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Dota 2 General - /d2g/

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Thread replies: 1027
Thread images: 203

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Latest patch: http://www.dota2.com/news/updates/22824/
New players: https://purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
Wiki: http://www.dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: http://blog.dota2.com/
Lore: http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: http://steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Cosmetic simulator: http://d2armory.com/
Competitive Scene: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page
Want to upgrade to the superior DotA clone?: http://www.dotabuff.com/learn/lol

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.datdota.com/
DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.dotametrics.wordpress.com/
Personal statistics: http://www.dotabuff.com/
Personal statistics#2: http://yasp.co
Hero stats: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata/
Hero and DPS calculator: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator/

livestreamer GUI: https://github.com/bastimeyer/livestreamer-twitch-gui

Previous thread: >>151628012
Who's gunna be the first team to make roster changes?
best guess is monday
The CPC takes half of all winnings and one of the triads will be taking a substantial amount of the rest.
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Will EU ever recover after another terrible performance in TI?

3 years in a row and still no top 5 with so many teams?
China started the io meme you retard
why would that be a good thing?
they play amazing dota and are crazy good at drafting
why wouldn't you want to see more of them?
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What's gonna happen to him?

>I like OG
>I like a team where 3 shitters are carried to victory by two young promises

kill yourself
dc is basically eu.
he's going to keep playing and never be ratted again
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get mad small dick white boy.
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>2 new heroes
>purge segment
>wings meme picks
>og/eg/secret getting rekt

This was a great TI.
TI3 still the best tho.
you know you can search through imgur with google right.
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>mfw I downloaded that off google images after searching chibi penis.

Wrong again :)

Still have not been on reddit
Those 2 deaths sealed the game for sure
Man, it would've been nice for w33 and misery to win just to rub it in on EE.
Hey, I remember you.
Original video?
>LoL is literally welfare: the comp scene
wew lads
>tfw we are going to have to wait until september for patch notes and new heroes

hold me lads

9 million dollar discipline.
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Valve says they're NA
>Wings is trending on twitter


dotards? wasn't this game dead?
cant tell them from any other chinks
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>Find another place for that bs
edit for you dummies: i do agree something needs to be done. i'm not complaining about trump. the simple fact is that Valve is not going to take that complaint seriously when two or three guys sit behind the casters with huge racist signs saying TACO TACO BURRITO at Valves biggest event of the year. you're embarrassing America and the DOTA community.
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Just fuck off
2mil split between 5-6 people and taxed by 40%, right?
Good thing Trump will reduce that to 15% come 2017
they aren't from my cuntry ;~(
i'm biologically wired to shun them T_T
9 million dollar chakra magic
dotards will defend this
Freedom is the sole reason why Artour keeps swapping teams.
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I still wan't you to suck my cock trapqueen :)
>angry americuck racism
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9 Million slark feed
THis TI lacked the magic of previous TI's desu

It just felt like it was missing something
We already have one and was already posted here, the movie is The Illusionist.
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8 million dollar base chinks
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9 million dollar whitey tears
it's 3.4 and valve compensates for taxes
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does /d2g/ even do new in houses anymore or are they still dead because of >ezalor>eosin>target fagfuckers

t. Trevor
9 million dollar holospheres
alchemist and sand king were not even close to smart picks. the only time PPD has drafted worse than that was when he drafted pugna mid.
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>that retard posting disgusting gooks in a chink thread
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>It's over


W33 threw
>you earn a six digit salary paid directly by >riot
Any source on this? Last seasons contracts were 30k usd per year
What does that have to do with anything? You didn't present any evidence, to me you're just another 4chan shitposter
Missing a good team that's actually on par with wings. DC choked after game 2 and continued choking like the rejects they are.

>And It's boring as fuck to see people win who were literally engineered to be good at this kind of thing.


9 million dollar brew pick
No point :^)
fug it
this word means nothing now
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let me see what I can whip up tonight

any requests?
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9 million dollar racist butthurt.
inhouses are plagued with anti fun people

>Americans defend this

Stop.. please. I'm american and I don't want to be associated with you guys
reminder that eosin is a BIG DEAL in esports
How does it feel knowing you gave Chinks money?
/d2g/ was fucking disgusting these last few days. Fuck all of you.
Constant NA/EU bashing amongst the western scene and now you people have the audacity to complain about a chinese team winning.
EG displayed less emotion after winning last year than wings btw.
Welp, TI was a nice break from reality.

Now I have to actually start being productive again.
>Dota 2 removed for pressing ceremonial reasons
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I hope this meme dies fast, w33 took the risk because he knew his team was going to lose eventually.
And 90% of the Dota streams are also Russian view botters.

For being such a popular e-sport game I'm surprised how few entertaining people are actually streaming it, but sadly unless you viewbot like most people at the start(like Waga did) you will never have the chance to get many viewers.
>join a game tournament
what a shocking revelation jamal
if that's true that makes league's setup even more unappealing

all I know about it is hearsay
these only happen on odd digit years
notice how none of the chinese wins had one
how long you been holdin onto that shit to make yourself look cool
>pudge pick game 1 literally a epic meme throw
>proceed to 3-1 demolish
lmao westcucks on suicide watch
Assblasted and jealous shitter detected.
Mad that you don't get a million for shitposting?
Mad that your mother will never be proud of you, that you will never be able to buy her a house, while some random nerd playing vidya makes more LOSING in the finals than you will ever make in your entire life?
what part of we already have one you didnt get?
>secret cucks/eu cucks/na trumpcuckolds BTFO
one of the best tis
btw fear/ppd and egs team owner are registered democrats :)
9 million dollar holograms
I think the only one who isn't consistently doing good is n0tail and that's because he still doesn't feel comfortable in his role as a core.
The fit jew isn't that good at drafting but in my opinion OG is good team that works well together
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That's the same as accepting illegal's children as americans just because they were born in the US. Nationality clearly matters, as can be seen from the shitstorm of posts here about chinks winning TI6.
you need to be ahead to throw you fucking retards, he just took a risk (even called out by the casters) because they would have lost eventually
DC just got outdrafted and outplayed, fair and square
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Watch out for Steven "Eosin" Cheng
The public enemy of Dota 2 #2
Known facts:

[x] Midget
[x] Tryhard
[x] Stacker
[x] Racist
[x] Overweight
[x] Gook
[x] Dumpstered by fakkaliv in /vg/ masters
[x] Communist
[x] Artstyle hater
[x] Doesn't post first for #kaidota
[x] Directly responsible for Silencer casting last word and curse on you every 14 seconds
[x] Bad player and captain
[x] Known homosexual
[x] Virgin
[x] K-Pop spammer
[x] Ledditor
[x] Is trying to kill E-Sports
[x] Posting 'dead thread dead game'
[x] Smells bad
[x] Direct cause of the development of the .H264 10-bit profile
[x] Supports Pendragon
[x] Likes bad music
[x] Has Athlete's Foot despite never exercising in his life
[x] Attempted to take down Adblock
[x] Tried to add nipples to Naga Siren
[x] "That"
[x] Jewish ancestry
[x] Hates America
[x] Caused Gents to get a day job
[x] Alcoholic
[x] Samefagger
[x] Marijuana addict + marijuana needle sharer
[x] Bad teeth
[x] Israeli apologist
[x] Attempted to assassinate Draskyl
[x] Attempted to shave Gabens beard
[x] Successfully assassinated Barnyyy and KingRaven
[x] Hindered intergalactic relations
[x] Responsible for seizure of Bitgamer by the Feds
[x] Watches and enjoys The Big Bang Theory
[x] Abuser of animals
[x] Possible jaywalker
[x] Copyright violater
[x] Borderline mentally retarded
[x] His nipples resemble misshapen pepperoni
>this was my first TI

hello newfag

every single TI was like this

You're just seeing revenge shitposting by NAcucks for all the shitposting Yurocucks did
then fucking post the garbage and Ill make something better
TI2 is underrated. The level of play was great this tournament but it wasn't as hype overall as TI2 and TI5..

>nobody watched TI1

People did, it just wasn't on Twitch. The leadup to TI1 was incredibly hype.

holy fuck ive never seen anyone blown the fuck out that hard redditors literally on suicide watch
Huh Im supporting wings you retard
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Five years this coming winter? I didn't get my invite until relatively late in the game
I heard its like 30k plus endorsements from team sponsors

They have no reason to pay them a lot since its a monopoly
that means fucking nothing
they're bernouts, like anyone else who's 20 and hasn't been fucked by the world (remember: they made millions off videogames)
the GE doesn't have a party restriction
All DC members are US citizens

They're Americans
Gotta say that I didn't feel like this TI was a show of skill. I saw Timbersaw dicking around, Slardars and Beastmasters taking Rosh, Huskar dunk, but at no point did I feel like the IG vs Na'Vi turnaround play. Just instant pickoffs after pickoffs and slow push with images.
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JUST TI6.jpg
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The circle is complete
Yeah, it's nowhere near six figures. They might get higher salaries from their organizations but Dota 2 players get that as well.

I'm pretty sure everyone on EG has six figure contracts.
9 million dollars retarded Saksa swap.
How often do you guys run into girls on voice chat?

I think your opinion is shit and I'll be enjoying your tears when they split up because miracle and cr1t are on another level.
>they're bernouts
the owner has pro hillary propaganda all over his twitter, and got annoyed at /r/poltics for sucking berndick

Hey did anyone notice that VP announced a new roster?
1. RAMZES666
2. No[o]ne
3. 9pashaebashu
4. Solo (captain)
5. Lil

I'm said ramzes isnt with empire anymore, i like him with KingR, but thats a solid roster.
I think it just reflects the state of the world. I mean replace TI with the Olympics and it's the same shit different place.
>tfw started in july 2012 so missed out on the real oldfag memories
at least i stocked up on the oldfag memes
Who actually wanted china to win? After those chinks win a tournament, they go back to their country and hide.
NICE old meme friend
>slow push with images.

Wasn't TI2 Naga ban or get your shit pushed in by naga radiance illusions?
Notail has been playing core for nearly a year now.
If youre a professional and cant adapt after 10+ months maybe its not the fact that you cant adapt, youre simply shit
Can I blog now?
Hillary is ok too, she will bomb sandniggers instead of taconiggers. China bombing goes either way
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Fuck Euros
KingRaven was literally our guy.

Rest in peace, you glorious autist. May you get all the meatloaf you can eat in heaven.

I'm American but I'm also well-traveled. We are the biggest pussies in the world when it comes to race. I can't believe people are actually getting upset by it. It was clever and funny as fuck. Deal with it.

