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/smgen/ - SMITE General

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Thread replies: 754
Thread images: 148

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has science gone too far? 80% of people guess her age wrong edition

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The SMITE clans are SmGen (NA) and GenSm (EU), leaders are SethPhalange and HardyMcWilly respectively.
Post your name in the thread or send an invite to one of the leaders.

Previous Thread
If you are attracted to jing, you are pedo. Plain and simple
There is nothing wrong to be attracted to healthy, fertile females like Jing and Scylla.
I like this one more
Why have I seen nobody with this skin? Are there some skins that PS4 users simply don't have access to despite them being in the selection?
Expain to me how scylla appears fertile
I have it on ps4
It's a chest skin. It comes and goes in chests.
>I've never dated an asian girl
I feel bad for you my last korean gf was older then me by 2 years and had a smaller body then jing.
Ignore him. He's probably 1000 yrs old and likes dusty pussy
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>Not hiding your power level
She would have looked down on me if she knew i watched anime and play video games. But that is besides the point. I lived in southern china a while there are girls in their 20s not only smaller then Jing but also more flat.
I like Jing and all but this girl looks gross. Her legs are just non existent
Just showing examples of asian women with small bodies did not try to find super sexy ones. The picture I posted is an example of a guanzhou woman one of the more common immigrant populations in America. Here are some examples of changsha women as you can see the body type varies. It super hard to find a pic thats not for a dating site btw.
Just never post mrs skeleton again. Skeleton people gross me the fuck out more than fat people
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Fuck forgot pic
None of those girls have the body of jing.
Korean girl was close enough to get my point across. The food is pretty fucking good in changsha so these girls tend to be a bit fatter.
Did you even read the post?
I don't think you know what that word means
t. kiddy fiddler
Sad attempt to get (You)s. Go away senpai
How big is your loli folder?
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Don't got one unless you count illya who is not for fapping. But keep trying senpai.
>don't got one
>oh expect for this one

>Says loli folder
>Gets a reaction image
>I-it's a loli folder!
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nigga you've been complaining and misusing words for two threads now
q cc inbreds get it fucking together
>Using another loli to prove your point
Keep trying pedo
I haven't posted in the other general about this argument. I lurked it.

Nice use a of a child image though. Typical.
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>my point
you've got the wrong nigger retards
here, have a reaction image that's suited for more your type
explain to me how this is a loli
Classic pedo.

Posts an ugly old woman thinking anyone who isn't into into children must be into uggo oldies. Neck yourself.
You need to get your eyes checked if you think that's not a loli
Same old ass man posting.
Can we just gas pedos already
500 gems weekly quest? Is this a meme?
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Pretty big desu
That's nothing. I have been getting a daily quest that rewards a green block for ps4
Probably a fuck up on hirez part.
Hopefully jing Wei gets the tier 5 skin this year
No chance jing will get a T5.
ok but explain

and what are your thoughts on pic related
Can you please stop posting children? It's disgusting
consol release when
With Rat, do I just use my 1 into my 2 or 3?It almost feels too simplistic.
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she's literally over 18

never, rev up those arcades
>she's literally over 18
Surething pedo
kek challenger nu wa was supposed to come out next week. hirez fucked up and you can buy it now.

Fucking every time, they fuck up the most simple things.
Honestly I'm only 23 and I do find that getting off with anyone under 20 when I'm not really drunk is weird and makes me feel pedo-y It's not the looks really it's just the manerisms and the way they talk, I'm sure there are 18 year olds that act older but I haven't met one yet.
Im 19 and I would fuck the shit out of Jing Wei and you at the same time
Sobek skin was supposed to be 600 too according to the summer of smite web page. Don't know if they changed it or fucked up here too.
I'm 28 and would fuck jing, scylla, you and the other guy.
I'm into /fit/ chicks, personally wouldn't date anyone younger than 21. I don't even like Jing desu

my point was that he doesn't know what a pedo is, either that or he's just shitposting
>challenger Nu Wa
God damnit is Nu Wa nothing but fetish fuel?
What did you all get in the nu wa and sobek skins enigma chests?

Fucking chronos clap and bakasura vp here. Medusa pedestal is also shit.
hello I still need sauce please
It was a bug, they fixed it now. Some people managed to do it quick enough and get the gems though.
>hear Jing Wei VP
>"oh hi senpai"

Jing is literally the worst Smite girl.
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Nu Wa is for hug not fug
I want to tit fuck her.
thanks dickheads stayed up all night for this answer just to get no gems
Ra recolor and Anhur T2 not bad
thought she says oh hey senpai?..
Are you fucking retarded? Why didn't you just log into the client and see for yourself?
Oh we're still doing that...
because I'm supposed TO BE ASLEEP RIGHT NOW you fucking dickface
Then get to bed already. You missed the gems now, it was a bug that got fixed.
>legitimately enjoy playing Jing Wei
>legitimately enjoy playing Fafnir

Am I bad for playing underpowered gods? I really can't help it I just find them too fun.
>Jing Wei
>apollo ult as a passive rotate everywhere in a matter of seconds and gank your ass
>can't get behind from a death, just fly to your wave and catch up with the farm
>roid that does 1400 damage
Oh hey фaм
Devil Horns Raijin and High Counselor Athena.
Hun Batz skin when?
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Reminder to sign up for the 1v1 tournament that will be next Saturday. July 30th

There are prizes: 1st - 800gems, 2nd- 400gems, 3rd - Cutesey Freya icon.

It's easy as hell to sign up and be a memelord: http://challonge.com/SmiggenTourney

Some matches in the tourney will be streamed, and I should make it known that casting positions are filled.
Never, the poor monkey will never get a new skin.
>whisper bans

Fuck off cucksing. Shouldn't you be on blacked.com right now?
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Noice, Fred memematches where the most entertaining part of last year edition.

>needs to knock herself up and risk putting herself out of position in order to give herself an attack speed buff
>If the enemy does look like they're about to take advantage of her temporary helplessness she will need to use her 3 to move back into a safe location
>2 abilities wasted and a ton of Mana consumed in order for her to keep up in farm
>800 gems
wow, literally nothing
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>duel autism
>all those cock sucking shitlords who'll go for amcchronoskalihebo

I'm really looking forward to participate to this event,
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Are you that same autist from yesterday who had to be explained to not only by myself but from random people in the thread also on the importance of blind pick?
Counter picking is a thing in MOBAs. It's a part of them, that's why pick and ban stages are so important and interesting cucklord.
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Keep trying to make yourself sound right, you're literally the only one arguing for this position. You're a good entertainment for my morning.
Can someone else set this up but without hellsing being in charge? I really don't want to join if he's publicly organizing it.

He can organize it behind the scene and play too, but publicly I would rather not be associated with a cuck. That's suicide on 4chan.
Correct, that's why hirez host tournaments with whisper bans. You got me.
Hirez doesnt do 1v1 tournaments iirc.
You that's an interesting topic. I literally said that I should lead it publicly because there are 2-3 autists that sperg out when I am in the thread. Guess I was right.
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I am ashamed to liking SWK, since that cuck RP's a special snowflake version of him. No wonder Robot left that loser.
>character is underpowered because abilities use mana and takes damage when attacked by other gods
>actually needing the accessory atk spd buff

cupid has an atk spd buff too when he dashes yet you don't see him initiating with it . it's a plus you get when you find yourself having to go into the whirlwind, not something crucial.
>he is quite short for a male

Is hellsing implying that he's a manlet?
My name is Illya and I'm male slav
are you a russian gay faggot too ?
I may be a faggot but I'm not gay. Although I'm kinda in to traps and feminine penises but I don't consider them gay.
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>but I don't consider them gay.
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I'm glad you could agree, anon.
I'll smash ya boipussy ya cheeky cunt
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Come on and try big boy.
Do the all for one and pixel Buster Freya skins still have the old face?
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I could've won that Scylla vs Scylla match if I had just stayed focused. Despite my autistic breakout during it, I did have fun.
>humiliated in a mirror of his main
>throws a tantrum in chat shortly after
>I had fun

just off yourself already
>just off yourself already

Come and do it yourself.
Tell me where you live.
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Well shit, you called my bluff. I'm not going to tell you. Still not going to kill myself though.
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>You will never dance with Jing

Why even live ?

