?
four more years till I'm a black wizard
okay I gotta ask

do you guys do any sonic related stuff together? like play the games and shit?
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>tfw I'm 195cm
i would play games with others, if i had friends who also liked sonic
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>dat Classic and THICC Amy cosplay at SoS
Classic and Modern Sonic are indeed the same height.
Yeah, she's a bit of a fan. We watch boom together and last week we did a co-op run of S3C and played it through to doomsday, she played tails and had to look away during the special stages because she got motion sick watching me play them, but otherwise she said she really enjoyed it. I forgot how fun it is just exploring and having tails airlift you, I usually sonic through everything and ignore the other paths.

She does tease me about being a fan but I swear she reads my archie trade when I'm not around.
link? pic?
might want to delete that post anon
I think it's against the rules
>she had to look away during the special stages because she got motion sick
i knew someone who had the same problem with those special stages i wonder if sega knows about this. Hopefully Mania special stages wont be like this
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>getting paid over 3000 bucks for furry porn
>regular work isn't even paying me a third of that
Can't say I'm surprised, but man, it's a bit disheartening.
I always though Blaze would be taller than Sonic. Then again I also thought everybody wouldn't be exactly 100cm tall, so whatever.
learn to draw, work from home, get a decent pay
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>Classic and Modern Sonic are indeed the same height.

Not according to Gens and 17
I couldn't stand playing FP more than 5 minutes.
They're both listed as 100cm
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Vector isn't that big.
actually I think romhacks and fangames will be the undoing of Mania and any future 2D endeavors
I wouldn't think too hard into it. It gets even worse if you consider Mario's height against Sonic's in the Olympic games.
Obviously one or both charts are outdated because they're clearly different heights.
Is it asking too much for a pic of her cosplaying Amy? Feel free to blur her face or whatever.
What're you talking about, they're exactly the same. Tails couldn't even tell the difference between the two at the beginning of Generations.
woops, meant for >>151951749
They were both canon until Generations existed, until then, they were just two different artstyles, but after then, they're two different ages.
Classic Sonic is 16 though.

plz hide the image under spoiler if you so decide to post this
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I was a bit miffed at seeing Classic returning at first, but he's kinda growing on me again. I'm hoping we see some more personality from him this time.
Thank god that was deleted quickly.
How can one man be so blessed?
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>No Super Sentai based Sonic Characters yet

I just want an adaptation that features Sonic living amongst humans already. No OCs like Boom or Archie, no "Sonic is from another planet" like X. Just game canon, humans amongst talking animals.

Five bucks the movie either goes with the X approach or Sonic is some sort of experiment.
wait what?

$3k a month? link to source because I will learn how to draw if that is even remotely possible.
Sonic 3 Complete right? Or am I thinking of something else?
>I swear she reads my archie trade when I'm not around
Who do you think her favorite Archie character is?
Shit, just noticed that was a wrong reply. Was meant for that patreon link.
>Just game canon, humans amongst talking animals
I've got some bad news, anon.
links were deleted anon but I can confirm it was a furry patreon with a little over 3k a month
>older Amy fanart
>always have long quills

Ew. People used to do the same thing to Sakura from Naruto. It's terrible taste. Amy looks best with short quills.
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Must have done something right in a past life. I dunno what to tell you.

Yeah 3 complete. It was good but I'd love a widescreen thing for it like CD got so multiplayer would be a little less cramped.

Also I just asked her and said Finitevus.

Can't believe I haven't picked up a leotard for her yet.
If it has Rouge in it it's basically a guaranteed sale is what I've learned from the internet
>that image
>Penders character
Dump her immediately.
But Sakura had long hair in the first episodes.
>Blaze smaller than Sonic
Didn't expect that.
Please respond. >>151955957
This guy's deluded.
I like FP as it goes, it was a nice little game and I play it from time to time, although realistically it's more fast Rocket Knight than Sonic, but Sonic Mania looks fucking beautiful.

The story in FP is absolute trash and it's best played in Classic mode because arghhhh.
>little over 3k a month
I need to learn how to draw lewd
I think it was fini's design, because he's the only white enchilada. Although if she actually meant Dr. Zachary then she's a keeper.

actually don't have any photos anon. Not even ones I can obscure. but if you're hinting at what I'm assuming, she's petite and busty and curvy in a good way. (ie kinda thic)

Now I gotta head out, stay good.
To be fair, she is two years younger and her hair makes her a little taller than him. With her hair down she's only missing like 5 or so cm.
Sorry, I wasn't hinting at anything. Just wanted to see her.
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A genie grants you a single wish to alter one event in Sonic history, what do you wish for?
So what do you anons plan on requesting for that Abt stream when it hopefully happens? Anything from the drawfag idea bin? Any idea on how you think Bryce starts all his drawings?
SatAM never got made.
Wish for Adventure to have sold a shit tone of copies, so much so that the Dreamcast never died.
I change the Saturn so it's a primarily 3D console with triangle-based polygons instead of a primarily 2D console with a clusterfuck of an internal architecture.

Finitevus was Bollers. Ian just linked it back to an unnamed Penders echidna that wasn't Fini before.
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He draws a perfect Shakespearean face and starts to rub out all the shading like the rest of us.
Make X-treme not a tire fire shitheap.
K, have fun with no Sonic comics ever
For Sonic's friends in Generations to have been made playable
I don't read the comics.
I cancel Sonic 06.
Yeah, because Sonic the Comic really needed SatAM to be made.
Shade not being homage to Julie-Su, because fuck Penders.
Penders never reared his ugly head again after leaving.
sonic 2006 being super ultra good. altering that event means sonic is not a laughable character, the internet is in the pinnacle of use, so his fandom doesn't fade like cockroaches, his actual bussiness model of being in all media porbably get the character stronger and of course the comics could be more known.

at the risk of sound super positive his movie would be super awesome and aside from sonic boom, maybe we could see a quality animation series based on sonic archie sonic.

but hey ,that's just my wish "sob"
Make Rush and Rush Adventure modern ports that are received so well that we get a third Rush game
I was referring to the Archie comics.
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God damn her toes are long. Disgusting.
CWC never won that shopping spree.
Is the redhead supposed to be knux?
she looks like she likes chili dogs
Sonic Genesis to have been made competently
Sonic would have gotten a comic regardless of whether SatAM was made or not.
Or, avert the fire at the Archie office.
these guys knows their shit.

Not as an adult though. Cutting it wss part of her character development. She grew out her hair for Sasuke and cutting it was the start of her becoming a good ninja.


Did the games change recently? The characters always lived alongside humans.
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Aaron Webber confirmed that Sonic Team's official development bibles confirm that Earth and Sonic's world are two different worlds connected by an inter-dimensional gateway. For instance, Earth's moon was blown up in Sonic Adventure 2, but Sonic's world has two intact moons.
No human besides Eggman has showed up since Unleashed. You don't even see any in Generations. (They apparently expect newcomers to believe G.U.N. is comprised entirely of Rouge and a bunch of sentient robots or something.)
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>Earth and Sonic's world are two different worlds connected by an inter-dimensional gateway.

