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Fighting Games General /fgg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 756
Thread images: 151

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what's the deal with unlocking dizzy in rev
i got her for free on psn, what else do i have to do to unlock her.
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1st for WHEN
what does this have to do with fighting games?
some ps3s glitch
Are you on PS3? Apparently there's a bug for that version where you can't play her unless you buy her DLC colors.
do i need revelator to unlock dizzy, I have this sealed xrd reg copy just sitting around
Love her design, but can't stand her voice.
wow fucking sick

I wonder how he got it, it would be silly if he's been a Gear this whole time
When does Re:Zero get good?
>shirt with a belt on it for no reason
>pants with a belt thats too long
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theoretically me in the middle
me on the left
Gear STDs
works on my machine tho :)
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These are my favorite fighting games characters, _________, __________ and ____________ from ___________!
can i come over and look at this picture with you?

The belt is to keep the shirt from falling off, dumbfuck.
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>you will never get koala clinged by a jolly shortstack capo girl
I can't find the kof demo on psn. Please help
ps2 doesn't have psn??
Why does Mai sound like she's getting murdered when she screams NIPPON ICHI in old KOFs
shut the fuck up dumb eurospic
what should my fightcade name be?
Let's hope they explain next game now that other people saw him using it
Can the costume color exploit make alternative costumes free for ps4 users?
brick shut the fuck up before I tell your mom you were being autistic online and she docks your GBP again

i had to google it, searching in the store I couldn't find it

underrated post

So SFV Bison is the strongest he's ever been at, right?

your honestly pathetic..
not even close

even sf4 was better
did ibuki come with her own stage?
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What's a GBP?

USF4 Bison was complete bullshit, but nobody cared.

I'm talking story-wise.
*points this out to fgg general
Plot: yes
Gameplay: hell no
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RIP Elphelt. You made the ultimate sacrifice to save Pachi's honour.
What fighting game has the biggest power level speaking in terms of lore? BB? GG? DOA?
I think it's the uk currency? Probably some polturd '''''joke''''

It's like a Euro
So do Angel's chains work like Nelson? Because he's pretty fun.
is marvel dead online in europe?
oro could kill the entire marvel universe without lifting a finger
Doom and Dormammu could trash pretty much any other fighting game character, and they're not even Cosmic level entities like Dark Phoenix
shuma would shit on him free
cody can beat oro with the handcuffs

marvel is dead in every format, everwhere.

KOF XIV is anti-bunga.
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Ingrid is stronger than Oro
Shuma is stronger than Ingrid
Dormamu I get it, but why is Doom that strong? Isn't he just an evil genius that shoots lightnings?
Time to drop Iori
Are there any quality charge characters in any anime game?
is it really tho? i want to grab it because it seems to be a good trainingboar game and i don't have to pay to play online on the ps3
wow brick very original!! now >>149002965
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Yo senpaitachi hit me up with the Paula Paula combos
So are we ever going to see any new original characters in SFV with so many from the previous games that need to be in it?

Only 2 designs are good of the 4 we got. (Fang and Necalli of course)
>not sourcing your images

lmao fucking pastafaggo probably thought he was posting OC
Was that a fucking bounce? Is this Tekken now?
just broke my stick from raging at sf5 online

any suggestions on a new one
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He's also the second most powerful sorceror in the universe (not counting extra-dimensional entities), and has regularly caused trouble for Asgard, as well as Cosmic level people. God-level superheroes and villains who don't know much about Doom tend to underestimate him, and pay for it. Second smartest man in the universe as well, with more willpower than any person alive
MM...Food is a really dope album
go outside
pick up stick
smack rocks
how'd you rage that hard from SF5?
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What's sourcing

And I took it from the internet
He is better at technology than Iron Man and almost just as good at sorcery as Dr. Strange. Which is why I don't like his MvC self that much, it makes him look like just a guy in armor shooting beams.
>Character has more fanart than she has player
Pretty sad desu
brick why do you keep posting when nobody likes you? the only time you've ever been entertaining is when people spend a couple days pretending to be you and every single one of them was more likable than you

I'm honestly curious what drives someone to advertise their presence in a place where nobody wants them.

Are you honestly that dumb and attention starved? Do you not have any friends?
You have 10 seconds to name your most hated fighting game normal

Mine is a toss up between Chun Lis c.lp and Sakuras c.hp

Anger is usually a response to fear
Fear is usually a response to the unknown

We can safely assume that anon is losing and doesn't understand how or why.
>SJW cuck pandering forced into the game by the rich arab companies that own Capcom shares

>generic "hot" girl dudebro bait
With iori is hcb k xx oki super a legit setup
i found out he can instant overhead lp or just do cr.lk, is this mixup legit or a meme
Rufus cr.HP
Rashid is the best new SFV character and you suck cocks if you disagree
everything sasquatch
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i really like rashid of the turbulent wind from street fighter v
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>You have 10 seconds to name your most hated fighting game normal

You have 10 seconds to justify this move existing.
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>playing just one fg
>generic "hot" girl dudebro bait
What's wrong with that?

Ryu s.lp

Fuck Jab Anti Airs. He already has like 500 aa options why does he get another one that gives him a mixup situation
Capcom was lucky to make rashid desu
I like Brick and would be his friend but i'm to shy and don't want him to reject me.
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she's just so bad

people tell new players to go watch Daiji to get an idea of how the character plays and all they see is him getting fucking destroyed by everyone
t. sucker of arab cocks

oh wow reddit is here in full force today huh?

>What's wrong with that?
nothing she's just not very interesting as a character

yeah because without the arab oil funding they would have gone bankrupt but now they have to keep the benevolent muslim of technology and friendliness around
its got massive startup and is massively unsafe
block nigga lmao

tripfags have mental problems and he is no exception
>being more of an autistic faggot than brick

might as well just end your life
>block nigga lmao


lol do you even play?
Umm no it's just that sfv is really boring and that characters like rashid make it less boring, all the evo rashid matches on stream were entertaining

Capcom was really lucky with his design and gameplay
Ram is extremely cute.
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>Chun-Li sweep
Her anti-airs serve different purposes depending on range and angle which makes tripguarding a viable option for some characters who might jump in with a button that either trades or beats Chun's buttons cleanly.
3S Chun Li c.mk
as a bison main i would rather have a normal sweep
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It's ok anon we are all friends here!
grass is always greener
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the fuck are you even talking about
>all the asian characters have brown eyes in kof xiv (excluding iori)

thanks for the realism, snk.
I'd sex Brick tbqh. He is very rapeable.
A normal sweep would 100% be better than that shit
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That man is obviously starving for (You)s, you're a good samaritan for helping him out.
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Jesus that looks rough

>implying Sagat should even be in the games at all
i wish we was all friends but i was just called autistic. i have to go now brick, goodbye
his ""DESIGN""

they could have literally made anything that wasn't a muslim and give him his kit and it wouldn't change a damn thing

rashid moves should have been behead innocents and guns,
v-skill pray toward mecca
v-trigger detonates his suicide bombs
critical art throws a huge meteorite summoning the prophet mohammad that starts raping all children on the level and eats his own poop.
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i keep getting kicked from lobbies. what are you reasons for kicking people? i don't know what i'm doing wrong.
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>ywn be this mad about a low tier video game character
She is extremely shit-colored as well
>they could have literally made anything that wasn't a muslim and give him his kit and it wouldn't change a damn thing