Bitch got no moves.
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I like the new health bars. Looks clearer
Someone shop a nice big bulge on those hotpants please
>it's another "I-I-I'm not a pedo..." episode
Pedos, futa fags, whatever, lets all get along and jack it.
No. No, let's not. A pedo is nowhere near on the same level as a faggot.
>It's another normalfag who tries to lord himself over others episode
fuck off normie
>if I can pretend I'm part of some secret club, I'm can pretend that being a pedophile is okay
You normalfags truly are a cancerous lot, I wish you would all kill yourself.
stick to your saggy women porn gramps
I remember when normie uses to just be someone who didn't know a meme or something. Now pedos are trying to use it to claim they're not some kind of human garbage?
Their actual age doesn't change the fact that youre attracted to them because they look like little girls. You can hide behind the number, but the fact is that you like little girls bodies, you sick fuck.
Really a slow day, shitposter-kun?
It's a bug sadly, it'll give you the icon for khepri after 3 wins
The khep icon thing has ended no?
>I can't defend myself, but if I shitpost for the last word I can convince myself that I'm right
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>Ace nu wa skin
How the fuck am I supposed to play with my boner slamming on the keyboard?
Also the Sobek skin is disappointing, the anchor isn't grimy like the card and he has ugly ass sunglasses instead of the menacing face in the card art.
The voice pack is nice but a little quiet
>I can't defend myself, but if I shitpost for the last word I can convince myself that I'm right
>tfw I have only enough gem for either Ace Nu Wa or Jing Watersports

Life is hard.
Life is easy, nu wa is in a good spot right now and Jing isn't.
Until Jing Bae is good again, I'll skip her skin
>besides, default Jing is the only acceptable Waifu
The Nu Wa skin looks like shit and the Jing one could look even worse.
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>signing up for your own tournament
the faggotry never ends
So jungle and mid now start with t1 boots?
>pedos are worse than faggots
>this is a really shitty attempt at a defense
>do you have nothing better to say?
nth for reporting all scylla and jing wei images on paheal
i want sports nu wa butthole on my mouth while she gives me a footjob
>I can't defend myself, but if I shitpost for the last word I can convince myself that I'm right
They fucking synced the steam achievements finally!
Took them long enough to fix it.
Nu wa is the goddess of cute feet
>buy shark sobek
>get chest along with it
>chronos voice pack
Damn, and with the chronos skin coupon they must be really trying to get people to buy him.
Hag lovers are the worst.
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>seriously picking a hunter in solo after dagger's removal
>blaming support for being outcleared and pressured
>team joins in on his baby rant
>"hey let us all pick squishies, refuse to play a tank in solo and then scream at you because you're on your own for initiating as a frontline"
>it's all your fault
>buy wards even when the only two that are on the map are yours
>omg you have to dive in their team and eat their damage for us to attack
>omg you died u feeder report

I swear to god if I see one more fucking squishy damage whore in solo you can always die in a gutter if you expect me to go support
They're right.
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So which will we get first? Rule 34 of NewFreya with or without a penis?
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>mfw my first game with Freya after her remodel is a 15/4 win
Freya for the win baby
I wish there'd be more beast/monster gods. So many are humanoid it's getting pretty boring, we need more shit like Fenrir, Sobek, Arachne
here's the (you) friend I know you want it
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Yeah same, thanksfully Ajax teased there might be more and since he makes almost only top tier waifus we can expect some monstergirls.
I really want to see r34 of this with nu wa and Jing
Why can't goddesses exist in real life ;_;
Hopefully nobody draws that trash.
Chiron, geb, hun batz, khepri, kukulkan, medusa, rat. Plus the ones you said. We got plenty
Without, just so that the good artists can use it as reference and add meaty freya cock
Camazotz is a popular request and since we didn't have a mayan god in a while it will probably be released in a near future.

They need to remodel Fenrir and give him a nice ass so whenever he's running on all fours I have a massive boner
11 out of 78
There needs to be like half.
Rat needs to get a pikachu styled skin
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Rat needs Conker type skin
>le pokeymans hahha

Fuck off.
Stay mad nerd
this too
>Guan yu is bugged so talos assault gives protections to the enemy instead of removing them
>when steel hornet muzen kills her
>"I see you like playing MOBA's..."
i want to give jing wei a good ass spanking until her cheeks turns red for every time she fails a gank
Please tell me this is a joke
I want to give you a good ass spanking for every post you have made about Jing Wei
Anyone else not getting TP for winning ranked matches? What the fuck hirez fix your game.
Just bodied 3 games in a row before I realized I'm not getting TP

HirezCaplocks confirmed it on a comment down there, they know its bugged.
So who's the next god? Are they not adding gods til the Summer Event is over?
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how did they even fuck that up
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>AMC killing Serqet
A man can dream.
Terra, the roman equivalent of gaia.
I want to lick her buttcheeks with my elbow.
Geb with tits incoming.
Skin idea to raise money for animal welfare and well being.

Spayed Bastet and neutered Fenrir and Anubis
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>Chris Sabat doing the Fenrir voice, except high pitched.
BunnyGirl Ne Zha
>autism no skill cancer characters only niggers who need to kill themselves main
freya nigger piece of shit
he bo
nox nigger piece of shit
nu wa

guan yu
sun wu kong
xing tian

and now you've surely noticed that 90% of the no skill riskfree silver platter rewards faggot autism piece of shit gods are female characters. How so ? Because a vast majority of the playerbase is composed of filthy animeniggers weabtard cucks who don't care at all about balance,or gameplay, no the only thing that matters to these faggots is "le super strong cute gurl xd" you fucking piece of shits. These characters are specially designed for their atrophied brain to play, because every single waifu nigger is absolute TRASH video games and need the most bullshit broken cards to have a chance of playing thus sticking to the game and generating profit through skin sales. Every single of these are bloated with damage utility and a form of invincibility. That's how you pander to absolute niggers.

I don't expect to change anything with this statement since I know hirez is as much cancerous themselves, but just so you know, if you pick any of these nigger gods you're the reason this game is so horrible.
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How do you counter a cab support in this day and age?

Playing passively and buying emperors? Had a game where I was Guan and my ADC (freya) would not stop playing aggressively against them and I would have to dive in there and save her ass multiple times.

Please help me lads.
>no skill when if you dont have perfect aim and positioning you dont do any damage
>no Rama

yeah go fuck yourself buddy
>cabraken isnt in the first list

>Rama isn't in the second list
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>tfw you'll never lick Kelly's armpits
>you will never have a cute, peppy girlfriend like kelly
>no girl will ever boop you on the nose
>you will never play smite with a girl in your lap
>you will never get a foot job from her in nu wa cosplay
Give me one reason not to allahu ackbar
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>tfw mogee will never be averagely cute ever again
dyke hair ruins everything
>Give me one reason not to allahu ackbar

Women are shit, get a cute BF instead.
>landing an instacast portal on the ground and double tapping for the one shot is hard

janus players everybody

meeeeeeemes xd
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>requiring skill
Wow, I thought she was cute now but she is way better with her old hair cut
>tfw can't even get a bf to play with me
I met up with someone from SmGen in real life and he was such a try hard faggot about ranked that I had to block him off everything. I just want a cuteboi to duo lane with ;_;
>Tfw play Skadi, Nox, and Susano
>Tfw also play Sobek

It balances out

Sick kids hospital Jing Wei complete with broken and raggedy wings, crutches and a dangerous biracial condition.

