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/drg/ Danganronpa General: Fighting Game Edition

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Thread replies: 725
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Previous thread >>148526363
Last thread hit the image limit.
Don't forget to use spoiler tags (Ctrl+S)!

DR3 anime to be split into two parts, "Future" and "Despair"

>Famitsu scans for upcoming DR3 anime:

>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Steam Page:
>Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Steam Page:

>New Dangan Ronpa V3 is scheduled to be released in 2016 on PSVita and PS4.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfMqURJ3ZfE

>Dangan Ronpa 3 is currently airing.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9AQjGxQGdw [Embed]

>DR3 Subbed PV

>DR3 New PV: contains DR2 spoilers

>DR3 Anime Episodes (Click to find episodes and stream link) [INSERT UPDATE HERE WHENEVER A NEW EPISODE IS UP]

>Interviews with Danganronpa Writer and Creator Kazutaka Kodaka

>Some new info about DR3/DRV3

>DR3 Profiles

>Killer Killer manga revealed to be Dangan Ronpa Gaiden: Killer Killer


>Downloads/Manga/Novels/Character Charts

>Project Space - WIP
Character Concepts: http://piratepad.net/okErIObTD5
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>another episode ending

>credits roll

>lol warriors of hope are alive because lul dunno
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What's wrong with that?
any reason the extra chair is not from the Ryota
especially since he is in the opening and it is his class
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It's still there...if you feel like dropping by
Fuck off with that discord shit.
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Discords kill generals if they don't have a significant reason for existing, because people start posting there and not the threads themselves.
I've seen it happen.

So please cut that shit out.
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>implying this general isn't a fucking chatroom
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it makes no sense having two ryoutas in the same class and if he was from that class, chisa would know and try to hunt his ass down.
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they have some explaining to do that is his class
>Implying the Imposter and the real Ryouta aren't one and the same while the skinny Ryouta is a fake.

Ryouta would have been mentioned by now if it was his seat and class. Also the whole "but he's a closed off animator" excuse doesn't cut it since Twogami was doing the same thing and Chisa still went and got him. She'd mention that there's one missing student left.

There's simply just 15 students in class 1-B with a 16th seat empty. I feel it's just there to be a metaphor on Hajime/Izuru 2bh. I mean he's the only DR2 character not in that class for reasons we know.

Well, i would prefer seeing Twogami and Mita
Having to wait 2-3 days for new DR3 episodes is already proving to be tough

Imagine if it was future one week and despair the next? So glad they're doing 2 eps a week
Not with the anime in full force, and V3 Soon™.
Legitimate discussion is back, just as we had hoped.
He could have easily been in class 1-A or 1-C but even then I find it weird they'd be ok with two Ryouta Mitarais running around the school.

With Twogami, he could pull it off for some time since Togami wasn't a student yet.

Plus Mukuro was the Ultimate Fashioniesta as Junko Enoshima so it's not impossible that it could just be some disguise.
well you ain't seeing them
You know what would be fucking crazy?

If the empty seat was a new character entirely.
have anyone talk about the characters that were in different place after the gas ?
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In about 30 minutes I'll marathon Danganronpa After on http://taima.tv/r/drg .
i been thinking about this also one more thing
they wont say what class Miaya was in
Yeah, we also noted a gas ball that was next to Chisa.

Did the new chapter finally come out?
You guys it's pretty obvious that seat is meant for Hajime/Izuru. Why else would they have Chiaki be a real person and coincidentally in their class? It's to show that the DR2 cast is in one class together.
Yeah that was one of the first things I talked about. Makes you wonder if they're even in the same place anymore
Miaya big ass chair moving across the room bugs me

yea but his still is not from that class could be some meta thing about him still
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Posting worst cats.
That's what I'm saying. It's just a metaphor thing about him being in that class but then at the same time not really.

Or because it's said you don't actually have to attend class, he could possibly be on the roster but just never shows up and the Committee backs him up since "muh talented genius"
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Yep! And I just finished uploading it to youtube so people could watch. It concludes the chapter 1.

Hey man, Toko may be a bit bad, but Syo is fucking neat.
>That's what I'm saying. It's just a metaphor thing about him being in that class but then at the same time not really.


yeah that's the vibe i get too. like how with the dr1 class trials where the extra 16th seat is never used until the real junko/monokuma uses it. it symbolizes all the dr1/class 78th characters being together.

this empty 16th desk would serve a similar purpose. just to find some way to include hajime/izuru with the rest of the dr2/77th characters despite not showing up for that class.
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but I just wanted Mukuro to be happy
Anyone got that pic of Junko saying "I love you Naegi!" with Naegi looking back in disgust?
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When I get money, I plan to commission an gif of her doing pic related.
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I hope I can get a nice 7 to complement these 7's
Yo, nidai, it doesn't sound as good over vocaroo, but here's my attempt at Snake from 999.

We all did anon, we all did. Those kids from class 77? They got a second chance, but class 78? Well those freezers can't keep running forever.
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Man, this is why I stopped watching anime.
I didn't want to be reminded of the fucking sad life I have. Seeing happy slice of life school adventures just makes me feel like this.
Anyone got the pixiv tags for the Mirai hen characters?
Typically what I do is go to the wiki of the character im looking for and copy and paste the Japanese translation of their name into the search function.
It's all under ダンガンロンパ3
This thought has been reached before, however I sat down and thought about it. Ryota was obviously recruited into the future foundation as his skinny self. Yet at the same time in the OP twogami is raising hell. They can't both exist in the same place, plus if twogami's true name was ryota they never would've let him join since he's an ultimate despair.
To be honest I don't think the Sterling Committee forcibly prevented Izuru from attending classes. It's possible that he simply chose not to go to class and would prefer private tutoring


Well at least Class 78 can die knowing they didn't destroy the world..... well except Junko and Mukuro.
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at least we'll get more Ikusabae in the anime
>plus if twogami's true name was ryota they never would've let him join since he's an ultimate despair.

That's why he went back to being Togami. At this point they would already know that he has a talent of impersonating people so FF Ryouta would be fine.
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Will he ever be redeemed?

Mikan knows what she did. . .
But he's dead
he's not a bad guy. He's a stupid guy who got manipulated into killing someone because he happened to be in a killing game. He doesn't really need to be redeemed.
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>implying future arc won't be going back to the past and saving class 78
1 minute until it starts
It won't be. This meme needs to die. Those guys are gone forever
Daily reminder Chihiro Fujisaki sucks HUGE ass COCK.

why didn't they just tough it out? Sakura, Aoi, Kirigiri, and Genocider should've been strong enough to handle Monokuma
>trusting Kohacka
He does, every night.
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Chihiro Fujisaki gets RAILED on by different MEN every other day and HE likes it.
Does this game have an anime adoption?
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Nothing aginst that.
What is that gesture supposed to imply?
CxT pls leave

Aoi and sakura were the strongest. Kirigiri fought off Junko

Makoto has no incentive to mess with time
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No she wasn't

And Junko just took off because she didn't want to get caught. Kirigiri didn't fight her
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>implying Makoto won't send his consciousness back in time to warn everyone
>no incentive to mess with time
>saving his girlfriend and his friends from killing each other isn't an incentive.


With age comes experience.
>kodaka borrowing more ideas from uchi
Jesus fuck, he's just crazy enough to actually try that shit

Honestly for a while I thought this was going to be the objective of the third game. Kodaka mentioned in previous interviews that he was interested in playing with time travel. If the V in V3 stands for victory it would only make sense that the endgame has you traveling back in time to prevent everything.
It really makes you wonder how the hell you spent your time at school. All I remember happening in the middle of class is just class. And fire drills
It never showed them dying, they just got dragged off.

Monaca was also suspiciously quick to say they were dead when Kotoko asked and threw a fit for questioning her.
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What does he think of Naegi, I wonder.
Nagisa was shown being crushed by a fucking robot at least.
I hope he doesn't but it's Kodaka and Uchikoshi's dick is too deep inside his throat so he'll probably do it since he already hinted at time travel being used for the third game aka V3.

But doesn't mean it will pertain to the HPA saga. V3 is moving on to a new saga. The time travel could be used for that new story only
celeste honestly looks a lot like mukuro when her hair is down like that
There's that I guess
Whelp, she has only 11 episodes left to make an appearance and do something awesome. Lets hope for the best
The ovary theory?
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much as I want her alive again, the series can't be reviving dead people or it's ruined forever
Yeah the time travel will be used to tie back into HPA when kodaka lies to us again. Monokuma is the only familiar face my ass. However I do agree if he is going to pull that shit, it isn't going to happen in this anime or killer killer. This "saga" is going to end in the worst way with him saying, "lol, they're all dead, on to the next saga". Then he fucks with us again and brings them all back.
thats would be cheap
Ehh I doubt it but I wouldn't put it past Kodaka. He seems pretty done with HPA and so am I. The time travel should just be exclusive for V3 onwards
Double edged sword, it lessens the impact of the show, but I've seen dozens die throughout this series already. I think I would be okay with a change, "reverse tragedy" if you will. Maybe we could get some true romance going.
Why introduce time travel at all if you can't use it to save the world? It's like chekhov's gun, if you're gonna introduce something as OP as time travel you should use it for it's obvious purpose. But then again, this is kodaka.
>. Maybe we could get some true
how about we dont

if for some odd reason Monaca does not show up in the anime it means she will be in V3
Yeah use it to save the world of V3. Or maybe change an event that happened during V3's timeline.

Point is they don't need to connect it back to HPA. Let that story end and stay done. Having all this big reset button would be incredibly cheap and lazy writing. Danganronpa's themes is about death and moving on. Take that away and it becomes hollow.
No Monaca would have to show up in DR3 or Killer Killer or she doesn't show up at all. V3 is cutting off the HPA stuff except Monokuma. It's a brand new story.
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Stop tempting me, no exceptions. If we revive somebody we have to revive everybody and death has no meaning. Mukuro deserved more, but so did Ishimaru, or Sakura, or Chihiro. Death isn't about deserving, it carries that sense of loss of what could have been.

as painful as it is to type that out
I wouldn't be able to get past it, no time travel then.
Not a romance fan?
>believing kodaka
just like how makoto isn't in the middle of a killing game?
So the dead stay dead huh? Such is fate I guess, fuck this series. Also to hell with kodaka bringing chiaki back, just get it over with and rekill her already.
Monaka could very likely show up in killer killer, the rough timeline of the series should put killer killer just after DRAE. Hell we might actually get some closure as to what happened at Towa city
Just be happy you care enough about a character to mourn their death, I guess.
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>inb4 Chihiro has a machine that restore the dead if they are preseved AKA frozen
Monaca relation with that was not big only elementary level and it does not really shape what she does.

