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/pgg/ - Pokemon Go General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 802
Thread images: 84

>Official FAQ

>Is the server down?

>General Database

>Is it worth evolving X?

>Some questions answered
http://pastebin.com/spEFYmPw (embed)

>Pokemon strengths and earning XP

>IV Calculator

>Pokemon moves DPS

>Information on spoofing:
Nox: http://pastebin.com/k34jzqUK (embed)
Blustax: http://pastebin.com/KCVr1HjB (embed)

>python scanner set up guide

>Scan request Discord channel

>scanner app


>walking is exercise
First for BOT master race
First for butthurt walkers and Necrobot, their oppressor.
is there an optimal gpx path in central park or santa monica??

I can't seem to get over 35k xp/h
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Best walking speed for Necro? Need that sweet XP/h.
Please don't post this tumblr shit ever again, thank you
if you aren't breaking the sound barrier you aren't worth shit

I wanna make some BIG bucks if you feel me, before they ''eventually'' ban botted accounts if they ever do, I might aswell fucking sell em.
Blood clots are srs business anon
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late for
oh god why is this happening after i set config/auth
it's all set right.
The selling days have passed. Accounts are worth fuck all now because of bots.

Should have sold a week ago.
Why would I tell you and ruin my own business? Hello?
Because I could ruin yours by telling lots of normies how to bot.
mach 4
Snorlax 97 Zen+EQuake
>I replied to some guy trying to sell botted accounts still
fuck I'm a retard alright.
Go ahead, I'll still make some dosh and you won't
You can always try craiglist or some shit. I ain't listing my gaming market places
go ahead senpai
You're too stupid to effect anyone.
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This one seel keeps crashing my application every time I click on it to transfer. What do?
thanks senpai
cany anyone hook a nigga up with starter coordinates to farm pl0x
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Thanks for the (you)'s

What should be my MinCP and MinIV for Autosniper?

>game updated appreantly
>No update prompt on my phone
>No update on google play
How does sniping work?

Will I be bannu for sniping something in tokyo if I live in the UK?
>tfw no Perfect 100% best moveset Slowbro bro
'Best' moveset is relative as it might change again in a week or so, who knows?
put name and pass inside " "
mincp 2000 minIV 98
depending on your level
>Will I be bannu for sniping something in tokyo if I live in the UK?
37.417788, -121.871933
Magmar 95 KChop+FThrower
Game says it's still at version 29.3. Anyone else having problems downloading the newest patch?
just bot
So what todays update to necro add? Worth updating?
They took it off again, but there's an AKP floating around somewhere
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>put name and pass inside " "
did, this is how it looks aside obvious x
what the fuck is going on, i have been spoofing and boting and i havent been softbanned since yesterday, i traveled from the us to japan and then to autralia and nothing happened, did niantic give up on me or what?
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So close... so far..
Anyone knows a quirk to make the GPS throw its spaghetti 20 meters or so for a second?
how do i paste this into the console window? i keep getting ^V
Did they nerf my based water cat?
Right clicking pastes things for me in console.
For example, it now keeps X rarest pokeballs/potions/revives, instead of set amount of each.
Improved filters, etc.
i want to get laid...
can i snipe and necrobot at the same time?
right click in the upper bar
yes thats how it should be
bots automatically unban you, it is called spining
alt+space then E then P
If it's the default windows console,

Right click title bar > edit > paste
Right click on the actual window part at the top -> edit -> paste
Someone give me Central Park coords.
is there a discord chat i can talk to about snipes?
Im reading the guide but Im not sure how exactly I do this like do I run the game while pokesnipes is running or just snipes. shits confusing. im a dumb cunt doe.
thanks snorlax gone tho ;(
well fuck I dont know why it's crashing then because it's always been like that. Nothing on the FAQ or anything either.
What was the change?
no you will be ban
Why can't you look them up yourself? Why do you need to get your hand held through the easiest things?
I'm a botter, too lazy to do that. Hurry up you cuck.
Oh while you're at it, grab me a list of good spots to snipe at.
Just KYS ;)
So if I wanna make a new account cuz of all the dust I wasted on my main acct where would be the best place to start? Cali/Aus?
i know that the bots unbans me but i am not seeing anymore the "it seems you are softbanned spining pokestop 1/45"
it just doesnt happen anymore it goes straight to catch pokemon normally
so do i not need to watch this thread anymore?
Take a walk faget
lol you're a cunt mate can't even type out the whole thing your so godamn lazy. You fackin wot m8?
I'm not a walker kid.

You're really stupid.
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>Can't update my phone or nox to 0.31.0
Okay, cool I guess.
I can't get past 35k XP/Hour

How do I go higher?

Using 500km speed
literal retard
>Removed Footprints
my fucking sides can't handle it

nothing of consequence and removing features

how the fuck do they keep up the quality?
On my warp elite if I minimize the game and pull up a browser, browse a bit then refocus on the game my avatar rubber bands. It's not a science yet but I'm fairly sure the gps tracks to the right of your camera in-game
says the cunt who's gotta meme his way into an insult.
Fucking lollllll
>tfw showed my normie coworker my bot account
>he didn't think you could have different accounts
>at first he got that look of disgust and disappointment
>turned around and said fuck i wanna do that so i can rock motherfuckers at gyms
>teach me senpai
>tfw botting an account for him rn
it all worked out bros
speaking of which, are the default settings on 4.0 good enough for him, just to level up and catch gym shitters?
If you say so. There are no prompts and the play store still only has 0.29.3
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>Water Gun nerf
Did I dodge a bullet? I had 150 candy.
vape is still the best evoo
Anyone got coords to snipe a Mr. Meme? much appreciated familia
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I walk by day, spoof when I get home, and bot when I'm in the shower or AFK.
ALl I gotta say is Niantic is a fucking joke, at least now my phone won't be dying of battery since I'll stick to spoofing and botting only.
>it all worked out bros
What worked out? Why would you bot for someone else? You're being taken advantage of without you even realizing it
>not at least 800
eevee cap is like 1000 m8, they were all shit anyway unless u got dem IVs and dat candy and dat dust
Does anyone else really enjoy watching people playing this game? I sit near a pokestop + gym for lunch and it's really funny how it makes people act like NPC's from a pokemon game.
It honestly doesn't matter

Vapes has higher HP and CP than either of the other evolutions

Vapes is still champ because Niantic is literally retarded
can i snipe using coords while necrobot at the same time?
... That's not how you fix a bug you literal garbage developers
I want to attach my face my face to her sweaty smelly ass.
>being a botcuck
>TFW no girl to play pokemon with
yeah seriously did you learn anything from school
You're being used just like the generic scene of the hot girl asking the nerd to do her homework.
You're not even a spoonfeeder. your a pushover.
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Best Pokemon map scanning website? I'm hearing pokevision isn't good anymore, can anyone confirm?
Says the cunt who can't use pokesniper. Do you struggle with ms paint too?
just download the live map

it works and isn't cancer

Unrecognised configuration section startup ( Necrobot.exe.config line 15 )

What did he mean by this?
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I'm lvl 28 and stingy with my candy. I have 700k candy saved up for when I hit 30 because I don't wanna waste it on these guys. The last push from fresh lvl 28 and 29 will give me enough mons to feed into the lvl 30s I catch, I think but I haven't evolved anything this week so I have 2 hours of lucky egg fodder waiting. This is how much candy I had 2 days ago for reference.

My plan is to use these for fighting now and use all my stardust at lvl 30 for optimized IV guys. Though I really gotta ask: will I start getting those 1000 eevees at lvl 30 or are they rare?
You are a literal cuck.

A bad name to botting master race. You might as well start walking you limp faggot.
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Link to live map please
go into config.json file and look at the 15th line
Pokevision was never good, the python methos is 100% better
live map? as in it has every mon on all parts of the world at the same time?
check op
I think I'm going to try Sniping

There is legitimately no point in playing.
The community has made a better map than the actual developers 2 hours after the issue started.

Leveling past 20 is fucking atrocious unless you are willing to bot.

