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/indie/ - Indie Games General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 591
Thread images: 125

New Official OFF Merch Edition

Old Thread: >>148198874

>What the fuck is this
/indie/ is the dead general for all indie games, such as LISA, Yume Nikki, OFF, Middens Underrail, Machinarium, Braid, Limbo, Axiom Verge, Guacamelee, The Desolate Hope, Sonic Dreams Collection, Stardew Valley, etc.

Mobile or consoles, flash or unity, freeware or early access. This place is a home for the indie game community and indie games that don't have a home. So be free to talk and share all your hidden gems, forgotten games and starving devs here.

>Can I talk about games that already have a general?
We mostly discuss games that are not popular enough for their own threads (since they have no other home in /vg/), however, all indie games are allowed. So talk about them if you want, but don't overdo it since you already have other generals for that.

>How can I contribute?
All we need right now is people to talk about their loved indies, so don't be afraid to post, bump and reply your fellow anons. Also we're looking for anons to make new pastebins/wikis/images and update the ones already made. And please give lots of feel, love, kind and nice to everyone, except for fags.


Mortis Ghost made a redbubble.

Threadly reminder Undertale is globalist propaganda.
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Reminder that I miss everyone
Let's try making a new thread after a few days, yes?
Should we post our game ideas and art just to bring new life to this thread? I mean, worth a try?
/Indie/ works best when it's given a break.
People will eventually come back if it takes a rest for a few days, it's happened about three times before and each time /indie/ has a huge boom on traffic.
Oh ok.
Hey, I killed all the warlords in Joyful. How do I go to the Arkantos areas? Do I need to kill Yado and go though the ending cutscene stuff?
Nope. You need to go at the start of the long rope climb.
But that just happened, it stayed dead for about two days and the longest it did stay dead was about 3.
I found this video. I thought it was pretty sweet, although I know it wasn't meant to be.


Warning for the easily triggered: it contains an Undertale song


Do I need to climb up the long rope? I went there, and then kept going right thinking it'd be a new zone (like how you get to the joy lab) but I just wound up dying.


It's the general that's never alive but refuses to stay dead.
You need to kill ALL of the warlords tho. You don't need to climb it. There should be a weird guy in a red shirt waiting for you.
>There should be a weird guy in a red shirt waiting for you.

Oh thanks. My laptop is a piece of crap, so on large maps like the rope climb and Sindy's arrow cave, my game screen freezes up, but I can still move the character around.
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>still no cookie clicker in the OP
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I kill la killed all 6 warlords, but still no guy shows up.
>that undertale music
good way of ruining the video

Oh wait, I see the problem. I installed Hell mode instead of Arkantos. I hope this doesn't mean I have to restart.
I got the new Humble Bundle, the hell is Choice Chamber?
Looks like a game that takes full advantage of Twitch. That's actually kind a cool idea. I think you can play it without twitch but I don't know since I've just barely looked it up.
Anyone making a game?
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I was looking though the RPGmaker ace tutorials in hopes of making a Joyful mod one day (so I'm just following the steps to make a basic barebones RPG, but I put it aside for the moment because I wanted to try the Arkantos mod.

Question: That whole killing the warlords to get to the top of the list thing is just a means to an end (getting her freedom to explore the world as she pleases without others placing rape and/or control her) so this is just a "what if" type scenario where Buddy decides to form her own pressgang/army out of the warlords instead of killing him. I was pondering how that might affect the story. For example, do you think Rando would still have left Buddy in the middle of her quest if she allowed Vega, Lardy, and Mr Beautiful to live? Or would he still leave because she still had to slice up a lot of their goons?

I was thinking maybe he'd stick around longer, but still get killed off at some point. I was thinking of redesigning him to be somewhat like Tellah from Final Fantasy IV: Strong at first, but gets weaker and lags behind other party members as time goes on. In FFIV, Tellah's stats actually go lower each time he levels up. I was thinking as Buddy got further along her quest, Rando's condition would deteriorate due getting the beat down from Brad, to the point where he sometimes coughs up blood instead of attacking or falls asleep in battle due to staying up all night watching Buddy. I haven't messed around enough in RPGmaker to see if any of this stuff can actually be put into the game though.
Oh man, that sounds really cool. Wasn't there a mod like that being made, or at least something sorta similar with like Buddy and an OC girl?
Nah you can continue from a Hell Mode Remix save. I don't think I changed anything before Arkantos itself.
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Oh, I also forgot to mention a bug I found, although it's from hellmode, not Arkantos: You can level Gary up to level 70 (he starts at level 69, very mature BKD,) and he gets two new moves. However, they're not flagged to "Battle only" so you can use them outside of battle. However, since they stun and burn enemies, it does nothing outside of battle except waste SP.


There are (were?) two mods like that: One was being made by this guy:
You can look though the archived posts to see what kind of stuff he's came out with like this Lil' Lincoln.

I think the OC girl is from Arkantos, which is already available. There is a link for it in the booru forums.

There are at least two canceled fangames: The Terry the Hintful fangame, and some sort of different game starring a new character that too place after the flash, but before Olathe went full Apocalypse (you could see policemen, priests, etc.) I think it was called Lisa the Spiteful.

Other people are working on mods, but are generally keeping things low key after seeing those two canceled games get hyped up and then come to a disappointing conclusion.

I found this though:


I think there is another video of the mod where the main character finds a girl hiding, and she asks if it's same to come out. It seems to be unrelated to Brad's and Buddy's stories.
Pruf actually made Gary and Hell Mode itself, which is named the Joyful Gameplay changes and additions mod. BKD only expanded upon it.
That mod is by RhytmCesar and his self-insert buddies. He also posted a Columbo fight, which shows most of his potential. Overall, I think he's kinda lazy in mod making, but has the potential to be a good mod maker.

Also some random mod made for a streamer:
Oh ok. I was wondering what ever happened to that one Buddy mod. I thought that the lil Lincoln mod was part of that mod though. Guess I was wrong. I'm surprised there's not a crossover mod between Lisa and some other game honestly.

Might as well spitball other ideas because why not: Bosses are different depending on what order you fight them in. For example, the last fight will always be a joy mutant fight, rendering the final warlord unrecruitable. If Sindy is fought last one or more of the cultists will have mutated and Buddy will find Sindy has been eaten/torn apart by the mutant.

If Lardy is fought as the 3rd guy, you fight him while he is driving the truck Buddy normally fights him inside of, peeling out on Buddy and co like a maniac.

If Mr B is fought 3rd, whatever surviving BBB's will join the fight and not hold back. I was thinking if Buddy had killed them all beforehand, Mr B would simply walk off the cliff you find him at and kill himself upon defeat instead of joining Buddy.