>Not a romance fan?
Nope you can thank tumblr for that im pretty fed up with it
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Just remember that your favorite character's death isn't as badly written and pointless as Ishimaru's were nobody mourned his death.
I would like romance more if it wasn't constantly shoved in my face. Because you know, I constantly need reminders of how lonely I am.
feels good. I hated him and Mondo.
There's always those toxic fans, I guess I should be thankful ZE isn't more popular.
yeah, I guess so
at least they'll remember Ishimaru as he was. Everybody else'll just remember Mukuro as that weirdo that dressed up like Junko.
>just like how makoto isn't in the middle of a killing game?

What kind of lame comparison is this?

Nope she's a part of the HPA saga so she will die with it. Plus she did have a hand in helping with the Tragedy
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Will we ever find out what happened to the Naegi parents?
I'm lonely too but I don't mind shipping, If anything, it distracts from reality.
It is more popular in the west though
>Nope she's a part of the HPA saga so she will die with it. Plus she did have a hand in helping with the Tragedy

that why she could be the link to the new monokuma and get rid of the Junko

With 12 episode ?
Kodaka swore that DR3 wouldn't be a killing game, "because it would be too sad" what BS
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Who knows. I'm surprised they touch up on it with DRAE which makes sense since the MC was Naegi's sister but they leave that kinda vague ending out there.
he lies all the time so this whole BS about V3 been unrelated is not set in stone

I wanna catch Syo tongue, similarly to how Qui Gon did to Jar jar
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exactly my point, thank you anon
For the anime maybe and even I have my doubts that she's behind this Monokuma for Mirai-Hen.

He swore he wouldn't make it another VN where they all go kill each other with class trials because it would be painful to do the exact same thing again as in DR1.

Never swore off on another killing game in general.
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That's not very nice.

Oh please, a number of characters reacted to her death, and some even stood behind to mourn her, and even had an entire chapter to figure out her motive for dressing as she did. Ishimaru didn't even get that. They just accepted it and completely forget about him for the rest of the game.

A pretty good question, since they left their death pretty vague. If Kodaka ever wants to touch upon it then maybe in the Future arc if there is time. If not then the Killer Killer manga.

You two are just living in delusions trying to hope they continue on with this HPA nonsense

Kodaka lies but he wouldn't go out of his way to make this anime if it's not meant to be the definitive end to HPA
the same Kodaka that say he was NEVER animating the DR2 characters and that he was done with then

I am not one them, but i think Kodaka is being a blasted boypussy.

I wanna see more class trials and cruelty in general, i want to see the characters happy, but in secondary works, i wanna see more suffering.
their perspective of Mukuro is what we had only after DR1. So basically the only informative stuff they have on her is what Junko has to say about her. I'd rather they have known the real her than just Mondo wrapping a coat around her corpse.
He only said he wasn't writing any post DR2 story for them. That's all he said.

Thus Despair arc is a prequel about their past. He only apologized because people freaked out that he was done with the DR2 characters and they wouldn't be in DR3 not knowing about despair arc
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I love Hiyoko Saionji so much!

She's beautiful, talented and is a wonderful friend!
my nigga
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I also got a wall scroll on Monday.
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Hey chaps. Is there a way to watch the despair episode again?
Read the op.
Honestly at this point I want to play another visual novel, it's been suffering trying to wait it out since DR2.
Well visual novels are becoming a booming genre on steam, you can go take a browse of what they have to offer.

Quite frankly, i kinda didn't liked the anime, there was nothing there that couldn't be explained in a VN desu.

I just want to dust off my vita and get on with a cool story about investigating.

A DRDespair where you control Chisa and wrestle to keep the students on the path of light but fails.

There is a lot more that could be fleshed out rather than a limited time anime,but that just me, if people liked it, i wouldn't take that away from them, and perhaps an anime is indeed good to the sales, i just think there is a lot more that can be done in a game.
this artist draws horrible feet
>A DRDespair where you control Chisa and wrestle to keep the students on the path of light but fails.
Fund it
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See? Given how DR is story centered and there is no multiple choices on the story, a game about Chisa's misadventures wouldn't be bad or feel out of place.

It would keep the same linearity and plot as the anime, plus it would give us sprites to work and mess with it.

Frankly, i want to talk with Kodaka so he could convince me why an anime is needed.
He could just really like anime, like how kojima insists on making his video games like movies.
Whats the point of all these different image search engines if none of them can find said image...
I wish I had Naegi's optimism

I too like anime, but i argue that there isn't much that an anime can do, that a VN could do, i am not talking about preference, i dunno where it was mentioned, but Kodaka said the anime was the prefered method.

Perhaps it was made it so it wouldn't overshadow the DR3V, or perhaps a anime is somehow cheaper than a game, i just think there is a better and more familiar way to tell the story.
DR3 wouldn't be like DR1&2 if it was a game. No class trials or investigations. My guess is that he wanted to tell a different story but didn't want to face backlash because the game was too different. That's why V3 will be a game instead

Well, why not scrap the DR of the title and make a original cyberpunk game?

DR is like pizza and Kodaka wants to make spaghetti, and in the end he is going to make a pizzghetto that has none of the better atributes of either, we like DR, sure we may call him a hack.

But we trust him to have a newly made history, one that isn't DR and can be freed from its thing
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I don't think there isn't really a complicated reason or some kind of plan.

I think he just really wanted to make an anime, because those anime cut-scenes from AE shows a lot of love and effort went into them even though there is some light contrasting issues in some of them.

However it's easier to write a story for a 12 episode anime than it is for a visual novel, where the story is the foundation of it. From what I know, creating anime takes a lot of money and time. I just hope it was worth it to convey the story he is trying to tell.

It also may be a way to gauge interest in a more light heart-ed story featuring danganronpa characters. This very well could just be an experiment to see if they can split the IP dive into another genre of story telling.
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Actually im kinda curious how he would write a dating sim. The island and school modes screeches he wanted to have more fun with them without the doom and gloom surrounding everyone.


Well, they sure worked hard, but you really think its easier?

Both are kinda linear to be honest, and i am not a developer or anything


Mondo looks like a car that is about to crash into something.

I rather have Ishimondo than involve Chihiro on it, Ishimaru-anon kept saying power bottom until it convinced me.

But i wouldn't mind seeing Chihiro gangraped by a biker gang, i ship him with Togami for the despair it will bring to little guy.
DR is already a brand name cashcow

A new IP is too risky
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Well an anime is 20 to 30 minutes long, you write the story of each episode and how structure how it progresses.
Visual novels on the other hand....
According to these stats, he would need to write a story that can stay interesting for at-least 20 hours.

Where doing the math of 24 minute episodes x 12 episodes in total gives me a total of 5 hours.
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not me
5 to 6 hours*
What did they mean by this?
naegi is the mastermind
Naegi and Sayaka banged. While monokuma watched.
daily reminder makoto naegi is known to be the most HUNG guy in hope's peak. his dick has been described "like an evian bottle."

DR is a cash cow? I never really looked that way, i thought it was something like VLR or something, looking how Kodaka looks up to it.


This is kinda bumming


>evian bottle

I prefer the name, big dick.
>DR is a cash cow?
spin-offs, merchandise, anime, mangas, etc.
I would watch it if they got Nicholas Cage as Toko. The amount of personalities that actor has would be a good fit.
took me a second to figure out the connection; NBCUniversal owns both
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the look in her eye, you just KNOW they banged

naegi has gargantual thickness that would rival shane diesel and shorty mac. im estimating his size to be at least 8.5" bone pressed, with OVER 7" of girth.
I take that back, Nicholas Cage as Junko. And Sharon Stone as Toko.
>not as Junko
>American measurements

I dont know big/large it is, i have centimeters in my head, and well, since he is a nip.


I see.
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I fixed my mistake anon.
Please forgive my ignorant ways.
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Guys, is it bad that I want Kotoko to step barefoot on my face and use me as doormat?
What happens if you get the Despair Disease, Anon?

Do you get more productive?
Holy shit, I need the despair disease.

>short hair

Toko feels somewhat improved, and i like long haired girls


Not really, the gut above has a similar fetish


I get out of my chair and turn into a evil telepath who dislikes porn.


No you dont, you need hope.
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I need it right now
How many episodes of the anime are there already?
If I got the despair disease I'd become stupid, optimistic, and with a inoffensive sense of humor.
one of each.
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I'd be breeding birds at a much higher rate.


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Mafia anyone?
sure senpai

I will not able to join, i am goin' to mastubate.
That's... lewd.

What will you masturbate to, if you don't mind me asking?

Vanilla stuff, the most radical of what i watch is shota and yuri with some degree of rape.

There isnt much trap hentai (i mean videos) around, so i just tend to go vanilla most of the time.

I also like girls with super long hair, like Izuru and Ibuki
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shouldn't sonia be the dead one and akane the town bicycle?
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post more
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post best gril

Just for the hell of stating, i dont watch dark stuff because i am moralfag or anything, its just that i got disillusioned with the concept.

>jokes on you i was enjoying all along

This is what pisses me in most hentai, its a cop out that makes the violence of rape into friendly sex, some people like it, i enjoyed in certain works, but by god its everywhere, i just a rapist character to say:

>i am going to rape you, stop enjoying this damnit.
I am sending you some stuff "reference" material.
It's all organized and has tags.
I'd probably gave up vidyas and actually began to prepare my presentations for countless seminars and conferences.

Its not anything of downloads right?

I would in trouble for downloading porn, especially in this toaster.
I would become a useless blob because whenever i'm bored i practice HEMA stuff without that i don't really know what would happen.
This gas grill from Char Broil has a lot to offer; there are 650 square inches of primary cooking area, plus another 250 square inches for any secondary cooking you want to do on the swingaway warming rack.

