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/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 843
Thread images: 140

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Thuggy Saint Edition

Previous Thread >>150223920


>Anniversary Rewards

1. Animation updates to Vlad, Jeanne, and Waver.
2. 30 free quartz.
3. 1/2 AP on all Daily Quests.
4. Higher rate of Great Success and Super Success.
5. 1st Anniversary CE.
6. More strengthening quests
7. One week of anniversary login bonuses.
8. Automatic expansion of Servant and CE inventory sizes to 300. If you spent any Quartz before, you get a refund.
9. ??????
10. Singles are 3 quartz now, and Ten is 30. Forever.

Anniversary Login Bonuses
1) 10Mil QP
2) 100k FP
3) 10 4* ALL exp
4) 10 ATK Fou-Kun Cards
5) 10 HP Fou-Kun Cards
6) 100 Mana Prisms
7) 10 Summoning Tickets

Da Vinci Rateup along with different chapter servants.

Pay to win Gatcha has been split between Knights and Calvary with a guaranteed 5*. Can only be used once and it uses paid quartz.

New bond CEs for Mordred, Jack, Nursery Rhyme, Robin Hood, Ushiwakamaru
Jing Ke, Lu Bu, George, Leonidas and Mozart.

Swimsuit event Details on the 6th

>4* Anniversary Heroines CE
10% attack up, Three stars per turn
>5* Leisure Walk
Crit Weight 400%, Arts up 10%
>5* Participation of the King
Buster 10%, NP charge 50%
>4* Goldfish SCooping
Sure hit, Buster 8% up
>3* Fire Flower
Star gen 5% up, Crit damage 5% up

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes: http://fate-go.cirnopedia.info/news.php
New vers - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones, & androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game


>Frequently Asked Questions

>Mega Pastebin

>Translations Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet


>Camelot Spoilers
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I love my waifu.
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Xth For Best Pirates.
Tsukihime collab when?
Reminder that Gareth will be best grill
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In 5 minutes
>/fgog/ is now trying to pretend Medb isn't an unfixable dogshit of a 5*

Literally 10.2k Attack and two useless skills.
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So what's the verdict on the new strengthenings so far? A lot of these actually look really solid, better than most of the ones we've gotten in the past in terms of giving little-used Servants a niche.
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After the remake comes out
>Summary anon wanking Melvin
I knew shitposters flocked together
>MHX instinct now also gives a self 50% 1 turn quick buff at max
How high do you rate her with that change?
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Xth for best Lancer
It's a bunch of sad sacks that rolled her in the Jew Gacha and trying desperately to convince themselves that she isn't bad. Forget Kintoki Rider, even Ushiwakamaru does more damage then her.
>1-2 person is now /fgog/

Look I don't care about what you are discussing but fuck off
Great soundtrack for this anime.
Where are the two useless skills again? Also
Even fucking Melvin knows better.
Shiki anon here

not bad
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Yes? you rang?
They fucked up. At least when they shat all over Martha they still left the chance of a third skill that could make her better.

Now they basically confirmed the fact that Lancelot will always be the worst 4* Berserker.
Avenger Matt Hardy when?
>still this delusional
Tristan is canonically stronger than your curryshit. The knights are insanely strong, no matter how much you hate it. Bedivere needed Excaliarm only to be able to match the other Knights, and he one shotted Ozzy's Sphinx which is equal to 3 Servants in power and implied to be the incarnation of a god and far stronger than Dragons.
>10 Fou-Kun Cards

You'd think the cunts could just shell out a 20-20 set for free for once. I mean come the fuck on, compared to the ten tickets this would be nothing.
Mordred is NOT a shitter
An extra bonus like that for maxing skills would be interesting in general.
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Threadly reminder to report and ignore shitposters and false flaggers. They only reply to themselves if no one takes their bait
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How would you rate the nip taste?
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This blush was worth the 20 chains.
Why did you post a blank image?

Thanks Ciel-Senpai.
Too early for powerlevel shitposting. Fuck off.
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Sakura when
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A 50% crit boost seems like the perfect thing for the Crit Berserker though. Granted, the NP gain is a little weird, but he's certainly a lot better off than before.
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You're not a Lancer even if you are using a spear RAD VLAD
>higher NP gen than Gilgamesh with Golden Rule
>50% crit up
Memers are at it again. Rememeber how you wanted to stay delusional the first days saying Gawain was better than Saber Lancelot gameplaywise?
>Altria (on milk)
my sides
>Gilgamesh 2nd highest of males
It's redeemable
> The Mystery of the Heroine X
That's just sad.
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please kill me
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>Okita that high
good taste!
MHX is also around
10 tickets would cost 100 mana prisms
20 fous would cost 300 mana prisms

the tickets would be nothing compared to the cost of fous.
Instinct somehow not being a dodge skill has never made any fucking sense. The actual description is basically both Eye of the Mind skills at once souped up to the point where she can occasionally see the future and the only times it comes up in the story is when she's dodging something. It should at LEAST be comparable to Protection from Arrows, though a Cu-tier dodge would probably make Arturia way too fucking resilient.
On the bright side we're getting another set this month split between tomorrow and the day after. But yea, I have no clue why they limit the ability to buy fou-kuns in the first place.
>(on milk)
>Altria (on milk) that low
>Okita higher
Japan, please
>all pseudo servants end up as strong as waver, with different niches
You have to be retarded if you think a single 5* is unfixable after Waver. If the absolute worst 5* can become the best unit in the whole game, I'm pretty sure a low-tier 5* can become decent.

Or maybe you're just a newfag who didn't know how bad Waver was before he got buffed.
>The mystery of the heroine x
>no Nobu
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Is misc shitposting getting deleted in the friend spreadsheet?
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I hope they fix Grace of God if its her.
Maybe add healing effect rate up like Iri/MedeaLily.
10 tickets cost 200, actually.
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>(on milk)
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>Astolfo that low
Who has the best voice clips and why is it Mainyu?
What would be stronger, Excalibarm or the real Airgetlam? Airgetlam was actually made to be used as arm instead of being made into a makeshift one like Excalibarm and should be a divine construct considered it was the prosthetic limb of a war god. But then Excalibur is just fucking broken.
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Ciel-Senpai, why did you wear such lewd swimwear?
>waver was bad
>the absolute worst
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To be fair, most of the judgement Waver got was due to his first two skills, the crit damage boost in particular, being far less flashy than his damage buff. That along with the fact that we didn't have shit for materials to improve them or ascend him gave him a horrible impression, since he's pretty unimpressive in terms of damage, and I believe he's got a growth curve that makes him a shitter near the start.

Then he got NP boost, and became the strongest thing in the game.
Are Parvati and Ishatar going to be Casters? There's already too many 5* Casters as it is.
Even if it was just the 50%, it was enough. Retards around here just want to meme about fucking everything and picked on the NP gain and ignored the crit damage up.

Lancelot should be filling like 40% - 50% of the gauge just from an Arts crit with Mana Inversion. 70%+ if Arts chain
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no bully..
Who's the better servant to go with Vlad, Waver or Tamamo?
Exactly. At least he's not sitting at 2 skills that hinge entirely on him either having stars to take or his NP up. I mean he's still like that since Crit Damage, but it's a tangible boost that isn't entirely negated by having 50 stars on the turn he has a Brave chain
He was still pretty awful. Whether you agree he was the worst 5* at the time or not, the point I think is clear. To claim any unit is unfixable is complete horseshit, and DW have actually been pretty good at rebalancing units as they should be. Even Shirou can be made good.
Who's the Jannetty of Fate and why is it Cu?
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>rolling tickets
>get golden orbs while rolling
>it's a Caster
>start thinking i've gotten Da Vinci
>it's just Helena
Please don't post that shit anymore.

I'll fucking kill you and your family if you don't. Thanks.
So is Nitocris only loving Ozzy a meme or what

what are her bond lines
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Is rider training seriously the only way to get reverse scale? I need 2 to max seiba and this is fucking bullshit
In the long term, Tamamo's bond CE is better for him than Waver's.
wEw lAd
Ozzy is her senpai
If you can only pick one, who is more important?
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airgetlam you uncultured swine.
If what i'm thinking is correct then in the arm is claiomh solais one of the four treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann.
which is nasu just ripping off a manga called Arago.

Lancer of black you punk.

Airgetlam was nothing more than a silver arm in celtic mythos that was given to naudha by the god of healing and some jabronie guy who desgined it.
Claim Solias was the blade of light with the effect "once drawn you cannot escape nor can you resist it."
One of the four treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann.
not a bad spook though
>just Helena
Off yourself
Probably Tamamo since Vlad has no reason to need to crit and doesn't have any trouble building NP. Plus 50% Arts > 30% damage
>not having 100 spare dragon scales
does anyone have a account they don't use with any 5*? my phone bricked and after recovering it no only my account was gone but also my transfer info
[email protected]
People seem to conveniently forget that Servants in the story frequently act a little bit differently than they do in My Room and in Interludes.
Everything below the top 4 are irrelevant, so good.
Parvati can be pretty much any class. Ishtar fits best as an Archer.
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>Hoarding for Lancer Arturia
>227 Quartz
>28 Tickets
>10 More coming
>All in all equivalent to 341 tickets.
>113 rolls. Probably a bit more by the time the gacha rolls about.
>Around 68% chances of a 5* in all.

I just want the gacha to come so it can put me out of my misery already, one way or the other.
He wasn't awful retarded faggot. Thanks to his shit stat curve, lack of mats to ascend skills and an awful non-damaging NP when people were creaming themselves for AoE NPs lead to the meme that Waver was bad.

Everyone slowly started to realize he was fine specially when they could compare him to an actual bad 5* caster like Tamamo.

Then DW made him broken with free NP bar for everyone.
event shop
Of course. If DW puts the work in and wants to, anyone can be good. Gil is amazing with just a few tweaks, Waver went from unassuming to a memetic support god, and I'm sure we'll get another huge transformation at some point.

Of course, they have to want to help the Servant in question not be shit, and I'm not sure if they'll be doing that for unpopular ones like Medb and Shirou
So you can sell it back on reddit?
His 2nd skill is still terrible for anything that isn't his NP, but he does even more damage than before with his 3rd skill, which is already good enough by itself. The NP gain is just an extra.
Isn't that 68% chance at any 5* though, not Lancer Arturia
Helena's a better team player though.

>our system thinks your post is spam
fuck off hiro
sent Da Vinci+ Vlad
>Altria (on milk)
Is that what the nips call Lancer?
Not during a rateup.
So correct me if i'm wrong but:
>gawain, gaheris, agravain and gareth+their half brother/sister mordred all became KoftR.
>All them basically told her mother to fuck off
>even mordred who just did everything because daddy issues and a curse put on her.
>gawain is an elitist smug bastard who'd kill his own sister
>agravain is woman hating nutter
>gareth sounds like the only normal knight
>gaheris is ???