Most of all the game just isn't fun. The battle system is boring, catching a pokemon is boring, and even owning a gym is just so completely uninspired that I have to ask why? It's so easy to lose and take a gym that it shouldn't even be a mechanic

Game that could have been absolutely amazing has been shown to be a complete bust
There is def something wrong with pokevision at times and seems to be linked to when the servers are having fucked up issues in an area. I have mine set up around the capital building and I walk and grab pokemon/stops in that area. When the go servers start fucking up and lagging to shit the pokevision updates go to complete shit as well for that area. If I check pokevision somewhere else it might work just fine, if I log in and move my avatar into that area it also works.

I prefer pokevision with nox/wasd because it actually feels like playing something, a game. botting is just sitting on your ass and waiting being handed sweet dosh without doing anything. Easy, but kinda boring.
I find myself thinking everyone on their phone is playing even though only most of them are
Oh gee, I don't know. If only the op was full of links.

If only.


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Try harder fuckboi. And maybe an insult I havent used
Fucking horrible.
I was thinking about this yesterday as I walked the same 11 poke stop route over and over.

We npc now.
did those pokesnipers cunts get rid of porygon and dewgong yet
I'm having the same issue
I am and am feeling unbelievably disappointed that I have to.

I mean I don't think an Indy game would be allowed to launch on Steam with that many fucking bugs and problems.

If it weren't for the pokemon name the game wouldn't even be remotely popular which is just even more frusterating
So I got a couple of dups im afraid of losing. Necro just discarded a 96 and 97 dratinis i had. What is the setting to stop it from discarding high level shit?

The option "TransferDuplicatePokemon": true,

seems to be a little off. anyone else having the same issue? i dont wwanna lose my high level shit
How come every time I come to this general there's some new thing people have come up with to not play this game? First spoofing, then botting now sniping? Is this shit real or am I being trolled? And spoofing sounds like a code word for gay sex.
im using the one in OP
how to change location?
the "change location" in option doesnt work for me
I use to be able to take 4 pokemon solo with Vaporeon now I can only take 2

REE this gym is taking forever
Sorry for your loss I fixed mine looks like you're gonna have to walk faggot

Reinstall Net Framework 4.5
I have the opposite, I have so many shit mons below 1000 and the bot won't fucking get rid of all of them.
What's the name I should feed Necrobot when I want nidorans M?


Only thing I changed in that config.json file was coordinates.

It seems to be making reference to the necrobot.exe.config file which is a CONFIG file and by default is in the same folder as the application.

I don't know shit about how this stuff works, sorry.
Keep IV above setting. It is basically flawless and ensures you will never lose high level shit.

I have keep IV over 88.
Because all these autists are so afraid of the sun they have to cheat this hard in a mobile game.
>Set parameters
>Don't transfer anything above X CP
>Don't transfer anything above X IV
>Keep pokemon that can evolve
>Set minimum duplicate to 0
Does using candy to lvl up CP before evolving help save some stardust?
Please go. This game is free and its and early build, 0.3. By the 1.0 launch there will be stabilization, and the game will change dramatically. You sound like a kid who got free ice cream but you don't like vanilla cuz it's too boring. Just chill out and enjoy the grind.

Or dont.
>or am I being trolled?

That's right. We're all outside laughing at you. You caught us.
Yes and pokemon with lower CP when captured have a higher CP potential
Yes it multiplies when you level so any increase is a lot. However you may get shit moves on the evolved one in which case all the powering up was for shit.
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>I don't think an Indy game would be allowed to launch on Steam with that many fucking bugs and problems.

So you have never been on steam I take it?

>If it weren't for the pokemon name the game wouldn't even be remotely popular which is just even more frusterating
Nintendo has a history of completely fucking up a great idea, like fucking it in the ass and tossing it into the ditch instead of making some very very very easy and huge amounts of money off a platinum IP. Pokemon-mobile-THE FUCKIGN MMO should have been the game of the fucking century, it should be bigger than jesus. It almost is, I went and got breakfast tacos and three older fuckers are sitting around the place playing, two younger fuckers are behind the counter, playing while taking orders. It ALMOST is as big as it could be. But they fucked up, gave the IP to some fucked up nobody knows company that has a history of being shit. They could have given this IP to fucking ANYBODY else big and this game would be a fucking religion that brings about a new age of peace and fucking enlightment across the planet.

Instead nintendo loans it out to a group of niantic hobos doing meth in a rathole server room with no idea what the fuck they are doing.

Motherfucking nintendo in a nutshell.
Anyone got any confirmed spawn nest? Or are they gone completely?

They already had a beta. Google it. The beta ended and this is the final game moron.
>this guy thinks we have a sniping program
fucking top tally lad you wanna go to the tea market they have 2 pokestops there
Charmander nest downtown is still pumping them out like a fucking ant hill so yea some are still active.
>but you don't like vanilla cuz it's too boring
I love vanilla

It feels like they took my vanilla and replaced it with a scoop of poop
Honestly I feel like the game is so famous already it doesn't matter
Well no shit they are never going to let it be nearly as deep or good as a franchise pokemon game. They want you never to be able to catch them all basically.
I have a 91% min 94% IV 157 Magikarp that I was thinking about evolving. His CP multiplies massively yeah? Should I pump him with 50 spare candies? Sitting on 450.
Lol wat a moron. We're just posting coords and, if you happen to be nearby, you can just run out and catch it. Don't be stupid.
I'm assuming Gyarados moveset doesn't have shitty attacks for that fucking price so i guess why not
No dipshit, the beta hasn't ended. There was a prebeta that many from Ingress were invited to, but the game will not officially launch until it does so worldwide, and even then it will be beta until it reaches a 1.0 patch. Niantic plans to put at least another 90% content into the game. You can call this whatever you want, but in reality it's a beta that has barely even managed to stabilize it's own servers.
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Yo, where that up to date tier list at?

Gonna set my bot to only catch top5 so it can stop running out of fucking pokeballs
I'm on spegelli woops forgot to mention that, but yeah, I'll try this.
not him but will setting the keep min duplicate to 0 only keep one of each pokemon?
i have my cp at 1850 and iv at 95. will it get rid of everything not that and whatever isn't on my list and only keep one of those?
>he doesn't play pokemon go with a teleportation pod
>It's free
So what? It's still complete shit

>And the game will change dramatically
You sound like you're in a DV relationship

We've already seen the full game that they refused to release thinking that they would make so much more capita by releasing the beta build.

It will not change much it is still going to be touch based combat with a terrible leveling and CP system.

The Stat system is not going to change and gyms are still going to be shit.

Features they are adding

1. Trading first
2. Trainer battles
3. Gen 2
4. UI revamp
5. Team battles

The fact it has the pokemon name and vehemently misleading people is abhorrent
So you're saying you liked the game better 3 weeks ago?
Show me where pokemon go is refereed to as a beta right now.

Fucking moron.
delete the coordinates and see if it works
whats a good scanner site? or a site for rare mon spawns? why isnt any of this shit in the OP? why is OP always a faggot?
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Apparently Kubutops is a top tier attacker but I'm a bit dubious of that, someone needs to test
>1. Trading first
Better get your wallet ready because you know damn well it will cost Pokecoins to trade.
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>The Dratini nest near me turned into an Eevee nest

I'm upset
51.4907795777227, -0.155627131462097
Dratini 100
ver number?
Honestly yes, I'd rather have server crashes and working spawn points and a tracking system than stable servers and shit everything else

Poop is frozen, but it's still poop
Vanilla is frustratingly boring and easy to melt, but delicious
how much of an effect is IV vs CP again?
it will make it so you will have 0 pokemon that are the same to each other even itself. So none. But since it can't get rid of anything within your keep parameters those will be ignored.

