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/sbg/ - Starbound General

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Thread replies: 767
Thread images: 195

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Shit builds Edition

Patch 1.05 is out




QOL mods:


Item ID Repository:


Server Points of Interest Sheet: (finding /sbg/ on various servers)

Zinc's Discord

Previous: >>151665789
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nth for I want to marry Leadhead!
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you mean THIS build?
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post ships

rate ships
Ok here's the Finished™ Hylotl area
I think the top half needs more light
What do you all think
Wow, it looks like the combined effort of chuckle fish trying to deliver what Tiy said he would!
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very nice layout and very comfy and compact.
lose 1 point for having the bathroom NEXT TO THE FUCKING TELEPORTER. switch your storage vault and your bathroom areas. you can fit a surprising number of vaults in that hylotl teleporter room.
Top part needs more arcade machines and blinking neon lights
But if the toilet's connected to the teleporter you can beam bodily waste down onto Floran villages where it belongs
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bam i came prepared
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im half tempted to downgrade my novakid ship, this thing is so awkward and unfun to build in
this was precisely my reason for putting it there.
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what did they mean by this
Did they remove the electricity themed small buildings underground that usually contained a tech or something like that
Guess they did because I'm not finding any
>did they remove fun stuff for no reason
of course they did
what the fuck man
have they stated any reason for removing shit
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Oh wow it feels like I'm building something actually nice
When I played Terraria building stuff was always people telling me NO STOP MAKING FUCKING RECTANGLES YOU FUCKING FUCK
the biggest thing i hate is that they removed those underwater light plants and the normal looking kelps.

one of my favorite things to do was to travelt he galaxy and gather different species of water plants and farm them in my ship. they removed HALF OF THEM.
I think the lower room could use a table or a desk, like those short ones and a small bookshelf.
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>rear part of the ship is a arcade instead of a engine room
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nth for obscure waifus

I tried coloring and shading this time
Should've colored the leadhead drawing instead
I think the clothing is supposed to be armor, but I like your interpretation of it!
what is her right hand doing offscreen, anon?
Watch the movie and see for yourself!
All right, anon from last night who had a question about T6 armours here again.

So, energy or damage are the recommended ones.
Assume I fight at range unless I have no choice, does the extra energy make up for the lower damage?
Holding thing number 16 inches
Ranged weapons in general just sort of suck if you have a really nice spear or 2 handed sword. I would go for the damage just because it's more useful in more situations. Because you almost never get swarmed by monsters, and the only benefit of extra energy is you don't have to pause and jump over charging monsters while your meter refills so often.
Sniper rifles and rocket launchers all the way, baby.
Usually also pack a shotgun with grenades, it's remarkably versatile and right now seems to pack more punch than my broadsword.
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>Ranged weapons in general just sort of suck
twin pistols do significantly more DPS than equal tier of 2 hand melee
Does that make energy armour more viable than damage, though?
im currently using damage armor.
it gives something like +100% more DPS over the energy armor.
DPS > NRG because burst damage is better than DOT
All right, then.
Time to craft this ugly motherfucker.

I sure hope armour can be dyed.
>twin pistols
use a sniper with exploding round or something, it can do more damage than rockets of equal fire rate and travels much more quickly, like a normal bullet, and sniper primary fire is better than a pistols.

but you can usually one hit kill things with tier 10 weapons anyway. I've got a sniper rifle with 1.9 rate of fire and it still instakills everything with no damage armor, save for bosses, where DOT is actually meaningful.

If you need energy, you should use some energy. Otherwise just use health armor and the healing augment, since the amount of health it recovers per second is based off of your total health. You will never have to use healing items.
>caring about being viable when the end boss fights are lame
Get a 30 dmg per hit gun and basically one shot everything except humanoid enemies. Tesla's Wrath or a generic 1H grenade launcher works fine.
Are exploding rounds preferrable to marked shot?
Marked shot was the most fun I had in ages.

Fuck, my current sniper rifle pretty much deals that, plus it has a GL.
I don't really see why you'd want marked shot given the slow rate at which you usually encounter enemies in this game. It might be useful on the flies going down towards the ruin, but outside of that being able to alternate between primary and alt rounds to double your rate of fire and increase damage is pretty preferable. Plus it knocks things back.
It does give a pretty sweet damage boost, though.
Mind you, I've never tried explosive, so I don't know if that outclasses it.
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this is my stats using dmge armor
Is that with rage on?

That's the one good thing about rage: it multiplies the bonus itself instead of adding to the multiplier. I still don't see the point though, you can very easily one hit kill any proccedurally generated monster without damage armor.
-to elaborate, it was originally supposed to add 30% damage (making 300 into 330), but it actually adds 30% of the bonus onto the bonus (making 300 into 390). If you do things like spawn in custom armor, you'll see that the stats for the attack bonus are put in differently, but the stim packs etc don't take this into account at all.
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You guys could have just fucking asked for the spritework.
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I haven't checked in here for a while, is there anything big I missed?
all your favorite things got removed to make space for FISHING
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>Don't want to build a base on beginner planet because I don't have the materials I want and it'd be a waste of time
>Don't want to build a base after I've beaten the game because all my shit is on my ship and it'd be a waste of time
How did chucklefish knew I was a huge fishing enthiusast!
That hatch looks very out of place.
Fish for a waifu
The future is now.
But only Hylotl live in the water, and they're too terrible to be waifus.
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Nigga what
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>hylotl terrible waifus
youre a terrible person
Thanks a ton anon, could you post the other? I can't resize worth a shit.
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how do i make my science room not shit?
brains jars?
parasite jars?
Could drop a microscope on the table, but personally I'd take a larger room with multiple workstations, or at least a chair somewhere.
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cant, everything else is full
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fuck off cabbage
Why are Florans so cute?
because they want to eat your flesh
>Challenge door
>Kill all enemies
>Doors won't open to let me get the reward

Thanks, chucklefucks.
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Do you think I could keep a floran as a pet if I feed them and give them something to hunt and stab every once in a while?
Positive you can't switch stuff around?

Well, then. Let me re-examine.
Now THIS is a Hylotl husbando.
Yeah the huge room with bandits on either side is broken.
Is there a way for me to gather the blocks from challenge rooms and such?
Something I can do in admin mode maybe?
/setspawnprotection 0 false
I think it works for the outpost. Challenge rooms might need a different number
Don't know if the command is right, but you can check it with /help
Are there any mods that fix the music? I'm tired of hearing the same 10 songs over and over for every planet. The rest of the soundtrack either has a small chance of playing in a certain biome or it never plays at all
There is a mod that adds the biome music in the workshop
>when u get the fucc 2 times in one day then sleep for the rest of it

soma is a dork
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Fisssh have weird sstab...
I'll look into it but it should be simple enough.
There are a lot of music mods on the workshop. If you aren't playing a Steam version, look for a way to mod in music yourself or something.
Alright, thanks mate, I'll give that a try.
Pet Florans can feed and excersize themselves but you'll have to check local regulations if you're allowed to let them wander outside the yard.
>jumps up in the air doing a back flip
>beheads 3 florans with 1 slash of his sword
>"I'm touching myself tonight"
>that pic
I downloaded that vore mod to give it a shot. Try anything once, right?

I wish I hadn't.

I am ashamed of myself.
Thank you anon. You're doing Chucklefuck's job that they should be doing
more like...
>mfw ejaculating 1213% shotgun dmge into a crowd of florans
what's the deal with the vore mod
is there anything else than something eating your sprite? any dialogue?
We have to make this game decent, I'll do what I can.
Having said that I can see why they removed the recipe, they're not exactly balanced. I might make them two handed so atleast you can't dual wield them. Not sure what I can do about the daggers.
Here's a rundown of the Vore Mod:
You can place furniture (both lethal and non-lethal) that eats you when you interact with it. Most of it is generic dialogue, but there's some that's not. Vore and Cock Vore are supported by furniture.
You can get special tenants that will eat you and other NPCs if approached while hungry. Vore, Cock Vore, and Unbirthing are supported by tenants. It is possible to escape from being eaten by an NPC.
You gain the ability to eat most NPCs. Some will like it, some will hate it, some will pay you ransom to get out.
It adds some superficial shit like a cookie jar. For... some reason.

Very little of it is polished - it goes for quantity over quality in a lot of places. However, if you're into that kind of degeneracy, then you'll probably like it regardless of its quality.
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>fight ruin with theta mech from xs mechs
>one shot the fucking thing with the fire bombs
time to get to work on restoring the hylotl castle i found
>tfw gone with the blastwave will never finish

Is that something you're making or did you find it somewhere? If so link?
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omg thats awesome
c-can i go innawasteland with you anon?
Noice. Time to make a small ruined city with a sewer underneath
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/sbg/, how good does this helmet look? I really want to make custom tesla-based armour to go with the staff.

Look for the tesla cannon
It looks pretty good. Maybe try making it look more like it's glowing to match the staff?
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>I literally cannot enjoy anything: the video
at least he sounds like he has like weight.
in his last video you can literally hear the fat that surrounds his throat.
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>try to think of name for human starship captain
>4 hours later, nothing
Can anyone link the nsfw that was posted in the last thread? I missed it.
I just smack that randomise button and write down names that jump out at me. Then pick one or use them as inspiration.
So you're saying he enjoys food?
He REALLY enjoys his food, like a certain Hylotl who used to frequent these threads.
>blackout out of nowhere in the middle of game
>save file corrupted
>everything's empty
;_; i quit
He probably enjoys food a regular amount but doesn't live a very active lifestyle or exercise to compensate for the lack of an active lifestyle.
how the fuck i find and grow cotton?
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Does this look more better in the regards?

Also how can I make spriting the armour less tedious? Like if chucklefucks like to cut corners by cutting stuff, why not cut down the amount of sprites needed for arms and legs etc?
Play as Apex.
It usually grows on forest worlds, remove the plants with the manipulator and put them in tilled soil, be sure to obtain a gardenbot (from the mod) or water them regularly.
Yes, give the backpack a telsa coil instead of an antenna.
>laptop loses power while playing Starbound
>"Oh fuck, this is what I get for unplugging the battery when I'm plugged into the wall. Oh well, let's just turn the fucker back on."
>Starbound in broken, getting the OpenGL 2.0 not available message
>Decide to just watch a movie instead
>Framerate chugs, desyncs a lot
>everything is shitty, slow and broken

Welp, I think that outage just gave my old lappy a stroke. Fuck me.
How do I /spawnitem with custom appearances?

I tried using "animationParts":{"blade":"/items/active/weapons/melee/shortsword/blade/6.png"} but it doesn't work
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Remember to always play music to your robotic armors, it makes them perform better. It is also proper manners to treat them nicely. Remember it.
What mod adds that background?
It looks comfy as fuck.
That's a pretty background. I bet those flying cars don't even move.

