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Dota 2 General - /d2g/:

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 750
Thread images: 164

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Latest patch: http://www.dota2.com/news/updates/22824/
New players: https://purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
Wiki: http://www.dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: http://blog.dota2.com/
Lore: http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: http://steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Cosmetic simulator: http://d2armory.com/
Competitive Scene: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page
Want to upgrade to the superior DotA clone?: http://www.dotabuff.com/learn/lol

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.datdota.com/
DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.dotametrics.wordpress.com/
Personal statistics: http://www.dotabuff.com/
Personal statistics#2: http://yasp.co
Hero stats: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata/
Hero and DPS calculator: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator/

livestreamer GUI: https://github.com/bastimeyer/livestreamer-twitch-gui
>I will purchase Tango
>I will purchase Tango
how do you react
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"Bow to me mortal!" Above you, the demon known as Underlord roars in his triumph over you, while stepping forward, his towering form blocking all light. What was once clean air is overwhelmed by his tainted musk, a heady scent that reminds you of burning wood as it drifts into your mind, clouding your judgement. The head of his cock slaps against your cheek as he grinds his length into you, and as his mast hardens, he roars "From now on, you are a toy for me."
His cock is akin to a horse's, its spongy head widening as he ruts it down over you, his length hardening and growing longer. Soon he's fully erect, rutting his entire length over your abdomen, smearing his musk into you, marking you as his all while pleasuring himself on your body. And as he grows more aroused, his thrusting quickens, soon making his overly large package slap against your head. The flesh of his ballsack is soft as a pillow, but with it so close you can hear it rumbling full of tainted cum, the orbs inside squelching as it packs his sack full of jism.
"This is your life now slave, and soon this cock will find a home inside of you!" With another roar of triumph, he slams his cock down, grinding his enomous length into you with a final rut. His incredibly large package covers your face, forcing you to breathe in his musk at its source, and to feel the throbbing of not just his package pumping out his thick cum, but the shuddering of his huge cock as he grinds down into you. Thump. Thump. Thump. Each burst from his length makes an audible landing when it hits the dirt, his jism even obvious from your trapped state being incredibly thick and packed with protein, perfect for feeding a slut with nothing but dick-juice. Slowly, the sack pressed down firmly onto your face softens, the demon's orgasm dying off, but as that happens he settles down on top of you. And with a yawn, the demonic lord goes to sleep, leaving you trapped under his superbly musky cock, unaware and uncaring about your erection.
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All your ancient are belong to us
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I've always wanted to be Tresdin's squire. I always enjoy fantasizing about entering the fountain with her after a long battle and slowly removing her armor, starting at the helmet and making my way down to her boots. The embarrassment I feel doing this in front of other female heroes only adds to the allure of the situation. She sits down on a stool and commands me to kneel down and remove her boots one at a time. "Is that a boner?" Rylai says. Akasha licks her lips, Rylai giggles, and Shendelzare glares at me. I try to cover it up out of embarrassment, but Tresdin kicks my hands away. "You haven't finished yet." I don't understand because I had already removed her armor, but after she gives me a look I realize that she wants me to remove her shoes as well. I take off her shoes and reveal her gorgeous feet, surprisingly soft despite her being a strong warrior, and extremely sweaty. "Lick the sweat off my feet, squire," she commands me. I hesitate for a moment and look over to the other girls. They all start giggling at me and whispering. Then I feel Tresdin's foot forced into my mouth with the other one covering my nose. The smell and taste of her sweaty feet causes my raging boner to grow even more. "Alright, squire, stand up and remove your clothes." Although embarrassed, I take all my clothes off. Suddenly I feel my position swapped with that of Shendelzare. Now I'm lying beneath Akasha and Rylai, who had both taken their boots off, and were pressing their feet against my member. "No," Tresdin said, "He's mine." She runs over and gets on top of me. It's only now that I realize that she's holding Aghanim's Scepter, and I understand that nobody will be able to interfere with us. Her technique gets more and more intense until I am unable to hold back. I cum inside her pussy with the force of a hundred megacreeps. She gets off of me, and as I lay there quivering in pleasure she gets dressed and begins to chuckle. "Only 9 inches? Pathetic."
Let him buy the tangoes, and calmly explain that he can have as many tangoes as he wants as they're sold in the shop for around 30 gold each in a pack of four.
thanks delusional little faggot
gracias, seƱor presidente
>not pulling tangoes to your mid bull before he even asks like a good support bitch
thanks mr president
This gave me a boner
thnaks, mr presidnte
Thanks Mr. President
how long do teams have to shuffle?

when is the next roster lock?
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>Not randoming and giving your mid a bottle like a gigacuckold

lmao stick to jungling if you don't want to commit for support man
>have no education or skills to make money for the future
>buy a girl at 40k ring

anyone else get the feeling that many of these guys will be dirt poor the moment esports ends for them
thanks, mr. president
Puppy didn't finish college? I know Dendi finished college
Nice projection based retard bro.
Puppey and many other well accomplished pros have ventured into business and invesment.
I follow the e-sports scene and such topics come up sometimes.
>I follow the e-sports scene and such topics come up sometimes.
Translation: I have no source, I just pulled that from my ass.
lmao I ain't looking through vods for your sorry ass.
>Sand King still has a 5000 AoE damage nuke
how the f*ck is this allowed??
is it gay to want to fuck slark?
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$40k is a lot of money

tradition is that your engagement ring should be 3 months salary. to end up at $40k, puppey will need to earn $160k a year. that's four times as much as the average american and puppey is an estonian, the average salary isn't that high there.

yes, you can make it after esports. akke owns a software company on the side right now. but most people don't make it.

it's fucked up stupid. pic related.
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Yes but it's probably a lot gayer to not want to fuck Slark
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CS:GO pro player opened a store and cs champions are dirty poor compared to dota topdogs
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Why did they not picked me anons?
Can someone post Puppey's leaked convos, I'm missing out guys :-(
Memes aside, would you read his book about his esport career?
he left fnatic yesterday
is he gonna have to throw away all his stock?

>retards in the doto community thinks 1 - 2 millions means set for life
>what is capital gains tax
>what is realized/unrealized capital gains
>what is the different stages of live i.e., you ain't gonna live in a 1 person apartment for the rest of your life, right?

fuck why are people in dota so fucking retarded when it comes to money
what do you mean hr can't make it? puppey owns team secret, he would get a cut even if hes not doing anything related to games at all.
5k players are so fucking clueless at how to support and laning

trilanes are always a disaster because there's always a guy who thinks he should start with salve + mango instead of sentries
I honestly don't give a shit about "american tradition" or what people do with their money.
I was simply replying to someone who assumed that people in esports never have a plan ahead.
To that I said I've seen Puppey mention on stream that he's doing business and entering the market on several things he's pationate about.
Assuming people you don't even know are very dumb and have no plan after their "one trick poney" says loads about the person claiming such, hence the projection.
Fucking dense bunch.
thanks , mr.president
Mid isn't a ganker anymore, hes a second ricer, and Lina just doesn't fit the bill.
>shit right clicks
>can't handle 2v1
>no escape spell besides for walking away
>can't play into mantas and linkens
google is your friend, i found it in 1 minute
>mid isn't a ganker anymore
unless you're playing alchemist or some shit, this is the most gank-centric mid meta since like 6.82
I only find reddit posts asking for it, and fucking transcripts between Kanye West and Taylor Swift
>Spell called "light strike ARRAY"
>only 1 strike
>not light, actually fire
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>you're in a pub and this guy amplifies you're waifu and tells her she's shit

wat do?
Her skills are named after some animu character class from some manga series or something
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>"I came a looong way, just to watch you die"
Use my physical nukes for 50% bonus damage because he's obviously petrified.
stop forcing your shitty meme because thats clearly your statue.
why would you censor the name the.
you fucking inbred. kill yourself.
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Nothing, because I'm not so dumb as to hedge my waifu game in a shit assfaggots played by millions of nonwhites at any given second.
>lay down for a while
>think about Lina and why is she trash
>get up and check d2g
>see this post
What the fuck. get out of my head

Anyway I think that besides dominating the enemy mid she doesn't really bring anything useful to the game, she can't waveclear in lategame like qop does, and qop is also a better farmed caster. The one thing Lina was always good at was hero deletion and that was also nerfed severely, first by nerfing laguna damage by 100 on level 3, second by adding raindrops and third, by increasing the overall hero tankiness (19 hp to 20)
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thanks, mr.president
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>it's the garbage ""art"" """style""" retard again
Can you stop posting forever 64

Do you think people that ship heroes and browse garbage tumblr fanart are good at the game?
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What mode has the least autism? My last 3 games were ruined by 2k shitters sperging out about each others misplays.

