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/tesg/ ~ The Elder Scrolls General

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Thread replies: 761
Thread images: 251

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Just fuck my life senpai Edition

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Elder Thread: >>147762072
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Thread claimed
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first for bears.
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Never leave.
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Alright, lets stop.
kill all traps
futas welcome
I need moar of these adorable chibis.
Which waifus do you want to see as chibis?
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>you will never be a wandering swordsman traveling the world with a 15 year old mage
You've driven me to this Miura
>you will never be a 15 year old Breton girl mage following around your futa mistress of Morrowind
feels bad man
Wez, Nita/Loli Nita, Maxeen, Ra, and Mord
Sadly no more names come to mind.
meh, getting dicked is overrated
dicking is where it's at
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Lines have been crossed.. But isn't what got us in this mess in the first place? _____e3e
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He'll get better at it. I'm going to help him make another batch of wound ointment in a few minutes.
Mmm... I don't think that the artist has drawn beastfolk before.
you are pretty annoying.
That's a funny way to describe Maxeen.
Need better eyebrow textures
Could be good practice.
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Hmm, yeah. I do, I never do that close of a shot with Snakestones eyes before. I dont know if I wanna waste an esp slot just for brow textures though. Or are there other brow texture mods besides the one with the esp
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There's some that come with textures that replace the vanilla ones. You could just enable the mod but not activate the .esp to have the better textures for the vanilla brows, I think.

Anyway, I'm going to sleep.
Night Triss
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Bright sun, blue sky, white clouds... something seems to have gone wrong. It wasn't supposed to be this strong, at least not yet. Location changed too, didn't account for that. Much to learn, yet plenty already known.
This path is pretty beaten, but he does not recognize my face. Should he? Should I? A lot of these rules are already written, but how will we learn if we don't break them. I've already made plenty of mistakes so far, how much further should I go?
Not like much has changed, hopefully that's a good sign. Will have to find all my materials and make contacts again. Hopefully she'll still be waiting for me like last time. Hopefully they won't be.
For now, it seems to be best to play the part of ignorance, follow these Imperial procedures until I get what I need. If I recall, there should be a present waiting for me in the next room.
Ahh, there you are. Just as rusty and scratched as I remember. I'll just take this and my fee from the chest, and go rescue her again. Hope she's not too upset with me for making her wait.
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First time modding; do you guys hate it or really hate it?
Also, what would be an appropriate wizard or mage hat for her? Thanks in advance.
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Supplies, supplies, need a dagger and some leads. It's good to see some friendly faces, but what am I to them? And these clothes, haven't worn rags like these in ages. Might need to go clear the competition and get some better
>I do not recall seeing you before. Is this your fist visit to Seyda Neen?
Oh bollocks, she doesn't remember me. I guess I don't understand the artifacts as much as I would like. Better play it safe and act like I'm new, like I did originally. I can always lean on her later to get her secrets and-
>I have not heard from her in a while, did the shipment get there on time?
Uhh, I'm not sure, I'd have to check when I get back home
>Oh, you already have a place to stay?
...yeah. Actually, I shouldn't keep her waiting.
I need to get there quick, see if the memories are degrading or just flawed. Just take some of this performance enhancer and be on my way.
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>This one has not heard of smuggling this far inland. The coast would be a more favorable option for those kind of dealings.
The cave is known? That means the business must be still running! Less work for me, can get right back to the experiment. Oh wait, do they have a leader? Last time I needed some help. Need to intel, and a drink.
>Man, you got a lot of nerve asking questions like that when I'm at work. One might take offence to such an accusation.
Lucky for both of us I'm just asking and not accusing. Just like I'm not accusing that spare lute is filled with a certain desert spice.
>..hmm, the elf knows more than he's letting on. I'm sure he would know to treat those who help him with the respect they deserve?
Of course. I would have no reason to destroy a simple musician's career if I'm no longer in the city.
>Not up for games I see. Well, you're a bit nicer than the last one they sent.
Last one? I might have some later incentive for that kind of information, up to half off if I like what I hear.
>Sorry to let you down, but this isn't pleasant knowledge. This dunmer came looking for a certain... environmentalist. One that dresses himself in the most godsaweful sapphire hat. Haven't seen apparel like that since my stay in Hammerfell-
Excuse me, I have matters to attend to. I'll return, maybe with a gift, if all goes well.
I fear it won't go well. I might need to get help for this one.
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Overslept! Bah, who would have guessed the slaves would have hidden that strength of drink with how weak the guards were. Gonna have to ask them later, after I set up shop again. It seems a pretty fine day for this kind of activity. No rain, but nothing is perfect. Means I won't have to change my clothes when I take over. She'll probably be in those same dull clothes she always wears. "Comfortable". More like lazy. Told her something nicer could be made, but she just went on about not needing it. Not like she listens to me anyway if I got her new clothes.
...Will she listen to me this time? Will she remember me? Can't really ignore the issue anymore, I'll need a plan for this. Do I need her to run this operation? She offered last time, but things might be different now. What if she doesn't want to help? Do I need her? Does she need me?
No, thinking like that will just cause unnecessary worry. If she's meant to help, then things will go as planned. If not, I'll cross that bridge when I get there. Just hope I don't need to get there.
Well, here goes nothing.
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Modding can be a huge pain at first, but once you get the hang of it you'll eventually grow to enjoy it. Especially when the pay-off works. Always refer to the OP and the site in the OP for mods and modding tips, but well, here this is a decent mage hat mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75318/?
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Are knights the bad guys? Seems like every knight these days is a rabid genocidal berserker or insane knight templar
The sane ones aren't as fun and as such don't get the attention.
Pelinal Poster, is that you?
Yeah that's my oldest screen on this comp. I'm wondering why no one plays the "Muh lady" archetype straight anymore outside Don Quixote
congrats on being a grandpa

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Funny how supposedly lawful good characters can be as, if not even more terrifying and brutal than chaotic evil chadacters.
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Wheres the trademark hat?
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Someones going to die for this. A few someones.
Not here try /owg/
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Please refer to the site in the OP, has a giant follower section.
i dont want followers

i NEED a CUTE GIRL character
The idea is he was sent back in time, so he doesn't have anything yet
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Then git gud at sliders.
...or i could just download a preset
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Relax mate, its not even canon.

Ah, sorry.

Too cute
Download a follower. If the follower is standalone, with custom mesh/textures, they have their own race. Open up the CK and make the race playable. Choose that race and play as a follower character.
Sure, if you want to be a bitch-ass no-effort nancyboy.
pic unrelated?
Not him but hol up

Would that work with:


I've been looking for the playable version of that for a little while
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Things got progressively less cute after that.
w e w
Maybe? All I know is it worked for Wez.
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What is she doing on the floor?
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O-oh, okay.
Can you link the old version of mature skin?
Checking out his new belt buckle.
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o.m.g DAD!. Why do you have to be like so controller and stuff! Ihatemylifeiwishiwasdead.
>Installed SexLab yesterday
>Tested it on a random NPC
>Seems to work, confusing UI and all, but it works.

The things I do for story.
>The things I do for story

Sure man, sure.
I'll be waiting.
To be fair, it's getting a bit silly having the men in constant underwear when pairing a sex pose.

Besides, I can't show the Count acting like a proper Cunt.
Sorry for the late reply
Thanks, I appreciate your help and I'll see if this hat is nice on her. Thanks again!
How do vampires get erections?
How do skeletons warriors work? How can dragons breathe fire? Why are there talking cats?
Blow into their thumb, it shoots up like a balloon.
>can a race centered around blood get erections
r u serious
Is there any way to have fun actually playing the game any more
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Don't worry about the reply being late. I don't mind, my main concern is helping you out with modding. Good luck and I hope those hats work out for you.
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>spells in game call levitate and stoneskin
You tell me.
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Fun is a parasite
Why can vampires have kids? Why do they cry semen?
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Look on Nexus, it's under old files.
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l-lets go with >>147806165
Ugh. - thank you. sorry. I should have been asleep a long time ago.
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Well, it is a nice belt buckle.
Don't buy it for a second.
I swear the companion's training yard is cursed or built on a magnetic field. My enb changes when I'm in the area. It becomes overly reflective and overly saturated, just in that area though.