See for yourself.
Well that's pretty cool
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Sadly it isn't perfect. You can see smudges on some of the lights at night, and it looks weird. I hope the mod author fixes this.
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This shot looks cool.
Too bad we don't have a city biome to go with that background :/

Would it be possibly to random generate densely placed skyscrapers just like villages?
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That'd be really nice. What I'd like more are city planets, like hive worlds in 40k, which aught'a be very rare and have mostly one species. They should use different tiles and be very expansive both up and down. It would take a lot of work. They would be rare due to lack of variation perhaps. Until more stuff could be added to the generation pool. A 'city biome' would be too small to give any feeling of being an extension of a large city housing and employing millions of people.

The saddest thing is it may never be.
Dang ;-;
Apex villages and Hylotl underwater cities are what cities are and would look like in this game. You're not getting a bloody hive of billions.
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Aight so i sold my gaming GPU and i am limited to low performance games

Thinking about buying Starbound right now

You guys talking about builds and stats intrigue me, I'd like to know the game's depth
Don't buy it, dev ain't worth your shekels.
Do what you want cos a pirate is free, though.
Of course not actually getting full hive cities, we'd only be able to get into a fraction of one. But neither of those examples you gave simulate anything like the feeling that the intro mission was able to give, similar to what I feel on Lush worlds now except I just can't go to the city at all. Apex villages and Hylotl underwater dwellings are hardly 'cities' of any sense, simulated or not. They both have under 100 people in 'em and look pitiful. The game is capable of more.
Morpheus , Dorpheus , Orpheus
Go eat some walruses
Orifices , Porridges
Morpheus , Morpheus

Going to the Buffet and Walruses
Corpheus , Corpseses
Worcestershire sauce
Go into your orifices

Red pill, blue pill
Morpheus, Walruses
Seashells by the Seashorpheus

Morpheus drinking a forty in a death basket!
>The game is capable of more

It's not though
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I see

Leaving aside the man behind the game, what about the game itself and the multiplayer?
is morph ball capable of negating fall damage?
theres no depth
you missed the hype train multiplayer
theres nothing to do after 2~ hours of exploration
It's comfy to build stuff, but otherwise pretty shallow.
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Literally the first spot I landed, on the starting planet.

It's coming along, I guess.
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Does anyone know what the white blocks, used for outside walls/roof are called? The one's with black notches in them.
Pic related
Fun for building and doing a story run. Chances are you'll find something annoying to mod out at some point. People have a huge boner for shitty removed content so they are real salty about not having ten tiers of ugly, nonsensical racial armors.
Why would you sell your GPU?
That's Frackin' Universe content, called tech panels. There are two versions of it, one is block, one is platform.
I was going to say it looked Avali mod but apparently they added resources from that to Frackin too. They're really packing too much stuff in there.
Cheating makes this game and Frackin' Universe so much more enjoyable, strangely. All of that shit was a grind anyway. I find myself enjoying the game bounds more now that I only ever turn off /admin when I go down to a hostile planet. Shit's so cash.

The game isn't fun in the first place anyway. It's just a sandbox to create and destroy now. Normally I am not in control of many things happening in my life, so maybe I get more gratification than usual out of having this control.
Looks like my first dirt base, only more comfy

Anyone interested in making a hardcore survival mod like that one that the modder stopped updating two years ago?
What would make it hardcore survival?
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Monsters doing a ton of damage, less ore, recipes require more resources, significant more damage to the ship that needs to be repaired before you can move on
Return of the old cold/heat mechanic so you have to build small shelters with a fire/nanostove while exploring frigid planets
Farming would have to be nerfed a bit too, so as to make hunting the hard monsters with bows/hunting knives required
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Today I learned you can wipe out an entire underwater city with a few holes and a single drop of poison.
>just noticed that risk of rain was produced by chucklefuck
>tfw now I can't hate them as much
Found the hentai gun.
Feel uneasy about using it.
>produced by
>can't read
They're just a publisher, not the creator.
Please don't associate cucklefuck with good.
Stardew valley too. For how much people cry about them they sure have helped put out great games
This was my comfiest ship back in version something giraffe.

I want the old teleporters back. I always had something in the teleporter room.
any inventory editor?
Ah jesus fuck I meant to write published.

I only said I can't hate them as much, doesn't mean I've started respecting them or anything
fuck you guys it's like 4 in the morning and apparently I can't into words
Just use commands, senpai.

And for edits that can't be done through commands, it's easy enough to edit your save file's JSON directly unless you're a total computer illiterate who can't use a cli.

There are tools in the x86 binary folder (dump_versioned_json.exe & make_versioned_json.exe)
Maybe a warning light could add something. Microscope is always a good choice, the white one looks a bit more science-y in my subjective opinion.
The first fishvillage I found was pretty awesome. Then I discovered the shield generator.
hopoo hates himself for partnering up with chuckles
Okay, which mech is the one used for granny removal?
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How do you change the detection radius of invisible proximity sensors when spawning them? It should be doable, as the outpost doors and glitch evil castle treasure traps have larger than normal detection radius on their invisible proximity sensors.

muh monkeyball ship makes extensive use of them and sometimes the NPC AI fails to open trapdoors.
Any of them equipped with the tractor beam.
She respawns
you can add parameters to them

for example:
/spawnitem invisibleproximitysensor 1 '{"detectArea" : [ [-2, -6], [6, 0] ]}'

if placed to the top left of a door it will detect from both sides. just change the x,y for different placement
I know.
Only one I see that has the tractor beam is the pirate one.
Thanks, the JSON parameter name and syntax is exactly what I was looking for.
Where did you get that sword?
He killed Nox for it. Over and over and over until the 10% drop.
So I just started playing this game but I have problem with storage problems, My ship is too small to store all my items since I collect a lot and building on a planet for storage when I'm just starting doesn't seem to be a good idea
Just build a shack for storing things and keep the important stuff on your ship
You'll upgrade your ship eventually, just bookmark the planet you are on or get a teleporter
Put storage containers on your ship.
Finish? Boss, blocks junk?
I recommend the Larger Containers mod. Upgrades the ship storage locker to 256 and the ship storage to 128 slots. Best part is that it doesn't corrupt your save if you remove it.
>installed FU
>completely overwhelmed by all this new shit

half of it even seems completely useless and just slapped in "because why not"
The signs? Yup, finnish. Armor, blocks, junk.
Oh nice, thanks.
Does it have good stats
Pretty standard tier 6 broadsword.
This laser wasn't as good as I thought it'd be.

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Why in the FUCK poison antidotes don't stack anymore?

I just crafted a bunch of them while afk and now I've got hundreds of green bottles lying on the floor, probably about to despawn.

The low gravity EPP augment makes moving around bearable without flying techs, but looks like you have to use poison resist aug to explore toxic oceans in 1.0.

Thanks chucklefish.
what are the best techs for each slot?
I use the spike ball, wall climb and sprint.

They stack for me. But I've also got some weird glitches where I can't craft bottled healing water even though it said I unlocked the recipe. And I can't craft orange stim paks for some reason.

Unrelated note: The ruin looks like an ass
They're equally shit so it's down to preference.

spikeball, airdash, quadjump and gravity EPP is the best combo for mobility though
I don't get it. I cleared the Erchius Facility, the Hunting Grounds, got the Sparrow license and I still don't have the recipe for steel stuff. How do I get to upgrade my crafting shit Anon ?
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I still end up spending more time in my chocolate factory's office than in here
Upgrade your crafting stations?
The button is still grey
There is no steel.
steel shit got removed because I have no idea
I assume you have tungsten armor and weapons since you cleared the hunting grounds
you gotta get titanium stuff next, but you have to upgrade your furnace and anvil for them, I think
Oh shit I missed that. Aight, still got no idea how to smelt that titanium but at least I'll stop obsessing over steel
You need the right materials to upgrade stuff. To see what just over the mouse on the upgrade button.
Primitive furnace that you make at the start should smelt copper, silver, gold, iron and tungsten ore. Industrial furnace upgrade allows you to smelt titanium and durasteel. Atomic furnace is for tier 5 and 6 ores.

Furnaces also produce mineral based crafting materials like copper wire, glass, circuit boards.
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mfw I didn't even try to hover the mouse.
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Is there a metal block that is just "flat" with no patterns? I can't find one like that.

Also thoughts on this room?

You might not be smart enough for this game
flat metal blocks dont exist other than compressed durasteel or possibly silver blocks, though I don't remember much about those.
Download Enhanced Storage
It makes containers so much better

>Stored items in a container will be kept inside after smashing.
>Increased capacity for all storage containers.
>Possibility to sort items insde a container.
>Possibility to rename containers.
>All containers can be crafted in one crafting station.
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Titanium blocks are a single texture, but bright as all hell. Also I'd put one of these in there, probably next to that pipe on the right
I use it for some nice new planets. This far I've just ignored the new FU recipes and stuff.
Is that witch poster a custom object?
>Can't bathe in coffee anymore
A-At least there's still milk...
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>Get into a server
>Being the only one with a poptop
Feels good to be superior.
r u a poptop?
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It looks great, but I wish there was a way to paint it gold so it'd fit better.
>tfw forgot to save the image
You know what to do here.
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Mining Mech.webm
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This mining mech mod was actually pretty cool.
someone post mariel getting popped
I hope all of his game projects from now on fail until he gets out from under them.
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>tfw you play no man's sky

I need to apologize to chucklefuck.
I won't complain anymore.
At least they delivered a game.
I'm not willing to buy NMS until after quite a while for all the feedback to come in, plus any updates they give it. Interested in it, not willing to buy it on day one when they don't have the history to support a day one buy.

I have no idea why anyone jumped at the chance to buy it. Especially if they learned from Starbound not to spend money so quickly

I didn't buy it, I pirated it.
It just made me really appreciate starbound, which I actually paid for.
More? 2 cute
What server?
The grayles one.
If you make it to the center of the galaxy in No Mans Sky it deletes all your progress and you start over.

The game is an absolute fucking trainrwreck
You on now?
Ok this is the Apex Area, as clearly stated by the filename. Should I divide it into Home/Lab or is there something else
Is there a mod that unlocks all the unprintable stuff for the pixel printer? It's a pain in the ass to scour the universe for settlements only for a chance to get the right stuff to spawn.
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fucking fuck fucks
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Is there any limit to the number of crew members that can be hired?
Try Romantically Apocalyptic
The limit is 2x ship tier.
12 is the maximum
/admin unless you meant it no longer has recipes in which case I was thinking about making one.

It would be pretty easy just tedious plus you already get lag spikes opening the pixel printer with /admin, it'd probably crash the game.
>Gettin all lovey-dovey when there's crystal mutant monsters lurkin about
It's like these folks ain't ever seen a monster movie before
Yeah /admin works but it's tedious. I meant stuff like the paintings and rare stuff from the different races. First playthrough it was definitely nice to discover rare stuff, but now that I just want to build stuff it sucks major tits.
Hell, two of my soldiers were making out right in the middle of a Miniknog lab assault.
Shoulda read them the USCM fraternization rules.
Problem is they work on so many games they can't devote enough time to Starbound. That is the flaw of being a known dev, you can pump out good quality titles, but that also means you may neglect others due to the projects you have.

