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/owg/ Overwatch General

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Thread replies: 878
Thread images: 226

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>Official Stuff

>Competitive Info

>The Oversheet (Damage values and other numbers)


>Stats and Leaderboards (Unofficial)

>Official Comics

Previous thread: >>148255453
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hana song
>Junkrat didnt get shit from the patch

d.va's ult going to be way more annoying now, but that's fine since I enjoy playing her
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Ana is trash outside of the ult
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You could have at least included the new info people want to know


>tfw would still buy if it was on PC
>tfw Bungie is retarded
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>janitor is deleting other people's threads so he can be the one to make the new thread

But to what end?

Is it because he's a feminist and the other thread have fanart of cute girls in the OP?
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>Sleep dart Mercy in a team fight so she can't ressurrect and have someone headshot her after
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Playing D.VA is the most fun you can have in Overwatch!
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I want to cuddle with Reinhardt!
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>no new skins
>no new maps

This is kinda triggering

when the fuck are the new skins then
Her sleep is good too.
>Competitive Play matches can now only have one of each hero per team

Thank you.
>play mercy when it's needed because apparently teams need 4 offense characters now
>called a fag
my dick slurping abilities have nothing to do with choosing mercy
I would be playing symmetra if you idiots didn't go reaper, tracer, genji, hanzo, and dva
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Calm down fuckers
Good, that Swiss whore deserves all the abuse
>check ster stream for shits because his videos are alright
>sub mode
>20 second slow mode
>fucking r9k

and there is still 20k people watching this retard? blizzcucks are the fucking worst
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I want pictures! Pictures of Ana!

What went wrong?
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>Use defense Matrix to block some damage
>Have to drop it to let it recharge
>Get melted instantly because her entire model is a giant critbox

D.va is fixed guys! Blizzard did it!
Post-buff D.Va is literally the easiest and strongest character all in one. Any shitter can now shut down multiple high-skill DPS players.
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>play D.va religiously
>Learn all her pathings, counters and timings
>Gain a 60% wr with her in quickplay
>mfw these buffs
Merciful > Shrike
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>Sleepy dart Reinhardt or Zarya then go to town on their teammates
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It's new patch time, what do you expect.
>Self-healing abilities now charge ultimate abilities

No, she's not. Look at >>148263009, she's clearly young as fuck there.
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D.va is so fucking good right now, hngngngngng
m8 its ptr
calm your fucking dumbass down
and its the first hero we're getting post launch
so again
calm the fuck down
>Symmetra didn't get the buff she desperately needed

What did Blizzard mean by this?
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>tfw pharmacist

I feel like I should main Mercy so I can be a Pharmercyst

The GosuGamer and ESL tournaments showed them just how stupid hero stacking is when teams started throwing 5 Tracers at the point.
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>d.va still does jackshit for damage
>still has a gigantic critbox
>blizzard expecting her to just be a shitty reinhardt

holy shit you're terrible
>Enemy winston goes bananas and ults
>Hit him with a tranq

I can safely say that if Zenyatta ships like he currently is he is going to break the fucking game.

This is pre-nerf McCree tier shit.
She's situational. I can see the anti-heal debuff making or breaking a push on koth. Otherwise, her heals will be inconsistent outside of her aoe grenade-thing. Also, using her stun gun while playing with an uncoordinated team will only lead to the possible pick-off going to waste as your teammates just keep shooting as opposed to lining up a headshot.

Ult is good tho if given to hard carry
Young Ana/Pharah SFM porn when??
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Indeed she does. And they actually BUFF Mercy's ult in the next patch

Is Blizzard fucking retarded? She's already auto include in every team, and her ult is the most powerful in the game
it's actually bit tricky to land on non-big targets because of the delay
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>someone picks the hero you wanted to play
>is useless the entire round

Why bother with competitive?
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Holy shit that's fast, why would they buff the projectile speed anyways? I felt it was fine when playing him, this just seems like overkill. Not that I mind.
>I don't play Overwatch but I watch it on twitch lol
Posting an emote or word him or his wife don't like also get you permabanned.

It's a choice between him Moonmoon, the most autistic man on Twitch.
>dropped from placement at rank 55 to 48
>have won 21 games out of 41

I got my first internet connection in 1998 and started playing multiplayer games like starcraft 1 and quake 2 immediately, and in those 18 years THIS is the worst ranked system I have EVER seen.
Did they just use McCree to cuck 76 out of existence
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>try to launch ptr
>game launches twice, one in current ver, other stuck at login screen

how to make cursor like that?
competitive is a spergfest where everyone takes it super serious and plays all roles
if you can't do so, don't queue up fag
you shouldn't bother with competitive at all if you're a mainfag.
t. Delusional D.va rank 40 shitlords

Enjoy your OP character :)
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>politely ask them to switch
>they do
>you wake up

the situation you describe is not gonna happen nearly as often as you'd believe
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>links previous threads

he can stay
I feel like a sniper support is going to be OP.
That's a problem with how they do overtime, not hero stacking.
At least Moonmoon can handle banter. Sometimes he's even funny.

I got perma'd in that chat for typing fucking Trihard man. Seriously? These TF2 washouts are the fucking worst, man.
the buff to the orb projectile speeds is really nice

be good with 3-4 heroes atleast and it's unlikely all of them are unavailable
way to miss the point of the buff
since you don't waste your matrix one time and end up helpless in the middle of 3 guys, you can selectively block damage and trade hits until your boost comes off cooldown
also get closer and land headshots, ya dingus
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Giving him 50 more effective health AND that fucking discord travel is just plain fucking retarded
no they used Zenyatta to do it
New brawl: MOBAWATCH

-1 hero per team
-no switching

better than the support brawl
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>Wanting retards like you to spam the chat with Kappa123, FeelsBadMan and LUL
So verdict on the Patch?

New hero seems good, should be a decent niche for both players and within composition.

D.Va is now good, if the pilot is.

Zen shield buff is the one I'm not happy with. I was hoping for more mobility rather than just a strait up shield boost. From what I've experienced on PTR though, he's shredding Tanks. The ball speed increase is actually pretty important.

Soldier has his ult up very, very quickly with self heals.

McCree was ok, but I've barely played him so can't say for sure.

If they do some tweaking, mostly to the Self heal/ult timers before it hits live then this is a good patch.
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Same feeling her. I can't wait to use Defense Matrix to its full potential, and being able to stick around after my ult hunting fleeing enemies down while defending the payload.

It's her time to shine.
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>tranq key enemy (Mercy to stop rez)
>dumbass teammates wake them up

Its going to happen everytime, I guarantee it

It's a problem with both, they addressed both. Double Zarya was also dumb as hell.
it is completely overkill, he's now a top tier offense hero with utility and a "NOBODY IS EVER GOING TO DIE HERE" ultimate

which also charges stupidly fast by the way

t. complete shitter :^)
Was it Widow Ana was targetting in the video when she couldn't take the shot?
Why do you think so many people who spend more hours watching overwatch on twitch spend a lot of time shitposting on owg about their wrong opinions?

I mean, the game isn't even expensive they can easily just buy it and play...
sudden death should always be KOTH

prove me wrong
post tfw this track begins to play


tfw I'm a shitter that didn't back up my reaction pics
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they gotta make it so you wait for everyone on your team to load before picking. If you got a slow pc the others already picked. How am I supposed to young hanzo otp if one of the faggots with wolf skin steal him from me.
Just get an SSD and load in to the match before anyone else does, then you can get the character you want.
Is the HUEHUE nigger the worst support now?
Competitive sucks, I only play ranked when my friends are up for playing. If you're solo, just better to play quick play.
A new character is already a lot of work and I'm sure they're designing maps as we speak. It's like you don't even know that programmers, artists, and riggers spend sleepless nights on just getting something working.
Man, this update sucks.

No new maps, no new skins, Ana is a fucking sniper so say hello to another twat on your team who can't aim and doesn't push the fucking payload.

D.Va buff is a letdown as well .The ult buff is nice, but changes to her defense matrix seem extremely situational. I was hoping for an increase in mobility or at least being able to shoot while boosting.
>implying aimhack ult the character will ever stop being played
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Guys which one is Japanese.
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So this is the power of the PTR

Miss Poo in Loo still exists, so no
worst support will always be Symmetra

but HUEHUE still has a position as solo support/KOTH king
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>Game crashes whenever it tries to load Ana's model

i don't see how the matrix change is situational, it's a straight up buff
Ana is pretty fun, I think she will be good due to the potential of her ult with other strong ults.

D.Va is great.

Zenyatta is ridiculously overpowered, I doubt he reaches live as is. They wanted to buff him and ended up buffing too much and too hard.

McCree buffs were very needed but he still has the issue of his RMB being 100% useless. If you have good aim he's great.

S76 nerf was also needed.

pajeet is the worst support
How would a Sleep Dart affect an Omnic?
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>no new skins
>no new maps
shit update
when will they delete hanamura and volskaya for better maps
Ana/Genji/Zen is the new cancer.
Impossible to stop with an uncoordinated team.
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>They're going to include a 3 minute wait timer before the start of every competitive game so people can talk about comp (Because you can't just stack heroes anymore)
They's all japanese to me
What do you fucking expect?

If you want to "play properly" why are you A: in the PTR and B: in quick play?
How do I get the PTR server for overwatch?
Only the autoaimed orbs got a increase speed.
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so ana didn't shoot widowmaker because she recognized amelie right?
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>play comp
>instalock genji
>instalock genji
>instalock genji
>instalock genji
>instalock tracer
>entire team leaves if we lose one round
>entire enemy team leaves if they lose one round
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Jesse McCree! Minimalist!