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That gets you banned. Let the bot do the grab when you paste int he coords and you are home free. Snorlax out the yinyang.
If I start over, will it take me a week to get to level 20 now that I know what I'm doing?
>505 CP

I'll take it

thanks fampai
thanks fampai
646 CP you sir are a gentleman and scholar
That or about four hours with a bot
It's your choice
Are you blind anon or just stupid?
From what I've seen, Tangela attacks pretty fast, but maybe that was just the move he was moving.
it takes 4 hours botting but yeah go ahead
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>catch a 91% 600 cp eevee
>it evolves to jolteon

>live near a bulbasaur nest
>it didn't turn to a dratini nest
100IV snorlax

post them cords ;^)
Last night I went to a parking lot and hung out hitting pokestops. More than 20 cars worth of people showed up through the day, all different types of people. I had a few conversations, did some gym battling, caught a few mons and hung out at the stops. This all happened because of this shit game that you hate so much. Otherwise I would have been home watching Spongebob.

If you hate this game so nuch, why are you here? Just delete it and go away. The power is yours.
Ok so on speg bot


What does this mean? will this transfer pokemons below the minimum cp?

Not being ver 1.0 doesn't mean beta, retard.
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I wanna suck your dick 2bh fampai :^)
I can promise you from experience Charizard is stronger than Vaporean regardless of type weakness. As long as you get wing attack that is. I can say this from trying to train gyms with my vaporeons while Charizard was the leader
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this, im lvl25 spoofer, ive had enough, i would be pissed to have really walked 300km and be dissappointed as fuck, especially with the move changes not really making it anymore like pokemon should be. Im playing FireRed now. i took all three starters. fuck prof oak.
mine was 162 too, should I use stardust before or after evolving?
look mom i call people retard imma big boi
or just snipe senpai I have around 50 candies from sniping, have around 3 dragonites with 70% ish IVs and just got a 100 IV dratini that'll surely turn to a beast Dnite if niantic doesn't fuck me up again
>90% dratini
>evolve it walkfag mode to Dnite
>Steel Wing and Hyperbeam
>REEEEE so hard I started botting and sniping and not giving two shits about walk catching rare shit now

Not an argument
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>1. Trading first
If they do add it, it'll be 80 cents for 30 minutes of trading at your local pokestop.

>2. Trainer battles
The shills don't have the talent to actually add live trainer battles. If it IS added, the closest you'll get is a fight vs your friend's bot team, and vice versa.

>3. Gen 2
Oh boy a featureless dump that'll make it even harder to find the right candy. Coming Q4 2017

>4. UI revamp
Into something no better or worse than what we already have I'm sure.

>5. Team battles
See 2.
Wah wah waaah
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How can I stop my bot from checking my inventory so often? I looked through the config five times over and can't imagine how I would fix it.
evolve to Dragonite first
if moveset is good, use dust
if moveset is shit, transfer
I am hear to laugh at you

>Removed footsteps
I honestly can't breathe

Also there is a sharp decline in the player base. In a college town there is barely anybody playing the game anymore and most quit due to how utterly uninteresting the game is.

It will be destitute by the end of August even with an actual major release and barren by the end of September
35.4639207144121, 139.624755978584
Dragonair 100

>not filtering IV>CP
Nigga you dun goof'd
35.4639207144121, 139.624755978584

dragonair 100 IV
If you go out and explore, magically, you find the Pokemon you're looking for. Stop relying on some broken distance tracker and just go explore. There will be different mons in every place you go, then you say 'gee, I'd like to catch destiny today. Good thing I found that nest by the sewage plant last week.'

This must be the affects of the YouTube generation.
Alt-Space, then E, then P
You mean minimum IV you fucking faggot

here let me spoon feed you

"KeepMinIvPercentage": 90.0

this is my setting, just fucking put this and you will never lose valuable pokemons faggot
[0.08.10] Dragonair got away.

>got away
Thanks though
sauce on your coords? the stupid pokesnipers doesn't show these is it the discord on the developer forum?
got 948
got 162

Thanks guys

Holy fuck I'm building an army of 100% Dragonites at this point.
mine got away holy fucking fuck
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Anyone else having trouble with PokeSniper? I can't catch shit and every time I try I get softbanned.
Just retry. For some reason Sniper sometimes lets you get another chance.
>848 cp
>got away
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>The shills don't have the talent to actually add live trainer battles. If it IS added, the closest you'll get is a fight vs your friend's bot team, and vice versa.

Exactly this, there will be no seeing other players on the map, they cant do it with all the potential for harm from criminal use.

If they allowed the ability to see other players on the map the trolling by spoofers would be legendary though.
I have a kabutops and he's bretty gud. maybe A- tier
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>tfw going to pixiv every 2 days for the good shit
man I wish I could make threads every day with these as the OP
If you miss due to softban the mon doesn't disappear and you can unban yourself and try again, that's about it i think?
>130 CP
Every fucking time.
That chart seems like bs. Golduck should be higher And Gengar is worse than Flareon for attacking? plz
>finally get a 99% magikarp
>evolve and get the coveted bite/hydro pump gyarados
>fucking psyched and tear a gym with him then place on top
>gym gets taken down in 10 minutes even with 4 other guys
Did i fall for the IV meme? He was at 3200 also what the fuck
>tfw already have 6 95% dragonites
>two 100% Drats
>1 100% Drair
t-thanks for moving the nests niantic, so these normie filth don't catch up to my 1mil dust and 500 drat candy
Isn't going out and experiencing stuff part of why the game is fun? Maybe you feel disappointed because you spoofed.
I still see plenty of people playing it. The game just takes a turn at 20 and actually requires a modicum of strategic thought. That will turn people off, sure.

But I don't care who quits or who doesnt, I'm trying to be the best like no one ever was. Have fun laughing while I level my 100% 7500 charizard. There is no amount of trash you could ever talk to convince me you would get anything less than an uncomfortable chubby looking through my pokedex.

Have fun never having fun, friend!
-33.8444702118, 151.243077472
90% IV Aerodactyl
Why do walkers get so much hate for playing the game as it was intended? And yes the game was intended for walking/travelling, it's not even debatable.
Is there a way to mod the game and set this as the loading screen?
Dragonite 98 DBreath+HBeam
tell that to Niantic devs when pokemon disappear within minutes
sure sounds like they want you to travel
Yeah, IV's aren't that great.

But nothing can hold up to a multi-player attack. You know that you can have several teammates attacking the same pokemon at the exact same time right? They show up in the background of the other players' screens attacking alongside them and everything.
Just started using Pokesnipers on my alt and wanted to ask if anyone has gotten softbanned?

I want to keep my main account "pure" but want to use pokesniping on it for the country exclusives but don't wanna be banned
when they gang up on him they can all damage him at the same time.
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Can I have some of your candy?
should have gone with a 100% you noob
Long as they have revives and pots one person with a single good mon can wear a tough gym down
you mean the way the god tier developer Niantic intended?

Yeah those guys are smart and good at game design.
Holy fucking this this worked on the %98 dragonite thanks!! Thought I was doomed.
Yep IV is for autists just grab what you can and have fun
Because they make too much of a hazzle about botters and spoofers, if they were chill botters might even actually help them finish their collection and get stronger pokemons via trading whenever that's ready but since they're cucks with a holier than thou attitude that won't happen ,just take a look at the bot/snipe community sharing coordinates updates and info, while walkfags are plebs trying to tell people to git gud
>mfw their scavenger hunt game is ruined because of no steps so it's really a random shit now
i wish
>missed the dragonair AND this dragonite
fuck my life
Dratini 98
maybe senpai what do i get tho