Win screen is her walking the running then flying as piece by piece her body returns to normal.
lose screen is her in her bed and a doctor delivers the bad news to her and her "family" (Guan You, Nu WA and Ne zha). They all cry then Jing Wei starts closing her eyes as her beep machine things just stops until it loops.
still a higher skill requirement than serquet piece of shit or scylla
Hirez are idiots. Waiting for them to sell the game to someome competent.
>dangerous biracial condition

Lol its supposed to be birdgirl not biracial.
That makes me sad.

What about for next year we have a summer skin called Kalimari where Kali is a squid that uses four tentacles to hold weapons
Disgusting, but nice. Makes me want a whole Cthulhu line of skins like Muzens

Makes you wonder why Pos doesn't have one yet
Shaggy Skadi and Scooby Kaldr.
When she kills Ymir she says

>am I glad that he's frozen in hel and we're out here. and that he's the ganker, and that we're farming out here. and that we're in Hel and i just remembered; we're out here. what i wanna know is, where is the frost giant?
>referencing a youtube poop

And here I thought we had already hit the bottom.
I also want to add that the first list should count as a forbidden characters list for the upcoming tournament. Anyone who picks from it should be disqualified and called a nigger until the rest of their lives

As Fafnir I just throw my hammer at Cabrakens that start pounding the ground
what adc mean
what does it stand for then
Aids Dick Condoms
It's a holdover from other games that doesn't apply to Smite but certain people can't handle new things and so they cling to it.
It stands for Attack Damage Carry, but there's no attack damage in Smite.
When will He Bo and Sobek get their voice packs completed? Do they just not fucking care anymore?
ty friend, this is the first moba I've played so I'm new to these gay terms
>no attack damage in smite
>A term from the game League of Legends which refers to the amount of physical damage for a champion or item; for example, an item may increase AD by a certain amount.
Attack damage refers to physical damage.
No, that's wrong. Attack Damage effected auto attacks, and Ability Power effected abilities. Smite has a completely different system, where one form of power effects both a gods abilities and in-hands. There is no AD in Smite.
>inb4 Physical power is the same as AD
Freya, Chronos, Cabrakan, and Sol say hi.
>two threads
>the dead one has cucksing's world martial arts tourney in the op
>last post of last thread is him or one of his discord butt buddies getting triggered because someone made the thread before they could make their shill thread

It's because whoever made the the other thread made it when the last general was at like 690 posts, so nobody migrated as there was no point.
>cucksing also doesn't know how to count

This fucking guy.
The other thread was rushed by some autist, no thanks I'll use this one.
How do I R@?
>AMC takes no skill

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just because you asked so nicely
Why? I mean I do roleplay stuff, but nothing as... laughable as that. No wiki pages or animu characters with generic designs and overbearing descriptions of their outfits. While I do not believe in using the word autistic as an insult, I do think Hellsing is probably well within the spectrum.
what does ^ have to do with smite
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>YFW a Loki attacks you and you have Nimean Lion and Thorns
Some autist who only plays duel as wukong.

Used to avatar fag these threads with hellsing pictures, but stopped as people found out he got cucked irl and would blast him for it every time he posted. Also writes autistic fan fiction.
Share your Raid Boss stories.
Why did you use a picture of Elsword?
My favorite part about this game are the raging autists that have to message you after a match because they are so butthurt. I laugh my ass off at these people
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>tfw cucksing's discord slave
>demanded to make the new thread correctly with tourney shilling in the op
>completely retarded from all of the verbal abuse from all the discord """"elite""""
>make thread way too early and it dies
>my punishment is four days chained in cucksing's dracula themed dungeon wearing the Robot costume
>the discord """"""""""elite"""""""""" take turns having their way with me brutally and aggressively yet very inexperienced as if they have been deprived from sex since their births
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I don't play as SWK much anymore, yes I used to avatarfag for fun. No I did not get cucked and I've been posting its not like I'm hiding. Dont write fan fiction eitther.

It's funny how hard the three of you have been trying for what is it, months now to try and troll or humiliate me. I've never seen such personal obsessions with someone you don't even know.

So when you're done reading this and start to breathe real hard in anger please sign up for my tournament: http://challonge.com/SmiggenTourney
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How do I play raid boss
kek we all know the story mate, considering you even wrote that you were 'disappointed she went with a worse man'

fuck off with your shitty tounenament, nobody apart from you and your butt buddies care about it
Joust match, 5v1, 100k gold, level 3 start. The player by himself is the raid boss, and can buy anything except lifesteal, soul reaver and Mail of Renewal. The team of 5 can only buy starter items and Talaria/Traveler's, and must get Sunder and Blink for their actives.
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The fuck is a tounenament?
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>be hyped for freya remodel
>the best skins all4one and pixelbuster still use trash old model with disgusting face

A typo.

So do the newfags here think that pointing out typos is somehow epic humor, or are they actually so stupid they don't get it?
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>tfw winning an assault game with no deaths
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But the new model is terrible.
>win a team fight
>take an objective

Why is this simple concept so foreign to 70% of this game's playerbase?
You can thank CoD for that.
what's a team fight
i don't fucking know man, a few hours ago my team won a teamfight at the phoenix and 3 of the enemy were down, all towers were down and only left phoenix was up, fucking idiotic guy called "attack gold fury attack gold fury!" and retreated to gf, i went forwards to the titan and fortunately my team followed me to titan and we won while the other retard was going to gf.

it made no sense, 30 minutes into the game , full build called gf.
>takes skill
Nah, that's the dumbest thing. But I will agree that Scylla takes zero skill.
don't you know anon? if you kill goldfury 50 times during a match you automatically win! he was just going the safe strat
Casual matches always last 40-50 minutes because of this. I swear I'm the only one that can attack a tower, what's worse is having a Solo laner that NEVER leaves their lane and just stays pushing and dying from ganks
Because you lose doing this idiot
What the fuck are all of you retards on about? Scylla does take skill especially on console. Maybe you stupid >just point and click xdd pc tards have it easy but for us using actual gaming controllers it's not and very easy to dodge so it must be timed just right.
I did just that recently with Nemesis.
With Jotunn's and level 1 boots, even got a Penta.
This is why you don't matter when the adults are talking.
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Guys, I just had a dream of fucking Vulcan in his tight manly firehole. Should I be worried?
Okay kid
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>the god of literally each damaging ability is a skillshot but retards walk in predictable patterns

here's your (you) now leave us alone
I want to ____ Jing Wei's ____ with my ____.
this desu

I want to rim her.


But she poops from there.
No. She was made to be bullied and taken advantage from.
Gods don't poop.
If Gods don't poop, then there is no reason for them to have an anus, and therefore they wouldn't have one.
Jing isn't a god.
Holy fuck I almost threw up from laughter
Great feel, two days ago I fucked up and hit auto run at the start of the match and ended up going 4-0 no build Rama
Isn't auto-run a toggle?
>trying to turn my waifu into a squid
Not only will I fight you, but I will see to it that you never walk again
Reminder that Jing wei needs worshippers and she gets them every time you fap to her
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>tfw your ares doesn't build a single cdr item

Why do people do this shit
>Three tank clash
>Have both enemy towers at eight minutes in.
>Nothing but Khumba Mez, Ymir freezer and Xing jumps all game.

That was truly a great game, shame I did not know Spanish to chat with my fellow Guardians.
But Nu Wa could have one so that she can more efficiently wring gallons of cum from Freya
It's Smite we hit rock bottom ages ago nub.
>le Ares is a walking ult maymay
Yes, I hit the auto run key (I have it set to R) and it moved me forward off the fountain
go fucking choke on nigger dick hdfred, you're the most autistic and retarded player I have ever seen in any multiplayer game ever and god knows I've been playing multi games since fucking unreal tournament, you just stick to this piece of shit because your mental abilities and reflexes barely match those of an aborted turtle, she's filled with easily confirmable one shot damage and an escape that forgives any type of mistake your atrophied brain can come up with

you want to talk about skill shots ? play Ra, play Ullr, play Poseidon
can you play those characters ? can your brain EVEN comprehend the concept of earning a win through smart plays ? you fucking retarded tryhard piece of shit.
And most importantly shut your whore face you don't deserve right of speech you're a subhuman loser nigger shit I hate your kind more than anything on this earth eat shit and die.
Nice false flag le musturd man
Scylla wrecks on console ez too

and building him mage is a better idea, sure buddy
>skill shots

that huge ass circle is hard to miss, it's almost as bad as ah puch's ult!
Freya's tits jiggle even though they are in a breastplate.
>new freya model

scylla's crush does the same amount of damage and has a bigger radius you son of a bitch, kraken only does big numbers if you hit the CENTER
Which is very easy to do.

