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/r6g/ Rainbow Six General

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Thread replies: 710
Thread images: 158

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Fuck Blackbeard edition

GIGN challenge starts today, 12th
Patch 3.4 on the 13th
>More info on Season 3 will be coming in the final weeks of July

>Steam group

>Teamspeak for /vg/ operations
The password is: Operations

>Official news



>Developer AMA Recap

>Maps and drawing tools for all available gamemodes

>Weapons and Armor damage comparisons

>Known Issues:

>Basics of CQB Pastebin

>Steam group player list

>Console group
PS4: Add dazint8 or Omegaplaya and join the /r6g/ community that way
Xbone: Add IMadSpykeI (the 'I' are capital 'i's)

>All the Classic Rainbow 6 games running on the latest engine, compatible with current windows, all maps, all modes.


>WIP /r6g/ guide for crosshair overlays, tactics etc
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Good Edition
Whens the ubisoft employ gonna post the leaks?
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why the fuck are the BRs before grorious nippon

just give me my fucking weeb ops ubi
Glad someone got the joke!
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The whole game is just an exercise with red paintball bullets
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i think you mean red paint balloons because fuck does blood splatter everywhere. like one bullet looks like it makes you loose a couple pints of blood.
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>Everyone always wants to reinforce everything
>Every wall steel and every door castled
>Defense now forced to cower in a corner with no sightlines
>Roaming is dangerous

>Convince a group of friends to all play defense with nitro cells, a couple with shotguns
>Blow up and shoot down every wall around objective and tear down every door barricade
>Roam freely outside objective room and can see into it from any angle
>Literally never lose a ranked game doing this

I have yet to find a single map or mode this isn't the best strategy. Tell me why I'm wrong.
What's this strange feeling I have in my stomach and groin?
Thoughts on bringing a Tachunky for extra fun?
>Tell me why I'm wrong.
But you're not. Shooting people in the back is always better than shooting them in the front.
Hunger for top ramen
you want to make only lines of sight that are advantageous to you, if the opponent can peak you better than you them, it's a bad hole to make. like in house, in basement, I love blowing up between bombs, but naturally i like covering garage because there are 20x as many places attackers can hide or peak from compared to defenders.
fuck castle though.
It's one of the few times he's actually viable. Take conference room on plane for example. Reinforce everything and everyone is forced to hide inside. Tear down the walls and Tachanka can sit in the room with the desk across from it and see through the room, and is able to cover not only the hallway on the far side but the stairs too.
>be plat 2 solo queue
>either get matched up with sweaty premades of diamonds or golds which end up not giving shit for points
tachanka has actually been picked in esl just to punch a bunch of murderholes
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Gonna drop some operator meme faces for future use
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Buff Pulse's gun slightly
Buff The Tachanks
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That sounds good, but I am trying to lose weight. Down seven pounds already!
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UMP and 9mm чики бpики ФCБ gun need buffs, yeah.
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Can't Glaz shoot you through the window? I've been shot by Glaz peeking office doorway as well as being too far to the back of the room within sight of the entrance platform at the top of the stairs.
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>when you still lit af but it's Monday
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How else should I update this? Also what categories do you think the new operators will be?

Role/Position: Where the operator is or acts when things start happening.
Point Man- If you have one, they are the first ones that lead the charge. They usually have a shield to protect themselves and their team.
Entry Fragger- Second in line. They are the main attackers of the team. If there are no point men, they are the first in the attack.
Backliner- Usually in the back of the group, these operators hang back due to the nature and importance of their gadget. However once their gadget serves their purpose, they can move up with the entry fraggers.
Flanker- Usually with fast speed, flankers are operators who do not go with the main group. They take an alternate path to sneak up on the defending team.
Pinpoint Defender- These operators strive by holding the objective.
Roamer- Usually with high speed and/or passive gadget. They roam around the map outside the objective to catch players who are along or to flank the main attacking team.
Both- Can either play as a Pinpoint Defender or Roamer.

Gadget Role: How the operator's gadget is used.
Breacher- Gadget that is used to break walls/barricades to get into the objective or open venues of attack
Sabotager- Gadget that is used to take out other enemy gadgets
Disrupter- Gadget that is used to displace or suppress the enemy team. If they do not change or hold positions, they are open to attack.
Intel- Gadget that is used to gain information on the battlefield.
Area Denial- Gadget that is used to deny or slow down movement of enemy operators.
Trapper- Gadget that is used to kill or incapacitate the enemy.
Support- Gadget that is used to help your ally operators.

Gadget Type:
Active: These gadgets need the operator to be alive to function.
Passive: Once placed, these gadgets function even when the operator dies.
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For next time I post this, should I just make a pastebin to not make a wall?
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How about you could use his RP-46 freely without the fucking tripod and just use a bipod instead, you can place it anywhere and on any surface and shown in concept art let him hipfire with it because in his current state he will always lose the peekaboo game and since it's unlikely for ubi to ever remove peeker advantage i'd rather have him mobile all the time
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Last one for now
>tfw no tik tak

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>tfw IQs G8A1 still not replaced by mg42
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I thought ranked matchmaking was supposed to be better than casual
>tfw plat 3
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Tell me about sledge, why does he wear the mask?
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>buff tachanka immediately
>buff Castle and Castlecades
>Slight Nerf to Blackbeard (even making him 1 armor with the same speed would be something)
>Nerf Valks cameras to 2 or 3.
>Buff Doc
>Minor buff to Twitch

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>Blackbeard's nickname was originally Bane
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South African Special Task Force when? What a shame they already gave Buck a FAL and Thatcher a G3, but there's still plenty of interesting weapons available with South Africa's odd infatuation with unconventional arms, especially shotguns.

>>Blackbeard's nickname was originally Bane


That was an impressive video clip. Always had a soft spot for the Neostead as well. I would not mind an additional, stock or para FAL for an operator. Marksman possible?
what's the best handgun in the game?
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>12 rounds
Not him, but yeah those SA lads don't fuck around.

Back when we chatted about which teams to expect next, SA, the aussies, and the malaysian counter-pirate frogmen came up a lot.
>two independent barrels each with a six round capacity
>intended to allow one tube full of beanbag round and the other full of lethal as a backup

Operator ability of switching ammo types finally?
Would be kind of neat to get either similar themed operators - amphibious warfare or the like for example. Or neighboring countries? Something to give a bit more of that Rainbow feel of disparate CTU and police, soldiers and specialists all working together to protect the world.
smg11 doesnt count as a handgun
on that subject, is the revolver the worst of the pistols?
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guys how do I find fair matches against people my own skill level
Revolvers don't count as pistols retard.
As much as I love my .308 raifu, I don't really think another version of the FAL or G3 is needed. The attacker can get an SS-17 LMG and Neostead Shotgun, while the defender can get the R6 PDW and the Mag-7 shotgun. Both get the Vektor SP1 for a pistol.

For gadgets I have no idea. Defender could get a deplorable motion sensor that just makes a loud ping or something, but attacker? Maybe he can ram through with an elephant, I don't know.
>Spetsnaz don't have a Vintorez
I'm dissapointed in that and the lack of overly tacticool ak 74
Spetznas has no fun guns.
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>queuing for tanked for the past 10 minutes
>finally decide to quit out and re-queue
this game is essentially developed by a small indie studio. You can't expect complicated, high-budget things like complicated server management and control.
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BOPE soon?
No they're just buffing Pulse
more range on the monitor?
no, monitor finally makes sense
Blackbeard buff when?
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>Blackbeard buff
probably soon, considering ubisoft is doing dumb shit like buffing operators who really have no business being buffed
update up?
Ranked solo que when?
where's muh fucking bastille day challenge
flash hider or compensator?
>Everyone just picks Valk for her shotty
>throw 2 cams on either side of the objective room AKA the "it's too late already room".

Remove her fucking shotgun.
Are they revealing anything at ESL like they did last time?
doubt it, the patch doesn't hit until the 13th
Another Russian CTU for year 2?
Frosts Shotgun still has ridiculous range.

Blackbeard needs a shield nerf, atleast let us shoot shoulders straight on or tippy top of head like Blitz.

Tachanka should get an armored deployable machine gun.

Castle is fine, maybe possibly, potentially have the castle go all the way to the floor of the door.

Doc should be able to use his dart to restore a players health back to 75%, regardless of if they're downed or not.

Twitch could use at least two shock drones, or buff the one drone to withstand a couple of bullets/shock wire

Blitz needs a second/third pistol option
Is the Teamspeak down? Whenever i try to connect it gives me an Error but I can connect to other servers just fine
>muh pulse
You nigger. They're making his gadget more understandable. It's not like the Kapkan nerf.
>Every Operator has to retard friendly

Might aswell make Valks cams only placeable in designated areas then
To get ready for the Huepocalypse that is the Olympics
The recent Kapkan update was a nerf to you? what?
Did you forget about the nail?
Am I missing something? They removed the nail making it a buff. Do you know what the terms buff or nerf are?
I mean when they added the nail in the first place. I did say nerf.
I thought the nail was always there? I didn't play him in beta, though.
The screw and laser wire were always on Kapkan's trap.
laser wire was, but the screw was more recent.
This is actually not bad.

The Doc thing maybe could be less effective if used on someone that isn't already down, like maybe to 50% or something. As if we don't pistol eachothers feet and revive enough to make that balanced already.
What? The screw has always been there? Here is an old video that they aren't using anymore but here you can see the screw. https://youtu.be/sySDAUWLDks?t=1m2s
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The screw was never "recent" if it was there all along, dumb whiteboi.
I remember one of the not-good operators getting a little harmful tweak at one point in the last few months. I could have sworn it was Kapkan, but I guess not.
How would you guys feel if cameras and drones, when marking people, don't alert the player that they have been marked? That never made sense to me. How would they player realistically know they have been "marked"?
Yeah, I'm down with that. It would remove the whole "DON'T MARK" spam everyone says while still somehow getting +5 points every few seconds if you watch their score while they're bitching.

Kinda ruins the immersion, I'll be walking thinking noone can see me then all of a sudden "You've been spotted!" And I run around in a circle like an idiot trying to see a Valk cam.
Get rid of it. Same as the noise from getting spotted by Pulse.
Because of this YOU HAVE BEEN SEEN bullshit, it actively discourages marking people.
because the game is not a hyperreallistic swat simulator, it's an arcadey semicompetetive online shooter with little to no basis in realism.
Operator Sixth Sense. Also it encourages players to communicate with each other rather than using the spotting mechanic.
How could you know you were being watched? Its the only other way a defender knows a drone is present
This must also be why we have no built-in call-outs like CSGO.
Ubi is brilliantly improving communication by forcing everyone to talk to one another.
I'd like to see the cameras have a buzz or some sort of sound while they're moving, kind of like drones do. They should also always have their light on, except valk if you're in the LOS, because it makes no sense for the camera to always be there idle, but light up when someone is watching it.
Anyone else pick kapkan, and then hide in some obscure room during drone phase in hopes of not getting operator identified?