>everything is racist because I need to virtue signal all the time

fuck off or grow a pair
lol who fucking cares
chinks won
who are you referring to? not seeing shit on garfield's twitter
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>tfw no based Ayesee at TI6


>If Ayesee casted TI2



BTS studio:
>Oh boy, oh gee, I'm so happy all the time, what do you think Godz, great RP catching 4, right?
>Most people don't know this, LD, but Chinese usually only catch 5 with their RPs. What do you think Lumi?
>Jeshus, I mean, ushually you'd eshpectrf some more pashienss from s4, but yeah, pfllrtbrbrtbtt, they're playing OUT OF THEIR MINDSH

The GD Studio:
>Where's my whisky? You bloody bastards, stop wanking to Soe on 4chan. God dammit, Bruno explain the lanes.
>So, we'll have the Benomancer on the eassy lane, and we're using Ogre Magi because we have no Jakiro. I'm going to repeat it. BENOMANCER. Draskyll?
>I mean, Jakiro is not THAT important of a hero, by any strech of the imagination. I'm not saying he's THAT good, too. It's just that he's pretty much average in most ways, and ends up just being a medium hero over all. Who do you think will be in mid, Weppas, Mag or Puck?
Me. It's funny to see yall being salty as fuck again
its a lot of dota for everyone anon get some rest
I will pretend TI6 ended at game 1 of EHOME vs EG.
>tfw missed the finals
Where do I find the VODs?
>TI6 just ended
>why don't people watch random pubs streamed by nobodies
How likely is the split though? They've been performing really well until the main TI event
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>a team based on n0tail's gameplay ethos, pathos and logos just won Ti6



literally no idwa what to do right now
i tried queuing for dota but i got matched with a bunch of 4kers
Is this meta shit the worst thing that's happened to Dota? 1year one team can totally stomp and beat everyone without a problem because the meta is in their favor. Next year they get totally trashed by everyone and can't do shit because the meta changed and is not in their favor anymore.

There's never been a team that's consistently been in the top thanks to this and this is why I think e-sports don't really work, it's not like a real sport like football were a player can be at the top all the time because he's good. In Dota the "best player" in the world might be shit next patch because they nefred/changed all the heroes and mechanics he was good at.
>it was clever
>and funny
i dont even have a problem with the signs but saying "TACO TACO" and MAGA isnt humor or funny
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>digging out old bullshit from the dota folder

remember when frontpage game was a big deal
Take a fat shit then look in the toilet.
Pretty sure it was Morphling fest then. As for Naga, there was no Octarine and Radiance was a bit worse than now, so I bet it would have been easier to win against it than now, but splitpushing and cutting creep waves seemed pretty badly executed then.
where can get this info?

also did secret kick bilbo?
it was ban naga and get raped by waternigger instant eblade + adaptive strike or get your shit splitpushed by le magic hating man
TI3 rat dota cancer with constant PL armies swarming your rax while he's happily farming your jungle or wisp + ck relocating straight into your anus
Same happens to normal sports if the rules are changed.
liquipedia has roster changes in main page
I thought it was funny. I can't believe people waste their energy getting upset by shit like this. You're pathetic.
Usually I'd vote TI2 but TI6 took it for me
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Me, because they were clearly the best team. I don't think EG would've done better against them but it certainly would've been more interesting than "let's brawl until wings hit their very specific timings and rape our asses with their superior teamfight".
I'm just glad that Digital "One Trick Ponies" Chaos didn't win, and will fade into obscurity soon. Fuck them and their boring ass team.
>Pretty sure it was Morphling fest then

Oh yeah, right.
I'm glad that's over
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Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was rigged and they let china win so they wouldn't get angry about their tiny penises and start a war?
radiance naga wasnt a thin back then, naga was an initiator iirc
i never said i was upset rofl
its not funny or clever
idk how im pathetic for not finding something thats all over the internet funny
pretty good fuck

wheres fng btw? booted?
Too bad he can only suck major dick in his own team and be the least markable player in it. If Secret poaches Miracle now and kicks EE back to some bone7 sing garbage stack, n0tail will literally never ever get beyond H4nn1 and Trixi tier.
since when have they changed the rules in a normal sport? Football, tennis, hockey has been the same shit forever. There's a reason the top teams in sports stays in the top while in e-sports they never do.
lad there's a mexican that literally confessed saying the same thing to mexicans that can't speak english on the english servers to trigger them, in this very thread
America would win in a war though???
guess what?
china dont give a shit
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>tfw China took a shitposting break mid TI to pick Pudge and Techies, then proceeded to shit all over Yuropoor's hopes and dreams
I love Wangz.
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what went wrong?
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you need to divide it between finals and everything else
this has the second worst final
but the best everything else by far
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They won my heart anyway.
fell for the honeypot group stages
why does he look so cool in this picture
I just found it ironic because these slogans are literally memes that have been spammed for months in the games I've played.
But you're retarded.
Him, G and the other who's were dropped after the trainwreck of TI qualifiers, deserved after dropping Lil
The chinese
there's no point in having these polls because 90% didnt play dota back then
saving strats for TI7
just buy the hats from the market
I feel you my man. June 2012 myself

He was thinking about the wings match and underestimated DC.

Maybe next year poo poo dee.

God, majors feel so underwhelming after this.
honeypot bracket

wow, that must mean it's funny as fuck and not racist i never knew the opinion of 1 person was so powerful
TI5 had an amazing Finals thread, but this year was hype as fuck.
So when's Arc Warden getting nerfed?

TI2 > TI5 > TI6 > TI3 >> TI1 >>>>> TI4
reminder that mentioning mexican foods is racist
ramzes left empire? cripes, my favorite team ain't looking gr8
Salty fancucks aside, can we all agree that TI6 has been the best TI so far?
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They change rules all the time in football because players find new ways to avoid fouls. Nevermind that refs are a joke in that sport
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There's not gonna be a TI7
Naga dark seer/enimga was the cancer

Vaccum could clump heroes when they were slept by song

so the fight would start with your entire team getting vacuum walled into black hole
I love Wings but i thought this was funny.
Every member of Wings is 7~k mmr except:
Faith is juuuust 8k
Blink is 6.6k

I mean, I'm also gonna remind everyone, every member of Escape gaming is well within 7k. MMR doesn't matter.
wings deserved to win that especially when they were getting booed every fucking minute by the western crowd
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>God, majors feel so underwhelming after this.

I think the majors were pretty good (Except for Shanghai)
I mean what else is there that comes even close?
Yeah, I'm done with esports until valve stops rigging events.
I'm just going to gameshit.
"burger burger milkshake"
is that racist?

Win TI with a bunch of 2k's then.
you can't be racist against (white) americans, so no
vp has better pay and better freebies

see vpgmae
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You play as a team. MMR after certain point shows you how well, how much and what you play alone.
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TI4: 3rd
TI5: 1st
TI6: 3rd
TI7: ?
ti6 is a honeypot lan
vpgame is chiinese
>my team didn't win
why would they want to downgrade their drafter and pos 5?
When will dota become 3v3?
The fact that 2 people are forced to not have fun so the rest of the team can is fucking retarded.

wow dude can you lay low on the slurs? /pol/ kids are already gone.
I was a Na'Vi fangay in 2012 and 2013. Those two TIs and TI5 were better in my opinion.

I'm American. TI6 definitely had the best meta and the highest caliber of play but the hype and excitement didn't live up to past TIs for me personally.
>do bad the entire year
>win 20 million dollar tournament anyway
was China the real master of honeypots?
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>EE and shadow
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MMR loses meaning at the very low and very high ends of the scale, but it's only ever a way to figure out who's 'good enough' to make it live
yeah, i liked them back when they were vanskor+alohadance+reso towerdiving superslavs

with all the cis shuffles, they haven't been the same team for years, but i can't let go
MMR is mostly a grind. Of course you also have to be a good player, but if you're a really good player and don't play 8/h day your MMR will be low.

Even if you have like 56% winrate(extremly high) it will take ages for your MMR to increase.
people that love getting fucked in the ass need a game to play too anon
The scene is so salty this year holy shit.

Not even funny shit like CHINESE DOMINATION or that EE shop about baffled scientists. Just super serious salt.

Fuck no one lost anything other than some dumb predictions. Get over it.
>I'm American
reminder that the conversation will literally always end here because it is their genuine belief.
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1st for the most /kino/ picture in the history of Dota 2

absolute pure kino
>kicking aui
>losee ti

Are you retarded
Why would valve rig it so that eg doesnt make it to finals, and a chinese team wins in america?
They really should stop hosting ti in america. Bring it to manila dude.
not qualified
same here, anon, same here
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I'm actually legitimately worried about RTZ guys. What will he do now?
>inb4 sumail falls to drugs and alcohol like rtz
>the best part about dota tournaments isn't the gameplay, it's the le shiny things for my adhd
>I'm American
Checks out.
>there are people ITT who don't believe in honeypots

sucks that OG fell for them every time over the past year but it's whatever, hopefully the boys stick together and do more great stuff down the road
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Yeah but

7k mmr china = 10 k mmr EU = 15k mmr USA = 20k mmr SEA = 29k mmr SA.

Please don't ever make that mistake again.


This is probably bait but fuck it. They were shouting "moo"
>had a lead in early game
>opponent killed you 1 time
>gained 1.2k golds from a single kill




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>1 Sticky & 2 Other threads
nice job doturds
what do you expect? you get sent to the gulags for banter
there's nothing to enjoy
Ruin yet another team and switch due to not going 1st every single event yet again
reminder that you retards who bought compendiums just gave your money to soulless chinks who hate westerners and the chinese government
Obviously can't win TI without Aui scaring the chinks with his Techies memepick.

fuck off slav
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Eat shit.

EG winning TI5 instantly makes it better than TI6. Na'Vi's amazing games during TI2 and TI3 make those two TIs better for me.