I want to pet Yarti's pussy. What is it's name?

this is kind of a weird request, and I thought you all experts might know because I havent been able to search anything.

Is there a mod that let's couriers appear at your house or like, other locations than the street in town? Like the arch-mages tower, or a hearthfire home or anything besides having to go into town to get a note?
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>Tony at 1:54
To many fetch quests
To many kill everything quests.

What else can they do?.. Escort Missions?
plot driven missions which have more story than "go to X retrieve Y" or "go to X and kill # of Y"
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Wew, it looks so colorful that it almost looks like Kingdom Hearts.
But they were talking about side quests.
>i have never played Oblivion : the post

God, why are Shitrim babies so obnoxious
Skyrim is your first elder scrolls game, isn't it?
Yes, the game subpar. Most people passionate about Bethesda games enjoy it as a modding platform.
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Yes it was.
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fuck off.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic posting that image with that reply, but if you're being sarcastic then you should know full well what Im talking about, previous entries in TES had better story for even the small time "side quests".
What if I'm not being sarcastic
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The first elder scroll game I played was Morrowind, But I was a little young to understand it. Played the crap out of oblivion though.
>What if I'm not being sarcastic

Then play something besides Skyrim.
The gnome returns. How goes the adventuring wee little woman?
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But I do.
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I wonder if my waifu will look good in that outfit.
oh, y'know, adventuring like a gnome. Short grass is tall, tall grass is taller.
do eet: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72818/?
So you're finally going to sexualize loli Cumtears? Shame on you.
Bijin Wives just got updated. Senna, Miuri, Morwen, Grelka are added to the lineup.


I really like what he did with Senna and Grelka especially. His Miuri is a bit of a miss for me, so I'll wait for an inevitable future updated version of her that's more fitting to the character.
what resolution are the standard skyrim textures?
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Hm? I thought that Nisetanaka's bikini armors come with the 7BO body by default? How did you change it?
I think most are 512x512
Check optional files fucking moron.
Someone woke up on the wrong side of the waifu
it's never a bad time to insult cumtears
It's always a bad time to insult anyone, anon.
Still samefacey as fuck.
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Fucking gooks, man
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Explain like I'm five, please?
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Sup /tesg/
Next Elder Scrolls will be Black Marsh. They used it's assets in Far Harbor. You can screencap this.

How do you guys limit the fps to 60?

I saw the fps limiter mod in nexus but it's really old and I feel like there's a better more updated way.
>You can screencap this
I'd probably lose the picture at some point before 2020
it wouldnt sell well
"Ey bb, wanna lick my Molag's balls?"
Your GPU's control panel
Todd could sell you shit in a fancy box so that's not a valid point.
I would but I don't to turn off my high refresh rate just for whenever I play Skyrim.

Is there no other way besides that 2012 mod?
>lizard balls
eww no
Can't you set separate framerate limits for individual game profiles?
Oh I dunno. I will check.
Also, will just downloading a shitton of mods to make my FPS plummet work?

Will the game still break at around 70 fps?
Bigger trees+super dense grass will likely take away a decent chunk of your framerate outdoors. In cities you could try a combination of city overhaul mods or lots of NPCs

Or you could just use a super hardcore ENB
I used a 3D editor to convert it to a loli body. It took about an hour.
No bully pls.

How do I make a scene Oblivion work with OBSE + load optimizer? They both refuse to detect the game.

> inb4 just buy it
I would, but Steam with older titles only gave me headache. Not sure if it would not do that this time.
>not wanting to drag your tongue all over his scale-sack
Gay desu senpai
Does Enderal work on pirated Skyrim?
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Just use RivaTuner
Any non-slut neat wizard/mage armor mod?
>>Tfw you have about 50 mods or so. They are somehow working together, though the game does like to kick me out in certain dungeons due to it being overloaded or some shit.

>Tfw you have the legendary edition with all the dlc

>Tfw Hearthfire is pretty much useless because when I bought a parcel and started building shit on it, it's still a plot of empty land, no matter what I build, and from what I hear it sometimes happens due to certain mods being installed.

>Tfw you won't go through the process of deinstalling them all, yes, even the Villja companion mod who does not fucking shut up.
Haar is such a manlet.
Nah Ylfa is just a giant.
Battlemage Armour Female, also Hedge Mage, and I guess vanilla mage robes with Rustic Clothing textures are nice too.
How tall is she, roughly? In centimeters pls.
Haar are you trying to force an OTP here?

Probably at least 6'6" or better. I'll let you figure out the conversion to your metric whatevers.
About 2 m
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Hedge mage looks nice, thanks anon
Is there a good pre-modded Skyrim upload somewhere? I remember people made similar things for Oblivion
I'm just don't want to install a bazillion mods again
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>mfw I found out that I'm taller than her
Of course Cumtears, you are always taller, stronger, edgier, uglier than everyone else.
>indonesian manlet
choose one
I'm sure they're just purely platonic adventurefriends, anon :^)
Well, he's going to be including Galena in his adventures, so maybe they're going to be giving her some special adventuring lessons.
>special adventuring lessons
wew booru when?
>ywn be in an FFM with ira and skjoldr
>ywn go hit the taverns with haar and bang some wenches
>ywn explore some dangerous ruins with erin, trying to keep up with her
>ywn take wrasslin lessons from punchelf
>ywn spank arurun's ass
>ywn punch ewa's dumb face
>ywn kill cumtears
You can't kill an immortal Mary Sue, anon.
You can though. We just need a Haar follower and a few cannothaves not trying to start a salty shitfling
I want to go drinking with Haar and adventuring with Erin, all the rest is dumb

I'd call Punchy a pear though
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>equip kinoko pose rings after selecting
>nothing happens
>run fnis
>still didn't work
What could be wrong here?
>he doesn't want to kill cumtears
t. cumtears
>ywn tell cumtears that her parents are dead because of her
>equip kinoko pose rings after selecting
that's not how it works
>favorite the select and player rings
>open quick select menu
>assign select to a key and player to another key
>hit select key and select a ring
>hit player key to perform the animation
>4E 201+5
>not using Poser Hotkeys
I've been doing that.
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>you will never have someone download your character to impregnate them
>more and more people ride snake every day
That's cruel, anon. That's very cruel.
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Friday more like frided huh
Cmon man that joke was just cheesy
Cheesy you say
tesgw when
Next friday
In one week!
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Who is the Ebony Warrior tho
>not licking his scaly cloaca
Where the fuck did Longhorn go
Died of STDs
Alright lads I haven't been here since 2012, what are the top tier lewd mods
This is v1.082

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Never trust a priestess of Dibella.
...Does it count as child molestation if a priestess of Dibella touched his penis?
what does this do
Sex animations 300 times better than sexlab's, but without all the possibilities for sex-related quests, rape, sex slaves, pregnancy, etc.
Did OSCEO ever come back?
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tfw, I actually read this entire post
mistakes were made, I will never get that time back
I'd really like to see Ira as a follower. Eiries' and Honey's characters are my favorites.
Ira is a follower, but she's a cannothave for anyone except Eiries' girlfriend and Honey.
Getting my GPU fixed soon-ish.

If you guys want any more waifus on the fuck list, just ask.
Yes anon. The OSA framework was released on the new lovers lab site before it was switched to read only. 0Sex should follow, but he'll have to bring the *massive* framework post back to the old site first. I'm waiting for it too.
Is this what butthurt feels like?

Get out, madshitter.
>Eiries' girlfriend and honey
Holy shit, I just looked at the new site. How could they fuck it up a second time?
Well maybe she'll see a wider release someday. Yarti is playing tank in my game at the moment. That could change. I'd take screenshots, but I've never touched an ENB + I only have a 2 GB card so it wouldn't look all that great even if I figured it out. Maybe I'll look at the OP site's guide one day.
Rya needs a good fucking.
Post which tesg waifus are listed. Not just the excel sheet. It's a mess.
Already done. Guess you want a rematch?
iirc the nly tesg waifu in the list was some Brave character and she was removed because Brave wasnt cool with it
oh i thought it was today
Every single /tesg/ waifu in the sheet has "/tesg/" in big bold letters next to the name instead of a nexus id, it's pretty hard to miss.