This 6-burner top rated gas grill has an impressive 65,000 BTU with an additional 10,000 BTU from the lidded side burner and a 15,000 BTU from the dedicated sear burner that provides succulence and great flavor to your meats.

No, of course not.
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Is this the face of "JUST"?
It's all I've got, sorry.

I just wanted to post that Izuru pic again. No need to clarify stuff.
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This is the face of someone who read any of Umezu Kazuo manga.
Why this shit is so weird?
I mean, billions of futanari bird aliens raping the entire world was a bit too much.
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JUST 4.jpg
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The face of man 2.png
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I am more partial to this face.
I don't know what's going on with Ryota but he's surprisingly cute.
What's the first one?
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>Is this the face of "JUST"?
This is
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>dies with no friends
>has an ultimate talent he doesnt like
>gets cucked by the most alpha man in the world
>most brutal execution

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The face of man animated.gif
1MB, 555x570px

I sped it up.
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best boy
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who the fuck chills in his house, drawing on a tablet and eating while wearing a fucking suit?
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And here is a spooky one.
this is a very valid point and i haven't realized it until now
it's literally just plot convenience
in actuality this motherfucker would probably be in his underwear
>current year
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my computer crashed and I couldnt remember my old video player. So I just googled "good video player"
that's a nice try you filthy communist
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Man, I love you. Saved that one too.
MPC-BE masterrace
And here is one for our resident leon.
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Most useful gifs for the next 2-3 months.
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reminder that soda is the worst survivor from dr2
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I wanted to see if I can could do it.
I can and im most likely never going to again.

>mfw i am the only one who does not know how make gifs

I will one day.
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Like inspector gadget, you keep pulling stuff out of the hat, its amazing how much you know.

Its like seeing Chisa pulling the insurance papers
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Toko settles down into earth.png
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Bed time

Try not to go blind little one.
They say if you do it too much, your hand gets hairy.
>going blind


The only thing i risk is waking up my sisters.
>there will never be a despair inducing event IRL that plunges the world into chaos
>you will never be ultimate despair
>you will never end UD and hopefully wake them up to how they were fucking stupid

>What is the spanish flu?
>What is both World wars?
>What is the holocaust?
>What is the soviets?
>What is nuclear war?

With the exception of the nukes and flu, most of them were isolated, the nazis and sovs did in their territories, but WWs were most in europe and certain parts of asia.

If wanted to be UD, its too late, perhaps a more stronger China may hire you.
>>there will never be a despair inducing event IRL that plunges the world into chaos

it's called nuclear war and was fixed a looong time ago
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>you will never be ultimate despair
>tfw if I was Ultimate Despair I'd create a real life Birdemic
>2 seconds apart
>both mention of nuclear war

I like it.

Seriously though, Cold War where scary times.
I'm just honestly in a really fucked up position in life. I hate the world the way it is. I want to see it fuck up almost irreversibly but see people rise up to fix it, and from there a better world be created. The people alive in the world now are so shitty. So I want to see if people would actually be good enough to stand against constant riots against the entire world, or if people would just let the world fall into chaos and eventually become unlivable.

I've been depressed for years so I think seeing the world in despair in DR makes me wish for something like it to happen here, just because I want to see if there's a reason to like living in this world or not. My logic is probably really fucked up though.
anon don't be so edgy
in all honesty though i can see part of your point, and i honestly would also want to see if people would be good and go against it all
I'm sorry Anon.

We've finished the Diagnosis. You're a Nagito.
Don't worry, despair is happening quickly. In the past 24 hours we've had the massacre in France, the burning of Mosques in Myanmar and the military coup in Turkey.
Nagito aren't you in a coma?
No lie, every interaction with Nagito in DR2 was so terrifyingly close to my own views on both myself and life in general I needed to stop playing for a bit.

That's actually something I noted myself while I was watching the news about the coup in Turkey.
>In the past 24 hours we've had the massacre in France, the burning of Mosques in Myanmar and the military coup in Turkey.

I know the nice massacre in France and the military coup, but the burning of mosques?

Shit nigga. This is some We didn't start the Fire material.
While we wait for the world itself to sink into despair, why don't we play a game of mafia? It'll be sure to make you despair on a personal level as one by one you're hunted down and killed by your friends!


I've always wanted to play this but laziness and guilt (product of slacking off on academic duties) prevent me from doing so.

This is certainly early morning despair.
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Ah, but did you know? The killing game for DR3 is in fact, a game of mafia.

Do you now see how much despair a game of mafia can cause? The basic premise is just dripping with delicious despair! Among a group of friends and companions, one person is a traitor, slowly killing their friends one by one. The only way to find the traitor is to doubt your friends! Not to mention at the end, you have to kill the traitor personally by lynching them! It's the epitome of despair!

Embrace your guilt, Anon. If you're going to slack off, embrace slacking off! Slack off with pride! Because no matter what you do, something is borne of the experience. Even slacking off!
C'mon Anon, live on the wild side! You gotta get some DESPAIR happening! There's nothing as despairing as finding out one of your friends is a real fucking murderer! Not to mention, if you're on the other side you can murder your friends one by one and then talk to them during the day like you're totally innocent! It's great!
Not him, but creating an account is easy iirc. It's a simple email password registration verification etc..

I'm forcing you guys, but the more mafia players, the more fun for existing and new players since we'll be having things like 10p+ games. Be a utilitarian.
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I want to hate-fuck Monaca.
>role call d1 after 40 minutes of choosing who to RL
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I want to kiri her giri!!
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I'm just three quotes and an introduction away from finishing the draft I was supposed to send yesterday. Kinda. Give me 1 hour and a half and I'll force my sleep-deprived ass to play mafia.
I've got other games to play despair-anon you can't convince me
Reminder that despair is self-destructive and therefore will lose.

No matter how much damage it inflicts, despair fanatics will just destroy each other sooner or later.

And then hope will rise out of deepest corners of the world, people with hope will be free, people with hope will be born and even some despair people will be converted into hope.

In the end, hope always wins. Always.
So, is Ryota in Despair really Ryota or cosplayer-kun prretending to be Ryota?
Honestly I won't believe it until I see it, which is why I want the world to go into despair IRL.
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Hope is on par with the FUTUUUUUUUREE.
Can't I?

Well let me ask you this, Anon.

Why aren't you playing those games right now?


because despair-anon I have a hopeful power of playing games and shitposting at the same time therefore this is an uphill battle for you

Yes, but merely as a mean to eternally sustain hope.

It's like in every competition there is a winning side and a losing side. The same is with hope and despair, despair exists only to be trampled by hope over and over again.
First we had the guy who didn't felt hope or despair, now we have Nagito.

We DR IRL now.

>Tfw when i am probably just a regular who dies

At least i died a hopeful person
Well then Anon, if you can multitask by posting and playing games at the same time, you can play mafia and play games at the same time! Hahah, I have found the contradiction in your words!

Foolish. Don't you see? It's not Hope that springs from Despair, but Despair that springs from Hope! That's what the new Despair chapter is all about!
by that logic i can also kill myself at the same time despair-anon
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>That's what the new Despair chapter is all about!

Ah, but we already know the conclusion to that story. Future won.

And Future is not a neutral side between Hope and despair, it's an ally to Hope, and they work together to get rid of all that filthy despair plaguing our world.

Because there can never be Future without Hope.

There can be, its called a bad future, or you never played certain eroges?
Everyone arguing about hope vs despair, but how do we know which will win until we put it to the test?

The world we live in is such a shithole. No one is really good. Maybe I'm jaded from my abusive family and friends, but I honestly don't think there's any hope/good in the world. I don't believe anyone is good for the sake of goodness.

That's why I want to see people try to destroy the world.

Because if no one good is able to stop the side of despair, or bad, whatever you want to call it, then the world really isn't worth having around. But if the world plunges into chaos and people are willing to pull it out, then that means the world is worth keeping around.

Since I'm anonymous on here, I feel no reason to hide my thoughts. Plus you guys might get a kick out of this shit.

I'm not talking about individuals, they can rot in despair all they want.

I'm talking globally, not even on Earth-scale, on the scale of the entire universe!

Without Hope, with only despair, there won't be any future to anything. It's just not possible.
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These don't exist in my dictionary, my friend. They're all spooks.
>Play Danganronpa 2
>Didn't like it as much as 1 for most of the game
>Some parts or mysteries better than first but still didn't like it as much as 1
>Get to ending and finally get the whole picture
>Suddenly like it as much if not more

I don't think I've had a game do this before.

I forgave a man for redenring me paraplegic, you people need to accept hope in your heart.

There is good in the world left, you are just looking in the wrong places.

what this anon mentioned

now buy my book called seven ways to hope in which I describe seven magical ways you can have hope enter your mind,body, and soul and how to live a much more positive hope-filled life
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>mfw i like life and i'm not some over dramatic buffoon calling for world destruction like a 15yo goth
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Good early afternoon /drg/

You're a good man, anon
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Oh god why am I still up

When you live 3/4ths of your life in an abusive household filled with drugs, physical violence, mental abuse, and most other things of that nature, it grates on your mind more than you'd imagine. Not only that, but there's irreversible things done to my body due to that upbringing. My upper body is scarred to shit, my physical health will never be 100% no matter how hard I try, and my mental state is what it is. You people act like I'm just despairing to despair like Junko or some shit. Not even close.

I don't even know where to start.

There isn't good or bad, everything and everyone are just... what they are.

Some people care only about themselves, and others think they are bad.
Some people actually care about others, and those praise them as being good.

There isn't black and white, there are just shades of grey. Howerer cringy and overused that line is.

If you haven't met people you consider good, it just means you haven't met them. Not that they don't exist.

And remember, even if the world really is filled only with bad people, you can always change that. Because as long as there is at least one good person, that isn't true.

And you can be that person.
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How long have you been up for, anon?
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Woke up around 1 this afternoon, and now it's 5 in the morning
I really need to fix my sleep schedule. Been busy doing stuff all night
>And you can be that person.