What a fucked up family.
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I'm sorry, I like nobu too.
I was also crying on this thread about the lack of nobu during wonfes.
I never said that I didn't really like Helena or that she was particularly bad. It's just the gold orbs rarely happen and it's mixed results when they do. I'd rather get a limited 5* than a 4* I can get at any time.
go look up the polls again, he's the most popular male after Gil
Are they actually that unpopular though? I've seen a fair bit of Medb fanart around, and Shirou already has some fans from Apocrypha. Sure, neither are Gilgamesh-tier for popularity, but I wouldn't put them at the bottom either. I certainly wouldn't be surprised if we see at least an event with Medb (and Ireland in general) as the focus.
No, that's not the real one. This is Excalibur turned into an arm. It's not the real Airgetlam.
I don't think rate-up helps that much anon, definitely not even a 50% boost over the others
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>prize fig
Pretty sure Merlin turned Excalibur into the arm, and Bedivere just started calling it Airgetlam for much the same reason Arturia used Barrier of the Wind King.
wow bedi you chunni little fuck.
Who said anything about EMIYA?
Shirou actually has fantastic skills. He's just really hurt by his shitty NP. He can spam NPs like nobodies business due to his NP skill and NP gain, generates a decent amount of stars and can stun servants. If his NP was good, he'd be really good.
>Ireland event
>Medb focus
0% chance of that ever happening, bitch doesn't even have an interlude and America is long done with

Really, people should stop calling him Shirou given that we already have a much more popular character with that name. Two once they get the regular Shirou as a pseudo-servant.
I wouldn't even consider Astolfo as male for polls desu
The only fanart of her flying around isjust from 1 artist.
It's ok, I'm half-memeing, okita is cute. Still mad about no nobu figs though.
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Send help.

It's Da Vinci who identifies it as Airgetlam before Bedivere says anything.
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This is the new strongest Servant.
typical female master
He still invokes it as "Switch-On Airgetlam."

Granted, Kintoki's NPs seem to imply that you can invoke an NP under a different name at the cost of weakening it.
If we get an Ireland event it'll have Caster Scat welfare and Scat finally permajoining the gacha, fuck Medb.
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Wait and Hope, we will get one someday.

What is Gudako doing on the battlefield?
>an awful non-damaging NP
That NP was pretty bad though since the chance to apply each debuff was way too low making it as effective as the NP of some bronze servants.
>jobbed to Cursed Arm's Shaytan

Sucks because his NP actually looks pretty good.
>Nobu #071
How many nobus do you have?
Well, it was turned into a new NP. It's no longer Excalibur. Just like how Hector's spear isn't called Durandal.
They didn't THINK he was bad, he really was bad, because you couldn't ascend him high enough to unlock his ATK buff until the Halloween event.
Servants released during America;
Cu Alter
Li Shuwen
Billy the Kid

Servants from America with an Interlude:

I mean, are you claiming all of these servants will never get one?
Golden Rule last 3 turns and Gil has the stars and cards to make best use of it.
If Bedivere gets an NP interlude in the future, it would be really cool If the voice clips change to Switch-On/Dead-end Excalibur or something
Not really, while AoE NPs are meme tier it's not what's wrong with him is that his skills are all over the place.

Evasion is fine but he can't output enough stars even with his skill active so he is relegated by others who actually can. Magecraft only lasts one turn and should feel like his big moment but it really doesn't. You can pop it off with clairvoyance and do an arts brave chain and still doesn't feel like you accomplished much. Not in term of stars or NP gen.
If they were to do an Ireland event, I think a boar raid would be a decent choice. Have Saber Deermud as the welfare servant and rider Oisin as the gacha servant.
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Not enough.
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Superior dog wins again.
yes, just like Okita and Nobu aren't ever getting them

>Jeanne Alter first

I'm pretty sure that's not the only style I've seen (although it is the best by far). My point is claims of how unpopular she is seem to be widely exaggerated because the /fgog/ hivemind doesn't like Medb. Outside of this place, she's not actually too unpopular. The nips seem to like the fangirl over Cu thing Medb has.
Does Pierce Invulnerability also bypass Evasion?
Stars represent a chance to find an opening or weakness in the enemy's defense. (Quicks, in turn, are meant to represent feints and other such attacks to give those openings)
Instinct giving stars falls in line with its lore.
>ever getting an interlude
Golden Rule is also 50% at best. Gilgamesh even with low Golden Rule can fill the bar for 50% with a crits Art if it's the last card. Lancelot with a crits Arts should fill even more than a Golden Rule Lvl4 Gil and even more with an arts chain
Yes it does sadly.

Helps against her normal attacks though.

I wish I could roll Saber Lancelot. I'm so fucking jelly of everyone who has him.
Not that Shirou
Nobu is welfare, and Okita has literally no need for one. You can't seriously be arguing all but one of the servants introduced in America will be buried and never get an interlude.
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>Lily buff when
Now I wanna see Tristan vs Alcides.
>Roll FP trying to get Serenity
>Get Angry Manjew

Not sure if I should keep trying for her after getting the rarest servant in the game.
Already happen months ago.
She sucks,face ot senpai.
Why the hell does she even have vastly inferior stats compared to other 4* anyways?
1. Piercing
2. Invulnerability
3. Sure-Hit
4. Evasion

Each effect can bypass anything below it.
>literally no need for one
Yeah I forgot more plot and explanation about their character or interactions was something that requires a "need"

What's wrong with having fucking quartz interludes for just story and talk with the master
Free pre-registration 4*, can't let her be stronger than servants you gotta whale for to get!
Valid, but all the same not my point. I'm talking about Noble Phantasm interludes mainly (even Edison doesn't have one of those), Okita doesn't need an improved NP.
So basically, Arturia Lancer was given an NP which is super-effective against the player, but completely useless against anything but a theoretical XP hand that can pop invulnerability once per round?
Just start screaming UNRIVALED as you roll
Lily can't be equal or stronger than Alter. That's just blasphemy.
Why? I rolled him by accident and he'll just be a 4* that takes forever to max because I can't be fucked to farm for medals
Which is part of the reason why her Alter version is better.
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Nobu a CUTE.
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>What's wrong with having fucking quartz interludes for just story and talk with the master

Please don't remind me how Siegfried already have 2 fucking quartz interlude when his NP still stuck at 300% since launch
Or incredibly rare dodge-spamming Archers.
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Well in light of these two >>150250156 >>150250198 the real silver arm is just that.

Now some head cannon shit.

Some people have theorized that Excalibur is Claimh solias and vice verse or rather claimh is the original.
The stories and the line about how in excalibur's first fight it shone like 30 torches.
essentially it would gram vs caliburn.
caliburn can't win.

Or maybe they're just similar swords but, hell nasu will do it and you know he will and then he'll be thinking to himself how hot shit he is because he read the wiki.
>Swimsuit event Details on the 6th
Nothing has fucking said that you EOPs
Because she probably pre-exists the concept of welfares. She's the only one that changes cards too for that reason. They made her as a promotional item long before they started giving out welfare 4*, so they balanced her to be a 3* thinking that 4* stats would be too much.

They've never altered stuff like Servant stats or NP type before, which is why I'm rather pessimistic about her, Emiya, Seigfried or Stheno ever getting better. Well, Stheno could be salvageable if they just add a fuckton of debuffs to her NP to turn her into a single-target Asterios, but the pointless Buster type will stick.
If you keep posting this in every thread, you'll trick someone eventually.
They fucking did, you illiterate fuckface.
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Best papa

Will do, I used 100 quartz in the Camelot gacha and I didn't get him.


We will probably get medals in the upcoming events, hopefully.
Robin Hood is a title like the Hassans right? Still waiting for Robin of Locksley or a female Robin (version of Maid Marian?)
Yes literally anyone can be Robin Hood by putting on the green hood and call themselves Robin Hood.
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Why is Mordred a best?
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This man just comes by and slaps your waifu's ass. What do you do?

Remember he is the strongest Servant to date, stronger than even Solomon.
Can't fool me
3rd Card Arts with first card Arts
Np gain*np gain boost*card np gain*n hits*crit
Gil 0.34*1.5*7*5*2=35.7+20 of Arts chain=55.7 NP bar, 56 showed
Zerkerlot 0.5*2*7*2*2=28+20 of Arts chain=48 NP bar
The boost of the skill is good, but it still doesn't do much
Nine Worthies event when
If they give EMIYA's Arts buff an equal NP damage or Buster damage buff, that would help him immensely.
poison him
I slap his ass.
The other shirou is even worse.

AoE meme on a undesirable class for offense with no support from his skills and crap attack.

I used 200 quartz and 15 tickets to get him.
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Me too anon, I've been waiting for almost a year to get him.

>His rate up only lasted 5 days.

Fuck this bullshit.
Throw sand at his eyes.
>strongest servant
>canonically killed by CA Hassan
yeah sure
because she is an interesting character and NOT a shitter
NP gain is not per hit. It's flat.
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Don't open this.
Won't he die if my waifu is Serenity
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Eat him
So everyone like to wank over the most powerful servant, but let's pose this question: Who is the most ''useful'' Servant? That is to say, which Servant is both powerful, enough so that they stand a feasible chance at winning the war, but also has a low enough consumption of prana that they wouldn't just break you? Further, they would have to be the type loyal enough not to just outright murder their Master.

Right off the bat, we can rule out most of the Berserker class, especially Herakles and Memelot. You really can't rely on Gil save very specific cases, so he's probably out of the running. Karna is a fucking mana sink, and Arjuna likely is too.

I'd bet Cu Chulainn personally. Maybe Cursed Arm or one of of the other Hassans, if you were willing to get a bit dirty.
My waifu is a Saber. I ain't gotta do shit. She'll slice this fool to ribbons and we'll get back to our picnic.
Is Robin's Golden Rule E even worth leveling? Leveling any E rank skill always feels painful, especially one like Golden Rule.
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Because she's got a cute design, an interesting characterization, is a great unit, and I like her fashion sense
>skill 2
>Increase mental debuff resist by 50%
>skill 3
>increase debuff resist by 50%
Why does the bad effect on his skills increase instead of the NP charge and the defence buff?
Release the demon sealed in my right arm
>NP gain is not per hit
Didn't you charge faster the more you hit like Jack's Quick?
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What gold servants have you gotten so far during FGO's anniversary, /fgog/?
>Archer Redmeme
And that's across 3 accounts

I'd level it until level 4 and leave it at that.
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Tell my waifu to speedblitz him
the normal cursed arm won't work, he has B rank magic resistance, he'd need to unleash the Shaytan, but that'd also kill him in the process. Fuck, fate work with CA Hassan as the main servant fucking when
The more you hit is for stars, not NP gain as far as I know.
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Can I be Robin Hood? The real DC universe Robin Hood kinda sucks.

also don't level bedivere skills, waste of mats
Isn't Tristan really fucking shit when you think about it? All you got to do is put on earplugs and none of his attacks can fucking do anything to you.
>low consumption of prana
literally the entire caster class
>feasible chance at winning the war
Sanzou or Medea
Sanzou it is
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Rolled the Anniversary paid gacha and got the Berserker I wanted, and have 200 free quartz saved up to roll for Swimsuits and the Okeanos gacha

I'm waiting for America boost day for Edison.
Were 10 rolls always 30 quartz?
I got em all to 6 to reduce the cooldown, I'm not going any higher and wasting the precious chains and badges.
Np gain is per hit too, good Luck charging NP bars without Arts chain and NP gauge skills if it wasn't
pls be bait pls be bait pls be bait
you can't be that stupid right?