Hasn't changed anything, still the same problem. Just stops working instantly.
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Not him, I don't really care about botters, but can they actually attack gyms from home?
>be me
>live in bad neighborhood
>basically a cold war between blacks and hispanics
>im white, but im super tan so i look hispanic or lightskin
>try not to leave my house if i dont have the car
>friend who lives about 3 blocks down tells me i can come over and we can chill all day and catch pokemon later
>its a female so of course im risking the walk
>pack my pocket knife and head outside
>see the usual, group of black guys hanging out with no jobs and nothing to do but loiter and laugh obnoxiously and occasionally ask me for a dollar to which i always give them
>as i was walking to my friends house i was eyeing these guys wondering if they were gonna come up and have a convo with me and then ask for a dollar
>of course, once im about a block down they come to cross the street and talk to me
>but before they get to me some hispanic dude in his 40s comes out of thin air and is right in my face
>he asks me "where u from?"
>uh, im from here...
>"you being funny holmes?"
>he bites his lip and looks kinda pissed off
>"i said where u from holmes whats your set?"
>the black guys showup and the leader goes "ey whats going on here?"
>hispanic dude goes "nothing man just talking"
>black guy looks at me and says "ey you know him dawg? he giving you trouble?"
>im scared shitless and just nod
>then the black guy says "ey you better take that shit somewhere else dawg"
>then the hispanic goes "eyyyyy chillllll chillll" and starts to cross the street
>the black guy looks at me and says "you good little nigga?"
>uh yeah man im good thanks guys
>"alright little nigga we'll catch ya" and they walk back to their little hangout spot

i think i just picked a side, thats a good thing, right?
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You get to stand tall.
Alright back for the newest and hip thing, sniping

Does this softban or what? I'd figure it's an insta softban but apparently you goyos are doing it
Honestly as long as you aren't spamming gyms with 8 ult accounts of sniped dragonites it doesn't bother me. It's just so much jamming up the thread coordinates and get reports. We get it its easy to get dragonites sniping you dont have to post every time
whoever are you and wherever you have my gratitude you're doing god proud son
I don't understand the hate to botters, its usually 1 botter vs the local community, they are basically raid bosses, i don't see why is that a problem.
Did you check for softban?
give me more 100s fampai
You must have chosen Instinct.
Yeah, I'm just unlucky as fuck
Thanks for the coords though, you're a hero
If they bot, they probably spoof, so yes.

Not that it matters. Normies will still come take your gym out from under you in a couple hours tops. Your only hope for actually holding a gym is to be in one that's far enough into private property that you can't reach it from the road. I've been in one that's essentially inside a factory near the one I work at for a week hasn't changed since I joined. Slow drip of coins, but reliable.
check your auth.config, maybe you didn't put your name and pass in " "
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IV 11% Blastoise here!
Get it while it's shit!
anyone got nidoking coordinates?
You're a cool guy, lad.
well 1 dollar a day for nigga protection doesn't look so bad.
but congrats, you are the niggas slut now, gonna rape you if they get bored.

Not him.
How do I check? How do I get unbanned if so?
RIP don't do any gyms in beaner town unless you can hide kek
am I rite? wtf the game will die fast that's for sure
I went to pixiv, searched for pokemon go and searched for 12 pages and did not found that pic. How do you searched?
I'll take things that never happened for 500.
my necrobot stopped working saying it is an unverified account even though it is, how fix?
Boot up your bot
if it attempts to unban you, that means you were
just let it fix it for you and make sure your coords in your auth.config for the bot and for the user.xml for the sniper is the same to avoid any other problems
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dem squirtle candies why not
Dratini 91

Necrobot unbans you
did you search for ポケモンGO
ptg server offline
You know how annoyed you'd be if they suddenly made you have to fight every pokemon you wanted to catch? You'd be in here pitching a fucking fit longer and more obnoxious than the spaghetti you just dropped.

Pfft. Bot tries to humanize itself so you can feel like you're playing with a friend. That's adorable.
Right after they COMPLETELY FUCKED OVER spawns yesterday near the beach and changed all the water and dragon Pokemon to fucking grass, bugs, and normal type I gave up started botting / spoofing. Why the fuck did they need to replace all those with grass and bugs. Why the fuck are there bugs on the beach.
>Go to the gym to workout
>There's a pokestop right there can swipe it while I work out
>Fuck yeah
>Gym nearby
>two 800's one 1200
>Wipe it three times take over
>Put my shitty dratini there and leave
>I still have 5 hours so I can't cash in on it
>4 hours later
>Still have it
Ah, I had different coords. Thanks.
Just by searching Pokemon it's on the 4th page, but thanks for the heads up.
i use the Japanese words and then GO
only for ptc? it works on my walker account
>turning delays in player action/after catching from 5000/2000 to 0
Holy shiiiiiiiit this speed
tripled my exp/hr
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Pro-tip anons Save your best Onyx and get them candies. Steelix is gonna have mad gains.
Snorlax 93 Lick+HBeam
whats a good place to farm zubats?
Do you have no balls at all?
If you don't your good just keep how your doin don't slip goin out at night by yourself stick to your car like you do and make sure to greet the niggers appropriately, if you smoke weed have a spliff with you next time you see em, offer them a toke, before they can ask you for one then you'll be sorted.
also why
union station in la has a lot

Osaka Castle
no snorlax here
lmao are you serious nigga


and why
nothing there
>all the normies complaining about them removing Dratini nests when I'm just sniping Dragonites left and right
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I did that initially and was getting a different error, but that is fine now.

Pic related is what I am getting.
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Is this shit suppose to be highly in-accurate?
Like fuck, It nevers shows the pokemons on my nearby list.

Also it drops me a huge javascript error when I log in sometimes.
Best gym defenders? Dragonite and Lapras?
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Am I kill
Poliwrath is the best gym defender, then Exeggutor, then Lapras
If you catch that Pokémon and wanted to make the most of it being an IV 100 Dratini, do you continue to pump candies into it first or evolve it right away?

As in, when you have an IV 100, can you fuck it up in any way to get the strongest Dragonite possible?
poliwrath, exeggutor, lapras, dragonite
i saw some charts saying that because of the changes poliwrath is the best defender now
What made Poliwrath the best defender suddenly?
buffs to his moveset
>Mud Slap
You have to be lvl 30
Moves randomize after evolving, so the safest way to handle it is to only pump stardust after you turn it into dragonite.
What move does he get that makes him best defender?
bubble is pretty good dmg but slow speed and matches the pace of a defender bot's action
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wondering pikari.png
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So i have a problem with google docs ,i open the page but it says it couldnt load the doc properly.Any help is welcome.
Always evolve shit first and check the moves
That's the one thing I forgot to mention, I understand that. My apologies.

So if you're level 30, evolve to Dragonite straight away and judge it on its moveset; got it, thanks.
Not evolving a pokemon is just gimping it right? Like it will always be weaker not evolved?
nidoking where homies
Can you snipe while running necro?
Costs way more candies that way though. Its either spin the dice or use that all the stardust and candies on the evolved form
What's def Dragonite best moveset?
Have you tried turning it off and back on again?
curious about this too
Snorlax 98 Lick+HBeam
bubble is better dps with stab
yes i tried it doesnt help :^))))
Should be steel wing and hyper beam.
100% Arcanine w/ Bite & Flamethrower CP 2216

Try it, you'll get your answer.
You can, but you'll be more likely to face softbans.
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fuck me in the ass
>cp 1776
papa bless the usa
Flamethower is the worst fire special
Noice fampai.
i am currently sniping while spoofing with my phone
my phone does not react in anyway to the sniping, i am literally sitting on a pier and receiving mons from god

132 cp lol
I'm just letting you know, playa.
What is sniping? You go to cords where something spawns, you grab it and fly back before the server moitces it, m
apparently dragon breath is best for attacking and steel wing for defending

but I think dragon breath for both

dragon claw is still best dps

Where the nidokings fampai?
If you're not level 30 then your results will vary.
>sniped it on 3 accounts
>highest is 1364 cp

I figured it out myself ,cause in /g/ they discovered browser fingerprinting i installed a profile spoofer and it spoofing an old version of firefox to the site so it didn't load.I made a whitelist for google/docs and it worked.
I guess other /g/ privacy maniacs can find this helpfull
The CP always varies, even above 30
From what I can tell only Electric mid charge specials are good. Seems like water likes short charge and fire long

ho boy
no, the long charges are all better
>Go to train up a gym so I can put a mon in it
>Get ~160 prestige of the 4000 need each time
Woo wee how fun.
Guys, so im level 26 right now. The dratini that was just posted here (the 100% one), should i evolve it when i reach level 30? or is it safe to level up now?