1. Cute!
2. Cowboy!
3. Cutest cowboy!
4. Love McCree!
Sym is defense and obv doesn't count
No, but he has the least carry potential outside of koth. And if he's doing his job right he'll have gold healing even if paired with Mercy/Zen/Ana
Poo in loo and sandnigress are worse.
If they don't want to do stopwatch, then yes koth would be ideal
>Roadhog's ult increased by 45%

That seems like a lot. I mean it's fine, I never played him, but it seems like a lot.
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They fall asleep to be polite.
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Not talking about maining, but judging to select a hero based on how the game's going on, but unable to do so because your team blocks your decision making.
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>As soon as I wind up to charge into the fray, Ana damage boosts me

use the gundam skin for her
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>Ana counts as both a support AND a sniper

do you get free coins to try out skins there? Also does it work in europe or do I get 300 ping?
New maps when
Hanzo deleted when
her tranq is OP as fuck already. Did you see how long that lasts? McCrees stun was a problem and that shit only lasted like half a second. Hers you're stunned for like 5 seconds. Only one with a stun that long is Reinhardt and that's only with his fucking ult. This is a normal attack.
is this skin a reference of mass effect?
she's not even that good in defense, the second they take the first point/checkpoint she's borderline worthless
I'm super hyped for the defense matrix change.

You could conceivably nullify a widow/roadhog shot or a McCree flash with a well timed matrix for just a split second and just keep fighting and still have enough juice to completely nullify a pharah/reaper ult a second later.

Not only that, but you would basically be able to matrix every single zarya/mei ult unless they wait for the exact moment your matrix goes down.

D.va's skillcap just went through the roof and I think it's really fitting with her character to be able to micromanage incoming projectiles and damage.

Her ult buffs are just icing on the cake.
Self heals charge your ult now, and he self heals like a monster.
>wahhh why aren't they constantly adding in 50 maps, modes, and skins out the ass whenever they want to add in a hero!!!!!!!

grow the fuck up retard, is this your first fucking game?
>wanting to ever, EVER hear the voice of the person who wrote this post

Nope, gonna stay insta-muted, thanks.
>enemy Ana nanoboosts their Reinhardt
>our Ana puts him to sleep
>our team wakes him up
Ana takes "me ooga team booga" to a whole new level.
I don't know why else she would hesitate.
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>The sap is just her secondary fire
prepare to fucking rage as you constantly lose control of your character against a good Ana.
As we learned from McCree, losing control of your character and not be able to do anything but watch as you die is F U N.

>b-but it breaks on damage
Yeah and you literally get 1 shot by 80% the headshots in the game so what
Probably not

But Ana has the same voice actor as that quarian admiral
Ana's grenade thing makes me think of jarate
D.Va still sucks as a tank but is now scary good for flaking/harassing (which is how she should be played).

Agreed with soldier ult, but he is less dominant at mid range without his ult.

Ana ult is fucking broke as fuck IMO. Many, Many Team wipes.
how? her damage is pretty good for an support weapon, she has auto aim, her turrets can melt squishies, the only buff I can see is giving her teleporterinfinite uses
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> tfw I already played a lot of Zen and Dva before the patch
> mfw seeing this Zen buff

The zen buff is perfect. My biggest complaint about his ult was that it basically left him stranded in the middle of the fight, now he has an escape with it
top one

Hope you fuckers played a lot of WoW, because if you break the CC you lose DKP and possibly your spot in the next raid.
Lucio is cute!
Him and zenyatta are unstoppable!
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ITT: we post pics that completely and utterly explain a hero.

I'll start: Ana
>Zenyatta is ridiculously overpowered, I doubt he reaches live as is. They wanted to buff him and ended up buffing too much and too hard.

He seems balanced with Mercy now.
But, did tracer recognize her during either of both encounters?
What's the deal with the purple health bar when you hit someone as Ana ?
I don't like ana. Not for any reason other than she is a woman and covers up way too much skin. I hate her clothes. They need to add a sexy skin or else she's forever shit.
Kill yourself
>being this butthurt over 4chan comments
Take your pills
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>and doesn't push the fucking payload.

You're hopeless. You should look into things before whining. She literally has no choice but to stay objective focus. She has no hook or wallclimb.

Retards and NEETs don't get that people actually have to work and create this shit from scratch, and not just that they go through hundreds of iterations that will never see the light of day until something feels right.
that stops them from healing
>all of these Zen buffs

I would have been happy with one. Holy shit +50 shield is disgusting.
The only 1-shot headshots in the game are Hanzo arrows and Widow. And the way you fall down makes it very hard to land a headshot at that distance.
Mercy mains WILL defend this post
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>Enemy pharah ults
>Throw a snooze dart at her

Mother knows best
>have shit aim, EU
>log in on ptr
>75% accuracy with mcree, headshots everywhere
Nice lag compensation, really like. Thinking of routing through africa for easy points.

>Talking anonymously and talking to real people are the same thing

fucking go outside
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She's 60. I know this is going to sound SJW-ish, but not every woman needs to be sexualized.
hows gamergate going? :)
they can't heal
> Symmetra needs a buff


She can still have a shield up 4/14 seconds and has a room clearing ult that isn't as easily dodged anymore. Maybe not AS powerful defensively as Rein but she adds a different flavor to the game, definitely viable
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>Ana ults Reinhardt
>Reinhardt becomes an unstoppable raid boss
>Mercy's damage boost went from 30% to 50%
>Boosting a 76 during his ult is now a rape train
>Zenyatta got a handful of buffs and is now playable
>Discord Orb + Mercy Boost = Double Damage
>Reinhardt and Zarya are still the best double tank comp in the game for obvious reasons
>Ana's grenade can turn 76's Biotic Field into a giant fucking heal beacon if used properly
>Infinite damage, healing and survivability: The Team

If you're not abusing this comp, uninstall the game.
Holding down E to activate Defense Matrix and moving around with WASD is pretty awkward.
the legendary skin that has her younger appearance is dope

like a healing absorb I guess
pretty sure the top is chinese, mid is korean, bottom 2 look like jap
HOLY SHIT Nubani has new grass on the map!
You have 10 seconds to name a single character that shuts down reaper like reaper shuts down 5 characters. It has to be a character, and not a tactic
too bad her critbox is still fucked
>crusader's crossbow
>lloid's talisman
>tranq gun

wew hype
I play Mercy and I wouldn't. Why should I get stats for damage that someone else is doing?
good thing you can rebind keys
Support mains in general seem to be the most entitled delusional fuckers in any game. I PLAY A ROLE NO ONE LIKES I CANT DO WRONG RESPECT ME REEEEEEE. It doesn't help that their characters are always braindead easy so they can't be caught fucking up that hard and they ALWAYS take shots at anyone playing actual difficult characters

Fuck supports and support players
>D.Va still sucks as a tank but is now scary good for flaking/harassing (which is how she should be played).

Exactly. She is fantastic to kill annoying backline heroes, and destroy turrets/bastion pickers.
This might be the most autistic post I've ever seen
No lol, he was supposed to be so fragile due to having utility and top tier damage by himself. Obviously it was too much, but they basically buffed everything at the same time and created a monster.

Now he has 200HP like everybody else, offense-class tier DPS, his orbs are basically instant with that traveling speed and his ult makes you invulnerable. Shit, if you have more than 300HP you can survive a Hanzo dragon AND death blossom at the same time just by being inside his ult.
It's already bound to RMB now. Like Tracer has shift or RMB for her blink.

So it's not only the Jarate that cucks the healing ? That seems OP as fuck. RIP Pharmercy. I for one welcome our new overlord meta Mercydow.
he needed the health boost. before he had the same health as tracer without the mobility so he was REALLY easy to kill by pretty much anyone with good aim or a winston. however the discord travel is fucking retarded
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>Ana and Phara on the same team
>Prefight banter has Ana asking Phara why isn't she married and why she doesn't have grandkids
>Phara will then try to convince any male character to pretend to be her husband only to get shotdown
Sydney sleeper
>Retards and NEETs don't get that people actually have to work and create this shit from scratch
you realize they're a multi billion dollar corporation and not a few indie devs right
oh. That's fucking disgusting.

Make a young ana skin and make it sexy. She's a woman so yes she has to be sexualized. That's just how it is and how I like it. Fuck others.
They really don't. I mean, the fact that she came with a bunch of skins herself, golden weapon, voice lines, emotes, sprays... that's pretty fucking huge in comparison to other games that will have maybe 1 skin at launch for each new hero/champ/toon/w.e.
>Implying it's the voice that matters
>When all I hear is A нy чики-бpики и в дaмки
McC- oh wait.

It's mapped to m2 now too
it's changed to right click

It will still take 10 seconds to fully fill the bar for her defense matrix. That means all you really gain is the ability to quick-toggle the shield. Sounds cool in theory, but given how aggressive you need to be with D.Va I honestly don't think it be practical in 90% of matches. Maybe it will make her more useful for the top players, but casual players will still complain over how squishy she is.
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She swells up into a gigantic, taught blueberry. Ripe, tender, and plump. What do you do with her?
Doesn't Mercy get a Damage boosted card at the end of some games or some shit?
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>Flank Ana and shoot at her
>She instantly turns around, saps you and just walks away

F U N inc.
>Mercy was buffed

I like playing Mercy but she really didn't need any buffs besides some way to yell HELP to your teammates.
Nope. Reaper can get out of everything Tracer does with ease. At worst, it's an even matchup assuming the two players are of equal skill
please respond
My post has nothing to do with that, why don't you just stop breathing?
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>Zarya says her ult is ready
>Tell her mine is to
>Hold off on using it so we can get the big combo
>Game ends with them never using it
>Never use mine either because I was waiting for theirs
>>Discord Orb + Mercy Boost = Double Damage

Nigger, please. If they can into math, it is *2.25.
It puts a target to sleep for six seconds, it doesn't stun. Also, the maximum damage she can do even with headshots is 75. So it's not like she can use it to do any damage.

It's only remotely dangerous when you coordinate your sleep dart with a Reinhardt for an unstoppable charge or with a Widowmaker for a guaranteed headshot. Otherwise, it just puts you out of the fight rather than leaving you directly vulnerable.
Ana sucks major fucking dick, She'll only get picked if you want a free loss.
the support brawl is utter fucking cancer. you can't win on offense, and if you have 2 symmetras on defense you pretty much auto win
defensive/offensive assists. Ignore mercy crybabies their hero is fine
I don't understand the obsessions with waifus whenever a character is a female
are you sure it's because you hit them or because the other three Anas did it with the bomb?
You should go back to /r/eddit little kid.
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Take her to the Juicenator.