I used to think that a few years ago, but ever since trying my best to be 'that person' only to have every other person try to take me down further, I see no reason in trying to be good for people who aren't good themselves.
anon i get that your past was so messed up, and this is going to sound cliched because it is, but the idea was always that you can change your future
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I've been awake since 8 am yesterday. It's also 5 in the morning here
making and watching reenactments is my favorite part of the games
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Well that makes two of us
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You should take better care of yourself, anon. You should start by working on the sleep schedule. Get up earlier and go to bed earlier

Said the guy going to bed at 3-4am and getting up at 11
Oh trust me, I'm trying.

I'm in a good college, income is good because I'm lucky with money, and I have good grades.

But I haven't come across a single good person.

Good grades and money can only fix so much.
>you will never ever have an okay sleep schedule
>you will always end up missing hours of sleep somehow
i think i feel the despair
Same story here...I just started playing fate stay night. No idea what to expect..but I want something interesting to happen before I go to sleep
>I see no reason in trying to be good for people who aren't good themselves.

Then don't interact with them.

If you don't like something, get rid of it. Preferably without any criminal activity, though.

Remember: you have the power to change your life. And you shouldn't give such power to the others, if they're doing it in a way you don't like.
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>Abuse fucks up people
>Shitty people exists
What does that have to do with the world. We got it you have a shitty life. Sounds terrible but life is binary ,you're alive or you're not.The world is even worse because he doesn't care about you. Better move on
Sounds like you need Jeebus in your life.Even if you're not religious go to help some religious charity or something. That'll heal your soul as it healed mine
>Just slept 10 hours after staying up for 40 hours
Nothing feels greater. Truly lack of sleep makes your nights so awesome
It's not like I have a choice. If it was for me, I would be in the fifth circle of sleeping hell right now.
What does it say on Saionji's icon?
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Nihon Buyo
I think that's traditional dancer
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I've been working on art related things all night. I'm too busy in the day to do it, so doing it at night is a lot easier.
I'm about to go to bed now anyways, so I'm gonna say bye now just to give me an excuse to stop posting and get on to bed.

Gnight /drg/, if I post again within the next couple of hours you can ridicule me for not sleeping
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See ya Celes anon
Goodnight, Celes-anon. Sleep well
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Ok I'm reaching a non-serious breaking point right now. Sorry for the blogshit but I need advice.

So, I'm writing my undergraduate thesis, especifically the third and last chapter. I agreed with my tutor to send the third chapter draft yesterday, but I procrastinated hard. I'm just about to finish one of the sections, but there's one I coudn't even dare to write because I think I lack the information. I'm really tired and I don't want to know about the fucking thesis topic for at least one entire day. Should I write a half-assed mini introduction to get this shit over and then talk with my tutor on monday? I'm disgusted by the mediocrity of that draft

Its me, CxT, thanks for the support, if we preach enough, we can bring hope to that anon.


It just something i say to myself when opting for a bad idea, repeat this mantra.

>It will not heal you
>It will not help you
>It will not protect you
>It will not save you
>If it was true, you wouldn't be the first one to do it

Whenever i see those ideas that sound too good to be truth, or when thinking of something bad in general, i will recite mentally, to bring harm to others will not remove the suffering.

Just like Chiaki said, the ultimate weapon will not help you, do not fall into temptation anon.
Whats going on with Tanaka's body
I don't know if this is good advice, but if you have a day I would go to sleep now and start again tomorrow with a clear focused mind (i.e get off 4chan)
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Saionji portugese.png
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Fuck that looks pretty nice. Why is tumblr becoming good at drawing ?
I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be the first student to be late on a paper ,and your professor must used to that. Just tell him you had a hard time motivating yourself to do this part, weren't on time etc. Basically the truth. Don't hesitate to ask for help too
I had a friend during a training in Switzerland that was intentionally run over by a guy. He never seek out revenge ,only amends ,and it was funny to see how the vindication came from us rather than he himself ,despite him losing both his legs
Hey, CxT, what do you do to make the blushing effect on Togami again?
Ask Tumblr I just noticed it

Well, I must hand in the whole thing on July 25th, so my tutor needs the third chapter as soon as possible to make her observations so I can correct it. I'm running out of time.
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Not him ,but it's same as you apply blush in real life ,with a brush
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yeah i just realized, thanks anyways.

>tfw youre bored and you make sprite edits no one will use anyways
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Cut that out, RIGHT NOW! Do NOT lewd Mahiru
You're not alone.
I did pass 3 hours doing that

I use the Brush tool in Pixlr, i adjust its size and use the inkdrop tool to copy the RGB properties of a blushing character to use it on other pics.

Wait, who lost both legs, also good to the see hope is shining
I would take the advice of >>148622757 , unless you already pulled an extension and are on your last chance.

Most of the professors I dealt with are reasonable, and the schools do want you to graduate. I never had to write an undergraduate thesis, but my senior project was really crappy, but I did demonstrate that I knew enough to graduate - that is the end goal.

If you are on your last chance...you might have to pull something out of your ass. Be efficient and try your best to demonstrate that you know at least the minimum requirements. It might not be your best work, but that is not the important point.

Don't push yourself too hard though... your health is most important and it sounds like you might need to pull some all nighters.
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Is this more to your liking?

>30 seconds in CS5
That is a huge condom. What is she expecting?? I feel like she is going to be disappointed.
She's expecting Nidai
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Mistress Mahiru.png
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The one that got runover. Nicest guy ever. It was really surprising ,especially since at that time I was a hot head ,to see how far forgiveness go.
But Mahiru wants to lewd YOU. Now where the collar.
> your health is most important
Aw come on ,he is young ,he can get through it ,but for quality work you need to be in shape mentally yeah
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It's certainly better, but it looks like she's giving you flowers, which doesn't really fit her personality

She does NOT. Mahiru is pure, loving and caring being. Nothing lewd is going on here
Whats with the Mahiru spam
its weird because I was writing Mahiru doing the lesbians thing with Tsumiki
guy who did these here.

request me sprite edits that arent too complex. i'll try and finish some of them in a couple of hours since i'll be going somewhere for a friend.
Dunno. I always post Mahiru, though
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Punished Yakuza.png
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We're bullying the Mahiru anon
>She does NOT. Mahiru is pure, loving and caring being.
I know ,and slave mistress roleplay would hardly fit her anyway. I'd see her more about outdoor sex
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Face is creepy, but the feet makes it one of the better foot fetish art I've seen.
if you finish despair girls you unlock an "ending" in the extra menu which is the 4 warriors (with the second kid unmasked) fighting against someone/something

they were never dead
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>outdoor sex
But why, anon? She's a photographer, not some lewd exhibihitionist
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I wrote a bit more to at least send something half terrible and not completely terrible. Thanks for the support and the advice. Now I'll go to sleep. Have a nice day.
Alright anon take care ,and good luck
The silent types are always the more perverted ones, anon. Why do you think Kyoko is a beast in bed?
Why do people love feet so much
they're dirty
I'll never understand this meme
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She's not perverted. Stop spouting lies. I just told you that she's pure
I agree, she's definitely the type who loves tender sex.
another anon in denial
She really have... grown
i have blisters all over my feet oh god help me

i wish miodas vape could calm me down.
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It's not denial if it's the truth

Well, whatever, I have to go for now. Gotta buy some groceries
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Fucking hell I don't think I've ever seen Toko smile so honestly
>implying everybody's waifus are actually pure
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When do i get to fuck chicks.jpg
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At least i am good with SDT
What's the best sub group for the anime /drg/?
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10°C in the UK.jpg
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>not using the /drg/ version
Or if it's just HS/funi what's the release schedule these were uploaded a couple days apart?
Was Junko bisexual
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Yeah I didn't found it so just said "fuck it I know one has a filename"
Horriblesub is the one being streamed on the taima.
It's usually a bit more than an hour and half after the japanese diffusion ,but it's Horrible subs. It does the work and atleast there is nothing like Shining Diamond
>looking at naegi

You just know.
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Chiaki is pure

It says the image is a embbeded file, how i do get pass it?

Its a png.
I'm not gonna watch a stream friend. I also meant like the episodes themselves like future arc 1 was on the 11th and the despair arc was on the 14th.
Junko is despairsexual
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Alright ,and yeah the episode themselves are uploaded on the day of airing ,so every monday and Thursday
Sonia isn't by her own testimony. Still love her though
thanks bud
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Does someone have the DR1 version of this? Does that even exist?
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>Dead general
Alright I'll make dumb OC with the sprites. Prepare to be disappointed
What ,you want a picture of everyone down in school mode ? That shouldn't be that hard
Survivors asleep, corpses down
Oh Christ you're right I'm a retard. It even fits their death location
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That was a misunderstanding
I hope Chisa is a robot, the fact that Munakata fancied a robot puts him on the same level as Hajime, and the irony would be amazing
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Chiaki is a meme and you're a meme-loving fuck
that won't stop me from thinking the meme is cute
but my regrets are plentiful with many things including this
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I'm the dankest meme man.
And back from shopping

Guys, how do I cope with waiting time? I still have to wait 5 days until my camera arrives

Well, you can look for porn, there is a also SDT.
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Lil naegi.png
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I'm having terrible inspiration
Watch Initial D
But porn isn't interesting if I'm not horny, unless the art is good

I should, I do like the music
Just do things.

There's plenty of things you have to wait for. So, while you can let yourself anticipate those things, you shouldn't get hung up on it, and make progress in other areas before it happens.

I guess you can go find something to do.

Why not find something funny on the internet, like weird compilations and keep watching that shit until the day passes.

Or you could play epicmafia
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It's really great. Even with the dated 3D of the firsts season it's hype as fuck.
Tsumiki NEEDS a kind girlfriend or boyfriend to undo the severe emotional damage done to her for her entire life

Also what happens when youre kissing Fukawa and she suddenly turns into syo

You get the French kiss of your fucking life.
I agree. Mikan is cute

>you're kissing a when suddenly you're sucking a dick...

>wait, its just Syo tongue

She Syo isn't a lesbian.
I've always wanted someone to lick my vocal chords

>muh kawaii ultra-submissive shrinking violet who I could woo with a few kind actions and no actual effort/dedication

Girls like Mikan are a diamond dozen. In this doggy dog world, only the most beta of bets would waifu her.
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You of course mean, You get the French kiss of your fucking Death, right?
In Island Mode Danganronpa, Hajime invites all the guys out for a cottage all nighter, including Nagito, when all the girls are asleep. He's planning to borrow movie tapes from Usami too.