But his fighting style is officially listed as being parkour. So they needed a typical modern Frenchman.
i hate any move that has built-in sabaki properties. 3d fighters mainly ofc
I wish Akiha was my gf...
It's active for like 2 frames.
Takehara is the good Ram though
exactly they should have used his moves

zangief is a russian wrestler and he has wrestling moves
ryu is a japanese karate man and uses karate moves
makoto is the same
dudley is a boxer
balrog is a boxer
sagat uses muay thai
ibuki is a japanese ninja

rashid is a muslim give him a muslim moveset not something that blows tornadoes and jumps around
I want to vanilla her chocolate
dude xDD hate on le frenchman xDDDD trump will MAGA
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Are the infinite difficult to learn in this game?
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>defending unantiairable normals with huge reward on counterhit
Nah thats really edgy and if you make a game full of caricatures you have to do it for all ethnic groups and religions and it would just trigger people, kinda like you rn
Aurica, shurelia and misha from ar tonelico and cross edge.
it has some of the easiest infinites in fighting game history
Jump forward > Block > Throw

>doesn't know that muslims basically worship the wind
>in fact, all Abrahamic religions do
>you have to do it for all ethnic groups and religions

white people are actually normal and asians don't put a lot of value into religion unlike mudshits who blow up themselves to please some retard pedophile from 1500 years ago
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>euros will never leave their mudhuts and see me IRL

If you're not at EVO next year don't even bother talking
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I always liked Ramon's concept as a character, but I only touched him like once or twice in XI, what kind of character is he?
>because this thing has a specific callout that requires way more thought on the defending parties half it isn't retarded!
Could have at least said blitz, Chipp player
I'd come but I don't want to get shot.
a meme
He is based on rich oil muslims in dubai and i think tornados are common there because of the sea or something https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpXe4F9R3B0
Is unsafe on block
>I always liked Ramon's concept as a character
Really? Jump block throw requires thought when it's an almost universal punish for dust attacks?
Are you telling me Arabs in Dubai can create tornados from a wristwatch?
Also look at his moves, his CA especially, they're all uninspired as fuck
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I guess you prefer getting run over first
What? I like Luchadors.
Not before the cops break into my house and kill my pets and family.

note that kyo doesn't even have full max mode when doing that.
Anyone wanna play doa 5 on ps3 or sc iv/sc v on 360 or ps3?
You have to specifically call out his air game on the read that he will do j. D instead of j. HS, if he does j. HS he either OSs it into air throw or continue to pressure you when you jump into him to IB
Please, that's like saying a divekick is unsafe on block when you hit someone in the top of the head with it. Not an argument
do middle easterners even have a martial art? the wind thing is spot on though
He is a derp meme character like most characters in that archetype
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Yeah dude and Japanese men can shoot plasma out of their hands it's totally realistic you should get out of your house from time to time.
>he lives in a country where you can't fight back against a tyrannical government

Why are you even bothering to respond to Brick? He's literally never made a good post or intelligent statement in his whole entire life
>You have to specifically call out his air game on the read that he will do j. D instead of j. HS, if he does j. HS he either OSs it into air throw or continue to pressure you when you jump into him to IB

>>because this thing has a specific callout that requires way more thought on the defending parties half it isn't retarded!
I've been gone for a couple of days is FREEFORM still a meme, if not what memes have I missed
is this the best match of fighting game history?
this is their martial art
Ok cool, been playing this game against cpu on fightcade and I forgot how much I liked it.

Cyclops and Ken is my Team
Shaheen in Tekken does some martial art but I think it's supposed to be a military style or something
>some manchild WWE event mentioned LI JOE during commentary
we made it
Are you telling me Karatemen in Japan can throw fireballs from their hands?
Are you telling me Jiu Jitsu girls in Brazil can throw electrical barriers?
Are you telling me Yogi in India can float and breathe fire from nothing?
Are you telling me Tae Kwon Do girls can kick so hard it can kill you from across the room?
Are you telling me Matadors in Spain can jump several times their own height?
holy shit
Not wasting time with you, just stop mashing like a retard and start blocking. Chipp's jD is far from being a great normal
>have to make a read that has a strong chance of putting you in a disadvantagous position to stop Chipp from IADing or teleporting all over you for free
>all he has to do is enter the sky and hit 1 of his 2 retarded air buttons
Chippfags please stop acting like your character is hard
Martial arts are pretty useless in regions where swords, spears and people are plentiful.
The sole guy forcing this FREEFORM meme died from a heart failure after his nightly self-congratulating buffet for shitposting Xrd from his iPhone

Only good thing to come out in the last three days is the normies whining about video games on ESPN2
they have moves other than the ones you listed that complement their styles and is part of their folklore and stories for hundreds of years if not thousands.
Fireballs (hadoukens) are just spirit energy and very different from what Rashid does with his dumb gadgets

Rashid doesn't have a style
kendo uses swords and spears
who are you supposed to fight
Mauro Ranallo is a cool guy
Post a timestamped screenshot of your Chipp trials
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>FANG can immediately cancel st.HK into slide and go for another setup
Well, fuck UNIEL
Back to crapcom.
>see gilty is on
>$1,400 dollars donated by one guy
I guess some one really wanted that date

yes, the super is an oki tool that can be used to mixup. here is your cookie.
where can i download the rom for this game?

also can someone give me optimal settings to run kof14 on pcsx2?
that thing streams?
who is this girl who gets banged by english teachers in japan every night?
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Goobers, sell me on GG. I've played lots of fighters over the years but never really found myself playing the anime ones not because I didnt like them but just because I knew nothing about them.

What's so good about GG? Am I fucked if I have no local scene?
dude xD you need to post the >>>/vr/ meme too for optimum joeks

its joke
best roach
Cute girls and no 8frames
that's anzuu. She's a lesbian turkroach
>execution difficulty = character difficulty
Loving every laugh
1.1 Elphelt must be hard because doing her unblockables takes effort, right?
whats this new pol meme
It's pretty fun, I picked xrd on pc release up as my second "serious" fighting game outside of fightcade third strike and I've been having a ton of fun, the game has some dumb shit but I think what counts the most is it's fun to play, give it a shot if you want
what about all the actual muslim who saw rashid and wanted to play a terrorist suicide bomber and now they're forced to play as the good guy?
not him but rashid doesnt use gadgets to create wind he just likes high tech, azam and his grandfather can control wind too and they dont have gadgets and his story costume doesnt have gadgets either

also i'm not an expert but wind and sandstorms fit the middle eastern folklore, speaking of that what's the link between electricity and brazil?
nice dodge senpai
you are inferior to me
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Okay. KOF XIV demo is fun, but holy shit is it ugly and lacks polish. And something is weird about how super hops, super jumps, and rolls look that I just can't put my finger on.
Nelson is real fun though
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It was actually a great joke
Why would you bother training your soldiers when it's easier to just get more of them?
And most martial arts require stability in the region and a lot of soldiers with nothing to do.
Ottomans had their wrestling for example.
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rashid is for cute boys only if you're ugly you better drop him!!!
what are some meme things i can do with nash
Alternative costumes don't count.