Should operators identity be found out if you spot that operators gadget?
>yfw one of the future operators is called Havoc
Castle is good.
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Yes, mostly because they won't be expecting a kapkan trap at the entrance of the building if they do not know the enemy team has a Kapkan punch in a hole in the wood and they will most likely not even check the door for a kapkan trap
that's clever, gonna try that
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How I think the BR operators will be

Ill be shocked if they reversed for once and make the attacker a support and defender KILL EVERYTHING
Bastille day challenge going on and I still have to pick rook because nobody else wants to.
what happen to TS?
Come to the discord!
>people still don't realize Ventrilo has always been the most simple, and least taxing on PC as far as third party voice communication goes for games that already have voice communication fully functional.
>play ranked
>"pro" players bitch at me for having secure area enabled on my preferences cause we got into a secure game

I will never understand why these assholes like to play bomb all day.
>"pro" players actually think their game preferences matter in the Ranked queue.
>people will use closed-source services that collect and re-transmit voice data instead of just using simple software like Mumble
>people don't just communicate via telegraph
>Not just using Xbl parties, or in game chat.
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Okay that is that last of them by that I mean these are the last known headgear that we have seen so far.

New Headgear soon stalkers
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I want these sooo bad but ugh real moneys only :( sooo sad.
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It is a screw, not nail.
But a screw is just a nail with threads on it :3
fuck that, this would give attackers a massive advantage. it's a tradeoff. if you want big red markers on your map of enemy locations, then i get to at least know a drone is near by. if you don't want me to know i was seen, then don't fucking mark anyone and communicate enemy positions another way.

some of you just have utterly retarded ideas and the more i read them, the more i'm glad ubi doesn't listen to you morons.
>copy comment
Let me know when Vent gets out of the fucking stone age.
They should just go ham on medieval helmets imo
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There's still some more we've seen that are still unreleased.

>Can only buy the new French headgear with Rainbow Bucks in that bundle, not individually
Thanks ubi
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>go back to Mongolia
>tfw Doc gets left out of everything
fuck I made the same webm twice
classic ubisoft netcode
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>called doc
>can't heal people
>can only revive
>he's still called doc
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Must have helmets for each organizations operators

Slege Wallace
Thatcher default
Mute default
Ash default
Thermite Mandidble
Castle default
Pulse blind
Black Ice for everyone
Blitz default
IQ Flak
Jager Fumble
Bandit Dust Line
Buck Black Ice
Frost Black Ice or Trapper
>Navy Seals
I believe in my teammates.
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new operators when? and new patches when?
New patch tomorrow, just bug fixes and Pulse buff.
New ops August.
what buffs?
Read the OP, whiteboi
Just more visibility on his scanner.
New bastille gign charm today bois
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>in matchmaking, casual
>get put into a lobby that's 4v5, waiting for one person for match to start
>rest of team quits
>squad of three joins
>one other joins
>on blue team
>second round starts the random sprays down 2 of the squad
I can see being salty enough to tk after a few rounds, but why before even one?
>teamstack talks trash after barely winning against solo queue team that wasn't communicating
For real?
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Piping hot new Valk meme face
I did something like this as Rook once. I sat next to the Fireplace in Dining Room on Kafe. Both rooms count as a secure location so I just sat there and ran the clock out. Ended up being 1v1 overtime with me vs. Sledge, him in the Train museum. We both sat there for like 10 minutes until almost everyone on his team left then he ran out and lost the game, 2-2 Match Point.
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>Get headshotted by Glaz in that type of situation
>My player model was in the supine position, not prone
I just want the face from the first one with the glorious body of the second one...
>knifed straight through my shield as Monty by guy with 150 ping
>match point and they barely get the defuse
>netcoded hard, thanks Ubi
>"netcode isn't even that bad dude, shut up, learn to take a loss"
I think you should take that loss.
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>Come to Discord
>Guess the adress though

Also Discord is shit compared to Ts3

Is there a console group setup, I play on Xbox and I want to play with y'all
>Console group
PS4: Add dazint8 or Omegaplaya and join the /r6g/ community that way
Xbone: Add IMadSpykeI (the 'I' are capital 'i's)
What's the Discord adress?

Why was there no PSA?
>mfw this guy is defending glitches in the game with
>people complained about not some people not going slow in Siege
>this whole task force is about getting in and out quickly

Now if only peekers advantage was removed so people would move fast for the right reason.
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>Watching a "pro"league match
>Thermite with a shotgun uses an exothermic charge on an unreinforced trapdoor
>Commentators are wondering why he didn't just shoot the trapdoor with his shotgun
>playing clubhouse
>in armory, playing the cubes with a murderhole peaking into garage ladder
>peak that angle for about 2 minutes, until attacking team has one minute left
>realize door to tunnel is open
>go to remedy that
>hop back up
>instantly headshotted by somebody staring at that hole
every fucking time.

give this a try
PC, bro
makes it all the more confusing, i would almost expect a shotgun on thermite on xbox but PC of all things?
There was actually plenty of shotgun usage from the rounds I watched.
i've seen valk, frost, pulse and smoke use shotguns in pro league but never anybody else, much less an attacker.
should mention this is all pc pro league.
Update tomorrow guys. You excited for the pulse changes?
link to patch notes?
No problem brah

What's your GT? Let's play
Shotgun Thermite is surprisingly useful sometimes.

Border is a great map for a shotgun on Thermite.

I had a great match with him earlier today in Border where I shot him through a wall after Jager ran out of the objective in front of a murder hole I made after I destroyed the reinforced wall. Ran inside the room and killed Valkyrie for the win.

We steamrolled a bunch of Clantag platinums 3-0 that game.
might actually play pulse now
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>When you gun down defenders running out the building 1 by 1
>when you kill the attackers peaking the wrong exit one by one.
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>When they expected you to run outside but you still kill them
>when you get the same spawn kill twice a match
>when you jump out the window, get the kill and rubber band back inside
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future Spetsnaz applicants.webm
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Reminder to all the newfriends here to always damage the hostage during prep phase in case this happens.
>overwatch adds a new character that legitimately changes up the meta by having a long range support / medic

>rb6 siege still hasn't buffed Doc to heal HP of teammates who are not DBNO
>buffing pulse for some reason and not tachanka = black_man_???.jpg
>last characters ubisoft added changed the meta by adding OP characters who are in 100% of matches and force you to play the entire game differently since they are always there
>took Frosts nitro away cause she was too OP but then gave it to Valk who has even more "must pick" utility???????

When people ask why I've stopped coming back to this game, this is the sort of stuff I've told them
valk isn't must pick tho
Are you fucked?
>changes up the meta


You also forgot that they made D.va OP and Mercy even more OP.
nah m8. her shotgun isn't as broke as frost's was and her cams are pretty easy to spot. not sure about stats on dlc characters but i see more jaeger, bandit, rook, smoke, and mute than I do valk.
Hey, it ain't perfect, but having OP characters in the game with hard counters isn't as bad as having the dude immune to headshots and peeking-punishment in a game all about headshot and punishing peekers
>its a "nigbeard peaks around a corner and is unkillable while you get headshot" episode
Can't wait for him to get nerfed.
>in a game about punishing peekers
have you played this game? you always want to be the one peaking, offense or defense, servers are shitty enough you'll have as much as like half a second of you seeing the enemy before they see you.
>Doc to heal HP of teammates who are not DBNO
Good. This isn't Battlefield shit.
>game has a medic gun that can revive people critically wounded to the point that they are at 75% of the fighting capacity of a completely healthy person
>he shoots a magic dart into them to achieve this effect

>doc patching minor wounds is not realistic tho

Please leave and never come back
doc might have a purpose consistently then. doc is never a pic before rook, and if he could heal he might be. maybe heal isn't the right power to give him, but doc deserves a buff or rook deserves a nerf.
You couldn't heal wounds in-game in the older Rainbow Six games, kid.
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>stairwell railings on Canal are bulletproof
>die after getting the jump on someone because 90% of my bullets were getting absorbed
>easy to spot
Here we fucking go again, the elite players of 4chan who see all.
Please explain to me how it's "pretty easy" to spot something that can be placed anywhere and it's different every round.
Mention IQ and I'll fucking nothin personel you, kid.
And you couldn't shoot magic revive darts either you fucking idiot.

Even ignoring this, it makes no sense from any sort of gameplay design standpoing OR from a realism standpoint to have players say "Hey shoot me in the foot so you can then revive me"

Having Doc able to provide medical assistance to teammates would be
>better game design
>make a useless operator decent
>legitimize garrison strategies in a game trending more towards roaming
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Lockdown had a medic class

but looking back Lockdown was the TRUE alpha to Siege
I'm really glad that rainbow six: siege kept to it's roots of the franchise, staying a CS:GO clone.
fuck off with the old games, siege is not like them
You forgot that Overwatch's art style is shit. I'd say its AIDS but Battleborn took that title.
bright blue orbs are pretty easy to spot
if you're being watched you'll see it unless the opponent is smart enough to flip cameras fast, which very few people are.
I'm not even talking about muh realism. If you get wounded, you have to deal with it.
>Pump a guy full of bullets while he gets insta-healed by Doc
>Have to pump even more bullets into him
>implying you'd simply allow him to be TF2's Medic or Overmeme's Mercy
>implying there is no other solution possible so we just have to leave him a shitball

This is why you could never be a game designer because this is a very obvious outcome that, guess what, also has very obvious solutions.

But your imagination is so lacking you jump to the first possible outcome, view it as bad, and would prefer to keep Doc as a bottom tier character instead of creating a solution
>"I'm not even talking about muh realism."
>begins talking about how unrealistic it would be and why that makes it bad
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I explained how it's bullshit; didn't saying anything about realism.
i'd rather have a 175 health op to fight against than that op at 100 health and a doc, i can still kill the 175 health op in one shot with a headshot vs. having to get two headshots and having to deal with two people shooting at me.
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Should I do it?
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You wont pussy
How is it bullshit in any way shape or form? Especially compared to the guy immune from headshots in a headshot game.
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>tfw I bought Overwatch and this fucking game

I should kill myself.
You should only kill yourself for not buying it sooner

>buying games a significant way through their life cycle

You missed the golden years boyo
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Welcome to the sandbox
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You picked a great time to start playing the game

Siege > Overwatch IMO

Even though Siege has flaws it's a game that can make you feel feels you haven't felt in an FPS... tense adrenaline palm sweaty fun.