Not sure what to do with Vega though.
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Shu'up Ghosrie
>Undertale music
Had to mute the video, otherwise pretty good.
Indie game of her when?

Right after Creepy Susie gets one.
I noticed Shocklord looks away from you in the final fight.

Not even Terry as much of a bro as he.
Something something Fran Bow and/or American McGee's Alice.
>I noticed Shocklord looks away from you in the final fight.

Shocklord is always facing the wrong way during cutscenes with him in it. Try getting him kidnapped or bringing him to the "kill your guys or lose Buddy's nipple" scene.
Just goes to show he can't look Brad in the eye.
Just finished my Pain Mode run and finished up Lisa for the time being. It was a lot easier than I anticipated, in fact, the bonus content meant my characters (Brad and Terry in particular) were hideously overleveled by the end of the game with no need to grind. The ten mystery cheevos still missing kind of bug me but not that much.
My president is Chuck Heston
Dude, Shocklord can't even see out of that mask.
This is literally him. https://youtu.be/p7Q4EVpIFIk
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I agree
Anyone working on fan art or art for their game that they're TOTALLY making?
>He's not gone
>I thought he was gone but he's not
Are you that guy who always posted ">Everyone who disagrees with me is x"

or are you just into chara.
If it's the latter then your cool
how can you possibly know whether or not that was just one person
there's 18 IPs in this thread right now
literally any post could be from any one of those IPs
why assume

why assume?
You know it was a bunch of people right?
It doesn't matter who it was it was cancerous and it killed the discussion in the thread.
Let's just not talk about it from now on.
So what should we talk about? RPG Maker games, game maker indies, weeb indies, /indie/ indies, or something?
>it killed the discussion in the thread
in your opinion

>Let's just not talk about it from now on
do you just want a hugbox? an echo-chamber?
sounds like maybe tumblr or reddit is more your style, my lad
>RPG Maker games, game maker indies, weeb indies, /indie/ indies, or something?
Literally all of those things are good to talk about.

Have you guys played downwell? I really hate the bats, I feel like their hitboxes aren't where they should be.
How much was Undertale inspired by Off? They're weirdly similar in how they go about with the forth wall in a few aspects.
I haven't really played it but I've watch a bit of it and plan on getting it. Seems like a really fun. It's got only one boss though right? Also what's so wrong about the bats, they sorta feel almost like they have a sorta laggy hit box or something?
undermeme was a big ripoff game figuratively written by tumblr, literally written by the homestuck team with "creative direction" from an iraqi jew
literally made to capitalize on the "impressionable hyperliberalized millennial" audience
>iraqi jew
Is that true? Is Toby Fox really an iraqi kike? I'm not surprised with the only white male in the game being some utter incarnation of evil, but...
It's true.
So is Scott Cawthon. He used to do 3D work for Hebrew games pre-2000, before he got into the indie scene.
I believe it.

I don't believe this.
I thought Cawthon was a Christian, not a Jew. Could've sworn I heard his pre-fnaf stuff was a bunch of Christian games.
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Yeah, that's why it's such a big conspiracy. He made Christian games after 2000, but it's obvious it's all a farce due to his abuse in milking the FNAF series and intentionally brainwashing children with degenerate furry robots. The only evidence I can find for his pre-2000 work with Israeli is his nod to the old company logo and his "Chipper" game, which actually started the whole FNAF thing.
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Yeah, mostly. He also made the Desolate Hope, which is balls to the walls awesome.
Theres been a thread every day this week
Wasn't his logo just from some game he made of a dude running around? Also that fish beaver game thing doesn't really look llike something he'd make honestly.
The way you talk makes you sound like a newfag who thinks
>lol this is le epic 4chan meme we gotta shitpost and act like cunts 24/7 lel

You were the one who legitimately thought Karbonic had a cult, werent you
>using the newfag meme (invented by /b/)
>using the le greentext meme (invented by reddit)

>not knowing that the lad meme (invented by /sp/) has been common use on 4chan since the dawn

>bringing up karbonic in a completely unrelated conversation just for the sake of you being able to paint a strawman

you're not good at this are you
Based Terry
I like Undertale and especially Fox's OST but this track doesnt mesh well with the visuals
I heard the creator of Nidhogg is a big asshole, whats that about
are you seriously denying the existence of karbonic's harem of brainwashed little millennial fagslaves, hiding in their secret steam circlejerk, waiting on his every beck and call to shill his game and defensively shitpost whenever someone calls him out for being the slimy little worm wretch faggot he is
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>I like Undertale
you need to leave
>secret steam circlejerk
once again that's a straight up lie.
The steam group was in the op but someone removed it
I smell ulterior motives.
>karbonic has literally 100% of the power, ruling as supreme steam dictator for life, and anyone who voices even the slightest amount of disagreement with him is unpersoned immediately

might as well be le secret stasi police at that rate
KIDF samefag
What a neat reference. I need to get into wrestling.
I just found out dashbored was mentioned on the Pizza Party Podcast. Guess Karb really is friends with nolan.
Ask Toby yourself. He probably has seen OFF since hes a big Earthbound fan and the OFF translation was a thing on the Earthbound fanforums IIRC.
I might do that actually, but he obviously won't respond.
Why is it called dashbored, is it about cars?
Is that why he's called karbonic?
That's...actually a good question.
He still responds to random tweets once a month I think. Hard for him to filter through the degeneracy probably.
Good point. Feel sorry for him for having a crap fanbase, but at least he's (probably) rich now.
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About to start LISA for the first time. Any advice?
Get the good party members
Forgot to mention that I'm going on Pain Mode. How fucked am I?
Literally all these threads are are 50% talking about LISA and the other 50% talking about jew indie game conspiracy
nobody said anything about jews though dude
remember that you can always dismiss any posts that you disagree with as being the work of a single nebulous and abstract boogeyman figure
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It might have been just a job for him. The guys still gotta eat.


It gave use le sexy spooder though.
hey lad you never updated us on whether or not you finally finished that fetch quest in the Junkyard
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Not yet, I had put the game on hold to try out the Lisa mods. Last place I was had an autoturret and those annoying barfing dogs.

I heard you can only get the South Gate to support the Black Eels if you have about 40 persuasion, is this true? If so, I might have to invest some points in that next time I level up.
I never really bothered with doing much of the Junkyard plot lines after getting that drill bit. I put like 30 points into Persuasion in my first few levels and haven't touched it since. I found Intimidation to be much more useful.

Right now I'm working on a rather annoying stealth op, trying to steal a crate of shield emitters from some Protectorate faggots in Core City. Probably would be a lot easier if I actually had points in Stealth, but fuck it, I don't care enough to go back and grind points for Stealth instead.