This will never fail to make me laugh.
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>Earth and Sonic's world are two different worlds connected by an inter-dimensional gateway.
I just...what?
Sonic X is canon. Chris appearance when?
So how many games are supposedly set on Earth?
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just give Sonic's world a name already and end this retardation
Yeah, that's me. I doubt anyone else on here even owns a Tikal plush.
Gonna need a source on this, otherwise I call bullshit
Just because there are two worlds, that doesn't mean Sonic X is canon.

It's kinda like those fanfics where Sonic characters take a road trip to Earth.

Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Battle, Sonic 06, and Sonic Unleashed.
Did they even make Tikal plushes?
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I find it kinda funny that Chaos 0 has an official plush that is currently being sold and Tikal doesn't.
He's bout a head shorter.
>Aaron Webber confirmed that Sonic Team's official development bibles confirm that Earth and Sonic's world are two different worlds
Sorry to burst your bubble but...where exactly was this confirmed? The closest thing I have that sounds remotely similar to this is Iizuka's personal testimony, and I believe he was referring to the aesthetic changes between the traditional/classic style checkerboard pallet and the more natural Adventure/Unleashed style level design
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The 2011 CD port was instead a 16:9 hd port of all three Advance games
Not to my knowledge.

Sega/Sonic Team couldn't care less about her which is why she didn't even show up in Sonic Generatons. That's some criminal negligence.
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She's not even my waifu and I think that's ridiculous. Wasn't she kind of important?
Not really. She served as minor backstory exposition for Chaos and was proto-Omochao.
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Yeah, no thanks.
I trust mememan and all but unless this becomes a relevant point of interest in the games I refuse to acknowledge its validity.

There is too much history against it.
Should I attempt a stream?
Also I am having a jonesing for PLOK! over Sonic Chaos. But I figure there are people in here that want me to play Sonic Chaos
>History against it
>what is a retcon
>too much history against it
Worlds Unite to be good.
>can't believe I haven't got one yet
At least tell me you've got some spats and a midriff already.
it's the combo of green hat and striped shirt.
those beady litte eyes too.
>Jayden smith eyebrows
She never really had a role after Adventure, I can understand why she was left out.
Those were the rolling enemies from Sonic 1 correct?
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Is Naruto the Sonic of Anime?
And why the FUCK was she left out in the one part of Generations where she was supposed to be? That game calls itself a tribute to the Sonic franchise and yet completely neglects to feature one of the most beloved oneshot characters in the whole series.
Because she's long dead and basically merged her soul with the positive energy of the Chaos Emeralds. And I don't think Sonic Team is going to do a Shenron-style summoning any time soon.
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Low Poly modelling like Sonic Jam is an art.
Luckily I'm no artist
I envy the wizards who can make 5 polygons look like half of London.
she got nice bewbies anon.
Well done.
>Sonic was born on Christmas Island
>Gerald got the idea for Shadow by studying Echidna ruins
>Angel Island presumably originated from the same area as the Mystic Ruins
>The Chaos Emeralds/Master Emerald come into play at various points throughout history

I don't see all of this taking place between two worlds
Those jeans are QUITE flattering. Nice legs too. Would amy be happier if she was blue?
>I'm no artist
>Proceeds to create an official-looking Amy model by himself
You're more of an artist than I am, and I do requests for /sthg/ all the time.
do we anything like this for Sonic
>2 years younger
Well damn. She and Amy are almost the same age.
Why not have him never show up to begin with?
They made a reference to her at the very least.
Only if Sonic was pink
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Change Shadows backstory from Shadow the Hedgehog. In fact, cancel that whole game. Shadow shooting guns and riding a motorcycle was perhaps the first huge moment that mad people incapable of taking sonic as a franchise seriously and cemented Shadow as an Edgy "too deep for you" character. Even though he hasn't done much since that game, the damage was done.
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old news my dude
I love how in Crisis City you can see a burnt down poster of Chao in Space 4
shira_hedgie is one of my fav sanic artists.
>Yoto too
I'm an amyfag so I'll probably ask for some amyfaggotry.
Doesn't make it any less horrifying
There must be something out there.
Because, as I loathe to admit, he did establish alot of the world that Ian was able to use and perfect during his run.
I would hit that so hard She'd drop all her rings.
Shadow's gameplay was alright.
Renderware engine, bad 4kidz VA and localisation, story pacing and stuff were to blame, but its the closest to SA3 sonic fans are ever gonna get, unless you want to get into the trainwreck that was Sonic '06...
no but sonic 3 is busted as hell
I could tell you things you probably don't want or need to know about the 2d sonics because I speedrun the bastards, but I probably couldn't be arsed with a video like that.
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what the fuck
Boy, I sure do wish she became a good ninja after cutting her hair. Girl had megaton punches. She shoulda been One Punch ninja.
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it's Sonic's head on a lego body

there has been worse shit that's been done to Sonic
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Lego dimensions Sonic hub world will be based on Gens white world but with more areas like Station Square and Stardust Speedway.
Why would she have been in adventure? What would she do? Sonic never met her in person. She wasn't alive. She wouldn't show up to his birthday unless she appeared as a glowing light. In what quantity did you want her to show up and how?
She was just annoying cutscene fodder.
No, I'm not a Game Grumps fanboy. The cutscenes are long and uninteresting and hinder enjoyment.

Maybe if you were a delusional Knucklesfag during the era that Adventure 1 came out when Rouge didn't exist yet, you shipped him with Tikal, but then you grew up and realized it's physically impossible to ship them since she's fucking dead.
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>3DS Max

looks like you're using the right tools anon
Is there a video out there explaining the Mission Select Glitch from Sonic 06?

I remember that glitch being weird as fuck to perform
>parallel universes
>quad parallel universes
>syncing speeds
>12 hours gathering speed
The only thing Sonic's getting is Angel Island with streaks of Green Hill Zone. Nothing more.
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>"This is a post Freedom Planet world."
You mean seaside hill with green hill music
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It was mostly based off of Sonic's Jam model, but thanks all the same Anon.
Do you draw for /sthg/ then? Also thanks for doing requests, you're kind are doing god's work.

>made in 3DS Max
Jesus Christ Sega why.
Kudos to them, it's not the best software when Maya's around.
I only know 3DS Max and Maya confuses me.
Shira_Hedge's stuff looks pretty great. They're really good at coloring and the characters all look so vibrant and expressive in their style. Not to mention all the amy
How does Blaze keep getting to Sonic's universe? In fact, what events occured that allowed them to cross between the two universes?
Sonic X is the Sonic of anime.
>Not shipping characters with the dead
Knuckles x Tikal, Shadow x Maria, Sonic x photography ghost.
Sol emeralds can create a phenomenon similar to Chaos control that allows her to cross time-space.

...Solar control?

Gens Green Hill, Emerald Coast, and Labyrinth Zone are confirmed. Angel Island and Death Egg are also in the trailer so its safe to assume they're playable as well.
>pokken controller auto detected by Sonic CD and Classic Collection
I believe it was the Jeweled Scepter that did it?
I think the comic uses the jeweled scepter as it's explanation. I don't remember if the Rush games explain it or not, though.
supposedly 3ds max has decent spline tools and you need splines in order to create roads or anything that needs to be long and smooth (like rails)
End of Rush Adventure has all the Sol Emeralds and the Jeweled Scepter under Blaze's control. With the Scepter's power she can travel between worlds at will.