Maybe you're the shitter that doesn't know how to aim.
Is this modern music? I've really lost touch.
keep pretending scylla takes skills and precision you fucking kikes, get your dicks out and stroke to your own lies and delusion you fucking trash ass piece of shits
Who said scylla takes skill?
I'm surprised no one said a single thing about the vulcan skin being a mislabeled chest exclusive.
Wait a fucking second, Kraken's damage is based around the center of the aoe? I always just used it on whatever.
Because the skin is shit anyway. I don't think anyone was excited for it.

The center does more damage and has a knockup

Also put the fucking whirlpool down before you kraken
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I noticed that too.
Nice strawman, shitter.
Scylla is an easy god but so are most gods in the game because smite is an easy game.
will fafnir's dragon breath proc midgardian mail?
yes kikes keeps stroking
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Where are my summer of smite leaks??
More so, why the hell are we holding another so early? These tourneys are boring enough WITH the novelty of being once a year.
Why not anon?
desu even at once a year they're never really all that great. It's just a circle jerk in the most cancerous meme pick mode.
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>stop trying to interact and have fun with other members of our shitty little community
They are being held because Hellsing desperately needs attention from the thread, and as such it has been posting the Deviantart-tier fanfic RP pictures and false flagging itself as much as possible. The extra "drama" of whisper bans only makes it more likely people will talk about Hellsing and make it feel more like it is loved, appreciated or even just remembered in the first place.
Shoo cucksing
That's fine, do it in other ways. Hold customs or some shit.

There's only two things fun about tournaments; the prizes and that they're events. Diminishing the second part just means you have the prizes to rely on, and half the people going into it already know they're not gonna have a chance at them.
>dozens of gay smite r34 galleries
>barely any nox
>no nu wa and freya
>no nu wa learning the meaning of futa Friday
>no Athena
What the fuck, why are drawfags so gay lately
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*brandishes magic cudgel*

who dares challenge me and speak ill of my tourney.....
I've sent my best discord agents to..... take care..... of you as you pitiful mortals aren't worth my time.....
Muahahahahaha!!! *jumps into cloud and disappears*
A whopping 400 gems and a freya icon :^)
I wouldn't miss out on that for the world. I would donate gems to the pool but then I remembered EU players are gonna be in it too
Robot..just know...whatever happens..it's nothing personnel kid..pshh
>support has 2 phys defense items
>4 players including adc around
>doesn't tank tower until I tell them too
every FUCKING time
>that one guy that draws male gods jerking off facing eachother or shit like Cupid bouncing on Kumbha's dick like Tigger with his diaper pulled to the side

absolutely horrendous
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delete this
I don't main a single warrior, but I feel like I should because taking Sol to solo can't always play out well. The only ones that look interesting or cool to me are Amaterasu and Bellona. Can anyone give builds that work for them to me?
THIS. I fucking hate it so much
More or less this, everyone in it is only in it because they can get gems for out memeing shitters, that's it. These tournaments are never fun. Does anyone even remember who won the last one? Nobody cares.
I am sort of glad that we have more male smite porn, but its a shame that it's mostly gay.

There's tons of Nox, and decent amount of Nu Wa.
Yeah I don't mind males dicking goddesses but goddamn so much of it is gay it's not even funny.
I've literally seen at least 50 just with ao kuang fucking ne zha
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>ao kuang fucking ne zha
Then you have pic related that crosses into a realm of obscurity that even I can't get behind
Yeah man there's a lot of that.
It's pretty great.
Y'all niggas is gay as fuck.
Cupid and Kumbh pic where?
Nothing gay about cocks.
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is there a better feeling than a freshly jerked off splash of cum on one's chest ?
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should i make abilities for her and post it on reddit xd
You should hang yourself
thats mean ;(
Why the fuck are you winking?
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I could not be more erect and disgusted at the same time. What really rustles me is that you had these saved, ready to go.
>tell me you haven't fapped to them
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>win a team fight


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Is it bad that I get drunk about 3-4 times a week after work and just play smite for hours and sometimes if too tipsy listen to Pokemon music from the Sinnoh region?
Currently doing the latter

Jing Wei is cute. CUTE!
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>play guan
>max Speed
>shield of regrowth
>pop conviction
>immediately ult

My god I have never experienced such joys
I honestly don't understand why people don't build this on him, it's like a free sprint relic every 10 seconds

>40% increased speed for duration
>CD is like 120 seconds

>35% increased speed
>CD is 10 seconds
tell me more, anon
So with Soul Eater getting nerfed, is it being replaced at all in the Hunter standard builds?
lol op is the buttblasted guy from last thread who said jing wei could be 24 years old.

literally the only one to not know what smite was going for with her.

too much anime im guessing
>he thinks he knows about speed
>on any god not named thanatos

Don't talk to me or my son ever again.
>I am sort of glad that we have more male smite porn, but its a shame that it's mostly gay.

If you want to see the male gods wouldn't it be gay either way?
shes a late game god.

getting a 40% attack speed buff with a 6 ft diameter when u have double crit is nasty, plus when you want to dash in to chase instead of flee, you dont just do a measly 300 damage, you get FATALIS.

she is meant to be underpowered early game since you can just heal up and fly back
Not unless you fap to it while staring intently at the man.
>replying 20 hrs later after being btfod in this thread

>Don't talk to me or my son ever again.

Top kek. Too bad this shitty half-chan site doesn't let me post webms with sound.
you need some sort of CC to interupt both his super speed and tremble.

erlang shen rapes him in solo, whenever i hear that grunt i just turtle mode knock him up
Then at that point it doesnt matter who the guy is. If you're wanting to see male gods specifically it means you're gay or have a cuck fetish.
>do you want the guy boning her to be an inuniverse character so it makes sense?
>nah man have this random nigga


Similar reason why Cabroken got nerfed (even though he didn't need to at all) even though no one complained about him for an entire year.
>He hasn't heard the joke before
Is cripplechan really that slow? I knew it was dying but not THAT bad.

Also just post it on /wsg/ and link it here anon, you're allowed to do that.
>dozens of gay smite r34 galleries
Oh, I've heard the joke before, just the first time I've seen it referenced on here, outside of /pol/. It's just Tyrone saying top kek, nothing major.
So then you want cuck porn, just say that
my ama build

warrior tabi
void shield
either frostbound or winged blade, depends if the enemy has slows
mantle of discord
qins sais

magic damage really isnt that bad since she can heal, and is fast enough to dodge a good amount of shit
you gotta get sprint too
i didnt even participate in that argument
When will they add the true god gilgamesh?
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I want to clip her wings, put her inside a bird cage and take her home as a pet.
I want to help her fill the ocean with rocks
lets say i do, how does having it be mercury instead of a random nigger change that fact?
For the purposes of self-insert, if its just a faceless generic person I can understand. But if not, it's just cuck porn or you wanting to see another man. Unless you envision yourself as another man, which is extremely beta and equally as gay.
>Jing Wei is cute. CUTE!
Wipe this meme from the face of the earth.
>niggers are okay for self insert if you are white
by that logic, lesbian porn of freya grinding her stuff against dark hel is also cuckoldry
>if you are white
My condolences. I understand the frustration now.

