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/owg/ Overwatch General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 794
Thread images: 213

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>Official Stuff

>Competitive Info

>The Oversheet (Damage values and other numbers)


>Stats and Leaderboards (Unofficial)

>Official Comics
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hana song
mei needs a buff
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sleep tight reap right
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wait for new skins or buy sol(i)dier snake
Is 100% charged Zarya a better demoman than Junkrat?
Is 50% charged Zarya a better demoman than Junkrat?
>still lose a.i. games
wew lad
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dno what demoman is but zarya is always better than shitrat
I'm sorry, you love anal?
Hana Song thread?

>Find this cute little bumblebee curled up on the floor of your house

What do?
Not if you're only purpose is to destroy Rien shield. Otherwise yeah.
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>it's another "Ana player think's they're Widowmaker" episode
>and in competitive no less
Neither. They don't have sticky spam or sticky jumping. That's what makes Demoman the best class in his game.
You cant buff Mei without the shitters throwing a hissy fit.
>If you can't carry 5 other people you deserve your shit stomped until you get on a lucky enough streak that you're not having to carry

Every match with 4 golds I lose

Every match where I have 1 or even mostly silvers/bronze I win because I actually have teammates doing work
Feed her honey until she's healthy again and then steal her meka and tell her livesteam fans that I'm their new favourite now
Kick it out before my wife, Angela, sees it.
yeah junkrat has his niche tbf

he is quite good for defending first point in hollywood and in general on anubis defence
>mercy stops healing you for the rest of the match because you let her die ONCE
why do people like these exist?
Feed her sugar water
Tell her to change her clothes, because B.va and Junebug suck
>be new
>win game
>don't know what I did right to win
>lose game
>don't know what I did wrong to lose
wat actually do?
Sticky jumping is more powerful than the mine jump for reference. The mine jump doesn't have much horizontal power.
>letting your healer die, ever

hope you werent tanking because if so you deserve it
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>it's a "nanoboosted reinhardt keeps his shield up for the duration" episode
end my fucking life
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>Not playing ana only using healing and sleeping every charging reinhardt
You could kill with her if you needed to but she's not the best at it.
can you retards stop crying about your me ooga team booga matchmaking experiences and actually contribute to the thread for once


if i wanted to read content like this i'd go to blogspot or tumblr
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ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau
check the fucking spreadsheet
anyways zarya RMB does 18 at 0 charge at 95 at max
junkrat always does 120 damage with up to 80 splash
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So /owg/, which one's your favorite?
I hate that almost every team based shooter is like this with matchmaking.

I won a LOT more though when I started picking rein and started to play more aggressively and telling my team to push up with me. Rein only works in 50+ though.
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Make me, pendejo.
if raw dps was all that mattered bastion would be top tier instead of shit tier

but alas..
>its a "ana nanoboosts reinhardt at 100HP" episode

worst """healer"""
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>mfw a mercy or dva player tries bragging about how strong their pistol is

>"i get a lot of kills with this thing :P"
>"dont underestimate battle mercy! haha xD"
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>still no new skins
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they all look pretty much the same

kinda stupid art considering how much variance there is to boob shapes and sizes in real life
nth for I don't give a shit about your gold weapons, if you aren't doing well as a certain hero, please switch.

t. support main
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Found my first silver today. He has 564 hours of playtime
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>Zarya's puffy nipples
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What the shit
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I've gotcha
Tell her to go White Rabbit.

Sym has the best bra, but wearing clothing that assymmetric seems out of character for her.
>like anything that isn't B or C
fucking disgusting never post that again
How do I get good at Reaper?
That silver looks fucking sexy yo.
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>"Summer" skins
>it's almost August
>the fewer people Symmetra shields, the stronger the shield is

what if
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>koth nepal village
>enemy team goes full tracer
>potg is reaper in wraith form surrounded by 4 tracers waiting for him to get out of it, kill him and take the point
>he drops the Q
shit felt so satisfying to watch
He was full health with a pocket mercy
That's an average of 8.5 hours a day.
how do you get the silver portrait, level 500?

Could work, but I'd rather they just made it +50HP and closed the book.
Well at least we know they'll be adding epics and legendaries
walk through some side route while your team actually plays the game, then come from behind and farm kills on the healer they arent protecting or their tank.

once you have ult go to any high point, drop down and press q.
ADVANCED TACTICS FOR PROS ONLY: wait till their tank is dead before you do it
>thinking boob size is determined solely by the letter
someone who has never had a gf detected

there are B cup tits that look bigger than C cups
What if they gave her a dispenser (like a stationary Lucio with less range) that also gave out that 25 shield buff.

I like the idea, but it's also just another structure for a flanker to effortlessly find and destroy.
her shields should just be a passive that is granted to every teammate globally and give her a completely new E
Not even him, but there are married men who don't know anything about bra size. It's one of those stock stand up comedian subjects.
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>What do?

Give her to Tracer.
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How could this happen, /owg/?
Then just shit out another. It could have Torb's turret cooldown but without the stress of leveling it up.
you again. shut the fuck up.
I need some source on this.
just neck yourself already. You have been spamming this shit for quite a while.
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601+ gives you silver
1201+ gives you gold
Max portrait is at 1791+, after which it'll stay the same.
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>have a long, fair, drawn out match
>win by a few inches
>enemy: you didn't deserve to win that match
>me: why
>enemy: cause you are all shit
>4 golds as reinhardt

if we are shit how did we beat you senior
This is hot. I need more of this. I didn't think Hana could get any better.
is symmetra too situational of a hero to be a viable character? if you lose the first point quickly youre useless and shouldnt have even been on her since you lose the ult charge
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Explain this.

Is the right side her actual body and the left just pads it with armor? Or is it a full on breast reduction with the devil skin?
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>Seagull admitted genji is op

nerf when?
thanks for the blog dudester, got a subscribe button?
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no bully zone
And that's a shame.
What is the easiest way to deal with Basion + Rein + Mercy? Especially on the payload.
Tracer? Genji?
>Trombone and Bartholomew will never be buffed because shitters can't deal with turrets

>Winston will never get buffed because he's still decent in KOTH

>It seems pretty reasonable that Hanzo might get buffed

>Symmetra needs big reworks rather than a linear buff
>posts about overwatch shouldn't go overwatch General because *I* don't like them

Simply ebon. Go call the fucking 4chan police.
anyone with a brain could have figured out genji was op weeks ago
>friend I queue with picks widow, is headshotting people left and right, does pretty good if medals tell you anything
>gets all the blame whenever we lose even though it's a map where she is decent
let her spam four turrets at once
the maximum can stay six

but it actually is mr. permavirgin. You just have to add the Number. (34A>32B) You can ask your mom about it.

Situational is exactly the right word. She needs to be able to do more than give everyone a t-shirt's worth of extra protection and slap down some flimsy defenses that can't even be deployed quickly enough.
just play ana, you will get all the blame instead.

snipers are gay, deal with it.
Succubus (Male)
What if Symmetra turrets healed allies
When do you think the summer skins update will happen? Can't too long away now

sleep tight reap tight
>smaller breasts
>mysterious bulge
looks like we got an incubus in the mix
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fucking ded threads

How fucking incompetent people are on ranked?

I am literally stuck at 67, cant go further
People play like it's fucking Quick Play, they pick shit they don't know how to play

I am constantly racking up 3-4 gold medals
Now i've lost like 4 times in a row because people just cant fucking play
it makes her younger, in her default skin she is more mature hence the bigger curves

I see it like 30 year old vs 18 year old
Might actually be worth it to bring her shields back to what they were in closed beta now that there's a hero limit in tourneys / comp play.
sure, but remember to tell your friends and family
When is ana ever useful?

I like anna on attack when I play rein and I just hold M1 to victory but there has to be more than that.
I know the feel, got really pissed today, decided to take a break and play some Pokemon Heartgold instead.
How is he OP?
So everyone except Genji mains on /owg/?
there has never been an ana so far where i didnt wish we had literally any other support instead.

What about two turrets that matter rather than six insignificant ones that break instantly?
well yeah, he is the only character with ability resets so ofc he is op, not to mention the biggest tool kit of them all with the most powerful ulti to top it off

run around as tracer, snipe or spam rockets grenades from distance
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too much mobility
I might prefer ranged turret placement. popping some down when enemies are already fighting your team could be helpful if you aren't in position yet.
You mean succubus (male)
I'll take blogging over shitters whining about maps and heroes any time

I also like her on attack. Maybe koth, but more uncertain there.
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>1.61 MB
>degenerate content
yo man just delete this image
quick play is shit too, people go cheese tryhard mode almost every game, literally seen 6times 3-4 d.va last point defenses today
hope you're trolling
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Anyone disagreeing with this chart is obviously a low rank shitter who think he's good for hitting Roadhog hooks at 20 tickrate.
It's 100% accurate.
I don't know how they'd be able to fix her turrets honestly.
The way I see her turrets right now is that you can spread them out across certain points to see if someone is flanking and you can call it out to your team.
But in saying that.. in comp almost no one uses fucking mic or are too dumb to call that out.
What are the things that stick to the left wall here, at around 3:03? https://youtu.be/gcSQn6ECdgI?t=3m1s
Genj isn't OP but he is pretty strong in good hands.
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bastion is way harder to play than soldier 76, they are pretty similar in general but bastion is just high risk high reward version making him more "hardcore"
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>tfw leave every ranked game that I'm gonna lose just because it hurts enemy team xp gain

stop putting me on the losing team and I won't leave you stupid fucking game
Howso? As in being able to jump around someone a lot, or is it the wallrunning?
They love "The happy cheerful girl is also sadistic while also being ever cheerful" trope.

A shitter playing Winston will just leap in and get fucked instantly.

He's mechanically super simple but he's hard to play effectively because 50 DPS.
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Even if he is op he has a lot of counterpicks compared to Zarya who's only counter was a good widow in open areas with a lot of highgrounds

but now Widow is gutted so she's invincible when played right
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What do I do if my friend nanoboosts me every time because he enjoys watching me panic? I can't handle the pressure.
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>tfw no one ever ups my card
Not that I care that much, but it just kind of feels bad. Especially when I thought I was making a difference, but apparently no one noticed or cared.
its the fact he has both of those, one would be fine

D.va is the new OP hero, there is literally no counters to her in 1v1
Why does it feel like you can only succeed as Zarya if your teammates don't care about dying?
How do I git gud at Genji?
>Snipers think they're immune to contesting.
Fuck off and die.
which one of yous is a top 500 player and what tips do you have?
I play D.va a lot and my only issues for 1v1 is Zarya or Reaper depending on the situation cause sometives D.va can actually beat him
mei is a counter for every tank 1v1
I get better matches out of quickplay than I ever get out of ranked t b h. It's a fucking joke
is nanoboosted Tracer any good?