What happens?

Nagito does some weird shit that creeps everyone the fuck out and they all go home.
all the panties are stolen while they're sleeping

nah just kidding you fukkin faggot he just borrows the movie tapes and watches movies with the dudes, and of course they make sure to punch out Nagito for ruining it
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They're watching pic related.
And then greatness.
Someone (Teruteru) suggests spin the bottle. Nagito gets to kiss Hajime, and Nagito is tied up again.
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How would Nagito and Naegi interact with each other?
Nagito is utterly overjoyed to meet someone so overflowing with hope; Naegi is somewhat uncomfortable with Nagito, but assumes he must be a good person at heart.
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If we are lucky by killing him

Naegi would probably comment over his past experiences, as well as say that feels what must be live as Sayaka, as he would wear a raincoat to avoid Nagito jizzing all over him.

Komaeda would probably ask for a selfie, and since its Nagito, the smartphone would work fine.
>I can feel something hard pressing into the base of my neck
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Choose one.
If Hajime-turns-izuru murders her, then real Chiaki, because that sort of tragedy gets my despair boner going.
>implying real Chiaki hasn't already surpassed virtual Chiaki in cute factor
A.I Chiaki. Even though Chiaki was a real person, she's not the same person as A.I Chiaki, who acknowledges Chihiro as her father and has not much understanding about how the real world works.

We've only actually seen how the Real Chiaki behaves in one episode of Despair, compared to all of DR2's focus on A.I Chiaki.

Even if they're similar people, with one being based off of the other, they're separate individuals.
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junko despair.png
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Did someone say despair?
I love my memes and I completely acknowledge it.
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>implying she is not the 13th head of FF

Dude, its on the same thread, but thanks, now i can post it on /a/


What if Chiaki is same person? A robot.

It would be funny to see Chiaki calling Chihiro her daddy and some people getting the weird vibe from it.







someone asked for a screencap last thread, so I thought I'd make it
>Hajime: You guys.. better leave. It's 4 AM in the morning, and I don't want you crashing in my cottage.
>Kuzu: Tch... All nighter my ass.
>Souda: Hey, Hajime.. You said all the girls are asleep, right?
>Hajime: And?
>Souda: These nights are kinda rare, you know? These opportunities.. It's hard to ignore, haha!
>Kuzu: Opportunities? What the fuck?
>Hajime: Are you saying..?
>Souda: You guys don't want to be missing out on your first... panty raid, eh?
>Hajime: On Sonia!?
>Souda: All of them!
>Kuzu: All of them!?
>Souda: C'mon, guys! We can find a way to do this, Kuzu, you can lockpick, right?
>Kuzu: Oh, fuck off! Leave me out of this!
>Souda rushes towards to the door, only to find a disgruntled Peko, who was watching the whole night.
>Implying she's not the head of the 7th branch.

I doubt it, considering Chiaki's older than Chihiro by a year.

Oh hi, Nidai.
>dime a dozen
>dog eat dog

It's a meme to get these wrong, Nidai.

It's actually pretty worrying that I know every meme on this site. I don't wanna be called Ultimate Memester.
But it stated in DR2 that chiaki wasn't an actual student of the 77th class ,while it wasn't the case with Alter Ego
they lie

Well, Chihiro is a member of the HPA staff, he can ask where Chiaki will be put.

If he made the NWProgram, he could at least have a hand and ask where they are gonna put her.
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Well it's that or Ultimate Autism
No really
Was it? I want to see an actual screenshot where it was told
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>Izuru and Junko's daughter(via Mikan)

Maybe they didn't want to tell them the truth that they viciously murdered her when she refused to give in to Despair.
Also there is the fact that Mikan recovered her memories due to the despair disease and claimed to recognize the traitor ,aka Nanami.
If she ever was in their class ,she couldn't have done that.
The story could have even worked with a real chiaki that has been murdered by UD or just didn't fall into despair
>I was actually an AI of one of your classmate all along that died in the Tragedy
Character remain the same ,you can even shoehorn the explanation that AI are friends introduced with Alter Ego
how do you know she was not a traitor to then back then ?
>If she ever was in their class ,she couldn't have done that.

Or, maybe she remembered that they murdered her so it wouldn't be possible for her to be alive and well and chilling with the Despairs.
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How come the little runt is shown as an adult in the flashback but shes back to being a little runt in the despair arc?
1st episode was 2 months into school, as time passes she will grow up.
What ? It's normal that she is. She's supposed to have a growth spurt during her school year ,so it's not really surprising that she is tall as a UD
She doesn't hit the growth spurt until despair sets in
Because Despair Flashback is a mere 2 months after their enrollment in DR2, when Hiyoko hadn't hit her growth spurt.

She hit a growth spurt at some point during her time at Hope's Peak.
Growth spurt happened during the school years. Maybe we'll see her more mature if supposed timeskip is going to happen.
hiyoko is a fucking dirty nigger.

>Hiyoko is a fucking based nigga

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Good pet Hinata.png
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Yes keep bullshiting. You're on the same level as a dog ,you worthless spastic cunt nugget.
Remember when I called for you ? Yeah me neither ,so keep your place and be miserable in silence
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She even got the twin tails like Junko and the look of her daddy.

She will be beyond haxxed.
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Saturday morning toko.png
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I wouldn't call her a dirty nigger, but she isn't certainly based either.
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The designer just really likes twin tails
>implying Hiyoko isn't just dirty and the very definition of a rotten orange
Yeah that works.
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But this twin tails will destroy the world again

Yo, you woke up.


Check this
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My relationship with CxT.png
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Thanks, I really needed that this morning.
Shit in my face.

Wonderful way to start off my Saturday.
Reviewbrah makes a living doing that.
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Queen Saionji the Beheader baba.png
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Good try ,but you shouldn't underestimate me
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>"Someone get Souda! Hajime got his penis stuck in a disk drive again."
Could you post the hair? I can't find it anywhere.

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is that supposed to be blood or semen I can't tell.
She also has a god tier father
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>not just making Fujisaki in AA2
Considering there are two bodies lying there, it's blood.

>tfw you removed AA2 from your PC
i thought those were clothes, now I feel mighty embarrassed.

i regret uninstalling aa2, i never have the motivation to reinstall it urg.
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>tfw in the do not dick zone
Sorry man I love loli and crazy
is there a DR class I could download?
>Izuru's eye color
>Hajime's hair color
>Mikan's mole and haircut, only done properly and tied up
>Junko's eye shape and face
I love her already


For some reason its not letting me post the image directly, claming embeded image or some shit.

I dunno how AA works.


Funny, thats actually what i am trying to do.
So do I.
Why must you toy with me.
Are there good yaoi mods for AA2 yet?

Ehh, i didn't meant to.

I was just kidding.
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Run from the dead ,Saionji.png
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OH NO ! What have I done ? It has gone even more powerful !
I am in deep trouble
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just download a bunch and make a class
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Thanks my man

Daily reminder that if your waifu is one of the following:

>Kyoko Kirigiri
>Aoi Asahina
>Hiyoko Saionji
>Mahiru Koizumi

You are a high test, big-dicked alpha male world-beater who deserves all the best things in life.
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>if your waifu is one of the following:
>a high test, big dicked alpha male world-beater who deserves all the best things in life

Anon if you wanted me to make fun of your memery you could have just asked me to

bully me, saionji

>stealing a engaged girl

Nidai, i admire you determination, but Kenshiro is literaly going 404 you.
Is there any reason why Danganronpa doesn't have multiple endings?
Because not every VN has to?
Reminder that if your waifu isn't Sonia I don't really mind either way.
Obviously, I'm just curious if there was a proper reason behind it is all.
but it does a bad ending
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Window Saionji.jpg
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And why do you think I would like to speak to such a low life worm as you are ? I could be eating gummies right now if your inbred parents didn't meet at that festival in the sticks ,resulting in procreation in the mud ,like all animals do.
So be happy that I take my time to address you and your worthless existence ,you pukeface ,because nobody else ever will. I mean ,it's not often than people talk to earthworm in the soil ,is it ?
Now go away ,my eyes water just seeing what a pitiful excuse of human you are. If god exists he sure is cruel to inflict your sight on me.
She is the best girl tho
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It is a linear game.
Unrelated, but I would have liked it if you would unlock non-canon chapters where the canon survivors kill each other.
Well for a game like this that would likely involve changing who dies, which given the number of deaths would be a fucking crazy task. And these games aren't exactly that long, so I dunno if the writer's would be able to manage much more anyway.

Hardly. It's a 2 minute long scenario that all plays out in Makoto's head anyway. It's not an ending at all.
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Man, imagine a Danganronpa game where your actions decided who lived, who died and who murdered.

I could have saved them.
It's probably because it's more about and adventure game than anything else and the author wanted to develop a linear story
you wouldn't have saved anybody
>DR game where your actions determine victims and culprits
>You can save them
>But you can't save all of them

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What happened to the REAL Kamukura Izuru, The Founder and the first principal of Hope's Peak? Does he have a relative or descendant that attend this school? There's no way that his family doesn't involved in this mess.
that's not how you use grammar, you put attached the , to the previous word and there isn't a space between the exclamation mark, question mark and the sentence.

unless this is all one big meme.
It's what DR was before being DR
Why do they look like they're about to drop the hottest rap album of 2016
See >>148634441
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>He has 999 sprites


Are you an idiot? This is /drg/, we all know about Distrust.