Is there some mode that attracts people who just want to play?
>tfw you realize laguna blade is a low-key racist version of ragna blade.
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activate my free evasion + speed buff + AoE slow and walk away
>nothing personal...kid
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No, and I'm not giving back that rare batrider either :^)
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>join ranked all pick
>mute everyone and go mid

You will never win a drinking game against her, seduce her, and nut on her ass doggystyle.
>play good
>win early game
>gain advantage
>do nothing with it
>start playing bad
>lose advantage
>lose game
H-how is comeback balanced guys
W-why enemy throne doesn't explode after you win laning stage?

holy shit man, its not any tradition its LITERALLY from a fucking commercial that (((they))) made to brainwash dumb girls and make million from it
sourcey, mate?
>1 team stomps
>pushes enemy shit up to the barracks and maybe further
>1 core gets caught out with no buyback
>losing team starts pushing
>t3, ignore rax, t4, throne

this garbage happened to me like 6 times this month

lost 4 games that way and won 2
new team secret

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Does ixmike type badly on purpose?
I don't believe I've seen him put out a line without a misspelling yet, and I've been watching for a couple hours or so.
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Then that's your fault for not managing buybacks. If you know you're at risk of dying and needing to defend, you'll be wise to wait to have buyback available. Don't rush in like a moron
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What's next for the ol' babaev?
>Does ixmike type badly on purpose?


it's an NA/FPL thing that he (among others) popularised

it's where arteezy gets his 'haha thanks fnkanm real FKCUKCIKNG FUNNY' stuff from
nah its just the shitty translation

the jap speaks butchered english and announces it as Ranguhrah blade. Other languages translated it as Laguna blade.

Dragon slave is supposed to be Dragon slayer
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Puppey is educated in music which means two things

1. Although lucrative, he's not uneducated, and he can make a living in the music industry, which is better than being relegated to burger flipping when youre 40
2. If he was able to study music, his family is well-off. The likelihood of him having inheritance to work with is high

And also, he's part owner of Team Secret. As long as he can keep the team afloat (even if he's not a player). that brand will live and that's guaranteed income for him

If anything, he's the most business minded out of them all. He's accepted that he cant be this star player forever, so he's slowly divestituting his presence to something more favorable in the long term.
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Faceit """pro""" league
Faceit Pro League

i'm pretty sure that's the inhouse league the NA semi-pros all play in but I might be confusing it with Counterstrike
N-no homo.
>Battlepass items marketable
>Immortal treasures already costing more than the rare items from the chest

I don't understand.
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Does anyone enjoy the dota scene more than playing the game?
Deleted everything steam related from pc.
Changed my MAC and IP.
Got VPN.
Started a new account.
New email and new registration all through vpn.


There must be something in the system that correlates me against mirana players. i can't explain this otherwise. It's not like i lose those games. But it's mentally tiring always looking up for random arrows that can decide an entire game.
His turkish sugar daddy will keep throwing money at him to entertain him, and esports isn't going anywhere.
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Oh, much appreciated.
I play maybe 1-2 games a week, no reason to torture myself when they won't add solo queue back to at least add a semblance of fair matchmaking to the game
shes FOTM you retard
>win a drinking game
>against a ginger
I don't think you understand how this works.
They're either Irish/bonglandian, or they're Russian.
>Deleted everything steam related from pc.
>Changed my MAC and IP.
>Got VPN.
>Started a new account.
>New email and new registration all through vpn.
anyone has screenshot of that reddit post that was posted here
of a guy who thought there was a conspiracy against him, someone tracks his accounts and arranges his matches with feeder bots?
perhaps it just became habit to him.
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Yes, yes I do
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That's fucking true. I was sick and tired of getting fucking peruvian three-stacks fucking up my games every match. I quit playing the game because of that. I don't understand why the fuck is so hard to get Solo Queue?
no; she's POTM, you imbecile
Can you read?
I wouldn't complain if she was on my side.
Whats there to understand, goy? You throw shekels at gaben and get next to nothing in return, it is fairly simple.
Try insta picking her.
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Not danish gingers :)
maybe the moon gods are shitting on you lad
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Im not new to dota, but im new to the memeing

Why is Mushi called a rapist?
She's boring.

Pick _____ if you want free mmr
Raped his teeth.
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Why would I let you in on my roster of instalock and insta-win heroes?
Do you own a google?
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Red zones are the ground zeroes for gingerdom. 9/10 says she's got roots in either location.
If there is, having to ask means you don't belong there
because he is one?
2-4% pure redheads? Damn, too many girls are dying their hair these days.
I see what you mean, though the ancestry might be from ways back.
his government literally gave him a pass to rape anyone he wants without criminal prosecution
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>tfw no gf to eat dinner with after hard day at work, play some casual dotka and cuddle afterwards

Just fuck my shit up famalampai
>all that sauce
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>/vg/ stacks
I think I recognise that mousepad

But it's not you, Polandbro, is it?
>Casual dota

Fuck off thats the worse kind
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>that nearly rotten lettuce
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How the fuck do we stop him from shitting up the majors and ti7?
>interviewing holograms with no new voice lines, literally equal to SFM but in real life
>getting to captain his own all star team
That sounded like a dojin anon

I can be your gf if you want if you don't a penis

>No complex carbs
I hate this cunt so much
Easily found with image search but here
Hopefully you'll at least try next time.
>not a complex carb
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>soloholing a mirana
>only having greaves and a blink on a hero with the capability to rice at 40:00
>Hating on TI runner-up
Simple carbs for a simple man, such is dotka life
Timbersaw, Ogre Magoo
Ogar please go and stop posting your food everywhere. Especially that rotten-ass thing you call chicken
>Hating OUR GUY Slacks

Slacks is LITERALLY the only interviewer in the Dota 2 scene who can get these autistic spoiled brats to talk to the camera in any meaningful way
its self made garlic sauce, with low fat greek yoghurt, all under control lad
i dont even want to play this game anymore

i realized there are more important things in life than wasting time on videogames f.e. shitposting

sorry im only into cute introverted girls (no penis allowed)

its me (who else)
I never eat dressing, is that what you mean?
That's what Korean mukbang broadcast jockeys are for.

Well kinda, mostly the eating together part.
Reddit is not welcome here, leave now and never come back.
How have you been doing, seems like nothing much changed since the last time I recognised your mousepad

Don't even have to do anything, just press R and W and wait.
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Yeah, sure
>reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit secret club redit reddit reddit

I bet you've never experienced 4chan without captcha you infantile hyperbabby
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Why are these guys even in TI?

Fuck. I remember when I was still a redditfag and he posted his first ever video to the community (I think he was playing omni and voicing him with some sexist personality). His mic was literally shit, but it gave me a good chuckle, and I advised him to do more with better sound.

Now he's this cringy asshole, and I helped him to achieve it.
lately changed a bit in my life
started running 5k's barely playing videogames,

lost like 10 kg's throughout last year
i still need to go to gym and start working out for good tho.

Still kissless virgin but i at least manned up last friday and asked girl out (got rejected but no worries she was out of my league anyway)
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>PL doesn't choose hero until game has started
>comes moseying up to my offline at like 3 minutes into game
>tries to take a last hit, fails, makes me miss the cs of course
>angrily "Get back!" him and X ping him 3 times
>"ok Centaur will carry us"
>he just stands on lanes for like the first 10 minutes of the game, refusing to last hit anything
>go on to win the game with way better kda and hero damage and more farm with fucking centaur vs BoT PL

tales from the crypt
NA has literally 1 good team and these shitters
they are in TI becuase the na region is so shit they couldnt even find enough teams and their biggest competition was DRINKING BOYS

in na you litearlly show up for the qualifier and you go to seatle
Reminder that SirActionSlacks has 4796 solo mmr.
But anon, DC is European
>tfw when picking am against void off and outbullying the bully

lmao they almost eliminated DC in the qualifiers you faggot.

If they did they'd be TI champions right now I bet.
But PL is shit
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>a grand total of 10 strength for a hero who scales with strength and only strength
Must be nice in the trench where you just walk into them and their rock somehow falls.
>no agh on marinara
>TWO diffusalshits
That's good to know Anon

I stopped playing video games as well though I'd like to get back into it at some point, but not before I'm done studying and got my shit together

Getting into lifting seems like a good idea, I'd be interested in doing the same

Don't give up, remember that you're never gonna feel like doing something so just do it
>This utter dillusion
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>my unkillable hero is the one that matters in a 5v5 in this patch

you retards keep posting this stupid fucking shit, it's no wonder you are failures at every level in life. aura carrying while dishing damage is basically the best thing you can possibly do to ensure wins in this bracket
TnC eliminated OG and they arent champions

TI6 Complexity is shit
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What do I build on:

Secret new roster:


Wait, so Reso1ution is back to his slavic shithole? Sunsfan is a brutal fellow apparently.
>hes this ignorant and retarded


fast forward to the last 10 minutes
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Or you could just fucking kill them.
Tough choice, I know. It'll stop working when they stop falling in line one at a time for you and BH to run over them.

>Pshhh.... nothing personal, goy
he refused to pay the 66% prizepool cut and since valve pays players directly not organisation there was nothing DC could do but kick him
4/10 apply yourself
Mohammed doesn't want to go pro iirc
get the fuck out
i guess you didnt see the 15k hero damage you fucking greasy turd

dont even give me your fucking nonwhite (You)s im sick of like 3.3ks trying to theorycraft my posts youre fucking shit it doesnt matter if the hero scales with str if nobody can kill me from 2500 hp to begin with you fuckin migrant
Your inventory contains less than 6 hearts
that means your Centaur build is suboptimal
Reso fucked Sajedene. The jew is mad so hes disbanding the team.
Is this some kind of meme?
And Fnatic is UK.
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Post that one gif anon
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>paying valve to give you money
I'm not sure I understand what happened here.
Resolution refused to pay a prize pool cut? What does that mean?
>slav players
>utter shit at videogames

>simp1e goes to America
>great player

>reso1ution goes to America
>great player

huh, so America is the greatest country on earth after all
>Implying i will give (You)s to fucking PSG
he agreed to give 2/3rd of all his prizepool winning sto DC

normally DC would get the money from lans and they would give the players the change thats left after the cut, but valve pays directly to the players (for this exact reason btw) and reso simply said "no" so what else was there to do if you are DC? same thing happend to Artstyle when they won TI
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RIP CIS scene
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>compLexity Gaming has recently become the first esports organization to participate in a bootcamp at the IMG Academy ā€“ a world renowned training haven for traditional sports that has hosted notable athletes, such as Serena Williams, Maria Sharapova, various NFL and NBA stars.
>compLexity Gaming hired wise old Nahaz as their coach
>still lost everything

what did they mean by this? poor Kyle
Top Kek

Based white bro
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Reso carried empire every single time tho
Holy shit Reso pulled an Artstyle.