>what's the link between electricity and brazil?


If you read the original post it said Laura's design is just as retarded
Tell me it ain't true
Dash in
play as him

it's fun
characters have a lot of freedom and every move is useful
mechanics are well designed and work together (except danger time but that's debatable)
production is high quality, very passionate and hard-working team behind it
has real singleplayer features
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Why is charge so difficult
GG will go back to being dead in 2 weeks
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How come Koihime Enbu and Blade Arcus localization is PC-port exclusive?
>Okay. KOF XIV demo is fun, but holy shit is it ugly and lacks polish. And something is weird about how super hops, super jumps, and rolls look that I just can't put my finger on.

Game looks fine and there is nothing wrong with the jumps man.
created for mishima players aka like 5 people in the world
As someone who's played both barebones SF and maximum kusoge anime with day long combos I find GG is a very good balance of both foozies and fun juggling. Oki might be a bit strong for your taste but what you don't see when you spectate the game without being familiar to it is that you always have many defensive options on your side. I also live in Europe so no locals here and I can still play fine but it's still a plus for improving to play next to real people, I hear.

You can definitely tell the game was made with love, too. If it matters to you.

Yeah for the first three times it was posted t b h
because you just need to know when something's charged, it won't tell you
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I've done every Chipp trial but the last one in SIGN (on PS3)
Jump install is not difficult, your character isn't even hard for execution standards compared to someone like Zato or Johnny and especially not compared to specific combos like Pot 6K loop, even if execution difficulty ment a character was hard
I think I'm going to main Alex /fgg/.
Anzu is 100 % woman and 200% cute. CUTE!
clark with RSF
Is Dinosaur good it doesn't feel like it
>it won't tell you

Why not? getting rid of hidden gameplay elements is like artificial dififculty 101

that should be done with
It's an outdated mechanic only there for the sake of artificial variety
the fact that you feel the need to announce mundane things like that makes me think that you wont actually do anything you little faggot
story costume are canon tho, also why are you complaining wind was always related to middle eastern folklore, shouldn't you be crying about laura instead?

It's over guys. Aris has gone full sellout shill mode.
>game looks fine
The animations and transitions from active to neutral still look pretty bad. Especially when Nelson switches sides, don't even see why his metal arm is always away from the screen if it's literally the same size as his normal arm. Shit just disappears and reappears.
The special effects in XIII were better too.

Its fun but I can't say that it looks good with a straight face
it's more so that the opponent doesn't know when you're charged, but the easy solution is don't play charge characters
fite me fgt.
footsie game involves more than waddling back and forth or using dash/jumpin + 8f lag to bet a free throw/gamble anti-air against a giant combo
I believe someone else handles his youtube channel
You coulda ended the joke at rom
I've done every SIGN trial and every Johnny, Jack off, Raven and Jam trial in Rev. You are inferior to me. Therefore my opinion has more weight.

Let me tell you, Chipp's trials are way harder than Johnny's. Zato is obviously harder than anyone else in Guilty Gear if you don't have the negative edge burnt in your muscle memory.

Wanna hear a secret? I'm a Sin player
Europeans aren't worth my time
I practiced against him in training with Iori and for some reason Iori's normals kept whiffing right through his body like HP
I think I won't buy Alex until I have Urien /fgg/.
does he have a good standing b? crouch/df c? standing d?
It's actually shit, and now with brainderp "fill the screen with shit" dizzy, it's mega fucking shit
i'm not european.

i'm so sorry
>Dizzy is braindead
t. combofiend
How come the hoodie in the preview pic doesn't match in game for mika swimsuit
Yes, Johnny's trials are easier. Doing real Johnny bnbs and confirms in match, however, is harder (lots of character specifics)
>Sin player
I'm sorry for your loss but also fuck you
I'm a Dizzy player!!
Let's be real Aris has been a Bamco dick rider for a while now
What's the point of having three different jumps in KoF?
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Yeah because GG has no setplay and 50/50s and it's totally not a big part of the gameplay, go ahead and watch evo top^8 it's totally not one guy guessing wrong in the corner for most of the round nope sir.
i think if i didn't sperg out when i lost or when my buttons didn't come out online i would be platinum instead of ultra silver/gold

>see him walk forward
>get thrown

makes me sperg out so hard..
ceo desu family
>Great British Panties
I disagree. Johnny's gameplay is way slower than Chipp which in turns makes it way easier, and Johnny has universal combos I'm pretty sure, at least I didn't need to adapt for the few matches I played him.

Really though man, just jump and block, trust me, it works
if they remade ST i'd play it desu but the combos and inputs are too hard
>holding in the japanese teacher semen
>welcoming the jp dick
diaper post of the day
I want to fill her roach mouth with jizz and spitroast her with non-roaches.
What if they added a ST mode to SF5 with the exact same gameplay
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Late but


Felicia j.HP a close second
t. low IQ charge character player
>just jump and block
Until he j. HS/airthrow OSs you into a blockstring
At least blitz beats both of those
>if they remade ST

i've got good news.
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Hope you like OC Remix
High low continuous blockstrings. Also there's 4 different jumps.
Regular jump and hop, super jump and super hop
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>no Pot 6k loop
>Sin player
post discarded
But Pot's trials have his loops.
>guy who plays low tier thinks he's hot shit
>guy who plays residential grappler thinks he's hot shit

>can't just upgrade to revelator
fuck this game I guess
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>easier to play than Chipp
it's true and you know it
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>Beat someone's ass in ranked 2-0 no rounds lost
>they send you a message telling you how bad you are
>tfw you can't send hate mails on steam and have to resort to rage inviting to groups
i miss gfwl
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Who are some good moms in fighting games?
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Dizzy is the best, purest, cutest and also sexiest
>johnny is hard in xrd

is this some kind of meme? xx johnny was insanely hard, like i-no, but they got way easier in xrd.
Yeah sure anon
Hope you're enjoying your first week playing GG
keep your garbage out of here
Why is she called dizzy if she's not constantly stunned
why is he called sin when he's a nice boy
because she can be stunned really easily
it's so obvious dizzyfags never played the older games or even knew she existed before a few days ago
why are you called brick if you aren't as dumb as a bri-

why is his name guile if hes not smart
Ky fucked a 3yo
Why is his name Ryu if he's not part bread?
why is his name birdie if he's not a bird
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Dizzy banwagoners need to leave.
How is this allowed?
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your mkx chamion
Why are they called scrubs if they don't exfoliate?
can you blame him
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Why is everyone copying my post am I really that popular
Why is he called sol badguy when he's actually a decent fellow
I'm going to play Kazumi!!
SF4 Bipson's s.HK
it's a meme you dip

lmao couldn't even go 3 words without fucking up

maybe learn to spell before you star crying about what some kid who's better than you'll ever will is doing
>am I really that popular
you're also a fucking cutie
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you're really trying too hard
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I know it's pretty bad but I can't hate ono and capcom is slowly listening to us

