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World of Warcraft General - /wowg/

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Thread replies: 806
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/wowg/ guilds:
<No Fun Allowed> @ Illidan (Horde)
<RIP in Peace> @ Sargeras (Alliance)


/wowg/ battletag friends list:
(Rarely used or updated, use at your own risk)

General Resources:

Anti-Shitposting Filters To Make WoW General Great Again:

WoW Token Price:

Old thread: >>148020313
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prepatch this week?
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No, they will give two weeks notice, stop fucking asking and play something elseif you're this impatient
i already did you fucking bitch ass loser faggot homo idiot who is gay
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which one of you faggots its baneposting your existence on frostmane us
prison gay
MMOs and MOBAs have the most homos and girls because of the social factor
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never realized how much work goes into getting transmog pieces desu
you're telling me I just downloaded a 20GB patch that I won't be able to play til August?
Are we getting the pre-patch this week or not? I suspect not since the pvp season ends NEXT week.
are you a retard that doesn't understand what "pre-download" means
Fucking kek
>what are twinks
shut the fuck up if you get sexually aroused by something with a dick then you are fucking gay
if they know what's good for them they'll release it this week
If Blizzard was smart they've shove this pre-patch out as soon as possible to get people to resub for Legion early.
It was confirmed to be the 19th.
>replying to ralph

reddit please leave
Definitely not this week.
no you mong it'll likely be 26th
>mini-game season is ending on the 19th, but don't worry it won't require a patch to get your rewards


fucking retard
You're actually retarded if you think this
>False, that is what insecure homophobes say because they are too afraid of anything gay.
so it is gay, thanks that was my point.
>that is what insecure homophobes say because they are too afraid of anything gay.

Guess traps are gay then. Thanks for confirming it for us Ralph.
>tfw want to roll demon hunter because I love mobile classes
>tfw everyone is going to assume I'm a mouth breathing 12 year old because of my class choice

This is what it felt like to be a hunter in vanilla, or a dk in wrath, isn't it.
>A rational healthy person doesnt use dick as an indicator of what is gay or not, only homophobes do cuz they are dumb xD

what then
playing hunter still feels like that to me desu
everyone's going to be playing them in the last 2 weeks of prepatch so you can get the stupid out of your system then and hit Legion launch on your main

>thinking hunters and DKs stopped being retard-bait classes

o lel
>Homosexuality (from Ancient Greek ὁμός, meaning "same", and Latin sexus, meaning "sex") is romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender

but no, you're right, putting your dick inside another mans ass is indeed not gay.

really made me think
I am an actual mouth breathing edgy retard who died 8 times in the DK starting zone trying to steal the horse in that quest

DH will suit me
what's wrong with only being subbed part of the time when blizzard is only developing content part of the time?
>if they're not releasing something every 3 months they're sitting on their asses twiddling their thumbs

so (You)'re a retard that doesn't know exactly why the pre-expansion content droughts happen
because they're working on overwatch and hearthstone
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they don't even try to hide their pantsu
who /transferring off their dead server to a high population one after hitting 110/ here?
>other games with their own dev teams draw resources away from WoW even though the droughts were happening before they existed!

basic retard
Speaking of this, why is this quest so hard? It's just a starting quest yet I could never beat it so I have never been able to use a DK above their starting level

> DH can't be played for another 5 weeks

why even bother
it isn't, you're just a mega shitter
Anyone here starting over from level 1 when Legion hits? I want to level up in the new system. Currently picking out the outfits they'll be wearing as they level, and I'm having fun.
no because leveling is not fun and you'll realise that about 30 levels in
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sds e a d dea ' e ee daswaae Dees
Sounds like a fun, but I'll be too busy being Illidank Demon Hunter
I'm thinking about either ditching enchanting for mining to go with blacksmithing for legion or rushing my miner character to level 110 after my main. Which sounds best?
Anyone want to orbit me?
If a transmog item is gotten via quest by a restoration or balance druid, and you're gonna play as guardian, will you still be able to use it as a transmog item? Or does it break down to specialization, too.
are you a qt gril?
If you complete a quest with 4 appearances, you get 4 appearances.
I have a penis but yes I'm a girl
Don't you only get them if they are usable by the character that wins them, too?
Not for quests, no. For individual pieces of gear, yes.
>already done the quest
you'll get whatever the rewards for your class are
>completing the quest after 7.0
you only get the appearance of the item you choose
But say you get that appearance via druid. If you play as a different specialization as a druid another time, can you still use that appearance, is what I'm asking. I just don't know how fickle this system is and don't want to make plans I can't do. Thanks.
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>get paid to do services
>expect erp
>he picked me, because we are both draenei
>takes me instead to draenor on his flying mount and talks about lore and shows me places
>get feels that the guy just wants to talk about the lore with someone and play along till the end
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How does it feel to have 1000 souls under your fingertips?
From Vanilla to current content the only thing that hasn't changed at all is Rogue's being the sniveling shitstains who spam the fuck outta vanish macro's as soon as they realize trying to 1v1 you was a mistake
Thanks m8, all I needed to know
whats ur cup size qt
not them, but I'm a 34DDD. not that you'd believe me
It's just like real life where broken dudes pick up hookers just to talk to them because they cannot form any real relationships and thus have no friends to talk to ever.
A cup
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how can I possible orbit two cutes at once then??!??!
Man playing this game again made me realize how badly they fucked leveling up

Literally all the dungeons leading up to cata and maybe a few of the later wotlk dungeons can be cleared by mashing your face into the keyboard
Those spheres are not nearly large enough to generate a significant gravity well and thus you cannot be orbited, sorry.
I make 110k a year and I'm single so I have nothing to spend it on and sometimes I actually do pick up hookers just to talk about life or take them out to McDonalds for a date and pretend I have a girlfriend, there's nothing wrong with that

>take them to McDonalds for a date
No, there's everything wrong with that
Ask Proxima Centauri im sure it can give you some dank tips about this very situation.
Planets can orbit a twin star system
Making lots of money does not undo the fact that you a broken dysfunctional human. The fact that you make six figures and yet still have to pretend you have a girlfirend is pretty damning.

You could buy a decent eastern european model with that salary.

haha but i only have enough money to buy gifst for one :(((
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I am the strongest draenei!
How long will it be until blizzard """"fixes"""" a few specs and the entire playerbase realizes how retarded having to farm artifact power for a month until they are useful again is?
t. retard that doesn't know about artifact knowledge
Armory link?
Full champion list, not counting fodder troops.

>Death Knight
Amal'thazad (a lich)
High Inquisitor Whitemane
Highlord Darion Mograine
Koltira Deathweaver
Rottgut (an abomination)
Thoras Trollbane

>Demon Hunter
Allari the Souleater
Altruis the Sufferer
Asha Ravensong
Belath Dawnblade
Jace Darkweaver
Kayn Sunfury
Kor'vas Bloodthorn

Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem
Brightwing (that faerie dragon from HotS)
Broll Bearmantle
Keeper Remulos
Sylendra Gladesong

Addie Fizzlebog
Beastmaster Hilaire
Emmarel Shadewarden
Halduron Brightwing
Hemet Nesingwary
Huntsman Blake
Loren Stormhoof

Arcane Destroyer (a Tempest Keep construct)
Archmage Kalec
Archmage Modera
Archmage Vargoth
Esara Verrinde
Meryl Felstorm (Med'an's tutor; yes, he's canon now)
Millhouse Manastorm

Angus Ironfist
Chen Stormstout
Li Li Stormstout
Sylara Steelsong
Taran Zhu
The Monkey King
/csgog/ memes were always good
Then I stopped caring about csgo so eh. Imma go back there just for fun I think
The Centauri system is Trinary
Alpha and Beta orbit each other on a common gravitational center, Proxima Centauri, a third(Red dwarf), (dark cold) star, orbits the pair.
Aponi Brightmane
Arator the Redeemer
Delas Moonfang (a female night elf)
Justicar Julia Celeste
Lady Liadrin
Lord Maxwell Tyrosus
Lothraxion (a Light-infused dreadlord)
Vindicator Boros

Alonsus Faol
Calia Menethil (Arthas' sister)
High Priestess Ishanah
Mariella Ward
Natalie Seline
Sol (a Light being that looks like a classic fire elemental)
Yalia Sagewhisper
Zabra Hexx

Fleet Admiral Tethys
Garona Halforcen
Lord Jorach Ravenholdt
Marin Noggenfogger
Master Mathias Shaw
Valeera Sanguinar
Vanessa VanCleef

Avalanchion the Unbroken (earth elemental)
Baron Scaldius (fire elemental)
Consular Celestos (air elemental)
Duke Hydraxis (water elemental)
Farseer Nobundo
Muln Earthfury
Rehgar Earthfury
Stormcaller Mylra

Eredar Twins
Jubeka Shadowbreaker
Kira Iresoul
Lulubelle Fizzlebang
Ritssyn Flamescowl
Shinfel Blightsworn
Zinnin Smythe

Dvalen Ironrune
Finna Bjornsdottir
King Ymiron
Ragnvald Drakeborn
Svergan Stormcloak
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>tfw you're literally with no contest the worst WoW player in the thread
>tfw if if I play healer the instant group gets wiped while playing a lvl 30 dungeon
>tfw if I play DPS I'm always the lowest damage
>tfw if I play tank I die faster than I get healed and pull too hard