>updated to 0.31.0
>girls got more clothes

Time to go female, lads.
I just asked that question, scroll up.
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>be me yesterday
>catch a poliwrath and wigglytuff
>decide i need a main
>blow all my stardust on my vaporeon
>mfw i wokeup this morning and read the patch notes
I don't think so Discharge seems top tier for electric and Aqua tail is pretty good but flamethrower has a stupid long activation time after you use it
aqua tail is now worse than hydropump though
Is it possible to get an Aerodactyl from an egg? I'm curious to whether a friend of mine's cheating.
you can change genders too?
right they nerfed vaporeon was it the only Aqua tail user?
nidoking is shit m8

where the snorlaxs at fampais
>walkers on reddit think the updates are good
>think removing the footprints will be the first step to fixing it

You can obtain every available mon from an egg.
It's the only way
10km eggs
Highest that spawn are nidorinos shut the fuck up faggot
Yes you can or yes he's cheating?>>150123054
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>Removed footprints because they were too retarded of a company to fix it
>They go silent and can't give a reason why
Nintendo should have just done it themselves, holy shit.
Gyarados 94 Bite+DPulse
Which is better? Dragon Claw or Dragon Pulse?
Nidoking here:
-33.8473024691 , 150.857710221
no nidokings spawn

pokesnipers use to show them all the time
fuck off nidoking coords were posted last night
Correcting this, my sleeve hit the enter key -

m8 where you getting the coords for them perfect mons? care to share?
What if the radar is now nothing more than a spawn table which shows what you may find if you explore the area?
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>Log in to the updated game
>Don't play while driving
Fuck you, I'll do what I want
>update to 0.31
>game keeps closing everytime i try to open it
wow good game lads, is this happening to anyone else?
anywhere else i can get the update from?
not getting anything in canada yet
/pgg/ secret discord chat.

no normies aloud.
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Yup. Last button lets you swap gender.
got emmm.
Senpai. you da best.
>>cp 32
How about some nidorino males?
>trying to level up a gym now with snorlaxes and dragonites in them and Vaporeon nerfed

>dad asks what the big deal about pokemon go is
>show him the game and how it works
>"do you get it now dad?"
>"yea but why are you a girl?"
>"uh i dont know because i wanted to be one"
>he sighs and walks away

he fell for the storage upgrade meme
Thanks lad
/r/ high iv hitmonchan, pikachu or nidorino :)
post 100iv snorlax coords?
Discords (you can probably find them on google) and have the autosnipe running myself.
I post the more decent ones.
i wonder how that egg smells haha
this post killed my sides bruv.
sent! ;)
What's wrong with maxing out? Granted I can only catch about 200-300 per session, it helps me keep the stuff I want and save up for massive level up sessions. I am thinking I will be skipping lvl 29 entirely once I'm done purging everything except "specials" and keeping the ones I need to evolve.
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Question, my account is verified but Necrobot keeps saying "Account not verified, exiting"

What do?
What the fuck is up with her body anatomy
Why did necrobot recycle every regular godamn pokeball I had? For what purpose does this serve?
lol wtf, my mother asked me abou that too, i just say that it doesnt matter for me and made it a female character cause its different rom real life and makes it a bit more different and less boring
fuck yes, gonna make my waifu now after realizing the male trainer walks wierd
coord? :]
make sure your account name and pass aren't in the wrong spots.
PTC or Google?
Got any high end Pidgeot?
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trying for a good nidorino now boys
The pass and username are flipflopped. I don't know why they fucking did it.
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>(INFO) Skipped Rattata
>(INFO) Skipped Zubat
>(INFO) Skipped Pidgey
fuck off
This goes to show Nintendo devs > Google devs

Seriously, as much as Nintendo is retarded; they know their programming better than anyone else. The whole Google is great is a meme

I got rejected there and spoke to someone who briefly worked there and left for a better company. Literally all hipsters that works on advertisements and search and think they're Brad Pitt but all pasty little SJW that fill quotas and get nothing done
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Yep, that was it, thanks Anon
>reddit defending the removal of paws now

You missed the point of super high attack speed i guess. A Pidgeot with steel wing or wing attack can wreck house a Snorlax if it has enough hp
Dragonair 91
please stop posting your sub 95% shitmons, if you care about IVs don't post shit you faggot
>posting anything under 95

get out
you are one rude faggot
any snorlax in this pepes only discord chat?
Anyone got coords where i can get either Charmanders or Dratinis?
neck thyself, entitled shits
Anybody have the new version of necro just updated 4 hours ago?
niggers are butthurt much
scyther 95%
Disappears at 18:05:32 (10m12s)
Location: 26.032030, -80.1958319
stop wasting my time and OUR time. if its sub 95, dont you dare post it. fuck off to reddit. no one needs you here. kthxbye ;)
Thanks mate
it updates on its own doesn't it?
at least it did for me
>get fed coords that you don't have to enter
>be a spoiled brat and beg for something else


I bet you were the botters who needed to spoonfed too
t.falseflagging walkcuck
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>dress up like a pokemon trainer ready for a fun day of pokemon go
>my mom says "oh you look like ash! have fun!"
>my dad says "he looks like ass! i'm not having my son dressed like some dork walking around outside!"
>they get into a heated argument
>i'm just gonna slip out the door then...
>go back into my room undress and get under the covers of my bed, hug my fluffy pillow and go back to lurking and imagining myself actually playing this game

I'm an inch away from just spoofing
Oh does it? I'm just now downloading it and noticed that it was updated 4 hours ago. Tons of fixes.
>cp 232



yeah thanks...for nothing
65% for me
>MFW the hurr durr ban incoming trolls turned into hurr <95% shitmon get out leddit fag
this nigga...
IV 65
35.4639207144121, 139.624755978584 99 Gengar.

Report and filter those posting Sub 95.
Kingler - #99
Disappears at 18:07:47 (08m19s)
Location: 26.034384, -80.1981855
For those that want to update to v0.31.0:
>Not enough Pokeballs to start sniping!
>was spoofing
>got tired of
>check out sniping with acc i made to check out botting too
>comfy as fuck
>immediately start sniping on main
god i love this game now again
>spoof to gym
>spend 30 minutes leveling it up
>some walker fag snipes it as soon as it levels with his 1000 cp hypno

well.. Can't say it's not just
nidorino where!?!?!!?
>can bot perfect mons at any location in the world
>places like santa monica where everything spawns even dratinis after the nest move
>someone posts something you think is good because you don't know fucking shit
>lmao ayyy i'll take this turd even tho i can catch 100% with literally no effort
>actually defend it
i bet you are the faggot everyone hated at school and wished would kill himself for not knowing shit fuck off you stupid bitch
This game made me appreciate the main games a lot despite it all being the same shit and giving up after Hoenn
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>calls other faggot
>turns into an assmad faggot anytime someone post something that doesn't satisfy his autism
>has to project this hard

lmao, kill yourself buddy
>reaching 31 in under 1 hour
here we go boys, the level to distance myself from everyone without looking too suspicious, although my normie friends are surprised im 30 lel, 1 accused me of hacking and told him it was photoshop, another one i just explained "nah niantic ban cheaters super fast, the did it on ingress" and he believed me lol.
No gengar here from the looks of it
would i use the scanner to search for one specific pokemon to snipe? I don't see enough arcanine coords
>only 40k exp/hour with the central park loop

What am I doing wrong?
>discord's dead
It was fun lads
>thinking a shitposter will post legit coords
>26.034384, -80.1981855
cp 25

iv 89

wel fuck
I've been scanning a lot and rarely see Arcanines in the wild

it's easier to find Growlithe spawns and snipe that
So what's the most accurate IV calculator right now? Is it still the excel?
not necro your just autistic
I never had pokeball problems sniping with necro
Set your player action to 0
>Modicum of strategy
you mean autistic pidgy farming with luck popping?