Okay? But their planet has humans on it even if it isn't Earth.
Found it.

From what we've seen and have been told, it doesn't. No game after Unleashed has had any trace of humans besides Eggman.
It was implied that some games take place on earth and some on sonicsworld
>Bust is straining the buttons apart
Sweet lord. Need a pic of Breezie or Rouge doing that.
>being this new
This became a meme at the beginning of the fucking year
Generations indicates that the two worlds coexist because you see earth in shadow's bossfight and four of the main levels originally took place on earth (SA1, SA2, 06, and Unleashed)
I know that. I was replying to this guy
Who thought that Sonic's world had humans in it, which it doesn't.
>being this new AND ignorant
he's been doing the no A press project for over two years, the fact that you only know it from a shitty meme should point out how new you are
Anyone else want another Sonic Anime?
I just want another TV show that isn't Boom-related.
yes, but with actual story arcs based on the games
So season 1 and 2 of X?
Also let's be real Unleashed was the only story after those two that can/should be adapted into a TV series
If they botched it in the comics, then they'll botch it in the TV series anon. Nobody treats Unleashed with respect for whatever reason.
heroes could, to some extent, and colors as well
sadly truth, tho i don't have any idea on how the comics handled it
I don't go to /v/ nor do I watch muh gayming videos on youtube
>nobody treats unleashed with respect
Picky, picky, picky.
>photography ghost.

Sonic DBZ?
Sonic League Unlimited?

I'd rather have more Boom than another Sonic OVA-style anime
If it was done in vein like Sonic RIder's animation then maybe.
Yes, if they put it in the hands of good writers and not inject too much uneeded shit in it it would be great.
yes pls

just remove Chris, his family, but keep Uncle Chuck.
The TV series would just basically be a lot like those Marza shorts
b-but people liked the night of the werehog short! :(
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This sounds way too major of a plot point to have never been mentioned or implied in any of the games. Even if it were in the bible, I doubt they really paid attention to it.
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Next Stream I will be doing I will be giving away Nuclear Throne to one lucky viewer plus a few other games from this HB

Vote for what Sonic game I should stream folks.
I don't only know it from a shitty meme, I never said I did
I was simply pointing out the fact that if you were around at all at the beginning of the year you would at least know it from the memes that that particular video spawned
It's not so much a plot point as a way of patching plot holes post-production.
Every time that has ever been done in any form of media, it's bullshit, but you take what you can get.
Post your favorite Sonic Intro waifu
I win
You posted the wrong game for that, it's SA1 with the obnoxious intro
I admit boom has some massive flaws but I still enjoyed both games
Never played Shattered Crystal but while I still think Rise of Lyric is hot garbage, people give it too much shit. Not 06 bad but it's the worst Jak game I've ever played
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i hear the guy who's still making their fanmod of Little Fighter 2 is going to re-release it at SAGE

does she..."hammer" you.... /fast/?
it is true, seen that link before it was deleted, sadly i didnt save it
Triple Trouble
>SatAM never got made.
you could ask a genie to erase 06 from existence, still you killed the show that gave birth to the comics....
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I've played well over 80 hours of Boom and think that if they fixed the performance by dropping Cry Engine for something more console friendly and prettied it up it would be a fine game.
If they wanted to make a great game they would need to make areas closer to the art, hire writers that could make something with the comedy of the TV show and the stories of the Archie comics, and tuned up the gameplay to have more verity which they showed they had good ideas for it in the concept art
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Just because they don't show up doesn't mean they don't exist. By that logic, you could say Sonic/Tails/Eggman must be the only ones alive since they're the only characters who seem to be relevant post-Unleashed.

That being said, this "two worlds" nonsense is poultry trash and should be considered non-canon unless demonstrated otherwise.
>It's not so much a plot point as a way of patching plot holes post-production.

When did they start caring about plot holes? It raises even more questions.
what? only two people wished to cancel/improve 06? are you guys fully autistic or what?

i would ask the genie to change 06 into something good that way sonic's downfall would never had happened
does he draw lewds?
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>moonrunes in the title
RoL is worst than 06. 06 is at least a botched abortion of an Adventure game with actual physics. I would rather play Labyrinth than hear about rings one more goddamn time
It'd have to be a completely different game for it to have been changed into something good.
RoL is a playable yet botched Jak and Daxter with a mediocre plot

06 is an unplayable SA2 with tons of other worthless crap thrown in with a shitty plot

It's up to preference but I prefer RoL if I had to play one of them. Would you rather a mediocre game that doesn't play like sonic or garbage trying to be sonic.
Always weird trying to defend RoL because I still don't like it. I basically have to be the champion of "it's not THAT bad"
thats not the same girl anon, just a random cosplayer from sos
He said he's gonna stream on Twitch so he probably can't even if he wanted to.
The one and only
the dev is japanese

just check out sonicray4653's twitch channel to see the latest build
I honestly think that The Fighters models and animations are unmatched in the franchise, so much energy, so lively and expressive.
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So it goes without saying that this game will be great, but I feel that there's something missing. It's like they have something big up their sleeve that they're not telling us yet.
>something Big
You bet.
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>Aaron Webber confirmed that Sonic Team's official development bibles confirm that Earth and Sonic's world are two different worlds
source... please
Aaron pls
>So how many games are supposedly set on Earth?
only those with humans on them (besides robotnik obviously)
Yeah, like what the ratio of new and remastered stages is.
you mean mobius?
A new mecha Sonic.
Sonic the Comic proves a Sonic comic would have been made regardless.
SatAM is hot garbage that divided the fanbase from the very beginning.
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>tfw gonna miss abt stream
Damn timezones
Neph as the Phantom of the Opera
Some of us don't read or care about the comics.
Well, you're in the minority. This whole general thrives on the comic's existence.

>>Sonic was born on Christmas Island
located at sonic's world
>>Gerald got the idea for Shadow by studying Echidna ruins
remember sonic's world and humans' world are the same, but separated by millions of years or so
>>Angel Island presumably originated from the same area as the Mystic Ruins
angel island was from sonic's world and got transported to humans's world along with sonic and the others, carrying the master emerald and chaos emeralds along
>>The Chaos Emeralds/Master Emerald come into play at various points throughout history
same as above, as you can see everything fits, even eggman said it at one point, this world (referring to humans' world) is the same world i was born in (that explains why gerald and maria were on humans' world and why eggman is the only human in sonic's world, it is heavily implied he somehow managed to time travel to sonic's time, wich also explains his supreme knowledge and technology, he comes from the future afterall )
Yeah, we only aren't a comic general because otherwise we'd get shoved back to /co/.
That logic is retarded and you are retarded.
Find me hard proof that humans besides Eggman exist in Sonic's world past Unleashed and I'll personally give you a gold medal in Internet Arguments. The burden of proof is on you.
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Don't care.
I'd rather fix the cause rather than the result. Sonic 06 being shit was a ten year buildup up shit that just reached its peak.

pretty much

they don't want to call Sonic's world Earth, but they don't want to call it Mobius either because fuk u gaijin, so now it's both Earth and Sonic's World

in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter, but it's still stupid regardless
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Up until now I was thinking about 100%ing this game

But this part is retardedly bad, there is absolutely no way in hell I am dedicating seven months to figuring out how to do this level quickly.