Auto-Turrets should not give you a problem if you have an anti-rifle vest with 7 or more DT. I got a 7 DT anti-rifle vest very early on and it trivialized most gun enemy encounters for several levels afterwards. Then I upgraded to a 14 DT vest which has still kept most gun encounters quite easy. Shock crossbow faggots and melee stunners still fuck me over occasionally though, but now that I have an energy shield those are a bit easier to deal with.

Ah, I got no gun skills, the guy I'm running is a psychic. Pretty squishy, but dodgy to compensate.
>find open vent shaft
>as far as I know, there isn't any way to "peek" though an open air vent like there is with a closed one, so I just hop though
>smack dab in the middle of 3 muties, with me being right next to one
>luckily, I had high stealth, so they didn't notice me by the time I NOPED right out of there.
You might be able to find some Mutated Dog Leather gear in the Old Junkyard, which will give you some DT against acid, really helps in mutant encounters.

I assume you're probably already doing this, but really do remember to stock up on psi boosters and adrenaline before every encounter. Having that extra 20 AP for the first three turns will let you get off a lot of your most powerful stuff quickly, and psi boosters will make up for the fact that, unless you exclusively pumped Will and Intelligence on character generation, your psi regeneration probably isn't going to be enough to keep using most of your abilities every turn.
Also, try to initiate combat manually yourself whenever possible, so you always get the first turn.

Not having any weapon skills might come back to bite you really hard later in the game. You may want to consider putting points into at least one of the weapon disciplines. Enough points in Throwing to reliably hit other people with grenades, if nothing else.

If you're very lucky, Ezra at SGS might throw a shield emitter into his stock, even as early in the game as you're at. Try to get one as soon as you can, it really helps a lot with pretty much every encounter.

I got to get more adrenaline. I've mostly just been using what I find, which isn't that much and I've just been saving it for big battles.

I got like 45 in dodge and evasion each, but I think I'll start allocating the points in those to persuasion and intimidate because I don't feel like starting the game over. I might put more points into dodge and evasion again if there is a feat I want though later on, but I like taking the speech options to see what people have to say.
Go ask him on his twitter or something, I don't think he comes around here anymore.

It's probably about the car
Post cute!
Don't do that first, there are some things that you miss out on in normal mode. You're better off doing that first and pain mode later.
This is the proper way to play. The only thing you miss is one NPC who changes to become more powerful.
My advice is to not use a save crow until you know how far the next one is.
Dont hoard items, use them freely even on non bosses.
There are a couple glitches in the game that can be abused enough to change the whole game, dont use them.
If you lose a party member and cant get them back, learn to let go.
In Underrail is an evasion build worthwhile. I dont think Ive ever dodged a bullet.
...And the endings and vital context in them that accentuates what you learn in the Pain mode. Pain mode last is the only true way to play.
>replaying games
I just looked it up on youtube
You are worthless.
>The Breeding Season developer actually reads the 8cuck threads shitting on him and just went on an autistic rant defending his shitty unproductive team and revealed he actually is autistic, lost his health insurance, and cant get his meds
That's cool. It's great when small games like that get mentioned on podcasts because at least a few people will check it out.

It's like that one time C. Kane was mentioned on Vidjagame Apocalypse.
Well it's great that LISA is a strong enough game to carry the generals this far.
>find a couple of acid dogs
>ok, I'll sneak up on them and kill them
>3 more dogs and a mutant show up to help them


Are the 8cuck /v/ or /vg/ boards any good? The /co/ board is completely awful.

Also, can you screencap the post? I think 8cuck links are blocked, and I'm not sure if they have their own desuarchive/fireden equivalent.
You have to right click on open vents and a radial menu comes up
It's the best tower defense
Bye bye
MIsha how's Arkantos going?
I like post-apocalyptic games but are there any good ones besides LISA?

Haven't started it, been playing Underrail. Still wandering around the complex trying to find the drill computer thingie while keeping my tender asshole from getting raped by mutated doges and sentry robots.

It's a spoiler, but The Desolate Hope counts as one.

I'm playing though Underrail, and I'm pretty fun. Everyone is living underground for some reason, and the place you start at is bordering on anarchy although there is a big government (it's sort of like the NCR or Enclave from the Fallout series) nearby that wants to absorb your area.
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Dang, we survived the night?
Much like a survival-horror game like Lone Survivor.
What's lone survivor?
It's an indie survival-horror game.
Oh it's that pixel inspired silent hill game right? Isn't it like really good actually?
It's pretty good. There's a problem with the Steam version in that it puts you in a special difficulty mode no matter which you choose.
Wait really? Why would they ever do that?
Who's the best space funeral character, including from fan games?
Ok, imagine this. Lisa the Painful, but instead Brad is replaced with the Batter right from where the story official starts with the bullies. What would happen.
It's a glitch and the dev has moved on. It doesn't make the game unplayable, and there are work arounds, but it is a problem.

Apparently it's on the GOG version too.
Well crap, that's too bad. Is it still good regardless of this fact?

Trannie Bubsy


Everyone is purified, Olathe is purged of gays and rapists and gay rapists, and replaced with giant demon babies.
Is it good? Kind of.

It's a good experience and has great atmosphere but I think the story is way to weird for its own good. I didn't take anything away from the story and the actual gameplay mechanics were okay but not particularly engaging.
I want MatPat to make a Lisa theory just to see how cancerous it would be and to see how much it would kill dingaling on the inside.
About to play LISA for the first time.
How do I run the game in fullscreen 1920x1080 without it fucking up the pixel scaling?
I've immediately noticed that going fullscreen, or fucking with the resolution improperly scales several pixels, making some too wide, some too thin, etc, and just making everything look shitty.
hello guys. i played and enjoyed OFF, how much would i like yume nikki? ive heard its more confusing and "trippy," but what do you guys think of it?
Thing about Yume Nikki is that it's an experiential game, a game of exploration. There aren't really any goals or challenges, you just explore a world and find interesting things.
Which is to say that you'll be walking around for about an hour and not really find much of anything before getting bored and playing something else

Literally who? Is he that "just a theory a GAME THEORY" guy?
/indie/ discord when?
he is guy who made this cancer
make one
Yeah it's the game theory guy. "What if Buddy was a guy, but it's just a theory, a GAY THEORY!"
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>17 minutes