Didn't the ending imply that the "God" at the end of the game split itself up into the entire Novakid race?
Gotta put up with it I guess.

It would be possible to make a mod that would let you learn every blueprint at once.
I think I'm going to start writing up possible recipes to craft stuff like classic wallpaper. Chucklefuck being useless as always.

Pretty sure it said it got fractured into trillions of pieces.

Makes sense that each of those pieces was a Novakid.

I wish there was more lore to the game, even Halo has an infinitely more interesting lore than what we got. If the Ruin was the result of the previous race meddling with science better left alone, that would have been a lot more interesting than "Evil tentacle planet that hates all life for some reason"

If it was supposed to be Hellstar Remina it didn't seem threatening enough
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ok here's the apex part
I got stuck in a infinite loop while teleporting back to my ship and now my save game won't load. pls help
Needs more SCIENCE stuff in the right
Like monitors and shit
Could add some tubes in the back too
Probably a corrupted .shipworld. Either restore a manual backup if you have one, try to fix the JSON or delete your ship altogether.
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Is okay, I make SFW now.
My computer restarted mid game and my new glitch file got messed up, anyone know a fix?
Check the .bak files
>farming t10 weapons
Why do people bother? Just to have something to do?

The combat is already trivially easy with tier 6 armor+weapons.
Glitch Area
I like high numbers.
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this isnt fucking funny, brain
Does anyone know the spawn command for the black cat?
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Avian Area.
I chose the file this time.
/spawnmonster Niggamoon 1
You can find them on non-oceanic Hylotl villages

Take a guess.

/spawnmonster blackcat
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This brings me to a problem:
How do I attract a Novakid?
The Frogg store sells Novakid furniture every now and then.
Saloon furniture.
Sold by frogger
unpack the assets and find it yourself you lazy fucking tripfag
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It was a metaphor. Though you aren't being anywhere near as cancerous as one.
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ok here it is
Why is that hylotl running all fast and furious towards the avians
background is way too bland.
Use more trimming materials.
>quickly human!
>we must stop the priest from completing the ritual
That's what I was thinking.
What materials do you suggest I use?

Wooden logs for horizontal trimmings, treated wood for vertical trimmings.
not the anon you're replying to but you could use some ornate wood, logs and wood panelling
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It's pretty sad that's how they "fully integrated Novakids into the lore"

They left them out entirely out of the plot line

All we get is some vague mention of the god splitting into them
>All we get is some vague mention of the god splitting into them
And even that is just fanwanking / your headcanon. They did jack shit with the novakid.
>implying anyone cares about novakids
How worth while is starbound if I don't really care about basebuilding and don't plan on playing with friends?

I kinda just want to make a cutie on a journey through space.
Asra Nox please go
really fun if you install the right mods
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Honestly I feel like they screwed both the creators over

Bietol's Novakid+ mod was so much better, the sprites were way nicer, and man, that respawn animation
please stop responding to him.
I would purge all the other races as well, yes.
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Here's the final* product.
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Why is this game so shit?
Quality Chucklefish Coding™
Or underpaid employees.
Or both
>Putting Florans and Hylotl next to each other
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Should i, /sbg/ ?

What if i don't like it?

What if i want to go back to my old saves?
Old saves will work with FU.
You can recover your character as long as you don't install fracking races/your character don't have a FU only status effect, all custom objects will disappear and items become generic cubes.
But the universe folder will need to be deleted
Be sure to not get any exclusive monsters on your ship either
don't do it anon
FU is terrible
the only good thing it adds is planets, all the other things are shit

I will make a backup of my current player saves and my universe folder.

Will that work?
Why not drain the liquid?
I put it there for landscaping reasons.
>acquire engineers and mechanics
>keep them on your ship for a while
>warping half a galaxy takes 0 fuel
What the fuck were the devs thinking?
It's obviously a sauna
That erichus mining is stupid and boring.

I think thats a bug, I used to have 0 fuel consumption but then it went to 10. Unless you mean you had nothing but mechanics and engineers on the ship.

>the god splitting into novakids
Is this supposed to be at the end, where he says he gives you one final gift? In the library mission, just past the exit teleporter, there's a chest with a codex entry that mentions novakids, meaning they existed prior to the ruin being blown up. I'm pretty sure the "final gift" is him beaming you back down instead of letting you go towards the light after being caught in the Ruin's death explosion.

It's referring to something the god says about how it split into a ton of pieces that became wild or something

Chucklefuck made it just vague enough it could be taken to mean Novakids or nothing at all
>Trillions of pieces
If there were that many of the bastards there'd be more of them around.

As it stands there's probably like 500 out in the universe tops, at least as many as can get around.
I'm making a lewd crop mod that lets you grow and harvest shampoo ginger flowers/nectar from captive florans.

At the moment I'm adding some shadows to help the flowerhead stand out and not blend with the left leg.

The rock with vines is a placeholder and will be replaced for something else or redone to not look like crap.

The goal is for something floran/primitive as a restraint but a modern/scifi restraint could do, like in the various slave mods.

I can't decide on what the floran will be restrained on/with, if you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them.
Oh, I never caught that part
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Dear lord.
I like the idea. Keep us updated.

I kind of like the idea of using captives to produce stuff or even just as lewd decoration.
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Perhaps it was something like bug reproduction then? Make a shitload of babies, but only a few are bound to survive.

I know Chucklefish is far too dumb for this, but looking at it my own way makes me feel better about this barf lore.
>If there were that many of the bastards there'd be more of them around.

CF interpreted the original lore in all the ways that would lead to them doing the least amount of work

"They're nomadic" turned into "they're incredibly rare and not a single one has ever built a house", even when the original description mentions small communities and even asteroid mines, just that they don't communicate

"They don't record their history" turned into "no one else records their interactions with them either", except I think one codex about inviting Novakids to tea or something
Feeling like new playthrough, not sure if I should cheat, though.

Time to roll.
Even means Apex, odd means Glitch.
Dubs means Fenerox.
Beep boop, nigga.
Acknowledging: Beep boop, Apex.
You use a period, not a colon.
Shit, I've been made.
Another pseudo-USCM faggot here.
Thinking of giving my troopers the classic military outfit: medic fatigues and the M1 helmet.
Wonder what backpack to wear, though. EPP kinda clashes.
>Play table hockey
>Someone opens the door
>Fall nearly 20 feet
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>he doesn't press his entire lower body against the table for maximum range
>Unless you mean you had nothing but mechanics and engineers on the ship.
I think I had 4 or 5 engineers at most. Kept them on my ship while gathering crewmembers for ship tier upgrades. Now my ship uses absolutely no fuel. I can't even remember where the fuel cost indicator was on the navigation console UI.

I just checked my .player file and this is what I found.
>"fuelEfficiency" : 1692.89
The default fuel efficiency is 1. Might have to tone this shit down a bit.
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wew lad
post space bases
>like in the various slave mods
I need link for those anon, for my kink urges. Have you tried the medieval stock for the restrain?
Shut your mouth, lewd mods are a good thing for this gutted game.

Besides, you like poptops don't you? Slut
What, of course not, lewd mods just take the attention away from improving the structore and content of the game, focusing on shitty pixelated and badly animated stuff like that guy's "plant".

Also what do poptops have to do with lewd?
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they're not even hostile towards me what gives
Get the updated version
Sadly Exotic Goods isn't getting updated for 1.0 , the only other slave mod I've seen is super gay:

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So everybody that plays this seems to think it's shit because it's not as good as Terraria but I've never played Terraria so if I play this will I not be disappointed like those people?

Who what?
You will be disappointed regardless
You will be disappointed because you'll see a lot of potential and neat ideas completely half-assed and never fully realized.
It's shit because it's half assed on every aspect of gameplay. I didn't even care much for terraria.
>walk around with tier 6 gear
>do story quest for a difference
>penultimate artifact fetchquest
>reward: tier 1 machine pistol
Gee, thanks, grandma.

hey fag i found a picture of you
I didn't even think Terraria was that grand. Starbound has some good features but all the competent people at chucklefuck were coerced into quitting and/or fired.
I prefer this to terraria. Mostly because of the art style and world exploration bit. Neither of these games are games to write home about though.
Jesus fuck why are my crew so good at casually walking into lava, but completely avoiding healing water?
Terraria plops you in one world with a handful of biomes. Everything in the game is done in that one world. You can potentially ruin that world and make it completely useless. Gameplay progression is to the tune of "gear up until next boss, farm next boss for better gear, gear up for next boss". You will eventually become so powerful that only literal armies of boss monsters will give you any kind of pause. The majority of the items in Terraria are completely superficial, serving only as stepping stones to something better or just inventory-stuffing trash.

It's grindy, it's underwhelming, and the player sprites are edits of the SNES Final Fantasy games, something I still cannot believe they got away with.

Terraria was the Starbound pre-alpha. It's not worth it.
Thinking that I or someone else should make a program to parse these ships out and just saturate the workshop with autogenerated ships.
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NPCs avoid water. Lava isn't water.

Terraria has good bossfights, dynamic world and gameplay way better than Starbound.

Only reason anyone plays this piece of shit is a preference for scifi stuff.
Tell me, oh tell me there's a mod for better NPC AI.
No idea. I came across a hostile avian tomb on a dark planet. The chief and a merchant were friendly, though.
But anon, I prefer medieval stuff which you can hardly consider Terraria as, fucking laser guns and shit bro and I like Starbound better for the comfy. That's not to say I dislike Terraria, but Starbound is more enjoyable for me.
>Scifi stuff

The only reason I'm sticking around.
>dynamic world
>pretty much the same world every time
>literal opposite of dynamic

>better boss fights
>put a bunch of platforms everywhere
>ensure you've bought enough healing items and bullets

The only real advantage terraria has over SB is the fact that you don't need to go planet hopping for randomly generated weapons.
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There's a mod that makes them immune to lava on the Workshop.
I don't think they're ever getting smarter.

>Terraria has good bossfights, dynamic world and gameplay way better than Starbound.

And yet it still manages to be barely any more entertaining than starbound for me.

I'm not looking for medicore platformers but rather just a game to fuck around in. I won't deny for a second that terraria is the objectively better game from a gameplay standpoint.
You belong on the Chucklefuck forums with your "I don't like it so it shouldn't exist" attitude.

You secretly want to get popped when sex with monsters becomes a thing. We all know you do, filthy degenerate.
Know what I hate the most about merchants?
A) lack of a buyback option.
B) confirmation on selling.
C) the fact that mid-transaction they walk out of interaction range.

RIP tier 10 grenade launcher.
Don't forget D) Only paying a fifth, at best, of what your selling them.
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You forgot: terraria's engine doesn't suck balls. You can do whatever and it barely uses any CPU/GPU whereas starbound is laggy as fuck, can't handle many lights/animations or high zoom and sometimes it leaks memory until it crashes.
Yeah, but that at least can be mod-fixed.