How is it possible to be as bad as me? Everytime I group with people I genuinely feel bad for them because they have to deal with me
going monk just to roll with my girl Li Li
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>hey its me ur brother
my fucking sides
>Delas Moonfang (a female night elf)
Might be hinting at night elf paladins in the future. It would make sense.
Lore autists wouldn't shut up about it just like they still like to bitch about NE Mages.
But Avalanchion is dead. We killed him in Deepholm. Doesn't Blizzard check their shit at all?
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Well, it seems he was unbroken after all.
bless you :3
tanking shaman again when
might be to do with that ancient naaru that's looking for Illidan and is somehow related to Elune

but basically more lolretcons because Blizzard are terminally hacktastic at writing
>How long will it take on average to max out artifact?
>We're expecting it to take a few months--will vary a bit based on what type of player you are. After Artifact Knowledge and the catch up system, it should go faster for other weapons.
WOO it'll be faster than "a few months" for your second and third spec.
That's so much better.
The game isn't hard, it's actually extremely easy. You're just too lazy to try, e.g you don't feel like briefly looking up a dungeon, to interrupt spells, to only pull a pack at a time, etc. Maybe play farmville that way you don't inconvenience others with your laziness.
IDK it would make sense, a paladin is just a priest who decided to hit shit with a hammer. Night elves can be priests
He's been killed several times, it's not like elementals can't return. Like Garr and Baron Geddon.
Probably some kind of "can only be killed in their elemental plane" or something which makes sure the Al'Akir and Ragnaros are dead.
I've tried that but there's so many flashing spells and bars moving that it's hard to keep up
So can Undead and everyone would shit their pants if Forsaken could be paladins.
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>High Inquisitor Whitemane
undead paladin would make sense as well, there's a undead paladin in naxxaramass
I do agree that it would make sense that anyone who can be a priest could be a paladin. Except undead.
except priests have a multitude of backgrounds/powersources whereas paladins are just the Light

no proof that Zeliek was raised, he could have been like Arthas where he was merely corrupted and not properly undead
Where's the full picture? Everyone always just post this smug white girl laying on a black guy's chest
>Lothraxion (a Light-infused dreadlord)

just fuck my lore up
You kill an elemental on their home plane and they die forever. That was the whole point of killing Ragnaros in Firelands. And we did kill him in Deepholm.
Avalanchion was killed in Deepholm, the elemental plane of earth.
The Legion champion is referred to as Avalanchion the Unbroken <Fist of the Earthmother> and has a Draenor earth elemental model (same as Tectus). It's related to the Earthmother and is an insanely powerful elemental that's probably the second in charge, just like the other elementals are Scaldius, Hydraxis and Celestos (the latter hadn't appeared yet, though, but judging from the quest text he is an important elemental). Either Avalanchius somehow survived (likely, as his title is "the Unbroken") or he's another elemental with the same name.
Just use iceyveins...play a dps, use iceyveins to figure out your rotation, just remove spells that you don't have yet if you're leveling. All dps have to do in dungeons is kill the monsters and move out of fire/bad effects. Play a simple class if rotations are still hard for you, like warrior or hunter(dismiss your pet before jumping down any shortcuts, this is important) Fire on the ground? Move out of it. If your health is dropping fast, that probably means you should move. There's like 6 rotation spells for most classes just memorize what order you press them in then do that over and over on monsters, aoe spells for multiple, single target for one. It's easy.
Not everyone in the Twisting Nether is evil and affiliated to the Burning Legion.
This dude's lore is that the naaru purified some "tainted dreadlords" and they repaid them by fighting for the Light. So yeah, apparently now dreadlords are a corrupted race.
Why are you asking? Are you a cuck?
Actually I am unironically, I'm the guy last thread who paid people 25k to ERP cuck me in Goldshire
>a bunch of random as fuck vrykul and vrykul related beings
Oh heck, guess I'm just retarded.
Just like their writers.
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hoverboards when
Go back to Gaystar you stupid idiot
It's Elsa Jean from "Preppy Girl Threesome" iirc
is anyone else salty about the Karazhan retcon
>3 Titanic watchers and an iron dwarf
>Lokholar the Ice Lord isn't a follower for Shaman

blizz fucked up desu
RFD boys whaddup

just pulled a manslayer, its a good omen
>former vrykul king
>iron dwarf
>a powerful as fuck vrykul who's also the gatekeeper of Valhalla and a dungeon boss
>two random vrykul
>THREE TITANIC WATCHERS (who are not exclusively vrykul related at all)
Warriors have the best followers.
>With the upcoming Transmogrification system updates coming in Legion, the purchasable helms from the Shop— Crown of Eternal Winter, Hood of Hungering Darkness, and Jewel of the Firelord —will automatically be added to your Collection within the Appearances tab.

so they are free?
Legion warrior lore is pure garbage
>former vrykul king

they honestly should have stayed with this motif of recruiting murdered instance bosses, i could not give less of a shit about the valhalla meme that warriors got for their order hall

recruiting a bunch of dead instance bosses would have actually made it decent
another champion for dhs is akama or shade of akama (depending on your choice of altruis/kayn)
Oops, forgot about him. Notice now there's eight champions for each class but I only listed seven for demon hunters.
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>taking chan muh edgy memes seriously
Imagine having Lei Shen as a champion. Or any mogu for the matter. Damn, I want a friendly mogu; they were all hostile and evil, while WotLK at least had a handful of friendly vrykul.
Thank you cuck brother downloading now
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>thinks classes being retard bait has anything to do with edginess
you're retarded
>Beast Mastery has been in a nice spot with minimal changes ever since Cataclysm; fun and engaging (to an extent) gameplay
>Legion turns it into the most boring and braindead spec imaginable by man while also taking away all utility and fun from hunters
How did they think this was a good idea? I know the same can be applied to nearly all specs in Legion, but this is fucking ridiculous. I'll be forced to change spec or class because I feel terribly bad playing this piece of shit.
>thinks hunters are for edgy retards
>calling anyone else retarded

top lel
How are dk retard bait? My blood dk has more going on than any of the dps that I have played.

BM's always been the braindead retard spec for the braindead retard class, what rock have you been living under

>tank spec

yeah that's 90% of the entire classes complexity budget right there
again, you are retarded, try again when you figure out what's going on
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Goldshire on argent dawn is a fun place. You can laugh at the autists and find people that just want to fuck around nonsexually so you can do dumb things together.

I even downloaded a custom description add-on. Every girl had a dick and every guy had an edgy description. Also there was one guy sitting in the fireplace talking about things but I couldn't understand him because he was an undead.

It creates unforgettable moments
>Be middle aged male gnome
>Midlife crisis
>Go to Goldshire looking for pussy
>Meet a captured blood elf princess
>Get in line to bang her
>Douche DK cuts in line before you
>Call him out
>He threatens to punt you
>Cute girl panda fights the dk and makes him leave
>Become friends
>Wait and eventually bang the princess
>Get hit on by some human slut who wants the gnome d
>Politely refuse and run outsife
>Chill with panda
>Get a new shirt from a random travelling shirt merchant
>DK comes back and tries to seduce girl panda
>Explain to him why he is actually a repressed gay
>Speech check passed, he becomes gay
>Call the human slut and pay her 10 copper to bang the gay DK
>Gay DK is disgusted and runs away from town, never to return
>Girl panda asks you to go on a walk with her
>Go, expecting to take her behind a tree
>When about midway to northshire, she reveals that she only saved you because she wanted to vore you
>She vores you

Never trust a panda.
>you need the pillars of creation to stop sargeras
>literally a questing zone in northrend
>no one will notice this as they all leveled in dungeons

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>complexity budget
Class fantasy my ass. Also my undead hunter now for some reason utters a really out of place scream whenever I use Bestial Wrath and other abilities. It doesn't even sound like my character's voice.

How is BM more braindead than MM and Survival, especially in WoD? BM has a lot more shit to watch for and buttons than your average spec in WoD, and it was even better in MoP.
we changed thread

On a scale of 1 to dead how dead are the guilds? I'm guessing 12+ months of HFC dead
>oh its going to be as bad as these shit classes for retards
>one of the listed classes has nothing to do with edge

you first

>how is the spec with TWO(2) pets doing 70% of your DPS more braindead then the specs without

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friendly reminder that the following mounts are overrated & meme-worthy and u should feel bad for using them

>any drake that isnt a gladiator mount
>ashes of al'ar
>any proto drake that isnt black
>mimirons head
>fiery warhorse (including headless horseman)
>any store mount
>any tcg mount
>grove warden
>any pre order next expac mount
>hearthstone mount
>all talbuks, clefthooves, camels, elekks, riverbeasts, boars, bears
>all wolves with the exception of the fel dawg
>all glory mounts with the exception of ToT achieve and the two listed above
>rivendare's charger
>felsteel annihilator
>gronnlings with the exception of gladiator variants
>deathwheel / treadblade
>cloud serpents that arent gladiator or from msv
>jc mounts
>expedition yak
>engineering mounts (with the exception of flying machines)
>minion of grumpus
>flying carpets
>flying cloud
>class specific mounts
>recruit a friend mounts
>core hound
>all scorpion mounts
>golden king
>corrupted dreadwing
I asked this in the last thread, but I'd like to see what more people think:

Should I main my warlock, warrior, or my rogue?
you're fucking retarded lmao
>bm in wod
>completely overshadowed by survival in highmeme and mm in hfc
>was the top spec in brf because survival was kill and mm didnt have instant aimed shots yet
>even as the top spec you had to wait for a stacking buff that you have no control over before you start dealing damage
im not sure how that's a good spot, but then again i stopped playing in brf because i fucking hate the bm playstyle
maybe i just dont understand

all i know is that i wont be playing a hunter in legion
i like being a gunshootman and if im forced to open a zoo or be a fucking spearchucker because blizzard cant balance the specs ill just abandon the character and play a mage
>adding firehawk after getting bftoed

full damage control
>no one wants to talk about how blizzard is murdering the lore
>everyone wants to shit post about huntards difficult BM spec from WoD
>oohh my god hunters have buttons that glow now holy shit how difficult this is!
>meanwhile arcanemages literally have to decide the difference between 90% mana and 91% mana
Shaman or hunter for legion?

is this a huns post? i can't tell
you should kill yourself rofl
>pure blooded firehawk in shadowform not goat
>how blizzard is murdering the lore

there's pretty much nothing anyone can do and it happens so frequently there's almost no point in caring about it
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>ywn watch mumi suck back some of dads cream
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>Momentum Build
>Bloodlet Build

The spec needs 1 more interesting build that isn't shitty Demon Blades. Seriously that talent and the Chaos Blades talent is holding the class back just to please literal retards.
We don't know because we don't know how the classes will be played.
We don't know how broken the trinkets will be.
We don't know how much coke the balance team will do before they decide how to fix specs.
Even a month into legion, when the first raid is released, we still won't know because blizzard might see the results of the first mythic raiders and make massive changes.
>spend hours and hours farming for some shitty ugly ass mount and it still won't drop

fuck this shit I'm done

never farming for mounts ever again

I'm just going to go play fucking vanilla WoW and wait for legion then raid log in legion and go back to playing vanilla wow

stupid fucking game I can't believe I spent time farming for vanity items in a virtual world

let this be a warning to anyone that tries to get this fucking mount, existential angst will plague you after 100+ attempts and you will consider uninstalling this shit game

I literally got the south wind one on my first ever trip to throne of four winds. Pissed my buddy off quite a bit. Just farm something else for awhile
Zero reading comprehension. It is the simplest spec in Legion, but I was talking about Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor.