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>arurun, elin an human
Ewa is going to die from internal bleeding.
>clones quit /tesg/ and skyrim
well guess one more massive shitter finally fucked off
I don't want to speak for everyone but I really don't care to see any non-/tesg/ waifus fugged. Just not interesting.
excuse me where's the proofs
When you try to imporve combat with mods, do you guys aim for first or third person combat?

I wanna give third person combat a go this time with enderal coming soon in english.
I agree. It's good to use familiar beloved waifus instead of generic nexus abominations
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see >>147820574

A request is a request.

Fine by me, I'm tired of having to do that. There's just too many of them and they keep coming out faster every day.

The whole thing already went off the rails when it stopped being about just Miskha fucking the Nexus waifus.
These two please
Both are cannothave bruh.
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literally disgusting
count anon needs to start using better textures
>he doesn't know
>shitposter still THIS obsessed with him
how pathetic you are lmao
Why do people make cannot have followers anyway?
Because they want to.
Brows only has an .esp because it adds about three times as many brows. But if you choose not to use it it will still replace the defaults... you just might find it a bit too dark or too light.
special snowflakes
To either use in their own game or to give to friends for them to have in their games.
Who is this semen demon?
I'm not the counthater you mongoloid, I'm just saying his textures don't do his waifus any justice
I guess what I meant is why are they adverse to sharing the file?
Because they enjoy their creations, and want to see them in their games while creating a new character to play as. They don't want to share them because they put a lot of work into them and they don't want to see everyone hate on those creations like everyone does with literally every follower you download. Because they feel that if you want something similar, it's easy enough to rebuild something close to it as well with just a little effort.

Because they don't want to.
sure sure whatever you say you obsessed stalker
Reasons vary from person to person.
Because there's no law saying you must share everything you make with everyone.
No, nobody's allowed to have something I can't have.
who cares, neckbeards do all sorts of weird shit. there are plenty of good followers available to the public.

what some dude decides to do with his virtual girlfriend will never be a good reason.

the real reason? autism.
Any number of reasons that can't be tied to one thing.

One is the character might consist of assets the author doesn't want to see reused on other characters/mods, another is a user might not want people like Marisa posting screenshots and webms of them being raped by a creepy futanari.

Those are just two example.
>I-I'm not m-mad I swear
Did I say that anywhere? You guys are so dramatic, it was just a question.
They don't have any obligation to share them, right? I mean, especially to /tesg/, which just shits on the author constantly yet acts surprised when they don't get their toy as well.

People don't have to share their toys with others.
The count doesnt release skjoldr because he wants to piss you guys off
You forgot your frog picture followerfag
I am mad, but not about your shitty characters. I'm mad about all these long-winded explanations masking autism.

Most decent characters get released to the public, cannothaves are a symptom of circlejerking shitter waifus that don't contribute much to begin with.
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>they're shit waifus anyway!!!
Name one creator that doesn't release their characters and also contributes to the community.
What do you contribute, anon?
Okay, post a good one then. IF you can post a decent "cannothave" that's better than already released followers, I promise I'll shut up and call myself a faggot.

Go ahead.
Eiries is one of the biggest contributors to this community you dolt.
And he's released like 5-6 characters you fucking retard. Even some he released at request.

Meanwhile people who do nothing hoard the characters OTHER people made for them in an attempt to feel special.
How? ENB and textures is something many others have done too.
the dark brotherhood was surprisingly easy to destroy.
Cumtears lewds when? He updated the follower a few days ago FYI.
>this drama again
Can you faggots die in a fire already? All of you, both the autists who complain about cannothaves and the autists who keep replying to the other autists. Fuck off.
>Eiries is the best! Because when i first came to /tesg/ someone told me so! And those guys have been told the same by someone when they came to /tesg/ for the first time too!
>must be true then!

literally religion
This is like tesg steam chat levels of cancer
Well it's bullshit. They post and talk about their characters all day long, other people helped create the follower but god forbid they share it with the community they're always in.

Eiries IS a great person. He's given so much to the threads, as shitty as they are.
La illaha illah Eiries, wa ashaduana Honey rasul Eiries. Eirieshu akbar!
Long time lurker (I rarely post here), but yeah. Eiries tends to release followers given time from what I've seen. Cannot haves usually see the light of day given a few months to a year. I remember when Juno was a cannot have a few years ago. Mai said he didn't want people doing lewd things to her. She came out as a follower some time later. People did lewd things to her. It's almost like a tesg circle of life kind of thing, at least that's how I see it.
I'm waiting on a bro to bake my dead GPU.

Kind of a funny coincidence that it died on me when I was about to start screenshooting.
This...its actually true. When i first came to /tesg/, everyone was fanboying Ra for literally no reason, and i have to admit i liked him because of that. He never does tech support or help anyone except the inner circle cool kids, and yet the fact everyone said he is the "best poster" made me like him. Im a sheep.
>being this new
yeah i came to /tesg/ around 2014, im still kinda newfag i guess
And? Do you have a point? How does "other people do this thing too" mean their contributions are nullified?
1.) It's not true, Eiries is legit awesome
2.) The Ra circle jerk was really fucking weird, but he's a good guy and has helped a lot of people, anons and regulars included
clones helps even more and literally everyone including the waifufags hate him
its all a matter of first impressions
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My goddamn screen is too short. Guess I can't just chop them off all at once.
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ITT: People that have never contributed anything in their life and are super butthurt nobody like them

Your tears are sweet, like milk.

>sassy teen girls
>that time ra disappeared for like two weeks and when he came back we got 5 threads of anons literally masturbating over his return
>everyone was fanboying Ra for literally no reason
People like what he does.
If you ever manage to do something another person likes you may get fanboys too.
this was probably mostly niko/count and Peri, these guys have unhealthy levels of obsession with ra.
Im also almost convinced the whole thing was done on purpose to boost his popularity
at least heiko fucked off and we don't have to see his desperate attempts at getting eiries' attention anymore
It's amazing how just posting without a name can make people believe you're gone.
A man enters a room.

In this room he finds a group of people. This group of people is talking about how awesome one guy is. This guy is currently not in the room.

The man joins the group and thinks the unknown guy is awesome. He doesnt know why. He just thinks that because the rest of the group does so too.

Then another man enters the room and finds the group of people, joining them. Eventually nobody knows why the guy they talk about is awesome, its just what they do now.
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so many cry babies in the thread today
run away, run away!
You seem to have changed something, hold on, let me help.

>A few guys explain why they respect The Guy, so to give the newcomer a better understanding.

>The newcomer, thinkin he should be the center of attention, claims that The Guy isn't cool

>Some people join the newcomer for no particular reason, the rest stop caring.

>running like a bitch from some giants
lmao, vampires are such shit
Yes thats how social dynamic groups function. If you are able to distinguish between that and can spot these "traps", congratulation you are a born leader. Try to join politics.
true, clones is helpful but i fucking hate him.
For what reason tho? Why do people on /tesg/ hate each other?
>its a shitposters make stuff up episode.
he barely even posts screenshots anymore so yeah he's basically gone
I hate him because when he entered the threads he was actually incredibly rude and disrespectful towards a lot of posters for no apparent reason.

Although he's stopped now, I can't bring myself to respect someone that treats others poorly when there are no consequences.

I acknowledge that he's helpful though.
>someone mentions Skjoldr and Ira
>entire thread literally explodes with autism
I'm so sorry for you Niko. I know you didn't ask for this. I wish there was something I could do about it.
Who are you?
If he can't stand autism he needs to get out of the autism fryer in the autism kitchen that is /tesg/.
people change anon
learn to live and let live
your grudges will give you a heart attack some day
>I hate him because when he entered the threads he was actually incredibly rude and disrespectful towards a lot of posters for no apparent reason.
i dont remember exactly but wasnt that like 3 fucking years ago? Are you actually "hating" someone because they did some shitposting 3 fucking years ago? Dude its the internet, let it go lol
look at fucking peri, he pulls even worse shit even today lol
It's funny how friendly banter is confused with legitimate hatred by so many people
shut up faggot, you clearly have NO IDEA what you're talking about ;-P
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He can stand it for sure but it's still just something you hate to see. It's just downright sad and pathetic on so many levels.
Duel a shit.
UC's code was folded over a gorillion times by glorious Nippon samurai, so you know it's good.
>friendly banter
nah son 2013-2014 clones was a genuine shitposter and 99% of the general actually despised him

credit to him for one day suddenly becoming everyone's favorite waifufag though
>clones started waifuposting in 2013
>called some guys waifu a "husbando" because it was an ugly vanilla abomination
>literally entire thread used to call clones "based" for his bantz at the time
>eventually /tesg/ started to die, these guys left and only the salty minority was left
>now 1-2 of these guys keep up their false history of events because they are still, over 3 years later, butthurt
I already acknowledged that he changed in my post, it doesn't make sense to respond to something that you didn't bother to read.

