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Hentai Games General /hgg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 755
Thread images: 126

H-Games General #795

funbags edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of 2D/3D H-Games/ Eroge/ Nukige/ Hentai RPG/ Hentai Action Games. Some popular games like Corruption of Champions (CoC), Rance/Alicesoft, Monster Girl Quest, the Klub17 (search on /t/), and Artificial Academy 2 (/aa2g/) have their own generals already, so please post about them there instead!

Due to the demise of /vhg/, Violated Heroine is welcome to be discussed here.



Use web OCR to get kanji of error messages:

Please pay your respects to our matron saint, Julie d'Aubigny.

>If you have to ask, it's not translated.

>Please REPORT and IGNORE blatant shitposting


>Machine Translation Guide:

>Recommended Games:

>/hgg/ Nukige Catalog:

>/hgg/ Gotw Catalog:

>VH Pastebin:

Previous thread:
Games pending release:

>[ILLUSION] ハニーセレクト - 2016/09/09
Card DB: http://no-info.no-ip.info/hst/
Trial v1.1: https://mega.nz/#!HtJm0aKa!baOWT-8BiBAnHcCmREJMSvrWK3iJMGpyYc1T5jcMakA

>[BISHOP] 修羅の痴漢道 - 2016/09/23

>[TinkerBell] 影人葬 - 2016/10/28

>[dualtail] Venus Blood -RAGNAROK - 2016/11/25
http://ninetail. tk/td13/index.html

>[Azurite](Liar-soft×シルキーズプラス) シンソウノイズ~受信探偵の事件簿~ - 2016/12/22

>[SQUEEZ] 炎の孕ませおっぱいエロアプリ学園 - 2016

Games recently released:

>[Escude] 遊聖天使プリマヴェールDrei - 2016/07/29
Download: https://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=2090388

>[シルキーズSAKURA] 借り妻 ~今夜、兄嫁と寝ます~ - 2016/07/29

>[KISS] カスタムメイド3D2+ ACT.2 - 2016/07/29
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/qZQGcmxX
Download: https://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=2090955
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skinny girls.
My waifus keep saying yamete kudasai. I don't know moonspeak, what do they want from me?
it means stop raping them
extremely clingy, jealous and fiercely loyal girls.
Rape isn't vanilla. You simply seem to think that vanilla isn't anything that isn't NTR.


It isn't. Plage and Plague don't even have the same pronunciation.
>*is anything that isn't NTR

kinda reminds me of SOF.
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reminder that smug slimes are for bullying
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Are there any other games with characters like Reina from Meikoku Gakuen? I've never had a character make me as diamonds as her, and can't find any games with similar ones.
game has ntr anyway so the troll is wrong by his own definition as well
>game has ntr
aaaand dropped
It means they want to know the pleasure of being cummed inside.
学園の生贄 慰み者と化した巨乳不良少女 ~白濁に侵される褐色&堕肉の狂宴~ has one, but things do not go well for her.
B-But I could never take Niisama's waifu away from him!

It's not like you MUST do all of the side character events...
Given just how many of these you've posted. I'm almost convinced to download it just to laugh at the engrish.
you need to really work on your wordwrapping
the T in "This" is cut off from the word stuck on the first line while the rest of the word is on the second line
wordwrapping is for fags
Got a guide? I have no idea how to wordwrap the text.
1. Look at the text in the game.
2. If the text has wordwrapping problems, open up the script file, go to the problem area, and hit space a couple of times
3. Check to see if problem is fixed.
4. Repeat with every single line in the game.
That sounds like a lot of work...
That's what you need a bitch - I mean an editor for.
I thought editors were for running off with your script and selling it themselves.
On an unrelated note, I'd be willing to be your editor.
Primaveil Drei is a huge disappointment.
The H is decent but the SLG part fails completely.
Missions are useless since just having sex gives you a ton of points.
Scheduling system is pointless. There is is so few activities and you have tons of time you have nothing to do with.
The battles are extremely easy and pose zero challenge. The special attacks have been dumbed down too. Sidekicks are completely useless in combat but it doesn't matter because the MC easily solos all enemies.
Items are just boring action unlocks and don't require and effort to get.

Prismaveil Zwei was much better in every single gameplay aspect and the H was on the same level.
>he can't into hard mode
How do you activate it? Haven't seen an option like that anywhere?
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>activate it
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What the fuck is this?
The only game I actually wanna fully translate is 冥色の隷姫, but I'd need more than an editor for that. I'd need someone to hack the game and make the patch, a coder/programmer.

It's proof that your format isn't set to Japanese (Japan).
Someone had the same problem. They fixed it by setting locale, region AND computer time zone to Jap.
Or just use locale emulator
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applocale didn't work for me
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Trying to open this. Mutant vs Agent. Whenever I do, it opens for a couple seconds as a black screen, thinks a bit, then goes away.

Tried the Japan region trick. Wut do?
there is a program that is actually called locale emulator and it works
Sometimes you also have to do >>150156185 for games to work.
Oh, I'll try that, thanks.
what game would you recommend to a person that never plays these games ever but is curious? I have a lot of degenerate fetishes too
Try something simple, like Rance.
Bible Black.
>degenerate fetishes
You're gonna need to list those.
being bullied/dominated
being abused
Sengoku Rance is a good starting point

Go to it's general to download
Yup, Starless or Discipline would be a good start for you then. Both have literally all of those, but you'll want to play Starless without the content restoration patch if you don't want scat.
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Anybody got the name on attached image? I'm coming up with nothing and can't type moonrunes to search the title line
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you're a hero
Why does she have string worms attacking her face?

cuz orcsoft draws pubes weirdly? dunno
anyone have RJ180032 ?
Oh, hey. That's my screenshot. The title was in the original filename. You could've copied that from my post and put it into Google.
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missing cards.png
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who got em'?
or reverse search the image in the archive
I have top right and bottom left. No clue how to extract the pictures though.
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This girl sort of looks like her when she puts on the hairband but her personality is very different. If you like her voice you could try looking up characters she has voiced in the past. She was in Bishop's Chijoku no Seifuku as the pink haired girl. She also was in the OVA for that title. She shares the episode with Misonoo Mei though.
I tried downloading the torrent for this but whenever I try to start it I get an error about "kaga" or some shit being missing or not existing or something
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Why does Shiggy love pubes so much?

can we add valkyria title to upcoming games please
>you will never be handfed Shiggy's pubes
just cuck my shit up
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A best
Thug hero party
I'm alright with pubes.
Uploaded a how to rip just follow it.
>anal focused
All my yes.
So long as I get to tongue fuck her ass for some Hershey's Kisses.
Atleast style them.
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aw man, ran out of condoms. gotta get a box soon.
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what eroge heroine would you make sex with without condoms?
Pretty much all of them as long as I don't need to take responsibility.
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which one if you had to take responsibility?
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>making of wrong child
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You didn't answer the question.
Noticed RJ168271 is finally out, anyone uploaded it yet?
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>Whatever Shouko buried in the back of the yard. She stops you even if you started digging at 3AM
>The silent old man shovel plot and his tendency to hog places for more than three hours
>The contents of Yuki's phone
>Fourth girl appears and disappears like a smoke
>Suddenly pic related (I'm not sure where I picked up the key for this room. I do know I picked up the storage key at the living room)
Hoo boy, I never thought this game would be this exciting. Got the bad ending the first time through (maybe because I only broke Sayaka and not the other two), but there's always NG+. Should I try putting surveillance at the bloody room?
I remember that you can't put anything in that room, though.
I clearly recall putting a camera for the entirety of the final day, though. It doesn't trigger any events.
apparently, no one wants to upload it just yet because there are bug fixes coming in.
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>moving the goalposts
>bitching out like a little bitch
But I was never into condoms.
don't make fun of shiggy.
but he's asking me.
No he's asking me.
The Mikocon torrent has a link to an extra "patch" executable to download that wound up fixing the problem for me, you have to toss that thing where you installed the game and run that instead of the thing's own executable.
I really hate those neatly trimmed pubes with unnatural edges.
underused as fuck

like ~60% titles are boring bald
~35% titles one type of generic hair for all girls
maybe not even 5% of titles offer some variation in styling/color/thickness/etc.