Deal with it.
What happened to MVP?
delete this
What will happen to the holograms now, will they let them loose in the wild?
so hmm now that EG didn't fall for the honeyTI
what's the next step of their master plan?
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>tfw you have a 57% winrate but you've been stuck at 3.7k for 9 months now.
>not the best part of the game
I love QO
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He couldn't ride on Sumail's Storm spirit anymore.
>Friend coaxed me into playing DotA
>student days, 2008
>don't mind since I don't have anything to do
>copy his Warcraft 3 files and maps
>boot into game
>so many heroes, don't know what to pick
>randomed Faceless Void, the tentacled fuck
>died a lot of times to towers and creeps
>picked Drow Ranger next
>bought 3 ultimate orbs, because that's the most expensive thing I can find in the shop
>dont die as much, had fun destroying towers and frost arrowing niggers

And the rest is history.
they are consulting with trump who plays 7D chess

he may choose to not win this honeypot election
>i'm a dumb americuck fangay
Good for you.
was this nahaz predictions? wtf
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OG are disbanding, just go watch the Honeylans Fly exit interview

new Secret roster is

Miracle RTZ Moon Cr1t Puppey
insiderbro out
So when does the post TI shuffle begin?
I want to know where cr1t and Miracle- are going

>b-but 2 MAJORS!!
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.Reddit has an "appreciation" thread for every team except EG
Still doubt they're our guys?
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these screenshots are from years ago, friend

>all these old greeviling screens
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how to reach 2k: realize you need to take towers
how to reach 3k: realize you need to buy detection against invis
how to reach 4k: ?
how to reach 5k: ?
>played a lot of custom game
>came across this popular as fuck
>pick hero that can blink(antimage)
>lose the game like a retard
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10th at frankfurt and I'm being generous here.
you got it wrong mang

7k china = 10k mmr SEA

reminder that fnatic beat liquid and TNC beat OG
Did you already forget?

EG: Our Guys
DC: Ourer Guys
Wings: Ourest Guys

All is right.
they;re going to Secret, mason already confirmed it in some thread on NAdota.com
who's kino
Holy moses namefags and their attention whoring.
spot the eurokeks
whats that am blade cosmetic?
take your shitty avatar fag and your shitty youtube channel to hell dumbcunt

hang yourself
What were they right about this time around?
>jugg won arcana
>china won ti

yeah enjoy this shit games fags im out
>OG are disbanding, just go watch the Honeylans Fly exit interview

Fly sounded confident.
n0tail sounded very disappointed in himself.
I mean during the allstar thing, cr1t, miracle-, moon and fly were standing together while n0lans was hiding in the back
i hear cr1t hates miracle and said so on artours pandatv stream
get gud
y Innocence is a sick support play
Zhou is the mid
The carry is very good too I have his name on tip of my tongue
das it
Correction retard,
7k china = 8k SEA = 9k NA = 99k EU
Yea this game could do without wisp voters to be honest with you my family
3rd place at TI is _________pretty good

secret, liquid, OG i.e the teams that actually won shit leading up to TI all placed pretty horribly so i guess the play is to not get 1st in anything and hide literally ALL OF YOUR STRATS until TI and then go for a top 4 finish
You know how americans get called burgers all the time? Well that's actually racist
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So how many levels did you guys make from the goypendium?
13,186 points here, barely got anything from predictions, its almost entirely from the prize pool guess
>faith is 8k
funny how i could instantly tell he was the best player in the team
It's time for post-ti depression
cr1t is rtz butt buddy so i can see some shit going down with those 2 in the center
this ti sucked ass
most fucking boring reddit patcgh
your pills
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you are slow

i was actually so hyped about these DC wins and wanted to intall dota again
thank you based china
CN > NA > SEA >>>>> EU
Where any of the games today worth watching?
some common or uncommon trash
So, probably only cr1t leaves, which opens the support slot for n0tail again and then they get a new carry player?
TI6 is reddit, the ti
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>tfw best game wasn't even a finals game
>tfw it was still a murrika wins game
We didn't win the battle, but we won the war.
>buy bkb's
Maybe EG DC game 3. Worst day by a fucking mile.
EG DC game 3

that's literally it
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How many NA players were there in the final?
How many EU?
How many SEA/China?


The balance has been restored.
Wings vs DC game 3 just so you can see what 100% bashrate looks like
Wait a second.

Is this faith the same one who used to play for lgd or some other big Chinese team back then?
>matchmaking is now broken
nice game doturds
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>wake up
>China won
All of them.
>ranking SEA that low on mmr scale.

Try playing with 600 millions monkeys with shit internet and 1v9 the whole match.
>playing dota
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hmm no """"you"""" actually won the battle but lost the war
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different faith, he was on speed gaming
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>a bunch of trump signs triggered LEDDIT and Redeye this hard

jesus what a bunch of libtards
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>reddit (DC) snatches the victory from our guys (EG) and chokes in the finals to the commies, who WE could have stopped
fucking reddit ruins everything
rev up that post-ti depression
The guys with the trump themed signs asking for english only servers should be ashamed of themselves
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They won TI6
No. I think he played with xiao8 on... big god tho? It was a short lived dreamteam.
Seriously, why do americans get triggered so hard by politics?
>posting porn after trump signed an anti porn pledge
fuck off
>playing life
You fucking suck at it, you'll never be part of the top 1%. Stop playing.
No one is going to give a shit about Wings or Digital Chaos next year. People are going to remember THE BEST GAME OF ALL TIME though.
>one hamburger in final
>won a gift-wrapped pudge game before getting ravaged
""""""NA"""""" dota am i rite
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goodnight you cute anons
Sauce pls
>they didn't win a single game all year
B-but Honeypots
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Are they watching team dk? Wut

how many euros are in the top 10

that's right

they were standins for Mushit and ice3 during a china lan
It is Over. Reddit won
nah this is faith_bian from speedgaming
you're thinking of faith from iG
>tfw no more IG
>no Zhou
>no volvo_90
>no YYF
>no chuan
>no faith
hold me bros
B-but the crowd was cheering for him so he must be good, r-right anon?
>a bunch of fanboys and pubstars won the biggest dotabowl
I'm not even mad
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Why do Euros love Honey so much ?
>reddit won
>io didn't won the arcana vote
honestly if they keep getting top 3 at TI it won't matter if they don't win any tournaments because TI pays so fucking much
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That's lovely.
Did EG get more money for 3rd place than every Major combined this year?
just realised that in reality puppey is a fucking scumbag lmao. he doesn't care about winning lans any more he has kamal and wants to take over esports with "companies" formed with other pros and just wants to scam people now
Can someone tell Moo to shave?
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They're literally living the dream. They stuck it out and their dreams came true. Good for them.
3rd place was ~2 millions so no
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>The spirit of DK was in Wings, not VG
fucking pottery
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>HoneyLans and RTZ right next to each other

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>anti-child-porn pledge is now anti-porn pledge
>when he has been on playboy and his wife has done nude modeling
>how is iceice a ti champion the guy just feeds the whole game
I don't understand it either
Then again, I'm still learning about the game, not even close to being past novice
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>Stop playing.
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What the fuck did you just say about the future president of the Republic of Estonia?

He'll knock your fucking teeth out.
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>didn't won
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Burning a C U T E
getting you's by replying to yourself doesn't count anon
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>I don't believe in marriage
>40k engagement ring

What did he mean by this?

No they are played with DK 3 standin players currently win you can watch WPC Titan vs DK game in Youtube BTS
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>tfw DK finally won a TI
t. assmad yuropoor
Misery won game 3 vs EG while being 0/10/4
it's just support things you wouldn't understand
>anti mexican
>anti native american
>anti black
>anti asian
>anti democracy
>anti common sense
>anti atheism
>anti christian
>anti muslim
>anti eu
>pro russia (remember, we have to restart the cold war with those damn commies)
>anti china (but the communist party with the most blood on its hands in human history is ok)
>anti freedom
>anti jew
>pro jew
>anti science
>anti porn

it's a wonder drumpf is even allowed to run, look at this track record
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heres your (You).png
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what did he mean by this?
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can't wait for the shuffle drama
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>16. MiSeRy
>2nd highest European player hasn't even won a tournament in a year, but thanks to 2nd in TI they look like a success
is this post for real lad
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>a bunch of burning fanboys won TI
>burning himself never did

really REALLY makes you think
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so when the fuck is Valve just going to get rid of the invite system completely?

invites are shit and on the plus side we'd see more dota if we didn't have them
>best ti
>worst finals

he won a major and a few other tournaments with secret dumbass
yes, mao did nothing wrong
there is nothing wrong with famines
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>Second place after years of falling flat in TI

Apologize. Now.
>deleting other thread
>not un-stickying this one already
Mods, what are you doing?
>congrats to wings, turning your dreams into reality is the greatest ending
no i mean i hope you weren't one of the faggots complaining about /pol/ posters because you should really kill yourself
nah he sucks
carried by reso and w33
>a major
Honeypots don't count.
eternal sticky because alive game
wtf i love dota now
>nickle and dime the players for every penny they are worth
I don't understand this
Aren't those all cosmetic stuff?
>carried by reso

DC was literally carried solo by w33 until he shit the bed in the final
lad look at the list
I'm kidding, it's just a bunch of shit I remembered as the hot meme opinions about his stances
Which region plays the best anti mage?
I explained this in a previous thread, but it is a great European strategy. If you know for a fact that your team isn't good enough for TI, go all out during the Majors. Everyone else will be saving strats so it's an easy win, easy money and easy fame.
>Wings' average mmr is 6.5k - WINNERS/CHAMPIONS/whatever, WON 9 MILLION DOLLARS
>OG's is 7.8k - placed last, barely 100k in winnings

MMR doesn't mean shit.

t. the only 5k gulager
a captain has a lot more to do than just play his hero anon
cn obviously
it's just post-TI shitposting, don't take it too seriously

he's a support he's supposed to be carried you autistic sperglord
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Nigga do you really need to ask that question?
definitely not NA

fear's AM was offensively bad

nigga needs to stick to sven
Are you even the same poster?

Why do you care about other tournaments when success is only determined by TI
he was 0-10-4 the last EG game
he's shit, he was shit in secret, he has been shit since dota 1
always have been a rager too
Thanks brah.
Used to be China, probably EU these days.
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Who else here /goodgoy/?
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notail enjoying his lan wins.png
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EU MMR is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO inflated is not funny
please never post your 3k opinions again
looks like DoTA 2 is top heavy and LoL is more evened out if you're not in the top 8-16
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>yfw Miracle leaves OG and removes the dead weight that is n0lans
It'll be like training with 100x Earth gravity when he gets a competent core to work with him.
All the good am
Are chinaman today.

Even at its peak RU was not as good AM as chinaman roday
So is eh gonna change rosters? I think they shouldn't but u never know
hummm dotards?

Juggernaut only won because it would be much easier to make a comic of Monkey King giving the arcana to a similarly themed hero.
>implying XBOCT's cykAM wasn't absolutely glorious
>invented riki+kunkka support
>bad player
thats you though
Huh, really makes your neurons fire.
t. jealous dead general poster
wtf i hate dota now...
lol everyone went from leveling torrent and x like true cuckolds to max tidebringer and go armlet because of lanm
thats an old bait newfag
don't reply to me ever again
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Only rare I got from chests is the Riki one.
Like I ever play support...
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dont worry, i wont
rly makes me use my noggin
delete this now
>0 good streams on
wtf what am i supposed to do now
the fuck is that
play dota

nice one man! you just sent your money to chinese government! fucking dumb cunt
>he suck
>make a lot of big play as support
>draft like a madman
no you
EG was the only hope of beating Wings

DC was a meme team

now Fear is retiring, who replaces him?
>this is still a sticky

should i start playing WoW Legion now>??????
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follow your dreams
Are you new or something?