You can try changing the color in photoshop and making the penis smaller.
>wanting more accuracy means I have a being cheated on fetish

>haha look at the white guy he isn't a shitskin like us
I don't know what to tell you dude. If the male in the picture is that important to you, then you're gay.
>people STILL think Fafnir is weak
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hello its me freya, queen of the valkyries. im here today to tell you to stop bullying ne zha, and don't talk bad about him at all. he's very strong and is NOT a girl, so please don't call him one. btw he doesn't suck dick or anything either lol that's gay he would never do that.

btw leave jing wei alone shes awesome, all the chinese gods are awesome except for ao kuang hes not cool at all

That's so cute, Ne Zha. Nice try.
delete this
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>come back after a break
>cabrakan nerfs
>but athena 1+2 combo isnt 10x more bullshit then a televised ms buff and shitty aoe cone
>khumba ult cd isnt bullshit
>bacchus ut dmg isnt bullshit
Why the fuck does nobody ever remember to stop/drop/roll in all the clips like this?

>literally the only reason cabrakan has been seen recently was because a few Pros picked him as a meme solo god abusing Vanguard and purple pot
>twitch stream watching cucks interpreted this as the pros thinking cabraken was overpowered, and started using him all the time
>reddit bitched and moans "op god"
>not only did hi-rez Nerf or outright remove the items that made him bullshit, they decided to actually nerf him as well
yeah and that's whats gonna be the death of the game.
In all seriousness if a Pro can find loopholes and try and have fun with the game with their skill set and the whole community goes ahead and tries it out and somehow succeeds than it gets a ban

Like when Weakman started using Aphro jungle and every wanna be pro fag started using her in in the jungle
>There's tons of Nox

I wouldn't say that there are tons of any Goddess. Even Neith only has at most 50 pics, if you include the sfm stuff. However, Nox does seem to be one of the more popular ones.
transcendence on skadi?
Get golden bow instead
but the dog is affected by attack speed. why would i go the transcendence route when death's toll has more dps? her ability scaling is mediocre too. the only reasoning i see is that the dog can't crit.
but what does it all mean? im confused. my life has lost meaning as time slips away.
What items affect kaldr's damage. He can't crit and I'm assuming the on-hit-effects don't apply to him either, right?
im not sure if base pen and percentage pen affect him. all i know is that he has half of your attack speed.
What the fuck am I reading even
He inherits all your pen, power, and half your AS, but NO on-hit effects. I like Transcendence on Skadi since it helps laning a lot. Replace SE with Asi, this should still be relevant.
his passive is still pretty powerful.
The powerpots were always a problem in Smite.
What the fuck is this, almost none of this image is actually good advice. I hope you're not following this. This is fucking trash.
Then what do you build?
>heartseeker on hunters
>transcendence build is an abomination
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What the fuck is that image?

That's a horrible guide. Don't follow that.
Damn, how did someone make such a perfect guide?
Did a console player make that?

Not this guy, but then wtf are you supposed to build? I'm relatively new to hunters. I know trans is good, but thats about it.
Because if they were actually smart:
a) They wouldn't do that.
b) There wouldn't be a clip of it.
I am a console player and I will kick your ass any day.

Right >>148992725
>delusional console players

I would embarrass you in front of your teenage friends, and force you to end your smite career in the spot. Don't fuck with PC players, console peasant is a thing for a reason. It's real. You're peasants. Know your place.
I just bought a gtx 1060, do you know what that is? Of course you don't, because it's something your playstation could never comprehend. Your consoles would explode trying to run a new gen game on max settings. My PC doesn't even break a sweat.

Not only this, but my reaction times are better. I've been PC gaming since I was 13 years old. I can read every single one of your moves before you do them and react twice as fast. That's the power of 100fps. You don't even know what 100 fps feels like, do you? You're a foolish, ignorant slave to the system. You'll never be a better gamer than me, ever. Ever.
>but my reaction times are better. I've been PC gaming since I was 13 years old
Actually your reaction times are probably slower since you have been sitting on your ass since you were 13. Being fit helps reaction speed
I walk 3+ miles everyday and lift 4 times a week.

I'm fine.
t. console player false flagging
kek pc players in a nutshell, lazy ass fat fuck boys

real console niggas RUN you faggot. enjoy lifting that gyno 4 times a bilineal week
I've never been fat in my life lmao
nice projecting

All that running won't make your legs grow you manelt
>I walk 3+ miles everyday and lift 4 times a week.
You walk 3+ miles in smite and lift your ass out of your chair 4 times a week?
Reddit now has a megathread for the odyssey T5 skin.

We'll start seeing the most upvoted designs in the next few days/weeks. Any guesses?
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> PC gaming since I was 13 years old
Casual I've been PCgaming since I was 7, pic related my first game
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And good morning to you too smite.
Does this work on console. I swear people on console don't get anything done to them. You probably need a thousand reports for something to be done. I am sick of faggots getting salty they died once and just sit in spawn or dc
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lol I forgot all about those types of games. Now that I think about it I've been playing pc games for awhile

>implying ya'll know shit about Croc
Why no Rage? Why Blue bow? Why Heartseeker? Why Malice of all things? You should build based on the enemies you're fighting.
I think it's the first game I finished all by myself.
I got a warning a few weeks ago. Said further action would be taken if I kept being reported.

I think you need like 100 reports in a short amount of time for the warning, after that you start getting bans.
So Executioner is viable now that it takes off 12% per stack? It's a lot of armour loss, and good stats too.
Exe has been back in the meta for a while now.
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If any of y'all are interested, SMITE Oceania Pro League gets streamed on cgtv_smite (on twitch) and hosted on hireztv. On at 6PM AEST/4AM est/10AM CEST
>inb4 oce sucks lol

hughz casts it and is a top tier caster imo
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Rather watch the joust tournament than watch that shite.
>being racist

Not liking it because you think it'll be boring is fine though.
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No. I choose to take offense to that remark

Go away, tumblr or reddit.
>Being a nigger
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>queue ranked conquest
>MaóZedong is top elo
>first picks Athena
>calls solo
>2nd person picks Bacchus
>"stupid Mao wtf 2 supports"
>the muzen (yes, muzen in ranked) is raging
>he doesn't understand the idea of any guardian solo that isn't Cab
>he has 300 hours played
>leaves lobby
I would be upset but I'm just glad we avoided shitters
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>hating Ah Muzen Cab

Fight me nignog. No, not in smite. A real life fistfight. Put them up.

"My plane leaves sick vape trails! Go Vape Nation!" There goes me buying that skin.
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I would rather buy one of these dollar custom mousepads /v/ used to be all over about, I heard they're actually good.
>tfw there are none of those ass mouse pads with smite goddesses
I would pay anything for those desu
>dumbfuck Australian actually thinks disliking oce makes you racist when there are several races nonexclusive to the region living within it

you can't make this shit up
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if you'd actually consider wearing that in public or private you really should end your miserable existence
I would pay for a Scylla mouse pad.
I remember :^)
who wants to scrim? post ign
yes please wear it and start a trend, this way I will be able to recognize you faggots in the streets and stomp your face on the ground
I got all the puzzle pieces motherfucker.

Lmao like you even go outside.
I do go outside, just let me finish taking a shit and I'll leave the house to see my friends

Can I come?
>to see my friends

Your waifu harem isn't real.
first you call me gay then a cuck, but i say im not focusing on the guy and-

oh you're baiting me. good one
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How about this?
>not building double lifesteal
Power boots, ichival, asi, soul eater, rage,db.
fuck them up real good
>post lifesteal nerfs of season 2
must be new
you can still lifesteal quite a bit as a hunter.
What's the verdict on erlang shen? Where is he in terms of power level relative to other warriors?
>competing in your own tourney
>hdfred allowed to compete, the only person in the general whose faggotry even comes close to yours
seriously cucksing is there no end to your faggotry?

robot really fucked you up I guess
Is incon's support build good or is it full retard?
isnt that jigz build
Vote for the odyssey skin, for now it's only the class.
Why have a vote, it's 100% gonna be a Mage we all know it
Then vote for the next set of votes you autist
It's gonna be a hunter, and it's gonna be Neith.
Yes, reddit already want Scylla to get the skin.
I wonder if we all got together and voted for the same thing if we could beat reddit
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Datamined icon for Terra abilities. I really want to see her design now, they seems to have done something a bit original. Also aparently after Terra we will get Izanami.
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I don't think so
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Terra skin when?
Earth Spirit ?
How the fuck do you build against kumbhakarnas endless fucking CC like what the fuck is this shit.