Da Vinci x2
>stronger than Saber Alter who is stronger than Saber durin life
She is fucked fampai.
>>gawain is an elitist smug bastard who'd kill his own sister

Again, you're misinterpreting this poorly.
Li Shuwen
Then you don't know much. NP gain is balanced based on the arts card and that's why servants with more quick hits than arts can charge their NP quickly with quick hits.
what? they always do that in films against attack with sound.
are you telling me that you know more than films?
The fuck? Of course it's per hit. Why do you think servants with more hits have a lower NP gain modifier?
Just got Vlad from the paid gacha. Will he do well on my Nero bride/Artemis/Waver arts team?
If he attacks you with sound, not being able to hear the sound means his attacks will do nothing to you.
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Hypothetically, if Shirou ended up being a welfare 4* introduced along Rin and Sakura, how would you design him to avoid the fiasco that is Archer? What class and skills?
>cursed arm hassan is now strongest servant
Da Vinci
>hey guys just got this guy famous for only being useful with this specific team
>will he do well with that specific team hehehe
NP gain is calculated per hit, but usually the per hit value is balanced around number of hits in a servant's arts attack animation. This is why servants like Okita and Jack have ridiculous NP gain on AQQ, and why Carmilla was indirectly buffed to the point of being broken after the caster animation changes.
Arts NP

He's not though, he was just the strongest that they meet in that order. With grail boost which made him absolutely ruthless and incredibly deadly. He has a bow that can't miss, of course he'd be considered dangerous.
Yes, extremely well in fact.
He's a guaranteed 5* anon, don't be stupid.
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>Martha NP5
Medea is likely the most versatile Servant to have especially if you don't know what you're doing, and it doesn't seem like she'd be disloyal provided you're not a blatant cunt. You can at least trust her to stick to the mission and not get caught in fanciful fight on a whim, plus she'd be good at making up for weaknesses.
>he was just the strongest that they meet in that order
>stronger than Ozzy who was previously the strongest Servant to date
Same fucking shit.
>low prana cost
That's literally Cu
>Da Vinci
>two dupes of Frankenstein
NR is good enough for me. I never had problems with cute little girls that aren't completely spoiled kids.

But as a general safe bet, Gawain, Karna and Cu are all probably some of best servants for anyone. All of them will follow orders and are high tier in most HGW.
Archer is the single most popular male character the entire company has and they made him a 4*. Shirou's my favorite character, but he's not that whaleable.
Someone post Sherlock.
Im still mad I left the game when the 5th evo started coming out.
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First CE that modifies a Servant's skills, giving them access to a set of Shirou's and a second NP bar for his own NP.
poison his water.
Ozzy isn't the best though. He gets counted by several servants. You really just need to be able to destroy his temple. And like I said, he was dangerous because of a grail boost that made him stronger and made his personality more keen on violence.
>He's not though, he was just the strongest that they meet in that order.

He wasnt, not even close. It's just people misinterpreting and shit posting for now. He wasn't the strongest servant in the entire order, he was just the first "gifted" knight we come across. Lancer Arthuria was the strongest in the order by a league or two.
That's because the game was just starting.

Medea, Medusa and Cu ended up as 3*.

Everything else I got are shitty gold CEs. So i'm just waiting for those 10 gold tickets to get more shitty CEs with them.
Has anyone screencapped the Ruler card in the summon screen? Didn't take one when I got Jannu and I'll probably never see it again.
Sorry, I meant up to that point.
Except you're forgetting the part where the Caster class can't do shit to most of the Knight-class servants. Medea is one of the most powerful Casters, and she still wasn't powerful enough to best EMIYA, let alone harm Saber without using Rule Breaker on Shirou. Her Luck isn't exactly great either, so you can't rely on that.

You might have a point with Sanzou though. She has an EX-Rank Luck, doesn't she? That just has "Protagonist" written all over it. So she might be a good one.

Same as the above. She never really had a shot at winning the Holy Grail War.

What makes him more effective than, say, Cu Chulainn though? His skill set is certainly lower down, and then you have his Noble Phantasm. Or, rather, the lack of one.

Karna is the absolute worst Servant for anyone to have except for any incredibly powerful mage. Someone like Cornelius Alba might be able to maintain him. Might. Gawain might be pretty nice though. I doubt he can really spam his NP, though. Numeral of the Saint might make up for that, though. It might even be enough to let him beat someone like Heracles if they met at the right time.
Cu probably also Hassan or really most casters are good picks if your not going for the direct approach

Fuck the paid Gacha, I wanted literally any of the Casters or Riders
Dendera is the "battery" of the temple, right? What would happen if one were to destroy it?
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Here you go, lazy NEET
>he was just the strongest that they meet in that order.
>1/3 of the Order story
>still doesn't meet Lancer Arthuria and King Hassan

Stop memeing
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Did you already have Jack or something? She's great in a big way.
Zhuge Liang maybe. You don't even need to come up with strategies with him around.
BAAAQ Saber with Nine Lives Blade Works (Arts)
Li Shuwen kills everyone in one hit if they don't have some Karna tier shit and is basically invisible to all but a handful of servants

He's also better at killing masters than Cu
I meant up to that point. I know I didn't say that, and that's because I forgot to. I'm not memeing, I just forgot.
>Medea is one of the most powerful Casters
She a low tier servant and the weakest in the 5th war
I meant in the actual summon but probably no one has one anyway. This is still gud, thanks anon
To elaborate, his NP is incredibly efficient, dude knows about ambush tactics and how to maximize his potential and is quite friendly.

Dude doesn't have MR, so that's a bit of a problem but overall he'd do well against most Servants.
>Ozzy isn't the best though
>fought 4 top tier with no Master and almost won
>Dendera required EXcalibur (still sealed but should be as strong as Arturia's) and Stella (as strong as Goddess of Rhon) to be defeated
>required Paracelsus to even be able to use those 2 NPs
And he can still drop the entire temple on your head and fuck your shit up with Tentirys and fire beams with Mesektet.

>Lancer Arthuria was the strongest in the order by a league or two
You mean King Hassan, but yeah Lancer Arturia is stronger than Tristan. Tristan is still stronger than non Divine Spirits or Grands though.
>NR is good enough
This, if a dead little girl with no mana could handle NR and Jabberwocky, I'm pretty sure anyone can.
And since most people are not dead, mana transfer is always an option.
Arjuna and Liz from the paid gacha
>What makes him more effective than, say, Cu Chulainn though? His skill set is certainly lower down, and then you have his Noble Phantasm. Or, rather, the lack of one.
As seen in Extra, servants cannot detect Li at all. That would be his main advantage over Cu. Also no second strike, while not being an instant kill, can be a death sentence for a servant unless drastic measures are taken.
Could explode, could just die. Who knows? It was snuffed out with sufficient force, so if you can blow it up, it might just die.
>And like I said, he was dangerous because of a grail boost that made him stronger
Except that's entirely your headcanon, and as all headcanon, it is irrelevant and ignored.
I didn't, and I know it's silly to be upset at getting a good Servant, but I have no good Casters other than Medea and Liz and Hans' low health is starting to be a problem
>tristan powerlevel shitposting
This smells of jetfag trying to ruin other knights so memealot looks better
Holmes would be ashamed of your detective skills.
You'll never want to see it again.

Leveling Jeanne's NP is the biggest waste of time and getting another Jannu is akin to a wasted summon.

So if you do see it again it will mean you either got a worthless Jeanne dupe or even worse - Shirou.
MR is a really important skill to have without it you'd loss instantly against some servants
Last part of >>150254261 was for you
Da Vinci is a mistake.
Its not a waste if you like the servant.

I'd rather get a dupe Jeanne for NP3 than get a 5* I'll never use like Waver or Arturia.
Same account. No Gil CE. Fuck me.
Whore is a good mommy
Because it is he even mentioned Gawain being weaker despite him not appearing till after Tristan also he doesn't know that Tristan weakness have been reversed
>He got Nightingale
>He's mad about it
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>if I can roll a 5* Caster I'll have a 5* of every class
The temptation to roll at random is strong
The main idea is to keep undercover.
Plus, you could probably give him a sniper rifle and it'd work.
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You're a mistake, nobody likes you.
It's an understandable reaction. I'm still sitting at zero gold Lancers, so I could see myself getting pretty pissed off if I rolled Knights and got Orion or something.
Gift-boosted Knights are just story power-creep.

By the time we get to Babylon the Servants there will be wanked to be "strongest Servant we've ever met" status instead.
Stop hyping everything up you cocksucker
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I just fucking wanted a CE, I would give up all of those golds for it
Of course she even sleeps with Jack naked
> She a low tier servant and the weakest in the 5th war
That's exactly my point. The class system was not meant to be balanced, if you recall. The idea was that the three families would use the Knight classes, and the outsiders would use the (presumably) inferior Cavalry classes.

The problem I can see is him not being able to hurt a lot of them. His attacks would be pretty much useless against any decent Saber (such as Arturia, with her skill-set and decent Luck), for one. And for the exact reason you proposed, even Medea or another Caster would have a shot at him.

I can see what you're getting at. Yeah, he'd be pretty good. The lack of anything for his Mana stat would make me scared at the prospect of dealing with the higher-tier Servants, though.

I can see it. It's hard to know without being able to see the mana expenditure from his NP though. It comes off as pretty flashy in game, but that's a pretty big difference from lore. It's higher ranked than Gae Bolg, though, which makes it a lot more useful against the super-servants.

Considering the list of servants we're expecting for Babylon, that may be accurate, though.
>no Master
Fuck off with this misinformation his master died in the last 5 seconds of the fight
Orion's still better than rolling the 5* Lancers available in Knights.

Well maybe Karna's not so bad.
>Gift-boosted Knights
There is no "boost" for anybody except the shitter called Mordred.
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This. Powerlevels are a joke not meant to be taken as 100% consistant. There will always be someone stronger as the story goes on, so whats the point of discussing that trash?
Wow, lewd
Training Jack on how to please women
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>Fuuma's blush when you ascend him
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True just saying its a under appreciated skill when things like a simple charm skill would fuck you over without it.
Shemale specifically points out the gift and says we're out of our league.
Karna's a good unit who could be great with an NP interlude.
It's just weird that mythical demigods from a far off age are weaker than Round Table knights as Servants. What happened to things being stronger the older they are?
are you bored anon?
go back to farming xp hands
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That'd be the one I wanted, and would gladly settle for Lancer Alter if it had to be a for. I already did my paid roll, though, and got what I wanted.
Well, for example, I believe Billy would work great with Kerry. While it's true that some servants can no-sell, you can just target the Master in those cases. This is a guy with superhuman marksmanship and a fast-firing ranged weapon. A Servant that's too busy protecting their Master is a Servant that can't go on the offensive. At that point it becomes a game of attrition, in where he'd have the advantage.

I don't think he's the absolute stomper or anything, but with good tactics he'd have a good shot at it.
t. waifufag

What? You rather discuss MUH BOOBS AND ASS, which grill is best (entirely subjective and brings even more shitposting, see /a/) and how those girls cuck you?
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>Medb has been referred as the mother of many soldiers, but it is not like she actually gives birth to those soldiers. After taking in the genetic information of warriors, she reproduces those inside her body.
>After taking in the genetic information of warriors
What did she mean by this?
>he thinks no other ruler will be released
Yeah but I'm assuming they'd be doing their best to avoid detection. Ambush tactics.

Man whoever added the pregnant belly had no idea of perspective.
Nasu specifically points out what the gift did for each knight and Tristan got no "boost".
>giving birth to soldiers in their adult form
her pussy must be so huge now
Blood, semen.
>Servant's stats depend on the Master
>Since Godturia summoned the knights, she's their Master
>Godturia = grail-level entity
>All the knights actually get a power boost, gift or not

>Extra Rin
Donate semen to queen, get cloned via erotic magic.
>Collect some blood from an enemy servant by going to the site of a battle after it has already happened
>Give it to Medb
>She creates inferior "offspring" versions and makes an army out of them
is this how this ability works?
>he didn't read Apocrypha Materials
Arturia era was the cream of the crop era.
Yes he did. It might not be a straight power boost like Mordred's, but it certainly made him more dangerous.
I'm still waiting for my account information to be sent back to me...