It's weird. With (sometimes unreasonably huge) mosaics, pubes are pretty much the only visual trait how to differentiate genitalia of various girls and maks things little more interesting.
First day of new TABA event, drew rare card, today is a good day.

Don't forget ass beards.
I hope someone gives you a fellatio.
You're gonna keep hoping because she does not, she gives you a handjob.
I didn't say her. I said someone.
In Free Cities, how do I keep my population up? It just shrinks after every turn and my income is decreasing.
What happened to the threads on /d/ that people start bringing that shit over here?
Go fuck yourself
Speaking of learning Japanese for h-games. What games have easiest japanese to understand?
NTR for kids, or something.
And which pronunciation of kanji should I learn for typing kanji in google so I can find games with my fetish?
Left or right?
left for the win
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>all this love for smaller tits
feels good lads
But left are bigger than right's.
>What games have easiest japanese to understand?
Moege. Fantasy and stuff placed outside of the modern times will fuck you in the ass if you lack vocabulary, politics can get tricky.

>And which pronunciation of kanji should I learn for typing kanji in google so I can find games with my fetish?
Just search kanji through radicals.
I may be a complete noob, but how do you get the machine translation to appear in line like that?
Which h-game has the best character design, lads? Okasare Yuusha series for me. Basically MGQ but with waaaay better art.
The scenes are more on physical violence than humiliation though, compared to mgq, didn't do as much for me
activate VNR's buiolt in hook. Causes problems with some games though.
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i used to be blind like you
but then i got glasses
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sick. where do you put glasses
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>【162907】[エロゲーム][バグシステム] 死に逝く君、館に芽吹く憎悪 DL

Guro loli
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> mfw summer vacation ends on the 3. August
> mfw brothers and mummy are going to school/work in the morning
> mfw I'm going to begin my second year as a NEET
> mfw I already stockpiled monster girl VN's

I don't know how to feel
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Remember us when you get your wizard powers
I don't see whats wrong with that
When are you supposed to play them? During work hours?
>not fapping during work hours
disgusting casual
How do I get the text to hook in this game?
Use the translation patch.
play the english version
Please stop rusing me.
Neat. How long is the game?
It's just basic messing with script files, if those screenshots are anything to go by. VNR hooks it just fine for me.
Is the guro bad ends or are the lolis ressurecting immortals somehow?
Wait for m1zuki
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The lolis are just normal humans, it's the dude who is some kind of super being that just enjoys seeing humans suffer before eating them as he finds it interesting, and due to Mia stabbing him he kinda goes this delicious loli deserves to die over thousand deaths so he keeps resurrecting her so he can kill her again again and again, to see her reactions. It's kinda interestingly writen and I like Mias mental side of things here and how the dude plays with her.
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you fried a perfectly good loli.jpg
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I want to play it just for the girl's reactions to the affair but I can't handle the guro itself (not to mention the accompanying screams). Life is suffering.
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>he keeps resurrecting her so he can kill her again again and again, to see her reactions
It has some delicious reactions indeed. And the VAs do really good job at screaming. So good that my penis can't keep up as each scene so far has been so good except one but it lead to interesting other scene. But proceeding is so slow as each time scene comes I just have to whip it out. So no spoilers about scene contents if others start it too
>free cities
>take in starving and hurt slave girl
>nurse her back to full health
>only take her virginity after she tells me that she loves me
>bonds with me
>pregnant with my child

>random event happens
>apparently she's been seeing one of my mercenaries
>he's offering me a shitload of money to marry her
>what the fuck
>want to get rid of her obviously, take the money
>she's crying tears of joy and thanks me
>>>>Soon the romantic story of The Mercenary and the Slave Girl is being told in bars and brothels across the Free City, with you naturally playing a supporting role.


ask 8ch's /hgg/ they have fixed alot of technical shit for FC
Kill them
FC is shit and you deserve it for playing it
FC is pretty ambitious project anon.
So of course it was going to be shit.

You should've killed them, anon.
Is it suggested to play with the aging feature on? I made a girl based on someone I knew in real life and I want her to be my slave forever.
What is 放浪都市 about? I played a little bit of the game but since I don't know moon I can't understand what's going on. It seem like you're an engineer live on a train with a bunch of survivors in some sort of dystopian future. Your main task is going around and fix thing, occasionally fight some bugs, am I right?
you need to go
so in Primaveil Drei

how the FUCK do you unlock the fourth anal skill
Then isn't the answer obvious? Joking aside unless she's old it will take a huge ammount of turns for her to die, since 1 turn = 1week. So might as well kee it on.
There's a retirement age right? What happens to slaves when they retire? Do you have a retirement age too?

If I turn off the aging system do I miss out on a lot? Last game I played was Jack-o-nine.
Holy shit it's been like 3 years since their last release
That's what you get for making her anything other than your own personal fucktoy.
It's one of the newest additions to the game so it is a bit barebones. Currently there are 5 different retirements/events and the slave's value goes down when entering the last 5 years of service. As of now you won't miss much.
Is it good though?
OK. Thanks. I'll just turn it off then.

How do you keep your arcology population up?
They're pretty good games, used to enjoy their games before JSK
Good security, events and policies. I'm not so sure if there are other ways.
Anything more than a year in between releases means a studio is more like a doujin than a company and therefore has to get real jobs to fund their hobby of making eroge. This is why pandering is important for actually successful eroge companies.
Is it natural to be losing citizens the first couple of turns? From where should I look towards making income from - arcology population or my slaves as whores?

Sorry but I just can't make sense of the in-game guide.
A brothel with a good Madam pulls in tons of money.

As for population, never had issues with that. Did you build the extreme weather proofing?
I haven't played it past 10 weeks to get the money to build it. I've lost about 500 citizens by that point.
I don't know what to tell you.
Switch to easy economy?

I don't think I've ever lost population outside of wars.
I'm already on easiest (Very Serious).

You've never lose population? Even at the start?
Can someone tell me what to do for the 1st line of the 4th month in 遊聖天使プリマヴェールDrei?
Yeah I don't lose population outside of large enemy attacks or if I don't build the weather proofing in time.

What start do you use?
I usually go for a young military leader.

I think if you start as young your starting population is smaller? So if you're using an older character the starting infrastructure might just not be enough to support the population they start with.

Also, remember that training and selling slaves also rakes in a shitload of money, though it takes more time.
An obedient, decently trained, very beautiful slave can pull 10 000 to 20 000 double dollars.
Get any white, non-short, young slave and just stick them on curatives and female pheromones, then have your character work on them every week.

This is very lucrative later in the game when your other slaves (especially the head girl) help you produce high quality slaves quickly.
Young leader. Engineer career, wealth acquisition. I get about 4k population off the bat.

My strategy is to have one personal sex slave, one girl to be my head girl, and some cash cows. I've started with all my slaves as ambivalent and train them.

I didn't even know wars existed in this game. WTF is this? Civ?
I'd suggest not bothering with a sex slave early game, as objectively speaking you get nothing out of her.
I'd also not get a head girl very early unless you get a perfect one (either as a starting slave or as a lucky purchase).

I usually make my very first slave a bodyguard.
The perfect bodyguard needs a combination of stats that's very hard to get randomly. You get ways around that late game, but by then you might be dead already.
A top notch bodyguard gets you some good events, a constant stream of reputation even if you're young and some early money if you have her slaughter fools in the arena.