I just don't like him and never will.
I suggest ultimate combat. Last time I checked, it didn't behave itself with the latest FNIS, so you might need to consider other options. If you use DUEL, get skytweak to double all damage taken and given so the game doesn't play at a snail's pace. Hardcore damage does the same thing for ultimate combat.
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Ultimate Combat w/ TK Dodge
I wasn't here for that, never heard this version before. Very interesting. I've always liked clones myself, this actually makes sense to me.
>Last time I checked, it didn't behave itself with the latest FNIS
You certainly haven't checked in a long time.
There's a patch you need to use with it, unless you're talking about something else perhaps...???

I use it, never had any issues with it.
its barely brought up. The shitposting everyone refers too came with hildie.
Hildie was a poster with a pretty nasty waifu but most people respected his "waifuratings". He rated clones protowaifu "pretty good" and people started to lose their shit, you know how /tesg/ handles new posters. And clones didnt just ignore it, he actually fought back
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You guys are gay.

Ultimate Combat, then tack on a bunch of other cool stuff like SkyTweak, TK Dodge, Attack Commitment, RotE, etc.
>eyebrows are broken
and he tries to make fun of you guys by calling you all gay.

either way, I'm glad I'm not him or the rest of you.
Do you know what eyebrows are?
Pfft, weak skinny jabroni.
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I wish people didn't get so upset over characters in a video game. There are many lovely characters for Skyrim that are available for the public so I hardly see why two out of many matter so much.

Then again I still feel bad about what happened to Casca during the eclipse. Anyhow, back to video games. Also fuck carpentry, holy shit.
Thanks, I guess it's UC then. Is there any nice mods that make the combat a bit more like Oblivion? I hate how in Skyrim when you attack you suddenly turn to glue and everything slows down. I want to move and jump and shit when attacking.

Where can I find this patch?
are there any non-sexlab pregnancy mods?
The patch was an update on FNIS's page. It was built-in with the 6.3 update.
Pfft, edgy crybaby Mary Sue.
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>Autismos get buttmad because some people won't share their followers

That's really fucking pathetic.
This. There's nothing wrong with telling someone their waifu sucks if it's true. It's proven to be the best way to get someone to improve.
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Perk overhauls (like SPERG) let you attack faster as you level perks in the relevant field, and with TK Dodge you can actually attack cancel, so weaving in and out during combat is possible. And UC will automatically let NPCs dodge too, so that's cool.

The game is pretty fun with those alongside attack commitments and Lock-On, doing a running power attack and immediately spinning around to face your opponent after the anim ends feels gud.
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anyone know how to move the camera controls, in ck? I'm trying to edit a cell
No clones was a shitter. He used to talk shit about any waifu then get super mad whenever anyone told him that all his characters looked the same. After a while he realized it was true, embraced his nickname, and he's been fine ever since.
Hold Shift and rotate the mouse. MMB pans the camera too

Don't forget to use Z and X to move objects Horizontally and vertically
>attack commitments
is that mod really that good?
I read it only works for humans, so animals and draugrs are not effected.
I'm really amused with how obtuse the CK is compared to other games' editors.
Thats absolutely not true tho. I remember him talking about old signe being his inspiration and he even openly admired Juno from time to time. He only called one guys waifu once a husbando and had fights with shitposter anons. I am here since the beginning of /vg/ literally every single day, and i have a good memory
Yeah it's a pain in the ass that's for sure. I've gotten into habit of saving every 5 seconds because it likes to crash so much.

Speaking of crashing, if you are making a new worldspace or doing anyhing with LOD, for the love of god do not use the CK to do it. It will literally destroy your world.
Casca? Never heard of her. Tell me more.

Fuck yeah. Next time I start a new game I'm switching back over. My current game has DUEL + double damage from skytweak. It's okay, but I like ult. combat more.

Then fore fixed it like he said he would. Great.

This thread's the first I've heard of it. Looks good. Bookmarked for when I start my next playthrough.

In other news, I just got an ENB to work for the first time. I struggled for a while because I forgot that using Mod Organizer means I have to make ini edits inside the program. Oops.
Yeah unfortunately. I think another mod (possibly Vigor?) has a similar feature, but I don't know if it works with creatures, and it has too many features that directly overlap with UC for me to bother using it.
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CK, just crashed....it auto saves right?
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>Casca? Never heard of her. Tell me more.

Pic related is all you need to know.
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>....it auto saves right?
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>.it auto saves right?
oh you poor sonuvabitch
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No, not like Mircosoft word when it autosaves every 5 seconds or so.

I'm sorry anon hope you didn't lose too much work. There is something you can do to check.

First Make a copy of your Esp Project , and put on the desktop (just in case)

Go into your Skyrim folder and look for "backup" you should see a bunch of files in there that end in esp.(number)bak

Just delete the bak and it backtracks to your previous saves, this actually saved my project a few times when I was experimenting with stuff.

hope that helps
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updated compilation of imgurs, tumblrs and other pic galleries of tesg people for future reference

I've been collecting these links when people posted them in the last few threads and by looking at who follows who on tumblr, contribute yours if you're not on the list
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That scene...
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thanks guys
that got me thinking into trying to change combat again
I recently stumbled upon this
Adds momentum to movement, though it looks like shit in third person, there's no animation for slow movement, character is just sliding.
That together with attack commitment, TK Dodge and UC in first person should be as close as possible we can get to Dark messiah-combat feeling.
I tried improving combat in third person before but animations just look so fucking ugly and 360 degree walking doesnt work with unsheathed weapons.

Are you using LockOn with third or first person? I imagine that it looks weird if your mouse is locked like that all fight long. Know any other good mods that change combat by chance?
>I want to move and jump and shit when attacking.
Character Behaviors Enhanced to attack and do archery while jumping and fight underwater. Note that it does overwrite 2 behavior files for Ultimate Combat to work and is still an alpha, so be cautious when using it. I also recommend better jumping.
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If you need anymore help with the Creation Kit just ask, I'm still getting certian things sorted out, and gonna be here all day.

>Tfw fighting depression
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>this many memeblrs

If /vg/ didn't you exist bastards would've been assblasted and exiled to another dimension, go fuck yourself
>Getting a boner then
>Anything but a spiral into true depression and sadness
>Tfw fighting depression
I know that feel anon, it gets tough but eventually it'll get better, unless you die.
Looks like you're the one assblasted here, my man.
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How is it this ded on a Friday?
Someone start shitposting again.
Let's make this thread great again
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ok, so i'm doing what it says in the OP and i'm trying to import the facegen, and i made a backup but the textures chargen isn't there but the meshes are. Am i suppose to in the ck use the other mods (like hair mods) as masters so it can fit correctly fit my follower
>being so lame you're inside on a friday
Hello pot, I'm kettle, nice to meet you.
Arurun is cute. CUTE!
Wagecuck here, some of us work 5 days a week. And cellular data ain't free.
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>that feel when people keep calling you a girl.
How big is your little trap cock?
Is it a big manly cock for fucking
Or a cute little cock for suckin?
Why is that little girl carrying around an Argonian tail?

Bitch, I know.
Hmm I'm still alittle rusty on the follower aspects. I'm actually in the same boat as you when it comes to making followers.

I used this video though to help me out ,

I know you are suppose to make folders for textures for the NPC's and you aren't suppose to use CK to import facegen because CK doesn't acknowledge Racemenu, I use Nifmerge.
I um, I'm going to need some source on that picture.
You are free to leave if you dont like it
>cheating by setting your ingame gender to female
Why don't you have any integrity like Ada?
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Didn't notice the totally lore friendly 100% horns did ya?
That's private
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You should be disgusted.