Fucking based
>implying you didn't now post twice in order to not give me a (You)
>implying you won't respond to this post
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Then how did I find it?
Am I just that much better than you?
phase deso into whatever for pa maybe throw in vlads and/or vanguard if you feel like it
Based reso jewing the jew
come at me ladimir

>he refused to pay the 66% prizepool cut
How is this even allowed?

>invest 100k tops
>Get a 2+ million return in a couple of months
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Okay, now I understand. Thank you.
Nahaz has betrayed the stats, so the stats betreyed him
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Complexity are dog shit.
Merely sixty-six percent?
Oy vey what a bargain!
fucking based
What about Helm for satanic eventually
>66% cut
what the fuck
>nobody said ARC WARDEN
The self is disgusted by this faggotry
>he agreed to give 2/3rd of all his prizepool winning sto DC
Holy fuck. That seems like it's way too much. But if he agreed, then what can you do?

He shouldn't expect to get on another team I guess, unless the entire thing gets unraveled.
>Thinking someone should have to give away over a million dollars
>66% goddamn percent of winnings

Same reason everyone pirates music ad movies, people realize most of the money goes to the jews at the very top all the time and not the people that earned it
>tfw more HotD buffs in 6.89
brace yourselves acolytes
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reminder that Peter " Bonjwa" Dager is a top tier master planner BUT even he didn't expect this time travelling madman on a revenge to ruin his plan
Source famalapaichi
hey 4chan admins, delete this please.
>tradition is that your engagement ring should be 3 months salary

This (((tradition))) is a modern invention

Diamonds are actually fundamentally worthless and the price of diamonds is the result of price-setting action from false scarcity created by the DeBeers corporation

Diamonds aren't even rare, rubies are more scarce than they are
Misery never asked for any of it.
Maybe after you sell your deso.

Vlads lifesteal will work with deso and with phase, deso and vlads bonus you'll be deleting support with your dagger before the fight even starts.
>School wasn't for me
Look up his TEDx talk
i don't think you know what a bonjwa is anon
What should I masturbate to?
>Ogre magi is not broken

stupid dotards
Phase boots and RoA > vanguard > deso > bkb > situational
Arcane boots > veil > aether lens > eul > octarine > situational
Phase boots > veil > solar crest > eul > octarine > situational
idk anything your team needs
urn, force staff, glimmer cape, veil, lotus orb, vlads, pipe, gem
i usually recomend against building mek on support since this item falls off pretty quickly and it will be useless when you finish it
>Diamonds are actually fundamentally worthless
Just like everything, until you insert your own value judgement to them (if you don't care about your life, at all, not even water has any meaning to you)
easiest yous of my life familia who would agree to give a 66% cut lmao i have no clue how much DC takes
>not taling deso on pa first
>not building vlads
I think Icefrog will buff the neutrals rather than the item itself to encourage using HotD's active.

I bet it will be something like
>Buffed up the spells the neutrals never use by themselves (Also buffs ench, doom and chen)
>Dominated creeps get bonuses based on the level of the hero that wields the HotD. +30 HP, +2 damage, +10 MP per level of the caster. This bonus is set on cast and does not adapt when the caster levels up unless the creep is re-dominated
>Dominated creeps can be re-dominated to refresh their HP and MP. HotD has global range when used this way
What do I do to keep from killing myself Dotards? Dota doesn't do it for me anymore.
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>turns out it's actually 85%
>not "HA-HA"
Watch anime
www.twitch DOT tv/followkudes/v/83551033?t=9h14m30s

post yfw stupid russians get slaughtered by /vg/
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Find your faith again and wait patiently for the race war, where you'll become a crusader and at the end get a qt 2D gf
Play League of Losers, or what the ongoing LCS

>totally not a league shill, btw
ah fuck thats the wrong moment this is the ending its more fun

www.twitch DOT tv/followkudes/v/83551033?t=9h16m55s
Watch the films of Terrence Malick.
what the fuck am I looking at, idiot
>not taling deso on pa first
what the point getting deso first? its not like you going to fight with 800 HP and lvl 1 ult
>not building vlads
vanguard gives you enough sustain to jungle while also making you more survivable and can be build into abyssal later on
>inb4 muh 15% damage aura
check the second link i had the wrong timestamp
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Friendly reminder that this woman was friendzoned by Admiralmemedog
good choice by anyone over 15 holy shit life is not anime does she know that?
like admiral cuckdog could pull this top tier QT
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>no Asanagi dota 2 doujin

Why even live familia....
Show her body if you dare.
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Nah man.
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new team
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>a 6/10 porcelain doll looking chink that cakes enough chemicals on her face she could take rust off metal by rubbing her face on it

She just looks unnatural goddamn whatever happened to a bit of lipstick and maybe some eye liner, who finds that shit attractive? I bet it looks like she dropped several cans of paint whenever she showers it off
I'd rather it be a Mizuryu Kei one.
he was so fucknig handsome
what went wrong
Is canceldota worth watching? Literally no one else
im all out of music to listen to i litearlly have aspergers or something and listen to something i like thousands of times until i dont like it anymore

i am willing to open myself to any new kind of music as long as its good so feel free to post it
>Literally no one else
funnek is streaming
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right here
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>not Hisasi
Off yourself
literally same shit here. How to properly explore music world senpaitachi?
Listening to Rocket League OST for a gazillion times fml
just let le old guard die in peace

sumail w33 miracle proven that new players win you lans not your epic friends from way back
This is gonna sound like shitter-tier, but I can't find and answer.
If you apply caustic to 5 creeps, and kill them next to a hero (with burrow or some shit), does he take 1100 magical damage?
Fuck u
>Neutral monsters now work the same as morphling replicate

>Implying icefrog works on the game anymore
thats why sandkings now go 4-0-4

lost a game once because my lvl 8 sandking had no epicenter when they were roshing fun times
He no speako englando
doesn't bother me
but if you want english there's /ixmike88 or /monkeys_forever on right now
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>have lots of fun games to play
>finally get lots of time to play them
>end of the day
>end up having played nothing
nigga you chip them with dagger hoping for a crit then go balls deep if you do.
agreed on the vanguard tho but
>vanguard first item on the worst farming hard carry in the game
thanks man
>76% damage reduction
>in exchange of playing 3v5
seems fair to be honest
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>AFK jungle LC does nothing but ping spam and bitch about everyones item timings
>he's in party with a guy 1k mmr above game average

Why is this allowed?
Add a morphling to replicate VS before she suicides so your team keeps the +36% aura

Also have VS go vlad + Dominated alpha wolf

if guy jungles and pings all game there is no way he has many good boy points

that means you dont have either

so in all, like always, its your fault that you get matched with shitters becuase you are shit yourself

I've gone up 200 mmr already
I don't report for flame.
I don't report for feeding or bad play.
I just report 2 stacks in ranked.
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genuinely couldn't tell what hero this is from the thumbnail

Is this the best team ever? N0lans on suicide watch?
Underlord has arcana already?
>Best team ever
it has Fly and Cr1t on it so no
for real,who is it

underlord arcana
how are there people who have over 1000 matches, a high winrate, but shit MMR?
Earth Shaker
you do know Misery hates being the captain and drafter so he will stop also he will play offlane etc

this will be NOTHING like DC in ti6 it will be just fly drafting shit making shit calls and hoping Miracle can win anyway

this time maybe it will even work since nolans is gone but still that team isnt the best
it has horns like clinkz so clinkz
They get carried in partys and never play solo
>guessed from dk, to sand king, to maybe bristleback
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>Hating Cr1t
He's to cute to be hated on. TOO CUTE

Look at his other tweets. He pretty much confirmed.
thanks, mr.president
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how do i ensure that i lose my calibration mmr games without feeding on purpose and achieve worst mmr i possibly can?
i want to start from bottom
fly will listen to misery

misery didn't say he hated being captain, he said he'd much rather be the guy next to the captain and the jew will listen

really like reso and saksa so this sucks

rtz and moo to eg, fear and universe to retire?
Do these "perform brilliant and then stir shit up" happen in real sports?
where's this video from?
>universe retire
Not exactly. Players tend to go towards the team that is willing to pay the higher salary.
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EG insider here

EE is joining a second EG team
idk i never seen PA that goes damage item before sustain item doing well, unless she snowballs really hard
>worst farming hard carry
but we are talking about PA, not about CK or spectre
why would fly and miracle move from OG?

Did OG players all use riki ult at the same time?
what are good starting items for offlane pudge
They haven't moved.