should edit to include the apology for not announcing anything

apologising is all capcom seems to be good at these days
everybody knew all of those things were happening except darkrai m8. sfv took the cake at evo, is that why you're so upset? we got confirmation of juri in 2 weeks and some new sniffs.
They remade it several times.
>nash vs nash for an hour took the cake at evo
im pretty sure sfv was the low point
400k people say otherwise
Why is everyone shitting so hard on sfv on 4chan? Is it because we hate popular things here? I mean yeah sure its not perfect but its still the best fighting game to play.
i think melee was the highest
it's guilty gear players mostly
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When will fighting games stop pretending to be esports?
No it wasn't. 200k people on twitch and another 200k watching on ESPN.
you would be wrong
Melee wasn't even the highest on twitch alone
whats this for?
>best fighting game
/v/ please leave
Guys I just can't beat Cammy players

i just cant react to divekicks, vskill, shimmies, tick throws

i want to die
no one knew eyedol, antonov, or bob or that master raven (female) was happening
>everybody knew all of those things were happening except darkrai m8

Tekken announcing 2 characters was unexpected. Agreed about the rest though.
t. johnny player in search of validation

sorry for what happened to baccus sigh
>open /fgg/
>capcom defense force
>close /fgg/
things that never happened
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>its still the best fighting game to play.
>i literally cannot handle opposing opinions
>i need people to agree with me or else i'll have a panic attack
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t. Rashid main
welcome to gooberville
KoF one should have the demo, that was more of a annoucement.

Also Garou PS4/Vita port.
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>tfw can't figure out how to do any of the chun-li trials except for the first one

i don't understand fightman games
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Great post
>open /fgg/
>see this
>close /fgg/

>open /vg/
>see /fgg/
>close /vg/
Sorry for thee dumb question but I can't find the answer on Google. If I buy umvc3 brand new on ps3 does it include a dlc code for Jill and shuma? And I won't be able to play the heroes and heralds mode either right?
Please refrain from posting or saving pictures of my wife

>open /fgg/
>ask for games
>no (you)s
>close /fgg/
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Why didn't Capcom just give Ibuki a different winpose if they couldn't make her look good? They must have known how bad she looks.
>open /fgg/
>stay a while, have some fun
>close /fgg/
its done
idk how the game gets new players
>open /fgg/
>post picture of some guys wife
>close /fgg/
Damn. Is there anyway to still obtain the dlc? Such as recovering someone's account who purchased them, and downloading it on my system?
she looks fine.
I can't defend her alt costume though
i also want to buy umvc3 for the ps3 honestly, it's probably less dead than usf4 and it's the game i enjoy the most
>open /fgg/
>sniff every picture in the thread
>close /fgg/
shes the one on the right
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Remember this is also the company that created this
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Maybe they have the animations ready before the model is finished?
I bought it new for Vita in like 2013, and had a blast, wasn't aware of any dlc. I just bought a fight stick and want to play it again. But after researching I've found out I'm going to be missing 2 characters. It's not a huge deal, but shuma would be nice
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How bout i do anyway
everyone in this game looks like they are made of playdough
i know
That looks 100% fine
>urien juri balrog look great
>alex guile ibuki have derpface

ummm capcom?
>open /fgg/
>ctrl+f boipussy
>close /fgg/
So that KOF demo. Really great. I love the guy. Nelson is far more original than any SFV character. Why can't Capcom make characters like that? And the pillow dude? His charge moves get more powerful the longer they are held down. I respect that.

I don't respect 10 dollar stages. It's a wonder people support Capcom but not KOF. It really is a wonder.
Does SF5 PC have xinput yet?
Not him but we knew SNK had to announce the boss and sub boss sooner or later. It's not a character that came out of nowhere, the demo was the better announcement. Eyedol a lot of people expected but some people believed their bullshit about hating Eyedol so I guess it could have been surprising, but I'm pretty sure at least we knew they would announce a character. And for Tekken a character reveal was expected but not which character and not the fact that it was 2, IMO it was the best announcement. Don't know shit about Pokken to comment on Darkrai. SFV was just LMAO. Xrd was just then delivering on a promise they made and then went completely silent about.
>This anime bullshit
Let me guess, she's actually 46 she just looks twelve because of magic
>everybody knew all of those things were happening except darkrai
except for when they looked through the files in the most recent patch a few weeks ago and found data for darkrai, scizor, and penguin.
it's boypussy
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>open /fgg/
>post this picture
>close /fgg/

his hair looks like some weird flavor of ice cream
>she looks fine
You can't make this up
Capcom Pro Talk started B O Y Z
Different strokes for different folks
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>UMvc3 online - less dead than usf4
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Spinning rock.gif
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Not even close.
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>open /fgg/
>realize i don't play fighting games
>close /fgg/
what is the online dead? i played it at my friend's house in february and it was ok
It actually took me 2 seconds to see this was shopped.
Explain than
I'm going to marry Sylvie
No anon. Does SF5 have xinput? I don't care about workarounds.
Mike looks tired. Maybe from all the shilling? Sad!
>open /fgg/
>masturbate to the sniff posts
>close /fgg/
end yourself
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re talk, do you have to be autistic to get into fighting games or something? i simply cannot understand how people have the patience to master such infinitely precise timing for combos and all the other skills necessary to even be remotely skilled at playing fighting games. is it just that street fighter is an incredibly autistic fighting game series, or are all fighting games like that?
remember when flash said nemo was ass
why is there no suit ken masters
>Guilty Gear players leave /asg/ because they can't stop arguing with Blazblue players
>So that they can argue with Street Fighter players
Explain this goobers
who are you trying to play?
street fighter is one of the easiest games unless you're playing some shit like ibuki or c. viper
i don't because i'm not an eceleb streamboar see me in sfv right now instead of shitposting about twitter posts
best new xrd character
shit thanks for me reminding me it's on. another one to add to the filter
is this street fighter general?
fuck off
there's a workaround whocareslmao?
post cfn
>open /fgg/
>no gilty pictures
>close /fgg/
remember when flash said SFXT was GG but better and also 3S but better?
what the fuck
>open /fgg/
>post gllty pictures but forget to put a trigger warning for the janitor so the disappear 5 minutes later
>close /fgg/
remember when juicebox said 3s was the best fighting game ever, played a few hours with someone who actually knew the game and got bodied then trash talked it
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I'm bored
>street fighter is one of the easiest games
Not really, all other games have systems to help new comers nowadays
This. Post those delicious gllty lewds.
>getting thrown 5 times in a row isn't 50/50s
love this "doug" meme
anyone else listen to asmr while playing games
mostly just in training mode
should i just learn mika

are her setups hard to learn
No but Juicebox has aspergers and loves KOF so I'll give him a pass
i learned them in 5 minutes
french muslims making a statement that women should stay covered up
idk why but i always have 3-4 hour long audio clips of people jerking off, for some reason that pounding sound always helps me hit my links and play better
its doug forcing himself since his wife is too busy playing with their neighbor jamal
>i can't late tech better deflect
LMFAO dude you're just crying about 50/50s while defending GG, just think about what you just posted you clueless retard.
Real talk, it's called not having the attention span of a goldfish. You sit the fuck down, stop glancing away to your phone or your computer every few seconds to shitpost or text garbage with your friends and practice a fucking hadouken for a solid ten minutes. That's all it fucking takes. Modern "gamers" can't do that.