/d2g/ has owned this board for years now
>5.5k and can't even recognise how msiery's drafts and captaining carried DC to 2nd place TI
probably why you're only 5.5
If a valve employee came out and publicly said that the arcana vote was rigged, what kind of shit storm could we expect.

realize you need good cs and win lanes with your teammates

realize you need to learn how to move momentum to your favor
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I did it for the onibi and I don't even play the game
>now Fear is retiring

stop this meme

he'll play until his arm completely breaks or he's no longer making mad dosh
i'd thank them
says the faith of communism comes from the trust of humanity
>Which region plays the best ________

The answer is always CHINA
Artour Babaev
>ban sd
>lose game

kind of makes you think
>tfw 430 never found his mojo again
it still hurts
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>lost interest in doter after the lol updates
>hear today that Wings won
>vs. Digital Chaos

I'm happy for Iceiceice but what the fuck? How the fuck did they get so far? How the HELL did DC get into the Grand Finals?
How do we fix EU dota + RTZ?
good shit go౦ԁ sHit thats some goodshit rightthere rightthere if i do ƽaү so my self i say so thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷM HO0OଠOOOOOOଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ Good shit
>wings not falling for the leviathanpot
they're probably playing 5D rhythmic dodecahedron juggling right now
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f a m

jk rtz scuks
Massive throws from EG.
every team they faced choked hard

they basically got a free pass
should we tell him
oy vey

They have iceice in their team, not iceiceice

It's two completely different people

Also nobody realized that they rode off the back of SD and every other two were too uncoordinated to deal with timbersaw
That's 1 too many ice's m8
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iceice won not iceiceice
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>the total prize pool is the average income of one NBA player
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>tfw you just won 700k dollarydoos
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oh yes
50bux on market pony up, goy
>no more burning am vs zhou morph
Why even watch dota anymore
>tfw you have to ban ant image so the retards in your team can't pick it
>They really should stop hosting ti in america. Bring it to manila dude.

Yea, I agree 100%. Those guys cheer for anyone. It's a high energy crowd from start to finish.
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friendly reminder

Good jokes mate real funny See you at FUCK YOUJ
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>wings proves any schmuck can win ti
>people aren't forming heaps of dota teams

think about all those "washed up" dota pros who could make their dreams come true
EG fell for honeypot arrogance
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>Saksa just won as much as Dendi has in his whole career

based Macedonian bro reppin' in
I only noticed it now, but Moo looks like a young Jake Gyllenhaal
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>last place at TI2
>last place at TI3
>last place at TI4
>last place at TI5

>second place at TI6

Are the limiters finally off?
>probably no mods in this general since it's still stickied for no reason
>no porn posting

>any schmuck

I don't know why people think this they are far from being schmucks, they have been playing dota for years as you can see here >>151703563
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Lads, Wings inspired me

Im 25, but ive been playing dota since 2004

Im relatively trash, im barely 5k mmr

Do you think i can go pro with a year of practice, or am i too old....?
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>wasn't even iceiceice

Goddamnit. I was hoping for Burning or Iceiceice to win, and my friend tells me the wrong fucking frozen water cube wins.

Well I guess Faith won, which is nice unless this is a different Faith also.

really makes me think...
when you go pro drop dank d2g memes during your TI interview
looks extremely painful
different faith lamo

everyone on wings is a noname buddy
4 bone
>last place at TI2
on an EU team
>last place at TI3
on an EU team
>>last place at TI4
on an EU team
>last place at TI5
on an EU team

>second place at TI6
on an NA team

>a real thing

Is this a new meme???
why the fuck does assfaggots get a sticky
ill go pro with you if you want.

Wings practiced their asses off to get this good though.
your a big guy
Wings were a bunch of nobodies that are now somebodies.
old man Fear is still in the scene and Nahaz got a few gigs in the Dota2 scene, what's stopping you?
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surely I'm not the only person with money here
>well i guess faith won
Post-TI thread >>151699124
Post-TI thread >>151699124
Post-TI thread >>151699124
They are gonna cut through the shorter path
They storm up the river
Patience from zhou
Waiting in the wing
Navi is about to be caught...

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>Faith won

yeah he did m8 he did
>two fucking forlatts
Was there a 9 MILLION DOLLAR ____ ?
still stickied you faggot
The only thing missing this TI was a wombo combo moment in the final match.
yeah you could say he go further bian
Thats my main goal tb h, im more social than 90% of the pro player autists, i dont even want to win, i just want to be in a Synderen tier team
and spam dank d2g memeem
9 million dollar saksa swap rofl
go for it then

but are you financially stable to hold it out until the prizepools starts to even it out
9 million dollar chink stomp
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2 TIs.jpg
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Next year
chick dotar forever
OG.Arteezy or EG.Arteezy ?
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this TI was pretty good
>tfw no esports enthusiast gf
I don't think we're ever going to see a two-TI winner

I mean you'd think that after 6 TIs it'd happen but it hasn't
Wooo guys I'm momma moomoo. Just banking on my son making tons of money for me. Go moooo! Wooo. I'm gonna be so rich.
Who else /getting a job/ now that TI6 is over? Saving up money till school in September 2017(starting at age 22).
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>Wooo guys I'm momma moomoo. Just banking on my son making tons of money for me. Go moooo! Wooo. I'm gonna be so rich.
Told myself I'd kill myself after TI5

somehow still here

maybe there's another year left
We certainly will. Sumail is still young as fuck, he has several years ahead of him, Ppd and Universe aren't retiring yet, and maybe Wings won't go to shit after their victory. Even DELUSIONAL TALL FAGGOT may surprise us, or maybe a former Alliance member will join a decent team (which I doubt, who needs these shitters).
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>omg the camera focused my boobs teehee
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>enemy first picks arc warden
bulldog is very very good
i wonder how far he could go if he joined a "proper" team
but maybe he just wants to stay with his friends
I really need to get one also
I told myself i will end it after release of Arkham Knight, but the circumstances of release were so good I held off
>not burger burger coca cola
post the fucking sauce
>try to ban arc warden every game
>others just ban random garbage like silencer
>mid tells me i need exp
>been stacking for him
>doesnt kill stacks to get me exp
>doesnt gank to give me a lane to soak in

my favorite dota meme
It's scat.
fuck, every single time.
>TI freshly over
>blogshitters come crawling out the woodwork
wew that's one thing i didn't miss
>find source expecting scat
>she literally just shits out rubber
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I know this is reddit but honestly you people need to see the massive butthurt, the cuckoldry in action is unprecedented.

>chink team wins TI
>/d2g/ instantly dies
really makes you think
yeah what is it
actually i'm seeing pretty based posts calling out the double standards here lad
wtf it's just a panda???

This thread is more active, lads >>151699124
honestly i think esports ruined dota

threads are 90% efame dick sucking and shitposting, valve spends all their time and effort on preparing for each event and hardly on the game besides hats
practice for a year, get 6k+, try and get into NEL, get noticed, get a team, start scrimming, etc.

if you are talented and dedicated enough, not to mention have someone who can support you economically, youll make it.
and this is a fucking sticky, take advantage of it instead of flooding the board
i'm glad i read this
Whatever senpai, enjoy the discussion about a hentai manga of a girl shitting out rubber.
That's a good way to sum up TI6 anyway.
indicating that people of a culture eat a particular food makes you a racist

how can you be this obtuse?
Reminder that there was literally a 57 year old c u c k that was introduced to the game by his wife's daughter interviewed by Kaci
doturd = c u c k game
This TI was some good shit, lots of upsets, great dota, a fun, likable team won in the end. God bless us, everyone.
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what's next for him?
>NA dota

only if they're not white though
>likable team won in the end
>literal who chinks that people don't even know the names of
Is treant any good? What role should I play him in?
The only ONLY reason you guys don't know their names is because they're chinese, that's kind of a self fulfilling prophecy, isn't it?
there is no one likeable on dc save for maybe moo, but thats only he's just growing in the scene. give him 6 months and his fanbase will be as retarded as envy's or some shit
that's only butthurt EGniggers
i can literally name and position al their players
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tfw lost techies in a bet
i think everyones going to forget about moo desu

DC is disbanding anyway
Can't be that soul-less if they pick pudge for giggles in a grand finals game.
No. Jungling support that spams global heal.
>DC is disbanding
>word spreads that w33 is insufferable
>nobody wants him on a team and he disappears into irrelevancy, forever playing on shitstain tier 98 teams

god please yes
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I thought the same thing for TI5, and planned for it too. I wanted to kill myself on September 05th, 2015.

Too much of a coward to follow through, hopefully one day soon we have the nerve to do it. :)
Slacks and sunfan already got their cut. No one, not even the players on that team give a fuck about staying together.
it's funny how moo is the worst player on their team but also the best and the reason for many of their wins
i guess he just has a 2 hero pool (timber and dark seer)
honestly too many teams would take him just because he can win them games

I hate the kid too but he is an extremely talented player. His invoker is infallible
But worse.
He is already more successful than RTZ and teams still take RTZ in despite knowing his character
>I hate the kid too but he is an extremely talented player.
Pretty much my thoughts exactly

Shit's unfair, why do unlikeable players have to get all the pussy and LANs
in a way DC was kind of the CDEC of TI6. Literally one draft the entire tournament and it took them until the grandfinals for someone to just pick against timbersaw mirana
what do you have against him exactly?
every time i've seen him he had that cheerful smile (not the smug cunt kind ala EG, the simple one "i'm happy to be there") even after losing to wings
someone explain me the honeypot meme
that he's a smug cunt actually. Got kicked from secret reportedly for being a cunt then got lucky with the fact that the new secret had 0 chemistry. decided that making the same joke twice or three times was a good, mature decision

Like, the weather joke was funny the first time. But on the second time, and on the constatt xD and LUL you can clearly see he acts like an unloved child

his invokers fucking sick though.
this guy, he said on stream that he was 57 years old and got introduced to dota by his wife's daughter
winning anything other than TI
yuros are prone to this
NA dota can't be good without making up arbitary rules on the go that always benefit them.