Damn, that sounds like it'd be way more despair-inducing

>tfw you try your best to save your waifu but she dies because you made a wrong decision along the way or because you simply weren't there for her when she needed you most
>santa sprites

alright boya gimme a few minutes
The general is a lot more lively than usual, it's safe to assume there's a lot of fresh blood
>trying to a bully a bully by using grammar
this anon must not be very smart
Distrust was never stated to have multiple endings. That's not relevant at all. It's just DR but with a much more exaggerated and grim artstyle. Honestly though I really would've liked having that more.
I'm well aware of DISTRUST, but I don't think multiple endings/alternate paths were a part of that.
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Yeah I know, it's a bad habit I picked up and since word processing software automatically fix that I never bothered to train myself on typing properly.
Sorry if the grammar is weird I'm ESL and tend to not reread myself so some sentences can come out wrong.
Nah it's cool. I know I usually have trouble writing coherent sentences ,so when I try my hand actually writing instead of chit chatting it's hard.
At least I have the advantage to actually sound pompous because of the words I use

>Restart the timeline
>Put all your effort into saving your waifu
>Your bro dies instead
>You decide to continue with the timeline and avenge him
>Team up with your waifu and investigate
>Smash through one trap after another at the Class Trial
>The Killer was your Waifu
>You have to condemn her and watch her get executed

THAT is Despair.
Clearly different people
>Clearly different people
He's gotta be a descendant. Fucking look at the two of them, same jawline, same facial structure. Heck, with the exception of the hairline everything about them looks identical.

DESPAIR SISTERS: Drop It Like It's Hope
But that's Snake, not Santa.

Surely you've played 999, Toko?

Also, please refrain from linking to the wiki, as spoilers abound.
please stop reminding me of distrust
it gives me infinite despair that this is the game we could have got
No I haven't played it.
Surely you can tell from the link name that its just a sprite page.

>Also, please refrain from linking to the wiki, as spoilers abound.
>spoilers for another series
>not having already finished ZTD
please go mind hack yourself
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The same goes Kirigiri's grandfather. Every old man's face in DR is sameface.
She's literally a mashup of Hajime/Izuru/Junko/Mikan holy shit
Unfortunately, I have only completed 999... I have not actually played Zero Time Dilemma, or even Virtue's Last Reward.

Not to mention spoilers can even be found in the page names.

While we discuss DR spoilers at length, I feel it is unfair to discuss spoilers from other franchises.
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I had to crawl through a fucking ask blog to get these sprites boya you better enjoy them.


>talk about spoils

>spoils stuff

Yo, Toko a friend of mine, the same i was visiting in the hospital due to a broken knee decided to paint his hair with paint, actual house pain, not hair dye.

Is this dangerous?
Depends, does the paint have lead?
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>traitor wokes up Chisa
>puts a knife to the Munakata's throat
>throws her a second knife
>"do as I say or I'll kill him"
>tells her to climb on the chandelier and stab herself in the heart
>crying Chisa do as she's been told

I dunno, i saw him walking down the street with a paint can and he said he was using it paint his hair.

I questioned his logic and decided to call Instant House.
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I shall!

You know, having played games like 999, Ace Attorney, and the DR series, I feel like I want to write visual novels with similar elements. There's just a constant sense of suspense and intrigue and mystery, y'know?
Actually, I second this. It's bullshit when people ignorantly just blurt out that Sigma, the protagonist of VLR is Zero, and that Brother is Zero in ZTD or that Q is not the kid, but is actually Brother, and the kid is Sean, an android.
I love you, /drg/.
Well make sure its fucking water soluble paint, and doesn't have lead in it.

You don't want to suffer from lead poisoning because there are open pours on your head.
Come on. She isn't dead, the body discovered music played earlier in that very episode yet not when she was seen.
Talking about Ace Attorney, Junko and Mukuro are based on the Hawthorne sisters, right?
Oh wow.

I find this theory valid. Although it doesn't explain how exactly Chisa managed to climb up to the Chandelier. Do we have a shot of Munakata on the table that features the chandelier, so we can see how high up it is?

After all the shit Chisa was able to do in the Zetsubou-hen, I believe that she's able to climb the chandelier herself.

Well, i am taking a knife and gloves to cut his hair in worse case scenario, wish me luck.

Just going to knock on his door and ask first, if its not lead paint, it is safe?
>Chisa climbing walls like a spider in order to clean them and the ceiling

I can believe it.

yeah i know that feel, I tried making a video game that takes place deep as fuck underwater where you're forced to learn an alien language this idea was quickly scraped.

moral of the story is if you do wanna make a game you're going to have to bust your balls
I'm pretty sure Junko is based on Junko Furuta
I am no way an expert on hair dye, but because of the retardation of the the 60's to 80's. Kids falling to lead poisoning has like a whole chapter dedicated in my books, tell him to look up organic hair dye. Theres videos on youtube teaching you how to do that.

Also I know your kidding but as a medical professional I encourage you to use scissors or an electric razor. Cutting hair with a knife can cause hair follicle damage.
Only by name, though.
Oh, I'd never have the skills to make a VN by myself. While I could probably learn to use something like Renpy, and write the script myself, I can't create visual or audio assets.
>look it up briefly start reading
>briefly stop to go back and post this
anon why the fuck do you want me to look at this
i don't want to learn about gruesome murder cases even though that's exactly what happens every time

>you adquired a truth bullet: CxT's testimony

Jokes aside, i am planning to take a knife for intimidation, he is the type of guy who will run from the ambulance, i had to throw something to trip him up once, and the paramedics berated me.

Well, see you soon.
This is danganronpa, looking at murders is our hobby
Wanna be someone gets killed like that in DR3?
i know, but i still don't want to think about when it comes to real life
Actually, I'd love it if we could discuss possible causes of death.

What are the all the ways you could murder someone without specialized equipment, like weapons?

Improvised equipment is okay though.
Do you feel despair when you do?
It takes only like 15lbs of force to collapse someone's trachea, which is to say you can kill someone by punching them kinda hard in the throat
jokes on you anon there's no way somebody could make me feel despair because i already know no matter what they're a faggot
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wow are you a detective

I once beat the shit outta someone with a pair of backpacks.
we already discuss this is just some meta thing or as i think is the reals animator seat
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I'd be right happy ,Kuwata-san.jpg
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Yeah it doesn't really works that way in real life. I have been Side kicked in the throat dozens of time and my trachea is fine. There is a lot of shock absorption on the neck.
Surely if you were to completely fix the trachea on a incompressible and immobile surface ,it would break easily.
I had a dream last night that somebody was talking about a sports legend named Juno Enoshima and I remember being really freaked out because that sounds really close to Junko Enoshima

why are my dreams so mundane
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So if someone was lying down when you punched them? Or what about if their back was pressed against the wall?

>holocaust survivors

>on /drg/

Jesus, i am surprised they didn't booted you to death
>mikan is staring at hiyoki whilst scared shitless
>mioda still has her funny le vape man face

how did i not notice this
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bully nurse.webm
2MB, 1280x540px

Move over, Kirigiri
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Reminder that Ibuki is best girl
A beautiful pure cinnamon roll who deserved better.
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What the fuck did you just said you little goy ? I'll have you know I've come on the top of my class in the Auswtich survivor class ,and have been involved in numerous raid on the food pantie.
I practice savate ,which is some kick boxing that's practised with shoes on ,and since my reach is bad for my height and weight I have to close distance a lot ,hence I get kicked often
Even if you were to immobilize the person ,back of the wall, the neck itself absorbs a lot of power by itself. I'm not saying you can't do it ,but the actual thing would be much harder than just a regular strangulation to pull off ,and needlessly complicated ,as the throat is easily defensible by tucking your chin in.
So you're saying it's inefficient... And if you had a weapon like a bat or a stick, you could just bludgeon their head... I see. If you're going to target the neck, it's much easier to do so via strangulation or piercing it, right?

Hmm, speaking of strangulation, what about suffocation? How many ways are there to do that?
No wonder Koichi gets drunk. This class is a trainwreck

Then Chisa would have rounded up the guy like she did the others plus idk if they'd let two Ryota Mitarais share the same class. It would cause to much confusion.
>No wonder Koichi gets drunk. This class is a trainwreck
But only like 4 of them actually show up.
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That seems like the interesting sport.


It seems like a clamp attempted to draw DR, but for some reason it got off.


>inb4 next episode starts with legit Ryouta laughing as he is not on class and fooled Chisa
>despair trash in FF

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You are not planning to kill anyone are you?
>implying Chisa wouldn't just sue her way into his room like she did with fat Ryouta.

Face it Chisa is SHSL Wonder Woman. She'd have caught him if he was in this class

So he's not in this class.

Whatcha gonna do? Call the cops?
why would you ask that?
are you afraid?
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If I was, would I tell you?

No, I simply ask because knowing more causes of death gives me more possibilities when writing cases.
It's gonna be painful to watch Hinata fall.
Yeah ,you'd need to have specific situation to pull it off without trouble.
For suffocation ,the main problem is any realpressure on the neck will leave a trace, be it hand ,rope ,piano cord...
If you're motivated you could make them suffocate from the inside ,but stuffing their mouth with something big enough to block their trachea ,or block both the mouth and nose from breathing it ,however clothes can leave residuals and all.
There is also the way to strip them from air altogether ,like drowning them or making them stay in an unventilated place long enough ,but the former leaves traces and the later takes fucking days.

D-don't say that Tokopasta ,we're not going to kill our friends ,right ?
>That seems like the interesting sport.
It is. Compared to MT it's a lot more mobile and based on angle of attacks. Punches are also way more used so since I do boxing as well I really like this sport
But good luck finding it outside france
10/10 Anon. God bless you and your family
Hey come on man, she is not that perfect, or else she would be Izuru.


>If i was fallacy

You basically confessed to being a killer.

Also, Toko, how does one dispose of a body?
no anon she's better than izuru
she's actually cheerful
Well at least he gets the talent he's been craving right?
He's gonna penetrate Chiaki and not in the way she'll want him to.
>Naegi: We're not gonna kill each other!
>Everyone else: [Kills each other]
But she is that perfect. Even Izuru couldn't handle her.
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>You basically confessed to being a killer.
>Lynching obvious fool
Play more mafia.
What if he wanted to think he was obviously dangerous ,to hint he is actually not dangerous ? Eh ?
But at the cost of...well fucking everything.
>He's gonna penetrate Chiaki and not in the way she'll want him to.

Oh fuck please no.
Hinata's fall will be the least painful, as he directly had his brain altered with neurosurgery.

Class 77 will be more painful, as they simply fell due to psychological manipulation.

What about binding someone, putting a plastic bag over their head, and then wrapping some kind of cord around the plastic around their neck, making the bag airtight?

What? How is that a fallacy? I'd deny it whether I was or wasn't, that's a fact.

Also, you just gave me an idea for another question. If the body is hidden or disposed of in a state where no one finds it for days, does the class trial still happen? Because it would obviously indicate to the participants that that person is dead, but there'd be no Monokuma announcement.