not strategy in the least

Also I'm having fun playing a better game
>excuse me? how the fuck do you level anywhere this speed if im not being baited
Male Nidorino please.
Okay fuck this, just give me the link to the newest bestest bot.
what can you expect

the chat went full autism with people complaining about gay shit like "pokemon is not here" about a post 10 minutes old and other shit
Here you go:
n e c r o b o t
learn to read nigger
ice shard + dragon pulse
Pokevision is shutting down Thursday due to a cease and desist from Niantic yesterday
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Sorry im retarded nevermind
Scyther - #123
Disappears at 18:09:34 (00m09s)
Location: 26.033333, -80.1770330
These mofuckas cant even do figurative legwork asking to be spoonfed everything
what a bunch of bitch motherfuckers.
>under 95%

please fucking kill yourself and stop posting your shitmons and shitting up this general
nice done mate...
For necro is the default cords good enough or should I go somewhere else?
hey guys reee could i get some reeeeeee snorlaxs up in this piece?
80 IV snorlax

coords: -33.8820948411, 151.203004448
what should i set my walking speed to in necro?
what kind of question is this, seriously
>break core game completely
>people try to play it

Wow Niantic, wow.
>people start botting for perfect mons
>that's literally the main reason to bot
>everyone ITT bots
>suddenly it's okay to not only catch but to tell others to catch subpar pieces of shit when the bot can snipe 100%ers
kill your fucking stupid selves, this general is cancer
Fuck off, even with sub 95% lapras candy is nice.
>Just and Eevee and a pidgey

kys faggot
>can get dozen of high IV 99-100 pokemon
>some fag post his sub 95 shitmon in order to get (you)s

it's pretty much unacceptable to snipe anything under 98 and its a waste of time and space

keep that shit on discord
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>he only browses pixiv
Is there a way to have necro go back to my start location when I'm about to close it?
None of my nidorans got poison jab. Is this nidoqueen irredeemable trash now? Please tell me...

I swear to god this game has been nothing but frustration, all my heavy investments in evolving pokemons has gotten shit moves while a simple eevelution/egg has costed me nothing and given me OP pokemon. This game is so retarded when you are not playing it casually. I'm done.
93 IV Dragonite Dragonbreath + Hyperbeam
got away catch it if yo ucan
>being both this new and wrong
you should stop botting and go back to school

THANKS SENPAI! my prayers have been answered. pls papa bring me more
>tool that helps keep people active and playing the game
When creating a gpx loop track, how close does it have to be to the actual Pokestop points? Will it search for pokestops if it's relatively close or does it stay perfectly on track without straying off even if it's just a bit out of reach?
Pokesnipers needs to be updated to show dratinis, they are a bitch to farm now
>people baiting with coordinates anybody can find to get (you)s
>get dozens of them
what the fuck is happening to this general, what the fuck.
You guys interested in a 94% Jynx? Would rather ask before I get shit on. (14:21) till despawn.
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Does anyone have a list of all pokemon *not* worth keeping so I can add it to Necro?

Also, cool sniping locations?
>evolve my 100 IV magikarp
>power it up to near max
>accidentally transfer it away while doing the final power up
>no fucks given since i can easily bot another one

walkcucks will never know this satisfaction
47IV rattata
Porygon with 63 IV
-33.9547002948, 150.86788692
Stop crying about how others play. If you don't like it just leave.
32.7495928767,-117.17670199, dragon breath/hyperbeam 93 iv dragonite

someone link me to the compiled necro bot
all the >under 95% shitters are just mad falseflagging walkcucks trying to stop people from helping others snipe
Anything that isn't draganite or snorlax is shit
Keep posting anything, really
They're just mad walkfags
>im 12 and what is google
>under 95%
Please answer me you fuckwads
Magikarp - #129
Disappears at 18:29:46 (12m59s)
Location: 26.034082, -80.1709842
I'm a fucking oldfag pleb who doesn't know jackshit about coding or technology in general.

Can I still bot?
>under 95
reported and filtered
48.856353, 2.349271
21 IV porygon
it's totally worth it because he's totally rare and doesn't spawn every fucking 3 minutes and my bot can't catch him :^))))
Lapras 95 IV
-31.8648395053, 140.67542966
thanks senpai
its literally just running a .exe
Can we just say that Botters for sure get better pokemon but theirs are cheap, but Walkers are far less likely to get perfect ivs but their good gets are earned and therefore more special?
38.290089, -122.460752
Kabutops 98 IV
I'm very happy for you, anon. The modicum of strategy I was referring to is bag expansion and item managenent. Potions in particular are quite rare, and building a reserve of poke balls is required for a day of fierce hunting.

But yes, pidgeys.
Venasaur 95% IV

Dragonite 95
How long should you wait before teleporting long distances? :^)
finally one of you fags post something good

Keep it up faglords and learn from this guy
>update pokémon go
>footprints gone
>but atleast I can recustomize my avatar

Ok. glad we got our priorities in order. There goes every will I had to try and keep playing legit.

do they even know what they're doing anymore?
If you have to ask probably not. Most of this place is retarded.
How do you get Necro to un softban you? I can't snipe cuz all the fuckers keep running
I came to this general to see if theres any way I, a dumb walk fag, could more easily locate pokemon.

Instead theres a general full of snipers.
I mean its not how others play, if this was a single player game then that's fine, but going to see gyms with perfect iv dragonites all owned by the same person ruins the game for the normal players.
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Could anyone post some Mystic cringe
IV is 59 stop wasting our time
no because it's the same pieces of data
i just got mine the smart way while they sweated in the humid summer heat and chaffed and i sat at home in my a/c
work smarter not harder now fuck off

2138 cp and of course it runs away,,,
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3MB, 257x192px
>try to update on Nox
>"your device isn't compatible with this version"
They don't care. They are literally rolling in money.

Niantic has never cared about it's player base
>didnt even read the op
kys retard
got a few sythers for candys

Scyther - #123
Disappears at 18:23:55 (03m06s)
Location: 26.038189, -80.1749080

Scyther - #123
Disappears at 18:28:14 (07m15s)
Location: 26.037357, -80.1694146
Disappears at 18:29:54 (08m43s)
Location: 26.036528, -80.1693274
Recent patch doesn't make you keep certain amount of standart pokeballs, so sniping freaks out.
pokévision dot com m8.
>steel wing
Can you stop posting these and wasting our time? Thanks
i still tried it
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905KB, 1280x720px
>Spoof to all these coords
>Nothing posted is actually there.
I'm guessing I'm falling prey to a ruse cruise?
use pokevision you dumbass
96% iv koffing
51.077743, 10.383246
get him while he's hot
Your pokemon are cheap no matter how much CP they have if you didn't walk around to find them. If you don't accept that you are cheating then you are just trying too hard.
Fatty detected
snipe you retard, not spoof

read the op
-33.168752678, 183.23512332
k y s
100 IV Poliwag 43.58855027298269, -79.69269921928137
Its literally same principle dipshit, you just do it without a bot.
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not him but
>pokemon has value
end your life
>39 IV

Fuck you
100 CP maybe
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152KB, 1366x768px
He didn't want to give him a (You)
go to command line(cmd in windows bar)
format c: then just yes to all warnings
89% lick hyper beam
What do you guys have your


Set to?
No point. Sniping is faster, and that guy is clearly too slow to spoof in time.
97% lapras
-3.039078, 23.634667
it's simple

you don't
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Why aren't real pokegirls this sexual?