Also remember that every girl you gets has a significant upkeep so having too many early is not great, I find it best early game to train one or two at a time and not get more unless you just get offered a top notch slave during a random event.

Also, mid game you will receive the absolute perfect slave in an event (to give you an idea, her stock beauty score is actually off the chart and you can raise it even higher) who will pump your renown HARD if you make her the main concubine, so having an inferior one early isn't as important.

>I didn't even know wars existed in this game. WTF is this? Civ?

Sadly they're just event chains for now, hopefully proper dynamic raiding and diplomacy will be added.

But yes, if you get an event to beef up your military power take it or you're going to get some hard fail states.
Man, thanks a lot for the info. Def. will use it on my next try.
What's the perfect strategy for getting a strong economy early?

Any other way to avoid getting killed rather than having a bodyguard? First time I've heard about an assassination system desu. Game doesn't mention one at all.
>What's the perfect strategy for getting a strong economy early?
There's two ways mainly.

Either play very conservatively economically by having few girls and relying on your archology's production (once you have 10 000 or more money units stored, "focusing on business" gets you a nice extra too).

Alternatively buy a few decent girls (2/3) early from the slave auctions and start the brothel ASAP, then getting a Madam after them.

Also, don't upgrade your archology's economy until the end week screen specifically tells you to, you get nothing from upgrading early, it's best to keep some money stored for random events.

I'm not sure if it's tied to stating with the military career but there's a bunch of events that let you send out raids for slaves, which you can then bulk sell for money.

>Any other way to avoid getting killed rather than having a bodyguard?
There's an event chain later on where you need a bodyguard (and she has to be at least halfway decent at her job) or you perish.

The game kinda demands that you behave in a militarist manner, which makes sense given the situation.
You need to play the game as if you were the leader of a settlement in Mad Max.
Alright, thanks a lot.
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left or right?
Also, make sure to subsidize growth.
How do I do that?
I believe in the recent versions it has been moved to the policy tab under manage arcology, you might need a certain ammount of reputation, already enacted some policies or have 20 turns done to see them. In older versions there used to be simple buttons in the summary screen after you pressed next week and continue once.
Not that anon, but how do I get slaves with combat skills without creating them during introduction?
I've tried creating the slave arena and having slaves duke it out there, but their skill doesn't seem to improve.
>how do I get slaves with combat skills without creating them during introduction?
They are very rarely found from the better slave auctions, can be requested (late game feature) and there is a specific slave you can get mid game from an event chain if you have tons of money.

This is why I suggest making your first slave the fighter, since getting a very tall combat trained individual is close to impossible until the end game.
Well, to be fair you can always make your slave very tall. The fighter part is the only issue.
They also get combat skill sometimes when you have them fight in the pit.
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Hey guys, I'm looking for an RPG maker game that I have played several months ago.
The premise was:
You start in a party with young chosen one as MC, some female heroine and a pious all-business older veteran on a quest to kill Monster Lord or Demon Lord.
You got to rape some monsters on the way until you have reached the fortress only for Chosen One and the girl get utterly destroyed by some succubus and the pious veteran escaping.
From that point you have been playing as the pious veteran.
I'm 90% sure it was from an western dev too.
C'mon guys, I bet someone recognizes this by my shitty description. I've helped some of you anons in the past too.
>I'm 90% sure it was from an western dev too.
Having a slave win in the pit will throw some exp into the pool slowly or appointing someone as your bodyguard will force them to train the skill if they don't have it.
Does not ring any bells and doesn't sound good anyway.
Oh I know this one, It's "the last sovereign".
So, good model for a bodyguard? I was thinking of basing mine on Huntress.
Oh shit, that's it!
Thanks anon!
>that tiny ass bowgun
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>tfw you're EOP and will probably NEVER be able to play this properly without VNR ATLAS/LEC gibberish

It hurts!
Yes and? It might have darts laced in poison.
How is it?
I've honestly forgot, I have dropped it fairly quickly at first, but now I get that itch where I want to see an good man turn into a depraved lecherous pervert and this game might be it or at least I sure hope so.
It's an rpgmaker game that wants to be a textbased game at times especially during the prologue. Thankfully it gets a bit better paced later on. IIRC I found the plot to be a bit cool, I actually started to like the old man. It has a few funny moments, but the writing can be a bit of hit or miss at times. I cannot recall the art sadly. All this talk about it kind of makes me want to check out the newer version, hell the last one I played was 0.13.1.
What do funbags feel like?
In Canada we get our milk in plastic bags. It feels like that except it's expired milk.
is there any h game on android?
if so any good game where i can create my waifu?
no what
>if so any good game where i can create my waifu?
xx2 ( kanotsuki )
CR series
both from kiss
or you can go for the meidos CM23D if your rig is good enough
Dmm has android games, some games on dlsite are android games. You could check out /mbgg/ for more SFW stuff.
You can play free cities on android
>if your rig is good enough
I still can't believe there are people on toasters so old that they can't run meidos
Its mindboggling. Are they literally broke hobos on the streets? It costs 350$ at most to buy a rig to run most modern games.

Android, people android.
I'm guessing you mean not including the screen?
>The only game I actually wanna fully translate is 冥色の隷姫
there's a UI translation for the game so i'd bet the same people could deal with the normal text
it may be my country problem but every PC prebuilt i bought so far wasnt able to reach 60 fps on anything ( 30 when it comes down to h-games ) I tryied DMC 3 once , it was like playing on molasses
I counted motherboard, video card, processor and RAM, but I guess I should've included the screen too
Well there's your problem.
Prebuilts are significantly overpriced and many of them are built poorly, having bottlenecks that hamper performance.

Look up the falcon guide and make your own PC, you'll save a lot of money.
Tobihime got an android port
downloading one now
could you recommend any? idk moonrunes
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>Osawari Island is now on phone
I better don't start that shit again... do the other two games also need a shitlord of work to get anywhere?
The ones in the nutaku link are all in english and NSFW go for those.

I haven't tried those specifically myself, I only knew that the mobile section existed by chance.
All dmm mobage are the same grindy boring shit
I'm only playing sennen sensou aegis because its fun and you can progress by logging twice a day without missing anything, but only dmm version of that game has an android client
>All dmm mobage are the same grindy boring shit
Yeah, thought so. But maybe I try Aegis too when it gets a port.
>when it gets a port
probably never ever, the english version has terrible support, the devs seem to hate gaijins
I'd recommend learning UI from the western version and playing on dmm. You can check ulmf thread for event translations, so you don't need to know nip to play it
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>primaveil the greatest slg of our generation came out 2 days ago
what a time to be alive !!
Is ILL kill?
>Otome Function still doesn't have a release date
>Katteban stopped working on VH
>VQ2 got pushed back to 2017
It's better to just die
Since 2014
>3 votes total, average 3.97 (bad)
I know 3 votes isn't a representative sample, but its still discouraging. Whats so good about it? Looks pretty boring, only two heroines too

If it has to be explained to you, you're just not worth explaining to.
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So when does a good game come out?
25 november 2016
Mesu danshi came out, we're just waiting for the upload
Primaveil came out a couple of days ago.
He said good game
Wow rude
What kind of SLG is it anyway? Training sim or some other kind?
See >>150206865
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>wots an slg fampai
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Suck my dick faggot, I'm just trying to promote discussion of your shitty game, its better than posting meme faces like you did. If you don't want to discuss games, don't bring them up
>All SLG are the same
As expected of frogposter
That was rude.
Just tell us about the game famuri.
You don't belong here if you think all SLG are the same.
See >>150206865
Thats what I was implying, yes
One just came out.
Other comes next month.
And one more at the end november
So either learn the difference or kindly leave, summer.
Uhh, this is definitely not how things work. Maybe for small games (I know moogy manually word wrapped Jouka no Monshou which was 600~ lines, most vns are 10-20,000~) but for longer games? Forget about it! Either word wrapping gets automated through scripts, or is just coded in, or there's no word wrapping. People don't manually do word wrapping for any games of any size.
D i c k h e a d
Let me spell it out more clearly for you then, since you obviously fapped your brain out today

I asked what kind of SLG that was, hence implying that there are all kinds of simulation games.
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about if you think there's only one kind of simulation game. Nice false flag, though.
Google it
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Good job baiting me, I'm done
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About time you left, troll.
Google it
How did the thread get so bad?
>he doesn't know
i don't know either



/vn/ is here.
CM3D2s Footjob is the greatest thing ever invented.