5 minutes is plenty u casul
This is even more of a fanfic than the two worlds theory.
Pro Tip: There are specific locations of where they are located. You just have to memorize a good majority of where they would be and just hope RNG is on your side.
wait, are you saying you were going to do all the missions or get all A ranks?
I'm missing like 7 S Rank emblems. This game is a fucking chore, I can't believe I bothered getting so many of them.
Would Chronicles be bearable if the music was replaced?
Could this be accomplished with a rom patch?

It would certainly improve the experience.
No because you'd still need to get rid of the retarded overworld segments.
>it doesn't matter
kek, but anyway it kind of does
Doesn't work if you don't know the locations

A ranks, I was having fun until now
Then why aren't there two Shadow's?

I've gotten all A ranks twice and the best thing to for emerald/key hunting is to restart the level. The game only has about five sets of random positions for each level. Just restart until you get a set that you can do quickly to get an A rank. Also helps to get the gold beetle.
>decide to actually read all sth archie comics from the beginning
>boring and uninteresting, but whatever, I gotta get on dat sanic l o r e
>robotnik: oooh I'm super duper evil, I hate everything good lmao xd
>not long before that have watched the OVA
>eggman: lol im gon play vidyagames with my hostage
ok what is up with old sonic shit
I might just be a retarded game purist, but I like X and Boom so what tf m8s
It would greatly depend on what they want to do with it and who gets to do it. Sonic is like the Monkey's hand, where you can wish something and it would just go badly.

That's bull. Sonic lives alongside humans, not on another planet. Stop trying to pander to people who still believe Mobius is a thing.


They're off-screen. By that logic, Sonic and like six of his friends are the only sentient lifeforms around.
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The fuck do I do now?

Eggman gets better when Ian and co. arrive.
>Doesn't work if you don't know the locations
It's why I said memorize them
Do a summersault
Chalk it up to Sega having no clear vision or direction for the franchise at the time (and that still can be said now) so everyone just kind of did whatever.

Also what issue are you on?
>even eggman said it at one point
>it is heavily implied he somehow managed to time travel to sonic's time

Where the hell are you getting this stuff from?
when's ABT's stream?
Why are Amy's arms peach in Boom? Does she shave? Do only girls have furless arms?
please tell you're baiting

Seriously? Is this your first time playing? I'm not trying to make fun of you, just genuinely curious.
9:00 EST, 8:00 Central

Only on Nick
He's baiting. He couldn't have gotten this far if he couldn't roll, since Radical Highway requires it to pass
When I played sonic I could just jump at them to break them

No it's the fact that the game has hundreds of different controls and mechanics that barely get used, like for instance the fact that summersault breaks wooden boxes
If I remember right, Omachao would have told you that in Radical Highway and City Escape.
Omachaos are optional and easily missed if you're going too fast to stop and touch them
>Should I attempt a stream?
>I figure there are people in here that want me to play Sonic Chaos

yes plz do!
The flashback part always makes me drop the game.
i love classic amy !
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Then it's not the game's fault you're not experimenting enough. Seriously, back in my day I used to rent games from corner stores without Instruction Manuals and we LIKED IT.
When is Penders finally going to choke to death on a big black dick?
Not for the last 12 years.
>When I played sonic I could just jump at them to break them

How? Are you talking about that bouncing attack?
I'm willing to believe it but I'm gonna need a source.
>How does Blaze keep getting to Sonic's universe? In fact, what events occured that allowed them to cross between the two universes?

she fights eggman nega, a descendant of eggman
she is seen at the same place and time as silver
silver is from the future
so maybe
blaze comes from the future but both timelines got mixed because sol emeralds
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Whenever he stops crying in bed about how his art and stories not being taken seriously while hugging his pillow that has a Knuckles face mask on it
It's __love__
Plus he's on the archie payroll. I don't really know what the rules are for that but I don't think it wouldn't be a great idea.
>If it was done in vein like Sonic RIder's animation then maybe.
THIS, can we plz have it?
sonic chaos
When was Sega Yurop scheduled to talk about PC ports again? Was it this week or next week, and is there a specified date?
2 master system
i wouldnt mind as long as it was a good game
Why can't it just be one planet with some areas filled with humans and the other ones doesn't?
>He said he's gonna stream on Twitch so he probably can't even if he wanted to.
im asking if he ever did or would be willing to do that, im not talking about this particular stream but commisions in general
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Ah, so cute!
None that I'm aware of.
>So it goes without saying that this game will be great, but I feel that there's something missing. It's like they have something big up their sleeve that they're not telling us yet.
i hope that is more characters (plz have classic amy.... plz)

don't be silly
that still doesnt justify not wanting to change/erase 06 !! you would rather erase a tv show instead of erasing or fixing a bad game !
because there is only one shadow, the one gerald made in space colony ark (in our world and time) based on the echidna ruins he found from the past (sonic's time)
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>That model
>Mania idle animation
In the interview he gave, Taxman did say there was at least something they didn't reveal about the story. Probably nothing big though. Maybe there are other things too.
>I'd rather fix the cause
what was the cause then? what caused 06?
>By that logic, Sonic and like six of his friends are the only sentient lifeforms around.
and air doesnt exist because you cant see it
Looks like Rafa's work. Did say they were doing something for Sega.
can you give me a link?
Did Rafa ever do animations?
>When is Penders finally going to choke to death on a big black dick?
the sad thing is, even if he died the rights to the characters he owns wouldnt return to archie or sega, so it would be the same
Imagine a mountain covered in shit. Now imagine someone at the very top rolling a ball of shit and then sending it down the mountain. The ball of shit would be continuously coated in more and more shit, becoming an ever growing ball of shit. The massive boulder of shit at the bottom is Sonic 06. So you need to cut out the initial cause that got that ball rolling downhill, which was ultimately Sega's mismanagement around 1994/1995.
>which was ultimately Sega's mismanagement around 1994/1995.
What would that accomplish and how would the franchise have changed?
>Sega's mismanagement around 1994/1995.
and by that you mean?
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I want to pinch sonics cheek
so where would they go? family? kids?

could a richfag buy them from him? would that be legal?