Let's see WoD hunter:

Chimaera Shot on cooldown, Kill Shot when target is below 35% health, Aimed Shot to dump focus, Steady Shot to generate focus. WOAH. Also two CDs that you simply line up with ring and BL respectively, and Powershot/Barrage that's simply "use on CD".

This spec is fucking dead in WoD and literally no one plays it, but let's see.
Keep Black Arrow DoT applied, use Explosive Shot on CD and procs, use Explosive Trap on CD, Arcane Shot to dump focus (and keep its DoT up, but it will always be up and you don't have to keep an eye for this) and Cobra Shot to generate focus. Also Barrage or whatever talent you picked here on CD, and Stampede with BL.

These two have basically no AoE rotations because their AoE damage is ass.

>Beast Mastery
Save focus for when Bestial Wrath is about to become available so you can use it on CD with no bad repercussions, use Focus Fire when you have a reasonably good amount of stacks (with t18 it's almost use as soon as you have a stack) and cancel/reapply buff when you have more stacks than your current buff, Kill Command on CD (or delay by a couple of seconds if Bestial Wrath is about to become available), Arcane Shot to dump focus, Cobra Shot to generate focus and cast two on a row if possible to keep the Steady Shot buff up. Also Barrage on CD, and delay if possible when Bestial Wrath is about to become available. Also manually order your pet to attack when changing focus (pet AI is retarded).
For AoE it's basically about keeping the (short) Beast Cleave buff up with Multishot and use Barrage ASAP, and being extremely cautious with CD usage since having enough focus is an issue. Also Stampede with BL, or Blink Strikes or aMoC (BM can afford a constant use of this) in rare situations, especially when progressing and having issues with adds.
I got that from LFD back in Cata. :~)
I care less about Legion each passing day
How do I get hype again? :(
>the thing that starts the slippery slope of demon blood is the spirit of Ner'zhul's wife contacting him
>WoD starts out the same except times change
>Ner'zhul's wife is stil alive in WoD
Is this ever explained? Is it just "oh Kil'jaeden contacted Gul'dan instead lol xd"?
And I forgot Kill Shot on the BM section because I am retarded.

Survival should have been improved upon the whole traps and magic DoTs thing, and make BM the melee spec.
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i remember running vortex for the first time not long after cata launch with a friend and it dropped. i won it (only just), my friend was a little upset but he didnt care since he had no desire to collect mounts

blazing drake is the worst one to get i m o
Who cares man? It was just a question.

I'm not asking which is better. I'm asking which to play.
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we /meme AH/ now
>Is it just "oh Kil'jaeden contacted Gul'dan instead lol xd"?

pretty much
ner'zhul just decided to be irrelevant during wod
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I'm joining a 12 hour/week Mythic guild in Legion.

Will guilds like this mind if you only play 1 class? DPS spec.
Depends on how much you like warming the bench lol
>he hasn't seen unholy dk in legion
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>1.6% of players have the memesteel annihilator

raiding is dead as fuck
I get that, but it's still messing with the established lore before time travel fuckery messes it up.
who do I whisper for No Fun Allowed?
>messing with the established lore

that's the whole point dude, it's an alternate universe where some things are different

nobody, it's dead as fuck
I am sorry, RETARDS keep adding dead guilds in the op because they are mentally retarded.
>completely ignores careful aim and sniper training
I completely agree here though.
BM should be the melee, keeping close to his beast. maybe even give them a 15-20 yard range with spear throwing attacks so they still feel like a hunter.
Survival should be the guy who can't aim as well as a marksman can, but compensates by having a million explosives and devices in his backpack.
When i first saw the artifacts and read that the gun was made my mimiron and was some awesome invention i assumed it would be for survival, which will now be engineers from gw2 with turrets and mines and such.

why would I be benched if I only join a guild for a class they need

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I'm so lonely
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I'll be your friend anon
>when you have your finger hovering over the enter key but are scared to absolute death to press it
How would we know what you will enjoy? You're just some nameless faceless anon.
Tell us more about yourself first.
Please befriend me both of you
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Mumi#11674 is my btag. Feel free to add me :>
>the fucking fatass is shitting up /pol/ threads now
When will he learn that he isn't wanted anywhere?
I'll add you when I have enough courage

I'd rather him be on the contamination thread than here
Well if <No Fun Allowed> is dead, thenis there any active /wowg/ guilds?
he'll fade away eventually like everyone other namefag to have ever posted on this board
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No need to be timid, I'm as friendly as can be. But take your time if you need to!
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>doing random achievements
>fishing around Northrend
>Dat grizzly hills music hits
they're all dead until Legion
First month on /wowg/?
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I am afraid you are stuck with me for quite some time xD

No, some autists keep adding the dead guilds in the OP for no reason.
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hows your autism collection looking wowg?

also are there many pet dailies in legion, for those who have been playing beta?
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I miss her...
ok then, roll for legion main
7-Monkey king
dubs-Demon knight
trips-Death hunter
I miss lynris
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Just do it now, there's no reason to build up "courage." That's just an excuse you're making for yourself. Wouldn't you rather not be lonely, sooner? We're friendly.

While you're at it, add me too: Icy#1568

There will be soon, I'm making a guild during the prepatch that will be raiding during Legion. Illidan-Horde. Prepare yourself. Will put out a strawpoll for the name soon, but feel free to toss any suggestions my way.
I meant this site, not this board*

And I've been on 4chan for about 8 years now. There has been literally hundreds of avatar and namefags in /wowg/ since vg was made. This panda faggot is about the only one left and thats the only reason he really gets any attention at all. Everyone worth anything left a long time ago and now he gets his kicks from baiting newfags by pretending to be retarded.

Eventually he will get doxxed like the rest of the particularly annoying ones and he'll disappear as well. This is the nature of 4chan
what happened?
She passed away
I doubt he really cares about getting doxxed considering he always posts pictures of himself and people know his name
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>we are a LBGTQIA friendly guild
Yeah sounds good.
Icy went through a period of depression after his horrific car accident shattered every bone in his legs, damning him to a life of never being able to walk on his own again

Eventually Lynris could no longer take the abuse of the broken manlet waifufag she was letting stay in her attic and cut off all ties with both him and /wowg/

>Giant Sewer Rat

Why is shit that's still obtainable on the BMAH

It's not even that hard, took me like 20 minutes of fishing in the sewers
>a gay furry who fucks his pet dog shouldn't need to worry about people knowing his personal info when he's posted on the single most radical right wing forum on the internet

it's only a matter of time before some nut job cracks his skull at this point, especially given the state of greece at the moment
more likely to be a dune coon than a /pol/ster
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>the state of greece at the moment
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hahaha what a fag
Gold in WoD is worthless, I'd rater throw away 10k then fish more after spending 4 hours fishing for that shit
Mages will be fun, fire will have a lot of consistency with 2 autocrit spells, stacking fireball crit and shortcd conflag.
Frost will get more fingering procs and thats always good.
Or arcane could just be the god king of space again and make the other specs useless.
that cunt needs to install pokemon go already
i would if it gave me the achieve for it

id rather fish it up though
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>getting out of the house without a serious need
Sorry, i am a lazy male pandaren and enjoy the comfyness of muh house.

Plus i dont like pokemon, digimon were fucking 10 times better
>doesn't deny fucking the dog
>brandishes a toy knife like it means anything

l m b o
Yeah I'll probably play my mage more in Legion but as it stands I can't bring myself to play it.

In fact I can't really bring myself to play most of my characters right now. I want to keep playing the game and I want to enjoy it but there isn't anything to do so I just jump around in my garrison for a while and then log out.

I'm so fucking bored.

I just want to play one of my characters and have fun. Fuck.
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Personally I'm just waiting for him to move to the US, then we won't have to worry about his shitposting anymore. I have some older cousins in Seattle, the city of his dreams. Don't worry /wowg/, it'll all be over soon.

He can't, if he turned on AR and looked into a mirror the app would constantly think he's attempting to catch a Snorlax.
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>He can't, if he turned on AR and looked into a mirror the app would constantly think he's attempting to catch a Snorlax.
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>He can't, if he turned on AR and looked into a mirror the app would constantly think he's attempting to catch a Snorlax.
C'mon quads to unsub
If you buy it off the BMAH you get the achievement, that's how I got mine
>He can't, if he turned on AR and looked into a mirror the app would constantly think he's attempting to catch a Snorlax.
heartily chuckled
Dang, I got memed into adding this person. Didn't even accept the friend request
>denying memes
Pretty obvious thst it is a meme you push hard ;^)

Good luck with that plan and finding me ;^)

Oh I am so scared of your cousins, I mean unless they are professional ll have problems :p
>not professionals at dispatching people
you're fucked dude
the more I look at that hand the weirder it seems to get

anyone else?
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>He can't, if he turned on AR and looked into a mirror the app would constantly think he's attempting to catch a Snorlax.
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>anywhere near as capable as hired assassins
We are talking professionals here m80, not plebs that think they are tough cuz muh group.
Well i can't help you there. The only advice i can give is to either find people to do stuff with or find a different hobby until legion.
There's no reason to keep "playing" like you do now.