Somebody please fucking respond.
t. A frustrated support
Max CCR, get Magi's Blessing and Purification. That's all you can do. Or and Spirit Robe so you mitigate damage when you get hard CC'd.
ward his jungle
Gank his wards
>If a Hunter gets the T5, it's going to go to Hou Yi because Reddit
>If a Guardian gets the T5 it's going to go to Sobek because Reddit
>If a Mage gets the T5 it's going to be Anubis or KKK because Reddit
>If it's a Warrior gets the T5 it's going to be Odin because Reddit
I don't fucking want any of these. What's the point of this vote anyway?
>earth bending waifu
She better get a Toph skin.
Is she a guardian?
Then she and ascended wukong can roam the jungle making avatar jokes

While this post is pretty autistic and hilarious, they do have a point on playing PC games earlier. I grew up on consoles all my life up until V Xbox 360 was at the end of its life span. Then I got myself a computer and got into PC gaming. I met a friend online who played PC games all his childhood instead of consoles. He will always be better at aiming with a mouse than me because he developed those motor skills as a child whereas I grew up learning to use a controller.

Kind of sucks to have that innate disadvantage. I really enjoy PC gaming
reddit hates odin tho, hes anti fun and needs nerfs :^)

they'll likely vote for Vamana to be hipsters

hunter would be Cupid or AMC
remember when weekly quests gave gems?

god it was so fun to play smite back then.
Odin honestly is pretty anti fun
At least he was before they added phantom. I'm honestly so fucking happy that they added that shit. Now I can deal with Odin while he's in every single fucking game.
yeah dealing with supp vama or retards who only play 3 gods feeding their brains out for a puny amount of gems was fun
If I dont build trans on a hunter, what should I build instead? Is DT the only other alt?
Bluestone could be a choice on some hunters I guess, I remember it being kinda meta on Medusa but I think it's more of a memebuy more than anything else.

DT into devos sure
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>0-15 Janus
>cool down boots, gem of Iso and chronos pendant
>literally did 2k damage in 30 minutes
>my team blames me, the 7-2 Kali for not carrying them
>3 reports
Never change smite, never change
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What did I do to deserve this?
playing freya?
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>That enemy Herc
Fucking cunt ass Thanatos, finally got mastery 1 with him, never playing that fucker again.
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>that Hercules build
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>retards in their natural habitat
>opponents have 2 healers+herc and cupid
>nobody build anti-healing
Hope you will like Scylla getting the T5
Nobody here is gonna buy it, who cares.
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more like sol's gonna get it

Don't know why everyone here is getting all pissed off about reddit voting. Most people here wouldn't have got the T5 even it if it was really good anyway.
Freya tier 5 baby!
>being poor
I voted guardian. I'm not surprised.
If I had money, I wouldn't be playing this pile of shit.
Oh please. The last time we had the T5 80% of the general was crying that 5100 gems was too much. All you niggas now acting like you're going to buy it.
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>Finally play Rat post change
>Destroy everything by level 5 with power buff
>This is okay
Hou Yi already got one so it'll probably be AMC or Cupid
Sobek? Doubt it, it'll be Sylvanus or Fafnir
Anubis yeah, KKK nah, probably another Freya skin
Odin seems plausible, but it might be Ne Zha because they keep memeing about it

>hou yi has a t5

There's only two t5s in the game
We all know Cupid is getting the T5. There's no point in talking about it.
Who has the other?

Also can someone explain what our guys mean when you're talking about T2, T3, T4 skins etc? Is there some defining feature between the tiers?

Thanatos and Thor have the T5s

go here for explanation of skins:
>Hou Yi already got one

Are you fucking stupid? Thor and Thana are the only ones with a T5.
>Northwind Bundle (Moosejaw Chiron + Ski Patrol Skadi)

I guess those skins aren't selling very well?
5100 gems is fucking retarded tbf
Probably not, I rarely see either of them. Then again, I rarely see Chiron or skadi outside of joust
Friendly reminder about all you lads crying about the T5.

The Thanatos T5 was 8150 gems. The Thor T5 was 5100 gems.

Most of you won't buy it so stop complaining about it.

Chiron's inferno rider skin is pretty nice with the effects and such
I'll only buy it if it's for one of my diamond gods, as I'd feel too bad about missing out on it.

That's why I pray every year that one of my rank 10 gods DOESN'T get it because I know how stupidly expensive the T5's are.
My least favorite meme
Can anyone explain why younger players and Hispanics have to end every sentence with XD?
>I go mid XD
>dude kukulkan is op XD
>I missed my ult XD
Amanda booty
>tfw diamond hades
>have every skin
>don't play smite for a while
>miss out on the grim wraith event
Idk what to do with life, it's like winter Olympian. I see it every time I play him and shed a tear
Peach for a head, onion for a booty
Wife material desu
You do know hades skin wasn't limited right? It was only exclusive so it's going to come and go in chests. Just be ready to nab the chests it shows up in.

Winter Olympian is gone forever yeah.
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this is what happens when someone takes a real picture instead of a selfie holy shit




by having a low elo
Is thorns any decent on Hades? Seems like a pretty neat relic for team fights.

I have no hopes. It was reddit that gave the overwhelming vote to give Chronos his fucking god awful Community skin.
worst posture 2016. she always looks hunched over
makeup does allow women to cheat so hard.
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>tfw no one else has the medusa pedestal
is taroposting back?
To make sure you know they're not mad and just having fun, grandpa.
Crop that faggot out of the picture.

Fucking homo made me throw up during the spring fling. Only trump can save us when he wins and gays are gassed.
I wish I had the obsession and autism to remember what a t5 skin was, friendo :^)
>i was wrong
>h-haha you're autistic for being right

wew laddy
I bet you're the type of faggot who complains about reddit picking the T5, not knowing it's going to cost 5000+ gems so a poorfag like you won't even be able to get it.
you niggers defend the incarnation of braindead noskill "I win button" damage craving autism magnet character and I'm the edgelord here ?
>tfw winning a game because the enemy team threw horribly

I can't even feel good about it
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This went from her on a bike with a faggot to her getting in position to peg "___"
You fill in the blank anon ;^)
jesus christ you are fucking retarded.
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Are you upset?
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kek amanda is fucking ugly, i told you fucks and you told me to fuck off.

amanda is between a really super qt and being ugly as fuck.
i don't know what the fuck.

beautiful, fucking beautiful.
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It's time to accept your futa overlords, anon.

Also, post top 5s.
Freya has always been our based futa, the remodel has just made her too popular lately is all.
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Neith was my starter god, i always lose on Apollo.
better stick to your spider you fucking shitter
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>it's a : the three delusional homosexual posters of the general pretend to speak for the majority when it comes to gay porn, episode

anyway I know better than anyone here that it's pointless arguing with you. Your kind id deaf to rationality and logic, the only language you know is stupidity and degeneracy. Every word of truth is just overshadowed by some forced unfunny penis joke making discussion and debate impossible
I'll just ask you to remember that I hate every single one of you
>implying im thorax and don't simply pity him
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what did my post had to do with futa?

like what the fuck, i was making fun of your sperg out, didn't even mention Freya or anything holy shit.
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Stay mad, friend.
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Did someone say taste my blade?
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mad at what ? that you're so mechanically trash at this game that you're incapable of playing anything that requires a brain ?

ye keep shilling that shitty tumblr art you autistic monkey, you're incapable of drawing. All of your characters have the same faces and awkward anatomy, but can you expect talent from a freya cuck ?
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nervous gorilla.jpg
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>that herc
>enter lobby
>select god
>game crashes
>relog in about 10 seconds max
>this happens
Drawfag here. Give me a suggestion and I'll choose the best one to draw.
Nemesis eating an ice cream cone.
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>still mad
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That background was hideous
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make an ohaiyo for sol
you can tell shadow drew this because of his shit blind girl fetish and how horribly it's drawn
0/10 would rather fap to that pic of goddesses with the horrible faces
>assassin cannot be picked
Futa bastet

Bastet isn't futa, this is lore
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Cool Glitch.png
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Man, if only being wrong could be harnessed as a source of energy.
Fuck you, I close my eyes and jack off to the thought of sucking her dick as she purs.