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1MB, 3840x2160px

>real pokegirls


Pokemon aren't real anon. Did you mean girls in general?
Persian - #53
Disappears at 18:38:34 (12m32s)
Location: 26.033755, -80.1141998
Growlithe - #58
Disappears at 18:39:00 (12m48s)
Location: 26.034121, -80.1141998
Growlithe - #58
Disappears at 18:28:38 (02m08s)
Location: 26.034493, -80.1142870
Squirtle - #7
Disappears at 18:32:51 (05m59s)
Location: 26.034663, -80.1141125
Growlithe - #58
Disappears at 18:39:49 (12m38s)
Location: 26.036777, -80.1142870

gotta go fast
Aerodactyl 100 SWing+IHead
Squirtle 100 IV
40.78121259278829, -73.9639480261770
>In this thread and devoting time to cheating
>Assigns Pokemon no value
So you are wasting your time on nothing then at least I get some exercise

Live a long and miserable life
95 IV Caterpie


Stone Edge/Blizzard
pokevision isnt in the OP
98% iv charizard
36.843881, -121.385002 expires in ~4:25
ehhhh not sure if this is worth it. how is iron head?
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>Pokevision is shutting down Thursday due to a cease and desist from Niantic yesterday
[Citation needed]

Literally all the infomation on the matter and nothing to do with a CND.
nice try m8 there are no 100IV starters
nidorino.nidoking where!! im in like 3 rooms and nobody sees any.
>tfw so close
Dratini - #147
Disappears at 18:32:53 (02m43s)
Location: 26.032369, -80.1142980
>needing a game to exercise
lmao pathetic
>Wing attack nerfed hard af
>Fireblast bumped to 100 base dmg per hit
Yeah ok
Game will be dead if they ever do shut them down.
92% nidoking
32.604205, -116.819095 ~3:30
if anyone wants a good feed thats not polluted (trip is only good source) then check the necrobot discord, thats where i think hes getting most (not all) of them
Prove it.
link for that?
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392KB, 1080x1920px
link to discord? tired of these faggots in this thread
Oh you work out anon? At the gym on a treadmill staring at tiny tv screens or what? fucking idiot
Can anybody else not log in with PTC on necro after the update?
>he doesnt know
? read through the op???
shit. lost it.
Any more? or nidorinos? it's the only mon I want at the moment.
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You tell me.
uh how do i change my gender/clothes? i cant find the option
Is anyone else really scared of being banned? Like I don't know what I would do if anyone found out since this is tied to my google account too.
Reminder that TMs are coming so keep those 100% mons even if they have shit moves.
How do I stop necrobot asking me to push a key to login?
Guys, whats better
>Evolving Higher CP Haunter with lower IVs to Gengar
>Evolving Higher IV Ghastly with lower CP into Haunter then Gengar and boosting with stardust?

Will the higher IV one end up the same/higher CP in the end?
close but not at all
I play sports with my friends
There wasn't anything there to begin with. These are all ebin trolls.
change the settings
94.5% blastoise
33.345787, -115.857947
>google is hard, please help
>deactivate tracker and footprints
>plan on shutting down Websites that do niantics job for them

what the fuck. Can someone just take the game from those people and hand it to a company that knows what they're doing?
Did you even bother reading the config file?
>tying it to your google account
Ooh, bad move.
To be fair no one's actually been banned, but it's the sole reason I used PTC. Someone on here yesterday said he played Ingress and they never banned anybody. Ever. I've taken more and more risks with botting and I'm getting no repercussions. Really not scared of getting banned.

And if I do get banned? I'll just start another bot.
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>be walkerfag
>look at update
>slowbro nearby
>oh sheit
>do a circle around my neighborhood
>do a bigger circle and start sweating and getting tired
>still no slowbro
>get pissed off and go back inside
>live map
>no slowbro near me
>restart app
>nearby is now only showing a pidgey and rattata
Oh you're 13 I see the disconnect
>Current operation cancelled
WTF I'm Banned

I'm in the config but I can't see the setting
Sure you do anon, on 4chan youre just another neet autist cheating in a casual mobile game and nothing you say can change that
How come 9 out of 10 times while sniping it says "No X here"? im fucking fast
he lied, ingress had hella ban waves, but they have more important things to worry about atm, just get to 40 before they fix three step and other game breaking bugs
Open your eyes and read each and every line slowly
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You know what i think they'll fucking do too.
They're gonna implement the current 3rd party tracker system into their game and most likely toss all the devs that works on making the traskers to the side
Higher IV = higher potential CP
My policy is by all means hold on to high CP pokemon you find; they're useful for battles, but don't waste stardust on low IV trash
Charmander - #4
Disappears at 18:50:05 (12m37s)
Location: 26.035669, -80.1141125
People are shitposting fake locations you imbecile
Thanks famalam
falseflagging walkfags being butthurt that they can't snipe
98% chansey get that tank
36.162378, -115.135218
pokehound got the same C&D but they deleted their twitter. there's still a Reddit thread about it though
>pop incense
>get pidgeys and rattatas nonstop
>friend pops incense
>700cp wigglytuff 20secs after popping it

lots of fakes

i post fakes too
>til sports are for 13 year olds
nice bait
still glad that I dont need a shitty phone game to get motivated to go outside lol
If you're copying them from this thread, it's because a few pokewalkers have gotten a bit upset and are just posting fake coords.
Try here: http://pokesnipers.com/
I'm actually a botter and most of the shitposts are from me, you "snipers" need to fuck off with your bullshit. i'll keep it up
how come all you fucks post fake ass cords, only real cords that work are the ones from pokevision :(
Why the fuck can't I snipe pokemon?

Every time I run pokesniper I get fucking soft banned

How are you fags doing this
What's the codename for Nidoran M?
And god damn, how do I turn off Electabuttz? I'm already at 400 Candies.
Are incense's better when walking around or was that a meme?
wtf is sniping this isnt cod fags is pokemon
im posting real cords just fake ivs
Does Farfetch'd not work in PokeSniper or something?
there's nothing
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623KB, 1536x1536px
43.80613036348,-79.422343854457 Snorlax 97IV
Can you bot and run AutoSniper at the same time?
>below 98%

Fucking report this faggot
ok, big boy
why dont you try it
Yeah, sure ;)
I'm not doing your work for you.
Anyone know why my starters aren't transferring? Everything else properly gets candied and I checked to make sure that they're not on my NotTransfer list. Having to manually clear 20 charmanders every 2 minutes is getting kind of tedious.
you will be softbanned
Does anyone know a good place to farm rattatas?
94% nidoqueen
35.983402, -114.938850
remove the '
If you are over 17 and not predrafted on a college team then you idk what the fuck you are doing playing "sports". The cool thing about Pokemon is I can do it while I'm going about my normal walking about. I can hit 3 stops by house in the time it takes to smoke a cigarette.
40.4639207144121, -78.624755978584
78% Electabuzz
nice meme
Make sure your Default Coordinates in user.xml are set to wherever you live, wherever you usually bot, etc.
-33.870923314228925, 151.21121764183044 Grimer IV 98
You'll also get easy underage pussy once trading becomes available

literally kys
need 3.5k poliwrath snipe location , ty
Ahh right, thanks.
Walkingfag here, does leveling up duplicates give xp?

I have a lucky egg and about 600 pidgey candy
color me surprised
Is the Necrobot sniper useless now that the nests were all changed? Or is there a list of the updated nest locations yet? I like autosniping but there's pokemon I need that don't show up on the list, due t them not being "rare" (or apparently non-existent fucking mr. mime and kangaskhan)
updated list of nests where
>tfw still need 97 nidoran candy
>for male nidoran and female nidoran each

Why are my favorite pokémon so hard to get ? ;-;
hey this one was real
thanks, muk is my favorite pokemon
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>everyone itt spoofing/sniping and getting rares by the second
>i'm walking and catching rattatas in fear of being banned
Oh shit you weren't fucking with me. I've been wanting a high IV muk
If I ever have to barter Pokemon for sex I really will kill myself
Oh man. Now I'm suddenly very excited. Better start farming Farfetch'd.
rare nests were removed

only small shitty ones exist
96% ninetales
49.068186, -122.214982
[505 seconds remaining] 95% IV - Dragonite at 29.553559855938,-98.4284893811 [ Moveset: DragonBreathFast/DragonClaw ]
this is bot only board but yes
every time you evolve anything you get 500xp
its called farming
Maybe this is it

I just changed my coords from that old Dratini Lake (now eevees) to central Park to try to get Pokestops

I wasn't getting soft banned in central park until I closed out and ran the sniper though
>mr. mime
niga I have like 10. From what I can tell from these generals mr. mime is very much available in Britain

