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Blade and Soul General /bnsg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 809
Thread images: 233

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Would you? Edition

>New Content [July 20, 2016]
>Server Merges(ish) [July 14, 2016]

>/bnsg/ servers
Mushin/Poharan is for NA
Jiwan is for NA RP
Windrest is for EU
Ebon Hall is for EU RP

>/bnsg/ Clans Info

>BnS Resources

>Soul Shield and Gear Cheat Sheet

>Automated Equipment Suggestions


Previous thread: >>147786049
Crimson #1
Death to the traitors
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Crimson #1
It's 1 key every 5 boxes or so if you are a bit lucky, so just Kill 1K terrors m8.
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EU Sura/Nexus 4 or 6man
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#1 at getting farmed
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xth for dark lyns.
NA Sura/Nexus 4 or 6man +JSY
2 in the lobby so far
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Daily Challenges ft. Cold Storage
NA #573610
That nostalgic screenshot
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I want this lyn.

How can I have this lyn?
What do you guys do when you feel like a failure
You join the daily challenges with me and these cuties >>147852083
Nth for green and purple meme magic.
Drink until you can't remember why you feel like a failure.
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Bamboo #1
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Maraku's really gone downhill after trollington hit him with that shovel and he resorted to drinking his life away
so basically everyone just does heuk once a day, and then the rest of ssp is literally just grindtooth+terror farming right? the other phases feel like shit
max rank people farm berserkers too
>tfw netopi will never try to claim your lyn
why live
I am sorry but I am afraid there is no way to have me!
I am a free soul.
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Don't worry i'll clear that NA pirate infestation out some day. It'll be nothing but a utopia when i'm done.


pls anon. That was when I left Friend and became an alcoholic hit man. No great good, no just cause.
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I'm gonna intimidate Waseem into never queuing again, and then maybe I can do arena again.
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Could be a little meatier. Nice effort, though.
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#1 losers.

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Burn their women, loot their crops, rape their cities
who is that?
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Small Jins, and a photobomb.
Ask Courante
I misinterpreted what you said as "Rape their trees"
wait is waseem actually TheWickedKingHAHA?? holy fuck i never made that connection

no wonder everyone memes that guy so hard in regionchat
You can't fight us.
Join us.
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which one of you guys left their phone behind?
TheWickedKinghaHAA is Vreezi.

You did well Vam. Head pats later.


This is why you all need to be put into the ground. The only justice you all require is death.
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Why do I find to so hard to connect with people?
same i manage to connect with someone and they stopped talking to me ;_;
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That's a shame, you're one of the cutest lyns I've seen in the general so far. Hit me up if you ever want to have some fun.
because inside you know that youre a homosexual but you think that it's a feeling that will just go away (it wont) or that you can act like completely disappointing your parents by not giving them grandchildren wont completely consume your life from this point on (it will)
Fuck off Gyro
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fuck me gyro
Best ss setup for 6v6 and general pvp?
Why in the actual fuck did I check the thread. Holy shit. Fuck this, fuck everything, fuck it all.
5 challenger 3 sparring all infused with crit defense
What's wrong anon?
does it matter which pieces I use for either?
like pve its 357 be ido and rest asura
>mfw i dont get credit for pig as a 620ap FM

fuck mushin
I'm sorry.
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Is it me or does randomizer make better sliders then 80% of bns lyns?
I declined one of the few people who actually wants to play with me... I'm just used to declining bots alright. I'll just go get drunk now I guess, it's Friday night after all.

Are you me?
Ufi pls come back
i want to do a flip and twist in eristic's chocolate boy vagina!
it's boypussy

the actual vagina
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through mods {hair+clothes} and slider black magic I made Yura.
And all around decent looking even with additions.
I'm happy with it
looks ugly tbqh
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this is a pretty creepy smug faced I just capped
Why didn't you just use one of the innumerable Yura presets?
Lyn shoes!
Sorry it isn't a generic lyn, I didn't read the general before making/investing time into my character, but thank you senpai.
not accurate enough
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Naryu Lab and Mandate for Daily Challenge!

NA #590444
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Not enough hugs in this thread.
Goodnight /bnsg/
It's just you.
Rilo I want to do lewd things to your lyn.
>I made Yura

No, you didn't.
Does this count as a hug?
Nexus 6

NA #591495
Can I do lewd things to rilo with you?
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One spot open!
your boipussy?
so can we all agree that Ufiaw was the two faced anon now?
plenty of room there
Stop posting Ufi, no one cares about you anymore.
when do we get yura outfit
i care about her
Well she left without saying anything and blocked everyone she knew, so obviously she didn't care about you.
looks like it to me
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Who should be featured in NTR?
Not him, but I liked ufi. Enjoyed talking to her when she actually responded and thought she was qt irl. Sad that she ditched me and everyone else.
>nearly 4 THOUSAND screenshots
jesus fuck dude you might have a problem

also not your blog
Kyoppi as the guy getting cuck
This is almost like a given

Then you need to fix your eyes.
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My head feels too big and too round. Any good tips for making a more angular lyn face?

Everytime I look at my face straight on it looks too round and I hate it.

here's another dude, only around 700 more til the milestone.
totaly reroll
Try a fgon
4 thousand is nothing.
ill give you a head too big and round if you know what i mean
whoops, I mistook the 2 and 7. I have no problem with taking tons of screenshots I know a few people who mash ss like normies mash like, but a picture is not necessarily NEEDED for every post
Try yun
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Lair/Necro/Yeti maybe Asura afterwards

NA #595306
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>only around 700 more til the milestone
Mine is only 1K, but I'm almost there. Also round is good.
I don't post a picture with every post. I only post about 2 or 3 pictures most threads, sometimes 1.

A lot of people post way more than I do, so don't see the big deal.
Try changing facial complexion, reducing cheek size, messing with jaw sliders, and chin sliders
I'm at 2572, haven't taken that many screenshots lately
My cheeks are down almost as far as they go, I'll mess with jaw and chin now.

(also brown hair looks nice)
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>come back from afk to hear moans and Netopi rubbing her tanned ass on my screen in full zoom
Asian screwed up their sliders and accidentally maxed face roundness instead of eye roundness.
Try raising the position of your cheeks too, when the cheeks are lower they add more weight to the bottom side of her face.
fucking lord dude take a break
give her some gold
I really hope that I never become as delusional as you.