The things I plan on doing with those images are unholy.
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He didn't get them from me!
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big girl.png
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a lot of space for a follower
What the fuck.
I didn't even have to look at the link and I already felt disgusted.
Ultimate combat 3.0 goys

That must be one fat bitch.

Maxeen would be jealous.
It's not like I wasn't here for about a year before I even made Triss, let alone a tumblr
People make these things cause everyone else is doing it
In a way, you're right, it is memetic
I think everyone made the tumblrs after coming here
those shots are fucking terrible
New computer or just a monitor?
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I didn't think she looked all that good. Not worth it imo.

Finally my work with ENB is starting to pay dividends. This is Unbleak quality with the relighting skyrim and lighting for ENB combination recommended on the OP site. Here are some thoughts.

>That's a lot of blue. Maybe bleak would be less so.

>I need to get a poser so characters will look where I want them to. I'm down the rabbit hole now. Next thing you know I'll be customizing the ENB itself.

>ENB shadows are glorious. Even ELFX never fixed the issues I had with them entirely.

>One nice thing about having a million different followers is it gives me an excuse to work on smithing. WIth Morroloot, I get pretty good gear for myself, so it's sort of de-emphasized. I made Yarti's steel plate myself since I don't have any ebony lying around. Hey, it's a good use for followers besides lewding.

>Thanks for the ENB guide guardly. I never would have attempted this without it.
You shut your fucking whore mouth.

Ra is a god among men, you aren't worthy to lick the shit from his boots you miserable little cunt. I am going to kill you just for saying that, for daring to suggest that he is anything less than perfect. I hope that little shitpost was worth it, because it just cost you your life.
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i love you so much
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New computer.
looks like the exact same thing ive been using
what did he even change?
how about you read yourself instead of crying for spoonfeeding...
Where's that doodle of Goaty being filled with semen in every hole you promised me?
Sup Goat.
C-Could you draw Goat in a wedding dress while she's blushing for me please desu senpai.
D-Don't ask why, b-baka.
>Ask a simple question
>"Stop crying 4 spoonfeeding just read!!!"
lol, im good dude thanks.
Ayy nice
Do you want it on a pillow, anon?
Can you doodle someone else?
Okay, just one little ahegao.
C'mon, be a bro.
Pretty please? It's not like I'm asking for her to be drawn getting gangbanged or anything.
Early alpha. He's updating it as he squashes bugs. Features of 3.0 seem to include an AI rewrite (he hopes it's faster and more stable), something related to strong attacks, and new animations. My runes are unclear about the middle one.

She reminds me of Miel.

Which game is that in, the creator's? A follower in someone else's game is pure because CHIM.
it's still in alpha don't bother
Can you draw her laying an egg?

Trust me, I just want to masturbate to it.
Yeah those are just the ones yarti is responsible for
Can you draw her twirling a fake mustache then?



He'd probably run it through that app that shoots cum across an image.
What actually is that dumb ass piece of cloth she's wearing?
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>its le ugly and super funny memer mspaint toon posting hour
fuck this gay planet
i wanted to play oblivion again

have oblivion mods progressed past the OOO + xp + deadly combat stage?
>this mad that no one likes him
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>getting this worked up about harmless MS paintings
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Newmiller Pareo

Its good casual-wear.
Goaty needs a tan tbqh.
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Hmm, undead pride? Gold is bold? Nude is lewd?
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Knights are right
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best skin?
none obviously
Jesus fucking CHRIST no wonder her file size is 800MB.
no, that's a separate mod
it's mere 420mb
none of these in that list
I don't like it
>his CK crashes
I have no idea why, but mine almost never does, and I'm practically using a toaster.
perfect, thx
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Any german-speakers playing Enderal?
It's pretty ok.
wut de fug
No its garbage and cant play my waifu
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You're right. Way too pale.
My Creation Kit tends to crash because my Project is a new worldspace with a ton of objects in it, with more coming in. It tends to eat up memory, and it has a problem with me moving my camera while loading the objects at the same time. It's worse if I'm multitasking. If I'm making custom weapons are something it never crashes thankfully
Is it normal to prefer cumming on a womans abs than inside her?
With abs like that, yes.
Does anyone have some proper body warpaints?

Also my waifu got got raped by an Argonian and is now pregnant, where can I find a beta-male Nord provider?
so is goaty also an actual character or just the drawings here?
You look pretty good. I'd reanimate you as my bodyguard. What shield is that?
holy shit fuck off newfag
Not new I just haven't browsed in a while. What are you even mad about?
post those 2 romanceable companions
which has better performance, bethesda textures or Skyrim HD?

Just get Skyrim HD. 2k textures will have almost zero impact on your framerate. You might get some stutter when you make sharp camera turns but thats it.
because she's a babe
so what/who is goaty? do you have a character as well?
>waifu mods
Yeah I thought that might turn people off. Should be doable with some CK fuckery though. This time Enderal seems to work off a modified skyrim.esm rather than its own .esm, so you don't have to change masters for mods like you used to for Nehrim. Currently playing with shit like lock-on, smartcast, tkdodge, iHud and the like and didn't have to change shit. As long as your mod doesn't rely on DLCs or finding shit in whiterun it's most likely compatible. Not sure about race mods though, people somewhat frequently refer to your race.

Nah. I can tell you about them though, or at least what I think are the romanceables.
There's the mercenary guy you meet at the very start and hang out with a lot. Rogue-ish type, sings tavern songs sometimes. Very swashbuckler-ish.

Then there's this girl you graduate with in some test. She has a weird tragic-ish backstory and can activate edgemaster mode, but is otherwise pretty ok. Can also heal you. So far I've had her tag along for one adventure, maybe more later.

There's another girl, I forgot whether she's romanceable or whether you just chat her up sometimes. Mage-type, runs around in some green triss retexture. Also on the 'fuck religious authorities' party. Curses infrequently. Often says 'by the Prophet's ass!' when startled which is moderately funny because you are the Prophet.

Their faces and hairs are a bit dumb but whatever. I don't do romance so I don't mind.
I'll do as I please you fuckin' goatherder!
I don't know, ask the creator.
And no, I prefer to play skyrim without a character.
>Yeah I thought that might turn people off.
Please don't humour the false flaggers.
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Caption this /tesg/
Nice armor
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Weak load. Low test.
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wut body do you use?
Too much.
Do not respond to the not-Diana
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>literally better than anything posted so far

looks like a mix of a few waifus from here.
>literally retarded
unless you're talking about presets, then I'd have to agree since it's the first one posted in the thread so far.
absolutely disgusting
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guys, help me find a quest mod
there's not much I remember
it was in a dungeon
it had some sort of story told through letters iirc
had almost no enemies
>Too much.
No, not enough.
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Whats the situation between CBBE and UNP right now? I remember UNP having more clothing mods, but I want to make thicc women and CBBE was better for that. Also, what about body physics?
>This is a bad ENB.
it was never meant to look realistic, if that's what you mean
UUNP Bodyslide is much better at making 'thicc' women than CBBE at this point. Look it up, its incorporated into the latest version of Caliente Bodyslide and has full vanilla armor support by way of Skyrim Enhanced UUNP
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Its nice to be back here. What's been happening lately?

Also I'm using szark ENB and it puts some weird gritty filter on my screen. How can I turn it off?

Also also how are adventures going?
Just use body slide.
Realistic or not, it still bad as fuck. Just look the fucking wood wall and howthe part of the texture being dark are actually grey because of the over saturation. I bet snow must shine like a nuclear explosion. It make me wonder if the people using that kind of ENB have problems with their vision.
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Crack open enbeffect.fx. If the ENB is at all decent, there's gonna be a constant you can toggle to enable or disable the film grain. Same for most of the screen effects, like letterboxing, for future reference.
>still responding
you dont get it do you?