Good point. Kerry was actually competent, though. I doubt anyone here is capable of doing half of the shit that he did. I know I couldn't get easy access to explosives.

Kerry would be a great Servant if you could actually summon him.
are you gay? faggot
>What happened to things being stronger the older they are?

It was never an absolute rule, it was just a general rule, and its still true. Generally the older you go back the stronger things are. However there are various ages in history when strong people still converged.

You can have people from 0 BC that are completely stronger than random farmers from 1000 BC.

Anomalies are born in every age however, you can have someone randomly as strong as people were 500 years ago in the current era. This is also a point made in both F/SN and Tsukihime; namely that miracles/freaks happen, don't worry about it.

Kouma is some random super potential born for no reason, Ciel was some random super potential born for no special reason, Sacchin was some rare super potential born for no real reason, and Shiki was bred to be super potential. Outliers exist with any rule in Nasuverse, the system is more about general guidelines rather than absolutes.
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Tanky single-target Caster since there's just Sanzou for that yet.

For skills:
-Steel determination like Dantes
-Some form of invulnerability. Either a Rho Aias like Mashu's skill, or something based on the sword armor skin that decreases HP in return for 1-turn invulnerability like Jeanne Alter's.
-Maybe Strengthening E to work as a low Charisma.
No, all he says is why they got the Gift. There's nothing specific about what it does. Da Vinci says watch out for his Gift because we'll die instantly, saying this motherfucker's the strongest we've faced.
This game is one chapter away from being done for good and shutting down servers. They most likely won't be adding another Ruler before then.
It's a Better tactic than saber I'm going to run into caster base with no plan and low mana.
Just going to keep forgetting the reversed weakness aren't you.
No, I am in fact an ass man but Extra Rin a shit
>he thinks Nasu cares about that garbage when a fucking no name chink wipes the floor with Beowful, not even getting scratched
>and bangs Scathach too
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>Being done for good and shutting down servers
>Still no Cu lancer
>Still no Billy
>Still no Fuuma Kotarou

At this rate I want to roll the quartz gacha for the 3* servants more than anything else.

3* CE can go automatically burn themselves for all I care. Even getting good old Gilles feels better than getting one more fucking Mapo Tofu.
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i regret starting both of these memes
Anyone have the new weekly quests translated at hand? I read the translation last night before sleeping but forgot part of it. Was it like, killing 3 roman servants, 3 lawful servants, 3 chaotic servants or something to that degree?

>This retard bait again when official sources already stated the contrary
Fuck off already
>No, all he says is why they got the Gift.
You didn't read then. There is a name for each gift and the description of their effects.

>Da Vinci says
Yeah because Tristan is now a crazy motherfucker that will enjoy destroying you. Him being the strongest is unrelated to the gift.
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>>Being done for good and shutting down servers
Ryougi is the best example of that, along with Manaka. Anyone with a direct connection to the Root is potentially game-breaking. [ ] may only be able to fight a Servant defensively as a combatant, but if what she's said is true, she could also just rewrite human evolution so there were never any Heroic Spirits in the first place. That just doesn't interest her.
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Extra Sakura has nice butt at least

Sakura's butt always was underrated, because people think one is the ass girl and one is the tit girl.

I don't know if Arthur is slowly moving into being the armpit girl at this point.
Now you suffer with the rest of us for your sin.
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Kill 5/10 Servants
Kill 3 Roman Servants
Kill 3 Divine Servants
Kill 3 Lawful Servants
Kill 3 Chaotic Servants

I'm waiting for tomorrow's dailies since Romulus is Roman/Chaotic and Cu is Divine/Lawful
>Him being the strongest is unrelated to the gift.
>Specifically mentions its because of the gift
>and to watch out for him because of the gift
I still think his old NP animation was better
Again, there is literally nothing about what they do. He describes why Lion King granted them to the knights, matching their wish or using her own judgement.
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Oh, I was close then

Makes me wonder how many sets of these weekly quests there are and whether it is worth putting down an "optimal place to do weekly" guide
Is he so pale because of his cocaine addiction?
All we're getting is a single quartz, so there's not really any reason to go out of the way to complete them.
>and to watch out for him because of the gift
Because he is a sadistic crazy bitch now thanks to the gift. Do you want a slow and painful death? Go ahead and face him then.

>Specifically mentions its because of the gift
She didn't mention no gift when she said he was the strongest.
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Will we get more events like this for Swimsuits do you think?
If you have Memeserker and Mata Hari you can finish almost all of that with their skill quests.

Then do a rome quest 3 times.
See this is fantastic because extra sakura was an improvement of every aspcet of sakura
If the war goes long enough that ability of Medb can and most likely will be a gamebreaker. Mix in that EX-rank luck of hers and she shouldn't face any major problems collecting the genetic material of the other servants so long as the Master is not a blithering retard
What, really? When did they say that?
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Armpits are a dangerous culture.

Starts off with you seeing one you enjoy, and suddenly you're deviant. Ass and tits are normal things to enjoy, but armpit is a dangerous road.
>there is literally nothing about what they do
Repeating that won't make it true. There is no buff, stop being delusional.
One quartz is still one quartz
If the game runs another year, that's 50+ extra quartz and that is assuming there will never be any other purpose for fragments
Don't forget though, Medb wants her master to be brave and shit.

If you just slink around like a coward I bet she would betray you to be around one of the other servants or more glamorous masters.
Justice Jacket with Crane Wings as single target NP.
She says we're going to die if he sees us. That's due to the power of the gift. Because we'll be instaded, he's the strongest we've seen, so the gift is the main purpose we'll die and the main purpose he's strong.
Doesn't that technically make [ ] and Manaka the absolute top tier in Nasuverse if they decided to abuse Root powers. Since everything is hinged on it and nothing is outside its influence. They could literally decide fuck everything this immediately disappears doesn't matter if you're a Type, Grand Servant, or what have you?
Fuck off.
Yes, but at the same time their existence is defined by "nothingness", so they wouldn't give enough fucks to do such a thing.
She does still say that he's stronger than any other Servant you've encountered to date.
Would Master Missions be better if they were daily instead of weekly?
So who else is keeping 1* and 2* servants that they roll now thanks to the upgrade in space?
>spending AP on strengthening when dailies are half off
I can wait
why was Holmes talking a lot about Roman?
Then please show where Nasu says anything about the effects of the gifts, because you're talking out your ass there.
I just noticed that Mashu is crying in the pic.
It makes it even better.
Da Vinci
NP2 Emiya
Were you seriously not doing that before?
I wish powerlevel shitposting was defined by nothingness
As a new player, which day of the anniversary gacha is the best day to roll? I'm thinking France, Okeanos, and London look cool, but does anyone have any recommendations?
>getting rid of them in the first place
How about you fuck off, homo?
Well you could potentially get a lot more quartz but making them daily could end up making it hard for you to do anything else other than them because of limited AP.
Sorry, misunderstood what you meant. Ignore >>150256567
Why would I keep useless servants I didn't care about when you have to spend quartz to expand space?

You are going to do strengthening either way so it is just killing two birds with one stone.
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>Ass and tits are normal things to enjoy, but armpit is a dangerous road.

It's true.
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Why is Emiya on Nero's team in Extella?
It doesn't seem like she would support him killing the weak and down trodden for some greater good. She loves people and humanity.
Again, nice headcanon, but Nasu mentions no buff at all.
Her having a charm skill is pretty bad for you too hope you have good MR
I wonder if Medb comes pre-installed with Fergus soldiers

Imagine if she got the blood of someone like Karna or Herc
>This game is one chapter away from being done for good and shutting down servers.

Not really

>I’d like to ask about the end of that one-year span, once we’ve sprinted past Chapter 7. Please tell us about the future of the game once all seven chapters are released.

>Nasu: To tell you the truth, the original plan for FGO was to have it be a two-part story. I wrote the settings and backstories while dreaming sweet dreams like, “If this game becomes popular…” This hasn’t changed since Fate/EXTRA’s inception. So if players keep on supporting us and the game keeps on going, we have plans for what comes after. Honestly, working on FGO is incredibly fun, if only I didn’t have any other work on the side. Unfortunately I can’t just keep on focusing on FGO since I have other titles that I have to work on, and it’s a lot of hard work to find the right balance. Right now, the only thing I can say is that we do have plans for what comes after.
>Da Vinci doesn't even come along on previous Order
>somehow her hyped sentence is taken as solid evidence now

What so special about this hoe again?
roll for your favorites faggot, there's no way you're playing this for gameplay

I kept every single new servant I rolled and used quartz to increase my space if I ever ran out, thanks to this anniversary, I lost nothing
Indeed, but as it's bieng said to the point of almost being asinine, there is that fine line between being brave, alive and victorious and reckless, defeated and dead.
That's where the "not being a blithering retard" part comes into play.
None of them, its all bait gatcha. Wait for the announcement on the 6th.
I don't think they'd be able to affect Types or Gaia. Sure, they can rework the laws of physics but don't Types come with their own Reality Marble?
Because after the first time you saw that some Servants increase drops during events or had special uses, I would've thought you'd start holding on to one of each just in case.
EMIYA doesn't kill the weak. He kills indiscriminately to ensure humanity's survival regardless of strength.
You must be unbelievably retarded if you were not doing that before.

7 quartz a week extra for spending most of your AP doing the daily quests seems like an okay trade
> implying HA doesn't clearly show that Sakura is the best choice for Shirou

Manaka was considered more dangerous than Arthur for a reason. However, she is still not as close to the Root as a completely void person, and not as powerful.

[] is even closer to the Root than her, but less dangerous because of her being the embodiment of not giving a shit, combined with the fact that Mikiya, the only person she would act for, doesn't either.
Nasu mentions nothing about the gifts, so you're trying to equate that to meaning that there's no buff. Seriously, all he gives is a half-sentence summary of the motivation behind each gift. Stop talking out your ass.
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>Robin takes 32 dust per skill
>Jekyll takes 20 dust and 16 fetuses per skill

Just fuck me up DW.
Anything after Okeanos, France runs the risk of getting Siegfried or either Gilles. Okeanos has Pirate Sluts, Drake and Medea Lily, London has Nursery Rhyme, Mordred, Lancer Alter, Frankenstein and Tesla and America has Cu Alter, Nightingale, Medb, Li Shuwen, Rama, Helena and Edison.
Doesn't mean they're going to continue it as FGO. They'll probably shut it down and make a sequel. See: Squeenix and Million Arthur
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>If the Master is a brave man who measures up to her, it is probable that Medb will lavishly slap her love onto him with all her energies, without minding public attention. Sternly, relentlessly, just like the whip she holds.

>By wounding the tip of her index finger with a blade and having that blood fall on the ground, what was no more than a single drop becomes a great puddle of blood and soldiers are "manufactured" along with the blood foam. Medb is literally the "Queen" and ruler of nameless soldiers.
Fuck off newshitter
Poor you

Look up how many bones Altera needs.
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Guan Yu 5* when lads?
The Root trumps everything since it contains literally everything. It's the closest thing to absolute Abraham God in the multiverse. Just that it's a "place" rather than a supposed personable entity.

Reality Marbles are part of the Root since the Root holds all existence. But nobody has seen the extent of Root connected individuals abusing said abilities since they don't really care to do so.
Da Vinci makes a lot of wild theories while she's around in Camelot. Not all of them are correct.
Real Sakura is better in every way.
>Nasu mentions nothing about the gifts,
He mentions the gifts and their effects.