Overwatch is good but for me I don't like cartoonish art style and the game is like dirty bomb kinda or like ET classic where you have to push objectives or defend.

>Dirty Bomb

Suffered the same problem as this game

shit devs
Overwatch is alright but super gay

Its like facing blackbeard but even worse
>BOPE Attacker has an RPG
>Instantly kills an entire room, including hostage
>Attackers still win
And how would they change him so you stop being a little bitch?
Not him, but a step in the right direction would be:

>reduce overall hitpoints of the shield so it doesn't take a full magazine to break
>make it so every gun can contribute to the breaking of the shield, as SMG and pistol rounds can not break the shield no matter how many bullets are fired
>given the shield is mounted to the rifle, it should severely fuck up aim on impact, making it impossible to return fire
these changes would take BB from invincible to headshot rape god, to "get out of headshot free" card - and would hopefully make him fair and balanced. Getting that white hit marker and knowing his aim is fucked, gives you time to react and adjust. BB absorbs a bullet, defender isn't basically instadead for trying to shoot a BB peeking the window. Game plays well.

If you wanted to go one step further, make him a 1 armor 2 speed operator (his shield deployed lowers him to 1 speed) - so if you do catch BB off guard he goes down like a bitch.

I would also like Tachanka to BTFO blackbeard by destroying the shield in 1 or 2 hits, which would make him a good counter for BB (I also would like it if Tachanka got a BB styled shield on his turret as well but that is a topic for another discussion)
daily post about how matchmaking is a completely retarded lopsided mess
>reduce overall hitpoints on shield
Might happen but in the most extreme which would be 50% won't make a difference unless if you're shit or the BB is shit.
>make it so every gun can contribute to breaking the shield
>making it impossible to return fire
Won't happen

Also none of what you suggested would help that little bitch complaining cause he would still be dead from the headshot.
>as SMG and pistol rounds can not break the shield no matter how many bullets are fired

Sorry this was wrong as it seems they changed it.

30 rounds from Valk's MPX however...
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I can't fucking wait
Early reports had the shield as unbreakable with pistols. Even then right now, it's virtually unbreakable unless it goes up against a shotgun.

The shield should be able to absorb something like 5 shots, not 30. It literally takes a full magazine of direct hits before it cracks under stress from SMG fire.

>Won't happen
Try being able to aim a gun while anywhere between 500 to 1800 joules of kinetic energy is absorbed into the rifle. It's going to knock your aim off center JUST A WEE BIT LAD
>muh realism

I like how you only bring this argument up for blackbeard even though the face shields on say Rook realistically can stop most small caliber bullets
You guys realize even if they do nerf blackbeard a majority of what you guys always bitch about him doing won't change unless if they make him worse than Tachanka.
I would be 100% okay if some operators had reduced headshot damage based on their headgear, sure.

If Tachanka flipped down his visor and needed 2 headshots to take down from full health, I don't think we'd have an issue. In fact it was one of the oldest recommended suggestions in /rsg/ as a way to maybe make him useful
>When people ask why I've stopped coming back to this game
Nobody asks you anything, faggot
>dust line came out 2 months ago
>people still haven't learnt not to peak blackbeard
>instead of adapting they just continue to bitch and scream nerf even though nerfing won't change anything at least for the people that actually bitch
>people think he'll get nerfed to begin with after only in the span of 2 months the only change to him was a slight buff
>96% of the characters behave a certain way
>that certain way has been a core gameplay mechanic from day one and the fundamental aspect of the entire game
>make a guy completely invincible to that mechanic
>expect people not to bitch about it
You could literally say the same thing about Valk you retard, except for being immune to direct headshots she has cameras which are for more valuable than blackbeards shit.
The blackbeard hate stems from how annoying
>peek and prefire
>its BB, you are dead now
is. He dies like anyone else and if you know he's there its just a matter of forcing the moron to move (by waiting, flanking, or indirect attacks) and shooting his slow ass.
>finally get diamond
>want to take a break from ranked
>play casual
>literally every single match i get teamkilled
>happens NINE (9) separate matches in a row
>last match try to vote kick
>one other guy tries to kick the tker
>he gets shot in the head while he's navigating the menu
>It's a premade of 3
>just leave
>search 3 more times, each time putting me back into the same casual match
the game is borderline unplayable as it is, it's just completely unplayable trash during summer. team damage should be reflected back onto yourself in casual
People bitch about Valk having too many cameras.

People complained about Frost's traps being quite stealthy, the traps killing if you rappelled from a window, the shotgun being OP and her having a nitro. They removed her nitro, applied a nerf to her shotgun and fixed the rappelling bug. Now she's gone from a must pick to simply a good operator.

Do you have a problem with them fixing shit and making all 25 possible characters equally fun?
>people bitch about valk having too many cameras
I have never heard that before assume you're getting this information from bronze shitters.
You understand most also consider Valk to be a little too good as well, right?
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It's not even about peeking against Blackbeard, shitlord. He literally has no downsides and is too good for what he does.
>muh slow speed with the shield on
>whip out the Desert Eagle for normal running speed to get around the map
>take out rifle shield right before an engagement
>watch serenity's videos and stream
>he says something
>come to r6g
>anons saying the literal opposite
>watch machay
>same thing
>watch macie
>same thing
>watch remorce
>same thing
i don't get how you can know so little about a game yet still insist you know what you're talking about
>Ubisoft removes Pistol ADS with full shield protection in the Alpha because it's too OP
>Ubisoft adds character that ADS a rifle with a shield while hanging upside down out a window

It's sorta like when they buffed Buck to make his shotgun good, then a week later nerfed all the shotguns and forgot they just went to all this trouble of buffing Buck

Ubisoft confirmed for Alzheimers or anterograde amnesia
>literally no downsides
I didn't know that was a merit for nerfing someone.

I guess its time to nerf
Twitch, Sledge, Jager, Rook, Valk, Smoke, and Thatcher.
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>watch mahchay
>same thing
>watch macie
>same thing
can't read or something?
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You are actually a fucking idiot and need to stop having opinions on things.

The man can survive a headshot, and has a free license to fuck people up while peeking. By the time you, the defender, know it's BB it's too late. You've engaged in a gunfight with someone who is immortal in that specific situation and your only hope is he is a shitter and doesn't instafuck your head when you get up to run.

BB discourages defensive set ups and encourages roaming heavily, since it's the only way to reliable kill him.

There is a difference between
>Oh I chose sledge, his virtually unlimited ability to destroy walls and doors requires I get close to them
>Ash has the ability to destroy the same stuff from a distance allows her to not put her self at risk, but she can do it from a safe distance

That is called balance. There is a trade off. BB right now is almost immortal in certain situations, and there is no downside in terms of him setting up and getting into those situations.

BB is too good and needs a nerf to bring him IN LINE with the REST of the game.
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>watch mahchay
>watch macie
more like they're all better than you and play the game for a living and more than you
>>Ash has the ability to destroy the same stuff from a distance allows her to not put her self at risk, but she can do it from a safe distance

but she can only do it twice*

Sorry I'm drunk
I'm not going to give a degenerate a real response now.

Have fun dying to blackbeard.
Have fun once your favorite character gets nerf'd. It's gonna be Frost tears all over again
My favorite character is Thatcher
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>someone brings up valid points

hahahahahahahahahaha blackbeard fag btfo
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>rooster cucks
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Triggered by a filename, really?
Next patch makes tk'ing insta kick
hahahahahaha dude like the filename? really? hahahahaha keep grasping at straws my man

BB is too good at what he does and you just need to admit it.
No it doesn't.
From the patch notes:
>First offense:
>Casual- Kicked from match.
>Ranked- Banned for 15 minutes, 50% renown penalty for 30 minutes.
Its referring to multiple team kills during a match you idiot

If it kicked you for one single team kill every did it not cross your mind that would be really stupid?
I'm just trolling you faggot. Go get team killed in your casual games
>I was merely pretending to be retarded
Correct me if I'm wrong, but all or most Armor 3 ops have either a plastic visor or ballistics facemask that should be rated against most or all pistol rounds.

So yes, I'd love if Armor 3 ops were not 1-hit headshot by pistol-caliber weapons.
>jackhammer effect
2-3 hit headshots are representative of that, which is what it would take to punch through that gear anyway.
Most ballistic helmets are rated only for pistol rounds in real life. The helmet that Blackbeard, Rook, Montagne, Thermite, etc Those helmets all will stop a 9mm bullet, but for the most part a standard rifle round will still shred through it.

Same for the visor you see on Rook - it will stop a pistol round for a few hits, but anything more will shred it to pieces.
cont - in the context of the game it would make sense given the design choices they've had to have the helmets survive hits, but it's too late in Siege's life cycle to change the meta up so drastically. Maybe Siege 2 will feature these things, because you'll have people like IQ running around with 3 speed able to absorb atleast 1 headshot.

Which would be cool from day one, but, you know.

That said if they buffed Tachanka and allowed him to eat 2-3 shots I don't think anyone would care
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Maska helmet that Tachanka wears is rated against the same rounds as modern plastic visors like the French have. US equivalent is, I think, Type II classified body armor.
Oh, and the over-popular pic related is US Type IIa. I'm guessing Fuze's helmet is around the same?

>Siege 2
If only Ubi cared enough.
any xboners on?
Does anyone know what time the patch will hit for PC? I remember last patch(3.3), I was able to find the patch times for consoles and pc. I can't seem to find any.
Whats your ranking?
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I-I don't have a rank
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do you still want to play?
Does your rank ever drop over time? Like if you don't play rank in a long time does it go down? I got silver and kind of stopped playing rank. Haven't seen it go to bronze. I know some games that have rank lower your rank if you are inactive.
Nope, but it will reset soon when season 3 starts
It would be Level 3A armor.

Not to be confused with Level 3.

>Level 3A, Pistol rounds
>Level 3, Rifle Rounds
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>shit devs

You mean shit publisher
>2-2 defending
>pulse vs BB
>see he's about to enter the room
>get out to surprise kill him
>shoot each other

No, everything wrong with DB is entirely because of SD.
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>Do good with an Operator
>Teammate takes it as a sign that he has to now pick that Operator to best you

Why can't people just stick with the operators they picked?
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>use meta tachanka strats to halt entire enemy attack
>enemy picks tachanka and they're shit at it meaning enemy lost an useful operator
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>Online modes not available
>Can still select Multiplayer
>Terrorist Hunt is locked

How the fuck am I suppose to farm B0ss?
Why do I get shit ping on both SEA and 日本 servers? What the fuck is this shit?
play situations

When does season 3 start?
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Thanks for the tip senpai
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NOW it's about about 3 hours or so
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what for real? Not next month?
Maintance is live Atm
I got a feeling the netcode will become a tiny bit better and that's it.

