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/slg/ Second Life General

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Thread replies: 62
Thread images: 21

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So what, did this general finally die?

Just in case :3
Getting Started Guide: http://pastebin.com/pnnQtCDx
Shape Guide: http://pastebin.com/2pAKs7ub

For an invite to the /vg/ group, contact any of these people: http://pastebin.com/dyU3Zgqj
For other groups, paste these into your chat and click the link it creates to see the group info, and click the Join Now button:
/tg/ group: secondlife:///app/group/573a69eb-f90d-cfcf-daef-abf258c46191/about
/x/ group: secondlife:///app/group/309c8d64-3f92-ab12-68af-41820f67b120/about
/toy/ group: secondlife:///app/group/a2e063d9-413b-ab4c-6c3a-27ac87d38620/about
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Only faggots play this game anyways.
My wife in second life just died ;-;
Any one else notice the amount of child avatars that come to Stern looking for Chainsword? I've witnessed this on at least three occasions.
Are there any groups of banditos doing fun shit or did that die with PN?

You could go to bug Island and hangout with this faggot. >>150527290
I'm pretty sure Chainsword dresses up as a loli girl him self and has pixel sex with men pretending to be underage children.
I wanna play this more but there's just nothing to do.

Where can I go to talk with pubbies?
Drop by Bug Island we all hanging out as long as your not a furfag
Well too bad then
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Anyone know where to get these hedgehogs?
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Blue #1
I like it! And your eyes are cute too.
Who is the large semon demon?

Will you pixelfuck me?
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what a surprise, all the interesting people leave and stop posting and all that is left are desperate people trying to validate their spending of money on furry penises and some pubbie trying to be the funny new PN
like you and me?
I was informed that the thread was alive and decided to check in only to see that it was actually somehow 10x shittier than any thread that came before
my dick is gonna be x10 shittyer after i take it out ur moms anus
slg died. Stop making threads.
ok lol funny very good laugh lmao youre mom actually
omfg shut up nerd owo *poseball with you and sex a cum right into your colon* >:3

wtf is wrong with these shady fucks on SL?
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This is all that needs to be said as to why slg deserves to die.
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drink af
except most of the new people in the group have no idea who sovot is as he stopped playing the game due to life and none of the group field trips like in your example and haven't since 2014 due to influx of literally who's and oversensitive babies
right on the head there buddy
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>tfw miss field tripping with old group
>hostility upon entering some person's home or personal space is met with theatrics from us
>laugh so hard my sides literally hurt
>now faggots will defend these people or will get lost halfway through sim hopping due to hopping on some pub fur's dick in a club
>the golden age of /slg/ is truly over
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stern high
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So you're telling me this is a bad time to start playing again?
Ha, I wrote a complete virtual pet in .lsl
yes the group is practically dead and does not do anything anymore
I'll just sit in a skybox building shoes until I get so bored I have to go outside.

Why not just start a new group, though?
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Ha, looks a lot like the bot LL used to leave around years ago for people to ride.
That was my avatar at the time.

Now i'm a grizzly bear. The virtual pets are HUD based.
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>Looking through an entire library of notecards from between 06' and 10'
>Easily 800 conversations logged
>Another 10 notecards full of compiled personal info of long lost friends

>Tfw you realize you the extent of your insanity during puberty
>That slight disappointment at having never fulfilled your destiny as a serial killer.
I love the .tsg. bat!
I need more robots. It's important.
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theres still time
Shit admins and Inner circle bullshit.

You guys were never interesting though. A lot of you thought you were, meanwhile sitting around at your dead as fuck social club. Riding on the coattails of people who were slightly more fun to be around then you. It's not even fun pretending to be 5 different shitty plebs to stir up drama with you guys anymore.

I think I'll continue to chill at my shitty sandbox and be a "PN wannabe". Looking through the accounts of people who were stupid enough to trust the viewers on copybotting sites.

The constant visits I get from anti griefers, fail trolls and .resident lindens. Makes the game far more active and interesting then anything you guy's have had going on.
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is this true autism
you sound like a big downer honestly. but thats cool bro have fun
people play the game in different ways, nothing wrong with that. I still have a good time with my buds.
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>thinks we're dead
>he didnt get invited to the discord
You say that like there's anyway of keeping me out.
everyone is impressed
lol I made you mad, have fun riding on the coat tails of the greats and people that came before you like Chainsword and Sovot
I think they would have noticed if an unfunny furfag PN wannabe joined
someone's upset his group isn't as popular
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You're not even the person stirring up the thread by posing as different people it's just the autistic purple wolf furfag, sad day when some pretend PN have to try and ride a furry's knotted cock to fame
I've been around longer then both of them. Neither of them are great by a long shot. Chains can't even carry on a decent back and forth shit talking. I got bored like 5 minutes into it.

Even skillz who tried his/her damnedest. Just came off like a half retarded brazilian child butt mad because I would aknowledge the crush she obviously had on me.

This is me reply, fyi. Takes me like a half a minute very little effort and almost no higher brain function is required. You're going to have to put some effort into it if you want to make me mad.
you guys don't even notice when I'm on your accounts. It's not hard to change your character and pretend to be something moderately acceptable.
I'm unaffiliated I stopped working for ap0110 when he tried dox everyone looking for Simms
>not the one stirring anything up
>getting all of the replies
Actually plenty of my friends are furrys, Nebula for instances i a very good friend. Afro in the first picture just has sentiments of a friend who no longer comes on. I don't mind be called a wannabe for it though. Shit half the time it's me saying it about self to spread rumors.
done pooping lol. Let's do this again sometime.
at first I was gonna agree with you because I hate the state this group is in currently but it took you about 2 sentences to lose any of my faith in believing you're a real person
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Thread posts: 62
Thread images: 21

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