>posting pictures every.single.thread
>doing so multiple times even
>b-but others do it even more!
2 or 3 is extreme lowball
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I didn't, I don't like asian sliders, they're too goofy

Hmm I think it's looking a bit better now. thanks! I'm going to be playing with this for a while now.
What are you talking about? I never said I started playing 2 months ago
Hi Prudence
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>admits to becoming the new eristic
>doesn't know why he's being shitposted
>complaining about people posting character screenshots in a weeb game with more character creation sliders than game content

I don't think there are enough psychiatrists and psychotropic medications in the world to reduce your delusion level that much anyway.
>>admits to becoming the new eristic

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pleasee respond
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Are you wanting a more angled jaw line such as this?
Mfw I have 21339+ (in 6 months).
Huh? Wasn't me and I don't recognize who it is.
There is plenty to talk about in this game you faggot. A new update was announced literally 2 days ago and instead of discussing it or anything at all we're still spamming these shit characters everyone has already seen a gazillion times for no fucking reason at all. It's like your purposefully blocking content out so you can keep this place as your personal hugbox.
>not recognizing your waifu
you fucking disgust me donnie.
How do you get good at PvP as FM?
live in texas
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I already bitched about people not mentioning the last major update and titty monster finally making her appearance in NA/EU when I redownloaded the game earlier this week.
You play fm
I'm not exactly a rear person and I've spent so long away from the game that I got Rilo and Zelotus confused.
looking for a static to autism grind skins from shattered masts on patch day
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Let's discuss. Strats for new dungeons? Is Gloomdross like necro? Is Shattered Masts like BSH? What will the new BiS SS set be? When are we getting new HM skills?
I walked out on Ratatouille in theaters because I couldn't tell who was who.

No. No. Corrupted. 20th.
fuck off back to Dojo faggot
bis will stay 248 challenger rest asura until desolate tomb comes out
Remember when zelotus was a cute blue haired lyn? This is way worse.
>Strats for new dungeons?

I think it's about the point you start needing post-secondary education in statistics and game theory just to read a guide to one.
rilo is the one that looks like a slut
zelotus is the one that looks like a whore
How about AP? Will 600 with 210% cdmg be enough?
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>discussing strats about content that hasn't arrived yet
I am no slut

You funny guy, anon.
To hell with it then.
But the thread wants game discussion.

We aren't getting corrupted yet, are we?
Remember when Zelotus wasnt a two faced piece of shit?
You could suck a golf ball through a garden hose don't lie.
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Zelo is cute

That isn't very nice, anon.
Remember when Ufiaw wasnt a two faced piece of shit? oh wait
I ask because the guys I've seen in videos are 600~650 yet take ages with the fights in shattered masts
What's the order of importance for Sin HM skills?

I'm thinking about trying to move into Dark build, but don't know what HM skills I need to make it better than Lightning.
Fuck off zel.
Please stop being mean, ufi is nice.

You can't DPS mindlessly, is all.
you don't go dark unless you have all 3
>he wants to be a dark meme sin

I'm really sorry your plane didn't crash to put you out of your misery
The core HM skills you absolutely need for Dark build are the BSH book for Venom Slash and HM Mist Slash. You definitely want to get HM Heart Stab as soon as possible since it's a massive dps increase but you'll still be able to play dark build with only the first two though it won't be nearly as good.
>I don't even play sin

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idk they're just animals to me.
I like cute lyns like Sym, Coy, Ahoka, and Zina. They could be pets. But when you have such an emphasis on the white or platinum blonde, I just kinda think of them as naked mole rats or something. Of course there's a market for that, but I wouldn't invest.

I also think there's a difference between cute and "sexy" (aka slutty).

I like cute. My character is cute. Ufi is cute in a tomboyish way. Nuffin is cute.

I generally see things like Eirin or >>147862824
as slutty. Also every GonF ever. Fuck GonF players. Most of them just look like Bots with clown makeup on and super saturated brown skin. Not necessarily a bad thing, just not what I tend to favor.

Sorry for blogging.
>I generally see things like Eirin or >>147862824 as slutty.

i love you courante
Damn, that's unfortunate, won't be able to afford that for a long time. I'm really starting to get annoyed with Lightning and how terrible it is when you lose stealth and can't re-enter.

The BSH book is pretty cheap, but I have no idea where to get any of the other HM skills, and they seem to all be stupidly expensive. Is RMB the one from Asura Ember?
>still haven't added my favorite outfit to the store

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>you missed buying your favorite outfit and will never have a chance to get it again
For those who didn't hear or see Mecha Obongo yet. This would be his 6th or 7th form?

I assume you're referring to me. I liked ufi, you edgy faggot.
Any chance for an alternative method to getting Bully/Wild Horse? Because shit is gonna be dead as fuck when the new content rolls in.
if they race changed or something, please spare me. I don't want to see it.
Does the Hidden Merchant sometimes sell gems?
kys ipikki
>hating femgons and sluts

this is why no one likes you anymore.
Keep crying bitch nigger.
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>tfw courante dislikes all of my looks
>Want to transmute premium stones
>70% failure rate
>Moonstones are 4.5g each

My heart is sinking.
When are you going to actually leave.
i just failed 5 times today
Just because people won't erp with you doesn't mean you should shit post them
Is this the same ippiki from ff14 general? The best, top tier tank world wide?
no, just a meme

t. anon
are the two key boxes worth opening in ssp?

good joke
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Come with us to do dailies and get disappointment today!
NA #608473
I would but I'm stuck sitting here waiting for the stupid fucking scorpion event to start since that's part of the daily.
ippiki is a legit good tank in ff14
There's plenty of time to wait.
first off, that guy is a turbo autist creep who thirsts way too hard on top of his shitposting brigade

two that game you just faceroll as a tank, easily the easiest of the three jobs. being a "good" tank is nothing to even bother mentioning. but the game is bad anyway.
freedomplays' has translated Korean guides that are better than anything a Westerner would be arsed with.
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What outfit is your favorite?
Who is the cutest Lyn?
fuck off prudence
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Who /burka/ here?

Let us combat the rampant slutting around.

Purity has it's value and it is placed higher than giving up your lewds for just about anyone who would cum on your picture!
who is your server waifu?
my mushin waifu is Liro
my poh waifu is generic
my Dochun waifu is coy
and I still haven't found my Jiwan waifu yet
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Nicely done bro
who is liro?
All of them
How come you didn't accept my friend request? ;-;
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rip the dream
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There is also one on the previous thread
did anyone save the nuffin one? that was pretty cute
s-so it was an accident?
Your first look was average as it can get.
Your Goth look was pretty cute and original.
Your current lyn is probably the most unique one (Not counting crazy slider ones) I have seen. You look nothing like other lyns.
Don't worry you are still cute

Goodnight NA friends.
Daily Challenge
NA #612793
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>tfw pickle will never make a collage of you

Why even live?
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600+ ap lobby.png
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Of course, it shows your account name instead of your character name.
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I will add you next time we are in a lobby then, please do not be sad.
Go back to iran and blow yourself up, you fuckin retard.
Is that giant marshmellow sucking her off? That's why she looks like she's having a mind blowing orgasm?
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Is the only way to get Beastbog Treasure keys from GHS raid?
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3/6 Come play with a washed up pvper
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Wow this is the nicest

Thank you so much and good night!
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You just wait..
any asura/nexus6?
Post some tunes bnsg
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I miss femghoul
I hope everyone accomplishes their goals today and has a great night!