What did I say about chewing that gum, child?
But the thing is most of the time you wouldn't want to use full Matrix anyway already before this buff. You'd use Matrix and then cancel it soon after and then have to wait the full CD regardless

You don't have to waste the full CD just to Matrix up for a second or two, thats the great part
You said shut down, not kill.

Reaper can't do damage in wraith form
I don't know, it seems a bit strange that you don't even get an assist for damage boosting.
>do nothing
>expect praise

what is this logic, is that a woman
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>/owg/ has a character figured out 3 hours after she was put on the test server
Sorry man but you kow they wanted the dedicated tank buster to be uncontested. :^)
Yeah, and Tracer doesn't give reaper fits
Does Ana have any interactions that we've found yet? Anything with Reaper, 76, or Pharah?

Also worth noting, Ana and 76 have matching cheer sprays.
Kill yourself
Are you autistic? I wasn't screaming with rage, I made a joke dude. Calm down.
Yeah, that's a bummer.
How the fuck does one Winston? I just tickle people.
is it possible to farm to 1 mmr?

you get acknowledged whenever the damage boosted guy is good enough to get PotG with it
Did Roadhog's ult really need a 45% boost to cost?
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>If a match goes into Overtime for more than 20 seconds, the fuse will now start to "burn down" more quickly

Am I the only one that enjoyed the crazy overtime episodes?

>She literally has no choice but to stay objective focus. She has no hook or wallclimb.

Sure, sounds good. But we all know how your average sniper plays.
she has one with reaper but I didn't catch what was said
> tfw love playing zen, 2nd most played character
> tfw these buffs will make him monstrous in the hands of a component player
> tfw all the baddies will go back to playing Zen now and get him nerfed to oblivion
Reinhardt even more required on every map now
He is a monster just like Mercy. Her ult nerf couldn't be more insignificant.
you seem so angry little kid
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It's a copy of your normal account. You get whatever amount of coins you have there.
reaper says some shit that shes back on the list then she calls him by his first name and asks wtf happened to him
5 bucks on all of these not making it to live
What is this? Easy mode?
>D.Va metastasized the most malignant cancer ever in one fell patch

Holy fucking shit this is beyond cancer
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"I've fallen and I can't get up" the ability.
>blizzard putting in a one hero limit in competitive

I fucking told you all it was coming. Expect by next season to see the opponents matchup before the start of a game as well.

>D.Va's Defense Field, instead of clicking it and it lasting three or four seconds and having a long cooldown, it's now something where you can toggle it on and off and there's a meter that runs that."

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>Though its heroines may be diverse in body proportions, however, they cannot be old.
>Women in Overwatch, it seems, can vary slightly among body types provided they're a youthful, attractive complement to an aging assemblage of grizzled men.
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>hanamura and volskya
yes, because self healing charges your own ult now. one can of drank is like 20% ult
>They should pander to ME!
I want every female to have a huge swinging cock with an obvious bulge. Fuck all the others.

See how retarded you sound?
No I hated them. Hated defending them, hated attacking them.

Actually, so many people refused to even get on the point during overtime because they just wanted it to be over and not a long giant overtime spree.
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well, she is a milf.. they can't exactly make her look 20.
who gives a shit, ana is cool
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They're certainly very willing to sacrifice the quality of the game in exchange for political brownie points
But they just released a female who's as old as dirt.
I expect 100 health/100 shields at the very least
>tfw I remember seeing that
>tfw Blizzard employees who saw that probably laughed their asses off
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>not a beret
She's 60, shes not a milf

She's a gilf
I want to pound pharah
But shitter, that skin is in the game
>Expect by next season to see the opponents matchup before the start of a game as well.
that wouldnt do much since they can switch a billion times before the game actually begins...

Pharah doesn't have any kids.
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>Literally a skin that is exactly that picture.

Picked up again.
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She's about the same age as Reinhardt, and we saw work on her being done months ago. That's entirely Neofags being Neofags.

You can even barely make out "ANA" in pic related.
she most likely joined overwatch after amelie became widowmaker
Why is Widowmaker blue?
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How many of you fucks will drop d.va now that shes not special snowflake pick anymore.

I wont, because im not a shitter
>No Zarya nerf
>No Tracer nerf
>Roadhog got a slap on the wrist to the only one of his abilities that was actually balanced
>Widow now at the bottom of the trash can with the release of Ana
>McCree's kit is still completely useless aside from his left click
>Mercy+Pharah will now be even more cancer
>No new maps
>No new skins

What a great patch. Well done Blizzard.
Why do you ask stupid questions?
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>But shitter

FUCK you dude
gilf literally means grandmother i'd like to fuck.

Unless you can confirm without a shadow of a doubt she is a grandmother, and not just an old mother, she's a MILF
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she's only a gilf if she has a granddaughter you twat
I'm picking her up now
literally unplayed since beta, her ult is some shit now
hence that shitposter saying they're pandering to sjws for releasing ana
apparently everyone should be 20, straight, white, and male.

I picked her because she is fun, now she's more fun, therefore I will keep having fun
it's a skin, but as defaulting goes, it's probably because Ana's probably been an MIA Vigilante like Soldier 76 and other Overwatch operatives.
>blizzard is pandering to sjws by adding in pharah's mom
what the fuck did you expect?
did you legit think ana was gong to look like she's 18 or some shit?
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>Pharah doesn't have any kids.
Doesn't matters, the age is what's important.

You don't call an 18 year old with a kid a milf because she doesn't have the age
some dude did it
How annoying is ana's sleep dart? worse than mei?
Her suit is cutting off blood flow.
And they still can't shit out maps like candy. Shit breaks all the time. Shit gets thrown out all the time. They probably only did the hard testing for Ana on existing maps because everyone is a little broken on whatever new maps they're working on. Money and manpower can help you make certain goals possible but in some cases you can end up working slower because people are checking in thousands of changes into a new build that fucks something up. And AAA studios still spend many sleepless nights on this stuff.

t. play tester for an AAA studio
I'll never drop D.VA.

In fact, I find it increasingly harder to pick anyone else but D.VA. She's just so versatile and fun to play.
>no headshot
>no mobility
>75 damage
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"I have been dreaming of fighting along side you mother."

"My dream was to keep you out of this life"

That's what they say more or less to one another in the PTR.
Why u post ur ugly mug man you like feeling loved by creepy strangers or something?
Time to make a granddaughter for her.
I think it's just star. He was always kindof uptight but leaving tf2 made him into a prude. He's a real asshole especially to anyone that mentions tf2.
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>Widowmaker isn't fun for me but I'm fucking amazing at her
>Ana is fun
>I'm good at her
>she reminds me of my mother
>qt as fuck skins
Well! New main for me!
>age is what's important
No you dumbass motherfucker. And yes, you would call an 18 year old a milf if she had kids. Of course, no one would actually want to fuck a deadbeat so they would say so jokingly.
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>tfw the autist spamming pharah images in this thread daily has made me fall for her as well
Jesus fucking christ Ana is OP as fuck
>Stun that lasts SIX FUCKING SECONDS if they're not hit (McCrees is like half a second and Reinhardt needs to use an ult to stun for that long and she has a normal attack that does it even longer)
>Heals 75 per second (she shoots 1 shot a second and it heals 75 per shot. Zenyatta heals 100 per second using an ult. This is just her standard heal.)
>Also can heal 100 HP in a second in an AOE for allies like Zenyattas ult only once again this is just a normal ability and not an ult
>t. cuck for a (shitty)AAA studio
>Throw D.Va nuke
>Cap everyone in the back of the head when they run away
They never shoot back
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How will Ana feel about her daughter being a slut?
So that poster more or less guarantees the next doomfist is going to be a girl to give us a melee female and to "subvert tropes lol" right?
What's the weekly brawl?
Did someone make highlights with the young ana skin?
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Bastion rework when?

There's literally no reason to pick him anymore now that most of the roster counters him
You seem upset, anon.
I'm tired of every decision a company makes having to be for or against social justice. They made a neat looking character, who cares about her age or gender?
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Why do Tracer's legos get so much flak?

I think the helmet is really cute
So what is the general consensus about Ana, D.Va and Zenyatta now?
No. If you posted some 18yo mom in a milf thread you'd be called a retard
is ana already playable?

how many characters will blizzmeme add to the game?

do you think that by december they will release a game of the year edition will all the dlc and skins?

I kinda want to play this, but at the moment I'm just gonna shitpost here with you guys and wait until the complete version is released.
When does Ana go live on the main client, do we know?
>Zenyatta heals 100 per second using an ult
it got buffed to 300
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A stun is the same fucking thing. They're stunned just a different word. They can't move. They can't attack. They can't do anything.
>self healing charges your own ult

oh boy, i get it now. and they only increased lucio's ult cost by 10%. guess it's time to break it down.
That stun will get shit on, at least.
I like the scarf. I just wish the helmet were less bulky.
Ana is OP!
Zen is OP!
Diva is >:3
>is ana already playable?
ye the patch is live on ptr
not crotchless i guess
Ana is situationally very good. Her Q is fucking insane

DVa and Zen are very good now
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>tfw diva is my most played and they're finally giving her stuff

fix the critbox you pricks but still weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
No you wouldn't. Milf stands for mother I'd like to fuck
not old woman i'd like to fuck

you fucking dumbass inbred
how the fuck have you jerked off to this shit so much but still don't fucking understand it
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>heals 75 per second

Yeah good luck landing all those shots u shitter. Her healing will be inconsistent at best, at least in pubs. Ana in the pro scene may be really cool, especially with stun gun setups and the like
>Bastion is bad
If your team is somewhat decent and isn't full of forced 50 Hanzos and Genjis, he's fucking incredible

All you have to do is chain a few kills and tilt the enemy team into just giving up

>Tfw no family banter, just motherly love and daughter rebel.