I stopped playing a few months ago after my guild killed hc archimonde and pretty much died 3 days later.
Recently a friend of mine resubbed to go through heroic and offered to pay a month for me so i can help him out. I don't log in unless its to play with him and i enjoy it like this.
Otherwise there would be 0 chance of me resubbing before legion.

Im not even sure about legion because none of the specs look appealing and unless i get a group of friends together i wont buy it.
>hired assassins

literally cartel enforcers, dude
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Friend, if you really think it would take a professional to take you out I think you're a tad bit delusional. Frankly I think I could do it myself. All I would need to do is wait until Bearheart goes to sleep so I know you're asleep as well, fill your room with mustard gas (and hope you don't eat it), then burn your corpse to hide the evidence. Easy.
>using mustard gas

Why not your bare hands desu
>fill your room with mustard gas (and hope you don't eat it)
icys on a fucking roll tonight im dying
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>raising this qt until it's a big dragon I can ride
fuck yes, I love stuff like this
Are there any more mounts that you can raise like this?
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Yeah, something about mexicans make me unable to take them seriously desu.

I mean, they just cant into hired assassin. YOu have to be professional for that, they lack that.

Good luck finding me first and then being able to do all that without me noticing ;^)

Oh no, i assure you, she rly doesnt want to risk that ;^)
That's pretty cute but why don't you just ask a coworker out
le smug reaction face, I am smarter then you le emoticon I'm always right and you're wrong and dumb.
o boy
Dating a coworker is asking for a disaster because anything wrong that happens becomes gossip for the next month and it becomes awkward between you
Only reason to level a new character during prepatch would be to do gnome hunter for muh mechanical pets
which I will totally be doing
some raptor in un'goro crater is similar. venomhide or something
Venomhide ravasaur is objectively the best mount in the game, no contest.
It's horde only though, which sucks because my cuck friends have been playing ally since cataclysm and i cant use it even though i have it.
>Good luck finding me first and then being able to do all that without me noticing ;^)
You've given away so much of your information like a total careless retard, you'd be surprised how easy it would be to find you. See you soon, pal :)
ravasaur/frostsaber and I think that's it
>4 burgers
holy fuck and america is fat?
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But to do that you actually have to spend effort and get out of your house ;^)

Also i ve given way more dangerous info on /pol/tards years ago, still fine.

Talk big pal, that is why i dont say shit without meaning them
Are you implying I don't leave my house, my big fat friend? That's some incredible projection. I'm not going to repeat myself, come visit me in Seattle sometime Ralph :D
Warlocks aren't getting fucked, it's just that melee are being treated like kings this expansion. Melee damage is out of control, their mobility is ridiculous. I say Warriors for PvE as Prot, Fury and Arms are both strong. Rogues for PvP because Rogues are Rogues.
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>come visit me
who is this? :o

Plus seattle is just one of the many probable locations, i ll action move for vacations and to check stuff in some places before moving in somewhere specific ;^)

And i have no problem saying i dont leave my house often, just like how i i dont lie and act tough when we both know you cant support those claims ;^)

There's plenty of info, why dont you sent me a card :3
Preferably a gift card for US itunes store
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I can't wait to get my hands on this elekk come legion.
Also what flying mount fits the most for a Draenei paladin?
And your alternative of not is working better for you?

That's just part of life man. You can't never reach if you're afraid of getting your hand bit once or twice
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probably a bc glad mount, argent tournament daily one or a cm phoenix
Taking prostitutes out to restaurants is better because you get to show a poor person how normal people live, they aren't judgemental, and no one will know at your job
>argent tournament daily one
Which one? The hippogryph?
I'm not judging you or saying what you're doing is bad by any means. It's sweet but it's not long term and you can do better. You deserve it but you can't get it if you don't try
Yeah but it costs real money :^(
either silver covenant or argent hippogryph

its hard to find a mount that suits a draenei paladin i m o
The only one I can think is the grand armored gryphon if I go full alliance patriot shitter
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Are you supposed to use Fel Charge and such in your DPS rotation, even if you haven't picked the talents that make it generate Fury/give a damage buff?

With those kinds of abilities DH is kind of fun, but if i was supposed to only use it for movement and the damage is just bonus, and the supposed style of playing is just Demons Bite until Chaos Strike and repeat, then that'd be fucking boring.

In the beta right now it feels like the charge is worth using in a DPS rotation even untalented, because it deals decent damage, but i could be wrong since it also makes you miss out on like 1 second of other damage sources if you charge way past the enemy
hello huns?
will u be my gf?
i want to shitpost long into the night with u and sniff ur nelfs ass
i love u so much
is that the one from the long ass quest chain in krasarang wilds?

that could work. im surprised you dont have it already
Yeah it's from krasarang and I do have it, I'm just not using an alliance transmog, I have draenei looking gear so an alliance gryphon doesn't look right.
untalented no, unless there's a pack of mobs, but on single target no.

Chaos strike deals 800% weapons damage supposedly, compared to fel rush's 260%. It also procs inner demons for more damage and has a bunch of stuff giving it more damage. I'd assume it's better to maximize your fury generation to get more chaos strikes.
If you're talking about fel blade, it does more damage and generates more fury than a demon's bite so it will be use on cd if you have it talented.

Im rubbing my hands, waiting for the day legion releases and sims show that the best way to dps with demon hunters is demon blades+chaos strike spam with the occasional eye beam.
>Im rubbing my hands, waiting for the day legion releases and sims show that the best way to dps with demon hunters is demon blades+chaos strike spam with the occasional eye beam.
No but dude didn't you hear everyone praising the spec? It's awesome dude !!!!!!!!1
Actually if you use demonic appetite and a fragment spawns on the other side of the boss you can fel rush to it and get your face cleaved in/die to aoe/get some parried attacks/get 30 fury.
Then you won't fall behind on fury compared to just using demon's bite.
Are DH tanks any good? Fuck DPS
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>and sims show that the best way to dps with demon hunters is demon blades+chaos strike spam with the occasional eye beam.

Yeah that would be fucking disappointing to be honest. But it will probably happen since otherwise DHs will complain that they have to charge through hazards in order to do optimal DPS, and Blizzard is scared of that.

In terms of mechanical design DH is absolutely terrible, the charge abilities and such are what brings the fun, but if those turn out to not be part of your rotation the spec is just absolute trash all around design wise.
secondly you should always doubt things that rely on fully resetting A 45 SECOND COOLDOWN WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY THINKING
What did he mean by this wowg?
Hwy guys the prepatch, is it dropping, this week? cause, i like downloaded, stuff
so arms is shit?

fucking hell
19th you lord of sperg
That is WHEN PVP SEASON ENDS learn to fucking READ
It's better than it was in WOD and MOP but it still has some huge issues and that one OGCD talent for mortal strike is the worst shit ever.
fuck man i hate fury so no warrior for me
Prepatch is going to be deployed the exact same day you sperg.
Are you talking about live fury, because Legion fury is completely different from live
I think it's queer, no idea for I or A
they never do that its almost always a week after the season ends.
What's the class in Legion that will give maximum asspain in BGs? I wanna get into pvp again
Well, that's what happens when they try to build a class around movement in a game where moving is the exception and not the rule.
It's the same problem lilidong has in hots - a lot of his budget is spent on mobilty so the second someone actually fights you he goes from agile sick dodge skillz master to press W and autoattack.
I didn't say it was shit, i just implied that you might often find yourself relying on rng and that isn't optimal when you can go furry and meme all over everything.
legion but i dont want to dw i want a huge weapon

oh well maybe fury is not so bad
A probably stands for Asexual
Demon hunter probably, ton of mobility and they're probably going to be op because they're the new class
Why do people bother with PvP in a tab targetting game? If you want PvP play something else for fucks sake, WoW PvP is just shit, or any MMORPG PvP for that matter.
DH. Their mobility will be fucking obnoxious
queer intersex and asexual,
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>yfw you will never look like a Turkroach like icy or Ralph pidopolis
I is intersex, A is asexual or agender, depending on who you're asking and how much of a mentally borked fuckwit they are

>I don't want two huge weapons, I only want one
Post a pic of icy
they can't play proper competitive games so they do WoW pvp instead, where comp and class utility does the heavy lifting and skill takes a backseat.
dw two huge weapons is retarded
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bay bay dun hurt meh!
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If it makes you feel any better they're almost the same size.
What's the hardest thing to do in WoW right now?
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>Greasy skin
>Fingolian eyes

Make friends
what? are you okay anon?
that's what I don't like

the fact that they are xbox hueg
so mog to a smaller weapon you spastic fuck
>mog it to a shitty low poly vanilla weapon

no faggot
Exactly why I wanna pvp, I wanna see these spergs cry over a minigame


Hitting 2400 in RBGs is literally impossible if you're playing legitimately*

*No DDoSing, Scripting, Botting, Win-Trading etc. Even then it's incredibly tedious.
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Finally someone who shares my opinion.

Dual wielding 2 twohanded weapons looks fucking retarded, and now taht they have completely removed single minded fury and Fury is forever 2h dual wield i'm fucking done with warrior.