Sweet dreams /bnsg/
Hi Tilu
I got nothing of worth in the Daily Challenge box and pouches
Are you the same anon that tells everyone to kill themselves?
no i just started saying it when zel started posting again
I know that feel, brother.
Looking forward to it

RIP in peace

Tunes you say?
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Got a lot of dungeons done with a nice group of anons, and was able to upgrade my gear a little further. Seeing my AP gradually go up feels good.

Good night thread~
Let's hope you all get your ruby by the end of the event.
Ghoul, you look like a dork______________________!
Good night ayy lmao lynboi

I love film score. Does that genre count as tunes?
is this werety?
Nope, NA anon
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Good night, traplyn. Rad dreams

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Need one more to carry my little brother Reto in asur4.
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I like you pickle. What would it take for you to talk to me outside of the thread?
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>xth for just letting the ears clip through headgear
Say what you will about FFXIV, at least they altered headgear for Mithra to accommodate their ears.


ask discord
Dont ever reply to me again loser.
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why do you even ask here
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Don't you ever reply to me or my waifu's son ever again.
>reto playing B&S and not drawing more trees.
fuck you and fuck this game
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Your son smells his own farts.

His trees are terrible. I'm still shocked he draws worse than a 2nd grader. But he is my little brother so I put up with Reto.
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why not? three of us want to play and we need one more!
Cold Storage
NA# 620424
just because they are terrible doesn't mean he has to give up. Every bad tree is just one tree closer to a good one.
2348R CY2784XDRBY2384XCRTB78TX5423XRT8924T5RCF347RFG34TGBF278G2478FG2789YHFV78924CRFYH79821YHGF4378EY2789GVY78912YGVF42789YUHFG78927
That's a shit rotation.
>warlock rotation
>me playing pvp
why do people who don't play still post here
Looks like she's about to wet herself.
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ufi just needs to embrace it since she keeps coming back
looks like she is taking it from behind
Where are the spacebars?
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Tell me something I don't know

cause I don't have any friends.
because they crave the attention

look at courante: he randomly left discord channels because no one was paying attention to him and a day later started shitting up the thread again even when he isn't welcome anymore. goes to show how pathetic some people are that they can't stand not being in the spotlight
Both are good.
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Reached 50, yay.
Time to gear up!
i hope courante comes back on the 20th
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I hope Courante comes on me
Why do people who post here tell people who do play the game to not post here?
forgot to post song /embarrassed

Why do people complain about me being a literal who and tell me to fuck off when I post lobbies here, but then complain about no lobbies immediately before and after?
you look like charcoal.
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who are you
I don't join lobbies when I'm here in this thread because people are fucking assholes to me on the thread.
I'm eating a burrito right now

A literal who
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>Click link
>It's not gangsta rap, gospel or trap
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Is that bad.
I don't see how the discord and thread have anything to do with each other. You're treating it as if they're one and the same.

For a Lyn it's actually fitting.
I-is your cat okay?
I left the discord because I realized that I couldn't stop oozing everytime I jumped into the voice channels.

Also I had to go to the store to buy some whole grain breads.
You welcome him? You let him in the discord originally because you thought he was doing his depressed emo stuff and didn't want to deal with it. Why are you the one who makes stuff up?
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What even is this infamous "Discord"? I always hear about it negatively but never seen.
who care.....
>making up shit
bitch please we all know how much of an attention whore courante is he's even worse than you.

what's not to get? he couldn't get the attention he wanted from discord since people actually talk about the game so he left it and now he's back here posting dumb shit like making a VN even when literally nobody gives a fuck
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Uh what?

I feel that anyone brings their drama to this thread such as yourself are attention whores. Blow me.
>Blow me.
I would if you let me!
You bring drama to the thread by simply posting your pictures, why dont you fuck off and the thread can be at peace. Same with the rest of your discord fuckbuddies.

You are the biggest attention whore of all.
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I love how my pictures trigger you. Maybe you should go back to tumblr since you're so sensitive.
Oh, it's just NoSek. Okay, thanks for clearing that up anon.
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idk I'm just saying shit.

You know how Bill Murray kinda seemed like, instead of really acting as the character, acted as Bill Murray realizing he's supposed to be acting as a character. He'd go with the flow but usually a lot of his lines were improv and off the rails. I kinda feel like that. Sometimes I read a post and go along with it's narrative, sometimes I just make up my own posts. Really I just say whatever pops into my head like a sperg. I might be on the spectrum. You can quote me.

>back here posting dumb shit

I never left. It's not like I left the thread to go to discord. I was in both at the same time, then I left the discord because of the game talk and the "hi cute, cuter, cutest" pokemon evolution compliment spam. It was too much input man I had to keep scrolling the page and really work out the clitorical flickerus muscles in my mouse wheel finger. it was too much so I dipped.

what's on the 20th?
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Another night of being alone and sad. I will never have any friends in this korean grindfest. I will never have anyone to tell me it's okay and that I still have purpose in this world.
How's it going, my nigga?
new patch on the 20th
I will tell you it is ok but you have to forge your own purpose.

What is in the patch that you think might make me want to play again?
let me add you

What server are you on?
He wasn't posting pictures for a week and the thread still had drama.
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>shitty merchants for a week straight
>finally get the best merchant
y-you too
dukk is cute
Are you some special sort of selective memory fuckhead? There's more than 4 people who brings drama in this thread and you're one of them for trying to start it.
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Your hair reminds me of pulled pork
Implying Eristic isn't a "selective memory fuckhead" for "forgetting" about things he's done and has tried to play them off in the past.
Hajoon. ;_;
Doesn't change the fact you're trying starting drama right now. What makes him so special when so many of the people in the thread pulled the same shit?
>tfw I'm not being called the biggest attention whore.
phew, I'm moving up in the world
mostly eu drama T B H
post names of people who start drama as much as him

oh wait you can't because they don't exist
Or moving down. You're not longer top shitdog.