Especially in combination with HTC Vive
3P version is better
There's a 3P footjob?
They step on your dick and call you a pervert together
That Saya Neo is old as hell, Sakura/Murasaki isn't out yet, Misha has her scene ripped but not the two card images.

our current missing list either cards themselves or cards+scenes yet to be ripped.

I guess it should be updated with the current event cards too, hopefully someone starts ripping soon though.
カスタムメイド3D2+ ACT.2 + アップデータ Ver.1.33

I suppose that is the newest ver. with everything included or do I need more?
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Does anyone have or had any luck getting these cards yet ? Last 2 that I'm missing to have them all up to date ready to upload to mega if needed since the old mega is dead.

ya my bad don't know how she go in there i fixed it.>>150210418
This guy, for fucks sake.
Went ahead and uploaded the updated cards to mega for those who don't have the latest ones.

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So, messing around with custom aidroid, I reach the point of the first "fuck" where you only get to grope her, and you can grope her until multiple orgasms, but the game wont progress any further, she cums, the arousal bar resets, and nothing else happens, you just keep fiddling her forever, and there's no option to continue, and exiting the game does nothing
What the hell are you supposed to do
bring back jsk.
He's dead anon, let go
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>google "aidroid"
>third link
what's that show with the eroge voice actors?
if you mean the one that had Asagi's VA and Himari as guests one week it was ダラケ!
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Anybody got links to all the Monster Girl Island titles?
Read the löast thread
Ohh,thanks mate.
slow day huh
How can Subaru be so pretentious even in his own self-hatred?
Wiki has nothing on it
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Are always cute!
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heh, I remember making a vector of this.
I want that thing inside of me.
time to merge with hgg2d
Is there anything I can do for games in ITH where the text loops over and over endlessly? I tried auto suppress repetition but it doesn't seem to help. I can focus the window and it will stop so I can manually pick out one iteration and highlight it, but that's tedious.
Corruption of Champion
what if I told you these are what I seek:
violated Hero(in)
domination, abuse and all kinds
coherent gameplay, fun to do
>coherent gameplay, fun to do
Um, skyrim with mods maybe?
That sounds pretty normal.
>coherent gameplay, fun to do
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God, what an expression
uh... no thanks
Is that the latest version? I've only seen one updated like a year ago.
If deactivating repeatabler text doesn't help then you probably need a hook code.
Venus Blood series starting at empire
which mods does this cm3d2 has?
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ass grab.webm
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I need a game with great asses

please hit me up
Mod for what the particle effects?
Also, those are nipples.
Oshirikko Venus 2
I wouldnt suggest that to anyone.
it's called photoshop
waaaaait a minute.
That new release is translated already? I'm confused.
VNDB doesn't say it has an english patch, what gives?
some guy put togheter a basic code to translate the game. You could do this too , but you spend your time fapping to 2d girls instead
Can you not tell from the shitty English?
He's auto-injecting the machine translated text via VNR.
Why he's talking about TLing a game while using a machine translator is anyone's guess.
anon did you even read the chain of posts? i have some bad news for you
check ulmf for the patch
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that masurao title still need some bug fixes. I was blindly fighting the catgirl and thought I was doing fine until it ended.
You have to go outside and do some event IIRC.
I'm kinda disappointed with that escude's slg game, could be much better
There are no choices, it railroads the player into fiddling her diddler
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big stonking titties.
I just reread your post. There should be a button to exit the scene somewhere on top right part.
I didn't play the hot springs one, but I'll give this one a try.
That's all there is, its a cap of the whole window and all its options
damn, those are a lot larger than that screenshot lets on
Oh well, that's weird. Maybe the HF, which I assumed you're using, messed up something? I am not sure though.
Can someone tell me what's a must play in this genre? Already played MGQ and Sengoku Rance.
It would be retarded if there wasn't
You never know, sometimes a girl has huge breasts but not a single breastplay scene at all
Sansha Mendan and Ura Kyoushi really nailed hot expressions and aheagos.

I doubt Kagami's art will ever will be as good to me as during that 2010~2012 period.
Her eager faces are so cute.
does Captive Market have a non-gangbang route?
sharing is hella gay
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No. Sadly, the writer of the game really likes to fuck everything up. Especially hopes and dreams. Like having an artist come up with this cutey, just to barely even fucking utilize her in sex scenes because the writer didn't want to make any for her.
Does this game have an ending or not?
No it doesn't. He is training slaves for a brothel/slave market after all.

He only gets to keep them for himself in one ending, though he does have fun with them in another.
You can die from old age.
In real life, not in the game.
>He only gets to keep them for himself in one ending,

they still sleep with countless faceless old men in the process, don't they?
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don't use a potion when your HP is at zero, it gives the black screen for the duration of the fight.
Before the ending, yes.
It's the only ending he manages to take over the market from Jean, and that happens in the last branch.

This is not a game you should play if you want exclusive slaves, you play this for seeing the elves succumb to pleasure. The protagonist is not in control, so I don't think it even counts as sharing, as you can't really chose to share what is not yours. And as the MC's motive is vengeance, he doesn't really give a shit about how many dicks they take.
Couldn't find an H-code anywhere, is a newer game (we are bandits) so probably nobody has bothered to find one yet or something.

It is using SRPG Studio, so is there a generic hook for that?
I am bad at this, what does this need to do anything?
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No idea when the public demo was released, but there are several assets available only to patreon supporters, namely the shark, spider, foxes, and some animations.

He's currently working on "Demo2" which will be public and apparently have much more content than the current demo.
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it's here!
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Couldn't they make him a bit less muscly? Jesus fuck
How does one do this? And which does he use ATLAS or LEC or the Billion dollar Top secret goverment Translation AI?
>Also, mid game you will receive the absolute perfect slave in an event (to give you an idea, her stock beauty score is actually off the chart and you can raise it even higher) who will pump your renown HARD if you make her the main concubine, so having an inferior one early isn't as important.

What event is this exactly? I just got an event involving a lab. The girl I got there has pretty high stats. Is that it?
>dat 1 seed
At least one person is hyped
Already one too many.
I'm going to be sick.
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>it's here!
Make it go!
I'm going to play it, to see if I get a boner.
As long as he's happy. I don't see the issue.
what a cutie.
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Why can't we get a game about a cute relationship between a tomboy and her boyfriend that makes her do all sorts of silly things?
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redheads best heads
Doing her doggy style was hot.
reminds me of this.
Now that you mentioned it. There aren't many games that features tomboy is it?
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Nope. Other than as a character route in games with multiple girls, they really don't get games where they're the main heroine or the sole female. This girls is one of the handful.
Start with the best slave you can possibly get, give her combat skill as it's a rare skill. Focus business, have the starter slave whore and the created slave as a servant. spare rooms for everyone, no contraceptives because they cost money too.