Care to give me the gist of it?
sans is ness from earthbound
no i'm not kidding
I've never heard of anyone getting bored of Yume Nikki
Papyrus also used to be a Starman, but has no memory of it
Pretty much the only points he has to support it was that his costume has the Starman emblem, which was made by Sans anyway, his pose in battle kinda-sorta-not really resembles a Starman's pose, and he doesn't recognize the Sun while Sans does
I guess he's never heard of a reference.
It's not really boring though.
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Any requests?
>the pope was on a interview
>MatPat was chosen to represent the youtube comunity on it
>he wants to make the pope "understand the gamer culture"
>he literally gave a steam code of Undertale for the fucking pope
>the pope doesn't even have a steam account
>he made a 16 minutes video talking about how undertale represents the game comunity and why he gave it to him
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what about some lewds of a Crabsnake?
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>tfw no snake blowjob
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Buddy X Arkantos OC Girl yuri
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Buddy having sex with Rando while he is sleeping

This is a pretty gay thread
thank you anon
i will fap for this every week
That's pretty gay, anon
So anyone drawing for their games or any fan art?
Can I request the batter as a Joy Mutant?
evasion builds are worthwhile if you put max points into it every level, take all the related feats
and most importantly, because this is what most people forget, don't wear heavy armor
heavy armor fucks with evasion really hard
Is there a transcript I can skim through, I hate watching this guys videos and the last one I saw had a massive error anyone with access to Wikipedia or took psychology 101could debunk
Is stardew valley comfy?
how would you review it?
>getting a blowjob from female fish is gay
It's good harvest moon with some extra stuff, custom looking character, gay possibilities, guys who suck as possible husbands, is getting updated every so often last time I checked, and is modded by a lot of people.
>gay possibilities
explains why /indie/ likes it so much
Hey, girl on girl lovin. All 5 guys are crap whether you're a guy or girl though so who cares about them.
Any Game dev general rejects here?
Wanna post your game stuff?

Can I get away with just getting the feats? My dodge and evasion are at like 55ish and I figured I'd start putting their points into persuasion and intimidation.

Although I got some armor that gives me a bunch of stealth (I think it's at like 50 base stealth, but I got almost 100 stealth.)
just remember that your armor penalty is the effective reduction to your dodge and evasion skills
so wearing gear with a total armor penalty of 50% can drop your 55 evasion down to a measly 27

if you don't have it already, consider getting the Nimble feat, which cuts your total armor penalty by 15%
but we are not gay you bully
if /indie/ really is full of actual human beings, then it needs to start acting like it

because for weeks now it's been acting like it's full of subhuman fags and mutants
typical millennial non-response
speak in abbreviations because real life conversation moves too slow
you're the media's creation
your free will has been taken and you don't know
Free will is a lie made by religions to make us think that we choose to follow their teachings.
Just started playing LISA.
Game is fucking great so far.
Only gripe is that savepoints disappear.
Having to go back and re-do so much shit if I die or want to stop playing is pretty annoying.
You picked the painful (hard) mode didn't you?

>if you don't have it already, consider getting the Nimble feat, which cuts your total armor penalty by 15%

Yeah, I do. It even gives me bonus evasion/dodge if my armor penalty is zero, which is pretty cool.
Was 2015 the year of the Metroidvania?
That's why there aren't checkpoints. hard mode makes them single use.
Well considering both Indivisible and loodstained are going to be I wouldn't say that it's the only year. Also I'd say that 2015 was more the year of Konami being dick heads more than anything.
Don't mind drawing Alex from dashbored, aka the tan haired, sorta tall qt boy, being a qt?
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I'm trying out this indie post-apocalyptic RPG called Waste Walkers.

It's pretty dark so far. Very desolate.
Oh that looks sorta cool, is it good from what you can tell so far? Looks like a decent RPG maker game.
Go away, Dev.
>everyone who disagrees with me is dev
when will this meme end
It's okay. The RPG Maker engine has been hacked to hell and back to make it work as a survival-horror game.

Battles are still turn-based, and they've been completely one-on-one so far.

Most of the graphics are publicly available RPG Maker graphics (so far I found a "soldier" who looks like the author repurposed a knight graphic in the game's modern setting)

It all comes down to the mechanics though and so far I haven't played enough to give a good assessment. Graphical issues aside, this game could win me over with gameplay.
But it's true.
stop, millennial
So it's not really story driven I take it?
So far it seems story driven. It's not completely open-ended or mechanical, there's a story of the main character getting back to their spouse after a prolonged period of away-from-home scavenging.

Will Smith claimed this millennium. This "Willennium", per se.
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What about Chara as a trap?
You know, with a cute dress and a bulge
ben go back to HSG
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>that opening
hey man maybe you'd be better off making a request like that in /utg/
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What about you stop being a faggot?

Get out John
>MCMICHAEL claimed this post was a joke.
This is indie right?
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>not wanting to fight Buddy and waste all your turns licking her possibly flat chest before she kills you


You got a trailer or a gameplay video or something? looks neat.


I wonder if there will be campaigns, like you can play a dinosaur migrating north/south in order to follow a food source or seek warmer climate. Will the dinosaurs all being realistic instead of anthro keep away the scaleyfags who would have funded this game just so they can see dinosaurs fug?
But Eliot is second best. Haley is tsundere and best girl, Penny is for cucks, Abigail is literally plebbit, Maru is literally shit, and Leah is used goods.
surprised he hasnt made OFF theories yet
Check out the Steam page.

Dinosaurs usually have bad games.
I mean considering that Trex, the sort of king of dinosaurs to many, has primitive feathers instead of scales and stuff, it's KINDA easy to tell honestly.
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Creepy Susie comes after Winnie
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>flat chested girls
aww yis
now you're speaking my language
Hey guys.
I'm not gonna be posting here all that much from now on (I seem to just be annoying people at this point)

I was just wondering, what would make for a good shirt or other thing for Dashbored in the future if I ever make one?
I've tentatively decided that the .44 pistols in Underrail suck and are not worth taking. 32 AP base for one shot is just not worth it. You pretty much need the Rapid Reloader attachment, the Rapid Fire feat, and a shit load of DEX to make them even on par with the 9mm assault rifles, at which point you could just take a Rapid Reloader and the Full Auto feat on a 9mm instead and be doing even better.

Sure, you can take a .44 pistol with a riot shield armor, but in my opinion the riot armor all sucks because metal armor does better against melee and crossbows, and anti-rifle vests do better against bullets. Riot armor is just some shitty intermediary that's noticeably worse against both, and if you have a shield on the armor, you're locked out of 90% of the game's weapon choices.
So I'm trying out Arkantos.

The long climb where I find the redshirted guy is one of those maps that are so big, that it freezes my screen. I can talk to the guy, and hear the dialogue text, but the screen stays frozen so I can't see what he is saying. I still managed to get to the next area though.

Can someone give me the gist of what he was talking about?
>making a post to say that you're not making posts
great job buddy
It seems to be safe to talk to most people without a mask in Arkantos, are the folk there just nicer than the ones in Olathe?