People literally begged for it because of Diablo II barbarian, they got blizzard to implement it and now see where it has taken us. Fury looks fucking retarded with 2h dual wield
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>that picture
Fucking saved. Also, that's not me. This is me.
and frost dks look like kings with their frostmourne regular swords
DW'ing is a meme as it is, DW'ing two 2 handed weapons is just 8 year old boy bullshit
>and frost dks look like kings

They aren't black though
well anon i said kings not kangz
then transmog is your friend, i also dont like big weapons so i always transmog to bear hunter's rifle
dual savage axes or nighttimes look sick
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You sure? ;^) >>148088979

I am pretty sure this thing can get deep :o
there's plenty of 2h weapons that aren't fucking gargantuan that have been released since 2010, you're basically admitting being retarded if you think small weapon automatically means vanilla model
show me one faggot
jesus christ I'm fucking eating, can you not post that shit
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Being that ugly is almost art

Thank you for being honest about yourself icy
woah fucking rude D:
ugly as fuck faggot
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>Thoroughly try out each class and spec in beta
>Nearly EVERY spec has some kind of talent that changes the playstyle in a shitty way that i wouldn't be able to deal with if it turned out to be the best talent of that tier (OGCD Arms warrior shit ability, Fury warrior Frenzy stacks, Survival hunter attack power stacks on raptor strike, 4.5 sec CD on Raging Blow as Fury, Auto Attack generates Fury but Demon Bite removed as DH, If Rockbiter isn't best 1 tier talent as Enhancement and many, many more)
>At a point where i have singled out nearly every single spec and class except maybe Frost Mage, even though i think they should just get rid of the Elemental at this point, especially with all those new FoF sources

Why even live?
In previous expansions i often rolled tons of alts because there was always something else i wanted to play but this time i can't even find a single class worth leveling.
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>tfw hiding in the corpses of my fallen brothers and waiting for my chance for revenge

The Iron Horde will rise again.
>doesn't like vanilla models
>doesn't like fuckhueg models
>doesn't like smaller models

guess your only option now is to kill yourself, buddy
guess your only option now is not being a tasteless pleb, faggot
prepatch is the 19th?
>next expansion isn't garrosh going back in time to warn AU iron horde about his original self going back in time and following horde/ally invasion
>expansion after that isn't garrosh going back even further in time to warn the AU iron horde about the second time he goes back in time and following invasion
>this doesn't go on forever
blizzard missed out, they could have been reusing assets for decades
>stop liking what I don't like!

quality discussion there, shit-for-brains

Answer hazy, come back later
is the prepatch coming this upcoming next tuesday or the one before and/or after it?
>stop disliking what I like

well memed my friend
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>Someone out there would love this and praise Blizzard for their hard work and dedication

>strawmanning and backpedalling this hard

top kek
>being this mad
>le backpedalling

top lel

Garrosh wouldn't have been able to do that anyway. Kairoz (that faggot dragon from Timeless Isle) is the one who got him to Draenor using that hourglass we empowered with yaungol semen and Dragonballs. He got killed and the hourglass was destroyed.
The soundtrack is looking to be pretty damn good
Well then he just needs to find a way to go back in time and warn himself before he betrayed the dragon.
>I'll call him mad to deflect from the fact that I'm mad, that'll show him

I can do this all day, friend
>I can post random shit all day

just like everyone else here? cool I guess but that's not going to improve your pleb taste
prepatch is the 19th?
>I can do this all day, friend
See, you think that but it's not true. I'm sick of you and the guy you're arguing with arguing and I'm not him and it's pissing me off. So do yourself a favor and just shut the fuck up and walk away before you find yourself in real dander that you CAN walk away from.
Is the prepatch coming out on the 12th or one of the Tuesdays before it?
I just got a phone call from Metzen, prepatch has been cancelled
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>Kicked from Uldaman on my resto druid for healing in cloth heirlooms
>Finally get to rank 8 after months of on/off grinding
>Hate alt levelling, don't care too much for the Mushan and can think of 3 instances at most where I can use the title decently
>still feel like a goddamn king

What other content invokes this? Shadowmourne or Dragonwrath seem like it'd feel like a bunch if orgasms at once when you finally get that fiftieth shard.
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>such a poorfag he levels with non-optimal gear because he can't afford proper heirlooms
How? WoD throws money at you relentlessly.
Metzen just emailed me, WoW is being shut down on the 19th.
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Why isn't the link for the wowg Discord in the OP?
Yeah but that's the 19th of September, everyone's known that for months
The only difference is armor. And the 5% lost Int would amount to a minor difference while leveling. I'd say that you're a retard for being so bad you NEED the armor/5% INT while leveling.
hey guys im just goig to ask if the preatch is the 19th
>tfw some creep starts saying weird shit to you in-game

His last words were that he'll find me. I don't know why he gravitated towards me in particular. I was just chillin'.
>poorfag logic
>not memeing them into submission
I barely stopped myself from committing sudoku tonight. Left the apartment to walk around to keep myself from doing anything stupid. I'm not in the best mood for memes.
>I'm poor, the post
I don't really care that much if it's not optimal, but I'm not the one getting kicked from dungeons. Just throw away some of your worthless gold so you don't get kicked or stop being so bad you have no money unlike everyone else.
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Do you guys know if there's a full version of the last bit of music from the Wrathgate cutscene starting at 3 minutes?
Sounds a bit like a draenei or Naga-themed track, but I don't remember earing it anywhere else
Could you all shoot yourselves in the face?
>That first time you go through Halls of Valor

Fucking Ace dungeon, Blizzard
Why, what happened
>Not the magical hunting lands

tfw this will be ruined by midexpansion because you've ran it over one hundred times

Didn't capture a WebM of that part but yeah, that has to be the best part of the dungeon.
You're up in literal Blizzard's version of Valhalla but then they send you to some forest to kill a Wolf god? COMFY
Hi wowg. :)
Did you get tits yet
I'm (most likely) an unmedicated narcoleptic with severe depression and anxiety. My mom has cancer and lymphedema and isn't getting any better. My dad is extremely close to either losing his job or having a second heart attack.

I have to go to college full-time and volunteer part-time to maintain my scholarships, but attending class and staying awake is a struggle, let alone my mental health and my parents' health compounding the struggle further.

I'm also gaining weight at a faster rate, probably due to my large bouts of inactivity. The prepatch is the only thing keeping me here right now, m8.
My friend was literally in the same situation he quit college and got a random job to spend time with his parents and now he is pretty happy but they are dead now.
No not yet. But hopefully I'll be able to start transitioning soon. That'll be nice.
Is it possible to make 40k gold roughly in 3 days? I got some time from a GM, and i'm trying to get a game token in that time.

What does this mean?

My parents would never forgive me if I gave up my education for them. I've disappointed them enough. For example, I might be full-blown gay instead of bi like I assumed, which means I may have to eventually split from my loving boyfriend.

He's sleeping in the other room. I don't want to disturb him with my late night existential crises, but if we do split, I hope he finds a nice girl. He deserves to be happy and with someone who isn't a total mess.

I wish I had alcohol. Tonight is not a night for sobriety.
Don't tell them I mean it sound like they are going to die soon.
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Tis a hippu egg
hippu egg will hatch
hippu eggs need care
keep hippu eggs safe
hippu, hippu world awaits you
hippu, hippu don't be afraid
hippu, hippu world is safe
I will keep you safe
oh hippu, hippu when will you hatch
oh my hippu egg
we will sing
we will dance
happiness hippu, awaits us...

thats what it means
narcolepsy is not as common as you think

go to a doctor and tell him all of your symptoms
>no Aethas for mage
fuck you and ravandwyr blizz, i guess i'm using Kalec
this honestly bothers me
>no "UK" guilds
there aren't even any UK realms, it's EU

to be fair he's done a fat load of nothing since being introduced
Oh. You need to focus on your health. Depression and anxiety are things you need to fix yourself with counseling and soul searhing. If you keep doing what you're doing you'll never find time for yourself and fix your problems. You're quite literally feeding it
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>t. mad kraut his 4th reich is falling apart
enjoy your eastern yuropeans, la

when Russians, Germans, French, Spanish, Portugese have their own servers safe from Polacks, Czechs, Romanians and all sorts of trash
>to be fair he's done a fat load of nothing since being introduced
what is every blood elf
yes, ignore retards who haven't played during a launch. PvP season end is the prepatch day.
true, but that almost makes it worse. Aethas is actually relevant for mages in legion, and in the end he gets voted back in to stuff. so wouldn't it make sense for him to show his loyalty by assisting the mage champion?
Fuck, I've tried, m8.

I'm trying to get a sleep study scheduled, or a blood draw, or something. The doctors haven't been helpful at all. They just gives me a noncommittal answer of, oh, you're a young adult in college, of course you'll have weird sleep! Try to fix it before we do any testing.

And it is like... I consistently sleep 16 hours a day. I don't really control when I sleep. I take four to five naps a day that last about two hours each. I can't fix it. I've fucking tried. Stop writing me off because I'm "young." I literally can't stop myself from sleeping whenever I feel tired.
do you eat properly? maybe go outside more to adjust to a normal day/night?
>basically the Horde leader in Dalaran
>lol lets send him to his eternal fate at the mage table for reasons :^)
>Broll Bearmantle
Didn't he died?
>clear normal arch for the first time
>class trinket drops with nobody else in the class category
why the fuck is repudiation of war so awful for holy
the shadow effect is crazy
he's not the horde leader in legion's dalaran
and i pointed out before that the ranger general of SM is a follower, potentially for alliance hunters, so i guess factions don't matter
also aethas is on the neutral dalaran council
Well, shit. I thought that Malfurion had been wearing Broll's pauldrons for ages or something.
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look at this freaking water!
>Baby Thrall was one of the hardest characters to get right, designed for maximum cuteness with the right amount of Orc.


>Please note that the end of the season does not require a patch to the game, and will occur automatically.
in the movie? he looked very strange at the end
Yeah, I'm glad the movie tanked.
the shadow one is good but awkward. it's a debuff on the enemy instead of a buff on the player. And it being tied to mind flay makes it less efficent for cop.