His next of kin: Knuckles
Do you think they felt silly releasing a game about some unknown hedgehog that was blue in the early 90s?
Hell no. It's a video game. For children. I'm sure they were damn proud of themselves.
Well, luckily for you, you're getting F&I next month.
Execs surely were rubbing their hands over their newfound Mario killer.
You mean like one of them body pillows?
I meant just before it was released, before Sonic actually got a name for himself.
legal logic says: kids, or family relatives
a richfag could buy those from him, yes, that would be legal ONLY if he (or his kids/relatives in case he died) agreed to sell them

Skies are clear cerulean with a bit of clouds. I think I can pull it off guys. SONIC CHAOS coming on up!
is it me or right now this thread is deader than dead?
it seems pretty active for me, must be you
>Skies are clear cerulean with a bit of clouds. I think I can pull it off guys. SONIC CHAOS coming on up!
yay ! finally !
Sonic 06 is shit, but so is SatAM.
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>"Eggman and Tail's mechs are very slow, what kind of moves should we give their final bosses?"
Now only 500k more to go
Would you buy a Sonic character Dakimaru /sthg/?
Here is Stream bro. I don't think I have any viewers so I might as well post the key here
so tv shows are more important than games
>guaranteed kill move

which move is that? I don't remember getting hit by any move every single time it was used.
Two major things: retarded attitude between the Japanese and American branches, and the clusterfuck of design that was the Saturn. A combination of the two basically single-handedly torpedoed Sega as a console maker: they were so much in the red after the Saturn that the Dreamcast needed to outsell the PS2 in order for them to get back to profitability and that wasn't happening. Adventure needed to be a bonafide mass-market killer app which meant they tossed in as much as they could into it in order to appeal to as wide ranged an audience as possible instead of making the best Sonic game they could. Sega's financial problems meant that they needed to make as much money as possible, which meant turning the franchise into mediocre-quality games churned out as often as possible without regard for quality control once Sega went third-party. Sonic 06 was just the end result of over a decade of continuous mismanagement that itself started at the very head of Sega management.
>both mechs move slowly
>boss gets ready to fire laser that takes away 2/5ths of your health when it's fired
>the cutscene resets your speed so you have no ability to outrun it
>it's too big to hover over
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Somehow I don't feel comfortable with the thought of sharing a bed with Sonic
I do
Rolling over face first into hedgehog quills probably wouldn't feel good
>giant kamehameha laser
I've never been killed by it as a seasoned player but I was killed numerous times during my early playthroughs (which was ages ago)
I realize now that this is just an extension of the speedruns general thread

I see EVERYONE in these threads calling sonic adventure easy when it becomes BULLTSHIT hard the further you get into it

You people have been replaying these games so long that you've memorized every pattern and every cycle, they're not hard for you anymore because you already know everything

Fuck you guys
>That Sonic Mania idle animation
I love it, also is the Sonic Twitter the most popular official character Twitter?
Go to bed Amy
>general about Sonic the Hedgehog
This is you. Also, I'm sure for most of us you're grossly over exaggerating.
Sounds like you need to Step it up
>missing the point entirely
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>Sonic Adventure 1 or 2

I mean, Security Hall can be daunting at first, but still.
/sthg/ is my name speed is my game
It's okay anon maybe I can come over to your house and we can beat it together.
Yeah, I thought that level was some bullshit starting out. It's surprising how strict the limit is given how ridiculously generous the Jungle stages and Crazy Gadget are.
Thing with the Adventure games is most of the difficulty is in the form of enemies or set pieces that fuck you up the first time you get to them, but you can breeze through the second time. Shit like the artificial chaos. You run into it once, die because it catches you off guard, go "holy fuck this is bullshit" and then beat it the second time because you know how it works. It's very rare for something in the Adventure games to be difficult even when you know it's coming up, and when it does it's almost always in the form of fucking around with controls like in Lost World, Crazy Gadget, Mad Space and so on.
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You can say the same shit for practically any game series.
>tfw less than an hour till Abt stream hopefully
Comics are apparently more important than games, so why not.
Anon, I recently picked up the Steam port of SA2 after 6 years since playing the GameCube version for the first time. It is VERY easy to pick up the patterns and strategies after playing for less than half an hour. You need to get gud.
someone is going to record that shit, right?
ABT is too good for Sanic, how many comics will he draw before switching to capeshit to make the big bucks?
he could probably do a comic for a game tie-in and make money from that. someone must want a comic for their game
I still want to hug him, though
Security Hall is annoying
Eternal Engine is bad when you don't change habits
You're a fucking scrub for not somersaulting the boxes in white jungle
The second fight between tails and eggman can be bullshit but the trick is only trying to hit the boss with your cannonfire and not the homing lasers
I believe that covers everything you bitched about in the thread
Have fun with Biolizard, cuck
In Sonic CD, there are 4 future themes (good, bad, JP/PAL, US), but only 1 past, just like how there are endless possibilities for the future but a definitive past set in stone.
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Explain the two present themes (US/JP)

really makes you think
I think Twitch automatically does after it finishes
I'm sure there are times when you don't want to hug sonic
>extension of the speedruns general thread
that thread is awful though
They couldn't change the past. Really, they couldn't change the past themes.
Now I just want to throw him in a pool.
she's also wearing ~10cm heels
are you that same faggot from earlier with the boxes? If I didn't know any better, assuming this isn't bait, I'd swear you were trying to speedrun the game on your first goddamn playthrough
My brother was curious:
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>tfw Vector is the most fun character in all the 2D games
>he will never officially be playable again
Maybe Mania will be workshop compatible?
This is speaking from a solo run of him in the Sonic Classic Heroes romhack, I don't think he was changed at all from Chaotix
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abt is streaming early if anyone's interested
He did say he's done some weird commissions before but didn't judge. You'll just have to ask him.
Is your version bugged or something?
first you say you were able to homing attack crates as Sonic now Cannon's Core is asking for your email, the fuck?
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>I might have been playing a bad install of SA2 this whole time
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her response?
Give me the robit
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Steam workshop for Mania
If only...
google but really I think I got it off pixiv
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adambrycethomas on twitch
>"Look here, it says 'cute couples get in free'! Let's go!"

Oh shit, it's time.
I tried my best. anyways posting Nuclear Throne key in my stream

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Why do people draw Faker/Maria pairings when this is clearly beastiality?
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mostly just Aoki.
but i guess 'cause they're cute together and not real.
Well someone better go straight to jail for this
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>doing alright, nothing too hard
>get to sonic
>fall into a pit twice
>enemy knocks the rings out of me
>get stuck in a ring collect/ring losing loop until I die
I hate this game so much, why the fuck do I keep playing it?
best one i've seen so far

git gud
Someone ask if he filled out the /sthg/ survey
thnx for streamin sonic chaos you lit some sunrays over my cloudy afternoon, good job at getting those emeralds you got better at it. thnx
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I want Shadow to narrate things to me again ;_;
git gud, it's the last level m8
Don't see me bitching about Scrap Brain or Eggmanland
>tfw internet to shit to watch it
Unofficial sourcemade SA2 "movie" when?

Hopefully never, I don't like the way the characters move in this.
Has ABT's stream started yet?
I like that video. I think it works well.
So, for the sake of what I'm about to say, let's all assume that all abilities that any character had is a canon skill that they do possess in-universe, OK? Ok.

So, Tails is afraid of lightning, right? Well, Sonic Heroes shows that he can manipulate electricity to an extent for Thunder Shoot (and Fly-Type classifications are based on him, so the electricity element is Tails' as well). So, why is he afraid of lightning when he sort of IS lightning?

What if he had the exact opposite reaction to lightning?
Tails is afraid of lightning because it reminds you he's the youngest of the crew despite often seeming more mature than the rest of the main cast

as for a logical explanation, I've got nothing. fear isn't logical, and this is a video game
Classic Tails was afraid of lightning. By Sonic Heroes, I'm sure he got over it.
Classic tails and modern tails are the same person, presumably before heroes he got over his fear of lightning
Boom is an alternate continuity and Tails is still afraid of lightning
It's been a long time, but did they ever release a clean version of this music without all the sound effects?