He added a question though.
how about a shirt that says "I AM A BIG FAT FAGGOT"
sounds like something that the dashbored audience would be into
well it was a stupid question
>What did he say?
He said something about liberating Arkantos from its warlords that conquered villages. And if you decline, he mentions the new girl.
>are the folk there just nicer than the ones in Olathe?
For some, yeah. Others are just exhausted because of wars between gangs and such.
Don't get mad
I'm not much of a t-shirt person myself, but about pins, or something else that's small but easy to attach to bags, jackets or etc.
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Sorry, I meant to say "but what about"
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what old nigga anime ass shit is this
fuck soulja boy and his superman shit
singlehandedly killed hip-hop
soulja boy eat a dick
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>not even undertale can save us
Mogeko Castle
He looks edible, like a hairy marshmallow.
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lmao backpacker motherfucker
>Necropolis is also garbage
The game doesnt even qualify as a roguelite let alone a roguelike.
blast from the past
Got you covered
What kind of design do you think would work?
Pins of Midori/Jack's Masks could work, I think. Maybe something with the overworld sprites on them
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Forgot pic
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you are using the wrong name tho
I put in pokemon go and google shortened it
What's different about yours?
pokemon go is that new mobile pokemon game, the game is getting really fucking popular
It even beat tinder and snapchat with how many downloads it's had I believe.
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Yeah I put in "pokemon go" you can see that google just hid the 'go' part with '...' I'm not sure how you ended up with different results though

>Tfw shit phone that can't play it
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ugh its so HARD being a woman
>tfw whiteboys react the same way to me
Day one download.
I'd love to see the character face sprites from the menu as pins
Who here is going to play?
What is it?
Starbound: AKA One of those Kickstarter games that promised WAAAAAAAY more than the developer will ever be able to deliver with any quality
The day of Bojack
what do

Imagine what the results will look like once they add Gardevoir to the game.


Jeeze, what a bitch.
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>saving a thumbnail
why are anti-lolis so fucking retard?
i am down for that
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Would something like this make a good sticker?
Like to put on a laptop or something?
How hard was it to make dashboard, and what was the hardest general aspect about it, be it the art, programming, level design, writing, or something else?
That's adorable. Looks pretty good honestly.
I'd say it was:

Most Tedious- Level Design/Writing

Most Difficult yet rewarding- Music

Most enjoyable- Spriting

Do you plan on making a game at some point?
Would love to slap that on a sketchbook
I've been trying to design characters and work on my story on and off but I have zero music and programming skills so I've just been casually working on the game until I figure out how to do those things, plus TF2 always tears me away from working on it. I was sort of considering RPG Maker since I've heard it's easier to use than game maker but I'm probably going to use game maker since I probably can do more in it, like a timer and day night cycle. I'm definitely being too ambitious on what I do in it though.
So what's the sticker for?
>dat ass
holy shit was is this beautiful creature
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A scooby Doo character.
Update on Waste Walkers:

I'm starting to fall off. Not having as much fun. If this game interests you I'd wait until a sale, at least.
What' wrong with it?
The turn-based combat feels like a tedious arbitrary thing. It doesn't fit with mechanics the game brings.

Also, the script has some very heavy censorship. Even the word "piss" is censored.
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Anything you want it for.
The thing about DashBored is that it wasn't a big plan inside my head. I have much bigger and better plans for the future, and DashBored was made with the intention of completing a game. After I made that, I kept adding on to it, recreating it leading to the game you see today.
I would suggest setting out to make a game you know you can make before you set out to make the game of your dreams.
Are you planning to sell them individually or as two-pair packs?
fuck off
Still trying to figure out how redbubble works.
We'll see, I'd rather sell two piece packs but they may not allow for it.
>"I'm not posting anymore"
>proceeds to make more posts than ever before

attention whoring at its finest
>not making $3000 a month on patreon and even more on etsy from selling Undertale OC art
Whats holdin you?
The fear of having to learn to draw all the fucked up fetishes to get that sweet sweet fetish commission money
undermeme is a shit game for fags
Yeah, sorry. I'll be answering questions, but after that I'll try to keep it to a minimum.
are you gonna draw all the dash boreds
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Can I bang a wolfgirl in Towergirls yet?
There's a lotta Batter x Zacherie yaoi for that.
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go back to /trash/
You're fine, post how you'd like.
it's true though
I think I'll try that actually. I have a few ideas I could make a small scale game with while sorta messing with my main game's story and characters. Thanks.
/indie/ - fagbored general
fuck off, drone
I'll try to have certain things for everyone, I was hoping to at least make another sticker of Jack to go along with the Midori one.
Is this what indie has become? Oh how the mighty have fallen.
>hating on dfc
fuck is wrong with you, nigga
>abloo abloo abloo someone doesn't like muh fag gayme ;__;

What's the best engine for making an RPG?
RPGMaker, or GameMaker?
I know it depends on what kind of complexity and what kind of things I want from it, but which would be the better option for getting the most out of a game?
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>I was hoping to at least make another sticker of Jack to go along with the Midori one.

Good shit right here
>waiting for Cossacks 3
RPG Maker if you wanna make something but can't program and don't need a lot of complexity, like Yume Nikki, Lisa the Painful, or Off. Game maker if you wanna do something less limited and can code, like Undertale or...um. Actually what other RPGs were made in Game maker now that I think about it?
I'm not Karbonic.


I don't wanna.
Ok, get this. Undertale, but the batter falls in and he talks to chara(the player) about his need to purify the corrupt souls who wander the underground like he does in Off. How would that go?
>chara (the player)
you didn't even play the game did you
Frisk and chara are basically representations of the player. It's close enough.

Jack should be available soon
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I think I'm almost done with this STUPID FUCKING STEALTH MISSION.

My thoughts and prayers are with the two sledgehammers I had to leave behind to make it out alive. You will be missed.
What game?
Literally in the filename and in the image.
Underrail, silly
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With that, I have finally completed the stealth op at the docks. I hope to never see another stealth op for as long as I live.

Ultimately, three sledgehammers and one crawler stinger had to be left behind. Their deeds of valor will be remembered.
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>the breeding season drama
honestly I'm glad all those millennial degenerate faggots are getting cucked out of their meme game.
they all deserve to be owned and cucked and wrecked and humiliated forever.
>tfw you will never play all these WW2 strategy games that come out
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Any of you niggas played alien hominid
Here's the link famdo

Nope but it's like one of the first "well known" games to start the retro revival right?
Yeah I think so
Is Renpy the best software to make VNs? Does it allow for a lot of branching and stat tracking?
thats wrong

Also would the same player be the player in Off?
>Frisk and chara are basically representations of the player.

play the game
Back in the day
>Does it allow for a lot of branching and stat tracking?