Subsidize reputation then just sit on it until you start getting girls from events. Make all the girls you get from events whore unless you like them, in which case put them as servants. Store your money until you absolutely have to spend it on upgrades or you have enough to stock a brothel.

spend as much as you possibly can on a military. it'll pay for itself once you get to the events that need them.
If I short-change my military, can I build them up on later events?
No. It's an otherworldly simulation. You live eternally with Sylvie. Mysterious Merchant Man is a psychopomp
if he looked more like that pic and less like a roided up dude w/ gyno I'd probably dl it
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I hope the new Studio Jaren game doesn't take too long to pop up.
The demo was pretty good.
Come on you guys, just help me out here. I'm in what seems like a dead-end scenario and I want closure. Believe it or not google hasn't been helpful.
They weren't joking.
In Free Cities, the number of my citizens in incredibly low. Any way to raise that up?
Make more residential zones
Isn't that bugs are always a problem with his games at release?
In what way?
>That installation process.

Ha ha.. gross.
is out now
My son is not reacting... Does this mean I'm not a faggot?
Thanks for suggestion, but I have actually gotten my answer already.
I didn't even knew that something like that exists on /aco/ because I don't frequent that board and barely know anything about it.
Literally only 8 scenes.
I don't know anon.
Have you tried turning it on and off?
/aco/ is a horrible board that barely know shit about games and this faggot is just shitposting.
prolly the 3rd one
my machine trans never look that good
It really is a terrible board, which was why I was directing him there, because he's talking about western shit in here.

Or perhaps we should start talking about western games in here daily?
This thread is dead because niggers like you redirect everyone away in an attempt to kill this general.
>my machine trans never look that good
>short sentences
Most of the short and common sentences can be decently MT'd.
This thread is dead because everyone's fapped themselves into a coma. 7/29 never forget.
I'm busy making my own game so I don't have time to shitpost.
I want to add a management type of minigame in it and I'm stuck in a problem.
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>trying to run http://www.crg-a.com/work/karenihaienai/cont/chara.html
>japanese locale, as admin
>still this

HELP i'm retarded
pull a exe from an orcsoft game that works

diff publisher i think , but i'll try it

did the trick. good idea.
Do certain slave acquisition events in Free Cities repeat? Ex. the cult concubine one?
A lot of your "rips" for the last recent cards are those shit artifacted jpegs taken from that uploader on gelboorou who for some reason keeps saving the PNG files as jpgs and killing the quality of the files and you resaved them as PNGs.

We need proper rips still for the following including their scenes, some we only need the cards.
Wait what? Cult concubine? What's that event?
If I'm not mistaken I have received the event with sissy prostitute and her older sister pimping her on several occasions in one of my games.
Also, I don't mean to be rude or say that we shouldn't discuss FC here, because fuck, this is the place where I've heard about FC for the first time too, but I'd recommend you checking out >>6954771 /dgg/ if you want to talk about FC some more, especially since many anons there know much more about the game than I do.
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missing cards.png
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forgot image, current list that is either partially complete or flat out missing stuff.

Anyway both the scene ripper anon and the collector anon can't do their thing to get stuff up to date for sharing unless we have contributers who luck out and rip their stuff properly. Gelboorou's userbase does it all wrong.
The one where you can get a girl when a cult breaks apart.
his face is actually feminine as fuck

I'd fuck him if he had a slender body too
In XVI, what is the last thing the prostitute (The one lowest part of map w/ maid) asks for? (Her line C&P'd below)

Fruit Milk/Juice or some shit.
Also have no clue as to the last thing the Tavern owner wants either. (Anti-drunkenness amulet or something)
Cool, I'm surprised just how many events I have not received yet in that game.
Just recently I've received twin slaves selling themselves for the first time.
Yep thanks, that was it.
Did we already get beach asagi on the 8ch thread?
what exactly is 'extreme content' in Free Cities, besides amputation and castration?
the topless version of the card is a jpg to png conversion. it's not legit, we have the "lewd" version in her ninja suit proper but not the "normal" version of the card.
So, can anyone help me on how this "new" event works? I was out for a year I think and I don't have any idea how this works besides killing a world boss thing
>copied from 8
World Raid Event
Map and Bosses
Map is 3x3, with 9 N Bosses for each of the 9 locations.
(1) 9 N Bosses (Max Level 100 = Raid Points: Very Low) Chance to drop N: Medium
(2) EX-SR Boss (Max Level 300 = Raid Points: Low) Chance to drop EX-SR: Low
(3) World Raid Boss (Max Level 80 = Raid Points: Very High) Chance to drop EX-UR: Extremely Low
EX-SR Boss (R symbol on the map)
(1) Randomly change locations every hour.
(2) You should only kill this Boss for a chance to drop the EX-SR card, not for the Raid Points/Ranking.
World Raid Boss (W symbol on the map)
(1) Randomly change locations every 15 minutes. (Always 00-15-30-45 on the clock)
(2) The more damage you deal to the World Raid Boss, the more Raid Points you get.
(3) Skill: reduce enemy defense will not work on the World Raid Boss.
(4) Skill: reduce enemy attack is capped at 33%.
(5) For every World Raid Boss defeated, a random participation reward is given to players who dealt over 400,000 damages to the World Raid Boss.
Fragments of Awakening (覚醒の欠片)
For 100 Fragments, you can enter Awakening State for 10 minutes.
(1) In Awakening State, you get x1.2 Raid Points.
(2) During those 10 minutes, you can move around freely on the map.
(3) You get Fragments of Awakening from N Boss and EX-SR Boss.
For 10 Fragments, you get varies information about the different Bosses.
Check Hongfire for more info.
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I'm sorry I'm not sure because I don't collect the cards, what seems to be the issue with the one on the 8 thread?
the swimsuit version is a JPG with artifacts, but it was resaved as a PNG for some reason to cover that up. If we got that one single card ripped properly we could cross Asagi off the list.
Any chance your game gets actually finished?
>is a JPG with artifacts
I have no idea what that means.

I would give it to you but...
>Your image contains an embedded file.
I also have no idea what that means.
artifacts =jpeg crap, weird distortions that happens to certain colors which results in a messier poor quality image.
Well its on 8 now.
got it, thanks a bunch , we can cross Asagi off the list finally. Just need Misha's two cards and then everything for the rest.
Why would you want it to end? The whole point is enjoying daily life with Sylvie, with more stuff to do whenever the game gets updated.
It's nice to see new Asuka content.
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weird boner right now.
This triggers my tyrophobia.
What is this eldritch creature?
alternatives to Free Cities?
i remember there being a very similar game, but with different fantasy races and stuff
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Someday we'll be able to do it with no hands
Not as complicated but more amusing events and with touhous
>Has detachable limbs
>No scenes where she gets fucked without them

Not sure why they did it that way. Oh well. Deltaware cyberlimbs are hot in their own way.
In Free Cities, what are the rewards for taking on the rival arcology owner who funded the Daughters of Liberty?

I tried but failed, got game over because of a lack of funds.
What game?
>Not sure why they did it that way.
it's so unlike lilith to misuse a character and have a lot of wasted potential
Fuck off already with your western furshit.
>it's so unlike lilith to misuse a character and have a lot of wasted potential
What is Rinko and Yukikaze's mom?
One of the possible rewards is to get to enslave her.
>What is Rinko and Yukikaze's mom?
anon I was being sarcasm
You unlock a monument
that thing has 0 furshit
>free cities
What if you spray her with pepper spray with all those eyes open?
That's sounds kinda kinky in this context.
You get a kinda shitty slave.
Tons of implants, military training, usually smart, old, heavily used.
She's prestigious, but you get a slave that's MUCH better for a fifth the money not long after that.