I bet ti's not gonna be season 3
Would they start a new season without the new operators? >>148327619
To the discord faggots

Whoever is admin can make a permanent link to the channel, and then it can get stuck in the OP
That picture makes no sense to me. Can someone explain what I clearly do not understand?
What's there to understand?
that proves nothing. If it was new season there'd be patch notes
Still down for you guys or is it just me?
I have a backup if you people promise to behave

back up of what?
Teamspeak server
Alright Kinder, backup Ts is here

Be nice and don't bother the Swedes

are console kiddies welcome?
Most people are
as long as you're not a douchebag, everyone's welcome

>tfw never used teamspeak
>tfw not sure hot it works
Nope, I know how to use TS, but my eng is kinda bad btw.
Lmfao was that on Xbox? Sounds like what my team of 3 always end up doing when we play Casual
This is like the only game I'm into right now.

Why is this game so much better than everything else that's been released on next gen so far?
>join TS server
>don't know what the fuck I'm doing
>join a channel
>only swedes
>can't understand them
>they keep saying csgo
>inform them I'm looking for siege server
>tell me I have the wrong IP

Ventrilo > Every other voice communication.

Seriously. Stop bashing it's "boring user interface" and praise it's simplicity at doing what it does. It is the greatest. They even had a song written about using it.
doesn't fucking matter. Best voip service is the one where your favorite community is on.

I've seen client wars destroy a couple of communities. If you're an autistic fanboy who only cares about how hardcore your voip program is you're cancer
I'm not even a PC rainbow six player lmfao
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Maintenance is over, it was fucking nothing
Why are you chucklefucks freaking out over maintenance? It's for the new patch. We already knew this.
>tfw have countered literally every blackbeard with roaming
>have even killed a couple with GIGN's shitty P90

Are blackbeard players gdttin shitty or wat?
Reminder to use this Ts until the old one is back
I remember one time, I was camping in that little laundry room upstairs next to the train room.

The objective was just down the stairs to the left, can't remember where exactly 'cause I'm dumb.

I was playing as Smoke, acog on the '11, and Blackbeard just comes around the long hallway corner, clearly knowing where I was, doesn't have his shield on his rifle, ADSing immediately once he turned the corner, but I had my sights already lined up for a headshot coming from there.

BR-BR-BRAP, no shield, headshot, all day. I couldn't believe he was that much of a fucking idiot.
Maybe the shield was broke and Blackbeard actualy had to confronted of the reality that people in this game go for headshots
Nah, I think I drew first blood that match. Unless someone on their team was shotgunning him before he made it to me or something, he went full retard.
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BOPE leak
>Play as BOPE
>Actualy win by killing the hostage
One BOPE is going to have a crossbow. The other will most likely focus on stealth
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>One operator was called Dart
So, Jap operators are next? Anyone got ideas as to what's coming?

I would love to see some super silent tactical shit for both sides. Maybe some samurai bullet proof big ass shoulder guards or something that protect flank headshots or something.

Maybe some ceiling suspension shit where the nigga just hangs out on the ceiling unexpected like and shit and shoots.

Maybe some techno loud speakers or something that you place in a wall and it makes it so they can't hear shit with the bass dropping as hard as possible right into that hostage room.
Cardboard Box operator
Codename: Snake?
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All this talk of hue operators brings me back thoughts of UFE in Max Payne 3.
Man, those guys were brutal.
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flying drone

thermal scope
man I'd cream for a thermal scope, but feel jipped because Glaz should've had that from the start if they're going to put it in the game at all.
>thermal scope
Literally worthless.

Smoke grenades are hardly ever used and when they are you don't need a special scope just for them.

On top of that Pulse already counters smoke grenades.
But you can't simultaneously shoot and scan at the same time with Pulse.
Thermal scope might actually work out giving attackers an advantage.
>implying thermal wouldn't negate indoor/outdoor lighting issues and clearly identify targets no matter the range, lighting, or other obfuscation.
Combined with /goodguns/ it would work.
Codename Danbo
First off that post implied it was for defense.

Second why would you want another operator that only brings new boring ways to kill people to the table? On top of that all that would do is cause the same level of bitching as blackbeard cause now you could smoke an entire room and while the enemy is watching it you can kill them but they can't see you.

The lighting is for balance m8.
Plissken, Snake died on that Tanker
well that patch was underwhelming
3 more weeks

is the TS ever gonna come back?
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>spetsnaz operators are the worst
>navy seals are indisputably the best
>everyone else is in between

who /AMERICA/ here
Kapkan is pretty terrifying since his buff.
Glaz is always a threat on plane 75% of the time.
Fuze is pretty terrifying if it's not hostage.
Tachanka sucks.
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>enemy team has only 3 people now
>tell teammates not to get cocky
>"nah bro i'm rushing in"
>other teammates follow him like sheep
>one nitro cell later
>down to just smoke and myself as Thermite
>just barely kill smoke when he should've easily out gunned me

Why do I even bother trying to communicate with my teammates.

I tell them not to the peak the window cause blackbeard or glaz is there, they peek anyway and die
Tell them not to rush in and play it cool, they rush in and die
Tell them to go a certain operator to make it easier for us to win, they don't and we lose
Tell them not go to to x place, they go and die.
Havent played since a few days after valkyrie got released.

Did tachanka finally get buffed?

Please main him in ranked matches hes top pick now.
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Fuze is not good outside of a few hard-to-crack objective spawns, like second floor Oregon.
This would be fine, except spawns are random and you don't know if you'll be useful or if it's Meeting Hall and the charges are useless.

Otherwise all he brings is armor 3 and a machine gun with not enough ammo. If you're picking him just for the Ak-12 you're doing something wrong.
200 bullets isn't enough for 5 guys?

I think I've only ever reloaded the MG like, two times, and that's dumping the rest of the belt into a wall or something.
watch the BOPE movie if you want brutal and redpill operating
tropa d'elite it was, Really quality fucking stuff
Ventrilo still doesn't have have a simple horizontal text box for links. Fuck Copy Comment bullshit, "simple" my ass.
he's good even at normal spawns.
Want to enter an objective but you know they're waiting? Slap a fuze down and enter just as the goalkeepers nightmare is manifesting itself. Usually even entering from same window is a good idea. Fuze isn't to kill, he's to scare. You can even use him on hostage to burn out roamers
i thought this was /r6g/ not /retardg/
tachanka can be useful, enemy will focus on him so if you keep that in mind and place it cleverly away from the objective and use him as bait you can get a few kills and slow down an offense, just like prebuff kap traps, when used correctly could halt an assault because enemy knew they'd either die running through a trap or die trying to disable it
What gave you that silly idea
That's a very roundabout way of saying "no", anon.
You seem to have an opposite effect on people. Try telling them not to do the things you want them to do.

>Don't you dare go as Rook-
When will Tachanka get an armored deployable turret?

Imagine holding down a hallway with that baby.

You finally note they're about to attempt to snipe you.

Get off the Tachanka, use it for cover, and prone peak from down low.

Too bad they don't acog his SMG, or do they and I didn't realize it and have a reddot for no reason?
Why does everyone think it's going to be the Jap operators? Weren't they last in line on their projected DLC ideas?

Shouldn't there be some other operator force infront like brazil or something?
We all know Japs are coming last. We're just speculating on how they're going to be designed. BOPE ops are fucking crazy. What exactly do the Japs do that they can feel unique? All the stupid gimmick shit has been used up, so it's kind of hard to predict what they're going to get now.
>new patch closes your game mid match

3rd time this happen, thanks ubisoft
Under barrel grenade launcher with 2 smokes, 2 frags, and 2 stuns.

Defender with a shield

Op8r draws his/her japanese sword
+melee range

-must use sword for the rest of the match

Another gun attachment operator seems to be the best bet
explosive drone plz

This entire thread is making me laugh
Yeah no what will most likely happen is some faggot scouts ahead with a drone doesn't spot you and just plays the peekaboo game with you and tachanka will lose that battle and you are done 4v5 they might aswell remove him even castle has more uses than trashcanka only spot where he really is a force to be reckoned with is on Club House where you have to defend the Garage and thats pretty much it
Console fag here, used to be a big PC gamer. CS1.6, CS:S for years in leagues.

The one thing I really missed the most about PC is the control of the crosshairs. Like, jesus it's so smooth, so quick, point, click, kill. It just works.

With my Xbox, I'm always having trouble trying to find the right balance of sensitivity levels for movement, and sensitivity levels for aiming.

What I've currently settled on is 3 Vertical, and 4 Horizontal so that I can 180 right quick, but and still have a bit of precision on keeping steady for the vertical level of their head.

I wish they would allow going to the tenth for sensitivity controls in the game, because that jump from 3 to 4 is ridiculous.
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Gold 4 with 1.0 K/D and 1.7 W/L btw
Pretty much the same for last season, but I think my w/l was higher because I didn't play ranked nearly as much.
I'm expecting the teargas launcher (nonlethal) to be given to BOPE rather than SAT.
Bad idea, let's be honest.

>defender with a shield
I've thought about this many times. It would either be shitty like Blitz shield where you can just shoot around it, or it would cover too much and there's no way to kill him because attackers don't have nitro.
>sit in a doorway
>attackers can't do shit unless they use up a now even more valuable frag
This would get annoying fast. A defender who has something making him hard to kill I'm fine with. A shield like the ones we already have is a bad idea for gameplay purposes.
The guy said they were only doing that because of the cheaters on PC. Imagine that, another problem in fairness because of Ubi's retardation and lack of foresight.
that strats works best if you repostion yourself and leave the gun there after they're done droning. They'll peek the gun not you.
Tachanka's not a static machinegunner
tachanka baits with the gun, then gets back on it once enemy realizes nobody would ever be on the gun.
Tachanka is mindgames
Tachanka is being clever
Tachanka is love
Tachanka is need buff
>that reload animation
fuckin tops
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You know what? I stopped giving a shit about hackers. At least it's universally agreed that hackers are cheating and Ubisoft doesn't do shit because a) it's difficult to judge who is and who isn't hacking in a game like Siege, and b) Ubisoft are cheap. But least they acknowledge that hackers are bad.

But you know what needs to be purged from existence. High ping abusers. FUCK HIGH PING. Ever single time I play ranked fucking seamonkies and other foreigners are just running around with high ping and pulling bullshit like this. Every. Single. Time. AND THE WORST PART IS IT'S TECHNICALLY OKAY IN UBISOFT'S BOOK. It's like hacking but it's allowed, despite it ruining the game. THEY DON'T DO SHIT NOR TALK ABOUT THEM MUCH SAVE FOR LIKE ONE OR TWO POSTS.