I think so. It's coded in Python so you can do all the variable and nitty girtty you would want in Python.

>Is Renpy the best software to make VNs?
Perhaps? Despite being a framework for python, there's a lot of advanced coding you can take advantage of.
>Breeding Season is over
I'd still sign up for a patreon for only the /ss/ and /ll/ neoteny animations

All those assets can be found here btw >>>/aco/709172
Toby specifically says that the player should name the Fallen Child after them self. That's sorta on the nose with chara and frisk being representations of the player. Though chara does talk to the player so I guess they're not the exact same person as the player.
I dont think I ever got past the third or fourth stage. This is probably the first indie webgame to make it big. I think it opened the doors for Fancypants and N+
>toby's shitposting joke tweets are canon
yeh okey bred
Toby is a hack but Ill go into this later
Don't forget games like Castle Crashers and I think the original meatboy too.
Frisk and Chara are the same person.
No they're not.
Yes they are
No they're not.
they are not
look at pic related and you will see it
Yes they are.
Woooooow neck yourself
Was this made by the Moon Over June artsit?
will too busy with Bojack Horseman S3
what is this tumblr shit
Chara is Frisk's headmate you bigot shitlord
>No they're not.
No they're not.
I wish 4chan didn't put in green text what I have copied.


tumblr people need to play the game

It's it possible for Frisk to get adopted by Toriel in the good end? You can say that you don't have anybody on the outside, and you'll get a scene where Frisk is sleeping in a bedroom and she leaves you a little slice of pie or something.
yeah but that's no more canon than the ending where you just tell her to fuck off
Toriel can adopt Frisk at the end of the game, and most people tend to choose that option.
>another patreon funded western porno game goes under due to the devs being fuckups

Who could have seen this coming
>goal of 9000$ a month
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Does Transistor have good combat?
>like Undertale
Toby Fox is on-record as saying he doesn't know the first thing about coding. Gamemaker is good if you want to toss in gimmicks like he did.
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>when your RTS has comfy music
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Chara and Frisk are cute girls who love each other very much.
I want to cum inside Buddy !
Thats interesting.

I wonder how much GML Toby utilized compared to the plug-in-play features that GameMaker has.
Rot in hell, Dale Spooner.
is Buddy tight?
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How does this look?
I think it looks good
>Insulting everyone who likes something you don't
>liking fag games in 2016
Pretty good actually.
What makes dashbored a fag game?
I haven't played it.
literally all of the male characters are fags
and most of the "females" are mutant-gendered tumblrists
have you literally even read any of the discussion surrounding the game in this general
And Jack's stuff is now available!
More stuff probably will come in the future.
>most of the "females" are mutant-gendered tumblrists
Where'd you get that from?
There's nothing in the game about gender as far as I can tell.
have you even played the game?
The guy who keeps saying that dashbored's for fag's just here to spam that it sucks and to run a dumb joke into the ground.
>everyone who disagrees with me is le one guy boogeymang xD
Neck yourself, kid.
>implying it's just one person
That just makes it worse then.
Fuck off, steamgruppe stasi kike.
Hey samefag I'm your biggest fan!
>tfw ywn be steamgruppenfuhrer
neo-/indie/, more like: literally "behead all those who insult muh fagbored"-core
It's true that I killed my Mentor... and yet, I am not his murderer
Jesus fuck indie's devolving so bad.
heil der reich des karbonischen
jawohl jawohl
>implying you were here before Karbonic showed up
It's literally just >>148486828 this guy giving (you)s to this shitty bait >>148486648
every single fucking time

Just dont reply
>millennial trying to act like he's been here longer than anyone
lmao-ing @ urlife

>karbonic steamgruppe shill using le you meme invented by /s4s/
Soldier Man, tell them.
He's gone full retard now
>everyone who disagrees with me is le retard meme invented by /b/
Kill yourself
>invented by /board/
You like to say that a lot, don't you?
>people aren't allowed to call out foreign memes for what they are
Nice psyop, shill
You say that, but
>>148304254 here you act like a meme made by /sp/ is fine just because you used it
>inb4 hurr durr shill
I fucking hated dashbored, but I actually played it rather than shitting up a thread for no reason
>implying that's me
more psyops
karb has trained you well
Can we talk about indie games from the olden years like 2000?
>New OFF art by Mortis
My prayers have been answered
most of the millennial faggots who've overrun this general now are too young to remember them

but you can certainly try
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Shifting focus to a game made for ACTUAL human beings

After doing some side jobs in Rail Crossings and clearing out the burrower mines in Camp Hathor, I am now roughly half way to getting my 13th level.
I put my 12th level stat point into Perception, allowing me to take the Aimed Shot feat, which has greatly increased the the tactical use I get out of my sniper rifle.

I also found psionic mentor devices for multiple new abilities, including Thermodynamic Destabilization, which I would say is now officially my favorite psi ability in the entire game.

I'd be interested to hear how any of you other lads that are playing this game are doing. Last I heard, Misha was still looking for the drill bit in the Junkyard.
>made for ACTUAL human beings

Not interested.
What a shame. It's a good game, lad.


Any tips for playing Underrail?
Like what? Really I don't know any
Always collect tungsten carbide and hollow-point ammunition whenever you can.

Invest in a good bullet-resistant armor early on.

Bring multiple adrenaline shots with you wherever you go. Adrenaline is always useful.

Try to balance your morphine and health hypo cooldowns. You want to be healed soon enough before using morphine to not fall under 34% HP while you're using it, but you also want to be able to use a health hypo as soon as it wears off.

Molotovs are a very useful and cheap throwable. I recommend putting at least enough points into Chemistry and Tailoring to be able to craft your own whenever you want.

Try not to run out of ammo during combat. Sure, reloading usually only takes 15 AP, but that's 15 AP you could've used throwing a grenade, using a psi ability, or shooting somebody if you conserved your ammo in the first place.

You can't change armor during combat, so make sure you're wearing whatever you think will be best for the local encounters.

Switching weapons and gadgets during combat takes all your AP, or half if you have a certain feat, so make sure you have appropriate weapons and gadgets equipped before combat, if possible.

Vendors refresh their stock roughly every 90 minutes.

Your room at SGS is a great place to store loot the vendors aren't buying at the moment, or other items you don't have an immediate use for, such as crafting materials.

Carry lots of antidote shots when going into burrower and crawler areas. Also carry lots of flares when going into crawler areas.

Don't get killed.

Tchort is evolution.

He needs a red nose and a "down with CIS" shirt to be tumblrcore.