Too predictable!
Because I can' see her face and the harir looks really stupid.
If you posted an 18 year old with proof that they had kids then anyone denying it would be called a retard, retard.
Just played PTR

>Ana seems fine, is kinda fun to play. Her rifle is 100% accurate without looking down the scope, meaning that she can play from ground level
>Abilities are nice, her ult is scary as fuck

>DVA is fucking fun to play now
>Self Destruct might be too good now, jesus you can just nuke the entire team by flying kinda high and dropping it so it explodes as it reaches ground and they cant get away
all women are sluts anon, at least pharah is not a whore.

True, but I'm having trouble understanding how it's going to make her less squishy in any scenarios other than 1v1 against a slow shooting hero, or shutting down ults. I can see it being useful in defending against Pharah's rockets, Mcree's fan the hammer or Roadhog's combo. But when facing more than one opponent, shooting at irregular intervals I do not think toggling defense matrix will be reliable enough to make her more viable as a tank. I'm just not seeing it at the moment.
With how Mercy and Lucio are OP, they don't have any choice if they want her to be played.
>Streamers/pros got to see Ana around E3 time (invited to Blizzard HQ)
>Confirmed not Sombra by Blizzard
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>Heals 75 per second (she shoots 1 shot a second and it heals 75 per shot. Zenyatta heals 100 per second using an ult. This is just her standard heal.)

Yeah but she has to snipe them for it. When you have teammates hopping around like a lunatic it becomes difficult.

Reminds me of Killing Floor 1 where the darts didn't have aim-assist. Basically goes something like this.

shitters don't get punk skins are best fitting skins and le racer shit looks lame on both tracer and soldier
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>still no new skins
I haven't tested yet but probably doesn't need the extra shields. The orbs and the ultimate speed are probably enough to make him balanced though
>people watch ster still
Is it just me or does Ana's head look unreasonably large in the portraits compared to Reaper/Pharah?


>Pharah surrounded by multiple versions of her mother

I can imagine the hell of nagging.
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I've noticed Lucio players are very ok with everything so far
They know it's time
Don't forget Reinhardt being the fucking juggernaut with Ana.
>McCree mankini

where do I sign up
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thanks google, I had a sensible chuckle

seriously though sauce
So how the fuck am I meant to play McCree

>Almost everyone can escape the flashbang
>No mobility or way to keep self alive other than that shitty combat roll which seems to make your hitbox bigger
>Destroyed at close range, do no damage long range

I just want to be a cowboy
>good luck landing all those shots

Why did you just admit you are absolutely terrible? The hitbox for healing on teammates is extremely generous
they added a disgusting old ass bitch. God damn it. We need a loli hero blizzard come on.

She´d be incredibly turned on
how's anna mobility, anon?
can i climb walls with her?
Probably gonna have to nerf that interaction now that they reduced the arm time.
Next to the line of people wanting speedos Reinhardt
>Ana can sleep Dva's Mech and Zenyatta

So does it have a mini EMP in it or something?
Whoa there!
Hope ster gets his twitch banned again lol
I sustained extreme vocal chord damage when I was younger, I can't talk. You don't have to rub it in ;-;
go after squishies
use the shield
jump on people
throw your shit at people
>mad he doesnt have friends of high skill to stomp in ranked with
>Destroyed at close range, do no damage long range

Don't you worry. Patch is gonna make his long range better.

Be the Ambassador Spy.
She has none.
>lolbabbies problems
It's not the only studio I've done testing for, anon. They're all like that. You can admit to being wrong you know.
>tfw you wot n't to relive the glory of the offensive Crusader's Crossbow ever again

why even live
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I can't take this shit anymore
I need new skins
>tfw Ana's ult turns Reinhardt into the raid boss he was always meant to be
As entitled as some may seem, you need them and they need you. Deal with it.
I assume you are one of those people who think it's a good idea to pick Genji or Tracer when the "No Support" tag is showing.
No, she is probably best as a backline as she cant really get anywhere that wont get her flanked

Hopefully I racked up 31 elims in 4mins in Numbani, including 2 team kills
>"My dream was to keep you out of this life"
This confirms she was an accident?
Are there no condoms in OW lore???
welp, dropped
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then how the fuck did she get up here?
They're not stunned the moment an instance of damage is done, whereas someone stunned by Reinhardt is still stunned even when damage is done to them.

It's really different. This ability is only useful for escaping flankers. It is not useful in the middle of a fight.
Fuck up the enemy Mercy, WIdow, Hanzo, Genji, Lucio, Symmetra. He tickles but has enough durability to tickle those heroes to death. Taking damage? Bubble up. Target still not dead? Jump out, heal up, rinse repeat. He's meant to be annoying as fuck but doesn't do damage even when you're ulting. Just run in and be a gigantic gorilla.
I want to get good god damn it.
How many hours will it take?

I'm having fun even though I'm shit but I'm sure it would be more fun if I was good.
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This is for you anon
>play ranked
>your team has mei and hanzo
why can't I just leave, what's the point of playing
but i do
does ster even have friends after getting cucked by the tf2 scene lmao
I want to train with Reinhardt.
We're not gonna get bikini skins until we get a beach episode

>sjw complaints about old women not being in the game
>blizzard panders to them
>did you legit think this old person that they released as pandering was gong to look like she's 18 or some shit?

I don't even give a fuck about this pandering thing but I just had to point out your logic, jesus fucking christ dude.
Is there still a fuckhuge queue on ptr?
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>not enjoying gratuitous fanservice
you gay senpai?

I mean it's cool if you are, I don't have anything against that

I knew a gay guy in college he was nice

but really, you gay?
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Suspend fucking disbelief for a minute fuck
Kaplan said they used Junkrat's concussive mine.
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I know... No feels, no friendly family banter... Just business. The least Ana could do is list off funny reasons why she didn't want Phara to follow her footsteps.
>"Do you have retirement benefits? Because they didn't have that during my time in Overwatch. I had to pay for my own health and dental too!"

And now I really want to see a "Tracer X" skin.

Alternatively give Hanzo a Speed Racer skin and Genji the Racer X skin. The Skin would also cause Genji and Hanzo's lip-synching to go wonky and wrong.
Junkrat concussion mine'd her up there
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the dream

we don't count as your friends anon.
>Ana coldly tells Widow that Gerard was a fool to marry her.
>Widow replies that Ana didn't really know him.
Seems like Widow still cares for the man she murdered.
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Ana is much hotter than Pharah
>someone INSISTS that they play Zenyatta as our only support, especially after we barely won the first round

fuck, I really wanted to calibrate just to see what I get, but fuck this. Gold weapons can suck my dick.
an enemy junkrat?

what a fucking asspull
Its in the video you shitlord. She wanted to put an end to the violence that caused Overwatch to exist in the first place. She didn't want Fareeha to be in any danger.
>Mercy buffed
>Zenyatta buffs nulled because of them
>still 20 tick

shit game
shit devs
Does this really make a difference?

I thought all the other guys were being awkward chucklefucks and didn't want to pick first.

Now I feel like everybody thinks I'm an instalocking asshole.
I play whatever the team needs. I only "need" them because games force that garbage design. Support is problematic in every game where it exists because no one ever wants to play it. In League, Smite, OW, and whatever else I haven't tried. Garbage role that designers keep shoving.
>tfw no overwatch culture festival episode where tracer wants to do a maid cafe but junkrat wants to to a haunted house
>does ster even have friends after getting cucked by the tf2 scene lmao

wut? explain this shit
But anon, hiding under that cold metal body is another cold metal body that has no limbs.
Are you really this easily trolled? Holy shit
play csgo

get to global elite

you're now rank 70+ at overwatch easily
I don't play with you though. I'm sensing a lot of insecurity coming from you though, fix it.
>ana gets released
>hear people say "omg what happened to sombra"

You people need some glasses.
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>tf2 scene
>tf2 fucks are mad he left them
>they pretend he's a shitter
Oh my god what happened to sombra

you're sensing insecurity from one post?

are you projecting?
that skin looks like tali
Looks more like Destiny
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I can take the number of booties in this game, i really can't
"I was only pretending to be retarded"

Keep it coming famiglia.
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This character exists for one reason and one reason only

As a counterbalance to Mercy

Other than that she's fun but if the enemy team doesn't have a Mercy there's not much point to using her over Mercy or Lucio
Or hell, even Zenyatta, considering his damage output is probably higher and his heals are better
so you weren't the memetext dude, my bad then.
and no that's not how projecting operates
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McCree for the gay Overwatch character
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Is this really sombra
Her VA was one of the quarian admirals in ME2 and 3. Might be a reference, but probably not.
also she's so damn fine for an old woman.
when does this update go live?

Pharahs mum was literally always going to end up in the game. People have been predicting it since closed beta
It's useful as an interrupt in the middle of a fight. Particulary now that McCree isn't ubiquitous.
cinematic purposes

>look this cool position to snipe hehe
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>Plinking a roadhog's head out of hook range as McCree
>Starts healing
>Roll and keep firing into his head
>All those headshot tinks
This range increase is the best
Yeah it's nano machines son
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>check /v/ threads just to see people reactions
>people arguing and people saying zenyatta buffs are useless and that the orb speed buff changes nothing

Well that's that.
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She's an accomplished person and seems like a good person. She's skilled, competent, impressive, and experienced. Not to mention a lifelong soldier so fit as fuck despite age. She's a perfect example of age mattering less than taking care of yourself.