I cum buckets over it.
Freya is literally "The Lady" and yet she apparently has a penis. If she can have one, all bets are off.
>mad xd
>salty xd
>butthurt xd
>asshurt xd
>rage xd
>angry xd
>tilted xd
>triggered xd
>trolled xd

keep bringing them you subhuman retard
>I'm a complete newfag and I think I speak for the general while accusing others of the same

>I'm not mad, YOU'RE man, here a bunch of pointless namecalling to prove how not mad I am!

I'm so new I don't even recognize Ashur's style or remember when he drew this
>Blind girl fetish

You mean best girl fetish. Blind women are usually, and thankfully a far more decent and kind breed of woman. Insecure as well. Great to date and for some, blindness itself can be a fetish. Not sexually attracted to the blind, but I find the idea of a blind woman falling in love with me as I fall in love with her to be quite lovely.

Because you're an ugly piece of shit.
>be subhuman piece of shit
>talk big in lobby then ignore everyone so I get the last word without any risk of getting my feelings hurt
Quality discourse like this can only be found in /SmGen/, great arguments from both sides.
How many gem. I want the moose
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Reminder if you have skill or are a memegod to sign up for the tourney that is starting next Saturday. Prizes, fun, and a chance to humiliate yourself on stream: http://challonge.com/SmiggenTourney
>I pretend all blind girls are like the ones I see in my animes
I've dated two blind girls brah.
>posts in /SmGen/
>says he dated two girls
>says he's had a relationship before
>plays smite
Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and mark that under things that never happened
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smug 33.jpg
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And I'm married to a loli sex goddess.
It was found in a data mine. Not out yet.
Never said i was wrong but thanks 4 the yous and keep funding e sports and these "sales" so I can buy those skins with weekly gem rewards, friendos :')

[Spoiler] i only play on ps4 too and often shit post like i play PC [/spoiler]
ahhhh ya got us guuud mah negroid lololol xD

le support sports meme cuz m a rtard who cannot remember the 5 types of skins because 5 is too fucking much to remmeber xD
What about T2.5 skins like Nice/Naughty Nu Wa and Pirate Neith. New voicepacks but not really?
>no more pot

what's the new mid start ?
Book of thoth rush.
Don't ever go full retard, man
How am I full retard? Buccaneith is half a voicepack and you know it. In case you don't actually know it, go to buccaneith and click audio sample about three separate times.
>half a voice pack
What did he mean by this?
Part of it is things like "Aye" and "Yar.." but otherwise it's just Neith's normal voicelines.
Why is vamana the least played.
I got myself the lil' mana skin and i have a solid 90% winrate because people can't deal with a frostbound + fatalis big baby
Don't you know anon, you're retarded if you're not obsessed with the game!! xd
>frostbound + fatalis
Oh boy, must be nice in Wood V
>everyone who knows more than me are obsessed
>everyone who is better than me is a tryhard
weird kit and ugly appearance plus one change like witchblade nerfs or golden hammer change can kill him
You must be playing shitters
How do you build Janus you faggot fuck?
What 3 gods are you most like?

For me it's

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>9/10 kali pics are futanari
>the best one is nonfuta
Fun fact, the guy who commissioned this picture did it because he accepted futafags' challenge that if you want nonfuta porn you can comission it all you want.
I guarantee there's not a single pigment of pink in Nox's gaping chasm of a cunt.
>not having a dick
>decent non-futa porn
That's like a unicorn.
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>believing in unicorns
I've seen unicorns, they're real.
how can that picture be the best when this exist
>good porn

Jesus has better porn than Smite.
Because the hair looks like she's from 1979

Disco Kali Skin when?
>my victim complex is so large I have to remind everyone that I did the same thing everyone who has ever had porn made has done

Arachne should be in ??? too.

but I didn't comission it? nice assumption that i just happened to be that guy
Pretty sure the artist did it that way because that's how she would look without the braids and stuff holding her hair
mmmh look at me I masturbate to gay porn I'm better than you mmmmh gay porn cocks penis dicks cum on my face
This isn't relevant, the point was you felt the need to point it out.
Oh, okay.

It's still true, though.
no matter what you say my gay porn will always prove you wrong yes my lust for cocks is a sign of superiority
While I don't particularly care for that picture, good on that guy for commissioning the art instead of just complaining about everything. I'll never understand how people assume they're entitled to quality art that they want, without paying for it.
Should I buy the Gold/Legendary/Diamond skins for my Guardian/God of choice? Feels like incentive to get better with them, but I do not want to look tacky.
>victim complex victim complex victim complex
>people who enjoy a thing that I don't are taunting me and rubbing it in my face

>I feel inferior for no reason because of my odd complex, and lash out at the people I view as superior as if it were their fault so I don't have to self-assess
Only Diamond.
me and my gay porn : right

you: wrong
Good point, I'll save my gems for the T2. Even if it looks like a really weird version of Gurren Lagann.
Are you okay, anon? Do you make need to take a break from posting and calm down? I understand you feel like other people liking things is a personal attack of some kind, but that's just you.
Awilix is getting a summer sking right?
Bellona, Khepri, Sobek, Nu Wa, Jing Wei, Freya and Medusa are.
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Seems good to me.
so uh.. Freya is close to the mid, does that mean pink meaty cock?

i can choke on that.
So with hellsing shilling his tournament I figure we could have another event before the summer is up. If any of you remember the hunger games thing from last year, I was thinking about doing another if there's enough interest. This time with 3 winners. Thoughts?

for those that don't know it's a porn contest. Last time I did it through a hunger games sim, the goddesses who survived at the end got a lewd picture together. People voted for the theme and stuff.
That sounds fun.
That was fun, I think 3 winners takes something away from it unless you mean you're doing 3 runs. I don't care about the porn.
>unless you mean you're doing 3 runs

Yep this is what I mean.
3 runs total, one winner each run. Winners from previous rounds excluded(ie: if Serqet wins game 1, she wont be in game 2 or 3).
You must tell me Smite gen, did they actually make it so you can't see Thor and Thanatos while they're up in the air during their ult?