>Stop talking out your ass
Says the one who keeps memeing about the gifts being boosts when all he has to his stupid argument is mental gymnastics.
>Destroy your fanbase and try to bait them with a sequel instead of making tons of more money

Sony and Aniplex are never going to go for that. Ever.
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>Tristan was so saddened by the situation that he blinded himself to escape reality, because he can't kill himself because he's a knight
>still, he followed his King
>Lion King gave him the "opposite day" Gift to make up for his inability to fight due to Tristan being unable to overcome the whole situation (he couldn't even move his fingers) and what they were going to do

Tristan ;_;

And I wonder when we'll get a proper Tristan.
alright 5* and 2 good 4*
complete garbage
alright 5*
1 good 5* and 1 good 4*
2 alright 5* and 2 good 4*
1 amazing and 2 garbage 5*, the 4* are good too
Tamamo cat
3 mummei
>I can't just keep focusing on FGO

The game's days are numbered. Probably won't be around anymore by 2017.

So long and thanks for all the money, nerds.
DW needs to realize their silver mats are almost as rare as their gold ones.
all 1* and 2* are completely fucking useless so why keep shit like Spartacus when you'll roll them all the time regardless if you want them or not.

Fuck off this isn't France, they have no use.
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>had a dream where I accidentally rolled a 10 roll and got literally fuck all

I woke up immediately because it was way too real and I was scared I spent my last 30 quartz mid sleep
>tfw Fluffy won't get his 2nd interlude like other bronze Berserker since he already have 3 skills



Now watch this post get no reply
He kills those who are less useful. Therefore the weak. Even so killing indiscrimately seems like something she wouldn't agree with. Nero loves humanity and life. I can't even see her being okay with abortion.

So unless I've been playing since the start I'm fucked? Shit. I'm way behind. I don't play this often either.
Well, when your name means sadness, It's very hard to find happines.
But Squeenix made Record Keeper because everyone hated All the Bravest so hard it imploded. FGO is pretty popular with a big fanbase for an IP that people love, why would they poison the well by taking it down after a year and making everyone start over?
Her getting samples of servants of the Saber and Assassin class should be more than enough to go to work, as long as the minions get class skills.
>Tristan was so saddened by the situation that he blinded himself to escape reality
>if i keep my eyes closed i wont know what im doing
cutie ;)
>arrogant bastard
>unless you're liubei hes the biggest dick head of all time
no thanks.
For more money and more scams.
Right, I guess I got confused by it also being based off the Akashic Records so I thought it only dealt with things related to humanity.
>all 1* and 2* are completely fucking useless
>CA Hassan
yeah nah you're a faggot
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How mad would you be if Martha got a second Strengthening quest that improves her healing by another 500 points?
Places can be sentient too
Do we have confirmation the Root is isn't sentient but just a giant lazy piece of shit that never does anything
>mentions the gifts
>Their effects

There is not a thing about the effects. You can slightly infer what each gift does from the wishes of the knights, but we have no idea how that translates into abilities. We still have no idea what Lancelot's gift truly does outside of gameplay mechanics other than the vague notion that it should make him wiser and you'd have no way of knowing the specifics of Tristan's gift without the in-game explanation.
>all 1* and 2* are completely fucking useless

Andersen, Cursed Arm, and Arash are great
I would burn her.
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They could improve one of his existing skills like they did with Martha for some reason. God it'd be hilarious if she got a 2nd one this round because she still only has 2 skills.

Bones aren't a problem for me right now actually, thanks to the past few events. Dust on the other hand gets sniffed up like powdered crack.
It literally mentions no boost and only making him crazy. Besides that's a summary. The actual translation is in BL.
Add mozart to that list now. And Leonidas and George are pretty decent too.
I just want her to be good mayne
First servant
First Maxed servant
DW might be incompetent sometimes, but they're not that stupid. They've been learning and becoming better bit by bit over the last year, so I'm confident they'll do us right.
If you're a shitter who can't roll good cards then maybe.
Yeah, it was a coward thing to do, but killing himself seemed worse 2bh given the whole cavalry stuff and shit.
Isn't the one you summon not an asshole and the original Tristan?
>they have no use
>George and Leo still the best tank
>Andersen still better than most 4*
>Arash have the strongest AoE NP that almost on par with single target
>Teach is better than Martha

Fuck off newshitter
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>You will never see her reaction when you touch her face for the first time.
>There is not a thing about the effects
It literally mentions what all of them do.

>We still have no idea what Lancelot's gift truly does
Nasu's blog says it helped him made better judgements "as a human".
besides, 2*s are harder to roll than 3*s and 1*s
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>You will never eat Bediveres food
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>Sanzou's VA on Tokyo Encounter this month

I think komatsu is a really cute girl for voicing so many cute boys
She is definitely going to get it. There is no one else it can be.

Looking at the possibilities, the strengthening quest have exactly the right amount of slots so that they cover every single servant with two skills.

It will be Spartacus, Bloodaxe, Caligula, Martha, Stheno, Carmilla, Emiya, and Atalanta. You are delusional to think otherwise.
>Can still say DW is becoming better after the anniversary
>Blind like Tristan
No, that's what Lancelot wished for. That does not translate to the exact effect. Tristan wouldn't be able to fight, so she inverted him. From that single sentence, what exactly can you infer about that ability? Nothing. You'd have no way of knowing it turns him into a psycho or reverses his natural weaknesses.
Phantom is also pretty good at clearing waves of dragons while Sanson gets to play medic
Is it just me or is Nero's team in Extella just full of conflictong idealogies?
Hmm which of Robin's skills is worth leveling to 10 first? I already have Sabotage and May King at level 6.
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>He kills those who are less useful. Therefore the weak.
Nigga what. If he ever did kill weak people it would be because not doing so would cause even more people to die. He just dispenses justice regardless of the person or their position. If he could have it his way then he would just fight against bad guys and protect the innocent before they're hurt but it doesn't always work out that way. He may be jaded from being a CG but he's still got the heart of a seigi no mikata. If you're talking about killing the weak as his CG job then he absolutely hates it and considers it a personal hell.

wait... did they bring Sugita back?
How is this show? Is it basically just Sugita and Nakamura with a random guest seiyuu playing video games and talking about life?

Is it fun?
We don't have any confirmation one way or another, though the way the conversation was worded in KnK, it suggested that the Root and Void are one and the same, with her acting like a terminal by which the Root can interact with the world... if it can be arsed to.
Now I see how the citizens of Camelot could mistake Artoria for a man. Bedivere looks even more feminine than her, jesus.
>From that single sentence, what exactly can you infer about that ability
That he would have an inversion of personality. And he did. It's not that hard to understand anon.
With the change to his NP, having sabotage at level 10 makes it possible for you to constantly keep the poison on a target so you can NP at anytime without having to save it.
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I feel like they've done a good job, and I like the stuff they gave us. Onigashima was a fun event, the recent Servants are pretty cool, and we got our best free 4 Star in months in the form of Rider GOLD.

I'm sure they'll disappoint me again at some point, but for now, DW is alright with me.
I believe that The Swirl of the Root is only connected to The World, though. That is to say, Gaia. The TYPES act outside of the rules of Gaia as deathless beings. Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, for instance, would be useless against them, because they don't have a human concept of death.

That being said, [] would be able to alter anything within the context of the World. But not all worlds. So ORT or something similar wouldn't really be something that she could stand against, even if she cared to. It's the lack of caring that poses the biggest issue. If every TYPE in the solar system suddenly descended on the planet, she'd just say, "Oh" and not give a shit. Or, more appropriately, she'd be sleeping, and Shiki would just be staring at that shit wondering why the fuck she can't catch a break.

I doubt that they can do anything to Types. Really, the only things that can are weapons like Slash Emperor that physically destroy the target, and the Black Barrel.
It means he cannot work exclusively on FGO you piece of shit
That's why other orders are written by other people.

Please kill yourself immediately and with absolute certainty, your idiocy is going to get us all killed.
>got Ozzy instead of Medb
Fucking kill me, fuckkk
> Emiya
> two skills
> delusional
The backstory of the Helena dakimakura Nasu posted on his blog implies pretty heavily that the Root is universal.
He's always on it though isn't he?

I think last I watched was 35 or something and he was still there

yeah its pretty fun if you're into the VA's personality and stuff

Just watch the episodes with the VAs you life and its pretty funny

if anyone cares that's solomon/demon pillar, sanzou, david
stop posting Tristan
>becoming better

Gacha is still shit

Anniversary rewards were fucking nothing and worse than 300k downloads

We get 1 welfare per 3 months

More new random ascension mats for no reason
Sorry, I messed up there. But he is the only one of the gold Archers that is a main super popular character and is in desperate need of a strengthening. My point still stands.

I was thinking about that yeah, though I'm not sure if the 1 extra turn of downtime from skill level 6 to 10 is such a big deal in the long run. It's just that it hurts because Sabotage has such terrible scaling.
People that think they will shut down FGO and just make FGO2 and make everyone roll again all over are delusional and have no idea how businesses really work. At all.
Is this a new meme?
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But question is do you think Nero supports it or if her team is all mismatched people who don"t along like >>150257929

The more I think about it I don't see her getting along too well with him or Gawain. Maybe it's an intentionally bad matching for banter or something?
Wasn't their something about servants not getting any information from the root about vampires and even Gil couldn't see them with his future sight.
>1 welfare per 3 months
>Santa Alter
Perhaps the Root is universal but Void, as we know her, can only manipulate things related to the world as she knows it, since her frame of comprehension for her powers is fundamentally that of a human?
wait I measnt 39

where do you people watch tokyo encounter?
>Gacha is still shit
It's demonstrably less shit.

>Anniversary rewards were fucking nothing and worse than 300k downloads
20 rolls and a massive expansion of your inventory is fucking fantastic.
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ara ara maa maa~
Do we get to keep anything when the servers go down?
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Bedivere can be as manly as he wants to be. Don't bully him
Inversion how? Would it just make him brave and ready to fight or would it be 100% opposite day? Would you think it would also invert bodily flaws like weakness to poison? If all we had was that description, you'd have no fucking clue what this shit would specifically do. What does Gareth's do? Seemingly, it shouldn't allow for mental stress, but we clearly see that wasn't the case two paragraphs later.

The whole point is that you're trying to claim that those wishes are a 100% all-encompassing descriptions of what the gifts actually do. They aren't, and you can't just declare something about them from that.
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>Anniversary rewards were fucking nothing and worse than 300k downloads
I'm glad i'm not the only that thinks this.
what's nero's team
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3 Quartz economy, 30 quartz and 10 tickets for nothing, we'll probably get another welfare soon enough. Hell, we've got Swimsuits coming up, and we might get one there. Also a free boost to 300 box space. You can say they're still being shitty all you want, but these are objective improvements
Vampires can be Masters can't they?
Can fairy people?
Soulless husks?
I need to start shitposting at FGO's twitter from now on, so they'll eventually do some sort of thing I want.