D.va can just fly away and zarya cant touch her then come back when she has no barrier, ez kill
eric is that you?
Stop being a shitter that makes his team a losing one
LOL. What part of they instantly die don't you dumbasses understand? It's like they can run around the point while team is spawning far as hell away. Especially on maps like Kings Row
>from 60 to 50 in 24 hours

I want to murder someone, preferably the Ana that pretends to be widow maker or the Genji who can't even kill a fucking Bastion
>play Mercy
>5 ups
>play Lucio
>2 ups
>play Zenyatta
I mean, if you have low framerate sure, but if you can't keep up with a prancing Genji then you got other problems. Just pick Winston or Zarya if you want to kill Genji.
>woodclad torbjorn is just shit brown recolor instead of having wood grain accents

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Zarya is D.vas counter.
And Mei can handle any tank 1v1 for that matter
Blackwatch Reyes has the best facial animations in the game.
> Mercy starts damage boosting me as Lucio
Some buggy TV props.
Overwatch will keep being an esport joke as long as the only thing "pros" do when they lose is to copy the enemy composition instead of exploiting their weaknesses.
If Starcraft 2 worked the same way, we would see players do the exact same build order when they get rekt.
literally cant be done. I lose games when I play great and win games where I play like shit

Sometimes your teams 6 heroes just aren't effective against the enemy teams 6 heroes and there's nothing that can be done about it when just solo queing
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>that guy who pronounces D.Va as Dee Vee Ayy
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Which hero is the best at punishing people for being stupid?
>exploiting their weaknesses.

this game has very little strategical depth so of course you see people play the same shit

it's very obvious that some heroes are simply better than others
Can someone explain to me the whole eSport thing? Like, why is it important? And who watches those matches? Etc. Is it mainly for kids and teens, or something?

I had a girl on my team do that.
Overwatch will keep being an esport joke because it's impossible to balance and everything just comes across looking as cheesey as fuck. The only thing interesting to watch is how good some of the *pro players aim is
nice reddit tier post
dumb, a support shouldn't be playing favourites and nor should the mechanics encourage it. I think what would be better is if all the alive players are shielded the strength of the shield doubles, and symettra gains an extra 25 sheilds herself.
>that guy who pronounces Torbjörn as Torb-earn.

I literally know no one who's interested in that scene, so I don't know. Who wants to watch others play videogames? What's the appeal?
Bait makes me kek
Now piss off
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>playing Ana
>got nanoboost up
>try to give it to a Reinhart
>Genji walks in front of him at the last second
>well fuck me that's a wasted ult
>Genji pulls out his sword and proceeds to solo teamkill the enemy team

well that worked out in my favor
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>get 4:30 objective time
>0 votes
>friend gets 2:05 a later game
>8 votes
GenjixAna is a classic combo
>that guy raging over a qm and flaming his team in all chat
>it's a genji

every time. this fucking hero, man.
People dream of being in the same group of sweaty pale autists that play in esports
They do get a lot of cash
>why people like thing??
fucking autist

i've followed esports since i was like 14 i think

now i'm 24

i've physically attended events both as a player and spectator

you might aswell ask why people watch sports
me on the left
Yes, but 95% of the time the Genji doesn't know what to do when he's boosted.
both hanzo and widow have mobility options to contest the objective with

you'd be surprised how effective just climbing the walls over and over is
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I don't fucking understand how anyone pronounces any of the names wrong. It's not a text only RPG. They SAY EACH OTHER'S NAMES WHAT THE FUCK
>1 shot hog has a higher skill cieling than winston
>if u disagree with me ur bad
Torbjorn is pronounced Tor-bjurn, nerd.
>you might aswell ask why people watch sports
Well that doesn't make much sense either
that's me, pick Hanzo and widow o most payload maps and always get blamed even when I get top Elims and damage while getting bronze or silver in objective time...
>everything going fine
>only one using internet, have nothing else open or downloading other that overwatch
>about to win game
>suddenly ping spikes to fucking 2000 for about 30 seconds
>we lose the game
>goes back down to 45 after the "defeat" shows up

Yeah fuckin nice servers Blizzard
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>playing Luci-oh
>3 minutes of gametime
>5 gold medals

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>when you and 3 other people give your votes to the best guy on the team but someone gives you a vote and it looks like you voted for yourself
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How do we protect this smile?
>join game as solo
>my team are rank 40something and low 50
>other guy is 71
>they're trying to abuse mmr with high playing wiht low
>enemies are just a premade of all 60+
>our average is like 7 levels lower

afk'd on purpose to punish those dumb mmr abusing fucks
yeah which just enforces my point that you're a fucking autist for not understanding why people might like something you dont

i'm not a fan of football (i prefer ice hockey) but i can see the appeal for those who do because i'm not a mouthbreathing retard
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>tfw stuck in a junkrat trap
>tfw barrier on cooldown
>tfw DVa ults right in front of you and you can't do anything
>tfw that gets potg
I wanna die.
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Shame the skin doesn't fit with Reaper's voicelines and playstyle at all.

Yeah why would people want to watch others compete?

Whats the appeal in that?

I mean its only been humanity's past time for since our brains have been developed enough to understand the concept of competion.
Reaper mindraping Overwatch girls doujins when
tickle her
Where does the cash come from, then? It doesn't sound that lucrative for sponsors.

Watching sports is pretty silly, too. Autistic, even? (Sounds like you know a thing or two about that...)

I really wish they had picked a better name for him. Like Börje. If it's the umlauts they were after.
>playing ana, volskaya attack, second point
>nano boost up
>see genji with ult near point with 3-4 enemies
>boost him
>he does not ult
>he dies
>mfw this happened twice
>guy trying to have fun with friends
>people shit on you for having bad friends
It's not like you gain that much as the high person in that match.
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no, roadhog rewards people (as in the player) for being stupid.
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I just pretend he was able to keep his appearance when he got turned into a ghost.
pocket her until she gets her mech back
oy vey
How can anyone say getting half a legendary OF YOUR CHOICE is bad
>Sounds like you know a thing or two about that...
you are actually a redditor aren't you, only they reply with this sort of limp wristed passive-aggressive snark

you are literally autistic as in a person who is on the autism spectrum if you don't understand why people have a natural desire to compete and are excited by watching other people compete

think how old the tradition of olympics is

and there are probably much older competitions than that but i'm not well versed enough in anthropology to quickly namedrop some
>Combat Roll resets upon getting a kill
>Boosters reset upon getting a kill
>Sleep Dart resets upon getting a kill
>Particle Barrier resets upon getting a kill
>Soundwave resets upon getting a kill
>Grappling Hook resets upon getting a kill
>Shadow Step resets upon getting a kill
>Fire Strike resets upon getting a kill
>Concussive Blast resets upon getting a kill
>Jump Pack resets upon getting a kill
>One Blink resets upon getting a kill

I want to play that hero AND read the doujin!
>be me
>playing pharah
>zarya on my team drops a huge graviton surge that catches a lot of enemies
>"this is my moment..!"
>quadruple kill
>"surely i have the potg!"
>round ends
>play of the game
>it's a fucking junkrat tire that killed two people

>One Blink resets upon getting a kill
Are you insane? With this games eliminations system, she'd be getting blinks every second.
literally no one says that. People only get pissed at getting a fifth of a legendary on duplicates.
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Is Zarya OP?
>keep getting assault maps I hate
>no control maps anywhere
assault is the worst game mode
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>mfw I have been the Zarya in that situation
>mfw the POTG was stolen by a fucking Bastion shooting a Roadhog for 4 seconds
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>Giving Trasher even more mobility

How about no?
>Rein hammers down
>Fire Strike
>kills a squishy
>does it again
>kills a mid HP character
>does it again
>kills a higher HP character
>can even do it again and kill a tank

Yeah good balance.
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>other team has hanzo/widow/genji
>our team has hanzo/widow/genji

what a fun fucking game where ranking up is "who can get the less retards."

unless you want to 6 man queue, in that case enjoy fighting a group that's 10 ranks higher than you but will still be underdog because they had one friend tank their rank to the 40s and getting no rank from beating them or losing a fuckton if you lose
>It doesn't sound that lucrative for sponsors.
Yeah why the fuck would technology firms want exposure in a market where the target audience is pretty much the same as the main demographic that buys their products

Why does Adidas or Nike sponsor athletes? Geez I dunno..

I'm not sure how clueless you are but there is a lot of money and viewers in esports. Tournaments can get millions of viewers and there are players who earn millions of dollars.
>only they reply with this sort of limp wristed passive-aggressive snark
So YOU are the "redditor"?? (I literally have no idea what you are own about.)

While I don't watch sports, I do love the olympic spirit. I think the olympic games are more about the spirit than the actual sports even. (That's why people usually care more about yearly world cups and events, than about the olympics.)
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Lel, my boy dunkrat
Yeah nah

That's how all people are ranking up these days

the rank 1 player only plays in rank 55 average games.

it's pathetic how you can be a 70 player but have the skill of a 50 because you play in 50 average games
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gotta keep movin up
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>I stick with my group
>I stick to the same heroes
>I try to aim well
>I use a mic and call out flanks and what not
>Can't get out of the 40's

What the fuck am I supposed to do?
Yeah scratch the Tracer one, didn't think that one through enough, I was trying to do all the heroes.
>be me
>every tire is anon seeking
>and only anon
>tfw i cri
I'm really bad at fps games.