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Posting this for posterity
not my classic Sally
I like it!
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Well... I managed to Stream Sonic Chaos today got the bad ending of course and clouds starting to come in so the stream is spotty at best. Not suitable for people to watch so I am calling it a night here.

Best of success to the other streamers though.
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Goodnight streambro.
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All of you ungrateful humans, who took everything away from me, will feel my loss and dispair
Nigga, I didn't take nothin from you.
>people think this isn't 2edgy4me in a Sonic game
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That's the Sonic they grew up with, can't change that.
their parent's fault for not buying them Mega Collection
Do we know where and when ABT will be streaming?

is it me, or is Amy's little cone-nose just a bit too small?
I grew up a Nintendo boy, so the only thing I knew about Sonic was AoStH until high school when Mega Collection came out.
Aside from growing up with the classics, I can't think of any better game to have started out on.

I dunno, the change in tone with the reveal that Gerald was batshit worked to some extent. The executions were probably a bit excessive, though.
>clove gets roboticized
>cassia breaks down crying while hugging her cold metallic body but the tears won't come
We need to go deeper.
I like how they used Modern Sonic's darker blue
He's more afraid of the thunder noise
Go watch Boom if the slightest bit of seriousness immediately makes you think it's edgy.
SA2B was the first (1st) Sonic game on a Nintendo Console
Advance 1 (one) was the first on Nintendo Hardware
Mega Collection is probably the best place to start, and was in close proximity to both of these
>Sonic the Comic.
That destroyed Sonic's personality in my opinion.
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Take it easy it's just a hedgehog
It's also necrophilia.
Who the fuck else would go to Eggman's Interstellar Amusement Park? The fucking peasants of the Acorn Kingdom? No, you fucking retard, it would be humans, obviously.
It's also pedophila.

I don't think anyone went and he just built it for shits and giggles.
How old were each of them when Maria was alive?
Freedom Planet plays more like a Treasure game than a Sonic Team game. This fucking retard has probably never played Sonic 3 or Gunstar Heroes though so I guess who cares.
Do you think Sonic Mania will sell well?
Maria was 12 and Shadow was around 15.
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Are you telling me he didn't build Robotnik land for all his robot pals?!
I'm more perturbed by their creepy half smiles
You never see anyone else there
...in the Wii version, Colors DS actually has you find a number of other characters there, none of which are humans
Lost World certainly doesn't have humans, neither does boom.
That leaves generations.
The only human in generations is one we can't even see, the GUN truck driver. And even then it could be a robot or a mobian hired by GUN (wouldn't be the first time that happened)
Robots can't have fun. They are machines.
Sonic and Tails go there before it's officially opened, which explains why nobody else is there.
I'm going with this guy's response >>151999671, added to the fact that it was likely a trap for Sonic and a bullshit ploy to cover Wisp abuse.
And I still didn't SEE any humans there. For all we know the world's just full of other anthropomorphic animals. And no, I don't intend to mesh game canon and comic canon together, they're just a random bunch of disgusting furries and not part of any kingdom led by a nonexistant King Squirrel and his nonexistant degenerate daughter.
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Is that why Amy is so good at talking to shadow? Convincing him of stuff? Because she's basically Hedgehog Maria?
I don't think it's going to sell as much as other 3d games or even project 2017.
Unless it's powered by meme magic.
Still doesn't confirm humans
For all we know he was hoping to brainwash everyone on the planet and roboticize (or whatever modern eggman does to flickies) any mobians who came to the park
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Robots having fun
>Because she's basically Hedgehog Maria?
You know the game wasn't exactly subtle about that...
As long as it is priced well.
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I'd be mad too if my NIDS riddled pre-pubescent grandaughter was dating my lab experiment.
New head-canon.
>Unless it's powered by meme magic.
Isn't Sonic running off memes now? He should be filled with the meme magic.
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>robots having fun
Maybe if he can collect the 7 chaos memeralds before release to become super sanic.
The last fun having robot got destroyed!
If it costs over 20 bucks then the game needs to be significantly bigger than the Genesis games. I love S3&K but not even a 12-zone masterpiece with three playable characters can sell for that much in the modern day.
Sonic CD 2011 is 5 bucks so I can see Mania at 10 or even 15
Are all Robotniks just generally insane?
Best part of Nicole after the reboot is having her being attacked by eldritch horrors and having a tentacle monster as rival.
Depends on what Eggman's father was like.
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>Sonic is running off memes
holy shit
>Sonic was created to be "cool" and "hip"
>began as a punkish rockstar
>became grimdark for the mid '00s when that was the new "cool"
>became memes for '10s because that's the new "cool"
My god, Sega knows what Sonic is about more than any of the fans
Where's the fucking porn anyway
They introduce a tentacle monster and there's no tentacle porn
They introduced le epic vore gentleman and were's the vore porn.
Maybe the new games will help the comics...
What? There's no vore in the Somic comics.

Maw can basically do the Supernova from Kirby Triple Deluxe.

Granted, he doesn't actually eat what he sucks up, but still.
Yet literally all of that failed.

Hypernova even
Succeeded pretty well from a commercial standpoint. Only failures were the games being shit.
What's next for the meme blur?
You sure about that?

>Sonic was created to be "cool" and "hip"
>began as a punkish rockstar
This is basically the TV shows since classic Sonic had no personality outside of some non-verbal sass. AoSTH is nothing but memes now and the other 2 from that time are usually brought up as being shit. The OVA is similar, but is so utterly forgettable it doesn't even get the decency to be called shit because no one remembers it.

>became grimdark for the mid '00s when that was the new "cool"
So Shadow the Hedgehog and '06 basically. Not even counting the gameplay, those games are the joke of the whole franchise.

>became memes for '10s because that's the new "cool"
So Boom basically, where stuff like Knuckle's stupidity and Shadow's antagonism are practically parodied. Not as bad as the others but Boom still split the fanbase like the other stuff did.
And bring back Bump's belly. Pretty please.
>talking shit about the OVA
Talking about the Sonic fanbase in general, is he wrong?
Sega goes out of it's way to erase OVA from history.
>Sega goes out of it's way to erase OVA from history.
Sega doesn't go out of its way to erase it, it just can't really reference it because of legal reasons so they don't really talk about it.

Doesn't that have more to do with the licensing rather than the quality? The OVA is completely inoffensive.
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Streaming Sonic art again.. hopefully my computer wont die this time.
it's a dual stream with my nsfw artist friend btw
I don't hate the OVA, hell, I own a VHS copy of it. I'm just saying it basically didn't happen for how little people remember it. It is mediocre though. If it wasn't Sonic I wouldn't have batted an eye at it.
You're confusing critical popularity with commercial popularity.
so can we agree this is the best sonic game hands down? this is the only one I've played btw
Mania secret characters when?
What if Mania has no secret characters?
Then we hope the PC version can be modded easily.
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I know people here generally hate on FP anyway but
>Comparing a finished game that's been out for years to something not even released yet

I mean I like FP and all pls no bully but regardless of your feelings towards Sonic OR FP it's a bit early to be making judgement calls like that. Not to mention that Freedom Planet is more like a standard platformer with Sonic elements anyway, rather than a full blooded homage.

SEGA goddammit just call it Mobius and call it a day

Only if we can go back in time and pull Toei out of the early 90s and have them do it.