"This LAN is a honeypot" = "This LAN supposedly is there just for teams to show their power level and strats before TI, which is what really matters"

"DC is NA because it's an american organization" = you get the point
any tournament where EG crashes and burn
I really hope this guy is a mememaster
the only thing that this TI proves is that draft is 100% of your victory. you can bet on on the outcome of a game if you understand how the drafts match-up and pretty much always win

>Gets kicked from Secret 3 days before roster lock
>He is the cunt
Nah. Fuck off. Puppey, EE and RTZ are all immature fucking cunts that cause both Shitrekt and EG to place so low at the Manila majors. Deserving so as well.
I'm sure he has his own biological children...
Thanks senpaitachi
does anyone want to play with someone who quit league for dota after watching ti6?
343 is 5.6k mmr
>ppd outpicks DC
>DC outplays them
yeah nah
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Only if you let me tummy kissu you.
Sorry, but playing with a new players is generally a painful experience. Just do bot games for a while.

They went through the American qualifiers you cuck. I guess you started watching after them.
>Got kicked from secret reportedly for being a cunt
Need a source in that. Fucking EE is the cancer that keep complaining about everything. EE kick AUI just because Aui is too relax and calm.

If i were w33ha i don't want to be in EE's team.
i understand, i've played a few games and i don't think i'll be a burden on anyone but i get it

no gay shit
Why quit?

also follow up question dotards
why is there always a refugee to dota but not the other way around?

dota = yurp
lol = muslims?
>DC stomping EG with fucking razor
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>tfw EG is good again and will dominate future valve events while DC gets figured out with their one strat
>miracle finally gets fed up with carrying nolans so he teams up with puppey
>puppey realizes the end is near for EU dota so he moves Secret to america
>in the process unlocks the potential of other underrated NA players without leadership like 747 and Jenkins
>NAdota becomes the strongest region
but dude's a fucking pudge picker
riot ran the game into the ground in every way imaginable, im sure dota has it's own problems but for now it's a fresh experience for me
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Come on, lets play together friend. After that we can play something else like Warframe.
Good enough offlane pudge to scare the chinks into first banning it.
yea no you're right
why they fuck would you throne? how the fuck do you let yourself get rat cheesed like it's ti3 on game 3?
and then you wake up
and the NAdota scene is still choked by its cancerous egoes and culture
whole thing should burn to be reborn anew
gg no re
>Good players everywhere moves to one place to play against each other

Lard logic
ok how do i add you

look at EG's heroes, they had lots of single target spells. razor is untouchable in those scenarios.

there are situations when bad heroes are still viable picks, and thats what DC did
you must become a dotard frst
>what is NEL
people talk about how EG broke EHOME but desu wings did the same to them
>sumail feeding as QoP
>sumail again feeding 2 solo kills to an ursa as brew
>losing T3 + ranged rax in exchange for roshan
>letting yourself get ratted by a fucking beast master
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Just find someone named BPNPC friendo.
>losing T3 + ranged rax in exchange for roshan
Déjà vu
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it's the "EG Special" after all
>NAdota becomes the strongest region
You mean the lowest players count? American are too busy fapping to hearthstone and overwatch.
shit that died 2 days after opening?
>valve releases south korea servers
>all of a sudden the competitive scene is flooded with tons of new talent
>the first major still only has 1 sk
>second and third have maybe two
>south korea has not 1, 2 but 4 teams enter ti7
>dominate ti7 and force sk to look at dota
>dota popularity spikes and league suddenly starts losing much of its player base

I Believe.
Because those games are actually alive most of the year. Every year, same shit happens.
>ti ends
>more people want to play it bringing in more new players
>people realize patch is cancer
>stop playing
>game goes back to dead mode

NEL ended when qualifiers started.
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>>people realize patch is cancer
>Americans calling the patch cancer when their one good team EG Lost
>valve releases south korea servers
but they already did and it died
But NA placed 2-3 at TI.

ReDeYe @ #TI6

Obviously we knew nothing about the signs behind us, but I've spoken to security now. Please guys, have fun, but be sensible.

>triggered by signs
was there a dead mouse 5 moment like last year or did they skip that stupid shit completely
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NA qualifiers
>EG isn't the best team in NA anymore
>Col is going to disband
Best day of my life.
the only ones that mattered
aka none of them :^)
Closing ceremony was just credits
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>fell asleep during the 3rd game as it's 2am
>wake up
>Wings won
so a question about earnings like in >>151713365
what would they do with all that money? do they just put it in their bank account and use it to live normal lives, except they train as a team instead of working a day job?
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haha okay
everything is over
no post tournament ceremony
that means
they're going to announce skeleton king soon, right?
maybe on monday?
maybe on monday

they wouldn't play with my feelings like that and cuck me out of playing as the only king that matters in the only vessel that matters
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>no patch
1000th post for dead game
glad to see the return of this classic meme, it's been a while since I'd seen it around
I don't know what to do now.

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Puppey cocksuckers are so goddamn pathetic

your le legend dota captain is a fucking fraud and the whole world saw so,

Literally same place as Escape gaming LMFAO

it only took Misery 3 months to become a better captain than Mr President.
he literally cheated in a competitive match and got caught
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>he literally cheated in a competitive match
>competitive match

>people this uninformed hold "opinions" on /d2g/
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TI3 > TI5 > TI6 > TI2 > TI1 > TI4 > Harambe
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>Literally same place as Escape gaming LMFAO
i'm so fucking glad that DC made it to grand finals
Puppey's drafting is so cocky and choke ready.
>tfw you get -30 karma on leddit for telling someone that it literally wasnt a competitive match
to be fair, a guy on the other team


have missed out on like $75 or something. EEL doesn't actually konw, they're just guessing
>tfw we're finally getting a Malcolm X hero because Wisdom is the perfect stat for him

It's time, lads
Assuming its 9.1 Million USD, split between 6 people ( 5 players and a coach) (Not sure if their coach even gets an equal split or share of the pool money or just a salary) that's 9971250.00 Chinese Renmenbi each.

So just Under 10 million RMB per person.

Having lived in China for a year, I can tell you guys what that would basically mean for an average person having that much influx of money there.

First of all, they are pretty much obliged to give the equivalent of 10k usd to immediate and not so immediate family members. They will obviously give their parents each a small chunk of the cash, as well as to grandparents or poor cousins/relatives, as it chinese culture. In china, when people win the lottery they often claim it anonymously because they don't want their relatives to find out and ask them for money which is common if good fortunes falls upon someone.

Assuming they live together, they can move into a bigger apartment or if they live alone, they'll all move to more expensive places. They'll probably take their families on holidays to America and Australia, and if they're dumb enough they might buy a car.

There is NO super (i think you amerifats call it a 401k/retirement plan/fund) in China, you literally only have your savings, so i'm sure none of them will go too outrageous with their spendings, but as soon as the cheque clears, I expect the average player on that team to spend/give away at least 50 thousand rambos in the first month.
This is correct
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TI6 > not watching tournaments > rest of the TIs.
>This stick is still up
Nah switch TI5 with TI6 and then you got the right idea. We literally had nothing revealed at TI5, and it wasn't that fun or full of memes.
Also, I didn't know r/dota2 was full of suck SJW's.
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Every /vg/ thread should be a rolling thread tbqh with you
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Would fuck up archives completely
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>used to work for a tournament organizer
>still in a few of their skype groups
>decide to join them to watch TI together since we're still on good terms
>shooting the shit
>some of them mention the Wisdom shit and shit they've overheard from a few casters

Don't tell me this isn't just a meme, dotards.
So glad they proved Puppey and EE wrong.
Sure they didn't take the title but i think they are vindicated. And there is no feel better than proving your enemies wrong. Or winning 9 million =\
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If archived 4chan threads are important to you, you need to take a look at your life choices and what lead you to this point.

>A band of rejects and literal whose that reached higher than Secret in any other TI

Yeah I think everyone is laughing at retarded Puppey
If avatarfagging with an overrated trash who's going back to irrelevancy at the next LAN is important to you, you need to take a look at your life choices and what lead you to this point.
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TI6 lewds where

>bonus points for Kaci or Sheever
what the fuck are you talking about, black man?
To add onto this, let me reiterate why it's good that I spent 6 years becoming fluent in Mandarin and why You americunt weeb fags are stupid for wasting your time learning japanese.

1) You're life consits of 3 things, eating, being otaku and vidya. The dota scene literally has 0 Korean/Japanese tier 1/2 pro teams, so pretending you're fluent in japanese after watching 50,000 animes was an effort in futility.

2. When China won, and they had the post game wings interview, I could understand in real time what the captains response was, and form my own opinion on what he said and why he said that. You weebs and racists are stuck with the brushed-up translator version of the response, where she often forgot parts of what the guy said, and other times gave a blanket translation of the overall statement instead of translating the meaning bit by bit. I noticed she definitely did not say a few things that was actually said.

For example, when redeye asked if they had anything to say to DC, wings captain gave criticism on how they lost but also said that they were formidable opponents. The translator just echoed the critique and it made the chinese guy look cold and ungracious.

"Do you have anything to say to your fans in this country?
"I'm very grateful, the fans everywhere have embraced us as a new team and made us feel special, we feel like our fans are our 2nd parents, thank you for supporting us'
Translator: he said thanks and you guys are 2nd parents le~

seriously valve needs to hire white guys who know how to speak chinese, oh wait, hiring a 2nd rate gook is cheaper
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Are you American? Here, have a freebie.

Your mid crying after the ravaging w33 gave him
Rumor mill says there is a new primary attribute called Wisdom in the works. I normally wouldn't pay attention to this shit, but everything has stayed really consistent among different disconnected communities.
>get rid of Aui and never win a Valve event again
>get rid of Misery and find out he's a better captain than you and get last place
>get rid of best Invoker and now you gotta play mid Ursa and mid Morphling, oh and last place
Great year
Based Puppey masterminded himself out of the competition.
some rumor about a new primary stat
>dedicate past 6 yrs of life learning different language
>still be insufferable racist faggot
literally can't make this up

>You're life
Sounds like bullshit but I want it to happen because Icefrog hasn't really shat out anything that groundbreaking in a few updates, I believe.
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Wooo guys I'm Peter "ppd" Dager. Just banking on my team making tons of money for me. Go EG! Wooo. I'm gonna be so rich.
He always changed big things post-TI.

Gonna do it again
>I want it to happen
then you truly are a tasteless faggot
Considering the wukong update is called New Journey or whatever, there's a good chance it'll be 7.00 to showcase the first original dota 2 hero.
Seems like the perfect time to do something groundbreaking. Sounds exactly like the toad.
Why are so many strong teams going to shuffle now? I can see why certain teams would but you'd think top 8 in the world is proof you have a pretty good thing going
How come his mechanical skill is so low
/vg/ is literally the only place mentioning it
Stop trying to push your shitty meme you dumb shite.
You need to look at how you lost and to whom you lost.