Should I use someone that takes a lot of actual fps/aiming skill now? I've been doing okay with heroes that don't rely on aiming or fps stuff at all but I'm worried if I keep playing them I will get too high of level and go against actual good players and lose the chance to git gud at actual fps concepts.
>12 people all play overwatch in 2 premades of 6
>do it in the dead hours of night where chances of finding a different group of 6 will be slim
>one of the group of 6 purposely throws all matches
>the other group of 6 ranks up forever

Would it work?
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>Hollywood defense
>enemy can't cap first with bastion strats
>we can't cap first because they use bastion strats
>sudden death defense
>we use bastion strats and win

this feels fucking dumb

If you have a good genji bastion flat out wont work
I'm going to bet the smaller breasted model was supposed to be Angela when she was younger originally until they added the bit to her story that her aging is slowed/halted and instead just reworked it into the devil/imp
That's called wintrading you fucking genius. Of course it works, enjoy your ban.
Haven't had chance to buy overwatch yet as currently abroad
Is there a setting/mod that I can use to bind a key to rotate my character 180 degrees whenever I press it?
Have a set up for that in tf2 and it makes being a good player so much easier for me personally
>enemy team's Zarya gets four of my teammates with graviton surge and then their Reaper ults and kills them all
>potg is me going on a generic dragonblade spree for 3 kills on squishies and then deflect killing a Bastion
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Today's assignment: make F tier heroes viable in casual, competitive, and pro play.

Hard mode: no drastic changes.

>stats are pre-McCree range nerf
>potg involves enemy genji chasing you down as you whiff your flash and panic-fan in his direction
they tried to genji but I just smacked him with a hammer anytime he got close and our D.va swooped in to help as well

we never had genji, all we had is a reaper that killed him a couple times but we couldn't capitalize
i don't care what you do or like you are quite clearly not worth my time

but one thing i want to know which you conveniently ignored is that do you not understand the innate human thirst for competition? and how that thirst is projected onto other people thanks to this funny social mechanic called empathy? thats why people are fans of sports teams and talk about them using "we" when talking about wins and losses because they feel part of it

we love to watch others compete because we love to compete ourselves. just like how people like to watch movies where the characters find love and good guys win because we like same things to happen to ourselves
Bliz should just go back to updating WoW.

>used to make good strategy games
>haven't made a good one since Starcraft 1
>made WoW
>looks/plays like ass nowadays cuz wasn't updated well
>ripped off a shitty Moba no-one plays
>ripped off MtG with chars pulled from Warcraft lore
>ripped off Valve with a shitty TF2 clone that everyone'll forget about in 2 months
They're really trying to stay relevant by trying to push e-sports titles instead of just making good games. It'll be the death of them. They literally should've just stuck to keeping WoW up-to-date and relevant. Almost as bad as the chinese megacorp that owns LoL.
Positioning and having a sense of when to push and fall back are way more important than aiming, especially if you're not DPS. Learn your role and coordinate to win. Some good characters don't even require good aim.
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What do you think? I thought it'd look better

Not sure about gold weps now
You never need Shadow Step in combat, so that's kind of useless.
Stop posting
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>We have Legendary and Epic skins coming soon. Rares will most likely be tied to new hero releases (with Ana we introduced Rare, Epic and Legendary skins).

C'mon Kaplan my shekels are overflowing already
Looks orange.

Pharah: increase splash range or damage, one or the other

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It probably doesn't help you are playing on a toaster
actually they're both little to no skill. You're never gonna say wow this Winston is playing SO much better than the Winston from the last game beucase he literally only does 3 things. Hold M1. Jump. Shield.

If you fuck up on Winston it's because you're retarded. Not the champion.
But that's what I mean. I can play someone like Reinhardt and not be able to aim for shit and still win games by running around with my team and protecting them. But I'm the worst player EU when it comes to using any character that has a gun, and must land a shot to do damage.

And this is against the other level 10 range players. Against higher skilled players it will just get harder to learn to aim against better players? Is aiming not a skill that must be learned in the earliest stages of learning to play?
when you prestige to rank 101 etc do xp counts drop again?
Symmetra lclick range increased by 2 meters, rclick can headshot
Bastion able to jump out of turret form
Mei icicle falloff damage halved
sleep tight, reap reap
>Hanzo on KOTH
>won't switch
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None of them :3
>lower cooldown on Jump Jet and increase fuel for passive hover, possibly increase range of rockets
>give the tire more durability, make it quieter, something to make it not the most obvious fucking shit
>buff everything
>give torb 250 health, 100 of which being armour, increase ult charge rate maybe
>Buff Symmetra's turrets and right click
>give bastion more durability in sentry mode, less time taken to switch mode

Fuck snipers
You could use it as a flank to get one guy and flank someone else, or go back from the way you came
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>Get a 5 man multikill with Death Blossom followed up by another kill with a shotgun
>POTG is Torbjorn dead while his turret gets 2 eliminations
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>tfw all the gold weapons look like wood from a third person view
>Being stupid enough to make a chart based on two days of gameplay and think it means anything
I liked the Beta portraits better. Worked with the technology/future setting better than standard bronze/silver/gold.
sleep tight reap tight
>6 losses today because of people with shit internet playing the game
Why are poor people allowed to play games?
If I start playing on the American server do I keep all my levels and rewards or do I have to start over again?

Id argue Roadhog is a lot more brainless to play than Winston.

Winston you need to good decision making, dont jump in on bad areas, know where the health packs are etc.

Roadhog is the epitome of

>Im gonna sit back where its safe
>Get an ez 50 feet hook with its giant "Round corners" hit box
>Hold M1 as I reel em in
>Free pick off

>Took some damage? Aint gotta worry about burst with 600 hp and Ima just take a sippy and heal up, no movement required, just press E

>Whats that, hooks on cooldown AND the enemy isnt getting close enough to me for me to one shot them with left click? Its cool, I'll one shot them with right click instead!
>its an "enemy widow is really good" episode
what a totally pig shit list

fuck off and kill yourself, clueless retard
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Mei makes me want to hrng

D.va makes me want to ohhh
>people realize there's no reason to play at their own MMR
>they just queue as a high rank with a bunch of low rank friends/smurfs
>stomp their way up even higher playing in average games of like 55 when they're 70-80+

fucking blizz you're shit at matchmaking and shit at balancing games.
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Sleep tight reap tight
If you're not from america, dont play on our servers and shit it up with your high ping.
If it's the last point on 2 CP defense you have no excuse. Get on the point and die to extend overtime so the rest of us can make it.
Is there one of these for the girls?
>Flashbang resets upon getting a kill
>Wraith Form resets upon getting a kill
>Charge resets upon getting a kill
>Jump Jet resets upon getting a kill
>Recall resets upon getting a kill
>Chain Hook resets upon getting a kill
>Biotic Field resets upon getting a kill
>Steel Trap resets upon getting a kill
>Cyro-Freeze resets upon getting a kill
>Scatter Arrow resets upon getting a kill

t. 40 mmr shitter
You can spend 200 scrap to upgrade turret to level 3 for 8 seconds.

Arrows are now hitscan but do a lot less damage.

More health, shields instead of armor, less damage and shorter range.
So where would we say McRee is on this chart now?
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Only way to enjoy this shit game
Tell me about roadhog
why does he wear the mask?
If he took it off, would he die?
i wanna shove my nose up tracer's asshole and take long, deep, lung filling inhales.
The Koreans already do that job for me. Answer my question please.
Don't sweat it too much. You should practice aim sometime but there are a number of heroes in different classes where you can get away with average or sub-par aim and still be effective. I'm rank 74 and almost never play DPS, and when I do my accuracy in in the 30% range. Unless you're McCrea is Widow there's not too much to worry about.
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>Hollywood Attack
>Someone immediately locks Widow

I'm jaded, I can't even muster the strenght to get angry anymore, and I'm not even surprised that we lost without even being able to cap the first point because the match was essentially a 6v5.
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I don't think the +25 is meaningless in and of itself, I just think it should have some ancillary effect that makes me even prioritize getting them on teammates after their first death.

Maybe something like a very slight increase to her turret recharge for every shield she has out, or even increased ult speed/teleporter health?
>data collected from one weekly scrim

the only thing accurate here is zen+lucio running wild
>got Hanzo's young skin
>try him out
>playing him feels like fucking shit

i don't understand how shitters are so fixated on playing him, let alone instalock him 1 second into the game

t. 1 mmr shitter
are u angered dude? XD

Maybe go play a non multiplayer game and let people who actually enjoy team games communicate
sleep tight reap tight
Some of these are wonderfully overpowered if you do that
>Chain Hook
>Scatter Arrow
The odds of that succeeding are unlikely. The sniper will get themselves killed an instant. A couple seconds isn't going to do shit.
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No. i will not cause i don't want any more foreign hordes on my servers. Fuck off eurotrash.
Charge would be cool
Sometimes Charge isn't worth doing because you'll get swarmed and die, it would be nice to Charge, then still have a getaway

God DAMN the ult charge rate hit Mercy hard

>Genji gets his own tier

The stats are fairly consistent with pickrates from previous months, save for McCree, Soldier, Mercy, and Pharah.
>I'll never tap that

worst reality

When you play bastion for the first time
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>getting angry

If it was a 70+ rated game she would just have to make 1 pick to make it worth it, or counter their turrets
If it was lower than 70+ you have no right to get angry cause you're trash and should easily be able to carry 1v11
In the right hands, Attack Widow can be a really big help. I'm more concerned if there's a Rein or D.Va present.
sauce plz
reverse image search turned up nothing
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It would be most painful.
Zarya, Roadhog, and new McCree against flankers
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You forced me to go into your server to check on my own. Hope you're happy about that.
>No reinhardt

into the trash

You're concerned if theres a rein or d.va present on the attacking team or defensive team?


Thats very true but on the first point, I feel like she loses her usefulness very quickly on the last point because picks mean much less. And staggered spawning as opposed to wiping the enemy team all at once actually makes attacking harder with the constant bodies being thrown onto the point
I've just given up on competitive. I'm never breaking out of this shithole, it's easier to just do placement matches next time.
>Tfw you outheal a Lucio as Ana in a 6minute game of Assault
>Also get silver elims
>Also you suck fucking dick at healing
Feels good.