There is no excuse why can't do something about it. Kicking people with >### ping should not be a problem to implement. From a "keeping the game balanced and making it a fair competitive game" standpoint there should be NO excuses whatsoever, but I bet $10,000 that it's not implemented because Ubisoft want to cater to BRs and other 3rd worlders who like to ruin every server they can connect to.
>not using the wall for cover
>being glaz
>getting off scope while still in clear LOS of anything that could be in opposing room
>blaming netcode

It's okay buddy, it's just hackers and lag switches that are why your K/D is always negative.
Not him, but your missing the point. He was peeking out but due to Ubisofts shit netcode, there was a good second delay between that happening on his screen.
He put his scope down, and then got peeked from the dark interior.

You're missing the point, these guys make bad decisions in their gameplay, get shot, and bitch because they think they're too fucking good at this game to die.

That was a bad decision, and he died because of it.
What part of "there was a good second delaye between that happening on his screen" do you not understand m8

Rook's head was not popped out for most of the amount of time he was shooting.
Dark interior, low quality, and he's coming out of a zoom, going back into a zoom, and moving like a retard out in the open.

What part of "bad decisions" did you not understand?

The fact you can't pixel hunt in a shitty webm is a non-factor here.
The guy peeked for about 2 seconds while I got off ADS for not even 1. I also went Glaz since I just stopped caring about the match at that point and we had a leaver, so I figured I take a drop in stats on one of my worst ops. I'm usually the one debunking hackusations in my matches since I acknowledge there are some really good people, but against high ping there's no defending it: constant delays like this, multiple times where headshots do not register, and such bullshit happen with high ping.
>1-2 people leave our game in the first round
>forced to go 4 rounds with only 3-4 people
>enemy team has someone drop out
>they instantly get filled
Fuck this game quite honestly.
>player joins match
gj ubi
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>using keyboard and mouse is basically cheating
>playing ranked
>first round
>our valk disconnects before setting up cameras
>play the first three rounds down a man, still winning 2-1
>guy comes back
>run up to wall that I scouted and throw a grenade through the drone hole
>guy decides to be funny and try and pick up my grenade as it's rolling
>kills me and him
>"sorry bro I didn't know you cooked it"
>lose round
>lose next
>down 2-3
>guy leaves after saying we're scrubs
>we go on to lose 4-5
>lose my platinum that I just got I'm a scrub fuck off

I hate when people bring the team down. We should have won that game 4-1 or 4-2. He literally cost the 3 rounds he was in.

Not him, but it kinda is when everyone else is gimped with a controller. KB/M combo is infinitely better, especially for FPS games. Though why you're allowed to use them on a console is beyond me.
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>Losing a rank when the it ends up being 4 vs 2 and two rounds later it ends up 4 vs 1 for another two rounds
ubi plz
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I dont see the problem

if you can use a gamepad on console why cant you on PC :^)

>It's totally fair that Dale Earnheart JR gets to use a steering wheel
>Even though the rest of us have to use a screwdriver to steer!

Where were you when you realized you were a fucking retard?

Well as Ricky Bobby says if you aint 1st your last

That doesn't make any sense at all, you can be 2nd, 3rd, 4th,... hell you can even 5th!
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This game is fun.

>you average 2 kills and 1 death per game
>in over 80 rounds you only have 39 kills

the fuck do you do all game, hide?
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>playing some casuals solo
>get into a game
>secure on house
>they go for spawn kills right away
>they get nobody
>popping out of the windows constantly
>hit one of them in the back with a frag and kill him (webm related)
>absolutely stomp them two games in a row
>third round
>all of us get sprayed down through fully barricaded windows within 30 seconds
>check their stats
>Portuguese flooding the chat
>didn't realize they were Brazilian
>they say "are u happy to be in my video :D"
>one of them leaves randomly
>10 seconds later
>"Faggot BR has been removed from the match by FairFightâ„¢"
>in-game chat goes fucking insane
>BR's don't say a word
>they leave out of fear of getting banned that same round

Why did I ever doubt you Ubisoft?
I will always remember this day I pubstomped Brazilian cheaters so bad I got them to toggle and inadvertently get banned.
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>loud KOBE shout in the distance
Why there's a fucking pacifier in it? And why she's on steroids?

She's supposed to be fit and athletic, not a fucking bodybuilder.
Nice faggot BR's don't deserve it better fucking faggots shitting up Euro and US server with their 300+ ping

She's calling you baby, represented by the pacifier

the rest i dunno
You're going God's work, anon
People in this game have issues with listening. I don't know if it's some kind of 'anti-authority' mental thing(Which makes no sense because there's no authority, anyone can say anything) or they just wanna be heroes and/or prove you wrong and brag about it afterwards.

It gets really fucking annoying especially in ranked when it starts costing you games.
you must be new to shadbase
You are literally fucking retarded. There's actual video proof of the two parties seeing COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS and the guy literally got lasered to death out of nowhere.

Please be trolling because if you're really this much of a Ubi apologist or a retard I genuinely feel sorry for you and hope you never procreate.

Either that or you're some laggy fucking piece of shit who thinks that's normal because you have shit internet.
Y'know, I'm not trying to make any console war shit, just saying.

Why the fuck did Ubi allow people to search different regions on PC? I don't get it, it's so fucked. They brought this cancer upon themselves letting the hues invade outside their containment servers.

That is one thing I'm glad isn't on the console versions, I'd fucking hate to have to deal with Hues, Chinks, and Ruskies on a daily basis.
Hmm..thought it was a dick sucking reference, like she was gonna suck your dick like a pacifier.

Very much so.
Just ignore the shadshills
A region lock atleast for fucking ranked would be a step in the right direction i fucking hate it in this game to play against high ping faggots who evade headshots left and right
Why is the TS giving an error :(
Does anyone else have this problem
I can connect to other servers just fine
She could suck my dick like a pacifier. Hot damn.
>Very much so.

Shad obviously has some skill but all of his characters look like they're made of greasy, rotten meat. They're also usually being raped, tortured, or outright murdered.

Shad also drew the entire population of Little Lamplight from Fallout 3 having an orgy with an adult character, and that's some of his milder work featuring underage characters. How the guy hasn't gotten vanned yet is a mystery, it'd be a slam dunk.
I can see why, sounds more gamebreaking than anything else I've seen mentioned. You're way more likely to run into high ping faggots than hackers/glitchers and even then, most of them are one in the same.

It just seems pretty stupid to let them flood outside their regions and muck up everyone else's.

That's just fucked up, guy sounds like somewhat of a headcase to put it mildly.

I'd lol if he got vanned at some point over his pedo shit.

I will say I lol'd at him acknowledging how manly Ash looks and gave her a dick.
But he always has futa versions of his drawings
Nothing wrong or illegal with depiction of children in erotic art for the most part. You sound like some sort of Facebook normie honestly.
I feel like if I don't know there's a black beard or know where he is I'm conditioned to go for body shots instead of headshots

Right, I'm just saying it would be interesting to see what they pulled off of his computers. Probably stuff that would make Michael Jackson cringe.
Why isn't there an update for doc that lets him drop healing packs? Instead of a near useless stim gun, have him drop 50% health packs, maybe 3 of them. Leave the stim piston for self revives.

Would this improve Doc and make him playable? y/n? Show your work.
Eh. He also talked about fucking his Mom, made a lewd or nude picture of her for Mother's Day. Unless there is damn good probable cause or he admits it himself, he can do whatever art he wants. He could be the nicest, kindest person in the world, or he could be a paedo - regardless it's not our place to judge him.
>not a single 9x39 gun

Considering they're all FSB, that's bizarre and upsetting.

It's probably because they don't want to balance 9x39.
Medpacks would make the game far less interesting. "Oh, well we can heal and just chill out until the timer is done." Siege is about accuracy and tactical decisions. Live and die in each possible second.
You're literally a "that guy". Everytime someone posts a video of an obvious shitty netcode/hitbox/hitreg there's always "that guy" who's like "it's not really a shitty game, you're just bad"

Glaz could easily have one for an automatic option
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The SVU has a full auto variant, actually.

But yeah drop the damage, keep the penetration level and it could work.

Or shit, make a new Defender with one.
Meanwhile I can have my teammate shoot me or hit me with a C4 and down me and bring me back up to 50 health.

Giving Doc limited heals wouldn't be terrible. As he is now is borderline useless because 90% of the time if you get DBNO your getting a follow up shot before you can even finish the revive animation.

Shad, pls go.
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>full auto 7.62X54R in a bullpup SVD

Dick is diamonds
>playing on xbone
>half the time I can't votekick the teamkillers
>there literally isn't an option for it
>the other half the time there is
Good game Ubifuckingsoft.

As if having to deal with teamkillers and hackers every other match wasn't enough, I can't even kick them.
>tfw finally getting good with montagne

trick is go fast and furious. don't scout out windows and doors, in and out. don't fear c4 too much, shorten the distance between you and them.
>hackers on xbone

You retarded son? That's one of our only 2 positives for Siege is that we have no hackers or foreigners purposely playing in servers they shouldn't be in with 200+ pings.

The second is a larger playerbase than PC somewhat.
You sound very upset and emotional. You need to relax and remember this is just a game. Hackers are not usually in the game, you just are shit. Clearly that is why people teamkill you.
The actual trick is to play against shitters
Gee, please do explain how I've seen people walking through unbroken barricades, using blatantly obvious aimbots to shoot people through walls in areas where there's been no drones/camera coverage and more.
You can't kick players when it's matchpoint apparently.
Easy. kys or git gud. Stop being a little bitch and complaining on here.
>git gud against aimbots
Nice meme.
Graphical glitches for one. I've had a couple times where walls and ceiling hatches would be undamaged for my screen and completely blown open for the rest of my team.

Do you not use a stereo headset?

I've wall banged people plenty of times by seeing them clip through a wall, being loud and obvious where they are, or just prefiring obvious spots. Also you know there's no drone watching you how? Because you didn't see it or because it didn't spot you like only retards do?

Seems more like your bad because we don't have hackers. I don't even think the xbone had even been cracked as of yet.
There's no aimbots on xbone. Actually kill yourself.
There's no hackers on console lol
Let the player have a scapegoat for their butthurt. Some people just need to feel superior to others in game, and losing diminishes or outright denies them that feeling.
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>thought Buck was a joke
>buy him anyways because bb's getting nerfed soon, r-right?
>holy fuck he's fun as shit
>837rof cqc machine
>can blow walls and hatches in 1 shot and jump in faster than anyone else
>insta-switch skeleton key
>frag grenades
>2 speed 2 armor

I wish the recoil was controllable like the f2 though, what a shame that it's useless past medium range
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Welcome to Canada
>he doubted buck

when will you all learn?
Use a red-dot or less magnified sight then the ACOG. And tap fire.