I'm walking and catching weedles because I don't want to take 24 hours to install visual pro.
i was under the impression it was only a first time thing
FotM, walkers will rejoice and start playing again after banwave, and week from that nobody will play it anymore.
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Oh, is there an updated list of shitty nests then?
for fun?
seriously why is this so hard for you to get?
95% IV - Dragonite at 29.553559855938, -98.4284893811
thanks m8i
Maybe if you were on reddit I would be more inclined to believe you but on a taiwanese shoe crafting bulletin board, nah you're a fat ass sitting by your computer looking at a command prompt telling you its doing shit while you shitpost
Don't listen to this anon, hes just upset because legitimate catches cheapen his cheating gets.
>mine was 154 cp
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499KB, 719x1000px
What does it say?
There will be no banwave
It says "HAHAHAHA walkerfags BTFO"
>I please old men for money to spend it on storage upgrades
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80KB, 766x960px
Figures all you fat fuck would just bot the game instead of actually going out and having fun.
>You're pathetic! Here is your damn money. Thanks for letting me come (?) on your chest. I hope your damn lures are worth it. Idiot!
-0.9533164, 100.3595704 snorlax 92iv
Thats gay as fuck anon. Cool people only talk about playing sports and then they meet up at the park and just get drunk instead. Unless you're in rehab you're a fag for playing "sports".
There will, I played Ingress for 3 years and I know how it works, didn't get banned to date lmao
pokevision.onion when?
How's goes the three steps anon ;)
>Google not working
>UK not working
Time for bed I guess
Holy shit the autosnipe integration in negrobot works

>current day
>entering coords manually
99% wigglytuff
98 iv snorlax


not kidding
What is the three step thing? I've heard a lot about it.

98 Snorlax
are you retarded?
How do you search them out? Every time I've tried I get nothing.
I want shitty nests dude I just need candies to evolve my favorite pokemon
It's a dude saying
>Wow, you're so strong, little girl! My Poke Balls are completely empty now. Here's your money.
Yes, seriously.
Uhh i use pokevision to see shit if it says im close to a pokemon. How goes the basement dwelling you sad sack of shit
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ss (2016-07-31 at 12.52.26).png
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Much obliged.
does it though anon? does it?
47.3639327525246, 8.55322976448239 pikachu 90%
99% snorlax 51.5010559202634,-0.11207342147827148

this is a good one boys!
ty anons
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Im fucking with you there. I have 67 out of 100 to go.
Still need more to power up muh nidorino.
>47.3639327525246, 8.55322976448239
that's a lot of kanji for just that sentence
thank you!
pls no more snorlax trolls :(
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10KB, 706x133px
is suicide that bad?
99% Dragonite at
yes, just followed the instructions on https://github.com/NecronomiconCoding/NecroBot/wiki/Automatic-Locations-Sniping-Guide

you don't even need to have disshit installed. You just need an account there, that can be done in the web
No problem. That's not kanji though.
this one is fake it's just 42
damn anon you right. savage senpai
Mines failing even when the pokemon exists on pokevision, and when i manually spoof the location it appears, somethings wrong with the sniping in 0.33
97 iv exeggutor

Still haven't figured out what's so funny about writing misleading shit?
Does anyone have the page/programme used for GPX pathing with necro?


It should be listed there but it's been removed.

fuck it think whatever you want this bait is boring
also fake
I bet you deleted like 3 paragraphs of butthurt before goin with the cop out
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>Butthurt walkers posting fake gps coordinates
The shitposting in this general just gets better and better every day :^)
>No problem
Why did you say this, you're not me

If you want to look up any of it, here it is typed:
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Anyone got good lat&long for central park? Been going to Santa Monica Pier for so long I just have a billion high CP arcanines, seems to be time for a change.

Thank you.

Pic related, it's mfw 99% of the shit I catch is just growlithes.
If you pokevision'd a legendary in the Pacific Ocean, would you tell anyone?
How do I run Necrobot on linux anons?
I wish I actually knew how to compile shit
i-i just wanted credit for something for once. thanks faggot
if it's under 95 IV i'll report you to the FBI
>running linux
>not knowing how to compile
never have never will
Sorry I don't watch the thread 24/7
That only confirms that Niantic can't ban spoofers.
They have to waggle their finger and ask them to stop instead of just blocking the core tool of that site.
For anyone wondering how the pokesnipers site works, it just takes data from what users input into the actual exe. Look for something yourself next time and then watch it populate on the site after you punch it in yourself.
I know, but literally all top 10 of my pokemon on all of my accounts are 2k+ arcinines, exclusively, almost nothing else.

Halp pls.
install mono
Here you go
Maan you so afraid of looking dumb you won't even walk with your phone out cause you think they know what you're doing. You deleted all your butthurt ravings I know it.
First time using linux?
Anyone else getting multiple consecutive 45 unban failures? This might be the end.
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he thinks im a walkfag.png
132KB, 983x698px
>he thinks i'm a walk fag
98% gyarados here btw
Will donate 0.02 BTC for 95+% NidoranM line representative.
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walkfags btfo.png
532KB, 1362x1382px
> cucks automagically feeding you with high IV pokemonsters
what a time to be alive

I didn't even want to bot anyway b-baka
>spending my whole Saturday watching pokesnipers
I've gotten a strong nidorino and nidorina but nidorans around here are so freaking rare. I wish they would've made it so you could get evolution-stones from pokéstops.
I want to try spoof/snipe
I don't have access to a pc
I do have a 5.1 Android phone
What can I do?
feels good to catch farfetch and kangaskhan and impress the local high school sluts in the park at night telling them i'm so rich that i travel the world just to catch them
>spent all with with friends and family walking through the city
>went from level 12 to 17 in one day because we sat and had some beers near three lured pokestops for a couple of hours at the end of the day
>had lots of fun, took over some gyms nearby
>meanwhile, you all sat in dark basements drinking mountain dew and "sniping" pokemon

Are you proud of your achievements, /vg/? Are you?
47.3639327525246, 8.55322976448239 pikachu 90%
51.501116406,-0.112197796572 Snorlax 98 IV
47.3639327525246, 8.55322976448239 pikachu 90%
47.3639327525246, 8.55322976448239 pikachu 90 IV

paying $50 for 4k+ dragonite snipe
>I can now have a new gender, a new race, new clothing and a new hairstyle every day

It's just like real life! :3c
I've miss this pasta
is a 99 IV abra being evolved all the way to a alakazam the same as a 99 IV kadabra being evolved to alakazam?
I just did some digging, thank you anon
Do 4k pokemon even exist? Most I've seen was 2500
Dragonite caps at 3500 or so
will you bot to 40 or u plan on going legit ?
but anon, i am going outside and having fun

No (You) for (You)

Thanks very much.
there was some chink screenshot of 4k+ mons so idk
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2MB, 1403x1399px
What pasta?
theres no way people could bot and play outside
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O shit I found Grimer, now I'm afraid to click on him again. Is he still bugged?
>take over gym
>before I can put one of my guys in it it gets retaken
>try to fight again, it's just a 500 electrobuzz
God dammit I only wanted those 10 fucking coins
>a big update of game mechanics
>pogo general is only shitposting
Try and place him in a gym. I'm jealous btw. I really want a weezing and a muk, caught a few koffings but grimers are non-existant no matter where I look.
Lets talk about what they did to wing attack and fireblast cause that applies most to me
>tfw want to spam my local gyms with Wigglytuff

Anyone got any good Jigglypuff spawns?
You mean an update that killed the game even more. Nothing left other than shitposting.
I found him along the road home but I was so excited I forgot to give coords itt
Also about Koffings I've found only one, aptly placed near some trash cans
Someone make a new thread. almost on page 10
Is any of the combat actually about mechanics? The bigger number is more important
It made the combat better (still shit, but better shit) and disabled a non-working feature (no change).

Charizard lover?
Looking at tables - what about using Arcanine? His bite now can charge the fire blast VERY quickly.
retard cant see there is already a new thread
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