Holy effect is complete shit, just like blood and frost dk. and survival hunter.
>430 million

I wonder if it's wet
China has guarenteed a sequel though.
>he thinks every cent from a ticket sale goes to the producers
>need 500m to break even


You mean the fake numbers that china is reporting? I doubt it.
Only in United "We are too mature for this, where's Tony Stark" States
I've had really fucked up sleep for the past 15 years and its fucked my life all up, I feel it man
it's probably because they specified a time, 2am or whatever it was. all it's saying is to not expect the patch at that time, it'll be normal patch time
they've had prepatch and last day of season be the same for the last 3 expansions or so, no reason to change it
yeah it was shit in so many ways, I went opening weekend in a pretty busy area and there was literally 5 other people in the theatre and 2 of them left halfway through

capefaggotry is still shit just well polished shit
Canticle makes me bawl and I don't even know why.
switch to a PvP realm, shit is fun and the only reason to join the retard battlegrounds queue or arenas is to get your gear, which you won't even have to do in legion.
>It's faked!

Chinese numbers are not fake. It's their business model, they have a cinema on every corner, considering their population this makes any movie make profit.
see >>148103743
>even the chinese are reporting fake numbers
>i-is not fake!


>cinemas reporting stupid high numbers, like 900% of the actual profit they can generate
>not fake

>I've never been to China:The Post
you have very very low standards if you thought the movie was good
You have NO standards if you didn't think it was good
>blizzurd y u no make movie epic like your cinematics
>Only ever could hit 2k in arenas as rogue
>should i even come back to legion or should i just relegate myself
tbf the cinematics are better than the movie, it would just be expensive as hell/take 20 years to make a movie length cinematic
you're fucking retarded, it was shit

the problem wasn't that it wasn't 'epic', they tried to make it 'epic' and it was boring and half assed as fuck
Who are you quoting?
the cinematics are better because they are short animated movies with no plot, blizzard can't write a movie.
You're a braindead faggot nigger
fat retard man babies clapping their asses off at a made for netflix tier piece of shit because lel he polymorphed that guy xD fucking kill yourselves
>most communist country on the planet letting a majority of revenue leave the country


Sorry, greentext is best text because autism
says the fucking retard that thought that pile of shit was good, fucking spastic faggot
Why did gul'dan sound so stupid in the Warcraft movie
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it understands
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>can't even farm firelands anymore since all of my bag slots are filled with transmog gear
I need the prepatch. Now.
mine are 700 health potions
hello friends
what toybox/treasure addons are the hippest to use now?
Stuffed on all characters, bank and void storage. At least I will get the achievement on patch day and never bother outside of farming instances for illusions
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It was fucking terrible.

>first half too lore heavy and takes things for granted, people who've never played the Warcraft games feel lost
>second half full of retcons and ORIGINAL DO NOT STEAL content, pisses all over the established lore
>that Saturday morning cartoon fight against Medivh

They didn't even keep the first game's climax in it (Orgrim forced to kill Blackhand's daughter by Blackhand himself and then betraying him to avenge her and all the Orcs Blackhand and Gul'dan had damned with the Fel)

pure fucking shit, I don't trust Legendary Pictures with Arthas' arc
>needing to stock up on equip to get achievements on patch day
>not getting it from quest rewards

lmaoing at your life
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>Get home from work
>This holy man of the DPS is blocking my door
>"So you thought I wouldn't find you?!?!?"
>Shit myself embearrassed
>Get my ass kicked

woa looks like paladins got nerfed pretty hard.....
I am proud that in your version of the game quest rewards constitute enough unique models to match the achievement.
is it worth doing bonus objectives with the xp potion or should you just loot treasures?
say that to his face not online idiot see what happens dumbo
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bring it on kiddo ...........
>teleports behind you
>unzips wow movie for true fans only
>slices apart my own dick
heh, nuthin perosnal kiddaroo
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u should try fighting a real paladin and not some wannabe loser........
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u kno not the forces ur wreckoning with.

ur done
>he doesn't have both versions of EK/Kalimdor loremaster
>most communist country



its more capitalist / corporatist than "communist"

and remember my friend, communism has never been tried :^)
Unless you mean pre-cataclysm, since the models are still same just different names and different areas.
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>old memelords fighting
make way... kids...
Literally who
will make a demon hunter, will most certainly not make it a main
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No one cared who I was till I put on the hood
>its a bunch of literal whos samefagging again episode

i am more pwoereful than any thing u can imagine......


ur a dumb dog not a holymen....
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check out this meem

no shit, what other versions of that achievement have existed
also, different textures on pieces = separate object in appearances tab, so if it's one model with 3 colours that counts for 3 pieces of equipment
>used free 90 level boost to get items for transmog from Pandaria
>none of the quests for the items are available

Did I fuck up? How do I do the quests I need to do? I want to collect the Stormscale Set.
still waiting for posts of voluptuous Draenei.
>That clipping
It's time to stop
Haha fag
ken ba shisho taiji woe kai!!!
Start Pandaria chain from, the Capital?
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sudden death or thirst?
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its time 2 stop
Sudden death
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Mumibun, reporting for duty!
Thirst does shit damage

wow what a shitty set
just get te BoE greens if you can't find the right quests
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Thanks. I'll try that.

It's the purple set. It isn't my permanent transmog set, just the one I want to level with.
Will the prepatch fuck our valor? Surely they won't let us save it for the expansion
Don't, I thought it was a pandaria set. Go to the bounty board in the capital and do cataclysm intro quests. Or you could hire someone to farm all those scales to craft the items.
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What could she be looking at..?
But they don't seem to have a level requirement.
changing the colour palette won't make the model look any less garbage

nizbun's dick
Checked on PTR, still there
Back dah F*** off of my GF you ***ing home wrecking **** ***** ****** *****
Anyone ever done a "No heirlooms, no dungeons, finish the whole zone's quests" leveling of a character recently?
Somewhere in January 2015 :^)
No because the game is still fucking easy and that makes it even more boring.
did it for elwynn/westfall, took 2 hours instead of 30 minute, you have to press 5 skills instead of one wow so hard
What made you do it then and how long had you been playing?

Obviously it's not going to be hard, but did reading quest text and following the storylines end up being fun?
>he thinks people read the quest text on their sixth time through content



I pretty much quest exclusively like that, unless the dungeon is tied to the questline, like in Silverpine Forest.
Because I didn't have heirlooms yet and I was leveling normally.
Ah, just being a cunt. Gotcha.

Really? You never worry about leveling speed? Interesting.

Oh, are you a relatively new player then?
>reading quest text and following the storylines end up being fun?
No because 90% of wow quest lore consists of "these guys are being mean. kill them!" and even if the story is allright it doesn't make up for boring "kill x/collect x" so called "quests".
No, I hardcore raided 2005-2008. Just never made alts outside of one I made in BC to sell extra ZA bears.
>boring "kill x/collect x" so called "quests"

that's pretty much all MMOs and some RPGs, m8

dunno why the fuck you're bitching about it in here
>all other games are like that, so it's fine!
The guy asked a question and I responded
Also runescapes quests aren't like that which sucks as the rest of the gameplay is mostly repetitive.
which death knight race combo has the worst luck

worgen dk


undead dk
I never worry about leveling speed, no. Why would I?
>runescape quests
groupings of multiple "kill/collect x" surrounded by blobs of dialogue

Forsaken by far
>hey how about we become stinky furries, so we can't be raised as undead
>lol k
>oops, you were raised as an undead aynway :^)

Undead are used to dying already. It doesn't matter if they do it 1 or 2 times.
Are you retarded? There's puzzles and dialogue options which shape the quest, It ENGAGES you assuming you don't look up a guide like a pleb. WoW barely has either puzzles or dialogue options. WoW quests most certainly do not fucking engage you, it's just oh I'll take this quest, kill these, boom done, do that hundreds of times.

fuck off faggot, runescape was a garbage game for poor kids
GOOD RED HERRING EVERYONE CLAP FOR THIS GUY. We are talking about quests in mmos, shut the fuck up.
Did you wake up with a death wish, or did you just decide you wanted to be destroyed you fucking little shit?
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reporting for daddy more like
Damn, I can't decide if I'd rather main my dk, druid or monk in Legion. Worst of all is I can't even decide which role I want to main. I guess I should go druid then, right?
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I'm deciding for you.
You'll play Frost.
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HOLY SHIT I'm sorry, I did not know I was dealing with a dangerous man, I take back everything, please don't take me out!
are you?

>puzzles and dialogue options that shape the quest
and how many actually change the sequence of events you go through? fuckall if I remember right, that game was about as linear as WoW is
face it nerd, runescape's quests are basically an outlier in the MMO landscape and the fact that you haven't brought up another example pretty much confirms that that's not going to change
that's what a i thought

*spins my twin katanas life and death around and sheathes them quickly*
>tfw none of the legion specs really feel fun to play

is it time to move on?
Ok maybe I exaggerate
In runescape, you are given a quest. There are puzzles in the quest you must solve to progress. The game makes you think. In WoW, you are given a quest, kill some enemies or collect something, and the quest is done. It's quick yet boring. It is linear, but it's better then most mmo quests, and I would love it if WoW quests were more engaging like that.
I have actually never done questing in cataclysm after the starting zones, until level 80 anyway

Are any of the zones enjoyable to play through or are they all shit?

You don't have to keep items, the transmog system knows what you picked up from drops/quests since way back
>Kel'Thuzad isn't on DK list


serious when are they bringing that motherfucker back
>Help me choose a class WoWg
>What's good in Legion WoWg xDDDD
Reminder this isn't discussions
Frost is the reason I want to stop DK. I played it all the time in WoD and it doesn't really seem better in Legion.
More than anything you've ever posted
there's literally nothing that catalogues drop history, though
Most are pretty boring now and you get dragged through the zones instead of exploring them.
uldum good
you say that like there was anything to explore after 7 years
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Are there any specs that are fun in legion?
a better question:
why do you think someone else has a better idea of what you find fun than you do
In WoD probably.