Isn't Hajoon merging with a couple other servers on the 14? Make an alt on one of those servers and get to know people there!
Ever seen Kyoppi on a whine fest?
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I rather add you so everyone doesn't know how much of a sad depressing person I am. And even if I add you there's no guarantee I'd even feel brave enough to reach out for help. I'm drowning in a sea I cannot find my way out of. I came here to make friends but I'm too scared to reach out. Please help me.
I'm on Hajoon. Would you like me to try to be your friend?
Namedropping you Daiba, keep your chin up!
Moving up. I'm not an attention whore. People just flip their shit over me being here. Nice to know people are just getting over it.
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We're mergering together soon, let's hang out sometime

no u
wanna be my friend?
I want a best friend.

I'm courante but you can add me on steam or discord or w/e

discord: c!#9806
steam: id/krcdza/

I don't really play the game but I can be convinced to login just to talk. I've done it before.
>be fgon
>find lynboys cute like little teddy bears
I just want a lynboy to sit on my lap as I pet his head and fluffy ears
I know i have
I'm going to put pretty flowers in Kyoppi's hair!
you are too obvious rilo
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>you can see the shadowless walking around all Predator cloak.
No, you're cute! bedtime for me though

You have what?

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4 man Lair, Necro, Yeti, and Asura.
NA #632547
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Better then what I'd put in your hair.
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go to sleep.
What server?
sorry, I will go to sleep now thank you
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>get the first half of my hongdong maelstrom
>the other half is 200+ g
want to buy sugar daddy...
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Gon so much taller, so much sexier, just not enough cuteness
this thread is so cringy
are you The Last Samurai?
whens dota
you cant just say that and have anyone believe you

what about it is cringy?
pick some posts and explain why they are cringy
is it because of blade and soul?

we live in the age of information faggot


I'm gonna unga your bunga
Yeti book? You could make a yeti-4 spam lobby. Nobody runs that shit here anymore and plenty of people don't have the achievement yet because of how painful it is to pug.
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I always wanted to be your best friend but I could never find the courage to say anything. I almost dropped to tears when you asked me to message and add you on steam etc. I don't want you to see me at my worse and I want you to come back and play so I can at least root for you from the shadows when you have bad days yourself.

this thread is just a bunch of circlejerking, when game launched there was actual game discussion now its just meme, circlejerk, people crying about people acting like dick and attentionwhore
but no one would just...let you have the book and it'd be so many runs to get enough money
Good thing Old Man Cho is merging with you Mushin. Whisper Bjarke when the merge happens and I'll be your friend.
I'm going to snusnu you to death
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when the game launched people were forcing their characters harder than now. I know because I was one of them. Maybe there was a bit more game talk but that's because a lot of people were new and didn't know things like with crafting and shit. Now there are established guides, not a lot of new people coming in, and everyone else being experienced enough to know how to find the answers themselves.

You are a poor historian. I'm taking away your license.
>i write in spoiler because im sad
if you are so sad maybe play a game that doesnt burn your brain by how grindy it is or just try to do something else than sitting on your ass whole day
Is this Ryzna?
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Need a tag partner or two so i can get out of the infinite queu known as 1300.

You still make the prettiest chars, Ryzna.
Welcome to the club.

I understand.
ok but you still aren't adding me so this whole friendship we want still isn't happening. action is needed. You're trapped in the well and I've thrown a rope down and you aren't climbing out and the stupid dog keeps barking at me and I'm like "well they aren't grabbing the rope what do you want me to do?"

Seems a little harshly worded but I think it's good advice and a potential answer.
I don't play the game anymore and now I'm happy af most of the time studying film and art as a hobby instead of worrying about dailies or something.
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>if you don't do this fugbiscut's quest it actually locks you out of like three entire questlines.
That's a lot of XP gated behind this little fucker.
Im not on Mushin but we can be friends
Screw you its a fake license made with toilet paper. Im not saying there was 100% game discussion, hell most thread would end in shitpost to finish the bump limit because picture capped, what im saying is now there is barely nothing game related being posted and it has become a thread made to shitpost and stupid edrama
>tfw ded game ded thred
_____ _____
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only if you believe its ded
Back to 1/4
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Have a random screenshot for a cool pov.
Pheaturing Fouka, idk
what is there even to talk about anymore?
People can only complain about moonstones or darts so many times.
You certainly can't talk about PvP.
Anytime anyone asks a question its just a bunch of greentexted cynicism
>class carried retard can't even get gold
Does anyone have the nude mod
This where Lyn belong.
>well they aren't grabbing the rope what do you want me to do?
At this point nothing you can do, people like that want attention due to their "depression" what you could do is throw the rope, go down in the well, attach the dog to the rope, then go out of the well and put the dog out who will then bite you and run into a deeper well while crying louder, as long as he doesnt realise that problem are resolved by yourself and not by asking people to drag you around he will stay in his pseudo misery
Teach me how to PvP on Sin, /bnsg/.

The normie clan I joined says if I can get 9k beans they'll give me a Hongmoon Pellet, and I've never done PvP before.
Try a dark build
oh man I shouldn't have even put the dog in the metaphor man this shit is getting crazy
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I want to be your sister.
I didnt say there was actually discussion possible anymore what im saying is those thread being shit is as you said due to the game having nothing to talk about and the fact that most people posting here are jerking each other
I give up i'll be waiting in purgatory. Half an hour so far not gonna go wait 2 hours for a match that i might get stuck with afks.
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I don't know, this seems better
>problems are resolved by yourself
This is what annoys me most about the people complaining about how they've been hurt or that they're depressed and moody. Yeah, life is shit, a lot of shit happens. Sometimes you're hurt, sometimes you hurt others. Get over it. As mean as that may sound, the issue is entirely within yourself. If you're so fucked up that you can't honestly look at yourself even when distanced from the problem that caused it, maybe you should just kill yourself and get it over with. I'm tired of seeing people in these threads acting depressed as fuck or people being depressed as fuck in general, yet when people offer to help them they turn them down, make themselves out to be the victim, waste that person's time and yet will still act all 'woe is me boo hoo'. I've tried to help so many of these fags and you don't hear me complaining about it to the point I've gotten too attached to some and gotten hurt over it but you don't hear me bitching about it. I don't whine and moan that my life is unfair, I make an effort to fix it. If I see I have a problem I try to fix it, I don't just keep the problem, brood over it and then bait other people into helping me only for them to feel like shit because their efforts are wasted no matter what they do.
Check out Supa Hot Vile on jew tube.
oh ok.
Jerking each other sounds like a fun night though.
check vile video he made 1/2 hour long video about each matchup and it will probably help you more that anyone here
>not even properly synced to make up for being utterly useless during the fight