Assuming that mod ever makes it off Steam.
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Yeah, that one.
>Good Bossfights
I will give you that one - many of the bossfights are at least memorable, if not entertaining or difficult. The problem is that bossfights are all there is to Terraria - pretty much everything you do is in preparation for the next boss.

>dynamic world
Which is to say Terraria slowly corrupts your world with various kinds of garbage, which means you have to take a break from being an adventurer to play Magical Janitor.

>gameplay way better than Starbound
Not exactly. See, Terraria has a problem - it's only one world, and its only form of progression or additional content is "more bosses", because they can't add biomes without upsetting the delicate balance that they've achieved. For all of Tiy's bullshit, he's got one thing right: Starbound is a platform. It's bare-bones right now but there's so much potential for shit to be added - new biomes, new worlds, you name it. Terraria was only ever able to add things for you to fight without taking away from some other form of content (see: corruption vs crimson).

>Only reason anyone plays this piece of shit is a preference for scifi stuff.
I'm sorry, did you forget that Terraria has a flying mining rig mount? Or that it features lasers? How about power armor? People play Starbound because there's more potential for exploration and worldbuilding, which is what these games are about.

Also, Starbound's art doesn't look like it was sourced from a 2000s era sprite comic fan community.
I have no idea what youre talking about, but doesnt stop making my statement a fact.

Being always right is both a blessing and a curse.
>power armor

Added the attention whore to the filter. Feeding time is over.
Since i got a load of furniture and stuff stored and i hate to make a lot of different bases
Which kind of planet is great for a "Main" base?
I want to make something huge but comfy
Tried to make one underwater, was pretty fun but i want to know other opinions and suggestions.

>People play Starbound because there's more potential for exploration and worldbuilding, which is what these games are about.

Which is to say, very little.

It's an improvement over Terraria basically being pretty absent of exploration beyond spelunking.

Something like Star Control, some RPGs or the like is always going to offer more meaningful exploration and worldbuilding than procedural generation is ever going to offer. Starbound is essentially a random number generator with entirely static world generation.

I'm not going to say the game has the worst exploration in the world or anything. At least it's not No Man's Sky. But Starbound doesn't capitalise on any of it's worlds beyond the limited scope of your imagination's interpretation of what's going on.

The world feels devoid of life, both in it's sterile nature and lifeless inhabitants. Plenty of games manage to give the feeling that the world is carrying on around you despite you being there or not, Starbound lacks anything like this.

Though, your statement was that Starbound has more exploration potential than Terraria, which i don't argue with one bit.
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can someone imgur the original?
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i hired some knights but they immediately turned gay for each other
Meteor, Shoomite, and Vortex armors were confirmed as power armor by the devs.

I personally enjoy Starbound's world generation. I do agree that things feel a little lifeless without the player, but at the same time, if you bother to stick around settlements then things perk up very quickly - I've spent at least 30 hours on a planet doing quests for the locals (and that was with admin cheats spawning in the stupid shit like "pls grow corn").
>Never go to ocean floor for fear of deep water
>Finally man up
This is pretty cozy, actually.
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>rainbow colored glitch cock vore is a thing someone wrote
Alrighty then
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Hey friends, Sue here again.

Does anyone have any suggestions/requirements before they want to put their time into a server? I feel like I'm doing something wrong here but I'm not getting much feedback.

I have quite a few nice ideas I want to incorporate as custom content for the servers, but that would require quite a bit of heavy world regen so I'd need to move the old worlds that people use to the new one without corrupting everything/blowing it all up.

I'm looking for ways I can help the server get better, and I could really use your help.
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is this some kind of inside joke
Yesterday i actually went down, scared as fuck because i expected deep sea creatures but its actually really cool, though boring
I'd love to provide feedback, but due to the nature of starbound, players, and the way it handles mods, I'd rather not even bother mods at the moment anymore.
I've been playing starbound for about two days now (nearly non-stop), and I don't get why people say the game is bad. To me, it really seems like a worthy successor to terraria.

The combat feels way better, the graphics are sharper, the game's difficulty feels balanced (maybe I'm just bad at it, but whatever, I think it can become pretty challenging), you can't just rush the best material, and are actually given an opportunity to use and deal with the lower tier stuff, it is better looking, and it has better support for building populated environments, like towns and cities and all that. Oh, and mods... Engine wise, it is hands down the better game for me.

I did find a few issues: the logic loop seems to stutter once in a while, though the game runs well other than that. My second major issue is the poor UI. The UI itself looks nice, but it's not very transparent, and it lacks many quality of life stuff that terraria has (it did take a while to get them, to be fair).


how did you get hyltol scanned items without going to the bottom of an ocean?

as soon as i got that quest my first thought was to go down to the ocean floor

About the bosses, I never found terraria's bosses to be that big of a deal, to be fair, and many of them were pretty abusable (staff of thorns with eater of worlds was the shit back in the day), I had fun fighting them, yes, and maybe the magic just wore off after farming the same boss 100 times to get the materials, but they really didn't feel as great as people in this threat are hyping them out to be. One think I'm enjoying about starbound as well, is that I still haven't seen a reason to grind a boss over and over, and the boss fights I've had didn't feel that terrible. One thing about terraria's bosses that always kind of put me off as well, was the 'arena' aspect of it; You had to have a big arena to fight fishron, or else you'd be dead. I did have fun building those arenas (for fishron I had one with teleporters and dart traps, and for eater of worlds I remember making one full of spiky balls, and so on), but I always thought it diminished the boss: this powerful fuck you being was just going to fight you right where you wanted because you tauted him hard enough. The bosses in terraria felt anticlimactic. I'm not saying starbound's are any better or worst, I'm just saying that come on guys, they weren't THAT good.

About content, I still am finding new things, and I do remember it took terraria a good chunk of time before it got to the point where loot just rained from the sky. Terraria used to be a pretty dry game content wise (lets not forget there once was no wall of flesh), so I think it's a bit unfair to say this game has no content. One thing I am a bit disappointed by is the armor choices, since they all seem to be the same with a different skin.
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>spend 10 minutes making a quick animation in gimp because easel is pure shit
>spend 10 minutes converting it into individual signs for starbound
>spend 3 hours manually combining all of the sign data into one wired animated sign
>learn it's not documented or impossible to change the animation speed of a custom sign

Duuuuuude. Why is everything so half assed over here, man?
I actually got my last one down there in a ruined town or some shit. I got all my others in a village on a snow planet.

Personally I was hoping for something more akin to a focused space exploration RPG, but the actual exploration is pretty weak if you're looking for anything detailed.

Combat is mediocre, better than a ton of shitty games, but doesn't really shine a candle to some dedicated platformers.
The game has a lot of padding and runs poorly, has butchered lore that kinda feels pointless and a very sterile world.

However, if these things don't bother you, and you're just looking for a comfy building game with a lot of different cosmetically different environments, then starbound absolutely is something you'll get enjoyment out of.

Starbound tries to do a lot of things and unforunately kind of stumbles on most of them and delivers a pretty boring experience. However the one thing it does do well is to be Ikea simulator in space and comfy atmosphere game 2016.

If you're hopeful for space exploration with either 'space' or 'sci fi' involved then it's not going to deliver though.
Sounds like you have shit tastes and are part of the reason why chucklefish is going to get away with this.
i got some clock hand weapon with a time stop special attack
what the fuck is the point if you can't damage the enemies while they're stopped
>stop liking what i don't like
Escape or get a quick heal in probably.
>"And on the count of three, we show what's under the loincloth: wiener take all."
The idea is that you can manage inventory shit while they're frozen.

>and I don't get why people say the game is bad.

Have you tried reading the posts of people saying the game is bad?

I don't think Starbound is a bad game, but I get why some people do, it's differing opinion, not hard to understand.
>Stop time
>Toss down remote mines
>Combat is mediocre, better than a ton of shitty games, but doesn't really shine a candle to some dedicated platformers.
I was comparing combat to that of terraria, by the way. Maybe I should've clarified. I don't expect a sandbox game to have better combat than Castlevania.

I mean, I am new to the game, so feel free to speak your mind on the matter.

>I was comparing combat to that of terraria, by the way. Maybe I should've clarified. I don't expect a sandbox game to have better combat than Castlevania.

Oh I absolutely wasn't expecting something amazing, my point was more that Starbound's combat is fun but nothing special.
The combat is made worse in 1.0 after the fucking retarded UI change making combat generally more tedious, healing items and similar items are now 500% more annoying to use.

Starbound's combat doesn't NEED to be anything special, though the GUI is shit, the combat does it's job for the most part. Now If we could get AI that wasn't braindead it might be moer interesting.

The exploration and how quickly worlds become stale and how quickly you see pretty much everything there is to see is a little crushing however, about 10 hours in I hit end tier planets, saw a glitch castle, maybe a foundry or a Hyltol city, and that was it, exploration past the sightseeing is pretty uninteresting to me seeing as there's nothing going on.

I can't complain too much when I get a good few hours of enjoyment out of 15 dollars, as well as an interactive game/chatroom/builder to fuck around in, but I totally understand why many people are kind of pissed off, particularly when there's so many mechanics that were promised and half assed. There's a ton of stuff in Starbound that feels as if It didn't need to be included and the time would've been better spent elsewhere.
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Smelly dumb avian scum
100% this. There's having low standards, and then there's recognizing pure unadulterated lack of effort. For all the hype it caused and money it raised a product shouldn't look anywhere near like this.
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Really enjoying the improvements I made to the Ark. Have you anons improved your Ark experience yet?
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delete this
So you killed the monkey, the bird, the old bat, and the fish. Why leave the Floran?
>free buff bird is gone
shit desu
>augmentmonkey is gone
muh damage 3 augments
Nope they really just help them get on steam and do the usual publisher stuff. Stardew Valley's dev, notable for being a one man operation, said it himself they didn't interfere with development at all. As far as getting your indie game published apparently Chucklefish are fine.

Probably because Tiy and friends would have nothing to do with it, it would be all their front end business types.
Im both sickened and scared.
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I like her more than the fags I killed.

>needing buffs when you have damage like this
>already aug'd to hell and back
Nuru is the only character worth saving from that mess

pretty sure chucklefish is primarily a publisher, most of the games they ship are not actually developed by their in-house team

wayward and starbound were their in-house things recently.

I have, actually, hence why I made the post. What really doesn't make sense to me, is that it's not just a couple people saying it's shit, it's almost like 50% of posts.

Maybe it's just the disappointment the above poster described, but I personally am very hyped for what the modders and the company will do with the game.

>As it stands there's probably like 500 out in the universe tops, at least as many as can get around.

By that standard, there's only a few thousand of most races anyway.
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>killed harmless librarian
>left the disgusting spear salad
rabbit pls go and stay go

i wouldn't get your hopes up about what chucklefish will do for the game, we're running on mods and a few scraps here and there
Regarding dynamicity and progression, you conveniently forgot about events. Pretty major element in making the world feel more alive.