I love Frost, I just need to learn better spots for her traps.
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Put traps on top of reinforced hatches.
Do I place the trap first or the reinforce first?

"on top of REINFORCED hatches"

he literally said the answer what you just asked
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Hey guys, just bought this for me and a buddy, but my friend is unable to connect to the servers when he boots up the game (like at all, right from the start he gets error 8-0x00000092)

I've been trying to help him out with it but searching around I've seen a bunch of people make threads with similar issues but no solution ever gets posted.

We've gone through the entire ubi connectivity FAQ (dns flush, ip release/renew, hosts file reset, port forwarding, firewall/windows defender check, the usual) to no avail, even though he connects to the uplay client just fine.

Anybody ever have this issue and solve it?
>teammate leaves after first round in ranked
>never get new teammate
>lose as many points as usual though

Ya cause its totally fair a 4v5. Sure just take points away like if it was a normal game.
>the entire enemy team has 300+ ping

Fucking why though

For some odd reason server hopping is another thing I guess people enjoying in this game for that "competitive edge"
lol are there actually people who think machay is better than serenity?

muh world of tanks
>pulse OP right now
>nobody plays IQ
heh heh freelo baybeeeeeee
>friend mains IQ
>even got to shoot a pulse through a barricade today
Is he good at WoT? I don't play it, never even seen gameplay of it actually but he's talked about it on his stream and he sounds like he knows what he's talking about.

Serenity was an esport WoT player and his team won a big tounry
Is there a worse feeling than joining a match that started 15 seconds prior?
Finally got 30k renown saved up because I don't idle in Terrorist hunt and now I can't justify buying any new headgear for operators I don't use, I've got every skin that I would want for the guns I use, and Chibis while nice that they're usable across all ops don't seem worth it.

All the good headgear especially Rooks new helmet and the nice weapon skins like engraved are locked behind R6 credits.

I already have the season pass

thanks for reading my blog
But why male models?
Male models?
Male Models?!
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male models?!
>whack a barricade
>blown up by kapkan trap i couldn't possibly have known about

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dog ops when
What would a dog OP even do besides get shot? It'd be nice to unleash in a room while you rush in with it, but not exactly that useful.
Use your drones
White Mask Cell Leader Defender

-Spawns with 3-5 hard level white mask AI dudes
-Said guys can be ordered to scatter and hide and try to ambush attackers or to camp near the objective
-If the leader dies the surviving masks will leg it

main weapon: sawn-off shotgun
secondary weapon: machine pistol
gadget: razorwire

1arm / 3spd
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Have any of you guys gotten some cheeki nitro kills with pulse or valk where you see a guy on the floor above you, throw a nitro and kill him? I remember seeing a pulse do it in that one vid of serenity 17 vs macie jay and valk traps on one of his vids. Is it worth doing kills like these or is it better to hold and wait for shields or when they are closer? Cause once you throw a nitro on a ceiling, you can't get it back.
post yfw ubisoft announced they were buffing only pulse
He just put out a new vid on it senpai

No playable terrorists.
>guy on my team being fucking retarded
>didn't reinforce
>didn't pick up armor
>sitting in one spot moving his mouse around as fast as he can
>this happens ten seconds into action phase
>kill him for being fucking stupid
>kicked by a group I'd been with for three games
I cheeki breeki'd thermite after his BFF thatcher got bodied so he couldn't thermite the doors on 1st floor Hereford base that lead directly outside near the stairs to the basement.

Heard him rappel upstairs and set a regular breach charge on the hatch above and gave him the ole nitro cell surprise.
similar thing just happened to me

>secure in kids room
>literally first thing I say is "DON'T REINFORCE ANYTHING"
>guy goes immediately to reinforce the closet
>tell him stop three times
>shoot him just as the animation is about to finish
They didndu nuffin
Them good boys
>play ranked with some other dudes
>everyone gets disconnection error
>stuck in limbo where can't get back into game but threatened by the game to join back or ban.
Connect modem to computer and the other end to internet
This one French girl I was hanging out with in Montreal (didn't see Buck) with my other French friends reminded me of Twitch. She was very attractive as well.

That is all

What's the purpose of those disgusting looking ''sleeves'' around their legs?
extra thermal protection from running around in snow?
This is pretty fun, but my body clipping through walls, head hitboxes being too large, and shotgun sniping is fucking retarded.
>You can't get it back
Just shoot out a circle around the c4, the piece of ceiling will fall down with the c4 still on it.
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>hide in that little cargo hold hallway that you have to break open the walls to get through
>leave camera watching the entrances
>c4 through and spas everybody when they try to breach
cheeky's fucking great if you know what you're doing
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Who else enjoying playin against new /pulse/?
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>tfw webm for bakas quality is garbage
You are an idiot
It's called webm for bakas not retards
picking Pulse is like a guaranteed c4 kill, at least for me
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give up and play BB til they do something
Helps keep snow from getting in their clothing and melting. At least that is what we use them for in the winter.
Cut out the first 10 seconds of you just running, and you'll save a ton of bytes that can then go towards bitrate

Plox answer
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>hey the game needs anticheat badly
>hey buck's shotgun is still kind of shitty for entry holes
>hey tachanka and castle are pretty fucking shit, maybe do something about that
>UBISOFT: buff....pulse???? ok xD
ubisoft is such a fucking retarded company it's actually astounding
Ideal defence uses reinforcements to block of lines of fire from outside of the building where enemies can peak from more locations.
You keep the minimum amount of reinforcements on interior walls except in places to funnel enemies a certain general direction.

Never reinforce where you're hiding when you're roaming, dead give away
so ive played countless games today and won well over 15 games as gign to get this fucking thing and i realise now you have to activate the challenge ffs what a crock of fucking shit
It's Buck day. Gonna unlock him with Renown. Pretty excited.
>do so well in the first round people start accusing me of cheating
>suck ass for the rest of the match
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Let me patch that up. You'll be on your feet in no time.
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That's always what you had to do with the other past challenges.
>Game clearly says to check the Ubi club challenge tab
>Screaming at Ubisoft for your own mistake
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Save up for BOPE Buck sucks
>see teammate down
>drop the guy who downed him and go to pick him up
>once I get him up realize I'm doc and I just wasted time and 25 health
If I doc had a nitro cell I probably would have killed myself right then and there.
>team wants to do barb wire strat
>pick bandit for 3 barb
>bring c4 like an idiot
>try to kill myself with the c4
>0 dmg
Can't even kill myself right
>garage on house
>see heart beats outside of garage
>go to the opening and kill thermite

is there a better feeling than killing thermite before he can wreck your doors open? It really can be the difference between a win and a lose

>as the round starts I get sprayed by a teammate on accident
>11 health
>mad as fuck but don't retaliate as not to start bullshit
>reinforce walls and do my duty
>doc is following me around with his pistol trying to shoot me
>i have 11 health
>he's trying to shoot my foot
>tell him to stop, he has the fucking revolver
>tells other teammate to shoot me
>he does and I go down
>doc picks me up instead of shooting me with his medgun
>instantly kill doc

don't play doc if you're a shitter. Actually don't play him it all.
He is saving that medgun for himself also don't be a manchild

>defending retarded people

sjw please go
>Teamkilling someone over a non issue

manchild pls go

>not teaching shitters a lesson when they fuck up

how's it feel to be responsible for dumbing down our world?
>Teaching with violence

The only thing he learned is to Teamkill the next person that fucks up instead of telling them what they did wrong and teaching them to do better

You are a autistic manchild
Other than long range, What does stim pistol have any benefits over normal revive? Does it give more health or something?
75% vs 50%
stim pistol gives you 75%? didn't know that
Noone plays doc, and the odd chance someone does, it's still probably not going to be used in the situation.

One time as Doc, though we were in a basement garage rom, can't remember what map, but I got two revives on opposite sides and it pretty much saved the match, so that felt pretty damn cool.

I also bought his headgear, not the stupid anatomical mask one.
>It's a "Doc gets downed, but doesn't use his stim pistol because he forgot he was Doc" episode
I hate reruns
>aim down sight of blackbeards gun and fire once
>bullet goes to the left of where I was aiming

I don't think that's how this works.
>it's another episode of someone roaming with Doc and getting killed while he revives himself
He even got killed from sledge with his hammer
>roaming with a 1 speed
>roaming with Doc

Bad ideas.

Like, maybe Rook could get away with it.
Why would Rook get away with it? They're literally the same character except for the stim pistol.
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Sledge probably used to be a serial killer before he joined the SAS
Every once in a while you encounter a retard who roams with Doc because he can revive himself sometimes it works but they mostly fail
>Roaming with a 1speed

Who is Kapkan anyway?
Rook doesn't have an active operator gadget. His is drop and go.
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when will rook meta end
When Ubisoft shuts down service for Siege in 2 years
Why the shit hasn't there been an update for smoke that makes his smoke ruin your vision and or make you dizzy?

>Playing smoke
>have blitz and sledge trying to push me
>hold them at bay with constant moving and smoking them
>lol no worries! we'll just run through it and be fine!
>run into room and blind fire headshots me

sometimes I hate life
ontop of that make his fucking smoke not Client side i often had it that the opponent can see through it just fucking fine and i'm blind
>2 years
We'd be so lucky. They might just cut support after December and make Siege 2 or Asscreed 19 or whatever the fuck those idiots decide.
>Siege 2

Hah you wish, we are gonna get Rainbow 6 rebooted in 3 years as another open world game
>playing on yacht as smoke
>attackers trying to push up the stairs
>throw a lil beauty right next to a shield and gas 'em
>attackers fall back
>throw another grenade further down the stairs
>sneak forward through the gas, probably right in the thick of since I am completely blind
>suddenly die to headshot
>watch killcam
>I am crouched a couple feet out of the gas
>shield looks at me, slowly aims his pistol, and shoots a single bullet into my head
client side smoke was a mistake
Don't forget to check out or esports highlights :^)
>Playing blitz
>pop a smoke in plane
>go through narrow corridor
>what the fuck
>see killcam
>tachanka somehow saw me and went prone and sneakd INFRONT of me, and knifed the living shit out of me
>Inside the smoke
>play rainbow six siege
>get killed
>don't complain on the internet about how bullshit it was
>play rainbow six siege
>never die because thats how good i am
>go brag about it on the internet
>play rainbow six siege
>roaming with friend
>he gets action
>i try to get to him
>he's down
>I'm almost there
>right as I headshot bad guy
>badguy shot my homie down.