I'm a mercyfag but I respect anafags.
It is literally confirmed that's not sombra
maybe not
better yet

play overwatch
Why are so many people picking Genji, Reinhardt, Widowmaker, and Reaper in PTR servers? Does Masteroverwatch record PTR stats as well or something? We just wiped an entire tryhard team with patch characters and one ended up ragequitting.
>skin isnt actually called sombra
>guys its sombra

what if its just a group or cult and shes part of it
wrong about what, that the studios you worked for are shitty? if you're an AAA studio with access to millions and your shit is breaking all the time then the studio sucks

>Linking to tumblr
>Buying into the meme of mercyxanyonebuttorbjorn
It is literally confimed that you're an idiot.
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>Been going full tilt in competitive
>No one ever wants to play support
>Get dunked down to 44
>Decide I'm going to learn to play a support
>Run around private matches with Lucio for a day learning wallrides and M2 angles
>Throw this on repeat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh6chDAdPFI
>Jump into competitive and Lucio all day
>Gotta go fast!
>Say positive things to my team every game
>"Look at this team, we're gonna do great!"
>"We just gotta believe in the heart of the beat to carry us through!"
>Dancing and laughing, spamming voice line even when we're losing
>Always pull it out somehow
>Suddenly winning every game
>Rank 52 after two days of this

Can't stop, won't stop!
Ana has the worst skins in this game. All f them are recolors. Some with a mask and some without. Every single one of them. Fuck that.

Also none of them are sexy so boo blizzard boooooooooooo the ones with her being young should be sexy.
That is some unimpressive bulge.
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Everyone is the gay character
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>mercy about to get dropped from basically all fan art
>ana gonna take that mother spot now

Ster literally said that Blizzard confirmed Ana isn't Sombra when they were shown Ana. Sombra is also working with Reaper and it wouldn't make sense for Ana to do that
It is literally confirmed you're a fucking retard

What is the penality for leaving ranked matches? I just had a match where five people on the opposing team left so I guess it's not that harsh?
>Widowmaker had the Blackwatch logo

Ok, what the hell is this timeline?

Anyways, Ana is definitely made for coordinated teams but hey, at least the Ult is gonna make some hilarious memes
genderbend skins when
Nice blog. Though really, have fun anon. Lucio is great.
>put sombra in the game
>pretend it's not her
It's like getting a new mom in real life
>play any other arena FPS
>now Overwatch will look slow motion
>ez headshots ez life
>get picked up on discords because your accuracy is the best compared to LoL and TF2 babies
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its well known that pharah's mother was a part of overwatch before she was even released you dumbfuck
expanding on the lore and making an interesting new character =/= pandering
They used a cocktail of drugs and cybermods to artificially slow down her heart rate, which also had the side effect of turning her skin blue and making her cold and pretty much emotionless.
After the agegap incest porn
don't you have to go shitpost on /v/?
Bastion with a bikini spray painted on him?
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>For a price...
word a male mercy and dva would be fucking amazing
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>it will never be safe to ult so long as Ana has you in her sights
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McCree is fucking perfect
I assume there will be art of his younger sexpot self?
playing overwatch will never make you good at shooting
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trap hero when?
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Uploading thing I drew with a transparent background for others to use in inevitable shitposting.
>A rocket launcher? Why not a sniper rifle?
>I thought you said you wanted to be just like mommy when you were a little girl?
>You have your father's forehead, I don't know why you don't cover it up more.
>I hope for your sake that's kohl rather than a tattoo, young lady.
>I wanted you to do as I say, not as I do!
>You remembered to eat? Got all your shots? Mercy did give you a physical before you got o the trasport, right?
>Yes I brought extra tampons, we'd rather not repeat that incident from when you were twelve, right?
>That physical took a awful long-
>It's one thing to much the rug but MERCY? What am I to tell your father in hell?!
>Cairo, Egypt

Hopefully young McCree getting fucked by older McCree
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>damage boost buffed
>Effect will no longer stacks with bonus damage provided by another Mercy
fuck I didn't even know that was possible

Did anyone just get 2 soldiers and 4 mercys to boost them?
he looks like Billy the Kid
>that face
>those eyes
>that hair
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It's been debated since day one if sombra and ana were the same, sombra is mexican and ana had no reason at all to have a mexican nickname as an egyptian.

Now we know they're different.

They even teased sombra on ana video
sorry meant for >>148273101
WOW you're really smart!!!! you're the only one who noticed!!!

Nothing connects that picture to Sombra.
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>Ana boosted molten core torbjorn
>600 armor midget with a shotgun, 50% damage reduction and movespeed
>speculate incorrectly
>reeeee blizz is retarded! >:/
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>Twink D.va in a skin tight suit.

>no headshot damage bonus on a goddamn sniper rifle
>no double-healing headshot for injecting a healing dart into someone's head

This is stupid.
I used to go 3 Mercy, 2 Reinhardt and 1 Bastion with friends. Guess the memes are over now.
Maybe he's a grower.
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Anyone who plays tracer should have their knees removed and then testicle slapped to death
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>feelio when ptr lootbox give you a legendary

you assholes are ruining my game
She can also pocket Genji at a range, but only if her aim is godlike

Or someone like D.Va as she can heal boost and pocket heal at a distance so D.Va can actually frontline this time

Or the same heal boost then pocket Zarya for MAXIMUM charge
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>young ana skin
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fucking 11/10
holy shit, this post, that image, everything altogether was perfect, this made me laugh so hard
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Almost enough McCree
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hundreds of hours in MGS has prepared me for this day

my dick has never been harder for an upcoming patch
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Well she must have been an accomplished sniper before Talon initiated Operation NTR.
I've seen some witchcraft when it comes to dick so I wouldn't doubt it.
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>>Twink D.va in a skin tight suit.
That would be hilarious

Imagine Reinhardt slamming a manlet wearing a skin-tight pink and purple jumpsuit
i was thinking he looks like the lead man from some 80's rock band
diamond dick tbqh
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>teabag taunt
Billy the Kid was rail thin and buck tooth, like those squatting slavs people joke around the Internet
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>Ana's damage is a DoT

Dropped faster than your mom dropped you on your head
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>pocket heal from a distance
>from a distance

Wow, if only there wasn't another hero that could heal from a distance too. And who doesnt have to aim. Boy, wouldn't that hero be cool.
There's no reason they're paired other than they were showed on the same day but it's still cute.

Glad we have a crusader's crossbow class
>Well she must have been an accomplished sniper before Talon initiated Operation NTR.
But she was literally just someone's wife. Not even part of overwatch.
Looks like you need a timeout !

You need to be accurate. If you can land around 50% of what you fire off, you can play McCree.
>i have to be able to aim to heal

I play support because I can't aim Blizzard

Oh I can imagine it alright
fucking amazing job
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Life's end. It's beautiful, isn't it?
When's Ana coming out anyway?
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I aim to please!
Sombra is probably Lt. Maria Estrada.
you have a 150 damage headshot hitscan weapon

if you're bad at mcree it's because you suck and both positioning and aiming
If you don't scope in then its a projectile, which means projectile hit boxes instead of hitscan. I think even I could hit it.
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Male Song a cute. A CUTE!
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>Nano Boosted Winston
I've seen hell lads
Harambe won't go unavenged
Ana's regular skins looks so fucking nice im so excited to play her

And then tenderly touching his Korean boipussy
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>>Twink D.va in a skin tight suit.
>Recolor legendary is Shinji
how do i get PTR?
jockstrap cowboys gonna feed your cum
we have junkrat
Of course it's Sombra, you colossal fuckwits.

You fail to realize that "Sombra" is just a nickname that the spics gave her. Soldier 76 has one too if you were paying any attention to the lore.

Quit being retarded.

>same outfit
>same details
>default ana skin is "sombra" without the mask on

You're just like those faggots that got all pissy when Snivy was named Snivy instead of Smugleaf. Now quit sperging out and look for something else to shitpost about.
By distance I meant Tank is at one corner while Ana is shooting heals from the other corner with the sleep dart as an emergency escape button
1. In the PTR

2. Unknown, but assuming they keep supporting the game I'd say a new hero every six months to a year wouldn't be out of the question.

3. Game of the Year edition probably won't be a thing, given the existence of Origins edition. There is no DLC, and Skins can be bought with real money already by buying coins.

4. As long as Blizz keeps supporting it Overwatch will probably never have a "Complete" version.
sniper bow when?
Was he ulting at the time? Because that's basically fighting a raging, unkillable titan.
>on PTR
>guy picks Zen
>he gets his ult
Nobody spoke all game until that moment, he couldn't even believe how fast Zen is while EXPERIENCING TRANQUILITY
An experiment:

1. Your level
2. Most annoying class
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Is this patch great or what.

I almost have respect for Blizzard again.
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shitposting scrubs like this shouldn't make me mad, but they do
>tfw you sleep an ulted winston
Who is Shinji?
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Fucking hell ana has so many good skins

I can't decide on which one to use
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Is Ana's field as strong as it sounds? Damage over time, heal prevention, heal boosting, and actual healing all on top of one another sounds a little overkill.
>objectively no hard counter thanks to sleep
>hitscan sniping with heals when scoped
>can heal herself
hanzo or whinemaker can counter her, but if she gets them, they will have a hard time on mid and short range against her.

who can hard counter her that wont be affected by sleep?
>want to play Zarya
>can't aim for shit

Why is it so fucking thin? Can you even get headshots?
Why is her icon so big in comparison to the other ones?
Can Ana's gun heal without being zoomed in?
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>KOTH starts
>first three picks are Hanzo, Widow, Genji
I don't mind a Genji on my team for KOTH but that got fucking dropped
>He doesn't have the rudimentary algebra skills to snipe with Master Hanzo
>have to download an extra version of the game to try new shit

lmao, the thought of a completely silent game until that WOAH made me crack up

at least he can run away from flankers that just wait for his ult to finish
1. on PTR
2. I don't know I don't work for Blizzard
3. Absolutely no idea what you're talking about, everything is free except the game itself

Shitpost indeed.
>Sniper focused on support and buffing/debuffing
Finally I can Jarate Sniper again
Blizzard is being coy so we can't be sure. Ster also said she wasn't Sombra, but his source is Blizzard and he just finished saying they wouldn't let him tell anything about Anna before she was released.