Its the newest form of shitposting. Ugly characters, terrible textures, eyeburning ENB's

they do this for free you's and to make people angry
and it works
thanks for being specific, i have in fact made the saturation high
>still no mod that adds lots of stockings, pants, shirts, lingerie and other erotic clothing without causing mesh seams

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pls no
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>i have in fact made the saturation high
Where did you find that? I haven't seen any versions more recent than 1.06.
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I've been dungeon delving, found a sweet Orc greatsword. Also this.
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Thanks for the info!

:v spooky
pretty sure i just have bad taste
>try to load savegame
>coc qasmoke in main menu
>load savegame
>it works

what is this wizardy
welcome to 2016

Please wait in line, someone is going to start the Tour of the last 16 years soon for you.
Skyrim's garbage memory management. Protip: coc elsweyr instead of qasmoke. It's faster.
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the game has a safe environment to load behavior files. I assume you use poser mods like Halo's Poser? A fix for this issue was recently released, I think it was called Crash Fixes.
What is even happening in that screenshot
>people don't use Crash Fixes
ENB has a built-in FPS limiter
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Fighting Little Mora in Apocrypha
>FPS limiter as in "kills your FPS down to 10"

no thanks i just want smooth gameplay at 60FPS and not muh waifuh grufiks, i am here to actually play the game
Are you trying to be funny or are so serious? Because either way you're a fucking idiot.
what's your monitor rated for? if it's 60 or under, just enable vsync in your skyrim.ini file

No, if you just get the dll and don't use a preset, you get the performance benefits of ENB while not having an ENB preset, such as an FPS Lock feature.

Even if you're on a toaster, get an ENB. Not a preset, just download the dll.
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...What do you think?
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evenin /tesg/

How is everyone
lol wut
Sounds like a bunch of gobbledygook
I don't waifu, either, and get 55FPS outside whiterun using an ENB. Even when I had a toaster video card, I was getting 30FPS, which is still fairly reasonable. You don't have to use the presets.
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Most excellent, dude.
Is she making subtle references to her future mistakes and her arrogance?
Just got home. The A/C is feeling really damn good right now.
>I love knights.jpg
You need to seriously dial back the anime

"Real people" do not usually need to utilize "marks of the beginning and end" because you're writing in english, stop adding in weird translation error
check again who wrote that garbage
Still waiting for that wedding dress doddle of Goat.
I will never give up hope.
she's really pretty
it would be shameful to use her as my waifu right?
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Pretty good, you?


Why is she looking so mean?
Is Sotha Sil Expanded actually good or is it merely a meme?
Does Goaty bleat when she has sex?
>yarti sucking up to cumtears again
Don't lie to yourself dude, his writing is fucking terrible.
I know you want to make your pal feel good and all, but please don't tell me you actually read that and thought "neat"
Too much of "this". Tries to say too much with far too little.

I'm all for exploring the concept of self but don't be vague for the sole purpose of sounding mysterious. Say what you have to say.
no bleating. no sex
Neat as in I have no idea what I just read but I don't regret reading it.
>implying he knows what he's trying to say
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Almost done with work, getting ready to start my weekend!
>bumming around on your phone at work
wow what a hot baabhabhiat
who is this
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I rly want this to work out.


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Break time, silly! Can't be working myself to death, now!
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I didn't write it, it was taken ad verbatim okay, I did make some minor changes from the Ultimate Warrior's comic, Warrior #1.

I'm considering to make a reference to it in my story, but it seems that most of you think that it sounds too nonsensical and verbose... Ah well.
As I said, the concept is fine. I understand what the gist of what the author wants to say but the way its written is pretty common among amateur writers who want to sound deep.

You can use the concept, just make sure you don't fall into the trap of trying to sound vague to add depth. Ambiguity for the sake of ambiguity might as well be nothing said at all.

I respect anyone that tries their hand at creating something though, however it turns out.
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Galena playing dress up to some music!
What does it sound like when Ada cums?
>She's a follower
I usually play solo but I'll find a way to work her in to my story, she's 2kool
Yarti chibi is fucking cute. CUTE!
What kind of story you got going?
I like it too.
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G-gee anon I never really thought about that.
Probably like some kinda fuccboi
she is but the link is broken
Did loverslab get their shit together? Or everything still leads to CTD?
I find it ironic that the biggest slut in /tesg/ is the one who dresses the least provocatively.
They aborted the forum transfer, again.
What do you mean? Works just fine.

It just rambles a bit much. You could trim it down.

Also last name is Serethi. I forgot to mention it last time I saw that filename ;v

Its not proper to walk around half naked all the time.
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There's an updated version linked on my tumblr, galenscylis.tumblr.com while I wait for Guardly to update the link on the site. The one on the site wasn't completely standalone.
Last I tried (about a year ago), sexlab made my game crash upon loading outdoor savegames
Works fine, just be sure to clean your save first.
nobody wants your gross tranny
fuck off freak
I'm gonna marry Galena!
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I'm glad to hear Goaty

Also happy to hear you're well.

I know how that feels, A/C is a gift to man.

Glad to hear you're good, still staring at this story. Trying to figure out how to string it together.

That isnt how you check out a belt buckle

Hang in there Galena
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hey I thought that was my husband
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Hey there, how're you holding up these days?
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Not too bad, same ole same ole but I'll take it.

How is it round these parts?
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Hey! You're still alive!
That's awesome

We were just talking about you last week
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I'm bored and feeling creative. What do you all think I should add to flesh out Ada's bio?


Also post ur own stories and we can discuss them maybe.
will skyrim 2 bring tesg to it's former glory? or will it destroy it?
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Anybody know of any good gun mods? I'm looking to do a Dwemer Engineer run and I want to arm up with some pistols or rifles, but everything I can find is terrible.

All of them do stupid shit like "add 20 to marksman with every kill," or are retardedly overpowered, or are modern guns, or are just fucking gun-shaped crossbows. Seriously, I don't want a flintlock that awkwardly launches arrows from the top of the barrel.
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All good things I hope!
>u will never marry prest
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This whole vampiric weakness to fire thing is not fun when you're fighting dragons.
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Thats what I like about you Ada, always looking to expand you're trapfus story. Maybe you should start writing about what made him leave and how he was able to survive the harsh lands of Skyrim when he first showed up.

Goaty you madman
Should i play morrowind in openmw or the vanilla? What mods should i use if i go for openmw? Never played morrowind before so i kind of want to keep it vanilla
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Yooo, good to see you again. You doing alright?
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Ups and downs, mostly large downs lately. But this is 4chan, and specifically, a thread on /vg/ with more than 20 posters. You know how it is.
no, it's not, it's a serious disadvantage, people don't recognize how much it is. being a breton helps a ton, along with mara quest, gives you lots of magic resistance and equals the playing field quite a bit.
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Not too bad thanks for asking! How are you?

I hear ya.
Nita? Im going to go with Nita. That's Nita.

bretty good. Trying to figure out why my colors go over saturated in shadows.. Not sure what setting this is. Im getting there.

Is that belly getting bigger?
>No elf ears
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Fortunately, dragons are pretty challenged when it comes to corners.
a good shield with the proper resistence against the dragon also helps a ton :)

no, looks like you drew it to me... playing coy I see...
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Doin great now since it's Friday and I'm off from work.
Is there a mod where I can play as a fuccboi and get raped by female enemies? Normally its sluts waifus getting raped by everything
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Enjoy your weekend! Relax and take it easyy
Anyone seen Maxeen

I heard he was in Dallas
ya, defeat. you just gotta make your fuccboi
Maxeen got eaten by Goaty it's cannon
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Thanks for the advice, I'll work on it.

On an unrelated note y'all should post character bios so I and other people maybe can read them pls.

Don't just have waifus and lore living in harmony, make lore for your waifus!

Yeah what he said. N-not that I know much about that of course.
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this fucker.jpg
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Last time i played skyrim was 6 months ago because I just cannot kill Caliburn the selector in vigilant.

Asshole somehow knows omnislash.

Anyone here kill him?
currently using snapdragon prime enb, any other enb recommended
unfortunately, the animations for sexlab rape are catered to males raping women, so you'll have to find animations that are more suiting (good luck with that though), you might find a few, I'm not aware of any, but that doesn't mean they aren't out there.
What's that hat?
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Id post mine Ada, but I know for a fact you read Snakestones bio.
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>Why is she looking so mean?
Dunno, I dont think she looks mean there. Maybe she is upset about something. If she is, its probably something stupid.
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Yeah I have lol.