Also, does anyone know WHEN THE FUCK WE ARE GETTING NEW SKINS? I have 5k gold just sitting
I've been in many matches where we're running out of spawn to get to point B and the Widowmaker could have jumped onto the point to give us a few more seconds to jump on it ourselves. Either way you aren't doing shit either if they're all on the point. Miraculously sniping them all is even rarer if not impossible. So you can either do something that rarely works or something that never works.
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Post zero suit Deevah weebums

Don't bully Hana!
>Jump Jet resets upon getting a kill
Bump as I'm also wondering this but know nothing about mods
yes, she should swap Widow out after the payload is secured. The scope nerf was just too much for anything but a early game pick
sleep tight reap tight
Is anyone else dropping frames on the PC version after the maintenance today? I use to always pull 60 but now my fps is dipping to 30 for extended periods of time... whats my issue?
Hope you lose everything because of it, and then lose motivation to play.
Those would only (probably) make them work in high ranked comp and pro play, in low ranked matches, which is the vast majority of players, they're broken as is, only buffing them would result in extreme balance issues.
did the McCree range nerf completely negate the dmg falloff buff he got?
is he in the trashbin again now?
How do i get good at this game, especially fix my aim. I can't aim for shit

This is my 6th consecutive loss, i'm on the verge of killing myself /owg/
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tfw Roadhog is fun because it's easy to win with him and the hook is so BS and I love when people are being are being salty in chat about it

but it feels so bad to play him because of how ugly and repulsive he looks, I wish they would make a good skin for him that would make him less ugly
>it's a teammate who only plays genji/hanzo episode
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>flashbang tracer just after she tries to ult me
>backroll out of the bomb radius
Who /top100/ here?
Autohotkey or similar programs and then just google your 180 degree stuff.

Technically forbidden of course. Blizz may or may not enforce their rules on something like that.
>every single patch people are losing further 20FPS

holy shit blizzard what are you doing, i've seen people who had 120 on launch complain about getting 30 after the patches
Will giving Bastion his shield back make him viable?

I was thinking there could be some sort of "rooting" mechanic that he can interact with to encourage him to re-position frequently but I'm not sure how to work it so that they don't just shift and unshift repeatedly in the same spot.

Something like the further he moves from his last sentry position he gets shield recharged/buff of some kind but I'm not sure how that could make sense mechanics wise. Maybe if he was radioactive or something and deploying his barrier also polluted the area or something...
>playing comp
>5 players in team chat
>we're talking, doing OK but not great
>after a failed push last guy joins team chat
>starts typing complaints that we already addressed, including flankers that we called
>"we're already trying to deal with it, and we called it out"
>he leaves chat again without responding
What's the point? I can't be out in public without being nervous, why do people play team games if they don't want to communicate? QP doesn't matter but people play better in comp if they can just listen.
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Roadhog is cute, excuse you.
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>Don't bully Hana!
don't play heroes that require good aim?
Genji is the fun weeb bro
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No, he's arguably stronger now than pre last nerf. The fall off damage is still much farther than on release
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McCree's back to normal. He can still 2shot at 20m, and his fan the hammer got a buff, to where he shoots faster after pocketsand
not you faggot lmao
>pick widow on lijang
>autist tell me to switch
>tell him it's just qp
>"no it's not, retard"
>it wasn't QP
>we lost
>lost a rank
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>accidentally blink into junkrat trap
>see enemy dva mech going nuclear 10 feet infront of me
>trap breaks just in time to double-blink to safety
felt pretty gud
Alright thanks senpai
You know how people love swords? If there was a character in this game that used a sword 24/7 as his normal attack he'd be a major instalock character (Kind of like how Genji is) and there are people that feel that way about bows.

I'll never understand it, but people really fucking love bows. It must be all the Hunger Games/Arrow/Fading glory of LOTR
Particle Barrier reset would lead to insane snowballing that Zarya does not even remotely need.

Boosters would be too optimized, D.va is already good enough at getting in and out of fights cleanly. Jump Pack is not a good pick for this for similar reasons.

Hook would be straight up obscene against a team of 200 health heroes, as would the combat roll. But then again, Genji's dash is a big part of his combat kit so it's hard to say that these are necessarily worse than that.

Concussive and Fire Strike are too much burst and too reliable, they would turn Rein and 76 into walking howitzers.

Blink is just... fuck that shit.

Dart, Shadow Step, and Soundwave are all weird picks for that kind of buff, though soundwave is likely the most balanced and reasonable of all these to get this. Lucio doesn't need the increased survivability right now, but if the meta went too hard against him, it could be a viable change to make him counter certain heroes much better.
damn, i wonder what the problem is. i have to turn of vsync on my 60hx monitor just to get a steady 60-70 framerate now...
its about halfway in between the original falloff and the new one

hes not in every game anymore but still powerful and super annoying

now do it on a real server lmoa
Entering chat just to complain and immediately leaving is a bitch move
I just want to listen to my music and play competitive
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Would you rather have sex with

Tracer or Widowmaker?

Mercy or Pharah?

Mei or D.va?

Symmetra or Winston?

Ana is a old lady you sick duck
I play on EU.
>it's a teammate who has a golden gun thinks he's hot shit and won't switch when his "main" isn't effective
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how on earth do people find the fucking effort to rank up out of the 50s

I can't fucking do it. It's exhausting trying to kill everything all the time while you have teammates that switch between widow and ana or stay on genji and never say a word or think about waiting for a team push before going in flanking (I guess they just want the epic 1v6 dragonblade for their montage or some shit). Even then it feels disheartening because shit will happen like you getting solo ulted by Reinhardt or Reaper and you lose because of how much you were pushing them back.

Like god damn even when I go on a winstreak and manage to climb 10 ranks from 48 to 58 it's just lost so quickly and easily. Even if the matches are even and people are playing well you still lose to stupid shit like coin flips or getting shit spawned so you get snowballed, just fuck man. It's fucking exhausting, it legitimately just makes me depressed when I'm trying to coordinate with my team over mic and 90% of the time I get silence in return and people just keep doing the same stupid shit that got us destroyed last round.

It's a team game and no one wants to do any team work.
That's how I feel about spears
Spear fighter when, blizz
Because it's so satisfying killing someone with that fuckingn thing.

Also a good Hanzo is insane, he can be nasty from midrange
gotcha senpai
Widowmaker, Mercy, D.Va, Winston.
>enemies have bastion/torb setup
>junkrat can easily just bomb it
>want to swap to him
>even though I played it in the first round where we did good he won't swap off it
>lose without taking a point

But that's OK that she's old
>tfw she's got so little porn on paheal
There is no reason to play Hanzo over McRee for midrange though.
for Dva
> how do people find the effort to rank up out of the 50s
> out of the 50s
> implying we were ever in the 50s
I'm currently decent enough with Roadhog, Rein, Pharah, Soldier and Lucio. Who should I go for next? I used to play Winston and Dva a lot when I first picked the game up, but haven't touched them in a long while. I was thinking about Junkrat or a defense hero? I have no interest in snipers and bastion is poo so I don't really know who to try.
>tfw 43 shitter

I feel you bro.
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Which of the OW males would reap the spoils of war after a victory?

Who would be the most reaped spoil?
Or perhaps he was wondering why you would hook a man, before shooting him in his face
D.Va and Zenyatta are currently hot shit, try them out before they get nerfed.
Either increase Pharah's rocket speed (fucking Genji throws little stars faster than her rockets) or decrease the cooldown on both her abilities + fuel consumption.
Junkrat would steal everything not nailed to the floor and he'd probably try and take D.va's mech and make it more explody

Reaper, while not hard to play, is a great character to be comfortable on.

now do it on a real server lmoa
>D.va's mech flies off onto the ocean and goes nuclear
>Hana seen in cafe 3 days later
>people don't shoot zarya shields when she's already MAXIMUM CHARGE
She doesn't go over 100, so there's no reason to stop anymore right?
>DVA's barrier can nullify any ult
Why the fuck doesn't it have a hp bar like reinhardt shield? Better than completely obliterating projectiles
it can nullify hammerdown too
>some faggot genji only player on the other team
>kill him all game
>next game he's on my team
>pick genji
>he picks genji too
>say "1 is enough"
>he leaves
Her charge goes down over time, so it's probably not a good idea to keep fueling her charge unless you (and your team) dan deal enough damage within a short amount of time.
All you need to do is win a few games. It takes like 3 games to go on a winstreak then you win like 1 rank per win on a streak

You can go like 15 ranks in 1 day if you get lucky, doesn't mean shit.
ha, nice
but still why make it a 5v6?
There's probably a lot of moments where shooting Zarya shield would be a good idea but only if your whole team does it but you can also never be sure they will.

So no one ends up shooting it. It's like a Zarya passive.
>underdogs against a 5 stack
>almost won
>server crashed
>underdog against a pub
>win two straight
>the sweep the next 3
I'm tired of living
Because it's better to not play at all than it is to play with a bad shitter.

If you weren't one you'd know this.
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Ulting your team,
im referring to picking genji, whether the other genji left or not it was a 4v6 in the end
Current balance gripes with Overwatch. No proposed changes, because this is just what pisses me off about the game at the moment.

- M2 fires too quickly
- Slashdash distance is not affected by slows (can get out of fail free against Symmetra/Mei)
- Slashdash reset exists.

- Blink distance not lowered by slow (see above.)

>Soldier 76, Pharah, Zarya, Junkrat, Bastion general issue
- Point-blank Helix Rockets/Rockets/Particle Grenade/Egg Timer Grenades/Tank form rockets deal absurdly low self-damage.

- Friendly Ice Wall should be translucent.
- In the land of 20 tick, freeze stacks from M1 fall off too quickly.

- Steel Trap deals too much damage for what is already a walking death sentence when triggered.
- Concussion Mine deals an instant 120 to the face with no repercussions when a counter should be getting in his face.

- Turret turns too quickly, can't take it out risk-free from corner-peeking behind it.

>Reinhardt and Genji double-feature
- Melee cone is more like a hemisphere, and far too wide.

- Suicide-bomb overbuffed, needs to self-kill or deal reduced damage if far below the blast to stop the firework death from above.

- Has no delay on M1 after hook's animation.
- No delay on melee after M1 despite a normally heavy recoil.

- Turrets self-destruct if another turret is too close by and is destroyed.

- Hitting someone with sleep dart if they're still taking damage from an earlier-fired M1 wakes them back up.
fuck nigri
only reason shes famous is cause her army of 12 year old wank monkeys keep jizzing over every new shit cosplay she does
only decent thing she did was voicing cinder
>Blink distance not lowered by slow
>muh ice doesnt slow down the reversal of time!
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just end me now.jpg
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Don't worry anon, things could be a lot worse.
>Jump above junkrat's trap
>it sucks me into it like a black hole
Do bear traps in real life have magnets in them?
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>Dragon Blade lasts for 9 seconds
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>Suicide-bomb overbuffed, needs to self-kill or deal reduced damage if far below the blast to stop the firework death from above.