tl;dr Spending an hour or two a day to practice isn't hard, or autism for that matter.
Ok then, but is there gonna be another version next year or is it ok to buy Revelator?
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KOF14 actually looks fine in person, looks like an HD remaster of a Wii game like if they put TvC on PC
nah when someone fake dougposts, just imagine it's a fresh bodied anon
>You sit the fuck down, stop glancing away to your phone or your computer every few seconds to shitpost or text garbage with your friends

How do i do this? i have trouble sitting down 24 minutes to watch an anime episode nowadays
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same holy shit

im watching anime right now
even when i play i have fgg open next to me
save me
There are no guilty gear players. This general is entirely made up of capcom cocksuckers, the three mexicans that play KoF, shillblade, and brick.

And every single one of these people is a false-flagging niglet who can't get over the fact that GG is fun.
same desu
this second monitor is more harm for my attention span than it is good for multitasking
also tapping different parts of the touchpad on the DS4 resets to either corner or center stage

Pretty based
this is kinda true
>being this much of a triggered polturd autist in the fgc
you'll give yourself a heart attack in no time lmfao
jwong looks at his twitch chat literally nonstop
SDCC when?

i want more capcom dick
it's not a problem of attention span though. i have no problem playing games for spans of up to 12 hours on the odd occasion i lose control of my life. figuring out entirely arbitrary timings for things just doesn't make sense to me, though. like, oh you learn how to link this attack into this attack and then to this attack but you have to be accurate to a range of milliseconds for each input. why? well, it makes sense if you're a fgc pro.

like, to have that kind of autism to sit down and be like "wow this seems completely arbitrary and doesn't make any sense at all; i'm going to sit here for hours then for days learning all these arbitrary timings anyway even if it isn't remotely fun!" i don't understand that
Well there will probably be another version in say a year and a half, but it'll be arcade exclusive before coming to consoles yet another year later. That's how it went with Xrd > Sign > Rev anyway. So you're safe for a while.
>an hour or two a day to practice
That's a pretty significant amount of time for someone with a jod/school and normal need for sleep.

Hour or two a day of putting time into game, but not playing it, just so you can play it maybe one day, is not a trivial thing.
CPT on for those who care
yeah don't listen to him people have been playing fighting games since training mode didn't even exist. just play to play, don't "play" to play one day.
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Not him but lol is a casual games that casual people play for hours on end, same for candy crush and most of them will tell you that they don't have fun while playing till they win.
why do people equate any amount of technical skill or learning ability to autism
New Soul Calibur when?
Watching >>149014967 reminds me, has there been an upload of the ESPN top 8, heard the quality is much better then twitch.
Because autism helps focusing on repetitive tasks.
doing incredibly repetitive tasks or research on single subject that would be painfully monotonous to others is very common in people with autism
Everything that i don't have is autism
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Now that the dust has settled, ww@ on this?
its going to save fighting games
Don't get me wrong, I like Mike - he's one of the good ones. I don't respect him for dancing for us, though. I don't have to.
Well, I'm sure that cancer is not autism, so what does that mean?
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went from not buying to pre-ordering it
i mean for me, i come from a quake background where you have to play for hours at a time often to get good and i understand that. but you can at least have fun playing quake when you aren't doing well and it isn't a thing like you're having to memorize millisecond-range timings or you won't have a chance of playing. i don't get what's fun about that
You put an hour a day into a game you legitimately want to get good at and play consistently, you aren't just throwing an hour into a game to not play it in the hope that someday someone challenges you to it and you don't look like a complete shitter. Like how redblade plays GG but hates it.

It's not autism. You don't know what autism is. Some people enjoy grinding away in monster hunter, and other people love going into training mode and just seeing what moves go into what and try to see how high they can get that damage and stun number to go up. The timing isn't even arbitary. It's about learning, not "arbitary timings" and "autism". You clearly just don't enjoy it, and possibly even fighting games as a whole, why are you even here honestly?
Can someone make me a quick summary on KoF lore? I'm kinda interested in the new one
cancelled my preorder because of obvious shilling, poor graphics, no news on the netcode and pachinko character, kofxiv is just another cash grab..
these badasses motherfuckers slapped your gfs ass and its up to you and 48 other fighters to get revenge
It's like SF2 and Tekken 1 garbage. Tournament! Fighters! May the best win the trophy and a large sum of money!!
>The timing isn't even arbitary

of course the timing isn't arbitrary, but it seems entirely arbitrary when you're trying to figure those timings out. it's like "oh i know this attack is supposed to link into this other one, but i can't get it to work because i'm so many milliseconds off and i don't know what i'm doing wrong." it feels entirely arbitrary even if you know it isn't
>quick summary
>kof lore
its so hot in my house i want to die
I spend ten hours a day away from home and an hour a day is literally fucking nothing. Also you don't put time into a game to not fucking play it.

If they're better than me at something they must be some kind of autistic savant, there's no way otherwise.
If Ryo slaps your gf's ass she's not your gf anymore
Which FG is currently the best right now? Which one is the worst? Give your opinion like everyone cares /fgg/
>Some people enjoy grinding away in monster hunter
That's very different from fighting game practice.
When you grind in monster hunter, you play the game. You go, fight monsters kill them and in process of doing that repeatedly you get better at it. You play the game to practice and to come better.

Only in fighting games is the division between practice and actual playing the game such a big thing and that's what makes fighting games hard to get into.
holy shit fuck off
That sounds more like your entire viewpoint is skewed dude. Like you're just looking at the combo and then trying to replicate it. You're learning it backwards which is why it feels wrong.

Imagine if we were back in the arcades and there was no fancy combo list you could just look up, how would you learn these things back then? By practice, and playing.
No (You)
fuck off
Play SF5 if you care about having a lot of competition

Otherwise play all of them and figure out what's most fun
Fuck they really went all out to make Dizzy look cute didn't they? It's not like the other girls in the game are not cute. But everything about Dizzy is so fucking cute man
Welcome to post EVO /fgg/, enjoy your /v/-tier '''''''''''''arguments''''''''''''''' and polturds/sjws triggered by sniffs and Rashid.
I'd rather shit out a single post about autism than curse the darkness.

Writing off all practice as some sort of arbitrary pitfall in the genre that only experts can cope with seems like a serious lack of curiosity. Fighting games as we know them are already abstract as fuck, why not try something new every once in a while? Besides, most fighting games have at least a little overlap, so practice in one can usually help out in others, even in small ways.
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that's how i started playing, but just playing the game and trying to be better, and anytime i'd post about the problems i was having people would just blast me like "ah no dude you're doing it all wrong you need to go practice this and this also you're a clueless idiot"

so like, which is it? practice or play?
I need you Akiha
>fuck off

fuck off
Thanks m8
might buy it on release but i really need to stop impulse buying games
To keep Guile from spamming light boom at point blank range in the corner for infinite blockstun
>buying a game from a company that is known for shitty netcode and dysfunctional online on release
LOL wait at least 2 weeks
this, the demo should have had netplay.
right now there's no way im buying the game in it's current state unless online play is viable
But he's not buying sfv
What makes fighting games hard to get into that people need instant gratification and most can't deal with loss and watching improvement over time. Practice is still playing the game.