We don't know what kind of shenanigans Blizz is trying to pull.
How much does PTR take up? I'm kind of spergy about putting more stuff on my sdd
>Not copying and pasting the live files to the PTR folder so that you only have to download the new shit
1. 65
2. A mildly good Hanzo
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Imagine this for a minute /owg/
>blizzcon 2016
>lights dim for a new hero spotlight
>reaper and widow are casually sipping tea in between match time
>a shadowy hand busts through the wall behind them, grabbing a screaming reaper outside
>widow looks out of the whole only to get grabbed herself
>pan up
>its fucking DOOMFIST
>kit allows him to break the ground and use a slab of concrete as a degradable shield that he can place for teammates or walk forward with, can throw it as a projectile as well
>he pops his ult, ROCKETO PUUUNCH
>remote controlled fist with an explosion impact, can pin enemies if you pass through them with it before exploding.
>lights come back on
>four fem Doomfist cosplaying models come out to the crowd handing out codes for a free Luchador Doomfist skin
>Doomfist will be playable on live servers in the next hour
No more pussyfooting support grannies or weeb heroes, we need a real man to save this game.
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>browsing 4chan
>not knowing who Shinji is
Zenyatta did get overbuffed though. He's gonna get nerfed before the patch hits live servers.
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What wrong anon?
patch this week or next week? EU here
>>2. Unknown, but assuming they keep supporting the game I'd say a new hero every six months to a year wouldn't be out of the question.
That'd be fucking retarded, they should pump out new heroes every 3-5ish months and that's probably their plan.
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>literally has a skin based off of a concept image

see your problem anon is that you take fucking everything at face value except the things that should be taken at face value
It's clear now that Sombra was just a spanish nickname and a meta teaser for who she was

Maybe D.va with the new matrix.
Never gonna happen officially.

if we dont get a zenyatta cosplaying as sonic skin im going to bomb blizzard
base fire is projectile
zoom in is hitscan
1. 66
2. Toblerone/Bastion
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D.va, Widowmaker, Tracer, Pharah, Zarya Mercy Symmetra and Bastion

I don't shoot women
>implying shooting down a hallway or opening repeatedly until you get a headshot and dying to a flanker requires algebra
>not wanting more support grannies
Literally fuck yourself.

do i get assists as mercy for the incredibly difficult task of holding right click on somebody?
>76 has one too

no he fucking doesn't, his file literally just says "soldier" in spanish, "Ana Amari" in spanish isn't "Sombra"

Reaper asks "where's Sombra when you need her."

the fucking overwatch twitter said "quien es sombra?" when asked if ana was sombra

some streamer that's been shilling the game since day 1 went to blizz HQ and they flat out said ana isn't sombra

it's not fucking sombra
only nerds know how to move their inner folders, I'm not a nerd so I'll just wait then
Good Genji
Why put skins in PTR? They can just release those.
Yes, you can no-scope heal
why was he banned the first time?
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Seems more like crusader's crossbow, but if you want to be the piss woman don't let me stop you.

>Who is Shinji?
VERY fast omnic moving at incredible hihg speed
No. He just runs forward holding down left click and you can't do shit about it
Even as reinhardt I couldn't be helped

>Blizzard posts this after Ana's released.

Sure the same character. Tell me, if Sombra is Ana's nickname; how come it's never even remotely mentioned in her origin story or page?
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So, had an Ana hooking me some meth while I was chimping out as Winston, can confirm shit's amazing, sent a Mercy fly out of the fucking map.

Also McCree become pic related on crack.
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Holy fuck these Mercy buffs as a healslut
is that from some SFM porn?

Genji when playing anybody but Winston

But you do, it's an offensive assist


She's not that hard to get
$10 says widowmakers husband is still alive and will be a character
just watch the pros like surefor or tvique

you won't get as many le funnay twitch memery but they are amazing players.
Ana's really, really, really fun to play.
I'll probably put more time into her than anything else.
She's not great on points where enemies are going to be constantly in your face, but if you can hold a line she'll be pretty fantastic and will be great for counter pushes or shoves with her ult and sleep.
account level or ranked level? i assume account level.

genji if they're actually good
hanzo because remedial trigonometry
the hitbox on roadhog's hook
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Hanzo must have at least 2 geometry books open at all times if he is to have any hope of landing a "Shimada Technique 47:Scatter shot, Final arrow of the panicking Asian"
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What's even the point of Zen moving that fast with his ult now, when you have to stay in range of your teammates for it to be effective, and they can't keep up with his speed when pushing?

Literally a nonsensical change to be honest.
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Too fat.


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Has anyone had success trying to connect a flight stick or any "non" xbox controller to overwatch?
I can't seem to get it to work. I really want to use my flightstick for movement and it's pissing me off that it's just "CONTROLLER VS MOUSE" arguments when I google search for how to connect a controller to overwatch.
No success with steam overlay method so far.
>People already bored of Ana in PTR.
>its a americuck spready false information episode

wew lad
9/11 was not real btw
>Healing and debuffs
This is even better. I finally have a support I can look forward to after constantly trying and failing at zenbot.
Captain Amari and it's not even close lad, Shrike if you dont want to drop 1000 Blizzshekels.
>slightly bigger soldier
nice nice nice nice nice
It gets bigger the more your energy goes up. just spam your projectiles first and use the beam at close range once you'rr charged.
Bastion and mei. They're piss easy to use and fuck you up the first time you encounter them. Fuck them. Honoroable mention to roadhog for having being able to instakill you without an ult and with no skill required, but he's such an ult feeder I really can't hate him
The fuck are you talking about, I'm saying the image in Egypt doesn't necessarily have anything to do with Sombra. It was just another teaser.

No fucking shit Sombra is a spanish nickname, who doubted that from the beginning? The media named Sombra, whoever Sombra is didn't go around plastering their fucking name everywhere.
The same reason we don't know the exact details of what happened to make Reyes into Reaper. We don't know until they tell us either way.

Mercy and Tracer
>don't play support
>our support doesn't go with us, ultis at wrong time, never heals everyone, only one person.

>play support
>team just slouches around doing nothing
>Zen usually way behind team, plinking and healing
>"Oh shit, we're pushing/someone on the enemy team ulted"
>can't get to team fast enough pre-patch

u wot
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I can never unsee the chinstrap beard in that skin
>complains about someone not wanting 20k retards LULing up his chat after a big update
so you're one of the retards huh?

It's needed because half the time I ult for a push, my team either gets ahead of me and dies, or runs in every fucking direction after we hit a chokepoint and I get 6v1'd when my ult ends
>Watching an aimbotter

sounds like a stupid ssb character reveal
You cannot get headshots with Zarya.
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Im looking forward to seeing how people use Ana in organized teams

knocking someone out of a fight for a full 6 seconds is not a joke
Do you think she'll convince people to play Support who instalock Widow/Hanzo?
1. 223
>unless you meant skill
1. 71
>most annoying class
2. A Mercy that's ungodly good at hiding combined with a team bad at finding them
Well, the Origins trailer seems to confirm that the timeline and ages are completely fucked and they will be using Sci-fi to justify them.
Genji, Zarya, Roadhog
>tfw you have to go Reaper to protect Ana from the hot monkey dick
Muh dick
>team gets wiped trying to push the payload the last half meter
>die when your ult wears off but your team is there to make another push
i don't understand this ana isn't sombra garbage are you trying to tell me theres a chance we could still get a mexican qt3.14
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So, when are we going to talk about the far left and far right persons on this original strike team picture?

What do you think their abilities will inevitably be?
>captain amari
>not horus

Why put golden weapons on the PTR? They can just release those.
I was watching tagg play sunshine and he's apparently comicly bad at video games that aren't tf2.

Someone made a joke about it and then he banned them, then when someone said he was taking it too personal he banned them.

Are all streamers universally cunts?
How bad is the spread change on 76? Battle.net is being fucky and I can't even download the PTR right now, I guess it's too busy.
Oh look here's a twitch memer right now.
>healing class attracting tryhard snipelords

No, not very many.
other way around,
top is Japanese
mid is Korean
bottom two are traditional/modern Chinese

>ult with genji

>cant keep up with him once he dashes
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fucking kek
>people literally think blizzard has a massive plan for the story and characters
>when they LITERALLLLLYYYYYYYYYY stated in the documentary that they make shit up, sometimes last minute

Probably Liao and Sombra
nothing like winning 3 games in a row but someone on the enemy team leaves at the last second. then next game you lose and youre back where you started, talk about a literal was of fucking time. they need to fix that shit
ana can just sleep him and then walk away.
A really good Genji drives me up the fucking wall, you WON'T hit him
Does the letters on Mcree's belt stand for bad ass motherfucker?
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>Mercy tank top + yoga pants
They guy is the mohawk dude with an iron jaw that we've seen before. I got a little theory that the chick is either Doomfist the Third or Sombra.
Fair enough. I was wrong.

Even though i think wasting ult uptime on getting to your teammates before actually pushing wastes it.

How long does it last, like 5 seconds?
>tfw get more creative with symmetras turrets

Noone told me she could be this fun. also hiding them in bushes and stuff works surprisingly well.
first 8 bullets doing the usual 4-shot burst pattern are on target, after that you inevitably get recoil

recoil resets fast tho
Left looks like the normal "out there" guy, I'd wager he was probably part of blackwatch too.

Don't know about the girl.

Toblerone skin when
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A man can dream though.

A man can dream.

Still those D.Va buffs are pretty nice.
sleep dart removed for wall climb hability confirmed
what are some good rules of thumb for ballistic projectile you have, /owg/?

>for every ten meters away, increase elevation by 15 degrees to hit on target, starting at 0 degrees at ten meters away.

>Starting at twenty meters away, increase elevation by one reticule radius every ten meters.
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>no he fucking doesn't

Yes he does. Look harder faggot, I'm not spoonfeeding you. If you're so obsessed with MUH LORE you should find it in a minute or two.

>Reaper asks "where's Sombra when you need her."

Suuuuure he does.

>someone on twitter asks a vague question
>blizzard asks them what they're on about

Nice meme. Obviously this whole "Sombra" nonsense doesn't mean anything if Blizzard doesn't immediately recognize it.