-None, they are both shit
There were 9 members of the Wu-Tang Clan

9 is also a important number, it symbolizes many things that I'm too lazy to type
still got 200 health. shoot the ninja.
more like
>trap is literally always more than half into the ground and practically invisible
If Torbjorn's turret gets a delay before firing it better be buffed so it wrecks anyone stupid enough to not get to cover after the warning. He's already trash tier.
I didn't end up playing genji

I just like to make genji-only players butthurt
It's one of those things (on a long list of things) that I believe exist only because of consoles. If the trap DIDN'T suck you in, it would be easier to avoid - but mainly by PC players.
>just had a 6 game winning streak

Do I continue to test my luck?
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>at least 1 autistic Genji main in every quickplay match
>sinks into the ground
>is magnetized so if you're carrying a weapon you will get sucked into it even if you're above it
>does absurd damage
Why are people saying Pharah isn't top tier anymore?

Still getting gold damage and gold elims every game at rank 61
It actually has a short animation where it hooks you and grabs you like a chainchomp and even has a chain as it jumps out at targets. Someone post the slowmo webm of it.
yeah go for it
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Huh... What am I supposed to be looking at here? You pressed Q and wiped team as a Reaper?

Isn't that what every Reaper does though? How's this one special?
>on a game of chingchong tower earlier
>there's 2-3 guys on mic
>one is a very young kid, maybe 14 at most
>one of the guys not talking asks in chat if he could talk more
>asks if he can join their stack
>at the end of the game practically begs him to accept a friend request

Alright which one of you faggots was this and should I have reported him for likely being a pedophile?
>wants to make cute girls cry

I know Tracer's feel.
i want proof of this or i will tell you to kill yourself.
>want to practice in Quickplay
>keep getting players who are almost 20 ranks above me
I'm not sure if it's because rank 70+ players stopped playing QP or if it's because my QP rating is unusually high

Probably the former.
don't you get discorded one shot by mcmeme and zen? anyone have that duckhunting image of zen as the dog and pharah as the duck
Tournament McCrees don't miss their headshots.
Post fanart/comics
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>girl healer in our team
>girl in charge of making game changing decisions
Blink, not Recall.
Choke her as I finger her.
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Am i allowed to be mad when we lose because i play solidly support and have both high elims and heals?
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I swear, Genji players are the same faggots who pick Pudge.
>no one picked Genji?
>huehuehue guess I will fill as Genji!
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Anyone on ps4 wanna play?
I don't use a mic though, too much anxiety.
Would she enjoy it? Would you want her to enjoy it?
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I main Genji in QP because he's fun but I'm too bad with him to play him in ranked so I like to play him every chance I get in unranked matches
sleep tight reap tight
>not even over it he's actually beside it
This is still fucking retarded
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>haha sure anon I'm sure everyone on ur team sucks except u

yes, probably. Why is this hard to believe?

It's pretty fucking clear the majority of people that play this game even in "competitive" mode don't take it seriously enough to be in any way decent and know what characters are good when and who counters who. That alone is shockingly hard to come by.
Did anyone start playing OW as a literal bottom 1% of the entire playerbase tier shitter?

Is it possible to climb from this point if I keep playing?
I don't know what you mean. I'm sure everyone on your team sucks, including you.
>>>/r9k/ is thataway pal
>It's a lose 13 games in a row kind of day
alrighty then.
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Swapping would be dishonourable
>enemy team has 2 genjis, a pharah and a zarya
>better switch to bastion
Why are people this dumb? I'm mediocre at shooting things so I'll forever be stuck with retards like these.
And it's not like they're only level 10 or something.
>There's an ana and a mercy
>mercy is stuck on the reinhardt's dick
>he has a shield which can block all incoming damage
>ana gets most healing that game
When will retards learn?
There's plenty of people who can reach 80+ purely by playing solo exclusively.

You aren't carrying hard enough. And no one gives a shit about the two or three ranks you may actually be below your "actual" rank.
Then put me with people that "suck" just as much as I do i.e. they understand sitting on high ground and not outside the attackers spawn is pretty good
>tfw actually made a person angry by spamming "EL OH EL"
stop posting this nigger shit you degenerate, hana song would never be with this manlet
i love females but putting them on a competitive scene cmon...
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>play of the game is me missing a bunch of shots and getting 1 kill

uhhhh..thanks blizz...
>picking on lesser people
>there are plenty of people who can reach 80+ purely by solo exclusively

not even that guy but I refuse to believe that sack of bullshit. Once you hit 70 you start running into a lot more fucking groups that will shit on your life if you're not in a coordinated group of your own.
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holy shit kid take a shower
she asks him for his autograph m8
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What nigger shit? This?
She would enjoy it, but hate how much she enjoys it.
When will player servers be a thing?
Do people really pronounce L2P as "el two pee"? I always thougt it was "el tee pee".
>is nanoboosted Tracer any good?
Only if you're a good Tracer
>play of the game is me launching a mech at the enemy team and then it cutting away to the sanctum because the round ended
It's obviously getting nerfed. Then we're going to have even more annoying Roadhogs in games.
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Who counters a good Genji?
can you name one competitive female ''''gamer'''' with actual drive and ambition
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>be Soldier 76
>El Dorado in attack
>Enemy team has 1 widow and 1 hanzo
>somehow kicking our asses
>our 76 cant aim for shit and our reaper is too busy hiding for le edgy potm
>Go Harambe
>Proceed to give them the blazing primate phallus
>focus exclusively on them
>they cant even walk 10meters away from the spawn before I jump on them and tickle them to death
>with those 2 out of the equation our team proceeds smoothly
>this goes on for 2 out of 3 checkpoints
>last checkpoint they start shit tlaking
>levels of salt are off-charts
>they go roadhog and reaper, focusing exclusively on me
>Decide to switch before they get the satisfaction of killing me
>still want to fuck with them, so I go Mei
>by keeping them busy, my team proceeds in a 5v4
>By the time they realize I'm freezing them, its too late, my team is already unloading everything
>we win
>their team are calling them by every name under the sky for focusing on a single person and leaving them alone

Harambe may not be the best character in the game, but goddamn if it doesnt feel great to kick the living shit out of faggot snipers
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>That feeling of watching the hope fade from a Genji as you freeze him while he's ulting
Winston is your best bet. Tracer on the other hand is uncounterable.
Surefour for example did it recently but he's already 87 or something now.

So just reaching 80 is easier and more people have done it.
it's just friendly banter, she doesn't want anything to do romantically with a man who is shorter than she is.
depends, whats your rank
Fuck, I meant
>be Zenyatta

Cant believe I brainfarted like that
McCree, Roadhog
2 is pronounced as "two" not "tee"
is that what you look like cutie pie
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>That feel when you give an ulting Genji a taste of american steel
that sounded pedo af lmao
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"I didn't expect the game to last this long" FUCKING KYS
>guy goes Hanzo on Defense
>switches to Bastion after the first point
>then changes to Mei on the Attacking round
They're in comp too.
Why is Ana introducing Jack to his 5 year old daughter?
>Hol Horse headshots Avdol
>McCree headshots Pharah

Are Egyptians weak against cowboys?
>Finally get a well picked team
>Someone of the other team leaves
>Match canceled
Give me some tips on Reinhardt, I have no idea what to do when my shield breaks. Run away? Shift in? Is there a point to playing Rein if my shield always gets broken quickly by junkrat/76/bastion while theirs stays strong?

Also Reinhardt's charge feels like fucking magic because I'll hit someone and they'll bounce away but an enemy rein will clip my left pinky toe and pin me.
Fug off, dumb qp shitstain
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This picture is outdated. Someone should switch the faces to make it more accurate to how the game is nowadays
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Oh shit how haven't I noticed this
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when shield breaks i usually retreat and wait for it to charge back up
if you can somehow get the group to push forward with you, charging in can be a great distraction, even if you dont pin someone
also, ive found that lining them up with the middle spine of reins helm leads to more pins also 20 tick will fuck you a lot
Frustrated Genji main detected
There are tons of female athletes with drive and ambition
Don't hate grills for understanding that esports are a waste of time
>using it with the worst skin

but i said i loved females. you ladies are too emotional for anything competitive
>Still no porn of Ultraviolet or Punk Tracer
Don't blame players when Blizzard purposefully fucked up their MMR by using in-game actions.
we need another hero that can pierce reinhardt shields

fire strike requires your rein to lower his shield, and symmetra is so rare she may as well not even be a factor
Who is Harambe
>playing Reinhardt
>defending the payload in Numbani
>set myself up in front of a bastion so he can wipe the enemy team when they come around the corner
>he keeps getting up and moving in front of my shield
>he doesn't even set up on the floor
>he's just running around with his handgun trying to kill a coming roadhog
I wasn't even blocking him, I gave him the whole right side of my shield but he kept moving up and got himself killed, fucking idiot.
Why can't they stay behind the shield? They get to deal damage without having to take any, why do they keep moving up? Fucking fags.
>d.va calls me player 2

my fucking dick
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>No Edgy Tracer
>and symmetra dies so quickly she may as well not even be a factor
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>go to get my hot pocket out of the microwave
>you were kicked for inactivity
>lose a rank

> QP
> Team wants to go all Pharah
> The one other rational dude on my team goes Winston to try and tank
> I try Mercy but the enemy Hanzo is too gud, end up Lucio
> Team only listens once when I try and tell them that you have to actually stay with the payload, only me and Winston pushing the whole time
> We get picked off one by one
> Winston tries to 1v1 the enemy tanks and fails, while the Hanzo picks us off with his quiver of logs
> My advice falls on deaf ears
> Enemy team ended up consisting of Roadhog, Dva, Zenyatta, Hanzo, and two 76s
I've been playing against and with literal retards all day, I should have expected this
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Is it wrong to think supports are fun to play as?
Out of the job thanks to D.va. Maybe if his shocks went through Zarya shields too.
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>hot pocket

You deserve it
>He loses ranks for free
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>get in honorable duel
>I'm about to win
>faggot Genji hits my opponent with one shuriken from his m2 and gets the kill in the kill feed so nobody will know it was me who was doing the real dominating
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>self described "healslut" from /v/ on our team
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>His microwave isnt right next to him

lucio is objectively fun, as is zenyatta

haven't played ana, can't comment

mercy is "fun" in the sense you get that solid satisfaction from playing an actual healer

symmetra is fun when you're actually able to play her, ramping up M1 on squishies is hilarious
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I fucking did it.
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What was your shittiest potg recently?
All except Mercy are fun.
It's a guy, isn't it?
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>team were getting outplayed by a fucking Bastion

>spam "Group Up" behind the chokepoint
>they come over but walk right up to it and get hooked in and die one by one
>just standing there watching
Being Lucio fucking sucks
> Reinhardt main
> Enemy always switches to Rein to try and counter me
> No more honest 1v1 combat with the enemy Rein hardly ever
> Always back up my Rein in Rein v Rein combat when I don't play him
I'm encouraging this behaviour
I did that like 2 hours into playing junkrat because it's such an obvious thing to do
Looks like I'm not too late to claim my Ana Banana

Got it completely by accdident like a day after the game came out.