To be honest, Starbound has always had shit progression compared to Terraria. Koala, giraffe, release--always something new but always shit. Right now it's mine stuff -> craft next tier EPP -> beam to next tier planet -> dig down safely, mine a bit of next tier ore -> repeat until last tier, make armor. Couple of hours and you have endgame gear. No reason to even bother with the middle tiers, lol. And all the forms of progression that take any time/effort are boring grinds either through generic money farming, RNG loot crap or shitty randomgen quests.

Also, Starbound release version plot missions feel out of place in this genre and are completely disconnected from character progression and rest of the game.

>b-but muh platform
>muh potential
Wew lad, that sure has done a lot of good for Starbound. That potential is completely wasted by Chucklefish and that is one of the main issues Starbound has. I bet you also like Bethesda's trash because they are "platforms" that have "potential".

>I'm sorry, did you forget that Terraria has...
You should be. Those (mostly endgame) elements don't change the fact that Terraria is primarily fantasy-themed and Starbound is primarily scifi-themed.
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>useless limp-wristed fish NEET
>having him smell up the ark

Drop Nuru onto a seriously hostile planet and she will live forever
Drop that skinny fillet-o-fish fag onto a slightly hostile planet and he'd instantly die

He is worthless scum, don't try to dance around that fact

She's more useful, and more kind than that stupid lolicon

>Starbound is primarily scifi-themed.

Apart from a near majority of the content in the game, yes.

Not the guy you're arguging with though. If you really think that the majority of content in starbound is sci-fi themed then I'm not even sure you've played it. Yes the missions and Outpost, maybe a couple dungeon could be called 'sci-fi', other than that it's pretty much mud huts, castles, ruins and temples.

That's not really a good thing but if you're looking for a sci-fi themed game, starbound gives you the tools but you kinda have to build that shit yourself.

Also, little correction about the gear progression you mentioned, it's probably even simpler then you said. You find ore faster by rummaging around in villages and dungeons anyway because it spawns so often in them. You can get through almost the entire game of starbound without digging whatsoever. The gear progression really is basic as fuck, not in a particularly good way.

Terraria still looks like garbage though, worse than starbound even.
I'll compare the two in a food analogy because that's for some reason the only type of analogy I can come up with.

Terraria is a restaurant that specializes in a nice, full course, home style dinner. You've got your meat loaf, your mashed potatoes, your peas, and your tea. Apple pie for dessert. Bread and butter as an appetizer. Sometimes the peas are instead replaced with carrots, or the tea with water, and of course every meal isn't going to be exactly the same regardless. But there are definite sections to each meal. There's a distinct sense of progression as you move from one part to the next.

Starbound, on the other hand, is a restaurant that takes its ingredients, mixes them up all in a blender until its an inconsistent mush, then plops it out into various sized piles all over the floor. After eating some amount, the waiter comes over with an actual cooked food item and is incredibly insistent you eat it, though he won't force you to.

Terraria has thoughtful design and a purpose behind it. Starbound just sorta half-assedly throws its shit everywhere. Starbound might have "more", but that more is nowhere near the quality of Terraria.

>the player sprites are edits of the SNES Final Fantasy games
That was Tiy's doing, and hasn't been true since he left and Red got a new artist.
>Drop Nuru onto a seriously hostile planet
good, then do it and throw away the coordinates
preferably drop her into a volcano
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She'd probably still manage to survive it.

Imagine Koichi in that situation, he'd scream the loudest.
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Thankfully I don't really care if either the Baron or Nuru dies anyway, I just don't feel like killing them
Too late did I discover that apparently ship upgrades can also be acquired by simply recruiting more people.
Unlike Bethesda piles this (and Terraria as well) aren't broken at a core level.
the buffs can be glow though, speed and regen are also nice ones
Why do you even play the game? Why not play terraria? Serious question here.

How is something like Skyrim or Fallout broken at a fundamental level, but Starbound isn't?

Considering up to date/modded, so that means most bugs ironed out in both, what's the fundamentally broken in Fallout that isn't broken in Starbound?
Not scifi? kek, it's a game about interstellar exploration centered on said outpost and your spaceship. Also, the whole interior decorating part of it would be pretty damn bland without any variety in microdungeons and furniture sets.

>Also, little correction about the gear progression you mentioned, it's probably even simpler then you said. You find ore faster by rummaging around in villages and dungeons anyway because it spawns so often in them.
You can't comfortably skip the middle tiers if you run across planet surfaces, at least not on hardcore mode. The higher tier mobs can be dangerous. Mining is the easy and fast way to skip middle tiers.

But I gotta agree - Starbound 1.0 has too low crafting costs and too much ore in surface chests.
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>needing glow buff when you have Field Generator from FU
A: There's still some enjoyment to be had in Starbound. I just disagree with the notion that it's superior to Terraria. There are things it does that Terraria doesn't, which ties in to
B: I just really enjoy mods, of anything. I play Skyrim a lot, even though I believe it's a shit game, just because I like to see the kind of mods people make for it. Romhacks are some of my favorite things to find and play. I just really like to see what people do with existing video games.
>disregarding speed
it is never not time to fast
Why not play both?
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>Not scifi? kek, it's a game about interstellar exploration centered on said outpost and your spaceship.

>centered on said outpost and your spaceship.

congratulations, that's the only real sci-fi component you're going to see for most of the damn game right up to the near-end, a quest hub and a player house, as well as fucking terrible instanced dungeon missions that pretty much add nothing to the game, wew big deal

my point was more that while Starbound has sci-fi elements, not only is most of the game world that you encounter distinctly non-sci fi, but the world itself barely feels like a universe with fururistic technology, it's not reflected in either the majority of NPC settlements, the majority of worlds available for exploration or the gameplay.

I guess guns are a non-fantasy thing, but I wouldn't exactly call them sci-fi either.
Starbound/Terraria problems can be solved by rebalancing/adding "endgame" content/hurdles to encourage or enforce using lower tier stuff for longer.

Bethesda RPGs have bad, static levels, horrible writing and no sense of consequence. Not to start on how fucked the RPG systems themselves are. Even Obsidian's New Vegas is mostly strong due to its writing because it had to be built around the same engine and basic systems as F3.
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>needing speed when I got Advanced Dash and Supreme Wall Jump from FU too.

FU covers everything.

The farming was pretty hard, but worth it.
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>static levels, horrible writing and no sense of consequence.

So, Starbound then?
The biggest thing that could help Starbound IMO would be some form of faction systems. Stuff to make the settlements (player and static) feel like actual communities and to act as a source of conflict.
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All that sweet bird booty

So many choices

Yet so little time...
Starbound's core is not the static levels, and the story is not the meat of the game. Its not trying to be a RPG, which is what Fallout 3/4 are.
Then how about stop complaining? It doesn't really solve anything to be doing it here, does it?

>I play Skyrim a lot, even though I believe it's a shit game
So you're eating shit and you like it? If this is you:
>I bet you also like Bethesda's trash because they are "platforms" that have "potential".
You're a hypocrite. A modded game is still a game; 'minecraft' is not the same thing as 'minecraft with mods': one of them uses the engine's power, and gives players a decent experience with lots of potential hours of play, the other is absolutely nothing.

Oh, also, things can be 'ok', they don't have to be either 'shit' or the best thing since sliced bread.

He did equate the game to this:
>Starbound, on the other hand, is a restaurant that takes its ingredients, mixes them up all in a blender until its an inconsistent mush, then plops it out into various sized piles all over the floor. After eating some amount, the waiter comes over with an actual cooked food item and is incredibly insistent you eat it, though he won't force you to.
I very much doubt he'd like to play it.

So what is Starbound's core?

A builder game with cosmetic minigame mechanics like farming and shit, with mediocre platforming combat?

I mean I can respect that, nothing terrible there, though depending on what you were hoping from Starbound, it can range from being a horrible failure to an ideal product.


Also, I have no fucking clue where the idea that Terraria or Starbound's problems are from unbalanced gearing up. Are you suggesting more or less grind? What exactly would gear hurdles add in any way other than padding content?
In fact there's one great example of a game being a platform for the players/modders.

The ARMA series
Like I said before, you gotta advertise more.
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>not stacking every single speed buff you can get your hands on
Starbound might be a shit game for what it was allegedly supposed to be, or for what it actually was in beta, but I gotta say the music isn't half bad.

Now if only the same track wouldn't repeat fifty thousand times...
>tfw dayz standalone is just falling farther and farther behind it's roadmap
>tfw it still isn't as good as some of the ARMA 2 mods
>tfw they still haven't allowed people to mod it
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My nigger, DO you know what I mean?

The speed I can reach with Advanced Air Dash and Supreme Wall Jump are far beyond whatever pittance of running speed your shitty little buffs can get you.

Check it out for yourself. Go to the Science Outpost and do lots of quests (you can just cheat) until you have the techs.
I don't want to flood the thread with "WOW ITS THE SERB AND WOW ITS UP" every thread now that we have a civilized pastebin/google doc.
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It's at least worth bringing up whenever someone asks for a server.
The events always annoyed me more than anything - they typically either popped up when I was AFKing at my base or when I was elsewhere doing important shit (like mining).

You know what's funny? I got my entire loadout and ship without doing any mining whatsoever aside from fuel runs. Pretty much everything I have I got from exploration, and it only took me about eight hours total to get everything I needed.

I won't argue the plot missions, though. The dungeons themselves are cool, but they're too bare - they need way more content.

Terraria hit 1.0 on May 16, 2011. It is currently on version, after 36 updates (most of which were content additions).
Starbound hit 1.0 on July 22, 2016. It is currently on version 1.0.5, after 5 updates (all of which were hotfixes, not content additions).

You're comparing a fully grown adult with a pimple-faced teenager, anon. Of course Starbound isn't going to have the same amount of shit that Terraria has.

Congrats on being disingenuous as fuck, anon. It'd be more accurate to say that Starbound serves a series of small dishes of which the patron can choose from, but you're too busy reaching to realize that.

>Terraria has thoughtful design and a purpose behind it
Terraria has a meandering conga line of content that was added in a desperate attempt to justify the previous update's insanely overpowered equipment. There is literally nothing to do in Terraria once you hit peak strength for that update, because it means you've already explored everywhere and fought every boss, so they keep tacking on more end-game content to keep that conga line going.

>Starbound might have "more", but that more is nowhere near the quality of Terraria
Even if that were true, it's because Terraria has had five years to do its thing. Starbound is new.

>That was Tiy's doing
And yet they're still in use. I don't care whose fault it is, it's still a problem.
Why are there ancient gateways in some areas? They just lead back to the town place.
>The biggest thing that could help Starbound IMO
For starters chucklefish should reimplement all the content they've removed/disabled over the years.