You can argue that hurr durr sit in training and grind the same combo for three hours isn't playing but that's probably the worst thing you could do. You should be switching around what you do in training constantly. I don't know about half the people in this thread but I still have fun when I go into training mode, I work on a few basic combos and then I sort of move around and work through different things as I do it. Like one second I'm doing kens bnb and the next I set the cpu to block randomly and practice hit confirming, a few minutes later I have them in counter-hit state and I'm trying to see how many shoryukens you can land off a cr.hp or st.hk. It's 3.

You need to make it enjoyable and if you just can't then you either need to stop altogether or fully accept that if you don't train you'll probably lose and should hold those Ls.
To be fair, on some games some moves can be canceled into some moves but not others which is arbitrary. But it's usually mostly related to frame data. Or you can just play KI, combos in that game follow a completely different system.
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v kappa streamboars.webm
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say it with me: "I LOVE ESPORTS"!!!
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smug hebe wolf.jpg
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How many tripfags went to EVO? I don't remember seeing any
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??? the topic at hand is snk not capcom and early access fighter v, one game being shit doesn't magically erase the past and future mistakes of another
practicing hit confirms in a non combat situation is useless though.

This reads like it was written by MightyKombat
But the Kyo-centric timeline is an interesting approach
You do both. Practicing is playing. Playing with and against friends is practice. If you can't enjoy it then walk away because no amount of anonymous advice is going to suddenly make you grasp how to love games.
You're singling out SFV but this is something with fighting games in general. No matter the company's history or lack of it, you don't buy them on release because online is a gamble.
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1 rashid shitposter
Guys, I just bought GG xrd revelator and I am now one of you. I am a Goober and I welcome it.
i missed reno but when's the last time ghodere tripped
It's not though? It improves your muscle memory.
Empty chairs. And I'll tell you one thing - I'll let you know right now - that's a bad sign. They can't even fill up a stadium?

idk check the archive he posts as anonymous since the gllty stream incident and hasnt posted since nigerian ken won
uh... muscles don't have memory...
Inertia from the discord went and actually won his bracket, I think he went 5-2 total at evo with alex. He lost to chris t.
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But i'm going to be the best Dizzy player in the world
How do you feel about this Jam?
dont reply to my posts your autistic roleplayer your (You)s are worthless, hold this filter
huuhhhh? he is sponsored by discord not fgg
if you're late to the party then you have to buy kum (xhe was free on release).
raven can be unlocked with in-game currency or fished by luck in the minigame.
dizzy is free atm
alex player who used to host the US East lobbies until he was stolen from us by the discord
why does mai have command normals specific to her rush combo
I wish i had a Feylne hat
Is there somewhere already where I can see some high level Dizzy play?
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Fellow Goober, what Goober girl would you sniff?
Her cunt is always hungry
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Marketers come out around CPT. Notice that? Notice how they need to defend their game? But they are almost there. Almost defeated. Don't let them win.
why can't she speak english
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Xenoverse 2 HYPE
That's all characters.
He used to host lobbies back when before everyone who played games migrated to the fgg discord. To actually play games

Is it worth it to have multiple sticks? I have a Hori Rap 4 and I'm really interested in the TE2+.

Also how does the TE2+ compare to the RAP 4? Any cool features apart from the easy swapping of art?
I h8 that shit
Don't bring that anime trash in here. You and the Smashfags get them out of here.
Her chinese dialect is so fucking cringe inducing... i wish there was voice acting

But yeah, 'jam' it in, etc etc
About to make a west coast lobby for SFV

Look for NoBullyPls
FT2, Character select on
password: 1111

can just inv also if you post cfn
>actually play games

lmao maybe kuso on fightcade
Go back to /pol/ already you fucking loser. The orange con-man has already lost. Kill yourself.
But Fightcade has the best games you faggot ass diaper
I like it. Reminds me of Shampoo from Ranma 1/2.
Polls are close, my friend. If you think SF support Shillary is going to make it, you have another thing coming.
xD u got me bro
you have 10 seconds to react to it
people play sfv/gg/whatever kusoge you like
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nah, if those games were really good they would still be played despite being old like melee is, you're just playing it because of nostalgia/having a toaster only
If you wouldn't sniff Millia you don't know shit about fighting games.
should i register for defend the north?

i can't get out of silver and will likely go alone
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>Download Dizzy on PS3
>Locked content

Please don't tell me you have to play through the story or something to unlock her.
What did she mean by that?
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Dizzy is cute! CUTE!!
Shoo, Drakeposter, shoo
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OUCH, that poor girl's leg is broken someone should help her asap!!!
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all the gobbergirls are sniff quality
Kum probably smells awful trapped in that robot all day
What's the best process of learning how to play KoF XIV? I planned on having Kyo on my team so I can use the demo to practice him at least.
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I go down with potemkin
I-no isn't. She's fucking gross.
Go shit in someone's hallway, autist
play 2k2
the characters might be different but the general gameplay is the same
top sniff
t. homo
be able to move
crouch b, crouch a, command normal/whatever
short jump high/low
jump cd
wake up meaty C/D
supers have no i-frames
i don't even like melee or smash but i respect the fact that it's still alive, people in kusoge side tournaments smell like shit too but their games are still dead
which character should i play if im not good at thinking
Once the FGC goes full esports stuff like this will never happen again. Will you miss it?
I think you can get her by buying her colors in the gallery
>stop liking video games roooooo

fuck off back to your poorfag circlejerk
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Get a load of this fucking fag
i don't have to play smash to tell the truth, smash/fightcade is full of smelly autists but at least smash autists support their scene and keep it alive
> /fgg/ is now a melee general and safehaven for autists

I've been away in the discord actually playing games for too long, what the fuck happened to this place
>"This content is not yet unlocked"
I'd take meleefags over discordfags any day yeah
Only niggers would want to be niggers. You want more of that? Danger? I'd like to feel safe. I'm not going to locals - to events - to have some thug rush me.
Chinblade of Death on "Microwave Motion Cannon Waifu."

Go back to SF5, Vermin. Only true fans of KOF let Robert Garcia slap their gfs' ass.
your fightcade kusoge is dead just deal with it and move on to sfv, if those games were really good they'd still be played and have a scene to this day
stop trying kid. you already exposed yourself as a smash autist rofl

you thoroughly owned yourself
You literally have an entire general for it, go talk about your bullshit there.
>Tier list



R. Mika


>Sleeper OP
i don't play/care about smash
t. smash autist
I didn't watch the Marvel stream. What happened?
>people said sfv wasnt garbage
>people said "wait for the new tech at evo"
>literally nothing new, all the characters played the same way, same characters in top 8, same results besides a few different people, same lame gameplay

yup, nothing changed
vega is trash kid
some shirtless black dude with face tattoos ran on stage to challenge Chris G to a 15 dollar money match after Chris G won.