Easiest way is to trap the tunnel on the left on route 66 just after where the payload starts.
Its a good spot regardless because you can just rain ticking death out of the hole non stop and make going in it after you incredibly difficult.
Mei needs my dick
>Took him 2 months to get it
>There are tons of female athletes with drive and ambition
Yes, and they can't compete with males in any way, shape or form

>Don't hate grills for understanding that esports are a waste of time
It's more like they can't get good enough to even get anyone to watch, so it doesn't exist
and you didn't add them to make them wear girl's clothes and fuck their bp?

>he thinks female streamers need to be good at games to get viewers
Killing 4 people with d.va's ult... right after the match has ended
Entire PotG was looking at a wall because it bugged out
A N A is my B A N A N A

I killed two people with my meka and then pushed the cart to win... lol
Who was talking about streamers? We're talking about tourneys and a competitive scene. Follow the conversation.
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What is blizzard smoking to be retarded enough to not distribute points in ranked equally. I dont wanna fucking play a healer when i get less points then everyone else, i even get less points then my duo parter. I like playing healer, but it really becomes a downer when i feel like i'm being punished for it. Edgelord reaper here i come.
What does MEKA stand for?
A woman who exercises will be stronger than you
Zarya would be able to overpower a lot of characters like Junkrat, Genji, Lucio in a 1v1 fist fight no problem, and would probably be about equal with characters like soldier and mccree. Only roadhog would completely stomp her.
What would the characters think about the kind of person who mains them?
>playing game
>having fun
>internet is fine
>suddenly spikes to 600 ping for no fucking reason

Yeah, great servers Blizzard
Her dad must be so proud
I didnt realize until I saw it from the side that Roadhogs alt is a delayed shotgun blast.

I thought it just exploded into a ball.
It's not meant to look good.

It's meant to clash with everything and stand out to say "LOOK EVERYONE I PLAYED 600 GAMES IN COMPETITIVE MODE".
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Please be gentle with me!!
Junkrat also has better mobility so I dunno what you're getting at.
>Zarya beating Genji in hand to hand
>brawn beating skill and technique
I feel like such a shitter having to ask this, but I've been running into a lot of coordinated D.Va/Zarya/Reaper/Genji setups on KOTH maps, and really struggle to win against them. The combination of damage negation and escapes means they're hard as fuck to kill, and the close-range firepower absolutely shreds our front line.

What can we do to effectively deal with comps like this?
Hasn't it been shown in studies that the reason there are more men at the top and bottom of fields while women are more in the middle is because men have higher rates of autism and OCPD?

Kums inside
Anal cavities
>Enemy team goes full D.va
>Our team decides to not switch from 2 fucking bastions
meka =/= mecha

She'd probably like me. We both play games. I could help her fix her car. Or her meka. And her PC. I'd like to be roomies with her, then eventually start dating her.

>sad loser fantasies

Korean is
An asshole
She'd break him. If he had kunai and things he'd be fine, but she'd be able to take 1-2 hits with nothing but bruises and as soon as she gets hold of any part of him he's done.
She would not be equal with Soldier. He was physically enhanced as a response to the horde of omnicidal machines plummeting the world into a massive war.

Anyway that Anon's point is male athletes vs female athletes.
>A woman who exercises will be stronger than you
kek, I fucking doubt it. My combined squat, deadlift and bench press is 810lbs right now. Nothing special, but better than EVERY woman in competitive weightlifting. And I lift as a hobby.
mercy and mei would be the most disgusted by their loyal fans
junkrat would be thrilled that thousands of women want his irradiated dick
Something something Korean Army
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tracer butt.gif
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>bought the game on sunday
>have 25 hours into the game already

What're all these dank memes that I dont understand?

and why is Hanzo so hard?
Why is Tracer so cute?

Are there any other cinematics besides the ones in those 30 minute compilation?

Where can I read the comics?
Mobile Exoskeletons - Korean Army.

(Dva should answer to Torbjörn that her meka is property of lesser Korea. And not just "no wayyy!".)
>beat the other team to the final objective by 4 minutes
>Sudden Death

who designed this shit?
> As Reinhardt, charge or chase an enemy into a small room off to the side of the main road in any map and a couple of enemies follow me
> The rest of the team ignores me or thinks that their teammates will kill me as I slaughter all of them that followed me and walk back out to kill the rest
Why does this happen? Do people think that Reinhardt is easy to kill, or what?
>men vs women argument
Who cares, this isn't video games
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Her ass is nothing like that.
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>Top 2 characters I play are Junkrat and Soldier

>Have no skins unlocked for them

>Have <1 hour played as Pharah
>4 skins for her
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the random climb.jpg
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Pick a carry hero or just prey for a lucky streak I used to think I was a shitter because I couldn't get out of the 40s and stressed my ass off. I started playing tanks more and being super aggressive and I climbed.

Pic related is my lucky break its all luck to get out of the 40s I actually started to play better in the 50s too but the skill discrepancy in the 40s is fucking WILD so it makes it super hard to level up.
what does Torb say to Dva?
Are we talking pre or post cyborg genji.

Because if cyborg genji can move his arms at great enough speeds to alter the trajectory of and reflect every projectile coming at him, including bullets, then he'd be impossibly fast when he's going all out
Somehow getting a triple kill on volskaya as pharah when all i did was kill mercy
Hang in there, Centipeedle

I'm sure it's just the corruption holding you back.
That is a thing I would definitely not be.
Something like "mind if I take a peek under your hood".
>tfw we will never EVER get a skin of Mei without her coat, wearing just a blue tank top and her heavy pants
>attacking Gibraltar last
>both teams burned out their ultimates on the last cap, 0.27m from capture
>enemy team goes too deep, away from payload
>shadow step on the cart, watch them all run in panic to stop me
>slow clap emote
Never felt so dirty in my life
Why is Roadhog so fat when he exercises a lot?
Exactly this happened on Gibraltar.

>Winston "main" spams thanks all throughout the round
>coin flip round
>we push easily to first choke
>get stuck there as bastion tears through everyone
>i'm the only one who had the idea of sneaking through the flank to try and shoot at bastion and his mercy while they shredded everyone
>lose after nobody joins me in flanking
>winston continues spamming thanks as round ends
cant outrun your fork
Unaltered, the same for Soldier. If you count enhancements then gender becomes irrelevant, anyone can have a rocket launcher surgically attached to their arm.
because he consumes more calories than he burns.
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Because hes cute.
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>Tracer or Widowmaker?
>Mercy or Pharah?
>Mei or D.va?
Is that even a question? Mei
>Symmetra or Winston?
Well, we all gotta try something once am I right?
>Ana is a old lady you sick duck
I don't care, onto my cock she goes.
the original image is sam hyde right? lol. watching KSTV
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do i make the cut
Spend your shekels.
Overwatch's website.
>kill Pharah as Pharah
>"I'm sorry, Reinhardt!"
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>tfw you get two skins for 2 of your 3 mains

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i did it!
I thought that was only me?
same comp, then win the fights.
Can someone post the all rank icons?
Did Blizzard ever mention adding more bots to custom games?

I want to practice getting headshots on certain heroes but there's only like 6 heroes available.
They did add Ana, so I'm wondering if they're going to add some existing heroes.
>D.Va thinks he was talking about her robot

So innocent.
Played him last night. He definitely likes the Genji.
>be Reinhardt
>spam "Group Up" countless times
>literally everyone is trying to flank except a Zarya who is following me
>8 minutes later but we actually manage to cap the point the one time we all group up
>check score and I have gold Elims as a Reinhardt with only a Zarya as a partner
Because he's cute that way
I guess every hero needs its own AI routines, so they will slowly be adding all of them.

On the other hand there's not much evidence that Torb is a dirty old man?
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>nobody EVER wants to play tank
>when they do it's d.va

fucking hell man, the instalock mcree EVERY round I want to play it . I bet in a month something else will be fotm and nobody picks mcree again
>how to get over your anime addiciton
1. Lighten the fuck up.
2. Shower and brush your teeth more often
Have they actually been adding some besides Ana since release?
They could keep the hitboxes consistent with the models if they just made her really fat.
Just a bug
I meant rank, not level, but I also wanted this one, thanks.
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>not being fat
>being some skinny ass poofter
w-what happens at 1600
Yes. Originally there were only a couple of bots, but they have since added a couple more.
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Step on it
> Kill the enemy Zenyatta as Zenyatta
> "You are your own worst enemy."
I've since figured out that it's a random line, but shit, was cool at the moment.
>On the other hand there's not much evidence that Torb is a dirty old man?

It's just a side effect of being eye level with all of that ass all the time.
Ambulance comes in and you get put into an asylum with terminal autism
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>Guys, I'm Talon now

What do
You're gonna see some serious shit.
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Step it up senpai
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>if Mercy is revived by another Mercy, she'll sometimes say "So that's what it feels like"
fuck off back to your weeb generals
he's in one.
it's like the game detects when you start getting angry and places you in matches with the most irredeemable shitters who do nothing but mouthbreath on mic about how everyone on their team sucks
>that perfect throat fucking position

Hana's such a little slut.
>tfw trying to aim with mcree

embarrassing almost goddamit I can't play DPS for shit I miss soldiers generous spread prepatch now there is spread even if you burst fire
>anyone can have a rocket launcher surgically attached to their arm.