>You'll never cuddle the freedom fighters under a warm quilt, in a log cabin, during light snowfall

What if we mod in characters?
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Eggs man.png
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I'd be fine with it
At worst, I'd be slightly disappointed that after 20 years we finally get a successor to Sonic 3 that only has the main trio as a playable cast
ABT is based as hell. Awesome art incoming.
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If anyone watching the stream had a good request that didn't get fulfilled, I'll do my best to draw it in MS Paint if you wanna repost it.
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Some doodles.png
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Did some doodles while ABT streamed.
Mega Drive & Genesis Classics getting Steam Workshop support makes me hopeful.
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Good night 2.jpg
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Jian having a knife fight with Razor
Super happy Shadow
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There's something cute about Sonic characters with no mouth drawn.
That Modern Amy and Classic One is my favorite, nice drawings Yoto.
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>Tfw general will never get to see clown head Abyss
Still love it
That Shadow is cute
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I don't like it
This might be my favorite thing of the night, if not for the fight pic
This is easily the best one
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Implications, ho?
I can't stop seeing the Clown head now, still love it
It's of her long dead clown friend
50 rings on Clove
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Damn, didn't anyone save a screenshot of it?
I love them all equally
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My favorite pic of the night.
Really hope we get to see stuff like this in the comics, shit would be dope. Also Adam could finally get his LIMIT wish.
No more than pre-reboot Archie did.
I'm not sure which one I love more
This one looks really the best
Thanks again Adam. I do owe you several beers now, or something equivalent.
Underrated drawing
Hello new desktop background and lock screen
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Anyone else?
Absolutely love how this turned out
Still wondering what she's looking at, I love how this one came out. Must be my love for Abyss's design.
A happy Shadow is a good Shadow.
Lovely drawing, now who's the captain?
He's so cute!
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I have failed you, I'm sorry anon.

yes. and yes.

That is fucking sweet.

Wasn't this an Off Panel?
Workin' on it
the same faggot was in a Paper Mario /v/ thread not so recently

this guys is fucking gold
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You are wonderful and I like you.
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Praise me.jpg
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Got all 5 Chaos Emeralds in Sonic Chaos
>Big Man
For you?
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2MB, 1986x3056px
>tfw you have a "thing" for cephalopods/squids
What would it take to make Shadow this happy?
>Swimsuit issue never
Fuck this timeline
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Shadow in his disco outfit from Sonic Rivals 2
Can Shadow dance?
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Don't worry, Sally. There's still one game A.I. can't win at:
IAfter writing this I kind of want to see Nicole playing poker.
Maria and Gerald coming back to life.
>There's still one game A.I. can't win at
The game of life?
How do you figure? We've seen different clothing before, including bathing suits.
Because I don't see Sega ever letting the equivalent of a swimsuit issue (Basically massive amounts of fanservice) fly
Crushed Sonic Chaos. I was thinking of Streaming Sonic Adventure 2 next but I was wondering if you folks' want to watch something else.

You decide what I stream.
Honestly, what would be the point of doing it?
Not a goddamn thing other than as an absolute last resort to get sales up
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Evan can make some really good reaction faces sometimes.
>Julian looking fucking radical
>Eggman looking diabolically evil
>Aosth is fucking gold
>Classic Eggman's "fufufu" looking expression

I love it abt.

Oh wow.
How can one man be so wrong.
Evan posted a preview of the next issue of her fan comic.
At least he smiled in that.

Sonic never smiled for more than two or so panels in StC.
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Even Speedwagon is Excited.jpg
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I wonder what's Scourge reacting to.What are you up to Evan?
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I guess everyone got their requests filled except me
>hover shoes

He probably could do a mean Michael Jackson routine.
Good job, anon!
Hey, nice!
>they're both named after bladed weapons
Streaming Sonic Adventure 2 Playthru Right now
You might say they're edgy.
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I thought you were going to say that neither is very sharp.
He's Best Bot because he has eleven fingers.
To be fair, his personality was all over the place back in the 90's.

You had Japan rolling him around as cute and adventurous, America have him be Spiderman cocky and overly annoying, and then Britain have him a bit of a dick.

And that's just more of a cultural thing. America gets handed a hero and gets told he's the fastest thing alive and knows it and is cocky, they turn him into a hero who always tries to do right and brags about doing good but is caring cause that's what someone with power and is good does.

Britain did the whole If you're fast and cocky about it then you're probably going to be a bit arrogant about it. And being cool (and British), you're not going to apologise or not call someone a fucking idiot for something more often than not they did. And if they save you, you're not going to lose face. Although when it counts he makes sure they're alright. Because still a good guy.

I just like the interpretation of it.
Sonic OVA still best Sonic
Archie yer good but OVA man.
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>Be me
>Sonic fan long time
>recently regain lost love for the series
>look up Sonic on Youtube and see what uploads there have been of him today
>find this
I want to die
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>his voice

Immediate cancer.
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>I recognize half of the images used in the thumbnail
They're all porn, aren't they?
I don't think that that's Angel Island

I'm not as ashamed of it as he is.
Well, Rouge is Apostle, Wave is sssonic, Honey is MarTheDog, and a good number of the rest of them look like Palcomix crap
Ha ha, it'd be funny if you, hah, linked to sources ha ha.
You've literally seen so much Sonic porn that you can name off the artists?
Furry porn artist names are just something you start picking up on after a while

I did have to go check e621 to remember Apostle's name, though
Vanilla I believe is also Marthedog
Nicole and Tikal are palcomix crap (I'd wager Sonia and the grey thing in the corner are too)
I feel like I recognize Blaze, but I'm not sure which artist
Yep, but most of them are bad. if you're into this shit then look at the artists >>152017732 mentioned
Apostle, to be fair, has done other stuff.
>porn artist names are just something you start picking up on after a while
Well, furry porn artist names are easier to pick up on since they generally aren't a bunch of gookbabble
And really, who still faps to humans these days anyway?
>And really, who still faps to humans these days anyway?
I do
>And really, who still faps to humans these days anyway?
Guy who recognized half of the cropped porn above
I basically fap to whatever, just not shit like vore or scat. the worst I've done was three dudes daisychaining
w-what is that
Do I even want to know?

Here's an Idea, lets talk about Sonic instead!
Do you want to talk about Sonic daisychaining?
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Remember Sonic?
I hope this explains it well enough
Anon no
The famous blue video game icon!