Was very surreal.
filtered ;)
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>wah wah if you disagree with me you're a smashbaby
smash is pure garbage in my eyes just like your fightcade kuso but at least they keep their game alive
What major has she won? What grand finals has she reached?
what's the best converter so I can plug my PS3 fightstick on my PS4 and play fightans that isn't SFV?
then why was there a vega in top 8
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Chris G unlocked the secret boss fight, but went back to the main menu.
Let's have a moment of silence for sayina, the last good newtrip
Karin is S
Mika and Balrog are lower A
Rashid is top B at most
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>poorfag circlejerkers this mad they're being forced to realize they're not part of fgg and the least liked group

don't shit in my pool bro
karin is not s
What are outliers for 200 alex
dank is blind, deaf, and dumb confirmed
you have your own pool away from 4chan for you to shit in, feel free to stay there
>Cute list

R. Mika




>Uggo tier
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Rashid is sleeper A-tier but extremely hard to play optimally
move Ken up to S, move Mika up to A, Rashid in between Balrog and Laura in B, otherwise solid list.

So how should Capcom fix grapplers that aren't Mika?
t. smash autist
This actually looks right. Good job.
But it doesn;t factor in the real battle effects thhat occur in a mtch accurately.

The quickest draw in the west didn't get there form prating, he got it from shooting people up and getting shot at until he was good enough to never get shot because he shot first and didn't miss.
strifeomo got dumped on recently in FC btw fellas, that is all
>Tier list



R. Mika


Delete this
wow you sure proved me wrong

seriously capcom, hire better marketers

the batch you had during the beta at least had me thinking the game would be different on release

remember when they said that? guess what, it wasnt
put birdie in D
also fuck off
Rashid is just mika without her auto win neutral specials
>Tier list



R. Mika

M. Bison

everyone always forgets bison
See >>149019475
dank still confirmed blind, deaf, and dumb
>discord fags think anyone who doesn't want to play world heroes with a bunch of chileans is a "smash autist"

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Please give Guile invincibility on all variations of flash kicks
>tripfag being retarded
Guess nothing will ever change
Put Birdie back in C, fuck that other guy
See >>149019947
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>this level of denial
lmfao smash is trash just like your fightcade kuso, if you cant fucking build a scene around your epic poverty kuso while literal smelly autists can idk what to say f.am
>this determines a characters tier
fucking /v/
must be your first day on the job

cmon man, try harder
there were TWO chuns in top 8

justin also won a tournament with her
>Donald Trump stops posting
>dank immediately pops up
Dizzy is a MILF!
Look at these Smash people. Look at them. Literal children. And if they aren't? They are manchildren.

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>rashid mains keep saying that the character is fine/good
>people who never played him call him bottom 3
explain this if capcom buffs him he'll be sfv's yun
I don't have to. You've already proven you're a fucking retard bro.
snake eyez said zangief is the best character in the game (until he was proven wrong over and over)
How the fuck do you play Jack-O? Without houses she gets fucked by rushdowns. Her normals are shit too.
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>guy who likes gief said he likes gief
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>The biggest and most varied competitive environment in the FGC has no bearing on tiers

>implying you can't fraud your way into top 8
>implying Justin has won a single major
he said that when Gief's cHP crush countered and led to EX Air SPD and his v-trigger vacuum was full screen, all the other times he's like "This character is garbage"
New to KOF, got the demo today. I'm ashamed to say that I can barely pull off the hops and superjumps on the DS4. How the fuck does it work?
>implying you can't fraud your way into top 8
>at evo
maybe if 1 had made it you could make that argument, but 2? nah
>implying Justin has won a single major
he's won several tournaments including a major
dude shut the fuck up
phone posters are the biggest derps out there lmao i almost thought u were serious
good job figuring out what a post said
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why wont kof put mudman in their game
how's that failed RNC feel there faggot
The point is top 8 doesn't mean shit. It's GF or nothing.

>including a major
Name it.
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Does Takuma get to transform in to Shin Mr. Karate?

Because I think me and the other 48 can kick the shit out of Robert and Ryo

But Shin Mr. Karate,,,,, LAWD have mercy on our poor souls
whats so good about vega

i watched nemo play but i didnt really see anything amazing
Failed? That's funny. That's really funny. Don't worry - Smash won't be in office long. You whiny liberals - and I mean this - you whiny liberals won't be able to hide behind Smash for long.

Your days are numbered.
autofootsies autoderp
strong gimmicks
gorilla buttons
confirm into CA
fixed his vtrigger
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>no counter argument
Typical diaper
the biggest event justin has won in sfv is probably CB and that was with karin

he won some shitty wizard world tourney with chun
>PR Rog said a character without an invincible reversal isn't viable
>Infiltration is fucking everyone's day up with Nash

PR Fraud, pack it up pls
>Name it.
northwest major, combobreaker, dreamhack austin
why hasn't hiroshima nakatomi plaza done something about phone posters?
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>phone posters trying this hard
>tekken 1 garbage

Nigga back the fuck up. Tekken 1 was based for moon jumps, hilarious reaction faces, and Smug Kazuya
his gorilla mash style doesn't work on asians
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>her normals are shit
I wouldn't trust PR Pablo with my dry cleaning.
best walkspeed in the game and decently fast buttons means he's a footsie monster
he classifies invincible reversal as an escape, of which nash has the best escapes in the game with v trigger and v reversal
is it even possible to get banned on /fgg/
Rog is full of shit. He wouldn't stop complaining of how """"weak"""" Balrog was but he is tearing shit up with him right now. Can't really trust anything he says at the moment.
are you really donald trump
he hates 4chan
Or maybe his defense is just shit but idk, who knows.
Half the GOP not showing up, fights breaking out on the floor, plagarizing liberal speeches, not a single mega donor showing up, and can't even keep the Mexicans out of the parking lot.

RNC failed harder than Guilty Gear on PC ;^)
None of those are premier events therefore they are not majors. They are regionals.

He also didn't win any of them with Chun

Neck yourself diaper
everyone's defense is shit if they don't have a way to keep your opponent honest

He's American, he likes to press buttons on wake up instead of block. Funnily enough, mashing buttons on wake up got him his win vs Bonchan. Lucky scrub.
without an escape/get off me move characters like mika maul you
Rog's space control is pretty strong like Nash's, his only weakness is being unable to bitchout of pressure like Nash can
I stopped reporting because the mod seems to ignore them and just ban what he feels like banning when he feels like it
No, I'm the next President of the US.