So my doctor was lying to me?
>guy shouts down mic saying we're doing shit
>have 4 golds
t. irredeemable shitter who mouthbreaths on chinese tapestry forums about getting mad at videogames
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dank Mei Mei.png
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My mei folder is lacking

post mei
Blizzard deletes your account and replaces it with job and dating site profiles.
>only win if I play tanks
>no healslut to make it fun

frick off this is boring
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And people ask why i dont have team voice channel on. lal
>that perfect throat fucking position
I hate to break it to you, but that position is both uncomfortable for the girl and the guy. I've tried it. It's fucking terrible and uncomfortable, plus the girl get's an eyeful of your ass sweat.

>Hana's such a little slut.
I do agree with this however
Widow, Mercy, Mei, Symmetra
The only one I can see not being fun for some is Reinhardt.
>using mic outside of premades
el em ay ooh
so what does ass sweat smell like?
ass and sweat
like ass and sweat
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>the girl get's an eyeful of your ass sweat
But that's the whole point.
I want to drink D.Va's ass sweat
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how did your last attempt at DIE DIE DIE go for you /owg/?
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>tfw playing with friends
>I'm well aware that I'm not good at FPSs but I have fun anyway
>all they do is micromanage and criticize me for having fun, even when I do good
>they think I'm stupid; make passive aggressive comments that sound like advice
>"You really need to play against people your skill level"
>"Have you tried playing against AI?"
>"It's not fair, anon hasn't had practice against people his skill level"

This is not what I expected
salty coins and milk
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Who is that omnic?
>4 golds
>couple silvers and a bronze

maybe I need to start throwing more, surely that'll help
I don't care what anyone says, I'd bang her to hell and back
I want to feel her tits pressed against me.
>shy nerdy girl who remotely controls a bot

My dick.
>team bunga me unga
>team unga me bunga

Perfectly logical.
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That girl eats ass, I'm sure of it.
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>People shipping Reinhardt with Lucio
got my achievement finally
Get better friends instead of garbage ones?
Its either POTM or I get instantly die from mcree flashbang/hook
Easy Headshot McGee
Poorly, but it was a last ditch effort to buy time in overtime. Failed, since the team wasn't able to get there fast enough
Would you a Bastion?
She could be cute without the awful hair, makeup, and tattoos
I have no idea why girls ever think the neon hair+piercings+heavy makeup+tattoo sleeves look is appealing
>Get better friends instead of garbage ones?
but they're great IRL. They're just so competitive.

this must be what it feels like to be the one blonde girl in a black class
roadhog is my most consistent go-to counter when the enemy genji or tracer is getting out of hand
it's annoying to have to focus 80% of your attention on a single enemy, but it's better than watching your team getting picked off one by one
>>"It's not fair, anon hasn't had practice against people his skill level"
I can almost understand this one if true tho. I'm rank 74 and my friends never play solo and they're like rank 50. Then when they play with me, they just dont have a chance and complain that the game isn't balanced.
Reinhardt will never not beat the shit out of little weeb faggots buddy.
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i'm so close to the animated spray I can almost taste it, every game is so fucking stressful
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Too hard.
>Ult right after a D.va ults
>their team thinks their safe running into the d.va ult
>kill them all including the d.va who popped out of the mech before dying to the explosion

won us the game too
>shit talking for zero reason
1v1? Winston. Wait for him to exhaust his dash before you chase him with jump pack and there's nothing he can do on his own.
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>Overwatch was shut down for a reason. Maybe it's best it stay that way.

What did she mean by this?
Okay guys, just caved in and finally bought this game. Realistically speaking, what am I in for?

Alittle background for the type of player I am
>played tourneys in CSGO and Dota 2 aka ass faggots
>enjoy casual games like EDF and DBZ xenoverse at the same time
>voting trump

Okay give it to me
Try soul charge instead, its mutliple revive
a team based shooter
t. "Mei is bae" fag that sucks at playing her
she wants time off to get BLACKED
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So I asked earlier for Zarya tips and someone said "get a good crosshair". Whaddya mean by that, aren't crosshairs a matter of preference or are there some inherently more comfortable than others
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>lose 3 games in a row
>finally about to win
>last point on hollywood map
>"a member of your team has left the game"

4 leavers in a row

sry for blog but im so done
Have you played TF2, Dirty Bomb, or Battleborn? Like that, only not p2w and a billion times better with actual waifus
shit teammates
no one doing the fucking objective
no one killing fucking mercy despite her spamming nazi bullshit 2 times per minute
loss because coinflips
genji and hanzo mains
If you have trouble fitting into the "traditional" look and style (and femininity) of women, you might as well go all out, to the other direction.

At least that's what I think is always the case with "geek" girls like that.
no wonder she got harassed, look at how she dresses
>generic "i am womyn" appearance
her personality is absolute garbage so im pretty sure she paid that dude to be her boyfriend
preference. I use a green little dot for everyone because I've had that in TF2 for ages
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G-Guys, Hana is pure!
>implying Mercy would prefer a 5 inch niggerdick over Commander Morrison's 8 inch cock
nth for hanzo now the worst hero in game
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>First win of the day
>I've been playing all day

Just google pro players or pro McRee. You will find all the pros using vastly different crosshairs (in those youtube videos), but almost nobody is using the circle and the big cross thingy.
6v6 Tf2. There are 22 characters that are quite distinct in playstyle and abilities so you're bound to find a few you'll like playing. Comp is WIP. Certain awful shit like Sudden Death won't be coming back next season.
>he fell for the solo que meme

Always que with good players senpai.
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Pure shit.
good riddance, won't be missed
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Tell me /owg/, why are you mean to 11 year olds?
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How do we fix tracer?

I mean making the guns have 3 times the ammo or making her 200 hp as it should be?
>first win of the day
>close client
>open it back up
>play match
>first win of the day

lmao blizz what the fuck are you doing
how do you change your crosshairs?
>I have no idea why girls ever think the neon hair+piercings+heavy makeup+tattoo sleeves look is appealing

Because men will still fuck them.
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>Liking dicks
I hate fucking kids, if you're below 21 get off my internet
And why the fuck 11yo is even playing OW, it's T aka 13+
>let a 11 year old girl play an online shooter
>complain when it backfires
gotta love reddit
How do you guys know what you could have done better in a loss? I'm still quite new but there have been a number of games I've played so far where I legitimately feel like I did everything I could and there just was no winning that game. How do I know where I fucked up so I can improve?
Awh, I hate seeing very young casuals playing games and getting trashtalked by somebody who is probably just as bad as they are. What can you expect from literal lolbabbies, though?
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Zenyatta is fun to play because he can dish out damage while also helping the team with passive healing and damage buffs.
Ana is fun to play if you can aim because she can do some serious burst healing and force no-heal effect on enemies which is entirely unique to her.
Lucio is fun to play because wallriding and booping and because healing is mostly passive. His damage is low, but his unique mobility and neat alt fire are good tools

All of these remain relatively fun to play even when your team is being dumb because they can still fend for themselves or have escape options to some degree.

Mercy is satisfying to play if you want to give focused support and enjoy helping others, and jumping between teammates and shit is sometimes pretty fun, but these are only if your team stays together. If your team insists on constantly separating then she quickly becomes the least fun character to play as. The most frustrating experience I've had in the game by far is playing Mercy for a team that spreads out wider than their mothers legs while screaming "omg no heals"

I love playing Zen and Lucio whenever I get the chance, and I love playing Mercy when my team keeps together. Ana I would enjoy if I could aim better probably.
If you're letting your kids play you should turn off all the chats.

>Type and Color

I would test it out in a game vs some bot or in a practice range, to see what you are most comfortable with.

For example I don't like yellow as a color for the crosshair, because it fuck you up on Temple of Anubis.
>not playing genjii, hanzo and d.va
>going on the internet as a girl of any age and not being expected to be berated like a New England settler's housewife
come on now
t. 21 year old
>What's that? The internet is full of assholes?! What are the chances?!?!

How else did they expect this to play out?
go to youtube
search for "[character] pro gameplay"
scroll a little until you have left the obnoxious mainstream commentaries behind
watch games of people doing good with the particular character you want to learn
you're bound to find some tricks or strategies that you haven't considered before
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Me me me. I'll be using my mic to meme, but you don't have to.
Just disable the chat, if it bothers you.

And I don't even want to play with kids, but sadly there's no option to limit players to be older than 30.
Sounds like you get stuck with a lot of 11 year olds down in rank 30, friendo
it's called high mmr
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>literal facebook humor
When is lucio being moved into the tank class?
>She doesn't have a shift skill
what the fuck are you on about
you can survive every single offensive ult in the game just by going into iceblock and waiting it out
t. rank 30 11 year old
Wrong answer!
It'd make it more fun if she didn't like it.
Hah, I wish. We old geezers have slower reflexes, and can't really play games 24/7, so we definitely aren't in the high MMR range en masse.
>She doesn't have a shift skill

Huh... Anon, that's her cryo freeze.
But I agree with the overall point, she needs a serious buff... But there is a problem.

Shitters already bitch about Mei and how shes OP, so you cant really buff her without having a 80% of the population throwing a hissy fit and wanting to nerf her back to her shit state.
I want Mei to sit on my until I cant breath anymore
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[sleeps competitively].png
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sleep tight reap tight
Can't handle the bantz, go back to rated E games.
Ana isn't a primary support, people have to learn that. Blizzard doesn't help a lot with those classifications.
She should only be picked if there's already a Lucio or Mercy. The two of 'em really need their own category, or maybe just put Zenyatta on attack and Sym and Ana on defense.
Two questions senpai can anyone send help?

1. How does aiming in general work here? It feels really awkward compared to normal fps like attacks I wouldn't expect to hit end up hitting, and attacks I'm certain will land don't. I still can't put my finger on what it is exactly, it just feels off from what I'm used to in other shooters.

2. How does McCree's ult work? I've not used him yet but his ult just seems to instagib the entire team. I even watched myself in his kill cam and his crosshair was no where near my character and he one-shot me. And in another kill cam I saw him kill 3 people he wasn't aiming at.