Proper planetary temperature system rather than binary EPP gearchecks. All the old techs, racial (armor) traits, racial weapons, biomes, dungeons and tons of micro-dungeons. All the removed crafting recipes. Revert the shitty UI changes. Maybe add polished versions of the summonable placeholder bosses as well.
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>my point was more that while Starbound has sci-fi elements, not only is most of the game world that you encounter distinctly non-sci fi, but the world itself barely feels like a universe with fururistic technology, it's not reflected in either the majority of NPC settlements, the majority of worlds available for exploration or the gameplay.


Personally one of the things that bugs me the most is there is not a single futuristic city

Every village is all medieval and shit, which is fine, but it'd be nice if each race had more futuristic style settlements as well that you could find

Closest we get to that is those apex places and earth in the intro
>Even if that were true, it's because Terraria has had five years to do its thing. Starbound is new.


get a green hills theme midi

play instruments as you run
Anybody know the code for the invisible scanners?
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>And yet they're still in use.
No they aren't. Left is the current Terraria player sprite, middle is FFV, right is the original Terraria sprite.
I prefer blasting Eurobeat.

Also, with the techs, you FLY, not run.

Speed buffs are hard enough to come by so I don't bother. They're difficult to maintain too.

With my tech combo, you just need to FAST
You got Running in the 90s as an .abc file?
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Turns out Rocket was a shit dev and a flake, who could have guessed?
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Hi friend! On behalf of our esteemed community I would like to give you a belated welcome to our little general.

What you're seeing is related to pseudo-ERPing namefags, Not sure where the pic is from though I would not be suprised if it's related to a general-goer.

The /sbg/ community prides itself on it's diversity, including, but not restricted to, furry fetishes, unironic discussion of starbound vorephillia mods and other forms of denegeracy, as well as avatarfagging with anime pictures and talking about how much you hate non-humans, and other friendly chaps constantly roleplaying as either Hyltol or Floren.

I hope this post has been helpful and informative.
>Terraria hit 1.0 on May 16, 2011. It is currently on version, after 36 updates (most of which were content additions).
>Starbound hit 1.0 on July 22, 2016. It is currently on version 1.0.5, after 5 updates (all of which were hotfixes, not content additions).

That's exactly what I was saying. People seem to forget how long terraria took to get where it is. Not to say terraria's updates aren't awesome, they are, but come on. And don't come and talk about a 'Terraria's grand design' or some shit, I remember very well most terraria updates were just disconnected fun additions to the game without any seeming overall plan (not that there's anything wrong with that, mind you.) When you say "a bunch of disconnected little pieces," I think of terraria, not starbound, maybe because I've played terraria the most, though.
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Well, fuck, share it.

Does anyone remember the shit in Morrowind where if you took a fuckton of Skooma you would literally fly through the fucking air when you ran?

Good times.
>lets not count the ALFA RELEASE because it didnt gots no quality story mode
>look in the songs folder
>can't find it
>look in workshop folder
>it's a bunch of fucking numbered files with no name and most of them just contain a .pak file

I got it from the workshop, one of the two first mods that adds music to the songbook. I'm gonna go looking for it to see if I can retrieve it, but if I can't, then looking at the Workshop for songbook mods would be your best bet.
>People seem to forget how long terraria took to get where it is.
Are you fucking kidding me?

Terraria's development began in 2011 with its public release also in 2011.
Starbound's development began in 2012 with its first public release in 2013.

If anything, Terraria hit its first release build 4 years faster than Starbound.
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>mfw modding was/is supposed to come out Soon™
That is unfortunate. The hunt is on, I guess.
why the fuck are my tenants just randomly dying?
i restored a hylotl castle to move tenants into and they're all fucking dying as soon as they spawn
Yes, because starbound's engine is as simple as terraria's.
It is just as simple. Just poorly written and horribly optimized.
Alright, cool, you won. Congratulations, game a shit, ded game, etc, etc.
Might have mod troubles. Sometimes the coding is awful so if you approach anyone they explode. Conflicting scripts and all that.
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>Bethesda making a Starbound game

Sounds terrifying
>All you hear on your ship is the sound of crew members opening and closing doors
You have no excuse. Go sit down and watch TV or something.
Try reading the thread. >>151830604
Huh. I'm wrong, then. I mean, I feel like it says something that I still don't see that much of a difference, but I'm not gonna move the goalposts on you or some such bullshit.

Alright, I'll play your game.
Terraria's first public release didn't even have the Wall of Flesh, so there was no hardmode. The closest thing to an endgame was Skeletron - after that, the content stopped. There was little to no NPC interaction, there was only one dungeon, there was only one world, there were only 6 biomes, only one race, 1x1 mining, and a really shitty and unintuitive crafting system.

Starbound's first public release featured NPC settlements, dungeons, worlds, biomes well into the double digits, multiple races, the ability to mine more than one block at a time, and a vastly improved crafting/decoration system.

Terraria took less than a year to develop because it was a basic, shitty game. Starbound took longer to develop because it actually had goals, not just "let's fart out a 2D Minecraft with RPG elements for a quick buck".
Haven't played this game since it was first released to early access. Is there a reason to dig deep and greedily yet? When I played I ended up just exploring a planet's surface and never digging down.
Thanks. I've been looking through the past few generals for "scanner" but I didn't think it was this one.
thing is it's only some of my tenants in specific rooms in the castle
Reading the OP also helps, you can use
https://starbounditems.herokuapp.com/ whenever you're looking for item IDs. Check it out, it's really handy.
Well that's just odd, then.
Hylotl cities are futuristic
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>Tfw you want to steal all the shit
>Don't want to aggro the city against you
Think I found it.
Scan it, print it.
Feel the shekels slip away.
http://pastebin.com/7w3qv4cJ improved mod list since no one ever updates the op
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Yeah, that's definitely the one. I didn't know there was an off-Steam version, thanks. You've saved me an hour of trudging through .pak files after I've deleted all the empty files in Starbound's workshop file.
Fill the entire city with water and drown them. They wont go hostile if you kill them that way i think
Some shit won't print.
Then dig for blueprints.
You know, run the appropriate mission over, and over, and over again.

Or just wiki it, if you're feeling lucky.
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>tfw you go so fucking fast it doesn't matter anyway since you can't hear it
>that feel when you still haven't found one
Need to dig up coords for one, I guess.
Only, you know, I'd need FU coords.
Eh, just jump between ocean planets until you see "Placing dungeon hylotloceancity" in console.
Check Strange Oceans my dude. Sea biomes are randomized there.

You can find a Hylotl ocean city on the SURFACE.
Is it just me or does shit randomly disappear from my ship storage lockers when upgrading?
I just lost about all of my venom samples.
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Which of these critters should go in the lava?
Where's the fanart of Esther being tortured or killed for being the worst character?

Where's a comprehensive list of cut content? Hell, if you even know of a single thing, post about it here (preferably with evidence that it existed) and I'll make the list myself
Cook the cat
Cook the bunny
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The cat.
Rabbits represent.
Third vote for the cat.
>i want to torture and kill a kindly old lady mwahahahaha >:D
Careful with that edge now

Cats are assholes, and rabbits are delicious.
Rabbits are also apparently Avian favourites, and fuck those birds.

Therefore: both.
>kindly old lady
You can't be serious, anon.
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I am okay with this decision.
She's one of the only, if not the only, character that the majority of posters can agree is shit
Don't forget http://starbounder.org/Category:Disabled
How sheltered do you have to be to think that killing a fictional character is edgy?
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What reasons do you have other than projecting your hatred of the shitty main quest on to the character?
Nice Star Wrath.
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All that unmined ore.
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Why is Starbounder the only Starbound wiki that isn't horribly outdated?
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"Help Out" They immediately went from being an indie game studio to being a "game publisher" so they can get all the money without doing any real work.

You can say those games are good are not, but Chucklefish is shady as fuck.
Is there a button for both?
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>He doesn't play as a blond-haired blue-eyed human male with a cute avian harem aboard his ship

- official wiki
- largest editor community
- best software (well, best mw extensions and templates)
- not part of a wikifarm

I don't see why anyone would want to contribute to a lesser wiki when it exists.
Do you at least have another human on that ship with you to make children with? Better yet, another Aryan.
Because it's the official one.
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Jesus fuck those Avians.

No but I probably could've shot the other one.
Welp. After uninstalling/reinstalling my drivers, my laptop stroke has passed...unfortunately I did this after deleting all my game and character data, so I'm starting over, which isn't too bad since I just made the character three days ago, but still. Annoying.

Oh well, back to playing in the empty server.
Are the sprites for the removed racial weapons even used for procgen weapons?

Novakids are pretty much the only race with a vanilla gameplay-related change.
But those aren't Avians. They're Tengu.
Glitch halberds- a compromise between axe and spear (probably would work like an extra-long broadsword)

Floran pikes/javelins- Extra-length spears/javelins with special effects

Avians-???? Maybe a bleed status effect for obsidian-based weapons

Humans- Something generic because that's what humans are

Hylotl- Shurikens, No-Dachis

Apex- Knives, explosives (or unique stimpack types)
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>toucan tengu
I doubt that. I would assume that procedural weapon sprites consist of multiple parts whereas the old racial weapons had a single sprite each.
They're completely gone.
Take it up with ArenaNet. I know it doesn't make sense.
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Well that's just wasteful, some of the ones on the wiki look pretty good.
The racial weapons are only a tiny sliver of the content chucklefish has removed for no fucking reason.

Welcome to Starbound.
>no reason

They had a reason, it just didn't make sense.
They did? What was it?
Being too lazy to rebalance and re-implement makes sense.
The Racial weapons were removed because they were too lazy to redo them (see: rotate them) for the updated weapon wielding system.
It would be pretty funny if the "first post-release content update" was just a glut of stuff that had been cut.
Most of the stuff that was removed has the possibility of coming back into the game. I don't understand why people are getting this upset about it. Not you specifically, but just in general. Although it probably won't, there's still slight chances.
Its because people *care* about the game in the sort of way where any negative change is The End Of The World
Because, assuming I had access to the source image files, I could properly redo the orientations the Racial Weapons in a day or less. And I'm not special - this would be pulling from sprite skills that I developed when I was 15 and never touched since, probably anyone in this thread could do it.

Chucklefish took one look at doing it and said "nah, not worth it".
while also making sure to cut more current content as well
There's also the fact that a lot of racial weapons would be redundant, especially without any gimmicks. That's why I made that post about unique racial weapons/items like how the Novakids can make guns

Don't forget fishing! :^)
Not to mention they would just get replaced by other weapons any-fucking-way. No one would use them to begin with because you can find better weapons within seconds, instead of crafting something that has nothing special.
I'm actually looking forward to that.
Exactly. At least having some unique items would make them somewhat worthwhile, or maybe, here's an idea, making tiers of them that won't get outclassed by procgen every time.
Die monster, you do not belong in this world.
You shouldn't, CF will find some way to fuck even that up
It would not be hard to assign Special Abilities based on race - all Glitch Broadswords gain Parry, for instance.
Nigga who cares? Retards keep crying about muh cut weapons and armor but a) theres not enough ore tiers to support all that shit and b) they would work the same as randomly generated stuff.
>Most of the stuff that was removed has the possibility of coming back into the game.
Bull-fucking-shit. You're just a newfag who hasn't been following Starbound's development. If you weren't, you'd know how they operate by now.