I mean what's there really to theorycraft anymore in PvE and who doesn't know how the literally only 5 comps work in the game for PvP

RBG's would be fun to talk about but literally no one does them because of rampant cheating
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What site did you use for this
Because I have zero motivation to play the PTR and fun is often objective, specs that have a varied rotation with fast gameplay and no waiting are good.

Watching MvP's get roasted is my fetish
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Neat, I wonder how accurate it actually is
Lose some weight you disgusting fat fuck.

You're not a Panda IRL.
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>tfw your children will one day ask you "daddy, what was the European Union?"
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>Silverhand highguards are wearing blessed undead slaying armor with custom judgment helmet
Fuck you blizzard for taunting that and reminding me I sold my blessed undead slaying gear to a vendor in wrath.
There's nothing wrong with panda bellies
You mean aside from all the health risks associated with obesity?

And the fact that's it's repulsive to women which is why none of you have gfs?
everything has like 4 buttons in legion
youre not gonna get a challenging class
and one of the few 'fun' specs you didnt list (combat rogue)
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>tfw i am kike that won't shed any shekels to buy out remaining non tcg pets
>selling a time-limited and unique-appearance item
>any year

your own fault, retard
Yeah it's bad for you for the most part but it's not like you can't be healthy and a little hefty

Who cares about having a girlfriend anyways. That's so irrelevant to happiness
you know this pre patch would be more exciting if all this datamining and social media for sharing beta info wasn't around. its really hard to log on surprised and check out all the new stuff when everyone's talking about it, even in trade.
Go fuck yourself you self-righteous douchebag. No one saw something like the transmog system coming. Bag space had priority over outdated gear.
>nobody saw a cosmetic appearance system coming

you're actually a retard and should probably clean all the drool out of your keyboard before it short-circuits
what do you want us to do about it, you idiot? damn man you lost a piece of gear, WHO CARES?
datamining has been strong since BC, it's your own fault for looking into it

judging by chat on your average day no one reads anything
Oh your some mighty fucking future teller? I bet your a wrath baby or some loser that came in later, go fuck yourself.
No one forced you to reply to my post, idiot.
same to you fag, you're wasting more time though
Did they confirm the prepatch coming out on the 19th or not for certain?
nope, 2.3 and got my own set of blessed battlegear, always knew there'd be mad fags like you to get salty over it

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It was a shitty miss matched set like most of burning crusade sets.
Enjoy your set never having matching gloves, feet or a helmet.
They said pvp season ends on the 19th so yes.
>Please note that the end of the season does not require a patch to the game, and will occur automatically.
When are you gonna admit you are gay?
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>implying people don't literally wear stuff that looks like shit purely because it was removed and they like being a speshul snowflake
You underestimate the power of autism
Whatever you believe

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Is this why I rarely see a paladin having sunsoul transmogged?
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when did they remove it
>rewards had to be patched in last time!
>there'll be a patch this time even though they don't need one!

top lel
they never did and they never will
You rarely see it because it's shitter looking starter gear and people will think you're a boosted shitter if you do wear it.
They didn't I was just asking if that is the reason why something like sunsoul, a very nice armor set but is rarely used because its a common armor since it comes with character boost and scavenging yard.

I personally love rocking it since its one of the few sets that go perfectly with the lightbringer tabard.
Why did you post it then?
I know for a fact that when the wardrobe comes out, blizzshit will fuck something up and you'll lose some random tmog item that you don't remember, and wont notice it in time. Just like with the rare BS recipes disappearing.
I'm not the cuckadin dude, did it not occur to you that there are multiple people replying to you?
>109 mounts
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taming loq
> few sets that go perfectly with the lightbringer tabard
people sure go through a lot of hoops to justify wearing a meme piece of gear
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>Paying money instead of buying game time with gold
>>Paying $15 instead of $20

I don't get how basement cucks justify this
>not playing since time tokens were 13K and now sit at over 45K
>meme piece of gear
>Literally the only fucking Silver hand tabard in game
Not my fault Blizzard fucked over Human/Dwarf paladins with tabards while giving belfs and goatfurfags paladin tabards.
>sent someone nudes to get an archimonde carry
>didn't get the carry

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What the fuck are you smoking, some cuck pays the $20 while I pay the gold
>Implying I didn't stock up on game tokens when they were cheap
Still doesn't mean I'm going to stop buying game tokens. Already got two bank alts with their banks full of game tokens. I'm riding this game to the fucking end without paying a cent outside of buying the expansions.
it's a shitty meme tabard and you're a fag for liking and using it

this is fact
You don't pay more money. Some normalfag who's too dumb to farm gold is.
Nah, I'll keep on rocking it as a warrior of the light.
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Who wants something as useless and ugly as a gf?

I would much rather have a fellow chubby gay bf to play wow with :3
and cuddle while watching terrible found footage horror movies :3

Top lel, get cucked prostitute xD

>Someone isnt a beta bitch to want be cucked by women in hopes that it ll somehow make their lives better
>he must be gay
Oh the genius smart detective is here , careful not to burn a brain cell with those l33t thorough investigation thoughts ;^)
until you realise how badly your entire class gets shafted and you reroll

actually the normalfags aren't even paying which is why the token price is rising
Ralph needs to die right fucking now.
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Holy fuck I love Demon Hunters.
It's dropping on both EU and NA
i did a little, fell asleep and didnt get to say goodnight D:

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>Death Knight

Who is the better battlemage and why?
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Been playing since the releae of this game as a ret paladin, going to keep on chugging along like I always do.

You may spit on me, call me lolret, not invite me to heroics let alone raids but I will persevere and move forward because I am wielder of the light.
so you're saying you unironically enjoy eating shit
Can you be any more of a stereotype?
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You may reroll and run away from a class just because it gets weaker for a time but I hold my resolve and do not back down.
I bet he masturbates to cuck porn too
Speaking of meme specs, does anyone even remember them getting serious play?

We kept rets, dps shamans, shadow priests to ZG/MC sell runs.

The only time we used Shadow priest seriously was on patchwerk and it was nightfall warrior tier gain.

who is the better melee class and why?
Enhancement Shaman is THE battle mage. I don't know how to fulfill that fantasy in a MMO better than that.
I don't think Death Knights can be regarded as battle mages. Maybe Unholy as a melee necromancer.
>trying this hard to justify why you gobble up shit on a plate when Blizzard serves it to you

l e l
l e l
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How do you effectively target friendlies in arena without clicking the party frames as a healer?

I'm thinking of using the Q, E and F keys to target each one.

Is there a better way?
Mouseover casts

If you play the same people you could probably macro their names into spells and use modifiers
i just use the function keys
>Want to play a feral druid but don't want to be lopped with furrys
What is a good pve server that no one will rag on you for playing a feral druid?

Beta alert
>feral druid
Worgen and Pandas are furries
They're bound to F1, F2, F3, etc. by default, iirc.
>pve server

Uninstall yourself from my universe.
Go look at the RP server furries. They're literally all feral Druids.
le ganking shitter face
Shut the FUCK up pussy.
lmao u mad cus its true
>Playing world of warcraft for a minigame
Might as well go play candy crush on your phone faggot.
Get out of my thread beta numales.
>wow look at me I'm so hardcore getting oneshotted by level 100s of the opposite faction
just made a new dk for legion, fastest way to level to 100? got full heirloom set but new server so no gold. tanking dungeons?
Quit yappin and get ready to prep the bull little queer.
>PVPcuck still absolutely anally annihilated

apex kek
>said fukkboi anon while getting his bp ravaged
by what, exactly? there's no roaming spastics shooting people out of the air on PVE servers
>get 9 fel sluge stacks
>dragon's roar, ravager, bladestorn, impending victory, glyph of rallying cry
>1v7 horde babies at saberstalkers bosses

You aint ready for this dick.
By this dick.
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>gets kited
>shits his pants

>gets fucked
>shits his bp
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Level <85 experience elixir (last 1 hour, give 300% additional experience) are account-bound and can be used to powerlevel through 60-85.
You can farm this elixir by killing the Nagrand rares that give reputation with Steamwheedle Preservation Society.

This is what I usually do. You will need a high level buddy (from any realm), preferably with fast flying and a passenger mount (Sandstone Drake or the RAF mounts) and two experience elixirs.

Go to Hellfire Peninsula, fill your log with as many quests as possible (avoid "talk to X" quests, or complete those to unlock more, as they give almost no exp) and complete them but do NOT turn them to the NPCs. You should be 22/25.
Go to the Hellfire Ramparts dungeon with your buddy, pick the three quests inside and stop before the last boss. Drink your experience elixir, kill the last boss and turn in the three dungeon quests.
Now fly through Hellfire Peninsula turning in every quest you had in your log.
Use your remaining time on repeating dungeons, preferably Hellfire Ramparts as it is short and it's basically a circle where you end in the entrance. Starting on level 65 you can do the Ring of Blood in Nagrand for mad experience.
You should have more than enough time to reach 70 with a single elixir.

Same as before but replace Hellfire Peninsula with Boreal Tundra and Hellfire Ramparts with the Nexus (four quests inside).
Do not repeat the Nexus. Once you are done with Tundra Boreal quests, and if you're 75 (you should, else repeat the Nexus once) do the Amphitheater of Anguish quests in Zul'Drak. If you aren't 78, do the Gun'Drak dungeon until you hit 78.
Once you hit 78, go to Blackrock Mountain (yeah, it's far away, the Grim Guzzler teleport helps) and start doing Blackrock Caverns like a madman. You should reach 82-83 this way before the elixir expires.
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Kill yourself furfaggot degenerate.
yo why cant i create a new level 100 premade on the ptr?

says i can only copy characters and make levels 1s
They disabled it a few days ago.
but why
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What is it, did cute pvp male panda groups fluster your butt ;^) ?