I could be the accomplice to the real killer, and I'm drawing heat to myself so that they can escape.
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What's going on in this thread?
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>Coup failed

A trial would occour, Monokuma would tell them to keep searching, a rotten body is harder to investigate.

Even so, what if Chihiro was killed by Togami, and then cut into many pieces, and said pieces were flushed down the toilet?

How would Monokuma deal with that?


Nothing, keep moving.
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If I had too, yes.
Yes I am, the place I came from had a board that was a thinly veiled "how to murder".
I would hope so, otherwise I would be obligated to ask you a series of questions.
I don't know how bad some people have it but I hope we are good enough people to not harm others unless it was purely self defense. R-right guys?
Would you like to ask me the series of questions anyway? I'm interested in hearing them now.

>The doctor outs as a cop
No wonder
That's a terrible move. A defensive role like doc outing in the first place is bad, but outing as cop will make the real cop suspicious, and probably CC you.
Yo Toko, what's that condition called where someone can't feel pain? It could make for an nteresting case.

>someone shoots a painless
>victim doesn't notice anything and continues life
>bullet still in body
>after a while, victim drops dead
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>today in /drg/ we talk about how to fucking murder.
Alright, since it always seems to get posted here, someone explain to me mafia, since I'm not gonna be able to access it for another month
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>What about binding someone, putting a plastic bag over their head, and then wrapping some kind of cord around the plastic around their neck, making the bag airtight?
Well ,if the bag is tightly tied ,it will leave a mark.
If the bag is loosely tied ,the victim can take it herself ,unless you restrain her ,which leaves marks as well. If she is asleep ,there will be some time where the victim's body start responding because of the lack of air ,and she might be woken up by this.
My take ? Gazeous intoxication. Gas like carbon monoxide and Helium don't trigger any violent twitching reactions ,as the body thinks it's oxygen (nitrogen for example ,does) and rapidly dies because of the lack of oxygen ,painlessly. It can be done in minutes to someone asleep leaving minimum marks if you have a mask and helium tanks. Just gotta get rid of them next.
Wrong thread ,shoo shoo. I don't like Erdogan But I have trouble asseting the legitimacy of the coup
Self defense changes nothing dude. Monokuma said so

Being a badass without regeneration


>how does one dispose of a body?

An easy way to do it is to put a body deep underground, preferably under an animal carcass. This would fool the guard dogs. That's how I've been doing it, I guess.

Other techniques: putting them in oil drums, dumping them into sea, selling their limbs to organ donors, or simply.. burn them.

Killing someone is simple, the process of disposal is where the real work is.
A few days ago it was parenting advice.
Don't say that, I want to play banner lord sometime this generation.
No because if you answered wrong I would have to actually report it, and I don't want to report somebody that is in another country.
Look up Ashlyn Blocker
Baguette pls, this is 4chan anything can happen.
>plastic bag
People can just bite right through those.
>But at the cost of...well fucking everything.

Like.... what? A personality that he hated for being boring? Memories he thought were boring? A life he thought was boring?

Honestly with how he was pretty Izuru, I don't see how he really lost that much. Seems like he got everything he ever wanted.

Fine, just ask the question and ignore the answers, assume everyone is a pussy.


Gee thanks, now i can kill a horse and dispose the body, teach that prick to pay rent
The end of /drg/.
No the endo of /drg/ is the the hate-fuck monica guy reaches his final form. Anon posted the hieroglyphics he found foretelling of the end but I don't have them here.
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Problem is ,I think there are legals obligation to report it someone that do intend to do so for medical professional. He can't really do otherwise
Shut it Bluey ,I trust everyobody in this thread . You guys are all my friend
>Organ donors
Terrible idea. That only adds more people and steps into your plan. The more you have ,the more error you can do ,and clues you'll left behind

Then give us the name of the questioning protocol.

I am no murderer, why would ask tips on this site, which was built on idea of fucking people over?
>invite a friend out
>make him seat on a chair, distract him with some TV or anything
>get a knife and walk directly towards the back of your friend, and put your free hand onto his mouth. seal it tight shut, a grip enough to leave a bruise within the victims mouth.
>turn his head to the side to avoid any complications, and plunge the knife deep into the lower center portion of the sternum

That wasn't so hard, was it?
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Nobody likes a smartass. Stop being a cunt.
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>US gearing up for war on Turkey
The fire only rises.

What if he fights back?

Why not use a bludgeoning object? Blood spilling is a fucking mess to clean, i could simply smash his head with a metal bat.

>nobody loves a cunt

>virgin spotted
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>Virgin spotted
</3 I don't love u anymore anon ,you're a big meanie

Sorry, i was just curious, i really wanted to questioning protocols
I don't know what's wrong with you guys, obviously the easiest way to kill someone is to come up with a needlessly complex plot full of convenient clue-spraying steps.
>What if he fights back?

He won't. The trick here is that you have to be fast enough to plunge in the knife to the right area I mentioned, which, with the right impact, would cause instantaneous death no matter the person. The blood will actually be very little, and it won't really matter in the long run as long as you escape the scene the moment he dies.

Bludgeoning attacks are a lot harder to achieve.
If you want to hide a corpse, why not just cut it up and eat it? Obviously you couldn't eat it all at once, but mixing it with your normal dinner for a few days would do. Cannibalism isn't as bad as people make it out to be anyways.
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This is where I start sweating but because I don't actually remember the name of the questions and this was a test question on my CMA exam. Which I failed. It's 400 written questions, I would of passed it if was a practical exam.

Not every part is edible, also it takes time, this was actually tried IRL, i dunno the name, but someone actually tried what you said.

Back to my unanswered question.

In DR, what if you chopped your aready dead victim in little pieces and flushed each part until all was out of the school?
Bones would clog the toilet
Well, there would never be a body discovered so a trial couldn't happen. Theoretically, you could kill them one by one until you won, but something tells me the mastermind wouldn't like that.

What is a hammer and a plastic bag?

You dont flush the bag, you just put the bones in the bag and bash them until they become a little mesh.


Try finding them please, they sound interesting.
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I think it's called Duty to warn. It englobes a lot of other thing ,but it's the same ,legally ,as someone that says he wants to kill himself, except for the others. If you're aware of someone wanting to commit a crime ,you have to report it ,I think.
>Eating 50kg of meat and bones and organs for a girl
>A few days
Nigga that will take months
Sorry for calling you a cunt anon. I love you in real life pls don't go
How? The only time of day you can do that is during the night but the water is down at night. And there's no way you can get a body to your room during the day without being seen. However, the only person who had the opportunity to do so was, ironically, JUST. He even had a sword he could have used.
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What's wrong, Tokoposter?

Hey.. wanna know a neat little trick...

How about something like faking your fingerprints?

First, you must obtain someone else's fingerprint. You could retrieve it through basic forensic methods. Sprinkling it with colored powder, making them visible.

Now, you just have to scan and photograph the fingerprint, should I continue?

Why can't you just shred the bones, with the shredder?
Chopping body into little pieces is already not very plausible, it'd take no less than several hours and the perp would end up covered in blood from head to toes

Shredder, shit, I meant juicer.
It's a series of questions the FBI uses. We use the name they invented for it.

We can't profile people or have the power to do so but we can report this on a medical record and have them talk to a "doctor" to confirm the suspicions.

Have you heard of Leland Vanhorn Komaeda?
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>Killing an innocent stranger
No wonder you're such a big meanie.

Ok, think of this, Togami kidnaps Chihiro and kills him (strangling or bludgeoning), then cut his throat and leaves the blood running thru the sink.

Using a hacksaw (or something) he cut him in many pieces, and then even more little pieces with a proper hatchet.


You mean like one those things used to make grated cheese?


>Not just using KQ and making them bit a little bit of dust


Ok, tell me when you get the name


I mean as in using kitchen stuff to cut bodies, that sword was a practice one, it broke, not cut Sayaka's hand
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>not killing them..
>with your MIND.

Looks like you guys are really nothing but mere mortals, after all.
>I mean as in using kitchen stuff to cut bodies, that sword was a practice one, it broke, not cut Sayaka's hand

That's right, I forgot. Still, there's literally no way you could get away with cutting a body in pieces.
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Have you heard of our lord and savior Yuri.
Where would he do that? In the bathroom? Somebody walks in and the perp is done for. Also, he'd have to bring all the tools and then return or hide them without getting noticed
How did we even get onto the topic of murdering people and hiding the bodies? C-can we talk about something else?
The whole game is about murdering people pal
Okay, I have another theory. What if Monomi in Mirai-hen is just a program that will be talking instead of Miaya, right from her computer chair? And Monomi was sort of beta version of Usami that Monokuma in DR2 datamined from old data or something.

Well, you could cut the body and scatter the pieces everywhere, making everyone waste enough time and go the trial unprepared.


Perhaps he can take a knife or something when no one is looking.

Or he could even plan a red herring to draw everyone's attention away from him.

When it was actually a ploy to get stuff to kill.

And i say in the private bathrooms, not the public sauna.
It will leave a lot of blood around don't worry.
Anyway you can't let someone dead bleed out. Dead people don't piss blood because there isn't any blood movement since the heart stopped functioning.
You could refrigerate them ,but that adds a lot of time where the body is in a freezer ,and more steps to your plan ,as well as other clues.
You'd be much better hiding the corpse under your bed or in a closet tbf. The more steps it takes ,the higher the leads ,don't forget it.

Strangling it is then.

Also, Togami would immeatly carry the body and cut its neck with a knife or a screwdriver to make the blood move out while its hot.

Part of the plan is fooling the person and taking them into your room, a alternative version of Sayaka and Leon.

Also, what about scattering the parts all around during the night?
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Top fucking kek anon. One more in my collection.
It could also be done by directly making someone bleed out to death in the bath tub/over the sink.
Scattering the parts don't accomplish much tbf. Once 2 body parts are found it's legimate to assume to body has been dismembered. From then the focus should be what has been used to ,and where. So unless you can cover your ass on that ,that's more potential proofs
on you
You wouldn't be a very good serial killer CxT I have to compliment you on this
If its data ,it's data. It could just be the Monomi's files Monokuma created when he infected NWP ,that he retrieved for DR3.
Seems dumb that monomi is a beta usami
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S-so.. You guys all learned something.. J-just don't, um..