Hmmm... I dunno how else to encourage more people to post bios and get creative.
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Its two hats, one form a mod that doesnt exist anymore and one from colorful magic
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I am a modder with over 35 large Quest mods to my name. Quest mods are the most difficult mods to make and that is why so few people make them. 6 of them were Nexus mod of the month winners, I stopped entering the Nexus mod of the month after the 6th because I quit modding for the TES community due to the constant flaming my victories were attracting. The only reason I did enter at all was to prove my critics wrong and I did that 6 times in a row by beating best modders in those competitions.

Many of my mods work together, support each other, communicate with each other in ways no other mods do. I use and abuse conflicts in ways their best tool makers do not even understand and prove my expertise with each release I make. Dirty mods could not do this. It simply would not work.

Nobody in the TES community comes even close to matching any of my achievements. That is a fact and I have challenged the TES community to prove me wrong several times since 2008 and I am still waiting for the first serious challenger.
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Big stone pillars make excellent shields.
>this fucking guy
nice pasta loser, try harder next time
openmw is supposed to have better performance
I don't know how well all mods work, but one of the few mods for a newbie would be delayed dark brotherhood attacks, simply delays the tribunal and doesn't goon you at level 1.
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Pretty sure a lot of people did since they most of use don't try to make Skyrim as difficult as possible.
Maybe it's intentional. Because she's actually a Nord.
not bad, but with a proper shield you can get right up in their face, bash the shit out of them and stab them in the eye without a flinch... ;-P
Well, I don't have most written down, I'm dead tired and my characters never, ever appeared in the thread, because of my toaster and my terrible character creating and screenshotting skills. So, I guess not many people would be very interested, but hey, I may actually get around to do it one day.
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Note to self, do not attempt to pick up everything you find.
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Its that stupid omnislash thing he can do.

Even if I have him paralyzed or stunlocked he kills me.

But, I did just get a literal dnd dragonlance a little bit ago so ill give that a try. It hits like 150 a strike and has a ton of range so it might work.
What mods do you use for your outfit?
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Don't be discouraged because of low graphical settings. If you keep at it, its quite possible your written work can make up for any technical shortcomings.
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Stop doing this shit, you fucking cock-tease. DAMN IT! BRING HIM BACK!

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Bandoliers and one of my hats from colorful magic are all that still exists im afraid.

also: the armor is just recolored vampire royal.
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Id say keep an eye out in threads for character bios and make a small collection of them. A pastebin that link to other character bios.

Wanna help ya, but im flat out of ideas.
Can someone recommend me a robe that would fit a sneaky or behind-the-scenes kinda evil mage? I can't find anything but retextures of vanilla robes.
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The Hermit

how do I become a regular like goaty?
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Goaty please, there is always someone acting weird in the thread.
How about the Tribunal Robes? I use the black variant for my character's civilian disguise.
deduct social life
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now what.jpg
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Well, I managed him with spells and freezing. But now i Have no clue. Also: are imga supposed to look like trolls?
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Maybe this?
How do I make a waifu like Nita?
I'll figure something out I guess.

I feel like I'm missing something here. Who should be brought back?
they look ape-like
newermind43 is just the best
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All thats missing is a schlong.
>civilian disguise
>no effort to hide the fucking suspicious black eye makeup and glowing red vampire eyes
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Is modding Skyrim worth all the work if I have a toaster? I'm not social enough to post here regularly so the waifu parts are out of the question.
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There's no coming back from Quagmire. Unless, of course, someone was capable of traversing the planes of Oblivion and getting him out.

>Immersive hot dog bun lips
>Better crossed eyes
>Extra-low polycount head meshes (performance edition)
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sweet! much like my current setup, only I'm use BCEI (Better Crossed Eyes Improved).
You know that all vampires are proficient with Illusion magic, right? She probably uses it to fool normal people into thinking that she has the facial features of a human.
Does anyone have Renthal's flora? He just deleted everything. Again.

I think so. Playing on a toaster is still so much better than playing on console - you can still enjoy all those quest mods as well.
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This is amazing thank you
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Don't always do what people tell you to do when it comes to waifus. But always listen to them.
Make sure your making the waifu for you, not for thread love.
Don't be afraid to add some features that are 'ugly' unless your waifu is some kinda fair maiden or something.
People are always going to have quarrels with your creation, rather it be shitposters or people genuinely upset about your creation. Don't let that stray your hand.
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Yes. The game can be have its combat made incredibly satisfying (if fucking impossible) Get something that makes it so you can only drink potions one at a time for starters, and make them work over time.

From there just branch out. Im running so much shit together that despite my ridiculous and overpowered build I still die in one to two hits.

This game has no upper skill limit.

Ultimate combat, and revenge of the enemies are a good starting combat pack and most things are compatible with them.

Timed blocks are your friend.

Ultimate dragons is the best, but you can use dco if you dont mind getting ragdolled alot (the pain is less with faster get up and stand animations, but I dont even use apollodowns shit anymore)

Other than that branch out and see what works for you.
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This anon gets it. I like you.
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I want to actually adventure with Ada
Weeeel, you have obviously never read my attempts at writing. I generally suck at the things I like or just interacting with people.
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This type of g-game feels too l-lonely for me. No waifu = no fun
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I hope you don't mind a lot of bitching.

No silly you gotta be P O S I T I V E. I can tell you for certain that when I first got into the whole online scene I was a lil shit who had no friends and couldn't write to save my life. But I eventually ended up hanging out with cool people and I slowly got better and here I am, not a terrible person and I like to think an okay writer. You just got to believe in yourself and keep trying until you make it.
> Have had an idea for an enderal-scale total conversion
> Can't 3D model very well
> Can't UV
> Can program like a motherfucker
what mod is best for non-instant potions
how do i write gud character lore
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I have a waifu. But no nude mods or sex shit.

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question for the lovelabfags
Is there a way to disable player panting or atleast quiet it?
I think it came with the beeingfemale mod.
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If my cheesy storytimes as Ser Knight entertained the general, then your writing is sure to be appreciated as well. I know that I enjoy reading about people's characters and the adventures they have, and that seems like a sentiment that is shared by many in the general.
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I miss ser knight.

Whatever became of him?
Thanks bud, is this usable for an in-prog game or do I need to restart to keep my save stable?
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His days were Counted.
I think you should check your Dripping when Aroused mod instead anon.
He got buttfucked by a daedra.
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In game. Btw, its gonna take some trial and error to figure out your load order, and everyone way of modding is different. Look up and read how to make your game more stable.

Good luck.

I bought this game when it came out and am still playing it.
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He lost the battle of wills against the daedric entity and was replaced. His body now belongs to the entity and his soul resides in Quagmire.
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I'll give it a check. Thanks.
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>Still opening it
Christ I'm retarded.
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A corrupted paladin is truly a sad sight.

A tragedy has befallen all the land.

A champion of light such as he will not be forgotten.
who are you talking about?
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This is just my opinion mind you. I could be wrong or alternatively there are multiple ways of doing things. In fact I'm probably wrong. But whatever here I go.

1. Write chinchilla levels of fluff. As in, add a ton of background information and relationships and stuff to make them seem more real and not just some random that popped into existence one day. Like they probably had parents, childhood friends, memorable experiences before they arrived in Skyrim/started adventuring. All that stuff adds character and makes them seem more real.

2. If you are gonna do a tragic backstory less is more. No one knows what its like to have their parents killed by demons and themselves kidnapped to a dimension of writhing nightmares where they became half-demon themselves. But most people can at least understand the plight of a poor kid who's mother ran out on him and his father always was handy with the belt because goddamnit he can't stand how you remind him of her.

3. Personality flaws that are actual flaws. Instead of "he cares about his friends too much" how about "He's terribly afraid of commitment and whenever a woman confesses her love to him he leaves town the next day." This gives them a serious hurdle to overcome should you choose to develop them further.

Anyway those are just my ramblings and if this is actually a bad or limiting way to write characters correct me pls so I can learn more as well thank
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Ser knight.