What's a good way to say "(insert servant) when?"
your memories of the times you had with your servants
They'll give you a free ten roll and some tickets and exp cards to be carried over to the new game as 'thanks' for your support.
Nasu made him bully material in his blog, it is now canon.
>demonstrably less shit
>he thinks the 3 quartz shit fixes anything
wow enjoy even more shitty rolls

>20 rolls
that are all shit and probably won't even get you a 4*
I'd take 300 inventory space over a free 4* any day of the week.
>tfw got Ozzy during his rate-up
>No 5* Caster or Lancer
>can't even try the jew gacha because no credit card and not american

nono, what about that time they took him out of the show and only left Nakamura with some chick and the show became super boring... and I just noticed they DID translate all the episodes (which i'm downloading right now)
Kill yourself.
I want to buy quartz in order to roll for (blank)

One gem per hour usually, if it goes down repeatedly the gems go up by a lot.
Emiya. Nero. Gawain.
Don't forget the choose your 4* Welfare from the 300m campaign
Getting to pick from that same 4* list they had for 3M DL would be a fucking insult anyway, does anyone really want a fourth Stheno?
It's the same improvement as spraying febreeze on the pile of cowshit that has started to fester but refusing to actually clean it up
I want Frankenmoe to give me the guts of my enemies as a gift.
She's so cute.
I hate this artist for making characters look way more feminine than they are and then making everyone go on about how they're traps.
RaiohV get fucking out of my thread
It got me two 5*s on both my accounts though.
I really feel who ever the last person is will make or break the team
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You sound like the type to never by happy no matter what, anon. Why are you even playing this game?
Isn't there a Vampire Master in Strange/Fake?
fucking who
I was just saying that Tristan's gift wasn't that hard to decifer. It has to be something related to inversion. I'm going to give you a point in that Gareth's gift makes no fucking sense, along with Lancelot's. I think the problem lies in that the descriptions of the gifts are really vague.
Anon, Bedivere was made for bullying.
I don't hear the people who wound up with multiple Gold Servants complaining

Don't try to blame DW and shit on the whole campaign just because you have E Rank Luck.
I bet it's going yo be a comedy team.
Just seems like lots of arguing.Maybe they learn to get along?
The Ryougi family wanted to have a child with the Origin of []. The child should have died, as something with the Origin of [] has no reason to exist. They awakened her Origin, and allowed her to make some decisions. She looked at the World, and immediately deemed it to be boring, because fuck Gilgamesh and his "the world is my entertaining garden" bullshit. She decided go to sleep, and formed Shiki and SHIKI so the Ryougi clan got their split-personality perfect child.

The body which Shiki possesses is the body of the Void, with [] as the native non-person belonging to it, and Shiki/SHIKI the created yin-and-yang personas which live in it. Or lived, in the case of SHIKI.

It could be. Helena herself certainly thought so, but she's also Helena. If the Root is universal, then while I doubt it makes much of a difference for Manaka, it would certainly imply that [] is the most powerful existence in the Nasuverse. At least up until the point her bodies dies at the age of eighty or so and gets tossed in a graveyard with Mikiya.
I'm up to the part where Lancelot uses his NP on Arash despite him surviving, and Tristan confronts you.

Do you fight Tristan for the final three battles or the final two? I need to know because of his reversal bullshit I've heard about.
I'm moving to Europe soon, am I just not gonna be able to buy Quartz or something? You fags make it seem like literally everything is only possible if you live in America, is that why you hate us so much?
Given that Arc couldn't form a real contract with Len, elementals in general might not be able to; Vampires certainly can, because Jester is one.
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>on the slut's team

What did he do to deserve this treatment
My nigga
for waifu
I just checked 42 and he's still there

Are you sure its not just a part of an episode where sugita wasn't there for a few minutes? Since he's in every episode

its kind of stupid if they did do it since the chemistry between nakamrua and sugita is what keeps the show interesting
People on this general need to be educated about how terrible the game actually is.
Good luck on your crusade
Yeah I read that.
Master of Zralot I think.
He doesn't seem very vampirey.

I sure as shit don't have multiple hearts. Weird idea.
Pretending is useless, I know it's you
Only one guy has this overly specific retarded way of whining about the anniversary
>E rank luck
Wow I couldn't tap into a 1% or 3% pool with 20 fucking rolls more like B rank luck because that's fucking normal with how shit the rates are

Because I've come too far to just walk away and I still hold out hope that maybe one day this game won't be a dogshit scam that goes to the utmost extreme to jew every dime out of you when they could afford to be marginally more generous for how much fucking abuse they heaped on us this year
He's a Dead Apostle,

Vampires have circuits like magus, so they can be masters just fine. However unless its a DAA they're still likely to be weaker than their servants, even if it was just Assassin, which is why he was instantly killed by his servant.

Despite being killed though, he still lived.
>autistic potato

He deserve it.
2 rounds. Take Mashu along because Sabers still take double damage from him
How will you look back on this time in 2020 when the game is barely chugging along after Nasu gets bored of writing for it and we're getting One Piece Servants in a collab to barely keep the game afloat for another quarter.

We all recognize the problem

we just don't want to face it or do anything about it beside shitposting about it
>does anyone really want a fourth Stheno?
Her NP is so goddamn bad DW will overcompensate when buffing it like they did with Waver. She's going to end up being the best anti-male servant in the game by far.
No one else would yake him.
Nero is chill so she let him in.
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Yeah it seems more for banter but I don't see them actually hating each other. Their individual ideologies don't seem really against each. Nero doesn't seem like someone Gawain would want to follow, but outside of a regular GW where they're opponents I don't think he'd be outright hostile. EMIYA might just find her upbeat nature tiring and naive but I don't think he'd really hate her. This is just my speculation though and they could both turn on her when they see Arturia so we'll just have to wait and see.
Google play card money isn't converted and F/GO only takes yen and dollars, so you need to either have a credit card or live in america or japan
>He doesn't seem very vampirey.

DA's and DAA's aren't very vampirey in the conventional sense.
> He doesn't seem very vampirey
Have you read a list of the Dead Apostle Ancestors? That's kind of their shtick.

Tsukihime introduces the concept of vampires, how they work, and so forth, and process to show off not one, not two, not three, but four fucking vampires who all break those rules, along with your demon sister who has vampiric traits but isn't actually a vampire.
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>yfw the Chinese localised version of FGO have better rates and cheaper quartz than the jap version

Will you jump ship?
Yeah, but just because Emiya might like her doesn't mean she would agree with the kill everyone thing.
Paypal might not work (doesn't for me, anyway), so the safest option is a credit card.
Their pretty much alien zombies who mutate into pretty much anything.
Some of them are. Satsuki resembles a traditional vampire a lot before she gets the Reality Marble, and that one DAA Ortenrosse is supposed to exemplify pure vampire traits.

But then you get weird motherfuckers like Nrvnqsr or TATARI.
Or you just buy US google play cards and redeem them on an alt that supposedly lives in the us?
Don't forget that the forest is, too, a 'vampire'.
Roa, Arc, Sacchin and Ciel?
I live in switzerland and I can buy quartz just fine.
You just need to buy a japanese google play card

I mean i remember the new format was with some girl and she and nakamura were sitting in place and talking about games, and a cap of the show with nakamura thinking "i wish i could be playing vidya with my bro Sugita" or something
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Refresh me, memory m8.

I couldn't into Tsukihime. Rape is 180 for me. The story couldn't keep me early enough either.
>I couldn't into Tsukihime. Rape is 180 for me. The story couldn't keep me early enough either.
I guess you couldn't get into Fate either.
How would you do that outside the US without a credit card though?
I think the only normal vampire is sacchin and sion maybe arc
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This. I'm surprised that people still complain about this game and say they hate it. If they hate it them fucking leave. I actually enjoy this game. I didn't go into this game with high expectations so I wasn't disappointed.

Thats an opinion which I respect, but disagree with.

>Sunk cost fallacy
Just do yourself a favor and quit if it sucks. If you really must know if it gets better then just read the news about it.
You're thinking of Hecatoncheir, another TV show Nakamura did after Tokyo Encounter was over. It was Nakamura and Maaya Uchida. After it failed they went back to Tokyo Encounter.
buying google play card is more expensive than just straight up paying from paypal

T. switched google play account to japenese and had my paypal removed for too many refund denied
I can't quit because I'd lose my log-in bonuses and I'm not quitting until I actually roll a 5* just to prove that they exist
I'm tired.

I enjoyed it. Tsukihime just was not my thing. I don't like the MC either. Just not my thing.
Oh, right. I forgot about that and I guess Ciel doesn't count as a vampire anymore
Nero, Roa, Arc, and Sacchin. Though Ciel counts too, now that you mention it.

I'm just talking about the ones in the VN. The phenomenon, the forest, the crow, the four beasts, the wolf, the spider, the old man. The list is insane.

> I couldn't into Tsukihime.

Sacchin and Sion are not normal vampires at all, actually. Sacchin in particular breaks a lot of standard rules because she was exceptionally potent. And Arc is completely different from any other living vampire.
This. I don't wanna get on FGO and look at these servants and think of fucking boy pussy.
Give it another shot in 500 years when the remake comes out.
Of course not.

fuck China

oh man i'm just glad i wasn't losing my mind, and now i have a lot to watch
Why isn't there anything in the blank saint graph shop yet?
>Just do yourself a favor and quit if it sucks. If you really must know if it gets better then just read the news about it.

Doomposters don't actually play the game, they just read the news and come here to spread the doom.
Running a team with Mashu and Waver

I'm taking no damage, but I'm also doing pretty shit damage in turn.
I don't get what's so good sbout Tsikihime.
I really don't.
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As someone who just got into I have no honest idea how to make a good team comp. Are there any specific sort of team comps that I should go with? I don't have a handle on how characters synergy yet.
You can only refund if you use a credit card, and credit cards are something europeans just use a lot less than americans because we don't like going into crippling debt

>bored writing for a game where you can literally do whatever you want
After the first story concluded they can come up with literally whatever
And either way it's cheaper than in the US because your currency is worth more than ours. Just import a google play card
Well I don't see them having to face that situation in the Moon Cell. Their only opponents seem to Moon Cell creatures and other servants.
>Sacchin and Sion are not normal vampires at all, actually. Sacchin in particular breaks a lot of standard rules because she was exceptionally potent. And Arc is completely different from any other living vampire.
I meant they act and look like vampire when their bloodthirsty unlike the great and powerful forest vampire and bird vampire.
>canadian currency

literally paper with a drop of maple syrup on them
Is that required? I've never owned a credit card in my life and literally just made a google account based on some fake adress in the us and it's working just fine.
DW couldn't figure out how to do the retroactive saint graph thing right.
Throw a Berserker or any squishy heavy hitter there and you would.
Well, you have the rarest servant in the game. Just keep rolling and you'll be in good shape
I might, but Arc looks kinda shitty now.

Yeah but he still did all that. I just don't see how she would get past that and be friends with him.
>chinese localized
you mean
>chinese bootleg
They'll revamp it and make it more affordable

I hope
So what is your guess for 6th August reveal?
> Swimsuit event
> Prism Illya collab
> Apocrypha collab
> Fate/Extella collab
Did you roll only the FP Gacha and tutorial quartz? If so that's lucky as fuck
Excuuuuuse me this is an edit right
>tfw in crippling debt before I was even 18
>tfw American
Europe really seems like a sanctuary to me on paper, if I could even afford a plane ticket I would move there in a heartbeat
Synergy doesn't mean anything.

Just take your favorite servant of each class, level them up and bring them in when their class advantage is in the mission.
Depends on how you play the game

I keep grinding on Daily Quests with Herc and Mommy until I got to the level I was before I fucking forgot to backup my account

they have legally ported over but its not released it yet

Chinese niconico legally localised a shit ton of mobages
Turkey Handle event
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LoGH collab
It's official fanart.
Another big event coming up, that'll take a month or two to finally get here. Similar to Zero event which was also announced early.