Starbound has been an awful example of aimless iterative development where countless workhours have been wasted on placeholders that were completely replaced. The entire fucking ore/tier progression has been redone at least four times. The combat system has been completely rebalanced thrice if not more. Even the fucking hotbar UI has been redone at least three times. Dozens of outpost quests were made and removed. Entire dungeons and planetary biomes have been removed. The original placeholder bosses have been removed except dreadwing. Most underground micro-dungeons were removed. Back slot items with functionality were completely removed for god knows what reason. All the fun techs were removed to make players use the shitty vehicle system. Planet temperature system was reworked into tiered protection techs, which was then reworked into EPPs. AND. SO. ON.

Guess what, fucktard? The game has tons of currently unused ore types that were implemented in earlier versions.
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Does anyone have it? I need it for research purposes.
So can I join a server with an pirated version?
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>ctrl-f metroid
>0 results
Daily reminder metroid overhaul never ever
>they ate not reimplementing anything!
>b-but they also left all the assets there for some reason

Typical whiny retard
Neat. What's protocol version 723? Got an error message saying that sue's server doesn't support it.
Just let him complain about a game he doesn't have to play, anon.
Alright, let's reach really fucking hard and assume that Chucklefish is too retarded to adapt ten tiers of weapons to the crafting system they've established now, despite the fact that they adapted ten tiers of armor to it with no problems.

So we've got all of these racial weapons left over and all of these racial settlements that aren't doing a whole lot besides looking pretty. If you shoved all of the cut racial weapons into quest rewards for settlements, hey! Would you fucking look at that, now NPCs are giving unique rewards for you hanging around and sucking their dicks for them.

Or they could've been kept around as enemy weapons.
Or random unique weapons that you could find in chests.
Or they could've been split up and their components used in procedurally generated weapons.

There's a whole lot of shit that Chucklefish could have done with those resources, but didn't. THAT'S why people are mad, you walking miscarriage.
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Wouldn't you just tell them you had a great meal?
Mod name?
There's plenty of removed stuff I'm glad to see gone. A lot of the old lore was shit. Greenfinger, Big Ape and Thornwing all being buttbuddies who write to each other was stupid.

I can see how laziness of making progression and the main quest exactly the same for everyone except the Novakid would mean cutting things like racial weapons. I can understand it even if I don't like it. At most I'd expect to see them in the loot pool and in guards' hands eventually.

What happened to some of the dungeons I just don't understand. Throughout development they'd very rarely drop biome types before eventually reworking them into something else. I can only assume that's what is going on with the dungeons and they didn't finish pointlessly reworking them yet. Look at how all the apex dungeons were dropped in favour of that one lab-zoo-fancy suite facility you see everywhere.
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>try making a sci fi loadout
>every single cosmetic and unique weapon (backer designed or otherwise) is retarded, from the stone age, or ayylmao shit
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Allow me to play devil's advocate and say "Yet"
They had reasons behind whatever they did, doesn't mean they were good ones. ᖍ(ツ)ᖌ

I personally enjoy the game as it is, and most likely will still enjoy it however it's going to continue turning out, but then again, I really like exploring. I don't care about the other aspects of the game.
I'm PRETTY sure they'll be added back in because Chucklefish would be insanely and irresponsibly stupid to ignore the backlash that removing them has caused, but that doesn't stop me from being irritated that they cut so much content in the first place.
yall niggas mad gay for not complaining about the one change they had 0 good reasoning to remove:
They've been doing it for years, why would they change now?

And who cares about weapons. I just want racial traits and flight techs back.
But that's being adding back in.
fucking when
they promised that it will be released in 1.0 like 2 years ago
and right before they release 1.0 they're like "uh no we're going to release it after 1.0"
Racial traits were never in the game in the first place, anon. But yeah, Bubble Boost and shit were nice - I miss those very much.
I thought at one point Bananas flavor text was something like "genetically engineered banana that is toxic to non-apex". I remember poisoning me but I only have played glitch.

Did it also poison apex back then?
There was one point where they had racial food, yes. I remember Glitch food being detrimental to other races, not sure about anything else.
Doesn't work, keeps loading forever
I don't remember any of the racial food actually negatively affecting anyone.
Floran cravesssss nazi blood.
Too bad, Aryan villages aren't implemented yet.
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>people start talking about "oh did you see the thing on reddit"
>drive away
Can somebody recomend some good armor mods?
>tfw you will never go on adventures with the great explorer Hiraki Corale as his faithful manservant and lover
I fixed it. I had installed 2 ship mods and when i upgraded my ship size for the first time my game crashed because the game was loading 3 ships at same time. Removing all ship mods and loading my backup ship file solved my problem.
You mean for looking good or being protected?
Good looking.
Whatever. They're fish so every gender just has tentacles for sex organs.
>client assets will never upload so that other players see them
>other players will never see this beauty
So is the picture atattched to your character or a bullet or is it just sitting there kind of offset at the top of the Outpost?
No it's a texture for the iron revolver i'm holding
So you can spin your mouse around and the picture spins around too?

but nobody else can see it
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Is the harpoon a hunting weapon? I feel like I get higher drop rates but I'm not sure. It'd be a nice replacement for my bow
I mean remember counter strike sprays back in the day? People would just make mods with large pictures of gay plants. I know I would.
I remember some anon a long time ago was making custom items for anons that other players could see vanilla. They wouldn't tell how to do it and chucklefish patched it out relatively quickly.

Looking back on it I imagine they made them with JSON shit, seeing as they said it was time consuming to do.
Fireworks had particles that you could recolor and arrange.

People immediately used it to make goatse fireworks.
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>First time going to a dark planet
>5 feet from spawn is Monkey Refugee camp

They just had to ruin it. I wanted to be spooked.
Yes, increases droprates a tad bit higher than iron hunting spears.
I just remember someone making giant ass Megaman Zero esque beam swords and then goatse.

Man I wish we could sprite our own shit ingame, we already have the sign things.
Go the other way then
Prepare to be spooked, nigger
thanks anon!
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remember to remove traitors wherever you find them
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Hey starbound general what is your favorite food
I went the other way. It was a glow biome.
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Find a better dark planet
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>Trying to hunt for chests and items in a biome built out of collapsible materials
This is an exercise in frustration
Just go to a different planet bro bro
Pineapple pizza
But anon, I'm looking for slime chests. I had to hunt through god knows how many planets just to find a slime biome this big. It's just frustrating as hell getting chests out of it when the walls keep collapsing.
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>Slime Biome
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>tfw am playing as Hiraki Corale and go on crazy adventures
And I just discovered a Avian village when I finally got out of the glow biome. Fuck this planet.
How far are you into the game? Your MM should be good enough to fuck up slime blocks. If you're only going for the chests and not what's inside them you might as well just /admin the whole thing.
>tfw there will never be an uncharted style game but for space explortion

I need more cinematic games and less minecrafty shit.
I've got it fully upgraded but that doesn't help when taking one block out makes the whole biome collapse. This is the file I don't want to cheat on but it's still obnoxious. I just wish slime blocks didn't collapse so easily.
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>Died from falling into a whole made by a landslide
>he doesn't have multijump equipped for big caves to negate the falling damage
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I am amused at how much I resemble the local flora.
I did.

I used them all up before I realized I was over a hole that deep. I didn't realize it was that wide.
Oh boy. It gets even better. There's also a human refugee camp on this planet. Its a dark planet, yet it has the beginning planet's biome, desert biome, and winter biome all on the same planet. What a fucking shitshow.
That's rough. I've always been surprised at how easy it is to find death-dropped items in this game though. I noticed that the time I actually spend doing things makes the caves under the planets seem bigger then they actually are and it only takes like 5 minutes to pick up my shit.
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This is a very unpleasant planet.
The first dark planet I went to had the shadow people biome and the prism biome, so I had dueling light and darkness on one planet. It was pretty cool, and felt fitting.

Sucks that you got a crummy one though.
You can do it, Arin.
Looks better than most of the planets in No Man's Sky though.
What mod are you using for that sword? Looks cool.
RIP a good game ;_;7

The fuck is this? Some kind of sick Lovecraftian form of jell-o?
Its no mod.
Its your very first sword if you kept it.
try standing under a ceiling of it and breaking one of the blocks
and make sure you're not wearing a breathing epp or anything, it messes up the process
No mods, anon.

You're thinking of the Protectorate Broadsword, which you can see in >>151897853 's post.
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I took your advice but forgot to take off the breathing epp

I think I'm at the ground floor
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embrace the slime
No, you're in the brain. This is the end of your journey where you went mini sized and dove into your patient's body to save his life, all you have left to do is excise the tumor with your matter manipulator.
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i miss my old engine room.
it really was amazing
fuck you chuckefuck for taking away the awesome crafting tables.
Microwaves still occasionally spawn in frozen outposts, right?
Yeah. Chic fridges too I think..
There's absolutely no way there aren't mods involved in that thing. That's not a vanilla weapon, and neither is the armor you're wearing.
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>excise the tumor
Nah man, that's just Solarium Powered. He does all kinds of weird shit.
That's what you get for playing human
You know, mine doesn't glow all the time. What did you do to it?
Mine doesn't either.

I just coincidentally have it activated for the screenshots.
It's just JSON recoloring, anon. This guide can help you if you're interested:
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How do I decorate the background?
Just copy the rest of the building.
I mean how do I remove all the vines in the background and put my stuff?
right click with the matter manipulator
This is my biggest problem in both terraria and starbound. I have no clue how to do background decoration.
So does anything disastrous happen if I install a mod that changes the world/planets across the board and then go into a server that doesn't have that mod? I wanna try out the TrueSpace FU mod but it doesn't seem like any of the /sbg/ servers run it
Just copy the starbound directory somewhere else and use the copy for server stuff and the other for mods
Update from a couple of days ago, finally dia kitchen. Ignore teleport room and Bridge, waiting til I have more space for other things til I work on them.