If the GOP doesn't want to show up - whatever! No fights broke out on the floor. And if you believe whatever liberal media tells you, you are an idiot:http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/07/19/melania-trump-plagiarism-hillary-biden-barack-michelle/

And of course we can't keep people out of a public place. But you can bet your ass we will keep you and your kind out, PR Pablo de Mayo. You'd better hope EVO gives out green cards, son.
no jannys/mods are shit here
>Vice and Mature have moves named after bands and albums
>Guilty Gear is full of characters named after music things.
Is there a connection?
why did graham wolfe stop doing his tech of the day thing

did he run out of tech

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KoFXIV plays like shit what the fuck, from second one it doesn't feel good.
The full version isn't like this right?
all of those are premiers
he quit sfv for overwatch

this means he bought about $400 worth of lootboxes
You didn't do what I told you to

Neck yourself
Holy shit kill yourself man, literally.
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>6P, 2K, fS, 2S, 3H, 2D, jS, jH
Or you can block and punish
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>b-burn to fight
premiers give the winner a guaranteed spot to CPT finals at the end of the year

all of those events are majors but none of them are premiers
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>Shin Mr. Karate
Literally SNK Boss Syndrome ladies and gents
everything she does is plus
Can i play Dizzy on PS3 yet?
I see this same type of shit on other big boards: mods not banning shitposters because they're lazy. Just because we get a lot of traffic doesn't mean the rules aren't being enforced.
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wud scissor
>Sleeper OP

The problem with Rashid is that he's a high execution character that requires reads on top, usually it's one or the other not both. Rashid will get stronger over the years but if you start playing him you can't expect to do well right away.

they are listed as "Premier 12"s here, whatever that means

they give CPT points
hi /fgg/
i lobr you
You could tell it would play like shit from the second they showed the games.

SNK has no clue how to animate or collide 3D models. That's why the game feels so awful.

>there are drones ITT who will play $60 for a game with PS1 tier animations and abysmal online

I've had 3 ragequitters in a row after I win the first round of the first match. This is hilarious and stupid
it's pretty fuckin' tough. i've been shitposting here years and only been banned a handful of times, mostly for specifically calling mods faggots.
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>whirlwind shot unga
>high execution

literally nobody is high execution in sfv
>those lolifuta posts that stayed up for more than an hour
If they don't care then why don't they just give that access to someone who will actually do their job?
this pretty much
janny-kun is probably a casual and often removes things that aren't mainstream

yes if you post images that would be censored by capcom for espn
And there are drones in this topic who paid 60 for a simplistic game with abysmal online already.
>This is hilarious and stupid

So an unfunny version of you
Neck yourself
I was talking to birds about sucking dicks and we both got a 3 day.
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I wasn't able to catch Top 32 SF this year so can you guys recommend me some matches outside of Top 8? I'm currently watching PR Balrog vs BonChan
Rashid is very welcome
compelling counter argument, mr bronze chun
$60 'base game' +$30 season pass +$25 CPT package + $5 costumes ea
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I main edgy waifu
Mad because you got btfo and are now pretending to not know the CPT rules lmao
>precise juggle timings on optimal combos
>mp 1f walk mp link
>safe divekick spacing
>cr.hp second hit only cc
>not high execution
Post a webm of you applying all of that in real games when even the best Rashid players drop their juggle combos.
what would happen if Capcom DID address the input lag of SFV and reduced it to just 3 or 4?

would any characters actually become better or worse?
SF5 is a good game though.
you said he didnt win a major, when he's won 3
tokido vs yukadon
nemo vs eita

any of the oil king or apologyman matches if you want rashid

sfv is honestly pretty boring to watch. you didn't miss a lot
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I keep forgetting they hold the full game hostage behind overpriced DLC and fight money that takes years to get while other games offer full content right out of the gate.

gief would be better
ken would be 10x worse
what majors did he win with chun
overheads nerfed, probably throws too

why don't they just add 4 frames of startup to everything and 4 frames recovery to everything.. besides jabs?
i didnt say he won one with chun
ken instantly drops down to C tier and people stop getting hit by obvious round-ending overheads

You know the hyphen means "minus", right
Do you keep your fightsitcks plugged into your system or do you put them up after you're done?
why would you just go in the internet and tell lies
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apologyman fuudo was more hype than infil fuudo grand finals desu

itabashi's matches were fun too, daigo vs tokido was also great

fuck infiltration for making sfv boring to me ;-;
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post a webcam vid of u anal inserting a dildo with apologymans name on it
none of those things are difficult except the divekick which is literally impossible in a real match without whirlwind shot or vtrigger
Exactly. Chun is not top tier.
usually leave em plugged in
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Does it feel good to do that, even when you aren't getting paid.

dont argue with this autist he's been doing it all week
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okay, you know better than daigo and the TWO evo top 8 chuns
>it's not difficult but I can't do it in real matches
stop ur trying too hard be more subtle
>Top 8
Call me when a single Chun reaches GF
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>im a retarded streamboar that thinks raw safe divekick is practical in a real match

My first stick (Hori RAP4 Kai) comes in tomorrow. What bad habits as a pad player should I get rid of during my transition?
why are you eating literal garbage when you have billions of dollars
lmao BTFO
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>literally every top player has stated multiple times that chun lie is either the best character in the game or top 3
>indisputably top 5

/fgg/ - "Chun is mid tier :^)"
Ken immediately sucks, all the grapplers become better.
>posting anecdotal evidence
>jabs (confirmed into mp and irish whip) and f+hp are plus
thanks for proving me right
Dizzy is canonically the strongest in the cast by a metric fuckton, right? Even if she doesn't want to hurt anyone and prevents Necro from blowing them up, her body is borderline immortal.
Not a premier event.
Why not make her a trap
yea but she can't resist the dick
ur mom sucking my dick sure as hell isnt anecdotal lmaaaoooo
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>anime player beats 3s god of chun
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post cfn
You're right, Rashid is top tier now since a guy at my locals has gotten 1st
>d-d-d-doesnt c-c-count chun h-has to win evo for her to be top tier
Just showing what liberals eat out of Hilary's ass as she and her dogs pretend to play SFV.
dont dodge
your locals aren't KSB
Birdie is top tier because Alucard won an online tournament with him

- /fgg/
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I'm sorry so you're saying that you can't? It's okay dude I understand as it is very precise. :^)
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I recently realized the main reason I hate Ky has nothing to do with his lawfag attitude, but because he took the embodiment of purity and kindness and made her ride the lightning.
Correct. And KSB isn't a premier event, which is why it doesn't prove anything.
post a video of you or literally any rashid doing raw safe eagle spike twice in a row
what's the lore
where does Sol and Aria stand?
is ram/elphelt her aunties?
does anyone have the webm of gootecks popping off during the SFV top 8?
they never had sex. she laid an egg and he fertilized it.
how does a mammal fertilize an egg
I can't I only picked up Rashid like a month ago and I don't know a single Rashid player that can do that yet, and that's exactly my point.

The "SFV has no high execution" meme is not factual, feel free to prove me wrong tho.
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Karin is better than Chun in literally every way except one: she has a bad matchup vs Chun.
This thread is sinking, but you have to manually search for KoFXIV on the PSN store since the Demo section is fucked.
Seriously, any new demo that comes out takes at least 2 weeks to actually be added to the Demo list even though it will show up as an option on the pre-order page.

They say they're going to fix it, but I haven't seen nothing yet.
Gief becomes significantly better as does Ken. Cammy also goes up, while Birdie and Bison go down.
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