>Lvl 46
>Run Poharan for the first time because I need mats to upgrade my weapons
>Can't use the Dragon Blood for some reason
>Poharan dies
>Drops Perfume that I need
>All lvl 50+ roll for them
>Don't bother binding because I know I won't win.
Are all pubs like that? How do I get my mats if I have no money?
Does it look like nude mode
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I was afk

that's my defense tho
>you'll never accompany gon onechan out adventuring
>she will never carry you back to town after an exhausting day for your smaller body
>you'll never take a relaxing bath with her before falling asleep in each other arms

this is it, it's over
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2 platinum (↑ from 0)
0 diamond (? from 0)
191 players 1600-2200 (? from 108)
% total of class in platinum: 1.1% (↑ from 0)
% total of class in diamond: 0% (? from 0)
4 platinum (↑ from 0)
0 diamond (? from 0)
286 players 1600-2200 (↑ from 156)
% total of class in platinum: 1.4% (↑ from 0)
% total of class in diamond: 0% (? from 0)
5 platinum (↑ from 0)
0 diamond (? from 0)
181 players 1600-2200 (↑ from 96)
% total of class in platinum: 2.7% (↑ from 0)
% total of class in diamond: 0% (? from 0)
11 platinum (↑ from 5)
0 diamond (? from 8)
296 players 1600-2200 (? from 175)
% total of class in platinum: 3.7% (↑ from 2.86)
% total of class in diamond: 0% (? from 0)
14 platinum (↑ from 0)
0 diamond (? from 13)
321 players 1600-2200 (↑ from 170)
% total of class in platinum: 4.4% (↑ from 0)
% total of class in diamond: 0% (? from 0)
7 platinum (↑ from 0)
0 diamond (? from 8)
408 players 1600-2200 (↑ from 209)
% total of class in platinum: 1.71% (↓ from 5.9)
% total of class in diamond: 0% (↓ from .49)
8 platinum (↑ from 0)
0 diamond (? from 6)
296 players 1600-2200 (↑ from 153)
% total of class in platinum: 2.8% (? from 0)
% total of class in diamond: 0% (? from 0)
2 platinum (? from 19)
0 diamond (? from 2)
116 players 1600-2200 (↑ from 96)
% total of class in platinum: 1.72% (? from 0)
% total of class in diamond: 0% (? from 0)
3 platinum (↑ from 0)
0 diamond (? from 0)
186 players 1600-2200 (↑ from 108)
% total of class in platinum: 1.61% (↑ from 0)
% total of class in diamond: 0% (? from 0)

highest frequency classes to reach platinum:
highest frequency classes to reach diamond:
>Are all pubs like that?


>How do I get my mats if I have no money?

You get them with the reward boxes once a day. You can get more by making a Poh BNSG lobby and explaining you need perfumes.

You can also ask BNSGers on your server if they have spare perfumes they can give to you or sell to you for below market price.
You can fix a lot by fixing the obvious problems in your life but you can't fix everything.

Depression is not just a thought state. Sometimes some depressed people who have seemingly nothing wrong in their lives at that particular moment fall into this momentary sadness where they keep recalling their past problems and creating new ones in their minds because some small little thing reminded them of the past. No matter what you say, depressed people sometimes cannot "think positive" no matter how simple it seems to normal people. These moments come and go and people are unique. Some get over them fast.

But, yes, in some cases it's just a matter of people not putting in the effort to fix their problems. I had my own issues in the past and eventually I just got my shit together through effort after wallowing in shit for some years. I never was depressed in the clinical sense, though, or at least I never thought I was.
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>implying pic related isn't where Lyns belong.
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The place where Baymu dies has pretty nice lighting
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hey Tel~
i found it fitting and expanded on it i dont get the problem

As i said its just attention whoring at this point, people saying they are depressed nowaday probably dont even know what that word mean and are just looking for attention through pity and i cant take anyone saying he is depressed due to that+ the fact that people really depressed dont talk about it most of the time

I know depression is not an easy thing and saying "just get over it" doesnt work, you dont need a reason to be depressed but if you tried nothing yourself and wait for people to resolve things for you then you will stay in your shitty misery
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40 minute lobby achieved.
25% of youths suffer from an actual state of depression, clinically provable. Far more than that have heavy traces of depression but just aren't quite there. Yeah, there's times when you feel like shit and it feels like nothing will change it, but if you're going to stay in that "I feel like shit mode" and don't even ask people what you can do then holy fuck you're a lost cause. I know people with real fucked up histories who got over it real quick. At the very least they didn't go on bitchy streaks. Yeah, I tried to help them out and they talked to me about it, but they don't go bitching on the thread every few posts about how shitty their life is. If someone offers you a hand and you don't want to take it, you're not some noble person who keeps others out of trouble and their issues, you're probably just going to bring up your major woes in the future when you inevitably start clinging to people to fill the voids in your heart even when there were plenty of people offering to fix those voids in general. Those people you cling to will probably feel sorry or want to help. In the end your noble cause just made people want to get hurt further. Humans rely on interaction, so if you're gonna force people to interact with you at least try to give them some rewards for their efforts holy shit.
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keep going
I want Prudence to step on my dick.
Thanks friends.

His hammer cancelling guide seems essential to a potential disrespectful player like myself.
>tfw you rolled a gon and will never experience a woman's thighs around your neck

Why even live
Wow, I really like your charas face.
She looks cute.
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>tfw you stumble into an ERP session
I just sillywalked away slowly and went upstairs to deliver my quest.
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Lyn like being in warm spots
Start with this, it's outdated, but if you know all this shit, you're gucci.

Then dwelve into his other videos, for specific matchup guides, it will really help you out.

Good luck out there, you picked the right class!

All hope is not lost. One more to start this journey into the inevitable disappointing loot.
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Hello friend
It's not too late anon.

Buy a race change pass and become a Lyn.

This is your destiny.
Which lyn would you not gas?
Myself. :P
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omg..... randoms -.- ffs

gotta yell at them to make em play better XD fkin tards..
Stop fucking pugging Mak, you little shit.
I love you Mak
For those who are about to RIP, we salute you.
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finally a return butt'n'soul general.
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I fucking love this NPC

Pretend I remembered to screenshot the heart recalibration line and posted that.
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Asura 4/6
NA Lobby# 646392
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I'm not even on Mushin.
1) Lair is literally Summoner Bot Paradise
2) BS should've grabbed the red
someone post a cute girl to make my heart thump
Nice Lego gauntlets.
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>get a bunch of breeze chests
>not a single one is KFM gauntlets.
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Can't you buy Breeze gear with those shitty pink stones?
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Could someone post the nude mods?
Yeah, but that short haired cutie on the middle though.
I dont have enough stones. I have like 40
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Best one for Gon F
That cat is giving me an unconfortable feeling.