Try to initialize combat whenever you find an enemy you intend to fight. You always go first. But if they spot you first, sometimes the enemy/enemies will go first.

Besides fighting enemies, starting combat can help you steal/catch stuff. If you're trying to steal something, but the eye symbol for the person(s) in the room go green before you can grab the stuff, you can try again in stealth mode, start combat while their eye symbols are still red/yellow, and have your character run to the thing you want to steal, use your action points to grab the shit, then go out of combat. The other people in the room will be none the wiser.
Wait really? Post it.
>If you're trying to steal something, but the eye symbol for the person(s) in the room go green before you can grab the stuff, you can try again in stealth mode, start combat while their eye symbols are still red/yellow
I think you might have that backwards. In Stealth Mode, green eyes denote NPCs that are unaware of your presence, with red eyes denoting NPCs that are completely aware of your presence.

Oh yeah, I got it mixed up a lot. Led to a lot of quickloads when I started out lol.
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The merch I mean. It seems new anyway
kinda sad sugars not there. oh well, she was a hidden boss anyways

Have this Sugar I found to compensate.
What is the deal with "Cheese Legs" the dog at the beginning of Lisa? Is there any hidden in-game info I've overlooked on who owned it, or why the hell Brad would kill an innocent little dog?

it was a vicious animal hellbent on devouring an innocent child
>not keeping your charons in the fridge
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It was probably just a stray that wanted to eat Terry. It's played for laughs, but even a medium sized doge can fuck you up if you don't know martial arts.
what jame is this
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Card City Nights

Bump for all the obscure weird European games that most Americans never heard of even though they were released in some kind of English
I left almost 700 charons worth of shit down in the tunnels below Core City and completely forgot I left it there until like 3 hours later.

Almost to 13th level though. The progress is real.
What does /indie/ think of this?
show me some gameplay footage and I might have an opinion
appears to just be "walk around with a lightbulb" simulator

I'm not sold on it
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>Come back after a day
>Not dead
Literally what
Well it is inspired by games like Yume Nikki. It's basically puzzle walking games.
I've gone a long way since I started this run,

and I still have a long way to go before I see the end of it.
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Love the SMGs
Gotta admit, I had a bit of fun with the MP6 a short while after I picked it up, but the 9mm assault rifles started to completely outclass it and all other SMGs after a certain point.
SMGs probably stay very competitive if you're on a high-DEX build and take all the good SMG feats, but that's not the build I went for.
what game faM?
he's not an undertale character you silly
/utg/ is the home of all fags, mutants, and degenerates
then get back there
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no, it is about undertale
not even close
What's the deal with people complaining?
I think the music is fitting, I didn't even play Undertale, I couldn't recongnize this track unless someone pointed out it's origin
the deal is autism
nice 2009 /v/ meme
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buddy is cool
i want to lick buddy
Buddy is not for licking!
Fuck off
buddy is not for liking either because she's worst girl
It's what happens when the general takes
a break for a while. It get's back with new life.

>444 replies
The original Rogue?
It's an anime cliche where the protagonist saves his future wife from a dog attack
Then you have a shitty ear. Its not just the origin, Undertale's soundtrack matches it's shitty ZX Spectrum graphics. It clashes with Lisa's visuals. It's like hearing 8 bit music on a Sega Saturn game, or midi music on a modern 3D RPG Action Adventure game.
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What a stupid trope
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Is there a single man worthy of Buddy?
No one deserves staying on Buddy's side.

Like I said, it's for the easily triggered.

I thought it was cute.


How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Buddy-pop?


It's not like Lisa has cutting edge graphics either. There are tons of other games with much better sprites.
what are some good indie games for PS1?
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The Return Of Those Who Never Went: The Comeback
Is Terry wife material?
where can i get LISA mods
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He sticks with you even after getting run over by a car.

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I caught 5 hoppers instead of 3 so I have 40 pounds of live hoppers just sitting in my room. No one wants to buy them

also, Karbonic, the key you sent me for Dashbored doesn't work. I'll buy it sometime in the near future.
>Rimworld on Steam

Might be gool
Thrill Kill

Too bad you can't just butcher them for their meat.
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I didn't like the speed of Cossacks so I went ahead and installed American Conquest instead
Reminder that Cossacks 3 never EVER and STALKER 2 never EVER
where do I get the gamu
post your favorite indie games
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>have a baby with your own mom
>then have a baby with you and your mom's daughter
>the baby doesn't look like something from The Hills Have Eyes
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Cool reason to shitpost.
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ded thread
Post games you're making!
I'm watching one of the devs of Hempuli develop ESA2 and his skill level is not on the same level as the difficulty as the games he makes.
goddamn they did not patch invincible johnny walrus
>playing Underrail
>find a locked door
>go in a ventilation shaft and get into the room that way
>try to walk out
>can't unlock the door even though you're on the side that unlocks it


Are you playing a pirated version? He wasn't invincible when I fought him with the steam version of Lisa I got gifted.
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git gud
>playing Underrail
>fighting the first actual challenger in the arena
>560 HP, 300 point energy shield, sprint, intimidate, adrenaline, morphine, and a sledgehammer that does like 90 damage per hit

how the fuck am I supposed to beat this encounter
at what level am I supposed to be even having this encounter, because it sure as shit isn't 13th
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Wandering through the tunnels outside of Core City, found my way into what looks to be an old burned out Coretech joint. Something tells me there's probably a task related to this place.
That's probably bad.
We're already off to a terrible start.

There's not galvanic enough armor in the world for this shit.
Why does game maker fix the game event time to the FPS. That's so stupid.
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the great indie point and click
Cant you use delta_time
What's so good about it? Looks cool.
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>watching recent Prey for the Gods footage
>shitty half assed survival elements like eating food and starting fires for warmth to make X status icon fade from HUD
>shitty camera angles in fights
>stiff animations and lack of a dynamic animation system so it looks like a PS1 game
>boss design is generic and unremarkable
>actual combat just looks like a NuCastlevania tier cheap knockoff of Shadow of the Colossus instead of a spiritual succesor that improves and oes something new

They completely miss what was good about Shadow of the Colossus in the first place besides giant boss climbing, vid related
>less is more

No thank you, Polygon
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>$1,189 per month
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>bloating the game with shallow features and busywork while the core gameplay is mediocre is good
Fuck off Neo Tomb Raider development team
most indie devs would be better off with "less is more" since feature creep and checklist

Will you be able to have your girls fuck the monsters into submission?
>Not explaning the drama
The Dev cucked his team and the last game they were working on, Breeding Season, to work on another game that is exactly the same thing. One of the directors wanted to continue the game but he refused to sell the rights, stole all the money from Patreon (which by the way, was receiving a whole fucking lot) and gave a "Fuck you" to everyone who spent 3 years working on it.

tl;dr Dev betrayed his team, scrapped the whole game and now is working on something that is the same thing

Don't get your hopes up, like Breeding Season this one will also fall for the same reasons.
It was actually the art director who left and refused to sell the rights to the art. The guy had made 90% of the game's art.