This happened to me like, 3 times in ranked the other night.
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I don't understand why they buffed Pulse. Like his shit was already okay but there's no much other stuff that needs buffing.
>it's a "rook roams 4 floors and 100m away from the objective to trace you through an inconspicuous wall" episode
I understand why they did it, but then I think about Castle and Cheekichanka and wonder what the fuck is going on at Ubi. Is Reddit saying those 2 are good or something? I wouldn't know but Ubi seems to pay more attention to that dumb subreddit more than anywhere else.
Castle is fine retard.
No he isn't retard.
What's wrong with him?
He's more of a liability than an asset when the enemy team has an ash, sledge or a fuze. Even glaz can shoot through his barricades while the defenders can't.
How many counters does Castle need?
>Sledge only needs 1 hit to destroy Castlecades despite having a million hammer hits
>Fuze can still cluster Castlecades
>No nitro
>Only 3 barricades
Castle fucking sucks. He's only useful in very specific situations in very specific parts of the map. Good luck with that garbage.

His only benefit to the team are 3 (THREE) bulletproof* barricades that either lock the team out or in, that can be destroyed super easy 99% of the time.

The only time i've seen them help is when it's 1v1 and the guy doesn't have a breaching charge and has to smack the door 15 times to get in objective.

*not really bulletproof
Ash and Sledge have literally nothing to do with how the Castle would or wouldn't be an asset. But a lack there of would be devastating if there was a Castle.

Fuze I can see, because you wouldn't be able to fight against him doing it on a window, but you're likely not going to be able to do that anyway.

I've literally never been shot through the Castle by Glaz. Have I see his bullets go through? Absolutely, but blind firing at a door, or using a drone spotter to get a headshot is your fault anyway, and could happen through a regular barricade as well.

Having a Castle on the team literally requires Buck, Sledge, or Ash to be in the attackers comp. Or else you have a strong advantage.
ash and sledge can move through a barricade faster than a defender can, making the barricade a liability

>have never been shot through a castle barricade

how's wood league?

Glaz on a castle window and a spotter inside is a good way to pick people off fast
>Glaz peeking through Fuze holes in Castlecades
They can do that to literally any barricade. The fact they can counter it is like saying thatcher and thermite shouldn't be allowed to pair up as attackers.
Should Operators that have C4 be able to blow themselves up if they still have it in their inventory and are DBNO? Basicaly dead mans switch.
Ash and sledge are continuously in the attacking pool. There's always at least one of them. The only one you mentioned possibly not getting picked is Buck.

Castle sucks. Deal with it.
That's getting too close to CoD levels of rewarding failure.
There's even still ways to catch Ash and Sledge off guard with Castle, if you partner with Jager.

Deploy shield infront of door way.
ADS on floor behind shield
Castle door.

ADS kills Ash charge, and grenade that might be rolled at. And, until they get used to looking for the Jager behind the shield it'll be effective. That, and you can always have a roamer/valk cam to spot if someone is coming up to look at the jager.
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Enough with muh suicide bomb operator shit.
You're just further proving that Castle is highly situational and depends on his team to pick up the slack for his shit.
>but it's a team game
Nearly every other defender is a good pick on their own merits. With Castle you have to consider so many variables before it's even kind of a good idea to pick him. CASTLE BUFFS WHEN.
Oh god its this castle retard again. No one does this shit you autismo.

You're using 3 gadgets on one doorway that's not guaranteed to actually even stop attackers coming through that doorway.

Just shut the fuck up and accept that Castle is fucking shit 90% of the time.
Boy howdy, I sure do hope they possibly maybe, might even think about crossing this doorway I'm putting my trap down on

Boy howdy, I sure do hope someone happens to walk infront of my stationary MG with no protection

Boy howdy, I sure hope they don't have a Thatcher, IQ, Twitch, Buck, or Sledge on their team

Boy howdy, I sure do hope it comes down to the final seconds of the game so I can cower in a corner and detonate smoke at the entrances to try and keep the enemy at bay finally

Boy howdy, I sure hope they don't have a Thatcher, IQ, Twitch, Buck, or Sledge on their team

Boy howdy, I'm useful in just about every scenario possible

Boy howdy, I'm useful in just about every possible scenario

Boy howdy I sure hope everyone downed by poor shooting below the chest and are somehow behind cover in an area I can shoot my med dart at them.

Useful in just about every scenario

Boy howdy, I sure do hope someone happens to not drone me out, or hear my gadget beeping while I wait for someone to pass these easy to shoot through walls.
So what do you guys want to see for the Jap operators? Personally I would love to see say the defender operator be like a kamikaze
I think we broke him
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>Useful in just about every scenario

Attacker will have 2 drones that he can kamikaze into people, downing them. That'd be pretty fucking scary seeing a drone coming at you knowing if you don't shoot the fuck it's gonna down you. Have twitch follow the drone and kill any one you down.

What do you guys think?
Noise grenades
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>There are 'people' here who think Castle and BB are currently fine as they are
BB should have shield health lowered significantly.
Castle is fine.
Tachanka is only operator that really needs some help right now.
Castle is shit, fuck off already.
Is there a single team on this general that is diamond?
Oh god you've really lost it huh?

Just fucking stop. It's sad at this point.

Castle isn't a good pick. Jager, Mute, Bandit, Rook, Frost, Pulse, and even Smoke are objectively better picks.

You don't even have a C4 to deal with a shield or Blackbeard once they storm into the room you've bottlenecked yourself into.
Castle is fine though, bruh.

No reason to not include him in your dream team.

PS auto shotty is all I need to deal with anybody, BB included.
absolute retard
>muh stats
You keep throwing these incredibly situational and dependent strategies at us to make Castle seem good. It doesn't work that way. At best you've only proven that Castle is mediocre, and now you're trying to pull rank because you're backed into a corner. Basically what I'm saying is that you're a fucking faggot.
>Picking Castle just for his shotgun
Are you?

If Castle was as good as you say he is I think I'd see more people playing him in game, youtubers showing showing off his unknown usefulness outside of obscure scenarios you've stated, and less people in the siege community saying he's a shit pick.
I'm Platinum 3. And Castle is fine. For pretty much every non-basement defense we do, Castle is an important operator for us.
Share some videos of you and your team's sick strats with Castle
Is that a thing? Like, everybody is recording everything all the time? Or are you just one of those streamer dick suckers?
Just because your 5 man premade can make Castle work sometimes doesn't mean he's fine. Just because someone wins a fighting game tournament with a lower-tier character doesn't mean that character isn't low-tier.

If anything, you making Castle work sometimes just speaks to your own abilities, not Castle's. Learn the difference.
So because you're all terrible with Castle, he's a bad operator?

No recording gameplay is actually quite common now seeing how there are various programs that just do it in the background without interruption i.e Shadowplay.
How is this hard to understand? You've only demonstrated how Castle depends on teammates to be of any use and he has more counters than fucking Ikea. Wake up dude, this isn't the case for 90% of the other operators.
Well sometimes good players sometimes like to show off their strategies for each map and just little tips and tricks to help educate the playerbase.

Even Xbone youtubers like Griefdrums show off good tips for killing players from above or below the objective room floors with a destructible ceiling or floor, good places to flank or lay in wait for players, places to hide a drone inside the objective room.

I may concede that xboners have poorer aim, but the skill ceiling as far as high level ranked play is about the same as far as strategies go.
I mean Fraps has been around since I can remember, and I still don't record my gameplay.
>operators counter other operators

How is this hard to understand. You've only demonstrated that you can't find a way to implement castle barricades in a useful manner while spouting that he has operators that counter him.

That is exactly the case for 90% of the other operators, did you not even read my break down of each one?
See, I don't know if as a competitor I'd like to help the community to do what I do.

You don't see Tom Brady on the opponents team sideline breaking down his receiver progressions and defense tells.
Twitchs drone is complete shit and is not even worth comparing to Thatcher EMP so excuse if I didn't take your shitty "breakdown" seriously.
>twitch drone shit
I mean, it'll one shot mutes, and bandits. Rightly fits as a counter.
>I've got all these sick strats that even make a low tier operator like Castle somehow a better pick than the top 6-7 defending operators but I can't tell you
>you'll just have to believe me because you suck at this game if you and the majority of the siege playerbase on all three platforms don't use him or know my super secret strats
Fraps is pretty shit for recording, all things considered.
I mean I've put up scenarios already where Castle can be infinitely useful, and absolutely requires specific operators to counter, provided they haven't been picked off early, or prematurely used their gadgets.
If this was me, the first bullet out of any of them would have been a headshot. Also what >>148427372 said.
I haven't used Fraps since CS 1.6 when I first decided recording footage was for homos.

>mfw I realize I've been recording myself playing on a surf map fucking around for the past 3 hours.
It also dies with 1 bullet and can't even fucking jump.
>shield in doorway
Nice counter. It's not even comparable to how easily Sledge, Ash, or Fuze destroy Castlecades.

You must be someone who doesn't learn from mistakes then lol because it's like watching playbacks on sports you can see what when wrong where and why and possibly what to do to fix the issue.
>Castle is infinitely useful under these strict, rare, and fleeting conditions
Fuze can't even get to the castle with my strat, and Ash gets stumped half the time by it as well.

Sledge/Buck are on equal ground when dealing with my Castle strategy though, but can also possibly get stumped that 1/2 time like Ash.
Every death I get a cam to see what exactly just happened.

>strict, rare, fleeting
Nigga, majority of it is a deployable shield, and the castle barricade, the jager is completely optional to this, but can be useful.
>half the time
Even you just admitted your highly structured gimmick is a crapshoot. Just give it up man, let Castle have a fucking buff.
>the one counter is occasionally not even a counter
Yeah, that's really bad. This operator sucks. Why can't he counter his counter 100% of the time!?
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Castle is babby's first operator because he has a good shotgun that isn't at a 24000 price, and his gadget has zero pressure on it like Pulse.

t. guy who got his first significant amount of kills with Castle before realizing he was playing the game wrong and that's why he was shit
>zero pressure gadget

I'm not even the main castle in our group, I just respect the operator for the magic that can happen when used correctly.
Your strat only works on doorways and if you have a shield, which is only one per op. Very few people pick shields as their deployable, and if they do, it's because they have their own ideas for it. So in reality you are only able to block off one doorway. And to counter Ash, you need to have a Jager listen to your retarded plan that wastes a ADS because you only need to have a slight angle to shoot the ADS behind the shield, or a Thatcher can use a grenade and the ADS will get fucked because there's a shield blocking the way, or any attacker with a regular grenade will use it to destroy the shield.

So in summary, what makes Castle good is that he can block ONE way to access the objective as long as there's a Jager that won't tell you to fuck off, isn't a Thatcher, isn't an attacker with normal grenades, isn't a slight angle where you can see the ADS behind the shield, and isn't a Twitch. Truly you have proven Castle's worth on your team.