>"sombra" faggots are so delusional they'll shitpost their souls out just to feel validation for their precious "mystery character" that doesn't exist

I'm glad I'll never be this autistic. Neck yourselves.
340, rank 75
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>Roadhog will definitely be nerfed
>Nerfs are coming anon, Roadhog is broken
>You're just trash if you don't think Roadhog is broken, nerfs when
>I look forward to collecting your tears when Roadhog is nerfed
>MFW the only "nerf" was to his ult charge rate
>MFW he actually gains charge from healing himself now which is why they nerfed the charge rate, merely to break even
>MFW I always have gold healing on the hog and will instantly charge my ult now anyway

I'd say you're on suicide watch, but I've probably hooked and killed you already :^)
>D.Va ult will no longer kill her
>You will never see D.Va's dead body ragdoll as she's thrown against the wall while giving out her last moan

Thanks for killing my boner Blizzard.
this is all part of Blizzard's plan so live QP won't get flooded with Ana players
>A good hanzo
anyone? anyone at all?
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Watching eva should be a requirement to post on this site
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Where are the summer skins Jeff?

There are none on the PTR.
I'd wager the gentleman on the left is Reaper but I may be wrong
for projectile weapons, aim above their head. the hitboxes will do the rest.
you fags are fast
Ana wears a loose hijab.
THey mean the guy on the far left.

Reaper is in the hood
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You seriously know nothing. It's like I'm talking to a kid. I don't know what you're imagining when you hear 'shit breaks all the time' but it is not smooth sailing when you're dealing with thousands upon thousands of lines of code. Things will break, not for long, but they do break. Some of it is actually minor but can lead to huge unforeseen problems down the line, still treated as a big deal when they pop up. Every huge multimedia project is like this. Especially when they care about tiny little details you, the average retard, will probably pass over. Do you seriously think that they push a magic button with the final concepts and design day one and then do it all with no road bumps? You might have an argument if this was my first gig, but it's not. Not by a longshot.
But it's a sleep mechanic in a game where bullets spray everywhere

But holy shit, this is gonna wreck flankers and solo queue teams
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she was born up there
Why did resolutions stop relying on the lowest number (1080p/720p etc) when 4K came into existence?
Yeah you may be wrong.
I can't believe people cry about Roadhog. Just go widow or torb and literally two shot him.
jokes on you
i love being hooked closer to roadhog
You can still jump her off a cliff for that death cry.
Mercy is CUTE!
Grandma is not fun to play

Her gun does trash damage and trash healing

Her sleep is broken as shit, her grenade is amazing and her ult is insanity

But it's a shooter, I want to shoot things
>Sombra actually did end up being Ana Amari

Well now that that's out there it's going to make it sort of uncomfortable every time she kills her own daughter in game.

On the other hand, we finally got our badass old lady healer, so there's that.
>no 420 noscope headshots
>can't spiderman up to l33t sniper perches

not many
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>get so backed up into a corner that your damage control amounts to "LALALA UR WRONG IM RIGHT"

you could at least put a little effort into it

summer ends september 1st
>Sniper that isn't fucking useless
>Zenyatta once again stupid OP in the right hands
>Zen + Ana might actually be a useful combo now
>Speed boosts everywhere
>McCree is bumped up from dogshit-tier
>Point-clearing D.Va ults everywhere
>Hanzo players on suicide watch
>Pharah has five seconds of life in the air at best
>Roadhog and 76 cucked into oblivion

Is this the golden age?
It is perfectly possible that whoever is investigating Sombra thought at some time that Ana is Sombra and was wrong.
>if reindhardt charges an exploding dva mech the explosion should be able to damage the other team
I don't really like turning D.va into a ginger, after all gingers are white nig nogs
Blizzard has explicitly stated that Ana isn't Sombra.
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>[ChuckleNuts]: Wow
>[ReaperName]: WOW
>Reaper asks "where's Sombra when you need her."
He does say that. But since Anna was The Overwatch sniper, it doesn't mean anything either way since she easily could have been doing missions for Blackwatch.
>Tracer and Roadhog's hook
Roadhog's hook because I die to it, and Tracer because they're annoying as shit even though they never kill me unless they use their ult
but you can actually no scope with ana
literally impossible on widow

yeah for the next couple of weeks, until shitters start attacking blizzard and then everything gets nerfed to boring unfun
D.va is still shit

Yes. But things will never be the same again.
Did Mercy fuck Torb?
>Sleep dart is basically Elder Titan's sleep
>just as difficult to land

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>Femhog when
Thanks, that doesn't sound too bad.
Wait, does anyone have the graduation pic of Tracer, Winston and Genji?
A good tracer
you can't headshot.
>Ana, McCree, and Mercy were all part of OG Overwatch
>Ana is now a grizzled, wrinkled, white haired old woman
>McCree and Mercy look the same

>ET sleep
>hard to land
lol back to d2g
6 seconds

but even 1 second is a long time in OW

the good thing about the sanic speed during ult is that you can start your from the backline and zoom into middle of your team

AND when your ult is about to run out you can zoom back to the backline so you don't get killed the second your ult ends
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So Ana is supposed to be good at high vantage points, but she can't grapple hook like Widow or climb walls like Genji or Hanzo. How is she supposed to be good?
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>until shitters start attacking blizzard and then everything gets nerfed to boring unfun

Please don't nerf my boy Blizzard.
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I want D.va in my wigwam
Not only can you actually noscope, but it is THE SYDNEY SLEEPER OF OVERWATCH.

Shoot dude, get benefits. Any dude at all. You'll be helping in some way if you can manage to hit targets that move.
>Stand still
>Still not recalling
>Mash recall
>Still not recalling
>I had never once recalled in that life, and it would never let me
>roadhog in the age of Zenyatta The Reborn
>mobafags trying to play a shooter

How embarrassing.
>Roadhog and 76 cucked into oblivion

Roadhog got buffed. his heal gives him 20% ult charge now, it's a joke.
Mercy and McCree weren't part of the original strike team. It was 6 people: 76, Reaper, Ana, Winston, Swedish Chef, and Liao
mercy and mcree were teens
ana was an adult mom

1. 126
2. Everything about Symmetra
It's probably out on youtube and stream snaps but here's Ana's highlight intros, skins, taunts, and victory poses.
Highlight intro: https://my.mixtape.moe/mrdpka.webm
Skins: https://my.mixtape.moe/evglzw.webm
Taunts: https://my.mixtape.moe/ysaotk.webm
Victory poses:https://my.mixtape.moe/amryid.webm
Probably not. Those people are looking for instakill mechanics, not 75 damage shots that get bodyblocked by your teammates.
McCree and Mercy were like 17~18, Ana was already a mother, maybe she was like 35
Can someone post some good art like ahadbase
I'm disappointed in you /owg/
>>Roadhog and 76 cucked into oblivion
How much does his self heal give?
Damn, is this the first time mom is better girl than daughter?
oh my fuck she's a filthy muslim too? That's even worse. Absolutely disgusting.

as if the terrorist zenyatta skin wasn't bad enough.
No it isn't fuck head
Sleeping people wake up when they take damage
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Imagine all the incest SFM with her and Pharah.
She was second in command of Overwatch, no affiliation with Blackwatch. If she did she'd have the logo and not have the OW blue uniform.

>Not wanting to have mad, crazy bitch sex with that femrat.

should I play some ow or watch pokemon
>They will never make a Torbjorn Chef skin
Oh, and zarya
>30 degrees at forty meters
>bottom of her reticule at thirty
>on target at anything less
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I really really love how Ana feels
Supports that dont need to rely on their teammates to take care of enemies are really fun to play
>Mercy did give you a physical before you got o the trasport, right?
Play Zenyatta instead.
>not running lucio and ana
>not having ana put bigger guys to sleep so lucio can aim where he launches them
>Roadhog and 76 cucked into oblivion
if anything both are better with self-heal giving charge
It's literally just a hood
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>No hero stacking won't save you from having t̶w̶o̶ three snipers on your team.
but you do realize noscoping and headshots are separate things?

>However, while Reyes had overall command, Overwatch's overall structure was molded by Jack Morrison, who moulded the unit into a truly cohesive fighting force.[4] The other founding members were Ana Amari, Liao, Reinhardt Wilhelm, and Torbjörn Lindholm
Mercy nor Mccree were ever OG overwatch. They were 2nd gen.
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New BM emote coming to a QP game near you. Also, hide chat option when
If you fling DVa's ult directly upwards now does it blow up before it lands?
Does Ana have any different lines for her Legendaries?
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>playtester talking as if he knows more about code than your average layman

good one
I didn't say he wouldn't continue to be strong. I'm just shitting on people who think nerfs are the answer.

Creating Ana and bringing Zenyatta back are the answer to stopping the hog spam. He can still serve his purpose but even with a team full of shitters you can now effectively punish hogs who stay out in the open, or force them to pair with another tank.
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>blizzard says ana isnt sombra
>blizzard teases sombra in ana videos
>sombra is a spanish nickname
>the tease even has spanish wording

What is wrong with you people

That concept art picture wasn't even sombra in the first place
FUCK only now i noticed that a egyptian woman has no reason to like tea
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McCree looks way younger in the new video. Mercy probably uses nanomachines.
>amped up healing + heal grenade is a mini-zenyatta ult
So Zenyatta Ascendant?
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Are Hanzo's legs prosthetic?
>Also, hide chat option when
that's already in game
They weren't all the same age. They may look a similar age because lol anime/disney style
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Haha I'm ze ultimate crushing machine!
Don't listen to those losers who have never seen people who operate in the Middle East

I was unaware that Blackwatch had specific uniforms marking everyone. Are certain about that? As far as I know, anyone in Overwatch could have been also part of blackwatch, like McCree.
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Ana player screaming at Pharah player because her splash damage woke up the sleeping target
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Mercy and McCree definitely were around during Ana's days.
How long as he had that belt buckle, Jesus.
>yfw running in with all 3

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Which Ana skin will you be buying?