The other artist of the staff left before him due to the shitty treatment of the project leader
Are you the sorta person who thinks that something's automatically good if it's got a lot of stuff in it even if that stuff detracts and takes away from what's actually good about the game?
What's wrong with the camera angles, granted I've only seen the trailer. I mean they're not that impressive but what's bad about them?
I don't mind it but I can see how it would bother most devs especially when you want to do anything outside that configuration.
Another one.
He eat a nasty burrito that's giving him stomach cramps?
He ate some moldy spaghetti
I want him to hug me and eat my entrails!
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And finally for now the Midori/Jack Sticker Combo pack!
We already went over it a day ago a few posts up.
Fun fact, BS was actually the highest funded patreon on the entire site. Hbomb was never going to get the game done due to his incompetence, and its his dumb fault for signing S Purple on for 50% of the profits and not getting rights to everything made by his employees on his time.
It's a jew move but he's well within his right to take whats his when he left the team. Many AAA devs would kill to be able to do that.
Any lewd LISA requests?
A joy mutant whose whole body is a penis. His name is Richard.
what about some Brad x Lisa?
B-but Anon, that's forbidden love!
you sick fuck
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A ashamed lonely Brad
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but it's also the most pure
Buddy getting fucked by a really fat dude
Buddy is not for lewd
Post top 3

1. Super Meat Boy
2. Nuclear Throne
3. Cave Story
Buddy is only for lewd
1. Underrail
2. Risk of Rain
3. Nuclear Throne
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1. Undertale
3. Death Grips (not a game, don't care)
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>1. Undertale

You need to leave.

Go back to /utg/
1. OFF
2. Don't Starve
1. OFF
3. DashBored
2. Subnautica
3. Cave Story
Doom's not indie.
Mama mia pizzeria!
I want Midori and Jack to combo up on me
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>a game made by two (2) guys on a garage in not indie
So what? Every arcade game back then had only 4-5 working on it.
they are indie games too
No it's not! Even that there were a little amount of people working on it, those games were financially supported.
But doom wasn't.
It was self funded and they sent it out to stores as sharware
They weren't published independantly though normally.
So if something like EA makes and publishes something in house by themselves, like I dunno battle field or what ever they make, is it indie?
What would it take for a game to be indie then?
For an independant developer, who rely on people to be interested in their games rather than getting sales through advertisements, being sold on shelves or names.
We are talking about 1990s Doom you know.
Also if a game is sold at a local mom and pop gaming shop it isn't indie?
>So if something like EA makes and publishes something in house by themselves, like I dunno battle field or what ever they make, is it indie?

Technically yes, but no one talks about it here for the same reason no one talks Undertale, cause its shit
No, you idiot! EA has development teams that are financially supported by them to make games, that's why it's not indie.
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>dude what if we made a 2D minecraft instead of making something new and inventive
>dude you're a genius lmao
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Can't we just stretch the term /indie/? Can't this just be a haven for all the lonely games that don't have their general?
Fuck no. Ubisoft Reflections is a studio that works and is financially supported by Ubisoft.
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Wouldn't that mean we'd bring messes like /SLG/ with their cancerous fetishes
(Forgot to add this part) along with other dead generals
>Can't we just stretch the term /indie/?
Games that are not financially supported by publishers. How good is that?
Dude we're talking about OG DOOM not the 2016 one
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Dude, look at the fucking reply, we're not talking about Doom!
Doom isn't even published by EA, it's by Bethesda!
this >>148372541
I think miscellaneous low-budget titles from maybe larger companies should be considered too.
Brad fucking some of those hot orphans
It literally has Ubisoft in it's name. It's completely a ubisoft game.
No, it's a studio owned by Ubisoft. Ubisoft Reflections is NOT Ubisoft!
Doom wasnt even in stores when it started, it was shareware and you had to mail in money then theyd mail you back.
No because they arent self funded themselves, they have investors. Also the developers arent publishing the game, EA Ankara or Ottowa is not made up of anyone at the main EA HQ in publishing.

The original Doom was published and developed by the same 2 guys in their basement.
Arcade game developers were told what game they had to make by a much bigger Yakuza family who paid their salaries.
Almost all cyberpunk games are indie
When will /indie/ become /cyg/ 2.0?
anon, thats retarded. thats like saying
>all insects are bugs so why don't we start calling all bugs insects?
When people accept Turing as their waifu
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I call all bugs insects
Seriously where did you guys all go
laincuck is dead, 8cuck's dead, mcuck's dead
turing is cute!
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I'm having trouble when playing yume nikki in full screen mode, i know that turning the game fullscreen scales up the whole game making it looking blurry, but it also looks like there's a drop in the fps making it feel way less smooth than it normally plays in windowed mode, is there a fix for this or should i look into my pc/gpu drivers?
Something similar happened when i tried to play fortune summoners in fullscreen.
I've heard RPG Maker's just very badly optimized honestly.
Sometimes its the fonts, did you try reinstalling them
Witcher isnt indie because they have outside investors and are listed on WSE, same for Valve
>It's an Eternal Access episode
Where did Grandpa Armstrong learn karate? Was he stationed in Japan?
looks nice. im interested
im pretty sure it just looks that way since you fullscreened it. nothing you can do, ive learned to cope with it

Grandpa Armstrong must have also had a hard life, assuming he's the one who came up with Armstrong style. The Armstrong style is a mix of martial arts, and pain.
There's a free version available if you'd like it. It's pretty short but it's HIGHLY advised that you make time for it when you won't be interrupted during the middle of it. https://rpgmaker.net/games/6560/
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Adopt this vermis into your heart?
does anybody like funny pizza land
That looks like it's from Middens's and Gingava's dev's new game Where they cremate the roadkill. He a qt snake.
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Wasn't that a DooM mod with 3d models instead of sprites?
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Arkantos told me to come here and complain.

Uhhh... Sweetheart needs a haircut!
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Who's that though?
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The joy mutant that attacks Bolo's gang when you first meet them. People theorize she's female due to her long hair, her name, and she says "YEAH" in a feminine voice when she attacks (this sound effect is the same one you hear when Buddy uses her flash attack and occasionally when Buddy picks up joy.)
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Man, how funny would it be if it turned out the whole mess was started because Brad dropped Buddy as a baby.
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