>for the magic that can happen in exactly 2% of all games.
someone draw Blackbeard with a shield on his rifle and shield on his dick
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>play casual
>matchmaker dumps me against perpetual high level golds and plats, have to concentrate just to avoid getting my shit kicked in
>play ranked
>im in copper, literally ace every other round

why cant i have something in between
Fuze shouldn't be fuzing a doorway in the first place. He should stick to windows so he doesn't get shot in the feet.

How does your "special strat" counter any Ash player who's not a mouth breather without a Jager system that can easily be countered by first checking for it.

How does the Jager gadget stop a breaching round or grenade placed at the base of the shield?

What if the subsequent explosion of the shield knocks loose pieces of the castlecade letting attacking players to lay down and shoot through the bottom of the door.

You can no longer safely remove the barricade or cross the room without running risk of getting shot.
Your gimmick is pathetic with how much time and resources to takes to set up for a 50/50 chance of not being a total wash.
Slightly ashamed that my ability to kill BB comes from the fact I fire towards the legs and let the recoil carry the muzzle up.
im the opposite
i play nothing but actual gods in ranked because im plat 3. when i play casual it's with and against people that make me wonder how they get dressed in the morning
>terroist attack in france

If only Montagne was there. Truck, meet THE WALL.

seriously though I hope all you frenchies are okay.
At least now I know why we are having the event.
50+ Dead according to some sources well let's see who it was
it's gotta be those radical christians
If I were a developer of this game, and had the authority, I'd put in a Muslim operator pair that can literally only blow themselves up, and don't cause damage to ally nor enemy. Even if it were just for a weekend, as a simple FUCK YOU to ISIS
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Replace the tower with Ubisoft's studio and it pretty much sums up the state of Rainbow Six: Siege.
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Damn France is getting FUCKED

oh shit and today was french day or something
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>Two (2) months since BB was released
>More than enough time to acquire global player data of his overall KD and win ratio and to make a conclusion of whether he's too strong or not
>Still no nerfs
So apparently

You can get EMPed as pulse never knew that
This isn't a picture of the attack btw; the attack happened in Nice, not Paris.
I know. It's just a truck that was set on fire by fireworks (at least that's the story). It's just symbolic of what's happening to France now.
Nice reference anon.
Yes and IQ can see your device don't forget that aswell
Only if you equip it
Thoughts on IQ being able to see C4 even if its still on someone?

Would make her much more useful than she is normally.
So like a reverse pulse? only that she is still able to shoot she would become really strong with that buff which in turn will propably get her detection range nerfed since there are atleast always 3 people with nitro on your team.
It would encourage people to use it as an actual trap instead of the cheap instant kill it is right now.
I think IQ needs a custom scope that works like her gadget, on a high powered rifle like Glaz has.
if said trap didn't beep so loud you can hear it through the whole map
You can also use the beep to keep shields at bay. Just stick it above a doorway, and they will want to go find another way in.

until thatcher the cunt smasher obliterates it and they walk in unimpeded
>throw nitro near door
>can't recover it without risk of taking fire when they just come in through the other door

I see people do this all the time on Yacht and Plane, because they get into this mindset that they can bottleneck the whole thing. They can't.
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>Challenge: Play Three Rounds as Attackers
ez renow ez skins
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>Its a "Last round you topped the scoreboard but this round you fuck up every time" episode
>doing bad all week
>make some black tea
>all this caffeine
>now im doing good despite playing with EUfags when im from USeast
Can place his gadget on any door or window. Can kill people via surprise, and once they know he's in your comp, they'll move slower and be more likely to hover in doorways doublechecking before going through, making themselves easy targets.

What is the ability to move the MG. What are deployable barricades.

Man, I sure am glad I've made it impossible for the enemy to get advance recon, and even the very act of neutralizing my gadget tips me off to the direction the enemy is coming from.

I have an excellent area denial weapon, can cut off entrances, and punish attackers that are just sitting outside the room I'm in.

I slowed down the enemy advance, like I'm meant to, and also provided early warning for the direction the enemy is coming from, as well as damaging any unaware idiots.

I'm useful in almost every situation.

I'm an armor deployable and otherwise kinda shit.

I can revive teammates with an additional 25% health and revive myself. Paired with Rook, excellent.

I can tell where people are coming from. Hope you weren't counting on that barricade to protect you fucker.

I sure hope I don't need out of the room I just locked myself into. I sure hope the enemy didn't bring Glaz. I sure hope the enemy didn't bring a Fuze.
Has anyone ever in the history of mankind managed to reinforce those trapdoors on the roof of Kafe? Like after the round starts, jumping out as an attacker and rappelling up like Sonic and then reinforcing. Why would you even wanna do that? I don't know but that would be great. I'm going to do it one day. I will.
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I want IQ's clothes, they're very cute and comfy looking
>Jeans and sweater
You could be living the dream for like 45 bucks.
keeps snow out of the boots
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>Attacker reinforcing hatches
and if you mean defenders
>defenders rappeling
daily reminder that shotguns in this notably dead game are fucking retarded and way too unrealistic
The game isn't about realism and the shotguns are fun and with the exception of valk/frost, balanced.
Yeah, I meant defenders! Huh, you can't rappel as a defender? I've been playing this shit for 400+ hours and didn't know that! I'm retarded!

Anyways, I will one day reinforce thoise trapdoors
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I bet you have a penis, you degenerate.
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PC or console?
Post Operator Movies
Personal recommendation: Elite Squad 1-2
I don't stream but I still record my matches because I might want to go back and look at something. Also getting that elusive clutch win on video is pretty cool.
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PC, bro
The Raid
It's a feminine one![/spoiler[

Strange japs dont play PC alot
Do not shit up a decent general with your delusional view of gender. While I do not speak for the general, it seems like you have posted before with some sort of anime girl avatar, and frankly that's against 4chan rules. Combined with topics that are more for /lgbt/ or /soc/ or even /b/, I would suggest you either move to those boards and stop acting out for attention on here, or stop using anime girl pictures when you post and post on topic like most people on here.
>otherwise kinda shit
>has MP5
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you are not a sexy milf, tovarishch
He also has the second best pump shotgun in the game
Hardcore Henry
John Wick
Hardcore Henry was a damn good film, was worth going to the theater to see that.
Damn I loved John Wick
Triple 9 had a good shield scene

Had a fucking fantastic soundtrack, shame Bad Motherfucker was never used.
Sheeeeeeit. That movie is going on my list of things to watch. Fucking intense.
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Or what, you're going to bully me by not letting me pick IQ?
I'll ask politely to stop. Nobody here really posts with a name, avatars are not used. You might be a decent person and a Siege player, but posting with avatar pictures and content involving sexual or personal matters on here will only make you look bad. If you want to stay here, you are welcome to, I would suggest as Anon since we seem to lack trips or names in here.Lose the avatar and I see no reason why you would not be a welcome addition to this lovely general, regardless of what platform you play Siege on. My two cents, which I hope you take to heart.
>second best pump shotgun
wow it's literally nothing
Oh you know, Jack Reacher was good too.
Not quite Siege, but yeah it was actually surprisingly good.
curb your autism m8
To bad there is no stack up mechanic where you can soft lock behind people or even shields. I mean it would be a nitro death trap but if they added the function that shields can reduce a blast from up front then this could work. You would have to throw the nitro past the shield. Then again, they way I would change nitro is that the arming time after throwing would be longer discouraging people from using it as a ghetto grenade. You would have to lessen the noise to make it more trap like. Just thing about doing the things they show in the trailers. Montagne extended moving forward and an operator soft locked behind them leaning to the side body protected. But it seems like every defender team and their mother has nitro.
Did they fix mute yet?
Yes he actually works now and the buff is pretty neat

It is nice to comfortable jam 2 large sized reinforced walls instead of 2 small sized reinforced walls with 1 jammer.
Dood bro, ranked was shit today
Wtf I like mute now
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>Match point
>rook didn't set armor down
>enemies with high Ping shooting around corners
>still won the game
Buck's C8 is ridiculously inaccurate, even when just tapping.
>Join group of friends, only 2 of them in there
>Tell them I'm gonna join up soon, just gotta go away for a few
>Come back to find room empty
>They moved to another room with a full squad
>Join up and ask wtf happened
>"Didn't know you were coming back, my bad."
>Call 'em weakass impatient bitches and leave
I fucking hate people. I don't even wanna play this shit now, just completely killed any motivation I had to play.
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guys please help how do I make ranked do what it's supposed to do
Write a mean letter to Ubi to stop pumping manpower and money into the sinking ship that is the Division and focus on the clearly better game that even with barely any marketing or advertisements has more active players than the Division across all platforms.
Don't bother with ranked. I have decent stats in ranked (2.2 W/L, 1.3 K/D) but like 1/3 games is a very obvious waller. In my expirience you either stomp absolute scrubs or get matched up against a premade with one or two wallers.

I'm Bronze 4 right now because I just don't bother with ranked anymore.
Really what would help balance castle is a nitro, and 4 or possibly 5 barricades.

They aren't meant to stop or slow you down, but having them fucking everywhere would be annoying and drain resources - it would also require a hard breach.

There are some objectives that you basically use them on the window and you are fucked, but if you had a few extra left over for other doors? It'd make him pretty neat.

I really hope one of the BOPE operators can breach reinforced walls in some way that makes him unique to Thermite - cause always picking thermite 100% of the time is annoying meta.
>Another defender with a nitro
>Start game
>Get TK'd
>Same guy TK'd another dude at the same time
>TKer gets removed
>My friend(Glaz) and one other guy left(Blitz)
>They go in the building
>Friend gets flashed/killed by Blitz
>Blitz rushes in and gets himself killed, then gets kicked
Fuck this game.
What else can you possibly do for him?

And Nitrocells are such a fuck up by Ubisoft game design it's unbelievable. They clearly intended this thing to be a boobyrap type device but it was immediately used as a shitty grenade to deal with shields.

Frankly Ubicuck should keep the nitros as is or have them on a timer (just a heavier, homemade IED hand grenade) and what they should have done is made a plantable boobytrap that has to be affixed to walls or the ground (ie how you can plant Jagers shit), which you can detonate when it's convenient. Or maybe give defenders frag grenades as well instead of nitros. Who fucking knows.

But no they've backed themselves into a corner, and the only way they can really buff someone like castle is to give them a nitro.

And it wouldn't be "another" defender with a Nitro, you'd just take it from Valk.
No, I like my Valk C4. I don't want her getting the Frost treatment too.
Get nerfed fuckface Valk is good. Give her the Barb Wire treatment so she can have PERFECT INTEL on the entire map and also slow attackers down on common routes.

She's gonna get the nerf, just wait for it. They're gonna give the C4 to the BOPE operator.
>That feel when I'll never hear Frost saying "detonating c4" ever again
Giving Frost the barrier was good though. It meant you could set up a beartrap anywhere you needed it really, and still probably get someone with it.
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