Thanks senpaitachi
Mei needs to be impregnated.
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Just make her ice wall last 50% longer.
It's a fairly passive buff that won't directly kill/piss anyone off, and it'll help loads by creating choke points for some real defense.
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>team is fucking trash
>become one with the rumba beat
>trash team can't die now
>win the game despite everyone fucking up
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>Ana on defense
>1. How does aiming in general work here? It feels really awkward compared to normal fps like attacks I wouldn't expect to hit end up hitting, and attacks I'm certain will land don't. I still can't put my finger on what it is exactly, it just feels off from what I'm used to in other shooters.
something something "favor the shooter"
>2. How does McCree's ult work? I've not used him yet but his ult just seems to instagib the entire team. I even watched myself in his kill cam and his crosshair was no where near my character and he one-shot me. And in another kill cam I saw him kill 3 people he wasn't aiming at.
Let the reticle shrink all the way.
Not gonna lie, the design that artist uses for Tracer would be a sick skin for her.
I want to put many things in her ass.
What kind of mother would Hana make?
an extremely bad one
One of those shitty "I got married at 18 by choice" type moms who have a kid at 19 thinking it's not that hard and that letting them do whatever they want is a good parenting strategy
Reply please
Don't feed misinformation. Favor the shooter is in every other FPS. It's just not a problem in those other games because they have higher tick rates.

Those kids would never eat their vegetables.
I was good at games when I was 11.
McCree's ult puts a reticle on anyone in his LOS that gradually shrinks based on the characters health, when it shrinks completely there'll be a red skull and McCree will instakill them when he clicks lmb.
My favourites are Mei, Zen and D.va.

I have less than like 10 minutes as Hanzo, with 170 hours played, mostly because of my bad aim, the fact I don't like sniper classes in general and the fact that I like being on the objective as much as possible so I feel like I'm contributing. That and he gets insta-picked anyway. The same for Genji, though I'd enjoy his playstyle more than Hanzos.
She can't actually support a team by herself, so it's misleading to classify her like that.

She's not attack, and she's sure as hell not a tank.
>stuck in the low 70's for a week
>decide fuck it, I'm just gonna spend the whole day grinding to see if I can get to upper 70s
>constantly get troll games, people raging, no one on mic, no one playing healer or tank and I can't switch because I'm already a healer/tank
>forced to play support/tank EVERY time and usually have silver damage meaning our DPS isn't doing shit
>when I am DPS I get 4 gold medals and some fuck is raging at me telling me not to play genji
>end up losing 3 ranks at the end of the day

'm so done with this game. You can't soloq your way to high 70s. There's too many retards and people just straight up throwing games. I'm just done.
Aiming is weird because 20 tick and shitty hitboxes
As for McGee's ult; in a certain Arc (between 90 degrees and 180 degrees), McCree's ult will instagib absolutely anyone, unless they are shielded (by Rein, Zarya, Winston, Mei), outside of McCree's LoS (behind a wall, etc), or if they are using an invincible ability (Reaper's Lshift, Mei's Lshift). It can also be deflected by Genji
nerf genji so she isn't outclassed so hard as a flanker
I bought this game because I saw a picture of Tracer's ass and I haven't looked back since
So if McCree is on the enemy team and uses his ult, what do I do to avoid it? I have no intention of using him myself I just want to know how to avoid it.
She can actually, a decent Ana can build her ult in like a minute and push a point. Also snipes turrets/bastions, burst heals a tank when they go in, sleep dart an ult, etc.
>Favor the shooter is in every other FPS
Not every shooter has hitscan weapons. With projectiles there's no favouring anyone.
>D.Va, Reinhardt,Soldier, Tracer, Genji, and guy named "Lordofcrack" reluctantly picks Lucio
>"I'm bad at support fyi
>we all tell him we are sure he'll be fine
>I switch from soldier to Mercy to help him out
>dual heal is pretty good
>switches to Hanzo
>literal shitter
>we keep eyes on kill feed and when I boost him
>barely ever any ticks or assists
>only gets a kill or two when he hits Q
>win attack
>defending he again goes Hanzo
>we all tell him that he blew last round, be something useful
>"you mad bro"
>win 5v6 essentially, don't ever bother to waste my time healin or boostin him

This is why anything other than a 4 stack is shit in comp.
>older than 30

that's literally grandpa status, I'm gonna kms before I'll ever get that old
get behind something. If he can see you, you're dead.

I find McCree's ult surprisingly easy to evade.
>"It's high noon"
>at least 3 seconds before insta-kill
>move behind ANYTHING
>McCree is crying
hide, either behind a wall or behind reinhardt's shield, winston's shield etc... or you genji and hit it back at him
Move behind wall
Shield or go invincible
Make a wall yourself
Use an interrupting E
Kill him before he locks on
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I dunno. I play purely solo and never join the voice chat.

Stopped playing when ragequitters rewarded you almost no exp and I dropped from 69 to 62, picked it up a week ago again and just spammed D.Va most of the time.
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Any advanced tips for jet set radio man and floating vape stick?
This becomes harder on places like lijian tower, when you can't tell where it's coming from.
Getting pregnant would probably calm her down a bit.
This is something I really fucking hate in this game. If you're trying your ass off and your teammate is doing fuck all they still gain roughly the same amount of rank.
Does that make Pharah and Mercy grandmas?
Do not peek at McCree in ult form again. He will shoot you in the face. Just wait it out if you have to. Hide and sit behind cover, he waits for you to peek.
Don't breed.
Good luck with that. As you get older, you'll notice at some point, that all the teenage angst is gone, and suicide doesn't feel as "exciting" anymore.
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>Defend round
>team comp is (Tank) / (Healer) / McCree / Pharah / Reaper / Soldier with me as either tank or healer
I'm never sure if I should ask any of the Offense players to switch in this scenario. I feel like the comp can work but as tank/healer I kind of want some are control/denial Defense heroes too.

What should I be thinking when we have this set up on Defend?
If Pharah and Mercy are grandmas, then I have a GILF fetish
Same guy here. Any tips for D.va? I think she's pretty fun but I have no idea how to play any of the tanks besides roadhog. If I can just spam her to carry games then I will.
They are useless for breeding
She really can't if you're actually fighting against a competent team.
Sniping turrets and Bastions isn't a support's job.
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What's the approximate recommended DPI?
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>finally decide to put my meticulously crafted drum'n'bass playlist to the test and start an evening of instalocking tracer whenever it's a viable pick
>takes me 30 minutes to get used to the engagement distance and overall playstyle
>gold medals out the ass
>people melting left and right
>zipping around at arbitarily high speeds
>evading death with the push of a button
>head fucking myself and the enemy alike
jesus christ this is fun
I should've picked her up sooner
When I try to install battle.net it says "we're having some trouble transferring data"
I'm on windows 10 and have checked a million results in google, and none of it seems to work. All antivirus is disabled
by making her ice wall last longer, mei cna virtually camp a points forever, by cryo freezing and ice walling herself.
My friend, you care confusing (support) with (healer).
Yes she can heal, but that's not all she does.
Symmetra is support, but doesn't heal at all, yet she creates a situation where a defending team can win by blocking off an area and getting her teammates back into the fight faster than even Lucio can.
Ana is similar, but not really made for defense.
800 is good.
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I guess it's just important to learn what you can get away with. I often stay pretty close to the team/objective and spam matrix, while only occasionally flanking.

I'm also quite careful with my ults. Most of the time I don't just lob them in somehwere, but get on objectives, stall out a lot with the mech and then ult for area denial and a new one.

And be extra careful if they have a Zarya. I hate her the most. McCree can also be pretty annoying to deal with.
You realize icewall can be brought down just like reinharts shield yes? obviously her cooldown for an improved ice wall would be higher so she couldn't spam it all day long.
>play d.va
>block 2 zayra ults in one game

sure is fun deranking like 7 fucking ranks in a day and playing with/against total shitters when you're tired as fuck..
I'm not, the game is confusing support with healer.
You can't expect me to see people pick Symmetra, Zenyatta or Ana and be okay with the game saying WELP NO NEED FOR ANOTHER SUPPORT
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>past 5 KOTH games ive had had a torb on my team

>Same guy here. Any tips for D.va? I think she's pretty fun but I have no idea how to play any of the tanks besides roadhog. If I can just spam her to carry games then I will.

Your job is making sure that enemies can't shoot your teammates. Everything else you do is not important.
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>searching for Overwatch on pornhub for the first time
holy shit why didn't I do this sooner
Can solder get something to make up for his accuracy nerf? Like a boost to his rocket damage or maybe a lower cooldown?
How do loot boxes/rewards work in OW? Do you eventually get everything just by playing if you level up enough, or can you get dupes?

I want to get some skins for cute girls
If you get dupes they're converted to currency so you can eventually buy shit you want if you don't get it as an actual drop.
>level 164
>still am getting non duplicate white items
Just make everyone aware that the nerf encourages using macros despite it being implemented to stop macros. After all, people complaining about macros is what made the nerf happen in the first place.
>winston PotG

First time I've seen it, and I'm level 201. It was on comp, even.
>Get killed by Widomaker close range from behind
>Can't get mad because of how hot her model was running by my corpse
fuck man, her and that korean girl are the only ones I don't rage about dying stupidly to
be more aggressive if your shield is breaking your team is being too passive
Porn is degenerate
Stop that
Defense heroes are shit except for junkrat and the few crackshot widows/hanzos. A good bastion that knows how to relocate frequently can work but really needs his team to take the pressure off him when shit gets rough. 2 tanks, 2 dps assault, 1 support and one wild card usually another support, junkrat, or a flanker is usually a better setup than a defense class oriented one.
also a niche tip: if you're in a pure 1v1 against another D.Va, don't use matrix. The short delay between cancelling it and being able to fire again will make you lose in damage output.
Gotta get all dem sprays!
>every fetish on earth getting lewd OW art except for old Ana

she's not even a grandmother yet it's not that niche. why won't they listen...



>there is tons of Overwatch porn
>there is nothing that can simulate cuddling Mei

Blizzard is going to keep Solder nerfed and zenyatta buffed, aren't they? Despite zenyattas ability being akin to "Haha, you had good positioning! Well now you take 50% more damage!"
To be honest I prefer a good widowmaker above everything.

Had a match last time where our ww simply picked away all targets.
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>pick dps
>team dies immediately
>pick healer
>team doesn't kill anything
>pick zenyatta
>heal and wreck shit
6k DPI and maxed sensitivity in game.
sleep tight reap tight
Lmao I had exactly the same

>get 4 kills with pharah ult
>POTG is a roadhog using his ult on the backs of 3 people, killing none and getting hooked by another hog and killed
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>Play Ana
>Get in high position to snipe this faggot torbs turret
>Teammate Hanzo is hugging my ass
>the games stupid fucking casual hitbox is making me heal him even though he's behind me
She's not a useless feminist pandering character anymore and is actually useful now with the faster potato launcher
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