Once those bridge lights are gone the upper right should be a fair bit darker.
You're going to need more room above the armor crafting bench for the addons.
Now go bake a cake.
It's gonna get moved along with the furnace, they look very out of place.
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Aha, gotcha. Is there a decent pirate hat? I'd be very happy.
Seems like there is only the one you are wearing, Anon.
Fuck, can you not get the airship captain's hat anymore? Doesn't need an eyepatch I just want a piratey hat cuz I'm the cap'n.
There is a tricorn hat, don't know if it looks as good as the airship captain's hat though.
can i get mods on a pirated version
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Fuck this shit. I'm out.
>Captive fish
Massive quest mods when
I'd imagine never. This game is very moddable, yeah, but most of those huge overhaul mods come for much better games with more people playing them. I doubt someone would spend that much time on a mod for a dedgame.
I don't even mean overhauls, I just mean more big multi-part quests, custom levels or no.
Chucklefricks should just come out with their own fucking level designer honestly. Making this game more about the Action RPG elements would save it
Certainly more in-depth NPC interaction would help immensely, relatively shallow or no.
Right Click
Frackin has quests and custom locations. Dunno if they're any good.
>can't give separate uniforms for civilian and military crew

It bothers my autism.
There is a mod that adds a few interesting missions
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Shit's delicious yo
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I kind of want a mod that adds crew permadeath for the kind of play style I'm going with
> Frackin Universe mod
> Colony on a desert planet in a valley between two huge mountains
> Buildings at the bottom of the valley are just wood and sandstone buildings for shops along with a farm. Population consists of a handful of florans. Think of it as the dirt poor area
> Up at the top of the east mountain is a big tech base housing lab equipment. Population consists of human and Apex master races
> Use recruitment mod to conscript crew members from both areas
> Ship oriented crew like engineers, mechanics, medics, etc. are conscripted from the base
> Grunts are conscripted from the village and the nearby Fenerox huts
> Engineers and shit stay on the ship and improve it
> Grunts fight and die on the ground

The reason I want a crew permadeath mod is so the fenerox and floran fighters can sort of serve as disposable crew members, like redshirts.
>Not Avains so they suicide bomb the enemy to appease their gods
Does anyone on here actually play on hardcore?
It seems like a stupid gimmick mode to appease the roguelike crowd
I have, and I do like rogue-likes. I found to be equally disappointing.
I'm not even going to give it a chance. I know for fucking sure I'll die to something stupid like fall damage.
Spessmans called.
did they leave a message other than, "kill yourself"?
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You should really consider giving into peer pressure
What if someone tried to turn Starbound into a horizontal spessmans
I'm sorry, but the D.A.R.E. Dog taught me to never ever listen to peer pressure. It's always bad.
What if someone tried to turn Starbound into a good game
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Where the FUCK are the last 10% of Floran clues I need
I've been up and down every planet in the gentle stars, god damnit
Odds are there are just a few props that you've either missed or haven't spawned in any floran sites you visited.
>or haven't spawned
Is there anything I can do about this?
Did you talk to the NPCs
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>Accidentally killed one of those npcs on a dark planet
>Achievement "Villain"
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>hylotl crewman jumps into lava and dies immediately after porting planetside
sounds like he understands jap culture better than you do
how do I hire people
I got some samurai fag hired because he surrendered during a quest but I've never seen a way to hire people since
do quests

eventually you'll get one that wants to join up
Do they scale with tiers? Like a guy from tier 1 planet is useful at tier 4 or no
planet tier doesn't matter, they scale based on your current armor
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Anons, how do I muster up the motivation to keep going in the campaign? I just got the Pagoda Library finished, but this scanning portion is just god-awful.
Just explore planets, Anon. You'll find enough shit to scan sooner or later.
I wander planets until I find a species dungeon, then bookmark it for later.
Infuriatingly enough there's a tiny little piece left from exploring that Glitch fortress.
I would gladly take that over fishing and a pokedex.
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Pretend you're Indiana Jones or some shit and are scanning relics to determine what the barbaric xeno scum societies are like before they rip your heart out in a ritual sacrifice.

Or pretend you're doing recon and scanning to determine weak points in the structure of their societies and infrastructure so you know how to cripple and shatter their ranks when it's time to purge. Know thy enemy and all that.
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>I kind of want a mod that adds crew permadeath for the kind of play style I'm going with
I've actually been wanting a mod like that too, although I just thought it would be more interesting if crew death meant something. Have a reason to fight to defend your crewmates, make an XCOM style memorial wall to remember the fallen, and give a reason to recruit new crew. You can always manually do it with dismiss but that feels dumb.
/completequest apex_mission1
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>Decided to be a degenerate and allow 2 of each species on my ship
>End up with my medics and chemists as the least developed species, being 2 birds, 1 gearhead, and a plant

I deserve this.
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>mfw the elite squad I've taken through most of the game suffers a loss
>mfw it's my favorite person on the squad
Having that in starbound would be the shit
Is there a mod that makes all colonies/renters give max tier rewards, so I can build a colony on a nicer looking planet then an empty moon?
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You had one fucking job
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>least developed
>magic space crystal technology isn't more advanced than space trains and barely running human destroyers
They sleep on piles of hay, Anon. I shouldn't have one as my medic.
why is stealing furniture and building stuff so fun in this game
>oh hey nice door you have here, i'll take it
you'd think they'd fight back
They use to. Now only guards get pissed if you take so many items. I miss just wiping out an entire settlement.
What would be awesome is you build n HQ of sorts. You gather people to join up through your settlements or quests or whatever, modify their weapons and armor just like in XCOM. You send them on missions all over the universe - You can make the Neo-Protectorate or succeed Asra and make your own cult, or just a bunch of raiders, or whatever the fuck you want. Police the universe, terrorize innocents, glass planets, whatever you want. That'd be fun end-game content.
Wait guards get pissed if you steal?
If you steal too many items they will attack you. That is, if they or civilians see you steal the stuff.
All they say is ''lmao stop stealing :((''
Guess I haven't taken enough
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>tfw you will never tell your teams to go forth and purge xeno scum for the fatherland
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america hell yeah.jpg
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Can capes be dyed?
Every article of clothing can be dyed to some extent.
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Now I want to be able to deploy my team of rag-tag mercenaries to hot spots throughout the galaxy. Either send them off alone and hope they're well equipped and trained for the task, or go along with them on procedurally generated missions.
Create a Hylotl underwater city and create an EPP equipped militia to protect it from Floran divers equipped with explosives intent on blowing open and flooding the city.
And then they all die because they jump into lava or poison.
Its a really good feel trying to navigate caverns and dungeons using tools/abilities rather than instant-platform cheese.

Swinging to ledges with ropes to jump to opposite ledges, using a bomb to blow out some sand your tool can't reach.
Just installed the Iron Sky mod.

Is there a mod that lets me kill absolutely anyone?
For ship security, which areas generally deserve keypads, which require handprints, and where are retinals most appropriate?
Use molotovs or lava balloons to kill village retards.
Use XS Mechs, take the Rho mech, and toss everyone off of the Outpost.
Pirate Rho to be specific IIRC, that thing lets you tether and throw with precision.
Thanks my man. Time to stock up on some lava baloons.
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I'm still pretty shit. Just got started on a fresh character after over a year away from Starbound.

Next ship is 80K. Won't screencap it because it's unorganized and looks like garbage right now. Considering finding a decent home planet to start building a colony/farm on. Any suggestions on good traits for a colony planet?

About to finish the Apex storyline boss and call it a night.
Allegedly you can expand your ships for free simply by hitting crew limit and then dropping Pete some modules.

The best colonies are moon colonies deep underground. So long as you're not carrying any shiny purple you'll be fine, and the tenants give T10 rewards.
Is the wiki joking by rating the hive/steamspring beds as the ones with the best healing bonus? The steamspring in particular seems sketchy.
Can confirm. Get enough crew members and all you have to do is hand over modules.
Of course finding human crew of a suitable job is such a pain in the ass.
Well, time to grind some.
>inb4 xeno fuckers try to culturally enrich your ship
>human colonist overhears floran snipers talking about cooking techniques
>wants me to exterminate them
Truly, these are the finest men and women of the Protectorate.
I'm willing to take Apex for arpee reasons, but fish and lettuce don't get to see any part of the ship other than the mess hall.
Not xeno fuckers, worse.
Is the racial trait mod still going?
That actually sounds interesting, what kind of traits are there/proposed so far?
All I can remember is water-breathing Hylotl.
Florans would probably get photosynthesis or shit like that, though it'd be kinda neat if they could eat meat raw without getting poisoned.
I think Racial buffs would go well with racial Weaknesses.

Shit like Floran's being weak to fire, Hylotl being especially vulnerable to weather effects on dry planets, sandstorms/ash fall. Maybe Avians have a boost to jump that's neutralized if they get wet (not a problem if you have the right EPP).
Ew, neutralizable weaknesses.
Humans get the ability to bone anything, and the weakness of being boring.
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How's the traffic on the ERP server? Do people still play on it often?

More importantly, do people still actually ERP on it?
So, apparently dying shit involves smashing the bottle all over the piece of clothing you wanna dye.
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Pls rate my home
What's that? Are there more /sbg/ servers than the three listed on the google spreadsheet?
I'm new to getting the game modded, and I installed the Assorted Crafting Things mod, but I can't seem to find out what to do with it now.

The mod shows up in the mod list in game, but I don't see any new items, and the thread does not seem to help. What should I be looking for here?
Where'd you get the bath tub?
Should I play on normal starbound or in unstable? And what are the differences?
but seriously pretty gud just find less shit doors and maybe do some painting
USCM Bunker
So you spawned it with /admin, ok.

USCM bunkers don't exist in the release version assets.
>list of """"""mods""""""
>every single one of them is a nerf to the game difficulty
Strength: No weaknesses
Weakness: No strengths
Isnt that a good thing?
USCM maybe, not space hippie colonists.
I feel like gassing my crew now.
>escort mission
>grab my marines
>they pop a toxic waste barrel
>dumbass civilian throws himself at the puddle just like any other threat
Does "Shit Design" really count as "Game difficulty" these days?
Anyone? Is there something really obvious I'm missing here? I looked for a readme, couldn't find it.
Well, I for one can't answer you because I'm not familiar with the mod.
That aside, /sbg/ seems to be in ded hours now.
go to your crafting table
get that fuckin teleport pad
>Disabled drop for Survival Mode

Makes sense for human colonists, back on earth there was only one Floran in the Protectorate and a big push for inclusion and diversity. On the frontier colonists would have to deal with Floran hunting parties.
>need a bot to automate gardening
Just play the game.
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>start game
>all my teleport destinations are GONE
>i'm in a completely different part of universe whothefuckknowswhere
Holy shit how do I even get into the outpost now?
Did I just get chucklefucked?
>wanting tediumcore
Oh, thanks. Is there a way to get it legit?
You used to, but I think chucklefuck broke the mod and it hasn't been updated in a while.
I am, I have a robot do my farming so I can be out having my space adventure instead of beaming back to some bumfuck planet and watering crops like a goddamn peasant non-spaceship owner

If I wanted a quaint life of gardening and milking cows I'd go play stardew valley
>watering crops
Don't be retarded. There are sprinklers in the vanilla game.
>he hasn't experienced the joy of cultivation
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who the fuck cares
Why is the 3D printer laggy as fuck?
Because you touch yourself at night.
B-but I do that during the day.
warhammer 40k mod when
Is there any way to increase the range of the Time Pierce's special attack? I need it for my DIO
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any good mod to masturbate?
>Time Pierce
Where did you get it
There's a casual mode for that anon.
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