CCC event most likely
I'd drop all of my quartz for Yang.
it's official art from Koyama
What currency do the cards you're buying have?
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My father was a crips and I barely escaped the street gang life, don't start talking about your life.
It's just as easy to be poor in europe as it is in america, but being poor in europe is not as bad as in america and generally, going into crippling debt is much, much, much harder in europe than america

The main improvement is that we don't have a national riffle association that grants a 40000% bonus to mass shootings spawning
You can just grab your favourites and play the game, it isn't that hard.
Swimsuits. We'll get Extella closer to release date and Prisma near the end of the season, if ever
are you a nigger?
I know that feel.
Speaking of vampires, the reason the Fate/Extra setting had a mana drought was because of them, right? I wonder what they were doing after the ritual succeeded, since humans still seemed to be dominant on Earth.
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>hating cute Bedivere
What is wrong with you faggots
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Normally you want Servants with the same or similar decks so you can do Buster/Arts/Quick chains often. You can disregard their deck if the utility they bring is worth it.
Considering all that will change is unreadable moon becoming unreadable chinese and possibly servants being voiced differently (or not at all)

I don't see why anyone would migrate
You don't need to be friends to fight together. Even then she may not agree with the methods but can see his intentions where for a greater good. At there very least she could see he isn't malicious. At least when he isn't trying to kill his younger self.
>Da Vinci
I need dusts, chains and fathers fuck.
I use a local website that lets you purchase cards for different countries and their associated currency. Never had any troubles with it.
Rarest? Who? Rarest good, or rarest I keep this as a trophy?

I rolled all the 100,000 FP I got from a login reward a day or two ago, but I did roll a some with crystal. Carmilla was from my first roll though.

I wasn't having problems, I just was expecting I would eventually have to min max to get ahead. You really can just fuck around?
Is this Black Jotaro?
I think it was one of the DAA the dark six or something
I guess.
Why would they have a CCC event at this time?
Out of curiosity, what Servants do The Streets like?
Yeah, I don't think I'll ever be rich, but I'd definitely rather be poor there than here.
Trophy, the avenger guy
Because we have four months until the last chapter of the game is released, at least from what I read here.
Free 4* of our choosing
>You can only refund if you use a credit card
This is also not true, I'm >>150259386 and I refunded a fuckton of purchases without a credit card.
Swimsuit first then Extella during November, Illya literally never ever because Aniplex won't allow it, Apocrypha event whenever.
Rarest as keep him as trophy, he's literally useless.

And yeah, for most of the game you can disregard team comp. Only in the latest chapter and some difficult events it makes a difference.
Anyone roll Gawain yet?
If so, how much did it take you and how many children did you sacrifice to the sun gods
Oh, okay. I was wondering why he didn't have any stars.
Niggers like Jojo, so it wouldn't surprise me if this was the reason for that haircut.
Prisma never, Kadokawa owns Prisma and DW is too jew to pay for a collab, which is why we've only been getting in-house 'collabs' instead of more fun things like Naruto or Pokemon cross-overs.
>but I did roll a some with crystal
Try saving as many as you can for when a servant you really want is having a rate-up.
>You really can just fuck around?
Most of the time, yes.
no kids.
Just my sister.
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It's better written than F/SN. Some people like Shiki better as a protagonist, though I suppose I'm guilty of being one of the few people autistic enough to relate to Shirou and genuinely like him.

I think I would have liked Saber more than the Tsukihime heroines if the Fate route wasn't as boring as it was, but because of the necessary exposition dumping, I'd say that the Tsukihime crew have the advantage over the F/SN crew in that regard. That being said, Shirou and Sakura go better together than any of the Tsukihime girls go well with Shiki. It's just a shame Sakura herself isn't the great.

I think I like the Heaven's Feel route overall more than most of the Tsukihime routes, but only when counting the closing act and certain fragments. The pacing for any of the Tsukihime routes is much better than the routes in F/SN. And in the end, I prefer KnK to either.

Maybe the "classic" vampire rules, I could see it. By Nasuverse standards, they're enormous outliers.

Considering that even vampires take advantage of magic, I'd say getting systematically eradicated by Arcueid.

> Arc looks kind a shitty now
Arc is fine.

Level Avenger to max. Make him your main servant. Be the man to build his team comp around him.

In all seriousness, Cu is your best friend.
If you're using paypal or a bank account already then you'll be fine, I don't have any of those things which is why I'm fucked
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>Naruto or Pokemon
>Arturia Pikachu
Please no. The world can't handle that much cashcow
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Golden, Ozy, Amakusa, Leonidas
But the money goes to your google wallet, not your bank account, so you technically still spent the money and no longer can spend it on non-appstore things

Take it from someone who is poor and lives on like 30 bucks for food and water in a month, try to be poor in a big city because if you're poor in the country-side, you will really hate it a lot.
>August 6th reveal
Official opening of the saint graph shop and free 10 blank saint graphs for everyone.
Persona, Madoka, Kizu, and Durararara are all viable crossovers.
There's going to be one more chapter after Babylon, and that's just for Part 1.
I would be so fucking happy.

I just rolled Manjew so I may have to choose Dantes so I can have a full Avenger team.
>just started
>Angra Mainyu
I hate you
A ritual in Alysberry fucked up which was supposed to revive the Dark Six. It went off like thirty years too early, and caused a polar shift because it really really fucked up. It wasn't supposed to do anything similar to that. Then mana started going down the drain for the next 60 years. Mana does still exist, but each year it weakens more and more with it never being replenished. Also I think a third of the overall population of the world died. Western Plutocracy took over during the power gap and gained control of most countries, aside from the Middle East and a few others.

You could mostly blame the vampires since they set up the ritual, but it was also a series of very situational fuck ups going as wrong as they possibly could.
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You know what? The Streets got good taste.
The Saint Graph doesn't have limited Servants.
Doesn't it matter what the parent company has the rights to? Basically, doesn't it ultimately matter what Sony and Aniplex have the rights to?
Stuff like that is probably not up to DW at all. They can most likely just put in a request for a license regarding the characters with Aniplex and Aniplex business people would either strike it down or try to negotiate a deal.
>Implying they'll put limited servants in the shop
>When everyone would just buy jeanne alter and scathach, making DW lose a lot of money that could be made from more event gachas
why would they do that after the jew gacha
Thanks, you too anon.
Yes, I play with my favorite and second favorite of each class, some of them being silver, bronze and gold. You don't need to min max at all in this game.

Just bring the enemy's weakness and thats it.
Is that's #9, then DW will have hit a grand slam in terms of public goodwill
Now that I think about it, he could use Manjew to kill Ruler Jannu Alter just for keks
Then in case probably Jack or a Arturia.
Don't mind that, just want Tamamo so I can be free for another 4 months (barring Alter-Egos)
>Considering that even vampires take advantage of magic, I'd say getting systematically eradicated by Arcueid.

I wonder if Gaia's weakening would affect Arcueid's abilities somehow. But we don't have a clear description of what Aylesbury Valesti does yet, do we?
>try to be poor in a big city
My friend who is in this exact situation said the same thing. Said there's so much shit to do for cheap as much as it is expensive shit, doesn't need a car because there's a shop for everything within a 10 minute walk of him etc. Would love this shit desu
Why do you think the jew gacha came first?
That'd be the perfect fucking time to do it

>Did everyone enjoy paying for a guaranteed 5* Servant? Great. Here's one for free.
>Pokemon Go will kill F/GO
Because despite their fuck-ups DW loves us.
I really don't get why Shitou is called autistic. Or why it's "autistic" to like him.
Seriously, rapeshit is just not okay with me. I couldn't get into the story or setting either. Same for KnK. Not my thing at all. I guess they just felt to grim or something? I don't know.

Also I'm a Shirou and Saberfag, Sakura is good too.
>I wonder if Gaia's weakening would affect Arcueid's abilities somehow
Seems like it
There's probably also the wishes of the creators to factor in as well and they could in theory deny a collab because they don't think it'd fit in. Really in general there are a lot of factors that go into a collab business side that normal people don't hear about and people think all that's involved is money.
GO is dead after the last update.
>Comparing these two
Fuck off
Two completely different size game audiences.
>after the recent patch killing footstep functionality and removing battery saver in IOS versions
>and them shutting down Pokevision
In your fucking dreams. Pokemon Go is dead, they pissed off literally everyone.
Grail Ascension
Three threads back I discussed at length why it makes sense to include it and what it would do
No, it won't let everyone reach level 100
What happened?
Pretty much this. Nasu never mentioned that chapter 7 would be the last chapter, and he used the words "Chapter 6 and later" to describe what would be coming up next.

I would expect Babylon to be late October and the finale to be at the end of the year, if they manage to keep to their deadline.
this actually sounds plausible
>1,5 star rating
I actually quit playing that.
Fuck pokemon being europe or asia exclusive, and FUCK different pojemon being across different states.
I like the excersise, but I won't travel cross country. I got sick of strange fat autists trying to be my friends at 3am on my nightly walks too.
Except that requires DelightWorks to actually have a speck of generosity inside of them
And most people wouldn't even be mad about it, that's the best and trolliest part.
Well I mean GO is a higher quality game than F/GO that's actually well thought out, so that's to be expected.
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Wrong pair of huge tiddies but I'll take em
I actually think that the wishes of the creators are not really an issue with a prisma collab, I really do think it comes down to businesses in japan not being very receptive of the whole "be nice to your rival so both of you can make money" idea.

You must be playing a different Pokemon GO than me
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>Only the good goys who paid for the guaranteed 5* gacha can get all 10 Saint graphs
the fuck? what happened?
I thought Type-Moon regarded FGO as a 'proper' Fate entry in the Nasuverse. They're not likely to bring in any crossovers with non-Nasuverse characters until they are at the end of their life, have wrung out every last bit of story, and are desperate for cash.
>GO is a higher quality game than F/GO that's actually well thought out
If all Grail Ascension is is some shitty individual buff then fuck that, it needs to at least be new lines or new art to be worth anything
>Well I mean GO is a higher quality game than F/GO that's actually well thought out
This must be bait.

Everyone enjoys playing the game agrees everything about the gameplay is fucking shit. It is only doing good because of the pokemon name.
I wouldn't say it's higher qiality when I need to go to Europe or make friends actoss the country to catch,more than evee, pudgey, and fucking rattashit.
And I kinda hate Fate/GO.
>But we don't have a clear description of what Aylesbury Valesti does yet, do we?

This is what I've heard about it at least, give or take. Some of it may be right or not right based on whether I'm mixing up what I've read from entries or what someone has simply told me.

The Aylesbury ritual is meant to revive the Dark Six. This is a huge symbol for most of the DAA, since Dark Six is the first DAA. Not necessarily that he's the strongest, but he's a major symbol for a lot of them at least. He is the first system, but hasn't reached full completion yet. The Church and other outlets all know about the ritual, but cannot stop it presently, since its being funded entirely through human means. Meaning the vampires smartly use humans indirectly to fund it, and the Church cannot currently get involved with it. They can only intervene with it right around the day when the ritual is about to go off supposedly.