Nolans got fucking booted from the team for being a shitter
Ring of repick into cloak of abandon
they're not

misery and w33 are moving away from DC
>40k is a lot of money

you do realize that puppey has made over a million dollars in prize pool money alone not including salary money?

what do you think he's buying rings every two days or something, the dude is pretty much set for life if he invests properly
So thats why eg lost against dc, poopd actually learned how to throw games from EE
I think it's w33 and misery moving to OG instead.
More importantly why was Swindlezz at the all stars match? They didnt make the main event
slippers of uninstal this fucking game already you are ruining games
theres a slahsers guide for him
Play an initiating support badly

Initial MMR calculation uses DPS and KDA as heavily weighted factors

If you do no damage all game and die a lot without achieving anything then you'll shit the bed
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>sunsfan's face

Also wouldn't that mean Misery and w33 now pulled an arteezy?
because google uses your history as a tool to find shit

so the reason why you found it probably because your history is full of porn
I was watching that part where EE walks on when Dendi is picked, then I saw swindlezz and wondered the same thing.
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Predict Secret 5.0.
Damn, i had around 10k a couple months ago, but then internet shits itself during one bad game, everyone on my team reports me, i get an abandon and fall to 8.9k. I am at 9.5k now and still recovering
who's gonna leave og?
fly and moon
No, it means that team that was going to disband anyways after TI, disbanded.

They were ragtag bunch of people that got screwed over or overlooked players that got together just because of TI and TI only.
who's 6/7 on blitz stream kek
I'm sure it wasn't that hard to figure it out :^)
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moon n0tail
Whats your favourite hero combo bros?

mine is tiny and techies on the offlane
BSJ, CLQ, rtc, ppd, and sheever
Watching Waga's stream cause he's cute and I like his voice :3
>obvious fake twatter account
sure thing bud
do you ever go to sleep

I swear every time slacks is mentioned you show up

does he pay you in reddit votes or something?
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>B-God back to core.
I'm at 9.5k too but most of my games are awful, seq num last report is 200 though.

Is 10k the highest?
same senpai
i end up spending all day napping and shitposting and watching anime
Who? You say B-God yet your picture is of h0neylans
>enemy team picks spectre and phantom lancer
>they literally both buy mantas later in the game
>in the draft guy declined playing earthshaker and instead went crystal maiden after everybody else was locked in
can't wait to watch him lose every game where anti mage is banned
>when the forced 50 just fucking rapes you

jungle pa who build vlads, vanguard
invoker mid who gets shit on by storm spirit
solo offlane earthshaker
and an arcane curse spamming "support" silencer

just fuck my game up famalam
>its hot as fuck
>some cat just shat under my window
B-God = BigDaddy God
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>not picking a hero capable of cliff jungling every game
>not using the threat of afk jungling to bully your team
yes, 10000 to be exact
>I'm at 9.5k too but most of my games are awful
idk for me its around 50/50
may be it depends on server, i play on russia
pic or it didnt happen
Russians here?
what are some good custom games lads?
someone mentioned crumbling island arena and i have to say it's pretty good
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why would i take a picture about a cats shit in the dark, its fucking smelly as fuck and i cant even bury it because its DARK
cyka blyat
ive been in the exact same situation bro

heres what you do, you're gonna need a blanket and a can of tuna. open up the can of tuna and place it outside, stand next to the tuna with the blanket covering most of you. after a while a dumbass cat will come eat the tuna. catch the tuna with the blanket. then get the shit and shove it right back inside the cat
can i just bury the cat in my shit
>BigHoney Pot
senpai.. link me ten examples of games where he helped carry the team equally well as any other member of the team since Monkey Business.

>el impossible
Don't do it. Don't shuffle. Your fans are loyal, your brand is strong, your dota is masterful. So you lost 2 BO3s against arguably the two teams you were least prepared for. A slightly different playoff assignment would see you coasting to top 3.

Cr1t, Miracle-, Moon, I know you guys are being courted and getting offers from every direction. Fuck that. Stay with the senpai, senpai. Show everyone it's through the highs and the lows. We, the fans, believe.

Don't break our hearts. #DreamGreen.
Is it true that dota afterparties are violent fuckfests
Jesus Christ, Moon is so fucking ugly
who is that faggot looking faggot in the middle

i bet the conversation was like this:
>Miracle: hey fly either you kick noskill or i leave he is uncarriable
>Fly (friend of notail of 10 years): say no more family
Shut your face, he looks just like my animes
huh so that scrapped EG junior they are talking about before is gonna be true?
Fly should be the poster boy
People who shit on Burning, really forget that Burning played actually good in Big God team and in the IG team with ChuaN.

Very excited to see THAT team if the leaks are true, fucking ChuaN, eleven, Burning, Lanm - jfc.
has anyone x-ray'd this picture?
It should be Miracle. He's just so adorable.
does it need to be?
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>hating on based David Tan
what are you, gay?
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where do you think you are
o-oh right
Fly has been waiting for this

his hands were tied when h4nn1 and nolans backstabbed Era for Ex-"one hero pool"-Calibur - whom squandered his chances at TI4 ... TI5 he was forced to play with fucking Swindle, we dont even need to talk about what just happened at TI6

this time our jew will do it for Era and Trixi
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>this time our jew will do it for Era and Trixi
has there been any interesting post ti 6 drama at all?
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You people are RETARDED, N0tail founded OG.

He's the PPD of EG.
The Puppey of Shitrekt.

aka unkickable.
yes OG got honeypotted at TI6 cause they were playing 4v5 without position 1
>mad cuz not on his lvl ho

what else is there
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>tfw no good streams on
>tfw small penis
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The worst part is that envy will still be allowed to join a professional team
Envy is a beta dude.
Guys will masturbating before an exam improve my performance on it? Please respond
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EE is a monster.webm
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no it's gonna make you lethargic & do worse
depends on what you masturbate to
Being based doesn't make you handsome :^)
>h0neylans/n0brain/n0skill/n0lans is not overcompensating for his manlet bitchtit status with being obnoxiously loud
sure thing bud
you failed
Will my 5inch dick get longer if I shed of my fat?
nobrain formed Secret with kuro

he then invited the president of estonia and got kicked because kuro sided with ppy

he formed OG with Fly

he will be kicked because Jew will side with the future president of Jordan
I always liked backstabby h0neylans the most.
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Secret was Kuro's team from the start then Puppey ran to Kemal and took control of it.
guess you will be saying OG is Fly team from the start soon then
fly and N0god formed OG.

I have reliable sources and N0tail is staying with OG.
But Secret really was Kuro's baby, tbqhfam
>tfw we will never have another mario party stream
i would never guess i would enjoy such thing so much
yeah ? well my dad work at OG and hes saying otherwise
What's a good core who is always relevant and doesn't die easily?
... how small?
>Inb4 weird coincidences start to happen in Denmark
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Only 19cm long.
I haven't dared to measure the circumference since it's not even as thick as my wrist.
Wraith king

>Stun ganks always get a kill
>Hard to ignore
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Pretty sure this thing is bugged
he said good core
>Get w33 mid and move miracle to carry
>stay with uncarriable bigbabby
Pick one
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happy timeguy.png
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thanks guys
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>"hurr durr ck can't farm!"
>HotD and Talon exist

>"Hurr durr ck has mana issues!"
>Arcane boots exists

I think I'll just play League from now on
>hello 0 damage!
>all of those issues
>battlefury exists
That's what happens when you don't put enough waifus in your game. Thanks volvo
>needing farm on a support
HotD is already an item people get on CK, and going arcanes instead of treads will not really affect your damage output that much, the only difference is that the Arcanes CK can actually use his ult and then stun more than once
>going arcanes instead of treads will not really affect your damage output that much
i mean if your 1k mmr then really your input into anything really isn't needed here mate
soul ring into bloodstone is better
you can spam Q and W for farming better
ixmike is streaming loser
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This patch is still garbage. Comeback mechanics killed this game, all you need to do now is pick a scaling lineup that can defend highground and it's an 80% win, regardless of how shit you do early on.

If Icefrog did nothing else except add the tower armor aura after TI4 the game would still be great. Now, anything you do pre-15 minutes is irrelevant.
>spam Q and W
gtfo league shill
i legit cant tell if this is bait or you actually build that on ck
uhh CK doesn't have quas or exort
>Now, anything you do pre-15 minutes is irrelevant.
Pre 30 minutes

and even if they removed them the game would still be shit because of all the hero and item changes and jungle changes and all changes in general
how the fuck are q and w farming abilities
wow m8 if winning is so simple why are you still 4k

or why are you here can you just fuck off to casualwatch or whatever game where you wont have to worry with such burden of knowledge?
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>comparing your shitty pub games to IceFraud's "only with competitive in mind" balance
>I like to roam alone and give FREE gold to the enemy: the post
Except no one asked for comeback mechanics, it was a knee jerk reaction due to reddit complaints after TI4.