How is everyone?
anyone here a doctor
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Hello Mikan. How do you fare ? We're discussing way to catch killers ,by putting themselves in their shoes ,and trying to see what sorts of errors they could do. You opinion would be appreciated if you cared to discuss it with us
I am an uncertified medical assistant.
What's wrong anon, if its serious its going to end with me telling you to go to a doctor.

I am merely talking of scenarios about HPA, there is a basement with two floors, if i ever pull a heel turn, and i going to take people there to kill them.

But i am a giant pussy and i owuldn't commit a kill, i dunno why my basement has its own basement, but it has.


ZTD memes are the fucking best
Well don't because you'd be catch.
There is a basement in HPA ? Or are you talking about your home ?
Don't click
oh wow i'm surprised, alright sit down and let me explain you what's happening with my feet.

First and foremost; I've been to countless doctors and none of them know what's wrong with me, some of them suggested physiotherapy and others suggested that I get Botox, haven't got the botox yet and physiotherapy barely helps.

My issue in a nuthshell is this: I can't walk like a normal person, I can only walk on my toes and I can't pull my feet above 90 degrees. My tendon is tight as fuck and as a result of this my calves are BUFFED AS FUCK.

Do you have any idea what this issue is or if botox will help me?
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Forgot to spoiler it but here it is
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For some reasons ZTD jokes are writing themselves out.
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My opinion would be... appreciated?

In my o-opinion, the perfect murder consists of right timing, right planning and use of the circumstances present.. It really just depends on the situation and tools that are offered to you..

In a Hope's Peak situation... You shouldn't only make use of tools but also the students around you. Think to yourself: How can I take advantage of the mentalities and personalities of my peers for this murder?

Framing someone and getting away with it are two different things. Being able to frame someone is a lot harder but a lot better in the long run since all suspicions against you will probably lose.
So you have seen a Podiatrist, and Chiropractor then?

My home, the basement and sub-basement

The basement has a few stuff such as a generator and few freezers with meat, strangely its accesed in the living room, pull the rug and see a ramp, lift it and you will descent to the basement.

To acess the sub-basement you go the basement, and move an iron bookshelf, go down and you will find a stock of guns, canned food and fuel, my dad is a bit nuts.

Backing at HPA, i suggested a sink because i dont remember having tubs in the bathroom.

Also, i dont plan to kill anyone, i love hope.


You walk like grievous from SW, thats kinda shitty.
Yes and I'd no I don't think so, although I got a bunch of tests done so I don't think it's inherently a muscular issue.


Putting on shoes can be a fucking nightmare sometimes because of the shape of my foot, I'd really need to just shove it in there.
Call your insurance provider and ask them for these type of specialists in your network.
Good luck anon.
Eh ,the use of other students hasn't been mentionned yet.
Indeed in DR ,it would have been good to kill someone you have no obvious ties ,but that guy is antagonistic to someone else ,also of the other people that would be defending the others.
I've always had reserve to forging because for me the best plan is the one with the fewest steps
>Mikan would have got away if Hiyoko never showed up
Man that's cool as hell. Must have been a scary place as a child tho ahahah
Yeah they don't have any bath tub ,but they have showers ,and there is a drain in the shower
>Walking like Grievous
That's awesome if you have 4 arms tho
haha yeah about that I don't live in america, i'm in the united arab emirates of all places.

My dad told us not to go to the basement, usually we couldn't lift the heavy plank of wood with a sheet of metal underneat it, so locking ourselfes was a thing, i usually played with my sisters on the attic.

Well, nor you or me have 4 arms.

I presume Togami could've forced Chihiro into the shower before killing him, and he probably took his clothes off too, because we dont want blood in the suit.
Allah help you?
not even a muslim or religious person either lmao.

Botox will be happening soon though so I think my issue will be fixed then.

I just checked what this country was, jesus is literally austism land, 7 kingdoms united as a republic, its like a poor man westeros.

Also, arab weaboo.


Isnt botox something old people use?

Are you a old ass oil baron?
Not a good place to be an atheist anon.
Get to safety
Not even Dubai has doctors? A huge-ass skyscraper but no doctors?
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>I presume Togami could've forced Chihiro into the shower before killing him, and he probably took his clothes off too, because we dont want blood in the suit.
Ah-ah ah what are you saying ,such a thing wouldn't happen ah ah...
I've only met cool people online living in the UAE. Last time it was some 16yo girl on FFXIV she was absolutely bro tier

Well, for the first time i wasn't talking about shipping, but about killing.

But fuck it, lets say Togami raped Chihiro to death and the latter died to anal lacerations, Kirigiri had fun checking it.
Can't stand it here honestly, came for the serious $$$ and now regret my decision.

Also no I'm not an oil baron. just semi-young teacher doing his job.

I came out as bi and while some retards made fun of me for it ( i could rant about it all day jesus.) nothing bad came out of it.

Dubai has doctors, there just lazy as fuck like the rest of this place.

Congrats I've met almost no-one even remotely cool here, just sugar-drunk children / old lady's, indians and normies from 2006.

Wow, you sound like a english teach that instead of Japan, went to a random arab country.

Well, good luck with whatever are your unknown-to-me life goals, at least there aren't terrorist attack here right?
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Fucking hell you're brutal. So it's not about the improbable love ,coming up top after facing mountainous obstacle ,against all odds ? No romantic story about self sacrifice ,abnegation and believing in what you do ?
Just buttsecks so violent it kills someone. Meh.
Oh you're not a native then ? But yeah it seems like people going on the internet from UAE are usually a lot western so they don't feel to weird
It's 1:41AM and I'm browsing drg.

Fucking help
Welcome to my life. Yesterday I browsed /drg/ until 5AM.
Have a toko
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At least there isn't a stream going ,or mafia games. Consider yourself lucky

I didn't shipped them as a happy couple.

This was the only thing i never done, Chihiro is seen as a resource, a thing to be conquered and exploited in hardest sense of colonialism.

The reason why is due a fanfic from another series called Petshop of Horrors, with the fanbase consisting of me and Fuyuhiko-anon alone, there was a fanfic about Leon (not Kuwata, but Orcot) becoming a increasingly bastard boyfriend to the Count, to the point of even killing one one of his beloved pets, which in the context of the series is a big no. I loved the fanfic so much that i ship character not out of romance, but out of the abuse potential in the one-sided relation. I kinda dislike Junko because she does the work for me and leaves nothing to me to imagine.


Wow, you guys are strong.

I still miss him. ;_;
Mafia anyone?
Oh hey, you're in my timezone!

Have a Monokuma.

Personally a Mafia game would ease my boredom.

He'll be back.

Yes please!
Have a qt
count me in senpai

You know who else is missing?


Where is this guy? That image of an old anon seeing his old posts and wondering where the other anons are is something that comes to the head.
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He'll be back ,he'll be back ,don't worry.
Oh okay. I wouldn't know since I won't go out of my way to read gay fan fics (or any fan fic at all for that matter)
Seems pretty rough ,is there any light side to these abusive relationships and fights ?
Taka anon hasn't been seen in the general these weeks afaik
Im on mobile so I cannot make but should we try for 6?
As time goes by the population of Anons in drg are in a steady decrease.

I think we have a killer in our midst.
but anon what about the people who come in to this autistic hive
are they killed off earlier or later

It was rough, but i haven't read in a bit of time, i think it does end badly.

I was thinking of ending my fanfic with a humiliation angle, but thats just ripping Carrie and leaving the rest of the movie behind.
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okay so I'm making a parody of Danganronpa in RPG Maker MV, in visual novel format, and I'd just like some opinions on something.
I want the parody to be more story driven, with the story of course being a stupid parody of the first game including but not limited to the entirety of Ultimate Despair being Nagito Komaeda.
Basically, I'm thinking of excluding FTEs altogether but then, after finishing the game, I'll make a second, standalone game based around school mode but without work. Like a dating sim, with the "Dankanronpa" cast.
What do you guys think I should do regarding the FTEs?
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Heres the bloody link.
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Link to it ? I the great anon of 4chan will read some.
I don't think I'm used to reading shit like that. Usually I read things very moral ,very theatrical with strong moral values ,such as redemption ,sacrifice for the greater good and shit like that.
Reading Despair might be a good change of pace
How big is your folder tokopasta ?
715 bytes
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>Dead n1 ,as the cop
Fucking hell
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i mean i dont see a problem with using the program, and i don't really feel like learning a whole new engine just to make some dumb parody
Aren't there already VN engines easy to use ,but this guy is probably just memeing. RPG maker is fine if you're used to it

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Here have another.
AE looks like a fun game.

Turn it into a husbando/waifu harem?
Overexaggerate their personalities to the unrealistic extreme? Hyoko Hihihiri never shows emotions, even during pain or sex.
Anyone got the miaya "I really wish I wasn't here right now" pic?

Did i posted a reference?

I am sure i may did by accident
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MAFIAAAAA GEMU ,everyone ! One place going ,if you're left out ,just post a message in the lobby and chillout while we kill each other
komaru>hajime>killer killer guy>makoto
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Here you go.
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Oooh, I don't have that one.
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Anybody have a GIF of Sonia backing her ass into Mahiru's face

Damn, thats cruel.
The shoddy resident evil gameplay has a lot of issues, everything else is great.
Yeah I miss Denial-kun.

Funny thing is we give him so much shit for being right at times.
honestly fuck this artist. they draw the most fucked up shit..
>Overexaggerate their personalities to the unrealistic extreme?
already done my friend

i pride myself on the story i've come up with so far

maybe i'll put it in a pastebin if people are interested
Why not use something like http://www.visualnovelty.com/
I died as Nidai on the first night.
http://epicmafiakuzuryuu.tumblr.com/post/56849791580/em-kuzus-everything-you-ever-wanted-to-know Mafia guide for the new guy.
There are a bit to read ,but it's worth it ,it'll make your experience much smoother. On top of that
Use that to determine your role ,by looking at the icon.
And then after 10 games or so you'll be feeling better. It's a bit blurry at first but you'll quickly get into it

8 player game, we still have spots

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