If I have tons of money I just give her to my head girl who promptly chops her limbs off and keeps her in a fiddle case,

i know the author made similar shota flash animations, what's his name?
I'm well aware, I have just wanted to point out few jarring examples.
Will she be beautiful?
Average to above average, nothing outstanding.
What happens to girls when they retire in Free Cities?
From what I remember, no.

It's very important to get them when they pop up, even if you go into debt as long as it's not instant game over debt.
They get turned into meat
So what is free cities? I've seen a lot of people talking about it but I can't really figure out what type of game it is. Is it like an city simulator with H-scenes?
>Is it like an city simulator with H-scenes?
Oh I'm laughing.
This why I'm asking friend.
A textbased game where you indeed lead a "city". Not in the sense of placing buildings and such. More slave management and so on.
Ah. So what is the gameplay like?
It's a sex slave trade browser game where you use and manage your girls (and "guys", if they happen to be shemale) to make money and improve the arcology you control. You can use the money and reputation to buy upgrades which allow you more precise control over how you develop your slaves and the jobs they can do. It has a lot of detail.
Is this the only option?
wow. That does sound nice is a link for it in the pastebin? I didn't see it when I looked.
Obviously not, because it's not hentai game.
Most talk about FC is at /d/ in /dgg/ so it might be best to go there with questions while playing.
just finish that MILF 3p netori
only got 4 ending,after that u will unlock harem route in title screen
pretty good for milf nukige
fuck off Ted, your skelegates hold no power here
It's worth mentioning that there's a lot of content filtering from within the game.

You can for example make it so male slaves are extremely rare (and can be turned down without any penalty), choose the predominant race of the slaves, influence the type of slaves you get (from tall, fit, all natural women all the way to literal fleshbags with no limbs) and more.

It's still early in development, but so much potential.
I'm a bit worried about future performance though, the way the game is programmed isn't very "resource smart" as it is.
I thought /pol/ went blue for a second there.
>"stop shooting sperm everywhere , it got into my eyes"
>which eye ?
Any interesting news on Illusion latest disappointment?
You can go to 8ch's /hgg/ if you want mods/forks/lolis too
i stopped caring after the initial announcement.
doesn't help illusion blocks gaijin IP from viewing their site.
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The way they block their site is kinda weird too.

I mean, returning to homepage? Was there masterplan to confuse gaijin scums or something?
can i make my slaves more intelligent in Free Cities?
Please go ask /dgg/. Free Cities is not a hentai game.
And you can only boost it by one level if they are uneducated. If they're stupid and already educated then you can't.
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chocolate elves need to be in more games
Literally worst color.
I like to keep her as personal slave, she doesn't deserve it due to the circumstances, but I don't care. I keep her around to abuse her and turn her into most depraved but not mindbroken and still resistant slave.
They either get retired into permanent confinement in the arcade, get turned into menial labor slaves, become free citizens or maybe there are some other options too, that part of them game is pretty WIP atm though.
It obviously is you dumb idiot
Literally worst opinion.
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And more anime.

In fact, delicious brown elves deserves to be present in more media.
>Shota on brown elf

Can you please give me a name or something?
What a great game.
Is that the GF he NTR'd from you?
Because if it's her then it's like a pottery.
The entire final scene is MC's steals the dude's phone, tells his ex-girlfriend to come over, then she walks in on her boyfriend screaming that he loves chinpo-sama and can't get off to women anymore, resulting in her having a breakdown and collapsing on the floor. Then MC stops fucking the dude and tries to leave, and when the dude begs him not to because he can't live without chinpo-sama anymore and he doesn't give a shit about his girlfriend MC laughs and calls him a faggot and goes home to play some MMO's. It's the best ntr story I've ever read.
No way, that would be way too good
>the dude begs him not to because he can't live without chinpo-sama anymore and he doesn't give a shit about his girlfriend MC laughs and calls him a faggot and goes home to play some MMO's.
So, he fucked him ironically? Are people masturbating to this ironically?
I consider myself straight, but sometimes I fantasize about blowing / fucking other men only to call them fucking faggots during the act.
It was all for revenge.
Is the faggot actually voiced by a dude? I'm sure all the chinpo-sama moans must be ridiculous
Who is chinpo-sama?

It's pretty clearly an alias, although I don't know enough about BL to actually recognize the voice.
Chinpo-sama is the patron saint of /hgg/
Shit, who's the artist? He looks so fucking familiar, but I just can't remember his name. Please help.
Thanks for spoiling the game asshole.
It never occurred to me BL games need voice actors too. Strange I never realized there must be plenty of actors up for the role

This is also presumably an alias. I can't help you there.
Thanks, I've probably found him on that panda. Odd, I was expecting more CG works from him since his artstyle reminds me of Orcsoft guy.
I think one of the dudes in No, Thank you! voiced Shougo in Maggot Baits.
what gaem?
Reminds me of Willem Dafoe's role in Boondock Saints.

I know all dese words but still can't figure this shit out

something like, her mother loves cats and dogs but because they are a restaurant so they can't pick anything up?
I like donuts.
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mostly scenes with this girl?
It's easier if you know the context. And you're actually correct, since the girl just helped the MC and took him to her home (the shop), and they're discussing what to do with him.

he succ and learn from the girls he will rape then make a tape about the greatest NTR.

fuck, NTR, fuck, NTR.
You ok?
Apart from coherent gameplay that's like 90% of fucking H-games, especially 2d ones unfortunately
>│2D.G.F.│ [160729] [つるみく -Another-] di-room パッケージ版
New Tsurumiku bondage title is out.
She gets the most scenes indeed-
Looks good
I just wanted to love.
Try holding your breath well puffing up your cheeks with air. Touch your cheeks. They feel kinda like that
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What is love?
baby dont hurt , dont hurt me
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No more.
That art looks a bit meh
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i have nofapped for 9 days for this.. and now when it comes out i have no willpower to do it
don't ever nofap lads
>XP support in 2016
>still using vista because lost my win7 CD when moving houses
Shit sucks.
xp is the only decent OS released in the 21st century
Just use dazloader.
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>paying for win7
Not exactly. It came with the desktop I bought. I think it was a bundle and only made the thing cost $20 more expensive. It wasn't that bad.
Not that guy, but how is paying $20 not exactly paying? In my country, using money to get something paying.
Any battlefuck / sexfight game recommendations? Bonus points if loli or shota is involved
I've been eyeing this and wondering if it's any good.

Heroine is cute, at least.
but she doesn't love you.
That's what throws me off. Games description makes her seem like a cold hearted slut.
Not exactly as in I didn't exactly pay for the full price of $200 for win7.
turns out that adult games can now be bought from japanaese amazon directly
really? did you try?
Wait, where did he say you paid the full price? I thought his phrasing was general.
Yep, I tried

Actually I think you can now buy ALL games directly from nipamazon, in addition to manga and figurines
well I heard that you can import stuff from amazon jp now just not any R18 so your post was a surprise.
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oh, i thought this was already uploaded, I suppose not.
I still can't import onaholes, but games seem to be fine now