We are many :3
they figured out it was the freeloaders putting more stress than usual on the servers so they disabled the only thing drawing them to the PTR
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Would you not find it hard to click and move at the sametime? (Assuming you use your mouse to move and not your keyboard?)
I could actually work with that, cheers
They always do it for some reason.
Next time you should hurry and create a level 100 character of each class.
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R-ret was good in wrath at least
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ye, normie expansion + viable meme specs is a recipe for disaster
spicy as fuck, thank you m8
how long does it take to farm a couple elixiris?
you can farm them forever and never get one. I kill rares for 30 minutes waiting BMAH every other day and seen the bag that may contain them once.
It's pure RNG. Last time it took me around 2 hours to get one, but I got the second one within 15 minutes. Just keep killing them and realm hopping if needed.

I suppose everyone knows this already but for 92-100 you can use two 15 minutes experience potions (they are very cheap in the AH, 1k-2k) and complete bonus objectives. Amassing quests in Gorgrond helps too, especially the eight monster hunter rares.
>that feelio when some of your pre-patch money schemes seem unreliable because people will just dump shit for vendor prices
When do bags sell the most :o ?

Prepatch or at the start of legion
Vendor price casuals are not going to craft the illusion tomes, anon.
They are going to dump shirts and bracers though.
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>decide to crank up the game after leaving on WoD
>Surely the Pvp isn't as bad as it was right?
>no one attacks the enemy healers
>no one fights on the objectives
>it's even worse than what it was
I set myself up for this
No one buys bracers. They are not even visible in some races.
>attacking healers
way to lose, you need to CC healers fucktard. Or do you realize that shit like disc priests takes a flat 15% damage reduction from all sources?
I thought we were having a high level discussion here
Out of curiosity.
What is the most fun EU RP server at the moment.

I don't mind if it's a PvP server or a PvE server.
What, didn't it only require 25? When did they increase it?
Shit, I thought it was basically a free title and a shitton of free achievements because you'd get it from already completed quests alone.
>literal faggot title
Welp, there are a lot that play this game
>not having enough character's that it's a free achievement

Like a month ago
200 cloaks
15 shirts
15 tabards?
100 rest
even worse.

Training healers is fucking shitter tier play, they are just going to spam heals while casters freecast into your asshole
I sure as fuck don't have 100 bracer appearances only from quests done by all my characters.
From what I know, Argent Dawn is the only one that's really alive.
I'm having fun there, at least.
anybody else can't connect to bnet?
>boost a new character to 100 after legion launches
>do the artifact quest lines
>vendor artifacts for 150-200g EACH
Spider mount here I come
I don't like how class fantasy means warriors have only one 1.5 minute cooldown cc and mages have ring of frost for aoe and sheep over and over, as many times as they want
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>needing crowd control when you can beat them to death
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Now I only need to convince people with Rick Purple Silk Shirt recipe not to sell them for 30g en masse
Are you planning to make big money selling shirts?
Just buy them all up, monopolize the market.
That shouldn't be more than 25% share of what I have prepared.
I takes 1 minute in dustwallow marsh to make 1 rich purple silk shirt, I can't fathom the demand where I can buy up and resell as fast as that cunt farms to make another one
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>tfw have to talent haste talents to do all those boxes and get in skrimishes to reset D:
>its a retarded autist holding onto thousands of salvage crates for no reason episode

admit it, you won't use a single BoE that comes out of them for mogging
>riding a mount you paid for

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can someone give me a bit of gametime please ;_;

First of all, you can boost up your appearance number with greens. DE mats will be in demand for tomes. Blackrock bulwark can drop and it sells for a lot because it has updated textures compared to Bulwark of Azzinoth.

You hold on them to save space and open before pre-patch to sell follower tokens.
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>people rather jew it up on AH instead of playing the game

>steamrolling over 8 year old raids is "playing the game"

uh casualtards?
sent ;)
>takes me 4 executes to kill someone

>boost up your appearance number
>not getting that shit on day 1 from quests

>enchanting mats
never not in demant

>but muh rare world drops
just as likely from a random mob in an assault area, why don't you go and farm those?

what's likely going to happen is exactly the same shit as right now, you're going to vendor everything except the trade mats and probably list those on the AH
>used to play with everything on good just to get 40-60 fps
>reinstalled the game recently
>getting 60-80 fps
>check settings
>everything set on ultra by default

How is this possible? I haven't done any upgrades since I stopped mid WoD.
Do you think it records what quest rewards you picked?
Completed quests are flagged.
Eligible rewards from flagged quests are added to the collection.

Nothing hard.
changed os?
I went from win 7 to win 10 and it was a huge fps increase in any games for me
Haven't changed anything at all, not even addons or drivers. I thought maybe they patched something.
Wait, win 10 gives increased performance in games?
kill yourself
What OS?
>tfw our boy asmongol is a degenerate
everyone who plays wow is, come on
For me at least it did, never heard anyone else saying the same thing though.
Can you buy the rope? I spent my money on the last trendy apps
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Just realized I'm a sheltered asshole who don't know nothing about life.

Are you faggots really gay?

Also, who wants to start a guild to spout memes all day?
Yeah this is probably one of the higher concentration of non-ironic gay people on /vg/
So what's the paladin aoe heal in Legion besides this cone of cold light?
And your proof of this is where?
people copying characters over to the beta and the system working exactly like that
>spout memes all day

Only the gays would do that. Fucking fag.
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next people gonna ask for proof that demon hunters are coming?
>demon hunters are coming

excuse me?
You can vendor artifact weapons? Why?
looks a bit like Diablo 3's Imperius
I wonder what asmongol's mom is like.
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still the best BG after all this time
>the demon hunter meme
there's no proof that there'll be a new class in legion
So good they remade it four times!
You and me are brothers.
which order hall gets the most waifus
trying to copy their former success :^)
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Sure but only with big Banda healer friends making it a pub stomp :3
I'll do whatever the fuck I want bitch, you aint deciding my main for me.
That's not Alterac Valley when resources and strategy mattered.
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>not being exalted on both horde and alliance for the best wams in the game
>not being justicar and conqueror
Hey guys I'm going to become gay when Legion comes out, what race and class should I roll?
rogue like the faggot you will become
new fresh 100 here, what should I be doing to get my character ready for legion? what fun things can I do now i'm 100 too
> what should I be doing to get my character ready for legion?
> what fun things can I do now i'm 100 too
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>going to become gay
Oh that is not how it works.

Depends on your body type and attraction :p
They really should make a gear catchup at leaves you at ilevel 700.

Trying to gear a Holy Paladin so I can do a few raids to get into a decent guild is hell.

Grinding Assran all day is beyond soul crushing
woaw hey /wowg/

you get it?
Being gay is a choice stupid, I'm going to chose to become gay now and have guys fuck my bum

>They really should make a gear catchup at leaves you at ilevel 700.

that's what assram is you dumb fuck, take it or leave it

>caring about gearing this close to 7.0

top wew
Is the fishing pole that drops from GR fishing the best in the game?
make your own group for mythic dungeons, tanaan gear has a chance to become 695 with valor upgrades to 705, ashran, there u go stop being a retard
wasn't Tyrande supposed to have golden eyes?
But that doesn't mean you need to be fucked in the bum.

Unless you yourself want to ;^)

Some gays are exclusive tops or bottoms
>realm hopping
haven't done this for a while, how would you go about doing this without having friends on other realms?
>Want to raid in Legion
>Don't have a ton of WoW raiding experience
>Get a guild to give me a tryout on Heroic this Tuesday
>Need to gear before then so I do decently

I legit only played 2 weeks of WoD so I am trying to catch up.

Assram is just so boring
simply epic
There is an addon designed with that purpose: Cross Realm Assist. It joins open groups with one click.
Mumi is a dumb cunt
>expected anything different.
yummy tauren cummies in my tummy
gotta be seriously fucked in the head to willingly get your dick cut off, fucking degenerates
tfw mumi makes cummies on your tummies
shut the fuck up idiot
>Not wanting to pound mumis bp into submission
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>Holinka says they are gonna nerf classes with huge uptime
>sub rogue damage nerfed
>big bara Orc wars not nerfed, huge damage with ridiculous mobility
So...Metzen has corrupted holinka with his big bara strong Orc warrior fetish?
I'd rather have mumi fuck me honestly
I'll fuck you if you have a girl cock and a tight bp
My penis is 6 inches small so it's pretty feminine and I have a tight bussy
>tfw I'll never ever ever have the purple raven lord

Can't wait to fill up that hole and make you feel like the weakest faggot ever
Asmongol just confirmed he's our boy.
Can we cuddle after and you be the big spoon?
Of course we can cuddle and kiss :)
new thread
He's racist and he browses 4chan.
What race are you?
how is he racist
>white male
>not racist
Whatever you want me to be
He hates niggers and supports trump.
Ok I only cuddle with black guys so hopefully you're black
is there an active guild for deaf players? I keep searching for them but it seems they are all disbanded.
Go on his twitch.
Do you sometimes imagine what colours look like?
did he get redpilled by that fat virgin ret player that hangs on his stream?
I've been watching for the past hour, haven't seen him say he hates niggers or whatever
I have no idea, I don't watch him usually.

Duh, you need to be listening, not watching, dumbo.
No idea. Maybe try the guild recruitment board.
K, well do you have a timestamp
Here's your (You)
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Never heard of those
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>undead is STILL the only non-shit horde race
When will they fix Tauren???
blood elf is best
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Pre-patch when?
August the 29th.
looks like you have to play huntard faggot
Let it be Rouge.
Do you even know what a timestamp is, you fucking newfag retard
Fuck you, I wanted mage but got huntard
ok frendo :^) got a link anyway?

>(with the exception of flying machines)
My nigga
Well, nothing changes I guess
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