>icefrog only balances for pro dota

top fucking kek
>q stun the creep and damage
>w gives bonus damage
weak up
>dendi and ppy will never ever be on the same team again
>they will never do batshit crazy shit again
>tfw we'll never have an exciting el classico between Navi and Alliance again because they're both shit now
What's even more sad is the fact that Navi was starting to show promise again this year but still failed
Nice non-argument m8

>STR Treads CK with lvl 16
-118 average damage
-1.01 attacks/s
-119 average DPS (139 counting w/crit)

>Arcanes CK with lvl 16
-109 average damage
-0.87 attacks/s
-95 average dps (111 w/crit)

That's it, 28 DPS lost, in exchange for being actually able to use your spells
dogshit lance removed when
0:24 holy shit kuroky is short
>95% pick/ban rate for TI
>no obvious meta picks
>top teams won based on play style and strategy

Also, two years later, I don't think post TI4 changes are much relevant now
>Comeback mechanics killed this game
not coming back unless the change that shit
there is a reason why when CK was viable he build drums and also build io to heal him up

the hero is bad right now becuase he cant farm, whats the point of ck when you can just play sven or jug or tb and have 10cs/min while doing everything that ck can do also
They were TI5 CDEC but way weaker. Run at you until u ded and then take towers. CDEC knew how to win teamfights consistently and when to take objectives. Navi flipped a coin and it landed in the other teams favor a few too many times it felt like.
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top kek, mate. Feel free to go, no one will miss you
>95% pick ban rate
normally i would've discarded your opinion right there.

>no obvious meta picks
timber, mirana, et, oracle, sd, kunkka, void

>top teams won based on play style and strategy

no shit, that's the way it's always been.
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post your playstyle
He's standing next to a fucking giant
this is why we don't look at items in a vacuum

what fucking CK is going to have only treads or arcanes at lv16

when you start adding other items dmg and attack speed the amount of actual DPS you lose is huge

and then when you take in the fact that a lot of CKs dps comes from illusions every bit matters

Which is why your fucking 1k insight is not needed here you fucking retard
manlet detected
Dendi+PPY+Xbox Na'Vi was far stornger than CDEC, this is clearly proven by how they were a dominant tier-1 dota through THREE YEARS from 2011 to 2013.

Cdick lasted for like what, 2-3 months as a tier-1 team
>enter trench game alone
>pick offlaner, guy insists on walking me up the lane with his support hero
>nukes the creeps level 1 and starts attacking

what do I do at this point?
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I want the highground meta to end.
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>Farm safelane well early game
>Leave to fight midgame, do really well because stun and rift are really fucking good
>Push towers with your ultimate because no risk high reward
>Stack ancients between fights with HotD and take fuckhuge stacks because ult

its all good m8
Do wolves need no armor?
I'm 185 though
>literally no counter arguments
Wings let DC get all their comfort picks for last two games (which included Mirana and Timbersaw) and still won. Last game had them on ET, the only obvious meta pick you mention
bad englando on my part. i mean current navi is badCDEC. old navi is obviously the most accomplished team we've had yet.
healslut pugna, get tranqs + soul ring, heal your carry and you get an easy win
Will this next year be Burning's year? Its about time his heroes got buffs and the new team looks insane if its real.

I wonder if Xiao8 will try to get a super team when they just stole Maybe, probably get Wings/EHOME leftovers?

Also because after all those balance changes, new heroes into -cm, and people getting dumpster tiered like Morphling, Na'Vi still kept their style and just got new heroes.
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I can't play the same hero twice
>muh 95% pick rate

yeah and like 40% of that wasnt viable or won against shitters.
>Not the WR/OD of the patch (aka overrated shit).
If it wasn't for Moo, he would have sub 50% winrate
Well, he had a 33% winrate in the Grand Final ;)
>Newfriends complaining about mechanics
Half the fun in dota is enjoying the ride of the madman Icefrog.
He can literally tank a tower and wave of creeps with reactive armor alone
Fucking this.

One of the best memories I have of the game is the stupid fucking October when Centaur Warrunner was released and when he was on enemy team and everyone in your team was shitting their pants
Except people are only complaining because they know how the game was before comeback mechanics
why do i have to go pee between every game

this whole drink 3l a day is really f*****g annoying
no swearing please this is a christian imageboaard
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>Put up netherward at the back of the fight in the fog of war
>Stand there healing your carry out of sight

Genius, until they walk out of range and you have to break the channel and become utterly useless unless you've vacuumed up enough farm to rush an Aghs (which you shouldn't as position 4/5 in any sensible game)
>3 liters of water a day

auto win offlaner? fast pls
It was shit. Winner was guaranteed 99% if you had like 4.5k to 5k lead at 11-15 minutes or something.
Stupid fucking dota.
3l is a lot desu senpai.

the recommended amount is 2l, maybe some more when it's hot.
too much water can be bad for you
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Who nearly perfectly balanced?
Literally league of lulsers
No anon, please come back, we'll miss you so much
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>Win early, lose late: The Support
2l including water in other things you consume my famalams
not when u build armlet aghs lmao

but what about his mana pool?

just played a game where i went 8-0 and had a 20 minute drums aghs. by 25 I had aether. I could literally only get my Q off 3 or 4 times in a fight before I was completely dry, and then they got BKBs and won anyways.
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>Please refer to Fnatic vs Team Liquid series
Don't listen to these faggots.You're doing good and it's the single best thing you can do for a better health long term.
3L is fine and reccomended.
I easily do 4L each day in the summer.
Protip: if your pee ain't crystal clear you're not drinking enough.
I watched 1 league game today

Score was 8-4, team that was behind in score was ahead in gold because they didn't leave lane and could just keep farming.
>my Q
there's your problem, you picked invoker instead of undying
>It was shit. Winner was guaranteed 99% if you had like 4.5k to 5k lead at 11-15 minutes or something.
Maybe thats because of the heroes that were picked and someone feeding

>Pick early pushing lineup
>enemy team gets lategame and little depush
>Gets stomped

>B-but they should always have a chance to win !!
That's an exageration if I ever saw one.
>Pick early pushing lineup
>enemy team gets lategame and little depush
>Get 10k-15k advantage
>GET 5 man wiped
>5 man bb
>Get 5 man wiped again
>This would net the enemy at very best 5k
>Gets stomped because lmao game can't punish terrorist roleplaying
>ixmike has been streaming for 16 hours now

somebody stop him
not mine but this is really somethin

hes doing this:

the guy in the video wanted to seem hard working becuase the transfer window was coming

same as in dota right now, he prolly beleives he can get on some team and honestly if bulba could its not that far fethced
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>Sumail playing Timbersaw mid

So that's one hero that won't be getting nerfed. Still hoping for that Mirana nerf and I hope they nerf PA into unplayable tier the hero is the epitome of RNG this patch and should be renamed to chaos assassin or some shit.
Mike hasn't been in a team for over three years, right? Gee I wonder why, I honestly don't think anyone is even considering getting him for a serious team
Holy shit why did no one tell me Meepo was so fun. Once you get enough levels and Scepter it's like an automatic win, I thought he'd be difficult because of "micro" but you can just mash tab and w with quick cast enabled and blow up anyone in the game. How the fuck is this balanced?
drink less caffeine
> Once you get enough levels and Scepter it's like an automatic win
It IS an automatic win
Piece f shit was overbuffed because lmao TOO HARD to play!!
so what now
sell immortal items or buy?
>have 15 k gold lead that you built on good play and good draft
>enemy team with 10 last hits tops since you choked it to death gets one wipe
>this should be equal to 1/3 of what has accomplished by the team that did everything right

>Kills are the thing that makes dota fun

Some valve worthless intern should seriously kill himself

I wonder which patch is dota 2's WoD I also wonder if valve isn't rigging the player count to hide its been diminishing and all the lol shit changes are made to try to change that trend but in the end they will only kill it faster

Mike is fucking trash at offlane and tilts literally every match just watch him. The only way he can play offlane is if he gets some easy shit like Timber vs slark/bane or some crap.
>nerfing shit heroes
Dumb redditposter...
lmfao who careas haha xd
Cliff jungling with every hero.

>shit hero

MVP almost made it to top 5 by abusing RNG mechanics like PA you shitter.
So how's dp right now after nerfs? And why everybody build veil on her?
I seriously thought he'd be difficult at I shat up the first half of the game, but after turning on quickcast it was easy fucking kills. Nerf this sick filth, or don't so I can abuse it.
How did they "abuse" rng mechanics?
Playing a hero to their strengths and drafting around that hero isn't abuse bruh.
>Be me in ranked
>Winning the game but it's close
>Someone on our team abandons while we're pushing
>We die and lose
no has in teams he literally was even in a bootcamp right before TI or i dont remember when with TEam Freedom but they disbanded before qualies lmao
>solo queue
>in a game balanced around coordinated teams
You have friends...right?
Silly anon, they aren't "our" people so anything they do is abuse

Surely you can't be suggesting that they won fair and square?
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blizzard stole soe
she is okay, weak to burst early on but good pick otherwise
veil gives good stats but more importantly, icreases damage (and heal) of spirit siphon
Yes, but they don't play ranked
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What happened to Soe? She turned into some kind of lifting dyke?
because veil used to be like the best item in the game then got nerfed pretty bad
you farmed fast and were more tnaky

heroes that are popular right now like mirana timber ursa will just blow her up midgame when she isnt that tanky

if you want to push just pick drow or huskar
obtain amphetamines and start working on the process of changing your entire life.

So I'm stuck with my pic related old Macbook while abroad for a few months. Tried running it on Mac OSX and I barely got 30 with all minimum settings.