Any loss to TNC means your team choked on bag of dicks hard as a nigger whore so you need to reconsider the entire roster.
Dota's a game where anyone can win. Having a strong team now doesn't mean the same team will win TI same time next year.
Aliwi Omar @w33haa 2 h
I've been asking for sky mid for about 8 months, guess i just had to wait for ti finals
im sorry mate, what dota communities do you actively post in
not true.
i have alpha players in skype and steam.

you're gonna wake up to a world of imbalance when wukong release happens
>those Slark kills with healing wave
>low skill
>implying it wasn't misery's 4d pocket strat all along
Honestly Misery never got outdrafted to a game losing degree, they just got outplayed.
Man people who say DC are American are deluded.

Fnatic are a British team guys!!!!!!!!!!!!
zai prob wont come because of contract (puppey do loves him tho) so I'm guessing aui2000?
I'm sure glad the european team Wings won the international, fellow european.
>healing wave
>requiring skill
spotted the support cuck

ppd is only an impressive player if he calls the shots for his team, which is highly unlikely. Fear is most likely doing it.
>your pos1 and 2 are already farm vacuums
>swap out sacrificial pos3 for the greediest pos4 to ever play the game
t. losing in open quals
>live in America
>play in America

>live in SEA
>play in SEA

There's nothing more American than taking Europe's castoffs.

Deluded, enjoy your 3rd place Amerifats.
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>tfw someone else raises your son and calls him "my wife's son"
Is there a better feeling in the world than to cuck someone else for life?
>implying zai wasn't a beast 3 for old secret

even at ti5 he played great. Felt so bad for him and Artour
a litteral copy-paste from a reddit thread. O:
TI6 > TI5 > TI3 > TI2 > TI1 > TI4

Mirana is boring tho.
i think its time to kill this sticky
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This must hurt so much for any respectable """""""""captain"""""""""" in western dota that Misery did as good as he did.

Some dude who never done well in the International aren't picked up by any team so he simply ask openly if someone wants to form a team. They have no captain so he has to be it since he's the one who asked. He doesn't even want to do it but someone has to. And then the faggot and his ragtag team comes 2nd place at the fucking International, beats secret, EG and OG.

Also props to the actual winners since they just rotate between heroes like crazy without relying on the farm-heavy gameplay chinks are usually known for.

This TI was amazing.
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Because based chinks play stable and fun dota without fucking memes
>that EG vs DC game 3

holy fucking shit
His offlane carried Secret so many times honestly
That he didn't want to do it probably worked in his favor honestly. Hubris kills teams especially when it's the captain
Zai sucked thousands of dicks
2 million dollar comeback from mega creeps
How is poopeedoo so fucking stupid?

That throne rush was completely suicidal. It hinged on DC not having buybacks on their cores, which they obviously would have.
Zai was a shit #3, motherfuck. Don't you remember what happened when S4 couldn't perform? Neither RTZ nor Zai could carry the game.

Secret was literally banking on S4's plays etc.
>I spent 6 years becoming fluent in Mandarin
Is that through classes/school or a mix of solo grinding + self study and talking to Mandarin speakers?
Did they add the prediction points to the battle passes yet? I got like 14 right and I'm at level 123. I want that gardens bullshit.
>literal who chinks won
Alright, I'm out.
Dota 2, the last non-garbage esport has finally succumbed to death.
Are we dead now?
>win DOTO TI6 tournament
>9 mil ez
>have to give 8.5 mil to your manager

>when people win millions of dollars they like to give some to their family and splurge on vacations
wow anon thanks for the info! such an enlightened chinkabu you are

no one asked or cares
why did you post this
I've switched over to this game from the other moba that shouldn't be named and I'm enjoying myself so far.

Just one thing; is there no penalty for leaving games? Every single game I've played so far has had someone just randomly leave before the 20 minute mark. Do I even bother to finish the game or should I just move on to the next one?
I believe Wings is privately owned by one of the members' family who's a millionaire or something
>Chinks that drafted the most variety and played the most entertaining dota

Man if someone had drafted Pudge and techies, you guys would have been cumming in your panties like sissy girls but because chinks did it, they are literal whos and garbage.
>literal who
>probably the best form a team has ever had in dota
Their match vs EG was a fucking beauty, from draft to execution
You'll get put into low priority. Once you play a bit more you'll get people who dont leave.
If you abandon

It gets marked to your behaviour score, think of this as your behavior MMR

and it gets changed when you abandon or get reported
and it gets lower and lower if reports/abandons occur in your account

and soon you will be in the most toxic games of your life

You get put into Low priority queue if you leave too many times.
You can move on if you're losing anyways, you will get a lose but the game won't count as abandon if someone leaves before you do.
If you abandon too much games you get into low priority, the shitter matchmaking pool.
I see, I guess most of the people I'm playing with are also new and don't care about this, so hopefully after some hours people stop leaving.

Just frustrating waiting 5 minutes to get a match and the minions to spawn just for the game to be nulled, but I suppose the feature is helpful in ranked.
Quit dota, probably after getting low prio from reports one too many times. HoN was a better environment for shitheads, for better or for worse
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>you'll never play dota1 again where you can ragequit and instantly start another game
can we please ban Asians from TI?

those tryhard asian matches are so fucking boring to watch, holy shit. those nerds really need to get a life.

can we have pure EU vs US instead?
you'll get it a lot with new players, it's just a fact of life; you'll get through it and eventually for the most part people will not abandon games
In the meantime enjoy the abandon gold because it's really fucking sweet, you can buy all the items you ever dreamed of and if you have half of an idea of what you're doing and you are playing a good hero you can basically 1v5 the enemy
This TI proved that NA captains are the best right?
Demon managed to weaponize pinoys
reminder that arteezy is the alan shearer of dota
It just proved that good teams choked so TNC, MVP etc. could go far
Why is this a sticky?
I haven't been following doto for a while but why are Na'Vi and Alliance so shit right now? don't they care anymore?
I miss autistic ricing, guys
rubberband stopped being fun a long time ago
Speaking of HoN
With the amount of money Valve just made, a fraction of it could actually buy the rights of HoN from FrostBurn studios. VALVE SHOULD BUY HON.
Think about it right now d2g
Deadwood, Parasite, Dark Lady, Puppet Master, Engineer, Electrician, Maliken and even fucking Scout. These heroes getting ported sounds like such a great idea I'm still not sure why Valve hasn't thought about doing it yet.
because doto is the ultimate game, no other game matters desu
ti6 grand finals but the mods forgot to unsticky
I can't be the only one who realizes how random the results in every tournament turn out to be right?
This doesn't mean that "competition is very high!"; on the contrary, there's a reason why a few teams/players dominate every high level, developed, competitive sport. What's happening in Dota 2 shows there's too much chance and not enough skill at the top level.
skill of all other players improved but they didn't
bulldog for example went from being able to play 3 heroes to being able to play 3 heroes
>putting in the slightest effort

It's taken them 3 years to add Monkey King and Wisdom. They literally hate working
Because mods don't allow us to kill shit generals away from this board.

So they sticky us so that shit generals will stay alive
they should buy dawngate too for shits and giggles
>the first diretide and greeviling were 4 years ago
holy shit
aww shit its based hammerknife
its been so long dotard
I'm going full nostalgy watching this picture. First Greeveling and Diretide years ago and ehre I am failure still while life moved on.

Oh oby
>tfw you picked venomancer so you could greevil nova+poison nova
hot meme honestly
>I can't be the only one
No, but people who realized this was happening already stopped playing this shit game.
Well why be alive if you don't have pressing shit you have to do to make it better right?
>Fear has been found dangling from the ceiling in his hotel room, naked with his huge d*ck rock hard

>dont even play the game

It doesn't seem like there's many people at Valve besides Icefrog that actually like or work on Dota, they do the bare minimum on everything, even the hats are pretty half-assed
Also naming their new hero Monkey King when HoN already had one confirms they'll never do it. A shame too, I don't see how they could top HoN MK, high skilled and annoying as hell
this is the actual reason that matchmaking, in any game, is garbage
the 'old style' of gameplay before matchmaking came along in 2009 and ruined everything was players or communities self moderating. if you had a garbage player on your team or someone was just fucking around you could just leave and start a new game and hopefully it would be better. inhouse leagues took this a step further by creating their own matchmaking system and manually sorting out players that just want to fuck around. modern matchmaking tries to act as an 'inhouse league' but uses automated moderation in the form of low priority and a mute system, and tries to spread this over a massive playerbase rather than being manually moderated over a small playerbase.
>Being this UPSET about Fata not buying BKB, Miracle using Manta to push instead of get out of jail card, Aggressif feeding like a moron, Fear not buying Rapier earlier etc.

ur gonna win the mental gymnastic olympics
>not mentioning zephyr or silhouette
but that system isn't scalable at all
valve would have to pay thousands and thousands of people to 'moderate' the whole playerbase
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Zephyr is pretty good but
get that shit out of here
dumb faggot ricer, please leave
there's no rng to playing like shit/tilting/getting outplayed
SC2 is pretty much dead because Premier tournaments had shitty t2 foreigners at overseas events
exactly, that's the problem; the playerbase is too large and inhouse leagues dont seem to work anymore because people are too preoccupied with their dota mmr rather than their inhouse mmr
the new wisdom stat is literally just magic damage scaling.

honestly stupid
It's literally the exact opposite. It's magic resist and mana cost reduction
anti-cheat that actually works
IP banning

those are the things that dota needs
This keeps coming up again and again, and I just want to say this.
How is it you think we see you? Why do you think we follow you? Only ever to watch you win?
Are we rats that jump ship the minute it starts to sink? Switch loyalty to the winning players?
I have a smile on my face to watch your amazing plays that most of us could only ever dream of making. Sometimes I smile so much watching DOTA that my face hurts. I get so excited that I shout.
I do not care if cynical people think this is kissing ass, it's about what's true and I have never in my life lost love for my favourite pros because they lose games and tourneys.
If you sat on your ass, if you didn't try, that would let us down.
If you were too smug and thought you didn't have to prepare properly, that would let us down.
But none of you do, you strategise, you work like crazy and you play like gods out of your mind and to me personally you bring nothing but joy.
I just needed to say this because every time I see someone who makes me happy just to watch them play say "I'm sorry I let everyone down" it breaks my fucking heart.
its most likely magic resistance and something.

base magic resistance removed from heroes
wisdom added.

this way you can fine tune the scaling of magical damage way better per hero (how much they take damage I mean) and make cloak etc. better items.
what items would increase it?
Every +Every Atttribute item like ultimate orb items and branch items
like imagine Visage being wis hero, he'll be unkillable fuck that will rampage through magic damage lanes.
Wisdom stat?
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>one full year of honeypot tournaments until real teams start to play seriously again
i don't think i can take it
would that mean vlads gives a small wisdom aura
would also be neat if one of the neutrals had a wisdom aura
look at the list again
Literally nobody predicted TNC, Fnatic and DC would do this. It's not so much Valve being wrong is it that teams were just overall playing shit this tournament
tell me your deepest darkest dota secret

i have never been 6 slotted
DC played far from shit, same with Fnatic.