He was a paladin.
He is not corrupted he is defeated
This is great actually, thanks. I'll start thinking about how to flesh out my character while I adventure.
So what was the mod that doesn't exist anymore called?
oh ya, sorry forgot about him...
Isn't Bug Fixes the one that prevents CTD on load?
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Snakestone puts up with alot of shit, but don't be surprised if he'd smack you upside the head if your rude to the less fortunate.
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best enchant for my boots and gauntlets on oblivion? (pure mage)

fortify magika?
fortify destruction?
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That would imply he would actually go to places that poor people go. Its loud and smells down there.
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But the poor and the sick are the best company. Thrown in some skeevers and you have the makings for a party.
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>Failure to maintain a lawful good alignment or adhere to the code of conduct causes paladins to lose their paladin status and many of their special abilities until they are able to atone.

0011 rr weaponpack. If you find it you will have to use either the ck or tes5edit to put the items in world.
He is still not "fallen" in the traditional sense.
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Truth, its more like when you encounter a chaotic evil artifact that is sentient.

He just failed his saving throw.
Is Ratto-kun invited?
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I think I let you keep all that to yourself thank u.
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Holy hell anon, thats beautiful. Thank you.

Fair enough, you can always send Snakestone to the poor sections since he has no issue with the poor and fits right in.
No, Crash Fixes, specifically the bhvGraphUpdateLoad function is what fixes the crash on load for most people.
UseOSAllocators is also a fantastic replacement for SKSE's memory fixes.

City boys swerve.
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noob question, how do i update my esp?
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For sure.
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Yeah that's probably how it would go down.
Is it open in TES5Edit?
no ck
Well that's weird, you should be able to save right over it.
is it because i'm using it with mod orangizer?
Might be. I always just plop what I'm working on in the Data folder and run CK separately.
it's because he used it as a master file instead of an active file, I made that same mistake

> Can program like a motherfucker

Do something like this guy is doing or alternatively work with him.

total conversions are cancer in TES
don't all respond at once
no gloves because mages need to use their fingers
boots just get some nice nikes for runnin
I actually need help with a script that I have
I'm still going to do it. I've had this in planning for years and have a very clear picture in my head.
Where is aiko??
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Where is Heiko?
Why not wait for Bannerlord and C# coding?
Where is Jo?
playing bouncy balls with aiko
>Get Crash Fixes
>Set UseOSAllocators to 1
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>Fester getting the Nadir treatment
He's around here somewhere.
You suck.
looks like you're having troubles with your load screens?

do this in skyrim.ini

the value you use depends on your cpu and how many scripts you got running, I have a shitty i5 and I run a ton of scripts, and that's the settings I use. Solved all my ctd on load issues.
The only time I really ever CTD is sometimes my game will CTD whenever I try to save the game, be it a manual save, quicksave, or autosave. Occasionally, the player.kill trick will seem to fix it, other times I need to revert to the previous save.

Will Crash Fixes fix that?
Im desperately looking for a game where I can be a raider. Running into villages to pillage and plunder.

Any mods that you guys would recommend for this?

I dont even know if its worth trying in skyrim desu because you can only polish a turd so far. The npc AI ruins the immersion, I want to feel the fear in the villagers as they run away.
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>Pose mods don't work
>casting and standing animations work fine
>updated FNIS

What do I do, /tesg/?
flag yourself as a bandit, then run around from town to town, people will hate you.

obviously you'll want to gather some followers.

easy to do
Pose mods are for posers
Are you a poser anon?
I think the game knows you better than you do and is trying to save you the embarrassment.
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But would trapfu go down?
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Now Crash Fixes gives me a message that says "crashed while setting up FootIK" or something. Fuck this, I'll just go back to doing coc elsweyr

<- You can have your crash-free install guide book back Ruru
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>tfw Heiko is Aiko
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sounds like it might be a script issue then
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I d-dunno what you're talking about...
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I've posted an FNIS error I got in a previous thread but the only replies were shitposts.
if you wear armor u find u dont know SHIT bout immersion
alright, i'll bite
how so?
I told you already that your game is broken. It tells you right in the error:


This file is missing, put it back. no idea why it would be gone, you may have file corruption of some kind on your drive.
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If you're using that FNIS PCEA2, sometimes you have to run it twice. Don't ask me why, but running it a second time after loading up to a T-pose usually works.
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sorry anon I was at the bar, CLAIMING IT IN THE NAME OF TEAM INSTINCT

whats up
>he doesn't use loot degradation
>he can't roleplay when a piece of armor clearly won't fit him.
>he expects real life from a game

do us all a favor and shoot yourself, if you don't, then you're breaking immersion.
fitting, it won't fit you properly in most cases
Why do you think everything requires straps
That's literally what the point of my post was, not to wear armor you find because it won't be fitted to you
this is true for most armors anon.
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Try this, except DON'T clean Skyrim.esm.

I should probably make a wiki for this shit.
use fnis you retard
Whenever I use Halo's poser my computer goes crazy and I get like 10 more degrees Celsius on my computer is this normal
Literally who doesn't use fnis?
BETHIEVESDA ARE SCAMMING BISHHES? Bethesda: Lower the price of skyrim remastered $19.99 or lower on consoles and pc - Sign the Petition! https://www.change.org/p/bethesda-lower-the-price-of-skyrim-remastered-19-99-or-lower-on-consoles?
its just an update if you already own it, moron
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Are they seriously charging 60 bucks for this? Nah, can't be.
If you have the game and all dlcs you get for free.

PS fuck console plebs
hey i'm not in jail
oh shit he figured it out
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Its not free on PC you idiots it's only if you own the legendary edition and what about consols?
What about them?
I own a PC I'm not a console "pleb" but still FUCK BETHESDA HYPE
>what about consols?
who care?
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Consoles don't exist. It's 2016 my dude
Same goes for PC they have to pay $60 as well if they don't own the legendary edition.
so what, we have texture pmods and enb
Who care? I got my legendary edition for 5 bucks.
Noone gives a fuck about consoles.
it's free if you have all the dlc
which i have
so yes it is :^)
Exactly so why should you have to pay $60 for something you get for free on nexus.
Who cares?
>Have to
You don't. Feel free to continue what you've been doing.
Oh man. And I was planning on buying an XBone just so I could get my free Skyrim. Well now I'm upset and shit.
If you don't want Bethesda to fuck you from six different angles.. Sign the petition!!
Seems like someone didn't buy Skyrim during summersale.
>Not buying at full price at release to support Todd's childhood dream

do you even care
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You too anon.


>not orc
>not pre-ordering every bethesda title
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Well, at least you haven't bought the console yet.
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This girl slaps your ass and tells you that TESVI will run on Gamebryo again. What do you do?
Dude I already got fucked with Fallout 4.
I even bought the season pass.
Guys where the fuck is clones
Been 3 days now
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>TESVI will run on Gamebryo
Did you really expect otherwise?
>inb4 clones just "happens" to show up very soon after that post
I know someone posted a big list of tumblrs and imgurs, is any one of them yours?
Oh yeah I have been fucked by them with fallout 4 as well I bought the season pass too bethesda stole nexus mods and sold it back to us for $10 and $5 with the wasteland workshop.
take your meds cuck
If you want to sign it you may have to copy and paste the link Bethesda: Lower the price of skyrim remastered $19.99 or lower on consoles and pc - Sign the Petition! https://www.change.org/p/bethesda-lower-the-price-of-skyrim-remastered-19-99-or-lower-on-consoles?
right back at ya clones
Listen, I know you're new to this website and therefore have no fucking idea what you're doing and can't even quote, but nobody fucking cares. If you already own Skyrim: Legendary, you've already got access to the new version for free. At that point, you've already spent more than $60 on both the game and its DLC. It's a good deal, even though the engine is shit and Bethsoft aren't likely to fix the bugs.

Fuck off with your stupid fucking petitions, jesus fucking christ.
>ywn be this assmad
That's my secret, Anon.

I'm always assmad.

You're we retarded you should be collecting social security.
You're so retarded you should be collecting social security.
I think I'll start a petition to increase the price for anyone without Legendary or DLC, personally I think they aren't charging enough.
Well it won't matter cause I own the legendary edition on PC
Their shitty game isn't even worth the price of free
You can spend all your moms fuck money on skyrim remastered for all I care.
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