All of the DAA's, whether for it or against it will be present on that day. Church will be there. I've heard that it was supposed to be the central plot of Tsukihime 2, which will never come out.
So what's the new best place to grind for Void Refuse?
Nah, more like
>Only those who didn't use the paid gacha can get 10 Saint graphs
Post dadcelot
Go back to /vp/
What if you can trade 1 Grail for 1 Blank SG
Pokemon GO is a shallow cashgrab. But because it's pokemon people will play it no matter how shitty it is.
That would be extremely stupid, they'd piss off their whales
it's fucking shit.
also it's for normies
>monstrike still first

that localization was the worst shit ever, whoever allowed that shit should be shot.
Fuck that sounds hype, even if I always hated the idea of Satsujinki
It will probably 10 more level for SSR, maybe more for the lower rarities.
Fuck off and quote the right post next time.
>Well I mean GO is a higher quality game than F/GO that's actually well thought out,

Stop shitposting anon
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>people still think a free 5* is going to happen
What if it lets you choice the way you buff you servants. Let's say it gives you a list of 10 different type of buffs and then you select one you want.
Dumb Fgoposter
was for >>150261746

it's still the stage in america
What if Grail Ascensions are similar to the grail buffs that the servants in Camelot had?
They removed the only way you had to know if the Pokemon you're looking for was near you. They also changed Pokemon spawn location and """improved""" the combat.
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>you can pull a Tristan and reverse a Servant's weakness
Make it happen
Thanks for the info. The ultimate aims of some of the DAA is still pretty confusing to me. I recall Crimson Moon wanted to take over the earth before Zelretch defeated him, so I suppose reviving the Dark Six is a step towards that goal. No idea why he's called the 'first system', right?

Then as mentioned earlier the DAA fucked it up in Extra and probably fucked themselves over too.
mashu is cute I don't understand why people don't like her.
Has she ever done something against you? She may fail but at least she tries
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I am not going to speculate about any non-gameplay nature of the grail ascension because a myriad of factors would go into deciding that. New lines is more unlikely than new art because they would need to bring all those VAs back.
New art is more easily reached.

I already explained why adding levels is a bad idea from a developer point of view in terms of future balancing and why it is unlikely to happen due to that.

That is fairly unlikely. An individual buff that corresponds to the servant's lore is something that really fits the franchise while a pool of choices just makes it generic.

Which is just personalized buffs.
i love this mashu disgusted with lancelot.
I know, right? Think about this, too. Manjew has a useless Noble Phantasm at high level because he doesn't have enough HP. But at low levels, enemies don't deal all that much damage in comparison. You can tank pretty much anything other than a Noble Phantasm if you have a high enough level advantage.

Yes, you heard me right: If you focus on Manjew as your highest level Servant, you can actually use his Avesta as an actually useful Noble Phantasm.

Probably to some degree. She could still probably maintain her "one step above the enemy" power, though.

Shirou is autistic for the reasons shown in Heavens Feel. He's a broken human just like Kirei. The different is, Shirou wants to never seen anyone cry, and Kirei can only find enjoyment in others suffering. Shirou is a faker. When he fights Kirei at the end of Fate, he is continuing the path of Kirtisigu. When he fights Kirei at the end of Heaven's Feel, they're facing each other now as enemies, but as mirrors of each other.

And just so you know, you're not meant to be enjoying the rape scenes in Tsukihime or KnK. They're meant to make you uncomfortable. Hell, if you continue in the rape scene in Tsukihime, you hit a Bad End the next day.

I'm not sure what to tell you if you didn't like them. I just know that I found them more interesting as stories, with more interesting characters and better pacing as a general rule.

Isn't the Dark Six actually a group of six Dead Apostles, or am I remembering this wrong?

They are called normalfags.
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Thank god I already quit.
That sounds super shitry.
I never really cared for nintendo anyway. They make so many bad decisions, DW is a slight step up even.
>Which is just personalized buffs.
Not just personalized buffs but stupidly overpowered personalized buffs.
What if Grail Ascension is just
>new final art
>second NP
>pool of choices just makes it generic
you mean like the bond CEs which are all generic and shit?
what the fuck are you doing?
Replying to everyone like it's your own general?
Are you brainanon or something?
Dark Six failed summoning also created the world of Fate/Extra because it sucked out all of the mana in that universe
So should I max Helena's 1st or 3rd skill first?
They won't make them that stupidly overpowered but they might be fairly powerful, such as Artoria negating any incoming damage, 50 damage worth 1% NP charge, so at 100% NP, she would negate 5000 damage flat.

Grail Ascension is more special than bond CEs. All the bond CE requires is some patience and having the servant. Grail Ascension requires the most limited material in the game you cannot farm and even most events do not reward you with (4 events so far have iirc) and possibly a ton of money and already having max ascended the servant.
She gets in the way of the servants that people actually want (the MC) to waifu

Like Jeanne Alter
Saber Alter
Being btoken isn't autism. Personally I don't agree with killing people either. I dislike Emiya quite a bit.
I know you aren't supposed to like the rape. Still not my thing. I think it's pretty disgusting for drama or anything.
I didn't care for a lot of the designs either.
>second NP

I would become cum since thatd fucking destroy the AoE andsingle target meme
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We don't really know shit about Dark Six for real, we just know he's the first one, and he hasn't reached full completion yet.

Not universe, just the world. Mana is probably working just fine on the Mooncell or other planets. Honestly the world could probably easily be saved if someone wished on the Mooncell for mana to be unfucked. Everyone just wants to wish for their own selfish shit however.
There is literally nothing wrongvwith replying to multiple people.
It's far more easy and quicker than multiple posts. Especially with the shittu vaptcja.
It also shows you're being serious.
What it say?
I believe that is highly unlikely based on how much reworking the system would need to make this work and how much extra animation work this would be compared to buffs.
What? I remember refunding the jew years gacha that I bought with paypal and the money went back to my bank account
Which Servants the God Emperor Donald Trump would use in this game?
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hi brainanon
what capcha are you talking about ?
*shitty captcha

It also saves posting space.
Really he's posting really well,
That's surprising to hear

You have to go back to /pol/
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I want to fuck Da Vinci-chan!
3/5 of those are (You)s. It would be rude to not reply.

Call it autism or call it something else, the point is, Shirou doesn't feel emotions and such the way a normal human does. The Fate route guarantees that he goes on like that, as does UBW to a lesser degree. HF is the only chance he has at being normal.

I still seem to recall something about the Dark Six being six separate ancestors. I believe they're the ones responsible for the fucked up sky in Notes? It would nice to be able to rely on translations. I should probably learn Nip.

Would he whale or be stingy?
Ozzy and Gil.
Maybe Arthuria and Iskandar.
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Me too anon, also scan for this Evil Witch pic when?
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No wonder you shitpost so much
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>on chapter 8 of camelot
>fought a million of those knight dudes
>literally zero medal drops
All of them.
Why the fuck are you stalking me? Were you stupid enough yo buy a pass?

I don't eithet. I hate a lot of shit people tolerate for some suppised greater good. I won't get into that. Don't want to trigger pol.

>It would be rude to not reply.
Exactly, and spreading it out is a easte of space and time?
>that tesla

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I demand more Da Vinci-chan lewds
Cute Tesla
>looks fine when drawn by other artists
What the fuck is wrong with Shima Drill when he drew Lancelot?
You're thinking of the Six Sisters, which are not necessarily related to the Dark Six. They're (well, just Judge, really) the ones responsible for the red sky in Notes.
Because you're a cutie.

>Were you stupid enough yo buy a pass?
>not finding a naive NEET from /r9k/ to gift one to you
You have to be good at this game anon
Fuck off back to whatever shithole you crawled out of and stop using words you don't know the meaning of.
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Artists in this game have a real thing about being able to draw, but not drawing it right for the actual card art.

Its mostly just the face though

Here's Nightengale artists drawing for the anniversary
I don't go to /r8k/. Those people are crazier and more pathetic than me. I guess they have jobs though.
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>ayy lmao
What did he mean by this?
>still no Quetzalcoatl
Who are you quoting niggers?
Even this random art is better than what he did for both Jing-ke and Nightingale.

What a fucking hack.
You are completely correct and I was mistaken.

It's not amazing, but it looks much better than the art in-game.
I think he was writing to >>150263680
Babylon when
ur mum
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>Ozzy keeps spamming Imperial Privilege on chapter 15
>3 defense buffs
>Leonidas and Raiko survive
>Ozzy and Nitocris get crit to death
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Strongest Lancer when?
Is the game dying because botters and spoofers or what the fuck Niantic did?
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>Pink stuff on all the map sides

We Golden Sun now
meant to quote
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35 minutes.
Stop bullying poor dad
That's my biggest problem with this game.
Why the fuck don't enemies have a buff limit?
Unbalanced as fuck.
Too many dumb mistakes opposite of what DW did.
Who are you quoting?
Trap anon?
ur mum
DW also made a lot of dumb mistakes when it first came out. Only difference is they gave us shit each time they fucked up.

Bribes are effective

Slowly slowly slowly, they started not fucking up as much, and now its kinda decent. However Pokemon GO isn't set up where it can bribe us in the same way, so its current score is way lower than FGO's was at any point even at its lowest.
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Delete this
There's a reason that some NPs ignore Defense buffs. Like Ryougi's.
Crippling the most vital portion of the game and not communicating well about it is a bigger fuck up than anything DW ever did though, even at their worst.
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I'll delete you
Mashu potato.
Well I don't have Ryougi.
I skipped that event. KnK bores me.

Who else has defense ignoring NPs?
There's also servants that have buff removal skills.
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I read that.
Don't you dare.
Kerry fucks her up so good.
No more potato.
Hector Jii-san
The only other Assassin with one is Phantom. Lu Bu and Kintoki have them, too.

Just check Cirno.

That's a lot rarer, though. And it doesn't stop them from casting more buffs next turn.
Elizabeth, Nero
So how are Singles always superior to 10 rolls? I only once seen a good 10 roll with my very own eyes, but singles seem to produce fine results more easily.
Eh. I don't use him ever.
Don't want to invest in him either.
Emiya does but, you know
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That was the Nero event right?
The odds are the same. The only advantage singles has is that you can stop any time you want. Sometimes you do a 10roll and the very first card is the one you wanted, so everything else was a waste of quartz.
It's because DW rigs the gacha so that singles with free quartz will have a higher chance of rolling golds than ten-rolls with paid quartz. It's so they can squeeze more money out of the whales.
I see.

Oh I hope I roll her soon then.

Know what?
That was day 1 of renewed dailies before they tweaked Marie's AI to not spam it so much
40AP Rider daily before the nerf.
Fuck off retard, stop spreading this bullshit
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>Waver spamming his defense buff during Nero Festival

New Bread
They're just friends.
Kerry can use his Blessing of the Grail to get through Invincibility for 3 turns, at the cost of fucking the rest of the party.

In theory, it is possible to roll ten SSRs in a row with singles, but only nine SSRs and one SR with ten rolls. However, you can also roll ten Rs in a row with singles, but only nine Rs and one SR with ten rolls.
They also lowered her HP by like 50k
That's because you don't remember how much shit you roll before you get something good with singles while you see all 10 rolls on a single screen with the 10 rolls. In the end, the gacha rates are shit either way.
Post-nerf Cake is true UNRIVALED
Both Liz? Kintoki? Lu Bu? Okita?
That's not how it works. The guaranteed 4* has the same chance as normal of being better.
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>Da Vinci doesn't have any porn
What fucked up world is this
His damage is underwhelming even after interlude and he's not particularly useful other than that

Move here or face imminent archive
That event caused a lot of people to use Medea for the first time.
The point is, if you do single rolls, you are statistically less likely to get SRs. You have a chance of getting more SSRs in theory, but since the chance is close to zero anyways, it's not worth considering.

Draw it yourself.
I don't have Kerrytugu.

Okita does it? Good to know since I have her. I have Lu Bi, but neef shoes. I could just use Kintoki support since I don't roll for him. I do have a freebie Liz, but NP isn't great for bosses.
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