How many shuttlecocks would it take to make a circle?
Not ringing a bell
I heard he's pretty fast
The most famous hedgehog in the world!
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heh heh
What the fuck's a Sonic?
He's about as fast as a sloth.
Evan draws some cute shit. Now if only she drew Silver and Blaze as the adorable dorks they are instead of thrusting them into crazy bullshit situations. Or both.
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He was super popular in the 90s!
I heard he made some friends since then, but nobody thinks he should hang around them anymore. Are they jealous?
They think his friends are a bad influence.
He certainly sleeps as much as her.
>that edit
that's an edit?
So very little?
I don't have the original version saved.
Yup, someone despises the Boom series so much they edited out Boom Sonic from it. Not sure if impressive that their dislike of Boom encouraged them to make an edit or pathetic that they were that petty.
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I thought someone just asked for an edit without Boom and someone else did it. And then we got other edits.
Someone should make an edit with just Classic and Boom, and with just Modern and Boom
Nope, some anon posted the edited version without Boom calling it the "correct/right/best version" after someone else posted the original when it was first released.
Or a version with just Boom/ each of the charactes on their own.
Requesting 3 different sized Boom Sonics.
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Pixel Sonic
Legacy Sonic
Modern Sonic
yeah, that as well
This edit makes me laugh
I want her to sleep.
Y'know, Sonic 06 had some decent music.
She can never, she's always on the job
Pretty good soundtrack. Not my favorite, but really good.
That's like telling Bump to Sage, not happening.
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That'd be me. Just thought it would bring some laughs in the thread. I'm indifferent to Boom.
So many types of Sonic!
>bump wearing Sage's clothes
is there an image of the reverse?
abt's reference sheet had one, only a side view, though.
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delete this
But that is Pixel Sonic
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You think they'll have Boom Sonic in Project 2017?

Seemed like a character was missing from the trailer.
Good work
I fucked up >>152021372
They'll have Modern Sonic, yes. Why are you calling him Boom Sonic though.
>pixel sonic
>has several 3D games
>Modern Sonic
>Boom Sonic
get out
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All his good games were sprite based so he's pixel Sonic
Modern="Boom", yes. It's the most recent design so it is Modern.
I want you to take your stale, shitty meme and leave quietly, please.
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What stale meme friend
That's not exactly how terminoligy works. Contemporary art describes the last century of art, not just the most current trends. Modern sonic wasn't REPLACED by boom, so they're both technically a "Modern sonic" but Modern sonic still has games and is a seperate universe from the boom one. So think of Modern sonic to mean "Modern version of the established version of sonic".
Sega calls them Classic, Modern and Boom, respectively.
And that's the last I'll hear of it.
>All his good games were sprite based
Explain Generations and Sonic the Fighters
What about Sonic R?
Ever notice how Sonic's eyes and muzzle get smaller and smaller from left to right?
It's a strange and subtle thing compared to other more obvious things like his height and pudge but it still makes a difference, and it's probably the thing about Boom Sonic that bugs me the most
While I agree, you know damn well that's an unpopular opinion
That said I fucked up by not mentioning Sonic Jam
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Jack-O spawns.jpg
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I want a Sonic Fightan game where Sonic is an extremely combo heavy/reliant shoto, Tails is a very utility and ranged based poker and Knuckles is a god at grappling.

Also make Eggman a Jack-O clone and I'll be happy.
Honestly, other than the tape, I have no problems with the design of any of the Boom characters.
Their personalities on the other hand...

>unpopular opinion
Sad but true.
>Sonic Jam
Eh, I wouldn't really count that as a game.
>Jack-O clone
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image m8y
And Sonic Fighters was a Mediocre fighting side game
Sonic Jam is just a collection of good Pixel games and a mediocre 3d hub thing
You mean good Classic games.
And where did that image come from?
But he's Pixel Sonic, anon
It's basically a stable for any and all fighting game protagonists to have at least one ranged move and have their entire kit based around high rolling combos and pressure.
That is essentially what a shoto is.

A new character in Guilty Gear Xrd.
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In a issue of ToyWorld Magazine, it was part of a advert that they posted along with this image in early 2016
So, not Sega or Sonic Team.
>But he's Classic Sonic, anon
I know. That's what everyone already knows, captain obvious.
What the fuck? Shoto is a karate practitioner archtype used in fighting games based around special moves including a fireball, invincible uppercut, and forward moving kick. Your explanation was so ass it made me sick.
Except both Ragna and Sol Badguy are both considered to loosely be Shotos as well and they don't have half of the things you said.

Despite that I suppose your explanation would be better since I haven't actually seen a clear and defined definition of a Shoto except for Ryu who basically started the whole thing.
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Legacy Sonic.png
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They're the ones who improved of it anon, don't be in denial
Pixel Sonic is pretty a classic Sonic he built the legacy of Sonic, but don't call him "Classic" and definitely don't get him confused with the real "Legacy" Sonic.
Post times *estimated* of completion to Sonic titles

Complete under 30 mins time
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic 4 Ep 1
Sonic Chaos

Complete in under 1 Hour
Sonic 2
Other Sonic titles

Complete in 1 Hours or More
Sonic 3 and Knuckles (quicker if played separate)
Sonic Heroes
Sonic Unleashed
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure 2
many others
I'll call him Classic Sonic because that's what he is. I'll also call the Sonic you posted Modern Sonic since he is Modern Sonic. Eat shit and fuck off, memer.
>Complete in 1 Hours or More
Yeah, cuz of all the loading times!
But the Sonic on Twitter is "Meme" Sonic, anon
NO. Why does this exist?
Why is S3&K the odd one out?
>Why does this exist?
People like Sonic.
People like tanks but you don't see them getting a body pillow.
Even with loadtimes cut out, the game is way longer than it needed to be
Yeah, I know. But dem load time yo.
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at the corner.gif
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Whats your favorite /sthg/?
I'm gonna need one of those.

This is gold.
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Isn't there a one of those japanese weeaboo games on steam which is just trying to find a 2d girlfriend that's associated with a WW2 tank name?

I mean fuck, I might like technicolor animals but at least I'm not that autistic.
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They tried to make him more 3 dimensional but fans prefer the previous 2 more so they went back.
Sonic 3&K looks more bloated like a balloon
You must choose!
I also forgot to mention that in the previous games his irises were huge and in 3&K they're thing and small >>152024460 I like how 3 does the eyes more then the previous
I don't think Rouge's new outfit helped things either.
From Sega's Licensing Department, yes.
Man it really bends his arms into his sides. This looks bad
whatchu on about?

But only when it's interspecies
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Don't be stupid anon
Gotta go fast.
Not tonight. There is no one to watch me stream Sonic for charity.
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So which one do you like the most
Pixel, Legacy, or Modern Sonic?
S l o w
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Pixel Sonic is a cool dude
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Goodnight /sthg/.
Good morning.
>you came to the wrong neighborhood, hedgehog
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wouldn't mind if they called it Earth.
from the 3d games is looks that way (well an alternate version of earth, like DC/Marvel).

It would distinguish it from the comics setting.

You could explain the more colourful places (like south island) as isolated/special locations or just put it down as an art style choice.

well I suppose they could introduce the idea that Mobius was another name for Earth (perhaps used in ancient times). similar to what they did with the the whole eggman/robotnik thing
>signed pic of battle lord perfection
Those islans ARE isolated/special locations. The old Japanese manuals described them as not located on any map, and something about ancient civilizations and the Chaos Emeralds being somewhere on the island.
but before SA1 you might've thought that sonic's whole world looked liked that.

just explaining how the name 'change' would fit in with established things.
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>Metal Gear Survive
I'm morbidly curious.

Maybe it'll have a gameplay element that'll make it unique compared to other zombie fest games. MAYBE.

new fast

Only Sonic can save video games.
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wont stop hurting.gif
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This is not what the Boss wanted
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MGR with zombies when?
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Some of you guys are okay. Don't go to Japan today.
Thread posts: 755
Thread images: 181

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