Should I just install bootcamp? although virtual machine is less of a pain in the ass, I think it's just as effective as running dota 2 on the native osx. Could be wrong, i'm new to hackintosh shit.
fuck off normie

Pretty much this Drow is pretty broken at the moment in pubs if you have a few ranged heroes on you're team she pretty much wins all 3 lanes just by skilling precision aura at level 1.
she worked for blizzard waaaaaay before getting into the dota scene newfriend
you probably don't want to run a virtual machine

try dual booting windows instead
Pros aren't told, for the most part, of what gets added/changed.

Timber will get nerfed, and I liked the suggestion to change Mirana Starfall to be like Kunkka Torrent
What do you build on Arc? I like the hero, but I have no clue how to build him
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No, it really was that one sided.

Take note that 6.83 suffered from people abusing comeback gold heroes like Spectre getting 6000 gold from one fight so the stats for it are biased.

pre-economy dota was pure garbage
Try @peterpandam you mouth-breather
>5-7k NW Lead at 15 minutes.
>90% winrate.

It was so fucking terrible back in 6.81 and older
>although virtual machine is less of a pain in the ass
It's more of pain in the ass because to PLAY VIDEOGAMES in Vm you need support of some instructions by your cpu so you could do a gpu passthrough. If you have OLD macbook, then i doubt that it supports that thing.
how the fuck did veil get nerfed in any way

Sauce now
what's the point of blizzard paying the interviewee to interview his own employee? just fucking make a video of the faggot talking about the game.
delete this
Learn to fucking read the OP you fucking ribbitor cocksuck

How on Earth did you find fucking 4chan but cant fucking read the thread's OP and its links

Fucking kill yourself retarded shitfaggpot
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Want to learn htp morph guyz
Watched pro plays, watch pub stompers plays, decided to play on my own, sucked a lot of dicks
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Hey faggots your boy mike is getting thrashed in the offlane again by 5k NA shitters and tilting HARD
>Literally reads DATDOTA.COM in the other one
fucking imbecile
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When was the last time you saw a Chaos Knight in your games gulag ? Any tips on how to play as CK ?
seriously is he just so dogshite ?
xaxaxaxa cyka nol pomoshi x-ddd
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Guys I got the newest MEME build for overthrow (or regular pubs if you're a madman)

>get phase, echosaber then shadowblade
>one shot any squishy agi hero
>then go blightstone then crystalis (blightstone to get rid of any + armor)
>turn shadowblade into silver edge
>turn crystalis into daedalus
>then turn blightstone into desolator
>get mkb if you're really raping (any raw damage is good basically)

of course this build is not finalized and I think you can improve on it.

Fun seeing all these ebin AGI cores melt in two swift hits, it's almost illegal.
99% of comebacks happen in the long matches you imbecile

nice way to skew stats and trick retards tho
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good riddance
gives way less int
The stat observation was about early gold lead and winrates.

It still depicts that perfectly fine.
My last game.
I lost against OFFLANE ck.
I played support necro.
He oneshoted me every time with his w+q combo
I'm 3k

>35 minutes

What the shit is this league of legends/deathball dota show up to an hour pussy.
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Here it is in action.

Best played in overthrow
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stop posting any time

will this work? why not?

CK is all about the skill/item build familia know when to max rift or stun first and when you could use a value point of his crit. Also armlet is basically 99% core but other shit is situational.
>3 good players and 2 bad players

it will previous OG had only 2 good players
>from 18 to 12
>meanwhile 6 str and 6 agi
literally goodDrums
>btfo by an offlaner

Serves you right
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And if i am this guy?
boots of travel, repick button and maelstrom
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just bought a 4k account

what server should i queue on
>pre-economy dota was pure garbage
It wasn't

What you don't take into account is how such leads came to be

You are making the game unfun for everyone
You're a cuck.
A vary hard cuck
wtf 2.5 merlinis
what did they mean by this?
>I don't know anything about anything and even though a simple search tool is too much for me to handle I'm still gonna pretend I'm right!

they did them like this:

supports have 0 everything ebcause eveyrthign was expensive and small items were total shit so they were just gold pinatas super unfun to play

offlane aka second mid nowadays was known as suicide lane becuase it was fucking awful you coudlnt do anything you were just fucked and it was unfun

are you following me still?
you have now 3 useless heroes on both teams.

then we had mid, that was just a rng fest decided by with coinflips that all depended on whoever checks the correct rune and what rune it will be also non stop bottle crowing resulting in constant stalemate of two full hp heroes just farming their daggers, semi fun role if oyu liek getting fucked over by rng

and then you had le big dick carries laning that hit creeps for 50 min and after that you had one big teamfight with buybacks and the side with the bigger dicked carry won, the only trully fun role

and thats how the leads were done, 2 farmed heroes literally feeding over and over on 3 shit heroes that had nothing and whoever got the lead never gave it away unless they literally wanted to
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Joined a team
Somebody fucked up
3 support player no offlaner
captain asks me to play offlane.
How do i play offlane? tips?
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>people with rose tinted lenses about anal rape hard push decided by 10 minutes dota
Spam taunt like admiralmemedoge

because og wasnt a contender retard

tnc however almost did beat DC so there is that
offlane is like the offlane when you have no supports
iron talon is your friend
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I mean it's 3k and i thought that i could get away with this, but i forgot that he needs a lot of exp to be effective, while i played him as pos5 wardbitch. Still, we could've won this, if not for super retarded clock, who fed 20 to enemy slark.
kill their carry
Nah, fuck you, dude. 2 heroes max per team had fun in that dota.
Either you finished in the game in 8 minutes with a push strat, or you played monstrously unfun 4p1 where'd you have 900 networth as a support 50 minutes into the game.
Not to mention offlane was literally pointless and impossible to contest unless you were dark seer.
Okej kompis.
buy iron talon
go jungle
walk to the lane to stop them from taking the tower when it pushes that far
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>people defending memeback
Buy Iron Talon. Go jungle.
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Fucking right. Icefrog has taken the game to a much better direction, yes that fucking Spectre patch with Spec gaining 6k from fight was stupid but it got balanced and now DOTA 2 is as great as it has ever been

Alliance made IF understand that supports need to get more farm, gold, supporting needs to be more productive and fun etc.

Best thing any team has done to DOTA like that.
>5.2k avrg
>my support wards mid when he is under enemy vison
>insta deward

How can you not know there is vision on mid lane ????????? This shit actualy triggers me the most
Daily reminder that the only people who don't like memeback are retarded pubstars that never even attempt a semblance of teamwork mad that modern dota made it harder for them to shit on uncoordinated pubs with snowballers.
not an argument
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memeback ruined EE as a carry

that's enough reason for it to be shit
it happens in my low 5k games too

i say that there is a ward 100% and no one on my team gives a fuck unless they already have bought sents for something else, EVEN THEN they dont care most times
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What do you think about dif/manta pa?
Giff me a phoenix and dazzle immortal please.


Im a support player


Play with me too SEA SERVER

its an old one retard he changed his twitter name
>implying that EE was good at any point
>supports have 0 everything ebcause eveyrthign was expensive and small items were total shit so they were just go
So they were fulfilling their role as support, to do as much as possible with as little as possible . Hero mechanics are fun or are not, you dont need to have farm necessarily. If they wanted to farm and get items they would have to concede certain things or maximize the jungle or ganks in the laning phase

Playing CM is awful but so is playing things like viper medusa

>offlane aka second mid nowadays was known as suicide lane becuase it was fucking awful you coudlnt do anything you were just fucked and it was unfun
But thats the fun of the lane, you had to outsmart and outplay the lane while trying to get as much as possible for it to then have an impact as big as possible to enable your teammates

>you have now 3 useless heroes on both teams.
No they werent. The disparity between carry and the rest got diminished to acceptable levels in 6.81

>then we had mid, that was just a rng fest decided by with coinflips

that all depended on whoever checks the correct rune and what rune it will be also non stop bottle crowing resulting in constant stalemate of two full hp heroes just farming their daggers, semi fun role if oyu liek getting fucked over by rng

They weren't coinflips. The teams had to work together to secure or deny runes, they were points of conflict. If you drafted shitty lanes you'd guranteed the enemy mid to get more runes and have an advantage

>and thats how the leads were done, 2 farmed heroes literally feeding over and over on 3 shit heroes that had nothing and whoever got th
Except not because this is not league of legends where all heroes did the same

ALl you've done with dota is to turn it into league of legends with more kills. Thats it

The game isn't fun anymore, all games used to feel different now they all feel the same and it gets super tedious

You know nothing at all about dota kill yourself
>people actually WANT throw your body at rax meta again
why manta its so fucking bad on that hero
just go bkb diff is fine if you need the purge for something

just copy QO he is the only player that gets how to play pa and im sure he never buys useless shit like that but i might be wrong since the only games ive seen are from ti
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And instead rewards the losing team that knee jerk 5 mans and throw all of their spells at anyone at the same time. As long as you're behind, you win.Nice one icefag
the only thing that ruined EE is EE
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will icefraud nerf or buff arc warden for 6.89
sleep well puppan
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>Go on 2 month break
>This guy is jumped from last to 63rd and one of the highest winrates in the game

What the fuck happened
Story behind this? Is he taking inspiration from Elliot Rodgers?
She has free attack speed, she has nothing that benefits the attack speed. manta maelstrom makes more sense
>easier than ever to overwhelm someone with split push
>still complaining about five man
Why bad? Manta illusions get manaburn, crit and evasion and it is easy to burst down enemy when he is slowed by dagger + diff.
>it was fun to have brown boots at minute 30 it was really super exciting to play that now that i have glimmer capes blinks forces its not as fun!

yeah whatever you say mr 4k lmao
why didn't he punch him in his fucking glasses tho
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pros decided to read /d2g/ for once
So what is what the third goblin in Techies looks like
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>balding manlet nerd bangs this whenever he feels like it

explain that dotards
Hopefully nerf, the hero is stupidly good in 5k+.
Probably has the most unpredictable builds of any hero.