TNC I'm gonna just say they played above expectations.
I hope organizers put up more than 100k for 1st place in the coming tourneys. TI has pretty much ruined everything else for me
I never buy Black King Bar or Scythe
makes the game too easy
>that moment jimmy circled OGs offlane T1 tower and played ring-around-the-rosie before dipping

>the casters fucking utter disbelief when OG drop 3 sentries because of it
Oh yeah, same honeypots that gave Natus Vincere direct invite?

Same honeypots where PPD said he had trouble breathing when they were losing to Secret?

Fucking meme'ing fuck.
I don't know why I keep coming back to this horrible game. I know I should be using my time to improve myself but queuing is so tempting and I instantly regret it as soon as the load screen appears.
I created a new account after changing my old one to a disposable email and now I'm getting matched with people who are literally 1k. Smashing noobs isn't fun at all, fuck my life so hard.
Is this the longest lasting sticky on /vg/?
Does any anon have a Youtube or Twitch-clip link for this? I never saw it ;_;
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>Sheever was spotted entering a hotel room with one of the Wings players
>other people staying in rooms close to the said room complained about loud moaning

HOLY SHIT, how can EU and NA even compete???
>tfw lowish behavoir score (6.5k)
>doing some ranked
>LC abandons
>we're already losing hard
>d/c for 3 minutes hoping others follow suite
>they dont so i come back and farm enemy jungle
>they all scream to report me

>tfw you will never be pegged by Sheever so hard that yours moans bother people in neighboring rooms

Why even live?
No I was saying everyone else was shit. All the "favourites" super-choked. Reminder all the casters and """analysts""" thought EG would go to the lower end of their group.
Who is "you guys"? I fucking loved wings, man. Great team i am seriously impressed someone this new can come up and compete on such a high level, same goes for DC, props to both these teams, surprised me quite a lot.
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What did he mean by this?
>people aren't forming heaps of dota teams
there are literally thousands of teams who enter open qualifiers each year
5 Years in highschool (grade 7-12) and then 1 year living in country and studying at chinese universities, being extroverted so always speaking chinese every chance I could, and then now in my home country going out of my way to speak with people i suspect are chinese because use it or lose it. Also regular self study and chinese proficiency testing once a year, forcing myself to study words and grammar

awww, american weeb is mad his language is irellivent in the vidya world
he's actually female
an unindentified american went on a rampage after TI shooting every asian he could find with extereme cruelty. its all over the news. police are still looking for him
Wings have probably played more dota than anyone ITT and they've been together, as a team, for a year.
>Last place

>First place

really makes you think
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What made them so successful gulag ? I sure wasn't expecting them to make it to top 8, yet alone the grand finals.
>wings gaming buy every """victory""" at ti6
>wow, so impressive, really a great team!

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>PPD picks Brewmaster instead of tactical feed CM
>loses TI
Serves him right.
God the old UI was way better.
My friend thinks Antimage isn't the deadliest late hypercarry in the game

How do I tell him he's wrong?
>current patch
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so what about those chinese viewer numbers on the left? looks the same as last year, how fake is it?

They will go back to irrelevancy next LAN.
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tell him to build AC
so last year when did we get a sticky dotards?
Did mods actually go to bed without un-sticying the thread? What the fuck.
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>from the other moba that shouldn't be named
For every day of the main event, and for the Wildcards, I believe.
They had heart, dedication, some out-of-meta picks that surprised other teams on the big stage, and genuine talent.

But they also just got really fucking lucky at some points, like holy shit EG choked hard in the LB Final as just an example
then why the fuck are we only getting the sticky today?
Mods are faggots
I'm done, it's fucking over. every competitive game is fun for a while until tryhard asians come and ruin the fun for everybody with their tryhard tactics. I'm so fucking done with dota.
We got a sticky yesterday, asshat.
Also mods are fags.
>wake up
>wings won
so did DC end up as EU?
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Why is Podchan so cheeky?
>We got a sticky yesterday, asshat.
timezones senpai

>sticky only during grand finals
lolbabs better have this too since its a more dying game
>tryhard tactics
>literally pick random heroes
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Ugh... dotards?

it's almost like... the hero concept wasn't new somehow... huh
Why does he have a texas accent
podchan killed every team she boothed for
that's exactly the point. picking fucking random meme characters nobody expects you to pick is tryhard as fuck.
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fuck off peedur
where the delusional NA shitposter

the one that poster the weakest bait and merkel avatar
so wait

you're saying that


monkey king


not even


original concept?????????????????????
>picking from all 110 heroes is now tryhard
holy fuck these cannot be real posts. they're imaginary, right?
It's shanghaaaaai noon
it's shitposting m8
>wake up
>still sticky

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icefrog here

how do i nerf wings' strats for 6.89, i'm fucking stumped
it's hard to tell these days since there exist people that really are that fucking stupid
nerf memeback gold
First someone has to tell what the Wings strat is?
pick random shit and fight forever

nerf gold gain from from hero kills
nerf visage, bloodseeker, treant and lina.
They are equally good at ricing
>Random shit.
So you really are that stupid? That you don't see their game plan in the draft?
memes m8
Sometimes I genuinely think that one of these 'icefrog here' posts is actual legitimate osfrog
kill memegold and buff jungle you fucking douchebag
okay, now that the dust has settled... which character pick was the most "MEME" this year?
didn't wings pick pudge twice and lose both times
>implying those aren't buffs to Wings
I think it's highly unlikely one team would turn out to be both the best at old dota and nu-dota. Killing the rubber band will shake things up.
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>tfw to smart to play dota
>wings literally only lost 2 games
>both were when they joke picked pudge
Pudge buffs when?
wings are the most adaptable team in the scene
that's why everyone is so fucking shocked at this shit
along comes a team of no-names who do what many most are callinh "retarded shit" because all the other teams are stuck in their picking ruts drafting the same fotm "OP" shit over and over and wings pick whatever and make their drafts work
DC got as far as they did because they can also adapt their drafts
wings can adapt their playstyle too: they can rice, memefight, memepush, splitpush, hit and and run, and mindgame the fuck out of their opponents
yet too dumb to post here
to be fair, the 2nd time they picked pudge they had a clear idea of what they wanted from it

the first time was them just shooting the shit
>pudge will continue to be buffed until he's the next lina/kunkka
I can't fucking wait
Insiderbro here


Banned Wings from all future Valve events
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>YFW Dendi is the only thing that keeps Puppey from leaving humanity behind
EUcucks on suicide watch
first time they wanted to pudge/techies meme

that shit doesn't work so much anymore because vision is critical and also real easy to upkeep because of ward buffs and changes
>puppey kicks ee and rtz goes carry and dendi leaves navi to join secret as their mid
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>to smart
> 6.89
> -mana cost 15%
> added 2 starting armor
> intelligence per lvl +1.3
Well I don't really care if it kills them or not I wasn't replying to the question I just want old Dota back. If Wings can cut it without rubber band then good for them.
OD is really ugly isn't he
>TI is over
>/d2g/ is dead again

good news is there is an update on 23rd and reshuffle
>want old dota back
>push meta
there's a non-sticky /d2g/ going on right now
No the 'more viable strategies than 1' meta aka around patch 6.79
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Chuan has some sagely advice
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>Daily reminder that our boy Jimmy Ho got further than RTZ and EE
lmfao you retarded nostalgiafag
>being a filthy casual
patch 6.79 had a shitty meta and a shitty pick diversity. the only patch that was worse was 6.81 and 6.83.

6.88 is a fucking based batch that had a meta allowing for massive pick diversity and strategy. this meta had been pretty good, even if the overall emphasis is placed on memefight, there is a LOT of room for other playstyles.
Remind me again who the best western drafter and captain is again?
not peter
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Why's this thread still stickie'd?
what a truly disgusting 'opinion'. yet it is all too common on places like reddit and even now on 4chan. very disturbing.

tell me, where did the big bad pusher hero touch you? which hero came out of the jungle six slotted and pwned your newb ass?

at least you are enjoying nu-dota. casuals do have it easy.
Misery obviously
Mods went to bed, only janitors now
>wake up
>eg lost

Insiderbro here
EE's new team:
1. EE
2. super
4. burning
5. lanm
ehehehehehe just the response i expected hehe
> being pathetic egfag
nice bro :)

you should screenshot this for reddit
>all those legendary players putting themselves with shitty EE

I know its fake but why do people keep putting themselves on teams with EE. Dude is complete ass at dota. No idea how he convinces 4 other people that hes good over and over again.
>being a pathetic non american
this is my last dessert
DC literally ratted EG to death in the losers final. How is that "literally 1 viable strategy"?
Lol, in his dreams

I'm more likely to get ROTK in my team than EE is
beats me. I know Kuroky does that by talking. He's pretty good talker.
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Say my name.
Everybody recognizes that EE has the potential to shit on everybody. He's just like Universe in that he plays like shit if he's left to think for himself. Everybody who's played with EE thought they could tame him but Kermit would rather preach his ways than to win.
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Reminder League babbys call this game balanaced and say TI3 was shit. Actually makes me sick even TI4 had a better hero pool.
So what can we do?
>>151706756 (You)
really makes you think huh?
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disruption illusions are going to be nerfed for sure, invoker might get some small stat nerf
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>SD was finally viable again

Shame that ppd didn't go maximum meme with his classic Lina + SD combo.
delusional big faggot
Why is the final game of TI always a shitty one sided stomp?
toxc piece of shit that ruins every team and corrupts good players
He's still on a EU team
like world cup
Fear should retire already
You're thinking rtz
Mods are so in denial that Wings won that they've entered into a Groundhog Day loop in their minds until TI7 comes so they can witness the true winners of TI.
>EU team went through the NA qualifiers