Might buy the young one if I like her.
Are you retarded? Kebabs love tea.
They have some kind of ninja climbing attachment on them
Why is her portrait x1.5 the size of everyone else?
they can be whatever he wants them to be sweetheart

holy fuck mercy and mccree look so young
Anybody have that picture of Torbjorn that says "I've got big plans for Jews"?
Probably the Sombra skin, the cloak makes it.
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So how do you get PotG as Ana
The thing with Ana is that they portray her as looking bizarrely young for her age up until she got shot. That still isn't a picture of the original strike team era. Also McCree definitely looks older now than he did back then.
just tranq her lmao
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I think her head's the same size, but the cowl and hijab make it bigger.
Was this retconned? I could've sworn he looked a lot older in the graduation photo.
Eh, instalockers would be the bigger problem

But obviously Blizzard will only do this in E-sports,and maybe Competitive if the whiners get more vocal

Just counter it with another Ana sleeper dart.
yes. and too high to hit anyone on the ground

she's a big mom
She's a big deal.
Buff someone and have them get a multikill
How did McCree lose his arm
Nothing can be said for certain since Pharah supposedly has a fully intact body.
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The original founding team was


With time others came, but those were the original 6.

So we're just missing Liao to have all the old farts back.
open up the social menu (P), click the message icons on the left column, mutes everything except emotes, can also mute voice there too if you want

only downside is you have to do this every time you start up the game again

like everything else so far? Yes absolutely
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>no option to mute the entire game by default
All of her skins are god-tier, including the bottom level ones. I honestly can't decide.

Thinking Wadjet but I feel like something darker-colored is in order. Maybe I'll just get the bottom level green or red and be done. Simple yet effective.
His beard is fuller but he doesn't have as many wrinkles as he does now.
Metzen's said they make shit up as they go. Just don't pay attention to whether or not things are consistent, the timeline especially.
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Where is Pharah's dad?
go to windows volume mixer and mute the overwatch ap.
and how do I hit that sleep dart on a double jumping speed boosted genji ?
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>DIE -
>Nap time
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>YFW their entire team comp makes for a balanced setup.

Two offensive, one support, one tank, one defensive, one ???

It fucking works.
>ster just made 200 dollars in like 10 minutes
Fuck streamers are so lucky
This is what Genjis deserve.
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Nah, Blackwatch wears, well black, and they have this insignia on their uniform.
xp penalty
right after this pic he glanced down at mercy's ass

eventually he could fap no more

oh. that's not what we're talking about anon, we want to hide the chat window, for taking screenshots / clips without removing the entire UI
It's a projectile so you barely have to aim anyway.
Either Reyes or a random arab dude. She's probably too dark for her dad to have been white.
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post FORGOTTEN heroes
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you git gud
Have you heard the dialogue between Ana and Reinhardt? Reinhardt is definitely her father.
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In seriousness I wholly expect that to be a serious problem
>ana + reaper


That's pretty strong
literally who?
How retarded do you have to be to mute a game where sound is important?
wait, wait if there was no support category early on and there was just 2 offense, 2 defense, 2 tanks?
If so, liao will be a tank. Which also makes sense since it and support are the only ones without 6 members.
hello /csgog/ here

do you love our guy steel as much as we do?
Everytime I play Pharah, I just feel like playing Junkrat.
I would have liked to see some buff for her.
muh waifu
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>Ana is pretty hot for her age
>like mother like daughter


OWG help I don't want to develop a GILF fetish why the fuck is blizzard so good at making characters so attractive

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>classic /v/tard behavioral patterns
>spout buzzwords, post meme images and project harder than zarya's shields

Whoops, I forgot I'm on 4chan. And y'know, I was just as hyped for this whole "Sombra" stuff as you guys but I don't get why you're so attached. There isn't gonna be a "Sombra" because Ana is the same hero.

Maybe, and I mean MAYBE if autistic kiddos like you keep bitching about it for a few months, and flood Reddit and Twitter with your shit, then they'll probably make A Sombra. But it isn't gonna be what you thought it was, and you're gonna bitch about it even harder before begging for a new "Sombra" until you're happy. In doing so, you'll forget what you even wanted in the first place, and go through a mountain of frustration and disappointment for no real reason.

Because Blizzard saying "Who is Sombra?" in spanish doesn't help your argument. Nobody gives a shit about "Sombra" so get over it already.

Cite your source then, unless you're gonna be like the others who do nothing but shitpost.
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Still waiting for this fucking guy to show up. He's appeared twice in the early promo work and that Winston trailer just like the dude on the left.
combining ults has already been crazy powerful and is 100% the reason why everyone uses Zarya
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>Yfw they secretly are the true meta setup.
She needs big changes. Her ult's only useful on the first point of defense map, and her shield boost effectively doesn't exist.
>muting a game
>where part of the play comes from listening for footsteps

what kind of music do you listen to just curious
he sucks dick
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Mercy in tights, ohh lord
>when a 60yo is now hotter than you
just let it take over you
i bet ana's also a secret weeb
Wait, so is Sombra Ana or what?
The Twitter profile they put out for her says she's ex-Overwatch and is currently a bounty hunter. Is the Sombra getup just her alias? Is Sombra her codename for Talon and she's a double agent? Is someone stealing her identity to sully her name or some shit? I'm so confused.
new thread when
The information on Sombra has no relation to the information on Ana. People just decided they were the same character and it stuck.
>uhh cite your sources please you /v/tard
>accusing others of being a /v/tard posting le filthy frank man

oh fucking kay then
as in bad player or you dont like him?`
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829th for best ana skin
Hey it's another "Get 5 solo kills in 7 seconds, but no PoTG because another player got 3 with their ult" episode. This one is really old
>kill pharah as ana
>"mother knows best"

That's cold
Alright, I'm none of those guys. But he is correct. It's datamined so technically not in the live game but it does exist.


Go to 7:45.

Sombra exists in the game already as a character. She's namedropped in text multiple times on the Dorado map.
>literally flatout ignoring the person posting the official reddit response going "yes in case you were too fucking stupid Ana isn't sombra"

I'm not spoonfeeding your ass either read the fucking thread

this is the faggotry that brings the mods down on us, there's no harm in having a thread run over despite how the waifufaggots who spam new threads at 750 posts to get their trash in the OP
>Objective Kill: 1
>Gold Medal
Yeah, thanks team
I'd rather watch a Genji get three kills with his ult than watch a Bastion in turret mode shoot a bunch of people in a row
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So, why did Blizzard feel the need to buff Mercy's damage output making it so fucking OP?
You ever seen a Reinhardt on nano steroids? its terrifying.
I agree.
In the Beta, her shields gave +50 if I'm correct, and her teleporter was stronger.
I think the teleporter works well, but she needs some changes on her shield and turrets.
he is a 9-10 losing streak with his team
Luckily it was a reaper getting 3 kills while I Hammer'd their team to death
I honestly don't know how I hit people with projectiles. I just feel it out and end up hitting people.
love him. When his team was reviewing their scrim he was watching some cooking videos on youtube
>heal tracer backpedalling for health
>heal genji dumb enuff to rely on deflect
>drop healnade at point, hitting reinhardt and 2 other useless fucks who are likely reaper and torbjorn
>buff reinhardt with q, keep him alive by noscoping him
>bodyshot no enemy because realistically theres noone she can bodyshot without getting killed
>sleep whoever hardcounter reinhardt as he moves in
it feels like she should have more ammo but this feels about right. she isnt op, shes a pretty bad type of support.

dat sleep tho, shes a excellent flanker who can hardcounter anyone but WM and hanzo thanks to sleep
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So does McCree ever wear that? Just curious. Also is this Reyes or someone else?

We don't know.
what did they change

I thought only the defence matrix was going to be buffed?
>Mercy always shown with Torbjorn in promotional art

Is this supposed to mean something?
Or have I just been reading too much NTR lately?
Shouldn't be more than a week or so if comp PTR is any indicator.
She does say mother knows best when she kills Pharah
I think the self-healing change is dumb because it encourages players to just "farm" by taking damage and then healing it. Self-healing is a powerful tool, you shouldn't need extra incentive or compensation for tanking damage and then healing yourself. Of course it shouldn't have an effect on your ult charge, because it has nothing to do with you either hampering the enemy team or supporting your own team, same as running away to grab a health pack.

The Mercy buff of 30% to 50% is absolutely fucking barbaric, and I'm wondering what madman could possibly give the okay on this even for a Test Realm. The Test Realm is going to be living in its own dark age of Widowmaker.
>dont want to like ana

>wants to like ana
fucks like a experienced woman, doesnt need the pill to avoid pregnancy, FIRM BUTTS, likely experienced at orals and despaired because single mother.

AND has a lesbian daughter!
McCree has a skull looking thing on his robot arm so he probably had that + a uniform while he was working with Blackwatch.
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>BTFO soon, fellow S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
You can't keep that Overwatch healthcare when you're pretending to be dead.
She doesn't die from it anymore.
Look for DS3Tool or BetterDS
>inb4 actual russians playing Ana and saying "cyka blyat rush A" with the wasteland skin
her shield is amazing
her ult is always good

she literally has a 65-70% win rate across all platforms, she does need big changes, but it's not a buff.
>tfw triple Winston aka based APE STRAT is kill
I thought OW doesn't even support simultaneous input from controller and mouse, like it just keeps switching between different control "modes" every time you touch one or the other and fucks up everything

Or so I remember reading from people who have tried to get similar thing working
>another weeb character that'll be instalocked and useless for comp and most teams and players

no thanks
You gave yourself to the rhythm.
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>they was have victory in short time

sounds like they made this just for you
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>gonna lose
>nerf this
>cap the point

Is this going to become common?
Why is God's name would you want to do that?

In any case I imagine it's a simple direct input to x input conversion. Use one of the many utilities out there for that.

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Thanks m8s, appreciate it.

Added a bit of brightness, colour and cut the edges a bit cleaner for photoshopping.
Why is Ana's head so huge in her portrait
4 u
Wish they'd done something with her primary fire. You need to be point blank to actually do any damage but at that range, it's impossible to keep them in your sights
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reaper cool.jpg
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>mfw i nano boost reaper
>mfw he also has mercy damage boosting the reaper too


Anyone got the instant orgasm darts picture?
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