Those eyes...
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so harrrrrd.jpg
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a shame about the pussy lookling like shit, the rest look decent
None of the others actually have a pussy texture.
And it looks pretty close to an innie pussy anyways.

And the pussy textures for yun, lyn, and jin look so much worse.
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Is it too late for dailies?
if not then join NA 648229
that literally look like a black line
idk i guess im too spoiled by skyrim
Like you've ever seen a real pussy.
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check the OP
Friendly reminder that So Junny is a better waifu than that slut Bang Okran.
Who are you and why do you have to defame Flying-Elbow chan
Forgot to ask, does anyone have a basic skill build for a Sin in PvP? All the old ones are for 45.

I don't have any HM skills, but could get HM Shadow Slash if that changes anything.
If I had the tools, I'd go in and edit it to have more detail.
Adding a clitoral hood, and some shading to give her more detailed labia.
But there's no NA mod tools that work so far.
Still it's better than having a blank nothing. mound that looks strange as hell.

I really want to edit this, but need tools.
hm slash is good for the extended range on the kd but you can play without it
build are dependent of what you are playing against and you will probably change at least 4 spell every arena
The nude mods pastebin should really add this one.
Oh god, this is going to be a disaster. I'm not smart enough for that.
I was thinking that too but you remember what you need pretty fast when you get shit on
also what the vid we told you to they are actually good
I'm almost done the beginner's guide, but that's partially why I'm stuck on a basic skill set-up, since it's from 45. Most skills seem pretty decent.

I remember hearing that the Summoner matchup requires a completely different skill page, so that's going to be interesting.
well summoner were one of the worst matchup but now we got things to deal with their shit, good summ will still be a pain in the ass but if they were good they wouldnt be playing summ so you are safe

we got shunpo so we can iframe the whole flower duration while staying in stealth
our flower can take us out of the cat grab (smarter summ use the bump+bee and not the grab but as i said you wont see them)
our decoy is better
we got the buff flower if you want to pve them because you saw how they played on round 1
I'm not a 500+ AP EXP ONLY waifu yet, I do have 487 though and know how to not die mostly.

Lets have fun adventures with dailies!
Fuck off with your shilling, trannyfranny
>trying to help people
>get yelled at.
Well fuck you too buddy.
>post on 4chan
>get yelled at
Welcome to the club. Here's your complimentary bottle of Dr. Pepper.
Are we going to the future?
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The future is now, anon.
Who is this mousse?
No wonder summoners are absolutely pure bullshit in pvp
at least you didnt play when 80% of the pvp match were summ because of how freeplat they were, heck most of the ladder was summoner
summoners should just be removed.
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NA #660198
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Whats the problem????

Uh Summoner is really hard considering you have to manage 2 characters. You all just suck lol
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Skill to make campfires anywhere when?
you need to stop complaining and understand what you are up against, learn your class and learn the match ups
Asura 4-man pure maidens edition

NA #660727
How fucked would PvP balance be if you could choose one class on each character that you would never have to face in 1v1?
Rerizen, I'm currently in LFP. Try recruiting?
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My waifu
I wasn't talking about my own screenshots here, forgot to clarify that.
hi patrice
Queue up now.
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You just need to reroll :^).
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Screenshot (3287).png
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Made like 110 moonstones today..

Think I'm burnt out on SSP until tomorrow.
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kill them.
>making a summoner when the nerfs are inbound



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[predation intensifies].gif
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>pure maidens edition
ok where's that lobby?
I won't, you can't make me!
>will never yeti duo with patrice
Do you love your waifu just for her looks? Or do you also love her personality?
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yuno gasai yeah.png
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it's just her looks because he's never spoken to her
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leather glove.jpg
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Screw you hippie. I speak to my waifu every day. In person! Then we have wild sex that lasts hours! I just bought her a leather jacket. HowJealous.ru?
Can anyone link me an FM PvE build?
Nexus 4 NA #665528

>best lyn

i'll kill you
hm level/hm skills?

I gotchu
What aspects of her personality do you even like?
i love it
Just level 50 I guess. The basics as I'm leveling
Just wow.

these are pretty much the essentials
Literally the wrongest it could possibly be.

I'm impressed, anon.

My rotations are LMB spacebar RMB spacebar LMB spacebar RMB spacebar LMB spacebar RMB spacebar LMB spacebar RMB spacebar LMB spacebar RMB spacebar
Is that your waifu?
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Can I join just for CS?
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yuno mows down some plebs.gif
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For starters how about the fact she'd literally murder an entire police precinct for her man. You don't see dedication like that in women these days. Devoted. Would never cheat. Hell, she'd just deep six any guy who tried to hit on her. Loves it when you touch her body. Doesn't shy away or shriek like most prudes.
You're so gay, Pickle.
>lobby posted when I'm playing something else
>obligated to play it with a friend
this shit sucks
How do you get on top of house of pleasures?
What? You're not making any sense pickle
Don't think you can, unless it's somehow possible to fly over from somewhere else.
I really want a cute boy to seduce me and take my to his bed..

In Zaiwei Ruins you can run to the top of the building you enter from and glide over from there.
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Thank you, now I'm forced to answer.
How about everything on that character?
Let's say you decide to share that preset, I wouldn't use it myself and I wouldn't care for anyone else using it. I can go into more details but it will get really really cringy, even more than pic related.
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I am pure though
did you guys fill?
do it
is this still here. I'm not >>147891374
but i am in same boat, but if your lobby is still there i will swap games.
Why do people on NA frown upon the ice mine + blue buff Sin build?

I was just watching some Korean PvP and it seems pretty good.
>>obligated to play it with a friend
That's bullshit. You're not obligated to do anything you twice marinated prune juice infused Presbyterian. Just say something came up and you gotta bail. then come play the game you really wanna play.
because sins are cancer. it's not about good or bad
Isn't zaiwei instanced?
Pure cock addicted, you mean.
Can someone post the new swimsuits we're getting?
Maybe you shouldn't have thrown the few people that actually cared about you away
there is nothing wrong with being a girl and liking a man's body that pleases you...
not him, but this friend of mine goes to sleep early because east coast, and i'm (hoping) theres late night NA anons i can do dailies with after he goes to sleep.

I kind of spent the rest of the day farming ssp instead like an idiot.
It's a problem when that's all you post about is getting cock, slut
What server?

Are you cute?
I mean the dungeon dailies, I'm on yunwa.