Shipping to the Holy Roman Empire is 11 bucks for Eiyuu Senki Gold
Pretty sure it was. I remember looking at it a few nights ago thinking if I should delete it or not.
Seriously please, anything on this manga. Even an author name would be enough to get me started
I found it in less than 5 minutes. Search sadpanda with these tags: english elf dark skin.
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Managed to get this far with the new Triangle release by using the previous games cracks but no idea on getting past this.
Insert the DVD to play.
I've got you covered anons, open your mouths for a nice spoonfull of info [Orutoro] Koko ga Tanetsuke Frontier ~Daichi no Shou~
well aware that's what its saying but redirecting the checker to the drive running the ISO is cutting it.
Isn't cutting it***
I figure the DL han was uploaded earlier, and that's the パッケージ版
You can either stop molesting lolis or give me source otherwise i'm going to call the police anon
Its not a crime if she consents, right?
I like little girls, they make me feel so good.
in some countries the age of consent is 14 IIRC
EGOIST is some geeky man
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o-oh shit
>not using XP 64-bit
fuck off shill
Did you rip her scenes yet anon?
They know their audience
always too lazy to do that... might get to it eventually...
Just uploaded the latest patch on 8ch thread.
ugh... and i have the top three cards too...
thank you for this
And that would be?
i don't get it.
>anon in charge of not living under a rock
So what is it, BF1?
but she's inori.
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life is suffering for this pokemon.
maidposting goes in the maid thread
To be fair, I only made the thread to contain all the troubleshooting questions to a single area. I don't really think it will last forever. unless by some miracle it gets translated.
It feels good knowing that no matter how old and outdated my computer gets, I'll always be able to play h-games and VNs.
did you upload this anywhere?
Do those Monster Girl Island titles ever get updated or are they fairly static?
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>been posting MGI here because I really want to see it do well
>see it cropping up subtly in other threads/boards
This pleases the hearboner
i see that you are new, I am also new.
I think they're static, but I would expect him to release more before "Demo2"
All of the available content so far are pretty much just demos/previews.

I know it's been a thing for a while, and I know it's definitely been in /hgg/ for a while, but until about three weeks ago I had literally only seen a couple posts to /gif/ where something like MGI is on-topic. This past week I've seen it cropping up in other /vg/ generals, other boards, completely unrelated threads.
not him but check the ulmf tl thread
please tell me this is not real
It's real.
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>that feel when your net worth is thousands more than your aniue and his bijin waifu combined despite being a shut in
must feel good
i can only ever experience that last part
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Yeah, but the little weasel is hiding it from them so he can keep earning their sympathy (especially hers).
>be a rich bastard
>let your family think you're poor
>somehow have enough money to give big bro's wife in secret to help cover their debt
>take advantage of her as payment and take your sweet time corrupting her until you eventually enslave her to your cock
>her mom's also a totally hot MILF, so you take her too because why the fuck not
>"btw bro i was rich all along, thanks for the waifu and nothing personnel kid"
Truly a tactical god among hikki gentlemen.
What is Free Cities
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>you will never be scolded by Sayuri over coffee at a local family restaurant during your scheduled meeting with the sole purpose of her checking up on you
just cuck my shit up fampai
Can i have a link?
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The atmosphere in this makes me chuckle sometimes. Gloomy flashback met with piano, percussion, and a solo sax... This game has way too much character.
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Wish I could make a fortune off Japanese Diablo.
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>you will never have Sayuri scold you while fixing your collar for you
Wouldn't it hurt really bad for her to have sex her with all of those eyes on her legs?
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Hey guys is this game any good? Anyone have a summary of what it contains?
>640x480 resolution
no can do
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puffy anus.
so, NTR?
>been posting MGI here because I really want to see it do well
I don't understand. Like, do you want it to be well known? It will achieve that easily once there's actually something to play. Whether or not it'll do well financially will depend on how well the game is made.

I'll buy it if it isn't first-person SBPR with monstergirls, but the demo so far hasn't really shown me anything to the contrary
Anyone know if it's safe to click "Yes" when MusuMaker HD asks you if you want to update to latest version (1.18) on first start?

I'm running the version from the 2DGF torrents with the 1.15 update already installed.
Its safe, just ignore the dolphins.
I hope you know moon
It's about a dude being creepy around little girls and eventually having sex with them.
It's really easy to progress even if you know nothing of japanese.
dolphins? and i'll be using VNR, but if that doesn't work I think I remember enough from when I played the original version.
Wait, what triggers the kitchen scene in teaching feeling? The various internet things say "evening dress", "see-through dress" and "fifth outfit".

Is it really just the sundress?
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VNR doesnt work with it. Setting the OCR to replace the text hooker kinda works though.
>Aogiri Penta will actually be in another Josou series
How come nobody ever told me about this? '
Like your dad, we wanted to think you weren't gay.
Shut up MOM.
nan bread
time for meidos
I'd blame /mggg/ for MGI popularity if anything.
Monster Girl Games General.
It has quite a few things that make it stick out from your average RPGM game. However there aren't many scenes. It's pretty good though if you like lolis. I feel like if the circle had more manpower they could make a truly great game.
OK but how do I install it?
It's an RPG Maker game.
Yeah but where's the download link to it?
It's on Sukebei.
RJ number? I can't read the top of the screenshot due to the complexity of the kanji and the size of the screenshot.
Nevermind, RJ181109.
What do I search there?
Please dude, I'm lost. Give me a direct link.
>tells you where to look
>tells you what to look for
Um. are you alright?
I don't understand this sukebei sight.

Please, I even had trouble installing AA2.
>google RJ181109
>figure out what the name is
>paste the name in sukebei
>download torrent
You're not even trying to get better, are you? Fucking leech.
Oh OK got it. I know why it wasn't working. In Sukubei the category search was set to "real life videos".
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happy fapping.
Is there a translated version out there or am I forced to go the ATLAS route?
holy fuck dude
Not enough games with futa scenes/content.
anon speaks the truth
Sorry, I'm new at all this.
Seriously. These days you are stuck with one off scenes in an empress game if you are lucky. Has there even been a game in the last few years where at least half the scenes have girls with dicks?
>These days you are stuck with one off scenes in an empress game if you are lucky.
lol and the last one had literally one scene of futa

Read the OP

>if you have to ask

There's the newcomers guide , right there, the 1st link.
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>Has there even been a game in the last few years where at least half the scenes have girls with dicks?

Closed Game had one futa scene. And it was from a minor consequential character. Did not even have a name. Even the pose was boring as fuck and the ahegao was behind some mask.
I suppose this is them keeping the balance after having a futa as the main heroine of the preceding game.
Yeah, I know what you are talking about. It's awful. You see the futa tag but it's like one scene or implied.

i wish Violated Hero games had more vanilla scenes

>pick a scene that looks vanilla
>girl shoves something up my bum
>Previews looked like it could have been a good futaona titles.
>Suddenly there's a guy sucking her dick.

Every. Fucking. Time.
What's wrong with guy sucking dick?
But that's vh's gimmick
It's called Violated Hero and not Vanilla Hero for a reason.
Read the thread
There is nothing wrong or gay about guy sucking a dick of a biologically born female. Traps and men are different story, but you'd have to be really insecure to think that having sex with a woman is gay.
>her dick
Would you have preferred I used the word phallus?
or just call that thing him, as you should
No. You should've said meat pole.
Does the torrent in the second post for CM3D2 have both expansions and the main game? What do the expansions add?
No idea what post you're talking about, just check the wiki
where's my soft dom eroges
Second post in the thread, under Games Recently Released
Ah, just quote it or something next time.
No, that's just a general update and DLC
mc brother is a scum
only got 3 ending,mom ending is the best
another 2 is brother wife ending
I just used the walkthrough on dldou
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Eh, I got a fap out of it, I'd say that's mission accomplished.
I will never play any game without a walkthrough. Never.
>mom ending is the best
>voiced by Harumi Asai
I dont think my dick will handle it
not yet
How would you feel if your nukige made a movie pun and the pun was called, "Beat My Juice".
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That's why we gotta netori his waifu.
what, you don't like having random scat/guro scenes foisted upon you?
no. if there's a scat/guro scene I want to make sure I do get it
>see huge cm3d2 update
>it's 3AM but fuck it
>realize I downloaded the wrong one because I already had 1.25
>it's now 4AM and my shit internet is halfway through
>I have class at 9 tomorrow
why are we here, just to suffer
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>an anal-focused Valkyrie game
There is a god.
I want to make assbabbies with those qts.
>She'll never be your cute gf
>You'll never hold hands while going to tanabata together
Art by Potion too.