People finally started maxing stomp after all these years instead of nigger spirit.
I swear, the only people who thought elder titan was ever bad were the 0-4-4-0 chumps.
Man that hero was fine, before the last batch of buffs.

Fucking probabs refusing to pick heroes because they arne't picked in prodota annoys the fuck out of me
H4nn1 changed EE's game search parameters to SEA so he played with 600 ping for one game and lost 25 MMR
EE responded by dumping a can of monster of H4nn1's head live on stream
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I am really scared, When will i lose?

While he wasnt looking, Hanni queued them up for a match in SEA servers, they ended up losing 25 MMR.

In return EE poured a monster on his head. Few claimed it was just a publicity thing, but EE got on twitter and just started flaming Hanni, C9's manager tweeted EE telling him to stop talking.
>Brown boots only
Thats 6.78

>Glimmer cape
Why don't you go ask to non reddit users if they like glimmer cape

I bet not a single person will defend that piece of shit item

literally all supports could have blink in 6.81 but they had to work for it not just get a a single kill on a core
it was water from a monster can

not monster

still fairly autistic, especially the way he just walks away after
Decide to play a carry without wave clear and your mid player that has waveclear and escape had a bad game or something.
>haha sorry buddy doesnt matter you crushed them
>better luck next time kid -25
Thanks for noething icefag
post yfw someone instalocks spirit breaker on your team. then the first thing they type is in spanish
thanks guys

I'll def dual boot. Would it be a problem to run windows 10 on an early 2011 macbook? Should I just use windows 7 instead?
becuase its a 5k item that gives you dispel literally nothing else

you dont benefit from the ms that much becuase you are pa you blink on heroes you slow them etc
it gives SHIT surv because again its a single instance of dispel and 200hp, for 5k that is shit

bkb is 100x better on that hero, sny is also way better at least you can proc memes from daggers
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Yeah, work hard nigga if you want that blink!
>the point of the game is to see gold numbre pop up and seeing the killscore go up
>B-but muh PHD psychology
>play a support
>you actually get gold now
>30 new ass saving items die

You can literally keep your cores from dying with no effort now.
You're stuck in the past gramps. You can prevent those big gold losing deaths.
They decided to try soul ring on him to sustain the stomp spam to stall pushes in a group early and push meta without violating the NAP
the point of the game is to have fun

afking at tier1 as offlane wasnt fun
being 0-20 and still winnign games as venomacner wasnt fun

>bbbbbbut muh nostalgia glaesses and non arguments
okay whatever you say mr 3k
Then what for dmg? Deso, maelstorm, diffusal?
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Considering Hanni is swole this has convinced me the EE is autistic memes aren't just memes
doesn't matter since manta illusions do shit for damage and crit/mana burn don't work on buildings so it's not even good for siegeing
I seriously can't believe some of you want people to just start throwing their bodies at buildings again because deaths didn't mean anything.
Seriously, I am so glad I don't have to deal with more furions dying for building damage and their deaths not mattering in the slightest.
Every day is AM day
What to build on PA when really ahead? I feel like if I'm really ahead building defense items is not the best choice.

But you dont know what makes the game fun

you are a faggot piece of shit who should be fired for being an incompetent retard

>B-but muh kill score
>B-but muh gold
>B-but my numbers
>B-but muh dog saliva

The game hasn't been fun since 6.84, 83 and 82 were cancer but everything after 84 has been an abortion
you want to make use of the new dagger, thats why deso is so popular, its by far the best damage item on her right now
if you want you can make bfury instead but its no way near as good for damage
You can farm supports with dagger by building desolator. You can also get vlads for farming creeps during downtimes, otherwise bkb, diffu if needed, basher, mkb, ac, sny is ok to get max slow on heroes with a maim proc on dagger but you're banking too much on midgame items with boots+bkb+deso+vlads
Build aether and 4 bf
I like Glimmer, except for the magic resistance. Holy shit is that broken as fuck versus some heroes.
How did Alliance show this?

Because of Akke Chen and jungle CM?
Just drop it man, it's shit, the items dont work with her skills.
Manta is situationally good if you want to purge stuff without wasting a BKB charge like open wounds, or dodge shackle or some shit
The only way I can think of it as core is against refresher silencer but even then refresher PA for double abyssal is better
you literally argue that afking around your tower like literlaly taking walking out of the room and doing somethign else becuase you are playing offlane and cant do anythign is "FUN"

your opinions is just shit and vast majority of people in this thread disagree

try reddit i dont know bet there are plenty of 3k retards like you that miss ricing for 50min because thats the only time they could win games, when it was braindead simple
>has no arguments
>my anecdotal evidence
Why do you like it? Go ahead denote you know nothing about the game
What are fun offlaners, something that can punish dogshit supports or shit on carry if hes solo
would slardar work?
EGM being a greedy fuck on heroes like Rubick getting farm probably.

I'd say it was more relevant in TI2 where force staff was THE shit.
Try undying
>glimmer someone
>you just slowed your carry by 20%
WOW, stop your madness icefag make dota great again
>you literally argue that afking around your tower like literlaly taking walking out of the room and doing somethign else becuase you are playing offlane and cant do anythign is "FUN"
>Doesn't play the game
>only watches it
>Doesn't understand what you are supposed to do in the offlane
>Gets not entertain when colors aren't popping non stop in the screen
>all roles should be the same, carry

>your opinions is just shit and vast majority of people in this thread disagree
ad populum fallacy and its a lie since only you keep replying

>try reddit i dont know bet there are plenty of 3k retards like you that miss ricing for 50min because thats the only time they could win games, when it was braindead simple
O so now games last 50 minutes instead of 15?
Supports being able to afford active items to actually use in fights HAS made the game more fun. There's more actives going around in fights, there's people being saved, more things happening. You look at any teamfight from years ago and there's a fraction of the things that happen now going on.
Being an offlaner now involves more than being dark seer or standing at your tier one.
Being a support involves more than ganking heroes for 50 gold and spending thousands on expensive ass wards and TPs while just having brown boots.
And you can't just overwhelm teams by doing retard rice.
Fuck off.
Her dagger is basically a 12000 range 0 mana auto attack on 4 sec cooldown, abuse it by stacking damage items phase aquila wand blight stone pms
Into deso into situational
I think so, he seems extremely balanced.
>force staff them
>lotus them
>guardian greaves
>new and improved pipe
Yep, if you manage to get a Dazzle in your team, it's even better
What the fuck do I build on Wraith King
Okay, what about Phase Boots>Battlefury>Blightstone>HoTD>Desolator after winning a lane and just running around farming/picking off? Would that build work?
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Am I good enough to b-be on a team?
Radiance into situational
Try phase, stick, armlet, dagger and echo, very fun build
armlet treads blink echosabre
no it wouldnt holy shit
Midas ---> radiance --->blademail---->mjolnir
You walk into the enemy team with blademail and mjolnir shield on and die for your team's sins
>Supports being able to afford active items to actually use in fights HAS made the game more fun. There's more actives going around in fights, there's people being saved, more things happening. You look at any teamfight from years ago and there's a fraction of the things that happen now going on.
>I don't play video games
>Therefore what i see when i watch someone else play is the truth.
>The game is just spamming abilities and item actives

>Being an offlaner now involves more than being dark seer or standing at your tier one.
No it fucking doesn't. Its way easier like stupidly easy now

>Being a support involves more than ganking heroes for 50 gold and spending thousands on expensive ass wards and TPs while just having brown boots.
No it doesn't. Its far worse now, you can't see it because you don't play the game. You are a fucking retard who is going to kill the cash cow

>And you can't just overwhelm teams by doing retard rice.
retard rice requires more skill than whatever trash we have now since there had to be a plan that enable your team to farm while impeding the other from ganking you pushing or wahtever they wanted to do

>Fuck off.
You fuck off
You don't need items, just rightclick.
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whoever says armlet wants to lose you the game

The build is and will always be blade mail radiance.
Remember badman? 9k spectre spammer? Well try to get more and then MAYBE you will get on a good team. It did not work for him
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What the FUCK is taking so long with the fucking shuffle drama?

What's going with Secret? Is OG staying the same? Who's leaving and who's coming in? What's going to happen with EG?