Because competitive Dota is a coinflip, teams like DC can get to the finals of TI with pure luck. Doesn't make for a very good grand final
thats only true if its west vs east becuase the scenes are so different and you cannot just close the gap in 1 day

navi alliance was hype as fuck and super close, it was full of mistakes etc but was really good beucause the teams played with eachother more than on valve lans
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rtz is the best and most likable player in DotA 2 history you little bitch
rtz didn't go around to other teams and poached their players or kicked his own to make room for others.
*too douche bag
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Gulag, how do I practice my Drow?
I respect your opinion but it's completely incorrect.
why have so many teams went full JUST this TI
You need to retire this meme already.
EG vs EHOME game 1 was godly though.
you don't she will get nerfed anyways.
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He's not really going to go back to EG again is he?
>what is TI3 Alliance

kys you subhuman chink lover
Overall results of 2015-2016 Dota season:
>Major system is shit
>Roster lock is shit
>Invite system is shit
>Europe shits the bed when it matters
>CIS shits the bed always
>China back on the rise
>NA is NA
Anything else?
Why haven't you started your own team and coin flipped your way to millions of dollars?
Practice your Pudge he is gonna be top pick/ban in 2-3 patches
When's it Singsing's turn to win TI?
I can't find people who believe in the coinflip my man. Everyone is a doubter like you
Good thing they shut down stupid racists trying to stir up drama
Buff Techies you motherfucker
rtz is going to OG they spoiled it on their twitter
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Can the holograms see the prepatch shitposting?
To replace miracle or notail?
Can we agree that Puppey was biggest memeloser in this TI? Its hilarious how hard he and secret fucked up
Was the major system really shit though?
I feel like only Shanghai was a huge failure but the other majors were well enjoyed, correct me if I'm wrong.
EU teams tryhard all year, so they get figured out by TI when the other teams close the gap
they posted 9+9=? meaning 2 9k players in the world so miracle stays
I'm just waiting for the "player X changed his twitter profile!" posts, it's the best part of the season
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Necro is my favorite hero.

Can I expect some Necro buffs after this TI since he seems to be almost completely ignored in the competitive scene?

Also do you guys think offlane Void is going to take a hit or will he stay the same since only a few players have huge success with the hero and he seems balanced when played by most other teams?
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watch me play her

just dont fall for honeypot items like shadowblade or other shit its not how you play drow
>Future president of Estonia
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>Majors killed all non valve events
>Good idea
>getting carried by mirana
>mirana with free rapier is getting kills this is really surprising!

yeah please do not play drow you dont have a clue how to just stick with your braindead hereos
>non valve events

Lol who cares? The defense was always shit. The summit was shit. Starladder was shit. Mlg is shit. They're all shit and having majors just means its easier to consolidate stuff for valve.
This year there is supposed to be only 2 majors, maybe that will open up room for third-party tournaments again.
>Less hero damage than both supports on your team even though #1 position farm

You seem to have pushed good though.
No, what killed non valve events was them not paying the fucking price pools in a reasonable time
But we had Epicenter, Starladder, Nanyang, MLG, Summit, and ESL events
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teams literally try even more on non valve events now because thats how oyu get invites to the valve events

there were lans for literally like 0.5% prizepool of TI and temas were killing eachother trying to win beucase htey knew that the real prize is the invite
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Necrobro here, I fucking love that hero. Nothing comes as close in satisfication as 1v1 wrecking a 1st pick Slark in solo ranked with Necro.
I raised from 4k to 4,4k with spamming him :^)

But I doubt he will be buffed, he is very balanced at the moment. His laning is very strong especially on the earlier levels now, the buff on lvl 1 pulse was such a big deal.

His only weakness can sort of be fixed with early wand and rain drops.
Because when given a competent captain that he can follow (Puppey during Shanghai, PPD during SL9) Envy shit all over the competition. But when forced to shotcall and play at the same time he makes 2k mistakes repeatedly
>lets kill the dota community that would surely turn out fine, it won't certainly kill the spirit of the game
>Valve does't even add the 25% of the compendium revenue to the prizepool

Those are honeypots of honeypots

all teams do in those is to throw on purpose because throwing one game pays more than getting anything but first and even if they aren't doing it for that reason they are all """"saving strats""""

Some teams don't even try to win the majors

No they don't. They only get serious in a single one and thats pretty much it
>wake up
>check results
>2 official american teams in the top 3
>the most american chinese team ever wins

I'm okay with this. The best part is Europe is as irrelevant as ever.
>No they don't. They only get serious in a single one and thats pretty much i

What is Na'vi, OG and liquid.

Heck even wings tryharded at summit but because they play literally anything you couldn't figure them out
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how can one team be so good?
>le honeypot meme
>3 out of 20 teams try in a tournament
>Tournament is supposed to be exciting
i remember how retards here argued WINGS didnt deserve the invite even if they stomped liquid 3-0 at some lan

that they were just a memefluke team

They took the discipline of china, and added the ingenuity and creativity of America.

They are a hybrid team that represents the best of both worlds. They're what NaVi used to be, sort of.
Found the ameritard
Found the eurofag

Are you sure you have time to shitpost, I think Achmed needs to be prepped.
>here let me attack creeps and towers for 35 minutes while my team wins the game 4v5
>i swear i totally was contributing with my aura gyuse
I love playing that hero because in my 3,5k trench everyone seems to think he's "just a support" even if I obviously farmed a lane all game long and tries to solo gank me, handing me easy kills.
Also everyone on my rating underestimates sadist. After getting a kill in a teamfight you feel as tanky as an Alchemist during ult while shitting out AoE damage and healing.
Yeah that HD looks strange, even shit. But ok if played like Lycan. So you take objectives and mass agi early? What if the opponent has good gap closers, blink worth it?

Also what bracket is this?
kys fat stupid americunt
>small stat nerf
stop beating a dead horse
Guess again fuckwit

navi fangay please kill yourself

navi is at their best right now

back when "navi was le good meme" everyone were shit compared to now including navi
>play dota since 2013
>still 4k
Did you try to git gud?
fuck no i just played clinkz when the rank system came out to get from 3.6k to 4.2k and stayed there till now
>play dota since 2008
>still 2k

kill me
>play dota since 2013
>never played ranked

feels alright man
>DC got to final by pure l-luck
Lol, delusional little faggot.
You don't rampage through the lower bracket by "by pure luck". They kept improving throughout the tournament.
when your stupid ducking morphing picker wants to play support morphing instead of safe farming the hero and loses you the game

why even ducking bother playing ranked
Updated from yesterday. Opinions?
Nobody gives a flip about your fudging blog
Wake me up
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Can't wake up.

tips and trick?
Based Maelk literally flipped off Riot and let his shitty LeLbabb team crash just to see TI6. What a God.
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>Misery and w33 kicked from secret
>they get second place
>secret gets last place
>its totally kuro fault guys i swear
what did puppey mean by this
what the hell happened to Liquid, Secret and EG ?
I'm highly doubt that those chinks were on drugs.
He got fired from that team last week
when is the drama coming out
He meant he is a DLF
Time to leave and come back for the fall major. It's been fun guys but I quit dota 2.
Why is support morphling bad?
4 second stun on a low cooldown, very tanky, high mobility due to waveform, a bit of early nuke damage with waveform and a bit of damage scaling into the lategame due to replicate illusions of carries.

It seems solid on paper.
Liquid under performed for sure. But I think it was maybe over confidence while coming into the tournament? Same for OG as well.

Secret has always been fucking shit.

EG lost to Wings and DC because mastermind PPD can't draft for nuts this time around.
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Nerfs that need to happen ASAP.

Mirana aghs.
Shadow Demon.
Void needs a complete make over.
>No timber
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Reminder Kuro is the big bad of dota 2
- Destroyed Secret v2's chances at TI5
- Beat up Korok's gf
- Fired 2GD
- Personally trained Wings to beat western teams

>Shadow Demon

pls no
>Most if his winrate can be traced to a single player
>If not banned against that player is a 20% winrate ban
He is going to get away with it. He is like slark, Situational pick
insider bro here
new secret team
That's not puppey and EE
Nerfs that will happen ASAP
>Mirana aghs now triggers every 12 seconds instead of 8

other than that kill your self avatarfag
Max pulse first. My custom build that works pretty much every time is:
Buy tangos, salve, circlet and 2 branches. Finish wand on lane. Buy boots. Start buying meka. Deny a lot. Always use scythe for kill, you getting 10 sadist stacks is more important than some 17-year-old virgin's KDA. Finish greaves and get rosh. Pressure towers with Greaves and constant heal spam. Keep mana up with denies and occasional quick jungling.
Adapt with items, on the Lina Lesh patch for example I built more hp than armor, Necro is all about the EHP early-mid and clutch agha scythe in lategame.

Easiest thing you can start learning is punishing enemy CS on lane, if they come close to your creeps to get lasthit, use heal so the creep wont die and he will take damage. Bonus points if you get CS with the same pulse. That with heartstopper and autoattack harass will tilt the odds towards you, usually by 7min you are in charge of the lane if their supports did not chain stun you before you got wand and lvl 2 heal.

Oh and dual stun lanes are fucking cancer, buy faerie fire there for clutch saves.
Don't be afraid of going first after getting meka, you are insanely fat, fatter than Pudge.

Be afraid of Pugna and Oracle, they will fuck you up if they know their heroes.
>expecting me to read all of that shit

yeah, no.

7 decides what i read.
>I'm highly doubt that those chinks were on drugs.
does TI have some king of drug control ?
t b h if there's any chink team that I'd want to win it's Wings

bunch of entertaining motherfuckers
read this
*unzip dick*
>This thread is not a sticky anymore

I do not quite completely understand what on earth were Valve thinking when they gave Mirana that aghs

First it's just overpowered to all hell.
Second people stopped doing any other build for her because frankly, see the first point.
Second, its fucking boring/mindless? Jjust passive proc of nuke.
Finally. Thank fucking god.
But wings wasnt the best team at ti by far. The thing is their teamfighting is very strong and that matters way too much on this patch.
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thanks for the input appreciate it
have a good day anon
>1000+ posts
>no new thread

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patch when?
Because bkb and Glimmer are items
the team only dropped games when they picked pudge yet you believe they weren't the best

you must be an ass ravaged yuropoor
Come home dotards

time for the best part desu.

team drama.
Not that anon, but
>Necro is all about the EHP early-mid
I want to stress how true this is.

Most Necro players I see in pubs build him completely wrong in my opinion. You play a hero who gets ton's of HP back with Pulse and Sadist, so it's a great idea to focus on increasing the value of each HP point. Shiva's Guard is an insanely good item on him if you play against a lineup with lots of physical damage.
Literally none of that but Mirana.

Also, timbersaw needs reactive armor to be reworked. Him having a literally free heart of tarrasque+2 plate mails is not okay.
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