>Ojou is voiced by Misonoo FUCKING Mei.

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but anon, there was a game just recently with almost completely anal content.
you better not be complaining
I want to make breastbabbies with this little lady.
>Not sucking a big pale throbbing futa cock
>Then MC stops fucking the dude and tries to leave, and when the dude begs him not to because he can't live without chinpo-sama anymore and he doesn't give a shit about his girlfriend MC laughs and calls him a faggot and goes home to play some MMO's.

My sides are on Pluto.
>Art by Potion too.
the eyes look weird
>Complaining about Misonoo Mei

I could listen to her all day. It's okay that she is used in everything.
I wonder how sex with Misonoo Mei feels like.
you know that feeling when you stumble across a game that focuses on all your favorite fetishes and looks great and you wonder how the hell you hadn't heard of it before now
such a good feeling
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I wonder what sex is like with Fujimura Suzuka.
I have 2 major issues with this title:

1. You don't actually end up with her in any ending. In both good endings, she stays married to her douchebag husband who keeps them in debt. In both bad endings, you get cut off, and in one of them her husband sells her to some yakuza to make impregnation AVs... yet there's no ending where you yourself buy her or steal her away or anything.

2. There's not enough actual sex with the main heroine. Why am I stuck with two anal scenes followed by another anal scene and NO vaginal penetration whatsoever in one ending and then only one sex scene followed by a pregnant sex scene in another ending? Oh, and there's a vaginal sex scene in 2 of the bad endings... but the mom's route has like 4 vaginal sex scenes (and 1 anal) all on its own. Just wow.

The artwork and voiceovers are amazing, but this is nothing short of a total failure as a netorige. Only the mom's route felt satisfying, and you weren't even stealing her away from anyone as she basically seduced you and not the other way around. There was just way too much wasted potential in this game that left me totally frustrated instead of satisfied; it's like I was playing Ai Shimai 4 all over again because that was basically the exact same experience as this (except with the mom instead of her daughters, but she was the main heroine in that game anyway despite its title).

If any of this sounds really shitty to you and you actually play netorige for the netori, either wait for a complete save or don't waste your time on this one at all. I don't think I can trust anymore "netori" titles from Silky's.
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test test
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don't make fun of potion.
Needs black sclera on that demon girl.
I wanna see Butcha-U do a demon girl with black sclera.
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> tfw you find a new works from butcha-u because you didn't recognized that picture and found out that it was expunged from sad panda for some reason
I don't even know how expunging works and why is it even a thing, I mean, the works are still there, they are just somewhat filtered.
>why is it even a thing
It's to avoid copyright claims.
I like ShindoL more than Butcha U
I dont
I respect your opinion.
I know, but it's not like it's removed, it's still there.
Are ShindoL, Butcha-U, and Meme50 the holy trinity of hentai twitter memelords?
Why Meme50?
His entire vomit and snot based fetish acquirement was thanks to streamchatters and twitter posts.
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I rike tits.
How? Could you elaborate? I know that his older works did not had so much vomit / scat / snot in it, but I've never heard that he acquired it thanks to somebody.
I don't like tits on skeleton.
Is old baseless info that might as well be rumor read from sadpanda thread many years ago, of which I believe there was an image too. Meme50 has streamed before, apparently he likes to actually engage to with the stream chat as well as take comments for ideas on what to draw with free time. So someone gave him the whole, "You should draw a girl vomiting on someone's dick! (Japanese Kappa)" and then he did it, stream had many laughs, 50Memes liked it, and the the rest is history.
So he actually just does shit like that because of the memes?
but raita would approve.
Because it triggers people, and he enjoys it yes.
It's because most copyright claimers are fucking idiots and can't find it from there.
> tfw decide to binge download whole meme50 translated collection from panda, but 90% of his works disappeared
God bless nhentai I guess.
nhentai are downsampled versions.
Well, where else do you download manga from? Panda doesn't even have it expunged.
Nyaa if I really wanted. A shame a lot of older titles will pretty much eventually be lost to time and apathy. But that's just how time works sadly.
That's pretty much why I have 2 TB of hentai manga on my HDD and computer.
My major problem is the fact that the folder grows faster than I can filter through the unwanted works, so it's awful race with time that I can't win. I feel like Atlas with the weight of the world on my shoulders and fear that until rest of my life I will never filter through it.
Did Act 2 break VIP events or something? All of a sudden every VIP event showed back up in the night menu and won't disappear if done.
There's also two problems:
1. You will never read them all or at least fap to them all
2. HDD can die at any moment randomly because lol HDDs
> 1. You will never read them all or at least fap to them all
That's the problem, I'm weeding out the shit ones while fapping and sadly, I can't do that 24 hours per day
> 2. HDD can die at any moment randomly because lol HDDs
That's why I have two HDDs just to be super-sure.
No, it didn't. You fucked up.
How so?
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rejoice in bunny day.
I threw up.
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What do you think about boob-pussies?
kill yourself slowly
I like the artist but he's a faggot who posts his works only on twitter with a terrible jpeg artifacts and shit.
No fucking thanks.
>He doesn't recognize Ban
>he doesn't know ban
>he doesn't like unshaven bush

Lmaoing at both your lives
Actually, I did not recognized him despite seeing that sister-teacher work of his.
I also couldn't figure out his name through reverse image search, because I didn't think that "ban" would have been his allias.
I usually dislike pubes, but that pic is hella hot.
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My favorite part are the tit pussies, I wish there was a tag for something like this, holy shit.
Do you have sauce for your pic by any chance?
Reverse-searching gives me nothing.
Just found it randomly while doing my daily paizuri tag checkup
I don't think the whole thing got scanned yet
You better go to the doctor, shit taste is terminal.
I'm sorry to hear that you feel that way, but unfortunately I doubt that I'd be able to fix your shit tastes.
Is 4chins taking forever loading pictures for anyone else?
Why does best paizuri goddess get wasted on some online game?
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No, maybe it's just you.
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>Why does best paizuri goddess get wasted on some online game?
>tfw shipsluts suffer the same fate
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please help.
At least ships get tons of dous
Happening to me too.
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That is true. Feels good.
Paizuri ain't that good in real life anon.
Try rubbing your dick between your thunderthighs, that's literally how it feel.
Big tiddy is pleasant to look at and some things are just better in 2D form as a fantasy.
It's not like NTRfags would have liked to find a perfect 3DPD waifu in real life only to have her stone by some random douchebag either.
New thread when?
Sometime after passing bump limit.
>Paizuri ain't that good
Virgin detected
Lube you fucker, LUBE
If you have to use lube to feel good then you're just furthering my point.
My thighs also feel good with lube on it.
What's a manko?
It's the girl version of a manlet
>My thighs also feel good with lube on it.
I'll be the one to judge that.
He's not furthering your point, my onaholes feel fucking amazing, but if I wouldn't lube them, I would be in for a bad time.
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Okay, I've just called my petite sister manko and she stared daggers at me and slapped me across my face.
Did you lied to me anon?
I don't see why your fake story would lead you to believe I lied.
If you called some dude a manlet, he would probably get mad as well.
That is true, I did not think it through. I'm just trying to push us into the next thread.
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Why aren't there any games with nipple sumo?
Aw damn it... You just killed all my hype. Or, well, they did by making a bad game.
What other silkys game burned you?
Oh, I see, Ai Shimai 4. Same here. I only cared about the mom but man what a shitty end.
new thread: >>150407975
Which one is it?
>OP Image got deleted.

Mods confirmed not a fan of funbags.
Good. They have taste.
Yeah, but they can probably only taste fecal matter.
Thread posts: 755
Thread images: 126

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