I was not them it is just the truth...
when someone find out you're a girl all they ever seem to care about is getting your pants off
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but you arent a girl rilo???????????
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tomoko headpats.gif
2MB, 904x858px
Well, keep your chin up. I'm sure you'll find some nice guy or girl who'll think you're cute and give you lots of haedpats and hand holdings.
running daily challenge late because i was too lazy to do it earlier
NA #673653
i do not know them so I do not know if they are a man or woman.. just my opinion..

Absolute bullshit.
Quit Blade and Soul a while ago in Favor of Black Desert, did PvP ever get rebalanced? I want to play a fighting game, but I dont want to buy any of the ones out now on PC
its the same shit, just more dead

if you didnt like it then you wont like it now
im coming give me 5 minutes
of course it is not always true.. but it does happen alot.
it was rilo and he's a feminine boy so it's okay
Just buy Vandguard Princess on Steam you gay normal.

This is how I want to get headpatted
I wanna hear it pickle
What the fuck? What are you even doing here? Go back to your Chinese website you nonenglish speaking scum.
Bet it would feel amazing.
sorry.. I am not really making sense
I will stop
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731KB, 900x1080px
wasn't me, I only made the post with this girl in it!
I want to hear your cute voice Rilo!
I want to see you murder ceru Rilo!
I won't!

I'll stream again tomorrow, maybe. Kinda scared to post it here though with Eristic getting banned for it.
Do it anyways. Eristic only got banned cause he's a shitposter faggot that no one likes.
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leaving in 10 minutes
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you degenerate.jpg
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W-what are you implying with that pic?!
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Zawei ruins is dead
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Yeah I cannot think of anybody that doesn't like me. Nameless people do not exist, which means you.
my mistake then
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46KB, 576x1024px
its just boys bein boys
>Missed it
>upload profile pic at low level
>many, many levels later
>accidentally press F2 instead of F3
>profile pic isn't there
Huh. Why did it disappear? Does it reset when you log off or what?
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111KB, 910x943px
Sorry but I'm not drunk enough for this

Am I still gay?
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sorry anon
i'd run it again after i finish up mine just to help
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way too lewd.png
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>just boys be in boys
sometimes it's there, sometimes it isn't.
I cant believe how quick this game died after a week
it's okay, don't worry about it
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1MB, 1920x1080px
don't think I can get higher than this
House of Pleasures?
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whats wrong anon, can't handle a little male bonding?
>tfw you are gonna tie your waifu to the bed and organize her inventory because its always full
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Yunwa? Are you Ceru?
>picking blues when the server is pretty much 99% red
While I do think they have a better elite uniform, at least the fuzzy coat looks ok on the back for me on red.

So, no.
that's ghoul looking for members to join his blue brigade when the merge happens
Yeah but you can still climb the same building in regular Zaiwei
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All is well in the dungeon world.

reporting a dungeon bot cuz they did nothing and stayed at BSH stage 1 for days
After 5 minutes I understood what he meant

Top drawer, anon.
A-are there any male jins in OMC?
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>less than 100 viewers on any stream
>beaten by fucking maplestory
>BDO has twice as many viewers

Well there's certain a fairly handsome male Gon there
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NA Dailies #679457 "Cerulean #1" Edition.

Fucking hell I missed 3 NA daily lobbies by a few minutes?!

Come get your daily disappointment. I don't want to pub stuff. They scare me.
NCSoft did it to themselves.

The game is good, and had potential, but they killed it in the West out of greed.

Crimson's can join if they have the guts to do it!
Funny thing about NCsoft is that they always manage to piss off both p2w and f2p players.
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2016-07-09 01_42_35-Start.png
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I liked the bathrobe a lot better, but these pajamas are pretty comfy.

Hey man, being the underdog is fun
Did they add any new outfits yesterday?
Think about all the things you could do if you didn't slave away at BNS every day.
Sit around doing nothing?
Listen to weebshit while shitposting on /sp/?
Go back to mount-grinding myself into a coma on WoW?

I haven't touched BnS in a few days and I'm still in constant pain at how everything is going wrong in my life.
i didnt play BNS all day yesterday and i sat around browsing memes and hating myself
Then your life isnt anyhow different than before you started?
>streaming an mmo
beat all those games i never had a chance to play as a kid
Yesterday I rewatched all of the first season of True Detective and made a few comic webstrip drafts.

Today I only did about an hour's worth of writing and I'm gonna rewatch Reservoir Dogs before bed.

I've been pretty lax the past few days. But the entire week before that was just writing, writing, writing. It's fun. At the end of the day, I feel good, even if the quality of the work isn't that great.

When playing B&S, it was mostly stress and worry and frustration about PvP and getting dailies done and grinding 4mans. The video game felt more like work than my work does.

I still like looking at the cute girls in-game though.
I will start singing Elton John songs and drinking! Please don't make me into that thing again.
This is why I barely play already, I always get in the mood thinking "maybe I can get back into it!" do 1 dungeon and just go back to only logging in to socialize for 30 minutes then log off for a week straight.
is there a way to change the loading screen pictures? i think ive seen people do it on here but i cant find anything online on how to do it
Does anyone have a link to that korean site that lets you preview all the outfits that haven't been released in NA/EU
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It is that time of the day again
NA Asura4
>There will never be another comfy MMO where you don't feel obligated to grind, and get to have fun with people
Just kill me.
WTB Mabinogi 2 :(
That was ArcheAge for me.

After getting max level I just had fun with my friends sailing the seas looking for trade packs to steal or going to the other continent and hiding around looking for people to kill.

Game was really fun but Trion decided to just fuck everything up.
I enjoyed being a sky pirate in ArcheAge with my friends for a while, but it's just as you say - Trion burned that game to the ground.
Is this full?
It is empty, as always
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I'll empty you out, alicia
Fuck off Prudence
So, how bad is PvP going to be for a first timer?

I assume I'll get smashed by everyone.
please alicia
dont deny my advances

More than likely. Look up pvp tips for your class and try not to care about win/loss
good night bnsg
Rot in boredom?
I mean, come on, anon. I think we're all a little too old to be blaming our problems on a videogame.
That >>147898691 is not me though

Fuck me Prudence
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if i add you on steam will you erp with me
What happened with ufi?
looking for someone to run me through blackram narrows 7x more times so I can get my bonus 600 hp achievement.
fuck that fat bitch
>I still like looking at the cute girls in-game though.
Can't you just login already and do this?
Gas all lynboys.