I swear to god, you can't see them anymore once they go up, and that is single handedly the dumbest thing I've EVER seen Hi-Rez do.
You can see Thanatos.
Maybe it's just Thor. Really irritating and makes him crazy OP now if you don't hear his shit go off or get a call.
You don't even need to see thanatos. Most people playing him go straight for you so just wait a few secs and then go backwards to fuck his day up

Only if you add Fenrir to the pool.
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We're about to die deploy emergency memes
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Speak of which...thanks for the nice segway senpai. Join the tourney if you want to win gems and test yourself or some other bullshit excuse. http://challonge.com/SmiggenTourney
Kali's big, beautiful ______
A chance for free porn? I approve.
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give me my money
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You know, I just had a game of conquest where I played Sylvanus and I don't think I have ever had that much fun in conquest.
>Grabbing people through walls with your grapple
>Setting up huge combos for your team because you're one big poisonous healing CC machine
This Hercules build offends me on a very fundamental level.
Play Hercules, Driving Strike has longer range than Tremors, just stun him out of the ability.
>Play guardian
>Teammates do shit
>Constant you rocks to me all game because they are retards and dive towers thinking I am going to make them invincible
Now I remember why I don't play guardians
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I love playing guardians. I want some fun dudes to play with that need a good support to keep them together. Anyone wanna get together and play...anything? I am pretty down for any game mode, honestly.
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smite webms? smite webms
>can't use keyboard on ps4 to chat with people in game
>limited to a small a mount of the things you can say compared to on pc
>ps4 literally comes with a mic
Use it. I know if I see someone else with a mic I put mine on
I'm usually in a party chat. Last I went to use my mic in game it sounded like literal shit. Plus I didn't buy my voice packs for nothing!
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>Complains about lack of communication
>Refuses to use mic
Console players
I'm level 10 so I don't play conquest. I've heard the horror stories
I get plenty of communication though. I always have teammates saying you rock
How hard is it to be a grandmaster? I look at the ranked grandmaster leaderboards on ps4 and there is barely anyone on them for each category
Sarcasm is great.
Because hardly anyone plays PS4. There's a reason why I switched to PC despite the amount of shit unlocked
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guan you.webm
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>mfw I see somebody trying to have fun
Idk why but people stopped being in game chat on ps4 and xbone and instead are always in party chat
I'm not refusing, it's just bad. Like, really really bad. I just wish there were more options to say things in game or you were at least allowed to type if you had a keyboard.
Get a PC you peasant
Because people are too anti social.
Loki needs a buff. His ult should be a stance switch between turning invisible and decoy stuff or being visible and attack stuff
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>gaun yu ulting with Thorns active
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oh god its raining keyboards.jpg
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>Only decent player on the other team is Poseidon
>No one focuses on him
>They focus on his butt buddy Khepri
The worst time to play Skadi
Shut the fuck up already
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>it's my promo game
>finally I'll be with all the cool kids in diamond
>we have a good team comp, other team got shafted by picks and bans
>3 on our team are X mastery with a shit ton of kills
>in my mind it's already freelo
>start game
>an ally has left the game
>our spic solo gets frustrated and feeds
>we could've still won 4v5 or waited for him to come back (he did)
>instead he fed his brains out
>lose promo game
>lose all hope in life
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Stick with me here
Are you listening?
Why don't we just
Take the warriors
Take the mages
You following that so far?
Take the warriors
Take the mages
and let them use both physical
and magical
items at the same time
In a match of the day
Seems like a lot of work for hirez just for a MOTD
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>Guan Yu with Rod of Aslepius
>Zeus with Transcendence, Warlocks and Book of Thoth
>Freya with Frostbound Hammer and Crit
>Ares with every single aura
Is everyone playing overwatch?
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How have the last few buffs treated Guan? Is he a bit more fun to play now?

Haven't played OW in like a week. Smite more fun.
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all my shit is in bold h e l p
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Bold is BETTER
I voted Hunter
No that game is trash and the shilling on all boards since launch is unbearable.

>please off yourself
Overwatch was just a fad
Will do if you vote for my favorite mage. Ao Kuang

Wait for the bump limit you tard.

That's why I play Fafnir. Not only is he one of the more fun guardians, I get to stare at his cute dragon feet when he transforms.
is gay
How did you know it was reddit huh?
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No yous here, seems plausible.
Because only reddit would find that shit funny, I guess I was right then?
>he doesn't use tomorrow

disgusting, enjoy your eyesight cancer
You weren't.

It was tumblr.
>Dark themes
Nice to know I'm among edgelords.
>playing smite
> not being an edge lord
Choose one
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>uses less energy
>easier to read with

>you must be le edgelord for getting a dark theme xd buzzword forcing parrot meme xdxdxdxd amirite guise
okay xxXSh4d0wthe3dgeh09Xxx
Did the servers just shit themselves?
You know what, I think Joust is the superior mode

>only have to carry 2 shitters instead of 4

Prove me wrong
>uses less energy
Do you live in a third world shithole where you have to reserve the power?
It's boring
Just like you, melvin.
I don't get it
>american rhetoric tips: when resorting to buzzwords doesn't work just call the person you're arguing with a third worlder
So you're just a poorfag? Hope you come into money soon so that you go spending it all like the dumb ass poorfag you are
Literally nobody worries about saving energy. It's not expensive for an average household.
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>you must be a poorfag if you save battery energy
>not mindlessly wasting money means you're poor

saddest part is that you're not even joking
>I-i'm not a poorfag! I just like to save energy so the world can be a better place!
Go back to plebbit kid. You don't have any idea what you're talking about
>battery energy

Computers don't run on fucking batteries.
>edge xd
>third world xd
>reddit xd

you need to be 18 to post here

thanks for confirming that you're legit autistic
I'm sorry you live in pakistan anon.
Just ignore anyone that says poorfag, They're either shitposters or retards but more than likely both.
>samefagging this obvious
are you forcing yourself to act as a caricature or are you genuinely stupid ?
I am guessing you're in the retard department then.
I'm guessing you're in the minimum wage department
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burger control.png
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>le samefag xd

it's sad to see that even when it comes to arguing you can't even come up with anything else than parroting the same old shit, you must be an insecure confirmation seeking woman or an underage friendbegging kid
>Took this long just to inspect element
Sad in you desu senpai
honestly dark themes are just easier to read and easier on the eyes.

also i didn't know 4chan had a dark theme.

um anon, that screenshot doesn't prove anything.
Ignore him, he's just pretending to be retarded
ok you seem to be dense as fuck so Im going to speak your american language

sjw cuck meme what did he mean this xd BLACKED really makes you think uh back to reydit wew lad :^) le mad ? salty ? triggered ? BIG COCK xd BANE ? lol I fit in yet guise ? deepweb meme
>easier on the eyes.
Hurts my eyes. Do you live in the darkness all the time. I'll just get a headache from looking at a dark theme
Come now, you're being just as retarded as the person you're mocking now.
Top kek. I broke the retard guys!
>New IP
Go kill yourself, you're just as bad.
>not knowing what a dynamic Ip is
actually i have a windows right behind me, so the light hits my screen and bounces to my face, the lighter theme is the more it reflects and hurts my eyes.
So no, i don't live in darkness all the time as you are implying, quite the opposite.
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>he doesn't shitpost on multiple IPs
>the lighter theme is the more it reflects and hurts my eyes.
>Can't take the light but likes the darkness
Thanks for confirming you live in a cave
nigga are you stupid? do you know how windows work? do you know how light works? are you actually mentally retarded?
>Light bounces off my light screen
Do you know how light works? Go back to sleeping in your cave, denizen
>He shitposts

Kill yourself
>he doesn't know how to light works
do you think monitors absorb light and have no reflections? are you this dense?
This general would be dead without it. Only 3 people here even play the game.
>Denizen has never seen the light of day
>O-ow muh eyes hurt from going outside!
>The l-light bounce off the ground and hurts me!
>the retard
who is genuinely offended by other people doing things differently again ? all you can ever think of is spouting memes out of context and create imaginary situations where you automatically win every argument.
Denial and blame you piece of shit I don't doubt that you've devoted years of your life giggling like a little girl copy pasting forced unfunny autism jokes on this website. As I said it's really sad that it's gotten to the point of crippling a whole generation's speech capabilities. Not even worrying just pathetic. The problem is that your obese mentality can only understand the world in terms of short term satisfaction and is completely oblivious to any notion of rationality or self awareness. Keep laughing you fat piece of shit, comfortably sat on your chair surrounded by your supply of bacon doritos and sodas your mom bought at wal mart. At least I can say I have an honorable job, can afford my own place and car, what do you have besides clinging to your dad's ass hairs ? Not adopting a wasteful lifestyle is an indicator or poverty now ? just fuck off to /pol alongside with your pulled out of your ass fallacy infographs.
>who is genuinely offended by other people doing things differently again
Seems to be you since you wrote a paragraph on it. You think I am your English teacher? I am not reading that

Great we get a poorly drawn lewd from an autist attention whore
Such a fucking reward!!!!
Fuck off cucksing
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