Holy shit, you are a mental nigger if you think item actives actually being used is a bad thing. Keep crying over glimmer, little nigger.
First off, blight stone should be one of your first purchases, you can get it on the side shop. Second, if you want lifesteal, you'll need vlads, because HoTD's orb doesn't stack with corruption from blight stone/desolator. Battlefury is inferior for her now, because you don't want to farm creeps but to farm heroes with your epic long distance elimination daggers, and you wont need a creep to make a gazillion ancient stacks for you because you wont have a quick way to farm them. Just asking supports to stack them for you every once in a while is fine. Just keep your eyes open for a possible rotation after you get lvl 6, even more so when you get desolator, and group up with your 10 second bkb
hello 3k
Both are unique attack modifiers that don't stack with each other :)
Okay, thank you.
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why is this allowed?
Redditfugee, please go. Our lord and savior hailrake gave us blademail radiance wraithking to save our immortal souls from peruvians. Don't you shit talk, faggot. He knows more about wraithking than you ever will.
There is 2 parts to the roster lock now. A drop, then later, a sign up/lock. Probably a bit till Valve announces the new dates for this shit
after last years EG PR fiasco people are way more careful about kicks and all that

they will announce it when its all done, you dont want to be a dick becuase reddit will dislike you thats all
Thanks, I realised way too long after I posted.
>Didn't deny he doesn't play the game
>Didn't deny he has no idea of what he is doing
>keeps insisting of things he himself admits has no idea what they are about

You don't know what made the game fun

Kill yourself
Alliance's trick was to just rice like mad on supports that could rice like mad. They had way superior team because of that, they understood that supports in DOTA at that time could not, would not get any farm except if they were flash farming the jungle during the passive time before either 1. Death push 2. Face rush. So yes, because of Akke and EGM we now have better game, from the point of support gameplay.

Ever since TI3 support life has been made 'easier' in the sense that you get more gold, you can farm faster, ward cost/changes, brown boot price, tp price etc. Now you can actually DO SHIT as a support in the early game because you can have some farm.

Hell it escalated to midas gaming patch at some point.
git gud `
yea papich is retarded faggot :v) Last time I raped him he abandoned after 2 minutes
>see the cold snap coming so I start walking away
>invoker can cast cold snap but is out of range for an autoattack
>I get urned
>Literally GoodMalefice
The reshuffle meta changed . After TR1 teams got more experience and are going to be more cautious
It would perfectly well in 2k-3k I do exactly that with 70% winrate but in upper mmr they will start buttfucking you as soon as you finish your perseverence because they know youre useless for the next 20 minutes
nigger, if you lose a straight 5v5 with 4k/1k more gold on cores/support respectively you deserve to lose the game.

>b-b-but muh earned advantage!
you lost the ""right"" to win as soon as you lost to enemies with less means to win than you. losing with more gold is LITERALLY the definition of being outplayed.
asian hot wheels?
Maelstrom blink bkb basher

Or play as a hard 5 and do urn soul ring force staff blade mail
>Coldsnap cast range now improves with the level of Quas 400/500/600/700/800/900/1000/(aghs) 1100
Is Invoker dumpster tier now?
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Looks like a shot of semen in water now that I look at it carefully. What did icefrog mean by this?
>Still this ravaged that Matumbaretard or Fatard wouldn't fucking buy BKB versus the team they were facing and got fucking raped in fights

>Ever since TI3 support life has been made 'easier' in the sense that you get more gold, you can farm faster, ward cost/changes, brown boot price, tp price etc. Now you can actually DO SHIT as a support in the early game because you can have some farm.

>Doesn't mention everything that had been done after TI3 up to TI4

Before they had to choose what to prioratize

now they get everything for free so all they have to do is rotate to get kills

Thats all the roles is now

nothing else

its shit

>Everything that happens in the game should be equal or even 1/4 of a teamfight.
>A dude with 10 last hit who got rekt for 30 minutes should be still be able to win the game because my arbitrary made up bullshit

>you lost the ""right"" to win as soon as you lost to enemies with less means to win than you. losing with more gold is LITERALLY the definition of being outplayed.
Except not because this is not league of legends where everything is the exact same. And why should 1 or 2 fights turn around 30+ minutes of gameplay?

Fights before just set the other team back and enable your own team to farm up and catch up. They would only turn the game if the discrepancy wasn't that big to begin with.

Who are you quoting?
not that anon, but in many pro games you can see that cores make shit item purchases, so their relative advantage isn't as high as it shows on net worth. say, an invoker with midas and 1.5k gold in the bank is the most farmed hero in the game, that's a 3.5k gold advantage of absolutely nothing. that's a bkb advantage. it's not always getting outplayed, sometimes you just lose the game based on shit purchases prior to teamfights
I am quoting your assravaged post that is clearly alluding to the rape Liquid got from Sand King.

But yeah who needs BKB lemme hit up the Shiva with my lead x)
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>teammate 1st picks WK

fuck me guys
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Should I use one of the effigies on the new Monkey King hero and dedicate it to Harambe?
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ur in the club and this guy teleports behind ur girlfriend and enlightens her ass

what do u do?
hes balanced because in pro games he can get easily shit on by a draft and a coordinated team. He is good in pubs because even against counter picks a good meepo can only be taken down by a coordinated team, if you aren't consistently ganking him he will eventually snowball out of control.
Fucking this
Numerical dps calculations in vacuums, skill comparisons in vacuums, two instant shibboleths of people with no perspective on anythin
>I am quoting your assravaged post that is clearly alluding to the rape Liquid got from Sand King.
>memeback is shit because X Y Z
>b-but liquid

>has no arguments
>makes shit up to have something to deviate the conversation with

>he quotes less with every post since he has nothing to say about those points despite he wants to win the argument
>he actually agrees with them so much eh can't literally say anything about them
meepo has not been significantly buffed in ages mate.
swap it from him and play it suport

>Shadow Fiend
>Shadow Demon

PUSH THEME: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5JqLwyI70w
Where's the continuation of the LC comic?
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>Stick/Soul Ring - Phase Boots - Blink - Maelstrom - Blademail - Mjollnir - Abyssal/Heart/Whatever
wait for pitlord
>those items on clock
>rushing scepter before force staff and/or blade mail
Anything with a refresher orb
i want to kill myself
Im going to be called trash sub 1k player for asking this but

why is iron talon considered so op?
how big is your penis
Why do people build phase boots on everyone?
almost as long as psp so like 16cm
Because it makes every single hero a viable jungler, and coupled with the hard camp added to the offlane, it makes offlaners not offlaners anymore
no you are going to be called a shitty valve intern who should play the game and find out by himself why the item is retarded
theyre cheap
Very fast farming tool for offlaners, particularly fucking Beastmaster that's top tier hero.

So you have level 6 beastmaster at 4 minutes 30 seconds in to the game

You are F U C K E D
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It's even better that it's a disgustingly powerful lineup too

Image having having a terrorblade with 6 illusions just pop out of thin air next to your rax
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buy me
"offlaners" have never existed outside of pubs.
you know.. i was just wondering
jungling axe can get level 6 in 3 minutes because of it
Why are we not seeing iron talon+clarities jungle shadow demon?

He farms like a fucking hoover even from level 1 with his triplestacking
makes sense, thx bros
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how the fuck was my arena won by some sea monkies?
and then you lose game because you picked jungler
>go mid
who else here sucks at dota?
remember 3 people would buy you on the same team?
because no one is there to test it.
even clan_iraq is overwhelmed
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Too slow starting at lv1. You need almost 10 stacks of lv1 poison to take out a large camp depending on which one it is, and that doesn't even take into account if you've stacked it. Golems also completely fuck your clear speed.

i've tried jungling with a good 4/5 of the hero pool don't judge me
>tell teammate to not build Linkens Manta on Medusa
>he does anyways
Is there a worse item build in the game?
just pick Enigma on dire, get Radiance in 13 minutes, farm a lot and play like a hard carry focused around getting double blackholes with Aghs Refresher and soaking up damage with Bloodstone+Aghs+miss chance from Radi+Greaves

It is fun
I haven't tested it extensively but from my experience I think it'd be something along the lines of detonating 5 stacks twice on a medium camp while stacking as many camps as possible, then use the massive level boost from that to powerfarm the other two large stacks

it's slow starting but you should catch up from his great stacking and clearing. even at level 2 shadow poision is pretty powerful
>feed mid hard because I suck
>team probalby flaming me but i have chat muted
>get a friend request afterward from a teammate
>that guy proceeds to flame me more
n-n-nice game..
yeah but core shadow demon is a legitimate illusion carry with his absurd damage amps
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If i need to absolute 100% autism mode, who would you pick out of jungle LD, TB or lycan to PvE creeps and towers all game
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umm doturds?
can you jungle with omni yet
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>tfw no black, tattooed mc beastride arcana
too bad in right clicking creeps
way too inefficient in spamming heal to nuke them
just write "lmao dude it's just a game" and then block him

he will be mad for the rest of the day and you will have won the battle of minds
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FUG :-----D

>farm up morbid mask and bots in jungle
>teleport to empty lane to either force out tps or take towers, using ult to escape in case
>finish up your vlads and either pick up a desolator or necrobook, depending on how inattentive the enemy team is to your pushing
>every other item is kind of irrelevant in the grand scheme of things so you could build mostly whatever you want for pushing or more defensive shit like bkb

Lycan has the advantage over the other two by having very low-cooldown abilties and he comes online a bit faster.

Technically you can, but it's too slow because he doesn't do enough damage to creeps and nuking with Purification only gets you so far.
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>wake up
>no patch
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Literally what hero is my teammate playing right now?
How to jungle Storm senpai?
it better be puck
Rules of Inhouse, please.
who is this Semen Demon?
my girlfriend
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Bueeeenoo... no lo se
>carry bounty hunter

i'll never understand why, especially when riki exists


Cry more you fucking crybaby
dota2 has behavior score matchmaking right? or some sort of 'toxic pool' that persists after LP games
TB, because its the least dogshit out of the 3. In pure speed, LD > TB > Lycan
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