None of them deserve to live.
Why can't I access the smaller dungeons through instance? (ie, darkglims, sentinel ruins, etc.)
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>tfw you'll never have a qt trap gf who wants to play video games because it's with you and not because of the game
choose one
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2 (2).jpg
1MB, 1433x2023px
Was your waifu stolen by a lynboy, anon?
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Clearing the bar.jpg
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Fuck off degenerate
Kill. Them. All.
fuck this p2w game
eu sooo judgmental -_-
>Cum all over our bodies

Is Gyro confirmed gay?
I'm a cunt tbqhwy, senpai
I don't know. I know less than everyone else. I only read in thread today that she blocked everyone or something.


we know, nox
let's do asura
are you on EU?
Who is this

I'm in No Sek :^)
what the fuck is that namedrop, that wasn't even me.
and I'm not a cunt
Is the Jiwan red clan more fun than the blue jiwan clan? I don't do faction dailies so I just want a clan that's fun to talk to and are active
Both are fun, just pick one and show up to meet ups and befriend everyone on both sides.

Pve and arena are colorblind to the memefaction bullshit anyway.

Sotri is the chattiest fucking person I've ever met. He's gotta be like that in clan, too.
Is Sotri a pleasant speaker compared to Luu?
Well, you can't expect it to hang around all day.
Both sides have great people. Regardless of which you join, you'll meet both sides eventually, anyway!

good one m8
Both are them are chatty and fun to play with.

Nobody's told me to shut up yet, so I'm assuming I'm doing something right.
Holy fuck arena ping is horrible.
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I do all the time though

I don't mind him.
How long is ncsoft planning to keep up the p2w streak in the store?

I want hm coins, but not with gold at shit exchange value
Sotri is a blast, Luu is a qtpie.

This, though >>147902148
>tfw luu will never consider you a friend and take random screenshots with you

just fucking kill me already
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kinda hard when I dont know where to start.
Ive got awakened scorpio weapon but my accessories are still all oathbreaker. What is the proper upgrade order and how far on each one till i work on the next?
if 120% accuracy, true yeti ring > true python bracelet if you aren't using asura > legendary

if less than 120% accuracy, do earring until you are 120% first then do above
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Just be the one that takes the picture, anon!
Really? Luu is quiet when I'm in lobbies with her. Does that mean she avoids talking when I'm in the lobby?
She's pretty quiet so i dont think she's avoiding you
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End it.png
705KB, 1291x879px
>Premium stones going up
Name dropping you Patrice, keep your chin up!
event is ending soon, ssp is going to be a mess soon

of course they will go up
Every time I want to idle, lyn show up out of nowhere, surround me, and just do... lyn stuff.
How do I become talk active in lobbies?
I want to join lobbies, but I'm scared they'll have an interrogation like feeling when I don't have anything to say
Post picture.
cant be chatty all the time
So why did the person claim she was chatty if she's actually quiet?
When she stops being shy you'll wish she would shut up.
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See for yourself
no one cares if you dont talk or not but if you dont you'll be a literal who forever
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Lyn things are best.
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I don't want to be a literal who...
please baby no more parties in zaiwei
Then talk, my quiet friend.
What's so wrong about being a literal who? I have fun reading people's chat and I'm not very interested in talking.
just being talkative isnt good enough to be known
ima do it
ima gamble and make one
watch me
Add me on myspace and you can add my millions of friends.
Post your character from time to time. Not too much though. Just like me.
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Oh shit.jpg
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Let's fail together.
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gas ahoka
Well, it is if the only thing you say is your name!
Say my name

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#707270 EU
Daily challs +cs/mandate etc etc
"Will it ever fill?" Edition
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im so tired of killing these thrashscales
why won't they drop the fucking kelp
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holy moly finally got the mask time to quit this game
>reskins of existing outfits
>third reskin of one specific outfit
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647KB, 638x705px
lets do it anon
>tfw went 2/7 today

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55KB, 500x215px
>went to sleep a 11am yesterday (i think)
>wake up at 4am
getting closer to never waking up
Can Deep Sea Kelp drop from Hujikar?
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Prime Times.jpg
321KB, 2400x600px
>he doesnt like recolors
don't farm them
you will kill yourself
I've spent the last 2-3 hours farming the Thrashscales in Silverfrost
I only feel pain now, and Hukikar would be an easier sweet relief
you'll get them faster by doing daily challenges every day or grinding achievement points

their drop rates are stupid low
Congrats! Love that mask.
I'm going to marry Could!
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Alright, guess I'll just play the waiting game
Fuck those thrashscales. Literally bullshit
1-5 post lewds
6-0 grind ssp
>When she stops being shy
Is she really just shy? She use to say hello now and then and we'd talk pleasantly for a little bit. Now I haven't heard from her in awhile. I wonder if it's because the air has been heavy around us when we talk? Though I might be the only one who feels that.

If she really is just shy, then I hope for the day she finds herself comfortable enough not to be. It'd be nice if she could earnestly talk to me. I wouldn't mind her chattiness at all. I think it would really be fun if we could talk like that.
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Nexus 4 for the poverty money.

NA #711393

Maybe the merchant will give something good for once.
Nope. She used to talk to me all the time and now she barely says a word to me all day. I assume I just did something wrong.
maybe someone said something rude to her... i used to be really chatty until somebody told me to stop talking.
fuck off bjarke
Give me those pajamas.
You can have them if you join my _clan.
>jegal poaching wts erp members before the merge even happens

i'm on to you...
Can't betray the senpai. I'll have to convince Luu to make us PJs.
i need something to fap to
Fap to me, anon.
Meet me in house of pleasures
pick me
Cold Storage EU
30K XP until DING! Edition
If you have concerns tell them that instead of bitching in thread. You do this all the time with them.
shut the fuck up kyoppi
not even close
ok kyoppi
>NA drama



omg eu is so annoying =.=
They revel in our drama, let me enjoy this
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please stop
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BM is the strongest class
Please kill yourself
leave me alone
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i just finished fapping
Did you think of me when you were climaxing?
So did I!
was fapping to some rare ______ lewds!
is that CN?
netopi lewds?
>netopi lewds
top kek
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405KB, 1600x900px
Gnight everyone, be sure to rub a bald gon's head for good luck
I thought I told you to go to fucking sleep.
make it pirate themed
nuffin doesn't have lewds except the imgur ones that aren't rare
>not having rare nuffin lewds
>tfw fan broke

dead thread
im your #1 fan
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47KB, 579x323px

>tfw perfect weather

73 freedom units for our US brothers.
Nice pigsty farm, maku

I'm crashing this clan WITH NO SURVIVORS.
you are the only one here throwing a tantrum
You know you could just leave klopsi alone instead of feeding him attention. Without (You)s he'll soon lose his energy.
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